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Single Family Dwelling

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(2017 LARC)
Plan Check Date:
Plan Check #: Permit App.#
Job Address:
Applicant: Phone: ( )
Plan Check Engineer: Phone: ( )
Plan Check Supervisor: Phone: ( )

Your feedback is important, please visit our website to complete a Customer Survey at

If you have any questions or need clarification on any plan check matters, please contact your plan check engineer
and/or his or her supervisor.


1. Review corrections circled on this Plan Check Correction Sheet and on the plans and calculation sheets.

2. Provide a written response or reference to details pursuant to the corrections. The location of any revisions on
the plans shall be identified as part of your responses. For any questions related to the PC corrections, email or
call the Plan Check Engineer.

3. Phone or email the PC engineer for a verification appointment after you have addressed the corrections.
Verification of corrections is only done by appointment.

4. Complete item #2 above and bring the originally checked set of plans and calculations to the meeting along with
this plan correction sheet. Unprepared responses with incomplete plans or calculations may result in
cancellation of the meeting.

5. During the appointment, the plan check engineer will go over the corrections and comments.

6. Once all the items have been corrected to comply with the code requirements and clearances are obtained, the
permit will be ready to be issued


1. Your early attention is suggested to the approval process from other Departments as listed in the Clearance
Summary Worksheet due to possible delays resulting from a public hearing or other processes required by other
Departments. The City Planning Department, the Community Redevelopment Agency, and others may have
requirements that could significantly affect the final design of the project.

2. The permit application will expire 18 months from the plan check submittal date.

3. Please be advised that the permit will be issued upon verification of compliance with the corrections included
herein. The approval of plans does not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code, Zoning Code,
other ordinance, or state law.

4. Numbers in the parenthesis refer to Code Sections of the 2017 Edition of the Los Angeles Codes or the current
Zoning Code.

5. Code references with prefix R refer to 2017 LARC (example: R302).

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 1 of 12


Supplemental Correction sheets attached:

Fire District Sound Insulation near Airport
Flood Hazard Sound requirements between units
Methane Seepage Regulation Supplemental Plan Correction Sheet for LA
Storm Water Requirements Residential Code Prescriptive Design
Energy Conservation Structural – General
High wind area Mansionization Ordinance
Grading Hillside Ord. and Seismic Design (slope >3:1)
Security Requirements Pools

Review the following checked information bulletins and forms. Revise plans to show compliance (Copies
can be obtained at ).
P/GI 2014-022 General Notes for Single-Family P/BC 2014-065 Coastal Development Permit
Dwellings P/BC 2014-073 Policy on signed and wet Stamped plans
P/GI 2014-024 Recording Covenants with LA County P/BC 2014-074 Sound Insulation near Airport
P/GI 2014-025- Copies of LA Ordinances (Planning’s) P/BC 2014- 096 6" concrete block masonry fences
P/BC 2014-001 Footings On or Adjacent to Slopes P/BC 2014 -101 Methane hazard Mitigation standard
P/BC 2014-016 Dwellings in High Wind Velocity Areas plan
P/BC 2014-021 Calculating building code’s floor areas P/BC 2014-103 Sump Pumps for surface drainage
P/BC 2014-023 Fire retardant roof covering for walking P/BC 2014-113 Reports for submittal to Grading Division
deck P/ZC 2002-002 Heights of Fences
P/BC 2014-027 Onsite Wastewater treatment system P/ZC 2002-004 Yard projection & height for decks
P/BC 2014-038 Mezzanines in Residential buildings P/ZC 2002-006 Projections in Yards
P/BC 2014-044 Alquist-Priolo EQ Fault Zoning Act P/ZC 2002-008 Zoning Code “Building height”
P/BC 2014-047 Expansive soils P/ZC 2002-015 Prevailing setback for front yards
P/BC 2014-060 30 days notification of intent to excavate P/ZC 2002-016 Retaining walls in Hillside Areas
P/BC 2014-064 Flood Hazard Management Specific Plan

Forms and Affidavits:

Summary Clearance Worksheet (attached) Lot Tie: PC/STR/Aff.22
Community Driveway for 2 Parcels: PC/STR/Aff.13 Building Maintenance: PC/STR/Aff.23
Impact Hazard Glazing: PC/STR/Aff.19 Drainage Easement: PC/GRAD/Aff.17
Protection of adjoining property: PC/GRAD/App.13 Structural Observation
Grading Bond: PC/GRAD/Bond 03 and 04 Graffiti Removal: PC/STR/Aff.42



b. Grading work
A. PERMIT APPLICATION c. Swimming pool
1. Provide a fully dimensioned plot plan to scale, in d. A separate structure
ink and copy it to the PCIS application plot plan e. Shoring
sheet f. Demolition

2. Valuation is revised to $ . 5. The permit application must be signed by the

property owner or licensed contractor or
Pay additional plan check fee of $ authorized agent at the time the permit is to be
3. Provide complete and correct legal description
(Tract, Lot, Block, Grant Deed). Provide a. For owner-builder permits: Owner’s
complete information for applicant, owner, signature can be verified with owner’s driver
engineer, architect, and contractor. license. Owner’s representatives must
present owner’s approval with a notarized
4. Obtain separate application for the following letter from the owner.
a. Retaining wall or block fence wall

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 2 of 12

b. For contractor building permits: Prior to (3307.1)(IB: P/BC 2014-060)
the issuance of a building permit, the
contractor shall have the following: 7. Soil/Foundation/Geology report(s) must be
i. Notarized letter of authorization for approved by the Grading Section. Provide a
agents. copy of the approved report and Department
ii. Certificate of workers Compensation approval letter. Show compliance with the
Insurance made out to the Contractors report’s requirements and approval letter’s
State License Board. conditions.
iii. Copy of Contractor’s State License or
pocket ID. 8. Fire lane access is required where any part of the
iv. Copy of City of Los Angeles business tax building is 150 ft from the edge of an improved
registration certificate or a newly paid street or approved fire lane. Obtain clearance
receipt for one. from the Hydrants and Access Unit of the Fire
Department LAMC 57.09.03
9. No permit can be issued without a recorded
1. Obtain all clearances as noted on the attached Parcel Map / Tract Map. Provide an official
Clearance Summary Worksheet. It is necessary recorded copy prior to permit issuance.
to apply immediately for the signoff as it can take
months for some departments to review the 10. A grading bond is required to be posted for
project. Comply with all conditions given during projects involving over 250 cubic yards of soil in
approval prior to the permit issuance. “Hillside Grading Areas”. (7006.5.1)

2. Obtain lot cut date from Land Records of Public 11. A public hearing is required for import or export of
Works. Lot divided after 6-1-46 shall comply with earth material in excess of 1,000 cubic yards in a
Lot area requirement of the Zone. Lot divided “Hillside Grading Area” (7006.7). Submit a Haul
after 7-29-62 shall obtain a Certificate of Route application to the Building and Safety
Compliance from City Planning Department. Commission Office. Processing time is a
Allow months to process. Obtain application from minimum of eight weeks. Call (213) 482-0466 for
City Planning Dept. more information.

3. Provide copies of the following recorded 12. For existing Haul Routes, the associated grading
documents for the parcel: ( ). permit must be secured within 12 months from
More requirements or Clearances may follow the date of Board approval and hauling must
upon review of the documents. For copies of commence within 18 months from the date of
recorded affidavits, contact Building and Safety Board approval. Otherwise, a new Haul Route
Records Section. For copies of City Planning application and hearing will be required.
documents, contact the Department of City
Planning at (213) 978-1259, or fax request to 13. Low Impact Development (LID) Signoff from
(213) 978-1263. Watershed Protection Division, Bureau of
Sanitation, Department of Public Works is
4. A recorded affidavit is required. Obtain a copy of required for:
“instruction to process affidavit” from LADBS’s New construction
web site and follow the instructions. Addition (> 500 sq.ft. of impervious area)
Re-grading of parking lots (> 500 sq. ft.)
5. Provide temporary shoring plans for excavations Impervious pads > 500 sq. ft. (i.e. Equipment
removing the lateral support of public way or an pads) Ord. 181,899
existing building. Excavations adjacent to a
public way require Public Works approval prior to 14. Obtain Clearances from the Green Building
permit issuance. Division of LADBS.

6. Where there is an excavation of a greater depth 15. The city records indicate there possibly is an oil
than are the walls or foundation of an adjoining well on the site. Show the location of active and
building or structure and located closer to the abandoned oil wells. Obtain clearance to
property line than the depth of the excavation, the construct a new building or addition near or on an
owner shall provide the Department of Building oil well from the Fire Department. Prior to
and Safety with evidence that the adjacent requesting building permit clearance from the
property owner(s) have been given a 30-day Fire Department, obtain a determination letter
written notice of such intent to make an from the State of California, Division of Oil, Gas,
excavation. This notice shall state the depth of and Geothermal Resources.
such excavation and when it will commence. This
notice is required to be by certified mail with 16. Obtain clearance from Los Angeles Fire
return receipt. Provide the return receipt to the Department (LAFD) for the Automated Parking
plan check engineer prior to permit issuance. Garage or Mechanical Car Lift.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 3 of 12

C. ADMINISTRATION Topography Survey Map
Grading Plan
1. Each sheet of the architectural and structural Floor Plans
plans must bear the signatures and registration of Two Elevations
an architect or engineer registered in the State of Construction Section
California Foundation Plans
Framing Plans
2. The address of the building, the name/address of Structural Details
the owner, and names/addresses of the Grading Details
consultants are required on their plans.
3. (Two) sets of plans will be required during permit 7. Provide a fully dimensioned plot plan to scale.
issuance. (R106.3.2.2 & R106.3.3) Plans must Show the legal description, building lines,
be: easements, lot size, zone boundaries, highway
a. Quality blue or black line drawings with dedication lines, street center line, alley, and
uniform and light background color. parking spaces and locations. Show number of
b. Max. 36' x 48" size with minimum 1/8" stories and the use of all buildings. (R106.3.2.1)
lettering size.
c. Sticky back details must produce prints 8. Show the building area, use, number of stories,
without contrasting shades of background fire zone, lot size, lot area and height on the first
color. sheet or title sheet of plans.

4. For new buildings and additions, one additional 9. Show on site plans the natural and finish grade
copy of only the architectural set is required for elevations around the perimeter of the building.
the County Tax Assessor. (California Revenue Show elevations for all floors and top of roof.
and Taxation Section 72). Survey Map must be signed by a licensed
Surveyor or Civil Engineer. (R106.4.3.3)
5. The final set of plans must be stamped by (City
Planning Dept), (Fire Dept), ( ) 10. Remove all plans, details or notes that do not
pertain to the project.
6. Provide the following with each set of plans:


PART II: ZONING (Allow time for discretionary approval process from City
Planning if zoning requirements cannot be met.)
1. Comply with the provisions of the 6. Provide 30" minimum clear access around main
Specific Plan. building(s) and accessory living quarters.
2. Zoning Information File #( )
7. Building exceeds ( ) height for Zone
( ). Show the height per P/ZC 2002-08.
3. Provide a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy
and/or building permit with plot plan showing the 8. Basement containing a habitable room shall be
legal existing use and parking. considered a story for side and rear yard and
Height District’s requirements. (12.21C1(l),
4. Provide and dimension required Front Yard. 12.21.1A8)
Incorporate block plot and calculations on plans
showing setbacks from the front property line of 9. A two-car garage/carport is required.
all buildings on the same side of the street to (12.21A4(a))
determine prevailing front yard. Where a
prevailing front yard can’t be established, provide 10. Provide ( ) paved parking spaces. A
( ft) as required in the ( zone) minimum of one space per dwelling unit shall be
(hillside ordinance). Go to web a standard stall. (12.21A4(a),5(c))
site for more information. (12.21C10(g)(1))

11. In A & R zones, parking is not permitted in the

5. Provide and dimension on plan: ( ) Front required Front Yard and a 5' Side Yard along the
Yard, ( ) Side Yard, and ( ) Rear side street lot line of a corner lot. (12.21A6(a))
Yard as required for Zone ( ).

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 4 of 12

12. Maximum driveway slope shall not exceed 20%.
Grade details and transition slopes required 26. For any Major Remodel, construction of or
where slope exceeds 12½%. Maximum driveway addition to any One-Family Dwelling or
cross slope is 10%. Maximum slope within Accessory Building on a lot in A1, A2 or RD
parking area is 5%. 12.21A5(g), Information Zones which is located in whole or in part in a
Bulletin # P/ZC 2002-001. Hillside Area (12.21.A17)

13. Automobiles are not permitted to back onto a a. Obtain City Planning approval per
Major or Secondary Highway or sidewalk. 12.24X21 for new construction or addition to
12.21A5(i)1 dwelling for:
14. Revise plans to maintain a backup aisle.
12.21A5(b) i. lot fronting on a Substandard street with a
roadway width less than 20 ft.
15. Parking and turning areas within 15' of property ii. less than 20 ft wide vehicular access
line must be enclosed by 5'-9" high solid wall. route from driveway providing access to
12.21A6(d),(e),(f) main residence to the boundary of the
Hillside Area.
16. Maintain minimum 10' separation between
dwelling and accessory building(s). (12.21C5(d)) b. Building exceeds ( ) height for Zone
( ).
17. A ( ) passageway is required from
the street to entrance of each dwelling unit or c.No portion of a building or structure within
guest room. (12.21C2(b)) 20’ of the front lot line shall exceed 24’ in
height where the elevation of the ground at a
18. Maximum eave projection of ( ) point 50 feet from the front lot line and
inches allowed in the ( ) yard midway between the side lot lines is 33 feet
provided the yard is not reduced to less than 30". or more higher than the lowest point of the
(12.22C20(b)) front lot line (12.21A17c(4)).

19. Projection of ( ) into the ( ) d. Provide ( ) additional parking

yard/passageway is not permitted or limited to spaces.
( ). (12.22C20) e. Open unenclosed stairways, porches,
platforms and landing places not covered by
20. Fences, planters, and retaining walls shall not a roof or canopy shall not project or extend
exceed a height of ( ) ft above the natural into the front yard. (12.21A17(a)(3)).
ground level in the required ( ) yard.
(12.22C20(f)) f. Balconies projecting into the required
front yard require minimum 10 feet of vertical
21. Floor plan layout is considered a possible flexible clearance beneath them. (12.21A17(a)(3)).
unit. Revise floor plan to provide more open
design. g. Provide fire sprinklers. (12.21A17(d))

22. Accessory building is not permitted on the front h. Maximum lot coverage of ( %) for
half of lot, except when located a minimum (55 ft) structures higher than 6 feet.
(75 ft) from the front line. 12.21C5(l),
(12.21C5(b)) i. Street dedication is required per Bureau of
Engineering. Show dedication and yards
23. Provide minimum 5 ft setback from rear property clear of dedication on plot plan.
line (10' from alley center line) and ( )
setback from side property line for accessory 27. Los Angeles City Electrical Test Lab Research
building containing recreation room or accessory Report is required to use an electro-mechanical
living quarters. (12.21C5(e),(f),(g)) lift to provide parking spaces.

24. No mezzanine is permitted within a recreation 28. “A maintenance of vehicle lift system (2-levels or
room. (12.03) more) affidavit” shall be approved and recorded
prior to issuing a building permit.
25. A wet bar will not be considered as a kitchen
provided it has no hot water, no garbage 29. 2-vehicle parking lift ceiling height shall be
disposal, no 220 v. electrical, no gas outlet and minimum 16’-0” for sprinklered buildings (14’-6”
no more than 10 sf of counter surface area. (ZA for non-sprinklered buildings).
90-0080 (ZAI))

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 5 of 12



g. Unit Skylights shall be labeled by a LA
A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS City Approved Labeling Agency. Such label
shall state the approved labeling agency
1. The following nonstructural products shall comply name, product designation and performance
with an approved ICC evaluation report or Los grade rating. (Research Report not
Angeles City Research Report. Copy the report required). (R308.6.9)
and conditions of approval onto the plans and
show compliance with those conditions. h. Water heater must be strapped to wall.
Deck Coating Damp proofing material (Sec. 507.3, LAPC)
Skylights Rigid Insulation
Roofing Materials i. For existing pool on site, provide an
alarm for doors to the dwelling that form a
2. Add notes on plans: part of the pool enclosure. The alarm shall
sound continuously for a min. of 30 seconds
a. The construction shall not restrict a five- when the door is opened. It shall
foot clear and unobstructed access to any automatically reset and be equipped with a
water or power distribution facilities (Power manual means to deactivate (for 15 secs.
poles, pull-boxes, transformers, vaults, max.) for a single opening. The deactivation
pumps, valves, meters, appurtenances, etc.) switch shall be at least 54" above the floor.
or to the location of the hook-up. The (6109 of LABC)
construction shall not be within ten feet of
any power lines-whether or not the lines are j. For existing pool on site, provide anti–
located on the property. Failure to comply entrapment cover meeting the current ASTM
may cause construction delays and/or or ASME for the suction outlets of the
additional expenses. swimming pool, toddler pool and spa for
single family dwellings per Assembly Bill
b. An approved Seismic Gas Shutoff Valve (AB) No. 2977. (3162B)
will be installed on the fuel gas line on the
downstream side of the utility meter and be k. Automatic garage door openers, if
rigidly connected to the exterior of the provided, shall be listed in accordance with
building or structure containing the fuel gas UL 325. (R309.4)
piping. (Per Ordinance 170,158) (Separate
plumbing permit is required). l. Smoke detectors shall be provided for all
dwelling units intended for human
c. Plumbing fixtures are required to be occupancy, where a permit is required for
connected to a sanitary sewer or to an alterations, repairs, or additions. (R314.2)
approved sewage disposal system (R306.3).
m. Where a permit is required for
d. Kitchen sinks, lavatories, bathtubs, alterations, repairs or additions, existing
showers, bidets, laundry tubs and washing dwellings or sleeping units that have
machine outlets shall be provided with hot attached garages or fuel-burning appliances
and cold water and connected to an shall be provided with a carbon monoxide
approved water supply (R306.4). alarm in accordance with Section R315.2.
Carbon monoxide alarms shall only be
e. Bathtub and shower floors, walls above required in the specific dwelling unit or
bathtubs with a showerhead, and shower sleeping unit for which the permit was
compartments shall be finished with a obtained. (R315.2.)
nonabsorbent surface. Such wall surfaces
shall extend to a height of not less than 6 n. Every space intended for human
feet above the floor (R307.2). occupancy shall be provided with natural
light by means of exterior glazed openings in
f. Provide ultra-low flush water closets for accordance with Section R303.1 or shall be
all new construction. Existing shower heads provided with artificial light that is adequate
and toilets must be adapted for low water to provide an average illumination of 6 foot-
consumption. candles over the area of the room at a height
of 30 inches above the floor level. (R303.1)

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 6 of 12

o. A copy of the evaluation report and/or 5. Ducts penetrating the walls or ceilings separating
conditions of listing shall be made available the dwelling from the garage shall be constructed
at the job site of a minimum No. 26 gage sheet steel or other
approved material and shall not have openings
into the garage (R302.5.2).

6. Other penetrations of garage/dwelling ceilings

and walls shall be protected as required by
Section R302.11, Item 4 (R302.5.3).

7. Garage floor surfaces shall be of an approved

B. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION noncombustible material, and the area used to
Townhouse: park vehicles shall be sloped to a drain or toward
the main vehicle entry doorway. (R309.1)
1. Townhouses shall be separated by two 1-hour
fire-resistance-rated wall assemblies complying C. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATION
with the requirements of Section R302.1 for 1. Provide calculations for establishing grade plane
exterior walls. A common 1-hour fire-resistance- as per Section R201. Attach calculations and
rated wall assembly is permitted if such walls do identify established grade planes on elevations
not contain plumbing or mechanical equipment, plans and site plan. (R202)
ducts or vents in the cavity of the common wall
(R302.2). 2. Show maximum height of the structure (in feet
and story) from Average height of highest roof
2. The fire-resistance-rated wall separating surface to grade plane on all elevation views.
townhouses shall be continuous from the (R202)
foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing,
deck or slab, and extend the full length of the wall 3. Lowest level is determined not to be a basement.
or assembly (R302.2.1). This level is considered as 1st story above grade
plane. Include this story in total building height.
3. Parapets shall be provided for townhouses as an (R202)
extension of exterior walls or common walls.
Parapets shall extend not less than 30 inches D. FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED CONSTRUCTION
above the roof surface or meet the criteria in
Section R302.2.2 for parapet alternatives 1. Provide 1-hr fire-resistance exterior walls if fire
(R302.2.3). separation distance is:
Less than 5’ [T-R302.1(1)], or
4. Each individual townhouse shall be structurally Less than 3’ if the building is equipped
independent except where the separation is throughout with an automatic residential fire
provided by a common 1-hour fire-resistance- sprinkler system installed in accordance with
rated wall. Exterior sheathing, wall covering and section R313. [T-R302.1(2)]
roofing are exempt from the provisions requiring
structural independence (R302.2.4). 2. Show how 1-hr fire-resistance is being provided.

Garage/ Carports 3. Openings are not allowed within 3’/5’ fire

separation distance. [T-R302.1(1) & T-R302.1(2)]
1. The proposed building is a Garage and not a
carport since it is not open at least 2 sides. 4. Maximum 25% opening area is allowed when the
(R309.2) fire separation distance is >3’ and 5’. (T-
2. Openings from a private garage directly into a
room used for sleeping purposes are not 5. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall comply
permitted (R302.5.1). with Table R302.1 and shall not extend:
a. To a point closer than 2 feet from interior
3. Doors between garage and the dwelling unit shall lot line.
have a minimum fire protection rating of 20 b. More than 4 inches at the roof eave for
minutes and self-closing and self-latching detached garages accessory to a dwelling
devices, or solid wood or solid or honeycomb when located within 2 feet of a lot line.
core steel not less than 1 3/8 inches thick. c. Over the lot line for accessory structures
(R302.5.1) that are exempt from permits.

4. The garage shall be separated from the dwelling 6. Dwelling units in two-family dwellings shall be
and its attic area in accordance with Table separated from each other by wall and/or floor
R302.6 (R302.6). assemblies having not less than a 1-hr fire-

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 7 of 12

resistance rating when tested in accordance with basements. (R315)
ASTME 119 or UL 263. Provide complete details

7. Through penetrations of fire-resistance-rated wall 1. For habitable levels or basements located more
or floor assemblies shall comply with Section than one story above or more than one story
R302.4.1.1 or R302.4.1.2. Provide detail and below an egress door, the maximum travel
copy of listing on the plans.(R302.4.1) distance from any occupied point to a stairway or
ramp that provides egress from such habitable
level or basement, shall not exceed 50 feet

8. Membrane penetrations shall comply with 2. Occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as
Section R302.4.1. Where walls are required to required for stories.
have a fire-resistance rating, recessed fixtures
shall be installed so that the required fire- 3. The means of egress shall provide a continuous
resistance rating will not be reduced. (R302.4.2) and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal
egress travel from all portions of the dwelling to
9. In combustible construction, fire blocking shall be the exterior of the dwelling at the required egress
provided to cut off all concealed draft openings door without requiring travel through a garage.
(both vertical and horizontal) and to form an The required egress door shall open directly into
effective fire barrier between stories, and a public way or to a yard or court that opens to a
between a top story and the roof space. public way.(R311.1)
4. Provide emergency egress from sleeping rooms.
10. In combustible construction where there is usable Show details on plans. Minimum - 24" clear
space both above and below the concealed height, 20" clear width, 5.7 sf minimum area (5.0
space of a floor/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall sf at grade level) & 44" maximum to sill.
be installed so that the area of the concealed (R310.2.1)
space does not exceed 1,000 square feet.
Draftstopping shall divide the concealed space 5. Provide minimum 9 sf window wells (with fixed
into approximately equal areas. (R302.12) ladder) at escape and rescue opening windows
below grade. (R310.2.3)
6. At least one door shall be 36” wide by 80” high
1. The building shall be equipped with an automatic (R311.2)
residential fire sprinkler system in accordance
with section R313.3 or NFPA13D. (R313, 7. Provide 32" wide doors to all interior accessible
12.21A17(d)) rooms. (6304.1)

2. Add note on plans: The Sprinkler System shall be 8. Show on plans that the entry/exit door must open
approved by Plumbing Division prior to over a landing not more than 1.5" below the
installation. threshold. Exception: Providing the door does
not swing over the landing. Landing shall be not
3. An approved smoke alarm shall be installed in more than 7.75" below the threshold. Storm and
each sleeping room & hallway or area giving screen doors are permitted to swing over all
access to a sleeping room, and on each story exterior stairs and landings. (R311.3.1)
and basement for dwellings with more than one
story. Smoke alarms shall be interconnected so 9. Landing at a door shall have a length measured
that actuation of one alarm will activate all the in the direction of travel of no less than 36".
alarms within the individual dwelling unit. In new (R311.3)
construction smoke alarms shall receive their
primary power source from the building wiring 10. A landing shall be provided at the top and bottom
and shall be equipped with battery back-up and of stairways. (R311.7.6)
low battery signal. (R314)
11. Show the following stairway details on plans:
4. An approved carbon monoxide alarm shall be
installed in dwelling units and in sleeping units a. 7.75" maximum rise & minimum 10" run.
within which fuel-burning appliances are installed (R311.7.5)
and in dwelling units that have attached garages. b. Minimum 6'-8" headroom clearance.
Carbon monoxide alarm shall be provided (R311.7.2)
outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping c.. Minimum 36" clear width. (R311.7.1)
area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom(s) d. Handrails 34" to 38" high above tread
and on every level of a dwelling unit including nosing (R311.7.8.1)

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.020 (revised 7/19/18) Page 8 of 12

e. Handgrip portion of handrail shall not be
less than 1.25" and no more than 2" cross- 7. Provide natural light and ventilation for adjoining
sectional dimension having a smooth spaces (R303.2)
surface with no sharp corners. (R311.7.8.3)
f. . Maximum 4" clear spacing opening 8. Under-floor ventilation shall be not less than
between rails. (R312.1.3) 1/150 of under floor area. (R408.1)

12. Winder treads shall comply with Section 9. Provide under floor access opening. It shall be a
R311. minimum 16” x 24” when the opening is through a
perimeter wall or a minimum 18” x 24” when the
13. Spiral stairs shall comply with Section opening is through a floor. (R408.4)
10. Attic ventilation of 1/150 of the area of ventilated
14. Ramp slopes shall not exceed 1:12 space (approximately 10 sq. in. for each 10 sf of
(8%).(R311.8.1) attic area) is required. (R806.2)

15. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall 11. Attic area having clear headroom of 30" must
have walls, under-stair surface and any soffits have an access opening (22" x 30" minimum).
protected on the enclosed side with 1/2 inch Access shall be located in a hallway or other
gypsum board. (R302.7) readily accessible location. It is not allowed
within a small closet space. (R807.1)
16. All interior and exterior stairways shall be
illuminated. (R303.7 & R303.8) 12. Provide 15" minimum between the center of
water closet to any side wall. (Calif. Plumb. Code
17. Provide 42" high guards with maximum 4" clear 407.6)
spacing opening between rails at ( ).
(R312.1.2). 13. Provide 24" clear space in front of any water
closet. (Calif. Plumb. Code 407.6)
18. For glass handrails and guards, the panels and
their support system shall be designed to 14. Bathrooms, water closet compartments and other
withstand the loads specified in Chapter 16 of similar rooms shall be provided natural ventilation
2014 LABC. A safety factor of four shall be used. or with mechanical ventilation capable of 50 cfm
The minimum nominal thickness of the glass exhausted directly to the outside (R303.3)
shall be 1/4 inch. (2407)
15. Heater shall be capable of maintaining a
G. INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT minimum room temperature of 68°F at a point 3
feet above the floor and 2 feet from exterior walls
1. Habitable rooms shall have a floor area of no less in all habitable rooms at the design temperature.
than 70sf (6.5m2) (R304.1). (R303.9)

2. Habitable rooms shall be not less than 7’-0” H. BUILDING ENVELOPE

(2134mm) in any horizontal dimension. With
exception to kitchens & limited-density owner- 1. Provide a class A, B or C fire-retardant roof
built rural dwellings. (R304.2). covering per Section R902.1.

3. The minimum ceiling height for habitable space, 2. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water
hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms closet, lavatory, bathtub or shower, and kitchen
and portions of basements containing these (R306.1 and R306.2).
spaces shall be not less than 7 feet (R305.1).
3. Glazing in the following locations shall be safety
4. Provide a door and window schedule. Show type glazing conforming to the human impact loads of
and size for each. Section R308.3 (see exceptions) (R308.4):

5. Provide natural light in (habitable rooms), a. Fixed and operable panels of swinging,
sliding and bi-fold door assemblies.
( ) by means of exterior wall
openings with an area not less than 8% of floor b. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable
area. Artificial lighting may be permitted. (R303.1) panel adjacent to a door where the nearest
vertical edge is within a 24-inch arc of either
6. Provide natural ventilation in (habitable rooms) vertical edge of the door in a closed position
(bathrooms) ( ) by means of and whose bottom edge is less than 60
openable exterior wall openings with an area not inches above the floor or walking surface.
less than 4% of floor area. Mechanical
ventilating systems may be permitted (R303.1) c. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable

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panel that meets all of the following degrees from the bottom tread nosing
conditions: (R304.2).
iii. Exposed area of an individual pane
greater than 9 square feet. 4. Skylights and sloped glazing shall comply with
iv. Bottom edge less than 18 inches above Section R308.6.
the floor.
v. Top edge greater than 36 inches above 5. Lots shall be graded to drain surface water away
the floor. from foundation walls with a minimum fall of 6
vi. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches within the first 10 feet (R401.3).
inches horizontally of the glazing.
6. Dampproofing, where required, shall be installed
d. Glazing in guards and railings. with materials and as required in Section R406.1.

e. Glazing in enclosures for or walls facing 7. Vehicular access doors shall comply with Section
hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, R609.4.
bathtubs and showers where the bottom
edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches 8. Buildings shall have approved address numbers,
measured vertically above any standing or building numbers or approved building
walking surface. identification placed in a position that is plainly
legible and visible from the street or road fronting
f. Glazing in walls and fences adjacent to the property. (R319.1)
indoor and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs
and spas where the bottom edge of the 9. Protection of wood and wood based products
glazing is less than 60 inches above a from decay shall be provided in the locations
walking surface and within 60 inches, specified per Section R317.1 by the use of
measured horizontally and in a straight line, naturally durable wood or wood that is
of the water’s edge. preservative-treated in accordance with AWPA
U1 for the species, product, preservative and end
g. Glazing where the bottom exposed edge use. Preservatives shall be listed in Section 4 of
of the glazing is less than 36 inches above AWPA U1.
the plane of the adjacent walking surface of
stairways, landings between flights of stairs 10. Provide anti-Graffiti finish within the first 9 feet,
and ramps. measured from grade, at exterior walls and
doors. Exception: Maintenance of building
h. Glazing adjacent to the landing at the affidavit is recorded by the owner to covenant
bottom of a stairway where the glazing is and agree with the City of Los Angeles to remove
less than 36 inches above the landing and any graffiti within 7-days of the graffiti being
within a 60 inch horizontal arc less than 180 applied. (6306

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