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3.5 Physiology Respiratory System

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I Made Muliarta

Gambar 4. Beberapa Jenis Spirometer

Anatomy Pulmonary
Review Ventilation

Respiratory System

Gas Respiration
Exchange Control

Gas Transport

Ventilation Diffusion Perfusion

Boyle’s law
Muscles involvement Dalton’s Law
Pressure Changes Henry’s law Not all regions ventilated equally
(intrapulmonary and intrapleura)
Pulmonary and bronchial response
V/Q matching

Lung compliance Factors influence

Surface tension
Surfactant gas exchange

Airway resistance

Lung Function Measurement

Some volumes can be measured
Lung capacities
Patern of the lung function
• Our cells need oxygen & produce
• The respiratory system brings the needed O2
into and eliminate CO2
• The blood transport these gases
• Pulmonary Ventilation
• Air entering adjusted to body temp., filtered,
almost completely humidified
(Silverthorn, 2001)
• The lung provide gas exchange surface
separating blood from the surrounding
alveolar gaseous environment
• Oxygen transfer simultaneously
• Adult’s lung: ±1 kg, 4-6 L, if spread out:
50-100 m2 (badminton court)
• More than 300 million alveoli
• Alveoli:
• Elastic thin walled
• Membranous sacs
• ± 0,3 mm in diameter
• Millions of short, thin walled
capillaries and alveoli lie side by side
• Gases diffuse across the extremely (Silverthorn, 2001)

thin barrier (0,3µm)

(Cumings, 2003)
• Ventilation????
• The function of ventilation: to maintain
blood gases at their optimum level
• The Ventilation occurs due to pressure
–  respiratory muscles
– lung elasticity, resistance
• Two lungs shaped
• Each lung sorrounded:
serous membrane
(visceralis and parietalis
• Ventilatory system:
– Conducting zone (conduct,
humidification, warming,
filtration, vocalization, Ig
– Respiratory zone (gas
• Inspired air held within conducting zone
referred to as dead air (dead space)
• Anatomical Dead space (VD) is usually
about 150 ml
• Wasted ventilation:
– Anatomical dead space
– Alveolar dead space
Minute Ventilation/Minute Volume/Pulmonary

• Gas moved in-out of the lungs 1 minute

• Calculate: respiration rate per minute,
volume each breath (VT)
Alveolar Ventilation
• Not all air inspired reaches the alveoli
• Therefore, two values:
– VE
– VA
Alveolar Volume = VT – VD
VA = (VT - VD)f
• Ventilatory system:
– Conducting zone (conduct,
humidification, warming,
filtration, vocalization, Ig
– Respiratory zone (gas
• VT = 500 ml
• VD = 150 ml
• f = 12 x/mnt
• VA = 350 x 12
= 4200 ml/mnt
Mechanics of Breathing

• Including:
– The pressure differences that generate air flow
– The respiratory muscles that effect these
pressure differences
– Tissue properties that influence how easily the
lungs expand
Mechanics of Breathing

• Breathing: air moves into and out of the

• It travels from regions of high air pressure
to low air pressure
• Relationship between Boyle’s law and
• Lung volume is changed by muscles
contraction and relaxation
• During quiet breathing: inspiration is an
active process, expiration is a passive
• Forced expiration and inspiration involve
additional muscles
Diaphragm and ext. int. m. contr.

Increasing the volume of thoracic cavity

Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative

Lung expand

Intrapulmonary pressure becomes negative

Air flows into the lung

Diaphragm and ext. int. m. relax

Decreases Thoracic cavity volume

Intrapleural pressure becomes less negative

Lung recoils

Intraplulmonary pressure rises above atm. pressure

Air flows out of the lung

• To assess lung function
Lung Volumes and Capacities
• Some of these volumes can be measured using spirometry
• Typical trace spirometer
Patterns of Lung Function
Pattern Grade %FEV1/FVC %FVC

Normal ≥ 70 % ≥ 80 %

Mild 61-69% ≥ 80 %
Obstructive Moderate 45-60% ≥ 80 %
Severe ≤ 45% ≥ 80 %
Mild ≥ 70 % 66-79%
Restrictive Moderate ≥ 70 % 51-65%
Severe ≥ 70 % ≤ 50%

Combination < 70% < 80%

Gaseous Exchange in The Lungs
• Gas exchange between alveoli and blood
takes place by diffusion
• Diffusion occurs:
– High concentration to low
– Until the concentration is equalized
– Across respiratory membrane
The rate of diffusion across
• Factors (Fick’s law): membrane is inversely
proportional to the membrane
– The large of surface area thickness

– The thickness of the membrane

– Partial pressure gradient
– Solubility of the gas
Gaseous Exchange in The Lungs
• Gas exchange between alveoli and blood
takes place by diffusion
• Diffusion occurs:
– High concentration to low
– Until the concentration is equalized
– Across respiratory membrane
Learning task
• What is the sequence of event during quiet
inspiration (muscle involvement, pressure
changes (intrapulmonary and intrapleura),
volume changes)
• What is pulmonary ventilation and alveolar
ventilation means?
• Describe Lung volumes and lung capacities
• Describe the Dalton’s Law!
• Describe the factors that influence oxygen
diffusion from alveoli into the blood!

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