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Estimation of Inertia Constant of Iran Power Grid

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2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)

Estimation of Inertia Constant of Iran Power Grid

Using the Largest Simulation Model and PMU Data
MohammadBagher AbolhasaniJabali Mohammad Hosein Kazemi
PhD Student of Shahed University Assistant Professor
Senior Expert of Iran Grid Management Co. (IGMC) Electrical Engineering Department
Teacher of Sadra Institute of Higher Education Shahed University
Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran

Abstract— Inertia constant is an effective parameter for power normally installed in some power system substations. In this
system analysis such as the load frequency control, dynamic behavior paper, we use the PMU data at a very effective event in Iran
study and it is necessary for system operators to do decision making network for estimation of Iran Grid inertia constant.
during contingency conditions. This paper uses the largest simulation Comparing the results of measurement and simulation based
model of Iran power grid (containing integrated transmission and
sub-transmission network model) and Phasor Measurement Unit
method show the validity of the calculations.
(PMU) data to analysis the generator outage of Bushehr power plant II. INERTIA OF POWER SYSTEM
as a very effective event to estimate the inertia constant of Iran power
system. The approximate matching between simulation and Immediately following a disturbance, the missing/excess
measurement based calculation results supports the validity of power is delivered from the kinetic energy stored in the
resulted value. rotating mass of the turbines. This leads to a
deceleration/acceleration and thus to a decrease/increase in the
Keywords- Inertia constant; Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU); system frequency. The contribution of each generator towards
The Largest Simulation model of Iran Grid.
the total additional power required is proportional to its
inertia. Individual contributions to the balance are proportional
I. INTRODUCTION to the inertia/acceleration time constant of each generator.
Some parameters are very important for power system This relation can be mathematically described as follows:
evaluation and control such as inertia constant which is
especially used for load frequency control and dynamic ΔPi = Pi − Pi disp = K i .Δf (1)
behavior analysis of power network. On the Other hand, the where,
inertia is a very effective parameter for system operators to do
is the modified active power of generator ݅, is the
decision making during contingency conditions. Therefore,
some papers such as [1]–[4] have presented discussions and initial active power dispatch of generator ݅ and is the
methods for calculation and using this parameter in various active power change in generator ݅. is the total frequency
issues. deviation and is the inertia gain parameter of generator i,
In this paper, we use the largest simulation model of Iran which can be calculated as:
containing transmission and sub-transmission network (with K i = J i .ωn .2π (2)
about 60000 busbar/terminal, detailed model of 500 Where is the rated angular velocity of generator i and
generators, 4400 lines and 4000 transformers, etc.) which is as the moment of inertia of the generator can be calculated as:
developed and updated by workgroups of regional electric Ta 2H i .Pni
companies (RECs) with cooperation of Iran Grid Management J i = Pni . i2 = (3)
ωn ωn 2
Company(IGMC)[5]. Simulations are done using DIgSILENT
PowerFactory[6]. Where is inertia time constant of generator i and
On the other hand Wide Area Measurement System is the acceleration time constant of the generator rated to its
(WAMS) has been installed and operated in Iran network and nominal active power ( ). Where, having nominal apparent
used for system analysis and validation of simulation power ( ) and nominal power factor ( ) of the
models[7], [8]. One of the main goals of WAMS is monitoring generator, it is clear that:
of system parameters in order to estimate the power system Pni = S ni .cos θ n (4)
state such as stability margin and enhancement of system
control. The main property of WAMS is synchronized On the other hand, for all power network, swing equation
measurement in Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) which states that[3]:

978-1-4673-8789-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
T a = 2H = (5)
1 df
f n dt
Figure 1 illustrates the different type of active power control
based on frequency deviation after a system event containing a
load-generation unbalance. The Rate of Change of Frequency
(ROCOF) which is available using PMU can be used for
calculation of the system inertia (H). Using equation (5) the
value of H network is calculated for large-scale networks is
usually between 2 and 9 seconds[1].

Figure 2: simulation results of bus frequency after event


As mentioned according to scientific literature, the frequency
measurements information after some events recorded by the
phasor measurement unit (PMU) can be used to estimate the
inertia constant of power system.
A. PMU Recorded Data
For this purpose, recorded frequency information after
outage of the generator of Bushehr power plant on June 30,
Figure 1: Typical frequency deviation following an unbalance in 2014 is evaluated. Fig. 3 shows the frequency measured by
active Power PMUs at 400 kV substations Choghadak and Shahid Salimi
(Neka). In this way, there is little difference between two
III. ESTIMATION USING THE LARGEST SIMULATION MODEL diagrams immediately after event. To calculate the equivalent
H of Iran network, the frequency at the first moments after the
Using the largest model of Iran transmission and sub- event (sepecified in Fig. 3), should be considered. The
transmission network in DIgSILENT PowerFactory software frequency values with more distinction are shown in Fig. 4.
which is taking the nominal active power of generating units
of the interconnected network as the basis ( ), the
acceleration time constant of the power system is calculated,
sec, therefore the inertia constant of Iran network
is calculated:

HIranGrid* = 5.19 sec. (6)

Using the simulation model described above, outage of the

generator of Bushehr power plant is simulated. Fig. 2 shows
the impact of this event on the frequency at 400 kV bus of
Choghadak near the Bushehr power plant in the south area of
Iran and the frequency at 400 kV bus of Shahid Salimi (Neka)
in the north area of the grid.

Figure 3: PMU recorded frequency after outage of the generator of

Bushehr power plant

Comparison Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 shows the approximate matching

between simulation model and the actual system behavior
especially at a few seconds after event. It shows the validation
of the simulation model of Iran network and we can rely on
the resulted value from simulation. However, the PMU data is
used for calculation.

2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
The difference between resulted values for inertia from two
approaches (HIranGrid* and HIranGrid†) is less than %2 which can
be neglected according to large scale data in modeling and
measuring procedure. Both approaches have obtained
approximately same values for the important parameter of Iran
network and it can be stated that:
HIranGrid § 5.2 sec. (8)

In this paper, the inertia constant of Iran power grid has
been obtained using two methods: simulation approach using
the largest simulation model of Iran power grid and PMU
based calculation. Outage of the generator of Bushehr power
plant as an effective event has been studied for obtaining the
inertia constant. Both approaches have obtained approximately
same values for the important parameter of Iran network. On
Figure 4: frequency data at first moments after the event the other hand, comparison of the results of two methods can
be useful for validation of the model because of approximate
B. Inertia Calculation matching between simulation and actual measurement data.
At the time of the outage of the power plant, a few
generators of network had been out of service. The initial REFERENCES
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Average 0.001419

Using the resulted average of ROCOF in eq. (5) with

considering Pn§60000 MW as the nominal generation of Iran
grid (according to IGMC dispatching center data at the event
condition), inertia time constant of Iran grid is obtained as:
HIranGrid† = 5.29 sec. (7)


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