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Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732

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Investigation on pressure drop and heat transfer performances of plate-fin iron

air preheater unit with experimental and Genetic Algorithm methods
M. Zeng a, L.X. Du a, D. Liao a, W.X. Chu a, Q.W. Wang a,⇑, Y. Luo b, Y. Sun b
Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, MOE Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, Beijing 100101, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Air preheater is one of key elements in today’s energy-saving technology. Its performance deeply depends
Received 16 April 2011 on the underlying configuration for heat transfer. In this paper, the pressure drop and heat transfer char-
Received in revised form 4 July 2011 acteristics of a high-efficiency plate-fin structure used in an air preheater are experimentally investigated
Accepted 7 August 2011
under a large variety of conditions. In particular, the critical Reynolds number for the conversion from
Available online 17 September 2011
laminar to turbulent flow in the system is obtained, and the heat transfer coefficients in the gas and
air sides of the heat exchanger are successfully separated from the overall heat transfer coefficient using
Genetic Algorithm method. The main conclusions drawn from this work will be helpful for future devel-
Plate-fin iron air preheater
Heat transfer and friction factor
opment and design of a high-efficiency heat preheater involving plate-fin structures.
Genetic Algorithm Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Separated correlation

1. Introduction into air preheater. Finally high temperature flue gas discharges into
the atmosphere through chimney after exchanging quantity of
With the increasing scarcity of energy resources, energy-saving heat with low temperature air.
and energy-efficiency-increasing have been paid more and more There are two types of air preheaters for use in steam genera-
attention. As an element of heat transfer systems, air preheater plays tors in thermal power stations: one is a tubular type built into
an important role in energy-saving and energy-efficiency-increas- the boiler flue gas ducting, and the other is a regenerative air pre-
ing [1]. Air preheater heats air by recycling waste gas in cracking heater. These may be arranged so the gas flows horizontally or ver-
furnace, boiler, heating furnace, stove, thermoplastic materials pro- tically across the axis of rotation.
duction and drying systems. Specifically, air preheater can improve Nowadays, heat pipe and rotary air preheaters are the most
the theoretical combustion temperature of fuel, ensure the neces- extensive air preheaters. Many efforts have been made to reveal
sary furnace temperature and save fuel, improve combustion effi- the flow and heat transfer performances of air preheater [3–12].
ciency and reduce steel loss and gas emissions. Rittidech [3] and Nuntaphan [4] analyzed the role of heat pipe
In particular, this article focus on the combustion air preheaters heat exchanger in waste recycling through experimental study.
used in large boilers found in thermal power stations producing Meena et al.’s results revealed that the CLOHP/CV air-preheater
electric power from fossil fuels, biomasses or waste, etc. [2]. The can reduce the relative humidity and achieve energy thrift [5]. For
air preheater recovers the heat from the boiler flue gas which thermosyphon air preheater at high temperature applications, it is
increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler by reducing the useful found that with selected mixture content of triethylene glycol
heat lost in the flue gas. As a consequence, the flue gas is also sent (TEG)-water in each row of the thermosyphon the performance of
to the flue gas stack (or chimney) at a lower temperature, allowing the system could be increased approximately 30–80% compared
simplified design of the ducting and the flue gas stack. The air pre- with pure TEG for parallel flow and 60–115% for counter flow config-
heater also allows control over the temperature of gas leaving the urations [6].
stack (to meet emissions regulations, for example). Fig. 1 shows the Bostjan et al. [7] developed a newly three-dimensional numer-
role of air preheater in a boiler system. Air enters into preheater ical model for heat transfer as the basis for a theoretical analysis of
though blower, absorbs quantity of exhaust heat, and then enters a rotary air preheater. The model enables studies of the flue-gas
into boiler to combust. On the other hand, high temperature flue flow through the preheater and the adjoining channels as well as
gas emitted by boiler goes through working portion, and enters the regenerative heat transfer and the resulting temperature distri-
bution in the matrix of the preheater. Special attention was
⇑ Corresponding author. focused on the influences of leakages on the flue-gas parameters
E-mail address: (Q.W. Wang). in the preheater. Exergy analysis methods were employed to

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
726 M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732


cp specific heat, J/(kg K) Greek

Nu Nusselt number q density, kg/m3
p static pressure, Pa Dt temperature difference between inlet and outlet, °C
Lc length along main flow direction, mm U heat transfer rate, kW
S total heat transfer area, m2 w correction factor of temperature difference
V volume, m3 ga overall surface efficiency of air-side
qm mass flow rate, kg/s gg overall surface efficiency of gas-side
umax maximum cross section velocity, m/s ba total surface area to original base surface area of air-side
de hydraulic diameter, mm bg total surface area to original base surface area of gas-side
Re Reynolds number gfa fin efficiency of air-side
k overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 K) gfg fin efficiency of gas-side
h convection heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 K)
LMTD log mean temperature difference, °C Subscripts
S gap between inner fin and inner tube surface, mm air air side
f fanning friction factor gas gas side
t temperature, °C in inlet
out outlet

measure the effect of irreversibility in rotary air preheater (RAPH) pipe. For the rotary air preheater, large power consumption, leak-
on the efficiency of thermal power plant [8]. The findings indicated age, low temperature corrosion fouling and coking problems are
that the analysis of the leakage effects on energy efficiency by still serious, so basically is not used in the steel industry. Although
means of exergy is particularly preferable in the case of RAPH. the heat pipe and rotary air preheaters have many advantages, the
Moreover, the results would provide a theoretical supplement for aforementioned disadvantages will limit their applications. Other
the adjustment of air sealing systems. Wang et al. [9] studied a types of air preheaters have been used in some case. The plate-
tri-sectional air preheater with a developed mathematical model fin air preheater (as shown in Fig. 2) has received much attention
using semi-analytical method. The effects of dimensionless param- in recent years for some merits: convenient for large-scale, modu-
eters on the temperature distribution of tri-sectional air preheater lar and combination; high heat transfer coefficient; low pressure
were investigated. The simulation results indicated that the semi- drop; corrosion resistant; withstand high and low temperature
analytical approach was more precise and had better convergence performance; anti-fouling and cleaning on-line and high reliability.
than that of the standard numerical iterative method. The numer- On the other hand, a common practice for engineering applica-
ical analysis and experimental results showed a significant depen- tions or further researches is to compress the experimental data
dence on the reduced length and reduced period of the rotary air into one or more compact correlations related to heat transfer or
preheater. A rotary regenerator was simulated by solving a devel- friction factor, e.g. Nu = cRemPrn. The most conventional way of cor-
oped mathematical model and optimized with the experimental relating data in the field of heat transfer is using the Regression
design method [10]. In this way, the effect of dimensionless Analysis (RA) technique. However, the recent studies showed that
parameters on the effectiveness of rotary heat exchangers was the predicted data through correlations obtained by RA is not so
investigated. There are only three main parameters affecting the good to describe the experimental data than that obtained by Com-
regenerator efficiency. These are rotational speed, hot air velocity putational Intelligence techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA)
and cold air velocity. Shah [11] developed a theoretical model [13–15].
which can predict qualitatively and quantitatively experimental In recent years, the application of GA in thermal engineering has
data for a full scale rotary heat exchanger operating as an air pre- been paid much attention for solving real-world problems [16–20].
heater for a pulverized coal fired boiler. Wang et al. [12] estab- Some researchers optimized the geometry of heat exchanger by GA
lished a simplified mathematical model of a segmental plate, and [16–18], some used GA for thermal design [18,19], and some ac-
investigated a thermal and stress analysis of sheet welded sheet quired both the form of the correlation equations and the constants
metal. in correlations [20–23]. Other applications in radiate heat transfer
For the heat pipe air preheater, the vacuum drop aroused by the were also presented [24]. These reports suggested that GAs have a
heat transfer medium loss and deflation will lead to failure of heat strong ability of evolutional search and combinational


Working portion
Air preheater

Fig. 1. Boiler system with air preheater.

M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732 727

2. Experimental methods

2.1. Experimental set-up

The schematic diagram of experimental set-up is shown in

Fig. 3. The fluids move in cross flow, in other words, air flows from
left to right through low temperature side channels, and gas flows
from top to bottom through high temperature side channels. The
main parts of the cycle are blower, compressor, firebox, plate-fin
iron air preheater. Compressor provides high pressure air. The nor-
mal temperature air rises to 40 °C through the compressor, and
then flows into the air-side channel and goes out after absorbing
the heat of gas-side channels. On the other hand, blower provides
low pressure gas. The normal temperature air is input into firebox,
Fig. 2. Unit of plate-fin iron air preheater. burning with the fuel (aviation kerosene) to acquire the required
high temperature gas. The gas flows into gas-side channel and goes
out after exchanging heat with air. Finally the lower temperature
gas emits into the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe.
optimization, and GAs can successfully optimize and predict
Two total pressure tubes are used to track the total pressure
thermal problems.
drop in both the inlet and outlet ports at air-side and gas-side
Returning to the present work, it is generally recognized that
channels. With these probes, the total pressure drop in each chan-
when determining the Nusselt number, the wall temperature of
nel can be measured with U style water column. The total pressure
air preheater plate should be measured before data reduction.
value of inlet at air-side and gas-side channels can be acquired
Alternatively, due to the difficulty in installing thermocouples on
with Rosemount 1151 pressure sensor. The K-thermocouples are
the wall surfaces under special conditions, researchers usually
used to measure the inlet/outlet temperatures of the air and gas
adopt the Wilson-plot technique to separate the heat transfer coef-
in the plate-fin iron air preheater. In order to eliminate measure-
ficient indirectly. However, usually this separation method should
ment error, cold junction compensation must be setup. In present
satisfy two basic requirements, that is, the thermal resistant of one
experiment, cold junction compensation is set up by keeping the
side should be kept constant and the exponent of Reynolds number
cold end temperature constant using FLUKE temperature calibra-
in correlation is fixed. Actually in practical situations, keeping the
tion furnace. In order to prevent heat loss during the test, all the
constant heat transfer of one side will involve in many difficulties
outside surfaces of the air preheater are covered by over 100 mm
of experiments, and in most cases the exponential relation of heat
thick thermal insulation materials.
transfer vs. flow rate (that is, Nu vs. Re) is not specific surely before
During the experiment for the air preheater unit, the inlet tem-
conducting experiments. The GA has no such restricted condition;
perature of air is about 40 °C; the mass flow rate of air is 0.65 kg/s
it can be used to separate the coefficients of heat transfer correla-
and 0.75 kg/s; the inlet temperature of gas changes four times from
tions in the hot and cold sides of the heat exchanger by separating
200–300 °C, the mass flow rate of gas changes five times from 0.5
the overall heat transfer coefficient without experimentally know-
to 0.9 kg/s.
ing wall temperatures.
According to the above mentioned, it can be found that the re-
2.2. Geometry of plate-fin iron air preheater
searches about plate-fin air preheater are scare. The details of pres-
sure drop and heat transfer have not been clarified yet. However,
Plate-fin iron air preheater consists of many casting fins. The
there may be plenty of applications of plate-fin air preheater in
structure charts of air-side channel and gas-side channel of
the near future in the field of engineering operations. Thus, as a
plate-fin iron air preheater unit are shown in Figs. 4 and 5
first trial we intend to study the heat transfer and flow perfor-
mances of plate-fin iron air preheater unit by experiment, and then
The equivalent diameter can be calculated by using the follow-
a Genetic Algorithm is employed to obtain the correlations by sep-
ing equation.
arating heat transfer coefficients in the total heat transfer equation
[23]. de ¼ 4 V=S ð1Þ

air blower firebox


compressor air preheater



pressure gauge
valve gas

Fig. 3. Structure diagram of experimental set-up.

728 M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732

data, and to find out the corresponding power-law correlations of

Nu vs. Re for each case. The mean value of the inlet and outlet tem-
peratures is used to evaluate the physical properties of the air or
the gas.
Base on the temperature difference Dti, and the mass flow rate
qm,i, the heat transfer rates of air-side and gas-side are calculated
by using the following equation.
Ui ¼ qm;i  cip  Dti ði ¼ a; gÞ ð3Þ

where the a and g represent the air-side and the gas-side sepa-
rately; qm is mass flow rate; cp is specific heat at constant pressure;
Dti is the temperature difference between inlet and outlet.
In all tests, the heat balance between the two sides, |Ua  Ug|/
Um, is within 5%. Um is the average heat transfer rate.
Fig. 4. Structure chart of air-side channels. Um ¼ ðUa þ Ug Þ=2 ð4Þ
The overall heat transfer coefficient, k is calculated from the fol-
lowing equation.
k¼ ð5Þ
where A is surface area of clapboard; LMTD is the log mean temper-
ature difference and defined as follows.
Dt max  Dt min
LMTD ¼ w  ð6Þ
lnðDt max =Dt min Þ
where w is the correction factor of temperature difference [26].
To avoid the two constraints of Wilson-plot technique, Genetic
Algorithm (GA) is used to separate heat transfer coefficient. GA is
maintained by a population of parent individuals that represent
Fig. 5. Structure chart of gas-side channel.
the latent solutions of a real-world problem. Each individual is as-
signed a fitness based on how well each individual fits in a given
environment, evaluated by survival of the fittest. Fit individuals
Table 1 go through the process of survival selection, crossover, and muta-
Geometry of plate-fin iron air preheater.
tion, creating a next generation, called child individuals. A new
Item Unit Value population is therefore formed by selection of good individuals
Equivalent diameter of air-side mm 28.19 from parent and child individuals. After some generations, the
Heat transfer area of air-side m2 11.68 algorithm is converged to the best individual, which possibly rep-
Heat transfer area of clapboard m2 3.21 resents the best solution of the given problem. More details about
Mini-cross sectional area of air-side m2 0.0722
the description of the Genetic Algorithm can be found in many
Equivalent diameter of gas-side mm 22.43
Heat transfer area of gas-side m2 14.06 classic books [26,27].
Thickness of clapboard mm 6 The conventional GA determines the global maximum value in
Mini-cross sectional area of gas-side m2 0.0747 search spaces; however, the objective of the present correlation
and prediction is to make the deviation minimum between the
predicted and the experimental results. Thus, when searching the
where V is the volume of flow, S is the total heat transfer area. Table coefficients, a fitness function is developed as described in the fol-
1 shows the main geometry of air preheater in air-side and gas-side. lowing procedure.
In the present experiments, the area of each side is not identical
as shown in Table 1. For convenience, the overall heat transfer
3. Data reduction
coefficient is written based on the area of the clapboard.
3.1. Pressure drop
1 1 ds 1
The pressure drop is characterized by adopting the Fanning fric- ¼ þ þ ð7Þ
k ha ga ba ks hg gg bg
tion coefficient [25].
where ga and gg are the overall surface efficiency of air-side and
f ¼ ð2Þ gas-side, respectively; ba, bg are the total (fin plus expose base) sur-
2qu2max Lc face area to the original base surface area of air-side and gas-side
where Dp is the pressure differences between the inlet and outlet of (ba = 3.8, bg = 4.57); ds is the thickness of clapboard (ds = 6 mm); ks
the two sides, (Pa). Lc is the length along the main flow direction is the thermal conductivity of clapboard (ks ¼ 39:2 W=ðm KÞ).
(m). The overall surface efficiency can be calculated as follows.
gi ¼ ðA1i þ gfi A2i Þ=ðA1i þ A2i Þ ði ¼ a; gÞ ð8Þ
3.2. Heat transfer
where A1i is the surface area of expose base, A2i is the surface area of
The main purpose of the data reduction is to determine the Nus- fin and gfi is the fin efficiency. The fin cross-section is non-uniform
selt number, Nu, of the heat exchangers from the experimental (as shown in Figs. 4 and 5), which results in the difficulty of
M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732 729

determining fin efficiency. The structures of fins are simplified as Table 2

fins of uniform cross section under the condition of equal height Summary of uncertainties analysis.

and heat transfer area. So, the final fin efficiency of air-side and Parameter Uncertainties (%) Parameter Uncertainties (%)
gas-side can be calculated as follows. qm 2.01 U 3.47
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi q 2 h 4
tanhðmHc Þ tanhð0:023 24:6ha Þ umax 4.02 Re 5.3
gfa ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9aÞ T 2 Nu 5.29
mHc 0:023 24:6ha
Dp 0.1 f 8.81
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi de 2.82 k 4.48
tanhðmHc Þ tanhð0:0296 19:43hg Þ
gfg ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9bÞ
mHc 0:0296 19:43hg R ¼ f ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn Þ ð15Þ
The flow in the plate-fin iron air preheater can regard as inter- The absolute uncertainty of R can be determined
nal flow, and the Nusselt number can be assumed as follows. "
X 2 #1=2
m @R
Nu ¼ cRe ð10Þ DR ¼ DX i ð16Þ
@X i
Supposing the average heat transfer coefficients vary slightly in
a certain point, the fin efficiencies are constant in Eqs. (9a) and The relative uncertainty of R can also be determined
(9b), so the overall surface efficiencies are constant as well. Sup- "  #1=2
posing c0 = cg, substituting it into Eq. (10), we obtain DR DX i 2
¼ ð17Þ
R i¼1
Nug ¼ c Re ð11Þ
where DXi are the absolute uncertainties of Xi. The precision of flow
Based on the definition of Nusselt number, the heat transfer
rate meters is ±2.01%, and that of temperature is 2.0%. Data of a typ-
coefficients can be calculated as follows.
ical experimental case are used to calculate the uncertainty of the
0 k1 parameters, and the summary is shown in Table 2.
ha ¼ ha ga ¼ c01 Rem1 ð12aÞ
de1 a
4. Results and discussion
0 k2
hg ¼ hg gg ¼ c02 Rem2 ð12bÞ
de2 g 4.1. Pressure drop
Incorporating Eq. (12) into Eq. (7) yields.
Figs. 6 and 7 show the pressure drops of the heat exchanger as
1 1 ds 1 the increase of the inlet temperature and the mass flow rate of the
¼ þ þ ð13aÞ
k h0a ba ks h0g bg gas-side. As the inlet temperature of the gas-side increase, the
pressure drops in the gas-side increase slightly, and the pressure
1 1 1 drops in the air-side are almost the same. The physical properties
¼ þ 0:0001531 þ ð13bÞ change of the gas flows is the main reason for the increase of the
k 3:8c01 dk1 Rem
4:57c2 de2 Rem
0 k2
e1 pressure drops as the inlet temperature increases.
As the gas flow rate of the gas-side increases, the Dp/p increase
In Eq. (13b), there are four coefficients, c01 , c02 , m1, m2, to be ob-
quickly in the gas side while the Dp/p in the air-side nearly the
tained. Fortunately, these four coefficients can be found by GA-
same. The average velocity of the hot gas flows has a proportional
based separation. After collecting n (n = 40) sets of experimental
relation with the mass flow rate. So the pressure drops of the gas-
points, the fitness function now is defined as
side increase quickly as the mass flow rate increases. For the mean
10 temperature of the cold air flows changes very small, the pressure
fitness ¼ P   ð14Þ
n  i drops of the air-side change slightly.
n i 100kk
ki  As shown in Fig. 8, the friction factor data for the gas-side is pre-
sented from Re = 5000–11,000. It can be found that there is a
where ki can be directly reduced from the experimental data. It is
change in slope in the curve of f vs. Re, which means the flow will
noted from above fitness function that its value of being less than
transition from laminar to turbulent near the region (Re = 6000–
unity results in the averaged relative deviation of being less than
7000). And in the experiment, the gas flue is heated by the oil in
the combustion chamber. Because the combustion of the oil has
In the present study, tournament selection, uniform crossover,
a fluctuation, the temperature of the gas flue has a fluctuation
and one-point mutation were selected. Niching and elitism are
which result in the fluctuation of the density of gas flue. In the
adopted [28–30]. The size of the population and maximum evolu-
same mass flow rate, the pressure loss increases quickly as
tion generation were set to 40 and 1000, respectively. The probabil-
the temperature increases. The fluctuation of the temperature is
ity of crossover and mutation were set to 0.5 and 0.005, respectively.
the main reason leading to the scattered points in Fig. 8.
The selection of genetic parameters is a trial-and-error process, and
with the variation of these parameters, results are not exactly iden-
4.2. Heat transfer
tical but are very close to each other. On the other hand, the selection
of genetic parameters and operators is based on the previous recom-
Under the same air mass flow rate and fuel gas inlet temperature,
mendations [23,28].
the heat transfer rate increases as the fuel gas mass flow rate
increases as shown in Fig. 9a. The reason is that the mass flow rate
3.3. Uncertainty analysis leads to the increase of velocity so that the heat transfer coefficient
is enhanced. The heat transfer rate against the fuel gas-side inlet
The uncertainty analysis is studied carefully with the method temperature under hot experimental conditions is plotted in
presented in Kline and McClintock [31]. Given a variable R, which Fig. 9b. The results in this figure indicate that the heat transfer rate
is a function of n independent variables x1, x2 ,. . . , xn. increases with the increase of fuel gas inlet temperature. It is obvious
730 M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732


1.0 43

Δp/p / %

Δpgas /pgas

Φ / kW
0.6 Δpair /pair
Δptot /p

0.4 39

200 220 240 260 280 300
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
tg,in / °C -1
q m,g / kg⋅ s
Fig. 6. Dp/p vs. tg,in.
Δpgas /pgas
1.2 Δpair /pair
Δptot /p
Δp /p / %

Φ / kW


0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 30
qm,g / kg⋅s 200 220 240 260 280 300
tg,in °
/ C
Fig. 7. Dp/p vs. qm,g.
Fig. 9. U vs. qm,g and tg,in.
using Eq. (5) based on the experimental data; the other one is
based on GA technique. The detailed process of GA method and
the comparison between these two methods are shown as follows.
The evolution process for the fitness is shown in Fig. 10. At the
beginning of evolution process (about less than 70 generations),
the differences between every individual are relatively large, in

0.08 turn leads to the individuals with low fitness being eliminated
and individuals with higher fitness being saved. After certain gen-
erations (about larger than 200 generations), the variation of fit-
0.07 ness for minimum deviation is small, finally approaching to a
constant value. The constant value is 11.14 and the average relative
error is 0.9%.
0.06 Fig. 11 shows the differences between overall heat transfer
4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 coefficients of experiment and forecasting. In this figure, data in
y-coordinate refer to the results obtained by GA separation while
the data in x-coordinate refer to the experimentally measured data.
Fig. 8. f vs. Re for gas side. The middle straight line means that the GA results are similar to
the experimental results. It can be seen that, most of predicted re-
that the temperature difference between the fuel gas side and air sults obtained by GA are much closer to the middle straight line,
side has a significant effect on the heat transfer rate. which means good agreements with the experimental data. The
As mentioned above, the overall heat transfer coefficient can be averaged relative deviations are lower than 5%, and the maximum
obtained by two different methods: one is obtained by RA method is 4.99% and the minimum is 0.016%.
M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732 731

12 0.86

0.84 experimental results

fitted line
ηfa=1.805-0.0278 h'a


η fa

2 0.74

0 0.72
0 200 400 600 800 1000 34 35 36 37 38 39
Generations h'a / W⋅m ⋅K
-2 -1

Fig. 10. Evolution process of maximizing fitness.

Fig. 12. Variation of fin efficiency with separated heat transfer coefficient for air


90 0.74

experimental results
k / W⋅m ⋅K

fitted line

-5% ηfg=0.946-0.004 h'g


60 0.66
60 70 80 90 100
-2 -1
ki / W⋅m ⋅K 0.64
50 55 60 65 70 75
Fig. 11. Plot of separated overall heat transfer coefficient against experimental -2 -1
data. h'g / W⋅m ⋅K

Fig. 13. Variation of fin efficiency with separated heat transfer coefficient for gas
Based on the determined overall heat transfer coefficient, the
heat transfer coefficients of air side and gas-side are separated
from the overall heat transfer coefficient by GA. Because the ther-
(5) Calculate the overall surface efficiency gi through Eq. (8).
mal properties and geometry are known, the four unknown vari-
(6) Calculate the heat transfer coefficient h through h = h0 /gi.
ables c01 , c02 , m1, m2 can be founded successfully with the peculiar
(7) If the relative deviation of h in steps (1) and (6) are greater
global search characteristics. Finally, the Nusselt numbers of air-
than a certain value, return to step (3) using the new value
side and gas-side can be acquired as follows.
h acquired in step (6); otherwise, the iteration will stop.
Nua ga ¼ 0:56Re0:44
a ð18Þ
Through the iteration method, the relation of fin efficiency gf
Nug gg ¼ 0:32Re0:52 ð19Þ with the separated heat transfer coefficient h0 can be acquired as
shown in Figs. 12 and 13. For engineering application, if the value
In Eqs. (18) and (19), the fin efficiency g depends on the heat of Re is known, the value of Nug can be derived through Eqs. (18)
transfer coefficient h. The heat transfer coefficient is unknown be- and (19). After getting the value of h0 through Nug ¼ h de =k, the fin
fore separation. We can acquired the fin efficiency through the sep- efficiency can be acquired through Figs. 12 and 13, and then the
arated heat transfer coefficient h0 and Eq. (9) by iteration method, overall surface efficiency can be calculated through Eq. (8). With
as follows. the overall surface efficiency, the Nusselt number and heat transfer
coefficient can be acquired. Fig. 14 shows the variation of the
(1) Suppose an initial value for the heat transfer coefficient h. Nusselt number of gas-side with Reynolds number. From the
(2) Input the heat transfer coefficient h0 separated by GA. figure, we can find that the heat transfer coefficient increases with
(3) Calculate the term mHc and th(mHc). Reynolds number, and the correlation for Nusselt number is also
(4) Calculate the fin efficiency gf through Eq. (9). acquired.
732 M. Zeng et al. / Applied Energy 92 (2012) 725–732

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