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Ska Qa Rfi 00071

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AX ENVIRONMENT REHABIUTATION PROGRAMA ENSHAAl d&Znta UNDER UN LEGISLATION FOR INDEMNIICATION Project: South Kuwait Excavation, Transportation & Remediation Project (SKETR-Il) Project, Zone-"A Contract No: 23059088 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) ro Company Representative Toei numer 220ssose-ska-ae 00071 From Enshaat/Dekonta A. S Inspection Date & Time 02/Dec/2023, 08:00 AM Ire Ret. & | 305908 sexi eo00s: | mspection cation |New Technology Plant Area AetuyIb | Ganeoraea (Subores /Subzone /ri)_| Porton) 1. Excavation and Earthworks Inspection Record (ci-1TR-00071-01).. [Attachments | 2. Site Preparation Works (CI-ITR-00071-02) 3. 23059088-050-CI-DAL-00018 Rev A 4, Approved Lab test results ; 3 Civil Duxo D Environmental Mechanical Inspection Type: Deltectrical General Intervention Point: Review & witness Hold Inspection Activity: Inspection of Field Density test for bottom of foundations for new treatment technology plant (Portion-4) as per attached Highlighted drawing. Submitted (Contractor) SELVAMURUGAN TAMAR [Received (Company) | | =~ = TWEE Date & Sign | 30/Now/2023 Og. ff | Date & Sign | Time | 10:00 am Time | 7 Inspection Result WW approveo 0 resected Subcontractor Contractor ‘Company / PMC Name Designation wh ‘QA/GC ENGINEE! [Signature & Date A [stamp Form No: 23059088-SKA-QA-FRM-00001 Rev. 0 & Dato 10 July, 2028 Page 4 of 1 rjc: South una Excavation, Transporation & NGHAL oiggnta emadaton! SeeTw ll alec tore n onseciuraaepees Inspection & Test Record (ITR} ITR Form: 23059088-SKA-CI-CHK-00002 Rev. A Excavation and Earthworks Inspection Record TTR No. 23059088-SKA-CI-TR-00071.01 Date 02/0ec/2023 Location 7 | New Technology RFI Reference | 23059088-SKA-CA-RF-000721 ‘cubaaee Pant Aes (Porat) Drawing / '23059088-050-CI-DAL-00018-001 RevA | Grid Number | All Grids Document No. I 3 on Inspection Findings . Description Remarks i . Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory To conf te etiod of excavation rproved, and confirm sutase matral 2 1 | separated and stockpiled ata convenient x Oo part ofthe so | ==_| Excavation work pai blaed, sisting underground (UG) semices 2 | location checked and is marked prior to a a Sart of eat wars inepeaton of excavation area sting oat 3 and marking & o To confer iat excavation propery 4 | sloped with sate angles wy Qo To conf hat ajoing ong aT | 5 seneen protected sensu hat roper |B a | | ooess tothe excavated area provided | | | Ho ensure at he steyarangemons | & | andmeasures ppropratay maseard | | | © | prover aison pedod sta arcs Lo 7 | Formation evel and compaction of Ease ——+ | as per Pe raw | Veticason of compaction et repors or i j= | veto a | o | | KOC /PMC Remarks: 7 ITR STATUS WZ accerteo (©) NOTACcEPTED Subcontractor Contractor Koc / PMc NA [mR SELVAMURUGAN— Stenature & NA KETR |l- ZONE A Fe. ‘ Stamp 2. Form No: 23058088.SKA-Q)-FRM-00002 Rev. 0& Date, 10-uy-2023, Page Loft. GULF INSPECTION INTERNATIONAL CO, P.O. Box : 24993, Safat - 13110, Kuwalt Tel. : 24748859 / 24735121 / 24733048; Fax : 24733045, METHOD OF COMPACTION : R.Compactor MATERIAL DESCRIPTION : Gatch [APPARATUS NO. : 1083-21 OVERSIZED MATERIALS (9%) : = DATE OF REPORT : 03-12-2023 LAYER NO. : Bottom of Foundation DATE OF TEST: LAYER THICKNESS (em) : 15cm REPORT NO. ELEVATION (m) : - KOC CLIENT REF. NO. : [TEST LOCATION & NO. [Treatment pad area ‘Test Location |FOT for New treatment technology plant area for bottom of foundation prior to placing footing concrete ‘Test No. 1 2 3 4 | SRetest ISANDCONE TEST DATA / VOL OF TEST HOLE T | [ [Wt of apparatus filled with sand @ | 9902) ore a5 | 668 | 95S \Wt. of apparatus and remaining sand (g) | 3987 4053 3785 30 | as | |Wt. of sand in hole, plate and cone (9) sais | S7it 5960 S775 5860 |Wt. of sand in plate and cone 3739 1739 39) 178 [Bulk density of sana i 1528 1523 | \wtof sand in hole “| 3972 4221 4036) 4121 Volume of test hole 2508 | 2761 2630 | 2695 \WET DENSITY | We. of wet sol from hole-rtare ses [5765 ta oo | 10 5530 05 S755 [wee density 2.129 2.030 2135_| DRY DENSITY } |Moisture content (ASTM D 4944) 7a 86 78 78 |lory density _ (g/em?)| 1.990 1.988 1.870 1.907 1981_| [REFERENCE PROCTOR TEST (ASTM D 1557) 1 1 lOptimum Moisture content (hy so [ao wo | 80 80 Max Dry Density —__(g/em’)| 2.040 2.040 2040 | 2040 | 2.040 SPECIFICATION I Specified Min Relative Compaction __(%) 95 | oS a jresutts I | Relative Compaction at Test Point 78 | 94 | ae) aS a (Overall Result Pass Pass | [Fai Pass Remarks: The validity period of this document/report is (1) month, to be measured, delivery unless otherwise stated within the contract agreement. “Layer thickness identified by client. eg)" its final submission/ Laboratory Manager PROXECT: [South Kuwait Excavation, Transportation and Remediation - (SKETER-T) Zor Al DIENT: Enshaat Al-Sayer General Trading and Contracting Co, With Dekonta AS | LABAPPROVAL #37 kuwait Oi! Company [LOCATION :|Kuwait Oil Company Area W:\2023\G81 - PROJECT REPORTS\Monthy Chents\12- December 2023\Enshaat A Sayer Co\FDT\2023 06 02630_FOT Issue no: 1 Issue date: une 2010 Fap-49 coding WT Me 3b Bel conve Hommer ——ss00 Vertical view Viroting screen sillom spe CO OT, oe ~900 577) +570 - 3000: san 0 Informatten Reviewed sia | ‘ams 1, RL DNONSOS AE MLERERS ONERISE NED 2 Uk 0 SRONAES HE WHET NO RBIENED 10 {NRL TOMEMERE MINOT ORD (Us) 20 EN, | OINTON 9L BE OT On-STE WI RENEORED cou BO. 7,08 cE TOE SHON 4 S96 Sau A OER ML cM SNC: Ho ‘Geox ive coc Posen ST 5. SIN USD SHU BC SME REOSUNCE THE CORE ‘ore cio Ter 6 L aannes wo mo S00 ODE OF ME CRETE os ma oc on CDE 7. mo oFcaUewON TB ITED ON SHE SUCK Da SIO LORL OAC HAF 6 8 COMDETE INO KF OT. sus (eno, ZSbn-80-0-DA-t02, FEV-D TATOO i approved Oe Nreeaievaned A Need torpor rant le Rnjetd-Ruenbvt conta cae CONTRACTOR REVISI OC APPROVALS i 42650 Fowoxnos To Te SePRRATON PUN? Lo ying tine of foundation 3V/6 OF ENSHART AL-SAYER ‘GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING 60. WLL WITH ‘DEKONTAAS “SOUTH FUWATT EXCAVATION, TRANSPORTATION AND ‘neneoTATONst avarma}mazecr sone | —~SkeTR-, ZONE A — [NEW TECHNOLOGY PLANT ‘SETTING QUT LAYOUT. '23059085-050-c1-oaL-oooxe-oo1 [x'| Tore

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