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1. This is otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law.

A. RA 5478
B. RA 5487
C. RA 8551
D. RA 8515
2. A new Private Security Agency shall be issued a temporary license to operate
that is good for:
A. six months
B. one year and six months
C. one year
D. two years
3. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible urge due to
unexpected opportunity and little chance of detection?
A. systematic pilferer
B. ordinary pilferer
C. casual pilferer
D. unusual pilferer
4. A security force maintained and operated by any private company/corporation
utilizing any of its employees to watch, secure or guard its business
establishment premises, compound or properties is called:
a. Company Guard Force
b. Government Guard Unit
c. Private Security Agency
d. All of these
5. The vault door should be made of steel at least in thickness?
A. 7 inches
B. B. 9 inches
C. C. 6 inches
D. D. 20 feet or more
6. The maximum number of private security personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may
employ shall be: a. 500
b. 1500
c. 1000
d. 2000
7. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national economy
a. relative vulnerability
b. relative necessity
c. relative criticality
d. relative security
8. A type of fence that is constructed in such a way that visual access through the
fence is denied is called:
a. Chain link fence
b. Solid fence
c. Concertina wire fence
d. Full-view fence
9. The minimum age requirement for Security Manager or Operator of a security
agency is :
A. 40 yrs old
B. B. 25 yrs old
C. C. 30 yrs old
D. 35 yrs old
10. What is the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relation to
their work?
A. Indoctrination
B. Education
C. Training
D. Inspection
11. Which of the following DOCTRINES is governing planning, organizing and
employment of PNP force in the accomplishment of basic security mission in
maintaining peace and order?
A. Complimentary
B. Operational
C. Fundamental
D. Functional
12. What security is involve in the protection of classified papers from loss, damage
and compromised through disclosures?
A. Industria
B. Warrant
C. Document
D. Physical
13. What are documents or records which are irreplaceable or any reproduction do
not have the same value as the originals?
A. Secured
B. Important
C. Vital
D. useful
14. A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license to operate must
have a minimum of:
a. 100 Guards
b. 500 Guards
c. 200 Guards
d. 1000 Guards
15. If Paco Alvarado wants to become a SG, how many hours of training is needed
to acquire his license as SG?
A. 150 Hours
B. 48 Hours
C. 72 Hours
D. 300 Hours
16. All EXCEPT one are the line leadership staff:
A. Detachment Commander
B. Chief Inspector
C. Post-in-Charge
D. Security Supervisor 1
17. What type of SECURITY is when an architect assumed the owners of quality
steel for the perimeter wall, steel doors will be used for the main entrance to
prevent an unauthorized entrance?
A. Natural
B. Safe barrier
C. Plain
D. Physical
18. What term is applied to a device or system that in the event of failure of a
component the incapacity will be signaled?
A. Doppler effect
B. Peterman
C. Duress code
D. Fail safe
19. A type of protective alarm system where the protective alarm located outside the
A. Local Alarm system
B. Central Station System
C. Auxiliary System
D. Proprietary
20. New employees should be briefed on security rules and regulations of the
organization and the importance of observing them. This process is
A. Security promotion
B. Security reminders
C. Security orientation.
D. Security investigation
21. What should be undertaken by a Security Officer before he can prepare a
comprehensive security program for his industrial plan?
A. security conference
B. security survey
C. security check
D. security education
22. Is the process of conducting physical examination to determine compliance with
establishment security policies and procedures?
A. Security Education
B. Security Inspection
C. Security Planning
D. Security Survey
23. What is the required capital investment for organization of private security
A. P 500,000
B. P 1,000,000
C. P 100,000
D. D. P 50,000
24. It is a natural, man-made or physical device which is capable of restricting,
deterring or delaying illegal access to an installation.
A. Fence
B. barrier
C. wall
D. hazard
25. What is the most active terrorist organization in the Philippines wherein the
efforts of PNP and AFP with the support of the government show that there is a
decline in cases?
A. Al Qaeda
D. Muslim militants
26. The president and the consultant of a corporation were invited to be the
speakers for the opening of another company, what type of security was
A. Special
B. Personal
C. Operational
D. Critical
27. The president and the consultant of a corporation were invited to be the
speakers for the opening of another company, what type of security was
A. Special
B. Personal
C. Operational
D. Critical
28. These are barbed wires placed above the vertical fence in order to increase
physical protection of establishments or installations
A. Top tower
B. Top guard
C. Cellar guard
D. Tower guard house Guard Control Station
29. It refers to a protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by
various methods and device.
a. Physical Security
b. Operational Security
c. Perimeter Security
d. Security
30. A portable and detachable lock having or sliding hasp which passes through a
staple ring or the like and is then made fast or secured.
a. Lock
b. Padlock
c. Code Operated
d. Card Operated
31. Barbed wire fences standard wire is twisted, double strand, 12-gauge wire with 4
point barbs spaces in an equal part. Barbed wire fencing should not be less than
___ high excluding the top guard.
a. 8 feet
b. 7 feet
c. 9 feet
d. 6 feet
32. An act or condition, which results in a situation conducive to a breach of the
protection system, or that, could result to loss.
a. Hazards
b. Natural Hazards
c. Human Hazards
d. Security Hazards
33. Which among the following aspects of Security is the weakest of them all?
a. Physical security
b. Personnel security
c Personal Security
d Document Security
34. What LINE of defense is considered by using perimeter fence, security guards
and barriers?
A. Third
B. First
C. Alternative
D. Second
35. The minimum number of guards required for a Company Security Force is:
a. 1000
b. 100
c. 30
d. 200
36. Common weakness for a sentry dog when used as an animal barrier.
a. Ability to check identity
b. Keen sense of smell and hearing
c. Incorruptible
d. Loyalty
37. If utility opening such as air intakes, sewers, and exhaust tunnels have a cross
section of ninety-six inches or more, as a security consultant what should be the
appropriate recommendation?
a. It should be protected by filters and bar grills
b. It should be closed immediately to avoid entry of persons with petit physique
c. It should be manned with an armed guard at all times
d. should be place on it to detect movements
38. Protective guarding in a compound can be done by the use of electronic
hardware, human guards and even animals. In England, an owner to protect his
compound used this and they are not only effective but also the cheapest to
maintain. This man is using ___
a. Doberman dogs
b. Tamed tigers and lions
c. Geese
d. Ducks
39. Today there are three categories of security guards belonging to the “Blue Army”.
One of those listed below does not belong to the group.
a. Body guards
b. Agency guards
c. Company guard
d. Government Security guards
40. There are many types of electronic and electric protective devices available for
security buildings, storehouses and compounds. One of the following is true.
a. Electronic/ electric devices eliminated human guards
b. Each building or compound requires particular electronic/ electrical
protective devices
c. Types of alarms needed can best be given by the dealers of said devices
d. Electronic/ electric devices provide total protection for the place to be
41. What is the “program” given to employees of an installation by lecture and other
means pertaining to measures and safeguards to be taken to protect the interest
of the installation from loss, damage, sabotage, pilferage, and other criminal
acts? a. Security Survey
c. Security Education
d. Security Planning
d. Security Inspection
42. VIP Security, Armored Car and Aviation Security are what kind of security
training programs?
a. Pre-licensing
b. Refresher
c. Specialized
d. Supervisory
43. An authenticated list of personnel allowing entry to the plant, facility or room with
classified work is called what?
a. Access List
b. I.D. System
c. Personnel List
d. VIP List
44. A stationary luminary lighting devised in a way that its light beam is directed
towards the intruder.
a. Controlled Illumination
b. Movable Lighting
c. Stationary Luminary
d. Glare-projection Type
45. What is an electronic or mechanical device that serves to warn of danger by
means of a sound or signal? It provides an electrical and mechanical means of
detecting intruders and announcing their proximity which endanger the security
of a restricted area, a facility, or its components.
a. Signaling System
b. Fire Alarm
c. Alarm
d. Siren
46. A term used in England for lock pickers, safecrackers, and penetrators of
restricted areas.
a. Peter Pan
b. Peter Pat
c. Peter Piper
d. Peter Man
47. . Private Detectives of Private Detective Agencies are mandated to carry
a. Yes, it is needed in their line of work.
b. Yes, they also have licenses issued by the PNP.
c. No, they are not allowed by law.
d. No, their use of firearms is optional.
48. How many number of firearms ammunition is a private security guard allowed to
have in his or her possession.
a. Fifty (50) rounds per firearm
b. Twenty-five (25) rounds per firearm
c. Seventy (70) rounds per firearm
d. one-hundred (100) rounds per firearm
49. Those that carry sabotage work are called what in intelligence parlance?
a. provocateur
b. infiltrators
c. spies
d. saboteurs
50. Pilferage means theft, sabotage is the malicious disruption of plant operations,
vandalism relates to destruction of company property and espionage is about
covert gathering of information. These are collectively known in security as
a. Natural Hazards
b. Occupational Hazard
c. Man-made Hazards
d. Operational Hazards
51. Comparing pilferage, sabotage, vandalism and espionage, what is the most
annoying of all and why?
a. Pilferage, because of its regularity in occurrence.
b. Sabotage, because it stops company operations.
c. Vandalism, because it destroys company property.
d. Espionage, because important information is lost.
52. Basic Security Guard Course and Security Officers course are examples of this
type of security guard training.
a. Pre-licensing Training ‘
b. Refresher Training
c. Specialized Training
d. Supervisory Training
53. A written order/schedule issued by a superior officer usually the private security
agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning the performance of
private security/detective service duties.
a. General Duty Order
b. Duty General Order
c. Duty Detail Order
d. Guard Detail Order
54. Document issued by the Chief, Philippine National Police or his duly authorized
representative, authorizing a person to engage in employing security guard or
detective, or a juridical person to establish, engage, direct, manage or operate
an individual or a private detective agency or private security agency/company
security force.
a. Security Guard License
b. Security Agency License
c. License to Operate
d. Business Permit
55. The prescribed ratio of firearm to security guard that a PSA must adhere to.
a. 1:1
b. 1:2
c. 2:1
d. 2:2
56. Key to a single lock within a master keyed system.
a. change key
b. sub-master key
c. master key
d. grand master key
57. Can natural hazards be prevented by security force of a plant?
A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather bureau
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life and property
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drills
58. Which of the following types of lock is generally used in car doors?
A. Warded lock
B. Lever lock
C. Disc tumbler lock
D. Combination lock
59. Sir Robert Peel’s concept of modern police are 1. Organized along military lines
who are screened and trained 2. Hired on a probationary basis and deployed by
time and area 3. Accessible to the people and maintains records 4. Good
appearance commands respect. 5. Public security demands that every police be
given a code
A. 1, 3 and 5
B. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
C. 2 and 4
D. 2, 3, 4 and 5
60. What unit of PNP handles the processing and issuances of license for private
security personnel?
61. America’s most famous private investigator and founder of Criminal
A. Allan Pinkerton
B. Cesar Nazareno
C. Frederick the Great
D. Robert Peel
62. In security survey, who is NOT involved in crime prevention, but creates a
situation that defer crime?
A. Manager
B. Investigator
C. Surveyor
D. Personnel
63. Involve the installation of physical barriers, security lighting, use of vaults, locks
and others.
a. Active measures
b. Passive measures
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
64. Those that will deter man from committing such act of fear of being caught,
charge in court or get dismissed
a. Active measures
b. Passive measures
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
65. Unobstructed area maintain on both sides of the perimeter barrier.
a. Zone
b. Clear zone
c. Zoning
d. All of the above
66. Is a visual or audible signaling device, which initiates conditions of associated
a. Alarm
b. Barrier
c. Protective Alarm
d. Annunciator
67. Type of perimeter barrier made of chain link designed with mesh openings not
larger than two inches squares.
a. Wire fence
b. Fence
c. barrier
d. All of the above
68. Type of barbed wire that is formed in large coils.
a. Top guard
b. Fence
c. Wire Fence
d. Concertina wire
69. Defined as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to
prevent entry to a building or room.
a. Physical barrier
b. Man made barrier
c. Lock
d. All of the above
70. Private security agency/private detective agency/company security
force/government security force is allowed to possess firearms in excess of five
hundred (500) units.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
71. The title of the Republic Act 5487, as amended.
a. Private Security Guard Law
b. Private Security Agency Law
c. Private Security Detective Law
d. None of the above
72. The numbers of security personnel to be maintained to secure regular license to
operate by the private security agency is a minimum of one hundred licensed
private security personnel and a maximum of one thousand.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
73. The following are the basis for the confiscation of firearms, except.
a. When the firearm is actually being used in the commission of a crime
b. When the firearm has just been used in the commission of a crime
c. When the firearm being carried by the security guard is unlicensed or a firearm is
not authorized by law and regulation for his use.
d. When the confiscation of the firearm is directed by the order of the
74. It is an irresistible urge to steal items of trivial value.
a. The need or desire
b. The criminal tendency
c. The psychological need
d. All of the above
75. The susceptibility of the plant or establishment to damage, loss, or disruption of
operation due to various hazard.
a. Relative vulnerability
b. Relative criticality of operations
c. Relative humidity
d. Relative security
76. Practical test or exercise of plans or any activity to test its validity, an operational
readiness exercise
a. Dry run
b. Exercises
c. Drill
d. All of the above
77. Type of code system so that security personnel or any employee when forced by
armed men intending to enter an installation can five alarm by the use of certain
a. Duress Code
b. Coded Code
c. List Code
d. Secret Code
78. A cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but of bigger size to
accommodate limited people to work on the records inside
a. Vault room
b. Restricted area
c. File room
d. Exclusion area
79. A grant given by the government to an inventor, conveying and securing to him
the exclusive rights to make, use and sell his invention.
a. Patent
b. Intellectual property
c. Ownership
d. Proprietary
80. Any information and material, the unauthorized disclosure of which would cause
exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically, economically or militarily.
a. Restricted
b. Secret
c. Confidential
d. Top Secret
81. Any information and materials, the unauthorized disclosure of which would be
prejudicial to the interest or prestige of the nation or governmental activity or
would cause administrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury.
a. Restricted
b. Secret
c. Confidential
d. Top Secret
82. Term given to the requirement that the dissemination of classified matters be
limited strictly to those persons whose official duties require knowledge thereof.
a. Need to know
c. Dissemination
d. Classification
d. Tagging
83. Refers to the grant of access to classified matter only to properly cleared
persons when such classified information is required in the performance of their
official duties.
a. Security Clearance
b. Access
c. Document Security
d. Compartmentation
84. Is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible from a security
standpoint for access to classified matter of a specific category
a. Security Clearance
b. Access
c. Document Security
d. Compartmentation
85. One of the purposes of the perimeter barrier is to expose the perimeter of the
area to be secured.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
86. Interception of communication using an electronic device
a. Eavesdropping
b. Wiretapping
c. Bugging
d. Encoding
87. The Court may allow any Law Enforcement Agency to conduct wiretapping in
any offense under RPC.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Partially False
88. A house like structures above the perimeter barrier which increases the range of
a. Top guard
b. Wire Fence
c. Towers
d. Security lighting
89. Distinctive identifying qualities which serve as an index to the essential or
intrinsic nature of a person
a. Integrity
b. Discretion
c. Morals
d. Reputation
90. The following are the advantages of the company guard force, except.
a. High caliber and receives higher salary
b. Provides better service
c. Can be trained to handle some of the more complex security duties
d. May be required to join the union;
91. The following are the qualifications of the Security Officer, except.
a. Filipino citizen
b. Holder of a Masters degree
c. Physically and mentally fit
d. Has graduated from a Security Officer Training Course or its equivalent
92. Involves the protection of top-ranking officials of the government , visiting
persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
A. V.I.P. security
B. School Security
C. Hotel Security
D. Document Security
93. A barrier and which have cross sectional area of 96 square inches or more
should be protected by bars, grills and water.
A. Utilities opening
B. Gates and Door
C. Sidewalk elevator
D. Clear Zone
94. A system of alarm which required pressure on both side of the device and
therefore the probability of accidental alarm is reduce.
A. Foot button
B. Double Squeeze buttons
C. Foot Rail activation
D. Microwave device
95. A person not a regular police force or member of the A.F.P., who does detective
work for hire, reward or commission.
A. Security guard
B. Security survey
C. Security planning
D. Private detective
96. In which the badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas issued
to an employees who keeps it in the possession until his authorization is change
or until he terminates.
A. Single Pass
B. Pass exchange system
C. Visitors pass system
D. Multiple Pass System
97. Which of the following is NOT a false key?
A. picklock or similar tool .
B. A duplicate key of the owner.
C. A genuine key stolen from the owner.
D. Any key other than those intended by the owner
98. PADPAO stands for:
A. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
B. Philippine Alliance of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
C. Philippine Association of Detective and Protector Agency Operators, Inc.
D. Philippine Agencies of Detective and Protective Associations Operators, Inc.
99. Who exercises the power to remove, for cause, license issued to security
guards. A. Any of these
B. Secretary, DILG
C. Chairman, NAPOLOCOM
100. The combination type of locks in that no key are used. There are open by
pressing a series of numbered buttons in the proper sequence.
A. Warded Locks
B. Disc Tumble Locks
C. Level locks
D. Code-Operated Locks

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