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KJV Bible 1735

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16 1937


The Old and New

Newly*fcflated out of the Ori-
r^r*?' T7*^£T5T ^T^CTS*" '/'^CISt r*
<idl*2J **£&*£& V^^*!^ V^ 4*2/ £>

To Moft High and Mighty Prince,

JAMES, by the Grace of GOD, Kins
of Great Britain, Trance, and Ireland^
Defender of the Faith, &c.

The Tranflatorj of the BIBLE wifti Grace, Mercy, an#

Peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

GRE A T and manifold were the Blelfingt ( mo/} dread Sovereign) which AlmlgjM
God, the Father of all mercies, be/lowed upon us the people of England, whenfrrp
hefentyour Majejtj'l Royal Per/on to rule and reign over M. Fur whereat tt wot
the expectation of many who wrihed not veil unto our Sion, that, upon the fet-
ting of that bright Occidental Star, Queen Elizabeth, of mofl hippy memory^
\me thick and palpable cloud 1 of darkneft would fo have overjhadowed this Land) that men
ould hive been in doubt which way they were to walk, and that it ftiould hardly be
\iowh who was to direct the nnfettled State .* the appearance of your Ma/ejly, 'at of the in his firer.gth, inflantly difpelled thofe fuppofed and furmifed mi/is,' and gave unto
\l that were well affected, exceeding confe of comfort , efpeeially when we beheld the Govern-

tart eflablilhedin your Highnefs, and your hopeful Seed, by an undoubted Title, and thlt
To accompanied with peace and tranquillity at Home and Abroad.
\But, among/} all our :oys, there wai no one that more filled our heart*, titan the bleffeA
\ltinnance of the preaching of Godi facrei Ward amongfi us ; Which is that ineJUm'abft
eafvre, which exclleth all the riches of the Earthy becaufe the fruit thereof extendetb
(elf, not only to the time fpent in this tranjitory world, but diretieth and d'jpofeth men
-0 that eternal happinefs which is above in Heaven.
then not to fi'.ffer this to fall to the ground, hit rather to take it vp, and to continue
'« that ft ate, wherein the famous Predecejffor of your W^hr.efi did leave it t nay, ta
forward with the confidence and refolutiors of a man in maintaining -the truth ofdrifts
propagating it far and near, ts that which hath fo bound and firmly knit the hejrtt
II your Majeftfi loyal ind^rdigious people unto you, that your very Name it preciom
ng them \ their eye doth behold you with o/mfort^ and they bkfs y»u in there hearts
h:* fanHijied Perfon. who, under God, is the immediate Author of their true bapphiefz,
I this their contentment doth not dimjnijh er decay, but every day increStfeth and
tij flrength, when they obferve that the -z,eal of-;our Majeffy towards the hbufe of Gcd^
not /lack or go backward, hut is more and more kindled, manSfiefiing it fe/f abroad i»
arth"Jf parts of Chriftendom, by writing in defence of the Truth, {which hath given
a blow unto that Man of Sht, as will not be healed ) and every duy at hom>:, by
out and learned dtfeouyfe, by frequenting the homfe of God, by heating tin M 'ordpr'adtei^
fnjlir? the Teachers thereof, by caring for the Church as a ifmfl tender a>.d faring >.->«»'•
j»rf are infinite arguments if this right Ohrijtian and re/igiout afed ion in ytmr
me it more forcible to declare if to oth -n, than the vehement and perpetuated d<fvre of
comphjhing and publifliing of this Work, which now, with all htrmiHty, we prefent unto

I ''Iajefiy. For wlien your Highnefs had ovce, out of deep judgment, af/prehend^d hot* cax~
:t it was, that, ont of the Original facred Tongues, together with comparing
rfthe la*
both in our awn and oth^r foreign Languages, of' mifr.y worthy men who wert before

jffp flavld be one more exaH Tranlation of the holy Scripturet into
the EnzJiftj
||e ; )onr Maiefly did never defi/t to urge and to excite thofe to whom it was com.
\ that the Work might be hajined, and that the bnfmefs might be
expected ;/> f*-
< a *ran»tr, at a matter of fab importance might jn a ly rtsujre.
A a &-i
Jkni now at la?, by the mercy *f God, and the con^inu.titc: of our Labours, it being *«:*$&#
iinto a eonclufiotu as that we hate great hope, that the Church of England Jhall reyp
. good fruit thereby; we hold it our ditty to offer it to your Miufiy, r.ot only as to o>r King
and S<n-erergn, but as to the p*inetj>al Mover and Author uf the Work.- Humbr,
of your moji Sacred Trlajejiy, that f.nce things of this quality have ever been fub<
eenfures of ill-meaning and difcontented Per/only it may receive Approbation and }'
from fo learned and judicious a fr-.y.ce at your Higlmefs is \ who/e allowance and accept*
of our labours JliaU more honour and encourage ru, than all the calumniations and hard «
terpretations of other men fhall difmay us. io that if, on the one fide, we jtallbe tradv.cea
»j topilh Perfoniat home or abroad, who therefore will malign us, becatfe we are pour In
Jlrttmer.ts to make (Jods holy Truth- to be yet more and more known unto th' P**j
they defire fii'.l to keep in ignorance and d.irk>afi or if, on the other fid
wiaiigned by felf-conceited brethren^ who run their own rays, and ghe liking **
mat what ir framed by themfives, and hammered on their anvil ; we may rtfl f
potted within by the Truth and Innocence of a good Confience, having walked the r-): oj
jjmpjicity and integrity^ as before the Lord $ and fuflained without by the / verful'Frol
teHion of. your ^laje/fy''s grace and favour, which will ever give countenance to honejl jx.
Chriftian endeavours, againfi bitter eenfures, and unchari' able imputations.
The Lord of Heaven and Earth blefs yn-.r ^la/efty with many and bajrpj d\:ys, that as h.\
\ta-.enly hand hath enriched your Highnejs with many fingular and extraordinary Qracei\ <\
yon may be the wonder of th? World in this latter age, for bappinefi av.d true ;
the honour of that great G Q C, and tie good of bit- Church, thrjugh J efm Chr:Jt oil
LCKD and oyiljUavjour.

5 The Karnes and Order of all the Books of the Old an\
New Tejtament, with the Number of their Chapters.

Chronicles Daniel
GEneHs hath; Chap. II.
Exodus IC
Leviticus Nehemiafa H Joe!
jNuflihers Efther 10
Deuteronomy Tcli 4* ObaJiah
jofhua Pffilms t«c Jonah

,1. Samuel
The Song of Solomon
ll'aiah 66 Zephaniali
JI. Samuel
1. Ki?E* Jeremiah k
ft. Kings T.amuvations f Zechariah
I, Chronicla* Exekiei 4b Maiachi

5 The Books of the Kew Tejlamettt.

AtthewhathChap.i^ Ephefians 1$ Tcr the Hebrews

Mark »6 PluliFPiani 4 The Epiftlc ot Jam
** Colofiians <4 I. Peter
*i I. TheiValonians « 11. Peter
John Jchn
The Afts 18 II. Thdlalonians 1 1.

TheEpiftletotheUom. 16 I. Timothy 6 11. John

I. Corinthians 1^ II. Timothy 4 111. John
«* Titus 2 Jude 1
JI. Corinthians
Ffailcaioa I Revelation

5 The Firft Book ofMoju, called GENESIS.

CHAP. I. io And God (aid, Let the waters brirt?
Tbi creation of btaven and earth, &c. forth abundantly the moving creature
the beginning God created the that hath life, and fowl that may rlv a-
heaven and the earth, bovethe earth in the open firmament of

IN i And the earth was without

term and vc id and darknef s
upon rhe face of the deep and

ir And Gcd created great whales, and
every livinir creature mat muveth, which
the Spirit of God moved upon the th* waters brought forth abundantly after
face of the waters. their kind, and' every winged fowl after
3 And God /aid, Le: there be light : his kind : and God taw that it was good.
and there was light. » And God bailed them, faying, Be
4 And God faw the light, that it «n fruitful, and multiply, and till the waters
good and God divided the light from
:n the leas, and let fowl multiply in trie
thedarknefs, earth.
T And God called the light Dav, and x? And the evening and the meming
the darknefs he tailed- Night: and rhe were the fifth day.
evening and the morning were the firft ^+ 5i And Gcd faid, Let the earth bring
day. forth the living creature after his kind,
And God Paid. Let there be a t.r-
6 11 cattle, and creeping thing, and bead of
in the midfl of the waters, and
mament the earth afterhis kind; and it wasfo.
divide the waters Irom the waters.
let it k And Gcd made the bealtof the earrrj
7 And God made the firmament, and after his kind, aud cattle attertheir kind,
divided the waters which veete under the and every thine: that creepeth upon me
firmament, from the waters which vcae earth 2f"ter his kind : and God law thac
.above the firmament : and it was lo. /rrtutgood.
I 8 And God called the firmament Hea- i,S 51 And God faid, Let us make man
Iven and the evening and the morning
: inour imas-e, after our likenefi: and let
»*erethefecondday. them have dominion over the fim of the
fl And God faid, Let the waters un-
9 i'ea, and over the fowl of the air, and
fertile heaven be gathered together un- over the cattle, and over all the earth,
!o one place, and let the dry-land ap- and over every creeping tiling that creep*
pear: and it wasfo. eth upon the earth.
to And God called the dry-land Earth, zi_ So Gcd created man in his own*
nd the gathering together of the waters image, in the imace of God created he
ailed he Seas: and God law that it was him-, male and female created he them,
;ood z}i And God blelled them, and God faid

Tt And God faid. Let the earth brin? unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, ajid
j»h grafs, the herb yielding feed, and replenifh the earth, and iubdue it and :

le fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind, have dominion ever he fifti ol the i'ea, and

hofe feed is in it (elf, upenthe earth : over the fowl of the sir, and over every
lad it wasfo. living thing that movethupon the earth.
ti And tlve earth brought forth graft ao *j Ana God laid, Beho'd, Ihavetri,
i-iherb yielding feed after his kind, and ven ><>ii every hsrb bearing feed, which" i;
e tree yielding fruit, who'e feed voa- uponthelace of all the earth, and every
it felt,after his kind and God law : tree, in trie which ;'; the fruit of a tree
at it -oca' yielding feed : tc you it JhaJl be for naear,
; And
the evening and the morninr ?,o And to every bealt of the earth, and
re the third day. to every fowl of the air, and to every th'mr
(4- 51 And God faid. Let there be lights that creepeth upon the esrth, wherein tbe>%
rhe firmament of the heaven, to di- /.'life, I b.ive given every green hc5rb foe
ie the day from the night and ler : meat and it wasfo.

:m be for ligns, and fWleaibru, and ;t And God faw every thine that he
days, and years. had made, and behold, it wa- very food.
? And let them be
in the for lights And the evenin? and the morning were
namertf of the heaven, to give light the fixth day.
linthe earth and it wasfo.
\ made two great lights;
; The firjl ubbatki &c.
rea;er light to rule the'day, and the *"T", Hus the neavens and the earth were
er light to rule the nieht be made the
J. finiflied, andallthehoftof them.

saH5. r And on the feventh day God ended

r And Cod fet them
firmament of
in the his work which he had made and he :

heaven, to give light upon the earth, retted on the feventh day irom all hit
i And to rule over the day, and over work which he had made.
night, and to divide the light from the
. 5 And God blelfed the feventh day, and
s and God law that it vca> good.
: fardtified it: becaufe that in it he had
e evening and the morning

retted from all his work, which God

the fair thiay. created and made.
IA -4 5J T2icf*

Tie formation- of man. Genefij. M» fait..

4 f Thefe art the generations cf the \l And Adam Taid, This it Row bcr.e
fteav<.r.s, ani cf the earth, when they ot my bones, and rleih ot my fteih : me
arete created j in the day that the Lord fhall be called Woman, becaufe Ihewu
Cod mads the earth and the heavens, taken out ot man.
? And every plant of the field, before it 14 Therefore fhall a man leave his fa-
-was in the earth, and every herb of the ther and his mother, and fhall cleave unto
iicld, beloreit grew: for the Loud God his wife: and they fhall be cne flefh.
Jiadnot caulea ir to rain ur on the earth, x^ Ami they were both naked, the man
and there hmj not a man to till the ground. and his wife, and were not aflumed.
6 But there went up a mi it from the
•<arth> and watered the whole face of the
Ts/eftrpent deceivttb tve, Sec.
ground. ~w the lerpent was morefubtil thar
7 And the Lord God formed man of
of the eround, and breathed into
N^n' ny beaft of the field which tin
Lord G<
*J)e duft God had made and he laid untc

Ais noftriU the" breath of life j and man the woman, Yea, hath God laid, Yelhal
jfeecame a living foul. not eat of every tree of the garden ?
8 M And the Lord God planted a ^ar- 2 And the woman laid unto the ferment
di;n earthward in Eden ; and there he' put We may eat of the fruit of the trcts ot th
*;>e men whom he had formed. garden:
q And out of the ground made the Lord ~ I But of the fruit of the tree which
Ood to grow every free that is plea'antto in the midft ot the garden, God hath fai
a:e light, and good for food: the tree of Ye fhall not eat cf it, neither fhall y
lite alio in the inidlr of the garden, and touch it, left ye die.
•the tree ot knowledge of good and evil. 4 And the lerpent faid unto the wc
if And a river went out of Eden to man, Ye fhall not furely die.
water the garden and from thence it was
5 ? For God doth know, that in the d
parted, and became irrto tour heads. ye eat thereof, then your eyes (hall 1
n The nameot thefirft Pifbii: that opened: and ye fhall be as gods, knov

is it v*':uciicoiupailerh the whole land of ing good and evil.

Havilah, where the/en gold. 6 And when the weman aw th3t t" !

ti And. the rrold of that land is goed : tree w<>-< good for food, and that it w
I.'iCrr U. bActliufn, and the onvx- ltone pleafanttotheeves, and a tree to beae
t4 And l ie name of thelerond river it
red to make one wife j Ihe took ot the, fn
Gihon: the fame is ii th3t compadcth thereof, and did eat, and gave alfour
the whole land or Ethiopia. her husband with her ; and he did e:
».l And the nam: ot the third river it\ 7 And the eye:: of them both were
liiddekel that it it which goeth toward pened, and they knew that they rotret

theeaiTof A:fyri3. And the fourth river ked and fev/ed fig-leaves togeth

it Euphrates.' and made themfelves cprons.

TT.Afld the Lord God took the man, 8 And they heard the voice of
and put him into the garden of Eden, Lord God walking in the garden ir-
to dtel's it, and to keep it. cool of the day: and Adam and his w
16 And the LuRi> God commanded the hid themfelves from the prefence of
man, laying, O! every treeojf fhe garden Lord God, amongft the trees of the g
*hou mavft "freely eat-. den.
it But of the free of the knowledge of 9 Ana the Lord God called unto
£ood and evil, thou lhalt not eat of it: dam, and faid unto him, Where
tor in the day that thou eaceft thereof,. thou?
jt.ou lhalt iur'ely die. to And he faid, I heard thy voict
I was atraid, Wee:
t$ S\ And the Lord God laid. It ii not the garden: and
cool that the man mould be alone: .1 1 nut naked , and I hid my (elf.
*ilj make him aqhelp meet for him. ti And he (aid, Who told thee;
Halt thou ^aten ot
n And out of the tfround the Lord naked? commanded thee,
God formed every beaft of the field, and tree, fnouldft whereof I j

not eat >

rrerv fowl ot the air, and brought tktm thou faid, The won!
imto'Ad&m, to fee what he wuuld call ti And the man
to J; with me, fhegl
1 em : and whatsoever Adam called e- whom thou gaveft
and i did eat
tiry living creature, that wu< the name me of the tree,

il And the Lord God laid onto!

in And Adam cave names to all cattle, woman, What
nthis that thou haft d<.|
faid, The lerpent
and to the fowl ot the air, and to every And the woman did eat.
b*alt of the field : but tor Adam there giiiled me, and 1 .

Was not found an help meet for him. t4 And the Lord God faid anto
fetpent, Beeaule thou haft done
it And the Lord 63d cauled a deep
art curled above all cattle, ar
ftoep to fall upon Adam, and he llept: thoa uppr
beaft of the field
and he took cne ot his ribs, and doled bove every thou go, and dult lhalt

ftead thereof. belly lhalt

yp the ftem in days of thy l»^.
it And the rib, which the Lord God eat
all the
t? Andl will put enmity
had taken from man. made he a woman,
and brought her unto the man. and the woman, ana between thy

T*i CVfJ* of Cain.

Tw hist* of C*in tni AM. Cha». iV, v.
and her fe»d it fhall bruife thy head, and Where if Abel thy brother? And he laid,

thou fhalt hruile his heel. I know not : Am I my brothers keeper ?

to And lie faid, What haft thou none ?
16 Unto the woman he aid, 1 will gr-eat-

the voice of thy brothers blood trieth unto

. ly multiply thy forrow and thy concepti-
on j in forrow thou fhalt bring forth chil- me from the ground.
dren: and thy defire.MJ bt to thy hul- And now. art thou curfed from the

band, and he ihall rule over thee; earth* which hath opened her month to
receive th> brothers blood from thy hand.
t7 And unto Adam he faid; Becaufe
ti When thou tilleit the grounds it
thou haft hearkned unto the voice or thy
fhall not henceforth yield unto thee her
wife, and hart eaten of the tree of which
I commanded thee, laying, Thou fhalt ftrength. A fugitive and a vagabond fhalt
not eat of it : curled U the ground tor thy ,thou be in the earth.
fake j in forrow fhalt thou eat of it all 1? And Cain faid unto the Lorp, My
the days of thy life. punifnment is greater than I can bear.
14 Behold, t lieu hart driven me out this
, . .

18 Thorns alfo and thirties fhall it bring

forth to thee.- andthcu ihalt eat the herb
day from the face of the earth: and from
of the field. thy face lhall I be hid, and I ftialt be a
to In thefweat of thy face fhalt thou eat
fugitive 3nd a vagabond in the earth,
bread, rill thou return unio the ground 5 and it lhall come to pais, that
every one
tor out of it wait thou taken for null thou that ftndeth me, fhall Hay me.

*rt, and unto duft fhalt thou return. And the Lo«i> faid u
unto him, There-
10 And Adam called his wires name fore whofoever flayetru Cain,
Eve, becaul'e fhe was the mother of all fhaH be taken on him fever»-fold. And
living. the Lorp let a mark upon Cain, left any
xi Unto Adam alfo and to his wife did finding him fhould kill
the Lorp God make coats of skins, and x6 1| And Cain went out from the pre-
clothed them„ fenceof the Lorp, and dwelt in the land
ii II And the Lorp God laid, Behold, of Nod, on the eaft of Eden.
! the man is become as one of us, to know 17 Arid Cain knew his wife, and fhe
goer and evil. And now left he put .forth conceived, and' bare t^icch andhebiuld- :

his hand, and take alfo of the tree of life, .edacity, and called the name of tile city*

'after the name of his Ion, Enoch.


and eat, and live for ever:

ix Therefore the Lori> God fent him 18 And unto Enoch was horn irad: and
i forth from the garden of Eden, to till the lrad besat Mehujael? and Mehujael be-
I, ground from whence he was taken. gar Mcthttiael and Msthul'ael begat ha- :

} z; So he drove out the man and he merit.:

,pl;ced at the eaftof the garden of Eden, 19 11 And Lamech took unto him two
j Cherubim*, and a darning fwerd which wives: the nam? ot the one tcu:' Adit,
turned every way, to keep tire way of the and the name ot the ether Zillan.
tree of lite. io And Adah bare Jabal,: lie was the
IV. father ot fttch as dwell in tents, and of
Tec h'.rtb and religion of Cain and Ahel, &c. fiicb as h.xvt cattle.
A Nd Adam knew Eve his wife : and xi And his bicthers name veas Juha.1
.M fhe conceived, and bare Cain, and he was the father of all fuch as handle
"aid, I have gotten a man from the Lord. (he harp and orsran.
1 And ihe again bare his brother Abel. zi And Zillah, ffte alfo ba e Tubal-
And Abel was a keeper of fheep 3 but caiti, an inihuctcr of every artificer it>

'Sain was a tiller of the 'ground. brals and ircn and the fitter of Tubal- :

3 And in procefs of time i» came to pa s,

r cain xvas. Maamah.

hat Cain brought of the fruit of the at And Lamech faid vino his wives, A-
ground an offering unto the Lord. dah and Zillah, Hear my voice, ye wives;
j* 4 Awd Abel, he. alfo brought of the cf Lamech, hearken unto my fpeech for :

ii .rrtlingsof his flock, and of fheTa' there- I haveflain a man to my wounding, and
it. And the Lorp had refpeft unto Abel, a young man to my hurt.
Tnd to his offering : '
14 If Cain fhall be avenced feven-fold,
s But unto Cain and to his offering he truly Lamech teventy and I'even-told.
dad not refpect. And Cain was verv ii 11 And Adam knew hi; wite again>
* rcth, and his countenance fell. arid fhe bare a fon, and called his name
f> And the Lorp faid unto Cain, "Why
u) Seth: For God. Aid fit, hath appointed
ili't thou wroth ? and why is thy count*- me another feedinftead. of Abe!, whom
rpnee rallen? Cain fkw.
If thou doll well, fhalt thou not he
7 16 And to Seth, to him alfo there was
cepted? and if thou doll not well, fin born a fon ; and he called his name Enos
a :
at the door. And unto thee fn all bt
,|:th then began men to call upon the name of
Js deiue, and thou fhalt rule over him. the Lorp.
And Cain talked with Abel his bre- C K ArV. V.
wer: and it ca me to pa's when they were The gw.rtfigy of tin patritrchu &c.
the tie-let, that Cainrofe up againft A-
TPHts is the b'>okof the generatkmsaf
, .
1 tc- brother, and flew him. X AdaA: In-the day that Gcd created
And tie Lord faid unto Cain, mam inthe'HkenelsofGodlHa.d.erie:urn :

A 4 ?. Mai*

Adatm gtnealogy to Souk. Geflefii. The eavfe of tbe floo.t.
i Male and female crearedhethem : and work and toil of our hands, becaufe t>f
bleileiithem, and called (heir name Adam, the ground which the Lord hath curled.
in die day when they were crcai ech 50 And Laiuech lived after he beat
3 11 And Adam lived an hundred and Noah live hundred, ninety and fiveyeam
thirty years, and begat 4 fon in hi^ own ami betr,at ions and daughters,
likeneis after his image; and called his . u And all the days of Lamech were
name Seth. leven hundred leventy and leven years:
4 And the days of Adam after he had and he died.
begotten Seth were eight hundred years: ?i And Noah was five hundred yea»a
and he begat ions and" daughters. old: and Mwah begat Shenu Ham, and
i And all the days that Adam lived were Japheth.
nine hundred and thirty yean: and he C II A P. VI.
died. Tbt c*nft of ibt flood* SiC.
6 11 And Seth lived an hundred and five 1 Ndit came to pals, when men begani
years, and begat [
7 Ana Seth Lived alter he begat Enus
eight hundred and leven years, and begat
A to multiply on the lace ot the earth,
aiid'•daughters were born unto them,
i That the fons of Gcd law the daugh-
jbna and daughter*. tersof men, that they w*/"f fair ; and they
3 And alf the days of Seth were nine took them wives of aH which they chofe.
hundred and twelve years and he died.
: 2 And the Lord laid, My I'pirit fhall
9 11 /ui-i Encs lived ninety years, and not always drive with man, for that he
begat Cainan. allojiticih: yet his days flialPbe anhun
to And Enoa lived after he begat Ca- tired and twenty years.
inan eight hundred and fifteen years, and 4 There were giants in the earth ir
begat ions and daughters. thofedaysj and alio alter that, when th<
11 And all the days of Enoi were nine fons of God came in unto the daughter;
hundred and five years: ana he died. of men, and they bare children to them,
tz 11 And Cainan lived leventy years, the lame btume mighty men, which veer
and begat Mahalaleel. ot old, men ot renown.
i5 And Cainan lived after he begat a H And God Caw that the wickednef
Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, of man rvas great in the earth, and tba
* and be? at tons and daughters. every imagination ot the thoughts of hi
14 And all the days ot Cainan were nine heart «u.< only evil continually.
hundred and ten year,: and he died. 6 And it repented the Loro that h
i? n And Mahalaleel lived fixty and had made man on the earth, and it jrri<
five years, and begat Jared. ved him at his heart.
i* And Mahalaleel lived after he be- 7 'And the Loru faid, I will deftrc
fjat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, man, whom I have created, from the fai
and begat foro and daughters. of the earth, both man and beaft, and t

i7 Ami a'l the dayj ot Mahalaleel were creeping thing, and the fowls of theai
eight hundred ninety and- five years: and toritrepentethmethat I have inadether
he died. 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes
18 11 And Jared lived an hundred fixty the Lorl>.
and two year.;, and he begat Enoch. 9 H Thefearf the generation- of Noa!
>0 And lared lived after he begat E- Noah was a jurt man and perfeft in 1
noch eight hund red years, and begat Ions generations, and Noah walked with Gc
and daughters. to And Noah begat three tons, She
10 And all the days of Jarad were nine Ham, and Japheth.
hundred fixty and two years and he died.
: u The earth alio was corrupt befi
n H And Enoch lived fixty and five God } and the earth was filled with v
years, and begat Methuielah. lence.
it, And Enoch walked with God after n And God looked upon the earth, I

Me begat Methuielah three hundred years, behold, it was corrupt: lor all rlefrt
and begat fons and daughters. corrupted his way upon the earth
xi And all the days or Enoch were i? And God faidunto Noah, Theent
shree hundred fixty and five years. allfiefh is come before me; for thee
z4. And Enoch walked with Cod, and is filled With violence through them:

lie «ui not : lor God took him. behold, 1 .will deltrny them with the ea
zs 11 And Methuielah lived an hundred U
11 Make thee an ark ot Gopl
eightv and leven years.and begat Lainech. wood : rooms fhalt thou make in
i r 'And Methuielah lived after, he be-
, ark, and fhalt pitch it within and w
gat Lamech ("even hundred eighty and out with pitch.
two years, and begat fons and daughters. i^ Ard this/- tbtfa(l>ion which thcu fj

17 And- all the days of Methuielah make it of.- the length of the arkAi
were nine hundred fixty and nine years: three hundred cubits, the breadth o
and he aied. fifty cubits, and the height ot it tl
18 11 And Lamech lived an hundred | cubits.
eiHitv and two vears, and begat a ion. I t6 A window fhalt thou make to the,
thou hmlh it ab
19 And he called his name Noah, faying, and in a cubit lhalt
Thj*l'*aieftiaiicojnlioit us«Qu<¥rmngour I and the door ot the ark {halt thou 1
JV&.i* tntretb into the *r£. Chap, vii, Vui, Tbr continuance of the Jtooii
thereof: with lower, fccond, anelq of Noah, and Noahs wife, and* thethret
third ftdries (halt thou make it. wives of his fons with them, into the ark:
f7 And behold, I, even I do bring a 4 They, and every beall alter his kind;

flood ot waters upon the earth, to de- and all the cattle after their kind, and eve-
II rlefh, wherein is the breath of ry creeping thing that creepeth upon the
lite, from under heaver. and every thin? earth after his kind, and every towl af-

that h in the earth Ilia 11 die. ter his kind, every bird of every fort.
18 But with thee will I efiablim my k And thev went in unto Noah into
covenant: and thou ihalt come into the the ark, two and two of all nefii, where-
ark i thou, and thy fbns, and thy wife, in it the breath of life.
an>i thy ions wives with thee. 16 And they that wen: in, went in male
19 And of every living thing of all and female of all fleih, asGodhadcom-'
flelhi two -of every fort lhait thou bring manded him: and the LoRufhut him ir.,.
into the ark, to keep tbtm alive- with 17 And the flocd was forty days upon
thee: they lhall be male and female. the earth: and the waters increaied, and-
10 Of fowls after their kind, and of bare up the ark, and it was hit up above*
cattle after their kind, of every creeping the earth.
thing ot the earth after his kind :two t8 And-the waters prevailed, and were
uf every fsrt (hall come unto thee-, to increafedgreativ upon : and the
keep tbttti alive. ark went Tipon the i~2ce of the waters.
it And take- thou tints thee of ail food, 19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly

thee; and it lhall be for food for thee,

xr.i. tor them-.
that is eaten, and thou fnalt gather i{ to upon the earth , arod all the high bills, that
under the whole heaven,were covered
10 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters
has did Ncahj according to all prevail ; ami the mountains were covered.
TOt God commanded him, lb did he. si And all rlefh died that moved upoi*
A P. VII. the earth, both of fowl, andof cattle, and

Scab tntretb into the ark.-, &c. ofbeaft, and ot every creeping thing that
lA'Nd the Loan (aid unto Noah, Come creepeth upon the earth, and every man. .

l\ thoui and all thy haute into the ark: zi All in whole no Arils ve* the breath of
:t rhee have I teen righteous before me liic, otailthat was in the dry laiid, died.
n this Feneration. x"i Aid evetv living fubltancewas de-
1 Or ever/ clean beafr thou fhalt take frayed which "was upon the- face of the-
) thee by (evens, the male and his fe- ground, both man, and cattle; and the
ale: and of brails that are not clean creeping things, and the fowl ofthehea-*
y two, the male and his female. ven ; and they were deftroyed from the
Ot- lowls alio ot the air by fevers earth: and Noah only remained alive, anj-

le mate and the female ; to keep feed they that were with him in the ark.
ive upori the lace of all the earth. £4 fltnd the waters prevailed upoathft-
4. For }C-t feven days, and I willcaufe earth an hundred an/ fifty davs. '
tw rain upon the- earth forty days and HC A P. VIII,
rty Bights: and everv living (ubfrance Tki waters affvage, &c.
ar I have made, will" I deArov from off ANdGodreraembredNoah, and every -•
eface of the earth. iivine; thine, and all thecattie th ar
3ah did according unto all that »*j with him in the ark: and God -ma
e Lour commanded hint. a wind to pafs over the earth, and the
. , 5 And Noah ix ,1 fix hundred years old waters afi waged.
ien »},?
ier> of waters w^c
hood r\f
the ftnrii> was imnr
upon the 1 The fountains atfo of the deep, and"
* ^hi windows of heaven were fropped, ani*
I t n And Nosh went in, and his fons, and the rain from heaven. was retrained,
iwite, andhis ions wives with him. into I
3 And the waters returned from Orr>he*
:ark, became of the waters of the flood, earth continually: and after the end of

< Of clean heart-, andot heaAs that are the hundred and fifty davs the wateitwei*

r clean, andol fowls, and of every thing r abated.

creepeth upon the earth. 4. ^ And the ark reAed in the feventh

-•1 There went in two and two unto month, on the feventeenth "day of the

fl »k into the ark, the male and there-- month, upon the mountains- of Ararat.
>*\ le, as God had commanded Noah. ? And the waters decreafed continually ' •

'®\o And it came ro pals after (even days, until the ter»th mentti inthetenth montb\

the waters of the flood were upon on the iirA day of the month, were the
sarth. tops of the mountains feen.
s'JS'i f! In the fix hundredth year of Noahs 6 51 And it came to pal's at the end of
r%% in the (ecor.d month, the feventeenth forty days, that Noah opened the Wirt- •

•j ot the tnonth, the -fame day were all dow of the ark which ha had made.
-. sin*
of the great deep brokeDUD, 7 And he Cent forth a raven, whic'i
endows of heaven \vereopeilesJ.« went forth to and fro, until the waters
the- ram wa; upon the earth were dried up from off the earth..

y davs ami tony niirhts.
8 AHb he lent forth adove ;ro-m him,
s (e!f-!"ame day entred Noah, to fee if the waters were abated from off.*
Stem, aau fcjajp, aa,li'apbetb» the fens the face of the grounds
: :

^ShAb.S*i».f*rt+ of:ti *r.-. Genei/

9 But.the.'oveloundnoreit. for thefole be meat f r yoo ; tvtn as the green herb
toot, and me
returned unto him have I giver. >ou all thirds:
ulto the ark tor the waters w<r« en the
4 Butr.efh with the litethereof, wevt*
gee ot the whole earth. Then he put «> the blood tnereol, rhall you not eat. 1
orthhis hand, and took her, and pulled And lurciy your blood of >o>ir
ler in unto him into the ark. will I require at the nand of every Sea t

tp And he flayed yet other feven daw will 1 require it; and at the hand
and again he few forth the dove cm of of
man, at the hand ot everv mans brotucr
<Jk- ark. will I require the life of man.
ti And the dove came in to him in the 6 Whoio iheddeth mans olood, byrrurv
eventm.', andlo.inher mouth w.*; anolive- lhail his bleed be fned: for io the image
lejt pluckt o:r": bo No all knev thai the of God made he man.
waters ware abated from ot; the earth. 7 And you, be ye fruitful, r-.nd multi-
ii And he Itayed yetothet levendays, ply, bring torth abundantly in toe earth»
and f-nc forth the d jve s which returned and multiply therein.
Rot again unto him any nj >re. 3 tf And God fpake Noah, and.
n fl And came tola's
.n the fix hun-
it to his ions with him, faying,
dredth and firjt month, the
lint year, in the 9 And I, behold, 1 edabluh my cove-
firft mouth, the waters were dri-
J<«;of the nant wun you, and with >our iecd alter
t \ up trom off theearth and Noah remo-: >'0U ;

ved the covenae; ol the ark, ar.db.iked, .

u Andwith every living creature that
and behuld, the race of the ground was 'iwith you, or the fowl, ot ;&e cattle,
*ry. and ot every bead ot the earth with vou,
14 And in the lecond rapnth, on the rrom all that go out ol the ark, to every
feven and twentieth Jay or the month, beau ot the earth.
Has the earth dried. it And 1 will eftablifh my covenant
it <'
And God fpake unto Noah,faying, with vou; neither mall all nefh he cut-
l« Go
forth of the ark, thou, and thy or] any more t>y the waters of a flood
vife, and thv foes, and thy fons wives neither ihall there any, more be a flood
vuh thee. to deltroy the earth.
t7 Brins; torth with thee every living a
And God laid, This it the token of | that it with thee, of all rieyi, votb the covenant which I make oetween me
ot :owl, and of cattle, and ct every and you, and_ every living creature that |

•peering thins that creepeth upon the ii with you, for perpetual generations
•*irth i that they may breed abundantly 1 J I dofet my bow the cloud, and it, m
m the earth, and" be fruitful, and mul- mall be for a token of a covenant between
tiply upon the e;;rth. me and the earth.
iS And, Noah went forth, and his. fons, 14 Ann it lhail come to pafi, when I
*nd l.i. witc, aad his fons wives with him.: bring a cloud over the earth, that the)
19 Every bead, every creeping thing, bow'ihall be feen in the cloud:
and every fowl, ani wh'atlbever creepeth 1? And 1 will remember my coverunti
v; on the'earth, after their kinds, went which it between me and you,' and everjl
forth out of the ark. living creature c\ all tielh ; and thewal
20 V. And Noali nuilded an altar unto ters lnalt ao more become a flood to d»|
ahe Lout), and took of every clean bealt, urov all nefh.
and of every clean towl, and offered 16 And the bow fhall be in the cloud
^urnt-offerir.ys on the altar. and 1 will look upon it, that I may re-
ti And the loRU imclkd a fweet fa- member the everlatting covenant betw-eil
vour .an.! the Lori> laid in his heart, I God and every living creature of allt3eul

^•ill not a^ain carle the ground any that i< upon -the earth.
raort for mans fake ; for the imaginati- 17 And God faid unto Noah, This i
or. of mans heart r'i evil from his youth: the token of the covenant, which I ha*
neither will 1 avain fmiteany more eve- eftablijhed between me and all fiefh thil
;'/ upon
xy thing living/ as 1 have done. the earth.
ii While the earth remaineth, feed- 8 1} And the fons of Noah that werl

time and harved, and cold and hear, arid, forth of the ark, were Shem, and Hart
Jammer and winter, and day and night and lapheth: and it the lather cj Ham
jBuli not ceal'e. Canaan.
C 11 A P. IX. 19 Thefe *rt the three fonspf Noah : atj

Qoi bttjfttk No-i/ts &r. of fftemwas the whole earth overfprea*

ANdrGod bleil'ed Noah and hi* (task ao And Noah began to j>< an husbancl
and laid unto them, Be fruitful,- and man, and he planted a vineyard. [
a.ultiply, and replenifh the earth. 11 And he drank ot the wine, and w
1 Ar. the fear ot you, and the dread drunken, and he was uncovered with

• f vou fhall be upon eveev bead of the his tent. [

«^r'th, and upon every towl of the air-, J \i- And Ham
the father of Canaan f:l
Mm alt that ruo/eth upon
and upon 3tt the tiftiex ot the tea
the earth, the nakednels of his father, and told l|

into two brethren without.

•, :

«pq* hand r»re the) delivered, a; Ana Shem and Japheth tock a g:J
1 tvpy rncvm^ thaugth^ iivcthiail rr. t nt ; apd laid it upon both inetr ih«|
. ,

t?oai< gtntr*ti*ns. Chap,

ders, and went backward and covered
*h? nakednefs of their father; ^and their
faces were backward, and they faw not
their fathers nakednefs. dom
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, Zeboim, even unto Lafhah.
and knew what his younger fon had done zc Thefe are the fens of Ham, after
unto him. their families, after their toadies, in
if And he faid, Curfed be Canaan ; a their countries, and in. their nations.
fervant of fervants fball he be unto his zt fl Unto Shem alio the father of all
brethren. ' * , '. the children of Eber, the brother of Ja-
ifi And he faid, Blefled be the Lo*n pheth the elder, even to him were chil-
God of Shem i and Canaan fhall be his dren born.
fervant. ,
. oi The children of Shem ; Elaro, and
fhall enlarge Japheth, and he
it Aihur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and A-
hall dwell in the tents or Shem; and ram.
Canaan iball b» his fervant. « And the children of Aram; Uz,
iS H And Noah lived after the flood and Hul, and Gether, and Mafh.
three hundred and fifty \ears, 14 And Arphaxad begat Sal ah ; and
19 Ann all the days ot Noah were nine Salah begat Eber.
hundred and fifty years: and he died. It And unto Eber were born twofwis:
C H A P. X. the name of or.e vrat Peleg, for in his
The gtntrations of Kotb, &c. days was the earth divided; andhiifcro-
NOw theft are the generations of the
fons of Noah; Shem, Ham, and
thers name waj joktan.
16 And Joktan beirat Alraodad, and
arheth and uftto them were ions born
•. Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah,
ifter the flood, 17 And Hadcram, and Uzal.andDiklah,
i The fons of Japheth; Gomer, and zS Ar.dObaK andAbimael, andSheba,
vlacxfr, and Madai, and Javan, and Tu- x? And O^hir, and Havilah, and Jo-
»al, and Mefhech, and Tiras. bab : ail thefe veere the fons of Joktan.
i the fons of Gomer ; Afhkenaz,
And So And their dwelling was from Me-
nd Kiphath, and Togarmah. fh.a, as thou goeft untu Sephar a mount
4 And the fons of Javan.; Elifhah, ar.d or the eaft.
Tarfhifh, Kittim, and Dodarrim. 5t Thefe are the fons of Shem, after
thefe were the ifles of the Gen-
By their famihes, after their tongues, in '

ie's divided in their lands; everv one their lands, alter their nations.
tter his tongue, after tneir families, in :i Thefe are the families of the fons of
*.eir nations* Noah, after their generations, in their
6 H And the fons of ; Cuih, and Ham nations ml by thefe were the nations
: i

Jizraim, and Phur, and Canaan. divided is the earth after the flood.
7 And the fons of Cufh ; Seba, and CHAP. XI.
lavilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Fdbt; halt, Confu/ion of tongues, 8ce.
Jbtecha; and the- fons or Raamah,
fceba, and Dedan.
ANd the whole earth was cf
guage, and of one fpeech
one lan-

5 And Cufh begat Nimrod he began : i And it came to pais as they journeyed
' be a mighty one rn the earth. irom the sail, that they found a plain in
9 He was a" mighty hunter before the' the land of Shiiiar ; and they cv.veir there.
nan wherefore it is faid,. Even as Nim-
: 3 And they faid one to another,; Go
d the mighty hunter before the Lord. to, let us make brick, and burn them
ic And the besinniog of his kingdom throughly. And they hid brick for tlone-,
as Babei, and Erefh, and Accad, and and ili me had they for morter.
alneh, in the land of Shinar. . 4 And they faid, Go to, let us build
n Out of that land went forth Afhur, us a city and a tower, whole top may
td buildcd Nineveh, ani the city Re- reaik unto heaven, and let us make us
o.ith, and Calah, a name, left we be fcattered abroad up-
it And Refcn between Nineveh an.l on /the tare of the whole- earth.
»Lah : the fame it a ?reat city. ? And the Lqrd came down to fee the
it And Mi/raim begat Ludim, andA- city and the tower, which the children
••idm, *r.d Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, ot men builded.
4 And Pathrufim, ar.J Cailuhim C out 6 And the Loud faid, Behold, thepeo-
whom came PhiluUm J and Caphtorim. pie it one, and they have all one lan-
ij 11And Canaan begat Sidoohis'firit- guage and this thev begin to do: and ;
m, ana Beth, now nothing will be r'eitramea from theiv
:6 And the Jebpute, and the Emorite, which they have imagined to do.
i the Girgaiite, 7 Go ft* let us-f6 down, and there
7 And the Hivite> and the Arkite, confound their language, that they mav
1 the Simte, nor underftand one'anothers fpeech.
9 And t*ie Arvsdite, hut tie Zema- 8 So the Lord fcartered tnem abroad
s.and the Hamatbite: and afterward from thence upon the fare of all the
^ re the family of tte Caojanitsj-fpread earth: and. they left off tc bMiidthec."
:•ga*. 9 "Ffee^JOjei* the name rf itcilledBs-
A 6 Se-U

7fc tMtrAtitoi •/ SUut. G€*efi? ( r

bel, beeaufe the Lord did there con-,
round the language of all the earth ,
from thence aid the Lord fcatter them
Ntbnfi promifyt to
Ow the LottD had, Sec.
laid unto Abranu
abroad upon the face of all the earth. Get thee out of thy country, and
»°H Thefe are
the generations of Shem : rrom thy kindred, and from r.'-.y la-
Miemwaian hundred years old, and be- thers houfe, unto a land that 1 will
gat Arphaxad two years after the flood. lhew thee.
it And Shem lived after he begat Ar- i And will make of thee a great na-
Phaxad rive hundred years, and begat tion, and will bleis thee, and make thy
loiis and daughters. "
name great; and thou ihalt be ablefling.
11 And Arohaxad lived five and thir- ? Andlwillblefs them that blefsthee,
ty years, and begat Salah. and curie him that curfeth thee: and in
i? And Arphaxad lived after he be- thee fhall all families of the earth be
gat Salak four ^hundred and three years, bleiled.
and begat Ions and daughters. 4 Sj Abram departed, a? the Lord had
14 And Salah lived thirty vears, and ipoken unto him } and Lot went with
begst Eber. him and Abram t*>ji leventy and rive-

ii And Salah lived after he begat E- years old when he departed out of Haran.
i>er lour hundred and three years, and f And Abram took Sarai his wife, and
begat ions and daughters. Lot his brothers fon, and all their fubltance
16 And Eber li~ed four and thirty thatthey had gathered, and the loulsthat
year,-, and begat Peleg, they had gotten in Haran; and they went
17 And Eberlived after he begat Pe- forth re go into the land of Canaan, aud
Jeg four hundred and thirty years, and into the land of Canaan they came.
k-^gat Ions and daughters. 6 11 And Abram palled through the
1 3 And Peleg lived thirty years, and land unto the place of Sichem, unto the
kegat Reu. plain ot Moreh. And the Canaanite war
tg And Peleg lived after he begat Reu then in the land.
two hundred and nine years, and begat 7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram
fens and dsuzhters. and faid, Unto thy teed will I give tbil
xo And Reu livedtwo and thirtyyears, land : and there builded he an altar un-;
and begat Serug. to the Lord, who appeared unto him.
i! And Reu lived after he begat Se- 8 And he removed from thence umo
ng two hundred and f'even years, and a mountain on the eait of Beth-el, and
ketrat Ions and daughters. pitched his tent, hiving Beth-el on the
tl And. Serug lived thirty years, and welt, and Hai on the eail : and there
begat Nahor.. he builded an altar unto the Lord, and]
13 And Serug lived after he begat Na- called upon the name of the Lord.
kor two hundred years, and begat fans 9 And Abram journeyed, b 6 en
and daughters. ftill toward the Couth.
i4 And Nahor lived nine and twenty 10 <\ And there was a famine in tho
*ears, and be?at Terah. land :i and Abram went down into E-
i-j And Nahor lived after he begat gypt to fojourn there ; for the famine
Terah an hundred and nineteen years, w*i grievous in the land.
and begat fens And daughters. it And it came to pafs, when he wn
3/5 And Terah lived feventy years, and come near to enter into Kgypt, that he
begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. ~ hoi now,
faid unto Sarai his wife, Behold
*7 11 Now thefe are the generations of know that thou art a fair woman to tool*
Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and upen.
Haran; and .Haran b:gat Lot. ti Therefore it fhall come to pafs, whet
iS And Haran died bslore his father the Egyptians fiiall fee thee, that the
Terah, in the land of his nativity, in fh?U fay, This his wife : and they wi
Urof tl.e Chaldees. kill me, but they will fave thee alive
19 And Abram. and Nahor took them t; Say, I pray thee, thou art my filter
wnves: the name, of Abrams wife was that it maybe well with me for thy fake
Sarai ;and the name of JSahcrs wife, and my foul fhall live beeaufe of thee
Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the fa- A
14 H And it came to pafs, that when
iherof xMilcah, and the father of Ifcah. bram was come into Egypt, the Eg> ptiar
;o But Sarai was barren j lhe bad 00 beheld the woman, thatfheflMi very fail
child. t? The princes alfo of Pharaoh fa
21 And Terah tock Abram hisfon. and her, and commeaded her before Pks
Lot the fon of Haran his fons fon, and raoh : and the" woman was taken int
Sarai his daughter in law, his fonAbrams Pharaohs houfe.
vife; and they went forth with them ifi And he entreated Abram well fr
fromUr of the Chaldees, to go into the her fake : and he had (heep, and oxei
<*and of Canaan, and they came unto Ha- and he-atTes, and men-fervants,and maiw
aan, and dwelt there. fervjnts, andfhe-aiTes, and camels.
?i And the days of Terah were two i- And the Lord plagued Pharaoh at
W-Jred and five yean; and. Terah died his houfe with great plagues, beeaufe
frBatan, i
Sarai Abraaw wife.
: :. ; ;

ISt Aftd Abram part. Chap. acill, xiv. Lot taken prfineK
18 And Pharaoh- called Abram, and i7 Arife, walkthrough the land, in the
"aid, What is this that thou haft done length of it, and in the breadth of it:
unto me? why didrt thcu not tell me tor I will give it unto thee.
:hat fhe was thy wite ? 18 Then Abram removed bis tent, and
19 Why She is my filter?
faiait thou, came and dwelt in the plain of Mamrtf.
br might have, taken bet to- me to wile which is in Hebron, and built there aa
ww therefore behold thy wife? take ber-, altar unto the Lord.
and gu thy way. CHAP. XIV.
io And Pharaoh commanded Wi men Tbe battle of four kjngi againfl five, &CY
:oncerning him : and they fcnt him a-
iray, and his wife, ana all that he had.
came to pafs
king of
in the 'days of
Shinar, Ariocb
chap. xin. king of Ellafar, Chedorlaomer king of
Abram and Lot return out 0} Egypt, &c. Elam, and Tidal king of nations
z.Tbat tbe/e made war with Bera king
ANd Abram went up out of Egypt,
he, and his wite, ana allthat he haa, of Sodom, and with Birftia king of Go-
ana Lot with him, into the fouth. morrah, Shinab king of Admah, and
1 And Abram was very rich in cattle, Shemeberkingof Zeboiim, and the king
inhlver, and in gold. of Bela, which is Zo*r.
5 And he went on his journeys from ? All thel'e were joyned together in the
Jie fouth, even to Beth-el, unto the place vale of Siddim, which is the falt-fea.
where his tent had been at the beginning, 4 Twelve years they ferved Chedorla*
between Beth-el and Hai >. omer, and in the thirteenth year they
4 Unto the place of the altar, which he rebelled.
Had made thereat thefirft: and there A- ? And in the fourteenth year came Ch*.
bram called on the name of the Lord. dorlaomer, and the kings that were witft-
? 41 And Lot alfo which went with A- him, and fmote the Rephaims in Afhte-
frramhad flocks, and herds, and tents. roth Karnann, and the Zuzims in Ham*
6 And the land was- not able to bear and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim,
•hem, that they might dwell together 6 An<t the Horites in their mount Seif»
brtheir fubftancewas great, fo that they unto El-paran, which it by the wilder-
:ould not dwell together. nets.
7 And there was a ftrife between the 7 And they returned and came to En- ,

leramenof nbrams cattle, andtheherd- muhpat, which is Kadefh, and fmote

nen of Lots cattle : and the Canaanite all the country pi the Amalekites, and.
ina the Perizzite dwelled then in the land alfo the Amontes, that dwelt in Haze-
8 And Abram faidunto Lot, Let there zon-tamar.
>e no ftrife, I pray thee, between me and 8 And there went out tlie king of So-
hee, and between my herdmen and thy dom, ami the king of Gemorrah, and the
ierdmen: for we be brethren.. king of Admah, and the king of Zeboi-
9 Is not the whole land before thee ? im, and the king of Bela, ( the fame it
eparatethy felf, I pray thee, from me: ZoarJ and they joyned battle with them
f tbouxoilt tafy the left hand, then I will in the vale of Siddim }
to the right or if thou depart to the
9 "With Chedcrlaomer the king of E*
ight hand, then I will go to the left. lam, and with Tidal king of nations, and
to And Lot lifted up his eyes, anabe- Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch
eld all the plain of Jordan, that it was king of Ellafar 1 four kings with five. .

ell watered every where, before the to And the vale of Siddim was full of
t>*l> deftroyen Socioin and Gomorrah, flirae-pfts ; and the kings of Sodom and
>tn as the garden of the Lord, like the Gomorrah fled, and fell there: and they
nd-of Egypt, as thcu comeft yntoZoar. that remained, flea to the mountain.
II Then Lot chofe him all the plain of it And they took all the goods of So-
jrdan ; and Lot journeyed eaft and dom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals,

ley feparated themfelves the one from and went* their way.
ic other. u And they took Lot, Abrams bro-,
ii Abram dwelled in the land of Cana- thersfon f who dwelt in Sodom J andlm
1, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the goods, and departed.
^'jil'.airi, and pitched bis tent toward Sodom. 13 And there came one that had efcap*.
13 But,the men of Sodom were wicked, ed, and told Abram the Hebrews for he
id finners before the Loro, exceedingly. dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorits,
4 11 And the Lord faid unto Abram, after brother of Efhcol, and brother of Aner
at Lot was feparated from him, Lift up and thefe*><re confederate with Abram.
iw thine eyes, and look from the place 14 And when Abram heard that hh
here thou art, north-ward, and fouth- brother was taken captive, he armed his
ard, and eaft-ward, and weft-ward. trained Servants-, born in his own houfe»
1? For all the land which thou feeft, to three hundred and eighteen, and -pursu-
ee will I give it, and to thy feed for ever. ed them unto Dan.
16 And I will make thy feed as the u
And he divided himfelfagainftthenu
.ft of the earth fo that if a man can he and his fe*vants by night, ana fmote

imber the duft of the earth) then fliall >hem, and purfued them unto Hobah.
j.lesu alio be. nwabred. i*hicb if -©a the kit band of Damafcu*.
.6 Aiki.

3fcfcfti\f*{ Ueffttt Atom. C*ncfi». Abra+ni vi$tn t

\6 And he
brought hack all the gocrts, tt Andwheftthe fowls came down up-
and brought again his brother Lot, on the carcafes, Abram drove them away
and his goods, and the women alio, and it And when the fur. was goinir downl
the people. a deep rieep tell upon Abram
t7 11 And the king of 5odom went out horror of great darkneis
f andlo, an
fell upon him.
to. meet him I after his return from the t? And he laid urxo Abram, Know
flaughter ot Chedorlaomer, and of the a fujrety that thy feed ihall be
a ft ranker
kings that xotrt with him ) at the valley in aland r^r »?Obt theirs, and
fhall ferve
of Shaveh, which is the kings dale. *?' ? nd they ftial1 affliC"* «fcero tour
18 And Melchizedek king of Salem hundred1
Mought torth bread and wine and he: t4 And alio that nation whom they
W4i the prieft of the molt high God. 1
[f™ wil1 I- Judge:
1 and afterward
19 Andhebl«Ged him, and /aid, Blef- Ihall they come out with great lubftance.
fed be Abram of the molt high God, pof- x? And thou fhalt j/o to thy fathers in
feflorof heav«n snd earth: peace; thou malt be" buried in a
10 And blefTed be the moft high God, old age. g Jd
which hath delivered thine enemies into 16 But in the fourth generation
thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. mall come hither again : for rhe iniquity
it And the king of Sodom laid umo ofthe Amorites it not yet full. 7
Abram, Give me the pcrions, and take 17 And it came to pals, that when th«
the goods to thy felf. lun went down, and it was dark, behold,
a* And Abram laid to the king of So k g f rna€c ' an d a ^ro'ng lamp,
«om, 1 have lift up mine hand unto the that fi,^paffed
!? J ^
between thoJc. ,-

Lord, the moft high God, the pofleflbr •8 In that fame day the Lord made
or heaven and earth. covenant with Abram, laying, Unto thy
1? That I will not take from a thread leedhave Igiventhis land, from then
even to a rabe-latchet, and that L will not veroff E- Egypt unto the great river, the
take any thing that is thine, left thou river Eupn rates
fhculdlt lay, I have made Abram rich : to TheKenites, and the Kenizitts, and
14 Save only that which the young men the Kadmonites,
have eaten, and the portion of the men tt AndtheHitrites, and the l'crizzitej.
which went with me, Aner, Efhcol, and and the Rephaims,
Mamre j let them take their portion. 11 And the Amorites, and the Canaa-
Ccd encouragetb Abram, &C.
XV. nites, and the Girgamites, and the
A Fter thel'e things the word of the CHAP. XVI.
X\Lord came unto Abram in a vifion, Sawi givtrb Hagtr to Abram, Sec.
laying, Fear not, Abram I am thy
: XTUw Sarai Abrarr.s wiie bare him no
Jhield, ar.i thy exceeding great reward. X>| children and me had an handmaid

1. And Abram faid, Lord Got, what an Egyptian, whole namervai Hagar.
wilt thou give me, feeing 1 go childlefs, z And Sarai laid unto Abram, Beho'd
and the lteward of my houl'e w this Elie- now, the Lord hath retrained me fronj
»er ot Damafcus? bearing :I pray thee gu in unto
3 And Abram laid, Beheld, to me thou jr.akij it may bethat I may oitainc!
haft given no feed.: and Jo, one born in drcn by her : and Aoram hearkneu
$iv houfe is mine heir. the voice of Sarai.
4 And behold, the word of the Lord 3 And Sarai Abrams wife rcok Hagar het
tame unto him, fayin?, This fhall not be maid the Egyptian, after A bramha
thine heir, but he that mall come forth out ten years in tire land ot Canaa*, andgav*
ctf thine own bowel'? fhall be thiae heir. her to her husband Abram to be his wi te.
<i And he Drought him forth abroad, 4 11 And he went In un-<*Hacar, ar«.
and faid, Look now toward heaven, and Ihe conceived Amt when me law

tell the ftars, if thou be able to number ihe had conceived; her miftrefs was ae
them : and he faid unto him, So ihall Ipifed in her eves
thy feed be. Ami Sarai faid unto Abram, My wrow
6 And he believed in the LORD; and
upon thee: I have rriven mvmaidinei
be counted it to him bofom ; and- when ihe law that lh
for righteoufnefs. thy
7 And he faid unto him, I*wthe Lord had conceived, I was defpifed in her eyes
taat brought thee out ot Vr of the Chal- the LORD judge between me- and thee.
ices, to give thee this land to inherit it. 6 But Abram iaidunio Sarai, Behold
8 Aed he faid. Lord God, whereby thy maid it in thy hand ; do to her as i
IhallI know that I fhall inherit it? pleafeth thee. And when Sarai deai
9 And he faid unto him, Take me an hardly with her, fhe rled trom her ta
heifer of three years old, and a fhe-goat oi 711 And the a.ngelot the Loku rottn
three years old, and 3 ram of three years her by a tountilnot natetinthe wild
£dd,arid a turtle-do ve,anda young pigeon. nefs, by the fountain in the way to S.iur
ic And he took unto him all thei'e, 8 And he faid, Hagar, Sarai's iru»ic
-and divided them in the midft. znd laid whence cameft thou ? and whither wi
each piece one a /ainft ajfcitfcejj but the thou go? And fhe faid.- 1 dee tfom th

fcwds divide* he "hot. itaxeof n*y jniftttUSata*,

, '

,iit*mi \>ifion. Chap, xvit Xviii* 7U

«ve«<Mtf nntXHZ.
9 And t^e angelof the Lord faid un- it And lie; that is eight days eld fhall
« her, Return to thy miftrefs, and fub be circumcifed among you, every man-
mt thy fell under her hands. child in your generations, he that is born
ic And the
angel ei the Lord faid unto in the houfe, or bought with money of any
ler, I will multiply thy feed exceedingly, ftranger, which it not of thy feed.
nat it fhall not be numbred tor multitude. 13 fie that is born in thy. houlV*, and he
ii And the angel of the L-owH'aidunto that is bought with thy money, muft needs
ter, Behold, thou art with child, and be circumcifed : and my covenant fhall be
halt bear a Ton, and ihalt call his name 4a your ftefii for an everlafting covenant.
Ihmael ; becaufe the Lord hath heard 14 And the uncircumcifed man-child
ftv attti&ion. whole rlelh of his foreskin is notcircum-
ii And he will be a wild man ; his hand cil ed, that foul fhall be cut off from his
till be againit every man> and every mans people he hath broken my covenant.

anciagainft him and he fhall dwell in

: u
«1 And God faid unto Abraham, As
\c pretence of all his brethren. for Sarai thy wife, thou fhalt not
i? And fhe called the name of the nameSarai, but Sarah Jball her name be.
.oro that lbake unto her, Thou God 16 And L will blefs her, and give thee
eeft me for fhe faid, Have I alfo here * fon alio or her : yea, I will blefs her,

*jked after him that teeth me} and fhe fhall be a mother of nations j kings
14. Wherefore the well was called Be- of people fhall be of her.
r-lahai-roi ; behold, it is between Ka- 17 Then Abraham fell upon his Face,
efh and Bered. and laughed, 3nd faid in his heart, Shall'
i« Vi And Hagar bare Abram a fon: acb'U be born unto him that is an hmw
nd Abram called his fata name, which dred years old* and fhall Sarah, that is
lagar bare, Ifhmael. njnety years old, bear?
5!AndAbramw4{fourfcore and fix years 18 And Abraham faid unto God, Othat
ld> when Hagar bare Immael to Abram, Ilhmael might live before thee !
CHAP. XVII. 19 And God laid, Sarah thy wife fhall
God rentwith the covenant, &c ^ bear thee a ion indeed j and thou fhalt
% Nd when Abram was ninety years callhis-name IfaaC: and I will eftablifo
1, old and nine, the Lord appeared to my covenant with him for an everlafting
bxam, aqd faid unto him, lam theAL covenant, and with his feed after him.

ughty God j walk before we, and be xo And as for Ifhmael, I have heard
»ou pertea. thee behold, I.have blefTed him, and will

x And I will make ray covenant be- make him fruitful, and will multiply
/een me and thee, and will multiply him exceedingly twelve princes fhall he

ee exceedingly beget.and I will make him a great nation.

? And Abram fell orchis face : and .» But my covenant wiij I.eftablifh
od talked with him, faying, with Ifaac, whom Sarah fhalt bear unto
4 As tor me, behold, my covenant if thee at this fet time in the -next year
rh thee, and thou fftalt be a father of xx And he left off talking with hiitt»
any nations. and God went up from Abraham.
Neither ma-ll- thy. name any more be a^ H And Abraham took Ifhmael hi'9
lied Abram.i f»ut thy name fhall beA- Ion, and all that were born in hi? houfe,
aham for a father of many nations and all that were bought with his .moneys,

velmadethee,- every male among the men of Abrahams

»And I will make thee exceeding fruit- houfe; and circumcifed the flefh of their
1 and I will make nations of thee j and foreskin, in the lelf-fame day, «
3gs mall come out of thee. had laid unto him. '• G o4
AndLwill eftabliih my covenant be- t4 And Abraham was ninety, year* old
een me and thee, and. thy feed after and nine when he was circumcifed in the
e, in their generations, for an ever- flefh of his foreskin.
ting covenant ; to be a Goduntothee, 2* And Ifhmael his fon was thirteen
i to thy feed aft«r thee. l wh en. he wa * circumcifed
And I will give unto thee, and to thy flem or °Ahis .

in the
d after thee, the land wherein thou art y> In the fell- fame day was Abraham
ranger, all the land of Canaan, for an circumcifed, and Ifhmael his fon.
:rlafting poffefEon s and I .will be theit . »7 And all the men of his houfe, born
in the houfe, and bought with money of
51And God faid unto Abraham, Thou the Granger, were circumcifed with hW.
It keep my covenant therefore^ thou, _ , CHAP.
*" ^
thy feed after thee, in their gene- Abraham enttrtainttb three angtisr Sec.
> This is mycovenant, which ye fhall
ANd the Lord appeared unto him in
the plains of Mamre and he fat in:

p between me,, and thy feed, the tent-door in the heat of the day.
;rthee; Every man-child among you 1 And. he lift up his eyes and looked*
I be circumcifed-, and lo, three men ftood by bim : and
And ye fhall circumcife theflefhof when hefaw.fAem, he ran to meet them
foreskin, and it fhall be a token of trom the tent-door,
and feawea himfelf
twenant trowiM »e ao4 you» towa*J Jiic£rQun4B_ ;
. ;
. ;

Abraham tnttrtainttb Genefis. s, rH in .. u<

* And faiel, My Lor J, if now 1 kave
round favour in thy light pais not away,
I pray thee, from thy fervant
braham flood
*; V,
^«J» >dom d
yet hefcre the
And Abraham drew
; but A-
near, s
, Let a little water, I pray you, be
fetched, and wafli your feet, and re it your
felves under the tree.
i And 1 will fetch a morfel of bread,
and comfort ye your hearts j after that (troy, and not (pare the
place for the titty
you fhall pals on for therefore are ye
righteous that art therein- '
come to your fervant. And they (aid. 1? That be far from thee to do after tins
So do as thou haft laid.
6 And Abraham haltned. into the tent wS-W l.F'VH "ghtec-u- with tbd
wicked: and that the rfghteoug
Ihould he
unto Sarah, and faid, Make ready quick- as he wicked-, that be
far from thee mall] :
ly three meal'ures of fine meal, knead it, not the judge ot alltheearth
do right'
and make cakes upon the hearth.

t,,he LoRI,fau1 ""I Hncfin So-'

7 And Abraham ran unto the herd, and WfiV" Tl hu '

iJXuF S }?°** wi thm the city, then

fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave
it unto a young man T and he h3Ue»l to - ,,
1 ' he P^ce
for their' lakes.
^" d Ahr, a ? am ™lwered and laid;
ikels it. h a now lave taken upon me t«
8 Ana lu took butter and milk, and ?^ °J
P k U

the Lort1 ' wh,ch am hi d'-Ilt

the calf which he had drelled, and fet it 1 ,K

before them ; and he flood by them un- x8 Peradvemure there fhall lack five
der the tree, and they did eat.
9 %] And -they laid unto him, Where all th£city for fykefrive? And he fa. J
?; Sarah thy wile? And he laid, Behold, It I find there forty ana hve, I will not
in the tent. ueitroy it.
io And he faid, I will certainly return 19 Ana he fpake unto him yet a^aiT*
unto thee according to the time of life and raid, Heradvenrure there fhall be

and lo, Sarah thy wife mall have a Ion. forty found-there. And he faid, I will
And Sarah heard *f> in the tent-door* not do tt tor tomes lake.
which w<ti behind him. 30 Andheraidfc*fo£/>«, oh let not the
uJJow Abraham and Sarah vert old, Lord, be angry, and I will freak Per-- :

anj well (tricken in age *nl it ceafed adventure there fhall thirty be found:

to be wrh Sarah alter the manner of there And he faid, I will not do it if
women. I find thirty- there.
ix Therefore Sarah laughed within her ;i And tie laid, Behold now, T havel
felf, laying, After lam-waxed old, mall I taken upon me to fpeak unto the Lord :
have pleafure, my lord being old alft, ? I'eradventure there mall be twenty found
t? And the Lord faid unto Abraham,

there. And he faid, 1 will not destroy

Wherefore did Sarah laugh, faying, Shall tt tor twenties -Take.
iefaiurety bear a child, which am old? . 3a And he laid, Oh let not the Lo
14 Is any thine too hard for the Lord ? be angry, and I will 1'peak yet but tl
At the time appointed will I return unto ence Peradventure ten fhall be fou

thee, according to the time of life, and there. And he laid, I will not deitroy
Sarah fhall have a fon. torreraiake.
i« Then Sarah den led, faying, Ilaugh- 33 And the Lord went his way, aiibon
ednot: forfhewas afraid. And he laid, ashe had left communing with Abraham :

£Iay, but thou diuft laugh. and Abraham returned unto his place
t6 51 And the men rare up From thence,
and Abraham
and looked toward Sodom : Lot tntertainttb two anfelt, '&c.
went with t h em to bring them on the wa v ANd there came two angels to Sodotii
it And the LORD (aid, Shall I hide at even 5 and Lot fat in the gate of
from Abraham that thing which 1 do -,
Sodom: and Lot feeing tbtm, rofe up re
t8 Seeing that Abraham fhall furely be- meet them } and he bowed himl'elf witl
come a great and mighty nation, and all his face toward the ground 1

the nations of the earth mall be blefled 1 And he laid, Behold now, my lords
in him ? turn in, 1 pray you, into your fervant
19 Fori know him, that he will com- Iioufe, and tarry all night, and waihyou:
mand his children, and his houftrld ar- rm, and ye fhall rife up early, and go 01
te*him, and they fhall keep the way of your wavs. And they faid, Nay, but wi,
the Lord, to do juttice and judgment will abide in the ftreetall night.
that the Lord may bring upon Abraham 3 And he preficd upon them greatly
that which he hath i'poken of him. and they turned in unto him, and entreJ
!o AndtheLoRD faid, Becaufe the cry into his houle: and he made them a feallj
of Sodom and .Gomorrah is great, and and .lid bake unleavened bread, and the
eecaitfe their tin is verv grievous 1
did eat.
ii I will go down now, and lee whe- 4fl But before they lay down, the :
ther they have done altogether accor- of the city, M*nthe men of Sodom, com
ding to the cry of it, which iscomeuntc nailed the hcule round, both o'd a
jrve ; and if not, I will know. yiUD?, all. the people from every qutrrei
a* And the me* turned tfceir &•» from i x\0

lot entertainetb ftfo tngtli. Chap xx. Sodcm in J Gomorrab deft/oyed.
< And they called unto Lot, and (aid it And he laid unto him, See, I hav«
into him, where are the men which came accepted thee concerning this thing alio,
.n to thee this night ? bring them out that I will not overthrow thi3 city, fat
into us, that we may know them, the which thou haft fpoken.
6 And Lot went out at the door unto 23. Hafte thee, elcape thither j for I
hem, arid fhut the door after him, cannot do any thing till thou be come
7 And laid, I pray you, brethren, do thither: therefore the name of the city
lot lb wickedly. was called Zoar.
8 Behold now, I have two daughters 13 H The lun was rifen upon the earth
vhich have n jt known man^ let me, I pray whery Lot entred into Zoar.
'on, bring them out unto you, and do ye l-'. Then the Lord rained upon S;-
o them as is good in your eyes only unto : dom, and upon Gomorrah, brimftone ami
, hel'e men do nothing j for therefore came fire fromtheLoRDcutof heaven.
! hey under the fhadow uf my roof: z? And he overthrew thofe cities, and all
9 And they (aid, Stand back. And they the plain, and all the inhabitants of the ci-
aid-ag.*/H»Tnis one ftllo-m came into l'o- ties, and that which grew upon the ground.
lurn, and he will needs be a judge: Now i<5<n But his wife looked back "from be-
/illwe deal worfe with thee, than with hind hiin, and me became a pillar of falt«
hem And they preffed fore upon tne man,
. 17 n And Abraham gat up early in the
yen Lot, and came near to break the door. morning, to the place where, he flood be-
to But the men put forth their. hand, fore the Lord.
nd pulled Lot into the houfe to them, 18 And he looked toward Sodom and
nd fhut to the door. Gomorrah, and toward all the land of
tt And they fmote the men that were the plain, and beheld, and lo, the fmok"*
t the door or the houfe, with blindnefs, of the country went up as the fraoke of
otn fmall and great fo that they wea-
: a furnace.
ied themfelves to find the door. z9 U And it came. to pafs, when God
u .1] And the men faid unto Lot, Haft deftroyect the cities of the plain, that God
hou here any belldes ? Ion in law, and thy remembred Abraham, and fent Lot out of
Jns, and thy daughters, and whatfbever themidftcftheoverrlirow, when he over-
Iku halt in the city, bring tbem out of threw the cities in the which Lot dwelt.
his place. 30 11 And Lot went up out of Zoar,
3. For we will deftroy this place ' be and dwelt in the mountain, and his twej
auie the cry of" them is waxen great be. daughters with, him ; for he feared t«
are the face of the Lord, and the Lord dwell in Zoar and he dwelt in a cave,

ath fent us to deftroy it. he, and his two daughters.

14 And Lot went out, and fpake unto 31 n And the hrft-bom faict unto the
is ions in law, which married his daugh is old, and tbe/e is
younger. Our father
;rs,and faid, Up, get ye out o^ this place , in the earth to come hi unta
not a man
)rthe Lord will deftroy this city: hut usafterthemannwof all the earth.
e feemed as one that mocked unto his 3t Come, let us .make our father drinlc
ons in law. wine, and we wilt lie with him, that we
t? 11 And when the morning arofe, then may preferve feed of our father.
le angels haftned Lot, faying, Anfe,
33 And they made their father drink wine
ke thy wite, and thy two daughters that night and the firft-born went in, an<i :

!\ich are here ; left thou be confumed lav with her lather ; and he perceived not
> the iniquity of the city, when me lay down, nor when ihe arofe.
ifi And while he lingred, the men laid
34 And it came to pals on the morrow*
3ld upon his hand, and upon the hand of that the firft-born faid unto the younger.
s wife, andtupon the hand of his two Behold, I lay yefternight with my father;
mghter.s; the Lord being merciful unto let us make him drink wine this night ah-
iuf: and they brought him forth, and fo > and go thou in, ani Ire with him, that
t him without the city.
we may preferve Teed of our father. -
i7 11 Ani it came to pais, when they had
3? And they made their father drink
ought them forth abroad, that he faid, wine that night alfo and the younger a- :

fcape tor thy life ; look not behind thee, role, and lay with him and heperceived -,

:ither ftay thou in all the plain: efcape not when Ihe lay down, nor when
fhe arcle.
the mountain, left thou be confumed. ifi Thus were both the daughters of
18 And Lot laid unto them, oh not lb', Lot with child by their father.
y Lord. ;7 And the firft-born bare a /on, and
19 Behold now, thy fervant hath found called his name Moab : the fame is the
ace in thy fight, and thou haft magni- father of the Moabites unto this
•d thy mercy, which thou haft ihewed
38 And the younger, ihe alfo bare a
ito me in favingmy lite: and Icannot
Ton, andcalledhis name Ben-ammi th* -.

cape to the mountain, left forne evil fame is the father of the children
kerne, and I die.
of Am*
this day. mon unto
to Behold now, this city
to, and it is a little one
/; nor
to flee CHAP.; XX.
: let me Abrabtim denietbbit veife, tofttb btr,8cC,
J rape thither, («it not a. little one? ) A Nd Abraham journeyed from thence
L\ toward the fQuih-ccwitry* aoddweJ*

AhrshAtn ttnUth hi veil

ct/r. Genetls. Zf**t ii htm,
led between Kadefh and 5>hur, and fajoar
tied in Gerar.
I/dM ii born, Sec.
t And Abraham (aid of Sarah Lis wife, A ^d the Lord vuited Sarah as he
She it my litter : and Aaimelech kin? n. had laia, and the Lord did unto
of Gerir lent, and took 5arah. Sarah as he had Ipoken.
; But God came to Abimelech in a x For Sarah conceived, and bare Abra-
dream by night, and laid to him, Be- ham a ion in his old age, at the let time
hold, thou art but a dead man, for the ot wh*ch God had fpoken to him.
woman which thou haft taken: for jhe/'i ? A/id Abraham called the name of
a mans wife. his Ion that was born unto him, whom
4 But Abimelech had not come near Sarah bare to him, Ifaac.
her and he faid, Lord, wilt thou flay
: 4 And Abraham orcumcifed his fen* x
alio a righteous nation ? Ifaac, being eight days old, as God :ud i
? Said he not unto the. She if my filler? commanded him.
and fie, even fhe herielf laid, lie u my ? And Abraham was an hundred years.
brother :in the integrity of my heart, and ola, when his fon lfaac was born unrohinu h
*nnocencvof my hands have I done this. 6 n And Sarah faid, God hath made I •

c And 'God laid unto him in a dream, me to laugh, fe t»*t all that hear will.! :

Yea, I know that thou didil this in the laugh with me.
integrity of thy heart ; for I alfo with- 7 And fhe faid, Who would have fei. \.

held thee from tinning againft mc there-

: unto Abraham, that Sarah fhould have-
tore fi<ffered I thee not to touch her. given children fuck ? for 1 have born
7 Now therefore reitore the man hi. him a fon in his old age.
wife j tor he ii a prophet, and he fhall pray 8 And the child erew, and was weaned :
for thee, and thou {halt live and if thou and Abraham made a great fealt the

reftore btr not, know thou that thou fhalt ftntt day that Ifaac was weaned.
furely die, thou, and all that Are thine. 9 K And Sarah law the fon of Hagat
£ Therefore Abimelech rolie earlv in the Egyptian, which uz had bort unto
the morning, and called all his ferva'nts, Abraham, mocking.
and toM all thefe things in their ears to Wherefore fhe faid unto Abraham,
and the men were fore afraid. Caft out this bond-woman and " (bftj
. c Then Abimelech called Abf aham,and for the fon of this bond-woman fiia'l not
faii unto him, What halt thou done unto be heir wkh niv fon, even with Ifaac.
as J and what have 1 offended thee, that i t And the thing was very grievous- -ia :

thou haft brought en me and on my king- Abrahams light, beeaufe ot his fon.
dom a great tin ? thou haft dune deeds nfl And God laid unto Abraham, Let
unto me that ought not to bt dans, itnotoc grievous in thyiight, beeaufe of
tc And Abimelech faid unto Abra- the lad, and beeaufe of thy bond- woman a
ham, What fa weft thou, that thou haft i;i all that Sarah hat.'i faid unto tftee,
done this thing > Hearken unto her voice lor in Iiaac

ti And Abraham {aid, Beeaufe I thought, fhall t>\y feed be called.

Surely the fear of God f'jnot in this place j i ; And alio of the ion of the bone-woman

and-they will flay me tor my wifes fake. will I make a nation, beeaufe he h tby eed I

ii And vet indeed fie ii my filter, fhe 14 And Abraham role up early in the
it thedaughterof my father, but not the morning, and rook b>read, and a b trie of
daughter of rr.y mother : and fhe became water, and gave it unroHagar i puttms'i
Jtiy wife. on her fhouider; and the ctuld, a:id fell
M And it came to t/afs, when God her away: and fhe derarted. and wj
caufed me to wander Irom my fathers dted in the wildcrnel's of Beer-iheba
houfe, that I faid unto her, This is thy t? And the water was foent in th<
kindnefs which thcu fhalt fhew unto me ; bottle, and fhe caft the child under oat
At every place whither we fttall come, of the ftimbs.
fay of me. He it n.y brother. t6 And fhe went, and fat heT down ove
X4 And Abimelech took fhee% and againft *»m, a good way off, as it were ,*

cxen, and men-fervants, and women. fer- bow-fhot : for the aid, Let me not feethi

vants, and gave tbem untc Abraham, and death of the child. And fhe fat ever 3gaiaf i

reftored him Sarah hit wife. him, and lift up her voice, and wept.
t? And Abimelech faid, Behold my land ii if And God heard the voice: of the lad
before thee dwell where it pleafeth thee. and the angel of God called to Haearou

t5 And unto Sarah he faid, Behold, 1 cf heaven, and faid unto her. What ailed
have given thy brother a thoufand pieces thee, Hagar ? fear not i for God hatj
of filver befco!d, he h to thee a covering heard the voice of the lad where he/;.

cf the eyes, unto all that *re with thee, t8 Arife, lift up the lad. and hold hir
and with all other: thus ihe was reproved. in thine hand : for I will make him
t7 U So Abraham prayed unto God : and ereat nation.
Gofi healed Abimelech; and hiswite, and to And God opened her eyea.and fhe fa

his maid-fervants ; and they bzrecHlirtn. awellofwa'er: and fhe went, and rllle
tg FortheLoRD had faft doled up all the bottle with water, and ga/e the la
the wombs of the houfc of Abimelech, drink.
fcccaufccf Sarah At>rsuiau*s w.fe. io And Gui was with the lad, »n* 1

Abimtltcii eevtnuntxtkb Abrsbam. Chap . Xxii. Abr at ami faith Mi obeditnt*.

grew, and dwelt in the wildernefc, and 6 And Abraham took the wood of the
Became ait archer. burnt-offering, and laid z'fupon Ifaac his
xi And he dwelt in the wildernefs of fon ; and he took the fire in hrs hand, and
Paran : and his mother took him a wife a knife : and they went both of them to-
out ot the land of Egypt. gether.
xi 11 And it came to pafs at that time, 7 And Ifaac fpakeunto Abraham his fa-
that Abimelech, and Phiehol the chief ther, and laid, My father and he faid,

captain of his hoft, fpakeunto Abraham, Here-twl, my fon. And he faid, Behold
faying.God ii with thee in all that thou doff. the fire and the wooa but where is the

13 Now therefore fwear unto me here by lamb for a burnt-offering ?

God, that thou wilt not deal falily with 8 And Abraham faid, My fon, Godwin
me, nor with my fon, nor with my fons" provide himfelf a lambfor a burnt-offer-
Ion : but according to thekindnefs that ing : fo they went both of them together.
have done unto thee, thou fhalt do unto 9 And they came to the place which
me, and to the land wherein thou haft God had told tiin cf, and Abraham built
bjoumed. an altar there, and laid the wood in order i
14 Ana Abraham faid, I will fwear. and bound Ifaac his fon, an<f laid him on
x* And Abraham, reproved Abimelech the altar upon the wood.
becaufe of a well of water, which Abime- to And Abraham ftretehea ft>r*h hie
techs fervants had violently taken away. hand, and took the knife to flay his fon.
z6 And Abimelech faid, 1 wot not who ii And the angel of the Lord called
hath done this thing: neither did/1 thou unto him Out of heaven, and iaid, Abra-
tell me, neither yet heard I o//r but to day. ham, Abraham. And he faid, Here -»m I.
17 And Abraham took fheep and oxen, n Andhefaid, Lay not thine hangup-
and gave them unto Abimeleeh: and both on the lad, neither do thou any thing un-
jf them made a covenant. to hira for now I know that thou feareft

18 And Abraham let feven ew-lambs God» feeing thou haft not withheld thy
Of the flock by themfelves. fon, thine orAyfon from me.
19 And Abimelech faid unto Abraham U And Abraham lifted up his eves, and
What mean thefe feven ew-lambs, which looked, and behold, behind him a ram
Ihou halt fet by themfelves ? caught in a thicket by his horns t And
3e And he .aid, For theji feven ew- Abraham v/ent and took the ram, andef-
amhs fhalt thou take of my hand, that fered him up for a bnrnt-offering, in tSe
hey may be a witnefs unto me, that I have ftead of his ion.
ligged tnis well. 14 And Abraham called the name of that
?i Wherefore he called that place Be- placeJehovah-Ureh: as it isfaid te thisttay,
s-lheba becaufe there they fware both
: In the mount of tfce Lord it fhall be feen.
)fthem. i? 5t And the angel of the Lord called
31 Thus they made a covenant at Beer- unto AbraKam out of heaven the feeond
keba then Animelech rofe up, andPhi- time,

hol the chief captain of his hoft, and they t6 And faid, By my felr h,ave I fworn,
eturned into the land of the Phililtines faith the Loru for becaufe thou haft
3? fl And Abraham planted a grove in done this thing, and haft not withheld
leer-fheba, and called there onthename thy fon, thine only/on :
•r the Lord, the everlafting God. i7 That in bleffing 1 will blefs thee, and
34 And Abraham Ibjourned in the Phi- in multiplying Iwill multiply thy feed as
iftines land many d ays. the ftars of the heaven, and as the fand
C A' P. H XXII. which is upon the fea-fhorej and thy fee*
Abraham oftang up Ifaacjsjiayed, &e. fhall poifefs the sate of his enemies ;
\ Nd it came to t8 And in thy feed (hall all the nation*
pafs after thefe things,
A that God did tempt Abraham, and of the earth be Welted : becaufe thou haft
tid unto him, Abraham. Ana he faid, obeyed my voice.
ehold, terelam. to So Abraham returned unto his young
i And he faid, Take now thy (on, thine men, and they rofeup, and went together
Tly /on Ifaac, whom thou loveft, and get to Beer-lheba, and Abraham dwelt at
lee into the land of Moriah, and offer Beer-fheba. •
i.m there for a burnt-offering upon one io v, And it came to pafs after thefe
rthe mountains which I will tell thee of. things, that it was told Abraham, faying,
? V And Abraham rofe up early in the Behold, MiJcah, (he hath alfoborn chil-
;:!§ ojtiing, and faddled his aft, and took dren unto thy brother Nahor
toot his young men with him, and Ifaac *i Huzhis firft-boni, and Buz his bra*
s fon j arid clave the wood fcr the burnt-
ther, and Kemuel the father of Aram,
lenng, and rofe up, and went unto the And Chefed, and Hazo, and Pildafh,
ace of which God had told him. andjidlaph, andBethuel.
4 Then on the thiru day Abraham lift up 13 AndBethuel begat Rebekah : thefe
s eyes, and faw the place a far off.
eight Milcah did bear to Nahor Abraham*
Ik v And Abraham (aid unto his young brother.
en, Abide you here with the afs ; and
I 14 And his concubine, whofe namet»*t
d the lad will go yonder
tf)« w»rflup, Reumah, lhe bare alfo Tebah, and Ga-
il ft 6QJUC again t©
J'Cm. ham, and Thahaflj, aitiMaachah.
anrfThahafh. aniwaachah.
« |

: v
; :

?*r*bi dettb. Gcnefij. Abra.b*m fvcttretb bit fervtnt.

CHAP. mn. 18 Unto Abraham for a predion m
Tbe *$t *ni iutktf Sarah, SlC. the prefencc of the children 1 f Heth, be-

A Nil Sarah was an hundred and feiren

and twenty years old: tbtfe were the
yearsot the lite of Sarah.
tore all that went in at the gate of his
19 And after this, Abraham buried
I And Sarah died in Kirjarh-arba ; the Sarah his wite in the cave ot the field ot
fame i< Hebron in the land of Canaan: Machpelah, before Mamie: the lame it
And Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, Hebron in the land of Canaan.
ar.d tuweep for her. i" And the field and the cave that fi
7 r And Abraham flood up frcm before therein were made fure unto Abraham,'
his dead, and fpake unto the forw of Heth, rorapofleilionof aburviny-place, bv tr.c
faying, ions of Heth.
4 lim a flranger and a fojoumer with
you: give me a poffcffion of a ourying-
Abrabamfiaeofttb tn:-fi'vin*, Sec.
place with you, that I may bury my dead A Nd Abraham was old uni well ftricken
out of my fight. ^A in age and the Lord had
: blelT^J
T And' the children of Heth anfwered Abraham in all things.
Abraham, faving unto him, 1 Ar.d Abraham faid unto his eldeft
6 Hearus, my lord} thou cri a might fervant of his houfe, that ruled over all
prince amonzil us j in the choice of our that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand
leptdchres bury thy dead none of usfhall
: under mvthi^h :

withheld rrom thee his fepulchre, but that I And I will make thee fwear by the
thou may ft bury thv dead. I-ord, the rjoJ or heaven and the God of
7 And Abraham flood up, and bowed the earth, that thou (halt net take a wife
himfelfto the people of the land, even to unto my fon of the daughters of the Ca-
the children of Heth, naanites amongft whom! dwell
8 And he communed with them, fayLncr, 4 But thcu uxalt go unto my countryj
If it be your mind that I fhould bnrvniy and to my kindred," and take a wife u.t-
dead out of my fight, hear me, andintrea't to my fon Haac.
for m e r% E phron t h e Ton f Zoh ar 5 And the fervant faid unto him, Per.
g That he may give me the cave of adventure the woman will not be willing
Machpelah, which he hath, which is in to follow me unto this land: muft I needs
the end of his field ; for as much money as brine thy ion again unto the land from
it is worth he fhall give it roe, for a whence thou earned?
poffeflion ufaburying-place amongft vou. 6 AndAbraham faid unto him, Beware
10 And E phron dwelt amongft the chil- thou, that thou bting not my fon thither
dren of Heth. And E phron the Hittite again.
anfwered Abraham in the audience cf the 7 n The Loup God of heaven whirl
childrenof Heth, even of all that went in took me from my fathers houfe, and frctr
at the gate: of his city, laying, the land of my kindred, and which fpaki
I I Nay, my lord, hear me: the field unto me, and' that fware unto me, fay
five I thee, and the cave that -'-therein, I ing, Unto thy feed will 1 give thi
give itth?e ; inthepreienceof the Cons ot he fhall fend his angel before thee, an.
aiypeo: \c give I rthee: bury thy dead. thou malt take a wife unto my fon froi
nAnd Abraham bowed down himfelf thence.
before the people cf the land. B And if the woman will not be wilfia
r? And he Ipake unto Ephron in the to follow thee, then thon fhalt be cle
audience ofthepeopleof the land, faying, from this my oath : only bring not my fo
But ir thou w'/f trrve /, I pray thee hear thither again.
me ; I will give thee monev for the field : 9 And~the fervant put hts hand unA
take ?r of me, and I will' bury my dead the thigh of Abraham his mailer, an
there. fware to him concerning th3t matte?.
14 And Ephron anfwered Abraham, to *T And the fervant took ten camel
faying unto him, -.els of his mailer , anddeparte.
1? lord, hearken unto me- the land
My ( tor all the goods of his mailer tKrrin h
it worth four hundred fhekels of filver hand-.) and he arcfe, and went toMef
what it that betwixt me
and thee? bury potamia, unrotheci'v ofNahor.
therefore thy dead. it And he made his camels to kne
16 AndAbraham hearknea unto Ephron, down without the citv, bv a well of watt
and Abraham weighed to Ephron the fil- at the time of the evening, e\-en the tic
ler, which he had named in the audience that women go out to draw waftr.
of the fins of Heth, tour hundred fhekels ii Ard he faid, O Lord God ot r
cf tllver, current money with the mer- mailer Abraham, I pray thee fend 1

chant. good i'peed this day, and fhew kindn

1- •* the field of Ephron, which
Ami unto my mailer Abraham.
•fa; in Machpelah. which t»*i before t; Behold, I ftand birr bv the well
Mamre, the field, and the cave which tpj- water, and the daughters -of the men
therein, and all the trees thitixere in the the citv come out to"draw water :

field, that voere in _ all the birders round 14 And let ;t come to pais, that the da
about, were made lure fci to whom 1 fhall fav, Let down thy r
: ;

^VJtitandFeheipb. Chap. Jtxiv. Hit *»ttrtairmtnt, &C.

fber, I pray thee, that 1 msy drink; and ftraw and provender for the camels, an4
[he mail lay, Drink, and 1 wilt give thy water to wafli his feet, and the mens feet
Jameis'dnnkalfo: let the fame be (he feu* that were with him.
hou had appointed ior thy iervant Iiaac ; 3? And there was fet tneat before him to
md thereby lhall I know that thou halt eat but he faid, will not eat, until 1 have
-. '

hewed kindnels unto my matter. told mine errajki. And he faid, Speak on.
k fl And it came to paisbefore he had 34 And he laid,4 «m Abrahams Iervant,
ior.e fpeaking, that behold, Reoekah 3? And the Lord hath bleilied my ma-
arceout, who was born to Bethuel fonof iler greatly, and he become
great: and
•lilcah the wire or Nahor Abrahams bro- he hath given him and herds, and
ker, -with her pitcher upon her moulder. filver, and gold, and men-lervants, and
, t5 Andthedamfelw^J very fair to look maij-fervants, and camels, and afTes.
por., a virgin, neither had any man 36 And -Sarah my mailers wife bare a
nown her : and Q\e went down to the fon to my mailer when fhe was old : and
•ell, and tilled her pitcher, arid came up. unto him hath he given all that he hath.
17 And the Iervant ran to meet her, and 3- And -my mailer made me (wear,
id, Let ' me
I pray thee"; drink a little faying, Thou fhalt not take a wife to my
aterot thy pitcher. Ion of the daughters of the Canaanites, in
t8 And the laid, Drink, my lord : and whole land 1 dwell:
ie hailed, and letdown her pitcher upon 38 But thou fhalt go unto my fathers
erhand, and gave him drink. houfe, and to my kindred, and take a
And when me had done giving him
to. wife unto my fon.
ink, fhe laid,1 will draw vater for thy 39 And I laid unto my m after, Perad*
mels allbiuntil they have done drinking. venture the woman will riot follow me.
xc And fhe haired, and emptied her 4? And he laid unto me, The Lord
tcher into the trough, and ran again before whom I walk, will fend" his angel
tto the well to dt&vmdttr, and drew for with thee, and profperthy way; and thou
I hi? camels. fhalt take a wife for my fon of my kind-
it And the man wondring at her, held red, and of my fathers houfe.
s peace, to wit whether the Lord had 41 Then ltralt thou be clear from tbit
a<Je hisjeurney profperous,crnot. my oath, when thou comeit to my kind-
n And it came to paTs as the camels had red ; and if thev give rot thee one, thoa
me dunking, that the man took a golden fhalt be clear from my oath.
r-ringof half a fhekei weight, and two 41 And I came this dav unto the well,
acelets for her hands,yf tenj/>e^e/;weight and faid, O Lord God of my mafter A-
gold ; braiiam, if now thou do profper my way
13 Andfaid, "W'hofe daughter Art thou} which I go
II me, I praythce is there room in thy
: 43 Behold, I Hand by the well of water j
tthershoufe for us to lodge in? and it (hall come to pais, that when the
14 And (he faid unto him, I am the virgin cgmeth forth to draw water, and
irghter of Bethuel the Ion of Milcah, 1 fay to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little
:ich the bare unto Nahor. water of thy pitcher to drink
ii -She laid moreover unto him, We 44 And fhe fay to me, Both drink thou,
ve both ftraw and provender enough, and I will affo draw for thy camels let :

d room to lodge in. the fame be the woman whom the Lord
6 And the man bowed down his head, hath appointed out for my mailers fon.
d wormipped the Lord. 4? And before I had done freaking in
!i7 And he laid, Blefied be the Lord mine heart, behold, Rebekah came forth
)dof my mafter Abraham, who hat^not with her pitcher on her moulder; and lhe
Tdeltitute my mailer of his mercy and went down unto the well, and drew xvattr :
; 1 btinv, in the way,thel-oRD led
: and I faid unto her, Let me drink, I' pray
: to my mailers brethren.
the houfe of thee.
*.8 And
the damfel ran, and told tbtm 46 And fhe made hafte, and let down her
her mothers houfe thefe things. pitcher Iromheryfrou^ier, and faid, Drink,
3.9 11 And Rebekah had a brother, and andrwill give thy camels drink alio : fo I
me veas Laban: and Laban ran out drank,and fhe made the camels drink alio.
fl:otheman, unto the we'll, 47 And I asked her, and faid, Whofe
i^o And it came to pals when he fawthe daughterarf thou?And(he faid, The daugh-
ng and bracelets upon his fillers ter of Bethuel, Nahors fon, whom Milcah
*jndi, and when he heard the words of bare unto him arid I put the ear-ring upon

<ah his filler, faying, Thus fpake her face, and the bracelets upon her hands.
~.umo me; that he came unto the 4f And I bowed down my head, and
In, and behold, he Hood by the camels worfhipped the Lord, and blefied the
5 he well. Lord God of my mafter Abraham, which
s And he faid, Come in, thou blefied had'led me in the right -way to take my
the Lord ; wherefore (tandeil thou mailers brothers daughter unto his ion.
tor I have prepared the houfe, 49 And now, if you will deal kindly

II room for the camels. and truly with my mailer, tell me: and
And the man came into the houfe : if not, tellme ; that 1 ra3y turn to the
ungirded his <vmels, and gave right hand, crto the lett.
to The*
. "

)ak ftnt t« y*at. GeneG*. Abrabam age, itatb Mi burial.

lcuLa. an andBethuel anfwered.and fhurim, and Letufhim, and Leuramint.

,The thing proceedeth from the Lord:
4 And the lbi«t of Midian; E phah,andE-
wecarmot tpeakunrothee bad or good. pher,andHanoch,andA:ndah,andEldaah.
51 Rcbekah 1> before thee,
Behold, -ill thclewece the children of Keturah.
take**/-, and go, and let her be thy ma- 5 51 And Abraham gave all that he had
ilers tons- vi;e, as the Lord hath fjpoken. untollaac.
51 And it came to pais, thai when A- 6 But unto the forts of the contubine*
br2harus lervant heard their words, /te which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts,
worfhipped the Lord, lowing bimjtlf to and lent them away from Ifsac his ion
the earth. { while he yet lived) calt-ward unto the
5* And the fervant brcught forth jewels call-country.
of lilver, and jewels ot gold, and raiment, 7 And thefe are the days of the years

and gave ffcem to Rebekah : He gave alio of Abrahamslitewhichhelived, an hun-

tc her brother and to her mother precious dred threefcore and fifteen years.
things. fc Then Abraham gave up the ghofl, and'
54 And they did eat and drink, he and died in good old age,anold man,ar a full
tfte men that were with him, and tamed all ofytar< and was gathered to his people.

night : and they rcfe up in. the morning, a And his fons Ifaac and Ifhmael buried
and he faid, Send me away unto my matter. himinthecaveotMachpelah, in thefieli
55 And her brother and her mother laid, 01 Epfiron the fonot Zohar the Hittite,
Let the damfel abide with us a fexo days, whichi 5 before Mamre ;
at the leaitten; after that ihe mall go. 10 The field which Abraham purchafei
56 Andhe (aid unto them, Hinder me not, of the foes of Heth : there was Abraham
feeing the Lord hath profpered my way : buried, and Sarah his wife.
lend me away, that I may go to my matter. it 11 And it came to pafs after the death
57 Andthey faid, we
wiJl call the of Abraham, thatGod bieiled his Ion Ifaac :
damfel, ana enquire at her mouth. and Ifaac dwelt by the wellL'ih i-roi.
• 58 And they called Rcbekah, and faid m. 51 Now thele art the generations or
unto her, Wilt thou tro with this man; Ifhmael Abrahams fon, wliora Hagar the
And fhe faid, I will go. Egyptian, Sarahs handmaid, bare unto
59 And they fent awayRebekah their Abraham.
Cfter, and her nurfe, and Abrahams fer- 13 And
thefe are the names of the fon= of
vant, and his men. Ifhmael, by their names,according to their
6oAndtheybielVedRebekah,and faid unto generations-.Thefirft-borno: Ifhmael, Ne-
her, Thou a^ cur fifter, be thou the mother bajoth;andKedar,andAdbeel,andMibfam»
ofthoufands of millions, and let thv feed T4 And Mifhma.and Dumah, and Mafi'a,
jx>flefs the gate ot" thole which hate'them. t5 Hadar, andlTema, Jetur, Naphifh,
6i «i And Rebekah arol'e, and her andKedemah.
damfels, and thev rode upon the camels, 6 Thefe art the fons of Ifhmael, and
and followed the' man: and the fervant thefe art their names, by their towns andl
took Rebekah, and went his way. by their catties; twelve princes according!
6i Andllaac came from the way of the to their nations.
well Lahai-roi ; for he dwelt in the fouth- t7 And thefe are the years of the life o
country. Ifhmael, an hundred and thirty and fever
6? And Ifaac went cut to meditate in the years and he gave up the ghoft and di.

field at the even-ride and he lift up his

: ed, and was gathered urito his people
eyes, and law, and behold, the camels 18 And they dwelt from Havilah un'i
Vitrt coming. Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goe
6-iAnd Rebekah lift upher eyes,and when towards Affyria : and he died in the "pre
fhe law Ifaac, fhe lighted oft" the camel. fence ot all his brethren.
65 Fcr fhe had laid unto the fervant, 10 51 And thefe are the generation* of I
"WhatmanM this that walketh in. the field faae Abrahams Ion : begat Ifaac
to meet us? And the fervant had faid, It to And Il*ac was forty year* old when h
i. my matter: therefore fhe took a vail took Rebekah to wife, the daughter c
and covered her felt. Bethuel the Syrian of l'adan-aram, tfl
06 And the fervant told Ifaac all thine- filler of Laban the Syrian.
that he had done. ii And Ifaac intreated the Lord f
67 Andllaac brought her into his mother his wife, becaufe fhe TP4- barren and ff

Sarahs tent.and took Rebekah, and fhe be- Lord was intre3ted of him, and Rebeks
came his wite;and he loved her and Ifaac : his wife conceived
was comforted after his mot hers death H 11 And the children flruggled togeth
CHAP. XXV. within her: and fhe faid, If it be io, wl
Tbt fons of Abraham by Keturah, Sec. am I thus ? And lhc went to enquire ot f
THen again Abraham took
her name was Keturah
a wife, and
a? And the Lord faid unto her, T
1 And fhe bare him Zimran, and Jak- nations art in thv womb, and two manr
Ihan, anJI Medan, and Midian, and Ifh- of people fhall'be feparated trom
bak, andShuah. bcwels : snd tht ontpeoplc lhall hf tlron*
t, And Jokfhan braat Sheba* and De- than tbtotbtr people , and the elder fh
dan, /wd the funs of Dedan were Af- ferve the younger.
He birth of Efau and Jacob, Chap sxvJ. Tfaae grovfitth rict
:4 n And when her days to »e delivered unto him.Becaufe I faid.Left I die for her,
re fulfilled, behold, tbert Were twins in ic And Abimelech laid, What U this
rwomb. thou haft done unto us ? one o\ the people
And the
.<i out red, all over fvrft came might lightly have hen with thy wile, and*
;c an hairy garment: and they called his thou ihouldft have brought guiltinels up-
rat Efau. on us.
A And after that came his brother out, /it And Abimelech charged all his peo-
I lui hand took hold unEl'au's heel i and ple, faying, He that toucheth this manor
name wascalled Jacob and Iiaac voas : hiswhe, Thallfurelv be put te death.
eeicore years old when fhe bare them ii Then Ifaac lowed in tha. land, and]
7 And the boys grew: and Elan was a received in the fame year an hundred-
fining hunter. 3 man of the field i and fold, and the Lori» bleffed him.
iob wa.i a plain man dwelling in tents. i? And the man waxed great, and went
[S And Haac loved Efau, becaule he did forward, and grew until lie became very
ior"Ar';veniloc: butRebekahlovedJacob great.
) V And Jacob fod pottage : and Efau 14 For he had pofi'eflion of flocks, and
:e from the field, and he voat faint. pojTeffionof herds, and great ftore of fer-
J And Efaufaid to Jacob, Feed me,. I vants. And the Philiftines envied him.
vthee, with that lame red fotta$e ; for t? For all the wells which his father's
» faint : therefore was his name called fervants had digged in the days of Abra-
m. ham his father, the Philiftines had flop-
And Jacob faid, Sell me this day thy ped them, and filled them with earth.
h-right. \6 And Abimelech laid unto Ifaac, Go
. And Efau faid, Behold, I ant at the from us : for thou art much mightier
itto die : and what profit ftiall this than we.
i-right do to me ? 17 11 And Ifaac departed thence, and
And Jacob faid. Swear to me this pitched his tent in the valley or Gerar,
andhefwareuntohim and he fold
: and dwelt there.
>irth-rightuntoJacob. t3 And Ifaac digged again the wells of
Then Jacob gave Efau bread and water, which they had digged in the days
age of lentiles \ and he did eat and of Abraham las lather j for the Philiftines
k, and rofe up, and went his way had Hopped them after the death of Abra-
Efaudefpifedufe/j birth-riirht. ham : and he called their names after the
CHAP.God.XXVI. btm, &c.
names by which his father had callel
: gotthtoGtrar : blcjjith them.
Sd there was a famine in the land, 19 And Ifaacs fervants digged in the
befides the firrt famine that was in valley, and found there a well of fpring-
lavsof Abraham. And Ifaac went un- ing water.
ownelech king of tDePhiiiftines, un- ac And the herd men of Gerar did ftrive
with Ilaacs herdmen, laying, The wate$
\nd the Lord appeared unto -him, uours: and he called the name ofthe
"aid, Gonotdown into Egypt : dwell well Efek, becaule they tlrove with him,
eland which I lhall tell thee of. ix And they digged another well, ami
ojourh in this land, and I will oewith drove for that al/o : and he called the
and will blefsthee: for unto thee, name of it Sitnah.
unto thy feed I will give all thefe ii And he removed from thence, and]

cries, and 1 will perlorm the oath digged another well ; -and for that they
^hllwareunto Abraham thy father. ftrove not and he called the name of it

\nd I will make thy feed to multiply Rehoboth ; and he faid, For now the
of heaven, and will give unto
•ftars Lord hath made room tor us, and we lhall
; J eJ all thefe countries and in thy feed : be fruitful in the land.
all the nai ions of the earth be bkll'ed : i; And he went up frony thence 10
Secaufe that Abraham obeyed my Beer-iheba,
and kept my charge, my com-,
, 54 And the Lof.d appeared unto hii**he
ments, myftarutes, and my laws. lame nighr, and liid, I am the God of
And Ifaac dwelt in Gerar. Abraham thy lather; fear not, for I am
v.c t!\rt mtn of the place asked him with thee, and will blefsthee, and multiply
wife and he faid, She is my lifter:
; thy feed tor my fervant Abrahams fake.
: '.eared to fay, She it my wire j left, i? And he build ed an altar there, an.!
\ the men ofthe place fhouia kill me called upon the name of the Lofen, and
i?bekah, tecaufe fhewas lair to look inched his tent there: and there Ifaacs
rrvants digged a well.
nd it came to rafs when he had been 16 11 Then Abimelech went to him from
•along time, that \bimelech kingol Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends,
Aliilittinc looked out at a window, andPhichol the chiefcapatain ot his army.
behold, Ifaac wjj fporting xi And Ilaac faid unto them, here- W
Jtebekah his wife. , „ ,
fore come ye to me, feeing ve hate me,
IndAbimelech calted Ifaac, and faid, and have lent me away from' you >
iJUof a furet v fhe it thy wife and how : 18 And they fa id, We
faw certainly that
j'Jiou.Sheij'my filler I And Ifaac faid the LORi> was with ti)ic and we faid;


9<btkab injlruthtk Jacob. Genefis lfsAt, bltjfttb Uw}.

Let there be now an oath betwixt us, even uAnd he went, and fetched, an
betwixt us and thee, and Ictus make a co- brought tbem to his mother: and his mo
venant with thee j thermade favourymeat, fuch ashisfathe
x9 That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we loved.
have nut touched thee, and as we have 1? And Rebekah took goodly raiment c
done unto thee nothing but good, and havr her eldeft fon Efau, which vtere with her 1
fsnt thee away in peace: thou art now the houfe, and put them upon Jacob ne
thebleffcd of the Loud. younger fon.
30 And he made them a feaft, and they 16 Andlheput the skins of the kids
did eat and drink. the goats upon his hands, ana upon th
31 And they rofe up betimes in the fmooth of his neck,
jnornine, and fware one to another and : 17 And /he gave the favoury meat, an
Ifaac lent them away, and they departed the bread which fhe had prepared, int
from him in peace. the hand of her fon Jacob.
31 And it came to pafs the fame day, 18 11 And he came unto his father, an
that Ilaacs fervants came, and told him faid, My father: And he faid, Here at
concerning the well which they had dig- I j who art thou, my fon ? /
ged, and laid unto him, We have found 19 And Jacob faid unto his father, I at
water. Eal'u thy firft-born ; I have done accordin
33 And he called it Sheba : therefore the asthou'badeft me: arife, I rray thee, if

name of the city is BeeMheta unto this day and eat of my venifon, that thy foul jM
34 51 And Efau was forty years old when blefs me.
tie took to wile Judith the daughter of 10 And Ifaac faid unto his fon, How ,

Beeri the Hittite, and Bafhemath the it that thou haft found it lb quickly, 1
daughter of Elon the Hittite : fon? And he faid, Becaufe the Lonufi
3$- Which were a grief of mind unto God brought it to me.
Ifaac and to Rebekah. 11 And Ifaac faid unto Jacob, Cor
CHAP. XXVII. near, I prav thee, that I may feel tfu
Ifaac fendetb tjau. for venifon, &e. my fon, whether thou be my very fon Elf
ANd it came' to pais that when Ifaac
was, old, andhis eyes were dim, lb
or not.
zi And Jacob went near unto Ifaac

that he could not fee, he called Efau bis father, and he felt iiim and faid, 7

eldeft Ion, and faid unto him, My fon : And voice is Jacobs voice, out the hands
lie faid unto him, Sehold, hen am 1. the hands of Efau.
i And he faid, Behold now, I am old, 13 And he difcerned him not, beca-
I know not the day of my death, lm hands were hairy, as his brother Efs
3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy hands: Soheblelledhim.
weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, ana go 14 And he laid, An thou my very
©ut to the field, and takemc/bwje venifon ; Efau? And he faid, lam.
4 Andmakemefavoury meat, fucnasl M
And he laid, Bring it near to 1

love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; and I will eat ct my fons venifon, that
that my foul may blefs thee before I die. foul may blefs thee. And he brougf
* And Rebekah heard when Ifaac (pake near to him, and he did eat: and
to Efau his Ion : and Efau went to the field brought him wine, and he drank. i,

to hunt for venifon, and to bring it. i^ And his father Ifaac faid unto I,
6 11 And Rebekah fpakeunto Jacob her Comenearnow, andkifsme, my fon
fon, faying, Behold, I heard thy father 17 And he came near, and killed h
jpeak unto Efau thy brother, faying, and he fmelled the fmell of his raiir
7 Bring me venifon, and make me fa- andblefled him, and faid, bee, the f
voury meat, that I may eat, and blefs thee of my fon;* as the fmell of a field, w
before the Lord, before my death. the Lori> hath blelfed.
8 Now therefore, ray lon,obey my voice, 18 Therefore God eive thee of the
according to that which I command thee. of heaven, arid the fatnefs of the e
o Go now to the fiock, and fetch me and plenty of corn and wine.
from thence two good kids of the goats 19 Let people ferve thee, and tu

and I will make them lavoury meat for thy bow down to thee i be lord ove
father, fuchasheloveth. brethren, and let thy mothers Ions
Crtrfed be every on-
io And thou Ihalt bring it to thy father, do\?n to thee :

that he may eat, and that lie may blefs thee curfeth thee, and Welled
be he that bl

before his death. thee.

u And Jacob faid to Rebekah his mo- 20 11 And it came to pafs, a (loon as

ther, Behold, Efau my brother is a hairy had made an end of bleifing Jacob
man, and I am fmooth man.
a lacob wa? vet fcarce gone out fro
ti My father peradveniure will feel me, pretence of Ifaac his father, that Ef
and 1 fhall feem to him as a deceiver 5 and brother came in from his hunting.
31 .And healfchad made lavoury
I fhall bring a curie upon me, and not a
Hefting. and brviught it unto his father ; an
n And his mother faid unto him. Upon unto his father, Let my father aril
«je-6e thy curfe, my fen only obey my eat of his fonsvemlbn, that thy io
viice, and 50 fetch me tbon. bleisme.
Ufau obUinetb * ilefsin*;. Cha^. JCIviii, Jdcol fent to Padtn-a/am.
n And liaac his tather laid unto him, to him,, Thou ihalt not take a wife of ffie
V;io art thou? And h= (aid, 1 am thy daughters of Canaan.
an, thy firlt-born Efau. i Arile, go to Padan-aram, to the
;?3 And liaac trembled very exceedingly, houle of Bethuel thy mothers father ; an<*
|nd faid, Who, where the that hath taken take thee a wife from thence ol the
I'eni.on, and brougV it ine, and I have daughter? ot Laban thy mothers brother.
arcn of all before thou earned; , and have 3 And God A'migiity bk,s t, and>
leuedhim? y«a, an he (hall beblelled. make thee fruitful, and multiply th?e»

3+ Ana when Elau heard the words of that thou mayd be a mol-i'ude et people t
is father, he cned with a grear and ex- 4 And give thee the blefl.n? oi Abra-
reding bitter cry, and laid unto his fa- ham, to thee, and to thy feed with thec »
ter, Bids me, even me alio, O my father. that thou maylt inherit the land whereift
*i And he laid, Thy brother came with thou art a flranger, which Gud gave unto
btilty, and hath taken away thy blefling. Abraham.
;6 And he laid, Is not he rightly na- * And Ifaac fent away lacob, and h6
ed Jacob? for he hath fupplanted me went to Padan-aram unto Lab3n, ion or
efc twotimes: he took awaymybtrth- Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Re-»
?ht ; and behold, now he hath tak^n a- bekah, Jaeobs and Efau's mother.
'y my bleiTing. And he laid, Halt thou 6 Tl Wnen Elau f'awthat liaac had blef.
t referved a blefiing tor me ? fed Jacob, and lent him away to Padan-
And 1 aac anfw'ered and laid unro aram, to take hjm a wife from thence a
au, Behold, I have made him thy lord, and that ashe bleifed him, he gave him
d all his brethren have I given to him a charge, faying, Thou ihalt not take a
r (ervants and with corn and wine
•, wife of the daughters ot Canaan
ve I fultiined him and what fhall I
: 7 And that Jacob obeyed his father, zr.<\
now unco thee, my ion ? hi? mother, and was £one to Padan-aram
:8 And Efau lafd unto his father, Haft 8 And E!a« feeing that the daughters
>u but one blefling, my father? blels or Canaan pleafed not Itaac his father:
t» even me alio, O
my father. Ana 9 then went t-fau unto Ifnihael, and'
au lift u|» his voice, and wept. tcok unto the wives which he h?d, Maha-
9 And Ilaac his father anfwered, and lath the daughter of Ifhvuael Abraham*
lunto inm, Behold, thy dwelling fhall ion, theiTirerof JSebajoth, to be his wife.
the fatnefs of the eaith, and of the to H And Jacob went cut from Beer-
v or he3ven from above. fheba, and went toward Haran.
p And by thy lword fhait thou live, it And he lighted upon a certain nlaee,-
1 fhale <erve thy brother- and it fhall and tarried there ail night, becaufe the-'
ne to pais when thou fhalt have the fun was fet: and he took of theltones of
nimon, that thou fhalt break his yoke that place, and put item for his pillowj,
n Off thy neck. and lay down in that place to fleep.
i n And Elau hated Jacob, becaufe of ti And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder
blefrinr wherewith his father blefled fet upon the earth, and the top of it reach-
i: and' Efau laid i» his heart, The ed to heaven: and beheld, the angels of
s or mourning for mv father are God afcending and de cendint" on'it
d, then will I flay my brother Jacob. n Ana behold, the Lor*> ifbod above

^fid thefe words of Elau her elder it, and laid, I am the Lor:> God pf
were told to Rebekah : And fne lent
ham thy tather, and the God of Ifaac-'
called Jacob her. ycunger 1'on, and the land whereon thou lied, to thee wilt
unto him, Behold, thy brother Efau, 1 give i', and to thv feed.
niching thee,. doth comfort himfelf, t4 And thy feed mail be as the duff of
o/«"«; to kill thee. the earth ; and thou 'halt fpread abroad
Now therefore, mv fon, obey my to the waft, and to the ealt, and 'o &~
e : and anfe, dee thou to Laban
my' north, and to the louth and in thee an*

iler, tc Haran. in thy feed fl\a!l all the families of

J And tarry with him a few days, un- Jfarth be blefled.
(liy brothers fury turn awty ; i. And behold, Taw with thee, andwilf
't Until thv brothers anser tlirn away keep thee in all t>/,i;et whither thon poefl:,
J.«thee, and he forget that which thou and will bung thee atrain into this fand---
•a done to him: tf-.'en I will lend, and for I a-iH no: leave thee, until I have
*]. thee fro;n thence. fhould I be Why tt^it which I have fpoken to tfiee of.
..uvea alio of you both in one day> tfi And Jacob awaked out of his fleep,
H And Rebekah faid to liaac, I am and he Surely the Lord is in thit
;Jv,ot my life, becaufe of thedaush- place j and I knew it not.
f Heth: it Jacob take a wife of
;;j "the 17 And he was afraid, ana faid, How
-Titer* otHeth, fuch a-s thefe rvbicbare
\i daughters of the land, what
dreadful j.< this place! this it none o^m
6 bat the houle of God, and this is
-Ufty life do me' gate of heaven.
•a. C H
A P. XXVIII. 18 And Jacob rofe up early in themor-
-ini Ant to PaJan-anm., &c. ntng, and took the itone that fee had put
a 1 .i? called Jacob, and bleifed for his pillows, and fetir up for apiljar.
.i»au aad cJ»ar$e.dJ*ira, aaifatfu*- and i>ow**l oyl uiku the top of it.
* >»Ar^
Jtcobtaietbatqtutiutonct (if Gen?fis
Andhecallcathename of tha* place caule thou art my brother, ihouldtt tho:
therefore lerve me for nought? tell me
Beth-el but the name of that city w*»
what lb at I thy wages be ?

ctillti Luz at the firlt, _ T , the

16 Ana Laban had two daughters :

10 And Jacob vowed a vow, faying, It

keep me name of the elder -com Leah, andthename
God will be with me, and will
younger v> s Rachc'.
iin this way that I go, ana will
give me of the
put on t7 Leah von tender-eyed, but Race!
bread to eat, and raiment to ;
n bo that J come again to my lathers was beautiful and and (aid
theirihall tat Lord be 18 And Jacob loved Rachel s
houle in peace :
I feven years tcr Racne
will ferve thee
have ftt/br thy vouncer daughter.
^i-^And thxsftone, which I ir i better that J
19 Anl LabanYaid
oi aU

a pillar, mall bs Gods houfe and :

give her to thee, than that I mould glvi

•hat thou (halt give me, I will her to another man abide with me. fl

give the tenth unto thee.

b 10 And Jacob lerved leven-year* to
Rachel- and they leem^J unro him but.
*acob lometb to the well of Haran, ScC
and tew days, for the love lie had to her.
THen Jacob went on his journey,
came the land of the people
or n H And Jacob laid unto Labwi, Gay
me my wife C tor my days are fulfilled
th a well that 1 may go in unto her.
t And he looked, and behold, flocks n And Laban gathered together all tB
in the Held, andlo, there were men of the place-, and made a teaft.
or that well
or fheen lying by it i tor out And it came to pais in the evening,
Jney warered'the flocks and a great i-.
he took Leah his daughter, and broug

iionff waJ upon the wells

flocks ga- her to him and he went in unto her.

2 And thi her were all the daught

i* And Laban gave unto his
thered: and they rolled the Hone from ,

Leah, Zilpah his maid, for anhandmaj

the lheep,
tie wells mouth, and watered *< And itcametopa^, that in the
the wefts
and put the ftone agiin upon iiiflg, behold, it wa; Leah:
and he la*
n P Laban, What it this thou halt done ur
TAna jacob Sd-unto them, "My bre- me ? did not 1 lerve witn tor Rachc
thren, whence be ye?
And they laid, Of Wherefore then hart thou beguiled m
B AncT heWCfaid unto them. Knew ft
16 And Laban laid, It mutt no: be
f done in our country, to give the youni
Xaban tYe fon of Manor? And they laid, before the firlt-born.
17 Fulfil her week, .and we
vice whuh t
thee this al Co, for the let
malt lerve with me yet leven o
i< And lacob did lo, and

week and he gave him Rachel his dau


EeSeced together: water ye the fneep, i9 And Labangave to R achd his dau
Bilhah his handmaid, to be
a cannot, until all ter,
f!nd1he^a,a,Tve m
- And he went unto Rat in alfo
and he loved alio Rachel more
ah, andferved with him yet leven <
lathers fheep for
And when Lcmn faw
Uachei came with her :
\Tll her wc
tte kept them f wh j ob Leah w' hated, he opened
but Rachel w.n barren bare,
conceived, and
21 And Leah
aniihe Vailed his name
Reuben "to
Lord hath looked
raid .Surely the
mv affliction ;
nowtherelore my Oft

Wi 1
il Sd Selaid, conceived agaiiy and
Beetle the LOKI
a rnlancl
w« hated,
he hath the

heardihat I
^venme^this/onalfo: and me call
'conceived «ag. an,
Now tins time
a fen! and faid,
USaA beioyneduoto me, b
have born him tnree.ion. .

his name Ca.led

And he t, agan, aw
And me conceived
fon; and

therefore lhe calUd

dab, and left beannf, ,

F»cbeli hsrrtnneff. Chap xxs. ?*»« folicy.

C H A P. XXX. zi 51 And God remembred Rachel, and

Bicbtls grief for btr b.irrtnnefs, &C. God hearkned to her, and opened hsr

Nd when Rachel law that fhe bare
(•til Jacob no children, Rachel envied
w And me cenceived and bare a fon;
liher filter i ani ("aid unto Jacob, Give me and faid, God hath taken away my re-
children, or elle 1 die. proach.
I, i And Jacobs anger was kindled againft 14 And fhe called his name Jofephs
Rachel; and he laid, Am I in Gods and faid, The Lord lhall add to me ano-
ftead, who hath withheld i'rom thee the ther fon.
fruit of the ? womb ii 51 And it came to p£fs, when Rachel
3 And faid, Behold, my maid Bilhah,
me had born Jofeph, that Jacob laid unto La-
jo in unto her-, and ike mail bear upon my ban, Send me away, that I may go unto
<nees,thar I may alio have children by her. mine own place, and to my country.
4 And
gave him Bilhah her hand-
ihe z6 Give tnt my wives and my children,
maid to wife and Jacob went in unto her.
: forwhomlhave ferved thee, and let mc
And Bilhah conceived, and bare Ja- ;lor thcu knoweit my lervice which.
fohave done thee.
ccb a ion.
6 And Rachel faid, God hath judged i- And Laban aid unto him, I pray thee*

me, and hath alio heard my voice, and if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry .-

iath given me a fon : therefore called me for 1 have learned by experience, that the
lis name Dan. Loru hath blelied me for thy fake.
7 And Bilhah Rachels maid conceived iij And he faid, Appoint me thy wa-
ain, and bare Jacob a fecond Ion.
r ges, and I will give it.

8 And Rachel laid, With great wrelt- 19 And he (aid unto him, Thou know-
incs have 1 wreltled with my lifter, and I eft how I have ferved thee, and how thy
:ave prevailed: and lhe called his name cattle was with me.
<4aphrali. 30 For it vpm little which thou hadlt be-
9 faw that me had left
When Leah fore I came, audit is novo increafed unto a

•earing, lhe took Zil pah her maid, and multitude; and the Lord hath blelled
ave her -Jacob to wife. thee lince my coming ana now when :

to And Zilpah Leahs maid bard Jacob thall I provide for mine own houfe alio?
ton. ?[ And he laid, What mall I give thee?
n And Leah faid, A troop ccmeth : And Jacob (>id, Thou (halt not give me
fid me called his name Gad. any tiling ; if thou wilt do this thing foe
iz And Zilpah Leahs maid bare will again feed and keep thy fiock.
Jacob me, 1
fecond fon. 3z I will pais through all thy riock to
\\ And Leah laid, Happy am I, furthe day, removing from thence all the freck-
lughters will call me bletied and me led and (potted cattle, and aU'tfce brown

lied his name Alher. cattle "amone the fheep, and the ipotted
t4 fl And Reuben went in the days of and fpeckJed among the goats: and of
heat-harvelt, and found mandrakes in fuch (hall be my hire.
e field, and brought them unto his mo- 3? Somali my righteoufnefs anlwerfct
er Leah. Then Rachel laid to Leah, Give me in time to come, when it ihall come
e, 1 pray thee, of thy ions mandrakes. tor my hire before thv face: every one?'
i,- And lhe laid unto'her, Is it a fmall that is not fpeckled &nd Ipotted amoriglt
atter that thou halt taken my husband ? the ?oats, ar.d brown sm-snzft the 11
d wouldlt thou take away my Ions that"mall be accounted- llolsr. with me.
jndrakes alfo ? And Rachc! faid, There- 34 And Laban ("aid, Behold, 1 would it
e he ill a i lie with thee to night tor
1 might be acrufding to thv word.
fon-. mandrakes, 3? And he removed that dav the he-
6 And Jacob came out of the field int!:e gcats, that were ring-itraked, and fnot-

:nmg, and Leah went out to meet him, ted, and ai! the fne-goat.s that were fpeck-
4 laid, Thou muft come in unto me, for led and Ipotted, and every one that hal
ely I have hired thee with my fons fomt white in it, and all the brown among »

ndrakes. And he lay with her that the fheep, and gave tbem into the hands
ht. of his ions.
i And God hearkned unto Leah, and lhe "56 And he fet three days journey be-
twixt hinvfelf and Jacob: and Jacob led
tht reft of Labans hocks.
37 <l And Jacobtook him rodsof g«ecn
poplar, and of the halel and cheffiut-tree 3
and pilled white ft rakes in tht*.:n, and
And Leah conceived again, and bare made the white appear which war in the
> the iixfh (on. rods.
And Leah faid, Goi hath endowed me
38 And he fet the rods which he had
a good dowry; now will my husband pilled before the Hock.-; in the glitters in
Iwin me, becau e I have "bo.n him the watering-troughs, wflen 'he flocks
m and me called liisnarae Zebulun. -came to drink ; thar they mould conceive

And afterward? ihe bare a duugh- when they came to drink.

tnd called her name Dinah, 39 And the flock; conceived before the
B x rods.
Jtzobi departure. Genefis. He complainetb tf laban.
rodt, and brought forth cattle ring-itra- inheritance for us in our fathers houfe ?
ktd, fpeckled, and fpotied. 1$ Are we not counted of him Gran-
40 And Jacob did feparate the lambs, gers? lor he hath fold us, and hith quite
and let the laces ot the flocks inward 'the devoured ab'o our money.
r-iig- ft raked, and all the brown tn the 16 For ail the riches whicU God hatrt
nock ot Laban and he put his own hocks
: taken from our lather, that it ours, and
by themi'elves j -and put them not unto our cluldrens: n,>w then whaifoever God
Labans caule. hath laid unto thee, do.
41 And it came to pafs whenfoeverthe .
t7 11 Then Jacob role up, and fet Jiis
ftronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob Ions and his wives u^on camels.
laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle 18 And he carried, away all his cattle,
in the gutters, that they might conceive and all his goods which he had gotten,
among the reds. the cattle of his getting, which he had
4i But when the cattle were feeble, he fottcn inPa^.an-afam ; foeto ^oto Uaac
Jut tb em not in: fo the feebler were La- 13 lather in the land or Canaan.
ans, and the ftronger Jacobs. 10 And Laban went to fliear his fheep :
4? And the man mcreafed exceedingly-, and Rachel had ftolen the images that
and had much cattle, and maid-fcrvafu's, rare her fathers.
and inen-lervantj, and camels, andaifes. 10 And Jacob fto'.e away unawares to
CHAP. XXXI. Laban the Syrian, in that he told him
licobs departure from Labxn, &c. not that he tied.
ANdhe heard the woras of Labansfons, n So he fled with all that he had, and
faying, lacob hath taken 2way all he role up, and palled over the river, anq*
thatwas our fathers 5 and of that which let his face toward the mount f~,ilead.i
wuf our lathers hath he gotten all this ii And it was told Laban on the third
glory. day that Jacob was fled.
i And Jacob behela the countenance ot 1: And he took his brethren with him
Laban, and behoki, it was net toward and purlued atter him feven days joim
him as before. ney j and they overtookLim inthemoutj
2 And the LoRTj faid unto Jacob, Re- Gilead.
turn unto the land of thy fathers, and to 14 And God came to Laban the byriai
thy kindred ; and I will be with thee. in a dream byniirtit, and (aid unto 'him
4 And Jacob lent and called Rachel Take heed that thou fpsak not to Jacol
and Leah to the field unto his flock, either good or b2d.
« And faid unto tnem, I fee your fa- i> H Then Laban overtook Jacob. No\
thers countenance, that it i> not toward Jacob had pitched his tent in- the mount
me as before: but the God of my father and Laban with his brethren pitched i
Jiath been with me. the mount of Gilead.
6 And ye know thatwitn all my power 26 And Laban faid to Jicob, What ha
I have ferved your father. thou done, that thou hall ftolen awav una
7 And
your father hath deceived me, wares to me, and carried a.vay my d'augl
and changed my wages ten times : but tars, ascaptiveifj^.-j with the (word?
God furVered him not to hurt me. 17 Wherefore didft jtbou hee away f.
8 If he faid thus, The fpeckled mall cretly, and (teal away from me ? and did
ke thy wages ; then all the cattle bare not tell me, that 1 might have fenttJ*
fpeckled: and if he faid thus, The ring- away with mirth, and with longs, w|
ftraked mall be thy hire ; then bare all tabret, and with harp?
the cattle ring-ftrakfd. • 18 And haft not fullered me to kifsa
9 Thus God hath taken awav the cattle fons and mv daughters' thou halt n<
of your father, and given tbe:n to roe. don; in Jo doing.
10 And it came tdpal'sat the time that 19 It is in the power of my hand to
the cattle conceived, thatl lifted upmine you hurt but the God ol your fatt

eyes, and law in a dream, and behold, ipakeunto me yefternight, favin?, Ta

the rams which leaped upon the cattle thou heed that thou fpeak not to Jac]
votrt ring-ltraked, fpeckled, and grilled. cither good or bad.
ii And the angel of God ("pake unto me :o And now though thou wouldft ne<J
In a dream, faying Jacob: And I faiJ, be gone, becaufe thou fore longedlt aff
Jlere am I. thv fathers houfe i7rr wherefore halt tl
\x And he faid, Lift up now thine eye* ftolen my gods?
and fee, all the rams which leap upon 31 And Jacob anfwered and faid to J
the cattle are ring-rtrakea, fpeckled, and ban, Becaufe 1 was afraid: for I fil
5 rifled for I have feen all that Laban
: Veradventure tko* wouldlt take by fo j

oth unto thee. thy daughters from me.

nI am the God of Beth-el, where thou With whomlbever
31 thou findeft
anointeditthe pillar, and where thou vow- gods, let him not live : before our t
edft a vow 'unto me: now arile, get thee tluendifcern thou what is thine with
out from this land, tnd return unto the and take it to thee- for Jacob knew
land of thv kindred. . that Rachel had ftolen them.
And Racheiand Leah anfwered, and 33 And Laban went into Jacobs t

Uii un hi8 > If tbtrt jet any portion or

and iato Leaks tc*x, and into the
laban and Jacobs covenant. Chap. xxxii. Jacobs vi/ion.
Jttaid-fervants tents ; but he fsundftfrem if thou malt take other wives befides my
hot Then went he out of Leahs tent, daughters, no man /', with u.s ; Sec, God 1
and entrea into Rachels tent. is witneis betwixt me and thee.
Now Rachel had taken the images, si And Laban faid to Jacob, Behold
and rut them in the camels furniture, and this heap, and behold this pillar, which
at upon them i
and Laban fearched all
have calt betwixt me and thee
'he tent, but found them not.
?i This heap be wirnefs, andrt>n pillar
3? And me
laid to her father, Lsc it bs witnafs, that I will not pal* over this
lot chlpleale my lord that 1 cannot rite heap to thee, and that thou fruit not pais
ip before thee; for the cuitombf wc- over this heap and this niiiar unto me,
uen ;, upon me: and he fearched, but tor harm.
ound net the images. ?}The God of Abjaham, and the God
?6 11 And Jacob was wroth, and chode ot Nahor, the Gcd of their father, -judge
nth Laban: and Jacob anfwered, and betwixt us. And Jacob iwarc bvthe tear
Jul to Laban, Wnat is my trefpals? of his father Itaac.
/hat is niy l,n, that thou halt lb hotly
T4 Theri Jacob offered facrifice ut-on
-urfued after me ? the mount, aftd called his brethren to
27 Whereas thou haft fearched all my eat "bread and they did eat bread, and"
Hitt, what haft thou found of
all thy hou- tarried all nie;ht in the mount.
rtold-ltuft ? fet/t here before my brethren
. t? And early in the morning Laban rofe
nd thy brethren, that they may jude'e up, and kiiied his ions and his daughters,
etwixt us both. T* and Wetted them and Laban departed,
J.8 This twenty years bave I been with and returned unto his place.
.See thy ews and thy fhe-goats have not C H A

their young, and the rams of thy

J Jacobs v!jien 1 6cc,
.ock l»ave not eaten.
59 That which was torn of btafts, I
Jacob went
of God
on- his way,
met him.
and the
trought not unto thee, I bare the
lols of i And when
Jacob ftw them, he faid,
of my hand didft thou require it, veb>-
This ;; Gods hoft and he called th«
'erftolen by day, or ftolen by night. name of that. place Mahanaim.
40 Thus I was, in the day the drought ? And Jacob fent meflenjers before
Anfunicd me, and thefroft by nieht ; and him to iifiau his brother, unte'the land of
*y lleep departed from mine eves. Seir, the country of Edom.
41 u5 ha e * beer> twenty "years
«. *. ,- / -

«y houie 5 I lervcd thee fourteen years

in 4 And he commanded them, faving,
'r thy two daughters,
Thus fhall ye fpeakunto my lord Efj,u }
and fix years for Thy fervant Jacob faith thus, I have fo-
iy cattle: and thou
a?es ten times.
haft changed
* myy journed with Laban, and ftayed there
until now.
4i Except .he God of my father, i And I have oxen, andvatfes, flocks,
of Abraham, and the fear of
JTaac and men-fervants, and women-ferv^ants
Jd been with me, furely thou had ft fent and I have lent to tell my lord, thatlmav
e away now empty ™
God hath feen mine
find grace in thy ii5ht.
S"ttiction and the 'abour of my hands, 6 1] And the me!!acg«rs returned to Ja-
id rebuked tbse yefternight.
41 11 And Laban anfwered, and faid un-
cob, laying, We
came to thy brother E-
fau, and alfo he cometh to meet thee, ami
Jacob, Tbe/e daughters are my daugh- four hundred men with him.
r n ^ tbi^e ch iidren are my children,
i' L 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid, and
id tb'Je ca tie are my cattle, and
all diftreiled : and he divided the people that
at thou Jeeft is mine: and what can vcas with him, and the flocks, and
I heros,
this day unto thefe my daughter?, or
and the camels into two bands
to^their children which they have 8 And faid, If bfau come to the on«
company and (mite it, then the other
44 Now therefore come thou, let us company which is left ihall efcape.
ake a covenant, I and thou ; and let it
tor a witnels between me and
9 11 And Jacob faid, o God of my fa-
thee ther Abraham, and God of my father I-
il .'ina Jacob took a ftone, and fet it faac, the Lord which faidft unto me, Re-
tor a pillar.
turn unto thy country, and to thy kindred,
46 And Jacob (aid unto his brethren-, an 1 I will deal well with thee
ttber ftones ; and they took (tones,
and tc I am not worthy of the lead of all
de an heap and they did eat there
: the mercies, and of all the truth, which,
on the heap.
thou haft fhewed unto thy fervant for
»7 And Laban called it Jegar-fahadu- with my (Trail' I palled over this Jordan,

»i ^t Jacob called it Galeed. and now I am become two bands.

.8 And Laban faid,
awit-This heap is ir Deliver me, I pray thee, from the
sberween me and thee this day. There- hand of my brother, from the hand of
« was the name of it called Galeed -.
Efau for I fear him, left he will come
'-9And Mizpah ; for he faid, The Lokd :

and fmite me. ani the mother with the

tch bet ween me and thee, when
we a<-e children.
ent one irom another.
ti And thou /aidft, I will furely do
o If thou malt aflha my daughters, or tieegaodj and make thy feadas thefand
b' 3 c£

fjuobi prefint to Efau. Genefis. He mieteib tftu.

of t!ie fes, which cann&t be numbred for x\ Therefore the children of IfracI eat
ihulti'udc. not of the iinew which lhrank, which is
iq And he lodged there that lime night -; ypon the hollow of the thigh, unto this
and tot k ot "hat which cane to his hand, day: becaufe he touched the hollow of
a prelcnt tor Elau his brother; Jacobs thigh, in the finew that ftuank.
14 T-A'o hundred (he gears, and twen- CHAP. XXXIII.
•y he-goau, t*voiuindr«d ews, and twen- I 'Jacob and Ejau their kjndmCs At meeting.
ty rams, I
a Nd Jacob lifted up his eves, and look-
i? Thirty milch camels with their eolts, [\ ed, and behold, Efaucame, andwith
forrv kine, and ten bulls, twenty fhe- him four hundred men. And he divided, and ten loles. i
the childrenunto Leah, and unto Rachel,
t6 And he delivered them into the hand I
and unto the two handmaids. *
of his lervant^, every drove by them- | 2 And he pur the handmaids and their
lelves; and laid unto his I'ervants, Pais! children foremolt, and Leah and her chil-
©ver b'ilore n>e, aru put a Ipace betwixt dren after, and Rachel and Jofeph Lin-
drove and drove. I
vi And he commanded (he foremoft, \ 3 And lie rifled over before them, and
faying, When Fdau my .brother meeten bowed hi ml elf to the around fevenumes,
thee, "and a-iketh thee, faying. Whole |
until he came near to his brother.
wrt thou? and whither goeit thou? and 4 And E'au ran to meet him, and em-
winie Are thele before tbee? braced him, and fe'I on his neck, and
18 Tr.en tho lhalt lay, 7 hey be thy fer-
t killed him and they wept.

vant Jacobs; it /"; a prefect lentuntomy ? And he lift up his eyes, and fawthe
lord Ela.i : and behold alio he is behind women and the children ; and faid, Who
11s. are tho'e with tnee? And he laid, The
10 And lb commanded he. the fecond, children wlii< h ttod hath grackmily given
and the third, and all that followed the thy fervant.
droves, laying, On this manner mall you 6 Then the hand maidens came near
Ipeak unto Efau, when you tind him. they and their children, and they bowec
10 And lay ye moreover, Behold, ffiy themfelves.
fervant Jacob /j behind us: For he laid, I 7 And Leah alfo with her childrej
will appeafe him with the prelent that fame near, and bowed themfelves an< :

goerh before me, and atterward J'wjll ise after came Joleph near, and Rachel, ani
his face; peisuventure he wiil accept of they bowed themfelves.
8' And he faid, What meaneft thou b
met? Andhe

xt So went the prelent over before allthisdrove, which I laic

him: and himfelf lodged that nigh: in Theft are to find grace in the light ot m
the company. lord.
xx Ana he role up that night, and took 9 And Efau faid, I have enough ; my bit
his two wives, and his two women ler- ther, keep that thou haft unto thy felf
vants, and his eleven Ions, and parted fl- to Ai'.d Jacob faid, Nay, I pray the
yer th? tord Jabbok. if now 1 have tound grace in thy ligli
x; And lie took them, and lent them fl- then receive my present at my hand: f
yer the fcrook, and tent over that he- had. therefore I have leen thy face, as thouJ
xt f And Jacob was lett alone: and I had (een the face cf God, and thou w: [

there wrelcfed a man with him, until the plealed with me.
breaking of the day. 1 1 Take, I pray thee, my blefHrig that i

x? And when he law that he prevailed brought to thee; becaufe God hath dc
not againlthim, he touched the Mellow of gracioufly withvne, and becaufe I Lave f

his thigh: andthehoilow of Jacobs thigh hough: and he urged him, and he took
was out of joynt, as hewreftled with him. tx" And he aid, Let us take our journ

\6 And he laid, Let me go, for the day and let us go, and I will go before)
breaketu and he laid, I will not let
: n And ne faid unto him, My \>
thee go, except thou blels me. knoweththat the children pretender, :|
x7 And he faid unto him, What is thy the flocks and herds with young are w
name 5 and he laid, Jacob. me; and if men fhould overdrive tt|
xS And he faid, Thy name ftiall be cal- one day, all the flock will die.
led no more Jacob, but Jirae!: tor as a 14 Let my lord. I pray thee, pafs c
rnnce haft thou power with Cod and before his ferv a nt and I will lead onf|

v/i."] men, and hall prevailed. lv, according as the cattle thatgoetnj
3,1 And Jacob asked hi wi* and laid, Tell lore me, and the children be able to
tne. i pray thee, thy name: And he faid, dure; until I come unto my lord unto mi
Wherefore is it, thou do ft a<k after t« and Efau faid, Let me i.ow lc
my name ' and he bieli'ed him there. with thzefome of the folk that
;o And Jacob called the name*of the me: And he faid, What needethit?
r lace P«mel lor I have leen God lace
: me find prace in the fight of my \os\
to face, and my Lie is preferved. 16 U So Efau returned that day onl
7i And as he palled over Penuel, the way unto S-sir.
tkn role upcJl him, and he halted upon t7 And Jacob journeyed to Sum
*us tbigii. and built hi in an houfe, and madebi]
Vinsb nvijbed. Chap XXXiv, XXXV.* Wfit Shecbemrtts fpoitcd.
or his cattle; therefore the name of the \6 Then will we give our daughti
'lace is calted Suecoth. to vou, and we will take your daughters
tS ft And Jacob came to Shalem, a city to us, and we will dwell with you, and
r Shechem, whi*rh is in the land of Ca- we wi 1 become one people.
aan, when he came from Padan-aram ; 17 But if ye win not hearken unto us,
nd pitched his tent before the city. to be circumcifed tnen will we take our

i) And he bought a parcel cf a field, daughter, and: we will be ?one.

here he had I'pread His tent, at the hind ttf And their words pleaied Hamor, and
t the. children of Hamor, Shechems ta- Shechem Harriots fort.
ler, for an hundred pieces of money. 19 And the young man deferred not to
io And he ereilcd there an altar, and do the thine, becauie he had delight in
ailed it JLI-«l.ohe-ifraeI. Jacob; daughter and hi xvk) mote honou-

*C H A P. XXXIV. rable than all the houfe ot his lather.

Vin.ib ravijhti by Sbe.bem, &C 10 fl And Hamor and >hechem his fon
\Nd Dinah the daughter of Leah, came unto the gate of their city,
•c\b cb frte bare un:o Jacob, went out
: muned with the men of their city, laying,
foe the daughters of the land. it Thefe men ufi peaceable with us,
i And when Shechem trie Con of Ha- therefore let them dwell in the land, and
or the Hivite, prince of the country, trade there'll; for the land, behold, it is
her, he took her, and lay with her, large enough for. them: let us take their
id defiled her. daughters to u.s for wives, and let us give
t, And his foul clave unto Dinah the them cur daughters.
lughterof Jacob, and he loved the danu 11 On'y herein will the men content
1, and fpake kindly unco the damlel. unto us tor to dwell with us, to be one
And Shechem fpake unto his father people, if every male among us be cir-
amor, faying, Get ma- this tlamfel to cumcifed, as they are circumcifed.
vfe. x$ Shall net their cattle, and their Jub-
And Jacob heard that he had defiled ilance, and every bead of theirs be ours ?
inah his daughter ( now his fops were only let us confent unto them, and they
ith his cattle inthe field: ) and Jacob will dwell with us.
;ld his peace until they were come. 14 And unto. Hamor and unto Shechem
5 tl And Hamor the father of Shechem his fon hearkned all that went out of the
jnt out unto Jacob to eomrrttvne with gate of his city and every male was cir-

m. cumcifed, all that went out of the gate

7 And the fons of Jacob came out of of his dry.
field when they heard it, and the men if 11 And it came to pafs on the third
:regrieved, and they were very wroth: day, when they were fore, t*at two ot*
cauie he had wrought folly in lfrael, in the fens of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Di-
ng with Jacobs daughters which thing nahs brethren, took each man 'lis fword,
ght not to be done. and came upon the city boldly, and flew
$ And Hamor communed with them, ail the males.
fing, The loul of fon my Shechem long- 16 And they flew Hamor and Shechem
fifor your daughter : I pray you give his fon with the edge of the fword, "and
r him to witeT took Dinah outof Shechems houfe, ana
And make ye marriages with us, and went out.
re your daughters unco us, and take 17 The fons of Jacob came upon the
r daughters unto you. flain, and fpoiled the city, becaufe they
o And ye ihall dwell with us and : had defiled their filter.
: land lliall be betore you ; dwell and 28 They took their fheep arid theirox-
de you therein, and get you potfefli- en, and their afl'es, and that which was in
i therein. the city, and that which was in the field,
i And Shechem fa id unto her father, 19 And all their wealth, and all their
\ unto her brethren, Let me find grace little ones, and their wives took they
your "yes, and what ye fhall fay unto captive, and fpoiled even all that was in
, I will give. the houfe.
2 Ask me never fo much dowry and 30 And Jacob faid to Simeon and Le»
t, arid I will
give according as ye ihall
me the damlel to
vi, Ye have troubled me, to make

.unto : but give ftink among the inhabitants of the land,
amongit. the Carvaaliites, and the Periz-
And the fons of Jacob answered zites :and I being few in number, they
?chem and Hamor his father deceit- fhall gather themlelves together againtt
and laid, ( becaufe he had defiled
. me, and flay me, and J ftiall be deftroyed\
lah their filter) I and my houfe.
+ And they laid unto them, can-
do this thing, to give our filter to one
Wc 31 And they laid, Should he deal with
our fitter, as with an harlot?
is uncircumcifed:
roach unto us.
for that were a C HA P XXXV.
Codfenaetb facfb to Betb-el, &c.
But in this will we confent unto Nd God faid unto Jacob, Arife, go
If ye will he as we be, that every _ up to Beth-el, and dwell there ; and-
at c of you be circumcifed ; I make there an altar unto God, that ap-
B 4 pearcd
} .: :

3*tob buildttb an Altar. Geroefij. Mfati's ftivtl.

fered umo theew cbUjou fteddeJt From n And Ifrael journeyed, and fpread
#ne face oi Efau thy brother. his tern beyond the tower of Edar.
z Then Jacob laid unro his houfhold,
and o all that were with him, Put away"
n And it oame to i afs when Ifrael
tlwelt in that land, that Reuben went
•he Arrange g^dsthat ere amtngyou, and and lay with Bilhah his fathers concu-
»c clean, and change y<,ur garments: bine and Ifrael heard it. Now the tons

3 Andletusanle, and go up to Betft-el of Jacob were twelve.

and I will make there an altar unto God,
who.anlwereo me in the day or my di-
nThe fons of Leah* Reuben Jacobs
firit-bom, and Simeon, and Levi, and
itrels, and was with me in the way which Judah, and Ulachar, and Ztbulun.
I went. 14 The lbrrs of Rachel , Jol'eph, and
4 And they gave unto Jacob all the Benjamin.
Jtrange gods which were in their hand, i? And the fons of Bilhah^laehels
and all tbezr ear-rings which were in their handmaid j Dan, and JSaphtali.
«ars; and Jacob hid them under the oak 16 Andtheibrw of Zilpaft, Leahs hand-
which was by Shechem. maid;. Gad, and Aiher. Thefe are the
? And they journeyed :and the terror fons of Jacob, which were bom to^him
«t God was upon the cities that were in Padan-aram.
around about them and they did not pur-
; 17 11 And Jacob came unto Ifeac his
lue after the foils of Jacob. rather unto Mamre, unto the city of Ar-
6 H So Jacob came to Luz, which is in bah f which s Hebron ) where Abraham

the land of Canaan ( that is Betk-el) he and Ifaac fojourned.

and all the people thai were with him. 18 And the days of lfaac were an hun-
7 Andh- biilt there as altar, and cal- dred and fourfcore years.
led the place El-bethel :feecaufe there 19 And Ifaac gave up the ghoft and
Cod appeared unto him, when he fled died, and was gathered unto his people
Srorn the tare of his brother. being old and full of days: and his j'oni
8 i3ut Deborah Rebekahs nurfe died, Efau and Jacob buried Kim.
and fhe was buried beneath Beth-el, un- CHAP. XXXVI.
der an oak: and the name of itwascal- Efau removttb to mount Seir, fkc.
Jed Allon-bachuth.
9 fl And G®d appeared unro Jacob a-
NOw thefe are the generations of I-
lau, who is Edom.
gain, when he came out of Padarvarani 3 z Efau took his wives of the daughter
and ble ed him. of Canaan $ Adah the daughter of" Elo
to And Gcd 21 unto him, Thvnamen the Hit ite, and Aholibamah the daugii

Jacob thy name fhall not be called any ter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon th

jl&ore Jacob, but Ifraelftiall bethy>name; Hivire

and he called his name Ifrael. 3 And Bafnejnath Ifhmaels daughte
it And God faid unto him, I am God filter of Mebajoth.
.Almighty; bifruiftil and multiply, a 4 And Adah bare to Efau, ElipMi
"nation, and a company of nations Ihall and Bafhemath bare Reuel.
Jce of thee: and kings fhall come out of ? And Aholibamah bare Jeufh, at
ihy loyns. Jaalam, ana Korah Thefe art the fo

it And the land which I gave Abra- of Elau, which were born unto him
ham andPaac, to vh'eewill I give it, and the land of Canahn.
lo thy feed after thee will 5 five t\\Q land. 6 And Elau took his wives, and I
x? And God went up from him, in the fons, and his daughters, and all the pe
>laee where he talked with him. - fons of his houfer and his cattle, and
r i4 And Jacob fet up a pillar in the place his beafts, and all his fubftance, whi
where he talked with him, even a pillar of he had got in fhe land of Canaan ; a
itone: and he poured a drink-offering went into the country, from the face
^hereon, and he poured oyl thereon. his brether Jacob.
il And Jacob called the name of the 7 For their riches were more thai tl
jplace where God (pake with him, Beth-el they might dwell together: and the la
16 11 And they journeyed from Beth-el wherein they were ftrangers, could :
and there was bstt a httle way to come bear them, becaufe of their cattle.
•o Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and b Thus dwelt Elau in mount Seir:'
ihe had hard labour. fau is Ed-.m.
17 And it came to pafswhen (lie was in 9 n And thefe are the generationi
Jiard labour, that the midwife (aid unto Efau the lather of the Edomites,
lier, Fear mt ; thou fhalt have this fon alio. mount Seir. _ .

18 And it came to pafs as her Icul 10 Thefe art the names of Efau sfc
was in departing ( for fhe died } that foe Eliphaz the fon of Adah the wife of1
but his father lau, Reuel the fon ot Bafliemaththe
called his name Ben-oni :

• ailed him Benjamin. of Efau. /

ti And the fens of Ehphaz
i And "Rachel died, and was buried :n Gatarn,
Jthewayto Ephrath, which?. Beth-lehem. man, Omar, Zepho, and
io And Jacob let a pillar upon her Kenaz. -
, .

%frave: that i* the pillar of Rachels grave u And Timna was ccflcuoine to
«ato this day. . phazEfau'sfon } and toe bare toEhi
A ma
EUu's off If ring. CISV Xxxvii. 1 ojlpbi two ir earn-.
Atnakk : thefe were the fonsof Adah E- « And Jobab died, and Hulhamof th«

lau'» wife. land of reigned in hisftead.

i? And fonsof 'Reuel ; Na-
thefe *re the 3« And Hulharu died, and Hadad the
'iath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah : ten of Bedad f who (mote Midian in the
hefe w^re tnc ions of Baineinath Efau's heldofMoabJ reigned in his Head: and
the name of his city fta\ Avith
14 11 And thefe were
the fonsof Aholi- xt> And Hadad died, and Sarnlau of
>amah, the daughter of .Anah, the dangu- Mazrekah reigned in his IfceaJ.
sroi Zibeon Efau's wife : and ihe Ware Vj AndSaralah died, and Saul of Tie*.
Efau, Jeufh, and Jaalam, andKorah. hoboti by the river, rei'/ned in hi* ltead^
t? 11 Thefe were dukes of the fens of 33 And Saul died, 2.n.\ Baal-hanan the
the fons of Eliphaz the lirft-born fon of Achbor reigned in his ftead.
ji of BHu; duke Tertian, duke Omar, 39 An A Baal-hanan the Jon of Achbor
uke Zepho, dukeKenaz,. died, and Hadar *eigned in his itead and ;

16 UukeKorah, duke Gatam, Asddukc the name of his city \vm Pau > and his
imalek Thefe are the dukes that carat
: wife3na:ne-prM< Mehetabel, the dauzhtet
Eliphaz, in the land of Edom thefe : of Matred.the daughter of Mezahah.
'f/ethc fonsof Adah. 4c And thsieare the namesof thedukes"
r? <1 And thefe are the fens of "Reuei ttatcamioi Efau, according to their fa-
0*5 Jon j duke Nahath, duke Zerah, milies, alter their places, by theirnames,
ke Shammah, duke Mizzan. Theie dukeTimnah, dukeAlvah, dukejetheth,
( the dukes a>ue of Reucl, in the 4i Duke AhoJibamah, duke Elah,«suk^.
ndof Edom thefe are the fonsof Ba-
: Pinon,
icmath Elau's wife. c 41 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman,- duke
\% 11 And rhcle an the fons of Aholi- Mibzat,
iinah Efau's wife; duke Jeufh, duke « Duke Magdtel, dukefl ram Thefe be :

jalam, tiuki Koran : theie were the the dukes of £doin, according to their ha-
ike.< rt«- tame ot Aholibamah the daugh- bitations, in the landot their poffeffien*
rof Anal) Elau's wife. he 11 Efau the tatheroi the Edonutss.
19 Theie an the fonsof Efau ( who a CHAP. XXXVII.
Icin ) and theft are their d-ikes. 'tofrfb is b.ited of hi breibren, &£.
be fl Thefe jr< the (bus of Sen theHo- \ ]Sd Jacob dwelt in thclanc wherein
e, wno inhabited the land Lotan, and •,
^ Ins lather was a ftran^rer, in the land
?bal, anaZioeon, ana Anah, of Canaan.
ei A-d Duhon, afcd Ezer, and Difhan Theie

1 art the generations of Jacob}

:(e are the dukes of the. Horites, the loleph hing fevente:n years old, was
ildrenof Ssir in the land of Edom. Ceding the dock with hi's brethrei*, and
And the children ot Lotan were, Hori, the lad kms with tfie for.suf Biihah, and
dHemsn and Lotaas lifter waj Timna.
: with the fons of Zif£ah, his fathers
a And trie children ot Shobal^wsre wiires and Jofeph brOttght unco his fa-

slej Alvan,2nd Manahath, and Ebal, ther their evil report.

epho, and Ok'-:t». 1 Nov Ifraei loved jofepii more than-
.4 And thefe are {he children of Zibeon ; aU his children, becaufe he tphj the (on of
thAjan, and Anah: t.v:sw«ur**f Anah, niioliage: and he made hi:a a coat of
it found the mules in the wildernefs, m*ny colours..
he fed the aftes of Zibeon his rather. 4 And when his brethren faw that their
5 And the children of Anah were thefe ; rather, loved him avwe than all his bre-
lion, aadAholibaxnah the daughter 01 thren, they hated him, and could no;
(peak peaceably unto him.
S And thefe are the children of Di- <
* T And Jofeph dreamed a dream, and
n ; Hemdar., and Efti&an, snalthian, he tcld ;: his orethren : and they hated
I Cheran. him ret the more.
7 The children of Ezer are thefe; 6 Andhefaid unto them, Hear, I pray
han, ana Zaavan, and Achan. you, tins dream wluch I have dreamed.
8 The children of Difhan are thefe j 7 For oehold, we -acre binding {heaves
, and Aran. in the field, and lo, my iheaf arofe, an3
) Thefe are the dukes
ttat a*me of the alio ftood upright ; and behold, youc
ites i duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke (heaves ltood round cbout, and made q-
>eon, duke Anah, biil'tnce to my ftleaf.
> DukeDilhon, duke Ezer, duke Di- 3 .'Vnd Ms brethren I aid unto him, Shalt
li thefe are the dukes tbit came of Ho- thuu indeed reign over us? or (halt thou
mon^ their dukes in the land of Seir. indeed-have dominion over us? and thev.
<1 And thefe an the kines that reigned hated hiui yet the mor* for his dream*'-,
le land of Edom, before there reigr.- and fevhis wcris.
inv king over the children of lirael. q fi And ne dreamed vet another
And Eels the ion ot Beor reigneo. dream, and told it his brethren, and laid,
•dom and the name of his city w*i
: Behold, 1 have dreamed a dream msre,
habah. and behold, the iiin and the moor,
-And Bela died, and Jobab theforrof and the eleven ftars nu,i5 ebsifar-ce. te-
tfjcj 5ciiah signed in hu £cad nts.

Itftph ftnt to hi i krethrm. Gentfia. Judibs •ftfring,

ioAn-1 he told /f ton's father, and tohi* chant men -,_ and they drew and lift it;
brethren: and his lather rebuked him, and Jofeph out of the pit, and fold Jofeph to
laid unto him. What it thi> dream that the Ifhmeeiues for twenty f/V«i of lilver ;

thoa half dreamed? Shall I and thy mo- j

and t.'icy Drought Jofeph into Egypt,
therandthy brethren indeed come to bow i
19 «' And tteuben returned unto the
down our lclvesro thee, to the earth ? pit ; and behold, Jofeph veas not in th«
ii And his brethren envied him but : pit : and he rent his clothes,
his tafhcr obierved the faying. 30 And he returned unto his brethren,
n11 Ana his brethren went to teed ! and (aid, The child is not ; and 1, whip
their fathers flock in Sliechem. I thcr fhall 1 ro?
t3 And lfracl laid ur.tojoleph, Do not I ;i And they took Jofephs coat,
thy brctfuen feed ttn Jicci in Shechem ? killed a kid ot the^oa:s,
Come, and I will lend the; unto them. coat in tho blcoa.
And he laid unto him, Here am I, 3i And they lent the coat it or ':-'.;
14 And he laid to him, Go, 1 pray lours, and thej brougnf it, to their fa-
thee, lee whether it be well with thy ther j and laid, This have we found kno* :

brethren, an»l well with the flocks , and new whether it bt tr.y Ion, coat or no.
bring me word again, So he lent hun 33 And he knew it, and faid, Itis my foni
out 01 the vale ofHebron, and he came
coatj an evil beaft hath devoured hi
Joleph is without doubt rer/ in pieces. •
ti 11 And man found him,
a certain 34 And Jacob rent his clothes, ai
»nd behold, wandring inthe field
<>? :va< : lackcloth upon his lovns, and uu>urnd|
find the man asked him, U>ing, What tor his Ion many days.'
ieekelt thou? 3,- And all Ins ions and all hi* daughdp
16 And he ("aid, 1 feck my brethren : role up to comfort him j but he re-
tell me, 1 pray thee, where they ieed

t~ And the m.3n are depar-

fa id, They
ted heme for 1 heard them lay, Let us

so to Dothan. And Jofeph went arter his Egypt unro Potiphar, an oSicer of Pha-
trethre::, and found them in Doth an. raohs,and captain ot the guard.
id And when they i*aw him afar off, e- C II A p.
ver. before he came nearunto them, they _udabbtgxttttbEr, 0.i.m, and Shittb, &c
ccnlpiredasrainft him to flay him. A
JNd itcame to pals at that time, tha
19 And t£ev faid one to another, Be- l\ Jttdahwenc down from his brethren
hold, this dreamer comerh. and turned in to a certain Adullamitj
tc Come now therefore, and let us flay whofe name rr.t.f Hirah.
him, and catt him into fame pit 3 and we 1 Ana Judah law there a daughter c
will fay, Some evil beaft hath devoured a cartain Canaanite, whole name »<
him: and we will lee what will become bhuah and he took her, and weqfl

of his dreams. ,
unto her.
ir And Reuben heard it, 2nd he deli- ? And
fhe conceived, and bare a for
vered him our ox' their hands 3 and faid, and he called his name Er.
Let Mi not kill him. 4 And (he conceived again, and bare
11 And Keuben laid unto them, Shed fonj and ihe called his name Onan.
no blood, but call hi n into this pit that;;
in the wildernefi, and lay no hand, upon
? And fheyet again conceived, and
a fon j and called his name Shelah
ai :

him ; that he might rid outot their mm he was at Chezib, when fhe bare him.
hands, to deliver mm
to his lather again. 6 And Judah took a wile for Er I
il 11 And it came to pals when joleph tuft-born, whofe name was Tamar.
was come unro his brethren, that they 7 And Er, Judahs nrit-born, was nf
ftnpt Jofeph out cf his coat, his coat ot ked in the light bt the Loud ^ andt
mtir-y colours that xvar on him. Lord flew him.
14 And thev took him, and calt him 8 And Judah faid unto Onan, Go
into a pit arid the pit was empty, thtre
: unto thy brothers wife, and marry I(
was no water in it.* and raife up feed to thy brother.
a; And they fat down to eat bread: and 9 And Onan knew th^t the feed fhaj
thev lift up their eyes and looked, and not be his: and it came to pals when,
behold, a company of Immeelites eame went in unto his brothers wire that
from Galea d, with their camels beanne fpilled it on the ground, left thr.t
i'picery, and baiin, and myrrh, going to Ihourd give feed tc his brother.
carry it down to Egypt. xc And the thing which he did, c'
ifi Ana hldah la>'d unto hi,' brethren, plea fed the LORD : wherefore he
What prof.t i> it if we flay our brother, him alio.
and conceal hi< blood? r 1 Then faid Tamar his dauj
Judah to
j.7 come, aturletus fell himtothelfh- ter in law, Remain a widow at thy
jlieelitcs, and let not our hand be upon thershoufe, till Shebh my fon be Pro*
roxha if uur brother, andou* riefti C foi he ("aid, Left peradventure he diet
and hi biethretywere content. as his brethren aid ) and Tamar w

&tf Then there palled by Muli amtes jner- and awelt in he; fatbits houle.
» 15
Chap, XXXIX. JOfefb rt.1D<injea vj < ""t
rudabs inccjt.
hand fcarlet thread, laying,
This came
rzf Andinprocefsof time, the daugh-
er ot Shuan Judahs wife died ana Ju- out hrft.

And to pafs as he drew

„ . .

k .,l-
Uh w3-:com)oned, ana went up untoms 19 it
ca e
ieep-lheaiwi to Timr.ath, be and his his hand, that behold, his brother
out} ana fhe laid, halt thou brok.n
nend Hirah the Aaullamite.
breach bi upon thee: therefore

n .\nd it was toldTamar, faying, Be- forth? tbi-

old, thy lather in law goetiiup to Tun- his name was called Pharez.
his brother
arh, ihear his iheep.
to 30 And afterward came out
.4 ihe put her widows garments
And that had the fcarlet thread upon his ..and 5
it from her, ana covered her with a vail, and his name was called Zarah.
W wrapped he fe»U ana * i at inan open C HA V. XXXIX.
lace, which by the way it to Timnath: - ofepb advanced in Potipar> bwfti StC*
Jofeph was brought down to
the uw that bhelah was grown,, and
not iiiven rtnro him co wife.
ANd gypt Votiphar anoTficerol Pfla-
: and
When Judah law her, he thought raoh. captain ct the guard, an BgH"*'!*
be an. harlot
to ; becaule fhe had bcuzht him of the hands c,i the IlrTTnec-
)vered -her face. lites, which had Drought him dowrrtln-
6 turned unto her by the way,
And he ther. . ,

,faid, Goto, I pray thee, let me come 1 And the LORD

was w:th Jofeph, ar.d
he prosperous man and he was
un:o thee, ( for he knew net that, fhe was- a :

i his daughter in law } and Ihe laid, in the houfe of hismafter the Egyptian.
hat wilt thou give me, that thoujnayft } And his mailer law that the LOTsD
une in onto me ?
was with him, and that the made LORD
tbtt a kid all that he aid to profper in his hand.
17 And he laid, 1 will fend
am the flock: And Ihe laid, Wilt thou 4 And Joleph found grace in. his light,
ve»«a pledge, till thou end it? , and he ferved him : and -he made huu
imtiie laid, What pledge mall I bverleer over his houfe, and all that he
vethee ' Afld me (aid, Thy u^net, and had he put into his hand.
y bracelets, and trn itatr that n iathine ? And it came to pal: from the titrre
nd and he gave it her, and came in
that he had made him cverleer in his
her, and ihe conceived by him. houfe, and over all that he had, that the
And ihe arofe and went away, ana LORD b!eiTe<t the Egyptians houfe fot
_ bv her vail from her, and put on the Jofephs lake and the bfeffing of the

rmenrs of her widowhood. LORD wis upon ail that die haa, in the
Eel And Juaah fent the kid by the
hand houfe, and in' the field.
his friend the Adullamite, to receive 6 Ar.d he left all that he had in Jcfer*»
pledge from the womans hand but : hand and he knew not ought he ha \,

found her not. lave the bread which he did eat and :

i Then he askea the men of that \ Jofeph was * goodly V'.rfon-, and -well-fa-
ing, Where it the harlot, that rras o- voured.
nly by the way-fide ? Ana they laid, 7 fl And it came to pafs after thefe
iere was no harlot m this Place. things, that hi* matters wife caft her eyes
i And he returned to Judah, and faid, upon Joleph j and me laid, Lie with me,
annot find her ; and alio the men ot 8 But he refufed, and faid unto bis
I place (aid, that there was no harlot matters wife, Behold, my rr.alter wotreth
this flict. not what it with me in the houfe, and he
; Am Judah faid, Let her take it to hath committed ail that he hath to n:y
•, left we be afhamed behold, I lent : har.d.
f kid, and thou halt not found her. There r.< r:ne greater to- this" hcufie"
'4 1> Ana it came
paTs ab~ut three
to than I j neither hath he kept back any
nths after, ttjat it was told Judah, lay- thing from me, but thee, because thoi
Tamar thy daughter in law hath arthisvriic: how then can ldc this great
ye \ the harlot ; and alio behold, me r> wickednels and fin Gad?
child bv whored im : and Judah laid, \r. Anil it came to pals as fhe pake to 1

n? her forth, ana let her be burnt. Jofeph day by day, that he hearicnednct
"When Ihe voas brought forth, Ihe unto her, to lie by her, ct to be with
to her father in law, laying. By the her.
T whole thefe are, aw I with child and : ti And it came to p2l; about this time,
"ai4, Difcern, I pray thee, whole ' th2t ^of<f\b went into the hciife to do his
e, thefisrn-t, and bracelets, anuftarf. bufinefs 5 and tkire vr^i none of the me.i
Ana Judah acknowledged tb>m, and ot the houfe there wrrl m,
She hath been more righteous than n
And fhS caught him uv his gaonenr,
jecaufe that i save her not to Sh'lah fayirg, Lie with me :. and he lefrTh:- far -

"on: atul he knew her amain no more.' menttn her hand, and fl€d, ar.d got him
n And r came to pafs in the timeof ca:.
travaii, that behold, twins were in tq And it came to pafs, when fhe faw
womb. I
thathe had left his garment in her hand,
And it ca .e to paf; when fhe tra- and was fled forth,
ed, thr. tbt out put out fcfJhand ; and id That fhe called unto the men of
fliiilwi-ie took and bouna upon his her houfe, and fp^ke unto them, farms;

Jt/epb tajl rnt« prifon. Genefij. The btitltr tnd lifer $ drttmi.
feec, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto 9 And the chief butler told his dream
Jjstomockus: he came in ujito me to lie to Jofeph, and laid unto him, In mv
with me, and I cried withloud a voice. dream, behold, a vine was before me.

u ,, came to 3<s, whet) he heard

lC 10 And in the vine were three branch-
limed up ruy r
that ,

and was as though it budded, and

Aden nis garmentvoice and cried, that
with me, and fled,
es : it
her oloQoms mot. torthj and the clutter*
ana got him out. thereof brought forth ripe grapes.
S\ ^'helaid
ks lord came
his garment by her,
tt And Pharaohs cupwui m my hand :
home. I took the grapes, and prelfed them
17 And
ine Ipake him according into Pnaraohs cup, ana 1 gave the cup
*e thde words, faying, The Hebrew fer- into Pharaohs hand. *

vant winch thou halt brought unco us, \x And Jofeph laid unro him, This it
came in unto me, to mock -tie. the interpretation ot it: The three bran-
18 And it came to pais, as I lift up my ches are three days.
voice and cried, that he left his garment 13 Yet withinlhree days ihall Pharaoh
vmh me, and fled cut. liltup thine head, and reftore thee unto
19 And it came to pafs, when his ma- thy place and thou malt ddivet Pha-

iler hoard the words of his wite, which raohstup into his hand, after the for er .

ihe (pake unto him, faying, After this manner when thou wait his b.itler.
manner did thy lervant to me j that his 14 But think on me.when it fhall be
wrath was kindled. well with thee, and fliew kindnefs, I
2.0 And Jolcphs matter took him, and pray thee, unto mej and make mention
j ut him inro the prifon, a place where ot me umo Pharaoh, and bring mc out
the kings priioners were bound : and he of this houie.
was there in the priion. u For indeed I was itolen away out of
2.1 ^i But the Lord was with Jofeph, and -
the land of the Hebrews and here alio

Mewed him mercy, and gave him tavuur j

have I donenotiiin/ that they mould puc
in the nght of the keeper of the prifon. me inro the dungeon.
a*. And the keeper of the priion com- 16 When the chief baker faw that the.
jftitted ro Joiephs hand all the prifoners interpretation was rood j he faiduntojo-
*nat w;re in the prifon j and whatfoever feph, I allows in my dream, and behold,
*iiey did there, he was the doer of it. I bad three white baskets on my head.
z3 The keeper of the prifon looked 17 And in the uppermott basket tbert
sot to any tiling tb&t was under his hand: was of all manner of bake-meatsfor Pha-
becaule the. Louo was with him and : raoh ; and the birds did eat them out of
tint which, he did, the Lord, made it to
the basket ut on my head.
rrolper. 18 And Jofeph wifwered, and faid, This
fbaraobs butler and ba{er /mprifsned, &c.
is the interpretation thereof: The three
baskets are three days.
A Nd it came
to pafsa*ter thefe things, 19 Yet within three days {hall Pharaoh
JT\ that the butler of the king of Egypt, lift up thy head from off thee, and (halt
•and bis baker had offended their lord the hangthee on a tree} and the birds ihall
icing of E-r ypt. eat thy flefh from off thee.
a And Pharaoh was wroth againft two vj tf And it came to pafs the third day*
•/ his officers, againft the chief of the but- which was Pharaohs birth- day, that he
lers, and againitthe chief of the bakers. made a feaft unto all his fervar's^ and
3 And he put them in ward in thehoufe helmed up the head of the chief butler*
mi the captain of the guard, into the pri- and of the chief baker among his ier-
ion, theplacewhere Jofeph w.n bound. vants.
4. And the captain of the guard charged 11 And he reitored the chief butler uu-
Uoieph with them, ana he ferved them j to Iris bu-lerfhip again; ana he gave the
sind they continued a feafen in ward. cup into Pharaohs hand :

<; 1] And they dreamed a dream both of x:. But he hanged the chief baker? a*
*hem, each man his dream in one night, Jofeph had interpreted ro them.
each man according to the interpretation a? Yet aid not the chief butler remem-
»f his dream the butler and the baker of ber Jofeph, but forgat him.

*he king of Egypt, which were bound in C A P. XLI. H

ihe prijbn. Fbaraobs two dreamt, &c.
6 And.Jofeph came in unto them in the
attorning, and looked upon them, and
it came to pafs at the endoftw*
full years, that Pharaoh dreamed, and
Jbehold,' they were fad. behold, he ftood by the river.
7 An<i he asked Pharaohs officers that x And behold, there came up out of
TDtri with him in the ward of his lords the river feven well-tavourea kine, and
Svoufe, laying, Wherefore lookye/o fad- fat-neihed i and thev fed in a medow.
Sy to day ? 3 And behold, feven other kine came
8 And they faid unto him, We
have .up alter them out of the river, ill-fa-
«d reamed a dream, and there is no inter- voured, ana lean-nefhed j and flood by
preter of it. And Jofeph laid unto them, the other kine, upon the brink of the
We npt interpretations belm$ to Gsd?
3£U »e tbtm) h pray you 4 .4 AQtUue ill- fowled and leaa-fl.cfhed
tDitraetis two cnap xu. arttmt interprtrt*.
Jcfne, did eat up the feven well-favoured 23 And" behoid, feven ears', withered*
and tat kin». So Pharaah awoke. tlnn, ina blafted with the eaft-wind,
« And be llept ana dreamed the i'econd fprung up alter them.
time : and behold, feven ears of corn 14- And the thin ears devoured the
came up upon one ftalk, rank and srood. feven good ears : and I told tbi> unto the
6 And behold, I'even thin ears and magicians j but tbtrt was none that could
blaftcdwiththecalt-wind fprung up after declare it unto me.
them. 2? 11And Jofeph faid unto Pharaoh.
7 And the feven-tlun ears devoured the The dream of Pharaoh it one God hath :

feven rank and full eats and Pharaoh a-

: Jhewcd Pharaoh what he it about to do.
woke, and behold, it wax a dream. 16 The feven good kine a-rt I'even years j
8 And it came to pafs in the morning, and the feven goad ear? art feven years
that his i'pirit was troubled > and he lent the dream f* one.
and called for all the magicians of Egypt, 27 And the feven thin and ill-favoured
and all the wife-men thereat': ar.d Pha- kine that came up after them, art feven
raoh told them his dream ; but tbtrt veat years ; and the feven empty ears blafted
none that could interpret them unto Pha- with the eaft-wind, lhall be feven years
raoh. or tamine.
9 n Then fpake the chief butler unto 28 This if ihe thing which I hav fpo~ 1

Pharaoh, faying, I do remember my faults ken unto Pharaoh what God ii about

this day. % to do, he lheweth unto Pharaoh.

to Pharaoh was wroth with his fer- 29 Behold, there come feven years of
vants, and put me in ward in the captain great plenty, throughout all the land of
of the guards houfe, both me, and the Egypt.
chier baker. 20 An-1 there lhall arife after them fe-
it And we dreamed a dream in one ven years of tamine, and all the plenty
ni ht, 1 and he: we dreyned each man lhall be forgotten in the land of Egypt:
according to the interpretation of his and the tamine lhall confiime the land.
dream. 21 Ana the plenty fhall not be known
ii Anitbtrt rvat therewith us a young inthe land, byrealon of that famine fol-
man an Hebrew, fervant,to the captain lowing for it foall bt very grievous.

of the guard j and we told him, and he 32 And for that the dream was doubled
interpreted to us our dreams : to each unto Pharaoh twice j it it becaufe the
man accotding to his- dream he did in- thing it --eltablifhed by God, anrt God will
terpret. Ihortly bring it to pafs.
t3 And it came to pafs, as he interpre- 22 Nowtherefore let Pharaoh lookout
ted to us, lb P. was-: me he reftoredunto amandifcreet and wife, and let him over
mine office, and him he hanged. the land of Egypt.
1411 Then Pharaoh lent and called Jo- 34 Let Pharaoh do arid let him
feph, and they brought him haftily out appeint officers over the land, and take
of the dungeon and he fhaved bint/elf,
: up the fifth part of the,^nd of Egypt in
and changed his raiment, and came in the feven plenteous years.
mnto Pharaoh. 25 And let them father all the food of
i> And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, I t hole good years that come, and lay up
have dreamed a dream, and tbtrt it none corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let
that can interpret it: and I have heard them keep food in the cities.
lay of thee, that thou canft underitand a 26 And that food lhall be forftoretothe
dream, ta interpret it. land, againft the i'even years of famine,
i6And Jofeph anfwered Pharaoh, fay- which lhall be inthe land of Egypt} thi
ing, It is not in me : God lhall give Pha- the land perifh not through the tamine.
raoh an anlwer of peace. 37 H And the thing was good in tfie
i7 And Pharaoh laid unto Jofeph, In eyes of 1'haraoh, and in the eyes of all
my dream, behold, I ftood upon the bank bis fervants.
of the river. 38 And Pharaoh faid unto his fervants.
18 And behold, there came up out of Can we find fucba out asthisn, a man in
the river feven kine, fat-flemed, and well- whom the fpint of God if ?
fayoured; and they fed in a medow. 39 And Pharaoh Vaid unto Jofeph, Foraf-
19 .And behold, feven other kine came much as God hath Ihewed thee all this,
.'after them, poor and very ill-favour- tbtrt it none fo diftreet and wife as thou>
;d, and lean-fleflied, fuch as I never faw Art.
in all the land of Egypt tor bajnefs. 40 Thou Jhalt be over my houfe, and.
20 And the lean and the ill-favoured according unto thy word fhall all mv
kine did eat up the firit feven fat kine. people be ruled: only in the throae will
11 And when they had eaten them up, I be greater than thou.
it could not be known that they had eat- 41 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, See*
en them; but they »er«ftlll ill-favoured, Ihavefettheeoverallthe land of Egypt.
>3 at the beginning. So I awoke. 42 And Pharaoh took off his ringTrom
a* And I faw in my dream, and be<- his hand, and put it upon Jofephs hand,
told, feven ears caiae up in jans italk> and- arayedhim. in'veftures of finelinea,
nil ana good,. and j?uia gold chain abcut bis neck.
4.3 And
'efefb lajetb up corn, Geriefn. Hit brethren go to Egyft,
4} And he made him to ride infhefe- 4 But Benjamin, Jofephs brother, lacob
cond chariot whicn he had ; and they cried fent not with his brethren: for he laiu,
before him,, Bow the knee: and he made Led Petadvenruremifchief befal him.
him ruler ever all the land of Egypt. * And the fons or Iirael came to buy

44 And Pharaoh famunto Joleph, I am corn among thofe that came: for the ta-
Pharaoh, and without thee ih;dl r.o man mine was in the land of Canaan,

littup his hana cr foot in ail the ana of 6 Ami Joleph veas the governor over

Egypt the lanJ.^J heir tmj that fcld to all the

4i Ani Pharaoh called Jofephs name peopled the land and Jcl'epns brethren
I :

Zap hnath-paaneab and he gave hinvto 'ami, and bowed down tbemfclves be-
; :

wiie Afermhthe daughterof Poripheran forehirn, vritb their iaca to Iheeartn

pneitot On and Jofeph went out over
: And Joieph fawiiis brethren, and
*H the land ot Ejrypt. he knew them, but made liimfelf ftranpe
46 1 And Jolepn w*i thirty years old unto them, and ('rake rooghly unto them j
when he itood before Puaraon king ot and he laid unto the~*, Whence come ye >
Egypt: and Jofeph went out troji£*he And thty laid, From the land ot Canaan
prelencc of Pharaoh, and went through- to buy food.
out all the land of Egvjt. 8 ;\nd Joferh knew his brethren, but
47 And in the fsveri plenteous years they knew not him.
the earth brought f jrth by handfuls. 9 And Jofeph remembred the dreams
4S. A:;d he gathered up all the food of wnich he dreamed ot them, and faiduntd
the te_ven veari, which were in the land of Ihem, Ye «refpiesj to fee thenakedriefa
Egyrt, and la id up the food in the cities: 0: the lard you are come.
the food of the fiejd which xwj round 10 And they faid unto him, Nay, my
about every city, laidheup in the fame. lord, but tc buy food are thy lervants
49 And Jofeph. gathered tern as the come;
fanaof the fea, very much, until he left 11 We &rt 211 one mans fons: we are
numbring : fori* number. »4i withc-t.t true men, thy fervantsarrno fpies.
to And unto Jcfeph wee born two ti Andhe
(aid unto them, i\ay , but to fee
fons before th« years of famine came: thenakednefiol the land vou arecome.
which Afenath, the daughter of Poti- t? And they faid, Triy lervants art
pherahprieitof On, bareuntohim. twelve brethren, the fens of one man in
ciAnd Jofeph called the name of the the land or Canaan ar.d behold, the

Brit-born,ManaQen for God, fiua bt, youngeft ft this day with our lather, and

hathmade me forget all my toil, and all one is nor.

my fathers hoof:. 14 An« Jcfeph faid unto them, That
H And the name of the fecond raMea 11 it that I fpake-unro yeu, faying, Ye
he Ephraim for Goc. hath raufed me to are pies
: I

be fruitful m the land cl my atfliciion. H Hereby ve fna',1 be proved by the life :

?} 51 Ard the feven years of plenteouf- of Pharaoh ye mall not go forth hence, ex-
nel's that was in the land of Egypt, were cept your\ourigeft brother come hither.
ended. id Sendone ct you, and let him fetch
?4 And the feven years of dearth b'gan your brother, andyelhall be kept ifiprU
to come, according as Jofeph had faid fen, that your v-oras may be proved, wi-.e-

and the dearth was in all lands ; but in ther tbtre be any truth ID you or die oy :

all the land of Egvpt there wa.= bread. thehfeof Pharaoh farely ye.ire >'. I

<;<; And when ml the land of Egypt was 17 And he pur theai altogether into
famifhed, the people cried to Pharaoh for ward, three '.a«s.
bread: arw Pharaoh laid unto all the E- 18 And Jofeph faid unto them the third
gynians, Go unto Jofeph what he faith day, This ao. and live: for I tear God«

to you, i\o. 19 It yc be true nv.m, let one ot ycur

$6 And the famine was over all the brethren be bound in the
face of the earth and Jofeph opened all prifon: go ye, carry rem for the famine

the itore-houfes, and Ibid unto the E- ot your Eouies.

gyptiar.i ; and the famine waxed lore in ic Bu; bring your ycur.gelt brotherun-
tfte land of Egvpt. to me \'o fha.ll your words be verified^

<;r And all countries came into Esvpt andyelhall not d:e. And they did 16.
to Jofeph fvt to buy corn j becatife-tbat xt 11 And they faid one to another, We
the famine was/o lure in all lands are verily guilty concerning 0:1 r brother, in
C H A P. XL11. that we faw tht anguifhor his foul, when
"7acob fenitih b ten fjn< ts buy corn, &c.
< hebefooght.usj and w± would not hear:
VTOw when Jacob law that there vfxs therefore is this dutrel's csme upon i;t.
i^ ccrnin Egypt, Jacob Jaid unto his iz And Reuben anfwerei th?m, laying,
Jons, Why do ye look one upon another ? Spake I not win vcu, faying, Dc -

1 And he faid, Behold, 1 have hoard againft the child '3 and ye would r.^t
that there is corn in. Egypt: get you hear ? therefore behold alio, his blood
down thither, andbiy for us from thence j is required.
that we may lire, arid not die. ix ,\nd they knew not that Joferh un-
x 51 And Jcfephs ten brethren went derftrod tbem for he frake unto them ;

4own to buy corn in Egypt. by an interpreter*

14 And 1
n .

Tbeir rtUtion to Jtuob. Chap. Xllii. Jojifb Mttrtainttb bis brethren,

14 And he turned himfelf about from 3 And Judah fpake unto him, faying,
them, and wept , and returned to them The man did (olemnly proteft unto us,
again, and communed wittT therrw and fayins, Yefhallnot fee my face, except

took from them Simeon, and bound him your brother be with you.
before their eyes. 4 If thou wilt lend our brother with
y 11 Then Jofeph commanded to fill us, we will go down and buy thee food.
their faeks with corn, and to reitsre eve- v But if thou wilt not fend bim, we will
ry mans money into his lack, and to give not go down for the man laid unto us,

them proviuon for the way. and thus did Ye lhail not fee my face, except your
lie unto them. brother be with you.
in AnJ they laded their afies with the 6 And Ifrael ('aid, Wherefore dealt ye
corn, and departed thence. " fo ill with me,as to tell the manwhether
And as one of them opened his lack ye had yet a brother?
o give his a Is provender in the inn, he 7 And they laid, The man asked us
efpied his money for behold, it was in ftraitlyof-our ftate, and of our kindred,

his lacks mouth. faying, Is your father yet alive? have ye

i8 And h*j faid unto his brethren, My another brother ? and we told him accor-
money is reltored i and lo, Hit even in my ding to the t«nor of thefe words: Could
Tack and their heart failed f^m.and they we certainly know that he would fay,

were afraid, faying one to another, What Bring your brother aown?
thistkit God hath done unto us? 8 And Judah faid unto Ilrael his father,
19 11 And they came unto Jacob their Send the lad with me, and we will afife
father, untothc land of Canaan, and told and go ; that we may live ana not die,- both
him all that befel unto them, faying, we, ana thou, and aWb our little ones.
30 The man who is the lord of the land, 9 I will be fumy for him; of my hand
fpake roughly to us, and took us forfpies lhalt thou require him : If I bring him
of the country. not unto thee, and fet him before thee,
3t And we laid unto him, "We are true then let me bear theWame forever.
men ; we are no fpies. 10 For except we had lingred, furely
3i We be twelve brethren, fons of our now we had returned this lecond time.
father: one'* not, and theyoungeil is this 11 A»d their father Ifrael faid unto
day with our lather inthelandof Canaan. them, Hit muji be lb now, do this i take
?3 And the man the lord of the country of the belt fruits in the land in your vef-
faid unto us, Hereby (hall 1 know that ye fels, and carry down the man a prefent,
ve true men ; leave one of your brethren a little balm, and a little hony, fpices,
bere with me, and take food for the famine and yrrh, nuts, and almonds.

of your houiholds, and be gone. n And take double money in your

34- And bring your youngeft brother hand and the money that wa> brought

unto me :then fliall I know that you Art again in the mouth of your facks, carry
no fpies, but that you are true men fo it again in your hand 5 peradventurc it

will 1 deliver vou your brother, and ye voas anoverfight.

itisll traffick in" the land. 13 Take alio your brother, and arifc,
3? 11 And it came to uafs as they em- go again unto the man.
ptied their lacks, that behold, every mans 14. And God Almighty give you mercy
nindle of mqney vca< in his lack : and before the man, that he may fend away
when botb they and their father law the yourofherbrothar, an.l Benjamin: If I be
bundles of money, they were afraia. bereaved of my cbitdren, I am bereaved.
36 And Jacob their father faid unto i?H And the men took that prefent, and
them, Me have ye bereaved of my cbildr-en: they took double money in their hand,
Joferh is not, and Simeon is not, and ye and Benjamin 5 and rofe up, and went
will take Benjamin axva? all thefe things
; down to Egypt, and flood before Jofeph,
are againft me. 16 And when Jofeph law Benjamin
. 37 And Reuben fpake unto his father, with them, he faid to the ruler of his
aying, Slav my two fons, if 1 bring him houfe, Bring tbefe men home, and flay,
lot to thte': deliver him into my hand, and make ready : for theft men ftall
and I will bring him fo thee again. dine with me at noon.
38 And he faid, Mv fon fhell not go i7 And the man did as Jofeph bade:
3own with ycu for his brother is dead, and the man brought the men into Jo-

ind he is left alone ; if inifchief befal fephs houfe.

iim by the way in the which ye go, then 18 And the men were afraid, beeaufe
hall ye bring down niy gray hairj with they were brought into Jolepha hcufe, and
orrow to the grave. they faid, Becaufe.of the meney that was
C HA P. XLII1. returned in our facks at the firfl time,
f u:vo i s h.trdly perfxvased to fend Benf amin
Jacob are we brought in } that he may leek
'"the famine was lore in the land. occafion againrt us, and tall upon us,
And it came to pals wh*n they and take us for bond- mm, and cur
iad eaten
eat up the corn which tliey had afles.
>rought out of Eeypt, their f'itijer faid 19 And thay came near to the fteward
into theai> Go again) buy us a little of J'jfephs houfe, and they communed
QftL with- him at ths cloot of the houfe >
Sofepb mxkHb « fuft. Genets. Mis folftf.
*o And laid,fir, We came indeed
O 3 Aflbon as the morning was light, the
down at the jirit time to buy tood. mon were lent away, they and their affes.
11 And it came to pal* when we came to
4 And when they were gone out of the
the inn, that we opened out lacks, and be- city, and not yet far oft, Joleph' laid unto
hold, every mans money w.n in the mouth his lteward, Up, follow after the men ;
or his lack, our aioney in lull weight : and and when thou dolt overtake them, fay
we have brought it again inourh7and. unto them, Wherelore have ye rewarded
ix And other money have we brought evil tor good ?
«owninour hands to buy food we can- -.
? /' not this it in which my lord drink-
not tell who pat our money in our lacks. eth? and whereby indeed he divmuh?
17 And he laid, Peace be to you, iear ye have done evil in lb doing.
not : your God, and the God of your la- 6 11 And, he overtook them, and he
ther hath given you treal'ure in your (pake unto them thele lime words.
lacks : I had your money. And he 7 And they laid unro him, Wherefore
brought Simeon out unto them. faith my lord thele word? ? God forbid
24 And the man brought the men into that thy fervants ihould uo according to
Joj'enhs houle, and gave tnem water, and this thing.
they walhed their 1eet, and he gave their 8 Behold, the- money which we f.-iund
alles provender. in our facks mouths, we b ought again
xs And they made ready the prefent unto thee out of the land of Canaan:
againft Joleph came at noon for they ; how then mould we lteal out of thv lords
heard that they mould eat bread there. hcufe filver or gold ?
iiS 11 And when Joleph came home, 9 With whom foevtr of thy fervants it
they brought him the preterit which ve*s be found, both let him die, and we alfo
in their hand, into the houle, and bowed will be my lerds bond-men.
themfelves to him to the earth. to And ne raid, Now alio let it be ac-
27 And lie asked them of r&«V welfare, cording unto your words: he with whom
and faid. Is your lather well, the old man it is found fliall be my fervant j and ye
©i whom ye (pake ? Ii he yet alive ? mall be Mamelefs.
iS And they anlwered, Thy fervant our ti Then they fpeedily took down every
father is in good liealth, hen yet alive: man his lark 'to the ground, and opened
and they bowed down- their heads, and every man his lack.
madeobeifance. 12 'And he fearched, *ni b;gan at the
19 And he lift up his eyes, and law his eldelt, and left at the youngest and the- :

brother Benjamin, his mothers Ion, and cup was fo*nd in Benjamins lack.
laid. Is this your younger brother, or n Then they rent their clothes*, and
whom ye fpake unto me ? And he laid, laded evervman his ais> and returned to
God be gracious unto thee, my lbn. the city.
30 And
Joleph made halte j lo/r his
bowels did vcrn upon his brother
U 11 And Judahand his brethren came
and : to Jolephs houfe ( fcr he x»at yet there )
he leught where to weep, and he entred and they before him on the ground.
into bis chamber, "Sfed wept there. 1? And Jcfeph laid unto them, What
Zx And he walhed his face, and went deed is this that ye have dene ? wot ye
cut, and refrained hirafelf, 2nd laid, Set not, that iuch a man as I can certainly
on bread. divine?
31 And they fet on for him by himfelf. t6 And Judahfaid, What mall we fay
and for them by themfelves, and lor the unto my lord ? what mall we fpeak ? or
Egyptians, which did eat with him, by how mall we clear our Jelves? God hath
themlelves becaufethe Egyptians might
: found out the iniquity of thy fervants : be-
not eat bread with the Hebrews ; for that hod, we art my lords fervants, both we,
is an abomination unto the Egyptians. and be alfo with whom the cup is
33 And they fat before him, the firit- found.
boro according to his birth-right, and 17 And he faid, God forbid that I
theyoungeft according to his youth: and mould do lb: but the man in whole hand
the men marvelled one at another. the cup found- he mall be my fervant 1
34 And he tcok and fent meiles unto and as for you, get you up in peace unto
them from before him but Benjamins : your father.
xnels was five times lb much as any of 18 11 Then Judah came near untc him,
theirs. And they drank, and were merry and faid. Oh my lord, let thy fervant, I
with him. pray thee, fpeak a word in my lords ears,
C H A I». XL1V. ami fct not thine anger burn againft thy
Jofepbsyolicyto.fir.y bis brethren, Sec. fervant for tnou art even as Pharaoh.

ANdhe commandedthe lteward of his

houfe, faying, Fill the mens facks
19 My lord ask«d his fervants. faying,
Have ye a father, or a brother?
with tood, as much as they car: carry, and ro And we faid unto my lord, ^.ave We
put every mans money in his &rks mouth. a father, an old man, and a child of his
2 And put luv curi Mia lilvei cup, in old a»», a little one and his brother is

the '.'aclis mouth' of the young;' it. and his dead," ind he alone is left of has mother,
corn- atone y and he aid at cording to the
. and fiu father loveth hint.
word Jofepiihsd fpoken, xi Aid thou littdit un;o thy fervants, l«
. + Sung I
. Xiv. jojtpv jtnaete jvr til fsm,
htther : for G«d did fend me before you,
to preferve lite.
For thefe two years bath the famine
been m
tha land : and yet there are five
years, in the which then Jh*U neither b»
earing nor harveft.
7 And God lent me before you, to pre-
ferve you a pofterity in the earth, and to
fave your lives by a great deliverance.
8 So now it was not you lent me
hither, but God : and he hath made m«
a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his
houie, and a ruler throughout all the land
of Egypt.
9 Hafte you, and go up to My father,
and fay unto him, Thus faith thy fon
Jofeph, God h-ath made me lord of
all Egypt j come down unto me, tarry
io And thou fhalt dwell in the land of
Gofhen, and thou fhalt be near unto me»
iS And the one went out from me, and thcu, and thy children, and thy childrens
("aid, Surely he is torn in pieces* and I children, and thy flocks, and thy herds,
iw him not flace. and all that thou halt.
19 And if ye take this alfo from me, tt And there will I oourifh thee C for
nd mifthief betal him, ye fhal) bring yet tbtre «re five years of famine ; ) left
own my gray hairs with ibrrow to the thou, and thy houfhold, and all that
rave. thou haft, come to poverty,
;o Now therefore when I come to thy ii And behold, your eyes fee, and th«
jrvant my father, and the lad be not eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it it
dthusi l Teeing that his life is bound up my mouth that fpeaketh unto you.
n the lads life) 13 And you fhall tell my father of all
3i It fhall come to pafs, whenhefeeth my glory in Egypt, and of all that yoo
hat the l2di.< not witbu-, that he will die: have feeni andye fhal^halte, and bring
nd thy fervant fhall bring down the gray down mv father hither.
airs of thy l'ervant our father with forrow t4 And he fell upon his brother Ben-
o the grave. jamins neck, and wept ; and Benjamin
3a For thy fervant became furety for wept upon his neck.
heladunto my father, faying, If I bring t? Moreover he kifled all his brethren,
im not unto thee, then I fhall bear the and wept upon them : and after that, hii
lame to my father for ever. brethren talked with him.
3? N»w therefore, I pay thee, let thy \6 ll And the fame thereof was heard
ervant abide inttead of thelad, a bon'-- :r» Ptaraohs houfe, faying, Jofephs bre-
nao fo rav lord; and let the lad go up thren are come : and it pleai'ed Pharaoh
vith his brethren. well,- and his (ervant .
34 For how (hall I go up to my father, 17 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, Say
nd the lad bt not with me? leit perad unto thy brethren, This do ye j lade yew
-enture I fee the evil that fhall come on beads, and go, get you unto the land of
uy father. Canaan,
CHAP. XLV. t8 And take your father, and yourhoufc-
ofeph revealeth him/elf to bis brethren. Sec. holds, andecmeuntome: and I.wii: give
rHen Jofeph could not refrain himfelf
before all them that itood by him ;
you the good of the land of Egypt, and
ye fhall eat the fat of the land.
Caufe every man to go out
;nd he cried, 19 Now thou art commanded, this do
rem me and there flood no man with
: ye ; take you wagons out of the land of
uni, while Jofeph made himfelf known Egypt for your little ones, and for your
into his brethren. wives, and bring your lather, and
i And he went aloud: and the Egyp- come.
ians and the houfe of Pharaoh heard. io Alfo regard not your (tuff: for the
3 And.Joleph faid unto his brethren, good of all theland of Egypt it yours.
*m Joieph; Dotti my father yet live' .11 And the children ot Ifrael did fo:
id his brethren could not anfwe'r and Jofeph gave them wagons, according
im : for they were troubled at his ro the commanament of Pharaoh, and
>relence. gave them provifion for the way.
4 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, ii To all of them he gave each man
lome near to me, I prav you ; ?nd fhey changes ot raiment but to Benjamin

amenear: and he faid, I tm Jofeph ycur he gave three hundred piece of filver,
mother, whom ye fold into Egypt. and five changes of raiment.
* Nowtherefore be not grieved, nor 13 And to his father he fent after this
mgry with your fclvcs, that ye fold nc muirur j ten afles laden with the good
: : .

JtfoigcetbloLzypt, Genefis ani ftnittb luiab before him.

ibrngs of Egypt, and ten me-afTes laden
14 *l And the Ions of Zebulun Sered
with corn, and bread, and meat for his and Elon, andjahjeel.
father by tht way. i? Thefe be the fons of Leah, which
14 So he lent his brethren sway, ami fhe bare unto Jacob in Padan-aram, with
they departed and lie faid unto them, Jus daughter Dinah: all the fouh of his

5ee that ye tall not out by the way. ions and his daughters, -were thirty and"
1? 51 And they went up out of Egypt, three.
and came inro the land of Canaan unto \f> 5! And the fons of G";d ; Ziphion,
Jacpb their rather, andHaggai, Shuni, and Ezbon, En, and
i6 And told him, faying, Jofeph i i yet Arodi, aadAreli.
alive, and he U governor over all the land i7 51 And the fons of Afher; Jimnah,
ot Egypt. And Jacobs heart fainted, fo and Ifhuah, and Ifui, and Beriah, and
he believed them not. Serali their lifter And the Ions of Beilah i :

17 And they told him all the words of Heber, and Malchiel.
Jofeph, which he had faid unto them-, and iS Thefe are the fon^ of Zilpah, whom'
when he faw the wagons which Jofepli had Laban gave to Leah his daughter ani' :
tent to carry him, the fpiritof Jacobtheir fhefe
fhe bare unto Jacob, even lixteeri!
lather revived louls.
3t8 And IfracT faid, ft ft enoughs Jofeph io 51 The fons of Rachel Jacobs wife s,
my ion is yet alive I will go and fee
: Jofeph, and Benjamin.
him before I die. ii And unto Jofeph in the land of E-
CHAP. XLVI. gypt were born Manalleh and tphraim,
Jacob comforted by GodatCeer-Jhiba,&.c.
ts which Afenath the daughter of Poti^he-
ANdlfraei took his journey with all that rah priett of On bare unto him.
he had, and came to Beer-lheba, ii 51 And "toe fons of Ben;amin were
and offered faenfices unto the God of his Belah, and Becher, and Afhbel, Gera,
lather Il'aac. and Naaman, Ehi, and Roih, Muppimf
i And God fi-ake unto Ifrael in the vi- and Huppim, and Ard.
sions of the night, and faid, Jacob, Jacob:
And he faid, Here am I.
n Thefe are the fons of Rachel, which
were born to Jacob: all the fouls rf;re
Ar.a he faid, I am God,
the God of fourteen.
thy farther: fear not to go down into i? 51 Arkl fhe fonsof Dan ; Hulhim.
Egypt j for I will there make of thee a i« 51 And the ions ofiS'aphtali ; Jahzeel,
great nation. andGuni, 3r.dJezer, and Sshillem.
4 I will go down with thee into Egypt; is Thefe are the fons of Bilhah, which
and I will alio furely bring thee up again : Lai>an gave unto Rachel his daughter*
and Jofeph fliall put his hand upon thine and lhe bare ttiefe unto Jacob: all the
eyes. fculs twrefeven.
* And Jacob ro e up from Beer-meba i5 All the fouls that came with Jacob
and thefensof Ifrael carried Jacob their into Egypt, which came out of his loyns,
father, and their little ones, and their befides Jacobs fons wives, all the fouls
wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had were threefcore and fix ;
lent to carry him. t7 And the fons of Jofeuh which were
6 And they took their cattle, and their born him in EgyptTweretw'o foult: all fhe
goods which they had gotten in the land fouls of the houfe of Jacob, which came
cf Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, into Egypt, were threefcoie and ten.
and all his feed with him 18 51 Andhefent Judah before him unto
f His fons, and his fons fons with him, Jofeph, to direct his face unto Gofherrj
his daughters, and his fons daughters, and and they came into the land of Goihen.
all his feed brought he with him into 19 And Jofeph made ready his- chariot
Egypt. and went up to meet Ifrael his father,
her to
tc 1

8 5J And thefe are the names of the Gofhen ; andprefented himlelf unt o~himj f
children of Ifrael, which came into Egypt, and he fell on tils neck, and wept on his I
Jacob and his fons: Reuben Jacobs hrtt- neck a good while.
born. ?d And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, low let! Now
9 And the fons of Reuben ; Hanoch, me die, lince I have feen thy fac:c, be-*
andPhallu, and Hezron, and Carmi. cauie thcu art yet alive.
to «1 And the fons of Simeon; Jemuel ^1 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren,
and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and and unto his fathers houfe, lwitl go up
Zohar, and Shaul the fen of a Canaani- and fliew Pharaoh, and fay unto h
tifli woman. brethren, and my fathers houie which :

ti 5i And the fons of Levi; Gerfhon, xoere in the land ot Canaan, are com<
Ko!iath, ar.dMerari. unto me :

n 51 And the fons of Judah ; Er, and ??. And t lie mend)'* fhepherds,' for theii
Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, am! 7e- tra^le hath been to feed cattle ; and the)
rah: But Er and Onan died in the land ot have brought their flocks, and their herds
Canaan. And the fons of l'harez, were and all that thev hare.
Hezron and Hamul. 11 And it fhallcome topafs when Pha-
i3 51 And the fons of Idachar; Tola, raoh fhall call you, and fliall lay, Wha
and Phuvah, and Job, and Slumicn. I' y°ur occupation?

34 Tha
XIV1I. jojefvi aeauns jh tec j amine.
of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,
h b^en about cattle, tfom our youth all theEgyptians came unto Jofeph, and
n until now-) both we and alio our ta- laid, Give us bread tor why fhould we

rs that yc may dwell in the land of

: die in thy prefence? for the money
men i tor every fhepherd is an abomi- faileth.
ion unto the Egyptians. 16 And Jofeph faid, Give your cattle
C H A I'. XLVII. and I will give you for your cattle, if
pb br'rngetb bit fatter before Pbaraoh,8cC. money tail.
'Hen Jofeph came and told Pharaoh, '
i7 And they brought their cattle unt*
and faid, My tather and my brethren, Jofeph: and Jofeph gave them bread fm
their flocks, and their herds, and all exchange for horfes, aad for the flocks, and
: they have, are come out of the land for the cattle of the- herds, and for the
~anaan ; and behold, they are in the affes ; and he fed them with brcail, for all
1 of Gofhen. their cattle, for that year.
And he took fame of his brethren, 18 Whenthat year was ended, they
i five men, "and prefented them unto came unto him the fecond year, and faid
iraoh. unto him, We
will not hide f t frota my
And Pharaoh faid unto his brethren, lord, how that our money is (pent, my
iat your occupation ? Ana they faid
it lord alio hath our herds of cattle ; there
o Pharaoh, Thy fervants are fhepherds, is not ought left in the fight of my lord,
h we and alio our fathers. but our bodies, and our lands.
They (aid moreover unto Pharaoh, 19 Wheretcre fhallwedie before thine
to lojoun in the land are we come eyes, both we and our land ? buy us and
thy fervants have no palture for their our land for bread, and we and cur land
'ks, for the famine/') fore in the land of will be fervants unto Pharaoh and give

naan: now therefore, we pray thee, uxfeed, that we may live and not die,
thy fervants dwell in the land of Go- that the land be not defblate.
n. 10 And Jofeph bought ail the land of
And Pharaoh fpake unto Jofeph, Egypt for Pharaoh ; for the Egyptians
ing, Thy father and thy brethren are fold every man his field, becaufe the fa-
n* into thee: mine rrevailed over them: fo the land
The land of Egypt is before thee; in became Pharaohs.
belt of the land make thy father and it And as for the people, he removed
thren to dwell, in the land of Gofhen them to cities from one end of t*ie borders
them dwell and if thou knoweft any of Egypt, even to the other end thereof.

nof activity amongit them, then make li Onlv the land of the priefts bought
m rulers over my cattle. he not: for the priefts had a portion af~
And Jofeph brought in Jacob his fa- fignsd tbetn cf Pharaoh, and did eat their
r, and fet him before Pharaoh and portion which Pharaoh gave thsm ; where-

:ob ble (led Pharaoh. rare they fold not their lands.
* And Pharaoh faid unto Jacob, How 1} Then Jofeph faid umo the people,
( Art thou ? Behold, I have bought you this day, and
) Aad Jacob faid unto Pharaoh, The your land for Pharaoh lo, here is feed

yscfthe years of my pilgrimage are an for you. and ye (hall fow the land.
ndred and thirty years tew and evil
: 14 And it mall come to pafs in the in-
ve the days of the years of my life been, ereafe, that you mail give the fifth part
have not attained unto the days of unto Pharaoh, anifour parts ihall be your
years of the life of my fathers in the own, for feed of the field, and for your
ysor their pilgrimage. food, and for them of your houmolds, and
:c And Jacob blefted Pharaoh, and for food for your little ones.
nt out from before Pharaoh. i? And they faid, Thou haft faved our
51 And Jofeph. placed his father and lives let us find grace in the fight of my

brethren, and gave them a pofleffion lord, andwewilfbe Pharaohs fervants.

the land of Egypt, in the belt of the a£ And Jofeph made it a lav over the
id, in the land ofRamefes, as Pharaoh land of Egypt unto this day, Pharaoh
a commanded. .mould have the fifth part; except the
n And Jofeph nourifhed his father, land of the priefts only, vvbitb became not
d his brethren, and all his fathers Pharaohs.
u(hold with bread, according to tbtir 17 51 And Ifrael dwelt in the land of
milies. Egypt in the country of Gofhen and ;
t* n And there nut no bread in all the they had potTeffions therein, and grew,
id: for the famine wjy very fore, fo that and multiplied exceedingly.
e land of Egypt, and*// the land of Ca- *8 And Jacob Jived in the land of E«rypt
an fainted by reafon of the famine. feventeen years: fo the whole age of Jacob
t4 And Jofeph gathered up all the mo- was an hundred forty and feven years.
y that was found in the land of Egypt, 19 And the time drew nigh that Ifrael
d in the land of Canaan, for the corn muft die and he called his fon Jofeph,

lich they bought and Jofeph brought and laid unto him, If now I have found

2 money into Pharaohs houfe. grace in thy fight, put, I pray thee, thy
iy And when money failed in the land hand under my thigh, audi deaj kindly
. - '

Jtfefb vifitetb biffAtber, . Genefi? 1*cob bttjfetk Jof'tb; fons.

4nd truly with me j bury me not, 1 pray
v J God, before whom mv Abraha fathers
thee, in Egypt. and Ilaac did walk, the God which f<
2.0 But I will lie with my fathers, and me
my life long unto this day, all
thou flialt carry me out of Egypt, and The angel which redeemed me froni hi
bury me in their bury ing-pl ace. And he blels the lads; and let my name a
all evil,
laid, 1 will do as thou halt faid. be named on them, and the name of mj

31 Andjrefaid, Swearuntome: And he fathers Abraham and Ilaac and let thena :

fwareunto him. And Ifrael bowed him- grow Into a multitude in the midil o*
1 el r upon the beds head the earth.

3o rtpb
CHAP. XLVIII. t7 And when Jofeph faw that bis fa-
fickjjttker, &c.
vijitetb bis ther laid his rieht hand upon the- heB
A Nd
it came to pafs alter thefe things, of Ephraim, it'difpleafed him and h« :

X\ that one tcld Jofeph, Behold, thy fa- held up his fathers hand, to removi ,

ther 11 fick : and he took with him his it from Ephraims Lead unto Manatiehi
two fens, Manalfeh and Ephraim. head.
- x And one told Jacob, and laid, Behold, iS And Jofeph faid unto his fatt
thy fon Jofeph comerh umo thee: and Not lo. my father: for this is ti\c fi
Ifrae4 ftrengjhned himfelf, and fat upon born ; put thy right hand upon his head
:ad. I,
the bed. *9And his lather refuled, and fai
Jacob faid unto Jefeph, God know it, my fon, 1 know it, he alio _
Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in
the land of Canaan, andblefled me,
great t
a people, and he alio fhall
but truly his younger brotheiothei
4. And faid unto me, Behold, I will mall be greater than he, and his feet
jnake thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and fhall become a multitude of nations.
I will make of thee a multitude of people, 20 Aud he bleffed them that dav, fay-
and will give this land to thy feed after ing, In thee fhall Ifrael blefs, laving.
thee, for an everlalting pcflelfioii. God make thee as Ephraim, and as' Ma-
* 51 And now thy two fons, Ephraim nalfeh and lie let Ephraim beiore Ma-

and Manalfeh, which were born unto thee raTTen.

intheland of Egypt, before I came unto it And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Behold
thee into Egypt, are mine: as ReubeV) I die but God fhall be with yo^t, and briDf

and Simeon, they fhall be mine. you again unto the land of your fathers.
6 And thy iffue which thou beeetteft 2i Moreover, 1 have given to thee oni
after them, fhall be thine, and ftiajl be portion above thy brethren, which I toe)
called alter the name of their brethren in out of the hand of the Amorite with in;
their inheritance. l'wcrd and with my bow.
7 And as lor *he, when I came from C H A P.- XL1X.
Padan, Rachel died by me mtbe land of fon? to bttfs tbtm, &c.
acob c.tlleth hi-
Canaan, in the way, when yet there w>.i.< A Nd
Jacob called unto his fons, aft
but « iitrle way to come unto Ephrath*. !\ laid, Gather your felves togetnet
and I buried her there in the way of E- that I may tell you that which fhall be
phrath, the fame is Beth-lehem. falysu in the I all days.
8 And ifrael beheld Jofephs fons, and
, i Gather your fclve* together, and he*
faid, Wh0 4r< thefe? ye fons ot Jacob; and hearken unt
9 And Jofeph faid unto his father, They Ifrael your father.
*remy fons, whom Gcd hath given me in 2 51 Reuben, thou art my firft-born. a
thisp/4« And he faid, Bring them, I pray might, and the beginning of my (trengtl

thee, uni-ome, and I will blefs them. the'excellency of dignity, and the excel
ic ( Now the eyes of Ifrael were dim for lency of pewer.
age, fo he could not fee And he 4. Unliable as water, thou malt not
: )
ot et
brought them «ear unto him ; and he kiffed eel, becaufe thou wenteft up to thy :hy fi
them, and embraced them. thers bed then dehledtl thou " ft, 1 :

it And Ifrael (aid unto Jofeph, I had went up to my couch.

rot thought to lee thy face: and lo, God ? 51 Simeon and Levi are brethren- if
bath fhewed me alio thy feed. ftruments of cruelty are in their habit:
ii And Jofeph brought them out from tions. ,. .
between his knees, and he bowed hi mi elf 6 O
my foul, come not thou into the
with his face to the earth. fecrer unto their affembly, mine honou -,

And Jofeph took them hoth, Ephraim be not thou united: for in th^ir ang
in'iisrighr hand towards Ifraels left hand, they flew a man, and in their fe!i-wi
and Manalfeh hi his left hand towards they digged down a wall.
Kraels right hand, and brought them near 7 Cui-fedie their anger, fot rt vca< hcrct
unto him. arid their wrath, for it was cruel: Iw:
14 And Ifrael ftretched out his right divide them in Jacob, and fcaucr them
hand, and laid ft upon Epbraims head,
who vea< the younger, and his left hand 8 51* Judah. thcu art be whom thy br
«pon Manaffel-.s head guiding his hands threa fhall praifc ; thv hand Jh*U be in t

wittingly ; for Manaffeh wai the fir ft neck of thine enemies thy fathers chi :

born. dren fhall bow down beforethee.

n. <J AnJ he blcffed Jo rcph, and foid. 9 Judah i> a lions whelp 5 froju the
"Jteob- charge to biifon, . I. Tie mourning for J*«*h.
the land of Canaan, which Abraham
bought with the field of Ephron the Hit-
tire, for a pofleflion of aburyin'g-place.
}t C There they buried Abraham and
Sarah his wite ; there they baried Il'aac
until Shiloh tome, and unto him and "Rebekah his wife i and there I bu-
11 the gathering ot' the people be. ried Leah.
Bindinghis fole unto the vne, and ?*, Thepurchafeof the field and af the
affes edit unto the choice vine j he cave that is therein, xoai from the children
ifhed bis garments in wine, and his of Heth.
athes in the blood of grapes, ^3 And when Jacob had made an end
it His eyes jhtll be red with wine, and of commanding his fons, he gathered up
teeth white with milk. his feet into the bed, and yielded up the
fi Zeb :lun fhall dwell at the haven of ghoft, ajid was gathered unto his people.
. and htjbi.ll bt for an haven of CHAP.
ps t and his border Jball teuntDZidon. The mourning for Jacob, &C.
14 n IlVachar is a ftrong afs, couching
wn between two burdens.
ANd Jofeph fell upon his fathers face,
and wept upon him, and killed him.
And he ("aw that reft veai good, and i And Jofeph .commanded his (ervants
land that it was plealantj and bowed the phyficians to embalm his father: and
fhoulder tc bear, and became a fcr- the phyficians embalmed Ifrael.
nt unto tribute. ? And forty days were fulfilled for him
t6 <n Dan fhall judge his people, as one f tor I© are fulfilled thi days of thofe which
the tribps of Ifrael. are embalmed ) and the Egyptians mour-
7 Danfhallbeaferpentby the way, an ned for him threefcore and ten days.
der in the-path ; that biteth the horfe- 4 And when the days of his mourning
els, fo that his rider fhall fall backward. were paft, jofeph (pake unto the hcuf'»
8 1 have waited for thy falvation, O of Pharaoh, laying, If now I have found
RD. grace in your eyes, fpeak, I pray you»
9 *i Gad, a troop fhall overcome him : in the ears of Pharaoh, laying,
: he fhall overcome at the laft. ? My father made me fwear, faying,
o 51 Out of Afher his bread Jball be Lo, I die in my grave which I have dig-

, and he fhall yield royal dainties. ged to* me, in the land or Canaan, there
\.\ *l Maphtali it a hind let loofe : he fhaltthoub-jry me. ttow therefore let me
'dli goodly words. go up, I prav thee, and bury my father,
i 11 Jofeph it a fruitful bough. ev.n a and 1 will come again.
itfui bouph by a well ; wbo/e branches 6 And Pharaoh laid, Go up, and bury
lover the wall. thy father, according as he made thee
The archers have forely grieved him, fwear.
h ihotatbitn, and hated him. 7 *J And Jofeph went up to bury his fa-
4 But hisbow abode in ftrength,and the ther and with him went up all the fer-

ns of his hands were made ftrong, by the vantsof Pharaoh, the elders of his houfe,
Jdsof the mitrhry Gol of Jacob: from and all the elders ofthe land of Egypt,
nee it the fhepherd, the ftone of Ifrael. 8 And ail the houfe of Jofeph, and his
(j Evenby the God of thy father, who brethren, and his fathers houfe only theii : -
the little ones, and their flocks, and their,
herds, theylett in the landofGofhen. *

9 And there went up with him bcyhh

chariots and horfemen and it was a very

great company.
to And they came to the threfhing-floor
of Atad, which it beyond Jordan, and
there they mourned with a great and very
fore lamentation : and he made a mour-
ning for his father fev en days.
ti And when inhabitants of the
land, the Canaanites, law the mourning
in the floor ot Atad, they faid, This is a
grievous mourning to the Egyptians
wherefore the name of it was called A-
bel-mizraim, which t> beyond Jordan.
And his fons diduntohim according
as he commanded them.
nFor his fens carried him into the
land of Canaan, and buried him in the
cave ofthe field of Machpelah, which
Abraham bo'.urht with the field for a pof-
feffion ofaburying-place, of Ephron the
Hittite, befere Mamrc.
u M And Jafeyk returned into Egypt.
gcfcpb comfortttb Hibretbren. Exodus. Ms death.
fee and his brethren, and all that went up to bring to nafs, *; it U this day, to fat
with him to bury his father, after he had much people alive.
buried his father. ir Now therefore fear ye not: I wi
if *l And when Jofepbs brethren. Taw nourifli you, and your little one-. Ar
that their lather was dead, they laid, Jo- he comforted them, and (pake kindly ui
feph will peradventure hate us, and will to them.
certainly requite us all the evil which we 1i And nJofeph dwelt in Egypt, h
did unto him. and his lathers houfe and Jofeph live .

ifi And they fent melTengers unto Jo- an hundred and ten yerrs.
feph, laying, Thy father did command 1} .And Jofeph law Ephmms childrei
before he died, faying, of the thud generation the children all -.

17 Solhal'ye fay unto Jofeph, Forgive, of Machir, the fon of Manaifeh, wd

I pray thee now, the trefpafs of thy~ bre- broughtupupon Jofephsknces.
thren, and their fin ; for they did unto 14 And Jofeph laid unto his brethrei
thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive Idie: and God will furely vuit you, art
tne trefpafs of the fervants of the God of bring you out of this lind, unto the Jan
thy father. And Jofeph wept when they which he fware to Abraham, tolfaac, an
fpakeunfohim. to Jacob.
18 And his brethren alfo went and fell iv And Jofeph took an oath of J
down before his face; and they,faid, Be- childreno! Ilrael.fayinjr, God will lure!
hold, weiethy fervants. vilityou, and ye frtall carry up mybont
19 And Jofeph faid unto them, Fear tram hence.
not: tor aw I in the place of God? i5 So Jofeph died, being an hundred ar.
ic But as for you, ye thought evil a- ten years old and they embalmed hia

gainft me; but God meant it "unto good, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.

5 The Second Book of Moses, called EXODUS.

c Ha p. 1. brick, and in all manner of fervice intl
Ifrael multiplies though off remedy field: all their fervice wherein thevmac

NOw thefe are"ihe. names of the

children of Ifrael, which came
into Egypt, every man and his
t> withriw.r.
*1 And the kmz, of Egypt fpake-<
Hebrew midwives of which the nan
the (

houfhold came with Jacob. of onevnafShiphrah, and the name of tl

a Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, other Puah :

5 lffarhar, Zebulun, and Bsnjarrun, 16 faid, When ye do the off},

And he
4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Afher. of a midwife to the Hebrew wosien, at
* And all the fouls that came out or the fee tbem upon the ftools if i: be a fo ;

loyns ol J acob, were feventy fculs for

: then ve fhall kill him, but if it be adaug
Joleph was in Egypt already .
then ihe fhall live.
6 And jofeph died, and all his brethren, 17 But the midwives feared Gcd, a
and all,that generation. did nor as thekingof Egypt command
7 V And the children of Ifrael were them, but laved the men-oildren aliv
fruitful, and increafed abundantly, and r8 Asdthekmgof Egypt railed for t
multiplied, and waxed exceeding niighty ; midwives, and faid unto them, Why ha
and the land was filled with them. ye dene this thing, and have laved t
b' Now there arofe up a new king over men-children alive?
Egypt, which knew not Jofeph. 19 And the midwives faid unto Pharac
9 And he faid unto his people, Behold, Becaufethe Hebrew women art not as t
the people of the children of Ifrael are Egyptian women for they are live :

more and mightier than we. and are delivered ere the midwivesc
10 Gome on, let us deal wifely with in unto them.
them : left they multiply, and it come to to Therefore God dealt well with '

pafs, that when there falleth out any war, midwives: and tne people multipl
theyjoyn alfo unto our enemies, and fi?ht and wased very mighty.
againit us, and So get them up out 'of it And it came to pais, becaufe
the land. midwives feared God, that he made 1

it Therefore they did fet over them houfes.

task-maiters, to afflict them with their . n
And Ph3raoh charged all his peep
burdens. And they built for Pharaoh faying, Every fon that is bojn ye fh-llc
treaiitre-cities, Pithofn andRaamfes. into the river, and every daughte .

ix But the more they afili£ted them lhall favc alive.

the more they multiplied andgrrw. And CHAP.
they were grieved becaufeol the children Mofefis born and calf into the flags, &C
of Ifrael. A Nd there went a man of the houfe
1? And the Egyptians made the children r\ Levi, and took to wife 5 daughter
of Ifrael to ferve with rigour. Levi.
t4 And they made their lives bitter 2 And the woman conceived, and b
with hard bondage, in mooter, and ir> a Ion: 2nd when fhc faw rum that
in. Moftt ittpeth Jttbro'ifioi^.
ed us out of the hand of the lhepherds,
and alio drew water enough for u», and
watered the flock.
io And he faid umc his daughter*,

And wher* h he ? why it it tkxt ye have
Left the man? Call him, that he may eat
ii AndMofeswas content to dwell with
the man and : he gave Mofes Zipporah
his daughter.
H And the daughter of Pharaoh eame
•?' n And lhe bite him a fon, and he called
•wn*.o waihherfelf at the river, and her his name Gerlhom far he faid, 1 have:

aidens walked along by the rivers tide : been a ftranger in a rtrange land.
d when faw the ark among the
flic i? ^ And it came to pal's in procefs of
gs, fiie fent her maid to retch it. time, that the king of Egypt died, and
5 And when The had opened it, flie faw the children of Ifrael iiehed by reafbn of
; child and behold, the babe wept,
: the bondage, and they "cried; and their
hd lhe had companion on him, and faid, cry came up unto God, by reafon of the
2ns if one or the Hebrew? children bondage.
7 Then laid- his lifter ro Pharaohs ii And God heard their groning, and
ughter, Snail I go, an4 call to thee a Gcd remenrbred his covenant with A-
r4'e of the Hebrew women, that lhe braJiam, withlfaac, and with Jacob.
ay nurfe the child Br thee ? i? And God looked upon the children
3 And Fharaohs daughter faid unto her, of Ifrael, andGod had relpeft untof**w.
>. And the maid went and called the CHAP. I IK
ilds mother. M»fe$ J^eefetb Tetkro' '.fiock., &c.
) And Pharaohs da«ghterfaid unto her,
ike this child away, and nurfe it forme,
NOw Moles kept the flock of Jethro
his lather in law, the pri-eft of Mi-
d I will give tb'.e thy w*ages. And the dian: and he led the flock to the back-ffde
•man took the child, and nurfed it. of the dei'ert, and came to the raourrain
o And the child grew, and lhe brought of God, even to Horeb.
v. unto Pharaohs "daughter, and he be- i And the angeLof the Lord appeared
ne her fen. Ana the called his name unto hi in iri a flame of fire out of the
3fes: and (he faid, Betaufe I drew him midftofa balh and he looked, and be-

tct the w-ater. held, the bulh burned with fird and the
:t Vi And it eame to pafs in thofe days, buHi TP.j<notconfumed.
.en Moles was grown, that he went out ? And Mofes laid, I will now turn a-
to his brethren, and looked on their fide, and fee this great fight, why the
rdens : andhefpied an Egyptian frait- buih is not burnt.
? an Hebrew, oncof*his brethren. 4 And when the Lord faw thathe turn-
fi And he looked this way and that ed afide to fee, God called unto him out
'.y, and when he faw that there veas no or the midftof thebufh, and faid, Mofes,
in, he fiew the Egyptian, ami hid him Mcfes. And hefaid, Herein I.
the fand. f And he faid, Draw nr« nigh hither:
n And when he went out the fecond put off thy Ihoes from off thy feet, for
y, behold, two men of the Hebrews the place whereon thou ftandeft is holy
^vetogether and he faid to him that
: ground.
1 the wrong, Wherefore fmiteft thou i Moreover he faid, I am
God of the
' fellow ? thy father, the God of Abraham, the God
4 And he faid, Who made thee a prince of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob". And
d a judge over us ? intended: thou to Mofes hid his tace r.tor he was afraid to
i 1 me, as thou killedit the Egyptian look upon God.
d- Moles feared, and laid, S:ife]y this 7 11 And
the Lord faid, I have furely
ng is known. ieen the afdidtion ofmv people which
? JNcw when Pharaoh heard this •in inEgypt, 2nd have heard their cry,-
ng, he fought to flay Mofcs. But by reaion of their task-mafters for 1 :

MM fled from the faceot Pharaoh, and know their fbrrows.

elt in the land of MiJian: and he fat 5 And I am come dawn todeliver them
*nbv a well. outol the hand of the Egyptians, and to
; prieft of Midian had feven brirg them up out of that land, unto a
and they came ami drew vea- good land and atsr^e, unto a land flowing
and filled t'r.z troughs to water their with milk and honv ; unto the p ace of the ;

^er-: flock. Canaanites, and the Hittite-, and the

7 Ar.J the lhepherds ra:ne and drove Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the
m away but Mcfes ftood up and heip-
Hivites, and the Jebutkes.
them, and watered their flock. 9 Now therefore behold, the cry of the
8 Arc.\ W hen they came toReuel their rhiidren of Iirae! is come unto me and :

ier- hs faid. How it that you are

Ibavealfo feen the oppreffion wherewith
to d;ay ? the Egyptian, opprefsthem.
i And they iuia; An Egyptian Jeliver- Comenowtherefere, and -J will fend

n (
Tbt mmt cf Get. Exodus. Mtfei band Ufioi
thee unto Pharaoh, that thou m»yft bring CHAP. IV.
forth niy people
peot" the children or Iluel Mofet rod it turnti into * ftrftnt, Sec.
out of Egypt.
ii fl And Mofes faid unto God, Who
ANd Mofes anfwered, and faid, Bi
behold, they will not believe m<
*m I, that I fhouldgo unto Pharaoh, and nor hearken unto my voice tor the :

that I fhould bring forth the children of will fay, The Lord hath not appeare
Ifrael wit of Egypt ? unto thee.
rx And he faid, Certainly I will be with x And the Lord faid unto him, Whi
thee; and thisjhtll be a token unto thee, it that in thine hand ? And he faid, A ro
that I have fent thee When thou haft
: ? And he laid, Catt it on the ground
brought forth the people out of Egypt, and he cait it on the thee:ground, and it b\
ye fhall ferv; God upon this mountatn. came a ft and Mofes tied fro:
i? And Mofes faid unto God, Behold, before it.
i*ben I come unto the children of ifrael, 4 And the Lord faid un f o Mofes, P
and fhall fay unto them, The God of forth thine hand, and take it by therai
your fathers hath fent me nnto you ; and And he put forth his hand, and caught i

they fhall fay to me, What it his name? and it became a rod in his hand.
What fhall I fay unto them? * That they may believe that the L01
14 And God (aid unto Mofes, I AM God of their fathers, the God of Ahr
THAT I AM: And he faid, Thus ham, the God of Ifaac, and the God
fhalt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.
IAM hath fent me unto you. 6 51 And the Lord faid furthermc
i? And God faid moreover unto Mofes, unto him, Put now thine hand into t'
Thus fhalt thou fay unro the children of bofom ; and he put his hand into his b
Ifrael, The Lord God of your fa- lorn -afid when he took it out, behol

thers, the God of Abraham, the God ut his hand wai leprous as fnow.
Ifaac, and the God of Jacob, hath fent 7 And be faid, Put thine nand info ti
me unto you this it my name for ever, bofom again and he put his hand it
: :

and this is my memorial unto all gene- his bofom a?ain, and plucked it out
rations. his bofom, and beheld, it was turned
16 Go aod- gather the elders of Ifrael gain as his other fkffi.
together, and lay unto them, The Lord 8 And it fhall come to pafs, if th
God of yo-ir fathers, the God of Abra- will not believe thee, neither hearken
ham, of Ifaac, and of Jacob, arpeared the voice of the fint lign, that they w
unto me, faying, I have furely vijited believe the voice of the latter ii?,n.
you, and fern that which is done to you 9 And it fhall come to pals, if they «
»n Egypt. not believe alfo theie two figns, neitl
17 And I have faid, I will bring you up hearken unto thy voice, that thou ft
out. of the atfiiclion of Egypt, unto the take of the water of the river, and p<
land of theCanaanites, and the Hittites, it upon the dry-!an4 and the water wlv

and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, thou takeftout of the river, lhall beco
and the Hivltes, and the Jcbuiites, unto blcod upon the dry-land.
a land flowing with milk and hony. 10 n And Mofes faid unto the Lot
18 And they fhall hearken to thy O my Lord, I *w not eloquent, neit
vcice : and thou fhalt come, thou and heretofore, nor fince thou haft fpol
the elders of Ifrael, unto the king of unto thy fcrvant but I *m (low cf fpee

Egypt, and you fhall fay unto him, The and of a flow tongue.
Lori> God of the Hebrews hath met 11 Ana the Lobd faid unto him," XV
with us; and now let us go [^e befeech Jiath made mans mouth? or whs mak
thee") three days journey into the wil- the dumb, or deaf, or the leeing, or
dernefs, that we n:ay facrifice to the blind? have not I the Lord ?
Lord our God. \x Now therefore go, and I will ben
19 V And 1 am fure that the king of thy mouth, and teach thee whatu
Egypt will not let you go, no, not by a ihalt Cay.
mighty hand. 13 And he faid, O my Lord, fend
ao And I willftretch out my hand, and pray thee, by the hand ofbim whom t
finite Egypt with all my wonders which wilt fend.
I will do in the midft thereof: and after i4 And the anger of the Lord
that he will let you go. kindled againft Moles, and he laid
11 And I will give this people favour not Aaron the Levite thv brother
In the light of the Egyptians: and it know that he can fpeak well. And
lhall come to pafs, that when ye go, ye behold, he cometh forth to meet th
Jhallnot go empty : and when he feeth thee, he will be f
si But every woman fhall borrow of in his heart.
her neighbour, ana of her that fojourn- it And thou fhalt fpeak unto him
rth in Tier houfe, jewels of filver, and put words in his mouth and 1 will be t

jewelsof gold, and raiment: and ye fhall thy mouth, and with his mouth, and
put tbem upon your fons, and upon teach you what ye fhall do..
your daughters i and ye fhail fpoil the 16 And helha'l be thy fpekefman \

Egyptians. the people ; and he lhall be, even he i

Gfds tnejfuge to Pbaraob. Chap , v. Ifrael more Opprejfei.

: thee inttead ol a mouth, and thou

to 1 they faid. The God of the He-
,alt be to him initead ot God. brews hath met with us let us go, we pray

(7 Ana thou lhalr. take this rod in thine thee, three days journey into the defert,
irul, wherewith thou flult do liyns. and facrihee unto the LORD
our God g
"18 «* And Moles went tfnd renrrned to left he fall upon us with peltilence, or with
jthro his father in law, and (aid unto the fword.
hu, Let me go, I pray thee, and return 4 And the king of Egypt faid unto them.
tto my brethren which are in Egypt, Wherefore do ye, Moles and Aaron, let
M lee whether tftey be yet alive. And the people horn their works? get you unto
tohro laid to Moles, Go in peace. your burdens.
[19 And the LORD
faid tints Moles in T And Pharaoh faid, Behold, the peo-
"tan, Go, return into Egypt
for all :
ple of the land now are many, ana you
men are dead which fought thy life. make them reft from their burdens.
And Moles took his wife, and his fi And Pharaoh commanded the fame
, and let the in upon an als, andhere- day the task-matters of the people, and
rnedto the land of Egypt. And Moles their officers, faying,
3k the rod of God in "his hand. 7 Ye lhall no more give the people
y And the LORD
laid uato Mofes, ftraw to make brick, as heretofore : lec
hen thou goeft to return into Egypt, them go and father ltraw for themfelves,
* that thou do all thofe wonders before 8 And the tale of the bricks which they
laraohwhichl have put in thine hand :
did make heretofore, you lhall lay unon>
I will harden fis heart, that hefhall them ; you.fh.all not diminiih oqget there-
t let the people go. of: for they be idle j therefore they cry,
j. And thou fhait fay unto Pharaoh, laying, Let us go and facrihee to our Gcd..
uis faith the LORD, Ifrael is my ion, 9 Let there more work be laid upon
n my firft-born. the men, th*t they may labour therein:
.; And I fay unto thee, Let my fon and let them not regard vain words.
. that he may ferve me: and if thou to 11 And the task-matters of the peo-
ule to let him go, behold, I will flay ple went out, and their officers, and they
' fon,'«>«i thy firlt-born. iVake to the people, faying, Thus faith
4 f, And it came to pafs by the way Pharaoh, I will not give you ftraw. •
the inn, that the LORD
met him, and ti Go ye. get you ftraw where you can
[ght to kill him. find it: yet notcught ot your work lhall
i Then Zipporah took a Iharp [lone, be diminilhed.
I cut or!" the foreskin ol her fon, and ti So the people were fcattered abroad
it at histeet, and faid, Surely a throughout all the land of Enypt, to ga-
ody husband art thou to me ther ftubble in ltead of ftraw.
he let him go : then
ody"husband tuoti art, becaure
Hue of th
. t: And the task-matters hatted them,
faying, Fulfil your works, your daily tasks,
cumcifion. as when there* was ftraw.
7 It And
the LORD
faid to Aaron, 14- And the officers of the ehi'dren of
inte the wildernefs to meet Moles. Ifrael, which Pharaohs task~maftefs hart
d he went and met him in the uioisnt let over them, were beaten, and deman-
God, and killed him. ded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your
8 And Mofes told Aaron all the words task in making brick," both yefterday and
the LORD, who had lent him, and to day, as heretofore ?
the llgns which he had commanded ti i\ Then the officers cf the children
of Ifrael came and cried unto Pharaoh,
') 51 And Mofes and Aaron went, and laving, Wherefore dealeftthou thus with
tared together all the elde-rs of the , thy fervants>
Wren of Ifrael. if" There is no ftraw givtfj unto thy
3 An« Aaron (pake all the words-which fervants, and they fay to us, Make brick:
LORD had fpoken unto Moles, and j
and behold, thy fervants are beaten ; but
the iigni in the farht of the people. the fault is in thine own people.
And the people believed: and when 17 But he faid, Ye are idle, ye are u\lc
rhcardthat the LORD had vifited the therefore ye fay, Let us 00, and do facri-
ken of Ifrael, and that he had look- hee to the LORD.
rrion their affliction, then they bowed 18 therefore now and work
Go fcr :

r heads and worlhippcd. there no ltraw be given you, yet

CHAP. V. lhall ye deliver the tale 01 bricks.
traoh cbldttb Mofts and A->rott, &c. 19 And the officer? ef the r hildren of If-
Nd afterward Moles and Aaron went rael did fee rbit they xcere *n evil aaft, af-
in, and told Pharsoh, Thus faith the ter it was faid, Ye lhall not minim ougbt
R.D God of Ifrael, Let my pecplego, from your bricks of your daily task.
thev may hold a feaftunto me in the 10 11 And they met Moles and Aaron,
ernei.i. who flood in the way, as they came fort:»
And Ph2raoh faid, Who is the LOUD, from Pharaoh.
A ihouldobev Uis voice to let Israel it And they faid unto them, TheLoRD
I knew no: the LORD> neither will look upon you, and jud^e* becaufe yoa
Jirael go. have made our favour to b: abhorred m
C fUe

nntvcid. (U«. K<U<
the eyes of lharaoh, and in the eves of ol lfrael , Hanoch,andl'allu,Hezr<
his lervants, to put a fw i.t in'their Carmi : theie be the tamiliesof fleuben.
to Hay u .
15 And the lon> of Simeon; Jemu
21 And Moles returned unto thsLoRI* Jamin. and oliad, andjachm, andZohar,
and (aid, Lord, wherfclore Hall thou /o and Si.aul the foil ol a Canaamrilh wo-
evil entreated this people? why/J ittitot man theie are the families of Simeon.

thm haft lent me? 16 11 And theie are the nairic^ ot the
a^ Forfime lcame to Pharaoh to fpcal> ions ot. Levi, according ro their generati-
in thy name, he hath done evil to tbis peo- ons ; Gcrlhon, and Kohath, and Merari
ple ; neither halt thou delivered thy peo- And Uie vear.sof the lifeol Levi vsntt an
ple at all. hundred thirty and (even years.
C II A P. VI. 17 The fons of Gerfhon ; Libai, and
God rpnivcstb bis protyife, &e. Shimi, according to their families.
TUen theLoRk
inalt thou lee what
unto Moles, New
1 will do to Pha-
("aid ib' And the tons of Kohath ; /\mram%
andlzhar, and Hebron, andUzziel: And
raoh : lor with a ftrong hand fhallhelet the vears ot the lite 9t Kohath n in' t

them go, and with a ftrong hand ihall he hundred thirty and three year^.
drive them out ot his land. 19 Andthefonsot Merari; Mahali and
2. And God (pake unto Mofes, and faid Muihi: theie are the families of Levi,
unto him, 1 an: tne Lokd: according to their g-eneratiuns
? And I appeared unto Abraham, unto i- And Amram took him Jochebed his
Ha?.c, and unto Jacob, bjtbt'itameef'Qai fathers lifter to wile and fhe bare him

Almighty, but by my name JEHOYAIi Aaron and Moles And the•.

was 1 nor known to them. lite ot Amram van an hundred and thir-
4 And I have Wfoeftablirfiedmy-CGve- ty and levn

rant with them, to give theni the land 11 r And thefonsoflzhJ :ar ; Korah, ant
of Canaan, th'eland of then pilgrimage, and Zichri,
wherein thev wef.3 itrangers. J the tons of Uzziel ; Mifhael,
And I have alfo heard the gwning ot
and Elzaphan, and Zithri.
the children of Iiracl, whom the Egypr i; And Aarcn took him Elifhcba c«.arJ?hw (

tians keep in bondage: and I have re- ter ol Amminadab, utter of Naaftion," to
Kiembred my covenant. wife and rhebare himNadab and Abi-'

6 Wherefore fay unto the children of hu, Eleazar ar.d Ithamar.

lfrael, I am the Lord, and 1 will bring J4 And the (cn< ot Koran " -

you cut from under the burdens ot the Flkanah, and Abiafaph: tnete t
Egyptians, and I will rid you out ot tamilici of the es.-
their bondage and 1 will redeem you
: 2; And Lie; ins for took hirrf
one of the daughters cf Putiel to wife!
pit! jttretclkd out arm, and with great
judgments, and (he bare himPhineha.s: tnelc
7*AndI will taKe you to mc for a peo- heads of the takers of >e Levites, ac-
ple, and 1 will be to you a God and ye . cording to their families.
ihall know that I am the Lord your Gcd, 16 Tfcefe are that Aaron and Mofes, «rc
which bringeth ycu out from under the whom the Lord laid, Bring out thfl
burdens ot the Egyptians. children of Itrac! from t!;.» land of E-*
8 And I will bring you in unto the Land gypt, according to their armie,.
concerning the which 1 dull wear to give 17 Thcfe a-fjhey which lpake toPha-j
it, to Abraham, to Ifaae, and to Jucsb;
raoh king' of Egypt, to briti-z; out the
and I will give it you for an heritage :
childrenof lfrael froaiEgYpt: thefc
am the Lp:il>. that Moles and Aaron.
o 11 And Moles fpake founto the chil- t8 * And it cjine to pais on the
dren of lfrael but they he ark ned notun-
when the Lord fpake unto Mcfes in
ro Mofes, for anguilli of lpirit, and ior land of Esrvnt,
cruel bondage. 19 That the Lord fpake unto Mof
in And the Lord fpake unto Moles, layinsr, I avi the Lord fpeak tiic :

Pharaoh king of Egypt all th2t I fa?

it Go fpeak unto Pharaoh king of
in, unto thee.
Egypt, that he let the children ot lfrael 30 And Mofes faid before the Lord.,
* Behold, lam of uncircumcifed
go out of his land.
ii And Moles fpake before the Lord, how fhall no
Pharaoh hearken unt me?
faying, Behold, the children ot lfrael have CHAP. VII.
not hearkned unto me ; how. then fhall Mcfei tnioura^ti to go to Pharaoh-, &c.

Pharaoh hear me, who am ot uncircum- 4Nd the Lord faid unto Mot'er, See; J
I have made thee a god to Pharaoh:

i? And the Lord

fpake unto Mofes, Aaron thy brother itul! be thy prf J
and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge phet.
unto the children of lfrael, and unto Pha- x Thou ihalt fpeak all that Icommani'l
raoh king ot Egytt ; to bring the chil- thee: and Aaron thy brother fhall Ipcall
dren of lfrael out ot the land ot Egypt-. unto Pharaoh, that he fend the ch:ldrc
j 1i Th-fe be the head's of their fathers
of Ilrael cut of his land.
> \.
The ions gf Reuben the firfi-bom
-. ? And I will katden Flu rtghs bcart an ,
vefTeiw^Ma* and in vtljeis of ftone.
1 Moles and Aaron did lo, as
the LciRO commanded: and he lift up>
ii that I may Jay my hand upon E- the rod, and fmote the waters that voera
>t, and bring' forth mine annus, and itithe river, in the light ot Pharaoh, and!
«i> eople the children Dt' Ifrael, our ot
\ in the light of his lervants and a] -.

the iar,d of Egypt, by great judgments. waters that Were in the river, were turne<l
> And the Egyptians ihall know, that ! to blood.
«> ;
» the LoHO^when I ltretch fori And the filli that rem in the riveV
hand i:pon Egypt, and bring out thechil- died ;. znd the river (lank, and the Eg,-. ",
firen er Urael from among them. drink of the water of tl -

A:\! Moles an
\ as the river: and there was blood throughout:
Loud commanded them, fo did they. ill the land of Egypt.
7 And >lo;'es ;v<ii fourfcore years old, »
An-o ns of Egypt did &
and Aaron four fere and three years old, with their inchantments 2nd P. •.

when tbxv (pake unto Pnaraoh. heart was hardned, neither did he h.*ar—
\i:'d the Loiu> fpake unto
leer. im:y them a; the- Lord had laid

and unto Aaron, laying, Pharaoh turned and went in u

q When Pharaoh Mali (peak unto you,
his home, neither did he let hi;>he3rtt»
Shew a mil : then
thou Thalt lay unru Aaron, rians di-T?e.i rcunj
.ft it before Pharaoh, ani it Ihall about tl iter to drink 1

seems a ferpent. they could not drink of the water of tS«

H And Moles and Aaron went in ufito river.
Pharaoh, and they did ic as the I.jrh it And (even days were fulfilled, aft-£
ad commanded 'and Aaron call down :
that the Lo»';» had (mitten the river
is rod before Pharaoh, and before hr> C H
A P. Villi™
Wants, and it became a ferpent. Frogs are jent, &c.
it. Then Pharaoh
uen, and the ibrcerers: now the magia-
aifo called the wife- ANd the Lord (pake unto Mcfes, G«
unto Pharaoh, amt fay unto hjj^
ins of Egypt, they alio dm in like man- Thus, - 'aith
faun the Lord, Let my people go*
<er with their inchantments. ev mav ferve
t.'»3t thev lerve me.
n For they caft down every man his i And id if rtiou refuie to let tbem
od, and they became terpents': but Aa- behold, 1 will finite. al! thy borders witf* ,

ons rod (wallowed up their rods. frogs.

he hardned Pharaohs heart, ^ And .the river Unit bring forth frog*
hat he hearkned rrot unto them as the abundantly, which ihall go up and come

„ok;i had laid. into thine houle, and into thy bei-cham-.
t+ II And the Lorh fsid unto Moles, ber, andupon*ftybecii and into thehWe
'aaf'aohs heart it hardned, he retufethto ot thy lervants, aad«pon *v people, an**
et the peorl- go. into thine ovens, and into thy kneaUinr-
l< Get thee unto Pharaoh in the mor- troughs.
ling, lo, he ?o*rfi out unto the water, 4. And the frogs foall come up both
u fhalt"tt:and by tie rivers brink, thee,_ and upon thy people, and upon aLR
gaini't he come: and the rod which was thy f«ua
urned to a ferpent fiialt thou taka in \\ And the Lord fnake unto Mafej-s-

hine hand. Say unto Aaron, itrerch forth tbinehafldl

16 And thou fha!t fay unto him, Tlie with- thy roa over the ftreams, ever tha
-oru Ged of the Hebrews hath font me rivers, anc, over the ponds, md caule frc^c
r.tothee, faying. Let aiy people-go, that to come i;p upon the iand ol Egypt.' £
bey may ferve me in the wilde.-nefs 6 AniiAjronftretchedout his hand over
nd beheld, -hitherto thou wouldll net the waters oi Egvpt; u nd tnerroasca:**
ear. up, .ir.d covered the land of Epypt
17 Thus faith the, Lorh, In this thou 7 And the magician did iowith the;'.-
hair know that I 4>»theLoRD: behold, •lnchammcnt.s. and brought up frogauoom
will finite with the rod that is in mine t..: land cf Egypt.
and, uoon the waters which ire in the 8 13 Then Puaraoh called for Mofes an*
tver, and the/ fhall be turned to blood. Aaron, and laid,. Intreat the Lor», Hue
it? And the hfh that i\ in the river (hall he may take away the frogs from me, an4
ie, and the river fhafl fftnkj and the lrom my people und I will Jet the people! :

Egyptians foal! lot he to drink ot th'ewa- go, that they may do facririce unto tim
er of the river. L.-rp.
the Loup (pake an«-o Mofes, r
9 AndMofes r,id unto Pharaoh, Glor*
ay on c Aaron, Take thy rod, and ilretch overdue: ween fhaH I intreat for ta -e*
ut thtoehand ujen the water* of Egvpt, and for thytervants, and tor thy ue^r'>-,
ponjhefr ftream s, u->on their rivers, and ro dettroy the frogs from thee, and thw
pon their ponds, "and upon all their hcu'es, that they may remain in the r-L
ools of water, that they may become ver only ? .

lood; and that there may be blood to And he faid, T» morrow. And he
uoughout all the land of Egypt, buthin fa^a, Si it according to thy word : tha"
: .

thou mayrt know, that tbtrt is none like to do; for we fhall facrifice the abomina-
unto the Lord our God. tion of the Egyptians to the Lord our
ti Andtherrcgs fhall depart from thee, God Lo, lhallwc fatrifice the abomina-

and rrom thy houfes, and from thy ler- tion of the Egyptians betore their eyes,
vants, and Irom thy people ; they fhall and will thev not ftone ui ?
remain in the river only. i7 will go three days journey into We
ii And Mofes and Aaron went out thewildemefs, and facrifice to the Lord
from Pharaoh and Mofes cried unto the our God, as he fhall command us.

Lord, becaufeot the frogs which he had iS And Pharaoh faid, I will let you go,
brought againft Pharaoh. that ye may facrifice to the Lord your
13 And theLoRt> did according to the God, in thewildemefs onlvyou lhallnot -,

wur« of Moles: and the frog* died out go very far away intreat for me. :

or thehoul'ea, out of the villages, and out 19 And Mofes faid, Behold. I go out
of the fields. Irom thee, and I will intreat the Lqrd,
u And they gathered them together up- that the fwarms of Hies may depart from
Pharaoh, from his fervants, and from his
on heaps: and the land itank.
k But when Pharaoh faw that there people, to morrow but let not Pharaoh -.

was refpite, he hardned his heart, and deal deceitfully any mere, in not letting
hearknect not unco them j as the Lord the people go to facrifice to the Lord.
had (aid. m lo And Mofes went out from Pharaoh,
\* fl And the Lord laid unto Moles, andintreatedthe Lord.
Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and 3t And the Lord did according to the
imitetaedultof the land, that it may be- word of Mofes ; and he removed the
came lice throughout all the land or E- Warms of flits from pharsoh, from his
lervants, and from his people: there re-
17 And for Aaron ftretch-
they did fo -, mained not one.
cd out his hand with his rod, and fmote ;i And Pharaoh hardned his heart at
ehe duft of the earth, and it became liee this time alfo, neither would he let the
an man and in bead: alt the duft of the people go.
tend became lice throughout all the land C H
A P. IX.
of Ezypt. Tbi murrain of bts/ti, Sec.
i{$ "Andthemacicians did
with their To *"t"*Hen the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go
ir.chantments to baring lorth lice, but they J. in unto Pharaoh, and teil him, Thus
could not fo there were lice upon man,
: faith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let
and upon beaft. • my people go, that they may fcrverr.e.
19 Thenthe magicians laid imto Pha- i For if thourcfufe to letfiem go, and
raoh, This fi the finder of Gcd: and Pha- wilt hold them Itill,
raoh' heart was hardned, and hehearkned 3 Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon
-o t!:em ; as the Lord had laid.

thy tattle which it in the field, upon the
•- «: And the Lord laid unto Mofe. horfes, upon the afles. upon the camels,
Ri e up early in the morning, and Hand upon the oxen, and upon the fheep tktre :

be for- Pharaoh, ( la, he cometh forth to jkaII bt a very grievous murrain

the water; and favunto him, Thus aith 1 4 And the Lord ihall fever between
the Loud, Let my people go, that they the rattle or lfrael, and the cattle of E-
inay lervcme. gypt : and tkere lhall nothing die of a4I
w Elfe if thou wilt not let my people that is the children* ef lfrael.
CO, beheld, I will feud warms of flits up- * And the Lord appointed a fet time,
ionthee, anduponthv lervsnts, and upon faying, Tomorrow the Lord fhall do this ]
thy people, and into thy houfes and the thing in the land.

fcoufesot the E?vptians fhall be loll of 6 And the Lord did that thing on the 1
1'warms-qf fii*h and alfo the ground w here- morrcw, and all the cattle of Egypt died :

on thev art. but of the cattle of the children of lfrael

u And I will fever in that nay the land died net one.
01 Gomen, *n which my people dwell. 7 And Pharaoh fent, and behold, there
that no warm* of flies fhall l>e there ; to was not cne of the cattle of the llnehrcs
tr-e end thau mavft know that I *m the dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hard- •

Lord in themidftof the earth. ned, and he did not Ictthe people go.
r-: And t will rut a divihon between my 8 11 And the Lord laid unto Mofes, and
people and thy people to morrow fhall
: unto Aaron, Take to you hand fu Is of
afhesct the furnaces and let Moiesfpnnkle
^VaKoc Lord cHd fo:
erievous fwarm of flits
and these
into the
it towards the heaven in the fight of
earn* a
houl'eof Phar-eh, and snto his lervants 9. And it lhall become fmall duft in all
houfes, and into all the land of Egypt the land or Egypt, and fhall be a boyl
the land was corrupted by reafon or the breaking forth with blains, upon man, I

jwarm effl't'. and_upon beaft, throughout all the land

.Mid Pharaoh celled lor Mofes ana
of t^cypt.
fer Aaron, and Paid, Go ye, laenfice to to "And thev took afhes or the furnace,
% jui tied intl»«
lard, and flood before Pharaoh, and
si And Moi-s laid, 11 *s not meet fo fprinklcd itun toward hcav.
Boy Is and bail. Chap X, Lomfli tbreathed to he fent. j

came a boyl breaking forfh with blains, tcous, and I and my people are wicked. I
upjir man, and upon beaft. x8 Intreat the Lord ( for it is enough) I
ii And the magicians could not ftand that there be no more mighty tliundnnga I
before Mofes, becaufe of the boyl : for and hail and I will let you go, and ye 1

the boyl was upon the nngicians, and fhall flay no longer.
'ipon all theEgyptians. io And Mofes (aid unto him, Afioon as |
(i And the Lord hardned the heart of I am gone out of the city, lwill ipreada-
Pharaoh, and he hearkned not untc them ; broad my hands unto the Lord and the :

as the Lord had fpoken unto M;fes. thunder fhall ceafe, neither fhall there be

t? 11 And the Lord faid unto Moles, any more hail ; that thou mayit know,
Rile^up early in the morning, and ftand how that the earth if the Lords.
before Pharaoh, and fay unto him, Thus 3o But as for thee and thy fervants.I know ;

laith the LoRDGodof the Hebrews, Let that ye will not yet fear the Lord God. I

my people go, that they may ferye me. 3i And the flax, and the barley waa
t4 For I will at this time fend all my fmitten for the barley vcas in the ear,

plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy and the flax was boiled.
lervants, andupon thy people: that thou 32 Eut the wheat and the rie were not
maylt know that there is none like me fmitten: for they reere not grown up.
all the earth. 22 And Mofes went out of the city from
i? For now lwill Itretch out my hand, Pharaoh, and fprcad abroad his bands
that I may fruit* thee and thy people unto the Lord : and the thunders ana
with pelfilenee ; and thou fhalt be cat hail coaled, and the rain was not poured
off from the earth, upon the earth. '

16 And in very deed for this caufehave 34 And when Pharaoh law that the
I raifed thee up, for to fhew/n thee my rain, and the hail, and the thunders were
power ; and that my name may be de- ceafea, he finned yet more, and hardned
clared throughout all the earth. his heart,he and "his fervants.
17 As vet exalteft thou thy felf againlt . 2? And the heart of Pharaoh was
my people, that thou wilt not let them go ? hardned, neither would he let the chil-
18 Behold, to morrow about this time, I dren of Ifraelgoi a«the Lord had fpokcE
will caufe it to rain a very grievous hail, by Mofes.
fuch ashath not been in Egypt, fince the C A P. X, H
foundation thereof, even until now. God tbreatnetb to fend locufis, &c.
19 Send therefore now, and gather thy
cattle, and all that thou halt in the field:
ANd the Lord
unto Pharaoh
hardnc.l his
: for
unto Mofes,
I have
Go in

for upon every man and bealt which mall heart, and the heart of his fervants ; that
be lound in the field, and fhall not be I might Siew thefe my figns before him :
brought home, the hail fhall come down 2 And that thoumayft tell in the eats of
upon them, and they fhall die. thyfon, and of thy fons fon, what things
ao He that feared the word of the Lord I hive wrought in Egypt, and my figry
r smongft the fervants or Pharaoh, made his which I have done umendt them ; tin*
fervants and his cattle flee into the houfes. ye may know how that I am. the Lord.
ii And he thar regarded not the word j And Mofes and Aaron came in un-
of the Lord, left his fervants and his to Pharaoh, and faid imto him, Thus
rattle in the field. faith the Lord God of the Hebrew-,
ix H And the Lord faid unto Mofes, How long wilt thou rehife to humble
Mretch forth thine hand toward heaven, thy felf before me? Lee my people go,'
that there may be hail in all the land of that they may ferve me.
E?yptj upon man, and upon beaft, and 4 Elfe if thou jrefufe to let my peo-
upan every herb of the held, through- ple ga> behold, to morrow will 1 bring
out the land of Egypt. the locuits into thy coaib.
zi And Moles ftretched forth his rod ? And they fhall cover the face of the
toward heaven, and the Lord lent thun- earth, that cne cannot be able to lee the
der and hail, and the fire ran along upon earth and they fhall eat the refuiue of thai

the ground and the Lord rained hail

; which is.efcaped, which remaineth unto
upon the land of Eevpt. you from tire-hail, and fhall eat every tree
24 So there was hail, and fire mingled which groweth for you out of the field.
with thehail, very grievous l fuch as there 6 And they mall nil thy houfes, and ths
was none like it in all the land of E- houfes of -all thy fervants, and the houfes of
gypt, fince it -became nation. a. all the Egyptians; which neither thy fa-
i,- And the hail fmote throughout all thers, nor thy la«hers fathers have feen,
the land bt Egypt, a'l that was in the fincc the day that they were upon the
field, both man and beall : and the hail earth, unto this day. And he turned him.
lmote every herb of the field, and brake felf, and went out from Pharaoh.
every tree of the field. 7 And Pharaoh.-, fervants- ("aid unto him,
x6 Only in the land of Gofhen, where the How lonz fliall this man be a mare un-
chi'drenor Ilrael vare, wastkere no hail. to us ? Let the men go, thar they may
r-> U And Pharaoh lent, ani called for ferve the Lord their God Knowift thuu :

-Mole"; and Aaron, and faid unto them, 1 not yet, that Egypt isdeftroyed?
bvrt iiflae&tbis time. Wis Luiu) fnigh- 8 And Mef« and Aaron were bro*gi£
C ? - again

Tbe locujl; and£n»/i. Exo lu«. The mt$*gt to the Ifrs'!
again unto Pharaoh : and he fa id unto t- And Moles laid, Thou muff, give us
[Rem, Go, ferve the Lord vour God: alio faerifies, and frurnt-orVerings, that we
bfd who ,ir< they that mall go ? may facntice unro the Loud our God.
And Moles laid, We
will go with our i* Our cattle alio mall go with us ; there
i.nd with our old, wit'i:f our fans,
. lhall r.ot an hocrf be left behind i tor
ind with our daughters ; with our flocks. tftereof mud we take to ferve the Lord
Bid with our herds will we i?o tor we : our God j and we know not with what we
ntuji boll a fealLunto the Loud. mult ferve the LoRr> umil we come thi-
to And he faid unto them, Let the Lord ther.
ae To with you, as 1 will let you go,and your xi *V But the Lord hardned Pharaoh*
tittle ones: look to it, tor evil is before you. heart, and he would not let them go.
n Not fo : go now are men, r And Pharaoh faid unto him, Get
and ferve the Cord, for that yon did de- thee .tror.i me, take heed to thy felf, fee
are. And fhey were driven from Pha- my face no more: for in fM'day thou
raohs- prefence. feelr my face, thou malt die.
n fl And the Lord faid untc Mofes, 2Q And Mofes faid, Thou haft fpoken
>tretch out thine hand over t!re land of well, I will fee thy face apainno more.
Egypt for the locults, t»hat they may come C H A P. XI
ip upon the land of Egypt, and eat e- Gods meffage to the Ifraelites, &c.
fery herb of the land, ev-.n all that the A Nd the Lord faid unto Mofes, Yet
lail hath left. r\ will 1 bring one placue mere upon
i * And Mcfes ftrerched forth his rod over Pharaoh, and upon Egypt 3 aiterwards
helandot Egyfctj and the Loud brought tie will let you go hence: when he fhall
in eaft-wind'upon the land all that day, let^ou go, he lhall furcly thruit vou out
indall night: rtnJwnenit was mar- hence altogether.
ling, the eaft-wind brought trie 1 i Speak now in the ears of the people,
14 And the loeulhwent up over all the and let every man borrow of his neigh-
andofEeypt, andreltedin all thecoflfo bour, and every wonunol" her neighbour,
>f Egypt": very grievous votre tbzy , be- jewels c»f Giver, and ie\vets of gold.
ore them there were no lucft locufts as 3 And the Lord gave the people fa-
hey. neither alter them fhall b; fuch. vour in the fight ot the Egyptians. M -re-
i? For they covered the face of the whole over, the man Mofe^ -."..:» very great in the
:arth, ib that the land was darkned, sad land or Egvpt, in the fight "of Pharaohs
hey,did eat every herb of the land, and all fcrvants, and in thi figl.t ot th? peep!*.
he-fruit of the trees, wftichtfle hail had 4 And Mofes faid, Thus faith the Loud,
eft: and there remained nor -any green About midnight will I go out into the
oing in the tree-, or in tiie herbscfjhe midft ot Egypt.
idd, through all the land of Egypt. ? And all the firii-born jn the land of
16 f Then Pharaoh called for Moles and Egypt fhall die, from the firlt-born of
iaron in liaite and he faid, I have finned Pharaoh^ that fittet'- t'-ro.-ie,

ga;i:.rt ;, e


Lord your God->andagain|t you

ntfw f neretore lorgivep 1 pray tflse,
even unto ^
*„;.„„,< or raerr.Jid-feT-
vant Uiat is behind the mill j and -11 the
By orlv this once, and intreat the
fin tint-born of beafts.
,6rd vour'God, that he may take away 6 And there fp.all be a grea' cfy through-
(pin me this death only. out all the land of Egypt, fuch as there was
ib' And he went out from Pharaoh, and none like it, noi flvJU belike it s H
fitreated the Lord. 7 But againft anv of the children ot
i9 And the Lord turned a mighty ttrong Ifrael mall not 3 dog mo»
/eft-wind, which took away the locufts, againft man orbeaft: that
r.d cait them into the Red lea: there how that the Lord erence
emained not or.e lccuit in ail the coafts between the Egyptians and Iirael.
8 And all thele thy fervants mail come
ioButthe Lord hardned Pharaohs down unto me, and how down themfelves
untom?, faying, Ge: all the
eart, fo that he would not let the chil-

People that f- after that

iren of Ilrael go. '

faid unto Mofes, 1 will ao cut and ke went out trom

ir y
'• :

•retch out thine hand toward heaven, Pharaoh in a great anger.

batthere maybe darknels over the land o And the Lb'.;u laid unto Moles, Pha-
fEgypt»evend .- may be felt, raoh mail not hearken unto you 3 that my
i- And Moles ftretched forth his hand to- yv-onders may be multiplied in the landot
;ard heaven: a thick dark-
en in all the- land ci Egyptthree days. to And Mcfes and Aaron did all thefe
wonders before Pharaoh and the Lord
i; They law not one another, neither

wpuW. •

anv from his place tir three days:

ut all the children ot Ifraei had li£ht in r.ot let
renoi IfraeJ out ot ^
dwel'ings. ,)islana
>; *\ And Pharaoh called unto Mofes.
CHAP. it-rXII.
Go ye, ferve the Lord j only let of tt? d.
fid faid, and
cur flo e ftayed: let
Aaron withe lan«
iff pqjovtr mjtituti.-i. C:nr Xii. i 0* jirjt-t/orn pain.
This month fl'*ll be unto you the be-
i this day in your generations, by an ordi-
ef months it Jh.itl be the tint
: nance for ever.
month cf the year to you. iS V In the firft mon'.b, on the four-
r Speak yeuntoali the congregation teenth day of the month at even ve mall
af Ifrael, faying, In thetenth £*y of this eat unleavened bread, until the one and
jnc-nih they mall take to them every msr, twentieth day of the month at even.
" rub, a'ceording to the houfe oV :b;ir

19 Seven days ihall there beop leaven

fathers, a la.nb for an home. roar.d in vour houies: for whuloever eat-
-i And if the houihold be too little for the eth that 'which is leavened, evea that
lamb, leuhim and his neighbour next unto icul ihall be cut off from the congrega-
his home, take it ccordmg to the number
tion of Ifrael, whether he be a itrangcr
01 the fouls; everv man aecordingto ins or born in the land.
eating, mall make Vour count tor the lamb. ic Ye ihall eat nothing leavened it* :

Your lamb mall be without blemTih,

$ all your habitations mail ye eat unlea-
a male of the fir It year: ye (hall takerY vened bread.
out treat the iheep or from the goats. ii «1 Then Motes called fir all the e1-
6 And ye ihall keep it up until the four- deisof lwae-l, and laid un:o them, Draw
teenth :iav of the lame month: and ihe out and take vou a lamb, according ta
whole affembiy of the congreeation of your families, and kill the paffover. _
It'fael ihall kill it in the evening. r>. And ye mail take a bunch ot yflop-,

7 And they ihall take of the blood, and and d:p it in the blood that if in the ba-
•rikt H on the two tide-poles, and on the fon, anditrikethe hr.rel and the twofide-
upper door-poit of tae homes, wherein poffs, with the blood that is in the bafon :

they (hall eat it. and none of you ihall go out at the doot
8 And they mall eat the ftefh in that of his houfe until the mornimr.
iarht; roil with fire, arid unleavened bread, . il For the LORD will palVthrough fa
rid with bitter btrbt thty Ihall eat it. fmite the Egyptians, and when he iee-1
q EatnotqHtraw, norfdddenatall with the blood upon the lintel, and on the two
water, but roft with fire his head with : fide-potts, the LORD will pafs over the
his L-r-. and with the purtenance thereof. door, and will not Cutler the deilroyfer ta
ic A ;d ye mill let nothing of it re- come in unto your houies to finite 'you,
mainuntil the morning: and thatwhich *4 And ye Ihall obferve this thing for an
Keaiainetfi of it until the morning, ye ordinance to thee, and to thv bns for ever.
Ihall burn with fire. i. And it mall come to pais when ye be
-ii 11 And<hus frull ye eat it ; viitb your come to the land, which tiie LORDwi-tf
loyns girded, your ihoes on your feet, and give you, according as hehathpionufed,
your (tiffin your hand: and ve ihall eat fhat ye fhall keev>"this fervice.
it in halte j it ii the Loans paffover. d it mail Come topafei when your

. ii For 1 will pais through the landoi £- children mall fay unto you, What mea*
gypt-rhii night, and will fmite all the rhri'- you by this fervice?
born in the land of Egypt, both man and 17 That ye mall f>v, Itz">thefacrifice ot
bealt: and againft all the gods of E?vptl the Lords paffover, 'who palled over the
execute judgment i 1 am thelToRP. houfesofthe children of Ifrael in Egypt,
And the blood ihall be to vou for a
i* when he i'mote the Egyptians, and deli-
token upon the houtes where you art vered cur houfes. And" the people bowed
and when I fee the blood, 1 will pafso- the head and worftiipped,
ver you, and the plague fhall not be up- 2.8 And the children of Ifrael went
on you to*cteftroy you, when 1 finite the away, and did as the LORD had
land of Egypt. marided Motes an.': Aaron,
And this day ihall be unto you for ? 19 V And i: came io pal's that <^
memorial and you ihall keep it a fealt
; i.ight the l.o'-i' tiftoteall thefirft-bt
to the T.(^), throughout \our generati- the land or Egypt, from the hrft«b<
on yon :hal! keep it a feait by an or-
: Pharaoh, that'f'at on his throne, umc vm
dinance tor evf;r. fint-born of the captive that rv/r in tha
ii Seven days (hall ve eat unleavened dungeon ; ,qnd all the firft-'born of cattle.
btead, even the" fifft day ye mall put away ?o And Pharaoh role up in the nigkt, .

leaven out of your houtes: for whomever he and all his fervants, and all the Egvp- I

eateth leavened bread, from Hie firftday tia'ns; and there was a sreat cry in E- j
until the feverftn day, that i'cul fhall be'
gypt :for there was not "a houfe where «
cut off troni Ifrael. tiere ttfas not one dead.
i<And in the -fir ft day tbe*-tjl:all be an ji «' And he called for Mofes and Aa- I
liolvconvocation, and in the feventh day ror. bv night, and laid, Rue up, ar.s. ret
be an holyccovccation to von':
all you forth from amongftmv people, b tn
no manner of work uiall be done in them, you and the children "of li'rael :and «o, ,

fave tbit whichever)- nun ruuft eat, that ierve the LORD, as ye have raid. '

be d->ne of vou.

3i Alio take your flock-,
And ye ihall obferve «>? f*.:/? o/unlea-
heria, as ye have laid, and begone
vene.i bread; for in this felt-fame day blefs me alfo.
hsv* I brought vour armies ou; of thie 3; An . were urgent a
r fere mill v«

'" i/»«in«nw vj IPC pf/;ovir. EXOdU*. Tbt prjt-born arc janctjtcj.
out of rnt land in hsftc for they faid, (*,H A p. XIII.
We dead wen.
be all The fi/Jt-&orn are Jandifitd to Cod, &C. 1
*4 And the people took their dough Net the Lord fpake unto Moles*
hetore it was leavened, their kneading-
troughs being bound up in their clothes A Caving,
1 Sanctihe unto me all the firft-bonM
w.jon their fhouldefs. whattoever openeth the womb among the
31 Ard the children of Ifrae! did accor- children of Ifrael, both of man and ot
ding tothe word of Moles: an.l they bor- beaft it is mine. :
rowed of the Egyptians jewels of lilver, 3 51 And Mofea faid unto the people,
and jewels or gold, and raiment. Remember this day, in which ye came,
36 Ami the Lord gave the people fa- out from Egypt, out of the houle or
vour in the fight of the Egyptians, to that bondage ; for by ftrength of hand the
they lent unto them fucb tiring* ** tbey re- Lord brought you out from this p/j« :

qums and they fpoilcd the Egyptian*.

: there lhall no leavened bread be eaten.
37 11 And the children of Ifrael jour- 4 This day came ye out, in the month
neyed trom kaaiefes to Succoth, avjut Abib.
tix hundred thoufand on foot that were
51 And
«; it fhall be when the Lorb
men, befides children. fhall bring thee into the land of the Canaa-
,8 And a mixed multitude went up al- nites, andrheHittites, and thcAmorues,
io with thenii and flocks, and herd.;, andtheHivites, and the Jebufites, whicli
even very much cattle. he Iwa-rc unto thy fathers to give thee,
39 And they baked unleavened Cakss of a land flowing with milk and hony, that
the dough, which they brought forth out thou fhalt keep this fervice in this
of Egypt, tor it was not leavened bz- month.

caule they weTe thruft out of Egypt, and 6 Seven days fhalt thou eat unleaven-
could not tarrv, neither had they pre- ed bread, and in the feventfe dayj/wi/ b:
pared for themfelves any victual. a feaft to the Lord.
£0 11 Now the fojourning of the chil- 7 Unleavened bread fhall be eaten feven
dren of Itrael, who dwelt in Egypt, was days and there fhall no leavened br^ad be
kn;r hundred and thirty years. feen with thee, neither fhall there b« leaven
4i And it came to pafs, at the end leen with thee in all thy quarters.
or the fcur hundred and thirty years, 8 11 And thou fhalt fhew thy ton in that
eve-n the fe If- fame day it came'to pa's, day, faying, Ibis is done becaule of that
that all the holts of the Lqrd went out wheh rhe~LORD did unto me, when I
from the land ol Egypt. came torch out of Efypt.
4i It it a night, to be much obferyed 9 And it mail >e"tor a fign unto thee
unto -.'nr L'oiiOi for bringing them sut upon 'hinehand, and tor a memorial be-
*roral the '.and of Egypt this is that night
: tween thine eyes j that the Lords law may
ol the Lord to be tbferved of all the be in thy mouth: tor wrh a ftrong hand
children ot Ifrael, in their genera! tens. hath theLokLi brought thee out ot Egypt.
4^ n And the Lord faid unto Moles and 10 Thou Ihalr t'.e-rofore keep this or-
•Aaron, This is the ordinance of the paiTo- in his fealbn from year to year.
ver there fhall no ftranger eat thereof.
: 11 H.And it lhall be when the Lord
44 But every mans i'erv'ant that is bought lhall bring ihec into the land of theCa-
for money, when thou halt circumcii'ed naanites, as he f'ware unto thee and to
him, then fhall he eat "thereof. thy lathers, and lhall give it thee,
4? A foreigner, and an hired fervant 11 That thou fhalt let apart unto the
fliall not eat thereof. Lord all that openeth the matrix and :

4^ In one houfe fhall it be eaten, thou every firfihhg that cometh of a beaft, which
(halt not carry forth ougnt ol the flefh thou halt, the males./'-'**// b: the Lords.
abroad out of the houfe neither lhall
: p, And every firfthng cf an afs thou
ye break a bone thereof. Ihalt redeem with a lamb ;and if thou
4? All the congregation of Ifrael fhall wilt not redeem it, then thou (halt break
Keep it. his neck and all the firlt-born of man

48 And when a ftranger fhall fojourn amonglt thy children fhalt thou redeem.
with thee, and will keen the paflbver to the 14 1! And it lhall be when thy ("on askcth
Loro, let all his males be circumcued and thee, in tune to come, laying.Whatii this ?
than let him come near and keep it and he that thou fhalt fiy unto him, By ftrength

lhall be as one that is born in the land for: of hand the Lord brought us out from
no uncircumcifedperlon fhall ea' r.iereof. Egvp from the houfe of bondage.

4Q One law lhall be to him that is if And it came to pafs, when Pharaoh
home-born, and unro the ftranger that would hardly let us go, that the Luru
lojourneth among you. ll.*w all the firft-born in rhe land or Egvpt,
?o Thus did all the children of Ifrael both the fuil-bom ot man, and the i'ra-

as the Lorl commanded Moles and born of beaft: therefore I lacrifice to the
Aaron, fo did they. Lord all that openeth the matrix, bei-g
<«t And it came' to pafs the felf-fame male but all the frit-born of my chil-

day. the Lour* did brini^ the chil- dren 1 redeem.
dren of Urael out of the land ol Egypti 16 And lhall be for a token upon tit'me

by their, armies. lets Pftwtei

! rffAttitti injl/u!icU. Cha~p. m'v. Mtfi comfortttb tbtniV
fts i for by ftrength of hand the Lord therewere no gravei in Egypt, haft tho*
rought us torth oufbf Egypt. taken us away to die in tuc wildernefs
11 And it came to pal's, when Pharaoh Whewfore haft thou dealt thus with us'
lad let the people go, that God led them to carry us torth out of Egypt ?
et brougb the way of the land of the Phi- n If not this the word that we did tall
ltines, although that was near: for God thee in Egypt, faying, Letusalo-ne, that
fid, Leftperadventure the people repent we may ferve the Egyptians ? For it bad
, then they lee war, and they return to E- been better forustoierve the Egyptians,
gypt. than that we fhouid die in the wildernefs.
tS But God led the people about, through x? 11 And Moles laid unto the people,

the way of the wildernels of the Red lea :

Fear ye not, ftand ftill, and fee the no-
and the children of Ifrael went up har- vation of the Lord, which he will lhew
nelleit outof the land of Egypt. to you to day. tor the Egyptians wlio.u
19 And Moles
took the bones ofjofeph ye nave feen to day, ye mall fee thein
with him tor he had ftraitly fworn the
again no more for ever.
childrenof ll'rael, faying, God will furely 14 The Lord fiiali light for you, and.
vifit you and ye fhail carry up my bones
ye fhall hold your peace.
away hence with you. A And the Lord raid unto Motes,
vyneretorecrieft thou unto me'Speakunta
io U And they took their journey from
Succth, and encamped in Etham, in the the children 1 H'rae I, that they go forward.
ed?e of the wild;meJ"s. 16 But htctbcuup thy rod, and ltretch,
i'i And the Lord went before them by out thinehand over the fea, arid divide it
day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the and the children of Ifrael lhall ?oon drv
way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to ground through the nuds of thc"fea.
give them light to go by day and night.
t7 And I, behold, I will harden the hearts
ii He took not a.vay the pillar of the or tne Egyptians, and they mall follow
cloud by day, rior the pillar of fire by triem: and I will get me honour upon
night, from before the people. Pharao.i, and upon all his holt, upon his
C 11 A P. XIV. chariots, and upon his horfemen.
God &c. l8 J nd the Egyptians Qull know that
inftruSttb the IJraelrte!, r \
I am the Lord, when I have gotten
ANd the
Lord fpake unto Mofcs, fay-
honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots,,
1 Speak unk) the children of Ifrael, and upon his horfemen.
that they turn and encamp before Pi-hahi- 19 n And the angel of God which went
between Migdol and the fea, over
oth, before the camp of Ifrael, removed an,!
igainit Baal-zephon before it Ihall ye :
went behind them and the p:-ltaruf tf-e

Micampbythefea. cloud went from before their race, and.

3 For Pharaoh will fay of the children ftood behind them.
A ll'rael, They are intangled in the land, 10 And it came between the camp of the
:hc fruit them in.
wildernefs hath Egyptians, and the camp ot llrael ; and it
4 And harden Pharaohs heart, that
I will was a cloud and darknels to them, but it
le lhall follow after them, and I will i>e Ugave light by ntsrht to theft (b th»t the

•lonoureduponPhararh, and upon all his one came no: near the other all the night.
10ft 3 that the Egyptians may know that 11 And Moles itr-etched out his hand
\«m the Loud. And they did fo. over the fe^a, and the Lord earned the
c 11 And it was told the king of Egypt, lea to go bac$ by a ftrong eait-wind alf
hat the peopls fled and the heart of Pha-
that m^ht, and made the lea dry-land,
aoh and of his fervants was turned aga-inft and the waters were divided.
he people, and they fa id, Why have we ii And tne childrenof IfraeJ went ir.t;.
kmethi?, that we have let Ifrael go from the nudft of rhs fea upon the drv rround -

crving us ? and the waters we/t a wall unfo thein o^

6 And he made ready his chariot, and their right hind, and en their left.
00k his people with him. 15 11 And tie Egyptians purfued, and"
7 And he took fix hundred chofen chari- went in after them, to thz midft of th~
tl, and all the chariots of Egypt, and cap- fea, even all Pharaohs horfes, his chariocs
sins over every one of them. and his horfemen.
8 And the Lord hardned the heart of 11 And it came to pafs, that in t'i«
'haraoh king ef Egypt, and he purfued morning-watch the Lord looked un'tn
fter the children of Ifrael and thechil- the holt of the Egyptians, through
ren of Ifrael went out with an high hand. pillar of fire, and ot the cloud, and trou-
9 But the Egyptians purfued after them bled thehoit of the Egyptians,
all the horfes and chariots of Pharaoh, i? And took off the'i'r chariot- wheel'
rid hishurfemen, and his army) and over- that they drave them heavily: fo thatth*
-ok them encamping by the fea, befide Egyptian-: Taid, Let us iieet'rorri fliefac-
i-hihiroth bern*e Baal-zephon, . ot Ifrael j for the LOUD fiihteth for
ic 51 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the them, agamit the Egyptians. **
riildren of Ifrael lift up their eyes, and be- 16 11 And the LOUD faid untoMofc,
Dld, the Egyptians marched after them, Stretch out thine hand over the fea, that
id. they were fore afrai'd and the chil- : the waters may come again upon the E-
reri oflfrarl cried out unto the Loiu. gyptiafwi upon their chariots, and upia
u And {.hey laid unto Mofcs, Btcaufe their ht-ik-men. C s 17 And
, :

Th :. . .
£*< ri \

i- And Mofcj ftrerched I >rtii his hand take hold on the inhabitants
over; ,: to >sa.
th when the moi i>- TlJenthe dukes of I d vn ftialWbe a-
tht :
. -,'rem-
LORDovc:; typtians in the II the
midft or the lea. : Canaan thai! melt away.
i« And the water, returned and cover- . .: and dread fh&Il tall upon them,
ed the chariots, and tr.e he greatneia 01 thine ar.11 they ftiall

ihe holt o! Pharaoh that came ui:o the be.»j|ttii as a ftone: till thy people pals
iea after them there remained not so over,
: till thspeuple pal's over, OLORD,
anur.i as one of them. vplicb-thqp haft purchased.
19 But, the children of Ifrael walked 17 Thoufhal'. bring the... in, andplant
upon dry- and in the midft ot the l.'ea.> them in the thine inheri- .

smd t:ie waters vpert a wall unto them on tance, inihe place, LORD, vobicb thou O
ajieir fight hand, and en their left. ile for thee to dwell in*: in the
so Tnus the LORD
faved Ilrael that iry,OLoRl>, VPbicb thvha:
*a.y out ot t'r.2 hand of the Egyptian ted. :

and Ifrael (aw the tgyj-tians dead upon heLoRDftiall reign tor ever and ever
ahe lia-fhore. 19 For t.'ie horl'e of Pharaoh went in
^r Andrlrael faw that great work whioh with his chariots,' :an I with huhorfeinen
the LORD
did upon the Egyptians; and into the tea, and the Louie- brought again
•hepeoi .. LORD', una belie- the waters ot the :ea upon them: "kit
ved the LOR i), and his fervant Moles. the children or Ifrael went on dry-land
C V. XV. H A the lea. •-!

. MofesJjHg, &c. x « And Miriam the prophetefs, the ;

HpHen ,
fang Moles and the children ot ii.ter of Aaron, took a timbrel in her
J. liraei this long unco the
and hand; and all the women went out af-j
fpake, faying, 1 will nn? unto - terher, with timbrels, and with dances.

K>rhehatn triumphed plorjpu ly thehorfe 11 And Miriam anfwered them, Sine


and his rider hath lie thrown into tne lea. veto the for he hath trim LORD,
1 The / LORD
mv trre.Tgth and long, gforioutly the none and his rider hath ;

and he is become my falvarion he tevcy he thrown into the tea. :

God, and J will prepare him an habitati- ii S;i Moles brought Ilrael tr»,m the
on; my fathers God, anal will exalt him. Red lea, and thev went cut into thewil-
3 The LORD
is a mar: of war the f 8hur 'and they went three >iays:

LORD is Ins name. m thewilderneff , and round no water.

4 Pharaohs chariots and his holt hath i, 1 And when te.ey came to Marah,
fee raft into the iea his chofen captains
they could not drink of the w3ters of Ma-
alio are drowned in the Red lea. r2U tor they ran bitter theretoie the :

,T The depths have covered them they :

nameof it wascalled Marah.
lank into the bottom as a ftone. 14 And the people murmured againft I

6 Thy right hand, OLori», is become Moles, faying, What fflajl we drink?
glorious in power thy right hand, O ii And he
cried unto the L^>RD, and

LORD, hath daflied in piece-, the enemy. the ffiewed him a tree, vebieb
7 And in the greatneU o; thine cx<-el- when he had c«;t :nto the waters, the
lency thou haft overthrown thera thatroie waters were made fweet there he made :

up againtt thee thou lentefc forth thy :

for them a ftatute and an ordinance, and
wrath", TPiP/c/bccnlumedthem as ftubble. there he proved them,
5 And with the Waft of thy noftrilsthe 16 And faid, If thou wilt diliCeatly
waters were gathered together: the floods hearken to the voice of the LOR.1) thy
ttood upright as an heap, and the depths God, and wilt do that which is right
were congealed in the he ire of thefea. in his fight, and wilt give ear to T.u
9 Theenemvfaia, I will pursue, I will commandments, and keep all his tt.i-
overtake, I will divide the Ipoil: mv lull tutei- ; I will put none of thefe difeai'es'
Jhall be fatisfied upori-them, I will draw upon thee, which I have brought upon

my fword, my hand lhaildeftroy them. the Egyptians for : I am the LORD

10 Thoudidft blow with 'hy win.'., the that healeth thee.
fea covered them they lank as lead in :
1" n And thev came Elim, where to
ihe mighty waters rotrt twelve wells of wafer, and three*
ir Who/'; like unto thee, Lord, a- O fcore and ten palm-trees and Wiey en- :

montrltthe gods? who// like thee, glo- camped there by the waters.
yious"in holinefs, fearful in prailes, do-
Ifraelite- co;nr to Sin, Sec.
ing wonders ?
ANd they took the>r journey from E-

11 Thou ttretchedft out thy right hand,

Ihe earth (wallowed them. -_. ,
lim, and the congregation of the

t; Thou an thy mercy haft led tortnthe

children of Ilrael came unto the .

nefsofbin* which ii between Elim and Si-

people which thou h3ft redeemed thou :

nai, on the fifteenth day Ot the iecond

Raft guided ik'.m in thy itrength unto thy
"habitation. monthj after their deparung out of the-
koly ., t JL , .

\A Thcvccplefliallbcar^nrfDca&aiJ
xvi. The ordtffng of m*r,r,&,'
i- And (fie children of Jfrael did fo.
and gathered, feme more, feme lefs."
18 And when they did mete it with an
omer, he that gathered much, had no-
thuie over, and he that gathered little,
had "no lack : thev gathered every man
ac ending to his eating.
19 And Mofes faid, Let no man leave
®f it till the niormn".
10 Notwitnftandin? they hearknednot
unto Mofes, but lotn'e of tbem leu ot it
until the moraintr, and it bred worms and
ltank and Moles was wroth with them.

. at And they gathered it every morning-

every man according' to. his eating: and
when the furt waxed hoi, it melted'.
11 And it came to pais that on the fixtfi
clay they gathered twice as much bread,
two omers for one man and all the ru- :

lers or' the congregation tame and. toll

It. And he faid ttnto them, This;'; that
winch the Lord hath laid, To morrow
is relfc ot the holy fabbatn unto the:
Lo.'ii bake which ve will' bake to

bc^oryofthe-LoRa)}Tortl!at'he heareth I 'd&i and leethe that ye will fecthe; and

mot minmuvings againittbe Lokd :_ And that which rernaineth over, lay up Jor
what are We, that yemwrmur againft us ? you to be kept until the morning.
8 And Meies lai'd. 1 hi > frail be when the 14 And they laid it up till the mornrns",.
out) fliall give you in the evening fiem as Mofes bade : and it did notilink, nei-
> eat, and in the morn ins bread to the ther was there any worm therein.
ill : lor that the LORJi heareth your mur- z> And Mofes'faid, Eat that to day ;
nunngs which ye murmur againit him :
for to day h a iabbath unto the LORD .

\n& what are we J your rrmrmurings are today ve fltallnot find it in the field.
)t aeaialtus, but againfttfie LCRIi. I'xS'ik days ye mall gather it, m: oft
9 *i And Modes (pake unto Aaron; Say thefeventh day, r\<h:cb~;, rhe':a':>b.»th> in-
m r
o all the congregation of the children it there lhall he none.

)f Ilrael, Come near before the Lord .

i" «' And it came to pafs, that thare
or he hath heard-yoiir murmurings. went out Jofne of the people on the feventlj
10 And it came to pafs, as Aaron fpake day forte gather, and they found none.
into the whole congregation of the chil- 18 And. the LORD laid unto Mole*,
dren cf lfrael, that they looked toward How lone refule ye to
keep my com::»a.--.d-
be wildernefs, ana behold, the glery of ments and ny law*
fheloKi) appeared in the cloud." 39 See, for that the hathgtV&fl LORD
51 And thp LoRu fpake UBtttlflofes, you the, therefore he givethyoa
faying, on the ii>:th day the bread of two
11 1 have heard the murmuring.? Gf the abide ye every man in his pi
hi Id r en of lfrael jfpeak unto tberadaying, man go out of hisrdaceunlhefevej
\i even ye lhall eat rieih, and in the mof- ,
?b So the people relied on the \ .

aing ye inall be filled with bread and ye

: day.
[hall know that I tfJntlieLoftO your God. And the houft of lfrael a\\:

H And it came to pa's, that at ever, the name thereof Marina hd it v, :

... -_

quails came up, and covered the camp : riander~ieed« white; aha the lattror -„t

and in the morning the ievt lay round tpj< like wafers" mate v.i-h hofjy
about the holt. ?iH And Mofea ("aid, Thi »'jhetHiB*
t4 And when the Jew that lay was gone which the LoftD camraandetfc, F1H an c-
ap, behold, upon the face of the wii'der- merot it to be kept tor your generations ;
ttefj there lay a fmall round thiug^fmajl tftat tney may j ee tflc 0! ' w,
...-herewith I
as the hoar fro it on the ground. . have fed you v. t.he witifcrael's, when I
H And when the childrenof Ilraeifaw brought yco forth from the fandt>f Egvpt
} they laid one to another, It is manna : ;; And Mofes faid unto Aaio.n Take
for they wift not what tt war. AiKTMoies a not, and pin an omer full of manna
laid unto them, '1ms is the bread which therein, and lay it up before the LORD,
the LORD hath given yen to eat. to be icept tor your generation's,
16 H This is the thine which the LORD ?4 As the LORD
cor»m anded Mofes, fo
hath commanded, Gather of it every man Aaron l2:d it up before the Teftinionv,
accordr:.- to his eating an omer for
: to be kept.
even- man, axo'din* to the number ct JK And the children of Ifrr^l did -at
Marperir. take ye every VtZSi tot tbem manna forty yeari, antiWhev came to 3
jyhich. are »r his ttfits. land ir&abited •,
they did ««c manna, un-
C 6 eift
. . : .

Wi'.ti »ui ,

f i 3t:kro '-'nttb to .'-'

«t Canaan.
they came unto the be licrtof < ifi Rr f.e faid, Becaufe the LORD
hath fw-n the LORD will b*vt
3:3 an cm:r « t?:c tenth part of war with Amalek from generation to
ephah. generation.
C H A P. XVII. ,
TA? pfof/? nturvnttf fxr water, Stc. Jetbro brinittbto Moji; bit wifi, &f.
AJNd the congregation of trie chil-
dren of U'rael journeyed from the
Jethro, the pneit ot Midian,
lather in law, heard ot all
wildernels of Sin, alter tlieir journeys that G'od had done for Mofes, and tor I -
according to the commandment of the rael his people, ant that the LORD
LORD, and nitched in Rephid'im and : brought Ilrael out of Egvpt •

ibtrt «u no
water for.the peopie to drrnk i Then Jethro, Moi'e/ father inlaw,
i Wherefore the people did chide whh took Zipporah Moles wi:e, alter he had
Moles, and faid, Give us w a ter that we lent her oack,
may drink. And Moles laid unto them, ? And her two foas, of which the name
Why chide you with rae ? Wherefore do of the one huj Gerfhom { for he laid, I.
ye tenapt the LORD? have been an alien in a ftrange land }
i,And the people thislted there for water j 4 And the name of theoth^r w,k r.he-
and the people murmured againit Moles, xer ( for the God of roy fahtr-,f*iiibs,v>&i
and (aid; Wherefore it this thou hart mine help, and delivered me from the
brought us up oiKof Egypt, to kill us and fwor.t of Pharaoh.;
•ur children, and our cattle with thirft ? f AndJethr«, Moles father in law, eamc
4 And Moles cried unto the LORD, with his fonsaad his wife unto Mofes in-
laying, What ihall I do unto this people? to the wildernels, where he encamped at
t!iey be almolf ready to {tone me. the mount of God.
? And the LORD laid unto Moles. Go 6 And he ("aid unto Mofes, I «*y father
«n before the people, and take with thee in law Jethro am come unto th-e, and
nt the elders of Ifrael and thy rod where- : thy wife, and her two fens with her.
with thou f'motcft the river, take in thine 7 51 And Mofe; went out to meet his fa-
h:.nd, and so. ther in law, and didobeifance, and killed
6 Behold I will ftand before thee there
I" him, and they askea each other 61 ibar~
upon the. rock in Horeb j ana thou fhah welfare: and they came into the tenr.
(mite the rock, and there lhall come wa- 8 And Moles told hi-- lather in law all
fcruut of it. that the people may drink. that the LORD
had done unto Pharaoh,
And Mofes did lb in the light of the el- and to the Egyptians, for Ifraels fake, ana .

ders or Ifrael. all the travel that hau come upon them
7 And he called the name of the place by the way, and borv the LORD
-Maffah, and Meribah. becaufe of the chi- red them.
ding of the children of Ifrael, a-nd becaufe 9 And Jethro rejoyced for all the good-.
»hev tempted the LORD, faying, Is the neTs which the LORD
had dune to Ifra-
LORD among us, or not ? el : whom he had delivered out of the
8 11 Then came Amalek, and fought hand of tfre Egyptians.
with Hrael in Rephidim. io And Jethro laid, Blefled be the LORD
9 And Mbfesfaid unto Jofhua. Choole us who hath delivered you cmt of the hand
•ut men, and go out, fight with Amalek: of the Egyptians, and out of the hand
to morrow I will (land on the top of the of Pharaoh, who hath delivered the peo-
hill, with the rod of God- in mine hand; ple fromunderthehandofthe Egyptians.
io So Jofhua did as Moles had laid to u Now I know that the LORD'/; erea-.
Him, and fought with Amalek : and Mo- ter than all gods: for in the thin? wherein
fes, Aaron, and Hut, went up to the top they deati proudly, be above them.
of the hill. • ii And Jethro -Mofes father in law took,
ti And it came to pals, when Males a burnt-offering and faorifices lor God :
held up his hand, that Ifrael prevailed and Aaroncame, and all the.ddcrsot If-,
and when he let down his hand, Amalek rael, to eat bread with Mofes .father in-
prevailed. law belore God.
ti But Moles hands were heavy, and they i? 11 And it came to pa(s on the jnor-
•ook a Rone and put it under him, and he row, that Moles fat to judge the people :

farthereon: and Aaron andHurltayed up and the people frood by Mofes from the--
his hnnd«, the ck
on the one fide, and the morning unto the evenine.
ether on the othfffid*'; and his hands were i4 And when Mofes father in law faw
feeadv until the going down of the fun. ?.ll that he did to the people, he faid, 1

yi And Jolhuadifcomfited Amalek and What is this thing that thou dolt to the
kis people with the edge ot the fword people? Why ii r*eft thou thy felf a!one>
i4 And the LORD
fa id unto Mofes, and all the people ttand by thee trorrw
Write this for a memorial in a book, and morning unto even ?
lehearle it in the ears of Jofhua : for I i? And jyiofes laid unto his father in-
remembrance of
will put out the law, Recauf- the people come unto me
Amalek from under hea'.'e". to» enquire o' God.
;; And Moles buiP an altar, and called v6 When they have a matter, they come
unto me,and I judge between one atw anc

ihe najneef it KUOYAH-niiT:.

Xix. _ *»ds ffttfage t9 the pe$ple.

! Wier, and I do make them know thelta- 7*1 And Mofes came and called forths
! lutes of Gfd, an^ his laws. elderscf the people, and laid before their
it And Moles father in law faid unto faces all rhefe words which the LORD
him, The thing that thou dolt it not good. commanded him.
18 Thouwitt i'ureiy wear away, both 8 And all the people infwered together,
theu, and this people that it with thee and All that the
("aid, LORD
hath Ipoken,
lor this thing it too heavy tor thee thou •, we will do. And Moles returned the
art notable to perforsi it thy felt alone wordsof the people unro the LORD.
19 Hearken now unto my voice, I
will 9 And the Lord faid unto Moles, To,
I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the
give thee cbunfel, :ndGod fhallbe with
thee : Be thou or ike people tc God-war*
people may hear when 1 fpeak with th-e,
that thou ay it bring the caules unto God
m : and believe thee for ever. And Mofes told
so And then fhalt teachthem ordinances the words of the people unta the Lorm
Md laws, and lhalt fhew them the way to U And the LORD
faid unto Moles,
whsiein they muft walk, and.the work that Go unto the people, and 1'anitiHe thein
to day snd to morrow, and let them wain
they mult do. , . <. ,

it Moreover. thou lhalt provide out ot their clotftes,

all the people, fuch as tear
aale men, ii And
be ready againlt the tJiird day
God, menot truth, hatin? eovetoulnels ; for the third day the LORD
will come
and place fuch over them, to be rulers ot down in the fight "of all the reople, upon
thousands-, ana rulers of hundreds, rulers mount Sinai.
ot fifties, and rulers of tens. ti And thou lhalt fet bounds umb the
ix And let them judge the people at all people round about, faying, Take hee(t
fea'ons and it ihall be that every great
to your felves, that ye go not up inro the
matter they lhall bring unto thee, but e- mount, or touch the border of it • who-
very fmall matter they lhall judge *o : mever toucheth the meant, fhall Lrcfurc-
lhall it be eaiier for tr.y felf, ami they ly put to death.
lhall bear tbt burden with thee. U There lnall not an hand touch it, but
If thou lhalt do this thing, and God
H he lhall furely be ironed or fhot through •

command thee/o, then thou lhalt be able whether it be beaft or man, it lhall n«t
to endure, and all this people lhall alio live when the trumpet foundeth lone,

go to their place in peace. they lhall come up to the mount.

14 So Moles hearkned to the voice of his t4. fl And Mofes went down from the

father in law, and did all that he had laid. mount unto the people, and farictined
« And Moles chofe able men cut ot the people, and they waihed their clothes
i? And he faid unto the people,
i-lllfrael, and made them heaa*overthe Re
people, rulers of thousands, rulersofhun- ready ag2inft the third day come not :

ttreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. at your wives.

s5 And they judged the people at all 16 And it came to pafson the third day
feal'ons : the hard caul "es they brought un- in the neroing. that there were thunder*
to Moles, but every iaiall matter they and, and a thick cloud upon
judged theml'elves. .
the mount, arkf the voire of therrumpet
17 «l And Moles let his father in law exceeding loud ; fo that all the people
depart; and he went his way into his ihat reus in the camp, trembled
•wn land. 17 And Mofes brought forth the peo

XIX. pie cut ot the camp to meet wi-h God,

7b t come to Sinai, &c.
people and they flood at the nether part of the
the third month, when tnc-chijdren mount;
IN of li'rael were gone torth out of the i8 And mount Sinai was altogether en
land of Egypt, the lame day came they a Imcke, b-caufe the Lord cfefcended
into the wildernefsof Sinai. upon it in hre and the imoke thereof*

i For they were departed from Rephi- afcended as the fmoke of a furnace, and
dim, and were comefo the dclert ot Mnai, the whole mount quaked greatly.
and had pitched in the wilderness, and iq And when the voice of the trumpet
there Ifracl camped before Hie mount. founded long, and waxed louder and lou-
3 And Mofes went up unto God, and the der, Mofes fpake, and God awiwere.l
Loud called unto hira out of the moun- him by a voice.
tain,, faying, Thus lhalt thou fay to the
io And the LORD
same down upon
houle ot" Jacob, and cell the children-cf mount Sinai, on the rflp'of the mount •

Ilrael ; and the Lord called Mo'es up to, the top

4 Ye have feen what 1 did unto the E- of the mount, and Mofes went up.
gyptians, and bow I bare you on eagles >i And the LORD faid unto Mofes,
wings, and brought yon unto my fe!f. Go down, charge the people, left they
% Now therefore', if ye will obey my voice break through unto, the Lord to gaze,
indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye and many of them periih.
lhall be a peculiar trcafure unro a- me nAnd let the pnelts.alfo which come
bove all people : fcr all the earth is mine. near to the LORD, fanftifietheinl elves,
6 And ye lhall be unt« me
a kingdom left the LORD breakforth upon them*
of priefts, and an holy nation. Ttoefe xi And Moles laid unto the Lord, The
are the words which thou fhalt fpeak un- people cannot come up to flaunt S.nai
ia. the, children et lfrael, lot
Tffe tin co), yrdi'?. LdVfi tni ordititnus,
for thou charge thou with us, and wc will hear but let :

about the mount, and lanc'tir not God fpeak with us-, left we die.
14A/UI the Lord laid unro him, Away, i,e And Moles laid unto the ;'a.-lc
?et thee down, and thou ihalt come up, Fear not: lor God is ccmojo prove \>'-
thou, and Aaron with thee bm :
and that his fear may be before ycui )a-
thepriefts ant] tfie people » ye fija not.'

to conic Hp unto the Louu, left hebreak ir And the pet. pie Rood afar off, and
forth uprri .: -.a. Moles drew near unto the thick dai
i> kJo Moj'es went -town the peo- where God a
?'<-•, and Jpaker.ntc th LORD faul unto M
P. XX, C H A Thus thou Ihalt lav unto the children of
Tbt ten comnjatiame-nt'i &r. IlraeH Ye have teen that I have .

Nd God 1'pake all rhei'e words, faying, withyau from heaven.

i i .r,7i the LORD
thy God, which 13 Ye fhall not make with me godtfof .

ave brought thee out or'tVe land or E- lilvcr, neither lhall vc

make unto vju
gypt, out on he houl'e.uf bondage. god? of gold.
3 Thou ihalt have no ether eeds be- 14 ''
An altarof earth thou (halt make
tore me. unto me, and fhalt facrifice theeeon thy
4 Thou ihalt not make unto thee an> bucnuc fieri ngs, and thv peace-cfr- i

graven image, or any likenels of any thylheep, and thine oxen: In al! placei
ming, th3t is .in heaven .V/c, or that// wnerel record r»y name, I will ccmeun-
in the earth beneath, or that h in the to thee, and I will bl cfs thee.
crater under the earth. it thou wilt make me an altar

i Th h :h It n row down thy 'elf to

- Of (lane, thou malt not buildit oi hewn
them, &or ferve them tor 1 the : LORD itone: for it thou lilt up thy tool upon it,
thy Gcc.aui a jealous God, vifiring the i- ted it,
iiqui'v ot the Others upon the c: id Meitner (halt rtnu go up by (t*ps
into the third and fourth feneration of unto mine alt3r, that thy nakednela oe
ihem that hate me :
not '.lifcovereu thereon,
And fhewing mercv untq thoufands
.6 C A P. XXI. H
sithem that love'me, and keep my com- Lave i J $ec.
mandments. XTOw thefe ate the judgments which
- Thou fhalt not take the name of the J.X t':< them.
LORD thy God in vain: tor the LORD t li thou b iervant, \]x .

willnotholdhim guiltlefs that taketh his years he fhall Verve and in the feventh :

name in vain. he Aral 1 go cut free torn, thing.

8 Remember the fabbath-day, to keep ; Lfhecame in by he fhall co
it holy. out by lux. elf: ij !ie were marne , then
$.:< days fhalt thou labour, and do all his wife lhal! g^i i


thy work :
, 4 It life matter have given him a wife,
tc But thefcventh day m the fabbath of and fhe. I

the LoRH thv God : in' it Uiou ihalt rot do the wire and
r. .r childcen flull be her ma-
u, nor thy ion, nor tfiy
Iters, and Ite fhall po< ut b>> himfelf:
laughter, rhan-tervant, nor thy maid-
thy- s And if the ervant (hall plainly '."ay, .1

ervant, nor thy cattle, nor thy itran^er I love my mafteri my wife, and my chil- is within tfiv gates, dren, I will nor go out free:
it Per in fix days the Lonn madehea- 6 Then hmnaltet fhsil bringhimunto
rzti and ear*h, the iea, and all that in the judges ; he ihall alfo bti
hem i: and refted the leventh day: where- door,ortinto the deur- pott : and his matter
oie the LORD
blefTed the fabbath-day, fhall bore hia ear Oircugh with a:: aw)
»nd hallowrd it. and he (hall fctvehim for ever.
H r Honour thy father and thy mother
7 *1 And it a. man fell h.s daughter etf

that thy daysmav be long upon the land be fhe fhall not go out as
•vhieh the LORD
thy God giveth thee. fhe men-fervants do.
t? Thcuflialt net kill. 8 If fhe pteafe not her mafter, who
u. Thou flvalt not commit adultery. hath betrcthed her to him'elK
is Thou ihalt not (teal. fliall he let her be redeemed To fell •

16 Thcu ihalt not bear falfe witnds a- her unto a ftrange nation he fhall have
S2ir.ftthyneitr hb.-!ur. nopawer, feeinc'hshath dealt deceitful-
t7 Thou fhalt not covet thv neighbours ly with her.
tioufe, thou fhalt not covet thy neighbours 9 And if he have betrothed her ntito
wife, rorhis man-fervant,, nor ftismaid- hisfon, he fliall deal with her after the
ervant, nor his ox, nor his 3!"s, nor any manner of dau

ming that /; thy neighbours, he take hurt another voift ; her


18 11 And alt the people .'aw thetbun- food, her raiment, .-.nd her duty t I

rtrines, and the lightnings, and thenoife rktge lhall he not diminifh.
»i the trumper, arid the mountain IVnok- iiAndif lie ' .n.;t:i:le three arm her,
ing: and wheffthe people (aw it, they re- oney. I

moved, and (tood'afar oil. li lb. thai n :n, Co that lie

id they imcr unto Mo Pes, Speak Jie, iiaU b« luiely r>ut to ilcath.

J3 Aca
Vivin Ism Chap and wrdiaaneet,
U And it' a man He not in wait, bui God 54 The ownarof the pit lhall make it
stiver bint iirc his hand ; then I will ap- good, give money unto the owner of
omt thee a place whither he fhall de. them and the dead btaft fhall be his.

14. it mar. come preiump.uoufty

But a 5^ 1' And it one mans ox hurt anothers
pon his neighbour, to iiav him witn that he die, then they mall fell the live
lei taaufhalt take him from mine al- ox, and divide the money ol it, and the
he may die.
ar, that dead o>: alio they fhall divide.
And be that fnuteth his father, cr j* Or if it be known that the ox hath
mother, fhall be iurely put to death.
lis ufed to pufh in time pall, and his owner
I 16 1! Ami he that (tealeth a man, ami kath net kept him in he fhall furely pay5

felleth hint) or if he be found in his ox forcx, and the dead fhall be hisown.
and, he fhall furcly be put to death. C A p. XXII.H
f And he that curlsth his father or Of theft, damage, &c.
|i i n -ther, lhall Iurely be put to death. Fa man fhall fteal an ox or a fheep, and
iS 51 And if men itrive together, and I kill it, or fell it j he lhall reftore five"
oxen 1. au ox, ar.d four iheep for a fheep.
>ne finite another with a none, orwith£/< ;

ut,ar.dhedienot, but keeJeth^/'bed :

1 *' It a thief be found breaking up,
t9 I r he rife azain, arid walk abroad and be mitten that he dic^bere Jhail no

span his ftaff, then ihall he that (more blc. &bt Jked tor him.
7hn, be q:iit onlv he (hall pav for the
2 If the fun be rifen upon him, there
ofsol his time, and fhall caule wwtobe blood Jbed for him j for he fhculd
hrou f r hly healed.
. make full reitftution if he have nothing,

v v And it a manfmite his fervant, or then he fhall be fold for his theft.
lis maid with a rod, and he die under his 4 Ifth.e thett be certainly found in his
h,and; tie Jhail be furely-pumfhed. hand alive, whether it be ox, or afs, cr
it Notwithstanding, if he continue a fheep j he fhall reftore double.
<tayor*two, he fhaU not be pum (lied for : il If a man lhall caufe a field or vine-

he his money.
is yard to be eaten, and fhall put in his
n If men itrive,' and hurt a woman
11 be alt, and fhall feed in another maas
with child, lb that her fruit depart from held of the belt of Ms own field, ana of

b;r, arid yet no mifehief follow he lhall :

the heft f lis own vineyard fhall he make
befurely punifhed, according as the wo- reftiturion.
mans husband will lay upon him ; ami € H If fire break out, and catch in
he fhall pay as the- judges determim. thorns, to that t*ie ftacks of rorn, cr the
And it any mifehief follow, then Handing-corn, or the field be conlumect
thou lhalt give life for life, therewith 5 he thai kindled the fire, fha»
-4 Eve for eye, tooth lor tooth, liand lureiv make reltitution.
for hand, root tor to 7 if If a man lhall deliver unto his
1 Burning for burning, wound foi neighbour money, or ltufFto keep, ?nd it
wouind, ft ripe for ftripe. be ltolen cir ot' the mans houi'e > if the
And if a man frriitethe eye of h.. thief ae found, let him pav double.
fcrvant, or the eye of his maid, that it 8 It the thiet be not found, then the
perifh ; he fhall let him go free for his mailer of the houfe lhall be brought unto
eyes fake.. the judges, to fee whether he have put hia
i~ ArA it he fmite out his man-fervants hand unto his neighbours eoods.
or his maid-fervams tooth 5 he 9 For all manner of trelpafs, whether it be
fhall let him 20 tree for his tooths fake. forox,fGr afs, for fheep, -for raiment, or
2Sn If an ox ?cre a manor a woman, foranv manner of loft thing, which ano-
that they die then the ox fhall befurely
: tbtr challecgeth to he his : thecaufe of
Itoned, and his flefh fhall not be eaten ; both parties fuail come before the judces ;
bat the owner of the oxjballbe quit. and whom the judges fhall condemn," he
15 But if the ox were wont to pufh fhall pay double untu his neighbour
with his horn in time pad, and it hath id It a man deliver unto his neighbour
been teilified to his owner, and he hath an afs, or an ox v or a fheep, or anvbeail
not kept him in, bat that he hath killed a to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or driven
manor a woman ; the ox fhall bettoned, away, no man feeing it
and his owner alio fhall be put todeath. 11 Then fhall an oath of the Lord be
30 If there be laid on him a fum of between them both, that he hath not put
money, then he lhall giveforthe ranfom Iiishand unto his neighbours goods and -.

of his'life, whatsoever is laid upon him. the owner cf it fhall accept thereof, and
3i Whether he have gored a fon, or he fhall not make it good.
havegcred daughter, according tc this u And it it be ftolen from him, he fhall
judgment fhall i:~be done unto him. make reftitution unto the owner thereof.
32 If the ox lhall pufh a man-fervanr, t; If it be torn in pieces; then let him
©rmaid-fervant j he fhall give unto their bring it/or witnefs, and he fhall not make
matter thirty fhekels of filver, and the good that which was torn.
ox fhall be ftoned. i4.1l And if a man borrow ou^htof his
?; D And it a man fhall open a pit, or neighbour, and it be hurr, or die, the;
if a man itiall dig a pit, and not cover it, owner thereof being not with it; he lhall
and as oa cr. an al s t&U therein 5 furely make it good,
1? But

Wivtn Uvn> txi '.us, Ttot&titfuAii
H But it the owner ther««f b: with it, 6 Thou ftialtEot wrcit the judjrmcrrt
^ M
Yt fhall not make it good if it b: an : of thy poor in his caule.
fcired thin;, it came for his hire. 7 Key thee far from a falfe matter: '
id 51 And if a man entice a mail thai and the innocent and righteous flay thuu
is not betrothed, and he with her ; he not for I will .not juflifis the wicked

fhall l'urely endow her ta be his wife. 8 11 And thou lhalt take Bo gilt lor
the gift blindeth the wife, and cerverteth

i7 If her father utterly retul'e to guve p

her unto him. he fhall pay money'aa- the words of the righteous.
cording to Hie dowry of virgin*. 9 51 Alio rhoulhalt not opprefs a Gran-
t851 Thou ihalt not liiffer a witch to live. ger for ye know the heart ot a Gran-

19 11 Whoi'oever licth with a beait, ger, feeing y t were man-era in the

fhall l'urely be put to death. or tgvpt.
ie 51 He that facriheeth unto any god, ic And fix years thcu lhalt fow thy
fave unto the Lord only, he fhall be and fhalt gather in the fruits thereof:
uttesly deftroyed. n But the leventh yur thou Malt let it
11 51 Thou ihalt neither vex a Gran- reft, and lie frill , that the
poor ot t^
ger, nor opprei's him for ye were (han- : people may eat: and what they leave,
gers in the land of Egypt. the tea'is of the field fhall eat
\n likt
manner thou fhalt deal with thv viii'-H
li H Ye lhall not afflict any widow,
w fatfierlefs child. yard, 4ni with thy olive-yard. '
13 If thou afflict them in any wile, and li Six days thou ihalt do thy
they cry at all unto me I will furely : and on the feventh day thou fhalt re : •
hear their cry ; that thine ox afid thine afj may reft,
X4, And my wrath fhall wax hot,
and the Ion ottiiy handmaid, and the ltran-
1 will kill you with the fword ; and ger may be re fretted.
your wives fhall be widows, and your 13 And in all things that I have faid
children fatherlefs. unto you, be circumfpect : and ma'« no
i? 11 If thou lend money to *ny of my mention of the namesol other gods, nei-
people is poor by thee, thou fhalt ther let it be heard out of thy mouth
eot be to him as an ufursr, neither r
t4 51 Three times thou fhalt keep' »
fhalt thou lay upon him ulury. feait unto me in the year.
16 If thou at all take thy neighbors K Thou lhalt keep' the feaft of unlea-
raiment to pledge, th-otjjhalt deliver it vened bread :thcu fhalt eat unleavened
unto him by that the lun goeth dewn: bread leven days, as 1 commanded thee in
17 For that is his overin?: only, it is
< the time appointed of the month Abit
his raiment for his skin: wherein fhall tor in it thou earned: out from Egypt :
he ileep ? And it fhall come to pais, a-nd none lT.all appear before me empty •.
when he crietb unto me, that 1 will 16 And the feait ot harveft, the flrft-
hear: for I am gracious. imitsot thy labours* which thou haft Town
18 51 Thou fhalt not revile the go*, intheheld and the feaft of in-gathering,

oor curfe the ruler of thy people. wbicbis in the end of thcyear.wha
19 fl Thou fhalt not deJav to ofitr the halt £a:hereJ in thy labours out of the lield
full of thy ripefruits, anu or" thy lir:n.r= 17 Three times in the year all thy males
the hrft-born of thy ("ens fhalt thou give fhaU a->pear before the Lord GoJ.
unto me. . . .
iS Thou fhalt not offer the blood of
30 Likewile lhalt theni do with thine my i3cr;fice with leavened bread, nei-
»xen, end with thy fheep ieven days it '
ther fhall the fat of my facrihee remain
i"hall be with his dam ; on the eighth day until the morning.
thou Halt give it me io The firft of the firft-fruit.s of thv
3i 51 And ye fhall be holy men tin to lan'd thcu ihalt hfifig into the houfe c'f
me: neither ihaU >c eat &v.y rklh thxt it the T.'-.:«.d thy God. Thou lhalt noti'eethc
torn of beaits in the field ye fhall call :
a kid in his mothers milk.
it to the dogs. io «1 Behold, I lind an .'ir.-°l ht(c:c
A P. XXIII. thee to keep thee in the way, ani to bring *

Of Jl/Mitr and filft witntfs, Sec. thee into the place which I have pre-
Tilou not raife a falfe report
fhalt : pared.
put not thine hand with the Wicked it Rew3ie or him, and obey his voice,
to he an unrighteous wi ncft. provoke him not: fur i.t wllT not pardon-
not foMow a multitude to do
i 51Thfcu fhalt yourtraniyreiTion£: formynamc;'i in him
evil; neither lhalt thou fpeak inac2 U fe, ii But if thou fhalt indeed obey hi
to.tec'ine aftermany, to wtcttjudgmtnt: vo-:e, and da sll that I fpeak i then I
3 5] Neither fhalt tluu countenance a will bean enemy unto thine enemies and
poor man in his caule. an advt-rfaiv u:v.a thine adverancs.
4 51 If thou meet thin.: enemies ex or i3 For mine /Uigel ihall gc before thee
his a("s "oinsr. aitray, thcu lhalt finely and bring thee in unto the .\_mc;Tc
brme it back to him a<rain. and the Hitti f es, arid the Heri/xites, and
5 li sh x« lee the as or" him that hatch the Ganaanites, *ad the Kivire.s
iher, lying under his burden, an>i wouldft Jtbufites: and I will
furbear to h->p him ; thou lhalt j'urely i'. Thou fha'.t not ho-v dqwn t<

h*!p with him, rcdi; noi fflYC UCJ3 »ft« the: r

Mofes i tkt mount. Chap. XJfiV xsv. Co is glory appear eti.
Ofki but thou fhalt utterly overthrow
9 f! Then up Mofes and Aaroj,
iem, and quite break down their images. Nadab and Abihu, and feventy of th<5
ij And ye ihall ferve the LORD your elders of Ifrael.
»e<1, and he lhall blcfs thy bread, and to And they faw the God of Ifrael : and
5y water: and I will take licknefs away there was under his feet, as it were a pa-
"om the midlt of thee. ved work of a fapphire-ftone, and as it
»6 U There ihall noihing caft their were the body of heaven in bis cleamefs
oung, nor be barren in ihy land the : it And upon the nobles of the children
umber of thy days 1 will fulfil. of Ifrael he laid not his hand : alfo they
17 I will fend my fear before thee, and law God, and did eat and drink.
•ill deltroy all the people to whom
thou ii 51 And the LORD
faid unto Mofes,
•ial* tome, and I will make all thine e- Come up to me into the mount, and J>e
emies turn their backs unto thee. there and I will give theetableset (tone,

tS And I wilt fend hornets before thee, and a law, and commandmints wruch I
*ich mall drive out th« Hivite, theCa- have written j that thou mayft, teach
aanite, and the Hittite from before thee. them.
'ic, I will not drive them out from he- 13 And Mofes iofe up, and his cuni-
rn: thee in one year ; left the land he- fter Jofhua : and Mofes went up into the
pme defolate, and the beaftof the field mount of God.
mltiply againltthee. U
And lie faid unto the elders, Tarry
3o By little and little I will drive them ye here for us, until we come again unto
tt Uem before thee, until thou be in- you and behold, Aaron and Hut art wit.1

•ealed, and inherit the land. you : if any man have any matters tfl do,
3i And I will let thy bounds from the let him come unto them.
.ed lea even unto the iea of the Phil i- k
And Mofes wentup into the mount}
ines, and from the 4:lert unto the ri- and a cloud covered the mount.
er: for I will deliver the inhabitants of 16 And the glory of the abodi LORD
le land into your hand ; and thou fhalt upon mount binai, and the cloud covewd
rive them out before thee. it fix days : and the feventh day he called
3x Thou fhalt make no covenant with unto Mofes out of the raidfb of the cloud.
Iicm, nor with their gods. i7 And the fight of the glory of the
33 They fhall not dwell in thy land, Lordvp.1i like devouring hre on the top
;it they make thee fin againft me:
for of the mount, in the eyes of the children
thouicrve their gods, it wiil furely be of Ifrael. , ~c .

inare unto thee. 18 And Mofes went into the midit ot

lefts is called up into tog mountain, &c.
the cloud, and gat him up into the mount
and Mofes was in the mount forty days,
\ Ndhe faidunfo Mofes, Come upwi- and forty nights.
\ to the Lord, 'thou and Aaron, Nadab '
act Abthu, and feVenty of the elders The offering for the tabernacle, &c.
and worihlpyeafar off. *£&-
x AnJ Mofes alone fhall conn near^rfte
ANdfhe Lord fpake untoMofes,f*ying,
i Speak unto the children of Ilrae!,
ord but they fhall not come nigh, nei- that they bring me an offering: of every

ler ihall the people go up with him. man that giveth it willingly with his
3 11 And Moles came and told the peo- heart, ye fhall take my offering.
!e all the words of Lord, and all the 3 And this is the offeriRg which ye fhall
tdgrarnts and all the people anlwered take of them j gold, andfilver, andbrafs,

•kh one voice, and faid, All the words. 4 And blue, and purple, and lcatlet,
•Inch the Lord haih f'aid, will we do. and fine linen, and goats hair,
4 And Mofes wrote all the words of the 5 And rams skins died red, and bad-
orp, and role up early in the morning, gers skins, and Ihittim-wood,
nd builded an altar underthe hill, ana 6 Oyl for the light, fp'ices for anoint-
velve pillars according to the twelvo ing oyl, and for fweet ineenfe,
lbesor Urael. 7 Onyx-ftones, and ftones to be fet in
s And lie i'entyoung men of the chil- theephod, and in the breatt-plate.
renor Urael, which offered birnt-offe- 8 And let them make me a fanttuaryj
ngs, and lacnficed peace-offerimrs
sen untotheLoRD. c of that I may dwell amongft them.
9 According to all that I ihewtnee, af-
<• And Mofes took half of the blood, fwthe pattern or the tabernacle, and the
nd nut it in batons } and half of the pattern of all the initraments thereof,
loodhe ipnnkledonthe altar. even fo ye make it.
"I And he took the book
of t^Q cove o And
they fhall make an ark of
ant, and read in the audience of
the peo- ihittim-wood two cubits and a ha

2J r"
au i
the y «aid, All that the
w ? du°Va nd bs obedient, LORD be the length thereof, and a cubit and

oV„ h r took half the breadth thereof, and a cubit

cut and
8 Anil Moles
. ,
the blood, and (prink a half the height thereof.
:d/*4«i the people, and ("aid, ITehold
tne it And thou fhalt overlay it with pure
food of the covenant which the
ath mads with you cencsfninsr
LORD gold, within and without ftialt thou over-
adj thefe lay it: and fhalt make upen it 3 crown
of gold round »1)W,.
[£ And
, . I

ii And thou malt caff, four ring! of gold 1
for it,. and put them in the tv>ur corners the one fide", ana three brai
thereofjandtwo rings- ill be in the one fide .

of it, and two riilfes in »hs other fide ot' it. 71 Tnreebowh made likeantc a
13 And thou lhalt make ftavea 0/ fhit- with a knop and a flower in one bra
tim-wood, and overlay them with gold. three howl-, made like almonds inth
t-'-And thou fhalt put tfie ftaves into -. rvitb
therffigs, by-thefides ot" the ark, that the inchesthat com
ark may be born with them. Hick.
H Tne ftaves fhall be in
the ting* of 34 And in the candleftick Jhali
the ark: they mall not be taken from it. bawls n 1 \£the
16 And thou inalt pat into the ark the knops and their P.owe
teftimony which I fhall give thse. %K \\ I be a knop under tj
17 And thou fl;a't make a mercy-feat branches of the fame-, and a kr.
pure gold: two cubits and a hair"/*.:// two branches ot the lame, and a krfc
£« the lenpth thereof, and a cubit and a under two brajftliei of the fame, accf
half the breadth th< iat proceed a
t8 And thou fhalt make two cherubims of the candle::.
cf gold of beaten work fhalt thaumake
: 36 Their knap? and their branc':. I
them, two endsof'the'eat.
in the be of the fame: all it (kali bt one oeatq
19 And make one cherub on ihe one end work of
and the other cherub on the other end even : 37 And thon fhaltmake-the fever.
of the mercy-teat fhall ye make the cheru- thereo: h dl light the ]ar*$
bims on the two ends thereof. thereof, that they 'may ;T ive light over al
10 And the cherubim? fhall ttre'ch forth gainft it.
f6e;> wings on high, covering the mercy- ireof, and the (huff
feat wii.h ihciy tmi^mr'it-dsJbgU difbes thereof Jhati h>. or' pure gold.
loot one tp^notheF: -toward the mercy- 20 Of a talen: of pure god lhail If
feat maltffleTacesofthecaeri'birn; be. make ft, with all thef'e veiled. 1 *
it And'tnotj fhalt put the mercy-feat a- 4c And look that thou make tbtm attil
bove upon the ark, and in the ark thou fhalt their pattern, which was
put the teftimony that I {hail give thee. the mount.
2i And there I will meet with thee, and CHAP. XXVI.
• t
1 will commune with thee, from above Thi r»n utrtiini of the tabernacle, I
the mercy-feat, from between the two Moreover, thou fhalt make the ti.->er 1

cherubims which gre upon the ark of the nacle with ten curtains cf fine twin [
.teftimony, of all tbrttgt which I will give edli'iea, and blue, ar.d purple, and foB
thee in commandment unto the children let with cherub'ims of cunning woil

of Ifrael. malt thou make them.

13 * Thou fiialt a'.fo nuke a table of fhir- t The length ot one curtain (hall b
tim-wood two cubits. /7m// be tniiCD/if". .jgMtt * n * twcntvcubitsj and the breidtJ

thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, PINne

curtain, four cubits: aftdevcrvon
and a cubit and a half the heigh- of the curtain.? fhall have onr meaf ure.
X4 And thou fhalt overlay it" with pure 3 Thej've curtains fhall
gold, and make thereto a crown c. gj td gether one to another v :

found about. curtains ".7/ scrupled one toano-

ii And thou malt make unto it a border 4 And'thou fhalt make loops of i..'

or an hand-breadth round about, and thou the edge of the one curtain, from
lhalt make a golden crown to the border vedge in the coupling-, and
thereof* round about. thou" make intheutterniofte.
5.5 And thou fhalt make for it fotir nnsrs curtain, in thecoupir
oieold, and put the rings in the rourcctt- * FiffV loops lhalt 1

fiefsthatrfreonthe tour feet thereof. curtain, 'and fiftv \c

17 Over a? a in ft the border mall the riri?s in the edge of the curtair
be for places of the ftaves to bear tbe table. coupling of the fecond that the loop •,

zg And thou fhalt make the ftaves of
fhittim-woo ', and overlay them gold,' malt make
that the table may be born with t] co.1 d, and couple the ci
ia And tnou fhalt make the dimes there- theraches: audit mail be one tabernacle
of, and froom thereof, and covers there- \nd tfeou fhalt make curtain'
of, and bow's thereof, to cover withal eoats bars to be a covering ur>on th

of pure gold fhalt thou make them. nacle: eleven ci-.rtainr fhalt
. ;o And thou fhalt ict upon the ta'Jle 5 The length of one curtair
fhew-bread before me alway.
31 •• And thou fhalt make a candleftick eleven curtaj
0} pure trold: of beaten work (hall the of one meafure.
candleftick be (halt, and his 9 An J thou lhalt couple fiv
branches, his bowls, his knops, and his themfelves-and fix curtaias bv then
powers fhall be and fhalt double the fixtb curtain
31 And its hnnehesjaall come out qi the of tftc tabornaolf
it tppurttnanut, Clup. XXVri. Tbf akar of bunit-ofertng.
lAnd thou flialt make fifty loops on the 30 And tJ-.ou fhalt rear up the tabernac (ft,
of the one cunaintcAt u outmoft in according to the falhion thereo-f, which
JupJiDu;, and fifty loop* in the edge of was (hewed thee in the mount
hmain which coupleth th e fecoiitf. ?t ^ And thou fhalt make a vail of blue,
'And thou fhalt make fifty taches of and purple, and frarlet, and fine twined
k and put the taches into the loops, li«en of cunning work: with cherubims
-•cuple the tent together, that it may fhall it be made.
ne^ 3j. And thou fhalt hang it apon four
;AnJ the remnant that ramalneth of pillars of fhittim-TPco.*, overlaid with
."Retains of the tent, the half curtain gold: their honks' flail be of gold, upon
emainerh, fliall the four fockets of filver.
)f the tabernacle 33 V And thou fhalt hangup the vail un-
Andacubitontheonefide,and acufeit der the taches, that thou'mayft bring in
e other fide of that which remainetfi thither withi'i the vail, the arkof the tefti-
: length of the curtains of thetertt, it mony and the vail fhall divide nnto you,

hang over the fules of the tabernacle, between ths holy place and the molt holv.
is fide, and on that (ide, to cover it. 34 And thou (Halt put the mercy-feat
And thou fhalt make a covering for upon the ark ot the teitimouy, in thenioft
ent of rams skies die \ red, andaco- holy place.
lg above of badgers skirts. 3,- And thou fhark fet the table without

'V And thou flialt make boards for the the vail, and the candleftick over againlt
made, o/fh'ittim-wood, (landing up. the tabic on the fide of the tabernacle to-
Ten cubls flail be the length of a ward the fouth and thou fhalt pu: the

I, and a cubit and an half/;*// be the table on the north- fide.

;tthotone board. 36 And tho:i fhalt make an hanging for
Two tenons flail there be in one the door of the ? ent, of blue, and purple,
it fet in order one aa;ainft another and fcarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought
fhalt thou make for all the boards of with needle- work, * - r

abernasle. 37 Asd thou fhalt make fortbe-hanging,

And thou fhalt make the boards for five pillars of fkittim-woorf, and overlay
bernacle, twenty boardsen the fouth- them with gold, and their hooks flail bt
fouth-ward. of gold: andthou flialt c aft five fockets cr
Andfhou fhalt make forty focketsof brafs for them.
, under the twenty boards: two
tsunderone ooard for his two tenons,
The altar of bUrnt-ojfering, &C.
two fockets under another board for A I^dthou flialt make an altar of fhitti>m.
#o tenons. _ wood, five cubits long, and five cubits
And for the fecond fide of tha^ta'ber- broad: the altar fh.a'1 be fcur-fquare, and
on the north-fide, there flail £e twenty the height thereof Jhall be three cubits.
i And thou fhalt make the horns of it
And their for.* fockets of filver twa Uion the four corners thereof: his boms

etsunder one board, and two fockets fhaUbeofthefame and thou ihait over-:

another board. lay it with brafs.

And for the fides of the tabernacle 3 And thou fhalt make his pans to re-
-ward, thou fhalt make fix boards. ceive his afhe<-, and hisfhovels, and hts
And two boards fhalt thou make fer batons, and his Se.fn-h,~ok«, and his fire-
:orners of the tabernacle in the two pans: all the vefieis thereof thou flialt
make of brafs.
'And they fhalt be coupled together 4 And thou fhalt make for it a p;r:««
and they fhail be coupled toge- of net-work of brafs and upon the net
ath, -,

above the head of it unto one ring fhalt thou make four bral'en rings in the
fhall it be for them both ; they fhall four corners thereof.
>rthe two corners. ? And thou fhalt put it under thecom-
And they fhall be eight boards, and pafs of the altar beneath, that the net may

fockets of filver, fixtcen fockets: be even to the midit of »he altar.
fockets under one board, and two 6 And thou flialt maice ftaves far the
etsunder another board. altar, ftave* of fnittim-wood, and over-
. H And rhou fhalt make bars of fhit- lay them with brafs.
wpod five for the boards of the one
7 And the ftaves fhall be put into the
dF theraberaacle, rinses, aad the ftaves ihall be upon the two
And five bars for the boards of the fides of the altar to bear it
Ifide of the tabernacle, and five bars 8 Hollow with boards fhalt thou make
le board sot the fide of the tabernacle it as it was fhewed thee in the mount,

:etwo fides welt-ward. fo mall they make**. _

And the middle bar in the raids of the q r- And thou fhalt make the court of
Is fhall reach from end to end. theAaberr.3cle for the, fouth-
And. thou fhalt overlav the boards ward there 0:11 bt hangings
: for the
gold, 3nd make their rings of zold court of tine twined linen of an hundred
jiacesfor the bars: and thou fhalt o- cutm- long for one fide.
ythc bars with gold, to And" the twenty 1
pillars therec!, and

The court t} tbt Ubtmaclt Exodus. Tbt ephod and brctft-ptati

their twenty (ockctifttl! be 0/ brafs: the fi f Am', theyfnall make thcephod
hooks or trie pillars, ann their fillets AU/ . eold.o/ blue, an J c/rurple.o/ fcarlet
be of filver. fine twined linen, with
it And likewife for the north-fide in 7 It fhall have the twofhoulder-pi
length, tbtrt Jhallbt hangings of an hun- thereof k>yned at the two edges thereflj
dred cubit! long, and his twenty pillars, and and/b it fhall be joyned together.
their twenty locket? of brafs the hooks of : 8 And the curious girdle of the epfy
the pillars, and their fillets of filver. which 11 upon it, fhall be of the fan!
it n And for the breadth of the court on according to the work thereof-, tvtn
the wefi-iide, ./&«// bt hangings of fifty cu- geld, cf blue, and purple, and fcarl
bits : their pillars ten, and their fockets ten 3nd line twined linen.
13 And the breadth of the court «nthe 9 And thou ihalt take two onyx-ftor
caft-fidc, eafl-ward,A»/i bt fifty cubits. and grave on them the names of the cl
* r
n ,
Tn «v hangings of one fide of tbtgatt dren ot Ifrael
F>tlt bt fifteen cu&its : their pillars three, to Six of their names on one fto
and their fockets three. and tbt other fix names of the reit on
1? And on the other lide/wW bt hang- ether ftone, according to their birth.
ings, fifteen cubits : their pillars three, u With the work of an engraverl
and their fockets three. ftone, //{•* the engravings of a lignet, fnl
16 fl And for the gate of the court, ft) til It thou engrave the two (tones, with t|
an hanging of twenty cubits, of blue, and namesotthechildrcnot Ifrael thou flu

purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen, make them to be let in ouches of got!
wrought with needle- work: and their pil- 11 And thou malt put the two fton
lars shall bt four, and their fockets four. upon the flioulders of the ephod, '/!
17 All the pUiars round about the court Hones of memorial unto the children <

Jh&H bt filleted with filver : their hooks Kraal. Anl Aaron fhall bear their na»
(htllbt of filver, and their fockets o/brafs. before the Lord, upon his twoihouldf
18 11 The length of the court fhttl bt an for a memorial.
hundred cubits, aDd the breadth fifty every 13 H And thou Ihaltmake ouches o/goli
where, and the height five cubits, c^'fine t4 And two chains of pure cold all
twined linen, and their fockets of bra's. ends: of wrcathen work ihalt "thou mak
19 AH the veffels of the tabernacle in them, and fatten the wreathen chains!
all the fcrvice thereof, and all the pins the ouches.
thereof, and all the pins of the court H Ti And thou fhalt make the breaf
Shall be of brafs. plate of judgment, with cunning worl
10 u And thou fhalc command the after the work of the aphod thou fha
children of Ifrael, that they brin? thee make it ; of gold, of blue, and of ourpi
pure oyl-olive beaten for the lisht, to and of fcarlet, and of fine twined lift
caufe the lamp to burn always. fhalt thou- make it.
at In tixe tabernacle of the congrega- 16 Four-f'quatc it fhaH be being da.
tion without the vail, which it before bled; a [-an Shall bt the length therec

the teltimony, Aaron and his forts fhall and nfpmjbtU be the breadth thereof.
order it from evening to morning be- 17 And thou fhalt let in it fettings I

fore the Lord: It Jball be a ftatute for ftones, evtn four rows of ltones : tbe Jh
ever unto their generations, en the be- row /hall be a fardius, a topaz, ami
half of the children of Ifrael. carbuncle: this fhall bt the firft row. '

CHAP. XXVIII. 18 And the fecond row jhall bi an em

Aaron *nd bis font are ftt apart, ScC. raid, a fapphire, and a diamond.

A Nd take thou unto thee Aaron thy bro-

ther,and his fons with him, from a-
mong the children of Ifrael, that he may
19 And the third row a ligure, an
gate, and an amethyit.
tc And the fourth row a beryl, and :

minifler unto me in the priefts office, onyx, and a jafper: they fhall b; fet ;

even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar gold in their inclofings.

and Ithamar, Aarons fens. 11 And the (tones fhall be with the nam>
i And thou ihalt make holy garments for ot the children of Ifrael, twelve, acco
Aaron thy brother.for glory and for beauty. ding to their names-, Ul^e the engravitij
3 And thou fhalt fpeakunto art of a lignet, every one with his name fha
wife-hearted, whom I have filled with the they be according to the twelve tribe*
fpintofwifdom, that they may make Aa- ii 51 And thou fhalt make upon tl
rc-ns garments to confecraie hun, that he brealt-plate chains at the ends, of wrei
may minifler unto me in the priefts cftice. then work, of pure gold.
4. And thefe are the garments which il And thou fhalt make upon the breaf
they fhallmake; a breaft-plate, and an plate two rings of gold, and fhalt pi
ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, the tws rings on the two ends of tr
a mitre, and a girdle: and they fhall brealr-plate.
make holy garments for Aaron thy bro- 14. And thou fhalt put the two wre;
ther, and hfs fons, that he may mini- then cb.uns of gold in the two riDj
tier unto me
i% the priefts office trbicb are ontnee'hds of the oreail-plati
<: And they fhall take -gnld, and blue *? And ta other two ends 0; thetM
and purple and fcarlet, and tine linen. I
wreathen %b*itn t.K%ou ihalt Iukcb in tl

girdle*, and bonnets fhalt thou make for
them, tor glory and lor beauty.
4i And thou ihalt put them upon Aaron
thy brother, and his Ions with him and :

malt anoint them, arid confecrate tnem,

the lide of the 1
and Canaille them, that they may mini-
fter unto me in thepricils office.
And two otbet rings of gold thou |
4i And thou fhalt make them linen
make, and ihalt put them on the .
breeches to cover their nakedncls from :

des of Hie e;»iiod, underneath to- the loyns even umo the thighs they ihall
the forepart thereof, over againft I reach.
her coupling thereof, above the cu 43 And they fhall be upon Aaron, and
jirdle of the ephod. upon his ions, when they come in unto the
ftrni they ihall bind the breaft-plate tabernacle of the con^ree-arion, or when
e rings thereat, unto the rings of they come near unto the altar to miniltcr in
hod with a lace ot blue, tnatiimay the holy place , that they bear not iniquity,
3vethe curious girdle of the ephod, and die. It flail be altatute for ever un-
lat the brealt-place be not loolcd from to him, andhisleed after him.
>hod. CHAP. XXIX.
\nd Atron fhall bear th« names of Tb: ctremoniei of confecration y &C.
-.ildren of Il'raal in the breaft-plate
dgment, upon his heart, when he
the thing that thow fhalt
this is
to hallow them, to mi-
in unto the holy fluce, for a memorial nuter unto me in the priefts office Take:

e the Loud continually, one young bullock, and two rams without
fl And thou ihalt put in the breaft- blemifh,
ot judgment the Urim ana the i And unleavened bread, and eakei
amim i and they ihall be upon Aarons. unleavened tempered with oyl, and wa-
when hr g«eth in before the Lord •
fers uflleavened anointed with oyl of :

laron (hall bear the judgment of the wheaten flour fhalt thou make them.
ren of Il'rael upon his neart, before ? And thou ihalt put them into one
orp continually. basket, and bring them in the basket, with
v And thou ihalt make the robe ot the bullock and the two rams.
phodall o/bkie. 4 And Aaron and his fons thou ihalt
And there ihall be an hole in the top bring unto the door of the tabernacle of
in the mids thereof: it fhall have the congregation, and fhalt wafh them
iingof wevenwork, roundabout the With water.
of it, as it were the hole of an haber- And thou fhalt take the garments, and

, that it be no r rent. put upon Aaron tne ccat, and the robe
SI And beneath upon the hem of it of the ephod, and the ephod, and the
fhalt make pomegranates of blue, brealt-plate, and gird him with the cu-
'/ purple, and of fcarlet round about rious girdle of the ephod.
lem thereof i and bells of gold be'- 6 And thou fhalt put the mitre upon
n them round about. bis head, arw.1 put the holy crown upon
A golden bell and a pomegranate, a the mitre.
ec bell and a pomegranate, upon the 7 Then fhalt thou take the anointing
of the rob* round about. oyl, and pour if upon his head, and a-
And it ihall be u\ on Aaron, to mi- noint him.
:r: and his found mail be heard, when 8 And thou fhalt bring his fons, and
oeth in unto the holy place before the put coats upon them.
u, and when he cometh out j that lie 9 And thou ihalt gird them with girdles
not. f Aaron and his foils j and put the bonnets
n And thou fhalt make a plate of on them and the priefls office fhall be

I gold, and grave upon it, Itkj the theirs for a perpetual itatute and thou

ravings of a lignet, HO L I IS* E S S fhalt con' ecrate Aaron and his fens.
THE LORD. to And thou fhalt caufc a bullock to be
And thou ihalt put it on a blue lace, brought before the tabernacle of the con-
it may be upon the mitre : upon the gregation : and Aaron and his fons fhall pat
front of the mitre it fhall be. their hands upon the head of the bullock.
i And it ihall be upon Aarons fore- 11 And thou ihalt kill the bullock be.
d, that Aaron may bear the iniquity of fore the LoRi^, by the door of the ta-
holy things, which the children ot II- bernacle of the congregation.
I fhall hallow in all their holy gifts
: and \z And thou fhalt 'akeof the blocd of
lallbe always upon his torehead, that the bullock, and put it upon the horns of
umay be accepted before the Lord. the altar with thy finger, and pour all
7«n And thou fhalt embroider the coat the blood befide the bottom of the altar.
fme linen, and thou fhalt make the 1? And thou fhalt take all the tat that
:re of fine linen, and thou fhalt make covereth the inwards, and the caul that is
•girdle e/needle-u'ork. abeve the -liver, and the two kidneys,
o Si And for Aarons fons thou ihalt and the f?.t that is upon them, and burn
kecoau, and thcu flialt make for them than upon trie altar.
14 But

".ill ef
is in t. -^

.. flitlt burn ttc whole ram nideot


;-• .\-

apon toe

ind hrs l'ons.j lhalt anoint


ram of co

-t of inctnfi. Chap XXX. The holy anointing oy ( ,

longi't them : I aw the Lord their before the LORD, to make an atonement
for your louls.
,C H A P. XXX. i7 n And the Lord fpake HntoMofes,
, &c. laying,
d thou llialtmake an altar to burn 18 Thou fhalt alfo make a laver of
i'">oS: cf ftmtiin-w~od fhalt orals, and his foot alfo of brafs, tc wafh
_ and thou ihalt put it between the

all be the length

thereof, tabernacle ot the congregation and the
cubit the breadth thereof ( four- altar, and thou fhalt put water therein.
ftiall it be} and two cubits Jhail ro For Aaron and his fons ihall wain
height thereof, the horn; thereof their lianas and their feet thereat.
e of 'the lame. ic When
they go into the tabernacle of
ad thou fhalt overlay it with pure the congregation, they fhall wain with
the top thereof, snathe tides there- water, that they die not or when they

and about, and the horns thereof:. come near to the altar to minilter, to bur»
low fuait make Hnt<» it a crown of oifering made by fire unto the Lord,
ound about. nbo they fliall wafh their hands and
id two golden rings *ialt thou make their feet, that they die not and it Ihall be

under The crown of it, fcy the two a ttatute tor ever to them, even to him and
reof, upon the two ndes ot it to his teed throughout their generations.
lake itt and they Ifiall be for ii * Moreover the Lord fpake unto
for the Haves to bear ic withal, Moles, laying, •

id thou fhalt make the ftaves of ihit- il Take thou alio unto thee principal
cjd, and overlay to em with geld. _
!pices, of pure rrtvrrfc five hundred Jhekds,
fldthou lhalt put it before H.evaif, and of tweet cinnamon half jo much, even
bv the ark ot the teitimony ; be- two hundred and ftftyjbtkjsls, and of fweet
e mercy-feat, that is over the tefti- •alamus two hundred and fifty fie{els y
wherc I will meet with thee, 14 Ana of caiha five hundred JheOsels,
id Aaron fhall burn thereon fweet after the fhekel of the fanfrttary, and of
every morning when he drefleth : oyl-clivc an hin.
mps he fhall burn mcenfe upon it. if And thou fhalt make it an oyl of
id when Aaron lighteth the lamps holy ointment, an ointment compound
n, he ltiail burn incenfe upon it after the art of the apothecary it ihall :

etual incenfe before the LORD, be an holy anointing oyl.

hout your generations, rS And thou ihalt anoint the taberna-
e fhall offer no Itrange incenfe cle ot the congregation therewith, and
l, nor burnt-facrificc, nor meat- the ark of the TeitTmony,
Z\ neither Ihall y-e pour drink- 17 And the table and all his vetTels, and
g thereon. the candleltick and his ved'els, and the
aid Aaron ihall make an atonement airar ot incenfe,
ie horns of it ence in a' year, with ais And the altar of burnt-offeringwitfj
ocd of the iin-ofiering 'of atone- all his veflels, and the laver and his foot.
once in the year lhalt he make a- 1.9 And thou malt fan&ifie them, that
ent upon it, throughout your Irene- theynnay be molt hoi v whatfoevcr touch-

s', it is molt holy unto the LORD. ed: them, ihall be holy.
Ithe Lord fpake unto Mofiw,fayrng, 2o And. thou fhalt anoint yvaron and
/hen thoutakeftthefum of the'chil-, Ids fans, and confecrate them, that they
fllrael, after thei-r number /then may mipitier unto me in the priefts office.
hey give every man a ranfom for 3i And thou ihalt fpeak unto the chil-
.1 unto the Lord, when thou. num- dren of rfrael, fayine, This fliall be aa
hem : that there be no plague a- holy anointing oyl unto me, throughout
: them, when ikon numbreffthem. your generations. s
"his they fhall give, everv one that ;i Upon mans nefh fliall it not be pour-
among them that are numbred > ed, neither fliall ye make airy other like
feekeJ alter thelhekel of the fa n- it, alter the competition of it it is holy,

( A fhekcl is twenty gerahs ) an half and it ihall be hoiy unto you.

Jl;all hi theofierinV cf the Lord. 5; Wholbever compoundeth<»rt> likeit,
very one ;-hat pa'.leth among them or wholbever putteth any of it upon a
e numbred from twenty years ok! ltranger, fhall even be cut off from his
ove, ihall give an offering unto people.
)RD. 14 «i And the Lord faid unto Mofes,
he rich fhall not give more, and the Take unto thee fweet'fpice*, (facte, and
all not give lets thanhalf afhekel, onycha, and galbanufn ; ibefe fweet fpi-
>y give ah oifermg unto the Lord, ces with pure frankincenle of each fhall

e an atonement for your fouls, there be a like weight.

ndthou fhalt take the atonement- 3i And thou fhalt make it a perfume,
of the children of Il'rael, and fhalt a confection after the art of the apothe-
t it for the fervice of the taber- cary, tempered together, pure and holy.
>f the congregation ; that it may 3-5 And thou lhalt beat fame of it very
eraorial unto the ekildren of Iiiael fmail> and put of it before the teftimeny
- in
: ;
, <

EXOdH». The -molten calf.

/tabernacle of the congrezation, Lord made heaven and earth, and onfri
A will meetwiin thee: it mill be feventh day he-refted, and was refreflte
fou molt holy. 18 % And he gave unto MjIcs, when !

And as for the perfume whioh thou had made an end or communing wi
Ucxtt make, you ihall not make to your aim upon mount Sinai, two tables of t
felves according to the ccmpofition there- Uimony, tables ot ltone, written with t
of it lhall be unto thee holv for the Lord. linger oi God.

*8 Whoibever lhall make like unto thai XXXII.

to fmell thereto, fhall aven be cut oil Iron, I Aaron to »ia{e a calf fcV
be people taufe ,

his i cople. Alsd when

the people (aw that Mo.
CHAP. XXXI. delayed to come down out of t
Be\alctl and Aboliab are called, &C mount, the people gathered themfeh
fsdthe Loud fpakeuntoMofes,l'aying, together unto Aaron, and laid untc hii

A i bee, 1 have called by naraei Beza-

icel the ("on ot Uri, the Ion of Hur, ol
the tribe of Judah :
Up, make us gods which lhall go befc
us tor as for this Moles, the man ft

brought us up out ot the land of Egyj

? And 1 have filled him with the fpirr we wot not what is become of him.
ofOod, inwifdom, and inunderftanding, i And Aaron faid unto them, Break
and in knowledge, and in all manner of the golden ear-rings which art in theei
wor&manihip, ot your wives, of your (bns, and ot to
4 To devife cunning works, to work daughters, and bring tbtm unte me.
in gold, and in filver, and in brafs, 3 And all the people brake off tliegt
v And in cuttingof ftoncs to fet tbem, den ear-rings which were in their ea
and in carving ol timber, to work in all and brought teem unto Aaron.
manner of workmanfhip. 4 And he received tbem at their ban
6 And I, have given with and faftuoned it with a graving tool, aft
behold, I
him, Aholiab the fon of Ahifamach of he had made it a molten calf: andth
tne tribe ol Dan i and in the hearts of all laid, Thel'e be thy gods, O Ifrael. whi
that are wile-hearted 1 have put wildom brought thee up out of the land of Egy{
that they may make all that I have com- f And when Aaron law it, he, built
manded thee altar before it, and Aaron made prod
7 The tabernacle of the congregation, mation, and laid, To morrow is a fw
and the ark ot the teiumony, and the to the Loud.
mercy-feat that it thereupon, and all the 6 And they rofe up early on the mc
furniture of the tabernacle, row, and offered burnt-orferin?s, a
8 And the table and his furniture, and brought peace-orferings and the'peor •.

the pure candlellick with all his furni- fat down to eat and to drink, and role
ture, and the altar of incenl'e, to play.
q And
the altar of burnt-offering with 7 fl And the LORD
faid unto Mof
and the laver and his loot,
all his furniture, Go, get thee down: for tny people whi
io And
the clothes of fervice, and the thou T>roughteit out of the land 61 Egy
holy garments fer Aaron the prieft, and have corrupted tbt>r/tlvts.
Hie garments of his Cons, to minilter in 8 They have turned afide quickly <

the prielts office, * of the way which I commanded tkc»

n And the anointing oyl, and fweet in- they have made them a mclten call, a
oenff 'or the holy place according to all •• have worlhipped it, and have iacrifh
that I have commanded thecfhall they do. thereunto, and laid, Thel'e be thy go
ii 11 And the LOUD
fpakc unto Mo- O Iirael, which have brought thee
fes, faying, out of the land of Egypt.
i; Speak thou alio unto the children 9 And the LORD laid unto Mofes,
of Ifrael, fa\ing, Verily my fabbaths ye havefeen this people, and behold, it j
lhall keep: 'lor it ;J a ilgn between me (tirl-necked people.
and you, throughout your generations io Now tharetore let me alone, t
that ye may know that I am the Lord, my wrath may wax hot a^ainft them,
that doth fandtifie you. that I may
continue «hem and I »:

i4 Y efaall keep the labbath therefore: make ot thee a great nation.

for it;'.' holy unto you.' Every one that de- n And Motes belought the Lord
rVleth ir, mall furelvbeput to death: for God, snd faid, LORD, why tlcth
whoibever doth artj work therein, that wrath wax hot againltthy people, wh
foul lhall be cut off from amongit his thou halt brought forth out ol the I:
people. ot Egypt, with great power, and wit
H Six davs may work be done, but inthe mighty hand ?
feventh ;'<
the labbath of relt, holy to the n Wherefore mould the Egypti
Loud: wl'iofoever doth any work in the i'ab- fpeak and lav, For mifchief didhebt;
bath-day, he lhall furely be put to death. them out, to' flay them in the mounta:
16 Wherefore the children cf Ifrael andto conliime them ttoin the lace of
ihall keep the labbath, to oblervc the earth ? Turn from thy tierce wrath,
labbath throughout their generations, for repent ct this evil againft thy peopji
a perpetual covenant. \7 Remember Abraham, lfaac, and
17 It a fign bet ween me an.1 thechil-
wcl thy.i'crvams, tg whom thou fwtl
ren of Ifrael for ever l«r/» fix days the
irome* -Chap. XXxmT. The people mourn,
andfaidftunto thcni, I finned a great fin : and now 1 will
your Iced as the liars of unto the LO*RD ; peradvcn.ure i
all tins land that I have Ipo- make an atonement tor yCur tin.
I give unto your feed, and
3i -ind Moles returned unto the LuRn,
ihall iruierit itrorever. and laid, Oh, this people have finned j

j Lord repeated of the evil great fin, and have made t.'.em gods ot'
night todoumohis people. gold. |

Mole.-- turned, and went down 3i Yet now, if thru wilt*, forgive tJ:=ir
I the mount, and the two rabies o; the fin: and it not, bljt me, 1 pray thee, out
re in his hand: the tables toere
ot thy b.xik which thoj halt .vritten.
rth their fides; on the one 33 And the Loiid laid unto MjIm.
tie other were they written Whol'cever hath finn.d agairiit me, Jura
Bind the tables were the work ot.God, will I blot our ot my book. j

fce writing mat the writing ot Golf ;+ Therefore now go, lead the people
pn upon the tables, unto the place ot which I Have fpoken unto
FAndwhenJoihua heard the n^ile oil thee; Behold, mine Angel lhall go before?

fceople as theylhouted, he iaid untoi thee. Neverthelefs, in the day when I


es, bereis anoileot war in the camp.

l ! viiit, I will viiit their fin upon them.
and he laid, It is not the voice at them !

! 3? And the Lord plagued the people,

Ffhout for mattery, neither is it the becaufe they made the calf, which Aaror*
e ot them cry for beine overcome : made.
henuile o>-them that ling"" do t hear. "CXXIII. CHAP.
IH And it came to pal's ailbon as he The Lord refufubto go xvizb ihe people, &c",
enign unto the camp, that he faw the
,'ind the dancin? and Motes anger :
the Lor d iaid Moles, De-
part, andeo up aence, thou and the
exlhot, and he cailthe tables ou:ot his people which thou Lai'. broutrht up out ot* ;

is, and brake them.beneath the mouat. the land ot Egypt, anto the land which I
took the calf which they had fware unto Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Ja-
le, and burnt it in the fire, and ground co!), faying, Unto thy feed will I give it:
$owd»r,3nd ttrawed'V upon the water, z And 1 will lendan Angel before thee ;
made the children oi lfrael drink of it. ,anJ I will drive out the 'Canaanite, the
And es laid unto Aaron, What
Mo Amonte, and the Hittite, and the Perir-
this people untc thee, that thou halt zite, the Hivite, and the Jebufite. :
ight lo great a (in upon them ? 3 Ur:o a land flowing with milk anflf
And Aaron laid, Let not the anger of hon_« fcr I will not go tip in the midit'nr"

lord wax hot : thou kneweft the"peo- fhee, for thcu art a iHtl-neck-ed people j
that thev are fet on miichief. lelt I confuHle thee in the way.
Fur they laid unto me, Make us 4 «i And when the people heard thefe
.which lliall go betore us: toi&sfor evil tidings, they mourned and no man :

«Bks, the man that brought us up did put on him his orna.Ments.
ot the land of Egypt, we wot net For the Lord had laid unto Mofe*,

Wis become of .him. Say unto the children ofllraeJ, Year* a

n<t 1 faia unto them, Whofoever (tut-nocked people: I will comeup int«
d, let them break it off: So the midftof thee in a moment, and ron-
e it me then I call it into the
: (umethee: therefore new put oft thy or-
there came out this calf, naments from thee, that I may know what
nd when Moles law that the to do unro thee.
t naked f ior Aaron had ru;<.de . A::dthec!uldfsnofTfraeHtriptthem-

un:o their fname amontlt felves ot their ornaments, by the mount

^fad Moles (food in the gate of the 7 And Mole? took the tabernacle, and
l^aid ("aid, Who
is on the Lords pirched it witlktot the camp, afar off from
wmtbini comfcuntome. And all the the camp, and called it the Tabernacle ot*
ifprvi gathered tiiemfelves together the consrezation. And it came to pafi,
him. 1p*t every one which louafct the Lord,
he them, Thus faith the
raid unto went out unto the tabernacle of the con-
of lfrael, Put every man his gregation, whicn mas without thecaaip.
his side, ana go in and cut from 8 And it came to pais, when Mofes
ate throughout the camp, and flay Wentout untc the tabernacle, all trie;
"nhis brother, and every man his people ro'e up, ard Itood every man at
n, and every man his neighbour. Bisten^-door, and looked after Mbfe^
ildren aflevi did according until he was gone in the i
ts and there : I o And it came to pais, as Mofes entre<*
ar day about three thouJ .into the tabernacle, tire cJoudv piliar'de-
Mofiesfcfld laid, Confecrate voitr fcend :d>and (tood a- tft taher-
ay to the Lord, even every man na:ie, and the LORD
talked with Mofet.
"on, ami upon hi* brother that he ; ic And all'thc ptcpla faw the cloud*
yupon you a bleflingthis day. pillar ltand at the tabernacle- door : anQ
C\ it came to pals en *'-e morrow, allthe people role up and^worihippe4,
laid unto the people, Ye have every mar. in la xioer..

» u Mi
Af»M *^«. him, and took in his hand the t
uAnJtheLow rP ake un
And the LORD fp*ke unto Mora fMeeed
o Mofeificel
moics r«.c *- » ^
to face, as a man rpeakcth
?na he urn ed a^,n intootthe
unto his friend
camp but
and ftood
tfae Lord defcended in the
f And the
with him there, and proclaimed
his iervant Jolhua, the ion
Nun, a the Lord.
the tabernacle.
the name of f
San? departed not out ot unto 6 And the Lord paired by before
the Lord,
ii f And Mofes laid and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord
Se<-, thou fayft
y unto me, Bring up this God, merciful and gracious, .loiig-luiie-
people :and thou hair not let me know in goodncls and truth,
ring, and abundant
whom thou wilt lend with
me. Yet hou torgi-
7 Keeping mercy tor thoulands,
halt laid, I know thee
byname, and thcu ving iniquity and tranlgren.on and lin.and
haft alio found grace in
my light thai willby no means clear the guilty ; vifi-
,-• n«w therefore, I pray tnee, ume» ting the iniquity of the tathers upon tho
haVe foundlraccin thy light. ** children, and upon the children* children,
nowthywaylhat I may know tWe, and con- unto the third and to the tourthsenerattow.
I may find grace
in thy light 8 And Moles made halte, ana bowed his

head toward the earth, and worflupped.

o And he faid, If now I have found grace
in thy fight,0 Lord, let my Lord, l pray
thee; goamonerft us ( for it it a lhtt-necked

people) andp'ardonour iniquity, and out

lin, and take us for thine inheritance.
10-11 And he laid, Behold, I make a co-
venant before all thy people I will do
I and thy
llvia riall we be feparated, marvels, fuch as have not been done in all
we people
an The »".wr that ."upon r.or in *uy m
any »«'«»
nation """ and ""?"
all the
opie, from
Eo.Se, rroui all tneeartn, nor
the earth, :

.n. ...hiU\, »Vi«n Art. 0>al fet

c face of
ot;the earth.
the earth.. . people amongft which thou Art, ihall fee
the T

Lord l«*-«g» M f T
he workot the Lord »or it u a terrible
, 7 And the X?p0 _
thing that 1 will do with thee

kei 1 1 Obferve thou

that which I cemmaru:
thee this day: Behold, ou!
berpn .

thee the Amorite, and the

and the Hitiite, and the l'erizzitc,
the Hivite, and the JeMte.
n Take heed to thy lelr,. lelt th«
make a covenant with the inhabitant it b
whom of the land whither thou goeft, left
mew mercy on for a I'nare in the midft ot
SiSi, and" will
altars, brea-
W ,I C y i? But ye ihall deftroy their
ft And hertid,
Tbcucanft not fee my their images, and entdewn their
man lee me, and 14 For thou fhaltworihipuo
other god
face :Jor there ftUllno
live fitreff a fortheLouD, w'uofe name i» Jealous, u
rvTiD faid, Behold,
'l'n a .h«.T
ftand upon a
with U
P .Vee byiTe,
a ndtho\irnalt u° Left °thou make a covenant go
inhabitants of the land, and they
whoring after theifgods, and do facntw
and ont call thee, «i
sawsag '4 pSfe*" thee Hnto their cods,
thou eat oFhis facrifice,
t* And thcu take ot
their daughte

a unto thy fons, and their daughters go

anathStt& not whoring after their gods, and make t
their gous.
£?&e be -een
ihal. fons go a whoring after
make thee no molten got!
, 7 Thou (halt
,« A The reaft of unleavened bread
Moles, Hew
si N iffe Loud faid unto .ke untc thou
keep. Seven days (halt thou eatu
At hee^
table, of ftone
-4 *£,£ and 1 will write upon

tbtjt ta- eavenext bread, as I commanded


the time of the month

Abib for
in t

S'sVhewSi \hat were in the firft ta- month Abib thou cameft out from. Eg*
matrix m.n
thou Wake the fi
which t . that cpsneth to All
bles and cattle, m.
anXcvery firft-ling among thy
ii malt
tbtr ox or (beer, tbtt
thou Ol
L the firftling
But of an afs
if thou rede
•edeemwithalamb: and
not,thcninairtnouuic«». »»<».— -^
Ions thou (halt redee
the firft bom of thy

JkofcsfMjhitHti. Chap, XXXV. Tit people, offtrimg,
of week*, of the firfi-rYuit« of
wheat- 4 n AndMofes fpakc unto all the cob.
haxvcih and the feali oi in-gathering at gregatipn
° ot the .children of IfraeK u*
the years end. ing, This u the thing
tl Thrice in the year (hall all your commanded,
nanded. faying,"'avin^.
* which the Lo
c **°
men-children appear belore the Lord
? Take ye frcm amongll you
GOD, the God ot lirael. ing unto the Lord. In., Wholoever" an offer-
14 Fori Will call out the nations before wiling heart, °ot *
let him bring it, an
Inee, and enlarge thy borders: neither ofterin?
mall any mandeiirethy land, -when thou An7
g0ld a " d
6 And blue, and purple, and
ki V
ndfiSS ' ^«>
halt gc up to appear before the
thy God, thrice in the year.
Lord and fine linen, and goats *«V, (cari^ '
7 And rams skins died red, and hsA
i> Thou malt not ofter the blood of my
gers skins, and m.ttimlwood ' U
laenfice with leaven, neither mall thel'a-
° t0r the
'nfice of thefeaft of ^ad'ovcr be left un- a n«in^ y '. "5*"' and fpicesfoe
,y1, ncl tor thefweet incenle,
so tin morning.
c Ai°; ?v
16 The frrit of the rim-fruits of thy fn?
and thcu malt bring unto the houfe of
tor the ephod,
c "y x fton
r and? sfor; £
and tones to be let!
the brealt-plate
nd V Wllc -"earted ahiorig yci
ne LoHnthy God. Thcuihalt notfeethe n. a ?i ^ ,- t7
1 kid in his mothers milk.
811 th3C thC £
° Rft
»7 And the Lord faid unto Mofes,
write thou thefe words for after the te- verin?
tor or thefe words I have made
a cove- ht !'•


his pillars, and his
^-"jS*' and hisco-
and his boards, his ^^^ '

nant Wl th thee and with lirael. lockets,

C and th llavcs thereof.w/f*
18 And he was there with the Lord m'^ Jv cy 1 u
and the vail of the covering the <w .

orty days and forty nights ; he

did nei- V-. r; ^',
The table and his (taves, ami ,

he „JS
ner cat 6read, nor drink water: and all his
and vellels, the mew-bread,
wrote upon "the tables the words ot the The
ovenant, the ten commandments. 14 tandleftick alia for the
*9 H And it came to pal's when Mofes
amedown from mount Sioeri twith the rj And
wo the incenle-altar, and
tables of -teftimeny in Moles hand, his ftaves

£? »,r down trom tne mount j cenie,

ofes WlH not that tne skin of
enfe «nd'n fthy H
the hanging
:he entring in oftrfe
tor the d door ^
°°' 3t
he r n2
° yI '
M^« m£
III £? P
lnonc, while hbernacle,
. he talked with him eaUar ot
je And when Aaron and all the children brafen bu r n t-otlerin-with hr«
NrIf.J grate, his u-
U2**g» Moles, behold, the skin™ fcls, the laver andHaves, and all faU v22
his foot,
?i And Males called unto
lar'7 J5f.h
lars, and
£ r g f of thc court K*« Pil-
lockets, and the hano-Vr
nan S in 5

them ; and tor the door of the

>aronsnd all the rulers of the comireea- court,
on returned unto. him 18 Thepinsof the tabernacle,
and Moi« ui- Piw of the court,
and t^
ca with them. and their cords,
And afterw ard all the children of in 19theThecloth-suf, todoWice
£,. ca me " holy pUce, the holy
-mi nt h and Rc S av c them in Aaron the pneft,
: wrmeiSr fSS
•mmandment all that the and the garments of h£
>oken wuh him in mount Sinai.
Lord haS
^°. fl And a
A d (,//
M ? Mofcs had dor«" fpeakino- the conareeatirn of
rh 1
>th them, he put a vail on his tare
U But when Mofe went in before
D *I) t0 'peak with him,
11 oft,
he took the
unul he came out. And he came
and Ipake unto the children cf
his fp.rit made willing,
,1 theybrmi'--
\tt which he was commanded.
Ifracl the Lords qftering to*the
werkot 1
bernacle ot the congregation
;! 4"
d e children of Ifrael faw the
*,'J his fervice, and. tor
and or all
Mo L^ s that the skin oi: Motes
t toe holv
And they came both n/crT?Srmem
;~ , v pU
thc v ai! upon
his ,ac e
« aiS
m'JSri k
|Jin until he went

tnlpeakwith him.
itien, as wany as were wiliin°--ii P a r r#.
^brought b/acelet,, and ear^ingsfaSl
rings, arid tablets, all
Tl"f*tt*tb, &c. jewelsofgoll ' and

kmh r garnered
NdMofes every man that offered,
o/i«/an ofS-

U ajl the congreea-

thc chi 'dren of Ifrael tore-
mg tf gold unto the Lord.
?Z f
tn la ,J ur"o r l? J And every man with whom wj,
'}. ?. them, Thefe art the found blue, and 'purple,
1 .

ye mould do hne linen, and goats *..;>,

and *arle?, S3
tnem. rams, an d badfers skins;
and red skins n*
bro$ *E*
a fa v,i, h V • ^^
there mail be
t,e t0 vou
to y° u an holy
holy I
of filver nl
y ,
£5* dld i"«
nrafs, brought the
0: angering

gtowio* upon „,, labbath-day.

l5 .wall Kmen
that were wxfe.hear-
* ted,

Bvi*ixl a»i Abtii .


ted, did Ipin with their hands, and brought the offerine of the fanfluary. So the
Ihatwmchtheynadloun, i^ot blue, and pie were reftrairred from brineiog peo-

01 purple, an i 01 lCarlet, and ol tine linen. 7 For the dull they had
u And :ill the women whole heart Itir- all the work 10 make ir,was lufficTem for
and too much
red them up in wijiiom, Ipun goats hair. 8 < A id every wife hearted man" a,i,on£

17 And the rulers brought onyjt-ltoncs.. them that wrought the work
and ftones to be let, lor the ephod, and nacle, made ten curtains ot ol the taber-
line twined 1 -
fertile breatt-plate : .
nen.and blue.and purple, ar.d fcarle • with

18 Andlpjce, and oyi for the light, and eherubimrfotcunn n/work made he them

fur the anointing oyl, and lor the Iweet 9 The length of one rurtainw*i twenty
* nr * n '
a °d eight cubits, and the btcadtnor
!£; .... _, ,
. one
19 lhe children of Israel brought a curtain tour cubits": the curtains were all

willing ottering unto the Lord, every 01 one ii/.e.

man and woman, whole Heart made them to And he coupled the five curtains
willing to bring lor all manner or work unto another^ and the otter five curtains
which the Lord had commanded to be he coupled one unto another,
made,:{ by the hand 01 Moles. n And he made loops ot blue on the

30 11 And Mjles laid unto thechildren edge of one curtain, from the lei vedge in
of ll'rael, bee, the Lord hath called by the coupling: likewife he made in the
name Bezalee! the fon ol Uri, the ion of uuermoit fide or another curtain, in the-
Hur, ot the tribe of Judall: coupling 01 the lee
<r And he hath rilled him with the fpi- 11 Fifty lotpsmade he in one curtain,
ritof God, inwifdom, in undemanding, and fifty loops made he intheedseot the
and in knowledge, and in all manner of curtain which ivji in the coupling of the.
workmanfhipi lecond : the loops held one curtain to ano-
?t And to devife curious works, to ther.
work in gold, and infilver, and in braf's, 1} And he made fifty taches of sold, and
11 And in the cutting of llones to fet coupled the curtains one unto another with
Jfcwj, and in carving of wood to make the taches. to it became one tabernacle,
any manner of cunning work. 14 11. And he made curtains of goats.
34 And he hath put in his heart that he tair, hair-, tor the tent over the tabernacle :
mayteach, botbhe and Aholiabthe ibnot! eleven curtains he made them.
Ahifamach of the tribe oi Dan. ri The length of one curtain wai thirty

H Them hath he filted with wifdom of. cubits, an<' lour cubits the breadth of
heart, to work all manner of work, of the one curtain | the eleven curtains were of,

engraver, and ot the cunning workman, and one iize. ,

cf the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, :'6 And he coupled five curtains by them*
and of the felves, and fix curtains bj them "
in icarlet. t, and in fine lineru felves.
weaver, even of them that do any work t7 And he made fifty loops upon the utter,
and of thole that devife cunning work. moft edge of the curtain in the coupling,,
CHAP. XXXVI. anifilty loops made heupenthe edge ofl
The offering deliveredtothe-xcorl^nen, &c. the curtain, which coupleth the fccOnd,
npHen wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, iS Ana lie made fifty taches of brals
X and every wile-hearted man, in whom to couple the tent together, thatumigin

the Loiu> put wiidom and underltanding, bs one. I

to know how to work all manner of wcrk |

'9 And he made a covering for the rent,
for the ferviceol th : faiictuary, according, of, rams skins died red, and a coverin
to all that the Lorm had commanded. | of badgers skins above that.
1 And Moles called Bezaleel andAho- j
a° 1] And ha made boards torthetaber-
liab, and every wiie-hearted man, in nacle, of fhiUim-wood, landing up

whofe" heart tiie Lord had put wifdom, j

The length cf a board was ten cu-
even every one whole heart itirrel him bits, and the breadth of a board one cubic
up to come unto the work to do it. and a halt.
? And thev received ol Motes all the m
Une board had two tenons, equally
oflerin? which the children ot lirael had tiiltam one irom another: thus di he- I

brought, for the work ot the fervice of the make tor all the board., of the tabernacle, j
ianctuarv, to make it withjl. And they 13 And he made hoards for the taber-J
brought yet unto him free-otierings every nacle: twenty boards for the lbuth-iide,|
jjjorning. fouth-ward.
4 And all the wife men that wrought all 14 And forty fockets of lilver he mac'
the work of the fanctuary, came every underthe twenty boards two fockets is -.

man from his work which they mad.'. der cne board for his two tenons, uni
<i 11 And they upake unto Mo ic>, faying, two lockets under smother bo^rd tor hf
The people brin? much more than enough two tenons.
for the 'ervice of the work which the is And far the other fide of the tabe*]
Lord commanded to make. nacle which it toward the no:tl.-<
6 And Mo:'«s gave commandment, and he made twenty boards,
they caufed it to be proclaimed through- 16 And their 'forty lockers of filver --
out the camp, faying, Let neither man two fockets under one board, and
no? wQir««in iQjiKc any wore work fei igckcis uaclcr another, board,
xi An
Tbt .tr%, mercy-feat, Chip. xxsvii. tabirntcle and titer*.
i- And wings on hi^Ji, And covered with theii
for the fides of the tabernacle
welt-ward, he made iix lx>ar<&. wings over the mercy,featvvith their faces
18 Arid two boards nude he for the cor- one to another ; tvsn to the mercy-feat-
oners ol the tabernacle in the two fides. ward were the laces of the cherubims.
19 And they were coupler beneath, and TI And he mad- the tabic of lhi'.tim-

.coupled togetnei at the head thereof, to wood two cubits was the length thereof* :

cue ring thus he did to both of them

: ana a cubit the- breadth thereof, and a
in both the corners. cubit and a halt the height thereof.
30 And there were eight boards, ?nd II And he overlaid it with pure t;old,
their lockets vtert fix t eel) lockets of iil- and made thereunto a crown of 'gold
veu under every board two lockets. round ab fttt.
3i 51 And he made bars of fhittim- ii Alio he made thrreunto a border of
wood five for the board.; or the one fide an hand-breadth, roundabout: and mads

of the tabernacle, a crown of gold for the border thereof

Za. And five bars for the boards of the round about.
.other fide of the tabernacle, and five bars tv And he call: for it four rings of gold,
for the boards of the tabernacle tor the and put the rings upon the four corne?«
fides welt-ward. that were in the four feet thereof.
1? And he made the middle bar to 14 Over againlt the border were the rings,
Jhoot throuyh the boards from the one the places tor the itaves to bear the table.
end to the other h And he made the Itaves of ihittim-
34 And he overlaid the boards with gold wood, ::n.l overlaid them with gold, to
and made their rings af gold to be places bear the table.
-for the bars, and overlaid the bars with the veiYe's which were
16 And he made
gold. upon the table, hisdiihes, and hisfpoons,
3<r 11 And he made a vail of blue, and pur-
and his bowls, and his covers to cover
ple l and lcarlet,andfine twined linen -.with
withal, of purs gold.
cherubims made he it of cunning work. i7 n And he made tne candlefhck of pure
36 And he made thereunto four pillars gold : o/beaten work made he the candlo-
•of fliitmu-cpood, and overlaid them with ftick.his fhaft,and his branch,his bowls,his
.gold their hooks were o/gold, and lie knops, and his flowers were of the fame.

calf for them four lockets of filver. t8 And fix branches going out of the
27 11 And he made an hanging for thej fides thereof: three branches ot the can-
tabernacle-door, of blue, and purple, and" dleftick out of the one fide thereof, ami

fcarlet, and fine twined linen, of needle- three branches of the candleltick out of
,work, the other fide thereof. .
38 And the five pillars of it with their i<5 Three bowls made after th^ faihica
•hooks : and he overlaid their chapiters, of almonds, in one branch, a knop and a
and their fillets with gold but their five flower ; and three bowls made like al-

fockets were of brafs. monds, in another branch, a knop and 4

XXXVII. flower : fo throughout the fix branches*
The mercy-feat witb cherubim?, tec. going out of the candleltick.
AMd Bezaleel made the ark of
tim-wood two cubits and -.
20 And in the candleltick were four
bowls made like almonds, his knops ani
tp.ij the length of it, and a cubit and a his flowers.
half the breadth of it, and a cuSitanda 21 And 3 knop under two branches of
iialf the height cf it. the fame, and a knop under two branches
i And he
overlaid it with pure gold of the fame, and a knop under two tran-
within and without, and made a crown ches of the fame, according to the fix
«>f gold to it round about. branches going out of it.
2 And ne calf for it four rings ol gold, 22 Their knbps arid their branches wete
to be fet by the four corners of it even of the fame: all of it w.u one bcatea

two ring:, upon the one fide of it, 2nd w»rk of pure gold.
two rings upon the other fide of it. 2i And he made his feven lamps, and his

4 And he made Haves of IhiTtim-wood, fnuffers, and his fnurf-diihcs, o/pure gold.
•nd over' aid them with gold. 14 Of a talent of pure <r >ld made he it,
% And he put the Itaves into the rings, and all the vellcls thereof.
hy the fides of the ark, to bear the ark. lifl And he made the inccn'e-altar cf
6 1l And lie made the mercy-feat o/pure lhittim-wood the length ol \tv.\i' a cubit, :

gold : two cubits and an half w.* the and the breadth of it a'cuMt ( ft wa< four-

length thereof, and one cubit and an half Iqu2re) and two cubits the height of
kthe'breadt-h thereof. it ; the horns thereof were of the lame.
7 Ana he made two cherubims of gold, 2' And he overlaid it with pure eokl,
beaten out of one piece made he them, both the top of it, and the fides thereof
on the two ends of riie mercy-feat roundabout, and the horns of if. alio he
8 One cherub on the end on this Jkk*, madeunro ir a crown oi gold round ibout.
and another cherub on the atbw end on j

27 And. he made two rings of gold for -it


that fide: out ot the mercy-feat made he under the crown thereof, Wy the two
the cherubims on the two end? thereof. |. ners or it, upon the two fides thereof, re
9 Ar)d trie cherubim* ipread ow tbeir bepiaces-torthe itaves 10 bear it withal.

D 2 i% ArJ
Uvtr, and tourt. Exodus. Tbe fin** tf tbe o_f»rin,i,
i.S And he madethe ftavesof ihittim- and twenty cubits wsi the length, and the
wood, and overlain them with gold. height in the breadth urn five cubit*, an-
19 K And he made the holy anointing fwerable to the hangings of the court.
*yl, anil the pure incenfe of fweet fpices, iq And their pillars were four, and their
according o the work of the apothecary. fockets of brafs four, their hooks of fi}-
C H A P. XXX VII I. ver, and the overlaying of their chapi-
Tbe altar of burnt-offering, tkc. ters, and their fillets, of lilver.
ANd he made the altar of burnt-offe-
ring of fhittim-vuflod five cubit*
10 And all the pins of the tabernacle,
and of the court round about, were of brafs.
was the length thereof, -*1d five CHbits the 11 51. This isthefum of t*e tabernacle,
tereadththereoi ( it vom four-i'quare and tvenat the tabernacle of tethmony, is it

three cubits the height thereof. was counted, according to the command-
i And he made the horns thereof on the ment of Mofes, for the lerviceof theLe-
four ccrnersof it: the horns thereof were vites, by the hand of Itharaar, low to
ot the fame, and he overlaid it with brafs. Aaron the pnelt.
3 And he made all the veflels of the al- u
AndBezaleelthefbn of Uri, the for*
tar, thepot.s andthefhovels, and the ba- of Hur, of iht trioe of Judah, made all
tons,,^.* the neth-hooks,and the fire-pans • that the Lo*D commanded Mofes.
aU tf>e veffels thereof made he of brafs.
4' And he made tcr the altar a brafen
And with hiaa Wat Aholiab, fon of
Ahrfamach, of the tribe of Dan, an en-
?:rate of net-work, under the compafs graver, and a cunning workman, and an
•hereof, beneath unto the midft of it. embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and
? And he call four rings for the four in fcarlet, and fine linen.
•nds of the grate of brafs, to be places for 14 All the gold that was occupied for
the leaves. the work, in all the work of the holy
6 And he made the ftaves of fhittim- piite, even the gold ot the offering, wa*
wood, and overlaU them with brafs. twenty and nine talents, and feven hun-
7 And he put the ftaves into th^ rings dred and thirty fhekels, after the lnekel
an the fides ol the altar, to bear it with- of the fan&uary.
al ; Ue made the altar hollow with boards. ii And the filver jaf them 4hat were-
g J And he made the lavero/ brafs, and numhred of the censrregation, wai an hun-
the foot ot it of brafs, of the looking-gjaf- dred talents, and a thoufand (even hun-.
iesofffc wowi aiiemhMne. which aflem- dred arJ threefcore and fifteen fhekels,.
feled it the door of the tabernacle of th« after the fhekel of the fanttuary.
ecrcrre^ation. 16 Abekahfor every man, tbtfri, half
9 "51 And he made the court on the a fhekel, after the lhckel of thefanaoary,

ibiuh-fn'.e fouth-ward, the hangings of for every one that went to be numbred,
the csurt of fine twined linen, an from twenty years old ana upward, for fix
fcu.-v.r^d cubits. hundred thoufand and three thoul and and
iz Their pillars were twenty, and their five hundred and fifty mtn.
brafen lockets twenty the hooks of the
: 17 And of the hundred talents of filvet
pillars, and their fill3ts were of filver. were caft the fockets ot the fanctuary,
it And for the north-fide, tbe b.mtinp and the lockets ot the vail ; an hundred an hundred cubits, theirpillars were fockets of the hundred talents, a talent
twenty, and their ockets of brafs twen- tor a fceket.
ty: the hooks of the piilai-, and their 18 And of the thosfand feven hundred
fillets, of lilver. feventy and five fhekjl he made hooks for

11 Anl fir the weft-fide were hangings the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters,
cf fifty cubit?, their pillars ten, and their aad filleted them.
fockets ten-, the hooks ot the pillars, and 19 And the brafs of the offering voa<fe-
<heir fillets of filver. ventytalents, and two thouland and tour
n And for the eaft-fide eaft-ward fif- hundred fhekels.
ty cubits. so And therewith he made the fockets
i4 The haneings of the one fide of tbe to the dowr of the tabernacle ot the congre-

gtte fifteen cubits, their pillars three, gation, and the brafen altar .and the bralen
*nd their Packets three. grate for it, and all the veffels of the altar,
15 And fcr the other fide of the court- 31 And the fockets of the court round-
gate, on this hand and that hand, mere about, and the fockets of the court-gate,
hangings of fifteen cubits, their pillars and all the pins of the tabernacle, and aU
«ue"e, and their lockets three. the pins of the court round about.

16 AM the hangings of the court round CHAP. XXXIX.

about, Wire of fine twined linen. Tbe clotbf- of ftrvtct *»i boll girmeats *<\

17 And the Jackets tor the pillars were of of the bite, and purple, and fear-
ANd .

hrafs the hooks of the pillars, »nd their let, thev tr.atieclo' of ferviee, to.
doferviceintheholy %Uce, and made the

frllets, of filver ; and the overlaying of

their chapiters of lilver ; and all the pil- holy garments for Aaron i as the Lori>;
lars of the court were filleted .vith ulver. commanded Mofes.
18 And thehapging tor the gate of the 1 And. he made the ep^.od cf gold, blue,
courttx ;• n-edle-v.'ork, of blue, and pur- and purple, and fcailct, and t%ne twined
ple, and fcarlct, and fine twiBtV. Unco; hrcn -
1 AH*"

The hrmftlfUU. Chap. XXXi*. Tbe robe of the ephod;

\ And they did beat the gold into thin breaft-plate might not beloofed fronvthe
plates, and cut it into wiers j to work it ephod i aa the Lor.) commanded Moles.
in the blue? and in the purple, and in ix fl And he made the robe of the c-
«he lcarlct, and in the line linen, vsitb phod of woven work, all of blue.
cunning work. 13 And there ve*i a hole in themidftof
4 They made fhoulder-pieces for it, to the robe, as the hole ef an habergeon,
couple it together : by the two edges was with a bann round about the hole, that
it coupled together. ft mould not rent.
? And the 'curious girdle of his ephod iA And they macte upon the hems of
that vPui upon it, was of the fame, accor- the robe, pomegranates o/blue, and pur-
ding to the work thereof j o/g^ld, blue, ple, and I'carlet, and twined linen.
and puip e, and I'carlet, ami fiae twined it And they made bells of rure gold,
linen 5 as the LolU' commanded Moles. and put the bells between the pomegra-
6 tl And they wrousht onyx-ftones in- nates, upen the hem of the robe, round
«lofed in ouches of eold, graven as fignets about between the pomegranates.
are graven, with the names of the chil- 16 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell
dren of H'rael. and a pomegranate, roundabout the heiR
7 And he put them on the fhou'ders of of the robe to minifter in ; as tke Lord
the ephod, that tbey Should be ftones for a commanded Mofes.

memorial to the children of lfrael 5 a> 17 11 And they made coats of fine linenv
the Lord commanded Moles. of woven work, for Aaron and for his ianjj
8 H And he made the breatt-plate of x8 AnM a mitre of fine linen, and goodly
cunning work, like the work of the e- bonnets of fine linen, and linen breeches
phod o/gold, blue, and purple, analcar- of fine twined linen,

let, and- fine twined linen. 19 And a girdle of tine twined linen, »r.$
9 It w?.s four-fquarc, they made the blue, and purple, and i'carlet, of needle-
brealt-plate double a (pan ve as the length work ; as the LpKD commanded Mofes,

thereof, and a fpan the breadth thereof, io 11 And treV made the plate of the
btinz doubled. holy crowni of pure geld, and wrote up-
10 And they fet in it four rows of ftones on it a writing, /% to the engravings
tbefirji row voas a fardius, a topaz, and a of a fignet, H'O L 1 N E S i TO THE
carbuncle: this raut the firft row. LORD.
\ And the fecond row, an emerald, a 21 And they tied umo it a lace of blue*
ntpphife, and a diamond. to fatten it en high upon the mitre ; a«
11 And the third row, a ligure, an a- the Lord commanded Moles.
g.te, and an amethyrt. 3i 11 Thus was all the work of the ta-
t? And the fourth row, a beryl, an bernacle of the tent of the congregation
onyx, and 1 jafper: tbey were inciofedin finished : and the children of lfrael did
Ouches of gold in their inclofings. according to all that the Loro com-
14 And the ftones -were according to the manded Mofes, fb did they.
.names of the children of lfrael, twelve, 33 5J And they brought the tabernacle
according to their names, like the engrav- unto Mofes, the tent, and all his furni-
ings of afi«net, every one with his name, ture, histaches, his boards, his bars, and
according to the twelve tribes. his pillars, and his lockets,
H And they made upon the breaft-plate 34 And the covering of rams skins die#
chains, at the ends, of wreathen work of red, and the covering of badgers skins»
pure gold. and the vail of the covering,
i^ And they made two ouches o/gold, 3? The ark of the teftimony, and the
ind two gold rings; and put the two flaves thereof, and the mercy-feat,
rings in the two ends of the brealt-plate. 36 The table, and all the veflels there-
17 And they put the two wreathen of, and the ihew-bread,
'hams of gold in the two rings on the 37 The pure casdleftick, voitb the lamp*
:nds of the brealt-plate. thereof, even voitb the lamps to be fet in
t8 And the two ends of the two wrea- order, and all the veflels thereof,
and the
hen chains they faftned in the two ou- yyl for light.
rhes, and put them on the lhoulder-pieces
38 And the golden altar, and the anoin-
>f the ephod, before it.
ting oyl, and the fweet incenfe, and the'
19 And they made two rings of gold, hanging for the tabernacle-door,
nd putri>«y rnthetwoendsof thebrealt-
39 The brafen altar, and hi? grate of
late, upcm the border of it, which was
en brafs, his ftaves, ana all his veflels, the
,1c fide of the ephod inward.
laver and his foot,
ic And they made two other eoldan
40 The hangings of the court, his pil-
ngs, and par them on the two lides of the lars, and his fbekets, and the
hanging foe
shod underneath, toward the forepart of the court-gate, his ccrds, and his
pins, an J
over agamft the other coupling thereof, all the veflels ef the ferviceof the
>ove the curious girdle of the ephod
nacle, for the tent of the congregation,
11 And they did bind the breaft-plate by
4» The clothes of fervice to do feivice
s n«gj imto the rings of the
: ephod, with in the holy fU e, and the holy garments for
lace of blue, that it mrghtbe above
the Aaron the prielt, and his fons earmenta
n;»5 gui'.ic of the ephod, and that the t« nviniftcr in tha prietU offiee."
D4 4% ACff9Xs
'finch fet trp. Exodi The vhr} of the lord.
41 .Var ding to all that the Loud com- 19 And he fpread abroad the t<tnt over
knanJed Mjtes, lo the jchildren of llrael the tabsrnacle, and put the covering et
R\ad II the work.
.: . the' tent abeve upon it ; as the Lord
4" And Moles di<l look upon all the commanded Moles.
wo ki and b hold, they tiad done it as 10 n Andhetook and put the teltfmo-
tl\ LoRti had Cummaflded, even lb had ny into the ark, and let fiie ftaves on the
they d nc it And Moles blefled them.
: ark, and put the mercy- feat above upon
C. H A P. XL. the ark.
Ihi * bernacle commanded to be reared, &c. ii And he brought the ark into the ta-

ANd ing;,
the Lord fpake unto, lay- bernacle, asd let up the vail of the cover-
ing, and covered the ark ol theteftimo-
i On the firft day of the firlt month ny j as the Lord commanded Mofes.
Ihalt thou let up the tabernacle o; the 11 *\ And he put the table in the ten. of
tenr cf the congregation : the congregation, uponthe fide of the ta-
7 <\nd thou iaalt- put therein the ark bernacle north-ward, without the vail.
pf th: teftimbny, and cover the ark with 2.; And he fet the liread in order upon
the vail. it, before the Lord ; as the Lord had
4 And thou fhalt bring in the table, and commanded Moles.
fet in ordsr.the things that are to be let in 24 51 .And he put the candleftick in the
order upon r, and thou fhalt bring in the tent of the con^e?a ion, aver agaiull
candleiUck. and liyht the lamps thereof. the table, on the tide of the tabernacle
<f And thou fhalt let the altar of gold louth-ward.
for the incenle before the ark pt the te- a* And he lighted the lamps before the
ftimeny, and put the hanging of the door Lord, as the Louft commanded Moles.
to the 'tabernacle. 16 11 And he put the golcten altar in
6 And thou ihalt let the altar of the the tent ol the congregation, belore the
burnt-offering, betore the door of the ta- vail.
fcermcleof the tent of tSe congrega-i n. 27 And he burnt fweet incenle thereon,
7 And thou fhalt let thelaver between as the Lord commanded Mo ea.
ihe tent of the congregation and the al- i3 51 And he
let *p the hanging, at the
tar, 2nd lhal' pu' water therein. door ot the tabernac e.
8 And thou fhalt et up the court round 19 And he put the alar of burnt-ofTer-
about, and hang up the hanging at the intr by the door of the tabernacle ot the
«ourt-gi'=. tent cf the congregation, and ottered upen '

o And thou fhalt take the anointing it the burnt-offering, ajnet the meat-ofler-

©yl, arid anjint the tab:rnade and all thai ing j as the Lord commanded Mofes.
-/•«.-.., ». andftvajt hallow it, and all the 20 51. And he let the a ver between the

tent of the congregation and the altar,

ve&Ia" thereof) and it mall be holy.
altar ot and put water there, to warn xvitbul.^
xc Andano-J !>ait anoint the
his yeilels, t,\ And Moles, and Aaron and his (ens,
the Uirnr-cffefingJ and a I

warned their hands and their feet thereat.

Indfatiaify the altar,: and it fliall be an
3i when they went into the tentot the
connection, and when they came near
^S'jKfthSWr anoint the 1 aver and
unto the altar, theywafhed; as theLoRU
his foot, and lan fif.e it. commanded MoG?s.
n And thai malt b»nk Aaron and his
12 And he reared up
the court round

tabernacle ot the
Tons uno the door of the about the tabcrna:le and the altar, and
and with them with water.
ioiv're^ion, let up the hanging of the cuurt-gate Io
Aaron the
if And thou fhaltput "P™

Mofes finifhed the work.

garments, and anoint i
may minuter unto me 34 51 Then a cloud covered t.-.etentor
tfine hrn"> tharjje the concr.gation, and the glory ot the
priefts office..
And thou fha't bring his ions,
and Lord filled the tabernacle enter
:? And Moles was not able to
them a. thou into the tent of the congregation bee aul e ,

^fAndThcSmVt^nVint the cloud abode thereon, 2nd the glory

father, that they may
iidlt anoint their priefts office of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
iiinilW unto me in the

tf And when the cloud

was taken uo
Ihall finely be an ever-
To thei anointing their genc- from over the tabernacle, thecbiWrenoJ
siting prielthood, throughout Ifrael went onward in all their
all that
",6 Thus did Mofes according to :

-7 But If the cloud were not taken up,

io did he
•he Lord f mmanded him, then they journeyed not", till the day that
%fl And came
the fecond
in the firft
it to pals,
year, on the hrlt it was taken up.
38 For the cloud of the Lord
m'n»hl in
£fo£ the month, that the tabernacle on the tabernacle by day, and !

the tabernacle, on it bv night, in the tight of all tW

^?« AiSWes reared up and et up the houfe of li'rael, throughout ah tncj
andIfaftned his -lockets, journeys.
board' thereo and Put in the oars there-

%f, anu seared

up h* pillars.
5 The Third Book -of Moses, called LEVITICUS.
C H A p. I. thereof, but Cfcall not divide it alimder:
Tb: burnt-0titring< of tbt ford, &C % a ;d the pried; fhall burn it upon the altar,

ANdthc LORD called unto Mofes upon the woo.l that is upon the fire: it ;'»
and pake unco him. out of the
a burnt-facrifice, an offering made by fire»
tabernacle ot the congregation, ot a fweet favour unco the LORD.
laying, - " . G 11 A P. 11.
a Speak unto the children cr Ifrael, Tbt miAt-o^inng oj flour, with oyl-, &C.
and lay unto then:, It any manoi you
bring an offering unro the LORD, ye
ANuwhen any
ing; ufiotheloro,
will oner a meat-offer-
his offeriJw-flhaH
fhall bring your offering or' the cattle, ozof fine dour ; and he fhall pouroyl upon
tvi'n of the herd, ana ot the flock. it, and put trankincenfe thereon.
x It" his g tiering h
a i And he fhall bring it to Aarons fons
thz herd, let him oner a male without ble the prieits: and he frail take thereout
rai h: helhall offer it ot his own volun- his har.dtul ot the riour thereof, and or
tary will, at the doer of the tabernacle the oyl thereof, with all the frankincenfo
of 'the consrrecation. before the LORD thereof; arid the prieft fh ' 1 burn the
4 And he" thai! put his hand upon the ;
memorial ot it upon the altar, fa b>. an •

heaa p! the burnt-offering and it (rail : ;

oftejring made by lire, ot a fweet favour
be accepted tor him to make atonement i
unto the LORD.
for him. I And -i.e remnant of the meat-offer-

he fhall kill th; bullock before the ing jbatl bs Aarons ana his fons: it is a -

Lord and the pnefts Aarons fonsJhall

: thing moil holv ot the cilerings of the
bnn? the blood, and fprinkle the blood made by fire, LORD
rqurid about upon the altar, that /• by the A- f\ And i; thou brin? an oblation of
dj^r of the tabernacle of the congregation ameat-ciieriHglvikeriiii theQyen,tf jhalt,

6 And he ;h'a!l flay the burat-"bffe:m!_ be unleavened cakesof fine -Hour rmngled
and cut it into his pieces. with oyl, o: unleavened wafers anointed .

7 And .the ions of Aaron the prielt fhall with oyl.

pat tire upon the altar, and lav the wood ? 51 And if thy oblation be a meat-of-
inprdcr upon the lire. fering bzkpi in a pan, it fhall be of fine
8 And the prieits Aarons fons fhall lav Hour "unleavened, mingled with ovl.
the par';, the head, and the fit, in order (i Thou (halt part it i»piecss, ana pom
upon the woo* that is an the fire which oylthoreoix ic it a meat-oaring, .

is upon the :d-a'r. - 1 And if thy oblation be a

meat-ojF .

But Li.; inwards and his legs fhalthe] fering £ij\'?/j in the trying-pan, it (hall be
wall in w?.ter: and the prieft fhall burn ma le f line flour who oyl.
ail on the altar, ,to be a burnt-facrifice^ 8 And thoufhalt bring the meat-effe--
an offering made by tire, of a iweer J"a mg.that is marie of thefe things^ unto the

fvour unto the LORD. and when it it prefented unto LORD :

tc r And il hisofferimr bt :'. the nocks, the prieft., he fcall bring it urvo the akar

ttft ofthe'heep, oj-of th^ gouts, lor O And the prielt fnall rake trom the
•; he fhall bring it a mMt^odering a memorial thereof, aritt

e without blemrh. »".all bum r'rupen the aftar i

it is an ot- :

And he thai! kill iron the fideof the rfering-maciebyfireof a fweet iavourunto'

t north- ward betorc the Lord and the LORD. ; I

[iriefts Aarons lb'm fhall fprinkle his to And that which h left of the me't-
<d round about upon the altar. ottering, Jhallb: Aarons and his fons- ft

And he fhall cut it into his pieces, u a thing mod holyj of the otierines of
his head ana his fat: and the prielt the
i made b Y fire. LORD
n in order cz the wood that UNO meat-ottering... wlnrh ye fhall brin»
i the fire which i< upon the altar. un'o the Lv>R;),! be made with leaven :
But he fliall wan th: inwards and tor ye fr.all bnrn no leaven, nor my honv,
e?s with water: and the prieft fhall in any offering of the Lent » made by fire.
I it all, and burn it upon the altar \z HI As tor the oblation of the firir-
: .

a burnt-facrifice, >x\ jfferingmadeby fruits, je all offer them unto the Lord • •

ot a fweet favour unto th : LORD. (hall r.ct>be buret on the altar

fl And if the burnt-facrilice tor his rer a Iweet lavour.
fowls, then f, Ano eveivoblati mo f thy me2t-nffering
iall bring his offering ot turtle-doves, 'naltthou iealbn with fa't ; neither (^ait
young pigeons. thou fufterthe fait of the covenantof thy
An r!;e prieft :hall bring r unto the God to oe lacking trom thy meat offering;

and wrjnsoff his head ."and bun it with all thine of: erings thou fhak offer ialt
Jhe aitar: and the blood thereof ha'l 14. And if thou orfer a meat-offer in? of'
M'rvsxsq out at the tide of the altar. thy firft-truitj unto the Lori>, thcufrTalt
And he fhall j,lack away hi« crop offer tor the meat-offering of thy firft_
his feathers cn<i cr.l it'beiide the fruits, green ears of corn Urieff by the
on the eajt-parc, by the place of fire, even corn beaten oat ot fall ear?.
[lines. !? Andtiiouir-ialt putoyl upon it, and !a^
A«d lis (hall cleave it, with ih$ Wings trankincenfe t-bereon. it7< a nwac-^er(n«
s UL *-.! D
- .

>bt f»4K-oJf« Lev ' fci Jtnjtftrin& of ^noyantt.

)6 And thepri«a (Halt burn the memo. With the kidneys, it fhall lie takeaway.
nalot r, p*<fot thaWrwea corn thereof, 16 And the pried fhall burn them up-
and part ot.the o\l thereof, wuh all the on the altar it it the tood of the offer
trankincenlc thereof » it is an offeiing in»madcby fire, for a fweet favour. All
Blade by lire unto the LoRr. the tat »> the Lords*
CHAP. III. i- i: JhaiL oe a perpetual ftafute for your
Tbt ptao.-vprinz of tb; bfd, &c. gen-erativins throughout all your dwel-
ANd it his oblation be a lacrifice of
peace-offering, it he oiler it »f the
lings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.
herd, whether it be a maleor remale j he Tc (in-ojf'tring of ignorance-, &c.
it without blcmuh. b^tore the
the LORD fpake unto Moles,
i And he fhall lay his hand upon the i Speak onto the children of Ifracl,
head olhis ottering, and kill it at the door faying, It a foul fhall lin through igno-
of the tabernacle of the congregation : rance againit anvof the commandments
aodAarons Ions the frielts fhall Iprinkle of the LoftD ( iencemins tbingt which
•he blood upon the altar round a.>ou\ ought not to be done ) and lhall do a-
t, And he lhall offer of the lacrificeot gainft any of t.icm •

the pcace-oflering, an offering made by ? It rtoe pried that is anointed, do fin

lire uno the Lord j the l'at that cover- according to the fin of the people then :

eth the inwards, and all the tat that it let him bring for his fin which he hath
upon tiie inward;. finned, a you&sz bullock without Llemifh,
* And the two kidneys, and the fat unto the Lord for a lin-offerin"-.
that is o- them, which ii by the Hanks,
4 And he fhall bring the bullock unto
and the caul above the 1 ver, with the the door of the tabernacle of the congre-
kidneys, it lhall he take away. gation, before the Lord and ftiall lay ;

? And Aarons Ions fhall burn it on the ['is hand upon the bullocks head, and
altar upon *he burnt-facriSice, which h kill the bullock before the Lord.
upon the wood that is on the fire it is : <; And the prieft that is anointed, fhall
an ottering made by fire of .a fweet fa- take of the bullocks Mood, and bring it
vouc, Irnto the Lord. to the tabernacle ot the congregation.
.6 tt And if his offering for a facrifice 6 And the pried fhall dip his finger in
•f peaca-ol'ering unto the Lord, be of the blood, and fprinkle of the blood
the flock, male or female j he lhall offer (even times before the Lord, betorethe
itwithaut blemifh. vail of the fanCtuary.
7 If he offer a lamb for his offering, 7 And the priefl fhall put/ow* of the
then fhatl he oif«r it before the Lord. blood upon the horns of the attar of lweet
8 And he {hall lay his hand upon the incenfe betorethe Lord, whichz'j in the
*?ad of his offering, and kill it before tabernacle of the congregation and fhall ;

tHe tabernacle elf the congregation: and pour all the blood of the bullock at the
Aarons Ions mall Iprinkle the blood bottom or the a'tarot the burnt-ottering,,
thereof round about upon the altar. which is at the doer ot the tabernacle or
9 And he lhall offer of the facrifice of congregation.
the pcace-otYering, an offering made by And he fhall take off from it all the*
fire unto the Lord . the fat thereof and
of the bullock for the iin-offcrins *
the whole rump, it fhall he takeoff hard the fat that covereththe inwards, and all
Yy the back-bone and the fat that co-
: the fat that it upon the inwards.
ere-th the inwards, and all the fat that 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat
is upon the inwards. that it upon them, which n-by the flanks,
ic And the two kidneys, and the fat and the caul above the liver, with the
that i> upon them, which it by the flanks, kidnevs. it fhall he take awav,
aad'the caul above the liver, with the tc A< it was taken oft from the bul-
kidneys- it lhall he take away. lock of the laenfice of peace-offerings :
ii And the pried lhall burn it upon the and the pried fhall burn them upon tfte
altar-, it j. the tocdot the offering made altar of the burnt-offering.
fcy fire unto *he Lord. it And the skin of the bullock, and all
ii tl And it his offering he a goat, then hisfiefh, with his head, and with his legs*
he lhall offer it betorethe Lord. and his inwards, and his. dung.
n An«l he lhall lay his hand upen the ii Even the whole bullock fhall he cjrry
head of it, and kill it before the taber- forth without the camp, unto a clean place,
»acle of the congregation and the fons where the afhes are poured out, and burn

•f Aaron mall fp"f inkle the blood thereof him on the wood with fire where the- :

ucon the altar round abaut. afhes are poured out, fhall he be burnt.
1 11 And if the whole congregation
14 And he fhall offer thereof his offer- plj
ing, even anptfering made by fire unto fhe Ifirael
Lord the tat that covcreth the inwards, thi „

arui all the tat that is up;m the inwards. femblv

i< And the two kidneys, and the ,i$0inii ar.yc. .

fat. that it Bpoa them, which it by the LORD, conctrnint. things whic
»•-.- t, an.', tic tjvl ab^ve the liver, mi fee docc, and art guilty .
~&fcringt fir Chap r. Aits ef ignoTiitr.
14 When the
which they have tin-
fin ?o And
the prieft fhall take of the
ned agamtt it, is known, then the con- blood th»reof win? his finrer, and put ft
gregation lhall offer a young bullock for upon the horns of the altar ef burnt-of-
the iin, and bring him before the taber- fering, and fhall pour out ail the blool
nacle of the congregation. thereof at the bottom of the altar.
ii And the elders ot the congregation 3i And he fhall take away all the fat
fhall lay their hands unon the head ot the thereof, as the fat is taken away from orF
fcullock before the LORD: and the bul- the facrifice ol p'eace-offerir.fs ; and the
lack lhall be killed before the LORD. burn it upon the altar, for a
prieit fhall
i6 And the prieit that is anointed, fhall fwcet favour unto the Loro and the :

bring of the bullocks tdocdto the taber- priell fhall make an atonement for him,
nacle of the congregation. and it fhall be forgi/en him.
And the pTieit mail dip his finger in ?i And if he bring a lamb for a fin-
fomt of the blood, and fprmkle /fTeven ofierinjj, he fhall bring it a female with-
tinier before the LORD, evtn before the out blemifh.
vail. 33 And he fhall lay his hand upon the
iS And
fame of the blood
Ire fhall put head Of the fin-offering, and flay it for
upon the hornsof the altar, which is be- a fin-offering, in the place where they kill
fore the LoRih thatu inthetat>ernacieof the burn r -offering.
the congregation, and fhall pour out all . 34 And the prieit fhall take of the bloed
the blood at the bottom of the altar of of the fin-offering with his finger, and put
the burnt-offering, which it at the door it upon the horns of the altar of burnt-
of the tabernacle of the congregation. offering, and fhall pour out allthcbloocJ
$ And lie fhall take all his fat from thereof at the bottom of the altar.
him, and burn ft upon the altar. 3? And he lhall take away all the fat
And he fhall do with the bullock as thereof, as the fat of the larrrb is taken
he Aid with the bullock for a lin-effering, away from the faorifice of the peace-offer-
lb fhall he do with this^ and the pried: ings and the prieft fhall burn them up-

(hall make an atonement for thetu. and on the altar, according to the offering*
fhall be forgiven them. made by fire unto the LORD and the :

si Ami he fhall carry ferth the bullock prieft fh<l! make an atonement for hi*
vithout the ca-iip, and burn hi n as he fin that he hath committed, and it fhall be
turned thefirlt bullork : it is afin-offer- forsr »ea him. •

ng for the congregation.' C.H A P. V,

ix tl When a ruler hath finned, and Tbt trtfp.tfi-ojfering for funiry /ins, &C
(onefomevebst through ignorance sgniafl A Na if afoul fin, and hear the voice ojf
nyof the commandments of the LOUD tx Svcaring, and is a v/itnefs, whethet
is God, conarning tbvxgs which fhouid hehathfeenor known ef it ; if he do not
Jt be done, and is guilty ; utter it, then he fhall bear his iniquity.
i.X Ot if his fin, wherein he hath fin- z Or if a foul touch any unclear, thing,
c )rne to his knowledge : he lhali whether it be a ca;c;fe cf an unclean
rl'ing his offering, a kid of the goats, a bead, oracarcale of unclean cattle, ot
I ale without blemuh. the carcale of unclean creeping t'- n£t«, :

»t 14 And he fhall lay his hand upon the and if it be hidden from him ; he ullo *
aiot the goat, and kill it in the place fhall be unclean, and guiltv.
,] ieref":ev kill the burnt-offering before 3 Or if he touch the ururieartflefs of
eLORD: it ii a fin-offering. man, whatfoever uacteannefs it a tva:
the pneft fhall take of the blood a man fhall be «tefrfe&j*itnat, and it be
n-offering with his finger, and put hid from him when he knowetfc of il

»»;upon the horns cf the altar of burnc- thsn he fhall be guilty.

ana fhallpour out his blood at
ig> 4 Or if a foul fweaT," pronouncing w;t>
..b bottom of the altar of burnt-oftering. brt lips to do evil, cr to do good, what-
\nd he fhall burn all his fat upon foever it be that a man ftfalj tironounce
itar, as the fat of the faennce of with an oath, and it be hid ft cm him ,
I ce-offenngs and the prieit fhall make
: when he knoweth cf it, then hs mall 1&
•jp atonement for him as concerniag his guilty in one of thefe.
,m »nd it fhall be forgiven him. ? And it fhall he, when he lhall b*
r And if any one ot the common peo- guilty in one of thefe things, v .

thrsueh ignorance, while he doth lhall confefs that he hath finned in tM' Againjl
any of the command- tbing.
.#its ct th« Loiuv, concerning things 6 And lie fhall brinsr, his trefpa rs-cffer-
ought not io be done, and be guiltv
r. ing unto the Lor.n for his fin wr;
Or if hi* fin, wh'.cb he hath firmed, hath tinned, a female from the f.oik, >
fe to his knowledge thea he fhall
: lamb or a kid otthe goats, for a fin-of-
ring, a kin of the goats, a fering : and the prieit fhaH make zl a-
Ue without blemifh, for his fin which tonement torhim concerrin? :

ath finned. 7 And if he be not ajjletohrite'alamh,

And he- 'hall lay his iiand upon the then he ihallarin? for t .s treipafsrtpht'sk

of the fin-offenng, and Uaytheiln- heh3th committee'- two turtl

l«gin tiif place cl the burm-offcring. twoyoun^ pif<an$, unto the Lu"a
- .. t .. for liven /»f.
l*W* f r

which was delivered him


* a Wheniall do
twinkle of the blood ^ ;
f^SfSS^fbecahre he hath lift-


*tfVBSF4. LORD !*to

muo Mo- ^JUj „,,„«.
•^ifKSUl commit . tu'paft, »ndf,» ."J^ *Vhi, lin'r,

w C
*"he L
°n T\h* L >R' > » ram without ble-
u ^£ ft„ing on the altar, and he fr.all

« An
h i 5. Jh
" in the htfythin&j upon the altar (hall be
*?ES' the fireIhall
barm that thereto, and not be put out and

a„d Iftall
glV , u ante
^ih-Pp "
ieit : and the prieft
forhim wth Je
V^inaft a
it" it

burn 1
every it

Vl^tthetrefpaCs-offeiing, and ,t ^™^ n


£ and he forfTbum thereof

Tfivert Urn fof Ch*p. vii, divert offerings.

holy, as is the iin-oR&fing. and as the 6 Every male among the prieit: ihall
trefpafs-orfering. eat thereof: it fhall be eaten in the holy
18 All the males among the children of place: molt. holy.
it i-
Aaron ihall eat et it It jbilt be a ttatute
: 7 As the fin-ottering 71, fo r» the tref-
for ever in your generations concerning pafs-offering there is one law tor them:

the offerings of the LoRt>madeby fire e- : the prieit that maketh atonement there-
very one that toucheth them lhall be holy. with, fhall have it.
19 51 And the LOR D
fpake unto Mofes, 8 And the prieit that orVreth any mans
burnt-offerinz, even the pried ihall have

^ying' c -

10 This is the offering ot Aaron, andot to fcimfelf the stein of the burnt-offering
hisfons, which they ihall oiler unto the winch he hath ottered.
Lord, in the day wnen he is anointed ; the 9 And all the meat-offering that is ba-
tenth i art of an ephahof fine Hour tor a ken in the oven, and all that isdreffed in
meat-offering perpetual, halt ot it in the the frying-pan, and in the pan,' fhall fee
morning, and half thereof at night. the priefts that offereth ir.
11 In a pan it fha'.l be made with oy!, 10 And every meat-offering mingled
M&vtben it is baken, thou (halt bring it with ovl, and dry, fhall all the fons of
in: ind the baken pieresot rhe meat-of- Aarori'have, one as much as another.
fering (halt thou offerer a fweet favour if And this is the law of the "(acrifice
onto the LORD. , "; of eace-offeririi's, which he lhall offer

11 And the rrieft of his fons that is a- un.o the LORD'

ncinted in his ttead, lhall offer if It is <i If he offer i r for a thankfgiving,

a Statute tor ever unto the LORD, it then he iha-ll offer with the facrifice of
lhall be wholly burnt. thankizivinz unleavened cakes mingled
i-: For everv meat-otfeWfig for the nrieft wirhoyl, and unleavened waters anoint-
fhall be wholl'v burnt i> fhall not be eaten: ed with oy!, and. cakes mingled vitfi

i"i «l And the Lord fpake unto Moles, oyljiof fine rlour, tried.
faying, H Befides the cakes, he fh2Hoffer/o;' his
x<7 $j>eak unto Aaron and to his fons, offering, leavened bread ..with the fac'rincfi
fayinar, Tftis/i the-law of the fin-offering of thankfgiving ot" his peace-offer

In the place where the bufnt-effering is 14 And ot it he. thai I offer onr: out oft he
killed, mall the fin-offering; be killed whole ob'attoo, /'(?'" at? heare offering unto
before the LORD it is ir.oif hulv.
: the Lord, ani it mall be ffc'e priefts thai
s/5 The pried that offereth it for fin, fpr inkier!:' the biood of the peace-offerings
lhall eat it: in the holy place ihall t. bs n And the fie(h of the lacrtfice of :\.\
eaten, in the court' ot the tabernacle of piace-efferihgs Fur thankfgiving. fhaif be
the congregation. eaten the fame day that if is offered he :

\1 Whatsoever fhatl touch the flefh fhall not leave any of it until the morning.
thereof fhall be holy: and when there is 16 But if the facrifice of his offering bt
fprinkledof the blood thereof upon any a vow, or a voluntary offering, it fhall be
garment, thou fhalt waih that whereon eaten the fame day that he offereth his
it was fprinkled, in the holy place. facrifice: and on the morrow alio the r«-
1 18 But the earthen veffel Wherein it is mainder of it fhall be eaten.
ilbdden, lhall be broken and if it be Hod- : 17 But the remainder of the flefh of
den in a brafen pot, it fhall be bothfeour- the facrifice on' the third diy, lhall be
,ed, and rinfed in water. burnt with^fire.
V) All the males among the priefts 18 And iTttBroftheSefhor thefeepfica
1 Ihall eat thereof: it is nicft holy. of his peace-offerings be eaten av all en the

?o And no fin-offering whereof any of third day, it fhall no: be acaepted, neither
the blood is brought into the tabernacle fhall it b'e imputed unto him that offereth
of the congrezation to 'reconcile veitb.t! it it fhall be an abomination, an^thefbul

in the holy f/*.-f, fhall be eaten: k lhall that eatefh, foatl beer his iniquity.
i>a burnt in the fire. to And the flefti that toucheth ariyufl-
C H A P. VII. clean thing-, fhall not beearen, it (hall be
Tbi Uv» of the trejp.ifs-oprin?, &C. burnt with fire : and as for the fleih, all
T IkewiCc this is the law of the tref- that be clean fhall eat thereof.
1 j pals-offering: it i 1 molt holy. re But the foul that eateth of the fi-jffi
T» Ir. the place where thev kill the burftt- cf the facrifice of peace-offenngs, that
, fhall they kill the trefpafs-offer- pertj. ; n unto the Lord, having His un-
nd the blood thereof fhall he fprin- cleannefs upon him, even tivat Toulfliall
about upon the altar.
.1 be mt off from his people.
he lhall offer of it, all the fat ir Moreover, the foul that fhall ^ouch
«ol; the rump, and the fat thatcove- any unclean anng, as the uncleannefsor*
sth the inwards, man, or .my unclean beaft, or any abomi-
4 AMthetwo kidneys, and the fat that nable unclean thing, and eat of the flern
on &em, which is by the'rianks, and of the facrifice of peace-offerings which
a caul tat is above the liver, with unto the LORD, even 'that foul
$ kidneys, it fhall he take away. lhall be cut off from his people.
JjAndthe pried fhall burn them upon 2i <T And the I«fiRD fpake wnto Mofes,
Waltar, for an offering made by fire iin- faying,
m% LORD ; it is a treJ'pais-ofteriag, il Speak
Tbt priejl/ portion. Levitaeus. Atron tad bit fom tonficrttti.
a; Speak unto the children of Ifrael, x Take Aaron and his fons with him, and
faying, Ye ftiall eat np manner tat, or the garments, and the anointing oyl, and
ox, or ot fheep, or or' goat. a bullock tor the fin-offering, and two
14 And the tat of the beait that dieth rams, and a basket of unleavened bread.
oritlclt, and the fat of that which is ? And gather tnou all the congregation
torn with beads, maybeufed in any other together unto the door of the tabernacle
nle ; but ye fhall in no wife cat ot it. of the congregation.
i« For whofoever eateth the fat of the
beaft, of which men offer an offering made
4 And Moles did as the LORD
manded him, and the affembly was ga-
by fireunto the Lohi>, even the foul that thered together unto the door of the ta-
eateth it, fhall be cut off from his people. bernacle ot the congregation.
z6 Moreover ye Hull eat no manner of ? And Moles- faid unto the congrega-

blood, vihtXbtr it bt of fowl or of bealt,

in any of your dwell inns.
tion, This it the thing which the LORD
commanded to be done.
a,7Whatlbcver foul'rr be that eateth 6 And Mofes brought Aaron and hi*
any manner of blood, even that foul fhail Ions, and wafhed them with water.
be cut off horn his people. 7 And he put upon him the coat, and
a8n And the Lord Ipake unto Mofes, girded him with the girdle, and elothed
faying, him with -the robe, and put the ephod
19 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, upon him. and he girded him with the
faying. He that offereth the facrifice of curious girdle of the ephod, -dm\ bound
his peace-offerings unto the LOU
I), fhall itunta him therewith.
bring his cblation unto the LORD, of 8 And he put the breaft-plate upon
the acrifice ot his peace-offerings.
1 him.: alio he put in the breait-plate the
30 His own hand lhall bring the offe- Unm and Thummim.
rings ot the LORD
made byhre, the fat 9 And he
put the mitre upon his head;
witht'iebreaft, it ihall he hring, that the alio upon the mitre, even upon his fore-
brsalimay b; waved /or a wave-Offering front did he put tne golden niate, the holy
beforetheLORD. crown i as the LORD commanded Mcfes.
31 Andtfuprieft fhall burn the fat up- to And Mofes took the anointing oyl,
on the altar but the brealt fhall be Aa-
: and anointed the tabernacle and all that
icms and his Cons. xvas therein, and fanfti tied them.
n AndtheriPht ihoulder fhall ye give 11 And he iprinklec-i thereof upon the
unto the prielt for an heavc-uffering, of altar (even times, and anointed the altar,
thelacrificesaf your peace-ofSerings. and all his veffels, both the laver andjus-
33 He among the fons of Aaron that foot, to fanctifie them.
offereththe blood ot the peace-offerings, ii And he pcured of the anointing oyl
and the fat* (hall have the right ihouhier upon Aarons h«ad, and anointed him to
for b'n part. fanctifie him.
14 For the wave-bread, and the heave- H And Mofes brought Aarcns fons,-
fhou'der have I taken ot the children of and put coats upon them, and girded them
Ifrael, from off the facrihees of their with girdles, and put bonnets upon them ;
peace-offerings, and have given the m_un- as the LORD
commanded Mofes.
to Aaron the priert, and unto his ions, 14 And he brought the bullock for the
ky a ftatute for ever, from among the fin-offering : and Aaron and his fens laid,
thildren of Ifrael. • their hands upon the head of the bullock^
a.« V This it tbt portion of the anointing for tht iln-offering.
of Aaron, and of the anointing of his 1? And he flew it, and Mofes took the.
fons, out of the offerings of the LORD blood, andputfr upon the horns of the aU
»adehy fire, in the day wben he prefen- tar round about with his linger, and pu-
ted them to minilter unto the LORD
in rified the altar ; and poured the bicod at.
Ihe priefts office :
the bottom of the altar, and;hed it,
;6 Which the LORD
cemmanded to oe to make reconciliationupon it.
given them of the children of Ifrael, in 16 And he took all the fat that t»«j up-
the day that he anointed them, by a ftatute on the, inwards, and the caul tbovt the
for ever, throughout their generations. liver, and the two kidneys, and their far;
37 This is thelawofthe burnt-offering, and Mofes burned it upon the altar.
of the meat-offering, and ot the (in-offe- 17 But the bullock and his hide, his flefh
ring, and of the trefpafs-offering, a-ndof and his dung,he burnt with fire without the*
the confutations, and of the facr-ifice ot camp; as the LORD
commanded Mofes.
the peace-offerings -.
18 n And he brcusrht the ram for the-
?8 Which the LORD
commanded Mo- burm-offering ana 'Aaron and his fons
: 1

fes in mount Sinai, in the day that he laid their hands upon the head of the ram. j
•ommanded the children of lirael to of- 10 And he ki'led/r, and Moles fprinfc-J
fer their oblations uwo the LORD, in led tht blood u]»on the altar roundabout.
the wild:rnels of binai. 10 And he cut the ram in f o pieces, and-
-P. VHI. Mofes burnt the heart, and* the pieces, I

Mofe< confecratttb Aaron and bnfonu &C

and the fat.
ANd the
fpake unto Mofes, 11 And he wafhed the inwards and the
le^i in water ; and M.ofe.5 burnt the wftole
Tbt run of eonfierttttn. Chap. i)f, Aar$n: fitt-eftring,
am upon the altar: it was a
burnt-facri- C H A P. IX.
ce lor a fwcet favour, *ni an offering Aarom opringi for bitrjtif, &c.
lade by fire unto th* Lord j as the A N J it came to pafson the eighth dayo
.ord commanded Mofes. f\ tbut Mofes called Aaron and his fons-,
zi H And he brought the other ram, the and the elders of lfracl >
am of confecratioiv.andAaron and hisfons x Anihe faid unto Aaron, Take thee*
aid t.heirhands upon ths head of the ram.. young calf tor a fin-offering, and a ram
13 And he ilew if, and Mofes took ot for a burm-oftering, without blemifli,
he blood ot" it, and put it upon the tip and offer them before the Lord.
f Aarons right car, and upon the thumb 7, And
unto the children of Ifrael thou
•f his right liantt, and upon the great fhaltfpeak, faying, Take ye a kid of the
oe or' his iizht foot. goats, tor a fin-otienng ; and a calf, and
14 And he brought Aarons Tons, and a lamb, botb of thefirft vea-r, without blc-
yiei'es put of the blocd upon the tip.of mifh, fc'i a burnt-offering +
heir rii'ht ear, and upon the thumbs of 4 Alio a bullock and a ram, for peace-
heir right h-ands, and upon the great toes offerings, to lacrihce before the Lord j
>f their right feet: and Mole* fprinkled and a meat-offering mingled with oyl
he blood upon the altar round about. for to day the LpRD will appear unto you.
is And he took the fat, and the rump, and * fl And they brought that which Mofes
ill the fat that was upon the inwards, and commanded before the tabernacle of the
the csulabove the liver, and the twokid- congregetion and all the congregation

leys and their fat, and the right moulder. drew near and (tood before the Lord.
16 And out of the basket of unleavened 6 And Mofes faid, This it the thing
jread, tnatt*M' before the Lord, he took which tke Lord commanded, that ye
sne unleavened caks, and a cake of oyled fhould do . and the glory of the LORD
:>read, and one wafer, and put them on fhall appear unto you.
die fat, and upon the right fhoulder. 7 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, unto Go
17 And he put all upon Aarcns hand the altar, and offer th> fin-offermg, and
indupon hisfons hands, and waved them thy burnt -offering, and make an atone-
r a wave-offering before the Lorp. ment for thy fell and tor the people:
18 And Moles took them from-off the and offer tha offering of the people, and
ands, and burnt tbtm on the altar, upon make an atonement for them ; as- the
he burnt -offering: they wire.confecrati LORD commanded.
ns tor a fweet favour it i an offering
: 8 Aaron therefore went unto the
riade by fire unto the Lord. altar,and flew the calf of the fin-offer-
19 And Mofes took the breaft, and waved ing, which vms for himfelf.
t for a wave-offering before the Lord : 9 And the fons of Aaron brought the
)r of the ram of confecr-ation it was Mofes blood unto him and he dipt his finger

art j as the Lord commanded Mofes in the blood, and put it upon the horns
30 And Moi"es took of the ancinti»g of thealtar* and poured out the bloodat
jyl, and of the blood which was upon the the bottom of the altar.
Uar, an^ fprinkled it upon Aaron, *nd 10 But the fat and the kidneys, and
ponhis Rarments, andupon hisfons. and th»C2\il about the liver of fhefin-ofiering
|pon his fons garments with him and fan- : he burnt upon the altar ; as the LORD
tified Aaron, ana his garments, and his commanded Mofes.
ins, and his fons zarments with him. ti And the he burnt
flefh-and the hide
l]l «I And Mofes faid unto Aarcn, and with without the camp.
his fons, Boil the fkfh at the door of
1 11 And he ilew the burnt-offering; and
e tabernacle of the conzreganon and : Aarons fons presented unto him the.
cre eat it with the bread that;"* in the
blood, which ke fprinkled round about
.sketof confecrations, as I commanded, upon the altar.
Eying, Aaron and his fons fhall eat it. U
And they prefented the burnt-offering
Ux And that which remaineth cf the fiefh
unto him, with the pieces thereof, and the
I'd of the bread, fhall ye burn with fire. head: and he burnt tbtm upon thealtar.
MV And ye fhall not go out. of the door 14 And he did warn the inwards and
;; the tabernacle ot the congregation in the legs, and burnt tbtm \x\ on the burnt-

'll'endays, until the days of your confe- offering on the altar.

. -itionbe at an end: lor fevendaysfhal 1? fl And he brouzhtthe peoples offe-
^confecrafeyon. ring, and took the goat which tn<tj the
j.4 As he hath done this day, Jo the fin-offering for the people, and flew it,
;t*D hath commanded to do, to make and offered it for fin, as the firft.
.'I atonement for you. t6 And he brought the burnt-offering,
M Therefore fhall ye abide at the do,. and offered it according to the manner.
the tabernacle of the Congregation day 17 And he brought the meat-offering,
night, feven days, and keep the and took an handful thereof, and burnt it
rgeof the Lord, that ye die not: for upon the alrar, befidc the burnt-facrifice
I am commanded. of the morning.
So Aaron and his fons did all things 18 He (lew alfo the bullock and the ram,
|*£ cI-ORDCOHVJivana.e<A by the hand for a facrifite of peaee-offerings, which
: m, ,
w*s for the people : and Am
ons Tons pre-
) . : [

W*d*b *nd Abibu burnt. Lov.

fented unto him the blood* < which he the ftatute* which the Lord atfi

fpnnkled upon the altar ro md about ipoken unto trem by the hand of Mole-
19 And and 0:
the tat of the bullock, ti fi And Moles tpa;<eunto Aaron, '• nd
the ram the rump, ana that which cove- urfto Eleasar and unto Ithamir .

Kttttbtinvoardi, and the kidneys, and the that were leit, Take th^ meat-:
caul above the liver. that remaineth or the oHerin^s
«ye 1

xo And they put the Tat upon the breaits, Lord made; by lire, ami eat u
and he burnt the tat upon the altar
leaven beude the altar : far U
it And the breaits and the right fhoul-
tlcr Aaron waved for a wave-offering be- ,
1? And ye ihall eat it fn the holy place,
Jorethe Loiuj} as Mo:es commanded. vcauie it u thy due ttdthy fori,
iz And Aaron HI; toward.? [he Facnfices 01 the Lord made by fire:
4he people, and blctfed them; andeame am commanded.

down (rem offering . ingjami F4 And the wa/e-lvcxt :,r,\

the burnt-c 1 jring, i nd :
moulder ihall yc eat 1;. tri0 „
xx And Males and Aaron went lmo'th. and thy. ions, and t

tabernacle of \h<z congregation, a thee: lor^.-v

Out, andblefled the people a V : I I
w>6/eA are given out oi the
ol the Loud appeared unto ail tlte people. children olTira-l

24 And there came a fire out r'romvbe 1

ll" 1 '.••-", i>ave-lhoulder, and file w,,ve-
fore the Lord, and con fumed upon the liallthey oring, with
altar the burnc-cft'erinr, and the tat made by ftre oi the rat, to wav*
which when all the people law, they a w^yc-offering before the
ihouted, and fell on their faces. nfhali be thine, and thy Ions witl
C HA T\ X. by a ftatLite ior even as the LoRD'hath
Nttd.ib And Abibi? burnt by fire, &.<" commanded.
Nd Nadab and Abihu,
the ions uf Aa 6 fl .Aid Mofes dilijrenth fought the
x\ ron, rook either of tttem his center,
and pttf fire therein, and put incenfe there-
g^at or the fin-offering, an'd behold, it
burnt: and lie was angry with Eiea-
on, and offered itrange lire before the zar ana [thamar, the ions of Aaron,
Lord which he commanded the.ti int. -xb'.cb w*releft <«//»•, layings
x And there went out fire from the 1" Wherefore have ve not eaten the
Lord and devoured them, and they died pri-ering in the ko\y p!a'ce»feein0 it it molt
before the Lord. !!>, and God hatn given hto you

3 Then Moles laid unto Aaron, Thi ? the iniquity of tfiacohgicgKidn, torn;
it thattheLoRo (pake, faying', I will be c'iorthem bstore the Loud >

fandtifiedin them that come m?h me. 18 Behold, the blood 01 it was not
and before all the people 1 will be glori- brought in, within the holy pi ice; ve
fied. And Aaron held hi >peace. fhould indeed have eaten it in t;
4 And Mofes called Mifhael and Elza- I lace, as I commanded.
phan, thefonsof Uzziel the uncle of Aa- 19 And Aaron 1
laid unto Mofes; Behold,
ron, and' laid unto them, Come near, have they.oifered_their jin-oiVe-
this ttay
carry your brethren from before the fan- nng, and their burnt«jfering belorethe
Hilary out of the camp. Lord ; and fuch things have befarlen
? So they went near, and carried them me: and if I had eaten the lixi-offcring
ia their coats out of the camp as Mole. ;
to day, ihotdd it hav; been accepted in
had fa.d. the light of the LORD?
'6 And Moles faid unto Aaron, and unto 10 And when Mofes heard tbat, he was
Eleaxar, and unto Ithanur his Ion?, Un- content.
cover not your heads, neither rend your XT. CHAP.
clothes ; left ye die, and left wrath come Wk*t btjfts r,i.iy bt Kttat, and vrt'tt not.
upon all the people but let your brethren,
: A Nd the fpake unto Moles, LORD
the whole houle of H'rael, bewail Hie bur- [\ and to Aann, fsvinr unto them,
Ding which the Lord hath kindled. 2 Speak unto the children ot ll'rael, ("ay-
1 And ye Ihall no" go our rem the door in/,Thel mrt the beaits which ye lh.dl eat

of- the tabernacle of the congregation, anion? all the bealh that *re on the earth.
left ycu die tor the anointing ovfof th
: 1 Whatfoeverpaneth the hoof, and is
Lord U upon you. And they did accor- cloven- footed, and cheweth the cud a-
ding to thewordot Mofes. mong the bealls x that ihall ye eat.
8 n And the LORD
fpake u»to Aa- 4 Neverthelefs, the-fa fhall ye n
ron, fay in?, of them that chew the cud, or of them
9 Do nofarink wine nor ftrong drink, that divide the hoof: <ii the camel, be-
thou, nor thy ions with thee, when ye go cau e he cheweth the cud, hut dividetfi
into the tabernacle of the congregation not the hoot he :'< unclean ttnro yaw. I
: :

left ye die: It JkalL be a ftutute for ever ? And the cony, becaufe he chewctfj
throuzhout your penerttions the cud, but divideth not the hoof heM :

10 And. that ye mav pik difference be- unclean uStQ you.

tween holy and-unhoiv, and between un- 6 And the hare, becaufe he c! i

and clean
: the cud, but divideth not the hoof: 4
x i And that ye may t?acii the. children 0! it unclean unto you.
MtAti clean, Chap. xl. and uncle an,

7 And
the (wine, though he divide the 19 "Xhtfe d\Co fiall be unclean unto
rioot, andbeelcven-rboted yet bcchiw-;
yo.i ambng the creeping things that creep
s;h net the cud he »'. unclean to you.
: upon the, earth: the weafel, and the
8 Of their tkih flull ye not eat, and moule, and thetorroife after his kind,
their carcafe lhall ye not touch: they<»'<r 30 Arid -the ferret, and the chameleon,
unclean to you. and the lizard, and the lhail, and the mole,
Thefe* e unclean to you among all
9 11 Thefe lhall ye eat, of all that are in ;i
:he waters whatlbever hath fins and
: that creep : wholoever doth touch tneiiv
jcales in the waters, in the leas, and in the when they be dead, lhall b'q unclean until
rivers; them Hull ye eat. the even.
to And all that nave not fins nor fcales i,x And uponwlirufoever any of them,
n the leas, and in the rivers, or alljthat when they are dead, doth fall, it lhall be
nove in the waters, and ot any living unclean ; whether it be any.,veirel of wood,
:hing, which /> in the waters; they Jbalt or raiment, of skin, or fack, whatlbever
an abomination unto you.
t veliel/'f be-, wherein any work is done, it
li They "fhall be even an abomination rnaft ire put into water, and it fhall be un-
in o you ye lhall not est of their rleih,
clean until the even ; fo it fhall becleanfed
>ut you (hall have their carcafes in abo- 3; And every earthen veiFel, whereinta
mination. any 0; them falleth, whatlbever is in it
n Whatlbever hath no fins nor fcales lhall be unclean ; and ye mall break it.
in the waters, that >&<!// ie an abomination UOf all meat whicn may be eaten, that
on which fuch water comerh, fhali be'un-
into ycii.
i? II And
theie are they which ye fhall ;
clea.i: and all drink that may be drunk
rave in abomination among the fowls, in every fuch vet-el, lhall be unclean.
hcv fhall not be eaten, they are an aba- IS And every thin;, whereupon any part
hination the eagle, and the oilifrage,
of their carcafe talleth, lhall be unclean j
ind the ofpra.y, whether it be oyen, or ranges for pots, they .

i4 And the vulture, and the kite, after ilMl be broken down for they d/e^un- :

iiis kind : clean, and fhall be unclean unto you.

m Every raven after his kind : ;6 Neverthelefs, a fountain or 'pit,
16 And the owl, and the night-hawk, and wherein there is plenty ot water, lhall be
riecuckow, andfhe hawk after his kind, clean: but that which toucheth their car-
17 And the iittle owl, and the cormo- cafe, fhall be unclean.
*nt, and the great owl, 37 And if dry fart of their carcafe fall
18 And the (wan, and the pelican, and upon any (owing-feed which is to be fown 5
i« gier-eagle, it jball 'be clean.

19 And the heron after her

the ftork, T& But if any water be putupon the feed,
ind, and the lapwing, and the bat. and<j«y part of their carcafe fall thereon*
xo All lowls that creep, going upon 4// it Jball be unclean unto you.
•ur, /halt be an abomination unto you. 39 And if any beau: of which ye may eat»
•if Yet thefe may ye eat of every Hying die; he that toucheth the carcafe thereof^
seeping thing that goeth upon ill four, fhalFbe unclean until the even.
finch have legs above their feet, to leap 40 And hethateateth of the carcafe of
iithal upon the earth : it, fhall walh his clothes, and be unclean
J xx Even thefe of them ye may eat the : intil the even: he alio that beareth the
ullatterhis kind, and the bald-Iocuft carcafe of it, fhall walh his clothes, and
reo-his kind, and the beetle after his be unclean until the even.
jlMi and the graihopper after his kind. 41 And every creepin? thing that creep-
A But all othtr flying creeping things, eth upon the earth, Jhall'be an abominati-
ich have four feet, jball be an abomina- on it fhall not be eaten.

nuntoycu. 4-i Whatlbever goeth upon the belly, and

4. And lor thefe ye (hall be unclean : whatfoever goeth upon all four, or whatfo-
olbever toucheth the carcaie or them, sver hath more feet among ail creeping
.1 11 be unclean unt i the even 1 things that cre>ep upon the earth them ye ;

I? And whofoever beareth ou^r. of the fhall not eat, for they are an abomination.
jeale of them, lhall walh his clothes, • 4.3 Ye lhall not make your lelves abo-
*i be unclean until tUe even. minable wi'h any creeping thing that
,>> The carcafe; of every heart which di- creepeth, neither fhall ye make your
feih the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, lelves unclean with them, that ye fhoukl
f rheweth the cud, are unclean unto be defiled thereby. .

.A: everyone that toucheth them, uhall 44 For I am theLoRD yourGod : ye fhall
in. therefore fanctifie your fslves, and ye fhall
And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, be holy ; for I am holy: neither fhall ye de-
[rig all manner of beads, that go on file your lelves with any manner of cree-
(four, thofe are unci ear. unto you : ping thin? at creepeth upon the earth.
t 'i

plb toucheth their carcaie, fhall be un- 4i For 'I am the Lord that brihgeth
n until the even. you up out of the land of Esvpt, to be
And he that beareth the carcafe of your God ye fhall therefore be holy, for

l.fliall warn his clothes, and be unclean I am noly.

tlieevcn: they art unclean unto you. 46 This it the law of the bealts, and of
: . -; ;

K'ettms purification, teviricw. ^oktni 6f U fro/it,

the fowl, and of every living creaturethat fprea^ not in the skin ; then the prieft
movnft in the waters, and of every crea- (hall fhut himnp (even cays .lays more.
ture that crcepeth upon the earth: 6 And the prieft fhall look on him again
47 To make a difference between the the feventh day and behold, ifthe plague

unclean and the tlean, and between the be fomewhatdsrk, and the plague i'pread
fcea-ft that raav be eaten-, and the beaft that not in the skm t the prieft (hall pronounce

Way not be eaten. him clean: it is but a icab and hefhall


XII. wafh his clothes, ar.d be clean.

A woman: purificati»n After cbrU-birtb. 7 But ifthe fcablpread much abroad in

AA Nd theLoRP ipake untoMolesriaying, the skin, after that he hath been feen of
i Speak unto thechildrenof llragl, the pneft for his cleaning
faying, If a woman have conceived feed, feenot theprieft again.
he fhall be

and born a man-child then fhe mall b_-

: 8 And /'/ the prieft fee, that behold, the
unclean feven days ; according to the day* fc?b ipreadeth in toe skin then the prieft.

of the feparitjon tur her infirmity fhall fhall pronounce him uncleanut/j a leprotie
ihebeunrlean. 9 * When the plague of leprotic is in a
3 And in the ejghtb day, the flefh of his man, then lie fhall be brought unto the
foreskin fhall be circumafed. prieft
4 And. fti9 fhall then continue in the ic And the prieft fhall fee bint and b«-

blood of her purifying three ana thirty hold, ij the riling be white in the skin,
days fhe ihall touch no hallowed thing, and it have turned the hair white, and

aor come into the fanftuary, until the there be quick raw flefh in the riling i
daysofherpurifyins? be fulfilled. tt It i* an old leprotie in the skin of hit
i But if fhe bear a maid-child, then fhe flefh, and the prieft fhall pronounce him
Ihall be unclean two weeks, as in her repa- unclean, and fhall not fhut him up: tor
ration and fhe Ihall continue in the brood he is unclean.

other purifying threefcore and fix davs. ti And it a leprofie break out abroad
6 And when the days of her purifying in the skin, and the leprotie cover all the
are fulfilled, for a fon, or for a daughter skinot bir,i that bath the plague, iro:n hi?
flu fhall bring a lamb of therm! year for head even to his foot, wh'ercfoever the
a burnt-offering, and a vour.g pigeon, or prieft looketh i
a turtle-dove for a fin-offering, unto the i; Then the prieft fhall conlider an I :

door or the tabernacle of the congregati- behold, if the leprofie have covered al|
on, unto the prieft his flefh, he ihall pronounce bim clean
i Who Ihall otfer it before the Lord, that bath the plague it
: is all turned
and make an atonement for her, and fhe white : hef« clean.'
fhall be cleanfed from the ilVue of her i4 Eut when raw flefh r^peareth in him-
blood. This is the law for her that hath he fhall be unclean.
born a maleor a female. ii And theprieltf^a'l icetheraw flefh,
8 And if fhe be not able to bring a lamb, and pronounce him rite unclean for rjw :

then fhe fhall bring two turtles, or two raw flefh is unclean it r* a leprofie.

young Digeons ; the one for the burnt 16 Or if the raw fle:r turn a<rain, am
oftering, and'thc other for a fin-offering : be changed un'o wime ; he fhall co;n
and the prieft fhall make an atonement unto the ^rieft
tor her> and fhe fhall be clean. 17 And'the pri.-!t fhall fee him and be :

C H A P. XIII. hold, if the pUg'jebe turned intow^ite

Laves and tolffnt to difcerntbsleprajie. then the prieft fhall pronounce £m:rleaj
ANd the Lord (pake unto Moles and that b.ub the plague
Aaron, faying,
he is clean.

i8 *l The flefh alio, in which, even Ij

i When a man ihall have in the skin of the skin thereof, was a bile, and ishealc
his flefh, a riling, a (cab, or bright foot, 19 And in the place of the bile there 1

and it be in the skin of his flefh lilt the a white nfing, or a bright fpot white, ar
plague of leprotie then ha fhall be fomewhat reddifh, and it be fhewed to t
; f

brought unto Aaron the prieft> or unto prieft l

one of his Ions the priefts v And if when the prieft feeth it, t
i And the pried fhall look on the plague hold, it be in fight lower than the sk^
in the skin or the flefh and when the hair and the hair thereof be turned white

in the plague is turned white, and the prieft fhall pronounce him unclean iti, :

plague in fight be deeper than the skin of plague of leprotie broken out of the biW
his flefh ; ft is a plague of leirolie : and ii But if the prieft look on it, and jf
the prieft fhall look on him,and pronounce hold, then be no white hairs therein,
him unclean. if it be not lower than the skin, but
4 I f the bright fpot be white in the skin lomewhatdark; then the prieft fhall f J

of his flefh, and in fiyht be not deeper than him up fevendays.

the skin, and the haifthereof be not turned n And if it fpread much abroad in :

white , then the pried fhall fhut up bim skin, then the prieft (hair pronounce Ij bath the plague, feven days. unclean ; it/ia plague.
$ And the prieft fhall look on him the it But if the bright fpot ftay m
fevemh day: and behold, if the plague place, ani fpread not, it is a burningbj
rn hts fight be at a ttav, An i the plague andthii prieft (kali pronounce feim el
Tokens of Up* fa. Chap, xiii. The msxner of cltMjtngit.
14 r, Or if there be jv fiefli, intheski-n flefh darkifh white ; it it a freckled!
iereot rt-re u a hot burning, and the (put groweth in the skin ; he is clean.
nek fltjl that burneth have a white 4c And the man whole hair if fallen or!"
ight fpot, fomewhat redd fa, »r white 1
hit head, he is bald: yeti 1 he clean.
M Then the prieft fhall lock upon it : 4t And he that hath his hair fallen off
d behold, i/ the hair in the bright fpot from the part of his head toward his face,
turned white, anditie in fight deeper hen forehead-bald yeti he clean.

an the skin; it is a leprotic broken out 4i And if there be in the bald head, or
the burning wherefore the prieft fhall
: bald lorehcad, a white reddifh lore; it it
onounEe him unclean : it is the plague a leprofie fprung up in his bald head, or
leprofie. hi* bald- forehead.
*6 But if the pried look on it, and be- 43. Then the priet fhall look upon it:
ild, there be no white hsir en (he bright and behold, if the rifing of the fore bt
ot, and it be no lower than the other skin, white reddifh in his bald head, or in hi*
t hi fomewhat dark ; then the prieit bxlJ. forehead, as the leprofie appeared
Jllfhut him up (even days. in the skin of the flefh;
17 And the prieft lhall look4ipon him 44 Hen alep.ous man, fee it unclean :
i feventh day : tad if k be fpread much the prieft fhall pronounce him utterly un-
road in the skin, then the prieft fhall clean, his plague if in his head.
onounce him unclean it is the plague4 : 4T And the leper in whom the plague is,
leprofie. his clothes fhall be rent, and his head bare,
t8 And if the bright fpot ftay in his and he fhall put a covering uron his uppei
ice, and fpread not in the skin, but it be lip. and fhall cry, Unclean, unclean.
mewhatdark; it/'j a rifingofthe burn- 46 All the days wherein the plague Jball
gi and the prieft fhail pronounee him bt in him, he (hall be defiled t he /fun-
can for it is an inflammation of the
: clean : he fhall dwell alone, without the
rning. cimx> jb-M his habitation be.
*9 n If a man or wemanhath a plague 47 « The garment alfo that the plague
>on the head or the beard -, of leprofie is in, -whether ir bt a woalien
30 Then thfrpricft fhall fee the plague :
garment, cr alinengsrmenr,
a behold, if it be in fight deeper than 48 Whether it bs in the warp, or woof,
eskin, and there be in it a yellow thin ot linen or.of woollen, whether in a skin,.
lr ; then the prieft fhall pronounce hLx or in any thing made of skin :

clean-, it is a dry fcall, even a leprofie 49 And it the plague be greeni'h or red-
on the head or beard. difh in the garment, or in the skin, either
:i And if the prieft look on the plague in the warp, or in the weof, or in any thing
the fcall, and behold, it />enot in fight of skin ; it if a plague ot leprofie, and fhall
eper than the skin, and that there is no be (hewed irnto the prieft
[clchair in it ; then the pried fhall fhut ?o And the prieft fh.aH look upon the
\bim tbrt bath the plague of the fcall, plague, and fhut up it that bttb the plague*
[en days. leven days.
.} And' in the feventh day the prieft fi And he fhall look on the plague on
1 11 look on the plague: and behold, // the feventh day :if the plague be ft read
llcallipreadnot, and there be in it bo in the garment, either in the warp, or in
clow hair, and the fcall be not in fight the woof, or in a skin, or in ;?rry work
per than the skin -, that is made of skin ; the plague ft a
He fhall be (haven, but the fcaU fhall
: fretting leprofie i it is unclean.
»iotfhave: and the prieft fhall fhut.up ?i He fhall therefore burn that garments,
i, that b.ttb the fcall, feven days more. whether warp or woof, in wollen cr in
!u And in the feventh day the prieft linen, or any thing of skin, ''herein the
ill look on the fcall : and behold, // the plague is : for it is a fretting leprofie ; it
J) i^e not fpread in the skin, nor 6*
I in fhall be jurnt in the fire.
lit deeper than the skin ; then the
prieft *3 And if the pnelt fhall look, and be-
Fl pronounce him clean: and he fhall hold, the plague be not fpread in the gar-
pi his clothes, and be clean. ment, either in the warp, or in the woof,
But if the fcall fpread much in the or in anything of skin ;

>, after hiscleanfing; Then the prieft fhall command that

,. Then
the prieft fhal! look on him: they wafh the thing wherein the plague w,
Toehold, if the fcall be fpread in the and he fhall fhut it up f»ven days mote.
;t the prieft fhall not feek for yellow «
And the prieft ihall look on the plague
'H; hen unclean. after that it iswafhed and behold, if the :

.[-But if the fcall be in his fight at a

ftay, plague have not changed his colour, and
here is black hair grown up the plague be not fpread ; it is unclean,
in the ("call is healed, he it clean
thou (halt burn it in the fire ; it is fret in-

fhall him clean. ward, whether it £e bare within or without.

.*J It a man alfo or a woman have in
?5 And if the prieit look, and behold,
|«ui of their flefh bright fpots, even the plague be fomewhat dark after ths
\ bright pots ; i
wafhingof it ; then he fhall rend it out of
* Then the prieft fhall look
and be- the garment, or out of the «kin, or out

Nght 'pots in the skin of their of the warp, or out of tlie woof,
%i Afti
; I :

The duMjtng Levitici!

<ii Afid if it appear fbi.ll in the garment, place where he fhall kill the fin-oh'erinj
either in the warp, or in the woof, or in an.i the burnt-olferir.g, in thehoJ\ piace
any th wig of skin ; His a ipre'j&inzpidgiu : lor i^thc 6n-6fferiog is the prie'fh, fa i.
thou uVjajtburn that wherein the plague ix, the trelpafs-offerinL' : it is moll holy.
with fire. ^
14 And the prieu'fhall take fomt of the
<jb\And the garment, either warp, or Hood ot the trel'pafs-orferi»g, ana th«
woof, or whatloevcr thing of skin it be, prielt Ihall put r'« upon the tip of the nghi
which thou (halt wafh, if tti* plague be ear cl him that is to be cleanfed., and upor
departed from them, then it (hill be wafh- the thumb oi hisrigiit hand, and upon the
ed the l'econdtime, and (hall be clean. great toe ol his right foot.
?9 This it the law cf the plague of le- K And the prielt ihall-take/bme of th<
protic in a garment of woollen or linen, log of oyl, and pour it into the palm of hi!
either in the warp, or wool, or any thing own leit hand :

>uf skins, to pronounce it clean, or to pro- 16 And the prieft ihall dip hi* rigb
nounce it unclean. finger in theoyl that ;"; in his left hand
CHAP. XIV. and lhall Iprinklect the oyl with his fin-
Tie ch&ntiui of the defer-, &c. ger, leven times before the L >iu>.
ANdtheLoRiHpakeuntoM^i'es, laying, 17 Andof thereftoftheoyhhatr :r, hi
z This (hall be the law or the leper, hand, ihall the pueftput uront ;

,tntne day of his rleaniing: He (hall be the right earot h*m that is to be cjeanfeti
,brought unto the prieft :
and upon the thumb of his right band
7, And
the prieft (hall go forth out of upor. the great toe o< hi? right foot, upo
the camp: and
the prieft (hall look, and the blood ot the trefpafs-ofieriny.
behold, r/the plague ofleproiie be healed iS Andtheremnaai.oft.he q
in the leper the priefls hand, he (hall pour upon ti

4 Then (hall the prielt command to head ot him that is to beck-

take for him that is to beileanfed, twe the prielt ihall make an atonement f
•birds alive,, and clean, and redar-wood, him before the Lord.
andi'carlet, and hyffor. 19And the prielt ihall offer the fin-offe
V And tlie --prielt (hall command that mg.anu make an atonement for him that
.oneol the birds be killed in an earthen cleanled from his uncleannels, ai
.veffel, over running water. atterward he mail kill the ournt-offerin
6 As for the living bird, he (hall take it, ic And the prieft ihall offer the burc
and the cedar-wood, and the Icarlet, and offering, and the meat-offering upon*
4he hyllbp, and (hall dip them and the altar-, and the pried ihall make~an atbn
living bird, in the blood of the bird that ment tor him, and he ihall be dean.
Was killed over the running water. ii And it he ie poor, and cannot get
7 And he (hall fprinkleupon i«m that is much; thenhe ihall take one hnibjw
to be cleanfed from the leprofie, feven trefpals-ottering tc be waved, to make
.times, and (hall pronounce him clean, atonement for him, and one tenth-i
and (hall let the living blfd loofe into the fine fiour mingled with oyl, for a rae
open field. Offering, and a log of oyl
. 8 And he
that is to be cleanfed (ha! n. And two tuple-doves, or two yai
wafh hi-; clothes, and ' aveoff all his hair, pigeons, (uca as he is able to ze
and wafh himfelf in water, that he mav be the one fhall be a fin-offenng, and th
clean : and after that he (hall come into: ther a burnt-offering.
the cam!., and (hall tarrv abroad out or" z; And he ihall bring them on the eig
.bis tent feven days. day, for his cleamirg, unto the pr
9 But it ."hall be on the fev»nth day, thatunto the doorot the tabernacle of thet
he '11311 (have al' his hair off his head andgregation, before the l.oR'J.
Jiisbeard and his eye-brows, even all hia 14 And the prielt (hall take the lam
hair h?tfiall (have off- and he ft. all wafh the trefpafs-offering, and the log of
his clothes, alfo he fhall wah his fiefh in and the pneft fhall wave thea» /oca*
-water, and he fhall be clean. offering before the Lord.
tc And on the eiirhrh dav hefhail take 1* And he ihall kill the lamb of
two he-lambs without blevnifb, and one trel pals-offering, and the prielt ihall
'ew-lambof the full year, without b!emifh, fomt of the blood of the trefpafs-ofte
.and three tenth-deals of fine flour for a and put ft upon the tip of the right e
meat-offering, mingled with oyl, and him thr,t is to be cleaned, andupe
one Ice of oyl. thumb cf tits rieht hand, and upon the
tt And the prieft that maketh him toe of hisrighf loot
clean, (hall prefent the nun that is tc we i5 And the prieft fhall pour of th I

.madecle2n, and thofe, things before the into the palm of his own le;t hand. U
J.ok'>, at the door of the tabernacle of the prielt ihall fprir.klewjl

.the congregation : right finger /o»»fct the oyl that;» I

11 And the pried fhall take one he- left hand, feven times betor
lamb, and oiler him tor a tre^rai'-i-orfer- the pneft ill
inir v sndthe to? of oyl, and wave them his hand, upon the \

for a wave-onen ig before the LORD im that 'stone deai

12 And he fhall ilaj the lamb in the the thumb of bunglu hand
L*proj!e an koufk. h Chap xv. The cleanjing tberedf.'
prwt toe of his right foot upon the place ; 46 Moreover, he that jroeth into th«f
t the blood of the trelpats-otiering. houi'e all the while that it is (hut up. lhall
iO An.! the retl or theoyl thai in the /'.<
be unciean until thceven.
ffeftshand, heihall put upon the head of 47 Andhethitiigth in the houfe, lhall'
iin that is to be cleanl'ed, to make an walh his clothes and lie that eateth in the

ton mien: for him before the LoRU. houi'e, (hall wa.h his clothes.
V> And he fhall otter the one of the 48 And if the pneft (hall come in, and'
irtle-dcvcs, o-r of the young pigeons, look upon/*, and beheld, the plague hath
\c.\ as he can get not (pread in the houi'e, alter the houi'e-
3i Evta lucrTashe is able to fret, the one was pi altered then the prieft fhall P ro--

ra iin-Gfiering,andtheotherforaburnt- nounce the houi'e clesn, becauic the'

rering, with the meat-offering. And the pla'/ue healed.
it make
an atonement tor him
"(hall 49 And he (hall take to cleanfe the
atist. be CJ carried, before the Loiu>. houle two birds, and cedar-wood, ami'
Til is ' the law of b in whom is the m leader, and hylfop.*
agueot leprofie, whole hand isnotablc ?o And ne fhall kill the one of the birda
get which vertainetb to hiscleaniing in an earthen velfel, over running water.
W 11 And the Lord fpake unto Motes, ?t And he (hall take the cedar- wood,
Junto Aaron, faying, and the hylfop, and t!*e f'carlet, and the
"4 W
ie»yd be come into the land of living bird, and dip them in the blood of
aaan, which I give to you for a poffeffi- the ilaiiibird, and in the 'running water,
and 1 put the plague ot leprofie in a and fpnnkle the ho^ife feven times.
ufe of the ana ot your pofieffion ;
1 Si Apdhefh'all cleanfe the houfe with
And he that owcth the houi'e fhall the blood or the bird, and with the run-
jme and tell the prieft, i*aying. Itfeem- ning water, and with the living bird, and
1 to mt there is as it were a plague in the with the cedar-wood, and with'the hylfop.
ufe : and with frhefcarlet.
?6 Then the prieft fhall command that ?s B»r he fhall let <jo the living bird
:y empty the houfe, before the prieil go out of the city into the open fields, and
oit to lee the plague ; that all that is in make an atonement tor the hemfe : and
houfc be not made unclean and after- : it lhallbe clean.
rd the prielt lhall go in to fee the houle. *4 This ii the law for all manner plague
M And he (hall look on the plague, and of l:proiie, and (call,
iold, //the pi ague £e in the waffs' cf the <r? And
for the leprofie of a garment,
tie, with hollow ftrakes, greeniih or and of an houfe,
difh, which in fight are lower than the 56 And for a riling, and for a (cab, and'
tor a bri'/htlpot
8. Then the prieft fhall <ro ont cf the s"7 To" teach when it is uncUan, and'
door of thehoufe, andfhatup
fe to the when it is clean : this is the law of leprofie,
houle fevendays, CHAP. XV. '

) And the pneit' (hall come again the Mens uTKleanmfs in tbeir ijjues, Sec.
enth day, and (hall look and behold, :
AJNdthe Loro fpake unto Mofes and
he plague be l'r read in the walls of the to Aaron; faying,
#r ,e; 1 Speak unto the children of IfraeJ, and
:1 hen the prieft (hall command that fay unto *,hem, When any man hath »_'
Mv take away the (tones, in which the
nd they fhall calf, them into- an his itfue he r'i unclean.
Mare without the city. ? Ansl this fhall be his uncleannefs in
I Ar.d lie (hall caufe the houfe to be his iffue: whether his liefh run with his
:* ped within round about, and they fhall ifTue, or his rlefh be (lopped from his
Jl: out the dult that thev fcrate off, iifue, it/' hisuri'ieanriefs.
(fiout the city into an unclean pbce. 4 Every bed whereon he lieth that hath
1| And they 0.311 take other Hones, ana the i'l'ue, is unclean and everv tiling :

mbem in the place of thol'^ (tones , and whereon he iititefh, fhall be unclean.
fciaM take other inorter, and fhall p!ai- ? And whofoevertoueheth his bed, fhall
»he houle. wah his clothes, and bathe blmftlf in,
1! And if the plague come a?ain, and w-ter, and be unclean until the even.
1 thehouTe, alter that he fcath 6 And he that fitteth en ,i«y thing
away the (tones, and after he whereon he fist that ha-th the itlue, (hail

fcraped the houle, and after it is w.a'h his clothes, and bathe' himfetf in
ered ; water, and be unclesn until the even
Then the prieft (hall come and look, 7 And'he'tlia^totichtith thefle'ffc of him
jehold, if the. plague be (pread in thathathlhe iffite, (hall wall his clothes,
oufe, it is a tretting leprofie in the and bathe b'mjilf in w<iter, and be unrlean
it /unclean.
: until the even.
And he fhall breakdown thehoufe, 8 And if he that hath the ilfop (pit upr>n
ones of it, and the timber thereof, him that is clean-, 'hen he fha'll wafh his
ill the inorter of the houle: and he clor! .e<, and Kafhe bint/elf in water, and -

>tm forth out of the city into be unclean until the even.
"lean place.
j 9 And what laddie lbever he rideth -

IJntfetn iflutu '

Levit iclrs. vsi tbtir clttnfmg.
16 Every bed whereon fhe lieth all the

upon, that hath ,fhe i{Tac fhiU be unclean.


10 And wholoever toucheth any thin<; days of her iflue, fhall be unto her as the
that was under him, fhall t>e unclean un- bed of her fcparatipn and whatfoevcr fhe

til the even -.

and he that beareth any of fittethupon, fhall be unclean, as the tm-
thofe things, fhall wafh, fan clothes, and cleannefsot her ieparation.
bathe kimjelf in water, and be unclean 17 And whofoever toucheth thofe thing*
until the even. fhall be unclean, and fhall walh his clothes,
ti And whomlbever he toucheth that and bathe himjtlf in water, and be unclean
hath the illue ( and hath net rinfed his until the even.
hands in water ) he fhall wafh his clothes, 18 But if fhe be eleanfed of her iffue,
and bathe bitnfekfin water, and be unclean then fhe fhall number to her felf feven
until the even, days, and after that fhe fhall be cIcj
11 And the vefTel of earth, that he 19 And on the eighth cay fhe fhall take
toucheth which hath the iffue, fhall be unto her two turtles, or two young pigeons,
broken and every vcfl'elof wood fhall be and bring"them unto the priefr, to the door

xinfed in water. ot the tabernacle of the congregation.

n And when he that hath an iflue, is 50 And theprielt fhall offer the one fo.
cleanfedof his iflue ; then he fhall number a fin-offering, and tfce other for a bu.nt-
to himfelf (even days for his cleaniing, ofiering ; and the pried fhall make an
and wafh his clothes, and bathe his flefh in atonement tor her before the Lorl>, for
running water, and fhall be clean. the iffue ot her uncleannels.
14 And on the eighth day he fhall take Jl Thus fhall ye feparate the children of
to him two turtle-doves, or two young lirael from their uncleannels ; that the/
rigeons, and come before theLoRD unto «lie not in their uncleannels, when they
the door of the tabernacle of the congrega- defile my tabernacle that is among them.
tion, and give them unto theprielt. n This is the law of him that hath an
t< Andehe nrieft fhall offer them, the iffue, and of bint whole feed goeth front
©ne/er a fin-offering, and the other for him, and is defiled therewith :

a burnt-offering t and the priclt fliall 3? And of her that isfick of herfloweri,
make an atonement for him before the and of him that hath an iflue, of the man,
Lord, for his iffue. « and of the woman, and of him that lieth
16 And if any mans feed of copulation go with her which is unclean.
out from him.then he fhall wafr. all his rklh ,
in water, and be unclean until the even. Tbe bigb pritfts, &c.
17 And every garment, and ever) skin ANd the Limn fpake unto Mofe»
whereon is the Teed of copulation, fhall alter the death of the two (bus
fee wafhed with water, and be unclean un- Aaron, when they offered before rh<
til the even. Lord, and died
18 The woman alio with whom man 1 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Spoil
fhall lie with feed of copulation, they unto Aaron thy brother, that he co*
fhall botb bathe tbemftlvei in water, and not at all times into the hd\y Plate wit]
be unclean until the even. in the vail, before the mercy-feat, whn
19 flAnd if a woman have an iffue, and her is upon the ark; that he die not: for.
iflue in her flefh be b'.ood, fhe fhall be put will appear in the cloud upon themcrcj
apart fevendays and- whofoever toucheth feat.

her, fhall he unclean until the even. ? Thus fhall Aaron come into the- ho
io And every thing that fhe lieth upon place.: with a young bullock for a lin-oi
iaher feparition, fhall be unclean every ferine, and a ram tor a burnt-offering.

thing alio that fhe fitteth upon, fhall be 4 Re fhall put on the holy linen coa
unclean. and he fhall have the linen breeches upc
n And whofoever toucheth her bed, his flefh, and fhall be girded with tl
ihaH waih his, and bathe bhnfelf linen trirdle, and with the linen mir
in water, and be unclean until the even. fhall he be attired : thefe are holy ga
li And whofoever toucheth any thins ments ; therefore fhall he wafh his fie
that fhe fat upon, fhall wafh his clothes', in water, and fo put them on.
and bathe biniftlj in water, and be un- ? And he fhall take of the congregati
clean until the even. of the children of Ifrae', two kids oft
i.\ And if it be on her bed, or on any goats tor a fin-offering, and one ram I
thing whereon fhefitteth, when he touch- a bumt-offerifig.
cth it ; he flutl be unclean until the even. 6 And Aaron fhall offer his bullock
14 And if any man lie with he.r at all, the fin-offering,' whichii torhinTVelf, a
and her flowers be uron him, heinall he ma^ean atonement for himfelt, and i
unclean feven days: and all the bed his houfe.
whereon he lieth, mall be unclean. 7 And h; (hall take the two eoats, s
ii And if. a woman have an iflue of her prefent them before the Lord, at the d
blood many days out of the time of oftbe tabernacle ofthe congregation.
reparation, or if it run beyond the time 8 And Aaron (hall cali lots upon I

etherfeparation; all thedavsofthe iitlie twe goats ; one lot for the Lord, and 1
ot her unclcannel's fhall be as the days- of other lot for the fcape-eoat.
her reparation ; the JotU be unclean. 9 Anci Aaion fhall brlns the goat ui
pro loejcift-gSAt,
Lords let fell, ami offer him
hthe 13 And Aaron (hail come into the ta-
fin-offering. bernacle ot the congregation, and fhall
But the goat on which the lot fell put or! the hnen garment*, which he put
e the fcape-gcat, ihall be presented on when he went into the holy pUu, art
2 tefore the Loro,
to make an a- fhall Isave them there.
tnent with him, tmcito l«t hiingo for 14 And he ihall waih his flsfh with wa-
pe-goat into the wildernefs. ter in the holy place, and put on his gar-
And Aaron (hall bring the bullock of ments, and come forth, and offer bis
in-offering, which/ tor himlelf, and burnt-offering, and the btrrnt-offering of
make an atonement torhimlelf, and the people, and make an atonement for
his houl'e, and (hall kill the bullock himlelf, and for the people.
ie fin-ottering which is tor himlelf. i? And the fat of the fin-offering fhall
And Ue fhajl take a cenfer-lull of he burn upon the altar.
ing eoals ot fire from off the altar 16 And he that let go the goarfor the
#e the Lord, and his hands lull of fcape-goat, ihaTl wafh his clothes, and
i incenfe beaten finall, antl bring it bathe his flefh in water, and afterward
liin the vail. come into the camp.
And he ihall put the incenfe upon i? And the bullock for the fin-ofYerh^8 , ,

fire before theLord, that the clsud and the gnat for the fin-offering, whole
ie incenfe may cover the mercy-feat blood was brought in to make atone-
j upon the teftimony, that he die not. ment in the holy pUaf fhall one carry
And he (hall take of the blood of the forth without the camp, and they fhall
ock, and fprinkle it with his finger burn in the fire their skins, and their fleltu
the mercy-feat ealt-ward
and be- :
and their dang.
the mercy-feat (hall he fprinkle ot iS Arid he that burnetii them, (hall wafh
blood with his finger feven times. his clothes, and bathe his tkfh in water,
H Then (hall he kill the goat of the and afterward he fhall come into the
ffering that h for the people, and camp.
g his blood within the vail, and do 19 *T AndrA/f (hallbe aftatnte for ever
. that Wood as he did with the blsod unto you that in the feventh month, on

ie bullock, and fprinkle it upon the the tenth i'ayof the month, yefhall arfiVit
:y-feat, and before the mercy-leat. your fouls, and do no work at all, •»£**«>
Andhcfhall make an atonement for it be one of your own country, or a ftranger

loly place, becaufc of the uncleannefs that fojournctb among you.

ie children of Ifrael, and becaufe of 3c For on that day fhall (be priefl make
:tranfgrerfions in all their fins and : an atonement for you, toeleanle you, tbxt
tall he do tor the tabernacle of the ye may be clean from all your fins be-
;resation that remaineth among them, fore theLoRi>.
emidft of their uncleannefs. 31 It Jbail be afabbath ot reft unto you,
And there fhall be no man in the ta- and ye fhall afflict your fouls by a ftatute
,aeleof the congregation, when he go- forever.
in to make an atonement in the holy 3t And the ptieft whom
he fhall anoint,
until he come out, -and have made an
and whom he fhall confecrate to miiufter
ement far himfglf, and forhishouf- in the priefis office in his fathers ftead,
, and for all the congregation of Ifrael fhall make the atonement, and (hall put on
And he (hall go out unto the altar the linen clothes, even the holy garments.
K|»j before the Lord, and make an a- 33 And he fhall make an atenement for
•ritient for it-, and fhall take of tne the holy fan>5iuary, and he (hall make an
-> d of the bullock, and of the blood of atonement for the tabernacle of the con-
/pat, and put if. upon the horns of the gregation, and for the altar: and he (hall
i'r roundabout. make an atonement for the prielts, and

And he (hlft fprinkle of the blood tor all the people of the congregation.
it with his finder leven times, and 34 And this fhall be an evcrlalting fta-
nfe it,and hallow it from the unclean- tute unto you, to mak« an atonement for
iiof the children ot Itrael. the children of Ifrael, for aU their fins,
And when fie hath made an end of
11 once a year. And he did as the Lord
ineiling the holyplace, and the taber- commanded Mof'ts.
Vecf the congregation, and the altar, CHAP. XVII..
i-'iall bring the live goat : The blood of be*fr< mujlbt offered, &c.
k! And Aaron fhall lay both his hands A Nd the Lord fpakcuntoMof»,faying,
|i the head of the bveeoat, and conlels i\ 1 Speak unto Aaron, and unto his
him all the iniquities of the children fons, and unto all the children of Ifrael,
rael, and all their tranigrefTicns in afl and lay-untothem, This is the thing which
F fins, puttinz themupon the head of
the Lord hath commanded, layins,
pat, and fhall fend bim away by the 3 What man focverfAe/eie of the'koufe
of a fit man into the wildernefs.
1 of Ifrael, that killeth an ox, or lamb, or
And the 7oat fhall bear uponhimaLl
j goat in the camp, or that kilieth it out
t iniouities, unto a land not inhaoit- of the c?Tmp,
| and he fhall let go the goat in the 4 Andbringethit not unto the door of
the tabernacle of the con§re?auon, to of-
n : »

- to httsttn. L '

fer an offering unto the Lord bef

_cle ot the Lo<^ ; oiood fl

imputed unto that man, h; h:<- ; After the doings ot the land of Eg
andthawnanfhall be cut off
, fro. wherein ye dux-lr. ftiall yeT.ut do:
among his people :
-.rer the doings of the land of Can.
f 1j the end that the children of Ifrael tningyou, faall ye not do. n
mav bring their facriticea, which.they of- .r ordinances.
open Scld. even that t\
ler'ir. the ill Ju my judgment-., and
brinir them unto the Lord, unto tl ir<e ordinances, to walk therein-. 1
abemaele ci the r. i
our God.
the prictt, and oner them fer peace- -
Ye 'hall therefore keep my ftatn
ofterings unto the Loki>. my judgment*: which ii a':: an
6 And the prieft null (prinkle the bleed e in them 1 .i»« the Losl>.
• :

upon the altar or tltt Lukd, at rhc door n.-ot you fhall approach to
ot the tabernacle ot the congregation, that i j nea^pt km to him, .to uncover ti

and burn the tat tor a ;weet favour unto tUe m theloRD.
- The
rjakednefs of thy father, or
7 And they fhafi no more offer their of thy mother, fhalt thou

facriiiccs unto devils, alter wh. uncover: the;'/ thy mother, thou fhalt
have gone a w.-.onng Ttisfhallbe a ita- : uncover her nakednefs.
tute tor ever unio them throughout their S The nakednels of thy fathers w
generations. fhalt thou not uncover it ts thy fath :

\;:dthou fhalt fay unto them nakednefs.

foever man, hire be oi the houleot l:faei,or 9 The nakednefs of thy filter,the d au*
of the itrangers which (ujourn among you, ta.her, or daughter o; thv m

that ofiereth a burnt-offering or lacr'ifice, tfaer, wbttbey jbt be born at home, c'r bt
o And bringeth it not unto the door ot even their nakednefs thcu ih
the tabernacle of the congregation, to not uncover.
offer it unto the Lord; everTthat man ic The nakednefs of thy fons daught
fhall be cut off from among his people. or ot thy daughters daughter, even til
id « And whatftever man rWe
be of nakednefs thou fhalt not uncover: '

Ifrael, or of the Grangers that

. eof theirs U thine own nakednefs.
fojouwiamonsrvou, that careth an :t The nakednels ot thy fathers wi

nerof b'.oodf I will ? v * n 'et my 'face a- begotten of thy father, ( the

gainl: that foul that eateth Mood, andwili thy "fifter j thou fhalt not uncover t
cut him off from among his people. r.ake^
ti Forthelifeortheneihrf in the blood, iz Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednt
d 1 have given it to you upon the altar, ofthy fathers filler : fhe/i tfay fithers ne
to make an atonement for your fouls: tor kinfwc ..

is the blood maketh an atonement i? Thou fhalt not Hncover the nake
for the foul.. -

neli of thy mothers filter : for fhe it t
n Therefore I faid unto the children of mothers near kinfwoman.
liVae!, x\o foul of you ftiall eat blood, j. Thou fhalt
i not uncover the nake
neither faall any ftrar.ger that lojcurneth nefsof thy lathers brother, thou ft
among you, eai blood. approach to his wife fhe'-' :.. :

of the - i? Thcu (halt not uncover the

en" of Ifrael, cr of the ftrang nels ot thv daughter in law fhe i< : i

fojauw among vou, which hunteth and wile,-

catcheth any beaft or tow! that may be \f> Thou uncover the naktj
fhalt not
eaten ; he inall even paur out the blood nefs ot thy brothers wife: it
thereof, and cover itwithduft. D .kednefs.
t4 For:f theliteoi a!l flelh, the bloci ihalt not
.; uncover I

of it/.' for the lire thereof: therefore I laid ne^s of a woman and her dau
unto the children ot Iliael, Ye mall eat ther fnalt thou take her foru
the blood of no manner of tkfh tor the : or her daughters daughter,
i Mood thereof: who- her nakednefs; fsr tfaey are her ne
en it ;.' wickednefs,
loever er-'ethit, ihall be cutoff. :

,- f^ etiflthat which ib Neither ffaltthoutake awifeto b

died of it /W/.'or that which was torn with lifter, to vex btfy to uiicover her nako
<r own r.els beiid,c< the ether in herlite-f/w.
pi ) heihsfl both wafti 19 Alio thcu fhalt not approach unto
v.-.tcr, woman to mr.^ow

until the ever. : then ftiall ?- Cr.? is put apart for ber uncle
beheclean. not lie
wain tbem not, nor ba:he naily w:t. rs wite, to defi
i^ But if fa; .

hisfiefl er. '';JH
c h a p. xvhi: •! ou ft-.a!r not let anv of tl

- the ct f'

h'vtri /.ii»i
*'*• retlted,

ii r
not ftc * ! nci
neither lie one to another
Andyelhallnotfwear oyiiiynam*
' ^r deU

fajfly, neither ftiait thou profane the nam-C

ot thy God: 1 « m the Lord
it V Thoufhah not defraud' thy
bour, neither rob bim* the wages
or h,™
that is hired, fliall not abide*
all night until the morning.
wiS the™
u c
t4 V Thou fhalt not curfe the
deaf, nor
put a ttumbling-block befora
the bliaj,
w11 Ye flull do no unriefcteoufnels
Ye my

j ltiall therefore keep Matures judgment 5 thoulhait notreipectthe

my judgments, and mall nx commit per-
son ot theioor, nor honour the perfdhof
ot thcic abominations * ntitbtr any of
r own nation, nor any ttranger that thou judge thy neighbour.
urneth among ><iu :
i6 11 Thou malt not go up and
> C For all theie abominations have the a tale-bearer among
down as
thy people; neith-r
t ot the land done, wkieh wire before fhalt thou Hand azainlt the
blood ot thi
, and the land is defiled ) neighbour I *m the Lord.
i That the land Ipue not vou out alfo,
Thou iha' t not hate thy brother in
n ye defile it, as it ipuedbiu the nati- *% \
thine heart: thoulhait in any
wife rebuke
that veere before you. thy neighbour, and not fkfTer tin
For wrxlbcver fha!l commit any of upon him
mr tb 11 Tnou fhalt not avenge,
e abominations, even the ibuls that not beat
any grudge againft the children
BUt tb'.m, fhall be cut off from among of thy
people,. but thou fhalt love thy
r people.
Therefore ihail ye keep mine ordi-

re, thatje commit not Any on; of thefe hot let thy cattle gender with a
Biaable cuftom*, which were commit- divers
0U lhalt n °t low thy feed
>efore you, and that ye defile not your mHi^7^'.eed: n«ther
mingled 1
. with
es therein 1 mh the Lord your G3d mmgled
a par-new
or hnen and woollen come upon
^petition of fun dry isxvt. in fl And whefoaver liefh
JNd the Lore (pake untoMofes, fay- earftallv v fh ;

a womarMhati, a bond-maid bet »hed

Speak unro the congregation of
all nor freedom, given her;
ghildrenof Ilrael, and fay unto them, hie in? II be
courged t*ey fhall not be put
mall be holy: tor I the Lord your
to death
~ «m holy.
becaufe fhe was not tree
.it And he Iball bring his
% Ye
his rather, and
fhall fear everyman his mother
keep my fabbaths: I
ycur God.
ring unto the Lord, unto the
tabernacle ot tte congregatlc^
*venl *

ram tor a trtfpars-offerinl,
Turn ye not tinfo idols, nor make to 11 And the prieftmall make
Jelvis molten gods i« M the Lord anaton-'

ment tor him with the ram of
ottering, ^i^xt the f
X *!$S£
n And ifyeolTer a facrifke of peaee- tor hafia
Vr ck he ha»-done
•ingsuntc the Lord h 'V „ and the fa whgt :

; ye fhall oifer it, he hath dope, ,

»ur own will.

fhall be fprJinn him
ItmallbeeareRttte fame day yeofrer
nd on the morrow and if »u?itt re-
i until the third jay. it fhall be

land, and fhall have planted
all Zw
tie fire.
it be eaten at all on the third dav,
inabki it thall not be accepted. 14 But in the fourth year
oreeve'y cm that eateth it fh.all the^t thaU behoryto ypraireall fh<« fru/»
lmqury, becaufe he hath pro- ,S\o«
.e hallowed thins ot the Lox>-- And in the f.fth yc-rfhalJ ye
15 eatof the
t foul ftiall be .cut off from among
ruu thereof, that it may yield
unto voa S2
Kind* when ye reap the harveit of Yc .^a not
u, ^
1 J "t.:/;>
land, then Auk not wholly reanthe rtniwititrie
Wood: aether faaij iaVSK^
:rsot thy field, neither malt thou ga-
not jblatve times.
ye u;r
the gleaning? o: ihy harv<*.
And thou jtialt not 'glean thy vine- - * Ye ma.'i not round th« coroe« oF
• neither thai: thou trarher every
c of thy vineyard thou fhalt leave

&tmga: lawthz
'frmSSi. milk, upon >ou rH u, '
te c loSS.
E »3 li DO
: -

2.$ * i)or.;t pro.ti bourswife, the adulterer and the adu
jrto lie a whore; Icit the land i'all re:* lhall lurely be put to death.
to. whoredom, and the land become lull 11 And the m: n that Hath with hi.

©t wickc e, hath uncovered his fathers

30 v, Ye fhall keep my fabbaths, and kedneffl both of them lhall lureW be

reverence my fanctuary lam theLo*:>. : to death i theft Wood ibdtl bt uponth

*\ r Regard not them that have familiar
j. And if a man lie with
1 kisdauphte
f^pirits, neither leek alter be do- law, both of them fhall Purely be' pi
filed by thrm I *>w the Lord your God.
: death they have wrought confufi

Utl Thou fhalt rife upbetore the hoary their blood fhall be upon them.
head; and honour the fate of the oldm-an, n If a man alio lie with mankind
and fear thy God : I *m the Lord. hehethwith a woman, both of them h
^ n And it a ftrar.ger fojaiirn with committed an abomination they 1 :

thee in your land, ye fhall noLvex him. trrery be put to death ; their blood
34 But the ftrar.ger that dwelieth with be upon thera.
vou, (hall be unto you aj one bom amonjft if a man take a wife and
and thou fhalt love him as thyfelf; mother, it il wirkednefs they iiull :

for ye were ftrangers in the lanu ol E- burnt with fire, bo*h he and they \
g)Pt I am the Lord your God.
: there be no wiekednefs you.
3* fl Ye fhall do no unrightepufnefs in tj And it a man lie with a bead,
Judgnient.'ianiete-yard, In weight, Grin fhall lurely be put to death: and ye
meafure. flay tnc bcaft.
36 Juft balances, juft weights, a juft e- 16 And if a woman approach unto
r>hah, and a juft hin lhal. ye have: I 4*1 beak, and lie down thereto, thcu <
the Lord your God, which brought you kill the womsn and the baa
out of the land 0; Esypt. iurely be put to death; the:
1.7 Therefore fhall ye obferve all my upo« •
rhrtutes, and all my judgments, anil do 17 Aniir a iha'.l take hisflfter,
L aw the Lord. fathers daugiuer, or his r.-.ot/.ers dac?lr
e HA P. XX. and lee kerrskednefs, and fhe fee Hi!
Of giving feel to Moltcb,
kednel's; it is a wicked thing > and

ANd the LORD (pike unto

lhall be cut cir in the lignc of their
Vlofe3, 1

laying, pie: he hath uncovered h.s filters nal

i A-ain.thou (halt fay to the children of fhall oear his iniquity. .

IfraelV Whofbev«rAe is of the children of 18 And if a man fhall lie with a wo

Ifrael,orof the itrangers that fojoura in II- hiving her ficknefs, and fhall unc-ovei
rael, thatgiveth any of his feed unto Mo- nakedfiefs; he hath di, covered her t<
lechjhe fhall furely be put to deatb;the peo- tain, aRd fhe hath uncovered .-he four
ple of the land ihail ltcne him with ftones. of her blood: and both ot roem fhal
3 And 1 will fet my face againft that cut off from among their people.
man, and will cut him off from among his to And thou fli alt net uncover the
people: becaufe he hath given of his feed kedaefs of thy mothers filter, r>or of
nmoMoieefc, to defile n»y fanctuary, ana fathers filter: for he uncovereth his
to profane my holy name. kin; they fhaJl bear their iniquity.
4 And if thepeup)e of the land do any ^c And if a man fhall liewith hii
ways hide their eyes from the mac cle3 wife, he hath uncovered his ui
he giveth of his fead unto Molerh, and nakednefs: they fhall bear their tin,
kill him not Iha'.l d:e childtc's.

? Then I will fet my face againft tliut ij And if a man fhall take his bror
man, and againfl his family, ant' will cir wife, it 11 an unclean thing he hath :

him off, and all that go 3 whoring after cjvered his brothers nake-ineis, they
him, t» commit whorejdom with Molech. oe childlels.
from among their people. ix <\ Ye fhall thereforekeep all m;
6 V And the foul that turneth aftur met tutes, and all rrfy j;idgir.en-s, and uotr
ashavefaiailiarfpints, andatte- wizards, that tne land whither I bring you to c
to co a whoring arter them, 1 therein, fpje you not out.
fet my face againlt that foul, and will cut i? And ve fhall not walk inthemai
him eff from among .... of the nation, which 1 caftout
7 fl Sanetiheyour lejve- tV.rmre, and for they committed all theie things
be yehoiy roriA?« 'he Lord your Cod. therefore 1 abhorred them.

«' And ye fhall keep my itatutes, an! ii rtut I have laid unto ycu, Ye
dc them: 1 »W the Lord which ianct..;- nhent their land, and Twill give it
ytuto potfefs it, a land that f.nwet'j
o'll For every one tha' cur'eth his fa milk and hony I am the : LOUD
tber or pis mother, fhall be l«dy put God, which have Separated you
death he hat'- turfed his father or hi- e her people.

mother ; tis blv<\f>*U he u;-on.him. z,- Ye ihall therefore putdiferenc

,0 V And the ma" that commirteth ?an b'.-alts and unci

iulte-v wrtiWw#»er iians wife, even b' t.veen unclean iow\s and clei
»ha coj&mitwtfc aiulitf * with
iiuncigh- not mak« your fojii abo;mnabic by I
'dimncti Chap. XXi, XXir\ tiucttitff tie pritfis.

>y fowl, or by any manner of Jiving 17 Speak Wrto Aaron, faying, Whofjj. 1

igtkat creepethon the ground, which ever be be of thy feed in Nieirgenarauoas,

»ve fepata'ed from you as unclean. that hath any blemifh, lot him not ap-
And ye ilia I! be holy unto ate: lor I proach to ol>er the bread ol his God:
Lo;' >«w» holy, and nave levered ycu i3 For whatfoever man bs be thathatfc
natbtr people, that ye mould be mine. a blemifh, hefhali not approach a blini :

•41 A man alio or woman that hath a fa- man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat
,or that is a Wizard ,ih:ili fur«l
nole, or any thing fuperrluous,
;ath: they lhall tto:e them wrtfi r9 Or a man that is broken-footod, ot
let: their t>loo& Jball be upon them. breken-hinded,
XXI. to Or crook-backt, or a dwarf, or that
katli a blemifh in his eye. orb* (curvy, ot
Of tbe f'iejii mourning Sec.
Nd the. Lord faia ubw Moles, Speak fcabV>ed, or hath his ftones broken :

unto the prieits the Ions or Aaron, ai No man that bath a blemifh, of tt\*

i fay unto them, There lhall none be feed of Aaron the pnelt, (hallcome nigh
iied for the dead among his people. to orier the offerings of the Lord m;rde
But for his kin, that is near unto in n», by Jire he hath a Wemifh, he ihall net

is for his mother, and tor hit lather,
eomemg.i to offer the bftadof nis God*
I for his Ton, ana for his daughter, and at He 'ha#I est tha bread oi his God»
his brother, both or the rnott holy, and of the hc-lv.
And for his lifter a virgin, that is nigh ii Only he (fa -11 not go in unto the
him, whish hath had no husband vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, be-

her may he be defiled. came lie hath a blemifh; that he pro-

1 But he mall not defile him Pelf, being fane nor my fancuiaries for I the Lord :

lie fnvan among his people, to prolans do !anaitie them.


14 And Moles told it unto Aaron, -and o
They lhall not make baldnefs upon his f«#ns,and unto all the children ot Ifrael.
ll head, neither lhall they lhave off CHAP.
corner of their beard, nor make any The prieft< when to abftain pom boh things.
ings in their ftefh.
They mail be holy unto their God, ing.
the Lukd (pake, lay-

not profane the name of their God: z Speak unto Aaron and to his fona,
the offerings of the Loud made by that they feparate themfelves from the
mi the bread of their God they do holy things of the children of Ifrael, and
r:therefore they (hall be holy. that they profane not my holy name, in
They lhall not take a wife that is a tbofe things which they hallow un.o me:
•re,or profane ; neither (hall they I am the Lord.

a woman put away from her hu<- t, Say unto them, Whofoever be he of
i : for he is holy unto his God. all your feed among ybur generations,
Thou (halt fanaifie him therefore, for that goeth unto the holy things, whiek
ff-reth the bread of thv God : hefhali the children of Ifrael hallow unto the
lioly unto thee :. for I the Loud which Lord, having his uncleanoefsupon harm
itihe you, am holy. that foul (hall be cut off "from my pre-
H«fi And the daughter «f any prieft, if tence :I am the Lord.
flprofaneherfelf by playing she whore, 4 Whatman Ibever of the feed cf Ar-
fh* (hall be ron it a leper, or hath a running id'ue
ft protaneth her father :

he fhall not eat of the holy things, until

lit with tire.
I And: bt tbitis the high prieft among he be clean. And whofb touche-th any
nethren, upon whofe head the- anoint- thing tbitis unclean £y the dead, or a maa
oyl was poured, and that is conlecrat- whofe feed goeth from him :

o put en the garments,' fhall fiotun-

,:«j ? Or whofoever touoheth any creeping
H ;r his head, nor rent his clothes ~ whereby he may be made unclean,
Neither (hall he go in to any dead or a man of whom ha may take unclear-.
nor defile himfelf for his father , or efs, whatsoever uR<?lear>riefs he hath :

i«,wother 6 The foul which hath touched ahy fuch,

Neither (hall he ga out of the fan- friallbc unclean until even, and fhall not
ry, nor yrofane the fancluary of his eaiof the holy things, unlefshe wafh hi«
fbi the erown of the anointing oy| fi«h with water.
is God is upon him I am the Lord. : 7 And when the fun is dawn, hefhali be
And he fhall take a wife vn hervir-, clean, and fhall afterward cat of theholr
y- things, beoaufe it is ins food,
Awidow, ox a divorced woman, ot 8 That which dieth of it f'clf, or istora
ine, or aft harlot, thele (hall he not vritb beafls, he shall not eat, to defile him-
: hut he (hali take a virgin of his felf therewith : I am the LORD.
people to wife. 9 They (hall therefore k,eep mine ordi-
Neither fhall he profane his feed a- nance, left they bear fin lor it, and die
t his people: fori tin do fan- Lord therefore, if they.profane it : I th&Lon*
him. do fandtifie them.
«fl And the Lord fpake unto Mofes to Thercfhallno ftrangereat ofthe ho-
ly thing-, a fojourner oi the priclt, ora»
E i hire*
-: : f

Ordinances for the pri eft i, Levitieu*. 0/ funiry fe%ft\

hired fervanrfhall not eat of the holy an offering made by fire unto kheLo'
thing. J
iS And rvbttbcr it be cow or ew, yefl
ii But if the prieft buy any foul with his not killit and her vounghoth in one d
money, hefhall cat ol K, and he t!iat is ig And when ye will crTcfa faenfic
born in his houfe : they (hall cat ot Ln . thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer h
teat. lyour o-vn will.
n If the priefts daughter alfo be near- ;c Onthe.ame day it fhall be eater
ried unto a lhanger, the may not eat ot' ye (hall leave none o tit until the xorrc
an oriering or the holy things. I I the Lord. *w
13 But it the pneits daughter be a wi- 1 ; t Theretore (hall ye keei> my cr
dow, or divorced, and have no child, and; fflandments, and do them I «.m tne Lo :

is returned unto her lathers koufe, asin her :i Neither (hall ye i-rotane- my I

youth, fhe mail eat ot her lathers meat name, but I will be hallowed among
but there (hill no ftranger eat thereof. children ot Ifrael: lam the Lord wi
14- H And it a man eat of the holy thing hallow \ou,
unwittingly, then he (hall put the fifth firt ^
That brought you out of the laru
-thereof unto it, and fhall give it unt-ithe Egypt, to be your God lam theLo

prie!t, with the holy tinny. XXIU.

i,- And
tney(hall not profane the holy Of/lmjrjfesfli, &c.
things or the children of lfrael which they
cfter unto the Lord :
the Lord (pake untc Mofes, ;

16 Orfufferthemto bear the iniquity of i Speak unto the children of Ifrael,

-trel'pafs, when they eat their holy things fay unto them, Canceminz the feafb
for 1 the Lord do fancnlie them. the LORD, which ye (hall proclain
i7 <1 And the Lord (pake unto Mofes, be holy convocatiop*. even thefe are
fayiflg, feaftv.
18 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, 5 six days (hall work be done, but
and unto all taechiUrenot Ifrael, andfay feventhday ii the fabbath of n?ft, an I

unto them, Whatlbever bebeot the houfe convocation; ye (hall do no work tber>
ef Ifrael, or of the ftrangers in Ifrael, that it ii the fabbath ol the Lord in all
will offer his oblation for all his vows,dwellings.
and for all his free-will-offerings, which 4 51 Ihefc are the feafts of the La
they will offer unto the Lord lor a burnt even holy convocations, which ye D
©ticrins: proclaim in their feafons.
19 Ye jhM ofjer at your own will a male < in the fourteenth cUy of tne firft mi
-without blemifh of the beeves, of the at even, ft the Lords paffbver.
theep, cr ot the goats. * And on the hlreenth day or" the
But whatibever liath ablemi!*, tbit month, it the teafl of" unleavened bi

fhail ye not offer: for it (hall net be ac- unto the LORD: leven days ye mud
ceptable for you. unleavened bread.
ii And wholoever offereth a facrificeof 7 In thefirit day ye (hall have an
peace-offerings unto the LORD, to ac- convocation: ye (hall do no fervilev
complifh/»'' vow.ora tree-will-offerine in therein.
beeves, orfheep, itfhall be perfect, to be 8 But ye fhall offer 2n offering mad
accepted:therefhall feenoblemifh therein. fire unto the LORD
leven d?.v; in :

n Blind, or broken, or maimed, or feventh day is an holy convocation

ha vine; a wen, or (furvy, or fcabbed, ye (hall do no fervile work therein.
(hall not olter thefc unto the Lord, nor c « And the Lord (pake unto M
nwke an offering by fire of them upon the fayiilft
altar unto the LoR - c Speak unto th? children of \i
17 Either a bullock, or a lamb that hath and fay-unto them, When >c be com
anv thing luperrtuous or lacking in his to the land which I give uflto you,

parts, that maylt thou o$trfor"z free- (hall " reap the harreit thereof, tfeej

will-offering 3 but tcr a vow it fhall not (hall bring a (hcaf of the hrlt-frni

be ajcepttd. your harvelt unte the pneft

14 Ye fhall not offer unto the LORD u And he (hall wave the (heal be
hatwhirhis bruil'ed, or crofted, or bro- the LORD, to be accepted tor you
ken, or cut, neither (fall you make an; the morrow after the libbath tne p
o£Ferina tbtrtof in your l^nd. (hail wave it.
i,- Neither fieni a ftrangers hand fhall ii And ye (hall offer that day whe
ve offer the bread of your God of any wave the (heaf, an he-lamb without
of tnefe; became tlieir corruption is in rujh, of the firft year, ior-a burntg
4hem, en J. blemifhcs b* mthem: they ring unto the Lord.
rfhall nor U* accepted lor you. it And the meat- offering hereof
16 H And the Lord fpake unto M:»es, be two tenth-deals ol tii.e
faying, with ov'l, an off'eriF.g made
17 ȴ hen a bullock, or afhcjcp, or a goat .the LOUT) for a fweet lavottr
am .

is broujrhr forth, then it fha'l be leven da drink-offerme thereof jh*ll be off

:er fhe dam; and from the eighth day rh; fourth f»rt of an hin.
iiOa thcncofOriUj it (hall be accepted fori 14 And )c Qr.all cat neither brel
•veral feoffs. Chap XXlv. Tbe feaji of tabernacle i,
ched nor green ears, until the
-corn, io And whatfecver foul it be that dotfl
-fame day that ye have brought an ©f- any work in that fame day, the fame foul
ngunto your God: It lb all £;aftatute wilf% deftroy from among his people.
ever throughout your generations, in 21 Ye lhall do no raannei of work:,/*'
your dwellings. Jbull be a ltatute for ever throughout your
r. 51 And ye lhall count unto yau from generations in all your dwellings.
morrow after the fabbfcth, from the day ;r It lhall be unto vou a faobathof reft,
rye brought trie iheaf of the wave-of- and ye fhall afffitt your fouls ^n the ninth
ng; feven fabbaths fhall be complete :
day of the month at even : from even unto
Even unto- the morrow alter the even fhall ye celebrate your fabbath.
»nth fabbath, fhall ye number fifty 22 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes,
*, andyefluH offer a new mcat-tffer- fayinF,
unto the Lord. 24 Speak unto the children of Ifrael,

Ye fhall bring out of your habita- faying, The fifteenth day of this feventh
is two wave loaves, of two tenth- month fiaU be the feaft of tabernacles jot
Is they fhall be of line flour, they ieven days unto the Lord.

1 be baken with leaven, tbey are the ;< On the firft day Jb alt be an holy convo-
-fruits unto the Lord. cation : ye lhall do no fervile work tbsrtui.
{ And ye fhall offer with the bread fe- 26 Seven days ye lhall offer an offering
lambs without bleraiih, of the firft made by fire unto the Lord : on the eights
:, and one young bullock and two rams:
day lhall be an holy convocation unto you,
/fhall be for a Ivarm-cffering unto the and ye fhall offer an offering made by fire
10, with their meat-offering, and their unto the Lord it is a foleinn aifembly,

ik-offerin»s, even an offering made by and ye lhall do no fervile work therein.

)of fweet favour unto the Lord. ?7 Thefe are the feafts of the Lord,
Thenyefh^Ufacrificeonekid of the wLirch ye Iha^l proclaim ta be holy convo-
s,for a tin-offering, and two lambs of cations, to offer an ofrerinz made by fire
ft year, tor a faenfice of peace- unto the Lord, a biunt-offVring, and a
rings. meat-offering, a lacrifice, and drmk-oi-
And the prieft fhall wave them with ferings* every thing uf on his day :
bread of the firft- fruits, for a wave- 28 Befide the fabbaths of the LORD,
tng before the Lord, with the two and befide your gilts, and befide all your
bs : they lhall be holy to the Lord vows, and belideall yourfree-w:l)-offa-
the prielt. ings, which ye give unto the Lord.
And ve lhall proclaim on thefelf-fame 39 Alio in the fifteenth day of the fe-
jkit it may be an holy convocation un- venth month, when ye have gathered in
ou ye lhall do no fervile work therein . the fruit of the land, ye lhall keep a fealt"

ball be a ftatute for ever in all your unto the Lord (even days : on the firft
llings throughout your generations. day fhall be a fabbath, arid on the eighth
51 And wh«n ye reap the harveit of day Jb.ill be a fabbath'.
r land, thou fhalt not makecleanrid 4e And ye lhall take you on the firft day
ce of the corners of thy field when the bou?hs of goodly trees, brasches of
reapefl, neither fhalt thou gather palm-tr-es, and the boughs of thick treer 3
gleaning of thy harveft: thou ihalt and willows of the brook ; and ye fhall -

e them unto the poor, and to the rejeyce before the Lord your Gcd j'even
ager: I am the Lord your God. days.
51 And the Lord lpake unto Moles, 4t And ye lhall keep it s feaft unto the
ng, Lord feven days in the year: Itjball be a
Speak unto the children of Ifrael, flatute tor ever in your generations, ye
ne, In the feventh month, in the ftrft lhall celebate it in the feventh month,
pf the month, fhail ye have a fabbath, 4i Ye lhall dwell in booths lever days;
emorial of blowiag of trumpets, an ail that are Ifraelites born, ftuU dwell in
- convocation. booths
Ye lhall do no fervile work therein -, 4.2 That your generations may know that
ye fhall offer an offering made by tire I made the children of Ifrael to dwell in*
y the Lord, booths, when I brought them out- of the
51 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes,
land of Egypt I am the Lord your God,

44 Aid Mofes declared unto the cliil-

A fo on the tenth day of this feventh dren of Ifrael the feafts ot tfce Lord,
nth, tbtrefhallbea day cf atonement, it H
C A r. XXIV.
1 be an holy convocation unto you, and The oyl for the tempi, &c.
hall arriiit your louls, and offer an \ Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, fay-
ring made by fire unto the Lord.
{ And ye fhall do no work in that i Cowmand the children of Ifrael, that
eday tor if ii a day of a.toneratnt, to they bring uato thee pure oyl-olive, bear-

« an atonement tor you before the en, for the light, to eaufe the lamps to
id vour God. burn continually.
) For whaifoever foul it be that lhall 2 Withoutthevailoftbe teftimony, in
be afflicted in that fame day, he lhall the tabernacle of the congregation, Hull
:tit offfrem among his people. Aaron order it from the evening unta
E 3 the

SU/phttnirt t$ hejttned. LevJti«tf». Tit juhilt.

*nr morning, betore the Lord continu- that had eurfed, out ef the eamp, and fto;
ally : It Jlifl he a ftttute forever in your him with ftones: and the children ol lfr
fenerations. el did as the Lord commanded Mole
4 He itiall order the lempsupcn the pure •
•andleltick Wefore the Lord continually. The fabbath of the fevtntb year, Sec.
5 51 Arid thou lhalt take fine flour, and
fezkc twelve cakas thereof: two tenth-
AKd the Lord (pake unto
mount Sinai, laying,
deals fhall be in one cake. I Speak unto the children of Ifrael, aj
6 fet them in two rows, fay unto them, When ye come into t
fix on a row, upen the pure table before land which Igiveyou, then fhall thelai
i]& LORD. keep a fabbath unto the Lord.
77 And
thOu malt put pure frankincenfe X Six years thou (halt low thy field, at
»pon row, that it may be on the
cr.cb fix years thou (halt r, rune thy vineyar
bread memorial, even an offering
ior a and gather in the fruit thereof.
Made by fire unto the Loud. 4 But in the feventh year fhall be a fa'
8 Every fabbath he fhall fet it in order bath cf reft unto the land, a fabbath fi
Before the Lord con f mi ally, being ta^en the LORD: thou (halt neither low t!
•from the children of lfrael by an everlaft- field, nor prune thy vineyard.
jftg tovenant. <; That which groweth of its own accoi
9 And of thy harvcit, thou (halt not reap, neith
be Aarons and his fons,
it fhall
OT« they fhall en
in the holy place
it gather the grapes of thy vineundreffec

it is molt holy unto him, of theofferiBS,

for it is a year of relt unto the land.
6 And the fabbath of the land (hall I
.oRi)made byfire, by a perpetual
ftatu e. meat for ycu ; tor thee, and for thy fe
io 51 And the fon ©fan Ifraelitifh wo- vant, and ht thy maid, and ior thy hin
aiarn whole rather voa< an Eeyptian, went fervant, and for thy itranger that lojoun
out among the children of lfrael ; and this eth with thee,
fon oi the IlfaeU'i/h v»om.m, and a man 7 Aiid for thy cattle, and for the bei
cl Ilra»l ftjove together in the camp j that Are in thy land, fhall ail theincrea
rr And th.-- Ifraelitifh womans Ion blaf- thereof be meat.
phemed fieName of thi LO-RD, and cur- 8 51 And then (halt number Ctvtn fa!
led and th»y brought him unto Mofes baths of years unto thee, feven times ft

{ and his mothers naniewtJ Shelomith, the ven years, asdthefpace of the feven fat
, daughter ol Dibn, of the tribe of Dan J baths of years fnall be unto thee forty xt
tz And they put him in waTd, that the nine years.
Blind ol the Lord might be fhewedthem. 9 Then (hilt thou caufe the trumpet c
xx And the Lord fpak* unto Moles, the jubile to found, on the tenth day of tt
fiying, feventh month 5 in the day of atonemei
Bring forth him that hath curfea, fhall ye make the trumpet li&und 1.
the camp, and let all that heard out all your land".
him, lay their hands upon his head, and 10 And ye (hall hallow the fiftieth yea
Jet all the congregation (tone him. and proclaim liberty throughout ail tl
if And tho'j putt fpeak unto the chil- land, unoall the inhabitants thersof:
dren oi' Ifrael. faying, Whofoever curfeth (hill be a jubile unto you, and yefhallrt
his God. i&all bear his tin. turn every man unto his poflefHon, ai.d)
x6 And he that blalphemeth the Name trail return everv man unto his familj
©f the Lord, he itiall furely be put to I I A jubile (hall that fiftieth year be uni

death, and all the congregation fhall cer- you: ye (hall not low, neither reaj- ths
tainly ftone him as well the ftranger, as which groweth of it fclf in it, nor gathe

he that is born in the land, when heblaf- the rrdfe; in it of thy vine und relied..
phemeth the Name of the LOBV, mall be 11 For it it the jubile, it (half be hoi
put to death. unto you: ye fhall cat the increale thcreo
17 51 And ht-tha-t killeth any man, fhall out of the ftefd.
furely be put to death. xx In the year of this jubile ye O.allrt
18 Amd he that killeth a beaft, (hall turn every man unto Ins podeihon.
Make it good ; beaft for beait. u
And if thou- fell ousht unto tft;
i9 And-if a man caufe a bleunifh in his neighbour, or buyell ought of thy neigh
eighbour j as he hath done, fc fhall it bo-ars band ye fliall not opprefs one a

be done unto him : nother.

i® Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth k According to ffe number of year,
for tooth ashe hath cauj'ed a blamifh in after the jubile, thou (halt buy of thi

a man, lb fhall it bedone-to hinitfjjj/n. neighbor, and according unto the niifl
n And he that killeth a bealt. he (hall her of years of thetruits he (hall fell ufli
reftore it: and he that k-illeeh a man, he thee .
frail be put to death. rrt According to the mi'.ltitiu.e ot yejj

ti Ye (hall have one manner of law, as thou (halt increafethe price thereof, aflj
well for the Itran^er, as tor one of your accordir.g to the fewnels of years ttM\
own country tori nnt the Lord your God. (halt diminish the priceotit for^ecorJB
'. :

i? 51 Ana Mofes pake the children to the number 0/ the yttn of the "fl
•t iiiadi tbatlhey ftjjuld bring lotthlum doth he icll ttEto the*.
XXv*. Cimptffion cf tbe j>oor,
and fallen in decay with thee then thon

Jhak relieve him yed, though be be a ftran-


ger, or a ibjour'ner ; that he may live wit.'i

36 Take thou no ufufy of him, or in- -

create : but fear thy God ; that thy bro-

ther may-hve with thee.
37 Thou ihait net give him thy money
upon uiiii), nor lend him thy victuals lor
~^ I din the lorn) your God, which
broufht you forth out of the land of E-
gypt, to srive vou iheland of Canaan, and
to be yow G Vi.
59 fj And if thy brother tt-tf ixotlletb fey
thee be waxen poor, and be (old um«
thee, tho'ulhalt n.)t compel him to ierve
as a bond-fervafK
4c But as an hired fervant, am
as a fo-
ipurner, he fhall be with thee, and fhall
serve thee unto the year of jubile.
•-! And iben fhall he depart Iromthee,

both lie and his children with him, and

fhall return unto his own family, anduntu
the pofieiUon of his fathers lhall he re-
42. For they Art myfervants, which I
brought forth out of the land of Egypt
they lhall rot b; ibid as bond-men.
And if the man have none to redeem 4? Thou flialt not rule over him with
:nd hinifel; be abe to redeem it: rigour, but fhalc fear thy Gcd.
Then l<r him count t&eveais of the 44 Both thy bond-men, and thy bond-
thereof, and reftore the overplusun- maids, which thou flialt have, Mali be
ie, man to whom he fold it ; that he the heathen that are round about you ; of
re-u^n unto his roffefiion. them fhall ye buy bond-men and bond-
But il he be not able to reftore it to maids.
, then that which is fold, (hall remain -4? Moreover, of the children of the ftran-
le hand of him that hath bong-fit it, ^rr, that do Ibjourn among you, of then*
Pfeeyar of jubile: and in the jubile fhall ye buy. and of their laniilies that f.rt.
all go out, and he fhall return unto with you, which they begat in your leads
? .ifTion.
. and they fuall be your poffaffion.
Aid if a man fell a dweliing-houfe 4^ And ye fhall take them as an inheri-
city, then he may r«de«n it
walled tance for your children after you, to inhe-
leyear after ir is icld with : rit tbemfor a poffeffion, they fhall be you*
vear may be redeem i
full r
. bond-men for ever: but over your bre-
And'if itbe nat redeemed witfim tbe thren die children of Urae!, ye fhall sot
e of a full yaar ; then the houle that rule one over another with rigour.
i the wailed city, fh-fll be eflabliihed 47*1 And il a fojouis<:r or ftranaerwax
?y«to him that bought it, through- rich by thee, and thy brother that dvftlleii
his generations: it fhall not go ovr by him wax poor, and (ell hi ml elf unto the
"?; iuhile. llranger or fojourner by thee, or to the
But the hmi'es of the villages which (tock of the ftrangers family :

i no walls round about them, fhall be 4b' After thai he if. fold, he may be re-
itedas the fields ot the counTv ; they deemed again ; one of hij brethren may
be redeemed, and they fhaJl g„ out redeem him
he iubile. 49 Either hisur.cle cr his uncles fon may
„Mowir-i>ar.ding, the cities of the redeem him, or *>y that is nig-hof kin un-
ires, and the houfes of the cities ot to him, of 1ms family, may redeem him ; ot
pe-Teflion, may the Levites redeem. if he be able, he may redeem himfelf.
By time. so And he frail reckon with him that
And if a man purchafe of the Le- bought him, from the year thai he wns
m then the hou.e that was fblii, and folTto him, unto the vear of jubile 31 1

:ity of his potlcffior, fhall go out in the price of his i ale 'lhall be according
" cf jubile for the houfes of the
: unto the number of years, according to
s cf the Lev-tes crt their pcfl'efTion the tims of an hired fervant fhall it be
ag th>e children of Ii'rael. with him.
But the field ot the fuburbs of their <i If ihertbt yet many years behind \ ac-
-nay net We fold, for itis their per- cording unto them he lhall give again
al potTeiTion. the price of his redemption, out of the
n And if thy brother be waxen i-cor, msney that he was bought for,
E. 4 tt. An4
: : :

A prcmjii. Leviti

kx And if there remain but few yea"
unto the year of jubile, thai he ftiail I hc2rt : and yefhall low your feed in vai
count with him, aril according unto his tor your enemies fhall eat i,t.
years mall he five .him again the price 17 And I will let my face againft ye
or his redemption. and yc :r;all be flain before your encniic
s* And as a yearly hired fervanr fhall they that hate you fhall reisn over
He be with him and the otk\r fhall not and ye fhall flee when none purl'ueth yC

rule with rigour over him in thy light. 18 And if ye will not yet lor all t.
f4 And if he be not redeemed in thefe hearken unto me, then \wi\l punifh
ytari, then he fhall go oat in th« year of (even y
times more for ycur tins.
jubile, both \it, andhischiJdren wit^him. 19 And I will break' the pride of y«
*? For unto me the cnildren of Ifrael power; and I will make your heaven
*re lervants, they art my fervants whom I iron,and your earth as brafs:
brought forth out of the land of Egypt ic And your ftrength ihall be fpent.
1 am the LoRi> your God. vain: lor vour land fhall not yield h

iromijtd, t<c.
E fhall make you no idols nor graven
image, neither rear vouup a llanding
image, neither fhall yefet up any image
increafe, neither fhall the trees of t
land yield their fruits.

it <" And if >e walk contrary unto a
will not hearken unw me 1 w
bring (even times more plagues upon yo

®f ftone in ycur land, to bow down unto according to your fms.

it : for I din the Lord your God. iz 1 will aHo fend wild beafts amoi
z Ye fhall keep my 'abbaths, and reve- you, which fhall rob you of yeurchildre
rence my fanifuiary 1 am the Loud.
: and deftroy your cattle, and n ake »
7, 11IFyewalk in «>• ftatutes, and keep tew in number, and your high -v/iys fH
Sly commandment*, and do them ; be delblate.
4 Then twill give you rain in due Tea. it And if ye will not be reformed!
fen,and the land mail vield her increal'c, me by thefe things, but will walk contig
and the trees of the field lh all vi eld tb unto me
fruit. 14 Then will I alfowafk contrary ul
* And your threffun?; mall reach unto you, ana will pur.iih you yet feven tut
ihz vintage, and the vintage fhall reach for your fins.
unto the fbwiag-time and ye lhah" eat
: xi Ar.a 1 will brin? a fword upon yt
your bread to the hill, and dwell in your thar lhall avenge the quarrel of mj co»
JanJ fafe'.y. nam: and when ye are gathered togeti
6 And I will give peace in the lanjl, and within your cities, 1 win fend the"pel
ye mail lie down, and none fhall make lence among you and ye fhall be de!

you afraid: and Iwill rid evil beads out vered into the hand of the enemy. I
-of the land, neither fhall the J word go z6 ^arfwhenl have -broken the ftafr
frjeeueh the land. your bread, fen women lhall bake yi
? And ye fhall chafe your enemies, and bread in one oven, and they lhall delaq
»Lev fiiall tall before you by the fword, you your bread anin by weight and ;

g And five or you inaJl chafe an hun- ihall eat and cot" be fatisned.
dred, and an hundred of you fhall put ten 17 And if ye will not for all thishesrkj
Hhouland to flight and your enemies unro me, but walk contrary unro mef

fhall fall before you by the fword. 18 Then 1 will walk conrrarv unro.
9 For I will have relpettunto you, and aJIb in fury j and I, even I, willcha!
•sake you fruitful, and multiply you, anci vou feven times for your fins.
cita-bfifh mv covenanr with you. xc, And ye fhall eat the flefh of
to And ye fhall eat eld ftore, andbring fbns, andtli-iflefliof your daughter*
forth the old becauf- of the new. ve eat.
1 1 And I will let my tabernacle amongft :o And Twill deftroy your high p!
you: and my foul fhall not abhor vou. and cut down your images, and car
i» And 1 will walk among you, and will carcales upon the carcales of your
be your God, and ve fhall be my people. and mv foul Ihafl abhor vou.
i? I am the Lord your God, which jt And I will nuke ycur cities
brought you forth cut of the land of E- and bring vour fanctuariesunto defo"
£ypt, that ye fh^u'd not be their bond- and 1 will not fmeU the 1'avcar
men, and 1 have broken the bands of fweet Odours.
your voke, and ma.!e you go urright. :i And I will bring the land into
t4 V. But if ye will not hearken unto at ion and vour enemies
I :

Be, and will not do all theft ccmmicd- therc-.n, fhall be altomftied at it,
jsients ;
2-i And I will lcatrer you am
»<: And if ye fhall defpife my ltatutes, heathen, and will draw out a fwor
or if your foul abhor my judgments, to you: and your land fhall be de.blat
that ye will not do all ray command- ycur cities wafte.
ments, but that ye break my covenant 34 Then lhall the land enjoy h
t* 1 alio will do tin* unro you, I will baths, as loogis it lieth defolatc
even appoint over you terror, ccnium- dr enemies lar.i even the ;

ftion, and the burning ague; that (hail j red, and er;oy her jabb;
tns when ye dwelt uponn. $*?&$£? Ii ""' *« '*=»<><«
to And upon them that arc left stive
I will fend a famenefs
into the r
arts in thelands of theis enemies; and
•fouiu or a lhaken leaf lhall chafe
u i and they fhall flee, as
fleeing from
iword and they lhall fall when
none 6 And if it bt from . month olci, even
' they lhall fall one upen ano-
» as it were before a fwora,
e punuer.i:
ana ye lhall have no
^ £\2 r
?nc R aIc fivc foekelsot
! Aver,
rer to uaiid before veur
enemies, tl0ax '^y years old and
And ye fhail perifh among the hea- ib-A^ifi'fl!'

ii ana the land, or enemies

f f
ri^oY,. J & a m ^Ie tfien thyeltima-
you up.
they that are left of you, lhall nine
> their iniquity in your enemies

w, ano alio in the iniquities of their

till ^if he^b ,
",, pocr ? r ,Daa thycftims-

cm Hull they pine away with them

H they lhall con lets tbeix iniquity,

the iniquity ot their lathers, with

9 An.i it ft A- a bealt wheiecf
r treipais which they trelpalled
a- bring an orTeriig unto men
»lt me, and that alib they have the LORD; s

Heed contrary unto me ;

i And tbM have walked ccn-
i aifb
yunto tham, and have brought them
the land ot their enemies T it" then
at kU c aflB e b =^ Forbtraft
r uuciroimciftd hearts
be humbled,
they then accept of the pumiliment
"'™\ ! ?
thereof ffiall be holy

heir iniquity
Then will I
; ww£ n J?
/' ** an >' ""clean bealt, ii
remember my cevemnt
, Jacob, and alio *iy covenant w:t'j Dealt Efo?
oetcure the p^e.'^
fbail pre/em the ^".^
C an.: alio my covenant with Abra- Ar d *h* Prielt lhall value it,
t will 1 remeraber* and I will re- th \l ;
ther it be•good or b^.d: as whe-
nter tlie land. thou valueft it
veio*,t the wieft, !o
The land alio lhall be left of them, ftall it be.
lhall en,oy her fabbaths, while the
h/n.2V i£
l tc
^? lM al1 rcdc *> then ^
UI accept without them ana they :

of the punifhment of their

in:y ; beeaufe, even becaol'e they .'*. ^
^ wfcen a man (hail fancliR-
as- h.s houfe to Ae hr>ly ,

W my judgments, and beeaufe their •then the pnelt lhall

t,nto the iZkd-
abhorred my itatutes. eftimate U, Whether
it .be good or b^d:
And yet for ajl that, when thev be eltimate it, jo lhall it
a « the prieft lhaH
.;e land ot tr.eir enemies, ttand
1 will ',ct ti And it he that
them away, neither will 1 abnor derm fandified it, willn.
his Louie, then be frail \>,i
> to deitrcy
utterly, and to them It"
kmy covenant with thorn: for 1 *m
LORo their Goa.
But 1 will for their fakes remember
•ovenant ot their aaceitors. whom
jfct forth out cf the land of
8 light of the heathen, that 1 might
heir God: I ..withe
barley.f^d^^ iew/^at
LORD. fifty fhek^
Thele art the features, and ju«l»-
:s, and laws, which the Loiu> made 17 i) he fanitifie his field froa i the
year of jttbile, according
een him and the children of Ifrae', t^.v
y " ° to -
tion it lhall ftar.l
ount Sinai by the hand of Moles 8 Butl hr an ^ifie his Reld
C H A I'. XXVI I. •
jub.le ; then the
J rtc / afW
P e ft lhall reckon"'-^
Lonetrnhvt vow, &r. rum the money according to
i«d *be LORD fpake unto Mofes, remain, even unto the year of
fS« thercan
the tahn!.
and it lhall be abated from
jSpeak unto the children of Ifrael, thfeife'

W thy eltimation
from rStTJSs^S
fliart uZ n (
^ .k- ?1 .
cimc hlt '-
00 unt °
P- Ut
^ the
»•»> •&**
ct thy.*-
Cf?unto I g'Sg '

ifrfaold* eventration a** j

.« Aidif bewinSot rc.Uem ,

£ « -
; ;

£ The fiiflt Numb r;. *ft numbred,

er it he hara fold the field to another fhailbefbldaWOtd'infc to t*y eitima«ian.
*mn; n be redeemed any more.
frail not 18 Notwithftanding, no devoted thing
ai But the fielci, when it goeth out in that a man (ball devote unto the LOUD-
thejubile, ''rail be holy unto the LORD, ol all that he hath, both of man and neait,
as a Haiti devoted the pofTe-IIicn thereof
: andot the field of his pofTeffion, fhall be
DiaJl be the priefts. (old or redeemed : every devoted thiai
ii And it a man fon£tifie »nto-fhe it inoit holy unto the LORD.
LORD a field whkh dc* hath bought, 19 None devoted, which lhall be devo-
which if no tor theHeldsoi hispoijetton ; tedot men, fhall be redeemed: 6ut ftiall
1% Than the pried lhall reckon unto lurelv be put to death.
him the worth of thy eitimanon, even un- jo And all the tithe cf the land, vobe-
to the year cl thejubile and he fhall give : *i;r of the fee-iot the land, or oi' the frui
thine efhrnation m that day, as a holy ot the tree, ii the Lorus ith holy untc

thintr unto the LORD. the LORD.
14 In the year ot the jubile, the field 51 And
fhall return untc hi* ot whom it wis of his tithes, he fhall aJd thereto
bought, even to him to whom the pof- part there-or.
fefhon of the land did belong. :i And. concerning the tithe of tht
x<r And all thy eftimation ihall- be ac- herd, oroi the rlo?k, even of wha'foeve;
cording to the fhekel of the fanimary : palTeth under the rod} the tenth lhall fe,
twenty gerahs fhall be the fhekel. holy unto the LORD.
16 11 Only the firftling ot the beafts, J3 He Jhall not i'earch whether it a%
Whichfliould be the LOR
Ds firftling,, no goo or bad, neither fhall he change it|
wan ihall fancSifia i' whether it be ox, •, and it he change it at all, <hen borh 1
or 1/. cap it w the LORD*.
: and the change thereof fhall be holji
17 And if it be of an unclean bfaft, then it ITudl not be redeemed.
Jfifhall redeem it according to thiue efti- 34 Thefc are the commandments whicj
mation, and (hall add a fifth part of it the LORD cmi nanded M f

thereto: or if it be not redeemed, then it children of Lrael, in mbuat Sinai.

5 The Fourth Book ofMojis, called NUMBERS.

C H A V. 1. t4 OGad;Elialaphthefonof Deufll
Tbi people numbred > Sec. it ©t'Naphtati A.iirafhelbncf Enan

A Nd the LORD fpake unto Mo'es 16 Theic Wiethe renowned ot the con
in the wildcrnefs
tabernacle of the coneregirtion,
of Sinai, in the gregation, princes of the tubes of tbei
fathers, head of thou ands in lfrael.
«** -** en the firlr day of the leeond tTfl And Moles ami Aaron lock thci
month, in the fecond year alter they were men, wluca are exprdTed by tbu
(Tomeoutof the land of Egypt, faying, name-,.
i Takeyethe lumof all the congrega- 18 And theyatfembled all the congrega
tionof tlrcchildren of Ilirael, fitter their ^ether on the firlf. dajot theTecon
famines, bv the houfe of their fathers, month, and they declar-d their pedi
with the number of their names, every g-ees ar<er theiV families, by the houfe c
»ale bv their poH :
their lathers,, according to the number!
% Fro n twenty years old and upward, the names, from twenty years old an
all thaiare able to go forth to war in If- upward, by their poH.
rael > thou and Aaron ihall number them 19 As the LORD commanded Mofr
by their armies. fohe numbred theu in the wildernefsi
4 A?.d wfth you there fhall be a man Sinai.
of every tni»c; every one head ol the 10 Afict the children of Reuben Ifr.-el
houfe ot his fathers. elaeft fon, by their generations, aft^
s «1 And thef-zj*-? the names of the men their families, by the houfe of their is
fchatitrll itand with you Of tbe tribe- of
: thers, according to the number
Reuben j Elizur the fon of Snedeur., by their poll, every male fioi
fS O, Simeon Shejumiel the fon ot Zu-
twenty years old and upward, all ita 1 were able to go forth to war
7 Of Judah jMahfhonthe fenof Ammi- 11 Tho!e that were numbred of fhen
nadab. - even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty ao
8 Of ItYachar j Nethaneel the fon of fix thr.ufand and five hundred.
Zuar. 11 Ofthe children o4 Simeon, bvtaa »
QOfZebuhin; Eliab the fo»i of Helen. fenerations, after tfieir families, by ti
ic Of the children of Jofcph of Ephra- oufe of their fathers, thefe that wfti

im-, EJifhamt the fan of Am in hud; of nuabred of Uiem, according; toJhenuii


Maaaffch, Gamaliel the fon of Pedahzur. ber of the names, by their" polls, c«i
it Of Bernsaain; Abidan the ion of male from twenty years »ld anil upwaji >war<
Cideoni. all that were able to go forth to war y
u Of Dan; Ahiezerthe fbnof Anmi- 1? Thofe that were numbred cf 'thet t
wadttei. tywj
evm of the tribe of titaisoi,, -Were fifty
n Oi Aifccrs r*giel |icl«aof Ocran. 040; thovjaRd uiA thsec huntired
ht r,ttn cfitoar in ewy Chap, 'i i. tribe flUMbrtd.

)-fl O.the children of 6ad, by their

wesof tfie ffibeof Dan, xttre threelcore
rations, alter their families* by the and two thoufand and feven hundred.
e ot tkeir tethers, according to the |
40 \\ Of -*he children of Aftier, by their
berc-t th« names, from twenty years generations, atter their families, by the
anil upward, all that were able to go houleot their lathers, according: to the •

h to war number of the names, from twenty years

Tho'e that were numbred of them, ola and upward, all that were able to go
ot the tribe ot Gad, were forty and forth to war •,

thoiil^no fix hundred and fifty. 4t Thole that were numbred of them k
11 Ot the children ef Judah, by their eu««ot the tribe of A'ficr, were lofty and
erations, atter their famihey, by the one thoufand and five hunared.
e of their fathers, according to the 4i 11 Of the children of Naphtali,
berot the names, from twenty years throughout their generations, after their
and upward, all that were able to go families, by the houle of their lathers, ac-
to war 5 cording to thenumber of the names, from
Thofe that were numbred ot them, twenty years old and upward, all that
of thetribeof Judah, were threelcore Were able to go forth to war ;
fourteen thoufand and lix hundred, 4"! Thofe that were numbred of them

fl Of the childreat ot IfTachar, by eve* ot the trjb* of Naphtali, were fifty *

generations, atter their families, by ar.d three thoufand and four hundred.
.cuie ot their fathers, according to 44 Thel'e are thofe that were numbred,
number of the- names, from twenty which Moles and Aarcn numbred, and
d upward, all that were able the princes *>f lfrael, being twelve mens
forth to war; * eacii one was for thehoufe of his fathers.
Thole that were, numbred of them, 4i So were alt thofe that were numbred
of the tribe ot lllachar, werefilty and of the children of Itrael, by the houfeof
mouland and tour hundred. their fathers, from twenty years old and
U Ol the children ut Zebulun, by upward, all that were able to go forth to
venerations, atter their lami'ies, by war in ilrael}
loufe of their fathers, according to Even alJ they that were numbred,
lumber of the names, from twenty were fix hundred thoufand ana three
old and upward, all that were able thoufand and live hundred and fifty.
forth to war 47 11 But the Levites, after the tribe of
Thole that were rmmbred of them, tiieir fathers, were not numbred among
of the tribe of Zebulun, were fifty them.
even thoufand and four hundred. 48 For the LORD
had fpoken unta
1,Ot the children of Jofepli. namely-, Moles, faying,
e children ot EphraiiM, by their gene- 49 Unly thou lhslt not number the tribe
ns,after their families,by thehoufe of of Levi, neither take the fum of thein
fathers, according to the number ot among the children of lfrael :

ames,from twenty years old and up- <>o But thou ftialt appoint the Levites
, all that were able to go forth to war
over the taberna-Je ot teftimony, and
Thole that were numbred of them, overall the vrfiels thereof, andovrej: all
of the tribe of Ephraim, were forty things that belong to ft ; they ihall beat
'and acid livehundred. the tabernacle,- and all the vcffels thereof,
11 Of the children of ManafTch, by and they fhall minifter unto it, and friall
generations, after their families, by encamp round ^boiut the tabernacle.
ouie «f their fathers, according tb ft And when the tabernacle fetteth for-
tumber of the names, from twenty ward, the Levites (hall take it dowji and :

old and upward, all that ware able when the tabernacle is to be pitctted, the
forth to war} Levites fiiaLl fet it up and the ftranger

Thofe that were numbred of them, that cometh nigh, ihall be put to
trf thetribeof Manafieh, were thirty death.
wo thoufand and two hundred. ?i And tht children of lfrael fhall pltcft
11 Ofthe children of Benjamin, by their tents ev&iy man by his own camp,
generations, after their-families, by and e-vexy man by his own ftandard,
ouie of their fathers, according *.o throughout their hafts.
umber of the names, from twenty *! -But the Levites fhall vitch reund
'old and upward, all that were abje about the tabernacle of teftimony ; that
forth to war there be n© wiath upon the congregation
Thole that were numbred of tlieffl, ofthe children of llrae! ana the Levites :

tf thetribeof Benjamin, were thirty ihall keep the charge of the tabernacle
ve thoufand and four hundred. of teftimony.
Hi Ofthe children of Dan, by their *4. And the children of Iftaet'did ac-
•ations, aft«r their families, by the cording to all that the Lord commanded
of their fathers, according to the Moles, fo di-d they.
erof the names, from twenty years CHAP. II.
id upward, all that were able to go The ordrr of tht tribes in their tents.
to war AJNdthc LoiuHpake unto Mofes, and'
Tiiofe tbttweic n^rabred ef tbesi, unto .Aaron, laving,
5 4 a Every
Tit erdtr cf the titb:s
i Every man of the children of I!*.-. C r t.\em, vrirt tony thoulai
wall pitcn by hi'; own itandard> wu\ me and Kindred,
nugn of their tather^ hcrufe tar off a-
: i.o Andby him jbMl be the tribe of M
bout the tabernacle of the congregation nalTeh and the captain of
~ : i

Jhall they pitch. or Mana(leh,y*a// bt Gamalielthc fon

3 fl Ana oi» the eaft-fide toward the Pedahzur.
r)fm3 of the fun, ihall they of the it And his hod, and thofe that wr
fcandard of tfee camp of Judah pitch, numored of them, vctrt thirty and tv.
throughout their armies: ana Nahiiion thou. and and two hundred.
rhe Can or Ammtnadab, Jhxli bt captain n Then the tribe cf Beniamin at :

ut the children or .Judah. thecaptainof the fons of Benjamin,^

•4 And his hoit, and thofe that w;re be Abidan the Ion ol Gideoni.
numbred or" them, -rest thseeicore and i; And his hoft, and thoie that wt
fourteen thcufa.nd and fix nundred. numbred cf them, ~x*r? thirty and fif
1 And roofs that do pitch next unto thouland and four hundred.
fcini, jb.iit bt the triSe of Iffachar: and 14- All that were numbred of the cal
Hethan;-! the too of Zmx-, Jh.dl bt cap- ot Ephraim, vet,: an nundred thou'tj
tain of the children oi Idacnar. and eight thouland and an hundl
6 And r.Ls ho.t, and thole that were throughout their armies: and they flu
numbred thereof, were fifty and four gotorw3rdin the third rank. *

thou! and and four hundred. n fl Theftanaardof the camp of I>

7 Tbtn the tribe ol Zebulun and Eliab: Jhill if on the north lid.: by their armie
the Con or Heton, Jh.Ul bt captain of the and the captain cf the children ot Da
ciuldren of Zebulun. Jh.iii bt Aiifezu the fen at A mmiihad
8 An. his noit, aT.d thoTe tha: were
i k6 Ana his holt, and thole that
unibreJ thereof* were fifty and lever, numbred of them, vetre threefcorc
thoufand and four hundred. two thoufand and feven hundred.
9 All that were numbred in the camp i" And thofe that encamp by him,
of Judah, -nere an hundred thouland and bt the tribe ot Alher : and-the eapta
fourlcore thouJand and lix thoufand and the children of Alher, Jtull bt l
four hundred, throughout their armies-. fonol C
thefe hall firlt let forth. i8 And his hoft, aid tho c e that
tc fl On tiie fimtfr-Gde jhi'.l bt the ft an- numbred of them, vptrt forty and
dard of the camp of Reuben, according thou'and and five hundred.
lo their armies : and the captain of the iO Then the tribe of Naphtali :

children of Reuben, jh.illbe Eiizurthefor. the captain ot the children of .Naph

of Shedeur. fltll bt Ahira t'.e fun ot Enan.
it And his hoft, and thefe that were 20 And his hoit, anil thole that
numbred thereof, rct't forty and lix thou- numbred of them, xrtre fifty and tfii
J'e.nd and five hundred. theufand and tour hundred.
ivAndthole which pitch by him, Jh.iU 2i All they tha: were numbred in^
be the tribe of Simeon: and the captain camp of Dan, rare an hunt!:
of the ehildrertaf Simeon, jhill be Shelu- and fifty and feven thouland and fix
nv.el the fonof Zurilhsddai. dred they lhall go hindmeft with

And his hoft, and thole that were Itandards.
numbred of them, wtft filty and n:ne 2i fl Thefe are thofe which were
thoufand and three hundred. bred of the children of li'rae!, b
>4 Then the tribe sf Gad: and the hoafe of their fathers ; all thole that
•aptainof the lb:is of Gad, flail be E'.ia- numbred ot the camps throughout
taph the Jon of Reel. hods, vetrt fix hundred thoufand and
i? And his hoft, and thole that were thouland andfive nunarej ar.d ftftv.
umbred of them, w</< forty and five ;2 But tlie Levites w^re not nu
thoufand and fix hundred and fifty, among the children of lfrael ;
16 All that were numbred in the camp Loru commanded Moles.
ef "Reuben, -x>ere an hundred thoufand and 24. And the children of lfrael
fifty and one thoufand and four hundred cordin? to all that the LORD
end fiitv, thrpuehout their armies: and cd MoTes: fo they pitched bythei
they ihaiV let forth in the fecondrank. dards, and fo they fet forwaxd, e\
i7 fl Then the tabernacle of the con- after their families, according-
gregation fhalffet forward with the camp houfe of their fathers.
the Levites, in the midftof the camp
4>t : CHAP. III.
astbey encamp, lb fnalfthey lee forward, Tbt fon of Air art &c.^

every rr.211 in his place by their ftan- THefa alio .ir«the generations
ron and Mj es, in the day tb,
,R fi On the -welt-fide./?.-.»// be theftan- Lc»ru fpake with MjIcs in r.iou'
dard of the camp cf Ephraim, according r.3i.

vo their armies: and the captain cf tLe i And thefe tirt the names of th<
fonsof F.phraiin>7^4/.'i-; Ehihamathelon of Aaron ; Madab the fii
Abihu, Llearar. and Ithamar.
2 Ti.ei's «i ths Barnes of the f
$ And niJ ho ft) and thoic ttmt were
Ttt Lwitet Service. Clwp. iii. Vbtir numbtr ani charge.,

ron, the phelts which were anointed, that wert numbred of them, wen feve»
om thoufand and five hundred.
he conl'ecrated to nunifter in the
elts office. r? The families ol the Gerfhonites ftuH
J And JSadao and Abihu died before pitch behind the tabernacle welt-ward.
:Lori>, when they offered Change fire i4 And the chief of the houl.e of the
fore the Lord, in the wilderness or lather of the Gerfhonites, Jbatl be Elia-
lai, and they had nachildren and Ele- laph the fon ol Lael.

ar andlthamar miniltredin the prielts is And the- charge of the fons of Ger-
ices in the fight of Aaron their father. fhon, in the tabernacle of the congre-
fl And the' LORD
lnakeunto Moi'es. gation, flail be the tabernacle, and the
ng, tent, the covering thereof, and the hang-
Bring the tr-ibe of Levi near, and ing lor tne door of the the
elent them brfore Aaron the pneft, congregation :

at they may minuter unto lam. it) And the hangings of the court, and

; And they ihall keep his charge, and

the curtain for the dcor ot the court,
cnargeof the whole congregation be- Which is by the tabernacle, and by the
re the tabernacle ol the congregation, altar round about, and the cords of ic,
doth* fervice of the taberiaacle. for all the fervice thereof. ,

3 And they ihall keep all the inftru- 17 51 And ef Kohath was the family of
nts of the tabernacle of the congregate. the Amram ites, and the family of the Ize-
and the charge of the children of It- harites, and the family ot the Hcbromtcs,
el, to do the fervice of the tabernacle. and the family of the Uzzieikes thefe :

j And thou (halt give the Levitesunto

are thetamilies of the
iron and to his tons they are wholly gi~
: 18 In the number ot all the male?,
n unto him cut of the children of Ilrael. from a month old and upward, Wert
ic Ana thou malt appoint Aaron and eight thoufand and fix hundred, keep-
f'ons, and they Ihall wait on tht-ir ing the charge of the ianctuary.
elts office and the ttranger that com-
: 19 The families ot the fons of Kohath
h nieh, fhall be put to death. Ihall pitch on the fide of the tabernacle
n'Ar.d the LORD
fpake iJnto Nto- fouth-ward.
faying, 30 AnAthechiefof thehoufcof the fa-
And I, behold, I have taken the ther of th« families of ths Kohathitet,
:vites from among the children of lf- Jball bt Elizaphanthe len of Uzzie).
el, infteadofa.ll thefirft-born-thatopen- ?t And their charse flmll be the ark,
ihthe matriee among the children of If- and the table, and'the candieftfek, and
therefore the Levites fhall be mine,
j : the altars, and the velfclsof the fapclua-
1 Bccaule all the fird-born are mine ; ry wherewith they Hiiniltec ana ths
on the day that I 1'mote ali the rirtt- hangin?, and all" ths fervice thereof.
irnin the land of Egypt, I hallowed un- n And Eleazar the fen of, Aaron the
me all the firft-born in Ilrael, both man pneft Jh-M be chief over the chief of the
id bead, mine they fhall be: 1 am the Levites, and have the overfight of thenj
ORD. that keep the charge of the fanctuarv.
14 Ti And the Lord fpake unto Mofcs 33 fl Of Merari was the family of" t£e
the wildernefs of Sinai, faying, Mahlites, and the family of the Mufhites
U Number the children of" Levi, after thefe Are the families of Merari.
ehoufe of their fathers, by fheir fami- 34 And thole that were ..numbred of
:s every male from a month old and
: them, according to the number of all the
>ward, fhalt thou number them. males from a month ola and upward,
16 And Mofes numbred them according were fix trwui'and- and tvjo hundred.
the word oi the LORD, as he was 3; And the chief of the houie of the
iiamanded. father of the families of Merari, was Zu-
i7 And thefe were the fonsof Levi, by rietthefon of Abihail: thefe fhail pitck
eirnamesi Gerlhon, and Kohatb, and on the fide of the tabernacle. north-ward.
erari. 36 And under the cuftody and charge of
18 And thefe are the names of the fons the fons of Merari, flail be the boardsof
Gerfhon by their families ; Libni,and the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, ana
limei. the pillars thereof, and thefockets there-
19 And the fons of Kohath by their fa- of, and all the ve dels thereof, and all that
llies; Amram, and Izehar, Hebron, ferveth thereto,
id Uzzicl. - 37 And the pillars ef the court round
io And the fons of Merari bv their fa- about, andtlieir fockets, and their pins,
iliesj Mahli, aniMufbi- thefe are the and their cords.
ruilies of the Levites, according to the 3$ fl But thefe that encamp before the
>ufe of their fathers. tabernaole tefward the ealt, even bgTore
if Of
Gerfhon n><n the family of $he the tabernacle of the congregation eait-
ibnites, and the family or the Sniniites wsadi, Jhall ot Motes and. Aaron, and his
iele*re the familieicf the Gerfhonites. fons, keeping the charge of the fandtata-
Tho'e that were numbred of them, ry, fer the charge of the children of li-
:cordingtothe numberof alt themales, r'ael ;and the ftranger Xtm, comethnigh,
WB attwmh ola and upward, even thole fiullUeputtcdestfe,.
3p Ali
. ; : :

Ibt fir!i -born freed. Nb' CM. lit Levitt' .*

?9 All that were numbred of the L-- [hall cor* and his ions, ar
Tites, wwic.u take down the covering rail, wu
it the commandment ot the LORD. cover the .arkot teihmony with it
throughout their families, all the males put thereon the evverini

1 r. n ^ month old and upward, reere tweh- ci budgets skuas, ajid

fhalHpreadover p
wothoufand. a cloth wnolly ot blue,
and fliaii r
put fc
J- fl Ana the LORD faid unto Mofes, the naves thereof.
Number all the tint- born et the males of 7 Ar upon the tab,e of flicw-brea."
the children ot Ilrael, from a month old ,i, ,
theylualljprpda , ^cloth ot blue, and
and upward, and take the number of thereon the duties, and the (poors, ind pU»
their names. tnc bowls, and covers to covttr
4t And thou (hair take the Levites for and the continual bread fhall be thereon.
JtteCl im the Lord ) in (lead of all the '

6 And. they fhall fpread upon 'them

trlt-born amiong the children of Ilrael cloth oHcarlet, and cover the fame wi
and the cattle of theLevites, inftead cf covering ot badgers skin
and fhaU
all the hrfUines among the cattle of the Putin the Rave., thereof
children ot Ilrael 9 And they fhall take a cloth of blui
41 And Moles tiuabredi as the LORD and cover the cancJenickcltheki
«Knnnianded him, all the tirlt-born among lamps, and his tongs,
and hi- ;nuif-
the children of Ilrael. dimes, and all the oyl-vcflels thereof
4; And all the ftrlt-born males, by the wherewith they nunifter unto it.
numbercf names, from a month old and ic And they lhall put it and alltVver-
upward, of thole that were numbred of lel.sthereotwit'un a covering of •

them, were twenty and two thoufane two skins, and fhall put ft upoR a bar.
hundred and threefcore and thirteen 11 And upon the golden altar they lh
44 51 And the LORD fpake unto Mo- irread a cloth ot blue, and cover it wi
les, faymg, a covering ot badgers skms, *Rd fh*ll
4? Take theLevites inftaad of all the to the ltares thereof.
fcrft-born among the children of Ilrael, 11 And they fhall take all the infti
and th^ cattle of the Levites inftead of merits of miniftry, whcrawith they m
their cattle, and the lhatl be miter in the far.ctuary, and put tbtm
aiiine I am the LORD.
: a cloth of blue, and cover them w«th
46 And forthote that are to be redeem- covering ot badgers skin*, asd fh
ed of the two hundred and threelcore put tbtm on a bar.
and thirteen, of the firft-bom of the chil- n Ar,:l they fhall take away the afhes

dren of Ilrael, which are more than the r

om the altar, andfpiead a p'arple cloth

Levites ; -hereon
47 Thou fhalt even take five fhekels 14 And they fhall put upon it all the
apie e by the poll, aftar thefhekelot the veilels thereof, wherewith they m
lanctuary lhalt thou take tktm the fhe- about it, even the cenfers, tht

kel is twenry gerahs. fcook--, and the fhovels, and the balons,
48 And thou fhalt give the money where- ail the vetielsot the altars and thev lhall
with theodd number of them is to bere- Ipread upon it a covenne of badge
creemed, unto Aaron, and -ohisfon*. skiiis, and put to the ftaves or it. "

40 And Molea took the redemption- 1? And when Aaron and his >ns ha' •

jticneyof them that were over and above made an end ot covering the fanshiani ry, t
theni^hat were redeemed bv theLevites. andalttheveitelsof thel'anctusrv, as the
10 Or the firit-born ot the children cf cam is to jet forward} after that, .

Ifrael took he the money ; a thouianci ol Konath fhall come to bcar/r-.

thr e hundred and t-hree core and five lhall not teuch any holy t

Jhektl', after the fhekel ot <he fanctuarv. die. Thete thing; an the burden
,t And Moles gave the money of them lens of Kchath, in th« taberaacle ofdfl
that were redeemed, unto Aaron, and to congregation,
his fons, according to the word or the 16 H"And to the cfike of Eteazar
Lord, as the Lord commanded Motes. foB ot Aaron the prieit, ftrUimtU the
C H A P. IV. for the light, ami the Iweet incaite, a.
"lb: *<$e andtimeofthe Levitsifirvice, &c. the daily mea'-oft'enng, and the anoin
ANdthe Lord fpake unto Moies, and ing oyl, and theo/eriight ot all the t
unto Aaron, faying, befnaele, and or all that therein is,
i Take' the fum of thr fons of Kohath thefanetuary, and in the veUVfs t:.
from among the ions of Levi, 'alter their i-f, Ana the Loru fpake .unto Mof<
families, by the houfe 01 their fa- and unto Aaron, faying,
3 From thirty years old and upward, tS Cut ve not off thc~tribeof the fami-
even until fifty years old, all thar enter lies of the Kohataite*- from amor.g tht
into the hoft, to do the work in the ta- Levites.
bernacle of the consreyation. 19 But thus do unto them, t
4 Tliis./''.:ii h'. the ./vice 01 the Ions ol may ive and not die, when they £
1 I

Kohath in the of the congre- jnto the molt holy things 5 Aa: d .

gation, About the mod holy things fbns fhall go m, and appoint tl.

* T, And whsothecamp ictteth forward, 17 oae to bis Hivite, and 10 his burdetf
§trfionittt carriage. Chap, v. Tbt mmbir efthe levies,
iut th^v ihall not go in to fee when 36 And thofe that were numbred of«
ly things are covered, left they die. them by their families, were two thou-
II And the Lord fpake uneo Moles, fand (even hundred and fifty.
:~ Thefe were ihcy that were numbred
*fake alio the Inm of the fbns of otthc tamihesof the Kohathues, a mat I

ag.iout th j houfe-s ot the it might do lervice in the •abemaclrot the

by their families ;
rs, congregation which Moles and Aaron

From thirty years old and upward, did number, according to the command-
tiny years old, fhalt thou ni:nbe,r ment ot theLoRU by the hand of Moles.
i all that enter in to portorm the 38 And thole that were numbred of the
:>?, to do the work in tiie tabernacle fons of Gerfhon, throughout their fami-
e congregation. lies, and by the houfe of their lathers j
Tais n the fervice of the tamihes 39 From thirty years old and upward,
ioib. even unto fifty years old, everyone that
entreth in to th2 fervice, .or the work in
And they thai! bear the curtawis
:3ir. of the taosrnacle of the congregation :

abemaole, and the tabernacle ot the 40 Even thole that were nui:bred of
cation, his covering, and the co- tkuji throughout' their families, by the
igof the nad^ers skins that is above houfes ot their tatkers, w=;re two thou-
it, and the hanging lor the doorot fand and fix hundred and thirty.
ibernacle of the congregation, 4i Thele are ihcy tha^ were nrtmbred
And the hangings of the court, and ot the families of the fons of Gerfhon,
langing tor the door of the gate ot of all that aught do fervice in the ta-
surt winch is by the tabernacle, and bernacle of the'coH2reeation, whom Mo-
e altar round aboutr and their eorda, fesand Aaron did number, accordicg'to
ail the inltrurnem.1 of their lervice, the commanament ot the LORD.
allthat is made for them : fo fhall 41 5 And thofe that were numbred of
iervc. the families of the foni of Merari,
At th : appointment of Aarcn and hts throughout their families, by the houfe
lhall be all the lervice of the ions of ot their fathers;
Jerfhonites, in all their burdens, and 43 From thirty years old and upward,
their lervice: and yz jhall appoint evenunto fifty years old, every one that
them in charge all their burdens. entreth in 'o the fervice, for the work in
This/'; the lervice of tne families of the tabernaele of the congregation
bns of Gerfhon, in the tabernacleor 44 Even thofe that were numbred of
rongregation: and their eharge./&<»# them ait-r their families, were three
ider the hand of Itfiamar tlie lbnot tfcoufand and two hundred.
>n the prielt. 4? TIsefe bt thole that were numbred
11 As for the fons of Merari, thou of the families of the fons ot Merari,
mimber them after their families, whom Mofes and Aaron numbred, accor-
he houfe of their fathers ding to the word of the LORD by the
From thirty years old and upward, hand or Mofes.
;unto fifty years old itialt thou num- 4f> Allthole that were nu-mhred of the
them, every one that entreth in to Levftes, whom Mofes »nd Aaron and the
"ervice, to do the work of the taber- chie;of IfraeJ numbred, aftertheir fami-
e of the congregation. lies, and after the. houfe of their fathers;
And tkisii the charge of their burden, 47 From thirtv years old and upward,
rdingtoalltheirfervice inthetaber- even un'o fifty y'e&rs oh\, every one that
eof the congreea-tion ; the boards of came to do the lervice of the mimitry,
abernscle, and "the bars thereof, and and the fervice of the bu-den in the ta-
miliars rhereof, and lockets thereof, bernacle ot the cone-reeatiori
Andthe pillars of the court ound 48 Even thcfe rha- were numbred of
Sit, aedthjir lockets, and their pins, them, were eight thc/ufand and five hun-
their cords, with all their inttru- dred and fsurfeore.
ts, and withaHtheir lervice and by :
49 Accordin? to the commandment of
;eye fhall reckon we iaitramests ot the LORD, they were numbrod by the
•harge of their burden. hand of Mofes, every one accordihe to
This/; the lervice ot the tamihes hisfervice, and according to his burden:
ae ions of Merari, according to ah thus were they numbred of him., as the
rl'ervieein he tabernacle ot th-econ- LORD commanded Mofes.
•a*ion, under the nandof Ithamarthe CHAP. V.
)f Aaron tne prieft. ibt unclean removed out of thectmf, See.
fl And Moles and Aa>on and the \ Nd
the LORD <?ake unto Moles,
f of the congre?ation numbred the faying,
of the KoiratHites, atter their fami- i Command he children ot I rrael, that
and after the houfe of their fathers ; 1 they ru outot the camp every le^er, and
From thirty years old and upward, I everyone that hath an ilTue, andwhefo-
lunto fifty years old, every one rhat 1
evei is dettled by the dead.
eth in to the fervice, for the work in i ? Both male and female fhall ye put cut,

tabernacle of the congregation 1

without the ca^vp Hull ye tut them ; that

JttJUtution uijoynti. £3un bers. Tbt trial of >

they defile not their camps in tke midit thu bitter water that caufeth the cur
whereor I dwell. 20 But it thou haft gone aiidc to ail
4 And the children of Ilraeldidfo, and tbtr in fteacl oi thy husband, and if fl
put them out without the camp ai the je denied, and lome man hith lienw

Lord fpake unto Moles, fo did the chil- tiiee belide thine husband :

dren of Ilrae'. 11 Then the inetr fhall charge

? fl. And the Lord fpake unto~Mofes, man with an oath or curling, and the pn
faying, ihall lay unto the woir.3
6 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, thee a curie and an 0: •

when a msn or woman Ihall commit Pie, when the LOR;

any lin thatmen commit/to do atrei'pals thigh to rot, and thy b;
agJinil the LORD,and that perfbn be »Aa«lthis*ate5 that eauleth the cl
guilty ; nailgo intj thy bowels, tc make tbj *
7 Then they fhall confefs their .: ly unwell, andrtjp thigh to rot: And!
they have done : and he (hall recompense woajaihalMay, Ameh, amen j
his trefpafs" with the principal thereof,
and add unto it the fifth parr thereof,
, ^•
nd ^e
prieft (hall write thefe
ieiiiff boo,-, and he ihafl blot
and give it unto tint agaihlt wAOA he with the bitter water:
h'ath trefpalfed. =a And he Jhall caufe t!...
8 But if the man have'no kmlman to drink the bittsr water that
recompenle the trei pals unto, let tnetref- curie and the water that caufeth the cut

palsbe recompensed unto the Lord, '^'- n fhall enter into her, dud hcomt bitter
to the prieft befide the ram of the atone-
: *? Then the prieft flull tike the i
ment, whereby an atonement fliartl be louue-ojfertng out of the wo
made for him. and fhall wave the offeting before,
9 And every offering of all the holy LORD, and oftcr it upor, the altar. '
things of the children of Ifrael, which' _a6 And the prieft fhall take an ham
theyT<rip.2 unto the prieft, fh2itbe his; ottheorrenng, tven the memorial tht
to Ar.d every man hallo *-ed things ' ""dwirnirMpon thealtir, and at| E|
fhall be his : whatfoever any man giveth ward ffcali cauiethe woman to tfrina
the prieft, it ihall be his. water.
ii fl And the Lord fpake unto Mo c> 17 And when he hith made h
faying, drink the water, then it Ihall comd
ti Sreak unto the chilarer. of Ifrael, ?afs, th*t it fhe be defiled; and have d
and fay unto them, If any mans wife go a- tre'palsagainft her husband that the ;

fide, and commit a treipafs againfthim, terthat caufeth the curie foal] errrej
uAnda-nan lie with her carnally, and her, ar.i be com-: bitter, and he;
it be hid from the eyes of her husband, weH, and her thirh fhall- rot: and the wc

and be kept clofe, and fhe b© defiled, and man fhall n a curie amors her people.

tb'.re hi no witnefs againft her, neither rS And if thewcma-nbenjtdenled-,'bi

fhe be taken -with tbt m&nntr ; be clean; thence (hall be free, andlha
t4 And the (pint of jealoufifc come upon conceive lee*:.
him, and he be jealous of his wife, and 19 this it the law of jealoufies, wb*
Ihe be defiled 5 or if the fpiritof jealoufie a wife gceth atide re anatbtr ftead'j; m
tome upon him, andhe be jcaleusof his her husband, and \t defile.\ ;
wife, and lhe be not defiled:
ii Then ihall the man brings his wife unto

tbe prieft, and -he (hsll bring her offerincr

forher, thetemh partoi jnephahofbat^
ley-meal ; he Thai! pour no oyl upon i-t,
cor pour Irankincenfe thereon, tor it Man -r Then fhall the manbe guiltleCifB
offering of jealoufie, anofferingot memo- iniquity, and this woman (hill bear he
jial, bringing iniquity to remembrance. iniquity,
16 Andthe pxieft fhall bting her near, CHAP. VI.
and let her before the LORD. TncUro of tbtK*\j.ritts,&c.
17 And the prieft Ihall take holy water ANi the LORD fpake unto Mo*
in an earth-en vefl'el, and of the duft that laying,
is in the door of the tabernacle the prieft 1 '.Speak
unto the children af IfraH
ihall take, and put it into the water. 2nd fay unto them, When either manl
18 And the prielt Ihall fet the woman woman (hall fei arate tbtmfilv;> to vow.
before the LORD, a/id uncover the wo- vow of aMazarite, ro i'e ame zbtm/im
jnanshead, and put the offering of memo- unto the LORD-
rial in her hands, which is the jealoufie-of- ; Hcftiallfeparate h'-mftlf frcm wiM
ienng-.and the prieft ihall have in his hand and ftrong drin'<> and dvall drink no viflf
the bitter water that caufeth the fur: e. garot wine, or vinegar of ftrcng drifl|
iCw And the prieft frail charge her by an he drink ^nvlrq.:orctgra™ (hall
oat«, and lay unto the woman, If no man- nor eat moill grapes, or drien.
have lien with.thei, and it thou hsrtnot 4 All the days ot his (eparation Oia|H
gone afidc to uneleannefs -cvitb eat notbing that nmade of the vme-ti
in Uead of thy husband, be thou.1 rec from froa tilt kwncls eveD to the husk
vii. Tbt form of bltfing.
io And the prieft fhall wave them for a
wave-ottering before thi Lord this is ;

hofcyforthe prieft, with the wave-breaft,

and heave-fhoulder and after that, the

Nazante may drink wine.

n This i>the law of theNazarite, who
hath vowed, ttid of his offering unto trie
Lord for hisfeparation, bciides f/ufthat
hishand lhall get: according to the vow
He not make hiinrelF unclean
fhall which he vowed, lb he mult do after the
lis father, or tor his mother, tor las law of his reparation. .

Iier, or for his lifter, when they die :

u, fl And the Lord fpakeunto Mofes,
ufetheconfecraionof his ©odi* upon faying,
icad. ^- "
xl speak unto Aaron and unto his ions,
All the days of his reparatioaBie faying, On this wife ye fhall blefi the chil-
unto the Lord.
And any man die veryfuddiPy by
. M dren of Ifrael, faying un^o them,
r4 The LORD
bid's thee, and keep
, and he hatfs defiled the head of his thee , >
erration; then he mail (have his head i> The LORD make his face fhiReapon
jedayof his cleaning, onthcfeventh thee, and be gracious unto thee:
ftailheftiaveit. 16 The LORDli-ftup his countenance
And on day he fhall bring
the eighth upon thee, and give thee peace.
turtles, or two young pigeons to the x7 And they ftiall put my name ut>on the
ft, to the door of the tabernacle of the children of Ifrari, and I will blefs them.
»re?ati<m. C H
A P., VII.
An*, the prieft fhall offer the on; for The pririca ofttr'mz-, &C.
-offering, and. the other for a burnt-
ring, and make an atonement for him,
ANdMofesCame to pais on the day that
had fully fet up the talier-
hat h« tinned by the dead, and (hall nacle, and had anointed it, and fandli-
a,v his head that fame day. fitd it, and all the initruments thereof,
(hall confecrate unto theLoRD
And he both the altar and all iheveifelsthereor xand
Jays of his feparaticn, and mall bring had anointed then*, and lanftified them i
jnb of the firlt year tor a trefpaf s-offer- i That the princes or Ifrael, heads of the
: but the days that were before fhall be bauie of their "fathers Cwhoivere the princes
becaufe his reparation was defiled. of the tribes, and were over them that
fl And thisr'j the law of the Na-zante were nuaibred ) offered:
n the days of his reparation are ful- 2 And tney brought their offering be-
d, he lhall be brought unto the door of fore the LORD, fix" covered wagons, and
:abernacle of the congregation. twelve oxen ; a wagon for two of the
. And he lhall offer his offering unto princes, and for each one an ox : aivd
Lord, one he-Iamb of the firft year they brought them before the taber-
jeut blemiih, for a burnt-offering, nacle.
oni ew-lamb of the firlt year without a. And the LORD fbake unto Mofes»
fin-offering, and one ram
nifti. for a faying,
mut blemiih, for peace-offerings, ? the>m, that they may. be to
Take?* of
And a basket of unleavened bread, do the fervice of* the tabernacle of the
:sof fine flour mingled with, oyl, and congregation j and thou fhalt give rfieni
;rsof unleavened bread anointed with unto the Le vires, to every man according
and their meat-offering, and their to his fervice.
lk-offerings. 6 And Moles took the wagons and the
I And the prieft fhall bring tktm be- oxen, and gave them umto the Levites.
theLoRO, and fhall offer hisfjn-offcr- 7 Two waeons and four oxen ha gave
, and hisbiurnt-oflering. unto the fons of Gerfhcn, according to
' And he mall offer the ram/or a facri- their fervice.
of peace-offerings unto the Lord, 8 Ana four wagon? and eight oxen he
i the basket ot unleavened bread: the gave unto the fons of Merari, according"
:ft fhall offer alio his meatvoffering, umo their fervice, under th? hand of
his drink-offering. Ithamar the fonof Aaron the prieft.
! And the Mszarite fhall fhave the 9 &Utun:o the fons of-Kolmh he gave-
.1 of hiskparation, at the door cf the none becaufe the fervice of the fanctuary

rnacleoi the congregation ; and fhall belonging imto them, w.a tb*t they fhould
\ the hair ef the head of his reparation, bear upon'thetr moulders.
put it in the fire which ?';
under the fa- io «n And the princes offered for dedi-
ced th:peaca-offerin?s. catingof the altar, in the day that it wa*
1 And the prieft mail fake the fodden anointed, even tbe»princes offered their
ilder of the ram, andone unleavened offering bafore the altar.

eoutof the basket, and one unleaven- ti And the laid unto Mofes,
wafer and fljail put t-htm upon the
They fhall offer their offering each
Is. of the Nazarite, after tbt bair of prince on his day, for the, dedicating of
(eparation is {haven. the altar. ,
- u 51 /too
: : : :

« * And he that offered hit -

:; And tor a -acrificeofpeace-ofTeria

the r iy, wasJNahflion wie fonof Am-
rams, five he-£o.its,i
tx ot Jud^.h.
t? Andhisol ThuDMitheai
: iilver chan- t ingot Llizur • '-

U r.
ger, the waizht ther-ot" w.s an h ndr % pathefUthdayShelnmiel the 1
rry/«£/j, one liUer bowl of feven- ot Zurilttaddai,
ty ftekels after the ihckol of the
pnnce cf the children
fanctuary, . .

both ot them vurt full of fine flour mir.vkJ

Witnoyl, for a meat-offering:
^ne iilver charg
feot xf.n an hundred a
• M
cneipoonof ten Afe/f ofgold, full A of leva
or incenfer

>ne young bullock, one r»m, ene our. or them lull or' fin? flour minsd
" offae firftyear, for a burnt-ol •

One kid oi the goats t r a


, -

17 And
for a facrifice of pesc;-o- yo.-ng ballocfc, one a k,
two oxen, five rams, five he-goat
r a b'lrnt- fferfl
Iambs of tfcefirft year. Tfo of'the goats tor a iin-i
ingot Nahfhon the Ton of Aajminadab. ;n-cffc
lb r 0nt?lei ecc:

fi. f -r -eel the 4i Aof for a farr-fice of peace-oflt

tonotZuar, prince of Iflathar, didoffer. inzs, two oxen, five rams, f
r? He oi'jered /j/hi> offering one filver rive lambs ot the
firftyear. Tkis * •
wargeT, ''.-weight whereaf »* an hun- imiel the fon of Zui
dred and thirty /M?/?, one iIIvct bowl of fhaddai.
Jcventy fhekels after the ftekel of the \ii r On the fixth day E!iafaphthe_
fanauary, both of them full of fine flour ol Deuel, prince of the citiUrerVof
mini .-.iw-h r,yi,
for a meat-offering :
ic One (poon cf <rold of ten JbttelsTtuU .4? Hiseffering «>^; one Qlver char|
efinr-nie: cf the weight of aa. hundred and tft

. *», O Hock, one ram, one faPtls, a filver bowl of feventy me

Iamb cj the year, for a burnt-offering:
firlt after the ihekel ot the fan&uary, boi
zr One kid of tie eoats tor a tin -offer- themtul! ot fine flour mingled with
ing !
for a meat-offerin?:
23 And for a fac; of peace-of-n -
44 One golden fp'oon of ten/ie^r,
iof incmle
rams, Eve he-goat*,' :

Iambs of th; 4,- O '.e young bullock, en; rsm, or

fine vear. Thisw/tj the
neclthe'bnofz-iar 1 firftyear, tor a bum
*4 «1 On the ftird day Eliabthefon of c: One kid ot the goats for aiin-offe
ten of Zebnlun, ing:
1- Andforafacrificcofpeace-offcrinj
i- Hi; offering rejr .vie filver t two oxen, five rams, rive he-goat--, fir
the weight whe'recf w*< an hundred and hmbs of the firftyear. Thijv
«h' rtv rer bow* of feventy ingof Eliafaph the fen of Deuel

4o J] On the feventh day Eliihama

feot.h oi them f::li of fine riour mingled Ion of Amatihud, prince ot the chil
l far a meat offering: lim, of(rid.
x< 0:.c -old.-njpoon of tctijiikels, full 49 His offering •»«» one. filver chai
of inrenl •
h whereof w.u an hwndred 4
i- One young bullock, one ram, one thirty iltnh, one .ilver/oowl of fevel
lamb ot'h; firlt year, for a fcitrnt-offeri-'z : ftet ere fhekelot the fanc^uaj
.18 One kid of the yoats fora fin-offer- both of them full ot fine flour mingled wi
oyl, for a meat-offering:
io And fo-a acnficenfpeace-offerin?s, ^c One golden fpoor.ot ten/-*
two osen, five ram-, live he-?oat», five cf incenle
lamhsofthefirftvear. Thistr.»! the offer- ;r One bullock, one ram,
ingot EliabthrfonofHeton. lauvboi- ir a burnt-off

d*v Flizu-- the Ton si One kid of the goats for alin-r
of Shed ear r-ince ot the children ot ing:
Reuben, aiS o x'.r. ft And f-«r a facrifice of peace -'ff?r
"' Hisorrerm? tc:' on; iilver charger, rwo cxen, five rams, five he
of an hu" 'red md rhirtv (btlftls-, or.c -,ilver Iambi ot the firftyear. Thi- 1
bowlof -vjn-v fh*kels'afte- V e ""leicel of ingof E'i a. rathe fono* Ammihui '

the fane" ?4 c On the eighth day ofrrtd Ga

fi^u min'leifwithoy'Jora mea'-^rT-rin?: lielthe loo o: l'eJ.hzuri prince ot
?i OnepoldenCr-ocnof ten fhtktlt, full children ot Manaffeh.
of iocenfe «,- Hi oRe filver
~ One young bullock, one ram, enjs

:v /*£«/', one
lamb f^efirft v?ar, for a bumt-e^erin* : b:,wi o' Matter the lta<

?* One kid of the goats for afiR-offer- -f them ful

ing: flo; -i mmgled with oyl.for a meat
vtii. dedicttian ef the tftar.

79 Hi t offering wa 1 one filver charger*

the weight whereof was as hundred ami
thirty jhekel;-, one filver bowl of feventy
fhekels after the ihekel of the lanaaary,
both of them fsdl of fine flour mingled
wfthovl, for a meat-offerins:
Vnd for a facrifice of peace-offerings, go One golden fpoon of te'n^e^*, full
;cen, five rams, five he-goats, five of incenfe :

ofthe firft year. Thiswu the offer- 81 One youn? bullocis, one ram, one
Gamaliel the fon ot Pedahzur. lamb of the firft year, lor a burnt-offer-
1 On the ninth day Abidan the Ton ing :

deom, prince of the children of Ben- 81 One kid of the goa-s for a fin-offer-
. fered. ing ;
one River cha«er,
rlis offering; -cost 8? for a facrifice of peace-ort^nngs,
eight whereot was an hu^dr^^fcd two oxea, five rams, five he-goats, fivt
jbe\tl<, a tilvor bowl of fl^P^y lambs of the tint year. .This wa- the offer-
Is after the fhekel of the fanewlrv, ing of Ahira the fon of Enan.
f them full of fine flour mingled b4 Thisw^i the juration of the altar
lyl, meat-offering:
for a ( in the dav whetTit wss gncured ) by. the
jne golden fpoonof ten Jke^els-, full princes of Ifrael twelve chargers of fil-

enfe ver, twelve filver bowls, twelve Ipooni

Dne young bullock, one ram, one of gold :

of the' firft year, for a burnt-offering 8<r Etch chsrgerof filler

weight tig a*
Jne kidot thcgoat* for a fin-offer-. hundred and thirty Jhekels, each bowl fe-
venty: all the filver velfels weighed two"
Ind for a facrifice of peace-offer- thou land and four hundred Jhekjls after
two oxen, five rams* five he-goats; the fhekel cf the fanftuary.
ambs of the firft year. This -hu; the h6 The golden fpoons were twelve, fwll
gof Abidance Ion of Gideoni. of incenfe, weighing ten fhekels apieea,
n On the tenth day Ahiezer ihe fan after the fhekel of the fanftuary all the :

imifhaddai, prince^of the children gold of the fpoons was an kundrtd an*
r.» oftirei. twenty Jbe&ls.
Ais offering was one filver charger, 87 AH the oxen for the burnt -offering
?igl,t hereof was an hundred and yp;re twelve bullocks, the rams twelve,
cktlu One filver bowl of feventy the larri>s of the firft year twelve, with
Is after the fhekel cf the fan<5iuary, th:ir meat-offering ana the kids of the

>f them tukl ofi fine flour mingled goats for fin-efferins, twelve.
iyl, for a meat-offering : 88 And all the oxen for the faorifice or
3ne golden fpoonof tcnjbtirfi, full the pe*ce-offerings, were twenty and tour
enl e : bullocks, the ram: fixty-, the he-goats
Dr.e young bullock, one ram, one fixty, the lambs of the ftift year fixty.
of the tirft year, for a burnt-offering : Thiswd* the dedication of the altar, after
One kid cf the goats for afin-offer- that it was anointed.
89 And when Mofes was gone ir/o tha
And for a facrifice of peace-offerings, tabernacle of the congregation, to fbeak
xen, five rams, five he-goats, five with him; then he heard the voice ofon«
ofthe t.rft year. This»/.t the offer- fpeakingun-ohim from off the raerey-f*at
f Ahiezer the ion of Ammifhaddai. that was upon the ark of teftimony, from
f\ On the eleventh dav Pa? >d tj-e between the two cherubiaas and he fpuke :

f Ocran, prince of the children of unto him.

offered. C h
Htsofferin? w»i one filver charger, How the lamps are to be lighted, Sec.
light whereof was as hundred and "
Nd the LORDfpake unto Mofe«,
one filver bowl of fe verity
after the fhekel ef the fanftuarv,
Speak unto Aaron, and lay unto him,
if them full of fine flour Mingled When thou lia&teft the lamps, the icveii
iyl, for a meat-offering lamps mall give light over againft the
One golden fpoonof ten Jbe {els, full can^leftick. .
enfe ^ And Aaron did fo ; he lighted
3ne young bullock, one ram, one lamps thereof, over againft, the candl«-_
Bf the firft year, for a burnt-offering : ftick ; 2stheLrm'> c-mmanaed Moles.
Dns kid of the goa-s for a hn-ofter- 4 Asd this work of the candlettick was
of beaten gold, unto the fhafr thereof,
\nd fcr a facrifiee of peace-ofter- un f o the flowers thereof, w* ; beaten work :

twooxen, five rams, hve lie- goats, accordire unto tie pattern which the
robsof the firft year. This win the had fhewed Moles, lb he made the
igof Pagiel the fun of Ocrarr. candleltick. . „ '
mm r
P On the twelfth day Ahira the fon « ^ And the Lorp fpake unto Mofes,
an- prince of the ebiidren of Naph- faying,
Take th« Levites from «»® n
6 yjf

Tbt leviiel tcnficr-atitn. Nj fibers A'ftttnJ fAjJivt)

children of and cleanfe tfiem.
Ifrael, iv Ami after that went the Levitei
7 And thus fhalt thou do unto them, to to do their fervke ih the tabevnact
cleanfe them Si Tinkle w-ater of purify-in '
: the congregation before Aaron and be
upon them, and let them fhave all fhcir his fons as the
had commas
flefh, and l<ft them w&fh their clothes, Mofes concerning the Levitei, lb did t
an 1

Jo msfctthemfelvesdran. unto them.

8 Then let them take a young bullock
with his meat-offering, even t\ne flour
H f\ And theLORD fpakeunto M<-
wangled with ovl, an J another youn^ bul- x4 This "
that folongctb unto
lock fhalt thou take for a fin-offering. Levites from twenty and five years

9 Ant thou malt bring the Levkes be- and upward, they fhallgo in to wait
Tor« the tabernacle of the eongregration ;
on the ferviee ot tSe Tabernacle of"
and thou malt father the whole aftembly congregation
of the children of Ifrael together: iT And from the age of fifty years t
to And thCufhalc bring t]\c Levites be- fhaL|^afe waiting upoa the ferviee tb
fore the Lord, and the children of If- °fi ^^urull fefve no more :

racj fliall put their hands upon the Lc- iflBTt fhall minifter with their \
vites: thrernn the tabernacle of the cong-reg
it And Aaron fhall offer the Levjtes on, to kee? the charge, and ihall do
before the Lord, for an offering of the ferviee. Tnus {halt thou do unto
children ot Ifrael that they may execute
-, fcevkes touching their charge.
the ferviee of the Lord. CHAP. IX
r» And the Levites mail lay their Tbepafiover commanded ag*in, &<
hands upon the heads of the bullocks:
ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofet
and thou (halt offer the one for a fin -offer- the wildernels of Sinai, in the i

ing, and the other for a burnt-offering month of the fecondyear, after they
unto the Lord, to make an atonement come-out ot the landof Egvpt, faying
for the Levites. z Le: the children of Ifrael alfo $
\\ And thou (halt fct the Levites be- the paflbver at his appointed leafon.
fore Aaroji, and before his fons, and offer % In the fourteenth day of this i

them for an orTerin^unto the LQRD. at even, ve fhall keep inn his appcia
14 Thus (halt thou the Levites feafon: according to all the rites of
from among the children if Ifrael and and according to all the ceremonies tit

the Levites (hall be mine. of fhall ye keep ir.

i? And after that fhall the Levites go 4 And Mofes fpakeunto the childre*
in, to do the fervkeof the tabernacle cf Ifrael, that they fhould keep the paflbr
the congregation and thou (halt cleanfe
* And they kept the palfover on
them, and offer them ./or a* offering. fourteenth day of the firir. month at ev
to For they Art wholly given untu me in the wilderuefs of Sinai according :

from among the children of Ifrael ; in all that the Lord commanded Mofes
fteadoffuch as open every womb, even in did thfchildren of Ifrael.
ftesdof the ftrft-born of all the children 6 11 And there Were certain men t
of Ifrael, have I taken them unto me. were defiled by the dead bsdy of a m
17 For 311 the rirft-born of the children that thev could not keep the paffover
ofclfrael are minci both man ami beaft on that day
: and they came before Mo

the da-y fchat I fmote every firit-born in and before Aaron on that day.
the land of Egypt, I fanctirled them for 7 And thofe men faid un-o him, 1
»y felf. (trrrdefiled by the dead body of a m
18 And I have taken the Levites for all wherefore are we kept back, that wei
the ftrft-born of the children or lftael. not offer an offering of the Lord in
\q And I have Riven the Levites <«.« a appointed leafon among the childrer
gift to Aaron, and tc his fans, from among Ifrael ?
the children of Ifrael ; to do the ferviceof 8 And Mofes raid unto them, Standi!
the children or Ifrael in the tabernacle of and I will hear what the Lord will Co
the congregation, and ro make anato-ne- maud concenyn? you.
ment for the children of lira el that there
: 9 fl Ami the Lord fpake unto Md
be no plague among the children of If- faying,
rael, when the children of Ifrael come, io speak unto the children of Iff
nigh unto thtfarvciuarv. faying, If any man of ymi or Qf"
io And Mofes and Aaron, and a'l the pufteritv fhall be unclean by rea"
congregation of the children of Ifrael a dead 'body, or it in a journe
did to the Levkes accordinc unto allthar on, vet he fhall keep the pa'.fover
the LORD commanded Mole-: concern- the LORD
ing the Levites, fo did the children of ii The fourteenth day of the f<
Ifrael unto them. month at even they fliall keep it
n And the Levites were purified, and it with unleavened bread and bitter
tt)cv waffied their c-lrthes and Aaron
: \z They fhall leave «one of it ui
offered them a.\ an offering before the morning* nor break any bone of
LORD* and Aaron made as atonement cording to all the ordinances of i
lor thc;n t« cleanfe then. focverr they in all Iwep it.
X. The uft eftbe trtmpets.
all the afTeaibly fhall a .femblethemfeJvei
to thee, at the door ot th# tabernacle ot"
the congretrati*D.
4 And if they blow but with one trumpet,
then the princes which are heads of the
thoufands of Kiael, fhall gather thein-
lelves unto thee.
? When ye blow an alarm, then the
camps that lieon tie eaft-parts fhall go
6 When ye blow an alarm the fecond
time, then the camps that lie en the
iouth-fide, fhall take their journey: they
fhall blow an alarm tor their jaumeys.
red <
t But when the congregation is to be
gathered together ; you fhall" blow, but
pun i you ill a 1 noftound an alarm.

8 And the Ions of Aaron the priefts fhall

hlow with the trumpets; and they fhall
be to you for an ordinance for ever
throaghout yaur generations.
9 And if ve go to war in your land a-
And when the cloud was taken up gainfl the enemy that opprellfeth yen,
, the tabernacle i then after that the then ye fhall blow an alarm with the
Iren of ITrael journeyed : and in the trumpets § and ye fhall be remembred
: where the cloud abode, there the befcretfie LORD your God,
Irenoflfrael pitched their tents. be laved from your enemies.
At the- commandment of the LORD tc Alio in the day of your gladnefs,
hildren o! Ifrael journeyed, and at

and in yourfbleain days, and in the be-

cenunendment ot the lord they ginnings of your months, ye fhall bio*
hed as long as the cloud abode upon
: with the trumpets over your burnt-offer-
abernaclc, they refted in the tents. ings, and over the facrilices of your
And when the cloul tarried long peace-offerings ; that they may be to yoa
« the tabernacle fltany days, then the
rencf llracl kept the charge of the
for a memorial before your God: I *m
the LORD your God.
D, and journeyed not. u H And it came to pafs on the twen-
And/e it was when the cloud was a tieth^^ of the fecond month, in the le-
days upon the tabernacle; according cond yef r, that the tloud was taken up
le commandment of the Lord they from off the tabernacle of the teftimony.,
kin their tents, aad a-ccrding to the ii And the children of Ilrael took their
mandment of the Lord they jour- journeys out of the wildernefs of Sinai;
:d. and the cloud rcfted in the wildernefs of
And /a it was whan the cloud abode Paran.
i even unto the morning, and tbut t; And thev firft took their »joarney»
cloud was taken up in the morning, according to'fnc commandment of the
they journeyed whether it was by
: LORD by the hand of Mojes-.
erby night that the cloud wai taken 14 11 Inthehrft *>/'« went the ftandawl
they journeyed. of the casip of the children of Judah, ac-
Or xvbetber it were two days, or a cording to their 3rmies-. and over hi<
ith, or a year, that the dond'tarried hoftrpj.«Nah(hon the lbnof AmminadaU.
nthe tabernacle, remaining therecji, r? And ever the holt of the tribe of the
children of K'rael abode intheirtentl, children of Iffachat, was Nethaneel the
joarneyed not but when it was
: fon of Zuar.
nup, they journeyed. 16 And over the hoft of the tribe of the
At the commandment of the LORD children of Zebuliin, was Eliab the lb»
relied in the tents, and at the conv- of Helon.
dmenc of the Lord they journeyed •.
17 And the tabernacle was taxen down »
kept the charge of the Lord at the and the ions of Gerfhon, and the Ions of
mandment «f the Lord by the hand Merari fet forward, bea'inc; the tabernacle
Ao/es. 18 11 And the ftandard ot thecami» ot
_ C H A P. X. - Reuben fet forward according to their
\->e u/e of the jilvtr trumpet'. Sec. -armies: and over his holt wjs'Ehzur the
Nd the Lord ("pake unuo Mofes, fon ot Shedeur.
19 And over the noil of the tribe of the
Mike thee two trumpets of filler; chifdren of Simeon, ~xts Shelumlel the
iwaole piece fhalt thou make them : fon of
thou mayit uic them for the calling 2.0 And over fcfie holt of the tribe ot
he aflembly, and for the journeying the children or Gad, was Elialaphthefon
he cn:«ps. ot Deuel. , -

[And when they fh.aU blow withthem, n And the Kohaihitat fet forward,

Whe «rdtr of tbiir mirth. KuT

tearing the fanehiary and tbe other did
: 3 And he called the name of
letup the tabernacle againlt they-came. Taberah: becaufe the fke of theLOl
11 11 And the ftandard of the camp of burnt anion? them.
the children ot Lphr3im fat forward ac- 4 « And the mixt multitude that i
cording to their armies: and over his holt among them, fell a lufting and the ct :

Wd' Elifhama thelonof Ammmud. dren of Ilrael alio wept again, and fa
i? And over the holt of the tribe of the Who mall giveuj riefh to eat ?
children of Manatfeh, vom Gamaliel the ,- We
remember the filh which we «
fen of PeJahzur. eatin^gypt freely; the cucumbers,
14 And over the hod of the tribe of the the melons, and theleiks, andtheonic
children of Benjamin, wat Abidan the andthegarlick :

ion ot Gideoni. 6 Our now i>ur foul if dried away ; ?4

i? n And the ftardaid of the camp of ri nothing at all, betides this manna,
the children of Dan let forward, which tore oar eyes.
x»a the rere-ward of all the ca:iir>.-, 7 And the manna voas ascoriander-fV
throughout their hofts and over his holt
: and jhe colour thereof as the ecloui
*>*i Ahiezerthe fonof Ammilhaddai. bdeHm.
And over the hoit of the tribe of the
iS 8 And the people went abevtt, and
children of After, veat Pagiel the fen of thcred it, andgrouad it in mills, or IP
Ocran. it in a mortar, and baked it in pans,
i~ And over the hoft of the tribe of the made cakes of it- and the taiteof itr
thildren of Napatali, veu Ahira the Ion as thetafteoftreih oyl.
of Enan. 9 And when the dew fell upon the caj
«i8 Thus xoirf the journeying of the in the night, the manna tell upon
children of Uracl, according to their ar- re fl Then Moles heard the people - *t

mies, when they fet forward. throughout their families, every m_„
19 fl And Moles laid unto Hobab the the door of his tent : and the anger of
fon of Raguel the Midianite, Motes la- Lord was kindled greatly ; Mofes a
ther in law, "We are journeying unto the was difplea fed.
place of which the Lord faid, I will give it And Mofes faid unto the T OR
jt you: come thou with us, and we will Wherefore halt thou afflidted thv f
do thee good for the : LORD
hath fpoken vant ? and wherefore have I not 'fon
good concerning Ilrael. favour in thy lighr, that thou layftj
?c Aad he faid unto him, I will not go; burden of all this people upcrw me"?
but I will depart to mine own land, and ti Have 1 conceived all this peopl
to my kindred. have 1 begotten them, that thou fhoul
%\ And he faid, Leave us not, I p. ay fay unto me, Carry them in thy bofi
thee t forafmuch asthou knoweft how we ( as a nurling- father beareth the fucki

are to encamp in the wi'dernefs, ar.dthcu child) unto the land which thou fwst
may ft be to us in ftead of eyes. unto their fathers ?
;i And it mail" be, if thou go with us, i? Whence mould I have fiefh to g
yea, be, that what goodnels the
it fllall unto all this people? tor they weep ui
Lord fhalldo unto us, the fame will we me, faying, Give us fkfh that we n
do unto thee. eat.
3; ? And they departed from the 14. I am notable to bear all this pet>]
mount of the Loud three days journey : alone, becaufe it is too heavy for axe
and the ark cf the covenant ot the Lord if And
thou deal thus with me, i
went before them in" the three days me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I hi
journey, to fearch out areiting-placefor found favour in thy fight ; and let
them. not fee my wretchedness.
34- And the cloud of the LORD t»j.< 16 n And the Lord faid unto Mo/
upon them by da,y, when they went out Gather .unto me feventy men of 1

of the camp. elders of" Ilrael, whom thou knoweft

35 And itcame to pais when the ark fet be the elders of the people, and offic
forward, that Moles laid, Rife up, Lord, over them ; and bring them wro the
and let thineenemies be ft-jittered ; and bernacle of the congresation, that tf
let them that hatethe«» flee Sefore thee. may (land there with thee.
And when it retted, he faid,Return,0
7,6 i7 And I will come down and tallcw
loRD, unto the many thoul'ands of Ifrael. thee there: and I will take o' the fpl
C H A V XI. which/'; upon thee, and will put it uj
Tbe burning at Taber/ib que'Kbei, &c. them j and they fhullljear r'-e burden
ANddi'bleafed vfbm the people complained,
the Lord: and the Lord
it the people with t'.iee, that thou beat
not thy felf aljne.
heard/'* and his anger was kindled ; and
j 18 And fay thou unto the people, S:
the of the Lord burnt among them,
fire ttifie your felv«s againft to morrow, i
and conHiraedJiew that mere in the utter- ye (hall eat rlefh lor you have wept in
( i

molt parts of the caivp. cars of the Lord, faying, "WhofhalJgi

i And the pcpnle cried unto Mofes us tleln to eat ? for/"* vein well with us
and when Mofes prayed unto the LORD, k?vpt} therefore tfw Lord will gi
tbe fire was cjuenched. ycu rjefh, *nd ye fhall eat.
'IJtri. Chap. Xii. Miriam hprotti.
ihall not eat one day, nor two people, and the LORD
finote the people
nor n.e days, neither ten days, nor with a very great plague.
ty days 34 And he called the nameol that place,
But even a whole manth., until i* Kibroth-nattaavah b-caul'e there they

out at your noftrils, and it be loth-

: buried the people that lmted.
•noyou becaufe that ye have de-
: 3? And the people journeyed from
d the LOUD which n among you, Kibroth-hattaavah, unto Hazcroth : and
have wept before him, faj ing, why abode at Hazcroth.
4 we lorth oat ot Egypt ? CHAP. XII.
And Moles laid, The people amongfl The/edition of' and Aaron. &C.
m I am, Arc {m hundred thouland 'oot-
i and thou halt laid, 1 will give them
Miriam and Aaron fpake againft
becaufe of the Ethiopian
that they may eat a whole month. woman, whom he had married tor he :

Shall the docks and the herds be flain had married aa Ethiopian woman.
them, tofuffice them ? or fhall all the i And they laid, Hath the LORD in.
of the lea be gathered together tor f^ei Ipokenonly by Moles ? hath he not
i,tofuffice them ? (poken aiio by us ? And the Lord heard ft.
And the Lord ("aid unto Motes, Is 3 C Now the man Moiesw.u vcrv meek,
Lords hand waxed ftiort? thou fhalt above all the men which vptre upon the
low whether my word lhaL come to face of the earth
tin' o the;, or not. 4 And the tuRD ("pake fuddenly wnto
fl And Moles went out, and told Mofes, aadunto Aaron, and unto Miriam,.
people the words of theLOR.D, and Come out ye three unto ihs tabernacle of
isredthefeventy men of the elders of the congregation. And they three came
people, and let them round about the cu*.
made. <? And the LORD came down in the
And the LORD came down in a pillar of the cloud,"and flood in the door
d, and l'pake him, and took oi
unt;o of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and
fpirit that w<tJ upon fiim, and gavc/f Miriam : and they both came forth.
» the feventy elders and it came to
: 6 And he laid, Hear now my
words: If when the fpirit refted upon there be a prophet a :ong you, I the
n, they prophesied, and did not ceaie. LORD will make my fclf known unt'j
i But there remained two of the men hint in a vifion, and will ("peak unto hiai
he camp, the name of the one was insr-Aream.
ad, and the name oi the ether Med ad : 7 My fervant Mofes is not fis, who is
the Ipirit reftccl upon them ( and they faithful in all mine houfe.
eof them that were written, hut went 8 With him (peak mouth to
will I
out unto the tabirnaclc) and they mouth, eren apparently, and not in dark
phelied in the camp. Ipeeches; and thefimilitude of thc?LoRi>
i And there ran a young man, and told lhall he behold : wherefore then were ye
fes, and laid, Eldad and Medad dc not afraid to ("peak againfl my fervant
phefie in the camp. Moles ?
And Jolhua the (cm of Nun, the
i 9 And theangerof the Lord was kin-
/ant of Moles, one of his young men, dled a? aiiiit them, and he departed.
Jwered and laid, MylordMo'es, forbid to And the cloud departed from eff the
tabernacle,, and beheld, Miriam became
,• And Mofes laid unto him, Envielt leprous, white as fnow and Aaron look-

^'u for my lake? would God that all ed upon Miriam', and behold, Jbe was-
LORDs people were prophets, and leprous.
i, t LORD would put his fpirit upon it And Aaron Paid unto Mofes, Alas,
tor. my lord, I befeeth thee, lav not the fin
.,o gat him into the camp,
And Mofes upon ms, wherein we have done foolifhly,
he elders of Ifrael. and wherein we haveiinned.
fli 5] And there went forth a wind fro-; ti Let her not be as one dead ; of whom
» LORD, and trough? quails from th: th? flefri is half cenfumed, whenhecom-
;i, and let tktm fall" by the camp, ss i :th out of his motheis womb.
ye a days
journey on this Ode, a rt And Mofes cried unto the LORD,
a days journey on the other tide,
jre flying;, Heal her now, O God, I befeech
ind the camp, and as it were thee.
Jj cubits bi ;b upon the face of the
: T4 ^ And theLoRi-faid unto Mofes, If
her lather had bvfp:. in her face, lhou'd
And the people flood up all that day
i a e no' be pi: ained fev'-n days J let her be
all that light, and all ths next dav
1 tl ut OBt from the camp feven days, and
ithey gathered the quails he that ?; : •f f er that let her be received in again.
red lead, gathered ten home iv And Miriam was ffiut out from the
«:y fpread them all abroad for th.mielv;
camp feven days : and the people journey-
y|md about tiie ramp. ed not, till Miriam was brought in again,
And while the tkfhwj* yec between r6 And afterward t-,e people remove.*
ijur teeth, ere it was chewed the wrath
; , from Hf/.eroth, and pitcked in the wilder-
't the XORD was kmdltf «gai«i th» nefs of Pawn. _ TT m
: .

Tie namti of ike /pits, Nu

CHAP. XIII. col, occaufeof thech r.-ape
Spti ftnt to J'tdrcb Cimtn. Jcc. the children oflfra:! an dowf tromtt
.. m
is And they retumect from tcarci
A tAd the
Lord fpake
i 5endthou r.icn that they mayfearch
unto Moles, fay-
01 the land atteitoris
*6 % Andthey went and.canie to
the land cf Cfna -n, which 1 give unto and to Aaron, and to all the ronyrega
the children o: Ifraei: of every tribe ot ot trie children of Ifraei, unto the wilt,
their fathers jtial! >e lend a man, every ncls ot Paran, to KaciciTi ; and btca
one a ruler iiiionf't. back word anto them, and unta all!
3 And Mcdes by the commandment of congregation, and ihewed the
the Lord, fent them from r.»c wildarnefs of the land.
ot'Paran all thole menw*/-eneadsof the
: 17 And they told him, and faid,*
children ot Ifraei. came unto the land whither thou fenj
4. And thefe were their names: O' the us, and furely it flowetb with milk a
tribe ct Reuben, Shammua the ion of hony ; and this it the fruit ol it.
Zaccur. iy Nevertheless, the people be ftnj
f Ot thetribi of Simeon, Skaphat tfte that dwdl in the land, and the cities.
fon ot Hori. waUcd, atu very great: and mcreov
f Of the tribe of Judah, Calelvthefon we law the children of Anak there!
of Jephunneh. i£ The Amalekites dwell in the 1*
7 Of the tribe of Iflachar, Igalthefon of the Couth and the Hittires, and the J

of Jofeph. buutes, and the Amentrj ,,well in \

8 Of th« tribe of Ephraim, Ofheathe Ds: and the Canaannes dwell
fon of Nun. the lea, and by the coatt of Jordan J|
9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Paltithe 30 And Caleb ftilled the people bS
fon of Ra?hu. Moles, ar.d faid, Let us eo up at 09
to Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gattdlel and poliels it for we are well abr

the fon of bodi. overcome it.

it Ol the tribe ofJcleph.n-iwf/j', of the %\ But the men that wentu? with;
tribeot Manafl'eh, Gaddi thefon of Sufi. We benct 2ble togoup againf
nOf the tribe of Dan, Ammielthe fon
people, for they are ftronger than
;i And they Broucrtr upanevil rep
t^ Of the tribe of Afher, Scthur the of the land which they had fearer,^.,
fon at Michael. . • the children of lfraeJ, faying, Tr.e la
i4 Of the tribe cf Naphraii, Nahbi through which we have pone to fearch
the fon cf Vophfi; it a land that eateth up" the mhabita
kOf the tribe ot Gad, Geuel the fon thereof i ihd all the people that we 1
of Machi. in it, *remenof a great flature.
16 Thefe are the names of the men which 3; And there we law the giants, 1,
Mofes «jut the land
lent to lpy And Moles . Ions otAnak, vibicJb const ct the eiarj
railed Ofhea the ibn of Nun, 3ehc£hua. and we were in oor own light asgralM
t7 11 And Mofes fent them to lpy out pers, and fewe were in their ilsht.
the land of Canaan, and laid unto them, C il A P. XTV. ~

Get you up this jvj; fouth-ward, arid go The Ifratltiti »;u/»>ur, &C.
up iuto the mountain
18 And lee the land what it is, and the
AN the congregation lifted up
voice, .and cried ; ar.d t-hr peoi
people that dwelleth therein, whether wept that £ ht. m
thev be lfrong or weak, few or many ; z AnJ all the children of Ifraei m>
to And what the land rVthat they dwell mured againft 64ofes, and againft Aaij
in, whether it ke goodcr bad; and what and the whole cor.eregation laid m
cities tkiy Afth&t they -'well in, whether them, Would God That we ;.
in tents, cr in ftrortg holds j thelandof Egypt, or would God wc 1
io And what the land is, whetkerrf be died in this wile e
fat orlcan,whether there be wood therein, wherefore hath tie Lord brouj
or not. And be ye ot good courage, and usuntothisland, to fall by the Iwortf, i
bring of the fruit ot the land ( nt>w the cur wives and our children ihoul<j bi
time »*i the time cf the rirft-npe grapes.) prey? were it not better for us torert
it 11 So they went up; ana fearchedthe into Egj
land, trom the wilderDefs ot Zin, unto 4An J they faid one w another, Let
Rehob, as men com; to Kamath. make a captain, and letusreiwn into
ii And they aicended by the loath, and S)P r «

fame unto Hebron ; where Ahim^ > Then Mjfes and Aaron felt on
( and Talmai, the children otAnak taces before j U of the
Kin now Hebron .v?i built j'even years
frc?a::en cf the children o! Ifraei.
before Zoan in EgyptJ • . >nofNun, s; ^ C-t
i; ADd they eamc unto the brook of ETi- th
rol, an d*^' do w n o 1 1 .: ; that learchesl 1 "loih
wit',onecluftcro" erapes, and they bare it 7 And thgy ipake urn
between two upon a » and tbty brought
of the pomegranates, and ci the figs. which %v j palled through to
14. The place was called the brook Efll- an exceeding good t*ni. J
xiv. *re tbrtatned.
naanites dwelt jn the valley} Tomorrow
turn you, and get you into the wildernefs,
by the way of the Red lea.
ifi fl And the Lord ipake unto Mofes,
and unto Aaron, faying,
z7 How longjball I hear vci:b tnis evil con-
gregation which murmur againlt me? I
have heard the murmurings of the children
of Ilrael, which they murmur againlt me.
18 ^ay unto them, As truly as I live,
faith the Lord, as ye have fpoken in
n mine ears, fo will 1 do to you •.

19 Your carcafes ihall fall in this wil-

'lj th« LORD faid unto Motes,
And dernefs ; and all that were numbred of you,
Jang will this people provoke me ? according to your whole number, lrom
how long will it be ere they believe twenty years old and upward, which have
theiignswhichl have lhewed
for all murmured againft me,
ng them ? 30 Doubtlelsye fhall' not come into the
I will [mite them with
the peltilence, land concerning which I fware to make you
;Ufinherittham, and will make of thee dwell therein, fave Caleb the fon of Je-
:ater nation, and mightier than they. phunneh, and jofhua the fon of Nun.
Lord, 2t But your little ones, which ye faid
fl And Moles faid unto the
n tne Egyptians mall hear it, C for mould be a prey, them will I bring in ?
brous-htelt up this people in thy and they fhall know the land which ye
ht from among them ) have dei piled.
And they will tell it to the inhabitants 5i But as for you, your carcafes they
his land for they have heard that thou
{hall tall in this wildernefs.
a> art among this people, that thou 33 And your children lhall wander in .

:o art l'cen face to face, and ?/>..« thy the wildernefs forty years, and bear jour
d itandeth over them, and that thou whoredoms, until your carcafes be waited
t before them, by day-time in a pillar in the wildernefs.
cloud, and in a pillar of lire by night. 34 Alter the number of the days in
Now if thou lhalt kill all this people, which ye fearched the land, even forty
we map. ; then the sationswhich have days, ( each day lor a year) ihall ye bear
rd the fame of thee, will fpeak, faying, your iniquities, even forty years, and ye
Becaufe the Lord was not able to ihall know my breach of promife. /

isc this people into the land which he 3? I the Lord have laid, I will furely
re unto them, therefore he hath (lain <k& it unto all this evil congregation, tliac
hi in the wildernefs. are gathered together againlt me: in this
And now, I befesch thee, let the wildernefs they ihall be eonfumed, and
crof my-Lord be great, according as there they (hall die,
u halt fpoken, faying, 2f. And tne men which Mofes fent t«
8 The Lord it long-furYering, and fearch the Ian.',, i%ho returned, and made
great mercy* forgiving iniquity and all the congregation to murmur againfc
nTgrefiion, "and by no means clearing him, by bringing up a Dander upen the
guilty, vifiting the iniquity of the fa- Sand ;
irs upen the children, unto the third 37 Even thofd men that did bring up
i fourth
generation. the evil report upon the land-, died by the
9 Pardon, I befeechthee, the iniquity plague bstore the Lord.
this people, according unto the grest- 38 But Joihuathe ion of Nun, and Ca-
i's of thy mercy and as thou haft forgiven
, leb the ion of Jepnunneh, which were of
s people, from Egypt, even until now. the men that went to i'earch the land, lived
>d And the Lord laid, 1 have pardoned ft ill.
cording to thy word : 3g And Mofes told thefe fayings unto
u But as truly as I live, all the earth all the children of Ifrael: and the peo-
ill be filled with the glory of the Lord. ple mourned greatly.
ki Becaufe all thole men which have 4.0 «1 And they role up early in the mor-
:n my glorv, and my miracles which I ning, and gat them up into the top of the
J in' Egypt and in the wilderness, and mountain, faving, Lo, we be here, and
ve tempted me now thefe ten timer,, will go up unto the place which theLoRU
i have not hearkr.ed to my voice ; hatli promifed for we have finned..

t? Surely they fhall not fee the land 4.1 And Mofes faid, Wherefore now da
lich I fware unto their fathers, neither you tranfgrefs the commandment of the
all any of them that provoked me,fee it Lord? but it lhall not t-rofber.
:l But mv fervant Caleb, becaufe he 4i Go not up, tor the Lord is not among
danother'fpiritwithhi-.r, and hathfol- you ; that ye bi not fmitten before your,
vedrae fully j him will I bring into the enemies.
nit, whereinto he went ; and his feed 4.2 For the Amalekites and the Canaa-
a'.l potTefs it. nites are there before you, and ye lhall
i? f Now the Amakkites, and tfic Ca- fall by the i'word becaufe ye are turned

F away

Tbi hvoftbe ojcrlnti. ba*. Tbtfat

sway from the Lord therefore the Lord for you, and fc

will not be with you. nath with yon.

44. Bucthcv prelumed to go up untothr . 17 51 And the Lord fpake untoMofiik
hill-icp: nevertheleis, the ark or thero- laying,
vcnam oi theLoKD, ar.d Moies departed i>j Speak unto the children cf I raefc
«ot ot't of the camp. and lay unto them, When ye come ill
4-t Then the Amalekites came down, the land whither 1 bring yen,
and the Cansunites which dwelt in that .19 Then it ihall be, that when ye e#
and (mote them, and diicomfited
mn unto Hormah.
ct the bread of the land, yefhall offer
an heave-offering unto the Lord.
C A P. XV.H ;o Ye mall offer up a cake of the (M
.The live of :be mtat-sfftring) &c. oi your dough, for an heave-offering:
A ing,

:eLoRD fpake
I bpeakunto the children ot I'rael, and
unto Moles, fay- 7'- do the heave-effenngor the threirtinB
floor, 10 frnli ye heave it.
11 Of the htft ot ycur dough ve fhal)
fay unto them, V. hen ye become into the give unto the Lord, an heave-bffenM
lard cm your habitations] which I give in your generati
unto -you, li Tl And if ye have erred, and not
; And will make an offering by fire un- ferved all thefe rammandments v/hich
to the Lor;>, a burnt-offering or aTatri- Lord hath fpoken unto Males,
fice, in performing a vow, or in a free- 13 Even all that the Lord hath co
will-offering, or in your l'olemn feafts, to mar.djd you by the hand ot Moles, fro
make a fweet favour unto the Lord, of the day that the Lord commanded Mef}
the herd or of the flock : and henceforward amon? your geni
4 Then ihall he that offereth his offering tions
unto the Lord, bring a meat-effering of 1+ Then it Ihall be, ifourAibecomi
a teith-deal of fioar mingled witb the ted by ignorance without theknowle
fourth part of an hin of oyl. ot the congre?.arion; that all the coni
5 And the fourth part of an hin of wine gation mail offer one young bullock t.
for a drink-offering fhak thou prepare, burHt-cffering, tor a fweet favour unto
with the burnt-offering or facrihee, for Lou:*, with his mcat-orferir.?, and __
ene lamb. drink-offering, according to themaiufl
6 Or for a ram, thou flialt prepare for a and or.e kid ot the geats for a fin- offering,
meat-offering, two tenth-deals i> Artdtheprieft ihall make an atsne-
« I

mingled with the third put of an hin of ment tor 311 the congregation of the chil.
qyl. dren ot Ifrael, and it frail be forg
7 And for a drink-orferinjr, thou {halt them, for it is ignorance: and they fha "

•ffer the third partoi anhirrof" wine, for brin^ their offering, a facnfTc* made
a fweet favour unto the Loud. fireifmc the Lord, .and their fin-offer
8 And when thou preparett a bullock for before the Loni"*, for their
a burnt-offering, or fbra^cu^.ce in per- 16 And it fhallbe forgiven all I
forming a vow, or nMre-orferings unto gregation of the children of Ifrael, aa<
the Lord: w janget that fojourneth anions
9 Then fhall he bring with a bi feeing all the people vrert in ignorance
meat-offering of threetemh-dealsof rlour 17 <f\ And if any foul fin through —no
aiin^cled with half an hin of oyl., then he Ihall bring a fhe-goac
to And thcu fhalt bring for a irink- the lirk year for a Jin-offering.
offering hal f an hin of wine, jn an orfar- id the prielt lhail make an atoni
ing made by tire of a fweet favour ment for the foul that finneth ignorantly
he Lord : when he Cnnetfl by ignorance before th<
II Thusfball it be done tor one bullock, Lord, to make ah atonement for him
•r for one ram, or for a l3mb, o a kid. and it fnall be forgiven him,
ri According to the number thai 2M Yen ihall haveone law forhimtha

prepare, lb ihall ye do to every one ac- through ignorance, ho'b far hie-

cording to their number. that is barn amongit the children of If

13 All that are cornet the country, fhall rael, and for the itranger that
dothefethingj after this mariner, uioffer- anion? them.
•Jng an offering made by fire of a fweet . 20 «l But the foul that doth ou}J-t pre
favour unco the L r.D. (umptuoufly i ivbttbtr b; hi born in th
xx And if a itranger fojourn with yen, land, or a itranger) the lame reproacJ
crwhofbever Jiamongyou in yc
.rations, and will offe'r'an offering made
l>yfire of a fweet lavourunto the Lord :

as ye do, fo he mall dn.

1s"One ordinance./**// be botb for you of mjnciment... thatfeul ihall utterly be s-i
ff: his iniquity Jboll bt upon him.
•the congregation, and alio for the (tfanger
thatjojournethwiftf' tou, an ordinance'for ;i « And while the children oi lfra
1 vour Fenerations: as ye 4 ?, lb wereinthe wilderneTs, they found a mi
jChal! the'ftranger be before the Lord. that sathered flicks upon the fabbata-da-

: Uv, «J^ Q*S $)*nasj, feaii be Ji"And they tUa^ foafid U*a 5at r
5f. iJ
f ftbbttb-breattr Jionti. Chap. Xvi\ Kortbi rthllion,
s, brought him unto Mofes and Aa- that the God of Ifrtcl hath leparated yo»
and umo all the congregation. frcm the congregation of llrae!, to brinr
And they put him inward, becaufe you near to hmu'elt, to do the fervice o
rs r.o: declared what mould We done the tabernacle of the Lord, and to itant.
an. b-iorc the congregation, to nunilter unto
And the Lord faid unto Moles, The them ?

Jfeallbe furely put to death: all the to And he katfi brought thee
nearfo hi;*,
legation lhall ltone him with Itones ana thy brethren the ions of Levi witfi
out the camp. .
thee: and feck >c the pneflhood alfo >
And all the congregation brought ii For which ctule both thou, and all
without the carupT and ltoned him tny company are gathered together a-
Itenes, and he diod ; as the Lord gainll the Lord: and what U Aaron*
manded Moles. that v: murmur againit him ?
«fl And the Lord fpake unto Mofcs, 12 SI And Mofes fent to call Dathan 2n<*
Mb Abirani the Ions of Ehao: which laid*
Speak unto the childreaof Ifrael, and We will net come up.
them that they make them fringes in n
Is it a fmall thing that thou ha*t
aordersor' their, garments, throughout brought us up out of a land that f.cwe+t*
r generations, and that they put upon with milk andhony, to kill us inthewiiw
fringe of the borders a ribband of blue. dernefs, except thuu make thy ielr alto-
.Arid it mail be unto you for a fringe-, gether a prince over us?
ye may look upon it, and remember UMoreover, thou halt not brought n*
he commandments of the Loud, and inroaland that flowetn with milk and ho-
hem and that ye leek not after your
ny, or given us inheritance of fields andT
heart, and your own eyes, after which viaeyards: wilt thou put out the eyes o£
fe to go a whoring thelc men? we will not come up.
That ye may remember, and do all i? And Mofes was very wroth, and faidt
commandments, and be holy unto unto the Lord, Refpett not thou their;
God. offering I have not taken one »is froiw

I 4-;» the Lord your God, which them, ueither'have I hifri one o! t'-em
ught you out of the land of Egypt, to t6 And Moles laid unto -Korah, Be thoi*
your God I am the Lord your God.
anrt all thv company before the Lord,
CHAP. XVI. thou and they, and Aaron to morrow :

Tbt rtittlion of Korah-, &c. * 17 And take every man his center, and?
TOw Koran t!ie ron of Izhar, the Ton put ineenfe in them, and briri? ye be ore,
i of Konathi the fen of Levi j and the Lord e\erv man hiscenfer, r wo .hun-
:han and Abiram the ions of Ehab, dred and fifty ceniersi thou alio and Aa-
On the ion of Peleth. Ions of Reu- ron each of you his center.
took nun. iS And they took evjryraan fiis ceRler.
ftjidthey rote, up before Motes, \r\th and put fire in them, and laid ineenfe
tain ot the children of Ifrael, twohun- thereon, and deod in the door oi thew-
d and fifty princes of the afterably, bcrnacleof the eangrecauon with Mole*
ious in the congregation, men uf r<i- and Aarcn.
/n. 19 And Korah gflttjered all the congrc
And they gathered .^e:n:'e!ves toge- gatiOnjtgainfttheSi, unothe door or" the.
a?anift Moles anrt agsinft Aaron, and
r tabernacle of. the congregation and th» :

d unto them, Ye t<t£s tco much upon gbry or the Lord appeared itnto all the
i, leeina; all the congregation holy,
ery one of them, and the Lord is a- 10 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes*
_ them: wherefore then lift you up and unto Aaron, laying,
jr fclves above th2 censregatiori of the zr Separate your felvc.i from amongf
>RD? tliis coniregatic/n, that I. may conlunni
; And. when Mofes heard it, he fell up. tnem in "a moment.
his ta-:e : 1.x And
they fell upon their faces, arf*
; And he fpake unto Korah, and anto faid, OGod,
the God el thelpirita of alt
uis company* faying, Even to morrow fiel"h, ? all one man fin, and wilt thou bi
:L©R'.)will llieww^o urt his, and \rbo wrot.': with all the congrcira'ion i
holy; and will caufeArwro come near zl 5J And theXoRD fpake un:o Mafc«»
ftohim: even bim whom he hath cho- faying,
ii, will hecaufe to come ne^.r untehim. Z4 Speak sntq the ccn?iegaticn. far,
5 Thi: do Take you confers, Korah,
* ing, G«^you up from about the tabarrfacie
id all his company j ol Korah, Dmr -;, and Abiram.
,7 An therein, and pat ineenfe
I put fire M And Mofes role up and went unw
them before the Lord to morrow: and Dathan and Abiram , and the eldeis 0/
lhall be tbiit the man whom the Lord Ifrael followed him.
>th choofe, he (htU be holy yeta^e too : if, And he Ipakeumo the co!irregation»
uch upon, you, ye ions of Levi. facing, Depart, I rray you, from the -

8 Ana Moles laid unto Korah, Hear, 1 tentsof thele wic'ceJ niin, and tou<
ay you, ye Ions ov Levi : thingof theirs, It ;m.<i i£ all

9 Sttmt* it hut i flnaM tiling ustoyeu> U^ffii fins,

¥1 xf ft
Konbt punijkmtrt. Numbers. Aaron; re diet.
\7 bio they gat up from the tabernacle 4": And Mofes and Aarcn came
of Korah, Dathan, and Ahiram on every the tabernacle of the congregation. "
fide: and Dathan and Abiram came out, 44 n And the Lord Ipake unto Moll
and flood in the door ot their tents, and faying,
• their wives, and their ions, and their tit- 4, Get you up from among this congri
tle children. gation, that I may confirm e them as in
z8 And Mofes faid, Hereby ye fhall moment: and they tell upon their lacef icei.
know that the Lord hath lent me to do 4-d 11 And Mcfes laid unto naron,
.all thel'e works: tor/ have not dene them a cenier, and put fire therein
uf mine own mind. the altar, and put on incenfe,

19 If thefe mendie the common death
all men, or if they be viilted alter the
quickly into the congregation, and
an atonement tor them for there iswrai rat?
viiitationof aii men ; then the Lord hath gone out from the Lord ; the platrue
not lent me. begun. * I

3c But if theXoRDmake a new thing, 47 And Aaron took as Mofes comma j

and the earth open her mouth, and ("wal- ited, and raninto the midit of
the contrr*
low them up, with all that Appertain unto gation j and behold, the plague was heira
them, and they go down quick into the among the people and he put on incenfe

pit ; then ye mall underitand that thel'e and made an atonement for the people
wen have pre voiced the Lord. 4b And he ltood between the de-idaa .:

31 11 And it came to pal's as he had the living, and the plague was flayed.
made an end ot"freaking all thefe words, 49 Now they that died in the plajrut
that the ground clave afunder that veas were fourteen thoufand and feven-
under them : dred, befide them that died about
3! And the earth opened her mouth, matter ot Korah.
and wallowed them up, and their hoHt'es,
I ?o And Aaron returned unto Mofes, td
and all the men that appertained unto Ko- to the door ot the" tabernacle of the
rah, and all their goods. gregation: and the plague was frayed
33 They, and all that appertained to u A
C H P. XVII. '
them, went down alive into the pit, and Aarons rod floarijhetb, &c.
the earth elofed upon them and they pe-
rifhed from among the congregation.

AMd the
Lord Ipake unto Mofes, fa*,

34 And all Ifrael thztvoere round about x Speak unto the children of Ifrael, anc
them, fled at the cry of them for they :
take ot everyone ot them a rod, accor
taid, Lelt the earth fwaliow us up alfa. ding to the houle of tbtir fathers, of a
3, And there fame out a fire from the their princes, according to the houfe
Loud,. <ind continued th* two hundred their fathers, twelve rods: write thi
arid fifty men that offered incenfe. every mans name upon his rod.

x6 n And the Lord Ipake unto Mofes, 3 And thou fhalt write Aarons nameu
faying, on the rod ot Levi for one rodjhall be t

37 Speak anto Eleazar toe Ion of Aaron the head ot the houfe of their fathers.
iheprielc, that he takftup the centers out 4 And thou fhalt lay them up in the t:
ot the burning, and leaner thou the fire bernacle ot the congregation, before th
yonder; for they are hallowed. tdhmony, where I will meet with y
38 The cenfers. of thefe tinners 2gainf. And it fhall come to pafs, that

their owrj fouls, let them make them bread mans rod whom I fhall choofe, fhall bl
plates/or a covering of the altar : for they fom and 1 will make to ceafe from mi

offered them before the Lord, therefore the murmurings of the children of H'rad
(hey are hallowed and they lhall be a
: whereby they murmur againft you
:'i2ii unto the children of Ifrael. 6 11 And Moles (pake unto the criildre
39 And Lleazarthe prielttook the bra- ot Ifrael, and every one ot their prince
fen cenfers, "wherewith they tbat were gave him a rod apiece, tor each princ
burnt had offered ; and they were made one, according to their fathers hcufes
broad pUtt( for a-covering of the altar: even twelve rods and the red of Aaroi

4.0 To is a memorial unto the children vctit among tfieir rods.

of Ifrael, thatnoftranger, which/i notof 7 And Mofes laid up
the reds be for
the feed of Aarcn, come near to offer fcV the Lord, in the tabernacle
of witneti
cer.fe before the Loud -that he be not as ; 8 And it came on the mor
to pafs that
Korah, and as his company as the Lord : row Mofes went into the tabernacle
fai.l to him by the hand ct Mofes. witnels ; and behold, the rod or Aara
41 U But onthemorrowall thecongre- for the houle of Levi was budded, art
gaticnof the children of Ifrael murmured brought forth buds, and bloomed blof
againfl M fifes and a?ainft Aaron, faying, foms, and yielded almonds.
re have killed thepeoplsof the Loru. 9 And Mofes brought out all the roJ
41 And it came to pals when the con- from before the Lord unto all thechil
gregation was gathered" airainit Mofes and drenof Ifrael and they looked, and too

tOgainlt Aaron, that they" looked toward everv man his rod.
iernartc of the congregation: and i the Lord faid unto Mofe
beholrt, the cloud covered Tt, andtheglo- Bring Aarons rod again, before the tefti
rj of the LyRW »P1 • nony, to be kept rot a tpkcnagainil tn
* prttjts m*rg», cnap xvm. terpriejti p&msn.
iels; quite take away
anil thou ihalt iRgs of the children of Ifrael: 1 h2ve gi-
>rmurm:iringsfrom me, that they die ven them unto thee, and to thy fons, and
to thy daughters with thee, by a ftatute
c And Mofesdid fo as the LORD : tor ever : every one that is clean in thy
imanded him, fo did he. houle, fhall eat ot it.
t And the children of Ifraelfpake unto n All the beft of the oyl, and all the
fes, laying-, Behold, we die, we pe- belt of the wine, and of the wheat, the
\, we ail perifh. firft-fruitsof them which they fhall offer
3 Whofoever cometh any thing near unto the Lord,' them have I given thee..
o the tabernacle of the Lord, fhall i? And whatfoever is firft ripe in the
: Shall we be confumed with dying? land, which they fhall bring unto the

cbtrgc of the priefts and Levitts,
Lord, fhall be thine 5 every one that is
flean in thine houfe, lhall ieat of it.
Nd the Lord faid unto Aaron, Thou 14 Every thing devoted in Ifrael fhall
i and thy Tons and thy lathers hpule be thine.
fh thee lhall b.'ar the iniquity of the 1 1 Every thiRg that openeth the matrice
icluary and thou and thy Ions with
: in all rlefh, which they bring unto the
;e fhall bear the iniquity of your prieft- Lord, whether it be of men or beafts, fhall
od. be thine neverthelefs, the firft-born of

i And thy brethren alfo of the tribe of man fhilt thoafurely re«leem,and the firft -
:vi, the tribe of thy father, bring thou ling ot unclean beaits fhalt thou redeem.
th thee, that they may be joyned unto 16 Andthefe that are to be redeemed
fie, and minifter unco thee but thou : from a month old fhalt thou redeem ac-
thy ions with thee, flail minifter he- cording, to thine eftimation, for the mo-
re the tabernacle of witnefs. ney of fivelhekels, after the fhekel of the
And they fhall keep thy charge, and far.auary, which is twenty gerahs.
charge of all the tabernacle: only t7 But the firftlmg of a cow, cr the
ley thai I not come nigh the veflels of the firftling of a fheep,~br the firftling of a
nhuary ami the altar, that neither they, goat thou fhalt r.ot redeem, they are holy -.

jr you alio die. thou fhalt fprinkle their blood upon ths
4 Ar.Ci they fhall be joyned unto thee, altar, and fhalt burn their tat for an of-
ad keep the charge of the tabernacle of fering made by fire, for 'a fweet favoux
le contrretration, for all the fervice of unto the Lord.
le tabernacle : and a ftranger fhall not 18 And the rlefn of them fhall be thine,
ome nigh unto you. as the wave-breaft and as the right moul-
And ye fhall keep the charge of the der are thine.
anituary, and the charge of the altar 19 All the heave-offerings of the ho.'y
hat there be no wrath any more upon things, which the children of Ifrael offei
he children cf Ifrael. unto the Lord, have I given thee, and
_ 6 And I, behold, I have taken your bre- thy fons, and thy daughters with thee, by
flren the Levites from among the children a ftatute for ever : it is a covenant of fait 1

f Ifrael to you they -are given at a gift

: for ever, before the Lord, unto thee and
or the Lord, to do thefervice of theta- to thy iced with thee.
»ernacle ef the congregation. io 51 And the Lord fpake unto Aaron,
[ 7 Therefore thou and'thy fons with thee Thou fhalt have no inherirance in their
Ifhall keep your priefts office for every land, neither fhalt thou have any part a-
thing of the altar, and within the vail, mong them : I am thy part and thine in*
ana ye fhall ferve : I have given your herit2nce among the children of Ifrael,,
prieits office unto you, as a fervice of 11 And behold, 1 have given the chil-
gift: and the ftranger that cometh nigh, dren of Levi all the tenth in Ifrael, fcr an
lhall l-e put to death. inheritance, for their fervice which thev
8 51 And the Lord fpake unto Aaron, ferve, ever, the fervice cf the tabernacle
Behold* I alfo have given thee the charge of the congregation,.
of mine heave-offerings, of all the hal- iz Neither muff the children of Ifrael
lowed things of the children of Ifrael j henceforth comenigh the tabernacle of the
unto thee have I given them, by reafon congregation, left tbey bear fin, and die.
of the anointing, and to thy fons by an i? But the Levites fhall do thefervice
ordinance for ever. of the tabernacl e c f th e congregation, and
o Thisihall be thine of the moft holy they fhall bear their iniquity It flail be a

things, refervei from the fire every ob- : ftatute for ever throughout your gene-
lation of theirs, every meat-offering of rations, that among the children of If:
theirs, and every fin-offering of theirs, thev have no inheritance.
and every trefpafs-offering of theirs, 14 But the tithes of the children cf If-
which they fhall render unto me, fhall be rael, which they offer as an heave-effering
molt holy for thee, and for thy fons. the Lord, I have given to the Le-
ic In the moft holy place fhalt thou eat vites to inherit : therefore I have faid
it; every male fhall eat it: it fhall be unto them, Among the children of Ifrael

holy unto thee. they fhall have no inheritance.

it And thi&M thine; the heave-offer- 1? n And the Lord fpake unto Mofes,
ing of their ?ift, with all the wave-offer-
v fx t$ TAua
Tbt vnttr of on. 'Numb:*. Tbe afeefir?}
=.'« T.'jus iVrak unto the Levires, and fay \r And he that eathereth the afhesi
anto.tbem. When ye takeol thechildren the better, ftall wafh his clothes, ar
oj lfrael tne tithes which I have given yon unclean until the even: and it ihall 1

from them foryaur inheritance, then ye unto the children of Ilrael, and unto !

fhall effer up anheave-otVering of it tor ftranger that Jbjourneth among them,

the Loan wi«i a tenth part of the tithe. a Itatute for ever.
17 And \hi> your heave-offering mall ri 11 He that tcucheth the dead
fee reckoned unto you, a? though tt -were of any man. fhall be unclean feven da.
the corn of the threihing-floor, and as the
'fulnefs of the wine-prels.
ii He fhall purifie himfelt with
the third day, and on the leventh daj
m J

i8 Thus you alio fhall offer an heave- fhall be clean but if he purifie not hi

efkringunto the Lord, of all your tithes lelt the third day, then the leventh
which ye receive ofthe children of Ilrael :
he fhall not be clean.
*«d ye fhall give thereof the Lords 13 Wlioibever toucheth the dead „,
fteave-oftenng to. Aaron the prieft. of any man that is dead, and purifieth
19 Out of all your gifts ye lhall offer him: elf, defileth the tabernacle of
every heave-cfFering of the Lord, of all Lordj and that loul fhall be cut off fci
*he belt thereof, evert the hallowed part Ilrael : becaufe the water of feparat.
•thereof, out of it. was not lprinkled upon him, he mall
5c Therefore thcu fhalt fay unto them, unclean; hisunclearvnels it yet upon hij
When ye have heaved the belt thereof 14 This it the la.v, when a man die
from it, then it fhall be counted unto the in a tent ; all that come into the ter|
Ifevites, ->s theincreafe of the threfhing- and all that f> in the tent, ihall be unclo
floor.and as the increafeofthewine-prefs. feven days.
3t And ye fhall eat it in every place, ye if And every open veffel which
and your houfholds tor it'ri vcur reward
no covering bound upon it, is|<
for your femce in the tabernacle of the 16 And whofoever toucheth one thi
•ongreeation. flain with a iword in the open fields,!
--.{. And ye fhall bear nj fin, by reason ofa dead bedy, cr a bone of a man,
ft, when ye have heaved from ir i
grave, fhall be unclean ("even days.
©1 it neither fhall ye pollute the holy i7.yin^fo- an unclean ptrftn they ...
things of the children of Ilrael, left ye die. take;e of the allies of the burnt heifer
CH A P. XIX. purification for un, a running wate
The Water 0/ Separation, tec. fhallbe put thereto in veffel
ANd the Lord fpaks unto Moles and
unto Aaron, fayin?,
18 And a clean perfon fhall take hyfTon
and dip it in the water, and fprinkle
t This is the pcainance of the law upon the tent, and upon all the velfe
which the Lord hath commanded, fay- and upon the perfons that were there
ins, S e:;k unto the children of I rael, upon him that touched a bone, or ci
that they bring thee a red heiter with- Dam, or one dead, or a grave :

out 'pot, wn rein f"? noblemifh. andupon tO And the clean per/on lhall fprink
'which never dame yoke. upon the unci ear. en the third day, and<
3 And ye ihall zive her unto Eleazar the leventh day. and on the feventhdsl
the prjeffii that he may bring her forth he fhall purifie himfelf, and wafh hi
'without the camp, and one fhall flay her clothes, and bathe himfelf in water, an
Letore his face. fhall Se clean at e7en.
4 And Eleazar the prieft fhall take of ic But the rf.3n that fhall be unclelft
fcer blood with his finger, and fprinkleof and fhall not purifie himfelf, that foul fhal
lier blood direelly before the tabernacfe be cut off from among the congregation
of the congregation feven times. becaufe he hath difiled the iar.Ctuary.o
<; And one fhall burn the heifer in his the Lord, the water of feparation hath no
light ; her skin, and her flefh, and her been fprinkled upon him, he j'j unclean
blood, with her dun?, f^all he burn. it And it fhall be a 'perpetual ftatutt
6 And the prieft lhall take cedar-wood-, unto them, that he that 'prinkleth the wa-
and hydbu, and fcarlet, and cafl it into ter of feparation, fhall wafh his clothes
the midit of the burning of the heifer. and he that toucheth the water of fepa-
7 Then the prieft 1haL wafh his clothes, ration, fhall be unclean until even.
and he fhall bathe his flefh in water, ?nd 11 And whatsoever the or.cle:
afterward he fh"H come into the camp, tcucheth fhall be unclean: and the !bu! thai
and the prieft fhall be unclean until the toucheth it-, fhall be unclean unt.,
even. C 11 a P. XX
8 And he that burnetii her, fhall wafh Moftt I out of tbt roc'- Set
liis clothes in water, and bathe his flefh in
water, and fhall be unclean until t>,e "ven.
THen came the children of IfVac * tvi
the whole congregation, into th
q And a man that if clean fhall father defert of Zin, in the firft month an :

«P the afhes of the heifer, and layfiewiup the people abode in Kadefii ; and Miriam
without the camp in a e'ean place, ana it died there, and was buried
ihtll be kept for the congregation of the 1. And there wa.i no water to; the corv

• hildren of Ifrae'* for a wafer of repara- gregation and they gathered themfelve

tion it is a puuietriom ioi tie,

: together aeraiiijt Mofesiand agsiutt Aaron
i An*
And the people chode with. Moles, 19 And the children of Ifrael faiduntf*
. fpake, faying, Would God that we We will go by the high-way and if
hi. 11, :

|l died when our brethren died before I and my cattle drink of thy water, then I
will pay fjorfl Iwijlonly I without doing

And why have ve brought up the any thing tlfi ) go through on my feet.
gregation of the Lord into this wil- 10 And he laid, Thou ihalt net go
nels, that we and our cattle fhould die through. And Edom came out againft him
re? with much people, and with a ftronghand.
And wherefore have ye made us to it Thus Edom rerufed to give Ifraejj '

neup oirtof Egypt, to bring us inun- palfage througa his border wherefore

msevil place? it is no place of feed, Ilrael turned away from hiuu

of figs, or vines, cr of pomegranates; zz fl And the children cf Ifrael, even
ther is there any water to drink. the whole congregation, journeyed front
And Moles and Aaron went from the Kadelh, and came unto mount Hor.
efenceof the aiYembly, unto the door of z3 And the Loud fpake unto Mofes
5 tabernacle of the congregation, and and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coaft of
ey fell upon their laces: and the glory the land of Edom, faying,
the Lor» appeared unto them. z4 Aaron lhall be gathered unto his
7 fl And tht~L0Ri> fpake unto Mofes, pecpte for he ihall not enter into the

ying, land which I have given unto the children

H Take the rod, and gather thou the of Ifrael, becaufe ye rebelled againft my
JTembly together, thou and Aaron thy word at the Water of Meribah.
•other, and ibeak ye unto the rock before z. Take Aaron and Eleazar his Sow,
tireyes, and it mall give forth hiswa- and bring them up unto mount Hor:
r, and thou malt brin? forth to them wa- z6 And'ftrip Aaron of his garments,
rout of the rock : ft -thou fhalt give the and put them upon Eleazar his lbn a«4 :

ongregation, and their beads dnnk. Aaron fhall be gathered unto bis people,
9 Ar.d Mofes took the rod from before and fhall die there.
ie Lord, as he commanded him. 2.7 And Mofes did as the Lotid com-
to And Moles and Aaron gathered the manded : and they went up into mount
ongregation. together before the rock, Hor, in the fight of all the congregation.
nd he laid unto them, Hear now, ye re- 18 And Moles ftripred Aaron of hit
els ; mult we fetch you water out of this garments, and put them upon Eleazar
ock ? his fen andAarcn died there in the top

,u And Mofes lift up his hand, and with ! of the mount and Mofes and Eleazat

lisrod he finite the rock twice: and the came down from the mount
vateroame out abundantly, and the con- j

19 And when all the d.r.gree;ation faw
fregation drank, and their bealb alfo. that Aaron was dead, they mourned for

to fl And the Lord fpake unto Moles Aaron thirty days, even all the houfe of
nd Aaron, Becaui'e ye believed me ntft, Ilrael.
o fa net fie me in the eyes of the children
>rllrael ; therefore ye mall not bringthis The Can.ianites deftroyed, fkc,
rqngregation into the land which I liave
given them.
vcben king Arad the Caraanire.,
which dwelt in the fouth, heard tell
m. Tiiio is the water of Meribah, be- that Ifrael came by the way of thefpiesj
taule the children of Ifrael ftrcve with the then he fought againft Ifrael, and took
Lord and he was {"unearned in them.
. form Oi them prifoners.
t4 fl And Mofes lent metfengers froa z And Ifrael vowed a vow unto the.
Radeih, unto the king of Edo'm, Thus Lord, andfald. If then wilt indeed de-
faith thy brother Ifrael, Thou knoweft liver this people into my hand, then 1 -
all the travel that hath befallen us will Htterly deftroy their 'cities.
K How" our fathers went down into 2 And the Lord hearkned to the voice
*gypti and we have dwelt in Egypt a of Ifrael, and delivered up the Canaanites:
long time: and tke Egyptians vexed us and they utterly deftroyed them and their
and our fathers. cities: and he called the name of the
16 And when we cried unto the Lord, place Hormak.
he heard our voice, and lent an 2n»el, and 4. fl And they tourneyei from mount
fcat.i brought us forth out of Egypt: and Hor, >y the way of the Red fea, to com-

behold, we are in Kadefh, a city in the pafs the land of Edom and the foul of :

Bttermoit of thy border. the people was much difcouraged becaufe

!7 Let us pais, I pray thee, through thy of the way.
Cruntrv we will'not rafs through the
: ? And the people fpake acainlt God,
fields, or through the vineyards, neither and againft Mofes, Wherefore have ye
will we drink of the water of the wells: brought us up out of Feypt, to die in
we will s;q, by the king", W&fr-way, we will the wildernefs? faxtbereis no bread, nei-
not turn to the right hand nor to the left, ther is there uuy water, and cur foul loth-
have palled thy borders.

eth this light bread.
i.S And Edom fail unto him, Thou 6 And the LORD feat fiery ferpents
pa fs by me, left I cojieout a- among the people ; and they brt the peo

fainft th*e with^Jit fcvonl, Pie, ind much people of Ilrael died.
F-4 2-* TfcilC*. '
, : .

t re ijrauuts jourr.eyi. Number Zibon *nt vg coneuena I

7 Therefore the people came to Mo-

11 i,- And took allthefecitres:
I fr a el :

res, and iaid, We have tinned, for we '

Ifrael dwelt in allthecitie* of the At
have lpoken agamit the LORD, and a- I rites, in HeJhbon, and in all theviila
gainftthee; pray unto the Lord that he thereof.
«a\e away the lerpents from us: and Mo- 16 For Helhbon ven the city of Sit
Yes prayed for the people. I
the king of the Amorites, who had to-jj
8 And the LORD laid r.nto Mofes, againitthe former kirg of Moab, and
"Maketheeafiers Icrpent, andtet it upon ken all his land out of his hand, e\
a pole: and it ffall come to pals, that unto Arnon.
«-very one that is bitten, when he look- it Wherefore they th3t fpeak in pi
eth upon it, fhail live. verbs, fay, come into Heihbon, let t
9 And Mofes mace a ferpent or brafs, city of Sihon be built and preparer
arw put it upon a pole and it came to pafs, >
aS For there is a fire gone out of He!
«hat if a ferpent had bitten any man, when ban, a flame fnm
the city cf Sihon:
hebe'neld the ferpent ot brafs, he lived. hath confumed ArotMoab, ««Jtheloi
co 11 And thechildren of Ifrael fet ior- of the high placesof Arnon.
wardi and pitched in Oboth. 19 Woto thee, Moab; thou art n|
t And thev journeyed from Oboth, and
done, O
people of Chemolh hehathjel :

pitched at Ije-abarim, in the wildernefs ven his fons that efcaped, and hisdaug
which it betore Moab, toward the fun- ters, into captivity unto Sihon king
t^.t Amorites.
.1- *i From thence they removed,
?c have fnot at them Hefhbcn
and We -,

perifhed even unto Dibon, and we ha>

in the valley of Zarert.
ii from Ujence they removed, and laid lhemwafte even untoNophah, whfc
pft tied on tne otaer fide ct Arnon, whicn rencbetb un*o Medeba.
fj in the
wildernefs that cometh out of 3t v Thus Ilrael dwelt in the land
tae ccafts oi the Amorites for Arnon the Amorites.

is the border of Moab, between Moab 5i And Mofes fant to f\y out Jaa2«
and the Amorites. and thev took the villages thereof, ar
U"Wiiereiore it is faid in the bock of drove out the Amorites that voire then
the wars of the Lok.d> What he did in
*" And they turned and went up t
} \

the V -d fea, and in the brook's ot Arnon, the way of Bafhan and Og the king :

i< And at the ftream ot the brooks that Bafhan went out agamft them, he, ar
roeth down to the dwelling ot Ar, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei.
lietb up-m the border
of Moab. 34 And the Lord faid unto Mofe
i<i And from
thence ibyvtsntto Beer: Fear him not: for I have delivered hr
th"t v tne well whereof the Loud fp-ake into thy band, and all his people,
and h
unto Mofes, Gather the people together, land ; and thou fhalt do to him as the I

and I will give them water. didft unto inhon king of the Amorite*.
l7 ^ Then
Ifraeliang this Jong, Spring which dwelt at Hefnoon.
uv.'o well, fm? Y e umo it: 5? So thev fmote him and his Ions, an]
jO The princes digged the well, the all his people, until there was none le
noWesoi the people digged it, by the at- him alive and they poffeffed his lane :

rttiionof the law-giver* with tneuttaves. CHAP. XXII.

And from the wildernels toty went to B*hi< firft meftge refjfed, ScC.

A :S 'from Mattanah to Nahaliel
ANd the children or Ilrael let foru
and pitched in the plains of Mort
, q
and from Nahaliel to Bamoth : on this tide Jordan bv Jericho.
ic V.d from Bamoth
w the valley that i H And Balak the' (en of Zippor fax
is in the country or
Moab, to the top of all that l'.'rael had done to the Amorites

Pifeah, which looketh toward Jcihimon. 3 A;"d Moab- was fere afraid of th>
if H And Ifrael tent Trrellengers unto people, b.-caui'e thev ware manv an< :

Silvm king ot the Amorites, laying, Moab wasdittrefled, becaufcof the chil
ai Let me
pals through thy land we ; dren cf Ifrael.
will not turn into the fields,
or into the 4 And Moab faid the- elders o:
Vineyards, we will not drink of the wa- Midiar., Now thai! this company lick up
ters o; the well: but we will go along by all round about us, a-; the oa
the kings t/'gfr-way, until we be paft thy hcketh up the rrafs ot the fiek'
borders. ,
- — Ealak thefonofZippor Tracking of the
XI And Sihon would
not fufter Ilrael Moabites at that time.
to pat's through his border: but Sihon ga- ? He lent meflengers therefore:
thered all i»is people together, and went laamthefonof Beor, to I'ethor, which xl ,

out againlt Ilrael into the wildeme's

-. nldrenol
bv the river of the land of the cin
and he came to Jahaz, androught againit his people, to call him, laving, I

there is a people come out from Egypt

14" fmote him with the edge
And Ifrael behold, they cover the face of the earth,
of thefword, and poiieffed his land from and thev abiae over againlt me.
even unto the chil- (^ Come now therefore, I pray tltee, curie
Arnon unto Jabbok.
dren of Amnion; tor the border of the me this people, for they tre too mi'
Children of A»awn ve»* ftronj.. m;: yciadvenutrcIihallpMvai!,
lay finite them, and M».»r. I raay drive a path of the vineyards, a wall being on
jftpn out of the land tor I wot that he : this Jide, and a wall «n that fide.
Jjhom thou blell'eft, is blelled, and he i,- And when
the afs faw the angel ot
Thorn thou curfeft, is curfed. the LORD, lhe thruft her felf unto the
-J 7 And the elders cf Moab, and the el- wall, and crulht Balaams foot againlt the
^^ departed, with the re- wall : and he Imote her ajrain.
IPb or' divination in their hand ; and i<5 the angel of the LORD went
Jey came unto Balaam, and fpake unto further, and itocd in a nat ow place»
ltJ» the words ot Balak. where was no way to turn either to the
I;e laid unto them, Lodge here right hand or to the left.
Mi°:::> and I will bring you word a- 17 And when .the afs faw the i"^el of
theLoni) lha.ll f[-eak unto me: And
i the Lord, lhe fell down undei D:.i~-m :

t princes ot Moa'j abode with Balaam. and Balaams anger was kindled, 'and he
9 And God came unto Balaam, and
imote the afs with a ftafF.
18 And the LORD opened the month

ud', What mtnart thefe with thee?

to And Balaam laid unto God, Balak ot the afs, and lhe faid unto Balaam,
n ot Zippor, king of Moab, hath What have I done unto thee, that thOu
j :nt unto me faying, :
haft fmittenme thefe three times?
» it Behold, tlnrt i> a- people come out zg And Balaam faid unto the afs, Be-
r Egypt, which rovereth the face of caufe thou haft mocked me : I would
iii earth: Come now, curie me them; there were a fword in mine hand, tor
enture I fhall be able to over- now would I kill thee. '

came them, and drive them out. 3cAnd the afs laid unto Balaam, Atn
ti And God
unto Balaam, Thou
laid not I -upon which thou haft
thine afs,
l a It not go with them, thou fhalt not ridden everfince / veas thine, unto this
uric the people fur they are blelTed.
day ? was 1 ever wont to do lt>- unto
O And Balaam role up in the morning, thee? And he faid, Nay.
nd Laid unto the princes cf Balak, Get 3i Then the Lord opened the eyes of
ou mro your land: icr the Lord retu- Balaam, and he law the angel of the
rn to give me leave to go with you. Lord Handing in the way, and his fword
jj. And the princes of Moah. roi'e up, drawn in l*s hand: and he bowed dowa -

r.d they went unto Bala^c, and laid, his head, and fell fiat on his face.
ataam refuf'eth to come with us. 3i And the angel ot the faid LORD
K <1 And Balak lent yet again princes, unto him, Wherefore haft thou finitten
lore, and more honourable Than they. thine als thele. three times? behold,"*;
rt And thevcameto Balaam, and faid went out to withftand thee, becaufe f.">
)him, Thus faith Balak the ("on of Zip- way ;? perverfe before me.
or, Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder 33 And the afs law me, and turned
lee from coming unro me : from me thefe three times unlel's lhe hzi :

17 Ft r 1 will promote thee unto very turned from me, furely now 2L0 1 hs*»
reat honour, and I will do whatfoe'ver (lain thee, and laved her alive.
fayft unto me : Come therefore, I
JOti 34 And Balaam laid unto the angel o£
ray t':ee, cjrfeme this people. the LORD, I have finned ; for 1 krev?
ib* .And Balaam anfwered and faid unto not that thou ftoodeft iii the way a^ainft
^e lervants of Balak, If Balak would me: now therefore if it difpleaie tfee, Z
ivemehishoufe-fullaf filver android, will get me back again.
?? And the amrel of the LORD'f-:

canr.ot go beyond the wonl of* the

.ORDHiy God, to do lefs or more. unto Balaam, Go"with the men but onlv :

low therefore, Iprayvou, tarry ye the word that 1 fliail fbeak unro thee
Ho here tnis night, that f may know that thou fhait ipeak So Balaa: :

'hat the Lord will fay unto me more. with the ptinces of Balak.
M And Go.; came unto Balaam atnitrhr, 36 r And when^alak ! -«rd that Ba*
nd( am unto him, If the men come to call laam was come, he wen: rut tu meet hint,
up, And go with them} but yet
;ee, rife unto a city of Moab, which is in the bordoi
re word which
I ih'all fay unto thee, that of Arnon, winch: J in the utmoft coaii.
i.ialt thou do. 57 And Balak laid unto Balaam, Did %
li And Balaam rofe up in the morn-
- not earneftly fend unto thee to call
ing, and faddled his afs, and went with thee? Wherefore earned: thou r,ot untcs
the princes of Moab. me ? Am
1 not able indeed to promote
n 11 And Gods anger was kindled, be- thee to honour?
auf'e and the angel of the Lord
he went : 38 And Balaam faid t;«o Balak, Lo, I
oodinthe way for an auverfary againft am come unto thee have I now any powet

im Now he was riding upon his ais, and

: at all to fay any thing ? the wokI that Goc 1
ij two fervants veer: with him .- putteth in my mouth, that fhall I {peak.
i; And the afs law the angel of the Lord 39 And Balaam went wit!: Bilsk
andingin the way, and his fword drawn they came unto Kirjath-ruizofh.
i his hand and the afs turned afideoutof
: dz And Balak offered ex*n aedfljeep;
ie way, and went into the field : andBala- and lent to Balaam, and to the p:.
ra fmbte the afs tu turn her into the way. I that rct-e with him.
»4 But ti>e angel ot the Lc>&i> ftoou in I «i Audit cams to pafs a§, ihe r^.

that Balak to -k Ba!a**, >rut brought 18 And he took up his parable, a

ehl£h placcsof Baal, that Rile up, Balak, a:d bearj hearken uja
thence be might fee the utmoft part oi ! ,>or:
•he rcopl--. 19 God is not a man, that hefhouldli-
CHAP. XXIII. neuherthelbnol man,
that he jhouldrc]
ha h he laid, and fhall he not do it
B.-l-i'c ftsrifice. Bdliami titrable. :

Balaam and ihall henot mal

Al\ I laid untc
even altars, and prepare
6*1, k, Build
it good ?
re leven oxen, and feven tmsis, 10 Behold, 1 have received c:
2 And Balak did as Balaam had fpo- merit to blel's } and he hath bit:.
ken ; and Ba ak and Balaam offered on J, eannot reverie it.
every altar a auHock and a ram. 21 He hath not beheld iniquity in Ja
5 An. Balaam laid unto Balak, Standby
cob. neither hathhefeen "erverfenefs 1

thv b.irnt-oti'cnng, and I will go, perad- Il'rael the LORD

his God f. withhiu
venmretrie LoRii will coma tdnieet me -.
and the Qtout oi a king ii
andwkatfoever he fhewetame, 1 will tell 12 G -d brought th
thee. And lie -vim to an high place. hath as it weretheftrengthuf an uniror?
4 And G ud met Balaam j and he faid fino inchan
1} surely tbtrt
unto him, I Lave prepared leven altars, Jaccb, neither then any divination*
and I have offered upon every alcar a bul- gam;t IlVael: according to this
lock and a ram. flrdl be laid of Jacob, and of H'rae
? Aid the Lor put a word in Balaams
'.i What hath Gad wrought
tOutb, and laid, Return unto Balak, and 24- Behold, the people fhall rife up as
thus thou fhak (peak. great lion, and httup hia»felfasa y
•6 And he returned unto him, and lo, lion he fhall not liedownuntil he ea

lie flood bv his burnt-faenfice, he, and the prev, and drink the bload of
all th' princes ot 3 >. M ilain.
- \ d tie took up his parable, and faid, 1,- *• And Balak faid unto Balaam, Kg
Babk the king of M3*b hath oroueht
*ie iron Aram, out ot the inountains^of
ther curie
2* But
them at
anftvered and iaidunt
all,norfeIefs them at M
tbe eait,/i»j/'Vj5, Come, curie me Jacob, Balak* Told not 1 thee, faying, All tM
and come, deiie I'rael. the LORD
fpeaketh, that i muft do>
8 How fhall I curfe, whom God hath 17 r And Balak ("aid unto Balaam, Come
»ot curled? or how fhall I defje, xfbom I pray thee, 1 will bring thee nntu anothc
the LORDbatn not defied ? place; pcradventure it will plea
o For from the top of the rocks I fee that thou mayft curfeme them from thenj
aim. and from the hills 1 behold him lo, : 2S And Balak brougkt Balaam ,

the people fhall dwell alone, and fhall topol Peor,that looketh toward lemim
not be reckoned anion? the nation*. I Balaam faid unto Balak, Bu
tc Who can coin- the dult of Jacob, me here feven altars, and prepare
and the number jf the tourtb pari of here feven bollocks, and feven rams
ra=P Let me die the death at the righ- ?c And B2lak did as Balaam hai
teous, and let m. hit end be like his. offered a bullock ana a ram on ever; alta

it AnjLBalak (aid onro Balaam, What C A P. XXIV. H

kail thou J^n: unto me? I took thee to Balaam propbtfietb the bippimfi of Ifrttt
curfe mine enemies, and ber.old, thou Nd when Balaam faw that it pleafe
>lclfed tbtm altogether. A
the Lord to blefs Ifrael,he went not*
12 AnJ he anfwered~and faid, Mu(t I at other rimes, to feck for inchantmqB
nor take heed to fpeak tha which the but he fet his face reward the wild

LORD ha'h put in- my outh ? 2 And Balaam lift up hiseyes, and h
n And Balak Ibid unto him, Come, I faw lfrael abiding in b- ttnli according
?T y th.e, with mi unto another place, theirtribes, and the fpint of God caat
rom w mayftfee them-, thou upon him.
:e butthe utrao'ft'parr of them, and ? And he took up his parable, and faic
Jfcaltnir fee them all: and curie tie them Balaam 'he fen of Beor hath faid, »nd th
ence, manwaofe eyes are cpen, hath faid :

'4 v And he brought him into the field 4 He hath laid, which heara the wgn
$f Zophim, to thetcp ot PiVgah, and g d. w^ch law the vihon cf th
jven a!tars, and offered a bullock Almighty, falling into a trance, butha^
and a ram on eviry \ ing his eves open :

ii And he faid ur.'o tfslak. St and * ere How gcodly are thy tents, Jact
<; O
-cilering, while I meet the And thy tabernacles, O I'rael !

r. $ As the vaWies are they fpread forth,

LOUD met Balaam, and •>v the rivers fide, as the trees
put s w>rd fn §i$ mouth, and faid, Go hrn-aloes which the hath planti LORD
>lak, an fay t and as cedar-trees belidcthe waters.
he came to him be n He fhall pour the water out ot his bec
rrcrir;f,and the ket<, apui his feed jball be in many w^rer
aid unto an.lhiskme fliall be higher than Agaj
kim, WJua hath, til- LOrU> ipoken ; I and his kingdom mall be cxaitcd.
S.yv. Sf'nri Ani U\bi km.
S (Sad brought him forth out of Egypt? CHAP. XXV.
hath as u werejtlic ltrcngrhof an uni- i'J'i mil xthoreiOfH ^n.l idolttyy-, &C,
ra : heliiall catup the nations hisene- AiNd Ifrael a&oae- in Shittim, and the
iesi and lhall break their bones, and people begun to commit whoredom
cttetban through with his arrows. with the daughters of Moab.
Hicouched, ne lay dawn as a hon, . 2. And they called the people unto the
das great lien who lhall itir him up ?
a :
lacrtiices of their gods and the people-

eiVed is he that blefferh thee, and curled did eat, and bowed down to their gods.
he that curteth thee. 3 And Ifrael joynedhimfelf untoBaa-l-
10 11 And Balaks an~er was kindled peor : and the anger of the was LORD
ainil Bal-um, and heTmote his hands 'kindled agairift Ifrael.
aether ami Balak laid unto Balaaai, I
4 And the Loro laid unto Moles, Take
Ucd thee to curie mine enemies, and all the heads or the people, and hang
hold, thou halt altogether bleffert tbtm them up before the LORD
againll the
efe three times. lun, that the fierce anger of the LORD
it Thereto:-- now flee thou to thy may be turned away from Ilrael.
ace I thought
: to promote thee unto ,5 And Moles laid unto the judges of
C3t honour, but lo, the Lord hath kept Ifrael, Slay ve every one his men, that
back from honour. were joyned unto Baal-peur.
_ And Balaamlaid unto Balr.k, Spake I 6 11 A'nd behold, one of the children
u thy meflengers which thou
alfo to of Ifrael came ana brought unto his bre-
nteltur.:o me, Caving, thren a Midianitijh woman, in the fight
Kli' Balak wosfd give me hishoufe- of Moles, and in the tight of all the con-
fi of lilver and gold, 1 cannot go »eyond
gregation of ths children of Ifrael, whe -

e commandment of the Lord, rodoo- were weeping before the door of the ta-
.vsoodor bad of mine own mind; but bernacle of the congregation. _
hat the Lord uith, that will I fpeak ?
7 And when Fhinehas the Ion of tlea*
14 And now behold, I go unto mv peo- zar, the fon oi Airon the prielt, faw r'i-V
e: fpmetberefore, aru'l will advertife he role up from amonrrft the ccngrega- -

ee, what this peeple lhall tio to thy tion, sndtoaka javelin in his hand';
:ople in the latter days. 5 A ".J. he vent after the man of Ifrael
c 11 And lie took up his parable, and into the tent, and tftruft both of them
d^Balaam the ("on of Beor hath laid, and through, the man of Ifrael, and the wo-
e man whole eyes are open, hath laid. man %ough her belly So the plague wa$

i6 He hath laid, which heard the flayed from the children of Ifrael.
p'rdsof God, and knew the knowledge And thofe that died in the plague* -

the molt iiigh, velitb faw thevifionof were twenty and lour thoufand.
te.Almighty, failing into a trana, but io 11 And the Lord l'pake unto Mofes B
firing his eyes open :
t7 1 lhall fee him, but not now. I fhs!I . u Phinehas thz fun of fcdeazar, tft«
he'd him, but not nigh :• there yiall fon of Aaron the prielt, hath turned my*
)me a Star. oat of Jacob, and a Sceptre wrath away from the children of Ifrael
all rile cut of Ifrael, and lhall I'm ire f while h e was zealous for my fake among
e corners o£.Moah,and dedroy all the them J that I coni'umed not the children
nldren of Fheth. oi Ifrael in my jealoufie.
18 And Bapm lhall be a poflVfiion, Seir n Wherefore lay, Behold, I giveimto
IfbJhallbe a poliefTicm tor his enemies, him my covenant of peace.
lid Ifrael lhall do valiantly. 13 And he lhall have it, and his fee*
)ut of Jacob ihallcomehe that lhall after him, even the covenant of an ever-
lave dominion, and fhalldeltroy him that laftmgpriefthocd ; becaule he was zea-
.of the city. lous for his God, 2nd made an atonement
2c And when he locked on Amalek, he for the children of Ifrael.
14 Now the name of the Ifraci-ite thit
bok up his parable, and faid, AmalekW4J
"lefirftof the nations, but his latter end was flain, evn that was flain with the •

All It that he pertfri for ever. Midianitilh woman, spsj Zimri the'onof
n And he looked on; and Salu, a prince of a chief houle among r

20kup his parable, 2nd laid, Strong is the Simemites.

iy\\welling-place, and thou putteft thy u And the r.3-r.e of the Nlidiaoitfljj
leftin a rock. woman, that was flam, tp.jc Cozbi the .

n Neverthelefs, the Ttentte lhall be daughter of Zur he wa< head over a


people, and'o\ a chief houfe in Midi a*.

rafted until AslhurihaJl carry thee away
aptive. V, And the Lord (pake v.nto Woks,
lifi .

x\ And he took up his parable, and laid, faying,

Vex the Mnuanites. and fiwite them
das, who (hall live when God doththis 17 :

14 And fhips Jball come from the cosit o? 18 For tficy vex you -#hh theirwile?,
".hittim,an lhall affliitAsthur, 2nd lhall
wherewith they have t»egu-il< l

f9ictEber,arrt he alio lhall perifhiorever ths matter of Peor, and in r

ii And Balaam role up, and went and Cozbi, the daughter of- a prince oi r,
sturned to his place : and BaJak ajfo theirGfter, whirh>vas ("lain ' in the
OK kii tse pi ague, for Peers Jake.
F6 .

Tkt Jfratii*tt

C H A t\ XXV J. utes; of Ztrab, the family f

Ifrstl I the Zarrsites :

ANdit the
came to pais *ncr the plague ii Au\ the tons of Pharei were
} [
tilto LORD I'pake Moles, lie Iron, the family of the Hefrcnittl
and unto Efjazar the ion of Aaron the or Hainul, thetarwly of the Himu'.itil

'i ii Thele are the families; of Judahil
"a Ta& all the cor.gree;at:cr. cording to thofe that were eumbrcd I
of t;.e child. en or Ifrael, Ir^m twenty them, threefcore and iixtecn thiufa
years old and upward, throughout their and five hundred.
lathers houle*, all that arc able to go to i^fl Ofthe tbnsof Wacjiai after thi
war in I fuel. families: -ol Tol.:, the family of theT
; And Moles and Eieazar tne. pnefr. laites ol Pita, the family of tt.; Punite

fpaks witfl them la the plains ot Moab il Ot Jaliu.b, the I

fcy Jordan near Jericho, ikyirigi Dntbico ot Stumraa, the family of ti


4 r<i^. tbtJum of ;bi peork, from twenty Shimronitec.

years old ar.d upward asrhe LoRi' com- ; K Theft av the families of Ifla IH-ach
manded Motes and the crildrenot Hr^el, according to thole that were num...
which went forth outo the land-ot Lg> [>t. them, tfireefcorc and four thouland r.d i.
? fl Reuben the eldefr fon of I three hundred.
the children ot Heuben ; Hanoch, of .
i-. H Ot the ions of Zebulun after
wbotH ce»it:b the family ot theHsnochites: families: of Sercd,the tamiivc.'the Sa
of Pallu, the family ofthe Palliates: dites : ot Elon, the family ofthe Elonire
6 OtHefron, the family ot theHe/ro- ot Jahleel, the family of the Jahleelit*
nites: ofCarmijthe family oftheCarnutes 27 Thele art the families ot the JJt
7 Thele an the families of the Reu- bulunites, according to thofe that wet
benites and they that were rtumb*ed ot
: numbred of them, tfireelcore thjufat
Ihem, were forty and three thouiandand arret five hundred.
feven nundred and thirty. 18 11 The lens of Jofeph after the
5 And the tons of Pallu ; Eliab.

families, X9*r* Manaffeh and tphraim

9 And the Ions of Eliab j Nemue', and i9 0tthelbnsot Manan'eh of MacJ^ :

Bathan, 2nd Abiram. This i-tbat Dathan the family of the Machirites : and Maeh
and Abiram vobicb xotre famous in the con- be<rat Gilcad of Gilead «<»«< th« famij

rrt;ga:ion, who ftwve againlV Moles and otlthe Gileadites.

^ia'inlt Aaron in the curiipany of Korah, 30 Thefe are the fons of Gilead
wh^nthevftrovcagainftthe LORD : Jeezer, the family ofthe Jeczerites:
to An'd the earth opened her mouth,
and fwallowed them up together with
Korah, when that company died, what
time the fire devoured two hundred and
fifty men and they became a.fign.

tt Notwithstanding the children of

Korah died not.
tz fl The fops of Simeon after their
families: of txemuel,the family ot the
Nemuelites: of Jamin. the family of the lames ot the daughters of Zelc,
Jumimres: of Jachin, the family of the wtre Mahlah, and Ncah, Hoglah. Mil
. 1 a-"!;inites: cah, and Tirzah.
r : family ofthe Zarhites :
Of Zer3h,the 24 Theieare the families of ManaiTer
»i Shaul, theiamiljof the Shauiites. and thofe that were numbrcdof them, fi<
'4. are the tamt lies of thebime-
Thefe ty and twothouland and feven hundred.
ciiites, twenty snu twothouland and two Thefe art the fons of Ephraim afte
hundred. •• , ,
their lamilies: ot Fhutfcelah, the tamil
i*1 The children of Gad after their fa- of the Shuthalhites of Becher, the fa

milies ofZephon, the family of the Ze-

: mily of the Bachrites of Tahan, ta:

phonitc of Hagg-i.the family ot theHas;-

: family of the Tahanite?.
gites; of Shuni, the tamUy of the Shunites. %6 And thefe art the fons of Shuthelah
tS Of-Ozni, the family of the Ozr.ites : of Eran, the family ot the Eranites.
of Eri, trie famiiyof the Erites :
37 Thefeare the t'amiliesof the fons
t7 OtArod.-the family ol the Aro»iites : t-phraim according to thofe that
ef Arch, thefamityot theArelites. numbred of them, thirty and two thi
t8- Thefe the families ofthe chil- Ian,', and five hundred 7 hefe art the f<

dren cf Ga.i according to thofe that were oi Jofeph after their families.
HMtwed of them,, forty thcufand ar.d *8 11 The fons of Benamin after th
Ave hundred. f:.mili-*s:ofBcIa,the family cftheBelait
iO fl T>»e Ions of Judahtr#/f Er ar.d O- of AfhbeL the family of the Afhbeliti
fian and. tr and Onan died in the land of
: ol Aliiram, the family cf the Ahiramit.
Cpr.aam 39 Of Shupham, the tanuly of thi
io An.! the foru -of )udah after then- Shupliamites of Huoham, the lamil)

Ia.ii*lies were of Shel.,h, the family of

; ot the liuphamites.
•$c,Shelamtes.; of Phareii the family of 4t AaJ tlic ions ot Bdayverc Ardandtl*
JJfdsl numbred. Cha ,
XXvii. /ui9po;»AJi aiu^mtn,
nan: efArd,thc family oi'thcArJites^nJ dab an.4 Abilui, 'Eleazar and Ithamar.
.Naaman, the tamily ofthe Naamites. 6t And Nadab and Abihu died, when
<n Thefe art the Tons of Benjamin after they offered ftrange fire betore the
ieir families: and they that werenum- LORD. , „
?ed or theim xvtre forty and five thou- 6i And thofe that were numbred of them,
nd and lis hundred. were twenty and three thouland, all males,
41 11 Thefe are the Tons of Dan after from a month old and upward for they :

teir families or Shuham, the tamily of

were not numbred among the children of
le Shuhamites. Thefe are the families llfael, becaufs there was no inheritance
r Dan after their families. given them amcngthechildrenof Ifrael.
6"? 11 Thefe are they that were numbred
4* All the families of the Shuhasntes
wording to thole that were numbred ot by Bftles and Eleazar the prielt, who
em, wire threelcore and tourthouland num'jred the children of Urael in the
nd tour hundred. plains of Moab, bv Jordan near Jericho.
44 11 Of the children of Afher after their 64 But among the'le there was not a man
amilu-s: of Jimna, the family. of tlrs ot them whom Moles and Aaron the prieft
Jafhires cf Jefui, the family of the Jel'u-
numbred, when they numbred the chil-
ies :of Bensh, the family of the Beriites. drenof Ifrael i» the wild.-rnefs of Sinai.
4i OfthefonsofBeriah: of Heber.the 6> For the Lord had laid of them,
amily ofthe Heberites: of Maichiel, the They fhall furelydie in the wildemefs.
" And there was not felt a man^of them,
46 And the name of the daughter of fave Caleb the Ion of Jepkunneh, ami
fyiier w*» barah. . joftfta the fon of Nun.
47 Thefe *;-« the lamiliesof thefonsof CHAP. XXVII.
ftlher according to thole that wer* nurn- The Lixp of inbentMia, &c.
ired of them irfco were fifty and th*ee
, HpHen came the daughters of Zeloph'e-
"h-jufand and four hundred. X had the fon of Henher,
Gilead, the fon of Machir,
the fon of
the fon of
48 11 Ofthe fonsofNaihtali after theirfa-
Thlies:ofJa!izeel, the f amilyof thejahzee- Mana.Teh, ef the families of Manaffeh,
Ues of Guni, the family of the Gunites
: : the fon of Jofeph : and thefe are the
4V Of Jezer, the family at the Jezerites: names of his daughters ; Mahlah, Noah>
if Shillem, the family of the Shillemites. andHoglah, and'Milcah, andTirzah.
?e Thefe are the familiesof Naphtali r And they Itood before Mofes, and before
according to their families: and they that Eleazar the prieft, and betore the princes,
were numbred of them, vous forty anj and all the congregat ion,by the door ofthe
five thouland and four hundred.; tabernacleof the congregation, faying,
Thefe ww« the numbred of the chil- ? Our father died in the wilderrrefs, and
dren of Ifrael, fix hundred thouland and he was not in the company of them that
a thou! and feven hundred and thirty. gathered themfelves together againft the
5i 11 Andthe Lord fpake un'.o Mofes, Lord in the company of Korah 5 b*t di-
laying, ed in his own fin, and had no fons.
*; Untothefethe land fhall ba divided 4 Why fhould the name of our father
for an inheritance, according to the num- be done away from among his family,
ber of names. beeaufe he hath no fon? Give- unto us
54 To many thou (halt give the mere tbtrefon a potleffion among the brethren
inheritance, and to few thou fhak give of our father.
the lefs inheritance to every one fhall
: <; And Moles brought their caufe be-
Ihis inheritance be given, according to fore the LORD.
ftthofe that were numbred of him. 61i And the LORD fpake unto Mofes,
*- Nctwithltanding, the land fhall be di- faVfhg,
vided by lot according to the names of
7 The daughters of Zelophehad fpeak
Ithe tribesof their fathers they fhall inherit right: thou (halt furely give them a poiTef-
i <5 According to the lot fhall the poffeffion fion of an inheritanceamong their fathers
Ithereof be divided >between many and few brethren ; and thou fhalt caufe-the inheri-
if 11 And thefe are they that were num- tance of their father to-pafs unto them.
bred ofthe Levites, after their families:of 8 And thou flialt fpeak unto the chil-
Gerfhon.the family of the Gerihonites : drenof Ifrael, faying, If a man die, and
,ofKohath, the family of the Kohathites: have no fon, then ye fhall caufe his inhe-
ofMerari, the family of the Merarkes. ritance to pafs unto h,is daughter.

<8 Thefe are the familiesof the Levites: 9 And
if he have no daughter, then ye
ithe family of theLibnites,the family ofthe fnall give his inheritance.unto his brethren
Hebronites, the family of theMahlites, the to And if he have no brethren, then yc
family of the Mufhites, the family of the fhall give his inheritance unto his fathers
Kcrathites: and Kohath begat Amram. brethren.
?9 Andthenameof Amrams wife tfjs 11 And if his father have no brethren,
Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, whom then ye fhall give his inheritance unto his
hr mother bare to Levi in Egypt and : kinfman thatis next to him of his family,
the bare unto Amram Aaron and Mofes, andhe fhall poffefs it and it fhall be unto

and Miriam their fifter. the children of Ifrael a ftatute of judg-

6© And wkq Aaron was born fia- racm 5 as the Loud commanded Mofes.
ii U And
m :

vjer\n%i *t f>-

ix H And the LORD fa unto Mofcs, be the fourth part of .eo4|t<
Gcttheeupu. Abarim, and iri the holy pi

fee the land which I have given uoto tlie the ftrong wine to be poured unto this'
children of ll'rael. LOW I) for a drink-offering.
i? And when thou haft feen it, thou 8 And the other lamb fhalr thou offc r«
alio 'halt be gathered untc thy people, is at even: as the meat- - m WB
Aaron l

14. For
mycommand- thou fhalt offer ft, a facrifice made by
ot a Iweet a/our unto the LORD. 1
congregation; to lanttifie me at the water ;
' .\r.' on tl two lambs*!

before their eves that is the water of Me

•. the firit year without fpor, and twotentB
nbah in Radefh in the wildernel'soi Zin. deals of Hour tor a meat-offering n •

_ ii' fl And the LORD, with oyl, and thedrink-offeri'g

faying, 10 This ii the burnt-offenng ol
i6LettheLonr, the God of the fpiritsof fabbath, beiide the continual burnt-oi»
all man over the congregation,
defh, let a ring, arid his drink-offering.
17 ire them, and ! 1 tl And in the beginnings 'oi
which may go in belorcthem, and which ye fhall offer a burnt-

may lead them out, and which ma; un»o the LORD
; two younjr bullo
them in ; that the congregation c one ram,, feven lambs 0: 1

LcRD be not as fheep" waich ha fpot,

fhepheid. ii And
three tenth-deals-.of fie
18 '1 And the LORD \J* unto Heft.;, a meat-ottering mingled
Take vhee jotoua the lbnor- Nun, a man . >clc,and twotcnth-dealsof floji
pwi thefpirit, and lay thine hand at-offering mingled with oyl, f&
upon hiffl.
19 And fet nisi before t,\*aa 13 And a feveral tenth-deal
rri<?;t,and before ail the pongr* mingled with o>l for a mcat-ortefioJ
and give him a charsre in their unto one limb, for a burnt-offeru
zc And thou (halt ux fotm of thine ho- j ivour, a fact dice made
nouruponhtm, that all the congrej unto the LORD.
Of the children ofllrael mav becbedienr \\ And their drink-efferings t
And he fhall ftand befcre Eleazar halt an hin of wine unto a bulloc
the prielt, who fliall as!; c - the third fart of an hinunta a ran
after the judgment o. Urim bei a tenth p.irtOi an hin unto a lam
Lord: word fhalltheygo out, and
at his i:-the burnt-offering of every month
at his word they inall come in, both he, throughout the months of the year.
and all the children of lfraelwith 1? And one kid of ::.
even a!l the congregation. ofteringunto the fhall LORD
11 And Moles did as the LOUDci:.]- the continual burnt-:
snanded him and he took Jofh : his drink-offering.
let him before' Eleazar the nrie i5 Arid in the" fourteenth day
before all the congregation. tonth ii the paffover of the LORD
• i" And he laid 'his" hands upon him, 17 Anu in the fifteenth day ot tk:$
snd eave him a charge, as the Lord com- rronth 11 the feaf: : feven davs fhall un-
manded by the hand ol Mofe$. leavened bread be eaten.
C A P. XXVlII. H 18 In the firft t\aj fiutli h an ho!ycon»
Ofierina to be obferv.d, &C. vocation ; ye fhall do no manner of "er- f

ANd thcUoRD ("pakeuntoMoresdayinc,

1 Command the children of ll'rael,
vile work therein.
\9 But ye fhall offer afsenfice made by
and f-.y unto them, My offering, *n& my fire/or a burnt-offering unto the LORD t
bread for my facrifices made bv'fi r two young bullocks, and one ram, and

fweet favour unto me, fha!l ye'oblerveto feven lambs of the firft ye3r: they fhall
offer unto me in their due feafon. be unto you without b'emifh.
5 Anu thou fr.a't fay un:o them, This z^ iir.a their, meat-offering £*\ I be rf
.is the offerin? made bv lire which ye flourmingled withovl: three tontB-deaH
fhalf offer unto the LORD ; two lambs fhall ye offer for a bullock, and two
cf the firlt year without (pot day by tenth-deals for 2 ram,
dav, for a continual burnt-offering. n
A feveral tenth-deal fhalt thouoffe*
4 Theone lamb lhart thou offer in the for every lamb, throughout the level*, and the other lamb fhalt thou lambs
effer at" even ; 11 And one goat for a fin-offering, to
s And a tenth part of an ephahof flour make an atonement foi
for a meat-offerin?, mingled with the Yefhall offer thefebeiide the bvrnv
fourth part of an hin of be'-ten oyl. offerinc; in the morning, which i

1 6 It is accn-inualburnt-offerintr," which continual burnt-offering.

was Ordained in mount Sinai tor a fweei j
zj. After this manner yc fhall off
favour, a facrifice made by: fire ue:o the '

througl cut the even days.the mea

lORD. i'acriffce made by fire, cf a Tweet
7 And the drir.k-' tcLGRD : it foal lb
Chap. m*. *&**> jw .

and his n And on the .fifteenth day of the

burnt-offering 1T
feventh month > ye (hall have an holy con-
day ye (hall vocation ; ye (hall do no lervie work,
ye lhall uo and ye lhall keep a leaft unto the LORD .

(even days. .

n And ye fhall offer a burnt -offering*

new meat-oftering unto a made by fire, of a lweet favour
•nye bring ji
unto the Lord; thirteen young bullocks,
LORD? alter your weeks be out, ye
two rams, and fourteen lambs of the firlfc

lUhave an holy convocation; ye lhall

year, they fhall be without blemifh :

no fervile work.
14 And their meat-offering Jhall be of

7 But ye (hall otter the burnt-offering

flour mingled with oyl, three tenth-deals
a fweet favour unto the Lorp ; two
unto every bullock of the thirteen bul-
ung bullocks, one rain, even lambs ot

locks, two tenth-deals to each ram of

i tuft year:
And their meat-oftering cf flour the two rams,
ii Anda leveral tenth-deal to each
ineled with oyl, three tenth-deals unto
two tenth-deals unto one lamb of the fourteen lambs:
e "bullock,
16 the goats for a fin-
And one kid of
Afeveral tenth-deal unto one lamb, offering, befide the continual burnt-otte-
ambs ring, his meat-offering, and his drink-
,rou?hoi'.t the ("even 1

ot the goats, to make

Undone kid offer in ^
lor you.
- i7 lf~Andon the fecend day ye Jtsall offer
51 Ye fhall otter tbem befidesthe ronu-
twelve young bullocks, two rams, four-
teen lambs of the firft year without fpot :
ual t>arnt-offerinsr,and his meat-offering
t8 And their meat-offering, and theit
they lhall be unto ycu without blemifh J
nd their cir ink-offerings. drink-offerinss, for the bullocks, for the
CHAP. XXIX. rams, smd for the lambs, Jhall be according
to theirnumber, after the manner :
bt efftrintr at the feift of trumpets, &c.
A Nd in the feventh month, en the firft: 19 Ana one kid of the goats for afin-
t\ day of the mon-h, ye lhall have an effering, befide the continual burnt -offe-
ring, and the meat-offering thereof, and
oly convocation; ye (hall do no (ervile
work : it is a day of blowing the trum- their drink-offerings.
pets unto you. .
10 11 And en the third day eleven bul-
i And ye (hall offer a burnt-offering locks, two rams, fourteen lambs of th«
or a fweet favour unto the LORD, one firft year without blemifh :

oung bullock, one ram, and even lambs \ 21 And their meat-offering, and their
»f thelirft year without blemifh : drink-offerings, lor the bullocks, for
2. And their meat-offering/^.'//
be of flour the rams, and for the lambs, Jhall be
liingledwithoyl, three tenth-deals for a according to their number, after th«
feck, an* two tenth-deals tar a ram, manner
4 Ard one tenth-deal for one lamb, 11 And one goat for a fin-offering, be-
hrcaghout the feven lambs: fide the continual burnt-offering, and his
s And one kid ot the goats for a fin- meat-offering, and his drink-offering.
jffenng, to make an atonement for you : ii 11 And on the fourth day ten bul-
6 Befide the burnt-offering of the locks, two rams, ana fourteen lambs of
month, and his meat-offering, and the the firft year without blemifh :
daily burnt-offering, and his meat-offe- 14 Their meat-offenrg, and theft
ring, and their drink-offerings, accor- drink-offerings, for the bullocks, for the
ding unto their manner, for a fweet fa- rams, and for the lambs, pall be accor-
vour, a facrificc made by fire unto the ding to theirnumber, after the manner
LORD. i? And one kid of the goats for a fin-
51 And ye (hall have on the tenth day
7 offering, befide the continual burnt-offe-
of this feventh month an holy convoca- ring, his meat-offering, and his drink-
tion and ye fhall afflict your fouls: ye
: offering.
lhall not do any work therein. 26 51 And on the fifth day nine bul-
8 But ye (hall offer a burnt-offering iocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of
amo the lord for a fweet favour, cne the firft year without fpot:
young bullock, one ram, and feven lambs 1^ And their meat-offering, and their
of the firtt year, they (hall be unto you drink-offerings, for the bullocks, for ths
without blemifh : rai's, and for the Iambs, fhall be according
9 And their meat-oftering Jhall be of flour tc theirnumber, after the manner :

mingled with oyl, three tenth-deals to a 28 And one goat for a fiB-offering, be-
fcullock, and two tenth-deals to one ram, fide the continual burnt-offering, and his
ic A feveral tenth-deal for one lamb, meat-offering, and his drink-offering.
throughout the feven lambs: 10 11 And on the fixth day eight bul-
11 One kid of the goats for a fin-offe- locks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of
ring, befide the fin-offering ot atone- the firft year without blemiih
ment, and the continual burnt-offering, 20 And ;nei? meat-offering, and their
^and the meat-offering of it, and their drink-offerings, for the bullocks, forthe
drink-offerings, jarm, andvfor the lambs, ><*/2 be accor-
: ;

Of Witt, The M -.

ding to their number, after the manner : wherewithiftre bound her foul, fha
;t And one goat for a fin-offering, be- I
8 But if her husband difallow h^ »
fide the continual burnt-offering, his the ^ay that he heard it then he (M ;

me-'t-ciiering. and his drink-offering.

3x *I And on the feventh day feven
make her vow which fhe vowed, and
winch fhe uttered with her lips, when
bullocks, two rams, ana fourteen lambs with fhe bound her foul, of none effefl
ot the firtt year without blemifh and the Lord fhall forgive her
;•? And their meat-offering, and their 9 But every vow of a widow, andofl
drink-offcrincrs, for the bullocks, for the that is divorced, wherewith they htf
rams, and for the lauv>s, JhM be accor- bound their j„uls, fliall trand a^aiolt
And hi
ding to their number, after the manner :
re if fhe vowed in her husbaX
34 And one goat for a lin-offerinc, be- houlej or bound her foul by a
' bondwl
fUe the continual burnt-offerin2~ his an oath;
meat-offering, and his drink-offering. ft And her husband heard it, .

^«' On the
eighth day ye fhall have
" wacc at her, And di/allowed her not
aiolemna(ler.ibly yefhall do nofervile
then allher vows fhall ftand, and ev#»
But ye fhall offer a burnt-offerinc,
g™ wherewith fhe bound her ibui, fhal

a facrifrce made by fire, of a I'weet favour But if her husband hath utterh
unto the Lord; one bullock, one ram, made them void on the day he heS
ieven lambs of the firlt year without tbtrn-, thenwhatfoever proceeded •

blemi'h her h?> concerning her vows, or c nce»

Vl Then meat-ofiering,and their drink- rung the bond of her'lbul, fhall not
offerings, for the bullock, for the rani,
and for the lambs, jh&il be according to
their number, after tfte manner:
her husband hath made them void,a n -d
Every vow, and every binding
38 And one goat far a tin-offering, be- toaffbctthelcul, her husband may efH
fide the continual burnt-offering, and his blifh it, or her husband may make*
jneat-oiterir.g, ana his drink-offering. void.
59 Thei'e tbinft ye (hall do unto the 14 But if her husband altogether htm
Lord in your let reaftsi betides your vows, hispeace at her, from day to day; tSB
and your free-will-offerings, for your he eftablifheth all her vows, or all hi
burnt-orierings, and tor your meat-offe- bondswhich are upon her: hecor.
rings, and for your drink-offerings, and them, becaufe he held .his peace at her,
for your peace-offerings. in the day. that he heard tbim
40 And Moles toid ths children of Is- k But if he fhall anyways
rael, according to all that the LORD void 3 Iter that he hath heard ttem ; th
commanded Mofes. he fhall bear her iniquity.
CHAP. XXX. t6 Thel'e are the ftatutes which t
Lord commanded Mo/es between a ma
Voxoi *re not to
ht broken, Sec.

ANd Mofes (bake unto the heads of and his wife, between the father
the tribes, concerning the children daughter bthigjtt in her youth in her la]
of Ifrael, faying, This ii the thing which then hcufe.
the Lord hath commanded. t XXXI. ,
1 If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, 7 k; MidiAMtei Art fpoiicj, &c.
or fwear an oath to bina his foul with a A KJ t'.i& LORD fpake untc
bond; lie fha U" not break his word, he t\ faying,
fhall do according to all that proceedeth 1 Avenge the children of I fine]
out of his mouth. Midianites^ afterwards lhaltthou be ga-
3 If a woman alio vow a vowuntothe thered unto thy people. .
Lord, and bind ber /elf by a bond, beinz 3 And Moles fpake unro the people,
in her fathers houfe in her youth ; faying, Arm fome of your fdv
4 And her lather hear her vow, and the war, ana let them uo 2a:,
her bond wherewith fhe hath bound her Mictianftes, and avenge the LORD of
foul, and her father fhall hold his peace Midian.
at her then all her vows Ihall Itand, and
: 4 Ofevery tribe a thoufand, through-
every bond wherewith fhe hath bound out all the tribes.of Ifrael, fhall ve fend

her foul, fhall ftand. to the war.

t But if her father difallow her ir. the 5c there were delivered cut of the
•; i

day thatheheareth i not any of her vows thoufands of Ifrael, a thoutand or t:xrp>{
or of her bonds wherewith fhe hath tribe, twelve thoufand armed forwar.
bound her foul, fhalt ftand and the
: 6 And Mofes fent them to the war,
LoRDftiall forgive her, becaufe her la- thoufand of every tribe, them an-
ther dil allowed her. has the fonof Elea-zar the prieft. to
6 And if /he had at all an husband war, with the holy infiruments, and th<
when fhe vowed, or uttered ought out of trumpets to blow, in his hand.
7 And they warred asainlt the Mi.

herlips, wherewith fhe b3und her foul;

7 And her husband heard if, and held his nites, as the LORD commanded M
p-aee at her in the dav that he heard /': : and they ilcw all the males.
tfe.i hex vdws (hail itand, and her bonds, >'
y Ar.,{ they flew th* kings of
iMjfotiiert purified. Chap XXX i. The prey divided.

e the reft of them that were flain 17 And

divide the prey into two parts;
ly-, Evi, and Rekem, anctZur, and between them that took the war upon
and Reba, five kings of Midian •.
then,, who went out to battle, and be-
m alfo the fon of Bcor they flew tween all >
%.e congregation.
the Iword. 18 And levy a tribute unto the LORD
r of the men of war, which went oat tc
And the children of I rael took all the
en of Midian captives, and their ittle I battle one foul of five hundred, both of

,and took the fpoil of all their cattle, the perfons, and of the beeves, and of
alHheir flocks, and all their goods. the affes, and of the fheep.
A»d they burnt all their cities where- 19 Take it of their half, and give it
ey dwelt, and all their sroodly caftles unto Eleazar the prieft) for an heave-
fire. offering of the Lord.
And they took all the fpoil, ana 30 And of the children of Ifraels half,
le prey, both of men and of beafts. thou fhalt take one portion of fifty, of ths
And they brought the captives, and perfons, of the beeves, of the ades, and of

prey, and the fpoil unto Moles and the flocks, of all manner ot bsafts, and
izar theprieft, anduniothe congre- give them unto theLevites.which keep the
onof the children of lfrael, unto the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD.
p at the plains of Moab,- which are 3t And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft
ordan near Jerieho. did as theLord commanded Mofes.
H And Mofes, and Eleazar the prieft, 3i And the booty being the relt of the
all the princes of the congregation, prey which the men of war had caught,
t forth to raaet them withoutlhe camp.. was fix hundred thoufand and feventy
And Motes was wroth with the of- thoufand and five thcufand iheep,
rs of the holt> wh'b the captains over S3 And threefcore and twelve thoufand
ifands, and captains over hundreds, beeves,
ch came from the battle. 34 And threescore and «ne thoufand
And Moles ("aid unto them, Have ye affes,
d all tne women alive? 3'«And thirty and two thoufand per-
Behold, thefecaul'ed the children of fons in all, of women that had not known
el, through the counfel of Balaam, to man by lying with him.
mittrefpafs againft ths Lord in the 36 And the half which was the portion
ter of Peor, and there was a plague of them th°t went out to war, was in
ng the congregation of the Lord. number three hundred thoufand and fe-
Now therefore kill every male among ven and thirty thoufand and five hun-
little ones, and kill every woman that dred fheep
known man by lying with him. 37 And the Lords tribute of the
But all the women-children that have fheep was fix hundred and threefcore and
known a man by lying with him, keep
ye for your felves. ?3 And the beeves were thirty and fix
9 And dc ye abide without the camp fe- thoufand, of which the Lords tribute
hdays: whofoeverhath killed any per- was threefcore and twelve.
i, and whofoever hath touched any flain,
39 And the affes wire thirty thou-
diktat your felves and your captives, fand and five hundred, of which the
'the third day, and on the feventh day. LORDs tribute was threefcore and
Lo And purifie all your raiment, and one.

thatis madeof skins, and all work of 40 And the perfons were fixteen thou-
ats/wr, and all things made of wood, fand, of which the Lords tribute vent
i *1 And Eleazar the prielt faid unto thirty and two perfons.
* men of war which went to thebattle,
41 And Moles gave the tribute which
jiis fi the ordinance of the law which was the Lords heave -offering, unto
p LORD commanded Moles; Eleazar the prieft, as the Lord com-
In Only the gold, and the filver, the manded Mofes.
Ms, the iron, the tin, and the lead, 4i And of the children of Ifraels half,
\ix Every thing that may abide the fire, which Mofes divided from the men that
ihal! make it go through the fire, and warred
Rial I be clean: nevcrthelefs itfhall be 43 (Now the half that pertained unto
rifled with the water of feparation : and the congregation, was three hundred
that abideth not the fire, ye fliall make
I thoufand and thirty thoufand and feven
through the water.
• thoufand and five hundred iheep,
And ye mall wafli your clothe.! on
t4 1

44 And thirtv and fix thoufand beeves,

e Seventh day, and ye fliall be clean, 4i And thirty thoufand affes and fiv«
id afterward ye fliall come into the hundred
mp 46 And.fix^een thoufand perfons)
H 11 And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, 47 Evenofthechildren of Ifraels half,
ying, Moles took one portion of fiftv, bo h of
*j Take the fum of the prey that was man arid of bealt, and gave them unto
ken, both of man and of bealt, thou, the Levites, which kept the charge of
id hleazarthe prieft, and the chief fa- the tabernacle of the Lord ; astheLoRu
ds of the congregation -.
commanded Moles.
48 <! And

Tit "RtuhtnHtt and G*4itu

T nd ^officers which Wen
.^r ^ of
thoufands over
the hoft, the captains o the fame tirot
thouiands, and captains of
capie near unto Moles
hundred ii Surely none of the me
: up out of Egypt, from twei
*? A " d they Taid unto Mofes, Thv fer- and upward, ihall fee the
fware unto Abraham, lintolfaac, an
there l^
undcr 0ur cha rge, and
lacketh nor one man of as
to Jacob; becaufe they have nor w
followed me

e V ,hercfo e brcu ?»t an obla- ii Save Caleb the fon of Jephunne
far £l
tion ror f F
the Lord, what every man
f«on hath Kenezite, arj JoQiua the for. of Sun
J£f of gold, chains and
r g3 ear in s
m?£- on'/5' ' lCnr-f- g° Ur. and tablets, to
they have wholly folKrwed t.
And the Lords anger
ibuIs before aeair.ft Ifrael, andhe made
Se Lord "
in the wilderne s forty yes

fi And Mofes and Eleazar th- nriefr

the generation that had done ev
loathe gold of them, ^11 wrought fight of the Lor:- was c nfomei

14 AndbeholJ, ye a
a2 ^ d Cda p
1 the S° ld of th s offering
the LoRD ' of theeapl
that fathers ftead, an increaie oi
to augment vet the fierce ar.:-r
Sf^2Rh ^ ^° of

& Df thou(ands
Re re( T?

hundred and
( FBr
T^h £
' and of theraptainsof
fixteen thoufand /even
fifty fhekels
Lord toward Ifrael.
I? Forif ye turn away from after hia
w.l\e: again leave them in
the m n of war had taken neis, and
rJS >
ipoil, every man for himfelf) ye mail deftroy all this peoai
16 V And they came near u
Rd M fe3 ? nd EJeazar the Uid, We will build Rieep- folds hdfef
> n *J
took ^ , , prieft
the gold or the captains of our cattle, and cities ftr our little on*
[ands, and of hundreds, and
brought it t/Butweourfelveswillgoreadya*
"to the tabernacle of the congregation! before the children of Ifrael, until weM
brought them nnto their place and* :

little ones ihall dwell in the fenced citi

_ . CHAP.
Ktuben and Gad their inheritance,
XXXII. becaufe of the inhabitants of the land.
Sec 18 We will not return unto our hoa
V] Owthe children of Reuben and the until the children of Ifrael have mheril
JL ^ children of Gad had a very ?reat
. every man his inheritance :
multitude of cattle and when they faw :
19 For we will not inherit with them
the land of Jazer, and thelandofGdead, yonder fide Jordan, or forward ; bee;
pIace wa ' s p,ace for our inheri anceis ftallento usonthis
Sttle- '
Jordan eaft-ward.
e Gad and tfie chil-
hildren of ic fl And Mofes faid unto them, 1
J™ JiV
dren or

Reuben came and fpake onto

will do this thin?, if ye will go a

eS Snd t0 E!eazar tft e prieft, and before the Lord to war,
S?A »V -

PnnCeS ° ^gregation, 21 And will go all of you armed

JcrdSR beiore :t2 Lord, until he
j Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and driven out his enemies frOJTi U
Fimrah, and Hembon, and Elealeh, and 21 And the land be fubdued before
fhebam, andNebo, and Beon Lo^D: then afterward ye fhall rea
4 Boat the country which the ToTtD and be ruikleft before the Lou:;, and!
Imote before the congregation of Ifrael, tore Ifrael; and this land ffia!l b
*•• a land! or cattle, and thy fervar.ts ' before thsLo*D.
J' ButiF ye will no: do Id, behold,
Wherefore, feid t ev, if we have v
have firmed asainft the Lord: and
round grace in thy fight, let this I; fure your fin will find vou out.
given unto thy fervan's ;or a po{iefTion, 14 Build ye cities for your little or.'
little <tn\
*ni b-mju? nor over and folds for ycur ffieep end ;

f> • And Mofes Paid unto the ;

:d ou» of ^•our
o* Ga ', and -o the childrenof F i> And the children of Gad, I. and t I .

Shall your brethren so to <

children of Reuben fpake. unto Mc
ye lit here ? T,.v iervanrs will do as my I V
7 And wherefore difcourasre ve rh*

heart of the children of Ifrael fi 1*1 Our little ones, our

ing over into the land which the Lorl> and a'l our cattle, :

hath given them? in the aties of G'leed.

8 Thus did yiiir fathers, when I lent fervants will pafsover,
them trom Kadefh-barnea to fee the for war» before the


For when <hey wer.tupnnrothe valley

rael, that they ihoii!' not

d law trie land,

so into

to battle, as my lord faith.

the fon of
the pgf
Nun, cn^ the c
. which tfce-Loio had £ ;
ven~thera. *$ .!»•» J>io;'w fai4 imo ;
journeys Chap txxifi. tf tie IfrtelHei.
ren of Gad, and the children of ? And the children of Ifrael remove^
van will pals with you over Jordan, fromRamefes, and pitched in Succoth.
f man armed to battle before the 6 And they departed from Succoth, and
), and the land fhall be fubdued be- pitched in Etham, which it in the edge of
yqu ? then ye mall give them the the wildernefs.
of Gilead&r a poflTeflion 7 And they removed from Etham, and
But if they will not pafs over with turned again unto Pi-hahiroth, which it
irmed, they fhall have pofTefiions a- before Baal-zephon : and they pitched be-
fore Mijgdol.
g you in the land of Canaan.
And the children of Gad, and the 8 And they departed from before Pi-ha-
Irenof Reuben anfwered, faying, As hiroth, and palled through the midft of
oro hath laid unto thy fervants, fo the lea into the wildernefs, and went three
we do. days journey in the wildernefs of Etham,
Wewiltpafsover a*med before the and pitched in Marah.
d into the land of Canaan, that the 9 And they removed from Marah, and!
:flion of our inheritance on this fide came unto Elim: and in Elimwsre tweive
Ian may be ours. fountains of water, and threefcore and

And Moles gave unto them,

even to ten palm-trees ; and they pitched there.
:hildrenof Gad, and 10 the children io And they removed from Elim, and
jeuben, and unto half the tribe of Ma- encamped by the Red lea.
"h^helbnof Jofeph, the kingdom of 1 1 And they removed from the ed fear R
an kins; of the Amorites, and the king- and encamped in the wildernefs of Sin.
lofOgking df land with
Bafhan, tt\& ii And they took their journey out of
cities thereof, in the coafts, even the the wildernefs of Sin, and encamped ift
esof the country round about. Dophkah.
Tl And
• the children of Gad built n And they departed from Dophkahy
on, and Ataroth, and Aroer, and encampedin Alufh.
; And Atroth, Shophan, and Jaazer, i4And they removed from Alufh, and"
Jogbehah, encamped at Rephidim, where Was U9
•5 And Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran, water for the people to drink.
!ced citi«s and folds for itieep.
: it And they departed from Rephidira,
fr And the children of Reuben built and pitched in the wildernefs of Sinai.
ifhhon, and Elealeh, and Kirjatiiaim, 16 And they removed from the defert of
8 And Nebo, and Baal-meon C their Sinai, and pitched at Kibroth-hattaavah.
lies being changed J and Shibmah: 17 And they departed from Kibroth-*
y gave other names unto the cities hattaavah, and encamped atHazer©th.
nch they builded. 18 And they departed from Hazerotft,
9 And jthe children of Machirtfiefon and pitched inRithmah.
Manalleh went to Gilead, and took i
19 And they departed from Rithmah*
and dilpoflefled the Amorite which and pitched at Ri mmon-parez.
unit. -10 And they departed from Rimmon-
|o And Mofes ffave Gilead unto Ma- parez, and pitched in Libnah.
Br the fon of Manafieh ; and he dwelt it And they rsoievea from Libnah* and
pitched at Ritlah.
Rt And Jair the fon of ManafTeh went it And they journeyed from Ri(Tab»
|d took the fmall towns thereof, and and pitched mKehelathah.
lied them Havoth-jair. 17 And they went from Kehelathah,
jta And Nobah went and to^k Kenath, and pitched in mount Shapher.
d the villages thereof, and called it 24. And thev removed from mount Sha»
;>bah, after his own name. pher, and encamped inHaradah.
vo And forty journey of the Ifraeltte'.Scc.
1^ And they removed from Haradah,
< and pitched "in Makbelcth.
^Hffe.ire the journeys or the children 16 And thev removed from Makhefath,
.,:-of Tfrael, which went forth out of and encamped a Tahath.f

eland of Eevnf, with their armies, un- 17 And they departed from Tahatft,
:r, the hand of Moles and Aaron. antLpitched at Tarah.
And Mofes wrote their poinds ou«- ac- iS And they removed from Tarah, and
ing'-o their fhetomftiand- pitched in Mirhcah.
e« of the Lord and thefe are their : iq And they went from Mithcah, and
evs acC3jrxUnsr to their gcingjs out; pitched in HaUimanah.
; An]
thev departed from Rimefes in ?o And they departed from Hafhxno-
B^rfl month, on the fifteenth day cf nah, and encamped at Moferoth.
month on the imrrow after the
Wfirfl : 5t And they departed from Moferothj
Hover, th? children of Ifraelwent out and pitched in Ben^ jaakan.
than high hand in the fight of all the ?i And thev removed from Bene-iaa-
pptians; kan, and encarsped at Hor-hagidgad.
[( For the Egyptian-, buried all their 32 And they went from Hor-hagidgad,
t-lwn, Mfhich the Loup had fmitten and pitched in Jofbathah.
ong them upon their gods alfo the
74 And they removed frona Jotbathah,
*p executed judgment*) and encamped at jfcbrenah, ,

y And
«kfeSf»?a fe™ £b? r
vex >?u in < hc ,a " J
- '

<G .Moreover, it fhall

..&.*»<! «"7 removed . froi Ezion- I fhall do unto you, as 1 thought id
F»ber, ana pitched I

the wildernefs of unto- them.

Zin, which "Kadefli,
_. C H A P.

borden of tbt Urn, &C -*
Kd the LORD Ir^ke unta Ma
i Command the children of Ifrael,*
(ay unto them, When^come into*
f n f ,nel WerC COnfe 0Ut
W, d ct Canaan I thisii the land thatfl
Cf t V llni nf t °
J tali unto you for an inheritance,
land ot CaDaan with the coafts them]
And Aarcn 3 Then your fouth-«;uarter ihalk-
39 an rr«; hundred ircm the wifdernefs of Zin, alongM
twenty and three vears ar.d
old when he died coaii of Edom, and vouf foiuh-bS
mimount Hor.
fhall be the outmolt 'coart of
lea eaft-ward.
4 And your herder fhall turr. frorf
22$ ir? e a rd
cf the comin of the
= ^>- fouth to the afcent of AkrabbimJJ
pals on to Zin ana the troin?

ana pitched ir. Zahnonah

thereof fnall be from the r6u'h"ro 1
deih-barnea, and fhall go en to Hit
addar, and pais on to Azmon.
anu pitched in Punon.
4, And the borderfhall fetch a cc»b>
d t? e y ^Parted -from Puron,
frcm Azmon unto the river of EgypSl
-B «>
and J
? J
? .

mOboth. the goings out of it fhall be at I

4 ,Vl ^'^rtedfrcmOboth,
»,f hA and 6 And ai for the wettern border^l j
tje-abanm, in the border of fhall even have the great fea for a b<|
Bosh! der this fhall be your weft-
A d :

J,U i .^departed
jJitccejl in Dibcn-gad.
from lim, and 7
And this fhall be your nortt-bordtf
the great fea, you fhall piinttll
45 And they removed fromDibon-eacI, for you mount Hor.
and encamped in Aftnon-diblarhaim. From mount Hor ye
5 fhall pointji
riJKioA •
remov eci from Almon- kr unto the entrance of
and .Pished in the moun- math and the gomgs forth of the
rlinf^f 'J!' :

^ Abanm,
cf 1 ,

before Nebo. der fhall be to Zedad.

?-7 parted from the moun- 9 n Ar.d the border fhall go

A1 an m, ard Pitched in the plains
«f Mn,k Ziphrcn, and the ?oings out of it
OiMoab, by Jordan Bt.-.r
' T ? ,
Jericho be at Hazar-enan : this laall oe
pl9h r
th ?y
otfl '
Pished by Jordan from
fl;f " U!ro Abel-ftiittim,
ic And ye fhall point cut year _
in \h
in r
the plams of Moat*

bcrder from Hazar-enan to ShephaB

»/V A P J tIie LORD ff-ake unto Metes,
the ccait fhall go down fi
to Riblah, on the e->-;;de
it And
Jenano, favm?, and the border fhall descend, a Am ;

?j Speak 'unto the children of Ifrael. fhall reach unro the fide uf the lea
ar.d ray umo them, When
ye are oaffed Chinneretb esft-ward.
ever Jordan, into the land of Canaan n And the bo der fnall gs down role :
ti Then ye fr-all drive out all the inha- dan, and the gain?* cu- ot it
bitants of the land from before vou, the :ilt-fea This fhall be your Ian :

and deftroy all their pictures, and'de- therec round about.

lcroy all their molten tmaees, and
quite i? And Mofes commanded the ch
pluck down all their hiffb Maces. of Ifrae!, faying: Thisfrthe land
<P And ye fhall difpoflefs it: iaBM- inherit b) lor, which the L
tantsoftht land, and dwell therein for commanded to sive unto the nine t :

1 have given you the land to pofTcfs i». and to the half-tribe.
?4 And ye fhall divide the land by lot, i4 Fa: the tribe ot the children of Ri
ior an inheritance among your families, ben, according to the houfe of their
and to the more ye fha'l give the more thers, and the tribe cf the children of "
inheritance, and to the fewer ye fhall according to the houfe of their f: :

pre t!.e lefs inhemance eve ; v mar.s have received tbtir interjtsr.ce, und

wtrrtATice fhall be in the pl^ce where the tribe of Manalfeh have received i

his lot falleth; according to th; tribes inheritance.

of your fathers, ye f>-all inherit. i The two tribes and thehal f-tribe ,-

fi But ifve will not drive ou: the inha- received their inheritance on this ilde I

bitants of the land t r om before yon then dan ritur Jericho, eaft-ward, toward

it fhall come to
p a fs, thattho'e which ye fun-rifing.
iet remain of them, Jbttlbt pricks in your i6 r And the LORD fpakc unto Mo^l
eyes, and thorns in yeur fide?, and fhall farine,
° i7 The
Levitts citiei. Char. xRxr. The lilts of murder.
"hcfc the name* of the men
art to the Levifes, jk*U be forty and eight
(hall divide the land unto you E- :
ciues : them ibail y- give with tkeir fub-
the prieit, and Joihua the ion
n. 8 And the eities which ye fhall give,
aid ye fhall take one prince oi every ShM in L't.the poflefGon of tr.e children of
to divide the land by inheritance. Ifrael : trom totm tktt b.iv: many, ye
fhall give many ; but trom tbim tbatbive
fltnd the names or the men *rt tkel'e :
tribe of Judah, Galea the ion of
tew, yc fhall give few: every one fhall
give ot his cities unto the Le vites,accord-
. .
nd the tribe of the children of ing to his inheritance which he inheriteth.
1, Sheinuel the Ion of Amrmliuck
9 H And tneLORD Ipake unto Mofes,
Jt the tribe of Benjamin, Elid3d
nofChiflon. 10Speak unto the children of Iirael,
*Vnd the prince of the tribe of the
and fay unto them, When ye be come
en of Dan, Bukki the fonof Jogli. over Jordan, into the land ot Canaan:
the children cf jo- it Tnen ye fhall appoint you cities, to
The prince of
of the children of Ma-
for the tribe
be cities of refuge for you i tnat the flayer
itHanniel the fonof Ephod. may flee thither, which kiileth any perlbn
at unawares. -
And the prince of the tribe of the
ren of Ephraim, Kemuel the Ion of n And they fhall ie unto you cities for
retuge trom the avenger; tnat the man-
the prince of the tribe of the flayer die not, until he itand before the
ren of Zebulun, Elizaphan the Ion congregation in judgment.
irnach. 13 And of thefe cities which ye fhall
And the prince of the tribe of the give, fix cities ihaU ye have tor refuge.
ren of KVachar, Paltiel the ion of i4 Ye (hall give three cities on this fide
Jordan, and tnree cities ihaU ye give in
And the prince of the tribe of the the lanaot Canaan, *KbUb fhall be cities
iren of Afher, Ahihud the fon ot of retusre.
t? Tnei'e fix cities fhall be a refuge,
And the prince of the tribe of the both for the children ot Ifrael, and tor the
Iren of Naphtali, Pedahel the Jon of ftransrer, and for the fojourner among
nihud. them: that every one that kiileth any
Thefe trt they whom the Lord coin- perlbn unawares, may flee thither.
ed to divide the inheritance unto the 16 And if he finite him with aninftru-
ren of li'rael in the land of Canaan. ment of iron f fo that he die he is a mur- ~)

CHAP. XXXV. derer: the murderer ihall i'urely De put ta

and forty tbeLevites.
cities giv'.n to
d the Lokd ("pake unto Mofes in the t7 And if he finite him with throwing
plains of Moab, by Jordan near aitone (wherewith he may die) and he
ho, faying, die, hen a murderer : the murderer IhaU
Command the children of Ifrael, that liirely be put to death.
the^ Levitesof the inhe-
give unto Or if he finite him with an Iiand-
re of their poflefTion, cities to dwell weaponofwood wherewith he may die J

ind ye fhall give aI"o unto the Le- and he die, hen a murderer; the murde-
| fuburbs for the cities round about rer fhall furely be put to death.
19 The revenger of blood himrelf fhall
And the cities fhall they have to dwell flay the murderer : wh«n he meetethhim',
and the fuburbs of them fhall be for he (hall flay him.
r cattle, 2nd tor their goods, and for 20 But if he thrult him of hatred, or hurl
heir beafts. at him by laying of wait, that he die;
An.* the fuburbs of the cities which z iOr in enmity f mite him with his hand,
.".allgive unto the Levite>,>j// r?.:;A that he die: he that.fmoteWaj fhall fure-
lithe wall of the city and outward, a ly be put to death ; for he/; a murderer:
ifan.l cubits round about, trierevenger of blood fhall, flay the mur-
^fcnd ve fhall meafure from without derer, when he meateth him.
pty on the eait-fide two thousand cu- But if he thrult" him fuddenly with-
on the fouth-fide two thoufar.d
j;.'and out enmity, or have call upon him any
on the weft-fide two thcufand thing without laying of wait j
on the north-tide two thou- 1* Or with any ftone wherewith a man
•\ cubits: and the city /lull be in the may die, feeing- him not, and cafl it up-
ft: this fhall be to them the fuburbs on him that hedie, and was not his ene-
he cities. my, neither fought his harm :

And among the cities which ye fhall 14. Then

the congregation fhall judge
_ unto the Levites. tb;re Jhiti bi fix between the flayer, and tha revenger or
e« tor r?fu?e, which ye fhall appoint blood, according to thefe judgment?.
he man-flayer, that he may flee thi- 2? And the congregation lhall deliver
and lothem yefhall add forty and
: the flayer out of the hand of the revenget
of blood, and the congregation (hall re-
ftore him to the city of his rei'.'.je.whithei
t : : ,

Zelopkebdds daughter Deute

fiewasrted: and helhallabidein it unto fonsof the other tribes of the children
the death ot the high prieft, which was llrael j then (hall their inheritance be 'i
anointed with the holy oyl. kon trom the inheritance of our latba
16 But it the ila>er ihall at any time and fhall beput to the inheritance ocl
come without the border ot the city or tribe whereunty they are received
liis retuge, whither he was fled ; fhall it be taken from the lot of ourf
17 And therevengerof blood fi"-d him hentancc.
without the borders ot the city or his re- 4 And when the jubileofth?chi!,!relL
fuge, and the revenger or" blood kill the llrael fhall be, then fhall their inheritfl
flayer ; he ihall not be guilty of blcod : be put unto the inheritance of the til
18 Becaul'e he iliould have remained wlic-rcunto they are received : lb ihall flf
in the city ol' his retuge, until the death inheritance be taken away from thel
Oi the high prieft: but after the death of hentancc of the tribe ot our tat!
the high prieft, the (layer Ihall return in- j And Moles commanded the clnli|<
to the land of his pollcilion. of llrael, according to the word off
19 So thefe thing; fhall be for a ftatute Lord, laying, The tribe of tke ionj;
cf judgment unto you, throughout your loleph hath raid well.
generations in all your dwellings.
:?o Wholbkilleth any perlbn, the mur-
6 This i^ the thing which tke
aqth command concerning thedaughMi
derer fhall be put to death by the mouth of Zclopheh2d, faying, Let the:.
of witneffes but one witnefs fhall not te- to whom they think belt; only to

Itifie againft any perfon, £»•*«/<» him to die. nuly of the tribe ot their father fhall
%i Moreover, ye Ihall take ho fatisfa- marry
€lionfor the life ot a murderer, which, it 7 So fhall not the inheritance ofte]
jguilty of death; but h« ihall be furely put children yt llrael remove from tribe 1

to death. . tribe for every one of the childraBl


31 And ye fhall take no fatisfaaion for llrael fhall keep himfelf to the infi
him that is fled to the city of his refuge, ntance ofthe tribe of his fathers.
that ke fhou-ldcome again to dwell in the «8 And every daughter fhat poflefll
land, until the death of the prieft. an inheritance in any tribe of the .

%% So ye Ihall not pollute the land of Ifrael, fhall be wifeuntooscof thefi

wherein ye Art; for blood it defileth the mily of the tribe of her father, t.
land: and the land cannot be cleanfed ot children of Ifrael may enjoy every m:
ths Wood that is fhed therein, but by the the inheritance of his fathers.
'J>lood of him that fhed it. 9 Neither ihall the inheritance remo
34 Defile not therefor* the land which from one rnbe to another tribe ; 1

ye Ihall inhabit, wherein I dwell for I : every one of the tribes of the children
the Lord dwell among the children of llrael fhall keep himfelf to his own
JUrael. hcritance.
CHAP. XXXVI. asthe Lord commanded M
10 Ev^en
f The inheritance of &C. fes, fodid the dauphters of Zetopheh;
A Nd the chief fathers of the families n
For Mahlah,"T.irzah, and Hogla
J\ of the children of Gilead, thefonof and Mi'cah, and Isoah, the daughters
Jrtachir, theibnofManalteh, ofthe fami- Zelophehad, were married their!
lies of the for.s of Jcfeph, came near, and thers brothers fons.
/pake before Mofes.and before the princes it And they were married into the f
rjie chief fathers ofthe children of Ifrael : n?ilies of the fens of Mar alien the fon
x And they laid, The Lord command- joleph, and their inheritance remairi
ed my lord to give the land for an inheri- in the tribe of the family of their fathe
tance by lot to the children of Ifrael 1; Thefe art the commandments ar
and-my lord was commanded by the Lord the judgments which the LORD
to give the inheritance of Zelophehad manded by the hand cf Moles, urvo ti
our"br'orher, unfo his daughters. children of Ifrael in the plains oi Moa
3 And if they be married to any of the by Jordan near Jericho.

The Fifth Book of Mo s e s, called DEUTERONOMY
C H A P. I. !
year, in the eleventh moith, on tiie fTi
Mojti rtbearjeththe ftory of Godi promift, day of the month, th.xt Moles Ipake unJ

THefe be the words which Mole,-

l'pake unto all llrael, on this

the children ot Ifrael, according to 1

that the LORD
had given him in col.
fide lordan in the wilderceft, mandment unto them";
in the plain over again, t the] 4 After he haa flair. Sihon the kino
tied fta, between Paran, and Tophel, the Amorites, which dwelt in Hell b\j
and Laban, and Hazeroth, and D;za-I and Og the king of Bafnan, which ewe
tub. at Aftaroth in
1 {There art eleven days journey from ? On this fide lordan, in the land
1 •

Horeb by the way of mount Seir, unto M b, bee ;

dare this la'

IJadefli-barnea )

a AM Is cimc to ^afs in tU Carticrk]


6 Tlis Lord cur God ipake unto us

Chap. f. «f former thing*.
hvclt Ions land, an.l bring us word again by what
way we mult go up, and into what citie*
we Ihall come.
i; And the laying pleafed me well: and
I took twelve men of you, one of a tribe.
14 And they turned and went up into
the -mountain, and came unto the valley
of Efhcol, and fearchedit out.
ii Auct they took of the Iruit of the
land in their hands, and brought it down
unions, and brought us word again, and
faid, It is a good land whicfc the LORD
our God doth give us.
16 JNotwithltanding, ye would not go
up, but rebelled againlt the command-
ment ot the LORD ycur God.
i7 And ye murmured in your tents, aficT
laid, Becaufe the Lord hated us, he hath
Ihe Lord your God hath multipli- brought ns forth cut of the land of Egypt,
ed behold, you an this day as to deliver us into the hand of the Amo-
irsot heaven tor multitude. rites, todeltroy us.
The LOK.O Gou or your fathers 18 Whither (hall we go up ? our bre-
you a thoufar.d times lb many thren have difcouraged oitr heart, faying,
as ye .»«, and blefs you as he hatn The people;') greater and tallerthan wa,
iled you ) _ the cities art great and walled up to hea-
How can I my felt alone bearyour ven, and moreover, tve have feen the ions
ranee? and your burden, and your of the Anakims there.
? 29 Then 1 faid unto you, Dread nof»
fake ye wife men and underftand- neither be afraid of them.
and known among your tribes, and 30 The LORD yosr God which goetft
1 make them rulers over you. before you, lie ihall fight for you, accord-
lAndyean-iweredme, arid laid, The ing to all that he did for you in Egypt
which thou halt lpoken, is good before your eyes
to do. c c 31 And in the wildernefs, where thou

So 1 took the chief of your tribes, haft feen how that the LORD thy God
men, and known, and made them bare thee as a man doth bear his ion, in

over you, captains over thousands, all the way that ye went, until ye earac

aptainsover hundreds, and captains into this place.

fifties, and captains over tens, and 51 Yet in this thin? ye did not believo
rs .among^yeur tribes. the LORD your God,
And 1 charged your judges at that 32 Who went in the way before you, to
laying, Hear the cay/it between fearchyouout aplsceto pitch your tent*

wethren, and judge righteouily be- in, in fire by night to mew you by what
every man and his brothsr, and the way ye fljould go, and in a cloud by day.

Iger tbit is with him. 34 And the LORD heard the voice of
fte fhall not refpeaperfons in judg- your words, and was wroth, and ("ware,
L but you (hall hear theimallas well laying,
c great you IhalJ not be atraid or the
3* Surely there mall not one of thefe
of man, for the judgment is Gods: men of this evil generation fee that good
the cauie that is too hard for you, land, which I lware to give unto your
cr'r unto me, and I will hear it. fathers
And I commanded you at that time 26 Save Cale'^ the fon f Jephunneh, he
le things which ye mould do. Ihall fee it, and to him will 1 give the
fl Andwkenwe
departed nom Hc- land that he hsthtroden upon, and to his
we went through all that great and children, becaufe he hath wholly followed
ble wiidernefs, which you (aw by the the LORD.
of the mountain of the Amorites, as 37 Alio theLORD was angry with m©
Lord our God commanded us ; and for your fakes, laying, Thou alio lhale
me to Kadefh-barnea. not go in thither.
And I taut unto you, Y e are come un- 28 But Tofhua the fon of Nun, which
le mountain of the Amorites, which ftandeth before thee, ha fhall go in thi-
Lord our God doth give unto us. ther. Encourage him : forhe ihall cauf«
Behold, the Lord thy God hath fet Ifrael tc inherit it.
land. before thee: jgo up.anrf rolfe's ;q Moreover, your little ones, which
is the Lord Godofthy lathers hath ye laid mould be a prey, and your chil-
iunto thee i fear not, neither he dii- dren which in that day had no know :dge I

raged. between irood and evil, they ihall ero in

1] And ye camenearunto me every
thither, and unto them will I give it,
of you, and laid, We will fend men apd they fhall polTels it.
Md take.y° u *
ore us, ar.A they toil feaicii us out the 40 Bt* as for y<xu twn yet
3 :

Tbe taomiTet, Motlitti, Beuteronomy. Immonites fifed hy

journey into the wildei by the way pad, a r ;ople great-,and many, and t
of the Red Tea. as the Ana'
4i Then ye anfwereJ and faid unto me, 1 1Which alio were accounted ei»
We have tinned againit the LORD, we as the Anakims, but the Moabites c
u'lll jo up and fight, according to all them Emims.
that Loud our God comman
t. .e ii The Honms alfo dwelt in Seirbefci
And when ye liad girded on every man time, but the children ct Eiauiucceer'
h\= weapons of war. ye were ready to go them when they had deitroved them to
up into the hill. before them, and dwelt in their Head,
41 And the Lord faid unto me, Say liraol did unto thelandof his podeflk
unto thein, Go not up, neither tight, tor which the Lord gave unto them.
I dm not among you ; left ye be fmntrn 1 New rue up, /aid I, and get j
before ycur enemies. over the brook Zered andwc went oi

4? So I (pake unto you, and ye would the brook Zered.

not hear, but rebelled againlt tbe 14 And the ipace in which we c*
mandment or' the Lord, and went pre- fromKadefh-uarnea, until we were cot
fumptuoully up into the hill. over the brook Zered,»*» thirty *nd ek
44 And the Amorites which dwelt in years j until all the generation ot the*
that mountain, came out agauift you, ot war u*ere wafted" out from among!
and chafed you as bees do, anddeftroyed hoit, as the Iord fware ur.r
you in Seir, even unto Hormah. i? For indeed the hand of the l&
4,- And ye returned and wept before the was againlt them, todeftroy them from
Lord; but the Lord would not hearken mongthehoft, until they were ccniume
to your voice, nor give ear unto you. •
So it came to pafs, when alfct
40 53 ye abode in Kadcfh man) men ot war were confumed and dead fn.
according unto the d3ys that ye abode among the people,
tbere. 17 That the Lord fpake unto me, fi
A P. II.
C H ing,
Tbeftory touching tbt Eiomites, &C. it> Thou art to pafs over through J
turned, and tock our jour-
into the wildernefs, by the way
the coaft of Moab, this dav.
19 And vcben thou comeit' nigh ovet
ot*hc Red lea, a^ the Lord '•'? gainft the children of Ammon, dilr*
to me and we compared mount
: S;ir them not, nor r.ieddle with rhem : tot
many days. will not give of the land of thech
i And "the Lord fpake unto rtfe, fay- dren ot Ammon any poiVeilion, bee
ing, I have given it unto the children ot

; Ye have compafled this mountain long for a poQeliion. %

cnoush turn ycu north-ward.
: 10 C That alfo was accounted a land oi
4 And command thou the people, fay- ants, giar.ts dwelt therein in old time,
ing, Ye «rt to pafs through the coaft of the Ammonites call them Zamzumm:
your brethren the children ofEl'au, which 11 Apeople ?reat, and many, and
dwell inSeir, and they mall be afraid of as the Anakims"; but the Lord deltro
you: take ye good heed unto your felves them before them, and they fuccee
therefore. them, and dwelt in their Tread :

? Meddle not with them i tcr I will not ii As he did to the children of E 1

give you of their land, no not fo much which dwelt in Seir,. when he deftroj
as a foot-breadth, became 1 have given the Horims from before them, andti
mount Seir unto Elau/oy a pofleiTion. fucceededthern, and dwelt in their tt«
6 YeJhallbuy meat of them tor money, even unto this day
that yr may eat and ye fhall alfo buy wa-
-, 1^ And the Avims which dwelt in H
ter oY them for money, that ve may drink. zerim, even unto Azzah, the Caphtoit
7 For the Lord thy God hath bleffed which came torthoutof Csphtor, defttt
thee in all the works of thy hand: he edthem, and dwelt in their (lead. ;
•... thy walking through this great 14 r Rife ye up, take your toura
wildernels thefe forty vea"rs the Lord
: and pals over the river Arnon beho :

rl.v God b.<.tb been with thee, thcu haft I have given into thv haul Sihon I
lacked nothing. Amorite king of Heflibon, and his las
5 And when we palTed by from our begin to pollefs it, and ctntend with
brethren the children of E'fau, which in battle.
d.vdt in Seir, through the way ot the i,- This dav will I begin to put the d
plain from Llath, ana trom Ezion-gaber, of thee, and the tear ot thee upon the
we turned and pafTed by the way of the in
under the whole heaven
wijdemefs of Moab. (hall hear report of thee, and fhall
q And the Lord faid unto me, Diftrefs ble, and be
in ar.cnifh becaufe of
not the Moabites, neither contend with i5 1} Ar.d I fenf meitengers out
them in battle: for I will not give thee wildernefs of Kedemcth, unto Sihon
of their land for a poiTeffion, becaufe I ofHefhbon, with wcrdsof peace, fay
have given Ar unto the children ot Lot 1- Let me pais through thy land : r
for a potTeiTion. co along bv the high-way, I will neid
tc The taiiaw dwelt ihercia ja times the riehi hand, nor to tbqjl
mi Og fubiutd. Chap. i. Their Uni dijifibuted,

Thou malt fell me meat for money, 8 And we took

time out of theat that
1 may eat and give me water tor
hand of the two kings ct the Amorites,
cy, that 1 may drink only 1 will : the land that w,u on this tide Jcrdan, from
thrombi on my teet : .
the river of Arnon unto mount Herruon :
I ( As'the children ot Elau which 9 ( Which Hermon.the Sidonianscall Vi-
II in Seir, and the Moabites
which rion and the Amorites call it Shenir )

11 in Ar, did unto me)

until I ihall to- All the cities of the plain, and all
lover Jordan, into the land which the Gilead, and all Balhan, unto Salchah ana
id eur God giveth us. Ldrei, cities of the kingdom ol Oz in
> But Sihon king ot Hefhbon would Baihan :

let us pais by him : tor the LORD

thy u Foi only Og king of Balftar. remain-
I hardned his Ipirit, and maae, his ed of tfu* remnant 01 giants ; behold, his
rfobittnate, that hemiahtde'ivernim bed-ltead vom a bed-ltead cf iron is it :

1 thy hand, as ,ipp:*reth this day not in Rabbath ot the child en of Am- i

t And the Loiuj laid unto me, Bc- nion ? nine cubits vo&i the length thereof,
ij Ihavebe-run touive Sihon and his 1
and four cubits the breadth of it, aften
i before thee: begin to polleis, that" the cubit ot a man.
i maytt inherit his land. \z And this land vehicb we pofleiTed aC
Then Sihon came out againft us, he, that time, from Aroer, which is by the
all his people, to fight at Jahaz. river Arnon, and halt mount Gilead, and
j And our God delivered
the Lord the cities thereof, trave I unto the Reu ,
1 and we tmote him, and
betore us, benites, and to the Gadites.
ions, and Ins people. all t3 And the reft ot Gilead, and all Ba-
4 And we took all his cities at
that lhan, being the kingdom ot 0£, gave I
e, and utterly deftroyed the men,
and unto the half-tribe of ManaHeh ; all the
women, and the little ones ol every rec;ionof Argob, with all Bafhan, which,
we left none to remain wa.s called the land ol giants.
Only the cattle we took for a prey 14 lair the Ion of ManalTeh took all
oour Ielves, and. the lpoilot the cities the country of Argob, unto the coafts ot
ch we took. ..,"/ Gefuuri) and Maathathi i and called them
From Aroer, which is by the brink ot after his own name, Baihar.-havoth-jair,
iver of Arnon, and from the city that unto this day. '

y the river, even unto Gilead,_ there 1 gave Gilead unto Machir.
i<; And
not on." city too ttrong tor us: the And
unto thy Reubenites, and unto

D our God delivered all unto us. the Gadites, 1 gave Irom Gilead even •

Only unto the land of the children or unto the fiver Arnon, hall the vallev,
non thou cameft not, nor unto any and ths border, even unto the river Jab-
e of the river Jabbok. nor unto the bok, which i> the border of the children
es in the mountains, nor unto what- of Amnion
*'cr the Loud our God forbade u*. i? The plain. ai o, an,', Jordan, and the

CHAP. III. coall th;reof\ i:\mi Chinnereth even unto

Og l^ing of conquered, &C the tea ot the plain, even thelalt-lea, un-
Hen we turned, and went up the. way der Alhdoth-piigah ealt-ward.
to Balhan and Og the king ot Ba-
: 18 H And I commanded vou at tint
n came out againltits, he and all his time, favir.z, The LuRi\your God hath
iple, to battle" at Edrei. givsn you this land to pofiei's it: yefhal!
And the Lord laid unto me, Fear patsi/ver armed before your brethren the
11 not: tor I will deliver. him, and all children ol Jlrael, all that are meet lor the
people, and his land into thy hand, war.
I thou ihalt dc unto him as thou did ft 19 But vour wive, and your little ones,
Sihon kin? of the Amorites, which arid your cattle ( for I know that ye have
It at Helhbon. much cattle ) fhailatjide in your cities -

So the Lord our God delivered into which 1 have given you j
hands Og alfo the king of Bafhan, ic Until the"~LoRD have given reft un-

\ ail his people: and we (mote him to your brethren, as well"" as unto you,
il none was left to him remaining. and until they alio poilefs the land which
And we took all his cities at that the Lord your God hath given them be-
I there was which we took
not a city yond Jordan: and tb-:n h a ye return i I !

from them, threefcore cities, all the every man unto his potVeilion which I
ion ot Argob, the kingdom ot Og in have given you.
fo?n ,
ii 1i And I commanded lofhua at that
All thefe cities were fenced with high ! time, iayintc, Thine eyes have leen all that
Is, gates and bars, betide unwalled I the Lord your God hath done un-o thele
ns a great many. j
twokincs: lb fhall (he Loud do unto ail
And we utterly deftroyed them, as ! the kingdoms whither thou pafleft.
did unto Sihon king ot Hefhbon, -ut- | n
Ye fhall not fear them lor th~ :

y deltrcying the men, women, and 1 Lord your God he (hall gstt for you.
tdren ot every city. m I n And
beibui'ht the
I Lord at that
' But all the cattle, andthelpoil of the time, faying,
es, we toik lor a prey to our ielves. I 14 O Lord God, thou haft berun to
G "'

l.\bort.iticr<< Deuteronomy. to c

fhew thy fcrvant fliy greatnefs, and thy me the people tegether, sr.d I
mighty hand tor what God is thue in

heaven or inearth, that can do according

the.n hear my words, that they may
to lear me all the days that they fhallB
lo thy works, and accor hng to thy might'? upon the earth, and they may tea
K I prjy thee let n\e go over, and lee their children.
the go-ud Land that ij beyond Jo rdaiii that ii And ye came near and llood uni
mountain, and L'*b in »n.
the mountain, and the mountain bt&
»6 But the Lord was wroth with me for with lire unto thrmidll ot l.e.' ven, :

your lakes, and would net hear ate: and darknefsi clouds, and thick darkneil
the Loud laid unto n.e, Let it iiiffice thee, ii And (he Lord l|/ake unto you
Ipeak no more unto me of this mai ter. .ot the midlL of the fire ye heard

17 Get thee up into the top of Pilgah, voice ot the words, but i'aw no
and lii't up thme eyes welt-ward, and tude, only ye beard a voice.
north-ward, and fouth-wsra, and eaft- n And hedeclared unto you his col
ward, and behold r> With thine eyes: vfor nant, which he commanded you to p2
thou ihak not go over this Jordan. form, even ten commandments,
wrote them upon two tables ot ftonej
iM But charge Joihua, and encourage
htm, and ftrengtbett him lor he fhall go i4 11 And the Lord commanded
over before this people, and he fhall caule
them to inherit the. land which thouihalt
at that time, to teach you ftatutes
judgments, that ye mierht do them mtf
lee. land whither ye go over to pofl'els irl
19 So we abode in the valley over a- ii Take ye therefore aood heed urtl
rainlc Beth-peor. your (elves for vefawno manneroH

CHAP. IV. milicude onthe day that the Lord :pik

An exhortation to obedience, &c. unto you in Horcb, out of the wicfl

NO* therefore hearken, Olfrael, un-

to the ftatutes/and unto the judg-
the fire )
\-f L^(l\e coaupty
our felves, and
you a graven image, the fimilitude of an
ments which I teach you, fortodofAew,
that ye may live, and go in and.poffefs figure, thehkenef's of male or lemajM
the land which the Lord God of your la- i7 Xhelikenefsof any beaft that is
thers giveth you.
a Ye fhall not add unto the word which
the earth, the hkenefs ot any winfl
fowl that rlieth in the air,

I command you, neither mail you dimi- rS The hkenefs of any thing that creep
nifh ought from it, that ye may keep the eth on the ground, the likeneisofanyjj
commandments of the Lord your God thatzj imhe waters beneath the e:-
which I command you. t9 And left thou lift up thine eyes
5 Your eye? have leenwhaf the Lord to heaven, and when thou feeit the '

did becau'e of Baal-pear ior'all the men

: and the moon, and the It: r
that followed E>aafcri e>r, the Lord thy hoftot heaven, frcuidft be driven :o '

•Cod hath deitroyed them from among you. (hip them, and !erve them, which
4 But ye that did cleave unto- the Lord Loud thy God haih divided unto all
your God, are alive every one of you this tions under the whole heaven.
day. ic But the Kord hath taken you, ai
Behold, I have taught you
s, ftatntes brought you forth out of the iron furnac
and judgments, even as the Lord my God et^outof fcgypt, to be unto him a pec
commanded me, that ye mould do fo in pie ot inheritance, as,ye .ire this dajf
the land whither ve go to potfels it. ii Furthermore, (he Lord was anrr
6 Keep therefore, at ul do them, tor this wnhme tor your lakes, and ("ware than
i> your wifdom and your ttr.derftanding fhould not go over Jordan, and thai*
in the fight of the nations, which (hall ihould not go in "unto that irood Ian.
hear all thefeftattttcs, andfay, Stir -Jy tins which the Lord thy God giveth the
great nation it a wile and un.lerftanding for an inherit;
people. ii But I mult die in this land, I muj
n For what nation ?• there /bgrsat, who nor go -;ver JerdaO but ye {ball go ovl

hi k God funiehunto them, is and pofTefs that good


©urGod is initltbhtgi that we call upon i5 ak heed unto your felves, left
i :

him for ? forget the covenant of the Lord y<

8 And what nation it there fo great, that God, which he made with you, andmaj
hathltatutes and judgments /o righteous, yen a graven image, or the likenefsf
as all this law which I let before you this any tbin% which the Lord thy God hi
day? forbidden thee.
9 Onlv take heed to thy felf, and keep 14 For the Lord thy God ii a c(j
thy f'cuf diligently, left thou toreet the fuming tire, even a jealous God.
things which thine eves have l'een, and if fl When thou malt beget childr
left they depart from thy heart all the and childrens children, and fhalt
davs of thy life : but teach them thy ions, remained long in the land, and fhalL
anil thy fons forts rupt your felves, and make a zravc
,^ Specially the day that thou ftoodfc . mage, or the hkenefs of any thin;,

before the LORD thy God in Horeb, I fhall do evil in the fisht of the Lord
vhtrthc LQVLi) i'JM ucto roc, Other :

God, to j-iovoke him to anger

1 * i6l
xbortatians to obedience Chap. V. (Met of refuge,
> I call heaven and earth to witnel's thy days upon the earth, which the Lord
unft you this day, that ye fhall 10 n thy God
giveth thee, tor ever.
erly perifh trom off the land where- 4'. ii 'riven M'les leferea three cities
to yen go over Jordan to poiTefs it '•
on this tide Jordan, toward the iun-ri-

Hull not prolong your days upon it, fipg:

."4* That the llayer might riee tinrher,
: be deftrayed.
lhall utterly
.7 And the Louu mall Icatter you a r \
which ihould kill his neighbour una-
the nations, and ye fhall be lelt j
wares, and hated him not in times j>aft*
in number among the heathen, Whi- and that fleeing urito one of thefe cities,
r the Lord ihall lead you. he might live
£3 NatKely, Bezer in the wildemefs, in

8 And there
ye mall I'crve gods, .the
rk or mens hands, wood and llor.e, |
the plain country, oftheReubemtes ; and
ich neither fee, nor hear, nor est, nor Ramotlv in Gilead, of the Gadues ; and
Golan in Baihan, of the Manaffites.
•ABut if from thence thou fhalt feek 44 * And this /f the law which Mofes
:Lobo thy God, thou fhalt find him, let before the children of Urael :

thou feek him with all thy heart and 4? Thefe art the teftimenies, and the
th all thy loul.
Uarutes, and the judgments, which Mo-
When thou art in tribulation, and les Ibake unto the children vi il'raej, af-
thefe things are come irpon thee, even ter thev c.-.iue forth out 0! Egypt":
the l3tter days, it' thou turn to the 46 Oh tins tide Jordan in the valley 0-
MS thy God,' and fhalt be obedient ver againit Beth-peor, in the land of S'i-
to Ins voice hon king or tire Amariies, who dwejt at
;i C Tor the Louu thv God i> a merciful Hefiibon, whom Moles and the children
od) he will not forfake thee, neither or lfrael fmote, after they were come
lhov thee, nor lorget the covenant or forth out ot Egypt
Mathers, which he i'ware unto them. 47 And they poilefled his land, and the
h For ask now of the days that are land of Og king of Balkan, two kinfa of
It, which were before thee, fince the the fijfiOfite*, which roert on this' fide
y that God created man upon the earth, Jordan, toward the fun-riting ;
Id v from theoneiideot heaven unto
; 4tf From Aroer, which it by the bank'
e ether, whether there hath been any of the river Arnon, even uhrc mount
:b thing as this great thing it, or hath Sion, which is Hermcn,
:en heard like it? 49 And all the plain on this fide Jor-
33 Did ev.r people hear the voice of d <r: eak-wurd, even un r o the lea ot the
odfpeakinsoutof th? midit ct the fire, plain, under the fprhjsrs of Pifccah.
thou half 'heard, ana live? CHAP. V.
34 Or hath God allayed to go nrni take The covenant in Hore'j, &C
m a nation from the midll of" mother na-
on, by temptations, by ligns, and by
ANd Moles died
unco them, Hoer,
all Il'rael,
O Urael,
and faii
the tta-
onders, and hy war, and by a mighty tutes and judgments which 1 fpeak in
»na, and by a itretched out' arm, "and your ears this dav, tha^ ve may learn
t great terrors, accordms to atl that the them, and keep and do them.
onv your God did tor von in L^ypt 2. Thel.oRUourGod made a covenant
etore your eyes? with us in Hcreb.
;, Unto thee it was fhewed', that thou 3 The LORD
made not this covenant
lightlt know that the Louu he is God} with our fathers, but with uf, even us,
here it none el'e befpdes him. who art all of us htre alive flit's dav.
36 Outoi heaven he made thee tc hesr .4 The Lord talked with you lace to
is voice, that he might inftniS thee :
face -in the mount, out of the midtt of
Ind upon earth he fhewed thee his great the fire,
re, and thou heardir. his words out of 1 ltood between the Lord and von
( I
fie midft ot the tire. <-t chat time, to
fhew you the word of the
I And
be'caufe he loved thy fathers,
37 LORD: for ye were afraid by realon of
trerefurehe chofe their feed aftep them, the fire, and went not up into themour.t)
nd brought thee out in his light with his lavinsr,
highty power out of Esrypt :'
6 ifl am the LORD
thy God, which

35> T° drive out nations from before brought thee out ot the land ol E<jypt»
hee, greater and mightier than thou art, from the houfe ol bondage.
b bring thee in, to gi/e thee their land 7 Thou lhalt have none other gods he-
'»/ an inheritance, as it is this day. lore me.
39 Know therefore this dav, arid coll- S Thou ihalr not make thee any graven
ider it in thine heart, that theLoRU h image, or any likenels of my tbrig'thst it
God in heaven above, and upon the
• in iieaven above, or that is in the eartli
:arth beneath tb;re is none etfe.
: beneath, or that is in the waters beneati
.40 Thou
fhalt keep therefore his Ha- the eaith.
lites, and his commandments which I 9 Thou fhalt not bow down thy felf unto
rommand thee this dav, that it may go Pern, nnr lerve them-, for I the Louu
veil with thee, and with thy 'hi'dren af- |ny God a*n a jealous God, vitirinc the
:er thee* «nd that thou roayit prolong iniquity of the fathers upon t»e children,

ii a.-' unto
IX!'. 11W ueurer onomy. C.votrrrjnerci m:
unto the third and fourth gentrjtivii ot Go thou ne3r, and hear all
i- i

them that hate me, Lord our God fhall lay and I'r >

And mercy unto thoufandi,

unto us all that the Lord ou: g >d fhal
ci them that love me and keep my com- freak unto thee, and we will hear it, am
u Thou fhalt nottakcthe nameof the i8 And the LORD
heard the voice O:
Loiu>t!i\ God in vain: tor theLoRDWill vour words, when ve fpake unto me
not holdioH "iiiitlei's that taker* his bame and the LORD
laid unto me, I ha*
in vairi. heard the voice ot the words ot this neff
tz Keep the labbatfi-day to fanrttfieit, p e, which they have l'poken unto theB
a^ the thy God hath commanded
LORD they have well laid all that they haw

u'jix djys thou flUlt lubour, and do 10 O

that there were fuch en he- : rt ir

all thy work:

, .
,. ,, ,
them, that they would tear me, andkea
tsmtheleventh dayn tie (abbafh of all mv commandments
always, (

the LORD
thy God in it thoulhalt not
: might be well with them, and with thefa
do anv work, thou, nor thy Ion, nor thy children tor ever.
dausrhtei, nor thy man-lenrant, nor thy 3c Go fay to them, Get you into yem
jriatd-fervanr, r.ur thine ox, nor thine tents again.
als, nor any of thy cattle, not thv ftran- 3i But as f»r thee, flsnd thou here by

ger that h within thy gates j that thy me, and 1 will (peak unto thee all the
nvn-fervant and thy maid-lervam may commandments, and theftatutes, and
xeft as well as thou. judgments which thou fhalt teach the
that they may do tbem in the land whicfl
i; And remember that thou wait
a ler-
vant in the land of Egypt, and tbit the give them to pod el's it.
Lord thy God brought thee out thence, Ji Ye fhall obierve to do therefore%
through ami?hty hand and by a ttretaied the LORD your God hath comman^B-
out arm therefore the
thy God LORD you : you'l not turn aiide to the rifH
commanded thee to keep the labbath-day. hand or to the leit.
16 11 Honour thv father arid thy
mother, 33 You (hall walk in all the wavs which
as the thy God hath commanded
your God nath com
thee i thai thy days may be prolonged, an,-. vou, that ve mav live, and itmsy bt

tha r it mav go well with thee, in the land well with you, and .ye mar prolong
which the' Lord thy God giveth thee. ays in the land which ye 'fhall pot-,
Thou fhalt not kill. lei's.
i8 Neither (halt thou commit
adultery. CHAP. VI.
in Neither fhalt thou Real. Tt; tni oftht /j:v it obeditmt, &c
xc Neither fhalt thou bear falle
wit- NOwthefe*>-ir the commandments, tJ

:1s. affainft thv neighbour, natures, and the judgmen
it Neither, fhalt thou defrre
thv neigh- the LORD your God commanded to teal
bours wife, neither fffalt thou covet thy you, that ye might Jo tbem in the la*
neighbours houle, his field, or his man- ler- whither ye tro to pofl'efs it
vant. or hismaid-l'ervanr, his ox, or lus i That »:-ou mightit fear the I i

afs, or any tbin& that h thy neighbours, God, to keep all hisftatutes, and his coal
fiieft words the, Lord rpake
u 51
unto mandments which I command thee ; thou
all your alftmbly in the
mount out of the. and thy (on, and thy Jons ion, all ttil
xrtidftof t::-hre, utthe cloud, andot dav- of thy life, and that thy dav? maj
thick darkr.els, .with a great voice, and be' prolonged.
he* added no more; and' he wrote
them in ; « Hear therefore, O
Ifrael, and ob-
<.to it-, that it may be well with
two tables of Hone,' and delivered, them serve to
unto me. .
thee, and that ve mav inrreafe mightily!
13 And it came to pars when ye heard
. ,
as- the LORD
God of thy lathers hath
pi mifeei thee, in the land that rieweth
the voice out ot the mtdtt ot to
nets r for the mountain did burn with fire 1 with milk and bonv.
tha- ye came near unto me,
even all the 4 Heai, O
Ifrael', The LORD our Gad
heads of vour tribes, and your elders. ii cne LORD.
t« And ye laid, Behold, the
Lord our ? And
thou fhalt love the thj LORD
God hath "fhewed us his glory,his and his God with all thine heart, and with
scrta*-nefs, and we have heard
voice thv foul, and with all thy mi?hr.
Siit of the midit of the fire
-we have leen '6 And
thele words which I comma]
ij that God doth talk with man, dav, fhall be in thine heart.
and he' liveth. 7 Ar.Jl tfiou lhalt teach them diligec
i; Now therefore whv fhould
we die? ly unto thy children, and fhalt talk
It we them when thou litreft in thine hoi
for this great fire will confume
nor the voice of the Lord our God any and when thou wankeft bv t.';e way,
ri-r-, then we (hall die. when thou hell down, and when t
tf For who it
thtn of all flefh that hath fifett up.
b' And thou fhalt bind them
for a lit
hcvd the voice ot the living God, freak-
in" out of the midit ot the lire ( as we . upon thine hand, and they fhall he
pJvt and lived I frontlets between thiric eyes.
) ?
I 9 AM
xbortstions to obedience. Chap vii . Communion wrtb the nations forbidd'tr.
i Andthou fhalt write them upon the Girgafhitcs, and the Amorites, a
ts ot thy home, and on thy gates, Canaanites, and the Penzzites, 31
o And it ihall be when the toui' thy iiivites, and the fvbtflites, feven nations
d ihall have brought thee iito the greater and mightier t ;an thou f

id which he (ware unto thy fathers, to 1 And vcben the LORD

thy God fliall
iraham, tolfaac, and to Jacob, to give deliver them before thee thou ilia It finite :

tc, {.'teat and goodly cities which ihou Ihem, <»i utterly deltroy them, thmt (halt nor, make no covenant with them, nor fhew
And Iioul'es full of all TOod <bir,7,i which mercy unto them :

u rilledit not and ^dl* digged which

! Neither fhalt thru make ntatti^ges
m diggedfl not, vineyards'ahd olive- with them ; thy daughter thou fhalt not
wfifchthou tdantedik not, when thou give unto his ion, nor his daughter ill ;lt
alt have eaten and -be full ; thou take untc thy fon.
i Tbtn beware le.t thou forget the 4 For they will "turn away thy ion front
)RD which brought thee forth cut ot the following me, that they may lerve ether
ndof F?ypt, from the houfeot bondage. gods: fo will the anger of the Lord be
il Thou malt fear the Loud thy God, kindled againir you, and deltroy th-.e
id ferve h.m, and fhalt i'wear by his luddenly.
line. i But thus Hull ye deal with them, ye
14 Ye ihall not go after other gods, of fliall deltroy their a'tars, and breakdown
e gods of the people which are round their images, and cut dewn tiVeir. groves*
>Out you : and burn "their graVen images' with lire.
t? ( For the Lord thy God h a jealous 6 For thou art 2 ho!v people unto the
od anion? you ) lelt the aneer of the Lord thy God: the Loth thy C-od hath
ORD thy God be kindled again!* thee, chc:'en thee to be a fpScial peopli unto
iid deltroy thee from off the face of the html elf, above all people that art upon
mh. the hot of t.*e eatth.
16 11 Ye (hall not tempt the Lord your 7 The Lord did not let his love upon
iod, as ye tempted bhn in Mali'ah. you, tier choole you, beraule ye were
7 You fliall diligently keep the com- more in number than any people ( for ye
landments ot the LORD your God, and were the feweft uf all people )
isteftimonies-, a-id his ftatutes which he 8 But because the loved voir,' LORD
ath commanded thee. and becaufe he would keep the i>ath
t8 And thou fhalt do that rvblcb is right winch he had ("worn unto your fatVrs,
nd good in the light of the Lord that !iath the
brought you out v.-ih a
t may be well with thee, and that thou mighty hand, and redeemed jou Cut of
ayft go in and pod els the good land the houfe of bond-men, from the hard
,/hich the Lord fware unto thy fathers ot Pharaoh king of Egypt.

19 To calt ou f all thine enemies from Know theiefore thai the Lord thy
efore thee, as the Lord hath fpoken. God, e r.'God, thc-.taitniul God, wttica
l :

-lo And when thy ion a.sketh thee in keepetn covenant and mercy with them
"me to come, faying, What mean the te-V that love him, and keep his command-
timonics, and the ftatutes, and the judg- ments, to a thoufand generations;
ments which the Lord our God hath <om- to And repayeth them that hate him,
manded you ? to their face, to deftroy them: he will
i! Then thou fhalt fay unto thy fon, not be Hack to him that hateth him, he
We were Pharaohs bond-men in Egypt, will repay him *o his face.
and the Lord brought us out of Egypt, ti Thou flialt therefore keep the com-
with a mighty hand. mandments, and the ftatutes, and the
rr And the LORD fhewed figns and judgments, which I command thee this
wonders, great and fore, upon" Egypt, day, to do them.
upon Pharaoh and upon all his houfhold, ti ft "Wherefore it ihall come to pajfs.
be lore our eyes if ye hearken to thefe judgments, and
n And he broueht us out from thence, keep and do them ; that trie Lord thy
that he might bring us jn, to give us the God Ihall keep unto thee the covenant
land which he 1'ware unto our fathers. nd the mercy which he fware unto thy
14 And the Loud commanded u« to do fathers.
all thefe ftatutc;, to fear the LORD
our •
n And he will love thee, and ble's thee,
God, for our good 'always, that he might and multiply thee he will alio blefs the

pr;!erve us alive, as ft it at this day. Iruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy
1? And it ihall be our righteoufnels, if land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine
we ob'erve to. do all thefe command- oyl, the increafe of thy kine, and the
ment, before the LORDourGod, as he nocks ol thvlheepi in the land which he
hath commanded us. fware unto thy fathers to give thee.

nwntunien with
CHAP. VII. t4 Thau flialt be blefl'ed above all peo-
the nation* forMaien-, &c. ple there Ihall not be male or female

the Lord thy God mall brin?
into the land whither thou
barren among you, or among your cat-
goeit to r-oiTefs it, and hath calt out many 1* And theLo V will take away from
nations before thee, the Hittites, and the thee all ficknefs, and will put none of the
G 3 evili

t* bi/tatitm Deuteronomy. to o'jt.

evil dilcalespi Egypt ( which thou know- { which thou kr.eweft not, ncit
ell'j jp;n thee; but will lay them upon -ers know) that he might mak
alJtbem t>iat hate t!:ee. thee- know that man doth not 1

16 And thou fhalt con ume aJl the bread only bu' by every won that pMb
people wiiich the Lulli) tf:y God fhall ceedeth out of the mouih of the Loll'
deliver thee, thine eve IhaU have no doth man live.
pity Ufon them n.'ith'er fhalt thou ferve
: 4 Tr.y raiment waxed not old'ujH
their gods, lor that will bt a fnare unto thee, neither did thy foot i'weJl thefe fA
thee. r
y years.
t7 I; thov fhalt fay in thine heart, Thefe i Thou
fhalt alfo coniider in thflj
nations Are more than I, how can I dif- heart, that as a man chaftneth his lUf
po lie's them ? Jo the Loud thy God chaftneth thee. *
iH Thou fhalt not be afraid of them : 6 Therefore thou fhalt keep the cofl
out lhalt well remember what the Lord mandments of the thy God, <g LORD
thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all walk in his ways, and to fear him.
rgypt i 7 For theLoRtf thy God brmzeth thet
19 The great temptations which thine into a goon land, a land of ISrooksM
eyes taw, and the Yigns, and the wonders water, ot fountains, and depth* that fprioj
and ihe mighty hand, and the ftretched out ofvallies and hills,
Ou'. arm, whereby the thy God LORD 8 A land of wheat, and barley, an
brjujrht thee out lb mall the Lord thy : vines, and tig-trees, and pon.egr'jna:esi
Gctl do ur/o all the people of whom thwu 2 land or oyl" olive, and hony,
art afraid. 9 A
land wherein thou fhalt eat bread
10 Moreover, the thy God will LORD without carcenefs, thou lhalt not IjK
fend the hornet among them, until thev any tbini, in it, » land whole *rej^
that are le.t and hide themfelves froii. ron, an loutof wnofe hills thcu mayftdM
thee, be deftroyed. brafs.
11 Thou fhalt not be affrighted avjhem ic When thou haft eaten and art full
for the tor-.i t.':y God is among you, a then tnou fhalt blefs the Loru thy God,
Blighty God a"d terrible. for the good land which he hat.
12. And the Lo. ;> thy God will put cut thee.
tho e nations befire thee by little and it Beware that thou forget 1

little thou m : ume them at -

Lorp thy God, in not keeping 1 .

onte, left the beafts ci the iield increafe mandments, and his judgment, Mid hi
upon tree ftatutes, which I command thee this days]
11 But the LORD
toy God fhall deli- ti Left vtbirj thcu haft eater, and
ver them un:o thee, and fhall defiroy them twill goo-'lv ..

with a mighty deftruc/tion, until they be dwelt icrrein ,

deftroyed. t; And
token thy herds and th\ fiocl
...d he fhall deliver their kings into multiply, and thy Giver an
thine hand, and thou fhalt deitr multiplied, and ail that thou halt is mull
name from under heaven-. •
ti olid! :

man be able to ftand before thee, ui.til 14 Then thine heart be lifted 1

ihoi have deftroyed them. , thou forget the thy G~d LORD
z-t T;,c graven images of their ?ads Hrth out oi t: e land ot &-'

m the Louie of bondage ;

n them, u Who 1 ed thee through th« great and

othtt, le.. terrible wilderness, t^*^-""
and icorpions, am <J
1 to thi ;

:Hner i"h d 1 1 the:' br:;.? an Dt ;

werly manna, :her=> knew r.

.., ana thou lhalt utterly *

/or it u acur ed thine .e to do thee good at th)
CHAP. VIII. end )
txboftition to obedience, &c. 1- A in thine heart, Myl
A LI the com mandments which I cori- power and t! : e might of B
J\ manii thee this day, lliall ve gotten me this wealth.
to do, that ye may live, and multipk, i!j But thou lhalt remember the
and go inand poflefs, w... thy God: rbr it if he «hat grveao tl I '

Loan (ware unro your fat power to get wealth, that

thou lhalt remember all l blifh his covenant which he iware J
tlve LoR-> r '.- thy lathers, as it is this day.
fortv years 1:. 10 And i: fhall be, ** HK>u do at.alB
il to prove thee, to kr.. e LoRiuhyGod, and walk atterl
»*• in t/iine heart, whether thou woukLft other geda, and ferve their,
keep his commandment or no. them, I teftifieagainftyou 1

5 And he humble /-.i (offered ye fhail lurelv p

thee to hunger- LORD
j r.teu rtixmv**.
'char j Xi
way which I commanded them ; they have
roveth before yohr face, fo
obedient made tfem a molten image.
ale ye w&uld not »e furthermore, the LORD f\ ake unto
tat voice ol the LORD
your God. i;
me, faying, ll.ave i'een this people, and

V. IX.
m belKrld. ttiif-neckeo people.
^ ii a
Let me aloae, that 1 may deft my
.4 re*Mr/«/ 0/ r/we/J
l- rar
tho»' "< to pats over
fEar, OUrael: them, and blot out their natvetrom under
I Jordan this d.y, to go iq MJfp»« heaven: and i will make of thee a nati-
than thy
ions greater and mightier on aiighlier and greater than they.
cities great and fenced
up to 1 te-ven, came down from
the childten ii bo 1 turned, and
lAneople great and tall,
the mount, and the mount
burned wit.i
whom thou know, ft, and
Ihe Anakims, and the two tables of the covenant
xhom thou haft heard fay, Who car. lire
rare in

my two hands
id before the children or
that And I looked, ami behold, ye had
Underftand therefore this day, finned againit the >'3"t God, and
LORD thy he which goeth over
God u had made you a molten cal ye had turn- t :
lie ihall
b-e thee 45 acenlumingfire :

ed alide ouickly out ot the way which

hem, and he lhali bring them you.
malt •«»*"« Lord had comaiaBded
ffJeforcthy face: lb
17 And 1 took the two
tables, andcaft
m out, and deftroy them quickly, as them ou' of mv two hands, and brake
them b ; fore your '-.yes
M after
18 fkndlrelfdewn before
the Lord, as
LORDthy ^ori hath cait tnem forty, nights,,
i ?fe at tht frit, forty days and
from before thee, faying, hor my nor dank water,
di-J neither ear bread
;hSulne s the LORD p'V^J?^ 1

beeaule of all your finswhich ye Bgngfr

tor the W£-
10 poffefe this land : but in doing wickedly in the light ot Ihe
dnefs of thefe nations the LORD
Lord, to provoke him to anger.
" e them out from before
thee. and
tor the io f For I was afraid ot the anger,
r Not for thy righteoulnels, or tftcu hot difpleafure wherewith the LORD
dghtnels of thine heart deft -J>
was wroth againit you to deftroy you ) But
the wicked-
poiftft their land: but. tor the Loud hearkned unto me at that
of thefe ftattorw the LORD thy
thee, 3
tl) drive them out. from before ro And tbe Lord was very angry with
V that 'he may perform me word Aaron to have ddtroyed him and 1 pray- :

:LORD ware unto thy fathers, Abra-

ed for Aaron alio the fame time.
m, Ii'aac, and Jacob. .n the calf which
the Tn
LORD it And I took your fin,
* Underftand therefore, that and
ye had made, and burnt it with fire,
y God eiveth thee not this good land
tor ltampedit. and ground it very fmall,eve»
roffe'.Vit, for thv righteoulnels i until it was as f'ma'.l as divft and I caft

ou art a HiiV-necked people. the dull tnereof into the brock that de-
Remember, and for?et not how '•
7 <n leended out ot the mount
ou provokedit the LORD' thy God

rath in the wildernds from the day that n Mail ah,

A r d at Taherah, and atprovoked
and at Kibrcrth-hattaavah, ye

iou didft depart out of the.

land ot fc-
place, ye th
pt, until ye came unto this
the LORD. ^kew^lenthe LORD fent you
from Kadelh-barnea, laying, Go up and
ai been rebellious aeainft
8 Alio in Horeb ye provoked
the LORD pollel's the land which 1 have
given you s
wrath, lb that the LORD
was angry
then you rebelled againit the command-
ith V'U, to have deftruyed ment of the Lord your God, and ye be-
q When I was pone up mto the mount, lieved him not, nor hearkned to his voice.
receive the tables cf ftone, «»««**; ->4 You have been rebellious againftthe
of the covenant which the
LORD Loud, from the day that I knew you.
ladewith you,.then I abode ,n the
mount before the Lord
neither did i? Thus I fell down
jjry days and forty ni?hts, I as I fell down
forty days and forty, nights,
at the firft ; beeaule the LORD
at bread, nor drink water: had laid
,o And the delivered unto me
LORD he would deftroy you.
wo tables of ttone written with the fin-
16 I prayed therefore
unto the LORD,
T nT?r»
on them »*j i»rnttn
ler of God, and and faid, O LORD God, deftroy
not thy
iccording to all the words
wmch the I

people, and thine inheritance, which thou

..ORDfpakewithyou in the mount, out redeemed through thy greatnels,
X the midft of fire, in the
day ot the haft
which thou halt brought forth out or L-
3 n ffvnt with a mighty hand.
u A& it came to oafs at the end of
%- I'ervants, Abraharrf,
Remembef thylnnl.-n.-M-
brtvdavsand forty nights, teat the Lord _- . U
Hsac,'"nd Jacob ;
l , . lintf) bC ftl'.b-
look not unto the
t ftub-
raveme the two table? of ftone, even tue .•eople, nor to their wic-
irnnels of this pe
;ables of the covenant
kednefs, nor to their fin :
ti And the LORD laid .unto hence
me. Arife,
\8 Left the land whence thou
iftet thee down quickly
eft us o t, lav, BecauCe
the was LOjD
Thy people which thou haft imc the land
:outof Ecvin, have corrupted
™ ichhe
not able to bring thejn
promi(e> them, and became he
thev are quickly turned aiide out ot

tmedthem, IVTr*-
Jt'eiZ'J he hath nought them
naj them the wildenwls. m out i? Only the LORD had a dehc
ratners to love them, and he
-9 Yet they tut thv chile
leea alter them. even you above
all ^B
pic, 9i it is this day.
m '| ht y Power ana bythyftretch-
gj |g i ' C'.rcumciiet-oerefore the forerkM
P. X.
your heart, and he
17 For "
m more tliri-neel
Godimercjrn two tdUet.
rtltorins tbt
A Tthattimc the LORD laid unto &c. me,
Zods, a
IX Hew the j two tables of ftone like unto
the tint, and come up unto me into
not peril
mount, ma make thee an ark of wo
d c £ ^e doth
execute the judgment
and widow,
of »
i And I will write on the tables and" lovm th
i;er n givin
words that were in the firft tables which 3 bim t 00<, ana

thoubrakeit, and thou ihak put them in

1!; *

l And
ar :.


made an ark of fhittim-wood,

J 9J^Tk 71 Retort theftranger:!
ye were ftrarrgers m the land
o* F.gfi
jo Thou fhalt fear the LOR D thy
him fhalt thou ferve, end to him Go*
and hewed two tables of Hone like
the frit. un>\ went up into the mount, {M the tun tables in mine hand.
thou cleave, and fwear by his
nam- T
4 Ana he wrote on the tables, accor- .ihat
ding to the firft writins, the ten r m-
V hath done liaise, PV'i^
and he i, thvr G4
for thee thefe great i2
terrible things which thine
mandmems, which the Lord (pake unto eyes hal
you in the mount, out of the midrt of
the fire, in the dayof the ** Thy fathers went down into
arTenbly and
the Lord gave them un:o me. '% ,%l-jS a re and ten p -rfbns and «

the LORD t.-y G:»d hath made

. ;

f And I turned my f-if and ramedowa thee as

ttars ct heaven for multitude.
from them unt, and put the tables
jr< winch ^.ad made, and there
in the C A P. XI. H
M; I
s U>e W>rb commanded
And the children of lfrael took
txbartAtion to obiiunct, ice.
Herefore thou fhalt love the LO
thy God, and ke-ro his chanre
t :e»r journey from
Beeroth of the chil- his Itatutes, and his
dren of Jaakan, toMpfera- there judgments, "and
Aaron commandment aW?.y. "
.died, and there he was buried and Fle- i And know you this day: for I Jfe*
azi r &"•«> miniftred in the
priefts office not with your children which
m .

fe is ftea/t.
known, andwhiehlisvenotfeen thechj
have nol
,he e tbe ? i^'-eyed unto
rLJ«^ 'T -

Gudgodahj aad from Gudgodab to Jot- greatnefs, fttfement of the LORD your God, h

the tribe of
c? ve n n
nan, a land of river-: o! wafers

r A ,5 S
^t*Levi, toe " e L oRn 'eparated
b?sr the ark or the he did in the
the L ORO, to itand before raoh
his mighty hand, andhisftre
ched out arm ;
X And hi-- miracles, and hisa£tswhi<
audit of Eeypt, unto Ph
the king of E?vot, and unto all i
trie LORD to mimfter unro
him, and to land i
blels in his name, unto this Bay
a And what he did unto the amv l
9. wherefore teri hath no partner in-
Egypt, unto their horfes, and to 'theii
h»manee with his brethren: the LORD chariots,
ho* he made the water of the
Red fea to oversow them as they pur-
thy God promifed him. (ued after you, and bow the LORD hath
to Ami I frayed in the
motnt, accor- deftroyed them unto this day
ding to the full time, forty days and forty j

night,;, and the LORD hearkned

And what he did unro you in thewil-

unto until ye c?me into this place;

me ar that time alio, and the LORD dernefs, 6 And what he did unto Dathan and
would not deftroy thee. Abiram, tht Ions of Ehab, the fon of
it And the LORD laid unto me,
take tby journey before the pmnle. that and
Arife, Reuben how the earth opened her mouth

(wallowed fhem
Jheymaygoin, aqd pollefs the landwnich holds, and their tents,up, and their houf-
ware unt0 and all the fub-
tiieir lathers to give unto
\|, ftance that tt,-.< in their pofTefTicn in tin
midft of all lfrael.
And now
ii «'
lfrael, what doth the 7 But your eyes have feen
LOR D thy God require of thee, but to sets of tne.LORD, which he did,
all the ere
fear the LORD
thy God, to walk in all l! Therclore fliall ye keep all the co
pis ways, and to love him, and to
ferv- man.isients which 1' command you th
tie LORD
thy God with all thy heart day, th;-t ye may be ftrong, and go
and with si! thy loul,
and po I'efs the land whither ve go
ko <-? the commandmenta of the
, '%,T° and
LQRD, noilels it
his ftatutes which I com-
mand thee this dav for thy good » q And that ye may proton^ y^r d?\\
in the. landwhich the" LORD 'fware unrc
.\A Kehold, the heaver, and the heaven your father^ to give un'o them, and to
of heavens u the thv God, the LORDs their feed, a land that flowethwlih milk
earth al/b with all that thercrrWr.
and hony.
to fl For
kxbQt-t.ition: to obtdtenc, '
Cha"p . Wli. Idcliiry to be itftrqiei.
[0 »'
For the land whither thou goat I you upon all the land that ye fhall tread
10 (Jo'defs it, it nor as the land of E- upon, as he hath faiduntoyou.
pt, trom whence ye came out, where '
^6 n Behold, 1 let before you this day a
m fowedlt thy ieed, ana watcredit it blelling and a cufTe :

th thy toot, as a garden oi herbs i? Ablefiinr, if ve obey the command-

i! But the land whither ye go to polled ments of the'LORD your God whic,j I
t'» a land of lulls ana vail res, and command you this day :

inketh water oi the rain or heaven: 18 Ana 3 curie, if ye will not obey the
i A land which the Lord thy God ca- commandments of the your God, LORD
h tor the eyes ot the Lord tuy God are
but turn afide out of the way which 1
Mays upon it, t'rom the beginning of the command ycu this day, ro go alter other
ar, e/en unto the endot the year, gods which ye have not known.
i: fl Aftd it fhall come to pals, it yoc 19 And it fhall come ro pal's when the
nil heitrken diligently unto my com- Lord tliv God hath brought thee muiro
iflchnems which I com and you this i. the land whither thous-'oelt to poliefs it,
y, to love the Lord your God,' and to
that thou lhalt put the blelling upon mount
ve him with all your heart, and with Genzzim, and. the curie upon mount E-
4 will give jyo« the rain ol
?o Are they not on th; other fide Jor-
jr land in his due loaibn, the firft dan,
by the way where the fun goeth
and the latter ram, that thoumayit down,
in the land ot the Canaani;es,
ther in thy corn, and thy wine, and which
d-vell In the champian over a-
ne oyl. gainft Gileal, betide the plains of Moreh?
,- And I will fend graft in thy fields, ;t For ye fhall oafs over Jordan tc go-
thy cattle, that thou maylbeat and in to poliefs the land which the LORD
full. your God sriveth you, and ye fhall poliefs
6 Take heed to your felves, that your it and dwell therein.
art he not deceived, and ye turn aiide, -1 And ye fhall oh ferve to do all the
a ferve other gods, ana worfhio them ft a .11: e- arid judgments which I let before

7 And tbtf the LOR

Ds wrath We kind- you this day,
acrainit vou, and he Hurt up the heaven C H A P. XII..
t There l>e no rain, and that the land Monuments of idolatry totedtjTtoyed&c.
:W net her trint, <md Uji ye perifh THel'e are the ftatures and judgments
cklv from orf the good land which the which ye fhall obferve to do in the
)RI> givetb you. land which the Lo-RD God of thv fathers
8 T, Therefore fhall ye lay up thefe riveth thee to pod'els it, all the 'days that
words in your heart and in your loul, ye live upon the earth.
dbind them for a fign ugen your hand, x Yefhr.ll utte'iy deftroy all the places
tthey may be as frontiers between yo»r wherein the nations which ye dial! poliefs
# ferved their gods, upon the high moun-
9 .\nd ve fhall teach them yourehil- tain*, and ftpen the hills, and under c-
;n, fpeakingof them when thoujlttelr verv green tree.
hinehoufe, and when thou walkefirby ;'Ahd ye fhall overthrow their altars
way, when thou Melt down, a,id when a\i break their pillars, and bum tlKir
3u rileft up. groves'withfue, and you flvall hew dawn
:o And thou fhalt write them upon the the craven images of their gods, ar.d
or- pofts of thine houfe, and upon thy deltrby the names ol' them out of tnaf
tts : place.
Li That vour days may hz multiplied, 4 Ye fhall not do fo t»rc the LORD
A the days of youf children, in the you- Off.
ni which the LORD
fware unrc your Sur unto the place winch the
titers to give them, as the days ot your God fhall choot'e out of ah your
aven upon the earth. tribes, tc put his name there, tven iin'o
nil For if ye fhalt diligently keep all his habitation fnall ye leek,' and thither
e fe commandments which I command thou flia'r come :

u to do them, to love the Lord your 6 And thifher ve (hall bring your burnr-
jd, to walk in all his ways, and to offerinsr s, and your ("acrifices, and vour
eave unto him ; tithes, and heave-orTcri:;?.<;of your haul,
>j Then will the LORD
drive out all and your vows, an', your free-will-offer-
:\e nations from before you. and ye ings, andthenrfthngsuf vour herds, and
ill pgreater nations, and migrt-
-tlel's ol your Rocks.
r than your letves. And there ye fhall e2t before the
14 Every place whereon the feles of LOKD your God, zpA ye fhall rejoyee
ur teet lTinU tread, fhall be yours: in all that von put vour hand un'o, ve and
>m the wildernefs, and Lebanon, trom vour hen Ids wherein the Lord th*

e river the river .Euphrates, evenuiuo God hath b^lTed thee,

euttcrmolt tea, fhsil! vourcoaft J! Ye do after all tbi things that
fhall not
x> There fhall no man bo -ab! wi do here iay, ^vefy man whjtjb-
tijij (

fore vou : \or the LORD

vour god ever is hisown
right in r"

all lay the fear of you, and the dread ot l'oryearenct as vet come to the

G 71
Btoo.i ftnhiditn. Beutercnori Whirl f (At holy tbh:
and to the inheritance which the LORD clean, and the clean lfcall eat tf
ycurG;d?ive:hvou. alike,
ic But when v'e <ro over Jord m, and a: Only be Aire that thou eat no
dwell »n the land whicii the Low) yeur blood: for the Wood w the life, anj
God gj'/erh you to inherit, ayd spJwi he tnayil rot eat the lite with the riefh.
fiivcfh >cu rell from all your 14 Thou ihalt not eat it i thcu iha
rouna about, trcll in fafety. pour it upon the earth as water.
n Then there ftufl be a place winch K Thou ihalt rot ,, m
the Lour ybutGod l&aii chooJeto came go well with tbeei and with thy c
his name to dwell there, thither ihallyv after thee, when thoufnalt ao r^jf rr/,.-(
£ring all thai 1 coi , your " right in the ligfat of the Lo»l>
burat-Oberings, and youi facrifices. your &6 Oiily thv holy things which t!«
tithes, 91 \ot halt, and rhj vows, thou ihalt tak~, U
hand, ar.d all your choice vqws which go unto the flace which the Lord :ha
ye vow unto the' LoRI>. choo'e :

11 And
ye fhall rejovce before the Lord .17 And thou fhalt offer thy burnt-offt
your God, ve, and your Ions, .-.v, the r.elh and the blood,
upon tl_
daughters, arid vour meo-JerTants, and alt:rot the Lord th> God : and the
your maid-OrrvatKs, and the L.vite thar cftoy facnficea Run be poured cut upc
ii within your gates ; turafmuch as he thealtarot th-2 Lord thy God, and th
hath no partner inheritance with you. Ihalt eat the fleflj.
n Take heed to thy lelf that thui 18 Obierve and hear
all wJH.
offer not thy burnt-offerings in every which I command thee, that ir rrtay^B
place that thou well with thee, and with thy ch.l.lyM
14 But in trie place which the LORD :<tter thee tor ever, when thou doll
fhall choole in one of thy tribes, there thou rvbicb r'< good and right in the light
of d .

fhalt crier thy burnt-offerings, and there Lord thy God,

thou ihalt do all that I command thee. 2-) fl When the Lord thy God (h
1? Notwithstanding, thcu mayft kill and cut off the nations from before thee
eatrlefni-. all thv gates, wh -tlbevcr thy whither thou goelt to poffefs them, ar s

flul lufteth alter, according to the blelling j

thou fucceeaelt them, and dwelled:
ot the Lord thy God which he hath given their land ;
thee: the unclean .".rviti-ie clean may eat I 3c T2ke heed to thv ielf that thou bi
thereof, as of the roe-buck, andasof the . not fnaredfcy following them, after th;
hart. I they be r>.eftroyed from before thee, ar
16 Only ye fhall not eat the blood ; ye j
that thou enquire not after their goo"
fhall pour it upon the earth as wa~er living, How did thefe nations ferre the
17 1\ Thou mavit not eat within thv gods 5 even (b will I do hkewife.
gates the tithe c t thv corn, or of thy wine, ;i Thou (halt not do fo unto the Lor
crofthvovi, or thefirftlingsof thy herds, thy God: lor every abomination to th
or of thv rlock, ncr any; oi thv vows which Lord which he ha'teth, have they don
thcu vowelt, nor thy free-w', unto their go.'.s for even their if

or heave-offering of thine hand : their daughters they have burnt in the

18 But thou mult eat them b:tore the hre to their gods.
Loud thy G
>d, in the place which the hat thing foeverl command vou,
Lp£U thy God fhsll choole, then, and thy ob'erve'M do it thou fhalt not add there-

(on, and thy aaushrer, and thy man-l'er- to, nor di mini fh from it.
vant, and thy maid lervant, and theLe- e n a p. xiii.
vite that it within thy gates and thou
Enti:en to idolatry ^re tobtjfowd, ScC,
fhalt rmoyce before the" Loud thv God, there arife amonz you a nrophet, or
in all that thou pucteit thine hands in-
IFa clrea". erof dreams, and giveth theea
to. fignor a wonder,
19 Take heed to thv felt that thou for- 1 And the tign cr the wonder come to
fake not the Levite as" long as thou liveft i>3f"s, whereefhefpak," unto thee, t'ayin

upon thy earth. Let us r/o after other cods, ( which' thou
zo <! When the LORD
thy God fhall halt not known 3 and fetus ferve them ;
enlarge thv border, as he hath promi'ed 3 Tl'ou Ihalt not hearken unto the word
thee, and thou (halt lay, I wiM enfhfti of that prophet,or that dreamer of dream
C becaufe thy foul !onge*h to eai tor'he Lord your God proveth you, t
thou maytt eat iiefh wlatlbever thy foul know whether you love the Lord voi
lufteth after. God with all your heart and with all yo
n Ir the p!2ce which the Lord thy leal.
God hath chofento put his name there, 4 Ye fhall walk after the Lord you
be too far from thee ; then thou (h Gud, and tear him, ami keep hi< com-
of thy herd a:-:d of thv dock, which the mandments, and obey his voice, and you
Lord hath given thee, as 1 have com- lhall ferve him, and cleave unto him.
mandos' thee, and thcu fhalt eat in thy f /\nd that prophet, or that dreaivurof
gates wharlbever tnv foul luiteth after. dreams thai! be put to d.-ath f becaufe he
vt Even as the rue- buck and the hart hath fpoken to turn you away trom the
., fothou fhalt cat thsni: the un- LORD vour Gcu, which brougJ
; .

notto btfwred.
otdtjvrs Chap. xiv. ltmt «<? bt etUn.
f the lanS of Eeypt, and redeemed C H A P. XIV.
nit of the troulecT bondage, ro thrult may
and ' not-,&c.
be eaten,
oat ot the way which the LORD VE art the children ol the L6KU your
God commanded thee to walk in ) lo 1 God: yc fl^all not cut your felves, nor
. thou put the evil away lrom the make any bakineis between your cy •%
i oi thee. tor the dead.
It <hy brother the lor. ot thy mo- i For thou art an holy .people unto the

or thy Ion, or thy daughter, or the

, thy God, and the hath LORD
(oi thybofom, or thy friend- which chofen thee to be a peculiar pcopleunto
thin -own foul, entice thee lecreily, Ihml'ell, above ail the nations that are
lg, Let us go and tcrve other srods upon the earth.
lich thou halt not known, thou,' nor ; 11 Thou (halt rue* eat any abominable
lathers; 'tiling.
tttmtfyi of the gods of the people 4 Thefe»;-e the beafts which ye (hall
.h are round about you, nigh un-.o eat: tteox, the ihee-p, and the goat,
or far off from tkee-, trom the mi
- The hart, and the
, rbsdflick, a.idt&e .

of the earth even unto the other end fallow-deer, and the wild goat, and th»
bceartlO pygarg, and the wild ox, and the cha-
Thou ltialt not confent unto him, nor aiois:
rkefl unto him neither fhal! thine
-, 6 And every beafi: that parteth the hoof,
pity him, neither fhalt thou fpare, and cleaved) the cleft inro two claws,
.her lhalt thou conceal hint. and cheweth the cud amon? the beafts i-
But thou '.halt Purely kill him; thine that ye fhall eat.
a fhal! b : fint upon ro put him to 7 Nev-ertheleis. tnefe ye fhall not eat,,
tli, and auerwardsiheha'iidof all the of them that chew the cud, or of thrm
that divide the cloven hoot ; *< the camel,
And thou fhalt itone him with (tones, and the hare, and the coney-, tor they
he die : became he hath irught to chew the cud, bur divide not the hoof j
til thee awav from the LpRD'thy God, [ tbirefort ihjey are unclean nnto ydtt.
:0 brought tnee out yf the Ian.', of 8 And the" Iwine, beceale it dtvideth
pt, from the boule of bondage. the hoof, yet eheweth not the cud, it it
And all ifrael iliall he"ar, ai unclean unto you ye lhall not eat of :

(hall Jo no nior; any fucii wicked- the.r tied!, nor rouch theirdead carcafe.

i a.s this is amor? you. o si Thele ye frail eat of all that arts
«i If thou fhalt hear fat in one of thy in the praters ill that have tins and •.

s, which the LORD

thy God hath Icales fhall ve eat :

en thee ro dwell there, Lying, 10 And w'hatfoever hath not fun and '

1 Certain-men, .the children of Belial, fcales, ye may not eat : it u unclear, unto
gone out from among you, and have you.
ldrawn the Inhibitantiot their citv, u fl Of all clean buds ye (hall eat.
ing, Let us go and Carve other gods ij. Butth-Me are they of which ye ihall

hich ye have" no: known; not eat the eagle, and the. ofnf rage, and :

4 Then (bait thou enquire and make the ofpray,

rch, and ask diligently and behold, 13 And the glede,
: and the kite, and
tt be truth, an.l the thing certain, the vulture alter Ms kind,
t luch abomination is wrought among 14 And every raven aire: his kind,
And the owl, and the prght-haMie* K
<;Thou fhalt furely fmitethe inhabi- and the cuckow, and the hawk after his
ts of that city with the edge of the kind,
oid, deitroving it utterly, and all that 16 The little owl, and the great owl,
therein, arid the cattle thereof, with aui the fwan,
. edge of the (word. 17 And the pelican, and the ?:ier-eagle,
;6 And thou fhalt gather all the fpoil and the cormorant,
it into the midft of the itreet there- 18 And the ftork, and the heron after
, 'and litalt burn with fire the city, her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.
d all the fpoil thereof every whit, 19 And every 'creeping thing that fii-
: the LORD
thy God : and it jhall eth, i; unclean unto you they fhaJl not :

an heap for ever, it (hall not be be eaten.

ilt aeain. ii But of a! 1 dean lowls ye may eat.
if And therefhall cleave noughtof the ir 5! Ye (hall not eat of »ny thing that
rfed thing to. thine band- "that the dieth of it felt: thou (halt g;;ve it unto-
)RD may turn from the fierceneis of his theftranger that n in thv gates, that he
igof, and fhew thee mercy, and have may eat it, or thou may it fell ,t unto an
rhrsflonuponthee, and multii/ly thee, ! alien for thou art an holy people unto

worn unto thy fathers

1 1
the LORD
thy God. Thou fhalt not
:n thou fhal't hearken to the leetfte a kid in his mothers milk.
lice of HieLour. thy God, to n
Thou fcalf truly tithe all the in-
is torn m and marts which
I command |
crjsafe or thy fee;'., thar the field brin<reth
re thisdav, to-iofh. t vob :b ii right in iorth year by jiean.
• if the Losu .thy God. 1 ai And thcuYrait eat before thetoKD
; : :

*«**; Beuter snomy. f)f tht Htlrtw ftrvtnt.

t»y Gad, in tfce place which h- fhall thy heart, nor ihut thine hand from
CAook- to place his name there, the tithe th
I>oor brother
or thy corn, of thv wine, ana of thine ovl,
8 But thou fhalt open thine hand wid
and the firftlingsSt th; herd-, and cF thy unto him, ana Ihalt finely lend knu luhi
Ho: Its-, tha. thou mayit learn to tear the cienttor hisneed, intb*t which he wan
Loro tbv Gad always. tuh.
it Audit the way We too ieng for thee, Q Beware that there be nat a though
fothat thou art not able to carry it, or if in thy wicked heart, fayin?,
the place be too far from thee, which the year, theyaatot
releafe is'at hand: aiffY
LORD thy Gad (hall choofe to let his thin.* eye ba evil
againft thv poor brother J
Harme there, when the LOUD
thy God and. thou snveit him nought, and he mr*'
hath bleded thee: uinq the Lord agamlt thee, and it be fii
ai Tiien ihalt th » f urn it into' money, unto thee.
and bin. up the money in thine hand, and
tc Thou fhalt finely give him, and thiiji
ihalt go unto the place which jhe LOR J heart fhall not be grieved when thou
thy God (hall choofc. eltunto him: becaufe that for this thiol
16 And than fhalt bellow that monsy the Lord thy God fhall bl
.for whanbever thy foul linteth alter, for thy works, and in all mat thou
oxen, or for fheep, or for wine, or for thine hand un-o.
ftrcng, drink, or lor whalibevr (£y louJ t( For the poor fhall never ceafeouto,
de.ireth: and thou ihalt eat there before the land: therefore I command thee, lay-
the Lord thy God, and thou fhalt rejoyce, ing, Thou fhalt open thine hand wide un
hou and tlune houhold. to thy brother, to thy po,.r, ana to tin
1- And the Lsvite that is within thy needy, m thy land.
gates, thau (hafcji-Jt fori ake him- 1 tor he And if thy brother an Hebre*
11 f, ITCW I,

ha»h no part nor inheritance with thee. - man, or an Hebrew woman, be foldtq^
unto .

z3 11 At the end of three years thou tbee, and ferve thee fix years 5 then
fhalt bring fotth all the tithe ef thine
increafe the 1" me year, and Ihalt lay it
v\. withm thy Rates.
19 And the Levite becaufe he hath no
from thee.
And when
from thee, thou
year thou, (halt let

thou fendelthim out fret

fhalt not let him go a-
par: n or inheritance with thee) and the way empty
Jrxanyer, and the fatherleis, and the wi- id T.1011 fhalt ftrrnifh him liberally out
dow, "which An within thy rates, fhall of. thy fleck, and out of thy floor, and ou
come, and fh^.tl eat and be fatisfi^ ; otth) wine-prefs of thxt wherewith th

that the LORDthv God may blefs thee LORD thy God hath bleded thee, the
in all the workor thine hand which thou Ihalt give un.o him.
1? And thou (halt remember thatthi
C H. A P. XV. r
waft a bonci-man in the land of Egypt, tl
Tbt Cevinlb inr * yar of rtltsft, &c. the Lord thv God redeemed thee": ther
iore L command thee this thing to day.
AT the end of wtrj fev.en years thou
'halt make a rele-le. t(S And it lliall be if he i'ay'unto the
i And this" the manner of the releafe : I will not go away Iron thee ( becaufe h
Ev.-rv creditor that lendeto ou-ht unto his loveth thee and thine home, becaufe hi
neighbour; fhall rel -ale if, he fhall not is well with thre)
1- Then thou Ihalt take an aul,
exat't ft of his neighbor, or of hi bro- and
ther, becaufe it is ralledthe LORD* re- thruft it through his ear unto the door
and he fhall be thy fervant tor ever and :

5 Of a Foreigner thou niayft exact it alio unto thy maid-fervant thou ihalt dc
*?,i7»: but tb*t which is thine with thy likewife.
brother, thme hand (hall releafe: 18 It fhall not feem hard unto thee when
4. Save when there fhall be
no poor 2- thou fended him.awav-free from thee 3 for
mong you: tor the 1-OR.D (hall I'natly he hatjt been worth a'double hired i'ervanr
blefs thee in the laid which the LORD totbsii in fervins thee fix years and the :

thv Gvt liveth thee pr an inheritance Lor b thy God fhall blefs thee in all that
to'pollefs it thou doll.
? Onlv if tliou carefully
hearken unto 19 «1 All the firftling males that come
the voice of the LORD
thy God, to ob- of thy herd, and of thy nock, thou fha"
A-rve to do all thele commandment*
which I command thee this day.
6 For the Lord thy God blejfleth thee
a.s he promifed thee, and thou fhalt lend

unto many nations, but thou Ihalt not

borrow-; and thou fhalt reit^n over-many thy God year bvvear, in the place xvhirfc.
nation*, but they lhall not reign over the LORD mail choofe, thou andfthy
thee. houmold.
if there be among you a v And if thereby any blemifh therein,
efoneof thy brethren, wuhmanvo: thj .1' if it bt lane, or blind, or b*vc any ill
in land which the LORDthv
blemi.h. thou (halt not facrifice it unto
God givetb'theei thou fhalt not harden the LOKD thy God,
j* Thou

fea/l of the p*ffov:r. Chap. Xvi, xvi The feaft of tAberntttes.

i Thou (halt eat it within thy gates u tl Thou fhalt obferve the feaft of
unclean and the clean per fan jhall- tat it bernacles feven davs, after that thou
ke, as the roe-buck, and as the hart. gathered in thy corn, and thy wine.
3 Only thou fhalt not eat the Wood 14 And thou fhalt rejoyce in thy feaft,
reot thou fhalt pour it upon the
: thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, and
mnd as water. thy man-lervanr, and thy maid-fervant,
C H A P. XVI. and the Lcvite, the itranger, and the fa-
therlels, and the widow, that are within
The ft Aft of tbi pJ]'ovtr, &c.
\3lerve the month of Abib, and keep thy gates.
J the paffover unto the thy LORD u Seven days fhalt thou keep a folemn
d : tor in the month of Abib the reait unto the Lord thy God, in the place
)Ki) thy God brought thee forth out or which the LORDfhall choofe: becaufe
7jK by night. the LORDthy God iliall blefs thee in
T.iou fhalt therefore facrifice the p .!- ill thy increale, and in
all the works of
'erunto the Lord thy God, ot the flock thine hands, therefore thou fhalt lurely
rejoyce. '
d the 'herd, in the place whicL the Lokj>
all choofe to place his name there. i6tj Three times in- a year lhall all thy
? Thou fliart eat no leavened bread piales appear before the Lord thy God,
th it liven days fhalt thou eatunlea- in the pfare which he lhall choofe
: : in the
ned bread therewith, even the bread of reait ot unleavened bread, and
in the
diction ('for thou cameft lorth out or
realt of- weeks, and in the leaftof taber-
6 land of bgypt in hal'te ; that thou nacle*: and they fhail not appear before
ayit remember the day when thou the LORD emprv.
melt forth cut of the land ot Egypt, i7 Every man Jball give as he is able*
the days of thy life. according to the blefllng of the
thy God which he hath given thee.
4 And there lhall be no leavened bread
en with thee in ali thy roaits <even 18 Judges and officers fhalt thou
ys, neither flud! there any thinzot the make thss irr all thv gates which the
Ih which thou f acrificedft the tirll day LORD thy God giveth thee throughout
even, remain all night until the mor- thy tribes and they fhail judge the peo-

ng. ple with juft judgment.

?*Thou mavfl not facrifice the paffover 19 Thou malt not wreft judgment, them
thin anv of thy gates, which the LORD ihalt not refpect perfons, neither take
y God giveth "thee. gift for a gilt doth blind the eyes of

But at the place which the LORD the wife, and pervert the words of the-
ly God fhal! choofe to plac: his name in, righteous.
lere ihou fhalt facririce the. paffover at io That which is altogether juft fhalt
en, at the eoing down of the fun, at thou to uw, that thou mavlt live, and in-

cieafon that thou camelt forth out of herit the land which the' Lord thy God
gvpt. giveth thee.
7' An I thou fhalt roft and eat ft in the it V, Thou fhilt no*- nlant thee a grove
lace which the LORD fhy God lhall of any trees near unto the altar of the
hoofe and thou fhalt turn inthemorn-
•.. LORD thy God, which thou fhalt make
z, and so unto thy tents. thee.
5 Six days thou fhalt eat unleavened nNeither fhalt th*>u fet thee up any
i?ad, and on the feventhday J>:aII be a image, which the LORD
thy God ha-
3lemn allembly to the thy God: LORD '

hou fhalt do no work therein.


Tkmgi fterijited mufi

9 «\ Seven weeks fhalt thou number be found, ScC
nto thee: begin to number the feven •"pHou fhal' not facrifice nn-othe Lord
ircm/'ucb^time arthou beginnelt to 1 thy God any bullock, or fheep, where-
•ut the fickle to the corn. in is blemifh, or any evil-favourednefs :
to And thou fhslr keep the feaft of for that ii an abomination unto the LORD
veeks uuro the LORD
thy G">d with a thy God.
nbute of a free-will-offering ot *hine -i tilt there be found among vou within
land, which thou fhalt give un'o the any, of thy gates which the thy LORD
:ORD thy Goi, according as the LORD God sriveth thee, manor woman that hat
hy God hath blefTed thee. wrought wickednefs in the fight of the
ii And thou ihalt rejoyce l>efore the LORD thy God in tranfgreffing his
.ORnthyGod, thou, and thy Hon, and thy covenant,
aug-:ter, and th^nnn-fervant, and thy ? And hath cone and ferved other gods,
naid-fervant,and theLevitethatn wiHiih and worfhipped them, either the fun, or
h>; g:-.tes, and the itranser, and the father- moon, or anvofthehoft of heaven, which
el's, and the widow, that are among you, I have not commanded ;
n the place which the l.or.o thv God hath 4 And it be told thee, and thou hsft
.-hoi en to place hiiname there." heard of it, and enquired dilieently, and
n And thou ill al r renumber that thou behold, it it true, and the thins certain,
•vafl a bond-man in Egvpt: and th.Jii that fuch abomination is wrought in If-
Siaic obfirve and do thefe ftatutec. rael:
- 5 Then
. i

udgu ofeantrovt De
? Then I
a.:tvcb::t> r'j before the prie
or that woman ( w h have committed Levites.
that wicked thins untc thy-gat<
' And itbe with him, i

that minor that woman, and*ihalt (Ion.- (hall read therein all the d3\ sot I

them with [tones, ti th the may learn to fear the LOT

6 At the mouth r.i tvVa Witneffes, or God, to keep all the worth o; t!
three witneffes. he that is worthy
(hall and thei.' ftatutes, to do them :

of death] be' ptflto death hnt ;

i That his heart bene: luted u;i
mouth oj one witnel.s oe (hall not he put 'ys brethren, and that he mrn no
to death. te commandment to tberiFl
7 The hand? of the witneflfes (hr.ll be It to the end

firft upon him rb death, tnd -r/todays in his kingdoai ; 1

afterv. •
peop!e : dldren :ii the rnidftoY Ilrael
fo thou
mons; you.
8 «: 1 there arrfe
put the evil away from a-

a matter too hard tor

thee in judgment, between Wood and
blooa, between pica and plea, ai
The Ic
an J all t
Levi, fh^ilhave no parr nflf
i'h lfrael
triev fhaU eft .
P. XV11I.

fweenltroke aqd ftroke, bi^ni m •ring; of the LORD made .

controvert within thy rates": -hen fliali -

thou arife, and get thee~up into the place terefbre .''•'all they have no inhejM
which the LORD
th) G-,'.;"h?i: c tance amontr their brethren: theLO|H
9 And thou (halt come unto thepfiefts i their inheritance, as he hath laid
the Levires, a;ut unto the judge that (hall
be in thefedays, and enquire; "' 3 A And this (hall be the prielt?
ihall fhew thee the fertt-nce ot' judgment. from the people, from them that o,f<
ic And thou fhajt do according 1'acrifice, whether it be ox or fheep
fentence which they o: that place they (hall giveurrto the prieft thefhi
the I. oui! <.haUcrrb<e J lh.aU (hew thee, der, a^d the t*vo cheeks, and the ma
2nd thou (halt obferve to do according 4 Th- ftrft-fruit alfo of thy •

to all that they inform thee: thv wine, and of thy ov and t: 1

ti According to the fentence of the rleeceof thy ihecp fr.uit thou cive
law which they (hall teach theei and ;.im.
according to the judgment which they ? ForthcLORD thy God hat!
iha',1 tell thee, thou !>"a!t J.o thou thatt him out of all
to ftandtomU
r.ot decline- from the fentence whi nilter in the name oi i..e LORD, him and
fliali (hew thee, to the right hand nor to his lb as forever.
the left, ' And if a Levite Conic from any o'
n And the man that will do prelum- thygatesout of all lfrael, where
ptuoufly, and will not he?rken unto the jrvirried, and come with all I

rrieft [ that ftandeth to minuter there be- his mind unto the place which the Lord
tcre the LORD
thy G-. or un^o t^.e ihall c
' )

judge, even that man (hall die and thou 7 Thenheffcallminifterin the nameofl

ftialt put awav the evil row lfrael. ;

the his God, a? all his bi LORD
13 And all "the people mall he ires 2j, which Hand there berbrf
fear, and do no more prefumt-tuoi^y. the LORD.
14 «1 Wren fflou art com; ijnto the 3 Thevfhall have like portior.
land which the LORD
thv Go.'. ^v-" befirie that which cometh of the 1 '!

thee, and (halt poffefsit, and (halt dwell .

therein, and fh alt fay, 1 will fet a fctnjr 9<i When thou art come into the land'
over me, like as all the nations that are which the I thy God. giveth thee,
about me thoufhalt not learn to do a'Fter the abo-
i< Thou (halt in anv wife fet him ations of thofe nations,
ever thee whom the Lokh thy God (hail to There&all not be found among yo«
choofe: one from anions; tnv brethren *«/ p«* tharmaketuhis lonor ms daagfta

jhalt thou fet king over thee- tfioymuyft tertcpafs through the fire, or that uferh ~
rot fet a ftransrer over thee, which'/, divination, or an oblerver ot times
r.ot thv brot rn inchanter,,
16 But he ih'll not multiply horfes to' n Or a channer, cr a conlulter wit
hjmfelf, nor cauft th« people to leturn familiar 1'pirits, or a wizard, or a necro
to Egyj t, to the end that he feon f -r.

tiplyhor uchasfheLoRi ror all that do thefe things are -

faidumoyow, Ye ihall henceforth return abomination un-o the Lo«p: andbecautt

no more that way. efe abominations, the ORD thy 1

17 Neither !><li he multiply wives to God doth drive them out from
hinifetf, that his heart turn ror .

rrearly multiply to him- g Thou (halt be perfca with t

and gold.
f> It
!.': And it fhaH bewhenh •!

thetftrone of his king ' '• "H pcilc s, hearknedu/-toc vcrversolnm.


write him ace

. . : :

\i/} tbt trus prophet. Chap. six, xx. Citiet of refuse.

into diviners? tut as for th in as much as he hated him not in time

[I)thy God hath npt lurtcred thee lb paft.
- Wheretore 1 command thee, faying,
lq The LORD
thy Godwin raifeup^ Thou lhalt feparate three cities lot
"thee a Prophet from the midft or thee.
01 thy brethren, like unto me ; unto, H Ana if the LORD thy God enlarge
j-eihaii hearken. thycoad as he hath fwom unto thy la- (

fAccortUng to all that thoudefiredlt thers; and give thee all the land which
fe LORD thy God inHoreb, in the -he promised to give unto thy lathers;
bf the alfembly, faying, Let me not q It thou fhalt keep all thefe" com- i.

asraiP. the voice ef the LORD my mandments to do them, which I com-

I; melee this great fire a-
neither let mand thee this day, to lov<* the LORD
.ore, that die not. I
thy God, and to walk ever in his ways;
laid unto me, They
• then (halt thou a ad three cities more Ice
: wetifpo&n that winch they have po- I th^e, beiide thefe three :

re That innocent blood be not fhedin

T will raife them up a Pjrophet from thy land which the Lord thyGoa giveth
ng their brethren, like unto thee, thee fjr an inheritance, and/b bloba bs
will put my" words in his mouth, upon thee.
fpsa'k unto them all that I
it fl&utif any man hate his neighbour

l feomm and him. and he in wait tor him, and rife up agamft
And it fhall come to pafs, who- him, andfmitc him mortally that lie die,
er will not hearken tm'O my words and flecth into one of thefe cities:
.hhe (hall fieak in my, I will ti Then the eldersof his city i> all fend
lire of him. it and fetch him thence, and deliver him in-
But the prophet which ihallprefume to the hand ot the avengerof blocd, that v

peak a word in my name, winch I he may die.x

e nor commanded him ipeak. or to 13 Thine eye fhall not pity liim, but
(hall ipeak in the of other thou lhalt put away the gutit of innocent
s, even thar prophet flu' blood from Urael, that it may fo well
And if t.iou lay in thir. •
heart, How with thee.
11we know the word which the LORD t4 11 Thou fhalt not remove thyneieh-
h not fpoken ? bours/:n.i.mark, which they of old time
l When a prophet Ipeaketh in the have let in thine inheritance winch thou
e of the LORD, if the thinz follow '.hair inherit, in the land that the LORD
nor cometo pais, that is the thina; th\ Gcd giveth thee to poflTefs it.
ch the LORD" hath not fpoken, but i? 11 One wnnefs fhall not
up againft rife
prophe 1-
hat., fpoken it preiumptuouf- a man for any iniquity, cr for any An, in
thou fnalt not be afraid of iv.m any fin that he tinneth : at the mouth of
C l
two witneffes, or at the mouth of three
The cities of refuse, S;~. witnefles fhall the matter be eftablifhed.
T Hen the LORD thy God hath cut t6 51 If a falfc witnefs rife up againft .
IV JtY the nations, whole lan.t the any mantoteftifieagamit him tbat%ob:cb
>RD thy God giveth thee, and thou is wrong
them, and dwelled in their i7 Then both the m?n between whom
ies, and in their houfes ; the controverl'y is, fhall Hand before the
i Thou lhalt leparatc three cities for Lord, before the prielts, and the judges
ee in the midlt of thy land whir!-, the which Hull be in thole days.
3RD thy God givcth thee to poffei's it. iSAnd the judges fhall make diligent
1 Thou flialt prepare thee a way, and inquisition : and behold, if the witnefs b*
vide the cuaftsof thv land which the ( afalfe witnefs, .mihath teftified falfly a-
JRDthy God giveth thee to inherit} gainit his brother
to "three parts, that every flayer may 19 Then fhall ye do unto him, as he
:e thither. had thought to have done unto his bro-
4- fl And this is the cafe of the flayer, ther lb flialt thcu put the evil away

hich lhalL flee thither, that he may live : from amen? you.
Hiofc killeth his neighbour ignorantly, lo And tlTofe which remain fhall hear,
horn lie hated not in time pait, and fear, and fhall henceforth commit no
? As when a man goeth into the wood more any luch evil among you.
ith his neighbour to hew wood, and ix thine eye fhall not pitv, bat life

s hand fet'cheth a ftroke with the ax foaU $0 tor life, eye f^r eye, 'tooth fox
rut down the tree, and the head tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
ppeth from the helve, and lighteth
»n his neighbour, that he die; he
all flee unto one of thole cities, and
ve :

6 Left the avenger of the blood purfue

e flayer, while his heart is hot, and over-
W psofle encouragtd to battle, &c.
Hen thou e-ocft out to battle againfl
thin» enemies, and feell hori'esand
chariots, a\4 a people more than thou, be
netatraid ot them for the thy : LORD
kehim, becaule the way Is long, and flay God is with thee, which brought theeuo
jn, wkcieashevpuf not worthy ol death. out of the land of Egypt*
1 ASd
Encouragement to battle, Deuteronomy, Uncertain mdl
i And it (hall he when ye are come nigh tfj Tha> they teach you not todȣi
unto the battle, that the prieifc (hall ap- all their abominations, which they If
proach and (peak unto, the people, done un'o their gods, lb fhould ve fill
A And (hall lay unto them, Hear, O gainft the LORD yov God.
Ifrael, you approach tms day unto battle 19 V. Whenthoufhaltbefiegeacity a. I
agamit your enemies let not your hears : time, in making war againft it to'tak. I
faint, fear not and do not tremble, nei thou (halt not deftroy the trees thei'I
the he ye terrified bceaufeof them. by forcing an ax againlt them: for
4 For tht LORD
your God it he that msyfteatol them, and thou fhaltnot
goeth with you, to fight lor you againlt them down ( tor the tree of the fieli
your enemies, to fare you. manstffe to imploy them in the liege.

? 11 And the officers (hall freak unto 1 Only the trees which thou knu»
the people, faying, What man is there that they be not trees for meat, fl
that hath huili a new houfe, and hath (halt delt'Oy and rut them down
; j
not dedicated it? let him s,o and return thou Unit build bulwarks asrainit the
to his houfe, left he die in the battle, and that maketh war with thee, until it
another man dedicate it. lubdueJ.
6 And what man it he that hath plant- C1I A P. XXI.

ed a vineyard, and hath wa yet eaten of The exp ration oj uncertain murder, &
it? let him aljo go and return unto his one be found ilain in the land whi
houfe, left he die In the battle, and ano- IFthe LORD
thy God giveth thee to u]
ther man oaf ot it. lels it, lying in the field, and it be ri
7 And what man is then that hath be- known who hath (lam hirfl :

trothed a wife, and hath not taken her? i Then thy elders and thy jud7eifhi ^
let him go and return un-o his hcu'e, left come torth, and they fhall meafureW
he die in battle, and another man take
the cities which are round ab^ut
that is ilain.
M jf,

8 And the officers fhall fpeak further 3 And it (hall be that the citv \xbieS.\
unto the people, and they mall fay, What
man 7"; there that fearful an
next unto the (lain man, even the
of that city lhall take an heifer whtfl
i faint-
i> :

hearted ? let him go and

return unto his hath not been wrought with, and whic
houl'e, left his brethren* heart faint as hath not drawn in the yoke.
well as his heart. 4 And the elders of that city fh-JJ hrin
9 And it fhall be when the officers have down the heifer untQ a roti
ma e an end of fpeakinyunto the people, winch is neither eared norfownT and fhs
that they fliall make captains of the ar- ltrike off the Heifers neck there in t
mies to !e\ffl the people. valley.
tc 51 Whenthou comeft nijh unto a * And the prieftsthe forts of Levi fh;
city to fight againft it, then proclaim coimenear for them the LOR (it!:. G(

peace unto it. hath chofen to minuter unto him, an

11 And ltfhallbe, if it make theean- blefsinthe naneo! t;<e LORD; and b
fwerof peace, ana open unto thee, then their word frail every controveriie an
it fhall b- all the people that it found every ftrokebe fried.
therein,, and G And all- the elders of that citv that
they fhall ferve thee. are next unto the Ilain man, fhall" waft)
12 And if it will make no peace with their hands over the heifer that is be-
fhee, but will make war againft thee, headed in the valley.
then thou (halt beliegei'. 7 Ani they fliall anfw:r and fay, Out
t: And when the LORD
thy God hath hands have hot (Tied tins blood, neither
delivered it into thine hands, thou Jf alt JiaveoufeyeH leenrf:
fmite every male thereel with the edge 8 Be merciful, O LORD, unto thy
of the (word. people Ifrael, whom thou haft redeemed,
U But the women, and the lirle ones, notinnocent blood unro thy peo-

and the castle, and all that is in the city, ple of" lfraels charge. And the blood
even all the fpoil thereof (halt thou take fhall be forgiven them.
unto thy felt: and thou (halt eat the 9 S.i (halt thou put away the guiii of
fpoil of thine enemies, whicli the LORD innocent blood from among you, whei
thy Go.l hath given thee. thou (halt do that -vbich /'/"right in th
1; Thus Malt thou do untc all the cities fight of the LORD.
which are very far off from thee, which 1- T When thou gocft forth to war
are not of the cities of theft nations. ne rne ies, and rheLORDt!
16 Rut of the cities of thefe peo God. hat!ide':v Tedthem into thine hand
which the LORD
thy God doth give thee \
andthou hart taken then captive,
Tor an inheritance, thou fhalt fave alive it And fecit among theoaprives s b;au-l
nothing that breath :r!i :
ti tnl woman, and halt a defire unto her,l
1- Hut thou d.alt utterly d-frrovthem, that thou \v:nil Tt hive her to thy wife:
namely, the Hittites, and the Amontes, n
Then thou fhalt brin? her home to
the Canaanites. and the Perrzzitea, the thine houfe, and (he fhall fliave her head,
Hivitci, and the Jcbifitc, a^theLORD and pare her nails.
thy God ha|h commanded thee : 13 And flje fhall put the raiment of her
: : :

lubborn fon. Chap, Xxii. Divers laws.

vity from off her, and fhall remain 4 n Thou lhalt not fee thy brothers
ine houfe, and bewail her father and al's or his ox fall down by the way, and

jother a lull month: and after that, hide thy fell from them thou fhaltfurc-

("halt go in unto her, and be her ly help him to lift tktm up again.
Itad, and (he fhall be thy wife. ? 51 The woman
fhall not wear that
Ana it fhall be if thDu have no de- which pertaineth unto a man, neither
: in her, then thou (halt let her go fhall a man put on a wonuns garment
her .he will, but thou (halt not fell her for all that do fo art abomination
. umo
1 for money, thou fhalt not make the Loud thy God.
handife of her, becaufe thau haft 6 51 If abirdsneft chance to be before
Med her. thee in the way in any tree, or on the
51 it a man have two wives, onebe- ground, vcbttber tbey be young ones, or
d and another hated, and they have eggs, and the dam lilting upon the young,
him children, both the beloved and
or upon the eggs, thou fhalt not take
hated ; and if the firft-born fon be the dam with the young.
that was hated 7 Bur thou fhalt in any wife let the dam
Then it fhall be, when he maketh go, and take the young to thee, that it
fons to inherit that which he hath, may be well with thee* and that thou
he m
ay not make ihe fon of the be- mayft prolong thy days. ,-

:d, fuit>born, betore the fon of the 8 5J When thou buildeft a new houfe,
:d, which if inited the firlt-born t then thou fhalt mafte a battlement for thy
Put he (hall acknowledge the fon'of roof, that thou bring not blood upon
hated for the Hrft-born, by giving thine houfe, if any man fall from thence.
. a double portion of all that he hath: 9 H Thou fhalt not few thy vineyard
he is the beginning' of hisitrenglh, the with divers feeds: left the rruit ot'thy
U of the lirit-born is his. feed which thou halt (own, .and the iruit

? n If a man have aftubborn andre- of thy vineyard be defiled.

lioas fon, which will not obey the io 11 Thou fhalt not plow with an ox
se of his father, or the voice of his and an afs together.
her, and when they have chaft- u 51 Tiiou /halt net wear a garment
i him, will not hearken unto them: of divers forts, as of woollen and lineo
> Then (hall his father and his mo- together.
iy hold on him, and bring him out
ti 51 Thou fhalt make thee fringes up-
jo the elders of his city, and unto the on the four quarters o( thy vcttu-re, where-
e of his place: with thou covered r£y ftlf
And they ihall lav unto the elders of
i i3 5! If any man take a wife, and go
city, This our fon is Hub-torn and re- in unto her, and hate her,
lious, he will not obey our voice; btii 14 And give occaiion ol fpeech againft
'lutton, and a drunkard. her, and bring up an evil name upon her,
And all 'the men of his city fhall and fay, I took this woman, and when I
ne him with (tones, that he die fo : came to her, I found her not a maid :
It thou put evil away from among you, H Thenfhall the father of the damfel,
I all Il'rael fhall hear, and fearT and her mother, take and bring forth the
51 And if a m*an have committed a tokens of the damfels virginity, unto the
. worthy of death, and he be to be put ciders of the city in the gate.
f.ideath, and thcu hang him on a tree: t6 And the damfels father fhall fay un-
i? His body fhall not remain all night to the elders, I gave my daughter unto
an the tree, but thou (halt in any wife this man to wife, andhehateth her,
ry him that day ( for he that is hanged, i7 And lo, he hath given occasions of
accurfedof God ) that thy land be not fpeech again ft btr, faying, I found not
:hled, whichthe Lord thy God giv- thy daughter a maid ; and yet thefe are
h thee '/or an inheritance. the tokens of my daughters virginity and :

. CHAP. XXII. they lhall ("pread the cloth before the el-
Of immunity towards brethren, &c. ders ol the city.
r^Hou fhalt not fee thy brothers ox or t8 Arid the elders of that city fhall take
his (heep go aftray, and hide thy that man and chaftife him.
jlf from them: thou fhalt in any. cafe 19 And they lhall amerce him in an
ling them again unto thy brother. hundred
./bezels of tilver, and give them
Wx And if thy brother be not nigh unto unto the father of the damfel, b'ecaufehe
Biee, or if thou know him net, then thou hath brought up an evil name upon a vir-
.alt bring it unto<hioe ownhoufe, and gin or Ilrael and fhe fhall be his wife, :

fhall be with thee until thy brother he may not put her away all his days.
tor it, and thcu fhalt reftore it to 10 But if this thing be true, ana the
un. 1

tokens of virginity be not found for the

? In like manner fhalt thou do with damfel
is afs, and fo fhalt thou do with his xi Then they fhall brine out the damfel
iiment, and with all loft thing of thy tothed^r or her fathers" houfe and the
rothers, which he hath loll, "and thou men other city fhall ftoneher with (tones
ail fou id, fhalt thou dolikewife thou that fhe die becaufe fhe hath wrought
: . :

layR not hide thy felf. I folly


Of idtilttry, See. D | ronoray.

foil) in lirasl, to play the whore in her hor an Egyptian, becaufe thou
fathers houic : fo lhak' thou put evil away ftrangei in his land.
from amrmgyou. 8 The children that are beg
i» * It a man be found lying with a them, fhall enter jnto the con?r
woman married to an husband, then they of the LORD, in their third gene
ihall bcth of them die, both the man that 9 «i When the holt goerhfortha
lay with the woman, and the woman: lb thine enemies, then keep tiiee fro
(halt thou put away evil from Ifrael. ry wicked thing.
n V. It adanrfel tbati$ a virgin be be- to II If there be among you any
trothed untc an husband, and "a man find that is not clean, by rcafon' of unc' in'thecity, and lie with hjr : ne's that chanceth him by ni?ht,
14 Then ye mail bring them both out (hall he so abroad out of the campZ
unto the s;ate of that city, and ye fhall fhall nof come within the camp.
ltonethem with ftonesthat they die the ; it But it (hall fee when evening
damfel, becaufefhe cried not, &n#iuthe eth on, he fhall wahbimfeif with >
city; and themaji, becaufe he hath hum- and when the fun is down, he ihall
bled his neighbours wife: fo thou lhalt into the camp a?.un.
put away evij rrom among you. ti 11 Thonthalt have a place alfo
^^2T fl But if a man find a betrothed dam- out the camp, whither thou fruit go
#fe! m the field, and the man force her, abroad
e with her: then the, man only that ij And thou fhall have a paddle
1-^y with her, fhaU thy werpen : and it ihall bi when
i* But unto the damfel t!iou lhalt do wilt ea(e thy fclf abroad, thou ih;
fJWhing, tbin it in the damfel nz fin therewith, and (halt turnback and
Vtorjby ot death: for a; when a man that which cometh
rileth a^ainit his neighbour, and lbyeth 14- For the Lord thy God walketl
nim, even fo /; this matter. of thy camp, to deliver r^

27 For he found her in the field, and andtouiveup thine enemies before t
the betrorhed damfel cried, znAtterexvM therefore fhall thy camp beiiolv, th
none to i'ave her. fee no unclean thjng in thee,' and
1$ U If a man find a damfel tb.\+ is a :-.way trom thee.
vir-m, which is not betrothed, and lay if r Thou (halt not deliver unto h
hold on her, and lie with her, and they m2iter, the lervant whbh is e leapt
be iound : from his mafter unto thee.
-9 Thenthe man that lav with her, 16 He fhall dwell with thee, even a ma
ihall give unto the damfel s iatfier fitty you in that place which he (hall choo:
fitted of diver, and me fhall be his wife, in one of thy gates where it liketh
because he hath humtded her, he may thou (halt not opprefs him.
belt :

not put her away all his days. t7 Ti There (hall be no whore of
3o *1 A man {hall not take his fathers daughters of Ifrael, nor a fodomn
wite, nor dilcover his fathers skirt. the cm ot lfrael.
C H A P. XXI II. 18 Thou fualt not bring the hire o
Who may. en^tr into thi cowr elation-, &c. wh.^re, or the price ot a dog into
HE that is wounded in the ltones, or houfe of the thy God tor
hath, his privy member cut off, vow: tor even bath thefe art abomin.
{hall nc enter into the congregation of tktn unto the thy God.
the LORD. ?9 « Thou malt not lend upon ultti
i A baftard fhall not enter into the con- to thv brother; ufury of money, uliii
gregation of the LORD:
even to his of vicf.ja'?, ufirv of any thing that '

renth g -nerarion fhall he n^t enter into lent rpon ufury.

the rongresrun of the LORD. z~ Unto a dranger thou maylt len
1 An "Ammonite or Moabite fhall not upon ufury, but unto thy brother tho
enter into the congregation of the Lord ; -halt mt len.l upon u firry that th ;

even to their, tenth generation (haM they Lord thv God mav blels thee in all tha
no: enter into the congregation of the thou fetteft thine 'hard to, the Ian m
Limn for ever: !i thou goeft to poffets u.
a Becaufe tliev met you not with bread ii
- ' hen thou malt vow a vow unt
and with water in the wky, when ye came the LORD
thv God, thou lhalt not (la<
forth ou; of Egypt; ey hired to pay it: for the
thy God w LORD
againit thee Balaam the ("on of Beor ol liirely require it of thee ; and it wo
Pethor of M b fin in •

5 Neven •, the LORD

.*.-: ii But it thcu lhalt forbear to vow,

would nof hearken unto Balaam fhall be no fin in thee.

LORD thy G U turn v. i? That which is gone out or thy h
blemng unto thee, becaufe the LORD
lit keep and perform tvtn a trei j

thy Ciod loved I

will-odering, according as th
6 Thou fhaltnot feek their p*ace, nor vowed unto the thy God, whicl LORD
their pro!*perity all thv davs forever. tnou hait promiftd with thy mouth.
7 11 Thouwalt nocabhoi in Edomire, « \V hen thou comeft into thy neigh

for he it thy brother: thou lhalt BOM*

fvorctnittif. Chap, xxiv, xxv. Of iuftite And charity.
vineyard, then thou mayft eat K At his day thou fhalt give bim hi*
|.'sthy fill) at thine own pleaiure; hire, neither fhall the fun go down upon
[halt not put any in thy veilel. it, for he it poor, and fttteth his heart
JvViien tliou comett into flte ftand- upon it: led he cry agamft thee unto the
|orn of thy neighbours, then thou Lord, and it be fin unto thee.
pluck the ear's with thine hand \G The fathers fhall not be put to death

I'hou Unit not move a fickle unto or the children, neither fh'all the chil-
leighbours (landing-corn. dren be put to death for the fathers -.

A 1\ XXIV. every man fhall be put to death for his
[divorce, pledge:, man-Jlealers-, &c. own fin.
Hen a man hath taken a wile and i7 ll Thou fhalt not pervert the judg-
married her, and it cojne to pais ment of the ftranger, nor of the lather-
fhe find no favour in his eyes, be- lefs, nor take a widows raiment to pledge.
;.• be hath found fouie uncleannefs 18 But thou fhalt remember that thou
then let him write her a bill of waff a bond-man in Egypt, and the Lord
l-cement, and give it in her hand, thy God redeemed thee thence there-:

ll'end her our or.his houfe. fore I command, thee to do this thing.
ind when fhe fs departed out of his 19 11 When thou cuttelt down thin'?
i, the may go and be another mans harveft in thy held, and haft forgot a
fheaf in the- field, thou fhalt not go again
*nd if the latter husband hate, her, to fetch it it fhalf be lor the ftranger, for

.vrite.hera bill of divorcement, and the fatherld's, and for the widow, that
ih it in her hand, and fendeth her the Loud 'thy God may bfefs thee in all
1 his houfe i or if the latter husband the work of thine hands.
which took her to be his wife ; 2c When thou beateft thineclive-tree,
Her former husband which lent her thou fhalt not go over the houghs again:
may not take her again to be his it fhall be for the ftranger, for the la-
atter that fhe is defiled: for that therlels, and for the widow.
bcmination before the Loud, and it When thou gathereft the grapes of
lnalt not caufe the land to lin, thy vineyard, thou fhalt not glean it af-
h the Lord thy God giveth thee terward it lhallbe for the ftranger, toe

n inheritance. the latherlefs, and for the widow.

When a man hath taken a new is. And thou lhalt remember that thou
he mail not go out to war, neither waft a bond-man in the land ot Egypt:
lhe be charged with any bufinels but : therefore I command thee to do this thing,
trail be f r^e ai home one year.and fhall
I up his wife which he hath taken.
Stripe!muft not exceed forty, Sec.
I No man fh^ll take the nether or there be a controverfy between men,
upper milltone to pledge: for he TF
, and they come unto judgment, that
mi life to pledge. the ?%fe*l may judge them, then they
II If a man be found ilealing any of mall juftifie the righteous, and condemn
brethren ofthe children of Ifrael, and the wicked.
eth "merchandife ot him, or felleth 2 And it faall be, if the wicked man
i i then that thief fhall die, and thou
fa worthy to be beaten, that the judge
ll put evil awa* from among you. fhall caufe him to lie down, and to be
n Take heed,fn the plague ofleproiie, beaten before his face, according to his
t, thou obferve diligently,
and do ac- fault, by a. certain number,
ting to ail that the priefts the Levites 3 Forty ftripes he may dive him, and
U teach you: as I commanded them, not exceed left/'/hefhould exceed, and

ye (hall obferve to do.

beat him above thefe with many ftripes,
Remember what the Lord thy God f
hen thy brother fhould feem vile unto thee
unto Miriam bv theway, after that ye
re come torth out of Lgypt.
4 11 Thcu fhalt not muzzle the ox when
he tread eth cut the corn.
v When thou dolt lend thy brother
f V If brethren dwell together, and
•thing, thou fhalt not go 'into his one of them die and have no child, the
lie to fetch his pledge. .
wife of the dead fhall not marry with-
i Thou fhalt ftartd abroad, and the out unro a ftranger: her husbands bro-
n to whcio thou doft lend fhall brins
ther fhall go in unto her, and take hec
the pledge abroad unto the?.
to him to wife, and perform the duty
•.-And it the man be poor, thai fhalt
of an husband's brother untc her.
fleep with his pledge.
6 And it fhall be, that the firft-born
* In any cafe theu fhalt deliver him
the which flie beareth, fhall fucceed in the
age again when the fun coei-h do mi,
themay deep in hi ownraimenr, and name of his brother which n dead, that
his name be not pit out of Ifrael.
ls pee and it fhall he righteoufnefs
7 And if the man ike not to take his bro-

sthee before the Lord thy God.

thers wife, then let his brothers wife go up
1 «n Thou fha!t not opprefs an hired to the gate unto the elders, and fay, My
rant that is poor and needy,
whether husbands brother refurcth to raife up unta
* Of thy brethren, or of thy grangers his brother a name in Ifrael, he will not
: *rt m
thy land within thy gates j
perform the duty of my husbands brother.
8 Then
: : .

The iwmtitj} worn**. Deufero: The offering of the fi

8 Then the elders of his city mallear perifh vcu my lather, and he went 4>
mm, and fpeak umo him ami r/ :
i in'O Egypt, and fojourned t.:ere wii
to rf, and fjyi I like not to take her:
9 Then lhallhis brothers wire come un-
few, and became there a nation,
mighty, and populous.
to hi m in the pretence or the elders, and And the-Egyptians
6 evil enrreatei
loo.e his flioe from off hi' toot, andfpu ana afflicted us, and laid upon us i»
in his lace, and fhatlahl'wer tod hy, So bondage,
(hall it be done unto that man that will i. And when
we cried unto the Lc
not build up his brothers houle. God ot our lathers, the Lord heatfl
10 Arid his name fn:d! be called in Ifrael, voice, and looked on our affliction,
The hou,e orfhiin that hath his fh&e our labour, and our oppreflion.
lcc;ed. 8 And t>_ Lord brought us torthel
u f| When men ftrive together one Egypt with a mighty liand. .

with another, and the wife or the one out-flretched arm, and -with gre
draweth near lorHo deliver her husband rihlenefs.and with figns and with
outot the hand of him that I'miteth him, 9 Ana he hath brought us into
and putteth forth her hand, and taketh place, and hath giwen us this
mm by the fecrets aland that floweth with milk and

tz Then thou fhalt cutoff her hand, io And now behold, lhaveb
thiite eve (hall not pitv btr. firfl-fruits of the land, which
n * Thou fhalt not 'have in thy bap Lord, hail given me and thou fh :

divers weights, a great and a fmall. it before the Lord thy God, and
14 Thou fhalt not have in thine houfe belore the Lord thy God.
divers meafures, a great and a fmall. ii And thou fhalt rej'jyce in every go

But thou fhalt have perfect and ju!i


weight, a perfect and jult meafure flialt

ibmg which the LORD
thy Get J
giver. un:o thee, and unto :
thou have: that thy days may be length- thou, and the Levite, and the flrai
Red in the land which the' LORD^thy that 7 j among yen.
God giveth thzc. n «" When tf.on haft mace an ertd
i* For all that do fuch things, *nJ all tithing ail the tithes ot thine incrti
that do unrighteoufly, are an abominati the third year, wbiti it the year of tit
on tsmo the LORD thy God. ing, and hail given it unto the Lefl
r7 11 Remember whatAmalek did oh the llranger, the fatherlefs, and the i
to thee by tht way, when ye were come dow, that they may eat within thy ga
forth out of E?yr>t and be filled :

18 How he met thee by the way, ar.d t3 Then thoa fhalt fay before theL
fmote the hindmoft of thee, ev;n M
wire feeole behind thee, when thou tpj/?
thy God, 1 have brought away the hall
ed things out of »r'n« houle, and allot
faint and weary ; and he feared not God given them vnro the Levite, anduntc
»9 Tuererore it all be, when the Lord
. ltraneer, to theTatherlefs, and to the
thy God hath given thee reit from all thine dow,~3CCOrdingto all thy c-mmandm
enemies round about, in the land which which thou hatl commanded me : I I
the Lord thy God giveth thee for an in- not tranfgreiled thy commandments, n
heritance to poiTefsit, thou fhalt blot therhavel forgotten tb-.m.
out the remembrance of Amalek from un- t4have not' even thereof in
der heaven ; thou fhalt not forget it. mourning, neither have I taken aw
C a A P. XXVI. ouzbt thereof for *nj unclean a/», i
The offering of the firff.fruit', &c. given ought thereof for the dead bn •

ANdit ihallbe when thou <»rfcomein

unto the and which the Lord thy
have hearkned to the voice ot theLo
my God, and have dose according to
God giveth thee for an inheritance, and that thou haft commanded me.
poffetfefl it, and dweiteft therein : t; Look down from thy lo'y h2bita
i That thou fhalt take ot the firftof all on, from heaven, and blefs thy peo;
the fruit of the eatth, which thou fhalt Ifrael, and the land which thou hail |

-bring of thy land that the LORD thy ven us, as thou fwatefl unto our fathers
God giveth thee, and fhalt pu: it in a land that floweth with unlk and ton-
basket, and fhalt go unto the place which 16 fi This dav the Loud thv God h
•the LORD thv 'G">d (hall choofe, to commanded thee to do thefe tlatutes
place his name there. judgments thou malt therelore keen

3 And thou fhalt go unto the priefl do them with all thine heart, and
that fhall be in thefe days, aud fay all thy foul.
unto him, I profefs this day unto the it Thou had avouched the Lord
LORD thy God, that I am come unto day to be thy God, and to walk it
the country winch the LORD wavs, and to keep his llatutes and
fware un-
to our fathers for to give as. commandmenrs and his judgments
to hearken unto his. voice.
4. And the priefl mail take the basket

cut ol thine hand, and fet it down be- tS And the Lord hath avouched tl
fore the altar of the LORD thy God. this Jay to be Lis peculiar people
« And thcu fhalt fpeak and faybetore hafli prom ife«l thee, and thu'
the LORD thy God, A bynan ready to >keep all his commandmei
to A
iw i» vc iv;iatn uri jiunz), v^liap. .xvii, aaviii, i vc atzjjni^t jut op:aiincc,
.11 make thee hiyh above alina-
J to il Curled be he that removeth his neigh-
/jnclinenatn msutcT in pr aife, and bours land-mark: and a.l the people
Sci and in honour, and th^t thou lhall lay, amen.
be aa holy people unto the Lord thy tb Curled ot he that maketh the blind
is ne'natn ipokcn. to wander out ot the way. and all the
C H A 1'. XXVII. people lhall lay, Amen.
law to bi written on ftottth Sec. 19 Curled be he that perverteth the
i Mojes witn the elders oi Ilrael judgment ot the Itranger, fatherlefs, and
mmanded the people, laying, Keep widow : and all the people (hall fay,
:comiirandments wnichl command Amen.
is 10 Curfed be he that lieth with his fathers
ndit than be on the day when you wnej becaufe he unco/ereth his lathers
pals over Jordan unto the land skirt and all the people (hall lay, Amen.

I the LORD thy God giveth thee, n Curled be he that lieth with any man-
hou lhaltTet thee up great itones, ner ol beaK : and all the pepple (hall lay,
'laitter them with planter. Amen.
nd thou (halt write upon them all nCurfed be he that lieth with his filter,
ords ot this law, when thou an the daughter ot his lather, or the daugh-
lover, that thou maylt go in unto ter or his mother: and all the people
ind wlucii the LORL) thyGodgiv- (hall fay, Amen.
hee, a land that rioweth with milk HCurled be lie thatlieth with his mother
hony as the
God ot thy inlaw, and all the people fhall lay, Amen.
hath promifed thee.
Jrs 14 Curled be he that fmiteth his neigh-
Therefore it ihaa be when ye b.- bour fecretly : and all the people (hall lay,
over Jordan, that ye (hall lee up Amen.
Itones, wmch I command you i, Curfed be he that taketh reward to
day, in mount Lbal, and thou (halt flay an innocent perfon: and ail the peo-
ier them with plaitter. ple mail fay, Amen.
*nd there (halt thou ouild an altar 16 Curfed be he that confirmeth not alt
the LORD
thy God, an altar ot the words of this law to do them: and
thou 111 alt not litt up any iron
: all the people lhall fay, Amen.
upon them. CHAP. XXV11I.
iThou (halt build the altar of the The bltjjmgt for obedience, &c.
J.D thy God of whole itones (hall come to pafs,
(halt orfer burnt-oftcrings thereon
ANdhearken it thou (halt
diligently unto the voice of

the LORD thy God. the LORD thy God, to obierve ani to do
\nd thou ttialt offer peace-otfering: all his commandments which 1 command
(halt eat there, and rejoyce before thes this day; that the thy GodLORD
LORD thy God will fet thee on high above all nations
And thou thalt write upon the /tones of tl*e earth.
he words of this law, very plainly. i And all thefe bleflings (hall come on
II And Mofes, and the prieits the thee, and overtake thee, if thou (halt
ites (pake unto all Ifrael, faying hearken unto the voice of the thy LORD
e heed, and hearken, o
Ifrael, this God.
thou art become the people of the 3 BleiTed fralt thou be in the city, and
RD thy God. b\e(Ytd Jhalt thou be in the field.
Thou (halt therefore obey the voice of 4 B\ei\'cd Jbalt be the fruit of thy body,
thy God, and do his command- and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit
nrs and his ltatutcs which I com- ot thy cattle, the increafe of thv kme,
rA thee this day. and the Hocks of thy lheep.
i|i n And Mofes charged the people ? BleiTed lhall be thy basket and thy
ame day, laying, (tore.
i Thefefhallltand upon mount Geriz- 6 BlefTad//\»/r thou be when thou corn-
icoblefsthe people, when ye are come ed in, and blelfed Jbalt thou be when thou
:r Jordanj Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, goeft out.
t Lffachar, and Jofeph, and Benjamin. 7 The LoRn (hall caufe thine enemies
3 And tnefe (hall ltand upon mount that til'eupagainlt thee to be fnmten be-
>al to curie* Reuben, Gad, andAfher, fore thy face: theylhall come out a^ainft
i Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtalt. thee one way, and flee before thee ieven'
Ill And theLevires (halt fpeak.and lay ways.
to all the menoflfracl with a loud voice, 8 The LORD
fhall command the bled
t? Curled be the man that maketh any ling upon thee in thy ftore-lioufes, and
iven or molten imatie, anabjminati- in all that th«u letted thine hand unto :
unto the LORD, "the work of the and he lftall blefs thee in the landwhicn
juds of the craitfman, and putfeth it th; LORDthy God giveth thee.
lecret place: and all the people 9 The LORD (hall eitahlifh thee an
il!anfwer and fay, Amen. holy people unto hi ml elf, a> he hath
5 Curled be he 'that letteth lisht by (worn unro thee, it thou fhalt*keep the
father orchis mother: and all the I commandments of the thy God LORD
topic (hall lay, Amen, jand walk in his ways
to And

Curfis tbreatned D
to And all people of the earth (hall Ire allfowlsf •'

that thou art called by the name ol the the earth.and no man Ihall fray/
LORD, and they m.'di beaUaid.of" tha. 17 'I uc Lord will imite th'i.
xx And the Lok:> mall make thee plen- botch ot Egym, and with the c
teous in goods, In the trim of thy body, and with the fcab, and with the
and in the tiuit of thy cattle, and in the whereol thou canit nut be healed.
fruit or thy ground, in the land which the zg The LORD
fhajl ("mite thee
Lord (ware unto thy lasers to give madnels, and bhndnels, andaltor.ifh
thee. ol heart.
n The LORD ihall open unto thee his 19 And thou (halt grope at noon,
good treafure, the heaven to give the ram as the blind gropeth in darfcnejs, and
unto thy land in his ealbn, and to blelsall
I fhalt not, proiper in thy ways and'i :

the work ot thine hand and thou fhalt

: fhalt be only oppretled, and iponed
lend unto many nations, and thou jhalt not more, and no man lhall lave tbee.
borrow. 30 Tnou
(halt bet.oth awite, and
13 And the LoRu fhall make thee the ther man fhall he with her: thou
head, and notthetail; and thouihaltbe build an hciul'e, and thou fhalt not <
above only, and thou malt not be beneath: therein thou fhalt plan; a vineyard*

if that thou hearken unto the command- lhalt not gather the grapes thereof.
ments of the LuRDGod, which I
thy 3i linne ox >>.»// be flam before
command thee tins day toobferve and to eyes, and thcu fhalt not eat thereof
do tbem, a:s ,//.:.'/ be violently tak-n away
14 And thou fhalt not go afide from any rorcthytace, and fnall not be felior
of the words winch 1 command thee thee : thy fheep jh&u bt given unto
this day, to the right hand or to the left, enemies, and thou (halt Lave none
to go alter other grds tc l'erve them. leue the,;:.
:? 51 But it lhall come to pal's, if thou 31 Thy lens and thy daughters A
wilt not hearken unto the voice of the given unto another people, and
LORD thy God, to cbferve to do all his eyes (hall look, and tail ivitt
commandments and his datutes winch I them all the day Ions: and there Jh
command thee this dayjthat all thefe curies no might in thine hand.
ihall come upon thee, and overtake thee. 33 liie fruit 01 thy land, and
i"6 Curled.//;*/? thou be in the city, anJ labours, ihall a nation which xhiii I
curled Jlalt thou be in the field. eft not, e:;tupi and thou fhalt be onl
17 Curl"edy/'.i// be thy basket and thy (tore. preii'ed and crufhed alway :

t8 Curled Jtall be the fruit of thy boj", 34 So that thou fhalt be mad, foi
and the fruit of thy land, the mcreafeot light ot thine eres which thou lhalt
thy kine, and the flocks of thy fheep. 3," Tne LORD
(hall finite thee 1
ig Curled Jhdt thou be when thou corn- knees, and in the legs, with a lore _
ed: in, and curled Jbttt thou Mwaeatliou that cannot be healed, from the lb
goeft out. thy toot unto the top of thy head.
io The Lord fhall fend upon thee cur- 35 The LORD
ihall bring
fing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou thy king winch thou ir.alt let over the
letted thine hand unto, for to do until j
to a natior; which neither thou, nor ih
thou be deltroyed, and until thou penih t.hers have known-, and there fhalt
quickly j becaufe of the wickednefs of thy lerve other gods, wood and (tone.
doings whereby thou hall forlaken me. 37 And thou lhalt become an Htonil
it The Lord lhall make the peftile'nce nient, a proverb, and a by-word, amol
cleave unto thee, until he haveconfum- all nations whither the LORD
hull It.
ed thee from off the land, whither thou thee.
goelt Co poflefs it. 38 Thou (halt carry much feed out 'in
n The LORD lhall finite thee with the field, and (halt gather but htcle a
a confumption, and with a fever, and iorthelocuit (hall coniuir.e it.
with an inflammation, and with an extreme ?9 Thou (halt plant vineyards and drt
burning, and with the (word, and with tbem, but lhalt neither drink oj
blading, and with mildew and they fhall : nor gather the grapes lor the worms ih;

purlite thee until thou perifh. eat them.

i? And thy heaven that it over thy 40 Thou (halt have olive-trees throu
head (hall be brafs, and the earth that ^utallthycoafts, but thou lhalt not
is under thee Jball be iron. by j4f with the oyl tor thine olive

14 The Lord lhall make the rain ol C2[\bl- fruit.

thy land powder and diid: from heaver; 4t Thou dialt betret fens and daugh|
fhall it come down upon thee, until thou L>ut thou fhalt not "enjoy them tor :

be dedroyed. '.all ro into captivity. .

19 TheLoRH fhall caulethee to be fmit- 41 All thy trees and fruit of thy
ten before thine enemies: tliou [halt <j. 'halt the locutr confume.
cut one way againft them, an ike lever t 4? The drar.ger that is within thee:
ways before them and fhalt be removed
; git up above thee very high ; and t|
into all the kingdoms of the earth. ihilt come dewn very low."
»Q Aodthy caicafe fnall be meat unto- 44 He foaillendto thee, andthjufh]

XX ix. to the difobeiitnt.

nel's wherewith thine enemy fhall dittrefj «

the tail. thee in thy gates.

alt be
loreover, thefe curfes mall come
all ?8 If thou wilt not obferve to do all
the words, of this law tLit are written
thee, and mall purine thee, and
in this book, that thou mayft fear this
thee, till thou be deftroyed :
: thou hearknedft
not unto the voice glorious and fearful name, THLLORD
LORD thy God, to keep his com- THY GOD;
ments and Ins rtatutes which he com- ?q Then the LORDwill make thy
plagues wonderful, and the piaguesot thy
feed, even great plagues, and of long con-
ma they (hall be upon thee for a fign tinuance, and fore iickneHos, andof long
C a wonder, and upon thy teed tor
thou fervedft not the Lord
60 Moreover, he wjll bring upon thee
Muff all the difeaies ot t-gypt, which thou
;d with pytulnels, and with glad-
waft afraid cf ; and they fhall cleave un-
f heart, tor the abundance or
to thee.
61 Alio every ficknefs, and every plague
Therefore fruit thou ferve thine cne-
which iinot written in the book ot this
which the LORD
ihall tend agamft
law, them will the LORD bring upon
in hunger, and in third, andinna-
thee, until thou be deltroyed.
and mwamo fall
tbtngs: and he
yoke of iron upon thy neck, 6z And ye Ihall be left tew in number,
put a
whereas ye were as the ftars of heaven
he have deftroyed thee. for multitude: becaufe thou would R net
The LORD ihall bring a nation
obey the voice of the LORDthy God.
[f thee from far, from the end of the
65 And it Ihall come to pafs, that as
as /veift as the eagle flieth, a nation

tongue thou Iha'.t not underftand : the LORD rejoyced over you to do you

A nation of fierce countenance, good, and to multiply you : lo the LORD

will rejoyce over you to deftroyyou, and
1 ihall notrcsrard the perlon ot the
to bring you to nought; and y'e'fhall be
nor (hew favour to the young..
plucked from off the land whither thou
And he fhall eat the fruit of thy goeft to poffefs it.
e, and the fruit of thy land,
until thou
ftroyed whreh alfb Ihall not leave
6+ And the LORD fhall fcatter thee
either corn, avine, or oyl, or the in-
among all people, from the one end
01 the earth even unto the other ; and
e of thykine, or flocks ot thy fheep,
there thou lhalt ferve other gods, which
he have deftroyed thee.
neither thou nor thy fathers have known,
-And he fhall befiegethee in all thy
even wood and ftone.
.until thy high and fenced walls come
6> And anions: thefe rations {halt thou
wherein thou truftedft, throirghout

thee in all find no eafe, neither fhall the lole otthv

y land: and he fhall befiege
ates, throughout all thy land which
foot have reft: but the LORD Ihall give
theetherea trembling heart, and failing
-ORD thy God hath given thee. of eyes, and I or raw of mind.
And thou fhalt eat the fruit of thine
body, the riefh of thy lens and of t.iy 66 And thy life fhall hang in doubt
hters (which the LORD
thy God before thee, and thou fhalt fear day and
night, and Ihak have none aflurance of
given thee ) in the liege ana in
ftraitnefs wherewith thir.e enemies thy life.
diitreis thee 67 In the morning thou fhalt fay,
So that the man is tender among Would God it were even : and at even

and very delicate, his eye fhall thou fay,

fhalt Would Gcd it were
ml toward his brother, and toward the morning, lor the fear of thine heart where-

of hisbofom, and towards the rem- with thou fhalt fear, and lor the fight of
of his children which he Ihall leave :.
thine eyes which thou fhalt fee.

So that he will not give to any of 63- And the LORD fhall bring theefrito
i of the flefh of his children whom
£eypt again,with fhips, by the way where-
hall eat becaufe he hath nothing
: of" 1fpakeunto thee, Thou ft. alt fee it no
him in the fiege, and in the Itrait- more again: and there ye fhall be fold
wherewith thine enemies fhall diftrefs unto your enemies for bond-men and
:inall thy gates. bond-wemen, and no man fhall buy
tender and delicate woman a-
The you.
you, which would not adventure CHAP. XXIX.

the fole of her foot upon the ground An

exhortation to obed'ence, &c.
delicatenefs and tendernefs, her eye THele are the words of the covenant
1 be evil towards the husband of her
which the LORD commanded Mo-
mi, and towards her fon, and towards fes to make with the children of If-
daughter, rael, in the land of Moab, belide the
i And toward? her young one that covenant which he made with them in
leth out from between her feet, and
ards her children which (he Ihall x n And Mcfescalled unto all Ifraet,
r: for fhe fhall eat them for wantot and faid unto them, Ye have leen all that
things fecretly in the liege and ttrait- tl&eLoRU did before your eyes in the land
* or
: -
™ ™
cr-omy. Wratb to tbt w«fl|| !

9i Egypt, unto Vharaoh, and unto all Jus then the anger of the LORD, and' I 1

iervants, and unto all his land ; » jealouue ihall Imoke agauit t
I The great temptations w;;ich thine and all the curies fb.\t ait written
eyes have feen, the tigmand thole sreat book mall he upon hi in, and the LQMf
miracles: mail blot out his name irom unded Ii*
4 Yet the LORD hath not given you ven.
an heart to perceive, and eyes to lee, ii And the Lord fhallfeparate hin
and ears to hear unto this d:iy. to evil, outot alt the tribes ol lira el
5 And 1 have led you forty years in cording to all the curies u thecovci
the wildcrncfs : your clothes arc not that a re written in this bock ot
waxen old upon you, and thy ihee is not law.
waxen old upon tny toot. ii So that the generation to corn
6 Ye have not eaten bread, neither your children lhall rile up atter
have ye drunk wine, or (trcng drink : and the ftranger that fuall come
that ye might know that I am the Lord a tar land, lhall fay, when they
your God. the plagues ot that la'nd, and the
7.And when ye came unto this place, nefles which the LORD hath laid
Sihon the king of Helhbon, and Og the it ;
king or Balhan, came out againltui un- 21 And that the whole land tr.eret
to battle, andwe Imote them. bnmitone, and fait, and burning, tb
8 Ana we took their land, and gave is not lown, nor beareth, nor any i
it tor an inheritance unto the Reube- groweth therein, like the overthrow
nites, andtotheGadites, and to the hair- Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and,
tribe ol Maralfeh. boim, which the LORD overthrew
9 Keep thereiore the words of this co- antrer and in his wrath

venant, an! dothen> that ye may pro 14 Even all nations lhali <av,
Iper in all that ye do. tore hath the LORD done thus un
to 11 Ye Hand this day all of you be- land? what mun-.tb the heat ot this
fore the LORD your God; yourcaprains anger"'
of your tribes, your elders, and your offi- it Then men fhall fay, tVcaufe
cers, with all the men of ll'rael, have torlaken the covenant of the 1
ii Your litrle ones, your wives, and God ol their fathers, which he made
thy ftranger that is in thy camp, from them when ne brought them forth o:
the hewer ot thy wood, unto the drawer the land of fcgypt. •
of thy water 16 For they went and ferved other go.
ii That thou (houldft enter into cove- and worihip'ped them, gods whom*
nant with the LORD thy Gcd, and inro knew nor, and reborn he had not gi
his oath, which the LORD thy God mak- unto them.
eth with thee this day : 17 And the anger of the LORD
i? That he may eaitblifh thee today for kindled agamft this land, to bring 1

a people unto himlelf, he may be it all the curies that are written in
unto thee a God, as he hath laid unto thee, book.
and as he hath Iworn unto thv fathers, to iS And the LORD rooted them o
Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. their land in anger, and in wrath,
t4 Neither with you only do 1 make in great indignation, and call them
this covenant and this oath > another land, as if is this day.
i? But with bim that ftandeth herewith 19 The fee ret things btlong unt
us this day before the LORD our Gad, and LORD our God: but thole tbingt 1

alio with bim that /.'not here with us this are revealed, btlong unto us, ' and
day: our children tor ever, that we may
16 ( For ye know how we have-dwelt in all the' words of this law.
the land of Egypt, and how we came CH A P. XXX.
through the nauons which ve parted by, Mtrcufromifed to tbt repentant, Sec
47 Ar^d ye have feen their abominations, it lhall come to pals when all th
AJSd things are come upon thee, the bj
and their idols, wocd and ltone, iilver and
gold, which veere amonir them ) unit; and the curfe which I hive fetbfl
t8 Left there mould be amorjg you man, the"e, and thou lhalt rail tbtr.i to m
orwoman,or family, ortribe, whole heart among all the nations whither theLOl
turneth away this day from the Lord our thy God hath driven thee,
God, to go and ferve the gods of theie 1 And (halt return unto the LORD
nations; left there mould be among you Geo, and limit obey his voice accord
a root that bcareth gall and worm- to all that 1 command t::ec this d
wood, thou and thy children, with all th
iq And it come topafs when he he^r- heart, and with all thy foul:
etbthe words ot this curfe, that he bleis 5 That then the LORD thy (
himlelf in hisheart, faying, 1 lhall have will turn thy captivi'y, ana havi
peace, thoush I walk in the imagination pafuon upon thee, and will return
of mine heart, to add drunkehnefs to gather thee from all th? nations w
thirlf. ther the LQXLD thy God hath lcatte
to The Lord will net fpare him, but thee.
: :

XXxi. Jojfwa. encouraged.

therefore choofelife, that both thou and
thy feed may live
10 That thou mayft love the Lord thy
God, ar.'Jthat thou mayft obey his voice,
and that thou m3ylt cleave unto him
( for he n thy life, and the length of thy
days) that thou mayft dwell in the land
which the Loud fware unto thy fathers, to
Abraham, tolfaac, and to Jacob,to give
Mofes encourageth tht people, &c.
A Nd Mofes went and pake thel'e words
unto all Ifrael.

t And he laid unto them, I am an hun-

dred and twenty years old this dav ; 1 can
no more go out and come in alio the

Loud hath laid unto me, Thou fhalt not

*\nd thou fhalt return and obe~y the go over this Jordan.
» ot the Loud, and do all his coru- ?, The Lord thy God, he will go over

dments whicii I command thee this before thee, and he will deft: oy thel'e na-
tions from before thee, and tnou fludt
And the Loud thy God will make poU'els them: and Jofhua he fiiall go over
plenteous in every work of thine before thee, as the Lord hath faTd.
, in the fruit of thy bedy, and inthe 4 And the Lord (hall do unto them as
of thy cattle, and in the fruit ot thy heihd toSihon, and to Og, kin?sof the
, lor srood for the Loud will again
: Amorites, and unto the land c'f them,
,ce over thee for good, as herejoy- whom he deftroyed.
over thy fathers t And the Lord fhall give them up be-
If thou ilialt hearken unto the voice fore your face, that ye may do unto them
e Lord thy God to keep his ccm- according unto all the commandments
dments and his ltatutes which are which I have commanded you.
:en in this book of the law, and if 6 Be ftrong and of a good courage, feat
turn unto the Lord thy God with not nor be afraid of them: tor the Lorb
iine heart and with all thy foul. thy God, he it is that doth go with thee,
fl For this commandment: which 1 he will not fail thee nor fcrfake thee.
mand thee this day, it is not hidden _ 7f, And Moles called unto -Jofhua, and
thee, neither it it far off. faid unto him in the fieht of all Lrael,
It h not in heaven ,.that thou fhouldft Be ftrong and of a good courage for :

Who ihall go up for us to heaven, thou mult go with this people unto the
bring it unto us, that we may hear land which the Loud hath (worn unto
nd d5 it ? their fathers to give them ; and thou fhalt
Neither is it beyond the fea, that cairl'e them to
Thouldft fay, Who mail go over the 8 And the Loud, he if is that doth go
for us, and bring it unto us, that we before thee, he will be with thee, he will
hear it, and do it ? not tail thee, neither forl'ake thee fear :

But the word U very nigh unto thee, not, neither bedifmayed.
y mouth, and in thy heart, that thou 9 fl Ar.d Mofes wrote this law, and
ftdo u. delivered it unto the priefts the fons or"
f See, 1 have fet before thee this' Levi, which bare the ark of the covenant
lite and good, and death and evil : «t the Lord, and unto all the elders cr"
In thatl command thee this day to Ifrael.
the Lord thy God, to walk in his to And Mofes commanded them, fay-
s, and to keep his commandments ing, At the end of every (even years, in
it;-.tutes arid his judgments, that
his the folemniry of the year cf releafe, in
mavft live and multiply, and the the feaft of tabernacles,
th'v God fnall bleis thee in the land
d ti When all Ifrael is come to appear
therthousoelt topoffel's it. before the Loud thy God, in the place
But if "thine heart turn awav, fo which he fhall chool'e thou fhalt read

thou wilt not hear, but ihajt be this law before all Ifrael, in their hear-
vn away, and worfhip other cods, ing.
ftrvc them: ti Gather the peorle together, wen,
I denounce unto you this dav, that and women, and children, and thy ftran-
[hall lurely penlh, and tbit ye Ihall ger that is within thy gates, that they
prolong your days upon the land, mav hear, and that they'may learn, and
ther thou pafleft over Jordan, to go to fear the Loud your God, and obferve to
efs it. do all the words of this law :

. I heaven and earth to record

call I
n And tk:.t theirchildren which have
day againft you, I have fet before 'net known any fi-wcr, mav hear and learn
il'ilc and death, blefling and cuxfmg .
,to fear the Loud your God, as long as ye
H live

Jotou*'! charge Detrtercnomy. Moftt f<JK£

live in the land whither ye go over J or 17 For I know thy rebellion, and
dan to polfefs it. Itirtneclc: behold, while I anyetali
14 ^ And the Lord faid unto Mofes, with you this day, ye have been rebel
Behold, thy days approach that thou muft ous againft: the' Lord arid how rot -,

•lie call Joshua, and prefent yourfelves

: more after my death?
in the ia jernacie ot the congregation, that 18 Gather unto all the elden me
1 m-y five him a charge. And' Mofes and your tribes, and your officers, that I ir went and prel'ented themfelves in (peak thei'e words in their eats,
the tabernacle of the congregation. heaven and earth to record agiii
1* And the Loru appeared in the ta- tnem.
bernacle in a pillar ot' a cloud: and the iQ For I know, that after mydeatk
pillar of the cloud Itood over the door of willutterly corrupt jour filvti, ana *
the tabernacle. afide from the way which I h-avc 0»
16 H And the Lord faid unto Mores, manded you and evil will befal yo.i D t
: i

Behold, thou fh alt fleep with thy lathers, latter days, becaule yewill doe/iliat
and this people will rife up, and go a who- light ot the Lord, to provoke him tot
ring after the gods of the ltrangerso! the ger through the wcrk of your hands,
land whither theygoro be amongit them, 30 And Moles (pake in the ears
and will torfake me, and break my co- the congregation ot Ifrael the wot
venant which I have made with them. this fong, until they were ended.
17 Then my anger fhall be kindled a- CHAP. XXXII.
gainft them in that day, and I will for- Moft- fon%, &c.
fake them, and I will hide my face from Give ear, O ye heavens, and I
them, and they fhall be devoured, and fpeak and hear i r O earth, the
many evils and troubles fhall befalthem, of my mouth.
fo that they will fay in that day, Are no' 1 My doctrine fhall drop as th;
thefe evils come upon us, becaufe our my fpeech fhall diftil as the dev,
God it net a ongit us? fmall rain upon the tender heri>,
tSAnd I wllfurely hid; my face in tha* the fhowers upon the grafs.
day, for all the evils which they fhall 3 Becaule I will pubiifh the nan*
have wrought, in that they are turned the Lord al'cribe ye greamefs unto

unto other gods.. God.

19 Now therefore write ve this fong 4 Ht the Rock, his work it perfe
it fc/
for you, and teach it the children of Il'rael: tor all his ways are judgment: a God
put it ip their mouths, that tnis forgmay truth, and without iniquity, juft
be a witnels for me againft the children right it he.
cf" Ifrael. -* They have corrupted thenafelves,tj

&c For when I fhall have brought them fpot r'mot the ffot ot his children:
into the land which 1 (ware un*o~their fa- trez perverle and crooked general'
thers, that floweth with milk and hony ; 6 Do ye thus requite the Lord,
and they mall have eaten and filled them- foolifh people andunwife? it not he
selves, and waxen fat ; then will they turn father thit hath bought thee hath '-

wnto other gods, and ferve them, and pro- not made thee- and eftablifhed thee
voke me, 'and break my covenant. 7 H Remember the days of old, «
ti And it fhall come to pais, when ma- derthe years of many generations,
ny evils andtroub'es are Defallen them, thy father, and he will'ihcw,
mat this' fong fhall tefti tie againft them, elders, and they will te'l the;.
as a witnels: for it fhall not be forgotten 8 When the molt High divided tt
out cf the mouths of their feed lor I : nations their inheritance, when hell
know their imagination which they go a- rated the fon* otAdam, hefctthe bat
bout, even now be'.ore I have brought of the people according tothe numb
thein into the land which I fware. thechi'dren of Ifrael.
zx fl Mofes therefore wrote this fong 9 For the Lords portion is hisp^o-
the fame day, and taught it the children Jacob n the lot of his inheritance.
of Ifrael. to He found him in a del'ert land,
x~i And he gave Joihua the (on of Nun in the waite howline; wilderncfs he :

3 charge, and l'aid,Beftrongandof a good him about, he inftructeJ him, he 1

courage for thou (bait bring the children

: him
apple of his eye.
as the
of Ifrael into the land which I (ware unto it As an eagle ftirrerh upherntfR,
them: and I will be with thee. tereth over her young, lpreadetjr ah
14 n And it came to pais when Mofes her wing^ taketh them, beareth 1
had made an end of writing the words of en her wines
this law inahook.until they were finiined; 1-1 So the Lord alone did lead
it That Moles commanded theLevitcs and tktrtwit no ftrange god with h
which bare the ark of the covenant of M He made him ride on the high p
the Lord, fayiag, of tie earth, that he mfght ear tin
\*i Take this book of the law, and put create of the fields, and he made hi
it in the fide of the ark cf the covenant luikhonv oirtot" the rock, and oyl t
of the Lord your God that it may be the flinty rock.
there for a wimefi aeainlc thee. 14 Butter of kinc, and milk of fl
nMs "Chap, xxxii. of Mtfes,
1 of lambs, and tarns of the breed grapes *ri grapes of gali, their clutters
Jafhan, and goats, with the tat or are bitter.
leys or wlieat, and tSou didlt drink K Their wine n the poifen of dragons,
pure blood of the grape. and the cruel venom or' alps.
fl But Jelhurun "waxed fat, and 34 r not this laid up inftorewith me,

ked thou arc waxen tat. thou art and fealed up among my trealures ?

wn thick, thou art covered with fat- ;? To me Monzeib vengeance, and re-
then he torfook God which made compence, their toot fhall Aide in -ae

and lightly clteemed the Rock ot time: tor the d3yef their calamity it at
falvation. ...... hand, and the things that fliall come up-
with on them make hatte.
3 They provoked him to jealouGc
ngc $ojs, with abominations provo- jbFer the Lord fhall judge his people,
they him ca anger.
and repent himlel tor his lervants j wr.en

7 T!iey lacrinccd unto devils, not

to he feeth that their power is gone, and
d ; to rods whom they knew not, to there it none fhut up, or lett.
vgodi that came newly up, whom your 37 And he fhall lay, Where are theit
icrs feared not. gods, their tock in whom they trulted,
8 Ot the Rock that begat thee thou ;8 Which did eat the tat of their la-
unmindrul, and halt torgottcn Ged cnfices,<inrf drank the wine of their drink-
t formed thee. offerings ? let them rile up and help you,
a And when the LORD
faw if, he and be your protection.
wrred them, becaule of the provoking 39 See now that I, even I am he, and
his Cons, and of his daughters. r&srennopodwithme: I kill, and I make
And he laid, I will hide my face alive i I wound, and I heal: neither is
them, 1 will lee what their end there any that can deliver out of my hand. ;
// be for they are a very froward ge-
. 40 For 1 litt up my hand to heaven, arret
ration, "Children in whom ii no faith. fav, I live tor ever.
t They have moved me to jealoufic 41 It I whet my glittering fword, and
:h thit which is not God, thej have pro- mine hand take hold on judgment ; I
ked me to anger with their vanities: will render vengeance to mine enemies,
d I will move them to jealoufie with and will reward them that hate me.
>fe which Aft not a people, 1
will provoke 4i I will mske mine arrows drunk with
-m to anger with a tooliih n>non. blood (and my fword lhall devour flefh)
Fjr a fire is kindlect in my anger, an.i thit with the blood of the (lain, and
d Qui I burn unto the lcweft hell, and of the captives, from the beginning of
licorfume the earth with her increalc, revenges upon the enemy.
d let on tire the foundations of the XX Rejoyce, O ye nations, veith his
WOtains. i.j ' people: lor he will avenge the blood of
v. I will heap mifchiefs upon them,
I his lervants, and will render vengeame
11 ipend mine arrow* upon them. to his adverfanes, and will be merciful
1 bey /ball be burnt with hunger, and unto his land, and ro his people.
44 11 And Moles came ard /pake all
voured with burning; heat, an A with
tter deltruaion: 1 will alio fend the the words of this long in the ears of the
efh of beafts upon them, with the poi- people, he and Hoflvea the Ion ot Nun.
n of lerpents of the duit. 4* And Moles made an end of (peaking
The 1'word without, and terror witl;- all thefe words to all Ifrael.
Mall deftroy both the young man and
4/i And he laid unto them, Set your
e virgin, the fuckling aljo with the hearts unto all the words which I teltifie
?.n ol pray hairs. among you this day ; which ye fhall com-
16 I laid, I would fcatter them into mand your children to oblerve to do, all
|>rners, 1 would make the remembrance the words of this law.
th?m to ceaf? from among men
: Ar For it f) nor a rt»n thing for you be-

i7 Were it not that I reared the wrath caule itn your ire* and through this thing

n::ny, left their ad/erlaries mould ye lhall prolong ?<>«/• days intke land whi-
1 ehave th-.-nifetveR Itfangety.rtna lelt they ther ye go over jAwran to polfd's it.
jUiould fay, Our hand i> high, and the 48 And the Lori> Jp^<- unto Mofes
lORi) hath not done all this. that felf-fame day, faying,.
x8 For they art a nation void of counfel, 49 Get thee up into this mountain Aba-
either; tbfeanv undemanding in t.'iem. rim, unto mount Nebo, which it in the

iQ Ot::a:they were wife, fiufthey un land of Moab, that is over a^ainlt Jeri-
erftood this, 'that they would cofilmerl cho ; and behold the land "of Canaan
leir latter end! I which I give unto the children ot llrae 1
3c How fhould one chale a thculand, for a pofrelTion.
nd two put ten Miouland to flight, ex-
<;o And die in the motint whither thju

eut their Rock had ioU: them, and the goeft up, and be eathered unto thy
. .ORU hail f v u' ;:i up?
• people i as Aaron t h y hrother died in
M ?i Far the :r rock it not asourRock, e- mount Hor and was gathered into his.
enow enemies themfelves bein<r judges, peop'e: .

I 21 Forth.-i vin- »'?cf the vine of So- ^1 Becaufe ye tr?ipafled.ii:a:nft me a,»m,andofthshelds el Gomorrah; their mong thcchilarenot lirasi, auhe waters


Tbs bltfling tftbt tabes. Deuteronomy. Jfraels excelU

of Menbr-h-kadefh, in the wildernefsof him that was feparated from his bre
Zin; bccaufe ye fanctilie-d me not in the i7 His glory is lify the Jirltling o:
midit oi the chilurenof lfrael. bullock, and his horns trel/fy die h
Ti Yet tnou (halt lee the land before ol unicorns: with them he lhall pulh
thit-, bur thou lhalt not go thither unto the people together, to the ends cf the ea
land winch I give the~chi!drenof Ii'rael. and they art the ten thoulands of
CHAP. XXXiH. phraim, and they art the thoufands
The ma)ejly of God, &c. Manaileh.
f\ Nd this is the bleihng wherewith 18 11 Andof Zeb'ilunhe faid, Rejo'
J\ Moles the man or" God bleffed the Zebulun, in thy going out ; and lilac
in thy tents.
children oi lfrael before his death.
z And he laid, The Lord cams from 19 They frail call the people unto
-Sinai, and role up from Seir unto them ;
- mountain, these they fhall orierfacrifi
he mined forth from mount Paran, and he ot righteoulhefs : for they fhall fuck
came with ten thousands of faints: from the abundance of the feas, and of tr
his right hand vetnt a fiery law for them. lures hid in the fand.
3 Yea, he loved the people; all his faints 10 H And of Gad he faid, Blerted
ere in thy hand and they fat down at thy
: he that er.largeth Gad he dwelletha:

feet; eviryone fhall receive ot thy words. lion, and teareth the arm with the cro'
4 Moles commanded us 2 law even the : of the head.
inheritance of the congregation of Jacob. it And he provided the firft part
? And he was king in Jelhurun, when himlelr, becaufe there, in a portioi
the heads of the people and the tribes of the law-giver rcif defeated; and he C
lirael were gathered together. with thelieaasof the people, heexecul
6 11 Let Reuben live, and not die; and the jultice of the Lord, and his ju,
let not his men be few. ments with lfrael.
7 11 And this it tb; blejfing of Judah and: ai 11 And of ban he faid, Danr'/a li
he faid, Hear, Lord, the voice cf Judah, whelp: he mall leap from Baihan.
and bring him unto his people: let his ill! AndofNaphtalihefaid, OiXap^
hands be iuiTicient for him, and be thou tali, fatisfied with tavout, and lull witH
an help > him from his enemies.
the biefilngof the Loud : polTefs thou the
8 II And of Levi* he faid, Iff thy welt and the foutii.
Thummimand thyUrim be with thy holy 14 11 And of Alher he faid, Let Afhei
one, whom thou aidft prove at Maflan, be Welled with children ; let him be at. I

trni voitb whom thou didft ftrive at the ceptableto his brethren, and let him did I
waters of Meribah his toot in oyl.
9 Who laid unto his father and to his it Thy fhoes fhall bi iron and brafsll
another, 1 have net feenhim, neither ciid andastliv days, fa fhall thy ftrength ;-.l

he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew zh SXhtn u noes like unto the God a
hu own children for they haveob'rrved
: Jelhurun, who rideth upontheheat
thy word, and kept thv covenant. thy help, and in his excellency on the sky
io They fhall teach' Jacob t). ir The eternal Go. is thy refuse, am
jnents, and lfrael thy law they frail put
: underneath are the everlafting arms anc :

incenfe before thee, and whole-bwrnt-ia- he lhall thrult out the enemy from beton
srifice upon thine altar. thee, and lhall fay, Deftroy tbem.
ir Blels, Lord, his tumtance, anJ ac- ic lfrael then fiiall dwell in fafety a-
cept the work of his- hands lone .the tountainol }zcob fhall be upci
through the lovns of them that rile a- a lar.doi coin and wine, aliohi3 heaven
gsinft nim, and ol them that hate him, fhall drop down dew.
that they rife not again 19 Happy art thou, Olfrael : who 1
iz r\ And oi laid, The
Benjamin he like unto thee, O people faved by th
beloved of the Lord <hsil Swell in faiety Lord, the fhitld cf thy help, andwhoj
by him; and the LORD
fhall cover him the ("word ot thy excellency and thine e-

alt the day loug, and he lhall dwell be- remies fhall be found liars unto thee, am
tween his moulders. thou lhalt tread upon rheirliigh places.
t? 11 Andof Jofeph heiaid, Klededol CHAP. XXMV.
the Lord b: his land, for the precious Mofts vievoctb tht land,&c.
things of heaven, for the dew, and tor ANdMofeswentup from the plains
the deep that coucheth beneath, Moab, unto the mountain of Nebc
t4 And for the precious fruits brought to the top of Pifgah, that /;over againl
forth by the fun, and for the precious Jericho: and theLoRD fhewed him a'
things put forth by the moon, the land of Gilead, unto Dan.
i? And lor the chief things of the an- 2 And all Naphtali, and the land c
cient mountains, and tor the precious Ephraim, and ManalTeh, and all the Ian
things of the lafting hills, of Judah. unto the utmoft fe3,
16 And for the precious things of the 3 And the fouth, and the plain of th
earth, and Uilnefs thereof, and for the valley oi Jericho, the city of palm-tree
good will of him that dwelt in the bufh : unto Zoar.
itttbt 1'ltfling comeupon the head of Jo- 4 And the LoRr Czia unto him, Th
feph, and «P°n tbe top ol" the head off it the land which I fwareuntoAbiahan

ijbrufuccreietb Mofes. Chap, i u . joJbMl ord tn to the Heubemtn.
ilfaac, and unto Jacob, fayin?, I will (jays fo the days of weeping, tnd mourn-

e it unto thy iced: 1 have cau fed in;-.'; tor Moles were ended.
: to fee it with thine eves, but thou
9 <?; And Jofhua the ("on of Nun was
t not 30 over thither. full oi rhe f'pirit of wifdom ; for Mofes
fl So Mofes the fervent of the Lord had laid his hands upon him and the :

d there in the land of Maab, according children of Ifrael heaikned unto him, and
he word of the L'o&D. did as the Loin commanded Mbfes.
1! And he buried him in a valley in- io.11 And there arole not a frophet
land of Moab, over azainlt B'eth- fince in. Ifrael like unto Mofes, Whom the
»r but no man knoweth of his le-
; Lord knew face to
Ichre unto this day. n In all the figns and the wonders
n And Moles was an hundred and' which the Loud lent him to do in the
|:nty years old when he died his eye landofE?ypt,to Pharaoh, and to all hisr

s not dim, nor his natural force a- fervants, and to all his land,
ed. t>. And in all that mighty hand, and in
11 And the children of Ifrael wept all the great terror which Moles fhewect
Mofes in the plains of Moab thirty in the nght of all Ifrael.

1 The Book of JOSHUA,

C H A P. I. the people, faying, Prepare you victuals ;
folbiiA fu:cai'.tb Moftt-, for within three days ye fhall pafs over
k *T" O VV alter the death of Mofes
the fervantofthe LoRD,.itcame
^| to pafs, that the Lord (pake
this Jordan, to go into pofTefs the land
which the Lord your God giveth ycu to
poffels it.
unto Jofhua the Ion oi Nun, ti 11 And to theReubenites, and to the
mimfter, faying,
fes Gadites, and to half the tribe of Manai-
Mofes my ("ervant is dead ; now there- (eh, (pake Jofhua, faying,
e aril e, go over this Jordan, thou, and 13 Remember the word which Mofes
this people, unto the land which I do thefervant ol the Lord commanded you,
e to "them, even to the children of II- faying, The Lord your God hath gi-
ven you refti and hath given you this
Every place that thefoleof your foot land :

11 tread upon, that have I given unto 14 Your wives, your little ones> and
,as 1 faid unto Mofes. your cattle fhall remain in the land
From the wildernefs and thisLeba- which Mofes gave you on this fide Jor-
1, even unto the great river the river dan; but ye fhall pafs before your brethren:
phrates, all the land cf the Hittites, armed, all the mighty men or" valour*
i unto thegreatfea. toward the going and help them
rib of the iun, fhall be your coaft. H Until the Lord have given your bre-
There fhall not any man he able to thren reft, as behnib %ivtn you, and they
id before thee all the days of thy life alio have poll'effed the laid which the
I was with Mofes, fo I will be with Lord your God giveth them: then ye
e: I will not fail thee, nor forfake fhall return unto the land of your pof-
(efllon, and enjoy it, which Mofes (he
Be ftrong and of a good courage : for Lords f'ervant gave you on this fide Jor-
Dthis people ihalt thou divide tor an dan toward the fun-rifing.
critance the lana which I fware unto t6 H And they anfwered Jofhua, fay-
ir fathers to give them. ing, All that thou commanded us, we
Only be thou itrong and very couragi- will do, and whitherfoever thou fendeft
> that thou may ft obferve to do accor- us, we will go.
g to all the law which. Mofes my (er- 17 According as we hearkned unto
I commanded thee turn not from it Mofes in all thing's, fo will we hearken

3je right hand or to the left, that thou unto thee : only the thy GoU LORD
fft. profiler whitherfoever thougoeft. be with thee, as he was with Moles.
This book of thelawfli3il net depart iS "Whofoever ht be that doth rebel a-
of thv mouth, but thou fhalt meditate gainft thy commandment, and will not
rein day and night, that thou mayft hearken unto thy words in all that thou
erve to do according to MtbAt is wri;- commanded him, he fhall be put to de< th:
therein-.for then thou flialt make thy only be ftrong and of azcod courage.
r profperous, and then thou fhalt hive C A P. II. H
d fuccefs. Rtibdb conceaieih tttfpies, Sec.
Have net I commanded thee ? Be A HA Joihua the fon of Nun fent out
ng andol a good courage, be not ?.- f\ of Shittim two men, to fpy (ecrely,
d, neither be tnouclifmaved for the Go view the land, even Jerlrfio

fcDthyGod rs with thee whitherlbever and they went, and cams into an har-
t goeir. lots houfe, named Rahu'->, and lodged
> V. Then Jofhua commanded the ofH- there.
s of the people, fayin,;, z And it was told thekinsr of Jericho,
[Pal's through thehoit,and command fayinff, Behold, there came men in hither

XAbib COftctaUtb tbt Jpiti. j'.rr.uj. THtr return tnJ

to night ot the children of Ifrael to fearch thou (halt bind this line of fcarlet
out the country. in the window which thou didff.
; And the king of Jericho fent unto cownby: and thou (halt bring thy lathe
Rahab, faying,. Brm* torth the men that and thv .mother, and thy brethren, aod|
are-com; 10 thee, which are -entred into all thy lathers houflaold home unto thee.
thine houte : tor they oc come to fearch 19 And it (hall be, fB<fwhcfoe\
out all the country. gc out ot the doors of thy houfe into I

4 .nd the •oman took the two men itreet, his blood (kill be upon his head,
and hid them, and laid thus, There caa.c vnniU be guiltlels: and whoibever
men unto me. but I wilt not w.ience they be with thee in the houfe, his btocdj
Were ; bt on our head, if any hand be upon hil
« And it came to oafs tbotutbe time of 10 And if thou utter this cut
Hunting ot" the gate, when it was dark, . trill be quit of thine cath w
that the men went out : whither the men thou haft made us to fwear.
wen-.j 1 wut nor : pur je after them quick*' it And lhe (aid, According unto
Jv, for yeifull overtake them. words, (bat it. And lhe lent tnem av
6 But !>.e hid brought them up to the and they departed: and (he bound
rcofot the hou'e. andTnidthem with the fcarlet line in the wmdow.
fta.ksc: Rax, which (he hadlaid inorder 11 And they went, and came unto 1

upon the roof. mountain, and abode there three di

7 Andtiie men purfued after them the until the puriiiers were Yetumed.
wiv tc Jurdan, unto the tords and al- the purfuers fought tb:m throughout

i'co'n as the> wl.ich purlued after them the way, but found :b-.m not.
were gone oa*. they fint the gate. .13 v'5j the two men returned, an'
b 1. And* they were laid down, Icended from the mountain, and palfe
file can:e up untothera up^nthe root j ver, and came to Jofhua the fbn of*
9 Andfhc laid unto the men, 1 krow andtcld him all things thzt befel th«
that ti.eLo;*: hath given you the lane,
\x And they faid unto Joihua,
and that ycut tenor is t alien upon us, and theLoRU hath delivtred into our
that all the inhabitants of the land laint all the land ; for even all the inhabit
becaule of you. of the country do faint becaule of 1

«c For we have heard how the Lom> CHAP. III.

dried up the water ct the Red tea for you, "O0nu cowttb to oriitt, &C.
when you came out of Egypt ; and
you did unto the two kinss ot the Amo-
ANd Jofnua rofe early in the
ing, and thov removed from Sh
rites that wtrt on the other tide Jordan, Si- tim, and came to'jordan, he and a»l
ton and Og, whom ye utter. > deitroyed. children of Lrael, and lodged there
n And allbon as we had heard tbe'e tore they palled over.
t*.n-5, cur hear- did melt, neither did l And it came to pa's after three da
there remain any more courage in any that the officers went through the holt.'.
man, beca le o; yea: for theLoRnyour 3 And they commanded the people, fa
Cod, he ii God in heaven above, and in ing, When ye fee the ark of the covenr
earth beneath. of the Lom> your God, and the pri
n New therefore, I pray you, fwear the Levites bearing it, then ye (ball me by he Loro, fince I havefhew- move from your place, and go after it
ed you kindneft, that ye will alio (hew 4 Yet there (hall heafpace between
kindnefsunto my tathershoule ; ar.d give and it, about two thousand cubits by
rne a true token : lure :come not near unto it, that ye
i- And that ye will fave a'ive mv la- know the way by which ye mult go
ther, snd my mother, and my brethren, ye have not palled f*;x way lieretof
and my filters, and all that they have, and - And Jofhua faid unto the peo
deliver our lives lrom death. Saiictitieycur felves: for to raurrow
t4 And the men ar.lwered her, Our life Lorl will do wonders am?ng you.
for yours if ve u;:er not this our bufinefs. 6 And loihua (pake unto the pri<
Ard itfhsirbc when theLoRn hath gi- faying, Takeun the ark of the covena
ven us the land, that we will deal kindly and pafs over before the people. And
and truly wirn thee. they took up the ark of the covenant,
i? Then Bre let them down oy a cord and went before the people.
through the window : f r her houfe wa; - «" Ar.d the Lord jijd unto Join

upon the town-wall, and (he -dwelt upon This day will I beemto magnihe thct
the wall. the light of a'l lfnel, that thev m
16 And (he laid unto them, Get yen know that a«lwas with Mcfes,/o 1 w
to the mountain] leit the purfuers meet be with thee.
vou 5 and hide your felves there three 8 And thcu lhalt command the prie
until me purfuers be returned: and that bear the ark of the covenant, fay in
afterward may ye gc your wav. When ye are tome to the brink ot the
i7 And the men laid unto bet, Wc-.rW tei cl Jordan, ve (hall (land (till in Jorda
k< b'amelefsct this thine oath which thou q *n And Jofhua (aid untc the children
half made us 'wear. lrael. Come hither, and beat the wordi
be.'.cl^-T^ntrecorive into the land: of the Lord your 'jod.
- ,

Anil Jofhua faid, Hereby ye mall 7 Then ye mall answer them, That tjic
that tlie living GoU n among you,'
.* waters of Jordan were cur oft before the
that he will without tail drive out ark ot the covenant ot the Lord, when
before you theCanaanites, and the it palled over Jordan, the waters of Jor-
ites, and the Hivires, and thePeriz- dan were cut off: and' thei'e ftones frail be
andtheGirgalhites, and theAmo-
lor a memorial unto the children of Ilrae 1
, and the Jebutitss. tor ever.
Behold, the ark of the covenant of 8 And the children of Ifrael did To as
Lord of all the earth palVeth over Jofhuacommanded, and took up twelve
re you into Jordan. ftones out of the midft of Jordan, as tie .

Now therefore take ye twelve men Lord fpake unto Jofhua, according to
)f the tribes ot Ifrael, out 01 every the number of the tribes cf the children of
: a man. .
Ii'rael,and carried them oref with them:
it wall come to pa's.afloon as the unto the place where they lodged, and
of the teetof the priefts that bear
laid them down there.
ark of the Lord, the* ool of all tn And Jofhua let up twelve ftones in
i, fiiall reft in the waters of Jordan, the midft of Jordan, in the place where
thewatersof Jordan fiiall be. cut oft the teetof the priefts which bare the ark
i the waters that come down from a- o the covenant ftood and they are there

'e: and they fhall ftand upon an heap. untc this day.
L 11 And pafs when the
it came to to Vi For the which bare the
pie removed from theirtents, to pafs ark, ftocd in ne midft of Jordan, until
,r Jordan, and the priefts bearing- the every thing was finiflied that the Lob n
of thi covenant belore the people ; commanded Jofhua iu f'peak unto the
And as they that bare the ark were
people, accorehnsr. to all that Motes com-
sie unto Jorcnn, and the feet of the manded Jofhua "and the people halted

"Ms that bare th*ark were dipped in and paiTed over.

brim of the water { for Jordan over- n And it came to pafs when all the
keth all his banks all the time ot people were clean pafl'-id over, that the
vein ark of ths Lord palled over, and the
5 That the waters which came down priefts in the pretence of the people.
n above, flood and role up upon an ii And the child: en of Reuben, and the
iip ve-y far trom the cityAdam, that children ot Gad, and half the tribe cf Ma-
l>efide Zaretan-. and thole that came naflTeh, pafled over armed before the chil-
^n toward the fea of the plain, even the dren of lfirael, as Mofes fpake unto them •.

-lea, tailed, and were cut oft and the : t3 Abcut forty thoufand prepared fof
>ple patTed over right agamft J.-richo. war, palled over before the Lord unto
7 And the priefts that bare the ark of battle, to the plains of Jericho.
covenant of the Lord, ftood firm on 14 51 On
that day the Lord magnified
ground in the midft of Jordan, and

Jofhua in the fight ot all lfrae), and they

the llraelites naffed over on dry feared him, as they feared Mofes, a-U
und, until all the people were paired the days of his life.
an over Jordan. i? And the Lord fpake unto Jofhua,
CHAP. IV. faying,
reive fttnes ta^en for a, memorial, &C. 16 command the priefts that bear the
JNd it came to pafs when allthepeo- ark of the testimony, that they come up
i pie were dean p*affed over Jordan, out of Jordan.
it the Lord fpakeTinto Jofhua, laying, t7 Jofnua therefore commanded the
. Take you twelve men out of the priefts, faying, Come ye up out of Jordan.
aple, out of every tribe a man, i8And it came to pais when the priefts
! And command you them, fayin?, that bare the ark of the covenant of the
ike you hence out, of the midft of Jor- Lord, were come up out of the midscf
n, out of the place where the priefts Jordan,<ini the foles of the priefts feet were
:t flood firm, twelve ftones, and ye liftup unto the dryland, that the waters
ill carry them over with you, and leave of Jordan returned unto their place, and
;m in the lodeing-place where you fiowedover all his banks, as they did before.
ill lodge this night. 19 Vi And the people came up out of
\ Then Jofhua called the twelve men, Jordan on the tenth day of the firlt month
jom he had prepared of the children of and encamped in Gilgal, in the eaft-bor-
ael, out of every tribe a man. der of Jericho.
r And Jofhua faid unto then, l'afsover 10 V And thofe twelve ftones which
fore the ark of theLord your God in- they took out of Jordan, did Jofhua pitch.
the midft of Jordan, and take ye up in Gilgal.
ery man ofyouaftone upon his fhpul- 11 And he fpake unto the children of
r, according unto the number of the IfraeL, faying, When
your children fhall
besot" the children of Ifrael: ask their fathers in timeto came, faying*.
5 That thismavbe a fign among you, What mean thefe ftones?
U when your children ask their fathers
time to come, faying, What mean you
n Then ye Uialliet yeur children know*
faying, Il'raeJ came over this. Jordan on
tfcefe ftones ? dry lan.d.
B * ti For.

Tht Canmnite' afraid. Jofhua. Jericbo Jbut up.

it For the Lord your God dried up the row after they had eaten of the old
waters ot Jordan from before you, until ye of the land, neither had the ch
were palled over, as the Lord your God Ifrael manna any more, but theyd»
did to the Red lea, which he dried u? ot the fruit of the land of CanaaJrVi
from before us until we were gone over year.
1+ That all the people of the earth H n And it came to pa fs when Jolh
might know the hand of" the Lord, that was by Jericho, that he lift up his egt
it fi mighty: that ye might tsar the and looked, and behold, there itood
Lord yo'.ir Gcd fir ever. man over againlt him, with his f*H
CHAP. V. drawn in his hand and Jofhua went^i

The Caiia.mrtei afraid, &C him, and faid unto him, Sri 1

ANd the Amorites,

it came to pals
which rare on the
when all the kings us, or for our adverfaries?
14 And he faid, Nay, but 4J <
tide ot Jordan weft-ward, and all the the hod of the Lord am I now c-flfl
k!;:^sof the Canaanitcs, which w.-re by Andjolhua fell on his face to the eaffl
me lea, heard that the Lord had dried and did worfhip, and laid uir.o hit
up the waters of Jordan from before the What laith my Lord unto his i'ervant
children ot Ifra-l until we were palled o- 1? And the captain of the Lords hoi
ver, that their heart melted 5 neitherwas faid unto Jofhua, Looi'c thy Ihoe froi
tnere fpirit in them any more, becaufe
of the children of 1 'rael.
otf thy toot, tcr the place whereon
ftandcit is holy and Jofhua did ib.^
I 11 Anhat time the Lord faid unto Jo- C HAP. VI.
fhua, M/ke thee fharp knives, and cir-
cumcri'e again the children of ifrael tiie
Jbut up, &c. is
Jericho was ftraitly fhut upMfc
fecond time. caufeof the children of Ifrael .»
5 And Jofhua made him fharp knives,
and eircuaicifed the children of Iliael at
ol the fore;kins.
went out, and none came ix.
z Ar.d the Lord faidurto Jofhua,
I have given into thine hand Jericho
4 And this i> fhe caulewhy Jofhua did and the king thereof, and the mi^hr
circumcife: All the peopie that came out men ot valour.
ot Egypt, -that veere males, even all the 3 And ye fhall compafs the city, ally
men oi war died in the wildernel's by the men of war, and go round aboit tiie cif
way, after they came out of Egypt. once thus fhalt thou do fix days.

5 Now all tne people that came out, 4 And (even prielts fhall bear befon
were circumctfed ; bur ali the people (bat the ark feven trumpets of rams horns
were burn in the wilderftefs by the way, and thefeventh day ye lhall cempafs tt
as they cime forth out of Egypt, tbe'm city feven times, and the priefts fha
they had not circumciled. blow with the trumpets.
6 For tiie children 0! Ifrael walked forty ? And it fhall come to pafs that whe
j«arsinth«wilderpefsi til! all the people they make a Ions Mali with the ran
that voire ment.f war which came outcf horn, am whenyenear the found or tfi
Egypt were confumed, becaufe they obey- trumpet, all the peDple fhall fhcut with I

ed not the voice of the Lord unto whom : great fhout and the wall of the city fha!

the Lord fware that he would not ihew fall down flat, and the people fhall afceru
them the lani which the Lord 1 ware unto u? every manftravght before him.
their fathers that lie would give us, aland 6 11 And Jofhua the fon cf Nun callet
that floweth mitfi milk and hony. the prielts, and laid antothem, Take ur.
7 And (heir children, whom he raifed the ark ot the covenant, and let fev*
Up in their dead, tiiem Jofhua ciratmci- prielts bear feven trum pets of rams Itoflf
fed for they were uncircnmci fed ,
: I before the ark of the Lord.
they had nor circumciled them by the 7 And he f3i.i unto the people, l^fs ofl
'.pais the city, .ind let him that i

fc And it came to gift when they had armed pais on before the atk ot the Lord.
done circumci;ing a'.l the people, that 8 11 And it came to pafs when
they abode in their places in the «amp, had fpoken unto the people, that
ieven prielts bearing the feven trumpets
till they were whole.
9 And the Lord laid unto Jofhus, This of rams horns, palled on before the
day have 1 rolled away the reproach
Lord, and blew with the trumpets: and
Egypt from off you: wherefore the name the ark oi the covenant of the Lord ioU
oft ho place is called Gilgal unto this lowed them. I

day. 9 11 And the armed men went be tori

10 the children of Ifrael encam-
11 And the prielh, th3t blew with the trumpet!
ped in Gilgal, and kept the palTbver, on and the rere-wird came after the arkl
the fourteenth dav of the month at even, the priefts going on, and blowing wiiq
in the plains ot 'Jericho. the trumpets.
II And they did eat of ihc old corn of 10 And Jofhua Lad commanded the p eo-
the land on the morrow after the t-aifb- ple, faying, Ye fhall notlhout, nor make
ver, unleavened cakes, and p3rche.'. :om any ntftfe with your voice, neither fhall
in the felt-fame day. any word proceed out of your mout
ix n And the manna ceafed on the mor- the day I bid you fliout,then fhall ye fhout.
it So

2? And Jofhua faved Rahab the har-

lot alive, and her fathers houihold, and
all had; and fhe dwelleth in If-
that (he
rael even unto this day becaufe fhe hid :

the melfengers which jofhua lent to fpy

out Jericho.
.> \^ <\ And Jofhua adjured them at that
time, I avinc, Curled be the man before the
LORD,' that rifeth up and buildeth this-
city Jericho: he fhall lay the foundation
thereof in his firlt-born, and in his young-
ellfon fhall he let up thegatcsoi' ir.
17 Sa the LORD was with Jofhua.
and his fame was noifed throughout all
mpets. the country.
*4 And the fecor.dday they compaflcd CHAP. VII.
city once, and returned into the camp :
BTbi Ifratlitts Smitten at Aii &c.
hey did fix days. Ut the children of Ifrael committed a
And it came to pafs on the feventh trefpnR in the accurfed thing: lor
', that they rofe early about the dawn- Achan the lonof Carmi, the fen of Zab-

of the day, and comparted the city d»i the lonof Zerah, ofthe- tribe of Ju-
erthe fame manner, feven times only : dafl, took of the accurfed thing: and
that day they compared tnecityfeven the anger ofthe Lord was kindled asainft
the children of Iwael.
And it came to pais at the feventh i And Joihua lent men from Jerichoto
ce, when the priefts Mew with the trum- Ai, which is befider Beth-aven, on the
s, Jofhua laid unto the people, Shout, eait-fide of Beth-el, and pake unto them, I

the Lord hath given you the city. faying, Go up and. view the country.
f fl And the city lhall be accurfed, tvtn And the men went up and viewed Ai,
rid all that are therein, totheLOR-D: ? And they returned to Jjffcua, and faid
yRahab the harlot fhall live, fhe and unto him. Let rot all the people coup:
mature withher inthehoufe, becaui'e but let abmr twu or three thousand men
the me;Vcnnersthat we lent.
fcid soup and !";.tit3 Ai, and make not all the
S And you,in any wile keeper /elves people to iabour thither ; for they are
n the 'accurfed thing, left ye make but few.
ftlva accurfed when ye take of the 4 Sc there went up thither of the peo-
nirfed thin?, and make the camp of ple about three thcuiand men, and they
;el a rurfe, and trouble it. lied belore the men of Ai.
(But all the Giver an.i cold, andvef- <i And the men of Ai fmote of them a-
of brafs and iron, *ft cdnfecrated un- bout thirty fcfldfiK men: for thev chafed
he Lotvj :thev fhall come into the them tVo^ berore the gate linto She- w.
ifury of the LORD. barim, and mote- them in the goir.p'

peoplefnouted whenf*.' pnefis down wherelcre the hearts of the peo-


w with the trumpets: and it came to ple melted, and became a*v/ater.
5 when the people heard the (oundot . 6 n And Joihua rent Lis clothes*. ar.J
trumpet, and the people fhoured with fell to the earth upon hijfac; before the

Jreat Tno;t, that the wail tell down flat, ark cf th: Lord, until the
hat the people went up into the city, he and the eidew of ifraef, and put dttft
ryman ihaight before him, and they npon their heads.
k'thecitv. 7 And Jofhua faid, Ala* Of.;.dGon,
And they utterly deftroyed all that wherelore haft thou a; all '"brought this
s in the city, both man and woman, people ever Jordan, to deliver us into
ng and old, and c>:, and Cheep, and the hand of the Ajnorites, K
with the edge of the fword would to Gcd we had been content, and
i But joiiiu'a had faid unto the two dwelt en the other fide Jor<
n that had fried out the country, Go SO Lonn, what fhall I :';y, when If-
3 the harlots houfe, and bring out rael rurneth their backs belore their e-
ncetfie woman, and all that ftie hath, nemies?
ye- (ware unto her. 9 For-theCan?.2nites, and all be inha- f

And the younemen that were fpiea, bitants ofthe land fhall he2&r of it, and
lit in, and brought out Rahab, and fhall environ us round, t.rd c\ t oft car
father, and he: mother, andherbre- name from the earth: and what wilt
:n, and all that fre had and they
: thou do unto thv great name? *
ght out all her kindred, and lett toll And the LORD
faid unto Jofhua,
r without the camp of Ifrael. Get thee \xv-i wherefore lieft thou, thus
ley burnt the city with fire, upon thy face?
Irdl that wut-.therein only the Hirer
: it Ifrael h2rh finneti, and they have,
I the gold, and the veffels or brai's alfo tranlscrefled iny covenant which I
j of iron, thev put into the treaj'urv commanded them : fcr they have even ta-
the houic of the LORD. ken ct the accurfed thing,' and have&H*
H * ttolen.

ftolen, anddifenibled alio, an -.1 they have 17 And Whv haft thon trot
Jofhua Paid,
rj^ »fe/rnainonj.t 'heir own ;turT. b'.e t us :- the LOUD uial) trouble tht
11 Tncfotbrc tb« children of ll'rael this lay. And
Ifrael Ikoned himwn
could not itand before tneir enemies, ttjnes, and burned them with tire, art<
»a; turned (*»> backs before their ene- thev had ftuned th.mi with (tones.
mies, bicaale^icy were accurfed neither : 16 And they railed over him a gn»
Wfll.l oe withyo.i any mure>except ye d;- heapol .(tones unto this bothcCpfc dM :

ftroy the accuried hem among you. turned trom the ftercenefs cf his ange;
i? Up, lanctihe the people, and lay, wherefore the name of that place w:
Si.nctiiie yourselves airaimt to morrow:
tor thus faith the LORD
God of ll'rael,
called, The valley 01 Aclior, unto
Tc.v- h an accurfed thins in the midftot CHAP.
thee, Oll'rael: thou cariif. notftand be- Cod
God tiicour.-.geib
tiiLour.-.getb^ ojiiu*,
oiIjuj &c.
iore thinr enemies, until ye take away A Nd the Lord laid unto JJofhua, Fes
the accurfed tiring ,rom anion? you. £\ ri3t> neither b thou dif.jia-ed .*

.14 In the morning therefore ye fiia'.l he t:.kc ail the pejplc of war .. with 'the«
brought accordine to your tribes: and it and anfe, go up to Ai : lee, I hav
fhall be tbit the tribi which the LORD given into thy hand the king ot
tak.-th, fhall come according to the lami- and his people, andhiscitv, and his I
lies tb-.reof and the family which the
; x Ana thou ihalt do to A'i and. her k
1-OR1) fh.aH take, fhall come by lioul- as thoudidll unto Jericho and her ki
hohls ; and the houfhotd winch the Lord only the fpoil thereof, and tlie c,
fhall take, (hall come man by man. thereat fhall ye take for a prey unto
K And it fha'.lbe, f^hethat istaken [elves: lay thee an ambaft tor the
with the accurfed thins, fhall ba burnt behind it.
^with lire, he and all tha: he hath be- : X <] So Jjfhiaarofe, and all the p
caul'e he hath tranlVrell'ed the covenant of wjr, to go up againfr Ai and J :

or the LORD, aid becaufe he hath cho.cout thirty thoul'and mitrfity

wroo^'n tolly in Iirael. valour, and lent them away by nisrht
t6fie>o Jofhua to-'e up-early in the mor- 4 .\n,\ he command ed them, laying]
ning, and broigh* ll'rael by their tribes; hold, ye fhall lie in wait againft thecif;
and the tribe of Judah wastaken •.
eu.'.j beiiind the city go not very far ftw:

17 And he brought- the family of Judah the cry, but be ye a'l ready :

2nd he tool; the family of the Zarlmes: > And I, and all the people that «
2nd he brought the family of the Zarhi'.es with me, will approach unto the cirj
man bv man ; and Zabdi was taken : and it fhall come to pal's when thev coir
itj And he br his houlhold man out againft us, as at the tuft, tnat «
by man; and Achan the fon of Carmi, will nee before them.
the fon of Z-ibli, the ion of Zerah, ot 6 C come out after usj
For they will
the tribe ot Judah, wastakeo. till we have drawn them from thecitl

19 And Joihua faid unto Achan, My lor they will lay, They flee before us.j
fon, give, I pray thee, eloryto 'he Loud atthefirft: therefore we will rlee betri
God of Ifrael, an.i make cbniefTrm unto them.
him an.\ tell me now what ihcu hall
•, 7 Then ye fhall rile ur fmm the ar.
done, hide it not from me. bufh, and feize upon the city : tor tl
xo And Achan anl'wered Jofhua, and Lor 3 your God will deliver it into to
faid, Indeed 1 have finned againft the hand.
Lord God of I.'rael, and thus and thu? 8 And it fha'l be when ve have taki
have done.
I th^city, tbdt y C fhall fet the city on Rn
u When I faw among the fpoils a good- according to the commandment of tl
ly Babvioniih eirment, and two hundred LORD fhall ye do. See, 1 have coc
fiiekefs of fitver, and a wedge of gold manded you.
of r-aty weight, then I coveted
fhckels 9 tl Joihua therefore fent them forti
them, and took them" and behold, they and they went to lie in ambufh. and absfc
firt hid in the earth in the midrt ot my b.-tween Beth-el and Ai, un the wef
tent, and the iilver un.ler it. lideol Ai : but Jcftua lod?ed that r.ig
12.51 Sj Jofhua Pent meuengers, andthev araon? the people.
*am unto the tent, and behold, rt -an bid to And Jofhua rofe up early in-t!
inhistent, and the tiller under ir. morning, and nu r.bred tlie people, at
XX And thev took them out ot the mtdfi went up, he and the elders of Ifrat
of the tent, and them unto Joihua. before the people to Ai.
and uno all the children of If.ael, and 1 And all the people, tvtn tbt ptoplti

ia»d them out before the LORD. war that vetre with him, went up, aj
.1,4. Ajid Joihua ami all flrael with him, drewnich, and came before the citv, 9
took Achan the fon of Zerali-, and thefil- pitched' on the north-tide of Ai nl ':

"ver, 3nd the garment, and the wedge of tbirtvejta valley between them and A
gotjfracl hi* ons, and his daughters", and ix And he took about five thoufa
his oxen, and his aiVe", and his iheep, ana men, and fet them to lie in aaibufhb
fcis tent, and all that he had: and they tween Beth-eJ and Ai, on th:welt-fi
bxcughuhcai uncg the valley ot Achor. of the City,
13 A

city, Ifra«l took for a prey unto them

I elves, according unto the word of the;
LORD, which he commanded^Jcfhua,
2.$ And Joihua burnt Ai. and made it
an heap forever, tvtn a defulation unto
this day.
19 And the king of Ai he hanged on a
tree until even-tide and afibon as the

lun was down, Jofhua commanded that

they fhoulei take his catcall* down from
the tree, and caft it at thecntring of the
gate of the city, and r'ail'e thereon a
great heap of ftones tk*t rtmaimtb un:o
this day.
?o if Then Jofhua built an altar un--
to ttic LORD God ol Ifiacl in mount
?t As Mofes the fervant of the LORD
commanded the children cf Ifrael, a: it
is written in the book ot the law of Mo-
fes, analtarof whole ftones, over which
noaian hath lift up *nj iron: and they
orfered thereon burnt -offerings unto the
Lord, and facrificed peace-offerings.
J 2 And he
wrote there upon the 1tone<?
a copy of the law of Moles, which
wrote in the prefenceof the children of
'3 And allIfrael, and theirelders, and
officers, and their judges, flood on this
the ambufh arofe quickly out lidetheark, and on that fide, before the
heir [Mace, ana they ran aflbonas he priclts the Levites, which bare the ark
(tretched out his hand and they
of the covenant of the LORD, as weM
ed into the city, and took it, and theftranger, as he that was borr anions"
ed, and let the riiy on fire. them j half of Hum- over agnnlt mount
b And when trie raenof At looked be- Gerizzim, andhalf of them over .;,mi; i
X them, they law, and behold, the mount Ebal : as Moles the fervaht of the
keofthe city alcendedup to heaven, Lord had command -d before, that they
they had no power to rlee this way fhouldblel's the people ot Ifrael-.
that' way and the people that fled
: U
And afterward he read a'l the words
ha>wtUterftrs turned bsck uj-en the of the law, th« Meffiti?s and cuni res,
according to all that is Written in the
^Uvhen Jofluia-and all Ifraelfaw b~>ok of the law.
the amhufhhad taken the city, and ?v There was not a word of all that Mo-
("moke of the city alcended,
the es commanded» which Joihua
read not
1 they turned again, and flew the before all the congre?anonof lfrae', with'
3 of Ai. the women, and the'little ones, »<
the' 1

And the ether itTuedout of the city granger* that were converfant amoni*

inlt them, fo they were in the midit them. °

Ifrael,Ibme on this fide, and fomeon '"£.
;. C H A P. IX.
t fide :and they fmote them, fo that The £•«£< combine sr din } Ifnul,. &c
none of them remain, or elcape.
And 'he king of Ai they took alive,
ANd came
it to pais,
kings which veen on
when all the
this tide Jordan,
brought him to 'oftiua. in the hills, and in the rallies, sr
,d in
And it came to pals, wht.n Ifrael had
all the coalls of the grea<:
lea o*;r a-
de an end of Haying all the inh abitams gamtt Lebanon, the Hittite, and the
Ai, in the field, in the wildernefs Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzire,
:reinthev chafed them, and when they the Hzvite, andtbeJebulUe heard litre-
"ea)l fallenon the edge of the (word
il they were confumsd, that all the i That they gathered themfelves toge-
elites remrned unto Ai, and fmo*e it ther to fisrfe*with Jofhua» and w~ith Ifrael,
h the edee of the fwcrd. with one accord.
And/o it was, f/bjf all that fell that
[ 3 si And when the inhabitants of Gi-
, both of men and worn :n, xvtrt twelve heon heard what Joihua had done unta
ufand, even all thJ men of Ai. Jericho and to Ai*
5 For lofhua d>-ewnot his hand ^ack 4 They did workwililv, and went ar.d
erewith he fcretched ovit the fp;ar, nvade a- it th..-v had been ambaffad t»,
il he hadu terly deftroyed all thein- and took old lacks upan their siTes, and
dtants of Ai. wine-bwttles, old, and rent, ma boimd
Only the cattle andthc-JpoUof that •U|»r-
H 6 . < And
Tb; Gi-iCTiHe: craft. Jpfcu i. ibtj Uzomt tcnJ-fHm.
And old fhoes ana clcuted upon their ii And the princes faid untc them, Le
feet, and eld garments apon them, ana them live, ( but let them be hewers o
all the bread of their proviiion was dry
wood, and drawers of water unto-aHJ
»ni mouldy.
* conffresration ) as the princes had proflajp
& And thev went to Jofhua unto the ed them.
camp at Gil?al, and laid unto him. and n 11 And Jofriua called for them, an

tothemenoFlirael, We be cone trom a he fpake unto them, faying, Where:

fir country : now therefore make ye a have ye beguiled us, laying, We
league with us. very tar trom you j when ye dwell a:
. ,

men of lTrael iaid untotf.e us

7~And the ?

Peradvemure ye dwell among i: Mow therefore vcwecurfed, and tl

us, and how ihallwe makes league with (hall nnc or you 'be heed trom bei
bond-men, and hewers of wood, and dn
And they faid unto Jofhua.We are thy ers of water ;or the hottfe of my _
fervants. And lofhua laid ant i-t And thevar.fwered Jofhua, and fa

Who art v;^ an.', ft

Becau e it was certainly told thy A
very him, Froth a how that the Lord thy GodcoB
9 An "to
manded his i'ervant Moi"estcgivey<n«J
far cojntrv tny fervants aK* come, be-
thy LORD the land, and to deftroy all the irhabitaj
taufe of tie name of ths
God: for we have heard_ the tame oi of the land trombeioreyou, therefore*
were lore arraid of cur lives, becaufj
him, and all that bedid in Egypt, .
to And all that he did to the two
longs of the Amorites, that rt^e be-
yond Jordan, to Sihon kingot Hefhoon,
you, an have none this thing.
hand: as it

And now behold, \vt~nrs in

ieemeth good and right*!
thee, to do unto us, do.
and to Og king of Balhan, which wui at
i6 And lb did lie unto them, and AM
Wherefore our elder?, and ail the vered them out ~t the handet the c*J
; !
drenof If-ael, them nod|
that they flew
inhabitants of our country, fpake to us,
i7 And jofhua made them that am
faying, Take victuals with you lor the
hewers of wool, and drawers oJ wate
iournev, 3nd go to meet them, and lay
unto them, wem
yoor lervanrs: there- for the
congregation, and for the
Lord, even unto this day,
in the placi
tore n &w make ye a' league with as.
whieh he fhou'd choofe.
ii This our bread we took hot for
proviiion out of our houfes, on the t.ay
C H A P. X.
now Fivt tfngi I Gtieoa, &c,
Us we came forth to srounto you but

Id, it is dry, and it is mouldy

wine which we
NOw it
dek king of Jerufalem
came to pafswhenA
had heai
13 And theft bottles of
and behold, they be how Jofhua had taken Ai, and h*J u
felled, Vtirt new,
terly detrroyed it, { as h i hW done
fCDt ar.d theft cur garments, and our

reafon of the ri:ho andherking, !'o he haddt

jfioes are become eld, by
and her kins) and how the:
'^AnlSe^tcokof their vitals, Gibeonhad made peace withllrael, aru
mouth of the
and asked not coutfel at the were anions them ; ./.-*;
i Thatthey feared greatly, becaufe Gi-
beon great city, asoneot the roya.
^^iv'a Jcfhua made peace with them,
cities, and becaufe it teas ereater thar
and made a league with.them, to let them Ai, and all the men thereof rrtrt mighty,
live and the princes of the

fware unto them.

the end of
, ,
3 Wherefore Adoni-zedek kiMOf
rnfalem, lent unto Hoham king cf He-
16 And it came to pas a.
made a league bron, and unto Piram king of Jarmutn-
three days, after they had
with them! that they Wrd tj* fey™
thej dwelt a-
and unto Japhia king of Lachifh, anc
unto Debirking cf Egton, fayit
their neighbours, and
4 Comeupnfltome, and help me, thai
children of lfrael journey- we mav fmite Gibeon for it hath made :

^^ndtrte cities on the peace with Jo.'hua, and with the childret
ed, and earoe unto their or lfrael.
lav: now their ci'ies
were G.beon, c k „
Therefore the five kings of the Amo.
and Chephirah, and Beerotfu and Kir-

rite?, trie kin»of Jemlalem, the

children of lfrael fmote Hebron, the kin? of Jarmuth, the kirf

SuUhe of Lachifh, the king of Hglon, gathere
them nor, becaule (be princes of the con-
themfclves together, and went up, th

privation f2d iworn unto them by ihi
and all the congre- and all their holts, and encamped beto,
Lord God of lfrael :

princes Gibeon, and made war againit it.

murmured againfl the
6 fl And the men cf Gibeon fent un«
fc unto all the
,q But all the princes laid faying
congregation, have fworn unto them Jofhua, to theicamp to Gilgal,.
We lervants
Lord God of lfrael now there- hl^ck not thv hand from thy
bv the :
ccmeupto us quickly, and faveits, ant
fore we may not touch them.
fcr all the kins? of the Amo-
- This we will do to them we will
even helpus :

rites that dwell in the mountains,


lith en live deit wrath be upon us.becaufe gatbered together againit w,

if ; Uth which, wc fware unto them.

Chap. X Divt/i {:ngl conquered.
Ifc. yitn «n.J mooarftenzfiil!.
bron, the king of Jarniuth, the king of
v jofhua a&flH from Gil 5a'., he
Lachifh, tini the kin? of Hglon.
2 II the people 'war with him, an*-'
2.4 And came "to pals when they
."> incn^Fvalour - , „
brought out thefe kings unto Jofliua,
Mfcadtne Lotd laitl unto Joihua,
that Jofliua called for all the men or
^fem not for I have delivered

lfrael, and faid unto the captains of the

m into thine hand ; there fhall not a men of war which went with him, Come,
h of them Hand beforethee.
near, put your feet upon the necks of
Joihua theretore came unto them
all night. thefe kings. And they came near, and
llv, Old went up from Gilgal
diicomfited them put their feet upon the necks of them.
And the LORD z> And Joihua faid unto them, Fear not
ore lfrael, and flew them with a great nor be diimayed, be ftrong and of good
chterat Gibcon, and chafed them a- courage: lor th«s ihall the LottD do to
» the wav that goeth up to Beth-ho-
and all your enemies againrt whom ye fight.
, and fmote them to Azekah, »"S And afterwara Jofliua mote them,

c Makkedah. „
, ,
ar.cHlewtrem, and hanged them on five
111 And it came to pafs as they tied trees : and they were liariging upon the
before lfrael, *ni were tnthe|Oina

vn to Beh-horon, that the LORD trees until the evening.

from heaven up- 17 And it came to pals at the time or
t down great ftones
the going down ujf the lun, that Jofhua
them unto Azekah, and they died:

commanded, ant they took them down


1 \*i,e more which died with

off the trees, and caft them into the cave
n they whom the children of Ilrael flew wherein thev had been hid, and laid
:a the (word. >«««
LORD great flones in the caves mouth, vcbicb
Ml Then (pake Jofliua to the

rem.iin until tnis very day.

the day when the LORD
delivered up
18 11 And that day Jofliua took Mak-
i Amorites before the children
of II-
of lfrael, kedah, and fmote it with the edgeci the
:1, and he faid in the fight
(word, ami the king thereof he utterly
V, (tand thou it. 11 upon Gioeon, and
defttoved, them, and all the louls that
xi moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
moon were therein, he let norte remain and he
1 And the fun flood ft ill, and the

did to the king of Makkedah, as he did

yed, until the people had avenged
unto the king of Jericho.
inifelves upon their enemies. If not this
itten in the book of Jaflier ! iothe lun 19 Then ioftuia palled from Makke-
dah, and all lfrael wUhhim, unroLib-
od Hill in the midft of heaven, and haft-
nah, and fought againft Libnah.
not to go (town about a whole day.
30 And the Lord delivered it alfo, and
14 And there was no day like that, be-
the kir.gthereof, i»to the hand of Ilrael,
eitor alter it, that the Lord heark-
and he fmote it with the ed?e otthe iwerd,
d unto tne voice of a man : for the
and all the louls that were therein: he let
fought for lfrael.
none remain in it, but did unto the kir.g
And Joihua returned, and all II-
thereof, as he did unto the king ot Jericho.
with him, unto tne camp to Gilgal.
*l V And Jofliua parted irom Libnah,
»6-But thefe five kings fled, and hut
emfelves in a cave at Makkedah. and all lfrael with him, unto Lachifh, and
7 And it was told Joftma, laying, Tr.e encamped againft it, and fought againft
•e kings are found hid in a cave
akkedah. ;; And the LORDdelivered Lachifh
great ftones into the hand of Jfrael, which took it
18 And Joihua faid, Roll
and let men on the fecond day, and fmote it with
on the mouth of the cave,
tlie edge of the fword, an<l all the foul?
it for to keep them.
purlue alter that tiere therein, according to all that
io And flay you not, but
ur enemies, andfmitethe hindmoft of he had done to Libnah.
tuffer them
-in, not to enter into their 5; 11 ThsnHojam kingof Gezercame
v ies: for the LORD your God hath de- UP to help Lachiih; and Joihua fmote
/eredtheni into your hand. himandhispeop!*! until hehad left him
'10 to pais when Jofliua
And it came none remaining. .' , -
„. v

the children of Ilrael had made an

U H And from Lachifh, paflect
them with a very great unto Ecrlon, and all lfrael with him, and
id of llayinz
they encamped againft it, and fought a-
tighter till they were conlumed, tnat "
He refl vobkb w**in«l of them, entred gamfl it.
to fenced cities. is And they took it on that day, and
ai And all the people returned to the fmote it with the e<',<7eof the fword, and
all the fouls that were therein he utterly
imp to Joihua at Makkedah in peace :

ine moved his tongue againft any of

deftroved that day, according to all that
ie children of lfrael. he ha'd done to Lachifh.
?6 And Jcfhua went up from Eglon,
»Then faid Jofliua, Open the mouth |

the cave, and bring out thofe hve and all lfrael with him, unto Hebron,
and they fought againft it. ,,_.-'
ngs unto me out of the cave
xi And they took it, and fmet;
*? AnA thev did fo, and brougiit forth
the cave, wi< h the edge of the fword , and the king
ib('e five kin'gsunto him out of u
of He- thereof, and all the cities thereof and
lie king of Jcrufaiem, the king ^
. :

the fouls that -nut therein: he lift none to 11 And Jofhua at that time turned
remaining C according to all that he had back, and took Hazor, and fmote the
('jnc toLglon; but deitrcyed it utterly, king thceot with the fword for Hazor :

and all the louls that xotre therein. oetoretime was the head of all thole
?8 fl And Jofhua returned, and all Urac! kingdoms.
withhim.toDebir, and fought ag2init it. it And they fmote all the fouls that wer*
29 And he took i r and the king there-
therein with the edge of the i'word.uttei
of, and all the cities thireot, and they destroying tbr,n there was no: any le

10 breathe ; and he burnt Hazor with

iiuotc them wirh the edge ot the (word,
and utterly deftnyed all the fouls that iz And the cities ot thole kmg.<,
fere therein, he left none remaining as :
allele kings ot thera did Jbftuiatake
he had done to Hebron, fc he did to Deb.r, (mote them with the edgcer the l"woi
sod to the king thereof, as he had done mihe utterly deftrtyed "them, as Moi
alio to Libisali,~and to her kin;*. thelervant of the LORDcommanded
4c So Jafhua more all trie country o!
fl t n But 4« for the cities that ftoodthll
the and ot the l'outh, and of the vale,
hills, their itrength, llrael burned none ot the
aid of the Ipnngs, and all their kings lave Hazor only ; that did Jofhua bu
he left none remaining, but utterly de- u Andall theipoil ol thefe cities, t -

ftroyed all that breathed, as the LORD the cattle, the children of lfrael took
God uf llrael commanded. a prey unto thenilelves
but every
4i And Jcfhua fmote them frnm Ka- they imote- with the edge of the
defh-larnea, even unto Gaza, and all the unul tdey had deitroyed them, neith
country of Goihen, even untc Gideon. lett they any to breathe
4a And all thefe kings and thtir land if.fl Avthe LORD commanded M
did Jofaua take at one time : because the his lervant, lo did Moies comman.i
LORD God cf lfrael fought tor llrael. fhua, anl lo did Jolhua he left .

4} AndJo:hua returned, and alllirael thing undone ot all that the Loruco
With him, unto the camp toGilgal. manded Mules.
C II A P. XI. .16So Jofhua took all that land, t
VTvtn kjngt and cHit- tA^en, &c. hills,and all the lout h. country, and
ANd it came to pal's, when J2hin king
o: Hazor had heard tbofe tbin$i, that
the landot Gofhen, an A the valley, a:
the lam, and the mountain of 'li'rai
he lent to Jobab king ot Madon, and to and thz valley ot the fame:
theking of Shnnron, and to the kingot it Even trom the mount Hilak, tii:
Achfhaph, goethuptoseii, even unto Baal- gad,
i And to the kings that were on the the vaMey of Lebanon, under mour_
north of the mountains, and or the plains, Hermon and all their kings he took,

loath of Cinnercth, and in the valley, and and fmote them, an<1 Hew ttiem.
in the borders of Dor, on the welt ; 18 Jofhua nrade war a long time wi
3 And fo the Canaanireon the ealt and all thole king*.
on the welt, and to the Amonte, and the «9 There was not a citv that madt
Hittite, and tbe Perizzite, and the lelvj- peace with the children ot lfrael, fave the
fitein the mountains, and to the Hivite Hjvites the inhabitants ot Gibeon i all
tinder Hermoo, in the land of Mizpeh otitr they took in battle.
4 And they went out, they and al their io For it was of the LORD to harder
fcofts with them, much people, even as the their hearts, that they fnould come a.
land that ii upon the fea-fhore in multi- gainft Iirael in bittle. that he might de
tude, with hcrl'es and chariots very many. ftroy them utterly, anithat they mitfc
f And when all thefe kings were wet have no iavour, but that he might deftrv
together." they came and pitched toge- them, as the LORD commanded Mufes'
ther at the waters of Merom, to fight a- it 51 And at that time came Jofhua, and
gainft H'ra.'}. cut oft theAnakims from the mountains,
6 11 And the Lord laid unto .Tofhua, Be from Hebron, trom Debir, from Anab.
rot afraid becaufe of them : f r to mcrrow
. and trom all the mountains of .ludah, and.<
about this time will I deliver them up all from all the mountains of Krae loffiua 1

flairvbefore Ifrasl thou lhalt houeh their

: deltroyed tbtm utterlv with, their cities.
nodes, and burn their chariots with fire. ii There was none of rh? Anakimsleft
1 So Jofhua came, and all the people of in the land of thechtldrenof lfrael only :

war with him, againlt them by the wa- in Gaza, in Gath, and in Aihdoa, there,
ters of Meroin fudaeniy, and they fell remained.
upon them. i". Se Jofhua tc?k the whole land, ac-

8 And the Loan delivered them int >

cording to all that the Lorv> faid untol
thehandof lfrael, who ("mot c the ana
, Moles, and .Jofhua gave it tor an inheri-l
chafed them unto great Zidon, and unto tance unto lfrael, according ro 'heir di-l
Miztephoth-maim, and unto the valley *f virions bv their tribes. And the land'
Mizpeh cafi>ward, and theyfm t e them, rcfted from war.
until thev left them mne remaining. XII. CHAP.
And Jcfhua did unto them as the Tbe one and tbi rty bjm,s"ojbtu,fmoit % eVe.
LORD bade him he houghed their h n rJ'es,

-and burst their chari ns with tire..

thefe are the kings of the 'and,
which the children oj Ifiacl fmote,
; : :
»"i. i»i una not conqutred.
on the other lute p. Thekingof Kedefh, one: the king
ian toward the riling ot the fun from : of Jokneam ot Carmel, one:
river Arnon, unto mount Hermon, i
i; Thekingof Dor inthecoaft of Dor,
the plain cnth« jalt.
all one'- the king c-t the nations of GUgal.ono:
Sihon king; of the Amorites, who 14 The kin? of Tirzah, one : all the
Uin Heirtbon, and ruled tromArocr, Kin^s thirty and one.
cH is UDon the b^nkot the river Ar- j. . CHAP.XIII.
The boundi »f tbt land not conqutrei, &c.
and from the middle ot" the river,
from halt Gilead even unto the river \TOw Joihua was old and fericken in
bok, xvbrcb is the border ot the chil- i/N years ; and the Lt>Ri> (aid unto him,
nof Amnion :
Thou art old and ftricken in years, and
And from the plain to the Tea .or there remainetft yet very much land to
neroth on the eait, and unto the lea b-'poflelVed.
the plain, even the l'alt-ie3on the eaft, i This it the land that yet remaineth :
way Beth-jefhimoth and from the
to -.
allthe borders of the Philiftines, and all
h, under Afhdoth-pifgah. . Gefhuri,.
And the coatt of Og king of Bafhan, ; From Sihor, which it before Egypt,

cb wa« of the remnant ot the giants, even unto the borders of Ekron north-
t dwelt at Alhtaroth, and at Edrei,
ward, vebicb is counted to the Canaanite -.

And reigned in mount Hermon, and five lords of the Phihftines ; the Gaza-
Salcah, and in all Bafhan, unto the thithes, and the Afhdothites, the Efhka-
dcr of the, and the Maa- lonites, the Gittues, and the Ekronites j
ithites, and half Gilead, theDorderot alfothe Avitcs.
ion king of Helhbon. 4 From the fouth, all the land of the
Them did Moles the fervant of the Canaanites, and Mearah that n befide the
rl), and the children of lfr?.el Imite, ftdonians, unto Aphek, to the borders of
i Mofes the fervant of the gsve LORD the Amorites
for a pofleflion unto the Reubenites, <iAnd the land of the Giblites, and all
\ G dues, and the half-tribe ot Ma-
Lebanon toward the fun-rifing, from Ba-
Teh. al-gad under mount Hermcn, unto the
fl And the<e are the kings of the coun- entnng into Hamath.
which Jofhua and the children of Ura- |
6 AM the inhabitants of-«he hill-country
"moceon this fide Jordan on the weft, from LeSanonunto Mifrephpth-maim,*^

Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon, all the SidOnians, them will 1 drive out
en unto the mount Halak, that goeth ut> from belore the children df Lfrael only, :

Seir, which Jo >\ua gave unto the tribes divide thou it by Jot unto the liraslites for
Ifrae'/or a pofTefiion, according to their an inheritance, as I have commanded thee
rifions 7 Now therefore, "divide this land for an
R In tha mountains, and inthe.vallies, inheritance unto the nine tribes, and the
Q in tbe plains, and in the fprings, and half-tribe of ManafTch,
| the wildernefs, and in the ibuth-ccun- 8 With whom the Reubenites, and the
theHittites, fhe Amorires, and the Gadites have received their inheritance,
paanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, which Moles s;ave them, beyond Jordan
jdthejebufites. eaft-ward, even as Mofes the lervant of
b 11 The king of Jericho, on? : the king the gave the.n LORD :

I Ai, which/.' befide Beth-el, tne : g From Aroerthat it upon the hank of
to The king of Jerufalem, one : tha- the river Arnon, and the city that is in
ng of Hebron, one : themidftof the river, and all the plain
u The king of Jarmuth, one: the kin; of Medeba uiud Dibon :
Lachifh, one-. ie And all the cities of Sihon kingof
nThe king of Eglon, one: the kin the Amorites, which reigned in Hefhbon,
Gezer, one : unto the border of the, children of Am-
HThe king of Debir, ofte: the king nion :

f G«der, one : i t And Gilead, and the border of the Ge-

4 ThekingofHormahjOne: the king ihurites, and Maac'iathites, and all mount

r Arad, one: Hermon, and allBajhan unto Salcah:
? The king of Libnah, one the king :ii All the kingdom of Og in Bafhan-,
Adullam, one which reigned in Afhrarcth and in Edrei,
i& Tpe_king of Makkedah, one the who remained of the remnant of the gi-
ing of Beth-el, on ants: for thefe did Mofes fmite, andcaft
17 The king of Tappuah, one : the them out.
ing of Hepher, one . t} Neverthelefs the children of lfrael
18 Thekingof Aphek, ene: the king expelled not the Gefhurites, nor the Maa-
|f Lafharon, one*. chathitcs :- but the Gefhurites and the
19 The king of Madon, one : the king Maachathres dwell among thelfraelites
|f Hazor, one : until this day.

10 The king of Shimron-meron, one u

Only unto the tribe of Levi he gave

lekingof- Achihaph, one: rone inheritance ; the facriftces of the

n The king ot Taanach, one: the Lord God of lfrael made by fire, are
ing/of Megiildy, one;: Itteii inheritance, as he faid onto them.
« *] Ani
: . : :

Reubens inhtriUme. Jol '•

Crteh portion.
15 11 Ami
•Males gave unfothe tribe of
the children of Reuben, inheritance accor- God of Ifrael teas their inheritance, ash
ding to their families: laid unto them.
16 And their coail was from Aroerthat . . CHAP. XIV.
it on the bank of the river Arnon, and the he nine tribes and half tbelr inheritance
citvthat is in the midlt of the river, an
all the plain by Medefia :
ANd thefe are
children of
the countries which
Ifrael inherited in ft

t7 Hefhbon and all her cities that are land ol Canaan, which Eleazar the
in the plain; Dibon, and Bamoth-baal, andjofmtathelbnot Nun, and the head
and Bwh-baal-meori, Of the lathers of the tribes of the child*
18 And Jahaza, and Kedemoth, ar.d of Ifrael diltnbuted for inheritance
Mephaath, tnem.
19 And
Kirjathaim, and Sibmah, and 1 By lot -X.V their inheritance, a<
Eareth-fhahar, in the mount of the valley, Lord commanded by the hand of Mo
10 And Beth-peor, ana Afhdoth-pil- lor the n me tribes, and/or the half-tri
gah, and Beth-jefhimoth, J? ForMefes had given the inherit*,
it And all the cities of the plain, and oltu-o tribes, and an half-tribe, on
all the kingdom of S'ihon kingof the A- ether fide Jordan: but unto the L»*i
morites, which reignea in Heitibon, whom he gave noneinheritance among them
Moles (mote with the princesof Midian, 4 For the children, of Jofeph were &
Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and tribes, Manafleh and Lphraim thereto •

Reba, -which mere dukes of Sihon, dwel- they gave no part unto the Levites in l
ling in the country. and, lave cities to dwell in, with
21 fl Balaam alio the fon of Beor the fubuTbs tor their cattle, and for thei 1
foothfayer, did the children of Ifrael (lay fubltance. ^/»|
with the fwerd, among them that were ? As the LORD commanded Mofejflf!
fain by them. the child rer.ot Ifrael did, and they
dirfl K
i? And the border of the children of ed the land. r

Reuben, was Jordan and rfi e border tkire- 6 H Then the children of Judah
ca L> &
ef. This vp .is the inheritance of the chil- unrojofnuain Gilgal: and Caleb the
dren of Reuben after their families, the ot Jephunneh the Kenczite, laid unto hi*
cities, and thi villages thereof. Them knoweftthe thing that the LORE *
24 And Moles gave inheritance unto the lauhintG Mni'es the man of God, concern-
tribe of Gad, even unto the children of irlg me and thee, in Kadefh-barnea

Gad according to their families 7 Forty years old upd< I when Mofes th( i

2? And their coaft was Jazer, and all fenrant orthe Lord lent me fromKadeih. !'
the cities of Gifead, amlhalf the land of ef'py outthe land ; and I Ln-offlB 3
thechildrenof Amnion, unto Aroer that him word again, asrrnurin mineheanj :

is before Rabbah 8 Nevertfteleis, my brethren tout weri P^

26 And from Hefnbon unto Ramath- up with me, made the heart cf the peopl)
mizpeh, andBetonim: and fromMaha- melt: but I wholly followed the LORE
naim unto the border of Debir my God.
17 And in the valley', Beth-aram, and 9 And Mofes fware on that d?v. favmo
Beth-nimrah, and Succotn, and Zaphon Surely the land whereon thy 'feet 'hari
thereftof the kingdom of Silion king of troden, ihall be thine inheritance, aric
Hefhbon, Jordan and his border, evenun thy children* forever: becaufethou
to the edge of the fea ot Cinnereth, on wholly followed the LORD
my God
the other fide Jordan eaft-warci to And now behold, the Lord hath kepi
28 This is the inheritance ol the chil- meahve, as he faid, thefe forty andfifi
dren of Gad after-their families, the ci- years.evenfince the Lord (pake this wore
ties, and their villages. unto Mofes, while the children of Ifrae
19 51 And Mofes gave inheritance unto wandred in the wildernefs: and now Jo
the half-tribe of ManalTeh and this was I am this day lourfccre and five years old

Ibe pofefioH of the half-tribe of the chil- n As yet I am as ftrong this day, as 1

dren of Manafieh, by their families. was in the day that Mcfes fent me as mi :

20 And their coalt was from Maha- llrength reus then, even fo is mv fi .

naim,allBafhan, all the kingdom of Og now, lor war, both to go out and to comt
kingofBafhr,n, and all the towns of Jair, in.
which/trein Bafhan, threefcore cities ii Now therefore give me this mountaii

7i And half Gilead, and Afhtaroth, and whereof the LORD

fpake in that day
Edrei, cities of the kingdom ot Oz in ("for thou heardll in that day hew the
Balkan, were pertaining unto the children Anakims were ther'e, and the riti«
of Machir the fori of ManafTeh. even to v-ere great and fenced ) iffobethe LORE
the one half of the children of Machir, veil' be with me, then I fhall be able t<
by their families. drive them out, as the Lord faid.
?i Thefe arc ihe countries which Mofes 12 And Joftma MeATed him, and pav<
did diltribute for inheritance in the unto Caleb the (on of Jephunneh > Hebroi
plains of Moab, on the other fide Jor- lor an inheritance.
dan by Jericho, call-ward. 14 Hebron therefore became theinhe-
3* But unto the tribe of Levi Mofes ritancc of Caleb tae foe of Jephunneh th< |

bordersof Judah, Chap, xv. Calebs conquejt,
zite,unto this day becnufe that he
: of the rhildten of Judah round about»
lyfollowed the Lord God of Uracil. according to their families.
And the name of Hebron before rv as n tl And unto Caleb the Ion of Jephun-
ith-arba, which Arba tp.i.< a great man neh, he gave a part among the children of
- the Anakims. And the Jand had Judah, according to the commandment
rrom war. of the Lord to Jofhua, even the city of
CHAP. XV. Arba the father of Anak, which city is
borders of the lot of Judah, Sec. Hebron.
its then was the lot of the tribe of 14- And Caleb drove thence the three

the children of Judah by their fami- fons or Anak, Shefhai, and Ahiman,
tven to the border of Edom the and Talmai, the children of Anak.

ernefs oi Zin fouth-ward, was theut- i? And he went up thence to the inha-
.olt part oi the fouth-coait. bitants of Debit and the name of Debir

Ind their Couth-border was from the before was Kirjath-fepher.

s of the falt-f'ea, from the bay that t6 U And Caleb laid, He that fmiteth
eth foiith-ward. Kirjath-fepher, and taketh it, to him
And it went out to the fouth-fide to will I giveAchfah my daughter to wife.
leh-acrabbim, and parted along to i7 And Othniel the fon of Kenaz, the
and a (tended up on the fouth-fide brother of Caleb, took it and he gave :

Kadeih-barnea and parted along him Achf'ah his daughter to wife.


ezron, and went up to Adar, and r8 And it came to pafs, as fhe cartie
ed a compafs to Karkaa. unto him, that fhe moved him to ask or
From tbence it parted toward Azmon, her father a field and fhe lighted off

went out unto the river of Egypt, her als and Caleb faid unto her, What

the goings out of that coaft were at would it thou?

Tea: this fhall be your fouth-coaft. 19 Whoanfwered, Give me ableffing;
And the eaft-borderw.iithefalt-fea, for thou haft given me aibuth-land, give
unto the end of Jordan and tbeit me alio fpringsof wator and he gave her
: :

er in the north-quarter, rr.i from the the upper fprmgs, and the nether (brings.

of the fea, at the uttcrrnoft part of 10 This is the inheritance of the tribe
Ian. of the children of Judah according to
And the border went up to Beth-- their families.
la, and parted along by the north of n
And riieuttermoft cities of the tribe
l-arabah, and the border went up to of the childrenof Judah, toward the coaft
ftone of Bohan the fon of Reuben. of Edom fouth-ward, wereKabzeel> and
And the border went up toward De- Eder, and Jagur,
fro:n the valley of Achor, and i'o li And Kinah, and Dimonah, and A-
h-ward looking toward Giigal, that dadah,
efore the going up to Adummim, 1% And Kedefh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,
eh is en the fouth-fiae of th,e river 14 Zipli, and Telem, and Bealcth,

the border palled towards the waters 1? And Hazor, Hadattah, and Keri-
n-fhemeih, and the goings out there- oth, and Hezrcn, which is Hazor,
.ere at En-rogel. 16 Aman, and Shema, and Moladah,

And the border went up by the valley 17 AidKazar-gaddah, and Hefhmon,

the for. of Hinnom.unto the fouth-fide and JJetfFpalet,
Jhe Jebufite, the fame is Jarufalem :and. 18 ABfrHazar-ftuial, and Beer-fheba,
. border went trp to the rep of the and Bifjothjah,
untain, that lieth before tlie valley of *9 Baalah, and lim, and Azem,
anom, weft-ward, which is at the end ^oAnd Eltolad.andChefil, andHormah»
he valley of the giants north-ward. ;i And Zikla-:, and Madmannah, and
And the border was drawn from the Sanfannah,
of. the hill unto the fountain of the Xx And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and
ter of Nephtoah, and went out to the A in", and Rimmon all the cities art

ies of mount Ephron, and the border -twenty end nine, with their villages.

p drawn to Baalah, which is Kirjach- J? And in the valley, Elhtaol, and Zo-
,rim. reah, and Aftuiah,
o And the border comparted from 34 And Zancah, and En-gannim, Tap-
alaii weft-ward unto mount Seir, and puah, and Enam,
Ted along unto the fide of mount Jca- *i Jarmuth, andAdullam, Sacoh, and
( which /iChefalon) on the north-fide, Azekah,
1. wen. down to Beth-fheiuefh, ami -6 And Sharaim, and Acuthaim, and
led on to Timnah. Gedcrah, and Gederothaim lourteen :

t And the border went out unto the cities whh their villages.
:of Ekron north-ward: and the bor- X-t Zenan, andHadaihah, and Migdal-
•was drawn to Shicron, and parted a- gad,
ig to mount Baalah, and- went out un-
18 AndDilean, and Mizpeh, and Jok-
Jabneel and the goings out of the theei,

der were a the fea.

„ -

^9 Lachifh, and Bozkafh, and Eglnn,

i And the weft-border was to the great 40 And cabbon, and Lahmas, and
j and the coait thereof this it the coaft

41 And
T»e borders of Jothua. tbt ebtllren of Jo;-
41 And Gederoth, Beth-dagon, and to Taanath-ftiiloh, and parted by it til-
Naamah, ami Makkcdah: iixteen cities th e eaft to Janohah 1

with their villa-res. 7 And went down from Janohah,

it - 1

4a Lib*uh, and Ether, and Alhan, Atarot::,and to Naaiath, and ca:ne to it

4"! And Jiphtah.and Aflinah, andNezib, richo, and went out a: Jordan.
44 And Kcilalu ind Achzib, and Ma- S The border went out from Tappo? Ar
refbah nine cities wr.h their villages.
: weft-ward unto the river Kanah an |0i :

4V Ekron with lur iowm, and her vil- the goings out thereof were at the fe;
lages. This/i the inheritance of the tribe cf th )'-
46 From Ekroneven unto the Tea, all childien o: Ephraim by their fanuliei m
that /a/ near Afhdod, with their villages. 9 And the leparate cities tor the chit
47 Afhdod with her towns and her vil- dren of Ephraim were among the i
lages, (idzi. with her towns and her vil- ritance of the children of M3naiich, a:
lages, unrothe river of Egypt, and the the cities with tiieir villages.
great i'ea, and the border tbtreof. ic A r d they drave not out the Canaa
4h' 1) And in the mountain, Shamir, nites that dwelt in Gezer: but the C*
and J^-ar, and Socoh, naanites dwell among the Ephraimiti
49 And Dannah, and Kirjath-fannah, unto this day, and ferve under tribute.
wh.o h Debir, CHAP. XVII.
fc And Anab, and Efhtemoh, and Anim, The lot of Manaffeb, &c.
11 And Gofhen, and Holon. and Gi- THere was alio a lot for the tribe C
loh. eleven cities with their villages.
: Manafleh for hewv.ttherirft-bM
*z Arab, and DHinah, and Efhean, Ot jofepn for Maeirrr the hrft
1 to TP/'f,

si And Janum, and Beth-tappuah, and born ot Manafleh the lather of Gilead
Anhekah, becauf'e he was a man of war, therefor
*4 And Humrab, and Kirjath-arba, he had Gilead and Bafhan.
( which it Hebron ) andZiir: nine cities a There was alio alot for the reft of Xl. \\-
with their vil'ages. children ot Manafleh by their families |»!
*? Maon, Carrnel, and Ziph, and Juttah, for the children of Abiezrr, and ftr tiw
?6 And Jezreel.and Jtkdeam.andZanoah, children of Helek, and for the childrt p
S7 Cain, Gibeah, and Tim«ah ten : of Afriel, and for the children of She r]'
cities with their village-. chem.and for the children of Hepher, an l»>
?8 Halhui, Beth-zur, and Gedor, fur the children ofShemida: tl.efe twrr
?9 And Maarath, and Beth-anoth, and the male-childrenof Manafleh thefon^p
Eltekon: lix cities with their villages. Jofeph by their families.
6oKirjath-baal ( which /> Kirjath-j"arinij 7 U But Zelophehad the fon of H
and Rali bah -.two cities with their villages. pher, the fon of Gilead, the fon of M TK\
61 v, In the wildernefs, Beth-arabah, chir, the Ton ©t" Manafi'eh, had no fbif!
Jdiddin, and Secacah, but daughters and thefe are the nan

6i And Nibfhan, and the city of Salt, ot his daughters, Mahlah, and No
and En-gedi:fix cities with their villages. Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
63 As for the Jebufitesthe inhabitants 4 And they came near before Elea:
of JeruCalem, the children of Judah could the prieft, and before Jofhua the fon
not drive them
out : but the Jebufnes Nun, and before the princes, faying, T
dwell with the children of Je- Lord commanded Mofes t6 give 1
rulalem unto this day. an inheritance among our brethren
CHAP. XVI. therefore according to the command
Tbe funeral borders of tbe fons of*ofepb. ment of the L6ri», he gave them an in
ANd thelut of the children of Joleph
from Jordan by Jericho, unto the
heritance among the brethren of thei
•water ot Jericho ontheeaft, to the wil- ? And there fell ten portions to Manaf
dernefs that goeth up from Jericho feh,befide the land o: Gilead and Bafhat
throughout mount Beth-el, which ivrrj on the other fide Jordan ;
i And eoeth out from Beth-el to Luz, 6 Becaufe the daughters of ManafTe
and paffcth along unto the borders of had an inheritance among his fons an :

Archi tn Atarothi, the reft of ManafTehs fons had the Ian

3 And goeth down weft-ward to the of Gilead. _
coaft of Japhleti,urtothe coaftot Beth- 7 51 And the coaft of Manaffrh w
horon the nether, and to Gezer and the : from Afher to Michmethah, that tietb b
goings out thereof are at the lea. fore Shechem, and the border went alo
4 So the children of Joleph, ManafTeh on the right hand, unto the inbabita
and Ephraim, took their inheritance. of En-tappuah.
? 11 And the border of the children of 8 Now Manaffeh had the land of Ta C

Ephraim, according to their families, was t>'iah •

but Tappuah on the border
thus.- even the border of their inheritance Manafleh belonged to the children of
on the eaft-fide, was Ataroth-addar, un- phraim.
to Beth-horon the upper. 9 And the coaft defcended unto the n
6 And the birder went out towarfl the ver Kanah, fouth-ward of the river
fea, to Michmethah on the north-fide, I
thefe cities of Ephraim are among rb
zx£ the border went a'^Qut call-ward un- cities of Manafleh: thecoaflof Manafle

ej bbttin anolbt* lot. CITip. XViii. lbe lancr aejertbes

on the north-fide of the river,

WrtJ parts: Judahfhall abide in their coaftor
the outgoings of it were at the fea. the fouth, and the houl'e of Jofeph (hafl
South-ward it ve.t bphraims, and abiae in their coafts on the north.
Ih-ward it vest Manaffehs.and the Tea is 6 Ye fhall therefore defcribe the land
jortVer.and they met together in Alher into feven parts, and bnn£ tbtdefcription
3e north, and in Ilfachar ontheeaft. hither to me, that Imaycaft lots tor you
And Manaffeh had in Iffachar arid here before the LORD our God.
\fher, Beth-fhean and her towns, and 7 But the Levires have no part among
:am and her towns, and the inhabitants you, for the prietthood of the LORDd
tor and her towns, and the inhabitants cheir inheritance: and Gad, and Reuben,
sn-dor and her towns, and the mhabi- and half the tribe of Manaffeh, have re-
sof Taanach and her towns, and the ceived their inheritance beyond Jordan
abitants ot Megiddo and her towns, ontheeaft, which Mofes the fervant of
three countries. the Loru gave them.
. Yet the children of ManaflTeh could 8 51 And -he men arole.and wentawayt
drive out the iiibtbitanti of thoCc cities, and Jofhua charged them that went to de-
the Canaanites would dwell in that fcribe the land, faying, Go, and walk
through the land, and delcnbe f?, and
\ 'Yet it came to paps when the chil- come again to me, that I may here call
n of Ifrael were waxen ftrong, that lots for you before the Lord ,in Shikh.
put the Canaanites to tribute j out 9 And the men went, and palled through
not utterly drive them out. the land, and delcribed it by cities, into
And the children of Jofeph fpake feven parts, in a book, andcame*.?*'". 10
o Joftwa, fay ing, Why hail: thou given Joftiua to the holt at Shiloh.
bat one lot and one portion to inherit, to 51 And Jofhua caft lots for them in ,

ing 1 am a great people, forafmuch as Shiloh, before the Loiu> and there Jo-

LORD hath bleflTed me hitherto? ihua divided the land unto the children
* Arnl Jofhua anfwered them, If thou of Ifrael according to- their divifions.
a great people, tbtn get thee up to the_ ti 51 And the lot of the tribe of the chil-
Od-country-, and cut down for thy felf dren of Benjamin came up according to
re in the land of the Peruzites, and of their families: anrtthecoaft of their lot
giants, if mount Ephraim be too nar- came forth between the children of Ju--
t for thee. dah, and the children of Jofeph.
6 And the children of Jofeph faid, The n And their border on the north-fide
[lis not enough for us: and all the Ca- was from Jordan, «nd the border went up
anite.i that dwell in the land of the val- to the fide of Jericho, on the north-fide»
', have chariot* of iron, botbtbiy who and went up through the mountains weft-
of Beth-fhean and her towns, and tbey ward, and the going* out thereof were at
4^1? of the valley of Jezreel. the wildernefs of Beth-aven.
7 And Jofhua I pake unto the houfeof it, And the border went over from
feph, tvento Ephraim, and to Manaf- thence toward Luz, to the fide of Luz,
i, faying, Thou art a great people, and C which/* Beth-el") fouth-ward, and the
ft great power : thou (halt not have one border defcended to Ata-oth-adar, near
orUr. the lull that /»«?/> on the fouth-fide of the
8 But the mountain fhall be thine, for nether Beth-horon.
I's a wood : and thou ftult cut it down 14 And the border was drawn tktnce t
d the outgoings of it (hall be thine and compafTed the corner of the fea fouth-
r rhou (halt drive out the Canaanites, ward, from the hill that lietb before Beth-
jugh they have iron chariots, and horon fouth-ward and the goings out

oueh they be ftrong. thereof were at Kirjath-baa! C which is

CHAP. XVIII. Kirjath-jearim } a city of the children of
Tbt tabernacle fet up at Sb'lob, &c. Judaii: This vpm the weft- quarter.
1 Nd the whole congregation of the K And the fouth-quarter vpa> from the
1 children of Ifrael aiTembled together end of Kirjath-jearim, and the border-
Shiloh. and fet up the tabernacle of the went out on the welt, and went out to the
ngregation there, and the land was well of waters of Nephtoah.
blued before them. \f> And the border came down to the
» And there remained among the chiU end of the mountain that lietb before the
icnotlrael feventribes, which had not valley of the Con of Hinnom, and which
« received their inheritance. /iinthe vallevofthe giants on the north,
I* And Johu-a faid unto the children of and defcende'd to the valley of Hinnom,.
iraal, H >w long are you Hack to go to to the fide of r ebufi on the fouth, and
"""els the land which the LoRtf God of defcended to En-roeel,
pur fathers hath given you? 17 An.-V was drawn" from thencrth, and
4 Give out from among! you three men went forth to En-fhemefh, and went forth
,HAcb tribe: and I will fendthem, and toward Geliloth, which is over againlt
evfhall rife, and go through the land, and the going up of Adummim, and de-
vbribe ir according to the inheritance of fcended to the [tone of Bohan the fon of.
iem, an.l thevfhall cam* a$ain to me. Reuben,
< And they'ihaij divide it into feven to' And paired along toward the fide

The loti of JofhuU. feve/Al triM

ever againit Afabah norih-ward, and 1
it And turned from Sarid ea!t-wa
wal '"'•

went clown unto Arabah. toward the iun-nung, unto the •r\ I


19 And the border palled

.. alone to the Chiiloth-tabor, and then goeth out
Jt jg
fTdeot Beth-hogJah north-ward: and the Daoerath, and goethup roJr.phia, '
1? And from thence pairefh on alo»
outgoings of the border were at the
riorth-biy of the falt-fea, at the fouth- ontheeafttoGirtah-hepher, tolttah-k .-•

end of Jordan: This wnj the (oofll-coaft. zin, and goeth out to Remmon-metlK,
& ,j.
10 And Jordan was the border of it on to Neah.
the ealt-iu'.e. This was the inheritance 1-1 And the border compafieth i»j
of the children of Benjamin, by the coafts the north-fide to Hannatrn
thereof round about, according to their outgoings thereof are in the valley!
families. iiphthah-el.
11 Now the cities of the tribe of the And Kattath, and N aha! la],
children of Benjamin according to their
Shimron, and Idalah, and Reth-lerMB
families, were Jericho, and Beth-hog- twelve cities with their villaees.
lah, and the vallev of Keziz, 16 This is the inheritance 67 the cW
22 And Beth-araDah, and Zemaraim, dren of Zebulun according to their fa»
arid Beth-el, lies, thefe cities with their village*-
2^ And Avim.andParah, andOphrah, 17 11 And the fourth lot oeme oafV
xi And Chephar-haammonai, and Oph- Iflachar, for the children of Illachar"-*
ni, and Gaba twelve cities with their
: cording to their families,
villages. 18 And their border was torr.i'i Jfe
27 'Gibeon, ?.r>d Ramah, and Beeroth, reel, and Chefulloth, and Shunem.^l
. 26 And Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and 19 And Hapharaim, and Siuhon,
Mozah, An'aharath,
27 And Rekem, and lrpeel, and Taralah, 10 And Rabbit!:, and Kifluon, and A«
18 And Zelah, Eleph, and Jebuii, 21 And Remeth, and En-gannimap
( which ?i Jerufalem J Gibeath,««i Kir- En-haddah, and Beth-pazzez.
4ath fourteen cities with their villares.
: ii And t!ie coaft: reacheth to Talq
This m the inheritance of the children of and Shahazimah, and Beth-ihemefhAW
Benjamin according to their families. the outgoings of their
:ir border were at fl
Jo r:
P. XIX. dan fixteen cities with their villazel,

1 n lot of Simeon, &c. i"! This it the inheritance
iieritanceof the tBtfi
A Ndthcfecond lot c?me forth to Sime- of the children of 1(7; [flachar, acccrdirML"
il on, evt
'.ven for the tribe of the children their families, the cities and their v \":
of Simeon according to their families:
and their inheritance was within the in- 24 fl And thefifth lot came out for
heritance of the children of Judah. tribe of the children of Afiier, accord
I And they had in their inheritance, -to their families.
Beer-fheba, and Sheba, and Molauah, 1,- And their border was Helkath,:

? And Hazar-fuual, and Balah, and Hali, and Beten, and Achfhaph,
Azem, 2^ And Alammelech, and Amad
4 And Eltolad, and Bethul, and Hor- Mi meal , and reacheth to Carmel
mah, ward, and to Shihor-libnath,
? And Ziklag, and Beth-marcaboth^ 27 Andturnetli toward the fun-rifingi
and Hazar-fulah, Beth dacon, and reacheth to Zebulun, a
6 And Beth-lebaoth, and Sharuhen to the valley of Iiphthah-el, toward tl
thirteen cities and their vilJaees. north-Gde ofBeth-emek, and Neiel, ai
7 Ain, Remmon, and Ether, -and A- goeth out to Cabul on the left hand,
ihan lour cities and their villages.
18 And Hebron, and Rehob, and Halt
8 Anct all the villages that were round mon, andKanah, even unto great Zu'or
about thef'e cities, to Baalath-beer, Ra- 29 And then the coaft tufneth to R' _

^lath of the Ibufh. This/'* the inheritance n- ah, and to the ftrongcitv Tvre, and t! '

of the tribe of the children of Simeon coait turneth to Hofr.h and the outgt :

according to their families. ingsthereof are at the fea from thecoa

9 Out of the portion ol tne chil to Achzib.
Judah. w,i$ the inheritance or t>: :c Ummah alfo, and Aphek, and Rt
I ren f Si nieon for the p art f rhe chi -
: I
hob : twenty and two cities with th«
dren or" Judah was too much for them : villages.
therefore the children of Simeon had 5r This is the inheritance of thetr
their inheritance within the inheritance of the children of Afher according
of them. their families, thefe ciries with
10 fl And the third up for the
children of Zebulun, according to t':e:r ! he fixth lot came out to the c

families,: and the border oft., .^inheri- drenefNaphtali : tvtti for the chijd
tance was unto , accordin? to their families
II And th t up toward
' I their o*!i was from Hele
the fea, and. Maralah. and read from AHon to Zn-snannim, and Adai
Oabbalheth,. i the river that
:'^o Lakum :

is before Jokneam, the oiHeoin^ thcreol were at iord

j'i inberitjnc Chap. xx» xxi. Cititi of refuge.

\r\(\ wett-ward thither: and they fhall be your refuge

then the coaft turncth
snoth-tabor, and goeth out from Irom the avenger ot blood.
: to Hukkok, and reacheth to Zebu-
4 And when he that doth dee unto one
n the fouth-fide, and reacheth to of thole cities, fhall ltand at the emring
on theweit-iidc, and to Judah up- or tnegate of the city, and fhall declare
r Jan toward the Uin-riling.
his cauie in the ears of the elders or that
And the tenccd cities are Ziddim, city i tney lhall take him into the city
and Hammath, Rakkath, andCin- unto them, and give him a place that he
may dwell among them.
id Adamah, and Raman, and Hazor, ? And if the avenger of blood purfue
And Kedeih, and Edrei, and En- alter him, then they inall not deliver the
flayer up into his hand: becauiehe i'mcte
And Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, his neighbour unwittingly, ar.d hated him
Beth-anath, and Beth-fhemefh not oeforetime.

;en cities with their villages. 6 And he fhall dwell in that city, until
This ii the inheritance of the tribe of he ftand before the congregation fur judg-
hildren of Naphtali according to ment, ani until the death of the h igh prieil
families, the cities and their villages thatfh.all be in thofedays : then lhall the
51 And the feventhlot came out for
flayer return and come into his own city,
be of the children of Dan, accor- and unto his own houfe, unto the city
to their families.. from whence he fled.
And the coaft of their inheritance 7 11 And they appointed Kedelh in
iorah, and Elhtaal, and lr-fhemefh, Galilee in mount iSaphtaii, ana She-
And Shaalabbin, and Ajalon, and cheni in mount. Ephraim, and Kirjath,
ah, arba( which fi Hebron j in the mountain
And Elon, and Thimnathah, and of Judali.
n, b iindorrthe other fide Jordan by Jeri-
And Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, ana cho eait-ward, they afligaed Bezerinthe
ith, wildernei's upon the plain, out ot the tribe
Ana Jehtid, and Bene-berak, and ot'Reujen, and Ramoth inGiieadouto'f
-rimmon, the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Baflian out
And Me-jarkon, and Rakkon.with of the tribe cf Manafl'eh.
order beiore Japho. 9 Thefe were the cities appointed for
And the coaltof the children ot Dan all thechildren of Ifrael. and fortheftran-
QVt too little for them thererore the ger that ibjourneth among theoi y that

renof Dan went u|> to fight agamft whofoever killeth any perlbn at unawares,
?rn, 2nd took it, and fmore it with might dec thither, and not die by the hand
:dge of the Iword, and poflefled it, of the avenger ol blood, until he Hood,
dwelt therein, and called Lefhem, before the congregation.
alter the name of Dantheir father. CHAP. XXI.
This/; the inheritance of the tribe Eight and forty cities given by lot, &C.
e children of Dan, according to their
lies, theje cities with their villages,
THen came near the heads of the la-
tnersot theLevites unto Eleazar the
tl When they had made an end of prieft, and unto Joihua the fon of Nun,
-ling the land for inheritance by their and unto the headset the fathers of the
s, the children of llrael gave an in- tribes of the children of Ifrael.
ance to Joihua the fon of Nun, a- i And they fpake unto them at Shiloh
l them : in the land of Canaan, faying, The Lord
According to the word of the Lord, commanded, by the hand of Mofes to
gave him trie city which he asked, give us cities to dwell in, with the liib-
Timnath-i'erah in mount Ephraim: -urbs thereof for our cattle.
he built the city, and dwelt therein. 3 And the children of Ifrael gave un-
Thefe are the inheritances which to the Levites out of their inheritance at
zarthe prieft, and Joihua the fon of the commandment of the Lord, thefe
i and the heads of the fathers of the cities and their iiibuxbs.
(jot the children of Ifrael, divided 4 And the lot came out for the families by lot, in Shiloh, before of the Kohathites : ;.nd the children of
Lord at the door of the tabernacle of Aaron the prieft, xvbicb xrtre of tlie 1 e-
'ongregation fo they made an end vites, had by lot out of the tribe of Ju-

ividing the country. dah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, and
C H A P. XX. out of the tribe of Benjamin, thirteen
The fix cities of refuge , &c. cities.
ie LORD alfo (pake unto Jofhua, ? And the reft of the children of Ko-
faying, hath badby lot, out of the families of the
jpeak to the children of Ifrael, fay- tribeof Ephraim, and out of the tribeof
Appoint out for you cities of refuge, Dan, andoutof the half-tribcot Manal-
eof I fpakeunto you by the hand of feh, ten cities.
:s 6 And the children of Gerfhon bad by lot
rhat the flayer that killeth any per- out of the families of the tribe of Ifl'achar,
mawarcs and unwittingly, nuy fiee and out of the tribeof Aiher, and out of
CUiet given Jofhui. LevMk
to the
the tube of Naphtali, and out of the half- other hal f-tribe of Manaffeh, tbty uvtG
tribe of Manaflch in Balhan, thirteen Ian in Bafh3ti with her fuburbs, to b
cities. city ot retuge for the (layer
: and B«ef
"The children of Merari by their fami- terah with her fuburbs two cme*.

lies, 6i* out of the tribe of Kesiben, and i8 And out ot the tribe of Iirachar.k
out ot the tribe of Gad, and out of the (hon with her fuburbs, Dabareh with }
trn>e or Zebulun, twelve cities. luburbs,
8 And the children of Ilrael pave by ig larmuth with her fuburbs, En-A
Jot unto the Levites thefe cities with their nun with her fuburbs: four cities. ™
fuburbs, as the Lord commanded by the ;c Ana outot the tribe of Alher, U\-
hand of Mo es. fhal with her luburbs, Abdon with 11 »
9 H And they gave out ofthe tribe of luburbs,
the children ot Judah, and out ot the trib? ?t Helkath with her fuburbs, and
ot the children of Simeon, thefe cities hob with her fuburbs: tour cities
which are bert mentioned by name, ?x And out ut the tribe ot Nan„^.
tc Which the children of Aaron being Kedeih in Galilee with her luburbs, to I &
of the families of the Kohathitcs, -mho a city ot retuge for the flayer * andHT
vetrt of tne children of Levi, had: { for moth-dor with her fuburbs, and Kai
theirs was the firft lot ) with her fuburbs three cities.

i And they gave them the city of Arba 3; All the cities ofthe Gerfhonites,
the father of Anak ( which city is He- cording to their families, were t.'.in
bron) in the hill-county of Judah, with cities with their luburbs.
the fuburbs thereof round about it. ?4 fl And unto the families of thee
ii But the fields of the city, and the dren of Merari the reft of the Leri
villagesthereof, gave they to Caleb tftt out of the tribe of Zebulun, Jokft
for. of Jephunneh, tor his poffeffion. with her luburbs, and Kartah with
H il Thus they gave to the children of luburbs,
Aaron the prielt, Hebron with her fub- ?,- Dimnah with her fuburbs, NaU
urbs, to be a city of refuge tor the flayer, with her fuburbs tear cities.

and Libnah with her fuburbs, 36 And out ot the tribe of Reuben,
u And Jattir with her fuburbs, and zer with her fuburbs, and Jahazah 1
Efhtemoa with her fuburbs, ber fuburbs,
H And Holon with her fuburbs, and 37 Kedemoth with her iuburb .

Debir with her fuburbs, Mephaath with her luburbs four cit

16 Ar.d Ain with her fuburbs and Jut- 38 And cut of the tribe of Gad,
tah with her fuburbs, tnd Beth-fhemefh mothinGilead with her fuburbs, to
with her fuburbs: nine citiesout cf thole cityot refuge tor the flayer and
: M
two tribes. nami with her luburbs,
t7 And but of the tribe of Benjamin, 39 Kcflibon with ber fuburas
Gibeon with her fuburbs, Gebawith her with her fuburbs four cities in all

fuburbs, 41 So all the cities fcrthe childre

18 Anathcth with her fuburbs, andAl- Merari, by their families, which were
mon with her fuburbs tour cities.
: maining 01 the families ot the Levi!
iq All the cities ofthe Children of Aa- were Ay "their 'ot, twelve cities.
ron, the priclts, were thirteen cities with 4i All thecitiescfthe Levites within'
their fuburbs. .>..., poffefhon ofthe children of Ifrael, t»
ic Ti And the famihescf the children forty and eight cities with their il
of Kohath, the Levites which remained urbs.
of the children of Kohat.l, ejien they had. 4i Thefe cities were every cne w
the cities of their lot out flfcthe tribe ot their fuburbs round about them t
Ephraim. were all thefe cities.
it For tnev gave them Shechem with 43 n And the LORD rave unto Ift
her fuburbs in^mount Ephraim, to be a all the land which he fwareto give ui
city ot reh-ge'RJT the flayer-, and Gczer their fathers: and they poffefied it, a
with h :r fuburbs, dwelt th-rein.
xi And Kib/aim with herluburbs, and 44 And the Lord gave them reft r<^
Beth-horon with her fuburbs four cities. abjut, according to all that hefwarc

it And out ofthe trfbr of Dan, Elte- their fathers : and there flood not a
keh with her fuburbs, Gibbethon with ot all their enemies before them
her fuburb<', LORD delivered all their enemies
14 Aiialon with her fuburb', Gath-rim- their hand.
mon with her fuburbs tour cities.
: 4? There failed not ough' of ary
is And out ot' the half-tribe of Manaf- thing which t*e Lord had t'poken
feli.Taanach with herfubnrbs, and Gath- the houe of Ifrael: all came to pall
rimmon with her fuburbs: two cities. C II A P. XXII.
16 AH the cities \x-re ten with their The two trihn and baif fer.t home, &•
fuburbs, for the families of ;he children ;c,flw3 called the ReUbem
ofKohat^that remained. XHen and the Gadites, and the halt-tr
V n\ Andunto th" children of Gerfhon -Isnaffeh,
of the J'amilicsoi" the Levites, out of the x And fai.l unto them, Ye have k
. . ; :

tf tbt iltif of Ctiap. Jttcii. ttftimony von hunt,

hat Moles the fervant of the Lord chief houfe a prince, throughout al! the
manded yo\i, and have cbeyed my tribes pt Ifrael, and earn one w*t
e m
that I commanded you.
all . , fceadot the houfe of their fathers, amon»
Ye have
net lett your brethren thefe the thoulands of Ifrael.
y <lays unto this day, but have kept \1 And they came unto the children of
charge ot the commandaient or the Reuben, and to the children ot Gad, and
\D yjur God. to the hair-tribe of Manatfeh unto the
And now the Lord your God hath land ot Gilead, and they lpake with
;n reft unto your brethren, as he pro- them, laying,
td them : theutore now return ye, t6 Thus faith the whole congregation
, get ve unto your tents, and unto the ot the Lord, What trefpafs it this that
I ot you/ poill-lTion, which Moles the ye have committed againit the God of If-
ant or the LORD
gave you on the rael, to turn away this day trom follow-
r tide Jordan ing the Lord, in that ye have buildea
But take diligent heed to do the you an altar, that ye might rebel this
imandment and the law, which Mo- day againft the Lord?
the Jervant or the charged LORD17 fi the iniquity ot Peor too little for
to love the
your God, and us, trom wnich we are not cleanfed un-
valk in all his ways, and to keep his til this day, ( although there was a plague
lraandments, and to cleave unto him, in the congregation ot the Lord)
to lerve him with all your heart and 18 But that ye muftturn away this day
b all your fcul. from following the Lord ? and it will
So Joihua bleffed them, and fent them be, feeing ye rebel to day againit the
»y and they went unto their tents.
i Lord, that to morrow he will be wroth
11 Now to the one halt of the tribe of with the whole congregation ol Ifrael.
fiailch Moles had given poflefion in 19 Notwithltanding if the land of your
han but unto the other halt thereof pcUcflion be unclean, then pals ye over

e Joihua among their brethren on unto the land of the poileflion of the
fide Jordan weft-ward. And when Lord, wherein the Lords tabernacle
hua lent them away alio unto their dwelleth, and take poiTeflion among us
ts, then he blelTed them, but rebel not againft the Lord, nor
And he (pake unto them, laying, Re- rebel atrainftus. in building you an altar?
tt with much riches trnto your tents, befide the altar of the Lord our God.
I with very much cattle, with til ver, and 10 Did not Acuan the ion of Zerah
hgold, and with brafs, and with iron, commit a trefjals in the accirfed thing,
I with very much raiment: divide the and wrath fell on all the congregation
ul of your enemies with your brethren. ot Ifrael? and that man perifhed not a-
) n And the children ot Reuben, and lor.e in his iniquity.
:chijdrenor Gad, and the half-tribe of it 11 Then the children ot Reuben, and
inalleh, returned, and departed from the children of Gad, and the half-tribe of
children ot Ifrael out of Shiloh, which Manafleh, anl'wered and laid unto the
ip the land of Canaan, to go unto the heads of the thoulands ct Ifrael,
jfttry of Gilcad, to the land of their n
The LoRDGjd or sods, the Lord
Hellion, whereof they wer? poirelVed, Godot godS|he knoweth, and Ifrael. he
fcording (o the word of the Lord by fhall knowjjji it be in rebellion, or if in
»hand ot Moles. tranfgreiTilfKa^ainit the Lord, ( lave us
[ton And when they came un'o the bor- not this clay;
irsol Jordan, that 4r«-inthe lando' Ca- x\ TJ&t we have built us an altar
an, the children ot Reuben, and the to turn trom following the Lord, or
ahlr.'n ot Gad, and the half-tribe of if to cfTrtr thereon biirnt-otfering, or
ann.lbh built there an altar by Jordan, meat-offering, or if tootier peace-orfer-
f;r:at altar to fee to. ings thereon, let the Lord Inmfclf re-
i 'i And the children of Ifrael heard quire rr
y, Beheld, the children ct Reub.-n, 14 And if we have not rttbtr done it
id the children of Gad, and the halt for fear of Mi thing, raying, In time to
ibe of Manafleh have built an altar come your children might (peak unto

rera?aintl the land of Canaan, in the our children, faying, What have you to
>rders ot Jordan, at the -palTage of the do with the Lord God of ll'rael ?
fiildten of Israel. i> For the Lord hath made Jordan a
II And when the children of Ifrael border between us and you ; ye children
eard of it, the whole congregation of of Reuben- and children of Gad, ye have
e children o. Ifrael rrathered themjelves no part in the Lord : fb fhall yourchil-
aether at Shiloh, tb go up to war a- dren make our children ceafe from tear-

afnft them. j in?, the Lord.

ii And the children of Ifrael fent unto i
i6 Thereiore wefatd, Let us now pre-
ie children of Reuben, and to thechil- I ptre to build us an altar, not lor burnt-
ren ot Gad, and to the half-tribe cf offerinr;. nor for facrifice :

lanalleh into the land of Gilead, -Phi- ir Bii f tbat it >«.»r !» a wirnels between
ehas the fon of Eleazar th; prieft, I us and you, and cur generations alter us,
i-i And with him ten princes, of each I
that we might
* do the fervicc ot the Lord
. !

JoJhuaU txbortat^on Jofhua.

to tbt IfrttUtt r
before him with our burnt-offerings, and ? And the your God, he f |
with our facrifices, and with our peace- expel. them trom before yout
offerings, that your children may not fay tJ^esi from out of ygur tight, and yefl
to our children in time to come, Ye have poffefs their land, as the Lord )0ur<
no parr in tht Lord. hath promifed unto you.
i& Therefore laid we, that it fhall be, (. Be ye therefore very coura<?ious
when they lhouldyo fay to us, or 10 our keep and to do all that is written in
generations in tune to come, tint we may book ot the law or Mofes, that ye *
fay again. Behold the pattern of the altar not alide therefrom, to the right h<
or the Lord, which cur fathers made not or to the left -,

for burnt-offerings, nor for facrifice, but 7 That ye come not among thefe nattc
it it a witnefs between us and you. thele thatremain amongft you, neit
19 God forbid that we fhould rebel a- make mention of the name Of their ?o
gainftthe Lord, and turn thisday from nor caufctolwear by them, neither Ye
following the LORD, to build an altar them, nor bow yotir felves unto them
for burnt-offerings, for meat-offerings, or 8 But cleave unto theLord vour G
for sacrifices, befides the altar of the as ye have done unto this day."
Lord our God that is before his taber- For the Lord hath driven out ft
nacle. before you, great nations and ftrang:^
50 tf And when Phinehas the prieft, as for you, no man hath been able to It?
and the princes of the congregation, and belore you unto this clay.
heads of the thoufands or lfrael which 10 One man of ycu fhall chafe a
mere with him, heard the words that the fand: for the LORD
your God, Iil _
children of Reuben, and the children of that flghteth for you, as he hath prot
Gad, ?nd the children of Manaffehfpake, fed you.
it pleafed them. . n'T. '<e good heed therefore unto ft
31 And Phinehas the fon of Ele3zarthe feivey, that ye love the Lord yourQc
prieft laid unto the children or Reuben, ii Elfe 1 f ye do in any wife go backet
and to the children of Gad, and to the chil- cleaveunto the remnant of thefe nati§
dren ot ManaiVeh, This day we perceive even thefe that remain anion'?' you, a
that the LORD *'*
among us, becaufeye fhall make marriages with them, anct
have not committed this trefpals agamft in unto them, and they to vou:
the Loud-, now ye have delivered the chil- 13 Know lor a certainty, that the Lo -
dren orTfrael out of the hand of the Lord. your God will no more drive out any
n 51 And Phinehas the fon of Eleazar the thele nations from belore you ; but th
fhall be fnares and traps unto you, a
prieft, and the princes, returned trom the
children ofReuben, and trom the children fcourges in your fides, and thorns in y
of Gad, out of the land of Gilead, unto eyes, until ye perifh from off this g
the land or" C3naan, to the children of land which the LORD
your God hath
lfrael, and brought them word again. ven you.
3} And the thing pleafed the children 'And behold, this day lam going
1 4.

of lfrael, and thechildrenof lfrael blef- way of all the earth, and ye know in
fed God, and did not intend to go up a- vour hearts and in all your louls, that i
gainft them in battle, todeftroythc land one thing hath failed of all the jgo
wherein the children ofReuben and Gad things which the Lord your God fpa
dwelt. concerning you j all are come topafsuj
34 And the children or Reuben, and you, and not one thing hath failed therec
thechildrenof Gad, called the altar Ed: r? Therefore it fhall come to paf?, tl
for it Jbail be a witnefs between us, that as all good things are come upon yc.
the Lord U God. which the Lord your God promifed yo
chap. xxni. fo (hall the Lord bring upon you alLei
fojbua't exhortation before bis death, &C things, until he haved'eftroyed you frc
A Nd it came to pals a longtime after off this good land which the LORD vc
X\ that the Lord had given reft unto lf- God hath given you.
rael from all their enemies roundabout, 16 When ye have tranfgreffed the cov
that Jofhua waxed did *nd ltricken in aie nant of the, LORD your God, which
i And Jofhua called for all lfrael, and commanded you, and have gone and ftp:
for their elders, and for their heads, and ved other gods, and bowed your felves
for their judges, and for their officers, anct them then fhall the an?er ot the Lo

faid unto them, I am old and ftricken in be kindled againft you, "and ye fhall |

age: rifh quickly from off the good land wh

; And ye have that the Lord
feen all he hath fcgiven unto you.
your God hath doneunto all thefe nati- C HA P. XXIV.
ons, becaufeof you ; for the Lord ycur "ofciia afftmbletb the tribes, See.
God it he that hath fought for ycu. A Nd all the tribes]
Jofhua fathered
4 Behold, I have divided unto you by l\ lfrael to bhechem, and called f
lot thefe nations that remain, to be an in- the e'ders of ltr2el, and for theirhe*
heritance for your tribes, trom Jordan, and for their judges, and for t!:eir of ;e

with all the nations that I have cut off, cers, and they prefeflted themfelves b
even unto tbc great fca welt-ward. lure Go«i.
1 Ar
XXiv. JcJhuA's. dtttb and burial

Lord, to lerve other gods onake th «

id tney lerved other gods.

i And
I took your father
Abraham from
c other nde ot the flood, and led him
rcughout all the land of Canaan, and
implied hisleed, and cave him Ifaar
* And I gave unto K'aac, Jacob and
: and 1 gave unto El'au mount Seir,

pofleis it; but Jacob and his children

\i ued
into Egypt.
Moles alio and Aaron, and I
Egypt, according to that which
ud amonglt them and afterward 1 -.
•ught yon our.
'And 1.brought your fathers out ofE-
?t: and ye came unto the lea, and
ypuans purlued after your fathers with
mots and horfemen unto the Red lea
And when they cried unto the Lord',
put darknfs between you and the E-
>tians, and brought the lea upon them,
covered them i and your eyes have
what I have done in Egypt: and ve
It in the wildernefs a lo'.ig feafon
And 1 brought you into the land'of
Amorites, which dwelt on the other l? Wow therefore
Jordan; and they rought with you put away (fa i a A, i
ft a gC g0tls which

I gave them into your hand,

that ye and n f
-« among vo^
ht polieis their land, and I lieftrov
:.'iem from beforfi you. '
nJ tfle

" ean lint

° tfie
Then Bala'.: the ion of Zfpp6r kino- f Tht ? fai d unto Jofhu,
b, arofe and warred againA
lent and called Balaam the Ion
to carle vcu :

But I would not hearken unto Ba-

l, therefore he blefl'ed you
flill j [ :

red vou oat. ol his hand
went over Jordan, and

2 an o Jencho: and the men of

J.fought againft you, the Amorites,
the Venzzites, and the Canaanites
(be Hittites, and the Girgafhi'es, t»V
tes, and the Jebulites, and i
into your hand.

And 1 fent the hornet before vV>u,

h drave. them out trom beiote yon,
the two kiBgs of the Amorites:Hut
,<?fllua e f the P e ,le
Vith thy lword, ncrwxh thy bow v^rv m
veryman °l
rato !his inheritance
P e- .

An J I have given you a land, tor 19 II And it came to pal's after ihrf*

h ye did not labour, and cities t^iilgs,

that Jofcua the fori of
Nun thl
h ye built not, and ve dwell in them ijvant ot theXbRiV, died,
i vir.eyards and olive-yards winch dred and
anted not, do ye eat. '
ten years' old.
4 *
therefore, fear the Lor,,
erve him in fmcerity and in truth,
>ut away the geds which your ta-
on the other fide of the flood,
n Egypt and letve ye the Lord. , ll A P d I^e 1 Served the Lord all the

d<Y s ol Joihua, a: d all. the slays of the


And it it feem evil unto 'you tc fcrve eiders that overlived Jofhua, and
.ORn, choofe you this' day whom had known all the works of the which
.n ferve, whether the gods which that he had
Lord '
done lor Ifiael.
lathers ferved, that Wf/«cr, V - o-
;j. li And the bones of ,oi'eph
weof the flood, or thegodsof the which the-
children ot Ilrael brought un out
ites, in whole land ye dwell; of E-
but gypt, buried they in, in a parcel
me and jny houfe, we w;ll ferve of ground which Jacob bought of the fons'
ofHamor the father of Shechcai, for aa
I huu-

Ai»ni.he\t^rtqmtti. Judges.
Jwndred pieces offilver; and it became i and they buried him in a hill teat peruim
the inheritance ofthe children of Jofcph. \td to Phinehas hisfon, which was give
33 And Eleazar the ("on ot Aaron died, [him in mount Ephraim.

J The Book of J U DG E S.
CHAP. 16 51 And the children of the Kenit

X TOw Tbt *.?i Moles lather in law, went up out ol th

of Judtb *ni Simeon, &c.
city of palm-trees, with the children i
alter the death ot Jolhua,
l^kl it came to pafs, that thechil- Judab into the wilderneisof Judah, whir
^1 dren of llrael asked the Lord, tittb in the l'outh ot Arad, and
^ laying, Who fhall goup lorus and dwelt among the people. they wer
againft the Canaamtes firft to fight a- 17 And Judah went with SirneorS|
gainft them ? brother, and they flew the CanaaS
1 And the Lord raid, Judah flull go that inhabited Zephath. and utterly d<
up : behold, I have delivered the land Itroyed it i and the name of the ci' :

into his hand. was called HormahJ

* And Judah faid unto Simeon his bro- 18 Alio Judah took .Gaza with tf
ther, Come up with me into my lot, that coaft thereof, and Askclon with the cog
we may fight againft theCanianitcs, and thereof, and Ekronwith the coait therofl
I likewife will go with thee into thy lot. 19 And the Lord was with Judah, as
So Simeon went with him. he drave out tbt itibabiUnti of the '"<#
4 And Judah went up, and the Lord tain, but could not drive out the inJfE
delivered the Canaanitcs and thePeriz- tanrs of the valley, becaufe they had cla
zites into their hand: and they flew of riots ot iron.
them in Bezek ten thoufand men. 10 Hnd they gave Hebron unto Cale
And they found Adoni-bezek in Be- as Moles (aid: and he expelled then*

2ek and they fought againft him, and the three Ions of Anak.

they flew the Canaanites, and the Periz- ir And the children of Benjamin I
*ites. not drive out the Jelxiiites that inhabit 1

6 But Adoni-bezek fled, and they pur- Jerul3lem: but tt)c Jeoulites dwell wi
iuedrrterhim, and caught him, and cut trie children of benjamin in Jerufile »
9h his thumbs and his great toes. unto this day.
7 And Adoni-bezek faid, Threefcore it it And thehoufeof Joteph,they 1
and ten kings, having their thumbs and fo went up againit Beth-el : and fj
their great toes cut off, gathered tb:ir Lord was with them
meat under my table: as I have dene, fo a* And the houle ofJofcph fentto
God hath required me. And they broueht fcry Beth-el ( now the name ot the

.him to Jerulalem, and there he diedT beture vpas Luz )

H (-Now the children of Judah had .14. And the fpies faw a man c<
fought againft Jerulalem, and had taken lorth out of the city, and they faidi
it, and (mitten it with the edge of the him, Shew us, we pray thee, theetltrs
J word, and let the city on fire. into the city, and we will fhew
9 11 And afterward tt\c children of Ju- mercy.
dah went down to fight againft the Canaa- 2; And when he fhewed them the
nites that dwelt in tha mountain, and in trance into the city, they ("mote the c"
the Couth, and in the valley. with the edge of the Iword: but they
to And Judah went againit the Canaa- go the man and all hrs family.
mtes that dwelt in Hebron, (now th>: 16 And the man went into the land'
name of Hebron before vom Kirjath-arba; the Ilittites, and built a city, and cab
and they flew Shelhai, and Ahiman, and the name thereof Luz : which it the nai
Taimai. thereof unto this. day.
it And from tfeence he went againft the 1- ' Neither did Manad'eh drive out
inhabitants of Debir and the name of : f
inbibitantt of Beth-fhean and her tow
Debir before w.t<Kirjath-lepher) nor Taanach and her towns, n^r the J

ix And Caleb faid. He that i'miteth habitants of Dor and her towns, nor t
to him will

Kirjath-fepher, andtaketh it, inhabitants of Ibleam and her towns, i

1 givcAchfab my daughter to wife. the inhabitants of Megiddo and her to^
1 * And Othniel the ion of Calebs but the Canaanites would dwell in
younger brother took it : and he g3ve land
him Achfah his daugh-er to wife. 1$ And it came to raH» when I
t4. And it came to pafs when fhecame was ftrong, that they put the Canaa
to bi>n, thnt flie moved hin. toaskof her to tribute, and did not utterly dnve
father a fie'd : and flie lighted from orV out.
her alt;, and Caleb laid her, What 19 11 Neither did Ephraim driv
wilt thou ? theO«na;:nites that dwelt in Gezer
k Andfaid unto him,
flie Give me a the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer ami
bleffing: for t/iou haft given me a-ibuth- them.
land, give me alio fpnnifs of water. And 10 1 Neither did Zebulun drive out •

Caleb gave her the upper Ipring-., and inhabitants 01 Kitron, cor the inhabits
fee nether iprii
- : ,
tbui-tk ifnti,
cnap. Ii, lu. ijraeis votciiecinrjf

r'Nahalol: but the Canaanites dwelt tt n And

the children of Ifrael did e-
mong them, and became tributaries. vit in the fight of the Lord, and ferved
3i fi Neither did Afher drive out the Baalim :

nhabitantsof Accho, nor the inhabitants n. And they forfook the Lord God
f Zidcn, nor of Achlab, nor Achzib, of their lathers, which brought them out
©r Helbah, nor Aphik, nor of Rehob: of the land of Egypt, and follower other
3i But the Afhentes dwelt among the gods, olthegeds of the people that were
lanaanites, the inhabitants of the land: roundabout them, and bowed themfelves
>r they did not arive them out. unto them, and provoked the Lord to
•?3 H Neither did Naphtali drive out anger.
lie inhabitants of Beth-itiemefh, nor the 13 And they forfook the Lord, and
ihabitanrs ot Beth-anath j but he dwelt ferved Baal and Afhtaroth.
.nongthe Canaanites,the inhabitants or i4 11 And the anger of the Lord wag
ic land neverthelets.the inhabitants or
: hot agamft Ifrael, and he delivered them
eth-fhemefh and of Beth-anath became into the hamfrcf (poilers that (poiled
ibutajies unto them. them, and he fold them into the handsof
34 And the Amorites forced the chil- their enemies round about, fo that they,
ren of Dan into the mountain for they •. could not any longer ftand before their
ould not utter them to come down to
1 enemies.
ie valley. i? "Whitherfoever they went out, the
3* But the Amorites would dwell in hand of the Lord was againft them foe
fount Heres in Aijalon, and in Shaal- evil, as the Lord had laid, and as the
\m: yet the hand of the houleof Joleph Lord had (worn unto them and they :

eiraikd, lb that they became tributaries. were greatly diftreffed.

?6 And the coaft of the Amorites wjj i5 flNeverthelefs, the Lord raifed up
om the going up to Akrabbim, from judges, which delivered them out of the
c rock) and upward. hand of thole that fpoiled them.
CHAP. II. 17 And yet thty would not hearkeft
The people rebu^ti At Bocblm, &c. unto their judges, but they went a who-
i Nd an angel of the Loan came up ring after other gods, and bowed them-,
V. fromGilgal to Bochim, and faid, I (elves unto then* they turned quickly out

adeyoutogo up out of Egypt, and have of the wuy, which their fathers walked
ought you into the land which I ("ware in, obeying the commandments of the
to your lathers; and I faid, I will ne- Lord ; but they did not fo.
r break my covenant with you. tS> Ana when the Lord raifed thei»
i And ye (hall make no league with the up judges, then the Lord was with the
labitants ot this land, you fhall throw judge, and delivered them out oftne hand
wn their altars: but ye have not obey of their enemies, all the days of the judge :
my voice why have ye done this ?
; ( for it repented the Lord, becaufe of
Wherefore 1 alio faid, I will not their gronings, by reafon of them that
ve them out from before you but they : oppre(Ved them, and vexed them.j
11 be Ai thorm in your fides, and their 19 And it came topafs when the judge
(is fhall be a (nare unto you. was dead, tb&l they returned, and cor-
And it came to pafs.when the angel rupted tbemfelvei more than their fathers,
the Lord fpake thefe words unto all m following other gods, to ferve them,
children of Ifrael, that the people lift and to bow down unto them : they ceafed
their voice, and wept. not from their own doings, nor Iroia
And they called the name of that their ftu!>born way.
ceBochim-. and they iacrificed there 10 fl And the anger of the Loud wa»
the Lord. hot againft Ilrael t and he laid, Becaufe
v. And whefl Jofhua had let the people that this people hath tranfgreiTed my co-
the children of Ifrael went every man venant which 1 commanded their fathers,
9 his inheritance to poifefs the land. and have not hcarkned unto mv voice:
And the people ferved the Lord all zi 1 alfo will not henceforth'drive out
days of Jofhua, ana all the days of any from before them, of the nations
elders that outlived Jofhua, who hau which Jofhua Jett when he died
1 all the great works of the Lord, n
That jhrorvh them 1 mav prove Ifl
he did for ll'rael. rael, whether they will kcip'trie wav of
And Jofhua the (on of Nun, the fer- the Losd, to wai\ therein, as their' fa-
t ot the Lord, died, being an hun- thers aid keep it, or not.
\ and ten years old. 13 Therefore the L020 left thofe na-
\c\l\ they buried him in the, border of tions, without driving th^ru cut h2fti|y,
inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the neither delivered he them into the hand.
nt of Ephraim, on the north-lide of ol Jofhua.
hill Gaafh. CHAP. III.
Andalfoall that generation were ea- Tbt nations left to prove Tfr&>l, &c\-
edunto their fathers apd there arofe
her eeneration a;er them, which
NOwLord thefe are thi nations- which *" ie
leti, to prove Ifrael l>v them,
riot"the Lord, tior yet the wcrks I even as many •/ Ifrael a, hid net' known
he had done for luaeJ. all the wais gi Canaan j
I * i OnJjr
: j

K.i'/o/.'t Uft to prove I Jud Ebad kittstb E%lon.

:% Onlythat the generations cf the i\\ turned again from
Children ol Ifrael ritigtu know tc tearh Gilgal, and
them, war, at the leait luc!i as before knew 1

h.aveafecret ertarid unto'thec, O

nothing thereol ) I
who laid, Keep filencc. And all
NitJWe^, fivelordsof the Phil ifbines,
that itood by him, went out trom him.
and all trie Canaanues, ana the Sidcni- 10 And thud came unto him, and he
am.and theHivites tha dwelt in mount was fitting in a (ummer-parlour, which
Xebanon, lrom mount Baal-hermon, un- he had tor himfelf alone; and Ehud laid,
I have a meilage lrom God unto thee.
to the entringinoi ilamath.
4 And they" were to prove Ifrad by And he arole out of bis feat.
them, to knew whether they would hear*- ii And Ehud put forth his left hand,
ken unto the commandments of the and took the dagger lrom his right thigh,
Xord, whioh he commanded their la- and thruit it into his belly.
thers by the hand ot Motes. .
n And ttie haft alfo went in after the
*i And the children
<; ol Urael dwelt blade: and the tat clofedupon the bla.J.e,
among the Canaanues, Hittites, and A- lo.that he could not draw the dagger out
unontes, and Pemiites, and Hivites, and of his belly^ and the dirt came "out.
i"? Then Ehud went lorth through the
"Jebulites .

6 And they took their daughters to be porch, and (hut the doors of the parlout
their wives, and gave their daughters to uwon him, and locked them.
Sheir Tons, and ferved their gods. 14 When he was gone out, his ^ervantt
7 And the children or' Ilrael did evil came; and when they faw, that beheld,
in the fight or liie LoRD, andforgatthe the doors ot the parlour veere lockM
Lord their God, and lerved Baalim, they laid, Surely he covereth his feet in
his lummer-chamber.
and the groves.
8 11 There!. re the anger of the Loud IT And they tarried till they were a-
vas hot againft Ilrael, and he fold them' ttiamcd and behold, he opened not the :

. into the hand ol Chufhan-riihathann king doors ot the parlour, therefore they took
of Mesopotamia: and th« children of Ilra- a key, and opened tbem and behold, :

their lord ivn fallen down dead on the,

el ferved Chuihan-jimathaim eightye as.
o And when the children ol Ifrael erica earth.
unto the Loud, the LORD railed up a de- 16 And Ehud efcaped while they tar-
liverer to the children of Urael, who de- ried and parted beyond the quarries, :

livered them, ev.n (Jthniel the fon ol and efcaped unto Seirath.
Kenaz, Caleos younger brother. 17 Ano it came to pals when he was
ic And the fpirit of the Lord came
come, that he blew a trumpet in thd
upon fum, and he judged Ilrael, and went mountain of Ephraim, and the childrel
el went down with him
out to war i and the Lord delivered Chu- from thl
Ihan-rilhaihaim kingofMdbpotamia in- mourn, and lie before them. I
to his hand: and his hand prevailed a- i8 And he faid unto them, Follow a fti
painlt'Chufhan-riihathaim. . me •
lor the Lord hath delivered yol

mi And the land had relt forty years; enemies the Moabites into your han
andOthniel the fon died. ot And they .went down after him, ai
took the fords of Jordan* toward Moa
iz n And tne children of Ifrael did e-
and furtered not a man to pals over
vil again in the light ot the Loan: and
the Lord ftrenethned Eglon the <ingol 19 H And they flew of Moab at th
time about ten thoufand men, all hilt
Svloub againa Ilrael, becaufe they had
evil in the fight of the Loud. and all men et valour; and there efca
« And he gathered unto him the chil- ped not a man.
in Moab was fubdued that, day un
li flrenof Ammon, andAmalek, and went Ic
der the hand of Ifrael and the land h*
and fmotc Ifrael, and polleflcd the city reft tourfcore ^

of palm-trees.
31 n And after him was Shamg3r th
14 So the childrehot Uriel ferved E-
fon ol Ar.ath, which Hew of the Phil
srlon trie king ot Moab eighteen yean.
when the children ot Ilrael (lines lix hundred men with an ox-goi
if But
cried unto the Lord, the Lord railed and he alfo delivered I rael.
them up a deliverer, Fhud the ion ot ViborAh and C IV. HAP.
Barat; deliver Ifrael, &C. I
Cera, a Benjamite, a flian left-handed:
and by him the children of Ilrael lent a A Nd the children or Ifrael ai.
rrefentunto Eejlon the king ol Moab. l\
evil in the light of the Lord whi
16 But Ehudinadehim adagget (which Ehud was dead.
had two edge's ) of a <>ibit lengi h and he i And the LoRO fold them into

did "gird if under his raiment, upon his hand of Jabin King o! Canaan,
reigned in Hazor; the captain ot whl
vT /tmfhe broucrht the prelent unto holt ivas sifera, which dwelt in Hal
lielon ;mg of Moab: and Eglon W4J iheth of the Gentiles.
it man. 5 And the children of Ifrael cried

t8 £nd when he had made an end to the Lor for he had nine hundred c
offer the prefqnt, he lent away tfce people riots of iron; and twenty years he mi
ttyi. £wc tbc prefect.
tiiv oppselIe4 Us ctmdKB ©* Ifra
ib deliveretb Ifr, Char, v.
4 51 And Deborah a trophetefs, the wile I pray thee, a httlc water to drink, for
of Lapidoth, lhe judged Ifrael at that time. I am thirlty : ana lhe opened a bottle
? And the dwelt under the palm-tree ot or milk, and gave him drink, and co-
Deborah, between Ramah and Beth-el in vered him.
mount Ephraim and the chitdrenot If-
: ia Again he laid unto her, Stand in
rael came up to her for judgment. the door ot the tent, and it fhall be when
6 And fhe lent and called Barak the fon any man doth come and enquire or" thee,
of Abmoam,outot Kedelh-naphtali, and and fay, Is there any man here ? thax
laid unto him, Hath not the Lori- God thou {halt i'tfi Iso.
of lira si commanded Joying-, Go, and draw 11 Then Jael Heberswife, took a nail
toward mount Tabor, and rake with thee ot" the tent, and took an hammer in hec
ten thoufand men ot the children of Nanh- hand, and went loitly unto him, and!
tali, andot the children of Zebulun ? fmote the nail into his temples, and fait—
7 And 1 will draw unto thee, to the ri- ned it into the ground: tor he was fait (

ver Kifhon, Sifera the captain ot Jatoins alleep and weary,) lo he died,
army, with his chariots, and his multitude; li Anu behold, as Barak purfued Sife—

and I will deliver him into thine hand. ra, Jaelcame out to meet him, andfaul
8 And Barak laid untt> her, If thou wilt unto him, Come, and I will > e\v thee the
go with me, then I will go: but if thou man whom thou leekert. And when he
wilt not go with me, tktn\ will not go. came into her tent-, behold, Sifera lay.
9 And lhe laid, I will furely go with dead, and the nail xvxs in his temples.
thee nctwithitanding the journey that
•. i? So God f bduedon that day, Jabin
thou rakeft lhall not be for thfrie honour ;
the king ot Canaan, before the children
for the Lord fhall fell Sifera into the of Ifrael.
hand of a woman. And Deborah arol'e, 14 And .the hand of the children o?
and went with Barak to Kedelh. Ifrael proipered, and prcvai'ed aeainifc
ic *i And Barak called Zebulan and Jabin the kingof Canaan, until the~yha4
Naphtali, to Kedelh, and he went up with deitroyed Jabin king oi Canaan.
ten thoufand men at his ieet and Debo- : V. CHAP.
rah went up with hrn. The fon%- of Deborah and Bat Or.
u Now HebertheKenite,wi>/ciTV4; of THen
fang Deborah, and Barak the
Ion ofAbinoam or. that day, laying,
the children of Hobab the tatner in law
of Moles, had fevered himfelf from the i Praife ye the Lord for the avenging;
Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the of Ifrael, when the people willingly ot-
plain of Zaanajm, which is by Kedelh. tered t.ic.a ;lve-.
ti And they fhewed Sifera. that Barak ? Hear, O ye kings, give ear, O ve
the Ion of Abinoam was gone up to princes-, I, even I will fing nuti the
mount Tabor. LORU, I Will ting p\:i'e tO the ,LoRI>

n And Sifera gathered together all his Lied or liraiel. '

sfcariots, even nine hundred chari'o;s of 4 Lord, when thou wenreltouecf Seir,
iron, and all the people that wre with when thcu marchedit out of the held or"

m, from tlarolheth of the Gentiles Edcm, the earth trembled, and the
into die river ot. Kiltnn. heavens dropped, the clouds alio drop-
T4 And Deborah laid unto Barak, Up; ped water.
For this is the day in which the Lord i The mountains melted from before
lath delivered Sifera into thine hand the Lord, men t.'i3t Sinai fronj before

is not the Lord gone out before thee? the Lord God of Ifrael.
Jo Barak went down from mount Tabor, 6 In the days of shamgar the fon o£
tnd ten thoufand men after him. Anath, in the .lavs of Jael, the high-
And the Lord difcomfited Sifera, ways were unoccupi edr and the traveller's
ind all bis chariots, and all bis holt with walked through by-ways.
he edge of the fwerd, before Barak 7 J be inhabitants of the villages ceafed,

b thaf Sifera lighted down off bis cha- they cealed in Ifrael, unt.J that 1 Deborah
iot, and fled away on his feet. irol'e, that I arcle amother in Ifrael.
16 But Barak porfued after the chari- 8 They chofe new gods fnen wac ;
ts, and after trie hoit unto llarofheth of in the gates: was there a mi eld cr fpeas
he Gentiles and all the hoft of Sifera
: leen among lortv thoufand in Ifrael?
ell upon the edge of the i'word, tnd .9 My heart is toward the governor, of
here was not a man left. Ilrael, that offered fheinfelves willins'ltf
Howbeit Sifera tied away on his feet among the people: D:efs ye the Lord,
j the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the to Speak ye that ride on whi'v
[enite -..farther* was peace between la- ye that lit in judgment, and walk
tin the king of Hazor, and the houfe of way.
ieber the K'-nite. ri Tbey that a/e delivered tromthe noife
b' H A~i.\ Jael went out torn ret &fe- of archers in the places of drawing wa-
(aidunto him, Turn in, my lord, ter; there lhall they rekearfe the righte-
to me, lear not and when he : cusacts of the Lord, even the righteous
ad timed in unto her, into the tent, lhe a£l.« towards the inhabitants of hi? villages
vered him with a mantle. in Ifrael: then lhall the people of the
19 And he faid unto her, Give me, Lord go down to the gates.
I * ii Awaits

Vt horabt fon$ . Ju< ?e«. Jlli&An OpprtJJttb Ifrael.

it Awake, awake, Deborah awake, : clours, a prey of civers colours of needle-
awake, utter a fong arife, Barak* and work, of divers colours of needie-wotk

lead thy captivity captive, thou Ion of on both fides, for the necks of tbtm
Abinoam. :kat ti^t trie fpoil ?
i; Then he made him that remaineth 3i So thine enemies perifh,
let all O
have dominion over the nobles among the Lord but let them that love him,.A « at

people: the Lord made me have domi- the fun when he goeth forth in his might.
nionover the mighty. And the land had reft forty vears.
14 Out of Ep!.raimrv*<ri>«-e a root of CHAP. VI.
them againlt Amalekl alter thee, Ben- Tbt Ifraelittt ofprejfed by Miditn, eke.
jamin, amengthy people outof Machu :
childrenof rael 1 aid ev ilia "

came down governors, tr.d cut of Zebulun of the Lord : and the t

handle the pen of the writer.

that Lord delivered them into the hand of
i« And the princes of Machar veert Midian (even years.
With Deborah: even ltfachar, and alfo Ba- x And the hand of Midian prevail™
rak, he was lent on foot irxo the valley: againft Ifrael ^r\d becaufeof t: -

for the divifions of Reuben there were anites the children of Ifrael made the»
great Ihoaghts of J. cart. thectens which Art in the mountain^, and
16 v :-.ou among the iheep- caves, and itrong holds.
And/b it was when Ifrael hadfi«*
foldr, co hear the bleatings of the riocks
for the diviuons of Reuben there were
great fearchings of heart.

that the Midianites came up,, and

Amalekite.--, and the children of the eaH
17 Gi Jordan and :
: even thev came up againft them :
remain influps? Aihercon- 4 And' they encamped againft them,
d on the fea ihore, and abode in and deitroved the mcreafe of the eartn,
till thou come unto Gaza, and left no
18 Zebulun and Nap:, tali -xere a peo- for Ifrael, neither iheep, noi]T;
ple tb..t jeoparded their lives unto the ox, nor afs.
death, in the high places of the field. < For tbey came up with their cattle,
iq The kings came and fought, then and their tents, and they came as graf-
fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach hoppers for multitude, for both they and
by the waters pi Megiddoi they tcok no their camels were without number and :

gain of money. they entred into the land to deftroy it.

zc They fbfaght from heaven, the liars ''And Ifrael was greatly impovenfhed
in their coarfes foaght asjainft Sifera. becaufeof the Midianites j and the
it The river of Kiihon (wept them drr-n of ifrael cried unto the Lord.
- 11 And it came to pafs when the chi
sway, that ancient river, the river Ki-
ftioti: Omy fcul, thou halt trover, down drea cf Ifrael cried unto the Lord, b«
ftr ngth!
caufe of the Midianites ;
xi. fhen were
the horfe-hoofs broken H That the Lord fent a prophet un
to the children of Iirael, winch (at
by thenv.".- of the pranfmgs, the pran-
fings of their mighty o:ies unto them, Thus faith the Lore Gcdo
i? Curie ye Meroz, Maid the angel of Ifrael, 1 brought vou up from Egypt]
the Lord ) curfe ye bitterly the inhabi- and brought you forth outot thehouieci
tants thereof becau'e they came nor to
the he'p of the Lord, to the help of the And I de'ivered vou outof the hand
Lord againft the mighty. cf the Fevptians, and outot rhefcmd ol
all trat oppreffed you, and drave the«
14 Blefled above wsmenfliall Jael th?
wifeofH^ber theKeime be, bkiledihall cut from before yea, and eave you thci;
(he be above women in the tent. land ;
r.nd (he cave b'm tcvAr.d I faid unto you, l-»«»theIo«I
i; He asked water,
milk, fhe brought lorth butter in a lordly yov.rGod, fear not the gods of the Amo-
rites in whole land ye dwell: but yehavt :
r'l'Sjiepvtherhandto the nail, and her not obeyed my voire.
riehtwrfid to the workmans hammer: tt fl And there came an ancre!
ana with the hammer me fmote Sifera, fhe Lord, and fat under anoakwhi
fmoteorf his head, when me La in Ophrah, that pertained unto J
and Itricken through his temples. Abi-ezrite: and his Con Gideon threfhej
ii \t her fe- t he bowed, he fell, he
a wheat by the wme-prels, to hider'r ho
1 ay down at her feet he bowed, he tell
the Midianites.
where he bowed, therehc fell down dead. n And the angel of the Lord appea
x3 The mother of Sifera locked out at e^ unto him, and faid unto him, T'
a window, and cried through the lattefs, Lord ii thee, thou mighty man
in coming ?
Why u his chariot lb long chariots? valour.
why tarry «ne wheels of his AndGiWeon faid unto him. Oh
a m
ao Her wife ladies anlwered.ber, yea, lord, if the Lord be v
(he retimed anfwer to her lelt, all this befallen us? and where ; all hi

;c Have thev not fped? have thev not miracles which our fatl of, fay-
divided the prey, to every man a dam- mr, Dul not theLoR up fro a
era a prey of divers Eg'vpt? tat tew the LoRi> .th U
Gideon mi ttt Angel. Chap. vii. - Gideons fleece of vtooX,
ij<enu$, and delivered us into the hands the fecond bullock was offered upon the
r the JMidianites. altar that veat built.
14 And the Lori> looked upon him, 19 And they faid one to another, Who
nd faid, Go in this thy might, and thou hath done this thing? And when they
lalt fave Ifrael from the hand of the enquired and asked, they faid, Gideon
frdianites: hav« not I fent thee? the Ion of Joaih hath done this thing.
if And he f3id unto him, Oh my lord, ie Then the men of the city faid unto
'herewith mall 1 fave Ifrael ? behold, Joaih, Bring out thy fon, that he may
ly familynpoorinManaffeh, and 1 a»> die: becaufe he hath cart down the altaf
re lealt in my
fathers houfe. of Baal, and becaufe he hath cut down
16 And the Lord faid unto him, Surely the grove that wax by it.
will be with thee, and thou fhalt finite 3i And Joafh faid unto all that flood
ie Muiianitesas one man. againft him, Will ye plead for Baal ? will
(7 Andhefaidunto him, If now 1 have ye fave him? he that will plead for him, -
jund grace in thy fight, then ihew me let him be put to cteath, whilft it is yet
fign that thou talkeft with me. morning if he be a god, let him plead,

i8 Depart not hence, I pray thee, until for himfelf, becaufe one hath cait dowa
come unto thee, and bring torth my jpre- his altar.
:nt, and fet/'i before thee. And he faid, n Therefore on that day he called him
will tarry until thou come ajrain. Jerubbasl, laving, Let Baal plead againit
it, And Gideon went in and made ready him, becaufe he hath thrown down his
kid, and unleavened cakes of an ephah altar.
( flour: the itefh he put in a basket, as. 51 Then all the Midianites, and the

nd hz put the broth in a pot, and Amalckites, and the children of the eaft
ronght it out unto him under the oak, were gathered together, and went over,
nd prefented it. and pitched in the valley of Jezreel.
2.0 And the
angel of God faid unto him, 24 But the fpirit of the Lord came
ake the flem, and the unleavened cakes, upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet,
nd lay them upon this rock, and pour and Abiezer was gathered after him.
ut the broth. And he did fo. s? And he fent meffengers throughput
1! Then the angel of the. LORD put all Manaffeh, who alfo was fathered after
orth the end of the llafF that teas in his him, and he lent meffengers untoAfher,
and, and touched the item, and the un- and unto Zebulun, and unto Naphtali,
eavened cakes and there rofe up fire
: and they came up to meet them.
utofthe rock, and confumed the flefh, 3.6 fl And Gideon faid unto God, If
nd the unleavened cakes then the angel : thou wilt fave Ifrael by mine hand, as
f the Lord departed out of his fight, thou haft faid,
n And when Gideon perceived that he j.7 Behold, I will put a fleece of woolit
pax an angel of the Lord, Gideon faid, in the floor tnd if the dew be on the

klas.O Lord God: tor becaufe I have fleece only, and it be dry upon all the
een an angel of the Lord face to face, earth befide, then fhall I know that thoij
iv And the Lord faid unto him, Peace wilt fave Ifrael by mine hand, as thou
e unto thee, fear not, thou (halt not die. halt faid.
14 Then Gideon built an altar there 3.8 And it was fo ' for he rofe up earl*
into the Lord, and called it Jehovah- on the morrow, andthruft the fleece to*
halom: unto this day it rx yetinOphrah ether, and wringed the dew out of this
if the Abi-ezrites.
f eece, a bowl-full of water.
a? IT And it came to pafs the fame J.Q And Gideon faid unto God, Let not
light, that the Lord faid unto him, thine anger be hot againft me, and I will
rake thy fathers young bullock, even fp-.-ak but this once: let me prove, I pray
he fecond bullock of feven years old, thee, but this once with the fleece i let it
and throw down the altar of Baal that now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon
by father hath, and cut down the grove all the ground let there be dew.
hat it by it : 4o And God did fo that night: for iC
i6 And
build an altar unto the Lord was dry upon the fleece only, and there
hyGoa upon the top«f this rock, in the was dew on all. the ground;
mtered place, and take the fecond bul- CHAP. VII.
ock, and offer a burnt-lacrifice with the Gideons army-, &c.
vood of the grove which thou fhalt cut
THen the
Jerubbaal (who Gideon) and
people that were, with hirru

, 17 Then Gideon took ten men of his roTeup early, and pitched befide the well
ervants, and did as the Lord had faid of Harod fo that the hoft of the Midia,.

into him : and fo it was, becaufe he fear- nites were on tiie north-fide of them by
id his fathers houfhold, and the men of the hill of Moreh, in the vallev.
he city, that he could not do it by day, 1 And the Lord faid unto Gideon, The
that he did it by night. peoplethat are with thee tire too many for
18 *3 And when the men of the citv me to give theMidiamtes intotheir hands,
irofe early in the morning, behold, the left Ifrael vaunt thcmfelves againft me,
rttar of Baal was caft down, and the faying, Mine own hand hath faved me.
Jtove was cut down that v$*s by it, and 2 Now therefore go to, proclaim in

4 lilt
GiJfbnm'tb three hundred ,
evercometb the MiJi<tniti<. iv
t*ie ears of tho people, faying, Whoso- ped, and returned into the holt of If- It:
ever is feariul an d afraid, Jet
and depart early trom mjunt Gilead
him return rael, and laid, Arife, for the LO
R C v
hath delivered into your hand the hod
and tnerc returned of the people twenty 01 Midian.
and two thouland, and there remained 16 And he divided the three hundred
ten thoufand. men into three companies, and he pu.
4 And the Lord raid unto Gideon, The a trumpet in every mans hand, wit'
people art yer too many bring them: empty pitchers, and lampi within th<
down unto the water, and I will try them pitchers.
lor thee there and it ihall be, tbtt of
17 And he faid unto them, Lock or
whom I fav unto thee, This (hall go with me, and do likewife: and behold, wrier 1^
thee, the fame (hall 50 with thee ; and of 1 come to the outiide of the camp, it ihall
whom-ocver I lay unto thee, This (hall be tbjit as I do, fo (hall ye do.
not go with thee, the fame (hall not*go. i8 When I blow with the trumpet, it.
1 So he brought down the people unto and all that */e with me, then blowy*!*
the water: and the Lord laid unto Gi- the trumpets alio on every fideof all the ii.
deon, Every onethat Jappcthof the wa- camp, and fay, Tie fword of the LORD
ter with his ton-nte asadcg Iappeth, him and of Gideon.
ihalt thou ferby himfelf ; likewife every 19 ^ So Gideon and the hundred
one that boweth down upon his knees to thatw»/-e with him, came unto the
drink. fide of the camp, in the beginning of _
6 And the number of them that lapped, middle watch and they had but
putting -heir hand to their mouth, were fet the watch, and they blew the trum-
three hundred men but all the reft of the pets, and brake the pitchers that vrertl


people bowed down upontheit knees to in their hands.

drink water. 10 And the three companies blew the [.

7 And the Lord faid unto Gideon, By trumpets, and brake the pitchers, I as
the three hundred men that lapped, will I held the lamps in their left hanas, and
fave you, and deliver tVie Muhamtes in- the trumpets in their right hands to blowL
to thine hand: andlctall the other peo- voitbal: and they cried The fword of the
.' :

ple go every man unto his place. Lord, and of Gideon.

8 So the people took victuals in their 11 And they ftood every man in hist'
hand, and theUr trumpets: and he lent place, round about the camp and all r., :

all tbi reft of Ifrael. every man unto his the hod ran, and cried, and fled.
tent, and retained thole Hires hundred ix And the three hundred blew that
men- and the heft of Midian was be- trumpets, and the Lord fet every manJr"
neath him in the valley. fword againft his fellow, even thrui?hJ (;
9 H And it crime to pafs the fame out all the hoft: and the holt fied'tl
aighr, that the Lord faid unto him, Beth-fhtttah, in Zererath, *nd to thl
Anfe, get thee down unto the holt, for border of Abel-meholah, un'o Tabbathl
I have delivered it into thine hand. »7 And the men of lfrael gathereJ
to Bur if thou fear to go down, go thou themfelves together out of Naphtali, and
with Phur3h thy fervant down to thehoR. out of Afher, and out of all ManatTeh]
it And thou (halt hear what they fay, and purfued after the Midianites.
and afterwards ihall thine hands be i4 «n And Gideon Cent meflengers \
ftrengthned to go down unto the hoft. throughout all mount Ephraim, faying, *
Then went he down with Phurah hii Come down againft the Midianites, and
fervant unto the outiide ot the armed take before them the waters unto Beth-
men that voert in the holt. ld Jordan. Then all the men ol
ii And the Midianites, and the Ama- Ephraim gathered them felves together,
tekites, and all the children of the eaft, and took the waters unto Beth-barah and
lay along in the valley like grafhoppers Jordan.
lor multitude v and their camels wen is- And they took two princes of the
without number, as the land by the iea- Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb; and they
iide for multitude; Hew Oreb upon the reck Oreb, and
t? And when Gideon was come, behold, Zeeb they (lew «t the wine-prefs o€
there xvj- a man that mid a dream unto his Zeeb, and purfued Midian, and brou-rht
fellow, and faid, Behold, I dreamed a the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Guteoq
dream, and Io,acakeof barley-laread tum- on the other fide Jordan.
bled into the holt of Midian, and came VIII. CHAP.
unto a tent, and fmote It that it fell, and The Epbr.umites facifiei, Sec
overturned it, that the tent lay along. A Nd the men of Ephraim faid unt<
i4 And his fellow anfwered, and raid, .*\ him, Why haft thou ferved
This it nothing rife fave the fword of thus, that thou calledft us not whei
Gideon the Ion of 'oa'h, a man of II- thou wenteft to fismt with the
rael for into his hand hath God deli- anires ? And they^did chide with him'

vered Midian, and all the holt. fharply.

i? 51 And it was fo, when Gideon a. And he faid unto them, Wh ;

heard the tellintr ot the dream, and the I done now in companion of you ?
.interpretation thereof, that he worlhip- II not the gleaning s of the g"

Ztba and ZdmmiuChap. * Hi. Gideon rtvtn«cth bii hrtt&retis Jettk,

taken. ..

phraim, better than the vintage of A- 19 And he faid, They were my brethren;
even the Ions ot my Blether: a the LoRii
i God hath delivered intc your hands liveth, it ye had laved them alive, I
e j»rinces.of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb would not llay you.

zo And he faid unto Jether his hrft-

p what was I able to do in companion born,
you 5 Then their angarwas abated te- Up, an.l flay them: but theyoutll
ird him, when he had laid that. drew not his'iword Jor he feared, be- :

4 ll And Gideon came to Jordan, and cause he was yet a youth.

fled over, he, and the three hundred it Then Zebah and Zalmunna faid-
in that were with him, faint, yet pur- Rile thou, and tall upon us: tor as tha
ng them. manij,jTo nhisltrength. And Gideon a-
x laid unto the men of Succoth,
And he roie, ani Hew Zebah and Zalmunna, and
ve, pray you, loaves of bread unto
took away the ornaments that were on
: people that follow me, tor they be their camels necks.
nt, and I am purfuing alter Zebahand 22 U Then the men of Ifrael faid unto
ilmunna, kings ot Midian. Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou, and
> And the princes of Succoth laid,
thy ion, and thy ions fon alio for thou :

e the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna haft delivered us from the hand cf Mi-
w in thine hand, that we lhould give dian.
ad unto thine army ? 13 And Gideon faid unto them, I will
And Gideon laid, Therefore when the no; rule over you, neither fhall my Ion rule
Ruhath delivered Zebah and Zalmun- over you ; the Lord fhall rule over you.
into .nine hand, t:.en I will tear your 14 And Gideon laid unto them, 1 would
Ih with the thorns sf the wilc-lerneis, deiire a requeit ©f you, that you would
\ with briers. give me every man the ear-iings of his
{ And lie went up thence to Penuel, prey f for they hail golden ear-rings, be-

! i'pake unto them likewile and the :

caule they wen Jflimaelites )
not Penuel anrwertfd him as the men 2<f And they anfwered, We
will wil-
Succoth had anf'wcred bim. lingly give tbon. Ami they fpread a gar* I

And he (pake alio unto the men of ment, and did cait therein, every mac
nuel, fayinsr, When I come a?ain in the ear-rings ol his prey.
see, 1 wtlf break down this tower. xk And the weight el the goldea ear-
Mi Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in rings that he recmefled, was a thoul'and
rkor, and their holts with them, about and ieven hundred 7/«<W; of gold, b.lide
fcen thcufand «*«», all that were lett of ornaments, and colla-rs, and purple rai-
the holts of the children of the eaft : ment that w*i on the kings of Midian,
there fell an hundred and twenty and befide the ehains that were 2 bant their
ufand men that drew Iword. camels necks,
1! And Gideon went up by the way xi And Gideon made an ephod thereof,
them that dwelt in tents, on the eaft and put it in his city, even m
Qphrah j
Nobah, and Jogbehah, andlmotethe and ali UraeTwent thither a whoring a-f-
: for the hoft'was I'ecure. ter it: which thing became a Ihareuntd
. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, Gideon, and tohishoufe.
purfued after them, and toikthetwo 18 V Thus was Midian fubdued before
gsof Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, thecnldrenof Tlrael, lb that they hitef"
1 difcomfited all the holt. up their heads no more: 2nd the country
? 11 And Gideon the ion of Jo*fh re- was in quietnels forty years in the da) s of
ied from battle before the fun wa> wp, Gideon.
* And caught a-ycuns; minor the men 29 1i And Jeruhbaal the fon of Joafh
Succoth, and enquired ot him and he : went and dwelt in his own houfe.
rribed unco him the princes ol Suc- .20 And Gideon had threelcore and ten
i, and the elders thereof, et^nthree- Cons of his body begotten tor -he hai

e and feventeen men. many wives.

And he came unto the men of buc-
: 3t And his concubine that w*s in She-*,
L and laid, Behold, Zebah and Zal- chem, [he alio bare him a fon, whole
ma, with whom ye did upbraid me, naniehecaPed Abimelech.
n?, Art tfiehands of Zebah a.dZal- 21 n And Gideon the fon of Joafh died
nna now in thine hand, that we lhould in agoodoldane, and was buried in th*
e bread unto thy men that are weary ? fepu'.chre of Joafh his father, in OpttfaJ}
5 And he took the elders o: the city, of the Abi-ezrite*.
.thorns of the wildernefs, and briers, 25 And it came to paf3 alTbonas Gideon
with them he taught the men of was dead, tfiat the chiidrenot Ifrael turn-
ceth. ed acainjand went a whoring after 3aa-
7 And he beat down the tower of Pe- lim, .and made BaaUperitb their god. .

1, and Hew the men of the city. 54 And the children of Ifrael Tciiiem-
3fl Thenfaid he unto Zebah and Zal- bred not the LoftU their Cod, who had
ina, What manner of men we.-e tbty delivered them cut of the hands of all
am ye Hew at Tabor ? And they «n- their enemies on every fide :

ared, As thou ark iowere they, each 15 Neither- lhewed they kindnefa to
refemblcd the cliik'rcnof a-kiag. the houfcof JerubbaaJ, nawefy Gideeq*

according to all ire gcodnefs which he done unto him according to the .'.cfeiving
had frcwcii unto liracl. tnda:
C H A P. IX. 17 (my father fought for vera, ar.t;
', &c. urea his life tat, and delivered jj»
AJNd Abimelecb the ion or Jerub'aaal outct the hand ot Midian:
went to Shechem, unto his mothers 18 And ye arer.:"..-n up .

ore tire it., ami -

with all the family o'. the houle ot bis Ion-, threei'core a;uftenr>er!o;. .;: r.«
mothers feather, ia>
i Speak, I "ray you, in the ears of. all maid-fervam
the men of Sheencm* \V jfSherhem, becaufehctVyour br<
foryon, either that -11 the fonsot icn;b- imlv andWE
baal ( vpbLb j.n three core and ten per- cerelywitb Jeruloaal and with hi:
sons] reign over you, or that one reign this day, rk:u rejoyce ye in AbimeJe
ever you ? remember ajfo that I tm youi and let him ill'orejojce in you .

bono and your r. io But if nor, let hre come out !i

*. And i» is brethren fpake o >r.e- 1;
him in the ear* i all the o> Shechem men .'the houfe of Miifo ai^^H
all thefe words: and their hearts inclined nre come cut trom the men ol S'lccbjHm
tcfol'ow Abimelech ; tortheylatd, He;', and tro:n the houfe ot Millo, ar.d de^Bfi
our brother. Abiine
4 And they gave hint threescore and ten Jotham ranawav rndfied, JiC
fitca of fii/er, c.uot the hou e of Baal- went to Beer, and dwelt there, f
benth wherewith Abimelech hired vain
: oi Abimelech his brother. l'-

tnd light perfens, which followedJiini. ii « \v..en Abimelech had reigned {v.
q And be went unto his fathers hou.e at three years over Ifracl,
0"hrah, and flew hii brethren the ions or i": Then God lent an evil fpirit betiM|C

Je'rubbsal, jnin$; threefcore and tenper- Abimelech and the men of ShetheUE
fons, upon one .tone notwithllanding, : and the men of Shechem dealt treats) fa,
ye- Jotham the yjungeft Ion ot Jerub- roufiy withAbimelech :

baal was left; lor he hid himfelf. 14 That the cruelty dont to the three
h And all the men or Shechem garnered fcore and ten fons of Jerubbaal mif**'
together, and all the houfe of Millo, and come, and their Wood be laid upon A
went -, by the melech their brother which llew th
plainer the pill2r that wu fin Shechem. and upon the men of Shechem which
And when they told it to Jotham, ed him in the killing of his brethren:
he went ?.nj ltood in the top of mount i; And the men of Shechem fetliert
Gerizirr., ana lift uphisvoice, and cried, wait for him in the top of the mountai
•nd fain unto them, Hearken unto me, f
robbed ail that came along t'
yen men. ot Shechem, that God may way by them an.i it was told Abimele
Hearken unro you. 16 And Gaal the fon of Hbed c
8 The trees went forth en a time to a- with hi* brethren, ar.d went ever to
•oint ak n? over them, and they faid unto chem and the men of Shechem-put th

theohve-tfee, Reign thou cvei us. confidence in him.

9 But the olive-tree laid unto them, i^ And they went out into the fieldi
Should I leave my tatr.els, wherewith by and gathered their vineyards, and trod
me thev honour God and man, and go to tbegripes, and made merry, and went in
be promoted over the trees ? to the houfe ot their god, and did eat an
to Ami the trees 1'aid to the fig-tree, drink, and curfert Abimelech.
Come thou, *ni reign over us. 18 And Gaal the fon of Ebed faid, Wh
ti But the fig-tree raid unto them, Should U Abimelech, and who is 5heehem.. thi
1 forfake my fweetnefs.and my good fruit, we fhould i'erve him ? «'« not Ac the fonc
and go to be promoted over the trees ? Jerubbaal, and Zebul his officer? (err
n Then. faid the trees unto the vine, the menofHamorthe father of ShechejB
Come thou, ±ni reisrnoverus. tor why fhould we ferve him ?
u And the vine faid unto them, Should 19 And would to God this people
1 leave my wine, which cheereth God under my hand ; then would I rem
and man, ana eo to be promoted over Abimelech. And he faid to Abimef
the trees ? . Increafe thine army, and come out.
r4 Then faid air the trees un-o the ?c Ii And when Zebul the ruler of
bramble. Come thou, *ni rciirn ever us. city heard the words of Gaal the fon
i,- Aiidthe bramble laid unto the trees, Lbed, his aneer was kindled.
If in truth ye anoint me king ever vou, 3i And he Tent meifeneers unto Ab
tbtn come *ni put your truft in my fha- lech privily, faying, BelioJJ, Gaal th
Jow and it not, let fire "omc out of the
: of Ebed and his brethren be come
Vr«mble,ar.u devour the cedars ot Lebanon Shechem and behold, they fortific tl

16 Now-therefore, if ye have done truly gainft thee.

cerely, in that ye have madeAbi-

therefore up by nighrj thouar
taefech kine, and if ye have dealt well the people that ii Witfc thee, and Be :

vith Jcrubas.d aad ha houfe, and have waitfDtfccficbK

. .

dbhntlecb Jtftroyttb Sbtcbttrtt Chap. X, *nd ii (lot* it Tbebel.

13 And it mall be, that in the morning 49 And allthe people llkewife cut dow»
Toon as the fun is up, thou [halt rife ear- every man his bough., and followed Abi-
, and fet upon the city and behold, melech, and put tbem to Uphold, and let

wen tie and the people that it with him the hold on fire upon them ; to that all the
«ue out againlt thee, then mayfl thou .men or ttie tower of Shechem died alio*
3 to them as thou fhalt find occafun. about a thoufand men and women.
U H And Abimelech roie up, and all
e people that voire with him, bv night,
*o H Then went Abimelech to Thebez,
and encamped againtt Thebez, audtock
id they laid wait againit Shechem in it.
ur companies. <ri But there was a flrong tower with-

3? And Gaalthefonof Ebed went out, in the city, and thither tied all the
tid ltood in the entring of the gate or the and women, and all they or the city, ana
ity : and Abimelech roleup.and the peo- Ihut it to them, and gat them up to the
le that voire with him from lying in wait. top of the tower.
j6 And when Gaal l*aw the people, he «
And Abimelech came unto the tower»
uttoZebul, Behold, there come people and fought againlt it, ana went hard unto
awn from the top of the mountains. And the door of the tower to burn it with fire.-
ebul laid unco linn, Thou leett thelha- ?3 And a certain woman calt a piece
owof the mountains as lftbty voire men. of amilitoneupon Abimelechshead, and
V7 And Gaal fpake again, and fai«t, See all to brake his Jcull.
lerecome people down by the middle or ?4 Then he called haftily unto the young
leland, and another company come a- man his armour-bearer,' and laid unto
)ng by the plain of Meonenim him, Draw thy.fword, andflayme, thae
38 Then laid Zebul unio him, Where men lay not or me, A woman 'lie w him.
now thy mouth, wherewith thoufaidit, And his young man thruit him through,
Pho U Abimelech, thatwe mould ferve and he died.
mi ' is not this the people that thouhaft s? And when the men of Ifrael faw that
efpifect? go cut, I pray now, and fight Abimelech was tiead, they departed eve-
iththem. ry man unto his place.
39 And Gaal went out before the men *6 11 Tnus God rendred the wickednefs
f Shechem, and fought with Abimelech. of Abimelech which hedU umo Jvis fa-
40 And Abimelech chafed him, and he ther, in flaying his feventy brethren.
ed before him, and many were over- 17 And all the evil oi«he men of She-
sown And wounded, even unto the en- chem, did God render upon their heads:
ingof the gate. and upon them came the curie of Jothara
4t And Abimelech dwelt atArumah: the Jon of Jerubbaal.
idZebul thruft out Gaal and his brethren, CHAP. X.
»at they mould not dwell at Shechem. ToU
I iaigetb Ifnel, &c.
41 And it came to pafs on the morrow, A Nd after
afi Abimelech, there arofe t(J
lat the people went out into the field, f\
defen< Ifrael, Tola the fonof Puah,
rrd they told Abimelech. the fonot Dodo, a man of Iflachar i an£
43 And hetookthe pecple. and divided he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim. .

tern into three companies, and laid wait t And he judged Ifrael twenty and thre*
i the field, and looked, and behold, the years.and died ,and was buried in Shamir,
eople were come forth out of the city, and ? 11 And after him arofe Jair.a Gileadite» •

erofe upagainltthem, and fmote them. anu judged Ifrael twenty and two years.
44 And Abimelech, and the company 4 And he had thirty fons that rude oa

lat «u< with him, ruined forward, and thirty a-s-colts, and they had thirty cities,
ocd in the entringof the gate otthe city which are called Havoth-jair unto tint

Jdthetwo other companies ranuponali day, which#re in the lsndof Gilead.

t people that were in the fields, and flew ? And Jair died, and was buried ia
icm. Camon.
4? And Abimelech fought againlt the 6 And the children of Ifrael did evil
ty all that day, and he took the city, and again in the light of the LORD, and ier-
;w the people that tr^s therein, and beat veu Baalim, and Afhtaroth, and the god*
awn the city-, and (owed it with lalt. ot Syria, and the gods of Zidon, andt/ie
46 51 And when ail the men of the tower gods of Moab, ano. the gods of the chil-
"Shechem heard tb.t, they entred into dren of Amnion, and the gods of the Phi-
ihold of the houfe of the god Berith liftines, and foriook the Lord, and ferved
47 And- it was told Abimelech, that all not him.
te men of the tcwer of Shechem were 7 11 And the anger ot the LORD
athered together. hot againlt Ifrael, and he lold them into'
48 And Abimelech gafhim up to mount thehandsof the Phililtines, and into the
almon, he and all the people that vptre hands of the children of Ammon.
ithhim; and Abimewch took an ax in S And thatyearthey vexed and oppref-
a'hand, and cut down a bough from the fed the children of Ifrael : eighteen years,
ees, and took it, and laid it on his all the childrenof Ifrael that xverc ontha
Mulder, and faid unto the people that other fide Jordap, iiuhelandof theAmo-
*tt with him, What ye have Teen me do, rites, which r> in Gilead.
»ke hiO.ii *n& do as 1 b*v* done, 9 Moieoverj the children of Amman
S 6 t

lalfed over JoSan, to fig

Sauilt the houfe ct Ephraim , lb that u mavit ec w

lirael was lore diftr and fight agai; it the childi .

And the
i: fl children of Ifrael cried
ntothe Lorjj, la>ir.g, i.ave tinned We ead.
aga, nit thee, both became w« have tor- Jephthah laid unto thee

faken our God, and alio lerved Baalim. Gilead, It ye oring me home a
it And the Lord laid unto th.e chil- hght againt the children of A
drenot Ilrael, D,-';: not iw.Uvtr yc u trom an., the LuRUdeliver the
the Egyptians, and from the Amorites, lhall 1 be your head ?
Irom the c.ildrenot Amnion, and irom ut Gilead fa
the Philtftines ? Jephthah, The Lor..
\i Tiie Zidonisns alio, and fl:e Ama- us, it we do not to according to thy
lekites, and the Maonites did oppreli it T. en Jc
>o.;, and ye cried rone, and I delivered ct G.i
you out of their hand. ana cap' -:n over the:.,
i? Yet ye have torfaken me, and fer- tered all his words before the Lc
<d othei gats wherefore I will deliver
: Mizpeh.
you nc it 51 And Jephthah lent meffengers
ie, Tic and crv unco the geds which ye to the king ot the children of Amn
ipfer let them deliver you
; the m laying, What haft thou to do wit
rime oi that thou art come me to rlgh
ii fiAiid children 9> Ifrael laid unto
t;:e my land ?
we have tinned, do thou unto i? And
king of the children .the
tat oev r leeineth good unto thee, Ammon asfwered unto the meffenecr
deliver u, only, we pray thee, this day. Jephthah, Becaul'e Ilrael took away
i.-.d thev put away the itianeegods land when they came up out of Eg}
a d erved theLOUU : trom Arnon even unto Jabe>
s foul was trneved for the nhi'eryof
- *
to Jordan new therefore : rcltorc tf
Ifrael. Unii again peaceably.
17 Then the children of Amnion were 14 And Jephthah fentmeff
gathered tog-ther, and encamped in Gi- ui to the king ol thech
tesd: anJ flic 'children of Ifrael affem- i<; And laid un'o him, Thu
res together, and encamped thah, Ifrael took not-awa\
in Mi Moab, r.or.the land oT the children
tb' And the peorle and princes ot Gi- Ammon :

lead faidone to another, Whatmanri be t5 But when Ifrael came up fi

Iftatwi Ibegin to hght a^init the chil- g^pt, and wa'ked through the wi
dren of Amnion? Lie ffia'l be head over theRed lea, ardcamjejoKadefb ;
all theinhabitants of Gilead. i? Then Ilrael lent meifengers unto th
C A P. XI. H king of EConi, faying, Let me, I pra
Jipbtbsb-.coiinsutwiCb tb'. Giltsditti, &c. (".ce', pais through thy land-, but the kin
VfOw Jephthah the Gileadire was <a or Edom
manner they
would net hearken tbtrtto. Ari<
i\| mighty man of valour, and he kuj in like fent unto the k:ngo
ihe Con of an harlot an«l Gilead begat: Moab; but he would not anfent : and'lf-1
Jephthah. rael abode in Kadelh.
i And Gjjeads wife bare lvmfons, and' 18 Then
they went alon? through the
kis wifes fbns grew v>, and they thrult wildernefs, and compafled the I

»ut le faid unro him, Thou Ldom, and the land or Moab, and came
fialt not inherit inbur fathers houie, fcr by the eaft-iide of the land of Moab, ar.d
aliouartthe Ton of a (trance woman. pitched on the other fide of Arn.n, but
3 Then Jephthah fled fiom bis brethren, came not within the border of Moab :'
and dwelt in the land or Too: and there for Arnon rru; the border ot Moab.
were gatherea vain men to Jephthah, and 19 And Ifrael lent meffengers unro Si-
went "out with htm. hon king of the Amorites, the kin? of/
r And it ca ne to pats in procefs of Heihbor. and ifrael laid unto him, "Let ;

time, that the children of, Ammon made us pals, we pray thee, through thy land,
war a?aiQ;t Ifrael. ;lace.
s And it was <b, that when thechli.ire-. v.- But Sih.^n tnifbed not Ifrael topafii
of Amnion made war aeainu UVael, the Mil: but Sihon gathered al
of Gilead went to' fetch Jephthah rus people together, and piic'hed in Ja
outot the Undo! 1 !:az. ^nd lought aesinlt Ilrael.
6 And they-iaidunto Jephthah, the LORD Gdd of Ifrael deli
vcred S .. his ^-er.ple :

withthechi'. an, they ; v.ote them : lb l

- A.r>.{ fephthah Paid unN) the elders ot Ifrael podelVed all the' land of the Amo-
Cilead, Didi expel me rites\ the inhabitants of thatccuntry.
•at of my fathers ij And
they poiTeiled all the coaits of
ouie unto mc now when ye arc in . the Aiuciucs, fioai Axoorv even unto

' •>
nt>. Chan. X il, The Epkraimiiet fltitt,

for thee 'of thine er.emie?, tvt*

>k, and from the wildernefs even. geance
Jordan. ot the children ot Ammon.
37 And ihe laid unto aer father, Let

XX bo now the LORD God of Ilrael

this thing be done tor me: Let me alone
th diiVnleffed the Amontes trim be-
re his people lirael, and (hculdlt thou two months, that I may go up and down
>llels it?
upon the mount ai hi, and bewail my vir»
14 Wilt not thou poflefs that which ginity, I and my tellows.
thy god giveth-thee topoilels?
ie-.iiofh 38 And he laid, Go. And be i'ent net
whomloever the Loro our God (hall away for two months and the went with

ive out from before us, them wiU we her companions, and bewailed her vir-
XTds. ginity upon the mountains.
i? And now art thou any thing better 59 And it came to pals at the endof two
an Balak the fon of Zipper king ot months, that (he returned unto her lather,
Dab? did ho ever (trive agamit Ifrael, who did with her according to his vow
did lie ever fiiJ ht againlt them, which he had vowed: and fne knew no v
x6 While Ifrael dwelt in Helhbon and man. And it wasacultom in Ilrael,
:r towns, and in Aroer and her towns,
4. 1 bit the daughters ot Ilrael went
id mall the cities that be along by the yearly to lament the daughter of Jeph-
lafts ot Arnon, three hundred years? thah the Gilea.Ute tour days ina.year.
hy therefore cud ye not recover tbtm C H A P. XII.
ithin that time? The Efbraimites quarrelling, See.
X7 Wherefote I have not finned againlt Attd the men of Ephraim gathered
lee, but thou dolt me wrong to war a- themfelves together, and went north-. .

ainltme: the Lorh the Judge be judge ward, and laid unto Jephthah, Where-
.lis day between the children ot Ifrael fore palleout thou over to fight againlt the
nd the children of Amnion. children ol Ammon, and aidft not call
iS Howbeit, the king ot the children us to go with thee ? we will burn thine
t A union hearkned not unto the words houfe upon thee with fire.
f Jephthah which he fern him. x And Jephthah laid unto them, I and
1911 Thenthefpiritof the LORD came my people were at great ftrife with the
pon Jephthah, and he parted over Gilead. children of Ammon ; and when 1 called
rid Manalfeh, and parted over Mizpehof you, ye delivered me not out of theit
Uead, ana from Mizpehof Gilead he hands.
ailed over «»fr> the children ot Amnion. 3 And when Ifawthat yj delivered me
33 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto not, I put my life in my hands, and palled
leLORD, andfaid, If thou Ihaltwitfi- over againlt the children ot Ammon, ami
ut fail deliver the children of Amnion the Lord delivered them into my hand;
mo mine hands, wherefore" then are ve come up unto me.
31 Then it ffiall be, that whatfoever this day, to light againlt me ?
ometh forth of the doors of my hcufeto 4 Tnen Jephthah gathered together all
aeet me, when I return in peace from men of Gilead, and fought with E-
he children of Amnion, (hall l'urtly be phraim; and the men of Gilead fmote E-
he LORDs, and I will offer it up for a phrainv, becaul'e they faid, YeGileadites
urnt-offering. are fugitives of Ephraim, among the fc=
x 11 So Jfephthah patted over unto the phraimites, and among the Manallites.
hildren of Ammon to fight againlt them, 5 And the Gileadites took the pallages
nd the LORD delivered them into his ot Jordan, before the Lphraunites and it :

lands. was/b,that when thole E^hraimites which,

3; And he fmote them from Aroer, even wereefcaped, laid. Letmesoover> that
illthou come to Minnith, even twenty ci- the men of Gilead faid unto him, Art
tes, and untotne plain of the vineyards, thou an Ephraimite ? If he faid, Nay :

viih a very great (laughter. Thus the 6 Then laid they unto him, bay new
hildfen of Ammon were fubdued betore Shibboleth and he (aid Sibboleth tot
: :

he children of Ifrael. he could not frame to pronounce./* right.

34 11 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh Then they took him, and Hew him at.
into his houfe, and b;hold> his daughter thepafi'agesof Jordan: and there tell at
ameoutto meet him with timbrels and that time of the Ephraimites forty and'
vith dances, and (he w.*s bis only child two thoufand.:

>efide her he had neither fpn nor daughter 7 And jephthah judged Ifrael fix years:
;, And it came to pafs when he law then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and-
ler, that he rent his clothes, and faid, A- was buried in one of the cities c 1 Gilead.
as, my daughter, thou halt brought me H II And after him lbzan ot Beth-le-
/ery low, and thou art one of them that hem judged Ifrael.
'rouble me: for I have opened mv mouth 9 And be had thirty. fons, and thirty
into the LORD, and I cannot go back. daughters, whom he lent abroad, and took
36 And fhe laid unto him, My father, in thirty daughters from abroad for his
/ thou halt opened thy mouth unto the Ions. Andhe iut'.ged lirael feven years.
LORD, do to me according to that which 10 Then' died Ibzan, and was buried.
hath proceeded out of thy mouth i for- at Beth-Iehem.
Jlftuch as the LORD hath taken vei>- 11 «J And alter him, Elona Zebylorute*
. .

. judged IfracU and he judg< '.hear.seJof the Lord fa-'Ju*
years. jh, Or all that I laid unto tt
11 And Elonthe Zebulonite Jied, and woman, tether beware.
was buried in Aijalon in tne country or may not eat of ar
Zebulun. comethof the vine, neither let tier drin
i: ' And after him, Abdon the Ton of wineoritron^ drink, nor eatai
Hillel a Pirathonite judged Uriel :cmi all that 1 commanded her, Jctha
14 And he had forty fons and tlurty ne- ,
phews, that rode on threescore ar k Ann Manoah faid unto the aneelc

celts : and he judged Ifrael the LORD, 1 pray thee, let us •

i? And Abdonthe
fon of Hillcl the Pi- until we (hall have aiade ready a kid ie
rathonite died, and was buried i
thon irrthelandortphraim, in the mount 16 An^ the angel of the LORD
or' theAmalekites. unto Manoah, Though thou d-tammeU
CHAP. XIII. will rot eat of thy bread
wilt offer a burnt-od'eno?,
and if tfcS :

Antnzti ApptifKb to MtnotAi Tt'ft, &c. t^cumdT

A Ndthe children of llra^l did evila- it unto the LORD
:~ for
f\ gain in the fight of tncLORDi an«l knew not that he was an ar.eel of 0I tS
LORD. s *• ^
the LOR.') delivered them into the hand
of the Phil iltines forty years. And Manoah faid unto the andH
% fl And there wa» a certain
Zorih, of the family of the Danites,
of the
when thy
LORD, What
layings come
i. thy
to ;
a!s, we

whofe name w*j Manoah, and .
do thee honour?
was barren and bare not. 18 And the angel cf the LORD faidl
unto him. Whyaskeft thou thui after my
3 Andtnear.gelot the Losn appeared
unto the woman, and fai J unto her,Behold name, feeing it is lecre >
Dow, thouarf barren and beareit not: but iq So Manoah took a kid, with a meat,
oftenr.g, andorlered it upon a roc^^H
thou malt conceive and bear a fon.
4 Now therefore beware, I pray thee,
and drink not w;ne, nor' ftrcng drink, ar.e Manoah and hi? .,

ic For it came tc pa's, w

and eat not any unclea
went up towaro heaven frc
5 For la, thou (halt conceive ancbear
a fon, and no rafor itiall come on his tar, that the angel of the a.cenddJW LORD
in the flame of the- alrar and 5
bead for the child (hall be a Ntetrite

unto God from the womb: and he (hall and his wife looked on it,
bezin to deliver Ifrael out of the hand their faces to theground.
Bf the Phi lifti
it ( But the angel of t.-.e did LORD i

6 «; Then the woman came and told

more appear to Manoah and. to his wife.
her husband, faying, A man of God came
Then Manoah knew that he was an
gel of the LORD.
unto me, and his countenance w*
i* A-.d Manoah faid unto fcls w.
the counter, anceof in angel ot God, very
terrible but I asked him net whence
WefhalKurel) die, hecaufe weharef<
hciMf, neither told: he me his name. God.
7 But he faid unto me, Behold, thou
H But his wife faid unto him, It tOi
ihalt conceive and bear a fon , and now
Lord were pleafed to kill us, he wouS
not have received a burnt-effering anV
drink no wine nor ilrong drink, neither
a meat-offering at our hands,
eat any unclean tbmz for the child fhai:
would he have (hewed us all thefe
be a Nazarite to God, trcrn the womb nor would as £t this time have told ua
to the day of his death. . ^
LORD, fuck t brigs as thefe.
8 *T Then. Itenoah intreated the
and faid, O
Lord, letthemaiiof God
mv And the woman bare a fon, and
called his name Samfon: and the child
whi.-h thou didjt fend, come af2in unto
us, and teach us what we (hall do unto
grew, and the LORD
bletVed him.
the child that (hall he born.
i? And the foirit of the began LORD
to move him at times in the camp of-
0; Ana God hearkned to the voice of Dan, between Zorah and Elhtaol.
Manoah ; and the angel of God came a-
gain unto the woman as (tie fat CHAP.
Stmjbn dtfirtti a
XIV. '

Wtft cf tee Pbilijlmt

field: bat Manoah her husband M
went down to Tin;'
•with her.
ic And • he
. .
woman made hafte, and ran.
A and faw
a woman in Timnath of
ilaurh.tersof the Phil iltines.

and (hewed her husband, and faid unto

i And he came up and told hisfathe
him, Behold, them
mother, and faid, I have feen;
to me, that came un-o methecne?
n And Manoah arofe, and wen: after woman in Timnath of the daughters
hiswife, and came to the man, and raid thePhiliftines: now therefore get her fot|
unto him, Art thou the manth2t fpa.ceft raetowife .

woman ? And he faid I **». n nis fa* her and hi^- mother fa id
unto the
ii And Manoah faid, Now let thv untohira, /' tb'n never a woman among
words rometopafs : How Oall we order the daughters of thy brethren, cr
the child, and *o» (hail we dc unto ham .-
aJJ my pcoplc> that thou gocft to

pHJoxi >- Chr.p. xv. Xhfoxti tnd hh firt-hr*nit^

fe of the uncircumcifed Philiftines? 8 And the men of the city faid unto
3 Samfon faid unto his father, Get him on the feventh day before the fun
lor me, for (he plcafeth me well. went down, WJiatri fweeter than hony?
But hu father and his mother knew and.what r< ftronger than a lion? And
tint it «u» of the L o R l>> that lie he laid unto them, If ye had not plowed
£ht anoccafion againft the Philiftines *. with myheirei, ye had not found out my
"at that time th5 Phililtines had do- riddle.
lion over li'rael. 19 H And the fpiritof the Lord came
Then went *imfon do vfi, and his upon him, and he went down toAfhke-
mx and his mother, to Timnath, and lon, and flew thirty men of" them, and
to the vineyards ol Timnath : and took their lpoil, and gavechange of gar-
old, a young lion rored againft him. ments unto them which expounded the
And the fpint of the Lord came riddle and his anger was kindled, and

ghtily upon him, and he rent him as he went up to his fathers houfe.
would have rent a kid, and be bad no- 10 But Samfons wife was given to hi*
nginhisli3nd : but he told not his fa- •ompanion, whom he had ufed as his
r or his mother what- he had done. friend.
And he went down and talked with CHAP. XV.
: woman, and fhe pleafed Samfon well. Samfon denied kit
is &e. veife,
ft And after a time, he returned to
ceher, and he turned afide to fee the
BUtter, came to pals within a while af*
in the time of wheacharveft,
caTe of the lion: and behold, there that Samfon vifited bis wiie with a kidt
t a fwanuofbe:s,andhonyinthccar-pmd he faid will go in to my wife into
of the lion.
fe the chamber. But her father would not
And he took thereof in his hands, fuffer him to go in.
iiwent on eating, antteame to his fa- 1 And her father faid, I verily thought
ir and mother, andhegave tnCD, and that thouhadft utterly hated jier, there-
:y did est but he told not them that
: fore I gave her to thy companion : is not
had taken the hony out of the car- her younger filter fairer than fhe ? take
l£e uf the- lion. her, I pray thee, i.ifteaoof her.
to *i So his father went down unto the ? ft And Samfon laid concerning them,
iman,' and Samibnmade there a feaft Now fhall 1 be more blamelefs than the'
r lb ufed the young men to do. Philiftines.though I do them adifpleafure.
it And it came to pafs when theyfaw 4 And Samfon went and caught three
!m, that they brought thirty compani- hundred foxes, and took fire-brands, and
es to be with him. turned tail to tail, and put a fire-brand
11 And Samfon faid unto them,. I in the midft between two tails.
ill now put forth a riddle untoyou if : * And when he had fet the brands on
>u can certainly declare it me within fire, he let them go into the ftanding-
e feven days of the feaft, and find it corn of thePhiliftines, and burnt up botft
it> then I will give you thirty ftieets, the fhocks, and alio the ftanding-cgrn,
id thirtychange of garments. with the vineyards *nd olives.
itBut if ye cannot declare it me, then 6 11 Then the Philiftines faid, Who hath
ye give me thirty fheets, and thirty
all done this ? And they anfwered, Samfon the
langeof garments. And they faid unto foninfawcftheTimnite, becaufe he had
m, Put forth thy riddle, that we may taken his wife, and given her to his com-
:ar it. panion. And the Philiftines came up, and
And he faid unto them, Out of the burnt her and her father with fire.
iter came forth meat, and out of the 7 11 And Samfon faid unto them, Though,
rong rame forth fweetnefs. And they ye have done this, yet will I be avenged
old not in three days expound the riddle. of you, and after that 1 will ceafe.
And it came to pafs on the feventh
i? 8 And he fmote them hip and thigh
iy» that they faid unto Samfens wife, with a great flauehter j and he went down
titicethy husband, that he may declare and dwelt In the'top of the rock Etaou
ito us the riddle, left we burn thee and 9 H Then the Philiftines went up, and
y fathers houfe with fire have ye called : pitched injudah, and fpread themfelve*
;to take that we have ? it it not fo ? in Lehi.
i6 And Samfons wife wept before him, tc And the men of Judaft faid, Why
id faid, Thou doft but hate me, and lo- are ye come up againft us? And they
:ftsienot: thou halt put forth a riddle anfwered, To bind Samfon are we come
ito thechildrenof my people, and haft up, to do to him, as he hath done to us.
rttold it me. And he faid unto her, Be- tt Then three thoufand men of Judah
3ld, I have not told it my father nor my went to the top of the rock Etam, and
other, and fhall I tell it thee? faid' to Samfon, Knoweft thou not that
t7 And lue wept before him the feven the Philiftines *re rulersoverus ? what it
lys, while their feaft lafted and it came : this r*4? thou haft done unto us ? And
pafs on the feventh day, that he told he faid unto them, As they did unto me,
:r,becaufefhe lay fore upon him : and fo have t done unto them.
re told tie. liddls w
the children oilier t* And they faid unto him. are comeWe
cpplev down tabicd tb»e> that wc fflay deliver
fc PkiUJHnttftnittcn. Judges. DtliUb' filjhot
tflee into the hand oi the Philiftines lietb, and wherewith thou might ft b
And Samfon laid imio thein, Swearumj bound to afflirt thee.
nie, that ye will hoc tall upon me your 7 And Samion laid unto her, If the
fdves. bind me with even green withs, tha

n And they fpake unto him, faying) were never dried, thenfha.ll I be weak
JNo : but we will bind thee tall, and deli- and be as another man.
ver thee into their hand but iurcly we
: 8 Then the lords of the Philiftil
will not kill thee. And they bound him brought up to her ("even green w;
with two new rords, and brought tain which had not been dried, and (he*
ui» from the rock. him with them.
14 V] AnJ. when he came unto Lehi,the 9 New tbere veer; men lying inwa

Philistines lhouted 3gainft mm

and the abiding with her in the chamber

Ipirit or the Lord came mightily upon ihe laid unto him, The Philith
him, ana the cords that were upon hia arms, upon thee, Samfon. And he br_
became as flax that was burnt with tire, withs, as a thread of tow is
and his bands jool'ed from off his hands. when it toucheth the fire fohisr.- :

(> And he Found a new jaw-bone of was not known.

an afs, and put form his hand and took tc And Delilah faid unto Sam!"
it, ana Hew a thoufand men therewith. hold, thou haft mocked me, and u e .

16 And Samlbn faid,With the jaw-bone lies: now tell me, 1 pray thee, wheifl
of an als,;.eai>s upon heaps, with the jaw with thou mightft be bound.
of an ais have I (lain a thouland men. ti And he faid unto her, If they bIH
t7 And it came to pals when he had me taft with new ropes that neve;
made an end of ("peaking, that he caft occupied, then 1 (hall be weak, ai
away the jaw-bone out of his hand, and as another man.
called that place Ramath-tehi. it Dehlah therefore took new
i.8 11 And lie was fore athirlt, ami-called and bound him therewith, and fa
on the Lord, and faid, Thou halt given him, Tae Philiftines be upon the.
this great deliverance into the hand of fon. C And tb'.rt were liers in wait
thy fervant : and now ihal! 1 die for inginthe chamber) And he brake mem
third;, and tall into the hand of theun- trcm off his arms like a thread.
cirrumcifed ? U And Dehlah laid unto Sam'
19 But God clave an hollow place that therto thou haft mocked me, ; 1

wui in the jaw, and there came water me lies: tell me wherewith thou r.

thereout; and when he had drunk, his be bound. And he laid unto her, ]

fpirit came again, and he revived where- : thou weaveft the (even locks of "m
fore he called the name thereof En-hak- head with
the we-'>
kore, which is in Lehi unto this day. t4 And fhe faftnedif with the
ic And he judged Ifrael in the days of faid unto him, The Philiftines be up
the Philiftines twenty years. tbee, Samfon. And he awaked oat
CHAP. XVI. his deep, and went away with the pin
Siimfoncarrieth away ^beg»teiofG/i\a,SiC. the beam, and with the web.
1?- And ihe faid unto him, How canfl
THen went Samlbn to Gaza, and law
there an harlor, and went in unto her. thou lay, I love thee, when tmne heart
i And it xv At toU the Gazites, laying, ii not with me? thou haft mccked m:
Samion is come hi«her. And they corn- thele three times, and haft not told me
pall'ed Wwin, and laid wait for him all wherein thy great ftrength lietb.
night in the gate of the city, and were 16 And it'eame to p?.fs, whenihe preffed
quiet all the night, faving, In the morn- him daily with her words, and urged him,
ing when it is day, we thall kill him. fo that his foul was vexed unto"death ; ,

3 And Samfon Jay till midnight, and t7 That he tcld her all his heart, and
arol'e at midnight, and took the doors laid unto her, There hath not come a
cf the ?ate of the city, and tho two polts, rafor upon mine head ; for 1 bavt been 3
and went away with them, bar and all, Nazante unto God from my mothers
and put tbem upon his (boulders, and womb if I be ihaven, then niv ftrength

carried them up to the top of an hill that will go from me, and I (hall become
is before Hebron. \«eak-T and belike any otbet man.
4 11 Ana it came to pafs. afterward, t8 And when Delilah faw that he hacT
that he loved a woman in the valley of told her all his heart, fhe fent and called
i>orek, whole name w*s Delilah. for the lords of the Philiftines, fayins;.
* And the lords of the Philiftines came Come up this once, for he bath (hewed
up unto her, and laid unto her, Entice me alt his heart. Then thejords of the
him, and fee wherein his great ftrength Philiftines came up unto her, and brought
tietb, and by what means we may pre- money in their hand.
vail agair.ft him, that ws may bind him 10 And (he made him deep upon her
to afflicl him: and we will ?ivethee e- knees, and (he called for a man, and (tie
very one of us eleven hundred pieces of cauied him to fh2ve off the feven locks
iilver. of his head, and (he be?an to afflict him,
6 And Deljlah laid to5am(cn,Tell me, ami his ftrength went from him.
1 pray cbjeerwheiein thy grti-t itxength 10 And (tie .faid, Tfce PluJiitines bt
: "

\mfont death. Chap, svii, xviii. Micah. and the Levitt.

fi thee, And he awoke out And his mother faid, Blelfed be tbou of
is and laid, I will go out as at the Louis my fon. >V
r times before, and fhake ? And whenhehadreftored the eleven
he wift not that the Lord was de- hundred Jbe&ls of filver to his morher,
ed trout him. his mother faid, I had wholly dedicated
11 But the Philiftines took him, and the iilver unto the LoR*\ from my hand,
out his eyes, and brought him down for my fon, to make a graven image,
9aza, and bound him with tetters of and a molten image: now therefore I
and he did grind in the pnfon- will reltore it unto thee.

4 Yet he reitored the money unto his

Howbeit the hair cf his head began mother, and his mother took two hundred
'row again, after lie was ftiaven. jhetfeU of filver, and gave them to the
Then the lords of the Philiftinesga- founder, wno made thereof a graven
:d them together, tor to offer a great image, and a molten image and they :

fice unto Dagon their god, and to re- were in the houfe of Micah.
:: for they laid, Our god hath defi- And tl\e man Micah had an houfe

ed Samfon our enemy into our hand. of gods, and made anephod, and tera-
And whea the people Taw him., they phim, and confecrated one of his fons,
ed their god: tor they laid, Our who became his prieft.
hath delivered into our hands our 6 In thole days there was no king in
my, and the deftroyer of our coun- lfrael, but every man did tbatwbicbwtf
which flew many of us. right in his own eyes.
And it came to pafs when their 7 11 And there was a yonng man out
rts were merry, that they laid, Call of Beth-lehcm-judah, of the family of
Samlon. that he may make us ("port. Judah, who was a Levite, and he fojour-
I they called for Samfon out of the ned there.
j and he nude them (port
bn-houfe 8 And the man departed out of the city
him between the pillars.
they let from Beth-!e-«em-judah, where
to fojcnirn
And Samfon faid unto the lad that lie could find a place : and he came to-
I him by the hand, Suffer me that I mount Ephraim to th; houle of Micah,
/ feel the pillars whereupon thehoufe as he journeyed.
ideth, that I may Jean upon them. 9 And Micah laid unto him, Whence
t Now the houfe was tull of men and Cornell thou? And he laid unco him, I
men; and all the lords of the Philiftincs am a Levite ot Beth-lehem-judah, and
re there: and there were upon the roof I go to fojourn where I may find- *
ut three thoufand men and women, place.
beheld, while Samfon made fport. to And Micah faid unto him, Dwell
And Samfon called unto the LoRib with me, and be wnto me
a father and a
I find, O Lord God, remember me, prieft, and I will give thee tenjhefals of
ray thee, and ftrengthen me, I pray Iilver oy the year, and a fuitof apparel,
e, only thisence, God, that I may O and thy victuals. So the Levite went
once avenged of thePhihltinesfor
at in.
two eyes. ii* And the Levite, was content to
9 And Samfon took hold of the two dwell with the man, and the young man
Idle pillars, upon whicn the houfe was unto him -as one of his fons.
3d, and on which it was born up, of . it And Micah confecrated the Levite,
.•one with his right hand, and of the and the young man became his prieft,
er with his left. and was in the houfe of Micah.
And Samfon faid, Let me die with i* Then faid Micah, Now know I
; Phihltines: and he bowed himfelf that the Lord will do me good, feeing
ih- all his might ; and the houfe fell I have a Levite to my prieft.
)n the lords, and upon all the people CHAP. XVIII.
it were therein: lb the dead which he The D.uutei
feet; an inheritance, &c.
» at his death, were more than tbey N
thofedays there was no king in lfra-
ich he flew in his life. I el andinthofe days the tribe otthe

1 Then his brethren, and all the houfe Danites fought them an inheritance to
his father, came down and took him, dwell in for unto that day all their inhe-

[brought bim up, and buried him be- ritance had not fallen unto them among
fen Zorah and Efhtaol, in the bury- the tribes ot lfrael.
;-place_of Manoah his father: and he i And the children of Dan fent of fftei*
!ged lfrael. twenty years. family, five men from their coalts, men
C H A P. XVII. of valour, trcm Zorah, and from Efhta-
Aicah refloreth the flolen money, &c. ol, tc fpv out the acd, and to fearch it
there was a man of mount E- and they faid untoThem, Go, fearch the
i phraim, whole name was Micah. land: who when they came. to mount
, And he faid unto his mother, The E phraim, to the houfe cf Micah, they
ven hundred Jhe^etsoi iilver, that were lodeed there.
:en from thee, about which thou cur- ?.W hen they were by the houfe of Micah,
Ift., and fpakeft of alio in mine ears; ihey knew the voice of the ycune; man
wid, the iilver is with me, 1 took it. the Levite and they turned in thithor,


Uijb fttrcbti Judge*. a „d vtnqutjk

and faid unto him, Who brought thee then fai4 the prieft onto
them, What
hither? and what makeft thou in tftis
fiace ? and what haft thou here ?
19 And they faid unto him, Hold t)
4 And he faid unto them, Thu* and peace, lay thine hand upon thy mout
thus deal eth Micah with me, and hath and go with us, and
be to us a faff).
hired me, and I "am his pneft. and a prieft is it better tor thee to

? And they laid unto him, Ask coun- a prieft unto the houle of one man.

fel, we pray thee, of God, that we may that thou be. a

prieft unto a tribe and
know whether our way which we go mall family in Ilrael ? '
he profperous. o And theprielts heart was gla
6 And the nrieft faid unto them, Go he took the ephod, and the teraphii
xn peace: before the Lord ft your way ana the graven image, znd went
in ll
wherein ve go. midft of the people.
7 H Tiien the five men departed, and
came to Laifh, and faw the people that
n i>o they turned and departed, ai
put the little ones, and the cattle, at
were therein, how they dwelt carelefi,a Iter the carriuge before them.
tht manner of the Zidonians, quiet and fe- xx II And when they were a p
.cure, and tbtre wat no magiftratein the from the houfe of Micah, the n
land, thatmi2"ht putibem to lhame inany were in the houfes near to Micahs h^H
thing: and they n ere far from the Zido- were gathered together, and oveiiB
nians, and had ho bufinefs with any man. the children of Dan.
8 And they came uruo their brethren to i.% And they cried unto the c&^H
Zorah, and -Efhtaol and their brethren
-. of Dan and they turned their faH

laid unto them, What/iy ye 3 and laid unto Micah, What ailetht.'il
9 And they faid, Arifie, that we may that thou comeirwith fir.h a coal
go up againft them r for we have feen ay ?
the land, and behold, it is very good a:d
: 14 And he faid, Ye have taken awa
are yeftill? benot ilothful to go, ani to my gods wnich I made, and the prf
enter to poflels the land. and ye are gone away and what haw :

to When ye go, ye (hall come unto a more ? and what is this that ye fay m
people fecure, and to a large land : for me, What ailerh thee?
God hath given it into your hands a : l? And the children of Dan fa
place where tbtre is no want of anything him, Let not thy voice be heard ami
that is in the earth. us, left angry fellows run upon thee, a
tr 1i And there went frcm thence of thou Iofe thy life, with the Jives of t
the family of the Danites out of Zorah, boufhold.
and cut of Efhtaol, fix hundred men, ap- x6 And the children or Dan wenttf
pointed with weapons of war. way: and when Micah faw that ti

\x And they went up, and pitched in wer< too ftrong for him, he turned
Kirjath-jearjm in Judah : wherefore they went back unto his houfe.
called that pface Mahaneh-dan, unto this x-i Ana they took the things whicbj
day : behold, it is behind Kirjath-jearim. cari bad made, and the prieft which
U And they paffed thence unto mount had, 'and came un:o Laifh, unto a peo
Ephraim, and came unto the houfe of that -were at quiet, and fecure: and tl
Micah. fmote them with the edge of thefworl
t4 51 Thenanfwered the five men that and burnt the city with fire.
Went to fpy out the country of Laifh, 18 And there wa'< no deliverer, hecaa!
and faid unto their brethren, Do ye know it was far frcmZidon, and they had t
that there is in thefe houfes an ephod bufinefs with/an/ man and xtwas ihtr ;

and teraphim, and a graven_image, and valley that lietb by Beth-rehob and th<

a molten ima?e ? now therefore conlider built a city, and dwelt therein.
what ye have'to do. 19 Ana they called the name of tl
\K And they turned thitherward, and city Dan, after the name of Dan the,
came to the houfe of the voun? man the father, who was born unto Ilrael: how
Levite, even unto the houfe of Micah, beitthenameof the city ttuj Laifh at tt
and fa'uted him. firft.
16 And the fix hundred men appointed 3o fl And the children of Dan fen
with their weapons of war, which were the graven image and Jonathan the 1 :

of the children of Dan, flood by the en- of Gerfhom, the fon of ManafTeh,
tring of the gate. and his fons, were prieftsto the tribi
17 And the five men that went to fpy Dan, until the day of the captivity
out the land, went up, ana came in thi- the land.
ther, rt/iJtook Hie g^ven image, and the 5t And they fet them up Micahs grai
cphod, and the teraphim, and the molten ima?e, which he made, all the time t
image: and the prieft ftoud intheentring the houfe of God was in Shiloh.
of the gate, with the fix hundred men that XIX. CHAP.
were appointed with weapons of war. A Livites concubine *bufed to death,
18 And thefe went into Micahs houfe, A Nd it came to pafs in thofe d
and fetched the carvel image, the ephod, f\ when there wa< no kin» in Iff
and the tcraphioii and the molten image that there was a certain Levite iojqu
\ltvite Chap. xix. And bis concubint,

elide of mou»it Ephraim who took u And they turned atide thither, to
a concuhne out of Beth-lehem- go in and to lodge in Gibeah and when :

ue went in, he fat him down in a ftreet

vnd his concubine played the whore of the city for there was no -man that

ft him, and went away from him took them into his houfe to lodging.
her fathers houfe to Beth-Ichem- 16 fl And behold, there came an eld
, and was there four whole months, man from his work out of the field at
nd her husband arofe, and went even, which alfo of mount Ephra-
her to fpeak friendly unto her, j«j im ; and he fojourned in Gibeah, but
ng her again, having his lervant the men ofthe place were Benjamites.
him, and a couple of alTes andfhe : t7 And when he had lift up hi*
ht him into her fathers houfe, and eyes, he faw a wayfaring man in the
he father of the damfel faw him, ftreet ofthe cuy and the o!dmanfaid r

lovced to meet him. Whither goelt thou ? and whence comejl

ind his father in law, the damfels thou ?
retained him, and he abode with 18 And he faid unto him, We
are par-
three days fo they did eat and drink,
: ting from Beth-lehem-judah, toward the
ged there, liae of mount Ephraim, from thence am
ind it came t.o pals on the fourth I: and I went to Beth-lehem-judah, but
when they arofe e>irly in the morn- I am now going to the houfe of the Lord,
he rule up to depart: and the
that and there is no man that receiveth me
els father faid unro his ("on in law, to houfe.
fort thine heart with a morfel ol to. Yet there is both flraw and proven-

I, and afterward go your way. der for our aifes ; and there is bread and
vnd they fat down and did eat and win; alfo for me jnd for thv handmaid,
both of them together: for the
: and for the young man wbnh if with
e!s father had faid unto the man, Be thy fervants tb'.re is no want of any

:nr, I pray thee, and tarry all night, thing.

let thine heart be merry. 10 And the old man faid, Peace J>e with
\nd when the man rofeup to depart, thee ; howfoever, let all thy wants lie
ather in law urged him therefore : upon me ; only lodge not in the ftreet.
iidged there again. it So he brought him into his houfe,
rVnd he arofe early in the morning and gave provender unto the afTes: and
he fifth day to depart: and the dam- they wafhed their feet, and did eat and
father faid, Comfort thine heart, 1 drill*.
thee. And they tarried until atter- xx n Now as they were making theiif
, and they did eat both of them. hearts merry, behold, the men of the
Vid when the man rofe up to de- city, certain fons of Belial, befet the
he and his concubine, and his home round about, ««abeat at the door,
>iit j Ms father in law, the damfels and fpake to the matter of the houfe, the
:r, laid unto him, Behold, now the old man. faying, Bring forth the man
draweth towards evening, I pray that csme into thine houfe, that we may-
tarry all night: behold, the day know him.
eth to an end, lodge here, that thine xt, And the man, the mafter of the
t maybe merry ;i and to morrow get hcufewent out unto them, and faid unto
Early on your way, that thou mayft them, Nay, my brethren, nay, 1 pray
ome. you, do not fo wickedly i feeing that
But the man would Rot tarry that this man is come into mine houfe, do
r, but he rofeup and departed, and not this folly.
: over againft Jebus, C which is Je- i* Behold, here is my daughter, ar
em and there were with him two
) maiden, and Ins concubine, them I wilL
(addled, his concubine alfo was brinz out now, and humble ye them,
him. and "do with them what feemeth good
And when they were by Jebus, the unto you t hut unto this roan do not fo
ivas far fpent, and the fervant faid vile a thing.
his mafter, Come, I pray thee, and i? But the men would not hearken
s turn ia unto this city of thejebu- to him : f"o the man took his conca-
and lodge in it. bine, and brought her fortli unto them ;
And his m after faid unto him, We and they knew 'her, and abufed her all
not turn afide hither into the city the night until the morning and wheat

ftrane'er, that:'* not of the children the day began to fpring, they let net
rael ;"we will pafs orer to Gibeah. go.
And he faid unto his fervant , Come, i6 Then came the woman in the dawn-
let us draw near to one of thefe pla- ing of the day, and fell down at the door
D lodge all night, in Gibeah, or in of the man.' houfe, where her lord ww,
ah. till itW3s li?ht.
And they pafTed on and went their x7 Anot her lord rofe up in the morning,
and the fun went down upon them and opened the doors of the houfe, and
they vor,-eby Gibeah, which belong- went out to go his way and behold, the

) Benjamin, woman his concubine was fallsr. down at

: d .

The Levitt s COtnphint.

j U(j ;es. The Iffs-:::-- trj
the door of the houfe, and
Were upon the threlhold.
her hands ing, What wickednefs is >..

done among you ?

18 And he faiu unto tier, Up, and let t: Now therefore deliver «i the ra:|
us be gouig: but nan.- anfwered.
the man Took her up up'?n an afs, a-
tren ot Belial, \ Inch *rt in< I
bsah, that we may pat
the man role up, and trat him unto and put awav evil from lirael. But I
place. children ot Benjamin would ;

x9r *\ And when he was come ii ce of their brethre
houfe, he took a knife, and laid dren ot lirael .

his concubine, and divided 14 But the children of Ben

with her bones, into twelve pieces, and rhered themfelves together u-
lent her into all the eoafts ties, unto Gibeah, to go ou f
t |frae l I

^o And it was (o, that all that gain the children or Ifrael.
laid, There was no inch deed done i> And the children oi Benjamin w<
not _

lean, from the day that the children nnmbred at that time <".u or the cia»
lirael came up put ot the land r twenty and fix thoufand men
Egypt. .

unto this day: confider of it, take Iword, betide the inhabitants of GitjW
Vice, and fpeak your mini . which were numbred even hundred cV
_, t .c i\ xx. ha ien men.

Tibi Levitt .iidaretb hi- vennz, &c 16 Among all tlys people then
Hen all the children of Urael went ven hundred cholen men left-h
out, and the congregation was ?a- every one could 11 ing Itones at an
Ifiered together, as one man, from Dan breadth, and not mil's.
even to Beer-fheba, with the laru of i7 Vnd the men of Ifrael, begdi
Gilead, unto the Lord in Mizi jamin, were numbred fourhundre
i And the chief of all ths people, even land men that drew '/word -, all thel
or aii the tribes of Ifrael, preiented tbem- men of war.
lelves in the ail'embly of the people of 18 And
the children of Ifrael
God, four hundred thoufand footmen that and wen up to the houle of God
drew fword. aked counfel of God, and faid
1 '.Now the children of Benjamin heard •otusfha" eo upfirftto the battle a gal
that the children of Ifrael were gone up to the children ot Benjamin ? And*
MizpehJThen faid thethildres of Ifrael, Lord laid, Judah. (kail no up firft. I
Tell wj, how was this wickednefs? 19 Ar.d the child/en of Ifrael rofl
4 -And the Levite the husband of the wo- In the. morning, and encamped agi
man fhas. was Hain, anfwered and faid, Gibeah.
- unto Gibeaht
*o Ben- io And the men of Ifrael went ou
jamin, I ana my concubine, to lodge. battle again!! Benjamin, and the
? And rt: men of Gibeah rofe againll of Ifrael put them<«lves in arayto
Jue, ... .ou'e round about up-
againit them at Gibeah.
cn m by nig it, and thought to have ilain
: "it And Benjamin
the children of
me : my concubine have they forced,
.t .;..'
and deftroved d
forth out of Gibeah.,
that foe is dead. to theground of the Ifraelites'that
6 And I took mv concubine, and cut twenty and two thoufand men. I __

her in pieces, and lent her throughout n And the people the men c
all the country of the inheritance of li- encouraged themielves, and fee th
rael for they have committed lewdnefs
: bauls a^ain in arav in the place wh«
and io'ly in lirael. they put themfelves in aray the fi
7 Behold, ye are ?1I children of Ifrael, day.
give here your advice and con xx f And the children of Ifrael went

8 fi And a'l the people arol'e as one and wept before the Lord until ev>
man, lay in?, Wewill riot any of us go to and asked counfel of the Lord, layir
his ter.'t, neither will we any ef turn m bhall I go up again to battle sgainit.t
into his houfe. of Benjamin mv brother? A
9 But now, this (lull be the thing which the Lord faid, Go up hgamft hira.J
we Will do to Gibeah, we w.7/ go up by 14. And the children of Ifrael cai
lot againft it near againft the children of Benjad
to And we will take ten men of an the feebnd da v.
hundred throughout all the tribes of If- i,- And Benjamin went forth asa
rael, and an hundred of a thcufand, and them out of Gi day, ^
a thou! and out of ten thoufand, to fetch deftroved down to the ground ot
victual for the people, that theymaydo, children of Ifrael again, eighteen th
when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, fand men all thefe drew;

according to all the folly that they have en all the children of Ifr

wrought in Ifrael. and all t^e people went up, and. ca

u So all the men of Ifrael were ga- unto the houfe of God, and w(
thered againit the city, knit together as . thee before the Lord, and !"•
one man. ! dav until even, and offer
ii «i And fentmen
the tribes of Ifrael ! mgs, and peace-offerings betore t
through all the tube of Benjamin, fay- Lord.
the children of Ifrael enquired ed: for they faw that evil was come tip-
jRD, ( for the ark of the cove-
on them.
bfGod voai there in thofe days, 4a Therefore thev turned their bacl/s
And Vhmehas the fon of Eleazar, before the men of Ifrael, unto the way of
n of Aaron, flood before it in thole the wilderneis, but the battle overtook
laying, Shall I yet again go out to them and them which came out of the

againlt the children ol Benjamin cities, they dettroyed in the midlt of

rothcr, or fhali I ceafe ? And the them.
'laid, Goupj for to morrow I will 43 Thus they inclofed the Benjamites
jr them into thine hand. round about, and chafed them, and trode
And Ifrael let liers in wait round them down with eafe over againft Gibeah
Gibeah. toward the fun-riling.
, .
And the children of Ifrael went up 44 And there fell o? Benjamin eighteen
It the children of Benjamin on the thoufand men ; all theie veert men of
put themfelves in aray
day, and valour.
4,- And they turned and fled toward
It at other times.
Gibeah, as the
And the children of Benjamin want wildernclsunto therockof Rimmon: and
gamft the people, and were drawn they gleaned of them in the high-ways
from the city, and they begdnjo hve thoufand men, and purfued hard af-
of the people, ana kill as at other ter them unto Gidom, and flew two
in the high-ways, of which one thoufand men of them.
up to the noule of God, and the 46 bo that all which fell that day of
to Gibeah, in the field, about thirty Benjamin, were twenty and five thoul'and
of Ifrael. men that drew the fword i all thefe veere
Ana the children of Benjamin laid, •men ot valour.
are I'm itten down before us as at the 47 But fix hundred men turned and
But the children of Ifrael laid, Let fled to the wilderneis unto the rock Rim-
:e, and draw them from the city, mon, and abode in the reck Rimmon
the high-ways. four months.
_ •

And all the men of Ifrael rofe up 48 And the men of Ifrael turned acain
>f their place, and put themlelves upon the children of Benjamin, and fmote
ay at Baal-tamar : and the liers in them with the edge of the fword, as well
of IGrael came forth out oi their the men ot every city, as* the beaft, and
es,evi»iout ofthe medowsof Gibeah. all that came to hand alio they fet ou

And there came againfl Gibeah ten fire all the cities that they came to.
Ifand chofen men out of all Ifrael, C A P. XXI. H
the battle was fore but they knew The defolation of Benjamin bewailed-, &c,

that evil teas near them. ^TO\v

the men ot Ifrael had Iworn in
And the Lord fmote Benjamin be- i Mizpeh, laying, There fhall not.a-
Il'raels and the children ot Iliael ny of us give his daughter unto Benja-
royed of the Benjamites that day, min to wife. ,
ity and five thoul'and and an hun- r And the people came to the houfe of
' men-, all thefe drew the fword. God.and abode there till even before God,
So the children of Benjamin Taw and lift up their voices, and wept fore •
they were fmitten : for the men of 3 And l\id, O
Lord God of Ifrael,
el gave place to the Benjamites, be- why is this come to pafs in Ifrael, that
e they trufted unto the liers in wait there tnould be to day one tribe lacking
[th they had let belide Gibeah. in Ifrael ?
p And the Hers in wait halted, and 4 And it caaie to pafs on the morrow,
v edupon Gibeah, and the liers in wait that the people rofe early, and built there*
iitbemfelvti along, and fmote all the an altar, and offered burnt-offerings, and
vith the edge of the fword. peace-offerings.
Now there was an appointed fisn > And the children of Ifrael faid, Who
ween tlie men of Ifrael and the liers ts then among all the tribes of Ifrael, that
wait, that thev fttould make a great came not up with the congregation unto •

le with fmoke to rife up out of the the Lord ? for they had made a great
oath concerning him that came not up
And when the men of Ifrael retired to the Lord to Mizpeh, faying, He fhall
;he battle, Benjamin began to fmite furely be put to death.
kill ofthe men of Ifrael about thirty 6 And the children of Ifrael repented
Jons ; for they laid, Surely they are them for Benjamin their brother, and
tten down before us, a^ in the firlt faid There is one tribe cut off from If-
He. rael this day :

3 But when the flame began Co arife 7 How fhall we do for wives for them
cut of the city, with a pillar ol fmoke, that remain, fceing we have fworn by
Benjamites looked behind them, an '.
the Lord, that we will not give them
lold, the flame of the city afcendedup of our daughters to wives'
heaven. 8 11 And thev faid,. What one it there

i\ And when the men of Ifra turned of the tribes of Ifrael, that came not up

iin, tne men of Bcnjanjio were amaz- to Mizpeh to Hie Lq&d ? and behold,
cnmeitcpi att'e KMrl.
there fame none to the camp from Jabeih- 18 Howbeit we may not give th
giiead to theaiTcmbly. wives of our daughters: for tuc child
9 For the people were numbred, and ot Ifrael have iwom, faying, Curled
behold, tbtre were none of the inhabitant he that giveth a wife to Benjamin.
Vt Jabefh-gilead there. 19 Then they faid, Behold, tbtrt i
to And the congregation fent thither teait ot the l-ORD in Saitoh ycarjj
twelve thoufand men ot the valiantelt, a place wuch u on the north-fide
and commanded then, laying, Go and Bcih-cl, on the eait-li<te of the kn
finite the inhabitants cf Jabefh-gilead way mat goeth up Iroin Beth-el toS
with the edge ot the Iwoid, with the chem, ana en the fouth ot Lexmah.
women and the children. 10 Tr.creiore they commanded
Ti And this is the thing that ye fhall children of Benjamin, laying, (jo J
do, Ye fhall utterly deftroy every male, ly in wait in the vineyard,'':
and every woman that hath lien by ti And fee, and behold, if the daw
loan. tersotSmloh come out to dance in danc
\\ And they found among the inhabi- then come ye out ol the vineyards, s
tants or" Jabefh-gilead, tour hundred catch you every man his wite of
•young virgins that had known no man by daughters ot Shiloh, ami go to the b
fyin£ with any male: and they brought ot Benjamm t
tf!«m to the camp to bhilch, which ii in 11 And it fhall be, when their fsth
the land of Canaan. or their brethren come umo us to 00
13 And the whole congregation fent ^ we will fay unto thein*
Some to (peak to the children ofBcnjamin favourable unto them tor ourOkes x
that were in the rock Riiamon, and to caule we reierved not to each
call peaceably unto them. wite in the war: for ye did not
t4 And Benjamin jcame again at that unto them at this time, tb.u ye
time-, and they gave them wives which be guilty.
they had fayed ali veot the women of Ja- 1? And the children of Benjami
befh-gilead and yet fo they fufficed them fo, and took tbem wiv»s accord

not. their number, ol them that danced t

i? Ana the people repented them for they caught : and they went and re
Benjamin, becaufe that the. LORD
had ed unto their inneritanee, and repaid
jiiade a breach rn the tribes of lira the cities, and dwelt in them.
16 «] Then the elders of the congregati- 14 And the children of I'rael depai
on faid, How fhall we do fcr wives for ed thence at that time, ev
them that remain, feeing the women are his tribe, and to his family, ar
deftroyedoutof Benjamin ? out from thence every 'man to his i
17 And they laid, Tbtre muji be an in- heritance.
heritance for them that be efcaped of »f In thofe days there itii no king
Benjamin, that a tribe be not de & f-ut xc-iicb
cut or Ifrael. lis own eves.

5 The Book of RUTH.

I- ,
in the country -of Moab,- how that
LORD had rifited his people in givJ
Mo*b, &c.
Elmtittb driven

NOW it came
when the iudge: rule,
them bread.
to pafa in tl
7 Wherefore fhe went forth out oft
and a piece wherethe was, and hertwodau§
v. as a 1 amine in the land :

certain man of Beth-lehem-ju-^ ten in law with her and they went : 1

dah went to iojeurn in the country or the way to teturn unto the land of J
Moab, he and his wife, and his two Ions. dah.
1 And the name ct the man ye*:- Eli- 8 And Naomi faid unto her twodaug
melech, and the name ol his wite Naomi, ters in law, Go, return each to her »
and the name of his two lbn<, Mahlonand thers houfe: ttic LORDdeal kind
clulion, Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-ju- with you, as ye have dealt with the dea
dah: and thev came into the country ot and with me.
ivioab, and continued there. 9 The LORD grant you that you m:
7 And Hlimelech Naomi's husband di- find reft,each of you in the houjeof h
ed, and fhe was left, and her two Ions. husband. Then ihe kitted them ;:

4 And they took them wives ot the wo- they hit up their voice andewept.
men of Moab: the name cf the oneitfa; they laid unto her, Surety
Orpah, and the nanv of the other Ruth: will return with thee unto thy people
and they dwelled there about ten years. 11 And Naomi laid, Turn again, i

? And MaMon and Clulion died alio laughters: why will ye go with me? 1

both of them 1 and the woman was lelt there yet *nj >nore Ions m
my womb, tt
cf her two Ions and her husband. they may be your hi sb
6 11 Then the arofe with her daugh- n Turn afain, mv dajghters, ?o yo
ter* in law, that foemifht return from am* too old 'to have .

the country ot >Io«» : lor »hc hM if Ifkouid fay, J hare hope,

: :

a husband alio to night, «nd fhould bitilhdamrel that came back withNao-
bear loos mi out of the country of Moao :

Would ye tarry for them till they 1

7 And ihe laid, 1 pray you, let me

grown; would ye itay t^r tnem glean, and gather after tue reapers a-
;ha»ing husbands? nay, my daug»i- nionglt tne lhea ves : lb fhe came and hath

-,lor it grievecri me mucii for our c;muuued even trom tlie morning until
, (Jut v.he nund or the L K o is O now, tuai lhe tarried a little in the noufe.
: ouc agaimt me. niaid Boaz unto Ruth, Heareil
And tiiey lire up their voice, and thou not, my daughter? Go not to glean
t again-. andOrpaukuiedhermotner in another field, neitner go from hence,
but Rurii clave unto b..t abide Here last by my maidens.
And ihe laid, Benold, tny lifter in law 9 Lit thine eyes be on the field that they
ne back uuco Iier people, ana un.o her do reap, and. go thou after tnem have! :

i: re. urn thou alter tny lilter in law. not charged t»ie young men that they ihall
And Ruth laid. Intreat me oot to not touch thee ? and when thou art athir'.t,
e thee, or to return trom following go unto tnc veifels,and drink oi tbit w.uch tor winther chou goeic, I will lac young men nave drawn.
and where tuou lodged, 1 will iodge : io Tnenfhe fellon her face, and bow-
ptoplcji>»ll!>e my people, and tay God ed her lelf to tr.i ground, a'id laid unto
Gjd him, Why have I tcund grace in tinne
Where thou dieft, will I die, and eyes, thac chou fhouldlt take knowledge
e will I be buried: the do (a LORD of me, feeing 1 am a ftranger?
ne, and more alio, ifcugbt juc death 1 1And Boaz anfwered and laid unto her,
thee and me. It hath fully been lhewed nie, ail that
When ihe law that fhe wis itedfaft- thou halt done unto thy raotiier in law
ninded to go with her, then lhe left fince the deathof thine husband and bovo:

king ner. thou halt lett thy father ana thy mother,
) «1 bo they two went until they came and tne land of thy nativity, and art
eth-lehem. And it came to pais when come unto a people which thou kneweft
y were come to Beth-lehera, that all not herciotore.
city was moved about theio, and they iz The LORD recompenfe thy work,
\, Is this Naomi? and a lull reward be given thee of the
: And lhe laid unto them, Call me LORD Godot Urael, under whole wingi
Naomi, call me Mara : for the Al- thou art come to trult.
uealt very bitterly witn me, t? Then fhe faid. Lit me find favour
i lull, and the Lord hath
lwent out in thy light, mv lord, tcr that thou halt
ughtmehome again empty; why tben comloited me, and for tor that thou halt
i ye me Noami, feeing the LORD lpoken friendly unto thine handmaid,
h teltihed agamft me, and the Al- though I be not like unto one ot thine
-ffliddme? handmaidens.
nireturned, and Ruth the ij. And Boaz faid unto her, At meal-
[abiteis her daughter in law with her, time come rhou hither, and ey; ot the
- ed out of the country of Mo- bread, 2nd dip thy morfel in the /inegar.
they came to Bech-Jehem in the And fhe fat befide the reapers:
of barley-harvelt. reached her parchea corn, and ihe did eat
CHAP. II. andwasfufficed, and lett.
gleamtb in the jielis ofBo<i%, &c.
i? And when fhe wasrifen up to glean,
d Naomi had a kinfman other haf-
Boaz commanded his young men, faying,
bands, anueiuy man of wealth, of Let her glean even among the fheaves,
i family ot Elimelech j and his name and reproach her nor.
* Boaz. _ , 16 And let fa.ll alluTowj of thehand-
"And Ruth the Mcabitefs laid unto fuls of purpofe for her, and leave tbtm
oini. Let rae now go to the field, and that ihe may glean tbem, and rebuke her
an ears of corn aiter bim, in whole not.
it lfhafifind grace. And fneiaidun- 17 So fhe gleaned ir. the field until even,
oer, Go, my daughter. and beat out that ihe had gleaned and :

And lhe went, and came, and gleaned it was about an ephah of barley.
the field after the reapers and her hap 18 ii And ihe took it up, and went

itoligutonapartot tr.efield belonging into tile city and her mother in law :

o Boaz, who wai ot the kindred of faw what ihe had gleaned and (he :

meiech. broucht forth, aud gave to her that fhe

*1 And behold, Boaz came Irom Beth- had "feferved,- alter fhe was fiifficed,
em, and laid unto the reapers, The 19 And her mother in law faid unto
M) be with you: and they anfwexed her, Where halt thou gleaned to day ?
i, The LORD blels thee. ard where wroughtelt thou? blefled be
Then faid Boaz unto his fervant that he that did taice knowledge of thee. And
i let over the reapers, Whole damfel lhe ibewedher mother in law with whom
his? ihe had wrought, and faid, The mans
Ai. 1 the lervant that was fet over the name with whom I wrought to dav,» Boaz.
iClti'i the Moa- ao And IiS'omi faid uato her' daughter
#uio una at iioa\ bis jeev, r lt«.

Bodl bnje'b tbiinberitann

in law, Blelled teheot the LORD, who thee the part of a kinfman, well, let h
hath not left on Jus kindnels to the li-
ving and to the dead. And Naomi laid
^ tliekinlmans part; but it he will
doc.epartot a kmlman tothee, thenw

unto her, The man near ol kin unto us,

is I cotliepartola kinfman to thee, or
crte ot our next kiniinen. LvjUD hvctli : lie down until the mo,
ti And Ruth the Moabitefs laid, He in:.
faid unto me alio, Thou malt kecptattby i4 11 And
fhe lay at his feer until i

my young men, until they have ended au marning: and flic- role up btlfore one co
jny narvelt. .
know ancther. And he laid, Let it I

nAnd Naomi laid unto Ruth her be known that a woman came into 1
daughter in law, It i, good, my daugh- floor.
ter, that thou go out with nis maidens, « And he faid, Bring the vail that tk
that they meet mee not in any other lield b*Jt upon thee, and hold it. Ar.dwh
1} So lhe kept alt by the maidens ol
I lhe held it, he mcaiiired fix
Boaz to glean, unio the e:.d ot barley- barley, andlaid it on her: and lne wt
barvelt, andotwheat-narvcitj and dwelt into cue city.
with her. mother inlaw. i And wnen fliecame to her mother
CHAP. III. law, inelaid, Who
art thou, my dauf
Eutb Boa\
lietb fut, &c.
.if bis tcr r And fhe told her all that the man
THcn Naomi her mother in law faid done to her
unto her, My daughter, lhall lnot 17 And fhe faid, Thefe fix me.ifun
leek relt lor thee, that it may be well barley gave he me lor he faid to me, ;

with thee 5 nottmpty unto thy mother ir. law.

i And nowtinot Boaz of
our kindred,
with whole maidens thou wait? Behold,
he winnoweth barley to nignt in the

18 Then laid ihe, Sit (till, m> dan

until thou knew how the matter will
lor the man will not be in relt, unti
threlhing- floor. .
have iiniihed the thing thisuay. '

3 Wain thy el i therefore, and anoint

i C A P. IV. H
thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, Bo.i\ tni A'uowi'j next tinftntm-.tkC.
and get uce down to the floor: £u(make
not thy felt" known unto the man, until
THhim down
en went Boaz up tu the fate, and I
there : and I

tie Hull have done eating and drink- kinlman ot whom Boaz pake, can I

ing. by; unto whom he faid, Ho, luch a on

4 And it (hall be when he Iiethdown, turn afide, titdownhere. And he lunu
that thou (halt mark the place where he alide, and (at down.
fhall he, and thou ihalt go in, and un- i And he took ten msnofthe elders'- ^

cover his feet, and lay thee down j and he the city, and laid, Sit ye down here. At
w;ll thee what tnou ihalt do.
tell they (at down.
iwn. "
? And flie laid unto her, All that thou ? And he e faid unto the kinfman, Naj 2

fayft unto me, 1 will do. mi that is come again cut ot the couna
6 *i And (he weni down unto the floor, ot Moab, lelleth
lelleth a parcel of land, whi| :

and did accenting to all that her mother wj> our brother
'therElimelechs. I

inlaw bade her. 4 And 1 thought to advertife thee, far)

7 And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, ing, Buy it before the inhabitants, at
and his heart was merry, he went to lie before trie elders cf my people. If the
d9wn at the end ol the heap oi corn: a»d wilt redeem i£, redeem it but ; il thomri
fhecame foftly, and uncovered his feet, not redeem it tb:n tell me l ma
and laid her down. know : for there it none to r

8 V And it came to. pals at midnight, fides thefc, 2nd I am after I

that the man was-atraid, and turned laid, 1 will redeem it.

himf'elr: and behold, a woman lay at his Then ("aid Boaz, What day thou bu)

reet. eit the field ot the hand oi Is ;.

9 Andhefcid, W
hoar* thou? And fhe mult buy it alio of Ruth the
anfwered, 1 .im Ruth thii.e handmaid : the wileofthcdead, toraiievip the naia
Ipread therefore thy skirt over thine otthe deadupon his inheritance.
handmaid, for thou art a near kinfman. 6 Tl And the kinfman' laid, I cannot rl
ic And he faid, BlelVed be thou otthe oi my felt", left 1 mar mine a»
LORD, my daughter : for thou halt lhew- inheritance: redeem ihou my right totl
edmore kmdnel'sin the latter end, than fell, for I cannot redeem it,
at the oeginnin/, inalmuch as thou tol- 7 Now this vp.w tbe manner in form*
lowedft not young men, whether poor or time in Ifrael, concerning redeeming, at
rich concerning changing, for to confirm ;

u Ana now, my daughter, tear not, Iwill things: a man plucked oft" his (ho
do to thee all that thou required: tor all and gave it to his neighbour and this ve :

the city ot my people doth know, that a teftimony in nrael.

tbcu art a virtuous woman. 8 Ihereiore the kinfman faid ufM
tl And new it is true, that I <>« thy near Boaz, Buy it tor thee: fo he drew «
kinfman: howbeit there is a kinlman his fhoe.
rearer than 1. 9 V And Boaz faid unto the elder
ii Tairy this night, and it fhall be in and unio allUie people, V e are witnefli
the owning, ik*t it he will peiigrm onto tfja.t 1 kayc bought aJ.Uhatw<
this day,

!£.«»u/>i wives. Chap , i. Hit\ntbi prayer.

metcchs, and all that w.n Chilians and BlefTe J be theLord which hath not left
,iiun,, of the hand ot Naomi. thee this day without akinfman, that his
> Moreover, Ruth the Moabitefs, the name may be famous in lt'rael.
eot Mahlon, have I purchaied to be H And he mail be unto thee a relto-
wife, to rail'c up the name or the rer of tby lite, and
a nourifher of thine
dupjn his inheritance, that thename old a£? tor thy daughter in law which

he dead be not cut oil" from among loveth thee, winch is better to theethaa
brethren, and from the gate ot his feve.n fons, hath born him.
:e ye are wrnelfes this day.
: 16 And Naomi took the child, and laid
And all the people that were in the it in her bolbm, and became nurfe unto it.

:, (aid, We art witnelles

and the elders 17 And the women her neighbours gave
; the woman that iscome
Lord mike it a name, laying, There is a ion born
> thine like Rachel and like
houfe, to Naomi, and they called his name
fh, which two did build the houle ot Obed he it the father of JeflTe, the fa-

el an«i do thou worthily in Ephra-

: ther of David.
, and be famous in Beth-lehem. 18 tl Now thefe are the generations of
I And
let thy houfe be like the houfe Pharez Pharez begat Hezron,

Pharcz, ( whom Tamar bare unto Ju- 19 And Hezro.n begat Ram, and Ram
ot the feed which the Lord fhall
-) begat Amminadab,
e thee of this young woman. zo And Amminadab begat Nahfhon>
51 So Boaz took Ruth, and fhe was and Nahflnm begat Salmon,
wife: and when he went inun.oher, it And Salmon .begat Boaz, and Bbae
Lord gave her conception, and fhe SegafObed,
a ion. tz And Obed begat JeiTe, and JcfTe
And the women faid unto Naomi, begat David.

The Firft Book of S A M U E L, otherwifc called,

The Firft Book of the KING S.
C H A P. I. ic And fhe was in bi Kernels of foul,
Elkanab and bis two wives, &c. and prayed unto the Lord, and wept
I TOW there was a certain man of lore.
^| Ramathaim-zoihini, of mount u And fhe vowed a vow, snd faid, O
1^1 Ephraim, and his name flus El- LoRDot holts, if thou wilt indeed look
kanah, the fonof Jeroham, the on the affliction ot thine handmaid, anS
of Elihu, the (on of Tohu, the fon remember me, and no: forget thine hand-
Luph, an Ephrathite: maid, wit wilt give anto thine handmaid
And he h3d two wives, the name ot a man-chih*; then 1 will give him unt^the
one wi Hannah, an.! the name of the Lord all the days of his Jife, and there
tPeninnah andPeninnah had chil-
: (hall no rafcr come upon his head.
i,but Hannah had no children. n And it came to pa s as fheconrintieA
And this man went up out of his city praying before tlie-Luxi/, that Eli mar-
ily, to worihin and to faerifiee unto ked her mouth.
•Lor:- of holts in Shiloh; and the t? Now Hannah, fhe (pake in her
tons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, heart, only her lips moved, but her voice
friefts ot the LoRD, were there. _ was not heard therefore Eli thoiurfit

And when the time was thatrt.l- lhe had been drunken.
otTired, he gave to Peninnah his 14. And Eli faid unto her, How long wife
ndto all her Jons and herdaugh- thou be drunken ? put awav thy wiire
rtions, ttom thee.
unto Hrmnah he gave a worthy
t H And Hannah anfwered and faid, Na»
for he loved Hannah, but the
: my lord,I am a woman of a forrowfttl
iruit up her womb.
had (pint I have drunk
: neither wine nor
And her adverfary alfo provoked her ftreng drink, birt have poured out my
, tor to make her fret, becaufe the lcul before the Loud.
l) had lhut up her womb. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a
And as lie did fo year by year, when daughter of Belial for out of the abun-:

ivene up to the hou e of the Lor:n, dance ot my complaint and grief have I
c provoked her; therefore fhe wept, fpoken hitherto. - -
did net ear. ir Then Eli an'wered and laid, Go i«
Then faid Elkanah her husband unto peace: and the God of Ifrael srant thee
Hannah, why w.cpeit thcu ? and thy petition that thou haft ask-d ot him.
eaieffc thou not? and why is t-hy i8 And fhe (aid, Let tbirie handmaid
t grieved ? am not I better' to thee find grace in thy fTghr". So the wonuji
ten (oris ? went her way, and did 'rat, 2nd her coun-
U So Hannah rofe up after they bad tenance wa-'no raore/oi.
nin Shiloh, and after they had drunk : iQ 11 And thev rofe uu in the flSornirtf;
Kit the pnelt fat upon a feat by a early, an j vyo.-fhipr.ed before the Lord,
MN' the temple of the Lord } and returned, and came to their houfe fe
Ji - Rauuli*
Ravruh: and Elkanah '-new Hannah his to make ftem inherit the throne ol ^lo
wife, and the Loud remembrcJ her! ry : lor the pillar, of the earth ire tn
i Wherefore it ram« to pa ft, when Lords, and he hath let the world'uno
the time was come about, alter Hannah them.
had conceived, that Ihe bare a (on, and o He wtll keep the feet of his faint
called his name Samuel, Ay;>;-.r, Becaufe wicked fhali befilentin d -

I have asked him of the Loud. '.

by ltrength mall no man prevail

11 r\.w\ the man Elkanah, and all his id The adVerlaries ot the Loud
houfe, went up to odei unto the Lord be brokerHo pieces: out ot heaven ]fta ;

the yearly lacrilice, and his vow. he thunder upon them: the Lord ih:
11 But Hannah went not up , tor fhe juuge the endsol the earth, and he flia
Faid unto her hu-band, / will not go up give itrengih unto his kin", and ex-,
until the child be weaned, am. then 1 will1
, the horn oi his anoint e>'.. "
bring him, that he may appear before the u And Elkanah went toRamah to h
LorI'. and there abide for ever. houle; and the child did mi miter* 1

2.^ And Elkanah her husband (aid unto the Lord betore Eli the pneit
her, Do what feemeth thee gcod, tarry ii « New
the ions ol Eli vf:rt fonsfj
until t!i-ju have weaned him, only the Belial, they knew not the Lord.
Loud eftabliih his word.: Co the woman it, And the pneitscuftom
with theifl
and gave her Ion fuck until me pie ten, when any man ottered
weaned him. lice, t.'ie pnelts fcrvant came, whii^Bj
14. f, And when me had weaned him, Ifeih was
in feethinz, with a rieih-JH
fhe took him up with her, with three teeth :n j.fs hand :

bullocks, and one ephah or' flour, and a i4 And he Itruck it into the ranS]
bottle ofwiive, and brought him the kettle, or caldron, or pot ; all that f
houfe oi the Lord in Shiloh: and the fiefh-hook brought up, the prielt
Child 'Vis young. for himleli: lb they did inShiloh.un
i; And they riew a bullock, and brought all the 1 raelites that came thither.

the child to Eli. is: Allb before they burnt

the at, _ I

16 And me laid, Ok my lord, #« thy pnefts lcrvantcame, and laid to therm

foul liveth, my lora, I am the woman that facrificed, Give flefh to rolt tor i
that Hood ay thee here, praying unto the prielt; tor he will not have fodden fle
Loud. of thee, but raw.
27 Far this child I prayed ; and the 16 And if any man faid him
Lc:u) hath given me my petition which them r.ot tail to burn the fat preicri
1 asked ot him : and tbtn t2ke as much as thy foul d
iS Therefore alio I have lent hnn to reih then he would anl'wer him,
: r
the Loan as long as he hveth, he mall but thoi; malt ewe H me now
an :

be lent to the Lokd. And he worship- not, I will take"

by force. t'f

ped the Lord there. 17 Wherefore the tin of the young

A V. II. was very great before the LORD:
H*nn.ib< fan?;, &o. men abhorred theorl'erineof the LoB
•A Nil Hannah prayed, and Paid, Mv 18 fi But Samuel miniitred before
J\ hear; rejoyceth in the Lord, mine Lores being a child, girdedwith aj
horn isexalted in the Lord mv moutli : ephod.
is enlat?ed over mine enemies: becaufe 19 Moreover, his mother made hid
. I rejoyce in thy falvauon. little coat, and brought it to him ft
i Then it none holy as the L C Tl D : year to year, when me came
for tbtrt it none thee: neither it husband, to otVer the yearly facrifice.
there any rock like our God. 10 tl And Eli blelled Elkanah, and
Talk no more (b exceeding proudlydet
% wife, and faid, The Lord give thee f
not arrocancv come out of your mouth : of this woman, for the loan which is I
for theLoan it a God of knowledge, to the Lord. And they went unto tl
and bv him actions ar," weighed. own home.
4 The bows of the mighty men trt it And the Lord vitited Harms/
broken, and they that {tumbled, are gitt that fhe conceived and bare thre^
wiJh ftrength. and two daughters-, and the chili
Tl-y thxt were full, have hire.', out
<; muel ?rew betore the Lord.
themfelves for bread; and tbey tbtftfere 11 r 'Now Eli was vervold, and I
hungry, reared lb that the barren h. th
: all that his Ions did unto all Ifrae!
born fever. and ihe that hath many-
how '.key lay with the women thai
children, is waxed feeble. at the door of the taberr.a(
6 The LORD JkiUeth, and maketh the congregation.
alive-, he bringetii down., to the grave, t\ And he laid unto them, Whv
ami bjingetfl up. fuch things? for I hear of your evil
7 TmeLouD maketh poor, and maketh ings, by all this people.
14. Nay, my Cons: fortf nno gooi

rich: he bringeth low, ami liftei!. up.

H He raifech up the poor out of th port that I hear ; yc make the Lc
duit, *"* liftcth up the beggar trom the pecple to tranfgrefs.
tangbiti tc let (turn aftgag prin;*, and 1
r5 It cr.« aun gn ie*ir.ft ar.otftct'

St. Smuel exile!,

[udgcfhaH ju,'
'."a manfir. a- i And
to pals at that tirm?.
it came
^ainjt the Lord,
wv.o fhall mtr laid down in his place,
6m? Notwithltartdirig they hcarkned not ins eyes began to wax dim, tb*t he
into the voice of their father, becauTe not I ee ;

he Loud would ilay them. ? And ere t^.e lamp of God went out
\'t f Arid the child Siinuel grew on, in the temple of the LORD, where the
*k» was in favour both wit!; the Lord, ark ot God wat, and Samuel was laidi
tnd allu with men. J down to Jletp :

11 And there came a man or" Cod 4 That" the Lord called Samuel, and M
into Eli, and laid unto him, Thus faith he anlwered, Here ,pn 1.
ie LORD, Did I plainly appear unto * An,\ he ran unto Eli, and faid,
le houfe of thy father, when they were <•<>* I- fur thou calleditme. And he laid,
n Egvpt ih Pharaohs houfe? calkv not lie <e,own again. And he
1 ;

iij And did I choo'e him »ut of all the went and ,'av down.
nhes of lfrael to Is mv pneft, to ot- ' 6. And thef.ORDcalled yet a^ain
-er upon :nme altar, to burn incenfe, to niuel. And S.tmucl arofe and went ro
,'--.: sn ephod before me 5 and did I Eh, and laid, Here am I, for thou didft
i/e unto the houle of thy lecher all* the cai, nie. And heanlwered, Icail-^not *
rfenngsiuade by lire of the children ot mv la,;
lie down again.
Irael ,
S?r l,el dld not yet know the
-q Wherefore kick ye at my faenhee, M
LtJKD, neither was the word of the

nd at mine offering which 1 have com- vet revealed unto him.
ianded in ;ny habitation, and houourelt « Ane t he Lord called- Samuel as->in
h* ions above me, to wake your (elves the thud time. And he arofe and wer<-
at with thecjiiefelt ot' ail t;ie offering* and faid, Here ant I, for thott
<i lfrael my
people ? dfdit nl! me. And Eli perc-ived Hat
?c Wherefore the Godot lfrael LORD the LORD
had cafle-ct the c:.i!d.
aith, 1 faij indeed, ?o*t thv houfe, and o .-.ere lore Eli faid unto Samuel,

he houfe of thv 'ather fliould walk be- an a a i^.atl be, -if h- call
or'e me for ever: but now the LOUD fltat thou fhalt lay, Sneak,
LORD, ret
aith, Be it far from me; for them thai ray .ervant heareth. So Samuel went
lonnur nic, 1 will honour, and tney that Jay nown tn his place.
efpife me, fhall be lightly efteemed. vs And the QRi) came, and flood and" :

\\ Behold, the dayj come tliat 1 will oiled as at oih .1 tunes, Samuel, Saifliiel
utofT thine arm, and the arm of thy fa-
'lers houfe, that there fhall not be an Sv^heS?^^ ' PeSk ' ^^
Id man in thine houfe. A J to Samuel, ^ctOUBfaid
5i And the.: Ihrdt fee an enemy my m r-s«m?
1 will ao a thing ,n lfrael, ac
agitation, in all the wetitk wliich Cod which, bptn the ears or ever v
' one that ak
hall give I'rael-. and there lhallrot be hearetn it, fhall tingle,
old man in thine houfe for ever. is 1- that day, I win perform
And the man 01 thine, whom I tU,.: al things which 1 have Ipakeifcon!

lall not cutoff from mine altar, //m// />? cerrung htshoitle: when I begin, 1 wn
~ '
confume thine eves, and to t-rieve alio ma.Ke an end. *

dine heart and all the increafe' of 15 For 1 have told him, that
I wiff

dine hcufcihall dieinthc Sower of their judge his houie lor ever, for the
/e. v.-.'.iv. he knoweth becaufe lus fons :

";4 And thhjbsll be > fign unto thee, ';• e themlelves vile, and he ,
tat (hall come upon thy "two fons, on tijer.i not.

Phinehas iri ore dav they t4 And therefore I have fworn

unt» •

kali di both of them.

: tnehpuleol Eli, that the iniquity of Eh's
E And I will raife me up a faithful .m.'e ihall not he purged with' 1.
riett, tos fhall do according to that nor offering tor ever.
•nine heart, and in my mind 15 * And Saaiuel l3y until rfc'e rnor-

nd I will build him a :ur-e hoisfe, and uid epened the cioor^ of thehcute
e fhall walk before mine Anointed for ot the Loin) and Samuel feared to
fhew -.

ver. Eli the viiion.

36 And it fhall cf,me topafs, tbxt eve- 16 Then El: called Saninel, and faid.
y one that is left ir. thine houfe, (hall Samuel my for.. And he aniWered.Here
ome tnd crouch to him for a piece 0;
Iver, and a morfe! of .-read-, and fna 1
Put me 1 pray thee, mtu one of * hath
laid, unto thee ? I pray
^'^ raid) What U the thing that
y, (

i.e prieii5 ofHcetf, tiiat 1 maj caiapiecev thee hide it not from me: Goei w d*
Head Jo to thee, ami more alio, if thou hide
C II A P. III. any thing. trom me, a.' all the thm-rs thac
Tbt Lc-ivco'i reviateita Samuel, ScC. he faifd iin/o thee.
A Nd the child Samuel nv.niltred unro >s Ai tlSsmitel told him every whif,
"V. the L'iko before Eli: and thewor,.; nothing from him. And he laid.
fine Lnoftwas prcTioits in thofc days 5 It f»the Loup: let him do what feemeth
)ire v>*i no open viiien. bira go*.
«» HJ f! Afl£
J .

Th: VbUiJtinu ovtnm: Ifnil. J. S:

•19 V And Samuel c;rew, and the LORD 11 n And there ran a man oF Benjamir
Was wuh !am, and did lcc none of his out of the army, and came to S.uloh the
words fall to the ground. fame day w;tn hisclotnes r*at, and witt
xu And all lira j1 mm
Dan even to earth upon his head.
Beer-iheba knew that Samuel wjx e;ta- 1? And when he came, lo, EL fat upor
blilhed to be a prophet of the LOUD, a feat by the way-fide, watching » tor
zt And the LORD appeared agaia in he:,:t trembled lor theaik ot
God. Anc
Shiloh: tor the LORD
revealed lit.nfelf when the man came
into the city an v
to 5amuel in Shiloli, by the word of the told the city cried out.
ft, all
LORD. t4 And when
E.I1 heard the none of the
CHAP. IV. crying, he laid, Whft mtanetb thenoifj
1 be Fblliftimi overthrow the Ifraelite'-, &c. ot this tumult? And the maw came
A No the word of bamucl came to all
Urael. .Now lirael went out againit
the PJiilutines to battle, and pitched
caftily, and to!u Eli.
if i\ow Eli w.i! ninety and ei?ht year.-
old i and his eyes were dim, thaVnetouh

betide Euen-ezer.: arjd the Philiftines ret iee.
.pitched in Aphek. iG And the man faid unto Eli, I tm h
1 And the Phihitines put themfclves that came out of
the army, and I :ied t
in aray againft lfrael and vebtn they •. day outot the armv. And lie laid, Wha
joyned battle, Krael was fmitten before is there done, my on ? ;

the Philiftines and they flew of the 17 And the. nieilenger anfwered
army m
the field about tour thoufand laid, lirael is hed before the Phil
n Ana
men. and there hath been alio a gjeat ilaugftK
3 «1 And when the people were come 2inong the people, and thy two ConstM
into the camp, the eld-ers of lfrael laid, Hophni and Phinehas, are nead,
Wnereforc hath the Lord fmitten us to ark ot God is taker.
cay before the Philiftines? Let us fetch 18 And it came to pafs when he mad<
Ihe ark of the covenant of the Lord out mention ot the ark of God, that he tel
• f Shiloh unto us, that when it cometh from off the (eat backward bytheiidep
among us, it mayfaveus out of the hand the gate, and his neck Wake, and he died
©f oufer.emies. tcr he was an old man, and heavy Ail
4 Sj ihe people, fent to Shiloh, that he had judged lfrael forty year*.
they might bring from thence the ark of 19 "And hisdauehter in lawPhineha
the covenant of the Lord of holts, which wile was with child r.esr to be deliver
dwelleth betvp".n the cherubims and the : cd and when Ihe heard the tidings tha

two Ions of Eli, ilophm and Phinehas, the ark ot fjod was taken, and that ha
rbtr'e there, wuh the ark cf the covenant father m law, and her husband were d*a,
• f God. •fhe bowed herfeliand travaile.r tor h ;

? And when the ark of the covenant -painscame upan her.

ef theLoBD came into the camp, alll:- ic And abotrt the time of her deal
taej ffwuted with a great ftiout, fo that the women that itood by her, faid ur
the earth rang again. her,1Feai not, for thou 113ft born a i'c
6 And when the Philiftines heard the But (he anfwered not, seithe< did 1
roif'c of the fhout, thev taid, yf hit mean- regard -';.

er b the poifeof this great fliout in the 11 And <he named the child I-chabo

camp of the Hebrews ? And thev under- faying, The glory is departed from Ifr

ftppd that the ark of the LORD

was el C becauie the ark of God was taker :

eonie into the camp. and becauie of her lather in law ai


7 And the Philiftines were alraid, for husband. i

they In id, God is come imo the camp

le camp. And ihe faid, The glory is de n
s9n.\ they Paidi unto us Wc tor there ed from Jftael lor the ark of G< : '

hath not beer- Rich a thing heretofore. "taken I

S Wourtto us.: who ftial! deliver as] v.

Tie itr^ftt in tb; bouft of D.i?o/j, &e
cut of the hand of theic mightytrhty Gods ;? j
I .

thefe are the Gods that fmoreMheEgyp-j ANd

the Philiftines took tfte ark
tims with all the_plaeues in wilder- God, and brought u from Eben-e fl !
mis. I
unto Atodod
9 Be lira-.?, and quit your felves like' 1 When the Philiftines took t v
men, O ye Patliftines, that yc be rot of God, they brought it into the hou<
fervantsunto the Hc'->r«w>, as they have I
ot D.^on, and let i: bv Da^n
been to you quit your fclves like men.
: .
3 « And when tuev'of Af>
and hjht. _
r_ _ \ early on the morrow, T>:hold,D>g^n^
An 1 ^he Philiftines fou^lit, and
fallen upon his face to the earth." held
_ lfrael was fmitten, and they f,cd every the ark of the LORD
and they took D :

lU3n ur.te his tent and there Wij;, very

gon, and ier him in his place ag :

jrreat llaUgmer, for there tell ol I rae'i 4 And when tr-ev arole c-r 1 '.

fhirty thout>.nd footmen. mcrrow morning, behold. D.,ror ve*t faj

it And tl'.-- a:k of God was taken ;. len upon his !ac? to the ground,
3nd the -two fon-- ot nh t iiophn and the -rk oi the LORD:
am; the head r
I'k.nchas, w.-rc flaio, ^ D-igor: and both the palms of his

; "

ibiiijlint; Chap vi.

plagued. Tbe Ark fent ('-

Ire cut off upon the threfhold, only the glory uPto the Qod of Il'rael peradveni :

wrp o-f Dasron was lett to him. ture he will lighten his hand from off

? Therefore neither the pricks of Da- you, and trom 'off your godi, and from

Mi, nor any that come into Damons off your land.
)u!'e, tread on the threfhold of Da£on 6 Wheretorethen do ra harden your
. At-.dod, unto this day. hearts as the Egyptians' and Pharaoh
6 But the hand or" the LORD was hea- haruned their hearts ? when he had
I upon themof Aihdod, andhedettroy- wrought wonderfully among them, did
them and fmote them with emerods, they not let the people go, and they de-

en Afhdod and the coatts thereof. parted >

7 And when the men ot Afhdod faw 7 Now therefore make a new cart, and
at it TP.u lb, they laid, The ark of the take two nnlch-kine, on which there ham
pd of Ifrael fhall not abide with us come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart,
his hand is lore upon us, and upon and Drin? their calves home frcmihem :
agon our god. U And lake the ark Of the LORD, and
8 They lent therefore, and gathered all lay it upon the cart, and put the jewels
e lords of the Phililtines unto them, of gold which ye return him for a trei-
id laid, What fhall we do with the ark pafs-ofi'er in?, in a coffer by the lid

the God of Il'rael ? And they anfwered, or, and (end it away, that, it m?.y go.
;t the ark of the God cf Ifrae! becar- 9 And fee, if it goethup byfhe way of
d about untoGath. And they carried his own coait to Beth-fhcmcfh, then he
ark of the God of Il'rael about thither.
: hath done us this gre*t evil : but if not,
9 And it was fo, that after they had then we ihali know that it it not his
rried it about, the hand of the LORD hand that fmote us ; it w<ij a chance tb&t
as againft the city with a verv great de- happened to us.
lation and he fmote the men of the
: to 11 And the men did fo and took

ty both fmall and great, and they had two miich-kine, and tied tnem ro the
nerods in their lecret parts. cart, and ihut up their calves at home :

;o Therefore they lent the ark of 'Jed u And, they laid the ark of the LORD
.Ekron and it came to pals as the ark
'- upon the. and the ceffer with the
'God came to Ekron, that the Ekro- mice of gold, and the images of their
!tes cried out. faying, They have brought emerods.
•out the ark of the'God. of Ifrael to us, n And the kine took the ftrairrht way
flay us and our people. to the way of Beth-lhemefh, and went
it So they fent and gathered together along the high-way, lowing as they wert,
the lords of the Philiftines, and-faid,
I and turned not afide to the right h?nd9r
ndaway tr.e ark of the God of Ifrael, to the lelti and the lords of the Phili-
d let it go again to his own place, that Itines went alter them unto the border
flay us not, and our pecple for there : of Beth-inemefh.
is a deadly deftruaion throughout al] U And they o/Beth-ihemefh vetre rea-
ecity; the hand of God was very heavy ring their wheat-harveft in the valley:
ere. ar.d they lifted up their eyes, and faw
ti And the men that died not, were the ark, ana rejoyceci to fee it.
litten with the emerods : and the cry i4 And the cart Came into tke field of
the city went up to heaven. Jofhua a Beth-fhemite, and flood there,
CHAP. VI. where there veai a great ftone and they :

H Philiftines confult to fend bac^tbe arf;. clave the wood of" the carr, and ffer- t

k Nd ark of the Lord was in the

the ed the kine a burnt-ofiennr u,"'.o tne
\ country of the Philiftines feven LORD.
ont'.s. is And theLevites took down the ark
%. And the Philillines called for the of the Lokii, and the coffer that vtaswit*
felts and th; diviners, favinc:, What mall it, wherein the jewels ol gold were, and
6' do to the ark of the LORD? tell us put tbtm on the great ftone and the men

lerewith we fliall fend it to his place. ot Bcth-fhemcih offered burnt-offerings,

3 And they faid, If ye fend, away the and facriftced facrihces the fame day un-
k of the God of Ifrael, fend it not to the LORD.
(dpty but in any wife return him a
t6 And when the fivelofttsof (he Phi-
lpafs-offerine;: then ye fhall be heal- liftinss had feen it, they returned to E-
and it fhall be known to you, why kren the fame day.
hand ^ not remov&d from you. I t7 And theTe are the golden emerods
Then faid they, WtMjMl be the which the Philillines returned for atref-
Ipafi-cffering which we fhall return I
rafs-eftenng unto the LORD ; for Afh-
They anfwered, Five golden
him ? i dod one, for Giza one, tor Askeicncne,
lefods, and five golden mice, according tor Gath one, torfckron one.
thenumb;t of the lords of the Phili-
nes: tor one plagtii «uj on you all,

I 18 And thz golden mice, tccjrditn

the number of all thecities ot the Phi-
id on your lords. lillines, beltmzjnz to the five lord;, both
? Wherefore ye fhall make images of of fenced cities, and of country-villages*,
rnr emerods, and imaees of your mice even unto the great ftone of Abe!, where-
at luar the land, and. ye fliai! give on they fet down the ark of th« : LORD
K ? which
Ifr/iel repentetb.
j SamueT. A fpn$ de fired,
b,i:bfiont anuinttb unto this dav, in
f. . ted them, and they were f'mitten before
the held ot loihu;, the Beth-ftiemite. Ifrael.
19 11 And he (mote the men of Beth- u And the men of Iirael went out of
Ihemefl), becau'e they bad looked Mizpeh, and purfued the Philiftines, and
«ne ark ot the LORD, even he lOte them, until they a;r.e uncier Bcth-
i'mote of i'
the people fifty thousand and
thrcei'coru ciur.
and ten men : and the people lamented, 11 Then Samuel took a itone, and fet
becaufethe LORD
had fmttten numy of
the people with a great daughter.
it between Mizpeh and Shen.and called
the name of it Enen-ezer, laying, Hi--
%JS Ap d themen of Beth-fhemeih faid, therto hath the helped us. LORD
Yi?°" allle to ft and before this holy
1- *' Jo the Philiftines were fubdued*
God? and. to whom (hall he "
go and they came no more into the c
up from us ? Ifrael : and the hand of the LORD was
it <I And "they few raeffettsm to againit the
. the Pinliftines, all the days of
inhabitants 0! Klrjath-iearun, I
the Paihitines have brought a»;ain the 15. Arti.1 the cities which the Phil
ark ot the LORD;
come ye down, and had taken from Ifrael were reftorcJ to
fetch it up to you-. Iirael, from Ekron even urut Gath, aojj
, CHAP. VII. the coalfs thereof did Ifrael deli'
Israelites repent at Mi\p(b, &C. of the hands of the Philiftines: and fheJF
A Nd the men of Kirjath-jearim came, was peace between Ifrael and the A:n#T
£\ and fetchtupthcarkof the LORD,
and brought it into the houfe aPAbifla- k And Samuel judged lfiael all the
<lah in the hilt, andfanclified Eleazarhis days ot his lite.
fon, to keep the ark of the LORD. 16 And he went from year to venr in
l And it came to pal's while the ark a- circuit to Beth-el, and Gilgal, arid Mia-
bode in Kirjath-jcarim, that the time pch, and judged Ifrael in all thole |

was long; for it was twentv >ears: and 17 And his return xv*> to Rama!: > tor
all the houfe of lira -1 lamented after there voa< his houfe: and therein !

the LORD. Iirael, and there he built an altar

? II And Samuel [pake unto all the the LORD.
houfe of Iirael, faying, If ye do return CHAP. MIL
unto the Lord with an your hear>S> then Tbe Iff elite, *s/? a ijnf, &c.
put away the ftrange gods, and Ajhta-
rcth from among you, and prepare your
ANdolu, it came
to pais
he made
when Samuel ws
his Ions judgj
hearts unto the LORD, -ami Serve him over Iirael.
only: and he will deliver you outof the z Now
the name of his w,
hand of the Phihftines. Joel, and the nameof hisferond, Abiah
4 Then the children of Ifrael did put thtj Vfoe judges in Beer-iheba.
away Baalim, and Afhtaroth, and 1'erveU ? And his fonswalked not in his way;
the LORD only. but turned alic'e after lucre, and toe
<; And Samuel (aid, Gather all Ifrael to bribes, and perverted judgment.
Mizpeh, and I will pray for yon unto the 4 Then all the eldersol Ifrael gather
LORD. ed themfeires together, and .

6 Ana they gathered together to Miz- Samuel unto Ramp' ,

peh, and drew water, ana poured it out And faid unto him, Behr Id, thou art

the LORD, and failed on that

old, and thy Ions walk not in t -

day, and faid there, We

have tinned a- now make us a king to judge us l«.j>c all
pairilr. the LoRD. An.! Samuel judged th.~ nations.
the children of Ifrael in Mizpeh. 6 *'• But the thir>2
7 And when the Philiftines heard that when they find, Give us :-.

ildren of Ifrael were gathered to- Samuel prayed unto the I ORB,
gether to Mizpeh, the lords of the phili- 7 the And faid unto >LORD
ftines went up againlr IfraeJ an Hearken unto ne voices 1

all that they fay unto thee for thej

the children of Iirael heard it, they were :

afraid of the Philiftines. have not rejected tt>ee, but they lavr reje-
8 An«t the children of Ifrael ftid to cted me, that 1 fhouk
Samuel, Ceafe not tocry unto the LORD 8 Accordinc, to at! the works which thei
our God for us, that he will fave us out have done fince tie day that I ;->rougIj
of the hand of the Philiftines, • them up out of Egypt, even unto thl
5' And Samuel took a fucking lamb, dav, wherewith the-' have forfaken pi<I
ana offered it for a burrrt-ortering wholly and. ferved other gods
" lb do : 1

unto the LORD an,; Samuel c.ied un,e

; unto thee, .

She J.ORD lor Ifrael, and the LORD Now therefore the!
heard him. voire howbcit,yet oroteft folemnli un

tc And as Samuel was eft-ring up the to them, and fhew them the manner
feurnt- offering, tli 1'.' lilt-.nes drew near the kin? that (Tiall reign over them.
tie atjainft Ii'rae! : buUthe LORD 1
«; -\r Samuel to'd :
i II

•ed with a gr«y thunder the LORD unto the pcoi !

day uivon the Philjjtfnte, *n„t diicomti- ot him a king.

be manner of tbt Cha r. IX. S.iul iottk to SatMuel
i And lie (aid, This man- 5 in J when they were come to the land
will be the

king that in;. 11 reign over you

ot tht; ot Zuph, Saul laid to his fervant that
. .

will take your Ions, and appoint them vox' with him, Come, and let us return ,

EAiAtlelf, for his chariots, .•ndtobt lclt my father leave c.irinr tor the alles*
I horTemen, and/ante (hall run betore and take thought lor us.
i chariots. fi And he laid unto him, Behold now,
n And fie will appoint him there it in tins city a man ot'Gpd, and he
er thoufands, and captains ovei fifties, it an honourable man he faith
j all that
d will Jit tkem ro ear his grcuo; and , cometh furely to pais : now Ul us go
reap hi-, harvest, and to make his in- thither; peradventure he can ihew u**
|mentsof war, and mftruments ot* his our way that we in&uid yo.
snots. 7 Then (aid Saul to his fervant, Bur
y And he will take )our dairghtcts to behold, if we go, what fhaM we' bring th£
confectiunaries, and io be cooks, and man ? tor the i->read is (pent in our vebcls,
at ha Vers. alid there is not a prefent to bring to the
4 And he will take your fields, an.i man of God what hare, we?

ur vineyards and your olive-yards, t- . 8 And the lervani anfwered Saul again,
i the beiloj tbun\ and give' tbtm to and laid, Behold, 1 have here at hand
s firvants. the fourth part of a fhekel of fiver that :

it And he. will take the tenth or" your will I give to the man oi Go.:, to tell
ed, and your, 21V, give
or' us our way.
his- officers, and to his fcrvants, 9 ( Befo'retime in Israel, when a man
l£ And he will iak* your men-fervants, went to enquire of God, thus he fpakej
d >j'ir maid-Cervar.'-'s, and your good- C.ome, and let us go to the Seer lor 0e :

:ft young men, an j your afles, anil put That is now called a Prophet, was before-
W to his work. time called a Seer. )
7 He will take trie tenth of your fheep : to Then fail Saul to his fervant, Weil
td ye fliall be his fervants. laid, come, letu.; go: fa iheywcnt unto
is And ye (hall cry out in that day, the city where the man of tied was.
fcaiile of 'your kin? which ye fliall have ri VJni-ds they went up the lull to the
nfenyou | and the LORD will not hear city, they found young maidens eoing
Ai in that day. out to draw water, and' faul unto them-,
9 f] NevenUelefs,_the people refilled Io the-feer here?
obey the voice of Samuel; and they n And they anfwered them, and faid,
id) Way, but We will have a king over He behold, he is before you-: make
is ;

haftenow, for he came to day to the city ;

io That wealfomay belike all thena- lor there is a i'acrifice of the people to
is, and that our king may judge us, and day in the high place.
J out before us, and fight out 'battles. i? Affoon as ye become into the city,
it And Samuel heard all the words cf ye fhall ltraightway find him, before he
people, and he rehearfed them in the go up to the high place io eat for the :

*a ot the LORD. people will not eat until he come, be-

ii And the LORD
Paid to Samuel, cauTe he doth blefs the facrihec, and af-
earken unto their voice, and make them terwards they eat that be bidden. Now
king. And Samuel laid unto the men therefore get youu.->, for about this time
f Ifrael, Gove every man unto his city. ye fhall find him.
C'H A P. 14 And they \vent_ up into the city:
«nd when they were come into the city,
mil defpairetb to find hi' fathers tjfet, Sec.
fcTOw there was a man of Benjamin, behold, Samuel came out againft thenf,
,V who re name -.v.t Kifli, the ion of for to go up io the high place. _
.bid, the ("on of Zcror, the Ion of Be- H 11 Now the LORD had told Samuel
in his ear a day betore Saul came, faying,
ittrath, the ion ot'Aphiah, a Benjamite,
mighty man of power, 16 To morrow about this time 1 will
l And he had a (on wliofe name vea* fend thee a man out of the land cf Ben-
ral, a choice young man, and a goodly: jamin, and thou fljalt anoint him to he
id fserevptt, not among thechildren of captain over my people Ifrael, that he
rael a Koadlier perfen than he: from may lave my people out of the hand or*
tS lhoulders and upward, bt \v*> Iugner the' Philiftines tor I have looked upon :

an any of the people. my people, becaitfe their cry is come un-

3 And the afles of Kifli, Sauls father, to me.
ere lofl and Kifli laid to Saul his ("on,
; T7 And when Samuel faw Saul, the -

?kenow one of the fervantswith thee, LORD laid unto him, Behold the man
Hi srife, go f'eek the afles. whom I fpaketo thee ot": tdis lame fhall
4 And he- patted through mount E- reicn over my people.
iratm, and pafled through the land of, if! Then Saul drew near to Samuel in
islifha, bur thev found them not: then the gate, and laid, Tell me,' I pray thee,
ey pa (Ted through the land of Shalim, where the feers bottle it.
Id there tbty were nof and he pafled : io And Samuel anfwered Saul, and %jd,

rough the land of the Bcniamites, hit I am the leer : go up before me timo the
ey found tt/em rot, high rUce, for ye fliall c;-t with me to

K 4-
:•' 5:
; A to morn #
will let fh**e re, 1 hill of bod, where ii the garifoi
and tell thee all that h in thine heart.
i Philiilines: and it fhall come to rat'
ic And as for thine afles that were loft when thou 3rt come thither to the city
*y« ago, let nut thy mind on them, that thou fhalt meet a company pi pio-
lor i hey are found and on whom ii all : phets coming down from the high place
the deiire of llrael ? i, it not on thee, w«h ajplalterv, andatabret, and a pipe
and on all thy fathers houfe ? and a harp before them, and they thai
ii And Sail anlwered and Paid, Am propheiie.
rot aBenjamite, oft'ieinnllcit of the
I 6 And the fpirit of the Lord will comt
tribes of ll'rae) ? and myfamily t!;c lealt upon thee, and thou fhalt prophefie wj
of all the families ot the tribe or Ben- them, and fhalt be turned into ar.othe
jamin? wherefore tnen fpeakeil thou lb man.
to me ? 7 And let it be when the re firns ar.
ii And Samuel took Saul, and his fer- come un'o thee, that th-.u c'.o asc~calidi
vant, and brought them into the parlour, fhall ferve thee, for God it with thee, fc,
and made them lit thechiefeit place m •8 And •hou (halt 20 down before mc
amc: g them that were bidden, which to Gi'g^l. and behold, 1 will com: dowt
W'.rt .jout thirty perlbns. unto thee, to offer burnf-offetir
i; And Sanuicl Paid unto the rook, to facriiice lacrifkes of p-ac-.--or:ering!
Ermg the portion which 1 gsve thee, of feven days fhalt thou tarry, till I coil
which 1 laid unto thee, Set it by thee. to thee, and ihew thee what thcu jail
14 And the cook took up tne fhoulder, Jo.
and that which xvai upon it, and fet it be- 9 11 And it was fo, that when he^B
fore Saut and Samuel faidj Behold, that
: turned his back tc co from Samuel, Go< f
which is left, fet it before thee, and eat i gave him another heart and all thofi

for un*o t.V.^ time harh it been kept figns came to pafs that day.
lur thee, fnu 1 laid, I have invited the to And when they came thither to tfci
jSeopIc: (b Saul did eat with Samuel that hiil, bemo'ci, acompanvof piophets me
day*! him, and the fpirit of' God came ur>oi
i? fl And when they were come down him, and lie prophched among them.
from the high piare into the city, Samuel ii And it came to pafs when a'l tr:a
communed with Saul upon the top ot the knew him beforetime, law, that behold
houfe. he prophefied among the prophets, thei
16 And they arofe early: ar.d it came the people faid one~to another, i

to pal's about the Ipring of the day, that this is come unto the fon of Kifh
iiimnel called Saul to tlie topo: thehouie, Ii Saul alio among the prophets?
laying, Ur» that I may fend thee away. 11 And one of the fame place 2r,fwere j

And Saul arofe, and they went out both 2nd i'aid, But whon
their father ? Therr
o! them, he and Samuel, abroad. foreitbeiame a proverb, 2/ Saul alio
17 Am
as they were going down tc the ruong the prophets ?
end of i^z city, Samuel faid to Saul, Bid 1? 'And wnen he had made an end
thy fetvant pal? on before us, ( and he prophefving, he came to the highplac
paffed on) but ft and thou ftill 3 while, 14 H And S-uIs uncle laid unto but
that I may lhew thee the word ol God. and to his lervan-, Whither went- ye
X. CHAP. And he faid, To (eek the affes and whe :

Samuel nnohiterb Saut, &c. we law that tkey vnrt no where, we cam
THen Samuel took a vial of cyl, anu to Samuel.
poured it upon his head, anu killed t<r And Sauls uncle faid, Tell me,
nn, and faid, It it not becauie the pray thee, what Samuel laid unto vou.
IOKU hath anointed thee to be captain 16 And Sard faid hisur.cle, He tol
over his inheritance ? us plainly that the alfes were found. Bi
i When thou art departed from me to of the matter of the kingdom, wherec
day. then thou ifiilt rind two n Samuel ("fake, he told him not.
Rachels i'epulchre in the border ol Benja- 1- 1 Ard Samuel called the peopleto

min, at Zelzah: and they will '.ay unto ?ether unto the Lord to Mizpeh ,
" rd And laid unto the children of lfiaeJ
thee, The afles which thou wentefr to fcek
are found: and lo, thy rather hath l.e ft the Thus iaith the LORD
Gcd ot lfrael»
eare et the alfes, and iarrcweth tor vou, bro'usmt up Ifrael cut ot Egypt,, and de
faying, What fhall 1 do tor my fon? liverT-d yon out of the hand of the E
\ Then [halt thcugo on forward from
ciyptians, and cut of the hamt of 2,
thenrc, and thou fhatt rume to the pi am kingdoms, and of them orprefTij
or Tabor, asd there, thai; meet thee three you.
men going p toGfd to Beth-el, one car-
iO Ar.d ye have this day rejected vol
rying three ,;uis 2nd another carrying Gcd, who himlelf laved yen cut of al
fuee leave? of bread, and another car- your adverfitieS ar.d your p. bulations 1

rv'-f ivre. and ye have ia:d unto him, Say, but li

Andtl :y will taljte thee, and give a king over u?. New therefore prefef
l! ie
- v* bread, whicn thou ycur felves before the LORD
by yoi
jflialt reocr^c of :hcir hand*. and by vour thoufands.
Altti t." come to the I
10 And whcii'baauiel liadcaufeei all tr

9*id .: - Ch: ? .

ipibes of Ifrael to come near, the tribe £ And when he numbred them |i

f Bcniamin was taken. zek, the children ot Ifrael were three

11 When he had called the tril.e o) Mildred t hou land
x and the men ot Judah
enjamin to come nearby their tarn. lies, thirty thoufand.
te family of Matri was taken ar.d Saul : 9 And they faid unto the melTengers
te fon ot Kuh wa< t aken :and when they
that came, Thus mail ye lay unto the
u?ht him, he could not be found. men or Jabeih-gilead, 'To morrow by
ii Therefore they enquired ol the 'c.i: time ihe fun be hot, ye iTiali have
OR Dfurther, if the man fhould yet help. And the rueflengcK came snJL
thither ana the : LORD anhvered, lh-wed it to the men of Ja^eih, and they
shold, he hath hid JiimlelJ among the were glad.
uff. 10 Therefore the men of Jabefh faid,
ia Ar.d they ran and fetched him thence : To niorrcw we will come out unto you,
id when he (food among (he people, and ye iha.l do with us ail that fee.i.eth
as higher than any of the people, good unto you.
om his fhouiaets and upward. 11 And it was Jo on the morrow, that
14 And Samuel fa id to all the people, Ssul put the people in three companies,
e ye him whom the Lord hath chofen, and they -came into the midltot the .holt
at then is none like him among all the in taftn»o*nrag watch, and flew the Am-
tople 5 And all the people fhouted, and monites, vnuf the heat of the day and :

id, God fave the king, it came tc pals, that they which remained
l? Then Samuel told the people. the were fcattered, fo that two of them ware
anner of the kingdom, and wrote it in not left together.
book, and laid it jap before the Lord : n fl Ana tne people faid unto Samuel,
id Samuel lent all the_people away, e- Who is he that faid, Shall Saul reisn
:ry man to his houfe. over us ? bring t:ie men, that we may
16 tl And Saul alfo went home to Gi- put them to death.
ah, and there went with him a band ot 1; And Saul fa-id, There fhali not a
fen, whole hearts Go J had touched. man be put to death this day for to :

it But the children ot Belial faid, How day the LORD hs:.'i wrought' ialvaticn
til this manAnd they del'pi-
lave u* ? LalfVael.
i. hfm, and brought him no preiencs 14 Then fsrd Samuel to the people,
t he held his peace. Come, ar.d let us go to Gi.*£2l, and re-
XI. new the kingdom there.
k.:ff. condition to of Jj.btJh-giUti. 1? Ar.d all the people went to Giifa',
TOenNahafll t!:t Ammonite came up, arm there they made Saul king befiere
and encamped again!! Jabem-gilea.l the LORD
in GilgaJ": r,-.l trere t.:e .'

y fa-

d all the men of Jabefh f?id unto Na_- crificed facrifices of peace-oifering--' be-
fh, Mike a covenant with us, and we fore the LORD:
and there Saul and ajj
11 ferve thee. the menot Ifrael rejovced greatly.
. And Nahalh the Ammonite anfwered CHAP,

:m, On this coniiticn will 1 make * Sumael iejlifieth hu integrity, 5,-c

kntnt with you, that I m2y t'hrult out ANci Samuel laid untc ail Ifrael, 'b->
vour right eves, ana lay it for 2 re- hold,, I have hearkned unro your
iacb upch all' Ifrael. voice in all that ye faid i;r.:o me, ar.d
? and the elders "of Jabefh faid unto have made a king over yea
n, Give us Seven daysrefpite, that we 1 And now behold, the king walketh
lyfend r.ellcngers unto all thecoaftsut before you and 1 am old, and gray'

iel aOii then if there »? no man to

: heaijed, -and behold, my- Tons art wftft
_ will come out to
you: and I have walked before you frca*
I'T. Then came the meffengers to Gi- n.y child-hood unto tins day.
ihof Saul, and told trie tidings in t ti-? 3 Behold, here I am, wknefi ags-'rfV
r* of the people afld all the people: me before the LORD, and before hrsa-
pup their voice?, and wept. nointed,: whofe ox have I taken ? or

And behold, Saul came after the herd whole afshave 1 takon? or whcia have
ofthe field, and Saul faid, What ailttb I defrauded? whom liave I o;.prctled.>
peopiethat they weep ? And they tolu or of whofe hand have I rec :ivcd . .*
n the tidings ofthe men of Jabe'h. bribe to blind mine eves therewith *
t-And the l'pirit of God came upon and 1 will reftore it you.",
il, when he hear- thole tidings,- and -.4. And they f2id, Thou raft
not de-
anger was kmdkd greatly. trauded u* nor oppreffed u;.j neither,
And he took 3 yoke of oxen, and haft thou taken ou?fct of ar.y marts
*ed them in Pieces, and fent.r\6.->« hand.
TJghout all the ccafts cf Ifrael by <iAnd he faid unto them, The LORD

hands 0* meflenesTsi laying, Whofo- f/witnefi vou, zr\\ his —
:r cometh not forth, after Saul andaf- ed is wifnefs this day, that >e have txt
Samuel, fo fli a u be done unro his
r 1 founl ought in my band. Au. .\ th:y an. :

en: an! the karof the LORD fellon fwered, He is witnels.

and they came out with one 6 *1 And tamuei laid urt'o the ptu >•
Hem. It it tke LORD that 9 a.rced Mofi
1 J

1i '.
plOfit <! 1. S .mud. Its Ifntlltei di/t.-

Aaron., and that frrou«*!.t vour fathers up i! And turn ye r.ot alidc for the- :

out ot the Ian! 01 I ye go alter vun. tbingt, which cannot pro-

- Now therefore itand mlk that I may lit nor deliver, r they trt V2in I

realbrt i.uRL), or ail n i-or the Lord will not tor!

the righteous acts 01 the LORD, people, lor great
he did to >ou and to yovr fathers. ft hath pleated the Lord to make
,s When Jacob w.-.< com» into Egypt, you his people.
and your lathers cried unto the LORD* U Moreover, as for me, God forbid
then the LORD
Pent Mo es and Aaron that I ibould nn againft the Lord, iri
which brought tort.'i vour lathers out 01 ceafing to rray lor you but : I will teach
2nd made them dwell in thu you the
place. 14 Only tear the Loud,
9 And when they tor-rat the -LORD in truth with .

their God, he fold them" into the hand n$i he hath done tor von
«t Sifera, captai" ot' the ho it of Hazor, l? Butit ye lhall ltilldo
snd into the hand
into the haQd ot the kingqf Moa'j, and

t >ught

Sbrfaken the
againft them.
10 And they cried unto the
have tinned) pecauic we ..ave
and have lerved
gaalim and Aihtatoth : but tx>w deliver
us out ol the hand cf our enemies, and
we will l'erve thee.


lhall be coni'umed, both ve
C 11

Aul reigned one year, and when

had reigned two "vears ov
i S.'.ulchole him three thoufard >a«^(
Ifrael ; wbtreof two thouland were
baul inMichmalhand mount
•nd a thoulaivi were with Jon,;
A p.


font, Sec.
> o


1 And the LOR.D Tent Jembbaal, and Gibcah ot Benjamin: and thereuottht
Bedan, and Jephthah, an,'. S muel, and people he lent every man to his tent.
delivered you out ot the hand r>l* v >ur cne- ; And Jonathan imote the gariiqM
>tiies on every fide, and ye dwelled fafe. the rhilidir.e , aojU
ii And when ye Paw t'hat Nahefh the Philiftines heard of it: and Sai
ki::g ot the children of Ammon came the trumpet throughout all the lai
againft youV ye laid unto me Nay,f but ing, Let the Hebrews bear.
a king fhall rcitrn over us when the' ; all ll'rael heard fay, tbt
Lord your God w*j your king. ha I I'mitten a g:rifon of the Phil iltuiq
t\ Now therefore, .behold the kin? andf/uf li'rael alio wis had a be mini m
vrho.n ye have chofen, and whom ye tion wita the Philiftines: ar.d the
defired ar.d behold, the Lord :
pie were called together after Saul
I et a king over vou. Gilgal.
i-'- If ye will tear the lord, and (erve i

And the Phi riftrnes gathered *het
y his voice, and not rebel leltres together, :o fight with Ifrael, thii
ayainit the the Lord,
commandment of thenar J chariots, and iix thoui'pnd horl
then fhall both ve, and alfo the lotr.r men, and people as the land \

that reigneth over you, continue follow- on the lea-more in multitude: anatbi
ing the Lord \.>uf Goo. caraeup, and pitched in Alichmafh, eai
i,- But if ye will not c.iev the voice of ward from Beth-aven.
the Lord, but rebel againft the com- :
W hen the men o\ Ifrael 'aw that the
jwutment of the Lord, then fhall the were in a ftrait, for the people were di

hand of the Lord be againft you, as it itreffed) then the people did hide them
af4« againit ycur lathers. le'ves in caves, and in thickets, and i

tfi « Now therefore ltand and fee this rocks, and in high places, and ii
groat thing which the Lord will do be- 7 And feme of the Hebrews went ovt
Vwre vour eyes. Jordan to the land of Gad and GileK
i- h ft not wheat-harveft to day? 1 as tor Saul, Bie ve*; yet in : i

will call unto the Lord, and he fhall the people followed him trembli
under and ram: that ye may per-
« Vnd he tarried feven days, aeco
ceive and ee ih:,t your wickednels. i< ding .to the let ti»e that Samuel I
great, which ve have done in the ii?ht appointed.: but Samuel came not to Gi
or' the Lord,' in asking you
a king." gal, and the people were l'catterea fro
S imuel called unto the Lord, him. ;

the Lout lent thunder and rain And Saul laid, Bring!
nd all the people greatly offering to me, and peace-
the oRD and Sa ai he offered the burnt-offeri
Samuel ic An.-, it came to pais,

Pray roi ± •
lervant-s unto the Lord thv he had made an tnA of offei

't we die not tor we have
: burnr-offerine, behold, Samuel cam
~~,tbi< evil, to ask us a king. 5 ul went out to meet him, tl
Samuel laid unto the people, he might Calute
.c have done all th-.s wicked- i j: faid, Wl
Befs: vet turn not atide tiom following done ? And .1 raw tt
•d, but >c:ve i.'ie Loau with- all the people were fcattered from me, a
tb*t thcu caraeft not within the days a
. . ,

). Xi'v. yonatbut: r.n.l his armoar-hurer.

bunted-, and ttdt the Philii>i»cs gathered bods brother, the fori of Phtneha«, th*
jemielvea together to Michmalh: fon ot Eli, the prieft in Shiloh,
it Therefor; fa id I, The philiftines wearing an ephod and the people knew :

II conic down r.c-.vupon me to Gilgal, not that Jonathan was gone.

id 1 have not made fupplica 4 51 And between the pa (face?, by which
RkLOKtf: I forced my fclf therelore, Jonathan fought to go ovcrjmttf the PhL-
i.( offered a burnt-ottering. garilon, tbtrevp.ii (harp rock on
i; And Samuel laid to Satri, Thou haft the one tide, and a fliarp rock en the o-
ne tbolilily: thou haft not l<ept the ther lide: and the rjame 0' the oae nw«
mmandmcrK ol the LORD thy God, Bozez, and ths name of the other Seneh*.
lit h he commanded thee: for now TJ.e forefront ol the one v.-js ftuate

oulci the LOUD eftabliflied thy north-ward over aeainft Michmaih, and.
fngdem upon Ifrael for ever. the other fouth-ward over againft Gibeah.
4 Bat now thy kingdom fnaii not con- 6 And Jonathan aid to the young mar* i

itie : the LOR D hath fought him a man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go
Her his ownheatr, end the LORD hath over unto the garifbo of the!e uneircuni-
Rjmanded him to w saptam over his cifedj it may bethasthe Lost will work
:»ple, becaufe thou haft not kept torus: far these r no reltraint to the
lich the LORD
commanded tlieei Lord, to lave by manv or by few.
u Ar.a Samuel arole, and gat him up 7 And i. is am lid uriolim,
a n Gilgal, unto Gibeah of Benjamin :
Dc »H tnai ft in thine heart : tmn thee,
id Saul numbred the people fb*t behold, j a;-j with giee according to thy
•eicui with him, about iixhund red men. heart.
16 And Saul ana tm.-.tiian his -.on, and 8.The.-, raid Jonathan, Behold, we will
e reop'e tbjt xotrt prefent with them, pals over unto r,d we v/.!l
ode in Gibeah of Benjamins -• difcover our felves unto them.
tihftines encamped in Mi. jimaT. 9 I hey fay thus unto u ;, rarrj until we

17 ^ And thefpoilers came out of the come to^ou •, then we will Hand (till if
mpor the Piiiliftines, in three compa- our place, and will not go up unto them.
es: one company turned unto thewav to But il tiiey (ay thus, Come^ip untc
kt i'.Aittb to Ophrah, unto the land o't us; then we will go lip for the L >;;i> :

taal. hath delivered them into our hand; artd

iS And another company turned the this Jbali bs a iisr. uiit a> us.
ay to Beh-ho»on: ami another com- :i And both of them .I'covered thejn-
ny turned to the way ot' the Ivor ler, lelvwuntoth* gariibnol t

at looket'i to t!ie valley of Zebotm to- Philiftines fauTs Behold, theBe-

ird the wildernefs. bnswscome forth out of the holes, wha
19 f. Now
there was no fmith found zirss.
reughout the land ot' Ifrael
all ( for .
ii Are themer o! the garirooaaftvsi
i laid, Left the Hebrew*
Philiftines ed Jonathan and his armour-bearer, ar.a
ake tbtm fwords or (pears )
'-u. Come up to us, and we will lhew
fee Rmall the I<"rae!'ites went down to you a tiling. And Jonathanfaid unto f.i.«
e Philiftines, to'harpen every man Ins armem-.-. up atter- me .

are, and his coulter, and his ax, and the Loan hath delivered them into the
! mattock. iianl oh ra;i. !

it .Yet ihev had a file for the mattocks, n And Jonathan eiimbed up upog hi«
id forthe coulters, and for the forks, and hvflnds, and upo :;our-
and to fharpen the goacts.
bearer Mter him and tl-.ey fell :

it came to pafs in the t Jonathan - .,-.;>

.^ ,

that there was neither fword'nor ol . i

§2i found hi the hand- of any o Ai.d -hat faftjlaughter which Jona- , u
Hie thattp*re with Saul and Jon. be, wan
h Saul and with Jonathan! his Ion'
as there found. hair-acre or f cx*.n J

i< And the garifbn of the Philiftines

ent out to the paflage of Michmafn. t« And-tn«rewas t !

C. H
A P. XIV. .

nfmitttb tb; PbilijHnu gariron,SiC -

kTu-vit came to pails uponia day, that •

,N Jonathan the ion of Saul fa-.'d unto W2< a*ve '

?re; . ti

e young man that his armour, vatchuien. ol saiii

ome, and let us go over to the Piiili- beali ;. Benjamin locked) and .

ines g-arifon, that t'i on the other fide the nil : li

!t he told not his latner.

* And Saul tarried in the utterrr.oft '
- t" i


ot Gibeah, under a pomegranate- rv>t
which fi inMigroh: an* the people
vet,-; with him were ^abjut fix- hun-
gone ., Jonathan and Lis .

red men ;. |
armour- ^"ter vrc- .

i AndAhiaii the for. of Allium, I-eha- tU And Sail Catd unto Abiajj,

9tolf r*Jh tdiun'icn. i imnei. -

n \*\<n an!
r.ither the ark of God for the ark of Gc A •'
. ,

Difperfe your felvJ

was at that time with the children oi ' the
people, and (ay unto theinj
liraelj j
bring me
hither epery man his ox, an<
19 11 And it came to pa's while Saul every mar his lheep, aiid-flav tbern here
talked unto the pried, that the noil e th« and tin not agarnit the Lour

»4i in tha holt ol the PluliUines went m -

eating with the bleed. Ana all th«

on, and increaled: and Saul laid unto people brcught every man his ox wijj
the prieit, Withdraw, thine hand. him mat night, and ilex tb-m there.
io And Saul and all the people that
were with l.iin, atkembled therufelve&i aod
3>. Jknj S'juI built an altar
J.ORD: t*e lame was- the line altar thai
they came to he battle
i and behold, eve-
: he built unto the Lord.
ry mans ("word was againft h is fellow, 3G 11 And Saul laid, Let us r
tni there uvi a verv great dilcoiniiture. after the pliiliilines bv meht, and
it Moreover, the' Hebrews were them until the morning lis?
with *!:e Philillmes before that time, not leave a manot them. "And ijS
which went up with t.iem into thecamp !'J w.iutloever feemeth
•oo.- u.v.ortflH

frum the oountry round about even they i t-ien iai-l th- prieit, Let us craw
ulib turntd to be with the H'raeliteSj t.'-jt hither unto God.
vert wit;: Saul and Jonathan. ?7 And Saul asfced counfel of Gfl
as Likewiie all the men of Ii'rael which > !:.l
I go t w;j after the Philiftiafl,

had hid themfelres in mount Ephraim, wil! thou deliver them into the
wb;r. tSeyheard thattbePhilillineBiiei, Iiraei ? Bui he ai.iwered him notJf
even they alio followed hard alter then
in the uatrle. iU And Saul fri<|, Draw ve n:zt.*tfM,
is bo the Lord iaved Ii'rael that day and net of the people and icnowtS; :

the battle soiled over unto Beth-aven. lee wherein this linhatb been this dayj
ii <n And the men of 1'rael were di- ;9 For rtj jhe Loud liveth, which fall
Jtreffed that dav : lor Sau! had adjured veth Urael, though itb; injcnathi
the people, faying*' Cui fed U
the man ion, he lhall lurely die. But there vm\
that eitcth any food untiLthe evening, net a man among all the people th
that I may be avenged on mine enemies Iv.'cred him.
fo none ct t.v people tailed »«? food. 40 Then laidhe urfto all Urael, Be
i,- Arid all they of the land came to a on, and I.^nd Jonathan my Too
wood, and there was hoc? upon the pround. will be on the other tide. And the peoi
26 And when the. people were come in- pie laid unto Saul, Do what feeniet
to the wood, behold, the hony dropped) gc-od unto thee.
. but tio man p« his hand to bis mouth 41 Therefore Saul faul unto the Lor

for the people feared the oath. God ol luael, Give a perfect lot. Ai
17 But Jonathan heard not when his Saul and jonaUtas were taken: but t
father charged the-people with the oath: people elcaped.
wherefore he put forth the end of the rod 43 And S'=ul laid, Cz&lotf between n
that wjj in his hand, and dipt it in an ho- and Jonathan my Ion. Acd Jonathan w
ny-comb, and put his. hand to his mouth ; taken.
and Ins eyes were enlishtneJ. 4; Then Saul faid to Jonathan, Tell
rS Then anfwsred one ot the people, what- thou hair, done. And Jonathan tol
and laid, Thy father (traitly charged the him, and laid, 1 did but laite a little bol
people with an oath, faying. Curled be r.y with the end of the rod that rvat ir
the man that eateth any lood t!Js day. mine hand, and |o, I mult die.
And the people were taint. 44 And Saul pni'wored, God do fo, an<
ig Then faidJanathaniMy fainet hath more alio for theu fhalt lurely die, Jc k:

troubled the land: fee, 1 pray you, how nathan.

mine eyes have been enlighmed, becaile 4> And the people faid unto Saul, Shall Ji
I talteil a little of this hony : nathan die, wlio hath wroueht this gn
so How much more, if haply the peo- lalvation in Ii'rael ? God forbid: 41 t
ple had eaten Irccly to day ol the lpoil Loro livetn, there fhall sot one haiioi
of th:ir enemies which they iound ? for his head tall to the urouiu Ground ; 101
for ne
he niir
h->d there iv^t been .now a. much greater wrought with God thfs lis day. So the peo.
llaughter among the Poiliftines? pie re'eued Jonathan, i, that he died not. '
%i And they Trcnte the IMiilifhnes that 4'S Then binl went it up from following I

<ay from Michmaih toAijalon and the the Philiftines and the Philiftines wedjt
: :

people were verv faint. to their own place

•?V And the people flew- upon the fpoil,
and took Iheen, and o\ cn, and calves
ana flew tccn cp. t'le ground: and the
people did -'it tbein With the bbod.
• « i :.:.-. they t Id Saitl, faying, Be-
lJflId, t!>? people (in nzainfl: the Lorp, igainlt the riiiliflincs «nd whitherlb. -.

it-; tlart the v eat with the blood. And lie ever he turned himfelf, he vexed tbem
iaxl, Ye have tranfcretVed : roll a gre3t 48 Ardhc gathered an hoft, and I'mot.
^aae. wito an; this day, ' the Amalcki'.es, and delivered lliael ou


Ag4& . j
Chap. XV, Saul rejfih.!.
bf the band's of them that fpGiledthem. .
U And Samuel came to Saul; and Saul
\ 49 Now the ions of .Saul were Jona- laid unto him, Bletko be thou of the
than, and Utnii, aud Melcai-ihua: and Loun: I have performed the command-
:hena.nesot his two daus:uers?T«/-e tkt/e -, ment of the Loud.
rhenameci the hrlt-born Merab, and tne t4 And Samuel laid, What mianelb then
name of the younger Mtchal :
this bleating ot the lheep in mine cars, ana
<{t And the name or Suu'.s wife A- iw the lowm? efthJ oxer, which I hcati.
jKnoam, the daughter ot Ahimaaz-: 3nd 1* And Saul ("aid, They have brought
fhe naine ot the "captain ot his licit was them trom the Amalekites lor ttie people

Abner the Ion ot Ncr, Sauls uncle. (pared jhe belt of the lheep and ot the
si AndKifh-srai the father ol Saul;andNer
oxen to lacriftce unto the Lord thy God,
:he father ot Abnet was the ion ofAoiel. and the reft we have utterly deftroyed.
An. I there was fore war againft the «6 Then Samuel faia unto Saul, Stay,
and 1 will tell thee What the Lord hath
Philiftines all the days of Saul: and
vhen Saul taw any ltrong man, or any laid to me this night. And he laid unto
raliant man, he took him unto him.
him, Say on.
C H A P. XV. . 17 And Samuel faid, When thou wa/l
little in thine own iigiu, waft -riieu not
Saulfent Co iejtfdy Am*tetj, Sec.
SAmuelalib fa id unto Saul, The Lord madetkc head of thetnbesor ll'rael, and
fenttne to anoint thee fa be king over the Lord anointed thee kingover ll'rael ?
us people, over Ifrael : now therefore 18 And the Lord fent thee en a journey,
and, (aid, Go, and utterly deltroy the fi li-
learken triou uno the voice of the words
at" Lord.
th2 ners the amalekites, and fight againft
z Tiua faith-ths LQ.RD ot holts, I rc- them until they be coniumed.
liember which Amalek did to li- 19 Wherefore then didit thou not obey
ntel, tiov/he laid w.n'r tor him in the way the voice ofthe Lord, but didft fly upon
when he came up troru E^ypt. the (poil, and didft evil in the light of
? Now go, and ("mite Amalek* and ttt-
the Lord ?
.'crlydellroy all that they have, and fpare ic And Saul faid unto Samuel, Yea, I
Jfcm not; but Hay both man and woman, have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and
nfant and fuckli.'ig, ox and iheep, ca- have gone the way which the Lord Cent
liiel and afs. me, and have brought Agag the king of
4, And Saul gathered the people toge- Amalek, and have utterly- deftroyed the
:her, ana numorea then iti Telaim, two Amalekites.
.unbred thoufand iootmen, andtenthou- 11 But the people took ofthe fpoil, fheep
,"and nienof Judah. "
arid oxen, the chiel ofthe things which

f And Saul came to a city of Amalek, mould have been utterly deftroyed, to fa-
iml laid wait in the valley. enhceunto tire LORD thy God in Gil-
6 Ana SaullaiduntotheKenites.Go,
II gal.
depart, get you down Irom among- the «. And Samuel faid, Hath the Lord**
Vmalekites, left I deftroy you with them great delight in burnt-offerings and fatri-

or ye fhewed kindnefs to all the flces,as in obeving the voice ofthe Lord ?
Iren of ll'rael when they came up outot Behold, to cbey is better than facriftcc j
Bgypt. so the Kenites departed from a ani ro hearken, than the fat ot rams.
noug the Amalekites. l* For rebellion is as the fin of witefc-
7 And Saul (mote the Amalekites from crafr, and ftubbornnefs is as iniquity and
ttavilah, until thou comett to Shtir, that idolatry: becaule thou halt rejected the
/ over againit -Egypt. word of the Lord, he hath alio rejected
8 And he took Agag the king of thee irom being kinpv
•he Amalekites alive, and utterly de- 14 H And Saul laid inito Samuel, I
layed all the people with- the edge of have finned: for I have tranfgretled the
ihe word. I commandment of the Lord, and thy
o But Saul and the peorle fpared Agag, word's becaufe 1 feared the people, and

and the belt ot the iheep, and ofthe oxen, obeyed their voice.
mdot thelatlings, and the lambs, and all if Now- therefore, I pray thee, par-
*4«w.iigood, and wouid not utterly de-, don my fin, and turn again with me, that
jlroythem: but every thing that was vile I ruay worfhip the Lord.
ind refute, that they destroyed utterly. 16 And Samuel faid unto Saul, I will
10 n\ Then came the word of theLoRD not retorn- with thee for thou haft re- :

into Samuel, laying, jected the word of the Lord, ana the
u Itrepenteth me that I have fet up Saul Lout 1 hsth rejected thee from being
b: king for he is turned back from {bl-
: king over Ifrael:
owing me, and hath not performed my st And as Samuel turned about to go
ommandments. And it grieved Samuel; away, he laid hold upon the skirt of
'md he cried unto the Lord, all ntght. his mantle, and it rent.
< 11 Aid when. Samuel-role early to meet 18 And Samuel faid unto him, The
tful in the morning, itwas told Samuel, Lord hath rent the kingdom of Ifrael
iying, Saul cametoCarmel, and behold, from thtc this day, and hath given it
ie' let him up a place, and is gone about, to a neighbour of thipe, tb*t is better
«d pau'ejor., 23d ^onj.dcwn to.Ciilgal. than thqu t . . :
aa And;
™ i

AZ&g Jl&in. Samuel. /- ;

V) And alfo the (Irene th of Ifrael will and he faid. Neither hath the Loi
rut lie, nor repent: tor lie it not a man len this.
that he mould recent. to Again, Jelle made feven of his Ions
to Then he aid 1 have finned ; yet ho-
1 ,
to pals belorc Samuel : and Samuel laid
nour me ni.w, 1 pray thee, before rhe el- unic Lelle, The Lord hath not
ders ot my people, and before lfr:.el, and til el e.
turn again with nie> tnat I may worship 1
And Samuel- faid unto Jefl'e, Are
the Lord thy God. here a:
3i So Samuel turned again after Saul, reirfaineth yet the ycwn^eit, and
and Saul worlhipped the Lotto. he keepeth thefheep. Ann Samuel laid
ja *1 Then laid Samuel, Bring you hi- unto Jelle, Send and letch him lor w<? :

therto me Agae the 'king of the AmaJ^- will not nt he come .hither. down till
kites and Agate came unto him delic: te-
: ii And he
and brought him in: fen;,
ly. And Agaglaid, Surely the buterneis Now nc wm ruddy, and withal of .

ol death is put. titulcoumenance, an,; eooc.!\ to 1

T3 And Samuel faid, As thy fwordrjatfi And the LORD laid, Arife, anoint himi
made women childlefs, fo ihall thy mother tor this he. i>
he childlefs among women. An Samuel \1 Then Faniucl took the horn of

hewed Agae and anointed him in the mid ft of his b
5 in pieces betore the Lord in
fc r «Jv
Cilgal. thren: andthefpirltof the LORD canB
*4 V Then Samuel went to Rnmah, and upon David, !r:-m that nav lorward^M
Saul went up to his houfe to G; Samuel rofe up and wen*, to K : ;

Saul. t4 * But the- jpirit of the LORD desl

;> Anii Samuel came no more to fee Saul parted from Saul, and an evil fpin
until the davof his death: neverrhelefs, the LOUD
Samuel niourned lor Saul and die : LOUD I? 'in.' Saul- lerv.
repented that he had made Saul king over behold now, an evil Jpirit from God
llirael. trcublet.'i thee.
C II A P. XVI. i*
Let ouricranow rommand ti:y |H
Stvnirf h Jer.i to Bttk-lef>tW, &c.
A Nd the LORD faid unto Samuel, How man ivbo it a cunning player on an
£\ long wilt thou mourn tor Saul, feeing aid
it ttiall come to pals when t.

I have rejected him from reiening over :;. t. U p< nthec, that he (haft I

Ifrael? fill thine horn with ovl,, I Play with his hand, and thou lhait be
will fend thee to Jelfe the Bcth-lehemite :
for 1 have piovided me a king attong his i" And SaivJ faid unto his fervants, Pro-
fons. vide me now a man that can play well, am
i An, Samuel faid,
. can I go? If How bring bim tome.
Saul hear it, he will kill me. And Wye 18 Then anfwered one of the fervanti
Loud faid, Take an heifer with thee, and Behold, 1 Lav-- Icen
. ;.

fay, I am come to faenfice to the LOUD. Jelle the Beth-lehenute, tb:-t fi ci

3 And call Jelfe to the faenfice, and I in playing, and 2 mighty valiani
will fhew thee what thou flialt do and : and man ol war and prudent

thou anoint unto me him whom 1

(hit It ters, and a comely pencil",, and theLoRb
name unto thee. ii with him.

4 And Samuel did that which the Lord 19 1! Wherefore Saul lent meffengers
fpake, andcametoBeth-lchcm and the : unto JeiTe, and laid, Send me David
eldei of the town tremble.', at bis coming,

thy fon, which it with the fheep\
and faid, Cornell thou peaceably? ic And Jc! > an afs /.-. .

i And lie laid, Peaceably I am come to : bread, and a bottle ot wine, and. a kid,
facri lice unto the Lord: fanclifie vour and feet tbetn hy Davin his fon unto '

felves, and come with me to the iacrilice. Saul.

And he fanc'tiiied Jeffe and his fons, and 11 And David came to ?au', an
called them to the faciihce," bet'are him ; and he loved him
6 ii An.! jtcamc to pafs when they were and he became his armour-;..
come, that lie looked on Elian, and faid, 11 'And Saul lent to Jelfe, laving, iMT
Surely the LORDj anointed •'< belorc David, I rav thee, ;

him. tor he hath found favour in my I

- But the LOUD

faid unto Samuel, Look \1 And it <"amc ro pais, when *

not on his countenance; or on the height of fpirit from Goa was upon SauJ, th t|)
hisdtature; becr.ufe I have refufed him :
vid took an harp, and played wi
for the LoRD ftttb not as vn&n fceth ; Saul was rdfrrflied, at
10 I

for man looketh on the outwarj ap- well, and the evii fpirit departc 1
. f»S
pearance, but the lookethon the LORD him.
hi. art. r. IJ AT'. XVII.
8 Then lefle called Abinadab, and T/r «,;r:-'r of tbi Pli!['i ;.-

Buttle him pafs before Samuel and he

: "VTOwthe P
faid, Neither hath the LORD chofenl J. >


Ibis. !

9 Then Jelle made Stiammah to pal's by : to" Jucah; ar . r ,\


oliatbs tbalUngt, Cfl.'P. SVii. Vavhi tcctptttb it,

Khoh and Azekali, in Ephcs-dam- menof Ifrael were in the valley of Elahj
iiehting with the P.'.iliftines,
Ana Saul and the menof Ifrael were And David role up early in the
thefed together, and pitched by the morning, and lelt the lnec;-> with a keep-
llc-vof Ll'th, an let the battle in aray
' er, and took 1 and went, at Jeffe had com-
ainftthe Philiitines. manded him; and he came to tlic trench.,
;AndthePhihftines ftood on a moun r as the holt was going tor'li to the light, and
n on the one fide, and H'rael ltood on 3 ihouted for the battle.
ittntain on the other fide and tbtrt was:
11 For Ifrael and the Philiftines had put
illey between ttj,em. thebattlein aray, army againltarmy.
flAnd there wentout a champion out 2^ And David left his carriage in the
the camp oi the PhililHnes, named hand of the keeper ot the carriage, and ran
Dliath, of Gath, whole height was fix into the army, and came and: aimed his
bits and 3 i'pan. brethren.
And hi bas an helmet of brafs upon
<; 1?, And ashe ta'ked with them, behold»

3 head, and he w.»s armed with a coat ot there came up the champion t the Phili-
ail: and the weight of the coat w.n rive ftine of C.ath, Goliath by name ) out cf
oul'and fhekeisoTbrafs. the armies of the Philiftines, and fpa-ke
C And-6* ba.i ^reaves of brafs upon his according; to the fame words: and David
gs, and a target of brafs between his heard tb'»i.
foulders. 14 And all the men of Ifrael, when
7 Andtne ftatV of his fpear to.jj like 3 they law the man, fled from lam, and
cavers beam, and his fpears head wtigbt. were fore afraid.
,t hundred Ihekels or iron ; and one bear- ii And the men of Ifrael laid, Have
z a Ihield went before him. ye feen this man that is come up? fure-
t> And he
ftood ana cried unto the ar- ly to delie Ifrael is he come up: and
j.ies ot Ifrael, and laid unto them, Why it be that the man who killcth
[re ye come out to let your battle in aray ? him, the kins; will enrich him with great
\n not I a Philiftine, and you fervahts riches, ana will give him his. daughter*
>Saul> choofe vou a man for you, and and make his fathers houfe tree in If-
rthim come down to me. rael.
9 Tf he be able 10 fight with me, and 16 And David fpake to the men that
) kill me, then will we be votn fer- ftood by him, faying, What fliall be done
,anu but if 1 prevail asrainfthim, and
: to the man that killeth this Philiftine,
II him, then fhall ye b"e our fervants, and taketh away the reproach from If-
nd ferve us. rael ? for who is thisuncircumcifea Phi-
10 And .the Philiftine faid, I defiethe liftine, that he fliculd defie the armies
of Iirael this day •
give me a man, ol the living God ?
i- And the people anfwered him after
n When Saul and all
Ifrael heard thofe this manner, faying;, S3 lhall it be done to
Brds oi the Philiftine, they were dif- the nun that killeth him.
ayed, and "greatly afraid. 18 51 AndEliabhis eldeft brother heard
*1 Now
David r<M( the fon of that when he fpake unto the men 5 and Eliabs
iphrathite of Beth-leheiM-judah, whole anger was kindled againit David, and he
iame was JelTe, and he h3d eight Ions: faid, Why
earned thou down hither ? and
nd the man went among men /or anotd with whom haft thou left thofe fewtheep
aan in the days of Saul. mthewildcrnefs? I know thy pride, and
fi And the three eldeft fonsof Jeffe vent, the naugfitinefi of thine heart for thou -,

nd followed Saul to the battle ana the : art ro'me down, that thou mightft fee the
hies ot his three Ions that went to the battle.
Lliab the firlt-born, and next
»attle,iT>i,-< 3.9 And David faid, What have I now
ntohim, Abinadab, and the third, Miarn- dene? Is tb'rcmi a caufe ?
b. 3o «f[ And he turned from him towards
14 And, David was the yonnireffc and : another, and fpake after the fame man-
he three eldeft followed Saul. ner and the people anfwered him again

ii But David went, and returned from alter the former manner.
BjkU, to teed his father* fheen at Beth- 3t And when the words were heard
ehem. which David fpake, they reheat fed f/^n
16 And the Philiftine drew near, morn- before Said: and he Tent for him.
ng and evening, and prefented himt'elf 21 «1 And David faid to Saul, Let no
orty day?. mans heart fail becaufeof him thy fer- •

17 Ana JelTe faid unto David his fon, vant will go and fight with this Philiftine.
rake now for thy brethren an ephah of -"3 And Saul laid to David, Thou art not
his parched corn, and theft; ten loaves, able to goasrainft this Philiftine, to fight
md run to the camp to thy brethren. with him for thou art but a youth, and he

18 And carry thefe ten checfes unto a man of war from his vcuth.
he captain of thtir thoufand, and look 34 And David {aid unto Saul, Thy fer-
row thy brethren tare, and take their vant kept his fathers liter;-, and there
>ledse. came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb
19 2tow Saul, and- they, and ail the out of the isock :

3> And
7i And I went out after him, and imote mote theFr.iliftine in his forehead, iha

the (tone lunk into his forehead; an

htm, and delivered it out of his mouth :
hit I

ana when he arote me, I caught tell upon his face to the earth.

b'tm by his beard, and fmate him, and < sj David prevailed over the
(lew him. Itme with a fling and with a rtone
;6 Thy fervant flew both the lion ana Iraote the PhilUtine and ikw
tbtrt tx.u no fword in the hand
the bear: and this uncircumcifed Phih- ot
ftine mall be as en.- of them, teeing he n
therefore IHvid ran and flo.
hath defied the armiesot thelivmg God.
37 Dsvirt faul moreover, The LORD
the Philutine, and took his iword,
drew ltoutotthelheatiuhcreof, andfiSI
that delivered me out ot the pawol the him, and cut off his head therewith Anjr
lion, and out of the paw ot the bear, he when the PhiKftiriea faw their r.\.
will deliver me out ot" the hand rd this was dead, they fled.
Philiftihe. And S3ul faid unto David, ii And the men of
Ifrael and of
Go, and the L'oui) be wirh thee. ' arole, and ihoured, ana perilled tV-
ftinc^, until thuti come to tJic vaiie
;s «: And Saul armed David with hi;
to the t/utes of tkron
srm .ur, and he put an helmet of brais; sr. :

upon his bead, alio he armed him with a, ot the FJiiliftlnej fell down b
coat i-f mail. Shaaraim, even untoGath, and u:
kron. H p
39 And David girded his fword upon his
armour, and he allayed to go, ter he had K
And the children of Ifrael returned f
nor proved, i : and 'David i*aid unto Saul,,
From chain g alter the, arutl
fccannot eo with thefe-. for I have notj they poiled their tents. 1

proved tbem. And David put them oft 14 And David took the head of the Phi* V


' and Drought it to Jerusalem bug if; ,

40 And he took his ftafr in his hand.i he put his armour in his tent.
and ehofe him five imooth ftones out ofj 11 H And when Saul Taw David go forth
the brook, and put them in a fhepherds affair t the Philiftinc, he faid unto Abne*

bag which he had, even in a icrsp, the captain ot the holt, Abner, xaJ^M.
and his fling was in his hand, an^ he Ion 7, this youth? And Abner faiJHF
drew near to the PJiihftine. thy foulliveth, O kin?, 1 cannot tell
4t And the Pfciliftine came en and drew: k5 And the king faid, bnqmre tho»
near unto David, and the man that bare whofeionthe ftripling/f.
the fhield VPtht a e fore l.:m. 17 And as David returned from t*a
4i And when the Philiftinc locked a- (laughter of the Philutine, Abner tool
boutand law David, he ditdamed Kim him and brought him betore Saul, wnl

for he was- but a youth, and ruddy, ana the head ot the Philiftinc in hiss hand.
of a fair countenance. 18 And Saul faid to him, Who e : -• <

4; And the Phililtiae faid unto David, 'art thou, ttou ycimg man ? And
Am I a doe, that thou comefr to me with
answered, I *m the fon of thy
ftaves? and the curfed David JeiTe the Betn-lehemite.
by hi.s pods. Will. CHAP.
And the PhiJiftine fa id to Djv.. ,
^^n lovetb Divia, Sec.
Come to me, and 1 will give thy flelh Aisd it came to pais when he had n:ad<
unto the fowls of the air, and to the an end of fpeaking Saul- thai
beafts of the field. the foul ot Jonathan was knit with the'

4," Then faid David to the Pflilrft ae, foul ot D.;v;d, and Jonathan lov.
Thou conieft to me with a (word, and with as his own foul.
a fpear, and with a fhield ; out i tome to: 1 And .Siul took him that day, and
thee in the name of the L<>Ri>ot bnftsj the; would let him go no more home to :.ftj I

God of the armies of li'rasl, whom thou, fathers houfe.

haft defied. 3 Then Jonathan and David n
46 This day will tHe LoRO deliver thee! covenant, becaufe he loved him as his
into mine hand, and I will finite thee,: own foul.
and take thine head from thee, and I will 4 And Jonathan ftript himfelf of Me
givethecarcafesof the hoftot »:.. Phth- robe that x>.m upon him, and gave it to
tfines this day unto the towls of the air, David, and his garments, even" to Ms ::

and to the wild beafts of the earth that all Iword, and to his bow, 2n*t tohis girdle.

the earth may know that there is a God in 1 * '

out w'.it'ier oev;
- it

Ifrael. Saul fenthim, *»d behaved hi mfelfwil"

4- And all this aflembly fh.#l fcnow tint ly and Suul let him over Hie men

the Lord favcth not with Iword and war,- and he was accepted in the f?ht
fpear for the battle;'.' the Lords, and he
all thz p?ry>le, and. alio in the light
will give you into cur nandi. Sauls fervants.
iT And it came to pafs as thej
48 And itranve lopafs when the Phil i-
ftine arofe,and came and drew nigh to when David was returned from the
meet David, t&at David halted, and ran terofthe Philiftinc, thit the worn*
toward the army to meet the Philiftine. out of all the cities of It'rae
40 And David pnt his hand in his bag. dancing, to meet king Sanl.witl I

«idtook thence a (Knci- and ft'ng it, and with joy, andwitliiniUuments?)
7 A6d

y^ul tnvhtb VtviJ, Char. *' x, *ni ftndetb to fill him,

v And
the women anfwered oneanotbtr |
14 And the fervants of Saul to!d
[they played, and laid, Saul hatft ilainhis him, laying, On this manner fpake
Inlands, and David his ten thousands. David.
> And Saul was very wrothi a'irf the ii And Saul faid, Thus (hall ye fay to
iringdifpleafedhirn ; and he laid, They David, The king defireth not any dowry j
ve ai'cribedunto David ten thousands, but an hundred Foreskins of the Phili-
d to aic they have aicnbed but thou- Itines, to be avenged of the kings ene-
ds and -robot can he have more but
: mies. But Saul thought t„o make" David
kingdom ? fall by the hand of the Phr-liftines.
And Saul eyed David from 16 Ana when his fervants told David
that day
d forward. thefe words, it plealed David weli to be
o Anri it came to pafs on the morrow,
11 tickings fon in law and the dayswe»c :

it the evil fpirit from God came upon net expired.

ul, and he propheiied in themidft of 17 Wherefore David arofe and went,
: houie and David played with his he and his meH, and llew of t«he Phili-

nd> as at other times and there wjj a ltines two hundre..' m.-n ; and David

'elin in Sauls hand. broueht their foreskins, and they g2ve

ft And Saul caft the javelin ; for he thenfin full tale to the kine, that he might
d, I will fmite David even to the wall be the kind's fon in law :"and Saul gave
to it and -David avoided out of his him Miphafhis daughter to wife.

efence twice. 28 H And Saul law and knew that the

it «I And Saul was afraid of David, Lord with David, and fiat Michal
caufe the LORD
was with him, and Sauls daughter loved him.
is departed from Saul. 19 And Saul W3syet the more afraid of
n Theretore Saul removed him from David j and 5aul became Davids enemy
m, and made him his captain over a continually.
Duland ; and he went out and came in :o Then the princes of the Philiftines
fore the people. went forth: and it came to pafs after
14 And David behaved him Tel f wifely they went forth, tbst David b.ha/ed
all his ways; and the LORD
veas with himfelf more wifely than all the fervants
m. of Saul, (o that his name was much fet
ti Wherefore when S?ul faw that he be- by.
rved himfelf very wii'&ly, he was afraid
Sauls furpofe to kill David, Sec.
16 But all Ilhel and judah loved Da- Nd Saul (pake to Jonathan his fon,
£ becaufe he went out and came in and to all his fervants, that they
tore them. ould kill. David.
t7 11 And Saul {aid to David, Behold, i But Jonathan Sauls fon delighted much
y elder daughter Merab, her will I give in David and Jonathan told David, lay- :

ee towite only be thou valiant forme, ing, baulmy father feeketh to kill thee:

id fight the Lords battles for Saul laid, now therefore, I pray thee, take heed to

sthot mine hand be upon him, but Vet thy felf until the morning, and abide in
e hand ot the Philiftines he unon him. a lecret place and hide thy felf ,

18 And David laid unto Saul, Who*w

3 And I will go out and ftand b?fid€
\ and what u my life, or my fathers fa- my father in the field where thou *rt, and
ily in Ifrael, that I fhould bj ("on in law I will commune with my fatherof thee;
the king ? and what I fee, .that I will tell thee.
19 But it came 10 pafs at the time when 4 11 And Jonathan fpake good of David
erab Sauls daughter fhould have been Saul his father, and faid unto him,
%en to David, that Jhe was given unto Let not the king fin againft: his fervant,
Jriel the Meholathite to wife. againft David: beeauTe he hath not fin-
ic And Michal Sauls daughter loved ned againft tnee, and becaufe his works
»vid and they told Saul, and the thine; b.i vi been to thee-ward very good.

ealed him. ? For he did put his life in his hand, and
11 And Saul faid, I will givehimher, (lew the Philiftine, and the Lord wrought
?.tfhe maybe a (nare to him, and that a great falvation for all Ifrael : thou faw-
ehandot the Philiftines mav be agamft elf/'f, anddidft reioyee: whereiore then
M. Wherefore Saul faid 'to David, wilt thou fin againft innocent blood, ta
hou (halt this day be my ion inlaw, in llay David without a caufe
one of the twain.
6 And Saul hearkned unto the voic^of

li 11 And Saul commanded his fervants, LORD

Jonathan: and Saul fware,/Js the
i/jjr, Commune with David fecretly,
and live^h, heihall not be (lain.
Behold, the king hath delight 'in
7 And Jonathan called David, and Jo-
te, and all his fervants love thee: now
nathan fliewedhim allthofc things: ,and
erefore be the kings (on in law.
Jonathan brought David toS^uU »dd he
tt And Sauls fervants (pake thofe words was in his prefehce, as in times paft.
the ears of David and David faid, and Da-
8 And there was war again :

emeth it to you * light thing to be a vid went out, and fought with thePhili-^.
ngs fon in law, feeing that I am a poor (tines,
and (lew them with a great flauzh-
»n, and lightly efteemed ?
teri and they fled from him,
— : . ,

Vivhis tfetpe, T. S2.V. ST.

9 And the evil rpifil from the LOR!) iniquity ? and what r'j my tin before t!»
wns upon Saul, as he fat in his houiewith that he feeketh my lire ?
his javelin in his hand: and Dand play- 1 And he laid unto him, God
ed with Hi hand. thou fhait not die : behold, my lather wil
ic And Saul fought to fmite David even do nothing either great or i mall, but tha
to the wall with the javelin; but . he will O.ew it me: and whv moid d an
away out of Sauls pretence, and heffflOte father hide this thing -from' :ne ? it i
*he javelin into the wall ; and David tied., r.ot /j.
ar.d efcaped that night. ? And David fwaremcceovcr, a;
it Saul alio lent' meiiengers into Da- Ttvy tathcrcertainly knoweth-th 1

vids houic, to watch him, and to l!.<y found grace in thine e\c.
him in the morning: and Miehal Davids Let not Jonathan know this, left
Avile to!d him, lining, It ihou lave not grieved: but truly .t the LORDlivcth
thy lire to night, to morrow thou fhait and <»< thy i.iu! hveth, tkttt it but a Ue|
be flaiS. between me and death.
ii 11 bo Miehal let David do*n through 4 "1 p.than u:to Davh< :

a window : and he went and fled, and e- Whatfoever thy foul defirctb, I willcvei
fcaped. dorr for thee.
1? And
Miehal took an imase, : f And David faid unto Jonathan, Be
it in the bed, ar.d put 3 pillow of goats hold, to morrow 11 the new-mccn, an- tor his bolder, and covered it with a
14 And whenfent mefTer.gers to
1 ihouhi not fail to nc with the king a
meat but let me go, that I may

my felf in the field unto the third' £*9 a

take David, fhe it lick, faitt. He even.
\<; And Saul lent the meflengers.ijr.jn to 6 If thy father at all mils me, t"'

fee David, faving, Bring him up to me in David carneltly asker. lt.w. ot n

the bed, that 1 may flay him;
t5 And when the meffengcrswere come
he might run to Beth-lehem his city
tbtre is a yearly lacrifice th:rc lot ittM\


in, behold, tbtre Tv.u an image in the bed, family. . •

with a pillow of goats bdir for his bolder. --

If he fay thus, It 71 well ; thvfcSHi
f7 And Saul laid unto Miehal, "Why hair mall have peace batif hebevery :

thou deceived me fo, and lent away mine tbtn be fure that evil is determined b
enemy, that he is efcaped? And Miehal him.
anfweredSaul, He laid unto me, Let me t' Therefore thou fhait deal ki r
go i whv mould
kill thee ? I th) fervant -, lor thou l>aitbrou</r.- thy let
18 11 So David fled, and efcaped, and vant into a covenant oi the wil LORD
came to Sam-.sel to Ram?h, and told him thee : notwithstanding, if thjre be in (i
all that Saul had done to him; and he and me thy felf forwh> (hould
iniquity, (lay ;

Samuel w^nt andidwelt in Naioth. thou brine me to thv father?

19 And it was told Saul, faying, Be- 9 And Jonathan faid, Far be it fro)
hold, David m at Naioth in Ramah. thee: for if 1 knew certainly, t

10 And Saul fent meffengers to take were determined bv my father to can

David: and when they faw the company upon thee, then would not 1 tell it thee ?
ot the prophets prophefying, andSa-nuel to Then faid Davtd to Jonathan, Wt
Handing as appointed over "them, the fpi- ihall tell me? or what r/thy lather anlw
rit of God was upon the metfengers of thee roughly?
Saul, and the\ ed. 11 11 And lonathao faid unto Dn-i
it And when it was told baul. he fent Come, and let us 20 rut into the fid.
ey went out both of them in
other melTer. rophefied
likewife: andSa:.l lent meflengers again the field.
. the third time, and they prop: elied alfo. 11 And Jonathan faid unto D
ii Then went he alio to Raman, and LoRDGodoflfnel
cUtte to a great welll - hu : and m\ father, about to morn' •<•

he asked and fsid, luelandW thethird i.;y, and behold, ittierebeSXH

i) '
? Ar out laid, Behold, t-bty bt at
> toward David, and I then fend
in Ramah. nd lhew it •'.
15 And he went
thither to Naioth in n TheLouiido
Ramah: and the fpintot God w.vunon Jonathan but if Li :

himalfo, nd he wenton and prophciied,

do thee evil, then 1 will (hew H thee, ar
until he came to Naioth in Ramah : fend thee away, that thoti raayft s^
14 And he Qript off hi* clothes alfo, and peace and the : be LORD
ied befibce Samuel in like manner, he hath been with iu\ father.
ond lay down naked all that day, ano all 14 And thou fhait notonh while yet
: re they fay, ft Saul live, fhew me the kindnefsof the Lo«
silo among the prophets that I die not s
' <. H A V. XX. 1- But thou fh
v .t/;>

tonfultttb ppj Sec. »o1e tor ever : no n

fled from Naioth in Ra- -

romthcuceol ti

t':an, What have 1 done? what U mine


i tovtngnt Chap, XX i. »lrt Davii.

So Jonathan made * eovtnant with 33 And S.'u4 csfl a javelin at him to
ioui'eof David, fayiag, Let the Loud Halite him: whereby Jonathan knew that
1 require it at the nana of Davidrc- itwas determined of his father to llay
ies. David.
And Jonathan call fed David to fwear 34 So Jonathan arofe from the table >n
n, because he loved lum for he lov- : fierce anger, and did cm no meat the f/e-
us he loved his own foul.
n cond dayorthe month: ior he was grie*
Then Jonathan Paid to David, To v;d for David, becaufe his father* tad
row ii the new-moon and thou ihalt : done him fiiame.
becauie thy ieat will be empty.
lifted, 3« fl Ai:d it came to pafs in the morn-
vobtn thou halt ftayed three da)*;, in*, that Jonathan went out into the held,
thou ihalt go down quic!;ly, and come atthetime appointed with David, and a
ie place where thou didlt hide thy little lad with htm.
when the butinsfswas in band, and 56 And he faid unto h?s lad, Run, find
i remain by the ltone Ezel. out- now the arrows which I moot. And
And I will lhoot three arrows on as the lad ran, he inot an arrow beyond
ideftfrereo/, as though I fhoi at a mark. him.
And behold, I will fend a lad, fay- 37 And when the lad was come to the
C,o, find out the arrows. If 1 exprefly place ot the arrcw which Jonathan had
unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are lhot, Jonathan cried after the lad, and
his lide of thee, take them ; then come laid, Is not the arrow beyond thee?
lor tbtre is peace to ihee, and no
: *8 And Jonathan cried after the lad,
; at the Lord liveth. Make fpeed, haire, itay not. And Jona-
But ill fay thus unto the young man,
. thans lad gathered up the arrows, and
.old.the arrows.*'* beyond thee go thy : came to his matter.
', for the Lord hath'fent thee away. 39 But the lad knew not any thing:
; And as touching the matter which only Jonathan and Davit* knew the mat-
J and I have fpeken of, behold, the ter.
s D be between thee and me for ever. 4c And Jonathan gave his artillery un-
HI bo David hidhimfelf inthelield: to his lad, and faid unto liim, Go, cany
when the new-mcon was come, the
. tbtm to the city.
g"iathim downto eat meat. 41 ^ And afloon as the lad was gone,
Ana the king fat upon his feat, as at David arofe out of a pltct toward ths
et times, even upon a leat by the wall Ibuth, and fell on his face to the ground,
I Jonathan arofe, and fat by and bowed himfelf three times and they :

Is fide, and Davids place was empty. kifled one another, and wept one wiio
S Saul fpake not any
Nevertheless, another, until David exceeded.
ig that d3y for he thought, Some -.
4t And Jonathan faid to David, Go in
ig hath befallen him, he is not clean j peace, forafmuch as wehaveiixorn both
;ly he is not clean. of usin the name of the LORD, faying,
I And it came to pafs on the morrow, The Lord be between me and thee, and
cb voat the fecond day ot ths month, that between my feed and thy feed for ever.
rids place was emffty : and Saul faid And he aroTe and departed and Jona- :

» Jonathan his Ion, Wherefore com- than went into the city.
mit the (on of lefl'e to meat, neither CHAP. XXI.
crday nor to dav ; Da vid obtaimtb b.illorveJ bread, See*.
> And Jonathan anfwercd Saul, Da- *T*Hen came David to Nob, tcAhime-
earneftly asked leave ol me, to go to 1 lech t!ie prielt and Ahimelech was

h-Jehem : afraid at the meeting of i;avid, and faitf

»And he faid. Let me go, I pray thee, unto him, Why art thcu alone, and no
>ur family hath a facrifice in tkecitv, man with thee ?
mv brother, he hath commanded me i And David faid unto Ahimelech tfw
•the n ; and now if 1 have found favour prielt, The kine hath commanded me a
line eves, let me get away, I pray thee, bulinefs, and hath faid unto me, Let no
feem) brethren: Therefore hecom- man know any thing of th : buunels
nor unto the kinestabie. whereabout I fend thee, and what I have

Then Sauls anger was kindled againlt commanded thee ?•*> : I have appointed
ithan, and he laid unto him, Thou fon my fervants to fiich and fuel: a place.
ieperverfe rebellious »o>;u«, do not ; New therciore what is under tMne
iow that thou halt chofen the fon of hand? give me five loaves of bread in _

:tothineown confufion, and unto the mine hand, or what there t! prefent.
uiion ot thy mothers nakednefs 5 4 And the prieft anfwered David, and
For as Ions' as the fon of Jede liveth faid, Tbtre is no common bread under
md, thou malt be efta- mine hand, but there is hallowed bread ;
ie.'., nor thy kingdom wj-.erclore : if the young men have kept themfeivvs
ill elves.
tend and letch him unto me, for he at lealt Irorii women.
Purely .: :'e.
> And David anfwered the prieft,ft, and
JBrrd Jonathan anfwered Saul his fa- . faid unto him, Of R trtit':, women n btye
and, faidimtt I im, Wherefore fhall J-efrtkept from us about thefe three
c day%
: llain ? tyhat hath he done } iince 1 came out, and the veflels of the
: .

ni ft'ttb to Aebijb. I. s 3 rr. Cl. Abinttteeb tuuftj,

-ng men arc holy, and the breta is in a vid, Ahi'd* not in the hold, depart* ar
<iarmer common, yea, tnsugh it were get thee into the land ot Judah. Th<
lanetitied this day in the veifel. David departed, and camemco the foie
* So the prielt gave him hallowed brtud ot Hareth.
for there was no oread there, but the lhew- 6 fl When Saul heard that David w;
bread that was taken from before the dilcovered, a-.d the me
LORD, to put he: bread in the day when him, {" now Saul abode in Gibeah vnder
itwastakenaway. tree in Ramah, having; his ipear in fe
7 Now a certain man of the fervent? or' hand, and all his fervanrs were ltandin
SauJw^f there that day, detained before about him )
the LORDi
and his name wa< Doeg, an 7 Then Saulfaidunte his fervants th< '»

Ldomite, the chiefcit of the herd-men ftood about him, Hear now, ye Benja
thn belonged to Saul. mites, Will the fon of ,'eil'e give evet
8 1 And David laid unto Ahimelech, one of you fields, and vineyard*, ar
And is there not here under thine hsnd make ycu all captains oi thou
1 pear or (word ? fcr I have neither brought cai tarns or hundreds
myfword, nor my weapons with me, be- 8 That all of you have ecnfplred a?ain
caufc the kings buiinefs required hafte. me, and there ii none that ;..

9 And the prielt: (aid, The 'word oi'Go- that iy fon hath made a !.-
rfath the PhLliftine, whoat thou ileweft in the fon ot JerTe, and there is'r.or
the valley of Eluh, behold, it isbtre wrapt you that is lorry for me, or fhewe
in a cloth behmA theephod: if thou wilt to me that my fon hath ftirred u,
t3.<c that, take it for there is no other
: fervant againft me, to lie in wait,
lave that, here. And David (aid, lbtre this day ?
ii none like that,
g veitme. 9 n Then anfwered Doeg the Edom

to fl And David arofe, and fled that Cwinch was fet over the fervants of
day for fear of Saul, and went to Achifh and laid, 1 fawthefonor Jrliecom
the king of Gath. Nob, to Ahimelech the fon of Ah
it And the Servants of Achifh io Ana he enquired of the LO
him, Is not this David the king of the him gave him viiluals, a
: ar.d
land? did they not iingone to another of him the word c>f Goliath the Philifti

him in dances', fay;ng, Saul hath flain his ii Then the king (entto call Ahim
tbcui'ands, and David his ten thouiands ? theprieft, the ion of Ahitub, and a
ii And David laid up thefe words in his latners houf e,the pnelts that were in No]
heart, and was lore afraid of Achiih the and they came all of them to the king
kingot Gath. ix And Saul (aid, He3r now, thc-u Ion
i} And he changed his behaviour be- Ahitub: And he anfwered, Here I |
fore them, 2nd -reigned himfeif mad in my lord.
their hands, and fcrabblcd on the doors 15 And
Saul faid unto him, h Whv
of the gate, and let his fpittle fall down yeconf'pired againlt me, thou and the '

upon his beard. of Jefle, in that thou halt s'ivcn

t4 Then laid Achiihunto his fervants. bread, and a fword, and half enqu
Lo, ycu fee the man is mad: wherefore of God for him, that he fhould rife
then have ye brought him to me r ?ainftme, to lie in wait, as at this day »"
i? Have I need of maci-men, that ye
Then Ahimelech anfwered the kinj
have brought this fellow to play the mad- and faid, And who is fo faithful among a
man in my prefence ? lhall this fellow thy fervants, as David, which is tee k in
tome into mv houfe ? fon in law, 2nd goeth at thy bidding, ar.
C H A 1'. XXII. is honourable in thine houfe ?
Companies refortunto David ttAdulUm^c u
Did I then begin to enquire of Gc
T*\ Avid therefore departed thence, and fcr him? be it far from me- let not tr
1 ) efcaped to the cave Adullam : and king impute *'jy thing unto his fervan
when his brethren, and all his fathers nor to all the houfe ot my f?ther
houle heard it, they went down thither fervant knew nothing of ail th-s, lefs <
to him.
i And every on; th.-.t wi; in diftrefs.and 16 And the king faid, Thou fnalt fure!
every one that wj.~ in debt, and every one die, "Ahimelech, thou and all thy fa the
tbitwrn dilcowented, gathered them- houfe.
fe'ves unto him, 2nd he became a cap- 17 f\ And the king faid unto the foot nit
tain over th-m and there were Withhiirj
: that Itood about him, Turn and for tD
- about four hundred me». pnelts of the ; LORD
becaufe tl
?n And David went thence toMizpeh alio i> with David, and becaufe they ":<nJ
of Moab and he laid unto the king of
: when he fled, and did not lhew it 't ml
Moab, Let my father ard my mother, 1 But the fervants cf the kins won

pray thee, come forth, *nd be with vou, torth their hand to fall upon the pnelts*
till I know what God will do forme. the LORD.
4 And he brought them before the king 18 And the king faid to Doe?. Tui
of Moab: and "thev dwelt with him all tnou and fall upon the prieiK And Do<
the while that David was in theludd. the Edorr.ite turned, and he fell upon tl
$ «1 And the prophet Gad laid unto Da- V neits, and f.ew on that day
fourfcorc ar

•ilih re/cud. -
Chap T&iii. Suit purfuttb ViviJ.
perlbns that did wear a linen eph&d. Keilah deliver nieand my men into the
And Nan, the city or" the pnefts, hand ef Saul? And the Lord faid, They
te he with, the edge of the word, both I will deliver this up.
and women, cinldren and (ticklings, 1? 11 Then David and his men,rjp<j,: cA
oxen, and aif •, anditicep, with the veirt about fix hundred, arofe and depart-
J or the ("word. ed ou'. ol Keilah, and went wliithorfoe-
And one of the fons of Ahime-
11 ver they could go : and it was told Saul
', the IbnofAhitub, named Abiathar, that. David was elcaped from Keilah, an4
ped and tied alter David. he torbare to go forth-
A'd Abiathar fhewed David, that 14. And David abode in the wildernefs
had llain the LORDs priefts. in ftrong holds, and remained in a moun-
And David laid unto Abiathar, I tain inthe wildernefsot Ziph And Saul :

v it that day, when Doeg the Edo- fought him everyday, but God delivered
i he would furely tell
rv.u there, that him not into his hand.
I have occasioned the
: death of all H And David law that Saul was come
jperlbns of thy fathers houfe. out to feek his life and David vom inthe

Abide thou with me, fear not: for wildernefs of Ziph in a wood.
lat feeketh my life, feeketh thy life: 16 Ani Jonathan Sauls fon arofe, and
with me thou)*4/f be in lafeguard. went to David into the wood, ana
CHAP. XXIII. ftrengthned his hand in God.
Bavfi refcuetb Keilah-, &c. 17 And he faid unto him, Fear not for :

Hen they told David, laying, Behold, the hand of Saul my father fhallnot find
the Philiftines fight againlt Keilah, thee, and thou (halt lae king over Ifrael,
they rob
tiie threlhing-tioors. and I (hall be next unto thee i and that
Therefore David enquired of the alio Saul my father knoweth.
D, faying, Shall I go and finite thefe id And they two made a covenant
iftines? And the, laid unto LORD be tore the LORD and David abode in

id, Go, and finite the Philiftines, the wood, and Jonathan went to his
fave Keilah. houfe.
And Davids men Hud unto him, Be- 19 11 Then came up the Ziphites to
we be afraid here in Judah how
.' •. Saul to Gibeah, laying, Doth not David
h if we come to Keilah
more then hide hh-alelf with us in ftrong holds in
nit thearmies of the Philiftines? the wood, in the hill of liachilah, which
Then David enquired or the LORD it on the fouth of Jeihimon?
again. And the LORD anfwered him to NOw therefore,- O king, come down
laid, Arife, go down to Keilah for •, accordingto all thcdeti'V of thy foul to
ill deliver the Philiftines into thine come down, and our part ./&*// >e to de-
i. liver him into the kin^s hand.
So David and his men went to Kei- it And Saul faid, Blefled bt ye of the
and fought with the Phililtines, and Lord ; tor ye have companion on me.
ghi away their cattle, and fmote zi Go, I pray you, prepare yet7 and
n with a 'great (laughter : fo David know and lee his place wuere his haunt
d the inhabitants or Keilah. is, j/U who hath feen him there for it :

And it ca-ne to pals when Abiathar is told ir.e tbit he dealeth very fubtilly.
'fon of Ahimelecb ited to Dayld to WSee therefore and take knowledge of
hh, he came down w/r/b an ephod all the lurking-places where he
lis hand. himfelf, ap.d come ye again to me with
H And it was told Saul that David the certa'.hty, and I will go with you:
come to Keilah: and Saul laid, God and u {hall couieto pals, if he be inthe
delivered him into mine hand 5 tor
i land, that 1 will fearch him out through-
slant in, by emnog into a town that out all the thoufands of Judah.
gates and bars. 14 '\t\A they arole, and went to Ziph
And Saul callea all the peopJetoge- betoreSaul: but David and his men rare
to war, to go do>vn to Keilah, to in the wildernefs of Maon, in the plain
eee David and his men. on the fouth of Jeihimon.
11. And David knew that Saul fecret- .i> Saul alio and his men went to feek
ractifed mifchief againft him and he ; bim ; and t^ev told David wherefore he

to Abiathar the pneft, Bring hither camedown into a rock, and abode in the
ephod Wildernefs of Maon and when Saul

Then faid David, O Loan God of

heard that, he purfucd after David in the
si, thy fervant hath certainly heard wiidernels of Maon.
St.i1 feeketh to com? to Keilah, to 16 And Saul went on this fide of the
rov the city tor niv fake. mountain, aid David and his men en that
Will tftemrn o K> In deliver me iide ot the mountain and David made

into hi? 'hand? will Saul come down liafte to get away tor fear of Saul for ;
;iy l'.:rvant Lath heard ? OT. R'>G-d Saul and his men comparted David and
feel. I hefeech thee, rA\ thy Per- Ms men round about to take them.
•; And the Lord faid, He will come 17 11 But there came a ipeiTenger un»-o
n. S-aul, fayinsr,Ha'te thee, and come; for
Then faid Diviid, Will she men of the Philiftines have. invaded the rsnfl.
iS Where-
— ' .

www mm?

1. S&mucl.
David Jftrtth Stu!,

Wh-refore Saul returned Troru pur-

The Lord there/ore be judge', i
»3 judge between me and thee, and tee,
ging alter David, and went againft the
plea 1 my cau'c, and deliver me out
Philiftines therefore they called that
thine hnd.

place Sela-hammah-lekoth. 16 II And it came to pals when Dai

19 f And David went up from e an encot Ipeaking
and dwelt in Itrong holds at Ln-gedi.

xxiy unto Saul, that Saul laid, tl this thy voi

c u a i' :
my lbn David ? And Saul lilt up his vo
David cutteth off Sault tlprt, &C.
d it came to oafs when
Saul was re- and wej»t. " —
AN kuinedtrom following the PhiliAines,
Beholo, Da-
it And he faid to David,
mote righteous than I: lor thou halt
that it was told him, la> mg, warded rue good, wr.cKas I have rcwa;
vid it in the wildernels ot fcn-gedi.
ed thee evfj.
Then Saul too three thonland cho-

j8 And thou haft mewed this day*
fenmen oucofali Uiael, and went toFeek that thou &aft dealt well with me for
Davki and his men upon the cocks 01 tne

much as when the Lord ha

the Iheep-eot ca by the me i;uo thine hand, thou killed!
And he' came to

way, where W/» a cave, and Saul wont in a^mannnd his enemy, wih
his men 19 For if
to cover his feet: and David and let him ffo well away? whereto*
remained in the tides ot the cave. Lori> reward thee good, tor that tl
4. -And the men of" David
laid unto him,
halt done unto me t*i> day.
Behold the cay of which the Lord Jam i r.ow behold, I know
And weM
unto thee, Belkdd, I will deliver thinfe thou lhait finely be king, ai
enemy into thme hand, that thou ma) it kingdom ol Urael lhall be eft
do to him as it lhall leem good untu thine hand.
Then David arolc, and cut on the siurt
ii Swear now therefore unto me oy
or" Sauls robe prtvily.
came to pafs afterward, thai
Louu, that thou wilt rot m
,- And it
alter me, and that thou wilt not deli
Davids heart fmotc him, becaule he my name out ot mv lathers
cut on' Sauls skirt. And David fware unto SauUf
( ;\nd he laid unto his men, The Lord
thing unto Saul went home bur David 2nd his 1
forbid, feat Ifltoulddo this gat them up unto the hold.
IM Matter the anointed, to nretchLoMM °
him, lceing lie C H A P. XXV.
forth mine hard againlt Stmutt dietb, &c.
is the anointed ol the Lord. and lirael
7 So Band ftayed his lervants with
not to rile
ANd Samuel the
were gathered together and

Ihefe words, and luffered them him, and buried him iahirhoule at i

a-ainltSaul: but Saul role upout ct the

way. mah. And David ar.Me, and went d
cave, and went on ,„„_,,.
thewildernela ot Paran.
afterward,.and went to
H David alio arofe z Ar.Aibere w.i> a man in Maon,
Saul, lay-
out of the cave, and criedaftet pwireflions »&*
in €arm«rt, and the
ing My lord the ku.g. Ana when Saul
"very great, and he had three tl
looked "behind him, David &>»&*"*£

bowed lumieir. land ftie'ep, and a thou land goats:

hi-, face to the earth, and
Wherclorc he was Ihearing his lheep m
g V-And ])avid ud 1 10 Saul,
; Now the name ot the
man pr<tiM|
mens words, laying, eenow,
he! reft iboo and the name ot his wife.Alugait and :

jS;^eeyeshaveree^ 1
wai awonianot pood widerftanding
^^eSRhLoRP had delivered thee to of a beautiful countenance j but thei
how that the -xai churlilh and evil mhi^
day mto mine hand in the cave : andJBww
ey t Ipared he -vi. ol the houie ot Caleb.
bldeiwe kill thee, but mine \nd David heard in the wih
not put torth nunc

thee, and 1 laid, I will his theep.

Nabaldid (hear
lord ; lor he u the Lords
nel'», that
hand againil
*=:•' my
v Ana
And David
Davie, out
lent i>ui
jeiii ten your.
icn )*><"-t, -
anointe i-^h-r <~sr vea. '"
fee a David
and a faid unto the youne. men,
Moreover, myfather,
«>>«?» „mel, and go toJS
Carmel, c
hand for in you t0
to tx
the*skirt of H*y' robe in my :

and ki- greet him in my Maine.

S5t1 cut offthesk.rtot thy robe him that
lee, that tbtrt md 6 And thu< lhall vc lay to
led tbte not ; know thou veth in profptrit?, Peace.**
f neither evil tcanlgrcirion in mine
againltthedi and peace** unlTine faoufe, •

hand, and 1 have not finned unto all that thou halt.
take .t
vet then hunteft mv foul to - mm now 1 have heard tha: th^i-
The I.oko judge between me and
X r
me ot thee Ihearets: now thy iiiephcrds which]
thee, and the T.orp av^»ge
npo^hee-. 5 with us we burt them r.ot, neither]
but mii e hand fttallnot b% there ouzht mifiing untoall t.iem.
11 As faith the proverb ol the in Carmel.
key were
W ickedrefs proccedeth from the w
8 Ask thy voung men, and tnej
hut mme hand lhall not
ftiew thee : wherefore let tl

14 After whom is the king ot Ijsael find favour in thine C)

come our- after whom dolt thou purme :
pray loee^J
aitcr a riea in a good day j
gtve, 1
auet a dead l^-.', :
; :

.'.iWf duriiihufi. Chap XXV, Abig&il fdcijietb D.tvid.

jver cometh to thine hand, unto thy i? Let no/, my lord, 1 pray thee, reeard
fants, and to thy Ion David. this manor Belial, tvt> Naoal : tor as his
t And when Davids young men came, namen, ion he; Nabal is his name, and
Sy pake to Nabil according to all thoi'e
I tolly is with him: but I thine handmaid
ardsmihe naineor" David, andccafed. law not the young men of my lord, whom
i ^ And Nabal anfwered Davids ter- thou dldft fend.
ms, and laid, Who i> David ? and who i6 Now
therefore, my lord, aj the
the ton or' JclTe? there be many ter- Lord liveth, and a. thy foul liveth, fee-
ms now a days that break away every ing the Lord hath withholden thee from
m from his iiafter. coming tojbed blood, and from avenging
i Shall I Ihentake my bread and aiv thy felf with thine own hand: now let
ter, and my have killed
tieiti that I tnine enemies, and thev thas-feck evil
my (hearers, and give & unto men to my lord, be as Nabal.
our I know not whence they be ? 17 And no*w this blelTing which thir.e
,i So Davids young men turned their handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let
y, and went again, and came and told it even be given unto the young men that
n all tho.'e ravings. follow my lord.
ft And David laid unto his men, Gird 2.8 pray thee, forgive the trefpafs of
u on every sun his (word. And they thine handmaid for the Lord will cer-

rdeit on every man hislword, and Da- tainly make rav lord a fure houfe be- .

Aalfo giriflnon his iword : and there caufe my lord fighteth the battles of the
:nt up alter David about tour hundred L»ro, and evil hath not been found in
:n, and two hundred abode by the lhiff. thee .<// thy days.
i f But one or the young men told A- 19 Yet a man is rifen to purfue thee,
gaii Nabals wife, faying, Behold, David and to feek thy foul but the foul of my

:k meifengers out ot" the wildemels to lord flis.Il be bound in the bundle of life
lite our malter, and he railed on them, with the Lord thy God i and the fouls of
r. But the men wa-e very good unto us, thine enemies, them fhalihefline out, «>
dive were not hurt, neither miffed we out of the middle of a fling.
y thing as long as we were converfant ?,o And it mall come to pat*, when thz
iththem, when we were in the fields. Lord (hall have done to my lord accor-
i5 They were a wall unto us both by ding to all the good that he' hath ipoken
fehtandday, alt the while we wire with concerning thee, and ihall have appoint-
em, keeping thelheep. ed thee ruler over Ifrael
Now therefore, know and coniider ?t That this ihall be no ?rief unto
hat thou wilt do: for evil is determined thee, nor offence of heirt unto mv lord,
rainit our matter, ar.d as;ainlr all his either that thou hall fhed blood caufelels,
Suihold: for he i» fucb a Ion of Belial, or that my lord hath avenged him felf
it.i Ttat cannot fpeak to him. but when tho Lord Ihall have dealt well
811 Then Abigail made haitc, and took with mv lord, then remember thine
vo hundred leaves, and two bottles of handmaid.
ine, and rive iheep ready dreit"ed,and five 2.2 fl Arvt David faid to Abigail, B'ef-

leafu-res of parched corn, and an hundred fed it the LORD G

d of Ifrael, which
toilers of raifins, and two hundred C3kes lent thee this day to meet me :

M>? s aru ai;* thtm on 2(1-'-

" l 3* And blelTe'd bt thy advice, and blef-
And ihe laid unto her fervanta, Go fed be thou, which ftaft kept me this day
before me, beliold, I come after you :
iro.m coming to ./A;i blood, and from a-
flie told not her husband Naba
1 .'
vengmg my'' felf with mine own hand.
And it was /b, a' ihe rode on the afs, 2.4 For in very deed, as the Lord God
fhe came down by the covert of the of Ifrael liveth, which hath kept me bark
,and behold, David and his men came from hurting thee, except thou hadft hatr-
n againfr. her, and fhemet them, ed and come to meet me, furely there had
i (Now David had laid, Surely in vain not been left unto Nabal, bv the morning
ave I kept all that this fdlotx hath in the light, any that pilTeth agaihft thewall.
lldernefs, fo that nothing was milled of 3; So David received of her hand
II that ptrt.vnti unto him: and he hath which Ihe had«brought him, and f>id on-
equited me evil for good. to her. Go «p in peace to thir.e ho« e;
n so and more alfo do God unto the
itiemies of David, if I leave of all that
lee, I have hearkned to thy voice, and
have accepted thy perfon.
trtain to him by the morning light, any 3*i * And Abigail came to Nabal; and

hat pilTcth a?ainil the wall. behold, he held a feaft in is hoafe, like !

i2 And when Abigail faw David, fhe tne feaft of a king ; and Nabals heart
^fted, and lighted off the afs, and fell iva> merrv within him, for -he -xss very
iefore David on her face, and bowed drunken wherefore Ihe told him nothing,

ler felf to the ground, lei's or more, until the morning light.
14 And fell at his teet, anl fai*!, Upon 517 But it came to pais in the morning,
ae, my lord, ufon me letthrs iniquity be,, when the wine was gone* out of Nabal,
ind let thine handmaid, I pray thee, and his wife had told him thefe trur.£>.
peak in thine audience, and hwr the thac his heart died within him» and he
irurcs of thine handmaid. became a a hone,
38 And

dtath. T. Si hue!. Bdvid

;>j .tnd it came to paTs about tenda\< earth at once, and I will not/wj/rr h
after, that the Lord fmote ISabal, that the lecond time.
hf died. 9 And David faid to Abifhai, Deftr
ii> M And when David
heard that Na- him not: lor who can ilre;ch toith .

bal was dead, he

laid, BletTed be the hand againit the Lords anointed, ;

Lord that hath pleaded the caufeof mv be guiltlels?

reproach from the hand of Nar>2l, an';-. ic David faid furthermore, As ,

hath kept his fervant from evil tor the : Lokd hveth, the Lord frull frmtchi
Lord hath returned the wickedne'.s o! or hisday lhall come to die, or he
Nabal upon his own head. And David delcend into Battle, and perm.
lent and -ommuned with Abigail, to take tt The Lord forbid that I fnould ftret
her to him to wife. torth mine hand againit the LORD*
4<- And when the fervants of David nomted but, 1 pray thee, take thou n

were come to Abigail to Carmel, they the fpear thar i> at his boliter, and
lpake unto her, laying, David lent us «rule or water, and let us go.
unto thee, to take thee to him to wife. ti So David took the fpear and
41 And fhe arofe, and bowed herfelfcn cruft of water from Sails bollter, a
btr lace to the earth, and laid, Behold, they g^t them away, and no man faw
let thine handmaid be a fervant to wain nor knew ;f, neither awaked for : t'«
t^.2 teetot the fervants of my lord. were all afreet-, becaufe a deep deep rr<
4i And Amgail halted and arcve, and the Lord was fallen upon them
rode upon an ais, with five damfels oi II 1 Then David went over 10 the i

hers that went atter her ; and flie wen: ther tide, and Hood on the top of Ei
alter the melTer.gers of David, and be- hill a;ar off, Ca great fpace being b x
came his wife. tween then )
a* David alio took Ahinoam of Jezreel, U And David cried to the people, a
and they were alio both ot them his wives. to Abnerthelbnot Ner, faying, A:
44 f But Saul had given Mic!».al his eft thou not, Abner ? Then Abner
daughter, Davids wife, toP.ia'.ti t..e for. ed a::d faid, Who *rt thcu tbxL cncfl
of Laifh, which tpj? of Galhm. the kino:?
CHAP. XXVI. is Ariel David faid to Abner, Art \
S.iul cometb tsgainj} David, &c thou vahmt man? ami who is like ft
A Nd the Ziphites came unro Saul to thee inlirael? wherefore then halt thL
not kept thy lord the km?? for the I
XI Gibeah, faying, Doth not David hide
himfelf in the hilfot Hachilah which i, e ct the people in to dettroy t V.
be lore king thv lord.
i Then Saul arofe, and went down to 16 This thing is not good that thou h
thewildemefsofZiph, having three thou- done: as theLoRD liveth, ye«rewort
fend cho'en men of Ifrael with him, to to die, becaufe, ye have net keptryonrn
leek David in the wildernefs of Zip.'.. fter the LORDs
anointed : and now ]

3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachi- where the kini's fpear it, and the cr,
inh, which fs before Jefhimon by the wav : ot water, that tpj; at his bokter.
but David abedf m wildernefs, and t.'-.e 17 And Sir. 1 knew Davids voice, a
he faw that Saul came after him imo faid, Is this thy voice, mv fen Davi
the wildernefs. And David faid, It is my voice, mv loi
4. David therefore fent Out fpies, and O km:'.
•underitood that Saul was come in very- 18 And he faid, Wherefore doth i

deed. lord thus pur ue atter his fervant ? I

<; *] And David arofe, and came to the what have 1 done? or what evil is
•'place where Saul h;.d pitched and D3vid :
mine hard ?
, beheld the Place where Saul lay, and Ab- 19 Now therefore, I prav thee, let :

r,er the len of Ncr, the capu»r. ot his lord tbeking hear the words ot bis P
b»ft and Saul lay m the trench, and the
: vant It the Lord haveitirred thee

people pitched round about him. ac;ainft me, let him accept an orTerill
6 Then anfwered David and faid to but if tbtybe the children of men, curl
Ahimelech the Hittire, and to Abifhai be they the Lord $ for thev ha
the ("on of Zejruiah brother to foabi lay- driven me out this day from abiu'ing
ing, Who wilt go down with me to Saul the inheritance of the LORD, layn
to'thecamp ? And Abifhai laid, I will Go ferve other
go down with thee. therefore, let not my Hood '

- So David and Abifhai c->me to the to the earth beorethe laceol the LOR
people by night, and behold, Sa'il lay tor the k.nsrot 1 (V a e iscomeoutto f<

fieepins within the trench, and bisfpear a rlea, as when one doi'.: hunt a. p::.::.'
in the ground a: bis oohter but : in the ruoiintai
Abner and the people lay round about if Ti Then laid Sail, I have ;

fa i m return, my Ion David, tor l.will

8 Then fcid Abifhai to David-. God ha»h iny ten wa p I

delivered thine enemy into th;- cious in thine eye this "day: behuH
ttusday now therefore let me finite him,
: have played the fool, and hare er
I pray thee, with the fpear, even to the exceedingly.
v ;
vid cbt.iinttb £f{/<*g. Chap. XX li, X.Wiii, Sf.d And tbt tt'tttb.

And David anfwered and Tail, Be- faying, Lelt they fhould tell on us, faying,
the kings I'pear, and let one of the So did David, and fo to?'// b'- his manner,
>g men come over and fetch it. all the while he dwelleth in the country
i? TheLoRn render to every man his ot the Philiftines.
iceoufnefs, and his taithfulnefs tor the: u And Achifh believed David, faying,
delivered thee into my hand to day,
,u> He hath made his people Ifiael utterly to
I would not flretch forth miw hand abher him ; therefore he fhall be my ler-
ainil the Lords anointed. vant for ever.
4 And behold, 33 t.h.y life was much CHAP. XXVIII.
by this day in mine eyes ; lb let my Acbijh confidtnzt in Divid, &C
e be mnch let by in the eyes or the
Ri), and let him deliver meoutofall
ANd came itpafs in tfcofeda"s, that
the Philiftines gathered their "armies
bulation. together for warfare, to fight with Ifracl:
Then Saul faid to David, Blefied b:
,- and Achifh laid unto David, Know thoa
>u, mv fon David tacu fhalt both do
affuredly, that themfhait go out with me
:at tt'in^i, and alfo lhalt frill prevail. to battle, thou and thy men.
David went on hisway, and Saul re- i And David faid to Achifh, Surely thoa
ned to his place; fhalt know what thy fervant can do. And
A P. XXtil. Achifh laid to David, Therefore will I
iu! btaretb ofDavrdi bting in Gutb, &C. make thee keeper of mine head tor ever.
Nd David faid in his heart, 1 fhall ? ^ Now Samuel was dead, and all lfrael
i now perilh one day by the -hand of had lamented him, and buried him in Ra-
ll: tbtreii nothing better for me, than mah, even in his own city and Saul had :

1 1 ffiould fpeedilv efcape into the land put away thofe that had f?.miliar fpirits,
the Philiftines ; and Saul fhall defpair and the wizards, out of th? land. -
me, to feekme anymore m any coalt 411 And the Philiftine.v gathered them,
Ifracl : fo fhall I clcapc out of his felves together, and came and pitched ir*
nd. Shunem: and Saul gathered all lfrael to-
And David andhepafled over
arofe, gether^ and they pitched in Gilboa.
th the fix hundred men that wtrewith 5' And when Saul faw the Lett of the
n, unto Achifh the fon of Maoch. king Philiftines, he was afraid, and his heart
Gath. greaclv trembled.
And David dwelt with AchifTl at Gath, 5 Ar.dwfcen Saul enquired of the Lord,
and his men, every man with his the Lord anfwered him not, neither by
ifhold, tven David with his two wives, dreams, nor by Urim, nor bv prophets.
,iroam the Jezreelitefs, and Abigail 7 *1 Then faid Saul unto his fcrvants.
Cfermelitefs, Nabals wife. Seek me a woman that hath a familiar
I And it was told Saul that David W2s ip.irir, that may go to her and enouire

d to Gath and he fought no more a-

: of her. And his servants faid to him»
m for him. Behold, tb'.rt it a woman that Hath a fa»
T! And David faid unto Achifh. If I miliar fpirit at En-dor.
venow found -grace in thine eyes, let 8 And Saul difguifSJ himfeif, 2nd put
:m give me
place in tome town in the
a on other raiment, and he went, and two
intry, that I there for why
may dwell : men with him, and they came to the wo-
uldthy lervant dwell in the royal city man by night; and he faid, I prav thee
h thee ? divine uflto me by the familiar fpirit,
Tben Achifh g"ave him Ziklag that and bring me him up whom I fhall name
': wherefore Ziklag pertaineth unto unto thee.
•kings of Judah unto this day. 9 And the weman faid unto him, Beholds •

: time that David dw'lt in the thou knowelt what Saul hsth done, howV
y of the Philiftines, W2s a lull year he hath cut otl thole that have familiar™
>ur months. ipirits, and the wizards, out of the land -.

And David ami his men went up '

wherefore then laveft thor. a inare for my
invaded the Gefhurites, and the Gez- hte, to caufe me to die?
ndthe Amalckites*. fortho e *-- 10 AndSaul fw2re to her by the Lord,
ji -Kin of old the inhabitants of the faying, As the LoRti liveth, therefhall no
d, as theu eceft to Shur, even unto punifhment happen tc thee for tMs4hlng.
land of tgypt. u Then faid the woman, Whom fhall
And David fmcte the land, ar.«i left I bring up unto thee ? And fee laid, Bring
ther tnari no: woman alive, and took me up Ssrrriuel.
ay the fheep, and the oxen, and the n And when the woman faw Samuel,
ts, and the camels, ar.d the apparel, fhe cried with a loud voice: and the wo-
1 rerumed, ar.d carac to Achifli. man fpake to Saul, faying, haft thoa Whv
c And Achifh laid, Whnher have ve deceived me ? fortho* art Saal»-
: to day? And David !au-:, H
And the kingiaid unto her, Be not
forftft of Judah, and a^ a imt afraid: tor what fa weft thou? And the
the JFerahmeelites, and a- woman faidantoSaul, I Taw gods amend-
nil the fouth of the Kenites. ing out of the earth.
:vid laved neither man nor 14 At. he faid unco her, What form it
fc, to bring tuingi to Gath, he of? And fhe laid, An old man com eth
L up
Sunt fore troubled. I. Samuel, Tbe FbrlijJints fuffi* David.
up ; and he h covered" with a mantle. (tinea, What do thefe Hebrews here ? An
And Saul perceived that it nu< Samuel, Achilh laid unto the princes of ihePhin
and heftooped with*/; lace 10 the ground, (tines, li not this
David the fervant c
and bowed hi ml el t". Saul the kingot Uriel, which hath bee
tt; n And Samuel laid to Saul, Why with me thefe dajs, or thefe years, and
halt thou dilijuieted me, to bring me up ? have found no tault in him h nee he it
And Haitian fwe red , I am lore dfitreiled \ unto roc, unto this day ?
for the IV.iliilines make war agamlt me, 4 And the princes of the Phihftines we*
ar.d Gcd is departed irom me, and anlwe- wrcth with him, and the princes ot th
me DO mere, neither by: prophets,
rei.h Phililtines laid unto him, Make tins teJ
run by-dreams: therefore- I have called low return, that he may go again to h;. ,

thee, that then ma 'it make known unto place which thou haft appointed him, anf; ,

jne what I ih;dl do. jet him not go down with us to battle, le
G Then laid Samuel, Wherefore then in the battle he be an adveriary to us lr :

doit- thou ask of me, feeing the Lord is wherewith mould he reconcile himfe
- departed from thee, and is become, thine unto his matter ? /hotddit not be with th :'
enemy ? heids ot thefe men ?
mil the Lord hath done to him, as <: li not thUDavid, of whom they far
Jve foal-.e by me for the Lord hath rent
: one to another in dances, faying, Saul lie
f he kingdom outol
thine hand, and given his thoufands, and David his ten thot
it to thy neighbour, even ro David- lands?
Vaufe'tlfou obeyeuft not the voice 6 si Then Achilh called David, and ffci
LORD, nor executedll his fieice unto him, Surely, at the LuRD livei
w'atn upon Arrfalek, theretore hath the thou halt been uprirrht, and thy troing*
ions this thing unto thee this gay.
• and thy coining inwith me in the hoft,
.,, Moreover, the will alio de- LORD good in my lisht for v I have r.ot four

liver ll'rael with thee, into the hand of the evil in thee, lince the day or thycomir
Phililtines and to morrow Jbalt thou and
unto me unto this day neverthelefs, f

.: .. be with .me : theLoRD alio ihall lords favour thee not.

deliver th£ hod of Ii'racl into the hand 7 Where tore now return, and go!\
er" tlie Fhiliftines. peace, that thou diTpIeafe not the Urf
to TlienSaul fell ftraightway all along of the Phililtines.
cr the earth, and was fore afraid, becaufe 8 11 And David faid unto Achilh, B
ot the words of Samuel, and there was no what have 1 done? and what halt th
itrer.i! th in him tor he had eaten no bread : found in thy fervant, fo long as I ha
. ail the day, nor all the night. been with thee untu th<s dav, that 1 m
woman came unto 5aul,
-i Jl
And the not go fight againft the enemies of l
and lawhe was fore troubled, and that lord the king ?
faid unto him, Behold, thine handmaid 9 And Achifh anfwered and faid to E
nath obeyed thy voice, and I have put mv vie,,1 know that thou art good in iig. mv
J fe
• ;
my hand, ami have hearkned unto as an angel of God : notwithstanding, i
thy "words which thou fpakeft unto me. princes of the Phililtines have laid,
12, Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken lhall not go up with us to the battle.-
thou alio unto the voice of thine hand-
• ic whereforerow rife up early in I
maid, -and let me let a morfel of bread be- morning, with thy mailers fervants t
fore thee ; and eat, that thou mayft have are come with thee : and affoon as ye
'ftiength, when thou goeft on thy way. up earlyin tlie morning, and have iig
<n, But he retulla, and laid, 1 will not
it*. but his fervants, together with the
: ti So David and his men rofe up ei
(.•woman, ccm-pelled him, and he hearkned to depart in the morning, to return i
unto their voice fo he arofe from the
. : the land of the Phililtines • and the P
earth, and fat upon the bed. liftines went up to Jezreel.
z\ And the woman had a tat calf iothe

houle, anct lhe hailed, and killed it, and Tbe Amale&tes Spoil 2ikUg, Sec.
tool: rio.;r and kneaded/?, and did 'bake
unleavened bread thereof.
came to pafs when David


« Andftie brought it be for e Saul, and thitd day, that the Amalekiteshad iff
before his fervants, and they did eat : then tied the ibuth, and Ziklag, ar.d fmit
^ihey' role up, and went away that nigtr. Ziklag. an..', burnt it with fire :

O A P. XXIX. H i And had taken the women captn mtrcbetbwkk tbe Pbfiyline^&c.

that veere therein jthey flew not any, ci|
•fVTOw the Philiftines gathered together reat or fmall, tyt carried ibem a\| i

all their armies ttfAphek and the
jfrac'ites pitched by a fountain which it
: heir way.
and went on i

So David and his men C2meto

? ^i
in Jezreel, and behold, it vat burnt with!
i And the lords of tbfPhihftines parted and their wives, and their fons.andU
on bv hundreds and bv thoufands: but •daughters were taken captives.
Dtjrid and his men parted on in the rere- 4 Tlren David and the people thati
v him. wirh him, liftiip their voice and W
jlhen faid the prince of the Fhtti- unt:l tkey had no more pawa to wee-
Uvid recovtrcib the flfoil. f.hsp. XXX Tie fpoil tHvKied.
; And Davids two wives were taken hHds, K>t!cb they dreve before thof'e otbtr
>tives, Aiunoam the Jezreelitefs, and cattle, and laid, This /* Davids ipoil.
ijgail thewiteot Nabal theCarmehte. it 51And David came to the two hun-
j^And David was greatly diftrefled ; for dred men, whicn were lb laint that they
(•people fpake of itcning him, becaule could not follow David, whom they hail
: foul ot all the people was grieved, ,
made alio to abide at the brook P.e'or
:ry man
for his Ions, and for hisdaugh- I
and they went lorth to meet David, and
s : David encouraged himleli in
but to meet the people that Were with him?
! Luiu> Jiis God. .
and when David came near to the people,
I Ana uavid laid unto Abiathar the • he laluted them.
,eft, Ahimelechs Ion, I pray thee, bring ! 11 Thenanlwered all the wicked men,
: hither the ephod and Abiathar i
and Nifflol Belial, of thole that went with

night thither the ephod to David, David, and laid, Becaule they went not
j And David enquired at the Lord, ! with us, we will not give them ought of the
ing, Shall 1 purlue after this troop? Ipoil that we have recovered, lave to e ve-
il! overtake them ? And he anfwered
1 j,
ry man Ins wife and his children, time
11, Purlue i for thou (halt lurely over- they aaayleadtwsM* away, and depart
ce tk-m, and without tail recover all, 1% Then lam David, \ efhallnot do fa,
) Sri David went, he and the lix hun- my brethren, with that which the Lokd
ed in en that were with him, and came hath given us, who hath prelerved u*,
the brook Befor, where thote that were and delivered the company that came a-
t behind, Itayed. gainftu5, into onr hand.
to But David purfued, he and four min- 14 For who will hearken unto you i*
ed men ( for two hundred abode be-
: this matter? but as his part u th.t ^oeth
id, which were fo taint, that they could down to the battle, K) /ball 1ms p?r t ie
t go over the brook Befor. ") that tarrieth bytheltinf-. they lhall part
ti 11 Amt they found an Egyptian in alike.
e field, and brought hi xa to David, and And it was /o from that day forward,

vchim bread, and he did eat, and they that he made it a nature and anoidinance
ide him drink water. tor llrael rtnto t .

ii And they gave him

a piece of a cake 26 51 And when David cameroZikJar,
and two clutters of rarjint
figs, and : he lento! the ipoil unto the elders of Jb-
lenhe had eaten,his Ijdrit came again to dah, even to his friends, ( layii*g, Behold
m i^r he had estenno bread,-nbr drunk
: a pre* em lor you, pfthel'poiloi the ene-
y water, three days and threenights. mies ot the Lord.)
v-.vid laid unto him, To whom- 17 To ttem wh&hwert in.B'etfi-e!, anrf
ianze/i thoa and whence art thfca ? And
'; to them which wen m .outb-Ramoth, and
:faid,I am a young man of EgypMer- toikem which were in Jattir,
WttoanAmalekire, and my mailer lett 18 And to tbem which were in Aroer* -

e, beraufe three days agone I fell fic'k. ami lotbem whic* wen lRbipltmoth, ar.d
14 We
made an lfivadonu/wj the (buth to tbem which, vetrt in Efhtemoa,
the Cheret hires,?.: id upon the coaji which iq And to tbem which ivtre in R achat-,
longetJo to Judah, and upon the iowth of ana to tbem which u>^Mn the cijies-of the
we L>o:nr Ziklag with fire. jerfchmeelites, jind ictbept which were i»
H And David (aid to him, Canft thou the cuie^ ol theKehites,
ingne down to this company And he -
;o And to r/fea^v/hic.'irferein Hormair,
id; Swear unto me by God, that thou and to tbem whi<rh rrere in Chbr-aflian,
ilt neither ;;iii me, nor deliver me into and to tbetn which. T»en inAthach,
ie hjukisof mv matter, and I willbnng X\ ApdtcriTJw winch, wen in Hebron,
see down
to this ccmnanv. and to sH the places where David mirUeU ;

iG r And when he had brought him and his men were wont to hsunt.
iwn, behold,^ fpread abroad up- CHAP. XXXI.
i all the earth, eating and drinking, and
incing, becaule oi all the ireat ipoil that
ey had taken out of the land of the PLi-
Ow PhiHinnes
hjetb bis (0mi, Sec,
the fought againfc
and tne men ot Ifrael fled
llrael :
Uuies, andoutof the land o! Judah. l rom belore the PhilUhnesj ard fell down
ii7 And ]).-iVid fmote them from the (lain :n mount Gilboa.
flight, even unto the evening of the 1 And tne puilirtines fol'o'ved hard
.and there eicaped not a man and upon his !bns ; and the
them, fave four hundred young men PhilUtines flewjon^ian, andAbinadab,

hich roc-.e upon camels anr. flea. - andMa-clufitua, Sauls ions,

'i8 And u 8Vi recovered all that the ? An,'
the battle went fore aeainft
malekites had carried away : and David Saul, and, the archers hit him, aria
Icued his two "rives. he
was lore wounded of iSic archet:.
19 And there was nothing Tackinrr to
;em, neither (mall nor sreaf; neither 4 Then laid S.ul unto his armour-
f 1 bearer. Dra.v thy (word, and thmft fee
gjaughters, neither fpoil, nor vnytbim. t'.jcough therewith* ;
at mey had taken left tr.eie imcir-
to them David re- :
rwmcited come and thrwft me throueh,
eredall. and al»>le me. But his armoer-Seare *
ftcd David toek ail !':k P,o< ks, »n,3 :>. -
:.!* ni.i ;or he w^ v

i ;.. ic a

Tin AfHtlefcti jl*in II. Samuel. Ds-jid Ismentetb St

therefore Saul took a fvvord, and fell 9 And
they cutoff his head, andftrfi
upon it. ped oti his
armour, and lent into the lar
* And when his armour-bearer Taw that ot the Philiitines round about, to ^ubli
Saul was dead, he tell likewise upon his it mthehouie of their idols, and amoi
Iword, and died with him. the people.
6 So Saul died, and his three Tons, and .
is And they put his armour in ti
fib armour-bearer, and all his men that houleot Aihtaroth: and they faftned h
lame day together. bady to the wall or Beth-man.
7 *1 And when the men of Ifrael that u ^ Ana when the inhabitants of J;
were on theother fideot the valley, anc belh-gilead heani of that winch the Ph
they that veert on the other fide Jordan, kltines had done to Saul :

law that the men of Ifrael fled, and that \\ All the valiant men arofe, and wei
Saul and his fons were deadi they forfook all night, and took the body of
Saul, ar.
Ihe cities, and fled ; and the Philiitines the bodies of his fons from the wall .

came and dwelt in them. beth-lhan, and came to Jabefh, and bun
8 And it came to pais on the morrow, them there.
when the Philiitines came to llrip the H
And they took their bones, and b«
flain, that they found Saul and his three ried tbem under a tree at Jabeih, andfc
fons fallen in mount Gilboa. (led ieven days.

5 The Second Book of SAMUEL, other wife caile<

The Second Book of the K I N G S.
Tbt Amaletite
I. r i Then David took hold on
and rent them,
his cloth*
bii tiaingi, &c. and likewifeall the mi
•J^ ~i Ow it came to pate after the that were with him.
|^k| deathot Saul, when David was ti And they mourned and wept,
1^1 returned trom the (laughter ot
the Amalekites, and David had
faffed until even, for Saul and forjc
tnan "

abode two days in Ziklag: Lorn

i It came even to pals on the third day, cam'
that behold, a man came out of the camp i?
from Saul, with his clothes rent, and earth xian that told him, Whence wt tho
unon his head : and Jo it was, when he And he anfwered, I dm the fon of a ftra

came to David, that he fell to the earth, ger, an Amalekite.

and did obeifance. 14 And David iaid unto him, How w
1 And David laid unto him, From thou not atraid to ltretch forth' till
whence comelt thou ? And he ("aid unto hand, to deltroy the Lorus anointed !

him, Out of the camp of Ifrael am I e- u

And David called one of the you
icaped. men, and (aid. Go near; and fall up
4 And David faid unto him,JHow went him. And hefmot^hini tha: he died
Jhe matter ? I pray thee, tell me. And And David faidunto him, Thy blc
he anfwered, That the people are fled is upon thy head for thy mouth hath
: i

ircm the battle, and many of the people ftified againft thee, laying, I have fl;
ajfo are fallen and dead, and Saul and the Lords anointed.
Jonathan his fon 3redead alio. 17 U And David lamented with t
* Ana David frUunto the young man lamentation over Saul, and over Jot
that told h:m, Bow kneweft thou that than his ("on,
Sattl end Jonathan his fon be dead ? 18 C Alio he bade them teach the c
6 And the young man that told him, dren of Judahrfcr ufe of the bow beh :

laid, Asl happened by chance upon mount it it written in the boo"k of Jafhei )
GrtbOa, behold, Saul leaned upon his 19 The beauty of Ifrael is fiainupon

Jpear-. and lo, thechariots and horlemen high places: how are the mighty fallc

followed hard after him. 10 Tell if not inGath, publifh it not

7 And when he looked behind him, he the ftreets of Askelon lelt the daught :

jaw me, and called unto me and I an- of the Philiftines rejovce, left the dauj

fwered, Here am I. tersofthe uncircumcited triumph.

8 And he laid unto me, Who arfthou? 11 Yc mountains ofGilboa, Uttbtrt
find I anfwered him, 1 xm an Amalekite. no dew, neither Ut there b; rain upon jr
o He (aid unco trie again, Stand, I pray nor fields oforfermgs: tor there the iiii
ihee.upo.n tn-i, and flay me: for anguifh of the mighty is vilely caft away,
U come upon-me, Becaufe my lite is yet fllield of Sauls «• tbiugb be bid not I
whole in me. anointed with ovl. .
to SjIftooJ upon him, and flew him, 11 From the blood of the (lain, tr
tecaufe I was (Ure that he could not live the fat of the mighty, the hoi* or Jo
alter that lie was fallen': and I took the than turned net back, and the (word
crown that vvat updn his heel, ar.a the Saul returned not empty.
bracelet that tq.i, on h:> arm, and have 2; Saul and Jonathan were lovely l

:l: tbcizt ftltfcsi sntfl jeny lord, Plcaiar.tin ifceii lives, and iatheude
, .

David is crowned kjnf, Ghap. ri. A/a bet (lain,

;y werenot divided they were fwifter pool, and the other on the other fide 6P

an eagles, they were ltronger than lions. the pool.

14 Ye daughters of Ifrael, weep over i4 And Abner faid to Joab, Let the
ill. who clothed you in fcarlet, with young men now arife, and play before us.
ber delights, who put on ornaments of And Joab (aid, Lee them arife.
Id upon your apparel. i? Then there arofe and went over by-
i? How are the mighty fallen in the number twelve of Benjamin, which per-
idit of the battle LO Jonathan, tbouwaft tained to lfh-bofheth the fon of Saul, and
in in thine high places. twelve of the fervants of David.
16 I am diltreffed for thee, my- brother 16 And they caught every one his fel-
nathan: very pleafant hall: thou be.n low by the head, and tbrufi his fword in
ito me thy love to me was wonderful, his fellows fide; fo they fell down toge-

UTing the leve of women. ther wherefore that place was called

17 fkw are the mighty fallen, and the Helkath-hazzunnv, which is in Gibeon.
eapons ot war penfhed ! 17 Ami there was a very fore battle
C 11 A P. II. that day: and Abner was beaten, and

David made tf-ng of Jniab,&.c, the men of Ifrael, belore the fervants of
k Nil it came to pal's after this, that Da- David.
vid enquired of the Lord, faying, 18 1! And there were three fons of Ze-
laU I go tip into any of the cities of Ju- ruiah there, Joab, and Abifhai,and Afa-
ili ? And the Lord laid unto him, Go hel and Afahel was as light of foot a»

And David (aid, Whither lhall I a wild roe.

3 up ? And he faid, Unto Hebron,, to And Afahel purfued after Abner, and
j. So David went up thither, and his ingoing he turned not to the right hand
vo wives alfo, Ahinoam the Jezreehtefs, nor to the lelt, from following Abner.
nd Abigail Nabals wife the Carmelite. 10 Then Abner looked behind him, and
3 And his men that were with him, did faid, Art thou Afahel ? And he anlwer-
avid bring up, every man with hishouf- ed, I am.
old and they dwelt in the cities ot
: n And Abner faid to him, Turn thee afide
Lebron„ to thy right hand or to thy left, and lay
4 And the men of Jtidahcame, and there thee hold on one of the younp. men, and
ley anointed David king over the houfe take thee his armcur. Ent Afahel would
f judah and they told David, faying, not tuin alide from following of him.

bat the men of Jabefh-gilead were tbty li And Abner laid again to Afahe?,
'lat buried Saul". Turn thee pfide tr?m following me :
H And David lent meiYengersunto the wherefore fhould 1 Imite thee' to the
lenof jaijclh-gilead, and faid unto them ground ? how then fhculd I hold up my

leflcif be ye of the Lord, that ye have face to Joab thy brother?

leweithis kindnefs unto your lord, even n
Kowteit he refufed to turn afidc :
nto Saul, and have buried him. wherefore Abner wish the hinder end of
6 And now the Lord fhew kindnefs the (pear (mote him under the fifth rib t
nd truth unto you and I alfo will re- that the fpearcame out behind him ; and

uite you this kindnefs, becaufe ye have he fell down there, and died in the f'ama
one this place: and it came to paf's, thai asmany
7 Therefore now let your hands be as came to the place whers Afahel fell
trengthned.ard be ye valiant: for your down and died, Hood ftitl
nailer Saul is dead, and alio the houfe of 14 Joab alio and Abifhai purfued after:
udah have anointed me kine over them Abner and the fun went down when

8 H But Abner the fon of Ner, captain they ware come to the hill of Amman,

i)f Sauts hoft, took lfh-bofheth the fon tlM'ietb before Giah,by the way of the
i)f Saul, and brought him over toMaha- wildernefs of G'beon.
iiaim. i? V, And the children of Benjamin ga-

9 And he made him king over Gilead, thered themi'elves together after Abner.
Hid over the Afhurites, sntcver Jezreel, and became one troop, and flood on the
ind over Ephraivn, and over Benjamin, tcp of an hill.
tnd over all Ifrael. v5 Then Abner called to Joab, andfaLi'-.
ic Ith-bofneth Sauls fen was forty year.' Shall the fword devour forever? Unoweft
Md when he began to reicn over 'I rael, ihour.ot that it will be btfteriieia in the
ind reifr.-d two years", but the houfe of latter erd ? how lonsgihall it be then er*
ludah followed David. thou bid tne people return lrom follow-
u f And the time that David was kin? ing their brethren ?
n Hebron ever the houfe of Judah, was ii And J^ab faid, A'- God livetR,'unlefs
even years ana fix months. ) thru hadft fpoken, furely then in the mor-
n f And Abner the fon of Ner, and ning the people had gene up every one

he fervants ol lfh-bofheth the fon of Saul, from following his brofher.

vent out from Mahanaim, toGibeon. 18 So Joab blew a trumpet, and all tha
p And Joab the fon of Zeruiah, and people ftcod ftill, and purfued any
•he fervants of Dsvid went out, and met
after It rael
no more, neither fought they
together by the pool of Gibeon and they iq And Abner and his men walked all

utdown, the one on the one fide of the that night through the plain, and palled
u ? ovtt
: : :

amuel. and itftafled hy bintj

daughter, when thou coir.eit to fee m
thron, and they c?.m>j to Mananaim. iace.
3c And Joao returned from following U And David fent metlengers to Ifh .

Abner and when he had gathered all the

: bofheth Sauls ion, faying, Deliver mi m r

people together, there lacked ot Davids wife Michal, which Iefpoufed to me fc

lervants nineteen men, and Al'ahel. an hundred foreskins ot thephililtines.
3i Bin the t'ervants of' David had (mit- 1? And Ifh- bofheth fent, aid took lit
ten ot Benjamin and of Abners mcnJo that from ber husband, even from P..alti<.l ti'
three hundred and threcfecre men died. Ion of Laifh.
ix 51 And they took up Afahel, and 16 And her husband went with her a- \
juried him in the lepulchre of his father, long weeping behind her to Bahunm •

yhich was in Beth-lehera ana Joab and : then faid Abner unto him, Go, return
His men went all night, and they came And he returned.
to Hebron at break of day. i7 51 And Abner had communicatiot
CHAP. 111. with the elders of Ifrael, fayii
"David t fix Jons born in Hebron, &c. ibught for David in times pa!t re
Ow there was long war between the over you.
houl'e of Saul, and the home of tS Now then do it ; tor the I.oiu> hati
avid: but David waxed ftronger and fpoken of David, faying, By the hanJI
itronger, and the houfe of Saul waxed my ervant David I will.fave my pcO|
weaker and weaker. Ifrael outof the hand of the Philift net ;;'

2. 5i And unto David were fon; born in and out of the hand of all their enemie*:
Hebron and his firft-born was Amnon,
: 19 And Abner
alfo f'puke in the ears
of Ahinoam the Jezreehrcfs Benjamin: and Abner went alio to fp
•? And thefecond,ChiIcab, of Abigail in the earsof David in Hebron, all thai
the wile ot Nabal the Carmelite and the : feemed good to Ifrael, and that feemJ|
third, Ahfalom, the fen of Maacah» the good to the whole hcufe of Benjamin.
daughter of Talmai km? of Gefhur 10 So Abner came to David to Hebron,
4. And the fourth, Adonijah, the fon of and twenty men with him and Darfl :

Haggith ar.d the fifth, Shephatiah, the

: made Abner, and the men that v.
Ion of Ajriial him, a feaft.
* And the fixth, Ithream, by Eglah zi And Abner faid unto David, I wiB
Davids wite: thefe were born to David arife and go, and will gather :-ll I rael
*n Hebron. unto my
lord the king, 4 hat thev maj
6 51 And it came to paf.«, while there was make a league with thee, and that thou
war between the houfe cf Saul and the mayit reign over all that thine heart de-
houfe of David, that Abner made hiinfelf fitetb. And David fent Abner ava'y j

ftrong for the houfe of Saul. and he went in peace,

7 Ar:d Saul had a concubine, v/hofe ^^ 51 And behold, the fcrvants of Da
ftameWis Rizpah, the daughter ef Aiah •
vid 2Cct loab came from pirfmng a troop
2nd Ifb-bopttb faid to Abner, Wherefore and brought in a great fpoil with them
haft thou gone in unto my fathers con. ( but Abner vcas not with David
cablne ? bron, for he had fent him away, and h
8 Then was Abner very wroth for the was gone in peace ;
words of Iih-boiheth, and faid, Am I a 13 Whenjoab and all the hoft that tp*i
dogshe2d, which againft Judah do (new with him, were come, they told Joab,
kihdnefs this day unto the houfe of Saul laying, Abner the frn of Ner came to the
ihy father, to his brethren, and to his king, and he hath fent him away, and he
friends, and have not delivered thee into is gone in pcaee.
the hand of David, that thou chargdt nre !4. Then Joab came to the kinss and
to day with a fault concerning this wo- faid, What haft thou done? .

man ? Abner came unto tiree, why i> it that

9 So do God to Abner, and more alfo, thcu haft lent him away, and he is quite
except as the Lord hath (worn to David, gone ?
even fo I do to him :
Thou knoweft Abner the fon of
10 To tranllate the kingdom from the Ner, that he came to deceive thee, and
fcoufeofSaul, 3nd to let up the throne of to know tfly going out, an^l thy coming
DaviJ o>er Ifrael, and over Judah, from in, and to know all that thou doft.
Dan even to Beer-fheba. i^ And when Joab was come out front
it And he could not anfwer Abner a David, he fent meffengcrs alter Abner
word again, becaufe he feared him. which brought him again from the wef
n 51 And Abner fent meJTengers to of Sirah but. David knew it not.

David on his behalf, laying, Whofe it the 17 And wlien Abner was returned t
land? faying alfo, Make ~thv league with Hebron, Joab took him atide in the -rat
me, and behold, my handj**// be with to fpeak with him quietly ar.d (mote :

inee, to bring about all Ifrael unto thee. him there under the fifth rib, that he
il 51 And he faid, Well, I will make a died, for the blood of Al'ahel his bro-
league with thee but one thing 1 require
: ther.
of thee-, that is, Thou malt not fee my 18 V And atterward when David heard
&ce, escept thou iirit fcrirg Michel Saufc it, he faid, I and my kingdom are guiltiefs
: :

Aimers hurl si. Chap, iv, V. Vavid made hjng.'

tfore the Loud for ever, from the blood i
of the houfe, *r though they would have
Abner the ot Ner
fori retched, wheat ; and they fmote him und jv
19 Let it ration the head of Joab, and the Rmribi and Rechab and Baanah his
i -all Jus fathers houfe, and let there not brother efcaped.
iil from trie houfe of Joab, one that hath 7 For when they came into the houfe, lie-
irflue, or that is a leper, or that leaneth lay on Ins bod in his bed-chamber, and
1 a naff, or that fallethon thefword.or they Imcte him. and flew him, and be-
tat lacketh bread. headed him, and took his head, and gat
30 So Joab and Abifhai his brother flew them away through the plain all night. t

bner, becaufehe hadflain their brother 8 And they brought the head of lfll-bo-
tahel atGibeon in the battle. flieth untoDavid to Hebron, and faid (oi,'i2
xx 11 And David fait] to Joab, and to king, Bejjold the headpl lfh-bofheth the
1 the people that wen with him, Rent lonorSaul, thine enemy, which (ought thy
Dur clothes, and gird you with fackcloth, lile and the Lord hath avenged my lord

id mourn before Abner. And king Da- the king this day pp Saul* and of his feed.
id him/elf followed the bier. 9 si And David uniwered Re.hab and
n And they buried Abner in Hebron Baanah his 'mother, the lonso; Rimmon
nd the king lilt up his voice, and wept at the Beerothi'e, and faid unto them, Ai
e grave ofAbnerjand all the people wept the Loud liveth, who hath redeemed my
33 And the king lamented over Abner, foul out of all adverfity,
nd faid, Died Abner as a fool dieth? ^c Vf hen one told me, faying, Beheld,
14 Thy hands were not bound, nor thy Saul is dead, (.thinking to havebrpughi;
eet put into fetters as a man FalletTi be-
: good tidings 1 took i.old of him, and itew

3re Wicked men, /o fel left thou. And all him in Ziklag, who thought tnati wouui-
he people wept againover him. have given hun a reward lor his'tidii gs :

;?, And when all the people came to 11 How much more, when wicked men
aufe David to eat meat while it was yet have Ham
righteous peribn in his own
lay, David fware, faying, So do God to houfe, upen Ins bed? mall 1 not there-
tie, and more alfo, if I tafte bread or tore now require his blood of your hand,
ught elfe, till the fun be down. and take you away from the ektth?
36 And all the people took notice of it, 11 And David commanded his youn<*
nd it pie j fed them as whatlbever the men, and they flew them, and cutoff" their
ting did, pleafed all the people. hands and their leer, and hanged them v.p
37 For all the people, and all Ifrael un- over the pool in Hebron: but they took
lerltood that day, that it was not of the the head ci Ifh-boiheth, and buried ft in
ting to flay Abner the ion of Ner. the lepulchrer-! Abner,- in Hebron.
18 And the king faid unto his fervants, C H A P. V.
(now ye not that there is a prince and a David anointed ding over Ifratl, &c
reat man fallen this day in Ifrael ? npHen came all the tribes of Jl'rael'to
19 And I am this day weak, though i raYi'.Iuntg Hebron and ifoakc, fj> ;

tneintco. ***>% 3 anrtrneie men the fons of ing, Beheld, we are thv bone and thy fief 11.
eruiah be tix> hard for me : the Loud 1 Alio m
time pad: when Saul was king
hall reward the doer of evil according to over us, thou waft he that leddeft out and
.lis wickednefs. broughteft in Ifrael and the Loud fai.i

CHAP. IV. to thee, Thou fh sit feed my people Ifrael,

The Ifraelites troubled atAbntrt death, Sec. and thcufhalt be captain over Ifrael.
A Ndwhen Sauls fon heard that Abner 3 So all the elders of Ifrael came to the
A was dead
feeb'e.and all
in Hebron, his hands were
the Ifraelites were troubled.
kin? to Hebron, and king David made a
league with them in Hebron before the

l And Sauls fon had two men that were Loud:, and they anointed David king
captains of bands: the_name of the one over Ifrael.
was Baanah, and the name of the other 4 fl David was thirty years old when he
Rechab,the fonsof Rimmon a Beerothite, began to reign,^ he reigned forty years.
of the children of Benjamin : (torBeeroth s In Hebron he reigned over Judah
aifo was reckoned to Benjamin ; feven years and fix months and in jeru- :

? And
the Beerothitee fled to Gittaim, falem he reiened thirty and three years
and were fojourners there until this day) over all Ifrael and Judah.
4 And Jonathan, Sauls foR, had a fon 6 11 And the king and his men went to
that was lame of b-< feet, and was five Jerufalem, unto the Jebufites, the inha-
years old when the tidings came of SauJ bitants ot the land which fpakeufitoDa^

and Jonathan out of Jezreel, and his nurl'e vid, faying, Except thou take away the
took hjm up, and fled and it came to . blind and the lame, thou fha4t not come
pais as fhc made halte to flee, that he in hither: thinking, David cannot come
fell, and became lame i and his name was in hither.
Mephiboineth. 7 Ne»erthelefs, David took the frrong
? And the fons of Rimmori the Beero- holdot Zion:thefame/i the city of David.
thite, Rechab and Baanah, went, and came 8 And David laid on that day, Whofo-
about the heat ot the day to the houfe of ever gettethnpto the gutter, and fmiteth
lih-boffteth, who lay on a bed at noon. the Jebufites, and the lame, and the blind,
6 And they cai-ae thither into the midft th*tare hated of Davids foul, bt jball be
L * chief
t'bUifi'mtt fmUttri. \\.
caput n: wherefore they Paid, 2 And Davi went with al •'.

flitiblind and the lame lhall not come the people that were with him, frorr fti
into the houfe. Baalect Judah, to bring up fiomthenet it
q So David dwelt in the fort, and called the arkot God, whole name is called b
jit The city or David: and David built the n3:ne ot the Loro of boits, thai
round about, from Millo and inward. dwelleth betro-en the cherubims.
10 AridDavia went on, and grew great, 3 And they let the ark ol God upon s
and the Lord Cod of holts w,ii with him. new cart, and brought it outof the houft 1
ti 51 And Hiram king of -Tyre lent of Abinadab that veat in Gibeah and m\

wiert'engers to David, and cedar- trees, and U^zah and Ahio the fons of AbinadiL K
carpenters, and jpafons* and they built drave the new cart.
Da/ id an houfe. 4 And they brought it Out of the houfe t
And David. perceived that the Lord of Abinadab, which w.i< at Gibeah, ae-fc
•had eltablifhed him king over llrael, and company ing the ark of God , and Ahioi;
that he had exalted his kingdom tor his went before tne ark.
people -fuels fake. And David, and all the houPe of IfraelE

r; 51 And David rook bim more concu- played beforethe Lord on all manner o*T
bines artf wives *. ut of Jerufalem, after lie infiruments made of fir- wood, even orf.
was come from Hebron: and there were harps, andon pfaltciies, and on ti mbrelj, I
yet Ions and daughters born to David. and on cornets, and on cymbals.
t4 And thefe be the names of thofe 6 51 And when they came to Nachonsf.
that were born unto him in Jerufalem-, threihing- floor, Uzzao put forth £// bandX
Shammuah, and Shobab, and Nathan, to the ark of God, and took hold of it, t
and Salomon, for the oxen fhook it.
is Ibhar alio, and Elifhua, ar.d Ne- 7 And the anger of the Lord wa«
pheg, and japhia, "kindled againft Uzzah, and God fmote
t6 And Eliiharua, and Eliada, and him there for bis error, and there he dieft
Eli?h:.!" r . by the ark of God.
t7 51 But when the Philiftines heard 8 And David was difpleaPed, becaufe
that tbey had anointed David king over the Lo3D had made a breach upon Uz?
Ifr-ael, all the Philiftines cameup to feek zah: and he called the name of the place fo
David and David heard of it, and went Perez-uzzah to this day.

down to the hold. t, And David was afiaid of the Lord

iS The Philiitines alfc came and fpread that day, and laid, How lhall the ark of
thewfelves in the valley of Repham. the Loud come to me?
19 And David enquired of the Lord, •ic So David would notremrvethc ark
faying,! 1 go up to the Philiftines? of the Lord un'o him into thecityof Dar
wilt then delivertbem into mine hand? vid but David carried it alide into thfl

And the E6RD laid unto David, Go up: houfe ot Obed-edom theGittite.
lor I will douhtlefs deliver the Philiftines 11 And the ark of the Lord continued!
into thine hand. in the houfe of Obed-edom the Gittite>j
ao And David C2me to B?.:d-perazim, three months and the Lord blelVed O-

and David (ino;e them there, and iV:.d, bed-edom, and all his houfhold.
The Loud hath broken forth upon mine 11 «i And it was told kingDavH, Pay-
enemies beture me, as the breach, of wa- ing, The Lord hath blefled the houfe of
ters. Therefore he called the name of Obed-edom, and all that pertjtinetb unto
that place B:«al-perazim. him, becaufeoftl.eark of God. So Da-
z\ And there they left their images, vid went and brought up the ark of God
and David and his men burnt them. from the houfe of Obed-edom, into the
xz 51 And the Philiftines came up yet city of David, with cladnefs.
again, and fpread them Pelves in the val- *
n And it was yd, that when they that
ley of Repi.aim .
bare the ark ct the Lord, had gone llx
HAnd when David enquired of t' ? paces he PacnriceJ oxen and Jatlines.
14 And David danced before the LoRO
Lord, he Paul, Thou (halt not go up but :

f-;'ch a compafs behind them, and come with all £m might, and David rras girded
unon them over againlt the mulberry- with a linen ephod.
trees. it So David and all the houfe of Ifrael
14. And let it b3w!ien thou heared the brought up the ark of the Lord with
Pound of a going in the tops of the mul- fhouting, and with the found of tHe
berry-trees, that: then thou fhalt beftir t rum pef.
thy Pelf: for then fliaJJ the Lotto ro our 6 And 2s the ark of the Lord came in-1

before thee, to imite the holt of the Phi- tothecityof David, Michal Sauls daueh-1
Ijltine*. ter looked through a window, and faw|
it And David did Po, as the Loan had kingDavi leaping and dancingbeloret! e

commanded him;and PmotethePhiUftines Lord i an^ flic defpifed him inner heart.
from Geba, until thou come to Gazer. t7 51 Ariil they broueht in the ark of th«
C H A P. VI. Lord, and Pet it in his place, inthemidft
V.iv-J fiiebitb fhi 4^, &c, of the tabernacle that David had \ itched
Gain, David gathered tosether tbt and David odV' ed burnr-c.rYerir.gJ>,
A chafen men oflfrael, thirty thoufand.
nil for it :

and peace-offerings before t!;e \a

: .

.-*.:/ it cb'l&hfs. Chap vii. BiiJJfnp prc>n?M Ic'friviJ.
And afToon as David had made an 10 Moreover, 1 will appoint a place

of offering burnt-offerings, and peacc- .for mypeople lfrael, and will plant them,
Ferings, he bieffed the people- in the that they may dwell in a place of their
ime ot the Lord of hoft-, own, and move no more neitticr mall :

19 And he dealt among all the. people, the. children of wickednefs afflict them
tn among the whole multitude ot" lfrael, any more, as beforetime,
well to the women as men, to every u And as fince the time that 1 com-
te'a cake of bread, and a good piexe manded judges to fre over my people lf-
(Jiejb, and a flagon of w':rt> (ball the : rael, and have caufeJ thee to relt from
ople departed every one to hishoufe. all thine enemies. ). Alfo the LoRDtel-
lo fl Then David returned to blel's his I leth thee, that he will make thee an
ufhold and Michal ths daughter of
: houfe. -1
ul came out to meetDa-vid, and laid, |
ii n\ And when thy daws be fulfilled, I
ow glorious was the king of lfrael to |
and thou (halt fleep with thy lathers, •

»y, who uncovered himfelt to aayjn I will let up thy feed after thee, which
e eyes of the handmaids of his fervants, I ihall proceed out of thy bowels, and I
one of the vain fellows fhamelefly un- will eftabltfh his kingdom.
•vcreth bimfclf! i? He fhall build aanoule tor my name,
it And David laid unto Michal, It voai and I will eftabliih the throne of his king-
fori theLoRD, which rhofe me before dom tor ever.
y father, 3nd before all bis houfe, to 14 1 will be his father, and he fhall be
point me ruler over the people ot the my Ion : if he commit iniquity, 1 will
mn, over lfrael: therefore will 1 play chalten him with the rod of men, and
fore the Lord. with the itripes of thechildrenef men:
n And
I will yet be more vile than .15 But my mercy fhall not depart away
Us, and will be bate in mine own fight from htm, as 1 took it from Saul, who.n
id of the maid- fervants which thou halt I put away belore thee.
bken of.ot them fhall I be had in honour. 16 And
thine houfe, and thy kingdom
* Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul fhallbe eftablilicd or ever lie fore Thee ;

id no child until the day of her death. thy throne fhall be eftabiifhed for ever.
vidi furfofe to build God, in bou re, &c.
17 According to all thefe words, and
according to all this viiion, fo did Na-
it came t»pafs, when thek-ng fat than fpeak unto David.
VNd in his houfe, and the Lord had gi- 18 51 Then went kins: David in, and fit

rl him relt round about from all his before the Lord, and"he laid, W.'io ant
lemies , I, O Lord God ? and what is my houie>
z That the king faid unto Nathan the that thou halt broight me hitherto?

•ophet, See now, I dwell in an houfe of 19 And thiswasyctafmall thing in thy


dar, but the ark of God dwell eth with- fight, Lord God ; but thou halt fyolien
curtains. alfo of thy fervants houfe for a great
i And Nathan faid to the kin?, Go, while to come; and is this the manner
i all that is in thine heart: fortheLoRD of man, O Lord God ?
I with thee. 10 Ant< what can David fay more unto
4 1! An I it came to pafs that night, thee ? for thou, Lord God, knowelt thy
at the word of the Loud came unto fervant.
athan, faying, it For thv words fake, ar.d according
? Go and tell my fervant David, Thus to thine own heart halt thou done all
ith the Lord, Sr.alt thou build me an I thefe great things, tc make thy ferv-nt
:oufe for me to dwell in ? know tbtirt.
i 4 Whereas
have net dwelt in any
11 Wherefore thou art sreat, Iord O
••Htfe, fince the time that 1 brought up I God: for tb~.rt i, none like thee; neither . I
ltd children of lfrael out of Egvpr, even iitbttt my God beiide thee, according ta
it this day, but have walked in a tent all that we have heard with our ears.
nd in a 'tabernacle. i3 And what one ration in the earth is
I In all tbeflaces wherein 1 have walk- like thy pesple, even like lintel, whom
d all the children of lfrael, fpake I
with God went to redeem for a people to him-
word with any of the tribes of lfrael, ielf, and to make him a name, nndtocio
horn I commanded to feed my people for you great thing*, and terrible, for
frael, faying, Why
baild ye not me an thy land, before thy peopie which thcu
aufe cf cedar ? redeem adA- to thee from Egypt, from the
8 Now therefore, fo fhalt thou fav unto nations and their eods ?
sy-fervarit David, Thus faith the'LoRD 14 For fhoj halt "confirmed to thy felf
I holts, I took thee from the fiieep-coic, thy peeple lfrael to be a people unto thee
•on* -following thefheep, to be ruler 0- for ever: and thou, LGulD, ar*.&ec3me
er. niv people, over lfrael. theix God.
c And I was with thee whi»herfoevar 1? And now, O
Lord God, the word
tou wenteit, and have cut off all thine that thou halt lpoken concerning thy fer-
nemies out ot thy fight, and nave made vant, and concerning hishoufe, eitablifh
3W a great name, like unto the name it tor ever, and do as thou halt
i the gjeat m<n that art in the earth. . 16 *ad let, thy name be magnified for
ii «

Tbt Sjritntfubdmi, T\. Samuel..

ever, laying, The Loanofhoftsr; theGod H And David gat b
overlirael: and let the houl'eof thy ler- returned from Tin. ting c tne b t

vant David be cftaoli. tied before dree. the vaileyotfak.itr/n; :i?utten thouland
xf For thou, O Lord of holts, God of
llrael, halt revealed to thy fervant, fay- u tl And he put garifons in Edom •

ing, I will bmid thee an houfe there- throughout all Edom put he cantons,

tore hath thy lervant lound in his heart ar.d all thevot Edom became Davids ler-
to pray this prayer unto thee. vanta ar.d the
: LORD preferved David
i8 And no./, O Lord Goo, thou art whuhenoever r.e went.
Go.l, *r,.i thy words L>e true, and i? And David reigned overall Ifrael,

thou hall promised this goodnefs and D^vid executed judgment and ju-
thy iervant. ftice unto all his people.
19 Therefore now lex it pleafe thee to ib And Joab the don of Zeru;
blels the houfe of thy fervant, that it may over the holt ; and Jehofbaphat the Ion
continue tor ever beior.* thee: tor thcu, of Ahilud vom recorder i
OLord God, halt lpoken it, and with thy 17 And Zad:>k the fon of Ahitub, and
bleflmg let the houCe of thy lervant be Af.imelechthefonof Abiathar, n
Welled for ever. priefts i and Seraiah ».i» the jenbe ;
C HA P. VIII. tb' And Benaiah the fon of Jehoi
D.tvid fubduttb tb< Fbilijhnti, &C. over both the Cherethites and the Pele-
A Nd alter this it came to pals, that Da- thitcs and Davidi tans were chief ruleri".

t\ vid lmore the Philiftincs, and fub- C H A P. IX.

•Tued them : and David took Metheg-am- V.iyii ftnli'b for Mepbibothetb, &C
anah out oi the hand of the Pi.iliftines. A Nd Davui faid, Is "t.'iereyet any that
i And lie imote Moab, and meafured 1 islettofthehoufeol Saul, that I may
them with a line, caiting them down tc the fhew him kindnefs lor Jonathans fake?
ground even with two lines meafured he,
: z An.- ibere was of the houfeof Saul, a
10 put to death > and with one full line, to fervant whole name vca> Ziba : ana when
keep alive: and/b theMoabites became they had called himuncoDavid, the king
Dsvids lervants, *.t: brought ?itts. laid un:o him, Art thou Ziba? Ar I he
7 11 David (mote alio Hadadezer the fon faid, Thy iervant fl bi.
•f Rehob, king ol he went to re- 1 And the king laid, It there not vet
cover his border at the river Euphrates. any of the houfeof Saul, that I may fhew
4 And David took ffjin him a thouland the kindnefs of God unto him ? And Zi-
chariots, and (even hundred horfemen, and ba _faid unto the king, Jonathan hath yet
twenty thouland footmen : and David a fon, vebicb is lame on bis feet
houghed all the ehanot-Aor/ei, but refer- •a And the king lain onto him, Where

red of them for an hundred chariots. it he? And Ziba laid unto the king, Be

? And when the Syrians of Damafcus hold, he is in the houfe of Machir, the
«?.me to fuccour Hadadezer king oi Z;>- fon of Ammiel, in Lo-debar.
|«ah, David (lew cf the 'Syrians two and > H Thenking David fent, and fet him
twenty thoufand men. out of the houfe of Machir, the fon of
6Then David put garifons in Svria of Da- Ammiel, from La-debar
Xjafcus : and the Syrians became fervann 6 Now when Meghi'ocfheth the fon of.
toDavid,*ni brought gifts and the Lord Jonathan the fon of Saul, was come unto

prefer ved David v/hfrherfoever he went David, he fell on his face, and did re-
7 And David took the iftields of gold verence. And David faid, Mephibofhetb.
that were on the fervants of Hadadezer, And heanfwered, Behold thy fervant. I

and brought them rojerufalem. 7 11 And David faid unto him, Fear
8 And fromBetah, ard from Berothai, not i tor I will furely fhew thee kind-
• itiesoj Hadadezer, Xing David took ex- nefs, for Jonathan thy lathers fake, ard
ceeding much brafs. will reftorc thee all the land of 5aul thy
9 51 When Toi king of Hamath heard father, and thou lhalt eat bread at. my
that David had fmitten all the holt of table continually.
Hadadezer,, 8 And hebowe'dhimfelr,andfaid,What
to Then Tci fent 'oram his fon unto is thy fervant, that tbou (houldft look
kin? David, to ialure him, and to blefa upon 1'uch a dearf do? as I am ?
him, becaufc he had fought agairitt Ha- «" Then the kingcallcd toZibaSauIi

dadezer, and fmitten him ( for Hadade-

: fervant, andJaict unto him, I have given
zer had wars with Toi ) and forma unto thy matters ion all that pertained to
brought with him velTels of filver, 3nd Saul, and to all his houfe.
velTeis of gold, and vetTels of brafs-, ic Thou therefore, and thv fon<=, and thv
rr Which alfo king David did dedicate fervants fhall till the 13rd for him, and
unto the Lord, with the filver and gold thcu fhak bring in the p-wts, that thy
that he bad dedicate ol all nations which mafters fon may have food to eat : but
he fubdued Mephibofheth thy mafters fon fhall eat
n Of Syria and of Moab. and of the chil- bred alway at riiv table. Now Ziba had
dren ol Amnion, and of the Philiftines, fifteen fons, ax
and of Amalek, ai of the ipoil of Hada-
.1 n Then laid Ziba
dezer fon of Rchob, king oi Zobah, coroingto ail

MeJJtngen fint to Chap X, kl. 9AVids AdulU'fj.

ommanded his (hall thyfcr- i? And Joab drew nigh, and the people
•ant do. Mephibofheth, Uid tbe
As tor that were with him, unto the battle againit
««£, he mail eat at my tabic, as one of the Syrians: and they fled before him.
!>e kings Tons. 14. And when the children of Ammon
I ti And Mephibofheth had a young Ton, faw that the Syrians were tied, then hea
hofe name was Micha and all that : they alio before Abilhai, and entred i"-
welt in the houfe of Ziba, were fervants to the city Co Joab returned from the

nto Mephibofheth. children of Ammon, and came to 3cm-

15 So Mephibofheth dwelt in Jerufa- (alem.
:m for he did eat continually at. the
: i? 11 And when the Syrians faw that
ings table; and was lame on both his feet. they were (mitten before Ifrael, they ga-
P. X. thered thernfelves together.
Vivid ftnditb comfort Hanun, &c.
to 16 And Hadarezer lent, and brought
\ Nditcame after this, that the
to pal's out the Syrians that were beyond tire ri-
\ king of the children of Ammon died,
nd Hanun his Ion reigned in his dead.
ver, and 'they came toHelam: and Sho-
bac!i the captain of the holt ot Radare-
l Then
faid David, I will kind- mew zer went before them.
.l's unto Hanun
the Ion of JNahaih, as i7 And when it was told David, he Ga-
is father fhewed kindnefs unto me. thered all Ifrael together, and palled o-
nd David lent to comfort him by the ver Jordan, and came to Helam ; and the
and of his fervants, for his father. And Syrian* fct thernfelves in aray sgaiuft
lavids fervants came into the land of David, and fought with him.
ie children of Ammon. 18 And the Syrians fled before Ifrael*
3 And the princes of the children of and David flew tbsmen of (even hundred
mmon faid unto Hanun their lord, chariots of the Syrians, and forty thou-
h'inkelt thou that David doth honour fand hcrfemen, and i'motc Shobach the.
ly father, that he hath ient comforters captain of tjieir holt, who died" there;
itothee? hath not David r.itbtr Tent his '
19 And when all the kings tbit v.'sre
rvants unto thee, to fearch the city, fervants to Hadarezer faw that they wers-
id to fpy it out, and to overthrow it fmitten before Ifrael, they made peace
4 Wherefore Har.irvtcok Davids fefr- with Ifrael, and ferved -hem: loth.: Sy-
inti, and fl&aved off the one half of rians feared to help the children ot Am-
eir beard.-;, and cut off their garments mon any more.
the nudde, even to their buttocks, CHAP. XI.
id lent them away. Babbab be/ieged^ &c.
< When they told it unto David, he A Nd it came to paj's, that after the
nt to meet them, becaul'e the men Were l\ year was expired, at the tune when
eatly afhamed and the king faid,
: kings go forth to b*tt!e, that David ient
arrv at Jericho until your beards be Joab and his fervants with him, arid, alt
own, and tbm return. IlraeU and they deftroved the children
6 V- And when the children of Ammon ofAmmcn, and befieged Rabbah but :

.w that they (tank before David, the David tarried ftill at Jertifalem.
lildrcn of Amnion lent and hired the a 51 And it came to pais in an evening-
/ians of Beth-rehob, and the Syrians tide, that David arole from off his hedA
r Zoba, twenty thou land tootmen, and and walk:d upon the root of the kintjs
f king Maacah a thoirf'and men, and of houfe and trom the roof he law a wo- '

ifc-tob' twelve thoufand men. man wafhing her fel f, and the woman txv-s
7 And when David heard of if, he lent very beautiful to look upon.
jab, and all the holt of the mighty men. 3 And David lent and enquired after
8. And the children of Ammon came the woman andorce faid, Ii not this :

ut, and put the battle in aray at the Bath-fheba the daughter of EJiam, the
ntrins; in of the gate: and the Syrians wife of Uriah the Hirtite?
f Zbiijuand of Rehob, and Iih-tob, and 4 And David fent mell'engers, and took
;laacah Wire by themfelvcs in the field. her; and me came in unto him, and he
o When Joab faw that the Irontof the lay with her, ( for Hie was purified trom
;kttle was againit him before and behind, her uncleannefs) and fhe returned unto
; chofe of all the choice men,o\ Ifrael r her houfe.
id puttbem in arav againit the Syrians. * And thewomrm conceived, and fent
io And the refr.tV.the people htf-'deli- and to'ld David, and faid, I iw with child.
:ted into the kind of Abifhai his bro- 6 51 And Davjd fent to Joab, Uyiw*
ier, that he might p.ut them in aray a-' Send me Uriah the Hittite. And Joale
Wnit the children of Ammon. fent Uriah to Davjd.
,n And he faid, If the Syrians- be too 7 And when Uriah was come.unto him*
wng for me, then thou fhalt help me: but David, demanded of bim how, Joab did.
the children of Ammon be too ftrong and, how the people did,, and how the war.
it thee, theft 1 will come and help-thee. profpered/.
if Be of good courage, and let <i? play 8 nn-JD-vid faid. to Uriah, Go down to
ie men favour peopIeTand lor the cities thy houfe, and waifi thy -teet. And Uriah
God and the LoiU) do that

departed out o.l the. Iringsjioufe, ;v
ritteth him roed, toilowed bim ariieTsoj maiifroa 1

L 6
: j : :

II. Sa:

9 But Uriah dooi ot" '.he

king; houte with all the fervahts ct his (word devoareth ene as -.veil ^ .-.

lord. and went not down to his home. make more ltroog againfl tin
thy battle
ic And whenthey hari told David, lay- city, and overthrow it and encourarl j

ing, Uriah went not down unto hit home, thou him.
David laid unto Uriah, Cameft thou n t 16 II And when the wife of Uriah heari
trom '.'a) journey ? why tbtn didlt thou not that Uriah her husband was deadi ill
go down unto thine houle ? mourned for h:r husband.
ii And Uriah nd unto David, The
I 17 And when the mourning was paft
ark, and Israel, and Ju.hh abide in tents, David lent, and let herto his houle, art
siid my lord Jeab, 2nd the fervantsot fne became his wife, and bare him a ion
jny lord arc encamped in the open Holds-; but the thing that David had ucne, ail
/hall I then go into mine heme, to eat pleal'ed theLouu-
ana to drink, aiid to he with my wife! c ii a r. xii,
a< thju llvclti and as thy loul liveth, i Nj.tb.wi fsrabit of tbt r.v-limb, Sec}
will not do this thing. \ i<d the Loud lent Nathan Da P.
11 Ami David ('aidto Uriah, Tarry ii vid and .he came unto him, am

here to day alio, and ta morrow I will laid unto him, There were two men i:
let thee So Uriah abode in Je-
depart. one city; the owe rich, and the othef^''
WfalcHi, that day and the morrow. poor.
15 And when David had called him, he v The rich man had exceeding man-
did eat and drink before him, and he flocks and herds
ma*<e him drunk and at e ven he went out
: q But the poor man had nothing f»v Jiv
to lie on his bed with the fervsms or his one little ew-lamb, which he had bough W'<
lord, but went nor aown to his houle. and nounllW up and i: grew up to5e
: '»

14 «] And it came to pals in the morn- thor with him, ami with his children --
ing, that David wrote a lettei to J-oab, it did eat ot his own meat 3 and drank OF 1
and lent it by the hand ci Uriah. his own cup, and lav in his bofom,
ii And he wrote in the letter, faying, was unro him as a daughter.
Set ye Uriah in the lorefrom or" the hottclt 4 And there came a traveller untoth
battle, ana retire ye trom him, that he rich man, and he pared to take ofhisow

F.iay be (mitten, ana die. flock, and 0! his own herd, to drels fortl
iS And it came to pal's when *oab ob- way taring man that was come untc
feTved the city, that he aligned Uriah but took the poor mans lamo, .:..
unto a place where he knew that vali- it for the man that was come to him.

ant men vrsse. * And Davids anger was greatly kind

it And the men of
the city, went out, led againlt the man, and he laid to Na
and ("ought with Joab and there lell fomt : than,"^i the Lord liveth, the man th:
• i the people of the fervants of David, hath done this thing, fnall furely die.
and Uriah the Hittite died alfo. 6 And he mall reltore the lain
\% if Then Joab lent, and told David fold, becaufe he did this thing, and be
ill the thing.;. concerning the war caufc he had no pity.
19 And charged the melTenger, faying, 7 11 And Nathan laid, to David, Tho
When thou halt made an end ot telling art the man. Thus faith the Lord Gc
<he matters of the war unto the king, of Ilrael, 1 anointed thee lung over II
to And<ir' fb be that the kings wrath rael, and I delivered thee out of thehao
an re, and he fay unto thee, Wherefore of Saul
approached ye lb nigh unto the city when 8 And I gave thee thy matters houft
ye did right ? knew ye not that they and thy matters wives into thy bofoir
would fhoor from the wall? and give »hee the houfe of Ifrael and c
2.1 Who
fmot-.' Abimelech the fon of Judah ; and if that bal been too little^
Jerubbefheth ? did not a woman call a would moreover have given unto the
piece. of a inilltone upon him from the luch and fiich things.
'wall, -that he died inThebez? why went 9 Wherefore haft thcu defpi fed the coir
jte'niigh thi wall? then fay then, Thy m-andmentot the Lord, to do evil inh.
Jecvaiit Uriah the Hittite is dead alio. fight? thou haft killed Uriah the Hunt
n II So the me.Tengerwent, and came with the fword, and haft taken his wil
wndflie wed David all that Joab had lent to b: thy wife, and haft ilain him wit
Jiim for. the fword of the child/en of Amnion.
i? And the mefTenger faid unto David, jo Now therefore Hie fword lhall nevt
SSrrely.the men prevailed agaioftus, and depart from thine houfe; becaufe tho
•« i\^ a it unt us into the field, cnJ. we
> hair defpifed nve, and halt taken the wil
>^r: them even unto theentnngof orUrlah the Hittite to be thy wile.
*'=.-. garc\ ii Thus faith the Lord, Behold- I wi
5-4 Ami the fhooters inot lrom\)rT the raife up evil agaklft thee out of thin
wall upon thy Hs-vants, and/o>«f ot' the own houfe and I will take thy wives be
kin's fervants be dead, and thy fervar.t fore thine eyes, and give tbem unto th
Wiah the Hittite s d«ad alio. neighbour, and he fhall lie with th
i* The.n David laid unto the meflen- wives in the light 04" this fun.
•er. Thus fuait thou lay untc J^ab, Let u For thou didlt it i'ccrtftly but I wi -,
)jd/J mwnetb for bi, ibili. Chap. * u: R.ibbib ffi£t*.

this thing before all Urael, andbefore ,

city, and take it: left I take the at.
: lun. and be called alter my name.

i? AnJ David faid unto Nathan, 1 19 And David gathered all the people
idve finned asramft the Lord. And Na- together, and went to Rabbah, and ought 1

»n Caul unto David, The LURD alio againlt it,, and took it.
th put away thy tin ; thou (halt not die. 30 And he took their kings crown from
Af 14 Howjcir, becaul'c by this deed thou off his head, ( the weight whereof »«j a
ft given great occalion to the enemies talent of gold, with the precious ftones )
theLuRDto blaipheme, the child alio and it was Jit en Davids head and he :

*ti< born unto thee, fhall I'urely die. brought forth the fpoil of the city in
if 11 And Nathan departed unto ins great abundance.
jule : and the LORD
ltruck the cliild ;t And he brought forth the people
at Uriahs wife bare untu David-, and that veert therein, and put thtm under
was very lick., laws, and under harrows of iron, and
16 David thercrore befesght God for under axesof iron, and made them pal's
e child, and David falted, and went in, Ihrcigh the brick-kiln: and thus did he
nd lay all night upon the earth. unto all the cities of the children of Am-
17 And the elders of his houfe arofe, mon. So David and all the peopLe retur-
na went, to him, to raife him up from ned unto Jerufalem.
le earth, but he would not, neither did CHAP.XIII.
e eat bread with them. Amnon
favifbetb Tamar, Sec,
i8 And it came to pals on the feventh
ay, that the child died and (he fervants :
ANd came to pais after this, that
Abfalom the Ion of David had a fait
t David feared to tell him. that the child lifter, whofe name was Tamar, and Am-
as dead for they faid, Behold, while
: non the fon of David loved her.
he child was yet alive, we fpake unto z And Amnon was fo vexed, that he
im, and he would pot hearken untoour fell lick for his lifter Tamar ; for lhe up**
oicc: how will he then vex himfelf, if avirgin: and Amnon thought it hard for
fe tell him that the child is dead ? him to do any thing to her.
19 But when David law that his ler- 3But Amnon had a friend, whofe name
ants whifpered, David perceived that vets Jonadab, the fon of Shimeah, Davids
Jie child was dead: therefore David faid brother and Jonadab vc&s a very iiibtil

into his fervants, Is the child dead > man.

\nd they laid, He is dead. 4 And he faid unto him, Why
art thou,
io Then David arofe from the earth, being the kings fon, lean fipm day to day *
»nd warned, and anointed bim/cif, and wilt thou not tdl me?. And Amnon faid
"hanged, his apparel, and came into unto him, I love Tamar, my. brother
he houle of the LORD> and worfhip- Abfaloms lifter.
ped then lie came to his own houfe,
: ; And Jonadab faid unto him, Lay thee
and when he required, they fet bread be- down en thy bed, and make thy felt fick :
fore him, and he did eat. and when thy father cometh to fee thee,
it Then faid his fervants unto him, fay unto him, I pray thee, let my fifter
What thing is this that thou haft done? Tamar come, and give me meat, and
thou didit faft and weep for the child drefs the meat in my fight, that I may
while it ve,u alive, but when the child fee it, and eat it at her hand.
wasoead, thou didit rife and eat bread. 6 H So Amnon lay down, and made
And he faid, While the child was himfelf fick: and when the king was
ftt alive, I faffed and wept: for I laid, come to fee him, Amnon faid unto the
can tell wbttber God will be graci- king, I-pray thee, let Tamar my fifter-
ous to me, that the child may live ? , come, and make me a couple of cakes
t? But now he. is dead, wherefore
in my fight, that I may eat at her hand.
ifliould I faft? can I bring him back a- . 7 Then David fent home to Tamar, fay-
gain ? I fhall go to him, but he ihall ing, Go now to thy brother Amr.ons houfe,
not return to me. and dre! shim meat.

S4 11. And David comforted Bath-iheba 8 So Tamar went tQ her brother Am-
his wife, and went in unto her, and lay nons houfe, f and he was laid down )
with her and ihe bare a Ton, and he
: and fhetook flour, and kneaded it, and
called his name Solomon ; and the LORD made cakes in his fight, and did bake the
loved him. cakes.
a? And he fent by the hand of Nathan 9 And the took a pan, and poured
the prophet and he called his name Je-
; tbem out before him, but he retufed to
didiah, becaufe ol the LORD. eat. And Amnon faid, Have out all men
.id H And Joab fought againft Rabbah from me and they went out every man

of the children of Ammon, and took the from him.

Wyal city» to And Amnon faid unto Tamar, Bring
i' And Joab fent meflTengers to David, the meat into the chamber, that 1 may
"and faid, I have fought againft Rabbah; eat of thine hand. And Tamar took the
and have taken the city of waters. cakes which die had made, and brought
iS Now therefore, gather the reft of the tbtm into the chamber^ to Amnon hej
J^fipletogeth*}. and. encamp againft. ths .brother, ,
11 And,


^jimmns inceft. II. Samuel He is flint. I

ri And when fhe had brought them ur.'o nons heart is merry with wine, ai
Mm to eat, he took hold of her, and laid I lay unto you, Smite
Amnon, then ki,
unto her, Come lie with me, my filler. him, tear not: have not I commande
ix And ihe anfwered him, .Nay, my your be couragious, and be valiant.
brother, do not force me for no fucn
: 19 And the fcrvantsot Abfalcm did ui
thing ought to be done in Ifraelj do not to Amnon, as Abfalom had comr..
thou this tolly. then all the kings fons arofe, and evet
I) And 1, whither fhall I caufe my man gat him up upon his mule, and fleiE
fhame to go ? and as tor thee, thou malt 20 fl And it came to pa:s while
be as one of the tools in Ifraet new there- ware in the way, that tidings came t

lore, I pray thee, fpeak unto the king; David, laying, Abfalom hath (lain al
lor he will not withhold me from thee. the kings ions, and there is not one
14- Howbeit, he would not hearken un-' them lett.
to her voice : but being ftronger than 2i Then the king arofe, and tare hi
(he, forced her, and lay with her. garments, and lav on the earth and al ;
t> 11 Then Amnon hated her exceed- his fervants Itocd by with their clothe
ingly, fo that the hatred wherewith he
hated her, vets greater than the love 21 And Jonadab the fon of Shim
wherewith he had loved her and Am- vids brother ar.lwered and faid, Let ra ray

non laid unto her, Arife, be gone. lord fuppofe tbxt thev have llaina'l
16 And fhe faid unto him, Tbtrt is no young men the kings' fons 5 tor Amnon
eaufe ; this evil in fending me sway, ft only 1S dead: lor by the appointment at
greater than the other that thou didftunto', Iron
me but he would not hearken unto her. the c-.ay that he torced his fifter Ta 7.
tr 1

i7 Then'he called his (ervant thatmi- .;? Now therefore let not my lord
niltred unto him, and faid, Put now this tangrake the thing to his heart-, to
woman out from me, and bolt the door that all the kings fons are dead for :

after her. nononlv is dead.

t8 Andjhebid a garment of divers co- 24 But Abfalom fled. And the youfl4'
lours upon her: for with 1'ucb robes were man that kept the watch, lift up his eve*,
the kings daughters tb.-.t xttft virgins, ap- and looked, and behold, there came mucl
parelled. Then his fervant brought her people b\ thi: way of the hiJl-fide oehinj
out, and bolted the door alter her. him.
195: AndTamarput afhes en her head, ?? And Jonad3b faid unto the king,
and rent her garment ot divers colours Behold, the kings fens come: asttryinE
that w<j on her, and laid her hand or. vant laid, fo it is.
her heed, and went on crying. ?(< And it came to pa rs afloon as he had

10 And Abfalom her brother faid unto made an end of fpeaking, that .

her, Hath Amnon thy brother been with the kings fons came, and lift u
thee- but hold now thy peace, my fifter voice and wept: and the king alio :.:.d|

he fj thy brother, regard not this thing. all his fervants wept verv fere.
SoTamar remained defolate in her bro- 27 v. But Abfalom fled /and wenttoTal-l
ther Abfaloms houfe. mai the fon of A-r.mihud king of Gefhur :
xifl But when king David heard of all and '0.wi± mourned for his (oh ever;
the* e things, he was very wroth 28 So Abfalom flett, and went to Ge-
21 And Abf-lom fpake unto his bro- fhur, and was there three years.
ther Amnon neither good nor bad tcr :29 And the foul of king Da/:.: longed
Abfalom hated Amnon, becaufe he had to go forth unto Abfalom for : I t

forced his filter Tamar. comforted concerning Amnon, feeing he

12 1! And it came to Dafs after two full was dead.
years, that Abfalom had fheep-fhearers in CHAP.
Baal-hazor, which is befi Ephraim Tie wiaovf ofTttoib. Sec.
and Abfalom invited alFthe kings fons.
a4 And Abfalom came to the k ins, and
7oab the fon of Zeruia!) per-
ceived that the kings heart va*s to-
faid, Behold now, thy fervant hath fheep- ward Abfalom.
fhearers, let the king, I befeerh thee, and i And Josbfentto Tekoafc, and fetch!
his fervants, go with thy fervant. thence a wife woman, and faid into h.r,
i> And the king: faid to Abfalom, I pray thee, feign thy felf to be a mour r •

Nay, myfon, let us not al'. now go, left ner, and put on now mourning apparel,-'
we be chargeable unto thee. And he and anoint not thy felt with o\l, but be
preffed him :liowbeit he would not go, as a woman that had a long time mour-
.but blelTe.) him. ned for the dead:
i^ Then faid Abfalom, If not, I pray 2 And come to the king, and fpeak n»
thee, let my brother Amnon go with this manner unto him To Joab ptu the

Ms. And the king faid unto him, Why words in her mouth.
ihould lie go with thee? 4 51 And when the wamaji of Tekoak
2.- But Abfalom preffcd him, t!~at he let fpake to the kins, fhe fell on her face to
Amnon and all the kings fons so with him. the ground, and did obeifaace, ar
i8 *' Now Abfalom h:-d renin. 1 •Ielp, C
Iti'/aots, faying; .Mars ye re \ wfieo Am- faid untc her

be V0OM*n of Tefrjb. CHan Xiv. Abftlotns beauty.

thee} Andfhe anfwered, I nw in-
th of Joab with thee in all this ? And'the-
d a widow woman, and mine huf- woman anfwered and faid, As thy foul
d is dead. liveth, my lord the king, none can turn
And thy handmaid had two fons, and to the right hand or to the left from
/ two ltrove together in the field, ought tha,t my lord the king hath fpoken :
there veas none to part them, but the for thy fervant Joab he bade me, and he
fmote the other, and flew him. put:dl thefe words in the mouthof thine
And behold, the whole family is nf'en handmaid :

inft thine handmaid, and they faid, 10 To fetch about this form of fpeech
iver him that fmote his brother, that hath thy iervant Joab done this thing :

may him, for the lifeof hisbro-r

kill and my lord is wife, according to the
r whom he (lew, ana we will deftroy wifdom of an angel or God, to know all
heir alfo and fo they fhall quench
thinxs that are ih"the earth.
coal which is left, and fhall not leave ii fi And the king faid unto Joab, Be-
ly husband, wither name norremain- hold now, I have done this thing : go
upun the earth. therefore, bring the young man Abfalom
.And the king faid unto the woman, again.
to thine houfe, and I will give charge ii And Joab fell to the ground on his
icerning thee. face, and bowed himfelt, and thanked the
.And the woman of Tekoah faid un- king: and Joab faid, To day thyfervant
fK-king, My lord, Oking, theiniqui- knoweth that 1 have found grace in thy
bt on me, and on my fathers houi'e : light, my lord. Oking, in that 'the king
1 the king and his throne be guiltlefs. hath fulfilled the requeft of his fervant,'
And the king (aid, Whofoever faith i? bo Joab arole and went to Gelhur,
bt unto thee, bring him to me, and and brought AbiaLm to Jerufalem.
fhall not touch thee"any more, t; And the king faid, Let him turn te
i Then faid (he, I pray thee, let the his own houfe, and. let him not fee my
lg remember the Lord thy God, that face. So Abfalom, returned to his own
u would ft not fuffer the revengers of houfe, and law not the kings face.
od to deftroy anymore, left they de- i? ^ But in all lirael there was none
)y my lbn. And he faid, As the LORD to be fo much praifed as Abfalom, for
eth, there fhall not one hair of thy his beauty : from the fole of his foot
Vfall to the earth. even to the crowncf his head, there was
i Then the woman (aid, Let thine hand- noblemifh in him.
vid, I pray thee, fpeak one word unto z6 And when he polled hishead, ( for
lord the king. And he faid, Say on. it was
at every years end that he polled
3 And the woman faid, Wherefore becaufe tbt hair was heavy on him,
it :

:n haft thou thought fuch a thing a- therefore he polled it ) fie weighed the
"nft the peopk of God? for the king hairot his head at two hundred fhekels
h (peak this thing, as one which is after the kings weight.
Ity, in that the king doth not fetch 17 And unto Abfalom there were born
me again his banifhed- three (uns and one daughter, whofename
4 For we mult needs die, and are as was Tamar: fhe wasa woman_of a fair
Iter fpilt on the ground, which can- countenance.
Itbe gathered up again neither doth
t8 51 So Abfalom dwelt two full years
)d reVpeCt any perfon, yet doth he de- injerulalem, and faw not the kings face.
fe means, that his banifhed be not ex- 19 Therefore Abfalom lent for Joab, to
iled from him. havefent hirutothe king, but he would
i% Now therefore that I am come to not come tc him and when he fent again

eak of this thing unto my lord the thefecond time, he would net come.
ng, it nbecaufe the people have made ^Therefore he faid unto hisfervants,
> afraid: and thy handmaid faid, I See, Joabs field is near mine, and he hath-
Wnowfpesk unto the king; it ni3y be barley there go and fet it on fire
; and :

at the king will perform the requeft Abfaloms fervants.fet the field on fire.
.his handmaid.' ?t Then loab
arofe and cane to Abfa-
16 For the king will hear, to deliver lom unto bis hou'e, and faid unto him,
• handmaid out of the hand of the man Wherefore have thy fervants fet my field
at xoould. deftroy me and my fon re- do fire?
ntier out of the inheritance of God : "1 And Abfalom aru'wered Joab, Behold,
1 Then thine handmaid faid, The word I fent unto thee, faying, r.ome hither, that
-my lord the king fhall now be corufor- I may fend thee to the king, to fay,Where-
ble"-. for as an angel of God, fo ts my lord fore am I come from Gelhur ? it had been
eking todifcerngood and bad there- : good for me to have been there ftill now
re the Loan thy G">d will be with thee. ,
therefore let me fee the kings face ; and if*
18 Then the king anfwered and faid .'there be any iniquity in me, let him killme
ita the woman, Hide not from me, I V
?o Joab can- e to theking, and told
raythee, the thing that I fhall ask thee, him: and when he had called for Abfa-
nd the woman faid, Let my lord the Jom,he came to the king, and bowed
ing now fpeak. himfelf on his face to the ground before
ig.AiKUne king faid, ft »9t the bani the king and the king kifl'ed Abfalom;


<$lf*ler,u :<jnj" i, IT. Sil

_,,., C H A P XV. peoiide after him, and tarried in a pla
AbUtomJitAlttb'bth.-.r** oftbtftOftr, &c. that was far oft".
Nd came to pafs after this, that Ab-
it 18 And all his fervants paflcd on befi
salom prepared him chariots, and him T and all the Cherethites, and alit

lories, and men

to tun before Jinn.
titty Pelethites, and all the Gi't.-.
i. And Abfalom rofe up early, anci itoo.i dred men which came after him frc
beiiaetlie way cf the gate : and it \fas/b, Gath, paired on before the king.
that when any man tint had a controver- t9 *1 Then faid the kins: to Ittai*
ly came to t:-.e king for juJsment, then Gittite, Wheretore goeft. ft*
Abfalom called unto him, and faid, of us> return to thy place, an,.:
what city Art thou? And he faid, Thy the king: fcr thou art a ftranger, ai

fcrvantnof oneof thetribesef Ifrael. alfo an exile.

1 And Abfalomfaid'unto hi-fi. See, thy ic Whereas thou earned but yefterda* •.
matters an good'and right, but there is no mould I this day mak; thee sc up ar
man deputed a( the kingto hear thee. down with in? feeing I go. whither •»"

4 Abfalom laid moreover, Oh that 1 were may, return then, and take b:
made judge in the land, that every man brethren : mercy and truth be .

which liath any fuit or caufe, might come ii And Ittai anfwered t

unto me, and I would do him juftiie. faid, A> the LORD
liveeh, ar,d as e.1
? And it was fo, that when any man kingliveth, furel\

came nigh 'oij'm to do him obeifance, he my- lord the king ihall b'e, whether ii
put^ forth his hand, and took him and d.ath or lite, even there a'fo will thl
killed him. lervant be.
6 And on th'.s manner did Abfalom to a. And David faid to Ittai, Go, an.
all Ifrael that came to the king for judg- pan over. And Ittai the Gittite pan
ment fo Abfalom ftole the hearts of the
: over, and all his men, and all the httl
men of Ifrael. ones that voere with him.
7 fl And it came to pafs after forty H And all the ccur'ry wept with aftf.
years, that Abfalom faid unto the king, roice. and ail the people paflcd ov
I pray thee, let me go and ray my vow king alio himfelt bailed over the broS]
•which 1 have vowea unto the'LoRP, in Kidron. and all the people paffed evel
Hebron. toward the way of the wihiemefs.
8 For thy fervant vowed a vow while I 14 51 And io, Zadok alio, and all tm
abode at Geffcuri in Syria, favinc, If the Levrtes were with him, bearing the ad
LoRDihall bring me aa-ain indeed io je- ot the covenant of Gcd, and they Bj
rufalem, then I will lefve the LORD. dewn the ark of God ; and AbiatW
9 And the king faid unto him, Go in went up, umil all the neople had dqft
peace. So he arofe and went to Hebron. pafimg out o\ the city.
tc f. But Abfalom font (pies throughout « And the kins: f2id unto Zadok, €m{
all the tribes of Ifrael,. faying, As' foot] ry back the ark ot God intc the city if 1 :

as ye hear the found of the trumpet, then (hall find favour io the eves of the LORD
yefhall lav. Abfalom reisrneth
w in Kebrcn. he will bring me again, and ihew-me bail
ii And with Abf3lom went two hun- it, and his habitation.
dred men out of Jerufalem, tbit were cal- i6 But if he thus fay, I have no delight
led, and they went in their tfmpiicity, in thee: behol.t, here am \ y let I.
aud they knew not any thing. tome as feemerh r/cod him.
ii And Abfalom fent for Ahithophel 17 The kingfaid alio unco Zadok tht
the Giiunite, Davids rounder, from his
city, even from Giloh, while he offered
facrifices ana the confpiracy was Aran?.
pneft, Art not thou a leer ? re"
the city in peace, and vour two '"on$
you, Ahimaaz thy ion, and Jonathan the
("on of Abiathar.
for the people ir.creafed continually with
Abfalom. 18 See, I will tarrvin the plain of the
i; 51 And there came a meffenger to wtldernefs, until there ccme word froa
David, faying, The hearts of the men of you ro ceriirie me.
Ifrael ate after Abfalom. 19 Zadok therefore and Abiathar car-
14 And David fa\d unto all his fervants ried the ark of God again to Jerufateat ;
thzt-xere with hiin at Jerufalevn, Arife, and they tarried there.
and let u« flee forwe mail not elfe cfcape
; 3
r And Da-vid went up hv the afcent ol
from Abfalom make fpeed to depart, left
: Ulivet, and wept as he went up,
he overtake us Qiddenly, and bring evil and had Ins head covered., and he v.:nt
upon us, and finite the city with the bare-loot-, and all thepeoph- that n
edge of the fword, l.-.m, covered every man hi< hee
i? And thekincs ervantr, they went up, weeping as they went up.
faid un'o the
king, Behold, thyTervams**-* ret.; ;i <1 And onefold David
wha'tfoever my lord the king lhall appoint "thophel is among the confpirators with
16 And the kin? went forth, and all his Abfalom. And, Dav.d faid, O LORD. I
nouTiold alter him and the king left ten pray thee, turn the counfei of Ahitho-

women, rcbicb -mere concubines, to keep phel into foolifhnefs.

tie houfe. :i *1 And it came to ra
.:A ticking went fortb and all the David was come to the top of ffcc
: .

j/mu* cttr/etb T)av : J. Cliap Xvi, Xvii, AbitbopbtU tounfti,

re he worfhipped God, behold, Hu- dog curfe my lord the king? Jet me go
theArchite came to meet him, with over, I pray thee, and take oft his head
oat rent, »ni earth upen his head : to Andthc king laid, Wnat have I to
Unto whom David faid, If thou do with you, ye fons of Zeruiah? fo let
eft on with ine, then thou fhalt be a him curfe, becaufe the LORD hath faid
icn unto me. unto him, Curfe David. Who fhall then
y Rut if thou return to the city, and fay, Wherefore haft thou done fo ?
unto Abfalom, I will be thy fervant, ti And David faid to Abifhai, and to
ingi as I bavt btin thy fathers fer- all his fervants, Behold, my ion, which
: hitherto, i'o vtilt I now alfo bt thy came forth of my bowels, feeketfi my
ant then mavft thou for me defeat
: life: how much more now ma.y this Ben-
counfel of Ahithophel. jamiterfoi<? let him alone, and let him
And hut tbou rot there with thee Za- curfe for the
: LORD hath bidden him.
and Abiathar the priefts? therefcre it It may be that the Lorw
will look on
Ull bt, -that what tiling fcever thou mine
affliction, and that the wiltLopd
t hear out of the kings houfe.thou fhalt requite me
good for his curfing this day.
/£ toZadok and Abiathar the priefts. i? And as David and his men
went by
Behold, ibr/ bavt there with them the way, Shimei went along on the hills
rtwofons, Ahimaaz Zadoks/on, and tide over againft him, and curfed as he
Jthan Abiathars/orc and by them ye :
went, and threw (tones at him. and caft dull
1 fend unto me every thing that ye U Aad the king, and all the people
hear. that were with him, came weary, and
SoHufhai Davids friend came into retrefhed themfelves there.
city, and Abf~alom came into] erufalem if 11 And Abfalom and all the people
m C ,
A p. XVI. the men of Ifrael, came to Jerufalem-,
ZiiaU falji futgs'riorj', &.C. and Ahithophel with him.
Ndwheji Daviu was a little paftthe t6 And it camewhen Hufhai the
to pals
top of tht bilL behold, Ziba the fer- Archite, Davids friend,was come unto Ab-
t of Mephibofheth met him with a falom, that Hufhai faid unto Abfalom;,
pie of afles faddled, and upon them Goa fave the king, God lave the king.
'hundred bwefof bread, andanhun- 17 And Abfafom faid to Hufhai, Is this
d bunches of raitilis, and an hundred thy kindnefs to thy friend? whywenteft
firmer- fruits, and a bottle of wine. thou not with thy friend ?
And the king faid unto Ziba, What 18 And Hufhai faid unto Abfalcm,Nay,
aneft thou by thefe ? Ar.dZiba faid.The but whom the LORD
and this people,
:s be forthe kin^s houfhold to ride on, and all the menot Ifrael choofe, his will
I the bread and fummer-f-uit for the 1 be, and with him will I abide.
ng men to ear, and the wine, that fuch t9 And again, whom fhould I ferve?
ie taint in the wildernefs may drink. jbouli I not ftrvt in the prefenceof his
And the kin? faid, And where is thy fon ? as I have ferved in thy fathers pre-
Iters ion ? And Zibs faid unto the kiry, fence, fo will I beint-hy prefence.
lold, he abideth at Jerufalem : for lie 10 11 Then faid Abfalom to Ahitho-
J, To day (hall the houfeof Ifrael re- phel, Give counfel among you what we-
re me the kingdom of my father. fhall do.
Then laid the king to Ziba, Behold, it And Ahithophel faid unto Abfs-
ne art all that pertaimd unto Mephi- Iom, Go in un«o thy fathers concubines,
!hefh. And Ziba faid, I humbly be- which he hath left to keep the houfe,
en thee that I may find grace in thy and all Ifrael fhall hear that thou art ab-
nt. my lord O king. horred of thy father, then fhall the hands
\% And when king David came to Ea- of all that art with thee be ftrong.
rhn, behold, thence came out a man of it So they fpread Abfalom a tent upon
itamily of the houfe of Saul, whofc the top of the houfe, and Abfalom went
ieir.ii Shimei the fon of Gera he :
in unto his fathers concubines, in the light
Be forth, and curfed ftill as he came. of all Ifrael.
» And he caft ftones at David, and at ij And the counfel of Ahithophel
the fervantsof king David: and all which he counfelled inthofedays, vrai a*
: people, and all the mightv menvrtre if a man had enquired at the oracle of
his right hand, and <m his left. God : fo wis all the counfel of Ahithophel,
And thus faid Shimei when he curfed, both with David and with Abfalom.
me out, come out, t!r.u bloody man, xvrc. chap.
i thou man of Belial Ahtbepbth counftl ovtrtbroven, &<*.
! The LORD hath returned upon thee
the blood of the houfe of Saul, in J
Oreover, Ahithophel faid unto Ab-
falom, Let me now choofe out
ofe ftead thou haft reigned, and the twelve thoufand men, and I will arifc
Rt» hath delivered the"kingdcm into and purfue after David this night.
hand of Abfalom thy fon: and be- i And 1 will come upon him while ^.e
d, thou art tA^iii in thy mifchief, be- is weary and weak-handea, and will make:
lle thou art a blcodv man. him afraid and all the pe-ple that are

'.U Then laid Abiftui t!i: fon of Ze- with him fhall flee, and I will finite the
lahitnto the king, Why fuould this dead king only.
3 An*

Kujhii'i counfet. IT. Samuel. Abrtbipbel bsngttb

3 And \ will bring back all the people iS Neverthelefs, a lad fan
unto thee: the man whom thou feekeit, told Abfalom but they went both

is as if all returned Jo all the people :

them away quickly, and came tc
Jhall be in peace. mans houfe in Bshurim, winch had
4 And the laying pleafed Abfalom well in his court, whither they u
welli and all the elders of Ifrael. down
> Thenfaid Abfalom, Call now Hufhai 19 And the weman
took and fprea,
the Archire alfo, and let us hearlikewife covering over the wells mouth, a
what he faith. fpread ground corn thereon and ;

. 6 And when Kufhai was come to Ab- thing was not known.
falom, Abfalom fpake unto him, faying, io And when Abfaloms fervants ca
Ahithophel hath fpoken after this man- to the woman to the houfe, they fa
ner fhall we do after his faying ?
: if Where is Ahimaaz ana Jonathan? B
not ; Ipeak that;. the woman laid unto them, They beg*
7 And Hufhai laid unto Abfalom, The over the brook of water. Ar.
counfel that Ahithophel hath given, it not ltadfcught ar.d could not find tbem, ti

good at this time. returned to Jerufklem.

8 For f faid Hufhai J thou knoweft thv rt J\nd it came to pafs after theyy
father and his men, th3tthev be mighty departed, that they came up out of«
men, and. they te chafed in their minds, well, and went and told king Davijj
faid unto David, Arife, and pais
as a bear robbed of her whelps in the
field and thy*fatheri.« 3 man of war, and
over the water: for thus Lath
will not lodge with the people. phel counfelledagainft you.
9. Behold, he is hid now in fome pit, or ia Then David arofe, and all
in lome otter place and it will come to :
pie that veere with him, and they
pafs, when fome of them be overthrown over Jordan: by the morning light
at the flrft, that whofoever heareth it, not one of them that was noi
will fay, There is a (laughter among the over Jordan.
people that follow Abfalom. 1
* And when Ahithophel fa
to And he alfo that is valiant, whofe his counfel was not followed, he fa
heart it as the heart- f a lion, fha'l utter- bis afs, and arofe, and gat him hoi
ly melt for all Tfrael knoweth that thy
his houfe, to his city, and put his hA
father i.< a mighty man! and tbty which hold in order, and hanged himfelf.l
be with him d-'e'Valjant men. died-, and was buried in the fenulchie
n Therefore I counfel, that all Ifrael
be generally gathered unto thee, f-om
Dane /en ^to Bter-fheba-
ii by the feafor multitude, s.nd that thou
goto battle inrt in; own per'bn.
tj So fhaM we come u'onhimin fome
place where he <*j]}\ b* ^nd, and we
will light upon him as the dew faliethon 1
the daughter of Nahaflj, fifter,
the ground and of him, and of all the
men that *.r> with him, there fhall not Zeruiah, JoaEi mother.
be left fo m ich ^s one. 16 bo Ifrael and Abfalom pitched
nMo-e-i 'er, ifhebe gotten into a city, the land of Gilead.
ther.fh3l! a'l l rael bring ropes to that citv, 17 H And it came to pafs when Da%
and we will draw it into the river, ur.til was come to Maharaim, that 5hobi t
there te not one fmall ftone found there. fonof Nahafhof Rabbahof thechildfc:
14 An Abfalom and all the men of
of Ammon, and Machir the fonof At,
Ifrael faid, The counfel of Hufhai the miel of Lo-debar, and Barzillai theG
Archite it better than the counfel of A- leaditeof Rogelim,
hithophel for the LOTID had appointed 18 Brought beds, andbafons, and el
thenvelTels, and when, and barley, a

to defeat the good cuun< el of Ahithophel,

flour, and parched corn, and beans, a
to the intent that the Lord might bring
lentiles, and parched fatf,
evil upon Abfalom.
T?HThenraidHufhaiunto2adckarJto.\- -n And honv, and butter, and, fhee
bia'har the priefts, Thus and thu-
andcheefeof kinefor David, and fen
elders of pecrle thitvpen with him, to eat :'
thophel counfel Abfalom and the
Ifrael and thus and thus have 1 counfel! eJ
thev faid. The people/' hungry, and«
rv, and thirfty in the wildernefs.
i* Now therefore fend quickly, and tell
David, ravin?, Lodgcnot this night in the
Davids cburie went Ahfilom, &C.
pla-ns of the wildernefs, but fpeedily pafs
David mimbred tbe p-ople tl

ever left the kins be fwallowed up, and


all the people that"* e with him.

i7 Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz (laved
veere with him, and let captain!
djotifands, and captains of hundred*
by En-rogel, C for they mi?ht
1 fent forth a third part
Ana David
SgBfffarwtta ^sstssttttaj

Chap, xvifi. AhWitX brin%ttb tidings.

ii Zeruiah Joabs brother, and a third 17 And they rook Abfalom, and caft
under the hand or" lttai the Gittite: him into a great pit in the wood, and laid
the king laid unto the eopie, I will a very great heap of (tones upon him",

go forth with you my felt- alfo. and all Ifrael fled every one to his tent.
it. the people anfwerevt, Thou fhalt 18H Now Abfalom in his life-time had
70 forth tor if we flee away, they
: taken and reared up for himfelf a pillar,
hot cara for us; neither if half of us which is in the kings dale for he faid, I

will they care for us: hut nowrfcou have no fon to keep my name in remem-
vorth ten thoufand of us therefore -.
brance and he called the pillar alter his

it is better that thcu luccour us out own name, and it is called unto this day,
city. Abfaloms place.
f\nd the king faidunto them, What 19 11 Then faid Ahimaaz the fon of
eth you beft, 1 will do. And the Zadok, Lft me now run, and bear tha
k ltood by the gate-fide, and all the king tidings, how that the LORD hath
>le came out by hundreds, and by avenged him of his enemies.
(anus. 10 And Joab faidunto him, Thou fhalt
And the king commanded Joab, and not bear tidings this day, but thou fhalt
Siai, ar.i Ittai, faying, Deal gently bear tidings another day but this day

my fake with the young man, even thou fhalt bear no tidings, becaufe the
Abfalom. And all the people heard kings ton dead.
n the king gave all the captains if Then laid Joab to Cufhi, Go tell the
rge concerning Ablalom. king what thcu haft feen. And Cufhi
51 So the people went out into the bowed himfelf unto Joab, and ran.
. againft Ifrael and the battle was
: ii Then faid Ahimaaz the fon of Za-
he wood of Ephraim ; dok yet again to Joab, But howfoever,
Where the people of Ilrael were flain letme, I praythee, alfo run after Cufhi.
•re the ferv^nts of David, and there And Joab ("aid, Wherefore wilt thcu run,
there a great Slaughter that day of my fon, feeing that thou haft no tidings
ltyl'ioulandwjfn. ready ?
For the battle was there fcattered o- 1-5 But howfoever f faid 6s } let me run.
the face of all the country and the : And he faid unto him, Run. Then Ahi-
devoured more people that day, maaz ran by the way of the plain, and
the fwoid devoured. over-ran Cuflii.
11 And Ablalom met the fervants of 14 And David fat between the two gates
id} and Ablalom rode upon a mule, and the watchman went up to the roof
themule went under the thick boughs over the eate unto the wall, and lift up
\ great oak, and his head caught hold his eyes, juid locked, and behold, a man
lie oak, and he wasraken up between running alone.
heaven Mid the earth, and the mule 1? And the watchman cried, and told
xv.ii under him went away. the king. And thejrjfcg faid. If he be a-
And a certain mjn. faw ?"f, 2nd tc!« SlCIic, ibtrt.k tidings in his mouth. And
>, and faid, Behold, I fawAbfklcm he came apace, and drew near.
gedin an oak. 16 And the watchman faw another man
"And Joab faid unto the man that told runn.'ng, and the watchman called unto
And behold, thou faweft bint, and
the porter, and faid, Behold, another man
didft thou notfmitehini there to the running alone. And the king faid, He
md, and I would have ?iven thee ten alfo bringeth tidings.
j/jcr filver, and a girdle? / 17 And the watchman faid, Me think-
'And the man
laid unto Joab, Though eth the running of the foremoft, is like .

•ta'dreceive a thuufand./fc*fr/j of filver the running oFAhimaaz the fon of Za-

fine hand, yet would I not pat forth dok. And the king faid, He is a good
* hand againft the kings fon for in :
man, and cometh with good tidings.
hearing the king charged thee, and 18 And Ahimaaz" called, and faid unto
lhai, a"hd Irtai, faying', Beware that the king, All is well. Ardhefell down
s touch the young man Abfalom. to the earth upon his lace before the king,
Otherwife; I mould have wrousht and faid, Bleffed be the Lord thy God,
Jood againft mine own life for there
: which hath delivered iip the men that lift
> matter hid from the kins, and thtu up their hand againft my lord the king.
felf wouldlt have fet thy f?lf againft iQ And the king .faid, Is the young
man Abfalom fafe ? And Ahimaaz n-
Then faid Joab, I may not tarry fwered- When T oab' fent the kings fer-
with thee. And he took three darts vant, and me thv (ervaht, I faw a great
is hand, and thruft them throueh the tumu't, but I knew not what it teas.
ft of Abfalom, while he ww/yefalive ?o And the king (aid unto bins, Turn
hemidftof the oak. afide, ana ftand here. And he turned a-
; And ten youn? men that bare Joabs fide, and ftood ftill.
onr, com paired about, and fmote Ab- ?i And behold, Cufhi came,an<iCufpi faid,
m, and flew him. Tidings, my lord the king for the Lord

> And Joab blew the trumpet, and the

hath avenged thee this day of all them
pie returned from purfuins; after lf- that rofe up againft thee.
for Jasb held back the people^ 31 Mm
: 1

Vtvii mournetb for Al'ttom. II. Sa loel. Sbimei's fuhmifiot

1i And the king faid unto Cuihi, I> the i? And fay ye to Amafa,i4rr thou
young man Abfalom fife ? And Cufli; an- of my bone, an ] ot my flelh? God dc
1 wered, Tha enemies of my lord to me, and more
the kinc, alio, if thou be
and all that rife againft thee to do tbtt captain ot the holt before me contint
nurt, be as that young man is. ly in the room of .Joab.
.A* ,] And the king was much moved, 14 And he bowed the heart of all
an<i went up to the men of Judah, even as
chamber over the the heart of
£*!?' ^ P J w £ pt arA as he wcnt thus he
f man, they Cent (bis tto/ junto
fo that
^l^Omyion Abl'alom, my f n, my Ton >
king, Return thou and all thy fervant:
A i aJr m would ^ od h * d tlied fo <« ce
OAMalom, my

my ("on
r >
i? So the king returned, and camel
Jordan: ana Judah ca me to Gilga
_ -c ft a
p. xix. go to meet the king, to conduct the k
Nd was told Joab,
ctafetb mourning,
&c. over Jordan.
i5 *l And Shimei the fon of Gera
it Behold, the king
werreth.andmourneth for Abfalom. Benjarmte, wi.ieh -xas of Sahunm, haf
2 And
the victory that day was turned and came down with the men cf Jud |
into mourning onto all the people for :
to meet king David. t- ,

the people heard fay that day, how the And

17 Were a tho.fand men fo-
king was grieved for his fon. Benjamm with him, andZiua thefenr L'V
2 And the people gat them by Health ot thehoufe of Saul, and his fifteen fiE*'
tbtt d» into the city, as peojle being a- and his twenty fervants with him
inamed ileal away when they See in battle they wentcver Jordan before the king if
4 But the king covered his face, and the iS And there went over a fcrry-nHB.
king cried with a loud voice, O my fon carry ever the kins;s houfheld, andBt
Abfalom, o Abfalom, my fen, my Ton.
« And Joab came into the houfetothe
what he thought gcod and Shi men
(on of Gera fell down before the king u
: E
king, and raid, Thcu haft ihamed this he was ccme over Jordin ;
ay hs aces of aM *ky fervants, which
*i t
19 And laid unto the king, Letnotit,
this day have faved thy life and the lives ,
lord impute iniquity unto me, neither I-
o> thy fons, and of thy daughters, and thou remember that which thy feram,
the hves of thy wives, and the lives of did perverfly the day that my lorwEh
thy concubine/: king went out ot Jerufslem, that the life
5 In that thou lovelfc thine enemies, fhould take it to his heart.
and hatelt thy friends for thou haft de- -, 10 For thy fervant doth know tha .".

clared this day, that thou regarded nei- have finned : therefore behold, I E ; ,

ther princes, nor fervants for this dav I :

come the nrft this day of all the hoi V
perceive, that if Abfalcmliad lived, and cf Jofeph, to go down to meet myjc ,1
then it had the kine. b
V."?? ***<* tf5is ^-ay»
pleafed thee well. it But Abifhai the fon of Zen:iah; .-*::

7 Now therefore arife, go forth, and fwered andfaid, Shall not Shimei be, '.

[?pt< comfortably unto thy fervants for :
to death forthis, becau:e he curfed x 1 \

IlwearbytheLoRP, if thou eo notforth, LORDs anointed?

there will not tarry one with
night; and that will be worfe unto thee
thee this 11 And David faid,
with you, ye fons c» Zeruiah, that
""hat have I to U
than all the evil that befel thee from thy fhould this day be adverfaries unto re
youth until now. lhall there any man be put to death 1
8 Then the king rofe, and fat in the gate :
day in Ifrael ? for do not I know, tha 1

and they told unto all the people, fay- Mr. this dav king over Ifrael ?
ing, Behold, the kin? doth lit in the gate :
fi Therefore the king faid unto f
and all the people came before the km?: mei. Thou fhalt not die: ar.dthe kij
tor Ifrael had f-.edeverv man to his tent." fware unto him.
9 fl And all the pecple were at ftrife 14 51 And M;phib(S(hcth tha fon of 5
throughout all the tribe- of Ifrael, fay- came down to meet the king, and I
ing, The king faved us out of the hand of neither drefTed his feet, nor trimmed
our enemies, and he delivered usoutof beard, nor waflied his clothes, from t

the handof the Philiflines, and now h<* day the king departed, until the day
is fled out of the land for Abfalom. came tgtitt in peace.
to And Abfalom whom w; anointed H And it came to pafs w?en he t
over us, is deadin oattie: now therefore come to Jerufalem to meet the king* f]

whyfpeak ye rota word of bringing the the king fsid unto him, Wherefore we?
king back? elt not thou with me, Mephibofheth?
it J] And kin? David fer.t to 7adok be anfwered, My lord, k«» O
and to Abiathar the priefls, favir.?. Speak my fervant deceived me; fort!-.\ let*
untothe elders of Judah, faying, Why are laid, I will faddle me an afi
vethe laft tohrin?- the king back to his ride thereon, and goto the kin?;, becai
coufe? f feeing the fpeech of all Ifrael is tby fervant is l3me.
come to the king, even to his houl'e )
2- Ana he hath flandered thy ferrjj
is. Ye are my brethren, ye '.re my bones unto my lord the king; but
and my fiefh wherefore
: then ure vethe
tell to bring back the •
:;.. in thine ey:<.
Shtbi's rtbtllitn,
4% And^he raenof Jfrael anlwered the
men of Judah, and faid, have ten Wc
parts in the king, and we have alio more
right in David than ye why then didyc :

defpife us, that Our advice lhould not be

firlthadin bringing back our king? And
the words ot the men of Judah were fier-
cer than the words of the men ot lfrael,
Sheba tnafyto a_ party in lfrael, &c.
ANd happened to he there a man
of Belial, whole name was Sheba,
the fon of Bichri, a Benjamite, and he
blew a trumpet, and laid, We have no
p„:t in David, neither have we inheri-
tance in the Ion of Je"ffe : everv man to
his tents, llrael. Q
aged man, z So every man of If'rael went upfront
* xNowBarzillaiwas a very after David, and followed Sheba the Ion
•rti'ouricore years old, and he had
ot Bichri out the men of Judaji clave
led the king or'iuftenance while he
lay :

unto their king, from Jordan even to J e«

Mahanaim: for hew
a very great man
unto BanilUi. rufalem.
h And the king laid
^ 11 And David came tohisJioufeatJe-
me thou over with me, and I will teed rufalem, and the king took the ten wo-
jewith meinjerufalem. l
men his concubines, whom he had left to
!4 And Barzillai laid unto
the king,
keep the houie, and put them in ward,
>w long have I to live, that I mould go and fed them, but went not in unto them :
with the king unto lerufalem ? fothey were fhut up unto the day of their
?? I am this
^L -* g<
4 can I difiern between
. «,—
day fourfcore years old:
ood a nd evil > death, living in widowhood.
4 11 Then laid the king to Amafa, Af-
nthy lervant talte what 1 eat or what I femble me the men of Judah within three
ink ' "can't hear" any more the voice
igihg-ruen and finging-women
lging-men where- days, and be thou here prefeiit.
fingi.hg-women ? where
a bur f So Amafa went toallemble the men of
re then mould thy lervant be yet Judah but he tarried longer than the let
.n unto my lord the king ?

time which he had appointed him.

-6 Thy Servant will go a little way o-
and why 6 And David laid to Abilhai, Nowfhall
rr Jordan with the kine :

it me with
Sheba the fonot Bichri do us more harm
ould the king recompen. •

than did Abfalom take thou thy lords :

ch a reward ? fervants, and purfuc after him, left he
V Let thy lervant, I pray thee, turn get him fenced cities,
mine own and efcapeus.
ick again, that I may die in
7 And there went out after nim Joabs
ty, and be frw/ei by the grave ot my
ta- ,

behold thy men, and theCherethites, and thePele-

icr, and of my mother but :

with thitcs, and all the mighty men and they

tvant Chimham, let him go over

iy lord the king, and do to

him what went out of Jerulalem, to puifue after
unto thee.
Sheba the lbn of Bichri.
all feemgoud When they were at the great frone
•And the king anlwered, Chimham
which is in Grbeon, Amafa went before
hall go over with me, and I will do to
them and Joabs garment that he had put
Ijim that which lhall fcem good unto

fhalt require on, was girded unto him, and upon it a

|jee: and whatfoever thou
girdle with a fwerd faftned upon his loyns
.if me, tb it will 1 do for thee.
in the fheatn thereof, and as he went
!ho And all the people went over Jor-
Sn: and when the king was come over, forth it fell out.

«e king killTedBarziUai, and Welled liimj 9 And Josb faid to Amafa,.4rt thou in
ftld he returned unto bisown
place. health, mv brother' And Joab. took A-
L|«4o Then the king went on to Gilgal,
mafa by the beard with the right hand
to kifs him.
nd Chimham went on with him and :

ir the people of Judah conduced the to* Etrt Amafa took no heed to the
i word -that was in '03bs hand iohe linot'e
ing, and alio half the peopleot llrael. :

4tH And behold, all the menot lira- him therewith in the fifth rib, and ihed
1 came to the kintr, and (aid into the out his bowe'sto the ground, and ltruck
hi :n not again, and he died. So Joab and
cjng, Why have our brethren the men ot Abifhai his brother purlued after Sheba
udah, ltolen thee away, and have brought
he king and his houihold, and all Da- the lbn of Bichri.
'ids men with him over Jordan ? II And one of Joabs men (rood bv him,

4i And all the men of Judah anlwered and faid, He that ("avoureth Joab, and he
he men of ll'iacl, Becaule the king is that is for David, Uthimgo after Joab.
>ear of kin tc< n?-. wherefore then be ii And Amal'a wallowed in blood in the
*e -angry tor this matter? have we eaten midsof the hieh-way and when the man •

IJaw. that all the people Hood ft ill, he re-

l or uafiilis given

gift 2
moved .vnala out of the high-way into
: .

SbebaU bead tut of. IT Sanuiel. S*ult fm binga

the and cart a cloth upon him, when
field, and faid unto them, ( nowtheGibeon
he law that every one that came by him, were not ot the children of Ifrael, bu
ttood (Mil. the remnant of the Amorites, and
U When he wa« removed out of the children ot Ifrael had worn unto the 1

high-way, alfthe people went on alter Jo- andbaul lought to flay them, in hisz
ab, to purfue after Sheba the Ion ot Btchri. to the children of Ifrael and Judah
r4^1 And he went through all the tribes 3 Wherclcre David laid untc the<
of Ifrael unto Abel, and to Beth-maachah, bcomtes, What (hall I do for you > j
and all the Beriu-s and they were gathe-
: wherewith Mail I make the atoneine
red together, and went alio alter him .
fhat ye ni2y Mel's the inheritance of
i? And
they came and befieged him in LORD i
Abel or Beth-'ivaachah, and tney call up 4 And the Gibeonites laid unto hi
a bank againft the city, and it flood in the We will have no ulver nor gold of 81
trench: and all the people that were with norot hisboufe, neither for us itialr t!
Joab, battered the wall, to threw it down. kill any man in KVad. And he laid, WI
16 *i Then cried a wife woman qu* of you fhall lay, that will! do for you.
the city, Hear, hear , fay, 1 pray you, * And they anfwered the km?, T
unto Joab, Come near hither, that 1 rAay man that coniumed us, and that devifed
ipeak with thee. gainit \is, we lhould be deltroyedti
17 And when he was come near unto remaining in any or thecoaftsot Ifrj
her, the woman laid, Art thou Joab ? Ana 6 Let even men ot his funs bed

he anfwer'ed, I am be. Then fhe faid unto edumous, and we will hang them
him, Hear the words of thine handmaid. to the LORD in Gibeah ot SjuI
And he anfwered, I do heir. the LORD did chool'e. And the
t8 'Ihenihefpake, faying, They were laid, 1 will give them.
wont tofpeakinold time, "faying, They ~ But the king (pared Mephi
fhall Purely ask coimftl at Abel and fo : the Ton of Jonathan the Ion »f Saul
they ended tbt nutter. came ot the LORDs
02th that Wtffl
19 \ am' one of tbtm tkit an peaceable tween them, between David and }m
*n<* faithful in Ifrael: tbou feekefttode- than the fon of Saul.
ftroyacity, and a mother in Ifrael: why 8 But fhe king took the two forM
wilt thou fwallow up the inheritance of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whoml
the LORD ? bare untu Saul, Armoni, and Mephifc
ao And Joab anfweredand faid, Far be fheth, and the five fons ot Michafl t
it, far be it from me, that 1 fhould fwal- daughter of Saul, whom fh*
low up or deftrtfy. tor Adriel (he len of Barzillai the H
it The matter is not fo but a man of
: holathite.
mount Ephraim ( Sheba the Ion of Bichri 9 And he delivered them into the has
byname) hath lift up his hand againftthe of the Gibeonites, and they hanged thj
king,et>e/) againft David : deliver him on- inthehillbeforethe LORD -.and the
ly, and I wTli depart from the city. And ait feven together, and were nvircdd
the woman faid unto Joab, Behold, his in the days ot harveft, in the firft Jays,' {

head thrown to thee over the wall

fhall be the beginning of barley-harvelt.
i! the woman went unto all the
Then rem AndR'izpah the daughter of Ai
people in her wifdom, and thev cut off tiie took fackcloth, and (bread it for her or*
headof Sheba the Ton of Bichri, andcalt the rock, from the beginning'of harvft

it out to Joab and he blew a trumpet, and

: until water dropped upon them out of he
they retired from the city, every man to ven, and futfered neither the birds of t
histcnt: and )oab returned to Jerufalem air toretton them by day, nor the beai
unto the king. cfthe field by night.
*? Ti Now JoabWiif over all (he holt of it was told David what Rizp:

Ifrael : and Benaiah the fen of Jehoiada the daughter of Aiah the concubine-
wus over the Chercthites, and over the Saul hai 1

Pelethites: ii 11 And David went and tock tf


24 And Adoram w.*« over the tribute: bonesof Saul, and the bones f Jonath:
and Jehofnaphat the fon of Ahilud w*j hisfbh, from the men of Jabeih-gijB
recorder: which hadftolen them from thefireeft
1^ And Sheva w.u fcribe and Zadok : Beth-fhan, where the Philiftinea b:
and Abiathar were the priefb hanged them, when the Vhilutines h . (

18 And Ira alfothe Jairite was a chief Cain Saul in Gilboa.

ruler abort David. 1? And he brought up from ther.cea
CHAT. XXI. bones of Saul, and the bonesof JohatS
, .
The ts.tft b, &c. his fon ; and they gathered the bonesl
"T^Hen there was a famine in the days them that were hanged.
•J. of David, three years, year after 14 And the hones of Saul :nd JonathJ
year; and David enquired of the Lokd. his fan, huncd they inthe cenmtry ot Bo
And the LORD
anfwered, It is for Saul, iamiriin Zek-.h, in thefepulchreof Kt)
and for bn bloodv liouf'e, hecaule he llcw his fathen and thev pcrlormed all th
the Gibeonites. the king eommaftded* and after tha

» And the km£ called the Gibeonitcs, God was Intreaied icr the land.

chap. xKif. *• to* for *>'' *"««.

darknefs vat under his ft*
U Moreover, the PhlHftines had yet down: and
David went ti And he rode

upon a cherub, and did

apain with Ilrael. .

and his fervants with him, and. fly and he was leen upon the wings ot


Phililhnes; and Da- the wind.

apainlt the
ixed taint
And he made darknels pavilions
which w*> of the round about, dark waters, and thick-
ind Ilhbi-benob
clouds of the skies.'
the giant, C the weight ot whole
vetis&d three hundred Jht&h ot U Through the brightnefs before hint
were coals ot fire kindled.
n weight J he being girded with a TheLORD thundred from heaven,
Jword, thought to have ilain David.
and the molt High uttered his voice.
But Abiihaithc Ion ot Zeruiahlue-
is And he fen: out arrows, and Icattered
d him, andlmo ethsPhililtini, and them ; lightning, and dii'comfitcd them.
fd him. Then the men ot David
16 Andthechanels ot the lea appeared,
!\un, laying, Thou lhalt go no more
that thou quench not the foundations of the world were difec-
vered, at the lebukmg of the Lord, at
ghtoV Ifrael. _

the blaft of the breath of his nolt ils.

And it came to pais after this, that from above, he took me He fent
was again a battle with the Phih-
Sibbechai the Hufna- out ot many waters.
he drew me
s at Gob: then
lonsot delivered me from my ftrong
i$ He
• ile'wSaph, which was ot the
enemy, and from them that hated me
e for they were too ftrong tor me.
And* there was again a battle in Gob to. They prevented me in the day of
the Fhiliflines, where bllranan

of Jaareroregim a Beth-Iehemite, flew calamity but the was my ftay. : LORD

rfotbtr of Goliath the Gittite, the itaft
io He brought me forth alfo into a
large place: he, delivered me, becaulc
hofe (pear tv/islikea weavers beam. me.
in Gath, he delighted in
_j And there was yet a battle it The rewarded me according LORD
>re was a man of ftarure,
to my righteoufnels according to the
on every hand fix fingers, and on eve-

my hath he recompen-
Boot fix toes, four and twenty mnum-
cleannefsoi hands
andhe alfo was born to the giant. sed me. r . •

And when he defied Ifrael, jona- ii For I have kept the ways of the
and have not wickedly departed
h the ion of bhimea the brother ot LORD,
vid flew hi—. from my God. , e
i Thefe four were born to the
giant « For all his judgments were before
not de-
me and as for his ftatutes, I did
Gath, and fell by the hand of David, :

I by ths hand of his fervants part from them.

1.4 I was alfo upright before
him, and,
have kept my felt from mine iniquity.
vids fcr Gods
Nd David ("pake unto the the LORD i> Therefore the LORD hath recoin-
i words of this ('on?, in the day that penl'ed me according to my nghteout-
i LORD had -delivered him out of ths nei's : according to my cleannel's in hts

nd.of all his enemies, and out of the eye- fight

ndof 16 With the merciful thou wilt fhew
Saul. _ .
thy felt merciful, una with the upright
i And he faid, TheLORD u my rock
Amy my
tertrefs, and
man thou wilt fhew thy lelf upright.
The God of my rock, in him will I 17 With the pure thou wilt Ihew thy
felfpure: and with thefroward thou wilt
:: be it my fhield, ana the horn ot
falvation, my hich tower, and my fhew thy felf unl'avoury.
ige, my faviour; thou lavefc me from iS And the afflicted people thou wilt
fave: but thine eyesore uponthe haugh-
1 will call on the LORD, who is ty, that thou may tt bring tbtm down.
thy tobeprailed : lb fhall 1 be laved iQ For thou art my lamp, O LORD:
amine enemies. and the will lighten my dark-

When the waves of death compaued nefs

the floods of ungodly men made me \o Fcr by thee I have run through a
raid troop : by my God have 1 leaped over a
5 The forrowsof hell compared mea- .vail

tat the fnaresof death prevented me.

xi'As for God, his way is perfect ; the
wordoftheLoRD is tried he i.-a buck-
7 In my diftrels I called upon the Lord, :

ild cried to my God, and he did

hear my ler to all them that trultinlum. „*,„-_
Sice out of his temple, and my ctydid 3i For who is God, lave the LORD
iter into his ears. and who is a rock, fave our God ?
:- God is myftrength and power: ma
8 Then the earth fhook and trembled :
ie foundations cf heaven moved and f-.emalcethmy way perfect.
14 He maketh my feet like hinds
Jeer .
look becaufe he was wroth.
9 There went up a fmoke out of his and fetteth me upon n\y high places.
to war : io
oftnls, and fire out of his mouth de- j< He teacheth my hands
that a bow- of fteel is broken by
oured coals were kindled by it.

jo He bowed the heavens alio and came arras.

36 Th.0*
: a
Vivid: tf.jlm of tbinfugivinf, IT." Samuel. & t

aft alio given me the fhield all*, '.jugh he make it m

of thy falvation : ai.d thy gcntlencfs tath grow.
I 6 U But the fom of
Belial Jhtll be al
57 Thoj hart ei:l:.rged mvftcps under j
them as thorns thruft-away, becavifl
jne : to that mv test did no-: dip. cannot be taken
l8 1 have puri'ued mine enemies, and 7 But the man that fhall touch th
-ed them-, and turned not again nuft be fenced with iron, an/
Lml I bad them
ronfiirftcd a fpear, and they fhall t>e utterly bt
39 And I have conlumcd then, an J with fire in the fame place.; them, that they could not a- b' U Thefe be the names of the mil
rile : vea, they ire fallen under n.y feet. men whom David had; TheTachmoi
4-c For thou haft girded me with ft'rer.gth that (a: in the feat, chief a t.or.g the c
to battle -.them that rofenp a^jainit me, tarns, (the lame vest Adino the Lzni
t.j.t thou fu'jJued under me. bit fpear againft eight hundi
4.1 Tkou haft alio given me the recks whom he Hew at one time.
of mine enemies, that 1 might delrroy 9 And after him wjj Eleazar the
them that hate me. the Ahohite, cne of the tfc
41 They looked, but tbtte was none to mighty men with David, whet
fave tven urto the Lord, but he an- the Phrtiftines that were there gatbe
fwcred them together to battle, and the men of If
4; Then did I beat them as (mall as were gone away.
the dttfl of tLe earth, I did Hasp them 10 lie a role; and fmore the Phil
as the mireof thertreet, *ni did fpread until his hand was weary, and
them abroad. clave unto the fword and the L :

44 Thou alio haft delivered me from wrought a great viftory that d

the itriv:r.;i-: of my people, thou halt kept the people returned alter him onlt
roe to be hca,' of the heathen a people fpoil. :

iTc.-.e I knew not, fliall ferveme. 11 And after him wjj bh

4? Strangers fhall fuhmit themfelves fonol Agee trre Hararite and the gf :

unto me adoon as they hear, they fhall liftinea were gathered together infl

be obedient unto me. troop, where was a piece of ?r:. r» I

46 Strangers fhall fade away, and they of lent lies and the people fl :

fliall be afraid out ot their dole places. Philiftmes.

4- The LORD liveth, and bleffed bt 11 But he flood in the midft oft
my rock: and exalted be the God of the ground, and defended it, 31
rock of my falvation. PhHrftines and the LORD .

45 It fi Gcd that avenged) me, and great victory.

taat bringeth down the people under me, r, Ar.d three of the thirty chief w,
49 Ar.d that bringeth me f:rrh fcom down and came to David in the ham
mine en m alio haft lifted me time, unto the cave of Adullam ar.dl :

up on high above them that rofe up a- troop of the Philiftmes pitched in * me thou haft delivered mc from valley of Rephaim.

the violent man. 14 And David rv .:; then in an hold,

fc Therefore I will give thar.ks unto the rarifon of the Philiftmes w*. it
thee, O
Lord, among the heather., ar.d irl Bet K.-:
1 will tin? praifesanto thy name. i-r Ar.d David longed, an:
<ri Ht 7, the tower of 'falvation for his that one would give me dri
and IhewetD mercy to his ar.omted, water of the well of Beth-lchem, wM
ur.:o David, and to bis iced for ever*;ore. ii by the eate !

C A P. XXIII. H \f> the three miehry men brt

David vrofejjetb bit frith, &c. through the holt of thc'Ph'ihttiues, 9
NO*theiey: the lait words of David : drew water out cf the well of Beth-lehe
David the lbn ot Jclle laid, and the that tpji bv the gate, and took ft. a
man rtbo w*\ Tailed up en high, the a- brouglrt rf'to David nevcrtheleis :

ed of the God cf Jacob', an. the . 9t drink thereof, but pcured

tweet I rael, laid, out unto the LORD.
1 The pirit cf the Lord fpakebyme, 1- And he laid, Be it far trcm me,
anJ his word n u in my tor.cue. LORD, that 1 thould di
a. The Godot lfrael laid, the Rock of the blood of the men that went in ieopj
liael fpake to me, He that raleth over dy of their lives? therefore he would*
ntnmuftln ruling in the fear of God :
juil Theft things did thefe thi
be as the light ot the might v men,
".n the fun rifetn, tvtn a hai the brother of Jot
\ne without clouds - ;- the lb:i ot Zeruiah, was chiet amo
frafs/] of the earth by cleat three; sr.d he lift up his Ipear agai
alter rain.
: three ^i.dred, «r.J tlew tie-
boufe bt net

the name among three.

made with me an e- neuraMeoftrre
crbftvhg covenant, ordered in al , he was their captain . ho'
*:.uiwe; foi laivauon, ar.d
XXtv. Ibt people numbred.
doth my lord the king delight in this
thing ?
4 Notwithftanding, the kings word pre-
Bkc men ot \ioab he went down : vailed againit joab, and agamic the cap-
and Hew a lion in tlie midlt of a pit tains of the holt: and Joab and the cap-
me of (now. tains of the holt went out from the prc-
And he llew .an Egyptian, a goodly fence of the king, to number the peapie
: and the Egyptian had a Ipear in oflfrael.
hand i but hewerit down to him with ? n And they pafl'ed over Jordan, and
fl\ and plucked the "pear out of the t
pitched inAroer, on the right ikie of the
pti2ns hand, and llew him with his city that lietb inthemidft ol the river of
ipear. Gad, and toward Jazer.
Thel'e things did Benaiahthe fonof 6 Then they came to Gilead, and t«
iiada, and had the name among three the land of Tahtim-hodihi j and they
hty men. came to Dan-jaan, and -about to Zidon,
He was more honourable than the 7 And came to -the Itrong hold ot Tyre,
, but lie attained not to the fir/i and to all the cities of theHivites, end
and David lee him
: ever his guard. of the Canaamtes and they went out

Alahelthe brother of Joab was one to the fouth of Judah, even to Beer-
e thirtv : Elhanan the Ion of Dodo lheba.
eth-lehem, 8 So when they had gone through all
S.iammah' the Harodite Elika the the land, they came to Jerusalem at the
odite,, end of nine months and twenty days.
Ira the fon of
Helez the Paltite 9 And Joab gave up the firm of the
elh the Tekoite, number of the people unto the king : and
Abiezer the Anethothite, Mebun- there were in lfrael eight hundred thou-
the Huihathite, fand valiant men that drew the fword ;
Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai the and the men of Judah vert five hundred
pphathite, thoufand men.
Heleb the fon of Baanah, a Neto- to fl And Davids heart fmote him after
•:hite, Ittai the fon of Ribai out of that he had numbrea the people: and
.eah of the children of Benjamin, David laid unto the Lord, I have finned
naiih the Pirathonite^ Huldaiof greatly in that I have done and now, I

brooks of Gaafa. bel'eech thee, O LORD,

take away the;
Abi-albon the Arbathite, Azuiaveth iniquity of thy fervantj fori have-done
Barhumite, very loolifhly.
EhahbatheShaalboni'e; of the Tons ii For when David was up fn the mor-
aihen, Jonathan, ning, the wo-d of the Lord came unto
Shammah the Harante, Ahiam the the'prophet Gad, Davids feer, faying,
ot Siiarar the Harante, ii Go and 1'ay unto David, Thus faiti
Eliphelet the fon of Ahasbai, the the LoR'b, 1 offer thee three things ; choofe
ot the Maachathiiei Eliam the fon of thee one of them, that 1 may do it unto
hophtl the Gilomte, thee.
Hezrai the Carmelite, Paarai the HSo Gad came to David, and told
ite, him, and laid unto him, Shall leven years
gal the (an of Nathan of Zobah, oi famine come unto tnee in thy land ' or
'i the Gadirc, wilt thou flee three months before thine
ZeSek the Ammonite, Naharai the enemies, while they pun'iie thee? orthat
armour-bearer to Joab the there be three davs peftilence in thy
f Zeruiah, land? now advife, and fee what anfwec
|r an lthrite, Uareb an Ithrite,
i I ill a return to him that Tent me.
1 1

Uriah the Hittite thirty and feven : i4 And David laid unto Gad, I am i«
a great ftrait: let us fail now into the
CHAP. XXIV. hand of the Lord. C for his mercies Are
VaviJ numbretb the people, &c. great) and Jet me not fall into thenar*
d again the anger of the Lord was
againft 1 r
id he mo- 1
I ,
Qt man.
t? So the Lord fent a peftilence upo«
iavid agaimttbemi to lay, Qonum- V j
from the morning even to the time

Iliajl and Jut! h. appointed and there died of the people


or the king laid to JoV::> the captain from Dan *v?n unto Beer-iheba, feventj
he hott, which to*: with him, Go thoufand men,
through all the tribes of Ifrael, from 16 And when the angel ftretched ortt
evenlo 3e;r-fhetv., and number ye his hand "r^on Jero r?.'euuo deflroyit, the
ieople, (hat I ma) know tbenirmber Lord repented him of the evil, and faii
he p«or'.e. rotheangilthat ue'troyed the people, It
And Joib laid '/ the kir.?, Now i* enough: (lay now thine hand. And
: , God unto the pea- the angel ofthe" Lord was by the thrcfli-
:/erthey be ) ing-place of Araivnah the Jebufite.
and that the ejes of mv i7 And David fpake unto the LORD
the king may fee it: but why when he law 4 he angel that fmote the'
M. poopte
oniub ufurfetbtbc fangSc lg«.*'l rtqmft,
people, andfaid, Lo, I have Tinned, and
11 And Araunah faid unto David, Le
I have done wickedly but thefe iheep,
: my lord the king take audolVer upwha
what have they done? Let thine hand, 1 fttmttb good unto him : behold, bert b
pray thee, beagainttme, and againft my oxen tor burnt-lacrifice, and threlhing
lathers houfe. initruments, and other inilrumen:s of th
\o A And Gad came
that day to David, oxen tor woui.
and laid unto liim, Go up, rear an altar a: All Ihefe tbtngi did Araunah, <ti
' unto the Lord, in the threfhing-fioor of king, give unto the king: and Arauna.
ilraunah the Jebuiite. laid unto the king, The Lord thy Ge.
,19 And David, according to the faying accept thee.
of Gad, went up, as the com- LORD 14 And the king faid unto Araunah
manded. Nay but I will lurely buy it of thee at

ac And Araunah looked, and Taw the l-rice neitherwill I orler burnt-Oii'enne

king and his fervar.ts coming on toward unto the LORD

my God, of that whicj
him: and Araunah went out, and bowed doth coft me nothing. So David bcugh
himfelf before the king on hisfa«eupon thethrcfhing-Hoorandthc oxen, tor tiff
the ground. fhekels of filver.
21 And Araunah Wherefore is
faid, i. And David built there an altar unt.
my lord the king come to his fervanH the LORD, and oiiered burnt-offerirua
And David faid, To buy the threfhing- and peace-offerings (o the LORD wa

foor of thee, to build an altar unto the intreated for the land, and the plasu
LORD, that the plague may be Itayed was itayed from Ifrael.
from the people.

* The Firft Book of the KINGS, commonly called

The Third Book of the K I N G S.
C H A P. I. tc But Nathan the prophet, a^d
AVijhig cbtrijbetb Div'd, &c • naiah, and the mighty men, and Solo
"^k. ~T"

—I ^W
"' ^
Ow king David was old, and
flricken in years andtheveo-
vered him with clothes, oiit he
his brother he called nor.
11 11 Wheretore Nathan fpake
Bath-fheba the mother of Solomon, fay
ing, Halt thou not heard that AdonijtJ
gat no heat.
x Wherefore his fervants faid unto him, the for. of Hageith doth rei^r, and Da-
"X-et there be fought for my lord theking vid our lord knoweth it not ?
a young virgin, and let her ftand ietore it Now therefore come, let me, I pra I
the king, and let her therifh him, and thee, give thee counfel, that thou mayfi
letherlie in thy bofom, that my lord the l.ave thir.e own life, and the life of tn I
king may get heat. Ion Solomon.
•3 So they fought for 3 fair damfel 13 Go, and get thee in unto kingDl I
throughout all the coai'ts of Ifrael, and
vid, and fay unto him, Didft not thou
Sound Abiftiag a Shunammite.and brought my lord O
l<ir.g, '.'wear unto thine hand
her to the kins. maid, faying, Aduredlv Solomon thy foi
4 And the damfel w*.< vcrv fair, and fhall reign after me, and he fhall fit up
cherifhed the king, and minilfc'red to him : on my throne ? why then doth AdoJiijfl
fcut the king knew her nor. reign ?

? *1 Then Adomjah the Ion of Hagsith 14 Behold, while thou yettalkeft the*
•xalted himfelf, faying, I will be king: with the king, I will alfo come in a:te
and he prepared him chariots and horl e- thee, and confjrRt thy words.
men, and fiftv men fo nin before him. K *l And Bath-fheba went in unto th
6 And his father had not difpleafed him kin?, into the chamber: and the kin
at any time, in Jayitjp;, Why halt thou was'veryoUi ; and Abilhag rheShunaj
<:.oneio? and he al'tb wj> a very pOodly mite mi mitred unto the king
.fnnn and bn mother bare him after Ab-
; 16 And Bath-fheba bowed, and I
falom. obeifance unro the king
faid, What would ft thou?
and the . I
7 And he conferred with Joab the ("on of
Zeruiah, and with Abfathar the pneffr: 1- And lhe faid unto him, Mv lo
atid they following Adonijah, helped him. thoufwareit bv the Lord thy God u
8 But Zadok the prieft, and Benaiah thine handinai'd, /tying, Affiirealy So
%Ys lbnof lehoiada, and Nathan the pro- mon thy ton fhall reisn after me,' and
phet, ana Sliimei, and Rei, and the migh- fhall fit upon my throne:
ty men which belonged to David, werenor l
i d And now behold, Adonijah reign
With Adonii?h. eth ; and now my lord the king, tha
Ac* Adpnijah Hew fheep and oxen knoweft rt not.
and fat cattle r»y the ilon* of Zoheleth, 19 And he hath flain oxen, and far rat
wE* h is by Fn-'rogel, and called ail his tie, and iheep in abundance, and hatl
brethren the kiftgsfofflj and all the wen called all tfce Ions of the king, and Abia
Of Judah the kisjp lervanu. " Ujar the prieft> and Joab the captain
Chap. i. Solowiw is tniintei*
; holt but : Solomon thy fervant hath anfwcreJ the king, and faid, Amen:
not called. the LORD God or my lord the king fay
•.G And my lord O
king, the eves
thou, fo too.
all Ifrael *re upon thee, that thou V A? the LORD
hath been with my
)uldlt tell them who lhall fit on the lord the king, even fo be he with Solo-
•one or' mv
lotd the king after him.. mon, and make his throne greater than
it Otherwifc it lhall come to pals, the throne of my lord king David.
len my lord the kin? lhall deep with ;8 So Zadok rhe prieft, and Nathan
fathers, that I and my Ton Solomon the prophet, and Benaiahihe fon of Je-
ill be counted offenders. hoiada ; and the Cherethites, and the
11 And lo, while Hie yet talked with Pelethites, went down, andcaufed bolc»-
king, Nathan the prophet alio came mon to ride upon king Davids mule, and
brought him to Gihon,
[t And
they told the king, faying, Be- 39 And Zadok the prieft took an horn
Idi Nathan the prophet. And when he ofoyl out of the tabernacle, and anointed
s come in before the king, he bowed Solomon and they blew the trumpet,

nf'elf before the king with his face to and all the people laid, Goa fave king
i ground. Solomon.
[4 And Nathan laid, My lord Okmg, 4c And all the people came up after
It thou laid, Adonijah lhall reign after him, and the people piped with pipes,
:, and he lhall lit upon my throne? and rejoyced with great ioy, fo that the
.k For he is gone down this day, and earth rent with ine found of them.
th (lain oxen, and fat cattle, and fheep 4t n And Adonijah and all the guefts
abundance, and hath called all the were with him heard it, as they had
ngs fons, and the captains of the hod:, nude an end of eating: ana when ]oal»
d Abiathar the prieft. j and behold, they heard the found cf the trumpet, he faid.
t.and drink before him, andi'ay, God Wherefores thisnoife of the city being
re king Adonijah. in an uprore ?
:6 But me, even me thy fervant, and 4i And while he yet fpake, behold, lo-
dok the prieft, andBenaiahUie Ton of
nathan the Ton of Abiathar the pneit
laiada, and thy fervant Solomon hath came, ana Adonijah laid unto him, Come
not called in, for thou art a valiant man, and bring-
f) this thing done tby my lord the elt good tidings.
if, and thou halt not fhewed it unto thy 45 And Jonathan anfwered and faid ft
vant, who lhould lit on the throne of Adonijah, Verily our lord king Davitf
lord the king after him? hath made Solomon king.
8 f Then king David anfwered and 44 And the king hath Pent with him
d, Call me Bath-iheba and fhe came : Zadok the prieft, and Nathan the pro-
the kings pretence, anditoodbetore phet, and Benaiah the fon of Jrhoiada,
•king. and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites,
9 And the kins; fware, and faid, As and they have caufed lum io ride upsit
iLouuliveth, "that hath redeemed my the kinss mule.
1 out of all diftrefs, 4? Aria Zadok the prieft, and Nathaa
to Even as I (ware unto thee by the the prophet have anointed him ktng in
)"RD God of Ifrael, fining, AlVuredly Gihon and they are come up from thence

tomonthy fan (hall reign after me, and rejoycing, fo that the city rang again:
fhall lit upon my throne in my (lead; tnis it the noife that ye have heard.
en ("o will I certainly do this day. 46 And alfo Solomon fitteth on the
fti Then Bath-iheba bowed with b:r face throne of the kingdom.
^Jfe earth, and did reverence to the 47 And moreover the kings fervants
((§;, and faid, Let my lord king David came toblefsourlbrd king: David, faying,
'e for ever. God make the name of "Solomon better
& V. And king David faid, Call me than thy name, and make his throne swea-
fiok the priclt, and Nathan the pro- ter than thy throne and the king bowed

and Benaiah.the fon of Jehoiada. himfelf upon the bed.

id they came before
the king. 48 And alio thus faid theking, Blefled
a The king alio faid unto them, Take be the Lord God of Ifrael, which hath
th you the feivants o.f your lord, and given one to fit on my throne this day*
afe Solomon my fon to ride upon mine mine eyes even leein? it.
nmule, and bring him down to Gihon. 49 And all the gueftsthat were withA-
!4 And the prieft, andNa-
let Zadok donijah, were afraid, and rofe up, and!
m the prophetr anoint him there king went every man his way.
er Ifrael and blow ye with thetrum-
: ?o 51 And Adonijah feared becaufe of
and fay, God fave .king Solomon. Solomon, and arofe, and went, and caught
jc Then ye fhall come up after him, hold on the horns of the altar.
it he may come and fit upon my tfirone ; ?i And it was told Solomon, faying.
b« fhall be king
r in my ltead : and I Behold, Adonijah fearcth king Solo-
ve appointed him to be ruler over If- mon: for lo, he hath caught hoi don the
;I, and over Judah. horns of the altar, faving, Let king 5o_
tfi And Beaaiah the fon of Jahoiada lomon fwear unto me to day, that he
gs. Alonijibs requijt.
will not flay his fervant with thefworo. ti f. Then fat S'-ilomcn upon the t. iron,
i -<;i And Solomon lam, It he
will fhew of David his father, and his kingdom wa
himfelf a worthy man, there lnall not an eilabliftcd greatly.
hairof him fail to the earth: butif-wic- i; 51 And Adomjahthe fon of Haeeitl
kednels ihall be found in him, he Ihall '
came to Bath-lheba the mother ot Sole
die. mon, and fhe laid, Co.r.eit thou peace
?? So king So'onon fenr, and they ably? And he laid, Peaceably.
Droiicht hiriidown from the altar ; and
14 He faid moreover, I have fome
•heca me and bowed hinjfclt t» king So- what to fay unto thee. And ihe laid, Sa
lomon : and Solomon laid unto him, Go on.

to thine houfe. r> And he faid, Thou knoweft that th

CHAP. II. was mine, and.tbat all lirael fe
Vtvidt cbargt to Solomon, &c. thei; faces on me, that 1 mould reign
VTOw how. it the kingdom i* turne
the days of David drew nigh, about :

l>j thatheihould and is 'jecome my brothers for it was hi

die-, and he charged :

Solomon his Ion, laying, rrom the Lord.

l 1-go the way of all the earth: be tft And now I ask one petition of thee

thou ftrong therefore, and ihew thy felf deny me not. And Ihe faid unto
a man. Say on.
• ,3 And keepthe charge of the Lord thy i7 And he faid, Spea!:, I prayth^e, nn
God, to walk in his ways, to keep hts ti> Solomon the king ( lor lie will r.ot la-
ItatHtes and his commandments and his thee nay J that he give me Abifha^H
giidgments and his teftiuionies, as it is S'utnamnute to wire.
written in the law or Mo'es, that thou «8 And Bath-fheba, Well, I vril :

amaylt profper in all thai *hou doit, and fpeak for thee unto the king.
whitherloever fhon turned thy felt: 19-51 Bath-lheba therefore went
4 That the LORD may continue Ms king Solomon, to fpeak unto him for
word which he fpake concernms?; me, dooijah and the king role uj rot :

faying, 1: thy children take fieed to their her, and bowed him (elf unto her, an
way, to walk before me in tr ith, with down on his throne, and eauled a leu
all their heart, and with all their foul, be let for the kings mother and fhe ;

there mail not fail thee (laid he } a man on his right uand.
•n throne ct lirael.
the. 10 Thenfhe IdeiTrecr.e fmall
? Moreover, thou knoweft: a!fo what tuion of thee, I fr\y thee fay me nc
Joab the Ion of Zeruiah did to me, *n.i nay. A. id the king laid unto her, As!
what he did to tiie two captains of the on, my mother, for 1 will not i'ay the
holts of Tfrael, utyo Ahn'er the fon of nay.
£jer, and unto Aaiafa the fon of Je- ii And flie faid, Let Abifhag the S]
*her, whom he flew, and fhed the blood nammite be given to Adonij^h thy
ef war in peace, ana put t':e blood of ther to wife.
war upon his girdle that about his . n And king Solomon anfwered
loyns, and in his fhoes that iw« en his laid unto his mother, And why dolt tl

feet. • •tskAbiltug the Shunammite for Adoi

6 Do therefore according to thy wif- i2h ? ask for him the kingdom alfoj (ft!,
dom, and let not his hoar nead go down he ri mine elder brotne; even for hiri: )

. fo the grave in peace. . and forAbiathay the prieit. andrbrjoa

7 But ihew kindnels unto the fons cf the fon ol Zeruiah.
Barz'illai tne.Giler.Jite, and let them be i? Then king Solomon fware by th
6f tftofe that e at at thy table: for fo they LORD, laying, God do 'o to me, an
«ame to me when I fled becaufe of Abfa r more alfo, it Adomjah have not fpolce
lom thy brother! this word again, t -his ownjife.
8 And behold, thou £j/?with thee Shi- 14 Nowtheretore, *.'-the Lord liv^tf
mei the Ion oi Gera, a Benianuteof Ca- whichhatheftaolilhed me, andfet mel
nurim, which curled me with grievous p. the throne of David my father, and im
«ur!':, in the day when I went to Maha- hath made me an, as ne p'
liaim but h^ came down to meet me zt
: Adonijah ihall bi ut to death t! i

Jordan, zndlfware to him by the Lord, ic And king Soloiiion fent by the h
fayim>: I will not put thee todeath with
of Benaiah the ion ot Jclioiada, and
.-fhe (word. tell upon him that he died.
a Now therefore hold him not guilt- 16 11 And unto Abiathar the rielt i

lefs: foithou art awiferrian, and know- the king, Get thee to Anathoth, utiti
Ad whit thou oughtft to do unto him; thine own fields, for thou art worthy
|>ut his hear iriad bring thou down to the death but I will noi at this time p«

Crave with bio d. th#eto de?th, becaul'e thou bareft the atj
.-. ic So David f.jptwith his fathers, and of the Lord, God before Dav-'d my fathd
was buriad <n trie ntv of David. and becaufe t u.ju halt been arilicted in a:
n And the days that David reigned o- wher-in my lather was afH-cled.
verlftaeJi Vfttt forty ve?n fevJn. years -.
i7 So Solomon thru ;t ourAbiathar fror
reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three being pnett unto the LORD; that h
yta*» reigned he in Jerusalem. might luliUthcwordof thcLoWii whic
: '

'otb haw. Chap tit. Solomon petition.

fpake concerning thehoufe of Hli in 44 And the
Icing lent and called for
MOO, Shimei, and laid ijrtte him, Did i not
iS ,:
Then tidings ram- :o ftjab, f for make thee (wear by the LORD, r.d :

ali had turned ;r':er Adonijah, tho:ieh protefted unto thee, faying, Know tor a
turned uot after ftb< rom certain, r/ufontheday tiiouVceltout, and
idnntothetab£rna !ec; .;-. Loid, and abroSd any whither, that thou

ught hold on tne horns ot the a':.:r. ih K '.arely die? and thou faidftunto me,.
was told kin* S^'omon thit T. word tb*t I have heard, is good.

ab was fled unto the tabernacle or the 43 Why then haft fbou not kept the
the ai :
r . then oath of the LORD, and the command-
lomon Pent Benaiah tnefi n orjehoiada» rent that I have charged tiiec v.-ith ?
'in*,Go full u^on him. 44 The king faid moreover to Shimei,
\c And Bc.iau-icdui to the tab :macle Thou know eft all the wickednefs -

the LOtli), and laid unto him, Thus thineheart is nrivy to, that thou didft to
iththelcing, Com- forth. Andh.»laid, David my father: therefore the LORD
ay, but I will die here. And Benaiah fhall return thy wickednefs upon thine'
ought the kmg word again, faying, own Ik
hus'faid Joab,' and thus he anfwered me. 4i And king Solomon jhtll It blefied,
3i And the king (aid unto him, Dd as : throne 3t David lhall bee.tabli-
•Hath faid, and tall upon him, and bury Ihed before the Loud for ever.
that thou may ft take away the in- 4-6 So the ki: jcomrrranced Benaiah the
Dceni-Blood which Jcab fhed, from me, fenot lehoiada, which wfcnt oat and rell
nd from the houfe of my father. upon him, that h died a id the kingdom : :

t,x And the Lord fhall return his blood waseltabhfhed inthe hand oT Solomon.
pon his own. head, who fell upon two C H A P. 111.
len more righteous and better tfian lie, Soloinmmar/ieth Ft/ti-acb! d.mgbtsr-, See.
Bd flew toem with t;i" (word, my father AiNd Solomon Bade affirri y with Pha-
favidnot knoMingtbcrecf, to vcit-, Abner raoh king of Egypt, ana took Fru-
fon of Ner, captain of the hoft of raohs daughter, and brought her into tha
rae', andAmafa fhefon of Jether, cap- city of David, until he had msde an end-
in of the hoft of juduh. oi building his own houfe, .ird the houfe i

33 Their blood fhall therefore refu-n of the LORD, and the wall o: Jerufalem
pon the head or Joab, and upon the round about.
pad of his fend, for ever: but upon Da- i. Only the people facrificed in high
id, and upon his feed, and upun his places, becaufe. there was no houfe built
loufe, and upon his throne fhall there be unto the name of the until thofe LORD,
>eaee for ever from the Loup. days.
34 So Benaiah thefon of Jehoiada went 3 Ana Solomon loved the Lord, walk*
;p, and fell upon him, and flew him ; and ing in the ftatutes of David his father
le was buried in his own houfe in the wil- only he facrificed and burnt incenfe in
lernefs. j
high places. /

3< * And the king

put Benaiah the fon 4 And the king went toGibeon to fa-
bf Jehoiada in his room over the hoft ; and criftee there the f/reathigh
; foi that vpas
Zadokthe prieftdid the king put in the place: athoufand burnt-offerings did So-
'oom ot Abia'har. lomon oifer upon that altar.
36 11 And the king fent and called for * 11 In Gibeonthc T ORD appeared to
Shimei, and taiduritohim, Build thee an. Solomon dream by night: and Gq«J
in a
houfe in Jerufaieru, anddwell there, and faid, Ask what I fhall give thee.
go not forth thence any whither. 6 And Solomon faid, Thou haft fhewed
37 For it mall be, on the day thou unto thy fervant David my father great
goeftout, and pafTeft over the brook Ki- mercy, according as he walked before
dron, thou {halt know for certain, that thee in truth and in righteoufhefs, and in
tftou fhalt lurely die: thy blood mall be uprightne!"= of heart with thee, and thou;
upon thine own head. haft kept fjr him this great kindnefs*

^8 And Slumei faid unto the king, The I that thou haft given him a ion to fit op
faying is good: as my lord the king hath his throne, as it is this day.
Paid, lb will thy fervant do. And Shimei

7 And now, O LORD my Cod, thou

dwslt in Jerufalem many days, I haft made thy fervant king in head of
30 And ir came to oafs at the end of i
David my father and I *m but a little

three y.-ars, that two of the fervants of • child: I know not bove to go 'out qc
Shimei ran away unto Achifh fon of Maa- I come in.
chahkingofGath: and thev told Shimei, i $ And thy fervant is in the midft of thy
faying, Behold, thy fervants be in Gath. {
people which thou haft cholen, a great
4o And Shimei arofe, and (addled his i people, rhat cannot be numbred nor coun-
afs, and went to Gath to Achifh to feek ted for multitude.
his iervants snd Shimei went and brought ]
9 Give therefore thy fervant an under-
his fervants from Gath. 1 (landing heart, to judge thy people, that"
4i And it was told Solomon that Shimei 1 may difcern between flood and bad:
had. gona from Jerufalea* to cjata, and •
for who is able to judge this thy lo great
was come again, I a people ?
M ? i*Al»*

Tie tveo bar toil. 1.K ngs. Solomons princes.

10 And thefpeech pleafed the- LORD, in no wife but the other faid, Let it
flay it :

•hat Solomon had asked this thing-. be neither mine nor thine, but divide it.
it Aim God laid -unto him, Became thou 27 Then the king anlwered and laid, %
hall asked .this thing, and halt not asked Give her the living child, and in no wife
for thy. felt long life, neither halt asked flay it the mother thereof.
: fhe is
liches tor thy felf, nor halt asked the life 28 And all Ifracl heard of the judgment
of thine enemies, but hatt asked for thy which the king had judged, and they fea-
Jelt underftanding to dil'cern judgment red the king: for they fawthat thewif-
12 Behold, 1 have done according to domoi God was inhini, to do judgment,
thy words: lo, 1 have given thee a wife
and an underftanding heart, fo that there
Solomons princes an.t fcrvants, &C . •

was none like thee before thee, neither O .king Solomon was king over
after tnee (hall any arife like unto thee.
f? And 1 have-alfo given thee that which
S lirael.
2 Ana thefn voere the princes which he

thou halt not asked, both riches and ho- had, Azariah the fon of Zadok, the prieft :
».our fo that ther; mall not be any among
: 2 E.lihoreph and Ahiah, the fonsol Shi<

the kings like un:o thee, all thy days." fha, (cribes Jehoihaphat the fon of Ahi-

4 And it thou wilt walk in my ways,

1 lud, the recoraer.
to keep my ftacutes and my command- 4 And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiadaiw*
ments, as tiiy father David did walk, then ever the heft and Zadok and Abiathat

I will lengthen thy days. were the pnelti.

i? And Solomon awoke, and behold, ? And Azariah the fon of Nathan was
it was a dream: and he came to Jerusa- over the officers and Z?bud the fon »f:

lem, and ltooJ before the ark of the cove- Nathan was principal officer, and tht
nant of the Loan, and offered upbirnt- kings friend.
offerings, and offered peace-offerings, 6 And Ahifhar was over the houfltold-;*
and made a ft a ft to .all his fervants. andAdoniram the fon of Abda was over
16 51 Thencame there two women tbai the tribute.
i»<rt harlots, unto the king, andftocd be- 7 51 And Sotomon had twelve office*
fore him. over all Ifrael, which provided victuaM
And the one woman faid, O my lord,
i7 iqr the king and his houfhold each man :

I and this woman dwell in onehoufe, and his month in a year made provilion.
f wasdeliveredof a child, with her in the 8 And thefe are their names : The foa
houfe. of Hur, in mount Ephraim.
18 And it came to pafs the third day 9 The fon or Dekar, in Makaz, andi*
after that I was delivered, that this- wo- Shaalbim, and Beth-fhemcfh, and Llon-
man was delivered alio: and we wtreto- beth-hanan.
getner; tbtrc was no Itranger with us in 10 The fonof Hefed, in Aruboth : to
the houfe, fave we two in the houfe. him pertained Sochoh, and all the land of
iO And this womans child died in the Hephcr. -

eight} becaufe fhe overlaid it. u The fon of Abinadab, in all the re-
20 And fhe arofe at midnight, and took gion of Dor, which had Taphath the
jny fon from beiide me, while thine hand- daughter ot Solomon to wife.
Jmaid flept, and laid it inherbolom, and 11 Baanathefonof Ahilud fo bir.t per- :

laid her dead child in my bofbm. tained Taanach and Megiddo, and all
ii And when Iaro!e in the morning Beth-lhean, which is by Zartanah be*
to give my child fuck, behold, it was neath Jezreel, trom Beth-fhean to Abel
dead but when I had coniidered it ir.
: meholah, ev(nuntctbipla:etbat ribcyon,
the morning, behold, it was not my ion, Jokneam.
which I did bear. H
The Ion of Geber, in Ramoth-gi
ii And the other woman f3id, Nay-, lead to hi u pertained the to^vns ot Jai

but the living is my Ton, and the dead fi the for. of Manalleh, which are in Gilead
Jhvlbn and this fa'id, No but the dead
: ; to him *Vu pertained die region of Ai
/•'thy fon, and the living its my fon. which is in Bafhan, threefcore gic^t ci-
Thus they fpake before the kin?. ties with walls, and bralln bars.
xi, Then faid the king. The one faith, 14 Ahinadab the Ion of lddo bad Ma-
This it my Ion that liveth, and thy ion hanaim.
f»the dead: and the other laith, Nay , h AhimaazWMJ in Naph f n!i; he alfotooW
but thy fon is the dead, and my fon is the Bafmath the daughter of Solomon to wife.
living. 16 Baanah the fon oi Hufhai was in
zi And the king faid, Brins me a Afher and in Aloth.
fword. And they brought a f word before, 17 Jeholhaphat the fon of Paruah, in
the king. Ifiuchar.
2* And the king faid, Divide t;.e li- i8Shimcithefonof Elah, in Benjamin.
ving child in two, and give halt to the 19 Geber the fon ot Uri was in the
©ne, and halt to the other. country of Gilead, ia the country of 5»
26 Then fpake the woman wlioi'e th<* hon king of tie Amorites, and ot <jg ki
living child was, untj the king, f for her of Bafhan ; and be was the only office:
bowels yerncd upon her fon ) an;! fhe faid which td.k in the land.
©tfiytord, give her tie living child) and 20 f, Judah anu !;'raclw«»'«mar.y, aMh
ffoloinons vriJJotft: Chap. Hir*m aMfctb Solomon.
id which is
ft by the
the Tea in multitude, 4 But now the LORD my God hath
ting and drinking, and making merry. given merelton every fide, fo (but there
ti And Solomon reigned over "all king- is neither adverfary, nor evil occurrent.
mis, from the river unto fhe land ot the ? And behold, 1 purpofe to build an
lihftines, and unto the herder of E- houle unro the name of the LORD my
: they brought prefents, and ferved God, as the LOUD pake unto David my

>lo:uon all the days or his life. jatherrfaying, Thy Ibn, whom Iwiil!'et
11 H And Salomons provuion for one upon thy throne in thy ruom, he fliall
y, was thirty mealu'esot fine flour, and buila an houfe unto my name.
reefcore meafuresot meal, fj Now therefore command thou, that
it Ten tat oxen, and twenty oxen out they hew me cedar-trees out of Lebanon,
the pallures, and an hundred fheep, and my fervants mail be with tin' fervants •

fide harts, and roe-bucks, and lallow- and unto thee will I give hire for thy fer-
cr, and fatted fowl. vants, according to ail that thou malt ap-
14 For he had dominion over all the point for thou knowettthai there is not

tion on this tide the river, from Tiph- among us any that can skill to hew tim-
heven to Azzah, over all the kings on ber, like unto the Sidoni2r,s.
slide the river: and he had peace on 7 fi And it came ro pal's, when Hiram
I fides round about him. heard th<i words of Solomon, that he re-
And Jwdah and Ilrael dwelt fafely, joyced greatly, and laid, BlelVed be the
/cry man under his vine, and under his LORD this day, which hath given un'o
g-tree, from Dan even to Becr-meba, David a wife ion ever this great people.
1 the days o Solomon.
I 8 And Hiram lent to Solomon, faying,
i<S TI And Solsmon had forty thoufand I have contidered the things which thoo
allsofhcrfes for his chariots, and twelve fe'rteft to me for: And I will do all thy
mufand iiorfemen. define concerning timber of cedar, and
t7 And thof'e officers provided virtual concerning timber of fir.
>r king Solomon, and for all that came 9 My lerv^nts fhall bring tbem down

nto king Solomons table, every man in from Lebanon unto the fear and 1 will
is month: they lacked nothing. convey them bv lea in flotes, unto the
18 Barley alio and itraw for the horfes place that thou' fhalt appoint meT and
hd dromedaries brought they unto the will caufe them to be difcharged ih«e»
lace where the officers were, every man and thou malt receive them and tnou

ccording to his charge. ihalt accomplifhmy deiire, in giving food

19 V And God gave Solomon wifdom for my houlhold.
nd underltanding, exceeding much, and io So Hiram gave Solomon cedar-
Mgenefs of heart, even as the land that trees, and fir-trees, acco'ding to all hir
on the fea-fhore. de(Tre.
30 And Solomons wifdom excelled the it And Solomon rave Hiram twenty
vifdom of all the children of the ealt- thoufand meafures if wheat for food to
ointry, and all the wifdom of Egypt. his houfhold, and twenty meafures of
M For he was wifer than all men ; than pure oyl thus gave Solomon to Hiraru

tthan th; Ezrahite.andHeman.and Chal- year by year.

ol, and Darda, the Ion.-, of Mahol : and 11 And the LORD gave Solomon wif-
is fame was in all nations round about. dom, as he promit'ed him and there was

31 And he fpake three thoufand pra- peacs between Hiram and Solomon, and
erbs #nd his fongs were a thoufand and they two made a league rozether.

ive. 13 fl And king Solomon failed a levy

J? And he fpake of trees, from thece- out of all lfrael i and the levy was thirty
lar-treethat is in Lebanon, evenunrothe thoufand men»
lyflbp that fpringeth out oi the wall :lie 14 And he fer\t them to Lebanon, tea
'pake alio of bealts, and of lowl, and of thoufand a month by courfes a month

rreepin^ things, and or fifties. they were in Lebanon, and two months
34 Ami there came of all people to hear at home and Adomram » as over the

;he wifdom of Solomon, horn all kingsof levy.

the earth, which had heard of his wifdom. I if And Solomon had threefcore and ten
CHAP. V. ' thoufand that bare burdens, and fourfcote
Htrttfi fenditb to con%rAtut.iti^olomon. thoufand hewers in the mountains :

A Nd Hiram kins of Tyre fent his fer- ifS Betides the chiet ot Solomons officers

t\ vants unto Solomon ; lor he had which xrtre over the work, three thou-

Iheard tmt they had anointed him king in fand and three hundred, which ruled ovei
the room ot his father) tor Hiram*was ths people that wrought in the work.
ever a lover of David. it And the king commanded, and they
i And Solomon fent to Hiram, fayine, broueht great ttones, coftly (tones, and
3 Thou knowelf how that D3vid niv hewed ftones, to lay fhe foundation of
father could not build an houfetinto the the horde.
name ot the LoRn his God, tor the wars 18 And Solomons builders, andHirama
which were about him cm every fide, un- builders did hew them, and the itone- .

til the Lord put them under the foles of fquarers fo they prepared timber and-

his feet. itones to build the houfc.


7be building of I. Kir CI-

C H" A P. VI. lidesor
the fiVor, andtl
i the houfe, bot.'i
The building f ScC. walls with boards cf cedar-, heevenbui
Solomon templet '

ANddied to pals in the fourhun-j ibem lor it within, even lor the oracl
it came
and four, cote vear alter the] even for the molt holy flute.
children of Ifrael were come out of the i7 And the houfe, that »j, the temp. f

land of Egypt, in the fcurth year of So- b-forek, was forty cubits long.
lomons reign over lira el, in the month itf And the cedar ot the houfe withi
Zif, whick is the fecond month, that he wa- carved with knops, and open flower*
began to build the houfe of the lORD. all wa; cedar, there was no (tone feec
i And the houfe- which king Solomon 19 And the oracle he prepared in tb
built ior the LORD, the length thereof houfe within, to let there the ark of th
was threeicore cubits, and the breadth covenant of the Loku.
thereof twenty cubits, and the height io And the oracle in the forepart w*
thereof thirty cubits. twenty cubits in length, and twenty en
3 And the perch before the temple of bits in breadth, and twenty cubits in tin
the houfe, twenty cubits tjpjs the length height thereof: and he overlaid it wirtf"
thereof, according to the breadth of the pure gold, and/b covered the altar tibia
houfe j and ten cubits tp.i> the breadth W4io/ceaar.
thereof, before the houle. it So Solomon overlaid the houfe with.

4 And rcr the Iioul'e he made windows in w,th pure gold: and he made a parti-
of narrow liehts. tion by the chains of geld before tfti
? fl And againit the wall of the houfe oracle, and he overlaid it with gold..
he buik chambers round about, tgainjl 11 And the whole houfe he over!lafa
the walls of the home round about, boib with gold, until he had finifhed all
Oi' the temple, and or the oracle
made chamners round about.
and he : 'ho tie: alio the whole altar that voa
the oracle, he overlaid with gold.
6 The nethermoft chamber WW five cu- 1} 11 And within the oracle he madt
bits broad, and the middle was fix cubits two cherubimo of olive-tree, e&zb tei
broad, and the third was ("even cubits cubits high,
broad for without in tbt wail ol the houfe
: 14- And rive cubits was the one wing
he made narrowed xeits round about, that the cherub, and five cubits the other wi
the heimi itiould not* be laltned in the of the cherub from the uttermolt p;
walls of the home.
7 And the houle when it was in build-

of the one wing unto the uttermoft p:

or the, other, were ten cubits.
in?, was b:uk of iron;, made re:-.dy before li And the other cherub tpjj tencubitt-
it was brousrht thither: so that there- was both the cherubims w^f of one mealure-
•either hammer nor ax, nor any tocl oi and one iize.
iron heard in the houfe, while it was in 16 The height olthe one cherub -x.i; ter. I
kui'dimr. cubits, and lb was it of the other cherub, f
8 The door for the middle chamber was 1^ And he let the cherubims within rb? I
in the right fide of the houle and they : inner houfe; and they Itretched forth the!
went up with winding flairs imo the wingsof the cherubims, fo that the wine
middle cb*mber, andoutofthe middle in- of the ore touched the one wall, and the
to the third. ' ' wing of the other cherub touched the o-
9 S. x he built the houfe and finifhed it ther wall : and tneir wings touched one
ahd covered the houfe with beams and another iq the midll of the houfe. .

boards of cedar. 18 And heoveriaid the cherubimswi*

to And tben he built chambers againft gold.
all the houfe, five cubits high: and they 19 And he carved all the walls of the
retted on the houle with timber oi cedar. houfe roundabout with carved fieuresof
(i fl And the word of the LoBD came cherubims, anJ palm-trees, and open
to Solomon, laving, floweri, within and without.
u Cmcttwng this houfe which thou art 50 And the floor of the houfe he over-
in building, il trou wilt walk in my fta- laid with gold, within and without.
•utes, anii execute my judgments, asd }i 11 Andfcr theentringof the oracle
keep all my commandments to walk in he made doors of olive-tree the lintel: Intel
them : then will I perform my word wijfi and fide-polks were a fifth part of the w,
thee, which (pake unto IJavid thy father.
I U Thw two doers alio were of ol
i3 And I will dwell among the children tree ; and he carved upon them carvi
. atl'rael, and will not toriake my people of cherubims, and palm-trees, andoi
flowers, and overlaid tbtm with gold and
14. So Salomon buiit the houfe, and fi fpread gold upon the cherubims, and up-
• ilhed it. on the palm-trees.
K And he of the houfe
built the walls 53 So alio ma.iehefor the door of the
within with boards of cedar, both the temple, noks of olive-tree a fourth part
tloor of the houfe, and the walk of the of tbe wall.
tiding: and he covered tbtm on the in- U And the two doors were of fir-tree :
§de wl'hwood, and covered the floor of the two leaves ot the one door were fol-
iliehoufe with planks ot fir. ding, and the two leaves of the other
16 And he built twenty cubjis on the door were folding.

Sehwons buildings. Chap, vfi The molUnfejk,

jtt And he carved tbenott cherubims, N^htali, and his father wa a man of
id palm-trees, and open flowers : and Tyre, a worker in brafs and he was fil-:

7ered tbtm with gold, fitted upon the led withwifdom and uuderitanding, and
rved work. cunning to work all works in brafs j and he
Mb 51 Ana he built the inner court with came to king Solomon, and wrought all
ree rows of hewed ftone, and a row of his work.
dar-beams. i* For he caft two pillars of brals, of
V 51 In the ,'ourth year was the foundati- eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line
of the houfe of the LORD laid, in the ot twelve cubits did compals either of
3t»nt Zif. them about.
$ And eleventh year, in the month
in the 16 And he made two chapiters of mol-
1, ( the eighth month ) was the
which fi ten brals, to letupon the topsof the pil-
lie Snilhed throughout all the parts lars the height ot the one chapiter was

reof, and according to all the fa (h ion live cubits, and the height of the othes
it: So was he feven years in building chapiter was five cubits:
17 And nets of checker-work, and
The building of Solomons boufe, &C.
wreaths ot chain-work, for thechapirer*
which wen upen the top of the piUarsj
Ut Solomon was building his own
ievenforthe one chapiter, and feven foe
\ houfe thirteen years, and" he finifh- the other chapiter.
all his houfe. 18 And he made the pillars, and twa
51 He built alio the houfe of the forejl rows round about upon die one net-
Lebanon ; the length thereof w.ts a work, to cover the chapiters that were
ndred cubits, and the breadth thereof upon the top, with pomegranates: and
ty cubits, and the: height thereof thirty lo dut he tor the other chapiter.
bits, upon four rows bt cedar-pillars, 19 And the chapiters that were upon
«h cedar-beams upon the pillars. the top of the pillars, were of lily-^vork
t And it covered with cedar above in the porch, four cubits.
on the beams, that l*j on forty five 20 And the chapiters upon the two
lars, filteen in a row. pillars£d4 pomegranates alio a ove, ovet
Andtbtrewere windows in three rows, againftthe belly which w*s by the net-
d light a?ainft li?ht in three ranks. work and the' pomegranates were two

And all the docfrs and pofts were hundred, m

rows round about upon the;
are, withthe windows: and light wis other chapiter,
irjft light in three ranks. it And he fet up the pillars in the
51 And he made a porch of pillars ;
porch ot the temple and he fet up the

leogth t hereof vo.i< fifty cubits, and the right pillar, and called thename there-
:adth" thereof thirty cubits and the of Jachin: and he fet up the left piThr.

rch before them and the other pit- and called the name thereof Boaz

J and the thick beam voire before them. iz And upon the top of the i-illar, tfai
51 Then he made a porch for the lily-work: fo was the work of the pil-
ere he might judge, even the porch of lars finifhed.
gment and it w.ts covered with ce-
- 21 51 And he made a molten fey, t--n
r from one fide of the floor to the other. cubits from the one brim to the ther •
51 And his houfe where he dwelt, it w*> round all about, and his h^i^ht -

another court within the porch, which Wis five cubits: and a ine of »hirty cu- I

ftsor the like work. Solomon madeal- bits did cempafs it round about.
*n houfe for P laraohs daughter, f whom *4-And under the brim of it round 3-
had taken to wife ) like unto tins bout there were knops comparing it, ten
jrch. in a cubit, compaffing the fea round a-

f) All thefe veer- of coftlj fronts, accor- bout the knops were caft in two t\>ws y

lg to the vneafures of hewed. Hones, when it was caft.

•red,, with faws, within and without, i* It ftood upon twelve, three
sn from the foundation unto the cop- looking toward the north, aril three
;, and fo on the outfide toward the looking toward the weft, and three^
eat court.' looking toward the fouth, and three
ic And the foundation was of coftly looking toward the eait and the fea

ne?, even great ftone? * ftonis of ten wn- fet above upon them, and all their
nts, and Hones of eight cubits, hinder parts were inward.
i And abo'/e wre cofHy (tones C af- 26 Ana it was an hand-breadth thick,
the meafures of he-wed ftonasj and and the. brim thereof wis wrought like
lars. the brim of a cup, with flowers of li-
i An 1 the great court round about, lies it contained two thoufand baths.

s with three rows of hewed Hones, and 17 51 At id he made ten bales of brilsj
owof cedar-beams, both for the inner four cubits wm
the length of one baf?,
art of the houfe of the Lord, and for and fourcuoiis the breadth thereof, an4 \i
! porch of the houfe. three cubits the height of it.
? 51 And king Solomon fent a r.d fet iS And the work of tae ijafes was on
ram out of Tyre. thismanner ; They had borders, and th«
(4 tie was a widows ion of the tt»betf bojdei'S Wert between the kdges.
Mf 1} Mi
Tbt Uji Md Uttti I. Rings. Tt* temple deiiu'.ei.
it) And on the borders that were be- 4* And the pots, and the fliovcli, ard
tween the ledtrei were Jiorn, cxen, and the batons: and all theft vell'els which
rterubims and upon the ledges
: there Hiram made to king Salomon, for the
w*i abafe above: and beneath the lions houfaof the LoRD,tw< of bright braf^.
andjxen wtrt certain additions made of 45 In the plainof Jordan didtheking
thin work. cMl them in the day-ground, between
30 And every bafe had four brafen Succcth and Zai than.
wheels, and plates of brals arid the four : 47 And SMomonleft all the veflelsww
corners thereof had underietters under :
Weigbed, becaule they were exc.
thelaycrwfce underfettris molten, at the many: neither was the weight ot the
fide of every addition. brafs found out.
3i And the mouth of it within the 48 And Solomon made all t!;e veffels M
•hapiter and above wat a cubit bur : .
that pertained unto the houfe of the Lord :
the mouth thereof tv^t round after the the altar of gold, and the table of gold,
w„rk of the hale, a cubit and an half: whereupon the fhew-bredd w.ti,
and alfo upon the mouth of it rare trrav- 49 And the candleflicks of pure gold,
»ngswith the:r borders,- four-iquare, not hveontheri'rht/i'ij, 2nd hve on the left,
tound. before the oracle, with the fiowers, and
3* And under the borders w:re four the lamp-, and the tongs of gold,

wheels: a'-idthe axle-trees of the wheels ?o And the bowls, and the fnuffers,
tvere joyned to the bafe, and the height and the bafons-, and the '.poors, and
cf awheel was a cubit and halfacubit. the cenfer>- of pure gold ; and the bin*
33 And the work of the wheels wm ges of [.old, bo'h fcr the doors o! tr.e
like the work of a chariot-wheel their :
inner houfe, the molt holy place, and for
axle-trees, and their naves, and their fel- the doors of the houfe, to wit-, of the
loes, and their fpokesu'f'-e all molten. temple.
154 And there were four underietters to it So was ende^allthe work that king
the four corners of one bafe *pd the :
Solomon made for the houleofthe Lord :

Underietters tvere of the very bafe it felf. And Solomon brought intht things which
3? And in the tcp of the 'bafe was there Davidhis father had dedicated j tvtn the
a round compafs of half a cubit high: filver, ar.d the gold, and the velfc!-
and on the top of the bale, the ledges put among the freafures of thehouicol i:.«
thereof, and the borders thereof, were of Loru.
the fame. CHAP. VIII.
36 For. on the plates of the ledges Tfcf dedication of the tempt'-, &c
thereof, anct on the borders thereof, he
Jraved cherubims, lions, and palm-trees,
THen Solomon auembled theejderso
Ifrael, and all the heads of the tribes
according to the proportion of every one, the chief of the fathers of the children o
and additions round about. Ifrael, unto king Sclumon, fnJerufaJeni
37 After this manner he made the ten thatth;y miL'h.t bringupthearkoftheco.
feafes all of them had one calling, one
venantoftheLoRP, out of the city of Da.
Jtteafure, and one fizc. vid, which. 7i Zion.
381! Then made he tenlaverso brars: i And all the men oflfrael aflembl
one laver contained forty bath., and C vc- :
themfelves unro king Solomon, at th"e :

ty laver was four cubits: and upon every feaft in the month Ethannn, which ;"; the
one of the ten bale?, one laver. feventh month.
• And all the eld rrs of Ifrael came, and
39 And he put five bales on the right
fcdc of the houfe, and five on the leltfide ookup the ark.
the prierts f

or the houfe and he let the fea on the

4 And they brought up the ark of the
right fide of the houfe eatt-ward, over Lord, and the tabernacle of theccrrrr-
againftthe fouth. gation, and all thcholv vefl'els that west
40 11 And Hiram made the lavers, and in the tabernacle, e'v.n tho.e did the
the ftiovels, and the bafor.s So Hiram -.
prieftsand the Levi'es bring up.
made an end of doing all the work that 5 And king Solomon, and<alf the con-
he made king Solomon for the houfe of gregation of Ifrael, that were afTemUei
tte Lord. unto him, were with him before the ar'r-
4i The two pillars, and the two bowls fatriricine fheep and oxen, that coulS^
«f the chapiters that were on the top of not be told nor numbred for multitude. T
the two pillars: and the two net-works, 6 And the pricfts brought in- the arki
to cover the two bowls of the chapiters of the covenant of riic LORD
unto hij]
which rare upon the top of thepiUars: place, into the oracle of the houle, to
4i And four hundred pomegrai atesfor the mofcholv ?/-•«, even under the win
U:e two net-works, even two rows of of the cherubim*.
pomegranates for one net-work, to co- i For the cherubims fpread forth tee
ver the two bowls of the chapiters that two wings over the place of the ark, 2n
Were upon the pillars : the cherubims covered the atk, and th
ftaves thereof above.
43 ATidtheten bafes, and ten laverson
hebafes: '
8 And they drew out the ftaves, t*
•<4 Ar.donefca, art twelve o»en under the ends of the (tave« were feen out ef
ihet>oly plMt befoie tbc o»aclc, and they
: :

Chap. v(i >- for < bt P°fc'

and there they «
Therefor-enow, Lone Godoflfraef
keep with thy fcrvant David that

unto tnis iu).
JS Mofc f
r ,r Hnrrb w' en Se LOBU made*
put Hull not
promiledil him, faying, -There
tail thee a man


my light

to tit
on the throne of Ifrael i Co that thy chij
ake heed to their way, that they
SJt J^S&7hffirSWr?el, when dren

walk before me as thou haft walked be-

ley came out ot the land 01 tgpi'f .
pneirs fore me.

10 And it came topafewhen the

. .

xi And now, O Go<l o! I'rael, lot thy

ere come out of the holy place, that word, 1 pray the, be verified, which
ic cloud tilled the houle of the
thou fpakelt unto thy fcrvant David my
u So that the ptiefbs could not ftaod tor lather.
o minuter, becaufe of the cloud :

r- 3ut will God indeed dwell on the

he glory cf the LORD had tilled the
earth? behold, the heaven, and the hea-
oufe of the LoRV>. _, __, ven of heavens cannot contain thee, hotfr
xx fl Then fpaR* Solomon,
The Lor .,

thick U.uch lefs this houle that I have bu tid-

aid that he would dwell in the ed ?
!?& finely huilt thee an
iwell in, a nettled place for thee
Jioufetp z$ Yet have thou reipetf: unto thepray-
to a- eroi rhy lervant, and

3ide in tor ever. '

my God, to hearken unto thl
cry arid to tlie prayer, which thy lervant
14 And <he king
turned his face a-
congregation prayeifi before thee to day :

and bleiled all the

congregation ol 19 That thine eyes may be opentowarc"
( and all the
af Ifrael this heme mc;ht and day. etao towird the
tMheLORD pHacaOf which thou belt fata, My name---
^ASfheVaid, BleiTed
ftiall be there: that thou mayft heafken
God of Ifrael, which .(pake with his unto the prayer which' thy lervant trail .

Kouth unto David my lather, and hath make towards this place.
!with his hand fulfilled '£, faying, .

forth xo And hearken thou to the [itpnliCatioa

Since the day that 1 brought
16 of thv fcrvant, and ot thy peorle Ilrael,
people Ifrael out ot Egypt, 1 cho e

my to when they ihall pray toward.: this place:

no city out of all the tribes ot Ilrael and hear thou in heaven thy .dwell >ngfc
build an hofafc, that my name might :

and when thou hearett, torsive.

therein i.butl chofe David to be over my,
Ji 13 If any man trefp'als againft hi*-'
my neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him
^T/And itVas in the heart of Davidname ol to caufe him to (wear, and the oath^
father, to build an houfe for the betore thine altar in this houfe :

the LoRP God of Hrael. m

heaven, and :',o,
18 And the Lori- raid ™
t0 Davi "
;x Then hear thou
and judge thy fcrv^nrs condctnnirig'iha
father, Whereas it was in thineJieari
di cut wicked, to brinsr
his way upon hi.s head,
build an houle unto my name, thou and juftifvine the riffhteonss to givehira.
well that it was in thine heart
-> :

(halt not build according tohisrighteouihel^. -

IQ Neverthelels, thou 31 H "When thy people? Ifrael lSe Imlu-

the houfe, but thy fon that fhnll
build ten down before the enemy, beraufe they
forth out of thy loyns, he fnall have tinned agamft thee, and ftiall turn
the houfe unto my name.
performed his again to fhee, and confefs thy names and'

ic And the Lnnn hath

toord thafhe Tpalce. and I am
"fcnupin pray, and make fupplicatiomima ttteeifli
and fit on this houfe
the room ol Davis my father, XA Tien hear thou iu heaven, arulfcr-
the throne of Ilrael, as the.LoRi\P»mi- people Ifrael, n-.d
jed, and have built an houle tor <ne name ?ive the (in of tu'y
bring them again unto the land, w.ueli
Of the Lord God of Urael. for the thousav-elr. unto then' fathe:
there place
xi And Ihavefet a
;?'«n When heaven is fhtit»up, and
ark, wherein it the covenant ot tfte there is no rain, becaufe they have finned
Loro, which he made with ourthe land' teainft thee if they ptay loivacds thij
when he brought them out of ;

place, and conlcl-; thy name, and inrip

t^eir fin, when thou atHiicclt tt-em :
Kx^And Solomon stood before the al- from :6 Then hear-thou- in heaven, and tor-

sive the fin of thy fervants, and cf thy-

people Ifrael,-- that thou teach them the
^S^Ta^L^Godof^, eoodwav wherein- v
they ftiruld w.ilk, and I
heaver anove, give rajn upon t ,y land which thou r>aJ2|-
tber, h no God like thee, in

for an in';eritance.
;,ecpclt c ove- ^iventothv people

beneath, who
or on earth
ants, that 37 H If 'there be in the land lammc, -

nant and mercy with thy icrv if there be peltilence, Waiting, mil
Wa before thee with all their thy lervant locuft, or it there be caterpillar 5 ijih«if
walk .

ifwhoh.ft kept with vhem in the land of. the.

.prcmiledft enemy befiege
David my father that thou -whatfoever plagae, whatloe^c.r-^ -

fnakeft alfo with thy mouth, cities,

him thou
iS ILcUnefs ibtrr -if-, „
and haitfulti'kd,/: wiih-iJune l^->
.. ..

fuBf>u«asa*fc>ever-r praycrand
5 g Vfiiat
Solomon pr#ytr, rungs, tni ojttriHgs.
he mad* by any man, t>r b> all thy peo- ?i That thine eye? may be open u«t
ple Ilrael, which ftWl know every man the fupplicationof thv fervant, anduni
the vlagiieoi' his own heart, and Ipread the lupphcationof thy people Ilrael, t
forth ins hands towards this houie : hearken unto then in all that they cal
?9 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwel- tor unto thee.
ling-place, aod forgive, and do-, and ?? For thou didft feparate them fron
pivi to every man according to his ways, among ail t.'ie people of the earth, to t
whoie heart thou knoweft C for thou, even
thine inheritance, as thou fpakeft by the
huti only knoweit the heans ol all the hand ot Males thy fervaht, when thoi
Children 01 men J
brojtghteft our lathers out of E^
40 That they may tear thee all the LORD God.
•lays that they live in the land which *4 Ana it was/#, that when Solcmor.
thou gavelt unto our lathers. had made an en>4 of praying all thie
41 Moreover, concerning a itranger that,
is not of thy people Itraei, but conieth
prayer and fupplication unto the LORD,
he aro'e trom before the altar of the
£ HI !

•ut of a far country, tor thy names lake ; Loru, trom kneeling on his knees, with m
4i f For they fhall hear of thy great his hands fprcad up to heaven.
-name, and of thy ftronghand, and of thy *i And he ftood., and MefTed all the con.
ft retched out armj when he mall come Kregation ot Ifrael, with a loud voice, h-
and pray towards this houie: fayinsr, I :

4} Hear thou in heaven thy dwelling, Kfl Bleffed be the LORD,

that hath gi-p
trace, and do according to all that the venreftunto Lis people Ifrael, according V
ftfanger calietb to thee for that all peo-
: to all that he pronul'ed there hath not

ple or the earth may know thy name, to failed one word of all his good promil'e,
Fear thee, as So thy people Ifrael. and that which hepromiled by the h3nd ot Mofes
they may know that this houie which I his fervant.
havebui-tted, is .called by thy name. <!7 The LORD our God be with us,
44 51 If thy people go out to battle a- as he was with our lathers: let him not
gainft their enemy, whitherfbever thou leavens, nor lorfakeus:
(hah fend them, and (hall pray una •?b' That lie may incline our hearts un-
the LOUD toward the city which thou to him, to walk in all his ways, and to
haft choien, and toward the houie that 1 keep his commandments, and his fta*.
kave built tor thy name: tutes, and his judgments, which he com-
4* Then hear thou in heaven their manded our lathers.
grayer and their fupplication, arid main- 59- And let thele my words wherewith
tain their caufe, I have made fupplication before the
45 If they Sin againlt thee, ( for there Lord, be nigh unto the Lord our GjJ
is no man that finneth not) and thou be dayjmd night, that he maintain the
angry with them, and deliver them. to caule of his fervant, and the caufe cf
the enemy, lb that they carry thenr a- his people Ifrael at all times, as the mat-
•way captives, unto the land of the ene- ter fhall require:
»iy, far or near 6c That all the people of the earth
47 I'tt if they lhall bethink themfelves, may know that the LORD
U God, ani
in the land whither they were carried cap- that there is none efl'e.
tives, and repent, and make fupplicaticn 61 Let your heart therefore be perfect
unto thee, in the land of them that carried with the LORD our God, to walk in his.
them captives, faying, We
have finned, ftatutes, and to keep his commandments,
and have done perverily, we have com- as at this day.
jnited. wickednefs ; 6z f\ And the king, and all Ifrael
4S And fd return unto, thee with all with him, offered facrifice before the
their heart, and with alt their foul, in the LORD.
land of their enemies, which led them a- 6} And Solomon offered a facrifice of
Way capture, and pray unto thee toward peace-offerings, which he offered unto
their land, whi h thou gaveft unto their the LORD, two and twenty thoufand
fathers,, the city which thou halt chofen, oxen, and an hundred and twenty thcu-
and the houie which 1 have built for fandiheep: fothe king and all the chil-
thy name : dren of Ifrael dedicated the houie of the
49. Then hear thou their prayer and LORD.
their fupplication heaven thy dwel-
in 64 The fame day did the king hallo
fcnr-place, and maintain their caufe, the middle of the court that was befor
to And foreive thy people that have thehoufe of the Lord: for there he
firmed againft" thee, and all their tranf- fered burnt-Offerings, and meat-offerirg
neffie.ns wherein they have tranfgrefied and the fat of the i-eace-offerings: be
againft thee, and give thenj compaffion caufe the brafen altar that w.u before th
them who carried them captive, LORD, rra< too little to receive the
thai ihev may have < ompaflier. on them -.
burnt-offerings, and meat-orterings, and
<n foi they be thy people and thine the fat ot the peace-offerings.
inheritance, which thou brcu^hteft torth ta And at that time Solomon held a.
•ut of gy pi, fccaa the Bkids of the furnace
i- tealt, and all Ilrael with him, a great con-
,*jOJi covtntnt WJh Sol&non. tmap. i

UbBnto the river of Eg.pyt, before the LoRJo n And Hiram came out from Tyre to
to|#iir God, fcven ilays and fcven days, fee the citieswhich Solomon had eiven
loitten fourteen da\s. him, and they pleated him not. -

ill! 66 On the eighth day he lent thepeo- t; And he laid, What cities' are thcTe
jfcleaway: and they Welled the king, and which thou haft given me, my brother >
tjwent unto their tents joyful and glad or Ana he called, them the land of Cabui
ttceart, tor all the goodnefs that the Lord unto this day,
eJhaJ done for David his fervant, and for 14 And Hiram lent to the kingijxfcore
ijkfnel his people. talents ot gold.
i? Hi And this is the realbn of the levy
which king Solomon railed, lor to build
Codf covenant vei tb Selowov,
the houfe of the LORD, and his own
ANdhad finifhed
came pals when Solomon
it to
the building of the houfe hou!e, and Millo, and the wall of Jeru-
of the LORD, and the kings houfe, and falem, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and
allSolomons deiire which he was pleated Gezer.
to do, 16 For Pharaoh king of Egypt had
1 That the LORD
appeared to Solo- gone up, and taken Gezer, and burnt it
mon the fecond tune, as he had appear- with fire* and flain ffie Canaanites that
ed, unto him at Gibeon. dwelt in the city, ?.nd given it for a pre-
? And the LORD faid unto him, I fent unto his daughter, Solomons wife
h3ve heard thy prayer and thy fupplicati- \7 And Solomon built Gezer, and3etfr-
on that thou haft made before me: I horon the nether,
have hallowed this huul "e which thou haft 18 And Baalath, and Tadmor in the
my name there for ever, and
built, to put wildernefs, in the land,
mine eyes and mine heart fhallbe there 19 And all the cities of ltore that So-
perpetually. lomon had, and cities for his chariots,
4. And if thou wilt walk ba-fore me, as and cities- for his horlemen, ana that
David thy father walked, in integrity of which Solomon defired to build in Jeru-
heart and uprightness, to do according falem, and in Lebanon, and in all the
to all that 1 have commanded thte, and land of his dominion.
wilt keep my >itatuces and my judg- 20 And zttthe people that were left of
ments :
the Amorites. Hittites, J?erizzites, Hi-
Then I will eftablifh the throne of
vjtes, and Jebufires, which were not of
thy kingdom upon IlVaef for ever, as I the children of Ifrael,
promife.l to David thy father, faying, it Their children that were left after
There fhall not fail thee a man upon the them in the land, whom the children of
inrone of Ifrael. Krael alfo were not able utterly to de-
6 But if you fhall at all turn from fol- ftroy, upon thole did Solomon levy a
lowing me, you o r vour children, and will tribute of unto this day.
not keep my commandments and nryfta- 12 But of the children of Ifrael did
tutes, which I have fet before you, but go Solomon make no bend-men but the?

andlerveotner gods, andworfhip them: were men of war, and his fervants, and
7 Then will 1 cut off Ifrael out of the his princes, and his captains, and rulers
land which I have given them ; and this of his chariots, and his horlemen
houfe which I have hallowed for my 27 Thefe were the chief of the'offieers
name, will I cait out of my fight, and thatrpje* over Solomons work, five nun*,
Ifrael fhall be a proverb, and a by-word dredand fifty, which bare rule over the
anions all people ; peeple that wrought in the work.
8 And at this houfe, which is high, eve- 24 *o But Pharaohs daughter came up
ry one that palVeth by itfrnll be afroniih- out of the city of David, unto her houfe
ed, and fhall hils; and they fhall 1'a.y, which Solomon had built for her: then
Why hath the LORD
done thus unto did he build Millo.
this land, and to this houfe? i,- 11 And three times in a year did
9 And they fhall anfwer, Becaufethey Solomon offer burnt-offerings, and peace-
forfook the LORD their God, who offcrinesupon the altar which he built un-
bro\i?h f forth their fathers out of the land to the LORD, arid he burnt mcenfe upon
of E?ypt, and have taken hold upon o- the altar that w*< before the Lord: fohe
ther gods, and have worfhipped them, finifhed the houfe.
and ferved them therefore hath the L^rd
: 16 <l And kmg Solomon made a rravy
I. brought upon them all this evil. of fhipsin Ezion-eeber, which is befide-

to "11 And it C3'.ne to pais at the end Eloth, on the (hore of the Red fea, in
of twenty years, when Solomon had built the land of Edom.
*hetwo hcufes, the hcufeor" the LORD, 27 And Hiram fent in the navy his
and the kings houfe : fervants, lhipmen tnat had knowledge
it i MnoHiram
the king- of Tyre had of the fea> wun the fervants of Solo-
rurnrfhed Solomon with cedar-trees, and men.
fir-trees, and with gold, according to 25 And they came to Ophir, and fet
all his deftre ) that then king Solomon from thence gold, four hundred aod
gave Hiiar* twenty cities, in tnclanilof twenty talents,, and brought it to king
: : . '

Tit quttn cf Shi* ftdtr.uetb I. King owns -aifdw mi wr.gvtficer.e-;

Solomom voijdom gdmired, &c.
bundcedeaifeteo/ beaten gald: fix hun-
dred J^ekehot geld went to one target
ANd. when the queen of Sheba heard
ot the fame of Salomon, concer-
i7 And be tntde three hundred
of beaten gold ; three pound of gold went
ning the name ot the LORD, ihe came f °" e and the lung put them in
to prove him with hard queftions.
thehouleot^ icl cl:theloreitof

x And flic came to Jeru'alem with a • a n Moreover, the kin« made a great
very great train, with camels that bar- ne iV ° ry and 0verlaul il Wlt lthC
(Vices, and very much gold, and precious
bcft ofd
itones :and when ihe was come to Solo- 19 The throne had fix Heps, and the
mon, fhe communed with him of all that ^Qp ok the throne rp«s round behind : ar.d
was in her heart. there were flays on either
fi^c on the place
3 And-Solomon told her. all her quelb- or the teat, and two lion, ltood
ons there was not any thing hid from the the (lays.

king, which he told hernoi. ic And twelve lions flood there on

4 And when the queen of Sheba had one fide and on the other upon the fix
feenall Solomons wifdoni, and the houic- lteps: there wamot the like ni2de in any.
that he had built. Kingdom.
r And the meat of his table, and the ai.51 And ail king Solomon* ilrinktng
fitting of his ferv2nts, and the atten- vellcls were of gold, an,: all the vellels of
dance of hi", minifters and their apparel, the houfe ot the toreftof Lebanoi. werecf
and his cup-bearers,, and his afcent by pure gold, none wr/e vf filver; 11 was no-
which he went up unto the houfe cf the thing accounted ot in the Jays of Solomon
Lonn : there was no more fpirit in her. ai For the king had at fea a navy of
6 And fhe laid to the king, It was a Tharlhifh, with thernavy of Hiram : on re-
true report that I heard in mine own land, in three years came the navy otTharmtfh,
ofthy-afts, and of thy wii'dom. bringing gold and jilver, ivory, and apes,
7 Howweit, I believed not the words, an tl peacocks.
until Icame, and mine eyeshadl'een it: y- So kmcr Solomon exceeded alt the
and behold, the half was nottoR* me: kings of the earih, for riches and for
thy wifdom ar.d profperity exceedeth the wildom.
fame which I heard. 14 11 And all the earth foi'Fht to c c _
8 Happy are thv men, happy art thefe lomon, to hear his wifdom, which
thyfervants, which fiand had put in his heart.

fore thee, ana t.'^t hear thv wildom'. ii And they brought every man his J

q BlelTed be the Loro thy God which prefcm, reliefs ot lilver, and vcflclj of
delighted in thee, to fet thee on the gold, and garments, and armour, and
throne of Ifrael ; becaufe the Lou'; lev- •pices, horfes, and mules, a rate year
ad llrael tor ever, therefore made be by vear.
thee king, to do judgment and juitice. J* fl And-Solomon eatherrd together

to And fhe gave the king an hundred •chariots and horlemer:': and he bad 3
and twenty talents of eold, and of (pices theuland and tour hundred chariots, and
very great (tore, and- precious (tones twelve thooland hori'emen, whom he be-
there came no more fiich abundance ot llowed in the cities tor chariots, and with
fpices, as thefe which thequcnof She- thekingatjerulalem.
ba gave to king Solomon. 27 And the king made filver to be in
ii And the navy alio of Hiram that Ieruf3lem as (tones, and cedars made he
brought gold from (Jphir, brought in to be as t!:e fycomore-trees, that art in the
from'OplTir great-plen'y of nlnmg-trees, vale, tor abundance.
and precious ltcrves. 18 v And Solomon had horfes brought •

it And the king made of the alroitf- out of Egypt, and linen varn thekinss :

trees, pillarsfor the houfe of the Loft, merchants received the linen y^ r n at~a
and for the kings houfe, harps slfo-and price.
f>falteries for fingers : there came no 29 And a chariot came up and went,
iich almug-treesT nor were feen umo out of Eeypt for fix hundred Jhe{eli of
this day. filver, arid an horfe for an hundred and
i? Anil king Solomon gave unto the titty: and fo for all the kings of the Hit-
queenof Sheba all her defirewhatioever tites, and for the kings of Syri3, did they,
4he asked, befides tb*t which Solomon bring item out by their means.
gave her of his royal bounty : lb flic A 1>. XI. CH
turned and went to herown country, i^e Sohm-om wivtt and ceneub'mt, &c.
and herfervant*. T>Utki-,g Solomon loved many
14 V New the weight of gold tha* came Jj women \ together with the daughter
to Solomon in one year, was fix hundred ot Pharaoh} women of the Moabite*,
thrcefcore ami fix ta'entsof gold- Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians and
i; Bifides be bad of f h" merchanr- Hitti'-s
tnen, and ofthetrafikk of the fpice- mer- 2-Ot the nations concernrhf which the
chants, and of all the kinfs of Arabia, Lo*n (aid unto thechihirenef Ifriel, Ve
ami of the srovernorsof the country. fhallnot rom tot'iem, neitncrjhall thiy
*6_H And kiri£ SoJosioa made two come in unco you, fcr lurclythcy- will turn
»way -
o . .

Solowms rv'ves. Chap. si. Kb tivrrfirles.

nray your heart after their gods Solo- Genubath hisfon, whom wm-

tfin clave unto thel'e in love. ned in Pharaohs houfe and Genu'iath :

% And he had. even hundred wives, was in Pharaohs houlhold among the ions

pncefles, and three hundred concubines of Pharaoh. :

nd his wives tttrned away his heart. ri And when Hadad heard in Egypt
4 Fcr it came to pals when Solomon thatDavid fleptwhh his fathers, and that
»as old, that his wives turned away his Joab the captain of the. hoft wasflead,
eart after other gods and his heart was Hadad laid to Pharaoh, Let me-depart,

ot perfect with the Lord his God, as that l may.go to mine own country.
'*» the heart of David his father. n
Then Pharaoh laid unto him, But
< For Solomon went after Afctoreth the what halt thou lacked with me, that
oddelsof the Zidoniam, and after Mil- behold, thou feekelt to go to thine own
oin the abomination of the Ammonites. country ? And he anfwered, Nettling :

6 And Solcmcn did evil in the fight of howbeit let me go in any wile.
he Lord, and went not fully after the 13 n And God ttirred him xvp.tnotber
.ORD, as did David his father. adverlary, Rezon the fon of Eliadah,
7 Then did Solomon build an high which fled from his lord Hadadezer kins'
>lace for Chemofh, the abomination of ot Zobah.
vloab, in the hill that it before Jerufa- ia And he gathered men unto him, and
em ; and for Molecli, the abomination occame captain

over a band, when Da-

)f the children of Amnion. vid flew them of Zobab and they went :

5 And ike wife did he tor all hisitraage to Damafcus, and dwelt therein, anct

wives, which burnt incenfe, and facrificed reigned in Damalcus.

into their gods. if And he was an adverfarv to Ifrael
9 *1 And the Lord was angry with Solo- all the days ot Salomon, beiide the mil-
mon, liecaufe his heart was turned from ch let that Hadad did and he abherred •

the Lord God of Ifrael, which had ap- llrael, and reigned ^ver Syria-.
peared unto him twice, 26 51 And Jeroboam the fon of Nehat,-
ro And had commanded him concern- an Ephrathite ot Zereda, S domons Ier-
ing this thins, that he ftiould not go alter vant, C whole mothers name *>.-..< Zi-ru a
a widow woman
other gods but he kept not that which
: J even he lift u-> bis hand
the Lord commanded againlt the king.
h Wherefore the Lord faid unto Solo- XT And this rv*i the cau'e^that he lift
men, Furafmuch as this is done, of thee, up bis hand againft the king: Solomon,
and thou halt not kept my covenant and built Miljo, ana repaired the breachesof
niy ltarutes which I have commanded the cir.y-pf David his father.
/thee, I will furely rend the kingdom from 18 And- the man leroboarrrTX>.tj a migh-
thee, and will give it to thy iervant. ty man of valour :. and Solomon feeing
12 Notwithltanding in thy days I will the young man that he was induftrious, he
not do it, for David tky fathers fake but :
made him rulerover all the charseof the
I wilt-rend it out of the hand of thy fen. houfe ot Jofeph.
t2 Howbeit, 1 will not rend away all th» 19 And it came to pafs at that time
kingdom but. will give one tribe to thy
when Jeroboam went out of Jerufal*m,
fon, for David my fervants fake, ana for that the prophet Ahijah the Shilcnir-e
Jerufidems fake which I have chofen. found him in the way. and he had clad
U H And the Lord ftirrcd up an ad- himfelt with a new varment ; and they
verfary un'o Solomon, Hadad the Edo- two •pre/e alone in the" field.
mite j'hervu.'ofthe kings feed in Edom. 30 And Afftjah caught the new garment
t? For it came to pals when David was that vms on him, and rent it in twelve
in Edom, and Joab the captain of the holt pieces.
wa< gone up to bury the (lain, after he had ?i And he faid to Jeroboam, Takethee
fmitten every male in Edom : ten pieces: for thu~ faith the Lord, the
16 i For fia months did Joab remain God ot Ifrael, Behold, I will rend the
there with all Ifrael, until he had cut kingdom out of the hand of Solomon*
oft every male in t'domj and will give ten tribes to thee :
i7 That Hadad flea, he and certain E- %i-[ But he l&all have one tribe for my
demites of his fathers ferv.-'nts with him, fervant Davids fake, aRd for Jerufalems
to go into Egypt ; Hadad bting yet a lit- fake, the -city which I have chofen out
tle child. of all the tribes of Ifrael.)
\% And thev arofe out of Midian, and 53 Becaufe that the,y have Forfaken me,
came to Parah, and they took men with and haveworfhipped Afhtoreth theeod-
them out of Paran, and they came foE- dels of the Ziuonfans, Chemofh the god of
gypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, which theMoabites, and Milcom the god of the
gave him an hcufe, and appointed him children of Amnion, and have not walk-
viituals, and gave him land. ed in my ways, to do tbat wbicb is right
19 And Hadad found great favour in mmineeyer, and te ketp my ftatutes and
the fight of Pharaoh, fo that he gave him my judgments, as did David his father.
to wife the lifter of his own wife, the ?4 Howbeit, I will not take the whole
r Tahpenes the queen. kingdom out of his hand bat I wilt :

%<t And the lifter of Tahpa^tape-him make hirup*in#e all the toys©*" his life,
: : :

Xtbobotm rti&nttb. I. King*

for David my fervants fake, whom I
chofe, becaule he kept my command-
ments and my itatutes
;?. But I will take the kingdom out of
his Ions hand, and will give it unto thee.
even ten tribes. bcrore him
;6 And unto his Ton will I £ive one 9 And he (aid unto them, Whatcoun-

tribe, that David my fervant may have «3tg»ye ye, that we may anfwer this Pe o
a light alway before me in Jerufalem. Pie, who hzvc fpoken to me,
the city which I have chofen me to put
my name there.
37 And I will t,ake thee, and thou fhalt
rei?n according to all that thy. foul de-
fireth, anel fhalt be king overifrael.
58 And it mail be, it thou wilt hearken
unto all that I command thee, and wilt
walk in my ways, and do that ii rif lit in
my fight, to 'keep my ftatutes and my them, My littl^^r fhal! be thicker th
commandments, as David my fervant my lathers loyns.
did ; that I will be with thee, and build n And now whereas my father did
thee a fure houfe, as I bui't lor David, you with a htavyycke, I will add 10 yw
yoke: my tatter hath
29 And I will for this arflift the feed of whips, biit 1 will chaftife 'you with icS
David, but not for ever. piom.
40 Solomon fought therefore to kill 12 V, So Jeroboam and
the people
came to Rehoboam
Jeroboam and Jeroboam aroie, and fled

into Egypt, untoShiihak king of Esivpt,

the third day, as the
king had appci/.red, faying, Come to &
and was in Egypt until the death of Solo- me again the
mon, 1? And the kinz anfwereel the people
41 H And the reft of the acts of Solo roughly, and forfook the old mens conn- b
mon, and all that he did, and his wif- iel that they gave him i
dom, Art they not written in the booktf 14 And fpake to them after the counter'
the acts of Solomon ? or the yourig men, fayin?, M.
41 And the time that Solomon reigned in made your yoke heavy, aniT-lwill add to
Jerul'alem, over all Ifrael, w/t$ forty years. your yoke ; my father aI/o chattifed you
4? And Solomon flept with his fathers, with whips, but I will chaltili you witfl
and was buried in the city cf David his icorpions.
lather and Rehoboam his ion reigned
ii Wherefore the kina heaiknrd not.
in his ftead. unto the people; for the'eauie was from
CHAP. XIT. the LORD, that he might perform his
faying, which the Lord ipake by Ahi-
Itrohoxmi fuit to Etboboam, &c.
ANd Rehoboam went to Shechem
for all If'rael were come to Shechem
jah the Sidlonite unto Jeroboam tin; fun
of Nebat.
to make him king. 16 ^ So when all Ifrael Taw that the king
x And it came to pafswhen Jeroboam hearkned not unto them, the people an-
the ("on of Nebat, who was yet in Eeypt, fwered the king, laying, What portion
heard of it, ( for he was fled from the have we in David ? neither b.tve vet inhe-
prefence of king Solomon, and Jerebo- ritance in the fonof Jelfe: *o your tents,
am dwelt in EpyptJ O Ifrael now fee to thine own houfe, Da-

? That they fent and called hiii -and vid. So IlraeJ departed unto their rents.

Jeroboa n, and all the congregation of 17 But as for the children of liraei
Ifrael came, and fpakeunto Rehoboam, which dwelt in the cities of Judah, Re-
faying, hoboam reigned over them.
4 TJiy father made our yoke grievous t£ Then^king R;hoboain fent Ado-
now therefore make tricu the grievous ram, who vpm over the tribute; and
lervice of thy father, and his heavy yoke all Ifrael floned him with ftones, that he
which he put upon us, lighter, and we died: therefore king Rehoboam made
will ferve thee. fye^d to get him up to his chariot, to flee
And he faid unto them, Depart yet to Jerufalem.

for three days, then come again to me. 10 So Ifrael rebelled agamft the houfo
And the people departed. of David unto this day.
. 6 *1 And kin? Rehoboam confulted with jo And it came to pafs when all Ifrael
the old men that Hood before Solomo.i his heard that Jeroboam was come again,
father, while he yet lived, and faid, How that they fent and called him unto the
do you advife, that I may anlwer this congregation, and. made him kin? over,
people ? all Ifrael th -re was none that followed

7 And-they fpakeunto him, laving, If the houfe of David, but of Ju-
thou wilt be a fervent unto this people dah only.
this day, and wilt ferve them, and anfwer ir 11 And w!:cn Rehoboam was Came
thsui, ana fptalt good words to them. to Jcndal«m> he affcjaoled all thehwufe

'Chap. Xiii. Mil band voHberett.
fhall be born unto the houfe of David, Jo-
fiahbv name, ana upon theefhall he of-
fer the priefts of the hi^fi places that
burn incenfe upon-, thee, and mens bones
fh.aU be burnt upon thee.
3 And he gave a fign the fame day,
faying, This / J the fign which the
hath fpoken: Benola, the altar -lull be
rent, and theafhes thatare upon it lhall
be poured out.
4 And it came to pals when king Jero-
boam heard the faying of the -nun of
God, which had cried agajnit the altar.
in Beth-el, that he put forth his hand
... frcm the altar, faying, Lay hold on him.'
his honi'e, for this thing is from rue. Andhis hand which neput forth againlt
hevnearkned therefore to the word of him, dried up, fo that he could not pull
eLORD, and returned to depart, ac- it in again to him.
irding to the word of the LORD. ? The altar alfo was rent, and the

ai fl Then Jeroboam built Shechem in poured out from the altar, accor-
ount Ephraim, and dwelt therein ; and ding to the ilgn which the man of God
entout from thence, and built Penuel. had given by thr word of the LORD.
i5 And Jeroboam faid in his heart, 6 And the king anfwered and faid unto
ow ftiall the kingdom return to the the man of God, intreat now the face ot
>ufe of David : the Lord thy Ge-d, and pray forme, that
17 If this people go uptodofacrifice in my hand may be reltored me again. And
.e houfe ot the Lord at Jerufatem, then the man of God befought the Lord, and
tall the heart of this people turn again the kings hand was reltored him. again,
lto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king and became as ft voas before.
F Judah, and they ihallkillme, and go 7 And the king laid unto the man of
jam to Rehoboam king of Judah. God,. Come home with me, and refreftt
i^ Whereupon the king took counfel, thy ielf, and I will give thee a reward.
id made two calves of gold, and faid 8 And the ami ofGod faid unto the
lto them, It is too much for you to go kinf, Ifthau wilt give me half thine
? to Jerufalem : behold thy gods, O ff- houfe, I will not go in with thee, nei-
lel, which brought thee up out of the ther will I eat bread, nor drink water in
nd of Egynt. this place:
xj And he let the one in Beth-el, .and 9 For fo was it charged me bv the-woird
e other put he in Dan. of theLoKD, faying, Eat ho bread, nor"
io And this thing became a fin : for drink water, nor turn again by the fame
ie people went to worjbif before the way that thou cameft.
le, even unto Dan. tc So he went another way, and re-
3i And he'made an houfe of high'pla- turned not by the way that he came ta
:s, and made prielts of the loweit of the Beth-el.
eople, which were not of the fons of ti n Now there dwelt an old prophet
cvi. in Beth-el, and his fons came and told
?i And Jeroboam ordained a feaft in him all the works that the man of God
ie eisrhth month, on the fifteenth day had done that day in Beth-el : the word3
f the~month, like unto the feaft that is which he had fpoken unto the king»
» Judah, and he offered upon Uje altar, them they told alfo to their father.
JQ. did he in Beth-el; facrificing unto iz And their father faid unto them.
he calves that he had made : and he p!a- What way went he? for his fons had
ed in Beth-el the priefts of the high Teen what way the man of God went,
laces which he had made. which came from Judah.
1? So he offered upon the altar which he tl And he faid unto his fons, Saddle
ad made in Beth-el, the fifteenth day me the
afs. So they faddled him the
Fthe eighth month, even in the month afs,and he rode thereon,
hich he had deviled of his own heart And went after the man of Godi
nd ordained a feaft unto the children and found him fitting un.ler an oak $
f Ifrael, and he offered upon the altar, and he faid unto him, Art thou the man
•nd burnt incenfe. of God that camelt from Judah ? And he
C H A If. XI1T. faid, 1 im.
erobo.mii witberdb, &c. \% Then he faid unto him, Come home
A Nd behold, there came a man of God with me, and eat bread.
l\ out of Judah. by the word of the 16 And he laid, I may not return with
ori. unto Beth-el :and Jeroboam ftood thee, nor go in with thee neither will

y the altar to burn incenfe. I eat bread, nor drink water with thee
z And he cried againft the altar in the in this place.
/ord of theLoKD, and faid, O
altar, al- 17 For it was faid to me by the word
ar, thus faith the Lord, Beheld, a child of the LORD, Thoufhalteat n© bread,

Ttt frtfbtt JIaw. j, King*.. Ahi).ik fillctb ficl

•or drink water there, nor turn again to in r>eth-el, and againft all thehcufes
go by the way that thou cam eft. the high places wnicli4re in the cities

iS He faid unto him, I *m a prophet Samaria, fhall furcly come to pals.


alfb asthouarf, and an angel fpake unto 2-; 11 After this thing, Jeroboam
jwe by the wont of the LORD, faying, eci not from his evil way, but made
Bring him back with thee into thine gain of the loweftof the neople, prie.-
houfe, that he may eat bread, and drink of the high places; whofbevef would,.h
water. But he lied unto him. coniecraied him, and he became one
19 So he went back with him, and the pnsfts ut the high places.
did eat bread in his houfe, 2nd drank 34 And this thing hecanefin untoti i,
water. houfe of Jeroboam, even to cut it ot »
20 U And it came to pafs as they fat and ro deftroy it from oft the lace of ti
at the table, that the word ol the Lord earth.
unto the prophet that brought him CHAP. XIV.
11 And he cried unto the man of God AAhjtb Jeroboams fen
T that timeAbijah the
/7c(, &c.
fon ot Jcrc
that came from Judafa, faying, Thus faith boam fell fick.
the Lord, Forafmuchas thou haft difo- I And Jeroboam fa id to his wife, Arifi
beyed the mouth of the Loud, and haft I pray thee, and difguil'e thy felf, tha
not kept the commandment which the thou be not known
to be the wife c
Lord thy God commanded thee, Jeroboam: and get thee to Shilohj b:
21 But cameft back, and haft eaten hold, there// Ahijah the prophet,|^B
bread, and arunk water in the place of tola me that I fhoultt be king over thi
the which tbe LORDdid fay to the£, people.
Eat no bread, and drink no water ; thy ? And take with thee ten loaves, an
carcafe fhall not eome unto the fepulchre cracknels, and acrul'eof hony, and go tt
©f thy fathers. him: heihall tell thee what lhall becoaii
22 n And it came to pa's after he h2d , of the child.
eaten bread, and after he had drunk, that 4 And Jeroboams wife did fo, and arofe
hefaddled for him the als, tovoit, tor the and went to Shiloh, and came to thehou*i
prophet whom lie had brought back. otAhijah: but Ahijah could not fee, to
14 And when he w*s gone, a lion met his eyes were let by reafon of his age.
him by the way, and flew him: and his ? 11 And the Lord laid unto Ahijah
carcafe vp*i calt in the way, and the afs Behold, the wife of Jeroboam comcth t(
ftood by it, the lion alfo ftood by the ask a thing of thee for her ton, for he i
carcafe. fick thus and thus fhalt thou fay unt

it And behold, men parted by, and law her for it mail be when the comcth 1

the carcafe caft in the way, and the lion that fhe fhall feign her felf be anoth f
Handing by the carcafe : and they came woman,
and told it in the city where the old pro- 6 Asd it was when Ahijah hea:
phet dwelt. the found of her feet, as fhe came in
a6 And when the prophet that brought the door, that he (aid, Come in, the
him back from the w3y, heard thereof, he wire of Jeroboam, why feiencft thou tf
faid>, It it the man of God, wbowasdifo- felf to be another? fox I «m tent toth<
bedient unto the word of the LORD : with heavy tidings,
therefore the LORD hath delivered him 7 Go tell Jeroboam, Thus faith the
Sntothe lion, w.iich hath torn him, and Loud God of Ifrael, Forafmuchas I ex-
ain him, according to the word of the alted thee from among the people, and
t.ORD, which he fpake unto him. made thee prince over my people I Iran
17 And he fpake to his Cons, faying, y And rent the kingdom away from the
Saddle me the afs. And they (addled him. houfe of David, and gave it thee; and jet
28 And he went and found his carcafe thou haft not been as my fervant David,
caft in theway, and the afs and the lion who kept my commandments, ana who
ftanding by the-carcafe the hon had not
: tolluwed me with all hisheart, to do that
eaten the carcafe, nor. torn the ais. only richt in mine eyes,
19 And the prophet took up the carcafe 9 But haft done evi! above all that
cf the man of God, and laid it upon the were before thee: for thou haft gone and
afs, and brought it back and the old
: made thee other gods, and molten ima-
prophet came "to the city to mourn, and ges, to provoke me to anger, and haft ca:
to- bury him. me behind thy back
20 And he laid his carcafe in his own 10 Therefore behold, I will bring ev
frave, and the-y mourned over him, fty. upon tbe houfe of Jeroboam, and wi
in%, Alas, my brother. cut off from Jeroboam him that pir't
31 And it came to pafs after he had agamft.thr wall, *nJ him that is fruit u
buried him, that he fpake to his fons, lay- and left in Ifrael, and will take aw3
ing, When I am dead, then bury me in the remnant of the houfe of Jeroboam
lhe> fepulchre wherein the man of God it as a man taketh away dung, till it be
buried, lay my benes beftde his bones. all gone.
22 For the laying which he cried by II Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the
the word of the Lord againft the altar city, ihail the dogs cat and him that

; dieth. Chap. xv. Ahi]ams wicked reign.

! th in the field, (hall the fowls of the Head brafen fhields, and committed them
eat lor the Lord hath fpoken it.
; unto the hands of the chief of the guard,
% Arife thou therefore, get thee to which kept the door of the kings houfe.
Be own houfe and when thy feet en-
: 18 And it was yb, when the king went
Smo the city, the child fhall die. into the houfe of the LORD, that the
• And all Iirael fhall mourn forhim, guard bare them, and brought them back
bury him: for he only of Jeroboam
I into the guard-chamber.
II ccmeto the grave, becaule in him 19 51 .Now the red of the a6ts of Reho-
re is found foine good thing toward boam, and all that he did, are they not
God of Iirael, in the houfe written in the book of the chronicles of
Jeroboam. the kings of Judah ?
4 Moreover, the Lord (hall raifehim 30 And there was war between Reho-
a king over Iirael, who (hill cut oft boam and Jeroboam all their days.
houfe of Jeruboam that day : but ?i And Rehoboam flept with his fa-
at? even now. thers, and was buried with his fathers in
? For theLoRi> (hall finite Ifrael, as the city ©f David and his mothers name

eed is fhaken in the water, and he (hall was Naamah an Ammonitefs. And Abr-
t up Iirael out- of this good land, jam his fon reigned in his ftead.
ich he gave to their fathers, anct fhall CHAP. XV.
tter them beyond the river, becaufe Abijam; wicl(ed reign, &«.
y have made their groves, provoking Ow in the eighteentk year of king
6 And he
to anger.
fhall give Ifrael up. hecaufc
Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, reigned
ijam ever Judah.
the fins of Jeroboam, who did fin, and 1 Three years reigned he in lerufalem :
o made Ifrael to fit. and his mothers name was Maachah, the
7 H And Jeroboams wife arofe, and daughter of Abilhalom.
parted, and came to Tirzah: «niwhen ? And he walked in all the fins of his
: came to the threshold of the door, th» father, which he had done before him:
Id died. and his heart was not perfect with the
8 And they buried him, and all Ifrael Lord his God, as the heart of David hrs
turned for him, according to the word father.
(he Lord, which he fpake by the hand 4 Neverthelefs, for Davids fake did
his fervant Ahijah the prophet. the LORDhis God give bim a lamp iri
9 And the reft of the atts of Jerobo- Jerulalem, to let up his fon after him>
,, how he warred, and how he reigo- and to eltablifh Jerufalem:
. behold, they are written in the book « Becatife David did that which Wat
the chrcniclesof the kings of Ifrael. right in the eyes of the LORD,
o And the days which Jeroboam reien- turned not afide from any thing that he
. were two and twenty years: an«f he commanded him all the days of his Iife>
pt with his fathers, and Nadabhisfon fave only in the matter of Uriah the
gnedin his ftead. Hittite.
,i n And Rehoboam
the fon of 5olo- 6 And there was war between Reho-
reigned in Jtidah: Rehoboam was
>n boam and Jeroboam all the days of his
ty and one years old whenhebe^an to life.
fgn, and he reigned feventeen years in 7 Now
the reft of the ails of Abijam,
[rufalem, the city which the Lord did and that he did, are thev not written
[qofc cut of all the tribes of Ifrael, to in thebook of the chronicles of the kings
ft liLs name there and his mothers : of Judah? And there was war between
iBe was Naamah ar» Ammomtefs. Abijam and Jeroboam.
j,\And Judah did evil in the fight of 8 And Abijam flept with his fathers,
I Lord, and they provoked him to and they buried him in the city of David:
irtouhe with their fins which they had andAfa his fon reiened in his ftead.
putted, above all that their fathers 9 H And in the twentieth year ot Jero-
d done. boam king of Ifrael, reigned Ala over
For they alfo built them high place?, Judah.
8 images, and grpves on evrery high 10 And forty and one years reigned he
I, and under every green tree. in Jerufalem : and his mothers nameww
And there were alfo fodomites in the Maachah the daughter of Abifhalom.
ii,and they did according to all thz abo- it And Afa did which was right
ationsofthe nations which the Loud in the eyes of the Lord, as did David
out before the children of Ifrael. his father.

fl And
came to pafs in the fifth
it n And he took away the fodomites out
ar of king Rehoboam, that Shifhak kin? of the land, and removed all the idols
Egypt came up againlt Jerulalem that his father had made.

ifi And he took away the treafures of 13 And alfo Maachah his mother, even
houfe of the Lord, and the trealures her he removed from being queen, b*-
t!ie kings houfe, he even took away all caufe lhe had made an idol in a grove j
d he took away all thefhields of gold andAfa deftroyed her idcl, and burnt it
uch Solomon had marie. bv the brook Kidro.i.
*7And king Rehoboam made in their '14. But tbe high places were not remo-
ved ;
Afi'i good rtign. T.Kings. Jciu bis fropbecy.
ved : neverthelefs,Afahis heart was per- ! n And it rame topaTs whenhereig
feet with the Lord all lis day*. ed, that he (mote all the houfe of Jen
is ..And he brought in thetSings which I
boarn g he left nai to Jeroboam any :h
his' father had dedicated) an the things u
i breathed, until he had deftroyed' hin
winch himl'cli had dedicated, into the according unto the faying oi the LoR.
boufe ol fie Loud, lilver, and gold, and wlucn he fpake by his fervant Ahij?
vefTels. the Shilonite ;
16 51 And there- was war between Afa 7o Becaule of the fins of Jeroboai
and Baafha Inner, of Ifrael alt their days. which he finned, and which he made!
17 And B-aafha king of Ifrael went up raeltofin, by his provocati nwherewij
againft judah, and Ramah, he provoked the Lord God of ifrael t
might not futfer any to^oout or come in anger.
to Ala king; of Judah. ?i 51 Now th.^ reft of the aftsofNadat
18 Then Afa took all the lilver and the and all tha: T.e did, are they nor writ
Zoldtbat were left in the treafuies of the ten in the book of the chronicles of th
houfe of the Lord, and the treafures of kings of Ifrael ?
thekin»;shoue, and delivercd'them into 32 And there was war betwf
the hand of his l'ervants: and king Afa Baaftia king of Ifrael all their d
fent them to Ben-hadad thcfonol'Tabri- VI In the third year of Afa ki.n^oi Jul?.
n;on, the Ionof HezioiBjcing of byria, dah, began Baafha the fon of Ahijah t- \.
Damafcus, raying,
that dwelt at reign over all Ifrael- in Tirzah, twent ;


. 19 Then between' me and

ii a league and four years.
thee, ani between my father and thy fa- •
14- And he did evil in the fight of th
ther behold, I have fent unto thee a pre-
: Lord, and walked in the way of Jero
fent ol" lilver and gold} come and break boam, and in his fin wherewith he mad
thy league with Baafha king of Ifrael, Ifrael to fin.
that he may depart from me. CHAP. XVI.
is Su Ben-hadad hearkned unto king fehuU prophecy Agtinjl &c. B*sfl->a,
Afa, and fent the captains of the holts THen the word of the LORD can*
which he had,a?ainft thecitiesof Ifrael, to Jehii the fon of Hanani, againl
?nd fmote Ijon, and Dan, and Abe'-beth- Baafha, laying,
jmaachah, and allCinnerotli, with all the i Forafenuch as I exalted thee out o
land of JNaphtali. the duft, ana thee prince over m>L
it Ana it came to pafs, when Baafha proplr ll'rael,and thou haft walked if
heard thereof, that he left off building of the' way of Jeroboam, and haft madem
jRamah, and tfwek in Tirzah. people Ifrael to iin, to provoke me
«. Then king Ala made a proclama- anger with thei- fins:
tion throughout all Judah? ( none tp«i 3 Behold, 1 will takeaway the po
exempted ) and they took away the [tones rity of Baafha, and the pcitenty of
of Ramahi and the timber thereof, houfe: and will make thy houfe like
wherewith Baaf; a had builded, and hou'e of Jeroboam the Ion of Nebaf
}dng Afa built with them rjeba of Ben- 4 Hi n thatdiethof Baafha in the ci
jamin, and Mizpah. 'hall the dogs eat and him that dieth

iv The reft cf all the acts of Afa, and his in the fields, ihall the fowls of the a
all his might, and all that he did, and the eat.
cities which he built, are they net written Now the reft of the acts of Baafha

in the book of the chronicles of th kings and what he did, and might, are the)

of Judah? Neverthelefs, in the time of nof written in the book of the chronicle
his old age he was difeafed in his feet. of the kings of lfr?el ?
14 And Afa flept with his fatrte-s, and 6 bo Baafha flept with his fa*hCTS, anc
was buried with his fathers intheeitvof was buried in Tirzah, and Elah Ins for
David his father: and Jchoihaphat'his reigned in hi* (lead.
fon reigned in his ltead. 7"Anci alio by tha hand of the prophet
r? 51 AndNadab the fon of Jeroboam Jehu the fon of Hanani, came the well
began to reign over Ifrael in the fecond of the Lord aaainft Baafha, and again!
year or Afa king wf Judah, and reigned his hcufe, even for all the evil that h<
over Ifrael two years. did in the fight of the L<Jrd, in provok-
i6 And he did evil in thefieht of the ing him to anger with the work of his
Lord, and walked in the way "of his fa- hands, in being like the houle ol Jer
ther, and in his fin wherewith he made boam, and bec'au'e he killed him.
Ifrael to fin. 8 51 In the twenty and fixthyearof Afl
i- 51 And Baafha the fon of Ahijah.of king of Judah, b'e?an Elah the fon i
the houfe of Ilfachar, ennfpired againlt Baaiha to reign over Ifrael in Tirzal
him j and Baafha fmote him at Gibbe- two years.
thon, which behngetb to the Philiftines, q And -his fervant Zimri (captain

f for Nadab and all Ifrael laid fiege to half bit chariots) confpired agai
Gibbethon") as he was in Tirzah, drinking himfid
18 Even in the third year of Afa king drunk in the houfe of Arzah fteward o\
of Judah, did Baaltia flay luiu> and reign- bii houfe m
•d in his ltead. to And Zimri went inand:fm»tc himi
; .

hnn's wtctji reign. Chap, xvn. Abtbs willed reign.

d killed him in the twenty and feveivth wherewith he made Ifrael to fin, to pro-,
of Ala king of Judah, and reigned voke tht LORD Gcd of Ifrael to anger
is Itead, with their vanities.
fl And
it came to pars when he be- ;
17 Now the ied or the atts of Omri,
toreign, allbon as he fat on his

which ne did, and his misrht that he

t, tbitht (lew all the nouleot Baa- !
fhewed, are they not wriften in tha
lie left him not one'.that pilfeth a- book of the chronicles of the kings of

the wall, neither of his kinsfolks, Ifrael ?

oi :ns friends.
zt; Omri flcpt with his fathers, and
% Thus aid Zimri deftroy all the houfe was buried in Samaria, andAhab his Ion
TBaafha, according to thewcrd ct the! reigned in hu ftead.
mv, which he IpakeagainltBaaflia by ;
19 11 And in the thirty and eighth year
hu the prophet of Afa king of Judah, began Ahab the
it For all the fins of Baafha, and the \
fon ol Omri to reign over Ifrael $ and,
s of Elah his len, Dy which they fin- |
Ahab the fen ot Omrr reigned over If-
d, and by which they made Ifrael to rael in Samaria, twenty and two years.
n rro70king the Lord God of II- 30 And Ahab the fon of Omri did evil
el to anger with their vanities. in the fi^luof the LORD, above all that
t4 Now the reft cf the acts of Elah, were before him.
d all that he did, art they not written ?t And it came to pafs, as if it had
the book of theenronicks of the kings been a light tiring for him to walk in the
Ilraet ? tins of Jeroboam the fon of Nebat ; that
i? 11 In thetwenty and feventh yeax he took tc wife Jezebel the daughter of
Ala king of Judah, did Ziifcri reign Ethbaalkingof the Zidonians, and went
/en days in Tirzah and the people
: antt fervedBaal, and worfhipped him.
re encamped againlt Gibbethon, which 32 And he reared up an altar for Baal
onjed to the Piulittines. in the houfe of Baal, which he had built
j6 Ana the people tbat were encamped in Samaria.
ard lay, Zimri hath confpired, and hath ?2 AndAhab made a grove; and Ahab
fo flam the king : wherefore all Ifrael did more to provoke the Loan God of
adeOmn the captain of the hoft, king I rrael to anger, than all the kings of Ifl
erllrael that day in the camp. rael that were before him.
iT AndOmri went up from Gibbethon, . 34 V. In his days did Hiel the Beth-elite
d all Ifrael with him, and thsybefieg- buila Jericho: he laid the foundation
Tirzah. thereof inAbiram his firft-b: n, and fet
[8 And it came to pafs when Zimri faw up the gates thereof in his youngeit ron
» the city was taken, that he went ic- Segub, according to the. word of tha
the palace of the kings hpufe, and Lord, which hefpake by'Joihua the fon
rr.t the kino's houfe over, him with fire, of Nun.
d died ;
19 For his fins which he finned in doing propb;fictb again /t Ahab, &.C.
il in thedlgln ef the Lord, in walking A NdElijah the Tiltibite, wbo wis of
the way of Jeroboam, and in his fin £\ the inhabitants ot Giiead, faia mto
lie: he did,, to make Ifrael fin. Ahab, Ai the Lord God of Ifrael liv-
io JNjw the reft of the a&s of Zimri, eth, before whom I ftsnd, there fftai; not
idhis treafon that he wrought, are they be dew nor rain thef'e years, but accor-
ft written m
the book of the chronicles ding to my word.
the kings ot Ifrael ? 1 And the word ofthe Lord came unto
n Then were the people of Ifrael him, laying,
led into two parts half of the pea-
: Get thee hence, and turn thee east-

OllGwed Tibni the (on «jf Girratb, to ward, and hide thy felf by the brook
e him king ; andhaffoliowed Omri. Cherith, that it before Jordan.
But the people tiiat followed Omri 4 And it mall be, tbtt thcu fhajt drink
ailed againft the people that foilow- of the brook, and I have commanded the
Tibni the fon of Ginath lb Tibni
: ravens to reed thee there.
3, and Omri reigned. * So he went, and did according unto
xx IMn the tftirty and oneyearpfAfa the word of the Lord for he went and :

ng of Judah, began Omn to reign over dwelt by the brook Cherith, that if be-
raei tweive years: fixye.irs reigned ..e fore Jordan.
'Tirzah. 6 And he r?.vem brought him oread

t4 And he bought the hill Samaria of and fl-ih in themorning, and bread and
emer, for two~talents of tilver, and riefh in the evening: and he drank of the
yt.on the hill, and callewi the name of brook
Pity which he built, after the name of 7 And it came to pais after a while,
emer. owner or the hill, Samaria! that the brool. cried up, Uecaufe there
l? «1 But Omri wrought evij m the eves !:aa been no rain in the a I

i4heLoRis and did wcrfe than all that ' And *hc word 0. the i-ORD came

vt before him. unto him, fai ;.-;?,

16 For he walked n all tliewav ly ofje- •o Arife, set thee to Z.^rerma'S, which
|oam the Ion of Nabat, an4 in n his lin belongetb tdZidon, and dwell there be*
I :

.. ho] 4,

The widow; fon rufei. I. Kings. EV i* »«?t. itb

hold, I have commanded a
there to Tuftsin thee.
widow woman c 11 A l XV 1!
£ ra
10 So he arofe and went to Zarcphath it came to paf's *ftrr many da

and when he came to the gate of the city, A2^d

that the word of the Lord came
behold, the widow woman vent there ga- Elijah in the third year, fayint, Gu ftv
thering or flicks: and be called to her, thyleltunto Ahabj and I will fend r.
and faid, Fetch rue, I pray thee, a little upon the earth.
water in a vefle!, that I may drink. z And Elijah went to fhew*Welf u
n And asfne was going to letch if, he to Ahab and : tbtre wuj a lore famine
called to her, an.', laid, Bring me, I-pray Samaria.
thee, a raorlei of" bread in thine Ihab called Obadiah which w
tx And ihe laid. At the LORD thy the governor of hii houle ( now Oo :
God liveth, I have not a cake, out an dub reared the Lord grc^tlv;
har.'lulof meal in a barrel, and a little 4 For it was/o, when Jezebel cut <
oyl in a crule and behold, I «w gather-
: the prophets ol the Lord, thai (
ing two (ticks, that I may go in, and took an hundred prop:. ets, and hid ue
drelsit for me and my Ion, that we may ay fifty in a cave, and led them wi
eat it, and die. oread and water. ]
13 And Elijah faid unto her, Fear rot f And Ahab laid unto Obadiah, C
go *ni do as thou bait laid but make : into the land, unto all fountains of w
ate thereof a little cake firlt, ara bring ter and unto 2II brocks: pei

it unto me, and after make tor thee and ture we may find grafs to lave the hor
tor thy Ion. and mules alive, that we leeie rot
14 For thus faith the LORD
God of the beafbs.
ifrael, The barrel of meal fhallnot walte, 6 So they divided the land betwee
neither fhall the erul'e of oyl tail, until them to pais throughout it Ahao wei :

the day t bst the LORD

fendeth rain upon one way by himfelf, and Ohidiah wei
the earth. another way bv himfelf.
t,- And me went and did according to 7 ^ And as Obadiah was in the wajt
the laying of Elijah: and me, and he, behold, Elijah met him: and he kne [
and her houfe did eat miny days. him, and fell on his face^and faidj.-Jif'
t5 And the barrel of meal waited not, thou that my lord Elijah? I.
neither did the crule of oyl tail, accor- 8 And he anfwered him, I *m : gotcl:
ding to-thewcrd of theLo'RD, which he thv lord, Beheld, Elijah is b>re.
fpake by Elijah. 9 And he faid, .what have 1 finneiL
1- « And it came to pafs after thefe that thou wouldft deliver thy lervant mil-
things, tbdt the fon of the woman, the the hand of Ahab, to flay me ?
miftrefs of the houfe, fell tick, and his tc As the Lord thy God liveth, the: ±
ficknefs was fc fore, that there was do is 1.0 nation or kingdom, whither myloi
breath left in him. hath not lent to eek thee : and wh| 1

18 And me laid unio Elijah,\Vhathave they faid, He it not tbtre ; he took

I to do with thee, O
thou man of God ? oath of the kingdom "and nation, til

art thou come unto me tocall my fin to they found thee not.
remembrance, and to Hay my fon? 11 And row thou fayft, Go tell
19 And he faid unto her, Give me lord, Behold, Elijah it b:re.
thv fon. And he took him out of her iiAnd it fhall cometo pa,*s, mfoont
bofom, and carried him up into a left, I am gone from thee, that thefpint 8
vhere he abode, and laid him upon his the LORD mall carry thee whither
own bad. know not and fo when I come an.: tc i

10 And he cried unto the Lord, and Ahab. and he cannot find thee, he ma
faid, O Lord my God, haft thou alfo flay me but I thy fervant fear the Loft :

brought evil upon the widow? with whom from '.'..>

I fojourn, by Qaying her Ton ? 1; Was it not told my lord, what I di
at And he ftretched himfelf upon the when Jezebel flew the prophets of tfi
Child three times, and cried unto the Lord ? how I hid an hundred men of tf
LORD, and laid, OLOi'.D my God, 1 Lords prophets, by hftv in a cave, ai»
pray tfceef let this childs foul come into fed them with bread and water ?

kirn, again. t4. And now thou faylt, Go tell Ik

ii And the LORD
heard the voice of 13rd, Behold, Elijah i> btre : and he foil
Elijah, and the foul of the child came flay me.
into him again, and he revived. 1? And Elijah faid, At the Q LORD
M And Flijah took the child, and hofts liveth, befcre whoml ftaod, 1 wi
brought him down out of the chamber iurely my felf unto him to day. I
into the houfe, and delivered him unto 16 So Obadiah went to meet
hii mother: and Elijah faid, See, thy and told him : and Ahab went to met
fon liveth. Elijah.
14 Vi And the woman faid to Elijah, i" r And it came t i.aWfa*
Mow by th.i* 1 know that thou a-* Elijah, that Ahab laid unto him, Ar
Of God, and tbxt the word of the LoiU) thou he that troubleth Ifrai-j ?
in thy awuth, it tnuh. i6 Anc he ani'weied, I have not v

Miff prophets convince J, Chap. xik. £,U)abt Jicrifict.

el, and thy fathers houfe,

but thou made a trench abo«t the altar, as great
t ye have forfaken the command - as would contain twomeafures of feed.
of the LORD, and thou halt fol- 3* And he put the wood in order, and
Baalim. cut the bullock in pieces, and laid hint
ow therefore fend, and gather to on the wood, and faid, Fill four barrels
Ifrael unto mount Carmel, and the with water, and pour it on the burnt-fa-
ets of B:>al tour hundred and frfty, crifice, and on the wood.
e prophets of the groves four hun- 34 And he faid, Do it the fecond time :
whrcheat at Jezebels table. And theydid/f the fecond time. And he
Ahab lent unto all the children of
So laid, Do it the thud time; And they did
and gathered the prophets toge-
I. il the third time.
unto mount Carmel. 3? Ar.d the water ran round about the
And-Elijah came unto all the people, altar, and he filled the trench alio with)
faid, How long halt ye between two water.
fcjons ? if the LORD be God, follow 36 And it came to pafs at the time Ct
\: but il Baal, then tollowhim. And the offering of the evening facrifice, that
people anfwered him not a *ord. Elijah the prophet came near and laid,
t Then laid Elijah unto the people, LORD God of Abraham, lfaae, and of
even I only remain a prophet or the Ifrael, let it be known this day, that thou
fcu but Baals prophets are lour hun-
art God in Ifrael, and that I am
thy fer-
fi and fifty men.
vant, and that I have done all thefc
\ Let them therefore give us two bul- things at thy word.
ks, and let them choofe one bullock 37 Hear me, O
LORD, hear me, that
heml'elves, and cut it in pieces, and this people may know that thou art the
t on wood, and put no tire under: Lord God, and that thou haft turned
I ! will dreis the other bullock, and their heart back agaia.
it on wood, and put n» fire wider ; ;8 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and
,And call ye on the name ot your confumed the burnt-facrifice, and ihe
s, and I will call on the name oi the wood, and the ftones, and the dnil, and
In and the God that anfwereth by
licked up the water that was in the
let him be God. And all tiiepeopje trench.
;vered 2nd laid, It is well fpoken. 39 And when all the people faw it, they
r And Elijah laid the prophets fell on their faces a::d they faid, The

5aal, Choofe vou one bullock for your Lord, he is the God ; the Lord, he it
e«,"and dTefs'it full ; for ye are many : the God.
call on the name of your gods, but 40 And Elijah faid unto them, .Take
no fire under. the prophets of Baal, let not one of them
> And they took the bullock which efcape and they took them, and Elijah

given them, and they rireffed it, and brougfcjt them down to the brook Kifhon,
edonthe name of Baal from morning and Hew them there.
n until noon, laying, O Baal, hear 4t 13 And Elijah faid unto Ahab, Get
Euttbere voas no voice, nor any that thee up, eat and drink, tor there is a
vered. And they leapt upon the al- found of abundance of rain.
which was made. 4a So Ahab went up to eat and to drink,
And it came to pafs at noon, that
' and Elijah went up to the top of Carmel ;
jah mocked them, 2nd faid, Cry aloud : and he caff himfeif down upon the earth,
he » a god, either he i? talking, or he and put his face between his knees,
purfuinir, or he is in a journey, or 43 And faid to h:s fervant, Go up now,
•dventure he ileepeth, and mull be look toward the fea. And h« went up,
ike i and looked, and faid, There is nothing.
|| Anct they cried aloud, and cut And he faid, Go acain (even times.
Jjfelves after their manner with knives 44 And it came"to pafs at the fevent ta.

||l?.ncets, till ihe blood gullied out time, tfcathe faid, Behold, there arifcta
M them. came
fAr-d it to pafs, when mid-day
a little cloud out of the fea, like a mans
hand. And he faid, Go up, fay unto A-
'paic, and tljiey propheiled until the hab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee
the offering of the evening fa-
of dow», that the rafn ftcp thee not.
ice 5 that there veas neither voice, nor 47 And it came to pafs in the mean
to anfwer, nor any that regarded. while, that the heaven was black with
And Elijah laid unto all the people,
: clouds and wind, and there was a creat
jie near unto me. And all the people rain. And Ahab rode and went to Jezreel.
lenearuntohim and he repaired the : 46 And the hand ofthe Lord was on E-
ir of the Lord hmi broken down. lijah; and he eirded up his loyns, and ran
And Elijah toak twelve Hones, ac- before Ahab, to the entrance of Jezreel.
Mng to the number of the trib?s of . CHAP. XIX.
Ions of Jarob, unto whom the word Elijah tbreatned by 1e\ebel, &c.
he Lord came, faying, Ifrael ftiall be
had don-,
Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah
and withal, how he had
. And with the flones he built an al- flain all the prophets with the fword.
to fhc n«mc of the : and kaLORD 1 The* Jezebel feat a meffenger unto

Elijah, laying, bo let the go<*s &otonn. Ehflia the Ton of Shapfcat of .,
ar.e'. more alio, ii makenot thylifeai 1 hoi ah, flialt thou anoint to be pre
thelne crone 01 them, by tomorrow a- thy room.
bout this time. 17 And it fhJll come to pa's, that hi
5 And whence faw that, he arofe, and that c capeth the fword of Hazael. ft
went tor his life, and came toBcer fneba, Qay: an.l him th3t dcapeth fro
which btlon$ttbxo Judah.anu leuhuier- the lword ot Jehu, fliaU Eiifha flay.
vant there. 1b Yet 1 have lett me leven thoular
4^1 But hehimfelfwer.t a days journey el, all the knees which i

into the wi dernel's, and caoie 2nd fat bowea unioBaal, an* every mouth whic
down under a juniper-trec:and he re^uel;- hath not ki fed him.
ed For himfelt that he might Jie, arid faid, 19 v So he departed thence, ar.d four
It is enough, now, O Lord, take away my Eliiha the :onot Shaphat, whow -

lijt lor I am not jetter rhan my lathers.

: ing with twelve yoke of oxen beiorehin
'? Ar.d a^ he lay 2nd ileptunder a juni- and hewiththe twelfth : .

per-tree, behold 'hen, an 2nge! fed by him, and caft ins mantle up
him. ar.i faid him, AxH'ear.J. car. 20 And he lett theoxen,jrrd 1

6 And he loPkedj ar:d behold, there n.-. Elijah, and laid, Let roc, 1
c cake a ei on the coals, an! a efnfe my father and my m

:er at nis hesd and he did. cat and fellow thee. And he faid i.nto
: 1

drink, and laidhimdown as:ain. back agj tn ; for what have 1 cone t

id the angel of the Lord csme a- 11 Aj

.gainthe fecond ume, and touched, yoke of oxen, an*"
. andfaid- Arue*ni cat, becaule the jour- boile. the inftrumenti c r.

ney is teo great for thee. gave unto the i>c .


8 And he arofe, and dad eat and drink, eat then he arofe, aj •

and went in the ftrength or that meat after r.iftred unto hini. t .

tbrtv days and lorty nights, unto Horeb C H A P. XX.

the'mojr.t of God. Ben-bt f«, &e,
9 <; Ar.d he came thither unro a cave,
and ledge.' there j ar.i' be. .old. the word
of the Lord ante to him, and he faid were thirty and :wo king:,
unto him, What dolt thou here, Elijah? horfes, and c
10 A ve been very jea- b^iieg -.
I .

lous tcr the Lord God of hofts; for the 1 A .

children ot Iirael have forfaken th v cove- of U'racl into iu :o bin 1 . .

down thin* altars, and flain Thusiaith Beri-hadid,

thy pt 1, even : Th\ fi've: ai a thy gold ft mr
I only aj& lett, and they feek my life, to wive> alio arJ t.;y chil<
take it tf goodheft, *rt mine.
u And he laid, Go forth, -anJ ftand up- 4 A
©rrthe mourn betore the Cord. And be- My lord O king, accordinj
hold, tae Lord fa greacand faying,
ftrcnj- rent the monnmcs 1
wind i Al
in pieces the rock. before trie^oRD ; but faid, Tl
the Lorp w*« not in the wind and af- : Although I :
ter the wind an earthquake ;but the Lord Thouftiah delivet methy
.inthecrth^uake : go: J- .*
kx And alter the ei thquake afire; te* 6 Vet 1 vm ; fend n tnto xm
the Lox:jW.'' not in th.- rite: .
to rtorrcv.' -. , evfKB
the fire » (till fm
i? Ant it was/.', when Elij
rapped his fa
ar.dweiu out, and flood in the entrin^in it in • .vsy M
of the behold, to---. all

voic • '-at doll • 1 ri

thou here

,4 W
for the
I hare pecn very jea-
ot hofts : becaii -


-<el have to:

the .
and I,
-, into him, Heaikeo not :.

feck my
ii And the Lord .a-., unto him. Go,
tetu:T. f J the Wild :

.noint tc be
Tbt Syrians frkittt*. Chap. XX. Ben-badsdi fuhmijpot.
id, The gods do fo unto me and more the year, tkat Ben-hadad numbred the
:o, itthc duft of Samaria flisll fuftice tori Syrians, ana went up to Aphck, to figM
mdruUfot all the people that follow me. againit ifrael.
u And the king of Ifrael anfwered and *7 And the children of Ifrael were mim-
d, Tell him, Let not him that girdetn bred, and were all prefent, and went a-
n bis bumfs, boalt himlclf, as he that gainft them-.and the children ot Ifrael pit-
utteth it otV. ched before them, like two little flocks of
ix And it came topafs, when Btn-t.t- kids; but the Syrians filled thecotintry.
*i heard thismelTige ( as he vp.u drink- x2 11 And there came a man of God*
ig, he and the kings in the pavilions) and jpake unto the king of Jl'raeJ, anj
at he laid unto his fervants, Set your fai<1,Thtts faith the Loru, Becaufe the Sy-
Ivti in tray And they let tbemfetves in
.- naniJiave faid, The Lolu> u God of the
'&'J againit the city. hills, but he is not God of the vallies; .

n flAnd behfild, there came a. pre- therefore will I deliver all this great mul-
set unto Ahab kin? ot Ifrael, iayinsr, titude into thine hand, and ye mall know
hus faith the LoRi>, Halt thou leen all that I am the Loui).
us great multitude? behold, 1 will del i- 19 And -they pitched one over againft th* .

:r it into thine hand this <lay, and thou other feven days ; andyo it was, that in the
alt know that I am the Lord. i'eventh day the battle was joyned and tfic :

u And Ahab laid, By whom ? And he children of Ifrael flew of the Syrians an
Thus faith the Lord, Even by the hundred thoufand footmen in one day.
ungmenofthe princes of the provinces. 30 But the reft fled to Aphek, into the
hen he laid, Who fhall order the battle city; and there a wall fell upon twenty

nd he anfwered, Thou. and \even thoufand of the men tbtt voir*

Then henumbred the young men of left: and Ben-hadad fled, and cameint*
c princes of the provinces, and they were the eity, into an inner chamber.
'0 hundred and thirty two: and after 3t n And his fervants faid Mnto him, Be^
em he numbredall the people, even all hold now, we have heard that the kings
: children of Ifrael, &e/«s feven thoufand of the houfe of Ifrael are merciful kinrs :
5 And they went out at noon but let us, I pray thee, put fackcioth on oar

en-hadadTV-udrinkinghimfelf drank in loyns, and ropes upon our heads, and go

a pavilions, he and the king*, thethir- out to the king of Ifrael ; peradventure
and two kings that helped him. he will lave thy life.
17 And the young men of the princes of ti So they girded fackcioth on their
c provinces went out fitft, andBen-ha- loyns, and put ropes on their heads, and
\ lent cut, and they told him, faying, came to thekinffof Ifrael, and faid, Thy
£ ere are men come out of Samaria. ("•rvant Ben-hadad faith, I pray thee, let
H And he faid, Whetherthey become me live. And he laid, Is he yet alive ? he
t for peace, take them alive j or whether is my brother.

:y be come out for war,take them alive. 3? Now the men did diligently obferve
[9 So thefc young men of the princes of whether any thine, would came from him*
; provinces came out of the city, and
and did haftily catch it and they laid. :

: army which followed them. Thy brother Ben-hadad. Then he faid,

lo And they flew every one his man: Go ye, bring him. Then Ben-hadad came
d the Syrians fled, and Ifrael purfued forth to him ; and he caufea him to come
em and Ben-hadad the king of Syria up into the chariot.

raped on an horfe, with the noriemen. 34 And Ben-badid faid unto him, The ci-
u Andthekingof Ifrael went out, and ties which my father took from thy father,
,ote the horfes and chario:s, and flew I will reltore, and thou ihalt make itreet*
r Syrians with a great flaughter. tor thee in my father made m
>_> 11 And the prophet came to the king Samaria. Thenfv'U Abab, I will fend thee
Ifrael, and faid unto him, Gollrength- away with this covenant. So he made* a
thyfelf, ana mark"and fee what thou covenant with him, and fent him away.
ft tor at the return of the vear, the
: 5; tl And a certain man of the fori* of
-g of Syria will come up aga'inft thee. the prophets laid unto his neighbour i»
U And thefervantsof the king of Syria the word of thcLoRa, Smiteme, I pray
d unto him, Their godsare eodsof the thee. And the man refilled to finite him.
Then faid he unto him, Becaufe thou
haft not obeyed the voice of the LORD*
behold, atlboii r-s thou art departed from
thing, me, a Iron fhall nay thee. And affoon a*
ay, every man out of his place, and he was departed from him, a lion found
captain, in their rooms.
: him, and Hew him.
A And number thee an army, like the 37 Then he found another man, and faid,
nythat thou haft loft, horfe for horfe, Smite me,I pray thee. And the man (mote
\ chariot for chariot: and we will fight him, fo thatin'fmiting he wounded bint,
sinftthemin the plain, and furely we 38 So the prophet departed, and waited

IH be ftronger than they. And he tor the king by the way, and difguifed
irkned unto' their voice, and did fo himfeh with afhes upon his face.
6 And it came to i>afs at the return of 39 And as the kingpafleJby, he fried
N Uflto
Wtlotbi viiieytrd. I. Kings. Ndbotb it Jiontd.
unto the king: and he faid, Thy fcrvant ti And the men of his city, evm the el-
-went out into the midit of the battle, and ders and the nobles who were the
behold, a m*n turned allde, and brought bitantsinhiscity, did as Jezebel had ant f

a man unto me, and laid, Keep this man: unto them, and as it*r<« written in the let-
.if by any means he be milling, thcnfhall ters which ihe had fent unto them.
t!jy life or for his life, or clfe thou fhalt ii They proclaimed a laft, and fetNa-
pay a talent of lilvcr. both on high among the people.
40 Ana as thy fcrvant was bufie here II And there came in two men, chil-
and there, he was gone. And the kin;? dren ot Beli:d, and lat before him: and
sf Ifncl laid unto him, So Jbatl-thy iuag- the men of Belial witnellcd againfthim,
jnent be, tny fell' halt decided it. evn arainlt Naboth, in the prefence of
41 And he halted, and took the afhes the people, faying, Naboth did blalpheme
away from his face, and the king of Ifrael God and the king. Then they carried
•lilcerncd him that he was of the prophets. him forth out of the city, and ltoned hiin
41 And he faid unto him, Thus faith with ftoncs, that he died.
he Lord, Becaule thou halt let go out of 14 Then they fent to Jezebel, faying,
thy hand, a man whom I appointed to utter Naboth is ltoned, and is dead.
deftruction, therefore thylite fhall go for ii 11 And it came to pafswhen Jezebel
his life, and thy people for his people. heard that Naboth was ltoned, and was
'41 And the king ot Ifrael went to his dead, that Jezebe! faid to Ahab, Arife,
Jieufe, heavy and difpleafed, and came take pofieffion of the vineyard of Nabotn
».o Samaria. the Jezreelite, which he refufed to give
CHAP. XXI. thee for money: for Naboth is not afive,
jibtb dtriti N4bo+bs vineyard, &c.
ii but dead.
ANd came to pafs after thele things,
tbAt Naboth the Jezreelite liad a
16 Ana it came to pafs when Ahab
heard that Naboth was deadi that Ahab
vineyard, which ~x*i in Jezreel, hard by roleup to go down tc the vineyard of N a-
airepalace of Ahab kine of Samaria. both the Jezreelite, to take poilclfion of it.
•aAnd Ahab f;>ake unio Naboth, fay- 17 « And the word of the Lori> came*
ing, Give me thy vineyard, that I rnny to Elijah the Tifhbitc, faying,
have it for agaraeriofherbs, becaufcit/s t& Aiile, go down to meet Ahab king
iiearumo Biy houfei and I will givethee of Ilracl, which is in Samaria behold, :

for it a better vineyard tfran it": or it it be ii in the vineyard of Naboth, whither

ieem good to thee, 1 will give thee the he 15 ?one down to p. fiefs it.
wcrt'. ct it in money. 19 An.; thou flialt f peak unto him, fay-
? And Naboth laid to Ahab, The Lord ing, Thus faitn the Lord, Halt thou kil-
u me, that I
fhould give the in- led, and alfo taken polfeffion? And thou,
heritance of my fathers unto thee. flialt fpeak unto him, faying, Thus faith
4 And Ahab canto into his hotife, heavy theLoRi;, In the place where dogs :cket I

and difpleafed, iiecaule ot the word which the blood of Naboth, fhall dogs lick thj
Naboth the Jezreel ire had fpoken to him : blood, even thine.
tor he had laid, I will not give thee the ao And Ahab faid to Elijah, Haft the
inheritance of my fathers: and he laid found me, O
mine eneaiv ? And he anJ
him down upon his bed, and turned away fwe-ed, 1 have found tbci becaufe tho|: face, and would eat no bread. hat* ibid thy felf to work evil in the iighi
f I'l But Jezebel his wile came to him, of the Lord.
and laid unto him, Why is thy fpiritfo it Behold, I will bring evil upon thee*
fad, that thou eatrlt no bread? and will take away thy pofterity, ind will
6 Ar.d he faid unto her, Becaufel fpake cut olVfrom Ahab him that pill'eth againB
unto Naboth the Jezreelite, and laid unto the wall, and him that isfhutup, and left
mm. Give me thv vineyard for money ; or in Ifrael,
itpleafethee, I will givefoeeanc- 11 And will make thine hotife like th«
•eyard for it and he anfwered, I Louie of Jeroboam the ton of Nebat, anA

will not give th&c my v;ncyard. like the houfe of Baalha the fon of AhijsK
^i^^ktTezebel his wife laid unto him, for the provocation wherewith thou haft
. ^S^rT.ju now ?overn the kingdom ct provokedw? to anger,andruad« Ifrael tofl
- arile, and eatbrsad, and let thine n
And i>f Jezebel alio fpake iheLowB be merry I will zive thee the faying. The dogsftiall eat Jezebel

1W1 the Jezreelite. wall of Jezreel.

ihe wrote letter? LnAhabs name, 14 Him that dieth of Ahab in the city,
•led then with hisfeal, and fent the the dogs fhall eat: and him that Jieth
Ferters unto the elders, and to the nobles in the field, fhall the fowls ot the a
fhat vctzt n his city dwelling with Na;ioth

ii fi But there was none like unto AJ

9 And me wrote in the letter-, laying, hab, which did fell himfelf to wor'
proclaim a laft, and fet Naboth on high ednefs in the light 01 the Lord, u^orrl
anion? the reople :
Jezebel his wife Itirred up.
And fet two men, fons of Belial, be And he did very abominably in foI«
fore him, to bear witnefs againft him, (lowing idols, accordi:e to all things at
faying, Thou oidft blafpheme God and did the Amorites, whom the Lord call
the king: and then carry hjru out, aad out before the children of Ifrael.
ftone hiui tfcai fce may die.
x7 Awl

Ahtbi rtptnnnee. Chap **<i. He is ftdtuii.

17 And it came to pa(s when Ahab heard liveth, what the Lord faith unto me.
tfiolewords, that herein his clothes, and that will 1 fpeak.
put fackcloth upon hi'sfleih, and tailed, K*! So he Came to the king, and the
and lay in fackcloth, and went (bftly. king (aid unto him, Micaiah, lhall we go
aS And the word of the Lord came to ag.ainicRamoth-gilead to battle, or (hall
Elijah the Tiihbite, faying, we forbear? And he anfwered him, Go,
,x9 Seeftthou how Ahab humbleth him- and profper tor the Lord lhall deliver

elf before, me ? becaufe he humbleth it into the hand ot the king.

iimfelt before me, I will not bring the 16 And the kins faid unto him, Hovfr
»vil in his days: but in his fonsdays\vill many tunes (hall I adjurethee, that thou
I bring the evil upon his houle. tell me nothing but tb*t wbicb is true in
A P. XXII. the name of the Loud ?
Abub ftiucti by plfc fropbetu &c. i7 And he (aid, 1 faw all Ifrael fcatter-
'A Nd they continued three years with- ed upon the hills, as fliecp that have not
l\ out war between Svria and ifrael. a fhephcrd and the
laid, Thefe
i And it came to pafs 'in the third year, have no mrfter, let them return every
hat Jeholhaphat the kin? of Judah came man to his hotife in peace.
urn to the king of Ifrael. iS And the king of Iirael faid unto Jeho-
? f And the king of lfraclfaid unto his lhaphat, Did I not tell thee, that he -would
ervants, Know ye that Ramoth inGilead prophefy no good concerning me.but evil?
i ours, and we forltilJ, tndtakz it not oat 19 And he laid, Hear thou therefore
»f the hand ol the king of Svria ? ) the word of the Lord I (aw the Lor»

*4 And he' fa id unto Jeholhaphat, Wilt fitting on hi* throne, and all the holt of.
hou go with me to brittle to Ramoth-gi- heaven itanding by him, en his right
ead ? And Jehoftiaphat laid to the king hsnd and on his letr.
d llrael, I am ?.s thou art, my peopleas 10 And the Lord faid, Who (hall rer-
hy pedi-le, my hcrfes as thy horfes. iwaJ.eAhab, that he may go up and fall at
m. And Jeholhaphat faid unto the king Ramoth-gilrad ? And one laid en this
V llrael, Enquire, 1 pray thee, at tlie
manner, and another faid on that manner.
ot the Lord to day. ir And there came lorth a f'pirit, and
en the kins cf lfrae! gathered the ftood before the Lord, ?nd laid, I will
rophetstoirethenabout four hundred mm, per! wade iiim.
nd laid unro them, Shall I go againft tz And the LORD unto 'him.
faid to battle, or lhall 1 tor- Wherewith ? And he faid, I will go forth,
ear ?Anil they faid, Go up for the Lost)
and I will be alying ftirit in themoutk
lall deliver /* into the hand ot the king. of *ll his prophets. And he- faid, 'Thou
" And Jeholhaphat faid, Ii there not (halt perfwade bim, and prevail alfo go :

ire a prophet of the Lord bellies, that fort.h ana do lb;


c might enquire o'i hirh ? « Nov/ therefore behold, the LORD

8 Aria the king of Ifrael faid unto Jeho- hath put a lying It-int in the mouth of
aphatjiec'j ;Tyet one-ma* (Micaiah the« ull thefe thy nrcphets, and the LoRDhatfl
p ot imlah iw whom we may enquire Ipoken evil concerning thee.

the LORD but I l.ate him, lor he

; 14 ButZedekiah theVon ot Chenaarjsh
th not prcphefie good concerning me, went near, and f'mote Micaiah on ffie
rt evil. And Jeholhaphat (aid, Let not, cheek. and faid,Which way went thefpirit
e kin;?: fay lb. ottheLoRoirom me to fpeak unto thee »
9 Then the king of Ifrael called an ii And Micaiah faid, Behold, thou lhalt
Haften bitber Micaiah
ticer, and laid, fee in thUV.ay, when then (halt go into
e fon or Imlah. an inner chamber to hide thy (elf.
p And the king of Ifrael, and Jeholhaphat 16 And the king of IVrael faid, Take
:king of Judah fat each on his throne, Micaiah, and carry him back unto A-
vine put om their robes, in avoid place, ii'.on the governor of the city, and to

the entrance of the gate of Samaria and ;

Joa.'h the kings (on
the prophets prophefied before them. 17 And fay, Thus faith the king, Pu^
,ir And Zedekiahthefon of Chenaana* thiifeltovo in the prifon, and fee<L hir#
TOO him horns of iron and he faid, Thus
: w;th bresd of affliction, and with water
th the l.oi'-u, With
thefe ihalt thou «u(fc of affliction, until I com; in peace.
: Syrians, until thou have conl'uuied 18 And Micaiah faid, If thou return at
:m. all irt peace, the Loud hath not fpoketa
it And all the prophets prophefied Co, by me. nnd he laid, Hearken, people, O
•tng, Go up to Ramoth-gilea.i, and every one ot you.
jjfper: tcr the LORD'
lhall deliver/* 19 So the king 0! Ifrael and Teho/ha-
,o the kirn's hsnd. phat the king ot Judah went up to Ra~
i And the~mettenser that wes ?one to mcth-gile-.dr
1 Micaiah, fpake unto him, laying, Be- 10 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Je-
d now, -.he words ox the prophets 'declare hoihaphat, i will difguife my fclf, and
3d unto the king with one mouth: let enter into the battle, wit put thou ontfry
wor-i, Ipiavthee, be like tile word of robes. And the king of Ifrael difguifed
Krthem, end IpeakfcMfrtfMfi&frrood. hirofeif, ant-went into the battle.
4 And Micaiah laid, As the LORD 3t But the king of Syria commanded
* N Urn
ir. ki £«. Abrtiji, tvil reign.
and two capiains that had rule
•v years old when he began to reign, ai
ever bia chariot*,faying, Fight neither reigned twenty and rive years in Jerufa-
with fmall nor great, lave only with the lem and his mothers name w*j Ambah

kin* of IfraeL the daugliter ot Sliilhi.

31 Ani it came to pals, when the cay- 4? And he walked in all the way of Afa
tainsottbecbariotsl'awjehofhaphat, that his lather, he turned not alide froxi it, d~>-
they faid, Surely it is the kingoi Mrael. lpgtbitixbt^vDas right in the eyes of the
And they turned alkie to tight againit Lord : nevenhelcl's, the high places were
him: and Jchoihaphat cried out. not taken away; for the people offered
33 And it came i>j pal's, when thecap- and burnt mcenfe yet inthehieh place?.
tf the chariots perceived that itwji 44. And Jehplhaphat made peace with.
rot the king ct liracli that they turned the king ot Ifrael.
back from purfamg him. 4S Now
the reft of the acts of Jeholha-
34. And a ctr'.jiir. man drew a how at a, andhu might that helhewed, and
venture, and i'motethe king of Iirael be- how lie warred, «re they not writren in the
tween the joyrus of the harneft: where- book of the chronicles of the kings of Ju-
fore he laid unto the driver of his chari-
ot, Turn thine han. and carry me out
, 45 Ar.d the reanant of the fodoroitei
of the hoft, far I am wounded. which remained in the days of his father
:? Ard ms mcreafed that day:
battle Afa, he took out ot the land.
and the king was ftayedup in his chari- 4' Ibtrt »i( then no king in Edom^
ot aeainitthe Syrians, and died at even: a deputy van king.
and"the Mood ran out of the wound, into 4b' Jer.ofhaphat made fbips of Thar-
the midft cl" the chariot. fhilh to go to Ophir for go'd but they
36 And there went a proclamation went cot j tor the laips were Drcken at
throughout the hoft, about -the going Ezion-geber.
down of the fun,' faying, Every man to his 49 Th;nfaid Ahaz.ih the fon of Ahab
city, and every man to his own country. unto Jehofhaphat, Let my lervants tro
37 f, So the king died, and was brought with thy lervants in the flups: but Jehor
to Samaria., and they buried the king'in ihsphat would not.
Snmaria. -
r Ar.d Jehofhaphat flept with hi«
38 And one washed the chariot in the fathers, and was buried with his
poo! ot Sar.ana, and the d«gs licked up in the city of David his rather: andje-
fcis blood, and they walhed his armour, horam h:s" Ion reigned in his ttead.
according unto the word of the Lour ct fi Ahaatiah the ion cf Ahab began
which h-T Ipake. oreisn ever Ifrael in Samaria thefeven-
:9 Wow the reft of the atts ct Ahab, teentLyearof Jehcfhaphat kingof Judah,
an.: ail that he dtd, and the ivory hoitfe and reigned two years over Iirael.
which he made, 3rd all the cities that ae <5 And he did evii in the fight of th
Built, are they mat written in the boskoi Lord, and walked in the way ot his fa
the clfronirles of the kings ol Iirael ? th t, an.- in the way of his mother, ani

tZ So Ahabflept with his fathers, znd way of feroboim the lonof Nebatj
Ahaziaii hii fon reigned in his itead. who made Iirael to fin.
4i *: And Jehofhaphat the ion of Afa c3 For he fervedBaal, ar.d worfhippe
beiran to reign over Judali in the fourth him, and provoked to aneerthe LORl
year of Ahab king of Iirael. God of Ifrael, according "to all that his
4i JehOlhaphat w*i thirty ami five father had done.

% The Second Book of the KING

S, commonly called",
The Fourth Book of the I N G S. K
6 H A P. I. lhalt furely die. And Elijah departed.
Mo&b rtUUttb, ac. i «: And when the meilengeri turneJ
Moab rebelle J.againft bacR onto him, he faid unto them, Wft}
TU?e alter the death of Ahab.

1 \bj Ahsziah fell down through

are ye now turned back ?
t And they faid unto him, There camsj
a latteis in his upper chamber maaup 10 meet us, and laid unto us, Go ttji in Samaria, and was fick : and turr, acainunro the king that lent you. mi
Up few mefleri?ers, ani laid «oto them, fay unto him, Tims Ui>h the Lord, It it
Go, enquire ot Baal-zebub the go.\ ot Lk- not becaufe tbtre r'» not a God rr. Iirael
ron.whether 1 fhall recover of this difeafe.
3 But the >njd oi the LORD
Blijah theTifhbitc, An;e, go up to meet
th: m-'.e »er< of the king or Samaria,
and lav unto them, I< it not bccaule then
fiatthoutendeftto enquire ol Baal-zebui
the ?ou of Ekron ? therelore thou f.ial
no: com: dswn from that bed on
thou art gone up, but (halt furely die.
id mall
he faid them, What
iiuota Sod in Ifirael, U^t yc go to enquire nerof man -xakt which came up to mce
of Baa'.-ze.uib the god of Ekron ? vou, and told -"^ 5 ?

4 Now therefore thus faith the LORD, U Ar.d they anfwered him, Hi *** M
Thou fhalt «ot crme down from that hairy maa- and grt with a girdle of Iti
bed on wiutfe thoa art gore up, nut
Abtyabs AtAtb. Chap . ll. Elijah trar.Jltttd.
ther about his loyns. And he faid, \tis from thy head to day ? Ar.d he faid, Yea,
Elijah the Tiihbite. I know it-, hold you your peace.
9 Then the king lent unto him a captain 4 And Elijah fa;n unto him, Eliiha, tarry
of fifty, with his ritty and he went up to
here, Ipr3ythec: tor the Loud hat!; fe*
him, ( and behold, he fat on the top of an me to Jericho. And he laid, As the Lord
hill and hed pake unto him, Thou man
J hveth, and tft thy foul liveth, I will not
pfGod, the kinghat'i /'aid, Comedown. leave thee. So they came to Janeho.
10 And Elijah" anfwered and /"aid to % And
the fons or the prophets that
the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, ivcr; at Jericho, came to Eliiha, and faid
then let fire come down from heaven, and unto him, Knoweft thou that the LORD
confume thee and thy fifty. And there will take away thv matter trom thy head
came down fire from heaven, and con- to day? And he anfwered, Yea, I know
fume J him and his fifty. it, hold. you your peace.
it A?3inalfo he fentunto him another 6 And Elijah faid unto him, Tarrv, I
captainof fifty, with his filty andhe an-
: pray thee, here: for the Lord hath feW
fwered and laid unto him, O man of God, me to Jordan. And he laid, As the Lord
thus hath the kingfaid.Comedown quickly liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I will not
ii And Elijah anfwered andlaidunto leave thee. And they two went on.
them, Ifl te amanof God, let fire come 7 And fifty men of the fons of the pro.
down from heaven, andconiuniethee-and phets went and ftocrf to view afar oil":
thy fifty. And the fire of God came down and they two ftoo«i by Jordan.
from heaven, and confumed him aad his 8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapt
fifty. it together, and /mote the waters, and
n ^ And he Tent again a captainof the they were divided hither and thither, fo
thud fifty, with his fifty and the third
-. that they two went over on drv ground.
cartain of fifty went up, and came and fell 9 11 And it came to pafs when they
JP his knees Dcfore Elijah, a»d befought were gone over, that Elijah {'aid unto hh~
Bim,and laid unto him, Oh man of God, I fh?, Ask what I fhalldo tor thee, before
Pray thee, let my life, and thelifeofthele I be taken awtiy trom thee. And Eli/ha
filty thy fervants be precious in thy fight. taut, I pray thee, Jet a double portion of
i-4 Behold, there came fire down from thy fpirit be upon me.
heaven, and tyirnt upthe two captair.sof the io And he faid, Thou haft asked a hard
former fifties', with their fifties therefore
thing : nevertbeleff, if thou Ise mew**/! I
let my life now bejrecious in thy fight. am taken from thee, it fhaU be fo unto
it And the angel of the LORD faid un- thee; but if net, it fharl not be/o.
to Elijah, Go down with him, be not a- ti And it came to pal's as they iiiH went
fraid of him. And he arofe, and went on, and talked, that behold, tbirt appease!
down with him unto the king. a chariot ol fire, and horfes of fire, and
16 And he faid unto him, Thus faith parted them both afunder.and Elijah went
he LORD, Forafmuch as thou haft fent up by a whirlwind into heaven.
melTengers to enquire of Baal-zebub the t* 11 And Eliiha faw it, and he cried,
gcdot Ekron ( is it not becauier£<ref; no My father, the chariot of lfrael,
iGod in H'rael to enquire of his word ? 1 and the horlemen thereof. And he <"aw
therefore thou /halt not come down off him no more: and he took hold of his
that bed on which thou art gone up, but own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.
fljalt furely die. i3 He took up alio the mantle of Eli-
17 H So he died according to the word jah that fell from him, and went back,
of the LORD which Eli mh had fpoken and ftoad by the bank of Jordan ;

andjehoram reigned in his ftead, in the i4 And he took the mantle cf Elijah
fecend year of Jehoram the for, of Tehoma- that tell from him, and ftnote the waters,
phat kinst of Judafcjbecaufe he had no lbn. and laid, Where is the Lord Godof Eli-
t8 Now the reft of the atts of Ahaziah jah ? and when he al.b had fmitten the
which he did, ure they not written in the waters they parted hither and thither :

book of the chronic] esofthekin^s c of Ifrael

and Elilna went over.
CHAP. II. if And when the fons of the prophets
Llijdb tubetbbis lave ef Elijbab-, &c. which wsretoview at Jericho, (aw him,
ANd it came to p?fswhen the LORD
they faid, The fpirit of Elijah doth raft
would take up Elijah into heaven on Elifha. And thev came to meet him,
by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with and bowed them/elves to the ground be-
Eli/ha from Gilgal. fore him :

i And Elijah faid onto Efifha, Tarry i5 11 And they faid un'o him, Behold
here, I pray thee: for the LORD hath now, there be with thy fervants filty
fent me to Beth-el. And Elifha faid unto ftrong me"n> let them go, we prav thee,
bim, A< the LORD liveth, -nd as thy foul and leek thy mafter: lett peradventur*
liveth, I will noc leave thee. So they went the fpint of the Lord hath taken hitn
down to Beth-el. •
uo, and call him upon fome mountain,
; And the fons of the prcrhets that or into Ibme valley. And he faid, Ye
were at Beth-el, came forth to Eli/ha, ihall not fend.
and faid unto him, Kroweft thou that i7 And when they urged him till hewas
the LORD will take away thy ffialisr aflia»\edj belaid, S5n<L>~,Tliey lent there-
in ? lerc
Jtbortnts vtic('i rtigH. II. K^ Ktijbd okmmtik -xstt/.
fore fifty men > and they '."ought three days, and they fetcht acompafi of (even nays
but tound him not. journey ar.d there was no water for the

iS And when (hey came :;gsin to him, holt, and for the cattle that followed
( for he timed he laid unto
at je;:c..oj them., l)idI not fay unto you, Go not? ir And the kir.g of Ifrael faid, AJa«,
19 *T And the tten of the city hid unto that the LORD hath called thefc three
Elifha, Behold,, the lituation kings together, todeliver th<2in into the
of thi^city U pieafant, astny lord teeth hand 0; Moab.
but the water is naught, and the ground u But Jeholhaphat faid, Is tbert not
barren. here a prophet ol the Lord, that we may
10 And he faid, Bring me a new crufe, enquire of the Lord by him ? And one
and put fait therein. And they brought of the king of Ifraels lervants anfwered
it to him. * and faid, Here is Elifha the fon of Sha*.
11 And he went forth unto the Ipring of phas which poured water on the hand % of
the waters, an I call the ("alt in there, and Elijah.
laid, Thus faith the Lord, I have healed 11 And Jehofhaphat
faid, The word of
thefe waters there (hall not be from
, the Loud
is with him. So the king of
thence any more death, or barren UiJ. Ilrael, and Jehofhaphat, and the king of
11 S3 the waters were h:al;d unto this Edom went down to him.
day, according to the facing of Elifha 15 And Elifha faid unto the king of li-
which he fpake. ra -1, What have I to do with thee? get
13 S\ And hewentupfrom thence unto thee to the prophets of thy father, and to
Beth-el and as he was going up by the
: the prophets of thy mother. And the king
way, there came forth little children out of Ilrael faid unto him, May. for the
of the city, and mocked him, and faid LORD hath called thefe three kings to-
unto him, Go up, thou bald-head, Go gether, to deliver theai into the hand cf
up, thou bald-head. Moab.
14 And he turned back, and looked on 14 And Elifha faid, As the of LORD
them, and cur&d them in the name of the hoitsliveth, beforewhoml (land, furely,
Lord and there came forth two ihe-
: were it rot that 1 regard the prclence of
bears out of the wood, and tare forty and jehofhaphat the king of Judah, I would
two children of them. not look toward thee, nor fee thee.
15 And he went from thence to mount t? But now bring me a tainted. And
Carmel, and from thence he returned to it came to pafs when the minftrel played,
Samaria. that the hand ©f the Lord came upon him.
CHAP. III. 16 And he faid, Thus faith the Lord*
Itborams reign., See. Make
this valley full of ditches.

NOw Jehoram the fon of Ahab began

to reign over Ii'rael inS?.maria, the
For thus faith the LORD, Ye fhay
not fee wind, neither fhall ye fee rain \
eighteenth year of Jehofhaphat king ut yet that valley fhall be filled with water-,
Judah, and reigned twelve years. " that ye may drink, both ye, and yout

1 And he wroight evil in-the fiirh.' cf cattle, and your bealb.

the Lord, but net like his father, arTd like 18 And this is but a licmt thins in the
his mother; for he put awav the imace fight ot the he will deliver it!LORD:
of Baal that his father had made. MJabires alio into your hand.
3 Neverthele'K, he cleaved unto the fins 10 And ve (hall funte every fenced city*
of Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, which made and every choice city, ar.d fhall fell every
Ifrael to fin \ he departed not theretrom. good tree, aid fvrop all wellsof water, and
4 n And Mefha king of Moab w^s a mar every gocd piece of land with (tones*
ibeep-mafter, andrendred thekir.g 10 And it cam 2 to pafs in the morning
•f Iirael an hundred thoufand lambs, and when the meat-offering wasoffered, that
ac hundred thoufand rams, with the wool!. behold, there came water by thewav of
5 B.:t it came to pais Ahab was Ec'.om, ar.d the country was filled wit*
dea-K that the king of Moao rebelled a- water.
gainft the kin? ofjfrael. ir r.And when all the Moabites heard'
6 fl Ard king Jehoram went cut of Sa- that the kings were come up to fight a-
maria the fame time, and numbred si! gaintt them, they g.uhcrcdall that were
Ifcael. able to put op armour, and upward, and
7 And he went ->nd lent to Tehofhaphat flood in the border.
the king of Judah, faying, The king of ii An,.', thevrofe up early in the morn-
Hoa hath rebelled sgainft me wilt thou ing, and the' fun fhone upon the water,
> :

?o with me againft Moab to battle: Ai i-nu the Moabites faw the water on the
e faid, I will go up I «w ax thou «*,
: other fide (> red as Mood :

sr.y people as thy people, *n.i my horfes i; A) T:is »' blood the, :

as thv horfes. ere lurely f.ain. and they have fmit-
8 And he fir.-d, Which vav fhall we co ten one another: no* therefore, Moab,
up? And he anfwered. The way to the froil.

Ihe wildernefs of Loom. 14 And w;ien thev came to the camp of

q So the king of Ifrael went, a Ifrael. the Israelites roie up 3rd fmote
King of Judah, and the k&g of Eacm the Moahites, (o that they fled

The xtidovci oyl multiplied. Chap, iv. The. good Sburuimmitt.
them: but they went forward finitint? the Call thisShunimmite. And when he had
Moabites, even in tbtir country. called her, fhu Rood before him.
i,- And they beat down the cities, and i} And he faid unto him, Say now unro
on every Rood piece of land call every her, Behold, thou halt been careful tor
man his itone, and rilled it, and they Hop- us with all this care ; what is to be done
ped all the w-ells of water, and felled all for thee? wouldft thou be (poken for to
the good trees: only in Kir-harafeth left the kinir, or to the captain of the hoft ?.
they the ltones thereof: howbeit the ling- And (he anfwereil, 1 dwell among miner
ers went about it, and fmote it. own people.
iS Tl And when the kin* of Moab law And he faid, What then is to be done
iat the battle was too lore for him, he for her? And Gehazi anfwered, Verily
took with him ("even hundred men that Ihehath no child, and her husband is old.
drew ("words, to break through even unto if And he laic!, Call her. And when
the kingof Edom but they could not.
: he had called her, (he (food in the door.
i7 Tnen he took his eldelt ("on that 16 And he laid, Abt-utthis feafon, ac-
fhould have reigned in his ite'ad, and cording to the time of life, thou (halt em-
ottered Iv.m for a burnt-offering upon the brace a -fun. A-idfhe (aid, Nay, my lord,
wall : and there was great indignation ibou man of Gcd, do not lie unto thine
againlt Ifrael 2nd they dep3rte'.l from'
: handmaid.
him, ana returned to their ovPrtland. i7 And the woman conceived, and bare
C tl A P. IV. a fon at that feafon that Eliiha had faid
Elifr* tnuttiplietb the widows oyl,8cc. unto her, according to the time of Me.
NOw there cried a certain woman of
the wives of the Ions of the prophets it
18 11 And when the child was grown,
fell on a day, that he went out to his
unto Elifha, faying. Thy (ervan*: myhul- father to the reaper?.
band is dead, and thou knoweft that thy 19 And he (aid unto his father, My
fervant did fear theLoRl>: and the cre- head, my head. And he favV to a lad»
ditor is come to take unto him my two Carry him to his mother.
fons to be bond-men. ic And when he- hail taken him, andl
i And Elifha ("aid unto her, What (hall brought him to his mother, he at on hct I

I do lor thee? tell me, what haft thou in knee's till noon, zndthen died.
the hcufe? And fhe (aid, Thine hand- it And (he went up, and laid him on
maid hath not any thing in the houle, the bed of the man of God, and (hut tix
fave a pot of cyl. door upon him, and went out.
3 Then he faid, Go, borrow thee vef- it And (he called unto her husband, and
feh abroad of all thy neighbours, even faid, Send me, 1 pray thee, one of ths
empty veffels, borrow not a few. young men, and one of the affes, that I
4 And when thou art come in-, thou may run to the man of God,, tfti com«
(halt (hut. the door upon thee, and upon again.
thy fons, an I (halt pour out into all thofe i; And he faid, Wherefore wilt thou gQ
veffels, and thou fhalt fet aftde that which to him to day ? it is neither new-moon,
is fall. nor fabbath. And (he faid, ltjks.ll be well.
fSo fhe went from him, and (hut the door 14 Then (he faadled an afs, andfaicta
upon her, and upon her Ions, who brought her fervant, Drive, and go forward j flaefc
the veJJ'els to her, and fhe poured out. not thy riding lor mc. except I bid the?.
6 And it came to pafs when the veQels fcf So (hewem and came unto the man
were full, that (he faid unto her fon, Bring of God to mount Carmel and it came t-9 :

me yet a veffel And lie laid unto hit, There

. pals when the man ot God law her afa*
it not? veilelmore. And the oyl ltayed. otf, that he faid to Gehnii his fervant;,
7 Then (he came and told the man of Behold, yonder is that Shunamvnite :

God: and he faid, Go, fell the oyl, and 2.6 Run how, 1 pray thee, to meet heto
pay thy debt, and liveihouand thy chil- and fay unto her, Is it well with thee? h
dren of the reit. it well with thy husband ? h ft well v/ifii
8 11 And it fell on a day, that Eli(ha paf- the child? And (lie anfwered, lift* weft.
ftd to Shunem, where TP4J a great woman; 17 And when jhe came to the man 6T
and (he contained him to eat bread. God to the hill, lhe caught him by tffi
And/o it was, r/uf- at oft as he palTed by, feet : but Gehazi came near to thrui5
he turned in thither to eat bread. her away. And the man of God faid*
9 And (he faid unto her husband, Behold Let her alone, for her foul is vexed with-
now, 1 perceive that this u an holy man in her: and the LORD
hath hid jffroa*
of God, which psffcthby us continually. me, and hath rot told me.
to Let us make a little chamber, I pray (he faid, Did 1 derive a fon of mv
thee, en the wall, and let usfetfor him lord? did I not fay, Do not deceive nxe?
tnere a bed, and a table, and a (tool, and 10 T' en hefaid toGehazi, Girdup thy
a candleitick: and it (hall be when he co- loyns, and take mv (tatf in thine harrda
meth to us, that he (hall turn in thither. and so thy way: il thou meet any man,
ii AnJ it fell on a day tfcat he came falute him net ; and if any felute* thfec*
thither, and he turned into the cham- anlwer him not again: and lay my ft3it
ber, and lay there. upon the face of the cfcild.
ii And he faid toGehaai his fe/vant, 30 And the mother of the child laid",
N 4 «M
Vbc dud child Uffti. II. King?. Kitmtfti ttprofu cured.
A\ the LORD with his mafter, and honourable, because
liveth, and ** Ifty foul li-
reth, I wiH not leave trice. And he a- by him the LORD
had given delive-
jol'e, and followed her. ranee unto Syria: he was alio a mighty
3i Aid Gehari patted on 1>e fore them,man. in falour, but he voai a leper,
and laid the ftaff upon the lace ot the ; And t.'ic Syrians had pone out by

child, bul there vm companies. ai.d h„d brought away cap-

neither voice, nor
hearing wherefore he went again to
: tivcoutof thelar.doflfraef a little" maid
meet him, and tofd him, laying, The and fhe waited onNaamans wife.
child it r.ot awaked. ? And ftie laid unta her mittrefs, Would
33. And when Elifha was come into the God my lord were with the prophet that
hout'e, behold, the child was ecad, <«4 it in Samaria-, for he would recover hist
laid up;n his bed. of his leprotic
3? He went in therefore, and iTuit the 4 A::d one went in, and told his lor<i,
door upon them twain, and prayed unto fayine, Thus and thus laid the maid that
the LORD. it ct the land of" Ifracl.

34 And he went up, and lay upon the K And the kingot Syria laid. Goto.go,.
child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and I will lend a letter onto the king ot
and his eves upon ins eyes. 3iui his Iirael. And he departed, and took with
hands upon his hand?, anct he itrerched hun ten talents ot lilver, and lixthoufa! J
himfelt upon the child, and the fleih of t>ie:a of gold, and ten changes of raimert
the child waxed warm. 6 Andhebrought the letter to the Icing
V; Then he returned, and walked in the otlirael, faying, Now when thisletter is
tioule to and fro, and wei< up, and itretch- comeunto thee! behold, 1 have therewith
edfcimieltup'vi him and the child neefed fent Naaman my fervant to thee, that thou

fcved times, and the child opened his eyes. mayft recover him of his leprotic
36 And he calleu Gehazi, and laid, 7 And it came to pafs when the king of
Call this Shunaiiimite. 5o he called her: Ifracl had read the letter, that he rent his •

and when me was come in unto him, he clothes, and laid, Am

I God, to kill and to"
faid, Take up thy fon. make alive, that this man doth fcn.4 unto
37 Then me went in, and fell at his feet, me to recover a man of his leprotic ?
and bowed her fell to the ground, and wherefore confider, I pray you, and fee
look up tier ion, and went out. how he feeketh a quarrel againftme.
:S *i And Elifha came azainro Gileal, 8 fl And it was fa, when Elifha the man
and there w*ia dearth in the land, "and cf God had heard that the king of ll'rael

the Ions ef the prophets were taring be- had rent his clothes, that he lent to the
fore him and he laid unto his fervant, king, laying, Wherefore haft thou rent

Set en the great pot, and teethe pottage thy clothes ? let him come now to me, snd
lor Che Ions "of the prophets. he' fhall ktxnv that there is a prophet in j

39 A*>d one went out in:o the field to ll'rael.

gather herbi, and found a wild vine, and 9 So Naaman came with his horfes, |

. gathered thereof wild gourds his lap-full, and with his chariot, and flood at the
and came and ihred them into the pot of door of the houfe of Elifha.
pottapc for tbey knew them not.
: to And Elifha fent a meifenger unto.

40 So they poured out for the men to him, laying, Go and wafh in Jordan feven
eat: aid it came to pal's as they were eat- times, and thy flefti inall come again
ing of the pottage, that they cried out, and unto thee, and thou lhalt be clean.
faid, O thou man of Gcd, there /'/death in it But Naaman was wroth, a:jd went
the pot: and they could not eat thereof. away, and ("aid, Bel.olu, I thought. He
4i Rut he fai.t, Tnen bring meal: and will furely come out to me, and ftand,
he call it into the pot and he laid, Pour ar.d call on the name cf the
; hit LORD
cut for the people, that they may eat God, and itrikehis hand ever the place*
and there was no harm in the por. and recover the lerer.
4i *1 And there came a man from Eaal- ii Art rot Abana and Pharpar, rivers
ftaliiha, and brought the man of God of Damafcus, better than all the wafers
bre^dotth; r.rll-truits, twenty loaves of of Ifrael? may I not w2fh in them and
liailey, and mil ears of corn mths hu.<k be clean ? So he turned, and went away
thereof: and he <2 id, Give unto the peo- in a rage.
ple, that they may eat. 1 And his fervants came near, tnJL -
43 And his fervltor laid, What, mould fpake unto him, and laid, My father, if
I fj»t this betore an hundred men ? lie laid the propher had bici thee do Some great
again, Give the people, that they may thinz, wouldft thou not have done it ?
eat: torthuslaith the LORD, They fhall how~much rather then, when he faith to
9*t, and mail leave thereof. the:, Warn and be clean?
J4 So he let it before them, and they 14 Then went he dewn, ana dipped
did eat, ard left thereof, according to the himfelf feven times in Jordan, according
word of the LORD. to the faying of the man of God and his :

Wdttnui is cured of bit Itprofte, &c
flefh came again like unto the flefti ot*
a little child, and he was clean.
V[Ow Naaman captain of the heft of ic fi And he returned to the man af
,1>| the king or Syria,, was a greet man Cod, heaodall his company, asd came


Gdmy punijbeJ. Chaiv **. tts.Spiim Wa.i«4.

nd flood before kim: and he faid, Behold, 1
* Let tu gfc we ptav th^unts Jordan,
ow L know that tbcre fi no God in all the and cake thence every'man a beam, an>i

arth, but in llrae-l now therefore, 1 let us make us a place- there where we

ray thee, take a blellingot thy lervant. 'may dwell. Arid-he aniwered, Goy*.
\<> But he (aid, A, the LORD liveth, And enc ("aid, Be content, I pray

efcre whom 1 itand, I will receive none, thee, and ts,o with thy fervants. And he
md he uiged him to taker'f, but he re- aniwered, I will go.
ufed. 4 So he went with them. And when they
17 And Naanian faid, Shall there not came to Jordan, they cut down wood.
len, 1 pray thee, be. given to thy lervant i But as one was felling a beam, the ax-
vo mules burden of earth ? tor thyler-i head fell into the water and he cried, and

ant will henceforth offer neither burnt- laid, Alas, matter, for it was borrowed,

rferine, nor facrifice ufcto other gods, 6 Andfhemanof God faid, Where fell

lit unto the LORD. f« I And he fhewed him the place. And
ib In this thing the LORD pardon thy he cut down a flick, and catt it in thi-

:rvant, ibtt when my nv.utergoeth intoitlier, and the iron did Iwim.
ie houfe of Rimnaon to worihip then-, , 7 Therefore laid he, Take /tup to thee.
nd he leaneth on my hand, and I bow And he put out his hand., and took it.
iv ("elfin the houfe ot Rimmon: jajhenl 811 Then the kingof Syria warred a-
owdown my felf in the houfe of Rim- gaintt Ifrael, and took counfe! with his-

ion, the LORD pardon thy fervant in; fervants, faying, In fuch- and fuch a place
us thing. v/b*U bi my camp.
ro And he (aid unto him, Go in peace. ! 9 And the man of God fent uno the
o he departed from him a little way. king of ll'raei, faying, Beware that thou

ic II But Gehazi thelervantof Elittia pafs not iuciv a place; for thither the

ie manoi God, Card, Behold, my matter Syrians are come down.

ath (pared Naaman this Syrian, in no And the king of Ifrael lent ta*th«
fceiving at his hands that which he place which the nun of God told him,
nuglu -."but Ai the Lord liveth, I will and warned him of, and Caved himielt
matter him, andtakefomewhatofhim. there, not once nor twice.
w SoGehazi followed after Naaman: 11 Therefore the heart of the king of
nd when Naaman Caw bim running after Syria was lore troubled for this thing,
im, he lighted down from the chariot and lie called his fervants, and faid unta
) meet him, and ("aid, Is all well? them, Will ye not fhew me which of u*
'ii Arjclhefaid, All is well: my matter n for the king of Ifrael?
ath lent me, faying. Behold, even now ti And one of his fervants faid, None,
kre be come to me from mount Ephra- my lord, O king bur EJilha the prophet,

m two young men of the ions of the pro- that is in Ifrael, tellcth the king oi Ifrael

nets: f?:ive them, I pray thee, a talent the words that thou i'r/eakclt in thy bed-
f lilver, and two changes of gat ments. chamber.
1} And Naaman faid, Be content, take U fl And he faid, Go. and fpy where
xo talents. And he urged him, and he is* that I may fend and fetch him And
bund t»vo talents ef two bags, it was told him, faying, Behold, bt is t»
rith two changes of garments, and laid Dothan.
>em upon two of his fervants, and they 14 Therefore Cent he thither horfes, and
are tb>.m before him. chariots, and a great holt :and they came
14 And when became to thetower, he by night, and compalYed the city about.
K>k them from their hand, andbeflowed u And when the fervant of the man of
>>im in the houfe ; and he let the men God was rifen early and gone forth, be-
b, and they departed. hold, an hoft compalled the citv, both
j a* But he went in, and flood before his with horfes and chariots: and bi» fervant
alter andElilha faid unto hiui,W hence faid untta him, Alas, my aialtcr, how ll.all

mtjh tbou, Gehazi ? And he faid, Thy we do?

want went no whither. 16 Andheanfwereu.Fearnot: for they
& And he ("aid unto him, Went not that bt with us, *rt more than they that l»
ine heart with tbte, when the mart turn with them.
again from his chariot to meet thee ? 17 And EJifha prayed, and faid, Lqrh,
it a time to receive money, and to re- I pray thee, open his eyes that he may lee.
ive garments, and olive-yards, and And the LORD opened the eyes of th«
neyards, and fheep, and oXen, and young man, andhefaw: and behold, the
en-fervants, and maid-fervasts? mountain ».*> full of horfe3, and cb arista
i7 The leprofie therefore of Naaman of fire rovmd about Elifha.
til cleave unto thee, and unto thy feed 18 Antl when they came downfo him,
rever. And he went out from his prc- Elima prayed unto the LORD, and faid,
acealeper as vbitt as fnow. Smite this people, I pray thee, with bhnd-
CHAP. VI. nefs. And he fmote them with blir.dnefi,
EUJhA eau/etb iron to fvoim, &C. according to the word of Elifha,
\ Nd the tons of the prophets faid unto 19 51 And Eliiha faidwvo them, Tlii*
1 EHiha, Eersld now, the place where is not the way, neither is this the citv;
•iwclJ with thee is too fttaic for it, follow »e» and I wiM biina vow to wh«
AfJHiiminSHfUYi*. II. K • Tbt Syritnt ft'te m

iunwhom ye i'cek. but he led them to Tomorrow about this time Jh*li a mea-
izaiana. ' -ure ot fine tiour befall tor afhekel, and
ic Adit came to pafswhen theywsre two rneafures of Parley for a fliekel, in
come into bjnuaa, that ...Una laid, the gate of Samaria.
LOUD, open \.\>z cycsotthe e men tiiat i lnen a lor J. on whofe hand the king
they may fee. And' the LORD opened leaned, anlwered the man ot God, and
thc.r eyes, and they law, and beho'd, faid, Behold, r/the LORD would make
tbty wcfe in the midsof baniaria. windows in heaven, rrug»t this thing he
it And the kirsgol Ifraci laid unto E- Ana he laid, Behold, thou (halt fee it with
liiaa, when be jaw them, lather, My thine eyes, bat malt not eat thereof.
fliali iCmxetkm
? (nail I ImiCetftw? } n Ant there were ftur leprous men at
ii And fate atfwereri, Thou ih-iic not the'eninng mot the gate: and they laid
finite ?£«»-. would It thou finite thole one to another, Wny lit we here until we
whom thou ha»l taken captive with thy die?
Jword, and with thy buw ? fet bread and 4 Ifwc fay we will enter into thecity,
ter before them, that they may eat then the rai ne is in the city,
\ drink, and go to their mailer, lhall die there-, and if we lit ftill h ere,
23 And he prepared great proviilo r: for we die.alfb. Now therefore come, ana
•hem and when they had eat-n a:.. let us tail unto the hotl of the Syrians :

drunk, he lent them away, and they went it. they lave us alive, we fhall live; and
•o their mailer. So the bands of Syria it they kill us, we (halibut die.
came no more into the land of Ifraci. f And they role up inthetwilight, to
14 fl And it came to pais after this, that go unto the ca.r.p of the Syrians: and
Ben,hadadkingof Syria gathered all his when they were come to the uttermoft

hoft, and went up, and beiieged Samaria. part of the camp of Syria, behold, tbtrt

2? Andtherewasa great famine in Sa- *' no nian there,I

maria: and behold, they befieged it, un- 6 For the Lord had made the hoft ef the

til ao afTes head was fold for tourfcore Syrians to hear a noile ot chariots, and

fieces of filver, and the fourth part of a a noile of horrcs,«-je/j the noile bt a great

kab of doves dung for five pieeei of filver. hoft: and they faid one to another, Lo,
And as the kingoi Ilrael waspalnng- the King. of ll'rael hath hired aga*nft us,
by uoon the wall, there cried a woman the kings of the Hittites, and the king*
unto him, laying, Help, my lord O king. ot the Egyptians, to come upon us.
17 And he faid, If the Lord do not help 7 Wherefore theyarol'e and fled in the

thee, whence lhall I help thee? out of the twilight, and Ictt their tents, and their
barn-floor, or out of the wine-prefs? horles, and their afTes, even the camp as
18 And the kins faid unto her, What it Wat, and fled for their lite. |

aileththee? And iheanfwered, This wo. S And when thei'e lepers came to the

man faid unto me, Give thy Ion, that we uttermoft p:*rt ot the camp, they went in
may eat him today, and we will eat my to one tent, and did cat and drink, and
fon to morrow. carried thence lilver and gold, and rai-
a# So we boiled my fon, and did eat ment, and went and hid it; and ca-nea-

feim : and I faid unto her on the next gain, and entred into another tent, and
day, Give thy fon> that we may eat carried thence <//o, and went and hid ;

him and lne hath hid her fon

: 9 The:i they laid one to another, We
20 fl And it came to rafs when the king do net well this day it a day of good :

beard the* words of the woman, that he tidings, and we, hold our peace if we :

tent his clothes, and lie railed i>y upon the tarrytill the morning light, fome mif-
wall, and the people looked, an behold, chief will come upon us: now therefore
be bad fackcloth within upon his fteih. come, that we may go and tell thekingt
it Then he laid, God do lo and more houiheid.
alfo tome, if the head of Elilha the fon ic So they came, and called unto the:
of Shaph&t fhall (land on him this day. porter of the city: and they told them,,
a BurElifha fat in his home, (and the faying, Wecame to thecampof the Sy^*
elders fat. with him ) and tbt kjsig lent a rians,and behold, there was no man there*
man from before him : but ere the mef- neither voice of man. but horfes tied, anet
fengercame-tohim, he faid to the elders, afTes tied, and the tents as they v»trt.
See ye how this fon of a murderer hath 11 And he called the porters, andthef
fent retake away mine head? look when toldrf to the kings houfe within.
the meflenger cometh, (hut the door, and 11 n And the king arofe in the niehf,,
bold him Tfaft at the door n not the and faid unto his fervants, I will now

found of hismafters reet behind hum ? ihewycu what the Syrians have done to.
2; And while he yet talked with them, us: they know that we be hungry, there-
behold^ the meifer.ger came down unto fore are they gone out of the camp, to.
bim and he laid-, Behold, this evil it of hiue themielves in the field, faying.

the LORD, what /hould I wait for the When they.come out of thecirv, we' fruit
Lord any longer? catch them alive, and get into the city.
A P. VII. i? And one of his fervants anfweredr
lijifr* prafbtfietb incredible plenty, &c. and faid, Let fotnt take, I pray thee, fiv»
Tien Elilha laid, Hear ye the word of of the borJej that KUiais, which, are left
theLQRJfc TJw* faith the LORD,
. :

TUnty in Samsri*. Chap. vm. Btn-bsiei finittb to Etijhs,

in the city, ( behold, they art as all the lhetold him. So the Icing appoin-
multitude of llra.-l that 'are left in it: ted unto her a certa.n officer, laying,
behold, I f*y, they art even as all the Rettore aji that von hers, and all the
multitude ol the ltraelites that are con- Fruits or' t*.; rteJd, linre the day that flic
tinued and 1st us lend and lee-.
) left the land, even till now.
14 They took therefore two chariot- 7 11 And Eliftu came to Damafcus } and
korfes, and the king lent alter the hoft Ber.-had.ui the king of Syria was lick*
©f the Syrians, laving, Go and lee. anditwas told him, faying, The man of
ti And they went after them unto Jor- God is come hither.
dan, and lo, all the way wai tull or" gar- 8 And the kin;: laid unto Hazael, Taka
ments and vetfcls, which the Syrians had aprefent in thine hand, and go meet the
ealt away in their hafte : and the mef- manot God, and enquire of the Lord by
fer.gers returned and told the king. bini, faying, Shall
I reoovcrof this dif-
16 And the people went out and fpoil- eale?
?d the tents of the Syrians. So ameafare 9 So Hazael went to meet him, and
>f fine flour wjj fold tor a Ihekel, and two took a ^relent with him, even of every
Beafuresotbarlsy lor a Ihekel, according good thing ot Damafcus, Forty camels
:o word ot the LOUD.
the burden, and came and ftood before him,
f\ And the king appointed the lord and laid, Thy Ion Ben-hadad king of
>n whale band he leaned, to have the Syria hath fern me to thee, laying, ShaFl
iurgeof the gate and the people trode : ;1 recover of tins dileaie ? .

'pan him in the gate, and he die.i, as . ^And Eliiha laid unto him, Go, fay-

he man of God had laid, who fpake, Thoumavtt certainly recover
»lien the kin-.' came down to him. j
bowb-it, the Lord' hath (hewed me, that
iS And it came to pals ss the man of he ihall lurely die.
5od had fpoken to the king, faying, Two„ it And he fettled his countenance lted-

aeafures of barley for a lheket, and a f2ltly, until he was afliamcd

and th» :

Heafure of me hour tor a ihekei, lhall " man ot God wept.

e romorow about this rime m the gate ti And Hazael laid, Why weepeth my.
I Sam-
lord? And he anl'wered, Becaufe know I.

19 Ana that lord a-ifwered the manof the evil that thou wilt do unto thechiU
iod. and laid, Now behold, r/tne Lord ;dren of llracl their Itrong holds will;' ;

toiild make windows in heaven, might 'thou let on fire, and their young men wilt'
;eh a thing be? And he laid, Behold, ithcu Hay with the fword, .vid wift daflv
ton ftialt fee it with thine eves, but their children, and rip up their women

lalt not e.;r thereof th child.

And fo it fell out onto him: lOTthe I
rtnd Hazael laid, But what, is thy
:ople trode upon him in the gate, and jfervant a dog, that he fhould do this
s died gre.u thing? And Efiflia anl'wered, The
C H A P. VIIJ. Lord hath mewed me that thou jhsli be
Tb: Sbun.mmiiei land rgtored, Sec king ov«r Syria.
PHefl fpake Eluha antoithe woman i4"Sj he departed from Eft'ftia, and came'
C w.iofe lbnhe had reltored to life )
to liismalter, who laid to him, What faul
jk, Arife, and go thou and thine Eli/ha to thee? And he answered, He'
iiuhold, an.4 fojourn wherefoever thou told me that thou fa >uldltfurely recover.
nft fojourn: for the Lord twarh called ii And ftcaaie topafiojj the morrow,

r a famine, and it fhallallb come upon that he took a thick 'loth, and dipt it in

eland even years. t

water, and fpread it on hist ace, 10 «i:4£.

t And the woman arolc, an-.' did after he died and Hazael reigned in his Itead.

e faying of the man of God and flic 1* fi' And. mt'iejitr'i year of Jora.mthe

jntwith her houlhold, andlbjourned in IbncfA'iab kingof Il'raelJehoihax^iat &*••*


eJandof thePhiliitinesfevenyqars. in* then kingof J idah, Jehor.-mtliefonof.

X And it Game to pals at the feven years Jehofliaphst king ot Judah began to reiei>

id, that 'the woman returned out of the 17 Thfrty and two years "old. was he.

id of the Philistines: and fhe went forth when he began to reign, and he reigned

cry unto the king for her houfe, and for eight years in Jeru I'alem

land. 18 And he walked in the way. of thft;

And the king talked with Gehazithe kings of lfracl, as did the houfe of Ahabi
vant of the manof God, faying, Tell for the daughter of Ahab was his wife'}
:, I praythet-, all the great things that and he did evil in the light of the LORD.
ifha' hath done. 19 Yet the LORD would, not deltroy
And itcametopafs as he was telling Judah, lor David his leivants fake, at

rking how he had reitored a dead body ne promifed him to giva him ahvay 3
life, that behold, the woman whole light, and to. his children.
he had reftored to life, cried to the
1 io fi- In his days Edom revolted from
ig for her houfe, and for her land. under the hand of judah, and -made ».
ctGehazi faid, My lord Q king, this king over theaifelvcs.
be woman, and this is her fori, whom n So lorjum went-over to Z-air^and all the
Mha reft-red to life. chariots with him, and. he rwfeby nigh*
Aact vbc.T..*h« king sU&d _iU« wo-. and fmote the £dom ites. which ccfmpadcd

&4 bin
fthn it uminttit IT. Kinij *ni frod»i>w« d fyng.
Slim about : and the captains of the chari- perifll, and I will cut off fromAha:>, hi«
ots, and the people fled unto their tents that piflcth agamft the wall, and him that
ix Vet tdom revolted troin under the is (hut up andlelt Ifrael. m
hand of Judah unto thisday. ThenLib- And I will make the houfeof Ahab,
«ah revolted at the iameume. like the houfe ot Jeroboam thel'on.ot J$e-
x\ And the relt ot the acts at Jaram, bai, and like the houle ol Baalhathc lbn
and all that he did, are tliev not wntc-n ot AhijaM.
the chronicles ot the kings ic And the dogs fhall eat Jeze'.:;l in the
Sine book of port. 0.1 ot Jezred.and tbtrtjbtli bt none to
Judah? - .
14 Ar.A Joram Kept with his lathers, bury <Kf . And he opened the aoor
and was buried with bis lathers in the it 1: Then Jehu came far th to the Ser-

•jty ol David'. an.\ AJaaziah his Ion' vants of his lord, and one laid uii'ohim,
•ei'gned in his rtead. //all well ? wherefore came this m
xs 11 In the twelfth year of Joram ttie ion ot /o» And he f aid unto the:
Ahab king of Ifrael, did Ahaziahthe ion know he man, and
•f Je.10rar.1kin.30l' Judah begin to reign. 11 And they laid, now.
It /, falie, tell us
16 Two and twenty years oldjsuiAUa- And he laid, Thus and thus Ipake he zo
Otahwhen he began to reign, and he me, faying, Thus faith the Lord, I \jivr
eigned one year in Jerulalcm and ius j anointed thee king over ljr::el.
jROthersnanic was Athahah. the daugh- 1^ Then they halted, ai.d lock every
ter of O'.Mn kird£t£ Ifrael. man his garment, and put it u.T.ier him
17 And he walked*" the way of the houfe on the top ct the ftair.?, and blew with
of Ahab, and did evil in the fight of the trumpets, faying, Jehu, is k
jioRD, as did the houie of Ahab ; lor he 14. S Jehu the ion of Jehoiuaph; >

w.i! the fon in law of the houfe cf Ahab. donot NimJni, coi.fpired agai:.!t
i8*l And he wen: with Joram the fon ot [.Now Joram had ke|.-t Rimotii-
Ahab, to the watagainft Hazael kingcf he anil alt ifrael, becaufe oUiaza;
Syria in Ramoth-gilead, and the Syrian-; ot Syria :

Wounded Joram. i> But king Joram was return-

i} And king Joram went back to be healed in Jezreelj 0! the wounds which
Mealed in Jezrcel.of the wcunds which thi the Syrians had given him, when he
Syrians had given him 2t Ra.nah, when he fought with llazael kin^ of Syria.
fought a^ainit Hazael kingot Syria: and Jehu faid, If it be your rai
Ahazialftheibn ef Jehorarn king of ju- none go forth tiis efcape eutof t.'iecity»
dah went down to fee Joram the fon of to go t<s tell it Jezrccl. m
Ahab in Jezreel, becaufe he was iick. 16 So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went
C A P. IX. H ,
tojezreel, (for Joram lay there J and A-
Elijba ftudetb to anoint eku, 5cC hatiah k.ngof Judah was come down to
'A Nd Eliiha the prophet called oncof' Ice Joram.
i" And there ftood a watchman on the
f\ the childten of the prophets, 2nd
Bid unto hi m, Gird up thy loyns K and tower in Jezreel, and he.fpied the compa-
take this box of ovl in thine hand, and ny of Jehu as he came, and laid, I fee a
gotoRarueth-gilea'd, -...', companv. And Joram ("aid, Take an
x And when thou cumeft thither, look out horfcman, 3nd lend to meet them, and
there Jehu the ibn of Jehofhaphat the ion let him fay, // it peace ?
of Nimfhi, and go in, and make hima- 18 So there w^nt one on horfeback to
lileup fro .11 among his brethren, and car- meet him, and faid.Thus faith the king, Ii

jy him to an inner chamber.
n peace ? And Jehu (aid, What halt thou to
? Then take the box ot oyl, and pour it dowith peace? turn thee behind me. And
in his head, and fay, Thus faith the Loro, the watchman told, faying.The niefi'engei
I have anointed thee king-over Israel: cametoth«m, but hecomethnot again,
hen open th t door, and nee, and tarry not iQ Then hefentouta fecond on horfe-
4TI So the young man, even -the young back, which came to'them, andfaid.Thui
Sian the pvcphet.went to Rawcth-Cilead faith the king, 1$ it peaee ? And Jehu
. Ann when he came, behold, ««he<-ap-
anfwerei, What h^ft thou to do witA
iuinsof thehoit w-ere litting i and hef3id, peace? turn thee behind me.
Jhaveanerrandtofhee, O captain. And 10 And toe watchman told, faying, He
Jehu faid ..Unto which of all. us? And he ca-r.eeven unto them, and cometh not a-
laid, To thee, captain. gain andthedriving it like thedriving

6 And he arofe, and went into the houle, o: Jehu the ion otNimlhi ; farhednvetS
and he pcured theoytonhjshead, and fatd furiouily.
unto him, Thus faith the LORD Godof ii And Joram Paid, Make ready. And
Ifrael-, I have anointed thee king over the his chariotwas made readv. And Joram
eoide iheTORP, even over Ifrael.
of kingot Ifrael,. and Ah3ziah king of lu-
7 Ahd-thbu (Trait finite the, houfe of A- dsh went out, each in his chariot, and
ka') thy matter, that I may avenge the they went out aeaimi Jehu, and met him
fctood *tt mv fervants the prophets, and in theportionof Naboihthe Jezreelite.
tfce blood ut air t!>e l'ervaatsjjf
the Lord, xt And it came to pafs when Joram !a\»
it the hand, ot Jezi-oel. Tehu,that-heJ>id, Ii r> peace. Jehu ? An4

|i. Jfor. the wL-ote>l#ufc «f Afci» flvajj hi anfwettd, What peace, fo lone asrt«
y#\**e*i death. Chap. X* Abtbi ftm hebttied.
•horedoms of thy mother Jezebel, and fent to Samaria, unto the rulers of Jet-
CI witchcrafts Aft fo many? reel, to the elders, and to them that
*i And Joram turned Ins hands, and brought up Aharbs child/en, laying,
,Cd, and laid to Ah3ziah, There n trea- 1 Now aflbon as this letter cometh to
Ifcry, O Ahaziah. you, leeing your malters fons are with
£4 And Jehu drew a bow with his lull you, and there Ate with you chariots and
Kigthi andimote Jchoram between his horfes, a fenced city alio, and armour :

rms, and the arrow went out at his - Look even out the Left and m
eeteft of
cart, and he funk down in his chariot. your malters fons, and let him on his fathers
ii Then laid lebu 10 Bidkar his eap- tflrone, and fight for your ik afters houfe..
iin, Take up, and calt him in the portion 4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and
f the field of Naboth the Jezreelite tor : faul, Beheld, two kings ftoodnot befor»
e -member how that when I and thou rode him : how then mall we (rand ?
agether after Ahab his father, the LORD ? And he that j»4.< over the
houfe, and
aid this burden upon nun. hethatw.u over the city, the elders alfo,
16 Surely, 1 have leen yefterday the and the brine ers up 0/ the children, lent to
loo,; of Naboftuand the blocdof his fons, Jehu, laying, We are thy fervants, and
aid the Lord, and I will requite thee in will do all that thou (halt bid 1155 we
his plat, laith the Loud. Now rhereiore will not make any kins: do thou
ake <in.f calt him into the plat of ground, wbicb is good in thine eyes.
Bcordingtothewordof the LORD. 6 Then he wrcte a letter the fecond
27 *; But when Ahaziah the king of time to them, faying, If ye be mine, and
U'lahfaw tkh, he rled by the way of the if ye will hearken unto my voice, take yc
and Jehu followed after
{.4r.d--n-i.oule : the heads of the men your malters fern,
im, and Paid, Smite him alfo in«he and come to me to Jczreel by to morrow
hanot and tbey did /o, at thegoineup
this time: (now the kings fons being fe-
Gur, which ii by lhlcam : and helled venty;perlbns, -were with the trreat m»nof.
1 Vlegiddo, and died there. the city, which brought them up)
1*8 And his fervants carried him in a 7 And it came to pals when the letter
lhariotto Jerwfalem, and buried him in came to them, that they took the kings,
lis lepulchre with his fathers in the city of fons, and flew (eventy perfons, and put
3avid. their heads in baskets, and fent him tbtnt
19 An.-t in the eleventh yearof Joram to Jezrcel.
he fonot Ahab, began Ahaziah to reign 8 n And there came' a me(Teriger,3nd told
>ver Judah. him, laving, They have brought the heads
30 f| And when Jehu was come to Jez- of the kings ions. And he (aid, Lay ye
eel, Jezebel heard c/ /'», and fhe painted them in two heaps at the entring in of the
icr face, and tired her head, and looked gate, until the morning.
>ut at a window. 9 And it came topafs in the morning,.,
. 3i And as Jehu entred in at the gate, fhe
that he went our, and flood, and laid to
"aid, Had Zimri peace, who fiew'his ma- all the people, Ye be righteous: behold,
ter? 1 confpired aeamft my mafter, anj flew
n And he lift up his face to thewin- him but who flew
: all Lhefe ?
Know now,
k>w, and-faid, Who 11 on my fide, who? to that there fhall fall unto
\ud there looked out to him two or three theearthrwthingofthe word of the Lord,
:uriuch.<. wl-.ich the LORD
fpakc concerning the
2.2. And he faul, Throw her down. Sothey houfe ot Ahab for the Lord hath done

threw her down-, and ./owe of her blood that which he fpake by his fervant Eli-
vas fprink'e .1 on the wall, and on the jah.
liorfes: and he trode her under foot. 11 So T ehu (lew all that remained of the
J.4 And when he was come in,, he did houfe of Ahab in lezreel, and all his great
tat and drink, and laid, Go fee now men, and his kinsfolks, and his priefts,
hiscurfedwo>»*», and bury her for fhe : until he Iett him none remaining.
t a kin^s daughter. n And he arofe and departed, and
3<: And they went to bury her. but thev came to Samaria: And as he vpas at the
Fbun.'. no moreof her than the fcull, and fhearing-houfe in the way,
.he feet, and the palms at her hands. 1: Jehu met with the brethren of Ah»-
a6 Where fore they came again, android ziah kinpof Judah, and faid, Who are
vim :and he laid, Thisr the word of the
< ye?- And they anfwered, We
are the bre-
Lord, which he (pake by his fervant Eli- thren 0! Ahaziah, and we go down to
.ah the Tifhbite, faying, In the portion of falute the children ot the king, and the
lezreelfhall dogs eat the flefc cf Jezebel : children of the queen.
27 And the carcafeof Jezebel fhall be U
-And he faid, Take them arive. And
is duns; upon the faceofthe field, inthc th«y took them alive, and flew them at the
rwtion of Jezree!,/a that they fliall not pit of the lrteanng-houf-;, even two and
»y> This ii Jezebel. forty men ; neither lefrhe any of them.
CHAP. X. r » 5 H And when he was departed thence,
AbAbi children btbtxded--, &c. he lighted on-lehonadab tie Ion of Re-
AMd Ahab had feventy tons in Sama--
chab,-co>m"M<5to meet him, and he faluted
£\.i>a -aai Jehu wjote lett«a> -and
; biiu, andfaitUCt &iiu> Is thine Heart right,
Baals propicts Jltiii. II. Kings. Atbxlitbi cruelty,
as my heart is with thy heart ? And Jeho- to all that »4un mine heart, thychildrer
ladabanfwered, It is. If it be, give me ot the fourth generation, fhall lit on the
thine hand And he gave bim his hand,
throne at Ifrael.
ana he took him up to him into the cha- 31 But Jehu took r.c heed to walk in the I'

riot. lawoi the Lord God cf Ifrael, with aP t

16 Andhefaid, Come with me, and fee his heart for he departed not from tfK

my zeal for the LORDbo they made

: iinsotjeroboam.which made Ii'rael to iln
Lim ride in his chariot. J* II In thole days the LORD bezanto 1*

i7 And when he came to Samaria, he cut Ifrael ihort and Hazael Imote'them
: Ik

flew all that remained unto Ahab in Sa- in all the coatts of Ifrael
maria, till he had deftroyed him. accor- 33 From Jordan ealt-ward, all the land «,

ding to the faying of the LORD, which ot Gilead, the Gadites, 2nd the Reube-
he fpaketo Elijah. mte.s, and the Manaffites, from Arosr,
t8 Vi And Jehu gathered all the people ( which it by the river Arnoii } even Gi-
together, and laid unto them, Ahab ferved lead and Bafhan.
Eaal a little, but Jehu mail ferve him much 34 Now the reft of the acts of Jehu, and
19 Now therefore call unto me all the all that he did, and a 1 his might, trexhey
prot hetsof Baal, all his fervants, and all not written in the book cf the chronicle* of
hispriefts, let none be wanting: fori have the kings of Ilrael ?
agreatfacrifice to do to Baal ; whoioever 3i Ahd Jehu flept with his fathers, arj
Shall be wanting, he fliall not live. But Je- they buried him in Sairu.ia, anJ. Je!.oa-
hu did it in fubtilty, to the intent that he haz hisibn reigned in hisfteaci.
might defbroy the worfliippers of Baal, 35 And the time that Jehu reigned over
ic And Jehu Proclaim a fblemnaf-
faid, Ifrael inSamaria, was twenty and eight
fembly for Baal. And they proclaimed it. yeajs.
at Andjehufent through all Ifrael, arid , CHAP. XI.&".
all the worfliippers of Baal came, :o that made Itmg,
there was not a man left that came not:
and they came into the houfe of Baal ;
ANd when Athaliali the mother of A—
haziah faw that her fon was de:d, me

and the houfeof Baal was full from one arele, and deitroycd all the feed royal.
end to another. 1 But Jehofncba the dauehter or king 'c

rx Andhefaid unto him that rv*Jover Joram, fifterof Ahaziah, took Joafh the
the veftry, Enng forth veltmen.ts for all ion of Ahaziah, ai.d (tole him trom a-
theworftnppersof Baal. And he brought mong the kings fons wbicb were flam and ;

them forth vettments. they hid him, even him and hisnurfc, in
H And Jehu wen:, and Jchonadab the the bed-chamber from Athaliah, lb that
fon of Rechab, into the houfe of Baal, he was not (lain.
and faict unto the worfhippers of Baal, 3 And he was with her hid inth

Search, and look that there be here with of the LORD nx vears: and Athal;.
you none of the fervants or the LORD, reign over the lar.s.
but the worfhippers ot Baal onlv. 4 H And the feventh year Jehoiada fent '

14- And when they went in to offer fhcri- and fet the ruler.; over hundreds, with the
fices, and burnt-offerings, Jehu appointed captains and the guard, and -brousrnt them
fourfcore men without,' and laid. If any to him into the hcufe of the Lord, .nd
ot the men whom I have brci.pht inro made a covenant with them, and took ail
your hands, efcape, bt tbatltttcthbimgo, cath of them in the houfeof the LORD,
hislife./W/£e.for the life of him. and fhewed them the kings Ion.
a? And it came to pa's aflbon as he had ? Ar.d he commanded them,
made an end of offering the burnt-offer- This ii the thing that ye mall dc
ing, that Jehu faid to the guard, and to third part of vou that enter in on t.u
the captains. Go in, and flay them, let bath, fhall even be keepers of thewatclr come forth. And thev fmote them of the kinzs houfe :

with the edge of the fworrt, 'and the miard 6 And a third part Jball be at the gate of*
and the captains call tumour, and "went Sur: and a third part at the eatebehind*
to the city of the houfe of Baal. the guard fofiiall ye keer trie watch of<|

16 And they brought forth the ima?es the houfe, that it be not broken down. I

OWtof the houfe -of Baal, and burnt them. 7 And twe parts of all you that eo-
17 And thev brake down the imegeof forth on the fabbath, even they fhall keep,
Baal, and brake down the houfeof Baal, the watch of the houfe of the Lord about*'
aodmadeita draught-houfeunto this diy. the king.
a8 Thus Jehu deftroyedBaal ot Ifrae!. 8 And ye fhall cempafs the king rear.
19 H Howbeit/Vow the liqs of Jeroboam about, every man. with his weapon
the fon of Nebat, wao made Ifrael to fin, his hand and he that cometh within

Jehu departed not from after them, to the ranges, let him be flain * and be ye
vtit, the golden calresthat iwe in Beth- with the" king as he goeth cut, and as he
el, and that w?r; in Dan. Cometh in.
3c And the LORD
laid unto Jehu, Be- q Ar.d the captains over -the hundreds
caufe thou halt done well in executing vlidectording to all tbingp that Jehoiad-a
tbatxtbicb if right in :'ine eye*, *nd haft t.hevprieft commanded: and 'they
dene unto tie ncufe cf Aiiab according.} every man hii men that were to co»;e:n
, ;

jtii. His good ru'$n.

3 But the high places were not taken
away: the people mil facrificed, and
burnt incenle in the high places.
4. \J And Jehoafh fa id to the priefts,
All the money ot the dedicated things
,that is brougrvt into the houfe of the
Lord, tvtn the money ot every one that
paffetn the Account, the money 'that every
man is let at, end all the money that
cometh into any mans heart to bring in-
tothehouieof the Lord,
Let the prietts take z'rtothem, every
man of his acquaintance, and let them
repairthe breaches of the houfe, where?
foever any breach ihall be found.
6 But it was/b ,tbat in the three and twen-
tieth year of king Jehoafh, the priefts had
not repaired the breaches of the houfe.
7 Then king Jehoafh called for Jehoiada
the prieft, and the otbir prieits, andfaid
unto them, Why repair ye not the breaches
of the houfe? now theretoie receive no
mon money of your acquaintance, but de-
liver it lor the breaches of the houfe.
8 And the priefts cunfented to receive
ncmore money of the people, neither to
tf But Jehoiada the prieft commanded repair the breaches of the houfe.
tfcaptainsof the hundreds, theofficers 9 But Jehoiada the prieft took a cheft,
ibehoft, and (aid unto them> Have her and bored a hole in the lid of it, and let
th without the ranges; and him that it betide the altar, on the right fide, as
loweth her, kill with the (word. For one cometh into the houie of "the Lord'.
! prieft had laid, Let her not be flain and the priefts that kept the door, put
the houfe of the Lord. therein all the money that w*j brought
:6 And they laid hands on her, and fhe into the houfe of the Lord.
;nt by the way by the which thchorfes ic And it was fo y when they faw that
me into the kings houfe, and there was thtre xvas muc.i money in thechelt, that
e flain. the kings fenbe, and the high prieft came
1711 And Jehoiada made a covenant be- up, arid they put up in bags, and told the
een the Lord, and the king 2nd the peo- money tbjt ve*> founct in the houfe of th«
i.that they fhould be the~LoRDs people ;
tween the kine alfo and the people. 11 And they gave the money, being
8 And all the"peopIe oh «ie land went told, into the handsof them that did the-
the houfe of Baal, and brake it down, work, that had the overfisrhtof thehouftf
3 altars and his images brake they in of the Lord and they laid it out tothe

?ces. throughly, and 'flew Mattan the carpenters and builders, that wrought up-
ieft or Baal before the altars: and the on the houfe of the Lord,
iett appointed officers over the houfe of u And to mafbns and hewers of flonc,
2 Lord. and to buy timber, and hewed ftone to
to And he took the rulers over hun- repair the breaches of the houfe of the
eds, and the captains, and the guard, Lord, and^forall that was laid out for the
d all the people of the land, and they youfc to repair/?.
ought down the king from the houfe nHowbeitr there were not made fot
tie Lord, and came by the wav of the the houfe of the Lord, bowls of Giver,
*e of the guard tothe kings houfe, and fnuffers, bafons, truxpets, anyvelTelsor
•Tat on the throne of thekiners. e.old.or veflelsoffilver, of the money tbtt
10 And all the people of the land re- xvai brought into the houfe of the Lord.
cced, and the city was in quiet ; and 14 But they gave that to the workmen,
eyflew Athaliah with the fword befiie and repaired therewith the houfe cf the
-ea the

e kings houfe. Lord

u Seven years old was Jehoafh when he reckoned not with
it Moreover, they
gan tcreign. •the men, into whole
hand they deliver-
C H A P. XII. ed the money to be bellowed on work-
'Ubotjb rtignttb well, &<\ men : for they dealt faithfully.
N the feventh year of Jehu, jehsafli 16 The trefpafs-money, and fin-money
began foreign; and forty years reign- was not brought into the houfe of the
>he injerufalem and hismothersnamef
Lord i it was the priefts.
"Zibiaof Beer fheba. '.
17 v Then Hazael king of Syria went
1 Andjehoafh did tbafrtbicbwts right up, and fought againft Gath, and took it
e fight of the Lord all his days, where- and Hazaelfetlus face to goup to } erufa-*.
Jchouda the jrieft intkruAcd tym
30*Jb Jltin. tr • Kingr. blijht't dtttk.
i8 Ai)d Jehoafh king of Judah took all ii And
the reft of the acts of Joafh, ai
|he hallowed things mat Jeholhaphat, all thathe did, and his might wherewith
and Jchoram, and Ahaziah his fathers, he 'ought againlt AmaziaTi king ot
Jv, i
kings of Judah, had dedicate, and his own nali, trt they not written in
the book
hallowed things, and all tha gold thai w«j the chronicles of the kings ot
iound inthetre3l'ure« of thchoufeoi the il Anu Joafh flept with his father,
LORD, and in the kings hoy If, and J'ont and Jtroaoam lac upon his throne an
U :

it to Hazael king ot Syria, and he went Joafh was buried in Samaria with th *
away from Jerufalem. kings ot Ifrael.
19 U And the reltot the atts of Joafh, {4 T Now Elifha was fallen fick, of h
and all that lie did, art they not written fickners whereof he died, and Joaih
th |s
in the book ci the chronicles ol the kings kingot Ilrael came down unto kim, am
•f Juaah ? wept over his face, and laid, o my fa
10 And his fervants arofe.and made a ther, my father, the chariot of
Uriel, and i'E
aonfpiracy, ar.d flew Joaih in the houfc t!ie-hor(emen thereof.
of Milto, which goetn down to Silla. (i And Llifha faid unto him, Tak*
xi For.Jozachar the fon of Shimeath, tow and ar-ows: and he took unto kid
and Jekozabad the Ion of Shomer, his bow and arrows.
fervants, fmote him, and he died and -, 16 And he laid to the king of
tney buried him with his fathers in the Put thine hand u;*on the bcrv. and h«
city ot David, and Amaziah his fon put his handofo'j it-- and-Elilfca 1

rei«ned in his fteait. hands upon the kings hands.

G H A P. XIH. 17 And he faid, Open the window eaft-
Jtfoabax bis voic^td rtign, Sec. ward: and he opened it. Then Lliiha
and twentieth year of Joafh laid, Shcot: and he fhot. And he f:id.
fonot Ahaziah kingof judah, Jeho- The arrow of the Lords deliverance, :.n«j
ahaz the Ion ofJehu beganto reign over If- the arrow ot deliverance from Syria fot :

rael in Samaria.*»i«ir»5ws.i('eventov:n years thou fhalt fm.te the Syiiaos in

i Anil he did that xvbicb was evil in the till thou have confumed tbem
fight of the Loud, and followed the finsof t8 And he faid, Take th: arrow
Jeroboam the fonof Nebat, which made he took tb'.nt. Anu he faid unto f

Ilrael to tin, he departed net therefrom. or Ilrael, Smite uT>on the rround
q *l Ar.d the anger of the LORD
was Imote thrice, and flayed.
kindled againff. Ifrael, and he delivered 19 And the man of God was wrc;
them into the hand of Hazael king of Sy- him, and laid, Thou fhouldft have 1
ria, and into the hand of Ben-hadad the jive or bx times, then hadft thou f:..
fon of Hazael, all tbtir days. Syria till t.lou hadft confumed it .
4 And Jehoahazbefought the LQRD, as now thou Ir-alr fmite Syria Itu* t
and the LORD
hearkned unto him lor : 10 V And Eliiha died, and thev buried!
he faw the oppreffion of Ifrael, becaufe him: and t! e bands of the MoabitesiiurjMB
the king of Syria opprefTed them. eu the land at the comii«r in of the yearj L
* ( And the Lotui gave Ifrael a faviour, 21 And it came to pail as they wefebylB
fo that they went out from under the rymg a man, that beiioJd, th:y i'
hand of the Syrians: and the children or of mctt
bzr\i\ and thev catt them:

Ifrael dwelt intheir tents, as beforctime. the lepulchre ot Elifha: and when the
6 NeverthelelV, they departed not from man was let ftown, and touched the bnnea
the iinsofthe houfe of Jeroboam, who ot Elifha, he revived, anj ftood up oa
made Ifrael fin, bttt walked therein: and his teet.
there remained the grove alfo inSainaria.) n f! But Hazael king of Syria opprelTcd?
7 Neither did he leave of the people to Ilrael all the days of Jehoahaz.
Jehoahaz, but fifty horfemen, and ten cha- 11 And the LORD
was erarious unta
riots, and tenthoufand footmen; for the them, and had companion on then, ani,
king of Syria had deftroyed thcm, had had relpecl unto them, becaafe of his a
made them like the duff bythreihing. venantwith Abraham, Ifaac, and Jaco.
8 11 Now the reft of the afrs of Jehoa- and would not deftroy them, neither ca
haz, and all .that hedid, and his might, he them from his prefenre as yet.
sre they not written in the book of the li- So Hazael king of Synadied, an| :

«hronicles of the kings of Ifrael ? Ben-hadad his fon reisrned in his fceaoL
9 And Jehoahaz flept with his fathers, i> And Jehoafh the^fon of Jehoahaa
and they buried him in Samaria, ana Jo- touk again out ot the hand of Ben-hadad>
afh his fon reigned in his-ftead. the fon ot Hazael, the cities which he haJ
to T\ In the thirty and fevemh year of taken outotthehandof Jehoahaz his fa-
Joafh king of Judah, began Jehoafh the ther by war: three times didjoafh beat
fon of Jehoahaz to reign over Ifrael in him, and recovered the cities of Ilrael.
Samaria, and reifntd fifteen years. C H A p. XIV.
11 And he did that which it>Ji evil in Aniar\i*ki e.ooi rtign, ike.
the light of the LORD ; he departed not \ N the fecond year of Joafh ion of Te-'
from all the fins of Jeroboam the fon of 1 hoahazkingof Ilrael, reigned Ama-'
JNebat, who made lf»a«l £n ;
ed therein.
he walk- ziah the lor of oa'li king ot Judah.
x He was twenty asd five yca#sold when:


. JT. He it Jliln.
17 ft And Amaziah
the Ton of Joafli
king of Judah, lived alter the death of
Jehoafh fbn of Jehoahaz king of Ifrael,
fitteen years.
18 And the reft of the afts of Amaziah,
*f. they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah?
.19 Now they made'a confiiiracy againft
him in Jerufalem and he fled to Lachifh,

bat they Tent after him to Laehiih, and

flew him there.
10 And they brought him on horfes
and he was buried at Jerufalem with his
fathers in the city of David.
11 ft And all the people of Judah took
Azariah, Cwhich wat fixteen years old )
and made him kinginftead othis father
xi He built Elath, and reftored it to
ludah, after that the kingflept with hia
x* ft In the fifteenth year of Amaziah
the knot" Joafh king of Judah, Jeroboam
the fon of Joafli king of Ifrael began to
reign in Samaria, tnd reigned forty and
one years.
14. And he did f&»t t»Wt* tp*j evil in the
fight of the Lord : he departed not frosi
all the fins of Jeroboam the fonot Nebar,
who made Ifrael to fin.
x? He reltored the coaft of Ifrael from
the entring of Hamath unto the lea of
the 1 lain, according to the word of the
Lord God of Ifrael, which he ("pake by
(Ted by awildliealt that was in Leba- the hand of his fervsm Jonah, the foo
:i, and tiode down the thiftle.. of Amittai, the prophet, which was of
Thcu halt indeed fmitten Edom, and Gath-Jrepher.
ne heart hath lifted thee up glory of
: x6 For the Lord faw the affliction of
1, and tarry at home: for why Ihouldlt Ifrael, that it was very bitter for tbtrt :

»u meddle to thy hurt, that thou fliouldft was not any Ihut up, nor any left, nor any
1, even tnou and Judah with thee? helper for Ifrael.
1 But Amaziah would not hear : there- 17 And the LORD faid not that he
e Jehoafh king of Ifrael went up, and would blot out the name of Ifrael from
and Amaziah king of Judah looked under heaven : but he faved them by the
s another in the face at Beth-ihemefli, hand of Jeroboam the fon of Joalh.
ieh belongetb to Judah. x8 n Mow the reft of the acts of Jerobo-
% And Judah was put to the worfe am, and all that he did. and his might,
rare Ifrael, and they fled every man how he warred, and how he recovered
their tents. Damafcus, and Hamath, which belonged
% And Jehoafh king of Ifrael took to Judah, for Ifrael, art they not written
taziah king of Judah, the fon of Je- in the hook of the chronicles of the kings
afli the ion. of Ahaziah, at Bcth-fhe- of Ifrael ?
•fll, and came to Jerufalem, and brake 19 And Jeroboam flept with his fa-
WO the wall of Jerufalem, from the thers, even with the kings of Ifrael j
Jrot Ephraim, unto the corner-gate, and Zachariah his fon reigned in hia
ir hundred cubits. ftcad.
4 '\nd he took tfllthegcld and filver,
all theveflels that votre found in the
.1 A%,ariab bis good reign, &c.
ife of the Lord, and in the trcafures TN
the twenty and feventh year af
the kings houfe, and hoftages, and X Jeroboam king of Ifrael, bgan A-
urned to Samaria. zariah fon of Asiaziah king of Judah
* ft Now the reft of the aits of Jehoafh to reign.
-ich he did, and his might, and how he 1 Sixteen years old was he when he be-
ight wit!) Amaziah king of Judah, are gan to reign, and he reiened two and
:y not written in the book of the chro- fifty years in rerufalem, and his mothers
:lesof the kings of Ifrael ? name was Jecholiah of Terufalem.
6 And Jehoafii flept with his fathers, ? Andhe did that which was rieht in the
J was buried in Samaria with Hie fight of the Lord, according to all that
igs of Ifrael, and Jeroboam his fon his father Amaziah
Jiad done;

SpeA Ins Head. 1 4 Save that the high places were not
Mentbtmt crtuH} . IT. Kings. Petpbiib ft
lemoved -.the people facrificed, and burnt the king of AflYiia turned back, at

mcenfe ftill on tlie high places. ftayeJ not there in the land.

f 51 And the LoRDi'mote th--king. To xi *] Andthe reft of theaclsof Ven.


that he was a leper unto the day ct ::is hem, and all that he did, *r*
death, and dwelt in a feveral houfe and written in the book of the chronicles
j <
Jotham the kings Ton wa; overthe houfe, the kingi ot IfraeP
judging the people of the tend, xi And Menahem* /lept with his t

C And the reft or the ac"ts of Azariah,

thers, r.r.d Pekabiah Ins ion reigned

and all that he did, *re they not written j

his ftead.
in the book of the chronicles of the kings ; it. 51 In the fiftieth year c
Ot Judah? j
king or Juuah.Pel
7 5o Azariah (lept with his fathers, ; nahem began to renn over Ifrael in
and they buried him with his fathers in maria, «ni reigned two vears
the city of David and Jothamhis fon
; 14. And he did that which w*i evil in t!
rcigneu in his ftead. fight ot the Lord, he departed not frq
8 11 In the thirty and eighth vear of the fins or Jcroxiain the fon cf NebJ
Azariah king of Judah, did Zachariah w'.o made Ifrael to fin.
the fon of Jeroboam reign over Ifrael in a* But Pekah the fon of Remaliah,
5amana fix months. captain of his, confpired :..
9 And hedidf^xf -which w*ievil in the and (mote him in Samaria, in the
fight of the Lord, as his fathers had of the kings houfe, with Ar?ob,
done he departed not from the fins of
: rich, and with him fifty men of
Jerolioam the fon of Nebat, who made leadites and he killed him, and

Ifrael to fin; in his room.

10 And Shallnm the fen of Jabefhcon- i5 And the reft of theaclsofPekaW
fpired againft him, and fmote him be- and all that he did, behold, they*r<jH
fore the people, and flew him, and reign- ten in the book of the chronicles of tl
ed in his ftead. kings of Ifrael.
it AndthereftoftheattsofZachariah, 17 51 In the two and fiftieth year \
behold, they tre written in the book of Azariah king of Judah, Pekah the f<
the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. ot Rcmahah began to reirn over Ifrt
ti Thiswaj the word of the Lord which in Samaria, and reigned twenty yean.
he fpake unto Jehu, faying, Thy fons i£ And he did thxt which was errt
null lit on the throne of Ifrael, unto the the fi?;.t ot the Lord, he departed n
fourth generation. And fo it came to pais. from the firu of Jeroboam the lba
T3 51 Shallum the fon of Jabefli began Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin.
to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of 19 In the days of Pekah king of Ifra<
Uzziah king of Judah, and he reigned came Tiglath-pilefer king of Alfvria.aj
a full month in Samaria. took Ijon, and Abel-beth-nu
14 For Menahera, the fon of Gadi, went Janoah, and Kedefh, and H3zor, andQ
op from Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and lead, and Galilee, all the land of N
fmote bhallum the fon of Jabefli in Sama- li* and carried them captive to A
ria.and flew him, and reigned in his ftead. ?o And Hoihea the fon of Elali v
t? And the reft of theaftsof Shallum, confpiracy againft Pekah the fon
and his confpiracy which he made, be- J
Qialiah, and
imote him, and fle
hold, they nrt written in the book of the and reigned in Lis ftead } in thetwetf
chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. eth year of Jotham the fon of UzziaBT

ii5 51 Then Menahem imote Tiphfah, "t And the reft of theadb ot PeW

and all that were therein, and the coafts and all that he did, behold, they arrwi)

thereof from Tirzah: becaufe thevopen- ten in the book of the chronicles o

cd not to bf)n, therefore hefmotexf, and kings "of Ifrael.


all the women therein that were with H *1 In the fecond year of Pek:

child, he ript up. fon of Remaliah king of Ifrael,

' I

t7 In the nine and thirtieth vear of Jotham the Ion of Uzziah king of

Azariah king of Judah, began Menahem to reign. '

the fon of Gadi to reign ov»r Ifrael, and n

Five and twenty years old w
reigned ten years in Samaria. when he began to reign, and here

_ Andhedidf>4f which vpjtt evil in the fixteen year-- in Jerufalem and :

light of the Lord: he departed not all thers name w*i Jeruiha, thedaughdll
his days from the fins of Jeroboam the' Zadok.
fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin. 34 And he did that which msrifMi
19 And pul the king of AlTyria came the fight of the Lord: he did accorfl
and Menahem gave {oall thai his rather Uzziah haddorm
againft the land :

Pul a thoufand talents of iilver, that his ?* 51 Howbeit, the high places
hand might be with him, to confirm the not removed the people facrificed :
kingdom in his hand. burnt incenfe ftillinthehigh places :1 f

ic. And Menahem exacted the money built the higher gate of the houfe of d
of Ifrael, turn of all the mighty men of Lord.
wealth, of each man fifty fftekels of fil- ?6 5i Now the reft of the aits ot Jctbar
ver, to give to the king of A'Vyria: lb anrt all that he did, art they not written
XVI, xvn. His death.
M And
he brought alfo the brafen aftar
Judah which win before the LORD, from th?
7 ( In thofe clays the Lord besan to forefront of the houfe, from between the
d againft Judah, Rezinthc king of Sy- altar and the houfe of the LORD, and
• and Pekah the i'on of Remajtah ) put it on the north-fide of the altar.
8 And Jotham flept with his fathers, H And king Ahaz commanded Urijah
I was buried with his fathers in the the prieft, faying, Upon the great altar
/of David hi;, father, and Ahaz his fon burn the morning burnt-offering, and the
led in his ftcad. evening meat-offering, and the kings
CHAP. XVI. burnt-faenfice, and his meat-oifering,
Ab.i\ bit voklfti reign, &c. with the burnt-offering of all the people
I the leventeenth year of Pekah the of the land, and their meat-offering, and
on of Remaliah, Ahaz the fon of Jo- their drink-offerings, and fprinklc upon
mking of Judah began to reign. it all the blood of the burnt-offering, and
Twenty years old wjfAhaz when he all th-e blood of the facrifice and the

Jan to reign, and reigned fixteen years beafen altar fhall be tor me to enquire by,
lerufalem, and did not tb^tvebidb was x6 Thus did Urijah the prieft, accor-
ht in the fight of the Lord his God, ding to all that king Ahaz commanded.
e David his rather. 17 51 And king Ahaz cut off the borders
But he walked in the way of the kings of -the bales, and removed the laver from
frael, yea, and made his fon to pais off them, and took down the"fea from off
>ugh the fire, according to the abomi- the brafen oxen that were under it, ani
iens of the heathen, whom the Lord put it upon a pavement ef ftones.
:out from before the children of 11- iS And the covert for the fabbath that
1. they had built in the houfe, and the kings
And he facrifieed and burnt incenfe entry without, turned he from the hcuje
Ue high places, and on the hills, and of the Lord, for the king of AfTyria.
every green tree.
ler 19 11 Now the reft of the aas of Ahaz,
$Then Rezin king of Syria, and Pe-
ffon of Remaliah king of Ifrael, came
which he did, are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of
,'o Jerufalem to war and they befieged
: Judah ?
iz, but could notovercome bint. 10 And Ahaz flept with his fathers,
At that time Rezin kingofSyria re- and was buried with his fathers in the
ared Elath to Syria,and dtave tne Jews city of David, and Hezekiah his fon
n Elath and the Syrians came to reigned
& in his ftead.

th, and dwelt there unto this day. XVII.

So Ahaz fent meflengers to Tiglath- Hojbea his viewed reign, &c.
:ierkingof Aflyria, faying, I am thy TN the twelfth year ol Ahaz kingof Ju-
/ant and thy fon: come up, and fave X dah, began Hofhea the fon of Elah to
out of the hand of the king of Syria, reign in Samaria, nine years.
out of the hand of the king of Ifrae!, x And he did that xtbicb voas evil intfce
ch rife up fight of the LORD, but not as the kingj
And Ahaz took the filver and gold that cf Ifrael that were before him.
found in the houfe of the Lord, and 3 n Againft him came up Shalmane-
he treafuresof the kings houfe, and fer king of Aflyria, and Hofhea became
t it for a prefenttothe kingof Aflyria. his fervant, and gave him prefers.
And the king of AfTyria hearkned 4 And the king of AfTyria found confpi-
3 him for the king of Aflyria wept
: racy in Hofhea -.for he had fent meflengers
againft Damafcus, and took it, and to So king of Egypt, and brought no pre-
ried the people of it captive to Kir, and fenttothe kingof AfTyria, as bebaidone
i Rezin. year by year : therefore the king of Aflyria
>11 And kinp Ahaz went toDamafcus, fhut him up, and bound him rn prifoo.
Meet Tiglafti-pilefer king of Aflyria, ? H Then the king of Aflyria came up
faw an altar that ve*s at Damafcus:and throughout all the land, and went up to
>g Ahaz fent to Urijah the prielt the Samaria, and befieged it three years.
lion of the altar, and the pattern of it, 6 11 In the ninth year of Hofhea, the
ording to all the wcrkmanfhip thereof. kingof Aflyria took Samaria, and carried
AndUrijah tht prieft built an altar, Ifrael away into AfTyria, and placed theoi
ardingto all that king Ahaz had fent in Halah and in Habor by the river of
n Damafcus : fo Urijaffthe prieft made Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
gainftking Ahaz came fromDamaf- 7 For fo it was, that the children of
Ifrael had finned againft the Lord their
. And when the king was come from God, which had brought them up out of
nafcus, the king faw the altar: and the land of Esrypt, from undsr the hand
king approached to the altar, and ofPharaohkingof Egypt, and had fear-
red thereon. ed other gods,
And he burnt his b»rnt-offering, and 8 And walked in the ftatutes of tfae
meat-offering, and poured his drink- heathen, (whom the Lord caft out from
nnz, and fpnnkled the blood of his before the children of Ifrael) and of the
cc-6rferings upon the altar. kings of Iftaeli which they had made.
9 Ana
Iff ttli ttftivity. II. Kings. Tflvtri religioni

9 And the children of Ifrael did fecretly 14.51 And the king of Affyria brou>
wfe things that-ppfrt not right, againlt the nten trom Babylon, and from Cuthah, a
LORD their Cod, and they built them irom Ava, and from Ramath, and fr<
high places in all their cities, trom the Sepharvaim, and placed;them inthecit
tower of the watchmen to the fenced city. ot Samaria, inlteadof the children of
io And they let them up imaged and rae! ; and they poirelfed Samaria, ;
groves in every high hill, and under eve- dwelt in the cities thereof.
ly green tree is And fo it was at the beginning
u And there tfiey burnt incenfe in all their dwelling there, tbtt they feared r
the high places, as did the heathen whom the Lord ; therefore the Lord fenthc
the Lord earned away betore them ; and among them, which flew fome ef their
wrought wicked thinizs to provoke the. 16 Wherefore they li-ake to the ki:
Lord to anger. ©t Afiyria, faying, The nations whi
ix For they ferved idols, whereof the thou halt removed, and placed in the c
Lord had laid unto them, Ye fhall not ties of Samaria, know not the manner
do this thing. the God ol the land therefore he ha

i? Yet the LORDteftificd againft If- lent lions among them, and behold, th
rael, and againlt Jud»h, by all the pro- flay them, becaufe they know not t
phets, *nd by all thefeers, laying, Turn manner of the God of the land.
ye from your evil ways, and keep my 17 Then the king ot Airynacomman
commandments And my ltatutes, accor- ed, faying, Carry thither one of the prie
ding to all the law which I commanded whom ye brought trom thence, and I

your fathers, and which I lent to you by them go and dwell there, and let him tea
my fervants the prophets. them the manner of the God of the land
i4 Notwithstanding, they would not 18 Then one of the prielts whom th
hear, huthardncd their necks, like to the had carried away from Samaria, cat
Heck of their fathers, that did not believe and dwelt in Beth-el, and taught the
in the LORD their God. how they lhould fear the Lord.
t? Anct they rejected hisflatutes, and 19 Howbeit,. every nation made go
his covenant that he made with their fa- of their own, and put tbem in thehoul
thers, and his teftimonies which he tefti- of the high places which the Samarita
ficd againft them, and they followed va- had made, every nation in their citi
»ity, and became vain, and went after the wherein thev dwelt.
heathen that were round about them, con- ?u And the men of Babylon ma
ie/nins whom the LORD had charged 5uccoth-benoth, and the men of Ci
them, that they fiieuld not do like them. made Nergal, and the men of Ranu
16 And they left all the commandments made Afhima,
of the LORD their God, and made them ? 1 And the Avites made Nibhaz a
molten images, even two calves, and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt tfr
made a grove, and worfhipped all the children in fire to Adrammclech and.
holt of heaven, and ferved Baal. Mrrnueiech the gods of 5epharvaim.
t7 And they caufed their fons and their ;i So they feared the Lord, and ma
daughters to pafs through the fire, and unto themfelves of the loweft of thi
fed divination and inchantments, and prielts ol the high places, which facrific
fbld themfelves to do evil in the light of for them inthehoufes of the highplac
the Lord, to provoke him to anger. ?} Tr.ey fearoS the Lord, and ferved th'
rg Therefore the LORD was very an- own gods, alter the manner of the natio
gry with Ifrael, and removed them out whom they carried away from thence.
of his light there was none left but the
: 74-Untothis day they do after the f<
tribe of Judah only. mer manners : they fear not the LOR
19 Alfo judah kept not the command- neither do they after their Hatutes,
ments cf the Lord their God, but walked alter their ordinances, or after the I
in the ftatures of Ifjael which they made. and commandment which the LOT
io And the Lord rejected all the feed* commanded the children of Jacob, wht
of Ifrael, and afflicted them, and delive- he named Ifrael •,

red them into the hand of fpoilers, until 3* With whom the Lord had mad<
he had caltthem out of his fight. covenant, and charged them, laying,
it For he rent Ifrael from the houfe of (hall not fear other gods, nor bow y
David, and they made Teroboam the fon felves tothem, nor lerve them,n<yfac
of Ne'jatking, and Jeroboam drave Ifrael fice to them
from following the LORD, and made ;6 But the LORD, who brought \

them fm a great fin. up out of the landot Egvpt, with gr

n For the children of Ifrael walked in power, and a ftretched out arm, him ft
all the fins of Jeroboam which he did, ye fear, and him ihall ye worfhip, :

they departed not from them: to him (hall ye do iacrihec.

13 Until the Lord removed Ifrael o.n 37 And tire itatute?, and the ordin
•f hisfio'it, 35 lie had laid by alt his fer- ces, and the law, and the commandm
vants tine prophets. So was liraelcarried which he wrote for you, ye ftialloble
away out of their own land to Aflyiia, to do for evcrmare, and ye ihallnotl
atnto this day,, i
other gov*.

the king of Aflyria to Lachifh, faying*

I have offended, return from me that

which thou putteft on me, I will bear. An*

tr.e king of Ailyria appointed unto Hezo-
kiah king ot Judah, three hundred ta-
lents ot tilver, and thirty talents ot gold,
i> And Hezekiah gave bim all the lilvef
tb.\fwa.i round in the hcuf'e ot the Lord,
and inthetreal'ures of the kings houfe.
16 At that time did Hezekiak cut off
the gold from the doors of the temple of
the LORD, and from the pillars which
Hezekiah king of Judah had overlaid,
and gave it to the king of Aflyria.
17 11 And the king of Ailyria lent Tar-
tan, and Rablaris, and Rab-fhakeh from
Lachifh, to king Hezekiah with a great
holt againrt Jcrulalem: and they went
up and came to Jerusalem and when

they were come up, they came anditood

by the conduit of the upper pool, which
/y in the high-way of the fullers field.
18 And when they had called to the
kingj there came out to tJtem Eliakim
the ton of Hilkiah, which vvai over the
houfhold, and Shebna the icribe, and
Joah the fon of Alaph the recorder.
19 And Rab-fhakeh faid unto them,
:s, and brake in pieces the bralan Speak ye now to Hezekiah, Thus faith the
rctthat Moles had made: for unto great king, the king of Aflyria, What
days the children of -Uriel did burn confidence is this wherein thou truiteft?
n(e to it ana he called it Nehulhtan.
: 10 Thou layit, C but tbej art but vain
He United in the LORD
God of 11"- words ) / bivc counfel and ftrength for
el, To that alter him was none like the war now on whom doft thou truft,

m amon^ all the kings of Judah, ncr that thou reb-Ileft againft me?
7 that were before him. }i Now behold, taou trufteft upon the
S-For he clave to the LORD, *nd de- ftarFoi this bruifed reed, even upon E-
irtednot from following him, but kept gypt, on which if a man lean, it will go in-
s commandments, which the LoRDCom- to ]us hand, and pierce it: fo it Pharaoh
andea Mofes. king of Egypt unto all that truft on kim.
7 And the Lord was with Mm, and he 11 But it ye fay unto me, We truft in
ofpered wkitherlbever he went forth : the Lord our God : is not that he whole
id he rebelled a^ainit the kingofAflV- high places, and whofe altars Hezekiah
i, and ferved him not. hath taken away, and hath faid to Judah
. He fmote the Philiftines, even unto and Jeruialem, Ye fhall worlhip before
aza, and the borders thereof, from the this altar in Jerufalem ?
werot the. waicnmentothe fenced city. xl Now therefore, I pray thee, give
V. And it came to pais in the fourth pledges to my lord the king ot Affyria,
ar oF king Hezekiah, f which rcai the and 1 will deliver thee two thoufand
vemhyeafot Hofheafonof Elahkinjgof horl'es, if thou be able on thy part to fet
rael ) rfcj* Shalmanefer king of Ailyria riders upon them.
imeup againft Samaria, and befieged it. 14 -How then wilt thou turn away the
1io And at the end of three years they faceofonecaptainot the leaft of my ma-
jok it, eueiinthefixth vearof Hezeki- tters fervants, and put thv truft on Egypt
ufthatr'; the ninth year'of Holhea king lor chariots and for horfemen?
t Ifrael ) Samaria was taken. i< Am I now come up without the
if And the king of Aflyria did carry Lord againft this place to deltroy it ?
tray Ilrael untc Aflyria, and put them The Lord faid to me, Go up againft this
Halah and in Habor by the river of land, and deltroy it.
ozan, and in the cities of the Medes 16 Then laid Eliakim the fohof Hil-
ii Becaule they obeyed not the voice kiah, and Shebna, and loah, unto Rab-
tfie Lord their Gcd, bur tranfcreffed
lhakeh, 5peak, I pray thee, to thy fer-
s covenant, and all that Moles the fer- vants in the Syrian language, (for we
int ot the Lord commanded, and would underftand it ) and talk not with us in
u hear than, ncr <!o tbe-m. the Tews language, in the ears of the
U H Now in the fourteenth year of people that <»V» on the wall.
Rg Hezekiah, did Sennacherib k:ne: of i? But Rab-lhakeh laid unto thexn,Hath
UTyria come up agpipft all the fenced my mailer lent me tothv matter, and to
•lies ot Jndah, and took them. trree , to fpeak thefe words ? bath be not
'« And Hezekiah king of Judah lent to fiat me to the atea which tit on the wall,
Fa>>-j!>akjb> bUffbttMy. II. Kings. Ne\ikiabi prayer,
that they may eat their own dung, and ? So the fetvants of king Hezckij
drink their own pils with yon ? came to Ilavah.
iS Then Rab-fliakeh ttood and cried 6 II And liaiah faid unto them, Thi
with a loud voice in the Jews language, lhall ye lay to ycur mailer, Thus fan
and (pake, faying, Hear the word ol the the Lord, Be not afraid of the won
great king, the king or Allyria. which thou halt heard, with which tf
19 Thus faith the king, Let not Heze- lervantsot the king ot Allyria have bla
kiah deceive you, fur he mall not be able phemed me.
to deliver you out or his hand 7 Behold, 1 will fend a biaftupon hin
30 Neither let Hezekiah make yon and he fliall hear a rumour, and fliall it
fruit in the Lord, laying, The Lord turn to his own land, ana I will caufehii
will liircly deliver us, and this city (hall to fall by thelword in his own land.
not be delivered into the hand of the 8 11 So Rab-fhakeh returned, an
king or Atfyria. found the king of Allyria warring s
31 Hearken not unto Hezekiah for thus
: gair.ft Lihnah: lor he haa heard that h
faith the king of Aflyria, Make«?J .tgru- was departed trom Lachiih.
ment with me by a prefent,and come out to 9 And when he heard layof Tirhak?
inc. andf^cu eat ye every man of his own king 01 Ethiopia, Behold, he is com
vine, and every one of his fig-tree, and cut to fight againft thee : he fent me'
drink ye everj one the waters of his ciltcm lengers again unto Hezekiah, la.
3i Until I come and take you away to 10 Thus mall ye fpeak to He'zeia;
a land like your own land, alandct corn king ol Judah, laying, Let not thyGc
.ifrnd-winci aland of bread and vineyards in whom thou rrulrelr, deceive thee, ia'
a land of oyl-olivc, and of kony, that ye mg, Jerulalemihallnot be delivered in
may live and not die: and hearken not the hand of the king of Alfyria.
unto Hezekiah, whenkc perfwade«hyou, it Behold, thou halt heard what
faying, The Loud will deliver us. kings of Aflyria have done to all land
31 Hath any of the gods cf the nation- by ddhoying them utterly and fualt-thd

delivered at all his land out of the hand be delivered ?

of the king ot AlTyria ? n Have the gods of the nations deli
34 Where are the srodsofHamath, and vered them which my fathers have de
c'fA'rpftd? where are the gods of Sephar- Itroyed ; Gozan, andHaran, an Re

vaim, Hena, and Ivah ? have they deli- zep.i, and the children ul t den whic
vered Samaria o:it of mine hand? *>&e in Thelal'ar ?
s? Who .ire thev among all the codsol 13 Where is the kingof Hamath, an
fhe countries, that have delivered their the king oi" Arpad, and the king of ft
country out of mine hand, that theLoRD cityol Scpharvsim.or Hena, and Ivah
ihould deliver Jerufalem out of mine t4 H And Hezekiah received the letr,
h:n,d ? of the hand of the melfengers, and rca
3$ But the people held their peace,and an- it: and Hezekiah went up into rh e hou!
f-wercd him not a word: for the kings com- oi the Lord, and ipread it belore tf
Stahdmentwasi f'ayiny, Anfwcr fern net. Lord.
?7 -Then came Eliakim the fonof Hil- rs And Hezekiah praved before tf
kiah, which to*? over the houihold, and Loud, and raid, O LoRoGod ol Ilrae
Shebna the Icnbe, and Joali the for. of which dweilelt letvceen the ciierubim
Afaph the recorder, to Hezekiah with thou art the God, even thou alone, of a
thiir clothes relit, and told him the words the kingdoms of the earth, thou'
made heaven and earth.
ot Rab-fnakeh.
CHAP. XIX. 16 Loud, bow down thine ear,
hear: op:-n, Lord, thine eyes and fe<
HvubJAbs mourning, &c.
A Nd it came to pafswhen kingHeze- and hear the wordsof Sennacherib, whrc
j\ kiah heard if, that h'e.renthis clothes, hath lent him to reproach the DvineGoV
ar.d covered himfelf with fackcloth, and . i- Of a truth, Loud, the kings or.*
into the houfe oi the Lord. fyna have deltroyed the nations and th*
1 .And he fent Eliakira',wliicJ rc-i over the lands,
houfnoUUand Sfoebna the fcribe,and the el- ts>' And have call their gods into th
dersot'the priefts, covered with faclccloth, fire: lor they vcert nogo^s, but (lie wor
to Ji'fiah the prophet, the Ion oi Amcz. of mcn< hands, wood and (lone: theft
3 And thej faid unto him, Thus faith lore they have deftroyed them.
Hezeloa'-., Thi* day i a day of tiOi;. !e . therefore, O Lord ot;r Go<
and of rebuke, and' bJafpfiemy : lor the I befeech thee, lave thou us out 01 h
children 2re come to the birth, and ibtrt k:iud, that all the kingdoms of the cart
is not lrrength to brina rorth. may know that thou art the Lord G*
4 It mav bt the LORD thy God will even thou only.
hear all the words ot Rab-fhakeu, w!»6m I 11 Then Ifaiah the fonof Amo? fei

the king of Aflyria I. is mairer hath fent to Hezekiah, faying, Tmis faith th T.oit
to reproach the'!ivin<r God , and will re- Goa ol li'rael, That which t.^ou ha
prove the words which the LOPD thy prayed to me againft Sennacherib kit
God hath heard: wherefore hit up thy of Aflyria, I have he
prayer lor the remnant that art left. II This is the word that theLoR'> hai
I poke
iuoi yrofbtcy. cnap
cen concerning him, The virgin, the ?6 So Sennacherib king ef AfTyria de
ghterot Ziort'hath defpifed thee, and ar WCm
and retUrncd and dwcl <
jhed thee to fcorn, the daughter of at winev?h '

jfalem hath fhaken her head at thee. _w And "' came to pafs as he was wor-
Whamhaft tnou reproached and fhiPFing in the houle of Nifrechhis
Iphemeu ? and againit whom haft Adrammelech and Sharezer hislbni
•iexaltect tby voice, and lilt up thine (mote him with tl*e fword: and
s on hitrii ? even aga-inlt the holy One
" eicaped into the land of Armenia
; and
Ifrael. Efarhaddon his Ion reigned inhisftead.
5 By thy meffengers thou halt re-
tched the LoRD, and haft laid, With Htxekjab receivetb a m'ejfage of death,
multitude of my chariots I am come e da was Hezekiah lick unto
.0 the height of the mountains, to the 1F^i«h
death: and >f\the
prophet Ifaiah the fen
lot" Lebanon, and will cut down the
cedar-trees thereof, and the choice t^Tm ^ 3 l him a nd faid nnt * him?
Thus faith the ?Lord, Set* '

thine houle in
rees thereof: and I will enter into order, for thou fhalt i.\ie, and not
lodgings of his borders, and into the Th€n le turned his face to the w'all,
ft of his Carmel.
.^ J
and prayed unto the Lord, faying,
I I have digged and drank ftrange
ttrs, and with the fole.of my feet have
now how
I have walked
thee, O LORD, remember
before thee in
ltd up all the rivers of befieged places, truth, and with a perfect heart, and
r Hail thou not heard long ago, bow \ have done tbatvobtch xs good in thy light:
e done it, <tn*of ancient times that I and Hezekiah wept lore. 6
C formed it? now have I broughr it d itcam< t0 P?£ afore Ifaiah
>als that thoulhouldlt be to laywafte „±i^out
gone , ;
into the middle court, that
"ed cities into ruinous heaps. word ot the Loru came to him, fayinethe
t Therefore their inhabitants were of <;Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the
Ul power, they were difmayed and con-
wed, they were as the grafs of the LORD, the God ot David thy father I
m and have heard thy prayer,
fre it
as the screen herb, as the grafs
houfe-tops, and as corn blafted
be grown up.
tears: behold
g ° UP untotne houfe
Y I have
will heal thee?, on
Teen thv

But of the LORD
1 know thy abode, and thy go-
out, and thycoming in, and thy xize6 And I will add unto thy days fift-en
inft me. years, and I will deliver thee/and
5 Becaufethy rageagainft me, and thy city, out of the hand of the king
of AfTyria!
ult is come up imo mine ears, there- and I will defend this city fc? mine
i I will put my hook in thynofe, and fake, and for my fervant Davids
bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee fake.
k by the way by which thou cameft.
n d¥?l* J ™L
h fa, d ' Take a »«nip of
they t00k a nd laid
« on the

) And this Jkali be a fign unto thee, Ye boyl, and, he„ !

recovered. ,

'.I eat this year f'uch things as grow of

nfelves, and in the fecond year that Jioi &"#} , "ekiah faid unto Ifaiah, H
What Shall be the wgn that the
Lord will
eh fnringethof the fame, and in the hea me, and ihat I lhall I
go up into the
d year low ye and reap, and plant houfe of the
syards, and eat the fruits thereof,
the trlird day 9 LORD
9 And Ifaiah hid, This ilsnihalt'thou
) And the remnant that is efcaped of have or the that the will LORD, LORD
houleof Judah, lhall yet as'ain take, do the thing that he hath
fpoken fhall
t downward, and bear fruit upward. the fhadow go forward ten degrees,

For out of Jerufalem fhall eo forth go back ten degrees' or

:mnant, and they that efcape , out of io And Hezekiah* anfwered,
mt Zion the zeal of the It is a
of light thing for the fhadow to go down
foall do thi«. ten degrees nay, but let the
fhadow re-
• Therefore thus faith the LORD con- turn backward ten degrees.

'.ingthe king of AfTyria, He fhall not 811 e P r °Phet cried unto

ie into this city, r.or moot an arrow .h- T^wnP" .! V"
the LORD, and he brought the
-e, nor come before it with ihield,
ten degrees backward, by which
it had
c?.ft a acjainft it. gone down in the dial ofAhaz
; By the way that he came, by th<° i»H At that umcBerodach-baladan the
e lhall he return, and fhall not come fonofBaladan king of Babylon, fent let-
this city, faith the LORD, ters and a prelenr unto .Hezekiah
for he :
t For I will defend this city to fave had heard tha' Hezekiah had been fick
For mine own lake, and for my fer- il And Hezekiah hearkned unto them',
t Davids fake, and (hewed them all the houfe of his
t il And it came to pafs night, pre-
cious things, the fiiver, and the gold,
thean?elof the LoRi>went out, and and
e vnC es nd the Precious ointment, and
te in the carp of the AfTyrian.;, an all /; i. u 'r
the houle ot his atmuur, and all that
dred fourfcore and hve thoufand was round in his treafures: there was no-

when they arofe early in the mor- thing in his houfe,

nor in all his domini-
g, behold, they were all dead corpfes. on, that Hezekiah
ibewed them not.
U 51 Then
MtHApbi idolitry . If. King*. His detti
4 ^ Then came Ifaiah the prophet to do according to all that 1 have c<
unto king Hczc.uah, aaa laid unto him. rrunded them, and according to all the
What laid thefe men? and from whence that mylervant Moles commanded th
fiftoe th^y unto thee ? And Hezekiah 9 But they hearkned not and 1 :

faid, They arc come trom a far country, naueh fedaced them to iio more evil t
even lrom Babylon. did the nai ions who* the Lord deltro
H And he faid, What have they feen before the children or Ifrael
in thine houfe? An 4 Hezekiah anlwcred, ic n And the LORD
fpake by his
All tbe things that Are in mine houfe have vants the prophets, laying,
they feen : thete is nothing among mj tt Becaufe Manall'eh king of Ju
treafures that 1 have notlhewed them. hath done thelc abominations, and \
16 And Ifaiah faid unto Hezekiah, done wickedly above all that the A
Hear the word of" tke Lord. rites did, which were before him, and I
17 Behold, the dayscomc, that all that made Judah alio to im with his idob
is in thine houle, ana that which thy la- 11 Therefore thus faith the Lord t

thers have laid up in ttorc untothis day, of 1 1

rael, Behold, 1 cm bringing/a;*
fhall be carried into Babylon : nothing upon Jcmlalem and Judah.that whole'
Jhzll be left, faith the Lord. hearethol bath his ears mall tingl.
ib Ar:aor thy Ions that ihall iflue from i; And
will ftre:ch over Jerufa
thee, which thlu fhalt beget, lhall they the ot
Samaria, and the p'nm
take away, and theyfhall be eunuchs in 0! the houfe of Ahab: ard wil l

the palace of the king of Babylon. )erul3leii, as * man wipetb a dii^v

19 Then faid Hc/.ekiah unto I!. ing it, and turning it uplide down.

Gcod ;i the word of the which LORD 14. And I will roriake the remnan
thou haft iV'Oken. And he laid, Is it not mir.e inheritance, and deliver them
good, if peace and truth be in my days? the hand of their enemies, at
10 n And the reft of the acts of Hezeki- become a prey and a fpoil to all t
ah, and all his might, and how he made a enemies
pool, and a conduit, and brought water in- ti Becaufe they have done tl 1

to the city,.ird they not written in the book evil in my fight, and have provoked
of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? to anger tince the day their :.
ii And Hezekiah flept with his fathers forth cut of Egypt, even unto this .

and ManalTeh his fori reigued in hisltead. 16 Moreover, ManaiTeh fned inno
C H A i'. XXI. blood very much, tillhe had rilled Jer

M M.mafjtb bis great idol.itry, &0.

fl en vcas twelve years old when
he began to reign, and reigned fifty
and five years in Jerusalem andhisrao- :
lem lrom one end to another, befide M
wherewith he made Judah to fin,
17 *lNow therertof the *£\» of Ma.
thersname ttm; Hephzi-bah. feh, and ail that he did, and his fin
i And heAidtbiit vsiiebvets evil in the he finned, are they not written \n the b
fight ot theLoRi'. after the abominations ot the chronicles 'ot thekings of Juda
of the heathen, whom the Lord cart out ib And Manafleh flept with his rati
before the children of Ifrael. and was bur.ed in the garden ol his
; For he built up again the high places houfe. in the garden ot Uzza andAi :

which Hezekiah his father tad deftrov- his fon rei?ned in his Head.
ed, and he reared up altars for Baal, and 19 V. Ambn vs>j.s twenty »nd two r
made a grove, asdid Ahabkingof Ifra- old when he began to reign, and h rei :

el, and wcrfhipped all the hort of hea- ed two years in Jerui'atetii : .

ven, ferved them.

an-1 then name ton Mcfliullemeth,
4 And he built altars in the houfe of ter of Haruz 01 Jotbah.
the Lord, of wbid) the Loud laid In 10 And he d\ which veas evil if
]erulalem will 1 put my name. fight ot the LORD, as his father Ma;
? And he built altars for alltheho't of fc:i did.
heaven, in the two courts ol thehoulc ot ii And he walked in all the way tha 1

the Loud. lather walked in, and ferved the idofl

t And he made
his fon pal's through his father ferved, aid worihipped th
the fire, and obl'erved times, and iUm it And he torlbok the Go LORD
inchantments, and dealt with familiar his fathers, and walked not in the
fpiriis,and wizards: he wrought much of the LORD.
wickednefs in the light ol the Lord, to 1? *l AiM the fervanrs of Amon t
provoke hipi to ar,!_er. fpircd againrt him, and flew the kin
7 And iic let a graven ima^e ofthe his own noufe.
prcvo he had 'made, in thehoufeof 14 And the people of the land flei
which the Lord faid roDavid, and to So- them that bad con fpircd againit kini
lomon his ton, in this honfeand in Jeruia- mon, and the people of the land fl
h'E, which 1 have chtdenout of all tribes Joiiah liis Ion king in his Itead.
0! rael, will 1 pur ny name fur ever.
I i; Now the reit of the acts cf A
5 Neither will I «ukc the tcet of Ifrael which uc did, *re th.-y not writte
move any more out ot the land whicn I the b^ok ot the chronicles of the k
%,»vc their latheiSiOnly it they will obferve cf Jud;;h ?

<iths $oo,l reign. Chap. XXii, xxiii. HuIJsbi fropbecy

, And he was buried in his fepulchre, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Afahiah,
le garden of Uzzah ana Joiiali his :
went unto Huldah the prcphetefs, the wife
reigned in his Head. ot Shallum the fon of Tikvah, the IbnTof
CHAP. XXII. Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe, ( now
fhe dwelt in Jerufalem in the college J
«jUb bit gool rtign, &c.

iiahw.ti eight years old when he be- and they communed with her.
tan to reisn, and he reigned thirty and i? v. And fhe laid unto them, Thus
[years in 'Jerufalem: and his mothers faith the Lord God of li'racl, Tell the
le was Jcciidah, the daughter ot A- man that lent you to me,
»h or" Bofcath. . .
16 Thus faith the LORD,Behold, I
And he did \xb:cb vo.u right in the will bring evil upon this place, and upon
tot the LORD, andwalkea in all the the inhabitants thereof, even all the words
ot" his father, and
David turned not of the book which the king of Judah hat&
hand or to the left.
e to the right
1 7. B ecaufe they have forfaken me, and!
11 came 10 pals in the eigh-
And it
fithyear of king Julian, that the king
have burnt incenfe unto other gods, that
SShiphan the Jon ofAzaliah, tne ion they might provoke me to anger with all
vltlhullaui, thefcribe, to thehouleot the works ol their hands: therefore my
LORD, faying, wiath fhall be kindled againft this place,
. Go up to Hilkiah the high pneft, that and lhali not be quenched.
mav Turn the fitver vebi:o r> brought xS But to the king of judah which fen*
which the LORD, you to enquire ot the LORD, thus fhall
d the houfe of the
toafcot the door have gathered 01 the ye lav to him, Thus iaitli the Lord Go!
of iirael, As touching the words which
let them deliver it-into the hand
'And thou halt heard ;
the doers of the work, that have the 19 Becaufe thine heart was tender, anil
fcfight-of the houfe of the :
and LORD thou haft humbled thy felf before the
them give it to the doers ot the work, LORD, when thou heardltwhat 1 !"pak.»
dch is in the houfe of the Lord, tore- againit this place, and againit theiuha
ir the breaches of the houie,
birants thereof, that tney .mould become
Unto carpenters, and builders, and a deflation and acurf'e, and haft rent thy

Tons, and to buy timber 2nd hewn ftone clothes, and wept be'ore me : I alfohave

repair the houfe. heard tbtt, faith the LORD.

Howbeit, there was no reckoning 10 Behold therefore, I will gather thee
de with them of the money that was unto thy fathers, and ti.ou fhalt be gather-
iveced into their hand, becaule they ed into thy trrave in peace, and thine
lit taithfully. .
eyes fhall not" fee al! the evil which I will .

. .

11And Hilkiah the high pneft. laid brin.^upen this place. And they brought
Shaphan the ["cube, 1 have lour., the king word again.
bcuk of the law in the houie of the C HAP. XXIII.
RD: and Hilkiah gave the bsok to ollib zMifttfo tbe boob, to I/'- rt,xi, ScC.
plian, and he read it. tsd the king lent, and they gathered
aphan the fenbe came ta the rV untu him all the elders of Judah,
;, ami brought the king ward agam, and of Jerufalem.
laid, Thy (ervany have gathered the t Pi^Xtht king went up into the houfe
Te"v that was found in the houfe-, and of the Lord, and %\\ the menof Judah,
e 'delivered it into the hand of them and all the inhabitants of Jerufalem with
:do the work, th;r have the ovcrlight him, and the priefts, and the prophets,
he houfe of the LORD. and all the people both fmall and great:
AndShaphan thefcribe ihewed the 2nd he rea] in their ears all the words of
the book ot' the covenant xvbicb w at folio!

g, faying, Hilkiah the prieft h.ath de-

red me a b?ok: and Shaplun read it in the houfe of the LORD.
>re the king. 5 H And the kir^ftcod by a pillar, anS
And it came to pafswherl the king made a covenant before the LORD, ta
heard the wore; of the book of the walk alter the LORD, and to keep hisS
!*hat he rent his clothes. commandments and his teftimonies anl
And the king commanded H:lki?.h his ftatutcs, with all tberr heart ar*l all
pneit, and Ahikam the fon of Shs- toeir foul, ti perform the words of this co-
i, and Achbor the Ion of Micuaiah, venant, ib,it wtrt written in this book -.

Sfiaphan the fcribe, and Afahiah a and all the people Itcod ta rhe covenant,
ant of the king;,, laying, 4. And the king commanded Hilkiah
Go ye, enquire of the Lord for me, the hlghprieft, and the pneltsof the fe-
for the people, and tor all Judah, con- cond order, and the keepers of the ttoor»
ling the words of this book tbat it to bring tottn out of the temple of the
id for great i. the wrath of the Lord
: LORD, all the veffels tbit were made
fed us, our fa- for Baal, and for the grove, and for all
ll nothearkned unto the words
ha*"? the holt of heaven and he burnt them

**Qok, to do accordingunto all tbut without Jerufalem in the fields of-Ki-

wntten concerning \i*. n, and carried the aiucsoj" Jhcjn ur.ta
HilkUb the pricft, and Ah thaw,' Beth -el.
9 <i AiJ
Jojtgb deflrayetb iioUtrj. II. K^gs. ff/i r.
« And he put down the idolatrous pnelb, and lent, and took the bones out of-ti.e Ce
whom the king:>oi Judah had ordained to pulchres, ^n<l burnt tbtm upon the altar
hum incenle in the h«rh places, in the and-pollutcdit, according to the word o
cities ol Judah, and m"the places round the LORD winch the man ot God pro
about Jerusalem, them aM'o that burnt claimed, who proclaimed thefewrrds.
mcenfe unto B^ the fun, and to the i7 Then he laid, What titlcii that thi
moon,, and to the planets, and to all the I lee? And the men of the city tcld him
licit of heaven. It it the fepulchre of" the mar. ct Go,
6 And he brought out the grove from which came horn Juoah, and proclaims
the houfeof the LORD, without Jeruia- thele things that thou halt done againi
lem, unto the brook Kidron, and burnt it the altar ot Beth-el.
at the brook Kidron, and (tampt it man I 18 And he laid, Let him alone, let n
to powder, and calt the powder thereof man move his bones fo they let his bone

upon the graves of the children ot the alone, with the bones ot the prophet th a
people. came out ot Samaria.
7 And he brake down the houfesof the 19 Anci all the houfea alfh of the hig
fndomite-. that were by the houlc of the places that veer; in the ciues of Samaria
Loud, where the women wove hangings which the kings of li'rael had made 1

lor the grove. provoke tbt LVH& to anger, Jcfiah tooi

S And he brought all the priefts out of away, and did to th-em according to a;
the cities ot Jud3h, and defiled the high the acts that he h.'-d dene in Bet.vel.
places wherethe pnelts had burnt incenle, io And he (lew all the prielts of th
from Geba to Beer-lheba, and brake down high places that we^-e there, upon the al
the high places of the gates that w >rt in tars, and burnt mens bones upon their
the entring in of the gate of" Jomu:> the and returned to Jeruialem.
governor of the city, which were on a at 51 And the king commanded all thi
mans left hand at the gc"* of the city. people, faying, Keep the pafibver unt
9 Neverthelefs, the pricits of the hieh the LORD your God, as it it written i
places came not up to the altar ot tiie the book ot this covenant.
Lord in Jeruialem, but they did cat ol the 11 b'urely there was not holden fuch
unleavened bread among their brethren. pailbver, from the days cf the judges thi
to And he defiled Topheth, Which u m judged Ifrael, nor in all the days of th
the valley of the children of Hinnom, that kingsot liracl, nor of the kingscf Judah
no man might make his ft n or hi.s daugh- x,3 But in the eighteenth year of kin

ter to pais through the fire to Molech. Jofiah, xeberein this pailbver was holje
t [And he took" away the horl'es that the to the LORD in Jeruialem.
kings of Judah had givento the fun, at the 14 51 Moreover, the worsen ui-b fami
Centring in of thehoufeof the LORD, by liar {pints, and the wizards, and the i
the chamber of Nathan-melech the cham- auges, and the idols, and all the abomt
berlain, which iv .tj in the fu burns, and nation? that were fpied in the land of Ju
burnt the chariots of the fun with tire. dan, ard in Jeruialem, did Jofiah put a
i- And the altars that were en the top way, that he might perform the words t
ol the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the the law, vobicb were written in the bcoi
kings of Judah had nude, and the altars that Hilkiah the prieft found in the houl
which Manalfeh had made in the two of the LORD.
courts of thehoufeof the LORD, did the i> And like unto him w.?s there n
kintr beat dowrn and brake ttem down king before him, that turned to the LoR
from therrce, and c:dt the dull of them with all his heart, and with all Lis ;bu!
into the brook Kidron. and with all his might, according to al
i} And the high *laces that vnre be- the lr,w of Moles ; neither after him a
fore Jeruialem, which were on the right role '.'-.ere *ny like him.
li3rd of the mount ot corrupt ;on, which i* T Notwithstanding, the LORD
Solo-son the king of Ifrael had huilded Red r.ot from the fiercenei's 01 his grea
for Afhtorerh the "abomination of thcZi- wrath, wherewith his anger was kindle!
donians, and for "Chemoih the abomina- againil Judah, becaufe of all the prcvo
tion of the Moab'.tes, and for Milcom the cations that ManaiTeh hadprovok.v
ah/imif*ition of the children of Amnion, wtthal.
did the king defile. 17 And the Lortj faid, I will remoa
14 And he brake in pieces the images, Judah alio out of my light, as I have re-
and cut down the v roves, 3nil tilled th^ir moved Ifrael, and will cart off this cit
places with the Bones of men. Jeruialem, which I have cliefen, and th
1$ Moreover, the altar that tr.ji at
*t\ houfeof which I laid, Mvnamefhall b<
Pcth-el, a.r.i the high place, which^Pro- there.
hoamthelbn cf Necat, who made Ifrael zS Now the reft of the acts of JoiTafi
toiin, had made, both that altar and the and all that he did, tre tlu-ynot writtei
high place he brake down, and burnt tlie ;n the book of the chronicles ol t'.>* ;ing
Inch place, and fUmpt-t? fmall to pow- of Judah ?
rler, and burnt the grove. 19 H In his days Pharaoh-nech
6 And as Jotiah turned himfelf, he fr led of Egypt went up againil the king of Al that vetrt theic in the mount, f/ria to the rivet Euphrates an :
'rboiahjmi reign. Chap. X xiv, XXV. ? trufaltm b'.fitgti,
Jofi ah went ag-ainit him, and he flew him again any more out of his land for the :

at Meciddo, when he had leen him. kingcl ;

Babylon had taken iromthe ri-
30 And his lervants earned him in a ver or Egypt unto the liver Euphrates,
chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought all that pertained to the king of Egypt.
him tojervfalem, and buried him in his 8 11 jehoiachin wai eighteen years' old
own fcrulchre and the people of the land when he began to reign, and he reigned

took Jehoahaz the Ion of Jofiah, and a- in Jerufalem three months and his mo- :

nointed him, and made him king in his thers name was JNehufhta, the daughter
fathers Head. of Elnathan of Jerufalem.
li 11 Jehoahaz real twenty and three 9 And he did that wbicb was evil in the
years old when he began to reign, and he fight of the Loro, according to all that
reigned three months in Jerufalem and his father had done.

his mcthers name was HamutaJ, the 10 "51 At that time the fervants of Ne-
daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. buchadnezzar king of Babylon came up>
31 And he did wbhb was evil in againft Jerufalem, and the city was bc-
the tight of the LORD, according to all fieged.
that, his fathers had done. 11 And Nebuchadnezzar king of Ba-
33 And Pharaoh-nechoh put him in bylon canre againft the city, and his fer-
bards at the land of Hamath, vants did befiege it.
that he might not reign in Jerufalem, and li And Jehoiachin the king 0/ Judah
put the land to a tribute of an hundred went out to. the king of Babylon, he, and
talents of iilver, and a talent of gold. his mother, and his lervants, and his prin-
^4 And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim ces, and his officers and the king of Ba-

the fon of Jofiah king, in the room of bylon took him in the eighth year of his
lofiali his father, and turned his name reign.
to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: 1? And he carried out thence ail the
and he came to Egypt, and died there. treafures of the houfe of the Lord, and
a? And Jehoiakim gave the iilver and the treafuresot the kings houfe, and cut i*»
fte gold to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land pieces all fheveffels of gold which Solo-
to give the money according to the com- mon king of Ifrael hact made in the tem-
mandment of Pharaoh j he exacted the ple of the LORD, as the LORD
had raid.
ilver and the gold of the people of the 14 And he carried away all Jerufalem,
and, of every one according tohistaxa- and all. the princes, and all the mighty
ion, to give it urito Pharaoh-r.echoh. men of valour, evtn ten thou (and cat*,
^6 V Jehoiakim nat twenty and five tives, and all the craftfmen, and fniiths r
ears old when he began to reign, and he none remained, fave the pooreif, fort cf
cigned eleven years in Jerufalem: and the people of the land.
us mothers name xv.u Zcbudah, the is And he carried away Jehoiachin to
laughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. Babylon, and the kings mother, and the
37 And he did that vkicb was evil in kings wives, and his officers, and the
he fight or the LORD, according to all migMy of the land, ttofc carried he intoj
hat his fathers had tione. captiv/ty, from Jerufalem to Babylon.
tS And all the men of mi>hc,ev«a e « f

ven thoufand, and craftfmenT :ndfmit! s

a thoufand, all that vetre ftrong and
(or war, even them the king of Babylon
brought captive to "Babylon.
t7 11 And the king of Babylon made
Mattamahhis fathers brother king in his
ftead, and changed hisname to Zedekiah.
iS Zedekian was twenty and one years
old when he began to reign, and he
reigned eleven years in Jerufalem and! :

his mothers name w*iHamutal,the daugh-

ter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
19 And he did that wbicb was evil in the
light of the Lord, according to all
Jehoiakim had done.
k> lor through the anger of the Lord
it came to pais in Jerufalem and
until he had call them out from his pre-
tence, thatZedekiah rebelled azainftthe
king of Babvlon.
7 bt/ieged,
ANd came to pafs in the ninth veat
of his reien, in the tenth month", in
the tenth day of the month, Nebu-
chadnezzar king of Babylon came, he andl
all his holt, againft Jerufalem, and pitched
O a againft
'nJuhi aptivUy. - IT. Kings. GUHUirJItin.
againlt it, and the) built forts againft it a'>out, allof brafs: and like -into thefii
loui. a about. had the fecond pillar wan wreathen,
i And
the city was bciieged unto the work.
eleventh year of kir.g Zedekiah. ii> il And the captain of the guard took

7, And on the ninth day of the fourth Seraiah the cLier pnelt, and Zephamah
month, the famine prevailed in the city, the fecond pa eft, and the three keepers
and there was no bread for the people or or the door.
the land. 19 And out of the city he took an offi-
4. « And the city was broken up, and cer, that was fet ever the men of war, and
all the men of war ./fed by night, by the live men of triem that were in the kings
way of the gate, between two walls, which prelence, which were found in the city,
is by the kings garden, ( n:>w the Chaldees and the principal icribe of the holt, which
seen againft the city round about ) and ibt mi'ftered the people of the land, and
#bj went the way toward the plain, threefcerc menot the f.e«ple of the land
c And the :;rmy of the Chaldees purfued that veere found in the city.
after the kin^, and overtook him in the 10 And Nebuzar-adan captain of the
plainsof Jericho: and all his army were guard took thele, and brought them to
Scattered from him. the king ot" Babylon, to Riblah.
6 5o they took the king, and brought 11 And the king of Babylon fmote
kirn up to the king oi Babylon, to Riblah, them, and fiew them at Riblah in the
and -they gave judgment upon him. land of Hamath. So Judah was carried
7 And they flew the Ions of Zedekiah away out of their land.
before his eves, and put out the eyes cl «. 11 And j< for the people that remain-
Zedekiah, and bound him with tetters ed in the land of Judah, whom Nebuchad-
oi brafs, and carried him to rJ2L>v!on. nezzar king of Babylon had left, eveno.
8 n And in the firth month* on the fe- ver tl:e:r\ he made Gedaliah the Ion of
v?mh day of the month C which it t!:e Ahikam, the Ion of Shaphan, ruler.
nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar il And when all toe captains of the ar-
fdng of Babylon) came Nebuzar-adan mies, they and their men, heard that the
captainof the guard, a fervantof the king kingor Babylon had made Gedaliah go-
of Bibylon, unN) Jerufalem: vernor, there came toGedaliah to Miz-
o Ard he burnt the Jjoufe ol the Lord, pa'..,evenlfhmaeJ the Ion of Nethaniart*,
: Icings houfe, and all the houf'es and Johanan the Ion of Careah, and Se-
of Jerusalem* and every grs:u nans houle rai ah 'the fonof Tanhumeth theNetopha-
imrnt he with fire. thite.and Jaazaniahthefonof a Maacha-
ic the army of the Chaldees
And all thite, they, and their men.
that -Ktrt with the captain of the guard, 14- And Gedaliah fwrre to them, and
brake downtfu walis of Jerufalem round to their men, and faid untc them, Feat
not to he the Servants of the Chaldees
u Now
the reftot the people tbifcrere dwell in the land, and ferve the kins of
left in the city, and the fugitives that tell B&uyloo, and it fhall be well with you.
^viv to the king of Babylon, with the 1? But it came to pals in the feventh
fcmnam of the multitude, did Nebuzar- month, that IJhmael the fon of Netha-
ad an the captain QJ the ?uard carry away. niah, the fon of Eliffuma, of the feed
But the captain of the guard left ot
royal, came, and ten men with hi
the poor of the land, to be vine-dreflcrs, fmoie Godaliah, that l\e died, and the
, husbandmen. Jews and the Chaldees that were with
i} Ard the pillars or brafs thatWfrt in htm at Mizpah.
fcf'.ehoui'eof the Lord, and the bales, and 16 And all the people both final! and
tine, btafen fea tAat
von m
the houie or tlie great, and the captains of the armies a-
Lord, did the Chaldees break in pieces, rofe, and came to Egypt for they were

3nd carried the brafsot them to Babylon. afraid of the Chaldees.

14 Ard the pots, ana the (hovels, and
1" *\ Ar.d it came to paf? in the feves
the (nutters, and the fpoom, and all the and thirtieth year of the captivity of Je-
vetTcls of brafs wherewith they mmutred, boiachin k'-.ri, of Judah, in the twelfth
took they away. month, on th*" feven and twentieth asy of
i,- the (, and the bowls,
Ard the month, tkit Evil-merodach king cf
6v.: things as votre of gold, r'ngold,
fuel) Babylon, in the year that he began lb
and of filver, t'« filver, tlie captain et 'he reign, did lift up the head of Jehoiachio
fu-i a took away. king ul Judah out of prifon.
ifj The two pillars, one lea, and t!;e 18 'And he fpake kindly <.o him, anl
bafes which Solomon had made for the fet his throne above the thrcr.e of the
houfe of the LORD, the bralsof allthele kings that up«r« with him *
feiTcls was without weight. i9 And changed I. rmenrff
17 The height of the one pillar w*i uid eat bread continually be:ore
eighteen "cubits, -and the chapiter upon u him davs of his life.
ill the
wli brafs: and tiie height of the chapiter ?o And his allowance W41 2 re
ffcree cubits -nd the wreathein-work, and given him of the,
p»0ie{ •'• tc« chafitei vtjr.d race for every cay,allir.cdayjcf
5 The Firft Book of the CHRONICLES.
C H A V. I. Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and EI-
Ada*m lint to Noab, &c. daah. All thelc are the fons ot Ketcirah.

A Dam, Sheth, Enofh,

1 Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered,
3 Henoch, Methufrte!ah,Lamech,
4Noah, Shem, Ham, and lapheth.
* 51 The lens of Japheth; Gomer,'arul
Magos. and Ma"dai, and 3 3 van, and Tu-
U And Abraham begat Ifaac. The
Ions of Haac ; £iau and lfrael.
:?< *1 The Ions of Efau i Eliphaz, Reue!,
andjeufh, and Jaalam, andRorah.
;6 The Ions of Ekghaz ; Teman, and
OiH3r, Zephi, tsnd Gatam, Kenaz, and
ba!, and Mefhech, and Tiras. Tirana, and Amalek.
6 And the ions of Gomer ; Afhchenaz, it The forts ol Reuel ; Nahatli, Zerah,
and Riphath, and Togaimah. Shammah, and Mizzah.
v And the Ions of Javan ; Elifhah, and 38 And the fons ot Seir ; Lot an,, and-
Tarfhifh, Kittim, and Dodanim. Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, and Di-
b n The lorn or Ham; Cuih,andMiz- fhon, and Ezar, and Difhan.
taim, Put, and Canaan. 39 And the fons ot Lotan Hori, and •,

9 And the fons of Culh ; Seba, and Homarrr: and Timna w-.. Lot ans lifter.
J-laviIah, and t>abta, and Raamah, and 4.0 ThefonsofShoba! Aiian, and Ma-

•abtecha and the fon3 of Raamah ;

: nahath, and Ebal, Shephi, and Onam,
Sheba and Dedan. And the fens of Zibeon Aiah, and Anah.. ;

to And Cum begat JSkmrod he began : . 4i The fons of Anah Dilhon. And the

te be mighty upon the earth. ions of Difhon Amram, ajid Eihban, and

i AndMizraim besratLudim, and A- Ithran, and Cheran.

camim, and Lehabim, and .Naphtuhun, 4t The Jons of Ezer Bilhm, and Za-

n And Pathruiim,and CafiuBim, [of whom ran, and |ak«n. The ions of Difhan j
came the Phililtincs) and Caphthorim. Uz, and Aran.
m H And Canaan begat Zulon his firlt- 4? 1! Now thefe are the kings that
#orn> and Heth, reigned in the land c.f Edcwi, before any
14 Thejebufite alfo> and theAmorite, king reigned over the children ot lfrael j
«cd the Girgafhite, Bela the fun of Beor and the name of

And the Hivite,

i? and the Archite, his city was Dinhabah.
ar.d the Smite, 44 And when B:fa W2s dead, Jkbab (he
t6 And
the Arvadite, and the Zema- Jon of Zerah of Bozraii, reigffecl in his
lite, and the Hamathite. ftead.
17 The fons of Shem ; Elam, and Af-
51 4.< Anftwlien Jobab was dead, Hufh<»m
ihur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, of the land of tlie Temanites, reisned >»
andUz,andHul,andGetfier,andMefhech. his ftead.
18 And Arphaxad begat Shclah, and 46 And when Huiham was dead, Hadatt
SheJah begat Eber. the fon of Redad ( which fmote Mi-Uart'
19 And unto Eber were born two Tons: in the field of Moab ) reigned in hi*
the name of the one ve*i Peleg, [ becaufe itead and the name oi his cit^ WirAvillj,

in his days the earth was divided } and his 47 And when Had .id wasdead, Samiaft
brothers name w/u Joktan. of Mafrei<ah reigned in his ft«ra$l.
to And Joktan begat Almodad, aad 48 And when Siinlah »as dead, S!iauJ
Sheleph, and Hazarmavcth, and Jerah, of Rehoboth by the river, reigned in h4s
ai Hadoram alio, and Uz2l,and Diklah, itead.
it And Ebal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 49 And when Shaul was dead, Baal-
« And Ophir, and Havilah, and j-cbab. hanan the fon of Achbor, reigned in his
AUthefe were the fons of Joktan. Head.
14. Vi Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah, ^o And when Raal-hanan was dead,
W Eber, Peleg, Reu, Hadad reigned in his ftead and the name
of his city was Pai ; and his wifes name

x<\ Serug, Nahor, Terah,

X7 Abram, the fame it Abraham. <a>as Mehetabel the dauglnet of Matred,
. 18 The fons of Abraham; Ilaac, and the daughter of Mezahab.
Ifhmael. ?i Ti Hadad died alio. And the dukes
to f\ Th«fe*"« their generations: The of Edcm were ciukeTimna, duke AFi-

firft-born of Ifhmael,Nebaioth thenKe- ; ah, duke Jetheth,

dar, and Adbeel, and Mibfam, ?t Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke
;o Miflima, and Dumali, MafTa, Ha- Pinon,
dad, and i;" 1112 ' ?3 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman,, duke
?i Jetur,Waphi(h, andKedemah. Thefe Mibzar,
are the forts ot Ifhmael. ?4 DukeMagdiel, duke Iram. Tttafe
U ^ Now the fons of Keturah, Abra- *re the dukes ot Edcm.
hams concubine ihe bare Zimran, ahd
: II.
fokfllsn, and Medan, and Midian, and The fons of Ifrael, &C.
Ifhbak, and Shuah. And the fons of Jok- THefe are thefonsof Ifrael ; Reuben,
fivan ; Sheba, and Dedan. Simeon, Levi, and Judahi lifarlar,
3? And the fons of Midian ; Ephali, and and Zeu»lun,
Q ? a DaJ»,
The fons </ iud.ih. I. Chronicles. Calebt fojitrity.
t Dar., Joleph, and Benjamin, Naph- 17 And the fonsof Ram the firlt-born
•tali, Gad, and Alhcr. ot Jerahmeel were, Maaz, and Jamin,
i 11 The Tons or" Judah Er, anil Onan, ;
and Eker.
andshelah: which three were born unto iS And the fons of Onam were Sham-
kimor' the daughter of Shua trie Canaa- mai, andjada. And the fons of Shammai i
r.itci's. And Er, the tirft-born of Judah, Nadab, 3nd Abifhur.
was evil in the fight of the LORD, and 19 And the name of the wife of Abi-
fee ftew him. fhur HJiAhihail, and (he bare him Ah -
4 And Ta.nar his daughter in law bare ban, and Mcljd.
him Pharez, and Zerah. All the foris of 30 And the,.fons of Nadab-, Seled, and
judah were rive. Appaim but Seled died withcut children.

^ The fons of Pharez i Hezron, and 3i And the fons ot Appaim ; llhi. And
fci-uaul. the fonsot Ifai ; Shefhan. And the chil-
6 And thefons-of Zcrah Zimn, an* ; dren ol Sheihan , Ahlai.
,andHcman, andCalcoli andDa- :i Arid the fons of Jadathc brother of
;.. : hve of them in all. Shammai ; Jether, and Jonathan : ar.d
7 And the fons of Carmi ; Aclm, the 1 ether died without children.
troubler of Ilrael, wi>o tranfgrerfed in 33 And the Ions of Jonathan ; Peleth, ar .1
ding accurfed Zaza. Thefe were the Ions of Jerahmeel.
8 Ana the fons er Ethan ; Azariah. UV Now Sheihan had no Ions, but
9 The fons alio of Hezron, that were daughters and Sheflian had a f'ervam,

born unto hirtt.i Jerahmeel, and Ram, an Egypnan, whofe name vp<j Jarha.
and chelubai. 3s And Shefhan gave his daughter to
to Anil Ram becat Amminadab ; and Jarha his fervant to wife, and The bare
Amminadab begat Nahihon, prince of him Attai.
the children of judah ; 36 And Attai begat Nathan, and Na-
it And Nahflion begat Salma, andSal- than begat Zabad,
i cat Boaz, VI And Zabad begat Ephlal, and E-
5i And Boaz begat Obed, an.l Obed plilal begat Obed,
begat Je'l>. 38 And Obed begat Jehu, and Jefir
iz 51 And Jcffe bepat his firfl-born E- begat Azariah,
5;jb, and Abinadab life fecond, and Shim- *
;9 And Azariah begat Ilelez, and He-
tna tile third, . lez begat Eleafah,
\ r.-.-thrneel the fourth, Ruddai the fifth, 40 And Eleafah begat Sifamai, and Si*
u Ozem the lixth, David thefevemh: famai begat Shallum,
\f- were Zeruiah, andA-
Wnofc fillers, 41 A^d Shallum begat Jekamiah, and
bigail. And the Ions or Zeniiah; Abi- Jekamiah begat F.liihama.
(Uaf, and Jcab, and Afahel, three. 41 1i Now the fons of Caleb the brother
i7 And Abigail bare Amaia and the : of Jerahmeel vert, Mefha his fuft-bOTn,
f.»therof Amala flM.'Jether thelfhmeelite. which reus thz father of Ziph and the:

;L> fl And Caleb tfljc fon of Hezron be- fons of Marefhah the father of Hebron.
g,4t ibihiren ot" Azubah bis wife, and of 43 And the fons of Hebron jKorah, anij
Jerioth: her fons «re theft j Jefhcr, and Tappuah, and Rekem, and Shema.
S*h<)bab] and Ardun. 44 And Shema ;->egat Raham, ithe father
rq And when A^ibah was dead, Caleb of jorkoam and Rekem begat Shammai.

took unto him Ephrath, wJiich bare him 4s And the fun of Shammai w>4JMaon:
and Maon ve*t ot Beth-zur.
it' And Hut be?at TJri, and Uri begat 4(; And Ephah Calebs concubine hart
Eezaleel. . Haran, and Moza, andGazez: and Ha-
it V, And afterward Hebron went in to ran begat Gazez.
the daughter of Machir, the lather of Gi- 47 And tbe fons of Jahd3i Regenj,

lead whom he married when he was three- and Jotham, and Geflian, andPelet, ana
score years old, and fhe oare him Ser/ub. Ephah, and Shaaph.
2.1 And Segub begat Jair, who had'three 48 Maachah Calebs concubine bare She-
and twenty cities in the land of Gileadi, ber, and Tirlunah.
r? And he took Gefhur, and Aram, 49 She bare alfo Shaaph the father of
with the towns of Jair, from them, with Madmannah, Sheva the father of Macis^
Kenatli and the towns thereof, tvn benah, and the father of Gibeah and thel :

ihieefeore cities all thele hlor^ed to the

: daughter of Caleb wu; Achfa.
lonsof Machir» the father ol Gilead. <o Tl Thefe were the fons of Caleb the
^4 And after that Hezron was dead in Ion of Hur, the firlt-born of Ephratahj
Caleb-ephratah, then Abiah Hezrons wife Shobal the father of Kirjatli-jearim,
bare him AJhur the lather ot Tekoa. *i Salma the father of Beth-IehcmV
i? 11 And the fons of Jerahmeel the Harcph the father of Bcth-gader.
firlt-born of Hezton were, Ram the firlt- ^i And Shobal the father ot Kirjath-
born, and Bunah, and Oren, and Ozem, jcanm had fons j Haroeh, and half of
*r.d Ahijah. the Manahethites.
i5 Jerahmeel had alfo another wife, *3 And the familiesof Kirjath-jeanm j
whofe name iv.u AUtah, Hie w*j tie the lthrites, and the Puhitcs, and the Shu-
mother of onam. mathitcs, and the Milluaites; of them
: : , .

,came the Zareathites,and the Emtauhtes. i". And the fons cf Neariaft Ehoenai. ;

?4 The Ions of Salma Beth-leheui, ;
andHczokiah, andAzrikam, three.
land theNetophathites, Ataroth, the houl'e 14 And the fons of ro»rr, Ho-
of Jcab, and halt of the Manahethites, daiah, and Eliafliib, a:;d Pelaiah, and
:the Zorite.^. Afckub, and Johanan, and Dalaiah, and
?? And the families of the fcribes which Anar.i, (even.
, dwelt Jaoez; theTirathue;. the Shi-
at C H
A P. IV.
laeathites, tni Suchathites. Tneie nre Tki fcfltrityof JuJsb, &c,
the Kcnitcs that came of Kemath, tr.e
father ot the houfe of Rechax
THe ions of Judah ; Pharez, Hezror.,
antlCarmi, and Hur, an.! Shobal.
CHAP. III. i AndReaiah the lonof Shobal, begat
Vi'jiit Hot ta Zt'etliab-, &C Jaiurh, and Tahath begat Ahumai, and
V[0>v thefe were the Ions of David, Lahad. Thefe at* the lamilies ot the
1>| which were born unto him in He- Zcrathites.
bron j the fiflt-born Amnon, of Ahinoam 3 And thefe xvtreof the father of
Etam j
the Jezreelitefs the fecond, Daniel, of
: jezreet.and Hhma, andldbafh: and (fee
Abigail the Carmelitefs name ot theft filter xt>A> Hazelrlpom.
z The third, Abfalom the fon of Maachah 4 And Penuel the father of Gedor, and
he daughter of Talmai k:.".^ of Geihur, Ezer the father of Huihah. Thefe *rt
the fourth, Adorijah the fonot Raggith : the fons cf Hur, the hni-born of Ephra-
? Thafiftb, Shepbatiah ofAbital: the tah, the father ot Reth-lehem.
fisth, lthrea:n by H?l2h his wite. ? T! Arc! AlhUK the father ef Tek^a,
4 Ttffe fix were born unto him in He- had two wives, Helah and Naar-ah.
bron,and there he rcizne;! even years and I 6 And Naarah bare himAhazam, and
fix months: and in Jerusalem, beteigned, and Temeni, and Haahafhtaji.-
thirty and three years. Thde we/et;;e Ibnsol Naarah.
s And thefe were bam tints him in Je- 7 Ar.dthe fons ot Helah w«re, Zeretii,
rulaiem ; Shimea, andShobab* and Na- and Jesoar, and Ethnan.
8 And Coz bzvj.< Anub, and Zobebar}*

than, and Solomon, four, of Bath-fliua

the daughter of Ammiel :
and the families of Ahathel- the Ion of
6Ibk3ralfc,ana Elifllaraa,and Eliphelet, Hantm.
7 And Ptogan, and Nqpheg, and Japhia, 9 * And Jabez was more honctuaWa
8 Ana Elitnama, and Lhf.da, ahdEU- than his brethren: and his mother called
phelef, nine. fv.s name Jaber, faying, Becaui'e 1 bate
9 Thefe votre all the fons of David, be- him with lorrow;
Cde thefons of the concubines, and Ta- ro And Jabei called Qjit,heGod o r lf-
mar their lifter. rael, faying, Oh tLat thou •
to f, And Solomons Ton was Rehobo- me indeed, and enlarge my coaft, and that
arv., Abia
his fon, Ala his Ion, Jehoflia- thine hand might be with, me, and that
phat his fon, thou wouldlt keep me fro-.n evil, that it
rt Joramhis fon, Ahaziah his fon,Jo- may not grieve me. And God granted
aih his fon, him that which he requeued.
i* Amaziah his fon, Azariah his fon> 1 1 f, And Chekib the brother of Shuah be-
Jotham his fon, gat Mchifcwhich W*j the father of Erhton.
n Ahaz his fon, Hezekiah his fon, iiAnd Efhton begat Beth-rapha, and
ManaiTeh his fon, Paieah, ar.d Tehmnah the fat:.".;r of Ir-na-
t4 Amon his fon, loCah his fon. hafh. Thef«pr* the men of Rechah.
ti And thefonsof JofiahtTfj-e, thefirfr- i? And the Ion o: Kcnaz Othnicl, and

bom Johanan, the fecond Jehoiakim, the Seraiah and the ronsofOth'ueljHathatlu

third Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum. 14 And MeoJbthai begat Ophraii aod '.

t6 And the fons of Jehoiakim ; Jeco- beraiah begat Joab, t.'ie father ot the val-
niah his fon, Zedekiah his fon. ley of Chara(hi:n, for they were
17 v And the fons of Jeconiah ; AfTir ir And the fons of Caleb the !<*n of
Salathiel his fon, Tephunneh ; Iru, Elah, andNaera: a .iJ
i«Malchiramalfo,andPedaiah,andShe- the fons of E!ah, even Kenaz
na^ar,Iecamiah,Hoihama,andNedabiah. \6 And the Ions of JeV.a'.eteel Ziph, •,

19 And the fons of Pedaiah -xtrt, Ze- and Ziphah, Tiria, and Afarecl.
rub babel, sr.d Shimei and the fens of Ze-
: 17 And the fon-: of "Ezra we«, Jelher,
nibbabel Melhuilam, and Hananiah,
; and Mered, and Epner, and jalon ; and
and 5he»o;r.rh their filter \ (ne bare Miriam, and Shammai, and Ifb-
zo And Hamubah, and Ohe!, and Bere- bah the father of Emtemoa.
chiah, and Halactiah, Jufhab-hefed, five. tS'And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the'
it And the fons of Hananiah ; Pe!a- father of Gedor, and Heber the lather of
tiah, andlefaiah: thefonsof Rephaiah, Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zano-
the fons of Arnan, the fons of Obadiah, ah. Andrtiefe *re the fons of Bithiah tha
the fons of Shechaniah. daughter cf Pharach, which Mered took.
rr And the llns of Shechaniah ; She- 19 And the fons of tis wife Hodiah, the
niaiah and the Ions of Shemaiah ; Hat-
: filler of Naham, the father of Keilah the
tu(h, and Igeal, and Bariah, and Nea- Gaxmite, and Efhtemoathe Maachathite.
nah, an.i Sii&phat, fa. tz. And the ions of Shimon were, Amnon,

'A O aOd-
Sitntotts fofitritj. 1. Chrorrcte. *eu£r*J lint.
dndRinnah.Bcn-hanan^ndTilen.Andthe and Neariab, and Rephaiah, and \Jz
Jons otlfrn were, Zoheth,andBen-zohe±h. zic-l, the foils of 1

nflThe lonsot Shelahthe Jon 01 tu- 45 And thev Imote the reft of theAma
riah were, Lr chi... lather or Lecah, and lekites that were efcaped, and dwelt thou
Laadah the lather ot Marefhah, and the unto this day.
families of the houfeot them th2t wroucht "CHAP. V.
fine Unen, ot the honfc of Alhbea, The line of Ktubtn un'c the caftivitf, &.C
11 And Jokisi, and the men of Choze-
ba, and Joafh, andSaraph, who had the
NOw the Ions of Reuben the lirlt-bor"
ol lirael, ( tor he wjj the tint- born
dominion in Moab, and J3mubi-lehem. out ioralmucli as be defiled his lather;
And tbr/e »re ancient thines. bed, his birthright was given unto th<
13 Thefe wtrt the pDtterTand thofe that lonsof Jofcphthc ion of fl'rarl : :

dwelt anionic plants and hedges there : genealogy ii not to be reckoned alter the
they dwelt with the king tor hmvork. birthright.
The fjnsotb.i:.ieon wtre, Nemuel,
i4^i 1 For Judah prevailed above his bre-
andjamm, J;-.nb> Zer:<a, cni bhaul : thren, and of htm c'.me the chi .-1 ruler,
*« Shallum his Ion, Mibiaiii his fon, but the birtbrigbt Was Jolcphs)
Miihma lis ion. ? The Ions, i'/aj, of Reuben the Srft-
t6 And the Ions of Mifhma ; Hamuel bornof Jfrael were, 'Ranoch, and l'allu r
bisfon, Zacchur his fon, Shimei his fori. Hezron, and Carmi.
it And Shimei had lixte*n Ions, and 4 The ions of Joel Shemaiah ; his fon,
fix daughters i but his brethren had not Gog his ion, Miunei his Ion,
many ciuldren.neither did all their family 5 Micah his fon, Reaiah his fon, Baal
multiply, liketo the childrenof judah. his fon,
18 And they dwelt at Bter-iheba, and 6 Beerah his fon, whom Tilgath-ril- |

Moladah, and Hazar-fhual, nefer king of Affyria, carried away cup- j

19 And at Biihah, and at tzem, and tive; he^jj prince of theReubenites. :

at Tolad, 7 And his brethren by their

5c And at Bethuel, and at Hormah, ( when the genealogy of their generation
and at Ziklag, was reckoned J were the cbiet, Jeiel, ;,nd |
5t And at Beth-marcahoth, and Ha- Zechariab,
zar-fmim, and a: Beth-birei, and at Siiaa- 8 AndBela the fon of Azaz, the fon of
raim Thefe w-.n their cities, unto the
: Shema, the Ion of Joel, who dwelt in A-
rei?n ot David. roer, even unto Nebo, and Baal-mecn.
5i Ana ffaeir villages w;re, Etam, and 9 And eaft-Ward he inhabited unto the
Ain, Rimmori, and Tocnen and Alhan, , entring in of the wildernefs from the ri-
rive cities. ver Euphrates beraufe their cattle were

W And all their villages that were round multiplied in the land of Gilead.
about the fame cities, unto Baal. Thefe to And in thedavj of Saul thev made
fptre their habitations, and their genealogy war with the Hag'arites, who Yell by
54 And Memoaab, and JamJech, and their hand: and they dwelt in their tenu
Jofliah, the ionot Amaziah, throughout all theeatt-/»nJ of GUead.
5? And Joel, and Jehu the fon of Jofi- ti fi And the children of" Gad dwelt
biah, the ionot Seraiah, the Ibnof Aliel, ever ajgamft them, in theiandofBainan
iG And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, ano unto balcah
Jefnohaiah, and Alaiah^ifid Adiel. and n Joel the chief, and Shapham the next,
Jefimie!, and Ber.feiah.THf andjaanai, and Shaphat inBalhan.
57 And Ziza the ibncf Shiphi, the for, 15 And t!.eir brethren ot the houfe,
of Alton, t!:e fbn of Jesa:ah, the fon ol their fathers were, Michael, and Men
Shimri, t.'ie ion ol Sheimiiah. lam, andJSheba, and lorat, i,;jd Jacha
58 Thefe mentioned by ibiir name;, and Z;a, andHeber, :."/en.
w:re princes in theii families and tho : 14 Thstearr the childrenof Abibail t:
houie ci theii fatbers ibnol Huri,t:.^ lor.of Juroa' •

59 1i And they went to t..e entrance Ebnoi J; .

of Gedor, tven unto the eaft-fide oi the the fon of Jabio, the ion of Bu;
vaHev, to leekpaftwr* tor their : n ot Abdiel, the for. 01

40 And thev found lat pafturearid stood, Gur.i, cliietot \\.f ho ::eof tVir fathers.
and the land w.*i wide, ar.d quiet, and 16 Art: thev dWel' in Giles.! in Balhai
peaceable: lor tbty ot liam had dwelt and inhertowns, and in all the fuburb
there of old. of Sharon, upon their borders.
4t And thefe written by name, came in 1- All thel'e were reckoned bygenealc
flicdaysor Hezekiah kingot Judah. and Siesinthedays of Jo:.iamking of Judat
imote their tents, and the habitations that and in the days of Jeroboam king of I frael
were found there, and deftroyed them 18 The Ibnsot Reuben, and the Ga-

utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their dites, and hall the tribe ct Manafleb, cl
rooms becaule tbert vtjj palturc there
: valiant men, men able to bear buck'.er.
for their doc!;-. and Iword, and to lhoot with bow, and
41«riofthefons o skilful in war, were tour and lorry thou-:
Simeon, five hundred men, went

land feven hundred and threefcore, that
ffir, haying for the* cajtaina ltelttiah, went out to the war.
19. hr.i
Tie Tfa'ttriin conquered. Chap, vi 7T? gtnulo!&- of lew.
19 And they made war with the Haga- U
And Azariahb'gatSeraiah, aDdSc-
ites, witlijctur, and Nephifh, and No- raiah begat Jehozadak,
ah. 1? And Jehozadak went ttttivitf,
ao And they were helped againft them, when the LORD
carried away Judah ana
nd the Hagaritcs were delivered into Jerula.em by the hand of Nebuchadnez-
heir hand, and all that were with them: zar.
0» they cried to God in the battle, and 16 11 The fens of Levi ; Gerlhom, Ko-

e was intreated of them, becaufe they hath, and Merari.

ut their truit in him. 17 And thefe be the names of the fons of
it And they took away their cattle; of Gerlhom ; Libni, and Shimei.
leircamels fifty thoufand, 3nd oi ihecp ib' And the tons o!Kohath were, Am-
vp hundred arid fifty thoufand, and of ram, and lzhar, and Heoron, and Uz-
fles two thoufand, and of men an hun- ziel.
red thoufand. 19 The fens of Merari; Mahlij and
11 For there fell down many (lain, be- Mufti. And thefe ire the families of
fe the waTt*V»of God. And they dwiilt the Levites arcoraing 10 their fathers.
1 their Heads until the captivity.
io OtGerihouii j.tbru hisfon, Jahath
13 *i And the children of the hair-tribe his Ion, Zimmah his Ion,
f Manafleh dwelt in the land they in- :
2t Joan his fon, htdo his fon, Ze'rahlvis-
re afed from Bafhan, unto Baal-hermon, ion, Jeateraihisl'on.
nd Scnir, and unto mount Hermon. ii The Ibns.of Koh'<th;- Amminadab
And thefe vtsrt the heads of the his (on, Korah his fun, Aflir his Ion,
oufe of their fathers, even Hepher, and 2', Elkanah his ion, and Ebiaiaph his
fhij and Elicl, andAzriel, ami Jeremi-
Ion, and Affirhislbri,
l-j. Tahath his fon, Unci his fon,
h, andHodaviah, and Jahdiel, mighty Uzziah
Ifcn of val-uu, famous raw, tn& heads hisfon, andshaulhisfon.
f-the houfecf their tethers. it And the lens of Elkanah; Amaf;* -

« tl And they tranfgrefled againft the and Ahimoth.

\SAi foKEIkanah: the fons of Elkanah
Wdotthc;r and went a whoring
fathers, -

liter the rods of the people of the land, Zophai his fon, and Nahatft his fon,
horn God deftroyed before them. 27 Eliabhisfon, leroham his fon, El-
16 And theGovtof lfrael ft irrect up the kanah !ns Ion.
>iritcf Pul kin«cof Aflyria, and the 'pi- 18 And the fons of Samuel ; the firft
t of Tilgath-filnefer'king of Affyria- born, Vaihm, and Abtah.
id he carried them away, ( even the 17,The Ions of Merari ; Mahli,
his (on,Shimei hisfon, Uzza hi*foii
.eubenites, and the Gadites, and the
alf tribe cf Manafleh) and brought them 30 Shimeahisfon.Hagi'iahhssion, ft:;
Ito Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and faiahhisfon.
the river Gozap., unto this dav. it And
thefe an they whom David Tr-
over the fervice of fong m
the boufeaf
The fens of Levi, &C. the Lord, after tha' the'ark h: d rell :

fons of Levi i Gerihcn, Kohath, 3i And they minilLred before the trwel*
rHe and Merari. ling-ptaceof the ubetnacleof the c?nu
2 And the fons of Kohath; Amram, greganon, with finging, until So'cmbn
:har, and Heb-on, arnt Uzziel. had butt the hou'eor the LoRy
Li je
3 And the children of Amram Aaron, ;
rnia'em ; and then they waited on
ndMof.'.s, and Miriam. The fans alio of office according to their order.
aron Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and
; .33 And thefe are they that waited with
hamar. their children of the Ion- of theKoha-

4 V Eleazar begat Phinehas, Phinehas thites; Heman a finper^the fonol

:gar Abiihua, the fenot iihenuiel,
? And Abiihua begat Bukki, and Bukki 14 Th» fon of Elkanah.,. the fon r flam
sgatUzzi, ha-!i,thefonot.F.!iei, theftjndf Joah
6 And Uzzi begat- Zerahiah, and Zera- 3? Tne ion ol Zui>h; the fon of Elkanah
begat Miraioth,
ijft the ion of Mahath, the fonof Aajadd ,•
?Meraiothbesrat Amariah, and Amari- IfS The fonol Elkanah, thef'criofJcri
i begat Ahitub", the fan of Azanah, theioJHjf Zeph ,r.iV^
8 And Ahitub besat Zadok, andZadok VI 'the 'on of Tahatrj, the fen of Am'r'
e<rat Ahimaaz, thelonofEbia'aph, the !ono! Kofah,
9 And Ahimaaz begat Arariah, andA- s8 The fon of lzhar, the fon of Kolrtfi
Jtiahbeeat Johanan, the fon or Levi, the fon 01 lfrael. "
to And begat Azanah, Chert 39 And his brother Afaph ( who flood on
that executed the priefts office, in the his right hand. ) even Afaphthe for of
jmp-lethat Solomon built in Jerufalem ) ra'chiah, the ion ot Shimea,
it And Azanah begat Amariah, and 40 The fon ot Michael, tiuTfosi of
.mariah begat Ahitub, Baaleiah, the fon of Klalcniah,
12 And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok 41. The fo-iol F.thni, the (on of ZeratK
egat ShaHum, thelcn of Adaiah,
j? And Shalium begat IWfciah, and 41 The fen of Ethan, the fon of Zimi
Wtoah begat Aaariah> iT»ah %\k fon of Shrmei,

«i The
(boo! laha . it of toe trill
Ihorn, he Ton of Levi.
HI tl
44 And their brethren the Cons of Meran, tnb : "' ot Simeon, ardo
Hood onthelefi r
le Ion ot ot the tribe ot thechildrenof Benjanti
Kiihi.f .\ cities, wbjch ;re called by tb:
J," 1 he fi>;i Haiaabtah, the
o; names.
Amaztah, the ior of Hilkiah, (.6 Andtbt UfiAm of the families of t.
46 The Ion of Amzi, the ion ot Bar.i, Kohath, badciriesol theircoai*t,
the fon of Shanier, out of the tribe et £j»hrai».
47 Trefoil of MaiUii the fonot Muftu. 6? And they gave ur.totliem efthecitii
thelonot Meran, thelbnot Levi. ot retugc, Shecheiu in icount L :

<-S Their brethren al;o theLevitcs r?ere with her luburbs.: tixj gave alio Gezc
appointed unto art manner of lervicc ot with her fuborbat
the tabetnacleof the .ioufe of God. 68 And Jokmeam with her fubuibs, an
49 T Bin /Uron ?nd his ions orfered Beth-l.oron with hcrluburbs,
upon the altar of the burnt-offering, and 6iy And Aijalcn with her
fuburbs, ar.
en the altar of incenfe, «nd -.vase tffeift- Gath-rimmon with her fuburbs-.
r?i tor all the wprkot the pl*u molt ho- ~c And out cf the half-tribe of Manaf
ly, and tomske anaterement forlfrael, feh ; Aner with her fuburbs. an.'. fcSilea:
according 10 all that Mofes the fcrvant uf with her luburbs, for the family of th
God bad commanded. remnant ot the ions of Kohath.
*o AiJ. thefe *rc the fonsof Aaron E- •, 7t Unto the fons of Gerfnom were */v
leazarhis ion, Phir.ehas his fon, Abuhua outpt the family of the half-tribe of Ma
his ibn, naljeh, Golan in Bafhan with her tuburbi
si tkikki his fon,Uzzi his fon, 2era- itarotb with tor fuburbs:
hiah his ion, 'i And out of the tribe of UTachar "T
Meraioth his fon, Amariah his fen, Keucih with hcrluburbs, Daberath witiL
Ahitub his ton, !.rrfuburbs,
*" Zadok his Ibn, Ahimaaz his fbn. -; Arid Ramoth with her fuburbs, aaH
<4 • N
j\v thele.jcs ti ieirdwelling~placca Anera with her tabmtu:
throughout their caltles in their "coaltsof 74 And cut of the trwbe of Afhe;
the fonsof Aaron, of the familiesof the Qial with fuburbs, and Abd^-r
Koiiathites for theirs mum the lor.
: her luburbs,
«i And they gave them Hebron in the '< Ai •

k with her fubu/bs,

Re hob with ber fuburbs
land of Judah, and the inhurbs thereof
round about ir. 76 And out of the tribe of N3phtalj||J'
But the fields of the city, and the Galilee with her fubui.i
villages thereof, theygave to Caleb the Hammon vath her fuburbs, and K:r
fon of Jephunneh. im with her lubuib;.
f7 And ro the fonsof Aaron they- save 77 Untothereitof the chiUrerof ^le.
the cit:*.- of )odah, r.umtly-, Hebron tbt ran were given out of the tribe of Zebu.
tityof refuge, and Libnah with her fu.->- lun, Rimmon with her Juburbs, Tab*"
urbs, andjattir, and Elhtemoa with their with her luburbi
fuburbs, 75 And on the other fide lordan
kS AndHilen with her fuhurbs, Debir Jericho, on the ealt-fide of Jordan w
with her fu barbs, o*t*a fie«;cut of the tribe of Reub
?9 And Afhan with her fuburbs, and Bezer in the wildernefs with her (ubu
fceth-fhemeih with her- fuburbs-. 2ndjahzah with her fuburh*,
6c And out of the tribe of Benjamin ; 79 Kedemoth alfo with her fuburSs,
ficbawith hei-fuburbs, and Alemethwiih and Mephaath with her fuburbs:
her ftvburbs, and Anathoth with hcrlub- b'c And out of the tribe of Gads R
urbs. All their throughout their ta- moth in Gilead with her fuburbs, ar*
jinlics, were thirteen ci'ies. Mahar.aim with her fuburbs,
*i And unto the fomcf Kohath, trbicb 8t And llefhbon with her fuburbs, at
Ktft left of the family ot that tribe, 7*>er« Jazcr with herTuburbs.
<:<ti out of the half-tribe, namely^
z'tv'.n CHAP. VII.
the hilf-tfil* of ManafTch, by lot, Tbe fons of Ifl'tcbjir, &C.

1 And
to the.fonsof Genhcm trrouehout
NOwPvah, the fonsol irfbchar wer<r,Tola,«
Jafhub. and Shimron, tour,
their families, out of the tribe ot Itiachar, t An..', the fons of Tola ; l^zzi, ancRi
at of the tribe of Atncr, anil out ot phaiah, and Jeriel, andjahmai, anajil
ibe tribe of Naphrali, and out ot the tribe fam, andShemuel, heads of theirfathe
laQeh Baihan, thirteen cities.
••* h.oufe, to frit, of Tola tbty were vah:.;

63 i_k«p thefonsol Meran ptrt given men of might in their generations ; who
bj let, throus&out their families, out of number theda>sofDavid two aridi
tr^i in
e'of Reuben, and cutef thetn-e twenty thoufand and Ex hundred,
. , r.nd out 0: t^e tribe of Zebulun, ; And the foru of Uzzi * Itrahiah:
cities. and the fons of larahiah Micnae 5

~ ren of Ifrael £ave to ah, .-rd Toel -Ifliiah: five: allot

.5 with tr.eir;ut-jrr-i. thcia .hui 1

4 -'-rJw

viii. tar jam ej nji.-~ .

fhe conceived and bare a fon, and he cal-

led his name Beriah, becaufe it went evil
with his houi'e.
14 ( And his daughter mi
built Beth-horon the'.ct, and the up-
per, ar.d Uzzen-fherah )
i,-And RepfcahTTAj hisfcn,aircReflieph,
arid Tclah his fon, and Tahanhisibn,
if L'aadan his- ion, Amm'ihud his fon>
Eliihama his fon,
17 Non
his for, Jehcfh'uahisfon.
Andtneirpofleffions and habitati-
it? 11
ons:??/'* Ceth-ei,and the towns ehercqf,
and eaft-ward Naaran, and weft-ward Ge-
zer with the towns thereof, Shechem alio
and the towns thereof, unto Gaza ar.d the
towns -thereof: _
19 And by the borders of the children of
nach and her towns, Megfddo and her
towns, Dor and her towns. In thefe dwelt
the children of Joieph the fon of Ifrael;
*o IT The fons of Aiher ; Imnah, and
Ifhuah, ar.d.ifhuai, 2nd Beriah, andSeraJi
their filter.
?i And the fons of Beriah ; Heber, and
Mdchiet, who f> the father of Birzaveth.
31 AndHeber begat Japhlat, and SriO-
Bier, and Hotham, and Siwah their filer.
5; And the fons of Jsnhlet; Palach,
and Bimh3l, and Aflxvatfl thefe art tne

children of Japhlet.
34 And the fens of Shamir; At.:, and
ur.dred fcldrtn, fjrto go out forv»ar«fl4 Rchgah, Jehubbah, and Aram.
attle. 5$ And the ("onscf his brother Iielem,
tzShuppim al-fc, andHuppim, thechil- Zophah, and Imna.and ShcleJh, and nniai
rcn of Ir, and Huthi m, the for.s of Aher. 36 The fons ot Zophah , Snuah, and Har-
u T, The fcnsofNanhtali
Jahziel, and
nepher, ar.dShua!, and Beri, andlmri:..
Bunfi and Jezsr, and Shallum, the ions ef ?7 P^zer, and Hod, and Shaaima, and
ilhah. 5hilih'.h, and Ithran, and Beera.
14 «1 The Tons of Manaffeh ; Afhriel, ?8 And the fons of Jether j Kptiunnelx,
horn fhe b^re but ti* concubine the A-
: [
and Piipah, and Ara.
imitefs '^are Machir the father ofGilead: 39 -And tfte fons of TJHa 3 Arah, and
i? And Machir took to wife tb; fijler Haniel, and Rezia.
f Hup.'i-.ii and Shuppim, whole filters 40 All thefe w>re the children of Aih;r
ame vf*i Maachah j and the name of heads of fJwV fathers hoitfe, choice and
>e fecond -xjs Zelophehad : and Zdo- mighty men of valour, chief of the princes
hehad had" daughters. And the number throughout the genca'c-
x6 And Maachah the wife of Machir gy of theni that were apt to the warjniro
are a Ion, and {he called his namePd- battle, sji twenty arti fix thpufand men.
ih ; and the name of his brother »»* She- C H
A P. V1H.
:fh ; and-his fons were Uiam, and Rakem Tbt fen; Ar.i thief mtn ofBsnjsfHfit, Sec.
j- And the fons of Uiam , Bedan. Ttefe Benjamin begat B-ia his
trt the fons of Gilead, the fon of Ma- N'6w
born, Aflibel the fecond, and Ahaw!J

btr, the for. of Manaffeh. the third,

18 And his lifter Kammolekerh bare 1 Nohah the fourth, ar.d Rapha thz firth,
hod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah. 3 And the fons of Bela were, Aodar.,
19 And the ions of Shemida were, Ahi- andGera, andAbihud,
t, and Shechcm, andLikhi, andAr.ia:n. 4 And Abifhua, and Naamar, and Ahoab*
1: fi And the Tons of Ephraim } Shuthe- ?And Gera, and Shephuphaa, and Bo-
h, and Beredhis fon, and Tahath ft is fon ra m.
|id Eladah his fon, and Tahath his fon, 6 And thefe trt the fon< of Ehud thefe .-;r? :

mil AndZabadhii ion, an.'. Shuthelah the head- of the fathers of the inhabitar-; of
is and Ezer, and E lead, whom the
fon, Geba.and they removed them to Mar.;^ H -

en of Gath tbtt vpue born in tb*t Urul ? AndNaaman, and Ahiah, and Cc-i^,
fw, becaufe they cam; down to take a- he removed them, and berat Uzza an«J ;

ay their cattle. Ahihi'.d.

iz And tphr-im mourned
their fisher 8 And Shaharaim -begat ch'-ld'en in the
.any days, and his brethren ca:r.c to com- country of Moa>, after he 1

innim. a*'*y i Huflum and BiUii sweehis •

i\ «J Acdwhtn be went in to. Lis wile , O 6

Btnjwmitit gtrttslogy. I. Chronicle*, bivtn
9 And he begat ot Hodefh his wife, J»- ','.
k*b, and Zibia, and Mdtia, and Malcham, and 'iudubi gental-xriet, &c.
io Andjeuz, andShaclna, and Mirma. O all Ifra«l were reckoned by genealo
Thefcvcire his Ton?, heads of the fathers. Ogtes, and behold, they were Vritten
ii And of Huihim lie begat Ahitub, the book of the kings ot ll'rael and Judah
and Elpaal. veto were' carried away to Babylon fi
tiThe fonsof Elpaal; Ebcr, sr.JMi- their tranfgrefTion.
Uiam, and Shamed, who built Ono, and I 11 Now
the firft inhabitants */m! dvoe'.
Lod with the towns thereof: n their polleiEons in their cities were, tin
t? Beriah alfo and Shcma, who vcere Hiaehtes, the.pnelts, Levites, and tin
headsof the fatherscf the inhabitant-. ol Nethinims.
Aijalon, who drove away the inhabitants 3 And
in Jerufalem dwelt of the chif«
of Gath dren of Jud2h,.and of the child]
14 AndAhic, Shafhak, and Jerimoth, Benjamin, and ot the children ot Ephra-
ic AndZebadiah, ar.d Arad, andAder, im, and Manalfeh:
t6 And Michael, and Ilpah, andjoha, 4 Uthai the fon of Ammihud, the fon ol
the fonsof Beriah ; Omn, tliefonoflmri, the fonofBani, o'
17 AndZebadiah, and Mefhullam, and the children ot Pharez the fon of Judah
Hezeki, and Heber,- ? And of the Shilonites; Afaiah tn<
i8 Ifhmerai alio, andjezliah, and Jo- firft-born, and his fons.
fcab, the fonsof Elpaal y

fi And of the fons of Zera Jeu •,

J9 And Jakim, andZichri, andZabdi, theirbrethren, fix hundred and ninety.

io AndElienai,andZilthai, andEliel, 7 And ot the Ions of Benjamin Salluth ;

ii And Adaiah, and Beraiah, and S'um- fon ol Melhullam, the Ion of Hodaviah
rath, the funs of Shimhi j thelonotHafenuah..
xi And Ifhpan, and Heber, and Eliel, 8 A*d Ibneiahthe fon of Jeroham, an
*3 AndAbdon, and Zichri, andHanan, Elaht.'ie fon of Uzzi, the fon of Miclsr
14 AndHananiah, and Elam, and An- and Mefhullam the Ion ot "Shephatial
tcthijah, the fon of Reuel, the Ion of Ibnitah,
i* Andlphedeiah, andPenuel, the Cons 9 And theirbrethren, according to tlici
• f Shafhak generations, nine hundred and fil
*6 And Shamfherai, and Shehariah, fix. All thefe men were chiefofthe fathers'
and Athalia, inthelioule of their lather s.
17 And
Jarefish, and Eliah, ana Zi- to 11 And of the priefts Jedaiah, zni

«hri, the fens of Jerohani. Jeheianb, and Jachin,

18 Thefe were heads uf the fathers, bv II And Azariah the fon of 11
their generations, chic { r>un. Tfcei'c dwelt the fonot Melhullam, the fon otZadok,
in Jerufalem. the fon of Mera?oth, the fon ot Ahitub,
19 And at Gibeon dwelt the father of the ru'er ol the ho:;!cof Goi',
{iibecn [ whole wifes name o>*J Maa- it And Adaiah the Ion ot Jeroham,
«hah) thrfbnot Pahur, the fon ot Ma!.
3c And his firft-born fon Ab.'cn, and and M?aiiai the fenot Adiel, the fon ot'
£ur, andKifll, anil Baal, andNadab, Jahzerah, the fon of Melhullam, the:ono£
3i AndGedor, andAhio, antfZacber. Memillemith, the Ton of Isimer,
*3i And Miklcth begat Shimeah. And 13 And their brethren, heads of the
thefe alio dwelt wish their brethren in r.oufe ot their fathers, a thousand anf
Jerufalem, over 3?ainft them. (even hundred and threefcore ve ;

33 And Ner begat Ki;h, and Kiffi be- the work of the fcr/ire

£at Saul, anA Saul begat Jonathan, and '

TMalchifhua, and Abinadab, and Em- baa] 14 And of the Levites; Shen ..'..'. t'-e
34 And the fon or Jonathan w<f Merib- f:r. 0! Ha«(rrub, the ion ot Azrikam, t&HJ
baal ; and Merib-baal begat Micah. Lnol Hamabish, oft!:c lor.scf Mcr^rf.^a
3* and the fonsof Micah we^e I'ithon, t? Ar\i\ Bakbakknr, Her
snd Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz. the fonot Micah, tbfl
lal, ar.d Ma'ttariiab
36 AndAhaz begat Jehoadah, and Je- fon of Zichti, the fon of Afaph,
hoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, t6 An<l Obadiah the fonot She
andZimri ; and Zimri begat Mcza, the fon of Gala], the fen ot Jeduthunj
37 And Moza begat Binea Kapha w*.-
and Berechnh, the fon ol A'a, the foiP
his fon, Eleafah his fon, Azel his ion :
of Elkanah, that dwelt in the vilbce^of
?g And Azel had fix fens, whofe names the Netophathites. -

*rt thefe, Aznkam, Bocheru, and Iih- 17 And the porters xtert Fhallum, anM
mael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Akkub, and Ta'mon, and Abiman, antt
llanan. All thefe voce the fens of Azel. their brethren 6'iaU'jm: mi the t hief.
39 And the fons of Efftek his brother ib ( Whohitherto wait?. 1

Vitre, Ulam his firtt-bcrn, Jehufh thefe- I

g?te ealt-ward ) They vtere por;ei
conj, and Ehphelet the third. lesof thediilarenot Levj.
And the Ion', of Ulam were nighty icj And Sh-aliun-. the fon of Kore : 1
men ot valour, trchers, and had ..:ph,«he (on of Korah, ar.d his bre-
>,n* an liundi thren fot the houfc ot hi* father ; tl

Benjara n; rabitesvrrr<ov»r the v^cskol the'


tlottt tit ientplt. Ctop. X. Sauls death,

keepers of the gates of the tabernacle: 4e And the fon of Jonathan was Me-
and their fathers being over the hoft of rib-baal : and Merib-baal begat Micah.
; the LORD, were keepers of the entry. 4-t And Micah were, Pithom
the fons ot
io And Phinelias the fon of Eleazar andMelech, andTahrea, and Aba\.
•was the ruler over them in time part, and 42 And Ahaz begat Jarah, and Jarah be-
the LoKurp*{ with him. gat Alemeth, andAzmaveth, andZimri;.
li And Zechariah the fun of Melhele- and Zinui begat Moza,
nuah.wa' porter of the door of thetaber- 4? And Moza begat Binea j and Repha-
nacleot the congregation. iahhisfon, Eleafahhisfon, Azdhisfon.
, 11 All thefe "which were chofen to be 44 And Azel had fix Ions, whole names
porters in the gatrs, were two hundred are thefe, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Iflima-
and twelve. 1 hele were reckoned by el, andbheariah, and Obadiah, and Ha-
their genealogy in their villages: whom nan. Thefewece the fons of Azel.
David and Samuel thefeer did ordain in CHAP.
their let office. Sauls overthrow and death, &c.
il So they and their children bad the XTOw the Phililtines fought agaiRft
cverfightol the gates of the houleof the l\i Ifrael, and the men ol Ifrael tied
LORD, namely, the houfe of the taber- from before the Phililtines, jind fell down
nacle, by wards. llain in mount Gilboa.
24 In four quarters were the porters, to- a And the Philiftines followed hard af-
ward the ealb welt, north, and Ibuth. ter Saul, and after his fens, and the Phili-
ii And their brethren, wbicb were in their ftines (lew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and
villages, were to come after (even days, the fons of Saul.
from time to time with them. 3 And the battle went fore againft Saul,
26 For thefe Levites, the four chief and the archers hit him, and he was
porters, were in tbeir let office, and were wounded of .the archers.
over the chambers and treafuriesof the 4 j hen (aid Saul tahis armour-b<?arer»
houfc of God. Draw thy fword, and thruft me through
i-Ml And they lodged round about the therewith ; left thefe uncircumcifed come,
houie of God, becaufe the charge was and abufe me. But his armour-bearer
upon-them, and the opening thereof eve- would not, for he was fore afraid, bn.
re morning pertained to them. Saul took a fword, and fell upon it.
18 And certainot them had the charge 5 And, when his armour-bearer faw that
of the miniftrins vefl'els, that they fhculd Saul was dead, he fell likewife on the
bring them in and out by tale. (word, and died.
29 Some of them aifo were appointed to C> So Saul died, and his three fons, and
ovcrlee the veflels, 3 nd all the inftruments all his houfe died together.
ol the fanctuary, and the fine. flour, and 7 And when all the men of Ifrael that
the wine, and" the oyl, and the trank- were in the valley, faw that they fled, arid
incenl'e, and the fpices. that Saul and his (bns were dead; then they
3,0 And jeme of the fons of the prietts forl'ook their cities, and fled and the

made the ointment of the fpices. Philiftines came and dwelt in them.
ii And Mattithiah, om of the Levites 8 51 And it came to pafs on the mor-
{ who was the firlt-born of Shallum the row, when the Philiftines came to ftrip
Korafcite ) had the fet office over the the llain, that they found Saul and his fons
things that were made in the pans. fallen in mount Gilboa.
31 And ofbtr of their brethren of the 9 And when they had ftripped him,
fons of the Kohathitcs, were over the they took his head, and his armour, and
ihew-breadto prepare it every fabbath. fent into the land of the Phili(tine<s round
33 And thefe the lingers, chief of the about, to carry tidings unto their idols,
fathers ol the Leviies, who remaining in and to the people.
the chr.mbers, ne,re free: for they were 10 And they put his armour in the houfe
employed in rework, day and night. of their gods, and his head in the->
34 TheVe rh-ief fathers of the Levites temple of Dagon.
mre chief throughout their generations -, 'nil And when ail Jabefh-gilead heard
fhefc dwelt at JefUfalem. all that the Philiftines had done to Sail
.3,5 11 And in Gibeon dwelt the father 12 Theyarole, all the valiant men, and
of Gibeon, Jel\iel, whole wites name took awayths bodyol Saul, and the bo-
SfW Maachah: dies of his fons, and brought them to Ja-
36 And hishrft-bornfun, Aln'on, then befh, and buried their bone.s under the
Zur, and Kifti, and Baal, and Mer, and oak in Jabefh, and faftcd feven days.
Nadab, T3 ^1 So Saul died for his tranfgreffion
3.7 And Gedcr, and Ahio, and Zecha- which he committed againft the LORD,
riah, andMiklofh. even a?amft the word of the Lord, wbicli
! And Mikioth begat Shimeam : and he kept not, ahd alfe for asking counfet .

•hey alio dwelt with their brethren. at of one that had a familiar fpirit, to en-
eriilalem, overagainlt their brethren. quire of it i
39 And Ner begat Kifh, and Kilh begat «4 And enquired not of the LORD:-
Hrol, and Saul begat Jonathan, and tyal- therefore he flew him, and turned the
•l^fnua, and Abina'dab, and Efo-ba*l. kingdom unto David the fon of Jefie.
C li A Pi
Ziont*{~;, Wi I. ClM
CHAP. XI. ig Ard the three brake through t

David mad; ^/nj at Hebron, &C ot thcPhiliftincs, snd orew water out of
the well of Beth-lehem, that has b% life
THcn all Iirael gatherer themfelves to
David unto Hebron, laying, BchOits, uate, and took it and brought ir to Da-
we *re thy bone and thy fleiti. vid but David would not drink c/it, but

1 And moreover, in time palt, even poured it out to the Lorl>i

when baul was kiRg, thou vetji he that 19 And faid, My God forbid it me, that
leddeft out and broughtett in lfrael > nd •
Ithoulddo this thing: (hall I di
the Lord thy God (aid thee, Thou blood ot thele men that have put their
my lives in jeopardy ; tor with the jtapdrdyof
Malt teed people Iirael, and thoM
fhalt be ruler over my people lfrael their lives thev broneht it. merel
* Therefore came' all the elders or Ii-
would not drink it. Thefetbir
rael to the king to Hebron, and David three nnghticft.
made a covenant with them in Hebrcr., zc fl And Abilhai the brother of Joab,
before the Lour, an«l they arointed Da- hewa: chief uf the three: for lilting up
rid kine over lfrael, according to the his Ipear againft three hundred, he f.ew
tbtn:, and had a name among the tiree.
word of the LORD
by Samuel
it Ofthethre
4 fl Ana David and all lfrael went to
Jeniialem, which is Jebus, where the Je- than the two, for he was the-.r v.

buiites wjre, the inhabitants of the lard howbeit, he attained net unto i
{ And the inhabitants of Jehus laid to
David, Thou fhalt not come hither. Ne- ii Benaiahthefon Jehoiic'5, theii»nof
vertheless, David took the caitle of Zion, avai'iant m^not" Kajzee!,
which is the citv of David. many act?, he flew two lion-like men if
6 And DaviJ laid, V/kofoever fmiteth Moab j alio he went down and Qei
the Jebuiites nt(t, lhall be chief ar.d cap- in a pit in a Inowv day,
tain. So Joab the Con of Zetaiah went i? And he flew an 'Egyptian, a man of
fkft up, and was chief. .cr^-ftature, fiveciibrts nig
7 And David dwelt in the eaflle, there- Egyptians hand xcju afpear like a wea-
fore they called it, The city of David. vers beam, and he wen' down to I m
8 Ani he built the city round about, a ltart, and pluckt the fpear out of
even from Millo round about : and Joab the Egyptians hand, and ilcwhim with
repaired the reft of the city. bis own ipear.
9 So David waxed greater and greater
14 Thee fWnji did Eenaiah the fon of
for the Lom>>4f with him. Jehoiada, and had the name an.c
io T\ Thee alio art the chief of the three mighties.
mighty men whom David had, who it Behold, he was honourable
ftrengthnetf themfelves wuh him in his the thirty, but attained not to the f.rjl
kingdom, with all I rael to make
rfnJ three and David fet him over his guar L

him king, according to- the word of the 16 fl Alfo the valiant men of toe zrl
LORD, concerning lfrael. mies.wrre Afahel the brother of joab, El-
ii And this is the number of the migh- hanan the ion ot Dodo of Beth-lehem,
ty ibm whom David ivd Jafhcbeam an
ir Shammoth the Karorite, He
Hachnonite, the chief of the captains: Pelonite,
he lift up his fpear againft three hundred, aS Ira the fon of Ikkeih the Tekoitei
flain by bint at one time. AWiezerthe Antuthite,
ii And after him tp*j Eleazar the fon iq Sibbecai the Hufhathitct llai the A-
of Dodo, the Ahohite, who waiontol the hohite,
three mighties. *c Maharai the Netophathite Hel
n He was with David at Paf-dammim, fon of Baanahthe Netophathite,
and there the Philirtines were gathered ?i Ifhai the fon of Ribai of G
together to battle, where was a parcel tbttfertdintd to the children of Benjamin,
cf ground full of barley, and the people Benaiahthe l'irathonite,
ted from before the Philiftines. ti Huraict the brooks of Gaafh, Abid
14 And they fet themfelves in the midft the Arbathue,
of tb*t parcel, and delivered it. and flew i? Azmavcth the Bsharumite, EliahM
the Philiftines j and the faved LORD the Shaalbonite,
tbent by a great deliverance. 54 The fons of Hafhem the Gizcnite»,
i? «1 Now three of the thirty captains
Jonathan the ion of Shage theHarante.
went down to the rock to David, into the 5? Ahiamthefonof 5a<ar the H.
cave of Adullam, and the hort of thePhi- E'liphalthefonof Ur,
liftines encamped in the valley of Re-
?iS Hcpher theMeherathite, A
phaim. Pelonite,
16 And David nas then in the hold, ?7 Hezro the Carrrrehre, Naarai the.
and the aarifon vsas then at fon of Ezbai,
Beth-lehem, .
• ;8 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhac
i7 And David lonjred and faid, Oh the (on of Hagzen,
:i. Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the
that one would give me drink of the
water ef the well 9>i Beth-lehtnMhat " Berothite, the >rr.;otir-'u«aier oi Joab the
g?e for. of ZcruiaE,

at the 4c Ii
: .

pUw'4 at 2tkla$. Chap. Xii Davids itlptM-,

ac Ira the Ithrite, Car-'n the Ithrite" Benjamin^ and Judab, to the hold unit
4i Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the Ion of Davio
AMai, i7 And David went out to meet them,
4i -Adina the fdnof Shiza theReube- and anfwercd and laid unto them, If yc
ft<te, a captain of the- Rcubemtes, and. become peaceably unto me to help-me,
tbirtv witn him, mine heart fliallbekmt unto you but if .

«VHananthe fonof Maachah, ar.djo- ye be come to betray me to mineenemiei,

fhaphat the- Mithnite, feeing tie-re is no wrong in. mine hands,
44. Uzzia the Afhterathite, Sbaraa and the God of our fathers look tbtreon, and
Jehiel the Ions of Hothsn the Aroente, rebuke it.
41 Jediael the ton of Shimri, and Joha 18 Then the fpirit came uponAmafai^
Vs.- brother, the Tizue, vebo vcj.1 chref of the captains, and befaiJt
46 Eiiel the Mahavite, and Jeribai, Thine art vet David, and on thy tide, thou

and Jolhaviah, the fonsof Elnaam, and fonof Jeile: reace, peace be unto thee,
Uhmah the Moabite, and peace b: to thine helpers; for thy
47 Eliel, and Obea, an«l Jafiel the Godhelpeth thee. Then David received
Mefobaite. them, and made them captains of the band.
c h a p. xn. 19 And there fell Jcmt- of Manafieh to
The camfmui that came to David, Sec. David when he came with the Philiitinen
NOw (.

thefe are they that came to Da- againft S3Ul to battle, but they helped
vid to Ziktsg, while he yet kept them not, for the lords of thePhiliftmes,
.innt'clt clo'e, becaufe or Saul thefon of uponadvifement, fent him away,
Ki.fh : and -they voire among the mighty He will fall to his mailer Saul, to the ;eo-
ineny helpers of the war. ftrdy o/'Oiir heads. )
ib:y Wire armed with bows, and
,10 As he went to Ziklag, there fell to
ould ul'e bath the risht hand and the him of Man alien, Adn3h, and Jozabad,
eft, in burling '.(tones, and Jhooting ar- and Jediael, and Michael, and Jozabad,
•owsoutof a bow, tvtn of Sauls brethren and Elihu, and Zilthai, captains of toe
»f Benjamin. thoufandsthat vetre of ManajTeh.
1 The chief Ahiezer, then Joafh, 11 And they helped David againft the
he fonsof Shemaah the Gibeathite.and band of tb; rovers for they veere all migh-
eziel, and Pelet, the Tons of Azmaveth ty men of valour, and were captains in the
n.lBcrachah, and Jehu the Antothite, hoft.
4 And Il'maiah the Gibeomte, a mighty 11 For at that time day by day, there
nan among the thirty, 3nd over the thir- came to David
to help him, until it veai
y, and Jeremiah, 'and Jahaziel, and agr.-athoft,
likethe.hoftof GjJ.
ohanan, sndjozabad the G-derathite,
Eluzai, and Jenmoth, and Bealiah, bands that
tf And thefe or* the numbersof the
veere ready armed to the war,
Bd bhemariah, and Shephatiah theHa- and came
to David to Hebron, to turn the
kingdom of Saul to him, according to the
6 Elkanah, and Tefiah, and Azareel, and word
of the Lord.
>ezer, and Jafhobeam, theKorhites,.
14 The children of Judah that bare
7 And Joelah, andZebadiah, the fons fhield
f Jerohamof Gedor.
and (pear, veere fix thoufand and
" And of eight hundred, ready armed to the war.
the Gadites there feparated 17 Of mighty
lemfelves unto David, into the hold to. menor tht children of Simeon,
1e wilderr.ef?, men of might, and men
valour for the war, feven thoufand
and one hundred.
t war fit for the battle, that could handle
16 Of th& children of Levi, four thou-
lield and buckler, whofe faces wire //{«
•j* faces of lions, and vet re
fand and fix hundred.
as fwift as the
aes upon the mountains
17 And Jehoiada was the leader of the
Aaronites, and with him were three thou-
9 Ezer the firft, Obadiah the fecond, fand
liab the third, and feven hundred.
to Mifhmannah the fourth, Jeremiah 18 And Zadok, a young man, mighty of
»e- fifth,
valour, and of his fathers houfe twenty
ii Attai thefixth, Eliel the feventh, andtwo.captains.
n Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the 19 And of the children of Benjamin the
inth, kindred of Saul, three thou! and tor hi- :

n Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the therto thegreateft part oi" them had kept
eventh. .the ward of the houfe of Saul.
i* Thefe votrt of the fons of Gad, cap- ;o And of the children of Ephraitn,
iinsof the hoft : one of the leaft veas twenty thoufand and eight hundred, mieh-
ty men of valour, famous throughout the

ver an hundred, and the grcateft over

thoufand. houfe of their fathers..
M Thefe art they went over Jordan
that 5t And of the hall-tnbeof Manaffeh*
ithe firft luonth, when it hadoverflown eighteen thoufand which were ext. refled
1 his hanks, and they put to flight all byname, to come and make David kinej
ftnof the vallie>, the ea<t, . n And of the children of lda<:har,w*>;«*
>dtoward the weft. veere men ttttt had underftandma; of the-
i$ Ap.d thert ca»c of the chfldrcacf tune*, to know what iftacl ought to do :

tu© -
V*)fdfet*etb tie art. I. Chronic Us. b;i

the heads of them vccrc two hundred, anc! nes, and with tmureli, and with cym-
all their brethren v>ere at theircomrnand- bals, and with trumpeu.
jrwr.t. 9 f\ And when thev came unto the
33 Of Zebulun, fuch as went forth to threfhing-tloor ot Chidcn, Ilzza put
battle, expert in war, with all .nltrumer-ts forth his hand to hold the ark, fo the
of war, flfry thoul'and which could keep oxen (tumbled.
rank tbey were not of double heart.
: 10 And the anger of the LORD was
34 Andof Naphtaiiathoufand captains, kindled agamic Uiza, and he (mote him,
and with them, with fhield and ipear, thir- becaule he put his hand to the ark and :

ty and feven thoul'and. there he died before God.

3? And of the Damtes, expert in war, 11 And David was dilpleafcd, becaufe
twenty and eight thoufand and fix hun- the Lord had made a breach upon Vzia i
dred. wherefore thatplaceis called Perez-uzza
*6 And of Afher, fuchaswent forth to to this day.
battle, expert inwar, forty tnoufanci. ,
12 And David was afraid of God that
yt And on the other tide of Jordan, of day, laving, How fliall I bring the ark
theReubenites, and the Gadites, and of ot God home tc me ?
the half-tribe of Manaileh, with all man- 1 So David brought not the ark bamt
ner of instruments of war lor the battle, tohimfelt to the city of David, hut car-
an hundred and twenty thcufand. ncd it atide into the houfe ot Obed-edo:n
38 All thefe men of war, tliat could theGittite.
keep rank, came with a perfect heart to 14 And the ark of God remained witri-
Hebron, to make David king over all the family of Obed-edom in his houfe
Ifrael :and all the reft alio of Ifrael, vtn tnree months. And the Lord Welled the
of one heart to make David kinr.. houfeof Obed-edom,and all that he had.
39 And there thev were with David CHAP. XIV.
three days, eating and drinking tor their
; Mr ant 1 {indneft to David, Sec
brethren had prepared for them.
4e Moreover, they that were nigh them,
NOw Hiram king of Tyre fer.t me
ier.2ers to David, and timber of
tven unto Iflachar, and Zebulun, and dare, mafonj and carpenters,
JNaphtali, brought bread on affes, and on build him an houfe.
camel.-, and on mutes, and'on oxen, and z And David i-erceiv&d that the L
meat, meal, cakesoffics, and bunches of had confirmed hiro king over Ifrael,
raifins, and wine, andoyl, andoien, and his kingdom was lift up on high, bee
¥teep abundantly, for there was joy in ot his people lfra:l.
frael. 1 1] An.t David took more wives ar
CHAP. X1I1. Jerufaleni ; and David begat more fbn*
VtVrd fetcbitb tb- *t$, &C. and daughters.
ANd David conlulted with the captain: 4 Nowi.'icfe are the rairrsof Hi chil-
of thoufands, and hundreds, and with dren which he had in Jerafalem •, Shaia-
every leader. mua, andShobab, Nathan, and Salomon*
j. And David faid unto a! 1 the congrega- <; And Ibhar, an-! tlifhua, and ElpaflJ
tion of Ifrael, lfitfeem ?oud unto you, zr.d 6 And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Ja~
tbatit be of the Lor o our God, let us fend phia,
abroad unto our brethren every where, rid Elifhama, and Beeliada, and E-
it it are left in all the land ot Ifrael, and liphalet.
with them alfo to the priefts and Levites 8 « t \nA when the Philiftines he
tvbitb are in their cities tni fuburas, that •hat David was anointed king over
they may gather themfelves unto us. Uracil all the PhilifUnes went up tcf<
3 And let 11s bring again the ark cf our David: and David heard of it, ;^nd
God to us: for we enquired not at it in out asainit them.
the days cf Saul. 9 Anii the Philifunes came and fpr
4 And all the conyrrsmtion faid, thf.t themie'ives in the valley of Repaint.
they would do fo for the thing was right
: \c And David enquired of God, &yirj
in the eyes ot" all the people. Shall I go up againftthe Philiitines ? a
* So David gathered all I ra«J together, wilt thr.u deliver them into mine hand
from Sihor of Eevpt, even unto theen- /tad the Lcrd iitd unto him, Goup,

tring of Hemath"," to bring the ark of 1 will deliver them into thine hand.
God from Kinath-jeanm. n So they came up to Baal-perazi
f- And David went up, aod all Ifrael to and David imote them there. Then Da
Baalah f*^/{,toKirjath-jearim,which^- faid, God hath broken in upon mine ei
lor.7.a to ludah, to bringur thence the ark mies bv mine hand, like the break
of God the Loni), thatdwelieth htxreer. forth of waters: therefore they .call
the cherubims, whofe name is called cnit. the name of that place, BaaT-penzim.
7 And they cairie.1 the ark ot God in n And'when they had left their coj
a new cart, cut of the houfe ot Ao there, Davi<' gave a commandment* an
sndUzza and Ahiodravc the cart. they were burnt with fire.
& And David and all Kitel playnl be- u And the Phil ifHnes yet
fore God with alt tkeir mii'ht, and v.-un t'.evaliev.
frnging, ar.dwitJ:h3rps, andwrthfgMtc- t4 Thercfewt- David enquired afaint
; ;

. Xv, xvi. The art; removed.

Levites, to appoint their brethren to be
the fingers with inftruments ofmufick,
pfalteries, and harps, and cymbals, found-
ing, by litting up the voice with joy.
17 So the Levites appointed Hemanthe
fon of Joel :and of his brethren, Afaph
'cy-trees, «A.»r then thou fhalt go cut to the fenof Berechiah : and of the fons of
:tk tor God is gone forth before thee,
: Merari their brethren, Ethan the fon of
mite the hod of the Philiftines. Kulhaiah.
6 David therefore clid as God com- iS And with them their brethren of the
nded him and they fmote the holt
: fecond degree, Zechanah, Ben, and Jaa-
the Phil Mines from Gibeon even to xiel, andShemiramoth, and Jehiel, and
zcr. Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and M3al'eiah,
7 And the fame of David went out and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mik-
all lands, and the Lord brought the neiah, and Obed-edom, and Jeiel, the
r of him upon all nations. porters.
C HAP. XV. 19 So the fingers, Heman, Afaoh, and
tvia prepxretb a place for the «rf, c & - Ethan, voere appointed to found with cym-
Md Davis »ude him houfes in the bals of brafs
city of David, and prepared a place 10 And Zechariah, and Aziel, and
the ark of God, and pitched tor it a Shc»iramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, and
t. Eliab, and Maafeiah, and Benaiah, witH
Then David (aid, None ought to car- pfalteries on Alamoth
the ark of God, but the Levites lor : 11 AndMattithiaJi, and Elipheleh, and
«n hath the LORD
chcl'en to carry Mikneiah, aiukObed-edom, and Jeiel,
ark of God, and to miniiterunto him and .Azaziah, with harps on the Shemi-
ever. nith to excel.
And David gathered Ifrael toge-all u AndChenaniah chief of the Levites
r to Jerufalcm, to bring up the ark of was for fong: he initrucled about the fong,
Lord unto his place, which he had becaufe he was skilful.
spared for it. 13 And Berechiah, and Elkanah vert
And David afTembledthe children of door-keepers for the ark.
ron, and the Levites. 14 And Shebaniah, and Jehofhaphat,
Of the fons of Kohath
Uriel the chief,
: and Nethaneel, and Amalai, and Ze-
I his brethren an hundred and twenty. chariah, and Benaiah, and Eiiezer the
Of the fons of Merari : Afaiah the priefts, did blow with the trumpets
ef, and his brethren two hundred and before the ark of God: and Obed-edSnu
?nty. and Jebjah w*re door-keepers for the
Of the fons of Gerlhom : Jse! «he srk.
ef, and his bjethren an hundred and "i? * boDavid and the elders of Ifrael,
rty. and tie captainsover thoufands, went t«
Of thefonsof Elizaphan: Shemaiah bring up the ark of the covenant of the.
chief, anri his brethren two hundred. Lord, out of the houfe of Obsd-edom
Of the fons of Hebron: Eliel the with joy.
ef, and his brethren fourfcore. i* And it came to pafs when God
Of the fons of Uzziel : Amminadab helped the Levites that bare the ark of
chief, and his brethren an hundred the covenant of the LoR»,that they of-
1 tweive. fered feven bullocks, and feven rams.
And David called forZadokanrt A- 17 And David veas clothed with a rob*
thar the priefts, ana for the Levites, ef fine linen, and all the Levites tiat
Uriel, Afaiah, and Joel, Shemaiah, bare the ark, and the fingers, andChena-
i Lliel, and Amminadab, niah the mailer of the fong T with the
Acdfaid unto them, Ye are the chief fingers David alio bad upon him an e- :

the fathers ol the Levites fanSlifie phod of linen.


ir felves, botb ye and your brethren, 18 Thus all Ifrael brought tip the ark
;t you may bring up the ark of the of the covenant of theLoRB with (rout-
RD Godot Ifrael, unto the place that I ing, and with found of the cornet, and
re prepared for it. with trumpets, and with cymbals, mak-
Forbecaufeye did it not at thefirft, ing a noi^c with pfalteries and harps.
Lord our God made a breach upon 19 1! And it came to pafs <u the ark or
for that we fou?ht him not after the the covenant of the Lord came to the
order. city of David, that Michal the daughter
4- So thepriefts and the Levites fanc- of Saul looking out at a window, faw
ed themlelves to bring up the ark ef king David dancing and playing*, and
Lord God of Ifrael. (he defpifed him in her heart.
-And the children of the Levites bare
ark of God upon their ffioulders, with
Davids feftival Sacrifice, ScC
ftaves thereon, as Mofes commanded, they brought the ark of God, and
rbrding to the word of the Lord. SO
fet it in the niidfl of the- tent that Da-
tS And David fpake to the chief of the vid haa pitched for it and they ottered

Vtvidi pAlm I. Chronicles
bumt-ftcrificcs, and peace-offerings be
fore 'jod. ftrer
i And when David had made an end
ot offering the burnt-offerings, and the of the people, give unto the Lord el
peace-offerings, he bleflcd the people in and ftrtjngth.
the name of the Lord. 19 Give unto the Lord the glorv a
3 And he dealt to everyone of I frael, unto hi< .r.sme bring an offering a

both man and woman, to every one a come betorc him, worfhip the LuuD
loaf of bread, and a good piece of flefh, the beauty of holineis.
and a flagon of -nine. 3c Fear before him, all the earth- t
4 fl And he appointed ctrttin of the world alfo mall be ftable,that it be n
Levitesto minifter before the ark of the moved
Lori>, and to record, and to thank and ?r Let the heavens be glad, and let «
praife the Lord God of Il'iacl earth rejoyce and let men fay a ..ongi

? Afaphthe_chiei, and next tohimZe- nations, The Lord rcier.etb.

rhariah, Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and ?i Let the fea rore, and the fuln<
JehieJ, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and thereof: let the fialds ie oycc, add :

Benauh, and Obed-edom and Jeiel with

: that i% therein.
pj'alteries, and with harps but Alaph
: 33 Then ilull the trees of the woi
made a found with cymbals. hngoutatthe prefence ot the Lord, b
6 Benaiah alfo and Jahaziel the priefts caufe he cometh to judge the earth.
with trumpets continually before the ark ?4 Ogive thanks to the Lord, fori*
ot the covenant of God. good for his mercy tniuretb for ever

7 V Then on that day, David delivered 3? And fay ye, Save us, God of o O
firft tkii fUlm to thank the Lord, into falvation. and gather us together, ai
the hand of Afaph and his brethren. deliver us from the heathen, that \
8 Give thanks unto the Lord, call may give thanks to thy holy name, 4
pon his name, make known his deeds glory in thy praife.
among the people. 36 Bleffed bt the Lord God of I ft*
9 Sing unto him, ting pfalms unto him, for ever and ever: and all the peop
-talk you of all his wondrous work*. faid, Amen, and praifed the Lord.
to Glory ye in his holy name, let the 37 ^ So he left there before the ark
heart of them rejoyce that feek the Lord. the covenant of the Lord, Afaph aifJ
u Seek the LORD
and his ltrciigth, his brethren, to minifter before the a
feek his face continually. continually, as every days work requ
n Remember his marvellous works red:
thf.r he hath done, his wonders, and the 38 And Obed-edom, with their bt
judgments of his mouth. thren, threei'core and eight: Obed-edo
i? O ye feed of lirael his fervaat, ye alfo the fun of jeduthun, and Hofah
Children of Jacob his chofen ones. bt porters
i4 He if the Loao our God, his judg- 39 And Zadok the pricft and his bt
ments «r» in all the earth. thren the priefts, before ?he tabernac
t? Be ye mindful always of his cove- of the Lord, in the high place thatw
nant :the word vebicb he commanded to at Gibecn,
a thoufand generations j 40 To offer burnt-offerings unto
16 Even of tie covenant which he made Lord, wpon the altar of the bur ;

with Abraham, and of his oath unto lfaac : fering continually morning and ev ,

»7 And hath confirmed the fame to and fodo-according to all that ii wri
Jacob for a law, *n& to lfr ael tor an cver- in the law ot the Lurd, which he col
I ailing covenant, mandei Ifrael
18 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land 4t And with them Heman and Jed
Of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance. thun, and the reft tkst were chofen, wl
to, When ye were but few, even a few, were expreffed by name, to give than
and ftrangers in it to the Lord, becaufe his mercy enitm
to And xvbtn they went from nation to for ever
nation, andfromewe kingdom to-another 4i And with them Heman and J Jedj
people: thun, with trumpets and cymbals.J
it He flattered no man to do them wrone:
" thofe that fhould m
uke a four.-.'., 1
yea. he reproved kings for their fakes, with mutTcaf inlhuments
ents ot God ai :

n Stying, Touch not mine anointed, the Tons ot Jeduthun vttrt porters.
and do my prophets no harm. 4.1 Ar.d all the people departed ewa
t? Sing unto the Lord all the earth : man to his houfe ana David return!

ftew rorth from day to day his falvation. to blefs his houfe.
14 Declare his glory amung the heathen: CHAP. XVII.
his marvellous works r.mong all nations. Kttbtni mtfft&t to Vtvii, Sec.
if Forgrearn the LORD, and creatly
to be praifed he alfoi* to be feared a-
NOw it cameto pal's, as David fit
his houfe, that David faid to N;
bove all j'eds. than the prophet, Lo, I dwell inanhot
16 For all the gods of th» people art ot cedars, but the ark of the covenanii
idols; but the LORD
wade ihe heavens. the LoRU rtmriott* andex oirtains.J
a Thi
jio.ini rmjjt^e ro ujvia. ttnap. u. VAvrds tiahvgtving.
Then Nathan faid unto David, Do all t done all ttiisgreatnel's, in making known
it in thine heart, tor God is with thee. all Ibtft great things.
H And it came to pafs the fame 10 O Lord, tbtrt is none like thee t .

it, that the word of God came to neither it there any God befides thee, ac-
ban, faying, cording to at| that we have K.card witfj

Go and tcllDavrdmy fervant, Thus our ears.

k'the Lord. Thoufhalt not build mc it And what one nation in the earth xi
Koufe to dwell in. like thy people Ifrael, whom God went
Tor 1 have not dwelt in an houfe fince tu redeem to be his own people, to make
day that I brought up Ifrael, unto this thee a name cf
greatnefs and terriblenefs,
, but have gone from tent to tent, and by driving out nations from before thy
A one tabernacle to tnotber. people whom thou haft redeemed out of
Wherefoeverl have- walked with all Egypt? •

el, fpake I a word to any or the judg- n For thy people Ifrael didft thou
f Ifrael. (whom I commanded to teed make thme own people for ever, and
people) faying, Why
have ye not thou, Lord, beeameft their God.
,t me an houfe of cedars? tl Therefore now, Lord, let the thing
iaw therefore thus (halt thou fay unto that thou haft fpoken concerning thy.
fervant David, Thus faith the Lord fervant, and concerning his houfe, be e-
lofts, I took thee from' the jbaf-cote, ftablifhed for ever, and do as thou halt
i from following the (heep, that thou (aid. ruler over my people Ifrael ii Let it even be eftablifhed, that thy

And I have been with thee whitherfo- name may be magnified tor ever, faying,.
r thou haft walked, and have cut off The Lord of hofts is the God of Ifrael,
Ihine enemies fronv before thee, and even a God to Ifrael and let the houfe :

e made thee a name like the name of of David thy fervant be eftablifhed be-
greatfmen that are m the earth. fore thee.
Alfo 1 will ordain a. place for my ii For thou, O
my God- haft tcld thy
pie Ifrael, and will, plant them, and fervant.that thou wilt build him anhoule'i
f (hall
dwell in their place, and (hall therefore thy .fervant hath found in kit
moved no more ; neither fhall the b'.trt to pray before thee.
Idren of wickednefs walte them any 16 And now, Lord, (.thou art God*
re : ( as at the beginning, and haft promifed this goodnel's unto thy
3 Andiince the time thatT command- fervant )
judges to over my people Ifrael )
bt i7 Now therefore let it pleafe thee to
rcover, 1 will fubdue ail thine enemies, blefs the houfe of thy fervant, that it may
thcrmore, I tell thee, that the Lord be before thee forever: for thou blefTeft,
I build thee an houfe. O Lord, and it Jball bt bielled for eyer.
i fl And it (hall come to pafs, when CHAP. XVIII.
days be expired, that thou mult go to Dwid fubduetb tbt PhiliJHnes, &c.
vith thy fathers, that L will raife up
feed after thee, which (hall be of thy
NOwDavid after this it came to pafs, that
fmote the Philiitines, and
-,, and I will eftablifti his kingdom. fubdued them, and took Gath and her
, He
(hall build me an houie, and I towns out ofthehandofthel'hiliflines.
1 ltablifh his throne for ever. i And he fmote Moab j and the Moabitet
? I will be his fatter, and he (ha 11 be becameDavids fervants,^ brought gifti.
fon, and I will not take nvy mercy * U And David fmote Hadarezer king
ly from him, as I took, it from bim of ZobahuntoHamath, as he went to fta-
l was before thee. bli(h his dominion by the riverEuphrates,
4 But I will fettle him in mine houfe, 4 And David took from him a thou-
in my kingdom for ever, ana his sand chariots, and feven thoufand horfe-
.one (hall be eftablifhed for evermore. men, and twenty thoufand footmen Da- :

According to all thefe words, and vid alfo houghed all the chariot-/bor/«t,but
ording to all this viuon, fo did Na- refervedof them an hunired chariots. •

n fpeak unto David. ? And when the Syrians of Damafcm

6 n And David the king came and came to help Hadarezer king of Zobah*
before the Lord, and faid, Who am David flew of the Syrians two and twenty
p Lord God, and what is mine houfe, thoufand men.
t thou halt brought me hitherto ? 6 Then David putztrifons in Syria-da-
7 And jet this was a fmall thing in mafcus, and the byrians became David*
nc eyes, oGcd, for thou halt alfo fpo- fervants,*™/ brought gifts. Thus the LoRO
1 ot thy fervants houfe for a great prefcrved David wh'itherfoever he went.
ile to come, and haft regarded me ac- 7 And David took the fhields of gold
ding to the ettate of a man of high that were on the fervants of Hadarezer,
;ree, O Lord God. and brought them to Jerufalem.
8 What can David /pe*t more to thee 8 Likewife from Tibliath, and from
the honour ot thy fervant? for thou Chun, cities of Hadarezer, brought Da-
aweft thy fervant. vid very much brafs, wherewith Solomon
9 O Lord, lor my fervants fake, and made the brafen fea, and the pillars, and
aiding to thine own heart hait thou the veiVcU of brafs.
5 11 Now
Jtdtiant vUUtty, Chronicles. Tbt AmrmrnW CjtnvmA
9 ^ Now when T«u king of Hamath to. hire them chariots and hon'emen
heard how David had (mitten all the holt ot Melopotamia, and out of Syna-m
of Hadarezerking of Zobah :
chah, and out of Zobah.
io He fent Hadoram his Ion to king 7 «) they hired thirty andtwothcuf;
David, to enquire ot his welfare, and to chariots, and the king of Maarhaiis
congratulate him, becaufe lie had fought his people, who came and pitched \
againft Hadarezer, and fmitten him, f for tore Medeba. And the children of h
Hadarezer had warred with Tou ) and mon gathered themfelves together fr
i»itb hint all manner of veflels of gold, their cities, and came to battle.
ana iilver, and bra Is. 8 And when David heard of it, he f
n fl Themalfo king David dedicated Joab, and all the holt of the nighty m>
tmto the Lorp, with the filver and the 9 And the children of Amnion ca
gold that he brought from all theft na- out, and put the battle in aray before
tions j from Edcm, and from Moab, and gate of the city and the kings thatw.

from the children of Ammon, and from come, xttrt by themfelves in the fielc
thePJnliftines, and from Amalek. io Now when Juab faw that the bat
ii Moreover, Abifhai the fonof Zeni- was let againft him, before ar.d belli:
iah fkw of the Edomites in the valley of he chofe outof all the choice of lira
fait, eighteen thoufand. and put tbtm in aray againft the Syria:
i-t fl And he put garifons in Edom it And the reft ot the people he de
and all the Edomites became Davids fer- vered unto the hand of Abifhai h_ .
vants. Thus the Lord preferved David ther, and they let tbtmftivn in aray iray t
whitherfoever he went. gainft the children of Amnion.
14 *] So David reign«d overall Ifrael, n And he laid, It the Syrians be |P
and executed judgment and juftice a- ftrong for me, then thou ihalt hellp m k
jnong all his people. but it the children of Ammon
u And Joab the fon of Zenriah wai ftrong for thee, then I will help
ever the hoft, and Jehoihaphat the fon U Be of good courage, and let
of Ahilud, recorder. have our felves valiantly for our
\6 And Zadok the fon of Ahitub, and and lor the cities of our God an<:

Abimelcch the fon of Abiathar, vert the Lord do ibattobicbii good io h

prieits, and Shavlha ve*s fcribe. 14 So Joab and the people that that fv. !_
17 And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada with him, drew nigh before theSy
W4x over the Cherethites, and the Pele- unto the battle and they fled before
•, foreHj]
thites: and the fons of David vctre chief K And when the children of Ac
about the king. faw that the Syrians were fled, they'.ev'iik
CHAP. XIX. wife fled before Abifhai hi; brothermer, a V
Jlsnuns villanj to Davidi mejfcngtri, &c entred^ into the city, Then Joabjcsnse
Ci r,
"Ow itcsme that ./ciuialem.
itCSHle to pafs after this, tha
IN Nahafh the king of the children ofof 16 fl And when the Syrians faw tfi P
7\mrr.on died, and his fon reigned in his they were put totheworfe before re 1Ifra Y'
ftead. they fent meflengers, and drew forth t
l And David faid I will fltewkindnefs Syrians that xvtrt beyond the river ai

unto Hanun the Ion of Nahafli, becaufe Shophach the captain of the hoft ofifi
his father (hewed kindnefs to me. And darezer, wtnt before them.
David fent rr.eflTengers to comfort him 17 And it was told David, and he*
concerning his father: fo the fervantsof thered all Ifrael, andpafled overjor*
David came into the land of the children andcameupon them, andfet tbt bittll
of Ammon, to Hanun, to comfort him. aray againft them: fo when David
3 But the- princes of the children of put the battle in aray againft theSyi
Ammon laid to Hanun, Tbinkeft thou they fought with him.
that David dcth. honour thy father, that i8 But" the Sytians fled before I
he hath fent comforters unto thee ' are and David flew of the Syrians rfcveni
not his fervants come unto thee for to fand men, vebicb fougbt in chariots
fearch, and to overthrow, and to fry out forty thoufand footmen, and killed
the land? phach the captain of the hoft.
4 Wherefore Hanun took Davids fer- 19 And when the fervantsof Hadar
vants, and fhaved them, and cut offtheir faw that they were pur to theworfe be
garments in themidlt hard by their but- Ifrael, they made peace with David
tocks, and fent them away. became his fervants neither would tl

« Then there went cerUin, and told Syrians help the children of Ammoni
David how the men were fervrd ; and he more.
fent to meet them ( for the men were CHAP. XX.
greatly ashamed) and the kins; faid, -
FMjb btfitzti by -ah, &c.

Tarry at Jericho until your beards be A Nd it came to pafs, that after the yd
grown, and tb:n return.
6 11 And when the children of Ammon
faw that they had made themfelvss odi-
ous to David, Hanun and the children of
Amawnlcnt a thoufand talents of filver
. JCXi. Dtvids choice,
10 Go and t«ll David, faying, Thut
oycct it. faith the Lord, I offer thee three things,
Ind David took the crown of their choofe thee on» of them, that I may do
lrom off his head, and found it to it unto thee.
a talent of gold, anct there inert
i it So Gad came to David, and faidunto
ious itones in in, and it was fet upon him, Thus iaith the Lord, Choofe thee
ds head ; and he brought alfo ex- 11 Hither three years famine, or three
ing much fpoil out of the city. months to be deftroyed before thy foes*
ind he brought out the people that ( while that the lword of thine enemies
in it, and cut tbeni with laws, and overtaketh tbtt J or elfe three days the
harrows of iron, and with axes: e- (word of the Lord, even the peftilencc
fo dealt David with all the cities of in the land, and the angel of the Lord
rhildren of Amnion. And David and deltroying throughout all the coalts of
ije people returned to Jerufalem. Ifrael: now therefore advife thy felf,
H Anditcan.eto pal's after this, that what word I fhall bring again to him that
aroiewar at Gezer with the Phili- fent me.
s,at which time Sibbechai the Huftia- n And David faid unto Gad, I am in a
, tlew Sippai that Tx>ai of the children great ftrait : let me fall now into the hand;
le giant, and they were fubdued. ot the Lord, ( for very great Art his mer-
lnd there was war again with the Phi- cies ) but let me not fall into the hand
ies,and Elhanan the Ion of J air, Hew of man.
|i the brother of Goliath the Gittite, «4 ^ So the Lord fent peftilence upon
ie lpears-ffaff vqai like a weavers Ifrael and there fell of Ifrael ieventy

n. thou land men.

And was war atGath,
yet again there h And God fent an angel unto Jerufa-
:e was a mar, of great lt2tarc, whofe lem to deltroy it and as he was deltroy- :

ers and tees were four and twenty, fix ing, the Lord beheld, and he repented
icb band, and fix on each foot and he him ofthe evil, and laid to the angel that

was the fon of the giant. deltroyed, It is encugh, ftay now thine
u.t when he defied Ifrael, Jonathan the hand. And the angel of the Lord ftood
ptSh-imea, David? brother, flew him. 'by the threfhing-fioor of Oman the Je-
Thefe were born unto the giant in bufite.
1 i and they fell by the hand of Da- 16 And David lift up his eyes, and faw
and by the hand of his fervants. the angel of the Lord ftand between the
C H A P. XXI. earth and the heaven, having a drawn
•a tempted to number the people, &c. lword in his hand ftretched out over Je-
Nd Satan flood up againlt Ifrael, and rufalem: then David and the elders of U~
provoked David to number Ifrael. rtel, who were clothed in fackcloth, fell
And. David raid to )oab, and to the upon their races.
s of the people, Go, number Ifrael t7 And David faidunto God, Is it not X
iBeer-fheba even toDan^and bring the that commanded the people to be num-
berofthemtome.thatl may know it. bred? even I it is that have finned and
And Joab anfwered, The Lord make done evil indeed ; but Aifor thefe fheep,
•eople an hundred times lb many more what have they done? let thine hand, I
.ey be but my lord the king, *re they
: pray thee, O LORD my God, be on me,
all my lords fervants? why then doth and on my fathers houfe, but not on thy
ord require this thing? why will he people, that they fhould be plagued.
I caufe of trel'pafs to Ifrael ? 18 n Then the angel of the Lord com-
.Neverthelei's, the kings word pre- manded Gad to fay to David, that Da-
ed againft Joab wherefore Joab de- vid fhould go up and fet up an altar unto

ed, and went throughout all Ifrael, the Lord,' in the threfhing-floor of Or-
came to Jerufalem. nan the Jebufite.
11. And Joab pave the fum of the num- 19 And David wentupatthe fayingof
afthe peopleunto David. And all they Gad, which he fpake in the name ofthe
fraelwere a thou fan d thoufaftd and an LOUD.
firedtnoufand men that drew fword i
io And Oman turned back, and faw-
Judah xo<u lonr hundred threekore the angel ; and his tour fons with him
,ten thoufand men that drew fword. hid themfelves. Now Oman was threih-
But Levi and Benjamin counted he ing wheat. ,

among them for the kings word was

: li And as David came to Oman, Or-
ninable to Joab. nan looked and faw David, and went
And God was difpleafed with this out of the threfhing-floor, and bowed
g» therefore he fmote Ifrael. himfelfto David with bit face to the
And David laid unto God, I have fin- ground.
greatly, becaule I have done this li Then David faid to Oman, Grant
g : but now, 1 befeech thee, do away me.the place of tb'n threfhing-floor, that
iniquity of thy fervant, for I have I may build an altar therein unto the
: very fo*lilhly. LORD thou fhalt grant it me for the

\ And the LORT)

leer, faying*
fpake unto Cad, full price, that the plague may be ftaye>t
f*9JH the people.
*3 And
PstpATAtjons for the ttmplt. X. Chronicles, Sdiotnon injlrul
H And Oman laid unto David, Take it him from all his enemies round
tofhee, and let my
lord trie king do that bout ;tor Jus name fhall be Soloino
Wtsicb it good in his eyes lo, I give thee
: and I will give peace andquietnefs un
the oxen tlfo tor bttrnt-ofTerings, and the Ifrael in his days.
threllung-inftrumcnts tor wood, and the 10 He fhall build an houfe for mv ram
wheat for the meat-offering, 1 give it all. and r.elha',1 be my fon, and I wilt be \
xi, And king David faid to Oman, lather, and I will eftablifh the -throne 1

Nay, but I will vertly buy it for the full his kingdom over lfrsel for ever.
price for I will not take tbtt which is
: 11 Now my. ion, the LORD
be wi
thine tor the LORD,
nor offer burrt- thee, and prof per thou, and builljfl
Oiferings without colt. houfe ot the LORD
thy God, as he hai
i? -So David cave to for the Oman (aid ot thee.
place, fix hundred flickcij of gold by n Only the LORD
give th*e wifdo:
weight. and underftanding, and give thee char{
a/f And David built there an altar unto concerning Ifrael, that thou mayft kefl
the LOUD, and offered bumt-cifenngs the law of the LORD thy God.
and peace-oiierings, and called upon the M Thenftialt thou proiper, if then t;
Lord, ana he anfwered him from heaven keft heed to tulfilthe itatutes and jutfi
by fire upon the altar ot burnt-offering. menrs which the LORD
charged M
17 And the LORD commanded the with, rencerning Ifrael be ftrong, an

angel, and he put up his ("word again in- good courage, dread not, norbedifm
to the iheath thereof. ed.
iS 11 At that time, when David faw 14 Now behold, in my trouble I h
that the Lord had anfwered him in the prepared for the houfe of the LORD
threlhing-rloor of Oman the Jebuftte, hundred thouland talents of gold, an ll
then he facrificed there. thoufand thou (and talents of filver }

19 ( For the tabernacle of the ot brafs, and iron, without weight (

which Mofes made in the wildernefs, and it is in abundance 1 timber alfo

the altar of the burnt-offering were at that ftone have I prepared, and then mi
iiifon in the high place at Gibeon. atfd thereto.
;o But David could not go before it to t? Moreover, there tre workmen wi
enquire ot God ; forhewas£fraid,bec3ufe thee in abundance, hewers, ana wonjfl
01 the word ot the ^ngel of the
J LORD of ftone and timber, and all manner .r i

CHAP. XXII. cunning men for every manner ot w

V*vid prepirttbfor building the temple, &c. 16 Of the gold, the filver, and the b
David faid, This is the houfe of
the t»od, and this it the altar
and the iron, there is no number. Ai
therefore, and be doing, and the LOR
et the burnt-effering for Ifrael. be with thee.
z And David commanded to gather toge- 17 David alfo commanded al
ther the ftrangerc that arte* in the land of princes of Ifrael to help Solomcn fa
Ifrael, and he Let maions to hew wrought f*yi"$,
ltones to build the houfe of God. 18 Is not the LORD your God
3 And David prepared iron in abun- you ? and hath he net given you tt
dance lor the nails for the doors of the every lide? for he hath given the inhi
gates and tor the joynings ; and brafs. in tarns of the land into mine hand,
abundance without weight j the land is fubdued before the LO
4 Alio cedar-trees in abundance tor : and before his people.
the Zidottians, and they of Tyre, brought 19 Now let your heart and vour foi
fliuchcedar-wood to David. feek the LORD your God ; arile th
? And David faid, Solomon my fon is fore, and build ye the lanchiary
young and tender, and the is to Lord God, to bringtheark ot the
toebuilded for the Lord mujl be exceed- nant of the LORD, and the hotj
ing magniheal, of tame and of glory of -God, into the houfe that is to' be
throughout all countries 1 will therefore to the name of the LORD.
now make preparation far it. So David

prepared abundantly before his death. Solomon m*de {jni, &c.
6 n Then he called for Solomon his when David w?s oh*
fon, and charged him to build an houfe SO days, he made Solomon his (bnk)
for the LORD God of Ifrael. over Ifrael.
7 AndDi*':d laid to Solomon, My fon, i 11 And he cohered together all
as forme, it was imiy mind to build an princes of Ifrael, with the pi
hereunto the name of the Lop d my God: Levites. •
8 But the word of the Lo«'-> came to ; Now thcLevites were numbred
me, faying, Thou hail lhed blood abun- the age of thir'y years and upward :

dantly, and halt made great wars: thou their number by their poll?, man by
Ilialt not build an houfe unto my name, was thirty and ci^ht thoufand.
became ihou haft filed much blood upon 4 Of which, twenty and four thou
the earth in my fight. vert to fet forward the work ot theh
9 Behold, a fon fhall be born to thee of the LORD
and US thoufand were

who fhall be a man of reft, and 1 will giv ftcers and judges.
f Mor
. :

Levittt ftmiliii Chap, txiv. *nd officn.

Moreover, four thouland van por- Levites were numbred from twenty years
and four thouland praifed the Lord old and above :

the inftruments which I made (/*/<< 18 Becaufe their office wai to wait on
id) to praile therewith. the fonsof Aaron, for the fervice of the
And David divided them into our- houfe of tha LORD, in the courts, and in
imong the fons ot Levi, namely, Get- the chambers, ana in the purityingof all
• Kohatfi, and Merari. holy things, and the work of thelervice
11 Of the Gcrfhonites were Laadan of the houfe of God;
Shimei. -19 Both for the lhew-bread, and for the
The Tons of Laadan, the chief was fine flour for meat-ottering, and for the
el, and Zetham, and Joe), three. unleavened cakes, and tor that which it b*-
Thelbnsof S.iimei ; Shclomith, and *«d in the pan, and for that which is fried,
iel, and Haran, three. Thele were the and for all manner of meafure and fize :
f of the fathers or Laadan. ;o And to ftand every morning to thank
And the fons ot Shimei were, Jahath, and praife theLoRU»and likewife at even:
i, sndjenfh, andBeriah. Thele four qi And to offer all burnt-facrifices unto
the foas of Shimei. the LORD in the fabbaths, in the new-
And Jahath. was the chief, and Zi- moons, and on the fet fcalts, <by number j
the fecond but Jeuiii and Beriah according to the order commanded unto

not many fons: therefore tney were them continually before the LORD
ie reckoning, according to their fa- Jk And that they fhculd keep the charge
houl'e. ofthe tabernacle of the congregation, and
!j The Tons of Kohath ; Amram, the charge ofthe hoIyp/*«, and the charge
•, Hebron, and Uzziel, four. ofthe fons of Aaron their brethren, m
The fons of Amram ; Aaron and Mo- the fervice of the houfe ofthe LORD;
and Aaron was feparated, that he
d fanclihe the moft Jioly things, he
The dtvt/ion of the fom of Atron, 8cc.
us fons for ever, to burn incenfe be-
the LORD, to minilter unto him,
thefe*r« the divifions ofthe fons
of Aaron: The fonsofAaron; Na-
to blefs in his name for ever. dab and Abihu, tleazar and Ithamar.
Now concerning Mofes the man of 2. But Nadab and Abihu died before
his Cons were named of the tribe their father, and had no children there- :

evi. tor Elcazar and Ithamar executed the

The fons of Mofes were Gerlhom prielts office.
Ehezer. * And David diftributed them,- both
Of the fons of Gerfhom, Shebuel Zadok of the fons of Eleazar, and Ahi- '

the chief. melech of the fons of Ithamar, according

And the fons of Eliezer were Reha- to thetr offices in their fervice.
the chief. And Eliezer had none 4 And there were more chief men found
fons; but the fons ot Rehabiah ofthe fons of Eleazar, than ofthe fons of
very manv. Ithamar; zndtbui were they divided: A-
Of thelbnsof Izhar j Shelomiththe meng the fons of Eleazar there were fixteen
chief men of the houfe of their fathers,
Of the fons of Hebron ; Jeriah the ard eight among the fons of Ithamar,
Amariah the fecond, Jahaziel the according to the houfe of their fathers.
nd Jekameam the fourth. * Thus were they divided by lot, one
Oi the (bns of Uzziel; Micah the fort with another; for the governors of
,an<l lefiah the fecond. the (angary, and governors eftbtbouft
mV\ The Ton i of Merari } Mahli, and of God, were of the fons of Eleazar, and
\ the fons of Mahli ; Eleazar, and ot the fons of Ithamar.

6 And Shemaiah the fon of Nethaneel

And Eleazar died, and had no fons, the, fcribe, one of the Levites, wrote them
aught ers and their brethren thefons before the king and the princes, and Za-

In took them. dok thepriett, and Ahimelechthe fon of

The fons of Mulii ; Mahli, and E - Abiathar, and before the chief of the fa-
land Jeremoth, three. thers of the prielts ?nd Levites : one prin^
»1 Thef'eufjce the fons of Levi after cipal houfhold being taken fox Eleazar,
>ufc of their lathers; even the chief and one taken forlthamar.
t fathers, as they were counted by 7 Now the firfl: lot came forth t» Je-
er of names bv their polls, that did hoiarib, the fecond to Jeaaiah,
brk for the fervice of the houfe of 8 The third to Harim, the fourth to
JRD, from the Jfge of twenty years Seorim,
pward The fifth to Malchijah, the jlxth to
?orDaviHfai»',T£e LORD God of Mi jam in,
hath given reit unto his people, that 10 The ftventh to Hakkoz, the eightfi
snay dwell injerufalem fcj ever; to Abijah,
,\nd alfo unto the Levites.? they ft The ninth to Jefhuah, the tenth to
no more carry the tabernacle, nor Shecaniah,
'.eflels ot it for the fervice thereof. 1 The eleventh te EUafllib, the twelfth
•"or by the iaft wordaef David, the . lo Jakiflb
« The
i; The thirteenth to HuPpah, the four- 4 Of Heman the fb»s of Hema

teenth to Jelhebaab, Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebo

t-; The filteenth to Bilgah, the fifteenth and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, El
to liv.aicr, tnah, Giddalti, and Romamti-ezer, Jo
K The Seventeenth to Hezir, the cigJi- bekafh2h, Malluthij Hothir, *nd Ma. 1-

teenth to Aphfes, zioth

i5 The nineteenth to I'cthahiah, the i All thefe were the fons of Heman 1
twentieth to Jehezakel, kings leer in the words ot God, to lift
17 The one and twentieth to Jachin, the horn. And God t^ave to Hem^n foi
the two and twentieth to Gamul, teen fons and three daughters.
t8 The three and twentieth toDelaiah, 6 All thefe were under the hands
the feu r and twentieth to Maaziah. their father, for long in thehoufeof

19 Thei'ewtre thecrderings of them in with cymbals, pfaltenes a

their fervice to ccme into" the hoiife of harps, for the fervice ot the houi e ot G:
the LORDi according to their manner, according to the kings order, to Afar
under A.-.rcn their lather, ?.s the LORD Jeduthun, and Heman.
God of Ifrael had commanded him. 7 So the number them with tfscii

ac^n And the reft of the fons of Levi threnthatwero inltructed in the for
were tbtjt ot the Ibnsof Amram ; Shu-
: the LORD, even all that were cur
bacl 01 the fons of Shubael ; Jehdeiah.
: iva( two hundred foutfeore and eight. I

11 Concerning Rehabiah: of the fons 8 «1 And they eait lots, ward aga.,
Of Rchabiah, the firftwi Isfliiah. ward, as well the imall as the great, t

11 Of the Izhantes; Shelomoth : of teacher as the icholar.

the fons of Shelomoth ; Jahath. 9 Now the ftrit lot came forth for Afs|
1} Anil the fohsc£ Hebron; Jeriah tbe to Jofeph, the fecond to Gedaliah, w.
fi'Ji, Aniariah the fecond, Jahazicl the with his brethren and fons were twclv
third, Jckameam the fourth. 10 The third to Zaccur, be, his fc|
14- Of the tons of Uzziel , Michah of : and J. is brethren were twelve :

Ihe Ions of Michah ; Shamir. 11 The fourth to Izn, be, his fons ai
t« The brother of Michah -Wat Isfhiah : his brethren twelve :
of thefonsof Isihiah; Zechariah. 11 The filth to Ncthaniah, be, his fo
16 The-fonsof JMerari were, M-Ui and and his brethren were twelve .
Mufhi the ibnsof Jaaziah; Bi-no.
H Tile fixtli to Bukkiah. *;, hia fo,
Tlie Iopj of Meran by Jaaziah; and his brethren were twelve :
Be-.o, and Shoham, and Zaccur, and Ibri. 14 The feventh to Jefharelah, be, I
18 Of MahlicrtfwjEleazar, who had no fons and his brethren were twelve :
fens, u The eighth to Jeihaiah, h<, hisfo:
19 Concerning Kiln : the Ton of Kifh and his brethren were twelve:
w*f JerahmcefT 16 Thenimrffa Matt an ah, be, his fo
30 The for.salfoof Mufhi ;MahIi, and and his brethren were twelve :

Eder, and Jcrimoth. Thef'e were the Ions 17 The tenth to Shimei, be, his fo
ot the Levites.alter the houfe of their and his brethren wen twelve :

fur hers. iS The eleventh to Azareel>/>e, hisfo

,1 Thefe Kkewifc oVer againtt
caft lot? and his brethren w:re twelve:
their orethren the fons of Aaron, in the ig The twelfth to Hu'.haoiah, be, b
pretence of David the king, and Zadck fons and his brethren twelve :

and Astmelech, and the chief of the fa- ic The thirteenth to Shubtel, be, h
thers of the prielts and Levites, even the fons and his brethren um: twelve:
principal fathers over againi: their young- 11 The fourteenth to Mattithiahi *
er brethren. his fons and his brethren wtrt twelve
C HA p. XXV. n The filteenth to Jerimothi be, t
Tie number a.r.1 officet nf the finger 1, Sec. tons and his brethren rare twelve :

\ lOreover, David and the captainsof 1: The iixteenth to Hanani

i\ the hcHtfeparatedto the*fervice ot
I tons and his brethren were twelve :
the Ibnsof Al'aph, and. of Heman, andol 14 The leventcenth to Jofhbckafhalf*
k-vuthun. who mould prophefy with be, his fons and his b: welve
hurpSi with pi'altcries, and with cvm- 1,- The eighteenth to Hanafli, t:, h.
baU and the number of the workmen,
: fons and his brethren twelve
according to their fervice, was: 16 The nineteenth to Mai lot hi, be
i Of the Ions of Ai'aph ; Zaccur, and funs and his brethren Pert twelve :

Jo'e-^h, and Ncthaniah, and Al'arelah, 17 The twentieth to Elia-

the ions of Al'aph under the hand, of A- his brethren were avelve :

fapli, which prophefied according to the il! The one and twentieth to Hothi-
order of the king. his fons and his brethren were twei\
3 Of Jeduthun Hie fons of Jeduthun;
: 19 The two and twentieth to Gu
Gei-aliah, and Zen, and Jelhaiah, Halha- 11 be, Lis ions and his brethren
bi:,!i, and Martithiah, fix, under the twelve
hands of their father Jeduthun, who pro- ;o T>S three and twentieth to M
phefied with a harp, tc give thanks and zioth, be, his for.s and hisbictkren
tc praifc the Loud. twelves

) '

be g*tti aj/igntd by lot. Chap. XXVi, xxvn. Tbe treasurers for the tefftpk.
The four and twentieth to Romam fonsof theGerlhonite Laadan, chief fa-
fczer, be, his ions ana hi* brethren were thers, et^nof'Laadanthe Gerfhonitereve.
lelve. Jehieli.
• C HAP. XXVI. 11 The Cons of Jehieli; Zetham, and

Tbe divijions of porter /, &c.

tbe Joel his brother, vbicb vert over the trea-
Concerning the divisions of the por- luresof.the houl'e of the Lord.
j ters of theKorhitcs was Meihelemi-
: i? Of the Amramite*, and the Izha-
: the or Kore, of the Cons of Afaph.
1'on rites, theHebronites, an<i the Uzzielitcs:
i And
the Cons of Meflielemiah were, 14 .And Shebuel the ton of Gerfhom,
:chariah the firCt-borr, Jcdiael the fe- the (oh ot Moles, wai ruler of the trea-
nd, Zebadiah the third, Jathniel the lures. j
arch, W And his brethren by Eliezer; Reha-
J Elam
the fifth, Jehohanan the fixth, biah his fon, and Jefhaiuh his ion, and
lioenai the leventh. Joram his Ion, and Zichri his (on, and
4 Moreover, the Cons of O'ted-edom Shelomith his Ion.
re, Shemaiah the firit-bom, Jehozabad 16 Which Shelomith and his brethren,'
e (eoond, Joah the third, and Sacar the were over all the treafuresof the dedicate
urth, and Nethaneel the fifth, things, which David the king ancf the

j Ammielth: fixth, Iflacharthe feventh, chief fathers, the captains over thcml'ands
iulthai the eighth tor God blefieu him.
: and hundreds, and the captains of the holt
6 Alio unto Shemaiah his Con were Cons had dedicated.
am, that ruled throughout the houCe of i7 Outofthefpoilswon in battles, did
ieii father: for they were mighty men of they dedicate to maintain the houCe of
alour. the LORD.
7 The Cons of Shemaiah Otr<ni,and Re- •, *8 And all that Samuel the feer, and
hael, and Obed, Elzabad,whofe brethren Saul the 'on of Kifh, and Abner the Con of
re ftrongmen; Elihu and Semachiah. Ner, and Joab the Con of Zeruiah had de-
|8 All thele of the (bns of Obed-edom : dicated, and whol'oever had dedicated any
.cyard their Cons and rheir brethren, .a- thing, it wai under the hand of Shelomith,
e men for ftr^gth Cor the Cervice, were and ot his brethren.
reel'core and two ol Obed-edom. 19 tl Of the Izhari-tes, Chenaniah and
9 And Mefhelemiah had Cons and bre- his ions rert for the outward bulinefo ovee
:ren, ftrong men, eierhreen. ICrael, for officers and judge*.
io Alio Hcfah of the children of Mera- io Arid of the Hebronites, Hafhabiah
had Cons ; Simri the chief, C ioxtbougb and his brethren, men of valour, a thou-
'. was not the fi-itborn, yet his father Cand and Ceveft hundred, vere officers a-
ade him the chief mong them of ICrael on this lide Jorcan
m Hilldah the Cecond, Tebaliah the weft-ward, in all bufineisof the LORD,
Zechariah the fourth all the Cons : and in the Cervice of the king.
k*. brethren of HoCah voert thirteen. 31 Among the Hebronites was Jerijah
Among thele were the divifions of the chief, even among the Hebronites, ac-
le porters, even among the chief men, cording to the generations of his fathers.
v'nz, wards one againft another, to mi- In the Fortieth year ot the reign of David,
lter in the houfe of the LORD. they were fought for, and there were
13 51 And they ca(t lots, as well the found among them mighty men of valour,
ull as the great, according to" the houfe at JazerofGilead.
their fathers for every gate. •;i And his brethren,men of valour, were
i4 And the lot ea(t-ward fell to Shele- two thoufand and Ceven hundred chief fa-
iah jthen for Zechariah his Con ( a wife thers, whom king David made rulers over
unfeller ) they calt lots, and hislot came the Reubenites^the Gadites, and the half-
it north- ward. tribe ot Manafleh, for every matter per-
k To Obed-edom Couth-ward, and to taining to God, and affairs of "the kin?
s Cons, the home nfAfuppim. C H A P. XXVU.
To Shuppnnand HoCah, tbe lot came The captains of every ftysral month, &C,
:b weft-ward, wih the rate
;th, by the cauCey of the eoing lip, ward
Shalle- NOw
the children ot Ifrael after their
nurmier,?o wit, the chief fathers-and
ainlt ward. captams of tfcoulands and hundreds, and
i7 Eaft-ward were fix Levites, north- their officers that (erved the king in any
ard tour a c<ay, Couth-ward four a day, matter of the couri'es, which came in
d toward ACuppiui two and two. and went out month bv month, through* •

8 At Parbar welt-ward, four at the out all the months of the year, of e-
uCe>'' ."ii twoar Parbar. vefry courfe were twenty and four thou-
19 liiefe are :he divisions of the porters land.
iion? the !b:-!s ot Kore, and among the 1 Over the firft courfe for the frit
nsofMTari. month, was Jafhobea.n the fon of Zabdi-
19 And of the Leyifcs, Ahfjah was 0- el and in Ins courfe were twenty and tour

;r the trealures of tihe houfe of God, thotifand.

id over t.';e trea.mes ot the dedicate 7 Of the children of Perez, was the
in<;>. chief of all the captains of tbe holt for
xi Astoearninz the i'ouiof Laadan : the the firft month.
P 4 Ard
The twelve ctfftins. I. Chronicles. Di-JJi feviral officer

4 Arnl over the courfe r>f the fecond der : b LORD had la id, he
month, was Dodai an Aholute, and ot'his would increalc l.rael like to* the ttarsot
courier,** Mik'.oth alto the ruler in his :
the heavens.
courfe likewife were twenty ana four thou- 14 JcrSb the fon of Zeruiah began to
number, but he finiihed nor, became there
< The
third captain of the holt for the tell wrath for it againft Ifrael, neither
third month, was Benaiah the ion of Je- was the number put in the account ol the
Jioiada a chief prieft and in hit courfe : cnronicles ot king David.
rtrt twenty an J tour thoufand. xt 11 And over the kings treafures wa<
6 This is that Benaiah, who fas mighty Azmav.'thtiie lonot Ao.iel and over the

wmong the thirty, and above the thirty : ltore-houfes in the lieldi, in the cities, and t
and in Ins ''ourle was Ammizabad his Ion. in the villaces, and in the caftles, *«> )c- -

7 The tourth etftmin for the tounh honathan the ton .-; Uzz ah.
month, 9*1 Afahel the brother of Joab, i/i And over them that did the work ot
andZebadiah his fon alter him: and in the field tor tillage of the ground "
hfs courfe 'ere twenty and four thoufand. Ezri the Ion ot Chelub.
g Theritth captain ter the fifth month, 17 And ove"r the vineyards was Shiiwei
was flhamhuth the Izrahite and in his :
the Uamathite over the increafe of tr.e

•courfe *>ee twenty and four thoufand. vineyards ter the wine-cellars, wa>
9 Thciixth capiat, tor the fixth month, i the Shiphmite.
was Ira the Ion of lkkefti the Tekoite : _ i8 And over the olive-trees and the
and in his cour'.e were twenty and four lycomore-trees that were m
the low
thoufand. wa< Baal-hanan the Gederite and over

to Tee feventh taptain for the feventh thecellarsotoylrjj Joalh.

rcpth, was Helezthe Pe'.onite, of the 19 And over the herds fed in Sha-
children of Ephraim and in his courfe : ron, was bhitrai the Sharonue and over :

were twenty and foui thoufand. the herds that were in the vatlies, was
i The eighth captain
: for the eighth Shaphat the fon cf Adlai.
Month was Sibbccai the
t Hnfhathit-c, of -c Over the camels alio, was Obi! the
the Zarhites and •.
in his courfe were twen- Ifhmaclite :and over the™fles, was Jeh-
lj and tc-ur thoufand. deiah tha Meroiiotnite.
n The ninth upuin for the ninth ?i Arc; over the flocks, was Jaziz the
.•month, ras Abiezer the Anetothite, of Hagerite. All thefe were the rulers of
the Benjamites and in his courfe were
: the iubitance w!iich»dt king Davids.
twenty and four thoufand. 31 Alto Jonathan Davids uncle was a
rVVTfce tet :h captain for the tenth counfeller, a wife nun, and a ferine: arul
»©nth, w; Maharai the Netophathite, Jehiet the fon of Hachmoni was with the
©f the Zarhitr « and in his courie veere
: kinzs fens.
swenty and four thoufand. ;f And Ahithophel was the kings coun-
i«v The eleventh captain for the eleventh feller, and Huihai the Arctite was the
snnntli, was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of kines companion.
ehe«hildrenol Ephraim: and in his courfe S4 And atter Ahithophel, »<t}Jehoiad9
were twenty and four tboufand. the fon of Benaiah, and Abiathar: and
ii Tac- twelfth captain lor the twelfth the general of the kings army was Joab.
month, pas Heldai the Netophathite, of CHAP. XXV11I.
Othniel: an J in his courfe were twenty Vavid extorien
L/avi^ txhortetb to fear God, &c.
and four t'uo.aand. A Nd David aUen
ariembled all the princes oi

16 Ti Furthermore, oveT the tribes of r\ Ifrael, the pri

nnces of tlie tribes, and
Ifrael the ruler of the Reubenites was
: tliecaptains of the companies that mini-
Eiiezer the fon of Zichri : of the S>ime- llred to the king by courfe, and the cap,
onites, Shephatiah the fen of Maachah :
tains over the thou :'nds, and eapt^ins o-
i- Of the levites, Hafhabiah the fon ver the hundreds, and' the ftewards ovei
©f Kemuel of the Aaronites, Zadok
: : all the f ubit ance and polfeflian of the
r8 Qfjaelah, ElihiiwK of the brethren king, and ct his i'ons, with the t

of David of lifachar, Omri the fon of

and with tue mighty men, and with i\i
Michael . the valiant men unto Jerufalem.
t<; Of-Zebtilun, Ilfimaiah the fon of O- x Tlicn David the king ftood upunon
of Naphtali, jerimoth the ion his feet, and laid, Hear me, my '-rethrew,
of Azriel : and my people, As for me, I had in mint
xc Ot the children ot Ephraim, Hofhea heart 10 build an l-.oufc.of reft for the ark
the Ion of Azaziah: of the Half-tribe of qt the covenant of the LoRU, and for thi
TSlanali>h, J .>:'. the fon or Pe tootitoolof our God, and had mide r«l
it Ot the hatf-fWAe el Manafleh in Cii- dy for the building :

lead, Iildothilei ot Zachanah ofBen- 2 But God fai J unto me, Thou (halt n(

'iamin, ]\ ziel the inn of Abner build an houfe for my name, becaufe tn
xx. Of Dan, Azareelthe ion of Je.o baft been a man of war, and (h
ham. Thsfertre the nnces ot the tubes bieod.
of Utael.

.'«''•. 4'e Loud God of Ifrael c

me before :,ll t':* houfe ot mv tatter
a.; But David too i not the n mber

c£ tlie» trom twenty years old an J *n- be king ovoi llcaeitoi ever : i'ot he

The pattern ofthe temple. Chap, xxix. 9tvidi example follomei.

chofen Judahro be the ruler and of the -, every bafon ; and likewiftfilver by weight
houfe ofjudah the home of mv father; tor every bafon of (ilver .

and among the Tons of my father, he liked rS And tor the altar of incenfe, refined
fceto make me Icing over all Il'rael gold by weight, and gold for the pattern
1 And of all my ions f for the LORD ot the chariot ot the cherubim.?, that
hath given me many Ions ) lie hath cho- Ipread out their wingt, and covered the
fen Solomon my ("on, to fit upon the ark or th? covenant ofthe LORD.
Ifcrone of the kingdom of the LORD iq All tbit.fzid David, the Lott'lJ
Orer Ifrael. me underitand in writing by bit hand up-
6 And unto me. Solomon thy
lie laid on ine, even all the works o!" this pattern.
fan, he lhall build my hOufe and my io And David faid to Solomon his fon,
ourts for have chofen him to be my
: 1
Be ftrong and ot good courage, and do it -•

OB, and I will be his- rather. tear not, nor be difmayed, lor the
God, even my God, will be with thee, he
7 Moreover, I will eltabJifh his king-
dom tor ever, if he be conftont to do my will not tail thee, nor forfake thee,
rommandments, and my judgments, as at thou haft finiihed all the work for
.his day. lervice ol th; houfe ofthe LORD.
8 Now therefore in the fight of all If- it And beholct, the courfes ofthe
rael t+ie congrceation of the Lord, and and the Levitcs, even tbejjbatl be vritb t-bet
mthe avdicnceof our God, keep and leek l lh
L ? l? ,
r vice of the houfe of
for all the commandments of the LORD and jl.itl be with thee for all
'Our God that ye may polTefs this good
ot workmanfhip, every willing skilful
and, ana leave it lor an inheritance tor man, tor any manner of fervice alfo th»

»our children after you for ever. princes and all the people will be
9 *i And thou, Solomon my fon, know at thy commandment.
hou the God of thy father, and ferve him CHAP. XXIX.
tfith a perfect iwrt, and with a willing Davids example in offering, Sec
Urthemore, David
mind for the I c^r learcheth all hearts,

jnd underitandet.i all ihe imaginations of

tlje thoughts: if thou feck him, he will
the kingfaidWa
congregation, Solomon my
alone God hath chofen, it yet
be found of thee but if thou forfake him,;
young and tender, and the work it ."reat»
ip wiil calt thee ofTfor ever. P e ' ; notforman but
!'io Takeheed now, for the Lord hath LORr) GQd ' &« thi
"holen thee to build an houfe tor the fan- i Nowhave prepared witn all m»
ituarv be (Irony; and do it.
might torthehouleof my God, the »olel
u 11 Then David gave to Solomon his tor things to be w-trfe of gold, and
"on the pattern of the porch, and of the ver tor things ot lilver, and the brafs.
iouf;s thereof, and of the treafuries there - rt/n^iotbrais, the iron 'or things of iron,
ot, and of the upper chambers thereof, and wood i'or tbtngs of wood. ; onyx-ftone*
kind of the inner parlours thereof, and oi indflones to he let, glittering ftortes,
be place of the mercy-feat, ot divers colours, and all manner of pre-
And the pattern of all that he had by
ir cious (bones, and marble-itones in
(thefpirit, ofthe cturts of the houfe of dance.
the Lord, and of all the chambers round 3 Moreover, becsufe I have fet my
about, of the treafuries of the houfe of amntothe houfe of my God, I have of
God, and ofthe treafuries.ofthe dedicate minfi(own proper gootL cfgold and
thing*. which 1 have given to the houfe
of mv
Alfo for the courfes of the priefts God, over and above all that 1 have
r pre-
and the Levires, and for all the work of pared tcr the holy houle,
the fervice of the houfe ofthe Lord, and 4 Even three thoufand talents of e-ofc?.
for nl! the vetfels. ot fervice in the Louie ot the gold tt Ophir, and feven
IF the LOrd. talents ot refined hlver, to overlay thZ
14 Heg.ive of gold by weight, for things walls of the houfesw/7/u/: Y e
of gold, for all inftruments of all manner "3 The gold for tbingtof cold,
and tie
of fervjee, (ilver alfo for all imtruments of hlver tor thing, of iilver, 2nd for all mo*-
Hlver, by weight, for all inltfumentsof ner ol work to be bv the hands
of ar
'even ki; id of fervice : titicers. And who then is willing
tc con!
t<r "Even the weight for the candlefticks e th ' S d3y " nt
*3fgold, and for their lamps of gold, by foRD? ° tirc
height for every candleltick, and for the r. 11 Then >!,e rhiefof the fathers
2nd the pnnces and
lamps thereof: tor candlefticks ol the tribes ot Ifrael, and
t ha
l-lv-cr by weiPht, both for the candle-
t cawrarm of thouianjs, and of hundreds,
stick, and alfo for the lam \>$ thereof, a<*- with the ruler; over the kioes work,
every - of-
coraing to the xife o> caodlelWk. iered willingly, '

id by weight be g*vt gold for t';e

I i And gave for the fervice of fhe houfe
fltew-bread, lor every table, and ot Cod, ot gold, Iwe thou.snd talents!

ilver lor the tablesoi tilver ; and ten thoui.-.i.d drams and of (ilver :

lib pure gold for the fkfh-hooks, ten thOinand talents ; and oibrafv -jo-h-
sr.d the bowls and the cirps and for the teen thoufand talerii.-; crjU one hurdred

jafocs be give gold by weight for thoulant. talents of iron.


P * 8 Ai?.d
V.wids than ^giving. II. Chronicles. Wi dettb.
8 And they with whom f redout itones thy teftimonies and thy ftaiures, and to
were tour.d, gave teem 10 the treafure ot do all tbefe things, and to juild the palace
the houfe ol the Lord, by the hand of for the which 1 have made provuion.
Jehiel the Gerfhonite. xo 11 And David laid to all the congre-
9 Then the people rejoyred, for that gation, "Now b'.efs the Lord your God.
they otTcred willingly, became with per- And all t.e congregation bleifed the
fect cart th-y ottered willingly to the
LORD God ot their "fathers, and bowed
LOK.D: and David the king alio rejoy- down their heads, and worfhipped tht
ced with gr at joy, LORD and the king.
r «'
VVheretore uavict bleffcd the Lord 11 And they facrih'ced facrificcs unto the
before all the congregation: and David LORD, and offered hurnt-orTerinjrs unto
laid, Bleffed bt ihpu, lord God or Ifrael the Lord on the morrow after that day,
our nther, for ever and ever. even a thoufand bullocks, a thoufan.4 rams,
it Thinei O LORD, u the greatnefs, *nd a thoufand lambs, with their drink-
and the power, and the glory, and the vi- offerings, and facrificcs in abundance for
ctory, and the majcity for all that it in
: all li'rael:
tht heaven and in the earth, ii tb n; ;
; 11 And
did cat and drink before the
thine?'* the kingdom, O Lord, and thou LORD on that day with great eladnels,
art exalted as head above all. and they made Solomon the fon of David
ii Bothriches ana honour come of thee, king the fecond time, and anointed him
and thou rcignelt over. all, and in thine unto the LORDfo be the chief governor,
hand n power and might, and in thine and Zadok'06* pried.
ft*nd it ir to make great, and to give xx Then Solomon fat on the throne of
ftiengthunto all. the Lord as kin? in Head of David his fa
13 Now therefore, our God, we thank ther, and profbercd, and all Ifrael obey
thee, and prnife thy glurious name. ed him.
14 But who*w»J, and what /'i my peo- 14 And all the princes and the mighty
ple, that we fhould be able to offer lb men, and all the font like wife of king
willingly after this fort? for aH things David fubnuttcd thuAf'lvcs unto Solo
come of thee, and of thine own have we nion the king.
given thee. ^ ii And the LORD magnified Solomon
ii Vox we are ftrangers before thee, and exceedingly in the light of all li'rael, and
fojourners, as voire all our lathers: our bellowed upon him fuck royal majefty as
days on the earth <J/e as a fiwdow, and had not been on any king before him in
there ii none ajidine. 1,'racl.
16 O Lord cur God, all this ltore that 16 H Thus David the fon ofjefle reign-
wc lave prepared tobaild thee an houfe ed overall li'rael.
for thine holy name, cometo ot thine hand, xi And the time that he reigned over
and ii all thine own. war forty years jfeven years reign-
i" 1 know alio, my God, that thou trieft ed he in Hebron, and thirty and three
the heart, ?nd haft tfeafure in upright- fiars reigned he in Jerufalem.
nes. As lor me, in the uprightneis of xS And he died in a good old age, full
mine heart I li2ve willingly effered all of days, riches, and honour and Solo-

thel'e things : and tow have 1 ieen with mon hi i fon reigned in his Head.
joy thy people which are prefer* here, to 19 Now the acts of David the king,
offer willi. irly unto thee. firlt and 1 alt, behold, they are written
t8 O LORD God of Abraham, Ifaac, in the book of Samuel the leer, and in
andofl'.rael our father*, keep this for the book of Nathan the prophet, and in
ever in the imagination of the thoughts the nook of Gad the leer,
of the heart of thy people, and prepare jo With all his reign and his might,
their heart unto the-;. ;nd the times that wenf over him, and 0-
19 And give unto Salomon my Ion a ver Ifrael, and overall the kingdoms of
perfect heart to keep thy commandments, the countries.

^ The Second Book of the CHRONICLES.

CHAP. I. at Gibeon, for there was the tabernacle
Solcmom folanrt oftrmg at C-.beon, &<r. of the congregation of God, which Mofes

ANd Solomon
ltrenpthned in
-he fon of David wa*
hu kingdom, and
Lord his God w-11 with him,
the fervant of the Lord had made in the
4 But the ark of God had David brou
and magnified him exceedingly. up from Kirjath-jearim, t j Met lace w (

* Then Solomon Ipakeunto all Ifrael, David had prepared for it: for he
to the captains ot thou lands and ot hun- pitched a tent for Jerufalem.
it at
dreds, and to the pulse*, and to every go- < Moreover, the brafen altar that Bi

vernor in zU IfraelTthe chic! ol theta- zalcel the fon of Uri, the fon ol Hu
th.'rs. had made, he put before the raber r
7 So Solomon and all the congregation ot the Lord and Solomon and thee

with htna, went to the high, place that w *' gregat.on fought unto it.
t M
. , . 1 ; :

Solomons choice of vaifiom Chap il. Nil mejjazt to Hir4t».

'.'6 And Solomon went up thither to the with David my father, and did't fiend him
bralen altar before the Lord, which vp^j cedars to build him an houfe to dwell
• the tabernacle or' the congregation, and therein, even fo deal with me.
mfereda tfiouland burr.t-oflcnnp uponit. 4 Behold, Ibuild an J.o.ile to the name
J 7 f! In thut night did God appear unto of the^LOUD my God, to dedicate it to
Solomon, and laid unto him, A^kwhat 1 him, and to burn before him Iwect in-
fhall give thee. Cenfe, and tor the continual fhew-bread,
8 And Solomon laid unto God, Thou 3rd tor the burnt -offerings morning and
halt fhewed great mercy unto David my evening, on the fiabbaths, and on the new-
father, and haft made me to reign in his moons, a»d on the felemn feafts of the
lead. LORD our God. This is an ordinance for
o Now, O
Lord God, let thy promife ever to HYael.
ante David my father be ettablijlied f(\r : .
And the houfe which I build is great

thcu halt made me king over a people, for great is our God above all gods.
like the dull of the earth in multitude. 6 But who is sble to build him an

tc Give me now wndom am|jJ<now- home, leeing the heaven, and heaven of
Iedsz;e, that I may go out and co^p in be- heavens cannot contain hi rfi ? who aw 1
fore this people V tor who can judge then that I ihould build him an houft,
this thy people, th.'.t is fo great? lave only to burn facrifice before hire ?
ti And God faid to Solomon, Becaufe 7 Send me now therefore a man cun-
this was in thine heart, and thou haft not ning to work in gold, and in tilver, and
asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the in brafs, and in iron, and in purple, and
lite of thine enemies, neither yet halt crimfon, and blue, and that osn ski'1 to
asked long life; but haft asked wifdoni grave with the cunning men that *-* with
and knowledge for tby felt, thaj: thou m-r in judah and in ferttfalem, whom Da-
mayft judge my people, over whom I vid my father did provide
have made thee kin™: 8 Send me p.lfo cedar- trees, fir-'rees,
ii Wifdom and knowledge is granted and algam-trees out ot Lebanon f or I :

unto thee, and I will give thee riches, and know that thy fervants can skill to tut.
wealth, and honour, Inch as none of the timber in Lebanon ) and behold, niv fer-
kings have had, that have been before vants^// be with thy fervants,
thee, neither fhall there any after thee 9 Even to prepare me timber in-abus-
have the like. dance : for the houfe which 1 am about to
it fl Then Solomon came/row his f our. build, frail be wonderful ?reat.
nty to the high place that was atGibeon, 10 And behold, I wilfeive to thy fer
tojcrufalcm, from before the tabernacle vants, the hewers that cut'timber, twenty
ef the congregation, and reigned over thoufand meafuves of beaten wheat, and
Ifrael twenty thoufand meafures of barlev, and
t4 And Solomon gathered chariots and twenty thoufand baths of wine, and'twen-
horl'emen and he had a thoufand and four
: ty thoufand biths of eyl.
hundred chariots, and twelve thoufand 1 fl Then Huram the king of Tyre an-
hor(emen,which he placed in the chariot- fwered in writing, which he font to Solo-
cities, and with the king at Jerufalem. mon, Becaufe the LORD
hath loved his
17 And the king made fiiverand gold people, he hath made thee king over them
at Jerufalem as plenteous as (tones,and ce- n Huram faid
moreover, Bleffed be the
dar-trees made he as the fycomore-trees Lord God of Ifrael that made heaven and
that are in the vale for abundance. earth, who hath given to David the king
ifi And Solomon had horl'es brought a wife fon, endued with prudence and
Dut of Egypt, and linen-yarn: the kings understanding, that miaht inuld an houfe
merchants received the linen-yarn at a for the Loai>> and an houfe for his king-
Phcc. dom.
t7 And they, fetcbt up, and brought 13 And now I have fent a cunning mr,n
forth out of Egypt a chariot for fix hun- ( endued with underftanding ] of Huram
dred frefrlt of tilver, and an horfe for my fathers
an hundred and fifty: and fo brought 14 The fon ot a woman of the daughters
they out horfes for all the kings of the of Dan, and his lather ivas a man or Tyr?,
Hittitcs, and for the kings of Syria, by skilful to work in gold and infilver, in
their means. brafs, in iron, inftone and in timber, in
CHAP. II. purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in
Solomons labourers for buil&ingtbetempte crimfon-. alio to grave any mannerot
A Nd Solomon determined to build an graving, and to find out every device
£\ houfe for the name of the Lord, and which fhall be put to him, with thv cun-
an houfe tor his kingdom. ning men, and with the cunning men of
t And Solomon told out threefcore and my lord David thy father.
ten thoufand men to bear ourdens, and i? New therefore the wheat, and the
fourfcere thoufand to hew in the moun- barley, theoyl, and the wine which my
tain, and three thoufand and fix hundred lord hathfpokenof, let him fend unto his
tooverfee them. fer vants?
3 <1 And Solomon fent to Huram the 16 And we will cut wood out of Leba-
king of Tyre, faying, As thou didft deal non, as much as thouflialt need, and we
V ? will
The temple, II. Ch ronicles. and its ornament! .

will bring it to thee in flotes by Tea to Jop- them ("elves forth twenty cubits: and they
pa, and thuu lhalt carry it up to Uru- irood on their feet, and their faces were
jalem. inward.
17 n Ariel Solomon numbred all the 14 «' And he made the vail of blue, ar.d
ttrangers that were in the land of Iirael, purple, arid.crimlbn, and fine linen, and
atter the runibnng wherewith David his wrought cherubims thereon.
father had numbred therti; and they were i> Alio he made before the houfe two

/bund an hundred and fifty thoui and and pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and
three thoufarui and fix hundred. the chapiter that nuion the top of each
t8 Arid fie let threefecre and ten thou- of them mat five cubits.
fendofthem to be bearers or burdens, and 16 And lie made chains, as in the oracle,

fourlcore thou! and to be hewers in the and put.*£«w on the heads of the pillars,
mountain, and three thoufand and fix hun- and made an hundred pomegranates, and
dred overfeer« to let the people a work. put tbtm on the chains.
C H A 1\ III. 17 And he reared up the pillars before
The time of building the tem;le, &.C. the temple, one on the right hand, and the
Solomon began to build thehoule other oJBbe lclt and called the name
THe.nor the Lori> at Jerufalem. in mount

of that^T the right hand, Jachin, and

Moriah, where (b: LORD appeared unto the name of tnat on the left, Boaz.
David his father, in the place that David CHAP.
had prepared in thethrelhing-hoorol Or- Toe altar of bra/,, &c.
Danthejebafite. Moreover, he made analtar of brafs,
x And he began to build in the lecond twenty cuuits the length thereof,
day or" the (econd month, in the fourth and twenty cubits the breadth thereof,
year of hisseipa. ,. _ .
and ten cubits the height thereof.
a «1 Now thefe <ire.f*f
tbtn%swt>erem So- i fi Alfbhe made a molten fea often
lomon was inftru'.ted for the building 01 cubits, from brim to brim, round inconi-
the houfe of fcod. The length by cubits pafs, and rive cubi's the he.ght thereof,
after th; fir'ft nieafure was threefcore cu-
and a line of thirty cubitf did compafs
it round about.
bits, and the breadth twenty cubits.
3 And under it was the fimilitude of
4 And the porch that was in the front of
zheboafe-, the length of it was according to
oxen, which did compafs it round about :

ten ifl a Cubit com palling the fea around a-

fhc breadth of the houfe, twenty cuhits,
tout. Two rows of oxen'mere caff, when
and the height was an hundred and twen-
ty and he overlaid it within wnh pure
was call. it
4 It (toed 'ipon twelve oxen, three look-
greater houfe hecieled with ing toward the north, and three looking
c And the
fir-tree, which he o/erlaid
with fine gold, toward the weft, and three looking toward
thereon nalni-trees and chains. the fojth, and three looking toward the
and let
and the fea vat Jet "above upon
6 And Ucffarnilhed the houfe with pre-
eait :

cious ftones for beauty: and the gold

mas them, and *1I their hinder nziUwere in-
Parvaim. ward.
- He overbid alio the houfe, the beams, ? And the thicknefsof it mas an hand-
breadth, and the brim of it like the work
the polls, and the wills thereof, and the
with gold, and graved che- of the brim of a cup, with flowers ot li—
doors thereof
1' es i and it received and held three thou-
rubimson the walls. •

Y Andwhereof
the moft holy houle, the
according to the
fand baths.
6 fl He made alfe ten lavers, and put
cubits, and five on the right hand, and five on the
breadth of the houfe, twenty
thereof twenty cubits: and left, to waft', in them fuch things as they
-the breadth
offered for the burnt-offering, they wa Hi-
h- overlaid it with fine gold, anwattms
ed m
them ; but the fea was for the priefts
".ftfif^SS Sf the nail.™ fifty to wafh in.
gold and ha overlaid th* up- 7 Andhemadetencandlefticks of gold
fliekels of :

according to their form, and fet them in

per chambers with gold.
houfe he mane the temple, five on the right hand, ana
c And in the mod holy

and over- five on the left.

two cherubims of image-work, |

8 He madealfoten tables and placed

laid them withhold. I

tbem in the temple, five on the right fide,

•t And the /•.nes of the cherubims
f, and five on the left and he made an hun-

w.u five cubits, reaching to the dred bafons of gold.

me cb>~rub other wirtg wa n Furthermore, hr made the court of
wal of the houfe and the

BbtvoiA Hve cubits reaching

to thewmg the priefts, and the great crurt, and door.:

°S^S of the oth.r cherub

vou five cubits, reaching wing
and th- other
to the wall ot
was rjvc
for the court, and overlaid the doors of
them with brafs.
to And he let the fea on the righe
fide of the es it-end, over againft the
the houfe:
the wing or the o- loath.
cI.bits.W/0, jdyningto
i« And Huram made the pc>'?, and the
th and andHufaui
^ Thewihgs of thefe cherubims fpread ftiovels, tlic batons, fini-

- «= . ^
; ; :

The vstfels. Chap, vi. The ar{ placed in the ortscU.

flied work that he was to make for unto him before the ark, faenficed fliCe**
king Solomon for the houfe ol God and oxen, which could not be told not

•u To -ait, tne two pillars, and the pom- numbred for multitude.
mels, and the chapiters xrbicb were on the 7 And the priefts brought in the ark
fcpof the two pillars, and the two wreaths of the covenant of the LORD unto hi*
to cover the two pommels of the chapi- place, to the oracle of the houfe into the
ters which wsre on the top of the pillars : moft holy place, tvtu under tfie Wings of
n And four hundred pomegranates on the cheruhiras.
the two wreaths ; two rows of pomegra- b' For the cherubims fpread- forth tb'.ir

nates on each wreath, to cover the two wings over the place of the ark, and the
pommels of the chapiters, which were cherubims covered the ark and the ftaves
4pon the pillars. thereof, above.
14 He made alio bales ; and lavers made Q And they drew out the itaves ofthe
be upon the bales ar\, that the ends of the ftaves were feen
1? One lea, and twelve oxer, under it: from the ark before the oracle, but they
t6 The pots alfo, and the fhovels, and were not feen without. And there it" is
the flefh-hooks, and all their inftruments, unto this day.
did Huram his father make to king Solo- 10 There was rjothing in the ark fave
men for the houfe of the Lord, of brieht the two tables which Mofes put therein a,t
brafs. Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant
- 17 In the plain of Jordan did the king with the children of Ifrael, when they
cait them, in the clay-ground betweea came out of Egypt.
Succoth and Zeredathah. it 11 And it came to pafs when the
18 Thus Solomon made all thefeveffels prieffs were come out of the holy \Uce
in great abundance for the weight ofthe
: I for all the priefts that were preJest
brafs could not be founa out. wet/efanttified, and aid not tbm wait by
19 H And Solomon made all the vcfTels courfe.
that were for the home of God, the gol- lr Alfo the Leviteswfc/c* were the (Ing=
den altar alfo, and the tables whereon the ers, all of them of Afaph, of Hem;m, of
ftew-bread was fet Jeduthun, with their Ions, and their bre-
10 Moreover, the candleftick9 with thren ; hsin% arayed in white linen, ha-
their la-aips, that they lhould burn after ving cymbals, and pfalteries, and harps,
the manner, before the oracle, of pure ftood at the eaft-end of the altar, and
gold ;
with them an hundred and twenty prieftSj
at And the flowers, and the lamps, and founding with trumpets")
the tongs wade be e/gold, and that perfect \% It came even to pafs, as the trumpe-
gold. ters and lingers were as one, to make«6nc
xi And the fnuffers, and the batons, and 1'cund to be'heard in praifing and thank-
the poons, andtfiecenfers, of pure gold:
i ing the Lord ; and when they lift up the3.*
and the entry ofthe houfe, the inner doors voice with the trumpets and cymb?.ls, and!
thereof for the molt, holy place, and the inftruments- of mufick, and prail'ed the'
doers of the houfe of the temple, were of Lort>, faying, For be is good for his mer-

g^id. cy enduretb tor ever : that then the houfe

CHAP. V. was tilled with a cloud, even the houfe of'
The dedicated treafures, &c. the LORD-,
'T^Hus all the work that Solomon made 14 So that the priefts could notftand ta
I for the houfe of the Lord, was fini- minifter by reafonof the cl#ud for the

flied : and Solomon brought in all the glory of the LORD had filled the houfe
things that David his father had dedica- of God.
ted ; filver, and the gold, and all
and the C II A P. VI.
the fnftruments, put he among the trea- Solomon bttQc'b the people, 8iC.
fures of the houfe of God.
r «1 Then Solomon afTembled the elder*
THen faid Solomon, The LORDhat.3
laid that he would dwell in the thick
of If:ae!, and all the heads of the tribes, darkr.efs.
tho chief of the fathers o! thechildren of 1 But I have built an houfe of habita*
Ifrae-l, unto Jerufalem, to brinjr up the tion for thee, and a place for thy dwel-
ark of the covenant of the out LORD, ling lor ever.
of the ciry of David, which ?'; Zion. : And the king turned his face, and
^ Wherefore all the men of Ifrael af- blelled the whole congregation of Ifrael*
fembled themfelves unto the king in the and all the congregation cf I:f2e! ftcod J
fealt, which wj; in thefeventh month. !( 4 And he fa id, Bleti'ed be the Lord God
4 And all the elders of Ifrael came, and of Ifrael, who haih with his hands ful-
theLevites took up the ark. filled tbatvthieh he fpakewith his mouth

? And they brought up the ark, and to my father David, faying,


the tabernacle ol the congregation, and f Since the day that 1 brought: forl.'i
all the holy veffels that were in thetaber- my people out ofthe land cf Egypt, I
aacle/ thefe did the priefts and the Le- chofe no city among all the tribes of If-
trites bring up. r3el to build an houfe in, that my name
6 Alio king Solomon and all the con- might be there, neither chofe I 3ny man

gregation of Ifrael that were aflfcmbied to lee a rul#r over my people

V Ifrael •

P 4 ' 6 But
IT. Chronicles
name luieht i« :" Jcru 'a««ni, hat my
Davi. tS^JSjy^* a''J have cholea

farter to
BiKJXftf r*"/".' Da»i<l :

Place': hSR S e i ihtU »**«<&«&.

r ft

Q Notw.'»hrt.-3?J? heart Ume

Mie hou/e! hut lil!'?' thou ihalr not build
*orth out oithvl ion w /hall come
*oufe for mv JiS?™' he 'h-i ouild the
hui| rthehoufefi,r P r0m ''ed, and have
Cod of e fQr II
«>* name oi the
iiSg LORD to
the-^eberffie ^ V'
P hel bc
hC hear thou fro, n the
>nj t -P . heitrens

hrpad. and three

Jt ") them
n-fS s
h, £ h f d hVe w

" upon ^

Jtopd, an? knee


U 0,vn u
^ e^lo^n"' '
'' on hi.:

.***«/; ;, Q God ntP.h Gocl ot I? "el,

"o'intheeaVt^ J t ' in
SP =
nea *«>» M
and J8w«» me^J*?* keePfft covenant

18 ij If there be dearth
^"h. P Kel ^ withth y inthe Ian,) ;<r
^ ^Vufif
d '

as /f

> WUJl

h fi: ^ant David mv

ther, t/J; «,L- l y fa

way to walt y .n « n t2keheed

wafked before memy laW " **

^ **"> their

,T hen h «r thou from heaven th v

d *eUing-p| a c e an d
1 ,, and r?n2?


unto man according unto a|j


fe hea l thou fij3

HIin °. knowelt (
i I
d !enof
'nn l
me nT
k eftthefiMrte0flh


^ic^YUve^In/rr;' *« ** toufe
OfSy f?r^n /Pe£ "> ere ^re to the prayer
, which thru gavelt unto' our
.i fi Moreover, concerning
t0 h " rken ,«nto
an I the L,* whlch ,
the cry ger,
th- Pr, n
which is not ofchj wopte ffiaelhS?
i^bcfoie 7 thy fe,vam p"y-
h l'
is come from a f^r
names fake, and thy mi^ity thv S I'reat !

Where •#
Vat nl'
thy name
% ou


h ft faicl
ma ybc open upon
that thou WOUldft
there , to hearken unto the
Up0a ,fle PW«
thy fetched out arm;
pray m this houle

<ve« T,n

^° frpm
aP 1
3 l u, " can
tiom the
th = heaven

try dweJJing-place, .



Solomons frtytr Chap. 'ii, Solomons folemn fwifitt.

according to all that the ftrangercalleth fice of twenty and two thoufand oxen,
M thee for} that all reople oi the earth and an hundred and twenty thou! and
nifly know thy name,- ana teanhee, *s rtieep f the king and all the people

iotb thy people H'rael, and may know dedicated the houle of God.
that tins houfe which I have built, is cal- 6 And the priefts waited on their offi-
led by thy name. ces: the Lcvires atfo with inirrumenis of
U it thy people go out to war ag3in(r. mufickef the LORD, which David the
king had made to praife the Lord, be-
their enemies by the way that thou lhalt
fend them, ana th 7 pray unto thee to- caufe his mercy endure: b for ever, when
ward this citv which thou halt cholen, and David praifed by their miniftry -.'and the
the houfe winch I have built tor thy name: pneits founded trumpets before them,
3i Then hear thou trom the heavens and all Ifrael ftood. j ,

their prayer and their amplication, and 7 Moreover, Solomon hallowed the
maintain their caufe. middle of the court that w<ti betore the
;6 It they fin againft thee, C for there is houfe of the. Lord: forthere he offered
no man which linnethnotj and thou be an- burnt-offerings, and the fat of the peace-
gry with them, and deliver them over be- offerings, becaufe the bralen altar which
fore their enemies, and they carry them a- Solomon had made, was not able to re-
way captives unto a 'and tar oft or near ; ceive the burnt-offerings, and the mcat-
37 Yet, if they bethink tfcemfcives
in oflenngs, and the fat.
the land whither they are carried captive, 8 1! Alio at the fame time Solomon kept
and turn and pray unto thee in the land thefeait feven days, and all Ifrael fcn
of their captivity, laying, We
have fin- him, a very gre2t congregation, tron
ned we have done amiis, and have dealt
entring in of Hamath, unto the river QJ
wickedly >
...,'. Lgypt.
38 If thev return to thee with all their 9 And in the eighth day theyvnade a
heart, and with all their foul, in the land folemn affembly tor they kept the dc-

of their captivity, whither they have car- dicationot the altar feven days, andtn*
ried them captive?, and pray toward their fealt feven days. . .

land w'nch thou gaveft unto their lathers, tc And on the three and twentieth day
and tarv.ird the city which thcuhaitchD- of the feventh month, he lent the popie
fen, and toward the houie which 1 have away into their tents, glad and merry m
built ior thy name: .'. .
heart for the eoodnefs that the Lord
39 Then hear thou from the heavens, had ihewed unto David, and to Solomon,
even from thy dwelling-place, their pray- and to Ifrael his people. .
er and their implications, 2nd maintain n Thus Solomon finifhed the houfe or
their caufe, and forgive thy people which theLoKD, and the kings houfe: and a 11
'have finned againft thee. that came into Solomon's heart to make in
40 Now, my Gcd, let ( 1 befeech thee ) the houfe of the Lord, 2nd in his own
thine eye? be open, and let thine ears be houfe, he profperoufly effected.
attent unto the prayer is made in this iz fl And the LORD
appeared to So-
lomon by nieht, and faid unto him, I
4i Now therefore arife, O
Lord God, have heard tlvy prayer, and have cho'en
into thy refting-place, thou, and the ark this place to rny fell lor an houle of la~
af thy ltrength : let thy prielts, Lord O crifice.
God, be clothed with i'alvation, and let t? If I (hut up heaven that there be no
thy faints rejoyce in soodnefs. rain, or if I .command the locuft to devour
41 O
LOR!) God, turn not away the the land, or if I fend peltilence among my
lace of thine anointed : remember the people i

mercies of David thy fervant. 14 If my people which are called by my

A P. VII. name, Jhall humble thcmfelves, and pray,
3ods tefiimony toSolomons prayer, &c. and feek my face, and turn from their
NOw when Solomon had made an end
of praying, the fir-e came down lrom j
wicked ways: then will Ihearfrom hea-
van, and will forgive their fin, and will
leaven, and confirmed the burnt-offer- heal their land.
nerand the facrifices ar.«i the glory of
; 1; I-Tow mine eyes fhall be open, and
he LORD filled the houie. mine cars attent unto the prayer that it
-a And the pnelts could rot enter, ino made in this place.
he "houfe of the Lord, becaufe the glory i<5 Fcrnow have I chofen and farc~ri-
>f the Lord hud filled the Lords houfe. houfe, that my name may be
ficd this
X And when all the children of llracl therefor ever and mine eves and mine :

aw how the tire came down, and th glo-

2 heart fhall be there perpetually.
y of the Lord upon the hcufe, they low. 1- And as for thee, if thou wilt walk
;d the v.felves with their faces "to the before me, as David thy father walked,
pound upon the pavement, and worfhip- and dr. according to all that I have com-
>ed, and prai red the Lord, fating, For manded thee, and fhalt obferve my lta-
>eif good, foi ins mercy endurttb for ever, tute* and mv judgments:
4. «! Then the king ar.d all tbepeot-le itf Then will I'ftabliJh the throne of
.ffer; facrifKc s before the LOTi D,
1 thy kftiPtlom, according r.s I have co-
( And king Solojuon offered *.i"*cri- venanted with David thy father, [*y»ng«
V i Thete,
Solomons bu'li:ni., \\. Chron Cles. Tbt qiftn of Sbtb*.
There (hall not tail thee a man to b: ruler rael, becaufe tbt pUces tre holy, where-
in llracl. ui to the ark ot the LuKts hath come.
19 But if ye turn away and forfakemy ii«.; Then Salomon ottered burnt-offe-l^
ftatutes and my commandments which I rmz> unto the Lokd, n n the altar ol the
bave let be lore you, ard ihall go and LOUD, winch he had built betore the
ferve oilier gods, and worihip them : porch
io Then will I pluck them up by the n Lvenaftera certain rate every day,
roots out ot my land which 1 have given offering according to the commandment
them ; and this houfe which I have lan- of Mofes, on the fabbaths, and on the
itihed tor my name, will I c'ait out r>f new- moons, and on the lolemn tcalts,
my light, and will make it to bt a pro- three times in the year, tven in the reaff.
verb, and a by-word among all nations. ot unleavened bre^d, and in the fealt ot
i! And this houfe which is hich, ihall weeks, and in the fealt ot tabernacle*.
be an altoniflimer.t to every one that pal- 14 «] And h*e appointed, according to
let h by it ; lb that he mail raj, hath Why theorderof David his father, thecourles f
the Lord done thus unto this land, and of the prielfs to their letvice, and the *
unto thiihoufc ? Levires to their charges, to praile and|F
iz And it ihall be anfwered, Becaufe minilter before the pnefts, as the duty ot
•hey torfaokthe Lord God of their fa- every day required the porters alfo by

thers, which brought them torth out of their courfes, at every trate tor lb had F

the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other David the manof God commanded.
§ods, and woTftiipped them, and ferved 1? And they departed not from the com-
lent: therelore hath he brought all this mandment of the king, unto the prielra
evil upon them. and Levites, concerning any matter, ol
A P. VIII. conrerning the treafures.
Solomons buildings, &c. 16 Now all the wcrk of Solomon was?

ANd tame to pals"

twenty years, wherein
( at the end of
Solomon had
prepared unto the dav of the foundation
of the home of the Lord, and until it
built the houfe of the Lokd, and his own wasfiniihed: fa the houfe of the LORD
bouie ) was perfected.
1 Thar the cities which Huram had re- 17 5! Then went Solomon to Ezion- ge-
lored tc Solcmcn, Solomon built them, ber, and to Elcth, at the lea- lute in the
.-.nd caufed the children of lfrael to dwell land ot Edoui.
there. iH And Hutamfent him by the hands of
3 And Solomon went to Hamath-ao- his lervants, ihips, and lervants that had
%ah, and prevailed aaainft it. knowledge of the fea and they went with

4 And he built Tadmor in thewilder- the lervants of Solomon to Ophir, and

*efs,and all the {tore-cities, which he took thence four hundred and fifty ta-
built in-Hamath. lents of gold, and brought tbem to king
I Alio he built Beth-horon the upper, Solomon.
3rd Beth-horon tiie nether, fenced cities, CHAP. IX.
with waifs ga-es, and bars: Solomons wij.iom udmirtd, &c.
6 And Baalath, and all the ftore-citiei
ihat Salomon had and all, the chariot-
ANd when queen of Sheba heard
of the fame of Solomon, came ftic
cities, and the cities of the horfemen, to prove Solomon with hard queftiona
and all that Solomon delred to build in at Jerufalem, with a very great compa-
jerufalem. and in Lebanon, and through- ny, and camels that bare (pices, and,
out aM vhe land ot his dominion. gold in abundance, and precious Hones:
7<\As for all the people that -»trt left and when (he was come to Solomon, Ihe
$f the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the communed with him of all that was in
Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Je- her heart.
bufites, which wtrenotof lfrael i i Ard Solomon told her all her quefti-
8 But ot their children who were left ons: ar.d there was nothing hid from So- J
them in the land, whom the chil-

after lemon which he told her not.

dren of lfrael confutned not; them did ? And when the queen of Sheba nawfi
Solomon make to pay tribute, until this feen the wifctom of Solomon, and the ]„,
houfe that he had built.
9 But of the children of lfrael did So- 4 And the meat of his table, and the- L.
lomon make no lervants for his work: fitting of his fervants, and the attendance C
but thay veere men ot war, and chief of of his minifters, and their apparel, his. pj
liis captains, and captains ef his chariots cupbearers alfo, and their apparel, and I"
and horfemen. L , _ , . .
his afcent by which he went up into the J,.;
10 And thefe r*ere the chief of king So- houfe of the Lord; there was no more- ,;,
lomons officers, «vf«two hundred and fif- fpiritinher.
ty, tbaibare rule over the people. V And fhe faid to the king, It re a a ;

«R And
II Solomon brought up the true report which I beard in mine cwn L
daughter of Pharaoh out cf the city of lard, of thine adts, and of thy wifaom . I"
IJavid, o»tQ the houfe that he had built 6 Howbeit, I believed not their words,. 4

for her frr he fiid, Mv wire fhafl not

: until I came, and mine eyes had feen if. j,
Kweii in the boufcof David king of if- anibci»U> the one balf of t&egjcatnef*
. . -

SsiomoQi magnifittntt Chap, X. flYx reign and deAtP. .

tff thy wifdom was nottold mc /» thou fhifh bringing gold and filver, ivory, and

exceeded the fame that I heard. apes, and peacocks.

7 Happy are thy men," and happy art-
, n
And king Solomon parted all th e
tnele thy lervanr.s, which Hand conti- kingsof the earth in riches and wifdom.
nually betore thee, and hear thy wifdom. i? U And all the kings of the earth
•8 Blefled be the LORD thy God, which fought the prefenceor Salomon, to hear
ielighted in thee to let th'ie on his throne, his wifdom, that God had put it in his
to be kin? tor the LORD thy KjO.\ be- heart. :

eaufe thy God loved Ifrael, to Htabliih. 14. And they brought every man his
(hem f>r ever, therefore made he thee prelent, veflels of fjlver, and veffels of
cing over them, to do judgment and gold, and raiment, harnefs, and Ipices,
uftice. horles and mules, a rate year by year.

9 And fhe gave the king an hundred a* 5J. And Solomon had four thouiand
»nd twenty talents of gold, and or ipices (tails tor horles and chariots, and twelve
'rea abundance, and precious (tones:
thoufand horfemen, whom he bellowed
leithar was there any fuch I'pice as the in the chariot-cities, and with the kkig
B»een of 5heba gave king Solomon. at .lerulalem.
10 And the fervants alio of Huram, and i6fl And he reigned over all the kings,
:he (ervants of Solomon, which brought from the river, even anto th« land of
gold from Ophir, brought aleum-trees, the Philiftines, and to the harder ©f E--
»nd precious (tones. gypt.
it And the king made of the algum- 17 And the king made filverin Jerufa.
'jees, terrifes to the houfe of the Lord. lem asitones, and cedar-trees made he as
ind to the kings palace, and harps and the lycomore-trees, that are in the low
Malteries for lingers and there were
plains, in abundance.
lone luch Teen betore in the land of . 18 And they bvouajit unto Solomon hor-
(ltd ah les out of Egvpt, and out of all lands.
ia And king Solomon gave to the queen to, 11 Now the reft of the acts of Solo-
if Sheba, all her deiire, whatlbever fhe mon, firft and Iaft, are thev not written
>sj»d, befides tbit which fhe had brought in the book oi Nathan the prophet, ana
into the king fu fhe turned, and went
in the prophecy ol Ahijah the Shilonitc,
iwav to her own land, fhe and her fer- and in the vifions ef Iddo the (eer, apainft
>ant's. Jeroboam the lbn cf Ne'*at ?
u *j Now
the weight of gold that came 10 And Solomon r«i?nedin Jerufaleni
c> Solomon in one vear, was fix hundred overall lfrael forty yea*rs.
ind threefcore and 'fix talents of gold ; 21 And Solomon ilept with his fathers,
r4 Beudejfirff vebicb chapmen and mer- and he was buried in the city of DaviJ. his
chants brought: and all thekingsof A- fatner, ami Rehoboam his Ion reijrnet!
abia, anci governors of the country, in his (lead.
nought gold and lilver to Solomon. CHAP. X.
k fl And king So lor. on made two Ibe Ifraehtei ajj'emble at Sbtcbt'ti, &c. -

kindred targets of beaten gold : fix hun- ANd Rehoboam went to Snerhem ;
Ired Jbefyls of beaten gold went to one tor to Shechem were all Urael come tor
arget. mak« hi taking.
16 And three hundred flu kefs made be 2 And ft came to paf« when Jeroboart*-
t beaten gold : three hundred JhtipU of the fon of Nebat C who »j, in Egypt,
old went'ro one fhield and the king :
whither he had fled from the pretence of
<ut them in the houfe of the forclt of Le- Solomon thsking J heard it, that Jerobo-
banon. am returned out of Egy^t.
17 51 Moreover, the king made a great 3 And they lent and'called him ; fo ;-_
hrone or ivory, and overlaid it 'with roboamandall I'raelcamc, andlbakc :&>•
!>ure gold. Rehoboam, laying,
j8 And tbirt mere fix fteps to the throne, 4 Thy father made cur yoke erievc/.rsv
!/itha tootltooref eoU, vpbhJb rare faft- new therofore eafe thou lb me what th*
icdto the throne, 'and ftays on each fide grievous fervitude of thy father, and his-
f the fitting-place, and twoHonsftand- heavy yoke that he put upon us, and ve.
ng by the flays. will l'efve thee.
19 And twelve lions ftood thereonthe r And he Paid unto them, Come again
ne fide and on the other, upon the fix unto me after three days. And the people
?eps. There was not the like made in departed.
ny kingdom. 6 H And king Rehoboam took counfel
a© *A And
the drinking-vefTels of
all with the old men that had ftood betore So-
;ing Solomon voen of gold, aikl all the Jomorhhis father while he vet lived, f? •/...
elTels of the houfe of the forelt of Leba- ing.What counfel give ye me, to re'rin
OTifoere of pure gold: none were of fil- anfwer to this people ? .

er i it waswor any thing accounted of in 7 And they.fpakeunto him, faving, if

hedavsof Solomon. thou-be kind to this people; and pleafe
at FOr the kings fhips went to Tar- them, and lpeak good words to them,
rufirwith the fervants of Huran>: every they wil! be thy fervar.ts for ever,
iiee^ears enc^ came the fhi^scf ^ar- 5j But bgfoifoojc-theccwiirf vhic$tJ'c

3? 6

Ten tribti revolt. II. Chronicle?. Htboboamjlrengtbnetb bit bj,
©Id men gave him, and tock connfel with lomon kmgof Judah, and fa all Ifrael m
the young men thai were wrought up waf) Judah and Benjamin, laving,
him, that ftood before him. 4 Thus faiir. the CORD, Ye tr.all
9 And he laid unto them, What advice not go up, nor fight your ure-
give ye, that we may return anfwer to thi thren : return every man to his houfe,
people, which have ipoken to me, faying, for thing is done of me.
this And
Eafe ibmewhat the yoke that tliy father ihey obeyed the word, of the. LORD,
did [>ut upon us ? and retur.icd from going againlt ler©-
to And the young men that were brought boam,
up with him, l'pake unro hi n, fayine, vad Rehoboam dwelt in l.-rufalem,
fhalt thou anfwer the people that i; •
•.•fence in Ju
to thee, faying, Thy rather made our yoxe H: ouilt even Betii-tehem, ...

heavy, but make thou it ibmewhat ligh- and Tckoa,

ter tor us: thus fhalt thou fay unto them, - Arid Beth-zur, and Sboco
; a

My little finger null be thicker than my Chilian,

fathers loyns. 8 AndGath, andMarefliah, and Ziph,
m For whereas my father put a heavy 9 And Adoraim, ani Lachifli, and A- IC

yoke upon you, I will put more to your zekah,

yoke: my father c haft i fed you with io And Zcrah, and Aijalon, at
Whips, but I will tbiftft you with fcor- bron, which are in Judah, and in Bel -
pions. jamin, fenced t
ii So Jeroboam and all the people ii And i.e fortihed the flrong
lame to Rehoboam en the third day, as and put captains ir. them, and ,-.
the king bade, laying, Ccme again to victual, 2nd of oyl an.t wine.
jne on the third day. u And in every l*cver:;l city be it,t
\\ And the kinganfwered them rough- fhields and fpears, and Made them ex-
ly ; and king Rehoboam fcri'ook the ceeding iirong, having Judah and Ben-
counfel of the old men, jamin on his ijae.
14. And anrwered them after the ad- i: * And the prielts and the Levite*.
vice <j\ the young men, faying, My fa- that w^e in all Ifrse!, reported to via I

ther made your yoke heavy, but I will out ct all their coaus.
a<kt thereto: my father chaftrled you i4 For ti.d.evites left their fuburlv,

with whips, but 1 will ebajlij'e yon with and their pcife.Tion, and came to judari
J'corpions. and Jerufalem for Jeroboam and hit

x? So the king hearkned not unro the Ions had call them off Irom eiecutitjg
Ieople, for thecaule was of God, that the the priefls office unro the Lorp.
ord might perform his word, which he i? And he ordained him priefb for the
fpake by the hand of Ahijah the Shilo- high places, and for the devils, and for.
r.iteto Jeroboam the fonol Nebat. the calves which he had made. J
16 U And when all Il'rael f*w> that the 16 And after them out of all the tribes,
Icing would not hearken unto them, the of Ifrael, flich as fet their hearts to feck
people antwered the kin g, faying, What Ihe Loan God of Ifrael, came tu Jerufa-
portion have we in David? and -we bavt lem, to facrihee unto the Lord God of
none inheritance in the Ton of Jeflfe : e- their fathers.
very man to your tents, O Ifrael and :
i? So they ftrenrthned the kingdom or
row Daviafeeto thine_own houfe. So all Judah, and made'Rehoboam the fon ot
Ifrael went to their tents. Solomon itror.^, three years for three :

17 But <> for the children of Ifrael that years they walked in die way of David
dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam and Solomon.
reigned over them. 18 fl And Rehoboam took him Maha-
iS-Then king Rehoboam fent Hado- lath the daughter of Jerimoth the fon of
T*n\ that Wit over the tribute, and the David to wife, *ni Abihail the daughter
children of Ifrael ttoned him with ttones, of Eliab, the fon of lefTe
that he died: but king Rehoboam made 19 Which bare him children i Jeulfl,
("peed to get him up to bit chariot, to flee a n d Shamariah, and Zaham.

to Jerufalem. 10 And after her he took Maachah tbet

19 And Ifrael rebelled agamft ths honk' daughter of Abfalom, which "bare hinf
©f David unto this day. Abijah, andAttai, and Ziza, andshclo-.
A V. XI. mith.
-Rtkoboim rai/etb *» army, &C. it And Rehoboam loved Maachah trie*

ANd when Rehoboam was come to daughterof Ablalom, above all his w; vei
Tenifalem, he gathered of the houfe and his concubines: ( for he took eigh-
of fudab and Benjamin, an hundred and teen wiv-js, and threefcore concubines*
fourl'core thoufand cholcn men which and begat twenty ana eight fon*, andr
were warriors, to fight againlt Ifrael, threefcore daughters. )
tJ:ar he might bring the kingdom aga;n n And Reh"cboam made Abijah the
toRehohoam. fon of Maachah the chief, to be ruler a-,
x But the word of the Losn came to mong his brethren for bt tbouzbt tc make-

Jherotiah thermnof Ciad, laying, him king.

* Spe*k upltt &cl»bQan> the fen of So- 13 And kc dealt wifely, and difperfecU
: .

jtruftlttn ft>oile i. Chap. Xii; Xiii. Abijibl reign,

£ children throughout all the
all ins winch the Lord had chofen out of all
luntries of Judah and Benjamin, unto the tribes ol llrael, to put his name*
[firery ler.ced city : and he gave them there: and his mothersname waiJNaamah
Ifctual in abundance : and be deiired- an Ammonitefs.
Aany wives. U And he did evil, becaufe he prepa-
h a p red not his heart to feek the LORD
Btbobotm forftliini Ged } it punijljed, &C i? Now
the adts ol Rehoboam, firffc
A Nd it came to pais when Rehoboam and lait, are
they net written in the book
f\ had eltablijhed the kingdom, and ot Shemaiah the prophet, andot lddothe
fed ftrengthned himlelf, he toriook the leer,concerning genealogies? And there
*aw of the LORD, and all Ifrael with were wars between Rehoboam and Jero-
boam continually.
x And itcame topafs, tbit in the fifth iG And Rehoboam flept with his fa-
year of king Rehoboam, Shifhak king thers, and was buri :d in the city of Da-
of Egypt came up sgainft Jerulalem ( be- vid ; and Abijah his fun reigned in his
caufe they had tranfgreffed againft the ftsad,
? With twelve hundred chariots, and Abijtb tn*{etiive*r againji ferobotnt, &c.
threescore thouland horfemen
people veere without number that came
: and the NOw in the eighteenth year of king;
Jeroboam, began Abijah to reign
•wirh him out of Egypt; the Lubims,the over judah.
fikkiims, and the Ethiopians. _ , j. He reigned three years in Jerufalem :
C his mothers name alio re** Michaiah the
4 And he took the fenced cities which
ptrttined to Judr.h, and came to Jerulalem. daughter of Uriel of Gibeah ) and there

i 11 Then came Shemaiah the

prophet was war between Abijah and Jeroboam,
to Rehoboam, and to the princes of Ju- } And Abijah fet the battle in aray,
dah, that were gathered together to Je- with an army of valiant men of war, even
rufalem becaufe of Shifliak, and raid un- four hundred thouiand chofen men Jero- :

to them, Thus faith the LORD, Ye have boam alfo fet the battle in aray againft
forfaken me, and therefore have 1 alio him with eight hundred thoufahd chofen
left you in the hand of Shifhak. men, being mighty men of valour.
6 whereupon the princes ot Ifrael, and 4 11 And Abijah ftcod up upon mount
the king humbled themfelves, and they Zemaraim, which it m mount Ephraim,
laid, The LORD is righteous. and faid, Hear me, thou Jeroboam, and
7 And when the Lord faw that they all Ifrael,
humbled themfelves, the word of the ? Ought you not to know, -that the
Lord came to Shemaiah, faying, They Lord God of Ifrael gave the kingdom o-
have humbled themfelves, therefore I will ver Ifrael to David forever, even to him
not deftroy them, but I will grant them and to his fons by a covenant of fait ?
fome deliverance, and my wrath lhallnot 6 Yet Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, the
be poured out upon Jerufalem by the fervant of Salomon the fon of L^avid, is-
hand of Shifhak. rifen up, and hath rebelled againft his

8 Neverthelefs, they fhall be his fer- lord.

vants i that they may know my fejFvice, 7 And there are gathered unto him vain
and the fervice of the kingdoms ot the men the children of Belial, and have
countries. ftrengthned themfelves againft Rehobo-
9 So Shifhak king of Egypt came up a- am the fon ot Solomon, when Rehobo-
gainft Jerufalem, and took away the am was young and tender-hearted, and,
trealures of the houfe or the Lord, ana could not withftand them.
thetreafures of the kings houfe, he took 8 And now ye think to withftand the
all : he carried away alio the fhields of kingdom of the Lord, in the hand of
gold which Solomon had, made. the ions of David ; and y e be a great mul-
to Infteadof which, king Rehoboam titude, and there are with you golden calves
made fhields of brafs, and committed which Jeroboam made you for gods.
tbtm to the hands of the chief of the 9 Have yc not caft out the priefts of the
guard, that kept the entrance of the Lord the lon^s of Aaron, and the Le-
k'ines houfe. - vites, and have made you priefts after
iTAnd when the king entred into the the manner of the nations of other lands?
houfe of the Lord, the guard came and fo that whofoever ccmeth to confecrate
fet them, and brought them again into himfelf with a young bullock andfeven
the guard-chamber. rams, the f\me may be a prieltof tbtm
ii And when he humbled himfelf, the. that tre no gods.
wrath of the Lord turned from him, to But as for us, tfieLoRD it our God,
that he would not deftroy him altogether and we have not forfaken him i and the
andal.o in Judah things went well. priefts which minilter unto the LORD,
\\ 11 So king Rehoboam ftrengthned are the fons of Aaron, and the Levites
Jiimfelf in Jerufalem, and reigned: for upon their bufinefs.
Rehoboam w*« one and forty years old it And tfcey burn unto the Lord eve-
when he began to reign, and he reigned" ry morning and every evening, burnt-
icventwn years in Jerufalem, 4he city facrinccsand.fweet inceoje «bc/*"»-
J e re be a m vatt'uijhej. II. Chronicle*. 4f,< ( v m« Ty,
bread alio fttKbey in order upon the pure 7 Therefore he faid unto Judah, Lei
table, and the candleitick of gold with us build thefe cities, and make abouil
the lamps thereof, to .mm every cvemtg :
tbtm walls, and towers, gates, and bars!
for wc Keep the charee of the Lord our while the land ;i yet before usibecaufel
Ciod j ye have fbrfaken him.
->at we have fought the LOR
Dour God, we
11 And behold, God himlelt it with us have fought bim, and he hath given url
for our captain, and his prieits with jund- I reit on every fide: fo they built and
ing trumpets to try alarm againft you : prclpcred.
O children 01 Ifrael, fi^ht ye not againit 8 And Afa had an army of men that bare i

the. |,ORD God ot yottr fathers, tor you targets and fpears, out of Judah three
fliall not prof per. hundred thouland, and out of Benjamin,
i? 11 But Jeroboam caufed an amhufh- that bare ihields and drew bows, two
ment to come about bev.ind them fb : hundred and ronrfcore thouland all :

they were before Judah, and the amjufh- thele were mighty men of valour.
iHcnt PP4i behind thein. 9 And there came out againft ther..

14 And wiicn Judah looked back, be- Zerah the Ethiopian, with an hod of a
hold, the battle «uj before and behind : thoufaad thoufand, and three hundred
and they cried unto thel.ORD, and the chariots, end came unto Marettiah.
priefts founded with the trumpets. io Then Ala went out againft him, and
i? Then the men of Judah gave a fhout they fet the battle in aray in the valley
and as the men or Judah ihouted, it came ot Zephathah at Marcfhah.
to pais, that God mote Jeroboam and all
f u And Ala cried unto the his LORD
Ifrael before Abijah and Judah. God, and faid, LORD,/' ii nothing with
\6 And the children of Ifrael tied be- thee to help, whether with many, or with
fore Judah and God delivered them into
: them that have no power help us, : O
their hand. Loud our God for we reft on thee, and

17 And Abijah and his people flew in thy name we go againft this multi-
them with a great /laughter i'o there fell : tude •
Lord, thou art cur God, let
down flain ot Ifrael, five hundred thou- not man
prevail againft thee.
fand chclen men. ii So the Lord Tmote the Ethiopians
18 Thus the children of Ifrael were before Afa, and before Judah, and t.K c
brought under at that time, and the chil- Ethiopians fled.
dren of Judah prevailed, became they re- i; And Afa and the people that veer*
lied upon the LORD
God of their lathers. with him purlued them unroGcrar: an.i
19 And Abijah purfued atter Jeroi^m, the Ethiopians were overthrew,-, that
and took cities from him, Beth-el with they could not recover themfelves, for
the towns thereof, and Jeflianah with they were deftroyed before the LORD,
the towns thereof, and Ephrain with the ana before his holt ; and they carried
tewns thereof. away very much fpoil.
10 Neither did Jeroboam recover i4 And they (mote all the cities round
flrength again in the days of Abijah : about Getar, for the tear of the Lord
and trx Lord ftruck him, and he died. came upon them and they fpoiled all

U But Abijah waxed mighty, and the cities, tor there was exceeding much
warned fourteen wives, and begat twenty fpoil in them.
and two fons, and lixteen daughters. r,- They fmote of cattle,
alio the tents
And the reft of the acts of Abijah, and carried away fheep and camels in
I and his ways, and hisfayings, are writ- abundance, and returned to Jerufalem.
ten in the ftory of the rophet lddo. CHAP. XV.

XIV. Afa mabttb aftlcnin covenant re ik Goi,&c.

Aft fucce(drnr, dtftroyttb idolatry-, &c.
Abijah flept with his fathers, and
ANd the fpirit of God came upon A-
zariali the ion cf Oded.
SO they buried him in the city of David, i And he went out to meet Afa, and
and Afa his. fon reigned in hisftead: in faid unto him, Hear- ye me, Afa, ar.d all

bis days the land was quiet ten years. Jrdah and Benjamin, The Lord « with
l And Afa did tt at wbitb »«. good and you, while ye be with him if ye;

\ tight in the eyes of the Lord his God. feek him, he will be found ot you ; bat if
3 For he took away the altars of the ye forfake him, he will forfalce you.
ftrange go4t, and the high places, and * New for along feafon Ifrael batb been
brake down the images, and cut down without the true God, and without a
the groves : teaching prieft, and without Jaw.
4 And commanded Judah to feck the 4 But when they in their trouble did
Lord God cf their fathers, and to do the turn unto the Lord God of Ifrael, and
law, and the commandment. fought him, he Was found of thorn.
^ Alfo he tool; away out of all the cities ?"And inthufe times there WaJ no peace
of Judah, the high places and the images tc him that went out, nor to him that
arid the kingdom w3s quiet before him. came in, but great vexations vetre upon
6 V And he built fenced cities in Judah all the inhabitants of the countries.
: i

for the land had reft, anc. he had no war .6 And nation was deftroyed of nation,
in thofc years $ becaufc the Lqjld had.j an,; city of city for God did vex thenx :

given uia Kit* with ali advaiHy.

7 B*

8 ! '

\Af*'t covenant, Chap. xvi> xvii, Hit dttth.

7 Be ye itrong therefore, and let not Baafha king of Ifrael, that he may de>
'Iwr hands lie weak for your work fhall
: part trom me.
'le rewarded. 4 And Ben-hadad hearkned unto king
And when Afa heard
8 thefe words, Ala, ana lent the captains of his armies
i.nd the prophecy ot Oded th; prophet, againft the cities of Ifrael ; and they
lie tock courage, and put away the abo- l mote lion, and Dan, and Abel -maim,
uinajle idols out of all the land ot Ju- and all the ftore-cities ot Naphtali.
lah arid Benjamin, and out ot the cities * And it came to pais, when Baafha
rtuch he had taken from mount Ephra- heard rr, that helettorf buiicung of Ra-
«n, and renewed the altar ot the LORD mah, and let his work ceafe.
aat ppjj oeiore the porch of the LORD. 6 Then Afa the king took all Judah,
9 And he gathered all Judah and Ben- and they carried away the (tones of Ra-
amm, and the grangers with them out mah, and the timber thereof, wherewith
if Lphraiu and Manafleh, and oat of Baaiha was a building, and he built
iimeon: f tor they tell to him out of Ii- therewith Geba and Mizpah
;ael in abundance, when they law that 7 1j And at that time Hanani the feet
he Lord his God rvtn with him ) came to Afa king of Judah. and faid
ic So they gathered themfelves toge- unto him, Bee ufe thou haft relied on
her at Jerusalem in the third month, in the king of Syria-, and not relied on
•he fifteenth year or the reign of Ala. the LORD thy God, therefore is the haft
ii And they offered unto the Lord of the king of Syria elcaped out of thine
.he fame time, of the l'poil which they had hand.
orought, (even hundred oxen, and leven i> Were not the Ethiopians and the
:houiand fheep. Lubims a huge heft, with very many cha-
ii And they entred into a covenant to riots and horiemen ? yet, becauie thou
eek the Lord Gcd of their fathers, with didit rely on the Lord, he delivered
til their heart, and with all their foul ; them into thine hand..
h That whofoever would not feek the 9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and
Lord God of Ifrael, fhould be put to fro throughout the whole earth, to fhew
ieath, whether fniall or great, whether himfelf itrong in the behalf of f*««,whofe
man or woman. heart it perfect towards him. Herein
14 And they fware unto the LORD thou haft done foolifhly i therefore from
Yith a loud voice, and with fhouting, henceforth thou lhalt have wars.
jnd with trumpets, and with cornets. 10 Then Afa was wroth with the feer,
k And all Judah rejoyced at the oath :and put him it) a prifon-houfe ; fi.r he
or they had fworn with all their heart, W4; in a rage with him, becaufe of this
md lought him with their whole defire, thing. And Afa opprelled/ome of the
md he was found of them and the Lord peop'e the fame time.

jave them relt round about. 11 U And behold, the arts of Afa, flrft
16 fl And alf'o concerning Maachah the andlatt, lo, theynre written in the book
notherofAla the king, he removed her of the kingsof Judah andllra>l.
rom being queen, becaufe fhe had made ri And Afa, in the thirty and ninth
m idol in a grove and Afa cut down year of his reign, was difeafed in his feet,

ler idol, and (tamped ir, and burnt it at until his difeaf e w*t exceeding great yet •

he brook Kidron. in his dif "eafe he ("ought not to the Lord,

i7 But the high places were not ta- but to the phvficians.
ten away out of Ifrael neverthelefs, the
: 11 U And Afa flept with his fathers,
leart of Afa was perfect all his days. and died in the one and fortieth year of
1 fl And he brought into the houfe his reign.
>fGod the things that his father had de- 14 And they buried him in his ewn
feated, and that he himfelf had dedi- fepulcjires, which he had made for him-
cated, filver, and gold, and veffels. felf in the city of David, and laid him
19 And there was no more war unto the in the bed, which was filled "with fweet
iveand thirtieth year of the reign of Afa. odours and divers kinds of fpicet prepared
CHAP. XVI. by the apothecaries art and they made

Aftjtoppeth the building ofRtntth, &c. a very great burning for him.
[N the fix and thirtieth year of the M
reign of Afa, Baafha king of Ifrael JebojbApbtti good reign, Sec.
:ameup aeainit Judah, and built Ramah,
o the intent that he might let none go
ANdJehofhaphat his fon reigned ift
his ftead, and ftrengthned himfelf
mt orroaie in to Afa kin? of Judah. againft Ifrael.
i Then Afa brought out filver and i And he placed forces in all the fenced
pld out of the treafures of the houfe of cities of Judah, and fet garifons in the
he Lord, and of the kings houfe, and land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephra-
ent to Ben-hadad king of Syria, that im, which Afa his father had taken.
rwelt at Damafcus, faying, ; And the Lord was with Jehofharhar,
* There it a league between me and thee, becaufe he walked in the flrft ways of
is there vent betweea my father and thy his father David, and fought not unto
ather behold, I have fent thee filver Baalim

-«i gold
s go, break. c!>y league with 4 But fought to the Lew) God of bis.ft,

Jthojbtpbttt rtizn.
II. Chronicles •
Mumjlc ftnt

ther, and walked in bis commandments,

for the people that be bad with
him, an. . :.

and not alter the doings ol Ifrael perl waded him to go up -aitb tint
to Ra
< Therefore the Lord ftablifhed the moth-gilead.
kingdom in his hand, and all Judah 3 1
And Ahab king of Ifrael faid unti
brought o Jehofhaphat prefents-, and Jeholiuphat king of Judah, Wiirtboue*
he had riches and honour in abundance. with me to Ramoth-gilead ? And he an
6 And his heart was hit up in the ways twered him, 1 *m ai thou *n, and nv
of the Lord : moreover, he took away people a s thy people, and vce n>itt be with
the high places and groves out or Judah. thee in the- war.
"Alio in the third year ol his reign, 4 tl And Jehofhaphat" faid unto the
he lent to his princes, even to Ber.-hail, king or Ilrad, Enquire, 1 tray thee, at
and to Obadiah, and to Zechanah, and the word of the Lord to day
to Nethancel, and to Michaiah, to teacli ,-Theretore the king of llrael gathered
in the cities or Judah. together of prophets tour hundred men
8 And with them b>. ftnt Levites, «>•« and laid unto them, Shall we go toRa-
Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zeba- moth-gilead to battle, or ihall 1 tor-
diah, andAlahcl, and Shemiramoth, an.-l bear ? And they laid, Go up for God w. ;

Jehonathan, and Adomjah, and Tobijah, deliver it into the kings hand.
and Tob-adonijah, Levitts; and with 6 But Jehofhaphat laid, Is there no
them Elimama, and Jehoram, priefts. here a prophet ol the Lord beiides, tka
9 And they taught in Judah, and b.\i we might enquire or him >
the book of the law of the LORD with 7 And the king of Ifrael (aid unto Jeho.
them, and went about throughout all the (naph3t, Tbtre is yet one man, by whc:r
cities of Judah, and taught the people. we may enquire of the Lord but Ih t •.

to fl And the fear of the LORD fell him, for he never propheiieth grod
upon all the kingdoms or the lands that me, but always evil the fame m Micaial

were round about Judah, lb that they the fon of Imla. And Jeholhaphat laid
made no war aeainit Jehoihaphat. Let not the king fa% o.
u Alio fome 6f the Phihitines brought 8 And the king ot Ifrael called for ore
Jehofhaphat prefents, and tribute-lllver of bis ofTicers, and faid, Fetch cuick'y
and the Arabians brought him flocks, Micaiah the fon of Imla.
feven thoutand and feven hundred rar.-.s, 9 And the king of Ifrael, and Jehofha-
and l'even thoufand and feven hundred rhat king of Judah, fat either of them
He-goats. on his throne, clothed in tbtir robes, and
ii 11 And Jehofhaphat waxed grea* ex- they fat in a void place at the eruring in
ceedingly ; and he built in Judah calUes, of the gate of Samaria, and all the pro-
and cities of ftore. phets prophefied before them.
15 And he had much bufinefs in the ci- to AndZedekiahthefonof Cheraanah
ties of Judah : and the men of war, migh- had made him horns of iron, and faid,
ty menof valour, vetre in Jerusalem. Thus laith the Lord, With thefe thou
t4 And thefe are the numbers of them fhalt pufh Syria, until they be consumed.
according to the hcu'.'e of their fathers tt And all the prophets prophefied !"o,
Of Judah, the captains of thoufands j faying. Go up to Ramoth-gdeaci, and
Adnah the chief, and with him mighty profper tor the LORD ihall deliver it

men of valour, three hundred thoutand. into the hand ot the kirg.
i? And next to him w*s Jehohanan ii And the mefi'enger that went to call
the captain, and with him two hundred Micaiah, lpake to him, faying, Behold,
and fourfcore thoufanct. the words ot the prophets' decltre good
16 And next him war Amafiah the fon to the king with one afient let thy :

of Zichri, who willingly offered himfelf word therefore, I pray thee, be like one
unto the Lord; and with him two hun- of their. :, and (peak thou good.

dred thoufand mighty men of valour. t; And Micaiah faid, As the Lovnli-
17 And of Benjamin ; Eliada a migh- veth, even what my God faith, that will
ty man of valour, and with him armed 1 ("peak.
men with bow and fhield, two hundred 14. And when he was come to the kirg,

thoufand the king faid unto him, Micaiah, fna'n

18 And next him tp.ii Jehozabad, and we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle, or
with him an hundred and fourfcore ihall I forbear ? And he faid, Go
thoufand, ready prepared for the war. arui rroiper, and they fhallbe delivered
to Thefe waited on the king, beiides »nto your hand.
tbo/i whom the king put in th"e fenced i,- ArtO. the king faid to htm, Kow
cities throughout all Judah. many times fhall I adjure thee that thou
CHAP. XVIIJ. lay nothing but the truth to me, in the
JebiJbApbAti Affinity w:tb Aba^, &C. the Lord?
VTOw jehofhaphat had riches and ho ifc Then he faid, I did fee all Ifrael
V\ nour in abundance, and joyned at- fcattered upon the mountains, as fheep
finitv with Ahab. that have no fhepherd an.< the Loud

a And after certain years he went down faid, Thefe have no matter let them

to Ahab to Samaria : and Ahab killed return tbtftfert every man to his hotife
Qacep and oscn for him in abundance and in peace, .

i? Ana*
: } : :

Micttabi prophecy. Chap. XUC. Jebo(ktspkt.t reproved.

17 And the king of Ifracl fai d to Jeho - 33 And a certain man drew a bow at a
laphat, Did I not tell thee tbit he would venture, and (mote the king of lfrael be-
K prophefie siood, but evil ? tween the joynts of the harnefs : therefore
98 Again -Therefore hear the he faid to his chariot-man, Turn thine
he") aid,
ferd or' the LORD, I law the LORD fit- hand, that thou mavlt carry sue out of the
Dg upon his throne, and all the hoft cf holt, for I am wou'p.ded.
Caven Itanding on his right hand, and 34 And the battle increafed that day :
» his lett. howbeir the king of lfrael ftayed bimfelf
19 And the Lord faid, Who fhall entice up in bis chariot againft the Syrians, un-
Jiab king of lfrael, that he may go up til the even, and about the time of the
id fall at Ramoth-gilead ? and one (pake fun going down, he died.
•ying after this manner, and another XIX.CHAP.
jying atter that manner. Jebojhapbiit vi/itetb bis tfingdtm-, tkc.
10 Then there came out a fpirit, and A-Nd Jehofharhat the king of Jud3h
o;>d before the Lord, and faid, I will returned to hishoufe in peace 10 Je-
ntice him. And the Lord laid unto rulalem.
ini, Wherewith ? 1 And Jehu the fon of Hanmi the feer,
11 And he laid, I will go out, and be a went out to meet him, and laid to king
'in? fpirit in the moutf) of all his pro- Jehofhaphat, Shouldft thou help the un-
hef-s. And the LORD laid, Thou lhalt godly, and love them that hate the Lord ?
ntice him-, and thou (halt alio prevail therefore is wrath upon thee from beiore
out, and do even fo. the LORD.
xi Now therefore behold, the LORD 3 Neverthelefs, there are good things
ath put a lying fpirit in trie mouth of found in thee, in that thou had taken
leie thy prophets, and the LORD hath away the groves out of the land, and haft
oaken evil aKainft thee. • prepared thine heart to- feek God.
1? Then Zedtkiah the ton of Chenaa- 4 And Jehofhaphat dwelt at Jerulalem ;
ah, came near, and (mote Micaiah up- and he went out again through the peo-
n the cheek, and faid, Which way went ple, from Beer-fheba to mount Ephraim,
he fpirit of the Lord from me, to peak and brought them back unto the Lord

nto thee ? God of their fathers.

vt And Micaiah faid, Behold, thou ? And be fet judges in the {.and,
ttlt fee on that day, when thou lhalt go throughout all the fenced cities of Ju-
ito an inner chamber to hide thy (elf. dah, city by city, . •
, - *
15 Then the king of lfrael faid, Take 6 And faid to the judges, Take heed
e Micaiah, and carry him back to Anion what ye do for ye judge not tor man,

\t governor of the city, and to Joafh the but for the Lord, whoi* with you in the
ings fon judgment. - - _ ~. -

16 And fay, Thus fait* the king, Put 7 Wherefore now, let the fear of the
his fellow in the prifon, and feed him Lord be upon you, take heed and do it
'itli bread of affliction, and with water for tb'.re is no iniquity with the Lord
f affliction, until I return in peace. our God, nor refpedt of perlbns, nor ta-
27 And Micaiah (aid. If thou certainly king of gifts. „ ,.,,,.
sturn in peace, then hath not the Lord 8 11 Moreover, in Jerutalem did Jeho-
?oken by me. And he faid, Hearken, fhaphat fet of the Levites, and of the
11 ye people. priefts, andofthechiefof the fathers at
ig So the king of lfrael, and JehoT.a- lfrael, for the judgment of the LORD,
hat the king of Judah went up toRa- and for controverfies, when they returned
wth-gilead. 5 to Jerulalem. _, • .

19 And the king of lfrael faid unto Je- 9 And he charged them, faying* Thus
olhaphat, I will difguife my felf, and ihall ye do in the fear of the LORD,
'ill go to the battle, but put thou on thy faithfully, and with a perfect heart.
3bes. So the king of lfrael difguifed 10 And what caufe foever fhall come to
nnfelf, and they went to the battle. you of your brethren that dwell in their
30 Now the king of Syria had com- cities, between blood and blood, between
landed the captains of the chariots that law and commandment, ftatutes ana
ere with him, Caving, Fightye not with judgments, ye fhall even warn them that
mall or great, fa've only with the king thev trefpafs not againlt the Lord, and
f lfrael. „ u
fo wrath come upon you, and upon your
;i And it came to pafswhen the cap- brethren this do, and ye fhall not trel-

ains of the chariots faw Jehofhaphat, P

hat they faid, It is the king of lfrael 11' And :behold, Amariah the chief
herefore they compaffed about him to pneft is over you, in all matters or the
tght but Jehofhaphat cried out, and the LORD ; 3rd Zebadiah the fon of I ih-

.ORD helped him, and God moved th'em mael, the ruler of the houfe cf Judah,
depart from him. for all the kir gs matters
; : alfo the^e-
32 For it came to pafs, that when the offi-ers before you. Deal
raptains of the chariots perceived that it couraeioufly, and the LORD iWH b e wun
vas not the king of lfrael, they turned the good.
jack again from puifuing him.
ftkolhtfbtti pTtjir. II. Chroniclei. God figbtttb for "uU
„ ^ CHAP. XX. .
, 16 To morrow go ye down aga
Uimetb t fajt, &«. 1 them behold, tr.ey come up by the

T came
IJ**>< to r>afs atter this al o, tb*t the etZi'., and ye (ball find them at the
children of Moaj, and the children of ot the brook, beiore the wildernel's
Amnion, and with them otbtr heiide the Jeruel.
AmmonrVes, came againft Jeholhaphat 1- Ye fhall not net! to fieht in tj
lo Wattle. Mtki let vout i'elvcs, ft and ye (UU, ;L
i Then there came Tome that tohl Jeho- lee the falvationot the Lord with rtl
lhaphat, faying, There cometh a great O Judih ani Jerusalem : fear not. if
multitude againft thee from be\or.d the be dumaved to morrow go out agai

lea, on this Qde Syria, and behol. them, tor the Lord *iit be with vou.
in Hazazo.i-tamar, which it En-gedi. 18 And Jeholhaphat bowed his he;|
2. And Jeholhaphat
feared, and fet him- with bii face to the ground and alljudil :

teu tp icek the

Lord, and proclaimed and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell b|
a throughout all Judah.
faft tore the LORD,
worfhipping the LOR
4 And Judah gathered tnemfelves toge- 19 And the Levites of the children
ther, to ask btlp of the Lord even out : the Kohathites, and of the children
of all the cities of Judah they came to the Korhites, flood up to praife t
fock the Lord. Lord God of Ifrael with a loud rci
< f[ And Jeholhaphat Rood in the con- on high.
gregation cf J bdah and Jetufalem, in the ic «] And
they rofe early in the mor
houfe of the Lord before the new court, ine, and went forth into the wildexr.e
6 And faid, O LORD God of our fa- of Tekoa and as they went forth, J-

thers, m. not thou God in heaven ? and hofnaphat ftood and jaid, Hear mc,
rultit not thou over all the k>nerdoms of Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jeru ra!es
t.-c heather.; *od in thine
band is tttre Believe in th« Lord your God,
not power and might, to that none is able you be eltabBfhed j believe his prophet
»o withiland thee 10 lhall ye profper.
- A i not rho-i oar God, who :i Ar.o when he had conlulted withtft-
didft drive
out the inhabitants of this land before thy reople, he appointed fingers unto tfc
people Ifrael, and gaveft it to the Cced LpRD, and thatfhould praife the beaut
of Abraham thy triend for ever of holir.e's, as they went out be:
8 And they dwelt therein, and have army, and to lay, Praife the Loru, ft'
built thee a fanttuary therein for tr.% his mercy endureib for ever.
name, faying, n *J And when they began to fine an
9 If when evil cometh upon us, as the to praife, the Lord
iet ambnfh meats a
l word, judgment, gainft the children of Amnion, Moab
or peftilence, or famine,
ife lcaijd before this houfc, and in thy pre- and mount Seir, which were come againl i,

'for thy name it in this houie} and Judah, and thev were fmitten.
cry unro thee in our affliction, then thou 12 For the children of Amnion an-
wilt hear and help. Moab ftood up againft the infc
to And now behold, the children of of mount Seir, utterly to flay and &C§M
Ammoir, 2nd Moab, acd mount Seir, tbem and when the* had mad?

whom thou wouldft not let Ifrael invade, of the inhabitants of beir, every
w.ien they came out of the land of E- ed to deftrov another.
S>pt, but they turned from them, and 14 And when
deftxoyed them not watch-tower
it Behold, I/aj, bom they reward us, ed the mult
to come to cart us out of thy poflTefTion, **re dead t>od
which rhou hall given us to inherit. ped .

12 O.our God, wilt thou no' i>- And when Jeholhaphat and his people
them? tor we have no might againft this came to rake away the fpoil of theai,
great company that cometh asrainit us: they fo
neither know we what to do7 but our riches ••
bodies, and nrecioqa
eyes are upon thee. jewels [ wiiirh thev ltript orY tot
nAnd all Judah Hood before the Lord,
with their little ones, their wives ana
their children.
«4f Then upna Jahaziel the fon of
Zechiriah, the fon of Benaiah, the Ton feairded themfelves in the valley of BeS'
oMehiei, rhe'bnof Mattaaiah, a Levire chah for there they bleiTed the LORD : i

ot u e fnnr of Aaph, came the fpirit of therefore 'he name of the fame place wat

the LOR Din the midft of the congre- railed, The valley of Berachah unto this
° j

ic Ar.d St faid, Hearken ye, all Jadab, 1-* The-. J-hey returned even man of
and ye inhabitant of Jenifalem, and thou Judah and Jenifalem, and )z x

king Jeholhaphat, Thus faith the LORD totefront of them, to c

unto yqu, Be no* afraid, nor di n to Jerualem with joy for the LORI> :

by reafonofthis ereat multitude ; tor the hat made thera to rejoyce over theit
battle it not yours, but Gods. enejiifla.
18 .\*i
. :

hapbats rtign. Chap. xjcj. Jeborams michji reign.

And they came
Jerufafem with to to wife : and he wrought mbicb mat
eries, and harps, and trumpets, un- evil in the eyes of the LORD.
ie houfe of the LORD. 7 Howbeit the Lord woul-d not deftroy
And the fear ot God was on all the the houie ot David, becaufe of the cove-
doms of tboft countries, when they nant that he had n»ad« with David, and
leard that the LORD
fought againa as he promifcd to give a light io him and
enemies of Ifrael. to his ions tor ever.
So the realm of Jehothaphat was 8 1J In his days the
Edomites revolted
et, for his God g»ve him reit round from under the dominion of Judah, and
•out. made themfelves a king.
It tl And Jehofhaphat reigned over 9 Then Jehoram went forth with his
itJah be mas thirty and five years old
: princes, and all his chariots with him
hen he began to reign, and lie reigned and he rofe up by night, and fmote thfi
'enty and hve years in Jerufalem: and Edomites which compalfed him in, ana
smothers name mas Azubah the daugh- the captains ot the chariots.
rofShilhi. to So the Edomites revolted from undet
|t And he walked in the way of Afa the hand of Judah unto this day. The
s rather, and departed not from it, do- fame time alfo did Libnah revolt from
*rthat*bicb mas right in the light of the under his hand i>ecaul'e he had forfaken ;

JRD: the LQRD God of his fathers.

M Howbeit, the high places were not ir Moreover, he made high places in
ken away for as yet the people had the mountains of Judah, andcaufed the

St prepared their hearts unto the God of inhabitants of Jerufalem to commit for-
eir fathers. nication, and compelled Judah thereto.
?4 Now the reft of the a6ts of Jebofha- ii ^1 And there came a writing to him
lat, hrft and laft, behold, they *re writ- from Elijah the prophet, faying, Thus
n in the book ot Jehu the Ten of Hana- faith the LORD God of David thy fa-
i,'who is mentioned in the bo»k of th« ther, Becaufe thou haft not walked in the
ings of Ifrael. ways of Jehofhaphat thy father, nor in
!?? tl And after this did Jehofhaphat the ways of Ala king of Juaah,
ing of Judah joyn himfelf with Aha- rt But haft walked in the way of the
ah king of Ifrael, who did very wic- kings of Ifrael, and haft made Judah and
edly :
the inhabitants of Jerufalem to go a
36 And he joyned himfelf with him to whoring, like to the whoredoms of the
iake fhips to go to TarfhiQi and they houfe of Ahab, and alfo haft flain thy

iade the fhips in Ezion-geber. brethren of thy farhers houfe, mbiib mert
37 Then Ehezer the ion of Dodavah of better than thy felf; .
larefhah prophefied againft Jehofha- 14 Behold, with a great plague will
tiat, faying, Becaufe thou haft joyned the LORD
finite thy people, and thy
ly felf with Ahaziah, the LOUD hath children, and thy wives, and all thy
roken thy works. And the fhips were goods.
:oken, that they were not able to go to i? And thou flialt basx ^reat ficknefs
arfhifD. by difeafe ot thy bojtels, until thy bowels
G H A P. XXI. fall out, by reaion of the fickneis day by
leboram fuccttdttb ebpfbapbaty 8cC. '. day.
Jehofhaphat fl'ept with his fa- t6 fl Moreover, the LORD ftirred ur»
S^Ow thers, and was buried with his fa- aga"inft Jehoram the fpirit of the Phili-
iers in the city of David andjehoram ftines, and of the Arabians, that mere neaj

s fon reigned in his flea d the Ethiopians.

i And he had brethren the Ions of Je- T7 And they came up into Judah, and
jfhaphat, Azariah, and Jehiel, arid brake into it, and carried away all the

echari?h, and Azariah, and Michael, fubftance that was foun'd in the kings
id Shephatiah ! all thefe mere the fons of houfe, and his fons alfo, and his wives j
:holhaphat king of Ifrael. fo that there was never a fon left hi m»
3 And father gave them great fave Jehoahaz the youngeft of his fons.
ftsof iilver, and of gold, and of precious 18 fl And after all this the Lord fmote
lings, with fenced cities in Judah but him in his bowels, with an incurable

e kingdom gave he to Jehoram, be- difeafe.

lufe he mas Vie firft-born. ig And it came to pafsthatin procefi
4 Now when jehoram was rifen up to of time, after the end of two years, hi«
e kingdom of his father, he ftrength- bowels fell out by reafon of his firknefs :
id hhnfelf, and flew all his brethren fo hedie« of lore difeafes And his peo- :

ith tlie fword, and divers alfo of the ple made no burning for him, like the
inces of Ifrael. burning of Ins fathers.
f 5] Jehoraw mas thirty and two years to Thirty ami two years old was he
d when he beg \n to reign, and he rcign- when he began to reign, and he reigned
t eiglr years in Jerufalem. in Jerufalem eight years : and departed
6 And he walked in the way of the without being defired : howbeit they bu-
ings of Ifrael, like as did the houfe of ried him in the city of David, but not in
hab : far he had the daughter of Ahab the fepulchres of the kings.
Aba\i»bs reign and dettb. II. Chronicles. '
Joajb made $ing
CHAP. XXII. captains of hundreds,
Jcroham, and lihmael the ibnofjehoh
Azariahthe fon
Aba\isbi wicked reign, &C.
ANd the inhabitant of Jerul'alcm made nan, and Azariah the fon or Obed, ai
Ahaziah his youngeft Ion king in his Maalciah theicnof Adaiah, and Elifh
{tead : tor the band or men thai came phat the fon ot Zichri, into covena
with the Arabians to the camp, had ilain with him.
all iheelaeit. So Ahaziah the Ton ol Je- z And they went about in Judah, ai
horam king of Judah reigned. gathered the Levites out of all the citi
i Forty and two years oUl was Ahaziah of Judah, and the chiefof the fathers
when he began to reign, and he reigned ll'rael, and they came to Jerul'alcm.
one year in Jerut'alem : his mothers name 3 And all the congregation made a cc
alio »a» Athaliah the daughter of Omri. venant with the king in the- houfe i

3 He alfo walked in the ways of the God and he (aid unto them, Behold, tt

houfe of Ahab for his mother was his kings (on lhall reign, as the LOR° '-ai

counfeller to do wickedly. faid of the fons of David.

4 Wherefore he did evil in the fight of 4. This it the thing that ye (hall do ; ,Ek
the LORD, like the houfe of Ahab: tor third part oi you entring on the fabbat '£
they were his counlcllers after the death
of nis father, to his deitruction. porters of the doors
«.n He walked alio after their counfel, « Ana a third vznjktllbc at the ki;
and went with Jehoramthe fonot Ahab houfe i and a third part at the gate ft
king of ll'rael, to war againit Hazael foundation: ?pd all the people Jhtll
king of Syria at Ramoth-gilead and the : the courts of the houfe of the Lord
Syrians i'mote Joram. 6 But let none come into the
6 And he returned to be healed in Jez- of the Lord, fave the priefts, and the £.
reel, becaul'e of the wounds which, were that miniiter of the Levites, they fh3\l gifr.
given him at Ramah, when he fought in, for they are holy: but all the leoplf
with Hazael king of Syria. AndAzariah (hall keep the watch of the Lori>.
the ("on of Jehoram king of Judah, went 7 And the Levites fliall compafs th.fL
down to fee Jehoram the ion of Ahab at king round about, every man with VEL
Jezreel, becaul'e he was fick. weapons in his hand, and wholbever mf%
7 And the dettruition ot Ahaziah was cometh into the houfe, he lhall b; put 4 \£.
of God by coming to Joram tor when death: but be you with the kinz

he was come, hewent out with Jehoram he cometh in, and when hegoethout. r,
againit Jehu the fon of Nimihi, whom 8 So the Levites and all Judah did ac-]T
the LORD had anointed to cut oft the cording to all things that Jehoiada then',
houfe of Ahab. prieft had commanded, and took ever) h'
8 And it came to pals that when Jehu man his men that were to come in or :'
was executing judgment upon the houfe the fabbath, with them that were to go
of Ahab, andfoundthe princes of Judah, out on the fabbath for Jehoiada the ?rierlLl

and the fons of the brethren of Ahaziah, dilmiffed not the courlcs.
that miniftrcd to Ahaziah, he flew them. 9 Moreover^ Jehoiada the prieft deli-
9 And he (ought Ahaziah and they vered to the captains of hundreds, (pern,
: .

caught him, (for he was hid in Samaria) and bucklers, and fhields, that b*J been '
and brought him to Jehu and when they king Davids, which were in the houfe of,

had flain him, they buried him, becaufe God.

( faid they ; hex" J the fonot Jehofhaphat. io And he fet all the people C every !>.'

who fought the Lord with all his heart. man having his weapon in his hand J
So the houfe of Ahaziah had no power irom the right fide of the temple to the
to keep ftill the kingdom. left fide of the temple, along by the
to U But when Athaliah the mother of altar and the temple, by the kinsnround
Ahaziah faw that her fon was dead, fhe about.
arofe, and deitroyed all the feed royal ot 1 Then they brought out the kings fon,

the houfe of Judah. and put upon him the crown, 2nd x*vi
tt But Jehofhabeath the daughter of hist the teltimonv, and made him king r.g
the king, took Joalhthc fon of Ahaziah, and Jehoiada and his fons anointed h
and ftole him from among the kings Cons and laid, God fave the king.
tbat mere (lain, and put him and his nurfe ri 51 Now when Athaliah heard _
in abed-chamber. So Jehofhabeath the noii:ot the people running and praifingj
daughter of king Jehoram, the wife of the king, fhe came to the people into dm
Jehoiada the priell ( tor fhe was the fi- houfe ot the Lonu.
lter of Ahaziah J hid him from Athaliah, 1? And fhe looked, and behol..,
fo that fhe llew him not. kii:g ftood at his pillar, at tfie enuring k.
n And he was with them hid in the and the princes and the trumpets by th
houfe of Gad fix years, and Athaliah king and all the people of the
: i

reigned over the land. joyced, and founded withtrumj

CHAP. XXIII. the fingers with lnltruments of
and inch as taught to fing praile. Then

JebotAda nu^tih ToaJ7j king, &c.

ANd in the feventh year Jehoiada Athaliah rent
fticngthned himfelf) and took the Trealon, treaion.
her clothes, and laid,

14 Then
jodt 09rjhtp rcjlortd. Chap, XXiV, yoajb rtpairetb the- ttmplt.
i4 Then Jehoiada the pried brought of the congregation of Ifrael, for the ta-
BJthe captains or hundreds that were bernacle ot witnefs?
i over the hoft, and laid unto them, 7 For the fons ofAthaliah that wicked
Wre her forth or the ranges and wholb woman, had broken up the houfe of God,

ou-eth her, Jet him be flain with the and alfo all the dedicate things of the
!~rd. For the pried faid, Sliy her not houfe of the Lord did they beltowupon
the houfe or the Lord. Baalim.
K bo they laid hands on her ; and 8 And at the kings commandment they
en die was come to the entringor the made a cheft, and i'et it without at the
rfe-gate, by the kings houfe, they flew gate ot the houfe of the Lord.
er there. 9 And they made a proclamation
16 U And Jehoiada made a covenant through Judah and Jerulalem, to bring
Itweeij him, and between ait the people, in to the Lord, the collection- that Mo-
nd between the king, that they fhould fes the fervant of God laid upon Il'racl
: the Lords people. in the wildernefs.
i7 Then all the people went to the to And alf the princes, and all the
W.'e of Baal, and brake it down, and people rejoyced, and brought in. and
rake his altars, and his images in pieces, call into thecheft, until they had made
nd dew Mattan the prielt*of Baal be- an end.
)re the altars. it Now it came to pafs, that at what
18 Allb Jehoiada appointed the offices time the chelt was Drought into the
F the heme or the LORD
by the hand kings office, by the hand of theLevite* j
f the priefts the Levites, whom David and when they; faw that there was much
ad diftributed in the houfe'of the Lord, money the kings fcribe, and the high

jcfferthe burnt-offerings of t!ic Lord, prielts officer came and emptied the cheft,
sit is written in the law of Mofes, with and took it, and carried it to his place
ejovcing and with tinging, as it mas or- again. Thus they did day by day, and
ained by David. gathered money in abundance.
to, And he fet the porters at the gates n And the king and Jehoiada gave it
f the houfe of the LORD,
that none to fuch as did the work of the fervice of
bid vat unclean in any thing, fhould the houfe of the Lord, and hired mafbn3
ntei in. and carpenters to repair the houfe of the
ao And he took
the captains of hun- Lord, and alfo fuch as wrought iron and
reds, and the nobles, and the governors brafs to mend the houfe'of the Lord.
f the people, and all the people of the u So the workmen wrought, and the
and, and brought down the king from work was perfected by them, and they
he houfe of the LORDand they came
: fet the houfe of God in his ftatc, and
hrough the high-gate into the kings ftrengthned it.
icufe, and fet the king upon the throne 14 And when they had finiflied ft, they
f the kingdom. brought the reft of the money before the
zi And all the people of the land re- king and Jehoiada, whereof were made
oyced and the city was quiet, after that
: veftels for the houfe of theLORD, tven
hey had fl3inAthaIiah with thefword. veflTels to minifter, and to offer xeitbal,
CHAP. XXIV. and fpoons, and veflels of gold and fil-
toajbreignetb melt all the days of ^ebdiada. ver: and they offered burnt-offerings in
rOafh mat feven years old when he be- the houfe of the Lord continually, all
gan to reign, and he reigned forty the days of Jehoiada.
'ears in Jerufalem : his mothers name al- i? 11 But Jehoiada waxed old, and was
b mas Zibeah of Beer-fheba. fullof days when he died an hundred•,

i And Joa^h did that wbicb mas right and thirty years old was be when he died._
n the fight of the LORD, all the days t6And they buried him in the city of
)f Jehoiada the prieft. David among the kings, becaufe he had
z And Jehoiada took for him two wives, done good in lfrael, both towards Goa»
ind he begat fons and daughters. and towards his houfe.
4 11 And it came to pals after this, <**£ V7 Now after the death of Jehoiada,
[03ftiwas minded t9 repairthe houfe of came the princes of Judah, and made
he LORD. obeifance to the king : then the king
< And he gathered together the pnefts hearkned unto them.
i8 And they left the houfe of the LORD

md the Levites, and faid to them, Go out

anto the cities of Judah, and gather of
God of their fathers, and ferved groves
all li'rael money to repair the houfe of : and idols and wrath came upon Judah

your God from year to year, and fee that i and Jerufalem for if- is their treipafs.
ye hafte the matter : howbeit the Levites I iq Yet he lent prophets to them, to
haftned it not. bring them again unto the Lord, and
6 And the king called for Jehoiada the they teftified againit them : but they
chief, and laid unto him, haft thouWhy ! would not give ear.
not required of the Levites to biing in | io And the fpirit of God came upon
out of ludah and out of Jerufalem, the Zechariah the fon otjehoiada the prieft,
col-eclion, according te the commandment which ltood ibove the people, and faid un-
of Mofcs the fervantof theLORD, and to them, Thus faith God, Why tranigref?
2ccUri*h ftontd. II. Chronicles. Amt\itht viiiory.
ye the commandments of the Lord, that yean old and above, and found the
•yecannot profpcr ? becaufe ye have ion a- nrca hundred thouland choice men,
r<en the Lord, he hath alio forfaken you. to go totth co wax, that could ha
11 And they conlpired againfthim, and Ipear and ihicld.
ftoned him with ftones at the commar.d- 6 He hired alio an hundred thoufai,
jncnt or the king, in the court of the mighty men ot valour out ot Ifrael, t!
» houfe of the Lord. an hundred talents of lilver.
ii ThusJoaih the king rememWed net 7 But the/e came a man ot God to hu]
the kindnels which Jehoiada his lather faying, O
king, let not the army ot lira
had done -to him, but Hew his (on: and fo with thee ; for the h not wi LORD
when he died, he laid, The LORD look trael, to »»f> mitb all the children
upon it, and require it. Ephraim.
i? 11 Anditcaroe to paTs at the end of 8 But if thou wilt go, dorr, be ftronl
the year, tbat the holt of Syria came up a- for the battle : Gad mall make thee fal
gainlt tim and they came to Judah and
before the enemy tor God hath pcwtl :

Terulalein, and deftroyed all the princes to help, and to call down.
ot the people from among the people, 9 And Amaziah laid to the man c
and Cent all the fpoil of them unto the But what fhall we do for the hundre]
king of Damalcus. talents which I have given to the
14 For the army of the Syrians came of Ifrael ? And the nun of God a
with a fniall company of men, and the ed, The LORD is able to giv,
Lord delivered a very great heft into much more than this.
v their hand, becaufe they had fori aken the to Then Amaziah feparated U
Lord God of their fathers: fo they exe- mitt the army that was come to Trim gi
cuted judgmenr a?ainft Joalh. of Ephraim, to go home again-, when};
i? Aiid"whenthey were departed from fore their angerwas greatly kimiled i
C for they left him in great dncafesj gamit Judah, and they returned hcm<
his owr. fervants conlpired againft him, great anger.
toi the blood of the fonsot Jehoiada the 51 And Amaziah ftrentrthned
prieit, and (lew him on his bed, end he ielt, and led forth his people, and
tuei: and they buried him in the city of to the valley of fait, and fmote of
David, bui they buried him not in the children ct Seir, ten thousand
fepulchres of the kings. ii And otber ten thouland lift alive
i6 And rhele are they that confpired the children of Judah carry away capj
againfthim ; Zabadthefon of Shimeath and brought them unto the top of
an Ammoniteffi, and Jehozabad the Ion rock, and rait them down from the
of Shimnth a Moabitels. of the reck, that they were broken
17 11 Now conicrninT hisfons, and the in pieces.
greatnels of the burdens laid upon him, i? 11 Bu* thefoldiersofthe armyw]
and the repairing of the houfe of God, Amaziah lent back, that they fhoul
behold, they are written in the ltory of go with him to battle, fell upon the
the book of the kings. And Amaziah of Judah, from Samaria even unto
his Jon reigned in his {lead. horon, and mote three thousand of
CHAP. XXV. and took much fpori.
Antaynb bt^innetb to reign veil, &c. 14 « Now it came to pafs, after th
hat A-
A Maziah to*j twenty and five years maziah wss come from the .laughterjB
J\ old veben he began to reign, and he
reigned twenty and nine years injerufa-
the Edomites, that he brought the gfl
of the<hildren of Seir, and fet t:
lem: and his mothew name »<»< Jehoad- to be his gods, and bowed
daaof Jerufalem. before them, and burned incer.
i And he did tbst wb cb wuj right in :
the light of the LORD, but not with a i? Wherefore the anger of the LORD
par left heart. was kindled again!} Amaziah, and helett
3 11 New it came
pafs, when the
to unto him a prophet, which faid ur.tohflB
kingdom was ettablifhed to him, that Why haft thou feuu
he Hew his fervants that had killed the the people which could not deliver them
king his father. own p.o.ojojrof thine hat
4 But he flew not theit children, but r- And it c.v.neto pafs as he talked
him, that tbe £/n<r ("aid unto him, JfM
<LrJas it ii written in the law in the brok
Qf Moles, wh?re the Lord commanded, thou m rescounfel? forbeaH
laying, Thf fathers fhall not . whyfhouldft thou be^imitten 5 Then tB
children, neither Jhall the children die prophet lorbare', and aid, I know thM
for the fathers, but eveiy nun fhall die God h .-.! tc Jeftroy iheM
tor his own fin. ,
. . ,.

« Moreover, Amazfah gathered J.i

11 ..•nto uiv cc
dah together, and made them I hen Amazi i

over tabnfands, and captairti overrun-

dreds, according u the houfes ot tbeir •
Jehukingof Ifra
. fathers, throughout all Jrdah sr -, Come, let i- feeon'canothci
Sin; asd he numbred them from twenty tacc.
+ 18 An*

m*ri*b frovo^ttb Jo*Jb, Chap. xxvi. He it fmtttn toitb Upro/le.

i And Joafh king of Ifrael fent to A- chariah, who had underftanding in the
liah king of Jud.ih, laying, The ihiftle vifions of God and as long as he fought

fveu in Lebanon, lent to trie cedar the Lord, God made him to prolper.
Iwai in Lebanon, laying, Give thy 6 And he went torth and warred a.
fhter to my Ion to wife and there : gainft the Philiftines, and brake down
Ed by awiMbcalt thatwuj in Leba- the wallof Gath, and the wall of Jabneh,
f and trode down the thiltle. and the wall ot Afhdod, and built cities
) Thou favft, Lo, thou haft fmitten about Affidod, and among the Philiftines.

"Edomites/and thine heart lifteth thee 7 And God helped him againit the
to boaft abide now at home, why
: Philiftines, and againit the Arabians
uldft thou meddle to thine hurt,- that that dwelt in Gur-baal, and the Mehu-
u fhouldft fall, twn thou, and Judah mms.
h ttae? 8»And the Ammonites gave gifts to
d but Amaziah would not hear, for Uzziah, and his name fpread abroad even
*mt of God, that he might deliver to the entring in of
Egypcfor he ftrength-
m into the hand oftbeir eno«;(rj,becaufe ned blmjelf exceedingly.
y ought after the gods of Edom. 9 Moreover, Uzziah built towers in
i i>o Joafh the king ot Ifrael went up, Jerulalem, attte corner-gate, and atthe
I tficy law one another in the face, both valley-gate, and at the turning of the w*//,
and Amaziah king of Judah, at Beth- and fortified them.
meih, which betongetb to Judah. io Alio he built towers in the defert,
i And Judah was put totheworl'e be- and digged many wells, for he had much,
e Ifrael, and they fled every man to cattle, both in the low-country, and in
tent. the pla-ius: husbandmen <»/,o, and vine-
^ And Joafh the king of Ifrael took drefiers in the mountains, andin Carmel
taziah kingot Judah the fon of Joafh, tor he loved husbandry.
(on of Jehoahaz, at Beth-fhcmefh, and n Moreover, Uzziah had an hoft of
night him to Jerufalem, and brake fighting men, that went out to war by
vn the wall ot Jerufalem, from the bands, according to the number of their
ce of Ephraim to the corner-gate, four account, by the hand of Jeiel the fcribe»
^ldred cubits. and Maafeiah the ruler, under the hand
4. And ht took all the gold andfhefil- of Hananiah, owe of the kings captains.
, ana all the veitthtb*tvs>ert found in \x The whole number of the chief of
houfe of God withObed-edom, and the tathers of the mighty men of valour,
:treafuresof the kings houle, the ho- ortre two thoufand and fix hundred.
ges alio, and returned to Samaria. i? And under their hand veas an army,
.? H And Amaziah the fon of Joalti three hundred thoufand and feven thou-
ig of Judah, lived alter the death ot fana and five hundred, that made wa*
ifh fon of Jehoahaz king of llrael, with mighty power, to help the king a-
een years. gainlt the enemy.
6 Now the reft of the acts of Ama- 14 And Uzziah prepared for them
ih, ftrtt and laft, behold, *re they not throughout all the hoft, lhields, and
item in the book of the kings ot Ju- (bears, and helmets, and habergeons, and>
ne* Ifrael ? bows, and flings to eaft ftones.
7*1 Now after the time that Amaziah i? And he made in Jerufalem engines
turn away from following the Lord,
I invented by cunning men, to be on the
.7 made a c'onfpiracy.againft him in Je- towers, and upon the bulwarks, to fhoot
alem, andhefledtoLachiih but ihey : arrows, and great ftones withal : and his
itto Lachifh alter him, and Hew him name fpread far abroad, for hewasmar-
velloully helped till he was ftrong.
8 And they brought him upon horfes, t6 11. But whenJiewas ftrong, his heart
d buried him with his fathers in the was lifted up to hu deftrudtion for he

y of Judah. tranfgrelTed againft the LORD his God,

CHAP. XXVI. and went into the temple ot the Lord, ta
TJV&ab made £mg &c. burn incenfe upory:he altar ot incenfe.
"'Hen^H the people of Judah took 17 AnlAzariarr'th: prieflwent in after
Uzziah, wha »j< fixteen years old, him, and with him fourfcore priefts of
d made him king in the room of his the LORD, that were valiant men:
ther Amaziah. 18 And they withftood Uzziah the
t He
built Eloth, andreltored lttoju- king, and (aid unto him, It apferttintti
h, after that the king flept with his fa- not unto t*]ee, Uzziah, to burn incenfe
ers. unto the LORD, but to thr pnelts the
7, Sixteen years old wa' Uzziah, when fons of Aaron, that are confecrated to
began to reia;n,and he reigned hfty and burn incenfe go out of the fanctuary,

'o years in Jer.ifalem his mothers : for thou haft rrefpa«.Ved»ne;ther/fc«// it b»

mie all-) ».» Jecoliah of Jerufalem. for t!,ine honour from the LORD God.
An. he
, .
i tc * which voti righr in iO.Then Uzziah was wroth, and bsd a
e fight ol the LORD, ace rding to all cenrer in his hand, to burn incenfe: and

ther A.maziari while he wi; wroth with the priefts, the

.:fought God in the days of Ze- |
leprotic even role up«n hisforehead, be-
qotktms good reign. II. Chronicles. Ab*\ bit wiebjd
fore the priefts in the houfe ofthe Lord, kings of Ifrael, and made alfo i

trom beii de the inrenfe-altar. images ler Baalim.

xo And Azaiiah the chief prieft, and Moreover, he burnt incenfe

all the pricfts looked upon him, and be- valley ot the Ion of Hinnom, and
hold, he veai leprous in his forehead, and his children in the fire, after th«
they thruft him out trom thence, yea, minations ot the. heathen who
himfelf batted alio to go out, becaul'e- Lord had caft out before the child
the Lord had f r.itten him. ot Ilraef.
ii And Uzziah the king was a leper 4 Hefacrificed alfo, and burnt ince
unto the day of his death, and .dwelt in in the high places, and on the hills, ,

a feveral houfe being a leper, lorhewas under every green tree.

cut oil" from the houlc ot the LORD and : « Wherefore, the LORDhii God dc
Jotham his fon was over the kings houle, vered him into thehand of the king
judging the people of the land. Syria, and they lmcte him, and can
ii H Now the reft of the afts of Uzzi- away a great multitude ol tftemcaptiv
ah, firftand laft, did llaiah theprophet and brought them to Damafcus and :

the fon ot Amoz write. was alio delivered into thehand of I

*} So Uzziah flept with his fathers, km? ct lirael, who Imote wit (
and they buried him with his fathers great flaughter;
in the held of the burial which belong, 6 «- 1 ofPdcah the fon of Renul I
ed to the kings ; for they laid, He is a fiew in Judah an hundred and twc.l
leper and Jotham his fon reign r J in
thoufand in one day, which were all ••

his Head. liant men} becaufe they had forfak

r otbtm reigning well, profperetb, &c,
the Lord God of their fathers.
7 AndZichri a mighty man of Eph:
JOtham if*i twenty and five years old im, flew Maafeiah the kings fon, and /
when he began torei^n, and heTCign- rikam the governor of the .

ed fixteen years in Jerusalem-, hi* mo- Elkanah that w*< next to the king.
thers name alio was Jerufcah, thedaugh- g And the children of Ifrasl carried
tcror' Zadok. way captive of their brethren, two hi:
i Ana he did which was right in dred thoufand women, Ions and daue
the fight ot the LORD,
according to allters, and took alfo away much fpoil fr<
that his father Uzziah did howbeit he
them, and brought the'fpoil to Samar
entred not into the temple of the LORD.
9 But a prophet of the Lord W2sthc
And the people did yet corruptly. whole namen>4<Oded and he went t :

; He built the high gate of the houfe Defore the hoft that came to Samaria, a
of the LORD, and en the wallofOphel faid unto them, Behold, becaufe the Loi
he built much. God otyour fathers was wroth with JndJ
4. Moreover, he built cities in the moun-he hath delivered them into your har
tains of Judah, and in the forefls he limitand ye have llain them in a rage tt
caftlcs and towers. reacheth up unto heaven.
? 11 He fought alfo with the king of the ic And now yc purpofe to keep uncL
Ammonites, and prevailed againft them. the children ot Jud2h and JerufaleSl
And the children of Ammon gave him bond-men and bond-women unto^J(
the fame year, an hundred talents of fil buttretbtre not with you, even w
ver, and ten thoufand meafures of wheat, fins againft the LORD your God )dj>"
and tf n thoufand of barley. So much did ii Now hear me therefore, and
the children cf Ammon pay unto lum, the captives again, which ye have laretS ,

both the fecond year, and the third. captive of your brethren-: for the fil " .•

6 So Jotham became mighty, becaufe wrath of the LORD ii upon you.

he prepared his ways before the LORD it Then certain of the" heads
lUSGOd. children of Ephraim, Azanahth-
7 n Mow the of the a£ls of Jo- Johanan, Berechiah the fon ot'Meihi l
reft -

tham, and wars, and his ways. lo.

all his moth, and Jehizkiah the fon of Shal
they trt written in the book of the kings and Amala the fon of Hadlai, ftooJ
of I'rael and'Juaah. agair.ft them that came from the w
8 He was five and twenty years old i? And Paid unto them, Ye fliain
when he began foreign, ana reigned fix- bring in rhe captives hither : for wh^_,
teen years in Jerufalem. we have offended againft thsLoRD** ft
o 1 And Jctham flept with his fathers, dy, ye intend to add more to our
and they buried him in the city of David : to ourtrefpafs: for our trefpafsis gi
andAhazhis fon reigned in l.isftead. andfi.'re is fierc nft Lr.Te
C H A P. XXVIII. i-i So the armed men ielr r
Abi\ his wic{ed reign, &c. and the fpoil, before the princes a~
AHaz wai twenty years old when he
hetran to r-ign, and he reigned fix-
the congregation.
nen which were exprei
teen years in JeruTalefn: but he did not byname, role up, and took t:
ttratwhich vf4i rif.'-t in the fight ct the 2nd with the fpoil clothed all that wq
LORD, like David his father. naked among them, and -waved the
i For he walked in tne ways of the ! ihod them, and gave them to e

Ahl\ t-

rink» and anointed them, and carried all houle of the LORD, and repaired then,
icfeeble of them upon alles, and brought "4 And he brought in the prieits>anit-the
lem ro Jericho, the city ot palm-tree*, L-vites, and gathered them together in.
» their brethren then they returned : to the calt-ilreer,
; And laidumo them. Hear me, ye Le-
Eft At that time did king Ahaz lend
vi te;,fan£tifie now your lelvcs. and fan-
nto the kings of Affyria to help him. diifie the houi'e of the Lord Gad of your
t7 For again the had come fathers, and carry forth the filthinefs out
nd fniiuen Judah, and carried away or the holy place.
6 For our fathers have trelpaded, and
hilittines alfo had invaded the done that which w*i evil in the eves of the
lew-country, and ofthe Couth Lord cur God, and have forlaken iiim,
ani had taken Beth-iTienieih, and have turned away their facei from
don, and Gederoth, and Shocho the habitation of the Lord, and turned
rith the v.llares thereof, and Timnah
their backs.
srith the villages thereot, Gimr: alfo and 7 Alio they have fliut up the doors of
he villages thereot and they dwelt :
the porch, and put out the lamps, and ;

here. ,»
have not burnt mcenfe, nor offered burnt-
, ,

io For the Lord

brought Juda^i low, offerings in the holy ptace, unto the God
3 e:aul'e or' Ahaz king of Ifrael ijpr ne ot Ifrael.
nsde Judah naked, and tranlgrefied lore 8 Wherefore the wrath of the
was upon Judah and JeruiaJem, and he
LORD the LORD. . .

10 And Til;-'atii-pilnefer kmgof

Afiy- hath delivered them to trouble, to alto-
rfe came unto" him, and diltrelled him, nifhment, and to hiffin^, as ye fee with
but ltrengthned him not. your eyes.
xi For Ahaz took away a portion out 9 Forlo, our fathers have fallen by the

Dfthe houfeof the LoRV, afldoafol the iword, and our Ions, and cur "daughter*,
loufe of the kins, and of the princes, and and our wives are in captivity ioi
Save it unto the"king of AlVyria: Kit he 10 JSow itii in mine heart te make a co-
Helped him not. venant with the Lord Gcd er Ifrael,
n II And in the time of his diftreis that his fierce wrath may turn away iro:'»
jid he trefpafs vet more asainft the us.
LORD: this r'i that kin? Ahaz. irMyfons, be not now negligent for* :

i: Var he lac risked unto the gods of the Lord, hath chofen you to Itand before
ftanufcus, which fmotehim and he laid, : him. to lerve him, and tftat von .

3ecaufe the gods of the kings of Syria minuter unto him, a :d bun. incenle,
help them, totrefore will 1 iacrifice to ii H Then the LeVitee arof'e,*Mah«{B
hem, that they may help me: but they the fon ot Arnafai, and Joel the fon of
'ere the ruin- of him and ci all llrael. Azariah, or the Cons o; ;h _•

i4 And Ahaz gathered together the and of the fons op' Mcrari', Kim the fori
e'Xelsctfthe houls ot God, and cut in of Abdi, and Aziriah the ion of tehale-
iiaces the vedelsot the home cf God, and [ej: andoftheGerlhonitesj Joan the Jon
hut up the doors of the houi'e of the ot Zimmah, and Edenjtbe ion ot

Lord, and he made him altars every ii AndofthefonsorElizaphan; S

orner of Jerufalem. ri, and Jeiel and of the Ions of Afeph

: •

And in every feveral city of Judah 2fcchanah, and Mauaniah:

he-made high pi aces to burn iricenfe unto i4 And or the Jons of Henian 7 Jeh •!,

ather gods, and provoked to anger th< and Shi and ot the Pons of Jedutcun

LORD Gcd of his fathers. Sflemaish, and Uzziel.

26 Ti Now
the reft ot his acts, and o is And they fathered their brethren.
ill lis ways, firft and laft, behold, they an.: fan&ined themfelves, arjd came, ac-
re written in the book of the kings of cording to the commandment of th^
ludah and Ifrael. king, by the words of the LORD, -to
17 And Ahaz flept with his fathers, and cleanJe the houfe of the L(.
hey buried him in the city, em* in Jerit- 16 And trie priefts went into the ir.ner.
alem bucthev brought him not into the
: part of the houfeofthe Lord, to
epu'.chres of the kings' of ifrael: an. it, and brought out all the uncleannefs
Ion reigned in his ltcad.
ah his that they found in the temple ol the
A P. XXIX. C H LorDj uito t':.«* court of the hqufe ot th~
HjRtkjAtH good reighi &c. Loan. And the Levites tooki&'tg carry
Ezekiah bezan to reign when be -was it out abroad the brook Kidron.
__ five and twenty year* old, an.-l j;e i- New they began on the firft d\y of
eigned nine and twenty years in leru- the firft month to far.ctihc, and on the
aleni and his mothers name-op*' Abijah
: the month ra^e they \u
he daughter or Zechariah. ar the Lord: :'o they fr.ncti-
the' I'orrh
:l"he did tbjt -which vcaf right in fiedthe houfe o: the Loan in vsht^daysi
I the Lord, according to all and inthj Qxteenth day of the nrft uicnth
rid his father haa done. ^nd. '

5 * He, in the firft year of his reiFn, in \% Thswthay went into Hezekiah the
month, opened the doer.
fc .... and laid, Wehaveci^anJedaUtfce
t Q. Iioufc
Htiefytb' fpltmn facrlfi II. c:-.r nicies.
-.. Tbt Pafovtr fretUimti.
hou'e of the LORD, r.d the altar ot" houle of the LORD. And thcccr.grega
burnt-offering, with all veffels there-
tion brought in lacrifices, and thar.k
of, and the lhew-brcad table, with all offerings, and as many as wereot a fre
the velTels thereof. heart, burnt-offerings.
19 Moreover, all the veffers which king ?x And the number of the burnt-offer in his reign did cad awav in his mga which the congregation brought, w:
tranfgteffioh, have we prepared and lan- threeicore and, ten bullocks, an handre
ttificd, and behold, they *rt before the rams, *nd two hundred Iambs:
altar of the LORD. vct/e lor a burnt-orrerinz to the LORD
ic tl Then Hezekiah the king rcfe ear- U
And the conlecratcd things wtrtfa
fv, and gathered the rulers ot the city, hundred oxen, and three thoufand Iheep i.
and went up to the home of the LORD, ?4 But the prielts were too few,
ai And they brought feven bullocks, that tkey could not flay all the burn-
and feven jams, and (even iamb?, and offerings; wherelore their brethren t!
fever) he-<roats, for a lin-offering for the Levites dia help them till the workw
kingdomTand tor the lanctuary, and tor ended, and until the otier prielts h;
Judan: ana he commanded the prielts lancThfied themlelves: fur the Lev
the fons of Aaron to oiler '.htm en the z>tre more upright in heart, to far.Clih
altar of the LORD. themlelves, than the priefls.
11 So they killed the bullocks, and 3- And allotbe burrt-cfferingsWCTYi
the pricits received the blood, and fprink- abunaance, with the fat of the peat
led it on the altar likewifc when they c:icr;r.g«, and the dnnk-oflcrings
: |

r ad killed the rams, They fprinkled the tvery burnt-offering. So the fervice
blood upon the altar: they killed alfo the the houle of the LORD
was let
lambs, and they fprinklcd the blood up- order.
<n the altar. ;6 And HezeViah rejoveed, and alh
i* And they brought forth the he- people, that God had prepared the p<
poats for theiir.-ofi'ering, before the king pie: tor the thing was dom fuddenly
an.l the congregation, and they laid „ C A P. XXX.
their hands upon "them :
Hctt^nb frocUimetb * puijovur, Sec
14. And tfle prielts killed them, and Hezekiah lent to all Ilracl arWL
Ibey made reconciliation with their
AN,'. Jtfrlah, ana wrote letters all'otoL-|
blood upon the altar, to make an atone- phr2im and Manafleh, that they fhoi
ment for all Ifrael for tti: king com-
: come to the houle of the at LORD "

manded tbit the burnt-offering ar.d the rufalem, to keep the paflbver th<
fin-offeriiigj'-'O"/^ it •n.^.u for all Ifrael. LORD Goa of Ifrael.
ii And he let the- Levites in thchoufe 1 For the king had taken counfc!, ancl
of the Loro, with cymbals, with pfal- his princes, and all the congregation irp
teries, and with harps, according to the Jerufalem, to keep the pailcver in thep'
commandment of Davia, and ot Gad the lecond month. ri
kin^sfeeT, a.nd Nath2n the prophet: for
jo tc.<> the commandment of the LORD
; For they could not keep it at
time, became the prielts had notfanAflfa
by his prophets.
V) And the Levites fcooci with the in-
fied tkemlelves fufficie^tly, neither
the people gathered tliemi elves togetHIk
ftrumentsot David, and thepricfis with to Jerufalem.
the trumpets. 4 And the thing pleafcd the kin.e, and)- '

17 And Hezekiah commanded tc offer all the con^rezation.

the burnt-offerinz upon the altar and : « bothey'cltablilhed a decree, t
when the barnr-cfferiiiE began, the Cong proclamation throughout all Ifrael, fromr.
of the LORDbegan *ljb with the trum- Beer-fheha even to Dan, that they iboifi
pets, an with the icftramentl ordained
I come to keep the pafTover unto the*
fcv David king 0! Ifrael. God of Ifrael, at Jerulslem fcr t :

"xS And
all the corifreration worfhip- had not done ft of a long time infucb,
ped, and the fingers fang, and the trum- as it was written.
peters founded aniall tms continued un-
: 6 So the polls went with the letters fi
tilthe burnt-offennzwas iinifhed. tSe king and his princes throughout
19 ,ind when they had made an end Ifrael and Judah, and to
ot offering, the king and all xbtt were commandment of the king, I'ayjne,
p.t with hi n, bowed thsmlclves and children of L'racl, turn again unto
normi^ped. LORD God of Abraham, Ilaac, and
V Mo::over, Hezekiah the king, and rael, and he will return to l

the princes, commanded the Levites to of vou, that are eleapedoutof the h
i.r^ ptaife unro the LoRi>, with the words of the kings of AOVna.
ot David, and ot Afjpb the leer and they : 7 And be not ve like your fathers,
fang praties with pladnefs, and they like your brethren, which trefpaiTcr'
bo-.ved theirheads and worfhipped. gainft the LORD God of their fat.
;t TJ*ri Hezeki3h anfwered and.faid, wtv therefore ^ave them up todefoi
Kow ye have roniecrated your felves on, as ye lee. the LORD, come rear and bring U Now be ye not ftiff-necked as
Ijci.Luc?, and ct'.ank-o.ffL-rings, into the . fathers *•£»-«,' hut yield your felra
, ' .

Tin ajfentbh Kelp tte~ p.itfov?) .Chap, -K xx i T be people dejlroy idotatr'j

he Lohli, and enter into his fanctuary, peace-offerings', and making confe&oo
vnich lie hath fanclified for ever: and to the LORD
God of their fathers.
irye the Lord your God, that the fictce- 1} And the whole aflembly took coun r el#
lels ol Ills wrath may turn away from you. to keep other feven days and they :
9 For if ye turn again unto the Loud, other levcn days with gladnels.
'Our brethren and your children Jh all find i+ For Hezekiah kins; of Judah did
ompaflion before them that led them give to the congregation 'a thou/and huU
raptive, <c that they ihall come again into locks, and (even thouland fhecp ; and
his land tor the Lord your God it gra-
: the princes gave to the congregation a
ious and merciful, and will not turn thouland bullocks, and ten thouland
iway bit fare from you, if yereturnun- lheep and a great number of Hielts

J him. fandtitied themlelves.

to So the pods pafl'ed from city to city, i,- And
all the congregation of Judah
hrough the country ot Ephraim and Ma- with the prieits and the Levites, and all
lafleh, even unto Zebulun : but they laugh- the congregation that came out ot Jf'ra-
d them to (corn, and mooked them. cl, and the ftrangersuhat came out
ii Neverthelets divers of Afher, and the land of IfraeU and that dwelt in Ju-
Aanalfeh, and of Zebulun, humbled dan, rejoyced.
uemfelves, and came to Jcrufalem. 16 So there was great joy in Jerufa-
n Alio in judah, the hand of God lern tor hncethe time of Solomon
ns to give them one heart to do the ion of David king of lfrael, there n>*s
ommandment of the king and of the not the like in Jerulalem..
THicea, by the word of the LORD. 27 V Then the prieits the Levites a rofe.
t} n And there affembled at Jerufalern and blelled the people: and their raice was
lucfi people, to keep the fcaft of un- heard, and their prayer came up to hi3
savened bread in the fecond month, a holy dwelling-place, even unto heaven
ery great congregation. XXXI.CHAP.
•1-4 And they aroie, and took away the The people defiroyeth idolatry, &c

ltarsthat wemr\ jerulalem, and all the XTOwwhen ail#iswas hni/hea, aillf-
Jtars lor incenfe took they away, and
XM ,-rael that were prefent, went
tne cities of Judah, and brake the images
out to
aft them into the brook Kidron.
n Then they killed the paflbver on in pieces, and cut down the groves, and
le iourtesnth dxy of the fecond month : threw down the high places and the al-
nd the prieits and the Levites were a- tars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in
fiamed, ana fan&ified thcnifelvei, and Ephraim alio ami Marialleh, until they
rought ;n the burnt-offerings into the had utterly deltroyed*iem all. Then ail
oule of the LORD. thechildrenof lirael returned every man
l^Ar.d they ftood in their place after to his poflefiion into their own cities
heir manner, according to the law of i And Hesekiah appointed the courfes

"lofes the man of. God the priefts fprink-

: ot the pnefts and the Levites after their
:d the blood, which they received of the courles, every man according to hisfer-
and ot the Levites. vice, the priefts and Levites for burnt-
i7 For there were many inthecoczrega- ofterings,- and tor peace-offerings, to mi-
ioh that were not fanctitied : therefore rnfter, and to givethanks, and to praife
pe Levites had the charge of the killing m the gates of the tents of the LORD
the paflbver*, lor every one that von not p :r Ud Uo the kmgs portion

lean, to fan£hfie them unto the Lord. Ju

ot his tf H
Jubilance, 'i

for the burnt-offerings,


8 For a multitude of the people, even to w,t, tor the morning and
lany of Ephraim and Manafleh, Iffa- burnt-ortenngs, and the burnt-ofterines
har, and Zebulttn, had not cleanfcd tor the (abbaths, and for the new-moons,
:emlelv5s, yet did they eat the pallover, and tor the let tea its, as it is written in
therwii'e than it was written: but lle- the law of the LORD.
ckiah prayed for them, faying, The 4 Moreover, he commanded the peo-
ood LORD pardon every one ple that dwelt in Jerusalem, to give the
19 That preparetU his heart tu fcek God, por-ion ot the priefts and the LeVties*
if LORD God of his tathcrs, though that they mic;ht Ivi encouraged in the
f be not cleanfed according to the puri- law of the LORD.
pation of the fandtuary. '? fl And alfoon as. the
20 And the LORD hearkn'ed to He- came abroad, the children of L'racl
;kiah, and healed the people. brought in abundance the firft- fruits cf
n Arulii.: children of li'rzel that were corn, wine, and oyl, and hony,an
relent at J cm alem, kept the teaft of un-
1 the increaleut theli^Jd, and the tithe of
tavened bread ('even days with great all things brought they in abu;> laht'M
ladnefs: and the Levites, and the prieits fi And concesning the children
railed the LORD day by day, fitting and Judah, that dwelt in ti
'ith leud inftruments unto the LORD. Judah, they alio brought ii
ii And Hezekiali fpake comfortably of oxen and fhecp, and the ti b
n^oallthe Levites that taught the good holy things, Which were coi ("ecrat :a lti'ck
nowledeeot the Lord: and they did eat the LORD
their God, ana laid ib
ireughcut the leaftfcvch days, offrricg heafs.
Pmvjton for tb: pri II. Chr;
7 In the tint n to lay
the tbundatioi I home of Gfi
ft>t,a m thefeventh mot th. law an..; in. the command:...
tah and the princes isGcfl.he did.* with ail hit
"came and law the heaps, they blcll'e J. the and proipered.
Loru and his people lllrael. C H
9 Then Hezekiah qiviboned with the Semuicbtrii, invadttb ludto, &c.
prielts and the Levitcs concerning the AFtcr tbtft things and the elrablifh-
heaps. ,
ment tbtr'rf, Sennacherib. king ot
10 And Azariahfhe chief pried 6( the' Ailyria came, and eiured into
houfe of Zadok, anfwered him, andfaid, cities, I

Since the people he-ran to bring the and thought to win them for hinifotf,
ings into the houie-of the Loud, we have i And when Hezekiah faw that benna-
had enough to eat, and have lei t plenty: cherib was come, and that he w a s pur-
lor the LORD
hath bleffed his people; pofed to fight againfl Jerufalem ;
and that which « left, it this great l He tool* counlel with his ...
ftore. and his.migaty men, to"ftop the
ti H Then Hezekiah commanded to •of the fountains, which were without the
prepare chambers in the houfe of the city: and they did help him.
Lord and they prepared tbtm,
; 4- So there was gathered much people :o-\

ii And brought in the offerings, and gcther, who fftpt all the fountains, and
the tithes, and "the dedicate tbhtgt faith- the brook that ran through the
fully over which Conomah the Lt.v:te the land, faying, Why ffiouldthc

«p<i» ruler, and Shimei his brother w<u of Ailyria come, and find much water?
the next. ? Alio he ft'rengthned himfelf, and bum
i3 And Jchiel, and Azaziah, an.'. Na- up all the wall tbttieal Woken, andraiifl
hath, and Afahel, and Jerimoth, and it up to the towers, and another wall
Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ifmacl.iahl and without, and repaired Millo in the cfi
Mahath, and Benaiah,«r«r« ovcrfecrs un- ot David, and made dirts and. fh;c
der the hand of Concniah and Shimei his abundance.
brother, at the commandment of Heze- 6 And he fet captains of war over the
kiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of people, and gathered them togethet tc
the houfe ot God. him in the ftreetot the gate of the cu\',
i4 And Koie tkefonof ImnahtheLe- and Ipak; comfortably to them, faying,
vite.the porter toward the eaft, »UJ over 7 Be ftrong and couragious, be not a-
the free-wi;i-o.Vcti«gsof God, to diftri- fraid nor difmayed for the kin? of Afc
bute the oblations ot the Lord, and the lyria, lor all the multitude
jnoit holy things. with him tor there be more with us,

if And next himwere Eden, and Mi- than with him.

riamin, and Jefhua, and Shemaiah, A- o With him it an arm of flefh, but with
jnariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of us it tiie Lord our God, to help us, and
the priefts, in tbeir let ofHce, to give to to fight our battles. And the people reft-
their brethren by courfes, as well to the e thesifelves tipen the words of Heze-

great as to the fmaU. kiah king of Juaah.

16 Bcilde their genealogy of males, 9 11 After this did Sennacherib kte
from three years eld and upward, pue» of Alfyria fend his lervants to Jeru-
unto every 'one that entreth into the falem f but he bimftlf l.-.iJ Jie^e againtt
houfe of t;ie Lord, his daily portion for La lifh, and all his power with hi ml
their fervice in their charges, according unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and uni
to their courfes :
to all Judah, that were at Jerufalem,
17 Both to the genealogy of the priefts faying,
by the houfe ef their lathers, and the Le- i? Thus faith -Sennacherib kinrofAf-
wites, from twenty years eld arid upward, fyria, Whereondo yetruft, th;u veaoidf
in their charges, by their courfes: in the fiege in Jerufalem ?
iS And to Uie genealogy of ail their u Doth not Hezekiah perfwa
little one:, their wives, and their fons, to give over yourfelves to die by tarn™
and their daughters, through all the con- and by thirft, faying, The LORD out
gregation for in their fet ofhee they lan- God fliall deliver us out of the hand A

aified themfelves in hplmcfs. the king of Ailyria ?

x a Alfo of the
fons of Aaron the priefta, n Hath not the fame Hezekiah taker
nb lb -v.'-; in the fields or the fuburbsoi 3way his high places, and L» altars, att

their cities, irl every feveral city, the men commanded"judahand Jerufalem, fayink
that were expreiVea -y name, to give por- Ye fhall worlhip before one altar ant
tion to ail the males among the pnetts, burn incer.fe upon it?
and tc all that were reckoned by genea- H Know venot what I and m\
logies among the Levites. have done unto all the people e
to *i And thus did Hezekiah through- lards? were the gods of the nations ol
cut all 'udali. and wrought tb*t vfbuh thofe lands any wife able todehv
v$.i> good and right ana wuth before the lands out of mire hand ?
LoRi> his Go* i4 V» ho vtd t'c-rt among all the go4t
. ;

Tbe Afyritm JIain by an ungtl. Chap. 5 XX i i i He\eltJAl s dextB,

3f thofe nations, that my fathers utterly ,
Precious ftones, and for fpiccs, and for
dellroyed. that could deliver his peopfc ifueld?, and lor all manner of plcafant

out ot mine hand, that your God fhcttld jewels

b* able to deliver you out of mine hand ? iS Store-houTes alfo for -trie increafeof
«tf* Now therefore ldTnot Hezekiah de* corn, and wine, and oyl ; ard itallsfor all
ceive you, nor perl wade you on this man- manner of beails, and cor:* tor rloc1<s.
ner, neither yet believe him for, no go tl : 19 Morebvsr, he provided him cities,
ot any nation or kingdom was able to and poll'ellionsuf Hocks, and herds a- w
deliver his people outof mine hand, and bundsnee: for God had given him Jub-
out of the hand of my fathers* how much ilance very much.
lei's ffiall your God deliver you out of 30 This fame Hezekiah alio flopped
mine hand? the upper watcr-coirrfe of Gihon, and
16 And
fervants fpake yet more
his brought it ftraight down to the weft-fide
fcrainft the- Lord God, and aeair.ft his or the city of David. And Hezekiaft
rervant Hezekiah. profpered in all his works.
i" He wrote alfo letters to rail on the 3,1 T! Howbeit, ir. it: bu;i;;efs of the am-
LOUD God of llrael, andtofpeak againft bafladorsof the princes of Babylon, who
hinl, faying, As the gods cf the nations ot lent unto him to enquire of the wonder
other lands have not delivered their peo- that was done in the land, God left him
ple out of mine hand, folhailnotthe God to try him., that he might know all tbtt
of Hezekiah deliver his people out of vc<» in his heart.
mine hand. ii. 11 Mow the reft of the aclsof Heze-
i iS Then they cried with a loud voice kiah, and his goodnefs, behold, they are-
in the Jews fpeech unto the people of written in the vifirn of Ilaiah the pro-
J«rulalem that were on the wall, to af- phet,- the fon of Amoz, And in the book;
fright them, and to trouble khem, that of the kings of Judah and Ifrael.
tohey might take th= city. ?? And Hezekiah flept with his fathers,
19 And
they fp3ke againft the God oT and they buried him in rh£ chiefell of the
Jexufalem, as againft the gods of the peo- iepulchres of the ions ot David and all :

ple of the earth wbick were the work of Judah and the Inhabitants of Jerufalcni
the hands of man. did him honour at his death and Ma- :

io And for this caufe Hezekiah the rtaftch bis fen reigne^in hisftead.
king, and the prophet Ifaiah the (on of C A p. XXXIII. H
Amoz, prsyed and cried to Heaven. MdTijjJebbhwidied reign, &c.
J And the Lord lent an angel which MAnaffeh voai twelve yearsold when
cut oft all toe mighty men of valour, and began to reign-, and he reignecf
the leaders and captains in the camp of litty and rive years Jerufalem m :

the king of Affyna': ib he returned with ^ But did tb&t xfbicb was evil in the
frame offace to his own land. And when fight of the Lord, like unto the abomi-
fee was come into the hotife of his god, nations of the heathen, whom the
they that came forth of his own bowels, LORD had caft out before the children
flew him there with the fword. ot Ifrael.
ir Titus .the Lord faved Hezekiah, 11 For he built again the high places

and the inhabitants of JeruJalein from the which Hezekiah his father had broken
hand of Sennacherib the king of Allyria, down, and he reared up altars for Baa- I
and from the hand of all or£w,"and guided lim, and made groves, and worshipped all 1
them on every lide. the hoft ot heaven, and ferved them.
H And many brought gifts unto the 4 Alfo fee built altars in thehoufe of the
LORD to~ Jerusalem, and prefents to Losu), whereof the Lord had laid, In
Hezekiah fang of Utdah: fo that he was Jerulalem Mall my name be lor ever.
magnified in the light cf all nations, from « And he built altars fox all th« hoft
thenceforth. of heaven, in the two cour;s ofthe houfe
i-J. n In thofe days Hezekiah was tick cf the Lord. .

to the death, and prayed unto tha Lord: 6 And he caufed his children to pafss
and he ("pake unto him, and he gave him through the fire in the valley ot the fon
a fign. pt Hinhom alio he ob!e*ved times, and


i*t Hezekiah cendred not again,

r ufed inchantments, and ufed witchcraft,
according to the benefit done unto him :
and dealt with a familiar fpirit, and wuh
for his heart was lilted up therefore -,
wizards: he wrought much evil in. the
there was wrath upon him, and upon light of the LORD, to provoke him to
Judah and Jerufalem. anger.
ifi NotwiHiflnnding, Hezekiah hum- 7 And he let a carved imae;e ( the idol
bled himfelf for the pride of his heart which he had marie in the houfe of God, )

I both he and the inhabitants of Jerufa- ot which God had faid to Da*/id, and to
lem ) ("0 that the wrath of the L O R D Solomon his (on, In this houfe, 3nd in Je-
came not upon them in the days of He- rufalem, which I have cholen before all
zekiah. the tribes, of Ifrael, will I put my name
17 n And Hezekiah had exceeding much tor ever.
riches and honour and he made himfelf
: 8 Neither will I any more remove
treasuries forfilver, and for gold, and lor the toot of Ifrael from out ofthe lafl*
<i3 whith
HJUUjJlbi mclttd rtign II. C v omelet. 7»/tabs good rtigm
wnich have appointed tor your fathers
1 carved images, which Manatleh his la-
JorJiat th-.-ywrli take heed to do all that •,
th:r had nude, and lerved them
I have commanded them, according to »? And humbled not himfelf before
the whole Ttw, an. the ltatutes and the
the LORD, as ManafTeh his lather had
ordinances bw the hand of Mofes. humbled himfelti but Amon tref^alled
9 So ManarV-h, maeffc Judah an.) the in- more and more.
habitants of Jerusalem to err, *nd to do 14 And his fervants eonfpired againft
him, and Hew him in his own houfe.
?2. , rJ ha " thc heathen, whom the
r (<,
LOUD had destroyed before the chil- i,- 51 But the people ot the land flew
dren of H'rael. all them that had eonfpired againlt king t
to And the Lord fpake t» ManafTeh, Amon, and the people Of the land made
and to his people but they would not
: Joliah Ins Ion king in his ftead.
fcearken. CHAP. XXXIV.
ii T; Wherefore the LORD brueht Jcjubi good remji, &c.
uponthem the captains of the hofr of the TO Hah vcai eight yearsold when hebe-
king ot AlTyria, which took ManafTeh a- J gan tc reign, and he reigned in Jerul a-
xmng the thorns, and bound him yirh lem one and thirty years.
ftrters, and carried him to Babylon. i And he did tbit'rrbicb VPti right in
nAnd when he was in affliction, he the fight ot the LORD, and walked in
kefO'jghr the Lord his God, and hum- the ways ot David his father, anA c*e-
bled himleli
I greatly before the -God of chn?d netibcr to the right hand nor to
his, fathers, the left.

n And p.ayed unto him, and he was ; n For irr»the eighth year of his reign,
untreated of him, and heard his fuppli- whi'e he was yet young, he began to
<ation, and brought hi n again to Jerufa- feek after the God of David hisfatber:
Jem into his kingdom. Then ManafTeh and in the twelfth year he began to purs»e'
knew that the LORD he v»*t G'A. Judah and Jerulalem from the high pla-
14 New after this, !e built a wall ces, ann the groves, and the carved .ma-
without the city of David, on the weft- ges, and the molten image*.
fide ot Gihorf, in the valley, even tc -
4 And they brake down the altars
he entring in at the fifh-trate, and coru- Baalim in his prelencej and the inus
pafTed abmt Ophel, and railed it up a that were on high above thtm, he c
very ereat heignr, and put captains of down, and the groves, and the carv.
war in all the fenced cities of J .id ah. images, and the .molten images he bra
H And he took awav the ftrange in pieces, ard made duff of tiitn, a
gods, and the idol out of the houfe of Itrowed r'rupon the graves of them th
the LORD, and aU the altars that fee had (acrificed unto th*m.
tiad bmlt in the mount cf the hovOr of ? And he burnt the bones of the prielts
the LORD, and in Jerufaleni, and cali upon their altars, andcleanfed Judah and
tbetn cut of the city. Jerusalem.
\' Ar.d he repaired the altar of the 6_And fo did be in the cities of Ma-
LORD, and facrificed thereon peace-of- nafTeh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, even
Jerings, and thank-o.'Terings, and com- unto Miphtali, with their mattocks
manded Judah to ferve the LOP..D- God round about.
of Ifrael. 7 And when he had broken down the
i7 Neverthelefs, the people did facri- altars and the groves, and had beaten th«
fice ftill in the high places, yet unto the graven images into powder, and cut down
LORD their God only. the idols throughout all the land of
18 51 Now the relt of the aits of Ma- he returned la lerufalem.
ria4&h, and his prayer unto his God, and 51 Now in theeightee»h year of his
she wordsof the feers that fpake to him reign, when he had purged the land, and
in the nameof the Lord God of Ifrael, the houfe, he Tent shaphr-n the Ton of
behold, they are written in the book of Azaliah, ard Maafeiah the Governor or
the kings of Ifrael. the city, and Joah the Ton oOoahaz t
19 His vrajjfer alfo, and bovo God was recorder, to repair the hou:e of t
intrcated or.him, 3nd all his fin, and his LORD his God.
trefpafs, and the places wherein he built 9 A-.d when they came to HilUiahtfi
high places and fe f up groves and gra- high priift, they delivered thrmon
ven image, before he was humbled :T>e- that urai broueht into the houfe of
hold, they .ire written among the layings which the Levites that kept the d
of the feer?. had gathered of the hand of Man
xo 51 So ManafTeh flept with hi s fathers, ard Ephrai v., and of all t£e remnant
';nfl they buried him in his own houfe : Ifrael, atul of all Judah, and Benjami
and Anion his Ton reigned in his itead. and they returned to Jerulalem.
%\ 51 Anion t»*i two ?.nd twenty years tc And they put it in the handof dfl
old whenh;be?anro reign, and reigned workmen, that had the overfieht oft
rwo years in Jerufaleni. houfe of the Lord, and they gave it
ii But he did tbAtTXb'cbvpii rvilinthe the workmen that wrought in the hou
fight of the LORD, -as did ManafTeh his of t^e LORD, to repa;i and mend
hrther: for Anion I acrificedunto all the houle
it Ere
Tie boo loathe I aXV. Chip. XXXV. fftildAbt fropbiey.
ti Even
to the artificers and builders eurfes tbAt Art written in the book which
javc ttiey it, to buy hewn (tone, and they have read betore the king of Jiutah :
timber for couplings, and to floor the i? Becaufc they have lorfakcnme, and
houl'es, which the kings of Jadah had have burned inceni e unto other gods, that
deihoyed. they might provoke me to anger with all
n And the men did the work faith- the works of their hands; therefore my
fully and the overfeers of them were Ja-
: wrath mall be poured out upon this place,
hath, and Obadiah, the Levitcs, of the and fhall not be quenched.
fbnsof Merari and Zechariah, and Me-
•, 16 A nd as for the king of Judah, who
(hullam, of the Ions of the Kohathites, fent you to enquire of the Loan, Iblhall
;o fet it forward and ether of the Le-
•, ye fay unto him, Thus faith the LORD
'itcs.all that could skill of inltrumcnts Goiiof Ifrael concerning the words which
)f mulick. thou half heard ;
i? Alio tbey yotre over the bearers of 2.7 Becauie thine heart was tender, and
surdens, and were overfeers of all that thou didft humble thy felf before (Jddi
yrougnt the work in any manner of fer- when thou heardtt his words af'ainll tMs
•nce and of tht Lev ires fiirre were fcribes,
: place, and againft the inhabitants there-
»nd officers, and porters. of, and humbledit thy fell before me, anij
14 fl And when they brought out the didft rend thy clothes, and weep bsfore
money njurw*; brought into the houfe ot me ; 1 have even heard tktt alio, faith
the LORD, Hilkiah the priett found a the LORD.
->ook of the iaw of the LORD, given by 18 Behold, I will gather thee to thy
Moles. fathers,, and thou fhalt b* gathered to
H And Hilkiah anfwered and faid to thy grave in peace, neither fhall thine
Shaphan the fcribe, I have found the eyes lee all the evil that 1 will bri ;g up-
aook of the law in- the houfc of the Lord. on this place, and upon the inhabitants
toil Hilkiah delivered the book to i'ha- of the fame. So they brought the king
?han : word again.
r6 And Shaphan carried the book to 19 V, Then the king Pent, and ^athe-
:he king, and brought the king word r-d together all the ciders ot Judah and
jack again, faving, All thafwas com- Jerufalem.
mitted to thy fervantS) they do it. 70 And the king went up into the houfe
i7 And tliev have gathered together of the Lord, and all the men of Judah,
:he money tbit was found in the houfe of and the inhabitants of Jerufalem, and
he LORD, ana have delivered it into the priefts, and the Levites, and all the
he hand ef the overfeers, and to the people great and fmall : and he read in
land ot the workmen. their ears all the words of the book or/
t8 Then Shaphan the fcribe told ths the covenant, tbatw*! found in the houfe
ting, faying, Hilkiah the prielt hath of the LORD.
riven me a Dook. And Shaphan read it 31 And the king ftood in his place, and
jetcre the king. made a covenant LORD, to
before the
iQ An«lit came to pafs when the king walk after the LORD,
and to keep his
lad heard the words of the law, that he commandment^ and his tcftimomes and
*nt his cLothes. his ftatutes, With all his heart, and with
to And the king commanded Hilkiah, all his foul, to perform the wards of the
nd Ahikam the Ion of Shaphan, and covenant xvbicl Art written in this book.
\bdcn the fon of Micah, and Shaphan 31 And he caufed all tbit xcen prefent
he fcribe, and Afaiah a fcrvant «f the in Jerufalem and Benjamin to it and to
tings, faying, it. And the inhabitants of Itrulalem did
11 Go, enquiie of the for me, LORD according to the covenantTf God, the
nd for them that are lett in Ifrael, and God of their fathers.
n Judah, concerning the words of the 3? Arid Jofiah took away all the abo*
icok that is found : for great it the winations out of all the countries that
irrath of the LORD
that is poured out pertAinei to the childreu of Ifrael, and
pon us, becaufc our fathers have not made all th.\t were pjefent in IJrael to
:ept the. word of the Lord, to do after ferve, even to feri/e the LORD
II that ii written in this book, God.
ii And Hilkiah, and they that the king 34 And all his days they departed no?
•Ad Appointed-, went to Huldafl the prO- from following the Lord, the God of
>hetefs, the wife of Sharlum the fen of their fathers.
Dkvath, the fon of Hafrah, keeper of CHAP. XXXV.
h-e wardrobe; ( now fhe dwelt injeru- JofiAb kjtpetb a mojl foltmn pAjjcver, &.€
alem in the college J and theyfpake to Moreover, Jofiah kept a paffo'ver un-
ler to that tfftft. to the Lord in Jerufalem: and
it. n An\ lhe anfwered them, Tims they killed the palTover on the fourteenth
aith the LORD
God of Ifrael, Tell ye day of the firff. month.
he man that fent you to me, x And he fet the priefts in their eh?rges.
14 Tnus faith the LORD, Behold, I will and encouraged them to the fcrviceof
>ring evil upon this place, and upon the houfe of the LORD,
lie inhabitajiti thereof, tvtn all the 3 Ami faid unto the Levites that taupht
4- ' all
tvitti prepared to:l
16 So all the fervice of the Lord wa
build j it jba.ll not be a prepare | .., to r tep t iC p2 f. ' -

ferve ril orVei burnt-oft :ring« upor

LORD nd !iis pcopl- I

I to the

°* youi I
ponrfcsi accor- renei lfiraelfiwt rrr
Dl David king c. 1 paflbver at thct time
rael, and ace: i writing ol So aid the real: cf unleavened bread, fever
lombn his (on. days.
* And ftand in the holy 1 1*& according 18 And there was no pafibver like tc
• o the >
r i.iOns ot the t I 'hat kept in If rael, from the days of Sa-
ie people, an ; muel the prophet, neither did all the
"tier the diviiion or the families Kings o! Ifrael keep fuch a psucver a:
Jofiah kept, and the priefts, and ti.el.e-
6 So kill the paflbver, and fanaifi id ail judah and Ifrael tb<Ux»ert
year felves, ana v/icp^re your br Ptelent, and the inhabitants oi Jcrula-
ordijw fo the word tem.
Lord bv the hard ot" Mofes. 19 In the eighteenth year of the reign
iii gave to the peopl :u's paiTover kept.

flock, Iambs and kids, all i tis, when Jc;'

ver-oflerings, for all tkitxtettpic prepared the temple, Necho kii
abet of thirt 1 trht . :.-.
bullocks thefe tn-tre of the king.
... :
rates: and Jofiah went out a-
his princes gave wllfrBj
I t he lent arhbaffadors t

the people^ to the priefts ana to'- What have I tn do with them
yitcs: Hilkiah, and Zechariah, and Je- g of Judah? / cc-nt not agairml";
niel, rulers of the Louie of God, gave ihee this day, but ag>in(t
unto, the priefts for the paObver offer •.vnerewith 1 have war: kr God coflSlS
nigs, twethdufana ana fix hundred/^/ manded me tomakehafte: forbear :B •

cattle, and three hundred oxen. irom tneddting with Ccd, whor'i wit!
9 Conaniah Shemaiah, andalfo, and that lie deftrov thee not.
Istt.'ianeel, his brethren, and Hsfhabiah, 11 Nevertheless Jofiah would nc
and jeiel, and Jozabvid,chiei of theLe- Ins tsce ijoin hrm- but difgu:
vites, gave untu the I c-vitesfor pafover- that he might fight with hub
offeriiigs, five thousand fmill attic, and ned not t'Tito the words of ISecko from r"
five hundred oxen. the mouth of God, and came to fight in it
to So the lervice was prepared, and the vaffey of Megiddo.
the preifts ftood in their place, and the 1-; An.ifthe archers
lbo| at king j
Levites in their ccurfes, according to and the king faid to his iervar.ts, Have j*
the kings commsndmentji . me away, lor I am fore wounded.
tr" And they killed the pafTover, and 14. His fervants therefore took him o«t \\
the priefts fprinkled the bicoi Irom their of that chariot, and put him in thefecon4E
hands'", and the Levites flayed them. chariot that he bad ; and they brought hiMflj
ti And they removed the bum' -offer- to Jernfaletn, -r.d he died, ii
ings, that they mie-ht give according to ed :n Ineoflbe fepulchres ot his fa)
the divifioqjot the families of the peo- and all Judah and Jerufalem racu.r.e* i
ple, to ofterunrothe Lord, as it is writ- for Jofiah.
ten in the book of Mofes: and lb did tb-.y i? « And Jeremiah lamented for JofifSl
with the oxen. and thefingjng-'men an<: the fln-jing* P
il And
thev rcfled the paGbver with women fpake of Jofiah in their IjinentSf
fire, -according to the ordinance but the -.
tionstothisday, and made them anordiMl
ctbtr holy ojf';rin j.i fod they in pots, and :
nance in lfra'el and behoL'., they *rmV

ir. clcro'ns, and p2ns, and divided m written in the lamentations.

tb:*n fpeediry among all the people. 16 Now the reft of the sets of I

tj. And afterward they made readv for and hisgoounefs, accordicg to tb.ttvcbicmr
themfelves, and for the priefts: becaufe Wdwvvratcn in the law of the Lord,
the priefts the fons of Aarun vecre bufied 17 And his deeds firft 2nd laft, beholdHI
in-orVenng of burnt-offerings, and the the> *rt written in the book ol the king||
fat night ; therefore t'he Levites cf l'rael ard Ju^ah.
prepared lor themfelves and lur the c 11 a r. xxxv 1.
prietls the fons of Asron.

"tec in
And the fingers the fons of ftfaph
eir place, according to thecom-

mar.d.nent of David, anJ Aiaph, and

Heman, and Jeduthun the king-feer;
Tt ' ebo.thi\ carried into Eft/ft, ScC.

onol Joliah, and r

k:ng in his lathe-- rtead in lerufalem.

1 Jehcahaz w«j twenty and three year
ol the land took Je!*

and the porter* t»\ utni at every gate th-y ; old when he began to rei?n. and he reign
nor depart from their iVrvice ; for
cd three months in Jerufalem.

:;: urrrtd to Ba. Chap. feru/klent v$b[ly dtjiroyed.

3/ And kingof Egypt put him down LORD, which he had hallowed in Jeru-
at Jerufalem anci condemned the land in
, (alcm.
an hundred talents nf lilver, and a talent . is And the Lord God of their fathers
rfgcld. lent to them by his ineiTengefs, nfing up
4 And the kir.gof Egypt made Elia- betiracsj and fendu.y becaufe he had ;

kim hisbrether, king over Judah and Je- companion on his people, and en his
rufalem, and turned his name to Jehoia- dwelling-place:
kim. And Necho took Jehoahaz his bro- 16 But they mocked the melTengerf of
ther, and carried him to Egypt. God, and delpifed his words, and mif-
1 tl Jehoiakim vain twenty uled his prophets, until the wrath ot the
and five years
)ld when he began 10 reign, Lord arole againit his people, till thtre
and he reign-
jd eleven years in crufalem I
wjj no remedy.
and he did :

' rvb ; cb von 17 Therefore he brought upon thera

evil in the Tight of the
LORD his God. 'the king ot the Chaldees, who Hew their
6 Againit him came up Nebuchadnez- young men with the I'word, in the houfe
zar king or" Babylon, and bound him in of their fandluary, and had no QompaC-
fetters to carry hi:* to Babylon. fion upon young man cr maiden, oM
ur alio carr
i^eirelsof thehoufeOf the to Ba- LORD j
gave tbem all into hft hand.
nylon, and put them in his temple at Ba- 18 And thQ vefTels or the houle of
bylon. • God, great and i'mall, and the treafures
8 Now the reltof the acls of Jehoia- or the .houfe of the Louf>> and the trea-
<im, and his abominations ivhicfi he did, :
. iurasol the king, and of hi?.princ*s; all
mAtbaf rp/6/c*w«tjfound*inhim, behold, \-ibtft he brought to BaWvkn.
hey are written in the book of the kings- 19 And they burnt the houle or God,

Jf Ifrael and Judah :„and Jehoiachin his] and brake down the wall of Jerusalem,
(on rei fned in i.isftead. and burnt all the palaces thereol with
9 tl Jehoiachin was eight years oM when hre, and deftroyed allthe goodly vetfels
ic-bescanto reign, and he reigrvect threei thereof.
tionths and ten days in Jerui'alem, and 10 And them that had efcaped from
• did 'bat xvbicb tsku evil in the light of the i'word, carrie''. he away to Babylon:
ieLORU. wfcere they were t'ervants to him and his
1.0 And when the year was expired, king Ions, until the reien of the kingdom o'f
Sebuchadnezzar lent, znd brought him to Pertia:
Jabvlon, with the goodly velVels ot the 11 To fulfil the word of the Loup by
loufe of the LOR~D, and made Zede- the mouth of Ieremiah, until the land
Hah his brother, king over Judah and had enjoyed her fabbaths : for as long as
crufalem. ihelay defolate, Ihe kept fabbath, to ful-
fl Zedekiah w>.*f one and twenty years fil threescore and ten years.

>W when he began to reign, and reigned xx Now in the firlt year of Cyrus king

leven years in lerul'alein. of Pcriia, f that the word of the LORD

ii And he did tbit wt.-cb rvtis evil in the fpoken by the mouth of Jeremiah, might
srht of the LORD
hid God, and hum- be accompli fhedj the LoRlMtitred-ng
led' not him (elf betore Jeremiah the the (pint of Cyrus lung of Penia, that
rophet, fpedifing Irom the mouth of the he made a proclamation throughout arl
ord. his kingdom, and put ita.Ua in writing,
is And he alfo rebelled againfl king laying, .

Jebuchadnezzar, who had avadevhim z;Thus faith Cyrus king of PerCia,

nearby God he ftiffened his neck,
: but' All the kingdoms of the earth hath the
nd hafdned his heart from turning unto LORD God of heaven given me, and he
he Lord God of Ifrael. hath charged me to build him an houfe
14 *1 Moreover, all the chief of the in Jerufalem, which is- in Judah who is
rielts, and the people trsrJgrefTed verv among you of all his people? the
iuch, after all the abominations of the LoRDhis.God It with him, and. lev hya
eathen, and polluted the houle of the go up.

5 E Z R A,
CHAP. I. Lord God of heaven
hath ?iven me all
Cfret hi' prccl.:>n.i
&.C. the kingdoms of the earth, "and he hatfl
f ion,

NOw year of Cyrus charged me to build him an houle at Je-

king of Perfia,
( that

or the LORD, by the mouth

word ruialem,> which ii in Judah.
* Who ii there among yov of all his
of Jeremiah-, niiyht be ful- people? his God be with him, and let
led ) the EORD
ftirred'up the fpi- him go upto Jerufalem, which it in Ju-
\\t or Cyrus kmg of P ia, that 'he dah, and build the houfe ot the LORD
itade a proclamation throughout all God of IHrael
Che it the God') which
.is- kingdom, and put it alio in writ- it in Jerufalem.
ng, faying, 4 And whofoever rema'metfi in any
* Thus fatfh- Cyrus king of Periia. The place where he fojourneth, let the men
Q6 el'
Tbt vtjfils of ttt

'.. a. Tbt r*\: Vc; rtturmit

of hisplaeehelp him with T.'vcr- U 13 The children ot Adenjkjjn, tix ;.un

tired ;ixcy and ix.
gold, and with goods, a'ru wit!, ,

bcbdes the tree-will-onenng lor t.. -

14 Tfte children of Bievai, tvo tiou
cf God thatrj in Je'rufalem. . I
land fifty an* fix.
Then rufe up the chief of th; fa- 1 1? The'ctiildxenol Adin, fci-r
? 51
thers ut Judah and Benjamin, a>id tlie
ineib and the Levae;, with all tbtm 1-) The children of Aterof I!-.
whole (pirit God had railed to go up, to . ght.
build the hcufecf the LORD which il in 117 Tne children of Bezai, three hur-
3eru:a!em. dred twenty ana three.
6 And all they that van about them, 18 The children of Jorah, an huncrei
itrcngthnrd their hands witii ve.Tels ot and twelve.
jlver. with gold, with goods, and with 19 The children of H3ihum, two hur
jeaftsi and with precious things, betides
dred twenty and three.
ic The children 0: Gibbar, ninety anc
all tbsi was willingly odered.
7 5] Alfo Cyrus the king brought fcrth
the vei'Hsofthe houfeoftheLonn, which 11 Tie children of Beth-lcfcem, a:
JNebucnad-nezzar had brought forth out ot hundred twenty an*; uree.

Jerufalem, and had put them in thehoufe ti The men of Nafophah, fifry an,:
of hiseods :

8 Eventhofe did Cyrus king of Perfia *3 The men of Anathoth, an hundrad

bring torth by the hand of Mithre^th twenty and eight.
the treafurer, and numbred" them unto 14 The children of Azraavelh, forty
Sheihbazzar the prince of Judah. and two*.
9 And this b the number of them thir- :
1? Tne children of Kirjath-arim, Che-
ty chargers of gold, a thoufand chargers phirah, and Becroth, JeveR hundred an*"
•f lilvelr nine and twenty knives,
forty and three.
16. The childrenof Ramah andGaba>
19 Thirty baibos of gold, filver batons
ef a fecond fort four hundred and ten, fix hundred twenty and one.
sr.J other vefre's a thou and. 1 17 The men of Michmas, an hundred
u All the veflels of gold and diver, twenty and two.
titrt five thoufand and fcur hundred. All i& The men of Beth-el and Ai, two
ibtft did S.iefhbazzar bring up withfA.-M
hundred twenty and three.
•/ the captivity, that were brought up 19 Trie children ot Nebo, fifty and twrj
from Babylon unto Jerufalem. 30 The children ol Magbifh, an hun-
C H A P. II. dred fifty and fix.
Wht nuntbtr •/ ttx ptoplt tb*t rtturn,8cc. 31 The childernof the other Elara, a

NOw thefc Art the children of the pro-

.^vineethat went up out of the cap-
thoufand two l.un.dred fifty and four.
*i The childrenof Harim, three hun-Lj
tivity, uf thofe which had been carried a-
dred and twenty.
?3 The rluldren of Lod, Hadid,
wav,' whom Nebuchadnezzar the kin? of
Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, Ono, i'even hundred twenty ar.4 6ve.
34. The children of Jericho, thre,ehuft» r
and came again unto Jerufalem and Ju- dred forty and five.
dah, every one unto his city
?? The children of Fenaah, three thoa-
i Which came with Zerubbabel Je- :

Neheimah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, fand and fix hundred and thirty.

Mordecai, Billhan, Miliar, Bigvai, Re- 35 1\ The priefts: the children of Je-
Bai'iah. The number of the men
daiah, of thehoufeof Jeihua, ninchun.
fum, dred feventy and three.
©f.ihere'ople of Ifrael.
37 The childrenof Immer, a thoufand
3 The children ot Paroih, tw® thou-
fifty and two.
Jfcir.d an hundred feventv and two.
4 The children of Shephatiah, three 38 T.''e childrenof Palhur, a thoufan*
hundred feventy and two. two hundred forty and feven.
* The children ot Arah, feven hundred 39 The children ct Harim, a thcufanl;
feventy arid five. andfeventeen.
6 The children of Pahath-moab.ofthe 40 11 The Levites: the childrenof Je
ahildrenof Jelhua*»d Joab, two thoufand fhua, and KadmieU of the children o
*itr,ht hundred and twelve,
Hcdaviah» feventy and four.
4t 5* The fingers the children of
7 The children cf hJam, a thoufand

two hundred fifty and tour. faph, an hundred twertv and eight.
8 The children of Zattu, nine hundred 4i «] The children ot the portefs th ;

forty ar.d five children of Shallum, the children of A

ter, the children of Talmon, the child
o Trie children of Zacca:, icven hun-
zted and threefecre. of Akkul>. fhe children of Hatita,
10 The children of Eani, fix hundred
children of Shobai, in all, an hund
thirty and nine.
Jo:ty anU two. . .

u The children of Bebai, fix hundred 4* 51 The Nethinims the children


t^.nty and three. Ziha, the children of Hafupha, thechi

r dienot TabbaoLh,
it Tlie children ot Azgad, a thoufand
?wo tiundrcd twenty and two* .
44 The fhildion of Kcrpj, the
: ;

Tbe number oftbt people rtturmi. C^ap

ten of Siaha, the children of Padorf thers, when 'the) came to the houfe of
4T The children of Lebanah, the chil- the LoKn which it at Jerufalem, tier-
ton of Hagabah, the children of Ak- ed freely tor the Louie el Gudtoiet it up
ub, in his place:
46 The children of Hagab, the chil- 69 They gave after their ability, unto
tenot Shalinai, the children i.t Hanan, the trealureoi the work, threei'eore arc!
47 The children of Giriucl, the chil- one thoufand drams of gokt, and five

renof Gahar, the children ot Reuah, thoufand pound of filver, and one hun-
48 The children oi Rezin, the children drcd priefts g»r«nents. .

f'Wckoda, the children of Gazzam, 7c Sjthe priefts, and theLevites, and-

49 The children oi Uzza, the children /own' the people, and t;ie lingers, 2nd
I'i1e3h, the children ot Beiai, the porters, and thcNethinims, dwelt :!»
|p Theciiildrenot A'.nah, the children their cities, and all llrael m their cities.
t^lehuniai, the children ol Nephuiim, CHAP. 111.
<i The children of Bakbuk, the children Tbt altar iif'.t up, &c.
Hakupha, the children of Harhur, Net when the fevenrh montfl was
<i The children of B^zluth, the chil-
renol' Mehida, the children of Harlha,
A come, and the children of Ifrael
veere in the cities, the people gathered
7? The children of Barkos, the children themfelves together as one man, to Jc-
"Sifera, the children of Thamah, rufalem.
?4 The children of Neziah, the chil- 1 Then flood up Jefhua the fon of
renof Hatipha. ]jzai».ak. and his brethren the prielts,
?> U The children of Solomons fervants : andZerubbabel the Con of Shealtiel, and
lechildrenof Sctai, the children ofSo- his brethren, ar.d bu tided the altar of
netcth, the children of Peruda, the God of Ifrael, to offer burnt-offer-
?6 The children of Jaalah, the children ings thereon, as it it written in the law
: Darken, the children ol Giddel, of M-jfes the man of God.
57 The children of Shephatiah, the 3 And they fet the altar upon his ka-
uldren ol Hattil, the children of Poche- fes, C for fear w«»f upon them, becaufe ol
rlhof Zebaim, the children of Ami. the people of thole countries ) and they
?8"AU theNcthinims, and the children offered burnt-offerings thereon unto the
J Solomon.-; i'ervants, were three hundred Lord, even burnt-offerings
iBety and two. evening-
' vmorning and
1^ And thet> were they which went up 4 They kept alio the feaft of tabatna-.
on; Tel-mrlah, Tel-harl'a, Cherub, Ad- cles, as itrs written, and oftrea thedai.
Jan, and Immer: but they could not ly burnt-offerings by number^ according ;
,iew their fathers houfe, and their feed, to the cuftom, as the duty ol every dav
Whether they were of Ifr-ael : required ;
60 The children of Delaiah, the chil- ? And afterward ojerei the continual
[renof Tohiah, the children of Nekoda, burnt-offering, both ot the new-moons,
|x hundred fifty arratwo. and of all the fet feafts of the LORD,
61 H And of the children of the priefts that were confecrate-d, and of every one
\x children of Habatah, the children 0^ that willingly oifered a free-wili-offerin»
oz, the children of Barzillai : ( which un.o the LORD.
hoka wife of the daughteriof Barzillai 6 From the firft day of the. feventh month
[eGilcadite, and was called attertheir began they to oder burrr-orTeringsiui'.tO'
une) the Lord : but the foundation of tie
61 Thcfe fought their regifter among temple of the Lord was not yet laid.
ofe that were reckoned by genealogy, 7 They gave money alfc unto the nu-i
it they were not found: therefore were fons, and to the carpenters ; and m.-at,
ey,as polluted, put from the prutfthood. and drink, a.ndoyl, unrothemol Zida.n-.
6? And the Tirfljatha faid unto them, and to them of Tyre, to bring cc^a--
hat they fhould not eat of the nit ft holy treesfrom Lebanon to the feao* Jopp^ .

dngs, till there ftocd up a prielt with according to/the grant that they had c!
rim and with Thummim. Cyrus king of Perfia.
6a H The whole congregation together, 8*1 Now in the ferond vearof their Co-
as farty and two thoufand three hundred minguntothehoiiieof God at J :r.u!a!em,>
id threefcorc, in the Teeond month, began Zerubbabel
6? Befides their fervanrs and their the fon of Shealtiel, and Jefliua the fon of
.aids, of whomjbere were feven thou- Jozadak, and the reoinant ot their bre--
.nd three hundred thirty and feven : 3 n-.{ tliren tke priefts and the Levitts, and a4l
<ere were among them two hundred ling- they that -were come out of rhc raptlviti
re-men, and finding- women. urrto Jerufakmj and appointed the Le-
66 Their horfes -onrc feven hundred vites, from t-venty yean rJld andup^jraj
lirty and fix
: their muies, two hundred to fet forward the. work ol the Louie of xhi-
)rty and five : LORD.
67 Their camels, four hundred thirty •
9 Tiienfkood'lefhua. w/fi- h:e for^ anc! '

rid five
: their alfes, fix thoufand feven his brethren, Kadimel and his Ions-] the>
iibdred an.l twenty. fons of judah torether, to i"-r 1,
C8 H And fvm cf the chief of the Ja- the wdikmen in-the houfe <.i GoJ
brethren the 1.

n th_- builders laid the fcun- i nites,

thfetemplcol the LORD reft of the nations whoi

it: the ptiefts tn their appa I

the great and Dobie Afnappar
Lcvites che lonsui .'.d fet in the cities ot Sami:
with cymbals to praile the LORD, after . .'
on this tide the river, a:.
the ordinance ci' David king of Ifrael. at fuch a, time.

| 11 And they lunar toother bv courfe, Tins is the copy of the letter
it th:
in pruning and ?iving~th3nks unto the him, even unto Artj
Loud. ; bccaufeAiT jj ?ood, tor his rter.-y the kinp;, Thy fervar.t; the nic:
mnduretb tor ever towards Iftael. And all fide the river, and at fuch a time.
the reople fbouted with « Pj;eat fhout, iz Beit known unto the king, thatth
when they praiied the LORD, becaule Jews which cameup from thee to us, ar
the foundation or' the houicof the LORD come unto Jerufalem, building the rebel
was laid. licus and the bad city, ar.d Have let u
ti But ma^vof the prieit; ar.dLevites, the walls thereof, and joyned the loandati
and chief of the fathers, rrbo were ancient OtM.
men that had fecq the fin: houle, when 13 Beit kr.ownnowun-o thekir
tte foundation of this houle was laid b- ifthiseity tve builcted, aiidthe walls let u
lore their eyes, wept with a loud voice, <£<*/>;, r6»,*2will they not pavtjll, tribute
and many ihouted aloud for joy : ar.l culloni, and/6 thou fiialt endamain
ts So thai the people cov. Id not difcem the revenue of the kings.
the noi:'e or the fliout of joy, fro:: the 1
, t4. Now becauie we have maintenanc.
noife of the weeping of the r.:o>\ .
from the {injf palace, and it was r.o
the people ihonftd with a loud fhou:, r us to lee the kings difhonour
and the noifewas heard a;aroff. therefore have we lent and cert;
C II A V. IV. kinj-,
The buiidim of tbi temflt biaireL &c. !-- That fearch may be made in tt<
^TO'V when the adver anes ofFjudah book or the lecords of thy lathers: fc
S and Benjamin, heard that the chil- /halt thou find in the book or" the record*
dren of the captivity builded thetemple and know that this city is 3 rebelliuai
unto the Loed God of 1 "raal city, and hurtful unto kings and previo-
i Fhenthey came to Zerubbabe!, and us, and that they have o/oved feditiof
to the chief of the fathers, and !. within the fame ol old time: for which
them, Let us build wirevou ; for we leek caufe *
vour God, as ve rfo, and we Ad facrificeun- 16 We
certifi- the king, that if this ci-
to him, finee the days of Efat-: ty be builded <£*rn, and the walls there-
king of AfTur, which broughtus up hither of letup, by this nieau'thou fhalt have
2 But Zerubbabel and j"efQua, and the no portion on this fidflhe rirer.
reft cf the chief cf the fathers of Ifrael, 17 «; li en fent rr.e^hg an anfwerunto
ftidunto them, You have nothing to do the chanceJBr, and to Shimifil
with us. to b.:i!. an houfe unto our God,
. thefenbe, and to trweftcf their comjE
bat we our fervei together will build unto nior.s that dwell in Samaria,- and ifl
the LORD God of Ifratl, a king Cyrus the reft beyond the river, Peace, aquM
the king of Periiahath commanded us. '.uch a time.
4 Then the people of the land weakned 18 The letter which ye fent unto us,
lie hands of the people of Judah, and hath been plainly reaa before me.
troubled them in building, 19 And 1 commanded, and fearch hath
$ And hired counfellers 2gainft them, been made, and it rs found, that
to frultrate their puruole, all the dayscf of old time hath n:,
Cvruskingof Peril a, evcQ until therci?r. gainft kings, andr^af rebellion and fedft
OfDarius k.r.g of Peifia. tion have been made therein.
6 And in the reign of Ahafuervs. 1: There have i>een m.i
beginning" of his 'reign, wrote they unto over Jerufalem, which have ruled evi
iim an accusation asrainft the inhabitants all countriei beyond the river; and to]
of Judah and Jerufalem. tribute, and cuftom was them.
And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote it Give ye now ccruuia:
Bi r".lan, Muhredathf Tabeel, and the caufe thefe men to ceaie.- and that th
reltof their companion unto Artaxerxes builded,- until Another
)t co,
king of Persia and the writing of tb<
t fhall be given from me.
Kperxvi! written in the Syrian tongue Take heed now that ye fail
zi not
erpret-djn the Syrian tongue. do mis why fhould damag'e grow
; to
5 liehum theThancellor, and Shimfhsi hurt ot theki .

t' y.oe, wrote a 'erter againlt Jerufa- w when the copy .

lem •Artaxerxes the king, in this fort letter :tji read before Re!
o Then wore Rehum'tfce chancellor, •
their cc
the fcritie, and (bereft of they went up,r. ha'tetu I

the pinaites, the :

Aphai .
.ilites, thcA- ceal't by lorc t and ,-
: : :>:.v bu letter to utriu'. C.iap. v, Darius bis decree.

t *4 Then ceaf.M the work of the hbuie the temple sf Babvlon, thole did Cyrus
fet God, winch Mat Jerufalem. Soitcea- 4he king take out of the temple of Ba-
Ted unto the lecond year ot the reign cf bylon, and they were deliverer unto one
(Darius king of Peril a'. whole name was Sheihbazzar,vwhom he
CHAP. V. had made governor
.i? And faid unto him, Take thefe vef-"
<Tbe building of the temple fet forrvxrJ, Sec.
the prophets, Haggai the pro- fels, go, carry them intoJhe temple that
IHen phet, and Zcchariah the ton 01 Iddo, is in jerufalem, and let the houfe of God
praphefiedun othe Jews thatrce/'e in Ju- be builded inhispjaee^
dah and Jerufalem, in the Dam: of the t6 Then came the fame Shefhhazzar,
Gcdof Ilrael, even unto them. ;"-* laid the foundation of the houfe or

i Then role up Zerubbabel the fon of God which is in Jerufalem. And fince
Shealtiel, aad Jelhuathe lonof Jozadak, that time even until now, hath it been in
and began to ouild the houfe of God, building, and yet it isnot hnifhed.
which U at Jerufalem and with them
: i7 Now therefore,, if it Stem good to
were the prophets of God helping them. the king, let there be fearch made m the
3 11 At the fame time came to them
kings treafure-houfe, which is there at
Tatnai, governor on this fide the river, Babylon, whether it be fo that a decree
and Shethar-boznai, and their compani- was made of Cyrus the king, to build this
ons, and laid thus unto them, Who hath houfe of God at Jarufaleni, and let the
commanded you to build this houfe, and king fend his pleafure to us concerning
to make up this wall ? this matter.
4 Then laid we unto them after this \T. CHAP.
manner, What are the names of the men P«r/ys advtncetb tbt building-, ScC.
make building?
? But the eye of their God was upon
T Hen made a decree*
Darius thekj*ig
and fearch*as made in the houfe of.
the roll;, where the treafures were laid

the elders of the jews, that they could not

cauie them to ceafe, til the matter came
1 up in Babylon.
1 to Darius :and then they returned anfwer t And there was found atAchmetha, irv
by letter concerning th.smatter. the palace that is in the province of the
6 H The copy of the letter that Tatnai, Medes, a roll, and therein was a record
l governor on this Ode the river, and She- thus written :

thar-bo2nai, and his companions thcA- ;• In the year of Cyrus the king,

phartachites, which were on this fiite the the fame Cyrus the kin? made a decree
i river, fen: unto D-anus the king :
concerning the houfe of God at Jerufalem, .

7 Theyfer.t a letter unto him, wherein Let the houfe be builded, the place where
was written thus > Unto Darius the king they offered facrifices, and let the foun-
ail peac-. dations thereof be ftrongly laid, th* height
8 Be it known unto the king, that wi thereof fhreefcore cubits, md, the breadth
went irftc the province of Jade3, to the thereof threefcore cubits
houfe of tie great God, which is binlded 4 With three rows of great Hones, and
with great ltones, and timber is laid in a rcw of new timber and let thecxpen-

the walls, and this work goeth tail; on, and ce> be given cut of the.kines houfe.
profpereth in their hands. _ ? And alfo let the golden and blver^-
9 Tiien asked we thofe elders, &nd faid felsof thehoufeof God, which Nebuchad- '

unto them thus, Who commanded you to nezzartook forth out of the temple which
build this houfe, and to make up thefe "at Jerufalem, and brought unto Babylorw
walls? be reftored, and brought again unto the
to We asked their names alfo, tocerti- temple which is at Jerufalem, every one to
fie thjse, that we might write the names of his place, and -place ibem in thehoufeof
the men that voere the chief of them. God.
u And thus they returned us anfwer, 6 Now therefore Tatnai, governor be--
faying, We are the fervants of the God of yond the river, Shethavboznai, and your
heaven and earth, and build the houfe companions the Apharfachites, which
that was builded thefe many years ago, «re beyond the river, be ye far from
which a great king of lfrael builded, thence
and fet up. 7 Let the work of this houfe of God-
ii But after that our fathers had pro- alon?, Jet the governor ef the' Jews, and
voked the God of heaven unto wrath, he theeldersof the Jews, build this houfeor
gave them into the hand of Nebuchad- God in his place.
nezzar the king of Babylon the Chalde- 6 Moreover, I make a decree, what ye
an, who dcltroyed this houfe, and carried fhall do to the elders of thefe Jews, for
the people away into Babylo\i, the building of this houfe of God that :

i; But in the tirJt year of Cyrus the king of the kings goods, t\>en of the tribute
•of Babylon, the fume king Cyrus made beyond the river, forthwith expences be
a decree to build this houfe of God. .given unto thefe men, that they be not
14 And the vefFels" glfoof gold and fil- hindred.
ver cf the houfe of God, which Nebu- Q And that which; Hiey have need op
chadrezzar took out of the temple that both young hallocks, and rams, and lambs,
94U wJerufaleai, and brought tlicra into tor tUe bumt-oifeiiwrs of the iiedof hea-
n.'ttmpUiifimfc$4. Ezr 1, AtUxuxti totnmijton to E\r*.
ven, wheat, fait, wine, and oy), accor- H
C A p. VII,
ding to the appointment of the priefts gott* up to Jimfskm, &c.
which *rt at Jerufalem, let it be given Nt\r* ["Ow after the e things, in the reign of
then day by day without tail I
Artaxerxes king otfcriia, Ezra, the
to That they may otter facrifvees of ion of biraiah, the fon of Azanah, the
fweet lavoursunto the God ol heaven, and fon of Hilkiah,
pray for the life ot the king, and of his i The fon of Shallutn, the fon of Za-
fonj. dok, the fonof.Hhaub,
ii Alfo I have made a decree, that who- ; The fori of A.nanah, the fon of Aza*.
mever fhall alter this word, let timber b: riah, the (on of Mcraioth,
pulled clown from his houfe, and being 4 The fon of Zerahiah, the fon of Uz-
letup, let him be hanged thereon, and let zi, the fon of Bukki,
his houfe be made a dunghil for this. ? The fon of, the fon of Phi-
ti And the Go* that hatri caufed his nehas, the fon of Elcazar, the fon of
name to dwell there, deftroy all kings Aaron tflechiel pricft :

and people that mall put to their hand, 6 This Ezra went up from Babvlon, and
to alter and to defsroy this houfe of Gud he wu< areidy fcribe inthelawo'f Mofes,
which it at Jerualem : 1 Darius have which the Lord God of Ifrael had giver. :

marie a decree, let it b* done with ('peed. and the king granted him all his rcqueft,
U fl Then Tatnai, governor en this fide according to tnehand of the LORD Lis
the river, Shethar-boznai, and their com- God upon him.
panions, according to that which Darius 7 And there went up feme of the chil-
t?*e king had fern, lb they did fpeedilv. dren of Ifrael, and of the priefts, and
14 And the elders of the Jews builrfed, the Levites, 2nd the finders, and the
and they profper_-d through the prophe- porters, and the Nethinimi, unto Jeru-
fying of Haggai the* prophet, and Zecha- lalem, in the feventh yearof Artaxerxes
rrah the fon of Iddo ; aiHMhey builded, the king.
and finifhed it, according to the com- 8 And he came to Jerufalem in the fifth
mandment of the God ol Ifrael. and accor- month, which v*m in the feventh yeat of -
ding to the commandment of Cyrus and the king.
Darius, and Artaxerxes kingof Perfia. 9 for upon the firft 4*1 of the firft
t? And this houfe was finished on the month began he to go up frcm Sabyfon,
third day of the month of Adar, which was and on the firft dij of the fifth month
in the fixth yearof the reign of Darius the came he to Jerufalem, according to the
king. good hand ot his God upon him.
. 16 51 And the children of Ifrael, the ic For Ezra had prepared his heart
priefts and the levites, and the reft of the to feek the law of the Lord, and to do
childrenof the captivity, kept the dedi- /?, and to teach in Ifrael itatiues and
cation ot this houfe of God with joy, judgments.
17 And offered atthe dedication of this 11 5" Now this it the copvof the letter,
houfe of God, anhtindred buMocks, two that the king Art?xerxes*«gave unto Ezra
hundred rants, four hundred lambs ; and the prieft, the fcribe, even a fcribe or the
for a fin-ofrering for all Ifrael, twelve words of the commandments of the L0RD1
he-goats, according to the number of the and of his ftatutcs to Ifrael.
trilesoflfrael. ii Artaxerxes king of kings, \Jj:to
18 And tney fet the priefts in theirdi- Ezra the prieft, a Icribe of the law of
vifions, and the Levites in their courfei, the God of heaven, perfect ptm, and at
forthefervice of God, which it at Jeru- fucli a time.
salem ; as it is written in the book of i? 1 make a decree, that all thev of
Mofes. the people of Ifrael, ano 0/ his rnefts,
19 And the children of the captivity and Levites in my realm, which are
kept the paflbver, upon the fourteefith nunded of tfueir own free will to go up
4*j of the firit month. to Jerufalem, go with thee.
\c FoTthe priefts and the Levites were 14 Forsfmuch us thou art fent of the '

purified together, all of them vctre pure, king, ar.dof l.isfevencounfellers, to en-
and killed the paflbver for ail the chil- quire concerning Judah and Jerufalem,
drenof the captivity, and for their bre- according to the law of thy God which
thren the priefts, and for themfelves. it in thin; hand :

it And the children of Ifrael, which K An J to carry theffjlver and gold, j

were come again out of captivity, and all which the king and his counfellers have
fitch as had feparated themfelves unto freely offered unto the God of Ifrael,
them from the filrhine's of the heathen of whofc habitation it in- Jerufalem,
the land, to feek the LCTRD God of Ifrael, \fi And all the filver ;;nd gold that the

did eat, canftfind in .ill the province of Babylon,

11 And kept the feaft of unleavened with the free-will-offerinpof the people,
hreadfeven days with joy for the LOUD and of the priefts, offering willingly for

had made them joyful, ^and turned the the houfe of their God, which is in Jem-
heart of the king of A'Tyria unto them, falem |

to ftreiigthen their hands in the werkof t7 That thou mavft buy fpeedily with
the houfe of God, the God ef Ifrael, j thugiuney, bullock's, rams* lambs, with

Kvt bltjfttb Go J. Chap, fiii, E,\ya's wmpAnions to Btbjlott,

heirmcat-s.ncrmgs, and their drink-cf- fons of Pharoftii Zechariah and wilfj :

lerings, and offer them upon the altar of luni were reckoned by genealogy of th*
(he houfe of youi God, which ii in Jcru- males, an hundred and tirty. .

"alem. t A Ot the fons of Paluth-moab;- Eli-

-tf And
whatfocverfhall feem good to hoenai the Ion of Zerahiah, ana with
thee and 10 thy brethren, to do wiflj the him two hundred males.
reft of thelilvcr and gold, that do alter ? Of the fons of Shcchaniah -the fbn
the will of your Cio-l. of Jahaziel, and with him threehuDdred
19 The veilels altb that are given thee, males.
the fervicc of the houfe ot thy God,
for 6 Ol the fons alfc of Adin ; Ebed the
deliver thou before the G->d of Je-
'toft fon of Jonathan, and with him til ty mains;
u'alem. 7 And of the fons ot. Elam ; Jefhaiah the
ic. And whatfeever more fhall be need- fon of Athaliah, and with him feventy
ful tor the houieot thv God, which thou males.
Riilt have occafien to bellow, biftow it 8 And of the fons of Shephatiah ; Ze-
jut of'the kings treafure-houfe^ badiahthefonof Michael, antf witfchiitt
11 And I, even 1 Artaxerxcs the king, tourfore males.
do make a decree to all the trealiirers 9 Of the lor.s of Joab; Obadiah the
wiiich Art beyond the river, that whatfo- fonot Jehiel, and with him two hundred
ever Ezra the priett, thfc Icnbe of the and eiglreefi males.
saw of the God ol heaven, fhall require of to And of the Ions of Shelomith j the
you, it be donefpeedily j fon of Jofjpmah, and with him »ri hundred
n Unto an hundred talents of filver, andthreeicore males.
and tu an hundred meant res of wheat, u And of the ions of Bebai ; Zecha-
and to an hundred baths of wine, and to riah the fon of Bebai, and with him
innundred baths of oyl, and fair without twenty and eight males.
prefcribing hove much. 11 And of the fons of Azgad ; Johanan,
n Whatlbever is commanded by the the fon of:Hakkatan, and with him an
Godof heaven, let it be diligently done, hundred and ten males.
for the houfe of the God of heaven : for 1; And. of the laft fonsof Adonikaoi,
vhy ihould there be wrath againlt the whofe names Art thefe, Eliphelet, Jeicl,
realm of the king and his Tons ? andShemaiah, and with them threefcore
14 Alio we certifie you, that touching males.
>ny of the priefts and 'Levites, fingers, i4 Of the fons alfo of Bigvai ; Uthai,
Jortersj Netiunims, or minifters ot this and Zabbud, and with them feventy
loufc of God, it (hall not be lawful to im- maies.
>o.fe toll, tribute, or cultom upon them. 1 ? 11 And 1 gathered them together to the

ti And thou £zra» after the wifdom river that runneth to Ahara j and there
» thy God, that is in thine hand, fetma- abode we in tents three days and I view-- :

riftrates and judges, which may judge all ed the people, and the priefts, and found
;he people that Art beyond the river, all there none of the fons of Levi.
uch as know the laws of thy God j and t6 Then lent I for EHezer, for Ariel,
each ye them that know tbtm not. forShemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for
16 Andwhofoever will not do the law Jarib, and for EJnathan, and for Nathan,
»f thy God, and the law of the king,
let and for Zechariah, and for MeihullaHV
udgment be executed fpeedily upon him, chief men , alfo for Joiarib, and fy El-
Aether it be unto death, or to banishment, nathan, men of underftanding.
»r to confifcation of goods, or to
imprifon- t7 And I fentthemwith commandment-
tient. unto Iddo the chief, at the place Cafiphia,
,1711 Bleffed be the LORD God of our and I told them what they fhould fay unt«
athers, which hath puxfucb a thing as this Iddo, and to his brethren the Nethimms,
n the kings heart, to beautifie the houfe at the place Cafiphia, that they fhoukd
f the LORD which is in Jerufalem bring unto us minifters for the houfe of

18 And hath extended mercy unto me, our God.

ietore the king, and hiscounfellers, and- 18 And by "he good hand of our God
efore all the kings mighty princes and uponus, they broughtus a man of under-

was ftrengthned as the hand of the Lor» ftanding, of thefonsof Mahli, thefonof
\y God veai upon me, and I gathered to- Levi, the fon of Ilrael, and Sherebiah*
etheroutot I (reel, chief men to & po up with his fons and his brethren, eighteen y
nth me. 19-And- Hafhabiahr and with him Je-
A P. VIII. fnaiahof thefonsof Merari, his brethren-
Eva's companions from B*iyj9H,Sce. and their fens, twenty
rHefe are now the chief of their fa- 10 Alfo of -the Nethinim-sj whom David
thers, and this it the genealogy of and the princes had appointed for the fer-
iiem that went up with me from Babylon, vice oftheLevites,two hundred and twen-'
ithereignof Artaxerxcs the king. ty Nethinims : all of them were expreffed
1 Ot the fensof Phtnehas t Gerihom t byname. •.

f t!w fonsof Ithamar; Daniel*, of. the it A -Then I proclaimed a fa ft there, at

>ns of David j Hattufh.* the river Ahava, that we -might afflidt out 1

2 Of.:th« fon4ef^ii«cbamab-.of.tlic.ii*clv«sj)efoie QuijGod> to feck of him a


zra. Bir-, nnf0on.
right w i fol our little ones, 'o-.r.mHTions ur'o the kinge lieutenant
arA for all our t'ubitance.

the governors on this fide the r
it Fori feaa aihamcd to require ot the ver, and they tnrthered the people, ar
Iwidof foldiers and horfe the hemic oJ God.
help us againft the enemy in the way: chap. ix.
became we had Ipoken unto the king, fay- E\ia mcu nftb, &c.
in?, The hafid of our God ii upon all them
fofgood, that feek him, but his po\v:r and
NOw when thefe
things were don
the prirces came to me, fayiti
his wrath i> aeainft all theru that lcrfakc 1 he people of Ifrael, and the prie

him. the Levites have not feparated them

5; So we falted and befought our God felves from the pespleof the lands, coin,
fortius, and he was intreatedof us. according to their evtno
24 f! Then I feparated twelve ot the the Canaanites, the Hirtites, the Periz
chief of the prtefts, Sherebiah, Hafha- zites, the Jebufites, the Ammonii
kiaji, and ten of their brethren with Moabites, the Egyptians, and the'Ama-
them, rites.
t, Ar.d weighed unto fhem the filver, j For they have tak?n of their
and" the gold, and the veffels, evtti the of- ters for themielves, and for their furij
fering ofthe houfe of our God, which the the holjufeed have mingle
king, and his counfellers, and hisJords, felves with the people of tboJ>
aad"all Ifrael tbtre prefent, hW c yea, the hand ofthe princes and ruler*
26 1 even weighed unto their hand, ii* hath been chief in cms treibafs.
kundred and A filver, and 3 And when 1 heaj 1 r r.t
fclver 1 . rtdred talents. aM of my garment ar.d my mantle, and
gold an hundred talents: of my head, and of raj
17 Alio twenty bafens of gold, of a beard, ar.d (at down aitonied.
thoufand drams, and two veilcls of fine 4 Then were affemblcd u
copper, precious as gold. one that trembled at the worn.
iS And 1 faid unto them, Ye Art holy God of Ifrael, becaufe ct the tr
unto the Lord, the veifels arc holy alio, fionof thofe that had been carried
and the filver, and the gold «.re and I fat a&onied until the ever:
will-offering unto the LORD
God oi enhce.
ycur lathers, ? n And at the evenins facrifjee, I
19 Watch ye, and keepffew, lintilye arofeup from my heavinefS, and having
weigh tbon before the chief of the priefts. rent my garment and my mantle, 1 tell
and the LeVites, and chief of the fathers upon mv knees, and fpread outm-.
of Ifrael at Jarufalem, in the chambers unto the LORD my G<^,
cf thehoufe of the LORD. 6 And faid, O my Goa, lama-fhamdi
:c So took the pnetfs and theLe.vites, andblt/fh to lift up my face to V:
the weight of the filver and the gold, increased <B»
. ::es are
and the'veffels, to bring tbtm to Jerufa- ver our head, and our trefpafs is grewn
lem unto the houfe of our God. up unto tl
*t tf Thenwx departed from the river 7 Since the 1 fathers, £*uft
of Ahava, on the twelfth &*.y of the firft we.; ?wjma great trefpais unto t.'

mont^, to go un'o Jerufalem and the

and for our iniquities have we, our king';,
hand of our God was upon us, an I
and our priefts been ielivered rote the
vereJ us from the hand ofthe enemy, and^ hand or the kings of the lands, to the
of fuch as lay in wait by the way. !word, to captivity, and to a fpoil, and*
*» And we came to "Jerufalem, and a- tc confuGonof face, as it is this
bode there three days. now for a little fpace grace hath:
".; *^ Now
on the fourth day war, the beer. ;h e -ex from the LORD our C
filver and theeold,and the veTcl's weighed leave u< a remnartr to ercape,
in the houfe of our God, by th« hand of giveu* a nail in his holy p!
Meremcvrh the fon of Uriah the pried, and God may lighten our eyes, and giveus a.
with him tr.ti Eleazar the fon ot p; iittl: revving mourbondage. "
and wifh them von Jozabad th? on of Je- 9 Fcr we. were bond-men, yet cur God ,

ihua, andNoadiahthefonofBir.nui, Le- hath not forfakenus in cur bondage, but'j

Vites : ruled mercy urtro us lnthefijfifl
^4 By nnmber *na by weightof every of thekmgsof Pema, to give us.
one : and all tt\c weisht was written at vinrj to fcr up the houfe of our Gc
that time. to repair the dei'daticr* tnereof,
*? Alfo the children^ thofe that had give us a wall in Judah and ir.
been carried away, which were come I em.
outo' the captivity, offered burat-offer- ir And now, O our God, wh-^t fhallf
intrs unto the God of Ifrael, twelve bul- we fay after this ? for \w have t

locks for a! Ifrael, r.inetv and

1 I thy commandments,
feventy and leven lambs, twelve he-gpats V/:
11 -ommandedbYthy

ftr a fin-offering : all tbh «j> a burnt-cf- fervants the prophet.-*, faying, The 'lard
jerincuntoti/eLORD-. umo whi h ye go to -pc-def"j it, it is an un-
36 «I And tbey delivered the kings ciciBjarA; w'.-Ui the aithiodi of thepeo-
Chap X. •fftmmi*utr:*t*s.
ppleof the lands, with their abomina- lubftance forfeited, and himfelf
. 'A'ivc fitted it from one end feparated from the congregation of thoft
'jncleannefs. that had been carried away.
K unto
Now therefore give not your daugh- 9 fl Then all the men of Judah and |

f[s their Cons, neither take their Benjamin, gathered themi'-Mves togethe*
uighters untovcur lens, nor feck their unto Jerufalem, within three days itrpat :

Race, or their "wealth for ever that ye

: the ninth month, and the twentieth day
lay be frrong, ana eat the good of the ol themonth, and all the peot !e fat in
ind, and leave it for an inheritance to the ltreet cf the hutrfe of God, trembling
bur children for ever. becaufeof r£w matter, and for the great
la. And atter all that is come upon us rain,
X cur evil deeds, an;i for our great tref- to And Ezra the prieft ' rtood up, and
afs, feeingthat thou our God hail punifh- faid unto them, e have tranfgrefled, and

d uslels than our iniquities deferve, and have taken ftrange wives to increafe the
aft given usfuth deliverance as this: trefpafs of lfrael.
14 Should we again break thy com- n Now therefore make confefflon un-
mandments, and joyn in affinity with the to the Lord God of your fathers, and do
ecple of thefe abominations? woukiit his pleafure 2nd fepar-ate your felves

Ot thou be angry with us till thou hadlt from the people of the land, and from
ortfiimed us, fo th3t tbere Jtouli be no the ftrange wives.
eipnant ncr efcaping ? n Then all the congregation anfwer-
i? O LORD 'ocd of lfrael, thou art ed, and laid with a loud voice, As thou
Ktt;ous, for we remain yet efcaped, as haft: faid- Co mud we do.
ii this day ; behold, we art belore thee H
But the people are man/, and it is
e p: lies-, for we cannot ftandbe- a time of much rain, and we are rot a-
becauie ot this. ble to (land without, neither is tk t a
CHAP. X. work of one day or twe for we are many :

Kjlrznw marriages reformed, &C that have tranfgrefled in this thing.

[Ow when Ezra had prayed, and 14 Let now our rulers of all the con-
[ when he had confeffed, weeping gregation ttand, and let all them which
himfelf down betcre^the have taken ftrange wives in our cities,
[e of God, there afTembleci unto him come at appointed times, and with
of lfrael, a very great congregation them the elders of every city, aed the
nen, and women, and children: lor judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of
people wept very lore. our~God for this matter, be turned from
£ AndShechanialithe fonof JehieKone us.
f the ions of Elam, anfwered and faid 51 On'«v Jonathan the fonof Afahe!,
nto Ezra, We
have trefpaffed againft our and Jahaziah the fon of Tikvah, were
iOd, and have taken ftrange wives, of employed about this matter and Me- :

le people of the land yet now there

: fhullam, and Sh^bcthai the Levite help-
hope in lfrael concerning this thing. ed them. •
t, Now therefore let us make a covenant 16 And the children of the captivity
ith our God, to put away all the wives, did fo 3nd Ezra the prieft, with certain

\dfuch as are born of them, according to chief of the fathers, after the houfe of
le counfel of my lord, and of thofe that their fathers, anj all 6f them by then
emhle at the commandment of our names were feparated, and fat down in
,od, and let it be done according to the the 6rft day of the tenth month to exa-
|W. mine fije matter. *
4 Arife: for tbis matttr btlongetb untc i7 And they made an end with all the
lee j we alio will be with thee be of men that had taken ftrange wives, by

ood courage, and do it. the firft dayof'the firft month.

s Then arofe Ezra, and made the cfcief 18 fl And among the fobs of the prieft-%
riefts, the Levites, and all lfrael to there were found that had taken ftrange
vear, that they fhould da according to wives namely., of the fons of Jefhua the

lis word: And they fware. fon pf Jozadak, and his brethren Maa- ;

6 «1 Then Ezra roie up from before the feiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gs-
oufeof God, and went into the cham- daliah.
erof lohanan the fonof Eliafhib and 19 And they gave their hands, that they

me thither, he did eat no bread, would put away their wives; and being
or drink water for he mourned becauie guilty, they of>re£ a ram of the fleck for

e tranfgrenion of them that had been their trefpafs,

awa y- *c And of the Tons of lmmer; Hanari,
they made proclamation through- and Zebadiah.
ut juJ.-ah and Jerufalem, unto all the ii And of the fens of Harim ; Maa-
j captivirv, that they fhould feiah, and Elijah, and Shemaiah, and
ather therftfaJfres together unto Jerula- Jehiel, and UzzFah.
:m ; ix And of the f^ns of Pafhur 5 Elioe-
8 And that whofoever would not come nai, Maafeiah, Ifhmael, Nethanee!, Jo-
according to the coun-
'ithin three days, zabad, and Elafah. .

:I of the princes and the

elders, all Ins i v\ Alfo of tiie Levites j Jozabad, and
ettifmr ^Htisfent ftiyiHQmBBf
Shimei, andKelaiah, (the Tame nKeli- %\ An4o/thefonsof Harim ; Eliezer,
»a )Tcthahiah, Judah, and EIie«er. lfhijah, Malchiah, Shcmaiah, Shirncon,
14. Ot
the lingers alfo ; Ehaihib arid : ?i Benjamin, Ma'.lucli, and She:j;anah.
ot the garters i bhailum, and Telem, anu \l Ot the Inn of Haffmm ; Mattenai!
Un. Mattathah, Zabad, Elinhelet, Jeremai,
i? Moreover, of Ifrael :of the fons of Manatleh, ana Mumei.
Parom; Ramiah, and Jeziah, and Mal- U Ottheibnscl Bani j Maadai, Am-
ehiah, and Mianun, and Eleazar, and ram, andUel,
Malchijah, and Benaiah. ?t Benaiah, Bedeiah, Chellah,
16 And of the Ions or" F.lam j Mattani- 26 Vaniah, Mercmoth, Eliafhib,
»h, Zechariah, and Jehiel, and Abdi, 37 Mattaniah, Mattenai, andjaafau,
and Jereaioth, ana EJiah. 38 And Bani, andBinnui, Shimci,
a 7 And or the Tons or" Zatt* ; Elioenai, 39 Ana Shelcmiah, and riathan, and
Eliafhib, Mattaniah, and Jeremoth, and Adaiah,
Zaoad, and Aziza. 4c Machnadebai, shaihai, bharai,
18 Of the fons alfo of Bebai j Jehoha- 41 Azareel, and Shelcmiah, b::emari3h,
nan, Hananiah» Zabbai, and Ar/ilai. 4i Shallum, Amanah, and Joieph.
19 And of the fons of Bani j Memul- 4yOf thefbnsoi Neho ; Jeiel, Matti-
lam, MalKich, and Adaiah, Jalhub, ai>d thiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jadau, and Joel,
Shea!, and Ramoth. Benaiah.
?o AncoithcfonsofPahath-moabjAdna, 44 All thel'e had taken ftrange wives
and Chela), Benaiah, Maafeiah, Mattani- and foint ot them had wives by whom
ah, Bexaieel, andBinmii, ar>d Mana'd'eh. they had children.

5 The Book pfNEHEMIAH,

9 But 7/ ye turn unto me, and keep my
of Jerufalem, &c. commandments, and <.;o them though
^1 I

"He words ot Nchemiah the for ther* were of you caft out unto the ut-
of Hachaliah. And it came to termolt nart of the heaven, yet wiU 1 ga-

P a f* in the month €hi/ieu«. in ther them from thence, and will bring

the twentieth year, a* I was in them unto the place that I have chofen

Shufhan the palace, to fet my name there.

1 That Hanani, one of my brethren, 10 Now thefe art thy fervants, and

came, he anderrfaw men of Judah, and thy people, whom thou haft redeemed

1 asked them concerning the lews that by thy great power, and by thy ftrong
had efcaped, winch were left of the cap- hand.
tivity, and concerning Jerufalem. it O LORD, I befeech thee, let now

3 Ana tney (aid unto me, The remrrant thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy
that areleftof the captivity there in the fervant, and to the prayer of thy fervants,

province, art in grc>t jffliition and re- who defire to fear thy name and profrer,

>proaeh the ballot Jerufalem alio is bro- I pray thee, thy fervant this day, an4

ken down, ana the gates thereof arc grant him mercy in the fight of this man.

iiurnt with fire. For I was the kings cup-bearer,


4 11 And it came to pafswhen I heard C

Nebetniab feni to
truftltm. &c.
thsi'c words, thit 1 fat down and wept,
and mourned certain days, and falted,
and prayed before- the God of heaven,
it came to pafs in the "month Ni-
fan, in the twentieth year of Arta-
<; And faid, I befeech thee, O LORD xerxes trie king, r£«? wine vras before
Gcd of heaven, the great and terrible him : anJ 1 took up the wine, and gave rr
God, that keeneth covenant and mercy unto the kine. JSow 1 had not bv*en i»-
for them that love him and obferve his foretime fad "in his prefence.
1 W. .erefore the king faid unto m«,
6 Let thine car now be attentive, ana Why i, thy countenance fad, feeing thou
thine eyes open, that thou mavft hear .the art net fick ? this is nothing elft but
prayer of thy fervunt. which 1 pray before forrow ot heart. Then I was very fcrc
thcennw, dav and night, tor the children afraid,
of lfrasl thy fervants, and contefs the tins q And faid unto the king, Let the king
of thechiklr«no» Ifrael, which we have live forever; why mould not my counte-
finned againft thee both I and my fa- nance be fad, when the city, the place of

thers houfe have finned. my fathers fepulchres, Iretb wafte, and the
7 We
have dealt very corruptly againft gates thereof areconfumed with fire?
thee, and have not kept the command- c Then the kins faid unto me, For
men's nor t'-ie ftatutesnor the judgments what doft thou mike requcft ? So 1 prayed
which thou commandedft thy fcrvan: to the God of heaven. ^^
Mofec. c And I faid unto the king, If it pleafe

g Remember, 1 befeefh thee, the word the king, and if thy fervant have found

that thou comiiandedft thy fervant Mo- favour in thv fight, that thou wouWic fend

fe<, faying. If ye tranfgrefs, 1 will (car- me unto judaic unto the city of my fa-

ter you abroad anio»g the nations; thcrs fepulchres, that I nay buil<* >t> .

i And
; :

Nebmiab vitwttb the wall. Chap. iii. Tie huilieri of tbt watl.

6 And the king faid urtro me, ( the faid, What is this thing that ye do ? will
Queen alfo fitting by him) For how long ye rebel againlt the king?
fliall thy journey be? and when wilt thou as Then anfweted 1 them, and faid
leturn? So it pleafcd.the king to lend unto them, The Goa of heaven, he will
me, and 1 ("et him a time. prolper .us therefore we his fervants

will arife and build but you have no

7 Moreover, I faid unto the king, If

pleafe the king, let letters be given me

portion, nor right, nor memorial in Je-
to the governors beyond the river, that rulalem.
they may convey me over till 1 come in- CHAP. HI.
Tbtir names anJ order tbat built the Wall.
to Judah
b' And untoAfaph the keeper
a letter THenEliaihib the high prieftrofe up
o.r thekingsioreil, that he may give me with his brethren the pnefts, and
timber to nnkebeaittstorthegatesof the they built the fhcep-gate, they fanctified
it, and fet up the doors of it ; even unto
palafe which apfertainti to the houfe,
and for city, and for the
thewatlof the the tower ot M*ah they fanttified it, un-
hou^e that 1 lhall enter into. And the to the tower ot Hananeel.
king-granted me> according to the good i And next unto him builded the men
of Jericho and next to them builded
haiM otmy God upon me. * :

Zaccur the fon of lmri.

9 11 Then I came to the governors be-
yond the and gave them the kings
river, 3 Bu-: the fifh-gate did thefonsof Haf-
fenaah build, wr.o alfo laid the beams
letters. ( Now the king had fent captains
thereof, and let up the doors thereof,
of the army, and horieruen with me )
to When Sanballat the Horomte, and
the locks thereof, and trfe bars thereof.
Tobiah the fervant the Ammonite, heard 4 And next unto thorn repaired Mere-
tf it, it grieved them exceedingly that
moth the fon of Urijah, thefon ol Koz
there was come a man to leek the welfare
and next unto them repaired Mefhullam
of the children of lfrael. the fon of Berechiah, the fon of Mefhe-
zabeel antl next unto them repaired
it So I came to Jerul'alem, and was

there three days. Zadok the fen of Baana.

and ? And next unto them the Tekoites re-
11 And 1 arofe in
iz the night, 1
Pome few men with me, neither told I paired; but their nobles put not tfteit
*nj man what my God had put in my neeks to the work of their Lord.
heart to do at Jerulalem: neither wa/ 6 Moreover, the old gate repaired Je*
tbere any beaft with me, lave the beaft hoiada thefonofPaleah, and Meitmllam
that I rode upon. the fon of Befodeiah ; they laid the beams
11 And I. went out by night, bythegate
thereof, and fet up the doors thereof, and
of the valley, even before the dragon- the locksthereof, and the- bar* thereof.
well, and to the dung-port, and viewed 7 And next unto them repaired Mela-
the wa'lsof Jcjrtifalem, which were bro- tiah theGibeonite, and Jadon the Mero-
'ken down, and the gates thereof were nothite, the men of- Gibeon, andotMiz-
.conCumed with fire. pah, unto the throne of the governor on
i4 Then 1 went on to the gate of the this fide the river.
fountain, and to the kings pool but tbere :
8 Next unto him repaired Uzziel the
was noplace for the bttfybat was under fon of Harhaiah, of the goldfmiths next :

me to pafs. unto him ^lfo repaired Rananiah, the

u Then went I. up
by thein the night fon of one of the apothecaries, and
brook, and viewed the wall, and turned they fortified Jerufalem unto the broad
back, and entred by the gate of the val- wall.

Jcy, and So returned. 9 And next unto them repaired Re-

16 A*d the rulers knew not whither I
phaiahthe lbn of Hur, the ruler ol the
went, or what I did, neither had I as yet of Jerufalem.
half" part
told it to the Jews, nor to theprielts, nor to And next unto them repaired Jed*-
to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to iah the Ion or Harumaph. even over a-
the relt that did the work. gainft his houfe : and next unto him re-
17 51 Then faid I unto them, Ye fee the
paired Hattulh thefon of Halhabniah.
diltrelsthat we are in, haw Jerufalem li- n Malchijah the fon of Harim, and
ttb watte, and the gates thereof are burnt Halhubthe fon ol Pahath-moab, repair-
with fire: come and let us buildup the ed the other piece, and the tower of the
wall of Jerufalem, that we be no more a furnaces.
reproach. ii And next unto him repaired Shallum
t8 Then I told them of the hand of thefonofHalohefh, the ruler of the half
my God, which was good upon me , as part of Jerufalem, he and his daughters.
alfo the kinzs words that he had fpoken i* The valley-gate repaired Hanuo,
unto me. Ana they faid, Let us rife and the inhabitants of Zanoah ; they built
up and build. So they ftrengthned their it, and fet up the doors thereof, the locks

hands for this good w«rk. thereof, and the bars thereof, and a
iO But when Sanbailat the Horomte, thoafand cubits on the wall unto the
and Tobiah the fervam the Ammonite, dune-gate.
and Geihem the Arabian heard it, they 14 B't the dung-gate repaired Malrhi-
part of
laughed us to fconu ami defpifedus, and I
ah the lo n °f Rcchab, the ruler ol
Beta •»
Ttf hdfdei Nebetl Tit;*.
Befb-baccereti G :rechiah»
the doors thereof, the lock- I
'- r -
the bars thereof. im repaired Malch .

t? But theeate of the fountain repair- goldlmirhs jc .

:?eof theNe-
ed Shallum the fon of Col-hozeh, the t'linims, an.: i ants, over a-
ruler of par; o- it, and • gaimt the gate Miphkad, and to the go-
covered it, and fet up the doors l
ing up or
the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, ren the going up c
and the wall of the pool of Siloal corner unrc the fhecp-gate, repaired the 2
kmgs garden, and unto the ftairsthat go is and 'he merchants
down from the city -of David. C II A P. IV
i5 Afttfr him repaired. Nehen K'ali tbt ;r.t»iiti J:
fon of the half part T>Ut it ca:r .
of Btth-7ur, unto tbt ftact over againft
the fcpuichres of Dr/id, and to the pool
hT was wi
t bxt tip* i a: i b e hoi: ft of th e
tion, and mocked the Jews.
Biigi.ty. he fpake before bi> aril;
17 titer him repaired the Eertfe*, Re- the 3rmy cl Samaria, and laid, Wha
: im re- thev fortify £

Ha:hab';ah the ruler of the hail they facrifice? will

Keilah, in his part. raakeanerd :n a Jay? will
:er him repaired their brethren,
-•> out of t^ heaps of the
Bavii t.l? fon of II?radad, the ruler of art ?
the haJf part I ; Now To'uah the Ammonite w*i
ic A - Ezcr the I he faidi Even that which
.: a lox houo, lie fhall even
the: p:e:e ever a? ~ ep to
the armoury . Tail. .4 Hear, O our God, for we ared
ZibbaiT led: and turn tieirroproa
earnestly rer Kr piece, from own he.
the turning of the wall unto the dcor of the land or
rieft. « And -cove. t
not the:: : 'rom befoJ§ }
dr. or Urij thee for the-:

piec.% of thehoufeof Eii-

fore the builders.
aflxib, ev^n to the end of the houfe of 6 So built we the
Eliafhib. wall was joyned together unto '

n And after him repaired the t>riefts, theieof for the people had a
: i
the, men of the plain. work.
%\ After him repaired Benjamin, and But it came to ptifs u
Haihab, over againf; their houfe: after ballat acd Tooiafcj and the A
him repaired Azariah the fon of !
the Ammonites and the Aft .

ah, the fon r that tie walls of Jerufalem were

id After him repaired Bmr.ui the fen up, Atii that jfte breaches began to be I

of Her.adad. aether piece,rrom • "

tbey were very Wr
Of Azari3h, unto the turning c; tie 9*11,
even unto the corner.
i- Pa'al taefonof Uzzai, over again ft r it.

the turning of the w.i#, and the tower verthelefs, we made ouMajet
which lieth ^ut from the kines his unto our 'jc< :

•nam- n after iv and night, >>ecaufe of them.


kim, Pedaiah tte for. of Parofti. of the

if M:reo' .veU in bearer ;

ad thmre
Ophel, untc thew2- '
:h, fothax we aie rotable
ter-na'c tc-.virJ toe eaft, and ths tower to build the
that lie* cut. n Andouradverfaries faid.They ftal
i- After them k ,".e Trkoites repaired
r piece, over aeair.ft the grrat
and caufe the wark

ther fee, till we come fa
tower that hern out, even unto the wall to ceafc.
of Ophel. n And it came to paf* thatw :.-
1,3 From above the horfe-gate repaired >j tt :m, came, ti|y
tfie r>r;efts, everv one over againft his laid unto us ten, From all place%
houfe. wherceye fna'.l return unto us, tbey tc/ft
"••"ter th;m re- 'ht fon
le after :
fherefote fetl#the lower pla-
i ah, the fen ot
.the ion familie!
•f Shelemiah, and -
another piece: a»c r i-i At idrefcofs tt
F*ee labourer i armed. Nebefniabs reformation.
ptothe nobles, and to the rulers, and to OtfH r m en have our lands and vineyards.
:e red ot the people. Be not yeatraid of 6 11 Ana I was very ani'ry when I
emeruber the Lord wbicb is great heard their cry, and the. c words.
nd terrible, and right for your brethren,- 7 Then cunfulted with my (elf, and
our Ions and your daughters, your wives 1 rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and
nd your houles. laid unto them, You exacl: uiury, every
And it came to pafs wlien our end- one ot his brother. And 1 let a ?rcat
ues Heard that it was known unto us, aikmbly agajnit them.
nd God hact brought their counfel to 8 And I l>.id trnto them, We, after
ought, that we returned all of us to the our ability, have redeemect our brethren
all, every one unto his work. the Jews, which were it>ld unto the hea-
ifi And it came to pals from that time then ; and will you even Jell your bre-
Mih,*6*£ the half of my fervants wrought t£ren? or Jhall they be fold unto us ?
tnework, and,the other half of them Then held they their peace, and found
eld buth the (pears, the fhields, and the nothing to anfwtr^
ows, and the habergeons ; and the ru- 9 Alio 1 laid, It is not good that ye
ixswerc behind all the hcufcof Judah. do: ought ye not to walk in tha tear of
i7 They which builded on the wall, our God, becaufe of the reproach of the
nd they that bare burdens, with thofe heathen our enemies ?
hat laded, every one with one of his hands to j likewife, and my brethren, and
wrought in the work, and with the other my lervants, might exaft of them mo-
and held a weapon. ney and corn I pray you let us lcayc

18 For the builders, every one had ins off this ul'ury.
word girdea by his fide, and fo builded :
u Reltore, I prakyou, to them, even
nd he that founded the trumpet was by this day, their larras, their vineyards,
ne. their oiive-yards, and their houles, alfo
tq * And I laid'unto the nobles, and the hundredth^jct of the money, and of
the rulers, and to the reft of the peo- the forn, th& wine, and theoyl, that ye
'le, Thewqrk is great and large, and we exact ol them, ;

re fitparatedupon the waif, one far from ti Then laid they, We

will reftore
nother. them-, and will require nothing of them
_ zc lnwhat place therefore ye he3r the lo will we do as thoulayft. Then I cal-
bund of the trumpet, refort ye thither led the prielts, and took an oath of them,
into us; our God lhall fight tor us. that tbey fheuld <.\o according to this
zi So we laboured in the work : and promile.
ia!f of them held the (pears, from the n- is Alfo I iriook my lap, and faid, So
ingofthemorning,till the ftars appeared. God lhake out every man from hishoufe,'
zz Likewife at the fame time laid I and trom his labour, that performeth not
into the people, Let every one with his tins promile, even thus be he fhaken
ervant lodge within Jerufalem, that in out, and emptied. And all the congre-
the night they may be a guard to us, and gation laid, Amen, and praifed the
labour on the day. Lord. And the people did according
zi So neither I, nor my brethren, nor to this promiie.
my fervants, nor the men of the euard u 11 Moreover, frcm the time that I
.vhich followed me, none of us put off was appointed to' be their governor in
Dur clothes, faving that every one put the land o: Judah, from the twentieth
them off tor w5fhin£?. j^ar, even unto the two and thirtieth
C H A P. V. jVear ot Artaxeixes the king, that is-,
The Tews complain of their debt, &c-. Pwelve years, I and my brethren have
ANd there was a great cry of the peo- not eaten the bread of the governor.
ple, and of their wives, againll their ii But the former governors that bad.
brethren the Jews. been before me, were chargeable unto
z For fh ere were that ('aid, We, our the people, and had taken of them bread
fons, and our daughters arenuuy: there- ahTlwinc, betides forty fhekelsof filver,
fore we take up corn for tbem~, that we yea, even their fervants bare rule over
may eat, and live. the people: but fo did not I, becaufe of
2 Some alfo there were that faici, We the fear of God/
have mortgaged our lands, vineyards, and 16 Yea, alfo I continued in -the work
houles, that we might buy corn, becaufe of this wall, neither bought we any land:
01 the dearth. and all my fervants were gathered thither
4 There were alio that faid, We have unto the work.
borrowed money tor the kings tribute, 17 Moreover, there were at my table an
and that upon our lands and vineyards. hundred asd fifty otthe Jews and rulers,
? Yet now our fleih is as the fiefh of befides thole that dme uritc us from a-
our brethren, our children as their chil- mong the heathen that are about us.
dren and lo, we bring into bondage
: 18 Now that which was prepared for me
our fons, and our daughters, to be fer- daily, was an ox, and fix choice iheeps
vants, and fomt of our daughters are alio fowls were prepared ior me, and
brought unto bondage already-, neither once in ten days, ltore of all forts or
n it mour power to redeem than : for wine: yet for all this required not I the
S*nhtlUti t'M pr*alct, Xtb>
bread of the governor, becaufe l
j M-. C
1 thou upon TobiaBl
dage was heavy up^n this people. and Sanballat, according to thelc the.r
19 Think upon me, my God, tor good, works, and on tb? prophetcf* Noadiabfll
mcefrd&og to all that I have done tor this and the reft of the prophets, that wculdT
people. have put me in fear.
C H A Pi VI. 1* ^1 So the wall was finifhed, in the
S*nb*lUt> evil prjft/ct, &<". twenty and fifth day of tbt mon:b EiuJ,
NOw it came to pat's, when Sanballat,
and Tcbiah, andGeihem the Ara-
in ritty and two days.
16 And it came to pais that when all
bian, and the rett or our enemies heard our enemies heard ct'reof, a rd all the hea- |

that l had builded the wall, ard tbut then that vttrc about us law theft ttitiji,.
there was no breach left therein 'though -, they were much cait down ir. their own!
at that time I had not let up the doors eyes: for they perceived that this w.:k
upon the gates ) wjs wrought of oat God.
x That Sanballat, and Gefhem fent t- T| Moreover, in fjjofcdays the no.
unto me, fay-rig, Come, let 11s me?: to- bles of Judah lent many letters uni
gether in/a»>. "one of the villages in the biah, ^ndtbe lt'At/% of Tobiahcame ur.:o
plain of Ono but they thought to do
r»e mifebief. tb'Por tbtrt wrr» many injudah fwtjrn
^ Ar.j 1 fent metTer.gers unto them, unto him, becaufe he tt*> the (or. in law r>f
faying, 1 *m doing a great work, lb that Shechaniah the lbn ot Arabs and .

I cannot come down why fhould the : n had taken the daughter ol Me-
work ceal'e, whilft 1 leave it and com: lhuilam, the (oner Barechiah.
down to you?
me four times af-
* 19 Alio they reported his good
before me, and uttered my words to
4 Yet they fent unto
and I anfwered them attcr
ter this fort ; ens Tobiah lent letters to putmcr
the fame manner. f
< Then lent Sanballat his fcrvant unto K'bttHijhi art of JerufilerH, Sec,
an ope,n
in like, manner, the fifth time, with
leticr in his hand-.
NOw it came
It, and I had let up
to pafs when
the «a|

6Wherein wjj written; It is reported and the potter-, and thefinc:

among the heathen, ar.dGafhmu faith it, Levites were appointed,
tc-t thou ana the Jews think to rebel :
* That I gave my brother Hanani, aapml
tor which caufe thou buildefl the wall, Hanar.iah the ruler of the palace, ehariM
thstthcu may it be their king, according over Jerusalem: tor he re;. 2 . (

to thefe words. man, andrearedGod above many J

A thou haft alfo appointed pro-
. ; And I laid unto tnem, Let':
phets to preach ot thee atjcrulalem, fay- gates of Jerufaiem he opened, ur •

ing-, Then it a king injudah: and now fun be hot; and while tbeyitar.d by, let
be reported to the king, according
fhili it them fhur the doors, and bar tktm
to thele wofds. Come now therefore, appoint watches otthe inhabitants -

and let us take counfel together. rufalem, every one in his v

tf Then iYent unto him, faying, There v«ry one te be over again..
are no fuch things done as thbul'avft, but 4 Now the city vui lame and greatL]
thou feignelt them out of thine own but the people w?r» lew therein, andtnvi
neart. vetre not builded.
q For they all made us afraid, faym§, ; Tl And my God Fut into -r.ine r.e?rf- t
Tbetf hands be weakned from thj.
fhall to gather together the r.oblss, i."
work, that it he not dose. Now therefore^ rulers, and the people, that the
God, ftrengthen my hands. be reckoned htger. eulogy and 1 :

ic Afterward I came unto thehoufe of a regnte: of the genealogy of ther.

Shemaiab the fenof Dclaiah, the Ion of cam- up Jt the firft, and found wiiOen T
Mehetabeel, who w*« fhut up and he -, theiem,
laid, Let us meet together in the hou'eof -
the children of tht
e art
God, within the temple, and let us inut ::<twent up outot the c^,

the doors of the temple tor they will ; ot thofe that had been carried
come to day thee, yea, in the night will Nebnchadnezzar the king of Bid k
tliev come to Bay thee. -carried away, and cam.
it And I Paid, Should fuch a man as I to Jerui'alem a^c
to Judah, every

flee? and who fi tbtrt that btin: as I xm, unto his citv ;

would go into the temple to fave his life? - Who ca:«e with Zerubbabel: Jel
1 will "hot so in. Nehem ..lah, N
la And !o, 1 perceived that God had Mi«l>e
not lent him, bumhat he »ro r I

rophecy a^ain.t me for :

I I Ay, ot themcr. ot the people o-. .

had hired
. that I 8 The children of Parofti. two the
E an Jiundr
evil re- T: e - hatiah, three | .-.

port, that they might reproach me, hunjre.. tvno. :.

K TbtU
'be mttnbtr of tbofe v»bo Chap vii, rtturnti from the e.t ptivitj.
\h The children of Arab, llx hundred fhua, ofKadmiel, an.i of the childrenof
ty and two. Uodevah, leventy and four.
ii The children of Pahath-moab, of 44 11 The fingers: the childrenof A-
e children otJefhua and Joab, two thou- faph, an hundred forty and eight
nd and eight hundred eighteen. 4," 11 The porters: the children
of Shal-
ix The children of Elam, a thoufand lum, the children of Aier, the children of
•o hundred fitty and tour. Talmon, the children of Akkub, tt\c
t\ The children ot Zattu, eifht hun- children ot Hatita, the children of 5>ho-
:ed torty and five. bai, an hundred thirty and eight.
14 The childrenof Zaccai, fevenhun- 46 f The Nethinims the children of

rcd and threefcore. Ziha, the children of Haihupha, the chil-

ic The children of Binnui, fix hundred drenof Tabbaoth,
rty and eight. 47 The children of Keros, the children
i5 The childrenof Bebai, fix hundred of Sia, the children of Padorr,
/cr.ty and eight. 48 The childrenof "".ebarah, the chil-
17 The children of Azgad, two thou- dren of Hagaba, the children of Shal-
nd three hundred twenty and two. mai,
18 The children of Adonikajn, tix hun- 4.9 The children of Hanan, the chil-
red threefcore and (even. dren of Giddel, the childrenof Gahar,
19 The children of Bigvai, two thou- to The children of Reaian, the children
ind threefcore and feven. of Rezin, the children of-Nekoda,
10 The children of Adin, fix hundred ii The childrenof Gazzam, the chil-
tty and five. drenof Uzza, the childrenof Phafeah,
it The children of Ater of Hezekiah, <ii The children of Befai, the children

inety and eight. of Meunim, the children of Nephifhefim,

it The children of Hafhum, three hun- T3 The children of Bakbuk, the chil-
red twenty and eight. dren ot Hakupha, the children of Harhur,
H The children of Bezai> three hun-
-redtwenty and four.
T4 The children of Bazlilfi, the chil-
dren of Mehida, the children ofHarfha,
The children cfHaripn, an hundred T? The children ot Earkes, the chil-
nd twelve. dren ot Silera, the childrenof Tamah,
if The children of Gibeon, ninety and >6 The children of Ncziah.. the chil-
ve. drenof Hatipha.
i* The men of Beth-lehem and Neto- S7 11 The children of Solomons fer-
hah, an hundred fourfcore and eight. vants the children of Sotai, the childrea

X7 The '.nen cf Anathoth, an hundred of Sorhcreth, the children of Perida,

venty and eight. t8 Th.e children of Jaala, the children
18 The men of Bcth-azmaveth, forty of Darkon, fhe children of Giddel,
id two. CO The children ofShephatiah, the chil-
19 The- men of Kirjath-jcarim, Che- dren of Hattil, the children of Pochereth.
rah, and Beeroth, leven hundred forty of Zebaim, the children ofAmon.
id three. .00 All tfft Nethinims, an.1 tne children
30 The men of Ramah and Gaba, fix ot Solomons fervants, wsre three hundred
undred twenty and one. ninety and two.
31 The men of Michmas, an hundred 6 1 And thei'txoere they which went up
nd twenty and t*o. ttfo from Tel-melah, Tel-harefha, Che-
2\ The men of Beth-eland Ai, anhun- rub, Addon, and lmtner :but they vould
red twenty and three. not fne v their fathers houl'e, nor tneir
The men of the other Nebo, fifty leed, whether thev were of Ifrael.
nd two. 6z The children of Delaiah, the chil-
34 The children of t&e other Elam, a drenof Tobiah, the children of Nekoda,
loufand two hundred filty and four. iix hundred forty and two.
3> The children of Harim, three hun- 63 U And ot the priefts: the children of
red and twenty. Habaiah, the children of Koz, the chil-
35 The childrenof Jericho^, three hun- dren otBarzi!l2i, which took one of the
red forty and five. daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite t(?
37 The children of Lod, Hadid, and wife, and was called after their name.
)no, feven hundred twenty and one. 6'. Thefe faustht their regiiter *mong
38 The children of Senaah, three thou- thole vhat were reckoned by gwealosy,
md nine hundred and thirty. but It was not found th -refo're were they,

39 11 .The prielts tfte childrenof Je- as polluted, put from the prielthacd.

uah, of thehoule of Jefhua, nmehun- 6,- And the Titlhatha laid unto them,
red feventy and three. th a t-they mould not eat ot the Mioft bolv
40 The children oflmmer, athoufend things, till t u tre ftood up a pneft with
ftv and two. Urim and Th.unimim.
4'i The children of Paihur, a thoufand 66 n The whole conere5">.tion toge-

vo hundred forty :<nd l cven. thcr, vem forty and two thlutand three

4i The children of Hanm, a thoufand hundred and tnreeiccre;


nd feventeen 67. Beiide their man-ler/ants and their


4; 11 The Levites the children of Je- maid-fervanto, ofwhom there w;/vlVven

: ,

II thou-
Their fubjltnce tnd obittitni. Nehemiah. The l.tve ft red.
thouland three hundred thirty and ("even : the people to underftand the law. an
and they had two hundred torty and five the people flood in thtir place.
finging-men and finging-women. 8 So they read in the book, in the Jaw ».

68 Their horfes, ffcven hundred thirty God diftinftlv, and gave the fenfe. ar
and fix their mules, two hundred torty cauled them to undsrftand the reading.

and five :
9 n And NeheimalJ which it the Ti;
69 ibtir camels, four hundred thirty fhatha, and Ezra the pneft the
and five: fix thoufand fevenhundredand and the Levites that taught the .

twenty afTes. ("aid unto all the people. This da)

7c 11 And fome of the chief otthe fa- unto the LORD your God, m<
thers gave unto the work the Tirihatha
: nerweep: lor all the people wept, whe
gave to the treafure, a thou fand drams et they heard the words of the law.
geld, fittybalons, five hundred and thirty 10 Then he laid unto them', Go yoi
V-riefts garments. way, eat thelat, and drinl
71 And/owtof the chief of the fathers fend portioris unto them for whom nO
gave to the treafure of the work, twenty thing is prepared -.for fA/ day / i holy u; j

thoufand drams of gold, and two thou- toour Lorh neither tfe you ferry, fort!

fand and two hundred pound ol filvcr. joy of the Low* is yc.-.r ftrcngth. *"
72 And tbtt which the reft of the people it So the Levites ftHled all the peapl
gave, w*i twenty thoufarul drams or gold, faying, Hold your peace, for the day
and two thouland pound of lilver, and holy, neither be ye grieved,
threefcore and feven prielts garments. 11. And all the people went their w.
7; So the prielts, and the Lcvites, and to ear, and to drink, and to. fend port
thepc *ers, and the lingers, and form of cms, and to make great mirth, becau
the pec le, and the Nethinims, »nd all
1 underftooa the words that we
Ifrael, awelt in their cities; and when declared unto them.
the month came, the children of n «' And on the fecor.d day were g
Ifrael were in their cities. thered together the chief o.
C II A P. VIII. of a 1 the peoi le, the prielts 1

The mttmer of rea.din% the /add, &c. vites, unto Ezra the fcribe, even to u:

ANd all the people gathered them-

felves together as one man, into the
derfiand the word.-- the law.<.

t4 And they found written in the la


ftreet that ven betore the water-gate, and which the LORi; had commanded 1

they fpake unto Ezra the fcribe, to bring Moles, that the children of Ifrael ihou
the bock of the law of Moles, which the dwell in booths in the fcaft of the feven
Lord had commanded to Ifrael. month :

i And Ezra the pneit brought the law ij? And that they fhould publifh a ,.\

before the congregation, both ot men proclaim in all theircities, and injerv.i r
and women, and all that could hcarwirh lem, faying, Go forth unto the mount, a -

understanding, upon the firft day of the tetcn olive-branches, and pine-braftlj
feventh month. and myrtle-branches, and palm-branch
3 And he read therein before the ltreet and branches of thick trees, to ma

that w*f before the water-gate, trout the booths, as it i> written.
morning until mid-day, before themen t6 H bo the people went forth, a.
and the women, and thofethat could 1111- brought r£;»;,Jand made them eh
derftand j and the ears of all the pcoph: booths, -'very one upon the root of J

voere attentive unto the bookoi the law. houfe, and in their courts, and in t
4 A fi d Ezra the fcribe ltoodupon a pul- courts ot the houfe ol God. and in t
pit of wood, which they h2(i made tor
ftreet of the water-gate, and intheftn
the purpofe, and belide him Hood Mat- of the gate of Ephraim.
tithiah, andShema, and Anaiah, and U- t7 And all the cenrrcration of tilt
rijah, and Hilkiah, and Maafeiah, on his that were come again out of the cap
right hand ; and on his left hand, Pedaiah, ity, made booths, and fat tinder
and Milhael, and Maklriah, andHafhum, booths: tor fince the days :t" Jefnua \

and Hafhbadana, Zechariah, *nd Me- fop of Nun, unto that day, had not I

lhullam. children of Ifrael done lb : and there v

<?And Ezra opened the book in the very ereat gladneis.
fi>ht of all the people, (forhewas above 18 Alio day by day, from the firlt day 1
all the people) and when he opened it, to the laft dav, he read in the book otji
all the people fiood up ; lawof God : and they kept the la
6 And Ezra bleiVed the Loro the^reat days, and on the eighth day xvat :

God: and all the people aniwered, A alVembly, accordins unto the m
men, amen, with littinc up their hands C H A P. IX.
and they bowed their 'heads, and wor- AJoltn
shipped the Lord with tbeir faces to the
NOw this
in the
twenty and fotut

7 Alfb Jrfhua^and Bani.and St.erebiah, v. :•••

Jamn,, Akkulu bhabbethai, Hodiiah, fackclothcs, ar>d ea.t

Maafei3h, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, 1A1 sparated the f\
Hana», Vetaiah, and the Levites cauled felvcs from all lttfaneei-, ana uocd :

: : :

ibfitvitti confe'fion. Chap, ix. Ifmeh ingratitude,

:on felled their tins, and the iniquities of ly, and hardned their necks, and heark-
their fathers. ncd not to thy commandments,
? And they flood up ir their place, and 17 And retul'ed to obey, neither were
•cad in the book of the law of the Lord mindful ot thy wonders that thou didft
thdr God, on; fourth part of the day, and among them but hardned their necks,

mother fourth part they confelTed, and and in their rebelliou appointed a cap-
vorlhipped the their God.LORD tain to return to their bondage: but
4 11 Then itcod up upon the ftairs of art a God ready to pardon, gracious
the Levttes, Jefliua, and Bani, Kadmiel, merciful, How to anger, and of
Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and kmdnefs, and forlookeft them not
Chenani, and cried with a loud voice un- 18 Yea, when they had made them
to the LORD their GoJ. molten calf, and faicl, This n thy god than
<; Then the Levites, Jefhua and Kad- brought thee up out of Egypt, and had
miel, Bani,Haihabmah, Sherebiah, Ho- wrought great provocations
iijah, Siiebaniali, and Pehthahiah, laid, 19 Yet thou in thy manifold mercies,
Stand up and bid's the LORD. your God loriookeft them not in the wildernels-
tor ever and blelled be thy
and ever ; the pillar of the cloud departed not fro
glorious name, which is exalted above them by day, to lead them in the
wav -
all blefling and prail'e. neither (he pillar of fire by night,
6Thoa, even thou art Lonu alone, thou mew them light, and the way wherein
halt made heaven, the heaven of heavens they mould go.
with all their holt, the earth and all things 10 Thou gaveft alfo thy good fbirit to
that are therein, the i'cas and all that n intltua them, and withhlldeft not
therein, and thou prefervelt them all, and manna from their mouth, and ffWii
the holt of heaven worfhippeth thee. them water for their third. b J veir;
7 Thou <irt the LORD
the God, who ii Yea, forty years didft thou
lidtl choofe Abram, and broughtelt him them in the wildcmefs, fotbat thevlacir
,'orth out of Ur of theChaldecs, and ga- ed nothing their clothes waxed not
eld »
/eit him the name of Abraham: and their feet iwelled not.
8 And fount! eft las heart faithful before ii Moreover, thou gaveft them
Mice, andmadelt a covenant with him, to doms and nations, and cudft dividethem

ive the land of thcCanaanites, the Hit- into corners lo they pofleiled the
land of-
ter tlie Amoritcs, and the Perizzites, Sihon, ana the and of the kingof
and the Jebuiitcij-and the Girgafhites, to n ^ ° ° S ki " g of B«-
ivcit, U*y, to his feed, and halt pertor- i°a n
hed thy words, tor thou art^righteous 1; Their children alfb mtiltipliedft thou
9 And didft fee jlie affliction ot cur as the itars ot heaven, and brou»htei>
"athers in bsrypt, and hcardlt their cry them into the land concerning which
>y the Read Tea thou hadlt promiied to their father I
tc And lhcwedft figns and wonders that they mould go in to poflefs it
r»on Pharaoh, and on all his lervants, 14 _So the children went in and pcfTef-
1 on all the people of his land : tor fed the land, and thou fiibduedlt
hou knowelt that they dealt proudly them the inhabitantsot theland, theCa
Igainft them: fo didft thou get thee a naaijites,. and
-gaveft them into their
ame, as it is this day. hands, with their kings, and the
ii And thou didft divide the lea before or the land, that they might do
hem, lo that they went through the midft them as they would. & wim
ffithc feaon the dry land, and their per- 1? And they took itrong cities, and a
ecutors thou threwell into the deeps, as tat land, and poflelled houfes full
Itoneinto the mighty waters, goods, wells digged, vineyards, and
ti Moreover, thou leddelt them in the yards, and fruit-trees in abundance- to
ay by a cloudy pillar ; and in the night they did eat, and were filled, and became
v'a pillar of lire, to ?*ve them light in fat, and delighted themfel ves in, thy
Jerca t
{: wiv wherein they' mould go. goodnefs.
i? T'houcameft down alio upon mount 16 Neverthelefs they were difobedienr,

nai, and fpalcelt with them lrom hea- and rebelled agamit thee, and cait thv
en, and gavelt them right judgments, law behind their backs, and flew thy pro
nd true, laws, good ftatutes and com- phe'.s which teitified againltthem to
l-.iandments them to thee, and they wrought <»reat
c b
i4 Ar.d madeft known unto them thv provocations.
uply fcabbatrJi and rommandedft them 17 Therefore thou deliveredft them
Tecepts, itatutes, and laws, by the hand into the hand of their enemies, who
f Moles thy fervant : vexed them and in the time of their

is And gaveft them bread from heaven, trouble when tt^ey cried unto thee, thou
or their hunsrer, and broughtelt forth heardit them hom heaven ; and accord-
vater for them out of the rock, for their ingtothy manifold mercies, t!:ou pavert
birtt, and promiledfl them that they tnem faviour*, who Caved them out of
* houhi go in to poflefs the land, which the hand of their enemies.
hou hadlt worn to eive them.
l 18 But after they had reit, they did evil
\6 But they and our7ather$ dealt proi'.d- again belore thee therefore leftcft thou

I 1l R ite;n
^^iJgai, Shemaiah: ticfc
dominion over
yot when they returned and cried 9 And the Levites
botji Jefhua the
I :

Thee, ihou hea'ruft tb-.m trom heaven, and 'fan of Azaniah, Bmnui of the
bn« ct
nan) u deliver them, ac- Henadad. Kadmiel ;
QUTding to thy mercies •
nd t cir br=;hrcn Shebaniah,
wJS--^ v ?-
19 And tefhfiedft againft them, thar Hodijah, Kelita, Pelaiah,,

tfwrannghtft bring them again unto thy it Micha, Rehob,

law yet they dealt proudly, and heark- ac ur S

nednj. unto thy co r.rients, but fin-

\ ?T
i? ^
rcLnah" Shebar.iah,
V Bani,
ned againft thy judgments c which if a The chief ot the people; Paroih, U
man do, he Jhall liveinthem') and wit.. Pahath-moab, Elara, Zatthu, Bani
drew the fhoulder, ar.d hardned their i< Bunm, Azgad, Bebai,
. neck, ar.d would rot hear. Ldonuah, Bigvai, Adin,
5c i - -s didft thou forbear 17 At :r, Hizkijah, Azzur,
them, and teftifiedfl: againft them by thy iS Hodijah, Hafhum, Bezai,
jpirit in thy prophets yet would thy not : 19 Hanph, Anathoth, JNebai,
give car therefore gave ft thoti them in-
: 10 Magpiafh, Mefnullam,
to the hand of the people of the land*. 11 Mefhezabeel, Zadok,
?i Neverthelefs, for thy peat mercies 11 Pelatiah, Hanan, Ana-.ah,
i'a<:, thou didlfc not utterly conform: i A ih, Hafrmb, '

them, noi forlak« them; for thon *rt 14 Halloheih, Pileha, Sh. bek,
Lous and mercitul God. ** Rehum, Hafha'.mah, Maafeiah,
low therefore our God, the great, 15 And Ahijah, -Hanan, Anan,
the mighty, and the terrible God, who aliuch, Harim, Banah
keepeft'ccVenant and mercy ; let not all And the reft of the people, the
the trouble Teem little before rhee, that Priefts, the Levites.the porters, the
:ne upon us, on our kings, onour ers, the Nethanims, and all they that had
princes, and on our priefts, and on our leparated themfelves from the
people of
prophets, and on our fathers, and on all c-e lands, unto the law
of Go.', their
thv people, the time of the 'kings of wives, their Ions, and their
AUyria unto this day. every one having knowledge,
an3 hav-
15 Howbeit, thou.j'f juft in all that is ing undentandine :

brought upon hsj for thou ha:! done 19 They clave -to their brethren, their
rivht, but we have done wickedly t -lobles, and entred into
a curfeand into
|4 Neither have cur kings, our prin- anojth, to walk in Gods law, which
ce* our priefls, nor our fathers k given by Moles the fexvantof God,
: '.into thy cot. tooMerve and do all the m.ents
ments, and rhy teftimonies wherewith ot the LORD our Lord and his
thou iidtt teftifie againft them. ments and h;s ftatutes:
3, For they have not ferved thee in ?c Ar.d that we would rot stive
n, and in thy yreat eood- daughters unto the people of the land,
gaveft them, and•
nor take their daughters for our
which thou gaveft ?t And if the people of the lar
their., neither turned they "from ware nr any viauals on the l'abbath-dayl
tr eir wicked to lell.ttur we would, rot buy itof
?'> Behold, we *re fervanti this day !
on the fabbath, or on thehol\-dav. and
h»t thou gaveft unto : would leave the feventb vea.,
ie fruit thereof, and 'exaction of every debt.
reof, behold, we are ler- j?x Alio we made ordinances foru*,
tn it. charge oar lelves yearly with the thisd
:- .v . increase unto parrot fhekel, Sr the fervice of the
the ki etoveros be- nou'e ot our God,
caufeof minion 3: For the ihew-bread, and for the
; over our c I continual meat-cfterins:, and for the
rnt-orreringr of thefobbatiu

all this, we : ot the new-moons, for the let
the holy things, 2nd for the

's, to make a
A. I
fa ail the work of the houfe
of oar Gcd.
fWTO ng the
IN pie, for

. s

xVi i at times apjiomte.

t. H ie altar of the
Loan our
t, Hai
::--•• i s ofc»r
7 Me! ffroant. -traits oi'ali
Vftelltn in Jtritftlem, Chap. Xi. mi oth-r cjfirt.
all trees, vear by vcar, unto the houfe of tc Cf the priefts: Jefaiah the fon
the LORD : Joiarib, Jacfcin,
;6 Alio the firft-born or our for.; and it Serauditho '"on of Hilkish, fon
Of our cattle, as it is written in the law)
[ •fMefhuIlam, the fon ot Zadok, the '"on
and the firitlings of our herds, and of cur ol Meraioth, the ion of Ahitub, xx>n
flocks, to brjng to the houfe of our God, ruler cf the hoafe or Gcd.
unto the priefts thatminifter in the hoafe [i And tHeiz brethren that did th-
of our God : work of the houfe, were eieht hundred
37 And tbAt we fhould bring the firft- twemt ar. \ two: and AdaiaiT the fan of
lruits of our dough, and our offerings, Jercham, the ion otpelaliah, the fon of
and the fruit of alt manner of trees, of Amzi, the fon ot Zcchanah, the fon of
wire and of oyl, unto the prielts, to the Paltmr, tfce&nof Male!.;;,..,
chambers of the houfe of our Gad, and 1 5 And
his brethren chief of the fa-
the tithes of our ground unto the Levites, thers,two hundred forty and twj and •

that tMe fame Levites might have the A.naihai, the ion, of Azareel, the ion of
tithes, in all the cities of our tillage. Ahalai, tie Ion ol Meftillemoth, the fo»
;£ And the pneft the fen of Aaron iha 1 of lmfUer.
be with the Levites, when the Levites u And their brethren mighty men cF
take tithes-, and the Levitts fhallbrin^ va'.cur, an hundred twenty^anct eight •

w> the tit!:e of the tithes unto the houf- and their oveneer w.u Abdiel, the for, of
of'our G;d, to the chambers, into the one of the great men.
treafure-houfe. 15 Alfo of theLevites : Shemaiahthef&3
;q For the children of Ifrael, and the of Hsfhub, the .on ol Aznkam, the fo»
children of Levi, (hall bring theofterin?: ot Hafhabiah, the (on of Bunni.
of the corn, of the new wine, and f.':e 16 And Shabbethai, and Jozabad of
oyl, un;c the chambers, where the ch.iei ot the Levites, hud the over-
v'eifels of the fanctuary, and the prielts light of the Outward bufinefoef the houfe
that minifter, and the porers, and trie oi God.
fingers: and we will not torfake the t- And Mattaniah the fon of Micha, the?
ho.ife ofou: G)d. fon ot Zabdi, the ton of Afaph, w.i>the
CHAP. XI. principal to begin the thwkfgiving in
The tenth man cbgfsn by lot, &c. prayer and Bakoukiah the fecund among

A Nd
the rulersof the people dwelt at kis brethren, and Abdathe fon of Sham-
J\ Jerufaleni the reft uf t.-.e people ?.!-
: mua, the fon ot Galal, the ("on of Jeduthun.
focaft lots, to bring one of ten to dwell 18 All the Levites in the holy city, we,*
in Jerufalemthe holy city, and nine parts two hundred fourfcore and four.
dwell in other cities. 19 Moreover the porters, Akkub, Tal-
i And the people blefted all the men, moti, ar.d their brethren that kept th»
that will innly offered themfelvesto dwell gates, were an hundred feventy and two
at- Jeruialem. ic ^1 And the refidue of Ifrael, cf the
3 V, Nowthefe are the chief of the pro- priefts anA the Levites, were in all the ci-
vince that dwelt fn Jeruialem: but in the ties ot Judah,every one in his inheritance
ritiesof Judah dwelt every one in hi> f-i- ii Cut the .Nethinims dwelt in Ophel:
"efiion in their cities, to wit, Ifrael, the and Ziha, and Gilpa were over the iSe-
>riefts,and theLevites.and th§ Nethinim-, thinims.
ir... the children of Solomons lervants. ii The overfeer alfo of the Levires at
4. And at Jeruialem dwelt certain of the Jerufalem, wtrtVzzitm fon of Bani, the
hildr-en of Judah, and of the children of Ion oi Hafhabiah, the fon of Mattaniah,
Jenjamin: cf the children of Judah ; the ion of Micha of the Tons of AfzpA,

lithaiah the fon-of Uzzhh, the (on ot the fingers were over the bufmefsof the

Jerhariah, the fon of Aniartab, the Ion houfe of God.

t bhephatiah, the for. of Mahclaleel, of i5 For it w*s the kings commandment
he children of Perez ; concerning them, that a certain porti-
And Maafeiahthe fon of Baruch, the on ftouki be !ot the fingers due for every
ol Co!-hozeh, the fon of Kazaiah, the
inofAdanh, thefonof Joiarib, the fon it. And Petfiahiahthefcn of MefTAeza-
fZechariah, the fon of Shilom. beel, of the children of Zerah the fon of
6 All the Ions of Perez that dwelt at Judah, rv.-.s at the king's hand in all .nat-
erufalem, rare tour hundred threelcore ters concerning the people.
hi eijrhi valiant men. i> And for the villages, with their fields,
7 Armthcle .'.-the Ions of Benjamin <
I 'owe ol the children ofjudah dwelt at Kir-
*{.>llu the (on of Me:>.rllavn, the Ion ol jutVarba. and the villages thereof, /.-:

9 ped, the fon of lfcdaiah, the Ton of Ko- 2* Dibon, and''. the villages thereof,

the ion c: Maaleiah, the fon of atjekabzeel, ?ndrs the villages thereof,
the fonot Jefaiah. if-. And at, and a:Mo!adah, ar.4
id after him Gabbai, S'.llai, nine
I at Beth-phelet,
twenty an eis.'.t. 17 And at Hazar-faual, and at Beet-

1 j

.-1 Joel.the (on of Zichri tp.*« their iheba, and in the villages th(
:er j and Judah the fon of Senuab 18 And at Ziklsg, ard at Melcor.ak

Ji lecond over the city.

..j 4 and in the vili:-.fes thereof,
I\ i 19 Arrd

Tot high priejli fmceljion. Nehcmish The friejli,

19 Anil at En-rimmon, and atZareah, 14 And the chief of the Levites: Ha-
and at Jarmuth, fhabiah. Sherebiah, and Jefhua the Ion of
50 Zancah, Adullam, and in their vil- Kadmiel, with their brethren over agaimf.
lages, at Lachifh and the fields thereof, them, to praile and to give thanks accord-
at"Azekah, and in the villages thereof. ing to thecommandment of David the
And they dwelt t'rom Beer-fheba, unto trie man of God, ward over aesinit ward.
valley or" Hinnom. i- Maitaniah, and Baltbukiah, ONa-
31 The children alfoof Benjamin from
diah, Mefhullam, Talmon, Akkub, were
Geha, dwetLat Michmafh, andAija, and porters keeping the ward, at the thre-
Beth-el, ar.drn their villages, fliolds of the gates.
n And at Anathoth. Nob, Anamah, 16 Thefe were in the dsvs of Joiakim
the Ion of Jefhua, the (on of Jozadak, and
tt H3zor, Ramah, Gittaim,
in the days of Nehemiah the
34 tfadid, Zeboir.i, Neballat, governor,
^; Lod, and Ono, the valJey-ofcraftr- and of Ezra the prieK, the Icnbe.
inen. .17 11 And at the dedication of the wall
j.6 And of the Levites, were divif-ons
of Jerulalem, they fought the Levites
in Judah, and in Beniamin. of all their places, to bring them to
XII. lalem, to keep the dedication with plad-
nefs, both vith thankfeivmgs, and
Tbe priejli and Lev tei which came up, Rcc.

NOwthei'eare the prielts and the Le- tinging with cymbals, pTalteries, and
vites that went up with Zerubbabel harps.
thelonotShealtiel, andjefhua: Seraiah, *S And the Tons of the fingers gathered
Jeremiah, Ezra, themfelves together, bothout of the plain
• Amariah, Malluch, Hattufh, country round about Jerufalem, and from
3 Shecaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, the villages of Netophathi,
4 Iddo, Ginnetho, Abijah, 19 AUofrom the houfe of GilgaJ, and
<;Miamin, Maadiah, Bilgah, qutofthe fields of Geba, and Azniaveth •

6 bheroaiah, and Joiarib, Jedaiah, for the lingers had builded them

" Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah :
round about Jerulalem.
thelew^e the chief of the prierts, and of 7o And the prielts and the Levites ph.
their brethren in the daysof Jsfhua. rifled themfelves, and purified the people
5 Moreover the Levites: Jefhua, Bin- andthegares, and the wall.
mii, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judaic and 3 Then I brought up the princes of Ju-
Wattaniah, wbcb was over the thankf- i'-ah upon the wall, and appointed two
givine;, he and his brethren. great companies of tb em that gave thanks,
9 Alio Bakbukiah, and Unni, their whereof on: went on the right hand upon
-brethren, were over againff. them in the the wall toward the dung-gate :

watches. U
And alter them went Hoftjaiah, and
ic «1 And Jefhua beg?.t Joiakim, Joi- haltof the princes of Judahi
aki'Ti allb begat Eliafhib, and Eliamib 35 And Azariah, Ezra, and Mefhullam,
begat Joiada, 34 Judah, and Behjaruin, and Shema-
i! And Joiada Sezat Jonathan, and Jo- iah, and Jeremiah,
nathan begat Jadciua. :? And certain of the priefts fons wit*
ii And in the days of Joiakim, were trumpets: namely, Zechariah the ion of
ytietts, the chiet of the father.;: of Serai- J-nathan, the fen of Shemaiah, the fon
srit, Mcraiah: of Jeremiah, Hananiah :
of Mattaniah, the fon of Michaiah, the
n Of Ezra, Melhullam of Amariah, : fonofZaccur, the fon of Afaph :

Jehohanan: ?6 And his brethren, S' emaiah, and

14 Of Melicu, Jonathan : ofShebaniah, Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Ne'h3-
Jol'eph neel, and Judah, Hanani, with theruufi-
1; OfHarim.Adna ofMeraioth.Helkai: :
cal lnitruments of David the rrjan of
16 Oflddo, Zechariah: ©t Ginnethon, Go>i, and Ezra the fcribe before them.
IMeihullam: ......
?7 And at the fountain-gate, which wai
1- Or" Abijah, Zichn: of Mmiamin, over againfl them, they went up by the
ef M.iadiah, 1'iltai ftairsof the city of David, at the going
18 CM Bilgah, Shammua: ofShemaiah, upof the wall, abovethe houfe of Davi<i,
even unto the water-gate eafr-ward.
Jehonathaji ...
Mattcnai of Je- *S And the other company oftbtm that
to An \ of Joiarib, :

Uzzt: g*ve thanks went over againft tbtm, and

1^ fjf&allai, Kall3i: of Amo,<, Eher 1 ntterthem, and the half of the people
u Ot'trKuah.Hafhabiah: ofjedaiah, uron the wall, from bevond the tower of 1

the furnaces, even unto the broad wall:

. « rhcLeviM intned-ysofEhalftib, ?9 And from abovethe pate of £?):x2-
ihanan, ar I Jaddua, were itn, ar.d above the old gate, and ibove

, o\' the fathers allb the

: therifli-care, and the- tower of Ha:
rci^ncf Darius thePer(l3n. and the tcwer of Mean, even unto the I
v:, the chief of the
. fhcep.gatei and they ltood ltill in the
volt written in the book of the pnlon-gate.
iejpfeven^ntil t.'ic days of Jo- » ftood the two compa-i :
:; cf ttm
he Tci cl" EUafliib.
.r.anthcTcn that gave thanks in the houfe 01
a: J
; : 1 : -

xi i>. vivtrt tsujif rtjorm'i

and and the half of the rulers with me
I, : came unto the king, and after certain
4i And chi prieffs; Eliakim, Maafei- days obtained i leave of the king
ah, Mihiamin, Michaiah, Elioenai, Ze- 7 And I came to Jerufalem, andur.der-
chariah, aiJHananiah with trumpets ftood ot the evil that Eliafhib did for
4i And Maafeiah, and shemaiah, and Tobiah, in preparing him a chamber in
tleazar, and Uzzi, and Jehohanan, anct the ccurtsot th^ houleofGod. -
Malchijah, and izlam, and Ezer and : 8 And it grieved me lore, therefore 1
the lingers fang loud, with Jezrahuh calt iorth all the houfftold-lluff ot To-
their ovcrfecr. biah outot thechamuer.
<tt Alio that day thev offered great fa- 9 Then 1 commanded, 3nd they clean-
crifices, and rejoyced ;" for God had made fed the chambers; and thither brought
thei\ rejoyce with great joy ; the wives 1 again the veffels ot thehoule of God,
alto and the children rejoyced: fo that with the meat-offering ana the frank-
the joy of Jerufalem was heard even afar incenie.
off. to fl And I perceived that the por-
44 «! And at that time were fome ap- tions of the Levites had not been given
pointed over the chambers for the.trca- tbtm : for the Levites and the finger*
f.ires, for the offerings, for the firft- fruits, that did the work> were fied every one
and for the tithes, to gather into them out to his field.
of the fields cr the cities the portions of Then contended I with the ruler%

the (aw for the priefis and Lcvites for : and laid, Why
is the Ivoule of God forfa-
Judah rejoyced fortheprieits and tor the ken ? And 1 gathered them together**
Leviresthat waited. and them
in their place.
4, And both the fingers and the por- 12 The:i brought all Judah the tithe
ters kept the ward of their God, and the of the corn, arid the new wice, and the"
ward of the punficstion, according to ovl, unto the treafuries:
the command merit oi David, <*.iJ of Solo- «And J matte trealurers over the trea-
mon his Ton. furies, S lelemjah the prieft, and Z
46 For in the days of David andAOph, the fcribs, and of the Levites l'edai.»h:
of old there v>t". chief of the fingers, and and next to them nvi Hanan the Ion of
foags of praile and thankfgiving unto Zaccur, the Ion of Mattaniah for they :

Gcd. were counted faithful, and rheir

4' And inthedayj of Zerub-
all Ifrael wjj to diftribttte tint© theij brethren.
nabel, 3nd in theda,ysofNehemiah> gave 14 Remember me, O my God, con-
the portions of the fingers, and the por- cerning this, and wipe not ojt my good:
ters, everyday his portion, and they fan- deeds that I have done foi (he houfe of my
£tified bolj tk'ingi unto the Levites, and .
God, and for the offices thereof.
theLevites far.aified tbem unto the chil- 11 «1 In thole days faw 1 in Judahfomt
dren of Aaron. treading wirif-preftes on the fabbath, and
CHAP. XIII. bringing in fheaves, and lading .--.fies ; at
Separation from tbt multitude, &e. alio wine, grapes, an*:, figs, and all man-

ON that dav they read in the book of

Mofes in the audience of the peo-
ner of burdens, which they brought into
Jerufalem on the fab-bath : day : and 1 te-
ple i and therein was found written, that itified «.$a.\nji tbem in the daj wherein
the Ammonite and the Moabite fhould they fold victuals.
not come into the ccr.gicgatio.n or God 16 There dwelt men of Tvr; s!fo there- '

for ejrer in, which brought fi!h> and" all mariner of

i ffecaufe th#y met not the children of ware, and fold on the fabbath unto the
Ifrael with bread and with water, b»lt children of Judah, and in Jerufalem.
hired Balaam againft them, that he 17 Then I contended with the nobles of
fhould curfe them : howbeit our God Judah, and faid unto them, What evit
turned the curfe into a blefilng. thing ii this that ye do, and profane the
3 Now it came to pafs when they had fabbath- day?
heard the law, that they feparated from 18 Did not your fathers thus, an<3
Ifrael all the mixed multitude. not our God bring all this evil upon us, and
4 f\ And before this, Eliafhib the upon this city? yet ye bring more wrath
prielt, having the overfight of trie cham- upon Ifrael by profaning the fabbath.
ber of the houfe of oar God, was allied 19 And it came to pafs, that when th<
unto Tobiah: gates of Jerufalem began to be dark be-
' And he had prepared for him a Rreat fore the fabbath, I commanded that the
chamber, where 3foretime they laid the gates fhould be Unit, and charged that
meat-offerings, the frankincenfe, and the they fhould not be opened till after the
vetrels, and the tithes of the corn, the fabbath: and fame of my fervants let r I
new wine, andtheoyl, (which was com- at the sates, there mould no burden |
manded fo it given to the Levites, and the be brought in on the fabbath- nay.
fingers, and the porters ) and the offer- *c So' the merchants, and fellers of all
ings of the priefts. kindof ware, lodged without Jerufalem
fi But in all this time was not I at Je- once or twice.
ntfalem • for in <he two and thirtieth it Then 1 teftified them, and
year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon, faid untothea, Why lodge ye about the
Kl wall?
Jtlafuerui hitfeafi.
wall? ifyedo/o again, I will lay hands
on you. From that rime forth can by thefe things ? yet among many nations
no mtre on th,e fapbafh. was there no Icing likehim, who was be-
n And I commanded the Levites thit loved of his God, and God made him
they fhould clear.fe themfelves, and king over all llrael nevenhclefs, even

they fhould come and keep the gates, to him did outlanduh women caul'e to fin.
fanaifie the Re"
fabl»a^h-d,ay : 17 Shall we then hearken unto you to do

me, O my Gcd, zoacrtmng this allbrand all this great evil, to iranfgrefs atramft
Ipare me according to the greatnel's cf our God, in marrying (trange wives?
thy mercy. a8 And one ofthe ions of Joiada, the ton
\\ fi Inttofcdays alfo faw I Jews r£.»r ot Eliafhib the high prieit. VfM Ion In
had married wives ot Afhdod, cf Am- law to Sanballat the Horonite: therefore
.»v,n, ««.i of Moab : I <?h3led him from me.
14. An.i theirchildren (pales half it) the -9 Remember them, O my God, be-
fpeech of Afhod, and cou'dnot (peak in they have defiled the prielthood,
the Jews language, but according to the and thi covenant ot the prielthood, and
language or each people. ofthe Levites.
And i contended with them, and
'->'. ;o Thuscleanfed I them from allitran-
curled them, and mote certain olthem,
| (teiSi and appointed the wards of the
and phickt off their hair, and made them priefls and the Levites, every one in his
Iwear by God, faying, Ye fhall not .live bufinefs :

your daughters unto their Ions, nor take 3r And for the wood-oftering, at time*
their daughter* unto your Tons, or lor appointed, and for the firft-fruits. Re-
your lelvcs. member me, O my God, for good.

5 The Book of ESTHER.

C II A P. I. 11 On
ic the feventh day, when the
Ab.irvtrui m.i^etb &c. heart ot the king was merry with wine,

NOw it came
Ahafuerus, L this it A
which reigned from India even
to pafo in the days of
he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Har-
bona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and
C areas, the ("even chamberlains that
unto Ethiopia, over an hundred I'erved in the prefence of Ahafuerus the
and leven and twenty provinces ) king,
x That in thofe days, when the kiny ii To bring Vafhti the queen before the
Ahafuerus fat on the throne of his kir.g- king, with the crown royal, to fhew the
.dom, which w*t in Shufhan the palace, people and the princes her beauty for i

3 In the third y ear ol his rci?n,he made fhe »*i fair to look on.
a leaft unto all his princes, and his fer- ii But the queen Vafhti refufed to come
vants; the power of Per fi a and Media, at the kings ccmmandmer.t by »» cham-
the nobles and princes of the provinces berlains therefore was the king very

being before him. wroth, and his anger burned in him.

4 When ftewed the riches of his
i:e H V Then the king faid to the wi re-
glorious kingdom, and the honour of his men, which knew the times, ( for Co vodt
excellent majeity, many days, even an the kings manner towards all that knew
tundred and fourfcore days. law aiff judgment:
? And when thefe d-avs vrejc expired, 14 Arid the'next vnto him vcai Carfhena,
the king made a fealt unto all the people Shethar, Ad mat ha, Tarffcifh, Meres, Mar-
tint were prefent in Shufhan the palace, iena, 4fiJMemucan, the feven princes of
both unvo great and final], feven days, in Peril a and Media, which faw the kings
the court ot the garden of the kings pa- face, <i«rf which latthefirft in the kingdom.}
lace, ifWr.u-t lhall we do unto the queen
6 Where were white, green, and blue Va.'hti, according to law, becaule ]he hath
hangings, faltned with coids of fine linen not performed the commandment of the
and purple, to filver rinps, and pillars o kinzAhaluerus, by the chamberlains?
marble the beds were o/gold, and iilver,
: ifi And Memucan anfwered before the

upon a pavement of redT and blue, and kin.' and the princes, Vaihri the queen
white, and black marble. done wrong to the king only,

7 And they ?,ave'6r»» drink in vcifels of bu- a'Totoall the princes, and to all the
gold, the vefi'els being divers one from
f people are m
all the provinces of the
smother ) and royal wine in abundance, kins Ahafuerus.
according tctheftateof the kirg. i- For this deed of the queen fhall come
8 And the drinking rva according to abroad u: to all women, fo that they fhall
the law, none did couu ;I tor fo the •
la in their eyes, when
kirg had appointed to- a!', the officers of it be reported, The king Ahaluerus
his houfe, that they lhotild do according commanded Vafhti the queen to be brought
to every mans plcal'ure. in before him, but Ihe ramenot.
9 Alio VaQiti the queen made a feaft iS Li^ev;ife fhall the ladiesof Perfjaand
lor the women, in the royal hcula which v this day unto all the kings prin-
kl§0£e4 to. king Ahafucrl.-. ces, which have'heardot the deed of the
Vtjhti fut avp.ty. Chap, ii. Eflte/ nude r ;l e?n.
queen. Thusj*.»// tfrre trife too much .
m»idens, vebfeb vpere meet to be given her,
contempt and wrath. out of the Kings houfe, and hepreferred
19 It it pleal'e the kins, let there go a her and her maids, unto the bell p/4ceof
royal commandment from him, and let it the houte of the women.
be written among the lawsofthe l'erilans to Either had not Mewed her people,
andtheMeJes, that it be not altered, that nor tier kindred lot Mordecai had char-

Valhti come no more before king Aha- ged her, that hie fhould not fhew it,
Juerus, and let the king .rive her royal e- u And Mordecai walked every day
ltateunto another that is belter th a n ihe. before the court of the womens hotife,
10 And when the kings decree which to know how Either did, and what fhould
he mall make, lhall be pybhflied through- become of her.
Out all his empire, (for it is great J all the 11 11 Now when every maids turn was
wives lhall give to their husbands ho- come, to go in to king Ahafuertfe, after
nour, both to great and fmall. that Mie had been twelve months, accord-
it Andthe faying pleafed the king and dingtothe manner of the women, (for lb
the princes, and the king did according were the days of their- purification ac-
to the word of Memucan : complifhedr to wit, iIjc months with oyl
A For he fent letters unto all the kings of myrrh, and iix months with fweet 0-
provinces, into every province according dours, and with otktr .things tor the pu-
to the writing thereof, and to every peo- rifying of the women)
ple after their language, that every man H Then thus came «>«>7 maiden unto
ihould bear rule in his own houfe, and the king: whatfoever fhe ddlreJlwasgi-
that it Ihould be publifhed acccrding to ven her, to go with her out of the houfe
the langua/e of every people. of the women, unto the !<mj;3 houfe.
A P. 11. t4 In the evening ihe went, and on the
Ejlbtr i< cbofen qt*ser., -Sec. morrow fhe returned into the fecorki
AFtet thefe things, when the wrath hou e of the wo lien, to the cuftody of
of kin? Ahafueros was appealed, he Shaalhgafc, the kings chamberlain, which
remembred' Valhti, and what Ihe had kept the concubines: (he came in
done, and what was decreed againfther. the king no more, except the king de-
1 Then faid the kings fervants, that lighted in her, and that fhe were called
miniftred unto him, Let there be i-ir by" name.
young virgins fought for the king. ti % Now when the turn of Either, the
3 And let the king appoint officers in daughter of Abihait, the uncle of Mor-
all the provinces of his kingdom, that decai (who had taken her for his daugh-
they may gather together all the fair ter) was come to go in unto the king,
young virgins unto Shufhan the palace, lhe requireth nothing, but what Hegai
to the houfe of the women, unto the cu- the ktfigs chamberla'in, the keeper 01
ftody of Hege the kings chamberlain, the women appointed: and Efth;r ob-
keeper of the women, and let their things tained favour in the light or all them
fox purification be given them : that looked upon her.
4 And let the maiden which pleafeth 16 So Efth&r was taken unto king A-
the king, be queen inftead of Vafhti. And hafuerus, into his houfe royal, in th&
the thing pleafed the king, and he did fo. tenth month { which is the. month Te-
* U Now in bhuflian the palace, there betft) in the feventh year of his reign,
was a certain Jew, whofe name t**j Mor- i7 And the king loved Either above
decai, the fon of Jair, the ion of Shi mei, all the women, arid fhe obtained gi-aoe
the ionol Kifii, a Benjamite : and favour in bis fight, more than all
6 Who had been carried away from the virgin?; fo that he let the rovai
terufalem, with the captivity which had crown upon her head, and made her
een carried away with Jeconiahking of queen in (bead of Vafhti.
3udah. whom Nebuchadnezzar the king 18 Then the king made a great feaft
of Babvlon had carried away. unto all his princes and his fervants, h-
7 And he brought up HadafTah fthatfi vtn Eftners feaft, and he made a releafe
Either) his uncles daughter, fcrihehad to the provinces, and gave .gilts, accord-
neither father nor mother, and the maid ing to the itate of the king.
tfjs and beautiful, whom Mordecai
fair 19 And when the virsins were gather*-
(when her father and mother were deadj ed together the fecondYime, then Mor-
look own daughter.
for his decai fat in the kings gate.
8 H So it came to pals, when the kings 10 Either had not ytt fnewed her kirK
commandment and his decree was heard, dred, nor her people ; as Mordecai had
and when many maidens were gathered charged her :for Eljher Aid the com-
together umo Shufhan the palace, to the mandment of Mordecai, like as when.
cultodyof Hegai,that Either was brought fhe was brought up with him.
alfo unto the kings houfe, to thecultody xi H Tn thole days, ( while Mordecai
of Hegai keeper of the women. fat in the kings gate ) two oi the kings
9 And the maiden pleafed him, and fhe chamberlains, Bigthan and Terefh, ot
obtained kindrefs ot him, and lie fpeedily >
tbofe which kept the dcor, were wroth,
gave her her things for purification, wirij and fought to lay hand on the king A-
Juch things as belonged to her, andfcven huiuenis. A nfr .
4R ii A^d
fftman tdvanctd. Either. Hi i malice to the Jem,
ix And the thing was known to Mor- rulersof every people of every province
decai, whotold /Junto Either the queen, according to the writing thereof, and fa
arui hither certified every people after their language ; in the
ths king thereof, in
Mordecai's name. name or king Ahal'uerus was it written*
13 And. when
lr.puifition was made cf and leafed with the kings rmp.
;:er, it w-< round our; therefore i J And the letters wer*e feitTby ports
Ifteywere bcih banged on a tree and it ;
into all the kings provinces, to <ieltroy>
was written in the udokot the oronicles to kill, and to caule to perifti all Jews,
berore the king. belli young and old, little children and
C H A P. III. women, in one day, even upon the thir-
finnan advxnud Sec. teenth d*yot the twelfth month, t which
AFtertheie things did king Aha ucrus /i the month Adar) and to f^fthe ipoil
promote Hainan the ion of Hamme- of them tor a prey.
the Asagite, and advanced him, t4 The copy of the writing for a com-
this fe'atabove all the princes that mandment to be given in every province,
mprt with him. was publifhed unto all peopk, that they
2 And all the kiries fervar.ts that were mould be ready againft that day.
wed., and reverenced 15 The ports went out, being haftned
g had i"o command- by the kings commandment, and the de-
icerning him but Mordecai bowed :
cree was given inShu/hanthe palace and :

not, no: did bun reverence. the king and Haman lat down to drink,

Tbenthe kin?s fervants. which xrsre but the city S.ulhan was perplexed.
-.rigs gate, (aid unto Mordecai, CHAP. IV.
anfgrelielt thou the kings com- MordecAt't maurning, &c.
lent ? "\T/ Hen Mordecai perceived all that
4 No / i- came ropafe, when they fpake VV was done, Mordecai rent his-dothes,
...hearkned not unto and put en fackcloth with afhes, and
Hainan, to fee whe- went out into the midrt of the city, ar.d
ther Mordecai hu matters would lt3nd ;
Cued with a loud and a bitter cry :

tor he 'yd told them that hem*' a Jew.. l And came even before the kmps gate :

T And when Haman law that Mordecai for none might entex into the kings gate
him reverence, then clothed with fackcloth,
nan ttril of wrath. 3 And ir. every province whitherrbever
<s And he thought fcornto lay!.. the kine.s commandment, and his decree
:ai alone ? tor they had ne* ra ?.;,tterev9.u great mourning among the
fiepecple of MorderaJ : wherefore Ha- Jows, and tailing and weeping, and wail-
inan fought todeffcroy all the Jews, that ing, and many lav in fackcloth and fines.
woe throughout the whole kingdom of 4 U So Eithers maids, and her cham-
tus, tvtn the people of Mordecai. berlains cam- and told it her: then was'

1 the nth [that itthe mouth

the qu?en exceedingly grieved* and Ihe

in the twelfth yeat ofJungAha- lent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to
theycaftPur, that //, theiot, be- take away his fackcloth from hunt but
fore Haman, from day to day, and irom he received it not.
rj month, to the twelfth month-, ? Then called Either for Hatach, cnt
:. t i; the month Adar. of the kings chamberlains, whom he had
8 And Kaman faid unto kingAhafue- appoij»ed to attend upon her, and gave
. is a certain people fcattered
ere him a commandment to Mordecai, to
and difpetfed among the people know what it rv«r, and why it vo*$.
in all the provincesof thv kingdo n, and 6 So Hatach went forth to Mordecai
i v; urt divers from all people, nei- unto the rtrcet ot the city, which vc*t be-

;.:ep they the kin/-: law.; therc- lore the kingi gate.
:'i not for the kings profit to (offer - Ar.d Mordecai told Mm of all that had

happened unto him, and of the fum of

c if it r'.e:.f"e thekinr, Let it be written the monev that Haman had promifed to
liroyed • 2nd 1 will pay pay to the kmes treafuiies for the Jews,
ufandtalftltsof lilverto the hands to deltrov them.
that have the charge of the buii-
. 8 Alfo-he gave hist the copy of the
nef's, to brine it into the kings treasuries. writing of the decree, that was given at
t And the king took his ring from his to deftroy thero, to fhew it unto
and gave ifunto H-aman the fon of Either, and to declare it unto her, and to
lis the Atragitcthejcws enemy.
mmedatha charge her that fhe mould go in unto the
n And the king Taid unto Himan, The king, to make fupplication unto him,
fiver;'; to thee, the people alio, to
given and to make requert before him fcr her
do with the in as ;t feemeth good to thee. people.
'i Then were the kings fcribes called 9 And Hatach came and told Either
on the thirteenth day of the firft month, the words of Mordecai.
:nd there was written according to all t \gain Either fpake unto Hatach,
that Haman had commanded unto the and gave him commandment unto Mor-
kings lieutenants, and to the governors decai i
thai were orec every province, and to the it AUthc kings fcrvants, and the peopls

Mordicxi'i advice to Ejlb'.r,

Chap, *» **> fifordeui't goedjhrvhe.
ofthe kings provinces do fcnow, that who-
mever, whether man or woman, (hall
come unto the king into t.\e inner court,
SS^?!^ g
Quet'thir l «h?u
Hanian C0!re » the baV
15il pre ar
Perform my requeft,,

WSois not called, there riene law of his will do I P « for them, a,..; I

i ., °-. ° m0rrowa:>thekintri atii ii

to put A/'w-to death, except inch to whom \

_9.1I. Tnen Hainan yrafSttftl?^

the king (hall hold our the golden (cep:re,
that he may live but 1 have no: been cal-
£L M0 ' aecai

led to come in unto the king, thele thirty ,n tbe kingsgate,

Sat h?
days. '
him h-'SfV.T* V p '
nor »&* foi
ir And they told to Mordecai Efthers
i? Then Mordecai commanded to an-
thel rs H *»*> refrained him-
iwer Either, Think not with thy felt"
cal led
l£ r

lnends arki Zcrelh his wife.
aU1C homc he lem ' a ^
thou (halt elcape in the kin?s houfe,
And £) '


Haman told the glww them of

than- ail the Jew*. of hi* riches, and the
14 For if thou altogether holdeft thy multitude ut h2
children and ail tbe thing,
Mlgat this time, ibtn lhall there en- k»ng had promoted him, wherein tht
livcrarsce arife to the
and ho" h? hid
Jews, from anotheVplace, but thou and
thy fathers houle fhall be deltroyed : and
who knoweth, whether thou art come to
the kingdom fox fucb a time as this ? the king unto the banquet
that fte
i<n Tncn Efther bade tbtm return Mor- I a l
decai tbh an/wer,
16 Go, gather Together all the Jewsriur t, Yet all thuavaileth monothine, fa
*n prefent in Shuihan, ?.nd faft ye for me,
and neither eat nor drink- three days,
night or day : I alio and>my maidens will
ta^ likewife, and fo will I go in unto I4J Then laid Zereil; his wife, a--;
n unt ° him
n' &£
tiie kir.z, which it not recording to the
L;t a Ba low? be '

madeet r..
hfty cubits high, and tomorrow
law; and if I peri*, I perilh. Ipeak thou unfo the kins, that Mot
17 So Mordecai went his way, and did may be hanged thereon f then go
according to all that Efther had comman- merrily with the king the
ded him. And the thing pieafeU Kaman, bar,
C HA P. V. caufea the gallows to be made
NEftbtr fuit to th; #>ig, Sec.
_, VI. CHAP.
Ow it topafs on the third day,

OMordecdPi Service rewarded, Sec

that Efther pu: on ber roval dppsrel, N that night could not the kingflcep ftoud in the inner court of the kings and he commanded to bring
Aoufe, over againlt the kings houle: and book of records of the chronicle
the kmg fatupon his royal throne in the they were read before the king
royaj houfe, over agaiolt the gate of the r And it was found written, '
X And it was fo when the kingfawElr-
fter the queen Handing in the court, tbkt
the ob-amed favour in his fight and the :

king held out to Either the golden fcep- k n 8 !a iu ' w£at honour and
trethattp^; in his hand: fo Either drew *i^2?fcK
dignity hath i
been done to fifordecai for ,

near and touched the top of thefceptre. this? Then laid the kings fervants
3 Then faid the king unto her, What «untftredunto'htm,Thereisnothinrdooe
wilt thou, queen Efther? and what it thy for him. 6 yOT
requeft? it (hall be even giv-en thee, to 4 HAnd theking-faid; v/ho it in«the
thehalfoftlis kingdom. etoit r C Now Hainan was
come into the
4 And Efther anfwered, If/'f fetm good outward court ot the kings houfe, to
info the king, let the king and Hainan fpeak
unto the king, to nan? Mordecai or
ome this day unto the banquet that 1 gallov/j thatl;e had prepared
t ! '

".ave prepared tor him. T And the kings fervants ; i


? Tnenthe king faid, CaufeHamanto Behold, H^.man ftandeth in the

nake hafte, he may do as Efther hath And the king laid, Let him comeir
aid. So the king and Hainan came to 6 SoHaman came in and the kit»«» ti :
nqnetthat bilker had prepared. unto him, What (hall be done
6 «1 And the King faia unto Efther at man whom the king deliahteth«nro the
to .'"-
he banquet of wire, What i; thy peti- nour Now
ion? and it fn.ail be granted thee: and heart,
? c
To whom would the
Har.ian tjrtmgfii n ••


k^<-« ;- t
;hat »i thy requeft ? even to the half of to rte honour morethsr, to nty
fclrl )
he kingdom it lhall be performed. 7 And Human anfwei
7 Then anfvvered Either, and laid, My an whom J he
etition, and mv
requeft it
kir.g delight.

8 It I ha-'e found favour in ths lighjt of 8 Let the ro ll apptrelbe brought .

i e.kinj, and ii it pleai'eths king to guofr the king u • h to wca -• •

crown 8 Then the :d out of th-
kins ridetfi fl "

r-^lice-garden, into the pVs.ce of theban-

royal wkich is let u;
quetot'i ...nar, was la ler.up-
9 And let this apparel and horfe be deli- on the bed whereon Either war. Then
vered to the hand or one 01 the kings molt
iaid the kine, Will tie force the queen
nr.ces, that thev may ara> I

.tore me in the houfe ? As they

u:rt.,lwhom the king dehghteth to i.o- word went outcf the kings mouth, they
ncur, undbrir.enimor. hortoac'.< t! rougr.
i proclaim beiorc
him, Th'.is mall it be done to the man 9 And Hirjonah, oneof the chamber-
laii.s,faid before the king, Behc;
whom the king delighteth to honour. the gallows fitty cubits hi?h, whic
ic the king laid to Haman, Make
haite, *nl take the appare', and the horle,
man had made for Mordecai, who had
Ipoken good for the ki g, ftandcth ir.
as thou hall laid, and do even lb to Morde-
the hoafe of Haman. Then the king
cai the Jew, that fittctti at the kmgs.gate :

Ipoken laid, Hang him thereon.

1 et nothing Kail cf all that thou halt
i: Then took Haman the apparel
a: d ic Soi Haman on the gal-
lows that he haa rrepaie^JBfjtiMklewl.
the horfe, and arayed Mordecai, ana
brought him on hori'eback through the
Then was the kineartmth
ftreeto. the city, and proclaimedbetore
C H .\~l>. VIIL
Mordteti n advanad, &c.
him, Thus (hall it be done unrotheman
whom the king delighteth to honour.
n< And Mordecai cam; again to the
OX that day did the king Ahafuenis
give the houfe of Haman the Jews
enemy, unto Either the queen an<
kings gate: butHaman halted to bis houfe,

decii came before the king; for

our rung, ar.d.having his head covered. had told what he vpas unto her.
H AndHaman toldZerelh his wife
i And the king took off his rins which
kis friends, every tbinz that ha J befallen
:aken from Haman, and gave it
kim. Then faid his wife men, arc Zereih
unto Mordecai. And Either let Mcrde-
kis wife unto him, If Mordecai beof the
cai over the hou-'e of Hainan.
feed of the Jews, before who/n thou haft
: Ard Either ipakeyet again before
began to fall, thou lhalt net prevail againit the king, and tell down at his feet, and
kim, but lha't furely fall before him. vith tears, to put a->
And while they veert vet talking with mifchief of Haman the Agagite,
kim, came the kings chamberlains, and device that he had deviied~againlt the
hafLed to bring Haman unto the banquet
that Either had prepared.
*n the king held out the golden
toward Either. So Either arole,
Bfiber AizuJ'ttb
d before the kine.
the king and Hawan came to bar-
SO th Either the qwen. ^ Andfai I, If it ;-:
1 h;ve found favour in his light, and the
2 And the king fa id ar2.n re .

thir.g fctm right before the king, and I

•n the fecond day, at t>.e banquet of'
What thy petficn, queen Eft-
be pleafing in his eye*^ let it be written
Wine, is
ihall be granted thee: and to reverie the letters devifed by Haman
kef? and it,
the 'Aeagite,
thvrequeft? and ihaH beper- the ion of
vhat it it
e wrote to deftroy the Jews,
Joraie tvtn to the haltor tjie kingdom.

ire in all the kings pro'vi'

n Th in
Eliher the queen anfwerc
6 For how can I endure to feet'
faid, If 1 have found favour in thy fight,
if it pleafe the king, let my
that fhall come unto my r
given me at my petition, and ;v.y can I endure to fee the deft ruction of my
life be
people at my reqiieft.
: <i Ti --

4 F r we are fold, I and my people, to

bedeltroved, to be perifh :
Either the queen, "and to Mordecai *fce
hat if we had been "-en and I
Jew, Behold, 1 have given Eftl
-women, h2d held my torgue, al- houfe of Haman, and him they have
boad I
though the enemy could not countervail
cpon the sallows, became he
."the Jews.
• rite ye alfofbxthe Jews, as it
<: Th.-r. the king. Ahafiierus
Whoia you, in the kings name, and lea!
and Paid unto Either the {-/-eon,
for the writing v.
an.i where is he that durft prefume in
: :
he ;
written in the king?
•r laic?, The adverfary and with »'.e kings ring, may no man reverie.
f- . .
Then 9 Then we're the kings fcribesc
was afraid before the king and thatt.meintJ : Sivan; on the three and twentieth
reef, and it was written [

ito the
rarden -, and H pan itc* the l^utenants, antr

puties in.i niters ct •
*r>' -.
« evil which *n from India unto Etftic
4v ei •
twentv asd fev«n provmc i
. : •

Tie feres rdievta. Chap. ,r> Hdmntt*t fom b*r.§f.i,

every province according to the writing houfc, and his fame went out
thereof, and unto every people after their all the provinces- tore is
language, and to the Jews according to waxed greater and greater
their writing, and according to their lan- ? Thus the Jews fmotealftherrenemiea
ro And he wrote in the kii'g Ahafuerus
,,n ;trok -of Ihe (word, and (laue-htea
and deftruction, and did what they would
name, andfealed it with the kingsring, unto thofe that hated iheiu.
and fetit letters by ports on horfeback, fi And in Shufhan the palace the Jews
and riders on ratriesi camels, and youm' flew and deftroyed five hurv.r d men.
dromedaries 7 And Parihandatha, and Dalphon, and
it Wherein the king granted the Jews Aipatha, 1

which wpre in every City, to father thern- 8 And Poratha, and Adalia, and Ari-
lelves together, and to ftand for tfleir datha,
life, to deltroy, to flay, and to^caule to 9 And Parmaflita, ardAnfai, andAri.
perifh all the power of the people and dai, and Vujezatha,
province, that would aflault them, both 10 The ten ions of -Raman the (bn
little ones, and women, and to take the Hammcdatha, «lie enemy or the JewsJ
i'poil of them lor a prey :
iLw they; but en the Ipoil laid they not
_n Upon one day, in all the provinces their hand.
of king Ahafucrus, namely, upon the tr On
that day, the number of thole
thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which that were flam in Shufhan the palace,
is the month Adar. was brought berore the king.
H The copy of the writing, for a com- ii V And the king laid unto :
ither the
mandment to be riven i;i every province, queen, The Jews have flain and deftroyed
w.u publifhed unto all people, and that five huntlred men in Shuihsn the palace,
the Jews mould be ready againft that day,
to avenge themfelveson their enemies.
and trie ten ions of Hainan j what
they done" in the relt ci the kings pro-
v'e H
14 So the pods that rode upon the mules vince* ? now wffat it thy pennon ? and
anJcamcls went out, being kaltned, and laa'.lbe gi ar.terl thee or whit is thy r«-

prefied on by the kings commandment ;

queit iurther? and it ih all be done.
and the decree was given at Shtiflianthe H Then (aid Either, If it pleafe the
palace. king, let it be granted to the Jews winch.
it And Mordecai went out from the
ar»ia Saulhan, k> do ro morrow alio ac-
rrei'enceof the king, in royal appprel of cording unto this days decree, and let Ha-
>lue and white, and with a great crown inan? ten fons be hanged upon thsgaJlowa
jl gold, and with a garment of finelinen, 14 And the kingcommanded itlo to be
ind purple; and the city of Shu fa an re- done; and the decre: was given at Shu*
oyced and was s;lad : than, and they han-red Hamans ten fens
16 The Jews had light, and gladnefs,
ind joy, and honour.
7 And in every p.ovince, and in every
1? For the Jews that xoere in Mnjj.ian
gathered the mfelves together on the
teenth day alio of the 'month Adar,
iry, whitherfoever the kings command • flew three hundred men at Siiufhan
r but
nent and his decree came, the Jews had on the prey they laid cor their, hand
oy ar.dgl3.tnef's, a teau: and a good day :
\6 But the other Jews that roere in
nd many of the people cf the land be- kings provinces, gathered themfelves to-
ame Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell gether, and ltood for their lives, and ^z\
ipon them. reftfrom their enemies, ant! flew*of th-Ht
IX. toes ('evenly and five thouiand; but th»v
The "eves jlay their enemies, &c. laid not their hands' en the prey.
VTO'w in the twelfth month ( that is 17 On the thirteenth day o-f the mofirrl
y»i the month Adar on the thirteenth
) Adar, and on the fourteenth day of the
'ay of the fame, when the kings com- fame, retted they, and made it a day o£-
mandment and his decree drew near to be feaftiog and gladnefs. -

ut in execution, in the day that tha e- iK But the Jews that voire at Shufhan,
emiesof the Jews hoped to have power aiTembled together on the thirteenth day
vertheni, ( though it was turned to he thereof, and on the fourteenth tfiereora
onttary, that the Jews. had rule over and on the fifteenth day of the farhe'theV
ism that hated them ) rede •> and made it ajdav of feaftfnc' ^r'J
x The lews gatnered themfelves te?e- gladnefs. at*
ler in their throughout all the
cities, 19 Therefore the Jews of the vili*?.^-
rovincesof the king Ahafuerus, to lav that dwelt in the unwalled towns, made
and on lueh as fought their hurt; and the fourteenth day or the month
r vV
o man could withftaiM them for the adaycf gladnefs and feafting, and i«o
0c \
;arof them fei> uporr all people. day,and offending portions one to ano-
3 And all the rulers of the provinces, ther.
nd the lieutenant?, and the depmies, 20 J And Mordecai wrote thefethin»sw
nd ofnceTSof the king, helped the Jews and Cent letters unto alt' the Jews that
: :

i fear of Mordecai lell upon. vcere\n all the provinces of the kino- a
-.em hafueni* h<ts nigh snd far,
4. For Mojdecai rrw great in flic kings- i-iToftaalHh" tJi«i tt-Cy WHhW^mong
6 ttcuSt; R
lit dijtof Purim msd<fc,t.-. c
fnculd keep the fourteenth da •

ana the fitteenih da; o! the •

-• cays cr
1j:~..c yearly .
l'unut fhcu! -
.; tVcvi amo
11 As days wherein the lews re-
t,ie Jeucs, r. •
fted ir. ,n their enemies-, and the 1 c '

was turned unto them tromforrow

.. »9 T quren the

v, ar.J horn moerning into a goo


to j tcr el Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew,

rda) :"
that they fliould make tbem da;.: wrote all authority, to confirm this
ci tealtiigand joy, and ot lending por- letter ol Bmim.
tions one 10 another, and gilts to the poor. ;c And he unto all the
lent the letters
i? And the Jews undertook to do as Jews, to the hund ed twenty and leven
they had beguo, and as Moidecai had provincesof the kingdom of Ahafuetus,
tvnuen unto them. veitb words ot peace and truth:
14. Because Hainan the Ion of Hamme- ;i To confirm rhefc days of Purim in
datba the Agagire, the enemy or all the their time* af pointed, according as Mp'r-
Jews, had cievifcd sgainitthe Jews to de- decaithejew, and Either the queen hsd
itruythem, andhadcaitPui (thatn, the enjoyned them, and as they had ,

lot; to continue diem, and to deftroy thenr for themfelves and for their i'ad< the
i; Bur when Etbtr came before the matters of the fallings and their
king, he commanded by letters, that hi? V- And the decree of Either confirmed
rice which he deviled againfi thefe matters ot Purim, and it was writ-
tl e Jews, lhould return upon bis own ten in the book.
and that he and his fons lhould be CHAP. X.
/jd on the gallows. Abtjuerui b s grtataeji, &c.

i^ Wherefore they called thefe days AN.' the king Ahafuerus laid a tribute
Purim, alter the name ot Par: Iberelore upon the land, and upon the i

to: all the words ot this letter, and of tbit the lea.
wl it they had feen concerning this mat-
.. i Andthe acts of his power, I
it r, an.! which had come unto them, aiid the declaration of the
vf The Jews ordained, and took upon greatr.efi cf Mordecai, whereuno tLe
them, and upon their feed, and upon all king advanced him, are they not «
fitch as joyr.ed themfelves unto them, lb n tiie book of the chronicles of theJ
M ir fhould not fail, that they would keep kings ol Media and Perlia ?
thefetwo days, according to their writ- ; For Mordecai the J.-w was next unto
v.g, and according to their tfpoitttett time king Ahafuerus, aid rreat among the
cvt-rv year Jews, and accepted of the multitude of
iS And that thefe days Jbould Be re- his hrethren, reeking the wealth ci hi?
jBembred, and kept throughout every people, and lpeaking peace to. all his feta-.

f The Book of J O
CHAP. I. of God came to prefent -.Umfelves >e-
UhthoUntft ani r'-gkieoufntfsof Joh-, &C. tore the LORD, and Satan caaic alfo a-
THere was a man in the land ol
Ur, whofe name was Job, and
7 And the Lord laid unto Satan.Whence
that man was perfect and up- comelt thou? Then Satan anfwered the
risht, ana one that feared God, LORD, and faid, From going tc .

ard efeheweri evil, in the earth, and from waltung up .,d

i And there were bornuntc him feven down in it.
id three daughters. 8 And the Lord faid unto Satan, Hsf:
\ Hislubftance alio was feven thoufand thou coni'dered my fervant Job, that ttc:
:".clf, and three thoufand camels, and ii none like him in the earth, a perfect
jive hundred yoke of oxen, and five hun- and an upright man, one that feareth
dred lne-a:"!*-, and very great houfhqld j
a God, and e rcheweth evil ?
-o that th« man was the greatefiof all 9 Then Satan anfwered the Lord, and I

-not' the ea!t. faid. Doth Job fs«rGod lor nought ?

, . , .

i. his for.s went and feafted in tb::r

And ic Hafttlrou not made an hedge i r

% ^ufe.-, every one his day, an, lent and

, him, and about his houfc, an.d about all:
«illed tor their three filters, to eat and tc that he hath on. every fide Mhcu haft clef*
drink with them. fed the work of his hands, an.d hi
i And was fo, when the days of fiance is ir.creafed in the land.

fhir lealtmgwere gone about, that Job u But put forth, thine hand r.o -

<--iv and lanetified them, and role un touch a.l rhathe hath, and hewn
ta ,i v ii
,Kie morning, and offered thee to thy lace.
fierinss *cc»rjint to the number ti Acd the Lord faid unto Satan, Ee«
m all tor l > fa.d, It may be hold, all that he hath is in thy power,

»ha» my fun.' d, and curfeJ only upon, himfelf put not fort:
<5od in tl»eir hcaru This did Jcb hand. So Satan went from the pre-
fenceci tl "lORD.
. .
-.« i day whets the Tent is a day wber I
Job tlijjtib Cod. »p. n, in. tit reprovttb hit wife,
arid his (.laughters votrt eating and drink- 7 So went Satan forth from the pre.
ing wine lp their elded brothers hcul'e. fence or-thc LORD, and fmote Job
i4 And the;c came a meflenger unto lore boyls, from the foie of his loot
Job, and Taut, his crown.
The oxen were plowing,
and .the affes feeding befide them : 8 And he took him a potlherd tofcrapc
t5 And the Sabtuns fell upon tbem, and himlelt withal j.and he fat down amon«
took them aw.iv, vea, they have llain the theafhes. »
fervants with the edge of the Iword, and 9 tl-Then faid his wife unto him, Doft
i only am e!'c3ped alohe to tell thee. thou ihll retain thine integrity?
16 While he vets yet ("peaking, there God. and die.
came alio another, and fa»d, The fire of to But he faid unto her, Thou
God is alien from heaven* and hath burnt as one of the tootifh women ipeaketh

up the Bleep, and the fervants, and con- what ? fhall we receive good at the hand-
famed them, and 1 only am efcaped a- of God, and ihall we not receive evil>
Jone to tell the*. In all this did not Job fin with his lips.
17 While he n>.« yet fpeaking, there ii 11 JSow when Jobs three friends
came alio another, and laid, The Chal- or all this evil that was come upon him
deans made out three bands, and fell upon they came every one from his own place •

the camels, and have carried them away, Eliphaz theTemanite-.andBildad the Shu'
yea, and llain the fervants with the edge hue, and Zophar the JNaamathite: for thev
of the (word, and I only am efcaped alone hadmade an appointment together tocorhi
totc'.l thee. to mourn with him, and to comfort
18 While he wuyet -fpeaking, there n And when they lift up their him eyes' a-
c me alio another, ami laid, Thy fons tarorr, and knew him not, thrv lifted un
arid thy daughters votrt eating and drink- their voice, and wept, and they
rent ev
ing wine in their eldeft brothers houle very :
one his mantle, and fprinklea duft
'9 And behold, there came a great upon their heads towards heaven
flilV 1 tne wildernefs, and fmote the i? So they fat down with him
Strs of the houle, and it fell up- ground feven days and feven nights, and
upon the

pHhgmen, and they arc dead, and none (pake a word unto him for thev :

WSrrrjram efcaped alone to tell thee. law that his grief was very great
' to. Then job aiofe, and rent his mantle, CHAP.

and fhaved his head, and fell down upon Job curfttb the dxy of bis birth, &c
the ground, and worfhipped, AFterthis opened Job- his mouth, and
ii And laid, Naked came I out of my curled his day.
mothers-womb, and naked fhall I return i And Job fpake, and faid,
thither the Lord gave, ami the Lord
: 3 Let the day perifh wherein I was
hath taken away i blelled be the nameof born, andthenight in<a>bicb it wasfaid.;
the Lord. There is a man-child conceived.
i* In all this Job finned not, nor char- 4 Let that day be darknefs, let not God
ge. Godroolifhly. regard it from above, neither let the liphs
CHAP. II. fhineupon it-.
Job further tempted, &c. T Let darknefs and the fhadowof deatfr
A Gain there
th< was ftaimt, let a cloud dwell uoon it, let the
a day when the Tons
t\ of GodA came to prefent therafelves blacknefs of the day terrific it.
before the L LORD, and Satan came alfo 6 As for that night, let darknefs feizc
among them to prefent himfelf before upon it, let it not he joyned unto the
She LORD. daysot the year, let it not come into the-
i And the Lord faid unto Satan, Fr«m nu mber of the months.
whence comeft thou ? And Satan anfwered 7-Lo, let that night be folitary, let no
the Lord, and faid, From going -to and joyful voice come therein.
fro in the earth, and from walking up and 8 Let themcurfe it that curfe the day„
down in it. who are ready to raife up their mourning.
3 And the LORD faid unto Satan, Haft 9 Lettheftarsofthe twilight thereof be
thou confidered my fervant-Job, that nark, let it look for light, but have none,
tbtn is none like him in- the earth, a neither let it fee the dawning of the day •

perfect and an upright man, one that 10 Becaufeitfhutnotup the doors of my.
fearcth God, and efcheweth evil? and mothers womb, nor hid forrow from aiine
itill he holdeth fart his integrity, al- eyes.
though thou moved ft me againfthim, to ir Why died I not from the womh>-
deftroy ln without caufe.
bi why did I not give up the ghoft when i-
4 And Satan anfwered the LORD, and cameout of the belly ?
faid, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man iz Why did the knees prevent me'-
hath will he ?ive for his life. or why the breafts that I lhould fuck ?
? But put forth thine hand now, and n Fornow-fhould I have licnltill and
touch his bone and hisflefh, and he wtll been quiet, I lhould have flept , then haUr '

curie thee to thy face. 1 been at reft j

6 And the LORD
faid unto Satan, 14 With kjngs and counfellers of the,
Behold, hen in thine, Band, earth, which built derolate places for
lift. thcrnfelvei ;
*f« Of
Joh complaint; b of life, Jo b. The end oftbt vcie^el ii mi/try,
i? Or with princes that had gold, who the form thereof: an imijre vots before
filled their Houfes with Jilver: mine eyes, lilence, and I
16 Or as an hidden untimely birth I had a voice, faying,
not been ; as infantsTp£/'c& never (aw light. 17 Shall mortal man be more juftthan
17 There the wicked cealejr>o>« trou- a nianbe more Pure than his
bling: and there the weary be at relt. mak >
i8 There the prifoners reft together, ib' Behold, he put no trnft
in his fervants;
they hear not the voice of the opprellbr. and his angels he charged with folly :

19 The fmall and great are there, and 19 How much lefs in ihem that dwell

thefcrvant is free from his matter. in lioules ot day, whofe

fonndation it w
ip Wherefore is light given to him the duft, which are crufhed belore the
that is in mifery, and life unto the bitter moth ?
in foul ? i
10 They are deftroyed from mornin"
it Which long for death, but it _com>tb to evening: they penih for ever w.thow
not, and., dig for it more than lor hid any regarding it,
treafures ? 11 Dotli not their excellency vpbicb
it in
11 Which rejoice exceedingly, <?n.iare them, go away? they die, even without
glad when they can find the grave? wildoin.
13 Why is light divert to a man whofe CHAP. V.
wiy is Lid, and whom fjod h.'.th hedged in ? 7h; hs.rm of inconjiiira;ion, &e.
i4 For my fighing cometh before T eat, /"^AII now, if there be any that will
and my rcrings are poured out like the \^t anfwer thee ; and to which of the
water.'. Iaims wilt thou turn ?
1? For (he thing which T greatly feared I For wrath k'illeth the foohfh nan,
it come upon me, and that which I was and envy flayeth the filly one.
afraid cf, is come unto me. 3 I have feen the foohfh taking root:
16 1 x.asnot in fafety, neither had f reft, but iuddenly I curled his habitation.
neither was I quiet : yet trouble came. 4 His children are far from fafety, and
CHAP. IV. they are crufhed in the gate, neither it
FlipkAX refroifttb Job^ &c. there any to deliver them.

THen Eliphaz the Temanite anfwered

?W!:o;e harveft the lu:r,gry eate'thup,
and taketh it even out of tne thorns, and
1 If we alVay to commune with thee, the robber fwaHoweth up their i'ubftanre.
wilt thou be grieved ? but who can 6 Although affliction cometh not, forth
withhold himfelf from f'peaking? ot the duit, neither doth trouble fprins
% Behold, thou haft inftrudted many, and out of the ground :

thcu hMl ftrengthned the weak hands. 7 Yet man is born unto trouble, as th«
4 Thy words have upholden him that (parks fly upward.
\/?s falling, and thou haft ftrengthned b I would leek unto God t and unto
the fesble knees. God would I commit mv caulf,:
? But now it is come upon thee, and 9 Which doth great things and unfearch-
thou fainteft; it toucheth thee, and thou ablei marvellous things without number.
?rt troubled. to Who giveth rain upon th; earth,
6 Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, and fendetli waters upon the fields:
thy hope, and the uprightnefs of thy ways? II To fetup on high thofe that b« low ,
7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever pe- that thofe which mourn m:-:v be exalted
iifiied, being innocent? or where were to fafety.
the righteous cut cP"? 11 He difappointeth thedev.cesof the I

8 Even as I have feen, they that plow cratty, ib that therr hands cannot per-
iniquity, and fow wickednefs, reap the form their enterprise
frme. i; He taketh Hie wife in their own
c B/ the Mart of God they perifh, and craftinefs and the counfel of the fro-

by'the breath of his noftnls are they con- ward is carried headlong.
fumed . u
They meet wuli darknefs in the
10 The roringofthelion, and the voice day-time, and grope in the noon-day as
cf the fierce lion, and the teeth of the in the night.
young lions are broken. 1? But he faveth the poor from the
it The old lion perifheth for lack cf ("word, from their Mouth, and frc:
prey, and the ftout lions whelps arefcat- hand of the mighty.
tered abroad. 16 So the poor hath hope, andir.i
ii Now a thipjrwwfecreily brought to ftoppeth her mouth.
me, and mine ear received a little there- i7 Behold, happv is the man whom God
of. correct-th therefore defpife not the a

\% In thoughts from the vifions of the the chjftningof the Almighty :

night, when'deep fleep tallethon men, 18 For he maketh fore, and bifldeth
T4- Fear came' upon me, and trembling, up . he woundeth. and liis hands make
vhich made allmy bones to fhake. whole,
17 Then a fpim parted be'ore my face, 19 lie <?.a'l deliver (hee in fix troubles :

the h:ir 0"1 mv Hefh ftood up. yea, in fevtn there fhili no, evil touch
. itood ttUl) but 1 could not difcern thee.
J* In
! ! '

fob xotp.-tth for datb. Chap vi , vii. fob tXiup.ih bis itjire of datb,
ic In famine he fhall. redeem the? vamih :"when it is hot, they are conf-r
from seath ; and in war trom the power medout of their place.
or the ("word. 18 The paths of their way are furred
ri Thou be hid trom the fcourge
fn2lt aiidej they go to nothing, and peri/h
cf the tonswe neither (halt thou be a-
: 19 The
troops of Tenia locked, t"e
traid or destruction when it cometh. companies of Sheba, waited for them
11 At dednictior. and famine thou ilialt 10 They were confounded, becaufe th'-y
laugh neither fhalt then be afraid of
: had hoped ; they came thither, and were
the bealts of the earth. alhamed.
HFor thou Jbalt be in le2gue with the 11 For now ye are nothing
y e fee %iy -,

(tunes of the field and the bealts of the:

raiting down, and are afraid.
field lhall be at teace with thee. 11 Did I fay, bring unto me' orei-e
t4 And thou lhalt know that thy taber- a reward tor me of your fiibftance ' '

nacle jbxil be in peace ; and thou flialt 1? Or deliver me from the enemies
viht thy habitation, and malt not fin. hand? or redeem me from the hand
i? Thou itvalr know al(u that thy i'eed the mighty ?
JhaU be great, and thine off-fpring as the 14 Teach me, and I will hold tvv
grals of the earth. tongue and raufe me to understand

16 Thou fhalt come to thy grave in a wherein I have erred.

full age, like as a fhock of corn cometh z? How forcible are right words
but '

in, in his feafon. what doth your arguing reprove' *

17 Lo this, we have fearched it, fo it 16 Do ye imagine to repreve word;,

it ; hear it, and know thou it for thy and the ipeeches of one that is deflo-
good. rate, which **& as wind ?
CHAP. VI. 17 Yea, ye overwhelm the fafherlefs,
and you dig a pit tor vour- friend.
The ctttfe of Job's complaint, &c.
BUti Job anlWered and laid, 18 Now theretore be content, look upon
Oh that my grief were thorough- me, for it is evident unto you, if 1 lie
ly weighed, and my calamity laid in the 19 Return, I pray you, let it nor be
balances together! iniquity ; yea, return again, my ri^htc-
; For now it would be heavier than oufnefs is in it.
the land cf the fea theretore my words : ?o Is there iniquity in my tongue ' can-
are fwallowed up. not my talte dileern perverfe things
4 For the arrows of the Almighty are CHAP. VII.
within me, the poifon whereof drinketh *ob excufetb bis defire of dettb, *cc.
up my fpirit the terrors of God do let there not an appointed time
themfelves in aray againft me.
ISupon earth? are not his days
to n«/)
? Doth the wild afs bray when he hath the days of an hireling ?
grafs? or loweththeox over his fodder? I As a fervant earndtly defireth tl.i
6 Can that which is unfavory be eat- fhadow, 2nd as an hireling looketh for
en without fait ? or is there any tafte in the re-xari of his work :
the white of an egg? 3 So am I made to poflTefs months of
7 The things that my foul refufed to vanity, and weanfom nights are appoint-
touch, are as my forrowful meat. ed to me.
8 o that I might have my requeft 4 When I lie down, I fay, When fhall
and that God would grant me the thing I anfe, and the night be gone' and I
that I long for am lull of toffines to and fro unto tire
9 Even that it would pleafe God to dawning of the dav.
deftroy me ; that he would let loole his ? My fiern is clothed with worms, and
hand, and cut me otf. clods of duft, my skin is broken, and be-
io Then fhould I y~ have comfort, come lothfom.
vea, 1 would harden my felf in forrow ; 6 Mv days are fwifter than a weavers
let not fpare, for I have not con-
him fhuttle, and are fpent without hope.
cealed the words of the holy One. 7 O remember that my life is wind :
it What is mv ftrength, that I fhould mine eyes Mali no more fee rood.
hope' and what it mine end, that I 8 The eye of him that 1:2th feen me
ftould prolong my life? fnall fee me no m?r» : thine eyes «rt upc
ii Is mv ttrength the ttrength of (tones ? me, and I *>n not.
or is my fief ft of brais? 9 As the cloud is confumed, andvani-
1 3 Is not my help in me? and is wif- fheth awav fo he that goeth down to

dom driven quite irom me? the grave, fhall come up no more.
i4 To him that is afflicted pity Jbould ic He fhall return no more to th
It Jbrx>ei from his friend ; but he for- home, neither fhail his place know him
faketh the fear of the Almighty. any more.
H-My brethren have dealt deceitfully ti Therefore I. will not refrain r.:y
as a brook> and as the (trea.m of brocks mouth, I will fpeak in the ar.giyfh of
thev pifs'away : mv fpirit, I will complain in the bitter-
i4 Which 2re blackifh by realon oi nefsof m v foul.
tire ice, and. wherein the fnow is hid: II Am I a ie?. of a wk»le, that tho».
17 Wkat time they wax wain>, fettelt a watch over me?
11 WlJWi
Ccdija/Hce. To'. A'c contending vc,':t Cot,
iS If he deftrov him from
H Whin I fay, My bed fhall comfort his nlac*
»io, my couch ihalleafe my complaint: then jrfha.1 deny hi»,/^ ??$*§
14 Then thou I'carett me with dreams,
and ternh'elt me through vihons. 19 Behold, this is the joy of his way
i? So that my foul choofethftranglmg,
ani death rather than my lite. 10 Behold, God w.ii not caft away
i6 I lothc it, I would not Iivealw3y: " cuher wil1 hehdp thc -
let mealone, for my
days are vanity. vSSSrZ*"'
17 What it man, that thou lhouldfl iU thy mwnh witf
magnifie him? and that thou fr.ouldlf let ing, "SSiZ
inV and f
tny lips with rejoycing
> 3 t

thine heart upon him ? h that 2t tbcc wall ife


iS And «>.«* thou fnouldftvifithim eve- «,uh ?h

with ,7
ihame, S
and; the
clothed* of
fy morning, anl try him every moment ? the wicked fhall come to nought
19 How long wilt thou not depart from „ ,
C H A 1'. IX. 6 '

me, nor let me alone till- 1 fwallowdown Jcb AtinoxvltJgetb Go it }llJike,

my "•Hen job anfwered and iau', &c '

have finned, what fhall I do unto
th«e, O thou preferver of men? why halt
how fhould man be juft with God
thou fct me as a mark againit thee, II he will ccntend with him,
that I am a burden to my (elf?
not anfwer hiru of a thoufaru) om hecarv
it. And why dolt thou not pardon my 4 He wile in heart, and mighty
tranfgrcflicn, and take away mine ini- ftrenrth: who hath lurched to
quity ? tor now fhall I fleep in the dult, S ain 't him, and hath proffered > f
and thou lhalt feek me in the morning, < Which removeththe mountains,
hut I jhali not be.
ey k
h is rger!
t: w h0 ^"rneththern
Biliad Jheveetb Gods ju/lice, &c. 6 Which inaketh the earth out of her &>
anfwered Bildad the Shuhitc,
place, and the pillars thereof
Which commandeth
tremble? I

7 the fun, and it

i How
long wilt thou fpeak thefe rifeth not: and lealethupthe (tars.
ibingt and box» long-jhdl the words of

W" 1C h 3lcn
J P rea ^'th out the heat

thy mouth be Ufa a ftrong wind ? ,

trea '* et!] l,po:) the waves
3 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth tti- fea
the Almighty pervert juftice? ^9 Which makethArchirus, Orion, and
4 It tfiy children have finned againft
-f ddothe chamDe " of thefouth.
I 1

him, and he have calt them away lor I w°f'

10 Which "L great ,
_ things paft find,
their tranfgrefliGii jng cut, yea, and wonders wuhout
5 If thou would ft feck unto God be-
times, and make thy Amplication to the 11 I.o, he goeth by me, and I fee bim
Almighty Pa ° n all °' but l
him not P crcciw
6 If thou inert pure and upright ; fure-
ly now he would awake for thee, and ti Behold, he takcth away, who can
make the habitation of thy rightcewfnefs
profperous. What doit thou ? *

7 Though thy beginning was-fmall, yet \\ if God will not withdraw his anee*
thy latter end ihould greatly increate. the proud helpers do itoop under him
8 For enquire, I pray the;, of thefor- t4 How much lefs fhall I anfwer
»er age, and prepare thy felt to the and choofc out my words tn reafen witfi
fearch of their fathers. him ?
9 ( For we are but of yefterday, and Whom, k
though I were nehtecu?,
know nothing, beeaul'e our days upon yet would 1 not anfwer, but I would make
earth are a fhadow ) iupplicanon to my judge.
10 Shall not they teach thee, ani tell 16 If I had called, arrtfhe had ar.fwer-
thee, and utter words out of their hearts ? ed me ; yet would I not believe t.1at
it Can the rulh grow up without mire? had heartened unto my voice.
ran tt\c flag grow wanout water? 17 For he breaketn me with a
n Whilft it is yet ill his greennefs, and multipheih my wounds v. irhout caufe '/
*»d not cut down, it withereth before iS He wil, not fuffer me to take my/ la
any other herb. breath, but flHeth me with bitrernefs.
13 So are the paths of all that forget »? If l W*k
of ftrength, lo, bets nronc i ti
God. and the hypocrites hope lhall pculh and it of judgment, who fhall fet me a

14 Whofe hope fhall be cut off, and time te fl<*.i> e.


whofe truft .#4// be a fpiclers web. ic If IjAiftiliemy felf, mine own mouth
it He fhall lean upon his houfe, tut fhal! ondemn me : ;"/ I fay 1 An perfect,
it fhall not ftand he fhall hold it faft,
: it fhall al o prove me perverfe.
tut it fhall not endure. II Though I were perfect, yet would I
16 He it green before the far* and his not know my foul I would decile my :

branch fhootcth forth in his garden. life.

17 His roots are wrapped about the 11 This ;; ons tbtisr. therefore I fa id ;7, mi:
fceap> tni fceth the place of ltone*. he dcltroyeth the pericft and the wicked (Jf:
u U"
1 ;

yob ixpojluiitetb voitb God. Chap. X, Xi. Gods unftArcbihk vcf/a$frs

i; If fuddcnly, he will
thefcourge flay H
If I be wicked, wo uoto me; and
augh at the trial of the innocent. if 1 be righteous, yet will 1 not lift up my
14 The earth is given. into the hand of head: / am full or contufion, therefore
fie wicked he covereth the faces of the
: fee thou mine affliction :

udges thereof if not, where, and who

-, . 16 For it jjpcreaTeth :thoa hunteft me.
« he ? as a fieice lion * and again thou ltieweft
i* Now my days are fwiftcr than a thy ielf marvellous upon me.
oil they flee away, they fee no good.
: i7 Thou reneweft thy witnefles againft.
i5 They are palled away as thf twin me, and increafeft thine indignation up-
hips, as the eagle tb*t halteth to the prey. on me ; changes ana war art againft
17 If I lay, 1 will forget my complaint, rue.
will leave off my heavinefs, and com- 18 Wherefore then haft thou brought
ort mi J'df: me forth cut ot the womb? Oh that I
18 I am
afraid of all my forrows, I know had given up theghoft, and no eye ha«l
iat thcu wilt not hold me innocent. teen me!
19 If 1 be wicked, why then labour 1 to. I ihould have been as though I had

n vain? not been, 1 ihould have been carried

7c If I wafli my felf with fnow- water, from the womb to the grave.
nd make my hands never fo clean ; 10 Art not my days few ? ceafe tben t
2 Yet mall thou pluoge me in the ditch,
<*nd let me alone, that I may take com-
nd mine own clothes mall abhor me. tort a little :

3i For be is net a man as lam, tbst 1 it Before 1 gow^ffjcel mall not return,
tiould aniwer him, and we ihould come tvin- to the land of darknels, and thc-fha-.
ogether in judgment. dow ot death 5
3; Neither is there any days-man he- li A land of darknefs,as darknefs itftlf,
wist us, tbAt might lay his hand upon and of the fhadow of death, without any
s both. order, andvobtrt the light is as darknels,
34 Let him take his red away from me. C A P. XI.H
nd let not his fear terrifie me. Gods veijaom is unjcarcbible, &c.
3? Tb'.n would I fpeak, and not fear
im j but it h not £b with me.
THen ar.fwered Zcphar
thite, and laid,
the Naama—
CHAP. X. i Should not the multitude of words
Job txpofluliUth veitb Goa, &c. be anfwered ? and mould a man full of
\ KY foul is weary of my life, I will talk be juftified?
[VI. leavemy '.omplaint upon my fell; .3 Should thy lies make men hold their
will fpeak in .the bitternefs tf my fouJ. peace
? and when thou mockett, Ihalf'
i twill fay unto God, Da not condemn no man make thee afhamed ? -
ac lhew me wherefore thou contendeft
; 4 For thou haft laid, My dottrine u
mh me. pure, and 1 am clean in thine eyes.
3 Is it ?nod unto thee, that thou . ? But, O that God would fpeak, ant*
liouldft oppress ? that thcu fhouldft. de- open his lips againft thee;
Mfe the work of thine hands? and fhine 6 And that he would fhew thee the fe-
pon the counfel of the wicked ? crets ot wi'dom, that tb:y art double to
4 Haft thoueyesof fieiti? or feeft thou that which is! know therefore that God
s man feeth ? exadtethof thee left than thine iniquity
? Art thy days as the days of man ? art defer vet b.
iy years as mans days, J Canft thou by fearching fir.d our
6 That thou enquirelt
after mine ini- God ? canft thou find out- the Almighty
uity, and fearcheft atter my fin? unto perfection ?
7 Thou knoweft that 1 am not wicked, 8 It it .as high as heaven, what canft
nd there it none that can deliver out of thou do? deeper than hell, what canft
jine hand. thou know ?
8 Thine hands have made me, and fa- 9 The meafure thereof is longer than
uoned me together round about j yet the earth, and broader than the fea.
;ou doft. deftroy me. to Ifhecut off, and (hut up, or gather
9 Remember, I belecch thee, that t'ou together, then who can hinder him ?
alt made me as the clay, and. wilt thou 1 For heknowethvain men : he feetlt
ring me into duft again ? wickednefs alfo i will he not
to Haft thou not poured me out as milk, der it ?
nd cruddled me like chceie ? n For vain man would be wife, though
ti Thou haft clothed mewijh skin and man be born lUst a wild afles colt.
elht and halt fenced me with bones and t; If thou prepare thine heart, and
news. ftretch out thine hands towards him
ti- Thou haft granted me life and fa- t4 If iniquity be in thine hand, put it
our, and thy visitation hath preferved far away, and let not wickednefs dwell
iy fpirit. in thy tabernacles.
i? And
thefe tbin%\ haft thou hid in t; For then malt thou lift up thy face
line : 1 know that this is with
heart thee. without fpot, vea, thou malt befteafalt,
:4lt I fin, then thou markeft me, and thou and malt not Year :
r ,

;It not acquit me from mine iniquity. t6 Becaufe thou ftalt forget tby mi-
Gods ontni potency. J
fery,and remember it as waters that pais ..^.^..u,o, duu .Junius uui 10 ngnr tne
away fhadow of death.
17 And
tbint age fhall be clearer than *.? He
increafeth the nations, and de-
the noon-day ; thou ihalt fhine forth, ftroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations,
thou ihalt be as the morning. and ltraitneth them again.
18 And thou fhalt be fecure, becaufe 2.4 He ttketh away the heart of the
there is hope; yea, thou ihalt dig about chief of the people of the earth, aiic
to-.t, md
thou ihalt take thy reft in la'ety. cauleth them to wander in a wildernefs fl

19 Alio thou ihalt lie clown, and none is no way.

voter e there
laall make thee afraid ; yea, many fhall 1? They grope in the dark without
make i'uit unto thee. light, and he maketh them to ftagi'er
10 But the eyes of the wicked fhall like a drunken man.
tail,and they fhall not efcape, and their C H A p. XIII
hope Jbail be as the giving up of the Job rtprovitb his friends, &c.
XII. LO,earmine eye hath
hath heard and
leers all this,
undo- ritood
Job acknovchigttb Gods omnipotent/, &c, IWhat ye know, the fame do I know
AJNdi Job anfwered and faid, alio I am not inferior unto
: you.
No doubt but ye are the people, 3 Surely I would fpeak to the Almigh-
and wifdom fhall die with you. ty, and 1 defire to realon with Uod.
1 But I have underitamUng as well as 4 But ye are forgers of lies, ye are al.
you ; I am not inferior to you yea, who : phyficians of no value.
knoweth not luch things as thefe ? > O
that you would altogether hold your 12 '

4 I am *$ one mocked of his neighbour, peace, and it fhould be your wifdom.

vhocallethupon God, ana he anfwereth 6 Hear now my reafoning, and hear-
him : the juit upright man is laughed to ken to the' pleadings of my lips.
fcorn. 7 Will you Ipeak wickedly for God? U)
? He that ready to flip with Wj feet,
is and talk deceitfully for him ?
is as a lamp defpifed in the thought of 8 Will ye accept his perfos ? will w «
him that is at eafe. contend for God ?
6 The tabernacles of robbers profper, 9 Is it good that he fhould fearrh yc.
and they that provoke God are fecure ; in- out ? or as one man mocketh #notUer
to whole hand God bringeth abundantly. do ye Jo mock him ?
7 But ask now t.'ie beafts, and they 10 He will finely reprove you, if ye dc
£ull teach thee ; and the fowls of the fecretly accept perfons.
air, and they fhall tell thee : it Shall not his excellency make yc*f*!
8 Or fpeak to the earth, and it fhall afraid ? and his dread fall upon ycu ?
teach thee and the fifties of the fea fhall
; \x Your remembrance* trt like unic
I'eclare unto thee. afhes, your bodies to bodies of clay.
9 Who knoweth not in all fhefe, that 1? Hoi'd your i-eace, let me alone thai
frshandof the Lord hath wrought this ? I may fpeak, and let come on me wba'
ic In whofe hand is the fourof every mil.
living thing, and the breath of all man- 14 Wherefore do I take myflefh inrr.j
kind. and put mv
teeth, mine life in 1

ti Doth not the car try words ? and the Though he nay me, yet will I
t? tra.l
Stout) ufte Lis meet? tnhim: but I will maintain mine ow
n With
the ancient r J wifdom; and in way* before him.
length of days, underltanding. 16 He allb/W/ be my falvation : for or
1? With him is wifdom and flrength, hypucrite fhall not come before him,
Yz hath ccunfel and underflanding. 17 Hear diligently my fpeech, and m*
14 Behold, he breaketh down, and it declaration with your ears.
eannot be built again he fhutteth up a : 18 Behold now, I have ordered w,
Sian, and there can be no opening. caufe; I know that I fhall be juftified.

:? Beho d, he withholdeth the waters, 19 Who

ft he that will plead with mel
and they dry up alfo he fendeth them
: for now if I hold my tongue, IftiaUgiwh?
cut, and they overturn the earth. up the gholt.
16 With him is ltrehgth and wifdom: 10 Only do not two things unto ma I

the deceived and tie cieceiver are his. then will i not hide my felf from theit
17 He leadeth counfellers awaylpoiled, II Withdraw thine hand far from ink I

and maketh the judges fools. and let not thy dread make me afraid/ I
18 He looleth the bond ot kings, and xx Then call thou, and 1 will anfwef.t
girdeth their loyns with a girdle. or let me
fpeak, and anfwer thou me. -I
19 He !eaJe» princes away fpoiled,
1 I" How many are mine iniquities aril
and ovc-throweth the mighty. fins?make me to know my tranfgreilioil
i- He removeth away the fpeeehof the and mv fin.
jnd tsV :'.') away the underltand- i4 Wherefore hideft thcuthy face,arx[
ing of the aged. holdeft me for thine enemy?
li H* poureth contempt upon princes, ii Wilt thou break a leat driven to arxfc
and weakn.t': the flrength of the mighty. fro ? and wilt then purfue the dry Hubble h
u He dncovercth deep things out of x& l; or thou wriccit bitter things agair...n
: : : n
The brevity of rutins life. Chap X;v, XV. Elipbax reproveth Job.
ne, and makeft me to poflefs the iniqui- low, but he perceiveth it not of them.
ies of my youth. ^^ But his fleih upon him ihall have
17 Thou puttelt my feet alfo in the pain, and his foul within him fhall mourn.
locks, and looked narrowly unto all my CHAP. XV.
>aths ; thou fetteft a print upon the Elipbax reproveth Job, &c.
teels of my feet. THen anfwered Eliphaz the Tema-
z3 And he, as a rotten thing conf'um- nite, and faid,
th, as a garment that is moth-eaten. x Should a wife man utter vain know-
C H A P. XIV. ledge, and fill his belly with the eaft-
The brevity of life, Sec. wind ?
An that is horn of a woman, it of I Should he reafon with unprofitable
vf' few days, and full of trouble. talk ? or with ipeeches wherewith he can
He cometh
i forth like a flower, and do no good ?
i cut down he fleeth a4fo as a lhadow,
: 4 Yea, thou called off fear, and re-
nd continueth not. ifcraineft prayer before God.
? And dofh thou open thine eyes upon ? For thy mouth uttereth thine iniqui-
ich an one, and bringeft me into judg- ty, and thou choofelt the tongue of the
lent with thee ? crafty
4 Who can bring a clean thing out of 6 Thine own mouth condemneth thec»
n unclean? not one. and not I yea, thine own lips teftifie a-

Seeing his days are determined, the

? gainft thee.
umber of his months are with thee, thou 7 Art thou thefirft nan was born?
aft appointed his bounds that he cannot or wad thou made before the hills?
al's. 8 Had thou heard the fecret of God >
6 Turn from him that he may r«ft, till and doft thou reftrain vviidom to thy
e ftiall accomplifh. as an hireling, his felf?
ay. 9 What knoweft thou that we knev
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be not ? what underftanded thou, which it
ut down, that it will fprout again, and not in us ?
lat the, tender branch thereof will not ic Wiih us Are both the gray-h^ded,
eafe. and very agcJ men, muck elder than thy
8 Though the root thereof wax old is father.
le earth, and the flock thereof die in II Are the confolations of God filial
e ground with thee? is there any fecret thing with
9 Yet through the fcent of water it will thee ?
id, and bring forth boughs like a plant. ii Why doth thine heart carry thee
io But man dieth, and wafteth away : away ? and what doth thine eyes wink ar»
:a, mangivethup theghoft, and where U That thou turned thy fpirit agsind
Jie? God, and letted fuch words go out of
As the waters fall from the fea, and
it thy mouth ?
decayeth and drieth tp :
e flood 14 What is man, that he fhould b«
So man.lieth down, aud rifeth not
ii clean? and&j vcbicbis bcrnof a woman,
11 the heavens be no more* they fhall not that he ihould be righteous ?
vake, nor be railed out of their fleep. if Behold, he putteth no trud in his
ji? -O that thou would ft hide me in the faints; yea, the heavens are not clean
•ave, that thou wouldft keep me fecret, in his fight.
itil thy wrath be pad, that thou wouldft 16 How much more abqminabl? ?"tt
jpoint me a fet time,and remember me !
filthy it man, which drink-;th iniquity
'14 If a man die, ihall he
live \gain ? all like water ?
le days of my appointed time will I wait 17 I will ihewthee, hear me, and that
11 my change coma, vebicb I.havefeen, I will declare,
ic Thou ftialt call, and I will anfwer 18 Which wife men have tcld frcm
eethou wilt have a detire to the work
: their fathers, and have not hid it
thine hands. 19 Unto whom alone the earth was gi-
16 For now thou numbreft my fteps, ven, andnoftranger paflTed among them.
)ft thou not watch over my fin ? to The wicked man travelleth with
i7 My tranfg*eflion is ("ealed up in a pain all his days, and the number of years
g, and thou Tewed up mine iniquity. is hidden to the oppreflbr.
t8 And furely the mountain falling r - 11 A dreadful found it in his ears ; in
eth to nought and the rock is remo-
: nrolperity the dedroyer ihall come up'
d out of his place. t'im.
19 The waters wear the ftones thou •.
iz He beli-veth nof that he fha'.I return
Mheft awav the things which crow out out of darknefs, and he is waited tor of
the dult 'of the ear'th, and thou de- the (word.
oyeft the hope of man. i^ wandreth abroad for bread, JM-
ic Thou prevailed for ever againft him, in«, Where is it? lie knoweth that the
d he pafleth : thou changeft his coun- day of darknefs is ready at his hand.
nance, andfendefthim away. 14 Tro-'b'e and arguiih fhall make lam
a His Cons come to honour, and he afraid ; tnev ihall prevail pgairic him, as
[Oweth it nvt 5 and they are brought a king ready 10 the battle.
1; For
~ob rtprovttb bis friends. Job. Mil innocent
iv For he ftretcheth out his hand a- not (pare ; he po eth out my gali u;
gainft God, and ftrcngthncth himlelt a- the ground.
gainit the Almighty. 14 Hebreaketk me with breach upon
i6 He runneth upon him, tvtn on hit breach, he runneth upon me like a giant.
netk.upon the thick bofles of hit bucklers: '
have fewed lackcloth upon my
i7. Because he covered his tacc with s:<in, and defiled my horn in the dull.
histatncli, ami maketh collops or lat on \6 My face is foul with weepirg, and
bit flanks. on mine eye-lids it the fhadow of death :

xU Ana he dwelleth in delblate cities, 7 Not for org injulticc in mine hands
ana in houi'es which no man inhaoitcth. alfo my prayer;"* pure.
which 3re ready to become heaps. tb' O earth, cover not thou my blocJ,
»9 .He fhall not be rich, neither ftiall and my cry have no place.
h:s lubftaiice ccntinue, neither fhall he 19 Alio now, behold, my witnefs rj in
prolong the perfection thereof upon the heaven, and my record is on high.
earth. 10 My friends fccr.i me but i»unee\e :

}o He Ihall hot depart out rf darknefs, pourethoutfe^ri unto (Jod.

the flame fhall dry up his branches, and by 11 O that one might plead for a man with
the breath ot his mouth fhall he go away. God, asamar:f/f.:i;'*for hisneighbj»i
3i Let not him that is deceived, truit tn n Whenaiew years are com?, t
.en I
Tsnity-.tor vjniry mallbehisrecompeiice. fhall go the way vaxntt 1 ftnli not 1

?i It Mall be aceomplifhed before his C II A

time, and his branch fhall not be £reen. "ob appealerb from men to God, &c.
?} He fhall lhakeoiV his unripe grap?
as the vine, and fhall calr off his
as the olive.
nower MY breath is corrupt, my da-, s are ex-
tinct, the graves arertsdy for me.
i Are there not mockers with me
34 Fot the coneregation of hypocrites doth not mine eye continue in the
JhMl be deiolate, and fire fhall conlume vocation?
the tabernaclesof bribery. ? Lay down now, put me in a
3? They conceive nnfehief, and l>ring with thee ; whu is he tbit will ftiike
forth vanity, and their belly preparcth hands with me ?
deceit, 4 For thou hart hid their heart from
CHAP. XVI. undemanding: therefore flult :..
"Job rtprouf'.b bis friends-, &c. exalt tbtm.
k He that fpeaketh flattery to hu i.
THen Job anl'wereland fan.-

i I have heard many fuch things: even the eyes of his children fliaH
milerable comlorters are ye all. 6 He hatn made me alio a by-word of th«
? Shall vain words have an end ? or what people, and aforetime I was as a t3bret.
emboldneth thee that thou anfwereit ? 7 Mine eye alio is dim by reafonor'fer-
4 I alio cculd fpeak a> ye do if your row, and all my members art as a
: I

foul were in my fouls iteaci- I could heap £! Upright Wf»j-fhall be alto:. ie

up words againit you, and fhakc mine and the innocent fhall ftir up hfmfelf 2-
head at you. the hypocrite.
i But I would ftrer,gthen you with my 9 The righteous alfo fha'l hold on hi 1

mouth, and the moving of my lips lhould way, and he that hath clean har.
a<Twa£e your grief be ftronjerand ftrortrer.
6 Though I ("peak, my grief is not af- ia But as tor you all, do yoi: .

fwaged and though I forbear, whutam I and come now for 1 cannot find an
: :

cafed ? wile man among you,

7 But now he hath made mi weary: n My days are pait, my p^rpofes am
thou halt made deiblate all my compaRy. broken eft, tven the thoughts of my hearr
8 And thou haft filled me with wrinkles, n
They change the night into day
vebich is a witnefs againft mt : and my the light r'ilhort, beraufe of darkneis.
lear.neis nfingupin me, beareth witnefs K
11 I wait, the grave i> mine houlc
to my face. 1 have made my bed in the darkr.

9 He teareth me in his wrath.who hateth 14 1 have laid to corruption, ThouWJ

me he gnafheth upon me with his teeth my father to the worm, ibou art
: ;

mine enemy fharpneth his eyes upon me. mother, ind my fifter.
to They have g3ped upon me with their ii And where/* now my hope? as
mouth, they have Imitten me upon the mv hope, who fhall' let it ?
cheek reproachfully, they have gathered i5 They fhall go down to the bars of t

themfelves together againtt me". pit, when our reit together ii in the duf
n God hath delivered me to the un- C H A P. XVI II.
godly, and turned me over intc the hands BiUad rtproveib Job of prtfumption,
Of the wicked.
ti 1 was at eafe, but he hath broken
THenanlwered Bildad tee i-hu
and faid,
me alunder he hath alio taken mt by my
: 1 How long tr/'W/f be, ere you mak
neck, and fhaken- me to pieces, and fet end of words"? mark, and afterward
me up for his mark. will fpeak.
il His archers compafs me round about, 3 Wherefore are we counted as b<
he dcavcth my reics afundcr* and doth *ni reputed vile in your fight?
: : . !

TiictUmitiei-of'tbe wicked. Chap

p. xix, XX. The cruelty of fobs friends.
4 He teareth himfelf in his anger : fliall 10 He hath deftroyed mc on every fide,
foe earth be forfaken tor thee ? and fhall and 1 am gone and mine hope hath he

fce rock be removed out of his place ? removed like a tree.

? Yea, the light or the wicked (hall be u He hath alio kindled his wrath a-
'Ut out, and the i'park of his fcrc ihall gainft me, and hecounteth me unto him,
ot (nine. as one of his enemies.
6 The light fhall be dark in histaber- ti His troops come together, and raife
lacle, and his candle mall be put out up their way agaiml me, and encamp
rith him. round about my tabernacle.
7 The Heps of his ftrensth fhall be -n He hath put my brethren far from
banned, .and hiso#n counlel lhall caft mc, and mine acquaintance are verily
liffl down. eitranged from me.
. 8 For he is call into a net by his own 14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my
eet, and hcwa'.kethupon a fnare. familiar friends have forgotten me.
9 The grin fhall take bim by the heel, t? They that dwell in mine houfe, and
nd the robber ihall prevail againft him. my maids, count me for.a ftranger : 1 am
to The lhare is laid for him in the an aliant in their fight.
ground, and a trap for him in the way. 16 I called my fervant, andhegave««
ii Terrors fhall make him afraid on e- no anfwer : I intreated him with my
cry tide, and fhall drive him to his feet. mouth.
n His ftrength fhall be hunger-bitten> 17 My breath is ftrange to my wife,
ind deltruttion Jhtll be ready at his fide. though I intreated for the childrens/a^e
i] It fhall devour the itrength of his of mine own body.
kin even the firlt-born of death fhall
: r8. Yea, young children defpifed m e; I
levour his ftrength. arole, and they fpake againlt me.
r4 His confidence fhall be rooted out 19 All my inward friends abhorred me :
f his tabernacle, and it fhall bring him and they whom I loved, arc turned a-
o thekiug of terrors. gainft me.
i? It fhall dwell in his tabernacle, be- 10 My bone cleaveth to my skin, and
aufe it is none of his: brimltone fhall to my flefh, and I am efcaped with the
>e icattered upon his habitation. skin of my teeth.
tS His roots fhall be dried up beneath, 11 Have pity Hpon me, have pity upon
nd above fhall his branch be cutoff. mt, Oye my friends, for the hand of
t7 His remembrance lhall perilh from God hath touched me.
!ie earth, and he lhall have no name in 11 Why do ye perfecute me as God,
le ftreet. and are not fatisfied with my rlefh ?
18 He fhall be driven from light into nOil that my words were now written !
arknefs, and chafed cutof the world. oh that they were printed in a book '.

-19 He fhall neither have ion nor ne- 14 That rhey were graven .with an
hew among his people, nor anyremain- iron pen and lead, in the rock tor ever
lg in his dwellings. i? For I know that my redeemer li-
to They that come after bim fhall be veth, and tbat he lhall ftand at the lattet
!tonied at his day, as they that went d*y upon the earth.

efore were affrighted. ! i*> And though after my skin, worms

11 Surely fuch *rt the dwellingsofthe deltroy this body, yet in my flefh fhall I

icked, andthis/'i the place of bim th*t fee God

noweth not God. »7 Whom I fhall fee for my felf, and
CHAP. XIX. mine eyes (hallbehold, and not another?
fob compUinetb of bit friends, &c. though my reins be confirmed within me.
"*Hen Job anfwered and (aid, 18 Put ye (houl.t fay, Why perfecute we
i How long will ye vex my foul, him, feeing the root of the matter is
id break me in pieces with words? found in me ?
3 Thefe ten times have ye reproached iQ Be ye afraid of the Tword for wrath

e : you are not afhamed tbit you make bringetb the punifhments of the fword,
ur felves (trange to me. that ye may know there is a judgment.
4 And be it indeed tb*t\ have erred, CHAP. XX.
ine error remaineth witn my felf. The Jlste and portion of the vo'clyd.
T If indeed vou will magnirie jour /t/yej
ainit mc, and plead againft me my re-
THen anfwered Zophar the Naama-
thite, and ("aid,
oach i Therefore do my thoughts caufe ma
5 Know now that God haih overthrown to anfwer, and for this I make hafte.
1, and hath comparted me with Ins net. 3 I have heard the check of my re-
7 Behold, I cry out or wrong, but lam proach, andthefpirit of my underftand-
t heard I cry aioud, but there is no
: in<r caufeth me to anfwer.
'.emenr. 4 Knowcll thou not this of old, firrce
! He hath fenced up my way that I man was placed upon earth,
nnot pafs, and he hath fet darknefs in * That the triumphing otthe wicked
f paths. is fhort, and the joy of the hypocrite
) Hehathftript me of my glory, and but tor a moment ?
«n the crown /row my head. 6 Thoughw hi* excellency mount up to
The fiat" of tbt voiced. Jo >. The froTperity of tbt wic\ti,
the heavens, and rhis head reach unto C H A P. XXI.
the clouds :
The rea/ens of Jobs grief-, &c.
7 Vet he lhall penfh forever, like his
own dung they which hove leer him
BUt1 Job aftiwered and laid.
Hear diligently my fpecch, an«
fhall la). Where ij he? ice this be your conizations.
i> He
fhall fly away as a dream, and 3 Suffer- me that I may (peak, andafte:
fhall not be found: yea, he fnall be dia- that I have if>oken, mock on.
led away as a vifion of the night. 4 As forme, ii my complaint toman:
9 The eye alio which law him, fhall fee and if it voire fo, why fhould not my fpi
bimno more i. neither fhall his place any rit be troubled ?
more behold him. ? Mark me, and lp aftonifhed, andlaj
10His children fhall feek to pleafe the your hand upon your mouth.
poor, and his hands fhall reltore their 6 Even when 1 remember, I am afraid t!
goods. and trembling takethholdon my riefh. j
n His bones are full of the fin of his 7 Wherefore do the wicked live*, be- •,,-

youth, which lh-11 lie down with him come old, yea, are mighty in power?
if] the duft. 8 Their feed is eftabhlhed in their fijh
ri Though wickednefs b<*. fweet in with them, and their offspring? be tor?,
his mouth, though he hide it under his their eyes.
tongue 9 Their houfes<re fafe from fear, nei-
il Though he [pare it, and forfake it ther is the rod of Goct upon them.
not 5 but keep itftill within h$ mouth: to Their bull gendreth anl iaileth not,
14- Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, their cow calveth, and cafteth not' ti3
it is the gall of afps within him. calf.
i< He hath fwallowed down riches, 11 They fend forth their little ones like
and he fhall vomit them up a^ain God a flock, .and their children dance.

inall caft them out of his bclfy. 11 They take the timbrel and harp, and
i5 He
lhall luck the pod'on or 'alps : the rejoyce at the found of the organ.
vipers tongue fhall flay him. 1; They fpend their days in wealth-,1
17 He
fhall not fee the rivers, the floods, and in a moment go down to the grave.
the brooks of hony and butter. UTherefore they fay unto God, De-
i.8 That which he laboured for, fhall part from us i for we dclire not the knot*.
he reltore, and fhall not (wallow it down : ledge uf thy ways.
according to his fubftance Jhall the refhtu- ii What is the Almighty, that \m
tion be, and he fhall not rejoyce therein . ffiouldfervehim ? and what profa/houra
to Becaule he hathoppreffed, and hath we have if we pray unto him ?
forfaken the poor j becaufe he hath vio- 16 Lo, their good is not in theirhSH
lently taken away an houfe which he thecounfelofthe wicked is far 'ro
builded not: i7 How oft is the candle of the wii
10 Surely he fhallnot feel quietnefs in put out ? and borv oft cometh thei
his belly, he fhall not faveor that which ltruition upon them ? God diftnbm
he dcfired. forrows in Ins anger.
n There fhall none of his meat be 18 Tliey areasftubble beforethew
left ; therefore fhall no man look for his chaff that the ftorm carrieth aw
goods. 19 God layeth up his iniquity for fi
In the fulnefs of his furficiency he children-, he rewardethhim, and he fhJP
fhall be in fttaits every hand of the wic-
: know it.
ked lhall come upon him. 10 Hij eyes fhall fee his deftr
t; When he is about to fill his belly, and he fhall drink of the wrath of
God fhall call the fury of his wrath upon Almighty,
him, and (hall raio it upon him while he ii For' what tleafure hsth he
is eating. !iou(*e after him, when the number of Jfl
14 He fhall flee from the iron wca- months is cut orT in the midft?
vpn, and the bow of fteel fhall flrike him 11 Shall any teach God knowledge
through. feemz hejudgeth t-.ofe th.v are high.
15 drawn aid cometh out of the
It is H Oned.ethinhis hill itrcngth, bei
body yea, the glittering (Word cometh whcllv at eafe and quiet.

out of his gall terrors are upon him.

; 14 His breads are lull of milk, and
i5 All da'tknefs-yAs// be hid in his fecfet bones are moiltned with marrow.
places •
a fire nor blown fhall confiime li And another dieth in the bitrerna
him; with him that is left
it fhall go ill of his foul, and never eateth with pie
In his tabernacle. Cure.
17 '1 he heaven (hall reveal his iniquity : 16 They fhall lie down alike in
and theeartn fhill rife up againft him. duft, and the worms fhall cover
18 The increa'e of his houie fhall de- 17 Behold, I know your thoughts
part, and bis good- lhall flow away in the the devices which ye wrongfully
day of his wrath. ng.iinft me.
19 This is the portion of a wicked man it. For ye fav, Where is the houfe
from God, aril the heritage appointed the prince? and where art thedwejlin
oato him by God. places of the wicked ?
1= Ha*
. .

i"5 c/ fin,
iccuftl Chap, xxi > XXiii. <«i txborttA to repent.
) Have
ye not asked them that go by be at peace : thereby go'd mall c rnr
jray ? and do ye not know their tokens ? unte thee.
That the wicked is refervcd to the ii Receive, I pray thee, the law front
fjot deftruction ; they (hall be brought Ins mouth, and lay up his words in thine
th to the day or" wrath. heart.
i Who
fhall declare his way to his ii If thou return to the Almighty, thou
:? and who lhall repay him vobat he fnalt be built up, thou fhalt put away
h dpnc ? iniquity far from thy tabernacles.
i Yet fhall he be brought to the grave, z4 Then fhalt thou lay up gold asduft,
1 remain in the tomb.
^ and ths gold of Ophir as the ftonesofthe
* The clods of the valley fhall be Nket brooks.
ohim, and every man fhall draw after i> Yea, the Almighty fhall be thy de-
1, as thtre are innumerable before him fence, and thou fhalt have plenty of filver
* How then comfort ye me in vain, 16 For then fhalt thou have thy delight
ing in your anfwers there remaineth in the Almighty, and (halt lift up thy
hood ' race unto God.
XXII. i7 Thou fhalt make thy prayer unto
/ins $oodnef> profitetb not God, &c. him, and he fhall hear thee, and thou
'Hen Ehphaz the Temanite anfwered fhalt pay thy vows.
and faid, Thou fhalt alfo decree a thing, and
Can a man be profitable unco God, it fhall be eftablifhed unto thee and the -.

lethat is wife may be profitable unto light fhall fhine upon thy ways.
felt ? 19 When
men are call down, then thou
Is it any pleafure to thz Almighty, fhalt fay, There is lifting up :andhei u all
thou art righteous ? or is it gain to lave the humble perfon.
, that thoumakeft thy ways perfect? 3c He fhall deliver the ifland of the
W he reprove thee for fear of thee ?
ill innocent and it is delivered by the pure-

he enter with thee into judgment : nefs of thine hands.

1> not thy wickeunefs great ? and CHAP. XXIII.
e iniquities infinite? -fob lenzctb io appear before God, &c.
Fur thou haft taken a pledge from
nether for noupht, and ilripped the
THen Job anfwered and laid,
1 Even today/'* my complaint bit-
sd of their clothing. ter : my ftroke is heavier than my gron-
Thou haft not given water to the ing.
ry to drink, and thou haft withholden 3 O that knew where I might find
d from the hungry. him ! mieht come even to his feat
that I !

But as for the migr.ty man, he had the 4. I would order my caufe before him,
i, and the honourable man dwelt in it. and my mouth with arguments.
Thou halt lent widows away empty, ? would know the words which he

the aims of ths fatherlefs have been would anfwer me, and underftand what
en. lie wouid fay unto me.
Therefore fnares a-re round about 6 Will he plead againft me with hit
and Hidden fear troubleth thzz , gre2t power ? No, but he would put
Or darknefs that thoa canft not fee, ftrengtb in ine.
ce of waters cover thee. 7 There the righteous might difpute
Is net God in the height of heaven ; with him ; fo fhould I be delivered for
Jjehold the hi'/ht of the flars, how ever from my judge.
they are. 8 Behold, 1 go forward, but he is not
nd thou faylt, How doth God know ? there ; and backward, but I cannot per-
e judge through the dark cloud ? ceive him :

Thick clouds are a covering to him O On the left hnnn where he dcth work,
he feethnot, and hewalketh in the b:it I cannot behold him he hidelhhim- :

t of heaven. felf on the right bind, that 1 cannot fee

Halt thou marked the old way him.
wicked men have troden ? 10 But he knoweth the way that I
Which wre cut down out ef time, take vcbtn he hath tried me, I fhall come

: foundation was overflown with a forth as gold.

11 My root
hath held hisfteps, his way
Which faid-unto rjod, Depart from have I kept, and not declined.
nd what can the Almighty do for m
Neit'Kr have I gone back from the
commandment of his hps, I have efteem-
Yet he
filled their houfes with good ed the words of his mouthj more than
but the counl'd ot the wicked is my neceflary food.
om me. 1? But he/.' inone mini, and who can
The righteous lee it, and are glad : turn him ? and xibat his foul defireth,
he innocent laugh them to fcorn. even tha' he Soth.
Whereas our fubftance is not cut Fcr he performefh tbt thin?, thtt it
but the remnant of them the fire appointed forme: and many fuch things
neth. nre with him
Acquaint now thy fclf with him, and 1? Therefore 3m I troubled at his f re-
fence :
Sin often unfunijbed. b. ' Gods infinite pnvef.

fence : when 1 coniider, I am afraid of beareth not : and doth not goed to th
him. WUlOW,
16 For God maketh my heart foft, and ii Hearaweth alfo the mighty with h
tbe Almighty troubleth me: power: he rifcthuy, and no«j« n fur
17 Became I was not cutoff before the of life.
darknefs, neither hath he covered the i} Tbougb it be given him to be in fafe
darknefs from my face. ty,whereon he relteth j yet his eyes a>
CHAP. XXIV. upon their ways.
WickjdneJ's goetb often unpunijhtd, Sec. 14 They arc exalted for a little whil
but arc gone ar.ti brought low, they
WHy, feeing times are not hidden
from the Almighty, do they that takeiwutor the way as all other, and
know him, not lee his days ? off as the taps of the ears of corn.
x Some remove the land-marks j they i; And it it be not lb now, who wi
violently take away hocks, and teed make me a liar, and make my f;>ccc
thereof. \ nothing worth ?
? They drive away the afs of the father-
ttls, they take the widows ox for pledge. cannot be juftifitd before God, Sec.
4 They turn the needy out of the way
the poor of the earth hide themfelvcs to-
THen anfwered
and fa id,
Bildad the ihuWtf

gether. i Dominion and fear are with him, h

? Behold, «J wild aues in the defert, go maKeth peace in Ijis high places.
they forth to their work, rifing betimes 3 li there any number «f his apnics
for a prey the wilderneis yieldetb tood
: ar.d upon whom doth not his light a
for'hem and for tbeir children. rife ?
6 They reap every one his corn in the 4- How then can man be iuftificd wit
field: and they gather the vintage of the God? or how can he be clean that is bor
wicked. of a woman?
7 They caufe the naked to lodge with- ? Behold even tothe moon, and it fti
out clothing, that they have no covering neth not; yea, the ltars are not pure
in the cold. his light.
8 They are wet with the lhowers of 6 How much lefs man tbit is a worm
the mountains, and embrace the rock for and the fonof man which is a worm
want of a flielter. CHAP. XXVI.
9 They pluck the fatheriefs from the 3ob reprovetb Biidtci, Sec.
brealt, and take a pledeeot the voor. BTJt Job anlwercd and laid,
io They caufe fc/w to go naked without i How haft thou helped him that
clothing, and they take away the lheaf without power? bow faveft thou the ar
from the hunery. that hatb no Itrengtfi ?
1 1 Which malce oyl within their wall;, and z How haft thou counrelled him fb.
tread tbt'tr wine-preflTes, and fufferthirft k.ttb no wifdom ? andlvw haft then plei
n Men grone from out of the city, and tifullv declared the thing, as it is?
the foul of the wounded crieth out: yet 4 To whom haft thou uttered words
«od layeth not folly to them. and whofe Ipint came tram thee?
i? Theyareof thofe that rebel againft % Dead things are formed from under t'
the light, they know not the ways there- waters, and the inhabitants :hereof.
of, nor abide in the paths thereof. 6 Hell ii naked before him, and d
t4. The murderer riling with the light ftruttion hath no covering.
killeth the poor and needy, and in the r He fuetcheth out the north over H
night is as a thief. empty place, *nd hangeth the earth
H The eye alfo of the adulterer waiceth nothir.2.
forthe twilight, faying, No eye ffcall fee 8 He bindcth up the waters in his
we: and difguifeth bis face. elands, and the cloud is not rent u:
16 In the dark they dig through houfes, them
which they had marked forthemfeives in 9 He hok'eth back the face of
the day-time they know not the light.
: throne, and ff-readetfc his cloud upor
i7 For the morning is to them even as to He hath compaffed the waters \

the fhadow of death if one know them, : bounds, until the day ar.d night coir,
they are in the terrors of iht fhadow of an end.
death. 1 1 The \ illars of heaven tremble,
iS Hen fwift as the waters, their por- are aftoniihed at his reproof.
tion is curled in the earth hebeholdeth ti He dividetb the fea with his powc

not the way of the vine> ar ;. and bv his underftanding he (aits v


19 Drouirht and heat con fume the fnow- through the proud. »

waters fodotb the grave thofe which have

: n By his jVirit he hath garnifhed tl
finned. heavens his hand hath lormed


10 The womb fhall forget him, the crooked rerpent.

worm mail fee on rim, he lhall
I'w erfy t4 fo, thel'e are parts of bis ways, b
he no more remembred, and widcednefs how little -a portion is heard of him ; b
fhall be broken as a tree. the thunder cf his power who can u
»i He evil entreatetn the barren tkat derfund ?
c H a :
The byfocritt xcitbcut lope. Cl.ap. XXV ii, xxviii. PPifiomi excellency,
chap. xxvn. fearcheth cut all
ot caiknels and the fhadew ot death.
perfection: the ftonej
lobfrotcjletb b's Jinctrity, &c.
Moreover, Job continued his parable, 4 The flood breakethout horn (he in-
and (aid, habitant ; even the w.iters torgutten of
r As God liveth, veto hath taken aw3y the foot they arc dried up, they are gone

mv judgment, and the Alnnghty, vpb'o away from men.

ka't'i vexed my foul j > As fir the earth, out of it comet*
3 All the while my breath is in me, and bread : and under it is turned ,up as it
the fpiritof God'' in my n.jftnls ; were fire.
4 My lipsfnall not lpeak wickednefs, 6 The fionesof it.-eethe place of fan.
nor, my tongue utfer deceit. phires: and it h?th duitol e.old.
<; God forbid that I fhould ji.ftify you: 7 ibere is a path which no"towl know-
till 1 die, I will not remove my integrity eth, and which the vultures eye hath not
from me. leen.
6 My rigUteoufiaefi
I hold fart, and will 5 The liens whelps have nottrcden it,
rot Jet go my heart mall r>ot reproach
it : nor the fierce lion paffed by it.
mt Co lore as 1 live. 9 He putteth forth his hard upon the
7 Let nnne enejnv be as the wicked, rock ; he overturned the mountains bv
the roots. r
and he that rifeth up againft ne, a; the
unrighteous. tr He cutteth out rivers among t^e
h For what m the hope of the hvpoTite, rocks, and Ins eye feeth every precious
though heha'h gained, when God taketh thing.
awav his fcul ? 11 He bindeth the floods froit over-
9 Will God hear his cry when trouble flowing, and tke Ibin-rtb.-.t is hid, brin»-
cometh upon hint ? eth he forth to light.
to Will he delight hirnfelf in the Al-
mighty? will he always call upon Gcd ?
u lwillte'c.i you by the hand of Gnd :

tbit which is with the Almighty, will I

rot conceal, living.
ii Beheld, all yeycurf*lves have Teen 14 The depth faith, It is net in me •

it, why then

are ye thus altogether vain ? and the lea iaith, It is not with me
This ii the portion cf a wicked man t* It cannot be gotten for ?uld," nei-
with God, Mid the heritage of oppref- ther fhall filver be weighed for the price
fors, rebicb they fhall receive of the Al- thereof.
mighty. \6 It cannot be valued wit the gold of !

i4 If his children be multiplied, it is Ophir, with the precious onyx, or t'<e

for the fword and his oflspring fhall not
. tapphfre.
•.7 The gold and the crvftal cannot e-
be fatished with bread.
Thole that remain cf hirrt fhall be qual ir and the exchange of it jljUnt*

buried in death: and his wido.vs fhall he for jewels of fine gold.
not weep. 16" No mention, iTall be made of co-
5 Though he heap up diver as the duft, ral, or of pearls: fjr the price of wi&om
prepare raiment as the clay
jtjri ;
is above rubies.
He may prepare if, tat the juft fhall
i7 19 The topaz of Ethiopia (hall not
pur it on, and the innocent fhall divide erjual it, neither fhall it be valued
:he filver. pure sold.
iSHe buildeth hishctfe as a moth, and i<? Whence then cpmetji'wifdom ' and
\s a booth tbst the keeper makeih. where is the place 0: understand in<r ?
19 Therich man fhall lie down, but he it Seeing it is h d frojv. the eves of all
hall not be fathered : he cyeneth his living, and kept ejele from the fowi»
es, and he is not. of thQ air.
io Terrors take hold on hint 23 vcters, xi Definition 2nd death fay, We
tempeft ftcaleth him away n the have heard the fame thereof with ouf

ght. .
w , .

it The eaft-wind carneth him away, i^ God "underftandetk (he waytlereof,

nd he departeth an* :.; after jo hurleth
•. and he knoweth the place thereof.
1m out of !vs pla^e. 14 For he looketh to *he ends of tli*
n For God fha'l eft upon him, am? earth, *r.i tf? whole heaven*
ct fpate: he would tarn flee out ct his *i To make *he weight i'cr thewird^.
and he weiKhc.i the waters by mejfHra.
H Men fhall clap their hands at him, 16 When he Tree a decree for th«
nd fhall hi(> him out of his place. rain, and a W3y for the lightning of
CHAP, xxvn
natural tbmgs, &C
I. r
1- T. :en did he fee

it, 2nd declare it

'hire is 4 fnoveleizeof !

^ Urely, there is a vein tor the filver, and he prepared ir, yea, and fe?rched it out
} a place for rold where thev fine it. i« And unto man he faid r Befeolol
1 Iron is tairen out of ttte" earth, and the feajr of the Lord, that t'j wildom
rafs ri molten out cf thedtone. and to depart from evil is undemand-
* He fetteth an end to iarknefs, and ing.
t < I i
fit,, J b. tn.i frtfent mijtry.

C H A P. XXIX. 1 Yea, whereto mhht the itrer.gth

Job bemonttb bimfelj, «<C. their hands profit me, in whom old ac>
Moreover, Job continued his parable, was pcrilhed ?
and raid, For want and famine
wtrt foli tbey
i Oh that 1 were as in months pail, as tary fleeing into the wildcrnels in fox

in the days vtbtn God pret'erved me mer time defolate and warte :

j, hi* candle fhtned upon my

When 4 Wiio cat up mallows by the
head, *ni vpben by his light I walked and juniper-roots for their meat.
through darkn.-l's I They were driven lorth from amoni.
4 As I was in the days of my youth, w *«> ( they cried alter them, as Jjter ,

when the fecret of God wji upon my tract J

tabernacle 6 To
dwell in the ctifts of the vallies
<i When the Almighty nut yet with me, in caves of the earth, and in the rocks
wfrfu my children voert about me : 7 Among thebufhes they brayed, undc
6 When 1 warned my tteps with butter, the ner.les they were gathered together
and the rock poured me out riven ctoyl 8 ib'.y were children of fools, yea.chil.
7 1 went out to the gate, through dren ot bale men they were viler thar :

the city, when I prepared my feat in the the earth.

fttcer. r ..... 9 And now am I their Cong, yea, I an
8 The young men law me, and hid them- their by-word.
feives and the aged arole, antltoodup.
ic They abhor me, they flee far fros
o The princes retrained talking, and me, and tpare not to lpit in my face.
laid tbtir h:rd on their mouth. it Becaufe he hath loofed my cord am

to The nobles held their peace, and a Articledme, they have alio let looie thi
their tongue cleaved to the rool ol their bridle before me.
II Upon my right btni rife the youth

H When the ear heard we, then it Mef- they puih away my feet, and they raife u\
fed me and when the eye law
me, n againlt me the ways of their deltrucii
rave witnefs to me : on.
7 \x Becaufe I delivered the poor that 1? They mar my path, they fct forwan
cried, and the tatherlels, and bim that my calamity, they bavc no helper.
b.'.d none to help him. 14 They came up^n me as a wid<
te The bleifirgot him that was ready
breaking in of waters in the defotaticr :

to perifh-, came upon me and 1 cauied : they rolled themielves upon we.
the widows heart to fing for joy. 1?. Terrors are turned upon me: the*
i4 1 pur on righ'eoufnefs, and ic cloth- purtue my ibul as the wind : and my wel-
ed me my Judgment wai as a robe and
fare paiTeth away as a cloud.
a diadem. 16 And now my foul is poured out up-
it I was eyes to the blind, and feet vo
< on me; the days of arlliduofi have ta-
I to the lame. ken hold upon me.
and the 1" My bones are pierced in me in th»
16 I voai a- father to the poor :

tauie vobicb 1 knew not, 1 fearched our. night-fealbn and my iinewstake no reft

i7 And 1 brakethe iaws of the wicked, t8 By the great iorce of my dife.\fe, i

anv. phickt the Ipoil out ot his teeth. my garment changed it bmdeth me a bo:. :

itf Then I faid, I fhall die

in myndt, as tks collar pt my coat.
and 1 frail multiply wydays as the land. 19 lie hath cart me into the mire, anc
19 Mv root voa> fpread out-by the wa- I am become like dufl and afhes.
ters, and the dew lay all night' upon my io I cry unto thee, and thou doft nh
branch. hear me I rtand up, and thou regarded

10 My glory trn<trem in me, and my me not.

bow was renewed in my hand. Thou art become crueL to me: witf
Unto me »if»i gave ear, and waited,
n thy (rrong hand thou oppofeft thy felt" a-
andkept iilence at'my counfel. gainft me.
11 Alter mv words they pake not again, I ii Thou litkeftmeup to the wind :thoi
and my ipe'ech dropped upon them. caufelt me to ride upon it, and dui'clveh
it 7\na they waited for me, as tor the my fubltance.
rain, and they opened their n.cuth wide HFor I know that thou wilt bring
«j for the latter ram

to death, and to the houfe appointed

14 7/1 laughed on them, they believed all livmiT.

it not, and the li£t.t of my countenance 14 Howbeit he will not ftretch out
thev down. v hand io the grave, though they cry in \\\i
i? I c ofe out their wav,
and farchief,
anddwett as asking in the army, as one it Did not I weep for him that w.i< ir
thai comforteth the mourners. trouble ? was not' my loul grieved fot the
C H A P. XXX. poor? - "
•^om honour into co ittmpt, &.C.
'.r.rriti 16 When
I looked fpr good, then cvi 1

lit now tt.'.y urt ycui.ger than I,
1h.1t came unto me- and when I waited foj
B lave me
CTw'!.- have
indention, whole lathers I
ditua'mert to have let with
light, there came dafknefs.
1- My bow.'.ls boi'ed and relted noH
my flock. the uays of affliction prevented e.
the doga ol
: . : 5 : : 1 : . : : .

Job expujfetb Chap, xxx; XX X i i bis integrity

iS I went mourning without the fun: I 22 For deftruction/rora Got' xoas a ter"
flood up, tni
cried in the congregation. I rortome, and by realbn ol his higfinef*
1 29 I am a
brother to dragons, and a 1 could not endure.
•empanion to owls. 24 If I have made gold my hope, or

f 2.0 My skin is black npon me, and my have laid to the fine gold, Ibou art my are burnt with heat. confidence
21 My harp alio is turneito mourning, 17 It I rejoyced becaufe my wealth vets
and my organ into the voice of them that great, and becaufe mine hand had' got-
weep ten much :

chap. xxxr. 16 It* I beheld the fun when it finned ,

or the moon walking in brightnefs
'o6j J'oltmn froteflstion.
Made a covenant
witn mire eye^-, why 27 And my heart h a tn been ("ecretly
I 2 then fhouW 1 think upon a ? enticed, or my mouth hath killed
For what portion 01 God istbere from
above? and rebut inheritance ol the Al- 28 This alfo re ere an iniquity to be pu
mighty from on hi?h ? njjhei by the judge for 1 ihould :
^ It not deitruition to the wicked ? and denied the God tk*t is above
a itrange punijbment to the workers of 19 If rejoyced at -the de*ru«ion of
iniquity ? him that hated me, or litt up my Jell when
4 Doth not he Tee my ways, and count evil found him :

all my Iteps ? 20 f Neither have I fuffered my mouto

^ If 1 have walked with vanity, or if to hn, by wifhing a curfe to his foul)
my foot ha|h halted to deceit ; 2 If t!:e men of mv tabernacle laid
6 let me be weighed in an even balance, not, O
that we had of Lis riefij we can- '

that God may know mine integrity. not be latistied.

7 If my ftep hath turned out of the way, n
The Itranger did not lodge in the
and mine heart walked after mine eyes, ftreet : but 1 opened. my doors to the
and if any blot hath cleaved to my hands veller.
8 Then Jet me fow, and let another eat ; :* it I covered my twnrgretfens a»
{yea, let my orr'sprinnberoerect out.

Adam : by hiding mine iniquity in mv

bofbm ' *
9 If mine heart have been deceived by :

10 woman, or if I have laid wan at my *4 Did fear a great multitude, cr did

Neighbours door 1 the contempt ol families terrific me: that
10 Thin let my wife grind unto another, i kept filence, tni went not cut of the
and let others bow down upon her. doer ?
11 For tnis it an hainous crime, yea, it ?.? O that one would hear me! behold 1
is an iniquity to be ptmijbed by the jud- i mydeiire is 7 tbat the Almighty would an-
& <-'

Iwer me, and that mine adverfarv ha«
11 For it ;'*
a hxttbat orr.fumeth to de- written a book.
itruftion, and would root out all mine ?6 Surely I would take it upon mv
»ncrea!"e, ihoulder, and bind it «i a crown tome
13 If I did defpilethersufeof my man- 27 i would declare unto him the num-
t, or of my maid-l'erv2nt, when ber of my lteps, as a prince would Ieo
they contended with me :
near him. &
Ji.4 What then fhall when God 58 If my land cry againit me, or that
wiieth up? and when he vititeth, what the lurrowj hkewife thereof complain-'
Jhrll Y anfwer him ? =9 It I have eaten the fruits thereof
Did not he that made me in the without money, or have c aided the own-
make him ? and did not one fa- ers thereof to loie their life :

ilhion us in the wemb ? 40 Let thirties. grow in fteaa of wheat,

Wi* If I have withheld the poor from and cockle in Head of .barley. The words
f"tif rtf.ire, or have caufed the eyes of of Job are ended.
|he widow to fail : A P. xxxir.C H
17 Or have eaten my morfel mvfe'fa- Llihu
is angry VJ:tb Job, &C.
ne, and the iatherkfs hath not eaten three men ceal'ed to anfwer,
ereof SO thel'e
Job, becaufe he w«s righteous in hia
18 ( For from my youth he was brought own eyes.
up with me, as nub a father, and I have i Then was kindled the wrafhof Elihu
guided her from my mot'ers womb; the ion 01 Barachel the Buzite, of tne
9 Ii I have feen any pen ill for wan: of kirdred of Ram asainft Job Was hi* :

clothing, cr any poor without covering wrath kiraled, bevaufehe juitified him-'
his lovns have not bleited me, arid lelf rather thajg God.
warmed with the fleece of ^ Aifc anairifthis three friends was his
iuy fheep wrath kindled, becaufe they had found
ii If I have life up my hand againft no anfwer, and yet had condemned
the fatberleis, when I! aw my help in the Job.
4 Now Elihu had waited till Job had
n:n - from my
^ r
1 r' rni faI1
rm be broken
fpoken , becaufe they were 'elder than
. he.
1:0m the Done. When Elihu Taw that there ve.u no
5 I
S 2 anfwer
Eiiha bit \:al to/pea^. J b. We re&fontlb with ~*b.
ao!»ver in rhe mouth ot tbefe three men, hearing, tri I have heard the voice c
<toen his wrath was killed. tby words, fjyirg,
6 And Elil'.u the Ton or Barachcl the 9 I am clean without tianlgretTion, I at,
Euzite anfwered and laid, 1 am ycun'g, innocent ; neither ii there imqmty in me
and ye *r: very aid, wherefore I was a- 10 Behold, he rindeth occations agami
tVaid-. and «lurit not (hew you mine opi- me', he counteth me for his enemv.
nion. it He pu^eth my feet in the' itock-1
? 1 laid, Days mould fpeak, and mul- he nurkctii all my patns.
titude ot vears fhould teach ii Beiiold, in this
thou art not juft
S But tb'trt it a fpirit in man and the : I will anfwer thee, ihat Ged is ?re«te
inspiration of the Almighty giveththem than man.
unricrllanJing. ii Why doll thou ftrive againft h;m
9 Great men are not al-xtyi wife nei- : for he giveth not account ot anv ot hi
ther do the aged undentacd judgment. matters.
to Therefore I laid, Hearken "to n.e, i4 For God fpeaketh once, yea, twice
I alfo will ftiew mir.e opinion. yet man perceiveth it nut.
it Behold, 1 waited fcr your words; I i? In a dream, in trifion of the
Vave ear to your reafons, whilft you when deep lleep talleth upon men, »i
icarched out what to fay. fiumbrings upen the bed :

ii Yea, I attended unto you: and he- 16 i hen he o?eneth the ears of men
boid, that wjj none of you that convin- and lealeth their inftruction,
ced Job, or that anfwered his words r7 That he may withdraw man from hi
l] Lell yelhould lay, have found We purpofe, and bide pride from man.
cut wifdem God thruiteth him down.
: xy He keepeth back his foul from rh<
not man. pit, and his lite from periftung by the
14 Now he hath
not directed bis words (word.
^•air-it me: neither will I anfwer him io He
is chaftned alfo with pain upor
-with your fpeeches. his bed, ar.d the multitude of his bone
i> They were amazed, they anfwered with (tror.g fain :

lio more: they left off fpeaking. io So that his life abhorreth bread, anc
16Whenl had waited, (for thcyfpake his foul dainty meat.
nor, but itocd 1U11, mi anfwered no ii Hi ; fleih is conlumed away, tfiaf it
wore ) cannot beleen, knd his bones that wert
17 I Aid, I will an'wer alfo part my not (sen, ftick out.
1 alfo will (hew mine opinion. ii Yea, his foul draweth ne^runto the
18 For 1 am full of matter, the fpirit grave, and his life to the deltrcvers.
within me conitrair.eth me. HIf there be a meffenger wi'th him,
i9 Behold, my belly is as wine vebieb an interpreter, one among a thoufand
hv.h no vent, it is ready to burtt like to (hew unto man hisuprightnefs :

ftew ho tiles. 14 Then he is gracious him, arid

i^ 1 will ipeak that I may be refrclhed : faith, Deliver him from going down tc
I will open my lips, and anfwer. the pit, I have leund a ranfom.
ti Let me not, I pray you, accept any t? His flclD (hall be * trelher
freiher th;n a
mans perfon, neither let me give flatter- childs: he lhall return to
to the days of hi;
ire titles unto man. youth.
£i For I know not to give flattering i6 He {hall pray unto God, and he will
titles, in fo lc\n% my maker would foon be favourable unto him, and he (hall fee
wkeme hisfaceA ith joy: tor he will render unto
Elibureslouttbxsitb Job, &C.
XXXIII. man his nghtebufnefs.
i" He looketh upon men, and if <«/
WHerefbre Job, 1 pray thee, hear my fay, 1 have finned, and perverted tb*t
fpeeches, and hearken to all my a»b;:b tojj right, and it profited me
worJs. not ;

x Behold, mw
I have opened my mouth, z8 He will deliver his foul from ?oing
Uiy tongue "i iboker. in my mouth.
i . into the pit, and his life (hall fee the light.
? My worcs ihsll be of the uprightnefs 19 Lo, all thefe tbtngi worketh God
ef my heart and my lips (hall utter
: oftentimes with man,
knowledge clearly. , 7,z To bring back his foul from the pit,

4 The (pint ot God hath made me, and to be enlightned with the light of the
the breath of the Almighty hath given living.
me lite. it Mark well, O Job, hearken unto me,
« If arfwer me, fetfA; worjj hold thy peace, and 1 will fpeak.
*i order before me, ffcand up. 3i If'thouhaft anythingto fay, anfwer
6 Behold, I am according to thy with me : fpeak, for I defire to juftifie thee.
in Gods Head : 1 alfo am formed out of ?? If not, hearken unto me hold thy

the clav. reace, and I fhall tearh thee wifdom.

7 Behold, mv terror (hall not make CHAP. XXXIV.
thee afraid, neither (hall my hand be Eiibu ncxtfetb Job, See.
Aeavy upon thee. Furthermore blthu anfwered andfaid,
It Sue? Uou belt -fpokeii in istK 1 Hear my wotd% O
>e wj'e ""••
XXXv. So
crnn^M-iJon with- God.
poor to come unto him, and he hearaA
the cry of the atflicted.
19 when he givetfi quietnefs, who then
can make trcuble r and when he hid-
eth bit lace, wao then can ber.old him ?
whether it bi ,iom a?amlt
" a nation, ex
againft a man only :
\o That the hypocrite reign not, left
the people be ehfnared.
:? Surely it is meet to be faid unto
God, I hare born ib.;jtifem!nt, 1 will not
offend t-ny more.
.;i which \ fee not, teach thou me i
if 1 have done iniquity, I will do no more..
?} SbouU it bi according to thy mind ?
he will recompenfe it, whether thou re-
tufe, or whether thou chcol'e, and:.ot Ii
With God. therefore Ipeak what thou kpoireft.
ttiic Taerefbre hearken unto me, ye men ?4 Let men of undertU.nAing tell me,
underftanding: tar be i' from God, th*t
,Ot and let a wife man hearken unto me.
^ktjboulido wickednefs, and from the Al- « Job hath fpoken without .knowledge,
mighty, 'but be ibo'J.i torn nit iniquity. and his words votre without wifdom.
W For
ii the work or" a man lhall he ren- ;6 My defire it th*t Job may be tried
der unto him, and caui'e every man to unto the end, beceufe or bit anlwers lot
find according to bit ways. wicked men.
u Yea,i'urely God will not do wicked- J? For he addeth reberllioR unto his firy
ly, neither will the Almighty pervert he clappeth bit amonsft us, and
judgment. multiplieth his words again!* God.
* i? Who hath given him a charge over CHAP. XXXV.
the earth? or who h»th diipofed the No zowptrifon veitb God, Sec.
iiwhole world ? T7 Lihu fpake moreover, and faid,
14 If lie let his heart uponman, if he X-j 1 Thinkeft thou this tc be
t gather unto himfelf his fpirit and his rfc^fthou I'aidlt, Mv righteoulnelsn more
« preath ; than Gods?
i* All flefti fhall peri£h together, and
? For thou faidft, What advantage wiH
*!J»an ftiall »urn again unto dull. it be unto thee, ana, What profit fliall 1
16 If now tboubafi undcrftanding, bear have if J be chunfei from my iin ?
tins: hearken to the voice of my words.
ii. 4 I will aniwer thee, and thy compa-
Ii 17 Shall e/en he that hateth right go- nions the*
vern? and wilt thou coniemn him that i Look unto the heavens, and lee, an J
is molt jult ? behold the cloud* n^.ci are higher than
18 Is it-fit to fay to a king, Thou art wic- thou.
ked? ani to princes, K* *re ungodly ? 6 If thou finneft, what doil thou againft

ro How mitcb left to bim that accept^th him? or if thy tranfgrefiions be multipli-
not the pcr(bns of princes, nor regard- ed, what dolt thou unto him?
ed the rich more than the roor ? tor 7 It thou be righteous, what giveft
they all at: the work of his hands. tbou hua ? of what receiveth he of thine
ic In a moment lhall they die, and the hand ?
» people mall be troubled at isidr.ight, and 8 Tay wickedr.efj ms? bttrt a man aa
|afsaway and the mighty fhall be taken thou «f, and thy rightcouiheis may pro.

way without hand. fit the for. of »van.

ii l^r his eyes *»'« upon the W3ys of 9 Bvreaibnol the multitude ofoppref-
man, and he feeth a'l his goings. nons, 'they make tbe opf>/ej}'tJ to cry : they
ii Tbtrtis no darkftefs, ffor ffi2dow of cry cut by reafonot the arm cf the migh-
fleath, where the workers of iniquity may ty
hide themfelves. ic Rut none faith, Where fi God my
1; For he will not lay upon man more maker, who giveth fongs in the right?> ri*ct , that he ihould enter into judg- 11 Who
teacheth us more than the
ment with God. bealtsof the earth, and maketh us wi!-er
i<t He ftull break in pieces mightv men than the fowls of heaven.
wit-hout numbet, and l'etothers in'their ti There they cry, (but none givetfi
(lead. anfweO becaul'e of the pride ot evil men.
ii Therefore he kr.oweth their works, 11 S.ire'y God will not hear vanity,
and he o/enurfteth ibem in the night, neither will th<2 Almighty regard it.
lb that they are dettroyed. 14 Although t!:ou iV.Vft thou (halt not
1* He ftriketh then as wicked men in fee him, yet judgment/, before him, there-
the open light of others : fore truft thou in him.
1- Becanjfe they turned back-frorn him, 1? But now because it it rr: /b,he hath
2*~.d would not conudair anyo* his Ways. vifitec in his anger, yet he kooweth it
ii So that they cauie the fry of the not is gieat extremity
S ? U3 Thexc-
God ftjujt in bit rr.iyj. Gtis great Wor{s
16 The.efore dot ', neither can the number of
in vain he multiplied
« years be fear< hrd out.
Knowledge. 17 For he maketh fmall the drors ™
CHAP. XXXVI. water: they pour down rain accoruin
it jufl in bii W.i^i, &C to the vapour thereof
alio proceeded, and (aid, z8 Which the clouds do drop, and di
±2, 1 Sutler me a lntle, and I will (hew ftil upon man abundantly.
t;iee, that / bave )et to fpeak on Gods
19 Alio can any underftand the fpread f.
behalf. ings of the clouds, orthenoife of his ta
1 will fetch my knowledge from
a afar, binnacle?
and will afenbe right eoufnefs to my maker ;o Behold, he fpreadeth his light upoi ,,
4 Fortruly,mv words //u// not be talle : it, and covereth the bottom of the lei .

he that is periect in knowledge is with 7 For by them judgefh he the people I


thee: he giveth meat in abundance.

•i Behold, God U mighty, and defpi- 31 With clcuds he covereth the light
Jethiiot j«r : tie is mighty mitrength »mi and commandeth -it not to jbine % by lb\
wildonii cloud that cometh betwixt.
6 He pr fcrvetb not the life of tlie wick- ?? The noilc thereof lheweth conceit- r
ed but giveth riTit to the poor.
: ing it, the ca:tle alio concerning the
7 He withdrawal! not his eye? from vapour. >
•he righveous bu with kings a rt tbty on

trie throne? yea, he doth eitabliflj ttiem

God is to be feurei, &c.
AA Hear my heart trembleth, and
for ever, and Hiey are exalted. this alio
8 And if thty bt bound in fetters, and moved
is out of his plare.
fci holden in cords of atriicuon : I attentively the noi fe of his voice,
9 Then he fhewerh 'them their work, and the lound tbxt goeth out of his mouth.
and their tranfgrefiions that they have 3 He direttethit under the whole hea-
catteeded. ven, and his lightning unto the ends oi
io He openeth alio their ear to difci- the earth.
p'.in-, and c nra and eth that thev return
j 4 After it a voice roreth he thun- :

iio:n iniq.uty. dreth with the voice oi his excellency,

1 they obey and fervei/w, they fhall
Ii and he will notitay them when his voice
fiend their days in prefperitv, and their is heard.
vears in pL-afures. c God thundreth marvellouflv with hi<
ii Bat if they obey not, they maM perilh voicT; ^reat things doth he, which we
by the 'word, and they Hull die without cannot comprehend.
knowledge. 6 For he faith to the fnow, Be thon tn
r* But' the hypocrites in heart heart up the earth; likewifeto the fmall rain, and
wrath -.thev cry not when he bindeth them. to the great rain of his ftxength.
• They die in youth, and their life it
14 7 He fealethup the hand 01 every man 1

amongr the unclean. that all men may know his work.
i? He deliverefh the poor in his afflicti- 8 Then the beads go into dens, and re-

on, and cpeneth their ear* inopprefllon. main in their places.

\6 Even fo would he have removed 9 Out ot the fouth cometh the whirl-
thee out of theitrait into a broad place, wind and cold out of the north.

wiietc there ii noirraitnefs, and that wiiich the breath of God fruit given
Ihoukl be let on thy table, Jhoiild bt full SBy
the breadth of the waters
is ftiait-
ot tatnefs. ned.
17 But thou haft fulfilled the judgment II Alfobv watering he wearieth the thtcV
Of the wicked: judgment and julticetake cloud he fcatteretb his bright cloud. *

hold 07 tba 11 And ii is turned lound about b

b> hi r
• iS 3cc.Mxi'i tbsrt 'n wrath, beware left he couni'el.s : that they may Jo whatfoev
:ver hel

take the: away with bis ltroke then a : commanded them upon the lace of thclj
great ranfom cannot deliver thee. world in the earth.
19 Will he elteem thy riches? no, not n He caufeth it to come, whether, fi.:Fi ,

gold, nor all the rofees of rtrength, correction, or for his land, or fr mercy.
10 Defire not the night, when people 14 Hearken unto this, O Job
ate cut oil" in their place. Hill, and confider the wor.drous workj
11 Take heed, regard not iniquity : ot God.
for this haft thou rhofen rathei than af- 1? Doit thou know when God difpofej
flifHon. them, and caul'ed tac light of his cloufi
11 Belnld, God exalneth by his power: to fhine? I
who teacheth like him J 16 Dolt thou know the balancings of
13 VVhohathenjoynid bimhisway? or the clouds, the wondrous works ot him
who can fay, Thou halt wrought iniquity ? which is perfect in knowledge?

ii Remember that rhou magmlie his 1" How thy garments art wsrm, when
work, which men behold. he quictcththe eatth by the fouth- vrind ? »|
ir Every man may fee it, man may be- ii> Halt thou with him fpread out the ?
hold \t a;ar oft'. sky.wi/^nftrong. and as a molten look- V

A3 Behold, God ii great, and we know intr-glais ?

19 Teach
cballtngttb fob. Chap
XXXriii, xxxix. Cods mighty works,
each us what we fti3il fav unto
io That thou fhouldft take it to t!: e
fcr we cannot order our /pitch by
bound thereof, and that thou lhcul.lll
know the paths to the houfe thereof?
lall it be told hirh tfiat I (peak > if » it Knowelt thou it, b:catife thou waft
Ipeak, furelyheMali bei wallowed then born? or btcauft the number of thy
davs it great ?
ii And now m;n fee not trie brirht
ii Haft thou entred into the treafures
i.|ght which is in the clouds: but the wind of the ihow ? or haft thou feen thetrea-
jaileth and cteanfeth them. lures of the hail,
ii Fair weather cometh out of the i3 Whi"h 1 have referved againft the
Jirth: with God it terrible maieftv. time of trouble, againft the day of battic
i; roucbng the Almighty, we cannot
and war ?
;il him

out: be is excellent in power, x't By what way is the light parted,

nd in judgment, and in plenty of ju- wbicb (cattereth the eaft-wind upon the
ice he wi'l not affha.
: earth ?
X4 Men da therefore tear him here- it : .
hath divided a water-courfe
'eiTtethnot any that j'ewife of heart. for the oversowing of waters? or a-way
C P. XXXV11J. HA tor the lightning of thunder,
Cod cballsn^etb ob to art/wer, &c. - 26 To cau'.e it to rain en the earth,
the Lord anlwered Job out of VQbtrt no man is ; on the wildenic.s where-
the whirlwind, and laid, in tbtrt it ao man ?
i Who
it this that darkneth counfel 27 To fatisfie the defolate and walte
y words without knowledge ? ground, and to caufe the bud ot the tender
3 Gird up now thy loyns like a man; hero to i'pring torth ?
>r I will demand of thee, and anl'wer ij Hath the rain a lather? or who hath
jou me. begotten the drops of t;.e dew ?
4 Where waft thou when I laid the 19 Out ot whole womb came the ire?
mndationsof the earth? declare, if thou anct the hcary froft of heaven, whe
aft underftanding. gendred it ?

Ls V/ho hath ;o The waters are hid as with a ft6n*,

laid the meafures thereof,
thou knoweft : and the taceof the deep is frozen.
or wiio hath ftretched
>e line upon it ? ;t Canft thou bind tr.e tweet imiutnces
6 Whereupon are the foundations of Pleiades, or looie the bands ol O.ion ?
lereof faitned ? or who laid the corner-i 32 Canft thou bring forth Mazzaroth in
oiie thereof? ' I

hLs leaf on, or thou guide AnSlurus


7 When the morning (tars fans together, with his Tons ?

M the Tons of God fhouted for joy.
all 33 Knoweft thou the ordinances of
8 Or xpbo (hut up the tea with doors, heaven ? canlt thou fet the dominion
Hi en it brake forth as if it had lfiued thereof in the earth ?
ut o r the wo m b ? 34 Canlt thou lift up thy voice to the
9 When I marie the cloud the garment clouds, that abundance ol waters may
ipreof, and thick darknels a fwaddline- cover thee ?
and for °
3? Canft thou fend' lightning, that
tc And brake upfor it decreed my they Bray go, and fay unto thee, Here
'act, and
fet bars and doors, we art ?
in And faid, Hitherto fhalt thou come, 36 Who
hath put wic'om in the inward
at no further: and here fhall thy proud par's? or who harh given underltanding
aves be ftayed. to the heart ?
ji Haft thou commanded the morning 37 Who
can number the clouds inwif-
Bee thy days? and, caufed the day-fpring
nc dom ? or who can ftay the bottles of hea-
» know his place,

13 Thatit mighttakehold of the ends ;8 When the duit groweth into hard-
F the earth, that the wicked might be nels, and the clods cleave faft together?
iaken out of it ? 39 Wilt thou hunt the prev lor the lion ?
id. It is turned as clay to the Tea], and or rill the appetite of the young lions,
ley ftand as a garment, 40 When they couch in their dens, and
i? And from the wicked their light is abide in the covert to lie in wait ?
ithholden, and the high arm fhall be 41 Who provideth for the raver, his
roken. food ? when his \0un2 ones cry unto God,
16 H9ft thou entred into thefprings of they wanner for lack" of meat.
e fea ? crhaft thou walked in the fearch C H A P. -XXXIX.
f the depih ? 0} nils ro.its and binds, &C.
tj Have the gates of death been open- KJNoweft thou the time when the wilci
iunto thee? or haft thou feen the doors goats of the rock bring forth? co
r the lhadow of death ? canft thou mark when the hinds da
iS Halt thou perceived the breadth of calve ?
reearth ? declare if thou knoweftuall. z Car.ft thou number the months that
ig Where is the way wbire light dwel- they fulfil? or knoweft thou the tuns
th ? and as for dark'nels, where it the when they bring forth ?
ace thereof, 2 They bow themfelves, they bring forth
5*4 their
6*if; powtr inbh trt«tart<, Jc
y ° Un? ° n "' the y c;dfto « tftcir for-
4 Their young ones ate in good. liking,
tfley grow up
with corn they go torth, :

-Od return not unto tnem.

* Who hath lent out the wild afs free?
or who hath'oofed the bands of the wild
ais ?
6 Whofe
houCe I have made the wilder- |
nets, ana the barren land Lis dwelling?. :

7He(corneth the multitude of the -

«"y, neither regardeth he the crying of.

th-e driver, ° I

8 T:ie range of the mountains fi his

paihite, and h e Lcarcueth after every
green thinf.
9 Will the unicorn he willing toferve
tnee, or auide by thy crib?
ic Can,"}; thou bind "theunicern
with his
Band ,n the turrow ? or will he harrow
the vallies alter thee?
it Wilt thou trull him beraufe his
itrength ;, great? or wilt thou leave thy
labour to hYna ?
* « Wilt thou brieve him that he will
bring home thy leed, and gather it into
tny barn ? °
be righteous ?
i? Gavejl thou the goodly wirjtts unto
9 Haft thou an arm like God? oi enft
tae peacocks ? or wings ana feathers un- thou thunder with a voice like him ?
to the oftnch ? ic Deck thyfclf now -with maje
»4 \Vhich leaveth her eg?s in the earth, excellency, and aray thy felf with glorv
and warmeth them in the duft, and beauty.
vf And torgetteth that the foot may Mki Cait abroad the r^rge of thy wrath :
cnim them, or that the wild beau may and behold everyone tb*t it prou
break them. aba e him.
x6 She is hardned agai.nft her young ii Louk en every one proud, «nrf
ones, ss thoigh ibej tr,~;re net hers: her bring him low and treiddo*n the wic- :

labour is in vain without fear ; ked m their place.

17 Becaufe G^d hath deprived her of \\ Hide them in the duft together, jnd
Pirdomi neither hath he imparted to her bind theii faces in fecret.
undemanding. t+ Then wi'J I alfo cenfefs unro,
18 Whattjmc fhe lifteth upherfelton that thine own right fcand can uve
Bigh, ihe f'comet.'i thehorfe and his rider. thee.
i0^u given the horfe ftrength ? k fl Behola now behemoth which I
/.aitthou ckrthej his neck with thunder? QJ2de with, he cuteth grufs a:, ui
an Can't thou make him afraid as a ox.
gyafnopper ? the glory of his ooitrils it il Lo now, his ftrength.M in Ins kyna,
terrible. and his loicc it in tr.c navel
it He Pawerh in the valley, andrejoy- belly.
cet. in &/sfLrengtb: hegcethon to meet
; 17 H-' moveth his tail like a cedar:
•he armed men. ;ws ot r.ii uoncs are wrapt toge-
n He mocketh at fe.-r, and is notaf- ther.
frighrei; Be.ther tun eth he back from 18 H:- bonei trt *i ftrong pieces of
the fwor.*.. benes «r« like bars of ircn.

a>1 The quiver rattleih agair/t him, the 19 He the chiefof thewa y sof Qcdt
glittering i>ear ant the fliiel.i. lie tfcat made, can make his fworJjfts?
i-i Fie fwal' t.':e ground with to approa h unto birr..
fkrceoels and rage neither believeth he
: ic barely the mountains brir
that ft it rhz found of the tri: tipet. forth food where all the beafts of the/

i; He faith among the Crumpets, Ha, Bejel play.

ha; snd he t*me!!eth t?te battle afar oil", it lle'lietli und.-r the fhadv trees, if I
»:.e thnnaer of the captair.s, ar.. tl.e
the covert of the reed, and fens.
ihoutnig. ai The lhady trees cover him w .'-
x5 Doth the hawk fy by >hy, fbadow the willows of the brwok com-
: 1

tni Ctratch her wings toward the fofcthf pafs him about.
17 Doth the eigle mount up at thy it Behold, he dri.-.kethup a rirt-
com mind, and maxe Iter nelt on high ? hsitMh not- he trufte«h that he can draw. 1

i<' Shfl dwelteth and abideth up Jordan into his mcuth. j

rock, upon the c:?.j of th* rock, iwd 14 He takcthit with his eyes : t:

the '.trenj pla;c. picrceth through fnarw.

: :

Vftbt-trriitbtn, Chap. nil. xlu. Jobs M*»Won.

C H A P. XL!. 19 Darts are cougted as ftubble he1 :

Coas great power in-tbe ievaibai, &g. lauglieth at the iha!<tngof a I'pear.
SpAnft thou draw out leviathan with an 3c S.iarp Ib-ries are under him: he
"O hook ? or his tongue with a cord which Ipreadeth ftiarp-poined things upon the
thou fettetr, dow. I mire.
1 thou put -an hook into his note ? *i He maketk the deep to boil like a
or bore his jaw through with a thorn ? pot: he uidketh the lea like a pot or*
J Will he make many Implication* ointment.
umo thee ? will he ("peak loft words unto 3i He maketh a path to mine after
thee ? him ; one would think the deep to be hoary
4 Will he make a covenant with thee ? 3? Upcn earth there is not his like:
wilt thou take him tor a fervant tor ever ? who is made without tear.
? Wilt thou play with him as with a 34 Hebeholdethallhigh tb'ngs : he is
bird? or wilt thou bind him tor thv a king over all the chiklren ol pride.
maidens? CHAP. XLll.

6 Shall the companions make a ban- Jobs Jubmi/Jion unto God, &C.
quet of" hiHi? fhallthey part him among
the merchants ?
Jo!j acl'werea the Loud, and

7 Cantt thou fill his skin with barbed i I know that thou canTt^o eV ery thing,
irons ? or his head with fifti-lpears ? and tb.xt no Khouuht can i>e wuhholden
8 Lay thme hand upon him, remember !rom thee.
the battle, do no more. ; Who is h« thathidcthcounfel with-
9 behold, the hope of him is in vain : out knowledge ? thereiore have I utter-
mull not one be eaft down even at the ed that 1 understood net, too won-
light or him ? derful tonus, which lkn^wnot.
ic Mcne i> fo fierce that dare (fir him .
a Hear, I beieech thee, and I will
up: who then is able to ltand before me ? Ipeak I will demand ol thee, and de-

ii Whobarn prevented me thatl ffiould clare thou unto me..

repay ii.'V;;? i»b.if/osv:ris under the whole s I have heard of thee by the hearing
baaven is mine. ol the ear but now mine eve leeththe*.

ii 1 will not conceal his parts, nor his Wherefore 1 abhor my /»//, and re-
rower, nor his comely proportion. pent in dull ar.d alhes.
t3 Who can difcover the tare of his 7 51 And it was fo, that after the Lord
garment ? o.- who can come to bim wan had fjoksn thels words unto Joo, the
his double bridle? LOUD laid to EUphaz the Temanite,
T4 Who can open the doors of his fare ? My wrath is kindled c-eainft thee, ana a- '

his test h Are terrible round about. eainll thy two friends: for ye have not
5 Mis '.'c'alcs are hi s pride, (hut up toge- -tpoken of me the thing that is ri^ht, as my -
ther m rciib a'clofe tea!. fervant Job i-jfi.
•6 one is fo near to another, that no 8 Therefore take unto you now feverr^.
air can come between them. bullocks, and ieven rair.s, and go to my
i? They
are joyned one to another, they fervant Job, and offer up lor yourfelvej
together that they cannot be fundred.
<"-k a burnt-olterinp, and my leivant Jo ; 1

i8 By his neeilng- a light doth mine, lhall pray for you, lor him wiH I accept
end his eves are h^e the'eye-lids ot the led I deal with you at\%; /wr-follv, -in.
morning." that ye have not fpokeifot me tin thing.-
9 Out of hi* mouth go burning lamps, which is right, like my fervant Job.
and rparksof fire leap out. 9 So Eliphaz the Temanire, and Bil-
10 Out of his noftnls goeth fmoke, as dad the Shuhite, arid Zophar thettaama-
tat of a leething pot or calJron. thre went, and did according as th«
zt His breath kindleth coils, and a Lord commanded them the LORD alio

flame goeth out of his mouth. accepted Job.

ii In his neck remaineth Itrength, and .. And LORD turned the captivity
fbrrow is turned into joy befcre him. of Job, when he prayed for hisi'riends:
13 The: flakes of his flefh are joyned alio the LORD gave Jcb twice as much
ogether they are firm in themfelves,
: ashe hatt before.
Ji€y cannot be moved. ti Then came there unto him 2H his
14 -His heart is as firm as a ftcne, yea, as brethren, and all his lifters, and rtl they .

ard as a piece of the nether miljlont. that had been of his acquaintance before,
M When
he raifeth uphimletf, the and did eat bread with him in bishenfc-t
are afraid by reafon of break-
: and they bemoned him, ana comforted
ngs they purifie themfelves. him over all the evil that the had"' LORD
16 The fword of him that layeth at him brought upon him every man alio grave

tannot hold: thefpear, the dart, noxthe him a piece of money, and every one an
labergeon. e3r-ringof gold.
i~ He elteemeth iron as itraw, and ii So the Loku tlefTtd the latter end
>rafs as rotten wood. oi Joo more than his ioeginning: for he
i£ The arrcw cannot make him fies had fourteen thousand lheep, and far
ling-ftones axe twred with, torn into thottfand camel;, and a, thctufanti yaku
"uhtle. oteioDi and a then; and -flic-aiies.

»' Hi haa alio icvcn for their rather gave them inheritance among
»mhter«. their bret
14- And he called ihe name of the fuft, . 16 Alter t.'. i'. lived Jo!? an hundred and M
Jemima, and the name ot' the tecond, forty years, and law his for.s, and his Tons
Keziri, and the name o: the third, Ke- Ions, tvft four ^fenerations. p
rcn-happu'lK i" So Job died, ^/"J old, and full o' n
K A»d were »o women
in all the I2T1J days.
found /o fairasthedaughterscf Job: and

f The Book of PSALMS.

PS-AL. I. kindled but a little: blefTert art all they
Tbt t*ffintji &c. 0/ rfc« ?<><*£, that put their trull in hiui.
BLeiTed n the man that walketh not P S A L. HI.
in the rcunlel of the .ungodly,
. 7 hi fecurity of Godt frcteHion.
no' ltandetfl in the way of fin- 11 nPlalaiot David, when he tied
.ncrs, norfittcth in the feat ofthe Ircm Abi'aloai hislbn.
i But his delight is in the law of the
LORD, how are they
trouble me? many
increafed that
.-re thev thatrifr
LORD, andui his law doth he-meditate up againlt me.
4ay and night. i Many there be which fay of my foul,
5 And he fhafl be like a tree planted Zifefre j'mohelp for himin God. Selah.
by the rivers ot water, that bnngcth foith Jj Bu: thou, O LoR4), art a lhield foi
his fruit in his feafon ; his leaf alio mall me i my glory, and the lifter upof mine
.aot wither, and.whatioever he doth mall head.
profper. 4 I cried unto the Lori> with my voice,
4 Tieungodly are not fo but art! like : and he.heard me out of his holy hili. belah
the chaff which the wind drivcth away, ? 1 laid m« down and llept j 1 awaked,
<r Therefore the ungodly (hall not Hand fcr the LORD iuilained me.
in. the judgment, nor tinners in the con- 6 I will not be afraid ot ten tlxufands
gregation ot the rightcou*, of people, that have let tbtmfilvti agair.ft
6 For the LORD
knoweth the way of me round a '.nut.
the rig'&teous but the way of the un-
: 7 Arife, O LORD, fave me, O rtif
godly mall perim. God; fcr thou halt fmirten all mine ene-
V S A L. II. mies upon the cheek-bone thou halt bra- :

The kingdom of Cbrift, &c. ken the teeth of the ungodly.

8 Salvation betonzetb unto the LORD
1T'7 Hy do the heathen rage, and the
people imagine a vain thing?
r The kings of the earth fet them-
thy UleiTing/j upon "thy people. Selah.
PS.', L. IV.

flslvcs, 2nd the rulers takecounfel toge- Davids prayer for audience, &C. .,

eher, againltthe LORD, and againfthis ti To the chief mufician on Negi-

anointed, faying, noth, A Plaint of David.
3 Let us break their bands afunder, HEar me when I call, O God. of my
andcaft awavtheir cords from us. righteoufnefs: thou haft enlarged
4 He that fitteth in the heavens fhall me vcbui I was in diftrefs, have mercy up-
laugh: the LORD
lhall have them inde- on me, and hea r my praver.
ntion. i O ye fons of men, how long will yj
* Then mall he fbeak unto them in turn my glory intofhame? bove long will
his wrath, and vex them in his fore dif- ye love vanity, and feck after leafing ?
»le,afure. Selah.
6 Yet have I fet my king upon my holy X But know that the LORD hath fet
hill ofZion. apart him that is godly, for himlelfe:
7 1 will declare the decree: the Lord the LORD will hear when I call
hath faid unto me, Thou art my Son, him.
this day have I begotten thee. 4 Stand in aw, and lin not: commui
8 Ask of me, and I ihall give tbee the with your own heart upon your bed
fteathf n for. thine inheritance, and the
. bee (till. Selah.
irtermeft yartsof the earth for thy pof- * OrTcrthe faerifices of riphteoufnefj
feflisn., and put your trull in the LorL.
9 Thou, malt break them with a rod of 6 Tber-t be nvany that lay, Who wj
in>n, tho* malt daft them in pieces like a mew us any good? LORD, lift thou
potters . the light of thy countenance upon us.
io Be wife now therefore, ye kings; O 7 Thcu haft' put gladneft in my heari
he inlt rutted, ye judges of the earth.' more than in the timef*a< their corn an
ii S; ve the Loxd with fear, and re- their wine increafed.
Joyec wi;h trembling. 8 I will both lay me down in peac<
\\ Kifa Me Son left he be angry, and and tleep.: for thou, Losii, only make
ye psiiJb pom the way, when his wratfi u aie tlweil .in fafcty,.,
P. S A
: ::

dfaf9u'reth not the wicked. Pfalm*. Davids triumph by f<

P S A L, V. tion the LORD
will recaive my pravcr.
DmiJi prayer, &c. ic Let ai! mine enemies be aihamed
[f To the chief muiician upon Nehiloth, and lorevexeu let them return and tie

A pl'alm of David. a foamed fuddenly.

CIve O
ear to my words, LORD, con- n . fr.iytr
, I' S A L. VII.
fidcr my meditation, Davids a^ainfl bis enemies, &C.
x Hearken unto the voice of my cry, tl Shiggamn of David, which he fangun-
uy King and my God -.for unto thee will to the Lord, concerning the words
pray." ot Cum the Benjamite.

5 My voice fhaltthou hear mthemor-

VxxctXmy prayer unto thee,
in the morning will
ar.d will look
I O Lord my God, in thee do I put my
trult lave me trom all them that

perlecuteme, and deliver me.

? i Lelt he tear my foul like a lion,
renting it in pieces, while there is none
4 For thou art not a God that hath
>lc3l'ure in wickedne'fs : neither lhall e- to deliver.
ril dwell with thee. a O
Lord my Qfcd, if 1 have done
<; The foohfli thy Itiall not ftan-i in this; it there be inTqaity in my hands:
ight thouhateft all workers ot iniquity.
! 4 If I hive rewarded evil unto hint
6 Thou fhalt deftrov them that rpeak that was^t peace with me
( yea, I have :

eaiing: the Lord will abhor thebfoody delivered him that without caufeismine
.r.d deceitful man. enemy )

7 But as for me, I will come into thy ? Let the enemy perfecute my foul,
loufe inthemulti'iKie of thy mercy ana :
and rake zz, yea, let him tre3d down my
n thy fear will 1 worihip toward thy holy lifeupon the earth, and lay mine honour

emple. •
/. .
in the dull. Selah.
8 Lead me, O LORD, in thy righte- 6 Arife, O LORD, in thine aneer, lift
>uihe s, becauleot mine enemies ; make up thy becaufe ot the ragfcof mine
hy way ltraight before my face. enemies: and awake for me to the judg-
9 For there it no iaithtulnels in their ment ttuf thou hait commanded.
nouth, their inward part is verywicked- 7 S5 fhall the congregation of the peo-
lefsj their throat i, an open fepulchre, ple cqmpafs thee about': for their lake;
hey flatter with their toncue. therefore return rhou on high.
ic Deftroy thou them, O God ; let them 8 Tiie LORDfhaM fudge the people
all b\ their own counlels: cafe them out judge me, O LORD, according to my
the multitude ot their tranigreiJions, righteou ne;s, and according to mine *ff-
or they have rebelled againft thee. tegrity tb.'-ti.- in me.
But let all thole that put their trult 9 OiJet the wickednefVof the wickec,
n jfhee, rejoyce let them ever fhout
come to an end, but eftablifh the juit
or joy : becau'e thcu defended: them •. for the righteous God trieth the heart-3
et them alio that love thy name, bejoy- and reins.
.il in thee. to My
defence is of God, which favetn
ii For thou, I.ORDi wilt blefs the the upright in heart.
ghteous, with favour wilt thou com- ;
ii God judgeth the righteous, and God
afs him as with a mield. is angry with the wic{ed every day.
P SAL. VI. n If he turn not, he will whet his
Davids complaint, &c. fword ; he hath bent his bow, -and made
To the chief muiician on Neginoth it ready.
upon Sheminitli, A pl'alm of David. 13 He hath a'fo prepared for him the
""A LORD, rebuke me not in thine an- initruments of death; he ordairvth his
lJ ger, neither chaften me in thy hot arrows againft the perse cu:ors.
ifplealure. 14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity,
i Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for and hath conceived n-iifchief, and brought
nwweak: O LORD, heal me, for my forth fslfnood.
ones are vexed. K He made apit and digged it, arutii
^ My foul is alio fore vexed : but thou, fallen into the ditch n>b:'ch ae made.
LORD, how long ? 16 His mifchief fliall return upon hii
4 Return, O LORD, deliver my foul own head, ana his violent dealing fhall
)h fave me for thy mercies fake. come down upon hi-; own pate.
Fcr in death there if no remembrance i- I will praife the -c< LORD
f'thee: in the grave who fhall give thee to hisrighteoufnels : and will fin? p«-.v/i
hanks? to the name of the Loud molt hitm,
6 I am wearv with my gromng, all t^.e V b A L. VIII, ?

ht make I mv bedto I'wim-. I water Gods z.:ory u maptifitd li his veoflft Sec '
vy couch with my tears. fl TQ|hecpief'maticia'nuporGitti/i,
Mineeyeisconlumed be a;: io of grief; A pfalmof David.
waxethcM becaufeof Ml mine enemiea /^\ Lord our Lord, Low e v .

K Depart from me, all ye workers of V-/ thy rwo»e in all the earthj who
\ouuy fwi theVL-QftD hath heard the
halt fet'thy glory ai?ove the he:
oice of my -weeping. i Oat of tte' mcuft of babai r.d •

9 The Loud hath heard my fuppiica- fuckhngs haft thou ordained lircr--f! ; .

S 6 fce<au:V

FfatW *• Ike vpicfydt cutrAgt.

became oi thine
enemies. th3t thou migii- \6 The Lord is known l>y the judg
telt ib! I the enemy ano
th j avenger.

mentvpWc*hc executeth: the wicke.t i
? When 1 condder thy heavens, the : inared in the work of his own hand*
work ot thy«fins;ers, the mo n and the Higgaion, belah.
ftars which thou halt ordained i? Thewicxed ;hall be turned into her
4. What it man, that thou art mindful ±ni aitihe nations that torget God.
ot him? and the f'on of man, thai thou 18 For the needy fhall not always be for
ri filed In m ? gotten the c-xprctation of the ^oorflial.

? For thou hall mads him a little lower vot penih tor ever.
than the, angels, and halt crowned him J 19 Arile, Lokd, let not man prevail O
w:th glory and honour. let the beatrjen be judged ir, thv liglit.
6 Tfcou madeft him to have dominion 10 I'ut them ir, tear, O LORD: thai

over the works of thy hands; thou haul the nations may know themlclves to bi
put -sWtbingi under his feet but men. Selah.
- All ihe;p and on«n, yea, and the 1
S A L. X.
bealts or the field : Davi.'.s complaint, &c.
8 The to-vlol the air, and the fifh of TT7"Hy fUndeltthojalaton, OLoRD'
the lea, and wkstfotvtr pafleth through VV w by indeit thou tby fiit in times or
'the paths ot the leas. trouble <
9 O Lord our Lord, how excellent is i The wicked in bit pride doth perfr-
Uiyname in all the earth !
cirteihe poor-: let them be taken in the
i* S A L. IX. dev ices that thev have imagined.
Divid ffai^tti God, &c. 5_ Forthc-wicked boaitethof his hearts
deiire, blclkth the covetous, inborn
^J Toth'* chief mufician upon
labben, A pfalm of David. r;ie Lohd abhorreth.

IWiil ,r3i e thty O LORD, with my countenance, 4 The wicked, through the pride of his

whale heart, I will fhew forth ail thy will no: leek ofter God-
jjaarvelloBs works. God ?s not in all his thcugr.u.
•i. 1 will b glad ar.d re';oyce in thee
1 i K;s ways are always grievous; thy
: ,

will in*' prar.e to thy name, O thotiKiolt

judgments are far above cit oi his fight :
Hich. «; tor all his enemies, he puffcth at them.
Wlien mine enemies are turned back,
2,' 6 He hat:: laid in his heart, I lhall not
Ihey fhail all and perifh at thy prelence.
be moved for I jhall never be in ad-

4 P'or then haft maintained my right verfitv.

and my caute, theni lateit in the throne 7 His mouth is full of curling, 2nd de-

judging right. ceit, and fraud tinder his tongue i, niii-


? "Thou ha it rebuked the heather, thou cr.iel and vanity.

haft deftroyed the wicked, thou hall put b' He fiKcth in the lurking-places of the

out their name forever and ever. villages: in the kcret places- doth he
6 O thou enemy, e.eilru,f:ioris are come murder the innocent: his eyes are privi-
10 a perpetual end : and thou haft dcflroy- ly let .againft the poor.
nJcitiea, their memorial lspenihed with 9 Helieth in wait fecretly asa lien in
•hem. his den he lieth in wait to catch the

7 But the LOUD fhall endure xor ever :

poor he doth catch the poor when he

ke hath prepared his throne for judgment. draweth him into his net.
8 And he lhall judge the world in righ- i" Ke crcucheth, and humbleth him-
leoufnefs, he lhall minrfter judgment to felf, that the poor may fall byhisftron*

»he people in uprightnels. ones.

alfo will be a refuge it He hath {"aid in his heart, God hath
9 The
for the oppred'ed, a reiuge in times ot forgotten: hehidethhis face, he will ne-
trouble. ver ice it.
,n A'li that know thv name will \i Arile, O LORD, O God, lift up
*»« their truft in thee: for thou, LORD, thine hand: foreet not the humble.
Halt not forfaken them that leek thee. Wherefore" doth the wicked conA
ii Sing pratTes to the LORD,
which temn God? he hath faid in his heart
.dwelleth in Zion: declare among the Thcu wilt not require it.

people his doings. i4 Thcu halt feen/'f, for thou beholdeft

ii "When he maketh inquifit;on for .mifchief and fpite, to requite it with thy
blood, lie remembrethtbem he forget- hand the poor corhmitteth himfelf un,

tethnot the cry of the humole. to thee, thou art the helper of the fa,
tj Have mercy upon me, O LORD, therles.
eonfider my trouble which I fupr ol them ii Break thou the arm of the wicked
that hate me, thou that htteft mc up Irom and the evil man feek out bis wicked,
the gates of death : nefs till thou find none.
i4 That I may fhew forth all thv praife 16 The Lord if King for ever and ever;
>n the gates ot the daughter of £ion: I the heathen arc perifhedoutof his land
will reioycc in t!.v falvatiun. i7 LORD, thou haft heard the deiire
K The heathen are infunk down in the of the humble: thou wilt prepare thei
pit thev made the net which heart, thou wilt caufe thine ear to hear
: :

IhiyUicki is'tlieir own loot uk.en.. *K To judge Wie fatherlck and the op
Go.i> j ui&ntnti on the Wicked , Pfalms. Ibe natural mm difcsibed*
prelfed, that the man of the earth may 4 enemy fay, 1 have prevail-
Left mine
no more opprels. ed againtt him and thole .that" trouble

['SAL. XI. me, rejoyce when I am moved.


Davidencour*g;tbb~imfelf inGol, &c. ^ But t rutted in thy mercy, my

1 have
*l To the chief muiitian, A ffalm of heart ihall rejoyce inthy falvation.
David. 6 I will fmgunto the LORD, becaufe
INyethe:o LORD put my trult how fay
my loul, Flee at a bird to your
I : he hath dealt bountitully with me.
mountain ? The natural man defcribe-d, &C.
i For Jo, the wicked bend tbtir bow, 11 To the chief muiician, Apfalm of
they make ready their arrow upon the David.
the upright h.-art.
that they may privily
3 It the foundations bc^deftroyed, what
Moot at
T He fool
if no
hath laid in his heart, Tbtrt
God they are corrupt, they
have done abominable works, there xs

can the righteous du ? none that doth good.

4 The LORD
h in his holy temple, i The Lord looked down from hea-
the Lords throne if in heaven his eyes : ven upon the children of men ; to fee if
behold, his eye-lids try the children of there were any that did underltand, and
men. feek God.
. ,

,- trieth the righteous: but 3 They are all gone afide, they are*//,
the wicked aad him that loveth violence, together become filthy : there is none-tbat
histbillhiteth. do*h good no not one. ,

6 Upon the wicked he {hall rain (nares, 4 Have all the workers of iniquity no
fire and brimitone, and an horrible tem- knowledge? who eat up my people a;
perf. this Jball is the portion or their cup.
: they eat bread, and call not upon the
7 For the righteous Lord loveth righ- Lord.
teoulnefs, his countenance doth behold * There were they in great fear for Goil :

the upright.
b " in the generation or the righteous.
PSAL. XII. 6 You have fhamed the counfel of tho
Vavid cravetb Gods help, &c. poor becaufe the Lord r J hi? refuge.

51 Tothe chief muticianupoa Sheminith, 7 O

that the falvation of M'rael voert
A pfalm of David. come out of Zionj when the LORD-
HElp, Lord, tor the godly man ceaf- bringeth back 'the captivity of his peo-
eth ; for the raith;ul fail from a- ple, Jacob fhall rejoyce,. and Iffael ihal!
monjthe childrenof men. be glad.
i They (peak vanity every oae with
his neighbour voith nattering lips, and
: defcribetb a vti~en of Zion, &C,
with a double heart do they fpeak.
3 The LORD
fhall cut off all flatter-
ing lips, and the tongue that fpeaketh
pfalm of David.
who lhall abide in tby taber-
? who fhall dwell in thy holy
proud things. hill? f
4. W
ho have fajd, ith bur tongue will W x Hethatwalketh uprightly, and work-
we prevail, our lips are our own: who ed rigliteoufnels, and fpeaketh the truth
is lor4 over us ? in his heart.
$ For the oppreffion of the poor, for 3 He that backbiteth not with hii tongue,
the fighing of the needy, now will I a- nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor takethv
rife, CfaiththcLORD J I will fet him in up a reproach againft his neighbour.
fafety from him that puffeth at him. 4 In whole eyes a vile perfon is con-
f> The words of the are putt LORD temned but he honoureth them that fear

words : as filver tried in a furnace of the Lord be that fweareth to bis oven

earth, purified feven times. hurt, and changeth not.

7 Thou lhalt keep them, O LORD, ? He that putteth not out his money to
thou fhalt preferve them from this ge- ufury, nor taketh reward azainft the in-
neration for ever. nocent. He that doth thefe tbftt%,s, lhall
•8 The wicked walk on every fide, when never be moved.
the vileft men are exalted. XVI. PSAL.
PSAL.. XIII. Vtvid God, &c.
betafattx bimfiif to
Davids complaint, &c. Michtam of David.51

f To the chief muiician, A pfalm of PUeferveme, O God for intheedol :

David. put my truft.

T TOw long wilt thcu forget me, O my foul, tbou haft faid unto the
XTl LORD, for ever ? how long wilt Lord, Thou art my Lord my goodnefs :

thon hide thv face from me? extendetb not to thee :

i How lsn'g fhall I take counfel in my 3 But to the faints that are in the
foul, £*vrng IbrrQW in my heart daily? earth, and to the. excellent in whom is
now long fhall mine enemy be exalted all my delight.
over me ? 4 Their fbrrows fhall be multiplied,)
Confider and hear me,
? my O LORD that haften d(ter anotner god their drink- :

God lighten mine eyes, ic& L Ikcy fbt

: offerings of blood will I not offer, not
fin? of death $.• take up their oame» into ji>/ Iit> s _.. -

i Jh«
. :

vivid jittth to cod. rn*i Ht fruftth €»i.

5 The Lord
»j tr:e portion of mine in- V b \ I XVIII.
heritance, and of my cup thou ma.r.- :
.-.."fM f •.?«= coi, &c.
taineftmy lot. ^ To the chiel muiki an.4 f/j/w oi'Davi J
6 The lines are fallen unto me in plea- e mo1 he LoRU w 10 'Pake un.
fant J»/*«J ,yea,I hive agooJIy hentjge. m f '-°* »h i 7 >

7 1 will bids the Lord, p

IS*a* r f1,thewori!s of Mia long ir
^' fhc - LoRI) delivered lim
me counfel mv reins ado inltrurTt me in
the nicht-fea'.ons.

the | iknd cf Sau ,

iSS v
e ^of
all his enemies, and
AnJ e!:iiJ . ..

8 I have fet the Lord always before

me : becaufe b; is at my right hanri, I
fhall not be moved. Umrefs, and
" " X rock", anAiymy &r.LJ4iP RD !

9 Theretore my heart is glad, and mv
glory rejovceth my flefh alio ftiill reft
01 "> ialvat;. ]

in hope. h£h lower -

tc For thou wilt not lesve mv foul in ? I will call upon the

hell; neither will thou tuner thmcholy worthy tobe prated: lb fhall I .

ir. iv. mine enc

One to ("ee corrupt ion
ii Thou w:lt fhewme the i<athof life 4 The lorrows of death eompa(TeJ^H

in thy pre is fulneis of joy, at thy and the floods ol u:

right hand tbert art pleaiures lor cver- airaid.
Siore. <! Theforrowsof hell cc
P S A L. XVII. acut the fnaresof deatfi
: pSfccdnfe
D*v 'd ;
cr.wttb defenct, &C 6 In my dirtrefs I called Loru, upoWe
^ A prayer of David. and cried unto my God he hear, mv


Ear the right, OLoR!), attend unto voice out of his temple, and mv cry
* mz
'> K
my cry, g;ve ear unto my prayer before him, tven infohh caw
tbat gottb rot out of feigned lips. 7 Then the earth .fhook and trembled
i Let myfentenrecome forth from thy
the foundations 3 lo of the hills
prefence let thine eves behold the things ar.i werclhaken, becaufe he
that are equal. 5 There went up a frncke out of Vis
; Thou haft proved mine' heart, thou noftnls, and fire our of his mouth
haft villtedw* in the nitrht, thou halt tried ed
cd co^ls '
roils were kindled by it :

me,*r:.iihalt rind nothing: 1 am purposed 9 He bow;,- then Averts alia, an

ih*t my mouth ihail not tran'grels. down: anddarknfefs xr«j underhis fe'«t

4 Concerning the works of men. by the 10 And he rode upon a cherub and
word of thy lips, I havefcep: «? from the did fly" yea, he did fly upon the wing's of •

paths of the deitroyer. the wind !

f Holdup my goings in thy paths, t'at 1 He

made darknefshis fecret place 1 •

jny lootfteps flip not. his pavilion round about him, vert
* I have called, upon thee, for thou waters, *nd thick clouds of the ski*s
wilt hear me, O
God incline thine ear : ir At the briehtnef- tbst iv*i bYfcre
unto me, «ni hear my fpeech. him, his thick clouds paired, hul-Jtcna
7 Shew thy marvellous loving kindnefs, and coals ot
Ofhou that faveft by thy right hand, them The Lord alfothundred inthe hea- n
which put their trult in tcee, from thofe vens, and the Higheit gave his voice;
that rife up again/l tbtm. hail- torn s and coals of fire.
H Keep me as the apple of the eve: hide 14 Yea, he fer.t out his arrows, and feat-
»e under the fhadow of thy wings, tered them ; and he fhot out lightnines, !

9 From the wicked that opprefs me, from and dilcomfired them.
my deadly enemies.wlfl compafs me about Then the ehanels of waters werefeen, K
'ic They are inclo.'ed in thcirownfat: and the foundations of the world were
with their' mouth they fpeak proudly. difcovered: a: thy rebuke, O LORD, at
11 They have new compared us in our theblaitof the breath ot thy noftril-;
fteps: they have fet their eyes bowing t6 He lent from above, he took me,
down to the earth : he drew me out of manv waters.
11 Like as a lion tbut is greedy of his 1- He delivered me' from my
prey, and as it were a young hon lurking enemy, and from them which hated me-
in fecret Places. for rhey were too ftrong for me.
n Arile, O
LORD, difappoim him, 18 They prevented me in the lay of my
C2fth:m down: deliver my foul Iromthe calamity: but the wusmvftay. LORD
wicked, nbioi is thy (word 19 He brought :>ie forth alio imo a
14 From men xpbici'-itrt thy hand, u large plare- he delivered me, becaufe he
Lo*D, from men of the world,' ubicb bive delighted in me.
*hi|»r portion in fer'Mife. and whofebellv 10 The rewarded me according LORD
thou filleft with thy hid treifiirt the* : to my nr. teoulheis, according •

are full of children, an.neavethe reft of cieannefs of my hands hath iie reccm-
thoir fublmtt tc their bahesr. penfed me-.
H As for me, I ws»i behold thv face in ir For I have kept the wavs of the
ijghteoufbefs : I fhall be fatisficiJ, when LORD, and have not wickedly departed
I iwake, with thy likenefs.
11 For
. : '

Pfcli'.u, Hit glory in tht creatures,

ere j
4? ft is God that avengeth me, and
litcs fubdueth the people under me.
48 Ho delivered me from mine ene-
mies yea, thou lifteft me up above thofe

that nl'e up againft me thou haft deli- :

vered me from the violent man.

49 Therefore will 1 give thenks unto
thee, O Lori>, among theheathen and :

fing praites uniothy name.

-o Great deliverance givtth he to his
felt m rcitul, with an upright man thou king: and fiieweth mercy ta his anointed,
wilt fhew thy i'elf upright. to David, and to liis feed for evermore.
26 With the pure thou wilt fhewthy felf P S A L. XIX.
pure, and with thetroward thou wilt mew The creatures /hew Coas glory, See.
thy fell froward. fl To the chief muiician, A pfalm of
i? For thouwUt favethe atflicled peo- David.
pl?F*but wilt brine; down high looks. '"pHe heavens declare the glory of God :
r X^Kor thou wilf litrln my candle: the X and the firmament lheweth his han-
my God will enlighten my dark - dy-work.
i Day unto day uttereth fpeech, aiW»
by thee I have ruH through a night unto night lheweth knowledge. •

ip : and by my God have I leaped l there is no ipeech, nor language,

over a wall. where their voice not heard.
30 At for God, his way is perfect the : 4 Their
line is all the gone out through
word of the Lorn is tried: he i>abuck- earth, and
their words to the end of the
ler to all thofe that truft in world in them hath he fet a tabernacle

71 For who it God fave the Lord? or lor the fun,

who it a rock fave our God ? ? Which is as a bridegroom coming
31 It is God that .girderh me with out of his chamber, and rejoyceth as a
ftrength, andmaketh my way perfect. ftrong man to run a race.
33 He maketh my feet like hinds feet, 6 His going forth if from -the end of the
and fetceth me upon my high places. heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it*.
74. He teacheth my hands to war, fo that and there is nothing hid from the heat
a bow of lteel is broken by-mine arms. thereof.
3i Thou halt alio given methe fhield 7 The law of the Lord it perfect, ccn±
of thy lalvation and thy right hand
: verting the foul the teftimony of the

liath holden rae up, and. thy gentlenefs LORD is fure, making wife tiefimpje;

hath made me great. 8 The ftatutes of the Dire right, LOU

76 Thou haft enlarged my fteps under rejoycingthe heart: the commandment
me; that my feet did not flip. of the LORD
is pure, enlightning the
37 I havepurfued mine enemies, and eye<.
overtaken them neither dial I turn a-
: 9 The fear of the Lord if clean, endur-
gain till they were confumed. ing for ever: the judgments of the LORD
;8 I have wounded them that they are true and righteous altogether.
were not able to rife they are fallen un-: to More to be defired are they than goldi
der my feet. yea.than much fine ?old fweeter alio than :

39 For thou haft girded me

hony, andthehonylcomb.
with ftrength
unto battle : tnoii haft u Moreover, by them is thy fervant
fubdued under me I

thofe that rofe up againft me. warned and in keeping of them there is :

40 Thou haft alfo given me the necks great reward.

of mine enemies: that I might deftroy ii Who can underftand his errors 3
them that hate me. jcleanle thou me lrom fecret/auitj.
41 They cried, but there was none to 13 Keep back thy fervant alio frortt
favefi&em: even unto the LORD, but he prefumptuous fins, let them not have

anfwered them not. dominion over me then ihall I be up- :

41 Then did I beat them fmall as the right, and 1 lhall be innocent from the
duft before the wind I did caft them out
great tranlgrefhon.
as the dirt in the ftreets; 4 Let the words of my mouth, and the
43 Thou haft delivered me from the 'meditation of my heart be acceptable in
ftrivingsof the people: and thou haft made thy fight, O
Lord, my-ftrength and my re*
me the head of the heathen: a people deenier.
whom I have not known (hall ferve me. P S A I/. XX.
44- Afibon as they hear of me, they The church blefetb the V«S> &c.
fhallobeyme: the ftrangers lhall fubmit fl To the chief muiician,- A pfalm of
themfelves unto me. David.
4? Theftrangers fhall fade away, and He- LORD hear thee in the day oF
be afraid out of their clofe places. trouble, thenameofthe God otja-
46 The LORD liveth, and blefled be cob defendthee.

my rock: and let the Godol thyfalvati- 2 Send thee nelp from the fanftuary
©fi If c exalt «d, and It rengt hen thee out of Zion
3 Rcmes>

A *t>*nlwi*<nz for viihry. P'alma. *Wij compUmr,

3 Rememberthy oiVeringj, and ac-
all i O mj G
cept thy burnt-*acrifice. Selah.
4 Grant thee acoordir<; to thine own
heart, and lulril all thy counfel.
? Wewillrejovce inthy falvation, and
,in the name ol our Godwewillfetup-wv
manners : the Lord fuliil all thy petitions.
6 Now krow I, the LoRiilaveth They enci! unto thee, and were del.

his anointed: he will hear himtromhis vered: they truitcd in thee, aj

holy heaven, with the faviog ltrcr.gthot not contourk'.e.'.
his right h 6 But 1 am a worm, and no man ; a re-
7 bo iv. e trujl in chariots, and fome in proach of men. and delpned ot the
•horfes but we will remember the name
- All they that lee me,
lau" 1

or' the LORD

our God. (corn: thev fhoot out the lip, they
J make
tf Thev are brought down and fallen, the head, faing,
but we are riftn and itand upnght. 8 He trufted on the LORD, that he
9 Save, LORD, let the King hear u> would d-hver him : let him '„ lV er him
wjien we call. : delighted in
P S A L. XXI. 9 But thou *'rt he that k -

A for vifory, &c.

tb.i.i^iziv'rtg e _,
<c ntfl^^B,

fl To the chief mufician, Apfalm cf TXbui I upor niv mothers DijjH^F

David. to 1 was C3ft u, on t'liee fttfcthe w

T LORD, He king
greatly ihall herejoyce
(hall joy in thv itreneth,
and in thv falvation how
O theu mrt my God from m\ movers lielly
n Be not tar Jrom me, for trOuble'f»
near; tor teen is nonetobejp.
i Tr.oa haft given him his hearts de- ii Many bulls have comparted me •

fne, and haft not withholden the recucft ftrong bum of Bafhan have b:fet me
of his lips. Selah. round.
For thou preven*eft him with the
?. i3 They gaped open me with their
bleflingsof goodnefs thou lettelt a crown : mouths, m a ravening and a ronrglion.
et pure gold on his head. 14. lam poured out" Uke water, and ali
. 4 He asked life of thee, and thou ?aveft my bones are out cf joynt mv heart is :

it him, tvtn length of * ,avs Tor ever and. 5

like wax, it is melted m thcmiciftofrnv
* Hi? glory h great in thv falvation, ho- M My if rength is dried up like a pcr-
nour and n.ajelty haft thou 'laid upon him. fherd
: and my tongue cleaveth to nm
6 For thou haft him moit hleffed an>: thou halt brought me into the
forever: thou haft made hi,?, exceeding dult of death.
glad with thv countenance. A
i For dogs have compart'.:,} me, the
7 For the king trufteth in the LORD, afTembly ot the wicked havo irclcfed J
and through the mercy ot the moft High me they pierced my hards and r

he ihall not be moved i- I may tell al! my bones thev l^ok :

8 Thine hand fhal! find out all tMne *ni flare upon me.
enemies, thy ri?ht hand fhall find out 18 Thev part mv garments among them,
thole that hate thee. and caft lots upon my vefture.
9 Thou ttialt make them as afiervoven to But be not thou farfrom me, O Lord

-n the time of thine anger: the LORD O my :trens:th, hafte thee to help me.
"hall fwallow themun in his wrath, and ic Deliver my foul from the lword :
the fire (hall, devour them. my darling from the power oi the dog.
te Their fruit fhait thou deftroy from it iave me from the Herts month fcr :

the earth, ami their feed from among the thou haft heard me lrom the horns of tl.e
children of men. unicorns.
ft For thev intended evil againfr thee iz I will declare thy name unto r.y :

t.V'v imagined a mischievous device, brethren in the midftof the con?rega- :


vebicb thev are not able to perform. tion I praife thee.

Therefore ihalt thou make them
ii a; Ye
that fear the Lord, praife him
turn their back, rrbtn thou fhalt make all ve the feed of Jacob, clorifie him j ar.
ready tbin: arrovoi upon thy ftrtrgs, a- fear him, all ye the feed cf Iffael.
gainft the (sec of them. 14 For he hath not defpified, nor abhor-
il Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine red theaffliifionof the atfliiTted: neither
own ftrength fo will we ling and prail'e
hath he hid his face from him, butwhei
thy power. lie cried unto him, he heard
P S A L. XXIT. m My praife f/mU be of thee in the
D-vids complaint, Sec. great congregation I will pay my vows

To the crfief muiician upon Aijeleth before them that fear him.
MShahar, A pfalm ot Da via. i€ The meek fhalleatand be fat if Red :
Y God, my God, why fur ft thou for- they lhail praife the LoRDthat feck hin j
laken me > xeby Art tbou Jo far ^M!>- heart fh air live fcr ever.
helping ^e, •/>.* from Jhe, wOiJs cf V All the ends of the-worhl fhall. te-
KQP roru.,5 } iKembci. and turn unto the LOS.D and :

Vtvidi confidence. Plalms. Nit prayer.
le^all the kindreds of the nations fhall wcr- i O my Go«*, I truft in thee, let me
fbip tvfoie thee. not oe afhainei: let not mine enemies
iS For the kingdom is the Lords: snd triumph over me.
he u the governor among; the nations. * Yea, let none that wait on thee be
1? All tb:j that be fat upon earth, Stall aflumed i let them be aftiamcd which
md wcrmip all they that go down : tranlgrefs without cauie.
duit, lhall bow before hnn, and 4 Shew me thy ways, Lord j teach O
n keep alive his own foul. me thy paths.
feed ihall ferve him, it fnall be
-\ .
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me;
Jcccunted to the LORD
fcr a -.feneration. tor thou act the God of my falvation, en
. Ii They ihall come, and flfall declare thee do I wait all the day.
• ^iiii^Iitcouinels untoa people that fhall 6 Remember, thy tender O LORD,
?!oc uorn, that he hath done this. n*ercies, and. thy loving kindneifes: tor
n .l'SAL, XXIII. they bavt been ever of old.
Davids confile-ict in Gods grace, 7 Remember not theiins of my youth,
M n pialm of Davia. nor my tranig'reffiens according : to thy
il^^HeLoRDii mylhepherd, I ihall not mercy remember thou ine, for thy good-
j, want. nels fake, O LORD.
', i He maketh me to he down in green 8 Good and upright is the LORD :
paltmes : he leadeth me belide the ftill therefore will he teach finners in the
waters. way.
3 Hereftoreth my foul : he leadeth me 9 The meek will he guide in judgment: .

in the paths of rishteoufhefs for his names and the meek will lie teach his way.
rake. io All the paths of the Lord are mercy
4 Yea, though I walkthrough theval- and truth, unto fuch as keep his cove-
ky ot the lhadow of death) I will fear nant, and his teltimonies.
io evil for thou art with me, thy rod
: 1 For thy names fake, O LORD, par-

and thy itaff they comfort me. don mine iniquity for it is great. :

* Thou preparelt a table before me in the n What man is he that fe.reth the
prefence of mine enemies thou anointeft : LORD ? him fhall he teach ia the way
my head with oyl, my cup runneth ove that he fhall choofe.
" elygoodnefs and mercy (hall fol- u His foul fhall dwell at eafe and his :

low meail the days of my life: and! will feed fhall inherit the earth.
d#eii in the houi'e of the Lord for ever 14 The fecret of the Lord tt with
PSAL, XXIV. them that fear him : and he will lbev»
Gait lordjbip in the world, &c. them his covenint.
fl A pfalm of David. t? Mine eyes are ever towards the
THenefsearth the Lords, and the ful-
thereof; the world> and they
of the net.
: for he iiall pluck my feet out

that dwell therein. 16 Turn thee unto me, and have mercy
i For he hath founded it upon the feas, upon me for I am defolate and afflicted.

and eftablifhed it upon the floods. i7 The troubles of my heart are enlar-
3 Who fhall afcend into the hill of the ged : O bring thou rae out of my diftrefTes.
Lord ? and -who lhall Hand in his holy 18 Look upon mine affnaion, and my
Place? pain, aod forgive all my fins.
4 He that hath clean hands, apd a pure 19 Cor.fider mine enemies, for they ar^
heart j who hath not lift up his foal unto many, and t.'iey hat; me with cruel hatred.
vanity, nor fworn dsceitfully. io O keep my foul and deliver me :

* He fhall receive the blefling from the let me

not be afhamed, for 1 putmy tufc
Lo?.d, and r rghteoufne fs from the God in thee.
or .his falvation. 11 Let integrity and uprightnefs pre-
6 This is the generation of them that ferve me:
lor 1 wait on thee.
fee!: him»that feek thy face,0 Jacob.Selah 11 Redeem lfrael, O God, out of all
7 Lift up your heads, ye gates, and O his troubles.
: ye lift up. ye everlafting doors, and PSAL. XXVI.
ttte Kira ct glory fhall come in. David refortttb unto God-, &c.
8 VViio it this King of glorv ? the 11 A pfalm of David.
LORD LORD JUJge me, O Loud, for I have walked
itrong and mighty, the'
rmghty in battle. in mine integrity I have trufted alfc :

9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even m the Lord: therefore mall not f]Ue« 1
ye everlatting doors, and the
life rtt./.up, i Examine me, O Lord, and piov^
King of eiory fliall come in. me i try my
heart. reins and my
io Who. -is this King of glory? the For thy loving kindnefs it before mine

LORD of hofls, he is the King of glory. eyes: and C have walked in thy truth.
Selah. 4 I have not f2t with vain perfons,
P S L. XXV. A neither will I go in with diffemblers.
Davids confidence in prayer, &c. t 1 have hated the congregation of evil
>P A f/rf/m of David. doer*: and will not fit v/ith the wicked.

U Nto thee,
O LORD* do I lift up my 6
I will wafli
mine hghds in innocency
compafs thine altar, OLORD.

7 That I may publifh with the voice P S A L. XXVIII.

or thankfgiving, and tell of all thy won-
drous works.
.8 Lord, I have

honour dwelleth.
loved the habitation
of thy houfe, and the place where thine
UU Divii prtyetb

Nto thee
thou beiilentto me,
wjll I cry,
rock, be not front to
A%ainjl bis enemies,
pUlm of D3vid.

become hkerhctn

left if

9 Gather not my foul with finners, nor that go uown into the pit.
Jl>y life with bloody men : z H?ar the voice of my fupplications,
to In whole hand is mifchief and : when I cry unto thee when I lift up my ;

their right hand is full or bribes. hands toward thy holy oracle.
it But as for me, I will walk in mine ^ Draw me not away with thewickeJ,
integrity, redeem me, and be mercitul and wi»h rhe workers of iniquity whica liKtUt :

unto me. (peak peace to their neighbours, but mil-

ii My foot Itandeth in an even plac^ •«. chief is jn their hearts.
in the congregations will I bleis the 4 Give them according to their deeds,
Lord. and according to the wickednefs or their
P S A L. XXVII. endeavours give them after the worl«

Vdvras love to the ferviu of Goi, &C. of their hands, render to them their de- Km*'
fl A tfalm of David. lew,

He Lord is mylizht, and my falvS-
tion, whom (rialfl fear' theLoRn
the Itrength ot my life, of whom (hall

Becaufe they regard rot the works of
LORD,nor the operation of his
hands, he fhall aeltroy tbem, and not jUi
1 be alraid ? build them up.
i When the wicked, even mine enemies
and my toes came upon me to eat up my
A Blelled 4e the Lord, becaufe he hath
heard the voice ol my fupplications.
flefh, they {tumbled and fell. 7 The LORD
ri my itrength and my
3 Though an hoft fhould encamp a- flueld, my heart trufted in him, an.'. 1 am
gainlt me, my heart mall not tear : helped: therefore my heart greatly re- rtcrl
though war fhould rife aeainft me, in this joyceth, and with my long will I prail'e
will I be confident. him.
tOnetbmg have Idefired of the Lord. 8 The LORD is their ftrength, and he
that will I feek after, that I mav dwel the faving Itrength of his anointed
in the houfe of the Lord all the'days of 9 Saverhv people, and blefs thine in
my life, to behold the beauty of- the f j

heritance 'teed them alio, and hit them


LORD> and to enquire in his temple. | up for ever.

* For in the time of trouble he mall
; I
hide me in his pavilion in the fecret of : Vavia. exbortctb to give glory to Cod, &c.
his tabernacle mail he hide me, he mall S\ A pfalm of David.
Jet me up upon a rock. Give umo the LORD, O ye mighty*
fi Andnowlhall mine head be lifted
up give umo the LORD glory" and
above mine enemies round about me: Itrength.
thereforewillloffer in his tabernacle fa- i Give unto the the glory LOKD due;
enficesofjoy, I will fing, yea, I will fing unto his name; worfhip the Lord in the*
praxes unto the Lord. beauty ot hohnefs.
7 Hear, O
LORD, veben I cry with my % The voice of the it upon LORD the
voice : have mercy alfo upon me, and waters the God of glory thundreth,
: the <s

anlwer me. LORD is upon many waters.

8 When
thou ftidfii Seek ye my face 4 The voice
ot the LORD is powerful ;

my heart faui unto thee, Thy face, Lord, the voice of the LORD is full of ma-
will I feek. jefty.
9 Hide not thy face fir from me, put ? The voice of the LORD breaketh the
not thy fervant away in anger thou haft : cedars: yea, the LORD breaketh the ce-
been my help, leave me not, neither for- dars ot Lebanon.
fake me, O
God of my falvation. 6 He makcth them alfo to skip like a
io When my father and my mother calf: Lebanon, and Sirion like a young
forfake me, then the will take LORD unicorn.
me up. 7 The voiceof the dividcth the LORD
ii Teach me thy way, O LORD, and flames ct fire:
lead me in a plain path, becaufe of mine 8 The voice of the LORDfhaketh the
enemies. wildernefs: the fhaketh thewil- LORD
\x Deliver me not over unto the will dernefs of Kadefh.
of mine enemies: for taUe witnefl'es are 9 The voice ot the LORDmakcth the
rifenunao-ainft me, and fuch a* breathe hinds to calve, and difcovereth the fo-
Out crueltv. rells anJ in his temple ct .Mil every one

XT, Ibid fainted, unlefs I had believed (peak o\ bi' plory.

to fee the gobdnefs of the Lord in the ic LORD fitteth upon the flood:
land of the living; yea, th: LORD fitteth King tor ever.
14 Wait on the LORD b; of good : u The LORD will ?iveitrei>£th unto
courage, and he mail (tren^then thine

his people, the LORD will blcli hi»

bcait wait, I fay, or. the LORD.
; people with peace.

p s A L,
: :

Pfal Gvat goodnefs praijid*

eth becaufe of mine iniquity, and my
banes are confumed.
u I was a reproach among all mine
enemies, but especially among my neigh-
bours, and a fear to mine acquaintance :

they that did fee me without, fled from

ii I am forgotten as a dead man out or

mind : I am like a broken veffcl.
i? For 1 have Tieard the (lander of ma-
ny, fear veas on every lide, while they
took counlcl together againft me, they
devifed to take away my lite.
i4 But I truftedin thee, LORD: I O
Paid, Thou art my God.
K My times are in thy hand : deliver
me from the hand of mine enemies, and
from them that perlecute me.
16 Make thy face to thine upon thy
6 And in my profpenty I faid, 1 fliall fervant lave me lor thy mercies fake,

lever be moved. 17 Let me not be afhamed, O LORD,

7 Lord, by thy favour thou haft made for I. have called upon thee : let the wic-
•ny mountain to ltand ftrong thou didft :
ked be airiamed, and let them be filent
lide tny face, and I was troubled. in the grave.
8 I cried to thee, O
Lord and unto : iS Let the lying lips be put to filence :
rheLoRD I made fupplication. which ("peak grievous things proudly and
9 What profit is there in my blood, concern ptuoulTy againft the righteous.
.vhen I go down to the pit ? fliall the duft . 19 Onow great is thy gocdnefs, which
sraife thee? mail it declare thy truth? thou haft laid up for them that feat thee;
10 H;ar, O
Lord, and have mercy up- vobicb thou haft wrought for them that
)n me: Lord, be thou my helper. truft in thee, before the Tons of men!
it Thou halt turned for me my mourn- 10 Thou fhalt hide them in the fecret
ng into dancing : thou halt put off my of thy prefence from the pride of man :
ackcloth, andgirded me withgiadnels -.
thou ltialt keep them fecretly in a pavi-
u To the end that my glory mayfing lion from the ftrife of tongues.
pnaife tothee.andnotbefilent O Lord •.
li Bleffed be the ;LORD
for he hath
vy God» I will give thanks unto thee fhewed me his marvellous kindnefs, in a
for ever. . ftrong city.
P S A L. XtfXl. 11 For I faid in my hafte, I am cat off
Davids confidence in God, &C. from before thine eyes--, neverthelefs thou
H To the chief mufician, A pfalm hearrift the voice of my Amplications,
of David. „ , when I cried unto thee.
IN thee, O LORD, do 1 put my truft, let xx Olove the Lord, all ye his faints
•me never be afhamed deliver me in
for the Lord preferveth the faithful, and
thy rtghteoufhefr. plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
. x Bow down thine ear to me, deliver 14 Be of good courage, and he itaall
nefpeedily be thou my ftrong rock, tor
: ftrengthen your heart, all ye that hope
n houfe of defence to lave me. in the LORD.
i For thou art my rock and my tor- P S A L. XXXII.
:refs : therefore for thy names fake lead Confcfpon eafetb the confaence, Sec.
ftie, and guide me. 11 A pfalm of D3irid, Mafchil.
4 Pull me out ot the net, that they BLeffed is be wbofe tranrgreffionu for-
have laid privily for me : for thou art given, vobofe fin it covered.
myftrength. 1 Bleffed is the man unto whom the
? Into thine hand I commit my fpint Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whofe
thcu haft' redeemed me, O LORD
God fpirit there is no guile.
of truth. 2 When I kept filence, my bones waxed
6 I have hated them that regard lying old; through my roring all the day long.
canities: but I trult in the LORD. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy
7 I will be glad, and rejoyce in thy mer- upon me: mymoifture is turned into the
ry for thou haftconfideredmy trouble ;
: drought of Cummer. Selah.
hou haft known my loul in adverfities; ? I acknowledged my fin unto thee, and
8 And halt not (hut me up into the mine iniquity have 1 not hid: I laid, I
hand of the enemy thou haft let my feet
: will conTefs my tranfgreffions unto the
n a large room. LORD s and thou forgaveft the iniquity
o Have mercy upon me, Lord, for O of my fin. Selah. .'-'.
1 am in trouble ; mine eye is ci-nfumed 6 Fort'his [hall every One that is godly,
ith griet, yea, my foul and my belly. pray unto thee, in a time when thou may if
to For my lite is fnent with grief, and be found furely in the floods of great wa-

•my years with fighing: my ftrength fail- ters, tfcey (hall not come nigh unto him.
: ,

€o4 ii to bt prvfti. Pfalms, Exbortxtiont to frai/eCod I

T T.loui't ny hi/.in^ place, thou fhalt xo Our foul waiteth for the LORL

preferve me from trouble thou fhalt he n_otir help and our fh:
coir.pals me about with longs of delive- ii For our heart fhall re;ojcc in Lin
rance. Selah. becaufe we have trulted in his ho
8 I will inftruct thee, and teach thee
in the w-y which thou malt go I will :

fuide thee with mine eye.

?Bcyenotastheliorfc, or a.' the mule,
icb have no nnderft*nding whole :

juouth muft be held in with bit and bri-

de, they come unto thee.
left mdech :

tc Mii.y ferrow, be to the wic- drove him aw?.v, aid he de:
ked : but he that trufteth in the LOUD, Will bids the LORD at all umes: hi
Mercy fhall ccmpai* him about. I prai'.'ejhiil cor,tinjaily bt in mv mouth
n Be glad in the LORD, and rejoyce, i My foul (hall make her boatt in tb
ye righteous and fhout tor joy, all ye
: LORD toe humble fhall hear tbertoi

ibit *rt upright in heart. and be glad.' in;

L. XXX11I. ? O magnify the LORD with mc, aru C:

Cod it to bt prtifedfor bis goodntft, Sec. let us exalt his name together
REjoyce in the LORD, >e righte- O 4 1 fought the LORD,
and he heart
ous, for praife is comely for the up- me, and delivered me from all my fears
right. • * They looked unto him, and wer
x Praife the LORD
with harp: fing in- lightned and their taces were not a

to him with the plaltery, *nd an i/.ftru- fhamed.

ment of ten itrings. 6 This poor man cried, and the LORE
x bing unto him a new fong, play- heard bim j and laved aim out of all his
skilfully with a loud noil'e. troubles. U
A For the word of the LORD
is right: 7 The angel of the LORD encampeth
and all his works*re don; in truth. round abcut them that fear him, and de-
c He loveth righteoufhefs and iudg- livereth them.
jnent : the earth is full of the eoodnefs 8 O tafte and fee that the it LORD
of the LORD. good : bletied it the man tbit trufteth in
6 Bv the word of the LORD
were the
heavens made: and all the hoftof them 9 O
fear the LORD,
ye his faint* : for
by the breath of his mouth. tbtrtii no want to them that fear him.
7 He gatftereth the waters of tie fea ic The young lions do lack, and fuffec
together, as an heap he laycth up the
: hunger but they that feek the
-epths in ftore-houfes. fliall not want any good tbing.
8 Let all the earth fear the let LORD: 1 1 Come, ye children hearken unto me,

all the inhabitants of the world ltand in 1 will teach you the fear of the P. LOR
sw of him. ix What man it be tbit delirctii life,
9 For he fpake, and it was done ; he *nd loveth many days, that he may fe«
commanded, and it Hood faff. good ?
to The LORD
bringeth the counfel of i? Keep thy tongue from evil, and xhf
the heathen ro nought he maketh the lips from fpeaking guile.

devices of the r>e^ple of none effect. 14 Depart from evil, and do good ;
it The counrelof the LORD
ftandeth feek peace and parlue it.

for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all \c The eyes of the art upon LORD
gener tiens. the righteous, and bis cars *rt open onto
tt BlefTed k the nation whofe God is their cry.
the LORDAnd the people reborn he hath
: 16 The face of the it againfl LORD
Chofen for his own inheritance. them that do evil, to cutcrt't'e remem- g
:; The LORD looketh from heaven : brance of them from the earth.
he beholdeth all the fons or men. 17 Tbt ritkUout cry, and the ,L LORD
t4 From the place of his habitation he heareth, and delivered them out of alllr.
!ooketh upon ell the inhabitant* of tbt their troubles.
earth. \'i The it nigh unto them that LORD
i« He are of a broken heart : and fareth fu- h i*
fafhionetn their hearts alike:
he confidereth all their works. a contrite fpirit. be of
ifi There is 19 Many«re the atflictions of the righ-l
no king Caved by fie multi-
tude of an ho ft a mirhtvma'r. is not de- reou-- but the
: deliverers him out : LORD
^ver-d by much itrengt'h. 'of them-all.
t7 Anhorfe/.' a vainthfng for fafety xc He keepcth all his bones: not onel

neither fhall he deliver *ny by his great of them is broken.

rbength. xt Evil ih.aH day *he wicked
1 and :

8 Behold, the eye of the

1 it LORD
they that hate the hghteou ihall berlei
upon them that tear him : up«n them folate.
that hope in his mercy : ix The redeemeth the foul of LORD
iQ To deliver th-'ir foul from death, his fervants: and none ol them th-
and to* keep them alive. i# faunae. in him (hali be defoJates „ L
P S A 1*1

Vivid prxyttb for bit ftftty. Pfrfms The grievous tftite of the wicl^ej.
PSAL. XXXV. againft me, *ni laid, Aha, aha, our er«
Vivid frayetb for bit own f*fetj, &C. hath leen it.

h H .4 fftlm of David, x\ This thou haft feen, U

LORD, keep
ft Lead
way tMtft, with them O LORD, not iilence : O
LORD, be not far from
[ that ftrive with me : fisrht againit me.
;iem that tight againit me. i"! Stir up thy felf, and awake to my
i Take hold or ihield and buckler, and judgment, even unto my caule, my God
tand up tor mine help. and mv LORD.
3 Draw out alio the ('pear, and (lop 14 Judge me, O LORD my God, ac-
»e w<y againft Uiem tiYat perlecute me : cording to thy rigntcouln :l"s, and let them
ay unto my foul, I cm tlty falvation. not rejoyce over me.
4 Let them be coDtoundcd and put to 2; Let them not fay in their heart»»
tiamethat feek after my foul: let them Ah, fo would we have it let them not

>e turned back and brought to confuflon fay, We have fwallowed him up.
bat devife my hurt. 16 Let them be afhamed and brought
f iet them be as chaffbefore the wind : to contulion together, that rejoyce at
nd let the angel of the chafe LORD mine hurt let them be clothed with

bem. fhame and dilhonour, that magnifie tbem-

6 Let their way be dark and flippery, Jelves 'againit me.
nd let the angel of the perfe- LORD z7 Let them itiout for joy, andbeglarf,
ute them. that favour my righteous caule : yea, let
7 For without C3ufe have they hid for them lav continually, Let the Lord b«
ne their net, in a pit, which without magnified, winch. hath pleafure in the
aufe they have digsrea for my foul. , profp»rity of his fervant.
8 Let deftruttisn come upon him at 2.3 And my tongue fhaM fpeak of thy
nawares, and let his net mat he hath righteoulheis, *nd of thy praifo all the
iid catch himfelf : into*trut very deftruc- day long.
ion let him fall. PSAL. XXXVI.
9 And my foul (hall be joyful in the The grievoui eft Ate of tbi veiefcd, &C.
•ORD : it fhall rejoyce in his falvation. 11 To the chief mufician, A pfalm of Da-
io All my boneMfiall fay, Lord, who vid, the fervant of the Lord.
i like unto thee, which delivered the
oor from him that is too ftrong for
tranfgrefiion of the wicked faith
my heart, that there it no
im, yea, the poor and the needy from tear of God before his eyes.
im that fpetleth him ? 2 For he flattereth himfelt in his own
it Falfewitneflesdidrifeup ; they laid eyes, until his iniquity be found to be

3 my charge things that I knew not. hateiul.

t2 They rewarded me evil for good, 3 The words of his mouth *re iniquity
> the fpoiling of my foul. and deceit he hath left off to be wife,

5 But as for me, when they werefick, *nd to do good.

iy clothing fackcloth : I humbled 4 He devileth mifchief upon his bed.
iy foul with fatting, and prayer re- my he fetteth himfelf in a way thai is not
irned into mine own bolbm. good j he abhorrcih not evil.
14 I behaved my
felf as though he bud < Thy mercy, O
LqRD, is in the hea-
en my
friend, or brother: I bowed vens ; *nd thy faithfulnefs reachetb unto
own heavily, as one that meurneth for the clouds.
\tmother. 6 Thy righteoufnefs is like the great
But in mine adverfity they rejoyced, mountains ; thy judgments *r< a great
[idgathered themfelves together yea-, : deep : O
LORD, thou prefervelt man
e abjcSts gathered themfelves together and bealt.
;ainit me, and I knew if not j they did 7 How
excellent is thy loving kiad-
ar me, and cealed not. nefs, O
God therefore the children of

(6 With hypocritical mockers in men put their truft under the fhatiow of
iafts : they gnaihed upon me with their thy wings.
:eth. 8 They fhall be abundantly fatisfied
i7 Lord, how long wilt thou look on ? with the famefs of thy houle and thou

(cue my foul from their deftruclions, lhalt make them drink of the river of
y darling from the lions. Uiy plealiires.
8 Iv.iligive thee thanks in the great 9 For with thee is the fountain of life
Hgregation: I will praife thee among iu thy light fhall, we fee light.
ich people. io O
continue thy loving kindnefs un-
19 Let not them that are mine enemies to them that know thee ; and thy righ-
ongfully rejoyce over me neither let : teoufnefs to the upright in heart.
fern wink with the eye, that hate me u Let not the foot of pride come a-
thout a caufe. gainlt me, and let not the hand of the
10 For they peak -not peace, but they
I wicked remove me.
vife 'deceitful matters againit tbem :b*t (i There are the workers of iniquity
quiet in the land.
; fallen: they .are call down, and ihall
U Yea, they opened their mouth wide not be able to rife,
^Tbe iijftrtnt Jijtt imi. - tf m godly Mi
n PiAL. XXXVII. terly Caft down ror thc L .

V*vta perfwaaetb to patience, &C. cth bim with his hand.
tl A
p/tim of David. «_ I have been youngi and now am ol
Ret not thyfelf Oceanic of evil doers, yet have
F neither be tliou envious againft the
workers or iniquity.
not leen the righteous tori
ken, r.or his teed begging bread.
ift He is ever mercitul,

ar.d ler det;

i For they lhail loon be a^ down like and his Iced it bleiied
the Kral.-i, and wither as the green herb. i De P>n »»om evil, and
, n ;,
do gco<
3 Truft in the Lord, and do good, Jo and dwell for evermore.
fhalt thou dwell in the land, and verily
thou fhalt be fed. ^f 0r
and forfaketh
ne LORL) 'oveth judgmei
not his faints, they ?
4 Delight thy felf alfo in the Lord ; preiervcd lor ever: but the Teed oft.
and he fhall give thee thedeliresot thine wicked fhall be cut off.
heart. 19 The righteous fhall inherit thelar
* Commit thy way unto the LORD: truft anj c'.well therein lor ever.
alio in him, an'dhefiiall bring rrtcrpaf?. ?o The mouth ol the righteous fpeai
6 And he ihali bring forth thy righfe- eth wudom ; and his tongue
oufnefs as the light, and thy judgment talketh
as the noon-day. ?i The law of his God is in his hear
7 Red in the lord, ana wait patiently

none at his Ifceps fhall Hide.

for becauleof him
fret not thy felt wicked watcheth the right eou

prol'pereth in his way, becaule ofl and leeketh to flay him

the man wh© bringeth wicked devices to 1 33 TneLoRD will not 'leave him in h
p I s •- re r r. ,
hand.nor condemn him when he is judge
8 Ceafc from anger, and forfake wrath ?4 Wait on the Lorn,, and keep h

fret not thy felt in

any wile to do aril. way, and he fhall exait
exalt thee to inher.
9 For evir doers ftiall be cut off": but! the land when the wicked are
thole that wait upon the cut or
Lord, they ftiall: thou fhalt fee it

Jbiil not be: yea, thou ltialt diligently 1

gree.i bay-tree ° nim,cir ,lKc
ccniider his place, and it>j//notte. <G Yet he palled away, andlo, he »4
h But the meek fhall inherit the earth : riot :
yea, I fought him, but he Could no
and fhall delight themfelves in the abun- be found.
dance of peace. V Mark the perfett m<in, and behold th
i% The wicked plotteth againft the jud, npright lor the end of r*»? man/, peace

andgnalheth upon him with his teeth.

15 TheLoRU fhall laugh at him, ibr
But the tranlgrelibn lhail be 4t
droved together, thc end cf the wicke>
.he ieeth that his day is coming. lhail be cut oil.
14 The wicked have drawn out the ?o But the lalvation of the nrrhteoti
fword, and have bent their bow to calf . ri(of the Lord,
be is X ht\x ftrength 1:
down the poor and needy, *ni to flay the time of trouble.
fuch as be of upright convention. j 4c And the Lord' fhall help them, ->m
1? Their fword lhail enter into theirown deliver them he lhail deliver them froit :

heart, and their bow ihali be broken. | the wicked, and lave them becaule the*
16 A httle that a ngateous man hath,! trult in him.
w better than the richer ot many wicked. P S A L XXXVIII
Vf For the arms of the wicked ihali be! V.-.i-i movett Go J
to pitj'bim
broken: out tne LORD upholdeth the, tl A pfalm ol David ro ban"c torcmem-
iS The LORD knowe'h the days of /~\ Lord, rebuke me 'not inthv wrath
he uprisat; and their inheritance ihali
be for ever
ncithe^ehajien me in thv'hot of-

ij? They fhall rot be afhamed in the Vor thme arrows (lick
evil time and in the days of famine
: and thy hand prelleth me
faft in me
they flial) be fatisri.'d. liber: is no ibitndnels in my nefh. be-
ic But the wicked fhall periili, and the cauleot tkine anger: neither?! there my
eremi.>s of the LORD
j>-*U be as the fat red in my bane*, becauleof my fin.
ol lambs, they fhall confume imo uno^e:
4 For mine iniquities are go
(hall they consume awav. mine head as an heavy b :

11 The wicked borrcweth, ard payeth too heavy lor me.

not again but the
: 1 (heweth ? My wounds ft-ink, *nd are corrupt ]
mercy, and givcth. becauje ot my foolifhncli.
it For Jiicb as be blelfedof him, frr.ll 6 1 2ai troubled, I am bowc
inherit the earth; and t bey tint ht turfed grc^My ; I go mourning all t

ot him, lhail be cut art". my

loyns rled w
7 For
*? The ltepsof a^oo.i man are ordered dtfe*ff.2T\A titre is no found' -

by the Lord: and he delightelh in hit 8 1 am tec;>;- and fore broken

wav. rorcd by reaicn of thc difcuietne.-
X4 Thouehhefall, he fhall not lie ut- heart. I
9 Loaui
Wtviit fitiful cafe. Pfalffls. Ohedtence the btji facrifict.

9 Lord, all my defire is before thee : When thou with rebukes deft cor-
ma my groning is not hid trom thee. . rect man tor iniquity, thau makeft his
(tu My heart panteth, my ttrength tail- beauty to confute away like, a moth :
th me theiightof mine
: as tor lurely every man Is vanity. "Selah.
Ho :s gone from me. 12 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give
ir My lovers and my friends (land a- ear unto my cry, hold not thy peaee at my
oo f from my lore and my kinlmcn ttand :
tears: for. I am a ih anger with thee, and
»far cff. a fojourner, as all my lathers were.
ix They alfo that (eek after my life, n, O
fparc me, that I may recover*
ay l'nares/or>we and they that leek my: ftrength,be tore 1 sro hence, and be no more
lurt, ("peak miichievous things, and ima- P S A L. XL. -

gine deceits all the day long. The benefit of confident* in God, Sec.
t* But I, as a deaf man heard not; and 11 To the chief muiician, A pfalm
I was as a dumb man <£«* openeth not his. of David.
inouth. T Waited patiently for the Lord, and he
14 Thus 1 was as" a man that heareth J. inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
not, and in whole mouth are noreprosts. 2 He brougiit me up alio out of an hor-
i? For in thee, do 1 hope : OLORD. rible, pit, out ot the miry clay, and let
thou wilt hear, my God. O LORD my upon a rock, indefUblifnedmy
t6 For, I laid, Hear we, left otbtrwife
they fhould rejoyce over me when my : ; And he hath put a new fang in my
foot flippeth, they magnific ihemfetvts a- mouth, even praife unto our God many :

gatnfl me. and fear, and fhall truit in

fhall fee it,
17 ready to halt, and my Tor-
For I <w the Lord.
row is continually before me. is that man that maketh the
4 Bleffed
18 For I will declare mine iniquity ; I Lord his truit : and refpecleth not the
will be lorry for my fin. proud, nor flich as turn afide to lies.
19 But mine enemies *rt lively, *nd f Many, O
LORD my God, are thy won-
they are ftrong and they that hate me :
derful works which thou haft done, and
wrongfully are multiplied. thy thoughts which are to us-wara : they
10 They alio that render evil for good, cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee :
are nunc adverfaries becaufe 1 toliow : if I would declare and fpeak of tkem,
the tbinr, that good is. they are more than can be numbred.
it Foriake me not, O LORD : O my 6 Sacrifice and offering thou didft not
God, be not tar from me. delire, xune ears halt thou opened burnt- :

u Make
haite to help me, O LORD ortering and fin-ottering haft thou not
i»iy falvation. .required.'
V S A L. XXXIX. 7 Then faid I,I.o, I come in the vo- :

Davids tare of bi s thoughts, &C. lume of the book it is written of rue.:

f To the chief muiician, even to Jedu- 8 I delight to do thy will, my God: O

thun, pfalmot David. A yea, thy law is within my Heart.
T Said, I will take heed to my ways, 9 1 have preached righteoulhefs in the
1 that 1 fm not with my tongue 1 will : great congregation lo, I have not re-

feep my mouth with a bridle, while the frained my lips, OLord, thou knoweft.
Wicked is before me. ro 1 have not hid thy righteoufnefs
i1 I was dumb with filence, I held my within my heart, 1 have declared thy
peace, even trom good, and my lbrrow faitbtulnefs and thyfalvation I have not :

was ltirrcd. concealed thy loving kindnefs, acid thy

2 My heart was hot within me, while I
. truth, from the great congregation.
was muling th<t fire burned then pake I : 1 11 Withhold not thou thy tender mer-
with my tonsrue. cies from me, O
LORD, let thy loving
4 LORD, "make mc to know mine end, kindnefs and thy truth continually pre-
and themealureof my days, what it it: fer ve me.
that I may know how frail 1 am. 12 For innumerable evils have compaf-
V Behold, thou halt made my days fed meab-jut, mine iniquities have taken
as an
hard-breadth, and mine age is as nothing hold upon me,1o that lam not able to look
Uetore tnee verily every man at his belt
: up: they are more than the hrurs of mine
ftateU altogether vanity, selah. head, therelore mv heart faileth me.
Surely every man walketh in a vain
fi l^Be ^leafed, 1 ORD, O
to deliver
(hew lu'rely thev are dilquieted in vain
: me: O LORD, makehafte to hclpme.
he heapecn up ritktt, and knoweth not 14 Lettnem be allumcd and confound-
who fhall sather them. ed together, that !gok at'er my foul to
7 And now, Lord, what wait 1 for ? dcMtioy it: let them be driven backward-,
my hope is in thee. and put to fhame that with me evil.
8 Deliver me trom altmy tranrgrelTions, 1? Let rhembe delobte tor a reward of
make me not the reproach ot the n,oltih. their fhame, that fay unto me, Aha., aha.
I Was dumb, I opened not my mouth i
-.) rfj Let all rrtoi'e that feefe thee, rejoyce
aecaufe thou didit it. and be a;lad in thee let fitch as love thy :

ic Remove thy (troke away from me I '. falvaiin, lay continually, The Lord be
iin 'conluiaed by the blow of thine hand. magnified.
17 But
Davids ttre of the f9or % r fa ins. fie inoftrtzctb bimfti

17 But I *m poor and needy, yet the 6 O my God, my foul is down w

LORD thinketh upon me thou *rt my in me: therefore will I remember
help and my deliverer, make no tarry- trom the landol Jordan, andottheH
ing, O my God. monites, trora the hill Mizar.
P S A L. XU. 7 Deep calleth unto deep, at then
Gods cart of the poor, &c. of thy water-i pouts all thy waves -.

n To the chief muucian, A pfalin of thy billows are gone over me.
David. 8 y<Uttie LURD will command his
Lefled is he that conildereth the poor ; vingkindneis in the day-time, and in
B the Lord will deliver him in time
or trouble.
night his long Jball be with me, and
prayer unto the God of my lite.
i The LORD will prcfcrve him, and 9 1 will fay unto God my rock, W
keep him alive, ana he lhall bebleffed halt thou forgottenme ? why go I mc
upon the earth and thou wilt not deliver
; ning becaufe of the opprefuon ot the !»«'
himunto the will of his enemies. ncmy ?
? The LORD will Strengthen him upon As with a fword in, ml
the bed or languishing : thou wilt make enemies rtproach mc while they :

all hisbed in his ficknefs. daily unto me, Where it thy Gcd ?
4 I faid.LORD, be merciful unto me -, 1 Why art thou calt down, O my fo*

heal my ioul, for I have finned againlt and why art thcu difquieted within mjtii
thee. hope thou in Go<4, for I ihall yet pra
% Mineenemiesfpeakevilofme: When him, vbo is the health ot my countenani
ihall he die, and his name perifh ? and my God.
6 And if he come to fee me, he fpeak- P S A L. XLI1I.
eth vanity : his heart gathereth iniquity David premifetb to fervt Cod, &.C
to it felt, wben he gocth- abroad, he tel- JUdge me,anOungodly
God, and plead my cai
leth it. againlt nation ; tie O
7 All that hate me whifper together ver me from the deceitful and unji t
againlt me : againlt me do they devile man.
my hurt. i For thou trt the God of my ftrengt
8 An evil difeafe, fay tbey, cleaveth fall why dolt thou call me ott* ? why go
unto him: anemone thathelieth.hefhall mouroing becaufe of the opprcffu'ri
rife up no more. the enemy?
9 Yea, mine own familiar friend in * O
fend cut thy light and thytrut!l 1?
whom I trufted, which did eat of my let tnem lead me, let them bring me un
bread, hath lift up bis heel againlt me. thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.
to But thou, O
LORD, be nerciful 4 Then will I go unto the altar of Go
unto me. and raiie me up, that I may unto God my exceeding joy : yea, up«
requite them. the harp will I praife thee, God, o O
ii By this I know that thou favoured God.
TOe, becaufe mine enemy doth rot tri- <; Whythou C3ft down,
art my foul O
umph over me. and whv thcu dift/uieted within me
ii And as tor me, thou upholdeft me hope in God, lot I ihall y"et praife hin
in mine integrity, and fetteit me before who is the health of my countenance, ax
thy face for ever. my God.
i3 BlelTetUe the Lord God of Ifrael, P S A L. XLTV.
from everlafting, and to everlaiting. The cburcbn complaint, &e.
Amen, and amen. 11 To the chiet muiician for the fons c

P S AL. XLII. Kcrah, Mafchil.

Davids leal to ferveGod in the temple, Sec.
11 To the chief mufician, Mafchil, tor
the fons of Korah.
work thou did ft
have hear.d with cur cars,
God, our fathers have tola us vet
in their days, in t!
A S the hart panteth alter the water- t me« of old.

j\ brooks, fo panteth my foul after t How thou didft

drive out the heanei
thee, O
God. with thy hand, and plantedlt them j bdt
i My foul thirtieth for God, for the thou didft afflict the peojle, and ca|
living God when ihall I come and ap-
: them out.
pear before God ? ^ For tTteygotnot the land inpoffeffi
; My tears have been my meat day and on by their own fword, neither did thei
right, while they rontinually fay unto own arm fave them but thy right hnnc :

me, Where ri thy God? and thine arm, and the light ot ihy coun
4 When I remember the('eri-:«?», I pour tenance, becaufe thou hadft a favour un
out my foul in me ; for 1 had gone with the to them.
multitude,! went with them tothehoufe 4. Thou art my King, O God, commam •;

of God ; with the voice of juy and praife, deliverances tor Jacob.
with a multitude that kept holy-dav. < Through thee will we puth dowi
s "Why art thou rait down, my foul? O enemies; through thy name will wetrea, *'

and vby art thou difqmeted in me' hope them under that rife up aaamft us.
6 For I will not truft in my bow, nei-
thou in God, for 1 ihall yet praife him
for the help of his countenance. tber ihall my fword fave me.
7 Bui
'a wurGOil compttini. ctnjtt wngaom.
tf But thou halt favedus frern our ens- oulnefs and thy right hand fhall Kacfe :

iles, and haft put them to ftiame that thee terrible things.
feted Hi. , ? Thine arrows "are fliarp in theheart of
[8 In God we boaft all the day long: the kings enemies; whereby the people
pd praifc thy name for ever. Selah. tail under thee.
9 But thou haft caft off, and put us to 6 Thy throne, O God, it for ever anj
hame ; and goeft not forth with our ever the fceptre of thy kingdom is *

irmies. right fceptre.

ic raakeft us to turn back Srom 7 Thou luvelt rightaoulnefs, and hateft
he enemy : and they which hate nsfpoil wickednefs therefore God, thy God, hat*

or tbemielves. anointed thee with theoyl of gladnsfs a*

it Thou
haft given us like fheep ap- bove thy fellows.
wiittJ. for meat and haft icattered us
: 8 All thy garments/we// of myrrh, ant
trnong the heathen. aloes, and caflia ; out of the irory palaee#»
ii Thou felleft thy people for nought, whereby they have made thee glad.
nd doft not increafe tby wealth by their 9 Kings daughters votre among thy ho-
>rice. nourable women upon thy right hand

H Thou makeft us a reproach to our did ftarul the queen in gold of Ophir.
neighbours, a fcornand a dcriilon to thein to Hearken, O
daughter, and coniider,
hat are round about'us. and incline thine ear j forget alfo thine
14 Thou makeft us a by-word among own people, and thy fathers houle.
he heathen: a fhakingof the head a- u bo lhall the king greatly deiire thy
nong the people. t beauty, for he is thy Lordrand worftio
i? My confulion is continually before thou him. • t
ne, and the flume of my face hath co- ii And the daughter of Tyre Jball U
ered me there with a gift, "even the ric n among the
16 For the voice of him that reproach- people fhall intreat thy favour.
th and blafphemeth; by realon ot the n The kings daughter is all gloriom
nemy and avenger. within; her clothing is of wrought gold.
i7 All this is come upon
us ; yet have t4 She fhall be brought unto" the kingj
>e not forgotten thee, neither have we in raiment of needle-wo'k the virgins :

ealt falfly in thy covenant. her companions that follow her fhall be
8 O'tr heart i< not turned back, neither
1 brought unto thee.
aveour ftcps declined from thy way. i* With gladnefs and rejoycing ./£,»£
to Though thou haft fore broken us in they be brought : they fhall enter into the
hi ?!ace or dragons, andcovered us with kings palace.
he ftiadow of death. t<5 In ftead of thy fathers fhall be thy

10 If we have torgotten the name of children, whoaithou mavft make princes

wr Go'd, or ftretched out our hands to a in all the earth.
trance god : i7 I will make thy name toberemem-
ii Shall not Godfearch this out ? for he bred in all generations: therefore fhall
;noweth t!ie fecrets of the heart. the people praiie thee for ever and ever.
i* Yea, for thy fake are we killed all
be day long j we are counted as fheep for
Tbe churches confidence in God, &C.
he 0.'U?iitcr. *1 To the chief muiiciag for the fonsof
HAwake, why fleepeft thou, Lord ? O
Korah, A fong.upon Ala moth.
rife, caft us not oft for ever. f*OA
is our refuge and ftiengfh,
14 Wherefore hidert thou thy face?
nd :or?et!eft- our arfliSion, and our
Prefent help in trouble.
i Therefore will not we fear, though
ppreilion ? ^kj^ the earth be removed, and though tT,e
it For our foul is bowed down to the mountains be carried into the audit or
uff ; our belly cleaveth unto the earth. the fea.
i5 Aril'e -for our help, and redeem us * Thouib the waters thereof rore, and
or thy mercies take. be troubled* though the mountains ftuke
P S L. XLV. A with the welling thereof. Selah. I

Tbe maje/ly of Cbrijis frnqtiom, &c. 4 There is a river, the ftreavns where-
1 To the chief mulician «p:m Sholhan- of fhall make glad the city of God the :

nim, for the <ons ot Korah, Mafchil, nolv ftttct of the tabernacles of the moft
A long of loves. High.
MY "heart ,is inditing a good matter I ? God is in the midft of her ; ihe fliall

peak of the thinr.Tv.hich I have not be moved : God fhall help her, and
^.ade touching the king my tongue is that right e:.rly.

he pen of a ready writef. 6 The heathen raged, the kingdom*

i Thou art fairer than the children of were moved: he uttered his 'voice,
nen grace is poured into tby lips there- earth melted.
: :

ore God tiatbbl effect thee for ever. 7 The Lord of holts is with us, the
? Gird thy (word upon thy thish, rnofi O
Sod of Jacob/* our^efuge. Selah.
nigluy with thy glory and thymajefty.
8 Come, behold the wcrks of the Loan,
4 And rn thy majefty ride p'rofperoufly, what defolatioM he hath made in the
ecauie of truth and meekncfs^wd/iehte- earth.
T 9£e
: :

Tit (burcbti privileges. Pfalffls Tit follf of worldling ".

,9 He maketh
wars to ceafe unto the end herpalacej-, that ye may tell I'rtothcu
°' trjc earth, he breaker* the jow, and neration following.
c utteth the
pear in (Under, he burneth
l 14 For this God If* our God forever
the chariot in the lire. ever j he will be our guide tven unto de;
to Be Hill, and know that I *m God: .

r P S A L. XLIX.
I will be exalted among the heathen, I Tbt jAitb of thirefnrrefiion Ptrfvoidea
will be exalted in the earth. *T To the chief muiician, A
pl'alm lor
ti The Lord of holts it with us, the • fons -or Korah.
Cod or Jacob it our retu?c. Selah.
The nutiont txbortti, Ike.
U To the chief mulician, A pl'alm for
H 1
Ear this, all ye people, give ear.

Jt- inhabitantsof tiie world
Both low and high, rich and


Othe ferns of Korah.

Clap your hands, ill ye people,
fhout unto God with the voice of
I My mouth fhall fpeak of wifdo
and the meditation of my heart JhtU
of understanding.
triumph : 4 1 will incline mine ear to a parable
i For the LORD mo ft higfi it terrible ;
will open my dark faying upon the ha
*« it King over all' the earth.
a great ? Whcrfore mould I tear mthedavs
fubdue the people under us,
3 lie lhall evil,when the iniquity of »y hcels'fl.
and the nations under our feet. compafs me about ?
4 H« lhall choofe oar inheritance for 6 They that trult in their wealth, s
us, the excellency of Jacob whom he boafl themfelves in the multitude et th
loved. Selah. riches
« God is pone up with a fhout, the 7 None of them can by any means
LORD with the found of a trumpet.

deem bit brothet, nor give to God a r;

6 bmg praties
fing praifes
to God, fom tor hiiu :
I -g^ratfes unto our King, fing praifes. b" ( For the redemi-tijn of their foul
7 For God it the King or" all the earth : precious, and it ceafeth for ever )
fir.g ye nraifes with undcrfbanding. 9 That he ihouldltill live for ever, t
t> God r;igr.eth over the heathen : God not fee corruption.
fitteth upon the throne of his holinefs. 10 For he feetfi t bdt wife men die, lib
9 The princes of the people are gather- wife the fool and thebruitifli perfon peri
ed together, -even the people of the God of and leave their wealth toothers.
Abraham : forthefhiclds of the earth bt- n Their inward thought it, tbxt tht
hn% unto God he is greatly exalted.
: houitsjhsil continue for ever, *nd th>
P 5 A L. XLVIII. dwelling-places to all generations th ;

The friv'Ugtt of the church, &c. cajl tbtir lands after their awn«.
^| A long, and pl'alm for the Ions of ta Neverthelefs, man being in honot
Korah. .
abideth not : he is like the bealts tb
GReat it the LORD, 2nd greatly to be perifh.
praifed of our God, in
in the city 1 ; This their way it their folly j yet tor
the mountain of his holinefs, pofterity approve their layings. Selah.
i Beautiful lor fituation, the joy of the t4 Like fheep they are laid In the gra 1

whole earth i> mount Zion, on the fides of death fhall feed on them j and theupng
the nortn, the city of the great King. fhall have dominion over them in t
I God is known in her palaces for a morning, and their beauty lhall confun
refuse. in the grave, from their dwelling.
4 For lo, the kings were afTcmbled, 1,- But God will redeem my foul fro
they pa (led by to?etfier. the power of the grave; for he Mall r-
> They law it, and fo they marvelled, ceive me. Selah.
the) were troubled, ani hafted away. 16 Be not thou afraid when ene is mac
6 Fear took hold upon them there, *»i rich, when the glory of his houfe is n
pain, asot a woman in travail. created
- Thou breakelt the fhips of Tarfhifh 17 For when he dieth, he fhall carr •

with an ealt-wind, nothing away : his glory fhall not deJces

5 As we have heard, fo have we feen in after him.
the city of the LORD
of hofts, in thecity iS Though whiles he livedi he blefli
ef our God, Gcd will eftablifti it for c- his foul: and»i«« will prail'c thee, wl.z
ver. Selah. thou dolt well to thy lei f.
q "We h^ve thought of tnytovirg kind- iQ He fhall co to the eeneratic;
nefs, OGod, inthemidlt of tfiy temple. father', they ffiall neverlee light.
\r According to thy narr.*, OGod, for; 10 Man tb't it in honour and underftand
th\ praiicunrolhe enJsof the earth : thy ethnot, is like the bcafts r**rpenih. '
right hand is f 11 Hot righteouinef*. PSA L. L. If"
II Let mount Zion rejovce, let the Tht mt^tfif of Goi, 8cc. It;
daughters of Juiah be giad, becaufe cf <' A pi'alm of Ala ph.
fhy jadf aienfs.
ti Walk about Zion, and po round a-
THe migntyGod, tven the LoRnhat
I'po'-.en, and cabled the earth

bo>.ii her: tell the towers thereof, the riling 0* the lun, unto the going d ->w
t? Mark yc well her bulwarks, confider thereof.
1 o»
' : .

SoJ ddigbtetb ml in artmonles. Pfalrtu. Vtvidi tanfcjfion of Jim,

Out of Zion the perfeclion of beauty, ing unto the multitude of thy tender mer-
dhathfhmcd. cies blot out my tranfgrefTiens.
Our God fhall come, and fhall not i Walh me throughly fiom mine ini-
!P filence : a tire fhall devour before quity, andclcanfe me from my tin,
and it
i», fhall be very tempeduous 3 Por 1 acknowledge my rranfgreflions z
nd about him. and my fin ft ever before me.
• He lhall £all to the heavens from 4 Agaimt thee, theeonly have I llnnerf,
>ve, and to trie earth, that he may judge and done tbii evil in thy fight: that tho«
people. mighteftbe jultified when thou fpcakeft,
Gather my Taints together unto me : ans be clear when thou judgeft.
I'e that have made a covenant with me ? Behold, I was fhapen in iniquity : and
i'acrifice. in fin did my mother conceive me.
And the heavens fhall declare his <S Behold, thou defirelt truth in the in-

htcoufncl's: for God i> judge lumlelt. ward parts: and in the hidden p tr: thota
ah. fhalt make me to knowwifdom.
Hear, O my people, an^l 1 will fpeak ; 7 Purge me with hyflbp, and I fhall be
K'rael, ana I will teftifie againd thee clean : wafh me, and'. I fliall be whitcC
m God, even thy God. than (how.
1 will not reprove thee forthyfacti- 8 Make me to hear joy and gladnefi;
ss, or thy burnt-offerings, to b*ve been thtt the bones vebitb thou haft broken,,
itinually before me. . ,. -v - may rejoyce.
I will take no bullock out of thy houfe, 9 Hide thy face frcm my fins ; and blot
he-goats out of thy folds, out mine iniquities.
o For every beaft of the.foredti mine, to Create in me a clean heart, O God ft

ithe cattle upon a thoufand hills, and renew aright fpirit within me.
t 1 know all the fowls of the moun- nCalt menot away from thy prefence 5
ns: and the wild beafts of the Held tre and take not thy holy fpirit from me.
11 Reltore unto me the joy of thy fa< va-
i If I were hungry, I would not tell tion : and uphold me veit'b thy free fpirit,
e, for the work u mine, and the fill- 1? Then will I teach tranfgreffors thy
's thereof. , , , .
ways, andiinners fhall be converted unt»
| Willi cat the flefh of bulls, or drink thee.
blood of goats? . i4 Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs<»
4 Offer unto God thankfgiving, and O God, thou God of my falvation ; tnd
thy vows uato the mod High.
- my tongue lhall fing aloud of thy righto
[? And call upon me in the
day of trou- oulhefs.
1 will deliver thee, and thou fhalt 1? OLord, open thou lips, and my my
mouth fhall fhew forth thy praife.
But unto the wicked God faith, What 16 For thou defireft not I'acrifice* elfe
thou to do to declare my datutes, or would I give it ; thou delighted not is
thou fhouldft take my covenant in burnt-offering.
mouth ? 17 The facrifices of God tre a broker*
Seeing thou hated indruttion, and broken and aaontrite heart,
fpirit: a O
my words behind thee.
ft God, thou wilt not defpife.
I When thou fawclt a
thief, then thou t8 Do good in thy good pleafure unt»
fentedit witn him, andh3lt been par- Zion build thou the walls of Jerufalcnu

fcr with adulterers. t^ Then, fhalt thou be pleafed with

) Thcu gived thy mouth to
evil, and he facrifices of righteoufhefs, with burnt-
tongue frameth deceit. offering and wholc-burnt-offerin? then :

T nou fitted *nd fpcaked again!: thy fhall they offer bullocks upon thine
fcerj thou flandcreit thine own mo- altar.
sfon. P S A L. Llli
Thele things haft thou done, and I V.tvid conatmnetb Boeg, JcC
tfilence: thou thoughtelt that I was 11 To
the chiaf nuiiician, MafchiU A
gether fuch an ent as thy lelt: but 1 PUlm cf David, when Doeg the E-
reprove thee, and let tbem in order domite came and told Saul, and fait!
ore thine eyes. unto him, David is come to the boufc
Now coniider this, ye that forget of Ahimelech.
I, lelt 1 tear you in

one ro deliver.
pieces, and there
WHy boa-deft thou, thy felf in mif-
chief, O
mighty mar? the good-
Whofo offereth praife, glorifieth me-, nefsof God tndfprttb' cwumzWy
to him that ordcreth bn canverfation t. Thy tongue devifeth mifchiefs: like
bt, will 1 fhewthefalvationofGod. a lharp ral'or,working deceitfully,
LI. 3 Thou loved evil more than good ?
tvidi prsyer for rtmiflion of fins, &c. and lying ratrwr than to fpeak rightcouf-
o the chief mufician, Aplalm of Da- nefs. Selah.
1, when Nathan the
prophet came unto 4 Thou loved all devouring words, O
l, after he had gene in to Sath-fhebi. tbou deceitful tongue.
Ave ..lercv uponme, O
God, accord- ? God fhall hkewife deltroy thee for
ing to thy loving kmdnefs : accord- evcr,h« lhall take thee away, and pluck
T 2 th««
A natural wian described. Pfalnu. Da-

thee out ot thy dwelling-place, and root Becanfe of the voice of tnc enemy
3 1

ifceeoutoi thel'jnd cf the living. Selah. caufe of the oppreffion of trie wicked
6 The righteous alfo (hall ice, and tear, they calf iniquity upon me, and in w
and lhail Uughat lum. they hate me.
7 l.i,tbist> the n\zn tbat made not God 4 My heart isfere pained within me
hisftrength : but trutted In the abundance the terror- ot death are fallen upon n
©t Ins riches, and itrengthned himfelt in ? Feswfulnefs and trembling are c
liis upon me, and horror hath cverwhel
8 But 1 -* a green olive-tree in me.
thchoul'eot Gad: 1 trull in the mercy oi 6 And I laid, O that I hsd
God lor ever and ever. a dove : for then would I fly away,
9 I will prail'e thee tor ever, becanfe be at rtlt.
'thou halt done it: and 1-svill wait on thy 7 Lo iben would I wander far off,
name, lot Tt it good before thy faints. remain in the wildernels. Selah.
P S A L. LIU. 8 I would halten my efcape from
Vivid defcribttb a natural man, &c, windy ftoim and tempeft.
"51 To trie chiei maiician upon Mahalath, 9 Dcftroy, O Lord, and divide 1

Mafchil, A
ffalm or David. tougues: ior I have feen viloence
1 He tool hath
laid in his heart, Tbert i
no God j corrupt are they, and have
ftrife in the city.
io Day and night they go abjut it i
done ajcmirrable iniquity, there it none the walls thereoi-. mifchief alio and
"that doth d th good. row*>-e in the mu'.ftu it. .0

i God looked down from heaven upon it WickeunefsM in the mother

theciuldrenot men, to Pee if there were deceit and guile depart not from ner fti
any that didunderftand.that didfeekGod. ii For it mat not an emeniy tmxt
3 Every one of them u gone back, they proached me, then I could have borr 1

arc altogether become filthy ; there ii none neither vpa<it he that hated me, tbat
that doth good, no not one. magnifie *f»»/e//. againft me, then I-w<
4 Have the workers ot iniquity no know- have hid my felf trom htm.
ledge ? who eat up my people, as they eat But it was thou, a man, mine ecf c
bread g they have not called upon God. my guide, and mine acquaintance.
? There were they in great fear, where 14 We
touk fweetcounl el together,
no tear was: for God hath lcattered tiie waiked unto the houfe of God in comp: '

bones oi him that encampeth againji thee, H Let death feizeupon them, an.
thou hafc put tbtm tolhame, bccauieGod them go down quick into hell: tcrwicK
AaW. ctefpifed them. nefs/J intr.eir dwelling?,<ni among th
o O that the (alvation of Ifiael were 16 As for me, I will call upon God : B
tome out of Zion when God bringeth
the LORDfhall lave me.
back the captivity of his people, Jaeoo i7 Evening and morning, and at r

fhall cejoyce, and llrael (hall be glad. will I pray, and cry aloud and he :
PSAL. LtV. hear my voice.
David com^hin-tb of Zifbimi, Sec.
the t8 He nath delivered my foul in p<
-^1 To t!ic chi;! musician' on fNcp; noth,
from the battle tbat -was againlt mt:
Malchil, A pfalnt ol David, when the there were many with me.
Ziphmis C2m; and laid to Suul, Doth 19 G<)d (hall hear and afflict th
not David hide himl'flf with us? even he that abiderh ot old, Selah :

me, O G;>d, by thy name, and caufe they have no changes, there
SAve jud^e me by thy ftrength. they fear ncr GodT

i Hear n<y praver, O God give ear to ;

ac He hath put forth his hands aga
-the words of my mouth.
fuch as be at peace wi r h him he 1 :

7 For Cbran'/er:, are rifenup againft me,

broken his cov-nant.
r*nd oppreilbrs leek at'er my lo'il ; they zi 'be words 01 his month were fmox he

have not fet God be'.ore them." Setah. er than Gutter, but war w.i- inhism
his wprds were fofrer than oyl, y€t 1
4 Be;iold,Godri nnnehelpei the Lord :

ii with them tnat uphold mv foul. they drawn fwords.

? He lhall reward evil unto mine
ene- nCaft t"w burden upon the LO
-*nies cut the n off In thy truth.
andhe all luitam thee: he fhall
fuifer the right >ons tr. be moved
6 I will fraelyfjc-ilueuntothc-e ; I will
»raif'c thy name, OLOUD
torrfugOJ'. 12 But thou- O
God, malt bring
7 For he bath delivered me out of all
down into the pit ot deftruction : bl
and mine eye hath feen b ; dejire d<id deceitful men fhill not live out
trouble :

upon mire ene nies. their dsryt, but I will truft in thee.
* P S A L. LV1.
P S A L. T
VtV'd- comflainctD of bit cafe, &c. VaviJi confiitmt in Goit word, &c
fl To the c : -n NezinotN, t.To tti. "-iiiet mutlcian . '

M ichil, A ff.xlm ot D rechok m, M

eartc-myprayc,OG< the Phil
Glv m-trn Brciful unto me O v,
fwallaw m< I

-iaaiycoft'i'Umt, .uui&altf anoxic. daily oppr,i.TcU »c.

Uavtas complaint. Fiaims, Wtct>ed judges reprovte.
l Mine enemies would daily fwallow me V S A L. LV1II.
> tor tbey be many that fight ?gainit me,
: Vavr'd
reprovetb wicked judge;-, &c.
thou molt High. fi To the cr.ier" mufician. Al-tafchitn>
Z W:iat time lam afraid, I will truft Michtam
iviicntam of David.

"PNOye indeed fp "peak rigineoufnefs, O

In God I will praife his word, in God
4- \ J congregation do ye judge ? upright-
have put my trult, I will not rear what 1> , m ?
O ye fons of men
:lh can do unto me. I Yea, in heart you work wickednefs,
? Every day they wreft my words: all you weigh the violence of >our hands, in
eir thoughts are againl'l: me tor evil. the earth.
6 They gather themfelves together, 3 The wicked are eftranged from the
*y hi;le themfelves, they mark my fteps womb, they go aftray aflbon as thev be
hen they wait for my loul. born, fpeaking lies.
7 Shall they eleape by iniquity ? in tbine 4 Their poifen is like the pcifon of a
lger call down the people, o<iod. ferpent; tbey are likethedeat adder that
8 Thoutellclt my wandrings, put thou ftoppeth her ear:
y tears into thy bottle: are tbey not in > W
hich will notJiearken to the voice
y book ? of charmers, charming never fo wifely.
9 Whenlrryunro tbee, then flialt mine 6 Break their teeth, God, in their O
lemies turn back this I know, for God
: mauth: break out the great teeth of the
for me. youn» liens, O LORD.
ic In God will I praife b ; s word : in th« 7 Let them melt .iway as waters, xebieb
ORD will I praife bis word. run continually: when he berxlethbis bow
ti In God have I put my truft: I will to jhoit his arrows, let them be as cut in
)t be afraid what man can do unto me. pieces.
i# Thy vows are upon me, God I O : 8 As a fnail wbicb melteth, let every oni
ill render praiies unto thee. of tbem pafs away tH^e the untimely

For thou haft delivered my foul from

H birth of a woman, tbat they may not
»2th: wilt not tbou deliver my feet from fee the fun.
Uing, that 1 may walk before God in 9 Before your pots can feel the thorns*
ie light or the living ? he mall take them away as with a whirl-
PSAL.-LVII. wind, both living, and inifiwraih.
David complainetb ofb'i dangerous apt. 10 The righteous ihall rejoyce when he
To the chief mudcian Al-tafchith, feeth the venpesnee: he Ihall warn In*
Michtam oi David, when he fled lrom feet in the blood of the wicked.
Saul in the cave. II So that a man fhall fay, Verily tbtrt
4E merciiul unto me, O God, bemer- is a reward lor the righteous: verily h*
> ci:ul unro me, for my foul truiteth in is a God that judge th in the earth.
:ee: yea, in the. '..ado w of thy wings will P 5 A L. LIX.
make my retuge, until tbtfe calamities David prayetb to be delivered, Bc£.
: overpaft. fl To the chief mufician, Al-tafchith*
1. 1 will cry unto God moll high : unto Michtam of David when Saul lent, am* :

rOdthat per:ormetha// things for me. thy watched the houfe to kill him.
; Heltull fend from ::eaven and Cave DEIiver me from mine enemies, O my
ie/V(?'» the reproach of nim that would God defend me from them that riffc

vai'owmeup; Selah. God ihall lend up againft me.

»rth his mercy and his truth. i Deliver me from, the workers of inU
4. My foul is among: [ions, and J] ieewn quity, and fave me from bloody men.
mong them that are fet on fire, even the * For lo, they ly in wait for 'my loul 4
ins of men, whole teeth are fpears and the mighty are gathered aeainft me j not
rrows, and their tongue a (harp fword. for my tranfgreilion, nor Jcr my fin, Q
% Be thou exalted, O God, above the LORD.
eaverrs lit thy glory be above all the
: 4 They run and prepare therofclvaii
arth. without my fault awake to help me,:

6 net for my
They have prepared a and behold „
eps, my foul is bowed down
they have :
1 Thou therefore, O LORD God of
igged a pit before me, into the mid it hofts, theGod of Ifrael, awake to vifir
•hereof they are lallen tbem/eha. Selah. allthe heathen: be not merciful to any
7 My heart is fixed, Gpd, my heart O wicked tranfgreffors. Selah.
ifixed I will ling and give praife.
: 6 Tiiey return at evening they mak« :

8 Awake up, my glory, awake, pfaltery a noife like a dog, and go round abou*
nd harp: 1 my felf \vi\l awake early. the city.
9 I will praife thee, O Lord, among 7 Behold, they belch out with theif
"ie people: I will fingunto thee among mouth: fwords art in their lips for who j.

lienations. (fay tbey ) doth he3r ?

10 For riw mercy is great nnto the hea- 8 But thou, O
LORD, mail laugh at
f ns, and thy truth unto the clouds. them ; thou fhalt have all the heathen is
ti Be thou exalted, God, above the O ierifion.
eavens : ht thy glwry bt abeve all the o Btau rt of bis ftren^th will I wait
arth.. upon thee for God

7 i K
David prayetb for deliver an:*. PlaliBJ. His confidence in &
me God
10 The God of my merry mall prevent PSAL. LXI. w£
: mall let me fee my defire upon Divid fltttb tO Cod, SCC. WTnlttt
jrune enemies. 51 To the cruel muhcian uronNegirktf '.V^
11 SJay them not, left my people p/alm of David.
forget (ratter *hem by thy power Ear my cry, OGcd, attend unto r'
and bring them down,

O L ORD our

1 From the end of the earth will I iP
K, '

For the fin of mouth, and the
their unto thee, when ray heart isoverwhel u
words of their lips, let them even beta- ed : lead me to the lock tbat i« hifi^H'i t

J«en in their prile and for earring and ;

than I. f*''"
lying which they fpeak. X For thou halt been a lhelter for af?, U
u Coniumc them m wrath, confume 'and a ftrong tower trom the enemy. |jy

/*««, that they w<»/ not be : and let them |

4 I will «bide in thy tabetnaclc for f ','.'


that Godruleth in Jacob, unto the vcr I will truft in the covert of 1T.V.':
ends of the earth. Selah. wings. Selah.
14 Andat«vening let them return, and , For thou, O
God, haft heard nF
let them make a node like a dog, and vaws: thou haft given me the -hcritail'i,
go round about the city. of thole that tear thy name. v
k Let them wander up and' down for 6 Thou wilt prolong the kings lififJ5*
*ieat, and grudge if they be not i'atis- and Jjis years as many generations. 19 ^
fied. 7 He mall abide before God for cveipr
16 But I will fingof thy power ; yea, I O prepare mercy and truth which TttiVi':
will fin? aloud or thy mercy in the morn- preicrve him.
ing: tor thou haft been my defence and 8 So will 1 ling praife unto thy name fc.
xefuge in the day of my trouble. ever, that 1 maydaily perform my vows "'1,
i7 Unto thee, my ftrength, will I o PSAL. LXII. J.

ling for God it my defence, and the God

: Davids confidence in God, Sec.
ol my incrcv. TI To the chief muiician, to Jeduthur
L. LX. 'PSA A plalm ot David.
Davids complaint, Sec. *"T", Ruly my foul waitetn upon God ,1.

* Tothe chief mufician upon Shufhan-e- from him cometb my lalvation.

duth.Michtam of David, to teach, when z, He only is my. rock and my falva
he ftrave wirh Aram-naharaim, and tipn : he is my defence ; I lhall not bt H
With Aram-aobab, whenjoab returned, greatly moved.
and imote of Edom in the valley of 3 How
long will ye imagine mifchie iV
fait, twelve thoufand. againft a man? ye (hall b~e flain all o£tw
OGod, thou haft caft us off, then haft
fcattered us, thcu haft been difblea-
you: as a bowing wall jbatl ye be t ana
as a tottering fence.
ied; Omrn thy felftous again. 4 They only conl'ult to caft him down
i Thou haft made the earth to tremble ; from his excellency, they delight in lies ;

thou halt broken it : heal the breaches they blefs with their mouth, but they curfo
thereof, for it inaketh. inwardly. Selah.
; Thou haft (hewed tfiy people hard ? My 'foul, wait thou only upon God:
things: thou haft made us to drink the for my expectation is from him.
wine ol
2ftoni'.riment. 6 He only/* my ruck and my lalvation i
4 Thou haft given a banner to them hi is my defence; I (hall not be moved.
that fear thee: that it may be difplaved 7 In God is my falvation and my glory :

toecaufcof the truth. Selah. the rock of my ftrength and my refuge

? That thy beloved may be delivered ; 11 in God.
fave ivitb thy right hand, and hear 8 Truftin him at all times; ye people,
Jfte. pour out your heart before him : God it a
6 God hath fpoken in his holinefs, I refuge for us. Selah.
will rejevee: I will divid* Shechem, and 9 Surely men of low degreeari vanity,
jneteout the valley ot Sticcoth, anj men of high degre« are a lie to be- :

7 Gilead is mine, ano Manalleh is mine, laid in the balance, they *rt altogether
Iphraimalfoi* the ftrength of mine head; lighter than vanity.
ludshfj mylaw-gi/er. 10 Truftnot inopprefflon, and become

is Moabiimy waihpot, over Edom ...'not vain in rebbcry : if riches increale,

I 1 aft "out mv (hce- Philiftia, triumph
I fet not vour heart upon them.
thou becaufebf me. 11 God hath fpoken once ; twice have I
9 Who will brirg me into the ftrong heard this, that power belongetb unto God.
city ? who will lead me into Edom ? ii Alio unto thee, O LORD, btlongetb
10 Wilt not thou, God, which hadft O mercy for thou ren^reft to every man

rait us oft"? and thou, God, which didft O according to his work.
•M>t go out with our armies? PSAL. LXIII.
ti Give us help frym trouble: tor rain D.svidi thirji for Cod, $tc.
Jj the help of man. 11 A pfalm of David, when he was in the
it Through Gcd we (hall do valiantly : wildernefs of Judah.
for he it is tfat IhaJJ tread down cut /~\ God, thou art myUod, early will I
cscmicc, Vv feck thee my foul tfurfteib for

: : .

jj pAvirfi frtytr for delivtrtna. Pfalmt, An exhort Atron to frtiji God.

myJtefh longeth for thee in a dry
jiee, 3 Iniquities prevail againft me: aifor
3d tfiirlty land, where no water is
130 our tranigrclTions, thou ihalt purge then*
To Tee thy power and thy glory, fo as away.

avefeen thee in the fanftuary. 4 Bleffed is (be tsian vcbom thou choofeftv
Becaufethy loving kindnels it better and Ciufcft to approach unto tbee, ibaC

pan life my lips lhall prail'e thee.

: he may dwell in thy courts 1 we lhall be
4 Thus will Iblets thee, while 1 live: lttisfied with the goodnefs of thy houi'e,
| tj

^'ttjfwill lilt up my hands in thy name. even of thy holy temple,

? MyfouliTiallbe fatisfied zswitb mar-
:.irt) ? By terrible things in righteoiifnefs,
*|>w and fatnefsi and my mouth lhall wilt thou anfwerus, O God of our falva-
jijraife r^Mwith joyful lips: tion vebo art the confidence of all the

(< When 1 remember thee upon my ends of the earth, and of them that arc
<aLLtd, *nd meditate on thee in the nigbt- afar off afon the fea.
i patches. 6 Whicnby hisltrengthfetteth fait the
7 Becaufe thou haft been my help i mountains beimr girded with power. -,

lerefore in the fhadow of thy wings will 7 Which ftilleth the noife of the feasy
rejoyce. the noile of their waves, and the tumult
8 My foul followeth hard after thee: of the people.
ly right hand upholdeth me. 8 They alio that dwell m theuttermoft
9 But thole tbit feek my foul to deftroy parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou ma-
lhall go into the lower parts of the earth. keft the outgoings of the morning and c-
10 They fhaU fall by the fword, they vening to rejoyce.
lall be a portion l'or foxes. 9 Thou viiiteitthe earth, and waterefi:
fa 11 But the king lhall rejoyce in God, it thou greatly enricheft it with the

„ very one that fweareth by him lhall glo- river ot God nbicb is lull of water:
y but the mouth of them that fpeak lies thou preparelt them corn, when thou haft

lull be ltopped. fo provided for it.

L. LX1V. PSA 10 Thou watereft the ridges thereof a-
Vdvidi prayer for deliverance, &C bundantly thou fettlclt the furrows there- :

To the chief mufician, A pfalm of of -thou makelt it lbtt with fhowers,

! :

Davict tnou blefleft the fpringing thereof.

Ear my voice, O God, in my prayer ; 11 Thou ciowneft the year with thy
71. prefcrvemy life from fear of the goodnefs, and thy piths drop fatnefs.
neiny. 11 They drop upon fne paltures ol" the
« x Hide me from the fecret counfel of wildernefs and Hie little hills rejoyes :

he wicked ; from the inl'urrettion of the on every fide.
KOrkers of iniquity 13 The paftures are clothed with flocks >

Who whet their tongue like a fword, the valleys alio are covered over with

nd bendtbeir bows tojhoot their arrows, corn ; they Ihout for joy, they alfo ting,
vtn bitter words A L. LXV1. PS
4 That they may (hoot in fecret at the Davids exbertation to prai/e God, &c.
-ertett fuddenly do they Itioot at him, f\ To th»e chief mtifitfian, A long or pfalm

md fear not.
f They encourage themfelves /n an evil
a joyful noife untoGod, all ye
natter: they commune of laying fnares 1 Sing forth the honour of his name:
?rivily they lay, j (hall fee them? Who make his praife glorious.
6 They fearch out iniquities, they ac- 3 Say unto God, How terrible art tbou
omphfh a diligent fearch: bath the in- in-thy works! through the grcatr.efs of
rari ttoougbt ol every one of tbrtn, and thy rower lhall thine enemies fubmit
ihe heart is deep. themfelves unto thee.
7 But God lhall iheot at them with an 4 All the earth fhall worlhip thee, ar.i
irrow, fuddenly lhall they be wounded. lhall fing unto thee, they lhall fine to
8 So they lhall make their own tongue thy Name. Se'ah.
fall upon themfelves all that fee them, : 5 Come and fee the works of Gcd: bt
foall flee away. is terrible in bit doing toward the chil-
9 all And men
lhall fear, and lhall de- dren of men.
clare the work of God : for they lhall 6 He'turned the f*3 into dryland : they
wifely confider of his doing. went through the flood on foot, there riiJ
10 The righteous lhall be glad in the we rejoyce in him.
LORD, and lhall truft in him > and all 7 He ruleth by his power for ever, his
ihe upright in heart frail glory. eyes behold the nations let not the re- :

P S L. LXV. A bellious cxfralt tftemltlves. Selah.

Vivid prai/etb Cod for bis grace, &c. 8 O
bid's our God, ye people, and make
H To the chief mufician, pfal* and A the v^ice of his ptaife to be heard.
long of David. 9 Which holdeth our foul in life, an4
T>Raife waiteth thee,
for O
God, in (ufTereth not car feet to be moved.
1 Sion : and unto thee frail the vow to For thou, O
God, haft proved us v
Si performed. thou haft tried us, as Giver is tried.
thou thatheareft praycr> unto thee ti Thou broughtcft us into the net*'
fcall all flcflj come. thou l&tdii affliction upon our loyns.
T 4 n Thow

The joy of t*e jul. PfaHut. Aa exhortation fruft C i U

ti Thou haft caufed men to me over
1 P€oJ, when thou wenteft tortli t|
«r headsj we went through tire and lore thy people; when thorn didft mar
throng witer but thou broughtek us out through the wild jrnels. Selah

j*to 2 wealthy place. 8 The earth ihook, the heavens a I

H 1 will go into thy houl'e with burnt- dropped at the pretence of God
binai it felf was moved at the prefencc
ft .

•fferinc;s 1 will pay <hee my vows,


i4 Which my lips have uttered, and God, the God of lirael.

any mouth hath fpaken when I was in 9 Thou, God, didft fend a plentif r O
trouble. r^m, whereby thou didft cenhrm thi
k 1 wiil offer unto thee burnt- facrifices inheritance, when it was weary.
•f fatlings, with the incenfe cf rams: I 10 Thy congregation hath awelt then
will offer bullocks with goats. Selah. in thou, O God, haft prepared of tf :

i* Come and hear, all ye that fear God, goodnefs for the poor.
and 1 will declare what he hath done lor n The Lord gave the word, great »c
any foul. the company of thofcthat pul»luhed it. kg
1 1 cried unto him with my mouth, 11 Kings of armies did flee apace
and he was extolled tvith my tongue. and Ihe that tarried at home divided th
18 If I regard iniquity in my heart the Moil. :

Lord will not hear me, 13 Though ye have lien among the pot;
- '"
•9-i>w£ venly God hath heard me he yet jka.ll ye be as the wings oi a dove co

kath attended to the voiee of my prayer. vered with iilver, anu her feathers wit-
io Blel'fed be God, which hath not yellow gold.
turned a.vay my prayer, nor his morcy r.4 Whenthe Almighty fcattered kings
from me. in it, itwas white as (now in Salmon.
P S A L. LXYII. K The hill of Godr'i as the hill of Ba
'Hot Ba- PAtjk
The people exhorted to prarfeGod, &c. ftian, ?n high hill at the hill of Balkan.
?aflian. \- ::
V To the chief mufician en Neginoth, 16 \Khylea? ye, ye high hills" s? this r, •

A pfalm or ibfig. the hill which God defireth to dwell -11 :~

- /i -.ii 1

GOd be merciful unto us, and blefs us: yea, (heLoRU will dwell in it for ever.
and caul'e hi? tace to ftun; upon 17 The chariots ol God are twenty '

Ms. Sel2h. thcu.and, even thoufaods of angels the :

i That thy way may be known upon LORD 7J among them at in Sinai, in the b?
C3rth,thy faving health among all nat ions. holy plu;. ,-

3 Let the people praife tfcee, God; O iX Thou h3ft afcended on high, thou ;•• •

let ail the people praile thee. halt led captivity captive thou haft re-t- : ,

4 O
let the rations be g'adandilng for crired guts tor men ; yea, for the rebel-!*-
joy for thou ihalt judge the people righ-
: lious alio, that the LORD
God might
tecufly, and govern the nations upon dwell amo:;g tbtm,
•arth. Selah. 19 Bleifed be the Lord, who daily load-
< Let the people praife thee, God 5 O eth us with benefits, even the God ofotrt
let all the people praife thee. falvation. Selah.
6 Then ihall the earth yield her increafe; .
ic He that is our God, is the God of
*rc4God, even our OwnGodfhaJl blefs us. lalvation ; and unto GOD
the Lord ir-
7 God Ihall blefs \u, and all the ends long the lfiues from d*ath.
«f the earth fhall (ear him. li But Gcd lhall wound the head of his
P S A L. LXV1II. enemies and the hairv fcalp ot fuch a
A priyer attbertrnovingaftbi <ir£, &c. oue asgoethon ftill m'his trcfpaTes
n\ To tue chief inutician, A pfalm or
fone; of David.
Et God

u fcattered
flee before him.

tbtm away

2 As fin ok e is driven away, fa drive


as wax- melteth belore the

his enemies
alio that hate

of thy dogs in the fame.

l-i They havefcen thy goings,
„. tongue

O God,
fire, fo letT the wicked penfh at the even thegomgs ol my Gad, my King, in
f>iefence of God. the 'arurtiary. •

; But let the righteous be glad: let ,1," The lingers

went beforcthe players on ',
Ihem rejoyce before God, yea, let them inftruments followed after amorigit tbem ; l\
exceedingly rcjoyce. if ere the damlels playing with timbrels. A
4 Sin? unto God, fing praties to his 16 Blels ye God in the congregations, e.
S>lame:>xtol him .that rideth upon the vtn t!:e Lord, from the fountain of Ifrael. II
icavens by his name J AH, and rejoyce 17 There is little Benjamin with theit 11
#jefore him. ruler, the princes of. Judah m£ -ih-ir
,- a father of the fatherlefs, and a jndge counfel, the princes of Zebuiun, and the
of the widows, is God in his holy ha- prince* of Naphtali.
bitation. God hath commanded thy
6 God fetteth the folitary in families: ftrength ftrengthen, OGod, that which

liebringeth out thofe which are bound thou haft wrought tor w.
with chains, Wu-t the lebelhous dwell in .
10 Becaule of thy temple at Jerufalem,
a dry l*nd. ihall kings bring prefents unto thee.
30 Re-
Vtvid tvnflninttb tf tffliShn, Pfalms.
Tbt tticfyidttotti to dijhaffhn;
30 Rebuke the company of fpeafmen, i7 And hide not thy ace from tby-fef-
the multitude of the bulls, with the catoxs vant, lor I am in trouble hear me tpeeaily
of the people, tillevery one him- 18 Draw nigh unto m> foul, anj redeem
ielf with pieces of filver : fcatter thou it :, deliver me becaufc of mine enemies,
ths people tbr.i delight in war. 19 Thou hail known iy reproach, and i 1

31 Princes thall come out of Egypt, my fiiame, and my dill: >ur: uvinead- •

Ethiopia ihall loon ftrctch out her hands verlaries tire all before '.nee.
unto God. 10 Reproach nath broken my heart-

31 Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of th& and I am lull of hjavine.o: and I looked
earth : O
ling praiCes urto the Lord, Seiah for fame to take pity, but tbefe veai nvins ;

33 To him that rideth upon the heavens and for comforters, but 1 found none.
»f heavens, xvbicb resrtofold ; lo, he doth xi T ey gave me alio gill lor my meats ,

^ndouthisvoiccAfliif^a mighty voice. and in my third they ffavc me vinepar & to

34 Afcribe ye ltrength unto God
his drink. :

excellency is over Ifrael, andhisftrength 11 Let their table become a fnare before
s in the clouds. them: andf£<it which p-.DiUd.b4ve been lot
3* O
God, thou *rt terrible out of thy their welfare, become a trap.
toly places, the God of Ifrael is he that r? Let their' eyes be darkned that they
?iveth ftrength and power unto his peo- fee notj and make their loyns continually
ple : bleflcd be God. to ffiafce.
P S A L. LX1X. 14 Pour- out thine indignation cpon
Vtvidcomplaineth oj bis tfjiifcon, &c.
them, and let thy wrathful anger take-
(1 To the chief mu;ician upon Sholhan- held ot them.
nim. A ffrim of David. 2.? Let their habitation be defetata, *«.f -

Ave me, O
God, for the waters are, let none dwell in their tents.
come in unto my foul. 16 For they pcfecute b whom thou :
I fink in deep mite, where there js no halt I'mitten, and they talk to the grief
tending I am come into deep waters,
-. of thofe whom thou halt, wounded.
/here the floods overflow me. 17 Add iniquity to their iniquity
3 I am weary of my crying, my throat let them not come into thy righteoufiaejs.
dried: mine eyes tail while I wait tor Let them be blotted out'of the book
s.8 -

iy God. of the living, andhQt be written with the

4 Tney that hate rae without a cau'e, righteous.
e more than the hairs of mine head : 19 But I am poor and forrowful let :

hey that would deltroy me being mine thy falvatioB, O

God, let me up on h;rh. .

nemies wrongfully, arc mighty then 1 : 3<- I will prail'e the name of Gudwitfc'

tttored tbit which I took not away. a fong, and will magnifk him with i
OGod, thou knoweit my foolifhnefs j
ltd. ny fins are not hid from. thee. 2i Ibis alio fhall pleafe the LORD
* Let not them that wait en thee, O better than an, ox or bullock that hath .-

ord God of holts, be afhamed for my horns and hoots.

tke: let not thole that feek thee, beeon- 3* The humble AiaU-fee fi/'^ibeglad.:
mnded for my fake, God ot Urael. O and your heart fhall live that feek God, .

7 Becaufc for thy lake I have born re- 33 For- the LoRDheareth the poor, andk
roach fhamehath covered my lace.
: . defpileth not his prifoncrs.
8 I am become a itranger unto my 34 Let the heaven and earth praife him,
ret/wen, and an aliant unto my mothers the feai, and everything that moveth-
iildren. . «
9 For the zeal of thine houfe hath eaten 3? For God will fave Sion, and will
I up ; and the reproaches of them that build the cities ol Judah that they may :

proached thee, are fallen upon me. dwell there, and have it in pofleflion.
to When I wept, andcbuftned my foul 36 The feed alfo of his fcrvanrs fhall
ith fatting, that was to my reproach. inherit it and they that love his name

II 1 made fackcloth alio my garment: Ihall dweell therein.

id 1 became a proverb to them. PSA L. LXX.
11 They that jit in the gate! peak againft David foliciftib Gcdi &e.
e; and Jw*ithe fongot the drunkard;. fl To the chief musician, A pfn&jofDa*
1? But a? for me» my praver is unto vid, to bring to remembrance. .

ices OLoru, »'»an acceptable time: o

pd, in the multitude of thy mercy hear
osjls, O God,
hafte to help
to deliver ne
me, OLohp..

the truth of thy falvation.

e, in
x Let them be afhamed and ecrtfouncf-

i4 Deliver me out of the mire.and let me ed that feek alter my foul: let them he
)tfink let me be delivered from them
turned backward, and put to conkifioRy
rat hate me, and out of the deep waters.
that delire my hurt.
3 Let them be turned back for a reward
Let not the water-flood overflow

of their ihame, that fsy, Aha, aha.

;e, neither let the deep-fwallow me up,
hd let not the pit fliut ner mouthupon me.

4 Let all thofethat ieek the;, rc>oycey
16 Hear -me, O
Lose, for thy loving and be glad in thee and lecfurh as love

Lndneis iY good turn unto me according

thy falvatibc fay ccntinaallv, J^t €od i^c
I ihc jaultitudc of thy WMte- »e«i«,
: .

Tromijt #f ttnpgar/; Pfa!ms.

s But I tm poor and reefy, makehafte l' My lips (kj\\ greatly rejovce -v.",
*fit« mc, O God thou «r* my :.el? and Biy
: I n;.g unto thee: and my ibul w';. :

deliverer, O LOKD, make no tarrying. h^it redeemed.

PbAL. LXXI. i4 My.tcngue alfo (hall talk «f tl
Vtvictt confidence in Gad; faic-tv, <Scc. righteoulnels all the day long: for th
thee, © LORD, do 1 put my trait, are eo/ifour.ded, frr they are brOtiel
IN let m: never be put to corrtmion. unto ltu»e, that ic^k :ny hurt.
i Deliver me in thy nghteoHlnefs, and „ L. LXXII. PSA I

eaufe me to efcape incline thine ear un-

: Vdvil prtye'b for Sohmen, &c.
to me, a.:d fare me. " A r/«im for Stlamon
* be thou my itror,g habitation, Give
the king thy judgments, O Go. !

whereunto I may continually refctt thou and thy righteouihelsiimo thekir;


halt given commandment tofaveme, for ion.

thou *rt my rock and my forrrefs. l He fhall judge thy people with risl
4 Deliver me, O .ay God, out of the teoufnefs, and thy poor with ju
hand of the wicked, cut or the band of } The mountains fhall bring peace •

the unnekreous and cruel man. the people, and the little hills, by ritf
* For thou Art my hope, Lord God O
teoufnefs. :

ttou Art my trull from my youth. 4 Ha (hall judge the poor of the pcopl-
6 By have I been hoi Jen up from he fhall favc the children of the need'
the womb :thou art hs that took arc out and (hall break in pieces the oppretroi,
ci" my mothers bO'.veL, my praitfc JbsU ire < They mall tear thee as lone as th

•ontinua'.ly of thee. run and mcon endure, throughout a

7 1 am as a wonder unto many ; but generations.
thou xtt my ftrcng refsee. 6 He fhall come down like rain upcfcJ
8 Let my mouth be filled vrrtb thy praite, the mown graft: as mowers /A»: watc
»nd with thv honour all the day, the earth.
9 Carl me not erT in the time dt oL! age, 7 In his dnys (hall the righteous flt,tt
fcrfake me not when my itrengih failcth. rifh and abundance of peace fo long a

to For mine enemies (peak againft me the mcon endureth. :

and they that lay wait for my ibul, take 8 He fhall have dominie n alfo fron
tounfel together, fea to fea, and trom the river unte th<
it Saying, Go J hath farfaken him ends ot the earth. :

feifecnte and taic him, for there it none 9 They that dwell in the wildernef
10 deliver bim. ihall bvw before him and his encaiie :

i* O GOd, be not lar from me O my lhall lick the dud.


Go J, make Laltc for my help-. io The kings of Tarlhifh and of tht.

ix Let them be conipunded And conta- Ulcs fhall bring pretents: the knes o 'P
ined, that are adverfarics to my Ibul Sheba and Seba mail offer gifts. I

let them be covered vtitb reproach and it Tea, all kings lhall fall down befortf 1
difhorour, that feek my hurt. him all natioDs (hall ferve him. :

14 But I will hope continually, and will ix For he fhall deliver the needy whert*
yet praife the^ more and more. he cneth : the poor alfo, and him thai
n My mouth mall Ihew forth thy hath no helper.
light eoufhefs, And thy falvation all the i} He ihall (pare the poor and needy.,

day: for 1 know not the numbers thereof. and lhall lave the fouls of the needy.
i* I will go intheftrengthof the Lord u
He ihall redeem their foul from de-
Cod I will make mennon of thy righ- ceit and violence and precious mall
: :

tecufnefs, even of thine onlv. their blood be in his fight.

17 O God, thou had tsucht me from i,- And he fhall live, and tohim (hall|-
j»y youth: and hitherto have I- declared be given ot the Gold of Sueba prayer ;

thy wondrous works. alfo (hall be made for him continually,

i8 Muw alfo when I am old and gray- And daily (hall he be i.raifed.
headed, O God, Orfake me nor until 1 16 There
: (hall be an handful of corn
have (hewed thy tlrengrh unto tbit gere- e earth up?n the top of the mountains
aation, r.m thy power tc evory one that the fruit thereof fhall (hake like Lebanon,
is to corrrc. ar,d_ tbtj ot the city mall ftourim lik
t9 Thy nghteoufr.efs alio, O God, it ^rafj ot the earth.
very high, whs hait done great things: t7 His naaie lhallerdurefcrever hi :

O G°d, like unto »hee ?

it naniL" fhall be continued as long as th<_ -

ki Ibou which, hail (hewed me great fun and men (hall bebleOed in him aij ^
i :

./.t quicken me again, radons fhall cill him blciVed.

'and fttafi bring me up again from the id BleflTed be tfie Lord God, tht_
depths ot the earth. Go ( of Ifrael, who orly doth, wor.droua
it Thou lhaU incr-afe mv greatness, thing*,
and comfcrt me on every »ide. iq JWii b!eiT-d be his glorious nami
ii i will alfo pra:fe thee with the for ever i and let the whole earth be fH- W
pfaltery, tvtn thy tnull, O my Go^i un- : led xc-tb his glory. Amen, and amen,
witflting with, UK bWfj liou O io The pravert of Qirii the fen o
$rj> One of liu- 1
^ Jcift ajc CCdCoY

Tit xtickeis prc/ptrits Pfalmj. Ptvid prajntb far tHftofhiifr
P S A L. LXXHI. GOD) that I may declare wl! thy wotfts,

rU Tb$
pfali* of Afaph.
y*>ic{eds prvfperity,

Ruly God is good to Ifrael, even to

fuchas arc of a clean heart.
i But as tor me, riiy feet were almoft o
Tbe jtnftuary defoUte, &c.
51 Mafchil of Araph.
God, why haft thou call us off fol
ever ? why dd»h thin.: ant;er fmok-a
;one my fteps had well-nigh llipt.
: againlt the iheep of thy patture?
\ For I was envious at the fooiifh, when i Remember thy congregation ivbitb
iaw the profperity of the wicked. thou haft purchafedofold: the rod of thine
4 For tbtre *re no bands in their death inheritance vtbicb thou, halt redeemed,
>uttheir ftrength is firm. this mount Zion wherein thou haft dwdt.
? irrtrouble ai other men
They*re not : 3 Litt up thy feet unto the perpetual
either are they plagued like ether men. deflations: even all that the enemy hath
6 Therefore pride corupaffeth them a- done wickedly in the. fanftuary.
out as a chain : violence covereththem 4 Thine enemies rore in the midft of
i garment. thy congregations they fet up their cn-

7 Their eyes (land cut with fatnefs : figns/or Hgns.

icy have moie than heart could wifli. <>A man was famous according as he
8 They 3re corrupt, and fr-cak wicksdly had lilted up axes upon the thick trees.
oncerning oppreffion they (peak loftily.
: 6 But now they break down the car-
9 They fet their mouth againft thehea- ved work thereof at once, with ales
ens ; and their tongue walkcth through and hammers.
ie earth. 7 They have caft fire into the fancluarv*
ic Therefore his people return hither: they have defiled by vfiing down the dwel-
"J waters of a full cup are wrong out to ling-place of thy name to the ground.
lem. 8 ThevUid in their hearts; Let us de-
it And they fay, How doth God knew ? ftroy them together: they have burnt u-
nd is their knowledge in the mod High ? all the fynagogues of God in the land.
n Behold, thefei"-e the ungodiy, who 9 We
fee not eur figns, tbersis no more
ro'per in the world, they increafe in any prophet, neither fs there among us
iches. any that knoweth how long.
13 Verily 1 have cleanfed my heart in io O
God, how long fhail the adverfa-
ain, and warned my hands in innocency ry rsproach? fhall the enemy hlaiphstne
14 For all the day long have I been thy name for ever?

>lagued, and chaftned every morning. 1 1 Why withdraweft thou thy hard, erefl"

i? If! fay, I will fpcakthus: behold, thy right hand ? pluck it out of thv btfom.
lhou'd offend Agiinji the generation of ti For God is my king of old', work-
hy children. ing falvation in the rrftdlt of the earth.
16 When I thought to know this, it U
Thou didtt divide the fea bv thy
*** too painful tor me. ftrength: thou brakeit the heads of the
i7 UntU I went into the fanftuary of dragons in the waters.
rod ; tbm underftool 1 their end. 14 Thou brakeft the heads of levfatfcan
18 Surely thou didft fet them in flippe- in pieces, And gaveft him to be meat to
y places: thou caftedft them down into the people inhabiting thewilderne j.
sftrudtion. i? Thou dicta cleave the fountain and
19 How are they brought into defolati- the flood i thou driedftup mighty river-.
n, as in a moment i they are utterly con- 16 The day is thine, 'the nieht alfo it
umed with terrors. thine : thou haft pseyared the'light cad
io As a dream when one awaketh ; fo, the fun.
» LORD, when thou awakeft thou 'fhalt i- Thou haft fet all the borders of fhr
efpile their image. earth thou halt made fu aimer and wir.te».

n Thus my heart was grieved, and I 18 Remember this, tbAt the enemy hat^
as pricked in my reins, reproached, LORD, and fiaftflefoo-O
n So foolifh w«» I, and ignorant: 1 lifh people have blafphemcd thy name.

as as a beaft before thee 19 O

deliver Hot the feul of thy turtl?-
x\ Nevertheless, r ath continually with dove unto the multitude of tbe wfeftd

aec: thcu halt hol.'.enw^y my right hand forget not the congregation of thy poor
24 Thou fhalc jruide me with thyccuTi- for ever.
:1, and afterwards rec.-ive me to glory. 10 Have refpedt unto the covenant
i-j Wham have I in heaven but tbe'e? for the dark places of the earth are full

id there m cone upon earth tb»t 1 defire of the habitations of cruelty.

efides thee. 11 O let not the opprell'ed return 3-
16 My flefh and my heart failcth but fhamed: let the poor and needv praiie

od is the ftrength of my heart, and my thy name.

oition for ever. 11 Arife, God, plead thine cut O
17 Forlo, they that are far from thee, caule : remember how the foolifti man
\z\\ perifh: thou haft dfftroyed all them reproacheth thee daily.
Iiat go a whoring from thee. 1} Foreet not the voice of thin* ene-
,18 But it is gooa Lt me to draw near to mies trie tumult of thole rhat

M rife up

i I fcavc k>«t my trutt in tbe Lord tbee) increafeth «Wtrrni?ll».

T 6 PS A :..
Tie frepbet pzti/ctb &•*. rfaltK. His combat xtitb Aifiittns, '

P S A L. LXXV. P 5 A L. LXXV11.
l be propbtt praifilb Go.*, 'Sec. Ibt pftim-jii combat, Sec.
H To the chief mufician, Al-tafchith> H To the thief mufieian, to Jeduthun, " ?:' i

UApfalm or fong or Afaph.

Nro thee, O God, do we give thanks,
««.'o ^;e do wc give thanks lor :
1; Pi aim of Afaph.
Cried un.o God with my voice em
unto God with my voice, andheea'

that thy name r/ near, "thy thy wondrous t-ar unto inc.
works declare. i In the day of my trouble I fought t:
i When I ihaU receive the congrega- Lords my lore ran in the night, ar
tion, I will judge uprightly. cealed not: my loul refilled to be con ft-
3 The earth and all the inhabitants tortcd.
thereof are dillblveu : I bear up the pil- ? 1 remembered God, and was troubled^
lars of it. Selah. I complained, and my fpint was ovei P 1

. 4 I (aid unto the fools, Dealnot foelifh- whelmed. Selah.

ly ; and to the wicked, Lilt not up the 4 Thou ho U; eft mine eves waking:
horn. am lo troubled that I cannot fpeak.
* Liftnotup your horn on high: fpeak ? 1 have coniidered the days of ol
net with a itjfjieck. the years oi ancient time:.
6 For pronfowWT cometb rteitber from 6 I call t® remembrance my fong in tfc
fhe eaft, nor from the welt, nor from night :'
I commune with mine own hear
the foutii. and my made diligent feareh.
7 But God is the judge: he puttetb Will the LORD catt off for ever 7
down one, and letteth up another. and will he be favourable no more' t
i> For in the hand of the Loun thi/eit 8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever 11

a cup, and the wine is red: it is full of doth hi* promile fail tcr evermore' fasti

mixture, and hepourethoutcf the fame 9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious

J it

tout the dregs thereof all the wicked of hath he in anger lhutup his tender mer
the earth fliall wring them out, and drink cies ? Selah.
tb:m. tc And 1 faict, This is my infirmity
9 But 1 will declare lor ever ; I will but I will remember the years of the rie;i
§ng prailes to the Go»l of Jacob. hand of the molt High.
to All the herns oi the wicked alfo u 1 will remember the works of th
Will 1 cut oft ; but the horns oi the righ- Lord : lurely 1 will remember thy won
teous fhall be exalted. ders ef old.
1' S A L. LXXV2L i?. I will meditate alfo of thy work
He majejljr ef God, &c. and talk ot thy doings.
<fl To the chief mulician onNeginoth, i? Thy way, O
God, is in the far.ctua-
A Pfalm or long oi Alaph. ry : who is
ft great a God as our God ?
Judah God known his name t4 Thou
art the God that doft won-
INgreat is
in Israel.
: is
ders ; thou haft declared thy ftrengtl
x In Salem alfo is his tabernacle, and among the people.
his dwelling-place in Zion. t> Thou halt with tbjnt arm redeem-
? There brake he the arrows of the ed thy people, the fonsof Jacob and Jo-
bow, the fhield, and the iword, and tke feph. Selah.
battle. Selah. t6 The waters faw thee, God, the O
4 Thou art mofe glorious and excellent waters law thee they were afraid ; the

than the mountains of prey. depths alfo were troubled.

? The flour-hearted are fpoiled, they t7 The clouds poured out water, the
have fie.n their fieep : and none of the skies fent out a found : thine arrows al«
men of might have found their hands. fo went abroad.
fj At thv rebuke, O
Godot Jacob, both The voice of thy thunder voai in the

the chariot andhorle arc call into a dead heaven: the lightnings lightned the
Keep. world, the earth trembled and fhook.
7 Thcu, even thouart to be feared, and 19 Thy Way / J in thefea, and thy path
•who may ftand in thy fight when once in the great waters, and thy foot-ft
thou art 'angry ?
8 Thou did ft caufe Judgment to be
heard from heaven the earth feared,

and was ftll,

9 When God
arofeto Judgment to fave
alt the meek of t!-.e earth. Selah.
to Surely thewrathct manfhall praifc Give ear- Q my people, to my lawi
thee : the remainder of wrath ihalt thou incline your 'ears to the words ol
t*rtia;r. I my mouth.
u V w, and pay v.nto the Lord your a I will open my
movth in a parable;)
God; k~ -11 that be round about him I will utter datkfayings of oldt
bring prefents untc aim. that ought to-be 3 Which we have heard and known,,
ieared. _ , and our fathers have told us.

•* Hcihallcutotl the pint of princes- I 4 will rot hide ttem from thcil-
** »j icniblc t* the ftnjp'gt.tbccaxifi. chilflieu, itching to the generation «,
Godt verttb igt'mft iifohdienct. rffllm*. Egypt t pltgtm.
Dine, the praifes of the LORD
and I 18 And he let ir fall inthe midftoftheir
is itrengtti, and his wonderful works
' camp, round about their
$iat he hath done. 19 bo they did- eat, and were well fil-
1 For he eltaoliflifda teftimony in Ja- led : tor he gave them their own delire j
ob, and appointed a lawinlfrael, which 30 They were not eltranged from their
e commanded our fathers, that they lult but while their meat w<* yet in

lould make themknown to their children. their mouths,

6 That the generation to come might The wrath of God came upon them,
now tbtm, tv.n th^d^renvibieb mould and flew the tattert or them, and fmote
,-.>- >oTn vrbj fhouuT arife and declare
: down the chofen mm
of Ifrael. ,
idem ro their children : 31 For all this they finned ftill : and
i\ 7 That they might fet their hope in believed not tor his wondrous works.
Bpod, and not forget the works of God ; 33 Therefore their days didheconfume
lout keep his commandments . in vanity, and their year* in trouble.
8 And might not be as their fathers, a 34 When he flew them, then they
Tuibborn and rebellious generation , a ge- fought him and they returned and en-

neration tbtt fet not their heart aright, and quired early after God.
Iwhofe fpirit was not ftedfaft withGcd. 3? And they remembred that God w>*»
ti 9 The children of Ephraim being arm- their rock, and the high God their re-
tjed, and carrying bows, turned back in deemer.
the day of battle. 36 Nevertheless, they did flatter hira
x io They kept not the covenant of Gcd, with their mouth, and they lied unto
land refulcd to walk in his law. him with their tongues.
it And forgat his works, and his won- 37 Fdr their heart was not right with
ders that he tiad ltiewed them. him, neither were they ftedtaft in his
ir Marvellous things did he in the covenant,
38 But heWmjfulIof comuaflion, for-
Ifight of their fathers, in the land of E-
gypt, in the field of Zoan. gave tbeir iniquity, and deftroyed tbtm
1 5 He divided the fea, and caufed them not; yea, many a time turned he his an-
to pal's through, and he made the waters ger away, and did not ftir up all his
to itan.l as an heap. wrath.
14 In the day-tune alfo he led them ?q For he remembred that they votrt
with a cloud, aad all the ni?lit with a hut flclh ; a wind that paffefh away and
light of fire. cometh not again.
r* He clave the rocks in the wilder- 40 How oft did they provoke him
in the
nels, and gave them drink as out of the wildernels, and grieve him in the defert ?
great depths. 41 Yea, they turned back anil tempted
16 He brought itreams alfo out of the rock. Gad, and limited the holy One of Ifrael.
and caufed waters to run down like rivers. 4i They remembred not his hand, nor
i7. And they finned yet more againit the day when he delivered them from
hiva, byprovoking the moil High in the the enemy.
wiluemefs. 43 How he had wrought his figns in E-
18 And they tempted God in their gypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan :
heart, by asking meat tor their lult. 44 And had turned their rivers into
Yea, they fpake againft God they : blood 5 and their floods, that they could
fai?, Can God furnifli a table in the not drink.
wildernels ? 4,- Hefent diver« fisrts cf flies among

io Behold, he fmote the rock, that them, which devoured them j and frogs,
the waters guihed out, and the Itreams which deftroyed them.
overflowed can he give bread alio ? can
-, 46He gave aifo their increafe unto the ca-
he pp. vide flefh for his people? terpil ler, and their labour unto the locuft.
n Therefore the Lord heard this, and • 47 He deftroyed their vines with hail,
was wroth, (b a fire was kindled againft Ja- and their fycomore-trecs with froft.
cob, and anger alfo came up ag-ainft Ifrael j 48 He gave up their cattle alfo to the
n BecauTc they believed not in God, hail, and their flocks to hot thunder-bolts,
and crttfted not in his falvation : 49 He caft upon them thefiercenefsoi his
i? Though he had commanded the anger, wrath and indignation and trou-
clouds from above, and opened the doors ble, by fend ing evil angels *msngttem.
of heaven, <o He made a way to his anger, he
14. And had rained down manna upon fpared not their foul from- death : but
them to eat, aij} had given them of the gave their life over to the peftilence.
#ern of heaven. *i And fmote- all the 'firft-born in E-
i<j Man did eat angels food he lent t gypt: the chief ot ibtir ftrength in the
them meat to the full. tabernacles ot Ham :

16 He caufed an eaft-wind fo blow in ?i But made his own people to go

the heaven: andb^ his power he brought forth like fheep, and guided them inthe
in the fouth-wind.- wildernelshke a flock.
1? He rained 'flefh alfo upon them as ?3 And he leathern on fafely, lb that
«luft, and feathered fowls like a*tfiefand they feared not : but the fea overwhel-
med, their, commie*;
ffrdtlt reunion. Pfalms. Ttt tlarceti tKrftrh)>W'
14 And he
Drought them to the bcrder 1 How long, LORD? wilt thou If;-
oi landtuary, even fe this mountain,
flis angry for ever? lhall thy jealoufie bull 1

«p*ic£ his right hand had purchafed. like fire? 1
11 He cart out the heathen al:o before 6 Pour out thy wrath upon the heathefK
them, and divided them in inheritance that have net known thee, and uron
by line, and made the tribes of Uraelto kingdoms that have not called upon thl^
dwell in their tents. name.
16 Yet they tempted and provoked the 7 For they have devoured Jacob, an
molt high God, and kept not his telti- laid waite nis dwelling-place.
jnorvics: . 8 O remember not againft us forme •
17 But turned back and dealt unfaith- iniquities: let thy tender mercies fpee
fully like their fathers: they were turn- dily prevent us: krwe are brought vcr
ed afute like a deceitful bow. lot
18 For they provoked him to anger 9 Help us, OGodof ourfalvation, foifc*:
with their high places, and moved him the glory of thy name : and dcliverus, and
CO Jealoufie with their graven images. purge away pur fins fcr thy names fake. W
49 When God heard this, he was 10 Wherefore fhould the heathen fay,fc»- :
wroth, and greatly abhorred Ifrael: Where n their God? let him be known
6o So that he fodbok the tabcrr.atle arncng the heathen in our light, far the
of Shiloh, the tent vcbkb he placed a- revenging of the biood of thy fervants
»ong men: xebreb it fhed.
6t And delivered his ftrength into capti- ii Letthciighini* of the prifcnerccme
vity, and his glory into the enemies hand before thee, according 10 the er»atnel's
6i He gave his people over alio unto ot thy power: prcfer/e thou thole that
the fword : and was wroth with his in- arc appointed to die.
heritance. 11 And render unto ourneighbours fe-
6x The fire confumed their young ven-foli ntothen bofom, their reproach
men and their
: maidens were not given wherewith they have reproached thee,
to marriage. O lo*L
64 Their priefts fell by the fword: and 15 So we thy people and fheep of thy
theirwidows made no lamentation. palture, will give thee thanks for ever:
6c Then the Lord awaked as ©ne out we will ihew forth tLy piail'e to ail ge-
of deep, *nd like a mighty man thar nerations.
flioutethby reafon of wine. P 5 A L. JLXXX.
66 And he fmote his enemies in the The p/tlmijls comfltint, &c.
hinder parts: he put them to a perpetual 11 To the chief mulician upon ShoAaru

JtCfroath. nim, Eduth, A plalm of Afaph.

67 Moreover, he refuied the taber- /"Mve esr, O-Sf.epherdof Ifrac), tftoil
nacle of Joftph and chofe not the
: VJ tharleadeit loleph like a flock, thou'
that dwcllelt^r»«ntheche<ubiais, ftnne
tribe of Ephraim.
68 But chofe the tribe of Judah> the tcrth.
jnount Zion which he loved. z Before Ephraim, and Benjamin, and
69 And he built his fancluary like ManalFch, flir up- thy ttrength, and come
high ftltces, like the earth which he tni lave as.
hath eftablifhed for ever. 1 Turn us again, O
God : andcaufethy
70 He chofe David alfo his fervant, face to fhine, and we fhall be faved.
and took him from the iheepfolds: 4 O LORD God of hofls, how long,
7t From following the ews great with wilt thou be angry againft the prayer of
your?, he brought him to feed Jacob his thy people ?
people, and Ifrac) his inheritance. > Thou leedefl them with the bread of

7t So he fed them according to the tears: and giveflthem tears to drink in

integrity of his heart and guided them:
great mealure.
bv skilfu'nefs of his hands. 6 Thou makeft us a ftrife unto cur
y the
P S A L. LXX1X neighbours: and our enemies laugh a-
Itruftdemt 4tfoUti6ti, &.C, mong- thcnvfclves.
51 A pfalm of Afaph. 7 Turn us again, O God of hofls, and
the heathen are come into
thine inheritance, thv holy temple
caui'e thy face
to fliiue, and we fhall be

have they defiled they have laid Jeru-

: 8 Thou haft' broughr a vine out of E-
salem on heaps. gypt : thou halt eaft out the heathen,'
x Thedead bodiesof thy fervants have and planted it.
they given to be meat unto the fowls 0! 9 Thou prepared** room before it. and
dulft caufe it 10 take deep root, and it
the heaven, the flefh of thy faints unto
the tvalts of the earth. filled the land.
wa- 10 The hills were covered with the fha-
3 Their b-'ood have they fhed like
ter round about Jerufalem and there 1
cow of it, and the boughs thereof -net*
W4i none to bury them. iifit the goodly cedars.
4 \\ r e are become a reproach to our it She fent out her boughs unto the
neighbours a fcorn and dciifiOD to. them *fea, and her branches unto i^c river.
that 21c iQu£d about m, u Why tmft thou thu bxoK$o ^^
8 ; :

txbsrMion i$ paift God. PrrfmSt luigti ftfnvti.

N* hedges, fo that all they which pal 16 He fhould have fed them alfowith
W the way, do pluck her ? the nncit of the wheat : and with hony out
The boar out «f the wood doth -of tn* rock lhould 1 have latisficd thee.
it, and the wild beaifc of the field
'itatft'e . PSA
devour it.
iid>th Tbt pjAlmiJi exbortetb tbt juagtt, &C.
14 Return, we befecch thee, o God
ttj 11 A pfalm of Afaph.
holts look dewn from heaven, and
/~* Od ftandeth in the congregation oF
Jftljhcld and vifit this vine VJT. the mighty he judgcth among the

t-r And the vineyard which thy right gods.

mind hath planted, and the branch tbat i How
loug will ye judge unjuftiy, and
«. ou madett itrong for thy felt", accept the perfons of the wicked ? Se-
eiytr6 It is burnt with fire, it is cut down :
ey pcrifh at the rebuke of thy counte- t, Defend the poor and fatherlefj : d«
juitice to <hc arflitted and needy.
i7 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy 4 Deliver the poor and needy rid tketn :

ght hand, upon the ion of man whom out of the hand of the wicked.
iou madeft (strong for thy feff. <i They know not, neither will they
1 bo will notwe go back from thee : underftand ; they walk on in darknefs -
uicken us, and we will call upon thy all the foundations of the earth are
tame. of couri'e.
19 Turn us again, God of O LORD 6 I have faid, Ye Art gods : and all of
caufe thy lace to fnine, and we
,ofts, you Art children of the moft High.
hall be faved. 7 But ye mall die like men, and fall
P S A L. LXXXI. like one of the pnncw.
An exhortation to frtije God, &c. 8 Aril'e, O God, judpe the earth : foi
1 To the chief mulician upon Gittith, thou malt inherit all nations.
A pfatm of ACaph. P S A L. LXXXIH.
K Ing aloud unto God our Itrength make : A compUint to Go J, &c.
j a joyful r.oifeunto the God of Jacob. A long or pfalm of Afaph.
Take a pfalm, and bring hither the Kfl Lep not thou filence> O God: hold"
imbrcl, the plcafant harp with thepfal-
ery. God.
not thy peace, and be not ftill, Q
3 Blow up the trumpet in the new- i For thine enemies make a tu-
noon, in the time appointed, onourlb- mult : and they that hate thee, have lift
emn feill-day. up the head.
4 For this was a ftatute for IfraeT, and 3 They have taken crafty counfel a-
law of the God of Jacob.
\ gainft thy people, and confulted againlt
This he ordained in JoCcph for a te-
5 thy hidden ones.
when we went out through the
ftimony, 4 They- have faid, Come, and let as
and of Egypt 1 wbtrt I heard a language cut them off from being a nation that :

bit I underltood not. the name of Ifrael may be no more in,

6 I remove* his moulder from the bur- remembrance.
den : his hands were delivered from the For they have confulted together

pots. with one content : they are confederate

7 Thou calledft in trouble, and I deli- againlt thee.
vered thee; T anfwered.thee in the fe- 6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the*
:ret place of thunder r proved thee at •- imraaelites : of Moab, and the Hegarcns.
the waters of Meribah. Selah. 7 Gebal, andAmmon, and Amalek.thc-
3 Hear, O
my people, and I will te- Phililtines with the inhabitants of Tyre.
ftiry unto tftee O Ifrael, if thou wilt
: 8 Affur alio is joyned with them : they
hearken unto me ; have holpenthe children of Lot. Selah.
9 There fhall no ftrange god be in 9 Do unto them as unto the Midia-
thee: neither fhalt thou worfhip any nites : as to Sifexa, as to Jabin, at thc
ftrange god. brcok of Kifon:
to I an the LORD thy God which 10 Which- perimed at En-dor : they be-
brought thee out of the land of Egypt came as dung for th« earth.
open thy mouth wide, and I will hil it. Make their nobles like Oreb, and"
n But my people would not hearken to like Zeebryea, all their princes as Ze-
my voice and Ifrael would none of me.
i bah, and as Zalmunna :
[» So I gave them up unto their own ii "Who laid, Let us take to ourfelvee
hearts luft And they walked in their
: the houfes of (iod in Pofteiuon.
own counfels. 1? O my God, make them like a whcelv
r\ O that my people had bearkned unto as the ftubble before the wind.
me, And Ifrael had walked in my ways' As the fire burneth the wood, andaa
14 I mould foon have fubdued their the fl.Tme- letteth the mourtams on fire %
enemies, and turned my hand againlt if So perfecute them with thyteffipeft,
their adverfaries. and make them afraid with thy ftorm.
t? The haters 0! theLoRO fltonkl have 16 Fill their faces with flume: that
fubmitted theml elves unto him : but their" they may feek thy name, O LORD*
ufcis Mki j»ye crowed fci ever,. • 17 L« tbsai >C CWifou^dsd a£d trou»
Tbt itfirt of tbt godly. PlaimJ. Vavtds prayer for vnt\*>
bled for ever yea let them be put to fear hi« 3 that glory may dwell in our 1] \

Jhame, and perifli to Mercy and truth are met

18 That men may know, that thou nghteouincis and peace have kitted**'
whofe name alone fi 3 t H O V A H> *rt other.
Che moft high over all the earth. ti Truth fhall fphngout of the
P SAL. LXXX1V. and nghteoulners ihall look down '#
Tbe prophet ton^eth for tbt bvufe vfGoa. heaven.
% To rhe chief muiician upon Gittith, ii Yea, the LORD fhall give \>
A pialm for the Ions of Korah. vebicb is good: and »ur land Inall

HOw amiable are thy tabcrnactes, O

LOUD of hofts!
her increale.
i? Righteoufnefs in all go before hi
i My foul longeth, yea, even fainteth and ihall fet us in theway of nis fteli
for the courts of the LORD my heart and : PS A L. LXXXV J.
any flefh crieth out for the living God. David Jtrengthnetb bis prayer, &C '( aentsj

3 Yea, the fparrow hath found an

houfe, and the (wallow a nelt tor her
felt, where fhe may lay her young, even
A Prayer of David.
thine ear, LORD, h<
me: lor I am poor and needy.
i in ttia.

thine altars, O
Lord of holts, my Kin?, i Preferve my four-, for I am holy •

and my God. thou my God, lave thy iervar.t' thltott c

4Blefled are they that dwell in thy houfe : trulteth in thee. foar.Mtli

they will be ftill praifing thee. Selah. 7,

Be merc.ful unto me, O
? Bleffed it the man whofe ftrength is in 1 cry unto thee daily. K
thee in whofe heart Are the vizyaofthtm.
: 4 Rejoyce the foul of thy fervant ftfjairi :

6 Who paflirig through the valley of unto thee, O

Lord, do 1 lift up mWculiL*' 1

Baca, make it a well the rain alio

: <; For thou, LORD, art good, anff reaMe *
filleth the pools. dy to forgive; and plenteous in mwcHfoi
7 They go from ftrength to ftrength, unto ajl them that call upon thee. nli'.t
•very one of ibem in Z;on appeareth be- 6 Give ear, O
LORD, unto my pray U
fore God. cr and atte»d to the voice of my fup-wm

8 O LORD God of hofts. hear my plications. 1ft.

prayer give ear,
: God of Jacob. Selah. 7 In the day of my trouble I will calhf
9 O
Behold, God our fliield, and look upon thee: tor thou wilt anl'w<:r me. lfli<
upon the face of thine anointed. 8 Among the gods there is npne like
io For a day in thy courts is better thee, LORD, neither are there O
than a thoufand : I had rather be a door- any xvarfa like unto thy works
keeper in the houfe of my God, than to 9 All nations whom thou haft made
dwell in the tents of wickedncl's. fhall come and worfhip before thee, O
it For the LORD God h a fun and LORD
and fhall glorify thy name.

ihieki • the LORD will give grace and io For thou art great, and doll won
glory : no good thing will he withhold drous things : thou art God alone.
I rem them that walk uprightly. n Teacirme thy way, Lord, I will O
iiO LORD of holts, blelfed ft the walk in thy truth unite my heart to :

man that trulteth in thee. fear thy name.

P S A L. LXXXV. ii I will praife thee, my ft O LORD
The pftlmijls experience of Gods mercifs. God, with all my heart: and 1 wiLl glo '

H To the chief muiician, A Pfalm for rifie thy name tor evermore.
LtheORD, fons of Korah. r For great is thy mercy toward me:
thou haft been favourable un- and thou haft delivered my foul from
to thy land : thou halt brought back the lowelt hell.
tfis captivity of Jacob. 14 O
God, the proud are rifen againft
a. Thou haft forgiven the iniquity of me, and the affcmblies of violent m
thy people, thou haft covered all their have fought after my foul andhavenot :

fm. Selah. let thee before them.

? Thru haft taken away all thy wrath: i? But thou, OLoRn, artaGod full of
thou haft turned thy felf from the fierce- companion, and gracious: long-fuffer-
flefs of thine anger. ing, and plenteous in mercy and truth,
4 Turn us, O
God of ourfalvation, and 16 O
turn unto me, ar.d have mercy up-
eaufe thine anger towards us to ceafe. on me, give thy ftrength unto thy iervar.r,
< Wilt thou be angry with us for e- and fave the fun of thine hand-maid
ver? wilt thou draw out thine anger to t7 Shew, me a token for gocd, that they
all generations ? which hate me may fct it, and be aftia-
6 Wilt thou not revive us again : that nved becaufe thou, LORD, hafjholdeo :

thy people may rejoyce in thee? me, and comforted me.

7 Shew us thy mercv, O LQRDi an«i P S A L. LXXXV1J
grant vs thy falvation". The nature and glory of the ;t'ircb. &c.
8 I will hear what God the Loan will 51 A pfalm or long for the Ibis of Korah,
fpeak '. for he will fpeak peace unto his
people; and 'o his faints but let them
•. tains.
foundation" is in the holy moun-

•ct turn again to folly. i The Lord loveth the gatcsof Zion,
§ Surely his. falvationi* njgh tl»em that more than ail the dwcihiius" of J3ccb.
. .

itvoat complaint. Pialmi. "

Goit are ef the cburtb.
onous things are fpoken of thee. P S A L. LXXX1X.
JM City of God. Selah. The pfalmifi praifetb God, &c
::t4 w.ll make mention of
1 Rahab,and Mafchil of Ethan the Ezrahite.
ftbylon, to them that know me , behold Will ting ot the mercies of the Lord
Kiitia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia : this I for ever with my mouth will 1 mak* :

was born there,

-fi)*» known thy fauhrulnels to ail generati-
c And of Zion it fhall be faid, This and
man was born in her and the High-
er himlelf fliaH eftaalifh her.
1 For I have faid, Mercy fhall be built
up for ever: thy faithfulneis inalt thou
S The
fhall count when he eitar-liih in the very heavens.
tyitethup the people, that this m*n was 3 I have made a covenant with my
iorn there. Selah. chofen, I have fworn unto David my
well the nncers as the players on lervant.
tniments Jb*U !>t~ there : all my formes
4 Thy feed will I eftabliln for ever,
t in thee. and build up thy throne to all generati-
L. LXXXVIII. A ons. Selah.
prayer containing a grievous tomplaint.
i ? And trie heavens fhall praife thy
:( A longer pfalm for the Ions of Korak," wonders, LORD: thy faithfulnefs alio
tkiro the chief muiician upon Mahalath in the congregation of the laints.
,.eannoth, Mafchil of lieman the Ez- 6 For who in the heaven can be com-
fa-ahite. pared unto the ? rob* among the LORD
j"\ LORD God of myfalvation, 1 have fonsor the mighty can be likened unto
kj cried day and night before thee. the LORD ? c
*i Let my prayer come before thee : in-

7 God is greatly to be feared in the

a^ne thine ear unto my cry. affembly of the faints and to be had i» :

Kj*t For my foul is full of troubles : and


reverence of all them tint are about

lile draweth nigh unto the grave. him.
iM I am counted with them that go down 8 O LORD God of holts, who ii a
Wo the pit : I am as a man tbtt bath flrong LORD
like thee? or to thy
'i ftren?th. faithfulnc:!s round about tnee ?
/among the dead, like theflain 9 Thou rulett the raging of the fea:
in the grave, whom thou remem- w -.en the waves thereof arifc, thou ftil-
flo m«e: and they are cut off from leftthem.
a. Thcu haft broken Rahabin pieces,
> haft laid me in the loweft pit,
Thou as one that is flam j thou haft fcattere*
darknels, in the deeps. thine enemies witn thyftrcng srs 1..
,7 Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, ?.t;d 11 The heavens art thine, the eartft
Jtt halt afflicted we with all thy wares. alfu it thine as for the world-, and the :

lah. tnlnefs thereof, thou haft founded th;m.


S Thou halt put awav mine acquain- n The north and the fouth thou haft
nce far from, me: thou halt made me created them : Tabor and Hermon fhall
abonination unto t h em I am fhut : rejoyce in thv name,
>, and I cannot come forth. 1? Thou
mighty arm: ftrong ishaft a
) M'fie eye mourneth by reafonof afflic- thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
?n Lord, I have called daily upon thee,
: t4 luftice and judgment are the habi-
lave itretch.d out my funds unto thee, tation of thy throne mercy and trut»l :

to Wilt thou fhew. wonders to the dead ? fhall go before thy face.
the dead arifeaflJ Selah.
all t« Blefled/x thepeople that knew the
11 Shall thy loving kindnefs be decla- joyful found: they fhall walk, OLORD,
d in the grave? or thy faithfulnefs in in the light of thy countenance.
ftruttion ? 16 In thv name fhall they re.iovce all the
ii Shall thy wonders be known in the day: ?nd'in thy righteouineisflull they
irk? andthv righteoufnefs in the land be exalted.
foreetfulnefs? 17 For thou art the glory of thei*
i3 But ursto thee fiave I cried, OLord, ft-ength and in thy favour our horn fhalJ

d in the morning fhall my prayer pre- be exalted.

:nt thee. 18 For the Lorp h our defence and :

14 Lord, why cafteft thou cfF my foul ? the holy oneoi" Ifrael/j our King.
by nideft thou thy tace from me? 19 Then ''->ou fpakeft in vnlon to thy
I am afflicted and ready to die, frcm
15 holy one, aod faidft, 1 nave laid hely
youth up white I fuffer thy terrors,
» : upon one that is mighty I have exalted
detracted. one chofen ou* of the Deople.
'16 Thy fierce wra'hg">eth over me, thy 10 I have found David my fervant :
rrors have cut me off. with my holy oyl have 1 anointed him.
i*7 They came round about me daily ii With whom my hma fhall be e-
ke water, they compaffed me about to- ftablifhed : mine arm alfo fhall Itrength-
cher. en him.
18 Lover and friend haft thou put far %x The enemy not ex aft upo» fhall
om me, and mine acquaintance into him : nor the fon of wickednefs afflict
uknels. him. _
»-* Ann*

Gt.ii favour to David. Pfalm* The brevity cf .


XX And I will be« down his foes before kindneflcs, ubitb thouftHliui,»lliirm
iwareft ur.t I'l.
his face, and plague them that hate him. in thy truth ?
14 But my raithfulnefs and my mercy ?c R-emember, Lord, the reproatbi"
Jbtit be with him and in my namefflall
thy fcrvants j beve I do bear in ray be Ms
Bis horn be exalted. the rtproub of ali Me mighty peop
j r
i? 1 w.ll fet his han.l alfo in the f£2, 7i Wherewith thine enemies hav 6 M
and Ins right hand in the rivers.
16 He ihalf cry unto me, Thou *rt my
ProacheJ, O LORD* wherewith
have reproached the leotftepi cl cLX W
father, my God, and the rock of my fal- anointed.
vation. <i Bleffedin thcLORDfor cveimiL,-
17 Alfo I will make liim my firft-born, Anu-n, and amen. f_.
higher than the kings of the earth. , , P S A L. XC.
iS My mercy will I keen fC r him for Mojey ftttetb tortb G«lt proviJente, 17
evermore, and my covenant fcaJJ ftand A
prayer of Mofes the man of Cock*
faft w:th him.
ORD, thou halt been our dwelli.L*
19 His feed alfe will 1 make totndure jL-i pl/ce in all generations.
for ever, and his throne as the days of i Before the mountains were brou,Li

heaven. Icrth.orever thou hadft formed the caE

3o If his children forfake my law, and and thcworld: even from everlaitin*f«
walk not in my judgments everlaftmg, thou *rt God.
li if they break ray ftatutes, and keep .1 Thou turneft man to detraction af. :

not my commandments i
layeft, Return, ye children ot men.
U TheD will I vifit their tranfgrefTion 4 Fcr a thouiand years in thy fight *
but as yefterday r whenit is paft, aoda
with the rod, and their iniquity with
ftripes. watch in the night.
;; Neverthelefs, my loving kindnefs ? Thou carrieft them away as with,
will 1 not utterly take from him, nor i'uffer flood, they are *r a fleep : in the murnir '

*»y faithfulnd's to fail. tbtj are likegrafs stbitb growcth up.

34 My covenant will I rot break, nor fj In the morning it fiounfheth, ar
alter the thing tbdt it gone out or my growth up; in the evening it is cutt'ow:
lips. and withererh.
3% Orrce have I fworn by my holinefs, 7 For we are cenfumedby thine ar.gc
that 1 will not lie unto David. and by thy wrath are we troubled.
36 His feed fhall endure for ever, 2nd 8 Thou haft fet our iniquities befor
his throne as the fun before me. thee, our lecrct /ins in the light of tfi
17 It ftiall be eitaalifhed for ever as countenance.
the moan, ar.d *s a faithful witnefs in 9 For all our days are parted away irEl ;

heaven. Selah. thy wrath wc fpena our years as a taiit.V


38 But thou halt call off and abhorred, tbtt ii told.

ic The days of our years *r# three fcore l
thou haft been wroth with thine anoint-
ed. years and ten > and if by reafonof ftrcngtn
?9 Thau haft made void the covenant they bt tourlcore years, yet ii thcie.
of thy fervant: thou haft profaned his |
ftrength labour and farrow: 'for It isfoo»
crown, by etfting it to the grouDd. |
cut off, and we fly away.
40 Thou haft broken down all his it Who knoweth the power of thine \-
hedges, thou haft bidught his ftrong t
anger ? even according to thy fear, fe it L
holds to ruin. |thy wrath. «-
4t All that pafs by the way fpoil him : j
ii i*> teach tit to number our davs, I
he is a reproach to his neighbours. {that w* may apply our hearts unto wif- L
4t Thou haft fet up the right hand of: «qm.
his adversaries: thou haft made ail his <3 Return, IORD, how long? and
1 O £
enemies to rejoyce. let it repent thee concerning tny ler-
| t,
4? Thou halt alfo turned the edee o. vants.
hisfword, and haft not made him toftand i4 O fatisfle us early with thy me

the battle. that we may rejoyce, aod be glad all but

44 Thou haft made his glory to ceafe. days.
and caft his throne down to the ground. i? Make us glad according to the days
4? The days of his youth halt thou vtberein thou halt afflicted us, *ni tfd
Ifcortned thou haft covered him with
: years xvbrrein we hate feen evil.
iharae. Selah. tfi Let thy work appear unto thy fer-
46 long, LORD, wilt thou hide
How vants, and thy gjory unto their children,
thy felf for ever? ftiall thy wratb burn t? Ar.d let the beauty of the LORT
like fire ? ourGbd be upon us and eftablifh thci :

47 Remember how ftiort my time is: thework of our hands upon us, yea, tie
wherefore halt thou made ail men in work of our hands eftablifh thou it.
vain ? PSAL. XCI.
48 What man ii be tb*t liveth, and Tbtftttt of tbi gaily, ice.
£vail not fee death? ihall he deliver lus TTEjihat dwelteth in the fecret place
foul from the hand of the grave ? Selah. . of the mptt Ulfh* .ftiall abide under]

49 Lord, wiicrc *rt thy fornei levin; | Cc ftadow of tfte Almighty.

x I wil)
. :

Cbrijli fyngdenn.
workers of iniquity fhalt be fcattered.
to But my horn ihalt thou exalt like tbt
born of m
unicorn : I fhall be anointed
with Jrefh oyl.
n Mine eye alio fhall fee my defirt on
mine enemies: and mine cars fhall hear
my itfiri of the wicked that ijf'e up a-
gainft me.
\x The righteous fhall flourifli like the
palm-tree: he fhall grow like a cedar i»
1? Thofe that b* planted in the houfe
fe.Nor for the peftilencefiur walketh in of the Lord, fhaJJ tiourifh in the tourt*
rknefs: nor for the deftruftion tb*t ot our God.
14 They fhall ftill bring fotth fruit in=
!?iteth at noon-day.
J7 Afhoufand fhall fall at thy fide, and old age ; they ihall be fat, and flour ifh-
jf-n thoufand at thy right hand : but it fhall ing:
"'It- f*i*\«rt*k rlrrk * h *» _>
)t come nigh thee. is To fhew that the LORD it upright:
8 Only with thine eyes fhalt thou be- be it my rock, and tbtre it no uniighte-
)ld, and fee the reward of the picked oulhds in him.
9 Becaufe thou haft made the LORD V S A L. XOIII.
bicb i> my refuge, even the moftHigh, The mnjejiy of Cbrt/is kingdom.
,y habitation :
THe LORD reigneth, he is clothe*
10 There Avail no evil befal ibee, nei- with majefty, the Lord is clothed
er fhail any plague come nigh thy dwel- with ftrength wberervitb he hath girded
„,ng. himldt the world alio is itablifhed, that

"In For he give his angels charge

fhall it cannot be moved.
>er thee, to keep thee
in all thy ways. x Thy throne Tieltablifhed of old : thoa
* ii They fhall bear thee up in their art from everlarting.
"mds, left thou dafU thy foot againft a Trie floods have Iiftedup.O LORD,
one. the floods h3ve lifted up then voice tne ;

u Thou ihalt tread upon the lion, and floods lift up their waves*
Ider : the yoHng lion and the dragon 4 The LORD on high it mightier (han
,3alt thou trample under feet. the noife of many waters, yea, tban'tht
Becaufe he hath let his love upon mighty waves of the. fea.
e,therefore will I deliver him: I will s Thy teftimonies are very fiife : holi-
thim on high, becaufe he hath known nefs becometh thine houfe, O LORD?
y name. for ever,
i? He
fhall call upon me, and I will an- P S A L. XC1V.
'erhim: I will be with him in trouble, Tbe prsfbet ealletb for jujlice, &C.
will deliver him, and honour him.
t6 With long life will I fatisfie him,
OLORl> God, to whom vengeance
be ongeth O God, to whom ven-

d fhew him my falvation. geance belongeth, fhew thy felf.

P S A L. XGlf. x Lift up thy felf, thou judge of the
jqA ii to be pr sifed for bitworfe, &C. earth : render a reward to the proud.
1 A pfa'm or long for the fabbath-day. t, Lord, how long fhall the wickedV
T it a good tbihg to give thanks unto how long fhall the wicked triumph?
LORl>> and to ling praifes unte
the 4 Movf long fhall they utter ana fpealc
iyname, O molt High :hard things ? and all the workers of ini-
i To fhew forth thy loving kindnefs m
quity boaft themfelves ?
e mor-ning, and thy fafthtuinefs every v They break in pieces thy people, O
ght; LORD, and atflidt thine heritage.
Upon an inftrument of ten ftrings,
! f> They flay the widow and the ftranger,

upon the pfaltery j upon the harr and murder the fathe-rl tis.
tft a folemn found. 7 Yet they ay, The LORD fhall not
t For thou, Lord, haft made me glad fee: neither fhall the God of Jacob re-
ough thy work I will triumph in the gard ft.

Idirks of thy hands. 8 Unorerftand, ye brutifh among the peo-

r O LOKD, howereat are thy works \ ple and .ye fools, when will yet»twife?

d thy thoughts are very deep. 9 He that planted the ear, fhall he not
5 A brutifh man knoweth not neither hear? he that formed the eye, fhall J»e

th a fool underftand this. not fee ?

I7 When the wicked fpring as the grafs,
10 He that ehaftifeth the heathen, fhall
d when all the workers of iniquity do not he corrctt ? he that teacheth man
urifli it ii that they fhall be dcfttoyed
: knowledge, Jball not be fro* ?
r ever. 11 The Lord knoweth tha thought*
But thou, LORD, art moji high for of man, that they art vanity.

ermore. ix Bleffed rt the man whom thouehaft-

9 For lo, thine enemies,
LORD, neft, O LOOP, aau teacbeft. him ontef
i lo, thine flull pcrUb : Hi the thy law - .
Cod itfendttb tbe afJIOled. Pfalmi. tbtfnaUJb of God's tfngdim
That thou maylt give him reft from 4 For the LORD it great, and gre
the days or adverfity, until the pit be to be prailcd : ne if to be leered abol
digeed tor trie wicked. all gous.
14 For the LORD
will not ca.T off his ? For the gods of the nations «|
people, neither will he rorfakel.-s inhe- idols: but the Lord made the heaver]
ritance. 6 Honour and majefty are beiore i.irj
it But judgment mall return unto righ- ftrength and beauty are in his far.auax
teoalrels. and all tlie upright in heart 7 Give unto the Lord, ye kindrc. O
ihall follow it. of the people, give unto the Lord glo
16 Who-will rife up for me againft the and ftrength.
evil doers? or who will Itand up lor me 8 Give unto the Lord the glory d
agamlt the workers of iniquity? unto his name bring an offering ai

t7 Unlets the Lord been my help, come into his courts.
ray <ou! had almnft dwelt in iiience. 9 Oworihip the Lord in the beaui
18 When
I iaid, My
too: flippeth : thy of holineis : icar before him, all tr
a^ercy, cj LORD, held me up. earih.
to. in th: multitude or my thoughts 10 Say among the heathen, that tf.
Fitnin mc, thy comforts delight myibul. Lord reigneth the world al:o fhail Is

ic b .all the throneof iniqui'y have fel- eitablifhcdthatitiriall not be moved > h
lowship with thee, which framefh inrchief fhall judge the people righteoufly.
by a law ? ii Let the heavens rejoyce, and let th i
^I They
gather themfelves together a- earth be glad: let the fea rore, and th
4 in ft tne foul ol the-
righteous, and con- fulnefs tboreof.
S emn the innocent blood. ri Let the field be joyful, and allths
«. But the "Lore is my defence: and ii therein: tfaen fhall all the trees of th
It -
»y God it trie rock at my refuge. wood rejoyce
iJ And he mall arm? upon them their u Before the for he cometh LORD; mi
own iniquity, and ihalf cut t.nem off in for he cometh to judge tne earth he ftiaL :

their own wickednefs; yz*, the LORD judge the world with righteoufnefs, ant
our God fhall cut Mu-m off. the people with his truth.
P 5 A L. XCV. % P S A L. XCV 1 1. T>
An exhortation to traife God, &c. Tbe mnjefiy of God' $inzdotn> &c IE-
Come, hi us fing'unto the Lord let '

reigneth, let the eartf
„ us make a joyful noile to the rock rejoyce: let the multitude of iQm
Of our falvation. be glad tbtrtaf,
x Let us ''c;»= before his pretence with x Clouds and darknefs are round aboui
InajFiK giving, and make a joyful noife him nghteoulhefs-and judgment are thi

«nto him with pfalms. habitation of his throne.
* FdJ the Lord" a great God, and a 3 Afiregoeth before him, and burnetii
great King above all gods. up his enemies round about.
4 In his hand are the deep places of 4 His hghtrines enlightned the world;
tht earth : the ftrength of the hills is his the earth Taw arid trembled. rffi

alio. ? The hills meUed like wax atthe pra»

The fea
* is and
it and he made :
fenc oft",* LORD
atthe prel'enccol :

hands formed the dry land.

thekORD ot the whole earth.
6O cone, let us w^rfhip and bow 6 The heavens declare his iighteoutt
down: let us kneel betorc the LORD nel's and all the pejple fee hi» glory, i

out niaker. 7 Coi. founded be all they that ferva

f For he'/i our God, and we art the graver: ages, that boaft th-mielves o|

Eeople of his rafture, and the fheep of idols: worftiip him. all ye Bad*.
is hand to day il ye will hear his voice,
: 8 Zion heard, and glad, and the ws
$ Harden not your heart, as in the pro- daughters of Judah rejoyced ; becaufc of
vocation, and as ; « the day of temptation thy judgnienrs LORD. O
in the wilderne's 9 For'thou, Lord, art high above at
9 When your lathers tempted me, pro- the earth: thou art exalted far above aJ
ved me, -and taw my wo-k. gods.
to Forty yeart'long was I ?rieved wKh ic Ye that love the LORD, hate evil
this genciation, and faid, It it a people he prelVrveth the fouls of his faints, h<
that do err in their heart, and they have dehvereth them out of tha hand of th
eot known my wav<. wicked.
tt Uno
wh«» i fware in my wrath, ii Light it fown for the righteous, ani
that they flinuld no: en'er into my reft. gladn-fs for the upright in heart.
P S A L. XCVI. ti Rejoyce in tne Lord, yc right*
An exborta' : en tc prai/t Goi, &c. ous and give thanks at thi remem-

OSing unto the LORD

a new fong: brance of his hohnels.
^tp the
x Sing unto the
all the earth.
hlefs his name

ihew forth his falvation from daytfrdafy.

3 Declare his glory ?mong the heathen,
fcis wonders among all pceple.


Sing unto
The pfalmij? exbortttb tbe Jrin, &c.


he hath done jnarveUaw things

a new fong, fo
. :;

Tbe lyngdont of Cod fet forth. Pfalms, Vavidi vot» Cii, U

3. is right hand, and his holy arm hath got- everlaftmg: and his truth tnduretb to ail
cn him the victory, generations,
i Th« Lord hath made known his fal- P S A L. CI.
a/anon his nghteoulnefs hath he openly
: David ma^etb a vow, &C.
jjnewed in the tightof the heathen. A A plalm ot David.
d ? He hath rememhred his mercy and Will fing of mercy and judgment : un-
''lis truth toward the houfe of Iirael: all to thee, LORD, will I ling. I O
the ends of tlie earth have feen the (al- i I will behave my ielf wifely in a per-
iration of our God. fect way ; w.ien wile thou come unta O
4 Makeajoyrulnoife unto «hcLORD, ine? I will walk within my houie with a
ill the earth make a loud noife, and re- perfect heart.

joyce, and king praife. 1 will let no wicked thing before mintt,

? Mng unto the Lord with the harp ; eyes: I hate theworkof them that turn
jjiwith the harp, and the voice ot a platra aade, ft mall not cleave to me.
i6 With trampets and iound of cornet 4 A froward heart ihall depart fronm
ijjraake a joyful noil e be Tore the Lord the me: 1 will not know a wicked ptrfon.
uKmg. 5 Whofo privily llandercth his neigh-

U in.
lietthe lea roi e. and the fulnels there-
the world, and they ihat dwell there-
bour, him will I cut off: him that Hath
an high look, and a proud heart, I will
not iuffer.
8 Let the floods clap their hands: let 6 Mine eyes Jbull be upon the faithful
the hills be joyful together of the land, that they may dwell witfl
9 Before the Lord i for he cometh to me he that walketh in a pencil way,

judge the earth: with righteouihels mall he fhall ferve me.

he judge the world, and the people with 7 He that worketh deceit, ma'l no*
1 1 equity. dwell within my houfe he that telleth :

J P S A L. XCIX. lies, ftull not tarry in my tight.

Tbe kingdom of God &c. fet forth, 8 I will early deftroy all the wicked of
['"pHe LORD people rcigneth, let the fhe land that I may cut off all wicked

J. tremble: heiitteth between theche- doers from the city of the LORE).
rubims, let the earth be moved. P S A L. C1I.
x The Lord great in Zion, and her; '-' Ibe profbets complaint, &C.
hieh above all people. n A prayer of the atfliiled, when he it
X Let them prait'ethygreat and terrible overwhelmed, and poureth oat his com-
name : for a it

4 The kings ftrength alfo loveth judg-

ment, thou doll eftabhfh equity, thou
executed judgment and righteoulhefs in
H plaint before the Lord.
Ear my prayer, Lord, and letniy
cry come unto thee,
r HLie not thy face from me in the day
Jacob. vpb;n I am in trouble, incline thine ear
* Exalt ye the LORD our God, and unto me in the day when I call, anfwer.

wormipathis footitool: for he it holy. me fpeedily.

6 Moles and Aaron among his priefts, 3 For my d2ys are confumed like fmoke
and Samuel among them that call upon and my bones are burnt as an hearts.
his name they called upon the Lord,
: 4 My- heart is fmitten, and withered
and he .anfwered them. like grafs : fo that I forget to eat my
7 He (pake unto them in the cloudy pil- bread.
lar thejr kept his teltimonies, and the
: i By reafonof the voice of my groning,
ordinance tbut he save them. my bones cleave to my skin.
8 Thou anlweredll them, O Lord our 6 I am like a pelican of the wildernefs
God : thou wait a God that forgaveft I am like an owl of the defert.
them, though thou'tcokeft vengeance of 7 I watch, and am as a' fparrow alone
their inventions. up'm the houfe-top.
q Exalt the LORD
our God, and wor- 8 Mine enemies reproach me all the
tiip at his holy hill : tor the our LORD day and th.*y that are madagaiaft j»e,

God ft holy. are (worn againft me.

P S A L. C. 9 For 1 have eaten alhes like bread, and
An txbortation to pr rife God cbterfidlj mingled my drink with weeping :

*l A
pl'alm of praiie. -
io Becaufe <f thine indignation and
MAke a joyful no lie unto the Lord,
alt ye lands.
thy wrath
rait me down.
: for thou hail lifted me up, and
a Serve the LoWD with gladnefs : come ii My days
are like a ihadowthat de-
before his pre'.ence with tinging. clineth and I arc withered like grafs.

5 Know je that the her- God, it LORD Bu'thou O LORD, malt endure far
it he i,ath made us andour not we ever and thy remembrance unto all ge-
felves i -xt ire his peop'e, and the ihecp nerations.
of his pafture. n Thou flialt arife, and have mercy
4 Enter ,nto his gates with thankfci- upon Zion : for the time o favour her,
ving tnd into his courts with praife : be yea, the fet time is come.
thank ru! unto im, Aid b'.els his name.
For thy lervants take pleafure in
i For the LOID u goad his mercy U -, her Hones, and favour the d-uit thereof.
: : : : : ,

An txttrtttioo tp hlefi God. Pfalms. Codi povtr tnd frevidtnaW

t« So the heathen fhall fear the name fo fheLORD piticth them that fearhiP;
of the * LORD
ami all the kings ot the U
For he knoweth our frame he ff- :

earth thy glory. membrcth that we *>« duft.

t6 When the Lord fhall build upZion, i,- At for man, hit days«r« aigrafs:!: 1

tie {hall appear in his glory. a flower of the held, lb he Hourifheth ¥>:, '".' '
17 He will regard the prayer of the de- 16 For the wind pafTeth over it, 1
stitute, and not defpile their prayer. is gone ; and the place thereof fhall knJ 1 1

18 This fhall be written tor the genera- it no more.

tion to come: and the people which fhall 17 But the mercy of the Lord ;'/ fro f:i:
lae -created, fhall praiic the LORD. everlaftmg to cverlafting upon them th
19 For he hath looked down from the tear him and his righteoufnefs un

height af his fanttuary from heaven did: childrens children

the LORD behold the earth 18 To ftich as keeph.s covenant, ar
10 To hear the groningot theprifonert to thofe that remember his commam
to kolc thofe that are appointed to ments to do them.
death ; 19 The Lord hath prepared "his thron
n"To declare the name ot the Lord in the heavens: and his kingdam rulet
in Zion, and his praife in Jerulalcin ever all.:

ai When the people are gathered toge- ic Blcfs the LORD, ye his angels. th:p ,

ther, and the kingdoms to ferve the Lord. excel in ftrength, that do hu command h ;

ti He weakned my ftrength in the way ; ments, hearkning unto the voice of hif* :

he'mortned my days. word. [1;

'14 1 faid, O
my God, take me not a- ii BlefsyetheLORD, all yi hisheftj I* 1

way in the niidit ot m^days : thy years Jt miniftersof his that do his pleafure. li.i. '

*rt throughout all generations. tx Bleft the LORD, all his works in all
1? Of old haft thou laid the foundati- Places ot his dominion : blels the LORQi
on of the earth and the heavens *rt the
: my foul. O -„ ;

work of thy hands. P S A L. CIY. The: »fi

16 Theyikallperifh' but thou fhalt en- A

mtiiUtion upon Goii porter, jfC.

dure yea, all of them fhall wax old like BLeri the LORD,
: my foul O : O LORD
a garment j as? vefture fhalt thou change my God, thou art very great, thou U"
them, and they fhall be changed. art clothed with honouT and mayefty.
n But thou «rf the fame, and thy years t Who covereft tby ftlf with light, as Tfci

Jhall have no end. with a garment who ftretcheft out the :

1 18 1 he children of thy fervants fhall heavens like a curtain.

continue, and their feed fhail be eilablifh- 3 Who
laytth the beam* of his cham-
td before thee. bers in the waters, who makeeh the let, •
P S A L. cm. clouds his chariot, who walkeWi upon
An txkorUtion to Utfi God, ScC. the wings of the wind. :::
pUlm of David. 4 Who
maketh his angels fpiriti : his !-..
T> Left the LORD, O
my foul : and all minifters a flaming fire. t

D that is within me, bleft his holy name.

1 Blcfs the LORD, O
? Who laid the foundations of the earth t
my foul, and for- tbtt it fhould not be removed forever. ff{ ::

get not all his benefits. 6 Thou covered!* it with the deep as ::••

3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities voiti a garment the waters ftood above :

who healeth all thy difeafcs. the mountains. nbi

4 Who rcdeemeth thy life from deflwc- 7 At thy rebuke they fled at the :

*-ion who crowneth «hee with loving voice of thy thunder they halted away.

kindneft and tender mercies. 8 They go up by the mountains they :

5 Whofatisfieth thy mouth with good go down by the valleys unto the place
tbingi fo tb&t thy youth is renewed like which thou haft founded for them.

the eagles. 9 Thou halt fet a bound that they may

6 The LORD
executeth righteoufhefs not pafs over that they turn not again :

and judgment tor all i**f areopprefTed. to cover the earth.

q He made known his ways unto Mo- to He fendeth the fprings into the val-
tes, his afts unto the children of Iftael. leys, vobicb run amons the hills.
8 The LORD
it, merciful and gracious 11 They give drink fo every healtofthc
flow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. field : the wild aiTes quench their thirft.
9 He will not always chide neither 1* By them fhall the fowls of the hea-

ill he keep bit sager fet ever ven have their habitation, wbizb fingi-
to He hath not dealt with us after our men» the branches,
fins: nor rewarded us according to our n He watereth the hills from kischam-

iniquities. '
hers: *he earth is faiisfied with the fruit

11 For as the heaven is high above the of tnv works,

earth /o great is his mercy toward them
: 14 Hecauieth the graft to grow for the
that fear him. eattle, arvdberb for the fcrviecof man:
11 Ms far as the eaft is from the weft : tha' lie may bring forth food out of the
/a tar hath he removed our tranfgrefli- earth
ons from us. K
And wine tb*t maketh glad the
13 Like as a father pitieth bit children': heart of man, tni oyltoraakei/i face to

:: 1 : ;

glory it eternal. f falUls Coif 1 providence $vtr Ahrtbsm,

and bread which ftrengthneth mam 6 O
ye feed of Abraham his fervant, ye
Children ot Jacob his chofen.
\6 The trees of the arc full of LORD 7 He u the Lord our God, his judg-
i:f: the ccdaro or Lebanon which he ments are in all the earth.
It, »th planted. 8 Hehath remembrcd his covenant for
3d' U 7 Where the birds make their nelts •. ever, the word which he commanded to
JtBol /V the itork, the fir-trees*r« her houi'e. a thoufand generations.
18 The
«S in high hills art a refuge for the 9 Which covenant he made with Abra-
Wild gc
goats, and the rocks for the conies.
ham, and his oath unto Ifaac -.

iM»9 H< " e appoint cth the moon for feafens i 10 And confirmed the fame unto Jacob
ami funknowethhis
c -fun going down. for a law, and 10 IfraeljV an everiaftmg
le Thou makeft darknefs, and it is covenant
aj ght ; wherein all the hearts of the fbrcft
1 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land
nib creep forth. of Canaan, the lot of yosr inheritance.
ir'The young. lions rore after their ri when they were but a few men in
ttnjey, and feek their meat from God. number y«,very few, and itrangers in it.

i'cj||*i The fun arifeth, they gather thein- 1? When they went from one nation to
llves together, and lay them down in another, from one kingdom to another
tfalfeir dens. people.
ijln Man goeth forth to his work, and «4 He fuffered no man to do them wrong:
m his labour until the evening. yea, he'reproved kings for their fakes
v|t* O
LORD, how manifold are thy ti Saying, Touch net mine anointed,
and do my prophets no harm.
harks! in wifdom haft thou made them
1 : is lull of thy riches.
the earth 10 Moreover,he called for a famine upotl

i? *So it this great and wide lea, where- the land: he brake the whole ftafl of bread.
are things creeping innumerable, both 17 He fent a man before them, even
nail and great i>eafts. Jofeph who was fold for a fervant.
16 There ga the fhipsj tbtrt it that 18 Whole feet they hurt with fetter*.:
viathan, whom thou haft made to play he was laid in iron.
;D herein.
T9 Until the time that his word came:
*'i7 Thefewait all upon thee: that theu the word of the LORD
tried him.
avft give tbtm their meat in due feafon. zo The king fent and looledhim: even
18 That thou giveft them, they gather the ruler of the people, and let him go free.
ou openeft thine hand, they are tilled 11 He made him lord of hishoufe, and
ith pood. ruler of all his fubftance ;
19 Thou hideft thy Face, they are trou- «To bind his princes at his pleafure:
ed; thou takeft away their breath, they and teach hislenators wifdom.
e, and return ro their duft. H llrael alio came into Egypt: and
}o Thou fendeft forth thy fpirit, they Jacob rejourned in the land of Ham.
"1 created and thou renewed the face
: 14 And he increafed his people greatly :
the earth. and made th«m ftronger than their ene-
X\ The-glory of the Lord fhall endure mies.
ever : the Lord lhall rejoyee in his 1? He turned their heart to hate his
jrks. people, todeal fubtjllywith his fervants.
m He looketh on the earth, and it 16 He fent Mofes his fervant, and Aarcn
mblcth; he toucheth the hills, and whom he had chofen.
ey fmoke. X7 He fhewed his. figns among them,
13 I will ling unto the Lord as long as and wonders in the land of Ham. »
live: I will fing prail'e unto my'jod, 18 He lent darknefs, am: /iiade it dark:
lile I have my being. and they rebelled not againlt his word.
14 My meditation of him (hall be fweet 19 He turned their waters into blood",
will be glad in the Lord. and flew their fifli.
3? Let the finne*s be confumed out of ;o Their land brought forth frcgsina-
e earth, and let the wieked be no more : bundance, in the chambers of their kings.
Is thou the LORD, O
my foul. Praife _ ?' He fpake, and there came diver*
the LORD. forts ot flics, eni lice in all their coafts.
P S A L. CV. 'i He gave them hail for rain : and
An exhortation to praijt Cod, &C. naming fire in th-ir land.
"\ Give thanks unto the LORD; call 11 He fmote their vines alfo and their
/ upon hjs name; make known his ng-trees:and brake the treei of tneir coafts
eds among the people,
Sing unto hin, fing pfalms unto him
WHe (pake, and the locufts came : and
: caterpillers, and that without cumber,
k ye or all his wondrous works. 3? And did eat up all the herbs in their
5 Glory ye in his holv name let the : land : and devoured the fruit of the
artef thrmrejuyce that feek the Lord. ground.
4.Seek the LORD, and his Rrength : ?6 He fmote alfo all the firft-born in
:k his face evermore. their land -.the chiefof all their ftrength.
Remember his marvellous works 57 He brought them forth alfo with
at he hath done, his wonders and the filv^r and pold and there vrai not one

Bgmcnti of his mouth. ttebie per/on among their tribes.

38 Egypt
: : '

iJYttU rtbclli&n. Pfalnw. Godt tntry

38 Egypt was glad when they depJrted : 19 They rusde a calf in Horeb,
for the fear o! them tell upon theru. worfhipped the molten image.
30 He fpread a cloud tor a cuvenng : 10 Thus they changed their glory »
and fire to give light in the night. - the iirailitude-«f an ox that eatcth g
4o Tbt people asked, and he brought 11 They lorgat God their lav
quails: andiatisiied them with the bread which had done great things in Egv
of heaven. 11 Wondrous works in the lark
4i Heopenedthe rock, ard the waters Ham *orf terrible things by the Red
Jjudied out, they ran in the dry places 13 Therefore he laid that he would I

r't* a river. ftroy

7 them, had not Moles iris chofen It I
4i Forheremembred his holy promife, bet
And Abraham his tervant. b
4? And he, brought forth his people
with joy, And his chofen with gladnefs :

44 And he gave them the lands of the

heathen and they inherited the labour
: hea-kned not unto the voice of the L01
of the people 16 Therefore he lifted up his hand
4? That they might obferve his ftatntes, gamft them, to overthrow them m \vi

and keep his laws. Prail'e ye the LORD. wildernefs \

P>AL. CVI. 17 To overthrow their feed alfo amc I

Tbe pfaintijl exbortttb God, Sec.

to pr&ife the nations, and to leaner them in 1

PRaife ye the LORD, O

give thanks lands.
.unto the iORU, lor be is good, lor 18 Thev joyned themfelves alfo unto I
jus mercy endwetb tor ever. al-peor,'and ate the faenfices of thede ( hi
i Who can utter the mighty adts of 19 Thus they pr.vokcd tint to ant
the Lord? w*o can iliew forth all his with their inventions and the plag :

praife ? brake in upon them. if

3 Ble'.Vedar* they that keep judgments 3o ThenftocdupPhinehas, and exe.
*nd he that doth righteeufncl's at all ted judgment and fo the plague w ' -


times. frayed.
4 Remember me, O Lord, with
the 3t And that was counted unto him 1 «»-•:

favour^** thou be trtft unto thy people-. rlghtcoufnefs, unto all generations i U-
O vin> me with thy lalvation: evermore.
? That I may fee the good of thy cho- 3i They angred oat
bint alfo at the wate**
fen, that 1 may rejoyce* in the gladneisof of ltriie, fo that it went i"
ill with MofilFor
thy nation : that I may glory with thine tor their fakes :

inheritance. . 33 Becaufe they provoked:(Thisfpirir,

6 "We have finned with our fathers we : that he ("pake unadvil'edly with his 'ip
have commuted iniquity, we have done 34 They did not deftrov iv the nation

wickedlv. concerning whom the Lord 1) comaiandt nit

7 Our tathersunderftood not thy wen- them : 1
ders in Egypt, they remembred not the 3? But were mingle:d among the hJ it
multitude ot thy mercies, but provoked then, and learned their
eir works.
. bim at the lea, even at the Red lea. 36 And they ferved their idols whit an :

8 Neverthekls, he Laved them for his were a inare unto themem.

name* fake : that he might make his • ced their fons an t; 1
37 Yea, they facrificed
Ihieity power to be known. their daughters unto devils, fcai

q He rebuked Red lea alfo, and it

the ?8 And'Ined innocent blood, ttotn th
was dried up: he led them through
fo blood of their Ions and ot their daugh
the depths as through the wildernefs. ters, whom they facrificed unto the idoi
to And he laved them from the hand ot Canaan : and the land was pollute
of him that hated them and redeemed
: with Mood.
them from the hand of the enemy. -Q Thus were they defiled with thd
ii And the waters covered their ene- own works, and went a whoring wj
mies there was not cne of them left. their own inventions.
ii Then believed they his words, they 4c Therefore was the wnthof theLo
fang his praife. kindled againft his people, infbma
i3 They foon forgat his works, they that he abhorred his own inheritance
waited not fcr his ecunlel : a\ And he gave them into
14. But lulled exceedingly in the wilder-the heathen and they that hsted th;

nefs, and temttedGod in the deiert. ruled over them.

H And he save them their requeft, but 4i Their enemies alfo cpprefied the:
fent leannefs into their foul. and they were brought into fubjedtu
16 They envied Mofesalfo in the camp, her hand. •

#ni Aaron the faint ot the LORD. 4? Msnv times did hedeliver them,
17 The earth opened and wallowed tVy provoked bim with their couni
np Dathan, and covered the company of and .v.rre broueht low for their iniqui
Abiram. everthelefc, he regarded their
18 And a fire was kindled in their com- fliction when he heard their cry.
pany i the flame teuRt up the wicked. 4f And he iemembrcd foi them
<ois tttinifoli
enant, and repented according to the of tlwnkfgiving, and declare his
iltitudc Qt Ins mercies. work*
with rejoycing.
t6 lie made them alia to be pitied of
thole that carried them captives.
Tliey that go down to the iea in
17 We us, O LORD
our God, and
fliips,that dobminefs in great waters*
i* Thele lee the works ot the
ther us from among the heatheu, to and his wonders in the deep.
ire thanks unto tft) holy name, *.ai to
if For he commanded, and raifeth the
umpk in thy praiie. itormy wind, which littethup the
tti Blefl'adfo the LORD
God of Ifrael waves
jflievtrlattingto cverlaiting and ietall •.

i5 Theymount up to the heaven, they

: people fay.Amen. piaife ye the Loup. go down again to the depths, their loui
CV'll. is incited becaufe oi trouble.
Gods providence over travellers, &C.
17 They reel to and fro, and ft?eger like
A Give thanks unto the Louo, fer b$ is a drunken man, and are at their wits end.
Vfcjood for his mercy enduretb tor ever.
18 Then they cry unto the LORD
l Let the redeemed cf the fay LOUD their trouble, and
he bringeth them out

whom he hath redeemed trom the ot their diftreiles.

nd of the enemy :
He raaketh the ftorm a calm, fo
? And gathered them out of the lands, that the waves thereof are ftill.
>m the cart and from the welt, from the 3o Then are they glad becaufe they be
rth ana from the foxith. quiet; fp he bringeth them unto
tTfacy wandred in the wildernefs in a fo- their
dehred haven.
ary way, they found no city to dwell in. Oh
*> that men would praifethc LORD
; Hungry and thirfty, their lbul faint- Tor his goodnefs, and for his
in them. wonderful
works to the children ot men
b Then thy cried unto the
sir trouble, and ho delivered them out
in LORD 3i Let them exalt him alfo in
the con-
gregation of the people, and praife him
their diltreffes.
intheallembly of the elders. P
7 And he led them forth by the right
*>', that they might go to acityol Na-
3 ? He
turneth rivers into a wilderness,
and the water-fprings into dry ground
b Oh that men would praiie the LORD U
A fruitful land into barrenncls,rbr the:
wickednefsot them that dwell therein
' his goodnefs, and for his wonderful
irks to the children of men!
UHs turneth the wildernefs mtb a
Handing water, and dry ground intowg-
? For he fatisHeth the longing foul, and tcr-fprmgs. •
leth the hungry foul with goodnefs.
;6 And there he maketh the hungry tc
ic Such as lit in darknefs and in the
adow of death, being bound in affliction may PieparC 2 *** **
d iron :
37.And Tow the fields, and plsnt vine.
u Becaufe they rebelled againlt the yards, which may yield fruits of
>rds of God, and contemned the coun- ipcreafc
*8 He blefleth them aH'o, f"o that thev
ot the molt High :
are multiplied greaily, and fuffcreth
ii Therefore he brought down their their cattle to decrease.
:art with labour, they fell down, and
?9 Again they are minifhed and
•re was none to help. "• i>rou<vr
V rOUgil
U Thenthey cried untotheLORD in ° llpr£flion ' allhction and
ibr row'
eir trouble, snd he faved them oat of
4o H-;poureth contempt upon prii »
cir diftrefles. s
andcauieth them to wander in the wri
i4 He brought them out cf darknefs, nefs, xvba-e tker- is no way.
d thefliadowof death, and brake their
4i Yet fettcth he the poor on high
ndi in funder. front
maketh ra«^& «S
i? Ohthatwitn would praiie the LORD I Jock
"' *
' his goodnefs, and for his wonderful
4i The righteous thai! fee it, and re-
Kks to the children or men !

16 For he hath broken the gates of brafs, '."^"jtyftiall.ltop her mouth
*l ? w?«r '

d cut the bars of no.1 in funder. »w whofo u wife, ana will obfervc
thole things, even they fhall
[7 Fools, becaufe of their tranfgrefuan,
id becaufe or their iniquities.are afflicted
the loving kindncfs of the LORD
t3 Their foul abhorreth all manner cf
r'.5Ai., cvni.
:at, and they draw near unto the g-aces
VtvTit praiTitb God,
Afong explains of David.
God, my heart
is fixed, 1 will
Then they LORD
eir trouble,
cry unro the
helavcih them out of their
in O"?and give
rraiie, even with my piorv
* piaitery and harp
v imjjiif
will awake early. J Jti* :

to He
lent his word, and healed them, and
UvcTedtbcm from their deftru&ions.
% 1 will praiie thee,
the people: and 1 will ffng
ii Oh rhatiwew would praife the LORD thee among the nations.
praifw unto °
r his goodnefs, ar.d for his wonderful
)rks to the children of men
4 Fcr thy mercy is great above the
heavens: and thy truth rwbttl
:i And let them facrifiic the facrifices the clouds. untS
i Be-

Vivid CDHtphinttb Pfalms.

s Be thou exalted, O God, above the unto him aihe delig :

heavens: and thy ^.lory above all the earth; io let it be Jar tromhim.
6 That thy beloved may bo delivered: id As he clothed himlclf with curling
five wilt thy right hand, and anfwar me. like as with his garment: folet it come
7 God bath ipoken in his holinefs, I into h:s bowels like water, and like ovi *:
will rcjoyce, 1 will divide Snecliem, and into his bones.
mete out the valley or Succoth. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment
y Gilead it mine, Manalfeh n mine, •BPbicb covereih him, and foe a girdle
Ephrai m alio it the Itrength of mine head, wherewith he is girded continually.
judah it my law-g;ver. 10 Let this
be the reward ot mine ad-
9 Moab u my waihpet, over Edom verlases from the LORD, and ot them
will 1 calt out my fhoe over Philutia
: that ipeak evil agamft n.y ioul.
will 1 triumph. "~ut do thou tor me, O D th GO
to Who w;li bring me into the (hong Lord, tor thy naimes lake becaulc thy

it*? who will lead me into Edom ? mercy n good, celivcr

I o thou me.
11 Wilt notffcou, o Cied, w^ohaftcaft! 11 For I mh poor, and nce,:>, and »•:• b.
us o.'P and wilt net thou, O God, go heart is wounded wnhm me,

forth with our hofts i\ lam gone like the fhadow, whenl
11 Give us help from trouble for vain
: it dechnetrj: lam tolled up anu duwn as

is the help of man. thelocuit. L

u Through God we fhall do valiantly 14 :My knees are weak through faftine:
far he it i> tbit fhall tread down our androy tkltt-faileth of tatnela. U
enemies. i? 1 became alio a reproach unto tha** : 1:
P5AL, CIX. vbtn they looked upon me, they Ihaked
Vdvid conifUimtb of kit enemies, Sec. their heads.
n To the chief muucun, A pi'alm of 16 Help me, O Lord my God O fave :

David. me according to thy mercy :

HOld net thy neacc, O God of my J7 That they may know that tins it thy
praife. hand that thou LuRD, haft done it.

x For the mouth of the wicked, and tha ib Let them curie r but blels thou when :

mouth ot the deceitful are opened a- they aril e, let them be afhamed but let
I :

gainft me : they have fpoken againft me tby fervent re Joyce.

with a lying tongue, ... 19 Let mire adrerfaries be clothed with
t, They comparted me about alio with fhame: and let them cover tdemlelves
words of hatred : and fought againlt n*£ with their own contufion, as with a
vithout acaule. .

4. For my Jove, they are my adverla- ^o lwillgraatly praife the Lord with
lies: but \givttnj ftlfunto prayer-,
my mcuth yea, 1 : will praife him among
* And they have rewarded me evil tor the multitude.
cood, and hatred for my love. ,?r For he mall ftand at the right hand

6 Set thou a wicked man over : of the poor, to fave*/m trom thole t!.at
and let Satan ftand at his ri?ht hand. condemn ins tbul.
7 When he trail be judged, let him be A L. CX. PS
condemned, and let his prayer become hn. The liin%.iom*n.l^b: pdfflon cf Cbrift.
8 Ljt his days be tew, an.i let another V, A plalm ot David.
take his office. LORD laid unto- my Lord, Sit
thou at my right hand, u'.itil I make
9 Let his cmldren be fatherlefs, and
his wife a widow. tnme enemies thy iootftool.
2. The Lord mall fend the rod of thy
io Let his children be continually vaga-
bonds, and beg: let them leek their breil Itrength out of Zion: rule thou in the
alio oat of their detblate places or thine enemies. ;

it Let th: extortioner catch all that hej ? TLy people jh*ll be willirgin the day

Lath: and let the ftraagerlpoil his labour. of thy power, in the beauties of holinefe

ti Let there be none to extend mercy

trom the womb of the morning thou haft
[ .

untohim: neither letthere be any to fa- the dew of thy youth, 1

vour his fatherlefs children. 4 The Lord hath fworn, and will nor
repent, Thou Art a prielt ror ever after
1? Let his pofterity be cut off, tni in

the generation following let their name be the order of Melchizedek.

blotted out. s The Lord at thy right hand mall ftrike

U Let the iniquity of Ins fathers bere- through kings in the day ot wrath.
wembred with the LORD: and let not 6 He fhall judge among the heathen, he
the fin of his mother be blotted out. fhall fill the pljc.t with the dead bodie«:
t? Let them be before th- LORD con-
he fhall wound the heads over many
tinually, that he may cu: off the memory cou~.tri^.
7 He ihail drink of the brook ia the
c f them from the earth.
,< Bccauie that he remembred rrot to way therefore fhall he lift up the head.

0\tw mercy, but petfeeuted the poor ard P S A L. ex;

rieedy man, that he might even Hay the TbtfSilmiji inzitctbtOtr*if;God, &c. .

kroken in heart. Rails yc the LORD. I will praife tnq

if Aihc toycU
cwfingi fa let it come P
LOUD wit."; wji w.u.oic heart, in thd
Tie godly nuns bsppinefs. Pfal«s 1
Exhortation Its fear Bod.
uTembly of the upright, and in the con- ? Whefz like unto the Lord our God,
gregation. who dwelleth on high ?
i The works of the LORD are great, 6 Who humbleth him/elf to behold
fought out of all them that have pleasure the things that are in heaven, and in
therein. the earth ?
? His work
honourable and glorious
it 7 He raifeth up the poor out of the duft.,
and his righteoufnefs endureth for ever. aid hiteth the needy <^ut or the d :ngh:l •

4 He hath made his wonderful works 8 That he may let bhn with princes,
to be remembred theLOfcD //gracious
even with the princes of his people.
nnd full of compaTfion. 9 He inaketh ths barren woman to keep
.? He hath given meat unto them that houfe, and to be a joylul mother of chil-
'eat him: he will ever be mindful of his dren. Praife ye the Lord.
covenant. PSAL. CXIV.
6 He hath lhewed his people the power An exhortation to fear God.
or his works, that he may give them the WHenlfracl went out of Egypt, the
Heritage or the heathen. houfe of Jacob Irom a people of
7 The works of his hands are verity and ftrange language i
judgment ; all his commandments*-/^ fure. i Judah was his fanctuary, and Ifrael
8 They Itand talt for ever and ever, and his dominion,
art done in truth and upri^htnefs. 3 The fea law it, and fled ; Jordan was
9 Hefent redemption unto his people, driven back.
he hath commanded his covenant for e- -4 The mountains skipped like rams,
ver holy and reverend is his name
and the little hills like Iambs.
to The tear of the LORD is the begin- ? What ailed thee, O
thou fej, tha-
ning of wildom a good underltanding
: thou fleddelt ? thou Jordan, that tin*
have all they that do bis commandments : wait driven back ?
his praife endureth for ever. 6 Ye mountains, that ye stopped life*
Coilintji batb tbe prornifes, &c.
CXII. rams ; and ye little hills like lamb3 2
7 Tremble thou earth at the prdence
PRaife ye the LOR
D. BlelVed is the ofthe Lord, at the prefence of the God
man that feareth the that de LORD, or Jacob*
lighteth greatly in his commandments. 8 Which turned the rock into a land-
i Hislecd fliall be mighty upon earth :
ing water, the runt into a fountain of
the generation of the upright fliall be waters.
Welled. PSAL. CXV.
3 Wealth and
xxcWcsJhatl be in his houfe: God »s truly gf&ious, Hob are vanity
and his righteoufnefs endureth for ever. O L©rj», not unto
us, u'i,
4 Unto the upright tJiere arifeth light unto thy name fciVe
glory, lor
in the darknefs be is gracious, and iull
: thy mercy, and for. thy truths fake.
of companion, and righteous. ^Wherefore ihouM the heathen fay,
? A
good man fheweth favour, and WhereriBow their .God?
lendeth he will guide his affairs with
^ ; Bi.i oar Gbd is in the heavens, he hath
dilcrertort. aone whatfosver he plealed.
6 Surely he mail not be moved for e- 4 Their idols art filver and tnid, the
ver : the righteous ihall be ineverlaihng work ot mens hands.
remembrance. ? They have mouths, bat they fpeak
7 He fliall not be afraid of evil tidings : not* eyes have thev, bat thev fee not
his heart is fixed, tntfhng in the LORD. 6 They have eirs, bat they hear not t
8 His heart r'reftabliflied, he ihull not notes have they, but they fin el not, J

kealraid, until he fee bis dejire upon his 7 They have hands, 'but rJfcyhaaJle
bnemics. riots feet have they, but thev waiknoti
9 He hath difperfe<a,hehath given to the neither (peak thev through their t.hr6at.
poor ; his righteoufnefs endureth for eve* ; 8 They that make them, are like unra
his horn fliall be exalted with honour. them -Jo is every one that trHrtet:- m ih<-»\ m
10 The wicked fliall fee it, and be 9 O
Iiracl, truft thcu in the
grieved ; he fliall gnafh with his teeth, heruheir help and their fhield,
and melt away: the deiire of the wicked io O
houfe ot Aaron, fruit in the
[hall periih. Loan he is their help and their ;i s i £ '

PSA L. cxnr.

it Ye that fear the. Loud, trult in ~t'

An txbortationto praif* God, &c. Lord : he is their help and their
PRaife ye the LORD. Praife, O ye it The Lord
hath baemainiiful of i,*
lervants ot the LORD, praife the hewillblefsfchewiil biefs the ho$» of
lame ol the LORD. Ifrael, he will blefs thehouie ofAa-cn
. Bleifed be the name of the LORD, r; He
win bleis them that fe a r ih*
foil) this time forth and for evermore. Lord, both imall and ereat.
7, From the rifmg of the fun unto the 14- The Lord
fliall Tncreafe you
roing down of the fhme, the LORDs and more, you and yo«rchitclre"p
lame is to bt praifed. is You are blelled of the Lord,
4 The Lord n high above al! Rations, which
made heaven and earth.
md his glosy above the heav«fls, t$ The heavco, twn the heaven* a '«
u * tkc
: -

Along of deliver ante. pfaims. An txhortttion to prtift God,

the Lords: bur (he earth hath he given
to thechildren ot men.
17 The dead praife not the Lord, nei-
r,v that his
lay, %» W
now lhat fcar tf l
mercy enduretb for ever
S I called upon the Lord in
* ord

ther any that go down intotilcnce. the Lord aniwered n.e, and
fit ms in a
18 But we will bjefs the "Loud, from
•this time forth and lor evermore. Praife ft rhe Lord ii on my fide, I will
the Lord. :
what can man do nnto me >
P A »wlhelp Lme:
ORDtakcth my parr with then
The ffdlmijt frofefi'ctb bis love to God. »D« .

thcrelore ihall 1 fc J ,J!

d'Jirt upon them that hate '
Love the Lord, becaufe he l.atfi heard me
I my voice, and my fupplications. »h?wto "putbctt
to «"ft the'LORD, « m
a Becaufe he hath incline.1 his ear un- confident in nun
to me, therefore will 1 call upon bim as 9 It is better to truft in thc*L ORD,
long as I live. than 10 put confidence in princes.
, ^ 10 All nations comparted
1 The forrows of death compaffed me, mc ajout •

Qnd the pains of hell got hold upon me: U in

ft roy
am,:0 ' t:iC WlU I dc ' LORD
found trouble and forrow.
4 Then called 1 upon the name of the n They compatrrd me about, yea, thev
Lord •, O
LORD, I kefeech thee, de- compailectmc about but in the Dam* *¥ :

liver my foul. the LORD I will cteftrojr them

c Gracious /'/ the Lord, and righte- u They comnallcd me about like bees,
ous: yea, our God /'/ merciful. ..icy are quenched as the fire of thorn*;
6 The Lord
preferveth the timple I ot thc LORD
was brought low, and he helped me.

SW8SST wiu ac *
7 Return unto thy reft, my loul, for O m
1 J haft thruft fore at me that I
the LORDhath dealt bountifully with
.?Tl,hc Vr*SS?
aI b e I-ORDI»elp"S me.

LORD// my ltrength and long,

,'/is become \
and my falvation. 6
8 Fcr thou haft delivered my foul from
death, mfnr. eyes from tears, *nd my feet i« The voice of rejoycing
and fal-
from falling. vatton ts in the tabernacles or the
9 1 will walk before the Lord in the ''
g b3nd 0t thC "
land of the living. vaii'amf
ic believed, therefore have I fpo-
I 16 The right hand of the Lord is ex-
ken I was greatly afflicted.
'^ hV> * ° f thC L ° KU doth
u 1 laidinmy hilte. All men are liars. vahanil
11 "What mall 1 render unto the Lord, t7 I lhallr.otdie, but live, and
for all his benefits towards me ? thc works of the Lord.
n will take tne cup of falvation, and
18 The Lord hath chaftned me fore '
call upon the name ot the Lord. but he hath not given me over unto death
14. 1 will pay my vows unto the Lord, 19 Open to me the gates of rightcouf-
t,ow in the pretence of all his people. ncis I will go in to theni,
*tu 1 will
ic Precious in the fi?ht of the Lord, praife thc Lord :
is the death of his faints. to This gate of the Lord, into which
16 Oh Lord, truly I am thy fervanr, the righteous ftiall enter.
I t,m thy fervant, *n'd the fon or thy hand- 11 1 will praife thee, for thou haft heard
maid : thou haft looted my bonds. me, and ar: b.-comc my falvation
17 I will offer to thee the facrifice of n The ftone w*/'j» the builders refufed,
thankfgiving, and will call upon the is become the heady/Vis ot the ccrner.

name of the Lord. il This is thc Lords doing, it /'/ mar-

18 lwill pay my vows unto the Lord,
vellous in our eyes.
•low in the pretence of all his people 1.1 This// the day which the Lord
; hath
19 In the courts of the Lords fcoufc, made, we will rejeyce and be glad in it
intheraidftofthec, Jerufalcm. PraifeO i,- Save now, 1 beleech thee, OLord:

y ihe Lord.
\c O LORD, 1 befecch thee, fend now-
PSA btL.prtifed,
16 Bletfed he that cometh in the
Cod it to

O x
Praife the Lord, all ye nations
praife him, all yo reople.
For his merciful kihdnefs is great to-
wards us: and the truth of the Lord en.
name ot the Lord we have blefled vom
out of tbe houle of the Loud.
17 God it the Lord, which Hath (hewed
us light } bind trie facrifice with cords,

duritb for ever. Praife ye the Luud. even unto the horns c;t" the altar
p S A L. GXV1II. t8 Thourtrf my God, and I will praife
Cod it to bt prtij'ed for bit mercies, &c, thee; tbcutrtmy God, I will .emit thee.

O Give thanks unro the Loul, lor *«

i, good : becaufe his mercy
19 Ogive thanks unto the Lord, for *•
/'/good: tor his ntCTcy tnduretb ioT ever
°1 LeY'lfrael now fay, that his mercy
tniurttb tor eve.r-
1 Let the houle ^i Aaron
kk ifccrcy
now lay, that
miunti for evea
BA who walk
This t>/»lm tonttinttb fundrj PrtJtr* Sec.

Lclf-.d are the

L E P H.
in thc
undefiled in the way,
law of thc Lord.
1 bictfsd
! . .

PJvidt mi.iitiiion. Pfal ns, Hit comfort in tfflifthn.

BUiTed *re they that keep his tefti-
» ?r Ihave ftuck unto thy teftimonies:
monies, tnd tbtt leek huu with the whole O Loud, put me not to ihame.
heart. 3i I way of thy command-
will run the
3 They alio do no iniquity : they walk ments, when thou fhak enlarge my heart.
in his ways.
* Thou haft commanded ui to keep thy 33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy
precepts diligently. ftatutes, and I fhall keep it unto the end.
« O that my ways were directed to 34 Give me undemanding, and I fhall
keep thy
ftatutes keep thy law, yea, I ihall obierve it witfi
Then fhall I not be afhamed, when my whole heart.
have refpect unto all thy command-
1 35 Make me to go in the path of thy
ments. commandments, tor therein do 1 delight.-
7 1 will nraife thee with ltprightnefs of 36 Incline my heart unto thy telHnio-*-
heart, when I frail have learned thy righ- nics, and not to covetoulhefs.
teous judgments. 37 Turn away mine eyes from behold-
H I will keep (Tiy ftatutes: O forfake ing vanity and quicken thou me in thy :

me not utterly. way

BETH, v 38 Stablifh thy word unto thv fervant.
who h aevoted to thy fear.
9 Wherewith mall a young mar. cleanfe
way ? hy taking heed tbertto accor-
his ,39 Turn away my reproach which I
ir.g tothy word. fear: for thy judgments *re good.
(o With my whole heart have 1 fought 40 Behold, I have longed after thy pre-
thes : O
let me not wander from thy cepts quicken me in thy nghteouincfs.

commandments. V A U.
it Thy word have I hid in mine heart, 4i Let thy merciescome alfo unto me,
that 1 might not tin thee. Loun ; tven thy falvaticn
ii Bleileddrf thou, oLohl>: teach me to thy word.
thy ftatutes. 4i So diall I have wherewith to anfv.-er
i? With my
lips have 1 declared ail the him that reproacheth me: lor I ttuft in
judgments of thy mouth. thy word.
14 1 have rejoyced in the w3y of thy 43 -And take not the word of truth
teltimonies, asmucb*! in all riches. utterly out of my mouth j tor 1 have
u I will meditate in thy precepts, and hepea in thy judgments.
have refpecl: unto thy ways. 44 bo fhall I keep thy law continually,,
t6 I will dalight my felf in thy Statutes :
lor ever and ever.
I will not forpet thy word 4? And I wi'l walk at liberty: for 5
L. G I M E feek thy precepts.
17 Deal bountifully with thy fervant, 46 I will fpeak of thy teftimonies alfo
tbtt 1 may live, and keep tby word. beiore kings, and will not be afaamert,
t8 Open thou mine eyes, that I may 47 And twill delight my felt in thy
behold wondrous things out of thy law. commandments which Ihave loved.
to I tin aftrangerintheearth, hide not 48 My hands alfo will I lift up untothv'
thy commandments from me. commandments which I have loved : and
xo My foul breaketh lor the longing tbtt 1 will meditate in thyftatute?,
itk*'.b unto thy judgments at all times. Z A I N.
xx Thou haft rebuked the proud 49 Remember the word unto thy fer-
Art curfed, which do err from thy com- vant, upon which thou haft caufed ms
mandments. to hope.
xi Remove from me
reproach and con- to This?'* my comfort in my afllt*>ior,
tempt, for I have kept thy tefhmonies. for Ihy word hath ouickned ate.
13 Princes alfodid \\i*nd fpeak againft «i The proud have had mc greatly in
me but thy fervant did meditate in thy
: derifion : ytt have 1 cot d* cl.ned from
ftatutes. thy lav/.
*4 Thy teltimonies alio trt my delight, «I remembped -thy judgments of oh!.
tnd my counfeliers. O LoRDi and havr comforted my Teh.
D A L E TH. ?3Horror hath taken hold upon me, be-
it My
clcaveth unto the du'ft
foul :
cause of the wicked that forfike thy law.
quicken thou me according to thy word. ?4 Thyftautes have been my long* in
i/5 I have declared my ways, and thou the houfe of my pilgrimage.
heardeft me : teach me thy ftatutes. <t I have remembred thy namcvO Loptv
%~i Make me to underftand the way ot in the night, and have kept thy !u»
thy precepts- fo fhall I talk of thy won- s6Thislhsd:becaul'c I kepLthypie:ert»
drous works.
x% My foul melteth for heavinefs : 57 Tbiu art my portion, O Lord, I
ftrengthen thou me according unto thy have faid, that I would keep thy words!
word. intreatedthy favour with my whole
?8~ i
19 Remove from me the way of lying :
heart: be merciiulunto me according te
and grant me thy law gracieully. thv word.
30 Ihavechofen the way of truth: thy ?9 I thought on my ways, and turned
judgments have 1 laid btfortmt. my feet unco thy teftimonies,
V x 60 I
Tbi benefit of AflMHon. PfalmJ. Godt vtord 4 light.
(e made halte, and delayed not to
I 88 Quicken me after thy loving kind-
keep commandments,
thy nels, fo ftiall I keep the testimony of thj
61 The bands of the wicked have robbed mouth.
me:but 1 r.ave not forgotten thy law.
„ „ LAMED.
61 At midnight I will rife togive thanks 89 For ever, O L O K D, thy word i
onto thee: becaufe or thy righteous jud<r- fettled in heaven,
nteais. 50 Thy fait hfulnefa it unto allgenera^
6", 1 •»» a companion of all tbttn th:.t tions: thou halt established the earth,
rear th.~e, and- of them that keep thy and it abideth-
precepts. 91 They continue this day according to
64 The f3rih, O LotiT), is fall af thy
t .!.ne ordinances: tor ail Are thy lervants.

Siercv. teach me thy ftatutes. 91 Unlets thy \rv bid hen my d-light,
T E T if. I lhould then have perifhed in mine af-
t* Thou
haft dealt well with thy fer- fliction.
vznt, O
Lor!', according unto thy wort'. 93 I will never forget thy precepts for :

•A Teach me good judgment, and with them thou halt quiefcned me.
-lie: lor 1 have believed thy 94 1 Atn thine, lave me for I have :

. (ou^ht thy precepts.
c Before 1 was afflicted, I went a 9? The wicked have waited for me to
fk\u\ but now have I kept thy word. deftroy me: but I will confider v'.yteiti.
g TIhm a-: good, and dolt good ; teach
. monies.
B<r thy ftarutc.s. 96 1 have feen an end of all perfecti-
69 The proud have forged a lie agjinft on but thy commandment it exceed-

r.c but ] will keep thy precepts with

: ing broad.
»'•/ whole hear% M E M.
70 Tacr Ixeart is as fat as greafe, hut I 9- O how love I thy law it it my me-

delight in thy !aw. ditation all the day.

7r It it good forme that I have been 98 Thou, through thy commandments,
afflicted : mat
might learn thy itatutes.
I haft made mewifer than mine enemies:
7i The law q( thy mouth it better unto for they ere ever with me.
»e, than thoulandsor gold andfilver. 99 1 have more understanding- than all
J O D. my teachers
for thy testimonies are my

7? Thy hands have made me and fa- meditation.

ihionedme: give me understanding, that ico I understand more than the anci-
Imav learn thy commandments. ents-, becaule I keep thy precepts.
74 They that fear thee, will be glad ici I have refrained my feet from every
when ihey lee me: becaufe I have hoped evil way : that I might keep thy word.
in thy word. 101 I have not departed from thy judg-
-< 1 know, O
Lorp, that thy judg- ments: for thou haft taught me.
ments are right, and that thou in taith- to: How
fweet are thy words unto my
lulnefs hail afflicted mc. tafte yeAyfrveeter than hony to my mouth.

76 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kind- ic* Through. thy precepts I get under-
red be for my comfort, according to thy standing: therefore I hate every ralfe way.
word unto thy fervant. NUN.
7~ Lev thy tender mercies come unto me, ic? Thy word
is a lamp unto my feet,
thatl mav live : for thy law it my delight. and unto my path.
a light
78 Let the proud be afhamed, for they 106 1 have (worn, and 1 will perform?'/,
dealt pcrvertly with me without a caufe; that I will keep thy righteous judgments.
In: 1 will meditate in thy precepts. 107 I am afflicted very much: quicken
-p I et thofe t'^at fear thee, turn unto me, me, O
LORD, according unto thy word.
*nu thole that have known thy teftimonf«. igS Accept, I befeech thee, the free-
8r Let my heart be found in thy Sta- will-otmings of my mouth, O Lord, and
tutes ; that I be not aihamed. teach, me thy judgments.
C A V H. loo^My foul it continually in mv hand :
81 My foul fainteth tor thy falvation: yet «nl not forget thy law.
but I hope in thy word. hc The wicked have laid a fnare for
8a Mine eves tail for thy word, faying, me: yet I erred not from fty precepts.
When wilt thou camfort me ? til Thy 'citimonics have I taken a? an
g* For 1 am become like a bottle in the heritage for ever: for they «retherejoy-
fmoke yet do I not forget thy ft-tutes.
: cinc of my heart.
84 How many Are the'days 0* thy fer- tn 1 have inclined mine heart toper-
vant ? when wilt thou execute judgment form thy itatutes alwav, even unto the end.
on them that perfecute me > S A M E C H.
s\- The proud have digged pits for me, u: 1 hate vAin thoughts; but thy law
which are not after do 1 love.
85 A! thy command mentsrt»'« faitlitul : Thou«rf
114 my hiding-place, and my
thev ptrlecute me wromr:ully i help thou Shield: I hope in thy word.
ik Depart from mc, ye evil doers;
87 T!\eyhad almoft con fumed me upon for I wiJl keep tl:c comandments ot my
•art; but I forlbok net thy precepts.
; God.
: :

Cods judgments dreadful. PfijI ms. Vavjds \ial and hefe.

116 Uphold mj according unto thy mesr'f everlafting give : me underftand-
Word, that I may live: and let ing, and 1 fhall live'
be afhamed of my hope'. KOP
my wiiole
117 Hold thou me up, and I fhall be i4" 1 cried with heart, hear
fafe: and I will have relpect unto thy m„-, O LORD will keep my Itatutcs.
: I
ftatmes continually. 146 I cried unto thee, lave me, and I
118 Thcu halt troden down all them fhall keep thy teftimonies.
that err iioni thy ftatutes: tor their de- 147 1 prevented the dawning of th ; 1

ceit is talfhood. morning] and cried 1 hoped in thy word* :

.m Thou putreft away all the wicked r48 Mine eyes prevent the ni&ht watch-
ot the earth lift drofs : therefore I love es, that I aught meditate :n thy word.
thy teltirmnies. . 149 Hear my voire according unto thy
no My
flefh trembleth tor fear of thee, laving kindnefs: O Loko, qwicken m*
and I am a! raid of thy judgments. according to thy judgment.
A IN. t<rc Tney draw ni?h that follow after
tit 1 have done judgment andjuftice: milchief they we tar from thy law.

leave m;
not to mincopprefTors. 1,-1 Thou art near, O LORD: and aH
en Befurety for thy lervant for good : thy commandments are truth.
let not the proud o.pprels me. 1*1 Concerning' thy teftmonies, 1 have
ill Mine eye* fail for thy l'afvation, and known of old, that thou -halt founded
for the word of thy rightcoufnefs. them forever.
ii4 -Deal with thy fervant accord n^ un- ;
E S H. R
to thy mercy, and teach me thy ftatutes. t«* Confider mine affliction, and de-
n? I am thy lervant, give me un- liver me for I do not forget thy law.

derftanding, that I may know thy iclti- i?4 Plead my caul'e, and deliver me :

monies. quicken me according to thy word.

ti6 It is time for tbee, Loitri, to work : 1ST Salvation ff far from the wicked:
I for they have made void thy law. for thev feck riot thv ftatutes.
u7 Therefore I love thy command- i?5 Great are thy tender mercies, O
ments above gold, yea, a-bove fine gold. LORD quicker me according to thy

u5> Therefore I efteem all thy precepts judgments.

concerning all things to be right 5 and I H7 Many are my perfecuters, and mine
hate every falle way. enemies yet do 1 not decline fiom thy

P E. teftimonies.
119 Thy
teftimonies are wonderful i?8 1 beheld the tranfgrefibrs, and
therefore doth my foul keep them. was grieved : becaufe they kept not thj
t?o The entrance of thy words givetb word.
light: it giveth underftanding unto the H9 Confider how I love thy precepts
fimple. quicken me, O LORD, according to thy
i?i 1 opened my mouth, and panted: loving kindnefs.
tor I longed for thy commandments. t^o Thy word is true from the begin-
i?i Look thou upon me, and be merci- ning : and every one of thy righteous,
ful unto me, as thou ul eft- -to do unto thole judgments enduret b for ever,
that love thy name. S C H I N.
n* Order my fteps in thy word: and let 161 Pnaces have perlecuted with- me
not any iniquity have dominion over me. out a caul'e: but my heart ftanaeth in aw
1*4 Deliver me from the epprefiion of of thy word.
jaan fowill I keep thy precepts.
: t^i I rejoyce at thy word, as one that
U? Make thy face to fhine upon thy findeth great fpoil.
fervant and tcarh me thy ftatutes.
: t5i I hate and abhor lying: but thy
it6 Rivers of waters run down mine law do I love.
eyes: becaufethey keep not thy law. 164 Seven times a day do I praife thee:
T S A D D I. becaufe of thy righteous judgments.
f*7 Righteous^? thou, O LORD, and 16? Great peace haVethey which levt
upright are thy judgments. thy law: and nothing fhall c'rlend them.
T18 Thy
teftimonies that thou haft com- i-V5 LORD, I have hoped tor thy fal-
manded, ttrt righteous, and very faithful. vation, and done thy commandments.
no My zeal hath consumed me: be- i6r My foul hath kept thv teftimoBies:
cause mine enemies have forgotten- thy and I love them exceedingly.
words. tfig I have kept thy precepts and thy
140 Thy word it very pure therefore : teftimonies : for all my ways art before
thy lervant loveth it. thee.
141 I am Pnall and defpifed yet do not : T A U.
I forget thv precepts. t6q Let my
cry come near before the*-,
t4i Thy righteoufnefs is an everlafting O LORD give me underltanding accor-

righteoufnefs, and thy lawritne truth. ding to thy word.

141 Trouble and anguiih have taken 170 Let my fupplication come before
hold en me yet thy commandments are
: thee: deliver me accord in? to thy word.
my delights. 171 My lips fhall utter' praife, when
144 The rishtcouHicfs of thy teltimo- thou haft taught me thy ftatuces.
\)4 iirx My
mtgodliu faftty. P.'alm?.

Tbt cburcbet duivtranm

i-i My tongue fhall fpeak of thy word: 9 Because cf the houfe of the LOF
for ill thy commandments art righte- cur GJd, I will feck thy good.
©ufnefs. P S L. CXX1II. A
17; Let thine hand help me: for I have Tbe godly frojt/i tbtir confident in Go.
€hofen thy precepts. A icr.g of degrees.
174 I nave longed for thy falvation,
Loan-- andtbylswnmy delight.
17* Let my foul live, and it fhall praife
thee: and let thy judgments help me.

Ntothee lift 1 up mine eyes,
that dwellcft in the heavens,
i Behold, as the eyes of fervants he
unto the hand or their malters, ani
thi O

r/6 I have gone a;tray like a loit Jhecp, the eyes ot a maiden unto the hand
leek thy fervant : for I do not forget thy her miitrefs: lb our eves vmit upon fh
commandments. Lord o.:r God, until that he have mtr
l'SAL. CXX, cy upon us
T*awd prayetb aniiijt l)c% } &c. Have mercy upon us, OLord, hav
fl A fo:is of dejrrees. mercy upon us: tor we arc exce*viingll
TN my tliftreisl criea unto the LORD, filled with contempt.
and he heard me. 4 Our foul is exceedingly filled wit

i Deliver ra\ :bui, O Lord, from ly- the of thole that are at cafe, an]
ing hps, and fr cm a deceitful tongue. with the contempt of the prou.l
jWaat .'r.allb;: given unto thee ? or what P S A L. CXX1V.
fhall be done unto thee, thou falfe toneue ? Tbt (buret bit' Kb God, Sec.
4 Sharp arrows of the mighty, "with " A long of degrees of David.
couls or juniper. F ;t btd not bttn the Lord who Wl:
<r Wo
is me, that I fbiourn inMefech, I on our fide, now may Ifrael fay.
the: 1 dwell in the tents orKedar.' i V.itbiA r.ot bttn the Lokd whowa:
* My foul hath leng dwelt with him on cur tide, when men role up againlt
thathateth peace.
7 1 amfor peace: bdt when 1 fpeak, 3 Then they had fwallowcd us up quick,
they art for war. when their wrath was kindled againit us :

P S A L. CXXI. 4 Then the waters had overwhelmed us,

Tbt great of tbt godly., Sec.
Safety the Urea ni nad gone over our foul.
*i A long of degrees. ? Tnen the proud waters had gone over
Will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, our foul.
1 from whence cometh my help. 6 Blefled bt the LORD, who hath not
i My help comttb from the Lord, whi'h 3,:ven ns .*; a prey to their teeth.
made heaven and earth. 7 Our 'oul is cfcapedas a bird out of
3 He will r.ot fufierthy foot to be mere J: the fnare of th; f jwlers the fnare U j

he that keepeth thee will not (lumber. broken, ard we are efcaped.
4 Behold, hethatkecpeth Ifrael, lhall b Our help iJ in the name of the LORD,
thither flirmhernorfleep. who made heaven and earth.
s The Lord rrthy keeper: the Lord P S A L. CXXV.
h thy (hade upon thy rirht hand. '!»* faftty of fuib as Irujt in God/
6 TherUnfh2il not fmite thee by dav -,
* A song of degrees.
tor the moon by night. THey that truft in the LORD frail be
f The Lord fhall preferva thee from as mount Zion, veb'tb cannot be re-
all evil: hefhaJlprefcrvethyfouI. moved, but abideth for ever.
8 The Lord lna.ll preferve thy going i At the mountains are round about Je-
cut, and thy comir.e in, from this time ru ale-r,, fo the Lord it round about his
forth, and even for evermore. people, from henceforth even for ever.
l'SAL. CXXH. ? For the rod of the wicked fhall not
David profeflttb biljoyfertbt cbur'.tti, 5cr. reft upon the let of the righteous: left
ongof degrees of David. the righteous put forth their hands un-
Was when they laid unto me, Let
glad to iniquity.
I us go into the houfeof the Lord.
r Our feet inall .land within thy pates, It
4 Do good, O LORD, unto tbofe that
gpod, and to them ibat are upright in
O Jemfalera. rw.
3 Jerufalem is buildedasa city, that is As for I'uch as turn afide unto their

compaa together: crooked v.- y3, the Lord fhall lead them

4 Wiither the tribes go up, the tribes ith e workers of iniquity:

t but
of the Lord, unto the teftjmony of If- pc-cc Jbtalt bt upon Ifrael.
rael, to give thanks unto the r.aT.e of the F S A L. CXXVI.
LORD. let tburch ulebfdttth btr rtturn,
«• A fong of degrees.
f For there are fet thrones of judgment
the thrones of the heu'e of David.
*> Pray
for the peace of Jerufalem: they
WHen LORDrurned again the
captivity of Zion, we were like
fhall pfolpcr that love thee. them that dream.
7 Peace bewithin thv walls, and pro- i T:ien was our mouth filled with laugh-
frcrity within thy palaces. ter, and our tongue with iirging then laid :

r my brethren and com- heathen, The LoRuhath

fajcts, I will row fay, Peace £'wi::iir. thcu. ucn'e grcnf things for them.
3 The
:: : :

Tie godly bit fed. PfalrHj pstietiif*

I 3 The LORD hath done great thinsrs PSAL. CXXX.

for u$: whereof we are glad. The fftlmij} profeffttb bit hope in prayer,&c,
4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, A fong of degrees.

as the ftreams irvthe iouth.

T Thcv that low in tears, fhallreapin
OUt of the depths have 1 cried unto
thee, O Loud.
Joy. x Lord, hear my voice let thine ear* :

() He
that goeth forth and weepefh, be attentive to the voice ot ray luppii-
bearing; precious iced, fhall doubtleis- cations.
come again withrejoycing, bringing his 3 If tnou, Lord, Ihouldft mark ini-
fneaves with bim. quities: O
Loan, who iliall ftand ?
PSAl, CXXVU. 4 But there ii forgivenels with thee
Tbt virtue of Goit bleljing, &c. that thsu maylt be leared.
11 A fong of degrees for Soiomon. ? I wait for the Lord, my foul dotfl

EXcept the LORD

build the houfe, wait, and in his word do I hope.
thcv labour in vain that build it 6 My foul votttetb for the Lord, more
j except
'the LORD
keep the city, the than they that watch for the morning I :

watchman waketh but vain. m
fay, mare than they that watch tor the
a It it vain for ybuto rife up early, to morning.

fit up late, to eat the bread of forrows

7 Let Ifrael hope in the Lord forwitft :

[for lb he giveth his beloved lleep. the Lord tbire is mercy, and with hira
I3 Lo, children are an heritage of the it plenteous redemption.
Lord and the fruit of the womb/*
bit 8 And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all

reward. his iniquities.

4 As arrows art in the hand of a migh-
'ity man: lb art children of the youth. David frcfsjjhtb bit bunvtity, &c.
? Happy ii the man that hath his qui-
I fl A long of degrees of David.
ver lull efthem they fhall not be afham-

ed, but they (hall (peak with the enemies

nor mine
ray heart is not haughty,
eyes lofty: neither cio'l
in the gate. exercife my felt in greac matter;, or ;»
things too nigh for me.
TbiTA'Jjingioftkem tbi: far God, x Surely I have behaved and quieted mv
Tons of degrees.
11 felt" as a child that is weaned of !ustuc»-
BLeffed every one that leareth the
it ther : my foul it even as a weaned child.
Lord that wslketh ni his ways.
: 3 Let Ifrael hope in the Lord, iron*
x For thoulhalt eat the labour of thine henceforth and for ever.
hands: happy fltalt thou be, and it /hall PSAL. CXXXII.
be well with thee. Vavids art of the Art;, &c.
3 Thy wife fhall be as a fruitful vine by V A fong of degrees.
theiidesof thine houfe: thy children-like
olive-plants, round about thy table.
remember David, and
all hi*

4 Behold, that thus fhall the man be i How

he l'ware unto the LORD, and
bleifed, that teareth the Lord. vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob.
<;The LORD
fhall blefs thee out of 3 Surely I will not come into the taber-
Zion: and thou fhalc fee the/good of Je- nacle of my houfe, nor go up info my
rul'alem all the days of thy lite. bea
6 Yea, thou fhalt fee thy clmdrens chil- 4 I will not give fle:p to mine eves, 0l -

dren, and peace upon Ifrael. flumtfcr to m;ne eye-lids,

l'SA L. CXXIX. « Until I find out a place for the Lor:- ,
An txbortation tit praift God, &C. an habitation for the mighty God ot fa
11 A long cf degrees. cob.
T> TAny a time have they atrlictedme 6 Lo, wc heard cf it at Ephratah ivr
J.V1 from my youth, may Ifrael now lay : found it in the fields of the wood.
M?.ny a time have they "afflicted me
r 7 We
will go into his tabernacles r/e :

from ray youth vet they have not pre-

• Will wor at his footfroo!.
vailed againft me. 8 Arif'e, OLord, into thy reft: thou,
3 The plowers plowed upon my back and the ark of thv ftrength.
they made long their furrows. 9 Let thy prieffe be cbt! ed with rigfc •

4 The Lord n righteous: he hath cut teoufnefs and let thy faints fhout for joy

afunder the cords of the wicked. to For thy fervstir Davids fake, turn
? Let them all be confounded and tur- not away the face ot thine, anointed.
ned oack^hat hate Zion. n The LORD hath fworn in truth un-
6 Let them be as the grafs upon the to D^vid, he will not turn from it,
koufe-tops, which withereth afore it
the fruit ot thy Body will 1 ret dmd
groweth up : thy throne.
7 Wherewith the mower filleth not his ii If thy children will keen mv cove-
ham-1 aor he
; that bindeth fheaves, his nant andmytefti-mony, that ] fhsfl tes-b-
bo'om. them; their children aJfn fball (it upon
8 Neither do they which go by, fay, The thy throne for evermore.
blefling of the Lord be upon you: we i j For the Lord hart chofen 7ior. -.

blc's y~w in ins name, of the Lord. he bath dctlrcd it for his hahitat-on.
V 5
. 6

Lxbirittiont tt frtift Gc

j4 Tins it niy reft fcrevw. here will t? Thy name, O Lord, tndurttb fc
ldtfcll, ror 1 have dc:ired it. ever, tni thy memorial, O LORI
I will abundantly bids her provisi- t.'-roughjut all generat.oRi.
on: 1 will tatisty her por with l«rc^d. 14 For the Lord will judge his people;
16 1 will al:o clothe her priefts wuh and he wilt repent himlelr cencernin
lalvauon: and her faints ihall fhout a- his ferracK*.
loud tjr jcy. t? The idols ot the heathen art filve
i- There will I make the horn of Da- and gold, the work of mens hands.
vid tj jud I have ordained a lam? tar They have mouths, but they fpeal

mint anointed. not i eyes have they, but they lee not
iS His enemies will
clothe with fhame :
T 17 Tney have ear.-, but they hear not
but ui-on aimfetl Awll his crown rlounlh. neither is there any breath in their mouths
P SAL. CXXX111. ij> They thnt make them are like unrt

• Tbe btntfit of ttt communion of faints. them : j» it every one that trulteth U
A long o: degrees ef David. them.
BHholJ, now good and how wleafant 19 Blefs the Lord, Ohoufe of Ifrael.
it it for brethren to dwell together blefs the Lord, noufe of Aaron. O
>:. unity. io Blels the Lori>, hcufc ot Levi O j

i It h omtmet up-
like the pteciou* ye thatfearthe Lord, blefs the Lord. 1

«n the head) that ran down upon the 11 Bleffed be the Lord out ot Zion :

beard, tvrn Aarons b^ard, that went down which dwelleth at Jeruulcm. Praife ye
\c the skirts or bis garments. the Lord.
3 Asthe dnvcf Hcrmon, t.nd astbtdtvv P S A L. CXXXVI.
that del'ce'nded u?on the mountains el AnExbcmtion to givttbank,i toCoJ, &c.
Zionj for there the Lord commanded OGive
thanks unto the LORD, lor
good lor his mercy tndurttb
the blefT.n?, evtn life fcr evermcre. :

\ L. PLCXXXIV. lor ever.

An (Xbori.'.trgn to bltjs God. O five thanks unto the God of gods
x :

long of degrees.
' for his' mercy tndurttb for ever.
BEhoIJ, blef? ye the
LT>RD, a)!/: fer- I O Give thanks to the L©rd of lords:
vanu or the Loan, which by nigh: for his mercy aidant* for ever.
ltari.t in the fcoule of the Lord. 4 To him who a!*-n; doth great won-
i Lift up your hands in the fanituary :
ders for his mercy miurttb for ever.

and Mela the Lord. 5 To him mat by wii'dom made the

*3 that made heaven and
The Lord heavens : mercy tndurttb for ever.
fur his
tarth, blefs thee out of Zion. (S To him that Uretrhcd out the earth
P S A L. CXXXV. above the waters : for his mercy tndurttb
An txbortition tofrtiftGoS jor trey bum lor ever.
T)Rai.e ve the Lord, praife ye the 7 To him that made great lights: fot
I lame'of the Lord, praife bim, ye O his mercy tndurttb for evsr.

Servants ot the Lord; S The fun to rule by day: for his mer-
cy tndurttb for ever.
lYe that Hand inthehoufeof the LORD,
in the courts of the hou'.e of our God. 9 The ir.oon and itarsto rule by night:
mercy tndurttb for ever.
3 praifcj ye the Lord, tor the Lord
it for his
tc To him that fmote Egypt in their
rood: ting praifes unto his name, for a
firft-born: tor his mercy tndurttb forever.
h vleafanr.
And brought out Ifrael from among
4 For the Lord hath choie-n Jacob
them : fcr his mercy tndurttb for ever.
unto himfelf, *"* Ifrael for his peculiar
II With a ftrong hand, and with a
know that the Lord n great, ftretched out arm : tor his mercy tndurttb
j fcr I
tbii our Lord it above all gods. tor ever.
6 Wharfbever t!ie Lord pleaied, tbtt 13 To him which divided the Red fca.
into parts : for his mercy tndurttb for ever.
A. a he in heaven and inearth, in the feat,
i4 And made Lraelto pafsthrough the
7nd all deep places.
the vapours to afcend midft of it for. his mercy tndurttb
7 He cauleth
for ever.

from the ends of the earth, he maketh

But overthrew Pharaoh and his ho ft
IP r DCS for the rain: he bringeth the in the Red fca : for his mercy vuuretb
wind out' of his treafuries. for ever.
8 fmote the firft-born of Egypt,
Who 16 To him which led his pecple
koth o ( man and beaft. through the wildernefs: for tys mercy
o H'bo fenl tokens ana wonders into aniuritb tor ever.
the midft of thee, O Egypt, upon Pba>-
17 To him which fmote great kings:
-aoh, and upon all his
and flew for his mercy tndurttb tor ever.
ic Who fmote great nations, And flew famous kings: for his
h B
*if ?inS of the Amorites, ar.d nic::y ptUtrttk for
ShS ever. |

mJ of Bafhan, and ill the kingdoms

king 9 Sihon king of the Amorites fct- :

h)* mercy e-.durt b for ever.

3 n "^""AmC Ogthe k.ngof Baihan: forhi
Sn!' ?aTe Airland fit an heritage


.je'uoto Uktel lus pcapk, ^

mere, ***«* fcr cv«.

EJom ourfed, Pfams. Ct.'.i frovUmttt

;• xr And gave their land for an hcri- P'bAL, CXXXIX-
J] tage : tor nis mercy endr.retb tor ever. David prai/etb God for' bu inertia. &c,
Even an heritage unto
t\ vain
ifrael his let*
tnduretb" forever.
tor his
U the chief mutician,
a pfalm of

i £t Who
remembred us in our low e-
ftate: for his merry tndurttb tor ever.
(\ Lord, thou hattfearched me, and
known me.
i \^_/
5t X4 And ham redeemed us from our e- x Thouknoweft my down-fitting, and
nenues: for his mercy tndurttb tot ever. .nine up-rifinz, thou uridcritandatt my
. x? Who
giveth lood to all fleih : for thought afar off.
, his mercy tnduretb tor ever. s Thou comparted my path, and ray
x5 O give thanks unto the Godof hea- lying down, and ait acquainted with all
ven : for his mercy tndurttb tor ever. my ways.
P S A L. CXXXV1I. 4 For there is not a word in my tongue,
The conjlxncf of the leva in captivity, &c. but lo, O
LORD, thou knowett it alto-
BY the rivers of Ballon, there we tat
down, yea, we wept, when we re-
i Thou haft befet me behind and be-
membred Zion. fore, and laid thine hand upon me.
x We
hanged our harps upon the wil- 6 Such knowledge it too wond.-fful for-
lows, in the midlt thereof. me ; it is higii, I canr-ot attain unto it.
J For there they that carried us away 7 whither fhall I go from thyfpjrit'?
caprive, require*! of us a fone ; and they or whether ftiall I f.ccfroiv thy pretence ?
that waited us, required tf us nuv ii> fay- 8 If alcer.d up into heaven, thou art'
ing, bin? us one of the longs of Z:o». there: if 1 make my bed in hell, behold,,
4 How" fhall we ting the Lords long in thsu tirt there.
a ltrange land ? 9 if I take the wings of the mornkig,

i * forget thee,
It I Jeru'alem, let O and dwell in the uttermolt parts of tlPB-
I right hand forger ttf cunning. fea :

6 If I do not reimrmber thee, let my ic Even

there fhall thy hand lead me,
teugue cleaveto the roofof a;y mou'.h it -, and thy right hand fhall hold me.
1 prefer not Jerufalem above my chief joy. ii I. fay, Sjrely the darknefa fhall
7 Remember, u Loitn, the children of cover me even the night fhall be light

Edom, in the day of Jerufalem ; who faid, about me.

Ra c it, rate it, even to the foundation ii Yea, the darknefs hidcth not from
thereof. thee i but the night, ihineth as the day :
8 O daughter cf Babylon, who art to the darknefs and the light art both alike
be deftroyed happy jball be be that re-
to thee.
wardeth thee, as thou hall lervedus. i ? For thou haft poilafietl my reins thou :

9 Happy Jbtll be be that taketh and haft covered me in my mothers womb.

dafheth thy litt,e ones againft the ttones. 14 I will prairethee, for
fearfully I am
P S A L. CXXXVIII. arid wonderfully ma^.ej marvellous art
V*vid God for the truth of bis word.
prtifetb thy works, and that my foul knowetl*
PJslm or David.
right well.
Will prail'e th?e with my whole heart, i? My Jubilance was not hid from thee,

I before the gods will I ting praileuntc when I was made in fecrer. and curioufly j

thee. wrought in the loweft parts cf the earth.

iwill'worfhip towards thy holy tem-
1 \6 Thine eye* did fee my fubftance vet-
ple, and praile fhy name, for thy loving being unperfect, and in thy book all my
kindnels, and for thy truth for thou halt : members were written, which in coniinu-r
magnified thy word' above all thy name. ance were fafhioned, when as yet there
? In the Day when I cried, thou an- was none of them.
fweredft me and ftrengthnedft me with
: i7 Hew precious alto are thy thoughts
ftrength in my foul. unto me, O God! how. great is the fumot"
4 All the kings of the earth fliallVrai'e them !

thee, O
Lord, when they hear the 18 If I ihould count them, they are
words of thy mouth. more in number than the land : when 1-
* Yea, they ih3ll ting in the ways of awake, an
with thee.
I ftill
the Lord Kir great u the glory of the
: 19 Surely thou wilt Hay the wicked, 'O
Lord. God depart from me therefore, ye

6 Though the Lord be high, yet hath bloody men.

he refpeit the lowly: but the proud xo For they fpeak againft thee wickedly,
lie knoweth afar otf. and thine enemies take thy name in vain
7 TiiCtigiil walk in the mkls of trou- 11 Do not I hat. them, o LORD, that

ble, thou wilt revive me, thou fhalrftretch hate thee? and an not 1 .zrieved with
forth thine hand azamft the wrath of thofe that ri!e upagain.'t thee '

mine enemies, and thy right hand fhall ii I hate them with perfea hatred ; I
favc me. count them mine- enemies.
8 The LORD will perfect tb*t which xt, search me, God, and know my O
loncemeth me: thy mercy, Lord, O heart tryme, and know my thought*,

tnduretb for ever forfake not the works

: 14 And fee it tbtftbe &ny-\w:ki iv.^yAn
»i tiiine own &aa4J, I me, and least me in the way everlafrine-.
. V"6 i-JAt,
WdVlJi prityty, • . » Nu eontfort in triuble.
PS A t. CXL. "'
H But. mine eyestrt unto thee, Gc O
VAvtd p'vit.b to tenth/: rat from Saul &c. the L\?rd in thee is my trull, leave n


:ii it*.
Ta the c.iief mtit«Ciaij| A pialm
LJivei me, O
LOR.D, fro m the evil
man: preserve me trom the violent
my loul destitute.
9 Keep me trcm the fnare vtbitb the
have laid lor me, and the grir.s of ti
workers ot iniquity.
to Let the wicked iall into their Ovw
i V» • mifebief* in tbr.r nets, whiitt that I withal el'capc.
are :; ey gathered to- P S A L. CXLI1.
r war. David jbmetb bit comfort, &.C.
They have their tongues H Maichil of David, a prayer whenhs
a serpent : adders
their lips, Sejah,

poilon it un ic:
Iwas in the cave.
Cried unto the
with my voice unto the
with my voice

4 Keep me, from the hand) die LORD

of the wicked, prelecveme frorat the vio- 1 make my fup?!kat.'on.
lent man, w;:o have purpofed to over- i 1 poured out my complamt be fort
throw my goings. him ; I ltiewed before him my trouble
i The pfoud'havc hid a lhare for me, ? When my ipint was overwhelmeclt;
and cords, they have fpread a net by the within me, then ihou knewefr my path k.
way- lide, they have let grins for me. b.lah. in the way wherein 1 walked, havetheyl*
6 1 faid unto the .LORD, Tho u *rt my privily laid a lhare for me.
God-, hear the voice of my Implications, 4 1 Jooked on my right hand, and be-H
O LORD. held, but there veai no man that wouldto
7 O GOD the Lord, the ftrengthof my know me-, refuge tailed me j nomanca-£
falvation , thou haft covered my head in red lor my foui.
he day of battle. cried unto.thee, LORD, Ifaid,fc
5 I O
8 Grant nor, O
LORD, the defires of Art my refuge, Thou
my portion inf Mi
the Wicked, further not his wicked de- the land ot the living.
vice* 10 they exalt themfelvcs. Selah. 6 Attend unto- my cry, for I am trough!
9 Aifsr the head ot thofe that compafs very low : deliver me lrom my perfecu- \
mo about, let the mifchief of their own tcrs. for they are ftrontter than I.
K|>s cover then. 7 Bring my foul out ot prilbn, that I «
ic Let bu;Pin? C03ls fall upon them, may praise thy name the righteous fhall I :

let then he € alt "into the fire ; into deep com pals me about; for thou ftjalt i CA\ i
fits, that they rife not up again. bountifully with me.
1 1 Let not z'n evil fpeaker be eitablifhed P S A L. CXLIII.
in the earth -:vil liiall hunt the violent
Divide pr.iytr tin? compltint, fie.
"«i.a:> to overthrow bim. fl A Pfalai of David.
u I know that the LORD will main- Ear my prayer (> LORD, give ear toTT
tain the caul'e of the arhMc'tcd, enJ the niy lipplications
nels answer me, and

in thy iaithtul-

tight of the poor. thy righteoulhefs.

i} Surely the righteous fhsll give thanks t And enter not into judgment with
nnto thy name, the upright ihall dwell thy fen-ant: lor in thy light ihall no man
in thy pretence, living be jultified.
P 5 A L. CXL1. * F3r the enemy hath pcrfecuted my
'Btvii prtytib tb*t bit fart may he ntitpublt* foul, he hath fmitten my life down to the
fl A.pfal:n ot David.
ground he hath nude me to dwell in :

I cry unto thee, make bafte

LORD, unto mcj give ear unto my voice, dead.
darkneCs, as thole that have been long
wngf I cry unto thee. 4 Therefore is my fpirk overwhelmed
i Let my prayer be fct forth before wahin me: my heart within me isdelo-
t*ec *.< inrenre ; *** the lilting up of my late.
Y.ird^, 4i the evening facrifice. « I remember the days of old, I me-
; Set a watch, LORD, O
before my viit2te on all thy works I mufe on the :

mouth, keep the door of my lips. work of thv hands.

4 Incline rot my heart to *ny evil 6 I ltretc'h forth my hands unto thee :
thing, topiactife wick.d works with men my foul tbirditb after thee, as a thinly
that worV iniquity, find let me not eat land. Selah.
ef their daifttiea.
-H^rniefpeedily, OLORD,my fpirit
s t« the righteous (mite m;, ft Jb*ilbt hide not thy face from me, left 1 be
Incfsj and let him reprove me, it tothem that go down into the pit.
an excellent oyl, whith fhall not
t 5 Caufemeto hear thy loving kindnefj3
br:.!c my held : for yet my rrayer alio in the morning, for in thee do I truft
in their calamities.
i caufe me to know the way wherein _
6 When their Judges are overthrown in fhould walk, for 1 lift up my foul unto thee.
place*, they fhall hear my words, 9 Deliver me, OLORD, from mine ens
>or tficy are fweer. nues: I flee unto thee to hide me.
t Our bunes are icatrcred at the graves ic Teach me to do thy will, for thou
mouth, as when one cuttcth and cleavcth art my God: thy fpirit r* good, lead me
wood uiod the earth. uuc the land ci uprightnei*
u (^ickcrr
8 :

Vtvid bUjfttl God PfalmJ.

for bis merciet.
Quicken me, O Lord, fbrthy names
11 ? I will fpeakof the glorious honour of
ke : for t!-.y righttoufnefs lake bring thy majefty, and of thy wondrous works.
ay foul out or trouble. 6 And Wfrtftiall ipeak of the might of
n And of thy i.ctcy cut o/Tmineene- thy terrible acts: and I will declare thy
nies, and dcltroy all f hem that afflict my greatnel's.
?ul : lor I am tfiv 'cr/ant. 7 Triey (hall abundantly utter the me-
PSAI CXL1V. mory of thy great goodnefs, and foall fine
VtvidlltQ'ttbGoi ^ <r bis mercies, &c. ol thy nghreoulhels.
11 A pfalm of David. 8 The LORD it gracious, and full of
3leffed be the- LORD
ray ftrength, companion; flow to anger, and ofpreat
which teacheth my handi to war, mercy.
nd my fingers to fight. 9 The LORD
and his
it good to all :

i My goodnefs, and my fortrefs, my tender mercies are over all his works.
isb tower and my deliverer, myfhield, io All thy works fhall praife thee, O-
nd be in whom J trutt : who liibdueth LORD, and thy faints fhall blefs th<e.
iy people under me. it They lhali fpeakof the glory of thy
LOUD, what it man, that thou ta- kingdom, and talk of thy pewer.

eft knowledge of him? or the fon of ii To make known to the fons of men
un, that thou makeft account of him ? his mighty a#s, and th« glorious majefty
4 Man is like to vanity his days are as of his kingdom.

Tftiadew that pafleth away. 13 Thy kingdom is an everlafting king-

? Bow thy heavens, O Loan, and come
dom, and thy dominion enduretb through-
own: touch the mountains, and 'they out all generations.
jail fmoke. 14 The LORDupholdeth all that fall,
6 Calt forth lightning, and fcatter and raifcth up all tbo/e that be bowed
hein : (hout eut thine arrows, and de- down.
:roy them. K
The eyes of all wait upon thee, and
7 Send ttine hand from above, rid me, thou giveft them their meat in due fea-
nd deliver me out of great waters ; from lon.
he hand of ftrange children \t Thou opened thine hand, and fatif-

8 Whofe mouth fpeaketh vanity ; and fieit the defire of every living thing.
heir right handifa right hand ot f2lfhood. t7 The LORD is righteous in air his
9 I will ling a new fongutito thee, O ways, and holy mallhis works.
Jpd t upon a pfaltery, and an Inftrur.ent 1 The LORD u nigh unto all them
f ten itrings will I iingpraifes unto thee. th2t call upon him, to all that call upon
, to It is be that giveth falvation- unto him in truth.
angs: who delivercth David his lervant 19 He will fulfil the defire of them that
rem the hurtful fword. rear him: he aifo will hear their cry, and
it Kid me, and deliver me from the will fave them.
and of ftrange children i whofe mouth 10 The LORD- preferveth all them
peaketh vanity, and their right hand is that love him : but ail the wicked will
right hand of fallhood. he deftroy.
That our fons »m*7 £« as plants grown 11 My mouth fhall fpeak the praife of
pin their youth; rigour daughters may the LORD: and let all flclh blefs his holy
t as corner-rtones, polifhcd after the ll- name for ever and ever.
oilitudeof a palace: P 5 A L. r.XLVI.
i} Tbat our garners msy be full, afFord- The ffalmifl vowetb praifes to God, &c.
ng all manner of (tore ; tbjt our fheep PRaife ye the LORD. Praife the
nay bring forth thoufands, andtenthou- LORD, O my foul.
ands in our ftre'ts: i While I live, will I praife the Lord i
4 That our oxen may be ftrong to la- I will fing praifes unto my God, while I
>our j that there be no breaking in, nor have any being.
;oing out ; that there be no complaining * Put not yourtruft in princes, nor in
n our itreets. the fon of man, in whom .there it no
t? Happy ft that people that is infuch help.
cafe: yea, happy is that people> whofe
i 4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth
3od is the LORD. to his earth: in that very day his thoughts
P S A L. CXLV. perifh,
Dtvid pra ;fetb God for bii fame, Sec* Happy is be that bttb the God of J*.

H Davids pfalm of praife, cob for his help, whole hope it in the-
nWill extol thee, my God, O King, LORD his Cod
and I will blefs thy name for ever and 6 Which made heaven and earth, the
:ver. fea, and all that therein is: which kee|>
i Every day will I blefs thee,, and lwill eth truth forever:
uaife thy name for ever and ever. 7 Which executeth judgment for the
1 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be oppreffed, which giveth food to the
nailed ; andhisgreatnefsjiunfearchable. hungry:nuugij the LORD locfeth the pri-
J 4 One generation fhalt praife thy works | foners*.
o another, aodiuall detlajc thy mighty I 8 The LORD openeth the eyei eye of the
blind! the LORD- nifttb tbtm that ar*-
:: .

Cod it to it pttifti Plalms. \y tit trutun

bowed dewn: the LORD loveth the and ye waters ifiat It above the heave
righteous. f Let them praile the name of
9 The LORD preferveth the ftrangers ;
LORD: lor he commanded, and i
he relieveth the tatherlefs and wuiow : were created.
but the way of the wicked he turneth 6 He hath alfo ftabli lived them tore
tip ide down. and ever: he hath made a decree wlr
* The LORD
lhall reign forever, ivtn ihall not pafs..
thy God, O
Zion, unto all generations. 7 Praile the LORD front the ear
Italic ye the LOUD. ye dragons and all deeps.
I' S A L, CXLVII. 8 hire and hail, fnow and vapa
An txbortttion to prtife Go*, &C ftormy wind fulfilling his word.
PRaife ye the LORD: for it is good to Mountains and
all hills, huitful tr<
fing praifes unto our God; tor it ii and cedar-.
pleafant, dtid praifc is comely. Beafts and alt cattle,
io creepii
i The LORDdoth buildup Jerufalem :
things, and flying fowl.
he gathercth together the outcafts of n Kings ot the earth, and all people
lira el. princes, and all j;id*res ot the eatth.
,3 He healeth the broken in heart, and u
Both young men and maidens, o 1

bindeth up their wounds. men and cmklre i.

4 He telleth the number of the ftars iX Let them praife the name of tt
he calleth them all by tbtir names. LORD: tor iiis name alore is exceller. i

f Great jiour Lord, and of great pow- his glory above the earth andheavei
er: his underltanding U infinite. 14 He hern of his pec
alfo exalteth the
f The LORDlifteth up the meek: he pie, the praile of all his faints eveno •,

cafteth the wicked down to the ground. the children of Ifrael, a people near un
7 Sing unto the LORD
with thanklgt- to him. Praife ye the LORD.
ving : ling praifc upon the harp unto PSAS. CXLIX.
our God :
I be prophet exbortetb to praije God, Sec
8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, p-Raife ye LORD.
Sing unto trn
who prepareth rain for the earth, who ma- J. LORD new
fong, and his praife ii
keth grafs to grow upon the mountains. the congregation ot faints.
9 He giveth fothe bead his food, tnl i L:t Ifrael rejoyce in him that made
to the young ravens which cry. him: let the children of Zion be joyful
10 He deiighteth not in the ftrength of in their kir.g.
the hone: he taketh notpleal'ure in the ? L;t them praife his name in the
legs of a man. dance: let them fing praifes him
n The LORD
taketh pleafureinthem with the timbrel and harp.
that fear him, in thole that hope in his 4 For the Lorp taketh pleafure in
jaerey.. ' his people: he will beautifie the meek
ix Praife the LORD, O
Jerufalem :
with falvation.
praile thy God,
Zion. O ? Let the faints be joyful in glory
them fing aloud upon their Beds.
let! :

i3 For he hath ftrengthned the bars of

thy gates he hath blefled thy children
: 6 Let the high prsijit of God be in their
within thee. mouth, and a two-edged & word in the I

14 He msrketh peace in thy borders, tnd hand j

hlleth thee with the fineft of the wheat. 7 To execute vengeance upon the hea
k He fendeth forth his commandment then, tnd puniihments upon the people ,
upon earth his word runneth very fwiftly.
: 8 To bind their kings with chains, an"
16 He giveth fnow like wool: hefcat- their nobles with fetters of iron ;
tereth the hoar froft like afhes. 9 To execute upon them the judgment
17 He cafteth forth his ice like morfels written this honour have sglhis taints, :

who can ftand before his cold? Praife ye the Lord.

18 He fendeth out his word, and melt- CL. PSAL.
eth them he caufeth his wind to blow, An exbortttion to priife God, &c.
sni the wafers How. PRaife ye the Lorm. Praifc God
>9 He rtieweth his word unt9 Jacob, his fancluary praife him in the fir- :

his (tatutessndhis judgments unto Ifrael. mament of his power.

10 He hath not dealt fowith sr^ nati- i Praifehim for his mighty at"!s pra
on: and *s for bis judgments, they have him accordingto his excellent greatne
rot known them. Praifc ye the LORD. ? Praife him with the foun.l ot th
PSAL, CXLVIII. trumpet praife hini with the pfalter :

The fUlmift txbortttb to prJ/e Cod. and harp.

PRaife ye the LORD. Praife ye the 4 Praife him with the timbrel an.
LORD from the heavens: praifehim dance: praife him with ftringed
in the heights. ments, and organs.
i Praifeye him, all hisingcls praife Praife him upon the loud cymbals
•. <;

ye him, all his hefts. praife him upon the high-foundicg cyni
3 Praifeye him, fun and moon praife bah. :

him, all ye ftars cf light. 6 Let everv thing th*t hath breath,
4 Praile hiai» ye heavens of heavens, puiie the L&U) Piiucyc the loin.
: : : ; , : : :

CHAP. I. 17 When your feat conieth as defola-

' Tbi
"\ H
tife of the frovtr bi, Sue.
E Proverbs Solomon the
ion of David, king of ll'racl ;
and your deftwdtion cometh as a

cometh upon you.

j when diftrefs and anguifh

i To know wifdom and m-
ftruciion, to perceive the wonu I
iiJ Then lhall they call upon me, but
wilLnot anfwer i they fhall leek me ear-
ly, but they lhall not find me :

It To receive the inftruction of wifdom, 19 For that they hated knowledge, and
ijtice, and judgment, and equity; did not choole the fear of the LORD.
.k To give iubtiltyto the fimple, to the xo They would none of my counfel :
^ungnun knowledge and diicretion. they dcfpiled all my reproof.
|s A wile *n*n will hear, and will in- 31 Theretore fhall they eat of the fruit
Bisa.e learning and a man ot under-
: of their own way, and be filled with their
Imding lhall attain unto wife coanfcli own devices.
t!5 To undcrftand a proverb, and the in- 3i For the turning away of the fimple
rpretation ; the wards ot the wile, and fhall flay them, and the profp»nty of
IJeir dark favings. fools lhall deftroy them.
7 M The tear of the Lord ii the be- %% But wholb hearkaeth unto me, fhiU
Wnning of knowledge : but foolsdefpiie dwell fafely, and fhall be quiet from feax.
r.Kdom and inftrucuon. of evil.
1,8 My fon, hear the inftruefbion of thy CHAP. II.
ther, and foriake nat the law of thy Wifdom promrfetb goodrujtto ber children.


flother fon, if thou writ receive my.

49 For theyjhj.ll be an ornament of grace words, and hide my command-
hto thy head, and chains about thy neck. , tnemi with thee ;
to 11 My Ion, if finncrs entice thee, I So that thou incline thine ear unto
intent thou not. wifdom, *ni apply thine heart to under-
e it If they fay, Come with us, let us ftanding
j-y wait for Wood, let uslurkpnvily for 3 Yea, if thou crieft after knowledge,
.l.e innocent without caule : and lifteft up thy. voice for underftand-
ii Let us fwallow them up alive as the ing :

•ave, and whole, as thole that go down 4 Ifthoufeekeftherasfilver, and fear,

ito the pit chelt for her, as for hid treafures :

i? We fh all find all precious fubftance, t Then (halt thou undcrftand the fear
e fhall fill our houfeswith fpoil: of the LORD ; and find the knowledge
14 Caff, in thy lot among us, let us all of God.
ave one purfe 6 For the LORD giveth wifdom : out
i? My lbn, walk not thou in the way of his mouth comttb knowledge and un-
ith them ; refrain thy foot from their derftanding.
ath. 7 He laycth up found wifdom for the
16 For their feet run to evil, and make righteous be it a buckler to them that

alte tofhed blood. walk uprightly.

t7 Surely in vain the net is fpread in 8 He keepeth the paths of judgment,
w fight of any bird. and preferveth the way of his faints.
18 And they lay wait for their own 9 Then ihalt thou understand righte-
lood, they lurk privily tfor their oven oufnefs, and judgment, and equity j yta y
ves. every good path.
19 So *re the ways of every one that is 10 fl When wifdom entreth into thice
reedy of gain which taketh away the
: heart, and knowledge is pleafant unto
ife ofthe owners thereof. thy foul ;
io fl Wifdom crieth withcut, Ihe ut- II Difcretion lhall r>referve thee, un-
:reth her voice in theftreets: derftanding fhall keep thee :
11 She crieth in the chief place of con- 11 To deliver thee from the way of
aurle, in the openings of the gates: in ihe evil men, from the man that fpeak-
ie city fhe uttereth her words, Jaying, eth iroward things.
ti How long, ye fimple ones, will ye n
Wholeavethe paths of unrightnefs,
ive fimplicity? and the (corners delight to walk in the ways of darkn-fs
their fcorning, and fools hate know- 14 W!iO rejoyce to do evil, and delight
ldge ? e in the frowardrefs of the wicked.
13 Turn you at my reproof: behold, 1 1? Whofe ways are crooked, and they
ill pour out my fpirit unto you, I will froward in their paths.
lake known my words unto you. 16 To deliver thee from the ftrangc
14 fi Becaufe I have tailed, and ye woman, even from the ltranger wbick
fufed, 1 have ftretched out my hand, flattereth with her words |

nd na man regarded ; 17 Which forfaketh the guide of her

** But ye have fet at nought all my youth, and forgetteth the covenant or
bunfel, and would none of my reproof: her God.
16 I alfowill laugh at your calamity, I 18 For her houfe inciineth deatfi,
ill mock when yom feax comet?) and hoc paihs. unto the. dead,
*9 Kane

Wifdemi biffy gain. Proverbs. Tlf, fluiy tf vcifionV

19 None that go unto her, return again, i3 Then fhalt thou walk in thy ("J
neither take they hold of the paths ol lite. ' a,e,v » " nd l »y f °ot fhall not itumblTLV:
xo That thou mayft walk in the way *4 When thou '«•<* -i*—.. .
eft down,
thou fl
or" good mtn, and keep the paths of the QC af 3,d ea
£ > 1hou f" a] t lie dc

and thy i J
righteous. Deep lhall be fwect.
xt For the upright fhaJI ilwcll in the «Be not atraid of Hidden fear, r.
land, and the pcrfctt fhall remain in it. ther of the delolation of the wick
xt But the wicked fhall be cut off from when it comrth.
the earth, and the tranfgrefibrs (hall be 1^ For the LORD fhall be thy. cor
rooted out of it. """C and
f° 0t fr bci kCCP th>
A P. III. tak n ' ° '

An exhortation to obtditmi, &C i? 5! Withhold notgeed from them

ion, forget not my law ; but let
thine heart keep my command-
whom it is due, when it is in the pow
of thine hand to do it.
z8 Say not unto thy neighbour,

x For length of days, and long life, and and come again, and to morrow
peace fhall they add to thee. give j when thou halt it by thee.
a Let not mercy and truth forfake thee 19 Devife not evil againft thy nei*
bind them about thy neck, writ* them 6 hC dwe,,ctft fecurely l

upon the table of thine heart. the?

4 So fhalt thou find favour, and good un- ?o 51 Strive not with a man witho
demanding in the fight of God and man. cauie, it he have done thee no harm
? 11 Trull in the LORDwith all thine 3r 11 Envy thou not the opprellbr,
heart ; ana lean not unto thine own un- choofe none of his ways.
demanding. 21 For the froward it abomination t
6 In thy way* acknowledge him,
all the Lord but hi3 fecret ;'/ with th

and he fhall diredt thy paths. righteous.

7 51 Be not wife in thine own eyes fear : 3a ;
curfe of the Lord i< in th
the Lord, and depart from evil. houle of the wicked but he blellcth th :

8 It fhall be health to thy navel, and habitation of the juft

marrow to thy bon?s. 34 11 Surel he lcorncth tfie fcorners
9 Honour the LORD
with thy fub- uui nc^ivetn grace unto the lowly
ttance, and with the firft-fruits of all thine T w
increafe. o,
£5, ^ inhcnt S'O'y. Inn ,'

fhall be the promotion of foo's

rc a11

to So fhall thy barns be filled with

Solomon j>f/vP4aetb
plenty, and thy preffes fhall burlt out to oltdiwce, &c.
with new wine. TJtar, yc children, the inftrudtion oi
tt 51 Myfon, defpife not thechaftning I J a father, and attend to know un-
of the LORD : neither be weary of his derftanding.
correction. i Fori give you good dottrine, forfake
ix For whom the Loud lovcth, hecor- you net my law.
redteth, even as a father the fon, in wbom 3 For I was my fathers fon, t
he delighteth. and only bttovrd in the fight of my mo
U 51 Happy ft the man tbtt findeth ther.
wifdom, and the man tb*t gettethunder- A He taught me alfo, anj faid unto m
ftanding. Let thine heart retain my words kee :

14 For the merchandifeof ft is better my Commandments and live.

than the merchandife ef filver, and the 5 Get wifdom, get underftanding: for-
gain thereof than fine gold. get it not, neither decline from the words
»c She it more precious than rubies: of my «nouth.
and all the things thou canft defire, are 6 Forfake her not, and me fhall pre-..
not to be compared unto her. fervethee love her, and fhc fhall keer

tfi Length of daysf* in her right hand : thee.

tnd in her left hand riches and honour. 7 Wifdom 11 the principal thing, tbtrf
17 Her ways *rt ways of pleafantnefs, fnrt get wifdom: and with all thy gettim
and all her paths art peace. get understanding.
18 Shei* a tree of life to them that lay 8 Exalt her, and fhe fhal! promote thee
hold upon her ; and happy ft tvtrj on; fhe fhall bring thee to honour, when thou
that retaineth her. deft embrace her.
19 The Lord bywifdem hath founded 9 She fhall give to thine headanorna
the earth } by underftanding hath he c- ment of grace a crown of glory fhall fhe :

Itablifhed the heavens. deliver to thee.

xo By his knowledge the depths are to Hear, O
my fon, and receive in
broken up, and the clouds drop down fayings: and the years of thy life fha
the dew. be many.
xi 5J Myfon, let northern depart from 11 1 have taught thee in the w-« c
thine eyes: keep found wifdom and dif- wifdom: 1 have led thee in right paths
cretion. 11 When thou goeft. trjyftepsfhalin
xx So fhall they be life unto thy foul, beftraitned, and when thou rtflfleft, rfv
and grace to thy neck. fhalt not (tumble,

V, vi. furitijhip tondetnwed.

16 Let thy fountains be difperfed a-
bro?d,< rivers of waters in the ftreets.
17 Let them be only thine own, and not
ftrangers with thee.
r8 Let thy fountain be blefled : and
rejoyce with the wife of thy youth.
19 Let btr be *t the loving hinJ, and
pleafant roe, let her breaits fatisfie thee
at all times, and be thou ravifht always
with her love.
ro Ana why wilt thou, my fon, be r»-
viiht with a ftrange woman, and em-
brace the bofem ot a ftranger ?
11 For rhc wavs of man *r« before the
eyes of the Loro, and he pondercth all
his going*.
n H His own iniquities fhall take the
wicked himfelf, and he fhall be holden
it Let them not depart from thine eyes : with the coids of his tins.
:e?them inthemidft of thine heart. i* He lhall die without inftruftion,
Jti For they urt life unto thofe that and in. the greatne/s of his folly be fhall
them, and health to ail their flefh.
id go altray.
it. H Keep thy heart with all diligence
I. : C HA P.. VI.
irout of hare the ilTiies of life. A%Ainfi juretijbip and idltnefs, &C
±4 Put away from thee a froward mouth,
d perverfe lip. put far from thee.
"jw Let thine eyes look right on, and let
MY Cm, if thou be furety for thy
friend, if thou haft ftricken thy
hand with a ltranger,
^ine eye-lids look ltraight before thee. i Thou art feared with the words of
"16 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let thy mouth, thou art taken with the words
thy ways be eftablifhed. ot thy mouth.
17 Turn not to the right hand nor to ; Do this now, my fon, and deliver thy

: remove thv foot frem evil.

left: felf, when thou art come into the hand
C H A P. V. of thy .friend: go, humble thy felf, and
lomon exhortetbto tbe^ludy of voi/dom. make fure thy friend.
jf Y fon, attend unto my wifdom, uni 4 Give not fleep to thine eyes, nor
VI bow thine ear to my understanding
t That thou
fiumber to thine eye-lids.
? Deliver thy felf as a roe from the
maylt regard difcretion,
that thy lips may keep knowledge
\ hand cf >bc ktmttr, and as a kard frora
* For the lips of a ftrange woman the hand of the fowler.
Dp *s an hony-eoml>» and her mouth it 6 11 (jo to the ant, thou fluggard, con.
o^ther than oyl. fider her ways, and be wife:
But her end is bitter as wormwood, 7 Which. having no guide, oveifeer,ot
arp as a two-edged (word, ruler,
f Her feet 20 clown to death : her fteps 8 Provideth her meat in the fummer,
e hold on hell. tnd gathereth her food in the harveft.
Left thou mod Id It ponder
the path of 9 How long wik thou deep, O
fluggard ?
:, her ways are moveable, tbit thou when wilt thou arife out of thy fleep ?
ift not know them. to Kef a little fleep, a little (lumber, a
' Hear me now therefore. ye chil- O little folding of the hands to fleep.
:n, and depart not from the words of n So fhall thy poverty come as one
mouth. that travelleth, and thy want as an armed
\ Remove thy way far from her, and man.
Tie not nigh the door of her houfe ii 11 A naughty perftin, a wicked man
1 Left thou give thine honour unto 0- walketh with a froward mouth.
and thy years unto the cruel, t? Hcwinketh with his eyes, he fpeaketfi
o Left ftrangers be filled with thy with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers.
alth, and thy labours be in the houfe 14 Forwardriefs it in his heart, he
a ftrangcr, devifeth mifcniefccntinually, he fowetk
r And thou mourn at the laft, when difcord.
flefh and thy body are confirmed, . 1? Therefore lhall his calamity come
i And lav, How have I hated inftryc- fuddenly ; fuddanly fhall he be broken
a, and my heart defpifed reproof? without remedy. . „
% And have not obeyed the voice of 16 11 Thefe fix tbln%t doth the LaRD
teachers, nor inclined mine ear to hate ; yea, feven *re an abomination
m that imtrufrted me ? unto him :

4 I wasalmoft in all evil, inthemidft 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and

the congregation and affembly. hands that lhed innocent blood,
) 11 Drink waters out of thine own 18 An heart that devifeth wicked ima-
ern ; and running waters cut of thine ginations, feat that be fwift in running
i well. to mi ('chief,
Tbt mifcbitft tfwboredvm. Proverbs. Tbt canning of tn whose,
19 A
falfe witnefs :b*t fpeaketh lies, an<i 11 ( loud and (tubborn, her f
Site it
aim that fowethdifcord amunj brethren. abide not in her houfe.
10 ^ My
fon, keep thy fathers com- u Wow it Jf't without, new in t
mandment, and forlake not the law of ftrecti, and lieth in wait at every c<
thy mother. ner )
it Bind them continually upon thine n Softie caught him and kiflVd hi.
Heart, *nd tie then, about thy neck. *ni with in impudent face faiduntohi
11 When thou goefhit fhall lead thee; 14 I have peace-offerings with m
when thou fleepeft, it (hall keep thee i and this day have 1 paid my vows.
VPben thou awakeft, it Ihall talk with thee. it Therefore came I forth to mi
zt, For the commandment is a lamp] the-, diligently to f»ek thy face, anc
and the law it light ; and reproofs of in- have found thee.
ftruction Art the w"ay 0! life : 16 I have deckt my bed withcoverir
14 To keep thee from the evil woman, of tapeftry, with carved voorbj y with fi
from the flattery uf the tongue of a ftrange linen ot Egypt.
woman. &
17 I have perfumed my bed with niyrrf
1? Luft not after her beauty in thine aloes, and cinnamon.
neart; neither let her take thee with her 18 Come, let us take our fill of lo
eye-Jids. until the morning, let us folacc our feh
16 For by means of a whorifh woman a with loves.
*>*n u brought to a piece of bread and the : 19 Fortheeood-man u not at home,
adulterefs will hunt fof the preciujslife. isgone a long journey ;
27 Can a man take fire in his befom, 10 He hath taken a bag of money w
snd his clothes not be bnrnt ? him, and will come home at the day a -u
18 Can one go upon "hot coals, and his pointed.
feet not be burnt ? 11 With her much fair fpeech fhe ca.
*9 So he that goeth in to his neigh- fed him to yield, with the flattering
bours wife wholoevertouchethher.fhatl
: her lips fhe forced him
»X)tbe innocent. 11 He goetb after her ftraightway, 1

?o Men do not ('efpife a thief, if he an lox goeth to the (laughter, or as a rofr i

tteal to itisfie when he

his foul js . to the correction of the (locks
\\ Bur // he be found, he mall refiore
• '
13 Till a dart (trike through his live
'ey^-fold*. be fhalJ give all the fubftance as a bird haltethtothe fnare, and knov
ot his houle. eth not that it it for his life.
Xx Butwhofo committeth adultery with 14 fi Hearken unto me now therefore
awomsn.laeketh undemanding: he that
O ye children, and attend to the wor.p
it, deftroyeth his own foul. oi my mouth.
« Awou danddifhonour (hall he get, it Let not thine heart decline to h<
andhis eproachfhall not be wiped away. ways, go not aftray in her pathi.
34 For jealoufie it the rage of a man 16 For (he hatfceaftdown many wour|n:

therefore he will not fpare in the day

' of ^ded yea, many ftrong mtn have bee :

vengeance. (lain by her.

*' Ke will nor regard any ranfom 17 Her houfe it the way to hell, goio
neither will he reft content, though thou down to the chamb-rsof death.
giveft many gifts. CHAP. VIII.
CHAP. VII. Tbt£*rnt of veijdemi, &C.
Sototnort pesJvpAdttb to wi/dom, &c. Oth not wifdom cry? and under
TVTY (on, keep my words, and
jVJL my commandments with thee.
iayup D<Sheftandeth
(tandinsr put forth her
the top of high place
1 Keep my commandments, and live: by the way in the places of the paths.
and my law as theanple of thine eye. 3 She criethat the gates, at the entr
3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write of the city, at the coming in at the door
them upon the table of thine heart. 4 Unto you, O
men, I call, and bi
4 S3yuntowifdom, Thnu4rtmy fifter; voice it to the Ions of man.
and underftanding thy kimwoman
call : 5 Oyefimple, underftand wifdom •,
s That they may keep thee from the ye fools, be ye of an underftandin? heart
ftrange woman, from the ftranger which 6 Hear, for I will fpeak of escellei
flattered wi»h her words. things; and the opening ofmylipsj**
6 11 For at the window of my houfe I bt right things.
looked through mv cafement, 7 For my mouth (hall fpeak truth, an.
7 And beheld among the fimple ones, wickednefs it an abomination to my lipr]
I difcerned among the youths, a young 8 All the words of my mouth are it]
man void o- ur.derftanding, righteoufnefs, tbtrt it nothing frowsrd qi
8 Paffinsr through the ftreet near her perverfe in them.
corner and he went the way to her houfe. They are all plain to him that under- 1

9 In 'he twiM?'u in the evening, in the ftandrrri, and right to them that fine
b'ack and dark night: knowledge.
to And behold, "there met him a wo- to Receive my inftrudlion, and no)
man voitb the attire «f an fiarlok, and lub- filver; and knowledge rather than choid
til of h»art. gold.
11 Fd
: : : :

'be tternity vifdom. Chap iX, X. Tbe doStrint ofvtifdant,

'(, of
rtyi For wifdom is bttter than rubies* CHAP. IX.
aM tne things that may be debred, Tbt dothine ofveifdem, See.
itt'.not to be compared to it. Wifdom hath builded her houfe, lhe
Si I wifdom dwell with prudenee, hath hewn out her feven pillars.
|l find out knowledge of witty inven-
x She hath killed her beafts, lhe hath
mingled her wine ; lhe kath alfo furnifh-
ts. ed her table.
? The fear of the Lord it to hate
pride and arrogancy, and the evil * She hath fent forth her maidens, lhe
nrfl i
erieth upon the highelt places of the city.
]y, and the frowstrd raauth do I
ad e.
4 Whoib r>* fimple, let him turn in hi-
41 i- Counfelif mine, anJ found wifdom : ther as for him that wanteth undcritand-

\,m underftar.ding, I have ftrength. ing, fhc faith to him,

rii<UBy me kings reiga, and princes de- s Come, eat of my bread, and drink of

He iuftice. the wine vtbhb I have mingled.

"6 By me princes rule, and nobles, tvtn 6 Forlake the foolifh, and live ; and go
in the way of underftanding.
rntithe judges of the earth.
I love the.m that love me, andthofe
•; 7 He* that reproveth a fcorner, gettetli
to himlelf fhame : and he that rebukcta
brtt feek me early Ihall find me.
a wicked man, gettttb himfelf a blot.
IriS Riches and honour are with me ;
1, durable riches and rignteoulnefs.
8 Reprove not a fcorner, left he hate
My fruit is better than gold, yea, thee : rebuke a wife man, and he will lova
n fine gold } and my revenue than thee.
»i^ice filver. 9 Give injlruftion to iVfifeman, and he
e I lead in the way of righteoufncfs, will be yet wifer teach a jult man, and he

will incrcafe in learning.

the mid ft of the paths of judgment
That I maycaufe thole that love me, 10 The fear of the Lord it the begin-
Wi 1

inherit fubftance > and I will fill their

ning of wifaom : and the kaowledge Qi
the holy it underftanding.
i Tr.e Lord pofleffed me in the be-
tt For by me thy days Ihall be multi-
plied, and the years of thy life Ihall be
ming of his way, bafore his works of
it};' I was fetup from everlafting, from
n If thou be wife, thou ihaHt be wife
1 beginning, or ever the earth was. for thy felf but if thou fcorneft, thou :

When xrere no depths, was alone fnalt bear it.

4 there I
lught forth: v/hentbere vnert no foun- UHA
foolifh woman it clamorous ;
Jht is fimple, and" knoweth nothing.
ds abounding with water.
14 For lhe fitteth at the door of her
f Before the mountains were fettled ;
fore the hills was I brought forth houfe, en a feat, in the high places of
While as yet he had not made the the city,
th, nor the fields, nor the higheftpart 1? To call paflerigers who go right oa
the duft of the world. their ways.
7 When he prepared the heavens, I 16 Whofo it fimple, let him turn in hi-
J th-re when he let a compafsupon ther and as for him that wanteth under-

: face of the deep

ftanding, lhe faith to him,
8 When he eltablifhed the clouds a- 17 Stolen waters are ("weet, and bread
taten in fecret is pleafant.
vc whenhcftrengthned the fountains
the deep :
18 But he knoweth not that the dead
are there; and that her gueits*r« in the
9 When be gave
to the fca his decree,
it the"fhould not pais his com-
depths of hell.
md mem :^vhen he appointed the foun- CHAP. X.
:ions of the earth •
Observations of moral virtues, &C.
proverbs of Solomon. A wife (on
1 was by him, as one brought
xcitb blm andii was daily bis delight,
TH-njaketh glad lather but foolifh
a ; a
oyring always before him :
Ton is the heavinefsof his other,
1 Rejoycing in the habitable part of t Treaftsresof wickednefs profit nothing j
ea-th, and my delights veere with the but rigliteoufnels delivereth from death.
s of men. 3 The LORD
will not fufter tha foul
ItNow therefore hearken unto me, O of the righteous to famifh : but he caftetk
children, fot blefcd are tbey tbtt keep away the fubftance of the wicked.
wiy$. 4 He becometh poor, that dealeth vcitb
a flack hand but tne hand of the diligent
? Hear inftrudtion, and be wife, and

"ufe it not. maketh rich.

4 BlefiTed is the man that heareth me, ? He
that gathereth in fiimmer, it a
tchmg daily at my gates, waiting at wile foa : fort he that fleepeth in harveft,
polts of my doors. it a fon that caufeth fhame.

? Forwhofo findeth me, findeth life, 6 Bleffings art upon the head of the
1 ihall obtain favour of the Loud. jult but violence covereth the mouth

6 But he that linncth againft me, of the wicked.

pngeth his own foul ; all they that 7 The memory of the juft it bleffed
e me, love death, but the name of the wicked ihall rot.
8 The
Mortl \)irtnti, Proverbs. dnd tbtir contrary vice

8The wife in heart will receive com- 1 M>e» pride Cometh, then coa
mandments but : a prating fool fhall fall. lhame but Wit.'i the lowly it wifdorr

9 He that walketh uprightly, walketh 2 The

integrity of the uprigtit 1
lurcly •.
but he that pcrverteth his ways, guide them : but the perverfenefs of tr;
fhall be known. greflbr* fhall deftroy rhem.
tc He thatwinkcth with the eye, caufeth 4 Riches prolit not inthe dayofwrs
/orrow •.
but* prating foal fhall fall. but nghteoulnel's delivercth from dev
ii The mouthof" a righteous mtn is a t Tnerighteoufnefsofthc perfect It
well ol life: but violence covereth the direct his way : but the wiclced fhall
month of the wicked. by his own wickednefs.
ix Hatred ftirreth up ftrifes but love :
fi Tne rienteoulhefs of the upright ft
covereth all fins. deliver thera ; but tranfgrefTots fhall
i? In the lips of him that hath under- taken in tbtir ovon naughtinefs.
ftanding, wifdom is tound but a rod it : 7 When a wicked man dieth, bis
for the back of him that is void of un- pettation fhall perifh and the hope :

<terftandirg. unjurt: men perifheth.

t4 Wife men lay up knowledge but the : 8 The righteous is delivered out of tr
mouth of the foclifliii near deitruction. ble, and the wicked comcth He
in his
ii The rich mans wealth it his ftrong 9 An hypocrite with bit mouth
city, the deftrudtion of the poor it their ftroyeth his neighbour but ihrov :

poverty. knowledge Ih2ll the juft be deliverec

r6 Thelabour of the righteous tendetb 10 When
it goeth well wit.': the riji
to lite the fruit of the wicked to fin.
i teous, the city rejoyceth and when : I

17 Heii in the way of life that keep- wicked perifh-, there it fhouting.
eth inHruttion: but he thatrefufeth re- u
By the bleffing of the iipnight ii
proof, erreth. city is exalted: but it is overthrown
18 He that hideth hatred ttitb lying lips, the mouth of the wicked.
and he that uttereth a fiander, is a fool. ir He that is void of wifdom, def[
19 In the multitude of words there feth hi: neighbour: but a man of und<
wanteth not fin but he that re'fraineth:
ftandir.g holdeth his peace.
his lips, it wife. 1? A tale-bearer revealeth fecrets t :

10 The tongue of the iuft it as choice fil- he that is of a faithful l'pirit eoncealt it

ver: the heart of the wicked is little worth. the matter.

11 The lips of the righteous feed many :
t4 Where no connfel is, the people fal
but fools die for wifdom. but in the multitude of caunfellers tbt
22 The bleffing of the Lord, it maketh it fafety.
rich, and he addeth no forrow with it. tc He that is furety for a ftranger, fh;
22 1* it a fport to a fool to do mif- fmart/or it: and he that hateth fureth
ehief: but a man of undcritanding hatb fhip, is fure.
wifdom. i5 A gracious woman retaineth hi ;

24 The fear of the wicked, it fhall come nour and ftrcng men retain riches. :

upon him: but the defire of the righte- 17 The merciful man doth good to h
ous fhall be granted. own foul : but be tbtt it cruel, troublei
2? As th« whirlwind pafTeth, To it the his own fiefh.
wicked no more but the righteous it an : 18 the wickeS worketh a deceitf
cverlafting foundation. work but to him that foweth right*

26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as oufnefs, Jhtll te a fure reward.

Tmoke to the eyes, To it the fluggard to T9 As righteoufnefs tendetb to life :

them that fend him. he that purfueth evil, purfmtb it to h

27 The fear 01 the prolongeth LORD own death.
days but the years of the wicked mall
20 They that arc of a frowara heart 4.
be ftiortned. abomination to the Lord but fucb *.s * :

28 The hope of the righteous Jhtlt bt upright intbeir way, *re his delight.
gladnefs but the expectation of the wic-
21 Though hand joyn hand, thewk m
ked fhall perifh. ked fhall hot be unpunilhed but th« fee :

29 The way of the Lord it ftrength to of the righteous fhall be delivered, k

the upright: but deftrudtion Jb*ll bt to 12 As a jewel of gold in a fwinesfnol
the worker* of iniquity. fo it a fair woman which is without du
5c The righteous fhall never be remaved :
but the wicked fhall not inhabit the earth. 25 The defire of the righteous is onl
3i The mouth of the juft biingeth forth good but the expectation qf the wkke

wifdom but the froward tongue fhall

is wrath.
be cut out. 24 There is that fcattereth, and y<
2 2 The lips of the righteous <oow increaieth; and there is that withholdet;
what is acceptable: but the mouth of »he more than is meet, but it tendetb to pp

wicked fped{ttb frowardriefs.

H A P. XI.
Falfe balance it abomination to the
but a jult wcreht it his
2-? The liberal fou? fhall be made fat
and he that watereth, lhall be watercj
rlfo himfelf.
26 He that wifhholdeth corn, the peopl

. :

\hbes Art not to Be trujled in. Chapvxiii x«ii. Lying Irfs bateful.
'•"ill curie him: but bleiYin? lh*U be upon for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a
mi head of him ;hat lclleth it. moment.
I He that diligently feeketh good, to Deceit is in the heart of them that
ciueth favour : but he that Ieeketh imagine evil: but to the counlellers of
chief, it fhafl come unto him. peace is joy.
8 He that trufteth In his riches, lhall ti There no evil happen to the
; but the righteous mall flourilh as a juit: wicked ihail be tilled with
but the
iei^nch. milchief.
? He that troubieth his own houfe, ti Lying lips Ate abomination to the
'1 inherit the wind : and the foal jh*U LORD : but they that deal truly are hi*
crvant to the wile or' heart. dclighr.
) The fruiter" the righteous it a tree of a? A prudent man conceal eth know-
; and he that winneth fouls, it wile, ledge: out the heart of fools proclaimcth
i Behold, the righteous mail be re- foolilhncfs.
ipenfcd in the earth: much more the 14 The hand of the diligent mall bear
ked and the fmner. rule: but the flothful fhall fee under tribute.
CHAP. XII. ii Heavinels in the heart of man maketh
ffHofo loveth inftruition, loveth it ftoop : but a good word maketh it glad.
V knowledge : but he that hateth t6 The righteous is more excellent than
roof, ii brutiin. his neighbour: but the way of the wic-
good mtn obtaineth favour of the ked (educcth them.
RD but a man of wicked devices
«!'.__ : 17 The flothful nun rofteth not that
ra 1 he condemn. which he took in hunting : but the fub-
n A man mall not be eftabhfted by
tj ftance of a diligent man is precious,
kednefs: but the root of the righteous 18 In the way of righteoufnefs is life, and
t if) not be moved.
11 in the path-way Hereof there is no death.
mtj A virtuous woman it a crown to her CHAP. XIII,
iband but lhe that maketh alhamed, Wife fon betretk his lathers inftrudti-

rottennefs in
The thoughts of the righteous are right:
his bones. A A man
on hut a fcorner heaieth not rebuke,

fhall eat good-bythe fruit of

the ceunfels of the wicked are deceit. bis mouth but the foul of the tranf-

The words of the wicked *re to lie in

b greflbrs full ett violence.
ibit for blood: but the mouthof the up- ? He that keepetnhis mouth, keepeth
ht mail deliver them. his life : but he that oneneth wide his
The wicked are overthrown, and*/* lips, "it\z\l havc^liruition.
but the houfe of the righteous lhall 4 The foul or the fluggard defireth,
id. and batb nothing : but the foul of the
A man fhall be commended accor- diligent ihall be made fat.
to his wifdom: but he that is ot a
g i ?. A righteous man hateth lying but :

verfe heart fhall l»e delpiled. a wicked man is lothfom, and comethto
He that is defpifed and hath a fer- mame.
rt, is better than he that honoureth 6 Righteoufnefs keepeth bim tbtt n
nfclf, and lacketh bread. upright in the way : but wickednefs o-
b A righteous man regardeththc life vcrtliroweth the fmner.
hisbcalt: but the tender mercies of 7 There is that maketh himfelf rich,
: wicked are cruel, yet bath nothing : there is that maketh
i He
that tilleth his land, fhall be fa- himfelf poor, yet batb great riches.
with bread: but he that followeth
ffed 8 The ranlbm of a mans life are hia
in ptrfont, is void of underftanding. riches : but the poor hearcth not rebuke-
The wicked defireth the net of evil 9 Thelightof the righteous rejoyceth:
n: but the root of the righteous yiel- but the lamp of the wicked fhall be put
tli fruit out. •

; The wicked is fnared by thctranf- te Only by pride eometh contention

ffion of bis lips: but the juft lhall but with the well-advil'ed is wifdom.
trie out of 'trouble. u Wealth gotten by vanity, lhall be
* A man fhall be fatisfied with good by 'dimimflied: but he that gathereth by la-
! fruit of bii mouth, and th« recompence bour, fhall increase.
a man? hands fhall be rendred unto him. u Hope deferred maketh the heart
? The way of a fool t'i right in his fick : but vfben the delire eometh, ft ii a
n c/cs : but he that hearkneth unto tree of life.
unfel, is wife. t? Whofo defpifcth the word, mail be
16 A
fools wrath is prcfently known: deftroyed : but he that feareth the com-
t a prudent man covereth fhamc . mandment, mall be rewarded.
17 He that fpeakcth tru'h, fheweth 14- The law of the wifeii a fountain of
rth righteoufnefs but a lalfc witnefs : ti c to depart from thefnarcs of death.

ccit. i? Good underitanding giveth favour :

i8 There is that fpeaketh like the but the way of trarffgrellbrs is hard.
ercin^s of a fword: but the tongue of 16 Every prudent nun dealeth with
le wife is health. knowledge : but a fiol layeth open bis
3 The lip of truth fhall be eftabliibed
ovcrbs. 4»d de/pift Ja/rrutHo

x7 A wicked meffenger falleth into mif- 17 Hethat is foon angry dealeth fc

ehief but a faithful ambafTador ii health.
: lfhly and a man of wicked device
18 Poverty and fliame Jhall be to him hated.
that refuleth inftrufticm but he that re- : 18 The fimple inherit folly: but
garded reproof, fhall be honoured. prudent are crowned with knowledge
19 Thedefire accomplifhed is fweet to
1 19 The evil bow before the good :
the foul but it is abomination to fools to
: the wicked at the gates of the rightc
depart from evil. 10 The po« is nated even of hue
10 He that wslketh with wife men fhall neighbour: but the rich batb many fner
be wiic: but a companion of fools lhall 11 He that defpifeth his neighbour,
be deltroyed. neth : but he that hath merry on
ii Evil purfueth finneK : but to the poor, happy is he.
righteous good itiall be repaid. n Do they not err that davife evil ?
xi A good man leaveth an inheritance mercy and truth Jhall be to them that
tohischildrens children: and the wealth vife good.
of the (inner ii laid up for the juft. 13 in all "labour there is profit: but
13 Much food it tn the tillage of {he talk of the lips tendttb only to penury
poor bi* there is that is deftroyed for
: 14 The crown of the wife is their
want of judgment. cl\*s: but the foolilhncfs of tools is le'.
14 He that fpareth his rod, hateth his z,- A true witnefs dehvereth I'ouls,
ion: but he that loveth him, chartneth a deceitful veitnefs fpeaketh lies.
him betimes. 16 In the fear of the LORD i> fire
t? X ne righteons eateth to the fatisfy- conridence : and his children ih.aH h;fci
ing of His Toul but the belly of the
: a place of refuge,
wicked fhall want. . 17 The fear of the LORD is a fount

Very wife woman buildeth her houfe
of life, to depart from the fnares of d*a
iS In the multitude of people it t
S_j but the toolifh plucketh it down kings honour : but in the want of peoi
with her hands. ii the deftruition of the prince.
i He that walketh in his uprightnefj 19 He that is i]ow to wrath it or gr<
feareth the LORD
: but bt t'oat is pcrverfe underftanding : but be tbat is hafty
in his ways, defpifeth him. f'pint exilteth folly.
3 In the mouth of the foolifh is a rod 30 A found heart z'( the life of the flei
of pride but the lipMi the wife fhall
: but envy the rottennefsof the bones.
preferve them. Qm 31 He that oppreffeth the poor, r
4 Where no oxen a, r?,the crib is clean : proachcth his maker : but he that h
but much incrcaie it by the ftrength of neureth him, hath mercy on the poor.
the ox. ii The wicked is driven away in i
f A faithful wirnefs will not lie but : wickednefs: but the righteous hath ho
a falfe witnefs will utter lies. in his death.
6 A fcomer feeketh wifdom, and find- r- Wifdom refteth in the heart of hi
ttb it not but knowledge is eafie unto
: that hath underftanding: but vebi
him that underftandeth. is in themidfl of fools is made known,
7 Go from the prefence of a foolifh 34 Rightcoufnefs exaltcth a nation
man, when thou perceiveft not in bim but fin ii a reproach to any people.
the lips of knowledge. 3? The kings favour it toward a wi
8_Thewildomof the prudent is to un.
fervanti but his wrath is againji him th
derftaod his way : but*the
but* folly of foals caufeth fhame.
is deceit. CHAP. XV.
9 Fools make a mock at fin : but among Soft anfwer turneth away wrath
the righteous there it favour.
to The heart knoweth his ownb»tter-
hut grieveus wordi ftir up ariger.
i The tongueof the wife ufeth know
nefs ; ?nd a ftranger doth not intermeddle ledge aright : but the mouth of foo
with his joy. poureth out foolifhnefs. 8

tt The houfe of the wicked fhall be 0- 3 The eyes of the are in evei LORD
verthrown : but the tabernacle of the place, beholding the evil and the gopil n
upright fhall flourilh. 4 A wholi'om tongue is a tree of life! 5
ri There is a way which feemeth right but perverfenefs therein it a breach in tb i
unto a man; but the end thereof are the fpirit.
ways of death. A * A fool defpifeth his fathers inftnic
1 1 Even in laughter the heart is forrow- tion : but he that regardeth reproor, i
ful; and the end of %.t mirth is hetvinefs. prudent.
x4 Thebackflider in hem fhall heni- 6 In the. houfe of the righteous i
ledwith his own ways: and a gocd man much rrea'ure but in the revenues fs\ \ :

/ball be Jatirfied from himfclf. the wicked is trouble. '


»* The fimple believeth every wo"rd but 7 The lips of thehe wile : difperfc knowledge
wife dilperfe knowledgpsi j ;

the prudent w*n lookerh well to his going. but the heart ofifthe foolilli doib not fo.*|j|
the foolilh fo
\5 A wife man feareth, and deparreth fice of tne wicked ii an abo I
8 Thcfacrifice
from evil : * u t the feol rageth and is mmation to the the LORD: but the pray|n
eenfident. of the upright,t ii his detighr. i I
nrfefon. Chap xvi. fufi weights,
The way ofthe wicked is an abomi- H AP. XVI.
Oft unto the : LORD
but he loveth Ha preparations of the neart in marr,
. that followeth after right ecufnefs. and the anfwer of the tongue it from
- Corrections grievousunto him that the Lord.
aketh the way and he that hateth
: i All the ways of a man are clean is
roof, {hall die. his own eyes: but the LORD
Hell and deftrudtion are before the the ipints.
RD: how much more then the jicaits 3 Commit thy works unto the LORD,
he children of men ? and thy thoughts (hall be ertablifhed-
.fcorner loveth not one that reproveth 4 The LORD
hath made zWtbingt for
r neither will he go unto the wife. hnulelt: yea, even the wickert for the

merry heart maketh a cheerful Uay of evil.

itenance : but byforrowof the heart, ? Every onetbatit proud in heart, it an
Hpirit is broken. abomination to the :LORD
tbou$b hand
The heart of him that hath under- joyn in hand, helhallnot be unpunifhed.

ding, leeketh knowledge but the 6 By mercy and truth iniquity is pur-

th of fools feedeth on rooliihnefs. ged ; and by the fear of the LORD, men
All the days of the afflicted are evil : depart from evil.
he that is of a merry heart hath a 7 When a mans ways pleafc the LORD,
inual fealt. he maketh even his enemies to be at
Better it little, with the fear of the peace with him.

:u, than great treai'ure, and trouble 8 Better it a little with righteoufnefs,
ewith. than great revenues without tight.
Better it a dinner of herbs where 9 A mans heart devifeth his way : but
Si than a Railed ox, and hatred the LORD
difeaeth his iteps.
ewith. to A
divine fentence it in- the lips of
A wrathful man ftirrethup ftrife: but the king : his mouth tranfgreffeth not
at it tlow to anger appeafetb ftrife. in judgment.
The way of the ilothful man it as an ii A
jurt weight and balance are the
ge of thorns : but the way of the Lords all the weights of the bag are

teous it made plain. his work.

wife fon maketh a glad father ii It it an abomination to kings to com-
a roolim man defpifeth his mother. mit wickednefs : for the throne is eita-
Folly it joy to bint that it deliitute blifhed by right i
uifdom: but a man of underftahding i* Righteous II re the delight of
^ceth uprightly kings: and they flJVfe him that fpe'aketh
Without cotinfel, purpof^ are dif- right.
inted : but in the multitude of coun- »4 The wrath of a king it a< mefTengeri
:rs they are eitaWimcd- of death, but a wile man will paci...
pacifie it
man hath joy by the anfwer of t? Inthelight.or the kings cauatenance
mouth : and a word/po-trs in due lea- is life, and his favour is a. a cloud of the
how good it it ? latter rain.
The way of lifer* above to the wire, 16 How much better is it to get wif-
heTnay depart from hell beneath. dem, than gold? and to get undemand-
The LORD will deftroy the houfe ing, rather to be chefen than filver >
the proud : but! he will eltablifh the r7 The high-way of the upright it tb
der of the widow* depart from evil : he that keepeth his
The thoughts of the wicked are an way, prefcrveth his foul.
minatiun to the Lord: but tkevoordt 18 Pride goetb before deltruction : and
Ihe pure Are pleafant word;* an haughty fpirit before a fall.
He that is greedy of gain, troubleth t9 Better it u to be of an humbl«,fpirit
own houfe ; but he that hateth gifts
6 with the lowly, than to divide the fnoil
1 live. with the proud.
3 The heart of the righteous ftudieth 10 He that handleth a matter wifely,
anfwer: but the mouth of the wicked fhall find good and whofo trufteth in :

rcth out evil thing-. the I-ORD, happy it he.

The Lord it from the wicked:
far it The wife in heart fhall be called pru-
he hearcth the prayer of the rigiue- dent and the fweetnefs of the lips in-

cresfeth learning.
The lisht of the eyes fejoyceththe ii UnuerltD'iding is a well-fpring ef
rt : and "a good report maketh the life unto him that hath it: but the in-'
es tat. ftruftinnaf fools »'( folly.
The car that heareth the reproof of 1} The heart of the wife teachetfi hi*
abideth among the wife. mouth, and addeth learning to his lips.
He that refufeth infhuction, defpi- 14 Pleafant words *re 4i in hony-
his own foul but he that heareth
: comb, fweet to tht foul, and health to
roof, getteth underftanding the bones.
i The fear of the LORD
is the in- it There is a way that feemetti right
iftion of wifkiom } and before h»nour unto a man : but the end thereof are the
lumility. ways of death.
An tvil m*n'. Proverbs. AUU-bttn ¥
16 He that laboured laboureth for 19. He loveth tramgreffion that lo \.
himfelt ; tor his mouth cravcth it ot him. ltnre : *nd he that cxaiteth his g
i7 An ungodly man diggeth up evil : leekcth dettrudtion.
and in hishps tbtrt is a burning fire. 10 He that iwth a froward heart, f
18 A troward man ibwethitrne. and a eth no good and he that hath a

whilperer fcparateth chie f friends. verl'e l»nguc, talleth into milchief.

19 A violent man enticeth his neigh- 11 He that begctteth a fool, doth «

bour, 2nd leadetb him into the way tb*t his forrow and the father ot a tool. J

is not good. no joy.

30 He Ihutteth his eyes fc deviCe fro- n
A merry heart doth good life a m
ward things: moving his lips hebring- cine but a broken Ipirit drieth the bo:

eth evil to pafs. 13 A wicked man taketh a gift ou

31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, // the bolom to pervert the ways of ju
it be found in the way »f righteoufnefs, ment.
n He tbtt it flow to anger, i< better 14 Wifdom is before him that hath
than the mighty and he that ruleth his dcritsnding } but the eyes of a fool

Ipirit, than he that takefh a city. in the ends of the earth.

3? The lot is caft into the lap: bat the it A foolifli fon is a grief to his fat
whole dil'pofing thereof/' cf the Lord. and bitternefs to her that bare him.
CHAP. XVII. z6 Alio to punim the- iuft is not a
BEtter it a dry morfcl, and quiemefs nor to ftrike princes for equity.
therewith, than a houfe tull ofl'acri- 17 He that hath knowledge fpareth
hces voitb ftrife. words *nd a man of underltanding i

i A wife fervant fhall have rule over an excellent ipirit.

a Ion thatcaufethihame: and fhall have i3 Even a fcol when he holdeth
part of the inheritance among the bre- peace, is counted wife: anihethat fl
thren. tcth hishps is ejittmtd a man ot uni
3 The finirg.pot is forfilver, and the Itanding.
furnace for gold : but the LOUD trieth CHAP. XVIII.
the hearts. "pHrovgh defire a man having feps
4 A wicked doer giveth heed to lalfe 1 ted himfeW, feckcrlMni intcrm
lips: *nJ a liar giveth ear to a naughty dlcth.with all wifdom.
uneue. " i A fool hath no delight in underfta
<: "Whole mocketh the poor, reproach- ing,but that his heart may difcaver it i
eth his maker : and a&that is glad at ca- 3 When the wicked <.o;neth, tbtn
lamities, fhall not htflinpuniflied. mcth alio contempt, ana with igno
6 Childrens children *rt the crown of ny reproach.
old men; and the glory of children *rt 4. The words of a mans mouth -»r
their fathers. deep waters, tnd the of v
7 Excellent fpeech becom-eth not a dom *i a flowing brook,
fcol : much lefs do lying lips a prince. -? It is not good to accept the perfu
8 A gift is *i a precious Itone in the the wicked, to Overthrow t!;c righte
eyes of him that hath i-t: whuhcrfoevcr in judgment.
it turncth, it profyereth. 6 A tools lips enter into contemi
9 He that covereth a tranfgreflion, fcek- and his mouth calleth for ftrokes.
«;th love ; but he that repeateth a matter, 7 A fools mouth is his dettruuhon, .

fcparateth very friends. his lips *re the (hare ef his foul.
10 A reproof entreth more into a wife 8 The words of a tale-bearer *r«
man, than an hundred ftripes into a fool. wounds, and they go down into the
it Anevi!»»4n feeksth only rebellion: nermoll parts of trie belly.
therefore a cruel melVenger lhall be lent 9 He alfo that isflothful in his work
againft him. brother to him that is a tireat waiter.
ti Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet 10 The name of the LoRDwaitr.
a man, rather than a fqoi in his folly. tower: the righteous runneth into Kj;
13 Whofb rewardeth evil tor pood, and is fate.
evil fhall not depart from his houlc. 11 The rich mans wealth si r,:> ItrtT,,'
t* The beginning of ftrife u *t when city, and as an high wall in his own IK
cne letteth out water: therefore leave off ceit. r,;
contention, before it be meddled with. 11 Before deitrudion the heart ot ttiiC
1? He that juftifieth the wicked, and haughty, and before honour fi hsnuljif;
he that condemneth the jult, even they 13 He that anfwereth a matter betor< : |
both are abomination to the LORD. heaieth it, it it fotly and fhanie unto hi| i;

jS Wherefore is tbtrt a price in the 14. The fpirit of a mar', willfull

hand of a fool to sret wifdom, feeing be infirmity ; but a wounded fpirit v,
batb no heart to it ? bear > II
17 A friend loveth at all times, and tj The heart of the prudent gerJC
a brother is born for adverfity. knowledge; and the car of the wi
18 A man void of underltanding itri- eth knowledge. Jfc
keth hands. *nd becomcth furety in the 16 A man; gitt maketh room for BE
Piefcuce of his friend. and bringeth iuiu before great men.1
pw wnw*. ;
Chap. XIX, xx Againjl Jlotbfultsejt.

17 He tbat is firft in his own caufe, /ittn- t8 Chaftenfhyfon while there is

» jult ; but his neighbour cemcth hope,
and and let. not thy foul fpar c for hiscrvfng.
archeth him.
a8 The lot caufeth contentions to eeafc,
id parteth between the mighty. thou muit do J
it again
"r9 A brother offended is barder to be ro Hear counfel, and receive
i-on tlian a ilrong city: and tbeir con- on^ that thou mayft be wife in inftrufti
ntions are like the bars of a caftle. thy latter
to. A
mans belly (hall be fatisfied with li Jbere are many devices in a mam
etrun of his mouth} and with the in- heart nevcrthclels the counfel of
caleot his lips lhallhe be
' ,nc
filled. Lord, that fhall ftand.
Death and lite, are in the power of
tongue ; and they that love it, fhall
n Thcdcfirepf
a man is hiskindnefs-
and better than a liar
tthe rant thereof.
n Wbopo findeth a wife, findeth a good J£
2nd b: tbat batb ,t fhall abide
2*11 '."I °/ c LoRD ttndttb to life,
/J?, andobtaincth favour of the fatisfied
Lord. he fhall not be vilitcd with evil
z? The poor uieth intrcaties, but the 14 A flothful man huleth his hand in*/*
,h anlwereth roughly. bolbm, and will not 16. nmch
14 A. man tbat bath friends, muft (hew M'brirm'it
to hismouth again.
rafelf tnendly : and tlfrere is a friend Smit fcorncr ancl *he fimple wilt
tt ftickctn clofer than a brother. *i,
i f,J reprove'
and one that hath under-

undcrftand know-
> Ettcn"/ the poor that walketh in his ledgel!
) integrity, than be tbat H perverl'c in i6 Hethatwafteth bis father, and chafl
s lips, and is a fool. eth away Am mother, is a Ton that
t Alio, tbat the foul be without know- caufeth
(hame, and bnngeth reproach.
ctge, it is not good ; and he that hafteth
7 re fon hear the »nftruai-
th bit tcet, finneth. n » tbat
on, '?W to errt0from
.s?l*caufeth r '

the words of
\ The foolifhnefs of man pervertcth knowledge.
s way : and his heart freteth againlt 18 An ungodly witnefs fcomcth judg.
e Lori>. ment and the mouth of the wicked dl-
X Wealth maketh many friends; but voureth iniquity.
s poor
feparated from his neighbour.
19 Judgments are prepared for fcornerj,
ti A falfe witnefs mail not be ur.pu- and ftnpcs for the back ot fools
,'ihcdi and be tbat fpezketh lies (hall not
Ine is a bcker, ftrong drink it
S Many will intreat the favour of the
ince ; and every man is a friend to him
W- raging and whofflever is deceived
thereby is not wife.

it giveth gifts. t The fear of a king/* astheroring of

- All the brethren of the
poor do hate a hon wb»fo provoketh him to anger,
how much more do his friends go
finneth againjt his own foul.
from him? he purfueth them with honour for a man to ceaf'e from
\ It is an
>rds, yet they are wanting to him. ftrife: but
every fool will be meddling.
3 He that getteth wifdom, loveth his
4 The (luggard will not plow byreafun
nfoul: he that keepethundcrlianding, of the ccld therefore
D ; fhall he bee in harv-
»U find good. veft, and have nothing.
A taife witnefs fhall not be unpumTh- ? Counfel in the heart of man is like deep
md tbat fpeaketh lies, fhall perifn. water; but a man of undemanding
.o Delight i*not fcemly for a fool : much
draw it out.
$ for a fervant to have rule over princes. 6 Moll men will proclaim
The difcretion of a man defcrreth his own goodnefs but a faithfulevery
anger; and ft is his glory topafsover can find ? w»-o :

ramgreflion. 7 The juft man walketh in his integri-

i The kings wrath is as the roring of ty hischildren 4K<bleffed
alter him
ion; but his favour is as dew upon the 8 A king that fitteth in the throne of

afs. judgment, fcattereth away all evil with

[a Afoolifh fonf* the calamity of his his eyes.
(her ; and the contentions ot a wife are
9 whocan fay, T have made my heart
ontinual dropping. clean, 1 am pure from my fin »
4 Houfe and riches are the inheritance to Divers weights, and fivers
fathers ; and a prudent wife is from
e aUkC ^ bcm ' nalion "

tothe LORD
? Slethfwtnefs cafteth into a deep deep it Even a child is known by his
i an idle foul (hall fuffer hunger.
whether his work it pure, and whether-it
6 He that keepeth the commandment, be right.
epeth his own Ibul ; but he thatdefpif- ii The hearing ear, and the feeing
his w,->ys. ihnll die. eye,
the Lord hath made even both of them
7 He that hath pity upon the poor, u Love not deep, lett thou come to
ideth unto the Lord ; and that which ru'env; open thine eyes, ani thou it.sAt.
hath ?iven, will he pay him again. be Utisficdwafc bread.
X 14 »
Btvtri weights, Poverbs A contentious vconian
t4 It it naught, it is naught, faith the 9 Jf /f better to dwell in a corner of 1

hpyei but when he is gone his way, then hcufe-top, than with a brawling won
heboafteth. in a widehoufc.
M There is gold, and a multitude of 10 The foul of the wicked defireth
Itibies : but the lips cf knowledge are a' vil ! his neighbour findeth no favour k>

precious jewel. A Ins eyes.

t6 Take his garment that isfurety for it When the fcorner ispunifhed, »
aflranger ant! take a pledge of him tor
: fimple is made wife: and when t!:ew
afrrange woman. is inllructed, he receive-th knowledge.
17 Bread of deceit it fwect to a man : 11 The righteous
*sxn wifely coniidere
but afterwards his mouth ihall be filled the houle of the wicked but God ove :

-with grave!. throweth tbe wicked for their wickedne;

18 tvery purpofe is eftablifhed by coun- n, Whofbftoppcth his ears at rhe cry
Tel : and with good ati /ice make war. the poor, he alio fhall cry himfelf, b
19 He
that goeth about «» a tale-bearer, (hail not be heard.
tevealeth fecrets therefore meddle not
: 14 A gift infecret pacifieth anger: a
with him that flattereth with- his lips. a reward in thebof'om, Urong wrath.
10 Whofb curfeth his father or his mo- H If is joy to the juft tcdo judgmen
ther, his lamp mail be put out inoblcurc but deftruc5tiony*tf/; be to the worker*
«Urknefs. initTuity.
-at An inheritance may be gotten hattily 16 Tbe man that wandreth out of t

at the beginning: but the end thereof way of underitanding, fhall remain int!
ihall not be blefTed. congregation or the dead.
at Say not thou, I will recompenfe it He that loveth pleafure Jball be
evil : but wait on the LORD> and he mall poor man he that lovcth wine and

jave thee. fhall not be rich.

%1 Divers weights art an abomination 18 The wicked fl'ail be a random for tl
»nto the LORD: and a falfe balance it righteous} and the tranfgrctlbr for tl-
•«0t gOOd. upright.
i4 Mans goings are of the LORD, 19 It is better to dwell in the wilde
Ivow can a man then underftand his own nels, than with a contentious and an at
way ? gry woman.
a.? It is afnare to the man xebo devou- 2.0 ibertis a treafure to bedetTred, ar
feth that wbicb is holy and after vows oyi in the dwelling of the wife but
: :

to make enquiry. foolifh man fpendeth it yp.

16 A wife king fcattaeth the wicked, it He that followeth after righteou
and bringeth the wheel ofer them. nefs and mercy, findeth life, righteou
\1 The fpirit of man is the candle of nefs and honour.
IheLoRD, fearching all the inward parts ii A wife man fcaleth the city of tl
Of the belly. mighty, and caileth down the ftrcngth*
a8 Mercy and truth prefervethe king: the confidence thereof.
and his throne isupholdenby mercy. 1? Whofo keepeth his mouth and h
iq The glory ot young men is their tongue, keepeth hi3 foul from trouble
-Jtrength and the beauty of old men is
: 14 Proud and haughty fcorner is h
the gray head. name, wr.odealeth in proud wrath.
30 The bluenefs of a wound eleanfeth 1? The defire of the flothful kille
away evil: lb do ftripes the inward parts him for his hards refule to labour.

16 He coveteth greedily all the d;

•'"nBU. MCI. long: but the righteous giveth, and fp;
THe kings heart is in the hand of the reth not.
LORD, at tne rivers of water: he 17 The faerifice of the wicked it alx
Mrnethitwhitherioever he will. ruination: how much more, when I
1 Every way of a man it right in his bringeth it. with a wicked mind?
own eyes: but the Lorb pondeteth the 18 A falfe witnefs (hall perilh but t) :

hearts. man that heareth, fpeaketh conltantlfl

3 To do juftice and judgment, 11 more
acceptable to the Lor i> than aenrice. I
10 A wicked manhardneth his fare
us for the upright, hediredteth his waw
4 An high look, and a proud heart, :c There it no wililom. nor undeiftanl
#rsJ the plowing of the wicked, is (in. ing, nor counfel againft the Lord.
c The thoughts of the diligent tend on- Ti The horfe is prepared agamft tl
ly to pienteoufnefs: but cf every on that day of battle but fafety/'i of the Lord. :

it haify, only to want. XXII. CHAP.

6 The getting of treaure., by a lying A Good name is rather to bechofen thJ

tongue, it a vanity tolled to and fro of t\ great riches, and loving favour r
them that feek death, therthar. filverand geld.
7 Tiie robbery of the wicked fhall de- 1 The rich and poor meet together 1

ftroy them j becaufe they refule to do Lori."' it the akerofthem all.

judgment. : A prudent wanfoiefeeth the -*v'il,

g The way of man ji rroward and ftrangc: hideth himfelf: but the itmflu pal:
feat tif«r Utf Pf", ius work it right. acdarc puoiihad.
t oe [loiepu mm. t^uap.

Agdtnji %luif«J.
4 By humility tni the fear of the Lord, CHAP.
*rc riches, and honour, and life.
•f- Thorns ani lhares art in the way of
the froward : he that doth keep his foul,
iha,U be far from them.
W Hen
thou fitted to eat with a ru-
ler, contiJer diligently whatii be-
fore thee.
x And put a knife to thy throat, if
6 Train up a child in the way hefhould thou he a man given to appetite.
go and when he is old, he will nat de-
J. Be not delirons of his dainties foe :

part from it. they are deceitful meat.

7 The rich ru4eth over the poar, and 4 Labour not to be rich : ceafe from
the borrower is fervant to the lender. thine own wifdom.
rt 8 He that foweth iniquity, fhall reap <i Wilt thou let thine eyes upon that
1 vanity and the rodof hisangerfhall fail.
: which is not? for ricbti certainly make
J 9 He that hath a bountiful eye fhall be themfelves wings, they fly away as aa
ifele.Ted for he giveth ot his bread to the
: eagle towards heaven.
6' Eat thou not the bread of bint that
» to Caft out the fcorner, and content- hath an evil eye, neither defire thou hi«
ion fhall go outj yea, ftrifc and reproach dainty meats.
t.flull ceafe. „ •. 7 For ashethinkethin his heart, fo ft
a| He that loveth purcnefs, of heart,
it he r eat and drink, faith he to thee, bat
\for the grace of his lips, the king Jhallbe his heart ;/ not with thee.
^his- friend. 8 The morfel which thou haft eaten,
l\ u
The eyes of the preferve LORD fhalt thou vomit up, and lofe thy fweet
knowledge, and he overthroweth the words.
(words of the rranfgrefTor. 9 Speak not in the ears of a fool ; fot
ift H man
faith, Tbereis a lion
The fiothful he will defpife the wifdom of thy words.
iwithout, Iihallbe (lain in the ftreets. to Remove not the old land-mark } an4
il 14 The mouth of ftrange it a women enter not into the fields of the fatherlels.
eep pit: he that is abhorred of the it For their redeemer is mighty ; he
LORD fhall fall therein. fhall plead their caufewith thee.
t<; Foolifhners is bound in the heart of a n Apply thine heart unto !nftruc"tioj»,
hild, but the rod of correction fhall drive and thine ears to the words of knowledge.
it far from him. H Withhold not correction from the
He that oppreffeth the poor to in-
r6 child for if thou beateft him with the

real'e his riches, *»ihe thatJjlyh to the rod, he fhall not die.
rich jhill furely come to want^" 14 Thou fhalt beat him with the rod,
7 Bow down thine ear, and hear the and fhalt deliver his foul from hell.
words of the wife, and apply thine heart ii My fen, if thine heart be wife, my
nto my knowledge. heart fhall rejoyce, even mine.
iK For it is a pleafant thing if thou i5 Yea, my reins fhall rejoyce, whe«
keep them within thee; they fhall with- thy lips. (peak ri<rht things.
1 be fitted in thy lips. 17 Let not thine heart envy tinners':
19 That thytruft may be in the Lord, but bt thou in the fear of the all LORD
have made known to thee this day, even the day Ions.
o thee. 18 For furely there is an end. and thins
o Have not I written to thee excellent expectation fhall not be cut off.
hmgs incounfels and knowledge? 19 Hear thou, myfon, and bi wife, ani
li That I might make thee know the gui. le thine heart in the way.
ertainry of the words of truth ; that thou 10 Be not amongft wine-'bibbers ; a.
tiiehtft'anfwerthe words of truth to them mongft riotous eatfers cf flefh.
hat fend unto thee ? ii For th'e drunkard and the glvrron
11 Rob not the poor, becaufe he is poor fhall come .to poverty : and tlrouilnefii
neither oporefsthe afflicted in the gate. fhall clothe a man with rars.
i"? For the LOR.D will plead their 2i Hearken unto thy father that begac
aufe, and Ipoil the foul of thofe that thee, and defpifs not thy mother when
poileV. them. flu- i-s old.
14 Make no friendfhip with an angry 11 Buy the truth, and fell ft n« *//b wif- ;

nan: and with a furious man thou (halt dom, and inftruftion, and undetftan.Unjr.
ot go •
14 The lather of the ri^aeoiu Qnalf
1* Left thou learn his ways, and get a greatly rejoyce and he that begettett. a

lare to thy foul. wife cb : ld, fhr?U have joy of him.

i< Be not thou one of them that ftnke i> Thyfather am- thy fhall be
ands,»rof them that are fureties for debts. glad, and -et' bare rheefhal! rejoyce.
l? If rhoi haft no'hjng to pay, whv 16 My fon, give m
thine heart, ; n<l


Mould he take away thy bed from under let thine eyes obferve my ways.
hee? i- For n wl.ore is a deep ditch j anal
iS Remove not
the ancient land-mark, a ltrsnge woman is a narrow pit.
teich thy fathers have fet. iS Shealfo lieth in wait ?.<pr a prey,
Seeftthou a man diligent in his bufi- and uicreafeth the tranfgreflors smcrwg
Is ? be fhall Hand before kings, he fhall men.
tio >t ftand before mean men. 19 Who hath wo? who hath farrow?
X 1 w;i»

Af.iinji envy. Proverbs, Fear God and the $ng.

who hath contentions ? who hath ba.iling ?
who hath woiinds without ca«i"c ? who
bath rcdnefs of eyes? io For there (hall be no reward ro'tf
30 They that tarry long at the wine, evil man, the candle of the wicked (ha
theytftat goto feek miict wine. be put out.
31 Look not thou upon the wine when ii My (on, fear thou the LORD, ar
it is red, when it giveth his colour in the the king: and meddle not with them th.
cup, voben it moveth it felf arignc. are given to change.
21 At the laft it biteth like a i'crpent, 2i Fortheir calamity fhall rife rudder
and ftingethlikc an adder. ly, and who knoweth the r«in
of the
?3 Then eyes (hall behold ftrange wo- both?
men, and thine heart fhall utter perverfe 13 Thefe things alfo belong to thewifi
things. It is not good to haverefpect of perfoi
34 Yea, thou (halt be as he that lieth in judgment.
down in the midftof the Tea, or as he that 14 He
that faith unto the wicked, Thc
lieth upon the top of a mail:. art righteous i him (hill the people curf ?
it; They have ftncken me, flult tbou nations (hall abhor him.
f*y, and Iwasnotfickj they have beaten t? But to them that rebuke him fbi
me, and I felt it not when fhall I awake?
: be delight, and a good bleiHng fhall con.
I will feek it vet again. upon them.
A P. XXIV. 20 Lvtrj man fhall kifs bis lips th;

BE not thou envious againft evil men,

neither deftre to be with them.
giveth a right anfwer.
17 Prepare thy work without ar
z For their heart ftudieth deftruclion, make it fit for thy felf in the held: an
and their lips talk of mifchief. afterwards build thine houfe.
3 Through wifdom is an houfebuilded, 18 Be not awitnefs againft thy neigh
andbyunderitanding it is eftablifhed : bourwithout cauJc: anddeceivenof wii
a and by knowledge (hall the chambers thy lips.
be filled with all precious and pleafant 19 Say not, I dill do fo to him as h
riches. hath done to me I will render to tt

; A wife man it ftrong, yea, a man of man according to his work.

knowledge increafeth ftrength. 3c went by the field of the flothfu

6 For by wife counfel thou (halt make and by the vineyard of the man void c
thy war: and in multitude of counfellers undemanding:
there is fafety, 31 And lo, it was all grown over wit
7 Wifdom it too high for » fool: he thorns, and nettles had covered the fac
crenethnot his mouth in the gate. thereof, and the (tone-wall thereof wi
8 He that devifeth to do evil, fhall be broken down.
called a mifchievous perlbn. 32 Then I faw, ««iconfidered it well
9 The thought of foolifhnefs it fin : and I looked uponif, and received inftruaion
the fcornerii an abomination to men. 3? Yet a little fkep, a little (lumber,
io if thou faint in the day of adverfity, little folding of the hands to fleep :

thy ftrength is (mall. 34 So (hall thy poverty come, as on

n If thou forbear to deliver tbemtbat that travelicth and thy w2nt 2s an armc

*n drawn unto death, and tbefe that art man.

ready tobeflajn:
\t If thou Behold, we knew it not
f'ayit, rvauons tioat
Observations *.bout ^rn^s, &c.
{in^s, Sec.
<?cth not he that pond^reth the heart con- '"pHele are alio proverbs of Solomor x
fcder it- ? and he that keepeth thy foul, doth I which the men of Hezekiah king c -

«ouheknowf'r? andfhallnof he render to Judah copied out.

rjtry man according to bis works ? 1 It the glory ef God to conceal /

t3 My fon, eat thou hony, becaufe it thing: but the honour of kings is et,'
is good and the hony-coaib, vtbiib is
feaxch out a matter.
fwect to thy talte : 3 The heaven for height, and the eartl 4
14 Somali the knowledge of wifdom be for depth, and the heart of kings is iSP
unto thy foul : when thou haft found it, fearchable.
then there fhall he a reward, and thy ex- 4 Takeawaythe drofs from the filv« f
pectation (hall not be cut off. and there fhall come forth a vefTcl I '*
it Lay not wait, wicked man, a-O the finer.
gair.ft the dwelling of the righteous < Take away the wicked fram befc_
fpoil Dot his refling- place. the king, and his throne (hall bccftaW
16 For a juit man falleth feven times, (tied in righteoufneis
and rifeth up a%ain but the wicked (hall
\ 6 Put not forth thy felf in the prefer*
fall into mifchief. ef the king, and ftandnot in the place I
if R^ovcenot when thine enemy fal- great men.
teth, and let not thine heart be glad when 7 Fox better ft is that it be faid un
he Itttiuble*: '„. -. thee. Come up hither than that th(

18 Lei! the LORD fee it, and it dif- fhouldft be put lower in the prcfence (

pleafe him, and he win away his wrath the prince whom thine eyes have teen
from him. » Go not forth haltil* to ftrivc, left t**jt;

Of fatfi veitncfs . Chap. xxvl, JWvii. Vbftrvationt tlout fonlt,

now not what to doin the end thereof, i Anfwer afpol according to his tolly,
i'hen thy neighbour haih put thee to leit he be wife in his own conceit.
name. 6 He that fendeth a in ell age byjhe
g Debate thy caufe with thy neighbour hand of a foo), cutteth oiV the feet, and
^/w/Wftanddiicovernotafecretto another: drinketh damage.
10 Lett he that heareth it, put thee to 7 The legs of "the lame are not equal : fa
flame, and thine infamy turn not away. is a p-arable in the mouth of tools.
it A word fitly fpoken/j //"£« apples of 8 Ashe that bindeth a none in ailing:
cold in pictures ot tilvcr. fo it he that giveth honour to a fool.
it At an ear-ring of gold, and an or- 9 At a thorn goeth up into the hand of
lament of fine geld, fo is a wife reprover a drunkard, fo is a parable in the rr.outlj
ipon an obedient ear. ot tools.
to The great God that formed zUtbingt*

it. As the cold of ("now in the time of

» :arve(t, fo is a faithful meu'enger to them both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth
([hat fend hi ai: for he reffeiheth the foul tranjgreflbrs.
|ii" his malters. tt As a dog returneth to his vomit ; /&
!U Whofo boafteth himfelf of a falfe a fool reiurneth to hit folly.
;ift,i/ lihj clouds and wind without rain, u
beelt thou a man wife in his own
i ? By long forbearing is a prince pernva- conceit ? there is more hope of a fool than
led, and aloft tongue breaketh the bone. ot him.
6 Halt thou found hony > eat fo much i? The ilothfulwan faith, riwt/j a lion
is is iufiicient for thee, left thou be filled in the way, a lion i s in the ilreets.
herewith, and vomit it. t4 As the door turneth upon his hinges,
17 Withd^fv thy foot from thy neigh- fo doth the ilothtul upon his bed.
•ours houfe iieft he be weary of thee, i<T The ilothful hideth his hand in b*$

•ni fo hate thee. bofbm, it grieveth him to bring it again

18 Aman that beareth falfe witnefs a- to his mouth.
Lainft his neighbour, is a maul, and a to The fluggard it wifer in his own con-
word, and aiharparrow. ecu, than feven men that can render a
19 Confidence in a unfaithful man in
r i
ime of trouble, ;'; like a broken tooth, i7 He that palfeth by, and mcddletb
p.d afoot out of joynt. withltrife£«/or)gwrnottohim, one
is /r'£e
10 A t he that taketh away a. garment that taketb a dog by the cars.
n cold weather, and as vinegar upon ra- 18 As a mad m.m who caiteth fire-brands,
re : fo it he that iingcth fongs to an arrows, and death
vy heart. 19 So it the man tbit decciveth his
1 If thine enemy be hungry, give him neighbour, and faith, Am
not I in i'port ?
read to eat and if he be thirlty, give
•. to Where na wood is, there the fire go-
lim water to drink: eth out fb where there is no tale-bearer,

•a. For thou malt heap coals of fire upon the itrife ccafeth.
s head, andthe Lord (hall reward thee. ti As coals are to burning coals, and
t.1 The north-wind driveth away rain: wooo to fire ; fo is a contentious man tar
b doth an angry countenance a backbit- kindle ftrife.
ng tongue. it The words of a talc-bearer are as
14 It it better to dwell in a corner of wounds, and they go down into the in-
ic houfe-tcp, than with a brawling wo- nermoft parts ot the belly.
nan, in a widehouP?. 7.1 Burning lips, and a wicked heart, art

i< As cold waters to a thirfty foul : fo lite apotlherd covered with lilverdrofs.
good news from a far country. _x4 He that hsrteth, dillcmbleth with his
x6 A righteous man falling down before lips, and layeth up deceit within him.
he wicked, is at a troubled fountain, xi "When he fpcaketh fair, believe him
nd a corrupt fpring. not.: tor there are feven abominations in
27 It is not good to eat much hony fo :
his heart.
>r men to faarch their own glory, it not x6 Wboje hatred is covered by deceit,
;!ory. his wickednefs fhall be fhewed before
18 He
that hatb no rule over his own the xtbBle congregation.
pirit, iilikp a city tbit is broken down, x7 Whofo diggeth a pit, fhall fall there-
nd without walls. in and he that rolleth a ftone, it will re-

CHAP. XXVI. turn upon him.

Obfervationt about fools, &c, i8 A lying tongue hateth tbofe that art
A S fnow in fummer, and as rain in har- afflicted by it, and a flattering mouth
r\ veft i fo honour is not feemly for a worketh ruin.
i Asthe bird by wandering, as the fwal- Obfervationt about felf-lovt , &r.
ow by flying, fo the curfe caufelefs fliall BOaft not thy felf of to morrow ; foe
lotcome. thou knoweft not what a day may
5 A whip for thehorfe, a bridle for the bring torth.
fs,and a rod for the fools back. i Let.another man praife thee, and not
a Anfwer not a fool according to his thine own awuth j a ftrang«r, and not
olLy, left thou alfo be like hiui. thine own lips,
X i 3 A

Uouflxill tart. Proverbs. An evil judge.

3 A flone is heavy, and the fand weighty x For the tranrgrehion of aland, man
kit a tools wratn heavier than them both.
it art the princes thereof: butby a man of:
4 Wrath it cruel, and anger noutragi- underftanding and knowledge the ftat ''

•us $ but who is able to 'land before envy ? thereof fhall be prolonged.
i Open rebuke it better than ecret love.I I A poor man that opprefTeth the po«i 1
6 Faithfuf are the wounds of a friend ; it li{* a lwceping rain which leavetii nc
but the killesot an enemy are deceitful. lood.
7 The full foul lotheth an hony-comb; 4 They that forfake the law, praife tht
but to the hungry foul every bitter thing wicked but f'uch «s keep the law, con-

is fweet. tend with them. .'

8 As a bird that wandreth from her neft: i Evil men underltand not judgment
£a ii a man that wandreth lrom his place. but they that feek the Lord, underitan,.
9 Ointment and perfume rejoyce ihe all things.
beart fo doth the l'weetnefs of a mans
f\ Better /» the poor that walketh
Ntlii in
III hi
111' I

friend by hearty counfel. uprightnels, xhmbetbtt is pcrverle/n

irerfe in bisw
to Thine own friend and thy fathers wajs, though he be rich.
friend forfake not ; neither go into thy 7 Whofo keepeth the law, it a wife Y\
brothers -houfe in the dayaf thy calamity : fon: but he th2t is a companioniot riotous*/. 1

for better it a neighbour tint it near, than men, lb ameth his father.
a brother lar off. 8 He that by ufury and unjuft 't gain in- Li.
1 My fon, be wife, and make my heart
1 creaieth his jubilance, he ihallI Rathe
gather itL.
flad, that I may anfwer him that re- for him that will pity the poor.
roacheth me. 9 He that turneth away 4ms ear fromfcL
ii A prudent man forefeeth the evil> and hearing the law, even his prayer Jball beVS,
bideth himfelf : but the limple pafs on, abomination.
•ni are puniCied. 10 Whofo caufeth the righteous to goll
i^ Tike Lis garment that isfuretyfor aftray in an evil way, he lhall tall him- El
a Arranger, and take a pledge of him for lelf into his own pit but the upright fhall TV

a ftrange woman. have good things in pofTeflion.

UHe that bleiTeth his friend with a I I The rich man 11 wife in h is own con- -<;
loud voice, ruing early in the morning, ceit out the poor that hath underftanding

»t ihall be counted a curie to him. learcheth him out.

t; A continual dropping in a very rainy 11 When righteous men do rejoyce,
•lay, ana a coutentious woman are alike. tbtrt is great glory but when the wicked

16 Whofoever hideth her, hideth the rile, a man hidden.

wind, and the ointment ot his right hand n He that covereth liia fins, fhall not
ifticb bewray eth it Jtlf. profper : but whofo confefietb. and for-
- Iron iharpneth iron, fo a man fharp- have mercy.
l'aketh tbent, fhall
/isththe countenance of his friend. 14 Happy is the .man that feareth al-
iS Whcfo keepeth the fig-tree, lhall eat way: but he that hardneth his beart, fhall
athe '.wit thereof: !'o he that waneth en fall into mitchief.
lis mailer fhall be honoured. 1; i4i a rorine lion, and a ranging
19 As in water face anfvareth to face bear 4/0 is a wicked ruler over the poor
fo the heart of man to man. people. »
10 Hell and drttruition are never full 16 The prince thatwantethunderftand-
fo the eyes ot man are neva» latisfied. in?, it alio a great opprelTor but he that :

i! As the fining- pot foriiiver, and the halcthcovetouTnefs, lhall prolong hit days.
furnace for gold to his praife.
jTi'o it a man 17 A man that doth violence to the blood
ii Though thou fhouldll bray a tool in of any perfon, fhall flee to the pit, 1c*
a mortar among wheat with a peftil, no man flay him.
yd will not his foolifhnefs depart from 18 Whofo walketh uprightly, fhall bo
*im. faved : but bt tbtt it perverfe in bis ways,
i"! Be thou diligent the date of
to know fhall faM at once.
thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. 19 He that tilleth his land, th.21! have
ii For riches are not for ever and doth : plenty of bread : but he that tollowetf
tSt :rown endure to every generation ? after vain pr/ons, fhall have poverty e
1; The hay appeareth, and the tender nough.
arafs fheweth it felt", and herbs of the ic faithful man fhall abound with
ttcuntaias are gathered. bieffings : but he that maketh balte to be
16 The lambs xrt tor thy clothing, and rich, fhall not be innocent.
the goats art the prices! fiel^. it To have refpea of perfbns, is not
1- And thou lb alt haw goats milk e- good: for, for a piece of bread that man
nougli for thy food, for the food ot thy will tranfgreis.
houfhcld, and far maintenance for thy 11 He that hafteth to be rich, batb an
maidens. evil eye, and contldereth net that pover-
CHAP. XXVIII. ty fhall come upon him.
man. afterwards
ftmerM tbMvattoni 0/ tmf't'.y, Sec. 1? He that rebuketh a
wicked flee when no man pur- more favour than he that flat-
THefueth : but the righteoaa arc bold
fhall find
tcreth with the tongue.
33 a lion. 14 Whofo robbeth his father or his
: ,

ff government. Chap. XXiX, XXX Agttrs prayer

othrr, and faith, no tranfgrcjlion
It is_
ii He that delicately bringeth up his.
|.cUnii if the companion of a deltroyer. lervant irom a child, fhall have him be-
ii He that is of a proud heart, lnrreth come bis-fon at the length.
j ftrife: '.nit he that puttcth hio truit in 11 An angry manftirreth up ftrife, and
.leLORl), (hall bemade fat. a furious manabjundeth in tranigreflion
516 He that trufteth in his own heart, 1} A mans pride fhall brine; him low •
a too! but wi.ofo walketh wifely, he but honour fhall uphold the humble
be delivered^
all (pirit.
& He that giveth unto the pocr, fltall 14
eth his
is partner with a thief, ha«-
)t lack: but he that hideth his eyes, foul: he heareth curling, and)
,a!l have many acurje. bewrayeth it not.
i§ When the wicked rife, men hide 1,- The fear of man bringeth a fnare:
lemfelves but when they perifii, the
: but wholb puttethhis truft in the LORD*,
ghteous increafe. ihall be fafe.
CHAP. XXI*. 16 Many
leek the rulers favour but eve-
ry mans judgment cower* from the Lord.

Hrtrv.itiom of public^ government, &c.

_TEt!iat being often reproved, hard- 17 An unjuJt man is an abomination to
"1 n -'h bh neck, ihall fuddenly be de- the juft and be tbat is upright in the

royed, and that without remedy. way, //abomination to the wicked.

I When
the righteous are in authority, CHAP. XXX.
Agurs confeffion of bis faith, Sec.
le peope rejoyce : but when the wicked
carethrule, the people mourn. THe words ol Agur the Ion of Jakeh,
3 Whofo Ic/eth wifdom, rejoyceth his 1 even the prophecy the man fpake :

Uher but he that keepeth company with

: Ithiel, even unto Ithiel and Ucal.
3rlots, fpendeth bis fubftahce. t Surely I am more bruitilh than any
4 The king by judgment ftablifliefh the man, and have not the underftanding of
ind but he that receiveth gifts, over-
a man.
iroweth it. 3 I neither learned wifdom, nor have
? A man
that flattereth his neighbour, the knowledge of the holy.
?readeth a net for his feet. 4 Who hath afcended up into heaven,
6 In the tranfgreffion of an evil man or delcended ? who hath gathered thm
nre is a fnare ; but the righteous doth wind in his fifts ? who hath bound the
ng and rejoyce. waters in a garment? who hath eltablifli-
7 T.'ie righteous confidereth the caufe ed all the ends or' the earth ? what is hit
f the poor but the wicked regardeth not
name, and what is his ions name, if thou-
j know it. • - canfttell?
Scornful nkbring a city into a K Every word of God it pure: he is 9
iare: but wifdWPMurn away wrath. flueld unto them that put their truft in himv
9 If a wife man contenJeth with a foo- 6. Add thou not unto his words, left he
fliman, whether he rage or laugh, there reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
no reft. 7 Two things \ have required of ihtt^
10 The blood-thirfty hate the upright deny me them not before I die.
ut the luft leek his foul. 8 Remove far from me vanity and lies 5
it A fooluttereth all his mind : but a give me neither poverty, nor riches, fee4
fe mun
keepeth it in till afterwards. me with food convenient for me :

II If a ruler hearken to lies, all his 9 Left I be full, and deny thee, and fay*

;rvantsdre\yicked. who is the Lord? or left I be poor, an<i

The poor and the deceitful man meet ileal, and take the name of my God in
n vain.
gether -.the LORDlightnelh both their
fes, 10 Accufe not a fervant unto his ma-
14 Thekingthat
faithfully judgeth the iler, left he curfe thee, and thou be found
^or, his throne lhall be ciUblimed for guilty
'er. 11 There is a generation, that curfetfl
t> The rod and reproof sive wifdom-. their father, and doth not blefs thei*
ut a child left to bimfelf, bringeth his mother.
lother to fliame. 11 There is a generation that are r«f#
16 When
the wicked are multiplied, in their own eyes, and yet is not warned
anfgrefllon increafetn : but the righteous from their filthinefs.
alffee their fall. 1? There is a generation, hew lofty
are their eyes! and their eye-lids are
7 Correct thy Tor, and he ihall give thee
ft •.yea,he(h3llgive delight unto thy foul
lifted up.
18 Where tbtre is no vifion, the people 14 There is a generation, whofe teetfi .

rifti : but he that keepeth the law, hap-

art as fwcrds, and their jaw. teeth at
is knives, to devour the poor from off' the
9 A lervant will not be corrected by earth, and the needy from awong men.
rds for though he undeiftand he will
t? The norfe-Ieach hath two daughters,
t anfwer. crying. Give. -rive. There are threefi>/'aff>
o See-it thou a man that is hafty is his that are never fatisfied, yea, four things
rd<>> tbert is more hope of alooJj than fay not, It it enough :

liim. 16 The grave, and the barren womb,

X4 .11*
: : } :

the earth tb*t is not filled with water, and ready to perifh, and wine tothofe thai
the fire that faith not, It is enough. ot heatry hearts.
17 The
eye that niocketh at bis father, 7 him drink and forget his pove
anddelpifeth to obey bit mother, the ra- and remember his mifery no more.
vensof the valley fhall pick it out, and 8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in
the young eagles fhall cat it. caufe of all <.uch as are appointed to
There be three things robicb are too
lis ltruciion.
wonderful tor mc, yea, four whwh I 9 Open thy mouth, judge righteou:
know not and plead the caufe of the poor a
19 The way of an «agle in the air, the needy.
way of a ferpent upon n rock, the way to n Who can find a virtuous woma
of mid ft of the lea, and me
a (hip in the for her price is far above rubies.
way of a man with a maid. ii Theheartof her husband doth fi...
10 Such is the way of an adulterous wo- ly trull in her, fo that he fhall have t
man fheeateth, and wipeth her moulh,
; need of fpoil.
and faith? 1 have done no wickednefs. 12 She will do him good and notevf
21 For three things the earth is difquiet- all the days of her life.
ed, and for four which it cannot bear: n She feeketh wooll, and fl«, a't
ix For afervant when he reigneth, and wsrketh willingly with her hands.
a fool when he is filled with meat. 14 She is Jikethe merchants fhips. f.l
23 For an odious woman when (he is bringeth her food from afar.
married, and an handmaid that is heir to i? Sherifeth alfo while it is yetnigr!
tier nuftrefs. and glveth meat to her houfhold, and
14 There be four things which are little portion to her maidens.
upon the earth, but they art exceeding 16 S.'-.c conf;dercth a field, and buyc
Wife : it: with the fruit of her hands fhe plan :

2,- The ants art a people not flrong, yet eth a vineyard.
they prepare their meat in the fummer, 17 Shegudethher loyns with ltrengt,
26 The conies are but a feeble folk, yet and itrengthneth her arms.
make they their houfes in the rocks 18 She p"crceiveth that her merchar
21 The locufts have no king, yet vo they dife ts good her candle goeth not oi :

forth ail of them by bands; by night.

28 The fpider taketh hold with her 19 bhelayethher hands to the fpindlt
hands, and is in kings palaces. and her hands hold trie diltaff.
?.Q There be three thirds which go well 20 She itretchcth out her hand to th.
yea, four are comely in goin» : poor; yea, fhe reachcth forth her bancf e

30 A lion which is rtrohgeft among to the nesdy.

beaks, and turneS) not away for any, 21 bl;e is not afraid«Bhe fnow for he
3-r A grey-hound, an he-g03t alfo, and houfhold for all herWwhold art clothe

a king, againft whom there is no riling up. with fcarlct.

?2 I thou, halb dene
in lifting I'ooliffiiy 22 She makethher felf coverings of ta
«p thy felf, or if thou haft thought evil, peftry, her ckthing ri filit and purple.
l&y thine hand upon thy mouth. 2} Her husband is known in the gate*
ate* V

5^ Surely the chinning of milk bring- when he fitteth among the elders cf1 thth
eth forth butter, and the wringing of the land. J

nofe bringeth forth blood: fo the forcing Ait\

24 She makerh fine linen, and fell eth
©f wiath bringeth forth ltrife. anddehvereth girdles unto the merchant iant '

C HA P. XXXI. 2? Strength and honour art her clothing f

Lemuels of cbr-liitj and temperance, &c.
ItJJbn and fhe fhall rejoyee in time to come.
THephecy words of king Lemuel, the pro-
that his mother taught him.
26 Sheopeneth her mouth with wifdonv,
and in her tongue is the law of kindnefs.
x What, my ton ? and what, the fon 27 She Icokcth well to the ways of her
cf my womb? and what, the (on gf my houfhold, and eateth not the bread el
vows'? idl:nefs.
2 Give net thy ftrength unto women, 28 Her children arife up, and call hei
nor thy ways to that which deltroycth belled ; her husband alfo-, and he praif.
kings. eth her
4 It is not for kings, Lemuel, it is O 29 Many daughters have done virtu-
not for kings to drink wine, nor for prin- oufly, but thou excelled them aft.
ces itrong drink •
?o Favour it deceitful, and beauty it
* Left they drink, and forget the law. vain but a woman that fearsth the Lord,

and pervert the judgment of any of the fhe fhall be praifed.

airlifted. ;t Give her of the fruit of her hands, an*
6 (jive ftror.g dunk unto him that is let her own works praifeherin the gates.


C H A P. I. I 2 Vanity of vanities faith the preacher,
All human courjet are vain, &c. I V3nity of Vanities, all is vanity.
"»He wordsof the preacher, the fon of ^ Wtatprt/jt hath a Ban of ail his la-
David, king gf jcrufaiciB. »w*
be -j*nrty Chap U. 0/ worldly things.
r which he taketh under the Tun? % I made me gardens and orchards,an«l I
One generation pafleth away, and *no- planted trees in them of all ft/id of fruits.
generation cometli : but the earth 6 I made me pools of water, to water
deth ior ever. therewith the wood that bringeth forth
The fun alfoarifeth, and the fun go- trees.
down, and hafteth to his place where 7 I got mt fervants and maidens.and had
arofe. (ervants born in my houle; alfo I had great
The windgoeth toward the fouth, poffeflionsof great aud fmall cattle, above
turneth about unto the north ; it all that were in Jerufalem before me.
rleth about continually, and the wind 8 1 gathered me alfo filver and gold,
irneth again according ro his circuits. and the peculiar treafure of kings and of
AH the divers run into the fea, yet the provinces: I got me men-fingers and
iea it not hill unto the place from
: women.nngers, and the delights of the
:ncethe rivers come, thither theyre- Ions of men, «i muficalinftruments, and
i again. '
that of all forts.
AH things Are full of labour, man can- 9 So I was great, and increafed more
utterrt: the eye is not fat tshed with than all that were before me in jerufa-
ng, nor the ear filled with hearing. lcm i alfo my wifdom remained with me,
The thing that hath been, it it that ro And whatfocver mine eyes defired, I
ich fhall he ; and that which is done. kept not from them, I withheld hot my
hat which fhall be done: smdtbertis heart from any joy: for my heart rejoy-
new thing under the lun. ced in all my labour, and this was my
a thing whereof it may
Is there *ny portion of all my labour.
it new? it hath been al-
aid, See, this 11 Then I looked on all the works that
dy of old time, which was before us. my hands had wrought, and -on the la-
i There it no remembrance of former bour that I had laboured to do: and be-
gt 5 neither fhall there be «ry remem- hold, all V02t vanity and vexation of fpi-
nce of things that are to come, with rit, and there veai no profit under the fun,
* that fhall come after. 11 And I turned my felf to behold wif-
1 11 I the preacher was king over If- dom, and madnefs and folly for what :

I in Jerufalcm. an the man do, that come'th after the

? gave my heart to feek and
And I king ? even that which hath been already
rch out by wifdom,conceming all things done.
t are done 'under heaven: this fore H
Then 1 few that wifdom excelled
;el hath God given to the ions of folly, as far as light excelleth darknels.
n, to be exejgffcl therewith. t4 The wile mans eyas art in his head,
t I have feerrESBthe works that are but the.tpol walketh in darknefs: and I
e under the ftm, and Heboid, alt is my felf perceived alfo, that one event
ity and vexation of fpirit. haj.pcncth to them all.
; That which it crooked cannot be made I* Then ("aid I in my heart, As ithap-
ight: and that which is wanting can. peneth to the fool, fo it Iiappeneth eve/i
be numbred. to me j and why was I then more wife?
5 I communed with mine own heart, Then I faid in my heart, that this alia
ing, Lo, I am come to great eft ate, it vanity.
have gotten more wifdom than all ifi For then it no remembrance of fhe

that have been before me injerufa- wile more than of the fool forever ; ftc-
!•: yea, my heart had great experience ingjhat which now is-, in the days to
>ifdom and knowledge. come fhall all be forgotten: and howdi-
And I gave my heart to knowwil- eth the wife m*.n> as the fool.
and to know madnefs and folly:
17 Therefore I hated life, becaufe the
:rccived that this alfo is vexation of work that is wrought under the fun, rj
grievous unto me for ail is vanity and :

For in much wifdom it much grief: vexation ct fpirit.

he that increaleth knowledge", in- iK U Yea, I hated all mv labour which
leth for row. I had taken under the fun becaufe I :

C A A P. II. ihould leave it unto the man that ihaJI

ty in the vcortit of flt&furc, &r. be after me.
aid in mine heart, Go to now, 1 will 19And who knoweth whether he fhall be
rcve thee with mirth, therefore enjoy a wife nun or a fool ? yet lhalJ he have rule"
Cure: and behold, this alio is vanity. overall my labour wherein 1 have labour-
t faidot laughter, Hit mad: and of ed, and wherein I have ihewed my felf
h, What doth it? wife under the fun. This it al!b vanitv.
I fought in mine heart to give my io Therefore I went about tocauf«my
wine (yet'aequainting mine hearf heart to defpair of all the labour which
wifdom } and to lay hold on folly, 1 took under the fun.
might fee what wj* that good for the
I ii For there is a man whofe labour it
[of men, which they fhould do under in wifdom, and inknowledse, andine-
'aeaven, a!lthe days of their life quity : yet to a man that hath not laboured
I made me great works, I builded therein, fhall r-e leave it jbr his 1

iouf«a» I planted me vineyards. Th« alio ii vanity, and a great

X i ii Feic
r 1

tiuit for sfi things. Ecclefiaftes. Vtnitf in opprejjfott.

-u For what hath man of all his labour, the righteous and the wicked: fot there .-^
and vexation oi his heart whereip
ot the :
a time there, for every purpofc, and fo* 1-
i.z lab jureti unier the Tun?
.lath evcry work.
s.} I or all his days*/** (brrows, and his 18 I laid in my Ueart concerning the L"
travel grid ; yea, his heart taketh not cltateol the lens of men, that God might
leA in the night. This is alio vanity. manilelt them, and that they might ici
x4 tl There is nothing better tor a mah that they tliemfelve> are bcafts.
thin that he iho.ld eat and drink, and iFor that wlucr; betalleth the fonsP

tb*t he mould make his foul enjoy good ol men, befalleth hearts, ewen onethmgfc.
in his labour. This alio I law, that it befalleth them astheonedieth, (bd.eth S

vcti lrorU the hand ot God. the other; yci, they have all one breath-
x* For who uan cat, or who elfe can lb that a man hath no preeminence above
hatten btsewto in>re than 1 ? a bealt for all is vanity.
: r

*6 For Goa giveth to a man that is good xo All go unto one place, all are of the 1
in his light, wildom and knowledge, and dull, and all turn to duit again.
joy: but fo the dnner he giveth travel, to xi Who knoweth the lpirit of mar '*'

gather and to heap up, that he may give trut goetn upwari, and the lpirit of the Ty
to bim tb.\t is good Iv.-tore God. This alio beaft that goeth downward to the earth ?
is vanity and vexation of fpirit. xx Wherefore 1 perceive that there fijL
CHAP. III. nothing better, than that a man mould |L
A of times, &c.
ntcejja'y cbj.n%e rejoyce in his own works j far thatnhiif,'"
portion: tor who fhall bring him to lcel
TO everv thing is a fealbn, and a
tune to every purpofc under the what fhall be alter him >
c h a
v. iv.

Daaven: 1
% A time to be born, and a time to Vanity it inr.retfei by opprtjfion.
4ie a time
: to plant, and a time to pluck O I returned, and contidered all the
up tbit which is planted :
time to kill, and a time to heal: a
Siuo oppreihons that arc done under the
and behold, the tears

? A : /tub ot as vsxu ,,

Ii .He to break down, and a time to build opprelled, and they had no comforter
op :
and on the hde of their oppredbrs then «j ,
A time to weep,
and a time to laugh tx>as power, but they had no comforter w"
4 :

a time to mourn, and a time to. dance x Wherelore I praifcd the dead whier'
? A time to call away (tones, and a are already dead, more than the hvin«
nme to gather Hones together a time ta which are y«t alive. :

embrace, and a time to refrain from } Yea, better is £#t|M^>oth they, whicrfc
embracing; hath not yet been, wShth not teen
. th<F
6 A time to get, and a time to Iofe evil work that is dori|*jnder the fun :
t time to keep, andatime tocaftaway: 4 tf. Again I confidered all travel, anc -f
7 A time to rent, and a time to lew: every right work, that for this a man L
a time to keep lilence, and a time to fpeak: envied of his. neighbour. Thisu allova.fcv
8 A time to love, a»d a time to hate: nity, and vexation of fpirit.
a time of war, and a time of peace. < The fool toldeth hi* hands together L-
o What profit hath he that worketh, and eateth his own flefh. !/'

in that wherein he laboareth ? 6 Better is an handful voitb quietnefit

io I have iecn the travel which God than both the hands full, with travel atkl r •

hath given to the fons of men, tobeex- vexation of fpirit.

crcifed in it. 7 HThen I returned, and Haw vaniht
n He hath made every thing beautiful under the lun.
in his time alio he hath fet the world in
: 8 There is one */on«, and there is not \i
their "heart, lo that no man can find out fecond 5 yea, he hath neither child noT :
the work that God maketh from the be- brother: yet :t there no end of all hisl»i •'>'•'

cimng to the end. hour, neither is his eyeTatisfied with rich.*: 1

ii I that there ts no good in them,

know es, neither ftitb be, For whom
do I la f
btK for* man to rejoyce, an<a to do good bour, and bereave my foul of good ? Thlt' -

in his life. is alfo vanity, yea, it is a fore

travel Ifafr"
And alio that every man ihould eat 9 fl Two are better than one j bscaulCi'-
and drink, and enjoy the good of all his they have a good reward for their
labour, it »'< tha gilt ot God. io Fcr if they fall, the one will lift
U I whatfoever God doth,
know that his fellow but wo to him thai is alon
it fhall be for ever: nothing can be put when he fallethi for be b*tb not anothe
to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God
to help him up. .,.

dothit, thatwen Ihould fear before him. it Again, if tw© lie together,
K That which hath been, is now and they have heat: 5 tftei i'f
; but how car. oneH £ ir
•hat which is to be, hath already been, warm tinne ? I
ana God requireth Jiat which is palt. ,1 A "< f wwif a Bainfthim,
16 n And moreover, I faw under the «. ii
fhall lA °??P
withlrand him
j and a threefold coa*
fun the place of judgment, tint wicked- is not quickly broken.
joefs wa' there ^ and the place of righte- t? n Better is a poor, and a
wife childfV
sui'nefs, that iniquity ve** there. than an old and foolifh king, who wj|L
>- Itei
io wine fliall judge &«», God no mere be adniOQAfccrt,

V unity in Mvict, divine CSiap V. Vs. Vtniij of ruhti,

14 For out of prifon he Cometh to cime, and fhall take nothing of his laboufc,
:ign, whereas alfo be that it born in his which he may carry, away in his hand
ingdom becometh poor. 16 And this alio h fore evil, that in r>.

19 I coniidered all the living which all points a she came, lb ihall he go-
alk under the fun, with the fecond child what profit hath he that hath laboured
tat ihall ltand up in his ftea^i. for the wind ?
16 There is no end of all the people, *- 17 All his days alfo he eateth indark-
» of ill that have been before them : nels, andte fc«f&much1"orrow, anct wrath
ey alio that come after, lhall not re- with his ficknel's.
yeem him. Surely, this alio/'/ vanity, t8 H Behold that which Ihaveic-n- ii

•i vexation of [pint. 'j good and comely for bne to ear "nd to
. V. CHAP. drink, and to enjoy the good of all
Vanities in divine fervice, &c. labour that ne'taketh under the lun,
^Eep thy loot when thou goelt to the the days of his lite, which God
^. of God, and be more ready
houl'e him tor it it his portion.

near, than to give the facrifice of to Every man alfo to whom God hate?
Dls for they confider not tJiat they do given riches arid wealth, and hath given

him power to eat thereof,

and to take
i Be not ralh with thy nouth, and let ^iis portion, and torejoycein his
if thine heart be hafty to utter any thing this u the gift of God.
fore God : for God is in heaven, and io For he fhall not much remember the
ou upon earth : therefore let thy words days ot his life: becaufe God aniwerctft
few. bint in the joy of his heart.
5 For a dream cometh through the
iltitude ol buunefs, and a fools voic# The vanity of
.CHAP. Vfc
riches without life, &C,
known bv multitude of words.
When vow unto God,
THere is an evil which I have icen
V thou vcwelt a under tiic fun, and it is common
fer not to pay it: tor be bath no plea among men
e in fools i pay that which thou haft z n man to whom God hath given-
wed. riches, wealth, and honour, (b that he
Better it it that thou fhouhlft not wanteth nothing for his foul of all that
than that thou fhouldlt vow
, and he dafireth, yet God giveth him not
pay. power to eat thereof, but a flranpar
Sutler not thy mouth to caufe thy eateth it: this is vanity, and it //an evil
In to fin, neitnef fay thou before the difeafe. .

el, that it wxs an

wherefore error : ? fl If a man beget an hundred sbiu ~
wld God be angry thy voice, and at dren, and live many years, lb that the day*.
troy the work oi thine hands? of his years be many, and his fq u | & e -

For in the multitude of dreams and not filled with good, and alfo thathe
iny word", there are alfo divert vani- have no burial, I day, that an untimely
but fear thou God.
: birth is better than
he. *
If thou feeft the oppreiTion of the 4 For he cometh in with vanity, and
»r, and violent perverting ot judgment departeth in darknefj, andhisname fhall
i juitice in a province, marvel not at be covered with darknefs.
matter: for be thatis higher than the 5 Moreover, he hath not feen the fun,
;helt, regardeth, and tbire be higher nor known any thing r this hath more
n they. reft than the other.
fl Moreover, the profit of the earth 6 H Yea, though, he live a thoufand
for all the king kimfelf is ferved by
: years twice told, yet hath he feen no
field. good: do not all go to one place?
H© fhall rot be
that loveth filver, 7 All the labour of man is for hisj-
isfiedwith tilver ;' nor he that loveth mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled^,
tndance, with increafe ; this it alfo S For what hath the wife more than
fiity. the fool? what hath the poar, thatknow-
When goods incr«afc, they are in- eth to walk before the living?
afed that eat them^ and what good is 9 jl Better it the fight of the eyes, than i

the owners thereof, laving the the wandring of the defire this is alia •

loKiing of tbtm with their eyes? vanity and vexation of I'pirit.

The deep of a labouring man is ie That which hath been, is named aU
fet, whether he eat little or much: ready, and it is known that tf is man «
i the abundance of the rich will not neither may he ronter ith him that «
him to deep.
er mightier than hr.
& There is a fore evil which I have feen ti n Seeing there be many things-
lerthefun, namely, Tiehes kept for the that increafe vanity, what is man the
lers thereof to their hurt. better?
4 But thofe riches perilh by evil tra- - ii For who knoweth what is good for t
and he begetteth a fon, and tbereis man in this lile, all the days of his vain
lling in his band. life which he fpendeth as a lhadow ? tcv
As he came forth of his mothers who can teJi a man what fliall be at'n* •

lib, naked Jbj»U be retur* to go u he hwu undes-tl)«rfun?


nanuiti tgtinjt vwititt. Ecclefiaftes. /thffi to bt r#/Vrw

_ P. CVII. H A that are fpoken
; kit thou hear thy 1
AKttUtiitS tgtinjl v*niti*U &C. vane curfe thee.
»o»d name is better tUan precious 1 ix Fcr oftentimes alfo
thine own h«
pintmentj and the day ot death Knoweth, that thou thy felt
than the day of ones birth. likewiTel:
curled others.
i *' It is bettor tc go to the t.oufe of a* II All this !.ave I proved by wifdo
raourning, than to go to the houfe of Maid, I win be wife,
but it tut in ft
aeaiting tor that fi the end of all men,

and the living will lay r'f to his heart.

; Sorrow it better than lighter:
That which is far off, and exceed,
for deep, who can f.nd it out >
»y the fadnefs ot the countenance the a* I applied mine heait to
heart is made better. to fearer*, and
know a
tc leek out wifdom,
4 Tiie heart of the wifeij in thehoufe the reafon cftbing h and to knew a
e>f mourning ; but the heart of foolif in

wicKeanefs of tolly, even of fooliihni

the boufe ot mirth. "»* madnefs

« B r'j better to hear the rebuke of the x6 And i jind more bitter
than dea
vrfe, than for a man to hear the for.gof the woman^ vhofc heart
is fnarei a
6 For as the crackling of thorns under God.^lRii e C2 P= from her, but t

a pot, :b it the laughter of the fool this •n«

: mail be taken by her.
alto U vanity. 17 Behold, this have I found
f ft.
we preacher ; countinj one by one",
| Surety oppre-Tion maketh a wife
man mad, and a gift dcltroyeth the find out the account 7
K *?
Which yet my foul feeketr, but
8 Better is the end nf a thing, than the '°? c man aTaon S a l -oufa
beginning thereof tni the uatfent in fpi- :
h£j* i°V 'ou^it nut a woman aaione
Ik r i
n better
ni "u setter than
tnan tne
the proua
proud in lpuii.
fpuit. thefc have I not found. b ;

9 Be not haity in thy fpirit to be an- -* 9 tbM on| y havre I ft>urJ

>ry: tor anger refteth in the bofom ct y»od t?'u
r <
hath made man upright
«f '

but A ;
fools. nave lought out many inventions
Say not thou, What isfir c^u/V that
to c A a p. 'viir.
the former days were better than theft ? &'£'„*". grtAtb tob "fpefod, &c.
far thou dolt not enquire wifely concern-
in* this-
WHohnoweth ?; as the wife
interpretation of I

j i"Wisdom
«i is gaod with an inhe- Ul ££? a mans wilUom maketh his fa
ritance and by : it Hurt is profit to them
ru-t fee the fun. lhall be changed.
ii For
wifdojn/ta, *nd money -a- 1 eoun/tt tbee to-keep the kings
fe adefence but the excellency of know-

ledge/'^ wifdonT si veth life to them

that have it.
r^ Connder the work cf God for who : ftand not n an evil thing, for he*Joi

fan make tb-.t ftraight which he hath whatfoever pleafeth him. "\
jv.ade ? .
4 Where the word of a king is, tbt\
i4 In the d a y of profberity be joyful,
but in the day of adverfiiy confider God :

alio hath let the uncover agafmt the o- w

- \} p°{° keepeth the commandmeii
ther, to the end that man mould find (hallfeel no evil thing: and a wi
nothing after him. mans heart d^ifecmeth both, time
x; All thin-i have I feen in the days judgment.
»f my vanity there is a iuft m»n that pe-
V Bcf ai,r5 t0 ever y Putppfe there
t ;l

riirieth in his riehteoufhefs, and there is

Judgment; therefore the mi
a wicked *n*n that prolongcth bis lift in lery 'J
ri? ol man ti great upon him.
his wick;dne(s. 7 For he knoweth not that which thai 1

iiS Be not righteous overmuch, neither be i lor who can tell him when it mall
jtvake thy lelt over-wiie why fhouldft b?
" :
8 lbtrt is no man that hath power ore
thou d y thy felt ? the fpirittoretainthefpiritj
t7 Be not overmuch wicked, neither bt power in the day
of death: aad a
be thou footifli why fhouldft thou die
: is no dilcharge
in r//«rwar, neither
fc-tore tfiy time ? wickedneft deliver thofc that il

ate gl
i£ It is good that thou fhouldft take
hold of this, v«a alfo,.trom this with-
9 All have I feen, and applied
draw not thine ffand tor he that feareth :
heart unto every work that is
godi If all come forth of them all. done u
tbertt > * ^me wherein
Wifiom ftrengthceth the r-Vil.h one,
to. wife, ruleth over another to his
more ten mighty men which own hurt
t!ian are in
S: An * f0 1 'aw the wicked burie

ejrth. that
l or tbtrt si not a juft man upon
J. th good, and linneth not.
^L h d € ° mc
of the l ^4.^^ from the p
holy, and they were

i. Alfo take no heed uata ail words I alio vanity
n 8c-

N$ dijftrtnct in tilt life. Chap. i%. T. Codt provident cvtr *&.

I ii Becaufe fentcnce *g*infl an evil and drink thy wine with a merry heart
work in not executed fpcedily ; there- for God now accepteth thy works
ifore the heart of the funs of wen is fully 8 Let thy garments be always white
ifct in thwn to do evil. and let thy head lack no ointment.
ii 11 Though a linner do evil an hundred 9 Live joyful with the wife whom;
times, and his iU-jt be prolonged, yet fine- thou loveft, all the days of the life of thy
ly 1 know that it fhall be well with them vanity, which he hath given thee under
that fear God, which fear before him: the fun, all the days of thy van.'ty for :

I i? But it (hall not be u*ll with the that it thy portion in tht life, and in
wicked, neither fhall he prolong bit days thy labour which thou takeft under the
wbkb are as a fhadow j becaule he feareth fun.
not before God. io Whatfoever thy hand findeth to do,
i4 There is a vanity which is done up- do it with thy might j for ^{r«w no work,
on the earth, that there be juft wen unto nor device, nor knowledge, nor wifdom
whom it happeneth according to the in the grave whither thou goefl.
'work of the wicked again, there be :
ii fl I returned, and law under the
wicked men to whom it happeneth accor- fun, that the race r'mot to thefwift, not
ding to the work of the righteous I : the battle to theftrong, neither yet bread
laid, that this alfo it vanity. to the wife, nor yet riches to men of un-
k Then I commended mirth, becaufe demanding, nor yet favour to men of
a man hath no better thing under the skill, but time and chance happeneth to-
fun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be them all.
: for that fhall alaide with him of i* For man alfo knoweth not his time,
his Iabeur, the days of his life, which as the fifties that are taken in an evil net,
God giveth him under the fun. and as the birds tbtt are caught in the
! i5 *n When
I applied mine heart to fnare j fo *ri the fons of men fnared in
know wifdom, and :to fee the bufinefs an evil time, when it fallcth fuddenly
that is -done upon the earth: ( for alfo upon them. ,
there it tbtt neither day nor night fecth 13 Tj This wifdom have Ifeen alfo un-
llcep with his eyes) der the fun, and it fee mtd great unto me:
i7 Then I beheld all the work of God, i4 Tb-trt wat a little city, and few men
that a man cannot find out the work that within it ; and there came a great king-
'is done under the fun: becaufeihough a againftit, and befieged it, and built great
(inan labour to feck it out, yet he mall bulwarks againft it
nst find it; yea further, though a wife i? Now there was found in it a poor ,

i«« think to know it; yet fliall he not wife man, and he by his wifdom deliver-
6e able to find it. ed the city; yet no man remembredthat
CHAP. IX. fame poor man.
16 Then faid I, Wifdom it bettor than
I Lift tbingt bipPta to good and bid, &C.
FOr all this confidered in my heart
l ftrength neverthelef* the poor mans

even to declare this, that the righ-

all wifdom it defpifed, and his words are^
teous, and the wife, and their wsrks, *rt not heard.
in the hand of God : no man knoweth i7 The words of wife men trt heard in
either love or hatred, by all tbtt it be- quiet, more than the cry of him that
fore them, ruleth among fools.
i i All tbingt come alike to afl, tbirt it one 18 Wifdom // better than weaponi of war-
event to the righteous and to the wicked j but one finner deftroyeth much good.
to the good and to the clean, and to the C HA P. X.
'unclean} to him that facrificeth, and to Obferv&tiom of wifdom tnd folty* 8cC.
him that facrificeth not: as it the good,
lb it the (Inner ? *nd he that fwcareth,
DEad caufe the ointment of the
apothecary to fend forth a ftinking
! as t* that feareth an oath. favour : fo dotb a little folly him thatis
? This it an evil among all tbiav that in reputation for wifdom and hosour.
are done under the fun, that there it one x A
wife mans heart it at his right
event unto all yea,, alfo the heart ef the
: hand ; but a ftols he ait it at his left.
fons of men is full of evil, and madnefs 3 Yea alfo, when he that is a fool
it in their heart while they live, and af- walketh by the way. his wifdom fajleth
ter that tbej go to the dead. bim-t a«d he faith to every one tbtt he
4 ^ For to him that is joyned to all if a fool.
living, there is hope : for a living dog 4 If the fpirit of the ruler rife up a-
is better than a dead lion.. gainft thee, leave not thy place ; for
* For the living know that they (hall yielding pacifieth great offences.
die : Out the dead know not any thing, ? There is an evil xobicb I have feeo
neither have they any more a reward, for under the fun, as an error vsibkb prueeed-
the memory of them is forgotten. eth from the ruler.
6 Alfo fheir love, and their hatred, and 6 Folly is fet in great dignity, and the
their envy is nowperifhed ; neither have rich fet in low place.
they any more a portion for ever in any

7 I have feenfervants upon hones, and

Ming that is done under the fun. princes walkjne a* ferv»m» upon tb«
7 % Cio thy way, cat thy bscad with joy, earth.
; :

•f vpj/dtm tnd folty. EccMartM. Tbe Crittor to It rttHttnkid.

. 8 He that diggeth a pit, fliall fall inro 8 But if a man live many years, una
it;, and wholo breakethaii hedge, afcr- rejoyce in them all ; yet let remem-
Pent fliall bite him. ber the days of darknefs, tor they lhall
9 Whofo removeth ftoncs, ihall be be many. All that comcth is vanity.
hurt therewith : tnd he that cleaveth 9 11 Rejoyce, O
young man, in thy
wood, ihall be endangered thereby. youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the "p
10 If the iron be blunt, and he do not days of thy youth, and walk in the ways
whet theedge, thenrnufthe put to mure oi thy heart, and in the fight of thine
ftrength : but wifdora i« profitable to eyes : but know thou, that for all thefe 1
«iie«. tmngi God will bring thee into judg-
uSurely^ the ferpent will bite without ment.
inehaptment, and a babler is no better. to Therefore remove forrow from thy
ix The words or' a wife mans mouth heart, and put away evil from thy rleQi
Art gracious but tht lips of a fool will
: for childhood an<t youth *re vanity.
lwallow up himtelf.
12 The beginning of the words of his
Tbt creator is to be rertitmbrtd, Sec.
mouth is toolifhnefs and the end of
: T) Emcmber now thy creator in the days
talk ii mifchievous madneis. JL\ ol thy youth, while the evil days come
fool alfb is fullot words: a man
what ihall be; and what
not, nor
(halt fay, I
years draw nigh when thou
have no pleafure in them
ihall be afterhim, who can tell him? i While the fun, or the light, or the fcj
i? Tlif labour of the rboliih wearieth moon, or the (tars be not darkned, nor
every one of them, becaule he knoweth the clouds return alter the rain :
not how to ?o to the city. 2 In the day when the keepers of the in
16 f! Wo to thee, O land, when thy houle lhall tremble, ar.d the ftrong men
king is a cbild, and thy princes eat in lhall bow.themfelves, and the grinders
the morning. teafe becaufe they are few, and thole
17 BletTed art thou, land, when thyO that look out ot the windows be darkned,
king it thefon of nobles, and thy princes 4 And the doors lhall be fhut in the
eat in due feafon, tor ftrength and not (treats, when the found ot the grinding
lor drunkennels. is low, and he fhall rile up at the voic«

18 fl By much flothfulnefs the building the bird, and all the daughters of mu-
decayeth, and through idlenefs of the fick lhall be brought low
hands the houle droppeth through. <; Alio when they ihall be afr_idof f*/ie
19 f] A feaft js made for laughter, and vebicb is high, and fears Jbail b* in the
wine nuketh merry but money aniwer-
: way, and the almond-tree lhall rlcnrijrt,
eth all things, and the gralhopper lhall be a burden,
ao fl Curfe not the king, no not in thy and deiire ihall fail: becaule man goeth
thought, and curfe not the rich in thy to his long home, and the mourners go .1

bed-rhamber : for a bird of the air frail about the ltreets

carry the voice, and that which hath 6 Or ever the filver cord be loofed, or
wings Hull tell the matter. the golden bowl be broken, or the pitch-
CHAP. XI. er be broken at the tountain, or ti.e
ZXrtttiom for Charity, Sec. wheel broken at the oftern.
CAft thy bread upon the waters for : 7 Then fhall the duft return to the
thou ihalt find it after many days. earth as it was and the fpirit lhall re-

i Give a portion to feven, and alfo »o turn unto God who gave it.
eight , for thou knoweft not what evil 8 H Vanity of vanities, faith the prea-
iftall be upon the earth. • chet i all is vanity.
2 If the clouds be lull of rain, they 9 And moreover, becaufe the preach? t
empty tbetnftlvtt upon the earth: and if was wife, he ftill taught trie people know-
the tree fall toward the fouth, or toward ledge ; yea, he cave good heed, and fought
the north ; in the place where the tree out, and fct in" order many proverbs.
falleth, there it Trull be. 10 The preacher fought to find out ac-
4 He. that obfeiveth the wind, (hall not ceptable words, and tbatvehtcb mnwrit.
few i and he that regajdeth the clouds, ten xcas upright, even words of truth.
fliall not reap. 11 The words of the wifa are asgoads,and
c As thou knowsft not what is the way as nails faftned by the matters of aflem-
of the fpirit, nor hew the bones d». grove blies, which arc given from one ihepherd.
in the womb of her that is with child: n And further, by thefe, my (on, be
even lb *hou knoweft not the works of admonilhed : of nuking many books
God who maketh all. there is no end, and much ftudynawea-
6 In the morning fow thy feed, and in rinefs of the fieih.
the evening withhold not thine hand: 12 *- Let us hear ihteeoncluiion of the
for thou knoweft not whether fhall pro- whole matter, Fear God, and keep his
fper, ci^er this or that, or whether they commandments : for this is the whole
both J1:*U be alike good duty of man.
7 1] Truly the light is fweet,
the lie! and a 14 For God fhall bnrg every work into
pleafant thing it it f«91 the eyes 19 behold, judgment, with every fecret thing, whc«
She. fun, tbet it bt goed> ot whethci it be evir

Tht churches love unto Cbrijl-,
K Stay me with flagons, comfort jag
with apples } tor I *m iick of love.
He Jong of longs, which is bola^ 6 Hiiletthand is under my head, and
mons. his right hand doth embrace me.
i Let him kifs me with the 7 I charge you, Oye daughters of Je-
killes of his mcuth : for thy love rufalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of
better than wine. the field, that ye ftir not up, oor awake
Becaufe of the favour of thy good my leve, till he pleafe.
mments, thv name i< &% ointment pour- 8 fl The voice ot my belovea ! beheld,
forth, therefore do the virgins love he cometh leaping upon the mountains?
skipping upon thenills.
9 My beloved is like a roe, or a young
Draw me, we will run after thee :

e king hath brought me into his cham- hart behold, he ftandeth behind out

rs: we will be glad andrejoyce inthee> wall, he looketh forth at the windows,
: will remember thy love more than fhewing himlelf through the lattefs.
ne : the uprigut love thee. to My beloved fpake, and fa id unto me.
<; Irfwblack, but comely, Oyedaugh- Rife up, my love, my fair one, and come
rsofotjerufalem, as the tents of Kedar, away.
the curtains of Solomon. For lo, the winter is pad, the rain
Look not upon me, becaufe 1 vn
over, *ni gone. is
ack, becaufe the fun hath looked upon The flowers appear on the earth,
my mothers children were angry the time of the finging of birds is come,
th me, they made me the keeper of- and the voice of the tuule is heard in
vineyards^ but mine own vineyard our land.
ive I not kept. i; The fig-tree putteth forth her green
7 Tell me. thou whom my faullov- figs, and the vines with the tender grape
h, where thou teedeit, where thou give a good fniell. Arife, my love, my
akett r*7 fioc^ t» reft at noon for why fair ene, and come away.

ould I be as one that turneth afute by 14 f] O

my dove that trt in the clefts
,e flocks of thy companions ? of the rock, in the fecret fUces of the
8 M If thou know not, thou faired flairs, let me fee thy countenance, let me
nong women, go thy way forth by the hear thy voice ; for Tweet it thy voice,
>otitep3 of the flock, and teed thy kids and thy countenance is comely.
:lide the fhepherds tents. ft Take us the foxes, the little foxei
9 I have compared thee, my love, O
that fpoil the vines : fox our vines b*vr
a company of hoxfes in Pharaohs tender grapes.
hariots. 16 H My beloved is mine, and I am his :
to Thy cheeks are comely with rows he feedeth among "tfie lilies.
f jewe/r, thy neck with chains ef gold. i7 Until the day break, and the fha-
it We
will mak« the borders of gold dows flee away turn, my beloved, and

ith ftuds of filver. be thou like a roe, or a young hart upon

ti H While the king fittctb at his table, the mountains of Bether.
ly fpikenard fendeth forth the lmell CHAP. HI.
iere»f. The cburcb btr fight and vOTory t &C.
bundle of myrrh is mywell-be- Y night on my bed 1 fought him whom
jvedunto me; hefhall lie al/night be- my foul loveth I fcught him, but I

hvixc my breaits. tournd him not.

t4 My unto me, as a clufter of
beloved is x I will rife now, and go about the city
amphire in the vineyards of En-gedi. in the ftreets, and in the broad ways I
i? Behold, thou *rt fair, my love; be- will feek him whom my foul loveth L. :

.old, thou trt fair, thou baft doves eyes. fouaht him, but I found him not.
16 Behold, thou *rt fair, my beloved, 3~The watchmen that go about the city,
ea, pleafant: aifo our bed is green. found me: to whom I /aid, Saw ye#hin»
i7 The beams of our hcufe *rt cedar, whom my foul loveth ?
net our rafters of fir. 4 It t»as but a little that I patted from
CHAP. II. them, but I tound him whom my ibui
it mutual lovt of Cbrijl and bis church. loveth: I held him, and would not let
the role of Sharon, and the IHy of him go, until I had brought him imomy
L the valleys. mothers houfe, and into tfie chamber of
x As the lily among thorns, fo is ray her that conceived Bie.
Dve among the daughters. I charge you,
<; O
ye daurhters/jf Je-
7, As the apple-tree among the trees of rulalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of
he wood, fo fi my beloved among the the field, that ye ftir not up, nor awake
ons. I fat down under his jhadow with my- Irve, till he pleafe.
'reat delight, and his fruit w>4* Tweet to 6 fl Who ii this that cometn out of the
hy talte, wildernels like pillars of fmoke, per-
x He brought me to the aanqueting- fumed w-ith myrrh and frankincenfe,
iouJ'c» and his banner over sac »*< love. with aH powders of, the, Merchant?
7 -Be*
! , .

Tie cburtbet grates. Solomons Song. Cbriji d&rihti.

7 Behold, Solomons,
Ms bed which \% A fountain of gardens, a well
thrcefcore about it, of living- waters, and rtrcaWs from L<|
valiant men are
the valiant ot Il'rael. banon.
8 They all held fwords, being expert i6 U Awake, O north- wind, an.l corm!
in war every man bath his lword upon thou louth, blow upon my garden, :t

bis thigh, becaufeof fear inthenighr. the fpices thereof may flow out let m| :

9 King Solomon made himi'elt a chariot beloved come into his garden, and e;l
of the wood of Lebanon. his pleafant fruits.
ie He made the pillars thereof of fil- V. CHAP.
ver, the bottom thereof of gold, the co- Cbriji avcahttb tbt church, &C.
vering of it of purple ; the midit thereof Am come into my garden, my filler
being paved with Jove, lor the daughters I mj lpouie I have gathered my myrrl ;

of Jerufalem with my fpice, I have eaten my hor.y

Go forth, O
ye daughters of Zion comb with my hony, I have drunk in
and behold king Solomonwith thecrown wine with my milk :'eat.O friends, drir
wherewith his mother crowned him in the; yea, drink abundantly, O beloved
day of hi-s efpoufals, and in the day of the i 11 lflcep, but my heart waketh ft i\ -.

the voice ot my beloved that knocketh

gladncfs of his heart.
C HA V. IV. faying, Open to me, my filter,my love
Cbrifi ftttttb forth the churches gracit, &C. my dove, my undefined for i: : my head
BEhold, thou *rt fair, my love, behold, filledwith dew, and my locks with tfec
thoa art fair, thou baft doves eye., drops ot the nig"ht.
within thy locks: thy hair ti as a flock of ? I have put off my coat, how fhall I 1

eoats, that appear from mount Gilead. put it on? I have wafhed my feet, hew
a Thv teeth art like * flock of Jhetptbit Ihall 1 defile them?
are even fiiorn, which came up from the 4 My beloved put in his hand by the
warning : whereof every one bear twins, hole of the door, and my bowels were
andnoneir barren amongthem. for him. moved
* Thy lips oelike a thread offcarlct, 1 rcfe up to open to my beloved, and
and thy fpeech is comely thy temples : my
hand? dropped veitb myrrh, "and my
are like a piece of a pomegranate within lingers u.'ffc fweet-fmelling myrrh, upon ICO

the handles of the lock.

thy lecks. r_ .

4 Thy neck it like the tower of David 6 1 opened to my beloved, but my be- 1C'

builded for 2n armoury, whereon there loved had withdrawn himfelf, and was
hang a thoufand bucklers, all ftiiclds of gone my foul tailed when he fpake I
: :

mighty men. fought him, l>nt 1 could not find him, 1

< Thy two brcafts art like two young called him, but he gave me no anfwer.
roes that are twins, which feed among 7 The watchmen that went about the
the lilies. ..*.'«, city, found me, they fmote me, they
6 Until the day break, and the fhadows wounded me ; the keepers of the walls
flee away, 1 will get me to the mountain took aw2y my vai) from me,
cf myrrh, and to the hill of frankmcenfe. o I charge you, O daughters of Jeru-
7 Thou art all fair, my love, there u faiem. if ye find my beloved, that \e
no fpot in thee. tell him, that I am tick of love.
8 fl Come with me from Lebanon, my 9 r, What is thv beloved more than
fpoufe, with, me from Lebanon look another beloved, o thou faireii among

from the top of Amana, from the top ot women? what is thy beloved more than
ShenirandHermon, from the lions dens, another beloved, that thou doit fo charge
from the mountains ol the leopards.
9 ThoH haft ravifhed my heart, myH to My-'belovcd it white and ruddy, the I
filter, my fpoufe , thou haft ravifhed my chiefeft among ten thoufand.
Jieartwith one of thine eyes, with one ti His head the molt fine gold^hij.
it as
chain ot thy nerk. locks are bufhy, and black as a raven.
ro How fair is thy love, my filter, my ii His eyes are as the eyes of doves by
fpoufe' how much better is thy love than the rivers ot waters, wafhed with milk,
wine ! and the l'mell of thine ointments and fitly fet.
than all fpices 13 Hischeeks are as ahedsf fpices, at
ti Thy lips, O »»7 fpoufe, drop as the fwect flowers: his lips life lilies, drop-
hony-comb; hony and milk are under ping fweet-fmelling rryrrh'.
thy tongue, and the fmell of thy gar- 14 His hands are at gold-rings fet with
ments it like the fmell of Lebanon. the beryl: his belly rs at bright ivory
ii A garden endofed it my filter, my overlaid with fapphires.
fpcufe a fpring fhut up, a fountain fealcd
: i? HisJe^s art as pillars of marble, fet
i? Thy plants art an orchard of pome- upon forkets of fine gcid : his counte-
granates, with pleafant fruits, camphire, nance it as Lebanon, excellent as the
with fpikenard, cedars.
i4 Spikenard and faflron, calamus i(S His mouth it moft fweet yea, he

amd cinnamon, with all trees of frank- is altogether lovely. This ri my beloved,
incenfe, 'myrrh and aloes, With all the and this" it my friend, O daughters of Je-
chief fpice«. rufaiem. „

Chap. Tr» vii, viii. Tbt Calling of tbeGentilts,.

I will take hold of the boughs thereof -
now alio thy breads lhall be as clutters of
the vine, and the fmell or thy nofe like
9 And the roof of thy mouth like the
bell wine, for my beloved, that goeth
doven fwcetly, caufing the lips of thofe
that are allcep, to l'pcak.
to 51 1 *nt my beloveds, and his defire
is towards me.
1 1 Come, my beloved, let us go forth in-
to the field: let us lodge in the villages.
,it Letusget up early to the vineyards,
ifthe vine flourifh,t*6rferr the
let us fee
tender grape appear, *ni the pomegra-
nates bud forth there will I give thee

my loves.
U The mandrakes give a fmell, and at
our gates Are all manner of plealant
fruits, new and old, vebicb I have laid up
for thee, O my beloved.
The churches hve to Cbrijt, &e.
That thou »«/£ as my brother that
fucked the breafts of my brother I
en I mould find thee withouf, I would
kifsthee, yea, 1 mould not bedefpifed.
i I would lead thee, and bring thee in-
to my mothers houfe, vobo would inttruct
me : I would caufe thee to drink of fpi-
ced wine of the juice of my pomegra-
nate. . ,
7 His left hand. Jhould be under my head,
and his right hand mould embrace me.
4 I charge you, O daughters of Jeru-
faleru, that ye ftirnot up, nor awake wjr
1 went down into the garden of nuts love until he pleafe.
fee the fruits of the valley, And to fee ? C Whoi* this that cometh up from the
ether the vine flourished, And the wildernefs, leaning upon her beloved ? )
megranates budded. I railed thee up under the apple-tree :
i Or ever I was aware, my foul made there thy mother brought thee forth, there
! lib the chariots of Ammi-nadab. lhe brought thee forth tbA bare thee.
1 Return, return, O Shulamite, re- 6 tj Set me as a feal upon thine heart,
n, return, that we may look upon as a feal upon thine arm: for love r*
;e what will ye fee in the Shulamite?
ftfong as d«ath, jealoufie is cruel as the
it were the company of two armies. grave r the coals thereof Art coals of fire,
CHAP. VII. vobicb bstb a mod vehement flame.
dtftrlption of the churches gritti, &c. 7 Many waters cannot quench loye>
I Ow
beautiful are thy feet withfhoes, neither can the floods drown it : if •
princes daughter ! the joynts of man would give all the fubftanceof his
thighs *re like jewels, Itoe work of houfe for love, it would utterly be con*
hands or a cunning workman. temned.
Thy navel is likj a round goblet, 8 fl We
have a little Gftef, and fhe
Hh wanteth not liquor :thy belly is hath no breads what fhall we do for

e an heap of wheat, fet about with lilies. our Alter, in the day when lhe fhall be
5 Thy two breafts Are like two young fpoken for ?
es fiuf Art twins. 9 If fheie a wall, we will build upoa
j, Thy neck u as a tower of ivory, thine hec a palace of filvcr: andiflheie a door,
es/f'^thefim-poolsinHefhbon, by the we will enclofe her with boards of cedar.
te of Bath-rabbim : thy nofe is as the io I *m a wall, and my breafts like
ver of Lebanon, which looketh lo- towers : then was I in his eyes, as one
rd Damafcus. that found favour.
t Thine head upon thee »( likeCarmel, it Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-
d the hair of thine head like purple , hamon, h« let out the vineyard unto
i king is held in the galleries. keepers: every one for the fruit there-
< How fair and how pieafant art thou, of was to bring a thoufand pece t offilver.
love, for delights I ii My vineyard which is mine, U be-
; This thy ftature is like to a palm-tree, fore me : thou, O
Solomon, mufi bAvt &
dthvbreafts to clutters of grAfti. thoufand, and thole that keep the fruit
I I raid, I will go up to the calm-tree, thweof, two hundred. u _

JuJtb: rebellion.. Ifaiab. Exhortations to r-.penUntt.

the companions hearken to :ny voice theu like to a

caufe me to heir it. upon the mountains of Ibices. 6

5 The Book of the Prophet ISAIAH.

.- •
C H A P. I. 16 11 Wain
ye, make you clean, r
TJfdtMbs cjmpUint of Judsb, &C. away evil of your doings from be fc
Hevifionof Ifa.ah thefonofA- nunc eyes, ccaie to do evil,
moz, which he f3W concerning 17 Learn to do well, feek judfl
Judah and Jerafalem, in the relieve the ppprelled, judse the
days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz. lels, plead for the widow.'
*nd Hezekiah, kings of judah. i8 Come new and let us reafon tog
i Hear, O
heavens, and give ear, O ther, faith the Lord : though your
earth: for the LORDbath fpoken, I be as (carle:, they
have nourished and brought up children, (now though they lhall be as white
j be red like crimfc
c y have rebell cd againft me. they fhall be as wooll.
, tL

e 0x knoweth his owner, and the 19 It ye be willing and obedient,

«r bis
ais u •

mailers crib but Ifrael dcth not fliaU eat the good of the land.

w n,y- People doth notcunfider. 10 But jf ye retul'e and rebel, ye flia

.., &*••
imful ""ion, a people laden be devoured with the fword tor tf :
intquity, a feed of evil doers, chit- mouth of the hath fpoken i* LORD
r£*J' -n

V a re COf ^rters, they have fcr-

II How is the faithful city becomn
£« LORD, they have provoked harlot ! it was full of judgment, rig
the ho.7 One of Ifrael'
unto "anger, they oufnefs lodged in it Ylm'Sow maiderm

f?w miZ bac, kward „ i'- Thy filver is become

drofs, thy wit
11 why /hould

ye be ftricken any mixt with water.

*t *k yie v;i]l ' ev oH more and more :
tre whole head is tick, and the
Thy princes *r» rebellious, and cor.
whole panipns of thieves: every- one Iovethei ft
neart tame, and tolloweth after rewards: they judt
ron tJ e fo'eof the foot even unto not the fatherlels, neither doth the
*s V i \ I cau
t^e head, tb»rt is nofoundnefs in it but of the widow come unto them.

wounds, ar.dbruifes, and putrifving fores 1+ "therefore faith the Lord, the L

they have not been doled, neither bound of " holts, the mighty One of Iirael, Ah.
up. ne th er mollified with ointment
: will eale me of mine adrerfariet, a
7 Your country is &lefol2te, your cities avenge me of mine enemies.
0re burnt with fire your land Grangers
: »? 11 And I will turn my hand up<
ctvour it in yoyr pr«fence, and it isde- thee, and purely purge away thy dro
iolate as overthrown byftrangers. ar.d take away all thy tin.
8 And the daughter of Zionis left as a 16 And I will reftore thy iudges as at t
rtfrage in a vineyard, as a lodye in a gar- firft, and thy counfellers as atthebegi
den of cucumbers, as a befieged city. ning afterwards thou fhalt be called, T* :

9 Except the LORD

of holts had left city of riehteouinefs, the faithful citj
unto us a very f^all remnant, we fliould 17 Zion fhall be redeemed withju<
have been as Sodom, and wefhould have ment,and her converts with righteoufne
been hke unto Gomorrafc. iS 1J And the detraction o! the tra
to U Hear the word 0. the Lord, ve grelfors and of the tinners Jkall bt ta
wlers of Sodom » give ear unto the law theF, and they that forfake the LOl
of our God, ye people 01' Gomorrah. fall be consumed.
it To what purpofe is the multitude io For they fha*l be afiiamed of tl
of your facrifices unto me ? faith the oaks which ye have detired and ye: .

LORD: 1 am ful 1 of the burnt-offerings ?

e confounded tor the garder.s tha
of rams, and the fatof fed beafts, and I havc chofen. !

delight not in the blood of bul'ocks, or For ye fhall be as an oak whofe let
cl lambs, or of he-goats. tadeth, and as a garden that ha
11 When ye come to appear before me, wa-er.
who hath requir-d this at your hand to r ,i An< And the irrong fhall be a$ tow, an
tread my courts ? the makt
maKerof it as a fpark, and they fhd
t? Bring no more vain oblations, in- 1 burn together, and none fhall queni
cenie is an abomination unto me, the tbem. '

new-moons and fabbaths, the calling of! II.

Th e cem'-r.r of thrifts kingJont, &rv
aflemblies I cannot away with, it i> ini-
fuiry, even the fclemn meeting. HpHe
word tha* I'.iiah the fon of A
'4. Your new-nvoons, and your appointed 1
lll oz law, concerning Judah and Je

resits my foul bateth they are a trouble rufalem.


unto me, I am weary te bear btm. it fhall come to }*afs in the laft dayj

1? And when ye fpread forth your tb*t 'he mountain of the Lorus houfl

ian^s, I will hii'e mire eyes4f»m you lhall be etta '.s'.ifhed in the top of the nioun

yes, when ye make many prayers, I'will tains, and fhall be exalted above th-
not hear: your hands are full of blood, hiils i add ajl ratioru fit all flow unto it
: : ::

tfngdgtn. Char. »i. Judgment i tbreatnei.

fVnd many people mail go and fay, 11 Ceafe ye from man whofe breath ft
c ye, and let us go up to the moun- in his noilnls : for wherein is he v* be
of the Lord, to the heuie or the God accounted of ?
cob, and he will teach us of his ways, -, CHAP.
The cenfufion which cometb by Jin, &c.
we will walk in his paths ; for out
ion fhall go forth the law, and thj FOr behold, the LORD, the of LORD
of the LORD from Jcrulalem. holts doth take away from Jerutalem,
ind he fhall judge amoi.g the nations, and from Judah, the ttay and the ilarT,
hall rebuke many people and they
the whole flay of bread, and the whole
beat their (words into plow-itiares, flay ot water,
heir ipears into pruning-hooks na- :
i The mighty man, and the man of
fhall not li ft up fword againlt nation, war, the judge, and the prophet, and the
ier fhall they learn war any more. prudent, and the ancient,
j) houi'e of Jacob, come ye, and let ? The captain of fifty, and the honou-

afk in the light of the Lord. rable man, and the counfeller, and the
Therefore thou hall forlaken thy peo- cunning artiheer, and the eloquent o-
he houi'e of Jacob, becaufe they bere- rator.
ilhed from the eaft, and are foothfay- 4 And I will give children to be their
ike the Philiftines, and they pleafe princes, and babes fhall rule over them
(elves in the children of itrangers. 1 And the people fhall be oppre(ied r
Their land alio is full of filver and every one by another, and every eneby
neither is there any end of their trea- his neighbour: the child fhall behave

their land is alio full of horfes, nei-

himielt proudly againfl the ancient, and
is there any end of their chariots. the bafe againfl the honourable.
Their land alfo is full of idols they :
6 When a man mall take held of b.v
nip the work of their own har.ds, brother of thehoufeof his father, faying*
which their own fingers have made. Thou hall clothing, be thou our ruler,
%nd the mean man boweth down, and let this ruin is under thy hand:
the gr= a t man humbleth himfelf 7 In that day fhall he fwear, faying, I
:fore forgive them not. will not be an healer ; for in my heme is
neither bread sor clothing j make me
^ Enter into the rock, ani hide
in the duft, for fear of the Lord, not a ruler of the people.
for the glorv of his majelty. 8 For Jerufalem is ruined, and Judah is
The lofty looks of man mall be hum- fallen becaufe their tongue and their

, and the haughtinefs of men fhall be doings are againfl the Lord, to provoke
d down, and the Lord
alone fhall the eyes of his glory.
salted in that day. 9 it The fhew of their countenance
For the day of the Lord of hofts doth witnefs againfl them, and they de-
bt upon every one that is proud and
clare their fin as Sodom, they hide it not
, and upon every one that is lifted up,
wo unto tneir foul, for they have rewarded
he fhall be brought low evil unto therafelves.
And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, to Say ye to the righteous, that it Jhtli
be well T»ith him for they (h all cat the
are high and lifted up, and upon all :

laksof Bafhan, fruit of their doings.

And upon the high mountains,
all u Wo unto the wicked, itjball be iil
vs-itb him for the reward of his- hands
pon all the hills th+t are lifted up, :

And upon every high tower, and fhall be given him.

r every fenced wall, ix fl As for my people, children art
And upon all the (hips of Tarfhifh, their oppreflbrs, and women rule over
ii pon all pi enfant pictures.
them : Omy people, they which lead
,And the loftinefs of man fhall i»e thee, caufe thee to err, and deflroy the
d down, and the haughtinefs of men way of thy paths.
be made Jaw ard the Lord alone
n The Lord flandeth up to plead,
be exalted in that day. and flandeth to judge the people.
Ar.ct the idols he fhall utterly abo- U The Lordwill enter into judgment
with the ancients of hLs people, and tke
And thev fhall go int the holes of princes thereof: for ye havxe eaten up
ocks, and" into the caves of the earth, the vineyard ; the fpoil of the poor it K»
ear of tht Lord, and for the glory your homes.
s majeftv, when he arifethto fhake x<? What mean ye that ye beat my peo-

bly the earth. ple to pieces, and grind the facesor the
In thar day a man fhall caft his idols poor ? faith the Lord Gud of hofts.
ver, and his idols of e»ld, which they i£ *] Moreover, the Lord faith, Be-
e, e*cb om for htmieli to werfhip, caufe the daughters of Zion are haugh-
e moles and to the bats ty,and wa'k with ftrcched-forth necks,
To go into the clefts of the rocks, and warton eyes, talking, and mincing
into the tops cf the ragged rocks, as they go,and making a tinkHng with
"ear of the LOR', and for" the glory 1
s majefty, when he arifeth to in.2ke i7 Therefore the LORD
will fnute
ply the earth. with a fcab the crown of the head of the
: :

Womtnt fridt. "Ifaiah tVcti tbrutnt

daughters of Zion, and the LORD will , there and he looked that it (he
•ileover their fecret parts. bring forth grapes, and it brought i.
18 In that daytne L>»rd will take a- wild grapes.
way the hravery or their tinklin- orna- ? And rjuw, O
inhabitants of Jer
ments *bout their feet., and their eauls, lem, and men of Judah, judge, 1 \
and their round tires like the moon, you, betwixt me and my vineyard.
19 The chains, and the bracelets, and 4 What could have been done mor<
the mufflers, my vineyard, that I have not done in
to The bonneti, and the ornaments of wherefore when 1 looked that it lhc
the legs, and the head-bands, and the bring forth grapes, brought it forth v ifc
tablets, and the car-rings, grapes s
1 v
it The rings, and noife-jewels, <f And now will tell you *{$.
goto-, I
ix The changeable luits of apparel, I will do to my vineyard; I will take K-
and the mantles, and the wimples, and way the hedge thereof, and it fhall be ijf-
the crilpmg-pins, en up: *n-l' break down the wall t:

M The glares, and the fine linen, and and it (hall be troden down. hi.
the hoods, and the vails. 6 And
will lay itwafteIit fhall' Lj- :

a* And it Jhall come to pafs, tbtt in he pruned, nor digged, but thti
Head of lweet fmell, there fhall be itink ; come up briers and thorns: I will .Kj
and in (read of a girdle, a rent; and m command the clouds that they ;

fteadof well let hair, baldnefs and in

-, rain upon it. _ ,,
ftead of a ftomacher, a girding of lack- 7 For tke vineyard of the Loau of h.Cm
the men of K
cloth ; <mi burning in ftead ot beauty. it thehouicof lfrael, and
15 Thy menfhaU fall by the (word, and dan his pleafant plant : and he
thy mighty in the war. for judgment, but behold oppreflion ; t V
V*6 And her gates fhaTl lament and right ecftfnefs, but behold a cry.
mourn ; and (he bring def'cJate, ftall lit 8 H "Wo unto them that joyn houfetV
upon the ground. houfe, f**May field to field, till tbertU
,-. •„ ,
CHAP. IV. no place, thar tiiey may be placed ale f.
tbrijiikingdom JhtU be « ftnflturj, &c. in themidft of the earth. L
A Nd in that day ("even women fhall 9 In mine ears yir'4 the LORD of hoc
X\ take hold of one man, faying, We
will eat our own bread, and wear our
Of a truth many
houfes Jhall bedelbl:!?,
even great and lair without inh:o
own apparel only let us be called by thy
: 10 Yea, ten acrcsof vineyard Jhall >i 13
name, to take away our reproach. one bath, and the feed of an homer Jlr'
a, In that day Jhall the branch of the yield an ephah.
Lord, be beautiful and glorious, and the ti H Wo
unto them that rife up ea|..
truit of the earth /bait be excellent and in the morning, that they may follp
comely for them that are efcaped cf Jiraet .
Itrong drink, that continue until nig J;.
3 And it Jhall come ts pafs, tb*t he tkj. tillwine enfiame them. •.

11 left in Zion, and** thAt remained 11. And the harp and the viol, the r
Jerulalem, Jhall be called holy, even every bret and pipe, and wine are in th r
one tb*t n written among the living in feaits but they regard not the work r

Jeru alem
° e
the Lord, neither confider the ope L
4 When the Lord (hall have wafhed t ion of his hands.
away the filth of the daughters of Zion, 1? si Therefore my people are g *
andihall have purged the blood of Jeru- to captivity, beeaule they btvt no kno
salem from the midft thereof, by the ledge: and their honourable men «-< !;
fpintof juagment, and by the fpirit of milhed, and their multitude dried r
burning. with thirlc.
< ABld the LORD will create upon e- 14 Therefore hath errUrg
very dwelling-place of mount Zion, and felf, and opened her mouth without tmt
upon her aflemblies a cJoud, and fmoke fure and their glory, arvl their mul£

by day, and the mining of a flaming fire tude, and their pomp, and he that
«>y night: tar upon all the poiy jbtli be joyceth fhall defcend into it.
r? And the mean man Jhall be b
6 And there fhall be a tabernacle for ft down, and the mighty man Jhall be
fhaciow in the day-time from the heat, bled, and the eyes of the lofty fhs
and for a place of refuse, and for a covert humbled.
from itorm and from~rain. 16 But the Lord of holts (hall be

A P, V. • alted in judgment, and God tb*t it _.
nghteot ,f
excufetb bit fecret judgment, &c. ly, Jhall be fanftified in
V[0«r will I fingro my well-beloved, a nefs.
j.> fpng of my beloved touching his 17 Then fhall the lambs feed afteuB
vineyard: My weW-betoved hath a vine- manner, and the walte places of the 1
yard in a very fruitful hill. ones fhall grangers eat.
t And he fenced it, and gathered out 18 Wo
unto them that draw iniq i
the (tones thereof, and planted it with the with cords of vanity, and fin as it
choice!* vine, and built a tower in the with. a cart-rope
aU4(t of it, and alfo made a wt»«-prcf* 19 That fay, Let him make fpee*

Vl > Vii " tftitbi tenfirmttion.

the voice of him that
cried, and tho
houfe was filled with lmoke
*, H Then laid 1,
undone, becaufe
it me, for I am
11 Wo unto then that call evil good,
1 tm a man of unclean
lips, and I dwell in the
'-good evil: that put darkncfs for
midftof a peowle.
or unclean lips: tor mine eyes
•it, and hght for darknefs; that put have feen
the King, the Lord of holts.
er tor Tweet, and Tweet for bitter.
Wo 6 Then flew one of the feraphims unto
unto them tbit tre wife in me, having a live coal in his hand, vbicb
*£"*} e y«. and prudent in their
. fight.
" withtn « tongs fromotf the
Wo unto tbtm tbst t,t mighty to
7 Andhelaid it upon my mouth; and
W mC " of ftrenS th t0 rain £>e laid, Lo, thishath touched thy lips, and
I ng ckink" thine iniquity
h Juftifie the wicked for re-
is taken away, and thv. fin
r! 5,
d, and take away the
nghteoulhefs S.AlfoIheardthe voice cf the Lord.
,;he righteous from him.
refore as the fire devoureth the
Taying, Whdm fhall I fend, andwho will
liui ,
go for us ? Then laid I, Here tm I, fend
,*1ble, and
flame confumeth the
tJie me.
f0 * h e r.rootfhallbeas rottennefs,
9 n And he Co and tell this peo-
a rl ,
.their bloflom (hall go up as
duft be- •
ple, Hear ye indeed, butunderftandnoti

h y h avc ca fta wa y the law of the
f >ltl,
nd flcfpilcdthe word of
and fee ye indeed, but perceive not.
10 Make the heart of this people fat,
| holy One .
of Iirael. and make their ears heavy, and fhat
Therefore is the anger of the Lord their eyes left they fee with their eyes,
Jled againft his people, and he hath and hear with their ears, and underftand
r< orth hls
,und a eainft them, with their heart, and convert, and be
L u /
hath (mitten them: and the hills did heated.
iDlc, and their carcafes mere torn
in ti Then faid I, Lord, how long' And
.msdftof the (trects For all this his :
he anlwered, Until the cities be wafted
P r " not turned awav, but his hand without inhabitant, and thehoufes with-
retched out (till. out man, and the land be utterly defolate,
i tl And he
will lift up an enfignto i* And the Lord have removed men
nations from far, and will hil's unto faraway, and tbere be a great forfakine
ntromtheend of the earth: and be- in the midft of the land.
they lhall come with fpeedfwiftly.

rsoneihall be weary nor fumble a-

H fi But yet in it fhall be a tenth, and
it fhall return, and (hall be eaten as a :
igft them : none (hall (lumber nor teil-tree, and as an oak whofe fubftance
: nwther fliall the girdle of their i* in them, when they caft their letves
beloofed, nor the Tatchetof their So the holy feed (bill be the fubftance
be broken.
arrows tre (harp, and all CHAP. VII.
r bows bent,
their horfes hoofs mall Abt\ comfortedby Iftiab, &c.
rounted like flint, and their wheels A Nd
m 3 whirlwind.
it came to
pals in the days of A-
Their rctingjhtll be like a lion, they £\ haz the fen of Jotham, the fon of
Uzziah king of Judah, tbtt Rezm the
,l rore like young lions: yea, they king of Syria, and Pekah the Ion of V*e-
11 rore and lay hold of the prey,
and i mihah, king of Ifrael, went up towards
1 carry it away fafe, and none mail I Jerufalem to war againft it, but could
ver it. not prevail againft ir.
r And in that day they fhall rore a- i And it was toid the houfe of David,
pit them, like the roring of the fea : I
faying, Syria is contederate with E-
it one look unto the land, behold phraim. And his heart was moved, and
tnefs tna lorrow, and the light is
the heart of his people, as the trees of
<ned in the feavens thereof. the wood are moved with the wind.
„. C A P. VI. H * Then faid the Lord unto lfaiah, Go
Iftttbt vi&tn of the lord, &c.
forth now to meet Ahaz, thou, ana Shear-
. the year Riat king Uzziah died, I jafhub thy ion, at the end of the conduit
aw alfb the LORD
fitting upon a ot the upper pool in the bigh-way of
ne, high and lifted up, and his train
the fullers field :
d the temple.
4 And fay unto them,Take heed, and be
Above it Rood the feraphiras each : quiet ; fear not, neither be faint-hearted
had Cx wing.-; with twain he covered;
for the two tails of thefe fmoking fire-
face, and with twain he covered his
brands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with
and with twain he did fly. Syria, and of the fon of Remaliah
And one cried unto another, and « Becaufe Syria, Ephraim, and the (on

, Holy, holy, holy it the Lord of of Remaliah have taken evil^eounfel a-

«i the whole earth h full of his gainft thee, faying, •

y- 6 L^tus go up againft Judah, and vex

And the pofts of the door moved at it, ai.f let us make a breach therein for

thrift promifed, Ifaiah. Sfriajubiu

us, andfet a king in the midftof it, even thither the fear of briers and thorns
the fon of Tabeal, it (hall be for the fending forth ct

7 Thus faith the Lord God, It fhall and for the treading of lefTer cattk ri

not (land, neither fhall it come to pals. CHAP. VIII,

8 For the head of Syria is Damalcus, and Syria ana IJrael fubducd, &C,
tbeheadofDamafcusnRezin ; and with- Moreover, the LORD l/.d untcju
in threefcore and five years fhall Ephraim Take thee a great roll, and a
be broken, that it be not a people. in 11 with a mans pen, concerning
9 And the head of Ephraim it Samaria, her-ftnlal-ham-baz.
and the head of Samaria is Remahahs x And I took unto me faithful witr :: 1

fon: It ye will not believe, lurely ye fhall to record, Uriah the prieit, and Zl
not Igr eltablifhed. riah the Ion of Jeberechiah.
to J\ Moreover, the Lord fpake again 3 And 1 went unto the prophetefs,
nto Anaz, faying, fhe conceived and bare a fon ; then
Ask thee a lign of the Lord thy the Lord to me, Call his name Ma
God, ask it either in the depth, or in fhalai-hafh-baz.
the height above. 4 For before the child fhall have kr
it But Ahaz laid, I will not ask, nei- ledge to cry, My father and my mot
ther will I tempt the Lord. the riches otDamafcus, and the fpo
And he faid, Hear ye now, houfe O Samaria fhall be taken away before
of David, // it a fmall thing for you to king of Aifyria.
weary men, but will ye weary my God t 11 The Lord fpake alfo unto
alio? again, faying,
Therefore the LORD
himfeif fhall "6 Forfomuch people refufethi
as this
give you a fign, Behold, a virgin ifta.ll waters of Shiloah that go foftly, and
conceive and bear a fon, and lhall call Joyce in Rezin, and Remaliahs fon
his name Immanuel. 7 Now therefore, behold, the ll
it Butter and
hony fhall he eat, that bnngeih up upon them the waters of pr?;
he may know to refufe the evil, and river, ftrong and many, even the kin ili:
choole the good. Alfyria, and all his glory and he f

16 For before the child fhall know to come up over all his chancls, and e<
refufe the evil, and choofe the good, the ver ail his banks.
land that thou abhorreft. fhall be forl'aken 8 And he fhall pafs through Judah .

of both he« kings. fhall overflow and go over, he fhall re I

17 H The Lord fhall bring upon thee even to the neck, and theftretching FT:
and upon thy people, and upon thy fa- of his wings fliall fill the breadt"
thers houfe, days that have not come, land, O immanuel.
from the day that Ephraim departed 9 *l Aflociate your felves, Oyepeoft:'
from Judah ; even the king of Aflyria. and ye fhali be broken in piece-
18 And it fhall come to pafs in that give ear, all ye of far countries: tfk.
day, that the Lord fhall hifs for the fly, your (elves, and ye fhall be br.
that is in theuttermoft part of the rivers pieces; gird vour felves, and ye f

of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the broken in pieces. pF:-
land of Affyria. 10 Takecounfel together, and »t fl|ti .

19 And they fhall come and fhall reft come to nought; fpeak the word,
all of them in the defolate valleys, and lhall not ftand for God is with : .

in the holes of the rocks, and upon all ti fl For the Lord fpake thus to f F;
thorns, and upon all bu'hes. with a ftrong hand, and inftruct
10 In the fame day fhall the LORD that I fhouldnot walk in the way
Jhave with araforriW;'i hired, namely, by people, faying,
them beyond the river, by the king of A(- ix Say ye not, A confederacy, to It
fyria, the head, ami the hair of the feet tbem to whom this people fhall lay, Act
and it fhall alfo confume the beard. federacy ; neither fear ye their tea
n And itfhall come to pafs in that day, be afraid. t.

that a man fhall nourifh a young cow, H SanitifietheLoRfi of hefts hi ml Wit

and two lheep : and to him be your fear, and let hi* lord:
%x And it fhall come to pafs for rhe a- your dread.
rnrhdaneeo' milkftW they fhall ?ive, he t.i And he fhall be tora fanchiary flip fi

lhall eat butrer forbu'terand hony fhall

: for a ftoneof itmnblmg, ar. for '

every one eat that n 1e!t in the land. of offence to bot'i the houfes ot I ra ' !

x ! And it fhall com-: to pafs in that

for a gin, and for a fnarc to the
day, tbft every place fhall be, where tanrs of Jerufalem.
there were a tfioufand vines, at a thou- 1? And many among them fhall ftumlkr,
fand filverlings, it fhall even be for briers and fall, and be broken, and be
and thorns. and be taker.
xi With arrows and with bows fhall 16 Bind uptheteftimony, feal the
men come thither; becaufe all the land among my difciples.
flv. II h>-co.Tie briers and thorns. 17 And'I wHl wait upon the Lord It

it And on all hillsthat Jhall he digged hideth his face from the houfe of Jae
with the nwttock, these fhall not aomc and 1 will look for him.
n \
' .

*x » x -
judgment's tkredtntd
adversaries of Rezin againft him,
joyn his enemies together. an*
h s y na,ls before, and
ftines uI
the Philt-
and they lhall devour Ifrael
19 And when they fhall fay unte you,
with open mouth
ekumo them that have ramiliar ("pints, For all this his :
d unto wizards that peep, and that
lhpuld not a-peopic leek unto their
&s mB? F( * he P e
away but ' his hand '**««?

)rt ? rcr trie living,

to the dead &
hil? that r
him °P ,e turneth not
(miteth them, neither
*io To the law and to the do ihev
teftimony it
(:/ (peak not according to this word,
: feek the LORD of holts.

c at (e tbere '^ no li^Jit in them, 14 Therefore the LORD will cut off
t And ,
they ihallpafs through it, hard-
ea and j»«n&fy and it lhall come
I„!r. i
atwhen he y fi1 ^ 1 be hungry,

hIV Ti} e ancj cr? t and honourable, he fi

"&}L iftr J Pl0phet *
ig, »nJ ni .i
tl,,e 5*' e vcs and curfe their
their J '
God, and look upward.
Steffi gf,
16 For the leaders of this people
Al d ,*?** fha11 look unto the canfe
1? behold, earth-
trouble and darknefs, dim-

tb V W be driven
,^ T ercforc the
n »K
joy in
f hall have no
their young men, neither
fhall have
4«;<y by the
. P.
birth of Cbriji,

thedimnef'sy/^// not be
mercy on their tatherlefs and
tor every one it an
hypocrite, and an Jl
J "" in her vexation, when
r a
"^ every mo H ,h 'peakefh folly :
J,'! For ^n
Fnl all :
iftefirft he f*' anger
this his is not turned away
hshtly afflicted the land of but his hand/5 (tretched out ''
oulun, and the land of (till
Naphtali, and w 'ckednefs burneih' as the
erward did more grievoufly afflict otr
the fea> be >' ond J° rdan i°
fi,l ?! ?, I ,

iilee of the nations.
The people that walked in darknefs,
re at ,I'6 ht: th
'h/i?2jJ /y that dwell lro ug w rath of the
the land of the
, ,
lhadow of death, upon
m. hath the light fruned. '
P of
nf holts
? -

is the land darkned,

and thi
Thou haft multiplied the nation, and people fhall be as the fuel of
no man fhall (pare his the fire-
tf e J °y ^ey joy before thee, brother
«£ r™, :
20 And he fhall fnatch on the

ording to the ,oy in Wveft, and a hand, and be hungry rieht
i re,oyce when they divide thefpoil. 5 } and he fhall 5,r
ori.the left hand, and they
or r hou :

? brokcn the yoke

f d . ..
ndi *he
fied they A»»"e« every man
^5 ^L*
^rodot hisoppretlbr,
Itaff of his ftoulder, fliot of l
nefh his own arm.
as in the day of 2t ManafTeh, Ephraim an-l Pnh M ;™ •

ba, le of the warnour

Manadeh : «f Jg togethefy^^Ti
pf£L£?3 is gainft Judah
u^ tU ed
^*"" and garments rolled
be With burnin " ™£?im™
: For all this his a n«r
7 ' butiiisha ° d
Sot fire
,'c HAP.
For untous'a child is born, unto X.
is given, and the

? U dcr

government fhall
Cuun.eJ er. The
everlaltiDg& Father,'

and h,s namc fliall


The wo of rj/rdttts, &C.
unto them that decree
pus decrees, and that write
wbtebt^y have prefcribel"
n a " d e lhe need from

:e Prince of peace. m^nT "i to y jSde-

ment, and take avvay the right from ,

f nC e re 0f *'"' Sovernment and

»c? i the poor of my people
ice r^ere Jbtll be no end, upon
r*f>-i // A /that widows ma^
th- and tb « ^y may »l
one of David, and upon his kingdom';
order it, and to eftablifh it with
nt and with juitice, from WiM ye d(> ,n the day of
Henceforth viftSn^'S
vuitation, and in the defohi-iou wbid
r er e 2ca! of ^e
l n will
holts *M perform
The Lord fent
a word into Jacob,
C f
? ^ wwiUyele.vl
« ye ? t0 h QI will
?ou r g[ ?v'

.1 hath lighted upon Ilrael

And all the people lhall know, even 4 Without me they fhall bow
hraimand the inhabitants of Samaria «nder the prifo-ers, and thev Halldown
May in the pride and fhwrWfe under the flain For all this his
anger i. :

of r 3Way> bUt bishand ''itretch.

The ed oSr ft,U
brick* are fallen down, but
we t v o A'fvnan, the rod of
,1 build wuh hewn (tones: the mine an-
^^ Sda r e d

Thertfotc the
n ' butwewi,,cha

r ^ ger, and the aaff in their ha d

6 1 will fend
R is mine

him againft an hypocriti-

1 Lord lhall Art u>p the cal nation j «nd«g«inft the people of my

d$jri*U pridt threttntt, Ifaiali. IfttU dtlivtrtnct prom,

«?rtth will give him a charge to take the
I 14 Therefore tbujs faith the L<
fpoil, and to take the prey» and to tread God of hofn, O
my people that d wel I
them down like the mire of the ftrcets. in Zion, be net alraidof the Affi
7 Howbeit, he meanethnotfo, neither he lhall lmite thee with a red, and
doth his heart think To, but it it in his up his ftaft again!* thee, alter
heart to deftroy, and to cut off nations manner of tgypt.
rot a few. i? For yet a very little while, an<
8 For he faith, Art not my princes al- indignation fhall ceaf'e, and mini a
together kings ? in their deftruclion.
9 It rotCalno, as Carchemifh? it not i5 And the Lord of hofts lhall
Hamath, as Arpad ? it not Samaria, as a Icourge for him, according to the flaut!c
Damafcus ? terof Midvan at the rock of Oreb :

to As mv hand hath found the kingdoms a' his rod tpju upon the fea, f'o lhal
cf the ard whole graven images did
idols, lift it up
after the manner of Egyi
excel them ot J erufalem and of Samaria : 17 And it lhall come to pafs in
tt Shall I not, as I have done to Sama- day, ttdt his burden ihall be taken a
ria and her idols, lb do to Jerufalem and from off thy lhoulder, and his yoke 1
her idcls ? off thy neck, and the yoke fhall be
ti Wherefore it fhall come to pafs.fsW ltroyed becaufe of the anointing.
when the Lord hath performed his whole iS He is come to Aiath, he is pa
work upon mcunt Zion, and on Jerufa- toMigron: atMichruafh hehathlaie
lem, 1 will punifh the fruit of the flout his carriages.
heart of the kingof Aflyria, and the glory 19 They are gone over the pafl'age
of his high looks. have taken up their lodging at Gcna, R
i? For he faith, By the ftrength of my mah is afraid, Gibeah of Saul is fled.
hand 1 have done it, and bymywifdom; -.0 Lift up thy voice, O daughter
for I am prudent: and 1 have removed Gallim: caufe it to be heard unto Lai.
the bounds of the people, and have rob- O poor Anathoth.
bed their treafures, and I have put down ;t Madmenah is removed, the inhatl
the inhabitants like a valiant mtn, tants of Gebim gather themfelves ro fie
14 And my hand hath found as a neft the 31 As yet lhall he remain at Nob tr
riches ofthe people: and asonegathereth day. he lhall lhake his hand *g*inji t -

eggs tbtttrt left, have I gathered all the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hl, k ,

earth, and there was none that moved the of Jerufalem.

wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped. .
\i Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hof
ic Shall the ax boaft it felf againft him lhall lop the bough with terror: and t
that hewcth therewith ? or fhall the faw high ones of feature./?;*// be hewn do» felf againft him that fhaketh and the haughty lhall be humbled.
it ? as it the rod ihould fcikzitfelf againft H
And he lhall cut down tftethicki
them that lift it up, or as if the ftaff of the ferefts with iron, and Leban
Ihould lift up it felf, 4i if it vetrt no wood fhall fall by a mighty one.
t6 Therefore ihall theLord, the Lord C H
A P. XI. „, <

of hofts, lend among his fat ones lcannefs, A

brtntb out of tbe root of elje, &C.'
and under his glory he fhall kindle a bur- Nd there lhall come forth a rod c I

ning like the burning of a fire. ofthe ftem of JelTe, and a bran
t7 And the light of Ifracl fhall be for I grow out of his roots.

a fire, and his holy One for a flame and : i And the fpirit of the Lord fhall ft
it Hull burn and devour his thorns and upon him, the fpirit of wifdjm and
his briers in one dav -, demanding, the fpirit of counl'cl at
18 And fhall conl'ume the glory of his might, the fpirit of knowledge, and
forelt, andof his fruitful field, hot n foul the fear of the Lord :

and body : and they lhall bt as when a 3 And lhall makehimof auickuo
itandard-bearer fainteth. ftanding in the fear of the Loup, ar
t9 And the reft of the trees of his forefl lhall not judge after the tight of his 1

lhall be few, that a child may write them. neither reprove after the hearing of
io fl And it fhall come to pr.fs in that ears.
day, tbtt the remnant of Ifracl, and fuch 4 But with righteoufnefsfhsll he jti
asareefcaped of the houfe of Jacob, fhall the poor, and reprove with equity, foi
Co more again itay upon him that fmote meek of the earth and he Hull fa

them: bur thai' flay upon theLoRD, the the earth with the rod of his mouth,
holy One of lfrael, in truth. with the breath of bis lips (hall he
at The remnant lhall return, even the the wicked.
remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. ? And riFhteoHfnefs fhall be the<gi
n For though thy people lfrael be a; of his loyns, and faithfulneis the gi
remnant of them of
the land of ;hefea, ytt a his reins.
fhall return :the confumption decreed 6 The wolf ajfu lhall dwell with
lhall overflow with nghteoufnefs lamb, and the leopard lhall lieilowrn
»} For the Lord God of hofts lhall: the kid: and the calf, and the young
*take a confuraption, even determined nd the fatling together and a little cl
an tbe audit of all the land lhall lead them.

Godmtijhretb brs armies, &c.
T He burden
the (on ot Anioz did fee.
of Babylon, which Ifaiah

z Liit yc up a banner upon the high

mountain, exalt the voice unto them,
lhake the hand, that they may go into
the gates ef the nobles.
3 I have commanded my lanclifled
ones, I have alio called my mighty ones
tor mme anger, even them that rcjoyca
in my hie;linels.
4 The noife of a multitude in the moun-
tains, like as ot a great people: a tumul-
tuous non e of the kingdoms of notionsea-
thered together -the
muftereth the hoft of the battle.
of hSlU LORD
ond time, to recover the remnant of ,f They come from afar country, frortv
(.* people which fh«li be left, rromAlTy-
the end of heaven, even the LORD,
1> and from Egypt, and from Pathros, the weapons of his indignation, to
'd from Cufli, an*l from Elam, and from ftroy the whole land.
linar, and from fciamatri, and from the . 6 H Howl ye, for the day of the LORD
g'lndsofthefea. rj at hand; it fhall come as a
*'! Andhefliall fet enilgn for the up an from the Almighty.
,-ions, and Hull alTemble the outcafts cf 7 Therefore fhalf all hands be faint,
I ael,and gather together the difpetfed of and every mans heart fhall melt.
"'.lah, from the four cornets ct the earth. b And they fhall be afraid: pangs and
Irl The envy alfoof Ephraim lhall de- farrows fhall take hold ot them, they
p a 1 as ? woman that travaiicta :
'"'rt, and the adverfaries of Judah fhall
.cutoff: Ephraim fhall not envy Judah,

e 1
they ^ , ,

fhall be amazed one at another,


1 Judah (hall not vex Ephraim. faces//;..// be mi flames.

{ 4 But they ihall fly upon the (houlders 9 Behold, the day of the Lord com-th.
the Phililtines towards the weft, they cruel bath with wrath, and fierce
te lay the land defolate , and he
"1 fpoil them of the eaft together fhaU'de-
fhall lay their hand upon
Edom ltroy the linners thereof out of it
Moab, and the children of Amnion to For the ftars of heaven,
"and the
11 obey them. conftellations thereof fhall not give
<j And the Lord lhall utterly deftroy light: the Ian fhall be darknedTn
tongue of t-fie Egyptian i'ea, and with ing forth, and the moon lhall not
her hshtto fhine.
mighty wind fhall he fhake his hand
r the river, and lhall fmite it in the n
And I will punifh the world for tbeir
en ftreams, and make men go over evil, and the wicked tor their
-fluid. and 1 will caufe the arrosrancy of ll
6 And there (hall be an high-way for proud to ceafe, and will ""lay i
hau ? [-.tinels of the terrible. 7 ow ththm
remnant of his pc >ple, which (hall
left from AfTyria, ike as it was to u
1 will mike a man more nrecirr*
el in the day that he came up out of than fine gold , even a man than
land of Egypt. den wedge of Ophir. goU
he ° I

C A P. H XII. i? Therefore I will foakr the

i tb<tnl{fyiving for th: mercies efGoi. and the earth fhall remove out of her DlarZ
Nit in that day thou lhalt lay, Lord,O in the wrath of the L O K I> of
holts; a «i
L I will praife thee: though thou waft in the day of his fierce anirer.
;ry with me, thine anger is turned away, U
And it fhall be as the chafed roe, and
thoucomtortedft me. as fheep that no .man taketn up
the* •

. Behold, God it myfalvatiun: 1 will ihall every man turn to his own VeopiZ
ft, and not be at raid 5 for the LORD and flee every one into his own land
i H. O V AH
is my ftrens;th and mj «'• ftv«y one that is found ftaH be
g, he alio isbecoSM my filtration.

taruft through: and every one that ft

Therefore with joy lhall ye draw
joynedurito them-, fhall fall by the
;er oat of the wells ot falvatio'n. 16 Their children alfo fhal!
be dafheA
And in that day fhall ye fay, Praife to pieces before their eyes, their
Lord, call u^on his name, declare fhall be Ipoilerl, and their wiveUaViih
doings among the people, make aicn-
n that his name is exalted.
17 Behold, 1 will llir up the
agamlt them, which fhall not r
Sing unto the Lord for he hath a

known g° ld ' thCy mal f n <*

e excellent things: this ii iu SS"At in i it*'
the e^rth. •
i8 Tbeir bows alfo fhall dafhthe vorrnff
Cry out and fhout, thou inhabitant of men to pieces, and they fliill
have no
for great ii the holy One of ifrael Pity on the fruit of the wombj their
in '

Ifthc rauiit of thee. fhall not (par* thildrtn.
* »9 TI Af*|

Ifistli rs/ldurttion. Tf C.«d

t-9 v Yxi Babjjlnp the glory of king- willafcen

I I xa r

doms* th: weauty of the ChaJeees excel- throne aos '•_• the liars of God : 1 will
lency, fhall he as when God overthrew alio upon the mount ot the congregate

Sodom and Gomorrah. in the fides ot the north.
to never be inhabited, neither
It fhall [4 I will attend above the heights
Jhall ->e dwelt in
it lrjm generation to the clouds, 1 will be like the moit ifiy
generation: neither fh 3 the Ar2bi2n '. I i? Yet tl.ou fhalt be brought clown
l>uch tent there, neither fhall the fhep- hell, ro the (ides of the pit.
lierds mak.- their told there. 16 They that fee thee, lhall narrow
n But wild bcafts ot the defert (hall look upon thee, *nd confider thee* f*yh
lie there, and their houfes (hall be full ot I I this the man that mar.: the earth

ctolctul creatures and owls (hall dwell tremble, that did iiiake kingdoms?
there, and latyres fhall dance there. 17 ibi' made the world as a wildernc
li And the wild beafts ol the illands and deftroyed the cities thereof, tbxt
fh.aH cry in the r deli>Utc li ;ufes, and dra- ithe houfe o f his prifoners ?
gons in f*:rV pleafart palaces: and her tb> All the kings ot the nations, evtn :

time i f near to come, and her days fhall of them he in glory, every one in his ox
i*)t be prolonged. houle.
A P. XIV. 19 But thou art caft out of thy grav
Godi refiiurn'.ion of IJ/xtl, &c\ like an abominable branch: sad *s t
FOrcob,theandLord will have mercy on
will yet chooie lirael, and
Ja- raiment of tbo/t tbu tre (lain, thn
through with a fweid, that go down
let them in their own and the ftran-
land : the ltones ot the pit, as a catcafc trod'
gers lhall be joyned with them, and they under teet.
ftiai-l cleave to the houfe of Jacob. ie Thou fhalt not be joyned with the
i And the people fhall take them, and in burial, becaufe thou halt deftroyed tl
brn I them to their place and the houle :
land, and flain thy people: the feed
of 1 racl fhall poffetsthem in the land of evil doers fhall never be renewned.
the Lord, tor fervants and handmaids: it Prepare (laughter for his children f
a-nd they fhall take them captives, whole the iniquity ot their father- ; that they <

captives they were, and they fhall rule o- not rile, norpcflels the land, nor fill tl
ver their opprelVors. tace of the world with cities.
3 And it lhall come to pals in tne day li Fori will rife up againft them, f'af
that the LORD
ftul' give thee reft from the Lord of holts, and cut off from B:
Ihy forraw, and from thy fear, and from bylon the name, and remnant, and ft
the hard bondage wherein thou waft made and nephew, faith the Lom>.
tu lerve, 1? I will alfo make it a pofiefTion ft
4 11 That thou fhalt take up this pro- the bittern, and pools of water, and
verb arainft the king of Babylon, and will Iweep it with the boldm of Jt
fay, How hath the opprellbr cca.ed! the ftruction, faith the of holts. LORD
.golden city ccafed i
14 H The ot hofts hath fwon
> The Lord hath broken the ftaff of
laying, Surely as I have thought, lb (ha
the wicked, u»Jthe fecprrepf the rulers. itroma to pais; and as I have iurpolei
6 He who ("mote th .: people in wrath fo -fhall it flam: ;
with a continual ftroke i he that ruled a? Thar I will break the Affyrian in rt
the nations in ang.^r, is perkcuted, *n.i land, and upon my mountains tread hii
teone hindieth. under root: tnen fhall his yoke depat
7 The whole earth is at reft and is quiet from off them, and his burden d»pa:
they break forth mo
liiiging. from oft" their fhoulders.
8 Yea, thertr-tJuiijes rej .>-ce at thee, *nd 16 This n the purpofe tbtth n«rpc fe
fciecedarsof Lebanon, fa Sincet'.ou the whole earth and this r"i the hag
, :

art laid down, no feller is come up againft

rbatii ftretcriedout upon all the nations.
us. i~ Fir the 0: holts hath pi LORD
o Hell from beneath is moved forth-e and wno fhall difannul it ? and his hand!
retch -d out, and who (hall turn
te meet tbt'e at thy coming: it ftirrethup ft
the dead for thee, 'evtn all the cbveH ones 18 In the year that king Ahaz died,«|
ofthecarth, it hath raited u-> from their thisbteden.
thrones a'l the kmgs ot the nations. 19 V Rejoycenot »hou whole Paleftirw
to. AH they fhall (peak
afid lay un-o becaure the rod of him that
thee, Art thou alio become weak a« we ? broken: fot.uf of the ("erpen-s root fhaJ
art tno'.i become like unto
us ? come lorMi a cockatric?, and his fnii
i Th pomp is brought down to the jl.ult be afi'rv frvir.c; ferpent.

*rave, mi
the .ore of thy viols- the ;o And the firlt-oorn of the poor fhal
3roRi (.'read under thee.
. the M& worm
fc?J- a".d then;edy fhall lie down
ana iwi't kit' thy root with tjmme
cov:f the *• ,

thou faPen from heaven, and he fhalMav*hv remnant.

u How an -orbing bone art* Ho'-l, O
'-aie; cry. O
O IttCifer, for of the !
3i cit
u'kM<* Paleftira *rt ditVolved: f<
thou cu'down tothc ground, w:nchdidft
weaken the nations ! - fin'! Gome from '.he no-th a fmc

^ For thou haft faid thine bent. m noneJhtU li alonainhuappoiruv. rimes

:i Whtt
\Modhs lamentable jiitt. Chap. xtr. Xfri. xvii. Her judgment.
31 What fhall onetfren anfwer the mef- 7 Therefore (hall Moab howl lor Ma.
ngers ot the nation? That the LOUD ab, every one ihali howl i r the foun- :

|Uh founded Zion, and the poor ot his dations ot Kir-harefeth fhall ye mourn
le (hall trull in it. 1'urelv they tre ftricken.
C H A P, XV. i For the fields ot Hefhbon »3npuifii.
The lamentable ft ate of Mlo.-.b. and the vine ot Sibmah, the lords ot the
e burden of Moab. Becaule in the heathen have bioken down the principal
night Arof Moab is laid walte, and plants thereof, they arc ccsie evtn unto
ght to tilenfe ; becaufe in the night Jazer, they wandred through the wild t-
Moab is laid walte, and brought to Rei's, her blanches are Itrotchedout,
en co : ara gone over the lea. J
i H?isgoneuptoBajith, and to Dibon, 9 11 Therefore I will bewail with the
e high places, to weep: Moab lh.aU weeping of Jazer, the vine of Sibmah f
wl over Nebo, and ever Medeba, on Will water thee with my tears,
their heads./**// be baldnefs, and e-
and for the fhoutii.gtbr thy dim-
ry beard cut ott". mer- fruits, and for thy harvelt, is jailer].
? In their ttreetsthev (ball gird theiw- to And gladnefs is taken away, and io»
Ives with fackcloth on the-iops of their
: outotthe plentiful field, and inthe vine-
aides, and in their (treets every ene fhall yards there (hall be no linging, neither
weeping abundantly,
'Iwl, (hall there be Ihouting the (readers
lhaJI :

U And Hefhbon (hall cry, and Elealeh : tread cut no wine in their prefles;
1 have

eu voice fhall be heard iven unto Jahaz : made tbetr vintage. {houtwg to ceafe
refore the armed (bldiers of Moab fhall Wherefore my bowels (hall found
f ou.t, his life (hall be grievous unio him. like an harp tor Moab, and mine
My heart fhall cry out for Moab, his inward
» parts torKir-harefh.
gitives;**// J?«untoZoar, an heifer of Andi'
ii 11 fhall come to pafs, when it
ree years old: for bv the mounting up is luen that Moab is weary on the
Luiiith with weeping fhall they go it hieti
place, that he (hall come to his
lor in -he way of Horonaiui, th ev-
lancluai v
: to pray, but he lhall not prevail
il raiie up a cry of deftruction.
This is, the word that the LORD
5 For the waters of Niairim fhall be hath inoken concerning Moab
folate for the hay is withered away,
: time.
; giafsfaileth, there green thing.

Therefor* the abundance they have

14 But now the hath fpdken, LORD
faying, Within three year* as the
ten, and that which they have laid otan .hireling, and the glory of yeara Moab
fhall they carry away to the brook fhall be contemned) with all that creat
the willows. multitude; and the remnant Jb*u be
Far the cry is gone round about the verv
Imall and feeble.
dcrs ot Moab the howling thereof

EglaLm, and the howling thereof

and IJracl tbreatned,

Beer-elim. TSyrta
He burden ot Damalcus. &C
Forthe watersof Dimon (hall be full LiehoM,
Bamafcus is taken away from btint
rood: for I wiil bring more upon Di- a city, and it (hall be aruinoui heap
li»nsupdnhi:tt that eicapeth of Mo.
i The cities ot Aroer art forraker*t
and upon the remnant of the land they fhall be for flocks which
CHAP. XVI. lie
down, andnone(h.dlm 3 <kefi>«malra;d
Moab is exhorted ,0 obedience. Sic. >
A The fortrel sal fo fhall ceale from £-
End ye the lamb to the ruler of the land phrsim, and the kingdom iron
from Sela to th-r wildernefs, unto the
and the remnant or Syria thev fhall be « :
pot of the daughter of Zion. the glory ct the children of lifael,
For it fhall be that as a wandring bird fait*-
out of the nelt, fo the daughters of
the holts.LORDof '

4 And in that day it iha!I-come to n 5 r£ ,
ab fhall be a' the fords of Amor,. Mm* the- glory ot T'cob fhall be
Take oounfel, execute judgment, thin, and the fatirels of his
ke thy fhadow as the night in the wax lean.
rleih (h **
. A
Hit of the noon-day, hide thcoutcaits,
^ And it fhall be as when the harvefe.
'ray not him that •wandreth.
mangathereth the corn, and reaneth "the
Let mine outcafts dwell with thee, e ara with his arm ; and itihall be as
9b, be thott a covert to them from the he that
gathereth ears in the valley 0. Rephai'tn
; of thefpoiler- for the extortioner is
nend, the fpoilercealeth, theopprel- .
6 (H Yet gleaning-grapes lhall be tefc
in it, as the (raking of an ohve-tree,
areconfumedoutof the land. two
or three berries in the top of the
And in mercy fhall the throne be e fis- moil boueh, four or five in the rtrmoff
hed, and he fhall lit upon it in truth, in ffiritfiil branches thereof, faith
tabernacleot David, judging and feek- God of Ifrael.
the LORD
judament, and halting righteoufnefs. 7 At that day (hall a man look to
We have heard of the pride of tiaker, and hiseyes (hall have reipeft
Si), (he is very proud) evm of his the holy One of Ifrael.
ahtinels, and his pride, and his wrath
8 And he fhall nor look to th altars

his lies frail not be lb. the work ot his hands, neither Aall rejpeft
t V 1 tbjx
; 5

Xbe xto of Ifraeti enemies, lfa Jh. Egfptt confufio

tbAt which his fingers have made, either to the place oF the name of the Loa
the groves, or the images. ) htlts, thcnioup.t zion.
9 11 In that day fhall his ftrong cities CHAP. XIX.
be as a terfaken bough, and an upper- Igypts confufion, &c.
molt branch, which they left, bccaule of "TRe burden of Egypt. Behold,
the children of lf'rael: and therefhall be 1 LORD rideth upon a (wilt ckCfi
del'olatron. and fhall come into Egypt, and the i
10 Becaufethou haft forgotten the God ot Ezfpt ihall b&enovcdat his prelei
ot thy falvation, and halt not been mind- and the heart of Egypt fhall melt in
fill ot the rock ot thy ltrength : therefore midlt of it.
fhalt thou plant plcaiant plants, andlhall i And I will fet the Egyptians ag;
fet it with ftrange- (lips : the Egyptians and they fhall fight ei

ri iFithc day (halt thou make thy plant one againft his brother, and every
to grow, and in the morning ihalt thou againft his neighbour ; city againft <
makethay feed icfloyrifh: but the hal- find kingdom againlt kingdom.
ved jball be a heap in the day of grief, and * And thefpirit of Egypt fhall fai
ot riefperate lorrow. the midlt thereof; and I will deftroy
ir 51Wo to the multitude of many counfel thereof: and they fhall lee
people, wtiib make anoile like the noile the idols, and to the ckarmers, an.
of the feas; and to the ruftiingof nations, them that have familiar fpirits, an (

that make a rufhing like the ruflung of wizards.

Blighty waters. A And the Egyptians" will I give Oft .

i? The nations fhall rufh like the rufh- into the hand of a cruel lord; and'
ing ot many waters but God ihall rebuke fierce king fhall rule over them, faith

them, and they fhall flee far oft", and fhall Lord, the Lord of hofts.
bejehifed as the chaff of the mountains i And the waters fhall fail from the I

before the wind, and like a rolling thing and the river fhall be waited and dr
before the whirlwind. up.
14 And behold, at the evening-tide trou- 6 And they fhall turn the rivers far
ble, and belore morning he it not way, and the brooks ot defence fhall
this it the portion of them, that fpoil us, emptied and dried up: the reeds s
and the lot of them that rob us. nags fhall wither.
CHAP. XVI II. . 7 The paper-teeds by the brooks,

Gods care of bis people, &c. the mouth of the brooks, and ev'
WO to the land lhadowing with thing fown by the brocks fhall with
wings, which ii beyond the rivers be driven away, and be no nnrt.
of Ethiopia : 8 The rifhers alfo mall mourn, and
z That fendethambafladors by the fea, they thatcalt angle intsthe brooks fh
even in veflels of bulrufhei upon the wa- lament, and they that fpreaij nets up
ters, fsyjr.g, Go yeiwiit meffengers to a the waters fhall languifn.
nation fcatered and peeled, to a people 9 Moreover, they that work in fi
terrible from their beginning hitherto 5 a flax, and they that weave nct-woi
nation meted out and troJen down, whofe fhall be confounded.
land the rivers have fpoiled. 10 And they fhall be broken in t
7, All ye inhabitants of the world, purpol'es thereof, all that make flu-
and dwellers on the earth, fee ye, when and ponds for fifh.
he lifteth up an enfign on the moun- ii n Surely the princes of Zoan ,, ,

tains i and when he bloweth a trumpet, fools, the counfel of the wife counfelh ijr;
hear ye. of Pharaoh is become brutifh howl :

4 For To the LORD faid unto me, I will ye unto Pharaoh, I am the fon of. tt
take my relf, and I will confider in my wife, the fon of ancient kings?
«iwellin?-place like a clear beat upon it Where art they ? where are thy ttT
herbs, *nd likeacJotid ot dewintheheat men ? and let them tell thee row, and |Ci
of harvefl. them know what the Lord of holts hih
5 For afcre'the harveit when the bud purpofed upon Egypt. ;•

is perfeft, and the Ibwre grape is ripen- H The princes ot Zoan are bcotf;
ing in the flower ; he (hall both cut off the fools, the princes o( Noph are deceiFjfc
the fpri-ss with pruning-houks, and take they have alfo feduced Egypt, even (IL
away and cut down the branches. that are the flay of the tribes thereof. .4.
6 They fnall be left together unto the i4 The LORD
hath mingled a pel;
fowls of the mountains, an«l to the beaits verfe fpirit in the audit thereof: aiL
Of the earth: and the towls fhall fumnier they have caufed Egypt to err in eveE
upon them, and all the beatts of the earth work thereof, as a drunken »»<»" ftagg$|«
ihall winter upon them. eth in his vomit.
7 11 In that time ihall the prefent be 1 Neither fhall there be any work ft»
brought unto the Lonn of hafts, of' a peo- Egypt, which the head or tail, branm
ple Icattercd and peeled, and trom a peo- or rufh may do.
ple terrible from their beg inmg hitherto ; day fhall Egypt belikeonft
16 In that
a nation meted out and troden under women: and it fhall be afraid and leak
jfcot, whole land the rivers have ipoiled, becaufe of the making of the hand <L

.: JfE&pt to tbt cburcb Chap. XX XXi, xxii.

. Bibylon\ fmU,
^ L O R D of hofts, which he fhakr th CHAT 1 .'
er it. Tbcf.xll of Btbylonfosefeen, &c.
;|7 Andthelandof judabfhatl be ater- •"T^FIe burden of the defert of the fca.
unto Egypt, every one that maketh
r X As whirlwinds in the" lbuu pafs
M'ntion thercof.fhall be afraid in lumfelfA through ; So it cometh from the defert,
fSraufe ef the coiinfel of the of LORD from a terrible land.
'lits.which J.e hath uctermined againft it. i A grievous vifion is declared unto me,
,18 11 In thatday ihall five cities in the the treacherous dealer dealeth treache-
pd of Egypt fpesk the language of Ca- roiifly, and the fpoiler fpoileth : go up,
ian, and fwearto the Lf
R Dot' hofts: Elam : beiiege, O
Media all the:

"Je fliall be called the eity ot deflrudfton. fighing thereof have 1 made to c.-afe.
J 9
In that day fhall there be aft altar to 3 Therefore are my loyns filled with
ft! Lord in the midft of the land of E- pain-, pang's have taken hold upw mr;, i

fpt, and a.piJlar at the border thereof as the pang* of a woman that ff availeth t
•,]tne Lord. 1 was bowed down at the hearing of it % I

fio And it fhall be for a fiKn, and for a was difmayed at the feeing of it.
jmefs i;nro the Lord of hoft's in the land 4 My heart panted, fearfulnefs adright-
v Egypt "for they fhail cry unto the
: cd me: thenightof mv pleafurehath he
5|)RD hecaufe of the oppreilors, and he turned into fear unto me.
Rail fend thefli a faviom and agreatonc, K Prepare the table, watch in the watch-
id he fhall deliver them. tower, eat, drink arife, ye princes, tni

And the fhail be known to
Lord anoint the fhield.
".kypt. and the Egyptians fhall know the Loud faid untome.
* For thus hath the
bRD in that day, and (hall do faerih'ce Go, fet a watchman, 'let him declare
.Id oblatien, yea, they fhall vow a vow what he fecth.
'mo the Lord, and perlotrn it. 7 And he law a chariot vr>Ub' a couple of:,
'it AndtheLoRDfhall finite Egypt, hi borlemen, a chariot of aflVs, tni acha-"
Ull fnntc and heal ?«, and fhey ihall r«- riot of camels ; and he hearkned dili-
n tven to the Lord, and he fhall be gently with .much heed.
reatedofthem, and fhall heal them. 8 And he cried, A
lion: my lord, 1
5i Inthatdav fhall there be a high- ftand continually upon the watch'-touvr in
youtof Egypt to Affyria, andthe Af- the day-time, and I am. fet in my ward
nan fhall come into Egypt, and the whole nights.
rjptian into Ailyria, and the Egyptians 9 And behold, he»e cometh a chariot o c
ill ferve with the Affyn ass. men, with acoupieof horfe-msn and he :

4 In that day fhall Ifrael be the third anfwered and faid, Babylon is fall-n, is
th Egypt, and with Affyria, tvtn a fallen; and all the graven images of hec-
:ifing in themidlt of the land : geds he hath broken unto the ground.
.i Whom the Lord of hofts fhall biefs, to Omy threfhing, and the corn of ray
mg., BlefTed It Egypt my people, and floor: that which I have he?.rd of the
fyriathe work of my .hands, and Ifrael Lord of hofts the God of Ifrael, have 1
ne inheritance. declared unto you.
CHAP. XX. u 11 The burden of Dumah. Hecalleth
Tbt captivity of Ezypt *ni EtbiopU. to me eut of beir, Watchman, what of the
N the year that Tartan came unto A'Ti- night ? watchman, what of the night ?
dod C when Sargon the king of Affyria ti The watchman faid, The morning
nt him) and fought againft Afhdod, cometh, and alfo the night: if ye wiH
d took it enquire, enquire ye: return, come.
At the fame time fpake the Lord by u U The burden upon Arabia. In the
aiah the fon of Amoz, faying, Go, and foreftin Arabia fhall ye lodge, ye tra- O
Die the fackcloth from off thy loyns, and velling companies of Dedanim.
t off thy fhoe from thy foot And he did : 14 The inhabitants ef the land of Tenia
walking naked and bare-foot. brought water tc him that was thirity,
t* And
the Lord faid, Like ssmy fer- they prevented with their bread him"
nt Ifaiah hath walked naked and bare- that fled.
st three years/or a fign and wonder up- i? For they fled from,, the Uvords, fron
; Egypt, and upon Ethiopia: the drawn fword, and from the bent bow,
ir So fhall the kir.g of Atfyria lead away and from the grievoufnelsof war.
s E5\'ptian$ pnlbners, and the Ethio- i6 For thus hath the LORD faid unto
ans captives, young and old, naked me, Within a year, according to the
A bare- foot, even with their buttocks years of an hireling, and all the gloryr
covered, tothetoame of tr.ypt. of Bedar fhall fail.
ii And they fhall be afraid and afhamed 17 And the rewdue of the number of
Ethiopia their expectation, and of archers, the mighty'men of the childrei
Kypt their glorv. ofKedar fhall be divninifhed ior th> :

5 And the "inhabitant of this ifle fhall LORD God of Ifrael hath fnoken/'r.
y in that day, Behold, ftich it our cx- C H A P: XXII.
£tation whither we flee for help to be ThePerfiirn invndt fury, &c.
livered from the kingof Aflyria
>w (hall w_e, efcape ?
and ;
THe burden of the valley of vifron.'
What- aileth thee now, that thou
Y-3- art"
Tbt invA/ien of^ury by tbe Ptrjit*s. ITaiah. The overtbrdw of T%rt
art wholly pone up to the houte-topi ? ir 11 And it (hall come to pal's in
x Thou an lull ol ltirs, a tumultuous ay, that I will call my fervant Eliaki
City, ajoyouseitj) thy f}ain men are not
the ion of Hilkuh :

fluin with the iword, nor dead in battle. xt And I will clothe him with thy rob ¥
3 All thy rulers are fled together, thev and ftrengthen him with thy girdle, ail'
arc hound by the archers : all tbst art I will commit thyinto hfgovernment
*3iind in thee a*c bound together, vebieb hand, and be
father to the ir f
lie (hall a
have fled from tar. habitants or Jctul'alem, and to the hour
4 Theretore (aid I, Look away from of Judah.
me, I will weep bitterly, labour nor to xi And the key of the houle of Davi •
tonvorr me becatrfe or" the (boiling or
; will I lay upon his lhouldcr fo he (ha I :

thedau '-..r^r ot my people. open, and none (hall fhut, and he /ha I
? For";?/^ day of trouble, and of trad- llMit, and none fhall open.
ing down, andol perplexity by the Lord . x; And 1 willfaiteri him»r a nail in
GOu ot holts in the valley of viiion,
lure place; and he fhall be for aglcrioul
breaking down the walls, and of crying throne to his fathers houle.
to the mountains. x4 And they (hall hang upon him all th
6 And Elam bare the quiver with cha- glory of his lathers hojfe, the offsprin'
riots ct men *nd horfemen, and Kir un- aid the tftie, all vefTelsof (mall quantity
covered theihie-ld. from the veftels of cup;, even to all th'
7 And it fhsil come to pafs tbit thy vefTelsof flagons.
choiceft valley, fhall be full of chariota,
and the horlcmen iliall fe: themfelves in
xt In that day, faith the
hofts, fhall the nail that it faftned ir
aray at rh- gate. the Cure place, be removed, and be cm
8 '*: And he down and tall and the burden that w#r
difcovered the covering of -,

Juda.h, and thou didlt Jooki.n that day to upon it (hall be cut off: for the Loao hath
the armour ct the hou'c of the foreft. (poken it.
9 Ye have feen alio the breaches of the
city of David, that they are many
and :
Tbt overthrow of Tyre, «cc.
ye gathered together the waters of the *"pMe burden of Tyre. Howl, ye fhifi
lower pool. 1 ot Tarftiiih-, for it is laid wafte, To
to And ye havenumbred the houfes of that there is no houfe,no emnng in:
Jerufalem, andthchoufes have yebroken from the land of Chittim it is revealed
down to iartifie the wall. to them.
n Ye made alio a ditch between the x Be dill, ye inhabitants of t
two walls, for the water cf the old pool: ifle, thou whom the merchants
but ye have n-;t looked unto the maker
thereof, neither had refpect unto him that *epleni(hed.
Zidon, that pal's over the fca, hav ti
fajhioned n Jor>g ago. 1 And by great waters the feed of Sihor,
ix And jn that day did the Lord Goo the harveft of the river it kcr revenue,
of hols call to weeping, and to mour- and (he is a mart ot nations.
ning, and to baldnefs, and to girding 4 Be thou afhamed, Zidon i for tfte O
with fackcloth :
lea hath fpuken, even the itrength of the
i? And behold, joy and gladnefs, (lay- (ea, laying, I travail not, nor bring forth
ing oxen, and killing Iheep, eating flclh, children, neither do I nourifh up young
a_nd drinking wine > let us eat and drink, men, nor bring up virgins.
for to morrow we mail die. f As at the "report concerning Egypt,
14 And it was revealed in mine ears by fo (hall they be lorely pained at the re-
the LORD of bolts. Surely this iniquity port ot Tyre.
ih all not be purged from you, till ye die, 6 Pafs ye over to Tarfhifh> howl, re-
faith the Lord Go'J of holts. inhabitant of the ifle.
is 11 Thus faith the Lord Goo of hofts, 7 /' this your loyouacr'^,
Go, get thee unto this treafurer, even un- ty it of ancient days? her own leetihall
to Shr-bna, which it overche houlc, ani/ay, carry her afar off to fojourn.
16 What haft thou here ? and whom 8 Who
hath taken this counfcl againft
baft thou here, that thou haft hewed thee Tyre, the crowning w>, whole merchant!
out a fepulchre here, ai he that heweth him are princes, whofe'traffickers art the ho-
out a fepulchreon high, tnd that srraveth nouraialeof the earth ?
an habitation for hi mfelf in a rock ? 9 The LORDo: holts hath purpoled it.
17 Beheld, the Loro will carry thee to ftain the pride of all gkwy, *ni to
away with a mighty captivity, and will bring into contempt all the honourable
fure'ly cover ihee. of the earth.
ib" He willfurc-ly violently turn and tofs 10 Pafs through thy land as a river,
thee, ttlft a ball into a laree country : O
daughter of Tarlhiih tberi it no more :

there (halt thou die, and there the cha- itrength.

riots of *hv glory jhtll h the lhamc ot thy ti He ftretched Mt his hand over the
lords hoii'eV Tea, he (hook the kingdoms the : LORD
19 And I will drive thee from thy na- hath given a comnandmsnt asiamlt the
tion, a.-d fre.u thy lute ftialJ he pull merchant-c/f/, to dfftroy the ftrong hold* down, thereof. . J
u An*

;!f upon tie!. Chap. X' iv, xxv. A reruns*' flail Praift <

he laid, Thou lhalt no more re- 1 3 The
city of ccnfulion is broken down:
Hfcc, O then opprelfed virgin, daughter everv hovrle is fhuiup, that no man may
Zid;n: anie, pa:'« over to Ciuttim
; come in,
| ere alio (halt'tho.i have nor .-It. ii Tart it a crying for wine in the
«n Behold, the land of the Chaldeans ItreetSi all joy is da:kr,cd, the muth of
I is people was not till th» AtVyrian foun- the lar.d is. gone.
in •! it tor them that dwell in the wil. iz In the city is left ddbl at ion, and tha
y" rncis they fct up the towers t.iereot
•/ate is f&mttenwitb deftrUction.
j:y railed up the palaces thereof, tmd -
11 When
thus it fliaMbe.inthe.midft
of. the land among the people, there
til brought it to ruin, .u',' ./•'.

ilju llo.vl, ve Ihipsot'Tariliifh: forycu he as the fhaking of an olive-tree, *nd as-

Heoftfl is lud wade. the gkaning-grape» when the vintage is'
[ii And itihall co/iietopafsin that da\ done.
liar Tyre mail be fortrotton leyemv year's 14 Thev
ih3ll lift up their voice, they
Jcosdmg tothedays'ot one kins' : afte't fit .11 ling for the majelty ot the D, LOR
end 01 levemy years fhall Tyre
|: fin" they cry a'.ou.i tr'om the fea.
an h-.r!u. ii Wherefore glonlie ye the Lord in
g|[6 Take an harp, go about the citv, -the fires, .cvj.'Mhs nameo' the Lord God
:PU harlot that halt been !c rgotten, make ot Lrael intheiflesol thel'ea.
jeet m.-icdv, ting many fangs, tha t5 ^ Ftom the utterniolt part of the
J3u may It be remembred. earth have we heard longs, evpn r/lory ta
t7 11And it fhall come to
pals after th- the righteous : but I laid, My lear.neis,
years, that the Loud will
dot leventy my leannels, wo unto me: the treache-
lit Tyre, and
flie lha-l! turn ;o her hire, rous dealers have treacherously,
dtflall rommi: fornication with ail the yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt
n/domsof the world upon the face ol very treachcroullv.
: earth. ii Fear, and the pit, 2nd the fnare art
18 And her merchandife, and her hire upon thee, (^inhabitant or the earth.
all be kotinefs to the Louo: it fhall \S And it fhall come to pal's,, that he who
t be t rehired nor laid up for her mer- . fleeth froiuthenoile ot the fear, fhall laH
andile lhail be for them that dwell be- into the pit i arid he that coweth up out
re the LORD,
to eat fiifficiently, and -of the midft ot the pit, fhall be taken
r durable clothing. in the (hare for the windows Irum on

C H A P. XXIV. high are open, and the foundations ol th;

uoat judgment upon tbe had, Sec. 1
, earth do ftiake.
JEhold, the LORD
makcth the earth 19 The earth is utterly broken down,
1 e npiy, and maketh it wide, and We earth u
ilaan diffolved, the cartb
neth it upfide down, and fcattereth is moved exceedingly.
road the inhabitant thereof. ioThe earth ftal* reel
to snd fro like *
And it fhall be, as with the people,
, drunkard, and fhall be removed like a
with tD« pried ; as with the fervant, cottage, and the tranigreffion thereof
with Tii? matter ; as with the maid, fhall be heavy u;>oji it, and it fhall tall,
with her nuitrefsi as with the buyer and rot rife again.
with tne feller as with the lender,
it Anil it fhaflconetopafsin that day,
with the borrower ; as with the taker <*af the Lord foal' puni.Ch the hofc of tha
ulury, lb with the giver of ulury to high ones tbjit *rt on high, and the kings
of the esrth upon the earth.
? The land fhall be utterly emptied, ii And they fhall be gathered together
d utterly fpoilei: for the LORD hath tf'Wifoners are gathered in the pit, a.-,d
iken th.s word. fhall be fhur up in the priibn, and after
* The earth mourneth »**fadetri away, many days fhall they be vifited.
fi world languifheth *nl fa4«th away, i' Then the moon fhall be confounded,
haughty people of the earth do lari- and the fun afhamed, when the Q*'
hofls fhalj reign in mount Zion &nd in
k The
earth alfe is dafiled under the JeralaJcm, and before his ar.cients glori-
Habitant* thereot became they have :
mfgreded the laws, changed the ordi-
nce, broken the evertaltirm covenant.
The froptit fna/ett Cod, Sec.
5 Theretore hath the rurfe devoured (~\ LORD, thou art my God, I will exajf
e earth, and they that dwell therein are will prajle fch-> name: ffjK
V_y thee, 1
folate: therefore the inhabitants of the t!)cu haft dene wonderful things j tbj
rth are burned, and few men left. counfeh of old <i^fa:>::Ui!':tt";. if;.i "truth.
f. The new wine mourneth, the vine lan-- x For thou halt made of a city, an heap ;
ifheth, all themerry-hcarted do figh. of a defence^ city, a ruir. a p?lace of :

i The
mirth of tabrets csafeth, the noife ttrarigers, to be no city, it fhall never
them that rejoyce'endeth, the joy of be built.
: harp ceafeth. ; Therefore fhall the people ftroflR
f They fk»ll not drink wine with a glorifis thee, the city of the terrible na-
ir, ler.-ngdrir.k ftall be b.uer KH. icii ;
rions P.:all fear thee.
it drink it. -1 For thou haft beer a.'trrngth to tye
Y 4 peer, .
[faiah, Tin T<

xxNow therefore be ye rot mockers, | 9 1! S?a} your felves and wander, cry
left your bands be made ftrong lor I" :
ye out, and cry: they are drunken, bift
nave heard from the Lord God of holts a not with wine ; they ltagger, but 1.0*
conlu-uption, even determined upon the with ftrong drink.
whole earth. to For the Lord hath ponred out upon
iMi Give ye ear, and hear my voice ; you the fpirit of decpfleep, and hath do-
hearken and hear my fpecch. led your eyes: the prophets and your ru-
i* Duth the plowman plow all day to lers, the leers hath he. covered.
(low? doth he open and break the clods 11 And the vifion of all is become unto
Or his ground? you, as the wordsof a book tbxtii iealed,
it When he hath mads plain the face which men deliver to one that is learned,
thereof, doth he 09t caft abroad the fit- {aytng, Read this., 1 pray thee ; and he
ches, and ("catter rne cummin, and caft in faith, I cannot, for itis Iealed:
*he principal wheat, and the appointed 11 And the back is delivered to him
barley, and the rie in their place ? that is not learned, faying, Read this, I
16 For Jus (iod doth inttrudt him to dif- pray thee ; and he faith, I am not lear-
^retion, and doth teach lam. ned.
17 Fcr the fitches are not threfhed with H j) Wherefore the Lord faid, Foral-
a threfhing-jn.'trument, neither is a cart- much as this people draw near m< with
wheel turned about upon the cummin their mouth, and with their lips do ho-
but the fitches are beaten out with nour me, but have removed their heart
ltafr, and the cummin with a rod. tar froui me, and thcu fear towards me
xt Bread-co.w is bruiJeJ ; becaufe he is taught by the precept of men:
will not ever be threfhing it, nor break 14 Therefore behold, I will proceed to
tt witfi the wlieel of his cart, nor bruiie do a marvellous work amongit this peo-
it with his horlcmen. ple, even a marvellous work and a won-
19 This al,'o cometh forth from the der : lor the wifdom e: their wile men
Lord of holts, vnbiob is wonderful in fhall penfh, and the underitanding of
oounlel. and excellent in working. their prudent men be hid.
C H A P. XXIX. i> Wounto them that feek deep to kide
fiodi heavy judgment ufon JerttftleiH, &C their counfel from the Lord, and thcit

let them
to Ariel, ttr Ariel the city vobere
David dwelt: add ye year to year ;
kill Sacrifices.
works are in the dark, and they fav,
who (eeth us? and v.^io knoweth us*'
16 Surely your turning of thines upii'de
1 Yet I will dittrefs Ariel, and there down fhall be efteemed a? the potters
thai! be heavinefs ami forrow aad it :
clay: tor fhajl the work fay of him that
fliall be unto me as Ariel. made it, He made me not? or fhall the
3 And I will camp againft thee round thicg Iramed fay of him that framed it,
about, and will lay fiegc agamlt thee He h*d no underltanding ?
with a mount, and I will rail'e forts a- 17. If it not yet a very little while, and
8 gainft thee. Lebanon fhall be turned into a fruitful
4 And thou fhalt be brought down, tni field.and the fruitful field fhall be efteenu
fhalt ("peak out of the ground, and thy ed as a foreft >
fpeech fhall be low out of the duit, and \i fl And in that day fhall the deaf
Ihv voice fhall be as of one that hath a hear the oi the book, and the ayes
familiar fpirit, out of the ground, and thy o! the blind fhall fee out of oofcurity, and
fpeech fhall whifper out of the duft. out of darknefs.
5 Moreover, the multitudeof thy fban- 19 The meek alfo fhall increafe fiw/7 joy
gers fhall be hke fmal! dult, and the mul- in the Lord, and the poor among men
titude of the terrible ones Jhtti be as chaff fhall rejoyce in the holy Oneof Ifrael,
that paffeth away: yea, it fhall be at an i^ For the terrible one is brought to
instant fudd-enly. nought, andthefcorner isconfumedT and
6 Thou fhalt be vifited of the Lord all that watch for iniquity are cut off:
of holti with thunder, and with earth- 11 That make a man an offender for a
quake, and great noife, with ftorm and word, and lay a fnare for him that rcpro-
temped, and the flame of devouring veth in the gate, and turn afidc the juft
fire. for a thing of nought.
7 *! And the multitude of all the na- ii Therefore thus faith the Lord
tions that fight againft Ariel, even all who redeemed Abraham, concerning the
that fight againlt her and her munition, houfe of Jacob, Jacob fhall not now be
apd that diftrefs her, fhall be as a dream afhamed, neither fhaU his face now wax
of a night-vifion. pale.
8 It fhall be even as when a hungry tt But when hefe-eth his children, he-
wtm dreameth, and behold he eateth ; work of mine hands in themidltof him,
but he awaketh, and his foul is empty : they fhall fanclifie my nixie, and fancti-
or as when a thirftv »«*« dreameth. and fie the holy One of Jacob, and fhall feat
behold, dedrinketh; but he awaketh, and the God of lirael;
behold ktii faint, and his foul.hath appe- 14 They alfo that erred in fpirit fhall
tite: lb fhall the multitudeof all the na- come to underftandlng, and they that
fcipoj be, that fight againlt mount Zibn. Riiuiaured, UiaU icarc. dottrine
The ptoplt tbre.ttnti. Chap, XXX. Gods tnerxits to bis Chnrcb;
C 11 P. A XXX. of one : at the rebuke of five fhall y#ftee,_
The propb-.t tbrettnttb the people, 6cC. tillyc be left as a beacon upon t^e top of

WO c® the rebellious children, faith

the Lord, thai taVe coun el, but
not ot me; and that cover with a c-over-
a lTKiir.taiii, and as anenii'/n on an hil.l.
18 11 And tlieretore will the Loru wait,
that he may bo gracius uno you, and
ng, but not o! my iVint, that they may therefore will he be exalted, that he may
add tin to fin :
have mercy upon you: tor the Lori> tt
1 That- walk to go down into Egypt. a Godot judgment; Helled art all Uicy
( and have not asked ac my mouth J to that wait tor him..
[trcngthen thcmlelves in the tlrcngth ot iQ For the pecple fhall dwell in Zion

fharaoh, and to trull in the iruduw of at Jerufafcm: thim fhalt weep no more: -

£gypt. he will b; very gracious" unto thee, at

a. Therefore (hall fhc ftrer.gth of Pha- the voice of thy cry ; when he lhall hear
fach be your fhame, and the trull in the it, he will anl*cr thee.
lhadow or Egypt yur confufion. xo And though the Loan give you the
4 For his princes were at Zoan, and his bread or advenity, and the water ot af-
a-mba iladors came toHanes. fliction, yet lha'l not thy teachers be re-
f T:-.ey were^all afhaiued of a people moved inTo a corner any marc, but thine
that could not profit them, nor be an help eye lhall lee thy teachers :

f'Or profit, but a fhame and alio a re- it And thine ears lhall hear a word be-
proach. hind thee, faying, This?; the way, wall?
6 The burden of the bealbs of the foufh: yc in ir, when ye turn to the right hand,
into the Land Of trouble and anguifh, irom and when ye turn to the ieit.
whence tome the young and old lion, the >x Ye fhall dehle alio the covering of
viper and fiery rlying ferfent, they will thy graven image of ti'.ver, andtheorna-
carry their riches upon the fhoulde:s ot me-nt of thy molten i a-.ages of gold:
and their treafures upon the thou fhalt caft then away 'as a menrtru-
Joung afles, -

unches of camels, to a people that iharl ous cloth; thou lhak lay unto it, Get
no?, profit thtm. th«e hence,
. 7 For the Egyptians fhall help in v«n, xi Than fhall he cive the rain of thy
and to no purpofe therefore have 1 cried <eed that thou fruit, "low th.- ground with-

concerning this, Their ttrength u to lit al, and bread of the ir create of the earth,
ftill. and it fhall l>e fat and plemcous :. in tUat
8 M Now go, write it before them in a 'lay fhalt thy cattle feed in large rafi-urej.
table, and note it in a book, that it may 14 The oxen likewife arid the \otr*g
be for the time to come for ever and ever aides that ear the ground, fhall eat'cle^n

9 That this is a rebellious people, lying provender which hath besn winnowed-
children, children tbtt will not hear' the with the fhove! and with ths fan.
law ot the Lori>: «
And there fhall be upon every high
tc Which fay to the fe.ers, See not ; and nx)untain,and upon every hieh hill, rivers
to the prophets, Prophetic not unto us «"i dreams of waters, ii the day ot the
right things, (peak unto us fmooth things, great daughter, when the towers fall.
pjrophefis deceits : 16 Moreover, the lirht of the ucon-.
u Get you out of the way, turn allele fhall be as the light oft he Cvn, and the
out ot the path, caufe the holy One of light of the fun (hall be feven-told, as t. :e l

lfrael toccafe from before us. light of fever, days, in the day- that the
ii Wherefore thus faith the holy One Loru bindeth up the breach ot s peo- Ii

of lfrael, Bccaufe ye defpife this ward, ple, and healeth the ftroke of their wound.
and trull in onpreffion and pcrvcrfenefs, 17 11 Behold, the name of the Lord
and itay thereon : cometh from tar, burnin? with his an^er,
H Tacrcforc this -iniquity fhall be to and the burden thereof is heavy hi.slipj :

you as a breach ready to fall, fwelling are fujl of indignation, and his tongue
out in a high wall, whofe breaking com- as a devouring fire.
eth fuddenly at an inflant. i8 And his breath as an overflowin?
14 And he fhall break it as the breaking ftream, fhall reach tothe midft of the
of the y>otters veflel, that isbrefcenin pie- neck, to lift the na;ionswith the five of
ces, hx fhall not fpare ; To that there fhall vanity, and there fhull be a bridle in t!:-e
not be found in .theburflmgot it, alherd jaws of the people, caufiog tbtm to err.
totakefire from the hea-rth, or to take 19 Ye fhall have a fong as in thenierjic
water veitbxt out of the pit. when a holy folemnity is kept, and .'Tr.d-
i; For thus faith the Lord Gon, the nefs of heart, as when one goerh with a
holy Oneot lfrael, In returning and reft pip: to come into the mountain of the
fhall ye be laved, in quietneHs and in con- Lord, to the mighty One of lfrael.
fidence fhall be your ftrength; and ye \q And the LoRDThaU caufe his Glori-
would net. ous voice to be heard, and 'hall fhewt de-
i*i But ye faid, No, for we will flee lighting down of his arm, with the in-
upon hurlies; therefore fhall ye flee and dignation of his anger, and with the flame

we will ride upon the iwift; therefore of a devouring fire, xt>itb fcattcring, andl :

fliall they that mirfue you, befwift. tenipeft, and halftones.

*7 One thoufand;**;/ fin at the relouke 3; ¥ot through the voice of the Lord
Y6 itou-
-. 1

thrifts Itftsgdem,
the Afiyriam bebeaien down vt:.t n
lme cy ",°/, lhcm
ttaoti with a rod. not b- '*>* fee, fhall
An<l in every place w!:erc the groun-
™»i&ii!&£°- ua ******
ded ftau fli all pals , which the Lord ihall 4 c h **" al 'o of the rafh fhall under,
lay .upon him, it mail be with tabrctsand
fcatps : ana
l!ght with it.
battles ol ihaking wjil he &n7£knowled*
r, n
e ' aru1 «* tongue o" tfj

3; For Tephet is ordained of out yea, :

for the king it is prepared, behathmade

it deep and large the pile thereof/ J fire
: For the vile perlon will
and much wood, the breath of the Lokl, ny (peak villa!
and hu heart will work
like iniquity,
a (cream ot'orimf'tore, dcth kindle r
in trujiing in Ltfpt,
|S$ «J<& air-. ter crto
ke empty the lot

WO to the.n that go down co'Lgvpt

tor heip, and ftay en horfes, and
iruit in chariots, --bjcaueriify eye manv :
ttVlj !l
<ic "" i ;> "'ickej Uev.ccs 10 J c .
and in horlemen, becauic they are ve'ry
ftrong but they look not unte the holy

Or.e ol Ifracl. neither feek the Lord.

i Yet he i'o is wife, and will bring
evil, and will not call back his words: Up ye women that are at r:
*nu will ari.e againft the houi'e ol" the «&\**r my
™ voice,
ea e, hear
ye caieleis u

evil doers, and agamit the help of them ters,

give ear untj my fpeech *u &"
frhat work iniquity. ic Many days and year* fhall v C be
7, Now
the L^y.ptians are men and not bled, yecarelcls women: trou- An
Cod, and their nodes fleih and not fpi-

tor the vintage
S a ^erifig Jr.»ij rot comlf
riti when the Lord fhall ttretch out his re mbl e women kl(

^°Ubk J*
„,r! ?b ,' that are at
Jianrl, both he that helpeth fhall tall, and f
d' >' »
e "^elcfsones:
lie that is hclpen fhall tail down, and vr Vt u ftirp :»•

aficy all fhall fail together.

4 For tltiis haRl the LoRDfpokei uatQ ix They ihall lament' for the
we, Like as the I. on and theyooeg lien teats for
te-lMiearant&Ms, for the frmt" >t:r.:

•oring on his prey, when -a multitude or vine

r^ Upon
the land of my people
fliephcrds is called forth agrainftJiim, he come up and brieisf yYa, u on
P a
wifl not be afraid of theio-voic.e, nor a- thehoulesof joy tnejuyoui city m •

lial'c bimfejf for the n^ife of them fo : U

Becaulethc palaces ihall be forfaken.
fhall the. Lord of holts come down to themult.tuc'eof the city ihall be
let, the'
fight for mount Zion> and for the hill forts and towers (hall be for
dens for ev e ^
* As birds flying, fo will the Lord of i? Uiitil the fpirit be poured upon us
Jiolts defend Jerufalem, defending alfo from on high, and the w.ldernelS be 1,
he will deliver it, and pafling over he
will preferve it
6 51 Turn ye unto him from whom the Jua S^ent fhall
w ;m Jn fr dwell in the
•hildren of Ifrael have deeply revclted.
7 For in that- day every one fhall call ffffiSi
^^oninci's remain £
away his idols of iilver, and his idols of i7 And the work of righteoufnefs
gold, which your own hands have made be peace, and the eflfetf of
unto you for a fin. quietnefs and aflorance for e"ver
8 11 Then fhall the AtTyrian fall with 18 And my people fhall dwell in
the (word, not of a mighty man; and the peaceable habitation, and in lure
dwel- •

fwordi no: or a mean man fhall devour lings, and in quiet refting-places •

fcim but he fhall flee from the fward,

: 19 When it fhall hail, coming down
*nd his young men fhall be difcomfited.
on theforelti and the city lhaU be
9 And he ihall pafs ever to his ftrong it) a low place.
hold for fear, and his princes fhall ->e a- ic Bit fud are ye that fow hefide
f-aid of the en.'ign, faith the LORD, waters, that fend furth thither the
feet of
re U in Z;on, and his furoace m the ex and the afs.
XXXII. Judgment's again/* bis enemies,
The blelfmg ef C brills Kingaotn, &".
? thee ,,m fpoilefl, and thou'.
Icing dial] reign in nghte-
V V xafi not fpoiled i and de:.Jell trea- .
oufoefs, and pTinces Fn*ll lule in
J3 ehcroufly, and they dealt not treachcrcul-
ly with thee:

when thou fhalt ceale to

~~Ani a man
be as an hi< ":::g-
fhall fpoil, thou fhalt be (polled ; and when
jliee from the wind, and a covert from laajt make an end to* -deal treacheroufiy,
the tcinpert as rivers of water in a dry
: t.>ey fhall tieal treachcroully
with thee.
place, as the flua&w o> a zreal xcxk in a 1 (j L.ORD, be gracious unto us, we
ve^ry land. have waited fonhec; be th W their arm.- £
cvejLyy ,
' ::

Chap. SXXiv. Tie cburcbtt tntmits dejiroyei.

But there the glorious
unto Us a place or broad rivers and
ftreams; wherein fhajl go no galley with
oars, neither fhall gallant lhip pafa
zi For the Lord is our judge, the
Lord it our law-giver, the Lord it
e running to and fro of locults ihall our king, he will lave us.
: run upjn them. xt, Thy tacklinesare lool'ed, they could

* Tne Lord is exalted: for he dwel- not well itrengthen their mart, they could
th on high, he hath filled Zion with not fpread the fail then is the prey of a

dgment and righteoufnefs. great f'poil divided.thelame take the prey.

5 And wifdom and knowledge fhall 14 And the inhabitant ihall not fay,
: the ltahility of thy times, <md"ltrength I am fick the people that dwell theicin

"falvation: the fear of the Lord is his Jbxll be torgiven thtir iniquity-.
eahtre. CM
r Behold, their valiant ones fhall cry God revtngttb bii church, &C
ithout : the ambaifadars of peace fhall
cep bitterly.
near, ye nations, to hear, ana
hearken, ye people : let the eajrth
8 Tlve high-ways Iy wafte, the war- hear, and all that is therein ; the world,
ring man ceafeth, he hath broken the and all things that come forth of it.
ivenant, he hath dcYpifed the cities, he x For the indignation of the Lord it up-
jgardeth no man. on all nations, and bii fury upon all their
9 The earth mourneth tni languifheth : armies: he hath utterly deftroyed them,

ie'3anon is aftiamed tni hewn down he hath delivered them to the (laughter.
r Liarsn is like a wildernefs, and Balhan ? Their (lain alio (hall be cailout, and
id Carmel (hake off tbeir fruits. their ltink fhall come up out of their car- •

(io Now will I rife, faith the LOKD: cafes, and the mountains fhall be melted
"tfow will I be exalted, now will Ifiltup with their blood.
•| y felf. 4 And all the hoit of heaven (hall be dif-
In Ye fhall conceive chaff, ye fhall folved, and the heavens (hall be rolled to-
ring forth ftubble : your breath *J fire gether as afcrole: and all their hoft (hall
all devour you. fall down as the leaf falleth off from the
uAnd the people (hall b; <*;-the burn- vine, and as a falling^ from the fig-tree.
igs ot lime: *\ thorns cut up fhall they ? For my word Ihall be bathed in hea-

e burnt in the firG. ven : behold it ihall come down upon

«fl Hear ye tbx* are far off, what I Idumea, and upon the people of my curfe
re done ; and ye tbtX are near, ac- to judgment.
nowledge m y might. 6 The fwordof the Lord is filled with
14 The finners in Zion are afraid, fear- blood, it is made fat with fatnefs, and
.lnefs hath furpriled the hypocrites with the blood of lambs and goats, with
ho among us fhall dwell with the de- the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the
mring fire? who amongft us ihall dwell Lord hath a facrifice in Bozrah, and a
ith everlaiting- burnings? great (laughter in the land of Idumea.
i? He that walketh nghteoufly, and 7 And the Unicorns (hal 1 come down witn
eaketh uprightly, he that del'pifcth the them, and the bullocks with the bulls,
tin of oppreftions, that ihaketh his and their land (hall be loktxl with blood, "
inds from holding of bribes, thatftop- and their duft- made fat with fatnefs.
:th his eats from hearing of blood, and 8 For it is the day of the Lords ven-
utteth his eyes from feeing evil: geance, ani theyaar of recoaipences for
«x6 He fhall dwell on high : his place of the controverfy of Zion.
:fcnce lb All be the munitions cf rocks, 9 And the ftreams thereof (hall be turn-
ead fhall be given him, his waters jhM ed into pitch, and the du(t thereof into
lure. brimftone, and the land thcreoffhall be-
i7 Thine eyes fhall fee the king in his come burning pitch.
auty : they (hall behold the land that te It (hall not be quenched night nor
very far off. day, the fmoke thereof ihall go up for
8 Thine heart fhall meditate terror ever from generation to generation it

'here it the fcribe? where/* thecreceiver? ihall lie wade, none (hall pais through
ere it he thac counted the towers ? it ror ever and ever
19 Thou (halt not fee a fierce people, a n fl But the cormorant and the bittern
ople ot a deeper fpecch than thou canft (hall poflefs it, the owl alfb and the
rceive ; of a (tammering .tongue, that raven (hall dwell in it, and he fliall
>u anji not underltand. ftretch oat upon it the line of confufion,

to Look upon Zion the city of our fo-4 and the (tones of emptinefs.
unities: thine eyes ihall fee Jerufalem n
They fhall call tlie nobles thereof
quiet habitation, a (hair to the kingdom, but none jbxll be there, '

t be t-jken down, notoneof the (takes and all her princes Ihall be nothing.
jreof (hall ever 'be removed, neither. 1

And thorns ihaH tome up in her* pala-
all any oi tte covuthcirof be bxvken, ces, settles and bumbles in the fortreffe?
TbefiouriJbtngofCbriJi {ingdetH. Ifaial *ul*k t'nvi'tfd.
thereof, and it fhall be an habitation of And
the kin;? of Aftyrra lent Ra*-
dragons, and a court for owli. Iron Lachiflj to jerufklem
14 The wild baits of th; defert fhall kmgHezekiah, with a great army: an 1 ,;:
alio meet with the wild beads of the he ftood by the conduit of the Hpp.rpocM .

ifland, anrt the fatyr fhall cry tohisfcl- in the hig.i-way of the fullers held, p.
low, the fhnch-owl alfo fhall reit there, 3 Then came him EkakinfK
forth unto
and find for her felf a place of reft. Hilkiahs fon, which wjiover the houf> L'1
i? There fhall the great owl make her and the lcrib«, and Juah A
neft, and lay and hatch, an«l gather under ion the recorder.
her fhadew there lhall the vultures alfo
: 4 l! And Rabfhakeh faid unto them k-=
be gathered, every one with her mate. Say ye now toHezekiah, Thut faith thtf*-
r6 11 Seek ye out of the bock of the great king, the king of AfTvria, Wha
Lord, and read : no one of thrfe fhall cor.fidmceii this wherein thou trufteft
fail, none fhall want her mate: for my 1 1 fay, Uytft 'boa, (but tbey Are but vairp"
mouth it hath commanded^ andhisfpirit wor-dO / t>*ve counftf and (trenjth loif^
it hath gathered them. war: now on whom ,doft thou truftf* ;

17 And he {nth cait the lot for them, that triau rebelled asainft m« >
and his hand hath divided it unto them 6 Lo, thou truftcit'in the ftjff of thi.'P
by line: they ihall p»(Tefs it .or ever, broken reed, a-. Egypt ; where*
from generation to generation fhall they man lean, it willg^ mio his bar
dwell therein. * pierce u fj ij Pharaoh king or Lgyptp.
CHAP.of XXXV.Kingdom. to all

that trult in him.

Tte joyful fiouri,hjnz Cbrijii 7 But if thou fay to me, tru!t iap We
THe wildernefs
be glad
and the
iblitary place
aad thede-
the Lokj> cur God: Iiit rot hr- wi.ofeft-
high places, and whole altar* Hezel
lert fhall rejoyce, and bloflbiii asthenic, hath taken away,- and laid to Judal
i It fhall blolTom abundantly, and re- to Jenifalesa, Ye fhail worfhip betore
joyce even with, joy and fingingj. the glo- this alts:? fc IS:
ry of Lebanon fhall iiecivcnunto it, the 8 Now therefore give plrdses, i

excellency of Carmel and. Sharon they

: thee, to my. mailer the king "of A
fhall fee the plorv ot the Lord, tutftbc and I will give the two thou
excellency of our God. n thou be able on thy part to let ruc-ri *
3 fl Strengthen ye the weak handJ, upon them.
and confirm the fe;Ibe knees. 9 Hew then wilt thou turn awav the •'•

4 Sav to them ft*f*rr of a tearful heart, face of one captain of the .

Be ftro'ng, fear r.ot behold, your God

: matters fervar.ts, and put thy rrmt
will some with vengeance, tvtn fcod vcitb a gypt for chariots and for horfemen ? A'-

racompence, he Will come and faveyou. tc And am 1. now come up w

c Then the eves of the blind fhall be the Lord againlt. this land to d*ftroy it altff
opened, and the ears ot the deaf ihall the Lord laid unto me, Go up againfqMir
be unftonped. this land, and deftrcy it.
6 Then fhall the lame mtn leap as an ii
f Tnen faid Ehakim and S
hart, and the tongue of the dumb fing and Joahunto Rabfhakeh, fpeak, I priy K-
for in the wildernefs fhall waters break thee, unto thy fervants in rh« Sv.ian lan-fc o
out, and ttrearas in the riefert. guage, tor we iinderfland it: a'nl fpealcjp
i And the parched ground fhall become a riot to u> in the Jsws language,
j--ocl,andthe thirfty land fpTiogsofwatei :
ears of the people that *ri on the wall
in the habitation of dragons, where each ii r But Rabfnaketh laid, Hi* m
\zytfl>*M bt grafs with reeds and ruflies. mailer lent me to thy maffcer and ti
8 And an high-way lhall be there, and a thee, to fpeak thele words ? bttb bt no
way, and it fhall be called the way of ho ftntwuo the mes that fit upon the wall
bolinefs; the unclear, fhall not pals over it, that they miv eat their own dung, an
but it Shall bt for thofe the way-faring
: drink their own pif's with you?
jnen, though fools, fhall not err tktnin. i3 Then Rab^akeh (tood, anP. cri
9 No lion fhall be there, nor*«/ rave- with a loud voice in the Jews lan?uag
nous beaft ihall go up thereon, it ihall not and faid, Hear ye the words of thegre
be found there: but the redeemed fhall king, the king of Aflyria.
walk there. i4 Thus faith the king, Let not Hez
to And theranfomed of the Lord fhall kiah deceive you, for he fhall not
return and come to Zionwith fones, and able to deliver you.
everlafting joy upon their heads : they n Neither let Hezekiah make vou tru
fhall obtain joy and gladnefs, and forrow in thcLoR" frying, The Lord w^i fur
and fishing lhall <\y away. ly deliver us this city fhall no: be deli ve

CHAP. XXXVI. cd into the hand of the king of Aifyri

Senr.*:btrib ir.-j.ide?b Jud*b, t^ Hearken not toHezek-.ah
&C. lor t' i

VTOw it cametopafsin the fourteenth faith the king of'AtTyria, Make an agr^
J\j yeitofkingHtzekiah, tbtt Senna- m *nt with meby a prefent, and come
cherib king of Aflyria came ur ae;ainft to mc : and eat ye erery ore of his rin
alt tbedefecccd cities oXJudah, and took and every one of hisfig-tree, and drink \

flea., «v«ry one the wateti of -is own cittern

Uxoji n
\lfa\tbt bltfpbiW. Chap. XX*vii. m tetter.

Until I come and take you away to a lerufalen fhall rot be given into the
like your own land, a land o corn
hand of tiv: kin? of AfTyria.
wine, a land of bicad and vineyards, n Behold, thou haft heard what the
li Bcanre left Hezekiah perlwade you, kings of. Aflyria have done to all lands
ng, The Lord will deliver us. Hath by deftroying them utterly, and fhalt
of the Rods of the nations delivered thou be delivered ?
land out of the hand of the king of ii Have the gods of the nations deliver-
na? ed them which my fathers have deftroved,
Where Are the gods of Hamsth and *i Go^an.and Haran, and Rezeph.and the
l, had ? where Art the gods cr Sephar- childrsnof Eden which veere inTeIa(Tar>
u ? and have they delivered Samaria H Where it the king of Hamath, and
ot my hand ? the kins of Arphad, and the king of the
Whoart they amongft all the gads city of Sepharvainr, Hena and Ivah ?
hefe land;, that have'delivered their 14 fl And Hezekiah received the tet-
out of my hand, that the LoRn ter from the hand of the Mefler.gers, and
Id deliver "erulilemout of my hand ? read it and Hezekiah went up unto the

But they held their p;aee, and an- houl'e otthe Lord, and fpread it before
ed him not a word: for the kings co:i:- th-- Loro.
dmentwas, faying, Anlwer him not. k And Hezekiah. prayed unto the
H Then came Eliakim the fon of Lord, (ay in?,
pkiah, that vom over the houfhold, and 16 O Lord of hofts, God of Ifrael,
>na the fcribe, and Joah the fon of tnat dwelleft betvutrt the cherubims, thou
>h the rec©rder, to Hezekiah with art the God, even thou alone, of all the
clothe; rent, and told him the word-s kingdoms of the earth, thou haft made
ablhakeh. heaven and earth.
CHAP. XlCXVIi. 17 Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hear ;
He\c%i*bi mourning, &c. open thine eyes, O Loud, and fee : and
Nd ft came to pats when king Heze- hear all the words ot Sennacherib, whicJi
kiah heard /f.that he rent his clothes, hath fent to reproach the living God..
covered himfelfwith fackcloth, and tS Ot a truth, Lord, the kingsof Af-
into the houlc of the Lord. fyria have laid wafte all the nations and
And he Cent Eliakim, who wxs over their countries,
oufholci, and Shebnathe fcriWe, and ro And have raft their cods in-ro the
Iders of the priefts covered with fire lor they were no gods,' but the wcrk

loth, unto ll'aiah the prophet the of mens hands, wood and ftpne there-

1 Amoz. fore they have deftroyed them.

Ind they faid unto him, Thus faith io Now therefore, OLord
our God,
kiah, This day it a *',ayot trouble, lave u-; from his hand, that all the king-
f rebuke, and of blafphemy for the : doms of the earth may know, that thou
ran are come to the birth, and there art the Lord, even thou only.
ftrength to bring forth, ti 1J Then Ifaiah the Ion of Amoz
may be the Lord thy God wih fent unto Hezekiah, faying, Thus faith
the words of Rabfhakeh, whom the the Lord God of Ifrael, Whereas thou
of AfTyria his matter hath lent to haft prayed to me againft Sennacherib
tach the living God, and will reprove king of Aflyria :

irords which the Lord thy God hath li This it the word which the Lord
\ : wherefore lift up tby prayer for hath fpnken concerning him, The virgin,
emnant r*«f it left, the daughter of Zionhath defpifed thee,
o the fervants of king Hezekiah And laughed thee to fcotn, the daughter
to of Jerufalem hath fhak»n her head at
F And Ifaiah Paid unto them, Thus thee.
ye fay unto your matter, Thus faith i; Whom
haft thou reproached and
JORD.Benot afraid of the words that blafi'amed ? and againft whom haft thou
1aft heard, wherewith the (ervants of exalteafi/ voice, and lifted up thine eyes,
neof AfTvriahave blafphemed ma. on high? even againft the holy One*' of
eliold, I will fend a blaft upon him, Ifrael.
e fhall hear a rumour, and return to
t4 By thy fervants haft thou reproach*
vn land, and I will caufehim
ed the Lord, and naftfaid, By the multi-
to fall
|e fword in his own land. tude of my chariots am I come up to the
So Rabfhakeh returned, and found height of the mountains, to the fides of
ng of Aflyria warring againft Lib- Lebanon, and I will cut down the tall ce-
for he had heard that he was- de- dars thercof,«nrf the choice fir-trees there-,
a d from Lachifh. of: and I will enter into the height of
nd he heard fay concerning Tirha- his border, «nithe foreft of hisCarmel.
ingof Ethfopla, He is come forth to i? I have digged and drunk water, and
war with thee: and when he heard with the foleofmy feet have I dried up,
ent meflengcrs to Hezekiah, faying, all the rivers of the befieged places.
Thus lhail ye fpeak to Hezekiah i€ Haft thou not heard long ago, bom
of Judah, faying, Let not thy God in I have done it, And. of ancient times that
tfwu truitciUecciy.c .t&ttr frying)., LharcfoKacil it? novrtove IJjiought it :
Stnnitbtrlh fitin. I fa ™V\f*bt ' tb*nk.-4iv ; ng
to uafs, that thou fhoulcft be to lay wafte 1 Go ahd fay to Hezekiah, Thus fa
defenced cities into ruinous the Lord, the God of David thy
if Thercfoic their inhabitants were of I have heard thy pray ei Ihavcfeent ,
fmall power, they were chfmayed and tears : behold, f will add unto thy d
confounded :they were as the giafs of fifteen years.
the Held, and as the green herbi as the 6 And! will deliver thee, and this ci
fra/'s on the houfe-tops, and as urn out of the hand of the king of Atfvr
and 1 will defend this city }
lai'ted before it be grown up.
iS But I know thy abode, and thy go- 7 And this Jball be a lign unto th
ing our, and thy coming in, and thy rage from the Lord, that the Lord will
againlt me. this thing that he hath fpoken
19 Becaufethy rage againft me, and thy
tumult is come up into mme ears there- of the degrees which is gone down mt

fore will I put my hook in ttiy nofe, and fun-dial of Ahaz ten degrees backwar
my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee So the fun returned ten degrees, bvwhi
back by the way by which thou cameft. degrees it was gone down.
30 And this fliallbt a lign unto thee, Ye 9 fl The writing of Hezekiah king
fhall eat this year fuch as groweth of it idah, wnen
Judan, when r.e
he nad
had l>een lick, and w
been fick
felf: and the fecond year that which recovered of his fickoef's
fpringath of the fame and in the third
1 S? ,,
r iaid ir
Viie cuttin
year few ye and rc»3p, and plant vine- Iihallgo to the gatesof the grave- la
.g offof my da}

yards, and eat the fruit thereof. deprived of the refidue of my years
51 And the remnant that is efcapedof 11 I faid, I fhall not fee' the Lord, tv
the hcufe of Judah, ihall again 'ake root the Lord in the land cf the Jivine •

downward, and bear fruit upward. fhall behold man no more with
5r For out of Jeiufalem lhall go forth bkantsofthe world.
a remnant, and they that efcape out of 11 Mine 2ge is departed, and is rem
mount Zion the zeal of the Lord of ved from me as a ihepherds tent: Iha--

toft* fliall do this. cut oft hke a weaver my life: he w

5; Therefore thus faith the Lord con- cut me ofi" with pining fickrieft; fro
cerning the king of AfYyria, Hejhallnot day even to night wik thou make a" -•
come into this city, nor ftioot an arrow of me.
there, nor come before it with fhields, 15 I reckoned till mornin_, r, tb*t as
nor caft a bank againft it. lion fowill he break ail my bon. ones ffo 11 :

54 Bv the way that he came, by the day even to night wilt thou mak lake an ei f
fame fhall he return, and Ihall not come vt me.
into this city, faith the Lord. 14 Like a crane or a fv/ailow, fo.,iJ
?? For 1 will defend this city to fave chatter: I did mourn as a dove
it, for mine own fake, 2nd for my fer- eyes fail -with looking upward C1

ant Davids fake. am oppreiied, undertake tor me.

56 Then' the angel of the Lord went it What mail I fay? he hath both <"p
forth, and fmote in the camp of the Af- ken unto me, and himfelf hath done i
fyrians an hundred and fcrurfcore and five I fhall go foftly all my years in the bi
thotifand and"whenthey arofe early in the ternef's of my foul.
:,behold,thcyWtfr<all dead cerpfes. 16 O Lord, by thefc things men live, at

57 fl So Sennacherib king of Aflvri-a in allrhefe things isthe life of my fpiiii
departed, and went and returned, and icwilc thou recover me, and make me
dwelt at Nineveh. live.
?8 And it came to pa "s as hewsswor- 17 Behold, for peace I had rrreat bi
fhippinc inthehoufeof Nifroch his god, ternefs; but thou hail in love to my !'c
that Adrammelech and Sharezer hisfons delivered it from the f^ cf corruptioi
fmote him with the (word ; and they ?-- for thou haft caft all my fins b.
fcaped into the land of Armenia : and back.
E far-had don his fon reigned in hisftead. 18 For the grave cannot praife the
Ht\ekjjb *d h
bli *V» lengtbiei, Sec.
death cannot celebrate thee
go down into the
they tb

pit cannot ho;>e f

thole davs'was Hezekiah fick unto thy truth.
IN death: and Ilaiah the prophet the Ton 19 The living, the living, he fhall pral
of A'.ioz came unto him, aid faid unro thee, as I i» this -day: the father to fl.
him, Thu« faith the Lord, Set thine houfe children ihall nuke'known thy truth. 1!
in order: fortflou (halt die, and not live, 10 The Lord w-ij retij to favc mil
i Then H^zekia'i 'urned his face toward
therefore we will fing my fangs to ti
ftringed inftruatents, all the days cf ot;
the 'vail, and wayed unto the Lord,
life, in the houfe of the Lord.
5 And faid, remember now, O Lord,
lbefeechthee, howl have walked before n For Ifaiah had faid, Let them tal
and with a nerfecl heart, a lump of figs, and lay it for a phift
thee in rrurh,
and have Ann' which is good in thy upon the boyl, and he fhall recover. 1
fight: and H-'z-kia. wept fore. ii Hezekiah alio had faid, Whatndl
4 fl Then came the word of the LORD fign that I ihall go up to the houfe of tl
to Lai ah, faying,
. C HA 1
: :

pfr Btbylonijb captivity foretold. Chap. XXXtX, xl. Coif omntpotiHUfi

CHAP. XXXIX. deth : bnt the word of our God fhaH
\H:i'{i>ibs treafures difcovereJ,
&C, (land for ever.
i T
time Mkrodach-baladan the
tha' 9 UOZion, that bringeftgood tidings,
l ("on of Baladan king ot Babylon, get thee up into the high mountain;
Ht letters and a prefent to Hczekian (> Jerufalem, that bungelt good tidings,-
he had heard that he had been tick, lift up tny voice with itrcngth lilt is

3 J was recovered. up, be na afraid : fay unto the citiesof

And Hezekiah was glad of them, and
. Judah, Behold your liod.
:wed tliem the houfe 01his precious ic Behold, the Lord GOD
will come
" ngs, the tilver, and the gold, and the with Itrong barta, and his arm fhall rule
ces, and the precious ointment, and all tor him: behold, his reward/; with hia;,
:houlcor his armour, and all that was and his work before him.
ma in his treafures there wfs nothing
'pis houfe, nor in allhisdommion, that
: u He mall teed his flock like a fhep-
hcrd: he ihall gather the lambs with his
."fzekiah Ihewed them net. arm, and carry tbim in his bofom, and fhall
\ 11 Then came Ifaiah the prophet un- gently lead thole that are'with young. ,

ikmg Hezekiah, and faid unto him, u H Who hath mea Cured the waters jn -

[fhatl'aid th.el'e men? and from whence the hollow of his hand ? and meted out
they, unto thee ? And Hezekiah heaven with tha ("pan, and comprehend-
d, They are com; from a far country ed the duft of the e-..rth in a meafure,
5jQ me, even from Babylon.. and weighed the mountains in fcales, and
'«. Then faid he, What have they feen the hills in a balance?
(nine houle ? And Hezekiah anfwered, (3 Who hath directed the fpiritof the
that is in mine houfe have they feen: LuRD, or being his counieller hath
re is nothing amjig my treaiiires that taught him ?
lave nor jhewed t!:em. t4 With whom took he'eounfel, and
Then faid Ifaiah toHezekiah, Hear wbo iultructed him, and taufht him in
word of the Lord of hoits.
"I: the path of judgment, and taught him
"I Behold, the days come, that all that knowledge, and fhewed to him the way
n thine hpufe, and which thy fa- of uuderftanding ?
rshave laid up in ifore until this dav, r? Behold, the nations are as a drop of
til b- carried to Babylon : nothing a bucket, and are counted as the fmall
11. l>e left, faith the Lord. duit of the balance t. beholeb he taketh
*j And of thy fons that ihall ifiue from up the. ifles as a very little thing.
""••e, winch thou fhalt beget, fhall they to And Lebanon is not Cufficient to
eaway; and they mall be eunuchs in burn, nor the beafts thereof Cufficient foi
palace 01 the king ol Babylon. - a burnt- orlenng.
faid Hezekiah to Ifaiah, Good )7 All nations before him (ire as no-
the word tt the Lord which thuu halt thing, and they are counted to him left
»ken he (aid moreove-r, For there fhaU
: thannathing, and vanity.
peace and truth in my days. iSIl To whom then will ye liken God *
C H A P. XL. or what likenel's will ye compare unto
The promulgation of the gafpel-, &c. him? - '
lOmlcrt ye, comfort ye my people, 19 The workman melteth a graven i-
i faith your God. mage, anathegoldfmith fpreadeth it 0-
Speak ye comfortably to Jerufalem,

ver W4th gold, and cafteth filver chains...

i cry unto her, that her warfare is ac- xc He that ri Co impoverished that he
npliined, that her iniquity is pardon- hath no oblation, chooleth a tree t*.ifwilt
: tor {he hath received of the Lords not rot j he feeketh unto htfn a cunning
nd double for all her fins. workman to prepare a graven image tbat
11 The voice of him that crieth in the ihall not be moved.
dernefs, Prepare ye the wav of the 11 Have ye not known ? have yenot
rd, make ftraight in the defert.a heard ? hath it not been told you fraro
jh-way tor our God. the beginning? have ye not underftood
[ Every valley (hall be exalted, and e- from the foundations of the earth ?
;y mountain and hill fhall be made low : 11 ft is he that iitteth upon the circle
the crooked ihall be made itraight, of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof
,i the rough places plain. are as grafhoppers; that ftretcheth out
And the glory of the Lord fhall be the heavens as a curtain, and fpreadeth
e3ied, and all flefh fhall fee it to?e- them out as a tent to dwell in
:r tor the mouth of the Lord hath
: xl That hringeth the princes to nothing ;
iken it. hemaketh the judgesoftheearth as vanity.
The voice
faid, Cry. And he faid, 14 Yea, they fhall not be planted, yea,
hat fhall 1 cry? All flefh is erafs, apd they fhail not be fown, yea, their fleck
the goodlinefs thereof it as "the flower fhall no take root in the earth : and he
the field. fhall alio blow upon them, and they fhall
The grafs withereth, the flower tad- wither, and the whirlwind fhall take
ibecau'fethe fpiritof the LoRDblow- them away as ftubble.
upon it-, 'urely the people is grafs. i> To whom then will ye liken me, ci
The grals withereth, the flower fa- fhall I be equal? faith the holy One
x5 I4p
6jJ tX}Z*i..i'.-i:

a on high. s: ill b; a* not:.

h °'d who ee, (hall perutifc
he 11 T
calletb thc:n all by names, by theereat-
OttlSC! t

power, v.otore fiilei I

-" ''.
_iBeak- .• fayft i . i will no'
«u- O 1 r»d, My war) i< bid trom the aymg unto
Lord, and my judgment is paXeu over net, 1

rn Ticob, *id 1

*8 ' Ha*t t.-.«u not known? ha(

tod. the
Los.n,_ it.« creator
not, neither is weary ;
-n •
i< Behold, 1 will ma '.:
n no !
teeth :

19 II
to tb'.r*

I (hall hint ura be tha

wea-, and the young ... i(t rejoi
?i But the\ that'w
fball renew :. t'-.ev fliaM O
mount u? with wings ai eiflej -feck *
Hull nin 2nd not be weary, *nJ they Ibaf rone, *nJ the
walk an. - : 1 the LORD
CHAP. XT.l. /the God ol Ifrael will
; - ; •• Sec. ;m. '

T^ -
1 will qpenr.%
JV the people re
l ct

:o^er.:?:.: .

the w.lderne's a p»ol ot w.
let v^eosie near'toge 0; water,
xwho raife eft the a
from th<
11 the oyl-tree I wil". fet in :

©vcrkungs ? regaveto;m a« the doit t r.:s , the fir-tree, uti the pine, ar._
fwor-i tad is _:. en (babble to hu bow. tree ogetner :

a He
purfufj them &ii paled i'a'ely ; ' 10 That they may fee, and know, at
tv** by the wav :«*; he had not Rone with
his feet.
hathwitwCht and done r'.', cal- One ?• 1 "2:: Bath
it Produce your ca ^-Ofci
I the LOUD I the la;-', th tM\
I 4m he. R
i The ifles a* Lc ~'.dfli«*T
earth were afraid, drew Dear, and .lev thf
came. rhat they be, that we mil
f> Thev helped every er.e hji and knaw the latter end al

hour, a, 8e : d-c'are us things for to

cf go~d com 1 coral
er encourir. -

tat evil, that w4
the hamper, him that fraote the a

tned it with nails tbxt it mould not \

be moved.
SButthrail: uponf from •

hom I hive chafen, the -

tarn my Iris^d. p
- -

9 Tbou- whoa I have taken f:

ends of the. !?y.
- ,
B ..
Thou i

and r l J »ay. :

-j not, tor I *m w -

1 am thy God : 1 wil] 1 that declareth- ye*, tit".

I will 1

yea, 1 wit! uphold thee w

• •
ic -

*^ ,: thee, fttallbc aihamcd and con- .

I tktre r*< n« »aft»j]


irifis office. Chap, xliii Xliil The cbLrtb oomforted.

monglt thsm, and there w*. no n H They fhall be turned back, they
n'eller, that when I asked of them, fhall b greatly ainamed that gra- •

d anfwer a word. ven images, thai tayto the molten ima-

Behold, they arc all vanity, their ges, e are our gods.
kstre nothing: their molten images 18 Hear, ye deaf, and look, ye blind,
vind and confufion. that ye may fee.
C HA 1'. XLII. 19 Who
it blind but my fervant ? or
Tbt office of Cbrijt, &c. deaf, as my melfenger that I lent ? who
EhoJd my lervant whom I uphold, it blind -as bet tat is perfect, and blind ai

ineelett in whom my foul dclight- the LORDs lervant ?

: I have put my fpirit upon Mm, he . 10 Seeing many things, but thou ob-
1 bring forth judgment to the Gentiles, erveir. not : opening the ears, but he hea-

i-fiihallnotcry, nor lilt up, nor cam e reth not.

/oieeto be heard in the ftreer. k
is well pleafed for his
A bruil'ed reed mail he net break : righteoufnefs fake, he will magniftc tke
*4the fmokinjs flax fhall he not quench law v and make it honourable.
I lall bring forth /udgment unto truth. 11 But this// a paople robbed and fpoil-
!"fHe ftull not fail, nor be difcouraged, ed, tbey are all of them fnared in holes,
he have let judgment in the earth: and they are hid in prifon-houfes : they
the ides fhall wait for his law. are for a prey, and none deUvereth j for
fl Thus fairh God the Lord, he that a lpoil, and none faith, Reftore.
ted the heavens, and ttretched them i? Who among you will give ear to
he that fpread forth the earth and
: this? -who will hearken, and hear for the
which cometh out of it, he that gi- time to come ?
aL breath unto the people upon it, and 14 Who gave Jacob for a fpoil, and II-
»|it to them that walk therein : rael to the robbers? did not the Lord,
I the Lord have called thee inrigh- he againft whom we have finned ? for
fhefs, and will hold thine hand, and they would not walk in his ways, neither
keep thee, and sive thee for a cove-
were they obedient unto his law.
* of the 'people,* for a Jight of the
: i\ Therefore he hafh poured upon him
rtiles; the fury or his anger, and the ftrength of
To open the blind eyes, to bring out battle: and it hath let him on fire round
pn loners from the pnfon, and them aScoit, yet he knew not ; and it burned
fit in darknefsoutofthe prifon-heuf'c. him, yet he laid it not to heart.
Iam the LORD, that is my name, andv CHAP.
glory will I not give to another, aei- The lora cotnfortefb tbe cburcb, &e.
praifc to graven imjgcs.
BUtated now thus
faith the that era* LORD
Jehold, the former things are come thee, O
Jacob, and he that for-
al's, and new things do
declare : be- 1 med thee, O
Ifrael, Fear not: for I have
they Spring forth I tell you ot them. redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy
Sing unto the Lord a new long, name, thou art mine.
his praile from the end of the earth : 1 When thou pafTeit through the wa-
hat go down to the fea, and all that rs, I veil! be with thee ;
'.ers and rhrcugh
ierem , the ifles and the inhabitants the rivers, they fharl not overflow thee
wfeenthou walkeft through the fire, thou
Let the wildernefs, and the cities fruit nor be burnr ; neither fhall theflaflte
eofliftupf6«V vo/«, the villages that kindle upon thee.
ar doth inhabit let th« inhabitants
: !
7, Fori *»* the Lord thy Gcd, the ho-
le rockfing, let them fhout from the |
ly One of Ifrael, thy Gviour : I gave
)t the mountains. !
"Egypt for thy ranfom, Ethiopia and Se-
Ler them give j»:loryunt« the Lord, ; ba fc thee.
declare his praile is the iflands. •
4 Since thou waft precious in my fight,
The Lord fhall go" forth as a mighty thou haft been honourable, and I have
> fhall ftir up jealoufie like a man
he loved thee: therefore wul I give men for
ar: he fhall cry * y«a, tore; he fhall thee, and people 'or thy life,
ail againft his eflemies. 1
< Fear not, for 1 am with thee: I will
1 have long time holder, my peace, j bring thy feed from the eaft, and gather
ve been ft ill, ana refrained my (elf: thee from the welt,
will I cry like a travailing wcunan, I ;
6 I will fav to the north, Give up ;
deftroy and devour at once. | ana to the fouth, Keen not back bring :

I will ! make wafte mountains and myfonsfrom far, and my daughtexs from
and dry up all their herbs, and I the ends of the earth ;
* make the rivers iflands, and 1 wiH Even everyone tbat is called by my
up the pools. for I have created him for my glo-
name :

And 1 will bring the have formed him, yea, 1 have made
blin:l by a way ! ry, I
they knew nor, I will lead them in- him.
is that they have not known: I wiU 8 q Bring forth the blind people that
e darknels light before them, and have eyes, and the deaf that have ears,
ked things ftraight. Thsfe things q Let all the nations be gathered toge-
(«iil dounto them, and not forfake them, ther, and let the people be afTembled :
Coit omnipotent?. Ifa iah. Tie vanity efidcli,
who among them can tied are this, and ces of the fanttuary.and have given Jacobbfet
ihew us former thing; ? Jet them bring to the curfe, and Ifrael -to reproaches.
forth their witnefTes, that they may be ju- C H A P. XL1V.
stified r^-or let them hear and lay, It is Godt church comforted, &e.
truth. \7~Et now hear, O Jacoo my fervant,
to Yearemy witnefTej, faith the Lord, 1 and Ifrael whom I have chofen.
.and my lervant whom I have chofen : that i Thus faith thj- LORD
that made
5e may know and believe me, and un- thee, and formed thee trom the womb I

.derftand that I am
he : before me there xb-.cb will help thee, Fear not, O Jacob
wa? no God formed, neither fhati there my
fervant, and thou Jcfurun, whom *
be after me. have cholen.
it I, eiHHl am the LORD, and befide' 3 Fur I will pour water upon him that
jae there is no faviour. is thirlty, and floods upon the dry ground I
ti I have declared, and have faved. ana I will pour my fpirit upon thy feed, and I

I have fhewed, when there vcai no itrange my bleffing upon thine offspring :

god among you: therefbreye tf/rmy wit- 4 And they fhall fpring up at -among
eeffes, faith the LORD, that I am-God. the grUs, as willows by the water-cour-
i? Yea, before the day i*ai, I am he ; and les.
there ii none that can deliver out or my ? One fhall fay, I am the Lords: and
band: I will work, and who (hall let :t'? another fhall call bimfdf bv the name of
14 V, Thus faith the Lord your redeem- Jacob- and another fhall fubferibe with
er, the holy One-of Ifrael, Fcr your Take his hand unto the LORD, and firname
1 have lent to Babylon, and have brought bimftlf by the ha me ot Ifrael.
down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, 6 Thus faith the Lord the King of If-
whole crv it \n the fhips. rael, and his redeemer the Lord of hofts,
i« I *m the Lord, your holy One, the I *»» the firft, and 1 am thelaft, and be-
creator of Ifrael, your King. nd es me there it no God.
16 Thus faith the LORD, which ma- 7 And who, as I, fhall call, and fhall
keth away in thefea, and a path in the declare it, and fet it in order for me, fince
Blighty waters : I appointed the ancient people? and the
17 Which bringeth forth the chariot things that are coming, and fhall come ?
,and horfe» the army, and the power ; let them fhew unto them.
they fhall fy down together, they fhall 8 Fear ye nut, neither be afraid have :

not rife :they are extinct, they are not 1 told thee from that time, and have
quenched as tow. declared it? re are even my witnefias. Is L.'
i% H Remember ye not the former there a Godbefides me? yea,fi*rf ii ne Lj
things, neither consider the things of old God, I know not any.
iQ Behold, 1 will do anew thing now : 9 fl They tint make a graven image art '•;

St fhall faring forth, fhall ye net know it ? all of them vam'y, and their delectable L*.
I will even make a way in the wildernefs, things fhall not profit, and they are their I*
•nd rivets in the defert. own witneffes, they' fee not, nor knowj ,';
io The beait of the held fhall honour that they may be afhamed.
irte, the dragons and the owls becaufe 1
: to Who hath formed a god, or molten
five waters in the wildernefs, and rivers a- graven image that is profitable for io* t
in the defert, to give drink to my people, thing '
my chofen. it%ehold, all his fellows fhall beafha- #>
it This people have I formed for my med : and the workmen, they are of men : i

felf, they mall fhew forth my praife. let them all be gathered together, leti-
n. ^1 But thou halt not called upon me, them ftand MP ; 7tl they fhall fear, ani P j

O Jacob, but thou haft been w-eary of me, they fhall be afhamed together. i

O Ifrael. n
The fmith with the tongs both work- \»-
i? Thou haft not brought me the (mall eth in the coals, and fafkioneth it with H-
cattle of thy burnt-offerings, neither haft hammers, and worketh it with the <»'-

thou honoured me with thy facrih'ces. I ftrensth of his arms: yea, he is hungry,

have not cau fed thee tolervewith an of- and his ftrength faileth ; hedrinkcth no |«
fering, nor wearied thee with incenfe. water, and is taint.
*4 Thou halt bought me no fweet cane i? The carpenter ftretcheth out Hi rule : u
with money, neither haft thou filled rite he marketh it out with aline: he futeth IjK
with the fat of thy faerifices but thou
: it with planes, and he marketh it out iv
haft made me to {ervewith thy tins, thou with the compafs, and maketh it aftti i

halt wearied me with thine iniquities. the figure of a man, according to the d
if I, even I am he that blottethout thv beauty of a man; that it may remain in i

tranfgreffior.s for mir.eown fake, and will the h'oufe. ,

rot remember thy fins. 14 He heweth him down cedars, and tv

tS Put me in remembrance let. us: taketh thecyprefs and the oak, which hep.,
plead together: declare thou, that thou ftrengthneth for himfelf among the tree* c
jnayft be iultified. of the foreft he plantcth an afh, and the

17 Thy firft father hath finned, and thy rain doth nourifh it.
teachers have tranfgreffed againrt me. it TJn-n it be for a man to burn:
18 Tiicicforc I have profaned the prin- fur be will take thereof and warm himlelf|
; : :

Tbt fill) of idol-nt sixers. Chap. xlv. Cyrus utled.

ea, he kindleth it, and baketh bread
ea, he maketh a god, and worlhippeth
have holden, to fuhdue nations before ^
hjm: and l.will loofe the loyns of kings
"\ he maketh it a graven image i and tal- to open before hiru the two-leaved gates,
eth down, thereto. and the gates lhall not be Ihut. »
16 He burnetii part fhereof in the lire : 1 1 will go before thee, and make the
nth part thereof he .cateth flefh he roir- : crooked places ftraight lwill break in

:throit, and is Satisfied yea, he warmeth

: pieces the gates of brats, and cut in bin-
'imfejf, and faith, Aha, I am warm, 1 der the bars of iron.
tave teen the tire. 3 And I will give thee the treafures of
i7 And tiie refidue thereof he maketh darknefo, and hidden richee of lecret pla-
god, even his graven image he laUeth : ces, that thou raaytt know, that 1 the
lown unto it, and worinippeth it, and LOR.D, which call tbee by thy name, am
irayeth unto it, and faith, Deliver me, the God of Ifrael.
or thou art my god. 4 For Jacob myfisrvants fake, and If-
18 They have not known, nor under- rael, 1 have even called thee
tood :tor ha hath fhut their ayes, that by thy name I have firnamed thee,:

hey cannot fee ; ani their hearts, that though thou haft not known me.
:hey cannot undcrltand. 5 fl 1 am the LORD> and tbert is none
15 And. none conlid'ereth in his heart, elfe, thtrt i\ no God befides me I girded :

leither ii tbere knowledge nor under- thee, though thou haft not known me:
standing to fay, I have burnt part of it 6 That they may know from the riling
in the fire, yea, alfo I have baked bread of the fun, and from the weft, that there
jpon the coals thereof I have rotted flefh is none befides me
: I «m the Lord » and :

tnd eaten it, and (hall I make the refidue there is none elfe.
thereof an abomination ? fhall 1 fall 7 I form the light, and create darknefs
down to the ftock of a tree ? I make peace, and create evil I the :

io He feedetn of afhes : a deceived LORD do all thefe tbiugs.

heart hath turned him afide, tffat he can- 8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above,
not deliver his foul, nor fay, Is there not and let the sides pour down ri?htcouf-
a lie in my right hand ? nefs: let the earth open, and fet them
n 11 Remember thefe, O Jacob and If- bring forth falvation, and let righteouf-
rael ; for thou art my fervant ; 1 have I the Lord have

nefs fpring up together :

formed thee, thou art my fervant O If- created it. :

rael, thou malt not be forgotten of me. 9 Wo

unto him that ftriveth with hi3
ii I have blotted out as a thick cloud, maker let the potfherd ftrive witn the

thy tranfgreflions, and as a cloud, thy potiherds of the earth : lhall the clay fay
fins: return unto me, for 1 have redeemed to him that fafhioneth it, what makeft
thee. thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?
13 Sing, O ye heavens; fortheLORD 10 Wounto him that faith unto bis fa-
hath done it fhout, ye lower parts of the ther, What begettelt thou ? or to the wo-

earth break forth into iinging, ye moun- man, What halt thou brought forth ?

tains, o foreit, and every tree therein it Thus faith the LORD, the holy One
for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and of: Ifrael, and his maker, Ask me of
glorified himfelf in Ifrael. things to come concerning my fons, and
14 Thus faith the LORD thy redeemer, concerning the work of my hands com-
and he that formed thee rom the womb, I mand ye me.

*w the Lord that maketh alUffitm; that 11 I have made the earth, and created
flretcheth forth the heavens aiaHe, that man upon it-: I, even my hands have
fpreadeth abroad the earth by my felt" : itretched out the heavens, and all thei*
ic That fruftrateth the tokens of the holt have I commanded.
liars, and maketh diviners mad, thattur- ix I have railed him up in ri^hteouf-
neth wife men backward, and maketh nefs, and -I will direct all his ways he ;

their knowledge foolilh fhall build my city, and he fhail let ;;o_my

26 That confirmeth the ward of his fer- captives, not for price nor reward, faitfi
vant, and performeth the counfel of his the LORD of hofts.
melTengers ; that faith to Jerufalem.Thou 14 Thus faith the Lord, The labour of
fhalt be inhabited ; and to the cities of Egypt, and merchandile of Ethiopia, and
Judah, Ye fhall be built, and I will raife of the Sabeans, men of Mature fhall cc>irte
P the decayed places thereof:
z~< That faith to the deep, Be dry, and
over unto thee, and they fhall be thine,
they lhall come alter thee, in chains they
I will dry up thy rivers: lhall come over and they fhall fafl :

18 That faith of Cyrus, He it my fhep- down unto thee, they fhall make fuppli-
herd, and fhall perform all mypleadire, cation unto thee, faying, Sirely God U
even faying tojerufalem, Thou fhalt be in thee, and there ii noae elfe, there ii no
built; and to the temple, Thy foundati- God.
on fhall be laid. 17 Verily thou art a God that hideff,
CHAP. XLV. thy felf, O God of Ifrael the iaviour.
Cod alUtb Cyrus, &e. t6 They fhall be afhamed, and all'o con-
faith the LORD to his anoin-
THus ted, to Cyru«, whole right hand 1
founded all of them they fhall go to con-
futon together that urt raakersof idols.

17 Bu$
v>»«> y«ving powrr, iiai an. mr/iimi *n:t jmu.
T7 Bat Iirael (hall be fared fn the Loru yet an be notanfwer, nor fare him ei

wild an ererlaihng falvarion ye (hall not ot his trouble.


be aihamednor ton.'oundud world with- 8 Remember this, and (hew your feln

out end. men: bring rf again to mmd, Oyetr*n

18 Forthus faith the LORDthat crea- greflbrs.
ted the heavens, God .nmielt that formed 9 Reraemberthe former things hingsot ot o

the earth and made it, h-e hath eltablifhed for 1 dm God and there it none ,ic elfe, 1 «»f

it, he created it not in vain, he lormetl it God, and there is none like
to be inhabited, 1 *m the LORD, and le Declaring the end from n the
.. begir !•;
there is none cite. ning, and fro;a ancient times the t£\
19 I have not ipoken in ferret, in a that are not jet done, laying, ;
coum. M
dark place ot the earth 1 faid not unto (hall itand, and 1 will do'all'my pleature

the feed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain it Calling a ravenous bird trom th


1 the Lord fpeaknguteoulncis, I declare ealt, the man that executetn my counlt
flings that are right. trom a tar country: yea, I have fpokdf
xo 51 All'cmLle yourselves and come: it, 1 will alio bring it to pals; 1 haw
draw near together, ye tb*t *rt cfcaped purpofed rf, 1 will alio do it.
ot the nations: they have no knowledge ix fl Hearken unto me, yr nout-heart
that fet up the wood of their graven ed, thar*re tar from ngfcteowfnets.
image, and pray unto a god tb*t cannot i} I bring near my righteoufnefs i :

fave. (hall not be far off. and my lalvation lhal

li Tell ye, and bring tbem near, yea. not tarry j and 1 will place falvation 11
Jet them take counfel together who hath Zion lor Iirael my glory.
declared this from ancient time ? vebo hath

Godt judgment *g*inft tftbrhn, &c.
told it from that time? b*vt not I the
LORD ? and there is no God elfe befide COme
dewnandfjt imheduit, O vir,
me, a Juft God and a faviour, there ii gin daughter ot Babylon, lit on tb
one befide me. ground toere is r.o throne,
. O
11 ^Lookuntome, and be ye fared, all ottheChaldons: for thou (halt no laort
the ends ot the earth for I stn God, and
: betailed tender and delicate.
there it none elfe. x Take the milltones and grind meal.£
a'a lhave fworn by my felf, the word uncover thy locks, make bare the leg
isgoneoutof my mouth in righteeulnefs, uncover the thigh, pafsover the rivers.
and (hall not return, that unto me every 3 The nakednefs (hall be uncovered
knee flj>-H bow, every tongue (hall (wear. yea, thy (name (hall be feen Iwilltak' :

14 Surely, fhall one fay, In tne LORD

vengeance, and I will not meet thee *< .

have I nghteoulr.els and ttrcngth tven to man. :

him fhall men come, and all tnat are in- 4 As for our redeemer, the olLORD
cenfed againrthun (hall be alhamed. holtsfi his name, the holy One of Iirael.
is In the LORD (hall all th? feed Of Sft thou iilcnt, and get thee
«. into
Iirael be mltified, andlhall glory. dafknefs, O
daughter of the Chaldeans
t H A P. XLVI. for thou (halt no more be called the l?.dy
Idols cinnotfdve tbemfelvei, &c. of kingdoms.
T>E1'bowech down, Ntbo ftocpelh, tPcir
6 51 1 was wroth with mv people, I have
idols were upon rhe beads, and upon polluted
id mine inheritance, and given
We ca :attle: your eartiaees were heavy them into thine hand thou didit (hew

loaden, they are a burden to the weary them no mercy, upon the ancient haft
thou an
heavily laid thy yoke.
x Thev ftoop, they bow down together, 7 ffllnd thou faioft, 1 fhall be 3 ladj
thev could no- deliver the burden, but forever: So that thou ditift not iayjhele
themselves are gone into capiivirr. tbinv tothy heart, neither didit romem^J
x. n Heatkrn uiv.o mc, O houfe of Ja- ber the latter end of it.
cob, and all the remnant ot the houfe of 8 Therefore hear new this, thou tb*t
lfrae!, veb cb Are hern by me, trom the
: Art given to pLeafures, that dwellelt c:,re-
belly, which «re carried from the womb. lefly, that fayft in thine he'a-t, I «»«, and
4 And even tt J*ur old aK- 1 *»» he, and noneeilebelides me, 1 lhall not lit
ai a

tven to hoar hairs will I carry^oo lhave

: widow, neither fhall I know the lols of
nude, and 1 will bear, even 1 will carry chii<lren.
and will deliver you. q But thefe two things lhall come to'
< n\ To wiiom will ye hken me, and the>e in a moment in one day the lofsof

make me equal, and compare me, that we children, and widowhood ;t!icy (hallccmei
their perfection, tor the
mav be like ? ... thee in
multitude of thy forceries, *nd tor th«

6'T;!avi(hgold outot the bag, and

weigh filver in the balance, *«U hir: a great abundance of thine inchantmenw.
KoldTfflith, and he maketh u 1 ic fl for thou halt fruited in thy w>c
fliev fall down, yea,-thcv worihip : kednefa ; thou haft faid, None feeth me
1 Thev hear him upon th? moulder, thv wiidom and thy knowledge, it hath
fh^y carry him, and fet him in his place, perverted thee; and thou haft faid in thine
andheftandeth from his place lhall he
heart, 1 am, an J none eliebelides me.
not remove yea, one null cryuncohim,
Thcrei'wc lhall evil come upon
p to pies objtrnAy. Chap, xlvui, xl*. Tbe "ewt Umtnttd.
thou fhatt not know from whence * mj nt>nt be polluted ? and 1 will not give
eth :and mifchiet lhall fall upon my glory unto another.
ihoti fhalt not be able to put it off: ix^i Hearken umo me, O Jacob, and
efolaticn fhall upon thee fud- Ilrael, -i.y called, 1 «m he, I *nt the F.rft,
', vebieb thou fhalt not know. 1 alio ttn the laft.
Stand now with thine inchantmertts, H Mine hand alfo hath laid the foun-
nd with the multitude of thy forceries, dationot the earth, and my right hand
herein thou haft laboured from thy hath fpanned the heavens: veben I call
rfeuth ; if fo be thcu fhal; be able to unto them they ftand up together.
rofit, it fo be thou niayft prevail. t4 All ye aflemb'e your (elves at d hear :

Thou art wearied in the multiiude which among them hath declared thefe
f thy counfsls let now the alttologers,
things} the LORD
hath loved him: he
.e (tar gazers, the monthly prognoftica- will do his pleafure on Babylon, and his
>rs ftand up, ana lave thee from tbtjt \rn\Jhdll he on the Chaldeans.
>in<it that fhall eome itpon thee. ic, I, even 1 have I'roken, yea, 1 have
U Behold, they fhall be as ftubble: the called him: I have brought him, andhc?
re fhall burn them they fhaJI not deli-
: fhall make his way profpetous.
ct themfelves fr»m the power of the \6 V.Come ye near unto nve
, hear ye
ame tb>rt ibtll not bt a coal to warm
: this, Ihave not fpoken infeeret from the
r, nor before it.
fire to lit beginning, from the time that it was,
i; Thus lhall they be unto thee with the/erfwjl and now the Lord
: and GOD
• horn thou haft laboured, even thy mer- his Ipirit hath lent me.
riants from thv youth, they fh'-d! wander 17 Th-.s faith the Lord thy redeemer,
very one to his quarter, none fhall lave the ho'y One of Ifrael, I *m the LORD
Uee. thy God which teacheth thee to profit,
CHAP. XLVIII. which leadeth the by the way tb*t thou
Xod convincttb the people of obftintcy, &c. fhculdft go.
i.T Ear ye this, O
houfe or Jacob, vrbicb 18 that thon hadft hearkned to my
JT^ art called by thename of Ifrael, and commandments th^n had thy peace been

recomefcrthoutof the waters of Jitdah * as a river, and thv righteouinel* as the

-hich fwear by thename of the LORD, waves of the lea {
ndmake mention ot the God of Ifrael, t9 Thy feed alio had beer as the fafid,
it not in truth, nor in nghteoulne's. and the offspring of thy bowels like the
1 For they call themfefves of the holy gravel thereof ; his name fhouldnot have
itv, and itay themfelves upon the Gad been cut off, nor deitroyed trom before
f ifrael, the LORDot
holts it his name. me. ,
1 I have declared the former things io fl Go ve forth of Babylon, flee ve
omthe beginning: and they went form from the Chaldeans, with 2 voice of find-
utof my mouth, and J Ihewed them, I ing declare ye tell this, utter it even to
id tbtnt luddenly, and they came to jpafs. the end of t:'e earth fay ye, The Lord :

4 Beraul'e I knew thar thou *rt obiti hath redeemed his fervent Jacob,
ate, and thy neck ft an ironfinew-, and ,n And not wbtn hr led
t;jey thirlted
ly brow brafs: them through the deferts he czufed the :

c I have even trom the beginning de- waters r o rlow out of the rock for fern :
laredif. to thee before it came to pals
-, he clave the rock alio, 2nd the waters
fkewed it thee left thou fhouldft fay,
gufhed out.
airline idol hath done them, and my gra- nThere u no peace, fai*h the LORD,
en image, and my molten image] hath unto ^he wicked.
om man Jed them. CHAP. XLIX.
6 Thou haft heard, fee all this ; and to tb- Gtntiht, Sec.
'ill not ye declare it ? I have fhewtd thee Lifter, O illes urto me, and hearken,
ew things from his time, even hidden people, f'-^m 'ar, The L(ivi-> hath
lings, and thou didftnot know the-.. -3!!"d me from th- womb, from t h ebow-
7 They are created now, and net from :l»ot mv mother hath he made mention
i te be'-innine, even before the day when of mv name.
iou heardft them not; left thou fhou dft i f\rd he hsth made my mouth like a
iy, Behold, I knew them. ffrn> Jword, in thefhadow of his hand
„ 8 Yea, thou he»r 'ft no', yea, thou knew- he hid me-, and made meapoiifhed
hat '

ft not, yea, .'rom that time that thine ear fhaft, in his quiver hat.h he hid me,
as not tor I knew that thoit
opened : ? Ard faid unto me, Thou *"t mv fer-
ouhlft deal verv treacher.Mifly, and waft vnr* OltVse), whomlwiH be glori-m
t tiled a tranfgreflbr fro«> the wo fied.

Q «r For my names rake will I defer a Then Ifaid-,1 have laboured in vain,
line anger, and for Biypraife willlre- I hav~ ipenr m\ ftrenpf! trr nou.eht,and
ain tor thee that I "utrhee no-r off. in vin yet urelv mv hidgment"f« wi»h
10 Behold, I nave renned thee, bir no' the ICRO, ano>mvwork with mv God.
ith filver I have chofen -fee

in the « 5ifaith rtie Loud that fcr-
nnaee of afRidt'on. med me f tbe cm womb
to be h\s fervant,
it F«r min^ own fake, tve-n for rait* to i»ring Jacob a?airi to hin^ Though if-
*m fake wiH I do ft j for now fhosld rael be not gstharotW yet fhall I be glori-
Coil low fa bit tlurcb. Ifaiah. Vtlivtrtnct from captivity.
°us in the eyes ot the LORD, '>' Who h«th begotten me thefe, feeing
Cod (hall be my ftrength. have loft my cr.ildren, and am delolate-
6 And he ("aid, It is alight thing that captive, and removing to and tro ? *i
thou fnoukift be »y lcrvant to raiJe tip who hath brought up theie? Behold,
the tribes 01 Jacob, and to rellore the pre- was left alone, theie, where bad th<
fer ved of Urael * 1 will alio give thee tor been ? I
a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayft be ii Thus faith the Lord GOD, Behol
my lalvahon unto the end or the earth. 1 will lift up mine nand to the Gentile

7 Thus faith t.'.e LORD the redeems of and let up my llandard to the ncopl
llrael, ind his holy One, to jmn whom and they fhall bring thy fons \u the
man deipileth, to him whom the nation arms, and thy daughters fhall be earn*
abhorreth, to a ferva.nt of rulers, Kings upon their fhoulderi.
ihallfeeanaarife, princes alio mail wor- ?} And kings lhill be thy r.urling-f;
ihip» became of the LORD that is faith- thers, and their queens thy mming-flfc
ful, atid the holy One ot Ifrael, and he then : they fhall bow down rotheewil
lTtall chool'e thee. their face toward the earth, and lick i
8 Thus laith the LORD, In an accep- the (:uft of thy feet, and thou ft*
table time have 1 heard thee, and in a day that I am the LORD : for they ihslbm
of <a'lvation have 1 helped thee: and I be afhamed that wait for me.
will preferve thee, and give thee for a co- 14. f, Shall the prey be taken from tl
venant ofthe eitabliih the earth, mighty, or the lawful captive delivered
to caufe to inherit the delolate heritages 2,- But thus faith the Lord, Even tf

Q That thou mayft lay to the prifoners, captives of the mighty fhall be taken
Go forth ; to them that are in darknels, way, and the.prey ot tne terrible lhall t
Shew yourfelves: they iliall teed in the delivered fcr 1 will contend with bh :

ways, and their paftures jhtll bt in all that contendeth with thee, and 1 wi
high places. fave thy children.
ic They mail not hunger nor thirft, i6 Ana I will feed them that oppre
neither (full the he:t nor lun finite them : thee, with their ownflefh, and t!ie\ iha
for he that hath merey on them fhall lead be drunken with their cwn blood, as wit
them, even by the fprirgs of water mail Iwsetwine: and all nefhifcallkn. w th.
he guide them. I the Lord am thy faviour and thy ic
it And I will make all my mountains deemer, the mighty One of Jacob.
a way, and my high-ways fhall be exalted CHAP. L.
»iBehold, theie fhall come from far: Cbrifi Jhertetb bis ability tofivt, &e\
u'acd lo, theie from ;he north and from the
welt, andthefc from the landot
THus faith the Lori>, Where /» the bi
of your mothers divorcement w
i? U Sing, O heavens, and be joytul, 1 have putaway? or which of my mycred
© earth, and break forth into finging, O tors;* it to whum I have ibid ;

mountains for the

hath comfort- hold, fct your inpquities havee vcu (ol fj.
ed his people, and will have mercy upon your felves, and for your tranfg'remans iP-
his afflicted. your mother put away.
14 ButZionfaid, The LoRD hath forfa- » Wlierclore when 1 came, veastbert n
lten me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. man? when I called, vat there none t

uCan a woman forget her fucking anlwer? Is ray hand fhortned at all, tha
child, thatfhefhould not have compani- it cannot redeem? or have I no power t
on on the Ion of her womb ? yea, they deliver? behold, at my rebuke 1
may forget, yet will I not forget thee. the lea: I make the rivers a wildernefs
16 Behold, i have graven "thee upon their fifh ltinketh, became there fir.owa
the palms of wy hand-*, thy walls are con- ter, and dioth for thirft.
tinually before me. s I ckthe the heavens with b'arkriefi
17 Thy children lhall make haltej thy and I make fackeloth their cove.-
deftroyers, end they that made thee waite 4 The Lord GOD
hath given mc th go forth of thee. tongue of the learned, that 1 fiiould knot
18 fl Lift up thine eyes round about, how to fpeak a word in feafon to bitn tba
.and behold: all thefc gatherthemfelves is weary: he wakeneth morning bv mor
together, and come to "thee as I live, •.
ning he wakeneth mine ear to hear a

faith theLORD, thou malt furely clothe the learned.

thee with them all, as with an ornament, c The Lord GOD hath opened mir
and bind -them on thee as a bride dotb. ear, and 1 was not rebellious, neither tur
; i<5 For thy wafteand thy defolatc p'aces, ned away back.
and the land of <-hy ueftruction fhall even ! 6 I gave my back to the fmiters, an,
now be too n>.rrow by reafon ot the in- |
my cheeks to them that pluckc
habitants, and they that (wallowed thee hair: I hid not my face from fuanie an»
up lhall be far away, fpitting.
ic Thechildren which thou fhalthave, - 11 For the Lord GOD
will help me ?
after thou haft loft the otheri fhall fay therefore fhall I not be confo.
jgain in thine ears, The place is tooltrait , therefore have I let mv face like a dint .;

forme: give place to me that I may dwell, and I know that 1 fhall not be aihameJ £
2i Then fhalt tiwu fay in thine heart, i> Fit i«eeai that rw'tifteth inc,
: 8 -

m comforted. Chip. H »*• Jerufxlitn bewtilid.

nd with me ? let us (land together 1 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord
u mine adverfary'? Ice him come 1
lhall return, and come with
lin-'in? un
lear to me. to Zion, and cverlaiting \oy JbiU
be up.
9 Behold, the Lord Gou will help me, on their head: they Hull obtain
/hois hetbtt ltuil condemn me ? lo, they
..ill {hall wax old as a garment: the moth
nels and joy, M
* lorrow and mourning-
lhall flee away.
ihall eat them up. vt I, tvtn I tm he that comforteth you -

•1 is Who
among you that feareth who Artthou, that thou Ihouldft be afraid
the LORD, thatobeyetn the v^iceot his of aman(i..t lUall die, and of the Ion
ervant, that walketh in darknefs, and
mznrebtcb inall be nudeaigrals >
'lath no light? let him truft in the name 13 And forgettelt the Lord thy maker,
I the LORD, and ttay upon his God. tnat hath ftretched forth the heavens,
Behold, all ; e that kindle a fire, that
ii laid the foundations or the earth ? and
ompals your /elves about with fparks : reared continually every day, becauie of
valk in th< light of your fire, and in the the tury ot the oppreilbr. as if he
paiksf£*£ ye have kindled. This lhall ready to deftroy ? and where it the fury
re have of mine hand, ye lhall lie down of the oppreiior ? '
n lorrow. 14 The captive exile haftneth that he
CHAP. LI. may beloofed, and that heihouldnot die
exhortation to truft in Ckri/i, &c. in the pit, nor that his bread lhould fail.
HEarken to me, ye" that follow after i? But I an the LORD
thy God, that
nghreoulhefs, ye that leek the divided the lea, whole waves rored •

LORD: look unto the rock whence ye the Lord of hofts is his narhe.
are hewn, andta the hole or the pit vebtnee 16 And I have put my wards in
K are digged. mouth,, and have covered thee in
z Look" un;o Abraham jour father, lhadow ot mine hand, that I mav plant
and unto Sarah tb*t bare yotf i tor I called the heavem, and lay the. foundations
;im alone, and blcffed him, and in- the earth, ar,d fay unto Zion, Thou art
real ed him. my people.
3 For the L OR
D lhall comfort Z ion : 17 51 Awake, awake, (land up, j>- O
le will comfort all her watte places, and rufalem, which halt diryik at the
ic w.ll nuke
her wildernci's like Eden, ot the Lord the cup of Jiis fury ;
nd her defect like tne garden of the haft drunken the dregs of the cup
L.ORD joy and gladnefs will be found
-, trembling, tni. wrung tbem out.
.herein, thankfgiving, and the voice of 1 [here is none to guide her among
nclody, all the lens reborn ihe hath btou^ht
4 Hearken unto me, my people, and
ii torth: neither is tb'.re Any that
ive ear unto me, O my nation for a law : her by the hand, of all the Tons
hall proceed from me, and 1 will make my hath brought up.
udgmenttoreft tor a light oi the people. 19 Theie two things are com* ttnto
? My righteou'hefi is near my I'alvation : thee: whofhall be lorry for thee-
s gonetorth, and mine arm ihall judge lation, and deftruction, and the
he people: the ifks lhall wait upon me, and the lword: by whom mall 1 co.ia-
snd on mine arm lhall they truft. tort thee ?
6 Li ft up your eyes to the heavens, and iQ Thy fori* have fainted, they lie ae
30k upon the earth b ;r.eath for the hea- : the head ot all the ftreets as a Wild ball
vens lhall vinifh away H'.;e fmokc, and in a net they are mil of the furv of the

he earth lhall wax o.d like a earment, Lord, the rebuke oi thy God. '

nd they that dwell therein lhall die in n V Therefore hear now this, thou af-
ike manner: but my lalvation lhall be and drunken but not with wine.
or ever, and my righteoufnels lhall not zi Thus lai-htny Lord the LORD, ami
e aboliltied. thy God pleadeth the caule of his
7 V Hearken unto me, ye that know people, Behold, I have taken out of thine
ghteou Chefs, the people in whofe heart hand the cup of trembling, even the dree*
my law, fear ve not the reproach of men, of the cup of my furv, thou fhalt no
leither be ye atraid of their reviling*. more drink it a^ain.
8 For the moth lhall eat them up Tike a i; But I will put it into the hand of
arment. and the worm '.hall eat them them that afflict thee : which have (aid
ike wool! but my r:grueoulhcfsfhall he
: to thy feu I, Bow down, that we may
or ever, and my falva'.ion from genera- go over: and thou halt laid thybodvas
ion to generanon. the ground, and as the ftreet to theai
9 ^ Awake, awake, put on ftrength, O that went over.
rm of the Lord awake, as in the anci-

nt days, in the generations of Old. Art

*ce courtoei rwaemp
churches r%itmption y &e.
hou not it that hath cut Rahab, *nl A Wake, awake, putoi
] founded the dragen ? [\ Zion, put on thy beai
thy ftrengtn,
beautiml garments,
tc Art thou not'it which hath dried the O Jerufalem the holy city
:ity for tiencetorth
. ;

ea, the waters of the great deep, that there lhall no more conie into thee the
ath made the depths of the lea a way uncircumcifed, and the unlean.
3r the ranfomed to pais over J t Shake thy felf from the duft : arifif,
. H Z *ffl{
( brijli fret re lent; I Hit f*JJion.
#rU He down, O Jcru'alcm : loofe th> lclf grief: and we hid as it were our tace
troiu toe bands ot thy necki O captive from him ; he was del'piled, and we c>
daughter et Zion. ltecmcd him not.
; "Krthus laith the LORD, Ye hare 4 H Surely he hath born our griefs, and
folil your telves tor nought:
and ye fhall carried out forrows yet : we did elteeru
bercuee'nied without money. ;
him ftricken, imittcn of Gou, and at-
4. For thus laith the Lord GOD, My. flitted,
people wen: down aforetime into Egypt l jiut he ««* wounded for our tranf.

to lojoum there, and the Ali'yrian on- greinor.s, he was bruited tor our ini«\u
prclicu them withcut caulc ties : the challilcmcnt ot our peace ***! «

Now theretore, what have I here,! upon him, and with his ftripes we artliV;
faith the LORD, that my people istaken healed.
away tor nought? they that rule ever 6 All we like fheep have gone alrray.K'-
them, make them to howl, faith the Lorl>, we have turned every or.c to his owofl<
and my name continually every day ii way, ar.d the LORD
hath laid on hiinW
blalpliemed. the iniquity of us all. C*
6 Therefore mv people fhall know my 7 Hewasoppreli'ed, and he was attfict-CU'
runic therefore tbty jbitt (r»u> in that
ed, yet he opened nx his mouth: he i.L."-"
day, Ibat I <»rM he that doth (peak, be- brought as a lamb to the Ilaugiiter, ancP ',V

as a fheep before her fhearers is dumb,L''-
hold, it i>
7 Howbeautitul upon the mountains lo he opencth not his mouth.
are the tect or him that bnngeth good S He was taken from prilbn and from IS",
tidines, that publilheth peace, that bnng- judgment: and who fhall declarer's gc- fe-
ot" good, that publifheth neration ? for he was cut off out of thcWl
eth good tidings
falvation, tha'.iaith unto Zion, Thy God land ot the l-.ving: for the tranfgrefTioc
¥e &
of my pco;-»c was he ftricken.
« Tiiy watchincn fhall lift u:> the voice, 9 Ar.d he made his grave with the v
withThe voice together fball they hng
wicked, and with the rich in his death, be-
eye, whet) the caufe he had done no violence, neither''.
far they fhall fee eye to
fhall brio* again Zion. WAf tny deceit in his mouth.
LORD together, to fi Yetitpleafed the Lord to bruifil T.
q ^ Break forth into joy, ling
ve wafte places ot Jerulalem: lor the him, he hath put bim to grief: whenthour
bath comforted his peotde, he (halt make his ioul an ottering for fin, heL

LORD fhall Crtbii ieed,hefh:-ll prolong b ; i days.E'.


hath redeemed Jerufalcm.

to The LORD
hath mad-* bare his holy and the plealureot the Louu fhall prolpci ,

arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all in his hand.
lee the falva- it He fhall feeof the travel of his foufX:
the end) of the eatth fhall and fhall be latisfied by his knowledge!!:".'
tion o'» our God.

u V Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out fhall my

righteous fervant jullifie many Y
thing, go for he fhall bear their iniquities.
from thence, touch no unclean L ".
ii Therefore will I divide him « portion
It out of the mu'lt of her be ye clean, j
La? bear the ve.lels ot the LORD with the great,and hefhall divide the fpoilfr. 1 -

iiFor ye fhal! not go out wu-n hafte, with the ltrcng becaufe he hath p :

Tior eo by night: for the

LORD will go out his foul unto death: and hewasnum* v ,

before you -.and the God ot Ifrael mil bred with the
tranf greflbr';, :nd h«
the fio of many, and made in;ercciho«|r
kt vour rere-ward.

is «i Behold, my fervant fhall deal ;or the tranfgreilbrs.

prudently. he fhall be exalted and ex-
high. lb: Gtntilii comfirteJ, &c.
tolled, .and be very
• A* many were aftomed at the Sing, O barren, t!:ou.'*-r didft r.ot bear IP

:o nurred more than break forth into fir.ging, and

f his vilage wa?

any man, and his form more tha

than the loud, thou tbAt didit rnt travai '

civild tor more art the children of tfu

Cons of men.
- ., ) "

he fpnkle many nations, fc


it So fhall
,fc C Urns*
fhal Ifnut their mouths at him: '.V 1

S, ffcjfwhi h had not been told them,

Siallthcy \c? i and that which they had it
and ftrergtheh thy Hakes.
Tbi jrofbeii coinfUir.:, Sec. 7 For thou fhalt i>reak forth en the rig

WHo bath believed our report? and hand and on the left-, and thv feed fhs
to whom is the irm the LORD
inherit the Gentiles, and make the d
aled? iciate cit:-sto be inhabi'.ed.
, For he fhall grow
^re him as a
4 Fear n it, JFot thou fhalt not be afh
tender plant, an', as a root out of a dry med neither be thou confounded, : 1

mound I : »tb ro form nor comelmef thou fhalt not be put tofhame: for th

fee him, there /> do fhalt forget the fhame of thy yout
fnd when (ha
thai */z
autv tnai
beautv n.u.. de ftiak not remember the reproach of Um
s He isdefpiled
ar.d rejected of men., widowhood any more. I

a w
v mac of ibfrows, and acguairtcd w:th i Foith) makct w-thiochuaband, ( thiJ4


I»S glory ofCbriJls church. Chap. It", Ivi. An exhortation to unity.

(LORDofhofts'j hisname;) and thy re- nefs to the people, a leader and
deemer the holy One of lt'rael, the God der to the people.
)t the whole earth fhall he be called. ? Behold, thou fhalt call a nation thai
6 For the LORD hath called thee as a thou knoweft not, and nations
woman torfaken and grieved in fpirit, not thee lhall run unto thee, became
ind a wife of youth, when thou wait rc- the LORD thy God, and for the holy
tul'cd, faiththy GOD. of Itrael ; tor he hath glonlied thee.
7 For almail moment have I lorfakcn 6 11 Seek ye the LORD
while he may be
thee, bat with great mercies will I ga- found, call yeupen him while he isnear
Uier thee. 7 Let the wicked lorlake his way, and
8 In a little wrath I hide my face from the unrighteous man his thoughts
and :

hee, tor a moment ; but with everlafting

<indncfs will 1 have mercy on thee, faith
lethiin return unto the
will have mercy upen him, and to
and he
he LORD thy redeemer. God, tor he will abundantly pardon.
9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto 8 H For my thoughts are not youc
we : tor<u I have fworn that tht waters thoughts, neither */-« your ways my ways,
rf Noah fhould no more go over the errth ; faith the LORD.
o have 1 fworn that I would not be wroth 9 For as the heavens are higher than
with thee, nor rebuke thee. the earth, lo arc my ways higher than
For the mountains mall depart, and your ways, and my thoughts than your
:he hills be removed, but my kindnefs thoughts.
hall not depart from thee, neither fhall to For as the rain cometh down,
the covenant of my peace be removed, the (now from heaven, and returnethnot
"aith the LORD, that hath mercy on thither, but watereth the earth,
ihee. maketh it bring forth and bud, that it
ii II Oh thou arRifted, tofled with may give feed to the lower, and bread
empelt, *ni not comforted, behold, I to the cater
will lay thy ltones with fair colours, and 11 So lhall my word be that goeth forth
lay thy foundations with fapphires. outot my niouth: itfualinot return unto
it And I will make thy windows of me void, but it fliall aacomplifh that
agates, and thy g^tes of carbuncles, and which I pleale, and it fliall profper in tb-
lil thy borders of pleaiant ltones. tb'n& whereto I lent it.
t; And all thy children'.//.-.*// be taught 11 For ye fhall go outwkh joy, and be
)f the LORD,
and great;/;*// bt the peace led forth with peace ths mountains and

if thy children. the lulls fhall break forth before you into
t4 In righteoufnefs fhalt thou be efta- finging, and all the trees of the field fhall
Jlifhed : thou fhalt be far from oporcfli- clap tbtfrr hands.
)n, for thou fhalt not fear 5 and from ter- n lnftead of the thorn fhall come up
or, for it fhall not come near thee. thehr-tree, sndinfteadot tne brier fliall
1? Behold, they fhall furely gather to- come upthemirtle-tree: and it be fliall
gether, but not by me : whofoever fhall to the LORD tor a name, tor an everlaft-
father together againft thee, fhall fall ing fign lhall not be cut oft.
or thy lake. C H A V. LV1.
16 Behold, I have created the fmithrflat The fro [bits exhortation-, &c,
jloweth the coals in the fin:, and that THus Faith the LORD, Keep ye judg-
•ringeth forth an inftrument for his work, ment, and
do jultice lor my lalva-

ind Ihavecreated thewafterto deftroy. tion is near to come, and my righteouf-

17 *.\ i\'o weapon that is formed againft nefs to be revealed.
hee, fliall profper ; and every tongue that i Blefled is the man that doth this, and
hall rile againlt thee in judgment, thou thefonof manr.**£layethholdon it that: :

halt condemn. Tins is the heritaae of keepeta the labbath trom polluting it,
he fervants of the LORD,
and their righ- and kcepeth his hand from doing; any
eoulnel's is of mc, iaith the LORD. evil.
CHAP. LV. "i 11 Neithe-Ietthe fon of the ftranger.
TheprotniftiofChrtfl, & at hath joynsd himfelf to the LORD,
TO. everv one that thirtieth, come ye fpeak, faying, The LORD
hath utterly
[~i to the waters, and he that hath no feparated me from his people neither

honey ; come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, let the eunuch.- fay, Behold, 1 am
j j rv
ivty wine and milk without money, and tree.
/ithout price. 4 For thus faith the LORD
unto the
i Wherefore do ye fpend money for eunuchs that keep my fabbaths, and choofe
obich is not bread ? and your labour ivitbAt the things that pleafe me, and take hold oi
vbicb fatisfieth not? hearken diligently my covenant
mo me, and eat ye that vehicb is good, f Even unto them will I give in mine
nd let your foul delight it fell in fatnefs. houfe, and within my walls, a place and a
3 Incline ycur ear, and come unto me: name better than of Ions and of daughters •
ear, and your foul ihalllive, and I will 1 will yive them an everlafting name, that
aake an everlafting covenant with you, fliall not be cut err.
vm the fure mercies of David. 6 Alio' the fons of the ftranger, that
4 Behold? I have given Dim for a wit- joyn thcafelves to the LQRD, to. ferve
* z * Lisa
Idolatry rtprovtd. Ifa iah. Comfortable frtmJftt,
him, ;;nd to love the name of the LOUD, thy way ; yet faidft thou not, There is n.
tobehis lervmrs, everyone that keepeth hope: thou halt found the lite bt thin,
the fabbatbtrom polluting it, andtaketh hand ; therelore thou watt not grieved.
holdot my covenant: n And of whom halt thou been afraic...
7 Even them will I bring to niy holy or feared, that thou haft lied, and baDE
mountain, and make them joyful in my rvot remembred me, nor laid it to tin ;

houl'eoi pr..yer their burnt-offering* and heart ? have net I held my peace even o'

their \zcTi\.:csjb.ili t>t accepted upon mine old, and thou feareft me not?
altar* tor mine houi'e fliall be called an :i I will declare thyrighteoufhefs, anc
houl'cof grayer for all people. thy works, for they fliall not prortt thee.
5 The Lord G O i), which gathereth i? 1i When
thou crieft, let thy com-
the outcalts of Ifrael, faith, Yet .will I pames deliver trice but the wind fhal

gather other i to him, befides thole that carry them all away ; vanity fliall take
arc gathered unto him. their. but he that putteth his trult in me

9 H All ye heaits ai the held, come to fhall poilefs the land, and ftuii inherit
devour, yea, all ye beads in the torelt. my hojy mountain
to His watchmen »rc blind they are all
: i4 And lhall fay, Oft ye up, caftyeup
ignorant, they art all dumb dogs, they prepare the way, take up the {tumbling,
cannot hark; flecping, lying down, lov- block out ot the way of my people.
ing to flumber. if For thus faith the high and loft)
u Yea, theyxre greedy dogs vrbicb can One that inhabiteth eternity, whofe fam<
ne/^r have enough, and they art fhep- is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy plast

herds that cannot underftand : they all with him alio that it of a contrite an; I
look to their o*vn way, every one far his humble fpuit, ro revive the fpint of tfc<
gain, from his quarter. humble, and to revive the heart of th<
nCome ye, fay they, I will fetch wine, contrite ones.
and we will fill our (elves with ftrung 16 For I will notcontend for crer, nei-
drink, and to morrow mall be as this day, ther wilt I be always wroth : tor the I'piri
and much more abundant. me.and the fouls vthicb
Itiould tail before '.

have made.
Tb'.bitfftd dtatb of tbt righttout, 17 For the iniquity of his covctoufnef
righteous perifheth, and no man was I wroth, and fmote him
THe layeth/cto heart ; and merciful men and was wroth, and he went on frowarct-
1 hid me :

are taken away, none confidenng that ly in the way of his heart.
the righteous is taken away from the evil tij I have fcen his ways, and will hea

to come. him 1 will lead him alio, and refton


i He fhall enter into peace-, they fhall comforts unto him, and to his mourners.
left in their beds, each one walking in his 19 I create the fruit of the lips i peace
uprightnefs. peace to him that it tar off, and to bit*
? II But draw near hither, ve fons of the that is near, faith the Lord, and I wil

fotcpreis, the feed of the adulterer, and heal him.

tre whoti. _• io But the wicked are like the trouble*
.L-rnnitwhomdoyefport yourfelves
. Tea, when it cannot relt, whole water
againfi; whom make Ve a wide mouth, and call up mire and dirt.
draw oat the tongue? are ye net children it Tbtre it no peace, faith my God, t<
of trani'f reiTicn, a feed ot falfhood ? the wicked.
<? Er..:.mir.g your fclves with idols CHAP.
under ev>:ry green tree, flaying the chil- Tbt prof bet reprovetb hypocrijit, &C-
dren in the valleys under the clitts ot aloud, lpare not, lift up thy voio
the rocks ? _
CRy like atrumpet, and fhew my peopl.
6 Among the month Hones of the ftream their tranlgreflion, and the houfe of Jacot

it tr- porti n; they, they ire thy lot: their fins.

even tO th< m haft thou poured a drink-of- i Yet they Jeek me daily, and deligh
i tng, thou haftoffercd a meat-offering. know my ways, 3s a nation that di<
I receive comfort in thefe ? righteoufnets, and forfook not the ordi
-i Loon a lofty and high mountain haftnance ot their God they a-k of me th< :

thou let thy bed: even thither wenteft ordinances of juitice they take deligh -.

cnouup to offer facrilice. in approaching to God.

'p Beli.nd the doors alio and the pofts 3 11 Wherefore have we fafted, fay they
h-it thou let up thy remembrance-, lor and thou feeft not ? -wktrtfort have we at
thOiThatt difcovere'd thy ft if to another flitted our foul, and thou takeft no know
than me, and art gone up thou haft en- ledge? Behold, in the day of \our fa(

larged thy bed, and made Kiee a cove- you find plcafure, and cxacl all your la
nant witnthem *hou loveult their bed bours.

where then lawcft it', 4. Behold, ye faft for ftnfe and debate

q i\r.d thou wer.telt to the king with and to finite with thefiftot wickc> .nefs

ointment, aud didll inci 'sfe thy perfumes, ye fliall not faft as ye dotbin'.av,
and didft (end thy Ftieffengers tar oil", and your voice to be heard i n high'.
cud It debafe tk« feif twn unto he' I. Is it luch a faft that I have chofen

to TJicu art wearied ia thegrcarnefs of a day lot a man to arflict his Ibul ? it it t
} „ '

&Atrtaf*Ji. Chap. I i X Tbe Jews fins,

Rw down his :isad as a butrufh, and to * They hatch
cockatrice- eggs, and-
pread fackcloth and afhes under bint weave the fpulers Web he that eateth

or' their e^s


pit: thou can 'his a faft, and an accepl dictn, and that wbiob ii
daytc ic LOU ? > cruihed breaketh out into a viper.
/j .not this tile wft fiat l havecholen ? 6 Their webs lhall not become gar-
o ljoi'- th bands of wickedncis, to un- ment*, neither mall they cover themf elves
!o theh burdens, i'ad to let the op-
't • with their works: their works are works
jretled go free, and t. iat ye break every of iniquity, and the act of violence ii in
*>ke? their hands.
7 Jj if not to deal thy bread to thehun- 7 Their feet run to evil, and they mike
ry, and That tluu bring the pa >r that are nafte to lh-d innocent blood their :

out, to thy hou.'e? when thou feed the

ait thought's 4ri thoughts of iniquity, wafting,
aked, U.Y -^ouco/er him, and that thqu and deftruclipn are in their paths.
ide not thy fell thine own flefh ? 8 The way of peace they know not, and
ip;i S fl Then ihall thy ligttt break lorth as there i no judgiscnt in their goings
i they :

»!.he morning* and thine health (ball fpring i.ave made them crooked paths who- :

• orth 1'peediiy. and thy righteeufneis foever geeth therein, lhall- not know
liatl go b tore thee
fti the ejtory of the
; peace.
jjjLoRt) lhall be thv refe-ward. 11 Therefore is judgment far from us,

o Then (halt tfioa call, and the

(h-Il anlwer; thou lhalt cry, and he (hall
LORD neither doth juftice overtake us we wait :

lor light, but behold obfeurity i'for bright-

fay, Here 1 am it thou ake away from
: ne!s, but we walk in darkaels,
he midit of thee the yoke, thz Kitting to We
grope for the wall like the blind,
forth or the linger, and fpeaking va- and we grcpu as if my b,id no eyes: we"
nity : (tumble at noon-day as in the night ; we
ie And ff thou draw ou: thvl'oul to the are in delbiate places as dead men,
jilhungry, and fatisae the afrfictect (bul ; it We
rore all bears, and mourn
"then (hall thy light rife in cb curuy, and fere like doves; we lo'k for judgment,
'hy darknsfs be as th: noon-day. buitbcrt i i none i for falvation, but it is
(. ii And the LORD
lhall guide thee con- far off from us.
tinually, and fatisfie thy foul in drought, iz Forour tra.T~gieffions are multiplied,
and make fat thy bones and thouihalt be : before thee, and our fins teftifie againft.
like awateredj;arden, and like a fpring «s: lor cur tranfgreffions tre with us, and-
of water, w ho fe waters fail not. at for our iniquities, we know them :
And they that Jball be of thee, lhall U Intranl'greffing and lying againtt the
build the old waft; places : thou lhalt raife LORD, and departing away from our
the foundations of many generations ; God, fpeaking oppreffion and revolt,
and thou (halt be called, The repairer of conceiving and uttering from the heart
•the breach, the reftorer of paths to dwell worJs of talihcod.
in. 14. And judgment is turned awa; back-

H 11 If thou turn away thy foot from the ward, and jiiitice ftandeth afar orl for :

fabbath, from doing thy pleafuTe on my truth is fallen in the ftreet, and equity
holydav, and call the (abbath a delight, cannot enter.
the holy of the LORD, honourable, and i? Yea, truth faileth, and he that de-
ihalt honour him, not doing thine own paiteth from evil maketh himfelf a prey :
ways, nor finding thine ownpleafure, nor and the LORD law it, and it difpleafed
fpeaking tbint own words : him that there was no iudgment.
14 Then (halt thou delight thy felf in 16 Tl And he faw that there was no man-
the LORD, and i will caiifetheeto ride and wondred that there was no intei-
upon the high places of the earth, and ceflbr: therefore his arm brought falvati-
feed thee with the heritage of J^acob my on unto him, and Ins tighteoufnels, it fu-
father for the mouth of the
; hath LORD ftained him.
fpoken it. i7 For he put on righteoui'ners ii a
CHAP. LIX.brealt-plate, and an helmet of falvation
Tbe d&vnnabk n.xturt of fin, 8cc. upon
his head ; and he put on the gar-
TJEhold, the LOR
Ds hand isnotfliort ments of vengeance for clothing, and w as-
\D ne <*> that it cannot fare: neither his clad with zea! as acloke.
ear heavy, that it cannot he2r. 18 According to <isir deeds, according-
x But your iniquities have feparatcd ly he will repay, fury to his adverfarics,
between you and your God, and your recompenceto his enemies, to the ifUnds
fins have -hid bii face from you, that he he will repay recompense.
will not hear. 19 so fhall they fear the name of the
x For your hands are defiled with blood, LORD
from the weft, and his glory
and your fingers with iniquity, your lips from the riling of the fun when the ene-
i :

cave fpoken lies, your tongue hath mut- my (hall confe in like a flood, tliefpirit
tered perveri'enefs' ot the (hall lift up aitandard as LORD
4 None calleth for juftice, nor any gainft him. I

pleadeth for truth: they tiuft in vanity, ic H And the redeemer (hall come to

and fpeak lies; they conceive mifchief, Zion, and unto them that turn trom tranl-

and bring forth iniquity. greffion

6 in Jacob, faith the LORD.

2 3 xt As
Tbt ehurcta glory. Ifa ah. Stlvition ii of Ged.
As for me, this fi my covenant with felvesdownat the foles of thy feet ; andK
them, faith the LORD, My I'pirit that they ihall call thee, The city of the LoRDi
n upon thee, and my words winch I have the Zion of the holy One of Ifrael.
put in thy mouth, (hall not depart out of ti Whereas thou haft beenforfaken and
•hy mouth, nor out ©f the mouth of thv hated, fo that no man went through f*«,
feed, nor out of the mouth ot thy feed's I will make thee an eternal excellency, a
feed, faith the LORD, from henceforth jcy of many generations. KCt'.
and for e/er. 16 Thou fhalt alio luck the milk of the Btl [1

The glory of tbt church, &C.
Gentiles, and fhalt fuck the breafl ot
king;, and thou lhalt know that I the
A Ri'e, ihine, for thy litrht is come, LORD *m thy faviour and thy redeemer
X\ and.ihe glory of the L 6 R D is rii'cn the mighty One of Jacob.
upon thee. 17 For brads I will bring gold, and for
x For beheld, the darknefs fhall cover iron I will bring filver, and tor wood bral'Si
the earth, and g.oisdarknel's the people :
and tor It >nes iron: 1 Will a)fa make thy
bin tucLORjJ fhall utile upon thee, officers peace, and thine exactors nghte-
and hi.> glory Hull be fecn upon thee. DufneTs.
,a And the Gentiles fhall come to thv 18 Violence fhall no more be heard in Ufi
light, and kings to the brightnefs of thy thy land, wafting nor deltrudtion within It!':

thy borders ; but thou lhalt call tby walls

4- Lift up thine eyes round about, 2nd falvation, and thy gates praifc.
fee; all they gather themfeives together, 19 The fun fhall be no more thy light
they come
to thee, thv fons fhall ccme by day, neither for brightnefs fh;-il the
tiom far, and thy daughters fhall be moon give light unto thee but the Lord :

tturfed at thy fide. fhall be unto thee an everlafting light, and

? Tien thou lhalt fee and flow toother, thy God thy glory.
and thine heart fhall fjar, and be en- ic Thy fun fhall no more go down,
larged, becaulethe abundance of thefea neither lhall thy moon withdraw it (elf:
ihall be converted unto thee, the forces for the LORD
fhall be thine everlaitmg
of the Gentiles fhall come unto thee. light, andthodays of thy mourning ihall
6 The multitude ot camels fhall cover be ended.
thee: the dromedaries of Midian and 11 Thy people zttbjbtil bt all righteous :
» JEphah: all they front bheba fhall come : they fhall inherit the land tor ever, the
they fhall bring gold and incenfe, and branch of my planting, the work of my
they fhall fhew forth the praifes of the hands, that i may be glorified.
LORD. 11 A little one fhall become a thoufand,
7 All the flocks of Kedarthall be ?athe and a fmall one a ltrong nation 1 the :

red together unto thee, the rams 6~f Ne- LORD will haflcn it in his tftne.
baioth fhall minifter unto thee: they fhall CHAP. LXI.
come up with acceptance on mine' altar, The office of Cbriff, &c.
and I "will glorifie the houfe of my THeme, fpirit of the LORD God it upon
glory. becaufe the Lord hath anointed
8 Who tin thefe tbit fly as a cloud, me to preach good tidings unto the meek,
and as the doves to their windows? he hath fent me to bind up the broken-
9 Surely the iflei fhall wait for me,- and hearted, to proclaim liberty to the cap-
*he mips of Tarfhifn firfr, to brin? thy tives, and the opening of the prilbn to
fon< from far, their filver and theifgold them tbtt Art bound :

with them, unto the name of the LORD 1 To proclaim the acceptable year of
thy God and to~4he holy One of If'rael,
: the LORD, and the day of vengeance of
beeaule he hath elorifrd thee. our God, to comfort all that rriburn :

10 And the fons "of ftrangers fhall buiki 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in
up thy wall?, and their kings ihall minifler Zion, to give unto them beauty for afhes,
unto thee for in my wrath I fmotc thee,
: theoylof joy for mourning, the garment
but in my favour have I had mercy on thee of praife for the fpirit of ncavinsfs, that
it Therefore thy gates fhall be open they might be called trees of rightecuf-
continually, they fhall net be fhut day nor nels, theplantmgoftheLORD, that he
m'eht, that wen may bring unto thee the might be glorified.
forces of the Gentiles, and their 4 51 Andthey fhall build the old waftes,
kings mny be brought. they fhall raife up the former deflations,
uFor the nation^and kingdom that will and they fhall repair the walte cities, the
rot f'erve thee, fhall perifh yea, tbo/t
: delegations of many generations.
stations lhall be utterly wafted. ? And ftrangers fhall fland and feed
\\ The glory of Lebanon fhall come your flocks, and the Ions of the alien
unto thee, the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and \httll be your plowmen, and your vine-
the box together, to beautifie the place of drellers.
my fan&uarv, and Twill make the place 6 But ye fhall be named the priefts of
of thv feet glorious the LORD: mm fhall call you the niir.i-
14 The of them that afflicted
fons alio ftersof our God: ye fhall eat the riches
ftiee fh^Ucenie bendine unto thee; and ot the Gentiles, and in their glory fhall
.all they that defpifed thee fhall bow them- you boaft your fclvcs.
7 51 For
t c]ian< Wi) fcjji Goii tovotr mi mercy,
7 For your fhamc.70M/&.i//i,it.{ double;
up. caltup the high-way, father out the
papf contuiion they fhi'.l rejoyce in ltones, lifrup a ftaniiard for the people,
•eir portion therefore in their land they
ti B?hold, the Lord hath proclaimed
fo:< pollc/s the double: everlasting joy un:othe end of the world, Say ye fo the
toll be unto them. &
daughter of Zian, Behold, thy falvatiort
S For 1 the Lord love judgment, I hate coiicthj behold, his reward nwith him,
rohiiery br burnt-offering, and 1 will di- and his work beiorehim.
rect their work in truth, and 1 will make ti And they fhall call then, The hply
an everlafting covenant with them.
people, the redee vied of the Lord and :

And theiffeed fhall be known among thou ihi'it be called, So.:ght out, a city
trie Gentiles, and
their offsprma: among not lorl'aken.
the peoi>le: all that lee them (hull ac- C H A 1>. I.XIJJ.
w *'w the Loan
hath blefled.
to I will greatly rejoyce in the LORD,
my loul mall be joyful in my God, lor he
lata clothed me with the srarmerrsof fal-
W CbriS
Ho ;>this
that corrtath
hi is, &c.
from Edom,
with died garments from S-ozrah?
this tbt'it glorious in his apparel, travel-
ing in the grearne.'s of his ftrength? I
vation, he hath covered tile with th: robe that fpeak in righteoufnefs, mighty to
or riKh'eoufnsfs, as a bridegroom deck- fave.
eth brmretf with omauzn'.s, and as a bride x Wherefore Art thou red in thine ap-
adjrneth kerftlf with her j :wels. parel, and thy garments like him that
n For as the earth brinzeih forth her treadethin the wine- fat?
»ud, and as the garden cawTeth thethines 3 I have troden the wine-prefs alone,
that arc (own in it to fpring forth: fo the and ot the people there vas none with me :
X.ORi> God will caule righteoufnefs and tor 1 will tread them in mine anger, and
praife to i'pring forth before all the na- trample them in my
fury, and their blood
tions. fhall befpiinkledupcnmy garments, and
1 be
CHAP. LXII. 1 will Itain all my raiment".
office of minifltri in freshing, &:. 4 For the day of vengeance n in mine
X^Ot Zions lake will I not hold my peace, heart, and the year of my redeemed is
1and for Jerufalems lake I will not reft, come.
until therighteoufnefs thereof go forth as 5 And Hooked, and tbertw+i none to
bughtnefsT and the falvation thereof as a help; and Iwondred that there was none
lampfiurburneth. to uphold: therefore Mine own .arm
i And the Gentile* fhall fee thyrighte- b-cught falvationunto me, ani my Jury*
Oufhels, and all kings thy gbry and : it upheld me.
thou fha't be called by a new name, which 6 And will tread down the people in
the mouth of the R.D fhall nam LO mine anger, and make them drunk in my
3 Thou (halt alio oe a crown of glory in fury, and I will bring down their ftrength
the hand or the LO RD,
and a royal dia- to the earth.
dem in the h?rd or thy God. 7 lj I will mention the loving k Inch ie (Tea
4. Thou no more be termed, For- of the
fhalt LORD,
and the pr.iles of the
faken; neither fhall thy land any more be LORD,
according to all that the Lort>
termed-, Defolate: but thou lhaltbc cal- hath bellowed on us, and the great good-
led Hephzi-bah, and thy land, Beulah : nefs towards the houfe of llr'acl, which
for the Lord «*e!ightelh in thee, and thy hath befto-.ved on them, according
land (hull be married. to his mercies, and according to the mul-
* For tt 9 young man marrieth a virgin, titude of his loving kir.dneftes.
fo fhall thy fons marry thee: and *s the S For he faid, Surely th*y *rt my peo-
bridegroom rejoyceth over the bride, fo ple, children**** will not lie: fo he was
fhall thy God rejoyce over thee. their laviour.
6 I have fet watchmen upon thy waits, 9 H In all their arRiaion he was arret-
O Jerusalem, which fhall never hold their ed, and the sngcl of his pretence lave^
peace day nor night: ye that make men- them in his kvc and in hio pity he re- :

tion of the Lord, keep not lilence ; deemed them, and he bare them, and
7 Ana give him no reft, till he eftablifh, carried them all the days o! old.
and till he make Jerufalem a praife in io U But they rebelled, and vexed his
the earth. holyfririt: therefore he w j turned to
8 The LORD
hath fwern by his rieht be their enemy, And he fought againS
hand, and by the arm of his ftrength, them.
Surely, I will no more give thy corn to It ti Then he remembred the days cf
meat for thine enemies, and the fons or the old, Mofes anj his people,,faying, Where
ftranger fhall net drink thy wine, for the is he that brought them up out cf the
which- thou haft laboured: lea, with the ftvepherd of his -lock ?
o But they that have gathered it, fhall where is he that put his holy fpuit with-
cat it, ar.d praife the Lord and they in him ?;

that have brought it together, fhall drink ti That led ttttm by the right hand of
it in the courts of my lio'inels. Mofes, wi<h his glorious arm, dividing
to II (Jo through, go through the gates the water before them, to Hi?kc himfcil

prepare you the way of the people, Wft an cverlifting nawe?

^ ^^
: : :

Mam tutor al corruption. lfabh. Tie Gtntittt ctUtd.

n That led them through the deep as onrsj wildernefs, Jerulalem a defolatior
an horfc in the wildernei* they 11 Our holy and our beautilul houi< I
fhculd not (tumble? where our lathers pratfed thee, is bun
14 As a bcalt gbeth down into the v:.!Ly, up with lire and all our plcafant thing :

•he fpirit ol the LORD

cauierf him to are laidwafte.
Wilt tnou refrain thy felf for theft
reft: fo didft thou lead thy people, to i» 1
make thy (elf a glorious name. things, Q
Loru r wilt thou hold thy peace |
t? *i Look down from heaven, and be- and afhict us very (ere? <

hold lrom the hajitation ot thy hohnels CHAP. LXV.

and ot thy g ory where is thy real and
Tkt '.siting of the Gtntilts, &C.
thy itrength, the founding ot thy bowels, Am fought ot then: that a^ked not for
1 mt

and ol thy mercies towards me ? arc they lam found of them that .ought me
: I

rettramed 5 not: 1 faid, Be: old me, behold me, un-l

DcubtldsthcuAr: our father, though
\6 to a nation that was not called by my I
Abraham oe ignorant ot us, and Ifrael name.
acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art 2 I h jvc (pread out my hands all the day
our father, our redeemer, thy name u from unto a rebellious people, which walketn 1

eveilaiting. in a way that »*j not good, after their

17 11 O Lord, whv haft thou made us to own thoughts
err from t.';\ way- ? tag hardned our heart ; A
people that provoketh me to anger I

from thy fear?' Return for thy fervants continually to my face, that facrif.ccta
Take, the tribes ol thine inneritahcc. in gardens, and burnetii incenie u?cr>
. 18 The people or thy holinels have pof- altars of brick:
felTcd it hut a little while our adverfaries
: 4 Which remain among the graves, and
have troden down thy lanctuary. lodge in the monuments, which eat lwmea
19 We
are rims, thcu never barcitrule nefh, and broth of abominable Xbin^s 11
ever them, they we;e not called ay thy ia thcu veiTels
name, « Which lay, Stind by thy felf, come
CHAP. LXIV. not near to me, fori am holier than thcu :
Theillaftraiian if Go-is povptr, &c. ihcicare as imoke in my no!c, a lire that
OH mat thou wouldit rent the hea-
vens, that thou wouldft com: down,
barnetb all the day.
6 Behold, it is written before me, I will
that the mountain; might rlow down at not keep liiencc, but will recompctifc, e-
thy prelencc, ven recoaipenfe into their bofom,
z At vtm
the melting fire burr.eth, the 7 "Your iniquities, and the iniquities of
fire caufeth the waters 10 boyi, to make ycur fathers together ( faith the Lord J
thy name known to thine adverfaries, that which have burnt incenfeupon the moun-
Iterations may tremble &• thy pre eoce. tains, and bLifphemed me upon the hills
3 When thcu didft. terrible 'things which therefore will 1 mealiirc their tormei work
we looked not for, thou cameit down, into their bo:om.
the mountains flowed down at thy pre- 5 5i Thus faith the LORD, As the new
tence. wine is sound in the duller, and cne faith,
4 Forfince the beginning of the world Dcftroy it no:, for a bleilingf* in it fu will

have not heard, nor perceived bv 1 00 tor my fervants lakes, that I m-ynoc
the e2r, neither bath tee eye ;een, O ueftroy them all.
God, heiides thee, x<b*t he hath prepared 9 And 1 will bring forth a feed out of
lor him tnat waiteth .or him. Jocob, and out of Judah an inheritor of
* Thou meeteft him that rejoyceth, and my mountains: and mine elect fhall in-
worketh ner.teoufhefs, thoft test remem- herit it, and mv fervants fhail dwell there.
ber thee fri thy ways behold, thoa art

to And Sharon ihall be a foL: or ricks,
wroth, for we have tinned in thole is : and the valley of Aci.or a place for t*-.e
continuance, and wefhall be faved. nerdi to lie down m, tor my people that
6 But we are all a* an unclean things h-sre fought me.
ar.d all our righteou xefs art as filthy ti fl ye- art they that forfake the
lags, and wc all do fade ss a k?af, LORD, that forget my holy mountain,
our iniquities, hkcthe winit, have taken tnat prepare a laole lor that troop, and
us away, that lurr.ifn the dnnk-oiTaing unto that
7 Ar.d that is none that ralleth upon number.
tru ;ame, that ttirrethup himfeL to lake 11 Therefore will I number you to the
hold of thee for thou haft hid thy .'ace Iword, ar.d ye fhall all bow down to the
from us, and haft confumed us, becaufc daughter becaufe when I called, ye did

of our iniquities. not anfwer ; when I fpakc, ye did not

5 But row, O LORD, thou -rrour fa- hear, but d'd evil before nunc eves, and
ther wtare *he clay, and thou our pot-
; did choofe that wherein 1 delighted not.
ter, and we all art the work of thy hand. 1: Therefore thus faith the Lord God,
9 r Be not wroth very lore, O LORD,
Behold, my fervants mail rat, but ye fhall
neither remember iniquity lor ever i>e- be hungry beheld, my fervantifhall dunk,
fcoLi, fee, we befeech thee, we arc all thy butyefhallhethirrty: behold, -ny fervar.ts
jieoplc. fhall rejoyce, but ye fhall be ainamed :

jc Thy holy cities are a wddeincfj, Zi- U BchoJd,m> 1'civams Ih-li ling for joy
fJtvo JeraWeirt. Chap. •xvi. Tbe bumble comforte.1.
. of heart, hut ye fhall cry for forrow of when I fpake, they did not hear hut :

<) heart, and fhall howl tor vexation ol fpirrt. they dul evil before mine eyes, andc;,eic
I? And ye fhall leave your name tor a in which 1 delighted not.
curf unto my cholen

tor the Lord Got
: f H Hear the word of the Lord, ye
Hiall Hay' thee, and call his fervams by that tremble at his word, Your brethren
another nasie that luted you, that cafl you out for my
16 That he who bleffeth himfelf in the names lake, laid, Let the Lord be glori-
earth, fhall bid's inmfeli in the God ot fied : but he fhall appear to your joy,
truth, andhethat fweareth in the earth, and they fli a II be afhamed.
ihallfwJ3r by the God ortruth; becaute 6 A voice of noife from
the ruy, a voice
the former troubles are forgotten, ami be- from the temple, a voice of Lord that
catife they are hut from mine eyes. rendrcth recompenceto his enemies
17 H For behold, I create new heavers«, 7 Before fhe tra^i'led, flu* brought
and new earth
a and the former fhall orth before her pain came, flic was
: :
not be rememhred, nor come into. mind. livered of a man-child.
3But beyougladandrejoyce tor ever 8 Who hath heard liich a thine- who which 1 create: tor behold, 1 hath feenfiich things? fhall die earth
create Jerufalein a rejoycing, and her made to bring forth in one day, orfhalla
people a joy. nation be born at once : for as fdon as Z ion
19 And I will rejoyce in Jerufalem, and travailed, fhe brought forth her children
joy in my people, and the voice ot weep- 9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not
ing be no more heard in her, nor caofe to bring forth? faith the
(hall Lord:
the voice ol crying. fhall I caule to bring forth, and
flint tbt
10 There ihall be no more thence an in- •womb? faith thy God.
fant of days, nor an old man that hath 10 Uejoyce ye with Jerufalem, and
not filled his days: for the child fhall die be giad with her, all ye that love her

an hundred years old, but thefin;iert«nS' rejoyce for joy with her, all ye that mourn
an hundred yearsold fhall be accurfed. tor her :

it And they fhall build houies, andin- u That ye may fuck, and be fatisfied
habit ib:nt; and they fhall plant vine- with the breafts-of her conizations that :

yards, and eat the fruit of them. ye may milk out, and be delighted with
11 They fha'l not build, and another the abundance of her glory.
inhabit ; they fhall not plant, and another 11 For thus faith the Lord, Behold,
eat: for as the days eta tree, are the days 1 will extend peace to her like a river, and

af my people, arid mine ele£t fhall long the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing
enjoy the work of their hands. (tream then fhall ye fuck, ve fhall be

x\ They ihall not labour in vain, nor born upon ber fides, and be dandled upon
brins; forth for trouble for they are the
her knees.
reed of theblefledof the Lord, and their 1? As one whom, his mother comforf-
3fVspring with them. eth, fowill I comfort vou and ye fhall :

14 And it ihall come to pafs, that be- be comforted in Jerufalem.

fore thevcall, 1 will anfwer, and whiles 14 And v.-hen ye fee this, your heart fhall
they are' yet fpeaking, I willlicar. rejoyce. and your bones Ihall flourifh nke
if The wolf and the lamb fhall feed an herb and the hand of the Lord ihall

together, and the lion ihall eat ftraw like be known towards his fervants, ami bit
the bullock: and dult /&*//£<? the ferpent. indignation towards his enemies.
meat. They fhall not hurt nor deftroy in 1? For behold, the will come LOUD
i!l mv holy moaivain, faith the LORD. with fire, and with his chariots like a
A P. LXVI. whirlwind, .to render his anger with htrv,
God mil be ftrv.i in bumble finc.rrty, &c. 3nd his rebuke with flames of fire.
faith the Lord, T e heaven h my 16 For by fire, anil by his fword, will
J'Hus throne, and the earth is my tooHtool: the LORD
plead with allflefh :.nd the :

ere t'j the hbufe that ye build unto ilair\ or the LORDlhal! be many.

me? and where is the place of my relt ? 1- .The- that farictifie themfelves, and
1 For all thofc tbin%% hath mine hand pu.ii" themfelves in fhc,gardens, behind
made, and all t'ofe things have been, faith one tree inthemidft, ea*ing fwines fie fli,
the LoRU: hut to this Man will I look, and the abomination, and the motife i fhall
tv.n to hint tbati- poor and of a contrite be con fumed together, faith the LORD.
(pint, and trembleth at mv word. 18 For 1 fcww their works affd their
? He that killeth anox/r nsifhe flew thoughts it fhall come, that I willga^ :

_ iv,an he that f3cr fireth a lamb, as if he ther all nations and tongues* and they

cut oft" a doss neck he that oifereth an fhall come and lee my glory.

oh\2tion, as if be oftsrei fwines hlool he t9 And I will let a ijgn among them,

that burneth incenfe, as if he hlefied an and I will fend theft? thar efcape of them,
idol yea, they have cholen their own unto the nations, to Tarfh'ifh.lhil and L;;d

ways, and their foul dclighteth in their that draw the bow, to Tubal an! JavanV
abominathns. to the ifles afar off, that have not heard
a I alio will choofe their deluflons, and my fame, neither have feen my e'orv ;
and they fhall declare my fcelory anion?
the Gentiles.
Z « ac And

jtrmtMb w.i'.t. " jefcn' iah. Tbt Jevei r«oolt.

IP And they fhall bring all your brc- for me, Taith the LORD, fo ihall yot
tluzufor an oitcnng unto th.- LORD, out feed and your name re .nam,
fit all nation?, upon hones and in chariots, 1^ And it ihall tome to pals', frort
and. in litter*, snd upenmnles, tnd up.n cne new-moon to another, and from on.
Iwilr. b;aft», t3 toyh-ily mbuntair ijtufa- fabbath to another, fhall all tiefh com- t<
leiu, lai»h the LOUD,' asihc chiNrenof worihip before me, faith the iORD,
Ifrael bring aft offering in a clean veffel, 14 And they ihall go forth, and Ico
into the houfe of the LORD. upon the carcilcs ol the men that hav
u An.l I will alio take ol t!:»m tor ; tranfgrelYed againft me for their worn

priefts, <tnl tn Levires, faith the LORD. i

ihall r.ot die, neither fhall their fire t><
2i For *s the new heavens, -nd the pcw I
quenched, and they fhall be ar, abhorrint
earch which I will nuke, ihall rrnain be- unco all rlelh.

5 The Book of the Prophet JEREMIAH.

Jertmidbjk »ni
vijlonmejftge, &c.
I. th:
kingdoms of the
and th%y fhall come, arid thq
north, faith tfl.

THe words of Jere .wan the fon

of Hilkiah, of the prieits that
were in Anathoth, in the land
lhall let every one his throne at the en"
tnng of the gates of Jcrufalem, and a
gainlt all the walls thereor round about
ol Benjamin :
and againft all the cities of Judah.
a To whom the word of the LORD 16 And 1 will utter my judgments a-
cair.e m tbedava of Joiiah the Ion of A- gainft them touching all their wicked-
nion king of Judah, in the thirteenth nefs, who have forfaken me, and hav<
year of his reign. burnt in^enlc unto other gods, and wor-
3 It came alio in the days ofjehoiakim lhipped the works of their own hands.
thelbncf Jouah kingot Judah, unto the i7 51 Thou therefore gird up rhyloyrn>
end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the and anfe, and fpeak unto them all that
1'cn of Joiiah king of Judah, unto the I command thee be not difmaved al

carrying away of Jcrufalem captive in their faces, left 1 confound thee 'before
the fifth m»nth. them
4 Then the word of the LORD came r8' For behold, I have made thee this
untono rue,
me, laying,
faying day a defenced city, and an iron pillar,
i Before I formed thee in the belly, 1 and brafen wails aeainft the whole land
hnew thee ; and before thou cam eft forth againft the kings of Judah, againft the
«;utof the womb, 1 fanctificd thee, tnd I princes thereof, againft the prieits there-
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations, of, and againft the people of the land.
6 Then faid 1, Ah, Lord (iOD, behold, ! 19 And they fhall fight againft thee,
1 cannot fpeak, for 1 am a child. i but they ihall not prevail againlt thee:
r «1 Bur the LORDlaid unto me, Say for I *>» with thee, faith theLORD, to
rot, I *m a child : tor thou malt go to all deliver thee.
that I fhall fend thee, and whatfoever I CHAP. II.
command thee tfnu fhalt (peak Godt expc/hiUtion veitb the Jevot, &c.
8 Be not afraid of their faces for 1 : I
\ yfOreover, the word of the I> LOR
*t« with thee to deliver thee, faith the j iVJL came
me, laying, t©
LORD. Go, and cry
in the ears ©f Jerufalem*
9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, faying, Thus faith theLORD, I remei
and touched my .iouth, and the LORD bcr thee, the kindnefsof thy youth,
faid unto me, Behold, I have put my love et thine efpoufals, when thou wer 'en-
words in thy mouth. teit after me in the wildernefs, in
to See, I have this day fet thee over the land tb*t vott not fown.
nations, and over the kingdoms, to root 3 Ifrael «>*• holinefs unto the LORD,

out, an! to pull down, and to deftroy, 2nd *'»4thefir!t-fruitsGf hisincreafe all that :

to throw down, to build and to plant. devourhim, fhall offend: evil fhall come
Moreover, the word of the LORD upon them, faith the LORD.
c mie unto me, faying, Jeremiah, what 4 Hear ye the word of the LORD, O,
iceft thou? and 1 faid, I fee a rod of an houfe of Jacob, and all the families of
almcnd-tree. the houfe of Ifrael.
fl Then' aid the LORD
unto me, Thou * H Thus faith the LORD, What iniqui-
halt well lecn fori will halten my word
: ty have your fathers found in me, that 1

to perform it. they a-e gone far from me, and have wal-
t; And the word of the LORD came ked after vanity, and are become vain?
unto me the fecond time, faying, What * Neither laid they, Where it the
fecft thou J and I laid, I fee a Teething : ORD that brought us up out of the
pot, and the lace thereof »*j towards land of Egypr, that led us through the
the nor'h. wildernefs, t! r. ugh a land of deferts, and
t4 Then the LORD faid unto me, Out of pits, through a land of drought, and
of the north an evil ihall break forth up- of the ihadow of death, through a land
cs all the inhabit* us of the land. that no man paffed through, and where
« FcilDi 1 will call all ihefomilicsof no man cwclt ?
7 And
The fin of Judith, Chap, • M'» Ij'fitlf bcfylijinf.
* And I broueht you into a plentiful in her occafion who can turn her away"
country, to eat trie fiuit thereof, and the all they that leek her will rui weary them-
goodnels thereof but when ye entrcd, lelvcs, in her month they mall find her.
ye defiled my l^nd, and made mine he- 1 Wjt nhoId thy loot troin being un-
/v !, ,
ti'age an abomination. tied, and thy throat from thirlt butthsu :

o The priefts faid not, Where it the aidft There is no hope. Mo, for I have
LORD ? and they that Handle the law, loved ftrangers, and alter theau will I
knew me not: the pallors alio tranigrei-
led againltme, and the prophets prophe- x6 As the thiet is amamed when he 19
lied by Baal, and walked z\mtbmgitb*t lound ibis the houieot lfrael ailumed »

do-not profit. they, their kings, their princes, and

9 II Wherefore I will yet plead with their pnelts, and th-ir orophets,
you, laith the LORD, and with your 17 Saying to a ftock- 'ihouart my fa-
children* children will 1 plead. ther ; and to a ftone, Thou halt brought
\c ForpafsovertheiflesofChittim, and »>e lorth for they have turned their back

fee and lend unto Kedar, andjcontider di-

-, unto me, and not their face but in the

ligently, and lee it there befuch a thing. time ot tlicr trouble they will fay, A-
; j
II Hath a nation changed their god:, rile, and lave us.
which are yet no gods? but my people 18 Bat where art thy gods that thow
have changed their glory, lor thit vchi ch haft nude thee? let .hem arife if th'y
doth r.ot profit. can lave thee in the time of thy trouble :

u Beaftonifhed, O ye heavens, at this, tor tccordrng to the number of thy cities,

and be horribly afraid, be ye very defo- are thy gods, O Judah.
late, faith the LORD. 19 Wherelore will ve plead with me'
i; For mv people have committed two y~^l have tiani greyed agaiiift me, faith
evils: they" have forlaken me the foun-
tain of living waters, and hewed them 3o In vain have I fmittenyoar children,
out cifterns, broken citterns that can they received no correct. on your own :

hold no water. (word hath devoured your rrophets i,^ e

14 1i Ii Ifrael a fervant ? it he a home- a deftroying lion.
born tlave? why is lie ("roiled? ,*i <i O
generation, fee ye the word of
M The young hons rored upon him, the LORD: have 1 been a wildernefsttr.-
tnJ yelled,' aniTthev made his land wafte to llrael? a land of darknefs ? wherefore

his cities are burnt without inhabitant. lay my people, We

are lords, we will
\6 Alio the children of Nophand Taha- come no more unto thee ?
panes have broken the crown of thy lie ad. ?i Can a maid fortret her ornaments, or
17 Haft thou not procured this unto thy a bride her attire ?~yet my people have
felt, in that thou haft t'orlaken the Lord iorgottcn m-edays without number.
thy God, when he led thee by the way ? 11 Why trimmeft thou thy way to feek
18 And now what haft thou to do in the love ? therefore haft thou alio taught
way ot Egypt, to drink the waters of, the wicked ones rhy ways.
Sihor ? or what haft thou to do in the W
Alio in thy skirts id found the blood
way of AlTyria, to drink the waters of of the fouls uf the poor innocents 1 have :

the river? not found it by fecrct fcareh, but upon

all thele.
19 Thine ownwickednefs (hall correct
thee, and fhy backflidings ihall reprove U
Yet thou fayft, Becaufe I am inno-
thee: know therefore and fee, that it »< as cent, iurely his anger liiall turn from me :
. evil thing and bitter, that thou haft lor la behold, 1 will plead with thee, teeaule
ken the Loud thy God, and that my fear/, thou layft, l ha?e r.ot toned-.
not in thee, faith the Lord God of holts. ttWhygaddift thou about fo much to
10 ]\ For of old time I have broken thy change thy way? thou alio iftalt be a-
yoke, and burft thy bands, and thcu faidlt, fliamed of Egypt, as tljju waft ufhamea
1 will not tranfgiefs : when upon every of Aflyria.
high hill, and under every green tree 17 Yea, thou fhalt go forth from him,
thou war.ctercft, playing the harlot. and thine hands upon thine h;ad. forthe
xi Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, LORD
hath rejected thy confidences, -ani
wholly a right feed how then art thou thou lhalt not prolper in them.

turned into the degenerate plant of a III. CHAP.

ftrange vine unto me? Qoii mercy to J4dfti, Btd
n For though thou wain thee with
nitre, and ta:<e<hee much fope, /ef thine T
Hey (ay, Ifamanput away hi; wife-,
and me go from him, and bicome s-
iniquity is marked before me, faith the nother mans, ftuall he return unto her a-
Lord Gon. gain? iha'l not that land be greatly pol-
*? How canft thou fay, I am not pol- luted? but thou haft played the harlot
luted, I have not gone after Baalim? Ice wi-li :aany lover* ; yet return again to
thy way in the valley, know what thou me, faith the I-ORD.
halt done thou art a fwift dromedary
1 Litt up thine eyes unto the high pla-
tfaverfuie her ways. ces, and fee where thou haft notbeeniien 4
t4 A wild afs uled to the wilderness, with in the ways haft thou Fat for them,

tktt fouffctuvip the wind at hcrpieafure, as the Arabian in the wiiderneli; and thou
Z6 fcatt
Gojj mtrrf to Juitb- Jcrem ah. fulub txbtrtti.
halt polluted the land with tl»y whore- oftbe LORD, to Jerufalem neither fhall

doms, 2nd with thy wickednefs. they wajk any more after the imagina-
* Tnerctorc the fhowers have been tion ot their evil heart.
Withhtlden, ar.d there hath been no lat- 18 In fhofe davs the hcufe of Judah
ter ram, and thou hadft a whorea fore- fhall walk with the ouf'eofthe ifrael, and
head, thou refufedft to be aihamed. they fhall come together out o! the land I
•4 Wilt thounDtirom this time cry un- of the north, to the land that I have gi- tic
to, me, Mv father, thcu Art the guide ot ven lcr an inheritance unto your fathers,
roy youth ? n But I (aid, How fhall 1 put theca-
mong the children, and give thtc a

Will he referve bis *n$>r forever ? will


he keep it to the end * Behold, "thou halt Pleafjnt land, a eoodlv heritage of the,
fpoken and done evil things as thou hjfts ot nations? a-.d 1' laid, Tfiou ihalt
couldit. call me, My father, and ihalt not turn!
6 H The LORD me in the
faid alfounto away from me.
fiavs of Jofia.'i the king, Hart thou feen io fl Surely, *,<. a wife treacherou
tbit which bark;!idinj" Ifrael hath done ? parletb from her husband: fci have yem
Ihe is gone up upon every high moun- dealt treacheroufly with me, O
houfe of!
tain, and under every green tree, and ll'rad, faith ihe LORD.
there hath played the. harlot. it A voice was heard upon the high

7 And 1 laid after fhe had done al! thefe places, wreping^J fuppli'.ations of the i

tbingi, Turn thou unto me ; but the re- children of Ifrael : for they. have perver-
turned not and her treacherous lifter
: led their w.-sy, *nd they have torzotten the
Judah. law it. LORD their God.
8 And I faw, when for all the caufe; a Return, ycb3ckfliding«hildren, wJ i

whereby bsckfliding Ifrael committed 3- I will h.-al your baxkfiidings: behild,we l

thiltery, I had put her away, and given come unto thee, for thcu *rt the LORD
her a bill o. divorce: yet her treacherous Mf God.
After Judah feared not, but went and i? Truly in vain it JdviVon bopdfor,}
flayed the harlot alio. "from the hills, tnd/rom the multitude of:!
9 Ard il cam e to pafs through the light- mountains: truly in the LORD our God
ncl'so. ncr whoredom, that flic defiled the ri the falvation ot Ifrael.

land, and commuted adultery with ftones 14 For ihame hath devoured the labour- with ftjeks. of our fathers from our youth ; their
to Andvet forall this, her treacherous docks and their herds, and their Ions and-
Jifter Judah hath not turned unto me their daughters.
with her whole heart, but feigpedly, faith if We lie down in ourfhame, and our. '

the LORD. contufion covcreth us : for we have fin-

it And the LORD laid unto me, The ned againft the LORD our God. we and
hackfliding Ifrael hath judified her Iclf our fathers trum our youth even unto this
more than treacherous Judah. day, and have not obeyed the voice of
ix- *rr rjo, and proclaim thefe words to- the LORD cur God.
ward the north, aid fay, Return, thou C H A P. IV.
hackfliding Ifrael, faith the LORD, and I Cod ctllttb by bispromift, &c.
will not caufe mine anger to fall upon
IF thou wilt return, O llrael, faith the-
yau : for I un merciful, faith the LORD, Lord, return unto me and if tirou

*nd I will not keep *nger tor ever. wilt put away thine abominations out of
ta Onhaekncwledze thine iniquity that my fight, then fhalt thou not remove.
thou haft tran'.'grefled agaimtthe LORD x And thou ihalt fwear, The Lo*D.,
thy God, -and haft fcattered thy ways to hveth, in truth, in judgment, and in'
the ftrangers under every green tree, and righteoufnefs ; and the nations fhall blefs I
ye have not obeyed my voice, faith trie themfelves in him, and in him fhall they 1
\± Turn, o hackfliding children, faith 2 *J For thus faith the Lord to the men
the LORD, for I am married untoyju : of Judah and Jerufilem, Break up your
and I will takeyouoneofacity, an-Uwo fallow-ground, and fow not among thjrns.
of afamiiv, and I will oringyou to Zion. 4 CircumcifevourfelVesto the LORD,
i-T-Ard I will give you paftors accord- and take away the foreskins of your heart,
ing to r.vins heart', which mall feed you ye men of Judah, and inhabitants of Je-
Wit/-, knowledge and underftanding. nrfalem :left my fury come forth like
16 And it fhall come to pafs when ye fire, and burn that none can quench rf,

be multiplied and increaled in the land ;

becaufe of the evil or yourdoines.
in thole days, faith the LORD, they fhall <;Declare ye in Judah, and publiflj in
fay no-more, The ark of fhe covenant ot Jerufalem, and fay, Blow ye the trumpet
the LORD: neither mall it co e to
- in the land : cry, gather together, and
jnind.^ neither fhall they remember it, (ay, Avertible your felves, and let us go
reitter frtall they villr it, neither fhall into the d«fenced cities.
tbs b* done any more. 6 Set up the ftandard towards Zi3n •
fhall call Jerufalem retire, ftayDat; for I will bring evil from
xi -v that time thev
t^ethrrreoftheLOliD, and all the natt- the north, and a great deftruclion.
ers ftvsll be gaiheici unta it, totliecamc 7 The lioo is cuavc wp from hii thicket,
Juitb Umtntti, Chap. V; Godt fuA&nunton tbt JTetPt,
>nd the dertroycr of the Gentiles is on his if I beheld, nd lo, there wu, no-
•way he is gone forth trom. his place to
man, and all the birds- of the heaveni
make thy land defolate, *ud thy cities were fled.
fhall be laid walte, without an inhabitant. 16 I beheld, andlo, the fruitful place-
8 For this gird you with fackdoth, la- j a
pi'.* wildernefs, and all the cities there-
ment and howf: tor the fierce anirer of of were broken down at the prefencc of
the LORD is net turned back from us. the Lord, mi
by his fierce anger.
9 And it (hall come to pals at chat 17 For thus hath the LORD
faid, The
day, faith the LORD, tt*t the heart ol the whole lan>i lhall be defolate } yet will* L
king fhall periih, and the heart ot the not make a full end.
princes : and the prielts fhall be altonifh- i8' For mourn, and
this fhall the earth
cd, and the prophets lhall wonder. the heavens above be black: becaufe I
to Then laid I, Ah Lord God furely have fpokenr'f, I have purpofed it, and
thou hail greatly deceived this people, will not repent, neither will I turn back
and Jeruialem, faying, Yefhall have trom it.
peace j whereas the fword reaxheth unto 19 The whole city fhall fiee for the
the fur. noife otthe horfemen and bowmen, they
it At that time fhall it be faid to this fhall go into thickets, and climb up upon>
people, and to Jeruialem, a dry wind ot the rocks :. every city Jb*U be forfaken,
the high places in the wildernefs toward and not a man dwell therein.
the daughter of ruy people, not to Ian, 3o And w>ben thou art fpoiled, what -
nor tocteanfe, wilt thou do ? Though thou clotheft thy
11 Even, a full wind from thole place lelt with crimfon, though thou decked
fhall conic unto me-, now alio will 1 thee with ornaments of gold, though
give fentence againit them. thou renteft thy tace with painting, in
t? Behold, he fhall come up asclouds, vain flialt thou make thy felf fair, thy
and his chariots/A*// be as a whirlwind: lovers will defpife thee, they will feek
his horfes are fwifter than eagles: wo thy lite.
unto us, for we are fpoiled. }t For I have heard a voice as of a wo-
UO Jeruialem, warn thine heart from man in travail, *nd the anguifh as of her
wickednefs, that thou may ft be laved that bringeth forth her fi-ft child, the

how long fhall thy vain thoughts lodge voice of the -daughter ofZion tbtt be- :

within thee? voaileth her felf, tbtt fprea.leth her hands,

i? For a voice declareth from Daa, and Uytng-, it me now, Wo
for my foul is
publiftteth affliction from mount Ephra- wearied becaufe of murderers.
im. C H A V. V.
16 Make ye mention to the nations, The -fudgmenttof Godupontbe Jevos, ScC,
bchoid, publifh asainfr. Jeruialem, tbtt
watchers come from a tar country, and
ye to and fro through the ftreets
of Jerufalesi, and fee now and know,,
give out their voice againft the cities of and leek in the broad places thereof, if
Judah. ye can find a man, if there be my that exe-
17- As keepers of a field are they againft cuted judgment, that feeketh the truth,
her round about ; becaufe fhe hath been and I w;ll pardon it.
rebellious againft me, faith rhe LORD. i And though they fay, The LORD
18 Thy way and thy doings have pro- hveth, furely they fwear falfly
cured thefe tVn%% unto thee, this it thy ? O
LORD, *re-not thine eyes upon the
wickednefs, becaufe it is bitter, becaufe truth ? thou haft ftricken them, but they
it reacheth unto thine heart. have not grieved ; thou haft confirmed
19 fl- My bowels, my bowels, I am pain- them, but they have refuted to receive
ed at my very heart, my heart maketh a correction they haye made their faces

noife in me, I cannct hold my peace, be- harder than a rock* they have refufed
caufe thou halt heard, O
my foul, the to return.
found of the trumpet, the alarm of war. 4 Therefore Ifaid, Surely thefear* poor*
io Deftruclion upon d-ftru£tion is they are foolifh for they know not the

cried, for the whole land is fpoiled fud- way of the LORD, nor the judgment of

denly are my tents fpoiled, *ni my cur- their God.

tains in a moment. ? I will get me unto the great men,
it How lone, lhall I fee the ftandard, and will fpeak unto them; for they have
tnd hear the found of the trumpet ? known the way of the LORD, and the
it For rry people it foolifh, thev have judgment of their God : but thefe have
not known me, they arefottiih children, altogether broken the yoke, and burft the
and they have none underftanding: they bonds.
are wife to do evil, but to do. good thev 6 Wherefore a linn out of the forefr,
have no knowledge. (hall flay them, and a wolf of the even-
xi 1 beheld the earth,, and lo, it vtt ings fhall fpoil them, a. leopard fhall
without form and void: and the heavens, watch over their cities: every one that
and they bii no light. eoeth^out thence fhall be torn in pieces:
xi, 1 beheld the mountains, and lo, becaufe their tranfgreffions are many, and
they trembled, and ail the bilK moved their backflidings are increafed.
lifchitiy, 7tf liw fliall I patdgn tine forthis^
: : :

Judtbs c Activity Jeremiah. Tbtir t mwi tsincour Aged. I

thy children have forfaken me, and H But this pe-ple hatha revolting an I,
iworn by tbent tbrt Art no gods : when a rebellious heart: they arc revolted an|i
I had red them to the full, they then gone.
committed adultery, and aflemhlcd 14 Neither fay they in their heart, Le
themlelves by troops in the harlots us now fear the LORD our God thatgiv-i
houies. eth ram, both the iormer and the latte
8 They were ** fed horles in the in his leafon: he refetveth unto us the;
morning: every one neighed after his appointed weeks or the hirveft.
neighbours w.fe. i< *J Your iniquities have turned awajt
9 Stiall I not vifitforthefeftr'wji? faith thefe tbingi, and your fins have with*'
the LORD and fhall not my !oul bea-
: holden good things from you.
venged on (uch a nation as this? 16 For among my people are found I

10 51 Go ye up upon her walls, and de- wicked mm: they lay' wait as he that 1

ftroy, but make not a full end take a- : ieueth fnares, they fet a trap, thcycatc*
way her battlements, tor they n^enot the men.
LORDs. f As a cage is full of birds, To art
n For the houfe of li'rael, and the their houlcstull of deceit : therefore they
Jioul'e of Judah have dealt very trcache- are become great, and waxen rich.
-£uuily agamft me, faith the LORD. tS T..ey 2re waxen tat, they fhine: yea,
jB ii They have belied (he and LORD, they ovcrpafs the deeds of the wicked
- laid, It is not he, neither Hull evil come they judge rot the caul'e, thecaufcof the
upon us, neither fhall we" lee iword nor tatherlds, yet they profper and the right

famine of the needy do they not judee.

H And the prophets fhall become 19 Shall 1 not vilit tor rheTe things v
wind, and the word is not in them: thus faith the LORD fhall not my foul be

Jhall it be done unto them. avenged on fuch a na:ion as this? . I

14 Wherefore thus faith the LORD ;o 5] A wonderful and horrible thing
God of hofts, Becaulc ye fpeak this is committed in the land.
word, behold, I will make my words in 3i The j-rophets prophefic falfly, and
thy mouth fire, and this people wood, the priefts biarrule by their means, and
and it fhall devour them. my people love to bAvt it fo : and w:,at
i? Lo, 1 will bring a nation upon you will they do in the end thereof?
from far, O houfe of Ifrael, faith the CHAP. VI.
LORD: itii a mighty nation, ltnanan- En-mi ei Jent tgdinft Judsb, SiC
ci«nt nation, a nation whole language
thou knoweft not, neither undcrftandeft
OVe children of
your felves to riee our of the audit
what they (ay. ^rff Jerufalem, and blow the trumpet in
i6 Their Quiver is as an open fepulchre, Tekoa and fet up a fi?n of fire in Beth-

they Are all mighty men. hacccr.m for evil ipp?areth out of the :

17 And they lhall eat up thine harveft, north, a:'.d grea: deltruction.
and thy bread, which thy fons and thy i 1 have likened the daughter ofZion,
daughters fbould eat they fhall eatj up to a comely and delicate vdo nun,

thy flocks and thine herds} they fhall eat ? The fhepherds with their flocks fhall
up thy vines and thy fig-trees tjieyihali come unto her: thev fhall pitch tbtir

impoverifh thy fenced cities wherein tents againft her round about: they fhall
thou truftedft, with the fword. feed every one in his place.
18 Neverthclefs iiit:o''e days, faith the 4 Prepare ye war againft er ariie.and :

LORD, I will not make a full end with let us go up at noon: wo unto us, for the
you. day eoeth away, for the fhadows of the
to 1\And it fhall come to pafs when ye evening are ftretched out.
thai! fay, Wherefore doth theLoEDOur ? Arife, and let us go by night, and
God all thefe things unto us? then fhalt let us deftroy her palaces.
thou anfwer them, Like as ye have forla- 6 n For thus hath the of holti LORD
ken me, and ferved ft range gods in your faid, Hew ye down trees, and calt a :aount
lar.i; lb fhall yeferve ftrangers in a land againft Jerufalem this n the city to !>• :

U>At is not yours. vifited, fhe ii wholly opprelTion in the

ao Declare this in the houfe of Jacob, midft of her.
and publifh it in }udah, faying, 7 As a fountain caltelh out her waters,
ii Hear now this, O
iooliih people, fo fhe cafteth out' her wickednefs vio- :

and without underitanding, which have lence and fpoil is heard in her, betorcrue
eyes and fee not which'have ears and continually is grief and wounds.

bear not 8 Be thou inftnicteJ, Jerufalem, left O

ii Fear ye net me? faith the LORD: my foul depart lrom thee: left I make
will ye not tremble at my prefence, which thee defolate, a land not inhabited,

have placed the fand tor the bound of the 9 11 Thus faith the , of holts, They LORD
fea, by a perpetual decree that it cannot fhall throughly glean the remnant of If-
pafs it j and though the waves thereof iael as a vine: turn back thine hand as
tofs themfelves, yet can they not prevail ; a grape-gatberer into the baskets,
thoueh they tore, vet can they not pafs *° To whom fhall 1 fpe-k and give
©verit'i jvarniog, that they may hear? behold,
tbi frcfott lamenting, Chap, '»• exbortttb to mourn.

their car it uncircumcifcd, andthevcan tf Go not forth into the field, nor walk
not hearken : behold, the word or' the by the way i tor the i'word of the enemy
LORD if unto them a reproach thev :
and tear i» on every fide.
have no delight it. m 16 11 O
daugnter of my people, gird
it Therefore lam tullot the fury of the thee with iackcloth, and wallow thy
LORD: 1 am weary with holding in :
lell in afhesmake thee mourning, at

1 will pour it out upon the children abroad, for an only fon, molt bitter lamenta-
and upon the affembly of young men to- tion tor the fpoilerfhall fuddcnly come

gether tor even the nusband with the

: upon us.
wife lhall be taken, the aged with him 17 have fet thee for a tower, and *
tbit ri lull of days. tortre'samong my people, that thou
ii And their ;.oul'es fhall be turned un- mayft know andtry their way.
to others, with their fields and wives to- iS They are all grievous revolters,
gether tor I will ftretch ou' my hand
: walking with flandcrs they <»r«bra(sand :

upon the inhabitants of the land, laith iron, they are all corrupters.
the Lord. 19 The bellows are burnt, the lead is
i? Fortrom the leaft of them even urr- confumed of the fire, the founder melt-
tothe greateft of them, every one it gi- eth in vain j for the wicked are not
ven to covetoufnels ; and from the pro- plucked away.
phet even unto the prielt, every
7 one deal-
}o Reprobate filver fhall men call them*
cth fallly. becaufe the Loud hath rejected them.
i4 They have healed
alfo the hurt of the C H A P. VII.
daughter or my
people (lightly, laying, I he J-.wtare ailed to repentance, &c.
Peace, peace, when there it no peace. Tiie word that came to Jeremiah from
i? Were they afhamed when they had the faying, Lord,
committed abomination ? nay, they were i Stand in the gate of the Lords houfe,
not at afhamed, neither could they
ill and proclaim there this word, and fay,
blufh therefore they fhall lall among
: Hear the word of the Lord, all ye of
them that fall: at the time that I vim Judah, that enter in at theic gates to
them, they lhall be caft down, faith the worfhip the Lord.
Lord. 3 Thus faith the Lord
of hods, the
16 Thus faith the Loud, Stand ye in the God of Ifrael, Amend your ways, and
ways, and fee, and ask for the old paths, your doings, and 1 will caufeyou to dwell
where it the good way, and walk therein, in this place.
and ye lhall find reft for your fouls: but 4 Truftye not in lying words, faying,
they laid, We will not walk therein, The temple of the Lord, the temple of
17 Alio I let watchmen over you, faying, the Lord, the temple ct the Lord art
Hearken to the found of the trumpet : but thefe.
theyfaid, We.will not hearken. ? For if ye throughly amend your ways,,
1 H Therefore hear, ye nations, and and you doings; if ye throughly execute
know, o
congregation, what ii among judgment between a man and his neigh-
them. bour;
19 Hear, O
earth, behold, 1 will bring 6 If ye opprefs not the ftranger, the
evil upon this people, even the fruit of fatherlefs, and the widow, and fhed not
their thoughts, becaufe they have not innocent blood in this place, neither walk
hearkned unto my words, nor to my law, after other gods to yo*r hurt
but rejected it. 7 Then will 1 caufeyou to dwell in this
10 To what purpofe cometh there to place, in the land that I gave to youi
me incenfe from Sheba? and the fweet fathers, for ever and ever.
cane from a far country ? your burnt-of- 8 Tl Behold, ye truft in lying words,
ferings are not acceptable, nor your facri- that cannot profit.
ficcs fweet unto me. Wiil ye (teal, murder, and commit
ii Therefore thus faith the LORD, Be- adultery, and fwear fallly, and burn in-
hold, I will lay (tumbling-blocks before cenfe unto Baal, and walk after other
this people, and the fathers and the Ions gods whom ye know not $
together fhall fall upon them the neigh- : io And come and ftand before me in
bour and his friend (hall pcrifh. this houfeg which is called by my name,
ji Thus faith the LORD,
Behold, a and fay, We
are delivered to doallthefe
people cometh from ths north-country, abominations.?
and a great nation fhall be raifed from the ii Is this houfe, which is called by my
fides of the earth. name, become a den of robbers in your
xt, They lhall lay hold on bow and eyes? 'tchold, even I -have I'stait, faith,
fpear : they are cruel, and have no mercy : the Lord.
their voice rorethlike the Cea, and they ii But go ye now unto my place which
ride upon horfes, fet in aray as. men for TCAi in S'.iloh,where I fet my name at the
war againft thee, O
daughter of Zion. firft, 2nd fee what 1 did to it, for the

14 have heard the fame thereof: wickednefeol my people -IlraeL

our hands wax feeble : anguifh hath ta- i? And now, becaufe ye have done all
ken hold of us, tin pain, as of a woman thefe works, faith the Lord, and I fpake
in us vail. unto you, lifmg up early, and freaking,
but .
The Jfiwi idolatry, JeremiaM. and ttltm.
butyc heard not; and I Called you, but ;o For the children of Judah ha\
ye an* we red not :
done evil in my fight, faith the LORE
14 Therefore will I do unto fin h&ufe they have fet their abominations in tr
which is called by my name, w::erci:.)c houle which is called by my name, t
truft, and unto the place which 1 gave pollute it.
to you, and to your fathers, as 1 have }i And they have built the h:gh plac
done to Shiloh. of Toihet, which ii in thevai;t>ct t..
i? And I willcaft you out of my fight, fon of Ilinroai, to burn their I

as I have caff, out all your brethren, tvtn their daughters mthe hre, which I com _
the whole Iced of Ephraim. , manded tbem not, neither came it inter;',
16 Therefore pray not thou- for this my heart.
people, neither lilt up cry nor prayer for U 11 Therefore behold, the days corner
them, neither make interccfiion to me j
laith the Loud, that it fhall no more bell,
for I will not hear thee. called Tophet, nor the valley of the fori,:
17 1J 5ceft thou not what they do in of Hinnora, but the vall<*v ol llauir.'uei :
the cities of Judah, and in thelrreetsof for they fhall bury in Tophet, ulf there LL
Jerufalem ? be no place.
t8 The children gather wood, and the tt And rhecarcafes of this people fhall C.-
fathers kindle the fire, and the women be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and Cr
knead tbeir dcugh, to make cakes to the for the beafts
of the earth, and none fhall
queen of heaven, and to peur out drink- fray tbtm away.
offerings unto other gods, tha: they may U Then will I caufe to ceafe from the
provoke me to anger. cities of Judah, and from the Itrcets of
19 Do they provoke me to anger? faith Jerufalem, the voice of mirth, and the
the LORD- do tb:y not frovo{t themielvcs voire of g'adnefs, the voice cf the bride.
to the ronfufion of their own faces ? groom, and the voice of the bride lor :

ic Therefore thug faith the Lord Goi>, the land fhall be delolate.
Behold, mine anger and my tury fhall be CHAP.
poured out upon this place, upenman and Tbt Jew! cnUmity, Sec.
upon beaft, and upon the trees ot the field, A T that time, faith the LORD, they
and upon the fruit of the ground j and it L\ fhill bnng out the bones of the
lhali burn, and fhall not be quenched. kings of Judah, 2nd the bones of his
xi 1] Thus faith the LoRn of holts, the princes, and the bone; of the priefts, and
God -of Ifrael, Put your burnt-offerings theboncsof the prophets, and the bones
unto your facrifices, and eat flclh. of the inhabitants of Jerufalem cut of
11 For 1 fpake not unto your fathers, their craves.
ror commanded thera in the day that I 1 And they fhall fpread them before"
brought them out of the land of E<i)pr, the (un, and the rhoon, and all the fcoa
concerning burnt-ofF^rir.^; or fucri-ices. ot heaven, whom they have loved, and
ti But this thing commanded 1 them, whom they haveferved, and after whom
faying; Obey my voice, and I will be your they have walked, and whom they have
God.and ve fhall be my people : and walk fought, and whom they have worfhipped :

ye in a'l the ways that I have commanded they fhall not be gathered, nor beburieci,
you, that it maybe well unto you. they fhall be for dung upon the face ot
14 But they hearkned not, nor inclired the earth.
their ear, but walked in the counfels «ni ? Anddeath fhall hechofen rather than
in the imagination of their evil heart, life, bv the refidue 0' them that re-
and went backward, and not forward. main of this evil family, which remain
i; Since the iiy that your fathers came in all the places whitner I have driven
forth out of the Ian;! ot Lgypt unto this them, faith the LORD
of holts.
day, I have even lent ui.tb you all my 4 11 Moreover, thou fhalt fay unto them,
fervants the prophets, daily riling up Thus faith the Lord, Shall they fair,
early* and lending tbrtr.; and not arife? fhall he turn away, and
16 Yettheyhearknednot unto me, nor not re'nrn ?

inclined their ear,but hardned their neck ? Why r ten is this people of Jerufalem
they did worfe than theiT fathers. fliden back, by a perpetual backflidine ?
17- Therefore thou fhalt fpeak all thefc th.*y hold, fait deceit, they rcful'e to re-
words unto them, but they will not hear- turn.
ken to thee : thou fhalt alfo call unto fi 1 hearkned and heard, but they fpake

them, but they will not anfwer thee. not aright: do man repented him of his
18 But thou fhah fay unto them, This wickednef?, faying, What have I ('one ?
it a nation that obeyefh not the voice of everyone turned- to his courie. a, the

the Lord their Goa, nor recciveth cor- horfe rufherh into the batt'e.
rection: truth is p?rrfhed, andis cut off 7 Yea, theftorkinthe heaven knowetft
from their mouth. her appointed times, and the turtle, and
19 f Cut off thine hair, O Jt/uf,iU>n,
the crane, and th? fwallow ohferve the
and caft it away, and take up a lamen- time of their coming; but my oro-Mc
tation on hiP,h places; for the LORD know not the judgment of theL'ORD.
hath rek&ed and forfakcu the genera- 8 How do ye lav, We
*rt wife, and the
tion of. his wrath, law of the Lord m with us? Lo, certainly
}\$trtbtUbi UmmUtion. Chap . iX. DifobediittQe tbrtttnid.
Ji vain made he if, thepenofthefcribes lodging-place of way-faring men, that I
in vain. might leave my people, and go from
m, 9. The wife wen are afhamed, they are them for they be a, adulterers, an af-
: I

ilmayed and taken; la, they have re- lembly of treacherous men.
nted the word of the Low)) ana what % And they be- id their tongues likr
^Idom ft in them ? their bow for lies: but they are not va-
Therefore yivill I give their wives
IO upon the earth ; for
liant for the truth
iD j,
3 to others, ana their rields to them that they proceed trom evil to evil, and they
iall inherit tbem lor every one from the
: know not nvt, faith the LORD.
:3lt oven unto the greateil "is given to 4 Take ye hee4 every one of his neigh-
•vetoufnefs, from the prophet even unto bour, and truit ye not in any brother: for
>e pnefr, everyone dealeth falfly. every brother will utterly fupplant, and
For they have healed the hurt of the
it every neighbour will walk with (landers.
jughter of my people nightly, faying, And they will deceive every one his

cace, peace, whenf*we ii no peace. neighbour, and will not 1'peak the truth:
ii Were they afliamed when they had they have taught their tongue to fpeak
mimitted abomination? nay, they were lies, and weary themfelves to comaut
it at all aihamed, neither could they iniquity.
u!h:fherefore mail they fall among them 6 Thine habitation is in the midlt of
<at tall, iri the time of their vifitation deceit, through deceit they refui'e tQ<
iey mall be caft down, faith the Lord. know me, faith the LORD.
iHI willfurely confume them, faith 7 Therefore thus faith the of LORD
leLoai) } there jh all be no grapes on the hofts, Behold, I will me'.t them, and try
me, nor figs on the fte-tree, and the them-, for how mall I do for the daugh-
a. Mall fade, and the things tUt_ I have ter of my people?
.ven them, mall pal's away from them. 8 Their tongue is *s an arrow fliotout,
14 Why
do we lit ftill ? aflfemble your fpeaketh deceit : one fpeaketh peace-
Ives, and let us enter into the defenced ably to his neighbour with his mouth*
tics, and let us be filent there: for the but in heart lie layeth his wait.
oru our God hath put us tofilence, a~nd 9 H Shall I not vifit.rhem for thefe
ven us water of gall to drink, becaufe things* faith the Lord: fhal! not my
e have finned againft the Lord, foul be avenged on fwch a nation as
it We
looked for peace, but no good this ?
me and for a time of health, and be-
-. •
10 For the mountains will Itake up »
>Id trouble. weeping and wailing, and for the habi-
16 The fnortingof his horfeswas heard tations of the wildemefs a lamentation*,
,om Dan the whole land trembled at the
becaufe they are burnt up, fo that nofie
and of the neighing of his ftrung ones, can paTs* through tbem, neither can men
•r they are come and have devoured the hear tne voice of the cattle, both the
nd, and all that is- in it, the city, and fowl of the heavens, and the bealt are.
lofe that dwell therein. fled, they are gone.
i7 For behold, I will fend fetpents, it And I will make Jerufalem heaps*
)Ckatrices among you, which will not and a den of dragons, and I will make
-•charmed, and they mall bite you, faith the cities of Judah defolate, without an
ie Lord. inhabitant.
18 11 JVben I would comfort my felf 11 fl Who n the wife man that may un-
jainft forrow, my heart;'; faint in me. derftand this, and vebo is be to whom the
19 Behnld, the voice of the cry of -the mouth of the LORD
hath I'poken, that
aiignicr or my
people, becaufe of them he m:<y declare it, for what the landpe r
tat dwell in a far country: Is not the riiheth, and is burnt up like awilderncls
wiD in Zion? is not her king in her? that none paffeth through ?
hy have they provoked m to anger with; i; And the LORD faith, Becaufe they
leir graven images, and -with ftranee have forlaken. my law which I let before
anities ? them, and have not obeyed my voice>
10 The harvelt is pad, the fummcr is neither walked therein ;
lded, and we are not laved. 14 But have walked after the imagina-
11 For the hurt of the daughter of my tion ot their own heart, and after Baalim,
:ople am I hurt, I am black attornm- : which their fathers taught them :

ent ha'h taken hold on me. it Therefore thus 'ai'th the Lord of
zz Is there no balm in Gilead? is there hofts, the God of Ifrae!,Behold,l will feed
> phyfician there? why then is not the them, even this people, with wormwood,
:alth of the daughter of my people re- and give them wafer of gall to drink.
vered ? 16 I will fcatter them alfo among the
leremiab Umentetb- the Jews, &C.
heathen, whom neither they nor their fa»-
thers have known and I will fend a fword

~\H that my head were waters, and after thenr, till 1 have confumed them.
_J mine e/;s a fountain of tears, that
might weep day and night fortheflain
17 51 Thus faith the LORD
of holts,
Confider ye, and call for the mourning-
the daughter of my people. women, that they may come, and fend tor
1 Oh that I had u> the wildcrncf* a cunning- veomtti, that they may come.
18 Anci
Jdtlt vtn'ttj. Jeremiah. Godi omnipottney.
i8 And let them make hafle, and take doctrine of v
foolifh. : the ftock is a
up a wailing for us, that our eyes may nities.
run down with tears, and our eye-lids 9 Silver fpread into plates is broug
gufh out with waters. from Tarfhifh, and gold from Upha
19 For a voice of wailing is heard out the work of the workman, and of tl
of Zion, How are we ipoiled we are hands of the loundcr blue and purple
! :

greatly confounded, becaufe we have their clothing: they are all the work
forlaken the land, becaufe our dwellings cunning men.
bave c-iit Mi out. to B..c the Lord it the true God, h.6
to Yet hear the word of the Lord, O the living Godi and an everlaltingkin?
ye women, and let your ear receive the at hi'wra:hthe earth fhall tremble, an
word cf his mouth, and teach your daugh- the n tio is fhall not be able to abide h
ters wailing, and «very one her neigh- indignai ion
bour lamentation. it Thus fhall ye fay unto them, Th
xi For death is come up into our win- gods that have not made the heaven,
dows, and is emred into our palaces, to and the earth, ev.n (hey mail penlh fro:
cut off the children from without, and the earth, and ttom under thele he?
the young men from the ftreets. vens.
xx Speak, Thus faith the Lord* Even ix He hath made the earth by his pow ^
the carcal es of men lnall fall as dan? u ton er, he hath eftahlillied the world by hi \\\

the open ield,andasthehandtul after the wifdom, and hath ftrctched out the hea y,,

barveft-man, and none fhall gather tbem. vens by his difcretion.

xt, 11 Thus faith the Lord, Let not the 11 "Whenheutterethhis voice, tbire w 1

wife wan glory in hiswil'dom, neither let a multitude of waters in the heaver.:
the mighty man glory in his might, let and he caufetft the vapours to afcen K
not the rich man glory in his riches from the ends of the earth he makert § :

14 But let him thatglorieth, glory in lightnings with rain, and bringeth lortl
this, that he underftandeth and knoweth the wind out of his treafures.
me, that 1 4mtheLoRD which exercife 14 Every man is brutifh in bit know
t6ving kindnefs, judgment and righte- ledge: every founder is confounded bfy
oufnefs in the earth : for in thefe things the graven image for his molten image 1

I delight, faith the LORD. fallhood, znAtbere is no breath in them

1? H Behold, the days come, the it Tney art vanity, and the work
LoRD.that I will nunifh all tbem vtbicb are error-: in the time of their vifitatioi
circumcifed, with the uncircumcif«d ; they fhall perifh.
16 Egypt, and Judah, andEdom, and. 16 The portion of Jacob is not litc«

the children ofAmmon, andMoab, and them: for he is the former of all tbingt

all that **t in the utmoft corners, that and Ifrael is the rod of his inheritance

dwell in the wildernefs for all be ft na-

heft: na the LORD
of hofts it his name.
tions areuncircumcifed, and all thehoule! 17 H Gather up thy .vares out of the
of Ifrael *re uncircumcifed in the heart. land ' inhabitant of the fortrefs.
C A P. X.U 18 For tnus faith the LORD, Behold, 3
Idoh not to bttomparedrvitb God, Sec. will fling out the inhabitants of the Ian*
TTEar ye the word which the LORD
at this once, and will (uftrefs them, thai
il peaketh unto you.O houfe of Ifrael, they mav find it fo.

x Thus faith the LORD, Learn not the 19 n Wo

is me for my hurt, my wound
way of the heathen, and be not difmayed is grievous but I laid, Truly this f :

at the figns of heaven, for the heathen grief, and I mult bear it.
are difraayed at them. io My tabernacle isfpailed, and all mj
3.For the cultoms of the people are cords are broken: my children are gon<|
vain for one cutteth a tree rut of the forth of me, and they *re net : there i\

foreft ( the work of the hands cf the none to ftrctch forth my tent any more
workman) with the ax. and to fet up. my curtains.
& They deck it with xx For the paftors are become brutifh,
and with
gold, they fatten it and have not loufht the Lord therefore
with nails and with :

hammers, that it move not. they fhall not profper, and all their flock;
? They are upright as the pa'm-tree, £«<* fhali befcattered.
fpeak not: they mult needs be born, be- ii Behold, the noife of the bruit it
caufe they cannot go: be not afrai 1 of come, and a great commotion out of thu
them, for they cannot do evil, neither north-cosir.try, to make the cities of Ju-
•I To is it in them to do good. dah defolatc, and a den of dragon*.
6 Forafmuch as there it none like unto 1} 11 Lord, I knew that the wayO
thee, Lord, thou « f t great, and thy 0. man it not in himfelf: iti< not in
O mU
name fj great in might. that walketh to direct his (teps.
7 Who would not fear thee, King O
14. O
LORD, corredt me, but witl
of nations? for to thee Aftthit appertain t judgment i not inihme anger, left thof
forafmuch as among all the wife met of linrig ra; to nothing.
the nations, and m
all their kingdoms x> Pour out thy turyupen the heathel
there is none like unto thee. that know thee not, and upon the lamtliei
tor they hav<
H But they are altogether brutifh and that call not on thy name

'• Coil coventnt. Chap xi, xn. "ptrtmUbi compltint.
Wen up Jacob, and devoured him, and the time that they cry unto me for their
mfumcd him, and have made his habi- trouble.
"Sition defblate. k "What hath my beloveddo in mine
CHAP. XI. houl e, Jeeir.g (he hath wrought lewdnefs
tremiab procUimcib Gods covenant, Sec. with many ? and the hcly fleih is palled
"pHe word that came to Jeremiah from from thee : when thou dolt evil, thet:
'» c
l. the Lord, faying, thou rejoyceit.
-. i Hear ye the words of this covenant, 16 The Lord called thy name, green A
f'hd (peak unto the men of Judah, and to olive-tree, fair<«nJot goodly fruit with :

'lie inhabitants of Jerufalem, the noife of a great tumult he hath kind-

3 And lay thou unto them, Thus faith led fire upon it, and the branches of it
'")e Lord God of li'rael, Curled be the are broken.
wan that cbeyeth not the words of this 17 For the Lord of hofts, that planted
j-pvenant, thee, hath pronounced evil againit thee,
:™H 4 Which I commanded your fathers in torthe evilofthehouleof Ifrael, and of
%e day tbtt I brought them forth out of the houfe of Judah, which they have done
%e land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, againfttheml'elves to provoke me to an-
|:ying, Obey my voice, and «lo them, ar- ger, in offering; incenfe unto Baal,
'Tording to all which 1 command you : lb 18 *1 And the LORD
hath given me
%all ye be my people, and I will be your knowledge of it, and 1 know it, then
*jiod :
thou (hewedit me their doings.
? That I may perform the oath which I
. 19 But I was like a lamb, or an oxtb*t
" ive fworn unto your fathers, to give is brought to the (laughter, and I knew
icm a land flowing with milk andhony, not that they had devifed devices againft
s it it this day. Then anlwered 1, anil me, /tying, Let us deftroy the tree with
lid, So be it, Lord. o the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off
6 Then the Lord laid unto me, Pro- from the land of the living, that his name
laim all thefe words in the cities of Ju- maybe no more remembred.
* ah, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem, fay- io But, O LORD of hofts, that judgeft
1 ig, Hear ye the words of this covenant, righteoufly, that trieft the reins and the
nd do them. heart, let me fee thy vengeance on then* j
" 7 For I earneftly protefted unto your for unto thee have I revealed mycaufe.
athers, in the day that I brought them it Therefore thus faith the Lord of
p-out of the land of Egypt, even unto the men of Anathoth, that feekthy life,
his day, rifing early and protelting, fay- faying, Prophetic not in the name of the
hg, Obey my voice. Lord, that thou die not by our hand :
,8 Yet they obeyed net, nor inclined n Therefore thus faith the Lord of
heir ear, but walked every one in the hofts, Behold, I will punifh them; the
magination of their evil heart tfiere- :
young men (hall die by the ("word, their fons
ore 1 will bring upon them all the words and their daughters (hall die by famine.
t this covenant, which I commanded M And there inall be no remnant of
bent io do. but they did tbem not. them, tor I will bring evil upon the menof
9 And the Lord faid unto me, con- A Anathoth, even the year of their vifitaticn.
piracy is found among the men of Judah, CHAP. XII.
ind among the inhabitants of Jerufalem. Jeremiah compUtnrtb of tbe K> : e$ed, &e.
io They are turned back to the initjui- Righteous art thou, O LORD, when
iesof their forefathers, which refufed to Iplead with thee yet let me talk

lear my words ; and they went after other with thee of tby judgments Wherefore :

rods to ferve them the houfe of Ilrael

: doth the way of the wicked profper ?
uid the houfe of Judah have broken my xfbertfore are all they happy that deal
ovenant which I made with their fathers. very treacheroufly ?
H *fl Therefore thus faith the Lord, i Thou haft planted them, yea, they
lehold, I will bring evil upon them which have taken root, they grow, yea, they
hey (hall not be able to efcape; and bring forth fruit ; thou art near in thcit
hough they (hall cry unto me, I will not mouth, and far from their reins.
learken unto them. 3 But thou, O
LORD, krioweft me j
l Then fhall the cities of Judah, and thou haft fecn me, and tried mine heart
nhabirants of Jerufalem go, and cry un- towards thee puJl them out like fheep

o the gods unto whom they offer incenfe ; for the (laughter, and prepare them for
->ut they fhall not fave them at all in the the day of (laughter.
ime of their trouble. 4 How long (hall the land mourn, and
i? For according to the number of thy the herbs of every field wither, for the
:ities were thy gods, O
Judah ; and *c- wirkednefs of them that dw;ll therein?
•oriing to the number of the (treets of Je- the beafts are confumed, and the birds,
rufalem, have ye fet up alters to becaufe they faid, He (hall not fee our
fhameful thing, even altars to burn in- laft end.
cenfe unto Baal. ? 11 1 f thou haft run with the footmen, and
F4 Therefore pray not thou for this they have weaned thee, th;n how ranft
seople, neither lift up a cry or prayer thou contend with horfes ? and If in the
or them : for I will not hear tbem in land of p 8 ace w^eui thou truftedft, tbey
The linen girdle, Jeremiah. Judgments tbscttntd
wearied tbee, then how wilt thou do in <> So I went and hid it by Euphrates i
the fwelling ol Jordan ? as the Lord commanded me.
f> For even thy brethren, and the houfe 6 And a came :o pais after many day}
of thy father, even they have dealt trea- that the Lord laid unto me, Anie, go t<

cheroufiy with thee, yea, they have called Euphrates an.l tak: ;hc pirdle iron
a multitude alter thee i believe them not, thence, which 1 commanded thee to tiu!
though they ("peak fair words unto thee. there,
7 II I have torfaken mine houfe, I have 7 Then I went to Euphrates and digg:d
lett nnne heritage, 1 have given the dear- and took the girdle from the place woen
ly beloved ol my foal into the hands of 1 had hid it j and beholu, the girdle wa
her en-mles. marred, it was profitable ;or nothing.
8 Mine heritage is unto me as a lion 8 Then the word of the LORD cairn
in the lorett, it'eneth out againit. me : unto me, fa- ing,
therefore have I hated it. 9 Tims faith the LORD, After thi
9 Mine heritage is un^o me *s a fpeckled manner will 1 mar the pride ot Judali
bird, the birds round about *re againit and th^ great pride of jer;ilalem
her; come ye, aflemble all the bcaftsof ro This evil people which refute tc
the field, come to devour. hear my words, which walk in the ima-
ro Many -paftors have deftroyed my gination of their heart, and walk afte>
vineyard, they have troden my portion uthergods toiervethem, and to worihip
under foot, they have made my pleafant them, fhall evenbeasths girdle, wh.cfc
portion a defolate wildernefs. is good tor nothing.
it They have mad; it defolate, tndbe- it For as tht girdle cltaveth to the
ing defolate it mourneth unto me; the loyns ol a man jfo have 1 cajfed to cleave
whole land is made defolate, becaufc no un'o me the whole houleof l'rael, and
man layeth it to heart. the whole hoifc of Judah, faith the Lord ;
ii The fpoilers are come upon all high that they might \>c unto me for a people,
Places through the wiiderneis for the : and for a name, and for a praife, and for
fword of the LORD
ihall devour from a glory : but they would not hear.
the one end of the land even to the otber ii J] Therefore thou male fpeak unto
end ci the land no rlefh (hall have peace.
: them this word, Thus faith the Lord
i3 They have (own wheat, hut fhal. God of lfrael, Every bottl- lhall be filled
reap thorns: they .have put themfelves to with wine; and th.-y fhall fay unto thee;
pain, but {hall not profit • and they fhall Do we not certainly know, that ever/
be afhamedof your revenues, becaufeoi battle fhall be filled with wine?
the fierce anger of the Lord. i; Then fhaltthou fay unto them, Thus
U f| Thus faith the Lord againit all faith the LORD,
Behold, I willfill all the
mine evil neighbours, that touch the in nhabitants of this land, even the kings-
heritance which I have caufed my people that- it upon Davids throne, and the
Ifrael to inherit, Behold, I will pkick priefts, and the prophets, and all the in*
them out of their land, and pluck out the habitants of J^rufalem with drunkennelV,
tioufe ot Judah from among them. 14. Aud 1 will daih them one againit ano-
i? And it lhall come to pais after that ther, even the fathers and the ions toge-
I have plucked them out, 1 will return, ther, faith the Lord I will not pity, nor

and have companion on them, and will fpare, norhave mercy, but deftrovthem. i

bring them again every min to hisheri w

IT Hear ye, and give ear, be not '

tage, and every man to his land. proud for the Loru hath fpoken.

16 And it fh ill come to pa s, if they \6 Give glory to the Lord your God,!
will diligently learn the ways of my before he cau'ed^rknefs, and before vouf
people, to fwear by my name, The Lord feet ftumble upon the dark mountains*,
live'h f as they taught my people to fwear and while ye look for light, he turr. it
by Baa! ) then fhall they be built in the into the fhadow of death, «».t make it
mid ft of my people. grofs darknefs.
it But if they will not obey, 1 will ut- t7 But it ye will not hear it, my foul
terly pluck up and deftroy that nation fhall weep in (ecret places for your pride,
faith the LORD. and mine eye fhall weep (ore, and run
CHAP. XIII. down with tears, becaufe the Lords
The type of :bt girdle, Sec. Hock is carried away captive.
THus faith the Lord unto me, Go and
get thee a linen girdle, and put it
18 Say unto the king, and to the queen, I
Humble your felvej, lit d.)wn ; for your I
upon thy loyns, and put it notinwater. principalities fhall come down, even the
^ i So 1 got a -giralc, according to the crown of your glory.
word of the LORD, and put it on my 19 The cities of the f uth fhall be fhutt
loyns. up, and none fhall ppenf*e»M Judah fhall ;

3 And the word of the LORD came be carried away captive all of it, it foallt
unto me the fecond time, faying, be wholly carried away cap'ivc.
4 Take the girdle that thou halt got, io Litt up your eyes, and behold them
which f j upon thy Loyns., and arifc, go to that come from the north where is the :

Euphrates, and hide iubcreinahole of flock tb*t was given " thee, thy b:atitull
the rock* 1 flock ?
u Whati
yi grievous jAmim, cnap. xiv, xv Lying prophets.
,l.*i What fay when he fhall
wilt thou ix When they faff, I will noi heartheii
.Ittnifh thee? tixthou haft taught them
( cry, and when they offer burnt-offering
^ptains, aoi as chief over thee) and an oblation, I will not accept them:
iall not lorrows take thee as a woman but 1 will conlume tftein by the fword,
ti travail ? and by the famine, and by thepeftilence,
I u f1 Ana if thnu Tay in thine heart, rt 1] Then faid I, Ah Lord God, bs-
jjjvjieierore come the'e things upon me? ho'd, the prophets lay unto them, Yc
srth; greatnefs of thine iniquity are thy lhall not fee the fwor«l, neither fhall ye
jkirts difccvered,*ni thy heels made bare. have tamine, but I will give you aflured

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, peace in this place.

r the leopard hisfpots? then may ye alio 14 Then, the LORD faid unto me, The
o good, that are accuftomed to do evil. prophets prophefie lies in my name, I
14 Therelo-e will 1 fcatt«r them as the lent them not, neither have I command-
tubble that pallet!} away by the wind of ed them, neither pake unto them : they

v-ihe wifdefnds, prophefie unto you a falfe vifion and di-

*» it This is thy lot, the portion of thy vination, and a thing of nought, and the
rteafures from me, faith, theLORD ; be- deceit of their heart.
aule thou haft forgotten me» and trufted i? Therefore thus faith the Lord con-
n fall hood. cerning the prophets that prophefie in
16 Therefore will I difcover thy skirts my name, and I fent them not, yet they
ipon thy face, that thy fhame may appear. fay, Sword and famine fhall not be in
17 I nave feen thine adulteries, and this land, By fword and famine ftull thole
hy neiglnngs, the lewdnel's of thy whore- prophets be confumed.
idm, *nd thine abominations on the hills t6 And the people to whom they pro-
n the fields: wo unto thee, Jerufa- O phefie, fhall be caff out in the ftreets of
em, wilt thou not be made clean? when Jerufalem, becaufe of the famine, and the
h»it it once be ? fword, and they fhall have none to bury
CHAP. XIV. them, them, tfieir wives, nor their Tons,
nor their daughters: for I will pour theic
The grievous famine, &c.
THe word of the L®rd that came to
Jrremiah concerning the dearth.
wickednefs upon them.
17 «1 Therefore thou fhalt fay this word
i Juda!i mourneth, and the gates thereof unto them, Let mine eyes rundown with
inguiih, they are black unto the ground, tears night and day, and let them not
and the cry of Jerufalem is gone up.. ceafe : for the virgin daughter of my
3 And their noble* have fent their little people is broken with a great breach*
ones to the waters, they came to the pits," with a very grievous blow.
tni found no warer, they returned with 18 If 1 go forth into the field, then be-
their veffels empty : they were afhamed hold the fiain with the ("word and if I ;

and confounded, and covered their heads. enter inrorhe city, then beheld them that
Becaufj the ground is chapt, tor there are lick with famine; yea, both the pro-
was no ram in the earth, the plowmen phet and theprieftgo about into a land
were afhamed, they covered their heads. that they know not.
« Yea, the hind alfo calved in the field, 19 Haft thou utterly rejected Judah ?
and torlbok it, becaufe there was no grafs. hath thy foul lothed Zion ? why haft thou
6 And the wild affes did ltand in the fmitten us,. and there it no healing for us ?
high places, they muffed up the wind we looked for p«2cc, and there is no good ;
like dragons : their eyes did fail becaufe and for the time cf healing, and be-
there wuj no grali. hold trouble.

7 n OLord, though our iniquities te- to We

acknowledge, O LORD,
ftifie againft us, do thou it for thy names wickednefs, *nd the iniquity of our fa-
fake: for our backflidings are many, we thers for we have finned againft thee.

have finned againlt the*. it Do not abhor us, for thy names fake,
8 Othe hope of Ifrael, the faviour do not difgrace the throne of thy glory :
thereof in time of trouble, why fhouidit remember,break not thy covenant with u?.
thou be as a ltranger in the land, and as n
Are there any among the vanities of
a way-taring man, thtt turneth alide to the Gentiles that can cauferain? or can
tarry for a night ? the heavens give fhowers ? *rt not thou
9 Why mouldft thou be as a man ado- he, O
Lord our God? therefore we will
rned, as a mighty man thtt cannot fa ve? wait upon thee lor thoa haft made all

yet thou, O
Lord, arrin themidft of us, thefe things.
and we arc called by thy name-, leave us CHAP.
The utter rejection of the Jevos, Bcc.
o f[ Thus faith the LORD
unto this THen
faid the Louw un'o me, Though
people, Thus have they loved to wander, Mofes and Samuel ftood before me,
[I they have not refrained their feet, there- jefmymind could not be tcwards this peo-
jfore the LORD doth not accept them ; ple j caft them out of my fight, and let
'I he wiH now remember their iniquity, and them go forth.
I vifit their fins. i And it fhall come to pafs, it they fay
\ it Then faid the LORD
unto me, Pray unto thee, Whither lhall we go forth ?
then thou ftult tell them, Thus faith the
Jtremitbt compUint. jereroian. The Jives ruin.
LORD, Such as drt for death, to death 17 I fat not in the affembly of the moc

and iuch as trt for the fword, to the kers, nor rcjoyced I fat alone becaui :

fwo-,'1 j andfuch as*re tor the famine, to ot thy hand: lor thou haft filled me wit
the tamine ; and fuch as *re for the cap- indignation.
tivity, to tiie captivity. 18 Why U my pain perpetual? and m
3 And I will appoint over them four
wound incurable, wbicb refiifeth to b
kinds, faith the Loud ; the ("word to Hay, healed? wilt thou be altogether unto n.
?nd the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the as a liar, anJ _*i waters that tail ?
heaven, and the beafts of the earth, to 19 11 Therefore thus faith the Lord, 1 .;.:

devour and deftroy. thou return, tb«n will I bring thee aeain
4 And Iwill02ule them to be removed and thou flialt ltand before me and i :

into all kingdoms of the earth * becaufe thou take forth the precious from th
of ManalVeh the- fon of Hezekiah king vile, thou malt be as my mouth le _ :

of Judah> tor tbtt which he did in Jeru- them return unto thee, but return no '

salem. thou unto them.

V For who lhall have pity upon thee,
io And I will make thee unto th
O Jerulalem; or who lhall bemonr thee ? people a fenced brafen wall, and the* _
or who lhall go aiidc ta ask how thou lhall fight againft thee, but thev fhall no*i I*]
doft ? prevail againft thee: fori *m' wish the
6 Thou h2(t forfaken me, faith the to fave thee, and to deliver thee, faith
Lord, thou art gone backward therefore:
the Lord.
will I Itretch out my hand againlt thee, ii And I will deliver thee out of the in'.
and deftroy thee ; I am weary with re- hand of the wicked, and 1 will redeem ftliii

^-ntine. thee out of the hand of the terrible.

7 And I will fan them with a fan in the
gates ol the land : I will bereave tkem or prophet Jhtx»etb tbe Jevoi ruin, &C.
He word LORD came alibuniOiuf-
children, I will deftroy my people, fitb
they return not from their ways.
% Their widows are increafed to me a-
T me, iayinc,
of the

1 Thou fnaltTnot take thee a wife, nei- tk

bore the fand Of the feas : I have brought thcrfhalt thou have fons nor daughters in En.
upon them againft the mother of the this place. Lr;:

young men, a fpoiler at noon-day: I have ? For thus faith the Lord concerning the I

caufed bim to tall upon it fuddenly, and fons and concerning the daughters tbtt *r< to;

terrors upon the city. born in this place, and concerning tf.cir ttt
9 S>he that hath born feven, languifh- mothers that bare them, and concerning fe
eth : lhe hath given up the ghoft, her fun their fathers that begat them in this lar
is gone down while it vo*s yet day : fhe 4 They lhall die ot grievous deaths, they
»ey MM
bath been alhamed and confounded, ard mall not be lamented .neither lhall the) be '

the refidue of them will I deliver to the buried: but they /hall be as dung upon the #»
fword before their enemies, faith the taceof the earth, and they fhallbe con_
Loup. ,
raed by the (word, and by famine.and theii
io H Wo is me, my mother, that thou carcaies fhall be meat for the fowls o(
halt born me a manof ftrife,-and a man heaven, and for the beafts of the earth.
of contention to the whole earth: I have ? For thus faith the I-ord, Enter not
neither lent on ufury, nor men have lent into the houfe of mourning, neither go to
to me on ufury, yet every one of them lament, nor brmone them for I hav- :

doth curfe me. taken away my peace from the people,

ii The Lord fatd, Vtrily it fhall be laith the Lord, tvtn loving kindnel's and
well with thy remnant, verily I will caufc mercies.
the enemy to entreat thee vectl in the time 6 Both the great and the final! fhall die
of evil, and in the time ot affliction. in this land they Tiall not be buried

ii Slull iron break the northern iren, neither lhall mtn lament for them, nor
and the iteel? cut thcmfelves, nor make thtmfelves
i? T!;y fubftance and thy treafures will bald tor thein.
I give to the fpoil without price, and that 7 Neither fhall men tear tbtm/elves for
for all thy tins, even in all thy herder?. them in mourning to comtort them for
14 And I will make tb'.t to pals with the d^ad, neither^flial! men give them
thine enemies into a land xtbich thou the cup of confolatjon to drink for their
knoweft not for a fire is kindled in mine
: father or for their mother.
anger, which fliall burn upon you. S Thou flialt not alio go into the houfe
i? HO LORD, thou knoweft, remem- of leaning, to fit with them to eat and
ber me, andviiit me, and revenge me of to drink.
my perfecuters, take me not away in thy 9 For thus faith the Lord of hefts th*
long-fufFering know that for thy fake
• God of IlracJ, Behold, I will caufe to
I have (uttered rebuke. ceale out of this place in your eyes, and
16 Thy words were found, and I did in your days, the voice of mirth, ard the
eat them, and thy word was unto me the voice of giadnffs, the voice of the bride-
joy and rejoycing of mine heart, far I am groom, ami the voice of tbe bride.
called by thy name, O LORD
God of 10 fi And it flvall come to pafs when
hofts. thou ftult ihew this people all thefe
^uiabs captivity. Chap. xvii. Gods favour.
;enfs,and they lhall fay untothee,Wherc- 4 And thou, even thy fclf malt difcon.
ute hath the Lord pronounced all this tinue from thine heritage that I gave
teat evil againit us? or what is our ini- thee, andlwillcaufe thee to ferve thine
uity ? or what is our fin that we h*ve enemies in the land which thou knowelt
bmmittcd againit the LORD our God? not lor ye have kindled a fire in mine

hi Then (halt thou lay unto thorn, Bc- anger, vcb:cb lhall burn for ever.
aufe your fathers have torlaken me, i II Thus faith the Loud, Curled be the
uith the LORD, hnd havewalked after man t^at tniltcth in man, and maketh
kther gods, and have ferved them, and rklh his arm, and whole heart departcth
lave woilhipped them, and have forfa- from the LORD.
en me, and have not kept my law '• 6 For he lhcll be like the heath in the
i And ye have done worfe than your defert, and lhall not fee when good co-
ithers, ( tor behold, ye. walk everyone meih, but fhall inhabit the parched pla-
iter the imagination of his evil heart, ces in the wildernels, in a fait land and
ut they may not hearken unto me ) not inhabited.
H Thererorewill I caft you outof this 7 Blelfedfsthe man that trulteth in the
nd, into a tend that ye know not, nti- Lord, and whole hope the LORD is.
'icr ye, nor your fathers, and there lhall 8 For he lhall be as a tree planted by the
e ferve other gods day and night, where waters, and tba fpreadeth out her .roots
will not fhew you favour. by the river, and lhall not fee when heat
U11 Therefore behold, the days come, cometh, but her leaf lhall be green, and
ith the LORD, that it lhall no more fhall not be careful in the year of drought,
e laid, The Lord liveth that brought neither fitall ceafe from yielding fruit.
s thechildrenof lfraelout of the land 9 1] The heart is deceitful above all
f bgypt things, and defperately wicked, who can
i> But, The Lord liveth that brought know it ?
p the children ot Ilrael from the land of to 1 the Lord fearch the heart, I try
ic north, and from all the lands whither the reins, even to give every man accor-
had driven them: and I will bring ding to his ways, and according to the
lem again into their land that I gave fruit of his doings.
nto their fathers. (i As the partridge fittethon eggs, and
6 fl Behold, I will fend for many fi Ai- hatcheth them not fo he that getteth

rs, faith the Lord, and they Alall fifh riches, and not by right, Aial leave them

lem i and alter will 1 fend fcr many in the midft of his days, and at his end
unters, and they mall hunt them from Aiall be a fool.
very mountain, and from every hill, and it 11 A glorious high throne from the
ut of the holes of the rocks. beginning, is the place of our fanctuary.
17 For mine eyes are upon all their ways uO Lord, the hope of Ilrael, all that
fiey are not hid from my face, nettheris forfake thee lhall be alhamed, and they
heir iniquity hid from mine eyes. that depart from me.ihal! be written in the
18 And firlt I will recompenfe their ini- earth, becaufe they have forfaken the
|uity, and their fin double; becaufe they Lord, the fountain of living water .

iave defiled my land, they have filled 14 Heal me, O LORD, "and I fhall
nine inheritance with trie carca'es of be healed $ fa ve me, and I fhall be faved
heir deteftable and abominable things. for thou art my praife.
to O Lord, my ftrength and my for- U H Bahold, thev fay unto me, Where is
refs, and my refuge in the day of afflifti- the word of the Lord? let it come now.
n, the Gentiles lhall come unto thee from 16 As for me, I have not haftned from
he ends of the earth, ami fhall fay, Surely bein% a pallor to follow thee, neither have
air fathers have inherited lies, vanity, I detlred the woful day, thou knowelt :
,nd things wherein there is no profit, that which came out of my lips was right
ic Snail a man make gods unto him- before thee.
elf, and they are no gods ? i7 Be not a terror unto me, thou art
it Therefore behold, I will this once my hope in the day of evil.
•aufethem to know, I will caufethem to 18 Let them be contounded thatperfe-
mow mine hand, and my might, and they cure me, but let not rr.e be confounded :
hall know that my nam-? is the Lord. let them be dilmayed, but let not me be
CHAP. XVII. difmayed: bring upon them the day of
ludabs captivity for their /in, Sec. evil, and deltroy them with double de-
T'He fin of Judah is written with a pen flation.
1JL of iron, and with the point of a dia- 19 H Thus faith the Lord unt^ me, Go
Tnond ; it is graven upon the table of their and ftand in the gate of the children of
aeart, ar.dupon the hornsof your altars :the people, whereby the kings of judah
l t "W.ulft their children remember 'heir come in, and by the which they go out,
,|iltars and their groves by the green trees and in all thega f es of Jsrufalem j
lipon the his'h hills. 10 And fay ufe..^ thenv Hear ye the
?Omy mountain in the field, I will word of the LC.vD, ye kings of Judah,
;ive thy fubftance, and all thy treafures and all Judah, and all the inhabitantsof
o the fpoii, and thy high places for fin, Jerufalem, that enter in by thefe gates.
broughout all thy borders. i\ Thus faitr. the Lqru, Take heed
Tbef*bb*tb-dt?. Jeremiah. :uigmtnti tbrettntd.
to your felves, and bear no burden on to Ifitdoevil in my light, that it obi | -

the fabbath-day, nor bring it jn by the not my voice, then I will repent ot |jL
gates of Jerufalem. good wherewith I faid I would bene IT
ii Neither carry forth a burden out of them. I
your houfes on the fabbath-day, neither ii «J Now therefore go to, fpeaktotrr* 1

du ye any work, but hallow ye the fab- men of Judah, and to the inhabitant if*
bath-day, as I commanded your fathers. Jerufalem, laying, Thus faith the Loui :
i? i$ut they obeyed not, neither incli- Behold, I frame evil againlt you, and d F
ned their ear, but made their neck Uiff, vife a device againlt you; return ye nor'
that they might not hear not receive in- every one from his evil way, and makf :'
itruction. your ways and your doings good.
14 And it fhall come
to pals, if ye dili- n And they laid, There is no hopitf'.
gently hearken unto me, faith the Lord, but we will walk after our own* device^
to bring In no burden through the gates and we will every one do the imagination
of the city on the fabbath-day. but hal- of his evil heart.
low the fabbath-day, to do no work there- n Therefore thus faith the LORD, Air*;
in : ye now among the heathen, who hatr :

i? Then fhal! there enter into the gates heard I'uch things the virgin of IfraiP.

of this city, kingjand princes littingup- hath done -a very horrible thine.
©n the throne ol David, ruling in chari- 1.4 Will* nun leave the ihow of Leb»F-

ots, and on horl'es, they and their prin- non, wbrcb coittetb trom the rock of th {if
ces, the men of .Judah, and the inhabi- field? or fhall the cold f.owing waierf.
tants of Jer«falem, and this city fhall that come from another place, be tor l,: -
jemain for etrer. faken ?
iS And they fhall come from the cities tc Beraufe my people hath forgotteifj''
of Judah, and from the places about Jeru- me, they have burnt incenl'e to vanityif ''

falem, and Irom the land of Benjamin.and and they have caufed them to ftumblirr
from the plain, and frcm the mountains, in their ways from the ancient psths,-
and from the fouth, bringing burnt-offer- to walk in paths, in a way not calt up r'
ings, and lacrifices, and meat-offering!, t6 To make rheir land defolate, *rui r L : .

and ineenfe, and bringing Jacnriccs of perpetual luffing: everyone that paffetfPJ. 1

praife unto the houfe oftheLoRn. thereby lhall be aftonilhed, andwae hull:'
27 But if ye will not hearken unto me head. °
to hallow the fabbath-day, and not to i7 I will fcatter them as with an esff..
bear a burden, even entring in at the wind before the enemy I will fhew thcmLY

gates of Jerufalem on the fabbath-day : the back and not the face in the day rlEi
then wi'l J kindle a fire in the gates there- their calamity.
of, and it null devour the palaces of Je- 18 fl Then faid they, Come, and letujK
rufalem, and it mall not-be quenched. devife devices aeainft Jeremiah : for tbep^
CHAP. XVIII. Jaw fhall not perilh from the prieft, nuL,i :

Cod- ibfolute power Jheveed, &c. counfei from the wife, nor the word fromn
THefrcmwordthe which came
LORD, laying,
Jeremiah to the prophet: come, and let us finite himLV:
with the tongue, and let us not givctl'
r Arife, and eo down to the potters heed to any of his words.
houfe, and there 1 will caufe thee to hear 19 Give heed to me, O
LORD, an^f".
my words. hearken to the voice ot them that con-U:
% Then went down to the potters
I tend with me.
houfe, and behold, he wrought a work ic Shall evil be recompenfed for good ?£.'•.

en the wheels. fortiiey have digged a pit for' my foul:' El,

4 An J the velTel that he made of clay, remember the I ftood before thee tofo
was marred in the hand of the potter, lb fpeak good for them, tni to turn away if
he mad j it again another veffel, as Teem- thy wrath from them.
ed gooJ to the potter to make it. it Therefore deliver up their children
? Then the word of the LORD came to to the famine, and pour out their Hzot\,-
me, faying, by the force of the fword. and let I...
6 O houfe of Jfrael, cannot I do with wives be breaved of their children, and L;
you asthispctter ? laith the IvOUD. Be- be widows, and let their men be put to Ij!
hold, asthechy is in the potters hand, fo death, let their young men be ilain by tne £,'.'
*rt ye in rain^'hand, O houfe oi Ilrael. fword in battle.
7 At vebdt inftant I fhall (peak concer- 11 Let a cry be heard from their [j;
ning a nation^ and concerning a king- rnufes, when thou fhalt brine a troop L'j
dom, to phi k up, and to pull down, fuddenly upon them, for they have dig- J-':"
and to deftroy it -.
gcd a pit to take me, andh'id fnare? tor
K Ii that nation againfl whom 1 have my feet.
pronounced, mr from their evil, I will a? Yet, LORD, thou knoweft all their fL
repent of the evil that I thought to do counfel againff me to flay me forgive rot y.

unto them. their iniquity, neither blot out their (in

9 Ai\6*tveb*t infbnt 1 fhall fpeak con- from thy fight, but let ihem be over-
cerning a nation, and concerning a king- thrown Seforcthee; deal tbu; with them
dom, to build and to plant it -,
in the time of thine anger.
t4 Then rafhe Jeremiah from Tophef,
whither the Lord had fenthim to pro-
phetic and he Hood in the court of the
Lords houfe, and fcid to all the people,
if Thus faith the LORD
ol holts, the
God of llrael, Behold, I will bring upon
this city and upon all her towns, all the
evil that I have pronounced agaiiilt it
becaufe they have hardned their necks»
that they might not hear my words.
A P. XX.
Ptjkur fmitetb fcrcmiab, Sec.
NOw Pafhur the fun of Immer the
Pried, who re.u alio chief governor
in the houfe of the LORD, heard that Je-
remiah propheiied thefe things.
i Then Palhur fmote Jeremiah the pro-
phet, and put him in the (locks thatwer*
in the high gate or Benjamin, which vent
by the houfe of the LORD.
? And it came to pafs os the morrow,
that Pafhur brought forth Jeremiah out
of the fttcks. Then faid Jeremiah unto
him, The LORD
hath not called thy name
Pafhur, but Magor-miifabib.
4 For thus faith the LORD, Behold, I
will make thee a teiror to thy fell", and
to all-tfcv friends, and they lhall fall by
the ('word of their enemies, and thine
eyes fhall behold it, and I wi'.l give all
Judah into the hand of the king of Ba-
bylon, and he fhall carry them captive
aughter. into Babylon, and fhall flay them witft
7 And I will make void theeounfel of the fword.
idahand Jerufalemin this place, and 1 « Moreover, I will
deliver all the
_ .11 cauCe them to tall by the fword be- ftrength of this city, and all the labours
ire their enemies, and by the hands of thereof, and all the precious things there-
icm that feck their lives: ar.d their car- of, and all the treafures of the kings of
ries will I give to be meat for the fowls Judah will I give unto the hand of their
the heaven, and tor the beafts of the enemies, which (hsllfpoil them, and take
sttth. , _ them, and carry them to Babylon.
8 And I will make this city defolate, 6 And thou Pafhur, and all that dwell
nd an hifTing: every one that paffeth in thine houfe, fhall go into captivitv,
;ereby fhall be aftonifhed and hrfs, be- and thO-u fhalt come to Babylon, an.! there
«fe of all the plagues thereof. thou fhalt die, an 1 fhalt be buried there,
9 And I will cauCe them to eat the flefh thou and all thy friends, to whom tiioj
their (ons, and the fie* of their daugh- haft propnefiexi lies.
rs, and they (hall eat every one the flefh 7^0 LORD, thou halt deceived me,
f his friend in the liege and ftraitnefs, and 1 was deceived: thou art Itronger
herewith their enemies, and they that than I, and haft prevailed 1 am inde-

:ck their lives, fhall ftraitcn them. ntion dailya every one niocketh me.
to Then (halt thou break the bottle in 8 Forhnce Ifpake, I cried out, I cried
je fight of the men that go with thee, violence and Ipoil; becatile the word of
ti Andfhalt f3y unto them, Thus faith the LORD was made a reproach unto
e LORD of holts, Even To will 1 me, md
a derifion c'.ai.'y.
eak this people and this city, as one 9 Then I faid, I will not make mention
eaketh a potters veiTel that cannot be of him, nor (peak any more in his name.
tade whole again, and they fhall bury But bis word was in mine heart as a burn-
wn m Tophet, no place to
till there be ing fire fhutup in my bones, and I was
irv. weary with forbearing, and I could not
ti Thuswillldo unto this place, faith fiv.
ieL*)RD, and to the inhabitants thereof, 10 V For I heard the defaming of ma-

nd even make this city as Tophet. ny, fear on every fide: Report, fy tbr*,
H Andthehoufesof Jcrufaiem, and the and we will report it: all my familiars
Dufesof the kings of Judah fhall be tie watched for my halting, faying, Perad-
,ea as the place of Tophet, becaufe of all venture he will be inticed, and we fhall
le houfes, upon whofe roofs they have prevail againlt him, ?nu we fha'l take

*rnt incenie unto aU the holt of heaven, ovr revenge on him


id have poured out drink- offerings ttei© u But the it with me 2s a

iher godjB. mighty terrible one therefore my ner-

A a jecutcrt
fyptivity fori jert
fecuters lhall humble, and they (ball rut And unto ^..s people thou fhalt fay,
prevail, they lhall be greatly a - Lord, Behold, I let before
lor they lhall not proper, that e yoatheway bf life, and toe way of deith.
- ingcor.fuiion lhall never be forgotten. 9 Hethafiabideth in this city, flu d:e 1 1

t, OL^nuot ho :>,' that trieit the by the lword, and bv the famine,
righteous, Mi te.'itthe rems and! the pefttlencc but he that gueth

let me fee thv vengeance on them : lor un- rallerti to the Chaldeeans that beiiege you,
co the,.- ;nv caufe. he ih?.ll live, and his lite Ihsll be urto
Sing unto the LORD, praife ye ths
i; him tor a prey.
Lord: for he hath delivered the loul o; il I have fet mv face a?ain(tthia
the poor from the ha/id of evil doers. city »or evil, and not for good,- aim the ]

14 1! Curled- £« the day wherein I was Lord; it (hall be given into the hand
bora : Jet not the day wherein my mother or the kingol Babylon, and lie lhall burn
Jbaremebebleffed. a with fire.
ii Curfed b$ the man who brought n «1 And touching the houfe of the
tidings to my father, faying, A man- king or Judah, fey-, Hear ye the wore of
child is born unco thee, making him the LORD.
very glad. .
la O houle of David, thus faith the
16 And trm man be
the cities
let as LORD, Execute judgment in the
which the LORD
overthrew, and re- nmg, and deliver bim tb*t u ipoiled, out
or the hand of thcopprellbr, left my fury
pented not: and let hint hear the cry-
in the morning, and the lhouting at noon- go out like hre, and burn that none
tide :
ca« quench it, becaufe of the evil of your
Becaufe he flew me not from the
17 doings.
womb or that my mother might have
; n
Behold, \*m againlt theev O in a-
been my grave, and her womb to be al- bitant of the valley, tni rock ot the plain,
wavs great ivitb me. faith the Lord 3 which fay, (hall Who
i'S Where tore came I forth out of the come down againft us? or who (hall en-
womb to lee labour and forrow, that my ter into our habitations ?
days iliould bsconfumed with lhame ? uBut I will punifti you according to
CHAP. XXI. tnetautor your doings, faith the Lord:
Ntbuc6adrtt%*tt way, &C 11 kindle a fire in the foreil there-

THelrom the LORD, when or, and it (hail devour all thin;
word which came unto Jeremiah
king Zede- about it.

iciah Pent unto him Pafnur the fon of A

Melchtah, and Zephaniah the fon of Antx'artttian to rtptntanc:, &C.
.JMaafeiahthe prielt, faying, ""pHu« faith the Lord, <jo down to the
z Hr^uire, 1 pray thee, of the I LORD
houle of the king of Judah, and
for us, f for Nebuchadrezzar king or Ba- fpeak there this word,
fcyion maketh war againft us J i f fo be that 1 Aad lay, Hear the Word of the
¥he Lord will deal with us according to LORD,
O king of Judah, that fated
all his wondrous works, that he may go upon the throne of David, thou, and
up from us. thy fervar.ts, and thy people that enter in
U Theb faid Jeremiah unto them, by thefe gates 3

Thus fhalPye fay to Zedekiah, „ ? Thus faith the Execute ye LORD,

a Thus faith the LORD God of Ifracl, judgment and righteoufne s, and deli-
Behold, twill turn back the weapons ot ver afce fpoiied out of the hand of the
war that *re in your hards, wherewith ye opprelTor: and do no wrong, do no vio-
gainfc the king of Babylon, and *- lence to the ttranger, the fatherlefs, nor
the Chaldeans, which betiege you the widow, newher died innocent blood,
the walls, and I will affemblc in this place.

them into the mid ft of this city. 4 For if ye do this thing indeed, then
< And f mv (elf will fight againft you *al! there enter in by the gates
with an aitltretched hand, and with a houfej kings fitting upon the throne of
flrong arm, even in anger, and in -fiuy, David, riding in chariots, andonhorfes,
and in great wrath. he, and his fervants, and his people.
....... But it ye will not hear thefe words, I
f Anil will unite th- inhabitants of „ ?

this city, both man and bealt theyihall fwear by my I'tff, faith the Lobd, that

dfeofagreat&eltiience. this houfe (hall become a deflation.

And afterwards, faith the LORD. I 6 For thus faith the Loin 1

will deliv'etZedekiahkingof Ju^ah, and kings houfe ot Judah, Thou *rt Ciilead
his fervants, and the peopie, and fusi <*< ur.-o me, *nl the head of Lebarw
*rt left in this city t.lence, Inrelyl will make thee awilderne
from the fwerd, and from the famine, in- cities vebieb are not inha
to the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of 7 And 1 will prepare deftrovers aeainft
Bab vie thee, every o^e with his weapon
Hues, and into the hand or thofeths cut down thy cho«je cedars, and I

their life and he (hall finite them with caRC*«m into the fire.
thec^e of »he fword he lhall not fpare :8 And many nations fhal
:4 i« have pay, noi kavc racrry. ciry, and they lhak lay every ma:
leighbour, Wherefore hat!j the
done thus unto this great city ?
LORD evefl irto the
king ot Babylon,
hand ot Nebuchadrezzar
and into the hand of
'9 T.'.enthey Ihall acfwer/Becaufe they the Chaldeans.
have fwfaken the covenant et the LORD if) And
I will ca(t thee out, and thy
their God, a>d worflupped ether gods, mother that bare thee, into another coun-
Undi'ervcd thc:n. try, where ye were not born, and thcr*
fl Weep ye not for the dead, neither lhallye dia.
bemene turn, out weep lore for him that 17 But to the land whereunto they defif*
gocthaway: for he fnall return no more, to return, tfiither lhall t:,ey no: rerurn.
oorfeehis native country. 18 If this man Coniah a de pifed bro-
it For thus faith the LORD touching ken idol ? irbt a vcifel wherein ii na
Shallum, the ion of Jonah, king or Judah, pkafure ? wherefore are they caft cut,
*hich rcignsd in ttead ©f Jonah his fa- he and his (ted, and are ealt into aland
ther, whicn went iorth out or this place, which they know not?
He mall not return thither any more : 19 O
earth, earth, 'earth, hear th«
11 But he fhalldiein the place whither word ot the Lorn.
rtieyhave led hmt captive, and fhall fee ?o Thus
faith the Lord, Write ye this
this land no more. man child lefs, a man tb*t fhsll not pro-
i\ H Wounto him Wiat buildeth his fper in his days: lor no man of kis feed
houfa by unrighteoufnefs, and his cham- mall profper, fitting upon the throne oi
bers by wrong; tbtt ufeth his neighbours David, and ruhn?ar,\ morein Judah.
fervice without wages, and giveth him C H A P. XXIil.
Dot lor his work A refiont'.tn profbefied, &C.

14. That faith, I will build me a wide be unto the pallors that deftrcy
lOui'e, and large chambers, and cutteth and Icatter the fheep of my pa-
hira out windows, and it is cieled with iture, faith the Lord.
cedar, and painted with vermilion. 1 Therefore thus faith the Go<l Lord
i> Shalt thou reign becaufe thou clofeft of Ifrael againit the paftors that i:ea
fy felf in cedar? did not thy tathereat my people, Ye have frittered my nock,
and dnr.k, and do judgment and juitice, and driven them away, and have
#*jJ then it »*i well with him ? tired them; behold, lwillviiit upon \ot
16 He judged the cau.'e or the poor and the evil of your doings, faith the LORD.
needv, then it voas well vcitb bim *v<j.$ : 3 And I will gather the re
not thus to know me? faith the LORD. flock, out of «ll countries whither 1 have
17 But thine eyes and thine heart art driven them, and- will bring ti :tu again
not but f\,r thy tovetoufnets, and tor to to their folds, and they lhall be rrmtlql
(hed innDcent blood, and for opprefiion, and increafe.
and for violence to do it. 4 And I will fet up fhepheru
18 Therefore thus faith the LoRP con- them, which lhall feed them, and tl.cj
ferring Jehoiakim the ibnof Jotiahkin": fhall fear no more, nor b
>f Judah, They mail not lament tor him", neither ihall they be lacKinc, f,
tying, Ah my brother, or ah filter: they LORD.
"hill not lament for him, faying, Ah lord, ? 1\ Behold, the d?vs rotfte, faith tfce
arah his glery. LORD, that I w ll ;

19 He ftiall be buried with the burial of righteous branch, an

>n as, drawn and call forth beyond the and profper, and fhal! execu
latesof Jerufalem. and juftice in the earth.
"10 * Go up to Lebanon, and cry, and 6 In his days Judah ihaH be fare* ,

ift up thy voice in Bafhan, and cry from Ifrael fhall dwell fafely z- ;

the paO'ages: for all thy lovers- rre de- narre wherebv he fn
n I fpake untothre in thy profperity, NESS.
fcrtthoufaidlt, I will not hear :t\mb.ttb 7 Therefore behold, the dajj
ieen thy manner from thy youth, that thou faith the Lord, that tfiey fhall n.
)beyedft not my voice. fay, The lord liveth, which brought ui>
11 The wind lhall eat up all thy paltures, the children of Ifrael out of ti.^ land of
lovers lhall go into caprivity, Egypt i

fcrely then fhalt thou be alhanied and con- 8 Bur, The Lord li vein,

Kunded for all thy wickednefs. up, and which lee! t!:e fee..', c
Jn O inhabitant of Lebanon, that ma-
ettthvneft in the cedars, how gracious
outof the north -eouij
countrie? wmrher 1 had driver, them,
fcalt thou be when pangs come upon thee, and they &2II dweL >
. .nd.
be P^m asof a woman m travail ? .

9 fi Mine liexrt withm me is ,

u. As I live, faith the LORD, though becaufe of the prophet;, all rm

Coniah the ion of Jehoiakim king ~>t ju- fh'ike : I am like a <\i - ;
::/i ma
iah were the fignet upon my richt hand, like aSOT wherri wine harft overcome t
yet would I pluck thee thence, becaufecd the Lord, and U-caufr. of thi»
U -And Iwill give thee inro the h2nd words ot his he:.
if them that feek thv life, and into the io Fcttie land is full of adulteraps, foj
fcar.d of tbtm whole race ta*t leareit, .
w fearing the i-r.j InWr-
A I x net*
F4ft propbtti. 5erer
rieth: thepleafant places of the wilder- 26 How
long fhall fir/fee in the heart of
nefs arc dried up, and their cour'.e is evil, the prophets that prophefie lies? yea, :e.-y
art prophets of the daeeit of tueir own
and their force is not right.
1 1 For both prophet and prielt are pro-
heart ;
fane, yea, in v.y lioul'e have I found their n Which thfnk to caufe m* people ra
wickeJnefs, faith the LORD. forget my name by their dreams which
ii Wherefore their way fhall be unto thry tell every man to his neighbour, a*
them as llippcry wayi in the darknefs :
their fathers have forgotten my name,
they fhall be driven on and fall therein : for Baal.
fori will bring evil upon them, tven the 18 The prophet that hatha dream, let
year ot their vifitation, faith the LORD. him tell a arcam and he that ha
-, *
Xi And I have leen tolly in the pro- word, let him fpeak my word faithfully :,
phets of Samaria ; they prophefied in what it the chaii to-the wheat ? faith tr.a
jjaal, and caufed ray people lfrael to LORD.
19 Ii not my word like as afire? faitfJ
i4 I have feen alfo in the prophets of the LORD: and like a hammer that
Jerufalem an horrible thing : they com- breaketh the rock in pieces ?
mit adultery, and walk in lies: they 20 Therefore behold, I <m agair,;t the
ltrengtlicn alfo the hands of evil doers, prophets, faith the LORD, thatttealmy
that none doth return from his wicked- words every one from his neighbour.
nefs: they are all of them unto »e as ?i Behold, 1 am agair.ftthe prophet*,
Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as faith the LORD, that ulc their ter.gues,
Gomorrah. and lay, Helaith.
Therefore thus faith the LORD of
it 2.1 Behold, lam againft them that pro.
holts concerning the prophets, Behold, 1 pheite
and do
tall'c dreams, faith the LORD,
will feed them with wormwood, and tell them, and caufe mypcopleta.
make thevn drink-the w3tcr of gall for :
err by their lies, and by -their lightnefs *.

from the prophets of Jerufalem is pro- yet I fent them not, nor commanded!
fancnels gone forth into all the land. them : therefore they fhall rot proritthit!
i5 Thus faith the LORD of holts, people at all, faith the LORD.
Hearken not unto the words of the pro- ?;« JAnd this people, or the prophet,
phets that prophetic unto you they ;
or a prick lhall ask rfiee, faying, Whatu
make you vain-, they (peak a vitlon cr the bufden ot the LORD
? thcu fhallt then-
their own heart, and not out of the mouth fay unto them, What burden ? 1 will even*
of the LORD. forfake you, faith the LORD.
t? They fay ftill unto them that de- 34 And at for the prophet, and the'
fpife me, The Lord hath faid, Ye fhall prielt, and the people that mall fay, The
have peace ; and they fay unto every one burden of the LORD, I will cven'pumfh
that walketh after the imagination of his that man and ..ishoufe.
own heart. No evil fhall come uv-on you. 3? Thus fhall ye fay, every one to hit
ig For who hath ftood in the counfel neighbour, and evcrv one to his brother,
of the LORD, and hath perceived and What ha»h the LORD
anfwered > and.
heard his word' who hath marked his What hath the LORD
* ird, andheard f ? ;
26 And the burden of the fhall LORD
cq Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD ye mention no more: lor everv man*
is gone forth in turv, even a grievous word fhall be his burden for ye have :

whirlwind, it fhall fall gnevoufly upon perverted the words of the living God, of
the head of the wicked. theLORDof hofts our God.
ic The anger of the LORD fhall not 27 Thus fruit thou fay to the prophet,
returo. untilhe have executed, and till What hath tne LORD
anfwered t*ee?
he ha/e performed the thoughts of his and, What hath the LORD
fpoken •>

heart: in the latter days yeihall confider 28 But fith ye fay. The burden of the!
,t p^rfecUy. LORD; therefore thai faith iheLoRD.l
ii I have not fent thefe prophets, yet Becaufe you fay this word, The burden
t*iey ran: I have not fpoken to them, ot the LORD, and J have fent unto you,
'yctthey propheficd. faying. Ye mall not fay, The hyrdenof
n But if they had flood in my counfel, the LORD :

and had caufed mv people to hear my

words, then they fliould have turr.ed them
from their evil way, and from the evil of
t'.eir doings.
i-Am 1 a God at hand, faith the LORD,
and not a -God afar off? . proach upon you, and a perpetual flume,
14 can anv hide hinuclr in lecret pla- which fhall not be forgotten.
ces, that 1 ftull not fee hmv? faith the c a p. xxiv.
I ORD do not 1 (ill heaven and earth ?
: Toe typt of and bad figs, &c.
faith the
have heard what the prophets faid,

THetwoLORD fhewed me,

baskets of fisrs
xrtre fet before
t ,at prophetic lies
in my name, faung, the temple of th; LORD, after that Ne
iivave creamed, I have dieamed. buchadrczzar king ot Babylon haa -Tar-

The tvco UskeU »f figs. Chap, xxv, Ttt cdptivity forttoli.
ned away captive Jeconiah the Ton o» J«- one from his evil way, and fram the evil

l hqiakim king of Judah, and the princes of your doings, and dwell in the land,
i or Judah, with the carpenters and fmiths that the Lord hath given unto you and
from Jerufalem, and had brought
6 them to to your fathers, tor ever and ever :

a Babylon. 6 And go not after other gods to ferve

l One basket bid Very good figs, tvtn them, and worihip them, and provoke
like the tvi,s that art tint ripe: ard the me .not to anger with the works of your
other basket £44 very naughty figs, which hands, and I will do yuu no hurt.
could not be eaten, they were 10 bad. 7 Yet ye have not hearkneel unto me,
3 Thenfaid the Lord unto »c, What faith the LORD
; tlist ye" might ptovokte
feed thou, Jeremiah ? and I faid.Figs the : me to anger with the works of"your hands
goodfi^s, very good i and the evii, very to your own hurt.
evil, that cannot be eater., Vhey are fo evil 8 H Thereiorc thus faith the Lord of
4 1] Again the word of the Lord came hofts,Becaule ve have not heard my words]
unto me, fayin?, 9 Behold, 1 will fend and take all the
? Thus faith the LORD the God oflf- families of the noun, faith the Lord, and
rael, Like thefe good figs, fo whl 1 ac- Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon my
knowledge them that are carried awaj fervant, and will bring them againft this
captive or" Judah, whom I have fent out of land, and againft the inhabitants thereof,
this place into the landof the Chaldeans and 3g2inft allthefe nations round about,
for their good and willutterly deftroy them, and make
5 For 1 will Tet mine eyes upon them for
i them an aftoniihment, and an hitting, an*
good, and J will bring them again to this perpetual defolations.
land, and I will build them, and not pull tc Moreover, I will take from them the
tbtm down-, and I wilf plant them, and voice of mirth, and the voice of gladncfs,
ftot pluck tbem up. the voice of the bridegroom, and the
7 And I will give them an heart to voice of the bride, the found of the Hal-
1 know me, that 1 *m the Lord, and they ftones, and the light of the candle.
ihall be my people, and 1-will be their 11 Andthiswhole land ihall be a defe-
Cod: for they ihall return unto mewith ction, tni an aftonifhment i andahefe
their whole heart. nations ihall fervc the king of Babylon
8 11 And as the evil figs, which cannot fevcr.ty years.
be eaten, they are fo evil ( furely thus
: 11 And it fhall come to pais when fe-
faith the LORD) i'owill 1 give Zedekiah venty years are accompli.ihed, that I will
the king of Judah, and his princes, and punifhthekmgof Babylon, and tliat na-
therefichie of Jerufalem, that remain in tion, faith the LORD, tor their iniquity,
this land, and them that dwell in the land and the land of the Chaldeans, and will
ofEgvpt: make it perpetual desolations.
9 And I will delivei them to be re- t? And I will bring upen that land al!
maved into all the kingdoms of the earth my words which 1 have pronounced a-
for tbeh hurt, to be a reproach and a pro- gainft it, even all is written iE tlm
verb, a taum and a curfe in all places whi- book, which Jeremiah hath prophelied
ther I fhall drive them. again!! all the nations.
ic And 1 will fend the fword, the fa- 14 For many nations and great king*-
mine, and the peftilence among them, till themfelves of them alio: and
ihall lerye
they be cohfumed fromoff the land, that will recompenle them according to
I gave unto them and to their fathers. their deeds, and according to the work*
CHAP. XXV. of their own hands.
Tbt Jtws dtfobtdienct rtfrovtd, &c. if'fi For thus faith the Lord God cf

THe word that came to Jeremiah eon- Jfrael unto me, Take the wine-cup of this
cemingallthe people of Judah, in fury at my hand, and caufe all the nati-
the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the (on of ons, to whom 1 fend thee, to drink it.
Jofiah king ofJudah,thatw*i the firft year 16 And they ihall drink, and he mo-
of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon : ved, and be mad, became of the fworJ-
1 The which Jeremiah the prophet that I will fend among them;
fpake unto all the Feople of Judah, and 17 Then took 1 the cup at the LORDS
to all the inhabitants of Jerufalem, fay- hand, and made all the nations to drink,
ing" ,
unto whom the LOR©
had fent me :

* From the thirteenth 'year of loflah 18 I'Qvoit, Jerufalem, and the cities of
the fon of Amon king of Judah, even Judah, and the kings triereof, and the
unto this day ( that tithe three and twen- princes thereof, to make them a defec-
tieth year ) the word of the LORD hath tion, an aftonifhment, an hilling, and at
come unto me, and I have fponen unto curre, C as ifi/ihisday )
yeu, rifing early and fpeaking, but ye 19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, andhisfer-"
have not hearkr.ed. vants, and his princes, and all his people.
4 And the LORD hath fent unto you ic And all the mingled people, arii?. all
althisfervants the prophets, rifing early the kings ©f the land of Uz, and all the
and lending tbem, but ye have not heark- kings of the land of thePhiliftmes, and
Tted, nor inclined yeur ear to hear Alikelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and
«-They faid, Turn ye again now every j
the remnant of Afhdod r
i -a 1 A it Edora
The Jhef herds lamentation. Jeremiah. The prophet arraigmj,
n Edoru, and Moab, and the children 37 And the peaceable habitations ar«'
Ci Amnion. cut down, becaui'e of the fierce anger of
ai And all the kings of Tyrus, and al! the LORD.
the kings ot'Zidon, and ihe kings or th-e ;8 He hath forfaken his covert, as the
ifles which are beyond the lea, lien: fojf their lard is dcfolate, becaufe
i 1 Dedal), and Tenia, and Buz, and
, ot the fie*cenefsoftheopprcflbr, and be-
all that are jn the utmoft corners, caufe ot his fierce ang>-r.
i4 And all the kings of Arabia, and C H A P. XXVI.
all the kings ot the mingled people that Jeremiah exhortetb to rtptnranci &c. ,

ttweil in the delcrt, the beginning of the rcignofjehoia-

ii And all the kings of Zimri, and all
knT the lonof Joliah kingof Judah,
the kings of Elam, and all the kings al came this word from the Lord, laying, ,

the M^d cs, I Thus faith the LORD, Stand in the '

16 And all the kings of the north, far court of the LORDsJ.oui'e, and (peak
and near, one with another, and all the unto all the cities of Judah, which come
.kingdoms ot the world, which are upon to worlbipin the LORDs
houfe, all the
the lace of the earth and the king oi : words taat 1 command thee to lpeaku,nto
Shefhach fhall drink after them. them diminifhnot a word
} :

x7 Therefore thou (halt lay unto them, 3 It lobe they will hearken,. and turn
Thus faith the LORD cf hods, the God of every man from his evil way, that I may
Jfraet, Drink ye and be drunken, and fpue repent me of the evil which I propole to
arid tall, and rile no mere, becaufe ol do unto them, becaui'e of the evil of their
the i'word which I will lend among you. doings.
iS And
fhall be, if they refufe to
it 4- And thou fhatt i*ay unto them, T 1
lake the cup at thine hand to drink, faith the LORD, It ye will not hearken
.then ihalt thou lay unto thein, Thus faith to me to walk in my law, which I have
the LORD
ot baits, fhall certainly U let before you,
drink. ? To hearken to the words of my fer-
19 For begin to bring evil on the
lo, 1 vants the prophets, whom 1 lent unto you»
city, which is called by my name, and both rifing up early, and fending tbtm
ftquld ye be utterly unpunished ? Ye fhall ( but ye have not nearkned )
cot tie unpunifhed lor 1 will call for a
: 6 Then will I make this houfe like
i'word upon all the inhabitants of the Shiloh, and will make this city a curie to
earth, faith the LORD ot hefts. all the nations of the earth.
Therefore prophefie thou againft
je 7 So the priefts, and the prophets, and
them thefe words, and fay unto them,
all all the people, heard Jereniiantpeaking
The Lord lhall rorc from vti high, and thefe words in the heule of the LORD.
titter his voice from his holy habitation, 8 fl Now it came to pais, when Jere-
he fhall mightily rore upon hn habita- miah had made an end of fpeaking all
tion, he fhall give a fbout, as. they that LORD had commanded him
that the to
tread the graph, againft all the inhabi- fpeak unto the people, that the prielts,
tants of the earth. and the prcphets, and all the people took
31 A noife fhall come eventuihe ends him, faying, Thoufhalt furelydie.
cf the earth j lor the LORD
hath a con- 9 Why haft thou propheficd in the
tioveriie with the nations: he will plead name ot the LORD, faying. This houfe
with all flefh, lie will Rive them that arc fliall b: like Shiloh, and thiscity fhall be
wicked to the fword. faith the Lord. defolate without an inhabitant ? and all
?z Thus faith the Lord of holts, Be- the people were gathered againft Jere-
hold, evil fhall y,o fcrth trom nation to miah in the houfe of theLpRD.
ration, and a great whirlwind fhall be 10 H When the princes of Judah h»ar4
railed up from the coaits of the earth. thefe things, then they came up from the
a.2 And the llain of the LoRDfliall be kings homeunto the houfe of the Lord,
at that day from one end of the earth e- and fate down in the entry of the new
ven the other endot the earth they : gate ot the LORDs houfe.
ihall not be lamented, neither gathered, II Then fpake the priefts and the pro-
•.ed, they lhall be dung 'upon the phets unto the princes, and to ail the
ground. people, faying, This man i< worthy to
>& n\ Howl.yelhepherds, and cry, and die, lor he hath prophelied againft thii
VfellUW your ielresr« the ajhti, ye prin- ciiy, as ye have heard withycur ears.
iupal or the riock : for the davs of your ii f Then fpake Jeremiah untcallthe
•r, andof your dHpenions are ac- princes, and to all the people, faying, The
coinplifhed, and ycihatl fall like a plea- Lord fent me to prophefie againft this
i'ant v,:!l>). houfe, and againft this city, all the words
;<r And th£ lhcpherds fliall have no that ye have heard.
way f o flee, noi the principal of the flock u 'Therefore now amend your ways,
to eft. ape. and your doinps, and obey the voice ot
*6 A voice of the cry of thefhepherds, the Lord your God, and the Lorw will
arid an howling ot the principal of the repent him of the evil that he hath pro-
fork fh«U hftiard: for the hath LORD nounced agair.ft ycu.
faoiicd their paiture, 14 As for me, beheld, I tl» in your
hand ;
tyfe of h«nit *vj yo^s
liand flowith me
: feemeth as
Chap. JfWif.
good and 4 And command
lyinz prophtti.
tfiem 10 fay unto
meet unto you. Iheil i'.: it:r-, e LORD of
i? But know ye forcertai:i, that if ye holt;, the God. of Ifrael, Thus lhall ye
put me
todeath, yeihall lurely bring in- lay unto y^ur ft
nocent blood upon your elves, and upon
i <r 1 have made the, earth, the man and
this eivy, 2nd upon the inhabitant* thereof: the beaft that are u ->on the ground, by
lor of a truth the Lord hath fertt me unto my great power, and by my oatftretched
you, to fpeak all thefe words in your cars. arm, and have given it unto whom it
16 fl Ttfen (aid the princes, and all the ie#med meet unto me.
people unto the priefts, and to the pro- 6' And now have
I given all theft lands
phets, Ths man is not worthy to die tor :
into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the
he hath fpokento us in the name of the king of Babylon my ferv'ant, and the
Lord our God. bealM of the field have I given inm alfo
17 Then rele up certain of the elders of to ferve him.
the land, and fpake to all the aflembly 7 And all nations mall ferve him and
Or the peoi'te, laying, his Ion, and his fons ion, until the very
18 Micah the Morafthiteprophefied in tune of his land come: and then many
the days of Hezekiah kingotjudah, and nations and great kings fhall ferve them-
(pake to all the people of Judah, faying. fclves ot him.
Thusfaith the Lord of holts, Zion lhall 8 And it lhall come to pafs, tkdt the
be plowed It^e a field, and Jeruialem mall nation and kingdom which will not ferver
become heaps, and the mountain of the the lame Nebuchadnezzar the king of
fcoulc, as the high places of the forelt. Babylon, and that will not put tlMimecIc
t9DidHezekiah king of Judah, and all under tlie yoke of the king ci Babylon,
luaah put him at all to death? did he not that nation will I puniih, faith the Lord,
fear the Lord, and befcusrht the Lord, with the fword, and with thefamij,e,.and
and the Lop.d repented h"irn of the evil with the peltilencc, until 1 have confu-
which lie had pronounced againft them? med them by his hand.
Thus might we procure great evil againft 9 Therefore hwrken not ye to your
our fouls. prophets, nor Pb your diviners, nor 10 y»«t
ao And there was alio a man that pro- dreamers, nor to your inchanters, no'r ta
phelied in the name of the LORD, Urijah your lorcerers, which fpeak unto you»
the fon of Shemaiah of Kirtath-jearim, faying, Ye fhall not ferve the king of
who ptopheiied againft this city, and a- Babylon
gainft this land, according to all the words •
\c For they prophefie a lie unto ycu, I
of Jeremiah. to remove you tar froai your land, and that
n And when Jehoiakim the king, with 1 mould drive you out, and ye ihoald
all his mighty men, and ail the princes periift.
heard his words, the kin? fought to put it But the nations that bring their neck
him to death* but when Urijah heard it, under the yoke of the king of Babylon,
he was 2fraid, and fled, and went into and ferve him, thole will I let remair> j
Egypt. ftill in their own land, faith the LORD, %
11 And Jehoiakim the king fent men and they mall till it, and dwell therein.
into Egypt, tumtty y Elnathan the fon of 11 tl 1 fpakc allo'toZedekiah king q£ /

Achbori and ttrtain men with hii» into Judah according to all-thfife words, fay- \
Egypt. ing, Bring your necks under the yoke of
x\ And they fet forth Urijah out of the kint? of Babylon, ana ferve him and I

Egypt, and brought him unto Jehoiakim his reople, and live.
the king, who flew him with tht fword, 13 Why will ye die, thou and thy peo- '

and call: his dead body into the graves of pie, by the fword, by the famine, and by

the common people. the peitilence, a? theJ^oRD hath fpoken 3

J4 Neverthelefs, the hand of Ahikam againft the nation that will not ferve t.'is
the fon of Shaphan, was with Jeremiah, king of Babylon ?
that tftey mould not give him into the t4 Therefore hearken not unto the wqflfffifl
hand of the people, to put him to death. of the prophet* that fpeak unto you, ffJBBH
C HA P. XXVII. ing, Ye fhall rot ferve thekir.5 of Ba-
Kingi in fubjetlionto Ntbucbadr.ixx&r Sec, bylon: for they prophefie a lie unto you.

• TN the beginning of the reign of Jeho- it For I have not fent thctn^ faith the
1 iakim the fon of Jofiah kingof Judah, LORD, yet they prophefie a lie in my
cam- this word unto Jeremiah from the name, that I might drive you out, and.

LORD/ faring, tfiar ye migh.t perifh, ye, and the pro-
1 Thus faith the Lord to me, Make phets that prophefie unto ycu.
thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon 16 Alfo-I (pake to the priefts, and to ail
thy neck. this people, faying, Thus faith the Lord,
? And fer.A them to the king of Edom, Hearken not to the~wordsofyour-prophe's,
and to the kingof Moab, and to the king that prophefie unto you, faying, Behold,
of the Ammonites, and to the king of Ty- the veQehof the Lords houfe ihzli row
rus, and to thekingofZidon, by the hand ihcrtly be brought again trom Babylon j
of the meTpngers which come to Jerufa- for they propheiie a lie unto you.
l*ai un.o ZeAckiah king ef Judah > 17 Hearken, not unto thera, J'erve the
Aai . -tin*

- 1

rttntnhki ftlft propktv. Jeremiah. —witti y«bj brokjn.

ing f Bab )'lon and live : wherefore me, and before thee of old, prophefied
lhou ,d? this city be Iaid walte ?
£. ,

both againlt many countries, and againft


ib But it they be prophets, and if the great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and
word ot the LORD
be with tbefn, let ot peftilenct.
them now make interceflion to the Lord 9 Ti-e prophet which prophefreth of I

cr hofts, that the vclVcls vtbrcb trdeh in peace, when the word of the prophet ftiall
thehoufeol the LORD, and in the houfe come to pafs, then fhall the prophet be
or the kins of Judah, and at Jerul'alem, known, that the Lord hath truly fent him.
go not to Babylon. 10 51 Then Hanamah the prorhet took
«9 *i For thus faith the LORD of hofts the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiahs
concerning the pillars, and concerning neck, and brake it.
the lea, and concerning the bafes, and u And Hanamah fpake in the prefence
concerning: therelidue ofthevcflsls that of all the people, layina, Thus faith thoj
remain in this city, LORD, Even fo will I break the yoke of
ic Winch Nebuchadnezzar king of Nebuchadnezzar king ot Babylon from
Babylon too!.- not, when he carried a- the neck of all nations within thefpace
way captive Jeconiah the Ion of Jehoi- of two full years. And the prophet Je-
akvni king or Judah, from Jerufalem to remiah went his way.
Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah end 11 11 Then the word of the Lord came
Jerufale.r. : unto Jeremiah tbepropbet ( after that Ha-
. l Y ?» thus faith the LORD of hofts naniah the prophet had bro'.-cn the yoke
the Godcf lirajl, concerning; the veffels from off the neck of the piophet Jere-
:main m
the houie of flu LORD, miah) faying,
and in the houfe of the king of Judah, 1? Go, and tell Hananiah, faying, Thus
and ot Jerufakm, °
faith the LORD, Thou halt broken the 1,
ii They lfialJ be carried to Babylon, yokes of wood, but thou lhalt make for
and there (hall they be until the day that them yokes of iron..
I vin them, iaith the
LORD: then will 14 For thus faith the
Ting them up, and reftore them to the God ot Ifraef, I have put avoke of
LORD of hofts ,


this place. kon upon the neck of all thefe "nations-,

CHAP. „ XXVIII. that they may ferve .Nebuchadnezzar
AH*namtbi ftlfi prophtcjr, &c. king of Babylon, and <hey ftull ferve
Nd it came to pais the lame ysar, in him ; and 1 have given him the beads
the beginning or the reign
of Zede- ot the field alio.
kiali kmg of Judah, in the H 11 Then faid the prophet Jeremiah
fourth year,
*nd in the fifth month, that Hananiah the unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now,
ton ov Azv.t the prophet, ./:.irh w.u of Hananiah, The Lord hath not fent thee,
Gibeon, fpakr unto me in the houfe of but thou makeft this people to truft in a
the Lord, -in the prefence of the prieita, lie.
and ot all the people, laying, 16 Therefore thus faith tneLoRD> Be-
1 Thus (peaketh the Lord of hofts, hold, I wiUcaft thee from oft the face of
the Godot Ilrael, fayincr, 1 have broken the earth: this year thou fhalt die, be-
the y°, kc pf the king of Babylon. caufe thou haft taught rebellion againib
a. Within two full years will I bring a. the Lord.
gainintp this place all the veQels of the 17 So Hananiah the prophet died the
L U S J) ou,c ' that Nebuchadnezzar king fame year, in the feventh month.
ofPS i

Babylon took away from this place, CHAP. XXIX.

and earned them to Babylon. trtmidbi Utttr to tbt ctptivti, &c.
4 And I- will bring againtothis place, 'Owthefe *rt thewordsof the letter,
Jeconiah the ion 01 Jehoiakim, king of that Jeremiah the prophet fent from
Judah, with all the captives of Judah, Jeruf:falem unto the rcfidue of the elders
that went into Babylon, iaith the Lord which were carried away captives, and
lor 1 will break the yoke of and
the king& of to the priefts, and to the prophets,
JJabylon. to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar
« 1i Then the prophet Jeremiah faid had carried away captive from Jerufa-
unto the prophet Hsnaniaji, tn the pre- iem to Babylon,
lence of the priefts, and in the prefence 1 { After that Jeconiah the king, and
c. all the people that flood in thehoufe the queen, and the eunuchs, the princes
Of the Lord, ot Judah and Jerufalem, and the car-
6 Even the prophet Jeremiah faid, A- penters, and the fmiths were departed
»cn: the LORD
do fo, theLORD per- from JerulalemJ
form thy words which thou halt prophe- ; By the hand of Elafah the fon of
-fied, to bring again the veffels of the Shaphan, and Gemariah the fon of Hif-
Lords houfe, and all that is carried kiah, ( whom Zedekiah king of Judah
away captive, from Babylon into this fent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar
l»lace. king of Babylon ) faving,
7 Nevertheless, hear thou now this word 4 Thus faith the Lord of hofts the God
that I (peak in thine ears, and in the of Ifrael, unto all that are carried away
ear* of all the peeple, captives, whom 1 have caufed to be car-
& The prophets that have b:cn before ried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon,
« Build
Jtrtmiubt kitty. Chap, XXX, tfilfi propbitf tbrtttmi.
? Build yc houfes, and dwell intbim, and n Thus (Vlhthe LORD
of holts, the
flant gardens, and eat the tru;t ot thmi. God ot 1 rael, ot A;.aj the Ion of Ko-
6 Take fe wives, and beget for-.s and laiah, and of Zedckiah the Ton of Maa-
daughters, and take wives tor your fons, fdah, which prophetie a lie unto you in
and give your daughters to husbands, my name, Behold, 1 will deliver them
that they may bear Ions and daughters, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king
that ya may be increafed there, and not of Babylon, ana he lhall flay -them be-
diminished. fore your eyes.
7 And leek the peace of the city, whi- ii And of them fhall be taken up a
ther I have caui'ed you to be. carried curie by all the captivity of ludah which
away captives, and pray unto the LORD *rt in Babylon, faying, The LORD
for it for in the peace thereof fhall yc
: thee like Zedekiah, and like Ahab, whom
have peace. the king of Babylon rolled in the fire.
8 11 For thus faith the Lord of hoft.?, x} Becaufe they have committed, vil-
the God of Ifrael, Let not your prophets lany in Ifrael, and have committed a*
and your diviners that be in the midicot dultery with their neig'.bours wives,
you, deceive you, neither hearken to your and have fpoken lying words in my
dreams which ye caule to be dreamed. name, which I have nut commanded
9 For they prophetic fallly unto you in them, even I know, and *w a witnel's,
wy name; I have not fent them, faith faith the LORD.
trie LOUD. „ 14 51 Tbus ihalt thou alfo fpeak to i*e-
io n For thus faith the LORD,
that af- mai_ah the Nehelamite, faying,
ter feventy years be accomplished at Ba- ti Thus fpeaketh the LORD
of hofts,
bylon, 1 will vifityou, and perform my the God of Ifrael, laying, Becaufe thou
good word towards you, in cauiing you haft fent tetters in thy name unto all the
to return to this place. people that tre at Jerufalem, and to Ze-
it For I *know the thoughts that I think phar.iah the fon of Maafeiah the prieft,
towards you, faith the LORD,
thoughts of and to all the priefts, faying,
peace, and not ot evil, to give you an ex- i^ TheJ.ORDhath made thee prieft in
pected end. the itead of Jehoiada the prieft, that ye
- u
Then fhall ye call -upon me, and ye fhould be oiheers in the houfe of the
fhall go and pray unto me, and 1 will Lord,for everv iwmtbtt is mad, and ma-
hearken unto you. keth himfelf a prophet, that thou Ihouldlt
ijAnd ye fhall feek me,and find m.», when put him inprifon, and inthe ftocks:
ye fhall fearch for me With all your heart. 17 Now therefore why haft thou not
14 And I will be found of you, Jaiththe reproved Jeremiah of Anathoth, which
LORD, and I will turn away your cap- makcth himfelf a prophet to you?
tivity, and 1 will gather you from all iS For therefore he fent unto usr'« Ba-
the nations, and from all the places bylon, faying, This ciptivity it long, build
whither I have driven you, faith the ye houfes and dwell in tbtm, 2nd plant
LORD, and I will bring you again into the gardens, and eat the fruit of them.
place whence I ctufed you to l>e carried 19 And Zephaniah the prieft read this
away captive. letter in the ears of Jeremiah the prophet,

H Becaufe ye have laid, TheLoRD

k 3o- 11 Then came the word of the Lord
hathraifed us up prophets in Babylon: unto Jeremiah, faying,
16 Know that thus faith the LORD, of ?iSend to all themofthecaptivity.faying,
the King that fitteth upon the throne of Thus faith the Lord, concerning ShemsU
David, and of all the people that dwelleth ah the Nehel amite, Becaufe that bhcinaii- a

in this city, *«4 of your brethren that are hath prophelied unto you, and I fenth:.v.
not gone forth with'>' ou into captivity; not, and hc.caufed you to truft in a lie :

i- Thus faith theLORD ofholts, Be- 31 Therefore thus faith the Lord, Be-
hold, 1 will fend upont^em, the iword. hold, I will punifh Shemaiah the Nehela
the famine, and the pelhlence, and will mite, and his feed : he fhall not have s
maka them like vile rigs, thit cannot be man to dwell among this people, neither
eaten, they are fo evil. j fhall he behold the good that I will do for
x8 And I will perl ecute them with the my people, faith the Lord, bec3ute he
fwor.i, with the famine, and with the pe- hath taught rebellion asainft the Lord".
fttlence, and will deliver them to be re- XXX. CHAP.
move! to all the kingdoms of the earth, The JtVPi return, &c.
to be a curie, and an aftonifhment, and
an hi fling, and a reproach among all the
word thatcameto Jeremiah fro v.
the Lord, laying,
rations, whither 1 have driven them 1 Thus fpeaketh the Lord God of If-

iq Becaufe they have not hearkned to rael, faying, Write thee all the wd*rd?
my words, faith the LORD, which I fent that 1 have fpoken unto thee in a book.
unto them by my fervants the prophets, 3 For lo, the "days come, faith t! e
riling up early, andfenaing ibem-, but ye Lord, .that I will bring again thecaptt-
would not hear, faith the LORD. vitv of my people Ifiael andjudah, faith
io II Hear ye therefore the word of the the' Lord, and 1 will caufe them to re-
LORD, all ye of the captivity, whom 1 ctum to the land that I gave to their fa.
feavc fent from JcruUlcaa to Baby ion : thus, and they fh-aU pouTeU it<

* 1 1 A** A

5«cofc ctmfort'..* . Jeren ah. IJtatU rtfiotation.

4 Ti Arnl thcfe are the words that the thanVfgiving, and the voice of them that
Loru ipake concerning Uracl, and con- make me. ry : and I will multiply them,
fining Jutiah. and they lhall not be few ; 1 will alio glo-
.5 For thus faith the Lord, We have rify them,' and they fhall not ue fmal'.
heard a voice ol trembling, of rear, and 10 Their children alio ihall be as a-
not ot peace. fcre-time, and their congregation fliall
6 Ask ye now, and fee whether a man be eftablifhed before me, and I will pu-
doth travail with child ? wheretore ao I nnh opprelsthem.
all that
lis every man with his hands on Ins it And tnernobles lhall he of them-
loyns, as awouunin travail, and all fe- felves, and their governor lhall proceed
ces are tunica into palenefs ? from the midftof them, and 1 will caiife
7 Alas, tor that day is great, fo that husl to draw near, and he ihall approach
no:ie ii like it it ii even the time of
: unto me for who ri this that engaged

Jacobs trouole, but he fhall be faved out his heart to approach unto me ? faith'the
ol it. Lord.
. h For it fhall come to pafs in that day, ai And ye fhall be my people, aid I
faith t'.-e Lord of holts, that \ will break will be your God.
his yoke trom oft' thy neck, and will xt. Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord
burft thy bonds, and ftrangers fhall no goeth torth with fury, a continuing whirl-
.more feive themfelves ot him, wind, it fhall tall with p2»n upon the
9 But they fhall f& rve the Loan their head of the wicked.
G<-d, 2nd David their king, whom I will 14 The fierce anger of the Lord fhall
suite -up unto them. not return, until ye have dons/r, and un-
ic *i Therefore fear thou not, my O til he have performed the interns of hu
feivant Jacob, laith the Lord, neither heart:in the latter days ye fhall comider it.
b* dtfmayed, Ullraelj tor lo, I will CHAP. XXXI.
> ve thee from atar, and thy iced trom The rtftoration of Ijrael, &c,
ni ot their captivity, and Ja«e.b A Tththe fame time, faith the Lord,
fhall return, and ihall be in relt and
«uier, and none fhall make him afraid.
/i will I be the Godot all
the families

ot lirael,
lfrael and they fhall be my people.
n For I am with thee, faith the Lord, a Thus faith the Lord, The people
to lave thee; though 1 make a full end vebieb were left of the iword» found grace
oi all nations whether I have fcatte.ed in the wildernefc; tvtn lfrael, whea I
thee, yet 1 will not make a lull end of went to caufe him to relt.
thpe but 1 will correct thee in mealure,
. 3 The Lord hath appeared of old us-.
and will not leave thee altogether un- to mc, faying, Yea, I have loved thee with
punif! :-.!. : an eveilalting love: therefore with lo-
n f-or thus faith the Lord, Thybruife 'ving* kindnef's have I drawn thee.
is -uncurable, and thy wound ;i grievous. 4 "Again I will build thee, and thou-
13 l btre is none to plead thy cauie, fhall be built, virgin of lfrael, thou O
tbat thou mayft be bound up thou halt fhalt again be attorned with thy tabrets,

tio healing medicines. and fhalt go forth in the dances of them

U All thy lovers have forgotten thee that make merry.
t tliey leek thee not, for I have wounded <; Thou fhalt yet plant vines upon the
thee with the wound of an enemy, with "vneuntair. of Samaria, the planters fhall
i- 1
the chaltifement of a cruel one, for the plant, and fhall eat tbtm as commerV
multitude of thine iniquity: bttauft thy things.
tins were increaled. 6 For there fhall be a day, that the
i,- Why cneft thou for thine afflidtion? -warchmen upon the mount Ephraim
thy iorrow i incureable, for the multitude fhall cry, Arife ye, and let us go up to
• 1 thine iniquity becaufe thy lins were in- Zion unto the Lord our God.

cjeafc d, I have done thelc things unto thee 7 For thus faith the Lord, Sing with
iG Therefore all they that devour thee gladnefs for Jacob,, and fhout among the
fhall be devoured, arid all thine adverfa- chief of the nations: pubhfh ye, praife
rie-s, every one ol them fhall go into cap- ye, ard fay, Lord, lave thy people O
tivity: and they that Ipoil thee fhall be the remnant of lfrael.
a poll, and all that prey upon thee will
i 8 Behold, I will bring them from the
J givi for a prey. north-country, and gather them from the
17 For 1 wHl reltore health unto thee, coatts of the earth, and with them the
»nd I will lieal thee of thy wounds, faith blind and the lame, the woman with child t
ibe Loud, becaule they called thee an and her that travailleth with child toge-
Cutcalt, /<}»«?, This ii Zion. whom no ther, a great company ihall return thither.
jnart feake'th ifter.
9 They ihall come with weeping, and
flThus faith the Lord, Behold, ] with fupplications will I lead them : I-
will bring again the cap-ivity of Jacobs will caufe them to walk by the rivers of
tents-, and have mercy on his dwell mg- waters-, in a ftraieht way wrerein they
piace;- and theci y fhall bebuildedup- lhall not ftumble : for 1 am a father to

on her own heap, and the palace fhall re- tfraeh, and Ephraim is my firft-born.
»ia>n icr the manner-^hereof.
a ir «j Hear trie word of the Lord, pit
: Aqd, oat of thi.u\ ihaii pxooccc*; DtiiOQS) andtletLtfeiiintMiilcs afar oh",
ft trie/ coHtfortttt, Chat*. x*>:i. Tfr**l ewn/Wcrf.
and lay, lie that feattered I/J-ieJ will tber, husbandmen, and they that g
gather'him, and ktcp him, as a itie;*- forth wit/! liocfcs.
her.i doth his nock. ii For 1 have fanated the weary foul, anil
- n For the Lord hath redeemed la- 1 have reple.'ufhed every (brrowlul ioul.
cob, and ranfomedjum tram the hand of 16 Upon tins I awaked, and beheld 3
kim tbxt ve*i ftronger than he. and my Deep was
fvveet unto me.
n Therefore they fhall come andfing .17Behold, the days come, faith the

in the height ot /ion, and fhall flow to- Lord,that 1 will low the houfe ot !»~
gether 10 the goodnefsol the Lord, tor rael, and the houfe ot Judah with the
wheat, and tor wine, and for oy!, and tor (eed ot mm, and with the teed cl beafti
the young of the tfdck and ot the herd: 18 And it /hall come .to pais, tbtt like
and their ftirf fhall L>e as a watered garden, as 1 have watched over them, to pluck
and they ihall not farrow any more at all. up, and to break down, and to throw
H Then fiiall the virgin rejoycein the down, and to deltruy, and to afflict} fa
dance, both young men and o'ld toge- will I watch over them, to build and to
ther for I will turtitheir mourning in-
plant, faith the Lord.
to joy, and will comfort them, and majre 19 In thole days they ihall fay no mere,
'them rejoyce from their lorfow. Tue fathers have eaten a Ibwre srrape,
14 And I will fatiate the lou! of the and the children* teeth are let on edge.
prieltswith fatnefs, and my people fhatl _
^o But every one fhall die for his own
be t'a'isfied 'with my goodnefs, jaith the iniquity, every man that eiteth theiowre
LORD. grape, his teeth frail be let on edge.
t? fl Thus faith' the LoRD, A voice Ji I. Behold, tne days come, fahh the
was hoard-in Ramah, lamentation, and LORD, that J will raake a new covenant
bitter weeping: Rachel weeping for her with the houfe of liiael, and with the
children, reicfed to be comforted lor houie of Judah:
her chi'dren, becaufe they wart not. 51 Not according to the covenant that
16 Thus faith the Lord, Refrain thy 1 made with their fathers in-'the day tb*$

voice from wtfeping, and thine eyes from Itook them by the tend, to bring 'jheiu
tears: for thv work (hall be rewarded, out of the land of' Egypt C-which my
fauh the LORD, and they (half come covenant they braxe, although I was an
again from the land of the ene»>y. husband unto them, laith the LORD:
17 And there is hope in thins end, faith U
'Bat thisy/;.i.7 b< the covenant that!
the LORD, that thy children (hall come will make with the houfe of Ifrael, Al-
again tcthc-ir own border. ter thole days, faith the LORD, r Will
rs 1; I have furely heard Ephtaimbe- put my
law in their inward parts, and
monin?; him fell- tbta x Thou halt chalti- write it m their hearts, and will be their.
fed me, and I was chaftiled, as a bollock Ciod,and they (hall be my people.
unaccuft&med to fie ys^e-t turn thou me, 34 And they fhall t.-an h no more every
ard 1 fhall be turned ; for thou .-.r: the man hh neighbour, and every man hit
Loko my God. brother, laying, Knew the LORD:
19 Surely after til at I was. turned- , I re- they fhall all know me, from the lead of
tented j and after that I was inltrufted, them unto the greateit of them, faith the
1 lmote upon»wy thigh: I was afhamed, LORD: tor I will forgive their iniquity-;,
yea, even confoundtd, becaufe lrinl bear and .1 will remember their fin no more.
the reproach ot my vouth. ?>-
1! Thus faith the LORD, which gi-
10 /* Ephraim my dear fen? is be a ve th the lun lor a light by day, ani the
pleafar.t ctuld ? for fince Lfpake againffc ordinances of the moon and of the (tars
him, I dc earneftly remember him (till for a light by night, which dirideth
therefore my bowels are troubled for (_e3 when- the waves thereof rorc ; the
him ; I will finely have mercy upon him, LORD of holts is his nan.;.
laith the Lord. 36 If thole ordinances depart from be-
2t Set thee up way-marks, make thee fore me, faith the Loru, tbm the {c^\ c?
high heaps : let thine heart toward the llrael alio fliall ceaf'e from being
a Rati-.
high-way, tvtn the way which thou on before me for ever.
wenteft turn again, : O
virgin of Ifrael, 37 Thus faith the LORD,
If heaven
turn againtO thefe thy cities. above can oe meafured, and the foun-
11 ff How long wilt thou go about, O dations of t!;e earth fearcheci our be-
thcu backlliding daughter ? for the Lord neath, J will alio caft oft all the feed of
hath created a flew thing in the earth, A Ifrael, for all that they have done, faith -

woman 0,3(1 compals a man. the LORD.

Thus faith the Lord of hofrs, the
Zt 38 fl Behold, the days come, faith the
God of Ifrael, As yet. they fhall u(e this Lord, that the city fhall be built to the
fpeech in the land ot Judah, and in.the' Lord from the tower ot Hananeel, unta
cities thereof, when I fhall bring again •
the gate of the coVner.
their captivity, The LORnblefs thee, O 39 And the meafuring-line fhal.1 yet
ha!-::..: ion of juftice, *nd mountain of; go forth over againft it", upon the hill
holinefs. Gareb, and fha^lcempafj about to Cioath.
14 And there fhall dwell Judah it; m 40 And tV.e who'e valiey of 'he d-ea d -

ftfiJ*, «nd in aii the chics Utfieei to£*- botrtts, and Of the sflves, and ill the fields
A a 6 uato
, 8 )

"al -, ''erf ^»h.. Hit pr*/tr,

unto tiie brook of Kidron, unto the cor- fealed, and this wbicb it open,
ner ot the hone-gate toward the caiti and put tliem in an earthen vcfTel, that
Jhtil be holy unto tne Lord, it fhall not may continue many day ».
ke plucked up, nor tluowo down any For thus fai:h the
of hefts, the
woie lor ever. God of Urael, Houfes and helds.audvine-
P. XXX11.
C yards ihall be Foflcffcd again land.
this m
~trerninb impfiJontJ, &e. 6 11 Now when I had delivered ihe

He word that canw to Jeremiah from evidence of the purchalc unto Baiuch
the LoBD m
the tenth year ofZedc-
1J°"^ °. f Neriah, 1 prayed unto the
Juahking ot Judah, whurhtv*! the eigh- LORD, Joying,
teenth year ol Nebuchadrezzar. i7 Ah, Lord GOD, behold, thou haft
i For then the king oi liabylons army macie the heaven and the earth by thy
"kefieged Jtmlal Jin and Jeremiah the
: great power and ltretched out arm, tnit
yrcsiet w«u fhui up in the court ot the there is nothing too hard for thee.
{Wiljn, which von ip the king of Judahs Thou fheweft loving kindnels unt«

K-UiC. thoufands, and recompensed the iniquity

? For Zedekiah king ot judah had of the fathers inta the boforo ol their chil.
fhut him up, laying, Wherefore dolt dren after them the great, the miphty

pjophefie, and lay, Thus faith the

lhc.ii God, the LORDcf hoftszi his name?
LORlJ, Behold, I will give thiscity in- 19 Great in counfel, and mighty in
to the fiand ot Me king tf Babylon, 2nd work, ( tor thine eyes <txt open upon all
take it,
lie ffcall the ways of the fons ol men, to give every
c And Zedekiah king of Judah fhall one according to his ways, and according
net elcape out ot the hand ot the Chal- to the fruit of his doing-
deans, but fhatl furely be delivered into ic Which halt let figns and wonders in
»he hand of the king ot Babylon, and the land of Egypt, tvtn unto tins day, and
thill fpeak with him mouth, to mouth, in Urael, and ainongft otbtr men,- and haft
ajni his pyes fhalj behold his eyes, made thee a name, as at this day,
ii And he fhal! lead Zedekiah to Baby- 11 Ai.d haft brought forth thy people
lon, a^d there (hall he be until 1 viiit Urael out of the land of Egypt, withfigns
fejm, <aith the LORD: though ye fight and with wenders, and with a Itrorg
with the Chaldeans, ve fhall not prober. hand, and with a ftreuhed out arm, ana
fl And Jeremiah laid,
6 The word or with great terror,
the LORD
cane unto me, laying, xz And half given them this land
7 Beheld, llananiecl, the fonol ShaK which thou didft fweai to their fathers
fum thine uncle, fhall come unto thee, to give them, a J and flowing with milk
faying, Buy thee my field that is in Ana- and hony.
•h'oth for the right of redemption ji thine
: H
And they came in and, pofi'efTed it,
to buy it. but they obeyed not thy voice, neither
*? So Iianameel mine uncles fon came walked in thy law, they have done no-
te me in the court of the ptilon, accor- thing oi all that thou coniKiandedft them
ding to the word of the LORD, and laid to do: therefore thou hall caufed all this
unto me, Buy my field, i Kay thee, that evil to conieupon them. .

j.< in Anathoth, which it in the country 14 Behold the mounts, they arc come
cf Benjamin for the' right of inheri-
: unto the city to take it, and the city is
tance it thine, and the redemption it given into the hand ot the Chaldean*
Ihine j buy it for thy felf: then 1 knew that fight againft it, becaufe of the
that this was the word ot LORD. Iword, andot the famine, and of the pe-.
q And I bought the field ot Iianameel flilencej and what thou haft fpoken is
jny uncles ion, thattrai in Anathoth, and come to pafs, and behold thou feeft it.
weiched him Jt he- money, tvtn loventeen 14 And thouhaft faidunto me, Lord O
fhekels of filver. . .
GOD, Buy thee the ficldfor money,tand
io And Iiubfcribed the evidence, and takewitiietles for the city is given into

feaiedrS and took witnefles, and weigh- the hand of the Chaldeans.
bint the money in the balances. 16. 51 Then came the word of the LoRDk
, •
<o ' took the evidence of the purchafe, unto jeremi2h, faymp,
li*b tb*t vebicb <w*i fealed atccrdttig to the . 17 Behold, I *m. the Loan, the God
law andcuftom, and tbttvebtcb xx*s cpen; of all fleih : Is there. ?ny thing too hard
n Ami Lgave theevidence «fthepur- tcr me ?

uh-.e unto Banc!) the- ton- of Neriah, the 28 Therefore thus faith the Loan, Be«
fon of Ntaaf&iah, in the fight of Hana-
hold, I will give this city into the hand 6£
and in the pre- r.hc Chaldeans, and into the hand of Ne-
W r.e\ ini:.e.vT'.;h.-?/on,
fublcribed the buchadrezzar king of Babyloiii and he,-
1'epce of th« wiinelles that
b^ok ot the. putehafe, before all the- jews fhall take it.

Sat.iat'iH t,e court of the pnion. s9 And the Chaldeans that fight againll.
this city, fhall come and fet fire on this
A w And* I. charged^ Barucb before city, and burn it with the houfes, upon-
*? ^M-iSh the LORDof-Hofis,
M'vei- Take evidences, theie
t! z

wh'ofe roofs they have offered incenfe un-
to Baal, 3ru'. pour-ed out drink-offerings
oi lie.piucliafe, boUi vtitk u uutu other £0d5| t^yiovokc mc to angel-.
Jj^ncc ,

30 loti
A piuoui rtt-trn fromi/td, Cha-p. xxxiii. Grit H*tnf,
3o For the children of lirael and the lubfcribe evidences^ and Teal tbtm, an4
children of Jiidah have only done evil take witneffes in the land of Benjamin,
before m: from their youth for the chil- : and in the places about Jerufalem, and in
dren of Ifrael have only provoked me the cities of JuJah, and in the cities of
to anger wich the work of their Lands, the mountains, and in the cities of the
faith the Lord. valley, and in the citiesof the louth to* :

3t For this city hath been to me, *i a I. will caulc their captivity t» rcturnt
provocation of mine anger and of my faith the Lord.
tury, front the day that they built it, e- CHAP.
God promifetb
ven unto this day ; that I lhould temove the Jewi * return, &e.
it from before my face Moreover, the word of the Lour> •

nBecaufc of all the evil of the chil- came unto Jeremiah the feconj
dren of lirael, and of the children of Ju- time, ( while he was yet fhut up in the
dah, which they have done to provoke court of the prifonj laying,
rnc to anger, they, their kings, their 1- Thus faith the Lord the make*
princes, thou prielts, and their prophets, thereof, the LORD that formed it, to
and the men of Judau, and the inhabi- eftablifh it, the LORD it his name,
tants of Jerufalcrti. I Call unto me, and 1 will anfwe*
33 Aid they have turned unto me the thee, and Ihew thee great and mighty
> back, and not trie face ; though 1 taught things, which thou knowelt not.
them, rifing up early, ant' teaching them, 4 For'thus faith the LORD, the God
yet they have not hearkned to receive of Ifrael, concerning the houfesofthij
inltruiStion : city, and concerning the houfes of the
34 But they fet their abominations in kings of Judah, vebrcb are thrown down
he boiife ( which is called by my name ) by the mounts, and bv the fword,
to d.-file it. - > They come to fight with the Chal-
3? And ibey built the high places of deans.but/tnto fill the"m with the dead bo-
Baal, which are in the valley of the fon dies of men,whom I havefiain in mine an*
of, to caufe their fons and their gcr, ar.d in my fury, and for all whole wic-
daughters to paTs through tbe fin unto kednels 1 have hid my face from this city.
Molech, which I commanded them not, 6 Behold, I will bring it health and
fiercer came it into my mind, that they cure, and I will cure them, and will re-
lhould do this abomination to caufe J*»- veal unto them the abundance of peace
ctah to fin. and truth.
36 fl And now therefore thus faith the 7 And I will caufe the captivity of Ju« -

Lord, the God of lirael, concerning this dah, and the captivity-of Ifrael to return,
city, whereof ye fay, It ihall he delive- and will build them as at the fi ft.
red into the hand of the king of Babylon, 8 And I will clsanfe them from alt
by the fword, and by the famine, and by their iniquity, whereby they have fin-
the peltilence : ned againlt me, and I will pardon alt \

37 Behold, I will gatner them out of their iniquities whereby they have finned,
all countries, whither 1 have driven them and whereby they have .tranfgrefled
in mine anger, and in my fury, and in againft me.
gteat wrath ; aod Twill bring them again 9 tl And it fhallbe to me a name of joy,
unto this place, and I will caufe them to a prane and an honour before all the
dwell fafely. nations of the earth, which fhall hear all
38 And they fhall be my people, and I the good that I do unto them and they* :

will be thei* God. lhall fear and tremble for all the good-
39 And I will give then one heart, nel's, and for all the profperity that I
and one way, that they may fear me for procure unto it.
ever, for the good of them, and oftheir 10 Thus faith the LORD, Again there
children after them. ihall be heard in this place (which ye fay,
40 And 1 will make an everlaftinj co- Jktll b: delblate without man and with-
venant with them, that I will not turn out beaft, even in the citiesof Judahf and
away from them, to do them good ; but 1 in the ftreets of Jerufalem, tb*t art dcfo~
will put my fear in their hearts, that they late without man and without inhabi-
lhall not depart from nve. tant, and without beaft J
41 Yea, I will rejoyce over them to do II The voice of- joy and the voice of'
Ihem good, and Iwill plant them in this gladnefs, the voice of 'he bridegroom-
land alVuredly, with my whule heart, and and the. voice of the bride, the voice of:
with my whole foul. them that fh 2 11 fay, Praife the of LORD
41 For thus faith the LoRtS Eike as I hofls, for the LORD
i* good,, for his
have brought all this great evil upon this mercy enduretb lor ever, *nd of them that
people, lo will I bring upoathenraUthe fhall bring the (acrifice of praileinto tho
good that I have promifed them.. houfe of the LORD
j, for I will caufe to •

43 And fields mall be bought in this return the captivity of the land, as at the
landj whereof ye fay, J? 11 defolate with- firil, faith the LORD.
out man or bcaft, it is giveninto the hand % Thus faith the1 LORD
of holts, A-
©f the Chaldeans. gain in this place wire* it defolate with-
44 Men iteU buy folds fQiawoeyj and out jsan *od' without b«aft> acd in air

CiriJ i, tb< Irtntb. lab. A captivity frepbeflttt.

the cities thereof, fhall be an habitation againft JenifaleBi, and againft all the ci-
or ihephcrds cauiing tbtir flocks to lie ties thereof J fawn?',
oown. I Thus faith the the LORD God of If-
In the eitiea of the mountains, in
J? cities rael, Go, and ipeak to Zedekiah kingoi
the oi the vale, and in the cities or Judah, and tell him, Thus faith the
the louth, and in the land of Benjamin, LORD, Behold, Iwillgive this city into
and m the places about Jerufalem, and the hand ot the kingot Babylon, and he
*n the cities pi Judah ihall the flocks pals ihall burn it with fire.
again under the hands of him thattclleth ^ And thou lhalt not efcape out o his 1

tbcm, larth the LORD. hand, but fhalu'urely be taken, and deli-
• 14. Behold, the days come, faith the vered Hi'ol.ys hand, and thine eyesfhal*
LORD, that I wih perform that good thing Wehold the eyes ol the king of Babylon,
Which l have ptomiied unto the- houfe of fhall (peak with thee mouth to
lirael, and to the houfe of Judah. mouth, and thou lhalt fro to Babylon.
\<i n In triofe days, and at that time !
4 Yet Hear the word of the LORD, O
will 1 caufe the Branch of righteoulhefs ah kin? of Judah, Thus :aith the
to grow up unto David, and he fhall ex- Lord ol theerThou lhalt not die by the
ecute judgment and righteoujnels in the I
l'word -,

land But thou

lhalt die in peace i andwitft
16 In thole days Ihall Judah be faved, burnings ot thy lathers the termer
and Jerusalem Oiall dwe;l iafely andkings which were before thee,fo ihall th.-y

this tt xbe name wherewith Ihe lhall be burn odoun lor tiie», and they will lament I'

called, The LORD our righreaufnds. thee, frying, Ah lord for 1 have ptonoun- :

17 T. For thus laith the LORD, David word, faith the Lohu.

fhall never want a man to lit upon the 6 Then Jeremiah the prophet fpakeall
throne of the houfe of Ifrael. thefe words unto Zedeki-h kir.g of Ju-
iK Neither fhall the priclts the Lcvites dah in Jerufalem.

want a man before me to ofier burnt-of- 7 When the king of Babylons army
ferings, and to kindle meat-offerings, and fonsrht againft Jerufalem, a'nd againft
to no faenfice continually. all 'the cities of Judah tb.<t xvert lett, a-

19 n And the wordot the LORD
came gainlt Lachifh, and agauilt Azckah lor :

wnto Jeremiah, faying, thefe defented cities remained of the ci-

ic Thus faith the LORD, If you can ties of Judah.
break my covenant of the day, and mv co- 8<i Tbn is the word that came unto Je-
venant ot the night, and that there flibuld trom the LORD, alter that the
net be day and night in their fcafon king Zedekiah had made a covenant with

11 1 ben may alio my covenant be broken all trie people which vttre at Jcruialeai,
with David my fervant, that he fhould net to proclaim liberty unto them;
have a fbn foreign upon his throne, and 9 That every maD ihould lethisman-
With the Levitesthe rriefts, my miniflcrs. fervanr, and every man his maid-fetvam';
li As the hoft of heaven cannot be being an Hebrew* or an Hebrewefs, go
ftumbred, neither the land of the fea free, that none fhould ferve himfelf of
Hieafured lb will I. multiply the feed of them, rofp'f, of a Jew his brother.

David my fervant, and the Levites that 10 Now when ail the princes, and all
jninifter unto me. the people which had entred into theco-.
t< Moreover, the word of the LORD
venant, heard that everv one ihould let
came to Jeremiah, faying, his man-fervant, and every one his maid-'
14 Confidereft thou not what this peo- fervant go free, that none Ihould ferve
ple have Ipoken, faying, The two fami- thcmfelves or them any more, then they
lies which the chofen. he obeyed, and iet tbein go.
hath even eff them off? thustheyhave II But afterwards they turned and cau-
«k(pifed my people, that they fhould be fed the fervants and the handmaids, \
no more a nation before them. whom they had let go free, to return,
ti Thus laith the LORD, If my cove- and brought them into fupjection for
rant be Dot with day and riight, *nd if fervants and for handmaids.
I have not appointed the ordinances of ti 11 Therefore the word of the LORD-
heaven and earth: came to 3eremiah from the LORD,
16 Then will I calf away the feed of laying,
Jacob, and David my fervant, fo that 1 n, Thus faith the LORD, the God cf
will not take *ny of his feed to bt rulers Urael, 1 made a covenant with your la-
over the feed of Abraham, Il'aac, and Ja- thers in the day that 1 brought them
cob : for 1 will caufe their captivity to forth out of the land of-Egypf, out of
return, and have mercy on them. the houfe of bond-mer,, faying,
CHAP. XXXIV. 14 At the end of feven years, let ve

A Captivity frofbefied, &c. eo every man his brother an Hebrew,

THefromwordthswhich came unto Jeremiah,
LORD, when Nebu- (
which hath been fold unto thee : and
when he hath ferved thee lis year-,
chadnezzar king of Babylon, and all 1 (halt rtth'm go free from thee : but your
army md all the kina "tts ol the earth
b -.' ngt Ufltc pw, neither in-
*fhis aoii>inWri>and afi tl\c pwple fought crtned thcj: car,
1? irJ
f hap. XXXV. Tit ntcbibitti okeiiem*,
of the Recha' ires rots fullcfwine, and
cups.and itai.i unto them, Drink ye wine.
<S But they faid. We
will drink no winc^
for Jonadab the fon of Rechab our father
commanded us, laying, Ye fhall drink no
Wins, neither ye, nor your (ons for ever.
7 Neither fhall ye build houfe, norfow
feed, nor plant vineyard, nor have tny i
but ail )0ur days ye fhall dwell in tents*
that ye may live many days in the land
where ye be (hangers.
8 Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jo-
nadab the Ion of Rechab our father, in
all that he hath charged us, to drink no
wine all our days, wc, our wives, our ions*
nor our daughters;
9 Nor to build houfes for us to dwell
in: neither have wc vineyard, nor held,
nor lecd.
i0 But we have dwelt in tents, and
have obeyed, and done according to all
that Jonadab our lather commanded hj.
ti BuTit came to pafs, when Nebuchad-
rezzar king of Babylon came «»p into-the
land, that we laid-. Come, and let us go
to Jerufalem for fear of the army of the
Chaldean?, and for fear of the Armv of
the Syrians: fo we dwell at Jerufalem.
ii ii Then came the word of the the
LORD unto Jeremiah, faying*
U Thus faith the LORD
of holts, the •

God otlfracl, Go and tell the men of Ju-

dah, and the inhabitants of Jerufalem,
Will ye not receive instruction to heark-
en to my words? faith the LORD.
arth. 14 The words of Jonadab the fon of
ii And Zedekiah king of Ji:*ah, and Rechab, that he commanded his fons-
ns princes will I give into the handol* not to drink wine, are performed; for
Heir enemies, and into the hand or them unto this day they drink none, but obey
hat fo'.< their life, and into the hand of their fathers commandment notwith-.

he king of Babylons army which are (landing I hare fpoken unto you, rifing
jone up from you. early, and ("peaking, but be hearkned
n. Behold, I will command, faith the not unto rne.
LORD, and caufe them to return to this r; I have fent alio unto you all myfer-
iry, and they (hall fight againit it, and vants the prbphers, riling up early and
ake it, and burn it withhrc, and I will lending them, laying, Return ye now e-
nake the cities of Judah a defolation very. man from his evil way, and amend
.without an inhabitant. your doings, and go not after other gods
CHAP. XXXV. to ferve them, and ye (hall dwell in the
The Rc:b*bitei obedience, &C land, which 1 have given to you, and to
rle word which came unto Jeremi- your fathers but ye have not inclined

ah from the LORD, in the days of your ear, nor hearkned unto me.
lehoiakim the Ion of Joliah, kingot Ju- 16 Becauie the fons of Jonadab the
lah, laying, fon of Rechab have performed the com-
x Go unto the houfe of the Rechabites, mandment of their father, which he com-
indfpeakunto them, and bring them in- manded them ; but this people hatn
so the houfe of tne Lord, into one of the not hearkned unto me:
thambers, and give them wine to drink. 17 Therefore thus faith the LORJ>
»g Then I' took Jaazaniah the fon of Je- God of hofts, the Godof Ifrael, Behold,
femiah, the Con of Habazeniah, and his I will bring upon Judab, and upon alt
brethren, and all his Tons, and the whole the inhabitants of jerufalem, all the e~
loufe of the Rechabites. vil that 1 hav< pronounced againit them :
4 A- d I brought them into the houfe becauie 1, have fpoken unto them, but
)f the LORD, into the chamber of the iftey have not heard,, and 1 have called
ons of Hanan thefonof Igdaliah a rrfan unto them, but they, have not anfweredou
)f God, which i»*t by the chamber of iK n And Jeremiah fai«J unto the houfe
the princes, which vp*s above the cham- of the Rechabites, Thus faith the Loro
ber of Maafeiah the fon of Shaflum, the of holts;* the God of Ifrael, Becauie ye
keeper of the door. have obeyed .the commandmentof Jona-
*.Antt ifet bsioie the ftcs of tfee tieufs dab your Jatfi«i ainikept ajl his p*ecepts-.

Tte Hell rttd. Jereimafi. ,, retS , r

and done according unto all that he hat Gemariah the for of Shaphan, andZ-de
commanded you :

10 Therefore thus faith the

the Godot Iirael, Jonadab the Ton
£&# .•""«-** -*-«•«
it ThenMichaiah declared unto
them al
of Reehab ihall not want a man to itand the words that he had heard when
before me tor ever. read the book in the ears of the
Jinmidbs frofbecy wrilttn, &c. i-
d« lT
ef re a, the Winces fent Jehu.
^ , [
the fon of Nethamah, the fon
o She-
ANdof Jehoiakim the

it came to pais in the fourth year lemiah, the fon of Cuftii, unto
fonot Jofiahking laying, Take in thine' hand the rol
ck Judah, tbit this word came unto Jerc- wherein thou halt read in the ears oi
rrnah from the LORD, laying, the people, and come. So Baruch
the foi
i- Take thee a roll ot a book, and write ot Neriah took the roll in hn hand, and
therein all the words that 1 have fpoken came unto them,

unto thee agaimt Ifrael, and againd Ju- t> And they faid unto him, Sir
dah, and againft all the nations, from the now, and read it in out ears. bo" Baruch
day I (pake unto thee, trom the days ot read it in their ears.
Joiiah, even unto this day. l 5 ,0W It ame t0 ?ar* wIlcn 'hey
* It may b; that the houfe of Judah had o allf the words,
h, J ?heard 1

they were a-
will hear all the evil which I purpoicto traid both one and other, and faid unto
do unto them that they may teturn e- Baruch,
: We will finely tell the king
° S
trery man from- his evil way, that I may all thefe words.
forgive their iniquity and- their fin. i? And they asked Baruch, faying,
4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch. the Tell us now, How didft thoir write all
fonof Neriahi and Baruch wrote from thefe words at his mouth'
the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of 1% Then Baruch anfwered them, He
the LORD, which he had fpoken unto pronounced all thefe words unto me
him, upon a roll of a book. his mcuth, and 1 wrote tbtmwitt) ink
r And Jeremiah commanded Baruch, the book.
faying, I am> fhut up, 1 cannot go into 19 Then faid the princes unto Baruch,
.the hottfe of the LORD: Go hide thee, thou and Jeremiah, and
6 Therefore go thou and read in the let no man know where ye hi.
roll, which thou halt written from my 10 H And they went in to the king int«
mouth, the words of the LORD, in the the court, but they laid up the roll in the
ears of the reople in the LORDs houfe chancer of Elifhima the fcribe, and told'
upon the fading- day : and alio thou fhalt all the words in the earsof the kin"
read them in the ears of all Judah, that it So the king fent Jchudi to
come out of their cities. roll, and »e took it out of Eiiihamatfle
7 It may be they will prefent their fup- knbes chamber, and Jehudi read it in
plication before the LORD, and will re- trie earsot the king, and in the ears of all
turn every one from his evil way ; for the princes which doou befide the kin"
great is the anger and the fury tnat the ii Mow the king fat in the winter-
Lord hath pronounced againft this people houle, in the ninth month ; andtbtnxm
8 And Baruch the fon of Neriah did «j?rron the hearth burning before him.
according to- all that Jeremiah the pro- 13 And it came to pa!"s tnt when Je--'
fhet commanded him, reading in the hudi had read three or four leaves- hfl
ook the words of the LORD in the cut if with the pen-knife, and call
JLORDs houfe. to the fire that nu; on the hearth, until
9 And it came to pafsinthe fifth year the roll was ronfumed in the fire t! al
of Jehoiakim the fon ot Jofiah king ot ».»« on the hearth.
Judah, in the ninth month, i"*if they pro- 14 Yet they were not afraid, nor rent
claim :d a fad before the LORD to al their garments, mitbtr the kins, nor any]
the people in lerulalcm, and to all the of his fervants that hear.! all thefe words.
people that came trom the cities of Ju- it Neverthelefs, Elnathan, and Delai-
dah unto Jerulalem. ah, and Gemariah, had made ir.terceflion
to Thc.i road Baruch in the book, the to the king,' that he would r.ot burn the
wordj of Jeremiah in the houfe of the roll, but he wou'd not hear them.
Loru, in the chamber of Gemariah, tke 16 But the king commanded Jerahme-
fori of Shaphan the fcribe, in the higher cl the fonof Hammelech, ar.dSeraiahthr
court, at the entry of the new gate of (on of Azricl, and Shelemiah the fon of
the LORDs houfe, in "the ears of all the Aodeel, to take Banich the fcribe, ar.d
people. Jeremiah the prophet: but the LORD
it H When Michaiahthefon of Gema- hid them.
riah, the fonof Shaphan, had heard out 17 fl Then the word of the LORD'
of the book all the words of the LORD, came ta Jeremiah ( after that the king
ii Then he went down inta the kings had burnt the roll, and the words whicB
houfe into the feribes chamber, snd lo, all Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremy )
the princes i'at there, tv*n Elifhama the faying,
fcribe, and Delaiah the fonof S'aemaia'., 18 Take thee again another rol', a"J
and Eloat&afl ibc ion of Achbor? and write in it all the feraici words tliat were
lb* CbtUtmt rtttifn. chap. WXvii, xxrviii JtrtmUb imprifonti.
tn firil roll, which Jchoi»ki» the king
the they rife up every man in his tent, an<J
if Judah hath burnt. burn this city with fire.
19 Andtfcoufhaltfayto Jehoiakim king u 51 And it came to pafs that when the
if Judah, Thus faith the Lord. Thou army of the Chaldean* was broken up
daft burnt this roll, faying, halt Why from Jerufalem for fear of Pharaoha
thou written therein, faying, The king *rmy,
if Babylon (hall certainly come and de- ix Then Jeremiah went forth out of
Iroy this land, and ihall caufe to ceafe Jerufalem to go into the land of Benja-
trom thence man and beaft ? min, to. feparite himfelf thence in the
Jo Therefore thus faith the of LORD midj ot the people.
rehoiakimking of Judah, HelhaU have 13 And when he was in the gate of
lone to fit upon the throne of David, and Benjamin, a captain of the ward »«*
us deaci body fhall be call out in the day there, whofe namew« Irijah, the fon of
tfothc heat, and in the night to thefrolt. Shelemiah, the Ion of Hananiah, and he
H ?t And I will punilhhim and his feed, took Jeremiah the prophet, faying, Thou
»nd hisfervants for their iniquity, and I fallelt away to the ChaWeans.
vill bring upon them, and upon thein- 14 Then laid Jeremiah, It u falfe. I fall
fcjubitants ot Jerufalem, and upon the not away to the Chaldeans but he heark-

nen of Judah, all the evil that I have ned nut to him fo Irijah took Jeiemiah»

«f ironounceu againfl them, but they heark- and brought him to the princes.
led not. 1? Wherefore the princes were wrotfj
u 51 Then took Jeremiah another roll, with Jeremiah, and fmote him, and put
ind gave it to Baruch thefcribethe fon him in prifon in the houfe of Jonathan
>f Neriah, who wrote therein from the the ferine j for they had made that the
i! nouth of Jeremiah, all the words of the prifon.
jook which Jehoiakim king of Judah 16 51 When Jeremiah was entred into
iad burnt in the fire, and there were ad- the dungeon, and into the cabins, and Je-
led beiides unto them many likewords. remiah had remained there many days:
CHAP. XXXVU. 17 Then Zedekiah the king fent, and
Tbe Cbtidetnt fitgt niftd, &c. took him out ; and the king asked him *_
A Nd king Zedekiah the fon of Jofiah fecretly in his houfe, and faid, Is there
[\ reignea in ftead of Coniah the Ton any word from the LORD
? And Jeremi-
>f Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar ah faidrThere is for, laid he, thou flialt

ring of Babylon made king in the land be delivered into the hand of the king of
if Judah. Babylon.
2 But neither he, nor his fervants, nor 18 Moreover, Jeremiah faid unto king
he people of the land, did hearken unto Zedekiah, What have IofFcnded againft.
:he words of the LORD, which hefpake theo, or againft chy feivants, or againft
>y the prophet Jeremiah. this people, that ye have put me in prifon J
* And Zedekiah the king fentjehucal 19 Where are now your prophets which
hefonof Shelemiaii, and Zephaniah the prophefied unto you, faying, The king of
bnofMaafeiah thepiielt, to the prophet Babylon lhall not come againlt you, no*
leremiah, faying, Pray now unto the againft this land >
Lorn our God
Now Jeremiah came
for us.
in and went out
io Therefore hear now, I pray thee,
my lord the king, let my fupplication, I
iraong the people : for they had not put pray thee, be accep'ed before thee ; that
liin into prifon. thou caufe me not to return to the houfe-
< Then Pharaohs army was come forth of Jonathan the (cribe, left I die there.
»ut of Egypt: and when the Chaldeans 11 Then Zedekiah the king command-
hat beficged Jerufalem, heard tidings ed that they fhuuld commit Jeremiah into,
>f them, they departed from Jerufalem. the court of the prifon, anJ that they
6 51 Then came the word ot the Lord fhould give him daily a pieeeof bread out
into the prophet Jeremiah, faying, f the baker's ftreet, until all the bread in
7 Thus (arth the LORD, the God ot the city were fpent. Thus Jeremiah re-
luael, Thus lhall ye lay to the king of mained in the court of tf-e prifon.
ludah, that fent you unto me to enquire CHAP.
>f me, Behold, Pharaohs army which is
, JerottUb put into tbt dungeon, &c.
tome forth to help you, ihall return to
Egypt into their own land.
Shcphatiah the fon of Mattaru
andGedaliahthe fonof Pafhur, and
,'8 And the Chaldeans lhall come again, Jucal the fon of Shelemiah. and Pafhuf
ind fight againft this city, and take it, the Ion of Malchiah, heard the wordt
ind barn it with fire. that Jeremiah had fpoken unto all the
9 Thus faith Hie LORD, Deceive not people, faying,
-our felves, faying, The Chaldeans fhall 1 Thus faith the LORD, He that re-
urely depart from us : for they ihall not mained in this city lhall die by the
lepart. fword, by the famine, and by the pefti-
to For though ye had fmitten the lence: but he that goeJh forth to the
iholc army of the Chaldeans that fight Chaldeans, fhall live ; for»he fhall have
gainft you, and thexe remained bat his life for a prey, and fhall live.
rounded men among theai, 7<t luouJd ^Thus faith the LORD, Tfeis city fhall


"tremidb in tbt imgUn. Jer

furely beaver, into the and of the kirz

et Baby lens army, which fhall take it. 70 torthunto the king of F
,4 Th-rercre the princes faid urro the ce-;,then (hy .!, all live, and this'
km*, Websfeechthee, let tois man be fhall not be> burnt with hre, a<
Put to death-, tor thus he weakr ?:.'-. the 1 lhalt live, and thine houfe.
hands of the men or war that remain in 18 But if thou wilt not go forth to tl
this city, and the hjndsof ill the people, king of Babyloris princes, thenihall t.'i

in fpeaking fuch words them tor : city be given into the hand of the ChakU
this man leeketh not the welfare ot ans, and they fliall burn it with fire, ar
people, but the hurt. thou fhaltnot efcape out or their :.aod.
? Then Zedckiah the king faid, Be- 19 And Zedekiahthe king faid unto J
hold, he it in your hand for the king/;
: remiah, 1 am afraid of the Jews that ar
not hetbst can do t-ny thing aga.r ft you. fallen to the Chaldeans, W\ tbey"rieliv<
6 Then took they Jeremiah, and calt me into their hand, and they mock m:
him into the dungeon of M^lchiah the ic Bur Jeremiah faid, They fliall nc
ion of Hammelech thatwai in the court deliver thee obey, I befeech
: I

or the prifon and they let down Jere-

: voice of the LORD, which I fpeak unt
miah wttfi ccrds. And in the dungeon thee: fo it (hall bewell u-to thee, an
tbtre -nty no water, but mire : lb Jeremi- thy foul fhall live.
ah funk in the mire. ir But if thou rcfufe togo forth, this :
1 * Wow when Ebed-melech the Ethi- thz word that the Lord hath fhewed me
opian, one of the eunuchs which was in ii And behold, all the women that ar
the kings houfe, heard that they had put lett in the king of Judahs hcufe, Jh*.
Jeremiah in the dungeon, ( the king then be brought forth to the king of Bar,yT
fitting in the gate of Benjamin) Jons princes, and thofc women fhall fay I
I tjad-melech went forth out of the Thy friends have fet thee on, an<
kings houfcandfpake to the king.fayins, prevailed againlt thee thy feet :

9 My lord the king, thefe men 'have in the mire, and they are turned 2\va
done evil in all that they have done to l
\ Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have !
13 So they fhall bring ou. all thy wive
cait into the riunseon, and he is like to and thy children to the Chaldeans, am
die for hunger in~thc place where he is, thou lhalt not efcape out of their hard

i«r tbcre it no more bread in the city. !

but lhalt be taken by the hand or" th<
to Then the king commanded Ebed- : king of Babylon and thou lhalt cauf<

nielech the Ethiopian, faying, Take from this city to be burnt with fire.
bonce thirty men with thee, and take up 14 H Then faid Zedekiah onto Jere.
Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon miah, Let no man know of thefe words
before he die. and thou fhalt not die.
tr So Ebed-melech took the men with it But if the princes hear that I have
him, and went into the houfe of the king talked with thee, and they come untc
under the treafury, and took thence old thee, and fay unto thee, Declare unto :
<2ft clouts, and old rotten rags, and let now what thou haft faid unto the k:rw-
them down by cords into the dungeon to hide it not from us, and we will not dOI
Jeremiah. thee to death ; alfo what the king l3l<*
ii And Ebed-melech the Ethiopian unto thee :

now tbtft old caft 16 Then thou fhalt fay unto them, 1

firid unto Jeremiah, Put

clouts, and rotten rags under thine arm- ;
prefented niv fupplication before the
holes, under the cords. And Jeremiah king, that he'wojld not caufe me to re-
did fo. turn to Jonathans houfe to die there.
\i bo they drew up Jeremiah with 17 Then came all the princes unto Jere-
cords, and took him up out of the dunge- miah, and asked him, ard he told 1

on, and Jeremiah remained in the court according to all thefe wor
of the prifon. had commanded: fo they left oft
»4 S\ Then Zedekiah the king fent, and inz with him, for the matter was not
took Jeremiah the nrophet unto him into perceived.
the third emry that r'j in the houfe of the iS So Jeremiah abode in the court ot
LORD ; and the king faid unto Jere- the prifon, until the day that lerefalen
Stah, I- will ask thee a thing: hide no- W3g taken, and he was there when Jeru-
thing trom me. faiem was taken.
.i?~Then Jeremiah Ttid unto Zedekiah, C H A P. XXXIX.
It I declare it unto thee,, wilt thcu not ferurnlern is tiken. Sec.
furely put me to death ? and if I give thee the ninth year of Zedekiah king or
counfel, wilt thou not hearken unto me?
TNJudah, in the tenth month, came N%
Zedekiahthe king fware fecretly r
ezzar kin? of Babylon, and a*
onto Jeremiah, faying, At the Lokd liveth, ny againit" Jerufalem, ar
that made us this foul, I will net put thee befieged it."
to death, neith'efwiU 1 give thee into the 1 Aml^in the eleventh year o. Zedqal
hand of thefe men thar leek thy lite. ih, in the fou'th month, < e ninth ^JjtW
t- Then laid Jeremiah urto Zedekiah, Ihe month, t'-ie citv was broken u

Tflu* faith the LORD

the God of hofts, ? And ail the princes Qi the k^ng or.
Ttdtbjab ttttde blind. Chap . Xl. Jtrtmith ftt frtt.
Itabvlon came in, and fat in the middle- t8 For I will ffcrely deliver thee, ami
juaic, even Nerga'.-fhareier, Samgar-ne- thou lhalt not fall by the .'word, but ihy
o, Sarfechim, Rab-faris, Nergal-fha- life fhall be for a prey unto thee, becaufe
tzer, Rab-mag, with all the rclidue of thou haft put thy truft in me, faith th*
e princes of the king of Babylon. LORD.
4 U And it came to pals, tbtt when Ze- CHAP. XL.
king of Judah faw theor, and
cki* lithe Jeremiah fei free by Nebu\a.r-tdM, ttC,
H the men of war, then they fled, and
'ent forth out of the city by night, bv XHefromword which
the Lord,
came to Jeremiah
after that Nebuzar-
le w:<y of U\e kings garden, by the gate 1 the captain of the guard, had let
etwixt the two walls, and he went out him go from Ramah, when he had ta-
le way of the plain. ken him, being bound in chains among
c But the Chaldeans army purfued after all that were carried away captive or
Km, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains Jerufalem and Judah, which were carried
Jericho and when they had taken
: away captive unto Babylon.
m, they brought him up to Nebuchad- z And the captain of the guard took
ezzarking ef Babylon toRiblahin the Jeremiah, and raid unto him, The Lord
ind of Hamath, where he gave judg- thy God hath pronounced this evil upon
lent upon him. this place.
6 Then the king of Babylon flew the * Now the L®RD
hath brought it, an*
>ns of Zedeki2h in Riblah before his done according as he hath faid becaufe :

/es alio the king 01 Babylon flew all

: ye have Tinned againftthe LORD, and
e nobles of Judah. have not obeyed his voice, therefore this
7 Moreover, he put out Zedekiahs thing is come upon you.
es, and bound him with chains to carry 4 And now behold, I lbofe thee this
m to Babylon. day from the chains which were upon
8 51 And the Chaldeans burnt the kings thine hand: if it feem good unto thee to
'/ mle.and thehoufesof the peoplewith fire, come with me into Babylon, come, and I 1

id brake down the walls of Jerufalem. will look well unto thee: but if it feem
9 Then Ncbuzar-adan the captain of ill unto thee to come with me into Baby-

e guard carried away captive into Ba- lon, forbear: behold, all the Jand ii be-
don the remnant of the people that re- fore tnee whither it feemeth good and

ained in the city, and thole that fell convenient for thee to go, thither go.
vay, that all to him, with the reft of $ Now while he was not yet gone back*
e people that remained, he /aid, Go back alfo to Gedaliah the fon
to But Nebuzar-adan the captain of of Ahikam.the fon of Shaphan, whom the
e guard left of the poor of the people king of Babylon hath made governor ove*
Inch had nothing, in the land of Judah, the cities of Judah, and dwell with hint
' id gave them vineyards and fields at among the people or go wherefoever it

"Jfe fame tim~. feemeth convenient unto thee to go. So

tr 1] Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Ba- the captain of the guard gave him vic-
lon gave charge concerning Jeremiah tuals and a reward, and let him go.
Nebuzir-adan the captain of the 6 Then went Jeremiah unto Gedaliah
lard, faying, the fon of AhikamtoMizpah, and dwelt
1 Take him, and look well to him, and with him among tke people that were left
him no harm, but do unto him even in the land.
he fhall fay unto thee. 7 11 Now when all the captains of the
1 J So Nebuzar-adan the captain of the forces which were in the fields, even they
ird fent, and Nebufliasban, Rab-faris, aed their men heard that the king of Ba-
A Nergal-fharezer, Rab-mag, and all bylon had made Gedaliah the fon of A-
e king of Babylons princes: hikam governor in the land, and had
14 Even they fent, and took Jeremiah committed unto him men, and women*
tof the coutt of the prifon, and earn- and children, antl of the poor of the land*
itted him unto Gedaliah the fon of A- of them thatwerenot carried away cap-
ka , the fun of Shaphan, that he tive to Babylon ;
i>uld carry him home fo he dwelt a-
8 Then they came to Gedaliah to Miz-
jng the people. pah, evenlfhmael thelbn of Nethaniah*
k 11 Now the word of the Lord came and Johanan and Jonathan the font of
In Jeremiah, while he was ftiut up in Kareah, and Seraiah.the fon of Tanhu-
I court of the prifon, faying, meth, and the fons of Ephai the Neto-
<6 Go ard fpeak to Ebed-melech the phathite, and Jezaniahthefon of aMaa-
hiopian, faying, Thus faith the Lord chathite, they and their men.
hofts, thtfGod of Ifrael, Behold, I will 9 And Gedaliah the fon of Ahikam the
ine my words upor this city for evil, (on of Shaphan, fware unto them and to
d not fcr good, and,they fhall be *«- their men, f'ayine, fear not to ferve the
nfliihed in that day before thee. Chaldeans :• dwell in the land and ferve
7 But I will deliver thee in that day, the king of Babylon, and it fhall be well
th the LORD, and thou fhalt not be with you.
re ii into the hand of the men of whom to As for me, beho}4» I will dwell at
ju *rt afraid. MizpaU to ferve the Chaldeans, whieb
Geialitb Jlain, Jeremiah. Tkt captivit ittovtrti
will come unto uj : but ye., gathet ye went forth from
Mizpah to meet the
wi'ne, and 1'ummer-fruiti, and"ovi, and weeping all along
as he went: and

put tbent in your veffels, and dwell in came to pals as

he met them, he lai
your cities that yc have taken. unto them, Come to Gedaliah the lc
u Likewife when all the Jews that ot Ahikam.
vtrt in Moab, and among the Ammo- 7 And it was /o when they came in i
nites, a/id inEdom, and that were in all the mida of the city, that
lfhmael the 10 g
the countries, heard that the king of Ba- ot Nethaniah Hew
them, and aft tbe>
bylon haa left a remnant of Judah, and into the midft of the pit, he, and the m<
that he had let over them Gedaliah the that were with him.
ion of Ahikam the fon of Shaphan ; 8 But ten men were founJ among the
11 Even all the Jews returned out of that faid unto lfhmael, Slay us not : lc
all places whither they were driven, and we have
treafures field, of whea
came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah and of barley, and inofthe oyl, and ot hon)
unto Mizpah, and gathered wine and bo he lorbare, and
Hew them Dot amor,
fummer- fruits, very much. their brethren.
i? n Moreover, Johanan the for. ofKa- Now
the pit wherein lfhmael had ca
xeah, and all the captains of the forces all the dead bodies of the men
( whoi
•hatw^re in thefielus, came to Gedaliah he had flain becaufe of Gedaliah ) wat i
to Mizpah, which Afa the king had made for fear c
14 And ("aid unto him, Doft thou cer- Baafha king of Ilrael ; and lfhmael th
tainly know that Baalis the king of the Ion of Nethaniah filled it with tbtrn tb:
Ammonites hath lent lfhmael the fon of vttrt flain.
Nethaniah to flay thee? But Gedaliah the 10 Then lfhmael carried away eaptiv
ion ofAhikam believed them not. all the refidue of the people, thatrperi i
i? Then Johanan the Ton of
Kareah Mizpah, even the kings daughters, an
fpake to Gedaliah in Mizpah fecretly ajl the people that remained in Mizpal
1 Let mc ~
me 2°' 1 P ra y lhcc ' anrt I w,, om Nebuzar-adan the captain of th
M !'a r
?L" Mf ,y_ Hhmael the fon of Nethani- guard had committed to Gedaliah th
all, and no man fhall know it -.
where- lbn of Ahikam, and lfhmael the fon o ft
fore fhould he flay thee, that all the Ncthaniah carried them awaycapti/i (

Jews wbrcb art gathered unto thee fhould and departed to go over to the Ammo
be fcattered, and the remnant of Judah nites.
per ii U But when Johanan the fon of KaUr
J \a *~ i
i6 but Gedaliah the fon of Ahikam reah, and all the captains of the force
laid unto Johanan the fon of Kareah, that veer* with him, heard of all the ev:
Thou fhalt not do this thing, for thou that- lfhmael the fon of Nethaniah ha#:
fpeakeft falfly of Ifhm-acl. done,
-...CHAP. XLI. ii Then they took all the men, ail
NOedaitab trtacberoujlj /lain, &c. went to fight with lfhmael the fon c I

Ow it came to pais in the feventh Nethaniah, and fjund him by the grea

month, that lfhmael the fon of Ne- waters that an in Gibeon r

thamahthe fon of Elilhama of the feed H Now it came topafs, that when al
loyal, and the princes of the kinr, even the people which wen with lfhmael fat 6
cn men with him, came unto'Geda-
. Johanan the fon of Kareah, and all th'
Iiah the fon ofAhikam to Mizpah, and captains of the forces that were with- him
there they did eat bread together in then they were glad.
MlzJt?. ' ,- *4 3o a 'l *he people that lfhmael ha.
1 Then arofe lfhmael the fori of Ne- carried away captive from Mizpah, cal
thamah, and the ten men that were with about and returned, and went unto Jo
aim, and fmote Gedalfah the fon of hanan. the fon of Kareah.
Ahikam the fon of Shaphan with the h
But lfhmael the fon of N>fhanial
iword, and flew him, whom the king of efcaped from Johanan with eight mer
Babylon had made governor over the and went to the Ammonites.
Ian<i. 16 Then took Johanan the fon of Ra
3 lfhmael alfb flew all the Jews that reah, and all the- captains of the torce
were with him, even with Gedaliah at that wtri with him, all the remnant o
JSlizpah, and the Chaldeans that were the people whom he had recove ed trca
round there, and themenofwar. lfhmael the fon of Nethaniah, fiom Mizi
4 And it came to pafs the fecond day pah f after that he had flain Gedaliah th\
after he had flam Gedaliah, and no man fon of Ahikam J even mig^tv men of war,
knew it, an d the women, and the children, ard thi
i That there came certain from Sche- eunuchs whom he had brought again froa
chem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, Gibeon.
•ven fourfcore men havme their beards 17 And they departed and dwelt in tlK
lhaven, and their clothes rent, and ha- habitation or Chimbam, which u bj
r<ng cut themfelves, with offerings and Beth-lerrem, t© go to enter into Egypt.
tncenfe in their hand, to bring tbem to 18 Becaufe of the Chaldeans : for the)

the houfe of the LORD. weie afraid of them, becaufe lfhmael thi
fr And lihuwel the fan of Nethaniah foo of Nethaniah had flain Gedahah w<
lihftiMrtqwft. Chap. xli>» xliii. ImntUh propttty.
>n of Ahikam, whom the king of Ba. If ye wholly f« your faces to entering
ylon made governor in the land. Egypt, and go to fojourn there )
CHAP. XL11. i6 Then it ltialt come to pafs, tb*t the
a Jeremitbi prophecy to Jobjn&n, &c. fworct which yc feared, fhall overtake
rHen all the captains of the forces, you there in the land of Egypt, and the
and Johanan the fon of Kareah, and famine whereof ye were atraid, fhall fol-
njczar.iahthefonof Hofhaiah, and all the low clofe atter you there in Egypt, and
1 cople from the lealt even unto the grea- there ye fhall die.
jicit, came near, 17 Soihall it be with all the men that
i And faidunto Jeremiah the prophet, fat their races to go into Egypt, to fojourn
j*et, we befeech thee, our 1'upplication there, they fhall die by thefword, by the
e accepted before thee," and pray for us famine, and by the peftilencc and none :

Lord thy God, even for all this

nto the of them fhall remain, or efcapefrom the
, :mnant, ( for wc are left but a few of evil that 1 will bring upon them.
iany, as thine' eyes do behold us J 18 For thus faith the LORD
ot holts*
1 3 That the LORD
thy God may fhew the-God of Ilrael, As mine anger and
1! the way wherein we may walk, and
s my fury hath been poured forth Hpon the
ijhe thing that we may do. inhabitants of Jerufalem ; fo fhall my
it 4 Then Jeremiah the prophet faid unto fury be poured forth upon you, when ye
oliem, I have heard you-, behold, I will fhall enter into Egypt : and ve fhall be
li ray unto the LOR.D your God accor- an execration, and an aftonifhiucnt, and
k ing to your words, and it fhall cone a curfe, and a reproach, and ye foall
a pals, tb*.t whatfoever thing the Lord
lee this place no more.
m hall anfwer you, I will declare it unto 19 fl The LORD
hath Paid concerning
j ou : I will keep nothing back from you. you, O ye remnant of Judah, Go ye not
in ? Then they faid to Jeremiah, The
intoEgypt: know certainly, that 1 have
li.ORD be a true and faithful witnefs be- admonifhed you this day.
\ ween us, if we do not even according to 10 For ye difTerabled in your hearts*
It ill things for the which the thy LORD when ye tent me unto the your LORD
1 Jod fhall fend thee to u». God, faying, Pray tor us unto the Lord
« 6 Whether it be good, or whether it be our God, and according unto all that the
Mvil, wewillobey the voice of the Lord Lord our God fhall fay, fo declare unto
urGod, to whom we fend thee; that it us, and we will do it.
& aay be well with «s, when we obey the x\ AndwowI have this day declared i9

I oice of the our God.LORD to you, but ye have n«t obeyed the voice
it 7 11 And it came to pafs afterren days, of the Lord your Gad, nor any thing, for
a Tit the word of the LORD
came unto the which he hath lent me unto you.
eremiah. n Now therefore know certainly, that
II 8 Then called he Johanan the fon of ye lhall die >v the fword, by the famine,
iarean, and all the captains of the forces
and by the pe'ltilence, in the place whi-
'hich veert with him, and all the people ther ye dejirc to go, *nd to fojourn.

oin the leaft even to the greateft,

9 And faid unto them, Thus faith the
carrietb Etypt, &C. to

Ifrael, untawhom ye
tORDthe God of
:nt me toprefent
your Amplication be-
ANdmiah came to
it f*«twhen Jere-
nad made an end of fpcaking
j jre him, unto all the people, all the words of the
10 If ye will ftill abide in this land,
LORD their God, for which the LORD
b len will I build you, and not pull yen their God hath lent him to them, two all
own, and I will plant you, and not pluck thefe words,
u up fori repent me of the evil that
: z Then fpake Azariah the fon of Ho-
have done unto you. fhaiah, and Johanan the lbn of Kareah,
»t Be not afraid of the kingof Baby- and all the proud men, faying unto Jere-
n, cf whom ye are afraid : be not afraid miah, Thou fpeakeft falily the : LORD
him, faith the LORD for I *m with

: our God hath net fent thee to fay, go

>uto fave you, and to deliver you from dot into Egypt to fojourn there.
is hand. 3 ButBaruch the fon of Neriah fettelh
11 And I will fhew mercies unto -you, thee on againft us, for to deliver us inta
lat he may have mercy upon you, and the hand of the Chaldeans, that they
jufe you to return to your own land, might put us to death, and carry us 3-
k; H But if ye fay, We
will not dwell way captives into Babylon.
ithic land, neither obey the voice of 4 So Johanan ihe fon of Kareah, and
e LORD your God, all the captains of the forces, and all the
14 Saying, No, but we will go into the people, obeyed not the voice of the
nd or Egypt, where we fhall fee no LORD, to dwell in the land of Judah.
ar,nor hear the found of the trumpet, * But lohanan the fon of Kareah, and
r have hunger frf bread, and there will all the captains of the forces, took all the
: dwell remnant of Judah, that were returned
k CAnd now therefore hear the word from all nations whither they had been
the LORD, ye remnant ol Judah, Thus driven, to dwell in the land of judah;
'ifc thelpajj of holts, the God of ifrael, 6 £vi» men and women, and children,
- -

Egfff ctnjatrtd. emiah.

and the kings daughters, and every per- 7 Therefore thus faith the LOI
Icm that Nebuzar-adi:i the captain of the God of hefts- the God
the guard had left with Gedahah the fon Wherefore commit yc tbit great evil
cy*" Ahikam the ion of bhaphan, and Je- gainft your fouls, to cut off from
remiah the prophet, and Baruch the ion man and woman, «r.ild and fuckling
ofNenah. to leave you none to rcnii

7 So they coine into the land of E- 8 In that yc provoke me unto wi

gypt tor they obeyed not the voice of
: with t.-.e works oi your fcamls, burr
the i LORD
thus came they, tvtn to incenie unto other gods in the land or
Tahpanhes. gypt, whither ye be gone*o-dwell, th
S t Then came the word of the LORD ye might cut your Jelves off. and that
unto Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, laying, might be a cur!e, and a reproach amo
9 Take great ltones in thine hand, and all tr.e nations of jhe earth ?
bide them in the clay in the brick-kiln, 9 Have ye forgotten the wickedncs
which n at the entry ot Pharaohs houle your fathers, and the wickedne of .< I

in Tahpanhes, in the fight of the men of kings of Judah, and the wickednefs-
Judah : their wive-, an 1 your own wukedne
ic And fay unto them, Thus fa ar.d the wickednels of your u
Loan ofhoics- the God of Ifrael, Behold, they have committed in the land ot Ji
1 will fend and take Nebuchadrezzar the dah, and in the ftreetjci Jrru.alem
king of Babylon my iervant, and will fet to They are not humbled, tvtn
his throne upon thele ftones that I have this day, neither have they fearec
hid, and he itaall fpread his royal pavili- walked in my law, nor in my flat. i

on over them. I fet betore you, ar.d betorr

it And when hecometh. he fhall fmite tt n Therefore thus faith the LORl]
•he lane, of Egypt, tnidelivtr fuch *< *re of hofts, the God o: li'rael, Behold, 1 wi]
for death, to death ; and lurh *j *rt for fet mt face againft you tor evil,
captivity, to captivity ; and fuch *i *rt cut off all Judah.
ibi the fword, to the lwotd. n And 1 will take the remnant of Ja-
uAr.d 1 will kindle a fire inthehou- re let their face* to .
ies of the eods or Egypt, and he fhall the land of Egypt to Ujourn thei
burn them, and carry them away cap- :-. 1 all be eor.fumed, trnj,
tives) and he fhall aray kimfelf with the the' lard otEgypt they fnalUv« be con.

land of Egypt, as a fhepherd rut! fumed by the fword, *m

by the famine
his garment, and htf fhall go forth from they fhail Jie, iron-, the leaft ev.
thence in peace. the greateft, by the (word, and by th<
i? He fhall break alio the images of and tf.ey fhall be an o.
Beth-lhemefh, that h m the land of E- on, *si an aftonifhnaent, andacu:
£ypt ; and the homes of t'r.e gods ot the a reproach.
Egyptians fliall he burn with fire. i? For 1 will punilh them tha
C H A P. XL1V. in the land of Egypt, as I have p
The J- &c. , Jerufalem, by thefword» by the famine,
HTHe word that came to Jeremiah eon- and by the peftilence.
X cerningall the Jews which dwell in 14 So that none of the remnant of Ju-
the land of Egvpt, w.nch dwell at Mig- dah, which are gone into the land of E-
dol, and atTahpannes, and at No ph, and gypt to fujourn there, fi.all efcape or re-
in the country or P_t s rc$, dying, main, that they fhould return into tlif
a Thus faith the Lord ot hofts, the Go- land of Judah, to the which thej
of Ifrael, Ye have'een all the evil that fiefireto return to dwell there: tor re
I have brought upon Jerufalem, and upon fhall return but fuch as fhall ef(
all the cities of Judah; and behold, this K Ti Then all the me:
day they *'t a desolation, and no man tha- their wives ha<2 burnt incer
dwelleth therein. other gods, and all thewo~ien that fto*a
Becaufe of their wickednefs which
by- a great multitude, :ven all I

they have cemmitted to provoke rae to pie that dwelt in the land of E5
anger, in that they went to burn mcenfe, pa'hros, anfwered J-remiah, fa\.
«ad to ferve other' gods whom they knew t
A! for the word thafthoa h
fiot, neheer they, \ou, nor>our lathers. ken unto us in the name of the LORD»
4 Howoeit, 1 Tent unto % ou ail wi'w ten unto thee.
rants the prophets, rifine early and end I 17 But w-will do wh;-
in? tbnn- laying Oh do not "this abomi- _:th forth out
nate. .aven*
<; But rhcy hearkned not, ner inclined a -.J to pour ent dnr
their ei thcit wickedne.s, ivc done, we and 0. 1

to burn no incenfe unto other g kinss and cur princes, intbecitie;

6 Wherefeie iav
was poured forth, and was kindled in the lenty of victuals, and were
in the ltreeti of Je-
wel!, an,'. Taw no evi'.
rufalem, and they are waited 4m4 defo- 18 Bat '"ncewfl leltcrT to burn mcenfe
lace, as at this day. to ihecuesnof heaven, and to pour out
9h$i rt it t idoltttr Chap, xlv, *lvi. B truth contfortti.
ink offerings unto her, we havewant-
30 Thus faith the Lord, Behold, I will
. al* things,and have been con-fumedgivePhaiaoh-hophra king of Egypt inta

the fwatd, and by the famine. the hand of his enemies, and into the.
19 And when we burn incenfe to the hand ot them that (eel* .his life, as I gave
leenot heaven, and poured out drink- Zedekiahkingol Judah into the hand of
fering* unto, her, did we make her Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his e-
kes to worfhip her, and pour out neray, and that fought his hie.

ink-offerings unto her without our ,
Barueb inftrulhd And comforted. Sec.
kc ^ Then Jeremiah faid unto all the
(ople, to the men and to the women, and THefpake
that Jeremiah the prophet
Baruch the ("on of Ne-
all the people which had given him nah, when he had written thefe words
*f anl'wer, faying, in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in
u The incenfe that ye burnt in the ci- the fourth year of Jehoiakim the fon ojr
« of Judah, and in the ftrcetscf Jeru- Jofiah king of Judah, laying,
!em, ye and your fathers, your kings 7. Thus larth the Lord the God of lf-

d your princes, and the people of tha rael unto thee, O

id, did rv3t the Lord remember them, 3 Thou did(t lay, is Wo me now, foe
I came it not into his mind ? the Lord hath added grief to my for-
11 t-o that the LORD
could no longer row, I fainted in my fighing, and I find
'ar, becaufeof the evil of your doings, no reft.
i becaufe of the abominations which 4 fl Thus malt thou fayantohim, Tha
have committed therefore is your
: LORD faith thus, Behold, tbtt which I
d a defolation, and an altonifhment, have built, will I break down, and that
a curfe without an inhabitant, as at which I have planted, I will pluck up»
s day. even this whole land.
Becaufe you have burnt incenfe, and c And feekeft thou great things for thy
caufe ye have finned againft the Lord, felf? leek them not: for behold, I will
1 have not obeyed the voice of the bring evil upon all fiefh, faith the : Lord
hip, nor walked in his law, nor in but thy life will 1 give unto thee for a
ftatutes,not in his teftimonies: there- prey in all places whither thou goeit.
t this evil is happened unto you, as at CHAP. XL VI.
s day. Pbtrtobi overthrow, 8cc,
4 Moreover, Jeremiah faid unto all '""T^He word of the Lord which came to
people, and to all the women, Hear 1 Jeremiah the prophet, ag3inft the
word of the LORD, all Judah that Gentiles,
in the land or' Egypt. i Againft Egypt, againft the army of
rf Thus faith the lord of hofts, the Pharaoh-neeho king of Egypt, which
d of UVael, laying, Ye and your wives was by the river Euphrates in Car-
ve both (boken with your mouths, and chemiih, which Nebuchadrezzar king
hlled with your hand," faying, will We of Babylon fmcte in the fourth year of
ly perform our vows that we have Jehoiakim the fon of Jofiah king of
ed, to burn inr-enfc to the queen of Judah.
aven, and to pour out drink-offerings * Order ye the buckler and fhicld, and
her: ye willfurely accqjnplifhyour draw near to battle.
*$, and finely perform your vows. - 4 Harnefs the horfes, and get up ye
_6 Therefore hear ye the word of the hoifemen, and ftand forth with jour hel-
)RD, all Judah that dwell in the land mets, furbifh the fpears, and put on the
Egypt, Behold, I have (worn by my brig undines.
at name, faith the Lord, that my f Wherefore have I feen them difmay-
ne fhall no more be named in the ed, and turned away back? and their
uthof any man of Judah, in all the land mighty ones are beaten down, and are
Egypt, laying-, The Lord GoDliveth. fled apace, and look not back for feat:

1 Behold, iAvill watch over them for von round about, faith the LORD.
!, and not for p'ood, and all the men .6 Let not the t'witt flee away, nor the
udah that tit in the land of Egypt mighty man efd*p»; they fhall ftumble,
1 be cenfumed by the ("word, and by the and fall toward the north by the river
ine, until there be an end of them. Euphrates;
} Yet a fmall number that efcape the 7 Who it this tb»t comcth up as a
fd, fhall return out of the land of E- fiocd, whofe waters are moved as the
ftinto the Undo! Judah; and all the rivers ?
m^ntof Jadah that are gone into the 8 Eeypt rifeth up like a flood, and bis
d of Efypt to fo.iourn there, fhall waters are moved like the rivers, and he
>w wl.cfe words fhall ftand, Riine or faith, will eo up, ihdt will cover the
earth, I will deftroytke city, and the in-
? 11 And this jbdll bt a fi?n unto you, habitants thereof.
fhthe L«RD, that I will pTinifh yoa in 9 Come up, ye Ivorfe*, and raee, ye
t place, that ye may know that my chariots, and let the mighty men come
ds fhall furely ftand againft jo« for forth, the Ethiopians, "and the Liby-
ans ihtt handle, the fhield, and the
. :

Ti» ttnqntfl of Ezftt. Jeremian.

Lydians that handle *nd bend the bow. Pharaoh,
to for this it the day of the Lord God
cf hods, a day of vengeance, that he
may avenge him of his adverlanes :

and the fword (hall devour, and it fhall

be fatiate, and made drunk with tfieir
blood for the Lord God of holts hath a

iaenfice in the north-country by the ri-

ver Euphrates.
u Go up intoGilead, and take balm,
O virgin, the daughter of E?yi*t in vain

Jhalt thouufe many medicines /or thou


fha!t not be cured.

u The nations have heard of thy
fhame, and thy cry hath filled the land:
ior the mighty man hath Humbled a-
gainit the mighty, *ni they axe fallen
both together.
ij 11 The word that the LORD fpakc
to Jeremiah the prophet, howNebuchad-
tezzarkingof Babylon ffcould come *nd
finite the land of Egypt. J wholly unpunifHed.
w Declare ye in Xgypt, and publifh CHAP. XLVII.
in Migdol, and publifh inNoph, and in Tbt tit Pbilijii
Tahpanhes: lay ye, Stand fall, and pre-
pare thee ; fcr the lword fhall devour
word of the LORD came
the prophet againlt
found about thee. Philiitinej, before that Tharaoh imo
i? Why are thy valiant mm fwept a- Gaza.
way? they Rood not, becaufe the LORD 1 Thus faith the LORD, Behold, w.
did drive them. up onto* the north, and fhall t
ters rife
16 He made many to fall, yea, one fell an overflowing flood, ar-i fhall overlie
upon another, and they laid, Arife, and the land, and all that is therein, the cit
let us go again to our own people, and and them that dwell therein: then ti
to the land of our nativity, from the op- men (hall cry, and all the inhabitants,
prefling fword. _ .''
t7 They did cry there, Phawoh king
the land fhall howl.
? At the noife of the ftamping of tl
of Egypt 11 but a nolfe, he hath palled hoofsof his ftrong borfti, at the rufliir
the time appointed. of his chariots, tnUst the rumbling of h
18 As I live, faith the King, wnofe wheels, the fathers fhall not lookbacks
name ii theLoRi>of hofts, Surely ^as Ta- thttr children for feeblenefs of hand
bor it among the mountains, and as Car- 4. Becaufe of the day that cometh

tel by the lea, fo fhall he come. fpoil all the Philiftines, «ni to cut r
19 Oh thou daughter dwelling m
E- from Tyrus and Zidon every helper th:
gypt, furnifh thy felf to go into captivi- remaineth: for the LORD will fpoil ti
ty : for Noph fhall be wafte and defolate Philiftines, the remnant of the count;
without an inhabitant. ot Caphtor.
10 Egyptii trie a very fair heifer, but ? Baldnefs is come upon Gaza, Afl
deftrudtion cometh it cometh out ot the
: kelon is cut "otT -with the remnant 1

north. ... their valley : how long wilt fhou cut ti

x\ Alfo her hired men*r« in the midft fslf ?
cf her, lik; tatted bullocks, for they alfo 6 O thou fword of the Lord, how lor
*e turned back, *nd are fled away toge- w/7/ it be ere thou be quiet ? put up tl
ther 5 they did nor ftand, becaufe the day felf into thy feabbard, reft and be ftil
of their calamity was come upon them, 7 How
canit be fjuiet, feeing the Lor
•nJ the time of their vifitraian. hath given it a charge againft Afhkelo
ii The voice thereof fhall go like a and againft the fea-lhore ? there ha
fement, for they fhall march with an ar- he appointed it.

my, and come againft her with axes, as CHAP. XLV1II.

hewers of wocd. The judgmtnt of Moab, &C
13 T-ev fhall cut down her foreft, faith AGamft Meab thus faith theLOR
the Lori5i though it cannot be fenrched, of holts, the God of Ifrael, Wo ui
becaufe they are more than thrgralhcp- to Nebo, for it is fpoiled Kiriathaim :

pers, and trt innumerable. confounded tni taken,, Mifgab is coi

14. The dauehter of Egypt fhall be founded and difmayed.
confounded, flie fhall be delivered into x Tbert Jbtlt bt no mere praife of t%
the hind of the people of the north. ab in Hefhbon they have devifed e»

« The LORD of hofts, the Ciod »flf- againlt it ; come and let us cut it c
rael faith, Behol '., 1 will punifh the mul- ffom being a nation; alfo thlu fhalt 1
titude of No, and i'haraoh, and Egypt, cut down, O Madsien, the fword iha
with theit gods, and e.eir kings, even |
5 A voi'
cnap, xiTin, **rif *nd funijhment.
3 A voice 01 crying /fcj// U from Horo- wrtd upon aH the cities
»aun, poihne: and great deltruction. ab, l3rorncar.
of the land or
A JHoab is deirroyed, her little ones have* a- The horn of Moab
is cut off, and his
rauiedacry to betuard. arm is broken, the Lord.
? Form the going up ©f Luhith, con- '
y him "M«*eh rorhe mag,
tjnuai weeping thall go up ; for in the go- rri!£ ia&£? :

hint? fn f
ing down ol Horonaim the enenu** r.avc
agau l thc L(3RU Mo;,l, al
V :

ward a cry or deitruction. lnallbcinderiiiot\

b FJc«, lave your lives, and be like the F W sl pt , ,Vael a ^rifl0 n
leatlj in the wildernefs. Wee? «, he
tli^» was ? *
luund among toievea? J

7fl For beeaulc thou haft truited in thy r j

works, an.! in thy trealurcs, thou lhaltalio

'c taken, and Cliemofh lhall go forth
into .18 Oyethat dwell in Moab, leave
•apuviiywft* hispnefts and bis princes cities and dwell Ml the
the rock, and belike
ogether. the dove tb*t makethherr.eftin
.8 An<i the fpoiler {hall come upon every ot the holes mouth, meliaS
uy, and no city mall etcape: the valley ao. have hc:.rd the* pride of We
He /hall penfh, and the plain mall be He is exceeding proud his lo. tineMoab,
cftroyed, as. the hath fpoken. LORD Us arroganey, and his) prub?, sand
and tftC
9 Ciivc wings unto Moab.that it may flee haugluinc/s or his heart.
nd get away : for theciuer thereof mall n0 W hiS
* etiolate, without any to dwell therein. b»°J « / no , "P^l lic«fl**»
faith tllc L KD, °
'oCurlei! be he that doth the work ol the ef?ic?rt ' "«t ia '

ORD deceitfully, and eurl'ed be he that 5i Therefore will I howl

forMaab, and
eepetfi back his (word from blood. I will cry out for
all Moab, win, bt*rt
u *i Monb hath been at cafe tram his mail muurn tor the men ot K;r-her>- 5
outh, and he hath fettled on hi? lees, and 5i
ath not been emptied from veirc! to vef- thee, with the
vine ot Sibmah, 1 will weep
O ot jaz_-r ; thy
I) neithct hath he gone into Plants arc gone ovenue lea,
*reiore his tafte remained in him, and tptmothe icaot 3M r.
the fpaiier is fa?
isfcent is not changed. Icnu^thy (,:i,., and uponVh^
ii Therefore behold, the days come,
th the Lotto, that I will ("end unto hi ra /ij And joy and glad r.efs is takao
riveters that lhall caufe him to wander, the pJentrtu held, ar. from
v from tho Ian Q f i
id fhall empty his vellcls, and break Moan, and 1 uave cattfcd win'eto Jail (

i r om
eir bottles. the wme-preffes,
1 AndMcab
mall be afhamedaf Che- mall tedklvK
lh, asthehoufe ot Ifraei was alharaed
Beth-cl their confidence. From the cry of Heflibon, U namm*
4 1] How fay ye, We
«n might v and Elealcji, 4ua even unto jan?z have
ong men lor the war ? ottered, trom
i Moab is i'poiled, and g#ne up out ot HoronaKn, -< anneilerot three
ZoarS,! S3
.•cities, and his chofen youne men are VatCrS ,,ft f bM " m
I, y^o
ne down to the Daughter, Tanl tLe de(blate: ° * &!*U
:-g, whvle name ii the Lorl> of holts. Moreovar, I will caufe to H
ceafe in
6 The calamuv ot Moab It near to Moa*/la,ththe Loro, h.m'
», and his amYction hattetli fz\\. io the high places, and him
" All ye that are about him bermne ince.nfe to his tOat burn*!2
u, and all ye that know hi-; nam.-, ?6 Therefore mine heart fliall
founrf fa*
« is the ltrong ftaff broken, ani the Moab like pipes, and mine

atttitul roe. found like p.pes for the hSniSii


neaorKrt"j eres"
H Thou daughter that dolt inhabit Di- be^e^encacs^neh^hgot^e
come down trorw
i, \,Uim.iiU"'i null, IB/
rty HIUlli
eior\ aand lit in
, J

rft ; for the fpoiler of
: igiiTuM come M ^7 For
57 every head /-a// h bald,
For'every !

and e
thee, and he ihaiyieltfov
ds. '•
thy then"- very beard cKy t -«Ponall.the^n]
" be tut
tin; and upo,-. the

s i^
O liyns^iack.

5 inhabitant ol Aroer, n\ind by the ctoth. '

anei elpv, -i_. «4..; 1. * u^cin,

n t: and her
ri-c.h, u/-k 58 Ttettjbati be lam-uation
. .»».

elcapethi .in.? lay, What i? done ? ur<.n all the.hcrt&.-tops of
B«i Wa lli
: Moab is confounded, for it is l>rc- the reet, thrreol lor I have Mo»S."naiH i

dowrw: howl and crv, tell ye irinAr- aoliles ajveile!, wherein ir bjoketl uL

that>loaS no Pl„ tu^"

, isfpoiled,
And judgment is come upon the plain 59 TJfaythafl a 1W l, f*yin~, h 0w ,-

ntryy uponHolon, and upon jahazah,

-.-,-„.., ... acaJ4 , broken down 1 how hath Mo.b „
Won d1

And upon
Dibor,, and upon
upon Kiriathairn, and

back With

2 10u - ,,, n
lo 'ball Mn,\ f
j &

d-n tl on, and a d.imavinV iuto an

4 3 For t^us faith the LORD, N P hAU
X £
i-g3:r.ul, and upen Beth-meon, | hefbal! riy"s an ea»le a^i fHaii ' •

AJkluponK«rioth, and upon Bojrah, ! ht< vvtii^s over Mqe&

B b 4t K*^.

s i Kcrioth taken, and the ftrong


holds arc furprized, and the mighty mens

hearts in Moab at that day (hall be as the
heart of a woman in her pan»s.
4.1 And Meal) Gull be deitroyed
Jbting apeople, becanfe hchath
.trmjilt againll the.LO.RD.
4* fear, and the pit, and the fnarc jM/

tfteupon thee, inhabitant ot Moab, taith

^i^e ihat fleeth from the (ear, (hall
and he that gctteth up out
into the pit,
taken in the Hure lor
Ihall be
bang upon
" it, e«e» upon the
thou he r/ur (halt altogether go unpnnifl
Moab, M
their vif.tation, frith the LORD.
ed ? thcu jhalt not gounpuniihed, but the cjn
«ir ma- lhalt l'urcly drink of it.
a? They that tied, itoud under the
becaule ot the force 13 For 1 have 1'worn by my felf, fail fir
do J of helhbon,

but a fire mail come loithoutol

Hefhbcn, the LORD, that Bozrah mall become «'
Siuon, and del'olauon, a reproach, a walte, and ikti
'and a Ham" trom the midftot

ot Moat>, and the curie, and all the cities thereof mall t|;j[
lhall devour the corner perpetual waftes.
crown of the head ot the tumultuousthe t4 I have heard a rumour from the Lorj pi
46 wobe unto thee, O Moab, peo-
tor <hy (ons and an ambalTador is lent unto the hcithc jot
ple of Chemofti pcritheth:
taken captives, and thy daughters cap- J*ying, Gather ye together Mid come ; «
are gaunt her, and rife up to the battle. 0lil ,

*l Fcr lo, 1 will make thee imall amor

47% Yet will I bring again the captivi- the theheatfien, and delpiled among men. ^
the latter days, faith
ty or Moab in 16 Thy terribienels hath deceived the *;
Loku. Thus i ? rn the judgment oi Moab. «nd the pride ot thine heart, thcu tt) O
C H A P. XL1X. .

dwelleit intheclettsoftherock, that ho B

J be )iidgmtnt of the Ammomttty &c. : j,

dell the hetgft'tot the hill though the

Concerning the Ammonites,low? thus laith :

hath Ihculdit make thy neit as b>gh as tf |j

theLoRO. Hathlfraelno eagle, 1 will bring thee down From thenc
king in-
he no heir ? why ibm doth dwell in his feith the LORD.
their fa\

herit Gad, and his people

iii .

7 Alio Edom (hallbeadefolation: g, i

"? Therefore behold, .the days come, very one that goeth by it mail be altonifl fc
Lord, that I will caule. an
alarm ed.and mall hiis at all the plagues therco [[(
faith the As in the overthrow of Sodom a' |^
ot war to be heard in
Kabbah ot the Am- 1

deiolate heap, Gomorrah, and the neighbour

citin ther, $
Sionttes, and it (ha!l be a
be burnt with fire : ot* faith the LORD: no man fhallabu E,
and her daughters lhall
unto than that there, neither fliall a fon ot man dwell in ||
then fliall flrae) be heir Belwld, he mall come up like a
were his heirs, laith the LORD.isfpoiled: from the i'welling of Jordan againli V. L
19 lit

VHowl, OHelhbon, tor A.gird ye with habitation of the itrone: but I will fad del :,.'

crv,ve daughters ot Rabbah,to and fro by ly make him run away from her, and wl
ilckcloth: lament and run yian tit.: J may appoint ov fl
king ihal go into is achofen
lie Sedges, for their princes her? tor who it like-. me? and who wi
^tivity, l»d his prieltsand his appoint me the time? 2nd who it th ^
lticpherd tint will ftand before me ? :
10 Therefore hear the counl'el of tl n j
ȣ flnviine vallev, O backfliding dailgn- I.oro, that he hath tiken ugair.ft Edot sj
{S t$!&£3%

her trea-urer, »,i„g.

andhtspurpofesthst he hath purpoled. S
unto me ?
Who lhall comewill bring upon thee, the inhabitants of Tcman fun :

a fear
c Rehotf, I
trom all the feril of t|| flock mall draw them ou>p
cJ,h the Lord Goo ot holts,
furely he {hlrl make their habitations uj

r( ;

right for h, and

man lolatewithth'-- U
driven out every

at The earth is moved at the nolle „,'

«™«. lhall gather up hi» that wandereth.

"°6 Andaftetward 1 Will bring again the their tall: *t the crv, the noife there ^
was heard in the Red ica.
the children «r Amnion, faith
captivity of ix Behold, he H12IJ come up and fly * A

thus feith the the eagle, ?n/i fpread his wines over Bo
'^iPSScernins Eaom, rah and at that day mall the heart oft „..;

mighty men of Edom be zs the heart ot ;r

woman in herrangs.
1-; «i Concerning Pamafcus. Hamath
confounded, and Arpad tor they ha

heart! evil tidings, they are far

ed,ri>ff«ri(orrow on ihefea, it c

Si'i«#«" <»** '" ""*• TS

quiet. , _ ., . ,

5'ft it, Damafcut is waxed feeble, *n} tm

*r, H*x*r, LUm,
"'fit —
to net, and
rtcc, « fear hath tcired,
IJa Tea:
"jiB4 ^°" ttnstntd.
,V on r oubi.-a,
er as a
angunh and Arrows
woman in travail" *
*»?ct^\!^!$tep*&»to* .

17 How is the city oF
Uecuyof ray joy >
C h r> 0ur,
1 C
men fca" fall in gesarebroketiinricces cd *
!lcr ma "
erltI eM ^n *?li L e S

xiffin Jn« 3 }* 1 the «»1 war ihall be



rAnll' w n ]''^!,"
iSmfrvC k,ndle a ''re
ft holts.

*™ in the wall of
land dcfolat", and nZ'i'n? 11 makc h
one /1 aJ1 «
: they jhaii ,«^
i" »n i " there-
both man^d S55ST*- thc y l7ial1 ^Part

Bah lon fha ^te^tnis

UhYheK * -' 1

C rt C nt3
^ hcirfl0Cks ^
al, the y
k a v , s
<* ftall take to therafelves
a nS
ier«m N f^*" 'heir ireOeli, and

? 6 " far 0^
S °v.r EJ^iL-f !/ dwell deep,
>rL> •
h,'J °.
r n^^ ^ Hazor t^
? cbucn >dre2i;arkir.eofBaby-
' faitn
™*' kcj
COunlcl "Rainft you, and
ei Cd a purpofe '

a Sainft you.
*? A,«> a - 0u up
£ on 7h«
S .
Hnt0 thc wealthy
i -y.
c Ie h
r. r n m? xi L ,! witnout carc > rai »n

fc&£! tU decamels ihall be a baoty,
of their catt »« a fpoil
II w,nr, ? mte a " wi n«MthemrA,r
in rt'im^r?
u tm rt corners, and 1 will
it- ? bnnr/


lty rom a11 fldM

Lo!ii5. aS!
L. nd«nrf
Hator ftall be a dwelling f
a deflation forever;
nd^eTirn.f^^^'^^^of h=r, from rhcnce
ft c £l, h" f,-*
4 tl The worj of the LORD tliatcaro-
aso f a
m,J their
expert nun

'eremiah the prophet againlt /hall return in

W saK *M
p ,
ef of -heir might, '
5 And upon Elam will I brine
the four
Us from the four quarters c|
will fcatter then? towards
all thofe
ds, ancl there >all bc no
nation whither'
outcaftsof Elam mall
Fori, will
not com*
caufeElam to be dirmayed
>re their enemies, and aclbre the
- their hfe: and I will fcrin^evTurSS
-Jitven my fierce ar.ecr, faith ?h2 c alton 'Ae*l»
JP',f ^ 1 wui fend tie fwor'd
n, Mllliiareconlumeclrhera aftef
a» iier plagues and hifs £
WiSS'SSHTf, ?*> ff*"* Baby.
wfll deflroy from thence the
princes, iailirh-LORD
Kin « Vn
and .

lc °
ys l* f
f r


P afs
W1 " fbr n« a^ain
l !
the ro
-» V lf X

^ " h J L. . l .

Tie judgment of
He word that the Lor
Bdlftui, &c
> tpak- ; ? ,hft

declare ye
liarveft : for lea, ? thfzLH £ e tI:n
« °f
among the naWs, and ucy iliail flee *
every one to
h« Ln fan'
it T, lira'-l
> , .

jentuiah, Tbe redimftion of Ifratl.

the judgment of Babyhn,
that took them captives held then; iaf
Kraei u a fcatteted AtcP- thel
17 11
ons have driven him away : fjrlt and lait

k* they re titled to lee themgo. ,_„,

14 Thefr redcenaer .'. ttrong, the LOR1
ot Allyria hath devoured him, BaOyion of holt* it his name, he lr.all through.
Nebuchadrezzar king ot

this- plead their eauie, that he may give re |

hath broken his bones. °f to the land, and difcimct the inhabitants <

18 Therciorc thus
laith the f-OKU ;

. Babylon.
?> fl A upon the Chaldcar. |
fword i»

na faith the Lord, and upon the inhabit*!

C the king ot All>

as 1 have pur.iihcd Babylon, am upon her princes, an 1

wU h,Vr-VlV?eraVaintohi$|ol
19 Ant' 1 Wl1 p tin S .V AJ, nn rarmel upon her wile mm.


lactation, and he inall £ \t A (word h upon the liars, ar.J th<

ana h
» s ioul .mall be utisneo
'""«,*"-. a fword m upon her toighl

and Bafhan,
Baltian, > ~i fhall dote
upon mount Lrhraim M£Gne
, «.
time .fa in men, ana thev ihallbe dnma.ycd.
in that
'ao in thole days, and 37 A iword »> upon their horles, and upc

aheLnRU, the imnuity ot llraei m*

their chariots, and upon all the mingle ^
people that are inth« midltof her,ar.d th
(hallbecome as women : a Iword n upc
&r 1 will pardon them whom 1 f?lcrve. her-treafures, and they mall be robbed.
Ii « Koupagainft the land of Mentha- ;8 A drought r'r upon her waters, at
they mall be dried up : for it it the land
graven images, and they are mad upi
it, faTt'h the Lord, and doaccor- tbtir idols.
59 Therefore the wild beaits of the d
fcrt, with the wild hearts of the iflan
lhall dwell ri«rt, ar.d theowls fhalldw.
therein: and it lhall be no more inhab
ana broken !>°" '•£', ted for ever: neither mall it be dwelt
•cut alwxlcr '
from generation to generation.
|na.l»u« a As God overthrew Sodom and G
^ ulVn,' O B^on, morrah, and the neighbour atiti therec
faith the Jo lhall no man aln,

there, neither lhall any ion ot mandwi

therein. e
41 Behold, a people mall tome frc
thenonh, and great natien, ar.a ma
kings faall be railed up from the coa
4i They mall huld the oow and :

larce: they art cruel, and will not fly

mercy their voica mall rore like theft

and tney lhall ride upon horles, every

i7 ila y a "nj «rhter put in aray like a man to the battle,
h U wo unto them, tor
gainitthee, Odaugmer ot Babylon.
4; The kingoi Eabylon hath :.eardt
re«pop ol them, and his hand.- waxed t«

ble anguim took hold ol him, <


feapc ol the Lord pun^s aso. a woman in travail.

dure in"Vl
Zionn l »e v
.^|c f his temple. 44 Behold, he mall comeup like ai
^ Ur o r il o'e hef
? an
archers againft Ba-
that bend the bow,
camp a-
X from the tw- ling ot Jordan, ihel
bitaiion of the ttrong but 1 a/rtl m:

byi on all Is=
> '
^ onc t hercoi c- them luddenlv run away Ircm he, :

whor«acho:ei: matitbtt 1 may appjir.

Aoil i«
gjJ*JJg Ver adding to her
vcrher> f«r wr.oii like me, andwhoi
d»n 1 to all that me
hath dor.e
So hath been proud again t
appoint me the time? and who u that lh
jo unto J-*
WT- •
l1rsrL ,
erd tnat will It and bstore me ?,.,«.
4: Therefoxa hear ve the counielffl
»nw "" ;c ,
c '
>-• u rn5««* w-rfhall
ma!l be?
;i in,
Lord, that t.c hath taken ajrai. it BaW
andhispurp fest;iat he hath p.irpotw
fc^ffSftl dav.i'irhtheLORD
ainftthe land ol the Chaldeans :
beC -w'agai* thee, O thou "
„ R^hold!
Bebo a, iI t
, h fts
the Icaft 01 the flock 1. all !

«**i-ui fureivheihallwike ttrr u-Aa.i.uni,

SftyftiSMIw la' -with them.,
takmr ot BJ
. .

46 Atthenoife 01
.- .•

tor. the eatth is

moved, and the cr
f,l ." and Itall heard intone rhe nations.
J nd^c a'fi.
1 n a p Li.
Gsdi judgment mwft B*k'
** and the children at Tiluslattht.e T.URLv
H.Urtnof il'rac!
i«i!cui»againft Babylon, an
H Jevtrt judgmtnt Chap. li. •gafitjl Btbjlon.
that dwell in the midft of them that ii fallhood, and tbert it no breath in them.
ip againtt me, a deitro'ying Wirul
- 18 They «re vanity, the work of errors
R| * And wi lit end unto Babylon, fanners, in the time ot their vifitation they fhall
"in at (hall, and fhall empty her peri'h.
Ian.!: tor in the day of trouble they (hall 19 The portion of Jacob it not like
be agaimt her round about. them, for he u the termer ot all thing*,
* t\'z,-iini\bimtbit bendeth, let thear- and Ifratl it the rod of his inheritance: '

pJlci bend" his bow, ami againlt bltn ttu the Loud ot holts it his name.
|tceth-bi«ni'dr'apinivii brigandine* and ! 10 ThOJ *rt my battle-ax r.n.i weapons
pare ye not her young men, dcltroy ye ot: war for with ihec will 1 break in pie-
: .

"tcrlyall her holt. cesthe nations, and with thee will I de-
4 T.itis the ilain mail fall in the land of itroy kingdoms
jjjthe Chaldeans, and ibtj tb*t art thrult n And'with thee will 1 break in piece*
htough in net ftreets. the hoi eand his nd-.-r, and with thee will
* For LraeUurtnot intn forftken, nor 1 hrea < in pieces the chaViot and his n ler:
ludahof his God, of the Lord of holts j 11 With thee alfc will 1 break 1:1 pieces
hougi their land was filled with lin a- Man and woman, and witft thee will I
"atml the Inly ©neoflfrael. break in pieces old and young., aruiwit'i
6 Flee out at the-midftot Babyhn, and thee will i break in pieces the yflung man
deliver every man his foul be not cut : and the maid :

"iff in her iniquity tor this it the time of

: 1: I will alio break in pieces with thee,
he Lord* vengeance: he will render un- the ihepherdand his flock, and with thee
to her a recommence. wi.ll 1 break in pieces the hu*bandma*
7 Babylon £4:6 ban a golden cup in the and his yoke of oxen, and with thee will
R Di hand, that made all the earth I break in pieces captains 2nd rulers.
drunken the nations have drunken of
: 14 And 1 will render unto Ba >ylon, and'
bet wine, therefore the nations are mad. to ail the inhabitants ofChaklea, all their:
8 BabvLn is isuldenly fallen and de- evil that they have done in Zion inyotft
Itroyed howl tor her, take balm for her light, faith the Lord.

pain, if 10 r>e (he may be healed. if Behold, 1 am againft thee, O de-

9 Wewo-iMhave healed Baby.'in, but ftroying mountain, faith the Loud, whicli
ihe u not healed fcr'ake her,' and let deftroyclt. all (he earth, and I will ttrercfi

us go every one into his own country for out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee

her iudgjneat reacheth unto heaven, and down from the rocks, snd will make tftccj
is Jilted up t-jtn to the skies. a burnt mounisih.
to The Lord hath brought forth our *fr And they fhall not tike of", tries a
righteoufnefs come tnd l« \xs d etarein frone for a corner, nor altone-for founda-

Zion the work of the L t) R u our God. tions, butihou (halt be de.olatc for ever 3
it Make bright the arrows: gatfter the faith the Lord.
IhieLls the Lord hath railed up the fpi-
: 17 Set ye up aftafidardin the Land, blow
rit ot the kings of the Modes for his the trumpet among the natians, prepaMfc

device it againlt Babvlon, to dei'broy it the nations againli her, call together a »

becaafe it f the vengeance of the Lord, gaiail her thekiijgdomj ot Ararat, :ril:s\i>

the vengeance of his temple. and Afhchenaz, appoint a captain agairtft

» Setup the Itandard upon the waits of her, caufe the horfes to acme up as the.
Bao»lon. make tha watch ftrong, let up rough cater ».
Ifte watchmen, prepare the ambuTres for 18 PrcparTsga;:':if I'.er (he nations witft

the Lo*d hath bot'i devifcd and done that the kings ot the Medes, the captains
w.V.h he fpake the inhabitants of thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and
Babylon. all the land of his dominion.
it O thou fiat dwe! left upon many wa- 19 And the '.and fhall tremble and for-
ters, abundant in rreafurcs, thine end is
come, .in.-! the meafire »1 thy covetoufhefi
row for everv purpefe of the
fhall be perforated asrainft Babylon, to
14 The Lord
of holts hath (worn by make the land of Babylon 3 delolaticsi
Li v Tel Uyinz-t Surely I will fill thee with
f-, without an inhabitant.
men, as with catrrpillers j and they fhall ;o The mighty men of Babylon have
li rt up 1 hour againlt thee. forborn to fight, they have remained ir>
M tie hath ma'd; the earth by his power, tb'tit holds, their might hath failed, they
he hath edablifhed the world byhiswif- became as women they have burnthac :

dom, and hath ftrctched out the heaven dwelling-places, her bars are broken.
by his Mnderftanding. 7\ One poir lhall run to meet r.noth&r>
iti V/hen he utteretl bit veice, tbert it a and one meflenger to -meet another, ro
multitude of waters in the heavens, and (hew the king of Babylon that his city ta
hecaufcth he vapour; to afcend from the taken at oh? end,
emts of the earth, he maketh lightnings :i And thav the paOages are ftopped,
wa!) rain, and bringeth torth the wind and the reeds they have burnt with rTre,
cut of his tread ires. and the men of war are -affrighted.
17 Every man is brufcih by hit IcflOw- 7? For thus faith the Lord ofhofts, the
ledsrc every founder is contounded by God otlfrael, The daughter of 3abylon r'i
the graven image to; his molien image: likcatbrelhing.fto uitinimt tothrelh
E,D.i Lei-
! : ,'
oo3i jevtrt fudgnitnt Jeremiah. *gunft Btbjhn. I
her: >ct a lutlc while,
and the time of faces for Grangers are come into tl L' :

iicr Barrett foall come. anftuanes otitic Lords houfe. l

;4 Neouchadrezzar the king of Baby- ca Wherelore behold, the days com I 8 *'

lon hath devoured me, be hath crufoed faith the Lord, that Iwfti dc judgnei u
jnc, he hath made mean empty vellcl, he uion her graven images, and through a - J

1. 2th uv-llowed me up like a dragon, he her land tr.e wounded foall "grone. F
bath filled his belly withniydclidates, he 1? Though Babylon mould mount upt *
h at r. call me out. heaven, and though fhc lhould fort fie th c
u done to me and to my height of her ftrei.gth. jtt froai m foa l


flefn, tt- upen Babylon, fhaJl the inhabi- i\' llers come unto her, faith the
Lord, f
tants Zion lay ; and my blood upon the i4 Alo.-.r.dof aery cotnetb from Bab-. B j
inhabitants otchaldea.foalljerulalem fay. Ion, and great deltruftion trom the Ian
16 Therefore thus iaith the of the Chaldeans. LORD,
Bcr.old, 1 will plead thy caufe, and take it Becaule the Lord hath poiled Ba
vcf.geance.forthee, and I will dry up her bylon, anddeltroyedqwot her the grea *
iet, and nuke her ipnngs dry. voice when her waves do rore like s>rca *
V) And Babylon foall become heaps,^ watery a none ot their vo ce isuttcrea. » :

ing- place for dragons, an aftonifo- s^ Became the fpoiler is come upc.n her ,

.' .t 2D hilling
without an inhabitant. even upon Bab\ Ion, and her mighty c me

--S They foall rpre together like lions : are taken, every one ot their bows

. mail yell ls lions whelps.
Ln their heat 1 will make their fealts,
keii, tor the Lord
foall hirely requite.
of recow

ake them drunken, that they i7 And lwtll make drunk her princei F
r.-\ rejoyce, and .leep a perpetual flcep, ana her wile men, her captains, ar.d her ru- P
ane. ro; wake, faith the Lord. lcrs, ar.d her mighty m?r>: and they
4t IwilVbrinr then down like lambsto fleen a perpetual fleep.ardnotwak-
the daughter, like rams with he-goats. the K-.rg.whofename it the Lord of roits

4i How liShefhach taken and how is ; iS Thus laith the LoRDot holts, ;

Lbrprauc ot the whole earth furprifed • broad walls of Babylon foall be utterf<
Low :s Babylon become an ailonifomcnt broken, and her hizk rates foall be bum
2UK fr»? the nations wilb f-te, and the people lhall labour ir
4i The fea U come upupon Eabylon vain, ar.d the folk in the lire, and they
fhe u covered with the multitude of the foall be weary.
wuves thereof. .
59 f- The word which J»remiah the
4; E;r cities are a defolation, a dry prop-et rommanded Seraiah the fen »
land and a wildernes, a land Nenah, the (on ot Maa'eiah, when he
juar. dweikth, doth trj ion of went with Zedekiah the king of JuJar
map ps.s thereby. intc Babylon, in the fourth year of hi:
44 Ar.-l 1 will p'.mifh Bel in Babylon. reign and tbh Seraiai. -»ui a quiet prince

a::u 1 will bring touh out o; his mouth that 60 So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the
Which he I. at : (wallowed up, and the na- ev.l thai fooula come upon Babylon, tvrn
all not flow together any more un- all thelc words tbtt *rt- written againft
to nim, ye.-,, the wall of Babylon foall fall. BabyJon.
4i My people, goyeout orthe midft ot 61 Ar.d Jaremiah faid to Seraiah, Wh
h-r, and delujer ye every man his foul thou ccmeft to Babylcn, ai.d fhalt lee, and
from the ricrtfeargeroitrfeiflRi). foalt read all theie words,
46 Ar.d left your heart ;airr, and ye fear 61 Then foalt thou fay.O LoRD.thou haft
for the rumourthat (ball-be beard in the fpoken this place;, to cut it off, that
lai.d a rumcur lhall both come one year,
: none foall remain in it, neither man r.oi
and after that in tnctber year Jb til tome a beaft, but that it foall be defclate for ever.
rumo r, ar.d violence in the land, ruler f>\ And it foall be when taou halt made
.agaii.ft ruler. an end of reading this boc:<, tb*t thou
47 Therelore behold* the days ccme, foalt bind a ltonc to it, and caft it into tne
that 1 will do judgment upon the graven audit of Euphrates:
images of Babylon, ?nd her wIkIc land e"4 And thou foalt lay.Thusfoall Babylon
foall be confounded, and all her ilain foall fink, and foall no: rile frcm the evil a: I t

Jail ihtne miditot her. will bring upon her: and they foall be
4i>' Then the heaven and the earth, and weary. Thus tar art the wordsct Jcc
all that it therein, lhall fing fcr Babylon : CHAP. Lll.
lor t;.e ipoilersfhall come unto her fruni Itruftlttn befitted 4f>4 ti^tn, &c.
Ibe north, faith the Lord. Zfcd

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