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CHAPTER 1: The Peopling of the Philippines Felipe Landa Jocano’s Core Population Theory

The first evidence of human settlement in what is now the This theory proposed that there were not clear discrete waves
Philippines was found in Tabon Cave in Palawan back in 1970 of migration, but a long process of cultural evolution and
suggest that there were already prehistoric inhabitants in the movement of people. The theory suggests that early
Philippines as early as the Pleistocene period. inhabitants of Southeast Asia were once of the same ethnic
group with similar culture, but eventually -through a gradual
Theories on the Origin of the Filipino People: process driven by environmental factors - differentiated
• Legend of Malakas at Maganda themselves from one another.
• Brownman Superiority
• Henry Otley Beyer’s Migration Theory Austronesian Migration Theory (Peter Bellwood)
• Felipe Landa Jocano’s Core Population Theory
• Peter Bellwood’s Austronesian Expansion Theory This theory suggests that the growth of the population of the
o Out-of-Taiwan Theory Philippines is a result of a group of people from Asia known as
the Austronesians. The Austronesians are Austronesian-
Si Malakas at Si Maganda – After the great flood a mythical bird speaking people who have been found to populate areas in
rested on top of a bamboo cluster and heard noises from a big Southeast Asia, Oceania, and East Africa.
bamboo trunk. The mythical bird pecked and the bamboo split
into two where a man and a woman emerged and became the Major Autronesioan languages that are still spoken in the
ancestor of the early Filipinos Philippines today include Cebuano, Tagalog, Ilocano,
Hiligaynon, Bicol, Waray-Waray, Kapampangan, and
Brown Man Superiority - When God created the earth, he Pangasinan, providing support for Bellwood’s theory.
scooped some earth and made humans. They called their God
“Bathala” who cooked three types of people with the first being Out-of-Taiwan Theory
overcooked thus those with dark skin, Bathala got excited with
the second so it was raw thus it became the ancestor of those This theory suggests that the Austronesians are descended
with white skin, and the last Bathala just got right thus the from a population of people who lived on the island of Taiwan
Filipinos with brown skin. around 4,000-5,000 years ago, and who spoke a language that
was genetically related to the Austronesian languages still
Henry Otley Beyer’s Migration Theory spoken today.

CHAPTER 2: Philippine Indigenous Community Legal Basis

This theory suggests that Filipinos descended from different
groups that came from Southeast Asia in successive waves of
Republic Act 8371, also known as the “Indigenous Peoples
Rights Act” (1997, IPRA). The IPRA was signed into law on
October 29, 1997 by then President Fidel V. Ramos. It
1st group: Dawnmen
recognizes the right of Indigenous Cultural
- resembled Java Man, Peking Man, and other Asian
Communities/Indigenous Peoples to manage their ancestral
Home sapiens who existed about 250,000 years ago.
They did not have any knowledge of agriculture, and
lived by hunting and fishing. They came to the
Four Bundles of Rights of ICCs/Ips
Philippines by way of the land bridges that connected
1. Right to Ancestral Domains and Lands
the Philippines and Indonesia. Owing perhaps to
2. Right to Self-Governance and Empowerment
their migratory nature, they eventually left the
3. Right to Social Justice and Human Rights
Philippines for destinations unknown.
4. Right to Cultural Integrity
2nd group: Aetas or Negritos
- crossed the land bridged from Malaya, Borneo, and
The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) of the
Australia until they reached Palawan, Mindoro and
Philippines as the primary government agency that formulates
Mindanao. They good at hunting, fishing and food
and implements policies, plans and programs for the
gathering and used spears and small flint stones
recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and well-
weapons. The thinning of the ice glaciers and the
being of IPs in the country, has its own definition of IPs, as
subsequent increase in seawater level “forced” them
to remain in the country and become its first
permanent inhabitants.
“Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples--
3rd group: Indonesians
refer to a groupof people or homogeneous societies identified
- They came to the islands in boats. They were more
by self-ascription andascription by others, who have
advanced than the Aetas in that: – they had tools
continuously lived as organized communityon communally
made out of stone and steel, which enabled them to
bounded and defined territory, and who have, underclaims of
build sturdier houses – engaged in farming and
ownership since time immemorial, occupied, possessed
mining, and used materials made of brass – wore
andutilized such territories, sharing common bonds of
clothing and other body ornaments.
language, customs,traditions and other distinctive cultural
4th group: Malays
traits, or who have, throughresistance to political, social and
- believed to have come from Java, Sumatra, Borneo,
cultural inroads of colonization, non-indigenous religions and
and the Malay Peninsula more than 2,000 years ago.
cultures, became historically differentiated fromthe majority
They traveled in boats and had rown-skinned and of
of Filipinos” (NCIP).
medium height, with straight black hair and flat
noses. They engaged in pottery, weaving, jewelry
CHAPTER 3: Indigenous People of the Philippines
making and metal smelting, and introduced the
irrigation system in rice planting.

The word indigenous comes from the Latin ‘indigena’ meaning Music and Dance
‘a native’ and was developed in mid-17th century English to Music and dancing play a crucial role in the Itneg way of life.
carry the meaning it now holds. In the Philippines, indigenous They have their traditional musical instruments such as the
people refer to themselves as “katutubo” (native) in Tagalog or Tagutok (a bamboo and wooden percussion instrument), and
“lumad” in Mindanao, a Visayan term which means “born of the the bamboo flute. Dancing is often done during community
earth”. celebrations, rituals, and ceremonies, and it includes the Idaw
dance, which celebrates a bountiful harvest, and the Likha
Igorot – found in the northern part of the country. Igorot are dance, which tells a story of creation.
popular for being rice cultivators. The ancestors of Igorots
which is known as Ifugaos built the irrigated rice terraces Isneg
which is known as the Banaue Rice Terraces found in the
mountain of Ifugao. This tribe is composed of ethnic groups, Agriculture and Livelihood
the Itneg, Isneg, Ifugao, Kankana-ey, Ibaloi, Kalinga, Ikalahan, The Isneg people rely heavily on subsistence agriculture as
and Bontoc. their primary livelihood. They use traditional methods of
agriculture such as tilling fields using carabaos (water buffalo),
Lumad – found in the southern part of the country (Mindanao harvesting crops, and fishing. They grow a variety of crops
and Western Visayas). They are known for their tribal music such as rice, corn, tobacco, and vegetables.
which they produced with the use of the instruments that they
have created. This tribe is composed of ethnic groups, the Ancestral Worship and Spiritism
Blaan, Bogobo, Bukidnon, Higaonon, Mamanwa, Mandaya, Similar to the Itneg and Igorot, the Isneg believe in ancestral
Manobo, Mansaka, Sangil, Subanen, Tagabawa, Tagakaulo, worship and spiritism. They believe that the spirits of their
Talaandig, Tasaday, Teduray, and T’boli. ancestors are still present in their lives and can influence their
daily activities.
Badjao – also known as the “Sea Gypsies”. They live on
houseboats and trying to make ends meet by depending on the Music and Dance
sea as divers, fishermen, and navigators. The Punnenen dance is a famous dance form among the Isneg,
which is performed at agricultural festivals and other social
Some of the Palawan tribes are the Batak, Palaweno, gatherings.
Palawano, and Tau’t Bato. Arts and Crafts
The Isneg also have exceptional artistic abilities that they
Mangyan - is an umbrella term that refers to several indigenous express through their unique arts and crafts, including basket
communities on the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. There weaving, pottery, and woodcarving. Their pottery is often used
are eight recognized groups: Iraya, Alangan, Tadyawan, for cooking and food storage.
Tawbuid, Bangon, Buhid, Hanunuo, and Ratagnon.
Negritos – one of the earliest known inhabitants of the
Philippines who are now living in scatters mountain areas of The Ifugao are known for their beautiful rice terraces, which
the country. Spanish colonizers used to call them “Negritos” are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rice terraces are a
because of their dark-brown skin. This tribe includes Agta, Ati, testament to the Ifugao's agricultural ingenuity and traditional
and Ayta. practices, such as the use of irrigation systems and organic
farming methods.
Chapter 4: Indigenous Groups in Luzon
Ancestral Worship and Spiritism
IGOROT TRIBE They believe in the spirits of ancestors and deities, which they
believe can intervene in their daily lives. They perform rituals
Itneg and ceremonies to honor their ancestors and ask for their help
and guidance.
Agriculture and Terraced Farming
Like the Igorot, agricultural lifestyle plays an important role in Oral Tradition and Epic Poetry
Itneg culture. The Itneg have a traditional method of farming The Ifugao have a rich oral tradition and epic poetry called the
called the kaingin system, in which they clear forest land and Hudhud. The Hudhud tells the story of their ancestors, their
burn it to prepare fields to plant crops. way of life, and their customs and beliefs. It is sung and chanted
by the mumbaki (priests) during important ceremonies and
Ancestral Worship and Spiritism rituals.
The Itneg believe in ancestral worship and spiritism, a belief
that spirits of the deceased can intervene their daily lives. They Gender Equality
believe that the spirits of their ancestors can help or harm The Ifugao have a matriarchal society where women play a
living members of their community depending on their significant role in decision-making. Women are not only
treatment of the environment. responsible for household chores but also for farming and
weaving, which are the main sources of livelihood in the
Art and Crafts community.
The Itneg are known for their artistic skills. Their art reflects
their culture, spirituality, and close relationship with nature. Music and Dance
Examples of Tingguian craft include basketry, pottery, bamboo They have many traditional dances, such as the hudhud, gotad
carvings, and weaving. ad ifugao, and ballangbang, which represent the community's
way of life and customs.

Kankana-ey which is performed during harvest season, and the Cotong, a

dance of courtship and love.
Agriculture and Livelihood
The Kankana-ey have a long history of agriculture, mainly Community and Family Values
relying on the cultivation of rice, corn, and vegetables. They The Kalinga's social structure is organized through the Bale, a
have developed traditional farming methods such as swidden communal house that serves as the center of social, economic,
farming, terrace farming and irrigation system for cultivation. and religious activities. They are a matrilineal society, and their
Apart from agriculture, they also rely on forestry and animal customs and traditions are passed down from mothers and
husbandry for their livelihood. grandmothers to daughters. In Kalinga society, family and
unity are respected and valued, and community decisions are
Religion and Spirituality often made through consultation or consensus.
The Kankana-ey believe in a spirit world that includes Anito
(ancestral spirits) and Bathala (supreme God). They offer Ikalahan
sacrifices and hold environmental rituals for bountiful
harvests and protection from natural calamities. They have Agriculture and Livelihood
spiritual leaders called “bunong” who perform customary The Ikalahan have traditionally relied on farming and hunting
rituals and invocations in the community. for their livelihood. Hunting and fishing are also essential to
their sustenance and are often done for personal use or in
Music and Dance community hunts.
The dances depict tales about agriculture, hunting, love, and
nature appreciation. The Bendian dance is a famous dance Religion and Spirituality
form among the Kankana-ey, which represents their way of life. The Ikalahan have a strong connection to their natural
environment and believe in spirits that protect nature. The
Gender Roles and Family Structure Ikalahan also hold ceremonies and rituals throughout the year
The Kankana-ey have a patrilineal and patriarchical familial to honor natural spirits and pay tribute to their ancestors.
culture. The eldest sons act as leaders of the family and manage Community and Family Values
the family's welfare. Women assume the responsibility for The Ikalahan value community and kinship and have a
weaving and household chores. collective approach to decision-making. In their society, elders
are highly respected and regarded as the source of ancestral
Ibaloi knowledge. The Ikalahan practice principles such as
cooperation, sharing and respect for one another's rights,
Agriculture and Livelihood including women's rights.
Many Ibaloi people also rely on animal husbandry, such as
raising pigs and chickens, for their livelihood. Bontoc

Religion and Spirituality Agriculture and Livelihood

They believe in maintaining a balance between nature and The Bontoc have traditionally relied on agriculture as their
humans through rituals and offerings. The Ibaloi holds rituals main source of livelihood. They also raise livestock such as
and ceremonies before and after planting rice, rice harvest, pigs, chickens, and carabaos, which are used for food and as a
and other significant life events. form of currency.

Community and Family Values Religion and Spirituality

They live in a patrilineal and patriarchal society, where lineage The Bontoc have a complex belief system that is grounded in
is traced through the father's side. The eldest son in the family animism, the belief that everything has a spirit. They believe in
is usually the one who takes charge of family affairs and powerful spirits called Apo, including the Apo of the
inherits property. mountains, water, and forests. They also believe in Anitos, the
spirits of their ancestors who protect and guide them.
Music and Dance
Agriculture and Livelihood Dance forms such as the tayaw, bulong, and karasaguyon
They also breed animals such as pigs and chickens, which are depict nature and agricultural activities such as sowing,
often used in ritual sacrifices. Hunting is mostly done for planting, and harvesting. The Bontoc also use dances to honor
personal consumption but also traditionally for feasts, spirits during rituals, such as the Bodong peace pact ceremony.
marriages, and funerals.
Community and Family Values
Religion and Spirituality The Bontoc have a highly organized tribal structure that
The Kalinga have a deep respect for nature and believe in emphasizes community and family values. They are organized
Kabunian, the almighty creator. They also believe in Anitos, the into clusters called barangays, each headed by a chieftain or
spirits of their ancestors who protect and guide them. The Bodong holder. The Bodong is a peace pact agreement that
Kalinga hold various rituals and ceremonies throughout the binds clans together, and it is a symbol of their identity. The
year, such as the pag-anito, which is a huge feast for both living Bontoc also practice gender-specific tasks, such as women
and invisible spirits. The Dap-ay is a sacred communal space weaving baskets and men performing rituals.
wherein all traditional activities and rituals take place.

Music and Dance

The dance forms express various themes such as harvest
celebrations, peace agreements, courtship, or baby carving
celebrations. A popular dance among the Kalinga is the Tachok,

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