Biology Form 5
Biology Form 5
Biology Form 5
Cytology is the study of cells, their structures, functions, characteristics and adaptations.
Robert Hooke (1665) was the first person to discover a cell from a plant cork. The cells looked
like boxes. Other people who studied the structure of cells are Lamark (1809), Detrochet (1824)
and Turpin (1826).
Schleiden (1838) studied the plant cells and emphasized that the cells are organisms and entire
animals and plants are aggregations of these organisms arranged according to the definite laws.
In 1839 Schwann, a German botanist stated that ” we have seen that all organisms are composed
of essentially like parts namely of cells”.
Cytology has been very important discipline in the research diagnosis and treatment of human
diseases. Most of health problems people encounter involve the cell disturbances.
The study examines cell interaction. Studying how cells interact or relate to other cells or
environments the cytologists can predict problems or examine the dangers to the cell and identity
type of infections.
2. The new cells are derived from the pre-existing cells by the process of cell division (mitotic
and meiotic division).
3. All chemical reactions/metabolic activities in the bodies of the organisms take place within the
4. The cells contain hereditary materials which are passed from one generation to another.
The five structures are also known as ultra structure and are obtained by two techniques.
Physiological or metabolic activities take place within a cell. Viruses though are not cells,
have life within their hosts.
The new cells arise from pre-existing cells by cell division. In this postulate the theory
does not specify about the origin of the first cell.
All living things must have cells. This postulate is challenged by the existence of viruses,
where when they are inside the body of their host, viruses act as living things even
though they don’t have cellular organization.
Electronic microscope.
Cell fractionation.
A cell is usually a tiny, three dimensional sac of many organelles which are suspended
within an aqueous medium (the cytoplasm) containing or contained (bounded) by a cell
They are extremely small for example bacteria all range from 0.5 – 10 micrometers.
Cells of prokaryotes lack the true nuclei that are their genetic material (DNA) are not enclosed
by the nuclear membrane and lies freely in the cytoplasm.
2. The cytoplasm.
3. The nucleus.
Plasma membrane.
This is also called the cell surface membrane as plasma membrane or plasma lemma which
separates the contents of the cells from the external environment, controlling the exchange of
In animal cells it is an outermost layer where as in plant cells it is beneath the cell wall. E.g.
neurillema in neurons.
There are two models suggested by different scientist to try to describe the cell membranes.
These are;
Daniel-Davson model
According to Daniel and Davson, the membrane is structurally composed of two chemical
substances that form their own layer.
1. Protein layer made up of molecules. The layer is continuous and lacks pores.
2. Phospholipids (at least two layers of phospholipids) oriented with their polar (hydrophilic ends
near the surface and their non polar (hydrophobic) hydrocarbon chains in the interior of the
membrane as far as possible from the
surrounding water.
According to the model, the membrane is structurally rigid static and non dynamic.
1. The model suggests that the membrane is composed of proteins and lipids.
2. Ampliphetic (double) nature of phospholipids such as phospholipids molecule has a polar head
(hydrophilic) and a non polar tail (hydrophobic).
1. The model suggests that the protein layer is continuous. Researches done by scientists show
that the protein layer is in-continuous.
2. The membrane is static is a wrong concept since the membrane is a dynamic ever changing
The model was put forward by singer and Nicolson 1972 in order to modify the Daniel and
Davson model.
According to the fluid mosaic model, the membrane is an ever-changing structure in which the
mosaic protein floats on the lipid bilayer acting as a fluid.
Proteins in this model do not form a continuous layer covering both sides of the membrane as
proposed by Daniel and Davson model.
Lipids (45%)
Proteins (45%)
Carbohydrates (10%)
1. Lipids.
a. Glycolipids;
b. Phospholipids;
These are lipids associated with phosphates. They form 2 layers i.e. phospholipids bilayer. Each
phospholipid consists of a polar head (hydrophilic) and a non polar tail (hydrophobic).
Act as a fluid and move about rapidly in their own layer. Since phospholipids are constantly in
motion, the membrane is described as being fluidly.
NB: cholesterol is a type of steroid located in between phospholipids keeping them fluidly.
2. Increase the flexibility of the membranes by allowing relative movements of the bilayers
without actual displacement because it acts as an unsaturated fatty acid lubricating bilayer.
These exist as globular in the membrane, i.e. they never form a continuous layer.
Within protein molecules or between adjacent there are poles. These may either be hydrophobic
or hydrophilic.
Since the phospholipids are always in constant motion (fluid) proteins float in it forming a fluid
mosaic model. The proteins are organized in a particular pattern known as mosaic.
There are protein molecules that extend/ transverse both layers of membranes. Other proteins are
partially embedded in the membrane. These are called intrinsic proteins.
Some proteins float freely inside the membrane, hence they are called peripheral or extrinsic
These are involved in the selective transportation of polar molecules. i.e. ions across the
2. Enzymes
3. Receptor molecule.
4. Antigen.
Identity markers. These are glycoprotein. They have different shapes in every kind of a cell.
They have specific side chains thus are recognized by other cells and behave in an organized
5. Energy transfer.
In some physiological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration, some proteins are
involved in energy transfer (special form of membrane found in chloroplasts and mitochondria).
1. Cell to cell recognition (in making tissues since same cells combine so similar cells will
have similar glycolipids/ glycoprotein).
2. To receive chemical stimuli.
1. Permeability
The plasma membrane is a thin elastic membrane around the cell which usually allows
the movement of small ions and molecules of various substances through it. This nature
of plasma membrane is termed as permeability.
2. Osmosis
The plasma membrane is permeable to water molecules. To and fro movement of water
molecules through the plasma membrane occurs due to the difference in concentration of
the solutes on its either side. The process by which the water molecules pass through a
membrane from region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water
concentration is termed as osmosis.
The diffusion of a certain solute or substance takes place through the plasma membrane
depends on the concentration and electrochemical gradient.
4. Active transport.
When molecules or ions move through the plasma membrane from low concentration to
higher concentration, they require energy for such movement.
Through the pores of plasma membrane some chemicals such as urea and glycerol could
pass. It has been shown that large molecules of certain proteins also penetrate the cell.
The plasma membrane particles actively in the ingestion of certain large sized foreign or
food substances.
The process by which the foreign substances are taken and digested is known as
In the process of exocytosis, the cells which have secretory functions such as pancreatic
cells pass out their enzyme secretions outside the cell.
According to the nature of the food of foreign substance, endocytosis may be classified
into two types;
1. Pinocytosis
When the ingestion of food materials in bulk takes place by the cell through the process
known as pinocytosis.
2. Phagocytosis
Sometimes the large sized solid food or foreign particles are taken in by the cell through
the plasma membrane. The process of ingestion of large sized solid substances by the cell is
known as phagocytosis.
Question: what is the significance of a fluid mosaic model in the plasma membrane?
It explains easily the known physical and chemical properties of the membrane.
It is the starting point to understanding the fix of the cell.
o All membranes of the cell plus the tonoplast and those of the organelles have the
fluid mosaic construction.
NB: this point provides the clues about the distribution of cell membrane in the
cell and its organelles.
This is the part of a cell, which is filled with fluid in the protoplasm. This part of
the cell is the ground substance of the cell known as the hyaloplasm, where the
cell organelles are suspended. Cytosil is the soluble part of the cytoplasm.
1. Cytoplasm matrix
2. Cytoplasm inclusion
The cytoplasm matrix contains many refractive granules of various sizes; these
granules in the animal cells are known as cytoplasm inclusion.
The cytoplasm inclusion includes oil drops, yolk granules, pigments, secretory
granules and glycogen granules.
Such granules in plant cells are known as plastids. The most common plastids are
the chloroplasts (containing pigment chlorophyll), the leucoplastids (white color
plastids) ,omyplastids ( the plastids that store starch) and lipoplastids ( which
contain fats).
NB: plastids like cytoplasmic inclusion having only storage functions but also
perform various important synthesis and metabolic activities such as the
production of food materials due to the presence of chloroplasts.
Beneath the cell wall is the cell surface membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm.
The latter contains organelles; the prominent being vacuole plastids e.g. chloroplasts and
-Since a greater part of the cell is occupied by the vacuole, then the cytoplasm and nucleus are
squeezed by the vacuole to the periphery.
-When viewed under light microscope; only a few structures are seen under high magnification
power, even finer details are seen.
Diagram of a plant cell under light microscope
Both Have;
1. Plasma membrane
2. Distinct nucleus
3. Ribosome
4. Endoplasmic reticulum
5. Cytoplasm
6. Golgi apparatus
7. Qn What is an organelle?
An organelle is a distinct part of a cell which has a particular structure
and function e.g. Mitochondria, chloroplast, ER etc.
It is the structure external to the cell; it isn’t an organelle although it is a product of various cell
organelle e.g. microtubules and Golgi apparatus.
It is made up of cellulose (mainly fibres) forming amorphous matrix of the cellulose that
surrounds the entire cell.
Such fibre is made up of several hundred microfibrils which form the network of cell wall.
In addition to cellulose plant cell wall consists of pectron and hemicellulose which contribute to
mechanical strength of the organism.
These are polysaccharides of galactose and galactronic acid. Pectron may combine with
Ca or Mg2+ to form calcium pectate or magnesium pectrate, which are important components
Hemicellulose is the mixture of many compounds, but the chief ones are sugar e.g. glucose and
sugar acid residue.
Hemicelluloses which form hydrogen bounds with cellulose fibres in the cell matrix. The cell
wall is usually modified by deposition of other substances such as alginic acid and calcium
carbonate in the case of algae.
The cell walls are held together by middle lamellae, they also posses
minute pores through which structures called plasmodesmata form living
connections between cells and allows the protoplast to be linked in a
system called symplast.
5. Reduction of water loss and reduced risk of infection (due to its waxy
6. Transportation of materials. The walls of xylem vessels and sieve tubes
are adopted for long transportation of materials through the cells.
7. Barrier to water movement.
The cell walls of root endodermal cells are impregnated with suberin that
forms a barrier to water movement.
The cell wall of transfer cells develops an increased surface area and this
increases the efficiency and transfer materials by active transport.
These organelles are the endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, Golgi complex, liposomes,
mitochondria, plastids, centrioles, cilia etc.
Functions of cytoplasm
1. It provides medium for chemical reaction to take place like protein synthesis, lipids
synthesis and etc.
2. It stores useful materials such as amino acids, proteins, starch, carbohydrates, lipids, O2
3. It stores waste materials such as C02 and nitrogen waste etc.
4. It controls the absorption of materials across the membrane due to its concentration
The endoplasmic is having a single vast and interconnected cavity which remains
bounded by a single membrane. The membrane of endoplasmic reticulum is supposed to
be originated in pushings of plasma membrane
The membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum may be either smooth when they do not
have attached ribosome and rough when they have the attached ribosome.
The membranes of endoplasmic reticulum are found to be continuous with the nuclear
membrane and plasma membrane.
Surfaces for some of the biological activities of the cell catalyst its complex folding
provide an enormous surface for such activities.
The membranes of Golgi complex are of lipoproteins and these are supposed to be originated
from the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum.
1. Produce secretions
2. Modification of materials.
The combination of carbohydrates and proteins to form glycoprotein takes place in them.
Many materials such as mucin are glycoprotein. It takes place in the cistern.
5. Formation of lysosomes.
These are spherical single membrane bound organelles containing digestive enzymes.
- Nucleases
The enzymes are synthesized in ribosome RER transported to the Golgi apparatus for
modification. The Golgi vesicles are detached from the Golgi apparatus and remain in the
cytoplasm as lysosomes because they contain digestive enzymes.
2. Acts as digestive system of the cell enabling it to process some of the bulk materials taken in
by phagocytosis or pinocytosis. Digests parts of the cell such as worn out organelles and also to
digest the stored food contents of chloroplast A and B in extracellular digestion.
3. Play role in some developmental process e.g. remolding of bones and fractures.
NB: in plant cells, the large contrast vacuole may act as lysosomes although bodies similar to
lysosomes of an animal cell sometimes seen in the cytoplasm of a plant cell.
Structurally it has two sub-units, i.e. small subunit and large subunit.
Each of the two subunits is composed of rRNA (ribosomal RNA) and proteins.
It is present in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The sizes can be determined by the
sedimentation when centrifuging showing the 80’s and 70’s ribosome.
-80’s ribosome are present in R.E (rough endoplasmic) reticulum of eukaryotic cells.
The ribosomes are the sites for protein synthesis. it has the following characteristics.
In animal cells, there are relatively small and temporary vacuoles such as phagocytotic,
pinocytotic, autophagic vacuoles in plant cells; the vacuole is large and occupies a greater
proportion of the cytoplasm.
The membrane bounding the vacuole is the tonoplast and the fluid inside is the cell sap or
vacuole sap.
The cell sap is a mixture of many substances; concentrates solutions of sugar, salt,
organic acids, gases such as C02 and oxygen, pigments and waste products of
1. They are involved in primary plant growth. It is a result of turgor pressure generated inside the
vacuoles as a result of entry of water. This causes cell expansion as the tonoplast is pressed
against the cell wall.
2. The pigment contained in the cell sap is responsible for flower color and therefore play a key
role to pollination.
3. They contain enzymes similar to those of lysosomes when plant cell dies. The tonoplast looses
the differential permeability and enzymes escape causing autolysis.
4. Vacuole acts as a temporary store of waste products such as crystals of waste calcium oxalate,
toxins and metabolic waste products of plants.
5. The vacuoles sometimes functions as food reserves e.g. sucrose mineral salts and insulin are
stored in vacuoles.
Structure of mitochondria
The outer membrane is smooth while the inner membrane is coiled to form t=surface area for
attachment of membranes.
Diagram of mitochondrion
Functions of
About 98% of energy is synthesized e.g. one molecules of glucose yield 38 ATP. Out of
38ATP 36 is synthesized in the mitochondrion by the reactions of Krebs cycle and
electron transport chain. Thus it is called power house or POWER station or power plant
of the cell.
1. Presence of outer membrane and inner membrane to allow entry and exit of materials.
2. The inner membrane is coiled to increase the surface area for attachment of enzymes
responsible for electron transfer.
3. Presence of matrix which is as granular and gives enough space for reaction to take place
(Krebs cycle reaction) also matrix contains Krebs cycle enzymes.
4. Presence of circular DNA for replication of the mitochondrion.
5. Have 70s ribosome’s for synthesis of proteins.
6. Presence of phosphate for production of ATP.
7. Presence of Oxysome and water accompany aerobic respiration.
NB: the inner folded to form partitions called cristae which enables different types of metabolic
activities to take place. This phenomenon is called compartmentalization hence enables multi-
enzymes systems to operate.
(Evolution of mitochondria)
The mitochondria were originally independent prokaryotic bacteria like organisms which entered
hosts cells and develop mutual relationship (symbiosis).
These are organelles with double membrane, located in plant cells and algae
1. Chromoplasts
2. Leucoplasts
3. Chloroplasts
These are types of plastids bearing pigments i.e. yellow, red, orange, purple pigments.
Found in
1. Flowers
2. Fruits
3. Seeds
4. Leaves
5. Roots of carrots.
These are colour plastids found mainly in storage organs. There are various types of
Structure of chloroplasts
The chloroplast
- It has two membranes an outer and an inner membrane which constitutes the double membrane
or chloroplast envelope.
-the interval between one grannum and the other is called intergranal lamellae.
- The stroma contains circular DNA and fewer small 70’s ribosomes and starch granules.
Functions of chloroplasts
This is the process whereby green plants manufacture food from CO2 and water in the
presence of light energy, it stores starch temporarily.
2. The thylakoids have chlorophyll pigment for trapping sunlight energy.
3. It has grana and thylakoids to hold the chlorophyll in proper position for maximum
absorption of light energy.
4. Stroma contains enzymes for dark reactions of photosynthesis.
5. Presence of phosphate which acts as a source of phosphate during phosphorylation.
6. Ribosomes and circular DNA for synthesis of proteins such as enzymes
The chloroplast and the mitochondria are endosymbiotic structures within a cell. They are
capable of leading life within a cell because;
1. They have double membrane which allows passage of materials in and out of their inside.
2. They have their own hereditary materials i.e. circular DNA. They are capable of self
3. They have ribosomes (70’s) thus synthesize proteins. E.g. enzymes.
4. Have matrix or stroma, the ground substance where various reactions take place.
STROMA; various photosynthetic membrane are found where light reactions take place
and dark reactions in the aqueous part.
This theory accounts for the evolution of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells.
-Eukaryotic cells arose from invasion of one large cell by other prokaryotic cells.
“All eukaryotic cells contain genetic material (DNA) ribosomes that resemble those of
prokaryotic cells’’.
-It suggests that prokaryotic heterotropes ingested other mitochondrion like prokaryotic and
roughly at the same time began forming an organized nucleus.
Subsequently, non motile cells established a symbiotic relationship with yet another prokaryote
in the form of spirochetes or spiroplasma bacterium, attached to the outside of the cell. Such as
bacterium has a function like flagellum.
These are small spherical bodies with 0.5 – 1.5 micrometers in diameter. The ground substance
of a micro body contains important enzymes especially catalyze or peroxidase.
These enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of hydrogen peroxide in water and oxygen.
These peroxisomes are found in liver, potatoes, pea seeds and bean seeds.
1. To break down the poisonous hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen in the presence of
peroxidase enzyme/ catalase.
2. In plants special peroxisomes called glycoxisomes are centre’s for glycoxylate cycle i.e.
conversion of fats into carbohydrates especially during germination.
3.The leaf of peroxisomes are centers of photorespiration, especially in C3 plants e.g. beach
plants, potato plant, tomato, coffee in cold areas.
This is a complex network of fibrous protein structure that exists in cytoplasm of eukaryotic cell
and anchor proteins or organelles such as nucleus to their fixed location.
These are thread like structures arranged in sheets or bundles first beneath the cell surface
-Each fibre is composed of two chains of protein loosely twisted about one another in helical
manner. These proteins molecules can be assembled and dis-assembled.
These are structures intermediate between microtubule and microfilament (rope like
microtubule of polypeptides)
Skin cells for example form intermediate filaments from proteins called KERATIN. When
the skin dies the intermediate filament of the cytoskeleton persists.
Microtubules are tubular structures made up of helizelly arranged globular subunit called tubulin.
-They are about 25 nm in diameter. Each has a chain of proteins wrapped round and round in a
tight spiral. Large microtubules are found in cilia, flagella, centrioles (formation of spindle-
fibres microtubules).
The cells of many unicellular organisms and ciliated epithelium of multi-cellular organisms
consists of some hair like cytoplasm projections outside the surface of the cell.
-These are known as cilia or flagella and they help in locomotion of the cells. The cilia and
flagella are made up of proteins adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
-In prokaryotic cells, cilia and flagella (If they have structure lacking 9+2 arrangement of
microtubules and arise from basal bodies).
-In eukaryotic cilia and flagella are complex. They have the 9+2 arrangement of microtubule and
arise from basal bodies.
These are organelle formed as a result of in folding of plasma membranes as it takes large
particles of food from outside the cell.
It contains materials which control different activities within the cell; the genetic materials.
Then nuclear membrane has some pores which allow some materials to pass in and out of
nucleoplasm to allow communication on with cytoplasm called nuclear pores.
-Nuclear envelope is semi permeable membrane allowing some materials to pass and others not
to pass.
-The space inside the nucleus is filled by fluid materials which are called nucleoplasm. These are
semisolid granules ground substance or matrix.
Chromatin threads
Chromatin threads are grainy network of strands that undergo cooling into rod-like
structures called chromatin.
These are small dark regions where different RNA type examples ribosomal RNA is
produced and RNA joins the protein to form the subunit of ribosomes.
-It synthesizes the ribosomes protein and is used in controlling the cell division.
Functions of nucleolus
4. Few organelles and non are surrounded Many organelles envelope(bound) organelles (
by an envelope (double membrane). i.e. double membrane bound organelles)
5. Internal membrane if present usually Great diversity of internal membrane organelle
associated with respiration or photosynthesis. e.g. Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, ER.
6.Flagella are simple lacking arrangement Complex flagella with ( 9+2) arrangement of
of microtubule. microtubule.
7. Have mesosome for respiration. Use mitochondria for respiration
8. Some are nitrogen fixing. No ability to fix nitrogen.
9. 70’s ribosomes. 80’s ribosomes
Both have;
1. Structure for movement (cilia and flagella)
2. Cell wall.
3. Cell membrane.
4. Ribosome’s.
5. Genetic material.(DNA)
6. Storage of food organelles.
b. Draw a fully labeled diagram to illustrate the arrangement of these constituents and
others in the fluid mosaic model of the cell wall membrane.
This is the specialization of a cell in terms of both structure and functions. Ability of a cell to
perform single function is called cell specialization. Cells work in interdependence with each
other such that such that group of cells must be coordinated so that they carry out their activities
efficiently such coordination is called integration.
Bio chemistry: is the study of structures, properties and functions of chemical constituents of the
1. Chief/ macro elements: hydrogen (H), carbon(C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O),
phosphorous (P), sulphur(S).
2. Ions – sodium(Na+) , magnesium (Mg2+) , chlorine( cl-) , calcium (Ca2+) etc.
3. Trace elements – manganese(Mn) , iron(Fe) , cobalt(Co),copper (Cu) , molybdenum(Mo)
and iodine(I).
Macromolecule is a giant molecule made from many repeating units. The molecules built are
polymers and the individual units are monomers.
-The units are joined together by a chemical process called CONDENSATION which means
removal of water.
-The units can be broken down again by an opposite process known as hydrolysis which means
adding of water.
1. Polysaccharides( carbohydrates)
2. Protein
3. Lipids
4. Nucleic acids.
And their constituent monomers are; monosaccharide’s, amino acids, glycerol, fatty acids and
nucleotides respectively.
Others are;
They are substances which contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with the general formula of
(CHO)n where n is a real number.
Characteristics of carbohydrates.
2. They are hydrate of carbon from the proportion of hydrogen and oxygen in water.
3. The basic carbohydrate unit is thus a sugar which is the derivative of a poly hydrosol
Alcohol is the paraffin compound with hydrogen atom replaced by the univalent hydroxyl
(OH) group.
Paraffin is aliphatic or chain of compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which the carbon
atoms are linked by single bonds to adjacent atoms. (see Example above).
The simpler hydroxyls are the glycol and glycerol and the simplest of sugar is the
glycerose (glycerin).
4. Some contain aldehyde (-CHO) group and others contain ketone group ( -CO-)
2. Fructose: is the pent hydroxyl alcohol with ketone group.
Complex sugars are built from the basic sugar units called monosaccharides through the
process of condensation polymerization.
Many sugars are reducing sugars and others are non-reducing sugars but give rise to
reducing sugars on hydrolysis with enzymes or mineral acid (mostly dilute HCL)
NB:Carbohydrates are called reducing sugar because they act as reducing agents
supplying electrons from their functional groups i.e. the aldehyde and ketone groups
which can reduce the cu2+ ions to cu+ ions which appear orange or yellow ppt
The true carbohydrates are saccharides with a combination of sugar units. These are
divided into three main classes
Sugar which include mono and disaccharides are all soluble in water. They have a sweet taste.
Sugars without potentially active reducing groups are known as non-reducing sugars e.g.
Sucrose (C12H22O11).
-Of code, hexoses and pentoses are most common and triose being the true sugar.
-Pentose sugars are never occurring but only in combination with other groups
Of compounds.
Riboses- this occurs in one kind of nucleic acid. A derivative of deoxyribose
Structure of Monosaccharides
Glucose in common with other hexoses and pentoses easily forms stable ring structure. At any one time
most molecules oxists as rings rather than
In case of glucose carbon atom number 1 may combine with the oxygen atom an carbon 5. This form a
six -sided structure known as a pyranose ring
In case of fructose, carbon atom number 2 links with the oxygen an carbon atom number. This form a
five sided structure known as furanose ring Both glucose and fructose can exist in beth
pyranose ring.
In case of fructose, carbon atom number 2 links with the oxygen on number 5. This form a five sides
structure known as furanose ring Both glucose and fructose can exist in both pyranose and furanose
and furanose ring form.
o Most carbohydrate in common glucose can exists as a numbee of isomers (they posses the same
molecular formula but differ in the arrangement of this atoms). one type of isomer called stereo
isomerism. occurs when the atom, or group, are joined together but differ in Their arrangement
in space one form of stereoisomer is called Optical Isomersm, result in isomer which can rotate
the plane of polarized light. If the substance rotates the plane of polarisation to the right it is
said to be dexTro-rotatory (d) and if to the left is laevo-rotatory (L) Optical isomerism is a
property of any compound which can exist in two forms whose structure are minor image. Like
right and left handed gloves
Stady the structure of glycerin (ghycer aldehyde)
L-Form isomer mirror. D-form isomer
Functions of monosaccharides.
1. Synthesis of nucleic acids e.g. Ribose is the chief constituent of the RNA.
2. Synthesis of co-enzymes e.g. ribose synthesis (NAD and NADP)
In reducing sugars e.g. Lactose and maltose, one of the hexose residue retains its
-Maltose is produced of two D-glucose units joined by a α-glycosidic bond between the
anomeric carbon of one glucose unit and the number 4 carbon of the other glucose unit.
This specific bond formed an α-1,4-glycosidic bond also found in starch and glycogen.
NB: The numeric hydroxyl group of one of the glucose units participates in the glycosidic bond
However the anumeric hydroxyl of the other glucose unit is not as occupied and this glucose unit
exists in the equilibrium with free aldehyde solution.
Thus maltose is oxidized by Fehling’s solution, benedict’s solution or any other suitable reagent.
This disaccharide is composed of one galactose unit and one glucose unit joined by a glycosidic
bond between the anomer of galactose and the number 4 carbon of glucose. A β-1, 4 –glycosidic
Glucose unit of the lactose still exists as an equilibrium mixture of α and β anomers and
-Sugarcane and sugar beets are the commercial sources and used as table sugar.
Sucrose is not a reducing sugar since both anomeric carbons participates in the glycosidic
NB: D is the hydroxyl group attached to the anomeric carbon atom (the anomeric hydroxyl
group) is
drawn on the same side of the ring as the last -CH2OH group for the β-anomer and the opposite
Carbon no. 4. Ingested D-glucose (from milk and some other complex polysaccharide) is
The inability to perform this ionization (conversion of one isomer to another) results in a disease
called galactosemis.
-Have high molecular weight formed by condensation of large number of monosaccharide units.
They include;
A core of amylase
Amyloplast membrane.
Biological importance
-It is a polymer of glucose units joined by α-1,4- bonds and with α-1,6- bonded branches . it is a
white soluble powder and non reducing sugar.
Glycogen differs from amylopectin because it is more highly branched than amylopectin
with one branch point about every 8 and 12 glucose units.
Biological advantage.
-This lead to the cross links of hydrogen bonds between the parallel running cellulose
As a result of this, cellulose becomes tough with very high tensile strength.
1. It is a raw material in the manufacture of many industrial products such as papers, rayon
and plastics.
2. The rayon made from cellulose are used in the manufacture of industrial belts and tyre
3. Cellulose derivatives such as cellulose nitrate are used in the manufacture of films.
4. Cotton, a pure form of cellulose is used in the manufacture of clothes.
This is closely related to cellulose in structure and function, being a structural polysaccharide.
It also occurs in small quantities in many monocots. Hydrolysis by dilute mineral acids or
specific enzymes e.g. inulin produce fructose only.
1. They built up a cell plasma membrane. It is made up of carbohydrates and so they are
used to build up the body of a living organism.
2. They are used as a substrate in respiration (to produce energy) as raw materials. Glucose
is the base raw material in glycolysis.
Are useful in storage purpose for future metabolism eg starch, glycogen and laminarin.
Used in the balance of osmotic pressure as they make solutes in the blood.
3. Are used in inheritance and control of the body activities as they make the genes e.g.
deoxyribose of DNA and ribose of RNA are pentose sugars.
These are organic compound made up of elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in which its
proportion of oxygen is smaller than that of hydrogen (i.e. not in the ratio of carbon dioxide of
Properties of lipids.
*all lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic compounds or solvents e.g. ether,
chloroform and hot alcohol.
They occur in adipose tissues of animals and some are a component of the protoplasm of all
living cells.
Because of unsaturated bonds which are easy to break, that are why they are liquid at room
temperature, solids contain saturated bonds.
Simple lipids are oils and fats of which are esters of glycerol. (Higher alcohol). Than glycerol
forms the ester called waxes.
-Oils and fats are formed by the combination of fatty acids and glycerol e.g. oleic acid which are
widely distributed in many fats and oils.
Fats: contain a greater proportion of saturated fatty acids; they are solids at 200C.
1. They form an insulation material thus prevent heat loss in organisms and animals
2. Prevent water loss, form water proof in organisms, plants and insects.
3. Can be a stored form of energy in the body of an organism e.g. amoeba and seed like
4. Form the basic constituent of the cell membrane as well as the cell
5. Enables large aquatic organisms like whales to have buoyancy.
6. Contains basic fat soluble vitamins A, B, D and K.
7. Forms the natural rubber.
8. It is a constituent of hormones like steroids e.g. oestrogen, progesterone, also acdysome
hormone in insects and crustacea are made up of lipids.
9. Gives more energy in metabolism.
10. Used to make bile salts (sodium taurochlorate and sodium glycochorate) for
emulsification in the duodenum.
11. Limits the linkage of small molecules across plasma membrane (cholesterol).
12. Constituent of myelin sheath; helps to prevent outward flow of ions which would short
circuit the movement of ions along the nerve. Also enhance the salutatory condition.
Element present in proteins are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur acid and
phosphorous and iron.
There are 20 amino acids which are polymerized to give many types of proteins.
Physical properties.
- Organic detergent.
Many are large dimmers with many amino acid units. Eg serum globulin of human blood
have 736 amino acids, myosin of muscle has 780 amino acids.
2. Colloidal in nature.
3. Amphoteric properties.
4. Every amino acid regardless of its side chain has an acidic carboxylic group and a basic
amino group or it has acid-base properties i.e. is said to be amphoteric.
-In solid state the amino acid have base salt like properties because they have both a
positive charge part and a negative charge part such substances are called zwitterions.
-Zwitterions are produced from the molecular form of the amino acid by internal-acid
base reaction.
NOTE: in the reaction above, neither the molecular form nor the zwitterions form has a
net electrical charge. In aqueous solution these two forms are in equilibrium but the
equilibrium overwhelmingly favors the zwitterions at any pH.
At any pH, some of the alamine in solution exists in the positive ion form. Some of it in
the negative ion form, some in the zwitterions form and some in molecular form.
If the solution pH is very high that is ( H3O+) or (H+) is very low, both of the equilibrium
in the reaction is shifted to form the right and the negative ion form of alamine
On the other hand, if the solution pH is very low that is (H3O+) 0r (H+) is very high- both
equillibria in reaction above are shifted to the left and the positive form of alamine
At the pH of human cell and fluids (pH7) alanine exists primarily as the zwitterions.
In solution that are predominantly basic (i.e. pH btn 8.5 to 10.5), no single form of
alanine predominates. In this pH range, there are roughly comparable amount of
zwitterions and the negative charged.
Similarly in moderately acidic solution there are roughly comparable amount of the
zwitterions and the positively charged form of alanine.
The amount of positive or negative charge is affected by pH. Each molecule has a
specific pH which the total positive charge is exactly equally to the total negative charge.
It is electrically neutral and has no tendency to move to either the anode of cathodes of an
electric field. This is known as isoelectric point.
At higher pH protein and amino acid become more negative while at low pH they
become more positively charged.
1. Hydrogen atom(H)
2. Amino group or amine group (-NH2), giving the nature of amino acid.
3. The carboxyl (-COOH) giving the acidic nature of amino acid.
4. The R-group known as the side chain. It presents the hydrogen atom or any other group
as alkyl group.
1. Level of organization.
2. According to function.
3. According to composition.
4. To whether they contain essential amino acids.
5. According to structure.
1. Primary structure.
2. Secondary structure.
3. Tertiary structure.
4. Quaternary structure.
1. Primary structure.
This is a linear sequence of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. Also
disulphide bond may be found.
2. Secondary structure
α helical
This is due to attraction of various amino acids. This is a component of hair, claws, nails,
as well as skin.
3. Tertiary structure.
Tertiary structure is due to coiling and twisting of the polypeptide helix forming a
globular or spherical shape.
Bonds present in the coiled structure are ionic bond, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic
interactions, disulphide bridges.
4. Quaternary structure.
Quaternary structure is due to coiling and twisting of various polypeptide chains usually
the structure is associated with non-protein parts called prosthetic groups e.g.
Hemoglobin has four polypeptide chains, two α-chains and two β chains each
surrounding an iron atom.
The hemoglobin consists of protein parts. The protein part consist of 4 polypeptide
chains, of the four polypeptide chains, 2α chains and 2 β chains and is called globin.
The non protein parts is called HAEM consist of poiphyding surrounding an iron atom.
Essential amino acids are those which cannot be synthesized by human cells but are obtained
from food.
All of the 20 α amino acids are needed to make different proteins in the body of a human.
Twelve of these amino acids can be synthesized by the cells from other substances that are
present in the body; these are called non-essential amino acids.
The other eight cannot be synthesized by the body and must be included in the persons diet are
called essential amino acids.
1. Simple proteins
Globulin( immunoglobulin)
Schleroproteins ( e.g. Keratin)
1. Conjugated proteins.
Made up of amino acids; are globular proteins associated with non protein materials. E.g.
haemoglobin glycoprotein (components of cell membrane), mucin (component of saliva),
lipoproteins (components of cell membrane).
- Elastic connective
Structural tissues(ligaments ‘wraps up’ nucleic
acid for virus.
-viral coat protein
- Trypsin.
- Catalyze hydrolysis of
- Ribulose
biphosphate carboxylase.
- Catalyses carboxylation
(oxidation)CO2 of ribulase
2. biphosphate in photosynthesis.
- Catalyze synthesis of amino
acids, glutamine from glutamic acid
and ammonia.
- Glutamine
- Helps to regulate glucose
3. - glucagon
- Stimulates growth and activity
Adrenaline corticotrophic
of the adrenal cortex.
hormone (ACTH).
- Haemoglobin
Respiratory - Transports oxygen in
4. pigment. vertebrate’s blood.
- Stores O2 in muscles.
- Myoglobin
5. Transports fatty acids and lipids in
Transport - Serum albumin
the blood.
- Antibodies - Form complexes with foreign
- Fibrinogen
Protective - Form fibrin in blood clotting
This is because their side chains have no charge at the pH of body cell.
Seven natural amino acids have side chains(R) that are non polar or hydrophobic. These
hydrophobic are either alkyl or aromatic in nature.
Alanine (ala).
Valine (Val).
Leusine (leu).
Iso leusine.
Phenyl donine (phe)
Tryptophan (trp).
In general these amino acids are more soluble than hydrophobic amino acids.
The acid chain of glycine (gly) is just hydrogen. The other seven neutral hydrophilic
amino acids have side chains that can form either strong or weak hydrogen bond with
These have hydroxyl group in either side chain serine (ser) theorine (Thr) or tyrosine
(try). Two contain an amino functional group, asparagines (asp) and glutamine (gln). The
remaining two contain a sulphur atom cysterine (cys) and methionine (met).
Others include: tyrosine, asparagines, cysterine, glutamine, and methionine.
Acidic amino acids have side chains that contain a second carbonyl group.
At the pH of cells in the body, these carboxylic groups exist primarily as negative charged
carboxylate ions and this interact strongly with water molecules.
Three of the amino acids contain a side chain that act as a proton acceptor or base. They are thus
classified as basic amino acids, these are lysine (lys), arginine (arg) and histamine.
a. fibrous protein.
Perform structural function in cell and organism e.g. collagen (tendon, bones, connective tissues)
myosin in muscles, (silk) spider web, keratin (nail, hair, feathers).
b. globular proteins.
C. intermediate protein.
Like proteins, nucleic acids are largely polymers made up of small number of different building
blocks called nucleotides.
- A phosphate group.
- Monosaccharide
The bond that holds these polymers together are ester linkage formed between the phosphate on
the number 5 carbon of ribose in one nucleotide and the hydroxyl on the number 3 carbon of
ribose in the next nucleotide (deoxyribose in the case of DNA)
Two nucleic acids are said to have 3l5l- phosphate ester bridge/bond between their nucleotide
ATP is formed from the nucleotide adenosine monophosphate by the addition of two
further phosphate molecules.
Its structure:
ATP is an energy store, because the last branches are highly energetic on breaking.
The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is catalyzed by the enzyme ATPase and the removal of
the terminal phosphate yield 30.6kj mol-1 of free energy. So does the second one to from
ADP and AMP respectively. AMP and ADP may be re-converted to ATP by the addition
of phosphate molecule in a process called phosphorylation of which there two main
1. Photosynthetic phosphorylation- occurring during photosynthesis in chlorophyll-
containing cells.
2. Oxidative phosphorylation - occurring during cellular respiration in all aerobic cells.
A metabolic active cell may require up to two million ATP molecules every second. ATP is the
source of energy for;
1. Anabolic processes.
2. Movement- it provides the energy for many forms of cellular movements, including;
-muscle contraction
- Cilliary actioning
4. Secretion – it is secreted to form the vesicle in the secretions of the cell product.
Enzymes are simple or compound organic proteins which are organic catalysts catalyzing
reactions in living tissues.
ENZYME: Greek word “en” means in and “zyme” means yeast cell.
They are bio catalysts found in living things.
NB: as seen in the above graph, the activation energy (Ea) necessary to initiate the reaction is
much less in the presence of the catalyst than in its absence.
It is this lowering of activation energy barrier by enzyme catalysts that makes possible
most of the chemical reactions in life.
By contrast to non-protein catalyst (e.g. H+, OH -, or metal ions) each enzyme catalyze a
small number of reactions, frequently only one and thus enzymes are reaction –specific
Most inorganic catalysts are relatively non specific for example platinum, often used to
catalyze the formation of water from hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Will catalyze almost
any reaction in which H2 is one of the reactants and the reaction of materials as well.
Properties of enzymes.
1. They generally work fast than inorganic catalysts and greatly lower the activation energy.
2. Enzymes are not consumed by the reaction they catalyze i.e. a given molecule of an
enzyme can be used indefinitely if the conditions are kept suitable.
3. Enzymes can work in either direction i.e. catalyze reversible reactions. This is due to the
fact that metabolic reactions are reversible and the direction of the reaction depends on
the relative amount of substrates and products present.
4. Enzymes are denatured by excess heat (temperature) by the virtue of their proteineous
5. Enzymes are sensitive to pH. Every enzyme has its own range of pH at which it functions
6. Enzymes are specific in the action they catalyze. Normally a given enzyme will catalyze
only one reaction or one type of reaction.
7. Enzymes react in only small amount. A very small amount of catalyst will transfer in a
very large amount of reactants.
8. They are colloidal in nature and thus provide large surface area for reaction to take place.
9. Enzyme activity can be accelerated or inhibited. The accelerators are called activators
e.g. Cu, Zn, Co, Cl, Ca. while the inhibitors are for example DOT, Pb, and Hg etc.
In the model the three dimensional configuration of the enzyme represented the lock (the
active title) into which particular substrate (key) will fit.
Originally little more than an attractive hypothesis, this model now has received
considerable experiment support.
An essential feature is the flexibility of the region of the active site. In this mode, the
substrate induce the conformation change in an enzyme just like the shape of a glove is
affected hand wearing.
The two component (the apoenzyme and coenzymes) make up the active enzymes called
Prosthetic groups are usually metallic ions such as Co, Mg, Ni, Cu, Zn (mineral salt). This is also
a non-protein part, the well known co-enzyme are those which function as hydrogen carriers, in-
oxidation-reduction in energy metabolism. For instance coenzyme NAD, NADP, Q, A.
Coenzyme A is involved in transfer of an acetyl group.
These are substances which increase the activity of the halo enzymes. Their absence may retard
the catalytic activity of the enzymes or preventing it from acting.
Activators are usually inorganic ions e.g. Ca2+ for thrombo kinase, Cl- for ptyalin, Mg2+ for
Coenzymes and activators are needed by the enzymes for proper activities.
1. Over a limited range of temperature, the velocity of enzyme catalyzed reactions increase
as the temperature rises. The exact ratio by which the velocity change for a 100C
temperature rise is the Q10 or temperature coefficient.
The velocity of many biological reactions roughly doubles with a 100C rise in
temperature ( Q10 = 2) and is halved if the temperature is decreased by 100C. Many
physiological processes e.g. the rate of contraction of an exercised heart- consequently
exhibit Q10 of about 2.
When the rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction is measured at several temperature the result
shows in the figure below is typical. There is an optimal temperature which the reaction
is most rapid. Above this reaction the rate decrease sharply due to heat denaturation of
the enzyme and below this the energy content of enzymes is too low to make them
participate in their reaction.
Its activity rises steadily with temperature (approximately) doubling for each 100C
increase until thermal denaturation cause a sudden sharp decline, beginning between
400C and 450C. The enzyme because completely ineffective/ inactive at temperature
above 600C presumably because its three dimensional configuration has been severely
Denaturation of a protein enzyme by heat is the loss of it biological activity. This can be
done also by heat, acid or high salt concentration.
2. pH.
Moderate pH changes affect the ionic state of the enzyme and frequently that of the
substrate also.
1. Since the only forms that will interact are SH+ and E-. Extreme pH values will
lower the effective concentrations of E- and SH+ thus lowering the reaction
velocity as shown below.
Only the crossed-hatched area of S and E in the appropriate ionic state and
thermal concentration of E and S are correctly charged at X the result is a bell-
shaped pH activity curve
There are few terms which come across when studying classification. These terms include
systematic, taxonomy, classification and nomenclature.
To understand the principles used in classification these terminologies need to be clearly defined.
There are millions of living organisms in the world which exhibit great diversity and variations.
Each one is different from the other in one way or another.
It is practically impossible to study and identify each and every organism. Biologists have
designed a technique for identification, naming and grouping various organisms.
Systematic is a branch of biological science that deals with the study of the kinds of diversity of
all organisms and their relationship.
The term systematic is derived from the Greek word ‘systema’ which simply means ‘that which
is put together’.
Significance of systematic
Systematic gives the idea of organic diversity, its origin and evolution in the various
It helps in identification of living organisms.
It simplifies the study of biology.
It makes biology communication easier e.g. nomenclature.
It group together biology knowledge.
It helps us to understand the relationship between the organisms and their environment.
The subject is relevant to all sector of applied biology such as agriculture, forestry,
medicine, fisheries and conservation of natural resources.
The word taxonomy is derived from the Greek words ‘taxis’ means arrangement and
‘nomos’ means law.
Taxonomy is a part of systematic which deals with the laws and principles on which
classification is based.
Identification is the part of taxonomy that assigns an organism to its correct taxon.
It involves describing an organism using evidence from other branches of biology e.g.
cytology, biochemistry, anatomy, ecology or morphology.
Example of identification
Consider three animals such as a, b and c. all belonging to different species. Another
animal d having resemblance with animal b. The recognition of animals which is
identical or similar to the already known animal b is considered its identification.
This refers to a schedule of characteristics data which can be matched or correlated with
observable characteristics of an organism so as to identify it.
A set of observable characteristics that leads to the identification of an unknown
Provide a convenient method which enable biologists to identify an organism and allocate
different organisms in their correct taxa or group or more useful in identification of
unknown organisms.
Indented key.
Bracketed key.
Indented key;This is the type of key which provides sequence of choices between two or
more statements of characters of species. The use has to make a correct choice for
This type of key provides a choice between two contrasting statements which lead into
accepting one statement and rejecting the other.
A] Branched [spider] key –this is diagrammatically represented. The key form two
branches at each stage. This means that one is confronted with two possibilities at each
stage. The description which fits the member of each new group is put at the end of new
The problem of branched key is that they take up much space particularly if many
organisms are involved
B) Numbered key
This consists of pairs of statements which are numbered. Each pair of statements is called
lead or couplet. Each lead deals with a particular observable characteristic. The leads are
numbered 1,2,3,4 etc, the paired statements of each lead is marked A and B.
The biological key can be short i.e. having one or two pairs of statements [leads] or it
may be long consisting of many leads.
By considering each lead at a time a large group of organisms may be broken down in
progressively small groups until unknown organism is identified.
NB; the two statements should be contrasting and mutually exclusive ( on the same
character but opposing statements).
2. Select characters that are in opposition to another so that the two statements of each
lead comprise contradictory propositions of which one fit the situation and other not
3. Select one character at a time and identify it by number e.g. 1,2,3,4, etc.
1. Study the morphological characters of the organisms provided and prepare a table of
differences and similarities in characters.
2. Use the data you have tabulated to construct a dichotomizing tree of characteristics.
Given the following organisms, construct the dichotomous key to identify them: grasshopper,
Housefly, butterfly, beetle, wasps, and cockroaches.
Morphological features
6. a) Body elongated………………………………….E
7. a) Animals withshell…………………………….B
Below are some characteristics used to identify flowering plants and to construct dichotomous
5. The leaf
i) Body symmetry arrangement of other part of the body in relation to the axis of the
organisms e.g. radial or bilateral or asymmetrical
iv) Appendages whether present or absent, types and numbers e.g. tentacles, antennae, wings,
legs etc.
Characteristics used in a key are mainly based on
The system adopted international in assigning scientific name is the Binomial system of
nomenclature. This is the standard system of nomenclature.
It is a system of naming where the organism is given two words name the first word standing for
the genus (generic name) followed by the second word denoting species (the specific name)
The system was introduced by carolus Linnaeus (1707- 1778) a Swedish naturalist.
The term binomial come from two Latin words (bi=two; nomen = name)
These codes are useful in avoiding errors, duplication, confusion and ambiguity in scientific
2. A scientific name of each species is binomial name. This is made up of two parts, a specific
(species) name and a generic (genus) name. For example scientific name of man is Homo
3. The scientific name should be in italics if printed and underlined if hand written
4. The generic name should always begin with a capital letter but the specific name should not.
For example the name of the mango plant is Mangifera indica.
6. The name of the author should be in most cases included at the end of the biological name. If
the Author is well known e.g. Linnaeus only the first letter is written at the end e.g. Canis lupus
(L), Homo sapiens .L or (Linn) where L or Linn is abbreviated form of Linnaeus
7. When several different names have been given to an organisms, the earlier name that
published after Linnaeus system of classification is to be considered.
8. Within a kingdom, no two genera can have the same name and within a genus, no two species
can the same name.
1. It organizes the huge number of organisms into categories that could be named,
remembered and studied. It is difficult to know everything about all living organisms.
classifying them into groups according to their similarities make it easier to study their
2. Classification helps us to understand the kinds of diversity that occur in living organisms
and their relationship.
In classification organisms are put into groups, categories or ranks based on their
similarities and differences. The main objective of taxonomy is to put organisms in
different groups which show their evolutionary relationship
The ranks or categories used in classification are known as taxa(in plural) (singular
The taxa or taxonomic groups are arranged in hierarchical order i.e. from the largest
group to the smallest group (descending sequence)
The taxonomic hierarchy consists of seven main categories or taxa. These are the
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, Genus and species. In plants however the division
is used in categories in place of phylum while remaining categories are the same.
Linnaeus was the first taxonomist to establish a definite hierarchy of taxonomic ranks.
Sub – categories have been introduction to make a precise taxonomic position of the
species. The prefix super is put for the category above the taxonomic category e.g. super
class, super order etc. the prefix sub is added to make a lower category than the one
existing e.g. sub order, sub family etc.
Members of a taxon show similar characteristics which are different from other taxa.
As you go up the hierarchy organisms show much differences and few similarities. With
that they evolved earlier from their ancestors.
Down the hierarchy organisms show many similarities which these they show to have
evolved recently from their ancestors
As one descend along the hierarchy of ranks the size of the group decreases and vice
Taxonomic categories
The kingdom
This is the highest taxonomic category. it includes all organism that share a set of
distinguishing common characters.
The phylum consists of closely related classes. A phylum can have one or more classes.
Class is a group of closely related orders. For example class dicotyledonae of flowering
plants include all dicots which are grouped into several orders such as Rosales,
passiflorales, pelmoniales e.t.c.
Fertile– means capable of having offspring i.e. members of the same species can, if left
alone in their natural environment, mate with one another to produce offspring which in
turn, are also able to produce offspring.
If a male tiger mate with female lion production an offspring which is fertile (can
male lion and female tiger produce offspring (the liger )which is infertile
male donkey and female horse produce infertile offspring (the mule)
male horse and female donkey produce offspring the (hinny) infertile
1. Domestic cat
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum - chordata
Class - mammalia
Order - carnvera
Family – Felidae
Genus – Felis
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum – chordata
Class - mammalia
Order – primate
Family – Homonidae
Genus – Homo
Kingdom - plantae
Division - Angiospermaphyta
Class - Dicotyledoneae
Order - Sapindales
Family - Anacardiaciae
Genus - mangifera
Species - Mangifera indica
There are two different types of classifications which have been proposed so far by
different taxonomic
This system of classification / method of classifying organisms was based on one or two
(few) superficial similarities or based on mere easy features of identification
The system which was based on simple arbitrary chosen criterion instead of an evolution of
totality of character.
For example Aristotle (384 – 322; BC) a Greek Biologist produced the first classified animals by
looking the way they move e.g. bats, insects and birds were grouped together based on their
ability to fly.
He classified plants based on the appearance and size e.g. he grouped plants into herbs, shrubs
and trees.
Other criteria could be used for example utility where we have edible and non edible plants,
medicinal and non medicinal plants etc.
Advantages / Merits
1. It is useful for quick reference and identification of organisms
2. Identification requires few characteristics which are not difficult to study and apply.
3. Organisms which are poorly known can be filled in the system very easily
4. It is a time saving since it is quick and easy to prepare.
5. It is very stable, does not subjected to changes.
Disadvantages / Demerits
1. The system did not reflect any natural relationship existing among the organisms
2. The system limit amount of information about members i.e. it rigid
3. It did not consider many important characteristics and could not explain the evolution
4. The system put unrelated organisms under one heading
5. It cannot not add any information about an organism.
This system of classification is based on evolution and generic relationship among organisms. This
system enables us to find the ancestors or derivatives of any taxonomy. It reflects the true relationship
among organisms. The system was proposed by two Germany botanists Adolf Eagler (1844- 1930) and
Karl A.E prantl (1887- 1893)
Phenetic classification
Type of phylogenetic classification which relies on similar and dissimilar features present
in today’s organism without including evolutionary and other reflected aspects.
The system is based on similarities of form known as phonetic. Phonetic system of classification
emphasizes overall similarity. Phenetic reflect evolutionary relationship.
The character taken for identifying similarities are homologous not analogous structures.
Homologous structure – these are structural or biochemical features which are shared between
organisms by virtue of common ancestry e.g. backbone, pentadyctyl limb plan of mammals,
birds and reptiles.
Analogous structure- structural features which have the same function but basically different in
structure e.g. wings of bats, birds and insects.
1. Various features of the organisms like external form (morphology ), internal structure
(anatomy), cell structure (cytology) life process (physiology), biochemistry e.t.c
2. Homologous organs.
1. Closed related species are placed in the same group and hence reflect the evolutionary
2. Many characteristics are considered in classifying organisms by so doing it is more
accurate than artificial classification
It is time consuming since it takes more time and much effort also many attribute are
taken into consideration.
It is difficult as too much information is needed to group organisms.
the system is not stable since it is liable to change with time increase of knowledge of
living organisms
Poorly known organisms are not easy to classify.
It always need a skilled personnel hence it is expensive since identification use
scientification and use of scientific instruments.
This system enables us to find out the ancestors or derivatives of any taxon. It reflects the
true relationship among the organism.
The system was first proposed by two German botanists Adolf Eagler (1844 – 1930) and
Karl A. E prantl (1887 – 1893)
2. Some organisms may show living and non living properties hence difficult to place them in
any group e.g. viruses
3. The process always need skilled personnel and instrument to place living organisms to their
correct group therefore it is very expensive.
Viruses: -are simple structures with genetic material in the centre and surrounded by capsomere.
Are obligate or compulsory parasites as they can only carry out metabolic activities
inside organisms.
Parasites are any organisms living in or on another organism deriving nutrients from the
host and depending on the host for its life processes and retain only a few of them such as
Viruses are a cellular nucleic particles coated with a protein coat.
CORE: the genetic material rather DNA or RNA maybe single structure or dabble
CAPSID: a protective coat of protein surrounding the core
NUCLEOCAPSID: the combined structure formed by the core and capsid.
ENVELOPE: a few viruses such as HIV and influenza have an addition lipoprotein layer
as around the capsid derived from the cell surface membrane of the host cell
CAPSOMERES: capsids are often built up of identical repeating subunits called
1. They posses both living and non living characteristics therefore they are a border line
case between living and non living.
2. Viruses are very small organisms ranging in size from 20-300nm. They cannot be seen by
the light microscope and on the average they are about 50 times smaller than bacteria
indicating that they pass though fitter which retain bacteria.
3. They are cellular i.e. they consist of nucleic acid either DNA or RNA surrounded by a
protein coat called capsid. These fragments of genetic material are neither nucleus nor
cytoplasm it is only the DNA or RNA which form the central core. The fully assembled
infected particle is called vision.
4. Viruses are obligate parasites / endo parasites and can only reproduce inside the living
5. They are highly specific to the host, sometimes to the host tissue, and to the cell. Virus
will recognize and infect only a certain type of cells.
6. Viruses do not have a mechanism for producing energy for themselves and therefore all
the enzymes for protein synthesis and the ribosome come from the host cells.
7. Viruses can be crystallized i.e. they show no life process when outside the cell; however
the crystals retain the effective capacity as if they are in appropriate hosts.
8. Viruses rely on passive dispersal or a vector to move them from one host to another
because they don’t have any locomotive structures.
9. Viruses are metabolically / biologically inert. They cannot carry out any life process such
as respiration, reproduction / protein synthesis
10. They either contain DNA or RNA but not both.
11. Viruses have to symmetries either helical or isometric.
12. Virus are classified as either
i) DNA viruses
Can be classified according to the host e.g. bacteriophage only infect bacteria and animal
virus only infect animals.
*Most of animal viruses are DNA viruses and plants viruses are RNA viruses.
Events of viral replication.
Problem of classifying viruses
They are very simple in structure being compared of nuclei acid (DNA or RNA) and protein
They seem to be more related to their host one another
They usually undergo mutation.
They are a border line case i.e. they posses both living and non living characteristics.
Demerits of viruses
Causes diseases to animals. Man incurs a great loss due to reproduction or death of
animals e.g. foot and mouth disease in cattle, Rift valley in cattle new castle in poultry.
Causes diseasesto plants leading to great losses for example maize strake, cassava
mosaic, tobacco mosaic
Cause disease to humans leading to depopulation and loss of man power eg HIV causes
Increases cost of living when you consider the cost of prevention or treatment of viral
Merits of viruses
Used in research purposes this leads to development of drugs and research of the
behavior or characteristics of other organisms.
Useful in biological control of other pests like harmful which attack plants and animals.
Some are used in developing vaccines which are useful in preventing diseases e.g. polio,
AIDS is caused by HIV or Human immunodeficiency viruses. If belongs to a group RNA
viruses known a retroviruses.
This name comes from the fact that these viruses can convert their RNA back into a DNA
copy using an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase. Normally a section of DNA (gene)
is copied to make RNA a process called transcription.
Making DNA from RNA is therefore reverse transcription and the enzyme is called
reverse transcriptase (this enzyme has proved extremely useful in genetic engineering )
They are unicellular, prokaryotic and microscopic organisms (can only be seen with a
Their cell wall is made up of murein (proteins and polysaccharides)
The genetic material i.e. circular DNA is not enclosed by nuclear membrane and lies
freely in cytoplasm (Nucleoid) and therefore they are not true cells. They also do not
have membrane bound organelles
Their ribosome’s are 70’s and smaller in size.
There is no spindle formation during cell division and therefore reproduce mainly a
sexually by binary fission and in some few species they reproduce by conjugation
through Pilli.
Some have ability to fix the atmospheric nitrogen to nitrides and nitrates which are then
used by plants.
Some can form spores in aqueous conditions and thus can survive extreme temperature
and drought.
They have mesosomes for respiration and associated with DNA which helps in cell
division and helps in formation of new cells.
E.g. Staphylococcus aureus lives in nasal passages: different stains cause boils
pneumonia food poisoning and other diseases.
Streptococci (chains)
e.g. many streptococcus spp; same infect upper respiratory tract and cause disease e.g. s.
pyogenes causes scarlet fever and sore throats; s. thermophilus gives yoghurt its creamy flavour ;
Diplococci (pairs)
The pneumococci (diplococcus pneumonia) are the only capsule members causing pneumonia.
Rods in chains
bacilli with endospores (showing) various positions, shapes and sizes of spores)
Oval spore central not swollen e.g. bacillus anthracis, causes anthrax.
Sub terminal swollen e.g. clostridium botulinum (spores may also be central) causes
NB; body of spirochetes is similar in form but locomotion differs e.g. Treponema
pallidum causes syphilis.
Bacteria differ from each other in the nature of their cell walls. There are two types: gram
positive and Gram negative and this is so basing on the staining properties.
Gram positive have thick walls and murein is filled with polysaccharide and protein.
They are most susceptible to antibiotics and lysozyme than gram negative ones.
Lysozyme digest the polysaccharide of murein and puncture it causing osmotic sucking
and bursting (anti – bacterial enzyme)
Examples of gram positive bacteria are Lactobacillus.
Gram negative bacteria have a rather thin cell wall and the murein is located on the
outside with a thin, smooth, membrane like layer of lipids and polysaccharides.
The layer protects them from lysozyme and the most of them are not very susceptible to
antibiotics. Examples of gram negative bacteria are Escherichia coli.
Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission, which is by division into two identical daughter
cells. The cell division is there by replication of DNA and while this is being copied it may be
attached to the new cross wall between the daughter cells wall material. The generation time for
bacteria is very fast which may be on the average of 20 minutes.
They are used in manufacturing processes e.g. leather; retting flex to make linen and
making soap powder.
They are source of antibiotics e.g. streptomycin from genus streptomyces, Gramicidin
from bacillus breves’.
They are used in food production e.g. manufacturing of yoghurt, cheese, vinegar, coffee
and tea.
Cheddar cheese is produced from lactobacillus species. Yoghurt is produced from
streptococcus thermophilus.
They are used in production of single cell protein (SCP) e.g. pruteen is used in animal
Biological processes
They are used in sewage treatment most of them are saprophytic bacteria.
They cause breakdown of plant and animal remains therefore they are decomposers thus
bring about recycling of essential nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and
sculpture E.g. Azotobacter, Rhizobium.
They are used in nutrient and biogeochemical cycle e.g. Nitrogen fixation. They are the
only organisms which can fix nitrogen e.g. nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.
Their form symbiotic relationships with other orgasms e.g. cellulose digesting bacteria in
the gut of herbivores.
Are used in biological research and genetic engineering and this is important in
development of vaccines and in synthesis of growth hormones e.g. somatotrophin to treat
dwarfism production of insulin to treat diabetes.
They are used in biological control of pests e.g. caterpillar.
They can be used as biological weapons e.g. anthrax.
Bacteria are pathogens. Some are extra-cellular parasites while others are intra-cellular.
Symptoms of the disease are often caused by the toxins they produce. Some infect plant
e.g. Agro bacterium fumefaciens causing crown galls, fruit trees and erwinia amylovorum
causing fire blight of apples and pears.
Others infect animals and humans i.e. cholera caused by vibrio Cholerae, typhoid by
salmonella typhi, tetanus caused by clostridium tetani.
They cause decay of vegetables, food crops; fruits making storage are very expensive.
The denitrifying bacterium (Thiobacillus) reduces soil fertility by converting nitrates and
nitrides to atmospheric nitrogen which cannot be utilized by plants.
-Their classification is based on the locomotary organ is present, and then the organ/organelle is
used to classify the organism into smaller groups. E.g. flagella under the phylum flagellate
pseudopodia under the phylum rhizopoda.
-They have different modes of nutrition some are photosynthetic i.e. algae, some are lutentrophic
e.g. amoeba, and some are parasitic e.g. phylum oomycota phytophtera infestans.
-They can inhibit different environmental conditions e.g. some are terrestrial like slime moulds
and oomyocta while some are aquatic e.g. algae (fresh water and marine).
-They form a link between eukaryotes and prokaryotes e.g. mitochondria and chloroplast contain
DNA resembling that of prokaryotes.
Distinctive features.
-Unicellular eukaryotes.
General features.
-They exhibit both sexual reproduction by conjugation and asexual reproduction by binary
fission and multiple fission speculation.
-Some secret slime coats, tests, shells, other posses no specific outer covering.
Diagram of entamoeba histolytica (See chandy's Biology for class XI page 198 fig 5.6)
1) Structural adaptation.
2) Physiological adaptation/modification.
3) Reproductive adaptation.
Structural adaptation.
There is only one pseudopodium since it does not need to move from place to place as the
free living amoeba as it has most of the requirements in its environment.
There is no contractile vacuole indicating that cytoplasmic contents of entamoeba are
isotonic to the most environments.
Isotonic-having a concentration such that it neither gains no loses water by osmosis.
Physiology Adaptation
They can vary/change the diet from bacteria to animal cells and produce the necessary
enzymes for digestion.
They can live in conditions where oxygen content is very low, however when they
puncture a capillary and ingest a red blood cell (as they live on epithelial), they can
respire aerobically.
They require little amount of energy as movement is limited
Reproductive Adaptation
Like all parasites, entamoeba produces a larger number of off springs so that they survive
the hazards of the environment as they move from one host to another.
They reproduce asexually by binary fission and large numbers of cysts are produced each
giving rise to 8 daughter amoebulae.
The cysts are viable under variable environmental conditions and can survive in
alternative hosts thus increasing the chance of survival.
Under severe attacks, ulceration develops and blood is released into the intestine and out of the
body through frequent motion which contains blood and mucus.
The parasite (i.e. Entamoeba) can affect the kidney, the liver and the brain.
E.g. trypanosome
Characteristics features
Structural adaptations.
They have no contractile vacuole and no gullet as they are living in constant internal
environment i.e. the blood.
The undulating membrane increases surface area to volume ratio for absorption (no
gullet). In Some cases it is for locomotion incase of high viscosity.
Being pointed at both ends, passage through the capillary is easier.
There are small flagella as they are parasites and locomotion is limited.
Physiological Adaptation
The body fluids are isotonic to the blood plasma hence they do not need to regulate their
Being parasites they require less thus have a few mitochondria for release of energy.
Large surface area to volume ratio helps in excretion, nutrition and efficient gaseous
exchange as all this is through diffusion.
Reproductive Adaptation
Binary fission occurs rapidly even under host high resistance mechanism
The spleen and the lung cells contain the resting forms of the parasite. Leshmenia form of
the parasite which can remain alive even when the parasites (slender form) in the general
circulation are eliminated.
The multiplication of the parasites up to infective stage in the tsetse fly serves as a good
They are aquatic i.e. some are fresh water, some are marine and some species live in
moist soil. Most members of the phylum have chloroplast and thus carry out autotrophic
mode of nutrition though a few members are colorless and live in rectum of frogs.
All members posses flagella as a locomotory organelle and there for are active swimmers.
Member of the phylum have pellicle which maintains the shape of the body although they
can change their shape as they move about i.e. Euglenoic movement.
All have myonemes (sort of muscles) which are contractile.
They store carbohydrate in form of paramylum. Paramylum gives a negative test with
They possess vacuoles and gullet.
They are sensitive to light i.e. they have photoreceptors stigmas.
They chiefly respire aerobically and a few species living in the rectum of frogs can
respire anaerobically.
Under unfavorable condition they can form cyst which is tough and made of cellulose.
They posses chloroplast with chlorophyll A and B therefore they are autotrophic.
They have the ability to utilize nitrates and ammonia for nitrogen requirements i.e. use of
nitrates to make their proteins.
Possess paranoids which are the form of stored protein.
Storage of carbohydrates in form of paramyium.
Presence of contractile vacuole.
The body shape is elongated and oriented in such a way that allows them to be active
The fresh water species possess contractile vacuole which excrete excess water .The
marine species do not have contractile vacuole.
They possess chloroplast for photosynthesis i.e. autotrophic nutrition. But when the
conditions are not favourable e.g. in the absence of light they feed saprophically.
Possess flagella for locomotion.
They are mostly aquatic i.e. fresh water a few are marine and the other few are
They contain / possess chlorophyll A and B and thus can photosynthesize (autotrophic
They have cell wall made of cellulose.
They store carbohydrate in form of starch and posses vacuole.
They have different body forms and range in size i.e. some are unicellular e.g.
Clymadomonas, some are filamentous (spirogyra) and others live in groups.
They reproduce asexually by fragmentation and sexually by conjugation.
They are eukaryotes.
Structure of spirogyra.
They are facultative parasites growing within plant tissues i.e. within the host; the
mycelium is intercellular with the haustoria.
The body is mycelium i.e. thread like structures with no septor (non septate).
Have cell wall made of cellulose with deposits of fat substance, peptic materials and
impregnated with chitin.
They reproduce sexually and asexually and under unfavorable conditions conidia forms
which develops into mycelium.
Have extensively branching haustoria which penetrates into mesophyll cells or other
They produce enzymes i.e. pectinases and cellulases which destroy the host cells.
They are non septate with thin walls thus easy absorption of food materials into their
bodies. (The walls are permeable).
The sporangium hanging on the long sporangiophore makes it easy for the spores to be
spread by water current/wind for other plants. By being on the lower part of the leaf they
are easily protected from dehydration.
They have high reproductive rate i.e. produce many spores asexually and rapidly also
when conditions are not favorable they can still undergo asexual reproduction by
formation of conidia.
The spores can remain dormant for a long period (more than one year) thus increases it
chances of survivals.
The zoospores can penetrate through different parts of the plant like stomata in the
leaves, lenticels in stem, epidermis or wounds.
Most of them are obligate parasites and so most of them their life processes are taken up
by the host e.g. they have no means of locomotion such as cilia, flagella and no excretory
Reproduce asexually by spore formation.
They have a definite shape maintained by presence of pellicle.
Class: protozoa
Genus: plasmodium
Structure of plasmodium.
They are oval or spindle in shape or can even be called sickle with the small amount of
cytoplasm with the nucleus occupying a large area in the center. The body shape is
maintained by the presence of pellicle.
N.B; P.falciparum is most dangerous of all species that it attacks the liver.
Sickle cell sporozoites 2um long enter the blood stream of man with saliva of female
anopheles mosquito when it pierces the skin.
They remain in the blood stream for an hour and then enter in the liver.
They feed on liver cells (glucagon and fat) and form meront (schizont)
They then divide mitotically and repeatedly to form nuclei which are surrounded in
cytoplasm to form merozoites / schizozoites.
Liver cells burst and release the merozoites/schizozoites.
The merozoites enter the blood, others re-enter the liver cells (pre-erythrocytes cycle)
which takes 8-10 days.
Inside the RBC’s the schizozoites feed and grow to become amoeboid in shape.
A vacuole appears on the central region and pushes the nucleus to the sides forming ring
structure (detected in blood when examined under microscope) growth and multiple
division form the schizozoites, some excretory granules are formed from cytoplasm of
RBC; as it bursts and open the schizozoites and excretory granules/ organelle are released
to the plasma some schizozoites re- enter the RBC (erythrocytes cycles).
The toxic effect takes about 48 hours (process) which causes a characteristic malaria
Some schizozoites stop dividing and grow to form gametocytes.
Female gametocytes have a small nucleus and cytoplasm is rich in food materials and
The male gametocyte has a large nucleus with clear cytoplasm.
If the gametocytes are ingested by a female anopheles mosquito they develop into male
and female gametes which unite and form a zygote (i.e. male gamete penetrates through
the female gamete through papillae).
From the zygote, multi nuclei structures called sporocysts develop which within a few
days divide into thousands of tiny spindle shaped cells called sporozoites which migrate
to the mosquito’s salivary gland.
When the mosquito bites another victim the cycle begins
Adaptation to modes of life
Structural adaptation
Having a spindle/ sickle structure, they can easily penetrate the liver cells and RBC thus
making it easier for them to re infect both liver cells and RBC’s thus increasing chance of
The zygote may develop a cyst.
Physiological adaptation.
Have well developed chemo tactic responses which enable it to detect different
tissues/organs in the host’s body e.g. sporozoites remain in the general circulation for one
hour and migrate to the liver.
In the mosquito’s body mature sporozoites reside in the mosquitoes salivary gland
They are resistant (highly) to hosts (i.e. humans and mosquitoes) anti bodies and toxins
and gametocytes are not digested in the salivary gland by mosquitoes.
The plasmodium is an obligate parasite confined to the hosts thus increases their chances
of survival.
They can live / tolerate low oxygen content as they are parasites they need very little
energy because all processes are performed by the host except reproduction.
They are adjusted to different osmotic conditions in the hosts i.e. mosquito and human
beings and thus increase chance of survival.
Reproductive adaptation
They have a high reproductive rate and this increases their chance of survival.
Plasmodium vivax causes tertian fever, recurring at 3days intervals and is at least with
Plasmodium malariae causes quartan fever recurring at 4days interval
Plasmodium falciprum causes maligent quotidian malaria being most lethal with a
continuous fever.
The incubation period is 8 – 10 days. This is when the parasites are in the liver, over 8-
10 days malaria fever begins characterized by cold, hot and sweating increases i.e.
shivering occurs and the patient feels cold, temperature rises followed by sweating. The
patient then shows recovery signs except for some weaknesses. But each fresh attack has
an increasing debilitating effect.
Distinctive features.
Mucor species
Have branched rhizoids/ hyphae which secrets enzymes for extra-cellular digestion.
The walls of the rhizoids are permeable thus are used for absorption of the digested food
and they are also for attachment.
The hyphae are aseptate for easy passage of the absorbed food.
They have a high reproductive rate i.e. they produce large number of spores both sexually
and asexually thus increases chances of survival.
The sporangium are highly raised by the sporangiophore so that the spores can be easily
be blown by the air current when the sporangium ruptures.
The sporangium has collumela which changes its shape from Spherical to platform like
when sporangium ruptures for easy dispersion of spores.
The spores are light enough to be blown by wind and can remain dormant for a long
period and are yet viable.
The hyphae are septate and compacted /fused .This makes the basidiomycota to be more
advanced compared to other phylum
They reproduce sexually by basidiospores and asexual reproduction is not common.
They live on dead decaying organic matter /damp soils rich in organic matter
They are saprophytes i.e. digestion is extra cellular.
E.g. genera
Structure of yeast
They are unicellular organisms.
They reproduce asexually by budding.
The cell wall is made of chitin The cell wall is made of cellulose
They have thallus body i.e. Not differentiated They have a well developed and differentiated
into roots, stems and leaves. body.
Beneficial effects.
1. Source of food (direct source) e.g. Agaricus species i.e. mushroom, aspergillus.
2. Are decomposers i.e. bringing about the decaying of organic matter hence nutrient
recycling e.g. rhizopus or mucor, moulds.
3. Source of antibiotics e.g. penicillium notatum produces penicillium, p.griscofulvum
produces griseofulvin, Aspergillus fumigatus produces fumagillin.
4. Used in production of phyto hormones e.g. gibberellins from fungi gibberella
5. Used in extraction of vitamins e.g. B-complex from yeast
6. They are used in food industry and alcohol production particular in baking e.g.yeast in
making of bread, fermentation in alcohol/liquor production e.g. yeast, citric acid
production by Aspergillus lactic acid by rhizopus species.
7. Sewage treatment (including decomposers) e.g. moulds or rhizopus.
8. The toxication of cyanide especially in cassava e.g. moulds.
9. They are used in biological control fungi such as Chinese caterpillar fungus which
parasite insects can be extremely important for controlling insects/ pests or crops. The
spores of fungi are spread on the crop and control the beetles, leaf hoppers and citrus rust
10. Used in genetic engineering and biological research e.g. neurosporal spps.
11. Involved in production of single cell protein.
12. Involved in micorhiza and plant growth vitally importance for the growth of plants
including crops through development of micorhiza association. Micorhiza is a
combination of fungi and flowering trees. About 50-90 percent of flowering plants have a
symbiotic relationship with fungi. There are two types of micorhiza, endomicorhiza and
ectomicorhiza. Endomicorhiza is a very common variety i.e. characteristics of most crop
species endomicorhiza are unicellular fungi living inside the outer root cells of plant.
Ectomicorhiza is a less common variety and is a characteristic of ferns and trees only.
13. Generally advantage –micorhiza develops when hyphae densely the root hair and
penetrate the root cells.
Harmful effects.
1. They are poisonous e.g. some agarics species. Amanita species cause death to humans.
2. They cause diseases to humans e.g. Athletes foot by epidemophyton species, worm by
Candida species and thrush by Candida species.
3. They cause diseases and damage to crop plants during growth e.g. puccinia species
causes rust on leather materials, grains and seeds. They also spoil cooked food e.g.
moulds on bread.
4. They cause damage to woods on both living and stored timber e.g. bracket fungi.
General Characteristics
There are many variations of the kingdom and they all possess chlorophyll A and B thus
capable of photosynthesizing i.e. convert sunlight energy into chemical energy and thus
are producers of ecosystem.
They have well developed vegetative bodies and are sometimes differentiated into roots,
stems and leaves and also reproductive bodies.
They are sessile/ limited locomotion which show curvature movements.
Plants have cellulose cell walls.
They have prominent large vacuoles in their cells and store carbohydrate in form of
They are multi-cellular organisms with apical growth and localized growth with
indefinite number of parts.
Their life cycle involves alteration of generation which is more prominent in the lower
They have chlorophyll (gametophyte is green and the sporophyte) thus can
photosynthesize therefore autotrophic mode of nutrition. The gametophyte also has
multicellular rhizoids for absorption of water and mineral salts. Also anchores the plant to
the soil.
The reproductive structures i.e. antheridia and archegonia are protected by sterile hair.
They show alteration of generation in their life cycle so that when one generation is weak
it can depend on another one e.g. the sporophyte depends on gametophyte for nutrition
and support.
The plant can exploit both sexual and asexual reproduction
The capsule of the sporophyte posses peristome and annuls cells which aid in dispersal of
the spores. It also has an operculum which acts as a lid covering the capsule.
The archegonia neck canal cells produce sugary solutions for a chemo tactic response to
guide the anthrezoids into the ovum this increases the chances of fertilization.
The sperms have flagella which aid in swimming through the water to the archegonia.
The seta serves as upward means of transport of nutrients and water to the capsule.
Seta is also raised well above the gametophyte so aiding the dispersal of spores by wind.
The spores are light and produced by antheridia and are large in number increasing
chances of survival.
The gametes produced by antheridia are in large number thus increasing chances of
Moss Plant
Sporophyte has a well developed vegetative body with extensive adventitious roots,
underground stem, rhizomes, and large leaves (the fronds)
The leaves are called fronds because they are relatively larger than the stem and roots.
The young leaves show circinate fashion.
The sporophyte has a well developed vascular tissue primitive (siphonostele)hence the
xylem contains tracheids with no vessels and the phloem has no companion cells.
The spores are found underneath the leaves in cluster forming the sori.
They also show alternation of generation with the sporophyte being dominant and
gametophyte (pro thallus) short lived. Both Sporophyte and Gametophyte are
External features of sporophyte generation of dryopteris filix mas (the male fern)
The sporophyte is well developed with roots for anchorage and for absorption of water
and mineral salts.
Have stems for support and leaves with rachis for upward transport of water and mineral
They also possess chlorophyll thus can photosynthesize.
The roots also serve as parenting organ for vegetative propagation.
The rachis and young leaves possess ramenta for protection from mechanical injury and
They possess cuticle on their leaves to prevent excessive loss of water through
They have mechanical tissue (scterenchyma and collenchyma) for support a conducting
tissue (phloem and xylem) for transport.
The sori are found on the underside of the leaf, this prevents them from direct sunlight
thus desiccation. The sori in turn are protected by inducium.
The leaves are large in size to increase area for absorption of sun light.
The sporangium has mechanism for dispersing the spores due to the presence of annulus
cells and stadium cells.
Importance of dry and wet conditions in the life cycle of mosses and dryopteris.
Wet conditions.
The stem is underground and can survive unfavorable conditions such as drought.
The gametophyte and sporophyte are independent of each other and each can
The archegonia produce solutions which attract the anthrezoids chemotactically.
The anthrezoids have flagella which can help them to swim to the archegonia.
Dry conditions
Fertilization requires wet conditions because the flagellated anthrezoids have to swim
through water to the archegonia.
They both show alternation of generation with the gametophyte alternating with the
They all produce spores which require dry conditions for dispersal.
They both have archegonia and antheridia as reproductive structures.
Meiosis occurs during spore formation in the spore mother cells contained in the capsule
They have stomata for gaseous exchange
The gametophyte has rhizoids for anchorage and absorption.
The leaves are needle –like covered with a waxy cuticle and have sunken stomata.
The tree is the sporophyte generation and is heterosporous. In spring male and female
cones are produced on the same tree. The male cones are rounded and found in clusters
behind the apical buds at the bases of new shoots. They develop in the area of scale
leaves in place of dwarf shoots. Female cones arise in the axis of scales i.e. at the tip of
new strong shoots at some distance from male cones and in a more clustered
arrangement. Both cones consist of spirally arranged, closely packed around a central
The sporophyte is differentiated into roots which are well developed and grow deep into
the soil for anchorage and absorption of underground water.
The stem is reddish brown in colour and covered by scaly leaves to prevent water loss
through transpiration.
The leaves are needle like to minimize loss of water (as surface area is reduced).
The leaves are evergreen for photosynthesis.
The stomata are sunken which reduce water loss through transpiration.
The leaves have hypodermis below the epidermis which prevent further desiccation.
They have the conducting tissue, the xylem and phloem, for upward movement of water
and mineral salts (xylem) and transport of food (phloem).
They have developed mechanical tissues (woody stem) i.e. sclerenchyma and
collenchyma) which provide mechanical support as the plant has to grow into tall trees.
The microspores and megaspores have scales which prevent them from water loss.
The presence of air sacs in the microspores facilitates wind dispersal thus conifers do not
need water for fertilization since male gametes are blown by wind to reach the female
The microspores develop a resistant wall for protection and they are small and light to be
blown by wind.
They produce a large number of seeds in the cones to increase chance of survival.
Formation of resin canals that resist entry of fungi and other pathogens when the plant is
injured. The resin normally covers up the injured part and the seed bearing habit enables
the plant to survive during adverse conditions (unfavorable conditions ) as the seeds are
protected by the seed coat.
The stored food in the seed can be used by developing embryo during germination.
They are common land plants with approximately 335,000 species. ¾ of them are dicots and ¼
of them are monocots. They live in all types of habitats. Some are terrestrial while others are
aquatic (fresh water or marine).
They show diversity in morphology from simple grass with no cambium to trees such as baobab
tree with cambium which allows development of girth.
The sporophyte is well differentiated into roots for anchorage and absorption of water
and mineral salts, stem for support and transport and leaves for photosynthesis (i.e. they
have chloroplast).
They show alternation of generation with the sporophyte being dominant over the
gametophyte, i.e. the gametophyte is reduced.
Have well developed vascular tissues which consist of xylem with tracheids and vessels
for transport of water and mineral salts and support and the phloem has got companion
cells and sieve elements.
They are heterosporous (microspore/pollen grain and megaspore/embryo)
Fertilization does not depend on water because the male gamete is connected to the ovum
by the pollen tube formed by germination of pollen grain when it lands on the stigma of
the same species.
1. Monocotyledonae
2. dicotelydonae
Parts of Flower
They are arranged in spiral form in few primitive flowers or in whorls around the upper parts
(receptacle) of a flower stalk (pedicel). Some flowers are found as a collection of flowers borne
on the same stalk (inflorescence)
1. Receptacle- Is the end of the flower stalk (pedicel) from which the perianth, gynaecium, and
androecium arises.
2. Perianth- Consists of two whorls of leaf like segments. The whorls are similar in monocoty but
different in dicot. The outer whorl is called sepal (Calyx) and inner whorl is petal (corolla)
Calyx- Is the collection of sepals, they are usually green and leaf like structures that
encloses and protect the flower buds.
Corolla- Is a collection of petals. In insects pollinated flowers the petals are usually large
and brightly coloured to attract insects.
3. Androecium- is a collection of stamens forming the male reproductive organ of the flower. This
consist of anther and filaments, in anther pollen grain are made. Filaments rises water to the
4. Genaecium (Pistil) is the collection carpels forming the female reproductive organs of the
flower. This consists of stigma, style and ovary. Stigma receive pollen grain during pollination,
style holds in position stigma and ovary contains one or more ovules.
If the flower parts are arranged in radial symmetry around the receptacle, the flower is said to be
regular or actinomorphic e.g. bluebell.
If the flower shows bilateral symmetry only, it is said to be irregular or zygomorphic e.g. pea.
Floral formulae
In floral formulae the following terms are used to describe the following terms are used to
describe various parts of the flower.
A. Symmetry of the flower
Diecious flower – The flower with separate male and female parts
Momoecious flower- The flower with both male and female parts both on the same flower
C. Flower recepatacle
N.B. This is not seen in floral formulae but appears in floral diagrams.
K- Calyx followed by the number of sepals. If sepals are free K5 and if sepals are fused K(5)
C- Corolla followed by number of petals. If the petals are free C5 and if sepals are fused C(5).
G- Gynaecium followed by the number of carpels eg G1 is free , G(2) if fused. The position of
ovary with respect to receptacle
A flower in which ovary is placed highest on the thalamus and the other floral structure
Diagram of hypogenous
Perigynous flower
Epigynous/ Superior
A flower in which ovary is placed lower to other floral structure on the thalamus
Example G2
Also flower have first leaf which is known as bracteates; a flower with bract. Ebracteate a
flower without a bract.
Actinomorphic flower
Zygomorphic flower
Staminate flower
Pistilate flower
Bisexual flower
Br Bracteate flower
A Androecium
Floral formulae
2. Solanum
3. Hibiscus flower
Frolar Diagram
This is the representation of flower parts by using concentric cycles to present various parts of
the flower.
- The outer cycle represents the first whorl of the flower which calyx/ sepals
In floral diagram the gynaecium also show the ovary with placentation.
The ovary consists of ovary wall called locule. The ovules are situated on the inner or adaxial
(ventral) forms a placenta. In carpel the placenta occurs close to the margin.
Marginal placentation
The placenta is natural in nature. The placenta occurs close to the margin.
Axile placentation
This occurs when carpels are folded, the ovary is multilocular and placenta occurs at the centre
of the ovary where margin of the carpel meets.
Free Central
Parietal pracentation
This occur when the carpel are joined margin to margin and the placenta are found to be situated
on the ovary walls.
Diagrams of the placentation
Example of floral diagram
Animals are quite distinct from members of the other kingdoms. Unlike prokaryotes and proticts
animals are multicellular. In fact some of the largest animals have trillions of cells. Unlike plants
animals are heterotrophs.
i) Animals are multicecullar eukaryotes with a high level of tissue diffentiation and specialized
body organs.
iii)They have no chlorophy therefore have hetetrophic nutrition . They cannot manufacture their
own food and instead must ingest it and braek it down metabolically for its energy content.
iv)They can move about at some point in their life cycle – usually through the entire cycle –to
search for food and mates and to avoid danger.
v)They are diploid ,and their mode of reproduction is sexual ,because each individual grows and
changes from organs ,it passes through various distant stages of development .
e)Phyllum chordate.
This is a group of animals commonly known as flat worms. They are also called solid worms or
acoelomates because they have no coelom .The only internal space consists of the digestive
Characteristics :
viii)They have soft ciliated epidemic or cuticle with suckers and hooks for attachment
(Trematoda and cestoda).
x)They have well developed nervous system consisting of two lateral cerebral ganglia joined by
a nerve ring and two main longitudinal nerve cord which give off numerous branches.
xii)Their life cycle involve at least two host . The intermediate host being an invertebrate .
xiv)They show cephalization a condition in which sense organs and nervers systems that serve as a brain
in a definite head region of the organism.
nervous system – serve as a brain
Sense organ specialized in sense light, chemicals and pressure.
a) Turbellania eg planaria – which are mostly free living and a few and salty water and in moist
b) Trematoda (flukes) eg fasciolas peg fasciola hepatics – these are parastties the tropical liver
fluke of cattle, sheep and sometimes infect man.
- The life cycle involves at least two host, vertebrate and invertebrate.
- They have suckers, ventral and oral for attachment to the host.
- Example: fasciola hepatica, the liver fluke belongs to this class. It is a parasite of sheep and
other mammals.
General features
The adult fluke has a flattened oval shaped in the anterior region, there is a triangular projection
at the apex of which lies the mouth, surrounded by the oral sucker and between the two sucker,
there is a shallow depression the general atrium .
The animal feeds in the liver on the blood and cell which are ingested by the pumping action of
the phyranx digestion and absorption takes place in the caeca and ingestion is through the mouth
The liver flukes is hermaphrodite and the reproductive organs are complex.
They have also development complex life history invading more than one host. The host
harbouring the sexual stage are know as the final host and the host with the other stage are
known as intermediate host.
Cross fertilization in liver flakes has been observed though self fertilization is also possible.
Life Cycle
The life cycle involves three oval stages the eggs pass out at the genital atrium and are carried
into duodenum by the bile where the eggs leave the Liver tissue of enter the blood circulatory
system and make their way into the alimentary canal. When they leave the body of the host the
egg emerge with faces of the herbivorous and their development is completed if the are deposited
in water because egg pass out while the embryo has not yet developed.
Larva stages:
1st stage:
When the eggs in the faeces deposited in water hatch out into a ciliated larva called miracidium.
The miracidiu, swims actively to the suitable host and attracted to a fresh water snail of the
genera limnaea truncatula. It enters the snails body through boring of the skin by proteoltytic
enzymes secreted by penetration gland.
Before the ciliated larvae enter the snail it develops structure which can bore into the body of
snail. This larva consist of ciliated cells one of which bears two pigmented eye sports and
excretory system.
It loses its cilia and changes into a sphere shape known as sporocyst.
Life cycle of the live fluke.
2nd stage:
The laver that liberated into the body of the snail through ruptures of the sporocyst, called redial.
Each redial has a cylindrical central portion with two tapering ends, a muscular pharynx leading
to the gut, flame cells, Circular and longitudinal muscles they also have germinal cells which
give rise to more redial. This stage consists of active larvae which can move about in the snail
body .
3rd stage:
The germinal cells of the redial give rise to cercaria larvae. This larva has a rounded body
provided with a tail. It contains two suckers (oral of ventral) and the excretory system. When
mature, they leave the snail through the pulmonary aperture of the snail and enter the water,
encyst on vegetation or may be taken by a sheep when drinking water or eating the grass.
The cyst is small transparent objet with a yellow or browns tint. In the herbivorous the cyst wall
is digested by the gastric juices. The metacercariae pass-through the gut wall and coelom,
reaches the liver.
The young liver flukes lies in the tissue of the lived and later in seven weeks they reach the bile
1. Production of large numbers of eggs followed by polyembrypny of each larva ensure survival
and overcomes the great mortality rate during the course of the parasits to find the proper host.
2. Presence of secondary host enswer survival and production of more individuals by polymbry ony
before primary host is reached.
3. Possession of anti – enzymes which make the parasite not to be effected in digestive enzymes of
both hosts.
4. Possession of suckers for attachments to the host and spines below the outicle prevent them
from being washed away when bile or blood flows.
5. Hermalphroditism ensures fertilization and where sexes are separated male and female are
always in close association.
The body is made up of separate but identical segments called progolottis. The progolotids are
joined in series to the head to wards the posterior end.
The body surface is not ciliated
They have no digestive system .
They have scolex at the anterior end which is attached to the host by hooks of snckers.
They show strobilization, a process where proglohids are constantly budded off.
They have a thin cuticle protect them from the hosts digestive enzymes. However it allows
food such as glucose and amino acids to n be absorbed from the intestive of the host.
Each proglotid (segment) consist reproductive organs. (ie they are hermaphrodite) self
fertilization within one segment can occur.
Adaptation to Parasitism:
1. The taenia /Tapeworm has developed hooks e suckers for firm attachment to the intestine
surface of the host intestine.
2. It is ribbon – like (highly flattened) so that it cannot be remove easily .
3. They produce anti –enzyme which prevents the effect of hosts digestive enzymes.
4. Surface prevent them to be digested by enzymes host.
5. They secret a layer of mucus on the body surface to prevent to be digested .
6. The problem of finding a new host;
-Each proglottids is sexually comlete being hermaphrodite , -this ensures fertilization of the egg,
they are highly developed organism to the level of each proglottid being sexually sufficient in
having both sexes.
-Production of large numbers of egg to overcome the high death rate and loss of the ears.
i)The body is round ,slender ,tapering at both ends.
iii)unsegment worms.
iv)The body is triploblastic and possess an unlined body cavity called psendocoelom (false body
Psendocoelom – acoelom which is not a true coelom because does not occur within the
mesoderm but it is between mesoderm’s is not endoderm’s . Also the cavity is not lined by an
epithelial peritoneum.
vi)Have a complete digestine tract with an anterior mouth and a posterior anus.
viii)They possess separate sexes female larges than male – no asexual reproduction.
-Free living in soil or water or parasite of man, demostic animals and plants.]Example of
d)Melodogyne –cause galls on the roots of tomato plants leading to wilting a poor growth.
They are white or yellow to pinking ,cylindrical worms, non segmented ,tepering at both ends.
At the anterior end there is a muscular sectorial pharynx which leads to a straight alimentary
canal .
There is a false body cavity (pseudocoeom) and a brain but no circulatory system and no definite
nerve cord.
Life cycle:
The parasites copulate in the hosts intestine and the unripe fertilized eggs with a farces in large
numbers into the soil.
Alarva developed in the eggs after 3-4 weeks under warms, moist shady condition. In drought or
cold condition s the eggs lie dormant for three or more years.
When eaten the embrocated eggs hatch in the ileum into a small motile larva which burrow and
penetrate the mucosa lining and aculeate round the body through the veins or lymph vessels to
the lungs ,where they mouth and groove in size pass up the air passage to the pharynx.
Coughed and swallowed again to the esophagus, stomach then to the intestine.
In the ileum they mature as they feed on partially digested food .Fertilization taken place and
eggs are passes out in two month after infection of the eggs.
3. Borrowing of many larvae through the liver a lungs cause inflammation of these organs and
symptoms like pneumonia in lung inflammation.
4.Worms laver may migrate to other organ e.g. kidneys, brain ect a cause inflamition serious
illiross or death of the host
1. Lays abundant number of eggs to overcome a great loss in the long life history.
2; Lays tough shelled egg so that they can withstand adverse condition.
3. Laying unripe eggs so that they can develop outside the host and give sample time to be taken
by the host.
Annelids Arthropods and chordates tare called Coelomate Animals due to the possession of a
true coelom.
Coelom is the main fluid filled, body cavity of many triploblastic animals occurring in the
mesoderm in which the gut is suspended, and lined by a thin layer of epithelial cells known as
the peritoneum.
a)This space within the body cavity ,the reproduction and digestive organ can evolve more
complex shapes and functions.
I.e. it provided large cavity in which organ can develop and function freely visceral organ are
such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys gonads etc.
b) In this fluid filled chamber, the gut tube and other organ are cushioned and thus provide better
c)Since ,this liquid cannot be compressed ,the pseudo coelom or true coelom when present can
act as a hydrostatic skeleton /water skeleton providing support and rigidity for the soft animals
e.g. earthworm which allow the locomotion by whipping movement .This is because the fluid
cavity can change its shape without change in volume.
d) The activities of a suspended gut can take place undisturbed by the activity or inactivity of the
animal’s outer body wall.
I.e. The coelom which separates the gut from the rest of the body wall enables the gut to move
independently of the body as a whole .And thus food can pass along the gut by peristalsis while
the animals is otherwise quiescent .
The term Annelid means tiny rings and refers to the external segments visible on members of the
General characteristics ;
ii) They are bilaterally symmetrical there similar segments. Each segment or metalmark contains
a number of eg portion of the body wall,gut, coelom,nerve,pair of chaetae (bristle /setae pair of
nephritis, and segmental blood vessels.
...But the segment ,in metameric do not function as independent unit but are coordinated as
integral parts of the body.
iii) Body wall and digestive track both with layers of circular and longitudinal muscles and each
segment is separated from the next by an internal partition or septa (singular septum).
iv)Excretory system typically of one pair of nephritis per segment each removing excess water
and blood stream by means of ciliated funnel and excretes them through a pore.
v)They have closed circulatory system of longitudinal blood vessels with lateral branches in each
˸.The contraction of several heart or muscular vessels, pumps the blood continuously through
the closed circuit.
Eg –earthworm –hermaphrodite. Marine worm – shed sperm a eggs into seawater ,where the
gamete unite a develop.
ix)They have nervous system with pair of celebral ganglion (brain) and connective to a double
mid ventral nerve cord extending length of the body with a gangling and pairs of lateral nerves in
each segment.
i.e. –each segment contains dusters of nerve cell connected to the brain by nerve cords.
They are marine worms characterized bt the presence of large no of bristles chaetae eg nareis.
These are ectoparasites commonly knowns as leaches. They are highly specialized and have lost
mmost of structure typically of the phylum.
Eg.- chaetae are not present Few segments present Example Hirudo meducinallis
Class oligochaeta
This is a group of terrestrial earth worms and resh water species eg. Lumbricus terrestris
ii)They show cephalization ie have head where the nerve ganglion are located
v)They have longitudinal muscles that can shorten the worm and circular lengthem it.
vii)They have no participodia (side feet) function in movement and gas exchange.
There is a thickened region called clitellum used to secrete a cocoon which eggs pair.
General structure
The body of an earth worm consisting of about 150 segments growth to about 25cm long. This
animals is slender with a terminal mouth at the anterior and anus posterior.
Anteriorly is the mouth which over hung by the prostomium that is not a true segment the lower
border of the mouth is know as peristomium
With the exception of the first segment has four chaeta/setae from segment 32-37 is a thickened
region called the clitellum which secretes materials forming cocoon which contain eggs.
Excretory opening except on the 2nd and 3rd segment and the last each segment bears a
Nephridiopore infront of chaete.
Reproduction – opening are separated the openings of the sperm thecae with seminal fluid is into
these the seminal fluid from the other worm ventrally on segment are two very small slits which
are the opening of the oviducts (female openings) and on segment 15 are two prominent open
logs of the vasa deferential (male openings)
Fig: Earthworm
Adaptations of earthworm
a)Their tapered end shape is ideal for burrowing and the chaetae of each segment used to griping
the ground when the animals move
b)Due to lack of an enzyme of digesting cellulose the efficient grinding apparatus in the gizzard
is well suited to break up plant tissues.
c)The secretion of mucous by the worm skin serves to bind the walls during burrowing.
d)The ability of the worm to thrust the earth aside when it I looses or to consume it when it is
tightly packed ensure sufficiently under both types of soil conditions.
e)The formation of cocoon ensure efficient provision offspring during unfavaurable condition .
f)They are eating soil containing dead and decaying plant endless food matter so ensures an
endless food supply (ommirous).
-Their burrows provide nature drainage channels and improving soil aeration
-They increase the depth of topsoil by burrowing into subsoil and bringing it to the surface.
The topsoil produced by worms is neutral thus tends to reduce both acidity and alikalimity in soil
-The ability of swallowing soils and the letting it pass through the length of the worms out
through the anus such soil is rich in minerals eg nitrogen and phosphorous since it is mixed with
vegetable matter.Texture formation
-The constant passage of soil through the gut reduce the particles to a fine state of division which
provide an ideal medium for germinating of seeds
Arthropods are the most successful of all animals. About two third of all named species on earth
are arthropods.
1. The epiderma is covered by a hard chitinous cuticle that make the body covering water proof
2. They have exoskeleton or external skeleton that surround the animals and provides strong
support as well as rigid levers.
3. They are bilaterail symmetry
4. They undergo moulting lecdysis process by costing off exoskeleton during development growth.
5. Their body show. metamerically segmented ie formation of segment which are more less
6. The segmented body is regionally differentiated into regions/sections such as the head thorax
and abdomen.
This tendency of the body being differentiated into distinct regions is knowns as Tagmatization.
7. They have efficient respiratory organs provie a large surface areas for collecting oxygen and
releasing co2 quickly which allo them to metabolize by generating enough energy move rapidly.
Spider of relative have book lungs chamber with leaflike plates for exchanging gases
Aquatic arthropods have gills flat tissues plates that act as gas exchange surfaces.
Eg. Special compound eyes which consists facets and simple eyes capable for color vision and
can detect the sli0ghtest movements of prey or predactors
9. Their circulatory system is open with few vessels that blood flows through cavities between
the internal organs and not through closed vessels.
10.The coelom is greatly reduced the perivisceral cavity being the haemocoel
11.Excretory structute which eliminate metabolic waste products is by malpighian tubeles that
extend from the digestive track into the blood.
12.They are triplobastics
o Crustaces
o Chilopoda
o Insecta
o Diplopoda
o Acachnida
Class crustacean
Cephalothoraxes (the tendency of the head fused with thorax ) and the abdomen
Have carapase or an exoskeleton hardened with calcium salts that act as protective shell.
Example -crab
-cray fish
Fig: Crab
Classification chilopoda
-There is a district head but the trunk has no obvious divided into thorax and abdomen
-They are all carnivorous and feed mainly on insects worms etc
-The first trunk segment have appendages that modified into a pairs of poison fangs
-They are terrestrial animals which lives in moist places in soil under stone etc.
Example - centipede
- The bodt is divided into two region a cephalothorax (prosoma) and abdomen (opisithosoma)
- Scorpion
- Tick
- Mites
Fig: Spider
Class insecta
- The body is divided into three main regions head thorax and abdomen
Fig: Cocroach
1. Possession of cuticle
Have wax which restricts water loss from the body surfaces
Also cuticle protect the arthropods from predators since predators found difficult because of
hardened exoskeleton
Their mouth parts modified and specialized according their feeing habits.
The arachnida do not ingest solid food, so they poor salivd containing protease over their prey p
suck up the fluid eg spiders of scorpion
3. Presence of sill spinning organs called spinnerets which form we spinning used for trapping
insects eg spider.
6. Compound eyes
7. possession of molting (ecdysis) process during development this remove the hard cover and
become soft which allow growth
8. the flattened shape of the body enable them to insinuate themselves into small cracks crevices
where they are almost inaccessible.
Eg cockproach, centipede.
9. deposition of there are aggs in small crevices ensure a considerable measure of safety for the
eggs with the further protection of the tough coat
10. they used claws of the peripalps to crush their prey eg scorpion
Exoskeleton cuticle
As terrestrial animals prevent against desiccation and other danger to all land animals. Thus it
limits size but then solved these problems by undergoing their ecdyses during larva stages
usually protected against desiccation and other dangerous to all land animals.
Thus it limits size but then solved these problems by undergoing their ecdyses during against
desiccation and by ceasing growth after metamorphosis
- support the body
this is the tendence of the body segments being differentiated into districts regions such as head
thorax and abdomen and each one specialized in function
compound eye antennae and each part specialized in function eg mouth parts for feeding cpd eye
for sighting Anterna for sensitivity.
Rapid increase the number of individuals ensured high rate of be able to colonize rapidly a new
territory .
Production of silk.
Some insects destroy things at home such as furniture and clothes eg. Ants cockroach
Food for human and demestics animals eg locust honey produced by honey bees crabs drawn
Vectors of disease
Some insects transimit serious diseases for example malaria sleeping sickness yellow fever of
eleplantiasis etc.
Eg mosquito housefly
Biological control insects have been used in a number of cases to control damaging pests I
certain cases isects have been very effective as a predators or parasite to reduce the number of a
Eg wasps ground beetle their lark eat insects that feed on and damage citrus fruits other trees.
This is a stiff but flexible rod situated dorsal to the gut flexible rod situated dorsal to the gut
ventral to the nerve cord (cns)
It has skeletal function eg muscle attachment and is a skeletal rod serves in supportive functional
Extends from the head to during development replaced by the vertebral column.
Visceral clefts (pharyngeal gill slits or branchial clefts) these are paire series of openings
(perforations) one the kiteral sides of pharynx.
In the simple (primitive charclates eg cephalochordate urochordata inotachord in the head region
) tail choidata) the pharynx is a sieve live structure with numerous slits used to strain food
particles from the water (folter feeding)
In certebrates the number of slitts is greatly reduced and they may be modified for different
purpose example.
In aquatic- fish larval amphibians their walls are lined with feathery gills used for gas exchange.
While in reptiles buids and mammals they occur only during embryonic development and in the
adult from they disappear except the first which become the Eustachian tube.
The dorsal Hollow nerve coord above the notochord part from the brai case (cianium) skill) and
posterior part by vertebral column.
They have closed blood system in which blood flow in a special blood vessels.
The blood flows forward toward the heart ventrally and ack ward away from the heart dorsal to
the gut.
The directions of blood flow in chordates are in shart contrast with those found in non chardate
eg Annects
The blood flo-w is forward in the dorsal vessed downward around the gut in the hearts backward
in theventral vessel.
In the higher chordates it becomes folded and divided into chambers it is always situated vetrally
bellow the gut while in non- chordates it lies dorsally above the gut.
Their limbs are outgrowth of the body containing tissive derised from both ectoderm and
Post anal segment tail (true tail
Eg – crocodiles as weapon
Differences between
1.Pisces eg fish
4. Eves eg birds
Class pisces
-Eyelicls absent
-They are heaver than cartilaginous fish because bones are denser.
-They posse swim badder a sac filled with air which allows the fish to suspendes at any depth in
the water.
-The body is covered with scales called ganoid scales which are over/aping bony plates,
sometimes spiny along the edges which provide some protection for the fish.
-They have a highly developed lateral line system which enables fish to detect changes of water
pressure and thus the movements ofpredactors prey and others objects in the water.
-Have tail called homocercal the lobes are more or less equal
They are oviparous they lay eggs (external fertilization) they are poikilo thermic
These given it a streamlined shape which allows it to move smoothly through the water. This are
flattened laterally tapering at ends
Exoskeleton is made up of bony scales. This fish is covered with thin scales which overlap one
another so that the free endes points backwards. It protected the animals but still allows it to
Function – offering the least resistance as has-a pair of nostril inside which ire the olfactory
organs found on the top of the head, anterior to the eyes.
Ear – no external ears.
Organ for balance in addition to receiving vibrations carried by bones of the skull.
No eyelids
Operculum (gift cover)- covered five pairs of gill slits found either side of the bo dy in the neck
Dorsal and anal fins present the body from rolling side ways hence they help to stabilize the
body also prevent unstable movement
Caudal fins
-As me brakes when they extend rapidly at right angels to the body stop the beat against the
water they cause the slow forward or backward movement.
Function of scales:
Scales are known as dermal scales each other in which case when the fish is moving it offers less
resistance or reduce fraction (can easily pass) through the water. They proved protection.
An air sac found below the backbone in some fish it is connected to the fish hence of fish can
Floating – used the volume of gas in the swim bladder must be sinking the volume of gas must
be decresed.
Fig: Tilapia
-Their tail are heterocercal, the two lobes of the tail is unequal.
-The skin is covered with small pointed abnormal identical (placid scales) similar in structure to
the teeth.
1. Food for man -provide the first class protein hence food value
2. Fish supply many useful products
3. Also fish is a food for other aquatic animals and this is the ecological significant to the aquatic
Class Amphibian:
This is a class of animals which spend part of their life in water and part of it on land, Hence the
term amphibian.
-This group of animals are between fish and reptiles. conquest of land necessity taste evolution
of certain features which could adapt them to a dry hobbit. e.g frog.
-The head is compressed if a very short neck separates the head to trunk.
- Young amphibians breathe by means of gills but the adult ones breath by lung except
-They are terrestrial but still depend on moist environment because of the constant loss of water
through the skin.
- Found in the order caudate of no tails e.g. frog toad in order Anura.
Some they are legless scale e.g. caecilian in order gymnophionia .
- Circulatory system was modified so that lungs of skin could be supplied with the blood place
through their moist, glandular skin and liming of regenerating most parts e.g. salamanders.
- They pay eggs in water moist places because eggs lack shells membranes that can retain water
therefore the eggs can out rapidly.
- Fertilization is externally .
- Some amphibians eg Toad, frog have ability of changing the colour of their skin from light to
- Some frog’s toads secrete poisons substance which serves as a means of protection for animals
which act as predators.
- Have unitary bladder called all antic bladder used for preservation of water absorbed from
blood vessels during dry period or miner nation.
- Young are period herbivorous while adult are carnimonors except salamanders.
External features.
-The body usually green with black or dark brown patches of some tints of yellow.
-Two spherical eyes c are large and protruding, lie almost dorsally but face laterally.
- Lower represent a instating membrane that is transparent, can move upward over the
eyeball, to keep it moist in the cur and as a protection when was under water.
-Behind each eye have flat eardrum or tympanic membrane that receive sound waves in the
air or water.
- Widens laterally them tapers btn the hind limbs to end at cloaca, c form the anus,discharge
undigested food water of urine.
- It supports the front of the body in the ground a the resting position
- The land limbs are long, muscular folded two three progress .
1. Protection by – slippery a poisonous substance which render the animals unpalatable to larger
2. Sensory organs.
-sensitivity is located in various types of sense organ which are stimulated by organ
and by temperature changes.
3. Respiratory.
-The moist surface with the thin skin and excellent blood supply make the body wall a
very important respiratory organ .
4. Excretory
-The presence of seculars glands which secret mucus, keeps the skin moist thus
enabling absorption of 02 and elimination of CO2.
1. Camouflage ,
Pattern of the pigment patches breaks up the shape and act as camouflage in the grass or in the
3. Swift movement of tongue aids in catching prey , and teem with their sharp backward points
render escape of large prey.
4. Protruding eye give a wide field of view and has an accessory function in assisting
5. Hibernations, reduce metabolism enables survival when there is no food available and food
is stored in special organ eg hiver, store glycogen a facts, allantois bladder stored water.
6. Production of large number of offspring and protection of the embryo in felly ensures
Class Reptilian:
Reptilian are air breathing animals and were the earliest vertebrates to become well adapted to
life on land.
Members of this class together with bird and mammals are called amniotic since
1.They lay soft shelled eggs called amniotic egg which protects the embryo from drying out,
nourishes it, and enable it to develop outside the water,
-The term amniotic comes from the word animus which is the membrane containing fluid in the
which the embryo lies and another membrane allantois visualize contain blood vessels and also
possess egg yolk, which contain noonisgment for long period .
2. They have long tail and two pairs of walking legs except snakes, used for clawling a
wringgling along using to tail.
4. Have fawns contain teeth set in sockets and all of the same shape (Homodentel teeths)
-They are covered by scales and shed several times a year when the animals mount.
-Have two pairs of limbs fore limbs a hinds limbs both have 5 digits with claws.
The head:
- Have tympanic membranes which are more sunk compared with those of the frog.
The trunk,
-Elongated strongly convex dorsally.
- There is a cloaca aperture at the root the tail on the ventral surface.
-Skin –periodical the outer layer disintegrates into fragments interact of being shelled off as in
many snakes.
1. Possessions of dry scale skin is practically impermeable thus prevent water loss.
2.Posses lungs for respiration – breathing is coordinated with movement of muscles a ribs.
3. Reabsorption of water in kidney of rectum is efficient thus reptiles excrete uric acid and the
faces in semisolid form .
6. Ability to regenerate i.e. their tail may cut off when attached but latest regenerates.
7. Body shape (long narrow body) and color help to give it camouflage.
10.The neck enable the lizard to move so it can catch the prey without moving the the body,
12.Cleidoic development renders the embryo independent of aquatic surrounding because the
embryo develop in a ware medium within the egg shell.
Since the sperm could not penetrate the egg shell for fertilization, must occur wthin the body of
female before the shell is added.
1. Possession of dry scaly body covertly adapted to life away from water.
2. Limbs suits for rapid locomotion
3. Further separation of the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart, due to their which
are imperfectly i.e. have 4 chambered =2 auricles and a partly divided of vertricle.
4.Eggs suits for development on land with membranes and shells to protect the embryo.
Class mammalian:
The are warm - blooded and have a four chambers heart is 2 auricles of 2 ventricles.
Possession of dermal milk glands, the mammary glands which produce milk for feeding their
Most of mammals are at least partially covered by heiry called fur except the whale and
porposes, have virtually no hail at all.
Function of fur:
They made up different kind of teeth in the cavity eg incisors, molars, premolars and canine,
according their feeding habit.
Have specialized limbs with bones elongated shortened or broadened, depending on the
animals particular locomotors or food gathering needs
Majority have a special reproductive structure the placenta, that supports the growth of the
embryo to a fairly complete stage of development before birth.
Eg sub-class eutherian.
Sebaceous glands – hair secrete sebum a substance of lubricates hair is bactenocidal in nature.
- Head
- Neck
- Trunk
- Tail
- Head is avoid in shape, tapering in the front, where the mouth is small and terminal –
bounded by soft upper a lower lips.
- Towards to dorsal surface, are the large eyes with movable upper of lower lids.
- At the inner corners of the eyes there are nictacting membranes which can be moved
across the eyes to wash it.
- Have long, stiff sensitive hairs called vibrissae, at the side of the mouth nostrils of the
around the eyes.
The trunk:
- Although wades from the neck, divided into thorax of abdomen by diagram partition.
- Ventrally, the thorax is firm b’se of the sternum of rips while the abdomen is soft.
- On the ventral surface, in the female there are six pairs of mammary glands bear the teats –
three on the thorax or three on the abdomen.
- On the old male, there is a perineal glands fond between the anus of urinogenital opening
(hairless) patch of skin – gives an oclour characteristic.
- Male :
The male opening is born on a projection, the penis, which bears a retractable sheath called
prepuce. At the sides of the Panis are the tastes contained in the scrotal sacs.
- Female:
The female opening is longitudinal slit the vulva which bears a vestigial penis called the clitons
on the ventral side. The tail is short and usually bent upward.
- The front limbs are shorter than hind limbs, and both bears five digits ending with sharp
claws, modified for jumping.
Fig: Rat
The body wall (skin) provides protection from various hazards: it is an excretory regulation and
a)Physical protection from damage is provided by stratum corneum and fur, while the colour
gives some measure of camouflage.
The hair traps a layer of air near the body surface and this acts as an insulating layer, preventing
excessive loss of heat as as well as thickness of the adipose tissue.
c)Excretory organ
The sweet is to some extent an excretory. It consists of water , dissolved salts (Na &Ch) a small
quality of urea Co2, where is passed from the capillaries into the cells of the tubules and secreted
by them. Generally the sweat is evaporated, but in condition of high temperature or great
muscular activity, it may run off the body as fluid.
Nerve ending in the skin are sensitive to a variety of stimuli which are commonly grouped
together under the sense of touch. There are endings sensitive to mechanical contact, others for
pain and others for high and low temperatures.
The greatest quantity of heat is lost by evaporation of sweat from the surface.
There fore regulation of the amount of sweat will mean regulation of heat loss. It is
accomplished by control of the surface blood vessels including those which supply the sweat
The birth process and lactation at the correct period, show further adaptation for care of the
young until they are able to fend for themselves.
6. Possession of nictation membrane which protect the eye in duty condition by washing it.
7. `presence of vibrissae for gauge the width of the burrow in its darkest depths.
8. Possession of natural colour for camouflage from predators.
9. Possession of great efficiency in respiratory and circulatory systems and the structure of the skin
is admirable adapted to control heat loss.
10. Possession of large Iscor teeth in the upper lip for chiseling action of presence of ear or pinna
used to reflect sound waves into the canal of determine the direction of the sound.
This a group of homoeothermic, terrestrial vertebrates which have features. They are highly
specialized vertebrates which fly almost every part to their organization, are modified to serve
aerial life.
1. They are homoeothermic, their body temperature is between 40 -42 c provided by effective
insulation of smooth features.
2. They are covered with features which act as an epidermal exoskeleton which provide effective
insulation as they maintain a higher body temperature than do most other animals.
3. The fore limbs modified to wings, which provided with large feathers, to give the power of
4. The sternum and pectoral girdles are modified and save as origin of powerful muscles of
ie. They have lightweight, hollow bones and a breast bone or sternum, enlarged into a blade –
shaped anchor for the powerful pectoral muscle that raise and lower the wings.
5. The pelvis girdles and hind limbs are modified to support the entire coat of the body on the
6. Have efficient respiratory system that have a series of connected lungs and air sacs that
exchange oxygen of CO2 in an efficient one way flow.
8. Have beak formed in the upper of lower flaws covered by horny sheath.
External features:
- The eyes are large with an upper of lower eyelid, and transparent
- The domestic pigeon loose heat by painting and have many air spaces in their lungs of
evaporation, of moisture occurs from the tongue of epithelia surface of the buccal cavity.
- They have nervous system which is responsible for the regulation of heat loss.
Fore limbs:
- Know as wings bear large quill feathers, divided into three (3) regions
Hind which is close bound by skin with only 3 digits
Hind limb:
- The scales cover the torso-meta tarsus and the four digits of the foot.
- Each digits terminals into a claw which is also a horny product of the epidermis.
Types of feathers:
Basically 3 types:
1. Quill features
- Found in wings also known as flight wings also known as flight wings, they are large.
Strongly joined to the body wall.
2. Contour feathers
- Cover the body smooth hairs fills the gaps between the quill feathers.
- They have bulbs which are not strongly joined can be separated easily
- Structurally they are smiler to quill feathers but they are smaller than quill.
- Are stumpy hair like structures beneath the contour feather their bulbs do no interlock
- Are the only feather of a newly hatched birds later on replaced by quill of contour as the bird
Fig: Pigeon
Function of feathers:
- The skeleton is modified for accommodating a large flight muscles and hollow bones
(field with air instead of narrow ) to reduce body weight.
- Feathers designed for flight of the fore limbs provide large surfaces area by feathers off
small wing area as well as tail that stabilize the bird braking and landing.
- Very good muscular coordination eg the extension of the sternum (breastbone) for the
attachment of the pectoral muscles.
- High body temp:- allow high metabolic rates, which in turn fuels the activities of the
flight and leg muscles.
- The body modified into streamlined that makes easily to pass trough air.
2) Cleidoic development:
ie a) yolk sac
c) allantois – ventral outgrowth of the gut functions as an embryonic bladder, store waste
products since the duct of the kidney lead to it.
d) chorion – respiration – it expends of come to lie next or close to egg to shell, also s
- Form waste products c are insoluble thus require small space for storage .
3) Homoeothermic condition:
- Have high metabolic rate which account for high body temp.
- The body is covered by feathers which prevent heat loss – through insulation.
Coordination is a linking together of the functions of different organs so that they work at a fine
time and rate required by the body.
1.Stimulus: A change in the external or internal environment e.g. touch, pain, smell and
2.Receptor: A structure which detects the change in the environment e.g. eyes, ears, nose,
skin and tongue (sense organs).
3.Coordinator: An organ which receives message from receptor and use the message to
coordinate the activities in the body e.g. brain, spinal cord, and messages received (impulses).
4.Effectors: An organ which is controlled by the brain or spinal cord to bring about
appropriate response e.g. muscles and glands.
5. Responses: A body activity provoked by a stimulus e.g. pulling away a hand when accidentally one
touches a hot object.
1. Receive stimuli.
2. Convert stimuli into the form of electrical impulses.
3. Transmit the impulses over a considerable distance.
1. Cell body
Contains the nucleus, mitochondria and other organelles along with Nissl’s granules. The
prominent groups of ribosomes for protein synthesis.
The cell body has slender finger – like processes called dendrites which connect with
neighboring nerve cells.
2. Nerve fibre
In nerve fibre we have axon and dendrites. Axon transmits impulses away from the cell
body and the dendrites transmit impulses towards cell body.
3. Schwann cell.
Some vertebrates are associated with this cell. The Schwann cell membrane is wrapped
repeatedly around the neurone forming a fatty layer known as myelin sheath. This is important
for two reasons.
The myelin sheath is surrounded by a thin layer known as neurilemma which is not part
of the neurone but the membrane of another cell (Schwann cell) or glial cells.
Each axon is filled with axoplasm.
Nerve cells are referred as unipolar, bipolar, multipolar, etc. according to how many
dendrones project from the cell body.
Intermediate nerve cells are bipolar has two unconnected fibres a Dendron and axon which enter
and leave at opposite sides of the cell body.
Nerve fibres are bonded together to form nerves some carry only sensory fibre and are known as
sensory nerves while other carry a mixture of motor and sensory fibres and are called mixed
Transmit impulse towards the brain or towards the spinal cord. The dendrite terminates into
sense organ. The cell bodies of sensory cells are found to one side of the main nerve fibre and are
frequently collected together in a ganglion.
Carries impulses from the brain or from the spinal cord to the effectors organ.
It is situated in the brain or spinal cord. The terminal part of axon is situated in an effectors
Link afferent and efferent neuron. The terminal part of the dendron receives the impulses
from the terminal part of the axon or relay neuron are passed into the dendrites of a motor
Relay neuron eternal entirely use in the spinal cord and in the brain.
The speeds at which the message can be carried depend largely on two things.
In general the larger the diameter the more rapid impulses travel along it.
Myelinated neurone can carry impulses much faster than a (non myelinated neurone.)
Invertebrate do not have myelin sheath on any of their fibres which are less than 1.0mm
in diameter so in general invertebrate nerve impulses it’s a well quite slowly at around
0.5m/s. But there are more times when even a relatively slow invertebrate needs to react
quickly to avoid danger and allow more rapid passage of impulse to travel at around
100m/s fast for most escape strategies to have a chance of success.
Vertebrates have both myelinated and unmyelinated neurones. The voluntary motor
nerves that transmit impulse to voluntary muscles for example, to control movement are
myelinated muscle such those in digestive system have some unmayelinated fibres.
The effect of the myelin sheath is to speed up the transmission of a nerve impulse without a need
for giant axons.
The nerve impulse is a minute electrical event which is the result of charge differences across the
membrane of the nerve fibre.
It is based on ion movement through specialized protein pores and by an active transport
To look at the event of a nerve impulse we shall consider a typical axon ignoring for the
movement size, myelination or type.
The cytoplasm inside the axon ( i.e. axoplasm) has high concentration of k+ and low
concentration of Na+ in contrast to the fluid outside the axon which has low concentration
of K+ and high con of Na+
The potential difference (or charge) which exists across the cell surface membrane of all
cells is usually negative inside with respect to the outside.
The potential difference across the membrane at rest is called the resting potential and
this is about -70mv. The negative sign indicate that the inside of the cell is negative.
The membrane of the axon like any other cell surface membrane is partially permeable. It is the
difference in permeability of this membrane to sodium and potassium ions which sets neurones
apart from other cells and gives them their special conducting properties.
The axon membrane is relatively impermeable to sodium ions but quite freely permeable to
potassium ions.
It also contains a very active sodium/ potassium pump which use ATP to move
sodium/potassium pump which uses ATP to move sodium ions out of the axon and potassium
ions in. The function of this is to reduce the concentration of sodium ions inside the axon. They
are pumped out and cannot diffuse back in. At the same time potassium ions are moved in but
then diffuse out again along the concentration gradient.
As a result the inside of the cell is left slightly negative charged relative to the inside. It is
polarized. There is a potential difference across the membrane of - 70mv which is known as the
resting potential.
The resting potential of the axon is maintained by the sodium pump the relative permeability of
the membrane and the movement of potassium ions.
When the impulse travels along an axon there is a change in permeability of the cell surface
membrane to sodium ions. This change occurs in response to a stimulus.
When a neuron is stimulated the axon membrane shows a sudden and dramatic increase in its
permeability to sodium ions specific sodium channels or sodium gates open up, allowing sodium
ions rich in both concentration and electrochemical gradients. As a result the potential difference
across the membrane is briefly released, the cell becoming positive on the inside with respect to
the outside.
The depolarization lasts about 1 millisecond. The potential difference across the membrane at
this point is about +40mv. This is knows as action potential.
At the end of this brief depolarization, the sodium channels close again and the excess sodium
ions are rapidly pumped out by the sodium pump.
Also the permeability of the membrane to potassium ions is temporarily increased so that the
excess potassium ions diffuse in along an electrochemical gradient.
It takes a few millisecond (about 3 ms) before the resting potential is restored and nerve fibre is
ready to carry another impulse. It is this refractory period which ensures that the nerve impulses
only transmits in one direction until the resting potential is restored, the part of the nerve fibre
that the impulse has just left and cannot conduct another impulse so the impulse can only
continue travelling in the same direction.
Refractory period is the period of in excitability that accompanies the recovery phase of the
The action potential is brought about by the movement of sodium ions through the opened
sodium channels.
The resting potential is restored by the closing of channels the action of the sodium pump
removing excess sodium ions and the movement of potassium ions along an electrochemical
The threshold for any nerve fibre is the point at which sufficient sodium channels open such that
the rush of sodium ions into axon is greater than the outflow of potassium ions.
Once the threshold has been reached the action potential occurs. The size of this action potential
is always the same. It is all – or- nothing response.
1. a) by using large, well labeled diagram explain the two types of cells from the two different
systems of a body of a mammal.
b) The all –or– nothing law states that "The response of an excitable unit is independent of the
intensity of the stimulus". Clearly explain
It means that the action potential is either generated in which case it is always the same or it is
not generated when the stimulus is too small.
2. Explain the influence of each of these characters in the transmission of a nerve impulse.
i) Myelin sheath.
iii) Temperature
v) ATP
i) spatial summation
b) Explain the usefulness of these concepts as far as nerve impulse transmission is concerned.
In myelinated vertebrate nerves, the mechanism of propagation is strongly more complex. Ions
can only pass freely into and out of the axon at the nodes of ranvier which are about 1mm apart.
This means that action potential can only occur at the nodes of ranvier and so they appear to
jump from one node to the next as the diagram shows. The effects of this is to speed up
transmission as the concentration movements associated with the action potential occurs much
less frequently taking less time. This condition is known as saltatory condition from the Latin
verb which means to jump.
The nerves are basic units of the nervous system adopted for the rapid passage of electrical
impulses to inter communicates. Receptors must pass their information into the sensory nerves,
which in turn must relay the information to the central nervous must be communicated to the
effectors organ so that action can be taken.
Whenever two nerve cells meet, they are linked by synapse as shown in the figure below.
Every cell in the central nervous system is covered with synaptic knob from other cells several
hundred some cases.
Neurons never actually touch their target cells so a synapse is a gap between two nerve
cells with the nerve message must be somehow crossing.
The electrical nature of the nerve impulse as detected long before to its could be
accurately recorded and measured similarly it was suspected that transmission at the
synapses was not electrical but chemical long before the electrons microscope and other
technique could demonstrate this clearly.
Once the structure at the synapse had been seen using the electron microscope, the
synapse gap would be measured. This settled the argument.
The gap is simply too wide for an impulse or the size of an axon potential to jump across.
Synaptic transmission had to be chemical and all the available evidence confirms this.
The arrival of an impulse at the synaptic knob increases the permeability at the synaptic
membrane to calcium ions.
Calcium ions therefore move into the synaptic knob along concentration gradients the effect of
these calcium ions is to cause the synaptic vesicles containing transmitters’ substance to move to
the pre-synaptic membrane. Each vesicle fuses with the membrane and release the transmitters.
Some of the vesicles fuse with the membrane and release the transmitters. Some of the vesicles
fuse with the membrane and release the transmitter substance into the synaptic cleft.
The transmitters diffuse across the gap and become attached to the specific protein
receptor sites on the post synaptic membrane.
As a result, ions channels are opened and there is usually a local depolarization and influx
of sodium ions, causing an excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) to be set up. If there
are sufficient of the potential the positive charge in the postsynaptic cell build up to the
threshold level and an action potential in set up this then travels on a long the post
synaptic neuron.
In some cases the transmitters have the opposite effect channels allowing the inward movement
of negative ions are opened, in the post synaptic membrane, which makes the inside more
negative than the normal resting potential. An inhibitory post synaptic potential results, which
makes it less likely than an action potential occur in the past synaptic fibre.
Once the transmitter has its effects it is destroyed by enzymes. This is very important because
unless the transmitter is removed from the synaptic cleft subsequent impulses would have as
effect, as the receptors on the post synaptic membrane would the entire bound.
The most common transmitter substance found at the majority of synaptic is acetylcholine (Ach).
It is synthesized in the synaptic knob using ATP produced in many mitochondria present.
Nerves using Acetylcholine has done its job it is very rapidly, hydrolyzed by the enzymes
This ensures that it no longer affects the post synaptic membrane, and it also releases the
components to be recycled they pass back into the synaptic knob and are resynthesized into
Some vertebrates’ nerves particularly those of the sympathetic nervous system produce
noradrenaline in their synaptic vesicles and are known as adreneigic nerves.
Nerves have to communicate not only with each other but with receptors and effectors as well.
Motor nerves need to communicate with muscles. Where a motor nerve and muscles fibre meet a
special kind of synapse is formed known as a neuromuscular junction.
The membrane of the muscle fibre is very folded in this region and forms a structure known as
an endplate to which the end of the motor nerve joins. Electron microscope shows us that the
structure of the neuro muscular junction is remarkably similar to that of any other synapse as the
figure below shows. The end of the motor neurons is full of mitochondria and synaptic vesicles
which contain acetylcholine. It appears that when an impulse arrives at the end of the motor
neurone acetylcholine is discharged into the synaptic cleft.
As a result of its effect on the postsynaptic membrane an end potential is set up which can be
recorded, If sufficient end plate potentials are set up on action potential is fired off on the muscle
fibre spreading through the tubules and leading to a contraction of the muscle.
Neurons interact in a variety of complex ways. Sometimes single nerve fibre will carry an action
potential to a synapse with another cell and transmission. But in many cases the situation is much
more complex than this.
Often a single synaptic knob does not release enough transmitter substance to set up an action
potential in the post synaptic fibre however, if two or more synaptic knobs are stimulated and
release transmitters at sometimes onto the same post synaptic membrane the effects add together
and a post synaptic action potential results. This is known as spatial summation; as illustrated
In other cases, a single knob does not release enough transmitter substance to stimulate the post
synaptic nerve fibre, but if a second impulse is received from the same knob in quick succession
an action potential results.
This effect is known as temporal summation (i.e. adding over time). It involves facilitation in
other words, the first impulse does not trigger off a response but it has an effect which make
easier (facilitate) the passage of the next impulse.
The arrival of the impulse at one synaptic knob triggers an action potential in the post synaptic
Spatial summation
Action potential needs to arrive at several synapses at once to release the amount of
neurotransmitter required to trigger as action potential in the postsynaptic fibre.
Temporal summation
One action potential arises and although it does not release sufficient transmitter substance itself
to set up another potential it makes it easier for the next impulses which arises to do so.
On first applying perfume or after shave we tend to be very aware of the smell ourselves. After a
short time we lose that awareness and it is other people who notice how pleasant we smell. If we
apply our scent another day, we can smell it again. This reaction is the same as that of a sea
anemone which when poked with a pointer, will withdraw its tentacles. If the sea anemone is
pocked repeatedly the response is lost. If left alone for a while the sea anemone reacts to the
results of process known as accommodation.
If a nerve is repeatedly, it eventually loses ability to respond. Each time on impulse arrives at a
synapse, vesicles, full of transmitter discharge their contents into the synaptic cleft. The
transmitter can only be synthesized at a certain rate if the synapse is used too often all of the
vesicle are discharged into the synaptic cleft and the rate of synthesis simply cannot keep up. At
this point the nerves can no longer respond to the stimulus, they are said to have accommodated
or fatigued. A short rest restores the response as new vesicles and transmitter molecules are
made. Some synapses nerve fatigue they have no extremely rapid synthesis is rate whilst others
accommodate very quickly.
The nerve fibre and synapses which have been considering in isolation make up enormously
complicated systems. Bundles of nerve fibres from nerves capable of carrying vast number of
messages in different directions, together all the available information and control all the actions
of the body.
Nervous and synapses in the central nervous system collect information and sends out
instructions, synapses susceptible to both fatigue and drugs, allow for great flexibility,
intercommunication between cells, facilitation and inhibition. They also play a vital role
incompletely understood in the brain, closely linked with both learning and memory.
Nerves give rapid communication; they also give the ability to people at least for long and
involved nervous activity to take place in the brain before a particular action to is undertaken.
But for simpler organisms most nervous activity and behavior involves reflex action which have
a minimum of input from the central system. Even human beings are ruled by reflexes to a
remarkable extent.
2. Describe what happens to the ion gated channel of the axon membrane and the consequent
distribution of Na+ and K+ ions during
i)Action potential
ii)Resting potential
iii)Under shoot
i) Adaptation
ii) Synaptic vesicle
3. They act as a junction i.e. they allow spatial summation. This means that the impulses
passing along the different neurone between them release a neurotransmitter substance
sufficient to generate an action potential where as individually they would not i.e.
4. Filter out low level stimulus i.e. They block the passage of stimuli that are enabled to
release a sufficient neurotransmitter for propagating a new impulse in the post synaptic
5. To allow accommodation to intense stimulus i.e. is case where the rate of release of
neurotransmitter substances exceeds the rate of its formation the synapse becomes
fatigued. No further neurotransmitter substance is released and no further impulse is
c). Describe the other functions of synapse besides that in (b) above.
Definition; synapse is a region where the branches of an axon are in contact with the dendrites of
another neurone.
Synapse is a function between a neurone and another cell either by passage of electrical signals
or more enormously by a chemical called a neurotransmitter.
Types of synapses
1. Chemical synapses
These are synapses that neurons communicate with each other by means of
The neurons are not in direct contact with each other, they join at a synapse which have
synaptic cleft, a small gap of about 20nm.
The neurotransmitter is released from one membrane is the synapse the pre-synaptic
membrane then it diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds into receptors on the post
synaptic membrane. The post synaptic cell may be in an effectors organ such as muscle
or gland.
The chemical synapses are of two kinds; excitatory synapses and inhibitory synapse.
Excitatory synapse
These are synapses where the pre synaptic neurone releases neurotransmitter that makes the post
synaptic membrane more excitable and more likely to generate nerve impulses.
The diagram above shows various events takes place in a chemical synapse which uses
acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.
Acetylcholine is synthesized within the pre synaptic knob and stored in special organelles called
synaptic vesicles (some neurotransmitters neither decrease nor increase the tendency of a
postsynaptic cell to fire an action potential instead they work like hormones; e.g. noradrenaline
released by axons of the sympathetic nervous system has an effect to on cells similar to that of
the hormone adrenaline.
When an action potential reaches the presynaptic membrane, it depolarizes the membrane, that
is; it makes the membrane less negative than at rest. This depolarization triggers the opening of
calcium ions channels in the pre synaptic membrane.
The calcium ions diffuse into the presynaptic knob; causing the pre synaptic vesicles containing
acetylcholine to migrate and fuse with the presynaptic membrane.
The acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft and diffuses across the synapse. The synapse
then it binds to specific protein receptor molecules on the post synaptic membrane a process
known as receptor activities.
Receptor activation causes sodium ion channels to open making the membrane more permeable
and produce a graded potential, if enough acetylcholine is released the graded potential may
become large enough an action central.
This is because the neurotransmitter cannot be resynthesised fast enough and it runs out. The
synapse becomes fatigued (i.e. adapted).
Acetylcholine is then broken down by acetylcholinesterace to its constituents groups acetic acid
(or ethanoic acid) and choline groups; which diffuses back into the pre synaptic membrane and
used to resynthesize the neurotransmitter under the influence of ATP from the mitochondria
concentrated here and refilled in vesicles for future transmission.
Inhibitory synapse.
These release neurotransmitter that makes the postsynaptic membrane less excitable and less
likely to transmit an impulse.
E.g. In mammals, they occur in nerve pathways which central rapid eye movements, they are
also common in the heart.
Diagram above: An electrical synapse in which the nerve impulse is transmitted through the
protein pores that line the cytoplasm of the two cells.
Receptor cells
These are specialized cells in the body forming the body’s principal means of gaining
information about the environment.
Qn; By what process do the environment phenomena that constitute stimuli causes receptors to
initiate impulses?
In the previous discussion about the post synaptic depolarization, we saw the excitatory
transmitter substance at synapse induce impulse in the post synaptic neuron by reducing the
polarization of the membrane of that to a critical level i.e. by inducing an EPSP that reaches
threshold potential for impulse generation. A similar process is involved in the case of sensory
receptors; the stimulus causes sufficient depolarization of the membrane of the receptor cells
causes it to initiate an impulse.
The stretching of the muscle spindle produces a local depolarization of a receptor cell.
This depolarization is called generator potential. When the generator potential reaches the
threshold level it triggers an action potential in the nerve fibre.
An increase in intensity of the stimulus causes the proportional rise in generator potential.
This rise in turn and the rate at which it occurs determine the frequency of the triggered
impulses. Thus the output from the receptors conveys a measure of the strength of the
The membrane becomes more permeable to Na+ ions which thus flow inward.
Qn; How does the stimulus increase the permeability of the membrane to Na+ ions?
Since different receptors are stimulated by different stimuli the mechanism may as well
e.g. i) In the case of vision, light energy is known to cause chemical change in receptor pigments
and these changes are presumed to initiate chemical reactions that produce some sort of
transmitter substance may depolarize the membrane of the next cell in the pathway.
ii) In the case of stretch receptors and pressure receptors mechanical distortion of the
membrane is thought to cause a permeability change directly, either by opening channels or
through the membrane that allows Na+ to leak inward, or by increasing the size of the channels
(for electrical synapses) otherwise too small for the passage of Na+ ions.
The size of the generator potential is directly proportional to the size of the stimulus.
The direct relationship between strength of stimulus and magnitude of generator potential could
be explained by assuming that stronger stimuli distort a greater area of membrane; there are
openings, more channels and allowing more ions to pass through the membrane.
In biology, human being have five senses; touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing.
Receptors are cells that receive information from the environment and send impulses via
conductors to the central nervous system.
Primary receptors
Secondary receptors
Sense organs
There are numerous types of sensory receptors in the skin which shows some receptors in place.
These receptors are concerned with at least five different senses namely touch, pressure, heat,
cold and pain. Some of the skin receptors particularly those concerned with pain are simply the
unmyelinated terminal braches of neurons.
Others are nets of nerve fibres surrounding the bases of hairs. These are particularly important in
the sense of touch.
These are stimulated by the slightest displacement of the tiny hairs present on most parts
of the body.
Other skin receptors are more complex consisting of nerve endings surrounded by a
capsule of a specialized connective tissue cells.
The relative abundance of the various types of the receptors differs greatly e.g. pain receptors are
nearly 27 times more abundant than cold receptors and cold receptors are nearly 10 times more
abundant than heat receptors.
The receptors are not evenly distributed over the entire body e.g. touch receptors are much more
numerous the finger tips than in the skin of the back.
These are widely distributed over the internal body and function primarily in receiving
information about the condition of the body itself.
Though the senses receptors mediate are not included in traditional classification of the five, they
are in immense importance in the life of an organism.
Examples are the stretch receptors (proprioreceptors) in the muscles and tendons, which are
involved in the knee jerk reflex.
They are sensitive to the changing tension of muscles and tendons and send impulses to the
central nervous system in forming it of the position and movements of the various parts of the
The terminal branches of sensory nerve fibre are intimately associated with several specialized
muscle fibre that form an apparatus called neuromuscular spindle.
Other dispersed receptors include those of visceral senses located in the internal organs e.g.
receptor in the carotid artery sensitive to carbon dioxide concentration in the blood and to blood
The firing of such visceral receptors seldom results in sensations (i.e. we are not aware of their
action) the responses to the stimulation of visceral receptors produces conscious sense such as
thirst, hunger and nausea.
The receptors of taste and smell are chemoreceptor i.e. they are sensitive to solutions of certain
types of chemicals, which can find to them by weak bonds.
The two sensations are much alike and when we speak about a taste sensation we are not
referring to a compound sensation produced by stimulation of both taste and smell receptors.
One reason why we cannot “taste” food well with a cold is that with nasal passages inflamed and
coated mucus, the smell receptors are essentially non functional.
In each case taste and smell, chemicals must go into solution in the film of liquid coating the
membranes of the receptor cells before they can be detected.
The major functional difference between the two kinds of receptors is that taste receptors are
specialized for detection of chemicals present in quantity in the mouth itself while smell
receptors are more specialized for detecting vapours coming to the organisms from distant
source. They are much more sensitive that taste receptors as much 3000 times more in some
instances. One reason why hot foods often have more “taste” than cold food is that they vaporize
more. The vapours passing from mouth upward into the nasal passage and these stimulate smell
The receptor cells for taste are located in taste buds or the upper surface of the tongue and to a
lesser extent on the surface of the pharynx and larynx.
The receptor cells themselves are not neurons but specialized cells with microvillus on their
outer ends.
The end of nerve fibres lie very close to these receptor cells, and when a receptor cell is
stimulated, it generates impulses in the fibres.
The picture above shows the structure of the tastebud
(Each test bud contains specialized receptor cells bearing sensory microvilli that are exposed in
pits on the tongue surface. The ends of sensory neurons (coloured) are closely associated with
this receptor cells).
The receptor cells for the sense of smell (olfaction) in humans are located in two clefts in the
upper parts of the nasal passages. Unlike the receptor cells of taste, the olfactory receptors re true
neurons. The cell bodies to the surface of epithelium where they bear a cluster of modified cilia,
which function as receptor sites.
Adaptation is the decline in the frequency of impulses when a strong or constant stimulus is
perceived by a sensory receptor cell e.g. on entering a room you may immediately notice a clock
ticking but after a while you become unaware of its presence.
The rate and extent of adaptation in a receptor cell is related to its function and there are types;
rapidly and slowly adapting receptors.
Slowly adapting receptors (ionic receptors) register constant stimulus with a slowly decaying
frequency of impulses.
The adaptation is thought to be due to decrease in the permeability of the receptor membrane to
ions due to substance stimulation. This progressively reduces the size and the duration of the
generation potential and when this falls below threshold level, the sensory neuron ceases to fire
the impulse.
Advantage of adaptations
It provides animals with precise information about change in the environment. At other times the
cells do not send signals thus preventing over loading of the central nervous system with
irrelevant and unmanageable information. This ensures efficiency and economy of the nervous
E.g. Pacinian corpuscle and other receptors concerned with touch and the detection of sudden
changes acts in this way.
In sensory receptors, several receptor cells will often synapse with a single receptor neuron as
shown in a figure above.
This means that while the generator potential from an individual receptor cell may be insufficient
to set up an action potential across the synapse. The generator potential from receptor cells may
add together or summate and trigger an action potential. This is known as convergence and is a
useful adaptation for increasing the sensitivity of a sensory system to low level stimuli.
Relatively early in the development of the animal groups’ collection of receptors evolved
together to form specialized regions which are called sense organs.
Throughout the animal kingdom, the most common sense organs are those which respond to
light and sound or vibrations. We shall consider in some detail the human eye and ear, with
reference to some of the alternative structures which are found in other groups.
Iris is a circular sheet of muscles dividing the eye into two chambers.
The pigment it contains gives the eye its colour. The reflex contraction and relaxation of
the muscles of the iris control the amount of light entering the eye.
When we look at something our eyeballs are moved in their sockets by muscles so that the
pupil at the centre of the iris is pointing at the object of our interest.
Light from the object enters the eye through the pupil and the amount of light entering is
controlled by the size of the opening. This in turn is controlled by the Iris muscles.
Accommodation is the reflex mechanism by which light rays from an object are brought to focus
on the retina.
1. In bright light
The iris reduces the size of pupil by contracting its circular muscles and relaxing its radial
muscles to prevent damage to the light sensitive cells by strong light.
2. In dim light /poor light intensity
The circular muscles relax and the radial muscle contract opening the pupil aperture as
wide as possible to the maximum amount of light to ensure the best possible vision.
The ciliary muscles are arranged circularly around the ciliary body, the effects of their
contractions and relaxations are relayed to the lens by the suspensory ligaments. The lens itself is
elastic and its unstretched shape is relatively short and fat.
When ciliary muscles relax, the gap around the lens gets longer, increasing the tension in
suspensory ligaments. These in turn pull on the lens making it long and thin. Its ability to bend
light is now minimum and it is said to be unaccommodated.
When ciliary muscles contract they reduce the gap around the lens. This reduces the tension in
the suspensory ligaments allowing the lens to become short and fat. In this state it is fully
accommodated and its ability to bend the light is maximum.
Light rays from a distant object are parallel when they strike the eye. Light rays from new object
are diverging when they strike the eye. Both cases light rays must be refracted or bent to focus
on the retina and refraction must greater for light from near objects.
Refraction occurs when light passes from one medium into another with a different refractive
index, and this occurs at the air to the cornea at the surface of the lens.
The degree of refraction at the cornea surface depends on the angle at which light strikes the
cornea; also depend upon the distance of object from the cornea.
Most of the refraction occurs in the cornea and consequently the function of the lens is to
produce the final refraction that brings light to sharp focus on the retina.
The light interring the eye is refracted by its passage through the conjunctiva, cornea, aqueous
humour and vitreous humour in exactly the same way regardless of whether it is from a near or a
distant object.
But by changing the shape of the lens the degree of bending of the light can be altered. Light
from distant objects needs relative little bending to bring it into focus on the retina and so the
lens has to be thin. (Because they are almost parallel and not diverging like for near object).
To bring light from near objects into the focus on the retina more refraction is needed and so the
lens has to be short and fat.
This ability to focus light from objects of various distances is known as accommodation.
Retina is a layer of light sensitive cells (i.e. rods and cones and the neurones leading from these
photoreceptors to the optic nerve.
The light from the objects is focused into the retina. The retina must then perceive that light and
inform the brain of its presence.
In order to do this the retina contains about a hundred million light sensitive (photoreceptors)
along with the neurones with which they synapse.
There are two main types of photoreceptors in the retina known as the rods and the cones; shown
in the figure below.
The retina is composed of three layers of cells each containing a characteristic type of cell; these
1. Photoreceptor layer (outermost layer) containing photosensitive cells; the rods and cones
partially embedded the pigmented epithelial cells of the choroid.
2. Intermediate layer containing bipolar neurons with synapse connecting the photoreceptor
layer to the cell of the third layer.
-cells called horizontal and amacrine cells found in this layer enable lateral inhibition to
3. Internal surface layer containing ganglion cells with dendrite in contact with bipolar
neurons and axons of the optic nerve.
Those three layers of the retina are arranged anatomically in reverse order from what it might be
expected; the receptor cells are in the back of the retina; and light must pass through the ganglion
cells and bipolar – cell layers to reach them.
The reason for this somewhat unexpected arrangement is the origin of the retinal cells in the
embryo and the way in which the eye is formed during the embryonic development.
To add to this confusion; the optic nerve carrying the visual information cross over on their way
to the visual cortex in the brain so that the information seen with the right eye is taken to the left
side of the brain for processing.
Answer plan
In bright light
More photoreceptor cells in the retina are stimulated by increase in light intensity.
Greater number of impulses along neurons to the brain.
Brain sends nerve impulses along parasympathetic nervous system to the iris diaphragm
In the iris circular muscles contract and the radial muscles relax.
Pupil constricts reducing its size of aperture.
Less light enters the eye.
In dim light
Outer segment is the light sensitive region where the light acts as a stimulus to the production of
generator potential
Constriction is a very narrow region between the outer and inner segment.
Inner segment
This is packed with mitochondria which produce energy for various processes and
ribosome’s which synthesize proteins for the vesicles and visual pigments.
Synaptic region.
The cells from synapses with the bipolar cells and several rods synapse with one bipolar
cell join to give increased sensitivity to light (convergence phenomenon).
Once connected with one bipolar cell giving great visual activity.
Visual acuity: is the ability of the eye to resolve two or more stimuli spatially separated.
1. The receptor cells (rods and cones) making the outer layer.
2. The bipolar cells which synapse at their tips with receptor cells these make up the in
middle layer of retina.
3. Ganglion cells: Which synapse at their tip with the bipolar cells; make the third layer
-Their axons form the optic nerve, which run from the eyes to the brain.
1. Processing the information can occur within the retina because of the several bipolar cells
synapses with a single ganglion cells
2. Besides convergence of information; there is lateral transfer of information from pathway
to pathway via horizontal cells (each of which receives synapses from many receptor
cells and synapses on many bipolar cells on the other horizontal cells) and via amacrine
cells. (which both receive synapses from and synapse on bipolar cells, and also synapse
on many ganglion cells)
1. Horizontal cells
Synapse with several bipolar neurons; this increases visual acuity and sensitivity of the
vision. By exerting lateral inhibition. If they receive stimuli from two rods of equal
intensity they cancel out (inhibit the stimuli).
They therefore enhance contrast between areas that are strongly stimulated and there that
are weakly stimulated.
This makes features such as edge of objects stand cut more clearly.
2. Amacrine cell (are stimulated by bipolar neurons and synapses with ganglion cells.)
Qn. 1
1. Explain the structure of a rod and cone cells. Briefly show how each is adapted to its
2. Name the cellular components of retina and state the role of each type of a cell.
3. Name the various layers making up the retina.
4. Give evidence of information processing in retina before it is interpreted in the grain.
Explain briefly.
5. Explain the concept of visual acuity and show the reality that cones have high visual
acuity than rods.
Qn. 2
a)State any two special anatomical exceptions noted as far as the retina and associated
neurons are concerned.
Use illustrative diagrams where possible in supporting your answer and explain the biological
terms (if any) that applied to any of your answers above.
Qn. 3
1. Eye lens
2. Receptors neurons
Qn. 4
Rods contain the photosensitive pigments called Rhodopen or vival putple. Rhodopsin is made by
combination of a protein called satopsin with a small light absorbing molecule called retinene (retired)
which is a derivative of vitamin A.
In the presence of lights rhodopsin decomposes into retinene and scetopsin a process known as
bleaching. Rhodopsin is formed in the absence of further stimulation of light a process known as Dark
adaptation. The retinal exist into two isomers.
Bleaching leads to the creation of a generator potential in the rod cell which is sufficiently large,
generate on action potential along the neutrons leading from the cell to the brain.
For the daylight cones are used. They contain photosensitive pigments called Iodepsin.
The light rays from an object reach the eye and pass through the transparent conjunctive, cornea,
aqueous humor and crystalline line.
The cornea bends the light rays and the line causes more bending there refracted light rays passes
through the vibreake humour and finally came to focus at a point in the reline. The point at which the
image focus is called fovea or yellow spot and the image formed is Real, smaller than object and
On the fovea, the light impulse are converted into electrochemical impulses and are sent to the visual
area of the brain through the .. nerve. In the brain an Interpretation of the size, nature, distance and
uprightness of the object is made.
The ear is a sense organ containing mechanoreceptors sensitive to body displacement and sound.
Movement and portion of the head relative to gravity are detected by the vestibular apparatus
composed semicircular canals, succulus and utricle. All other structures the ear are involved in receiving
amplifying and transdusing. Energy into electrical impulse and promotion of the sensation of the inner
ear is principally heating and balancing part of the ear.
Pointed out earlier, the membranous labyrinth is involved in hearing and balance. It is found in the inner
ear. It is structurally compound of three semicircular canals that lie, at right angles to one another.
The canals arise from a swollen utricules, Below is high coiled that is involved in hearing. The succulus
and a connection between the ampula is known as ductus utriaili.
Cochlea is spiral sub deviled into three layers vertibular canal and tympanic canal contains perilymph
and median canal which contain endolymph. The basilar membrane separates the median and tympanic
canals and supports sensory hair cell that can be brought into contact with the tecterial membrane
above. This unit consists basilar membrane, sensory cells and tectorial membrane is called ….organ of
coit and is the region where transduction of sound … into electrical impulse occurs
Organ of Corti.
Sound waves are directed toward the inner ear through the External auditory meatices where they
cause the tympanic membrane to vibrate. In the middle ear the vibration of the tympanic membrane are
across the oval window by movement of the three ear asides, the mallcus, incurs and stapes.
The vibration are than transmitted into the innear ear where they cause perilymph of the vestibular
canal to vibrate and these are transmitted via Reissner’s membrane to the endolymph in the median
canal. From there they are transferred to the basilar membrane and the perilymph in the tympanic
canal, and are finally dispirited, into the air of the middle ear as vibration of the round window.
Vibration of basilar membrane pushes the sensory hair against the tectorial membrane and forces the
two membrane to slide part each other. The distortion produced in the sensory hair cells due to the
shearing forces causes a depolarization of the sensory cells, the production of generator potential, and
initiation of action potentials in the axons of the auditory nerve. The latter transfer the impulse to
Auditory part of the brain where an interpretation of the pitch note, intensity and quality of the sound is
Several parts of the body are involved in maintaining balance at … and during movements. The parts
that are involved include eyes, …. Receptors. In joints and muscles etc. however vital information, ….. to
position and movements of the head is provided by the vestibular apparatus of the ear, the utricle,
sucaule and semicircular canals.
The basic sensory receptor in these structure consist of the hair cells attached to dense structures
supported in the Endolymph, the region of the walls of utricle and saccule, the maculae contains
granules called atoconia in association to receptor cells.
The atoconia responds to gravitational pull and mainly detect the direction of movement of the head
with respect to gravity.
The utricle respond to vertical movement of the head e.g. when the body is upside down.
The saccule responds to lateral movement of the head. The semicircular canals responds to rotational
movements of the head and they contains cupules that works in the same way of maculae.
(iii) Has auditing nerve for carrying electrical impulse to the hearing part of the brain
In mammals and other higher animals there are two co-coordinating system those include nervels
system and hormonal system.
Defn: A hormone is a chemical substance which is produced at one part of the body and exerting it’s
effect at another part of the body away from it’s centre of production.
The organ/part that receives effects of hormones are called target organe or target parts. The hormone
is secreted directly into the blood stream. Such ductless gland which secrete hormone are called
endocrine glande which constitute the endocrine system.
(2 Presence of another hormone in the blood e.g. Many of hormones released by the anterior
pituitary cases the release of other hormones.
(3 Stimulation by neurons from autonomic nervous system e.g. adrenaline and noradreline are
released by the Adrenal gland following the arrival of impulses in the condition of anxiety, stress
and danger
Feedback mechanism is a self regulating mechanism in the body which tends to restore the physiological
equilibrium or stability of the body or increase in the instability of the body.
This is a type of Feedback that tends to increase the effect of the disturbance. Positive feedback
responses are rare in biological systems because they increase instability of the body.
This brings the body back to its normal physiological states thus the negative feedback
mechanism, are important in the biological systems.
- Examples of biological negative feedback mechanisms include the control of heartbeat, blood
pressure, body temperature and hormone levels i.e. secretion of insulin.
- Consider the feedback mechanism of Thyroxine production:-
Note: Examples of positive feedback: During labour when hormone oxytocin stimulate muscular
contraction of the uterus which in turn stimulate the release of more oxytocin.
The two co-ordinating systems i.e. hormonal and nervous system at one point depend on one another.
For example the release of hormone sometimes depend on the response reaching the Gland through
the nerve cell. For example adrenalin and neradreline are released by the adrenal gland following the
arrival of impulse in conditions of danger, anxienty and stress. Thus hormonal and nervous system
depends one another when co-ordinating the body system.
In mammals the production of digestive secretion is under both nervous and hormonal control.
- Nervous stimulation occurs before the food reaches the mouth, then sight smell or thought of
food causes salivary gland to produce saliva.
- The following are number of juices secreted and the actions of hormones and nervous towards
As above explained sight, smell and thought can lead to secretion of saliva.
Note: There are three important hormones secreted in the stomach and small intestinal region called:-
(i) Gastrin
(ii) Secretion
(iii) Choleoystokinin (CCK)/Panreozymin.
Presence of food in the stomach stimulates the walls of stomach to pralls a hormone called “ gastrin”
which passes into the blood stream. Gastrin stimulate the production of gastric juice from gastric gland
for up to 4Ø occurs
Note: Digestion of fats takes longer and requires less acidic conditions ….. sence of fats in the stomach
initials the production of hormone called terogesterone which inhibits any further secretion of the acid
by oxyntic of the stomach.
This hormone is produced by the small intestinal wall cells and passes the blood stream and meets the
three target liver, stomach and increase.
IN THE STOMACH: It inhibits the secretions of gastric juice by inhibiting the secretion of gastrin
IN THE LIVER: It stimulates the bile to produce salts like NaHCO2 used in neutralization of ocidic style
- This hormone also it recreated by small intestinal wall cells and …. into three targets; liver,
stomach and pan crease.
*IN THE PANCREASE: It stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice to the duodenum.
*IN THE LIVER: It stimulate the contraction of gall bladder walls hence secretion of bile through bile through bile
- Epithelial tissue is a type of tissue which covers the external parts of the body as well as internal
parts, such as lining of atemosmestory canal.
This consists of elenejated calls which are quite narrow, thus providing more cytoplasm per unit
area of epithelium. Each all possesses a nucleus situated at its basal end. Also it certain goblet
There is a striated border or brush border of microvillus at the force surface end of each cell.
(i) Mucus secreted by goblet cells in the epithelium of stomach protects the stomach
lining from the acidic contents of the stomach and from digestion by enzymes.
(ii) Mucus secreted by goblet cells in the epithelium of small intestine protect it from
self digestion and lubricates the passage of food
(iii) Microvillus increase surface area for absorption and secretion in the ileum.
There are ductless glands that secrete Hormones directly into the blood stream. Such glands
Pasterior pituitary:- This does not synthesize any hormone but … and release two hormones, Ant
diuretic hormone (ADH) and ………which are produced by neurosecretory cell bodies lying in
hypothalamus and pass down the nerve fibres.
Anterior pituitary:- This is connected to the hypothalamus by blood vessels which form potal
system. Pituitary gland produce and store hormones known as trophic hormones. A trophic
hormone is one which stimulate other endocrine gland to release their hormone.
Anterior pituitary is regarded as a master gland because it controls secretion of hormone from
other glands
(ii) Thyroid releasing Factor (TRF) – This stimulate the release of Thyroid
stimulating hormone (TSH) which acts on thyroid gland to release thyroxine
(iii) Genadotiopin releasing hormone GnRH) – This stimulate the release of FSH and
(iv) Growth releasing Hormone – This stimulate the release of Growth hormone
(v) Growth inhibiting hormone (GIH) – This inhibits the release of growth hormone.
This gland is found in the neck region in each side if the junction …… the Larynx (veils box) and trachea
(wind pipe)
Tryroxine (T4)
T3 and T4 are similar structurally and functionally they differ the fact that T3 contains three Iodine atoms
while T4 4 Iodine atoms
(i) To control the basal metabolic rate (BMR):- Basal metabolic rate is the rate at
which oxygen and food are used to release energy. It is rate at rest.
(ii) To promote the breakdown of glucose and fats to provide energy
(iii) Thyroxine and growth hormone 9GH) has joint Ermlattatory effect on protein
synthesis, leading to an increase in growth rate, particulary of the skeletal system
(iv) Thyroxine stimulate brain development 73 and 74 work in conjuction with
insulin, Adreneline and glucose corticoid
(2) Myoxedema – Results when the thyroid gland become underactive during adult
hood. This condition results into:-
(i) Swallon facial features
(ii) Tiredness
(iii) Passible mental retardation
(iv) Intolerance to cold, due to law basal metabolic rate (BMR)
These are four tiny gland embedded in the thyirod gland. They stimulate a single
hormone called parathormone
- it maintain the level of calcium in the blood at a sufficiently required amount. Hence
maintaining proper working of the muscle and nerve.
These are pair of adrenal glands located one just above each kidneys. The outer region is called cortex
and inner region is called Medulla.
Adrenal gland secrete several hormones which effect body metabolism.
(i) Controls water and salt content of body stimulating cation pumps in
membrane to conserve Na-1 and Cl- and remove K+
(ii) Prevent excessive Na+ loss in seat, saliva and urine
(iii) Maintain asmotic concentration of body fluids at a steady state.
The roles of adrenaline and noradrenaline are that they .. body for action and therefore
sometimes called fight, flight fear hormones as they allow the body is react quickly to
The pancrease rest just below the stomach. It 99% exocrine and endocrine gland. Hormone s
secreted by the pancrease in a duster called islet of langerhane . the hormones are:-
Insulin:- Secreted by the B-cells of the islets of langerhane is hormones converts Glucose into
Glycogen i.e. It regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.
Glucagon:- Secreted by the X-cel of lolet of langerhane. This increase the blood glucose level by
transmitting the liver to convert glycogen into glucose.
Diabates Mellitus:
This is caused by insufficient production of insulin from the ß -cells islets of langerhans, glucose
accumulates in blood and is deposited in the kidney but the glucose never enters the cells
Sugar in Urine:
Hardening of arteries
These Includes:
These secretes the sex hormones called testosterone from the interstitial cells also it stimulates the
development of sexual secondly features
Eg. Developments of beard and moustache, penlarge genital organs using and broken voice and increase
sexual desire.
Progesterone:- Is secreted by the corpus luteram it inhibits the release of egg and it
stimulate thickening of uterus wall.
synthetic hormones has been of great use in improving life and animal husbandry.
Growth hormone have been much used to induce rapid growth animals such as chicken,
cow etc.
Some of the reproductive hormones are used to induce increased production of eggs by
Hormones like prolactin and oxytocine are used to induce caused mil production in cows
and goat etc.
In man the synthetic oxytocin is used to induce labour pain the process of birth.
Its pointed out earlier plants are less irritable than animals because they have only one
co-ordinating system i.e. Hormonal co-ordination constituting the phytohormones. Their
responses are therefore slow and they often involve growth. Growth in turn can result
in movement of organ.
The responses that are indicated by plants involves movement and they are due either
external or internal stimuli. The response that are due to internal stimuli are called
spontaneous responses
A taxis is the process whereby an organism move from one place to another in
response to external stimuli. Such a movement is referred to as Tactic
movement. Where the whole of an organism shift from one place to another in
response to external stimuli. This movements is not confirmed to plants, it is
exhibited by animals and plant like euglena.
(a) Photo taxis – The organism movies in response to the stimulus of light
e.g. cockroach moves away from light (Negative phototaxis or towards
light (positive phototaxis) e.g. Euglera.
(b) Chemotaxis – the organism in response to the stimulus of chemical
(c) Positive chemotaxis – sperme of messes and ferns swim towards
substances released by ovum
(ii) Geotaxis - The organism moves in response to the e.g. plarula larvas swim towards
sea bed
(iii) Rheotaxis – The organism move in the response to the stimulus of resistance. E.g
planaria move against water current
(iv) Megnetotaxis – The organism moves in response to the stimulus of magnetic field.
E.g. certain motile bacteria.
e.g: Euglena moves away from excess light it avoids the effect of light it such movements increase
survival chances of an organism.
Enable an organism to move towards the required material e.g. bacteria to move towards oxygen
They bring together into contacts some cells e.g. sperm and ova (chemotoxis) whose fusion leads to the
formation of zygote.
A nasty is a process where by a fixed part of stationary plant exhibits non-directional movement in
response to external stimulus
These are sleep movement of certain parts of plants such … flowers and leaves where they can close and
open on …………………
Forms of nyctinasty:
(i) Defence of the leaves or plant against external enemies such as high
temperature etc.
Tropic movements, these are the directional movements exhibited by the fixed part of a stationary
plant in response to external stimulus.
Significance of Tropism
Positive hydrotropism of roots increases the chance for water absorption plant.
Positive geotropism of roots increases the chance for mineral absorption plant and
encourage ……… of plant in the soil
These are plant hormones which are commonly known as plant with substances or
regulators. They can be either stimulating growth stimulants or retarding growth i.e.
growth retardants.
- Auxin
- Gibberellins
- Cytokirin
- Absassic acid
- Ethylene
The first three are growth stimulants and last two are growth retardants
These are the prime plants growth hormones. They are synthesized the roots and shoot
apices as well as in the young leaves.
The commonly known group of hormones includes. The indole acetic acid (I.A.A)
Role of Auxins
They promote cell elongation in region behind apex, hence stein growth.
They promote apical dominance i.e. They inhibit lateral bud growth
They inhibit abscission. Hence prevent the pre-mature falling of leaves and fruits.
Gibberellins derive their name from the fungus called gibberella Fujikuroi which causes
abnormal elongation of the rice condition called foolish speedling. The commonly
known gibberellins is the Gibberellic acid (G.A.)
Plants: GA are abundant in young expanding organ where synthesized at young apical
leaves, buds, seeds and roots tips of Gibberellins.
Promote fruit setting and are used for growing seedless grayer element of seedless
fruits can sometimes occur in fertilization
Are used in the brewing industry to stimulate -amylase in barley and hence promote
use of anti-gibberellins” result in short (dwarf), study plant keep green leaves and
sometimes greater pest and disease resistence
Are most abundant where rapid cell division are occurring especially goods where there
is embryo growth and development.
Role of Cytokinln
Promote Cell division in the presence of auxins
promote fruit growth
Promote note lateral but growth
They break seed and bud dormancy in the presence of light and high temperature
Commercial application:
They are used to prolong life of fresh leaf crops such as cabbage
These is synthesized in the leaves, stem and seeds. It is a major plant growth inhibitor. It
is sometimes referred to as “abscissia hormone”
Inhibit stem growth especially during physiological stress e.g. in drought and water
logging they promote bud dormancy
Promote abscission
Can be sprayed on tree crops to regulate fruit drop at the season. This removes the
need for picking over a long
Role of Ethylene
Nutrition is the process of acquiring energy and materials such as proteins, glucose, minerals,
fats etc.
Living organisms can be grouped on the basis of their source of energy or source of carbon.
1. Autotrophic
Use of inorganic sources of carbon i.e. CO2, for example plant, Algae and Bacteria e.g.
2. Heterotrophic
Photosynthesis is the process whereby green plants, algae makes their own food in which
complex organic molecules, glucose is formed by the use of simple inorganic materials
such as CO2, H2O and minerals in the presence of light absorbed by chlorophyll.
1. It converts light energy into chemical energy.
2. Maintains life in the ecosystem.
3. Convert the inorganic forms in the world i.e. reduce CO2 from the air.
4. Almost life on the earth depends on photosynthesis either directly or indirectly.
5. Release of oxygen
6. Sources of fossil fuel
The leaf is the main photosynthetic organ of the plant although other parts like stems,
sepals, roots and other parts may also photosynthesize.
(Very small). This is an adaptation so that each leaf will receive sun light
5. The cuticle and epidermis (protective cells) are transparent. They can allow passage of
6. Mesophyll cell are packed with chloroplast.
7. Chloroplast hold -0.01chlorophyl
1. Spectral quality (colour of light) e.g. chlorophyll is sensitive to blue and red.
2. Time (Duration).
3. Light intensity (amount of light) i.e. the amount of lights which falls on a photosynthetic
pigments within a certain period of time.
1. Chlorophyll a and b
2. Chlorophyll b and c
3. Chlorophyll a and c
They are yellow, red or brown, mostly present in carrots, red, pepper responsible for
flower colour.
Absorb strongly in blue – violet range
They are necessary pigments because they pass absorbed light to the chlorophyll.
1. Carotenes
2. Xanthophylls (divided from carotenoids)
1. Antennal chlorophyll
2. Reaction center
3. Electron acceptor
Photosystem I
P700 reaction centre i.e. has ability to absorb light for a wavelength 700nm.
They have about 200 chlorophyll molecules and 50 carotenoids molecules
There is Ferodoxin ( protein ) which acts as a w-Ractor electron acceptor
Photosystem II
P680 reaction centre i.e. have ability to absorb light of wavelength 680nm.
They have about 200 chlorophyll molecules and 50 carotenoids molecules.
Surrounded by Mg atom i.e. The light harvesting complex (antennae molecule) is
surrounded by magnesium atom.
In photosynthesis light energy to first converted into electrical energy (e – moving) and
finally to chemical energy (ATP).
1. Light harvesting
A flow of electrons results from the effects of light on chlorophyll and so causes the
splitting of water into hydrogen on electrons and oxygen.
The use of hydrogen ions and chemical energy ATP is used in reducing CO2 to form sugar
This is the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate when the chloroplast is exposed to the
light. The NADP is reduced to NADPH2 and Oxygen is evolved. In dark reaction however when
ATP and NADPH2 and provided Carbon dioxide is reduced to Carbohydrate.
If energy comes from light the process will be called photophosphorylation. When Oxygen is
used which comes from oxidation of food substances usually glucose the process is Oxidative
phosphorylation (conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP using chemical energy obtained from food by
These are sequence of reactions which depends on the light directly for boosting of electrons,
leading to the formation of ATP and NADP.
The electrons removed are not returned back to their sources directly.
The electrons are supplied by photolysis of water.
Roles of photons of light
1. Mostly occur in bacteria and algae since they need immediate energy.
2. When the ratio of NADPH and NADP+ is high.
3. Availability of NADPH+ from dark reactions.
4. When there is a need of more ATP than NADPH
5. Cyclic electron pathway.
Light energy is trapped in the reactive chlorophyll a molecule of photo system II boost
electrons to higher energy level and electrons are accepted by primary electron acceptor
The electrons are passed from the primary electron acceptor along an electron transport
chain to a lower energy level; the reaction of photo system I.
As they pass along this electron transport chain the energy contains in them is used to
pump the protons from stroma to the lumen. (Thylakoid space) creating thylakoid protein
gradient. An electrochemical energy contained in protons is used to drive
Light energy absorbed by photo system I boost electrons to another primary acceptor
(ferrodoxin). They are passed via other electron carries to NADPH (NADPH+)
The electrons removed from photo system I are replaced by these from photo system II.
ATP and NADPH replaced the net gain from the energy capturing.
NB: This pathway is called non-cyclic because the isoelectrons do not come back to their
original position P680 or P700 reaction center.
To generate one molecule of NADPH; two electrons must be boosted from photo system II and
two from photo system I.
Two molecules of water are split into protons and oxygen gas also making available the two
replacement electrons needed by photo system II.
To generate one molecule of NADPH; few protons must be absorbed; two by photo system II
and two by photo system I.
This event is the alternative pathway which is used to occur when the ratio of NADPH /NADP+
is high or when the cell needed more ATP than NADPH.
Light strikes chlorophyll molecules at photo system 1 (P700) and electrons are boasted to
higher energy level.
They are accepted by the primary electron accepted (Ferredoxin) then they are transferred
back to photo system I via cytochrome complex to plastocyanin to P700 reaction centre;
the energy contained in them is used to pump the protons from stroma to the thylakoids
space. (Lumen) creating the proton gradient. The latter drives phosphorylation i.e. ADP +
Pi ATP. This is called cyclic pathway because the boosted electron return back to their
original position i.e. P700 reaction center.
How is electron flow along the thylakoid membrane related to ATP synthesis in the
In this process; Electrons from chlorophyll are boosted to a high energy level by sunlight.
Slow down an electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane.
The energy released as they move to a lower energy level is used to pump protons from
the stroma into the thylakoids space; creating proton electrochemical gradient of potential
As the protons flow down the gradient from the thylakoids space back into the stroma
(passively by diffusion) ADP is phosphorylated to ATP through ATP syntheses.
It is a sequence of events which was discovered by a man called Calvin Benson in 1946 –
53. Therefore is called Calvin Benson cycle.
Takes place in stroma of chloroplast does not depend on light but uses ATP and NADPH/
The reduced Nicotinamide. Adenine Diphosphate) to reduce CO2 to from sugar.
The Calvin cycle functions as a sugar factory within the chloroplast uses inputs like CO2,
ATP, and NADPH to construct out part energy by rich sugar molecule.
The CO2 acceptor is a 5C sugar (pentose) is RUBP. Addition of CO2 to a compound is called
carboxylation; the enzyme involved in is carboxylase. The 6C products is unstable and
breakdown immediately to two molecules of glycerate phosphate (GP). This is the first products
of photosynthesis.
The enzyme Ribulose biphosphate is present in large amounts in the chloroplast stoma
and is in fact the world’s common protein.
2. Energy consuption.
The product is a 3C sugar, phosphate (a triose phosphate i.e. a sugar with a phosphate ground
attached. This contains more chemical energy than the 3 – phosphoglyceric acid, and is the first
carbohydrate made in photosynthesis.
One molecule of 3 – PGAL (3- phosphoglyceraldehyde) for the synthesis of organic compound
is isomerizes to DHAP (Dihydroxyacetone phosphate) accordingly.
C3 plants are the plants which after fixing CO2 the first product has three carbons.
Most of C3 plants are found in temperate and most cold regions so they don’t need any
modifications since the environment support them.
Enzyme for fixing CO2 is Rubisco.
Under high light intensity and high concentration of O2 the C3 plants can fix O2 instead of
CO2. This condition is called photorespiration this reveals that the C3 plant are not
efficient for photosynthesis
Photorespiration is wasteful oxidation process since in the normal Calvin cycle, the
oxygen is used instead of CO2 forming nothing (No food formed)
When O2 is fixed instead of CO2 the enzyme is Ribulose Biphosphate Oxygenase. This shows
that RUBISCO has high affinity to O2 than CO2.
C4 plants
The scientists krantz and Hatch slack discovered the c4 plants and so the name krantz and Hatch
C4 plants are plants in which the first compound to formed after mixing CO2 has 4 carbon
atoms (Oxaloacetate )
There is distinct arrangement of chloroplast in mesophyll cells and bundle such each one
has its chloroplast, the mesophyll cells has grain but few starch grain compared to the
bundle sheath.
PEP has high affinity to carbon dioxide since it can fix it at low concentration and high
temperature. This is an adaptation.
NB; Carbon dioxide fixation and Calvin cycle are separated in space.
The role of this is to conserve water. C4 plants have PEP which can fix carbon dioxide
120 times the C3 plants.
Another adaptation is that it can fix carbon dioxide even when stomach is closed. This
occurs in all mesophyll cells.
Significance of C4 Plants
1. They are maximum rate of CO2 fixation at high light intensity and high temperatures. C4
plant increase in dry mans more rapidly than C3 plants.
2. More tolerant to dry conditions in order to reduce water loss. C4 plants can adapt drought
Examples Most crop plants e.g. Maize and sugar
Cereals, Tobacco, Beans
Amounting light intensity 10000 – 30000 fact candles Not saturated at 105
Occurs twice 1st in mesophyll
CO2 Fixation Occurs once
2nd in Bundle sheath cells.
Effects on Temperature rise
No change in rate or low rate 50% greater at 350C
from 250C – 350C
Mesophyll cell – PEP, a 3C
CO2 ACCEPTOR RuBP, a 5 C compound compound, Bundle sheath cell
Krantz anatomy i.e. two type of
Only one type of chloroplast no
CO2 fixation Enzyme cells each with its chloroplast
bundle sheath
(own type).
RUBP carboxylase which is Mesophyll cell – PEP
Leaf anatomy
very efficient carboxylase which is efficient
Amount of energy used Low energy A lot of energy.
More efficient in
Efficiency Less efficient in photosynthesis
The rate of photosynthesis is affected by a number of factors; the level of which determines the
yield of material by a plant. Before reviewing these factors, it is necessary to understand the
principle of limiting factors.
In 1905; F.F black man; a British plant physiologist; measured the rate of photosynthesis under
varying condition of light and carbon dioxide supply. As a result of his works, he formulated the
principle of limiting factors; it states that.
“At any given moment; the rate of physiological process is limited by the one factor which is in
the shortest supply and that factor alone.
In another words it is the factor which is nearest to its minimum value which will determine the
rate of the reaction.
Any changes in the level of this factor; called a limiting factor will affect the rate of reaction.
Changes in the level of other factors have no effects.
E.g. Photosynthesis cannot proceed in the dark because the absence of light limits the process.
The supply of light will alter the rate of photosynthesis i.e. more light, more photosynthesis).
However if more CO2 or high temperature is supplied to a plant in the dark; there will be no
change in the rate of photosynthesis. Light is the limiting factor therefore only a change can
affect the rate.
If the amount of light given to a plant is increased the rate of photosynthesis increases up to a
point and then fails off.
At this point, some other factors such as the CO2 concentration is in short supply and so limit the
rate/ increase in CO2 concentration increases the amount of photosynthesis until some other
The rate of photosynthesis increases as controlled by limited external and internal factors.
1. Light intensity
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Temperature
4. Water
1. Light intensity
The rate of photosynthesis increases as light intensity increases and vice versa.
The rate of photosynthesis is proportional to the light intensity provided that other
conditions are suitable.
2. Temperature
This affects the activity of enzymes below the optimum temperature. The rate of
photosynthesis increases as the temperature is raised; beyond the optimum temperature
i.e. 600c. The enzymes are destroyed.
3. CO2 concentration
Provided other conditions are suitable for this process the rate of photosynthesis increases
as CO2 concentration increases especially for C3 plants.
4. Water.
The rate of photosynthesis depends on how much water is present in the plant body. The
water present in plant body depends on the water present in the surroundings.
When water is so scarce; the plant will wilt and the rate of photosynthesis decreases.
Trophic – feeding
Heterotrophic nutrition is the type of nutrition which involves the organisms that are not capable
of manufacturing their own food by the process of photosynthesis.
The organisms involved in this mode of feeding are called heterotrophs. They comprise of
animals, fungi and majority of bacteria and few flowering plants (insectivorous plants)
1. Holozoic nutrition
2. Saprotrophic nutrition
3. Parasitic nutrition
Means feeding on solid organic materials from bodies of living or dead organisms which may
either be plants or animals.
This method is usually seen in animals and carnivorous plants and some protoctists
A parasite feeds on organic materials often but not always soluble from the body of another
living organism known as hosts.
It occurs mainly in protoctists, bacteria and fungi although there are some saprophytic
animal e.g. Hyena.
Saprotrophic nutrition is of biological great importance because it plays a role in
decomposition of biological materials and retaining nutrients to the soil and at the
atmosphere and hence nutrient circulation in the ecosystem.
Digestion is the breakdown of large organic molecules into smaller simple soluble which can be
a)Physical digestion
This involves mechanical breakdown of fossils by teeth and abdominal muscles.
Humans are omnivores and hence have an unspecialized diet of mixed animals and plants origin.
The teeth reflect the lack of specialization. All types being present and developed to a similar
Apart from assisting speech, the tongue also manipulate all the food during chewing and ensures
it is well mixed saliva produced from three pairs of salivary gland/about 1.0 – 1.5dm3 saliva are
produced daily.
1. It is slightly alkaline neutralized the effects of acidic foods or acids produced by the
bacteria in the mouth.
4. Defensive mechanism: It contains ant bacterial enzyme for killing bacterial for preventing
the growth of bacteria.
Stomach is roughly U shaped situated below the diaphragm. It is a muscular sac with a folded
minor layer called the gastric mucosa. Embedded in this is a series of gastric pits which are lined
with secretory cells. These produce
1. Water :
2. Hydrochloric acid
This is produced by the oxyntic cells and with the water forms dilute solution giving gastric juice
it PH of around 2.
It helps to kill bacteria brought in with food particles and activates the enzymes pepsinogen and
It also initiates the hydrolysis of glucose and nucleic protein (nucleic acid)
3. Pepsinogen
This is produced by the zymogen chief cells in inactive form to prevent it from hydrolyzing
the proteins and the cells producing it once in the stomach it activates the pepsin by hydrochloric
acid. Pepsin is an endopepsidal which hydrolyses protein into polypeptides.
4. Prorennin
This not produced by zymogen cells and is an inactive form of renin an enzyme which
coagulates milk converting it into the soluble caseinogens to insoluble casein. It is therefore
especially important in young mammals.
5. Mucus
This is produced by goblet cells and forms a protective layer on the stomach wall thus
preventing pepsin and HCL from breaking down gastric mucosa. (Preventing autolysis).
If protection is not effective and the gastric juice attacks the mucosa an ulcer results.
During its stay in the stomach food is thoroughly churned and mixed with gastric juice by
periodic contraction of the muscular stomach wall. In this way a creamy fluid called
chyme and contraction of the stomach walls as the chyme to enter duodenum
The chyme from any one meal is released gradually over a period of 3-4 hours. This
enables the small intestine to work on little material of time and provides a continuous
supply of food and for absorption thoroughly the period between meals.
1. It has a PH of 1- 2.5 which makes the stomach content ideal for the optimum activity of
the stomach enzyme.
2. It kills bacteria which are associated food defensive mechanism.
3. It denatures many protein their tertiary structure is altered making them unfold and easy
to digest.
4. It converts
In humans the small intestine is over 6 m in length and its coils fill much of the
abdominal cavity.
i).In humans the small duodenum where most digestion occurs and the pancreatic and
bile ducts into about 25cm
The digestive juice which appears in the small intestine comes from three sources.
Intestinal wall
They help to neutralize the acidic chyme from the stomach and secrete more neutral PH
for the enzyme of the small intestine to work.
They emulsify lipids, breaking them down into minute droplets. This is the physical not
chemical change which provides a greater surface area for pancreatic lipase to work on.
The liver performs other functions some associated with digestion. These are
Pancreatic Juice
The pancrease is situated below the stomach and is unusual in that it produces both on
exocrine secretion, the pancreatic juice and endocrine secretion, the hormone insulin and
glucagon. The endocrine is not concerted directly with digestion and pancreatic juice in
addition to water, contains.
Helps to neutralize acidic enzyme from the stomach and so provide a more neutral PH in
which the intestine enzymes can operate.
2. Protease
These include trypsinogen which when activated by enterokinase from the intestinal wall
forms the endopeptidase called trypsin which hydrolyses proteins to peptides.
3. Pancreatic amylase- Completes the hydrolysis of starch to maltose which began in the mouth.
4. Lipase - Breaks down fats into fatty acids and monoglycerides (Glycerol + one fatty acid) by
5. Nuclease - Converts nucleic acids into their constituent nucleotides
The production of digestive secretion must be timed to coincide with the presence of food in the
appropriate region of the gut. The secretion of such juices in mammals are under both nervous
and hormonal control. The sight, smell or even thought of food may cause salivary glands to
secrete saliva. This is a conditional reflex response.
Hormonal control of secretions begins with the presence of food in stomach. This stimulates the
stomach to secrete hormone called gastrin which passes through blood stream to stimulate the
production of gastric juice.
- When food leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum it stimulates the production of two
hormones from duodenal walls. These are
Secretin – This pass through blood stream to the liver where it stimulate the production of bile
and to the pancreases where it stimulate the secretion of the mineral salts.
Cholecystokinin- pancreozymin- This causes the gall bladder to contract (releasing the bile juice
into the duodenum) and stimulate the pancreases to secrete its enzymes.
Oxygen goes in and carbon oxide goes out – These gases move in and out through diffusion.
Respiratory surfaces – These are surfaces on which gaseous exchange takes places.
In case of unicellular organisms, gaseous exchange usually takes place throughout the whole
body i.e. the cell and the distance through which gases have to travel is small.
In large multicellular organisms there are well developed respiratory systems through which
gases move in and out of the organism from and to the external environment.
1. They should be moist in order to dissolve the gases ( gases diffuse better when they are
in solution they must also be permeable)
2. They must have large surface area to volume ratio to take in or take out gases.
3. They must be thin to minimize the distance through which the gases have to travel.
4. They must have a respiratory pigment e.g. Haemoglobin-iron containing pigment;
Haemocynine-copper containing pigment.
5. Ventilation i.e. there must be a constant supply of air or water to the respiratory surface
because as oxygen diffuses inwards it tends to be depletal immediately next to the
gaseous exchange surface. Therefore the supply of the oxygen from the external
environment can be much more efficiently replaced. A flow of this kind is called
6. They must be highly vascularised i.e. supplied with blood capillaries (vessels) to
transport the gases.
The organ of gaseous exchange is the lung and the respiratory surfaces are the alveoli, the
gaseous exchange takes place along the respiratory rate.
The two lungs of the body contain about 700million alveoli which can stretch out to
about an area of 140m squared(140m2). The two lungs have different size due to the
presence of the heart on the left side, to accommodate this area; the lungs have a highly
organized internal structure supported by connective tissue. The lungs are compact
relatively, firm and highly elastic to allow expansion when filled with air
1. The walls of the passage/tract are lined with ciliated epithelial cells (have hair like
structure) and goblet cells which produce mucus. The mucus traps foreign particles like
dust, bacteria which enter the respiratory tract with air. The vibration of the cilia sweeps
the trapped particles backwards into the pharynx and then they are swallowed.
2. Presence of hair in the nasal cavity. This traps the particles coming in along with air.
They act as filters of dust and foreign particles.
3. The mucus produced not only traps the foreign particles but also moistens the respiratory
4. Presence of numerous blood capillaries whose blood provide a continuous supply of
moisture to air to keep it moist before it reaches the alveoli and also supplies heat to
warm the incoming air so that the air is warmed up to the body temperature so that the
alveoli are not damaged.
5. The trachea remains open for continuous inhalation and exhalation. This is made
possible by the cartilage which also gives strength to the passage.
Presence of collagen and elastic fibres in the alveoli which allow the alveoli to expand
and recoil easily.
6. Special cells in the walls of the alveoli produce a chemical called SARFACTANT, its roles
7. Presence of microphages on the surface of the alveoli which keep them clean by scavenging
the bacteria that reaches the alveoli. Microphages are actually what reaches the alveoli.
Microphages are actually white blood cells.
The nasal passages have a relatively large gaseous area but no gaseous exchange takes
place here, the passages have a good blood supply and the lining secretes mucus and it is
covered by hair. The air is cleaned moistened and warmed as it passes the nasal cavity.
The trachea is a major airway, heading down to the chest cavity. It is lined with columnar
epithelial cells. In the layers below the epithelium are mucus secreting cells (goblet cells).
The inner side of the columnar cells is lined with air.
-The trachea is made up of cartilage rings which prevent them from collapsing. The
cartilage rings are incomplete to allow the easy passage of food down the oesophagus that runs
below the trachea.
The trachea divides into two bronchi within the chest cavity one leading to the left lung
and the other leading to the right.
The bronchi are very similar to the trachea in structure, only that they are narrow
The left bronchus divided into two while the right bronchus divided into three.
The bronchioles are much smaller than the bronchi and these are many of them decreasing in size
as they go down to the alveoli (different sizes). Larger bronchioles have cartilage rings unlike
those which are smaller. These small bronchioles collapse quite easily as the bronchioles get
smaller. The lining epithelium changes from columnar to flattened cuboidal cells making
diffusion more likely.
The tiny bronchioles terminate into millions of microscopic air sacs or alveoli in grape like
The alveoli are 0.1 mm in diameter and they are 0.5 mm in thickness.
They have elastic walls lined (supplied) with blood capillaries from the pulmonary artery
The alveoli are made up of squamous epithelial cells which facilitate diffusion because
they have a large surface area and are thin reducing the distance through which gases
The capillaries which run close to the alveoli also have walls which only one cell thick
are creating the best possible conditions for gaseous exchange. Between the capillaries
and the alveolus is a layer of elastic connective tissues which holds them together.
The elastic elements in the tissue help to force air out of the stretched lungs; this is
known as elastic recoil of the lungs.
There are two ways in which oxygen is transported to the respiring cells. It is carried in the blood
in two forms
1. Dissolved oxygen
Oxygen is dissolved in the plasma then transported to the respiring cells. It is a simple physical
solution. About 2% of the oxygen in the body is transported in this way.
2. Chemical form
These form in a quaternary structure from the haemoglobin. Each of these four subunits contains
a special pigment or Haem group.
The haem group has an iron atom located at its centre. A single Fe atom builds/ binds one
molecule of oxygen (02), one molecule of haemoglobin and therefore combines reversibly with
up to 4 molecules of oxygen.
Haemoglobin is found in the red blood cells. It has high affinity for oxygen. It combines readily
with oxygen.
The 4 oxyhaemoglobin differ according to the degree of dissociation Hb4O8 dissociates to release
O2 more readily than Hb4O6 and Hb4O6 dissociates more readily than Hb404 and so on.
The degree of dissociation represented gives a character sigmoid (s – shaped) curve called the
oxygen dissociation curve.
The duration of a single dive in seals rarely exceeds 20 minutes where as that of sperm whale
may extend to 75 min. Bottle nose dolphin have been known to dive for up to two hours.
The remarkable ability of these mammals to endure such long periods without replenishing the
air supplies is a result of
As a diver goes deeper, the pressure increases by 1atm for every 10m; in order to pass air
from the tanks to lungs its pressure must be increased thus this condition cause greater
concentration of oxygen and nitrogen enter the blood. Oxygen may be toxic and nitrogen
has a narcotic effect. Also nitrogen may come out of the solution and form bubbles. If a
diver rises to the surface rapidly thus gibe painful symptoms known as bends. On
returning to normal atmospheric pressure the nitrogen dissolves in blood expanding to
form bubbles causing pain (bends) and blocking circulation in small blood vessels in the
brain and elsewhere.
The amount of oxygen at high altitude levels is the same as that at sea levels. The respiratory
problems associated with living at high altitude levels are a result of reduced pressure it means it
is more difficult to lead the haemoglobin with O2 effectively. Some human settlements exist at
high altitudes and the inhabitants have become acclimated/ adapted to living in conditions of low
atm pressure) the acclimatization involves:-
1. Adjustment of blood pH
The reduced leading of haemoglobin lead to deeper breathing (hyper ventilation in an
attempt to compensate for the lack of O2 in the blood). This leads to excessive removal of
CO2 and raised blood pH. Nervous responses are triggered causing reduced depth of
breathing. In acclimatized individuals the HCO3 ions are removed by the kidney restoring
the blood PH to normal (7.4)
The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right to facilitate release of O2 to the
2. Increased myoglobin level in muscles with its higher affinity for O2, this facilitates the
exchange of O2 from blood to the tissues.
The transport of CO2 is closely linked with the transport of O2. CO2 is more soluble in
H2O than O2 but its transport in solution is inadequate to meet the needs of most
organisms (vertebrates)
CO2 is transported in 3 ways from the tissues (respiring cells) to the gaseous exchange
1. Aqueous soln: About 5% of the CO2 is transported in soln in the blood plasma. CO2 is
directly dissolved in blood, it occurs in the blood plasma.
1. In combination with haemoglobin: Around 10% of CO2 combines with the
amine group in the four polypeptide chains which make up each haemoglobin
molecules. It occurs in the RBC
1. In form of hydrogen carbonate (HCO3) 85% of the CO2 produced by tissues combines
with water to form carbonic acid
This reaction is catalyzed by a zinc containing enzyme called carbonic anhydrase.
The H+ combines with haemoglobin which loses its O2 . The O2 so released from the Hb
diffuses out of the RBC through the capillary wall and tissue fluid into the respiring
tissues. Thus the more CO2, the more carbonic acid formed the more H2CO3 dissociates,
the more H+ ions released which will combine with the Hb which will then release its O2
to go into the respiring cells. This explains the Bohr’s effect.
Bohr's effect- the release of oxygen from haemoglobin is facilitated by the presence of
carbon dioxide, where CO2 is high in respiring tissues oxygen is released more rapidly.
The negativity of HCO3- ions is compensated by Cl- ion in RBC in equal amount
In this way the electrochemical neutrality is restored.
Chloride shift
Tissue respiration or cellular respiration or internal respiration is a chemical processes in which food
substances such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are oxidized in the cells to yield energy.
During respiration the energy that was fixed into the synthesized organic matter is released and made
available for use the living organisms.
There are food substances which upon being oxidized yield energy in form of ATP, they include
carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. However the most preferred respiratory substrates are the
carbohydrate especially glucose.
Respiration of Glucose:
Glucose is the mostly used respiratory substances. When glues completely oxidized aerobically a
molecule of glucose yield 38 ATP molecules.
(i) Glycolysis
(ii) Krebs cycle (if oxygen available)
(iii) Fermentation (if oxygen not available)
(iv) Electron transport system
Is the breakdown of hexose sugar, usually glucose into two molecule of 3 – carbon compound pyruwate
(pyruwic acid). It sews in a all cell in anaerobic organisms it is the only stage of respiration.
Initially the glucose is insufficiently reactive and so it is phosphotylated poor to split into two trios sugar
1. The glucose molecule is phasphorylated to make it more reactive. The phosphate molecule come
from the conversion of ATP to ADP
3. The fructose phosphate is further activated by the donations of a second phosphate group by a
ATP molecule to make it more reactive.
4. The 6 – carbon fructose diphosphate is split into two 3 – carbon triose phosphate molecule
5. Hydrogen atom are removed from the triose phosphate molecule and taken up by NAD.
Inorganic phosphate is added to further activate the triose phosphate.
The total yield of energy therefore two molecule of ATP directly and six molecule of ATP
produced from the two reduced NAD molecules. A total of eight ATP molecule.
The pyruvic acid formed as a result of glycolysis may in the absence of oxygen being converted
to a variety of substances to yield a little energy. This is anaerobic pathways.
In the presence of oxygen the pyruvic acid enters the Krebs cycle.
Before entering the actual cycle one of the 3-C atom of pyruvic acid is oxidized to CO2 and a
molecule of NA is reduced by addition of two hydrogen atom.
This leaves the acetyl group (CH3 CO) which is readily accepted by a coenzyme called coenzyme
The two carbon acetyl group of this compound combine with 4 – carbon substance called
oxaloacetic acid to give a six carbon molecule atric acid.
In a series of reaction two carbondioxide produced and 4 – carbon oxaloacetic acid regenerated
in readness to receive another 2 – carbon acetyl group from acetyl coenzyme A. other products
includes a total of 8 hydrogen atoms which are used to reduce three molecules of NAD and one
molecule of FAD.
These reduced electron carriers (NAD & FAD) eventually pass on the hydrogen atoms to oxygen
yielding 11 more ATP molecule for each pyruvic acid. In addition of further ATP molecule is
yielded. Directly during the cycle to give a total of 12 ATB per pyruvic acid molecule.
Is the means by which the energy From the Krebs cycle inform of hydrogen atom is converted to
Much of the energy is in the form of hydrogen atoms which are attached is the hydrogen carries
NAD and FAD.
These atoms passed along a serves of carriers at progressively cover energy levels, as they lose
their energy it is harnessed to produce ATP molecule.
There for each molecule of NAD and two for each one FAD
The other camers in the system are iron containing protein called cytochromes. The hydrogen
split into their protons and electrons during the pathway.
They combine with their proton before the find stage where the newly reformed hydrogen
atoms combine with oxygen to form water.
It is very essential in aviabic respiration only play a role at this final stage, it is vital since it drives
the process.
Summary of the Electron transport system.
In absence of oxygen only anaerobic resp. continues the transfer of hydrogen atom is catalyzed
by the enzyme cytochrome oxidize. This enzyme is intrubited by cyanide, so preventing the
removal of hydrogen atoms at the end of the respiratory chain. In these circumstances the
hydrogen atoms accumulate and aerobic respiratory ceases, making cyanide a most effective
respiratory incubator.
Anaerobic Pathways:-
If no oxygen is available the pyruvic acid formed at the glycolysis do not enter the Krebs cycle
but follow one of the anaerobic pathways are often reffered as fermentation.
Yeast and other plants. This process forms the basis of brewing and baking
B5 – Partothenic acid
Form part of acetyl coenzyme A
(iii) Respiratory chain : -The number of ATP depend on the number of carrier
molecules NADH2 and FADH2
Each pair of atoms carried by NAD produces in respiratory chain as NADH2, shunts its hydrogen
to carrier 1. Where NAD occurs and each pair of hydrogen atom carried by FAD shunts into
hydrogen to carrier 2 where FAD occurs.
= 30 ATP
= 4 ATP
Thus when a molecule of glucoseis completely oxideized aerobically a total of 38 ATP molecules
is synthesized.
The total energy released is therefore restricted to the two ATP’s formed directly.
In lactate fermentation all is not lost, and the lactate may be converted to pyruvate by the liver
and so enter Krebs cycle thus releasing the remaining energy.
Sugar are not only material which can be oxidized by cells to release energy. Both fats and
protein in certain circumstances be used as a respiratory substrates.
Respiration of Fats:
Fats are used as respiratory substrate when there is unsufficient amount of carbohydrates the
oxidation of fats is proceeded by its hydrolysis to glycerol and fat acids.
Each fatty acid in the matrix of mitochondria undergoes oxidation in the process called β-
oxidation involves the fragmentation of fatty acid to 2-cabon fragments. Each of these will be
converted into acetyl Co-A and then fed into the Krebs at the point where acetyl Co-A occurs.
The advantage of respiring fats is that fatty acid have large number of hydrogen atom which
when passed through respiratory chain yield a large amount of ATP molecule.
E.g. The respiration of asteric acid, fatty acid and animal adipose tissue yields a total of 147 ATP
molecules, Total number of ATP’s formed are 166 ATP’s from glycezid and fatty acids.
Respiration of Protein:
Protein is respired only when both carbohydrates fats are totally absent or need up is used in the
condition of starvation. When proteins are to the respired first hydrolysed to amino acids, then
Oxidative Diamination:
This process occurs in the inner cells and it involves the removal of ammonia from amino acid.
This is by dehydrogenation and hydrolysis.
The ammonia is then exceted as either wric acid urea or pure NH3 depend on the nature of the
environment the diaminated amino acid is converted into one the Krebs cycle intermediate
depending on the number of carbon atoms. If it is a 5-carbon amino acid. It will be converted
into α- ketoglutaric acid.
And if it is a 4-carbon amino acid will be converted into oxaloacetic acid. If it is a 3-carbon
amino acid will be converted into pyruvic acid, latter converted into acetyl COA then fed into
Krebs cycle.
This is a process whereby on amino group from one amino acid is transferred to a keto group of
another amino acid so as to form a new amino acid. Hence the conversion of one amino acid into
another is controlled by transaminase oenym and it can produce α-keto acids that directly enter
Kreb's cycle.
Study questions:
3. Describe the changes that a protein undergo before entering the respiratory pathways.
5. Compute the total number of ATP molecule produced when glucose is completely
oxidized aerobically.
6. In the aerobic respiring cell glycolysis yields net gain of $ATP molecule; however
the whole process contributes 10 ATP’S. How do you account for this?
7. Show that the majority of energy produced when glucose is completely oxidized
aerobically depend on oxidative phasphorylation?
Significance of RQ:
However in practice the above theoretically, call caulated values cannot be obtain this is
(i) The RQ value exceeding 1.0 tess that the respiring cell or tissue is in short
supply oxygen. Hence respire an anaerobically.
(ii) The high RQ value also show that: the conversion of carbohydrates into fats
because the process Co2 is evolved.
(a) Some or all of the Co2 is evolved is used other process as far photosynthesis
(b) The Co2 evolved is used in the formed in calcareous shows as in shelled
What will be the nature of the RQ values when aerobic and anaerobic respiration are occurring
Because it is difficult to ensure a subject is absolute rate the BUR is usually estimated as the
amount of energy used by a pelscon restring quietly after at least 13 hours or sleep and
12 hours after the last meal.
The BMR does not remain constant through out life but changes as growth development and
aging take place e.g. Newly BMR is 220 and 220 KJM-1 hr. By the end of the year one.
The BMR also varies with sex, and health of the individual for a healthy young women. It is
about 150 KJMol-2 hr-1 and for the health young man it is about 170 KJ mol-2 hr-1
Internal environment means the immediate surroundings of the cells. In mammalian tissues the
cells are generally surrounded by tiny channels and spaces filled with fluid.
The most important features of the internal environment that must be kept constant are:
Heart rate
Its osmotic pressure, determined by the relative amounts of water and solutes.
Its temperature
The importance of a constant internal environment to the well-being of cells can be shown by
removing tissues from the body. If they are subjected to conditions markedly different from
those prevailing in the body they will die, but if maintained under the correct conditions they will
The normal value of glucose in the human blood stream is approximately 90mg per 100cm3 and
even after the heaviest carbohydrate meal rarely exceeds 150mg per 100cm3.
After entering the hepatic portal vein, it is conveyed to the liver. In the liver three main things
may happen to it.
It may be converted into fat and sent to the body’s fat deposits for storage.
Instead of being metabolized or stored, it may pass on from the liver to the general circulation.
In fact under certain circumstances the glycogen stores in the liver may be broken down so as to
add the level of glucose in the body.
The level of glucose in the blood and tissue fluids at any given moment is mainly determined by
the relative extent to which these different processes occur in the liver if there is too much
glucose, as for example, after a heavy meal rich in carbohydrate, the liver metabolizes what it
can, and stores the rest as glycogen. If there is a deficiency of glucose, the liver breaks down
glycogen, into glucose, thereby raising the glucose level in the body.
In cases of prolonged deficiency; glucose may be formed from the non-carbohydrate sources,
including proteins. This is called gluconeogenesis. The wasting away of the tissues, which occurs
in extreme starvation is because the body resorts to converting its tissue protein into
The liver cannot perform this homeostatic function unaided. It has to receive information
instructing it what to do. This is provided by the hormone insulin which is secreted into the blood
stream by special group of cells, the islets of langerhans in the pancreas.
On reaching the liver, insulin exerts its effect increasing the oxidative breakdown of glucose the
formation of glucose from glycogen and non-carbohydrate sources. Insulin thus achieves the
overall effect of lowering the level of glucose in the body.
In the absence of insulin the reverse takes place, oxidative breakdown of glucose is inhibited,
and additional glucose is formed from storage compounds.
As a result the glucose level raises an effect which is enhanced by another hormone from the
islets of langerhans called glucagon.
Clearly insulin plays a vital role in the regulation of glucose without it the liver cannot respond
appropriately to the needs of the body. This can be illustrated considering what happens if the
pancreas is surgically removed from an animal. The result is a drastic increase in general level of
the glucose in the blood, accompanied by a decrease in the glycogen content of the liver and
muscles content.
Certain individuals have islets of langerhans which for one reason or another are unable to
produce as much insulin as they should. The result is a condition known as diabetes mellitus, the
symptoms of which are similar to those seen in an animal deprived of its pancreas. There is an
increase in the blood glucose level condition known as (hyperglycaemia), and glucose appears in
the urine (glycosuria). If untreated the condition is fatal. Diabetes can be controlled by regular
injections of insulin. Unfortunately the hormone cannot be taken by mouth as it is a protein and
is digested in the alimentary canal, though mild cases can be controlled by means of other
chemical agents taken orally.
It is amount of glucose in the blood itself which is the effective agent for the control of secretion
of insulin. If the blood glucose level is abnormally high, this stimulates the islets cells to produce
correspondingly more insulin. On other hand if the glucose level is low, less insulin is secreted.
In other words the glucose itself switches on the mechanism by which it is itself regulated, an
excess of glucose setting into motion the physiological processes which return the glucose level
to its normal value.
This is the set level at which the system operates. Only be deviating from this norm or set-point
then that the homeostatic mechanism is brought into play.
Signals the extent of any deviation from the reference point and are capable of detecting the
Controller/control mechanism
Feedback loop
Such control systems rely upon their components being linked together so that the output can
be regulated in terms of the input, a concept known as feedback mechanism.
Feedback mechanisms require the action of the system to be referred back to a reference point,
which is the optimal level of the parameter, so that subsequent action may be modified to
restore the set point.
There are two forms of feedback, negative and positive, the former being most common in
homeostatic mechanisms of organisms.
Negative feedback is associated with increasing stability of systems. If the system is disturbed,
the disturbance or error sets in motion a sequence of events which counteract the disturbance
and tend to restore the system to its original state. This serves as an advantage.
Whenever there is an increase in normal state the response causes to decrease or whenever there
is a decrease in normal state the response causes an increase.
The directions of the lines of the diagram indicate the directions of stimulus and response.
Examples of biological negative feedback mechanisms include the control of gas tensions in the
blood, heart, rate, arterial blood pressure, hormone and metabolite levels, water and ionic
balances, the regulation of pH and body temperature.
The below figure illustrates the rate of negative feedback in the control of thyroxin release by the
thyroid gland.
Positive feedback is rare in biological systems since it leads to an unstable situation and extreme
states. In these situations a disturbance leads to events which increase the disturbance even
further. This acts as a disadvantage. For example, depolarization of the neuronal membrane
produces an increase in its sodium permeability and sodium ions pass into the axon through the
membrane and produce a further depolarization which leads to the production of an action
potential. In this case, positive feedback acts as an amplifier of the response whose extent is
limited by other mechanisms.
It is a well known fact that irrespective of fluctuations in the environmental temperature, the
body temperature of humans is approximately 36.90C. Many of the body’s structures and
physiological processes contribute towards the maintenance of this constant temperature.
Amphibians, reptiles and Pisces are ectotherms. I.e. their body temperature fluctuates with the
environment temperature therefore rely on heat delivered from the environment than
metabolic heat.
Evaporative cooling through sweating - this depends on various factors such as temperature,
humidity and air currents but it can account for a substantial loss heat.
Conduction - Transfer of heat from the body to the nearest surrounding things which are in
contact OR transfer of energy in form of heat in solids by vibration of its particles.
Convection-is the movement of air resulting from local currents of warm air being adjacent to
each other replaced by cooler air and vice versa. These air movements speed up loss of heat by
radiation and evaporation.
Convection- is the transfer of energy in fluids in form of heat due to density difference of the
molecules where they are moving and carrying the heat energy.
When reference is made to body temperature in animal studies, it usually refers to the core
temperature. This is the temperature of tissues below a level of 2.5cm beneath the surface of the
skin. Temperature near the surface of the body can vary tremendously depending upon position
and external temperature.
Endothermic organisms which live permanently in warm climates have developed a range of
adaptations to help them maintain a constant body temperature. These adaptations may be
anatomical, physiological or behavioral and include the following.
1. Vasodilation
Blood in the network of capillaries in the skin may take three alternative routes. It can pass
through capillaries close to the skin surface, through others deeper in the dermis or it may pass
beneath the layer of subcutaneous fat.
Many of the capillaries form loops and have shunts which enable the body to vary the amount
of blood flowing through them.
The hypothalamus detects the change in blood temperature (thermoregulatory centre) and
send nerve impulses to the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata of the hind brain
The vasomotor control of superficial arterioles causes them to dilate encouraging blood flow
through the capillary beds. The shunt veins and connecting veins are constricted. Therefore
more blood flows closer to the skin surface and heat from this blood is lost through the
epidermis by conduction, convection and radiation.
It is less concentrated than blood plasma and is secreted from tissue fluid by activity of the
sweat glands i.e. the sweat gland cells absorb fluid (water, dissolved mineral salts and urea) from
the surrounding capillaries and secrete it into sweat ducts which lead to the surface
of the skin
When sweat evaporates from the skin, energy (heat) is lost from the body as latent heat of
evaporation and this reduces body temperature.
Being furless humans have sweat glands over the whole body, making them efficient at cooling
by this means, animals with fur generally have sweat glands confined to areas of the skin where
fur is absent e.g. pads of the feet of dogs and cats and ears of rats (sweating beneath a covering
of thick fur is in efficient as the fur prevents air movements which would otherwise evaporate
the sweat)
At high environmental temperatures, the hair erector muscles are relaxed and the elasticity of
the skin causes the fur/hair to lie closer to its surface. The thickness of insulatory warm air
trapped is thus reduced and therefore the body looses heat by conduction and radiation.
Where animals have few or no sweat glands cooling by evaporation of water nonetheless takes
place from the mouth and nose.
Painting in dogs may result in the breathing rate increasing from 30 to 300 breaths per min. This
result in excessive removal of CO2 from the blood which is partly offset by a reduction in the
depth of breathing. Even so, dogs are able to tolerate depletion of CO2 which would prove fatal
to other organisms.
o Licking while not as effective as sweating may help cool the body. It has been reported
in Kangaroos, cats and rabbits. Licking cools the body as heat from the body is required
to evaporate the wet fur.
The metabolic rate decreases in order to decrease heat production. The metabolic rate is
controlled by the hormone thyroxine by negative feedback mechanisms involving the
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
1. Vasoconstriction
The hypothalamus detects the change in blood temperature and sends nerve impulses to the
vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata of the hind brain – bulb of Krause.
The vasomotor control of superficial arterioles causes them to constrict so reducing the quantity
of blood reaching the skin surface.
The shunt vein and connecting vein are dilated and therefore less blood flows close to the skin
surface and hence less heat is lost through the epidermis by conduction, convection and
2. Shivering
When the body’s temperatures fall below the core, the skeletal muscles of the body may
undergo rhythmic; involuntary contracting which produce metabolic heat. This shivering may be
proceeded by asynchronous twitching of groups of muscles.
At low environmental temperatures the hair erector muscles contract and the elasticity the skin
causes a pull in the hair.
The hair becomes erect; goose bumps/pimples develop due to skin being pushed up by hair
and so increase the thickness of the layer of air trapped. Therefore less heat is lost from the body.
The liver may increase its metabolic rate during cold conditions. Low temperature
induces increased activity of the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. All these produce
hormones which help to increase the body’s metabolic rate and so produce additional
(Adrenal produce cortisol and adrenaline, thyroid produce thyroxine and pituitary
produce somatotrophin).
This requires increased consumption of food; arctic animals consume more food per gram
of body weight than their tropical relatives. Rats kept at 30C take in 50% more food than
those at 200C.
Excretion is a process whereby waste products from the metabolic activities of the body are
eliminated from the body.
Excretion is the removal from the body of the waste products of metabolism.
Carbon dioxide
Source ;( from carbohydrate metabolism and is produced during respiration in the Krebs cycle)
when and alpha – ketoglutarate changes to succinate. CO2 is formed in the body tissues. It
diffuses out of the body through gaseous exchange surface e.g. Lungs in man, gills in fish and
trachea in arthropods.
The concentration gradient will make the CO2 move out of the body through the lungs, alveoli,
alveoli duct, trachea and the nose.
Source; from carbohydrate metabolism and mineral metabolism removed from the body trough
special organs e.g.: as sweat from sweating glands, kidneys in man.
Bile pigment.
Source; from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the liver spleen or bone marrow. Excreted by
the liver in bile and eliminated with faces.
Nitrogenous waste.
Ammonia (gas)
Source: from the breakdown of amino acids
Its nature is highly toxic and highly soluble in water. Thus must be removed from the body
quickly i.e. must not be allowed to accumulate in the tissue
Oesteichythes, marine invertebrates and all fresh water animal can afford to excrete it
o Made from the molecule of CO2 and 2 molecules of NH3.It’s soluble and
relatively non toxic and harmless(less harmful) in moderate
concentrations. Thus animals can retain it for some time in their bodies
before being excreted.
o Mammals can afford to lose some amount of water because they can
replace it’s by drinking, thus every time urea is excreted some water is
lost since urea is highly soluble in water thus mammals always drink
o Formed in the liver through cyclical reactions referred to as ornithine
cycle. Marine and cartilegenous fish and animals excrete urea and TMO
and are known as ureoteric.
Formation of urea.
The molecule of NH3 from deamination and CO2 enter the cycle and react with ornithine to form
H2O and citruline.
Another molecule of NH3 is fed into the cycle to read with citruline forming water and arginine.
Reaction of arginine with water forms ornithine and urea and it is catalyzed by arginase enzyme.
For this reason it can be stored in the body for longer periods before excreting it.
It is excreted as pallets or thick paste hence little water is lost e.g.; arthropods (insects) and aves
and reptiles.
Animals whicy excret aes.r t aci5( av)r4(-3(xcr)9( 4>>))-2aastengt(cretliastcETBT1 0 0 1 211.13 63[11Tm[( )] TJETBT/F7
General functions of the kidney
Maintains the acid- base balance of the body effected by either excreting or retaining H+/ HCO3,
thus varying the pH of the urine between 4.5 – 8 (regulates pH)
Maintains the ionic concentration in the body i.e. Na+, K+, Cl- , Mg2+, HCO3,.
Nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney i.e. it is an independent urine making
o Juxta medullary nephron – renal corpuscle in junction of cortex and medulla long
descending and ascending loop of Henle
Collecting tubule(ducts)
The afferent arteriole is thick which later on breaks down to small blood capillaries.
The inner layer of the Bowman’s capsule is made up of special cells called podocyte cells which
have many infoldings to allow materials to enter the Bowman’s capsule.
The capillaries have a single layer of endothelial cells which are perforated to allow easy
The arterioles break into capillaries which are one cell thick.
They are special podocyte cells to increase surface area for filtration and have got filtration slits.
The endothelial cells press against basement membrane to allow rapid diffusion.
Afferent arteriole has larger diameter than the efferent arteriole, this sets up high pressure in
the glomerulus and the whole kidney.
On the outside of the capsule they have got squamous epithelium for easy passage of glomeruli
filtrate into the tubule.
Cuboid epithelium line the proximal and distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts.
The ultra filtration process.
Renal artery branches further to form the afferent arteriole which then branches to a mass of
capillaries, the glomerulus.
The glomerular capillaries then join to form the efferent arteriole which has a small diameter.
This sets up high pressure in the glomerulus which in turn forces substances such as glucose,
amino acids, vitamins, some hormones, urea, trace of uric acid, ions, water through endothelial
pores of capillaries across basement membrane into bowman’s capsule by ultra filtration.
The cells are cuboids and have lumen with brush border (microvillus) hence increases surface
area to volume ratio for rapid re-absorption of materials.
The other ends of cells adjacent to blood capillaries have their bases convoluted (infoldings)
with many intercellular spaces (channels) to reabsorb substances.
Cells have many mitochondria which provide energy (ATP) for active re-absorption process
(active transport of glomerular) selective inward re-absorption of materials from glomerular
Immediately after basement membrane there is blood capillary reducing the diffusion distance.
The other end of proximal cells resting on basement membrane has infoldings known as basal
channels to increase surface area.
As many glomerular filtrate is passing through proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) all the food
substances as mentioned are reabsorbed i.e. amino acids, glucose, ions, diffuse into the
proximal convoluted cells where they are then actively transported into the intercellular spaces
(the channels) then diffuse into the surrounding blood vessels.
Na+ ions & others raise osmotic pressure in the cells and water enters by osmosis.
Small proteins which may not be able to diffuse are taken up at the base of microvilli by
The active transport is out into the space in basal channel then it is diffused into the blood
The loop of henle (Counter current multiplier i.e. fluids move in difference directions and
effects is accumulative)
Consists of the longer thinner (descending limb) and shorter wider (ascending limb)
The descending limb is permeable to water (the ascending limb is impermeable to water)
The Na pump operates in the ascending limb i.e. Na and Cl ions are actively removed from the
glomerular filtrate in the ascending limb into the interstitial region of the medulla thus raising
the local concentration and the concentration of the vasa recta vessels,
Water moves by osmosis from the descending limb into the vasa recta vessels which are
permeable to water, ions and urea.
As vasa recta capillaries enter a high concentration in medulla they lose water from the plasma
by osmosis and gain Na ions, Cl ions and urea, But as the vasa recta capillaries leaves the
medulla to enter cortex which is under low concentration, they gain water by osmosis from the
cortex and lose Na, Cl ions and urea from the plasma. Thus operate under – counter – current
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
Summary: - more than H2O, ADH inhibited, epithelium impermeable and urine is dilute.
NOTE: - failure to release sufficient ADH leads to a condition known as diabetes insipidus in
which large quantities of dilute urine are produced (diuresis) and is replaced by lots of drinking.
The role of kidney in osmoregulation (feedback mechanism)
Low blood volume results from loss of Na+ ions because less water enters the blood by osmosis
and this leads to decrease in blood pressure.
The low blood pressure is detected by juxtraglomerular apparatus (JGA (mass secretory cells))
lying between the afferent arteriole and the distal convoluted tubule.
Aldosterone also stimulates Na+ absorption in the gut decreases loss Na+ through the sweat.
Effect: more water enters the blood by osmosis the blood volume and blood pressure rises.
Maintenance of the solute potential of blood (water and salts) at steady state by balancing water
up take from the water lost in evaporation, sweating, egesting urine.
In relation to their environment, they are faced with two major conditions.
Are hypertonic to the environment. There is continuous flooding water into their bodies due to
the osmosis gradient.
Aching of salt out of their bodies through the highly permeable gills to the surroundings.
They have large and many glomeruli thus producing large volume of glomerular filtrate.
Salts are selectively reabsorbed into the capillaries surrounding the tubule and hence produce
large volume of dilute (cupious) urine
Their gills have got specialized NaCl cells which actively uptake salts from the water passing
through them.
Some salts are replaced by absorption of food they take.
They do not drinking water.
The body fluids of marine are hypotonic to the environment. There is excessive loss of water to
the environment thus leading to dehydration.
High osmotic pressure of the blood (because of loosing H2O & retaining the salts)
They synthesize and retain urea within their tissue and body fluids together with TMO (trimethly
amine oxide).
The above makes their bodies concentration higher than their environment so take in water by
osmosis through their gills.
The kidney has long tubules for selective reabsorption of urea and not for the elimination of
Not salts because if salts are absorbed then water will follow by osmosis making blood dilute and
loss of H2O to the surrounding as the surrounding is more concentrated than the blood.
Excess NaCl ions are removed from the body fluids by active secretion into the rectum by the
cells of the rectal gland and through the faces they are out.
The gills are impermeable to nitrogenous waste and thus their removal is controlled by the
If the gills were permeable to urea then the concentration of the urea in blood
would be low and thus blood would lose water to surrounding as we know that
urea has to be retained in the body.