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SOP - Interior & Exterior & Renovation of Flat Works

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DOCUMENT NAME : Interior/Exterior/Renovation works in flats


Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.

Revision Number Date Communication Reference

R0 01-06-2023 Primary Document

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
The Society Rules have been framed to help us to collectively achieve the objective of making this a premium
and sustainable building complex in the neighbourhood.

Even though the managing committee or ad hoc committee members have bestowed the responsibility for
day-to-day management on society related activities, all the members have to ensure that these rules are
adhered to by all residents (not limited to) – their family members, guests, servants, and tenant/licensees,
contractors or any associated with the flat owners etc.

Being responsible members of the society, it is for us to discharge our obligations towards the community
by conserving water, electricity, ensuring recycling of natural resources, reduce carbon footprints and also
look for other sustainable ways to achieve a better living standard in our society and thereby contribute to a
greener environment.

The purpose of this document is to detail the procedure to be followed for all interior/exterior related works
undertaken by all the owners/tenants/licensees. This documentation & guidelines will be applied to all
owners, tenants, licensees, and the workmen/other personnel connected to the interior/exterior related

The scope of work includes the following (not limited to)

• Interior works of flats (owners/tenants/licensees)

• Exterior works of flats (owners/tenants/licensees))
• Renovation works (owners/tenants/licensees)


Managing Committee


Flat Owners/Tenants
FMS Agency/ Third Party service

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
5. Dos

DO write an application via email/letter to the managing committee or society mentioning the interior
related works i.e. nature of work (civil/MEP) , the duration of the works etc.
DO get the acknowledgment from the managing committee or society for all the mentioned particulars
of the letter. Deposit the fitout amount (security deposit) to managing committee or society as advised.
2 For carpentry, painting, polishing and ac installation work up to 3 days, forms need not be filled, approval
/ permission on mail would be sufficient. Any permission by the managing committee or society should
not be construed as a shift of liability from the flat owner carrying out such works.
DO get approval from the local authority or builder/developer for respective change or addition in your
3. flat layout. No works shall be commenced without getting prior consent from the relevant authorities.
Do not deface the external elevation of the building in all the cases.
DO inform the designer/architect/workmen/others associated with work to share the mandatory details
i.e. name, contact details, Aadhar ID proof at the main security gate prior to start of work (7 day before)
as a part of record keeping and for ease in movement. The owners/tenants shall also validate the mental
and criminal background of all the persons involved in the works as a proactive measure.
Do collect gate pass for all the workmen/others associated with the works. The flat owner has to get all
5. the labours insured if the work duration is more than 15 days. Flat owner will be liable and responsible
to compensate the labour in the event of any accident within the society premises.
DO inform the designer/architect/workmen/others associated with work regarding the SOP for
6. “Interior/Exterior/Renovation works in flat”. Everyone shall agree to the guidelines mentioned in this
document and there is no exception for anyone associated with the job/work.
DO take necessary safety measures before starting works in your flats. The balcony shall be covered with
green net so that any materials/tools or plastics doesn’t fall from balcony. Green net is used to prevent
debris and object falling and ensures the workers and pedestrian safety. Usable Fire extinguishers shall
be kept inside the flat in case of emergency purpose.
DO strictly follow the working hours to avoid disturbing or creating nuisance to the residing
owners/tenants. The work timings are from 9:00am to 1:00pm & From 3pm to 7pm (no
8. drilling/hammering works permitted during 1pm to 4pm). Workers shall leave the society premises by
7:15pm. No works allowed on public holidays/Sundays/special occasions as decided by managing
committee or society.
DO inform the designer/architect/workmen/others associated with work to not to bring
Gutka/Drinks/Drugs or any hazardous substances which can harm or create trouble in the society. The
security team/managing committee/ad hoc members have the right to check the same at main entrance
and also during the spot visits at flats while works are in progress. Strict action will be taken by the
managing committee or ad hoc committee or society if any such substances are caught or found in the
flats or within society areas.
DO inform the designer/architect/workmen/others associated with work to not to spit in common areas,
10. parking areas, staircase area, lifts, from balconies, garden areas, entrance lobbies and any other areas
which is degrading the value of society or your neighbours.

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
DO inform the designer/architect/workmen/others associated with work to use the service lift for
material transfers and also for moving IN & OUT thru out the day. Owner’s lift shall not be used by them
11. unless it is an emergency situation. Entry of vehicles having height more than 7ft will be restricted in the
podium/parking entrance. Do use plastic or PVC sheet while transporting the material from lift or lobbies
to the flat to avoid any damages to floors/society assets.
DO keep the flats closed while works are in progress and also clean the flats on daily basis so to avoid
dust accumulation and the daily debris/wastes shall be stored in bags and dump the debris in an
12. approved area as guided by project maintenance team. For debris lying on the common passage,
staircase area, parking areas or any other place which is not demarcated for debris, you may be liable to
be fined. All the debris shall only be removed from the flat between 1pm -5pm.
Do ensure the plumbing lines are not damaged while putting glass partitions in toilet. Do not put any
13. swings in balcony i.e. Planters or lights or any other objects which can fall from the balcony and harm
individuals/society assets or floor. Plumbing shaft should be openable for maintenance purpose.
Do make temporary arrangements of toilet for your workers within their flat. Flat owners/tenants shall
provide all the comfort to workmen for carrying out the work in their flats.
Do ensure all the works are completed as per approved design/drawings and any deviations if observed
15 shall be informed to managing committee/ad hoc committee/society. Do ensure work completion
letter/email is submitted to managing committee or society and all the dues are cleared, if any.
Do ensure that you and your tenants/family members /friends/contractors or any other person
visiting/working in your flat are abiding by the SOPs and all the general rules of the society.

6. DONTs

Don’t commence Interior/Exterior/Renovation work if permissions are not received and don’t make any
1. alterations or additions to your flat before getting consent from the managing committee or ad hoc
committee or society or builder/developer or local authorities.
Don’t allow Architects/contractors/workmen and others associated with works to enter society where
2. the identity is not known to owners/tenants. Aadhaar card shall be verified by the owners/tenants before
giving works to all the persons involved in the job.
Don’t damage any structure in flats which would jeopardize the safety of the building. Do not chisel or in
any other manner damage the structure i.e. columns, beams, slabs or RCC partition walls or other
structural members without the prior written permission of managing committee or ad hoc committee
or society or builder/developer. Any breach shall be entitled to recover further amounts from the flat
owners to compensate for the damage so caused. The decision of the managing committee or society in
that regard shall be final binding upon the flat owner and flat owner shall not create any dispute the
decision taken on this regard. Owners/Tenants will be responsible/accountable for any incidents which
can cause injury/ill health/fatality to all residing owners due to structure damage.
Don’t merge tenancies by removal or opening of any walls in between two or more tenancies. Required
permissions/compliance shall be taken from relevant authorities by the owners/tenants before doing the
works. Structural consultant reports shall be made available to managing committee or ad hoc committee
or society or builder/developer before starting works or when asked for.

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
Do not fix grills within the flat, the same shall be affixed in such a manner as it will not deface the elevation
of the property and its exterior aesthetic features and for this purpose written consent of the managing
5 committee or ad hoc committee or society or builder/developer shall be sought by the flat owner. Do
not install any equipment/elements on external walls or chajjas or windows as the same will deface the
elevation of the building. AC piping should not be taken from exhaust of bathroom.
Do not damage the water proofing done in bathroom area and if any modifications are carried out in in
the bathrooms i.e., replacement of tiles in flats or due to any other civil/MEP works, flat owner will be
solely responsible for the waterproofing related issues. In case of any leakage or seepage observed in
adjoining/below flats the interior works will be stopped for the flat owner and flat owner shall rectify the
leakage/seepage issues at his own cost. Do not damage/change the internal/external plumbing lines in
all the cases.
Do not break the ledge walls near the window extension of carpet area. Do not install washbasin near
dining area in living room.
Do not place debris, boxes, or and other movable personal property in any common area. i.e. next to
8. neighbours door, passage area, parking areas, staircase area, lifts, balconies, garden areas, entrance
lobbies and any other areas which is degrading the value of society or your neighbours.
Don’t keep usable and non-usable materials in balcony i.e. gypsum board, ladders, glass, frames,
plywood, tools, and tackles etc. Any materials/tools if fall down from balcony to common areas or any
other areas can harm the pedestrians/kids etc. Flat Owners/Tenants will be responsible/accountable for
such incidents which can cause injury/ill health/fatality.
Don’t throw food waste/plastics/materials/tools or any items from the balcony which can degrade the
10. society properties or can harm the pedestrians. The persons caught with such irresponsible behaviours
will be penalised as per the decision of managing committee or society.
Don’t allow Architects/contractors/workmen and others associated with work to stay overnight at the
society without the written permission from managing committee or ad hoc committee or society.
Owners shall take daily follow up with their Architects/contractors/workmen and others associated with
works to ensure that after working hours no one is residing at flat except owners/tenants.
The work timings are from 9:00am to 1:00pm & From 3pm to 7pm (no drilling/hammering works
permitted during 1pm to 4pm). Workers shall leave the society premises by 7:15pm.
Do not misuse or damage common facilities and amenities while transporting/shifting/executing the
13. works. Service lift shall be used for shifting the materials. Owner’s lifts shall not be used for shifting any
materials. No shifting of materials allowed after 5:30pm on all days.
Do not encroach upon the common areas of the Society. Such encroachment will be viewed seriously,
and the managing committee or ad hoc committee or society or builder/developer will take all steps for
eviction of the same in addition to levy of penalty. Do not keep the shoe rack outside of your flat and
panelling not allowed in common passage areas without prior permission.
Do not dump debris/chemicals in toilet that will result in choking of drains. Do not dump the materials in
refugee areas and fire staircase.
Do not smoke/ drink in the common area of the society or do any such act(s) which are obscene, unsocial,
or uncivilized. The managing committee or ad hoc committee or society will view violation of this
instruction very seriously and will initiate stringent action, such as complaining to Police authorities and
getting the erring person evicted.

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
Do not harass the owners/tenants residing in the society. Any complaints or issues shall be immediately
17. brought to the notice of managing committee or ad hoc committee or society. Society may call the police
if required to handle the situations in such scenarios.
18. Do not urinate/pee/latrine in society areas.

Do not violate the guidelines/rules laid down by managing committee or ad hoc committee or society.
19. Violations of any of the rules above will entail,
• Forfeiture of the security deposit/fit out amount and the same will be deposited in society account.


Particulars Amount (INR)
Fit out / Security Deposit for 1BHK 50,000
Fit out / Security Deposit for 2BHK 75,000
Fit out / Security Deposit for 3BHK 1,00,000


Penalty Amount
SI No Violation Description
• Observed/Witnessed structural changes made in the flat without prior permission
from concerned authorities.
• Observed/Witnessed damages in structure and materials within the society. i.e
At Actuals or as
passage/lifts/staircase/parking/gate/common amenities (not limited to).
1. decided by the
• Observed/Witnessed damage to neighbors’ flat/structure(civil/MEP/interior) i.e.
managing committee
paint/door/lights/walls (not limited to) or based on residents’ complaint.
• Observed/Witnessed when any one is found stealing society assets or any owners’
• Observed/Witnessed spitting by residents or their servants in lobbies, landings,
stairways, lift walls, lift carriages, foyers or any other places in the building premises
INR 2000 or at
or outer wall (not limited to) for each incident.
actuals to
• Observed/Witnessed if anyone throwing food waste/plastics/materials/tools or any
2. items from the balcony (knowingly or unknowingly) or any other areas which can
degrade the society premises and cause injury/ill health/fatality to the residents for
/others etc.
each incident.
whichever is higher.
• Observed/Witnessed when anyone is urinating or doing any mess in society areas for
each incident.

• Observed/Witnessed Architects/contractors/workmen and others associated with

staying overnight at the society without the written permission from managing
committee. INR 5,000 or as
• Observed/Witnessed shifting is carried out in owners lift by decided by society or
owners/contractors/workers or any persons associated with respective flat owners. as at actuals
• Observed/Witnessed when anyone is creating nuisance to neighbors or within whichever is higher.
society after consuming drugs/alcohol/gutka or any other substances. If required
managing committee will report the same to nearest police station.

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
• Observed/Witnessed debris, boxes, or and other movable personal property in any
INR 10,000 or as
common area. i.e. passage area, parking areas (other than allotted one for owners),
5. decided by society
staircase area, lifts, balconies, garden areas, entrance lobbies and any other areas
whichever is higher.
which is degrading the value of society or your neighbors (not limited to).

• The violations from the above guidelines will be checked/reviewed by the managing committee members or by
authorized members assigned (based on factual evidence) and the same will be highlighted to the other
committee members to take further decisions. The violations and penalty amount will be communicated to the
respective owners via email/letter/any meeting forum.

• The penalty amount “Actual” indicates that all the amounts will be calculated based on the
repair/rework/replacement/accidental expenses/cleaning cost (not limited to) associated with it for which the
rates/estimate will be taken from third party agencies/vendor or based on the decision taken by the managing

• All the penalty amounts are considered based on the single observations or single complaints. If the violations
are observed multiple times the same will have to be paid by the owners/members as per the above structure.
If for same flat observations or complaints are received more than 3 times, owners will be called for discussion
with managing committee and owners/tenants will have to submit a letter for the repetitive violations and
assure that such instances will not be repeated.

• If the resident fails to pay any violated penalty or any other charges, the same will be added in the next
maintenance bill and will attract interest charges if not paid after 3 follow ups @ 21% as decided by the
managing committee.

• The decision of the managing committee shall be final binding upon the flat owner and flat owner shall not
create any dispute on the decision taken by them in all the cases.

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.
Annexure 1



I Mr/Mrs residing at Flat number

at MICL AARADHYA HIGHPARK PROJECT, Mira Road (E), Thane, 401107, Maharashtra.

I/we have read all the Dos & Don’ts mentioned in the SOP - Interior & Exterior & Renovation of Flat works
and I/we have understood the same. I/we will communicate the SOP guidelines to our
contractors/architects/workmen, or any other persons associated with our works to follow the same
throughout the work period.

I/we agree and undertake that all the works will be carried out under the supervision of skilled/competent
personnel and the responsibility lies with us in case of any accident/incident/Injury/Ill health to our workers
and also for other owners due to our works. I/we will be responsible/accountable for any incidents which
can cause injury/ill health/fatality/disturbance/nuisance (not limited to) to all residing owners.

I/we will deposit the fitout/security amount to the society prior to commencement of works and the amount
will be refunded after 30 days from the date of completion of works or as communicated from time to time
(without any interest). All the damages/violations amount will be deducted as per penalty/violation cost
structure or as decided by the managing committee from time to time.

I/we agree if any damages are witnessed/observed in flat which are structural/non-structural in nature the
entire cost for damages will be borne by us at actuals over and above the fitout/security amount deposited.
I/we will pay all the damage amounts within 7 days from the date of communication from the managing
committee or society i.e. via email/letter. Managing committee or society is free to appoint structural
consultant or structural auditors to ensure the adequacy of the structure at any point of time and the entire
cost will be borne by I/we without any objection as it is a matter of safety of the building.

I/we will handle all the matter related to law/legal due to any unforeseen incidents/accidents/damage or
any as mentioned above (not limited to). Managing committee or society will not be responsible for such
incidents and I/we will not claim for any charges under the law.

I/we agree to sign such undertaking and agree to abide by and comply with all the rules, regulations, and
instructions received from managing committee or society from time to time in that behalf. The decision of
the managing committee or society shall be final binding and I/we will not create any dispute on the decisions
taken. Any permission by the managing committee or society will not be construed as a shift of liability from
the I/we are carrying out works.

Owner Signature Tenant Signature (If applicable) Contractor Signature

Contact: Contact: Contact:

Email ID: Email ID: Email ID:

Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.

Fitout/Security Amount received

Amount received on
By Cheque/UTR/Any other valid
transaction reference number
Receipt No

Received by

Remarks if any




Classification: Public
This document and the information contained therein is the property of AARADHYA HIGHPARK SOCIETY. It must not be reproduced in whole or communicated to
any person or used without prior written permission from AARADHYA HIHPARK managing committee or society.

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