3) Ijret20170608008
3) Ijret20170608008
3) Ijret20170608008
For making high strength concrete, cement can be replaced by fly ash (collected from Vijayawada Thermal Power Station) upto
an extent of 50% without affecting either compressive strength or flexural strength. It is proposed to investigate the effect on
strength of fly ash concrete when water-binder ratio changes with same workability as that of basic mix. The consistency of
cement decreases with increase in fly ash percentage. But no definite pattern is noticed in respect of initial and final setting times,
through in all cases. The water-binder ratio, for a compaction factor of 0.72, reduces from 0.370 for basic mix to 0.335 for mix
with 50% replacement of fly ash. The average increment in compressive strength at 28 and 90 days is 7% and 2% respectively.
However, the average increment in flexural strength at 28 and 90 days age is 8% and 19% respectively. Hence, for the fly ash
concrete with same workability, the increase in compressive strength is very marginal (2%); however, the increase in flexural
strength is commendable (19%) compared to the basic mix.
Keywords: Replacement of cement, fly ash, high strength concrete, workability, water-binder ratio.
cement. Gopalakrishnan et al. [6] studied the effect of 2.6251, fineness modulus is 6.5675, moisture content is
different percentages (0, 15, 20, 25 and 30%) of replacement 0.1%, loose and rodded bulk densities are 1.4481 gm/cm3
of cement with fly ash and concluded that cement can be and 1.656 gm/cm3 respectively and satisfied as per the IS:
replaced upto 25%. Rehi and Garg [7] replaced 20% of 383-1970 [14].
cement by weight with 27.5% fly ash and reported that the
28 day compressive strength is 109 to 123% of standard 2.1.3 Fly Ash
mix. Mehta [8] reported that for 25 MPa concrete, the
cement content can be reduced from 307 kg/m3 to 154 kg/m3 The composition of fly ash (collected from Vijayawada
by suitable adjustment in fine and coarse aggregate and Thermal Power Station): SiO2 is 61.32%, Al2O3 is 26.30%,
reducing water-binder ratio from 0.58 to 0.38. Langley and Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 is 6.95%, CaO is 2.41 %, Na2O is 1.02%.
Leaman [9] shown that the high volume fly ash concrete Its specific gravity is 2.0325 and bulk density is 0.8434
was having low permeability, low tendency for crack g/cm3.
formation, propagation and resistance to freezing and
thawing. Kiattikomal et al. [10] has studied that the 2.1.4 Cement and Fly Ash
fineness, not the chemical compositions, has the significant The properties of mortar with partial replacement of cement
effect on compressive strength of mortar. The mortars with by fly ash are shown in Table 1.
finer fly ashes gained higher compressive strength than
those with the coarser ones. Naik and Singh [11] shown that 2.2 Water-Binder Ratio for Fly Ash Concretes for
the times of setting were generally delayed up to a certain
level (60%) of cement replacement with fly ash, beyond this same Workability as that of basic Mix
level, rapid setting occurred. Dunstun’s [12] investigations
on high fly ash content concrete (HFCC) show that a The compaction factor for basic mix is 0.72 and w/c (water-
durable concrete exhibits increase in compressive strength cement ratio) is 0.37. For the concretes with partial
beyond 28 days, little evidence of carbonation, low to replacement of cement by fly ash, the water-binder ratio for
average permeability, and resistance to chloride penetration. same compaction factor is determined by trial and error
In this respect, it is significant that at the marine exposure method and the results are given in Table 2.
sites, the chloride concentrations decrease significantly with
depth. Strength and workability are two most important 2.3 Mix Design
factors in the design of concrete mix. Most of the research M50 mix design is prepared using the Entroy and
done in the past on strength of concrete with partial Shacklocks method (using references Shetty [15] and IS:
replacement of cement by fly ash is keeping same water- 456 – 2000). The mix proportion for the basic mix is 1:
binder ratio irrespective of the quantum of replacement of 0.94:2.36:0.37 and compaction factor is 0.72. 54 cubes are
cement by fly ash. Hence, in this paper, it is proposed to casted and cured for 7, 28 and 90 days; 36 beams are casted
investigate the effect on high strength concrete with cement and cured for 28 and 90 days.
partially replaced by fly ash when water-binder ratio
adopted is such that the workability is same as that of basic 2.4 Testing of Specimens
The concrete cube specimens are capped at both ends to
2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM ensure smooth surfaces and tested for compressive strength
at the age of 7, 28 and 90 days. The reported results are the
2.1 Materials used in Manufacture of Fly Ash average of three concrete samples. The flexural strengths of
concrete are reported at 28 and 90 days.
Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade is used in the study. Table 1 gives the properties of mortar with partial
The fineness of cement is 2.5% and satisfied as per the IS: replacement of cement by fly ash and also expressed as a
12269-1987 [13] and the specific gravity of the cement is percentage of strength of basic mix. The results show that
3.15. The expansion of cement is 0.5 mm. The 7, 28 and 90 for cement partially replaced with fly ash, compressive
days compressive strength on cement mortar is 41.45 strength of mortar cubes reduces at 7 and 28 days compared
N/mm2, 49.69 N/mm2 and 51.11 N/mm2 respectively. The to that of the basic mix. However, the compressive strength
standard consistency is 30%, initial and final setting times increases marginally at 90 days as compared to the basic
are 130 min and 239 min respectively. mix. Hence, this fly ash can be used for manufacturing the
high strength fly ash concrete. The consistency of cement
2.1.2 Aggregate decreases with increase in fly ash percentage. But no
definite pattern is noticed in respect of initial and final
River sand is used as fine aggregate with the following setting times, through in all cases. However, these are
properties: Specific gravity is 2.62, fineness modulus is confirming as per IS: 4031(Part 5):1988 [16].
2.0865, loose and rodded bulk density is 1.5325 gm/cm3 and
1.7210 gm/cm3, moisture content is 0.1%. For coarse
aggregate the maximum size is 20 mm, specific gravity is
Volume: 06 Issue: 08 | Aug-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 54
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The results of compressive strength and flexural strengths of terms of percentages in parenthesis. The experimental
fly ash concrete are given in Table 2 and also expressed in results show that for same workability as that of basic mix,
the water-binder ratio reduces as the percentage of that of the basic mix (except for a small decline of 1.57% for
replacement of fly ash increases from 0 to 50%. 10% replacement). For 30% and 40% replacements, it is in
fact higher by about 13% and 16% respectively. The
The water-binder ratio, for a compaction factor of 0.72, average increment in compressive strength at 28 days is 7%.
reduces from 0.370 for basic mix to 0.335 for mix with 50% At 90 days age, the compressive strength of concrete with
replacement of fly ash. With decrease in water-binder ratio replacement up to 50% is not less than that of the basic mix
the compressive and flexural strengths increases. Therefore, (except for a small decline of 0.58% for 40% replacement).
for correct comparison of strength of concrete with and The average increment in compressive strength at 90 days is
without fly ash, the water-binder ratio adopted should not be just 2%. The flexural strength of concrete at 28 and 90 days
the same; but, it should be based on the criteria of same is highest at 30% replacement of fly ash. The average
workability. increment in flexural strength at 28 and 90 days age is 8%
and 19% respectively.
At 7 days age, the compressive strength of concrete with
20% replacement of fly ash is higher than that of the basic From the above discussions it is seen that for the fly ash
mix, whereas with 10% replacement, it is 3.5% less. For concrete with same workability, the increase in compressive
replacements beyond 20% the compressive strength is much strength is very marginal (2%); however, the increase in
less. At 28 days age, the compressive strength of concrete flexural strength is commendable (19%) compared to the
with replacement of fly ash even upto 50% is not less than basic mix.
The consistency of cement decreases with increase in fly ash [11] Tarun Naik, R., and Shiw Singh, S. (1997).
percentage; but, no definite pattern is noticed in respect of “Influence of Fly ash on setting and hardening
initial and final setting times, through in all cases. The characteristics of concrete systems.” ACI Materials
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is 7% and 2% respectively. However, the average increment [12] Dunstun, M.R.H. (1992). “Investigation into the long
in flexural strength at 28 and 90 days age is 8% and 19% term in-situ performance of high fly ash content
respectively. Hence, for the fly ash concrete with same concrete used for structural applications.” ACI SP,
workability, the increase in compressive strength is very 132, 1-20.
marginal (2%); however, the increase in flexural strength is [13] IS: 12269-1987, Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
commendable (19%) compared to the basic mix. Specifications, BIS. New Delhi.
[14] IS: 383-1970, Specification for Coarse and Fine
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete, BIS,
New Delhi.
The authors of the present paper work would like to [15] Shetty, M.S. (2009). Concrete Technology, S. Chand
acknowledge CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, and Company Ltd., New Delhi.
Telangana, for providing the laboratory facilities during the [16] IS: 4031 (Part 5):1988 Methods of physical tests for
research work. hydraulic cement: Determination of initial and final
setting times.
[1] IS: 456–2000, Code of Practice for Plain and BIOGRAPHIES
Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi. A. Krishna Rao has over 12 years of
[2] IS: 3812-1981, Specifications of Fly ash use as teaching experience; published 2 research
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[3] Vipul Naidu, P., and Pawan Kumar Pandey (2014). College of Engineering, Osmania
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[4] Padhye, D., and Deo, N.S. (2016). “Cement Dr. D. Rupesh Kumar has vast
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Journal of Engineering Research, 5, 60-62. research papers; conducted 2 international
[5] Oner, A., Akyuzb, S., and Yildiz R. (2005). “An conferences / 10 workshops; attended 32
experimental study on strength development of workshops; visited 2 countries, delivered 8
concrete containing fly ash and optimum usage of fly guest lectures; edited 2 books; guiding 9
ash in concrete.” Cement and Concrete Research, 35, Ph.D. scholars; guided 27 M.E. projects; completed 430
1165–1171. consultancy projects.
[6] Gopalakrishnan, S., Rajamane, N.P, Neela Megam,
M., Peter, J.A., and Dattatreya, J.K. (2001). “Effect of
partial replacement of cement with fly ash on the
strength and durability of HPC.” The Indian Concrete
Journal, 75(5), 335-341.
[7] Rehi. S.S., and Garg. S.K., “Use of fly ash in concrete
technology.” National workshop on utilization of Fly
ash organized by Central building research institute,
Roorkee. May 19-20, 1988, 117-125.
[8] Kumar Mehta, “Preening of the concrete industry for
sustainable development”. Concrete International
(Originally presented as the Tuthill Commemorative
lecture at the Fall 2001 ACI convention, Dallas,
Texas), July 2002, 23-28.
[9] Langely, W.S., and Leaman, G.H. (1992).
“Development of high strength concrete
incorporating a large percent of fly ash and super
plasticizer.” ASTM Journal, Cement Concrete and
Aggregates, 4, 45-58.
[10] Kraiwood Kiattikomal, Chai Jaturapitakkul, Smith
Songpiriyskij, and Seksun Chutubtim (2001). “A
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Volume: 06 Issue: 08 | Aug-2017, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 56