U 1
U 1
U 1
I. Know about the basics of kinetics, chemical bonding and structure of materials.
II. Analyze the facts of conductors, resistors and dielectric materials.
III. Study different types and properties of semiconductors.
IV. Know about the concept of magnetic materials and their properties.
V. Measure different electrical and magnetic properties of materials.
Human Civilization Through materials
Stone age
Bronze age
Iron age
Glass age
Steel age
Aluminum age
Plastic age
Silicon age
Designed/ Architectured materials age
I. Macrostructure
II. Microstructure
III. Substructure
V. Electronic structure
Substructure of a Ni–Fe–Cr alloy showing curved Field–ion micrograph of a hemispherical tip of platinum
dislocation lines, magnified 30 000 times in an electron The white dots arranged in circles are images of individual
microscope atoms
Crystal structure
Electronic structure
The electrons in the outermost orbitals of individual atoms that constitute the solid
Spectroscopic technique
Nuclear structure
Microstructure, the substructure and the crystal structure- greatest interest in materials science and engineering
Basic concepts pertaining to the levels of structure- concepts in equilibrium and kinetics, the geometry of crystals, the
arrangement of atoms in the unit cell of crystalline materials, the substructural imperfections in crystals, and the
microstructure of single phase and multi-phase materials
Fundamental changes in the structure and properties can be brought -subtle changes in the concentration and distribution of minute
quantities of impurities
The same may also be possible by a thermal or a mechanical treatment that involves no change in the overall
composition of the material
Materials Science and Engineering deals more with this kind of changes rather than with the effect of gross composition on the
Stability and Meta stability
Metastable Stable
Crystal Geometry
Crystal: A three dimensional periodic arrangement of atoms in a space
Unit cell:
Crystal: A three dimensional periodic Lattice: A three dimensional periodic
arrangement of atoms in a space arrangement of points in a space
Weight, density, electrical Geometrical property
Motif or basis: An atom or a group of atoms associated with each lattice point
is called motif or basis
Lattice translation: Any vector from one lattice point to another lattice point
Unit Cell: a region of space which can generate the entire lattice (or crystal) by
repetition through lattice translations
A lattice can have many (infinitely many) unit cells
Unit cell
Primitive and non primitive unit cells
Lattice parameters: The lengths of the three edges of the unit cell (or of
three basis vectors) and the three interaxial angles between them are called
lattice parameters
Crystal system Conventional unit cell Bravais Lattice
<UVW> = [UVW] and all other directions related to [UVW] by the symmetry of the crystal
Miller indices for planes
Origin O
Intercepts 1∞ ∞
Reciprocals 10 0
Miller indices (1 0 0)
Zero represents that the plane is parallel to the corresponding axis
Plane OCBE
Origin O*
Intercepts 1 -1 ∞
Reciprocals 1 -1 0
Miller indices (1 1 0)
Bar represents negative intercepts
Miller indices of a plane specifies only its orientation in
space not its position
All parallel planes have the same miller indices
{100} Tetragonal= (100), (010), (001)
(100), (010) (001)
Importance of Miller Indices
• In Materials Science it is important to have a notation system
for atomic planes since these planes influence
• Optical properties
• Reactivity
• Surface tension
• Dislocations
Why are planes in a lattice important?
(A) Determining crystal structure
* Diffraction methods measure the distance between parallel lattice planes of atoms.
• This information is used to determine the lattice parameters in a crystal.
* Diffraction methods also measure the angles between lattice planes.
(B) Plastic deformation
* Plastic deformation in metals occurs by the slip of atoms past each other in the crystal.
* This slip tends to occur preferentially along specific crystal-dependent planes.
(C) Transport Properties
* In certain materials, atomic structure in some planes causes the transport of electrons
and/or heat to be particularly rapid in that plane, and relatively slow not in the plane.
• Example: Graphite: heat conduction is more in sp2-bonded plane.
• Example: YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors: Cu-O planes conduct pairs of electrons
(Cooper pairs) responsible for superconductivity, but perpendicular insulating.
+ Some lattice planes contain only Cu and O
First law of thermodynamics
ΔH ΔS ΔG Comments on reaction
- + - Always spontaneous
+ - + Never spontaneous
H0 is the enthaply at 0 K
Cp is the specific heat at constant pressure
E and H are related through P and V, where V is the volume of the material:
H = E + PV
The gaseous state (where there is no interaction between the atoms) is taken as the reference
zero energy state
As the temperature increases from 0 K, the material absorbs heat from the surroundings and H increases
The solid melts on reaching the melting point and a further quantity of heat ΔH called the enthalpy of fusion is
added at the melting temperature
When all the solid has melted, the temperature of the liquid may further increase with the absorption of more
All the energy that a system possesses is not available as work during a
chemical change
That part of the energy which can become available as work is called the Gibbs free energy (or simply the Gibbs
The part which cannot be released as work is called the bound energy
Entropy defines the relationship between the total energy and the
Gibbs energy. At constant pressure, the entropy S of a system is given
In addition to thermal entropy, a system may also possess configurational entropy, which is dependent on the
configurations of the system
G = H – TS
Gibbs free energy, also known as the Gibbs function, Gibbs energy, or free enthalpy, is a quantity that is
used to measure the maximum amount of work done in a thermodynamic system when T and P constant
The Gibbs energy is used as a criterion of stability. The most stable state of a material is
that which has the minimum Gibbs energy
For a process to occur spontaneously, the Gibbs energy must decrease during the process
ΔG=Gfinal – G initial
At a constant temperature and pressure, we can write this condition for a spontaneous change as
In the example of the tilting block, where no entropy change occurs during the tilt, we were justified in defining
the stable state as a state of lowest potential energy (or enthalpy)
In general, the entropy change may not be negligible, in such cases, TΔS > Δ H
The Kinetics of Thermally Activated Processes
Q = activation energy
A= pre-exponential constant
V = vibrational frequency
N = total number of species
ΔH*=Height of the barrier
n= number of species with energy equal to or
greater than that of the activation barrier,