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v,,~~c neW§B~ i9F~Y~1! FEB G 1919


The Commission announced that on January 31 it filed a civil injunctive action in the
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against Heritage Enterprises, Inc.,
alleging violations of the reporting provisions of the securities laws.

The Commission's complaint alleged that Heritage has failed to file its annual report
on Form 10-K for its fiscal year ended March 31, 1978, required to have been filed
with the Commission by June 29, 1978, and its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for its
fiscal quarters ended June 30, 1977, September 30, 1977, December 31, 1977, June 30,
1978 and September 30, 1978, required to have been filed with the Commission by,
respectively, August 15, 1977, November 14, 1977, February 14, 1978, August 14, 1978.
and November 14, 1978. Further, the complaint charged that Heritage, as part of a
continuing course of conduct extending over several years, has failed to timely file
certain of its annual reports and quarterly reports required to have been filed with
the Commission. (SEC v. Heritage Enterprises, Inc., U.S.D.C. D.C., Civil Action No.
79-0300). (LR-8659)



A supplemental order has been issued giving interested persons until February 14 to
request a hearing on a post-effective amendment filed by Monongahela Power Company,
The Potomac Edison Company, and West Penn Power Company, each a subsidiary of Allegheny
Power System, Inc., seeking authorization to permit West Penn to issue up to $84
million of short-term notes and commercial paper outstanding at anyone time.
(ReI. 35-20905 - Jan. 30)


An order has been issued authorizing a proposal of Southwestern Electric Power Company,
subsidiary of Central and South West Corporation, that it acquire 242 rail cars.
(ReI. 35-20906 - Jan. 31)



The following stock exchanges have filed proposed rul~ changes pu~suant t~ Rule 19b-4:
The New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (SR-NYSE-78-69) to lmpose sanctlons agalnst,employees
of NYSE member firms and against NYSE approved persons who fail to paY,NYSE,flnes.
(ReI. 34-15543) and The Cincinnati Stock Exchange (SR-CSE-78-4) to reVlse vlrtually
all of its existing rules, regulations, by-laws, and articles of incorporation.
(Rel. 34-15544)

Publication of the above proposals are expected to be made in the Federal Register
during the week o~ February 5.
The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC pursuant to the
Securities Act of 1933. The information noted below has been taken from the cover
page and the facing sheet of the prospectus and registration statement and will
appear as follows: Form; Name, address and phone number (if available) of the issuer
of the security; Title and the number or face amount of the securities being offered;
Name of the managing underwriter (if applicable); Whether the offering is a rights
offering; and File number and date filed.

(5-6) AMERICAN TAX-EXEMPT BOND TRUST, SERIES 32, 215 North Main St., West Bend, Wis. 5309
- 6,000 units. Depositor: B. C. Ziegler and Company. (File 2-63503 - Jan. 31)

(5-14) LINCOLN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, Suite 1, 120 Village Sq., Louisville, Ky. 40243
(502) 245-8814 - 123,228 shares of common stock. (File 2-63504 - Jan. 31)

(5-8) RALSTON PURINA COMPANY, Checkerboard Sq., St. Louis, Mo. 63188 (314) 982-2166
1,000,000 shares of common stock. (File 2-63505 - Jan. 31)

(S-8) JOHNSON & JOHNSON, 501 George St., New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 (201) 524-6461
73,367 shares of common stock. (File 2-63506 - Jan. 31)


Jan. 25: Public Service Co. of New Mexico, 2-63366.

Jan. 29: Chattem, Inc., 2-63242; NVF Co., 2-63276; The New Jersey Tax-Exempt Income
Trust, Series I, 2-62846; Rockwell International Corp., 2-63407 & 2-63408; Texas PoweJ
& Light Co., 2-63369 & 2-63370; World of Arts & Crafts, Inc., 2-62473 (90 days).
Jan. 30: NVF Inc., 2-63152; Hi-Shear Industries, Inc., 2-63381; Houston Lightinq &
"JWpr Co., 2-63401; Humana Inc .. 2-63334; Hyd r o+Ou ebe c , 2-63417; INA Corp., 2-63279;
Intel Corp., 2-63248; The Limited Stores, Inc., 2-63204 & 2-63285; Piccadilly Cafe
terias, Inc., 2-63249; Republic Steel Corp., 2-62030; Trust Co. of Georgia, 2-63228.

NO'l'ETO DEALERS. When applicc:ble the 90-day period of time dealers are required
to use the prospectus is noteti above in parentheses after the name of the issuer.
As to the other issuers, there may be no such requirement to use a prospectus, or
the requirement may be for a period of only 40 days; see Section 4(3) of the Securi
ties Act of 1933 and Rule 174 (17 CFR 230.174) thereunder.

Companies and individuals must report to the Commission within 10 days on Schedule
13D if after the acquisition of equity securities of a public company their beneficial
interest therein exceeds 5%. Persons eligible to use the short form (Form 13-G) may
in lieu of filing a Schedule 13D file a Form 13-r, within forty-five days after the end
of the calendar year in which the person became subject to Section- 13(d) (1). The
following companies or individuals filed Schedule l3D's during the period January 22
- 25, 1979 The number of shares of the security which are beneficially
owned, and the number of shares concerning which there is a right to acquire are sent
forth for each beneficial owner. *Amended Acquisition Reports.

LTR Holding Corp. Bulova Vatch Co. Inc. (Jackson Heights, NY) 1-22-79
(Wholly-owned subsidiary Common Stock - 1,396,891 shs. (37.1%)
of Loews Corp.)
Joel Greenberg Compo Industries, Inc. (Valtham, MA) 1-22-79
Kaliber Partnership I Common Stock - 409,205 shs. (15.7%)
Charles Lubin
Milton Salstone

Robert E. Lowder First Bancgroup-Alabama, Inc. (Mobile, AL) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 105,759 shs.
(InclUded above are shares oWlJedby certain
companies in which Mr. Lowder has 1/3 oWlJership
with other members of his family.)

2 NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1979


Bessemer Securities Corp New Hampshire Ball Bearings Inc. (Peterborough, NH) 1-22-79
Bessemer Trust Company, Trustee Common Stock - 44,000 shs.
and Co-Trustee

Leo R. Fink Prudential Building Maintenance Corp. (NYC) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 346,160 shs. (14%)
(ISS-International Service Systems A/S (Denmark)
has been granted proxies to vote above shares.)

Alan G. Powers Prudential Building Maintermnce Corp. (NYC) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 40,140 shs.
(ISS-International Service Systems A/S (Denmark)
has been granted proxies to vote above shares.)

Jay W . Kaufman Prudential Building Maintenance Corp. (NYC) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 11,038 shs.
(ISS-International Service Systems A/S (Denmark)
has been granted proxies to vote above shares.)

Anita Kaufman, Custodian Prudential Building Maintenance Corp. (NYC) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 17,187 shs.
(ISS-Incernational Service Systems A/S (Denmark)
has been granted proxies to vote above shares.)

Clements Blind Trust SEDCO, Inc. (Dallas, TX) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 619,768 shs.
(In addition, Trustees owns 278,681 shares of
Common Stock.)

David B. Johnson Security International Corp. (Fargo, ND) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 168,032 shs.

CompuDyne Corp. Vega Precision Laboratories, Inc. (Vienna, VA) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 98,163 shs. (25.6%)
(CompuDyne has entered into agreements to purchase
above shares.)

* California Life Insurance Co. College/University Corp. (Indianapolis, IN) 1-22-79

(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 294,947 shs. (20%)
California LIfe Corp.)
Cal-Del Corporation

* National Indemnity Co. Louisiana Land Offshore Exploration

Co. (New Orleans, 1-22-79
(Subsidiary of Berkshire LA)
Hathaway Inc.) Class B Stock - 499,120 shs. (24.97%)
Cornhusker Casualty Co. on conversion of Debentures
(Wholly-owned subsidiary of
National Indemnity), et al

* Abraham D. Gosman Multibank Financial Corp. (Quincy, MA) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 219,342 shs. (14.9%)

* Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. ORICO (San Diego, CAl 1-22-79
Jerome Kohlberg Common Stock - 500,000 shs.
Henry R. Kravis Common Stock - 150,000 shs.
George R. Roberts on exercise of Warrants
Common Stock - 210,000 shs.
on conversion of Preferred Stock

San Jose Water Works (San Jose, CAl 1-22-79

* Blue Chip Stamps
(Controlled by Warren E. Common Stock - 86,200 shs.

* Martin Rosengarten Shopwell, Inc. (Bronx, NY) 1-22-79

Seymour D. Simpson, Individually, Common Stock - 526,700 shs. (36.3%)
Executors and Trustees (Included above are shares owned by wives.)
Herbert B. Daitch
Glen Rosengarten, et al

NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1979

* National Indemnity Co. Tenneco Offshore Co. (Houston, TX) 1-22-79

(Subsidiary of Berkshire Common Stock - 1,338,500 sha. (22%)
Hathaway Inc) on conversion of Debentures
National Fire & Marine
Insurance Co. (Wholly-owned
subsidiary of Berkshire
Hathaway Inc), et al
* James J. Doud, Jr. Uniflite, Inc. (Bellingham, WA) 1-22-79
Common Stock - 47,875 shs.
Common Stock - 2,466 shs.
on exercise of Options

* Walco National Corp. Vulcan, Inc. (Latrobe, PAl 1-22-79

Common Stock - 125,350 shs.

* National Indemnity Co. Washington Post Co. (Washington, DC) 1-22-79

(Subsidiary of Berkshire Class B Stock - 1,868,600 shs. (14.52%)
Hathaway Inc.)
National Fire & Marine Insurance
Co. (Wholly-owned subsidiary
of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.), et al
L. D. Properties Corp. Friendly Ice Cream Corp. (Wilbraham, MA) 1-23-79
(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 6,877,743 shs. (97.6%)
Hershey Foods Corp.) (Above shares were acquired pursuant to the
Tender Offer.)
Davis Wire and Cable, Inc. General Electrodynamics Corp. (Garland, TX) 1-23-79
Dick E. Davis Common Stock - 904,395 shs. (61.31%)
Jack A. Potts (GEC acquired operating assets and liabilities
of Davis Wire in exchange for 1,180,608 shares.
The remaining 326,213 will be issued at a later date.)

Dorothy C. Winchcole Gulf United Corp. (Jacksonville, FL) 1-23-79

CommonStock - 513,480 shs.
on conversion of Preferred Stock
(Above shares will be acquired pursuant to
exchange of Equitable General Corp. shares.)
Charles E. Phillips, Indivi Gulf United Corp. (Jacksonville, FL) 1-23-79
dually and as Co-Trustee Common Stock - 524,594 shs.
on conversion of Preferred Stock
(Above shares will be acquired pursuant to
exchange of Equitable General Corp. shares.
Also included above are shares owned by his wife.)
Sitronix, Inc. Litronix, Inc. (Cupertino, CAl 1-23-79
(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 11,237,518 shs. (92.6%)
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (1,524,438 of above shares were acquired
(West Germany) pursuant to the Tender Offer.)
Elizabeth McGraw Webster McGraw-Hill, Inc. (NYC) 1-23-79
Harold W. McGraw, Jr., Indivi Common Stock - 2,713,568 shs. (11%)
dually and Trustee
John L. McGraw, Individually
and Trustee
George R. Webster, Individually
and Trustee, et al
* Roy M. Huffington, Inc. Alaska Interstate Co. (Houston, TX) 1-23-79
Roy M. Huffington Common Stock - 355,317 shs.
R. Michael Huffington, Jr.

* Cargill Holdings, Inc. MBPXL Corp. (Wichita, KS) 1-23-79

(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 2,272,600 shs. (66.9%)
Cargill, Inc.) (1,703,406 of above shares were acquired
pursuant to the Tender Offer.)
* Continental Telephone Corp. WUI, Inc. (NYC) 1-23-79
Common Stock - 697,100 shs. (12.62%)

4 NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1979


TN Delaware Inc. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc.(Montvale, NJ) 1-24-79
(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 7,291,170 shs. (29%)
Tengelmann Warenhandels Common Stock - 3,124,787 shs.
gesellschaft (West Germany) on exercise of Options
Erivan Haub (West Germany) (Pursuant to Agreements the Group will acquire
Tengelmann Warenhandelsgesell above shares from certain selling shareholders.
schaft (West Germany) E. Raub owns 9,300 shares.)

Pato Consolidated Gold Dredging Ticor (Los Angeles, CAl 1-24-79

Ltd. (Bermuda) Common Stock - 350,200 shs.
International Mining Corp.
Pacific Holding Corp.
David H. Murdock, Parent, et al

* Stevan A. Bernbaum ~~i Industries, Inc. (Franklin Park, IL) 1-24-79

Common Stock - 23,600 shs.

* American General Insurance Co. Business Men's Assurance Co. (Kansas City, MO) 1-24-79
Common Stock - 558,000 shs.

* Harry H. Mitchell California Life Corp. (Los Angeles, CAl 1-24-79

Common Stock - 220,133 shs. (14.63%)

* Tracinda Investment Corp. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (1~C) 1-24-79

(Wholly-ol.ned by Kirk Common Stock - 2,240,700 shs. (24%)
Kerkorian) (1,750,000 of above shares were acquired
Kirk Kerkorian pursuant to the Tender Offer.)

* TM Cablevision, Inc. Communication Properties, Inc. (Austin, TX) 1-24-79

(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 3,724,586 shs. (75%)
Times Mirror Co.) (723,005 of above shares were acquired
pursuant to the Tender Offer.)

* Viridian Investments, Ltd. Health Insurance of Vermont, Inc. (Burlington, VT) 1-24-79
TBK Partners, Ltd. Common Stock - 39,090 shs.

* Telvest, Inc. Outdoor Sports Industries Inc. (Denver, CO) 1-24-79

(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 283,800 shs. (1).8%)
Telco Marketing Services, Inc.
Libco Corp.

Kresco, Inc. Aminex Resources Corp. (NYC) 1-25-79

Common Stock - 3,910,000 shs. (50%)
(Kresco may acquire above shares pursuant to
a Purchase Agreement. In addition, Kresco
has the right to vote 2,600,000 shares under
Option Agreement.)

La Participation (France) Appalachian National Corp. (Knoxville, TN) 1-25-79

(Member of Mutuelles Unies Common Stock - 1,820,000 shs. (74%)
France) (Above shares were acquired pursuant to the
Tender Offer.)

Tidewater Group, Inc. Atla National Investments Corp. (Atlanta, GA) 1-25-79
(Controlled by W. B. Collett) Class A Common Stock - 720,854 shs.
Class B Common Stock - 1,125,840 shs. (52%)

John A. Hartford Foundation, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Inc. (Montvale, NJ) 1-25-79
Inc. Common Stock - 6,308,750 shs. (25.3%)
(Foundation has agreed to sell above shares to
TN Delaware, Inc. pursuant to an agreement.)

Gertrude Kaplan Petrox Industries, Inc. (NYC) 1-25-79

Simon Kaplan Common Stock - 17,872 shs.

Roneu Jewelers, Inc. Wasko Gold Products Corp. (NYC) 1-25-79

(Wholly-owned subsidiary of Common Stock - 1,011,354 shs. (72%)
Carlson Companies, Inc.)

NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1979 5

The following companies or individuals filed Form 13-G's during the period January 15
- 22, 1979.

Sheriff Securities Corp. Apco Argentina, Inc. (Houston, TX) 1-15-79
Common Stock - 214,040 shs.

Martin Fenton Christiana Companies, Inc. (Santa Monica, CAl 1-15-79

Common Stock - 152,165 shs.

Sheriff Securities Corp. D. L. Saslow Co. (Chicago, IL) 1-15-79

Common Stock - 154,480 shs.

* Sheriff Securities Corp. Den-Tal-Ez, Inc. (W. Des Moines, IA) 1-15-79
Common Stock - 137,100 shs.

* Keystone Custodian Funds, Gibraltar Financial Corp. of California (Beverly Hills, 1-15-79
Inc., Trustee CAl
Common Stock - 745,628 shs.

* Keystone Custodian Funds, Itel Corp. (San Francisco, CAl 1-15-79

Inc., Trustee Common Stock - 650,000 shs.

* Keystone Custodian Funds, Mostek Corp. (Carrol ton, TX) 1-15-79

Inc., Trustee Common Stock - 324,000 shs.

* Sheriff Securities Corp. Rust Craft Greeting Cards, Inc. (Dedham, MA) 1-15-79
5t% Convertible Debentures - $964,000
* Keystone Custodian Funds, United Financial Corp. of California (Los Angeles, CAl 1-15-79
Inc., Trustee Common Stock - 364,900 shs.

George L. Ohrstrom Burnley Corp. (Huntsville, AL) 1-16-79

Common Stock - 263,399 shs. (17.9%)

Jack D. Brady Andersen 2000 Inc. (Atlanta, GA) 1-17-79

Common Stock - 73,044 shs.

William G. O'Brien Science Management Corp. (Moorestown, NJ) 1-17-79

Common Stock - 388,343 shs. (25.23%)

Don E. Warner Audiotronics Corp. (Hollywood, CAl 1-18-79

Common Stock - 76,681 shs.

Shufro, Rose & Ehrman American Water Works (Wilmington, DE) 1-19-79
Common Stock - 337,610 shs.

Shufro, Rose & Ehrman Brush Wellman, Inc. (Cleveland, OH) 1-19-79
Common Stock - 182,400 shs.

American National Bank and Health-Mar, Inc. (Chicago, IL) 1-19-79

Trust Company of Chicago, Common Stock - 326,824 shs. (17.98%)

Lewis A. Berey Synergistic Communications

Group, Inc. 1-19-79
(Overland Park, KS)
Common Stock - 134,064 shs. (27.4%)

America West Corp. United States Equity & Mortgage Trust (Los Angeles, 1-19-79
M. W. Mylroie CAl
Vance W. Mylroie Shares of Beneficial Interest - 230,981
Earl C. Mylroie (Included above are shares owned by the wife of
E.C. Mylroie.)

* Shufro, Rose & Ehrman Mirro Aluminum Co. (Manitowoc, WI) 1-19-79
Common Stock - 195,451 shs.

Bunzl Pulp & Paper Ltd. American Filtrona Corp. (Richmond, VA) 1-22-79
(England) Common Stock - 462,242 shs. (20%)

6 NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1978


City National Bank Arden-Mayfair, Inc. (Los Angeles, CAl 1-22-79

Common Stock - 213,394 shs.

Arden-Mayfair, Inc. Stock Arden-Mayfair, Inc. (Los }~geles, CAl 1-22-79

Bonus Plan $3 Preferred Stock - 14,850 shs.

Wisconsin Valley Trust Company Central Wisconsin Bankshares, Inc. (Wausau, WI) 1-22-79
Central Wisconsin Bankshares, Common Stock - 27,038 shs.
Inc., Parent

City National Bank Employees City National Corp. (Beverly Hills, CAl 1-22-79
Profit-Sharing Retirement Common Stock - 404,298 shs. (13.84%)

James R. Forman, Jr. Computerized Automotive

Reporting Service, Inc. 1-22-79
(Birmingham, AL)
Common Stock - 149,739 shs.
Common Stock - 4,787 shs.
on conversion of Class B Common Stock

Harlan D. Hockenberg Dial Corp. (Des Moines, IA) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 474,720 shs. (10.4%)

Max H. Goodloe General Medical Corp. (Richmond, VA) 1-22-79

Common Stock - 193,049 shs.

Kenneth S. Roth Hydro Optics, Inc. (Valley Stream, NY) ]-22-79

Common Stock - 57,999 shs.

NEWS DIGEST, February 1, 1979 7

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S3J.'lfJ.S 03J.INn

lIIany requests fur copies' of document. referred to in the SEC News Digest have erroneously been directed to the
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and 30e per page plus poltage for priority .ervice overnight (15.00) minimum}. Cast estimates are given or request .
.411 other reference material is available in the SEC Docket.
«o TIC t:
SEC NEJ4'SDIGEST IS published daily. Subscription rates: 164.45/yr in
U.S. first cia.. mail: 180.60 elsewhere.
S~;fDOCKET i, published weekly. Sub.cription rates: 143. 70/yr in
l.l.S: fint class mail: 154.65 elseumere.
SEC STA TlSTICtL BI 'LLET/tV is published monthly. Subscription rates: 115.oo/yr in
U.S. fir., class mail: 118.75 el.ewhere.,
The tVe'". Diges.'. the Docket, and the Statistical Bulletin are for sale by the superintend.ent of Document ••
GOI'emment Prmhng OffIce, lIashin,ton. D.C. 20402.

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