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Bit Jan Feb2011

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the Bullettin of Information Technology January -February 2011

the BIT

Department of Information Technology

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology Rajagiri Valley, Kakkanad,Kochi 682 039

the BIT

Table of Contents

VALUE ORIENTED EDUCATION NEED OF THE DAY.................................3

Prof. Kuttyamma A.J., Professor & HOD, Department of IT

GRID COMPUTING....................................................................................................4
Sijo Cherian, Asst. Professor,DIT


Joby John, Project Associate,DIT

SECURITY TRENDS....................................................................................................6
Thasnim K M,S8 IT 2011

WASHING MACHINE THAT DOESNT NEED WATER.......................................7

Anu Thomas,S6 IT 2011

New @ IT........................................................................................................................8 WORKSHOP ON CLOUD COMPUTING................................................................9


the Bullettin of Information Technology

the Bullettin of Information Technology

-3centrate on the development of the children, focusing on areas like happiness, humility, cooperation, honesty, simplicity, love, unity, peace etc.

Value Oriented Education need of the day

When preparing curriculum we must give empha-

sis to include topics related to peace, human values, cultural development, environment, moral education etc. Give students opportunities to participate in various co-curricular activities, which will help them to develop cooperation, feelings of belongingness, leadership, loyalty, trustworthiness etc.

students. Value education should not be treated as a Prof. Kuttyamma A.J. separate activity from other professional activities of a teacher. Teacher plays a crucial role in transProfessor & HOD, Department of IT mitting ideas, ideals and values to their students. The secret of teaching values is to inspire and kindle the quest among the students by means of ones According to Mahatma Gandhi Education is own example of character and mastery of knowljust a means. If it is not accompanied by truthful- edge. The values that are inside a teacher can only ness, firmness, patience, and other such virtues, it be really radiate to their students. Teachers should become a role model for their students. Therefore remains sterile. teacher should change their behaviour and attitude in accordance with the highest standards and ethics profession. Value education is important to cultivate essential values in the students, help them to improve value system and also put them into practice. Value education begins at home and is continued in schools. The moral values present a true perspective of the The need for value education among children, par- development of a society or a nation. Values are the ents and teachers is constantly increasing as we guiding principles that shape our world outlook. see the increasing violent actions, terrorism, cor- Todays children are tomorrows citizens to lead the ruptions, behavioral disorders, lack of unity etc. in nation. If we give good value-education to present the society. The beliefs and attitudes of the younger day children, the future of our society will be bright. generation are changing drastically and the moral values of the society are declining day by day. So value oriented education becomes the need of the day.

Teachers have a vital role in imparting values in


education refers to planned educational actions aimed at the development of proper attitudes, values, emotions and behavior pattern of the learners. Value education is the education that is concerned with the transmission of an individuals personality. The education programs should con-

the BIT

the BIT
ity with the emergence of the Internet as a medium for global communication and the wide spread availability of powerful computers and networks as low-cost commodity components. A number of projects worldwide are actively exploring the development of grid computing technology. They include Globus, Legion, NASA Information Power Grid, Sijo Cherian NetSolve, Ninf, AppLes, Nimrod/G, DISCWorld, Asst. Professor, DIT and Unicore.Although wide-area distributed supercomputing has been a popular application of grid The last decade has seen a generous increase computing, there are a number of other applicain service computing and network performance. tions that can benefit from it. They include collabThese technologies have been used to develop low orative engineering, high-throughput computing cost high performance computing systems, such (large-scale simulation and parameter studies), as clusters, to resolve resource intensive problems remote software access, data-intensive computing, in a number of application domains. In the scien- and on-demand computing. tific pitch the availability of powerful computing resources has allowed scientists to broaden their simulations and experiments to take into account more parameters than ever before. Fast networks have made it possible to share data from instruments and results of experiments with collaborators around the globe almost instantaneously. Recently, research bodies have begun to launch ruthless programs that facilitate creation of such collaborations to tackle large scale scientific problems.


The concept of grid computing is gaining popular-

As a consequence of the large collaborations and

the increased computational power, the data generated and analyzed within eScience programs are both enormous and intrinsically distributed. Therefore, the challenges of such environments resolve around data managing its access, distribution, processing and storage. These challenges thus motivate creation of a computational infrastructure by coupling wide area distributed resources such as databases, storage servers, high speed networks, supercomputers and clusters for solving large scale problems leading to Grid computing. Grid is a type of parallel and distributed system that enables the aggregation, sharing and selection of geographically distributed autonomous resources dynamically at runtime depending on their availability, capability, performance, cost and users quality of service requirements.

A world wide Grid computing environment The development of the Grid infrastructure, both
hardware and software, has become the focus of large community of researchers and developers in both academia and industry. The major problems being addressed by Grid developments are the social problems involved in collaborative research:

Improving distributed management whilst retaining full control over locally managed resources. Improving the availability of data and identifying problems and solutions to data access patterns. Providing researchers with a uniform user friendly environment that enables access to a wider range of physically distributed facilities improving productivity.

Grid environments involve services such as security, information, directory, execution management, application development, resource allocation, aggregation and scheduling.


the Bullettin of Information Technology

the Bullettin of Information Technology

-5various topologies such star, clustered tree topology and self healing mesh topology which is essential in Smartdust. Apart from easy installation and easy implementation ZigBee has a wide application area such as home networking, industrial networking, Smartdust, many more, having different profiles specified for each field. The upcoming of ZigBee will revolutionize the home networking and rest of the wireless world.


dio devices that use the ZigBee or 802.15.4 protoProject Associate,DIT col. They send and receive data via the 2.4GHz or 900Mhz band at a relatively low power and can be ZigBee is an open technology developed by the Sig- used to set up simple point-to-point links or complex Bee Alliance to overcome the limitations of BLUE- self-healing networks spread over quite large areas. TOOTH and Wi-Fi. ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4 The higher power devices can be used as telemetry standard for data communications with business and solutions over long ranges, but really the applications are extremely varied. Interfacing with an Xbee consumer devices. module is easy. They all have the same pin outs, and It is designed around low-power consumption al- you talk to them with simple serial comms, using AT lowing batteries to essentially last forever. BLUE- based commands, or an API command set. They can TOOTH as we know was developed to replace wires be configured to be very low power, and to wake up and Wi-Fi to achieve higher data transfer rate, as very quickly. Crucially, for many applications, Xbee modules do not need to be driven by an external micro-processor. Many have on-board ADCs and digital inputs outside of the normal serial comms in/out meaning that you can interface them directly to sensors, switches and so on. Joby John

Xbee modules are a family of really nice little ra-


such till now nothing has been developed for sensor

networking and control machines which require longer battery life and continuous working without human intervention. ZigBee devices allow batteries to last up to years using primary cells (low cost) without any chargers (low cost and easy installation). The ZigBee standard provides network, security, and application support services operating on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) wireless standard. It employs a suite of technologies to enable scalable, self-organizing, self-healing networks that can manage various data traffic patterns. The network layer supports


the BIT

the BIT
and firewalls. They should have an encryption solution so as to help prevent the compromise of data in the event of the loss of a device. Appliances that include intrusion prevention and detection as well as other technologies, such as network access control, antispam, antivirus, and other security features, can help a business with limited resources to more comprehensively protect their environment. Also helpful is hiring a qualified security company that can audit the business and point out security exposure areas, as well as Thasnim K M train employees in how to use tools more effectively. No matter how great the tool is, if you dont know how S8 IT 2011 to use it, then its value is dramatically decreased.
Data loss prevention technologies are being used more often, providing stronger protection for enterprises. Specific policies for application and device usage are on the rise and help to address security issues that crop up when the line between personal and professional gets blurred. Companies are now leaning toward a layered, centralized approach with multiple security points within the network instead of just around the network.

Just as threats are ever-evolving, so are security tech-

nologies and strategies to combat them. Enterprises face new foes every day. Here we are dealing with the two main aspects of security- Central security which deals with security concerns in organizations and Identity Theft which is one of the fastest growing white collar crimes of the 21st Century.

CENTRAL SECURITY Now a days, more enterprises

are looking toward layered, centralized security with multiple protection points within a network, rather than simply trying to protect a network parameter. Because of the increased use of virtualization, clouds, and online applications, simply surrounding a network with security measures isnt enough anymore. A network now has to be somewhat porous for business efficiency, which means that enterprises are looking at ways to implement security at numerous levels. According to network security firm Fortinet, theres increased focus on preventing infections from cross-pollinating between virtual machines. IT managers are also taking a hard look at cloud-based services, which can open enterprises to risks and vulnerabilities as data is shuttled through multiple networks.

TOP PROTECTION TIPS FOR IDENTITY THEFT Identity theft has been substantially increasing day-

by-day. Its a MUST to know how to protect ourselves from identity theft, so that we dont fall prey to identity thieves.

Protection from Phishing: DO NOT click on links

which you receive via unsolicited emails

DO NOT carry your Social Security card in your

wallet (if you are robbed, thieves might misuse them)

DO NOT share your personal / confidential details Install an Computer Security Software and keep it

such as bank login and password over chat / instant messengers.

Technologies for data loss prevention and risk miti-

gation are cropping up more frequently for cloud environments, with some companies offering remote management, better software patching, or cloud- specific security assessments.Security technology and tactics may evolve slightly as threats emerge, but by staying on top of the trends and putting solid policies in place, data center managers can have a better chance of foiling the bad guys.

DO NOT visit untrusted websites and download any Always check if the net banking site you visit starts

exes or softwares. (Hackers may add a script to monitor your computer) with https (https states whether the site is secure or not).

Small to midsized enterprises should already be us-

ing standard security technologies, such as antivirus -6the Bullettin of Information Technology

the Bullettin of Information Technology

-7sions over conventional washing and drying.


Anu Thomas,S6 IT 2011

A washing machine that cuts water usage by 90% is

due to hit American shores next year. The Xeros wash- nylon beads used in the Xeros washing machine ing machine, which takes its name from the Greek word for dry, cleans clothes using reusable nylon The technology was developed by researchers at polymer beads with an inherent polarity that attracts Leeds University who have established a spin-off comstains. pany called Xeros Ltd to market the technology.

Nathan Wrench, program manager at Cambridge Consultants, and the

We will not make the machines ourselves so are inWestwater went on to say that the company plans to

viting interest from machine manufacturers who would want to partner with us to bring the Xeros system to the market, Xeros Ltd CEO, Bill Westwater, told Gizmag. launch the technology in the commercial laundry market first with a target date of late 2010.

The beads are added to the wash along with as little

as a cup of water and a drop of detergent. After the water dissolves the stains, the beads, which become absorbent under humid conditions, soak up the water along with the dirt. The dirt is not just attracted to the surface, but is absorbed into the center of the beads.

The beads are removed automatically within the ma-

chine at the end of the load so theres no need for the user to worry about separating the beads themselves. They also dont require cleaning and can last for about 100 loads or laundry, or about six months of average family usage.

Since the Xeros doesnt require a rinse or spin cycle

the it uses just 2% of the energy of conventional washing machines, cutting CO2 emissions on top of the water savings. The energy savings are further enhanced by the fact that the clothes come out nearly dry, meaning no power-hungry clothes dryer is required. Xeros claims that, taking all these factors into account, its machine achieves a 40% reduction in carbon emis-

the BIT

the BIT
New@ IT One-Touch Disaster Alert Application
With one touch, the new mobile app developed by Taiwanese researchers can transmit to any number of people the location of users stranded in disaster.

What Is Intel vPro Technology?

Second generation Intel Core vPro processors offer new, host-based provisioning capabilities for easier activation and firmware version management. PCs powered by the 2nd generation Intel Core vPro processor family use security and remote manageability features built into the processor, chipset, and network adapter.

Internet Explorer 9
Reasons to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Microsoft has officially launched Internet Explorer 9. The browser, which is being touted by many reviewers already as the best version of the software, the company has ever released. It follows a long line of predecessors that at times won customers over and at other times failed miserably. But its a new day for Microsoft and Internet Explorer. i) Its fast, ii) A vastly improved interface, iii) Its awfully Chrome-like iv) The Pinned Sites feature is nice, v) Its much more secure vi) Its a big step up over previous versions, vii) It supports HTML5, viii) Post and resume features in download manager

Samsung claims worlds first DDR4 memory

chips New generation of PC memory could cut power use, increase speed Samsung has announced that it has created the Worlds first DDR4 DRAM. Samsungs new 30-nanometer-process memory modules are said to run at more than twice the speed of current DDR3 modules, and will also use less power. Samsung says that typical DDR3 memory modules available today use around 1.5V of electrical current, whereas its new DDR4 modules will use just 1.2V. Data transfer speeds on the new DDR4 module can reach 2.133Gbps, according to the company, but it could eventually reach higher speeds of up to 4Gbps.


the Bullettin of Information Technology

the Bullettin of Information Technology


Workshop on Cloud Computing C omputer

Society of India, RSET chapter and Vmware, Bangalore- the Cloud Computing leader, jointly hosted a full day workshop on Cloud Computing in Rajagiri school of Engineering & Technology on 29th Jan 2011 for the students and academia from different parts of Kerala. The workshop aimed to create awareness and interest for the next generation computing framework and equip the students for an exciting career in the cloud computing area. The delegates got hands on experience in using cloud infrastructure. Around 83 students from various colleges participated in the workshop. Ms. Jis Mary Jacob(DIT)& Mr. Robin Cyriac(DCS) were the coordinators of the programme.

On Creative Desk
Prof. Kuttyamma A.J. | Usha Bastian | Krishnadas Naduvath

the BIT

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