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Submitted to Assignment of Educational Research

Lecturer: Ari Purnawan S.Pd., M.Pd., M.A.

Ikhsan Fauzi






The success of education relies on effective learning methods, which encompass

teaching and learning concepts, involving students, objectives, materials,
facilities, procedures, and tools. The choice of learning methods is crucial,
influenced by both modernity and conventional applications. Internal factors like
learning motivation and external factors such as learning methods and social
interactions play a significant role in the success of teaching and learning

Active student involvement is essential in learning, with a focus on associating

new knowledge with existing cognitive structures. Recognizing individual
differences among students is crucial for achieving active learning. The text
highlights the need for teachers to be creative in using various learning models
and emphasizes the Picture and Picture cooperative learning model as part of
cognitive learning theory.

The text also underscores the importance of education as a fundamental right and
the government's role in facilitating it. The learning process is viewed as an active
process that fosters cognitive development through experimentation, symbol
manipulation, questioning, and interaction. Teachers play a vital role in shaping
students' behavioral changes, aiming for lasting learning outcomes across
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

The discussion extends to the Indonesian education system, with a focus on

curriculum development to enhance the quality and relevance of basic education.
The shift from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach is encouraged,
emphasizing students' active participation in shaping their knowledge. The Picture
and Picture cooperative learning model, utilizing images to attract attention and
build motivation, is suggested as a way to overcome challenges in student
engagement and motivation, particularly in the context of democratization of
education and technological advancements

Focus of the Study

This research focuses on the influence of the cooperative learning method,

specifically the picture and picture type, in enhancing students' learning abilities
and academic achievements. The study aims to determine the significant impact of
this teaching method on the performance and memorization skills of students at
SMA N 1 Banjarnegara, particularly in the IPS class. And also addressing
encountered problems such as low student learning outcomes, the use of less
varied teaching methods, teacher-centered learning, and the Picture and Picture
learning method as an alternative to improve student learning outcomes.

Research questions

1. How method Learning Cooperative type Picture And Does

picture affect student achievement?

2. How does the influence of picture and picture cooperative learning

methods affect students' memorization skills?


This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative picture and picture learning
on the achievement and memorization ability of students at SMA N 1

Theoretical review

The text discusses the significance of learning methods, focusing on the Picture
and Picture learning model. Learning methods are defined as ways to implement
plans for real activities to achieve optimal learning goals. The success of learning
strategies is heavily reliant on how teachers use learning methods. The
characteristics of effective learning methods include creating conducive
conditions, providing convenience for students, motivating active participation,
enabling a balanced learning experience, and encouraging the growth of students'

The Picture and Picture learning model is explained as a cooperative learning

method that uses images and logical series to draw students' attention and
facilitate understanding. This method is highlighted for its advantages, such as
focused material presentation, quicker comprehension, increased reasoning power,
heightened student responsibility, and enhanced memorability. However,
challenges include difficulties in finding suitable images and adapting to this

The discussion extends to learning achievement, which is measured through

grades or other assessments reflecting a student's understanding and skills.
Internal and external factors influencing learning achievement are outlined,
emphasizing health, intelligence, interest, motivation, and learning techniques.
The text concludes by introducing the concept of memorization ability, defined as
the capacity to recall information correctly and sink it into the mind.

Setting of the study

This research was carried out on students of grade X Social Studies 1 AND X IPS
2 at SMA N 1 Banjarnegara for the 2020/2021 academic year. In this study using
2 classes, namely class X IPS 1 as a control class that using conventional methods
and class X IPS 2 as an experimental class that uses Picture and Picture learning

Subject (participants)
In this study, information will be selected from SMA N 1 Banjarnegara majoring
in social studies consisting of X IPS 1 and X IPS 2 where each class amounts to
30 students. Another information is a teacher from SMA N 1 Banjarnegara

Data collection techniques (instruments)

The data collection techniques used in this study are; Test techniques to obtain
data on student learning outcomes The form of the test used is multiple choice
consisting of pretest and posttest. While non-test techniques consist of observation
and dokumntasi. Observation is used as a tool for observation, including the
activity of loading attention on an object using all sensory devices.
Documentation is used to obtain research supporting data. While the research
instrument used in this study is a test of validity and reliability of the test.

1. Test

A test is an instrument or tool to collect data about the ability of research subjects
by means of measurement, for example to measure the ability of research subjects
in mastering certain subject matter, written tests are used about the subject matter.
Tests are often used as a tool to measure the ability of learners' learning outcomes.
In this study, the test was used to collect data on student learning outcomes. The
test is in the form of multiple-choice questions given in both classes. The
experimental class as a class that is treated with Picture And Picture learning
models and the control class as a class that uses conventional learning models.

2. Interview

An interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas

through questions and answers, so that meaning can be constructed in a particular
topic.45 So, with interviews researchers will know more in-depth things about
participants in interpreting situations and phenomena that occur, which cannot be
found through observation. This technique was used by researchers to interview
X's homeroom teacher
3. Documentation

A document is a record of past events. Documentation can take the form of

writing, drawings, or monumental works of a person. This technique is used by
researchers to obtain data about the state of schools, students, and so on to support

Data Analysis Technique(s)

a) Normality test of Gain (N-Gain) is used to check whether the gain data follows
a normal distribution. Gain is the difference between posttest and pretest scores,
which is used to analyze the level of success of students during the teaching and
learning process. The N-Gain test is performed by calculating the difference
between pretest and posttest scores. The formula for N-Gain is: N-Gain =
(Posttest - Pretest). The interpretation classification of N-Gain can be seen in
Table 8, where the gain value can be interpreted as high, medium, low, constant,
or decreasing based on certain value ranges.

b) Homogeneity test is used to test whether the two data sets have homogeneous
variances by comparing the two variances. Researchers use a homogeneity test in
the form of a test of equality of two variances to test whether the two data sets
have homogeneous variances by comparing the two variances. The null
hypothesis (H0) in the homogeneity test states that there is no difference between
the variances of the control group and the experimental group, while the
alternative hypothesis (H1) states that there is a difference in variances. The steps
to calculate the test of equality of two variances include calculating the F value,
determining the significance level (a), calculating the Ftable value using the
formula: Ftable = (df of the largest variance - 1, df of the smallest variance - 1),
and determining whether the data is homogeneous based on the comparison
between Fcount and Ftable.

Lokat, Y. T., Bano, V. O., &; Enda, R. R. H. (2022). The effect of picture and
picture type cooperative learning models on student learning outcomes. Binomial,
5(2), 126-135.

Praseptia, D., &; Zulherman, Z. (2021). The effect of the Picture and Picture
learning model on improving the learning achievement of elementary school
students. Educational: Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(5), 3018-3025.

Fauzi, R., Dwiastuti, S., &; Harlita, H. (2011). Application of picture and picture
learning methods to increase motivation to learn biology for grade VIII D students
of SMP Negeri 14 Surakarta for the 2011/2012 academic year. Biology education,

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