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SE-664 Use of AFIS Histograms 1

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Application Report

Use of AFIS histograms

Mona Qaud / April 2013 / SE 664


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veronesi\TT\Application Reports\USTER AFIS\SE-664_Use of AFIS histograms

2 (28) USTER® AFIS PRO 2


1 Introduction ............................................................................... 4

2 AFIS Modules............................................................................. 6
2.1 AFIS – Nep .................................................................................. 6
2.2 AFIS – Length ............................................................................. 7
2.3 AFIS – Maturity............................................................................ 7
2.4 AFIS – Trash ............................................................................... 8

3 Types of results ......................................................................... 8

3.1 Numerical results in tables........................................................... 8
3.2 Graphical results ......................................................................... 8

4 AFIS Neps & Seed Coat Neps ................................................... 9

4.1 Numerical results ......................................................................... 9
4.2 Graphical results ....................................................................... 10
4.3 Practical example ...................................................................... 11

5 AFIS Length ............................................................................. 13

5.1 Numerical results ....................................................................... 13
5.2 Graphical results ....................................................................... 13
5.3 Practical example ...................................................................... 15

6 AFIS Maturity ........................................................................... 17

6.1 Numerical results ....................................................................... 17
6.2 Graphical results ....................................................................... 18
6.3 Practical example ...................................................................... 19

7 AFIS Dust & Trash ................................................................... 20

7.1 Numerical results ....................................................................... 20
7.2 Graphical results ....................................................................... 21
7.3 Practical example ...................................................................... 22

8 Application reports & control charts...................................... 23

8.1 Critical nep size ......................................................................... 23
8.2 Roller spacing............................................................................ 23
8.3 Efficiency reports ....................................................................... 24
8.4 Control charts ............................................................................ 25

9 Benefits when using histograms............................................ 26

10 Conclusion ............................................................................... 26

11 Literature / References ............................................................ 27

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1 Introduction
Since the introduction of the AFIS instrument in the late 80’s it has been
found its place within the process control of the cotton spinning mills. Over
850 units are installed worldwide.

Fig. 1
Worldwide distribution of
AFIS instrumentation

All over the world spinning mills use the features of nep testing, individual
fiber length measurement as well as trash testing. The advanced fiber in-
formation systems has proven its usefulness.
All AFIS installations have the Nep (N) module installed. New on t he
USTER® AFIS PRO 2 is the categorization of fiber neps in addition to the
seedcoat neps category that already existed. The occurrence of seedcoat
neps is increasing due to changes in seed varieties. A high number of seed
coat neps may cause problems in the spinning preparation processes, and
if the fiber handling in opening and cleaning is not optimal, even increase in
number. If they are not removed, they can cause a higher number of yarn
breaks in spinning.

The length parameters including the maturity can be checked with the
AFIS-L&M (Length and Maturity) module. There are some processes in the
mill, where f iber length and i t’s distribution is a priority. Not only is it the
main parameter for specifiying the cotton quality – it also affects yarn quali-
ty, roller settings within the whole mill, and determines the waste level to a
great extent. Three processing stages have an i mpact as well as are af-
fected by fiber length and l ength distribution – the blowroom, the carding
and the combing process.

Also worth mentioning is the importance of monitoring the fiber fineness

over the spinning process in order to optimize machinery settings, e.g. at
the comber. And fiber fineness impacts to a big deal also the overall quality
of a y arn, as it influences the spinning limits: yarn count as well as yarn
eveness (CVm) are highly dependent on the fiber fineness.

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The AFIS-T (Trash) module measures the number and well as size of dust
and trash particles. With this information, the cleaning efficiencies through-
out the cleaning processes of a mill can easily be determined. Monitoring
cleaning efficiency is critical to controlling cost and quality.

As the world adopts modern cotton seed, harvesting, and ginning technolo-
gy, the risk for higher amounts of trash and seedcoat fragments increases
compared to hand-picked cottons that do not require as much cleaning and
are often roller ginned at lower production rates.

When the spinners try to clean these cottons, they run the risk of increasing
short fiber and neps by aggressively removing the trash and seedcoat
fragments. Therefore, gentle cleaning of cotton has become a priority.

Rotor spinning was always sensitive to dust and trash. Ring and Compact
spinning are more sensitive to short fiber content levels. The quality proper-
ties of cotton and the handing of fiber during processing are interlaced.
When cleaning fiber to remove trash, dust, and seedcoat fragments, there
will be an impact on the nep content and fiber length. How much they are
impacted will be determined by the technology utilized and the settings and
production rates employed.

Fig. 2
Interdependency of

One also needs to bear in mind, that the productivity of a mill plays an im-
portant role. The delivery speeds of spinning machinery keeps increasing
over the years – nevertheless the quality of the yarn in most cases has im-
proved as well. This is only possible if the machine settings are finetuned
and the condition of the machinery and technological elements are kept

The machinery settings, the delivery speeds and t he machine conditions

interact. Normally they run like well adjusted clockworks. Any “spanner in
the works” (in our case: neps, short fibers, dust and trash) will impact not
only the performance of the other – but will affect also the quality of the
intermediate products, and therefore the yarn as the end product of the

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Fig. 3
Machinery influences and

2 AFIS Modules
The USTER® AFIS PRO 2 with different modules allow the simultaneous
testing of fiber samples. When utilizing the Autojet – the samples are fed in
automatically into the instrument, and the lab technician can perform other
tasks whilst the USTER® AFIS PRO 2 is testing the samples automatically.

2.1 AFIS – Nep

Fig. 4
Fiber Nep, Seed Coat

In this module not only are neps and their sizes evaluated – according to
their signal form in the sensor, seed coat neps are also detected counted
and sized.

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2.2 AFIS – Length

Fig. 5
Staple diagram and fiber
length definitions

Fibers in USTER® AFIS PRO 2 are measured individually for their fiber
length – this measurement can be classed as an end oriented testing
method. However, the applied level of short fibers differs. In the western
hemisphere the short fiber limit of ½” – or 12.7 mm is commonly used – in
China and Russia the limit is 0.65” – or 16.5 mm is practiced.

2.3 AFIS – Maturity

Fig. 6
Immature Cotton and
Cotton fabric with white

The fibers are tested also for their maturity. Dead or immature fibers have a
very thin cell wall, and appear as a thin fiber ribbon. Mature fibers develop
thicker cellulosic walls, and tend to convolute.

Depending on the voltage (=height) of the signal, the fiber fineness can be
determined. Fiber fineness of cotton fibers can range usually from 120 –
180 mtex.

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2.4 AFIS – Trash

Fig. 7
Dust, Leaf and Trash
particles – magnified

Dust and trash particles are heavier and l arger than fibers, and therefore
are seperated at the opening roller from the fiber flow. The number and size
are determined in the optional trash sensor.

3 Types of results
3.1 Numerical results in tables

What kind of information can we obtain out of the classical numerical

printouts ?

The standard printout offers us

• Immediate Results: Fast, standard printout directly after testing
• Exceptions: Outside range can be marked in colors on printout
• Benchmarking: Comparisons against Uster Statistic Percentile
(USPTM) are possible
• Variation: Ranges and variation of the samples are visible (CV%)

3.2 Graphical results

What does a user gain in addition when looking at the acompanying

USTER® AFIS PRO 2 histograms ?
The histograms are available for the following parameters
− Neps (including seed coat neps)
− Length by weight (including short fiber)
− Length by number (including short fiber)
− Fineness
− Maturity
− Dust and Trash

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The user can select the summary histogram (average of all samples tested)
– or if desired see only the histogram of an individual repetition. They can
be quickly checked on the screen of the instrument – or as a reference
printed out in a electronic pdf-format or as a paper-hardcopy.

We should check for the distribution of parameters due to different aspects:

• With the help of the histograms we can see at a glance if distributions
are typical or atypical.
High variations are seen immediately – also if e.g. a bimodal distribu-
tion is present. This can happen, when cottons with different values are
blended together (high short fiber, low short fiber).
• We can judge the distributions and assess changes. We not only get
more information, we get detailed information.

It requires some experience in judging the histograms in the beginning.

However, by checking the starting raw material and the changes through
the processes including the blending of the fiber, processes can be o pti-
mized using the information in the histograms.

4 AFIS Neps & Seed Coat Neps

4.1 Numerical results


Table 1 Print-out of USTER AFIS PRO 2 with nep result columns

A Number of test repetitions

B Number of total neps per gram (=fiber +seed coat neps)
C Size of total neps in micrometer
D Number of fiber neps per gram
E Size of fiber neps in micrometer
F Number of seed coat neps
G Size of seed coat neps in micrometer

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Other abbreviations:
Mean : Mean result of the test repetitions
Std. Dev. : Standard deviation of the test repetitions
CV% : Coefficient of variation of the test repetitions
Q99% : Range of results within 99% of confidence level
Min : lowest value of the tested repetitions for that parameter
Max : highest value of the tested repetitions for that parameter
USPTM : Uster Statistic Percentile [2007] or [2013] of the parameter
(only listed if available)

4.2 Graphical results

Fig. 8
Nep Histogram (by count)

The neps and seed coat neps are not only counted but classed according
to their size. Due to their different behavior in the sensor, seed coat neps
are identified. These are labeled in the histogram in red color.

In the nep histogram we can see clearly the percentage of seed coat neps
in the sample. As more red / or shaded particles are within the samples
there is a higher probability that they will cause ends down in the spinning.

In the graph above we have a s ample of bale material – showing a hi gh

amount of seed coat neps.

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The graph has two scaling options – one is showing the actual count – the
other is relating the counted number to percent (“Percent of total”).

The first option is shown in the above displayed graph. It states “Nep Count
Histograms” – and the scale range is up to 350.

4.3 Practical example

In this through-the-mill study we can evaluate the effect of the blowroom,

the card and the comber on the cotton material by looking at the numerical
value histograms side-by-side.

In this real-world example, samples from bale to comber sliver were evalu-
ated. The bale test on HVI showed a M icronaire value of 3.8, a staple
length of 37.5 mm and a bundle strength of 43.8 cN/tex.

Characteristics Bale Card Mat Card Sliver Comber Sliver

210 550 61 17
size [µm]

Table 2 Nep size distribution in spinning process

When comparing histograms of the different process steps, it is recom-

mended to use the “by count” histograms. The scaling of the x-axis in this
type histogram is up to 350 counts per gram.

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In the example histograms we can see the increase in neps from the bale
to card mat. It is also apparent that large neps were created in the blow-
room. Already in carding all sizes of neps and all but very few seed coat
neps were removed. Here, a glance at the histogram helps to determine
how well the seed coat neps are eliminated in carding or if many remain in
the card sliver.

The effect of the combing process relates also to the noil percentage – as
more fibers are combed out, the nep level will diminish accordingly.

In this example, the nep content was increasing in the blowroom, whilethe
card and c omber were reducing the nep c ontent. This effect can be illus-
trated by calculating removal efficiency.

To calculate the removal efficiency the following formula is used:

( Nep Input ) - ( Nep Output )

Nep Removal Efficiency = * 100
Nep Input

A negative nep count removal efficiency therefore states an increase of the

values. So in the blowroom we increase dramatically the number of neps –
from 210 to 550 neps per gram, i.e. by 162 %. As a rule of thumb, an in-
crease of neps in the blowroom should, depending on t he fiber fineness
and the starting point of neps in the bale, not be more than increase by
100% (lower than double).

Fig. 9
Nep efficiencies in spinning

For the carding process a cleaning efficiency of 89% is good, and quite
respectable – this however is not only due t o the high level of neps, but
also to machine state, condition, speeds as well as settings.

Also the efficiencies can be di splayed and c alculated by the experienced

operator in the laboratory directly on the USTER® AFIS PRO2 instrument.

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But before fully acknowledging the nep l evel reduction in our case – the
other quality parameters need to be checked and considered as well, which
we do in the following chapters.
5 AFIS Length
5.1 Numerical results


Table 3 Print-out of USTER AFIS PRO 2 with length result columns H to P

H Mean length by weight in mm / or inch

J Coefficient of variation of mean length by weight in percent
K Short fiber content by weight in percent
L Upper Quartile Length by weight in mm / or inch
M Mean length by number in mm / or inch
N Coefficient of variation of mean length by number in percent
O Short fiber content by number in percent
P Length of the 5% longest fibers in mm / or inch

K+O The selected level of short fiber content (1/2 “ or 0.65”) is given
on the printout

5.2 Graphical results

For the fiber length measurement we test 3000 fibers per repetition. Results
of this end oriented methods are commonly shown in two different frequen-
cy distributions – the by weigth distribution or the by number distribution.
The abbreviations are
(w) – for the by weigth distribution and values
(n) – for the by number distribution and values

USTER® AFIS PRO 2 13 (28)


Differences between those two types of evaluation are the frequency in the
individual length classes are by either gravimetrical weight or mass – or by
the counted number of fibers. So the same fibers are evaluated by the
number of events in the class – or by the weight those fibers would have on
a balance. As short fibers weigh less than longer ones, those frequencies
of short lengths are lower in the by weight distributions.

Fig. 10
Left side:
Histogram length by weight
Right side:
Histogram length by number

The level of short fibers most commonly referenced worldwide is 12.7 mm.
In China a level of 16.5 mm is often selected. The customer can chose his
own level, and will get numerical results as well as the histograms with his
selected level. In the histogram the fibers shorter than this selected limit are
highlighted in red bars.

Changes in the fiber length distribution (breaking of fibers, removing short

fibers) are so clearly visible, and will be seen first in the more senstitive by
number distribution.

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5.3 Practical example

The same samples that were evaluated for neps were also tested for their
length values. The extra long staple cotton was intended to spin fine yarn
counts for mens shirting, and therefore was used in combed ring spinning.

Characteristics Bale Card Mat Card Sliver Comber Sliver

38.8 33.9 32.6 34.8
UQL (w) [mm]

32.0 27.0 25.6 28.3
L (w) [mm]

Short Fiber
4.1 8.0 10.1 3.6
SFC (w) [%]

Reduction of
short fibers

Table 4 Length by weight distributions in spinning process

The length values in the table show that the extra long staple cotton, is be-
ing damaged in the blowroom, and then again at the card. The increase in
short fiber content by weight was almost 4% from bale to card mat, and
another 2% from card mat to card sliver.

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At the combing process the short fibers were removed, bringing short fiber
level back to the level of the original bale. The changes are visible in the
histograms of the by weight distributions, but the shape of the distribution
maintain a similar shape.
However the breakage in the blowroom is considerable – loosing 5 mm in
average length, leads to the conclusion that settings were extremely close,
to operating speeds too high or any other parameters that are out of tune.
Due to this reduction in average length, the short fiber of course increased
Normally we expect in a standard and well adjusted process a short fiber to
decrease at each process stage.

Characteristics Bale Card Mat Card Sliver Comber Sliver

210 550 61 17
[Cnt /g]

25.8 20.6 19.3 24.0
L (n) [mm]

Short Fiber
18.4 26.4 30.2 10.9
SFC (n) [%]

of short

Table 5 Length by number distributions in spinning process

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The short fiber content by number reacts considerably to the breakage in

the blowroom and c ard. Also the effect of the combing process can be
clearly seen in the length by number distributions. The bars of the histo-
grams increase through carding and decrease considerably at combing.

Even subtle change in fiber length will be seen first in the by number distri-
butions before they will be visible in the by weight distributions. For a quick
check to determine if fibers are damaged in processing a glance at the
length by number distribution is recommended. This is even more critical
when processing a new material or applying new settings to a process.

In this example the mill has used a rather aggressive opening and cleaning
process for such a delicate fiber. The neps and the short fiber content in-
creased considerably. In carding, trying to achieve a high nep removal effi-
ciency, the settings had led into breaking fibers. The mill should consider
testing different settings at the card flats.

6 AFIS Maturity
6.1 Numerical results


Table 6 Print-out of USTER AFIS PRO 2 with length result columns Q to S

Q Fiber fineness in mtex

R Maturity ratio
S Immature fiber content in percent

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6.2 Graphical results

Fig. 11
Left side:
Histogram Fiber Fineness
Right side:
Histogram Cell Wall Thick-

Fineness: In the fineness histogram the individual fibers - normally 3000

per sample - are classed according to their fineness.

Ranges from 50 – 350 mtex are common – averaging to 130-200 mtex.

This would correspond to Micronaire values from 3.3 - 5.0.

Cell Wall: The fibers which have a cell wall less than 0.25 are considered
as immature - and are highlighted by the red bars in the histogram. These
fibers reflect also the immature fiber content (IFC).

Fibers that have developed a cell wall of 0.25 to 0.5 are considered as thin
walled fibers.

Maturity is calculated out of these parameters shown in the histogram

(Mature fibers > 0.5%) - (Immature fibers < 0.25%)

Maturity = + 0.7

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6.3 Practical example

The higher the immature fiber content the more problems will occur in dye-
ing. Immature fibers cause “white specks” in dyed fabrics, as they will not
absorb the dye stuff. These immature cotton fibers have no cellulose in the
wall, and t herefore the dye stuff can not be taken up. Therefore, a mill
should monitor fiber maturity level and its variability through processing to
prevent problems later in the fabric.

Characteristics Bale Card Mat Card Sliver Comber Sliver

Maturity ratio
0.96 0.89 0.87 0.97
[ ]

4.8 6.0 7.2 3.7

Table 7 Cell wall distributions in spinning process

With the histograms above, one can easily see what happened in the spin-
ning process in our example study. Within the openening and carding pro-
cess fibers were damaged, and therefore the IFC content increased slight-

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Immature fibers are also weak and t herefore break easily during pro-
cessing. These broken fibers then get distributed throughout a bl ended
sample causing more problems for dyeing.

The effect on the maturity ratio is also clearly visible. It drops in the two
stages card mat and card sliver.

However in the combing process - where the short fibers are combed out –
also the immature fibers were reduced as they were likely part of the short
fibers removed. This allows us to draw the conclusion, that often the short
fibers are also the immature ones.

If the comber noil would be tested on the instrument – one would see –
besides the high amount of neps and the high short fiber content that the
maturity within the noil would also be low, indicating a high amount of im-
mature fibers..

Additionally the dust and trash content can be considerably high in comber

7 AFIS Dust & Trash

7.1 Numerical results


Table 8 Print-out of USTER AFIS PRO 2 with trash result columns

T Number of total dust & trash particles per gram

U Mean size of all the particles in micrometer
V Dust particles per gram
W Mean size of dust particles in micrometer
X Trash particles per gram
Y Mean size of all trash in micrometer
Z Visible foreign matter in percent

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7.2 Graphical results

Fig. 12
Left side:
Histogram Trash Particle by

Right side:
Histogram Trash Particle by
percent of total

All particles smaller than 500 µm are classed as dust particles – the ones
above this limit are classed as trash particles.
The visible foreign matter, the VFM is given as a pe rcentile value. It is
based on an algorithm, which considers the number of events, their sizes
and the density.

For judging the removal of neps or trash particles and their sizes, it is rec-
ommended to use the histograms by count. So the effect of the processes
e.g. of the card or of the comber can be seen easily.

Please note, that when comparing graphs within a s pinning process one
should compare always the same type of graph, as they are two options
selectable, and the histograms look similar, but are not the same.

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7.3 Practical example

Characteristics Bale Card Mat Card Sliver Comber Sliver

657 354 21 2
[Cnt /g]
47 36 1 0
[Cnt /g]
1.08 0.86 0.02 0.00

Table 9 Dust and trash results in spinning process

Besides the judgement of the histograms (removal of trash particles accor-

ing to their sizes) – the trash removal efficiencies can also be calculated.
The input and output data pair are always used for the calculation.

( Trash Input ) - ( Trash Output )

Trash Efficiency = * 100
Trash Input

Fig. 13
Trash efficiencies in
spinning process

In a m ill, between bale to card mat we usually experience trash removal

efficiencies of 40-70 %. At the card trash removal efficiencies of 80-90 %
can be expected.

The trash removal efficiency is useful in judging the complete blowroom

depending on incoming trash level, machine speeds and settings.

In general, the performance assessment of blowroom, carding and combing is based on the results of
neps, fiber length and trash. Not one by one, but all together.

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8 Application reports & control charts

Within the application reports you will find three types of graphs – the criti-
cal nep size, the roller spacing and the efficiency reports.

8.1 Critical nep size

Fig. 14
Application report:
Critical nep size

For 100% cotton yarns in ring and r otor spinning the report of the critical
nep size shows if the average nep size will cause imperfections in the yarn.
If the dot is above the blue line, it will be plotted in red, meaning the critical
nep size is exceeded for the selected yarn count. If the dot is plotted in red,
it means the average nep size is not critical for that particular yarn count.

8.2 Roller spacing

Fig. 15
Application report:
Roller space setting

USTER® AFIS PRO 2 23 (28)


The roller space setting report gives a recommended roller space setting as
a starting point for draw frame roller distances (3 over 3 rollers) in a spin-
ning mill. These values are based on the 5% length by number. A sugges-
tion is made for distance of the pre-draft zone, and the main-draft zone.

8.3 Efficiency reports

Fig. 16
Application report:
Efficiency report of different

These reports are available in the report section of the instrument and the
parameter can be selected individually by the user.

The pairs (input vs.output) need t o be s pecified, e.g. card mat can be
paired up with the corresponding card slivers.

It is useful to determine individual cards within a spinning mill, that do not

perform as good as expected – or judge the cleaning behavior of a certain
material. Best way in getting this, is by calculating the efficiencies.

Efficency reports can be calculated for short fiber content, neps and trash

The level of removal efficiencies however also depends highly on the start-
ing level trash, neps or short fiber in the raw cotton. With a hi gher trash,
neps or short fiber content normally higher removal efficiencies can be

Besides the histograms, the numeric data should not be forgotten. For rotor
yarn, a l evel of V.F.M. below 0.1 % needs to be achieved, as high dust
counts or trash particles will affect the running performance on OE-

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Also trash and seed coat fragments are responsible for yarn breaks, espe-
cially in warping, since they are weak places, and thus replace fibers in the
yarn cross-section.

8.4 Control charts

Fig. 17
Control Chart Neps of dif-
ferent cards

Another report that can be used to monitor the processes performance is

the control chart. In this report, one can set a limit value and then plot all
the machines in the process against the limit value to identify which ma-
chines are not performing to standard for a particular measured parameter
like neps, short fiber, and VFM%.

Here we do not have a calculation like in the efficiency graph, just the
graphical display of the originally tested values. The customer can select
manually the positions he wants to have displayed in the same graph.

With this type of graph also a view of a specific machine over time (long-
term-report) can be generated. To make this report effective, it is recom-
mended that useful and reproducible naming and filing of the tested sam-
ples be utilized.
When we always use at each test the same name, such as CARD No. 1,
we can obtain a c ontrol chart with the date on the scale of the x-axis.
Needs for card grinding or rewiring can then be determined.

Both types, the actual status of all cards – or an individual card over time-
allows to identify individual cards out of the complete line, which do not
perform up to the required level. Settings or the grinding or rewiring sched-
ule can be adjusted accordingly.

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Exceptions can be recognized fast and easy with these reports. The long-
term quality therefore can be maintained in the desired tolerances.

9 Benefits when using histograms

Besides the numerical data in USTER® AFIS PRO 2, we have the possibil-
ity of obtaining the accompanying histograms of the individual parameters
on the measured fiber. This allows us, to identify problem areas in the spin-
ning process by making a more detailed analysis.

Even though we might be satisfied with the nep level, and nep removal effi-
cienies – the short fiber content or the trash might be not behave like ex-
pected. A look and comparison of the different histograms of the individual
process step helps us in identifying those areas.

So knowing if a setting improves our quality or just increases our combing

noil can help a spinner in saving raw material.

The spinner in our example used previously was damaging his fiber in the
blowroom and later had to remove the created short fiber at combing just to
regain his orginal fiber length. His loss in fiber length is dramatic, and can
be expressed in monetary loss, assuming he could use a shorter staple to
begin with, and handle this with care.

With better settings / speeds in the area of blowroom and card the mill
would be able to maintain their fiber quality. Therefore, yarn quality would
get better as well, or he could spin finer and higher quality yarns out of the
extra long staple quality.

Fig. 18
Impact of noil level on
financial gains

10 Conclusion
With the help of the single fiber testing USTER® AFIS PRO 2 in the spin-
ning mill, the processes can be optimized – not only the blowroom, carding,
and combing, but also in the drawing and roving level.

26 (28) USTER® AFIS PRO 2


Evaluating the numeric data gives us one i ndication for improvement –

equally important is to check the histograms to see what is happening with-
in the distribution of the measured properties.

There first indications of fiber damage can be seen in the length by number
distributions. Also, well-intended approaches, such as increase of noil per-
centage can be evaluated before even getting to the yarn stage.
The subtle balance between fiber quality parameters and machine settings
can be adjusted and fine tuned to the customer needs and requirements.


Length Trash

Fig. 19
Subtle balance of fiber qual-
ity and machinery impacts.

The USTER® AFIS PRO2 offers a means to check the fiber quality for all
relevant parameters in the spinning process. The impact on fiber quality
due to the machinery state can be easily assessed and measured to opti-
mize quality and productivity.

Fiber testing in the spinning process helps the customer to optimize quality,
retain it and therefore maintain margins.

11 Literature / References

• Application Handbook USTER® AFIS PRO 2, Single fiber testing of

• Different lab trials / field studies
Trial 5190 - October 2012, Trial 4717 – September 2009
• Application Report SE610, Richard Furter, Application of single fiber
testing systems for process control in spinning mills, November 2007
• Textile Measuring Technology and Q uality Control, Richard Furter,
November 2011
• Ralf Reumann – Testing of Textiles- VEB Fachbuchverlag
• AYT Tool

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