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Scope Sequence Level 2 Doodle Town 2nd Edition

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Level 2 Scope and Sequence

Vocabulary Language Structures Early Literacy

Unit 1 School Is Cool! Is this your (marker)? Yes. Thanks! This is my Recognizing and
(marker). What do you see? I see (a picture). tracing Tt, Cc, Mm,
tape, picture, pencil, marker, book, new, ball,
How are you? What color is your (journal)? It’s Pp; recognizing
pink, purple, journal, backpack, jacket, orange,
(orange). How many children like (red)? What’s words and letter
green, blue, favorite, red, paintbrush, turtle,
your favorite color? We take turns with the sounds; learning
computer, puppet, alphabet, sing, letter, letter
(turtle). My turn. Your turn. Who is (she)? How the alphabet;
names, crayons, numbers 1–5
old is (she)? She’s (five). How old are you? I’m reading rebus
Math: graph (four). I see (one) (pencil). How many pencils sentences; writing
do you see? your name

Unit 2 My Five Senses

see, smell, hear, taste, feel, tree, bird, rock, What can you (hear)? I can (hear) a (bird). Recognizing and
flower, apple, banana, grass, trail, rectangle, Use your (eyes). What shape can you see? A tracing Gg and Ff;
triangle, circle, big, little, lime, soap, tea, (rectangle). Is it little or big? It’s (big). Are they recognizing words
scratch, sticker, game, go, green, gold, five, the same? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. and letter sounds;
four, fingers, feet, friend, cookie, candy, egg, Go, Gus, go! Five fingers. Four feet! Taste the reading speech
taste, sweet, hands, feel, wall, rope, elephant, (cookie). Is it sweet? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Use bubbles; predicting;
trunk, side, leg, tail, cute, creeping, coconut, your hands to feel. What does it feel like? It following a story
caterpillar, sneeze, number 0 feels like a (wall).
Science: same

Unit 3 At Home
bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, Where are (you)? I am in the bedroom. Where Recognizing and
house, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, car, doll, (is) (Mom)? (She is) in the (kitchen). This is tracing Oo and Kk;
play, swim, read, run, dance, brother, build, my dollhouse.What do you like to do? I like to recognizing words
apartment, floors, box, knee, elbow, shoulder, (play). Where do you live? How tall is it? It’s as and letter sounds;
head, octopus, on, kangaroo, kick, beds, lamps, tall as my (elbow). An octopus is on my bed. reading captions;
bears, bathtub, work, go shopping, help, play A kangaroo can kick. There is one (elephant). predicting; following
music, fly kites, children, paper dolls, boys, How many (beds) are there? There are two a factual text
girls, together, numbers 6–10 (beds). How many children altogether?
Math: record, height

Unit 4 Animal Fun

bat, owl, mouse, lizard, bee, wings, sky, ground, (A) (bat) has wings. A (mouse) doesn’t have Recognizing and
rabbit, spots, stripes, tail, nice, fun, hide, gray, wings. It can fly. Look at the (owl). I like it! I like tracing Bb and Sh
brown, leaf, frog, log, bees, bats, birds, shark, you. A (gray) frog can hide on a (rock). Bees and sh; recognizing
shoe, shoulder, shelf, snake, butterfly, fish, bats and birds, Little shark is on my shoulder. words and letter
animal, hen, farmer, pen, numbers 11–12 Does a rabbit have (ears)? Yes, it does. /No, it sounds; predicting;
Science: camouflage doesn’t. Farmer Ben has (twelve) hens. reading a factual text

Unit 5 Healthy Kids Does (he) like (pears)? Yes, (he) does. / No,
pears, plums, mangos, carrots, peppers, (he) doesn’t. (I like (pears). He likes (plums). Recognizing
tomatoes, chicken, rice, salad, foot, crab, Do you like (tomatoes)? Would you like some and tracing Aa;
stand, walk, apples, alligator, alphabet, ants, (chicken)? Yes, please. / No, thank you. Please recognizing words
cat, hat, sad, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, pass the (chicken). Thank you very much.Stand and letter sounds;
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, pizza, on one foot. Walk like a (crab). Put your (elbow) word blending;
burger, beans and rice, ice cream, ride our on your (foot). Can (you) do it? Yes, (I) can. / No, reading a title;
bikes, run, go for a walk, swim in the pool, (I) can’t. Auntie Ann likes (apples). Auntie Ann predicting; reading
healthy, more, numbers 13–14 doesn’t like ants. The cat has a hat. Today is a factual text
PE: balance (Sunday). On (Sunday), we eat (salad).

Tiv Introduction
Level 2 Scope and Sequence
Vocabulary Language Structures Early Literacy

Unit 6 Collections
small, long, short, old, new, shells, different, This car is (big). These cars are (small). Some Recognizing and
same, collection, plane, helicopter, rocket, shells are (big). Which shells are the same? tracing Ii and Qq;
iguana, in, ink, quack, quick, quilt, smaller, What’s that? This is a (big) (blue) (plane). How recognizing words
bigger, tiny, gold, ring, sister, a beautiful thing, long is it? My backpack is (three) crayons long. and letter sounds;
marble, silver, number 15 Iggy iguana is in the ink. Quick under the quilt! tracing words; word
Math: measure Which (hat) it bigger? This one. I can’t get my blending; predicting;
ring. I’m too big. Are you sad? I can try. reading a story

Unit 7 Day and Night

pancakes, bread, cereal, yogurt, eggs, eat, Good morning. It’s time for (breakfast). What Recognizing and
breakfast, morning, lunch, sandwich, milk, are you eating? I’m eating (pancakes). We’re tracing Zz and Jj;
happy, tired, silly, day, bear, zebra, zoo, eating (eggs). He’s eating (cereal). How are recognizing words
zigzag, jacket, jump, night, good night, moon, you feeling today? I’m (tired). The (bat) is and letter sounds;
pajamas, nightgown, hug, town, upstairs, sleeping. The (bear) is not sleeping. The (bear) tracing words; word
downstairs, knocking, window, calling, lock, is awake. These animals are awake. The zebras blending; reading
eight o’clock, running, hopping, walking, at the zoo. Put on your jacket, then jump! a title; predicting;
dancing, stars, shining, numbers 16–17 They’re wearing pajamas. She’s wearing a reading a story
Science: nocturnal nightgown. What (are) the (brothers) doing? rhyme
They’re brushing their teeth. She’s combing
her hair. We’re putting on our pajamas. Wee
Willie Winkie is (running) through the town.

Unit 8 Our Community

park, pool, airport, library, toy store, fire Where are (you) going? (I’m) going to the Recognizing and
fighter, fire station, puppets, next to, between, (library). Where is (she) going? (She’s) going to tracing Vv and Ch
pizza shop, police station, bakery, school, the (pool). They’re going to the (airport). The ch; recognizing
hospital, teacher, doctor, pilot, police officer, (plane) is next to the (puppets). I want the toy words and letter
van, violin, vase, children, choose, reading, plane. Where is the (bakery)? It’s next to the sounds; tracing
swimming, playing games, sharing, listening, (police station). The (police station) is between words; word
using the computer, getting books, take care the (pizza shop) and the (bakery). I want to be blending; reading
of, pizza, numbers 18–19 a (teacher). A (teacher) works in a (school). a title; predicting;
Social Studies: professions, workplaces Put the violin in the van. Choose a chick! I love reading a
(reading) at the (library). We love (going to the factual text
library). We take care of (our books).

Unit 9 Rainy Day

sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, rainbow, What’s the weather like today? It’s (cloudy). It’s a Recognizing and
puddles, boots, make a puppet, watch TV, play (rainy) day today. I want to play outside. What do tracing Th th, Xx,
a game, weather, think, thin, three, moths, you want to do? I want to (make a puppet). Think and Yy; recognizing
sloths, cloths; fox; yes, yellow, box, boots, of three thin (moths). Yes, there’s a fox. What words and letters;
mittens, sunglasses, wonderful, living things, does (he) need? What do (you) need? He needs tracing words; word
plants, animals, people, raindrops, number 20 (a jacket). I need (mittens). We all need (water).. blending; reading
Science/Math: chart a title; predicting;
reading a factual text

Unit 10 The Gift reading a title;

gift, food, carrot, lucky, give, crow, leave, door, It’s our lucky day. We can (show we care).
predicting; reading
basket, nuts, berries a story; making a
story map; acting
out a story

Introduction Tv

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