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Prevalence of Suicide Attempts in Bipolar Disorder A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Observational Studies

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Epidemiology and Psychiatric Prevalence of suicide attempts in bipolar

disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Min Dong1,2, *, Li Lu2, *, Ling Zhang3, *, Qinge Zhang3, *, Gabor S. Ungvari4,5,
Original Article Chee H. Ng6, Zhen Yuan2, Yifan Xiang7, Gang Wang3 and Yu-Tao Xiang2,8
*These authors contributed equally to the Guangdong Mental Health Center, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical
work. Sciences, Guangzhou, China; 2Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Translational Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Macau, Macao SAR, China; 3The National Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders & Beijing Key
Cite this article: Dong M et al (2020). Laboratory of Mental Disorders, Beijing Anding Hospital & the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain
Prevalence of suicide attempts in bipolar Protection, Capital Medical University, School of Mental Health, Beijing, China; 4Division of Psychiatry, School of
disorder: a systematic review and
Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia; 5University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle,
meta-analysis of observational studies.
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 29, e63, Australia; 6Department of Psychiatry, The Melbourne Clinic and St Vincent’s Hospital, University of Melbourne,
1–9. Richmond, Victoria, Australia; 7Pui Ching Middle School Macau, Macau SAR, China and 8Center for Cognition and
S2045796019000593 Brain Sciences, University of Macau, Macao SAR, China

Received: 7 May 2019

Revised: 4 September 2019
Accepted: 11 September 2019 Aims. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric disorder associated with a high risk of sui-
cide. This meta-analysis examined the prevalence of suicide attempts (SA) in patients with BD
Key words:
Bipolar disorder; meta-analysis; prevalence;
and its associated factors.
suicide attempt Methods. A systematic literature search was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE
and Web of Science databases from their inception to 11 June 2018. The prevalence of SA in
Author for correspondence: BD was synthesised using the random-effects model.
Yu-Tao Xiang, E-mail:
Results. The search identified 3451 articles of which 79 studies with 33 719 subjects met
the study entry criteria. The lifetime prevalence of SA was 33.9% (95% CI 31.3–36.6%;
I 2 = 96.4%). Subgroup and meta-regression analyses revealed that the lifetime prevalence of
SA was positively associated with female gender, BD-I, BD Not Otherwise Specified and
rapid cycling BD subtypes, income level and geographic region.
Conclusion. This meta-analysis confirmed that SA is common in BD and identified a number
of factors related to SA. Further efforts are necessary to facilitate the identification and
prevention of SA in BD. Long-term use of mood stabilisers coupled with psycho-social
interventions should be available to BD patients to reduce the risk of suicidal behaviour.

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mood disorder characterised by recurrent depressive and manic/
hypomanic episodes (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007), with different subtypes, such as bipolar
I (BD-I), bipolar II (BD-II) and BD Not Otherwise Specified (BD-NOS) (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). The lifetime prevalence of BD is estimated to be 2.4% world-
wide (Merikangas et al., 2011). Due to its complex and varying clinical presentations, BD is
often misdiagnosed for other psychiatric disorders (Berk et al., 2007), such as major depression
(Perlis, 2005) and substance abuse disorder (Patel et al., 2015), which results in poor treatment
outcomes and increased risk of suicide (Rosa et al., 2010).
Suicide attempt (SA) is an important predictor of completed suicide (Drake et al., 1985;
Harkavy-Friedman et al., 1999; Kessler et al., 2005). Compared to the general population,
BD patients are at a higher risk of suicide (Nierenberg et al., 2001; Plans et al., 2019). A pro-
spective study found that BD had the highest risk of suicide of all psychiatric diagnoses (Brown
et al., 2000). The risk of SA in BD is approximately 30-fold higher than that in the general
population (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007), and approximately 0.9% of BD patients attempt
suicide every year (Beyer and Weisler, 2016). Further, the combination of BD and history
© The Author(s) 2019. This is an Open Access of SA is probably the strongest predictor of completed suicide (Antypa et al., 2013).
article, distributed under the terms of the
Approximately 30–50% of BD patients have a lifetime history of SA, of whom 15–20% even-
Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://, which tually died by suicide (Baldessarini et al., 2006; Gonda et al., 2012). In a previous study, more
permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and lethal methods of SA and suicide were observed in BD patients than in the general population
reproduction in any medium, provided the (Simon et al., 2007). Thus, suicide and SA account for a considerable proportion of disease
original work is properly cited. burden in BD (Angst, 2004).
A host of demographic and clinical factors are related to SA in BD, including female gen-
der, single and divorced marital status, history of sexual abuse, younger age of onset, depressive
phase, severe depressive symptoms, frequent hospitalisation for depression, BD-I subtype,
rapid cycling, comorbid substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders, past history of SA Published online by Cambridge University Press

2 Min Dong et al.

and suicide in first-degree relatives (Leverich et al., 2003; Hawton 2008; Elizabeth Sublette et al., 2009; Studart et al., 2016) reported
et al., 2005; Shabani et al., 2013; Schaffer et al., 2015a, 2015b; overlapping data with the included studies. The corresponding
Bobo et al., 2018). Epidemiological studies on the prevalence of authors were contacted for clarification, but since no reply was
SA in BD are fraught with methodological limitations resulting received, therefore these studies were excluded. Any uncertainty
in inconsistent findings (Novick et al., 2010; Latalova et al., in the literature search and study selection was resolved by a dis-
2014; Tondo et al., 2016). In previous reviews, relying on only cussion with a senior researcher (YTX).
one database (PsycINFO) (Novick et al., 2010) or inclusion of
randomised control trials with stringent entry criteria are just
Data extraction and quality assessment
two examples of methodological shortcomings that limit the gen-
eralisability of the findings (Tondo et al., 2016). Demographic and clinical data were extracted from the included
In order to inform health care policy and frontline mental studies covering the first author, publication year, time of survey,
health professionals in their attempt to reduce suicide risk, it is study site, sampling method, study design, sample size, mean age,
important to understand the patterns of SA and their related proportion of males, diagnostic criteria of BD, patient source,
factors. In view of the large number of recently published assessment and timeframe of SA. Data extraction was performed
epidemiological studies of SA in BD (Passos et al., 2016; independently by two authors (MD and LL).
Baldessarini et al., 2017; Bellivier et al., 2017; Bezerra et al., Study quality was assessed using the quality assessment
2017; Cremaschi et al., 2017; Kattimani et al., 2017; Altamura instrument for epidemiological studies (Boyle, 1998; Loney
et al., 2018; Bobo et al., 2018; Duko and Ayano, 2018), this et al., 1998); which has the total score ranging from 1 (lowest
systematic review and meta-analysis explored the prevalence quality) to 8 (highest quality) points. The eight domains of
of SA in BD and its associated factors. The main hypothesis of the instrument are: (1) Target population is clearly defined.
the study was that bipolar patients would have a significantly (2) Probability or entire population sampling is used. (3)
higher prevalence of SA compared to the general population. In Response rate is >70%. (4) Non-responders are clearly
order to make the sample more representative, only epidemio- described. (5) Sample is representative of the target population.
logical studies were included in this meta-analysis. (6) Data collection methods are standardised. (7) Validated cri-
teria are used to assess the presence of disease. (8) Estimates of
prevalence are given with confidence intervals and detailed by
Methods subgroup (if applicable). Studies with a total score of 7–8
Search strategy were considered as high quality, 4–6 as moderate quality and
0–3 as low quality (Yang et al., 2016).
This meta-analysis followed the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and MOOSE
recommendations (Stroup et al., 2000). The registration number Statistical analysis
of this protocol in the International Prospective Register of Data analyses were performed with the Comprehensive
Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) is CRD42018108290. Two Meta-Analysis (CMA), Version 2.0 (Biostat Inc., Englewood, NJ,
authors (MD and LL) searched the PubMed, PsycINFO, USA) and STATA, Version 12.0 (Stata Corporation, College
EMBASE and Web of Science databases from their inception Station, TX, USA). A random-effect model was applied to calcu-
through 11 June 2018 using the following search terms: attempted late the overall prevalence and its 95% confidence interval (95%
suicide, suicide attempt*, bipolar disorder, manic-depressive CI). Heterogeneity between studies was assessed with the I 2 stat-
disorder, affective disorder, mood disorder, bipolar depression, istic. Sensitivity analysis was performed by excluding studies one
bipolar affective, hypomania, mania, manic, epidemiology, cross- by one to explore the impact of each study on the overall results.
sectional study, cohort study, observational study, prevalence, rate, Publication bias was evaluated with funnel plots and the Begg
percentage, proportion. References of review papers were also regression asymmetry test. In order to examine the moderating
searched to identify additional articles. Figure 1 displays the effects caused by demographic and clinical variables on the
process of the selection of studies for the meta-analysis. results, subgroup analyses for categorical variables (rapid cycling,
gender, source of patients, income level, region and study design)
and meta-regression analyses for continuous variables (per cent
Study selection
of BD subtype, sample size, mean age, illness duration and age
Two authors (MD and LL) independently screened the title and of onset) were performed. If the number of studies was <10, sub-
abstract of relevant studies and then read their full text for eligi- group analyses were conducted for continuous variables, using the
bility. Inclusion criteria were: (1) BD diagnosed according to median splitting method (Higgins and Green, 2008). All the tests
any international or local diagnostic criteria; (2) available were two-tailed, and p < 0.05 was considered significant.
meta-analysable data on SA with one or more of the following
timeframes: lifetime, 1-year, 1-month, current episode and from
illness onset; (3) cross-sectional or cohort studies (only baseline
data of cohort studies were analysed); (4) publication in The search initially identified 3451 articles from the target data-
English. Studies were excluded if they (1) were intervention stud- bases and 12 additional articles from other sources (Fig. 1).
ies or reviews; (2) had very small sample size (n < 100) (Walker Altogether, 79 studies covering 33 719 patients met study entry
et al., 2013; Matte et al., 2016) or special populations, such as ado- criteria (online Supplementary Table S1), including 58 cross-
lescent or elderly samples; (3) were registry-based studies or sectional and 21 cohort studies published between 1985 and
extracted data from medical records. If multiple papers were pub- 2018. Twenty, six and four studies employed consecutive, con-
lished based on the same dataset, only the study with the largest venience and random sampling, respectively. In terms of diagno-
sample size was analysed. Several papers (such as Carballo et al., sis, 71 and four studies applied the DSM and Research Diagnostic Published online by Cambridge University Press

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 3

Fig. 1. Flowchart of study selection.

Criteria (RDC) (Spitzer et al., 1978), respectively, and one study publication bias with respect to the lifetime prevalence of SA
each used the ICD, the DSM or/and ICD, DSM or/and RDC, (z = 0.76, p = 0.44) (online Supplementary Fig. S2).
the Affective Disorder Evaluation (ADE) (Sachs et al., 2003).
The mean age of the whole sample ranged between 29.0 and
55.8 years, and then proportion of males ranged from 23.3 to Subgroup and meta-regression analyses
72.1%. Seventy-five of the 79 studies reported lifetime prevalence, The results of subgroup analyses are shown in Table 1. Gender,
three studies reported 1-year prevalence and three reported cur- income level, rapid cycling and region were significantly asso-
rent episode prevalence of SA. The total score of quality assess- ciated with lifetime prevalence of SA, while study design was sig-
ment ranged from 4 to 8, with six studies rated as of high nificantly associated with its 1-year prevalence. Specifically, the
quality, and 73 studies as of moderate quality (online lifetime prevalence of SA in rapid cycling BD (47.0%) was sig-
Supplementary Table S3). nificantly higher than in the non-rapid cycling subtype (30.2%)
( p < 0.001). Female gender (34.4%) was significantly more prevalent
than male gender (26.4%) ( p = 0.002) in SA in BD. The prevalence
Pooled prevalence of SA of SA in high- (33.7%) and middle-income countries (34.7%) was
The pooled lifetime prevalence of SA in BD was 33.9% (95% CI significantly higher than in low-income countries (12.8%) ( p =
31.3–36.6%; I 2 = 96.4%), 1-year prevalence of SA was 15.0% 0.003). The prevalence of SA was highest in the Americas (37.0%)
(95% CI 8.2–21.8%; I 2 = 85.5%) and current episode prevalence and lowest in Africa (12.8%) ( p = 0.01). The 1-year prevalence of
of SA was 32.5% (95% CI 20.1–44.8%; I 2 = 94.6%) (Fig. 2). SA reported in cohort studies (18.2%) was significantly higher
None of the included studies reported 1-month prevalence or than in cross-sectional studies (8.8%) ( p = 0.003).
prevalence from illness onset. In meta-regression analyses, the proportions of BD-I (B =
0.002, z = 3.9, p < 0.001) and BD-NOS (B = 0.01, z = 6.3, p <
0.001) were positively, while sample size (B = −0.00004, z =
−3.5, p < 0.001) and the proportion of BD-II (B = −0.003, z =
Sensitivity analysis and publication bias
−4.9, p < 0.001) were negatively associated with lifetime preva-
When sensitivity analysis omitted each study one by one, there lence of SA. Mean age (B = −0.004, z = −1.4, p = 0.13), illness
was no outlying study that could have significantly changed the duration (B = −0.004, z = −0.8, p = 0.40) and age of onset (B =
lifetime prevalence of SA (online Supplementary Fig. S1). −0.004, z = −0.7, p = 0.46) were not significantly associated
Neither the funnel plot nor Begg’s test found significant with lifetime prevalence of SA. Published online by Cambridge University Press

4 Min Dong et al.

Fig. 2. Forest plot of suicide attempt. Published online by Cambridge University Press

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 5

Table 1. Subgroup analyses of SA prevalence in bipolar disorder

Total p values Q (p values

Categories (No. of Patients patients Prevalence within across
Subgroup studies) with SA with BD (%) 95% CI (%) I 2 (%) subgroupa subgroups)b

Lifetime prevalence of SA
Total (75) 10 790 32 477 33.9 31.3–36.6 96.4 <0.001
RC/NRC RC (9) 713 1668 47.0 40.7–53.4 72.9 <0.001 17.83 (<0.001)
NRC (9) 1521 4900 30.2 25.9–34.9 86.9 <0.001
Gender Male (25) 1059 4022 26.4 23.1–30.0 80.1 <0.001 9.21 (0.002)
Female (25) 1984 5462 34.4 30.7–38.2 83.3 <0.001
Source of Inpatient (9) 1989 4515 38.3 32.2–44.8 94.3 <0.001 2.08 (0.35)
Outpatient (26) 2571 7542 33.0 29.6–36.6 91.7 <0.001
Mix (17) 2793 8435 34.1 29.9–38.6 89.6 <0.001
Income High (52) 8375 24 941 33.7 30.8–36.8 95.6 <0.001 11.61 (0.003)
Middle (16) 1598 4744 34.7 29.4–40.5 93.3 <0.001
Low (2) 78 562 12.8 6.7–23.1 95.5 <0.001
Region Africa (2) 78 562 12.8 6.7–23.2 95.5 <0.001 14.56 (0.01)
The Americas (24) 4317 12 207 37.0 32.4–41.7 97.5 <0.001
Eastern 93 276 33.6 19.8–50.9 0 0.85
Mediterranean (2)
Europe (32) 4627 13 864 32.5 28.8–36.5 90.1 <0.001
South-East Asia 35 150 23.3 9.9–45.8 – –
Western Pacific (8) 519 1696 33.0 25.7–41.2 88.3 <0.001
Study Cross-sectional 6883 21 185 32.3 29.4–35.3 95.5 <0.001 1.63 (0.20)
design (56)
Cohort (19) 3826 11 292 36.1 31.1–41.6 94.6 <0.001
One-year prevalence of SA
Total (3) 108 710 15.0 8.2–21.8 85.5 <0.001
Sample >217 (1) 49 297 16.5 4.9–42.8 – – 0.067 (0.796)
⩽217 (2) 59 413 13.7 5.7–29.4 90.7 0.001
Study Cross-sectional (1) 19 217 8.8 5.5–13.6 – – 8.74 (0.003)
Cohort (2) 89 493 18.2 14.7–22.3 17.7 0.27
Prevalence of SA during episode
Total (3) 308 1025 32.5 20.1–44.8 94.6 <0.001
Sample <407 (1) 85 191 44.5 25.6–65.2 – – 2.30 (0.129)
⩾407 (2) 223 834 26.5 16.7–39.3 92.9 <0.001
Study Cross-sectional (1) 133 407 32.7 9.6–68.8 – – 0.003 (0.95)
Cohort (2) 175 618 31.6 13.6-57.5 97.0 <0.001
BD, bipolar disorder; NOS, Not Otherwise Specified; NRC, non-rapid cycling; RC, rapid cycling; SA, suicide attempt.
Test of heterogeneity within subgroups.
Test of prevalence of SA across subgroups.
Median splitting method was used.
Bold values = p < 0.05.

Discussion et al., 2015) and in schizophrenia (14.6%; 95% CI 9.1–22.8%),

but was only slightly higher than the figures found in major
In this meta-analysis, the lifetime prevalence of SA in BD (33.9%; depression (31%; 95% CI 27–34%) (Howe et al., 2014; Dong
95% CI 31.3–36.6%) was significantly higher than in the general et al., 2017, 2018). The higher risk of SA in BD compared to
population (0.8%; 95% CI 0.7–0.9%) (Bernal et al., 2007; Cao major depression relates to the differences in clinical profile Published online by Cambridge University Press

6 Min Dong et al.

between both disorders (Szadoczky et al., 2000). Impulsivity, a the place of birth and socioeconomic status were significantly
trait of BD (Tondo and Baldessarini, 2005), is associated with associated with the risk of SA. The risk of suicide and associated
both SA and suicide (Swann et al., 2005). In addition, several factors were different between Caucasian and African Americans
key factors contributing to SA, e.g. mixed state and depressive (Kung et al., 1998). Studies of suicide in BD in low- and
phase, are part of BD (Oquendo et al., 2000; Schaffer et al., middle-income countries are few and far between, which can
2015a). However, the difference between BD and depression result in biased comparisons.
with regard to lifetime prevalence of SA did not reach a significant The sample size was negatively correlated to the lifetime preva-
level (33.9%, 95% CI 31.3–36.6% v. 31%, 95% CI 27–34%) in a lence of SA. Results of studies with small sample size are less reli-
meta-analysis (Dong et al., 2018). Another review of 24 studies able (Dong et al., 2017). The higher 1-year prevalence of SA was
(Novick et al., 2010) reported the lifetime prevalence of SA found at baseline of cohort studies than in cross-sectional studies,
(36.3% in BD-I and 32.4% in BD-II). However, in the Novick while there was no group difference between lifetime and current
et al. review, only the PsycINFO database was searched yielding episode prevalence between the two types of studies. Again, it is
only 439 relevant hits and the prevalence estimates of SA in dif- likely that the low number of cohort and cross-sectional studies
ferent timeframes were not reported. In contrast, the current resulted in unstable results.
meta-analysis more comprehensively covered the literature and The results of this meta-analysis should be interpreted with
examined the prevalence of SA in different timeframes. Novick caution because of several methodological limitations. First, rele-
et al. analysed randomised control trials with stringent entry cri- vant factors related to SA, such as pharmacotherapy, comorbid-
teria, which could lead to selection bias, while this meta-analysis ities, illness severity and the actual mood state of BD, were not
included observational studies, thereby increasing the representa- reported in most studies, hence their moderating effects on SA
tiveness of the study sample. Furthermore, more sophisticated could not be explored. Second, publication bias of the 1-year
analyses including subgroup and sensitivity analyses were carried and current episode prevalence of SA could not be assessed as
out in the present study. the number of studies was <10 (Wan et al., 2013). In addition,
The lifetime prevalence of SA was higher in females than in the pooled current episode and 1-year SA prevalence estimates
males, which is also found in previous studies (Tondo et al., and the SA-moderating effects of the region and low-income
2003, 2016). The possible reasons include relatively more frequent countries were examined in a small number of studies, therefore
depressive episodes (Schneck et al., 2004), rapid cycling BD (Cruz the findings are only preliminary. Third, most studies were con-
et al., 2008) and history of childhood physical and sexual abuse ducted in the Americas and Europe, making the generalisability
(Stefanello et al., 2008) in female patients. Male BD patients are of findings limited. Fourth, although subgroup analyses have
more likely to resort to more lethal methods of suicide (Pompili been performed, heterogeneity could not be avoided as it is a
et al., 2009). Previous findings comparing the SA rate between common pitfall in the meta-analysis of epidemiological studies
BD-I and BD-II have been inconsistent. Higher SA rates in (Winsper et al., 2013; Long et al., 2014; Rotenstein et al., 2016).
BD-I (Oquendo et al., 2010; Antypa et al., 2013; Bobo et al., The heterogeneity in the current meta-analysis was probably
2018) and in BD-II (Song et al., 2012; Holma et al., 2014) were due to the systematic differences between included studies, such
reported, while other studies did not find significant differences as diverse study aims and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Fifth,
between the two subtypes (Novick et al., 2010; Tondo et al., there may be recall bias in the assessment of SA. Finally, the num-
2016). In the current meta-analysis, both BD-I and BD-NOS ber of studies that reported data on the current episode and 1-year
were positively associated while BD-II was negatively associated prevalence was less than those that examined lifetime prevalence
with lifetime prevalence of SA, which is similar to the findings of that could have influenced the results to an uncertain degree.
some (Angst et al., 2005; Popovic et al., 2015; Altamura et al., In conclusion, the meta-analysis found that the prevalence of
2018), but not all (Angst et al., 2005; Neves et al., 2009; Pawlak SA in BD is higher than the figures reported in schizophrenia
et al., 2013) studies. The close association between the depressive and in the general population. Given the major impacts of SA
phase and SA may be a reason for the diverse SA rates in different on BD, more mental health resources should be allocated and
BD types (Schaffer et al., 2015a). SA is more likely to occur during effective measures should be undertaken to reduce the risk of
mixed states and depressive episodes in BD-I, and during depres- SA in this population. Identifying the risk factors of SA (e.g.
sive episodes in BD-II (Tondo et al., 1999). Poorer insight and rapid cycling type and female gender as found in this study)
treatment adherence due to more frequent psychotic symptoms and the long-term use of mood stabilisers coupled with psycho-
in BD-I (van der Werf-Eldering et al., 2011; Depp et al., 2014; social interventions could reduce the risk of suicidal behaviour
Silva et al., 2015) can lead to an increased risk of SA. (Rihmer, 2008), e.g. long-term treatment with lithium reduced
In the subgroup analyses, the lifetime rate of SA in rapid cyc- SA by 10% and completed suicide by 20% (Benard et al., 2016).
ling BD (47.0%) was significantly higher than in non-rapid cyc-
ling BD (34.4%). Rapid cycling is a major risk factor of SA in Supplementary material. The supplementary material for this article can
be found at
BD (MacKinnon et al., 2005), which is attributed to the younger
age of onset, more illness severity, longer illness duration, poorer Data. All the data supporting the findings of this meta-analysis have been
outcomes and higher risk of disability in rapid cycling BD (Kupka provided in Tables, Figures and Supplemental Tables and Figures.
et al., 2005; Mackin, 2005; Schneck et al., 2008; Gigante et al.,
2016). The lifetime rate of SA was significantly higher in high- Acknowledgements. None.
and middle-income countries compared to low-income countries, Financial support. The study was supported by the University of Macau
and also higher in the Americas, Western Pacific and Europe than (MYRG2015-00230-FHS; MYRG2016-00005-FHS), the National Key
in Africa and South-East Asia. The discrepancy in SA rate across Research & Development Program of China (No. 2016YFC1307200), the
regions could be partly due to differences in health care services, Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine
ethnicity, and economic and sociocultural factors (Westman et al., Development of Special Funding Support (No.ZYLX201607) and the Beijing
2003; Karch et al., 2006). Westman et al. (2003) have found that Municipal Administration of Hospitals’ Ascent Plan (No. DFL20151801). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 7

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