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Hadrware X Software Hardware

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Computer hardware

- Hadrware x Software


 MOTHER BOARD = makes computer for us to use, it runs software, all informations are stored here -> CPU CHIP, RAM
- Cpu = Central processing memory: stores program code that needs to be processed
o Biggest problem is heatting – cooling is a must -> heat sink in cpu chip
- Ram = random access memory: stores program code that needs to be processed
o storage element, accessable
o Dissappear when we switch off
- CMOS battery = provides power to CMOS RAM while computer is OFF
- The southbridge = 1 of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer motherboard, the other being the
- How to run a program? Always in Binary
- The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer

Hard drive interface

- A hard drive is the hardware component that stores all of your digital content.
- Your documents, pictures, music, videos, programs, application preferences, and operating system represent digital content
stored on a hard drive.
- Hard drives can be external or internal.
- Internal drives use the Serial ATA interface and external use USB interface


- Computer
needs to be
running with
other devices,
- For interfacing
- Depending on a
cable use is the
cable long


- Oboustranné
- Internet, IP,
- Selection of


- Power over the Internet (POE IP) camera, captures video or still images and relays them to a remote location utilizing a local
network. Often these types of cameras are added onto an existing wireless network (existující bezdrátovou síť)
- Place exterior cameras:
o 1. Above doors leading into your home.
o 2. Windows that don't directly face a street. Install exterior cameras above these windows.
o 3. Any areas that appear isolated and prone to break-ins.
 Where to place them? Deciding by common sense
- Different softwares inside

- Everything on PC runs on a clock – period phi

Display connectors

Hard drive technologies

- Solid state drives (SSDs) = newer types of disks that store

information on flash memory, basically made from electronics
devices, more expensive
- Flash memory is different from RAM because RAM is volatile
(not permanent). When power is turned off, RAM loses all its
- SSD speeds vastly outpace those of HDDs, and the rapid data
transfer will improve your computer’s performance drastically.
- Hard drives = use magnetically sensitive platters which are
moved by a motor, whereas an SSD uses flash memory
without any moving parts, meaning they are faster.

Input devices

- In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing
system, such as a computer or information appliance.
- Examples: include keyboards, mouse, scanners, cameras, joysticks, and microphones
- It has to be on a address
o 3 Bases: address, data, control

Computer software

- The operating system manages machine resources such as the

processor, main memory, input-output space and secondary data
- Access to these resources is centralised and controlled by various
software modules of the operating system.
- Figure 1.1 shows a generalised view of how the operating system
interacts with the software programs and the computer
- MEMORY MANAGEMENT = very clever tool of our operating
system, programs which are loaded and are running – do we
need them? => it is concerned how it is going to control which
memory is given to which program –> page replacement,
replacing programs and pages in a efficient way
- Input/output control = RIQ
- Process management
- File management – how we storage files (on a disk), every file is uniquely identify by a software
- Every operating system is designed to help us

Software modules

- Most general purpose O/Ss support multitasking, which

means that a number of different programs can run at the
same time, i.e. concurrently.
- As seen in figure 1.2, one of the tasks of the O/S is process
- The operating system performs overall monitoring of tasks
ensuring that different programs that are running concurrently do
not interfere with each other
- Software applications = program for using, type of computer
program that performs a specific function for a user
- DIFFERENT operating systems – mac, Microsoft,
o A modern operating system provides access to a
number of resources, which are available to software running on the system, and to external devices like networks
via the kernel.
- Open source = denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and
- What OPERATING SYSTEM DO? Helps us to communicate with hardware, device that keeps everything together

Firmware = software which we built into a chip, software which runs great and working great

CPU -> MID TERM test


- A computer network is a group of computers linked to each

other that enables the computer to communicate with
another computer and share their resources, data, and
- A computer network can be categorized by their size.
- A computer network is mainly of four types:
o LAN (Local Area Network)
o PAN (Personal Area Network)
o MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
o WAN (Wide Area Network)
- Every computer has a unique mac address – for internet and wifi
- Transmitting messages
o Routing
o Blocking
o Circuit switching – expensive
o Message switching
- Every internet connect by IP address
- Chopping data to small pieces – effective, used today
- Arpanet
- There are rulers for conneting – switch (local area network – ex.: school access during test can be denied) + router
(communication between different areas – ex.: different states) – it follows routing protocol – through netGate -> for connecting
to network, HUB
- Moving from one network to another = hop

LOCAL area networks

- Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each other in a small

area -> such as building, office.
- LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a
communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, wireless etc.
- It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as hubs, network
adapters, and ethernet cables.
- The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in Local Area Network.
- Local Area Network provides higher security.

PERSONAL area network

- Personal Area Network is a network arranged within an individual person, typically

within a range of 10 meters.
- Personal computer devices that are used to develop the personal area network are the
laptop, mobile phones, media player and play stations.
- This type of network (PAN) connects electronic devices within a user's immediate area.
- One of the most common real-world examples of a PAN is the connection between a
Bluetooth earpiece and a smartphone.

METROPOLITAN area networks

- A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger geographic area by

interconnecting a different LAN to form a larger network.
- In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a telephone exchange
- It has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).
- Simply for georgraphical purpouses

WIDE area networks

- A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large
geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links.
- The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
- A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business, government, and
Advantages of WAN

- Covers a broader geographic area

- It benefits the global market and business by supporting information sharing
- IT infrastructure is centralized
- Increase your privacy in comparison with using the Internet
- Allows users to share resources and application software

- High bandwidth: If we use the leased lines for our company then this gives the high bandwidth – it increases the data transfer
rate which in turn increases the productivity of our company (Velká šířka pásma: Používáme-li pronajaté linky pro naši
společnost, pak to dává vysokou šířku pásma – zvyšuje rychlost přenosu dat, což zase zvyšuje produktivitu naší společnosti)

Disadvantages of WAN

- Security issue: A WAN network has more security issues as compared to LAN and MAN network as all the technologies are
combined together that creates the security problem.
- Needs Firewall & antivirus software: The data is transferred on the internet which can be changed or hacked by the hackers, so
the firewall needs to be used.
- High Setup cost: An installation cost of the WAN network is high as it involves the purchasing of routers, switches.
- Troubleshooting problems: It covers a large area so fixing the problem is difficult.

Hubs, switches and routers

- Hub = device which connects multiple computer networking devices on a single network line, stupid = did not process the
iformation, just broadcast
o can also act as a repeater or amplifier for information that has to travel over long distances
o creates unnessesary traffic – which can crush (colissions) -> BECAUSE even other computers have the access to the
informations even they were not the primary interest
o Typically doesn't filter data -> instead just retransmits it
- Switches = more intelligent about where they sends the data that comes through the ports, looks for protocol and for the
mac.adress, more intelligent
o Is intelligent, can learn the physical adresses
o Done by reading the hardware addresses of incoming packets and basing forwarding decisions on guidelines that are
provided in the headers of the TCP/IP protocols
o Reduces unnesesary traffic – MORE PREFFERED
o MAC address – media access control in a hardware (every PC have unique access number)
 Creating networks (both)
- Routers = filters and forward data based on logical addresses, ex.: IP address. Routers can store information about networks, can
be configured to be packet-filtering firewalls and can use access control lists. Routers play a critical role in controlling traffic on
the network as well as promoting efficiency.
o It allows communication to be done efficiently
o Reduce time and
o Gateway of a network
 Connecting network

Bridges, gateways, repeaters

- A bridge = a networking device that filters and forwards packets based on a physical address. Bridges are used to connect two or
more network segments together and store and forward frames between the different segments. They are also used to divide
more extensive networks into smaller sections and manage the flow of data between the sections
o Similar to a switch
- A gateway is a node that acts as a "gate" between two autonomous networks that each can have their own routing algorithms,
protocols, domain name service, and topology.
- It can also translate data it receives from outside the network into a format or protocol that is recognised by devices in the
internal network.
- A repeater is an electronic network device that amplifies the signal it receives. Repeaters allow signals to be transmitted over
longer distances, typically more than 100 metres for standard LAN cables.

o wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers, mobile devices, and other equipment
(printers, video cameras,..) to interface with the Internet.

All connections are processed by

ADRESS + DATA – IS NEEDED TO comuter to be working (2.64)

If we want to access internet we need to have ip, domain, gateway

IPV6 increasses the range of IP adress – because there is a lot of networks
Protocols = set of rules
Mac adress = unique physical adress


- Ethics in computing are concerned with:

o "…the unauthorized use of hardware, the theft of software, disputed rights to products, the use of computers to
commit fraud, the phenomenon of hacking and data theft, sabotage in the form of viruses, responsibility for the
reliability of output, making false claims for computers, and the degradation of work.” (Forester 4)
o 1. Cyberbullying: When people bully other people by the use of electronic communication ( like the web, telephone,
etc). it’s referred to as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been done by friends, classmates, relatives, any other
unknown persons. Sending harmful emails to a person creates fake websites to make fun of or to make harm a
person by distributing the same fake information about a person posting and distributing fake images of a person.
These are some common ways of cyberbullying.
 How to protect yourself from cyberbullying:
 Not to respond to cyberbullying.
 Never open e-mails received from unknown senders.
 Keep your password secret.
 Be careful, when you are posting something on a social site.
o 2. Phishing: An internet hacking activity used to steal user data. In this activity, an email is sent to the user which
misleads him/her to believe that it is from a trusted organization. After sending the email, the attacker asks the user
to visit their website, and on their website, they will ask for the personal information of the user like password, credit
card information, etc. So, this is how the attacker steals the personal information of the user.
 How to protect yourself from phishing:
 Never open a link, attachment, etc in an email that is sent by some unknown person.
 Never share your personal information in an email that is asked by an unknown person.
 Always on the firewall of the computer system.
 Always check your bank statements regularly to ensure that no unauthorized transactions are
made. If unauthorized transactions are made in your account, then immediately report this
issue to your bank.
o 3. Hacking: It is an unethical activity in which a highly skilled technical person (or commonly known as a hacker)
enters another person’s computer without the permission of the user and steals important data/project/applications
from the computer or sometimes destroys the information from the system.
 How to protect yourself from hacking:
 Never connect your system to free wifi or a free network.
 Always use strong passwords consisting of letters, numerals, and special characters.
 Before installing any application in your system, always check permission and authenticity.
 Always keep your operating system updated.
 Always use preventive software applications, like anti-virus, anti-malware, etc,
o 4. Spamming: It is an unethical activity in which bulk unwanted e-mail is set to you from a strange or unknown
source. Sometimes, due to bulk emails, your mail server gets full and mail bombing activity happens. Spam mail is
generally used to deliver viruses, worms, trojan horses, malware, spyware, etc. to attack the user.
 How to protect yourself from spam:
 To prevent spam mail, install filtering or blocking software.
 In your mailbox, if you find suspicious mail, then immediately delete that mail(without
 Always keep your software updated.
 Never open the link that is sent by an unknown person.
o 5. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is stealing or copying someone else’s intellectual work (can be an idea, literary work or
academic work, etc.) and representing it as your own work without giving credit to the creator or without citing the
source of information.
 How to protect yourself from plagiarism:
 While writing, always writes in your own words.
 Always use a plagiarism checker before the update.
 If you are taking someone else’s work, then always give the credit to the original author in an
in-text citation.
 Question. What is cybercrime?
 Solution:
 Cybercrime may be a criminal activity done with the help of computers and the Internet. It
includes downloading illegal data, online fraud bank transaction, etc.
- Computer ethics sample questions:
o Question: List some common computing ethics.
 Answer:
 Do not use the computer to harm other people data.
 Do not spy on another person’s personal data.
 Do not use a computer to cause interference in other people work.
 Do not use technology to steal personal information.
 Do not spread misinformation using computer technology.
 It is wrong to claim ownership of a work that is the output of someone else’s intellect.
 In using computers for communication, be respectful with fellow members
o Question. List some unethical computing practices.
 Answer:
 Plagiarism
 Cyberbullying
 Unauthorized Hacking
 Spamming
 Phishing
 Software piracy
o Question. What are the disadvantages of the internet?
 Answer:
 A group of people is trying to get personal information (like bank detail, address, contact
details, etc,) over the Internet and use this for unethical benefits.
 Malware or viruses are gain quick access to different networks and ultimately are causing harm
to computers connected to the network.
 Some people run deceitful businesses over the Internet, and the common people very often
become victims of them.
 People use the internet for cyberbullying, trolling, etc
o Question. What are the benefits of the internet?
 Answer:
 The Internet offers the facility to communicate with a person in any part of the world.
 We can easily collect information related to any topic from the world wide web on the internet.
 Various types of business are carried out through Internet, which is referred to as e-commerce.
From booking railway tickets and flight tickets or tickets for movies to purchasing any type of
merchandises or commodities, are possible via the Internet.
 The Internet allows social networking, that is, it provides the facility to share our information,
emotions and feelings with our friends and relatives.


- From an ethical perspective, AI should:

- Be fair and inclusive in its assertions.
- Be accountable for its decisions.
Not discriminate or hinder different races, disabilities, or
- Microsoft outlines six key principles for responsible AI:
- Accountability: Overall, who is in charge and responsible for the AI?
- Inclusiveness: All users are treated equally?
- Reliability and safety: Correct in what it does and safe to use?
- Fairness: without prejudice?
- Transparency: All activities can be traced?
- Privacy and security: Access to system and its use is protected.
- These principles are essential to creating responsible and trustworthy
AI as it moves into mainstream products and services. They're guided by two perspectives: ethical and explainable
- Accountability - The people who design and deploy an AI system need to be accountable for its actions and decisions.
- Organizations should consider establishing an internal review body that provides oversight, insights, and guidance about
developing and deploying AI systems.
- Inclusiveness mandates that AI should consider all human races and experiences. Inclusive design practices can help developers
understand and address potential barriers that could unintentionally exclude people. Where possible, organizations should use
speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and visual recognition technology to empower people who have hearing, visual, and other
- Reliable and safe. It is important for a system to perform as it was originally designed and to respond safely to new situations. Its
inherent resilience should resist intended or unintended manipulation.
- An organization should establish rigorous testing and validation for operating conditions to ensure that

AI Framework for Machine Learning (ML)

- Data comes from Data Providers, and is enriched using

Analytics, Technology and Information management so Data
Consumers can use it to create value.
- AI applications are data centric, and usually consist of small
amounts of ‘hand crafted’ code joining together many different
tools (sometimes called ‘packages’) to produce output. It’s this
‘pipeline’ of data and tools (with the “glue” in-between) which
enables the value.
- Architecture provides details of the aesthetics, uses, and
mechanics of the stresses of the structure, the technology
defines the operational environment including the available
- These are the core underlying capabilities which allow you to
store, and perform operations on the data. Decisions here
define what types, how much and how fast data and algorithms
can be processed.
- Information Management (IM). This is the set of capabilities
which manages the lifecycle of your data. From data
acquisition, custodianship, distribution, archiving and deletion.

Security impacts usability

- Computer security
- Information security
- Application security
- Computer security
- Network security
- Cybersecurity = refers to the general principles, protecting computer systems

Essential elements of a security system

- Education – users should be aware of their risks and responbilities

- Software – software preventing and detecting nefarious access is essential
- Services – should be available to administrators to manage any computer
- Policies – members of the community should follow some rules
- Laws – to penetrate computer security

Security threats

- Information disclosure/information leakage

- Integrity violation
- Masquerading
- Denial of service
- Illegitimate use
- Generic threats: backdoors, trojan horses, …
- VIRUS – malicious program which is loaded into the users computer without users knowledge
- WORM = type of malicious software or malware that is designed to replicate itself and spread from one computer to another
over a network, without requiring any action from the user. Unlike viruses, worms don't need a host program to attach to and
spread; they are standalone programs capable of self-replication and propagation
- PHISHING = cyber-attack technique – individuals/entities, often impersonating as legitimate and trustworthy sources -> attempt
to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers,..)
o these cybercriminals use deceptive tactics to trick people


Public-key encryption

Hash functions


- Masking = hidding
o -> subnetmask: -> 0= class C
o IP adress:
 Binary multiplication: - 255
 Masking without changing the network
 Anything multiplieed with 0 is 0
 Same network = same three values X, Y, Z
- Binary -> to decimal
- Adress clsss identification

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