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Part 4 Climate Change

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Theosophy and Science Contrasted

David Pratt

January 2000


1. The climate system

2. Climate and axial tilt
3. The climate record

1. The climate system

A continuous change in the axial inclination of 4° per precessional cycle would

alter the amount of radiation reaching the earth's surface in a regular way and the
earth would be expected to undergo the same climatic changes during each 360°
inversion of the poles, if no other factors were involved. In reality, however, the
earth's weather system is an immensely complicated system, involving many
interacting variables. Moreover, it is not stated in theosophical literature how long
this steady shift in the earth's tilt has been in operation, or how the rate of
inversion may have varied in the past; there may have been times when the axial
inclination remained virtually constant, including long periods of 'eternal spring'.
Paul Davies underlines our limited understanding of the global climate as
Most computer simulations of the Earth's atmosphere predict some sort of
runaway disaster, such as global glaciation, the boiling of the oceans, or
wholesale incineration due to an overabundance of oxygen setting the world on
fire. . . . Yet somehow the integrative effect of many interlocking complex
processes has maintained atmospheric stability in the face of large-scale
changes and even during periods of cataclysmic disruption.1

Some of the chief factors influencing the climate are mentioned below:
1. The energy output of the sun. Solar flares and sunspots come and go over a
cycle of about 11 years (the polarity of the leading spots in each hemisphere
reverses at the beginning of each cycle, so that the magnetic period of the sun is
considered to be 22 years). There are also thought to be longer variations of 200
or 400 years. Although the sun's overall brightness varies by no more than a
fraction of a percentage point over its more or less regular cycle of activity, both
individual flare bursts and the average level of flaring activity over a whole solar
cycle are known to affect the weather on earth; one possible mechanism may be
changes in the intensity of cosmic rays penetrating the atmosphere. During the
most intense phase of the Little Ice Age in Europe, from 1645 to 1715, there
were very few sunspots. In contrast, sunspot activity peaked between 1100 and
1250, a distinctly warm time in the northern hemisphere.2
2. The geometry of the earth's orbit, which determines the amount of solar
radiation reaching the earth's outer atmosphere. The three main variables are:
a. The tilt of the earth's axis, which determines how much solar radiation is
received at different latitudes.
b. Climatic precession (the 21,000-year cycle resulting from astronomical
precession combined with apsidal motion), which determines at what time of the
year the earth is closest to and furthest from the sun. At present the earth is
closest to the sun in midwinter, which means that winters in the northern
hemisphere are less severe than they might otherwise be. The most pronounced
difference between winter and summer seasons occurs with a large obliquity and
a large eccentricity such that winter occurs when the earth is farthest from the
c. The ellipticity of the orbit (the degree of deviation from a circle, involving
variations in the earth's distance from the sun). The ellipticity is currently 0.017,
and is thought to range between 0.001 (almost circular) and 0.054 over a period
of about 100,000 years.
3. The transparency of the atmosphere to either incoming solar radiation or
outgoing heat. An important factor is the concentration of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide,
and ozone. Clouds are the most important element in reflecting solar radiation
back into space. Another important variable is the amount of aerosols (small
particles) in the atmosphere, including dust thrown up by volcanic eruptions, and
meteoric dust from space (resulting from passing through the tail of a comet, a
meteorite stream, interstellar dust clouds, etc.). Sulphur dioxide from volcanic
eruptions combines with water vapour to form tiny droplets of sulphuric acid,
which reflect sunlight and lead to cooler temperatures in the lower atmosphere.
Worldwide temperature dropped by about 2°C following the major volcanic
eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia in 1883. After the Tambora eruption in 1815,
the extensive volcanic haze caused the following year to be called the 'year
without a summer'.
Theosophical literature speaks of a veil of meteoric dust surrounding the earth.
That the entire atmosphere is permeated with meteoric dust is well established,
and an estimated 20,000 to 40,000 tons of cosmic dust fall on the earth every
year. It is known that if there were no dust in the atmosphere, there would be little
or no precipitation. But the meteoric veil apparently plays a more important role
than scientists have yet realized. It is said to be many scores of miles thick, and
to consist mostly of very fine cosmic dust but partly of larger bodies. Solar forces
reaching the earth arouse electromagnetic currents in this thick shell of meteoric
dust; the electromagnetic interchanges between the earth and its meteoric veil
produce various meteorological phenomena, such as storms, lightning, winds,
droughts, and the auroras, and are also responsible for some 70% of the earth's
heat. The associated expansions and contractions of the atmosphere are said to
be linked to the succession of glacial and warm periods.3
Paul LaViolette has proposed that a cosmic ray volley or galactic superwave,
caused by explosions in the centre of our galaxy, can push large amounts of
cosmic dust into the solar system. These dust incursions substantially alter the
earth's climate through their effect on the sun (perhaps triggering nova-like
eruptions) and sunlight transmission through space. He argues that galactic
superwaves pass us about once every 26,000 +/- 3000 years (approximating a
polar precessional cycle), with the possibility of a 13,000 year recurrence
interval.4 Another important factor is that as the earth revolves around the centre
of the galaxy, it oscillates up and down through the galactic plane in a cycle of
some 30 million years. When it crosses the plane, as it has been doing for the
past 3 million years, it encounters higher concentrations of cosmic debris. The
moon is believed to play a role in modulating the influx of meteoric dust.5
4. Atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns, which are set in motion by the
different amounts of energy received from the sun at different latitudes and by
the rotation of the earth. The circulation of atmosphere and oceans reduces
temperature imbalances on a regional scale as well as between high and low
5. The albedo (reflectivity) of the surface (due to soil types, presence of ice,
snow, and vegetation, etc.), which affects the earth's absorption or radiation of
6. The distribution of land and sea, and the topography of the continents and
seafloor (land elevation, sill depth, channel width, etc.), which affect atmospheric
and oceanic circulation patterns. Land temperatures reflect both elevation and
proximity to the sea (which has a higher heat-storage capacity than land). The
average annual temperature decreases by about 4°C for each 550-metre rise in
altitude. Hence there is permanent snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro, despite the fact that
it is located astride the equator. In the Atlantic, the Gulf Stream carries warm
surface water northwards, and keeps northern Europe much warmer than
Canada at the same latitude. Conversely, the cool Peruvian coastal current
ameliorates the tropical climate of Chile and Peru. The Gulf Stream is thought to
have been some 35% weaker during the last glacial maximum, some 21,000
years ago.6
The popular dogmas of plate tectonics and continental drift are frequently
invoked to explain past climates, but detailed studies show that shifting the
continents succeeds at best in explaining local or regional palaeoclimatic
features for a particular period, and invariably fails to explain the global climate
for the same period. Moreover, drifters say that the continents have shifted little
since the start of the Tertiary, yet this period has seen significant alterations in
climatic conditions. The geographic distribution of palaeoclimatic indicators such
as evaporites, carbonate rocks, coals, and tillites is best explained by stable
continents and by periodic changes in climate, from globally warm or hot to
globally cool. For instance, 95% of all evaporites (a dry-climate indicator) from
the Proterozoic to the present lie in regions that now receive less than 100 cm of
rainfall per year, i.e. in today's dry-wind belts. The evaporite and coal zones show
a pronounced northward offset similar to today's northward offset of the thermal
equator.7 Horizontal crustal movements are relatively unimportant compared with
vertical crustal movements and the associated emergence and submergence of
7. Currents of electricity within the earth (telluric currents) and in the
atmosphere, and variations in the geomagnetic field. Geomagnetic field patterns
closely match the circulation patterns of the atmosphere and also affect ocean
currents.9 It may be significant that during the last ice age, the ice cap was not
centred on the geographic north pole but about 15° southward, at a point below
Thule, Greenland, at about the same latitude as the present north magnetic pole.
A sudden collapse of the magnetic field could cause the air to be chilled into a
liquid rain or frozen into snowflakes, followed by super-hurricane winds rushing in
to fill the atmospheric vacuum.10
8. The impact of asteroids, meteoroids, or comets of varying sizes. It is
fashionable at present to assign impacts a major role in triggering climate change
and global catastrophes. However, polar ice core studies show no evidence that
the climatic transitions of the last ice age were precipitated by comet impacts,
though cosmic bodies certainly hit the earth from time to time.11
9. Interactions between life and its environment. According to the Gaia
hypothesis, the earth's biota does not simply respond passively to climate but
helps to modulate and even control it, by regulating the concentration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide and other organically derived substances so as to
keep temperature and precipitation at advantageous levels. James Lovelock
describes the earth as a self-regulating organism, capable of ensuring the
survival of a life-sustaining global climate. Humans, however, are also known to
exercise an adverse influence, through desertification, deforestation, emissions
of greenhouse gases, etc., though their impact is probably of little significance
compared to what nature itself is capable of.

According to the widely accepted Milankovitch model of the ice ages, the history
of glaciation and deglaciation is primarily determined by the insolation changes
resulting from the three orbital cycles -- the obliquity cycle (i.e. the postulated
axial oscillation between 21.6° and 24.6°) with a period of 41,000 years; climatic
precession with periods of 23,000 and 19,000 years; and the eccentricity cycle
with a period of 100,000 years. It is commonly asserted that studies of the
climate record have found evidence of climatic variations with essentially the
same frequencies. However, the picture is rather more complicated than is often
implied. The periodicities found in the Pleistocene climate record include:
140,000, 104,000, 100,000, 44,000, 43,000, 41,000, 40,000, 25,000 24,000,
23,400, 23,000, 20,000, 19,000, 18,600, 15,700, 9300, 9200, 6400, and 5700
years.12 It seems at times that scientists are more interested in fitting data into
the Milankovitch theory than in objectively testing it or looking for alternative
Even if the approximately 41,000-year periodicity found in the climate record is
genuine -- and age determinations become increasingly uncertain the further
back we go in time -- it would be premature to conclude that this proves the
existence of the obliquity cycle postulated by science, since other factors may be
responsible. The general belief that the 100,000-year periodicity is related to the
eccentricity cycle has also occasionally been challenged.13 LaViolette says that
galactic superwaves may be related to the 23,000-year climatic cycle, and could
also account for the 100,000-year cycle, which approximates four superwave
Alistair Dawson has concluded that some of the Late Quaternary
palaeoclimatic data can certainly not be explained in terms of the Milankovitch
cycles. He also warned that any correlations should be tempered with caution
since the calibration between Milankovitch astronomical chronology and
radiometric ages is not know with certainty, and it is not at all clear how
Milankovitch effects are translated into changes in global climate.15
The main problems facing the Milankovitch model are as follows.16 First, it fails
to explain the vast epochs in which the earth was free of polar ice sheets.
Second, the relatively small seasonal and latitudinal radiation variations resulting
from the orbital parameters are insufficient to account for the magnitude of
climatic changes. Third, the 100,000-year cycle appears to dominate in the
Pleistocene climatic record, whereas scientists calculate that the 100,000-year
eccentricity cycle is the weakest of the orbital parameters. Fourth, the pattern of
the climatic record is asymmetrical: ice ages appear to start slowly and take a
long time to build up to maximum glaciation, only to terminate abruptly and go
from maximum glacial to full interglacial conditions in less than 7000 years. In
fact, major temperature changes of up to 10°C can even occur in a matter of
decades.17 Fifth, climatic changes in the northern and southern hemispheres
appear to be synchronous, whereas the precession cycle operates in different
directions in the two hemispheres. Finally, solar flares have probably altered the
amount of solar radiation received at the outer atmosphere, whereas the
Milankovitch theory assumes that it has remained constant.
In theosophical literature poleshifts are mentioned as one of the causes of
sudden climatic changes and ice ages. Blavatsky says that the 'karmic
disturbance of the axis' has produced periodical deluges and glacial periods.18
W.Q. Judge writes:

Ice cataclysms come on not only from the sudden alteration of the poles but also
from lowered temperature due to the alteration of the warm fluid currents in the
sea and the hot magnetic currents in the earth, the first being known to science,
the latter not. The lower stratum of moisture is suddenly frozen, and vast tracts of
land covered in a night with many feet of ice. This can easily happen to the
British Isles if the warm currents of the ocean are diverted from its shores. 19

2. Climate and axial tilt

The most important single variable in the climate is the temperature, which is
determined by two main factors: the angle of incidence at which the sun's rays
strike the earth's surface, and the length of time the sun remains above the
horizon each day.1 The amount of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface is
reduced by the thickness of the atmosphere through which it must pass. The
heating effect per unit area (insolation) is at its maximum when the sun is
vertically overhead and at its minimum when it is on the horizon.
The earth's axial tilt divides it into three main climatic zones: the tropical or
torrid zone, the temperate zones, and the polar or frigid zones. The tropical zone
lies between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn, where the midday
sun is vertically overhead at the summer and winter solstices respectively. The
temperate zones lie between the tropics and the polar circles (23.4° and 66.6° N
and S). Within these regions, the sun is never vertically overhead, and the
intensity of insolation becomes increasingly seasonal with distance from the
equator. At 50° latitude, there are just over 16 hours of daylight at the summer
solstice, but only about 8 hours at the winter solstice. At 60° latitude, the figures
are 19 hours and 6 hours respectively. In the polar zones, seasonality is taken to
extremes. At the arctic and antarctic circles, there is a day of 24 hours daylight at
the summer solstice and 24 hours darkness at the winter solstice. At 79° there
are two months of permanent daylight during summer and two months of winter
darkness. At the poles, there would be six months of daylight during the summer
and six months of winter darkness, were it not for the fact that atmospheric
refraction reduces the period of darkness by about half.
Although the earth's tilt defines the theoretical boundaries of the tropical,
temperate, and polar zones, actual climate conditions can differ significantly from
this simple picture due to the influence of all the many other climatic factors.
Thus, although, theoretically, the temperate zones are the regions of the earth
between the tropics and the polar circles, in terms of actual climatic conditions
the temperate zone currently lies between about 40° and 50° in the northern
hemisphere and 35° and 55° in the southern hemisphere. Moreover, not even
these more restricted zones can be described as temperate in their entirety,
since although the northern zone includes western Europe and similar regions
such as New Zealand, it also includes the heartlands of continents, such as
Siberia and the central-northern US and Canada, where conditions are much
more extreme. These far from temperate regions are generally described as
having continental climates, while the only true temperate regions are those on
the western sides of continents, dominated by the arrival of successive weather
systems sweeping in from the oceans further to the west. The prevailing winds
off the ocean keep the temperate regions cool in summer and warmer than they
would otherwise be in winter.2
An increase in the inclination of the axis to, say, 26° would enlarge the
(theoretical) tropical and polar zones, and compress the temperate zones. Only
at the midlatitudes of 45° N and S would there be little noticeable change. The
temperature range in continental interiors would probably change for the worse.
Increased extremes of temperature in summer and winter would require a more
vigorous atmospheric and oceanic circulation to transport the heat from the
tropics to the poles, resulting in increased storminess, fierce winds, and general
unpredictability of the weather. If the obliquity were to decrease to about 20°, the
temperate zones would expand at the expense of the tropical and polar zones.
Temperate flora and fauna would be able to extend their ranges north and south
of the present limits. The variations between summer and winter insolation would
be reduced, and the range of temperature in continental regions would be much
more equable. The temperature gradient between the tropical and polar regions
would be greatly reduced and less heat would need to be transferred across the
temperate zone. Weather patterns would become more stable and predictable.
With an axial tilt of 30°, the tropics are at 30° latitude and polar circles at 60°
latitude, so that the tropics, temperate zone, and polar zone each cover 30° of
latitude in each hemisphere. With a tilt of 45°, the tropics and polar circles are at
45° latitude, and the temperate zone disappears (though temperate conditions
may still exist in certain regions). With a tilt of 60°, the tropics are at 60° latitude
and the polar circles at 30° latitude, which means that latitudes between 30° and
60° are within both the tropics and the 'polar' zone! At higher tilts, the overlap
between the two zones increases, until at 90° (and 270°) it reaches 90°, so that
the whole earth lies in both the tropics and the 'polar' zones, resulting in seasonal
variations of extreme intensity even at midlatitudes. With a tilt of 0°, on the other
hand, the temperate zone would cover the entire earth, and day and night would
everywhere be 12 hours long. This would be the ideal world for human
habitation, as there would be no pronounced seasons, little heat flow, and the
weather system would be reduced to only the gentler circulations of atmosphere
and oceans resulting from the earth's rotation.
An article in Astronomy magazine in 1992 attempted to describe the conditions
that would prevail if the earth's axis was tilted at 90°.3 In spring and autumn all
parts of the earth would still have daily cycles of daylight and darkness, but there
would be extended periods of constant daylight in summer and constant
darkness in winter. Twice a year every latitude would experience tropical heating
as the sun passed directly overhead. At a latitude of about 34° N or S, the day-
night cycle would last for a total of 7.5 months of the year, while for the other 4.5
months there would be constant day or constant night, coupled with harsh
summers and winters. The lengths of these periods would vary at different

The seasonal heating cycle prevents the formation of permanent polar ice caps.
The polar regions would experience the same tropical heating and high
temperatures as the equatorial regions of old Earth. However, the polar regions
in winter are exceptionally cold, so seasonal polar ice caps may form. Because
the polar caps aren't permanent, the oceans -- and the shorelines on the
continents -- are higher than those on old Earth.
If seasonal polar ice caps form, the dominant force controlling weather may
shift from jet streams which circle the Earth along lines of latitude to a pole-to-
pole flow. This mimics the condensation flows seen on Mars, caused by the
freezing and thawing of the Red Planet's polar caps. Thermal flows created by
intense heating at one location and cooling at others may replace old Earth's
trade winds and other east-west winds.
New Earth residents probably also experience significant seasonal variations
in the shoreline, depending on whether the thawing of one polar ice cap occurred
at the same rate as freezing at the other pole. This change in sea level would
occur on top of a change in the range of tides due to gravitational effects from the
Moon and Sun. . . .
Biological clocks, also called circadian rhythms, help animals and plants make
the best use of their waking hours, driving urges to eat, sleep, seek shelter, or
store food for the winter. . . . Most living things have biological clocks that run
with cycles of between 23 and 25 hours. Earth's cycle of day and night constantly
realigns these cycles to keep them in sync with the changing seasons. In
contrast, during experiments in which no day-night change occurs in lighting,
people resort to their natural biological clock of around 25 hours to regulate their
actions, such as sleep cycles.
But life on new Earth, where protracted periods of daylight and darkness exist,
would have to adapt differently. Life-forms may depend exclusively upon their
biological clocks to avoid the problem of the changing day-night cycle and the
periods of prolonged daylight and darkness. Or perhaps the biological clocks
would take over only during the periods of continuous daylight and darkness.
When day and night cycles finally returned, the day-night cycle would control
activities. (Would life-forms suffer from a massive dose of jet lag during the
period when the day-night cycle takes over from the internal biological clock?)
Perhaps life wouldn't have biological clocks at all. Or perhaps life-forms would
have a complex set of rhythms that control activities during the periods of
prolonged darkness and prolonged light and that adjust to changes in the day-
night cycle. Clearly, whatever dominates the biological rhythms, social and
emotional aspects of humans would evolve differently on new Earth.

3. The climate record

The global climate has undergone major changes over the course of geologic
history. Figure 1 shows how the earth's climate has fluctuated episodically
between periods of worldwide warming and worldwide cooling. Right-hand
deflections of the curve represent periods when the earth was uniformly warm
with no frigid zone, and left-hand deflections of the curve represent periods when
the earth was cool.1

Figure 1. Evaporite-maximum and evaporite-minimum (glacial-maximum)

Figure 2. The geological timescale: theosophy vs. science.2

The evidence for very warm temperatures at high latitudes and glaciation at
low latitudes clearly shows that the width of climatic zones has changed radically
since the mid-Proterozoic. Since the width of climatic zones and the range of
seasonal change are largely determined by the degree of axial tilt, this would
suggest significant changes in obliquity. Nevertheless, the reigning scientific
belief is that since the climatic record shows that in the past, as today, the earth
was generally divided into three primary zones -- a mainly warm climate at low
latitudes, with cooler climates at high latitudes -- there is no need to invoke major
changes in obliquity. However, a number of scientists disagree with this.
Since the warming and cooling trends shown in figure 1 generally lasted many
millions or tens of millions of years, they can certainly not be explained simply in
terms of a steady shift of the axis -- even allowing for the fact that according to
theosophy the geological periods are much shorter than the exaggerated periods
postulated by science on the basis of radiometric dating (see figure 2). It should
be borne in mind, however, that our planet's history is reconstructed by studying
the properties of the various strata of the earth and the fossils found in them, and
that the record of the rocks is very incomplete: more than 95% of all the
sedimentary rocks formed since the origin of the planet have been eroded and
recycled. In addition, many former land areas are now submerged beneath the
oceans. Nevertheless, there is mounting evidence that superimposed on the
long-term warming and cooling trends there have been significant oscillations in
climate. For instance, the Pleistocene ice age consisted of a succession of
glacial and interglacial periods, whose number was initially put at 4, whereas
nowadays it is put at 17.3
The prevailing view today is that Antarctica has been subject to continuous
polar climates for the last 15 million years (since the mid-Miocene), though some
scientists believe that East Antarctica may have been relatively deglaciated 3 to
5 million years ago (in the early Pliocene). The Arctic is thought to have been a
warm ocean until approximately 2 million years ago, followed by a permanent ice
pack about 850,000 years ago. There have been many times during the history
of the globe when the polar regions had a warm climate.4 For example, fossil
plants and animals (including the first-known amphibians) indicate that warm
conditions existed in the arctic regions in the Devonian. Large Permian reptiles,
which must have required a warm climate, are found along the Dvina River of
Russia, just below the arctic circle. A forest of Late Permian age, interpreted to
have lived between 80 and 85°S, has been discovered on Mt. Achernar in the
Transantarctic Mountains.
The overall climate of the Mesozoic, and more specifically of the Cretaceous,
was warmer than that prevailing over the globe today. Modern tropical to
subtropical conditions extended to at least 45°N and possibly to 70°S, with warm-
to cool-temperate climates beyond this zone. This warm global climate was also
notably equable. In the Triassic some amphibians ranged all the way from 40°S
to 80°N. In the Cretaceous large dinosaurs and trees existed in such high-latitude
localities as Svalbard and the present North Slope of Alaska. In the late
Palaeocene-mid-Eocene, there were forests on Ellesmere Island (80°N) with
crocodilian bones, palm trees in west-central Greenland and southern Alaska,
and mangrove swamps in the London-Paris basin. During the late middle
Eocene, tropical rain forest occurred at least 20° and possibly 30° poleward of
the present northern limit. The Miocene floras of Grinnell Land, Greenland, and
Spitzbergen all required temperate climatic conditions with plentiful moisture. 5
Large Pliocene trees in fossil forests have been discovered at 82.5°N in northern
Greenland and 83.5°S in the Beardmore Glacier area of Antarctica.
Large trees live in parts of the Arctic today in a much colder climate than
usually prevailed in the past, and some sizable trees in Siberia live as far north
as 73°N. However, controversy surrounds the question of whether the big trees,
widespread vegetation, and abundant, large animals that occupied these regions
in the past could have survived under polar-light conditions such as those that
exist with an axial tilt similar to the present one. Some scientists argue that the
earth's obliquity must have been as low as 5-15° to explain the occurrence of
subtropical floras in high latitudes during the Cretaceous and Palaeogene (early
Cenozoic).6 H.A. Allard argued that the weak zonations of climate that have
characterized certain geological eras are difficult to harmonize with a strongly
tilted axis such as now prevails; he believed that in the Cretaceous, when there
was little seasonal change, the obliquity was around 0°.7
Opponents of this view argue that although a smaller obliquity would increase
the winter solar insolation at high latitudes, the mean annual insolation would
decrease, leading to cooler polar temperatures, whereas the evidence points to
warmer polar temperatures in Mesozoic and early Cenozoic time; an alternative
explanation is that life may have adapted to a polar-light regime.8 However, the
climatic models on which such views are based have been challenged. Jack
Wolfe suggested that at some critical value of axial inclination, the atmospheric
circulation changes from one that is predominantly cellular (as it is today) to one
that is predominantly meridional, which would have more than compensated for
decreased annual insolation values at high latitudes.
It is also conceivable that trees could have grown in polar regions if the earth
had a much higher obliquity than at present. Fred Dick suggested that with an
inclination of say 45°, an orbit of considerable eccentricity, and midwinter at
perihelion, the Greenland summers would have been long and warm enough for
the trees that used to grow there.9 This possibility illustrates how difficult it is to
draw firm conclusions about the inclination of the axis on the basis of
palaeoclimatic and palaeontological data.
It is stated in theosophical literature that the poles have been cold and warm in
turn,10 and this is supported by the climatic record. According to an ancient
Commentary, the third (Lemurian) root-race was at about the midpoint of its
development when: 'The axle of the Wheel tilted. The Sun and Moon shone no
longer over the heads of that portion of the Sweat Born; people knew snow, ice,
and frost, and men, plants, and animals were dwarfed in their growth.'11 This may
refer to the cooling period that began in the early Cretaceous (see figure 1).
An overall gradual warming took place from the Palaeocene to the mid-
Eocene, followed by gradual cooling until the major climatic deterioration at the
end of the Eocene, though there were several fluctuations during this period. 12
Since then, one major trend of northern hemisphere climates has been a
decrease in the mean annual range of temperature and thus increased
equability, though again there have been several fluctuations. Jack Wolfe
postulates that if the major climatic trends during the Tertiary were largely the
result of changes in the inclination of the axis, then from the Palaeocene to the
mid-Eocene, the inclination gradually decreased from around 10 to 5°. It then
began to increase slightly until the end of the Eocene, when the inclination
increased rapidly to 25-30°. Since then, he believes that the inclination has
gradually decreased to the present average value of 23.5°. He admits that this
model does not explain several fluctuations in mean annual temperature, which
might result from fluctuations in the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth.
Xu Qinqi has argued that the main cause of the alternation of glacial and
nonglacial periods is the variation of the obliquity between about 10 and 25°. 13
Clearly such scenarios are still very conservative by comparison with the
changes in axial inclination implied in theosophical writings.
Since early Pliocene time the width of the temperate zone is said to have
changed by more than 15° (1650 km) in both the northern and southern
hemispheres. If we apply the rule of a 4° axial shift per precessional cycle, the
theoretical temperate zone (as defined solely by the axial tilt) should have
changed by 90° in each hemisphere since the beginning of the Pliocene (about
1.87 million years ago on the theosophical timescale), though this could be
obscured by the complexity of the climate system. At the start of this period, the
inclination of the axis would have been about 48°, and it proceeded to pass
through 90°, 180°, and 270°, before reaching its current value of about 336.6°
(23.4°). At the beginning of the Pleistocene (about 870,000 years ago on the
theosophical timescale), the tilt would have been about 200°, and the earth's
north pole would have made an angle of 20° with the south ecliptic pole. A series
of glacial and interglacials ensued, and the last ice age ended about 11,000
years ago, when the earth's tilt would have been about 25°. We do not know for
certain whether this is the theosophical scenario, since we have not been given
any details of exactly how the axial tilt has evolved during this period.
The end of the last ice age between 13,000 and 8000 years ago was
accompanied by a 120-metre rise in sea level and widespread flooding. The Late
Pleistocene also saw large-scale volcanic activity, and the extinction of large
animal species in many parts of the world. Blavatsky says that the last major
cataclysm occurred about 12,000 years ago,14 but she does not explicitly link this
with a poleshift. This cataclysm was followed by the submergence of Poseidonis,
the last remaining Atlantean island in the Atlantic, in 9565 BC.15


1. The climate system

1. Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint, Unwin, 1989, p. 132.

2. J.J. Hidore & J.E. Oliver, Climatology: an atmospheric science, Macmillan,
1993, p. 371.

3. ML 160-2; FEP 327-8, 371-2; SOP 295, 320; FSO 336; Dia 1:35-6. See
'Earth's meteoric veil',
KH says that the heat the earth receives by radiation from the sun is at most
one third of the amount it receives directly from the mass of meteoric dust above
its surface (ML 162). He also states: 'The absorption of Solar Forces by the earth
is tremendous; yet it is, or may be demonstrated that the latter receives hardly 25
per cent. of the chemical power of its rays, for these are despoiled of 75 per cent.
during their vertical passage through the atmosphere at the moment they reach
the outer boundary of "the aerial ocean." And even those rays lose about 20 per
cent. in illuminating and caloric power -- we are told [by science]' (ML 168).
According to modern science, 50% of the solar radiation reaching earth passes
through the atmosphere to the surface. However, this accounts for only one third
of the energy reaching the surface; sky radiation accounts for two thirds. Of the
energy received by the atmosphere, 77% comes from earth, and only 13% from
direct absorption of solar radiation (Hidore & Oliver, Climatology, pp. 37-8).

4. Paul LaViolette, Earth Under Fire, Starlane Publications, 1997.

5. William R. Corliss (ed.), Science Frontiers, no. 100, Jul.-Aug. 1995, p. 3.

6. Jean-Claude Duplessy, 'Climate and the Gulf Stream', Nature, vol. 402, 1999,
pp. 593-4.

7. A.A. Meyerhoff & H.A. Meyerhoff, 'Tests of plate tectonics', American

Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 23, 1974, pp. 43-145; A.A.
Meyerhoff, A.J., Boucot, D. Meyerhoff Hull & J.M. Dickins, Phanerozoic Faunal &
Floral Realms of the Earth, Geological Society of America, Memoir 189, 1996;
C.J. Smiley, 'Paleofloras, faunas, and continental drift: some problem areas', in:
S. Chatterjee & N. Horton III (eds.), New Concepts in Global Tectonics, Texas
Tech University Press, 1992, pp. 241-57.

8. See 'Sunken continents versus continental drift',

9. John Gribbin, Future Weather, Penguin, 1982, pp. 154-68.

10. Frederic Jueneman, Raptures of the Deep, published by Research &

Development Magazine, 1994/95, pp. 122, 127.

11. Earth Under Fire, p. 321. See also 'The great dinosaur extinction
12. 'Geochronology', Encyclopaedia Britannica CD98; A. Berger et al. (eds.),
Milankovitch and Climate, Reidel, 1984.

13. W.S. Broecker, in ibid., pp. 687-98.

14. Earth Under Fire, pp. 301-2.

15. A.G. Dawson, Ice Age Earth, Routledge, 1992, pp. 247, 255.

16. W.S. Broecker, op cit.; 'Geochronology', Encylopaedia Britannica CD98.

17. Robert M. Schoch, Voices of the Rocks, Harmony Books, 1999, pp. 147-8.

18. SD 2:274, 144-5. Blavatsky quotes the following from an article by Dr Henry
Woodward in the Popular Science Review: 'If it be necessary to call in
extramundane causes to explain the great increase of ice at this glacial period, I
would prefer the theory propounded by Dr. Robert Hooke in 1688; since, by Sir
Richard Phillips and others; and lastly by Mr. Thomas Belt, C.E., F.G.S.; namely,
a slight increase in the present obliquity of the ecliptic . . .' (SD 2:726).

19. Ocean 140.

2. Climate and axial tilt

1. See Paul Dunbavin, The Atlantis Researches: the earth's rotation in mythology
and prehistory, Third Millennium, 1995, pp. 82-6.

2. Gribbin, Future Weather, p. 69.

3. Neil F. Comins, 'A new slant on Earth', Astronomy, July 1992, pp. 45-9.

3. The climate record

1. Meyerhoff & Meyerhoff, 'Tests of plate tectonics', p. 48.

2. See 'Geochronology: theosophy vs. science',

3. 'Geochronology', Encyclopaedia Britannica CD98.

4. Meyerhoff et al., 'Phanerozoic Faunal & Floral Realms of the Earth', pp. 46-9;
Charles H. Hapgood, The Path of the Pole, Chilton Book Company, 1970, pp. 61-
7; Jack A. Wolfe, 'A palaeobotanical interpretation of Tertiary climates in the
northern hemisphere', American Scientist, vol. 66, 1978, pp. 694-703; Jack A.
Wolfe, 'Tertiary climates and floristic relationships at high latitudes in the northern
hemisphere', Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 30,
1980, pp. 313-23; J.G. Douglas & G.E. Williams, 'Southern polar forests: the
early Cretaceous floras of Victoria and their palaeoclimatic significance',
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 39, 1982, pp. 171-85.

5. Blavatsky cites evidence that Greenland was a subtropical land in the Miocene
(SD 2:12, 726).

6. Wolfe, 'A palaeobotanical interpretation of Tertiary climates in the northern

hemisphere'; 'Tertiary climates and floristic relationships at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere'; Douglas & Williams, 'Southern polar forests: the early
Cretaceous floras of Victoria and their palaeoclimatic significance'; Xu Qinqi,
'Climatic variation and the obliquity', Vertebrata PalAsiatica, vol. 18, 1980, pp.

7. H.A. Allard, 'Length of day in the climates of past geological eras and its
possible effects upon changes in plant life', in: A.E. Murneek & R.O. Whyte
(eds.), Vernalization and photoperiodism: a symposium, Chronica Botanica,
1948, pp. 101-19.

8. E.J. Barron, 'Climatic implications of the variable obliquity explanation of

Cretaceous-Paleogene high-latitude floras', Geology, vol. 12, 1984, pp. 595-8.

9. F.J. Dick, The Theosophical Path, February 1912, p. 86.

10. SD 2:770fn, 771fn, 777.

11. SD 2:329.

12. Wolfe, 'A palaeobotanical interpretation of Tertiary climates in the northern

hemisphere'; 'Tertiary climates and floristic relationships at high latitudes in the
northern hemisphere'.

13. Xu Qinqi, 'On the causes of ice ages', Scientia Geologica Sinica, vol. 7, 1979,
pp. 252-63; 'Climatic variation and the obliquity'.

14. SD 2:8-9.

15. ML 151/155.

Poleshifts: Part 5
Poleshifts: Contents


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