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We hereby declare that the technical report entitled “Web-based System for MSB Jaya
Aircond Services” is based on original work under supervision and guidance of Pn.
Norhaliza Binti Idris except for citations and quotations which have been duly
acknowledged. We also declare that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted
for any other diploma or award at Polytechnic or other institutions.

1. Signature :


Registration No : 21DDT20F1112

Date : 26/8/2022

2. Signature :


Registration No : 21DDT20F1087

Date : 26/8/2022

3. Signature :


Registration No : 21DDT20F1091

Date : 26/8/2022


Project Title : Web-based System For MSB Jaya Aircond Services

Session : 2 2021/2022

Submitted by : 1. RAVEEN A/L KRISHNAN (22DDT20F11112)

2. WONG WAI KUAN (21DDT20F1087)



“This technical report has been read, checked and approved in term of scope and quality

for the award of Diploma in Information Technology (Digital Technology).”

Checked by:

Supervisor’s Signature :

Supervisor’s Name :

Date :



1.0 PROJECT PLAN ............................................................................................... 5-17

1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 5

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT................................................................... 6-7
1.3 OBJECTIVES....................................................................................... 7
1.4 SCOPES ............................................................................................... 8
1.5 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................... 9-14
1.6 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................... 15-16
1.7 GANTT CHART .................................................................................. 17

2.0 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ................................................................ 18-29

2.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENET..................................................... 18-20

2.2 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT ............................................. 21-23
2.3 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ......................... 24-26
2.4 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION............................................................. 27
2.5 SECURITY REQUIREMENT ............................................................. 28-29

3.0 FINAL DESIGN ................................................................................................ 30-44

3.1 LOGICAL DESIGN ............................................................................. 30-31

3.2 PHYSICAL DESIGN ........................................................................... 32-44

4.0 TEST DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS ........................................................... 45-49

4.1 UNIT TESTING PLAN........................................................................ 45-46

4.2 INTEGRATION TESTING PLAN ...................................................... 47-49

5.0 MAJOR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................ 50-51

5.1 ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT .................................................. 50-51

5.2 DISADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT ............................................ 51

6.0 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION ................................................ 52-53

7.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 54-55

8.0 ENTREPRENUER MINDSET ......................................................................... 56


A web-based appointment scheduling system will be created for MSB JAYA

Aircond Services, and it will differentiate the business from other air conditioning service
providers. Problem statements we found in here are lack of potential customers, low
productivity, and provide manual invoices based on request by the customers. We are aim
to build a web-based system to promote MSB Jaya Aircond Services, provide an online
booking form and generate also invoice for customer. We decided to apply agile
methodology in our project. We have 2 types of scope include user (admin, customer,
staffs) and system (manage orders, generate emails and invoices).


1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, time is precious for us, and this makes a high rise in online shopping,
especially in these few years. By the end of 2021, there are 9 out of 10 Malaysians
are expected to shop online. Therefore, a web-based appointment scheduling
system will be created for MSB JAYA Aircond Services, and it will differentiate
the business from other air conditioning service providers. We are here to
implement this plan since we want to satisfy the client's needs and address his
business issues. This effort can bring up a more stylish way of promoting their
business. Furthermore, customers can feel the cool breeze that just blowing their
stress away with a few fingertips on the phone. This website system can allow the
user to make appointments with the company without calling through phone calls
or social media such as WhatsApp.

1.2 Problem Statement

As mentioned in the introduction section, we intend to draw more customers

by providing a top-notch system for MSB JAYA Aircond Services. There are a few
challenges we found in the company to have a higher competency to hold the
market share in the field of air conditioning.

First and foremost, a lack of potential customers will be the fundamental

problem faced by MSB JAYA Aircond Services. For your information, the
company used Facebook as a marketing technique in boosting their business. They
lack an official website on Google or another search engine to generate a great first
impression and effectively communicate quality information to consumers. Without
a doubt, this will result in low visibility compared to other well-known companies
in the air-conditioning profession. Recent evidence suggests that a luxury website
design with an elegant layout can succeed in riveting visitors' attention. We can
create our custom-made website with any software and skills, unlike social media
only allow small changes to personalize and design the page such as cover photo
and profile picture. All things considered, a representative and symbolic website
can affect the percentage of prospective customers rather than just visitors.

Next in importance, is lowering productivity by wasting time filling out the

manual booking records using printed paper and pen. There is no denying that
manually collecting booking records takes much longer than working with digital
versions. There have customers who prefer also to communicate with the
administration through social media such as WhatsApp. As a result of this, it will
consume more time as you will have to wait for a response and ask for information
one by one. Moreover, masses of paper will occupy more room and make it
extremely difficult to locate it again in the future. Manual booking records are
likely to be damaged or destroyed owing to human error, affecting the progress and
productivity of the entire team as they struggle to recover the information. Hence,
manual booking records may lead to low efficiency in every case from clients,
resulting in a rating on performance and a decline in the
company's reputation in the market.

Lastly, MSB JAYA Aircond Services will only provide manual invoices
based on the request by the customer. Certainly, this will cause the company to

receive complaints if duplicate invoices, overpayment, missed discounts, fraud, and
any inconsistent data with booking details occurred in any transaction. Manual
invoices will need significantly more time and effort to fill out all the information
about clients and business agreements. In the view of the previous problem
statement, those manual papers may allocate a larger area in a room compared to
digital invoices and those invoices will become a few stacks of antiquated papers
after several years. In brief, manual invoices may cause significant trouble to both
the organization and the client in terms of storing paper and payment methods.

1.3 Objective

I. Build a web-based system to promote MSB Jaya Aircond Services

II. Provide an online booking form that allows users /customers to schedule the
III. Generate invoice for customers

1.4 Scopes

Web-based system for MSB JAYA Aircond Services has three level access
in user scope. In here, customer can make new booking for their appointment and
edit the booking details in any time. Apart from this, customers can select whether
they are new to MSB Jaya services or have previously used MSB Jaya services.
Beside that, they can edit their personal information after registered and login into
the system. For instance, they can update their name, new password, date of birth,
phone number and address. Obviously, customer can leave any feedback as
suggestions or experiences throughout the service in the feedback section. Next in
important, admin only can login to the system by using their own username and
password. In the other words, they are not allowed to register and create an
account for themselves. Admins can view and manage the orders from customers
such as approve, reject, or completed. Once admin approved, only staff can access
to the appointment’s information and at the same time, customers will get the
email notification for the approval from admin. Certainly, customer will also get
the email notification if admin reject or the service has been completed. In
addition, admin can send digital invoice to the customer once the service has been
done by their staff. Before the invoice was sent, admin can view the details of
order updated by staff and only will come out a final payment in the invoice.
Admins can also print order in pdf for record in the future once the booking
details have been saved. Furthermore, staff can login to the account by their own
username and password given. After login, they can view the details of
appointments and the status approved or completed. Staff can also update the
details in booking form if have any changes after they have done the service.
Then, they are allowed to update type of the service they provided to the customer,
hence admin can release a digital invoice according to the services made.

For system scope, the website created allow the user to manage their order
through database online. Besides, it can also generate emails to the customers
after they have submitted all the personal information so that they will have a
record backup. Then, customer will get a digital invoice through the website after
they have done all the payment.

1.5 Literature Review

1.5.1 System Review

We will show the comparison between the existing system with our current build

1.5.2 Top Air Cond Services

This website has a special blog site which include the common problems of
air-conditioning. Hence, customer can view on the list and determine which
problems they are belong to. Besides, they have stated also on what types of
services they will provided. It can reduce the time for customer to ask personally
for those available services.

However, website only allowed users to communicate with the staff

through WhatsApp call only. Users must take time to wait for the reply in
WhatsApp and book the time then only consider as appointment booking
successful. Moreover, the booking record cannot save directly through the
website as they do not build a database in it. Thus, the staffs need to record all the
booking information manually after communicating with the users. The most
important is lack of login page for the user on the website. They build the website
purposely to share the information for the users and visitors without any booking
on the website. In other words, this bring inconvenience to the user as they need
to be transfer to another platform for booking appointment.

Figure 1.5.2 interface of Top Air Cond Services

1.5.3 AS. Crew

For this website, all the services have been stated with prices clearly to
ensure the users can have a range of budgets before making any appointments.
Besides, they have attached their company information include address with
google maps. Then, users can directly come into their company without search
again for the address and contact.

On the other hand, the background colour and font colour used is not
suitable for the theme of this website. It makes difficulty to users to explore on
the whole website and get relevant information. Besides, it does not have login
page for the user and this decrease the security to the website. This is because
everyone can access to the website without any username and password.
Moreover, users cannot order directly through the website and they will be
transfer to another platform to communicate with the admin. Then, there will not
be record automatically through website database.

Figure 1.5.3 Interface of AS. Crew

1.5.4 MSB Jaya Service

This is the website we build for MSB Jaya Services company. Firstly, we
have used the suitable colour in font, background, and theme. Significantly, it
brings comfortable to the visitors who access to our website and get relevant
information they need. Then, they can order directly through the website without
communicate with the admin for any available services and time slot. Beside that,
we have created a login page for the user to avoid any duplicate order or scam. By
this way, admin can have the record of order details directly through the website
and mark the status of progress in it. Furthermore, we have provided a feedback
section for the customers to give their suggestion or rating after the service has
been done by our staff. Once the admin approves the booking appointment from
customer, customer will receive email notification. Certainly, customer will also
get the email notification if admin reject or the service has been completed. Then,
we have provided a gallery section for the illustration purpose to comfort the
visitors and users that we are legal company. Apart from this, a services type
section best and suitable for those who are not familiar with MSB Jaya Aircond
Services. Hence, they can get to know type of the services provided by company
without asking again in orthers platform such as WhatsApp. We have attached

also the Facebook link in the website to allow customer visit for their Facebook
for more informations.

Figure 1.5.4 MSB Jaya Services

1.5.5 Comparison Table

Table 1.5.5 Comparison between existing system

Top Air Cond Services design the website with suitable black and white theme. It is
easy for user to catch out the important information. For A.S Crew (Aircond Service Crew)
website with black and white theme also, but they used orange in colour for the font and
the information about company in a small font size. MSB Jaya using a smooth and
comfortable colour such as white and beige in colour as theme colour.

For login page, Top Air Cond services and A.S Crew are not providing any login
function for the user while MSB Jaya has 3 level of user to access it, admin, staff and
customer. They can login into their own account for booking information.

For notification email, Top Air Cond services and A.S Crew are not providing any
email notification for the user as they are not abke to fll in their personal information
through the website. However, users will receive email notification for approval or
rejection and even completion of the orders.

For company information, Top Air Cond services and MSB Jaya Services are not
provide users company information such as address and contact number. In contrast, A.S
Crew are providing company information in the bottom of the website for any user

For database order information, Top Air Cond services and A.S Crew are did not
have any database for the customer through the website, for the user while MSB Jaya has a
database for users’ details.

For feedback section, Top Air Cond services and A.S Crew are not providing any
feedback space for the user while MSB Jaya has a feedback section to allow the users to
levae any suggestion or rating,

1.6 Methodology

Figure 1.6 Agile Methodology

We use agile as methodology in this project due to some factors. Firstly, we

only have a short term to finish this website with all the requirements. Agile is
more flexible compared to others method and it could have any changes during
implementation process. The flexibility agile provides for change is critical.
Because of the regularity with which new increments are created, new alterations
may be applied at a low cost. In addition, agile allow the customers and clients to
provide new ideas and changes to the project in a matter of weeks. Unlike the
waterfall model, the agile methodology requires relatively little planning to get
started with the project. In a dynamic business and IT world, agile considers that
end users’ demands are always evolving. Based on the feedback received, changes
can be considered, and features can be added or deleted. This successfully provides
the consumer with the final solution they need or require. Besides, agile emphasises
the value of regular communication and face-to-face encounters. People may take
responsibility and own aspects of projects when they work in groups. On the other
side in waterfall, each phase often only involves a specific set of individuals
with expertise to accomplish the tasks for that phase. Normally, t raditional way

of methodology will put the testing to the final step of the project and this
increase the risk of end product does not meet the requirement. Teams using
Agile for mobile application testing receive feedback virtually every day and
may act on it promptly. Rapid development helps teams to swiftly identify if
they are on track and to adjust nearly .

• Requirements: we meeting with client to understand the problems faced

by clients, the requirement website need by client and user scope.

• Design: we decide the theme colour and background colour which

suitable for the website, and collect the information given by client

• Development: we use PHP language to develop the system then apply

the GUI draft

• Testing: we test all the function of website include blank space and the
connectors between each buttons.

• Development: we upload the development coding to the web server to

get the official website address

• Review: we collect the feedback from users to improve the functionality

of website.

1.7 Gantt Chart

Figure 1.7 Gantt chart


2.1 Functional Requirement


Register an The system are able to encrypt each

account password created by customer in
database and other places.

Log in on The system allows users to login

any devices their account in any devices by
entering their username and
Booking The system contains a booking
appointment form generally for the user to fill in
their date, time, address, and
problems they faced.
Edit booking The system allows user to edit their
booking information after they
submit the booking form

Edit profile The system allows user to edit their

information of profile after they
login the website
Feedback The system allows user to give
feedback for the service they have


Email The system are able to send an

confirmation email notification to confirm
submission of user and approval or
rejection or completed order from
View order The system allows admin to view
the booking forms submitted by
Manage The system allows admin to accept
order and then put it as completed order
or reject the order, then email
notification will send to the
customer for those status.
View The system allows admin to view
feedback feedback from customer according
to the account ID and name.
Print order The system allows staff and admin
to print out orders detail for future
Send invoice The system allows admin to send
invoice to the customer according
to the service type provided by staff
Status of The system allows staff to receive
order the approval or completed order
from admin


Update The system allows staff to fill in

order any changes in booking form after
service done
Service type The system allows staff to key in
service type they provided
Log out The system allows users to logout
their account after they login.

Table 2.1 Functional Requirement

2.2 Non- Functional Requirement

Requirement Product

Performance • The website can load within 2 seconds for

every user to register and login
• Confimation email can send to the customer
within 20 second after submit
• Database must synchonize all the data within
2 seconds

Reliability and • Customers can make booking appointment

Availability 99% of the time without failure

Maintainability • If the approval or rejection for the booking

cannot be procced, the system can be under
maintanence for approximately 2 to 3 hours
Recoverability • Customers can make booking appointments
at any time once they login to the system.
Provided that there is happen any interuption
of service, all the functions will be available
again after one night.
Capacity • Unlimited user can make appointment and
unlimited booking form can be stored in
• Admin can remove any rejected booking
form if unused
• Admin and staff can print out the booking
forms at any time

Requirement Product

Security • Password created will auto encrypt in any

others place include databse
• Users are not allowed to paste any words in
any form in the passowrd section
• System have criteria for the user to create
account for usernmae and password such as
password must be combination of
uppercase, lowercase, numbers and must be
or longer than 8 characters.
• System only allowed users that above 18
years old to fill in the booking form.
• Users are not allowed to use same username
and password in second time registration of
• Every customers account will auto
generated their own ID
• Customers, admin, staffs only can access to
their own sections.

Manageability • Users still can browse on the website while

admin are trying to edit the code for staff’s
Environmental • Booking form review will be perform
within 8.00AM until 5.00PM everyday. Any
appointment made after working hour will
be view on the next day.

Data Integrity • All the booking details will be saved in
• All the updated booking details made by
staff wil saved on database
• Any data updated in booking form, view
order section in admin and staff will be
synchronize at the same time
Interoperability • Website follow the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG)
Usability • All functions of website has been stated
clearly and easy understand by users.
Serviceability • The auto generated email and generate
digital invoice can be perform by clicking
button action without the need of writing
any code.

Table 2.2 Non-Functional Requirement

2.3 Hardware and Software Requirement

Name Description

Hardware Asus Vivobook 15 For coding use

Huawei D14 For interface design use

A450C Notebook PC For report writing use

Software PHP Language For web developemnt

and Graphical User
Interface (GUI)
IWHost Create website address

Database dan CSS Store data dan style the


Table 2.3 Hardware and Software Requirement

Figure 2.3.1 Asus Vivobook 15

Figure 2.3.2 Huawei D14

Figure 2.3.3 A450C Notebook Pc

Figure 2.3.4 PHP Language

Figure 2.3.4 IWHost

Figure 2.3.5 Database phpMyAdmin

2.4 System Configuration

Asus Vivobook 15 Huawei D14 A450C Notebook

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) AMD Ryzen 7 Intel(R) Core™ i5-
i5-8265U CPU @ 3700U with 33370 CPU @
1.60GHz 1.80 Radeon Vega 1.80GHz
RAM 8.00 GB (7.85 GB 8.00 GB (6.94 GB 4.00 GB (3.89 GB
usable) usable) usable)
System type 64-bit operating 64-bit operating 64-bit Operating
system, x64-based system, x64-based System
processor processor
Windows edition Windows 11 Home Windows 11 Windows 8.1 Single
Single Language Language
Pen and touch - - -

Product ID 00327-30780- 00342-41414- 00179-40135-28658-

System ASUSTek ASUSTek
manufacturer Computer Inc. COMPUTER INC

Table 2.4 System Configuration

2.5 Security Requirement

It is undeniable that a website with login page which consist of sensitive

information from users should be high security. Hence, we have apply some
security method in development of MSB Jaya Aircond Services. First and foremost,
customer must key in all the required details and provide a strong password to
secure their own account. For instance, the passoword must consist of lowercase
letter, capital (uppercase letter), number and minimum 8 characters. If the customer
missing any criteria above, they are not allowed to create new account for
themselves. Then, we have stricten the copy and paste of password either in the
website or others places even include database. To detail this, customer normally
will set the password done and copy it then paste to the confirm password section.
However, the copied password cannot paste on the blank of confirm password
option to avoid any stealing information. Besides, copied password cannot be
identify when people paste it on others place and same goes with database. It will
become an encrypted password once it is not on our website and even company
cannot also to identify the customers’ password. Importantly, we have placed the
age requirement in the website such that person who under 18 years old are not
allowed to register an account to ensure that adult only in making booking

Apart from this, our web-based system has provided unique ID for each
customer to ensure all the actions taken distingush from each other. A good
example would be view the feedbacks according to their ID number to identify the
particular person when there are same name occured in the database. Moreover, the
implementation of unique ID can pevent disruption of system due to the same ID
for huge number of fake orders or negative feedbacks. By this way, we have
strengthen the security for fake order cases. It is interesting to note that customers
are not allow to make the second booking once they have done their first booking.
They only can make another appointment after admin has approved their first
booking appointment. As a result, system will show duplicate entry with the same
order ID as there are no response from admin for the first booking. In comparison,
people may use duplicate entries to the system to make large quantity of fake orders

scam if there is weak security from the website. In short, this can apply a second
protection to the system and company from any scams.

Since we purposely want to increase the security of the website, we have

apply also basic security method in the booking form. On this occasion, customer
must fill in all the information only can submit the form and received the auto
generated email. To give an illustration, customers must provide email that are able
to receive any update on booking confirmation and get a copy of order details in the
email. In addition, customers are only allowed to pick the date start from the
current date. It is certain that the date which has already past cannot pick by
customers to increase the efficiency in managing the orders.

Next in importance, customer, staff and admin have their own permission to
access the particular level. In here, customer are allowed to register and login to the
account then only can make booking appointment. Customer can only view and
edit their own booking information instead of search for others information. This
can avoid illegal stolen of sensitive information include phone number and address.
Then, they can edit and update their profile from time to time. Beside, customers
can also access to feedback section to leave rating or suggestion after services.
Surely, they able only to write on the feedback without searching on others
feedback as there are consist of unique ID from every feedback. Futhermore,
admin can acess to all the information and feedback given by customer except
password of their acount. As is known to all, admin is the person who manage all
the orders through database. Once admin approve, only the staff can get to view on
information of the customers. If admin has rejected the order, then staff would not
receive those information of customer. To put it simply, staff only can access to the
information of customers that are approved by admin. Then, staff can update in the
booking form if have any changes during the service and key in the services they
have provided for invoice use.


3.1 Logical Design

Context Diagram

Diagram 3.1 Context Diagram

Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Diagram 3.1.2 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

3.2 Physical design

This is our main page for guest before entering to homepage.

User can click on the “ Get Started “ button to go to the homepage. This is about us
and the description of MSB Jaya Aircond Services.

This is the gallery that include the photos about MSB Jaya Aircond Services.

This is the available service type provided by MSB Jaya Aircond Service.

This is navigation bar for website.

This is the logo company

This is the option when click into LOGIN

This is the login page for customer

Customer need to register an account first to log in into their own acount

This is the customer account page after they have log in. We have generated unique
ID for every customer.

This is the booking option for customer

This is the new user booking form

This is the booking form for second time user

This is the booking detail and user can edit their booking form

This is the edit profile form

This is the feedback form

This is the log in page for admin. They are not able to create account by themselves.

This is the page for administration account

This is the view order page

This is the print order page

This is the page for administration to proceed any action on the orders.

This is the invoice page for administration to insert all the required information

This is the invoice in pdf file

This is the login page for staff

This is the page for staff account

This is the update form for the staff if have any changes

This is the invoice form for staff to fil in which service they have provided to


4.1 Unit Testing Plan


No Test Case Test Pre- Expected Tester Result
Name Procedure condition Result (Pass/Failure)
1. Register Users are - Pop up Raveen Pass
required to small
fill in the window
required show
information successfully
2. New Users are Log in into Pop up a WaiKuan Pass
booking required account small
key in all window
the booking show
information succesfully
3. Edit Users are Make the Pop up a Farisya Pass
booking required to first small
update new booking window
info if have show
any update
changes successfully
4. Feedback Users are - Pop up a Farisya Pass
required to small
key in all window for
the submit
information succesful

No Test Case Test Pre- Expected Tester Result
Name Procedure condition Result (Pass/Failure)
5 Remove Users are Click into Data Raveen Pass
order required view order selected
click on must been
remove deleted
order in from
admin databse
5. Show Users click - Password WaiKuan Pass
password on show must be
password shown
option correctly
7. Login Users fill in Users need Users must Raven Pass
with the to register not be able
incorrect first. to login
username into
or system.
8. Date option Users Log into Systm must Farisya Pass
choose the own show date
required account start from
date for current date
booking only
9. Gallery Users can - System WaiKuan Pass
click on the must show
gaallery all the
section related

4.2 Integration Testing Plan


No Test Case Test Pre- Expected Tester Result
Name Procedure condition Result (Pass/Failure)
1. Customer log Users are Users need User will Farisya Pass
in required to to register directly go
enter name an account to the main
and page in their
password acount
2. New booking Users Fill up all Users must Raveen Pass
click the the blank receive an
submit space confirmation
button email and
appear in
3. Edit and Users Make new New WaiKuan Pass
update click the booking information
booking update first must be
button updated in
4. Administration Users are Username User will Raveen Pass
/staff log in required to and directly go
fill in password into main
username given by page of their
and company account

No Test Case Test Pre- Expected Tester Result
Name Procedure condition Result (Pass/Failure)
5. Send email User click Click into Users must WaiKuan Pass
approve, view order receive
reject or email about
complete status of
for order
6. Print order User click Log inyo Order must WaiKuan Pass
on print admin/staff be shown
order account in pdf
button format for
user too
print or
7. Send Users Log into Users must Farisya Pass
invoice must click admin directly
on the view tramsfer to
send the ivoice
invoice filling page
8. Back Users - Users must Farisya Pass
click on all back to the
the back previous
buttons page

9. Update Users Log into Service Raveen Pass
invoice click on staff view type
the invoice updated
button to must be
update stored in
which type databse at
of service the
they have sametimes.
10. Logout User click - Users must Raveen Pass
on the log directly go
out button to the home
page of

11. Booking User click - Users must WaiKuan Pass

button in on the directly
service booking transfer to
page button customer
login page


5.1 The Advantage(s) of The Project

Definitely, web-based system for MSB Jaya Aircond Services bringing a lot
of advantages to our client. Initially, it decrease the space usage of room in
company as all the data stored in database instead of papers and files. Hence, online
database can makes the room become more tidy and clean without masses of papers
around it.. Can you imagine that, two company are competitor to each other and
one of them make their business in digital form whereas another one still using
tradisional way of business in papers form. Undoubtedly, the first one will get more
shakeholders in business development as environment of company consider as one
of the aspect in corparate image. This aspect of research suggested that a
comfortable environtment may increase the motivation of employee and then finish
all the assigned work well.

Additionally, increase eficiency of operational and productivity as there is

single databse and synchronized all the data immediately. In particullar, system are
not allowed to booking twice before admin approved the first booking. Besides,
each user belong to their own unique ID for the second booking and feedback to
avoid duplicate identity. There is no denying that manually colecting booking
records takes much longer than working with digital version. Apart from this,
administration only need to view orders request by customers without key in any
data. The system consist of gallery and type of services provided by the company to
avoid consuming more time in asking about the business as aircond problems
normally are urgent to most of the people. The data in database can be restored
online even after system failure to its original data saved. Besides, administration
can directly save and print out the database instead of writing down in paper one by

Last but not least, decrease the budget of business in the company as online
booking form reduce the use on the paper and then reduce again the cost on
purchasing of paper. It is quite expensive in allocation if stock in massive of paper

every year. Besides, online database is higher security and free to the client. They
no need to pay attention on keep all the confidential information away from others.
Only authorised user will be allowed to access to the database, and even head of the
company are not able to identify the password of registered account. The system
has been apply with few security in login page, register page, booking form, and
also level access from different users. Importantly, the design of website are
representative and symbolic to increase visibility in the search engine online. It can
attract the visitors to browse on that website and have a deep impression on it.

5.2 The Disadvantage(s) of The Project

Undoubtedly, every coin has two side. The disadvantages of the peoject
differentiate in two aspect. Stated roughly, website will take longer time to efresh
when use click on the submit button in the booking form. Owing to website can
auto generated email to the user once their booking has ben succefully submited, it
will take longer time to wait until the submit page refresh and prompt a small
widow to remind user they have submit the form. For your information, the page
may take up to 15 seconds until 20 seconds to auto generated email and send to the
requested email address.

In addition, it is difficult for new user to register an acount as the security is

higher than normal website. They need to key in all the required information
according to the criteria and must be above 18 years old. In fact, they cannot copy
the password to others for sharing account and even paste option are not available
in the website.


On the basis, we conclude that we have succesfully develop a web-based

system for MSB Jaya Aircond Services. In here, we would like to grab the chance
to thanks our supervisor, madam Norhaliza Binti Idris and the head of Final Year
Project, sir Mohd Rafiz Bin Mustapha for giving plenty of supports in mental and
physical. They fostered in us a love for development in project and opened a world
of oppurtunity for us. Thanks for all the extraordinary guidance from lecturers and
client, MSB Jaya Aircond services. Our efforts among each group members finally
result in a sophisticated and representative web-based system for client. Digital
technologies can help make our world more efficiency in daily life. We should keep
the traditional culture in matter of attitude, hardworking, trustworthy and more
conversely replace the traditional environetment of working such as paper records
and newspaper to more digitalize marketing method.

In truth, planning is the stair to successful. A series of recent studies have

indicated that a well planning can keep all the procedures on track according to the
time frame we made in gantt chart. From the orthers point of view, we are able to
identify the importamce of objectives, scope and specification requirement as well
as to make sure our outcome can meet the expectations of client. We have study
deeply in problem statement faced by company of the client and get more useful
idea from studies in literature review part. Apart from this, we mentioned also our
inspiration and with the help of smart tools, output and final product are able to
archieve the outcomes we made before development. Agile methodology is the
most suitable method for us in developing a system within a short term of time. On
the other hand, we have our testing system from the start of development until the
end of final system. The result in all testing in the final phase hav been satisfied and
mee all the requirements.

Outcome is important to us in developing this web-based system as it may

affects the expected functions of the final output. You must knowing what you
want, then only you will start to do something to archieve what you are targeted.
Purposely, you are not able to hit the target that are unknown for yourself. A
planning without an outcome may result in difficulty on reaching your goals. The

more clarity of the outcome, the more easy way you archieve your goals and result
in expected end product.

In here, we suggest that to create a new scope and objective in future for
disability person to bring convenient for them. We can custom the font size in
webpage to help the person who are facing reading difficulties. In addition, w can
add image in the website for blind users and those with low visibility. In here, we
should make sure that we have contrast colour in background. Besides, we can add
a audio navigation on the website can read information for the blindness people.
Hence, they can sick for a help in service when their aircond are out of function.
We should use advanced technology to assist them experience a world full of love
since they, like us, are human. Most importantly, videos and multimedia elements
such as audio play important role in increasing user-interation in the website. We
can provide text captions that explain about the videos and audios for those who are
deaf or hard-of-hearing. For instance, screen readers will inform blind readers of
how many blank space they need to fill in.


Scott Mitchell. 2008. Create Your Own Website. London, United Kingdom :
Pearson Education.

oq b4AhWVzTgGHc6eDlAQ6AF6BAgJEAI#v=onepage&q=Website&f=false

Luke Weilling, Laura Thomson. 2003. PHP and MySQL Web Development.
Carmel, Indiana, United States : Sams Publishing.


David Powers. 2007. PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy. New York,
New York, United States : Apress.

E mail%20Send&f=false

Nate Cooper. 2014. Build Your Own Website: A Comic Guide to HTML, CSS, and

San Francisco, California, United States : No Starch Press.


=o nepage&q=Important%20things%20to%20build%20a%20website&f=false


Firstly, we have apply self-efficacy when we are developing this project. We

used to think positively and motivate each others among the group members We
believe in our teammates and make a strong bond between us throughout everyday
to process the development of system.

Besides, we have a growth mindset emong three of us and believe that we can
ave much more capabilities. We have put much more time and efforts into the part
that we are not so familiar instead j=of just giving up on it.

Morover, we will be happy about making mistakes. The reality is that failing
quickly is not really that bad, it’s inconvenient but you will get over it. Failing
slowly is deadly and it’s bloody depressing. A simple tip is to always have a plan B
and a C before you change things – if nothing else it will lift your confidence level.


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