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E90 fax ue i os mbar 2029 2023 F1i8 ee BOOKLETNO. werghera RUT WaT : 100 aw (eH) ae AIS, STON FUT eT ‘RUT AT : 100 wa (1) wecmenyfeatnn 100 sel wen ona, aitcarct weat sek Fores era arevarge ar weayfehe el eH ‘ata fra area are eat es wah, aaa sea are Sm rece et weer MTT ACT ari. (2) srvor vite aonias on ahaa = Farear ate foe. tear I O arc sis er aimee (@) aearder weayficen ania gen sofas fatene ot seca aaa a Fare Tye TT (4) (2a) ar wengeatittes water ween 4 vabit agatha THT 1, 2, 3. 4 Sra ania RBS sate, A “are Sete ate che sere amin Seat IATA TTA SPH TTS TAT, TT THT serra satan ape SAAT a fra earn arate ae eelfarer se are ao “yeh, ener ore aerere Tg aT ere, Baro aT MTS TT ATT a, (a) are sar Parent at ater Fah area Fer SAA ae Reece wee we HTT antares ees rrr aren se. aren Sattnfbrer erste TTA STATS ‘werrgft aga were. ee eter aM sata, area eel went see, reas par roe eh are cere sere we FTA ere wea tsa, HHA a ste Hevea a TT AT MA arsTOT ERAT ITE es A ATC AT pete wearer aes. ren ven rear eel ree ae Rareom eras eT REY ATA 6 ere are Sat TE ree Ta GATS eS Sree a wT BATON SAA PT aT HS ae. () WeaR Uitaton sarabreRta eater car Sitearerem Sereabarcter aa setae UT Fes Ate yg anrdte, starar rafem sercafiihe Brefeorar weiter Satta serrata 25% Fare 1/4 Uae TTT apy aries era aeeht seco Acie.” areas sr weratraverdh strato Pater ara aes etaede aergfecen arial area area at wherreseTa aircarren wrest arcane Saree ait des eee ee Meare ewe Par we MEAGRE ah arr rea eee wey ease ere ert Ua, ett FT TO ATT ITT Tet gdh aceon rac wera are tie cared rorean Aare fee aerwarararea aefc-82 cards aeqetyare wate wafer reer aeyeTe aaTy Tara Akos a eT a wears Ue Ute carer nfo fe rs ae eriro rear feats ora wg wera or errata ret as eervarare eae afr eros ae RT A Te TTT ara metre ett, err efter weet are attr eee PT APTA. are errr erat at Frater wes. ao werins Te SAT ST. (6) Saat WHR AR HSS Se arse To AM, HS HOS TAC TGA AOA TH PLAT A TTS ATT ATE, F18 2 ‘Weal STATS GM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Figs 1, 3 A ara stat ora. ‘ame ‘ame (a) ferarét ereqoret @ ara aT (b) ferro, Harter @ war (Re, wha (i) Freer @ 3s, met (v) 7H watt sat: Q) @-Gi), (Hiv), (0-0), (@)-Gii) 2) @HFiv), OHLti), (€)-Ci), ()-) Q) @(iii), ©, (Gv), Gi) (4) @Gi), (0G, (©-Bv), (A)-Cit) ire ferrnfers ares feof area vite. (a) Tar fran, anaes aI ele yew? (o) ‘ora fran! onasd ar ae, TTR’ (c) PH fran?‘ arasd a Jere Te" (a) A Frans, “arasd a Gere ETH?" wate art: (1) I (a) ab) AAR Q) FAW AE TH (3) FI () FR (4) FH (a) aH ‘ora fice’ ar arararre arctan arom srl ore ? Q) warn at (2) Saratar var eet (3) arent fire (4) faa aria Set strewn. Q) a free Q) wint-dee (3) wi aa (4) aa- ae ‘qe @ATETE! ITT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. F18 4 5. aviarea vada de stead ais feet oma? @) 02 2) 03 (@) 09 (4) 01 6, fatten fatteren sax 23 carer A ROTA, (1) aferfererrer (2) fatter (3) Srgenfine fergrror (4) retainer feréreor 7. Grdte ais vente die cisrtien we aires, Q) Baa Q 4454 @) Baa 4 3358 8. yee reo a aia are sien aig sie geen, ‘ae ‘ame (a) eres ary sere rer © FRAT eres Fee OM ari. (>) sive aredion ust Gi) Pars ESA fae 4 yeRe. (0) Siren seem aiar (ii) STE Pe HEA SST STH, (a) Seren wet att (iv) Fa ay. wate set : (1) @)-Gv), (b)-(i), (-Cii, (@)-Ci) (2) (@)-(i), (Civ), ()-(4i), (@)-Gil) GB) @-Giv), ) (-(i), @)-i) (4) (@)-G), (bil), (0-C4), (@)-Gv) 9. ara rem yo. ‘Te ‘a’ (a) Facer () Hae wart vee sort a we aa sere ae. (&) fara (ii) 8 SrA ope ATT. (©) Wa ae (ii) WSR Fee we Baa TT ster eT. (a) Wrarelf are (iv) Sarr, oa aaa. watet sat : 1) @)-Gi), (Gv), ©), (4)-Citl) (2) @-Liv), (biti), (€)-Gii), (@)-Ci) (3) @)-(iii), ()-(), (9-Civ), ()-(ii) 4) @-(ii), (&)-(i), ()-Civ), (d)-(ii) ‘Wear WATTS GIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK F18 5 A 10, Meare TH Hear Grsietat son Ges STE ATA? Q) 43,7, 01 Q 2a @) Fra, a, omg (4) atetat ad 1a, Prem: faemige “ay, 1’, “a? sree fant aera Tedd Rien coed og ay ye, wee ‘Fremaqan arctetat arora req TACT Se 2 Q) Fae Q) FTA (G3) wat (4) WaT 12, erctotat cinta sect radon vate Fora? (@) Fs, Frere) Ta, Ge (6) Fe, eT ad) Fee, free wate at : (1) FA (a) aaa (2) Fat (b) wae (Q) FR (c) a (d) wR (4) Fa vale aie 13. ret fete are ar wean sory otasS area Fras. Q) {aeta. (2) Saerarct aise az. QB) FR ea ae, 4) tare er a. 14. ara rem yam. ‘ae ‘a’me (a) aah yrs (@) aR ae ae. () ph mare (i) torere ata ara, () ett ypreres (ii) a rea ata Be, (@) WH yw (iv) A sera er ee. vate sat : (1) @)-Gi), (b)-Ciii), (Gv), @)-)—— (2). @Eili), (B)-Civ), (0-0), (@)-G) (3) @-Gv), ()-(iii), (©)-(i), (@)-Ci) (4) (@)-Cii), ()-Civ), (©)-Cii), (4-0) ‘Wee SMTA VT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. Fi8 6 A 15, Taste area VaR sites STR SRT ST ST ART A AP TTT. (1) fava (2) aaa are @) Fae aT 4) stare arr 16. Yetta quieren weg siteoeen, (1) FER 2) Serta (3) sTsarfrsat (4) "este 17. famtiear sifera ree eeeariat sola Meera Sta aS. a farerarttes seeliefeaa wearer aes are ator. (a) Tat aettet 0) Fara art ©) seniede Cd) at ata sat: (1) FR (a) a (b) wR Q) FAW) AE Fa (3) FH (a) a 0) aR (4) WAM (d) Fra 18, wrctotat Set erecta orga ve Stover, (1) Sts, as, tr, fart (2) titer, ster, Sta, at (3) TTS, are, fart, at @) 3% 38,714, ast 19. Wdetat sort sis ‘arpa’ area ? © SALAX @ SSLLA GB) BLTIA 4) FWSM 20, ye feSear GH weer TENE Tee SITET, () tise Qa (3) see (4) sitar ‘Wea BATS GIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK F18 3 A dies sare ares wer wera 21 4 25 aT UEAict sat fer. aorta ser art ard. A wr ema, ater aa ere ora, eT ROT oe, ser feat sre aR. Guava, Sacha ag are, wd antes ara. staf awe sheen, wera ewe mt are at THis aia Artiste Wa war ston ae Fa ten! qa Ren, Chee err tas aA Te feet ae. Ter Uifeiens, dep fide tea aR ard adh. aver saion Apia, rece Afereatar fr orfaarecarat fra Bar rae arte sre, ras ety ata sia are ae, after are BH ares Bact wig ea areas Asay aia Re! aera Tere wee Bee. vig adits afta aftaers aR Fea erage, TaheTaTAT safrae arate aia ara af eATeT Te, orovera ser aa. vig taco aro an, steraiaen ie onana He, welE Wet res faeaare WA on. eter ster Teo errr are. at ste waren, aaefeeen sreTe ae seT sara Sta Aza at aT aarecata 8 wea a, at wen aide, oT, Saari stat aren, ase es fenawi Gare Steet Get 17 vaien qin 2m om fare serdar, ae ate fears sionion rater ae aondi Feber cevaret Tes a1? rife rend seRgysten ane! sear ART ge wep ich car APA GaAs eter, GreT wep vidtedt Steer trad 4 Ter. reo aren fit! geet aftgtarraone fares, waa are ore, Tete we nee, Sete Gea rel. sta, See, SA, TTT, aT — RC Tet, ann ca one aa aN Haat erga frei eee Panton aa. & aia, seria a one, cafes eater arpa wea atom rigstirah steered sera chet, wala crea. rere ain, sift cqameaist anita ged & arena dy wid’, TaTATCaeS orate FIR afar eT wetter grr get rem. Geren sea tas THEME wh ina ome, wants PN Be, we tihlar ees TATA wig erenataca ga ehreradt ara, were, weed aia aheeTs ane, wa THe a geal Fras, TET ze eon sate efaaranite wafers shaadi. AT sare arate frome Frercares; carer eae aT sa sonia Oa orden oredr areata Be eM, fsa sarecoridt arearan whe Fe Hers Te eT ear fetTA arentaan - ar wata ATs Fal. ‘weal wTATATS! GIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. F18 8 21, Sam Uefa search ary sa Te ? (1) a dara sera are. (2) Hit wept sre, (3) féga, frees, faa aartstiad aaah, (4) i eivera, vi00, dean, sentra sear, 22, feeen sara Fro Fred spree Fat? (2) are necer ie (2) Sifecaren snared Hee Bir. @) Ser eifecttict eet ace ear. (4) sarees fa ae. 23, Wer Oe SET sre age safes Fach eed. ar rete sites vataiga Freer, Q) Wee seat ite ae ae fed me 2) eS aT oT (3) Sains are ort (4) Sere eaehy ora Sea ret art 24, aatat A fe wed’ a area aael ETE aT, Q) Brrends starry aa, Q) Fee ape Hei. 3) aera sins Heh, (4) cere fers ac, 25, oTTeN Ge, we that ger weavers ra ea? (1) efeétarrrone fired. (2) Seerare ster arena. (3) wrerten git ar-faararen dee arsed trea (4) afeattidt aa. 26. Choose the correct suffix to make a noun form of : durable (1) ity (2) -ness (3) ism (4) -ment ‘ee TATHTE! GTM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fis 9 A 27. Choose the word having nearest opposite meaning of the underlined word : He is interested in the occult, (1) Magical (2) Unique @) Rational (4) Difficult 28, Choose the correct sentences (a) The table's leg was broken. (b) The cover of the book was beautiful. (©) The house’s roof was painted. ‘Answer options : (1) @)only 2) @)and (o) only (3) (b) and (c) only (4) (@), (d) and () 29, Choose the correct sentences : (a) Tam knowing him for a long time. (b) We have lived here for ten years. ()_ We haven't seen Padma for several months. ‘Answer options : (1) ©) only (2) @) and (0) only @) (b) and (¢) only (4) @), (b) and ©) 30. Which one of the following explains the meaning of the word “Bibliophile! ? (a) One who is a great collector of stamps. (6) One who is a great lover of books (c) One who is an expert in preparing bibliography. (a) One who is a lover of birds and plants. Answer options : (1) (d) only (2) both (b) and (c) @) @ only (only ‘green BATTS GPM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.O. Fi8 31. 10 “Travelling by metro is better than travelling by bus.” If this sentence is changed into negative, the form of sentence will be : (2) Travelling by metro is not better than travelling by bus. 2) Travelling by bus is not better than travelling by metro. (3) Travelling by bus is not as good as travelling by metro. (4) Travelling by metro is not as good as travelling by bus. 32. Fill in the blank You touched a___nerve when you mentioned his first wife. (1) ripe (2) old (3) raw (4) outer 33. “He can drive a sports car’ (1) Asking permission (2) Probability (3) Ability (4) Necessity The underlined modal verb expresses 34, “Tnormally go to Mumbai by train.” The underlined words in the given sentence are _ (1) Adjective phrase (2) Noun phrase (3) Adverbial phrase (4) An Article 35. Choose the correct replacement for the underlined items : The umbrella with a broken handle is mine. (1) which had a broken handle (2) which has a broken handle (3) that having a broken handle (4) which having a broken handle 36. Choose the nearest meaning of the underlined items : Keep the news under your hat , (1) Safe (2) Pure (3) Secret (4) Fresh ‘Pea BANAT IFT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fis "1 A 37. Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks : (a) The speakers came on to the platform in order of () There is no for a disaster of this scale. ‘Answer options : (1) Precedent, Precedent (2) Precedence, Precedent (3) Precedence, Precedence (4) Precedence, Precaution 38. Choose the correct replacement for the underlined items : They rested at sunset (1) When evening was coming. (2). When evening had come. (3) When evening came. (4) When evening has come. 39. Fill in the blanks : He decided to ____ the (1) sink, hatchet (2) bury, sword (3) dig, hatchet (4) _—bury, hatchet 40. Choose the option closest in meaning to the underlined word : ‘The drug attenuates the effects of the Virus. (1) Show (2) Cure (3) To make less effective (4) To make more effective 41, What does the underlined Modal Verb express in the sentence given below : “People should not venture into the deep water of the ocean.’ (1) Probability (2). Suggestion (3). Compulsion (4). Moral Obligation ‘Ween BATA VIM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. F18 12 A 42. ‘A thoroughly ignorant person’, Which of the following words explains the above meaning ? (a) illiterate (b) inhumane (©) countryside fellow (a) ignoramus Answer options (1) © only @) (bj only @)__ both (a) and (©) (4) (a only 43. Which one of the following is the correct meaning of the word “Diffident” (1) lacking (2) hesitant (3) condemn (4) reveal 44, ‘still remember the joys of my childhood’ Which one of the following, is a correct complex sentence corresponding to the simple sentence above ? (a) remember the joys experienced in my childhood. (b) I still remember the joys which I experienced in my childhood. (©) I still remember the joys I experienced in childhood. (a) _ I still remember the joys which I had experienced in my childhood. Answer options: (1) (@) only (2) (©) only (3) only @_ @) only 45, Choose the correct passive form of the given sentence : One should keep one’s promises. (1) Promises should have kept. (2) Promises have been kept. (3) Promises should be keeping. (4) _ Promises should be kept. ‘Wea BATATE GMT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fis 13 A Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions 46 to 50 given below it. How long I remained in the room with the cobra I cannot say. My servant said later that it was only half an hour, and no sound has ever been more welcome to me than the sounds I heard as my servant laid the table for dinner. I called him to the bathroom door, and told him of my predicament, and instructed him to fetch a lantern and a ladder. After another long wait, I heard the babel of voices followed by the scrapping of the ladder against the outer wall of the house, when the lantern had been lifted to the window, ten feet above the ground, it did not illuminate the room, so I told the man who was holding it to break a pane of glass and pass the lantern through the opening, The opening was too small for the lantern to be passed in upright. However, after it had been relit three times, it was finally inserted into the room and feeling that the cobra was behind me, I turned my head and saw it lying at the bottom of the bedroom door two feet away. Leaning forward very slowly, I picked up the heavy bathmat, raised it high and let it fall as the cobra was sliding over the floor towards me, Fortunately, I judged my aim accurately and the bath-mat crashed down on the cobra’s neck six inches from its head. As it bit at the wood and lashed about with its tail, I took a hasty stride towards the vernadah door and in a moment was outside among a crowds of men, armed with sticks and carrying lanterns, for word shad got round to the railway quarters that I was having a life-and-death struggle with a big snake ina locked room. 46. The people who had gathered outside were : (1) Passers by (2) From railway quarters (3) Snake charmers (4) Strangers to the writer 47. The incident narrated in the passage is (1) Thrilling 2) Dramatic @) Tragic (4) Humorous 48. A large crowd had gathered outside the writer's room, presumably to: (1) Break open the door of the room. (2) Watch che writer's struggle with the Cobra. (3) Kill the snake if it came out. (4) Catch the snake. 49. The room in which the writer was locked in with the Cobra was his (1) Bedroom (2) Bathroom (8) Toilet (4) Drawing Room 50. “It did not illuminate the room.” Here “illuminate” can be replaced by (1) Light up brightly (2) Throw faint light (3) Enlighten (4) Make colourful ‘Wee GATT) GIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. Fis 14 51. fadtaten arent agentes Brera aio aaa BTS eta ? (a) Wétaca aR ait wet (bo) race ani aefeqazen squad art (co) Stteifites Sarat ater (a) raven safer agarares are Fort wateit sat: (1) @) safe (b) Fae 2) &) sa (o) Far (3) (@), (b) 311 (c) HT (4) ©), (o aif (a) RT What were the effects of de-industrialization on India during British period ? (a) Burden on agriculture was decreased (b) Independent rural economy was destroyed (©) Decline of industrial centres (d)__ Drive for economic Nationalism in India Answer options : (1) (@) and (b) only (2) (b) and (c) only (3) @), (6) and () only (4) (®), (©) and (d) only 52. 28, 1919 Sr arrears arse Bro aT Tea? (a) ara Hoare ae area farsitga era, (b) are cedar see cart ae. (Sea tiara wera at are. (@) aU aa a oe eer far Gate fers ae ae, watt sat: (1) @) an (b) ra (2) (&) anf (c) wR 8) (©), (© aan (a) et (4) (@), (b) Sf (c) FAR Which of the following provisions were made through 1919 Act ? (a) Salaries of Secretary State of India was from Indian expenditure. (b) Public Service Commission was established through this Act. (©) Importance of India Council was reduced. (d) This act made provision for classification of the Central and State subjects. Answer options : (1) @) and (b) only (2) (b) and () only (3) (b), © and (d) only (4) @), ) and (c) only ‘wean WTA) GIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK FIs 15 A 53. £4. 1920 Fa GIST BTA meee aja sare attire eee AA er? (1) ARPT iereTaRE (2) WRT Harsh SSS (3) Tae. sit @) att afer Under whose Presidentship ‘Mumbai Kamgar Samiti’ was established in 1920 ? (1) Narayan Chandavarkar (2) Narayan Meghaji Lokhande (3) SM. Joshi (4) BP. Wadia 54. 1 eat 1958 toh rare sae ts Shin ais aoiten aeeren ator earTOR aA eTeaheTe? (1) Fer (2) Severe, (3) feet @ we ‘At which of the following places ‘Queens Declaration’ was read by Governor General Lord Canning on 18t November 1858 ? (1) Calcutta Q) Allahabad = 3)_—Delhi (4) Meerut 55. en Boh aceon SET wah aero Freer eM AAAI SH TH ATTA Fades ETCH were ait? (aa free Q) sitedete (3) Af erat (4) & Aa Which correspondent of the London Daily Herald stood with the satyagrahis of Wadala Salt Factory and sent his observations to London ? (1) Webb Miller (2) George Stokombh. (3) Perin Comton (4) A. Mykay 56. faferr area srectaterst omrara aod sar ve Bla? () FRR Q) wer 3) FaeER 4 Fat Which was the highest position for Indians in military in British period ? (1) Sardar (2) Subhedar (3) Hawaldar (4) Captain 57. emus ghee erseres fee arora ferergen some orig Fee I Brea? (1) wri go sat (2) weanfeie tareré TT (3) Settest sisters (4) SERIES ASIST Scholarships given by India House in London were given through, whose donation ? (1) Shyamji Krishna Varma 2). Sardarsingh Revabhai Rana (8) Jemshetji Jijibhai (4) Jamnalal Bajaj ‘wee HTATATSI GPM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. Fis 58. 16 A * safes sede ace fon! st een BAB CA? (oR Q) eR () art (8) feet Where was ‘All India Muslim League’ founded ? (1) Dhaka (2) Lahore (3) Karachi (4) Delhi 59. afta sree seare aia storm Segara wea we? (1) afer arg, (2) yaa eae (3) Ata wart (4) Severe arreor Under whose leadership was the Akhil Bhartiya Satyagrah Council established ? (1) Sarojini Nayadu (2) Sucheta Kruplani (3) Minu Masani (4) _Jayprakash Narayan 60. BR, 1879 on fe Saar atten fee sae’ aR Arearie feet GeneoTeTC ahora meta freee area ore act? (@) fr arin ere (>) wage ae start (©) Sard dar ge eer area (a) Rraeaion afr mrercioare’ ae we eeatatta te ante a IR wate set : Q) @) safe (&) Fe (2) (b) anf (c) waa 8) (@), (&) st (c) wR (4) (©), (©) snfn (a) Hat Which of the following recommendation were made through ‘The Deccan Agricultural Relief Act 1879 for upliftment of Farmers condition ? (@) Establishment of Irrigation Commission (b) Facilities of loan system (c) To start ‘Farmers Bank’ (a) To make it difficult for transfer of Farmers Land to moneylenders Answer options : (1) @) and (b) only (2) (and () only (3) (@), (b) and (¢) only (4) (©), © and (d) only ‘Weal BATS UT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fis 7 A 61. ara sien wea. (a) Weta wet set @ wr ) Weave tee cea sa (i) FATE (Q rere wea sar (ai) street (a) Fema wets SI (iv) Tier ate srt: (1) @)ii), (b)-Gi), (©)-@, @)-Gv) (2) @-i), (ii), (ii), (@)-Civ) 8) @)-(), (Hii), (©-Gii), (@)-tiv) (4) (@)-(ii), &)-(iv), (©)-Cii), ()-G) Match the correct pairs : (a) Tadoba National Park @) — Chandrapdr (b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (i) Pench-Nagpur National Park (©) Gugamal National Park (ii), Amravati (@)_ Navegoan National Park (iv) Gondia Answer options : (1) @)-Cii), (©)-(i), (-@, (d)-Civ) (2) @)-(i), (by (ii), (Gi), (A)-Civ) (3) @)-(i), (by Gi), (€)-Gii), (4)-v) 4) (@)Gi), (b)-Civ), (©)-Ciii), (D-() 62. cara earafarsett erste fauratar fra wa. (a) A safe afer snferaren qe aTcaTeT wea RAPT IAS FB, (bo) SATA Sere seer ave ageetar steers er Tatts TeRiataTeA A Te, (6) ft arene rare wie TAR FAT ea STOVE STE IHC ATE, (@) arearen seep fester ae safer oremrferecrt at ero se ae atetat ator fae ata sata? (1) Fa @) safe (a) 2) aH (a) sf (e) ©) @,(b) at (4) @), (&) afm (a) Consider the following statements about the location of India. (a) India has the central location between the east and west Asia. (b) India’s maritime contacts with the world have a longer history than its land based relationship. (©) No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has. (a) India shares its land with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the north-east. Which of the above statements are correct ? (1) (a) and (d) only (2) (a) and (©) only (3) @), (b) and (©) (4) @), (&) and (a) ‘Wea GRAS VFM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. F18 18 63. aRara saga a Rargita fara fart ame? (1) 29° Ren (2) 30° Aen ET (3) 31° Be TET (4) 32° Sa eA What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India ? (1) More than 29° (2) More than 30°. (3) More than 31° (4) More than 32° 64. Sem aaa. face ere at (a) We (@) 2014 (&) tier (i) 1998 (©) Far (iii) 1999 (a) Tefct (iv) 1982 watt ait : (1) @-Gv), (&)-Gii), (JG), (A-@——(2)_(@)-(i), (b)-Gii), (©)-(4), (d)-Civ) (3) @-Liv), (BG), (€)-(i), (d)-() 4) @)-(), (&}Gi), (©)-Gii), (d)-v) Match the following. District Establishment Year (a) Palghar @) 2014 (b) Gondiya (i) 1998 (© Nandurbar —ii)_1999 (4) Gadchiroli (iv) -1982 Answer options : (1) (a)-Civ), (b)-(ii), (©)-Gi), @)-@) 2) (a)-Gi), (&Gii), (0G), (@)-Gv) 8) @)-Gv), (Ci), (c)-Céi), @)-() 4) (Gi), (ii), (©-Giti), (@)-Gv) 65. Grctoteet wordt sitar ache sore are 2 Q) ar (2) aT (3) aT 4) ao Which of the following is not a tributary of Bhima river ? (1) Sina (2) Man (3) Bhama (4) Terna ‘Wee SMA GMM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK F18 19 A 66. ara sitsa Faz. art arm ar (@) tats @ wre (b) eats (i) WRT (Q Stara (ii) frat (a) wre (iv) sehr watt et : (1) @bfiii), (Gv), (0-8), @-O 2) @, OCH), (Gv), (Li) Q) @>{iii), O10, ©-Giv), @-Gi) (4) @-Ciii), 0), (Gi), (tiv) Match the following : Minerals Mining Area (a) Manganese i)‘ Surjagad (b) Iron Ore (i) Janoli (c)_ Bauxite (iii) Chikhala (a) Chromite (iv) Udgiri Answer options : Q) @Ptii), Hv), (8), @-O — @__ @+G), OYE), (O-tiv), (A)-(ii) 8) @H{iii), (6)-@, (C-Civ), (A-Gi) 4) Ei), (1-0, (0-8), (@)-Gv) 67. Teenie ade freer fareitaet 2001 an SrVrTER Fald wea Seen AT see ieee a? (1) tier (2) afer (3) fetta (4) sree Which of the following district of Maharashtra has the highest population density as per 2011 census ? (1) Gondiya (2) Washim (@) Hingoti (4) Amravati ‘Hraal STATA GM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. F18 20 68, HeRTET wate Sie aaa wrote Soe TA SATSS see? @ wet (bo) Sait a (©) Teeth a @) artat abet set : (Q) FR) Q) FR (a) ©) @),() sf (a) (4) ate aE Which of the following forests occupies the largest area in Maharashtra ? (a) Deciduous Forests (b) Broadleaf Forests (c) Swamp Forests (da) Thorn Forests Answer options : (1) Only (a) (2) Only (a) (3) (@), (b) and (@) (4) All above 69. wrstetat pom aden sere zee set aot ane 7 (1) Strfedt - wari (2) rer ~ wrofeer (3) aah - tere (@) Feme - grr Which of the following is the correct pair of tributaries of river Krishna ? (1) Arkavati - Bhavani (2) Koyana - Pranhita (3) Musi - Hemavati (4) Malprabha - Tungabhadra 70. Aan wES sei We gee areadte srsm TATE care Seer rea? a a Q) ara (3) ae (4) ren The wood of tree is very soft so it is used to make the sticks of the match box. (@) Tendu (2) Teak (3) Pine (4) Shalmali 71. snare qaren trons daenie fateh yea zat a arafaoera cart q@) 51 Q) 64 (@) 54 (4) 74 The reform policies raised the foreign investment limit in banks upto percent. q@ 51 Q) 64 @Q) 54 (4) 74 ‘Weal STRAT GMT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Figs 72. 21 A fae (a): unde adorn & argent anfio seforaeen sre, fart (b) : 2011 STORER tanto ain Geren waa 93.25 ae (TR SHAK 68.8%) ‘raat ome. watt sat: (1) fer (a) Fer Te Vey (b) STAT Te. (2) fae (a) rae ore Hq (b) WH aT. (3) Sr fae (a) sat (b) Bea ata (b) F (a) 9 ara ert oA, (4) Set fares (a) sft (b) Ber Sta (b) @ (a) 3 aa ea aT. Statement (a) : Indian Economy is primarily a rural economy. Statement (b) : As per, 2011 census the rural population of the country is about 83.25 crores (68.8% of the total population). ‘Answer options : (1) Statement (a) is true but (b) is false. (2) Statement (a) is false but (b) is true, (3) Both statement (a) and (b) are true and (b) is the correct explanation of (a). (4) Both statement (a) and (b) are true and (b) is the incorrect explanation of (a). 73. We 1991 GES BATA OTR Aare erect afer BE Ae arg cater Bq ura swore zee ‘Set SoH BIST a ote. THA Yate WAS Qure sara ea; (a) Far seq (o) eyart oftaddiae gers eran satin dae are era (6) aaa Patera afin oars fare aera (a) Frate qet sara artiatat aro ata sre? (1) FR @) anf (b) 2) FRC) anf a) (3) FFA @), (b) Saf (o) (4) 74 (a), (&), (©) anf (a) Since July 1991, the government has introduced a series of reforms in the trade sector which are aimed to help integration of the Indian economy better with the rest of the world, Among these the reform measures consisted of; (@) Devaluation of the rupee (>) Convertibility of rupee first on trade account and then on current account (©) Liberalization of import, and decanlisation of trade (@)_ Measures to promote exports Which of the following is correct ? (1) Only (a) and (b) (2) Only () and (d) (8) Only (a), (b) and (c) (4) All the (a), (b), (¢) and (4) ‘Wean BATA VIM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PTO. FIs 74. 22 fer arn ait areata caren are fect : (a) aren aaeta cit siteiga snftfe arate ara. (b) Geren caste aie sitetga ons firatar Paar. (0) Stet Qarardt safer arena sea, (a) Sta ates doreret sentry arena sea, watdt sat : a) @ 2 © 8 © @) —@ aif (a) Deepa Nayyar defined Globalisation as : a) Reduction in economic activities across political boundaries of nation. b) ( (b) Expansion of economic activities across political boundaries of nation. (©) The emergence of global markets for industrial sector only. (@) The emergence of global market for agricultural and industrial market. Answer options : a) @ 2 ©) 8) © (4) (a) and (d) 75. Serta & ante Gat a Sreecarorenst steerer TH are oe rot iP TAS ae ? (1) FER ae (2) stem fea (3) Faris fi @) wa, erie Who said that liberalization is going to promote economic growth and public welfare ? (1) Mohammad Yunus (2) Adam Smith (3) Manmohan Singh (4) MS. Swaminathan 76. ieee frien Frésianio ae a Fréaia arate stat: (1) safifes ier(2) erg (3) frata (4) ara Growth in the index of wholesale prices is considered as an index of : (1) Economic Policy (2) Inflation (3) Export (4) Import ‘wean BATA GPM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fis 23 A 77, WaT _ eae Wiech ware’ Senta FB. (1) weal Fateh errors: 2) aes srerier Fria (3) ardor saan vicar (4) Srey seit scares The government also liberalised the capital flows in form of () FDI (2) Control on MNC’s (3) Promotion of PSU’s (4) Promotion of Indian industries 78. 1991 7H Fea aa WHS safes dae srqMaTE ane. aM AeA BeuaSea aAeT BrefavararSst wart Wie arian YE eer: (a) Ban suffer feat (ob) See gure (oc) wets fram eto wardtotat art ater aT? (1) FA) Q FRAO) @) 24 (a) satin) (4) FH (6) In early 1991, a major economic crisis surfaced in India. To tackle the problems emanating from this crisis, the government introduced a programme of : (a) Macroeconomic stabilization (b) Structural reforms (Q)_ National education policy Which of the following is correct ? (1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Both the (a) and (b) (4) Only (©) 79, safereeregtr aoe (IMP) 3 1991 Fey ATT Hem Beara rete soit are Sach et? (1) Sree ear are (2) Fratdta are (3) anda erare see (4) Siar ara ait aca Which of the following condition was laid down by IMF in 1991, for the grant of assistance to India ? (1) _ Raise the import duty (2) Grow the export (3) Devaluation of the Indian Rupee (4) Reduce international trade ‘Weal BATS TIM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK. PTO. Fis 24 A 80. arctetat storeen Tea wf Praia wiser ears eT BTA 2 (Ferre 2) TR Q) Wer 4) feet In which state was the first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) setup ? () Maharashtra (2) Gujarat @) Rajasthan (4) Delhi 81. urdia arate dare wes orate Safir Hen 243-A AMA arto stort ATA SATE? (Q) Weta sr Q) maT 3) Varndiat Freya 4) Farris carseat Article 243-A of the Indian Constitution related to the Panchayat Raj provides for which of the following ? (1) Reservation of seats (2) Gram Sabha (3) Election of Panchayat (4) Audit of Panchayat 82. Herrenites Facer vferar ofr area afer atom earereht eiifera seer saPiafaere arOTaT Are 2 (1) afafrrr i958 (2) ofan 1961 (3) afar 1988 (4) aafufray 1948 Which Act is related to the establishment of Zilla Parishads and Panchayat Samitis in Maharashtra ? (1) Act 1958 (2) Act 1961 (3) Act 1988 (4) Act 1948, 83. freer ufteten wrt afters yetes fear’ fararera =A. (a) wart afarirardt cada aurea aeae ame. (b) Facer aiae a ster @ cart aA sera stra, (0) fa5. 8 yer ardent aftrand & cart afta ahaa sree. (@) fa. A sage eriand sfeardt @ ear ated ahaa FeO eT TET, atiotal aia fae frat, 1) @), ©), © rR 2 © FR 3) @), @) wa (4) beet art Consider the statements regarding Standing Committee of Zilla Parishad. (a) There is a provision of independent Chairman for Standing Committee. (b) Zilla Parishad Chairman is the Chairman of Standing Committee. (©) Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad is secretary of Standing Committee. (a) Deputy Chief Executive Officer works is the secretary of Standing Committee of ZP. Choose the correct statements. () @), (b), (©) Correct (2) ®), (©) Correct (3) (b), (d) Correct (4) None of these ‘wean STATA GM / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK FB 25 A 84. anda eReadio ate sd ery aerate walla se ? (1) FOHM4C = 2) FRHUID =) FOHMIA (4) WOR IA Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution of India deals with Gramsabha ? (1) Article 244 (2) Article 243 D3) Article 243 A (4) Article 241 A 85. ie ferral oera, caren Haren eens eres Heater ‘Ara rel SA eeoaTA, ator an eat eT? (lt) 1726 (2) 1935 (@) 1882 (4) 1687 Lord Ripon’s resolution which is known as ‘Magna Carta’ of Local Self Government in India was passed in which year ? (1) 1726 (2) 1935 (3) 1882 (4) 1687 86. Si. mares srdsene art arefeen feredtonttes wc. Teethert aaroren wales Fereten 2 (1) ara arate oarare (2) aRaven wets Tera aTet Q) Sera we @) Fee ara What thesis did Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar write for his M.A. degree at Columbia University ? (1) Ancient Indian Commerce (2) National Divident of India (3) Problem of Rupee (4) Buddha and his Dhamma 87. art ava Bars et ys Hae Bi Hea arrest Bore Hecarst yftcmr et ? (12) aera eis 2) are eter (3) Sieee arrest 4) fag gon art Who among the following played an important role in setting up the secret organization Aryabandhav Samaj ? (1) Shamrao Deshpande (2). Shridhar Hari Khair (3) Venkatesh Khankhoje (4) Shidhnath Krushna Kane ‘Wea BTA TIT / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK. PTO. Fis 26 A 88. 3.5, 1920 74 ania See

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