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1Chapter 4 4
(Horticulture) )
 Horticulture ’derived from two word“Hortus” = enclosed area “Cultura” = Cultivation
(Horticulture) )

Pomology Olericulture Floriculture Spices Aromatic& PHT

Medicinal Plants
National Research Centres (NRC) )
 Litchi:-Muzaffarpur, bihar Cashunut :- Putter (KN)
 Citrus:- Nagpur , MH Mashroom:-Solan (HP)
 Pomegranate:-Solapur,MH Onion & garlic:- Nasik (MH)
 Banana :-Trichi, TNOrchids :- Gangtoke, Sikkim
 Grapes:- Pune, MH Seed spices- Tabiji, Ajmer
 Date:- Bikaner, Raj.

Important instituteu
 IIHR :- Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, 1968
 CISH :- Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow, U.P.
 CIAH :- Central Institute of Arid Horticulture, Bikaner, Raj.
 CITH :- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar, (J & K)
 IIVR :- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varansi, U.P.
 CAZRI :- Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Raj.
 CRIDA :- Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, A.P. 1985

(Importance of fruit production) )

1- (Economic importance)
 More production per unit area
 More income per unit area

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 To reduce the problem of enemplyoment
 To gain foreign money
2.(Nutritional importance)
i. Minerals :-
 Calcium :- litchi (0.2 %)
 Maximum iron:- dry caronda (39%) date:-(10.6%)
ii. (Vitamins) :-
 Maximum vitamin A:- Mango (4800 IU) , papaya (2020 IU)
 Maximum vitamin B1 :- cashunut, walnut
 Maximum vitamin B2 :- bael
 Maximum vitamin C :- barbedas cherry, aonla (700 mg/100 gm), guava (300 mg/100
iii. Carbohydrates :-
 Resine (72 %), Datepalm (67.4 %), Banana (36.5 %)
iv. Protein :-Cashunut(21.2 ), Almond (20 %), Walnut (15.6 %)
v. Fat :-Walnut (64.4 %), Almond (59 %), Cashunut (47 %)
vi. Pectins :-Jackfruit (3.6 %), Guava (1.5 %)
vii. Enzymes :-Papaya, Jamun
viii. Fibre :-Guava
(Organic Acid)

Mallic acid Citric acid Tartaric acid

Apple, Carrot Citrus group, Guava, TomatoGrapes, Litchi, Tamarind
 Suitable grafting time in temperate fruit:- Dec-Jan
 Metazinia found in:- Bittergourd, Datepalm, Gucumber, Grapes
 Zeinia effect found in:- Maize
 Pollen Sterility:- Ber

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 Malformation in mango first observed in darbhanga , bihar
 ICAR First DG of Horticulture :- K. L. chadda
 Suitable fillar crop with mango:- papaya , phalsa, onion
 Element found in haemoglobuline :- Fe
 Blood clotting elements :- Ca, hormone, (Vit. – K), chemicals:- heparine,which is
secreated by Basophils (WBC)
ICMR :- Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi new data dena hai
 (Vegetables) :- 300 gm
 (Fruits) :- (120 gm)
 (Pulses) :- (80 gm)
 (Cereal) :- 475 gm
 (Milk) :- 280 ml
 (Protein) :- 60 gm (20 gm by animal product)

(Medicinal Importance of Fruits) )

vitamines Comman name symptoms source
A Retinol (carotene) Night blindness, Mango, papaya
B1 Thiamine Berry-berry cashew
B2 Riboflavin phytobhobia Bael, papaya
B3 Niacin,( nicotinic acid) pellagra
B5 Pantothenic acid Burnig feet syndrome
B6 Pyridoxine Skin disease
B9 Biotine Baldness
B12 Cyanocobalamine Anaemia
C Ascorbic acid Scurby Aonla, guava
D Calciferol ricketts Egg, fish
E Tocopherol Sterility Leafy veg.

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K Nephathoquanon Blood clotting Leafy veg.

(Fruit types) )

(Single Fruit) (Aggregate Fruit) (Multiple Fruit)

Etario of berries:- Custard apple

Etario of drupe:- Blackberry
Etario of achens:- Strawberry Syconus Sorosis

Fig , Banyan , Pineapple, Jackfruit, Mulberry

Dry fruit (nuts) Fleshy Fruit (Fleshy fruit)

Cashunut, litchi(Pome) (Berry) (Drupe)

AppleBanana, Papaya, Sapota, Grapes Mango, Ber , Coconut,

Pear Tomato, Brinjal, Potato, Arecanut Peach, Plum, Coffee, Cherry

Modification of berry

Balasta Hesperidium Pepo Capsule Amphisarca

Pomeganate Citrus group CucurbitsAonla, Opium, Castor, Bael, Wood apple

Beet, Cotton, Til, Jatropa
Turnip, Dathura,Okra

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Salt Tolerance fruit:- date, ber, pomegranate, aonla, guava, custard apple
acid tolerance fruot:- sreawberry , bael, fig, pineapple

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A. Climatric Fruit :-
 Trick :-sweet in taste
 Sharp increase in respiration rate at the time of ripening
 Mango, banana, sapota, guava, papaya, jackfruit, apple, pear, annona, fig,
B. Non-Climatric Fruit :-
 Trick :-sour and bitter in taste
 Gradual decline in raspiration rate at the time of ripening
 Litchi, citrus group, grape, pomegranate , pineapple, ber, cherry , strawberry,
 Cashunut etc.
Do you know
 Climactric fruit release more ethylene:- apple, sapota, papaya
 High respiration rate in fruits:-strawberry, mango, banana
 High respiration rate in vegetables:- palak, green pea, mushroom, broccali
 Herbaceous fruit:- banana, pineapple
 Shurbaceous fruit :- caronda, phalsa, pomegranate
 Persistant calyx found in solanace family
 True fruit:- formation of fruit from ovary
 False fruit:- formation of fruit other than ovary such as thalamus, bracts etc.
Eg:- apple, pear, strawberry
 MIDH :- Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
 National Horticulture Mission (NHM) :- 2005
 National Horticulture Board (NHB)] Gurgoan, Haryana(1984)
 National fruits and king of fruit:- mango
 Queen of fruits:- mangosteen, litchi
 King of vegetables:- potato
 Queen of vegetables:- okra ( lady finger)

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 King of flower:- rose , queen :- chrysanthemum
 State having maximum area & production under floriculture in india:- Karnataka
 Maximum area & production of floriculture in world:- netherland
 IIHR :- Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bengalore, Karnataka
 Sequence of mango propagation:- seed add karwana hai
 (Edible Part of Fruits) )
1. Pericarp) :- ber, date, custard apple
2. Mesocarp :- mango, papaya, sapota
3. Endocarp/ endosperm :- coconut
4. Endocarpic Juicy Hair) :- acid lime, orange, sweet orange
5. juicy testa:- pomegranate
6. Aril :-litchi
7. Thalamous :- apple, pear, strawberry
8. cotyledons& Pedicel :- cashewnut, almond, peanut
9. bracts perianths & seed:- jackfruit
10. pericarp& placenta:- guava
11. placenta :-bael, grapes perianthus :- mulberry

State first in fruit production in india;

Fruits name State (first in production) indias world position
1- Mango U.P china(1), India (2)
2- Banana T.N India(1)
3- Citrus A.P Brazil ,india (3)
4- Papaya A.P India(4)
5- Apple J&K China, india (5)

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6- Guava U.P / MH Brazil, india(6)
7- Grapes MH Itly india(2)
8- Pomegranate MH

District first in rajasthan ys

Fruits name Distict
1- Mango, papaya, opium Chittorgarh
2- Rose, marigold Ajmer
3- Pomegranate Jalore
4- Mandarine, pear Jhalawar
5- Ber, aonla Jaipur
6- Sweet orange, kinnow, grapes Ganganagar
7- Acid lime Bharatpur
8- Guava Sawimadhopur
9- Banana Banswara
10- Sapota Sirohi

(Plant) )

Monoecious dioecious
Male and female sex organ found Male and female sex organ
in same plantfound in different plant
eg:- cucurbits , mango, guava etc,eg:- papaya, date etc.add kar
(flower) )

(unisexual) (Bisexual)
Flower having single sex organ. Flower having both sex organ

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(Monocot) :- banana, date ,pineapple, coconut, arecanut, palm etc.
(Short Day Plant) :-strawberry, pineapple,coffee
(Long Day Plant):- banana, appple
(Day Neutral Plant) :- guava, papaya
Alternate bearing problem found in:- mango, date, plum, apple, pecanut .

(Propogation) )

Sexual asexual
(By seed )
papaya, caronda, acidlime, phalsa, jamun, mangosteen

(Cutting)(Grafting) Budding Layering

A. stem cutting

1.Hard Wood CuttingVinear Grafting)T/Shield BuddingStooling

Grape, pomeganatemango, cashu rose, orange, guava
Fig sweet orange,ber,

2.Semi H.W. CuttingTongue G.Patch B. Air Layering

Mango, guava, apple, pear bael, aonla, walnut litchi , guava
3. Soft Wood Cutting Epicotyl G./stone Ring B

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Other asexual method:-

1.Runners:- strawberry
2. Suckers:-banana (weight..500-750g) offshoots – datepalm (weight.12- 15 kg)
3.Stolon:- doob grass
4.Tuber:- potato
5.Rhizome:- turmeric, ginger
6.Corms:- gladiolus
7.Bulb:- onion, garlic slip – pineapple (weight-350g)

Spadix:- banana, coconut, date, maize
Panicle:- mango, grapes, litchi, cashunut, paddy
Catkin:- mulberry, walnut, pecanut,
Hyponthodium:- pomegranate, ficus group,
Fascicle:- ber ,plum , cherry
Solitary (cymose) :- guava, citrus, phalsa, sapota,

1 Anemophily):-date, coconut, papaya, pomegranate, jackfruit, sapota, cashunut
2.Ornithophily:-banana, pineapple
3. Entomophily:- most of the fruit
Note: pollination in mango byhouse fly, in fig ( by wasp)and in oil palm (by weevil)
Sex form in fruit crop:-
Protogyny:-(female sex organ mature first) eg:- custard apple banana, fig, pomegranate
Protoandry:- ( male sex organ mature first) eg; sapota, walnut,

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(Self Incompability

Sporophytic S.I Gametophytic S.I

Mango, Aonla Ber, Pineapple, Loquat, Apple, Pear,
a. Pin type:- litchi, sapota, pomegranate b.Thrum type:- almond, carambola
Hererodichogamy:- pecanut, pistachinut
Duodichogamy:-rare form of dichogamy found in chestnut
PSPD (porotogynous, diurnally synchronous dichogamy) found in avocado

Polyploidy ln fruits crop

(Aolotetraploid) :- mango
(Aolo octoploid) :-vellaicolumban variety of mango(2n=8x=80), strawberry (2n=56)
(Auto Triploid) :- banana (2n = 3x = 33), tahti lime
(Auto Tetraploid) :-bael (2n=4x=36), aonla( 28), phalsa(36), litchi(30), jackfruit (56)
(Auto Octoploid) :-
 gola & illachi variety of ber (2n = 8x = 96) where x= basic chromosome number(12)
(Parthenocarpy) :- formation of fruit without fertilization
1. (Vegetative Parthenocarpy) :-banana, fig, pineapple
2. (Stimulative Parthenocarpy) :-litchi, grapes varirty (black corianth)
3. (Sternospermocarpy) :-sindhu variety of mango (stone wt.=6.7g)

Root stock of fruits)

(Root Stock of Citrus Group Fruits) :-
1- Rough lemon:-Citrus limonia
 Best rootstock for mandarin and sweet orange
 Salt and tristiza virus tolerance
 Susceptible towards fruit rot

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2. Rough lemon:- Citrus jambhari
 Maximum used in Punjab (for kinnow)
 Suitable for arid region
3. Karna khatta:- Citrus karna
 Suitable for heavy soil
4. Trifoliate orange:-Poncirus trifoliate
 Dwarf rootstock, cold hardy, nematode tolerance
5.Flying dragon:-Most dwarf rootstock
6- Troyer citrange :- for HDP Kinnow.

Sapota:- Khirni/Rayan
Guava:- Pusa srijan:- dwarf rootstock 2. Chinise guava:-dwarf rootstock
Grape:- Salt crick , Dogridge :- Salt & nematode resistance
Mango:-Nekkare, Mubandan, Kurukun (Salt tolerance)
 Rumani,Cripper, Velaicolumban (dwarf rootstock)
 Velaicolumban and Olour (polyembryonic rootstock)

Diseases introduced fromS

1.Bunchy top of banana- Srilanka 2.Golden nematode of potato-Europe
3.Late blight of potato- Europe 4. Downey mildew of grapes- Europe
5.Smut of onion-Europe
Fruit name Spacing(m2)
1- Mango 10 x 10
2- Aonla ,date 8x8
3- Citrus 5-6 x 5-6
4- Papaya 2 x 2 (pusa nanha -1.25 x 1.25)

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5- Grapes 3x3
6- Banana 2x2

Classification of Fruits)

(Tropical)(Subtropical) (Temperate)
Mango, banana, Papaya, Ber , Aonla, Date, Pomegranate Apple, Pear, Plum,
Sapota, Pineapple, Jackfruit Caronda, Phalsa, Jamun, Peach, Cherry,
Citrus, Bael, Loquat, etc. Strawberry

Plant Hormone)
 Hormone is an organic substance
 Which is required minute in concentration.
 Discover by:- Julius Von Sachs
 Term phytohormone given by:- Thimman
 Term hormone:- Starling
 Translocation of hormone through phloem

Hormone movement

(Basipetal) (Acropetal)
Movement towards base from apex movement towards apex from base
Eg:-Auxin eg:- Cytokinine
1. Auxin :-
Discover by :-Frists Warmolt Went (F.W.Went)
Plant :- avena sativa (oat)
 Natutal auxin:- those auxin which synthesized in plant eg:- IAA

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 Artificial auxin :- whose synthesis out of plant eg:-IBA; 2,4-D; 2,4,5 T; NAA
 First discover hormone :- auxin
 Tryptophan (amino acid) is essential for synthesis of auxin
 Zinc also play an important role in bio synthesis of auxin
physiological effect & its application
 Apical dominance:- apical dominanates over the growth of laterial buds
 Shortening Internode elongation eg:- used in sugargane for sowing purpose
 To prevent crop lodging
 Helps in healing of wounds
 Promotes Root initiation eg:- commercial use of IBA
 To prevent Abcission
 Weedicide:-use of 2-4-D for broad leaf weed
 Thinning :- removal of plant or plant part from optimum eg;- NAA (most common)
 In Parthenocarpy:-formation of fruit without fertilization i.e obtained seedless fruit
 Promotes female flower
 Prevent fruit drop :- by using 2,4-D (mango, tomato) and NAA ( Grapes and chilli)
 TIBA (Anti- Auxin) :-sprayed on mature cotton field then cotton balls can picked
easily also help in nipping operation in gram.
2. Gibberellins
 First discover by in japan, (1920) in rice field
 Rice plant become thin,tall and pale yellow due to infection of gibberella fungus
confirmed by kurosawa.
 Foolish seedling disease/bakanae disease caused by fungus (Gibbrella fujikuroi)
 Yabuta and sumiki (1938) were the to extract a crystalline substance from the
gibberella,which they name as gibberellin (acidic in nature)
 Biosynthesis of gibberellin takes palace by mevalonic acid pathway.
 GA3 are Most common i.e representative of all gibberelline
Physiological effect & its application

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 Internode /stem elongation :- characteristic function of GA
Eg.used in sugarcane for enhance sugar production
 Prevent genetic dwarfism
 Substitution of chilling treatment or vernalisation
 Enhance fruit and flower size
 Promote seed germination (by activating alpha amylase enzyme)
 Induce male flower in cucumis spp.(cucurbits)
 Increase growth of yeast cell and height of sugarcane plant.
 Induced flowering in long day plant ,in short light duration
 Induced boltiong

3. Cytokinine
Discover by:- Millar & Skoog
Term given by:- Thimman
Natural cytokinine:- Zeatine (endogenous cytokinin of maize)
Term kinetine given by:- Skoog whereas discover by millar
Coconut milk behave as cytokinin
Cytokinin is a derivative of the purine base adenine
It is a part of t- RNA (Transfer RNA)
Most common synthetic cytokinin is benzyl adenine
Physiological effect & its application
 Cell dividon:- characteristic feature of cytokinin
 Morphogenesis:- definition
 In tissue culture :- kailash sr
 Kinetine and auxin induces cell enlargement
 Delay senescence:- senescence means the disappearance of chlorophyll and the
degradation of protein.

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 Richmond and lang(1957) reported that the senescence was delayed in the detached
xanthium leaves for several days when they were treated with kinetin
 Plastid formation
 Opening of stomata
 Induced flowering in short day plant
4. Abscisic acid (ABA)
 Discover by:-Frederick Addicott (1963)
 Growth retardant hormone
 Anti-transpiration hormone
 Stress Hormonemeans

Coldness Hotness Acidic Soil High Temp. High Rainfall

Eg. : Unfavourable environment
Dormin is a chemical which cause dormancy
Physiological effect & its application:-
 Promotes Abscission( natural detachment of parts of the plant )
 Promotes Senescence ( last phase of growth stage)
 Closing of stomato
 Reduced seed germination
 Increase proline synthesis
 Induced dormancy

5. Etylene :- C2H4
 Burg reported as a fruit ripening hormones
 Growth retardant hormone
 Fruit ripening hormone (Gaseous hydrocarbon )
Physiological effect & its application

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 Fruit ripening :-
 Degradation of chlorophyll
 Promotes abscission ansd senescence
 Triple response caused on pea seedling
 Inhibition of stem elongation
 Stimulation of radial swelling of stem
 Horizontal growth of stem (geotropism movement)
 Induced femalness in pineapple fruits
 Inhibits the polar movement of auxin
 Helps in root formation at water logging condition
 Recently ethophone/CEPA (Chloroehylel phosphonic acid) used as commercially for
fruit ripening

Hormone name Precursor

1- Auxin Tryptophane (element .zn)
2- GA3 Kurian
3- Gibberellins Adenine
4- ABA Carotene
5- bFkkbyhu Methionine

WMethods of Orchard Establishment)

1. Square Method :-
 It is simplest and most convenient method
 Tree are planted at corner of squars
 Distance between P-P=R-R
 Comman practices of orchard establishment
2. Rectangular Method :-
 Distance between P-P not equal to R-R
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 This method is very easy to layout in garden
3. Triangular Method :-
 It is used in high density planting (eg.amrapali)
 Trees are planted oblically
4. Hexagonal Method :-
 Triangles are equilateral
 It accommodates 15% more tree than square system
 Maximum permanent plant planted in this system
 Near city this method is highly adopted.
5. Diagonal /quincunx/fillar method
 Similar to square method with the addition of a tree in thecentre of each square as
fillar of intercrop or the same crop.
 It accommodates about 1.5-2.0 times or (89%) than square method.
 Maximum total number of plant (temporary & permanent) planted in this metod.
 In mango orchard papaya is taken as fillar crop (economically better)
6. Contour Method :-
 Used in hilly area.
 When slope exceeds 10% terraces are made to plant the tree.
7. Hedge row planting :-
Generally followed in high density planting of apple and pineapple
It is followed for mechanized fruit cultivation

Important cultural operationas

1Mulching:- strawberry
2.Tapping:- rubber, coconut
3. Roasting:- cashunut
4 Stalking:- tomato, cucurbits
5-Propping:- banana

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6 Bending :- guava (MH)
7. Caprification:- Fig
8. Mattocking:- banana
9. Smuding:- mango (in philipines )
10 Desuckering:- banana
11Notching:- fig
12. Disbudding:- chrysanthemum, rose
13. Pulsing:- rose
14.Root Purning:- rose, guava
15 .Scooping:- cauliflower
16. Stumping:- cabbage
17.Stackling:- radish
18.Lancing:- opium
19.Top Working:- mango
20.Double Working:- pear
21.Caging Technique:- mango
22. Rejuvenation:- mango
23.Bower System:- grapes
24. Bahar Treatment:- pomegranate, guava, citrus
25. Bagging:- pomegranate
26. Vapour Heat Treatment:- mango
Common names of the fruits:-
Mango Bathroom fruits, national fruits of india, king of fruits
Banana Adam’s fig, tree of paradise, apple of paradise
Phalsa Star apple
Guava Apples of tropics, poor man’s apple
Ber Poor man’s fruits, king of arid fruits, chinese fig,

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Papaya Melon tree
Jamun Indian black berry, black plum, java plum
Aonla Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree, myrabalan
Grapefruit Forbidden fruit, break fast fruit
Cocoa Food of god
Coconut kalpavriksha
Carambola Star fruit ,five corner fruit
Avocado Butter fruit
Cashewnut Plough crop, dollar earning crop,

Fruits name King/queen

Mango King of fruits
Mangosteen Queen of fruits
Walnut King of nuts
Pecanut Queen of nuts
Black pepper King of spice
Cardamom Queen of spice
Tea Queen of beverage crop

Important Information of Fruit Crops)

Fruits name Botanical name Family 2n

1. Mango Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae 40
2. Acid lime Citrus aurantifolia Rutaceae 18
3. Mandarine Citrus reticulate Rutaceae 18
4. Sweet orange Citrus sinensis Rutaceae 18
5. Ber Zizyphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae 48

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6. Date Phoenix dactylifera Arecaceae/palmae 36
7. Papaya Carica papaya Caricaceae 18
8. Pomegranate Punica granatum Punicaceae 18
9. Aonla Emblica officinalis Euphorbiaceae 28
10. Guava Psidium guajava Myrtaceae 22
11. Banana Musa paradisica Musaceae 33
12. Grapes Vitis vinifera Vitaceae 38
13. Bael Aegle marmelos Rutaceae 36
14. Lasoda Cordia myxa Boraginaceae 36
15. Caronda Carrisa carandas Apocyanaceae 22
16. Sapota Manilkara achras Sapotaceae 26
17. Pineapple Annanas comosus Bromeliaceae 50
18. Litchi Litchi chinensis Sapindaceae 30
19. Apple Malus domestica Rosaceae 34
20. Phalsa Fxzfogrewia subinequalis Tilliaceae 36
21. Jamun Syzygium cumunii Myrtaceae 40
22. Strawberry Fragaria ananasa Rosaceae 56
23. Tea Camellia sinensis Theaceae 30
24. Coffee Coffea robusta Rubiaceae 22
25. Cocoa Theobroma cocoa Sterculiaceae 20
26. Coconut Cocous nucifera Aracaceae 32

Origin Fruits name

1. India Caronda ,phalsa, acid lime, jackfruit, bael, lasoda,
2. Indo-burma Mango
3. China Litchi , mandarin, sweet orange, tea, loquat
4. Brazil Rubber , cashewnut, pineapple

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5. Tropical america Papaya , cuctard apple
6. Mexica Sapota , avacado
7. Peru Guava
8. south east asia Coconut
9. Iraq Date palm, fig
10. Iran Pomegranate
11. Man made hybrid Strawberry , kinnow

 Botanical name:- mangifera indica family:- anacardiaceae
 Comman name:- bathroom fruit , king of fruit
 Chromosome number (2n):- 40(2n = 4x = 40, allo tertaploid )
 Origin :- (Indo-Burma)
 Fruit type:- drupe (mango, ber, jamun, coconut, coffee, peach, plum,)
 Polyembronic found in mango (also in jamun and citrus)
 Inflorescence :- panicle (paddy, mango, grapes, litchi)
 Pollination by house fly
 Pollinising variety :- Bombay green which content vit-C
 Flower bud differentiationin :- oct to dec.
 Spacing(m2):- 10x10 dwaef variety (amrapali):- (2.5x2.5) m2
 Optimum temperature fo growth :- 24-280c
 Mango is sensitive towards low temperature
 Fruit setting in mango flower only 0.1 %
 Storage temperature :- 8-100C, R.H:- 85-90%
 National mango research institute :- lucnow (U.P)

North indiasouth india

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Alternate bearing regular bearing
Monoembronic polyembronic

 Loose seed viability wihin :- 4 to 5 weeks (30 days)

 Potash is important nutrients in mango orchards.
 Hybridization works was first started by burns and prayag in (1911)at pune.
 Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT :- 43 0C) is recommended for disinfection of mango
against fruit fly and stone weevil.
 TSS in mango:- 200B
 Desaping related with mango fruits
 Caging technique given by R.N Singh which is related with pollination
 Tapka stage related to mango maturity
 Use of KNO3 and smudging to induced flowering in Philippines.
 Specific gravity of mango at maturity:- 1.01 to 1.02
 Flesh colour is controlled by additive gene action
 Control of fruit drop in mango by :- 2,4-D @ 10 PPM
 Control of malformation in mango by :- NAA @ 200 PPM
 BHT (Bottom Heat Treatment):- at 320C (helps in root initiation in cutting
Mango hybrid :-
Trick Variety Cross Tricks
1- M Mallika Neelum x Dasheri MND
2- A Amrapalli Dasheri x Neelum -
3- R Ratna Neelum x Alphanso RNA
4- A Arka Neelkiran Alphanso x Neelum -
5- S Sindhu Ratna x Alphanso SRA

 Seedless variety (sindhu) developed through sternospermocarpy in Dapoli, Maharastra

(konkan krishi vidyapeeth university) ,weight of stone :-7g, pulp:stone = 26:1
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 Arka aruna:- Baganpalli x Alphanso (AA - BA)
 Arka puneet:-:- Alphanso x Aaganpalli
 Arka anmol:- :- Alphanso x Janardan pasand (AA - AJ)
 Sai sugandha :- Totapuri x Kesar
Alphanso :-
 Most popular in india, susceptible to spongy tissue and has export quality
 Regular bearing grown in maharastra
Bombay green :-earliest variety of north india, content high vit-C
Chausa :-sweetest variety, late maturing of north india
Dashhari :-most popular variety of N.I , susceptible to malformation
Dashhari-51 :- regular bearing, free from malformation
Kesar :-having good processing quality
New Varieties :-pusa surya, pusa arunima, ambika, akshay(selection from dashehari)
Offseason varieties :- niranjan, madhulika( most precocious var.)
Regular bearing :-baganpalli ( famous in A.P), ratna , Gulabkhas (indeginous to bihar)
Mutant variety:- rosica
salt tolerance:- nekkare, moovandan, kurukkan.
Polyembronic rootstock:- olour, vellaikolumban (2n=8x)

 Banana is rich source of dietary potassium (K) used in nervous impulses and good
source of energy.
 Tropical, herbaceous, monocotyledonous and monocarpic fruit.
 Calcifuge crop, calorific value high
 Edible banana belongs to Musa aceeminate
 Underground protien – Rhizome

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 Placentation – axile, ovary – trilocular
 In IN banana is specially grown for leaf production
 Two spray of KH2PO4 at fruit development stage increase the bunch weight
 Ripe banana fruit contain over 26% of sugar
 It is refered as a Kalpataru (a plant of virtues)
 A part from sword sccker cut rhizomes called 'Bits' and peepers are also used for
 In Guj and MH furrow method and In In-French method of planting is followed
 Seedlessness of banana is controlled by spray of 2, 4-D & 25 PPM
 Forest is major limiting factor of banana cultivation
 Waterlogging condition leads to more incidence of panama dilt
 K. deficiency – improper bunch filling
 Horn plantation of banana bears only female flower buds
 French plantation of banana bears only male flower buds
 In monthan variety only glucose sugar is found
 Staple food of south Africa
Scoring Technique
Given by simmonds and Spaphered
Ripening in banana due to – smoke treatment – in MH, 2-4-D – Chepest, Ethrel – at
commercial level.
Inter cultural operation in banana –
1. Desuckring – removal of unwanted suckers, done in 45 days
2. Denevelling – Removal of male part after completion of female phase,
3. Muttocking – Cut pseudostem near the ground level (0.6 m ht.from ground),
4. Bunch covering – Pratice for cavandish & silk group of banana to get attractive colour,
increase viced 15-20%
5. Mulching
6. Proping – For strong wind

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7. Inter cropping – Onions, Turmeric, Ginger

 Botanical name :- carica papaya family:- caricaceae
 Origin:-mexico
 chromosome number :- 18 (pomegranate, citrus group, cole crop)
 fruit type:- berry (banana, papaya, sapota, guava)
 inflorescence:- solitary cymose (sapota, phalsa, strawberry,citrus)
 edible part:- mesocarp
 yellow colour due to:- caricaxanthin
 dioecious in nature ( date, papaya, tall coconut,)
sibmating is reported in papaya (mating between close related species
 Leading stage – AP > GUJ
 India’s 1st rank in world banana production, (share 36% )
 Temperature is most important factor which determines the success of papaya
 It is very much sensitive to frost, strong wind and waterlogging condition
 Commercially propagated by seed
 Gynodioecious varieties breed preferred by commercial growers
 Tissue culture or micropropotation are esecent technique for propagating papaya.
 Sowing – Seed rate – 400-500 g/h (Dioecious), 250-300 g/h (Gynodioecious)
 15-20 cm fall seeding become ready for planting in about 2 months
 Spacing – Most of the cultivars – 1.8 m x 1.8 m
 Note :- Pusa Nanha – 1.2 m x 1.2 m or (1.25 m x 1.25 m)
 Papaya + Tobacco = North Bihar
 10% male plans in papaya orchards for good pollination, where dioecious var. are

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 Earthing up should be done 30 cm in radius around the plant (vaoid waterlogging)
Gynodioecious Varieties
 Pusa Delicious – 100% productive
 Pusa Majestry – Better keeping quality, high papain yielders, tolerant to viral disease.
 Coorg honey dew – Selection from hony dew (Madhu bindu) Herma phrodite
 Sunrise solo – Pink flesh, pearshaped, exotic from Hawaii
 Taiwan – Blood used colours exotic variety
 Thailand – Deep red flesh, exotic
 Arka surya – By IIHR
 CO-3 – Tall variety preferred for dessert
Dioecious Varieties
 Pusa Giant – Suitable for footy fruity and candies used in canning industry
 Pusa dwarf for consumers stards bearing from 25-30 cm above ground
 Pusa Nanha – Extremely dwarf, suitable for HDP (Pot garden)
 CO-5 – Cultivate mainly for papain extation (papain yield 1500-160 kg/h)
 Hatras gold
Key Points
 Yellow colour of papaya due to pigment – Caricaxanthin
 Enzyme present in dried latex of papaya (papain) is pepsin , Papain contain 72.2%
 Frost is most limiting factor in cultivation (in N.I.)
 It is polygamous plant, i.e three type of sex exhibits in papaya – (i) Staminate (mm) (ii)
Hermaphrodite (m2) (iii) Pistillate (mm)
 one gm contain -20 seeds of papaya
 Carpine obtained from papaya is utilized as a diuretic and heart stimulent
 Papaya is thermosensitive crop
 Damping off is most serious disease in nursery
 Rich in Vit-A after mango

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 Pusa dwarf and pusa Nanha suitable for HDP & Pot planting
 Carica quercifolio is the hardiest rootstock among all of the species
 Virus resistant rootstock – C. Cauliflora
 Frost resistant rootstock – C. candamarcensis(mountain papaya) and C. pentagona
 Sibmating is repeated for 7-8 generation.
Botanical name- psidium guajava family- myrtaceae
Origin- peru type of fruit- berry
Edible part- thalamus & pericarp 2n= 22
 Common name :- apple of tropics
 Guava is a good source of Vit- C & pectin, used for maling jelly
 TSS:- 8 – 10oB (Measured by- hand refrectrometer)
 pH 4.5 – 8.2
 Propagation:-
 Stooling(mound layering) – Easiest and cheapest (Commercial method)
 Storage temp- 8 to 10oC
 Spacing:- 6 x 6 m2
Bahar treatment/ Crop regulation:-
Bahar name Flowering time Fruit ripening
A Ambe bahar Feb-Mar. June-July
M Mrig bahar July –Aug. Oct-Nov. (best fruit quality)
H Hasth bahar Nov-Dec. Feb-Mar.
 The practice of taking winter crop instead of rainy season crop is known as crop
regulation .
 Fruit quality of winter crop(mrig bahar) is best, it escape the attack of fruit fly.
 Bahar treatment is achieved by the application of NAA@ 600 ppm or NAA @100
ppm + 10% urea.
 Bending operation in guava practices in MH

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 Meadow orcharding(eg. of ultra high density planting) used in guava cultivation
 HDP reduces TSS, sugars and ascorbic acid content but increase titratable acidity
Rootstock used –
1.Chinese guava – P. driedrichsthalianum (dwarfing & wilt resistant)
2. Pusa Srijan (Aneuploid-82) – Dwarfing rootstock, developed by IARI, tetrasomic (2n=26)

 Lucknow 49(L-49) :- Sardar guava, seedling selection from Allahabad safeda
 Allahabad safeda:- cause large variation due to seed propagation
 Hafsi:- red fleshed guava
 Chittidar:- numerous red dot on fruit skin
 Lalit:- from CISH , high yielding variety
 Apple colour, Allahabad surekha,
 Aarka mridula:-dwarf variety (mridula is variety of pomegranate)
 Seed less variety:- behat coconut, Saharanpur seedless
 Hybrid variety:- arka amulya, kohir safed, safed jam

 B.N. – Ananas Comosis L. Family – Bromeliaceae
 Origin – Brazil Type of fruit – Sorosis
 Edible portion – Bracts and Perianth 2n = 50, 75, 100
 It is also a source of Bromelin, a digestive enzyme
 Propagation :-By sucker (500-750g) and slips (300-400g)
 More important in cratoon crop
 Use of growth regulators – Applicatoin of NAA and NAA- based compound-Planofix
& celemone @ 10-20 PPM induces flowering in pineapple.
 Etheral (Ethephon) is used for inducing flowing
 Pineapple does not contain starch

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 Aluminium sulphate best N2 fertilizer for pineapple.
 CAM plant, Monocarpic, harbaceous plant
 Mealy bug is serious pest. It transmits virus which cause wilt
 Suncold, ultiple crown/ fasciation is physiological disorder
 D-leaf is best indicator of nutrient status of pineapple
Varieties –
1.Cayenne group – Kew, Gaint kew
2.Queen group – Queen, Mauritius, Jaldhup, lakhat
3.Spanish Group – Sugar loaf, Ruby, Red spinish, Singapore Spanish
 Kew – Leading commercial var. valued particularly for canning, late variety, TSS -12-
16 Brix
 Mauritius – Mid season var. of queen group, mainly grown in Kerala.
 Cayenne – Triploid var. Mainly in Phillipiness, popular canning var.
 Sugar loaf – Sweetest & Best flavoured fruit.

SAPOTA or Sapodilla
 B.N. – Manilkara achras /Achras sapota L. Family – Saptoceae
 Origin - Mexico (Tropical America) Type of fruit – Berry
 Edible portion – Mesocarp 2n = 26
 Popularly known as "Chiku" looking like Irish Potato
 Propagated through seed, &Inarching (Commercially used)
 Soft-wood grafting using rayan as rootstock gives 93% success in-situ. (July-Aug.)
 Kirti Bharti – Popular in A.P., thick skin, good transport value
 Cricket ball – Famous in A.P.Kalipatti – Popular in MH
 Murrabba – Popular in MH
 Hybrids – CO-3 (Cricket ball x vavivalsa) suitable for HDP

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 Khirni (Manikara hexandra) or Rayan
 Adam's Apple

 B.N. – Annona Squamosa L. Family – Annonaceae
 Origin – Tropical America Type of fruit – Etario of Berries
 Edible portion – Pericarp X = 7 2n = 14
 Contain 20% Sugar
 Cherimoya is considered to be best fruit of annonaceae family
 Commercially propagated by Inarching however veneer and softwood grafting are
A.squamosa (sitaphal or sharifa) – most important (Sugarapple / sweet sop)
A. Reticulata (Bullock's heat / ramphal / bull's heart)
A. Atemoya (Lakhshman phal)
A. Cherimoya (Hanuman phal)
A. Glabra (Pond apple)
A. Muricata (Sour spp or mamphal)
Annona reticulata is commonly used as a rootstock for most of the annonas
Arka Sahan Africa Pride – Cherimoya x custard apple

 B.N. – artocarpus heterophyllus Family – moraceae
 Origin – india Type of fruit – sorosis
 Edible portion – bracts/perianths/seed 2n = 56
 Popularly known as the poor man's food in the eastern and southern parts of India.
 Nector is prepared from its pulp.
 Singapore variety starts yielding from third year

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 Cauliflorous bearing habit


 B.N. – Zizyphus mauritiana Family –Rhamnaceae
 Origin – india Type of fruit – Drupe
 Edible portion – pericarp 2n = 48
 Inflorescence:- fascicle cymose
 Common name:- chinese fig, king of arid fruit
 Maximum production in india- MP
 Maximum production in rajasthan – Jaipur
 Climate- it is extremely drought hardy plant, deep rooted system, xerophytic
 Ph- 8.5
 It is non-climacteric fruit
 Propagation- ring budding / T- Budding (july-august)
 Planting time- beginning of monsoon
 Spacing – 8 x 8 m2 (for irrigated area)
 Best time of pruning:- May-June
 Harvesting time- Feb- April (in North India)
 Ber shows stromgly gametophytic self-incompatability
 Pollen sterility found in ber
1.Ziziphus nummularia- it gives rise to inverted bottle neck disorder, dwarf rootstock, used in
2. Z.rotundifolia-better rootstock as compare to Z.nummularia

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1.Early- (for extremely dry area)
Gola – auto octaploid (tolerance against salinity & alkalinity Seb
2. Mid variety – rashmi , mundia, banarasi
3. late variety- umran(tertaploid), illaichi (auto-octaploid), mehrun,
Other variety:- goma kriti, kethali,
Thar-sarika- CIAH, Bikaner (seb x kathha)
Sanuar-2-resistant to powdery mildew
Dodhia- resistant to fruit fly
 B.N:- Punica granatum family:- punicaceae
 Origin:- iran type of fruit:- balasta
 2n= 18 edible part:- juicy testa
 It is non-climacteric fruit inflorescence- hypenthodium
 Protogyny found in pomegranate (also found in cole crop)
 Major producer in india –MH In rajsthan – jalore
 Sourness in pomegranate due to –tannin
 TSS:- 12.60B TSS/Acid ratio:- 70:1
 Pollination by wind (anemophily):- eg- date, papaya, sapota, cashew, beet, spinach
 It is useful for leprosy and cough patient
 Propagation:- by hard wood cutting (use IBA @ 3000 ppm for root initiation)
 Other method which is used recently :- air layering
 Spacing:- 6x6 m2
 Training:- by multiple stem method
 Climate:- subtropical fruit, soil- sandy loam ph- 7-9
 Yield:- 60-70 kh/plant
 Maximum demond of pomegranate in :- Ambe bahar
 Fruit splitting problem found in :-mrig bahar ,but in rajasthan region mrig bahar
considered as best bahar

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 Amlidana:- ganesh x nanha , developed by IIHR, suitable for HDP
 Ruby:-(by IIHR) Ganesh x Kabul x yercaud
 Jalore seedless:- developed by CAZRI, Jodhpur (suitable for alkaline soil)
 Jodhpur red:-
 Ganesh :- selection from alandi , famous variety of maharastra
 Bhagwa :- bright red in colour, famous in MH
 Jyoti:-
 G-137:- Clonal selection of ganesh
 Mridula :- (arka mridula, guava variety)
 Dholka:- famous variety of Gujarat
 Kandhari, alandi:- resistant towards fruit splitting

Date palm
 B.N:- Phoenix dactylifera family:- palmaceae/areceae
 Origin:- Iraq Fruit type:- single seeded berry
2n= 36(bael,phalsa)inflorescence:- spadix(banana, coconut, maize)
 Edible part:- pericarp
 It is C4- Plant ( amarenthus, jower, bajra, sugarcane, maize also)
 It is rich source of carbohydrate (68%)
 One kg date gives – 3150 calories energy
 Beverage product dibbis (drink of date palm)
 Arrack (popular in Iraq) –prepared from date
 It is dioecious plant,which required 10% male plant in orchard
 Ph- 8.5
 Spacing- 6 x 6 m2
 Propagation:-by off-shoot (weight-13 kg)

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 Muhabara:- its feet in running water and its head in the fire of the sky
 Heat unit:- 3300 hrs(variety required heat for full maturity)
 Metazenia effect found in:- datepalm (also in bittergourd, cucumber)
 Zenia effect in- maize, pollen sterility in- ber
 Salt tolerant plant:- datepalm, ber, pomegranate, aonla, karonda
 Alternate bearing problem found in datepalm (also in mango, plum, cashew).
 Pollination by wind (date, papaya, sapota, cashew, beet, spinach)
Harvesting stage:-
1.doka /gandora/ chirmi:- have 70-80 % Moisture, fully grown, yellow in colour
Processed to prepare chhuhara, harvesting stage in india
2.dang /rutab:- in other country harvested at this stage, softening, consumed as fresh eating
3. pind/ tamer:- fully riped and dehydrated
 Chuhharan making :- khadrawy, medjool, sharan
 Fresh eating:- halawy, barhee, khalas
 Pind khajoor:-zahidi
 Soft date(inverted sugar date)- khadrawy, halawy, medjool
 Dry date(bread type)- thoory
 Variety suitable for west rajasthan:- halawy

 B.N:- Emblica officinalis/ phyllanthus emblica family:- euphorbiaceae
 Origin:- India Fruit type:- capsule
2n= 28 common name:- indian gooseberry
 Sporophytic self incompatability found in aonla
 Frost sensitive plant but salt tolerance
 Rich source of vitamin-C
 Flower bud differentiation in- Feb-Mar

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 Climate:- subtropical , ph- 6.5 to 9.5
 Propagation:- patch budding
 Spacing:- 8 x 8 m2
 Pruning in aonla:- modified central leader system

Chakaya Banarasi Fransis

NA-4 (Kanchan) NA-5(Krishna) NA-7(Amrit)
NA-6 (Best for candy making) NA-10
NA-8 NA-9(Neelum)
Free from necrosis best for preserve making sensitive to necrosis
Other variety:- Goma kriti :- developed by CIAH, Bikaner,Bhawani-sagar, Balwant

 B.N:- Vitis vinifera Family:- Vitaceae
 Origin:- Caspian sea Fruit type:- Berry
2n= 38 Inflorescence :- Panicle
 Edible part:- pericarp+ placenta Non -climacteric fruit
 Maximum production in world:- Itly In india :- Maharastra
 Maximum productivity:- in india in rajasthan:- ganganagar
 Cutin(wax layer) present on fruit raisin(kismis) contain moisture:- 17%
 Propagation :- hard wood cutting sugar % in grapes:- 20
 Tartaric acid found in grapes ideal time of planting:- october
 Optimum temp:- 28 to 320C spacing:- 3 x 3 m2
 Thompson seedless & its clones covers 55% area under grapes cultivation
 In grapes orchards:- Mg deficiency is most common
 Muscant flavour of grapes due to- methyl anthranilate

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 Pruning time :- Dec-Jan (In N.I)
Traning method:-
1.Bower system :- best economical method in india
2.Telephone system:- common in MH 3.Trellis method 4. Cordon method
 Grapes guard:- craft paper & potassium meta bisulphite
Growth regulators used in grapes cultivation:-
1.HCN:- Promotes bud-sprouting 3.NAA @ 50 ppm:- to prevent fruit drop
2.cycocoel(CCC):- Supress vine growth 4. MH:- Induced male sterility,
5. GA3:- increase berry size
 Bangalore blue, Sharad seedless, Perlete, Delight, Dilkhush, Black champa, beauty
 Arka Krishna, Arka sweta, Arka Majesti, anab-a-shahi
 Arkavati:- making raisin Arka kanchan:- late variety
 Arka Hans:- for making white wine
 Arka Neelmani;- for making red wine
 Pusa Navrangi:- Tenturier
 Thompson seedless (TSS-22-240B) & Pusa seedless:- covers maximum area
 B.N:- Aegle marmelosin Family:- Rutaceae
 Origin:- India 2n= 36
 Fruit type- Amphisarka Common name- Golden apple
 Good source of Vit-B2 Acidic soil tolerance
 Propagation:-Patch budding ph- 5.5 to 7.5
 Spacing:- 8 x 8 m2 storage:- 90C
 Pant urbasi Gorakhpur, Mirzapur, Narendra bael,
 Kagzi gonad, Pant aparna, Pant sujata, Baranasi

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 B.N:- Grewia subanaqualis Family:- Tiliaceae
 Origin:- India 2n= 36
 Fruit type- multiseeded berry Highly perishable fruit
 Red colour for phalsa:- anthocyanin pruning time:- Dec- Jan
 Propagation by:- seed spacing:- 3 x 3 m2
 Yield:- 4 to 5 kg/plant
 B.N:- carica karandus Family:- apocyanaceae
 Origin:- India 2n= 22
 Propagation by:- seed spacing:- 3 x 3 m2
 Yield:- 4 to 5 kg/plant
 Variety:-
 Pant manohar, Pant sudarshan, Pant swarna
 B.N:- Cordia dycotoma Family:- Boragineceae
 Origin:- India propagation:- seed

 Most common among citrus fruit grown in India.
 Nagpur sangtra (Mandarin) is chiefly grown in satpura hills (Vidarbha region) of
central India.
 Susceptible to water logging.
 Propagation by budding – T-budding is the most common method of propagation.
 HPM – Degreening can control by application of ethrel (50 ppm) before harvesting of

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 Rangpur lime – most promising rootstock for mandarin and sweet orange.
 Citrus is micro-nutrient loving plant
 Coorg – Commercially grown variety of South India
 Segments 9-11, Seeds 14-3, matures – Feb-March
 Khasi – It is locally known as Sikkim or Kamala mandarin, Commercial var. of Assam,
Meghalaya and N.E. Sates
 Nagpur – Premies position among Indian Mandarin, Finest mandarin in the world,
grown in satpuda hills in MH.
 Satsuma (Seedless) – Commercial mandarin in Japan
 Emperor and Fuetrelles – Introduction from Australia
 Satwal – Introduced from Nepal
Hybrid –
 Known – King x Willow leaf (C – nobilis) x (C – deliciosa)
 First introduced in Punjab in 1959
 Developed by H.B. Frost (USA 1935)
 Segmens – 9-10
 Mature – mid Jan.
 Second largest citrus fruit cultivated in the country
 Maxm area – AP followed by MH and KN
 Avg. temperature for growth 16-20oC, can tolerate maxm temp. upto 32-40oC
 In Punjab Jatti Khata and Karna Khataa for Blood red and other varieties are most
commonly used rootstock
 Rangpur line is highly drough tolerant rootstock
For Scion Rootstock used
(i) Blood red - Jatti Khata, Karna Khatta (in Punjab)
(ii) Mosambi - Rangpur line (in MH)

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(iii) Satgudi - Rough lemon, nano Rangpur line (in A.P.)
Spcacing – 6 m x 6 m
 Jaffa – Mid season
 Hamlin – Early season
 Pineapple – Mid season most successful in Punab
 Valencia – Late season (Feb-Mar)
 Main Variety (Cultivated in India)
 Blood red – Most popular in N.I., Best rootstock – Karnakhatta, Jattikhata
 Mosambi – Popular in MH – Rootstock (Rangpurline)
 Satgadi – Most popular in A.P. – Rootstock (Rough lemon)
 Shamouti – Seedless variety
 Washington navel – Develops a large fruit which lacks both Juice and quantity.
 Mudkhed – Bud mutant of Nagpur mandarin
Note :- Pineapple cucumber and Valencia – indicator of greening.
Degreening of citrus fruit is done by CaC2 (Calcium carbide)
Mosambi – from Mozambique
Pineapple – Florida (USA)
Citrumelo – Trifoliate orange x Pummelo
 Pramalini – Canker tolerant
 Vikram & Tenali
 Chakradhar – Seedless strain of acidline / Kagziline, A thornless and seeless selection
in Kgziline
 Sai sarbati – Tolerant to tristiza and canker
 Jai Devi – Pleasant Aroma
 Classification of citrus given by tanka and Swingle (1945)

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 The bacterial canker (Xanthomon as campestris pv is the most serious disease of
 Crop protetion technique is effective to check the fristeza virus in acid lime.
 Virus free planting material in citrus can be produced through – Chemo and thermo
therapy and shoot grafting (Micro – gradting)
 Deciduous crop natural habital is temperature climate.
 Rainfall during flowering and berry ripening causes enormous damage to grapes (berry
cracking and rotting)
 pH 6.5 – 7.5
 Use of growth regulator
 CCC (Cycocoel) GA and hydrogen cyanamide are commercially used in grape
 CCC – Suppress the vigour of vines and increase the fruitfulness of buds
 GA – Used in all seeded variety
 HCN (Dormex) – To hasten bud break at winter pruning also help in ripening in N.I.
 NAA (50 ppm) : To reduce post- harvest fruit drop
 MH – for induction of male sterility

Physiological Disorders)

Causes Other important point
Sex ratio, growth Most common in north india
habit, crop load, Control:- paclobutrazol @ 2-
1.(Mango) 1.alternate bearing
insect,pest, 5g/tree

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 Bombay green is highly
Low temperature,
 Resistant var:-
2. malformation mangiferin,
 spray NAA @ 200 ppm
in Oct.

 maximum problem in april-
3.fruit drop factor,
 control:- 2, 4- D @ 20 ppm
 major problem of alphanso
 resistant var:- ratna, arka
4.(Spongy Tissue) Heat convection
puneet, arka anmol.
 Control by:-Mulching
 Due to smoke
of brick kilns  Control:- application of borex
5.(Black Tip)  CO, NO2, SO2 @
 Boron 0.6%
 Zinc
6- (Clustering)
 Boron
7.Internal Necrosis)  More prone to dashehari
Improper bunch  Potash
filling deficiency
3. (Guava) Bronzing  Zn deficiency
4.(Aonla) Necrosis  Boron Susceptible var. :-

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deficiency francis/hathijhool
Chakaya var. free from
 Boron
1.Hen & Chiken Common in perlette
 Boron
3. berry or blossom
pollination &
5- vxwaj
(Grape) 4.calyx end rot
More prone in Thompson berry
High temperature seedless

Boron deficiency
and improper
7. short berry
 High
 Control:- by lime
1.Granulation)  more prone in:- mandarin,
 RH at the time
6. citrus sweet orange
of ripening
2.leaf motling Zn deficiency
3.Exanthema/dieback  Cu deficiency Use of copper sulphate
4.yellowing of leaf  Mo deficiency
Boron deficiency More problem in mrig bahar
7.Anar 1. fruit splitting
Lack of moisture Resistant var.:-alandi,

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Climatic factor,
2. internal necrosis
Boron deficiency

(Important Diseases of Fruits) )

Disease name Important point
 Most serious disease (feb-mar)
Powderymilde Oidium
 Loss upto 30-90 %
w mangiferae
 Resistant var:- lal sinduri
 Control:- 0.1% karathane
1.Mango  Optimum temp:-24-320C
2.Anthracnose  Use hot water treatment.

3.Bacterial  Management :- streptomycin or

Canker agromycin @ 2 % rust Algae

Fusarium  Soil borne disease (acidic soil)

1.Panama Wilt oxysporum  Resistant var:- poovan
(Fungus)  Immune var:- basrai dwarf
 Control:- by lime
 First observed at Fiji (kerala) in 1891
Virus  Most serious disease
2.Bunchy Top
Vector:-  Management:- dimethoate (rogar)@ 0.3
AphidsPentalon %

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ia nigronervosa  Resistant var:- virupakshi

3.bract mosaic Virus Transmitted by aphids

4.moko disease Bacteria Bacterial ooze can be seen
Resistant clones:- ABB,
5.sigatoka leaf
Fungus Susceptible clones:-AAA

1. Collar Pythium spp.  Soil borne disease

rot fungus
 More comman in nusery.
2.Damping off aphanidermatu
m (fugus)
 Vector:- white fly
3. Leaf Curl Virus
 Most prone in north india
4.Mosaic Virus Vector :- aphids
5.ring spot Virus
Fusarium  First reported in Allahabad 1935
oxysporium  More prone in alkaline soil
1. Wilt
var.psidi  Resistant var:-allahabad safeda
Fungus  Resistant rootstock:-chinese guava
Pestalotiopsis &
2.Canker psidii
3.Anthracnose Fungus
Plasmopora  Most serious disease
1. downey
5.Grape viticola  Use Bordeaux mixture (CuSO4 + CaO +
Fungus Water : - 5 : 5 : 50)

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 Use sulphur in sep. month

2.Powdery Erysiphie sp.

 Use karathane @ 0.2%
mildew Fungus
3.Leaf spot Fungus &
4.pierce’s Bacteria  Temple is resistant rootstock
1. powdery Oidium jujube  Most serious disease of north india
mildew var.indica  Use karathane @ 0.2%
6.Ber leaf
Fungus &
1.Leaf Spot Fungus  Use captan @ 0.2%
7- vukj 2.fruit rot Fungus
(Anar) 3.Bacterial  Popularly known as Telia disease in MH
Blight)  Nodle Blight
8.Aonla 1.aonla rust Most serious disease
emblica mould Fungus
9.phalsa brown spot Fungus
 Vector:-leaf minor
10.citru  Most serious disease of acid lime
1.Canker campestris
s group  Introduced from USA
 Resistant variety:- Tenali
3. Tristeza Vector:- citrus aphids
Disease Resistant rootstock:- rough lemon
4.gummosis  Gum like material on plant
5.dieback Fungus

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6.ring spot Virus &


Name of Vector Name of disease
1. Aphids
Beet mosaic, lettuce mosaic, turnip mosaic, potato
i. Myzus persicae
Bean common mosaic, bean yellow mosaic,
ii. Acrythosiphon pisum
soybean mosaic, pea enation mosaic
iii. Pentalonia nigronervosa Bunchy top disesase of Banana
iv. Toxoptera citricidus Citurs tristeza
v. Aphis gossypii Papaya mosaic virus, ring spot of papaya
Mycoplasmal diseases are mostly transmitted by
2. Leaf hopper
leafhopper. Eg. Little leaf of brinjal
i. Circulifer tenellus Beet curly top
ii. Agallia contricta Potato yellow dwarf, purple top (MLO dis.)
3. Whitefly
Okra yellow vein mosaic, okra leaf curl, chilli leaf
i. Bemesia tabaci
curl, cotton leaf curl, papaya leaf curl
4. Thrips

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i. Thrips tabaci Tomato spotted wilt virus
ii. Scirtothrips dorsalis Chilli leaf curl
5. Mealy bug
i. Planococcus sp. Cocoa swollen shot
ii. Pseudococcus saccharifolli Sugarcane spike (Phytoplasma)
iii. Pseudococcus brevipes Pineapple wilt disease, papaya streak virus
6. Potato virus x, tobacco mosaic virus
Melanophus differetialis
Lace bug, Stephanites
7. Root wilt of coconut (MLO disease)

Citurs psylla, Diaphorina

8. Citrus greening (MLO)
Leaf miner, Phyllocnistis
9. Citrus canker (bacterial disease)
10. Mites, Acaria sp. Fig mosaic
Cucumber mosaic virus, tobacco necrosis virus,
11. By fungus
peanut clump, potato mop top, potato virus x

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 Latin word :- Olericulture
 Fruits & vegetables act as Natural Protective Food.
 Generally fruits are rich source of vitamins whereas vegetable cotain minerals.
Elements Vegetables
1- Carbohydrates Sweetpotato, potato, yam, colocasia
2- Proteins Green pea, beans
3- Vitamin –A Turnip, beet, palak, bathua, methi, carrot, bottlegourd, tomato
4- Vitamin-C Coriander leaves, cabbage, methi, green chilli,
Calcium (Ca) Amaranthus, palak, agethi
5- Phosphorus (P) Garlic,carrot, cucumber, amaranthus
Iron (Fe) Palak, amaranthus, bathua, cabbage
Iodine (I) Okra, onion, brinjal
6- Citric acid Tomato, green vegetables, beet, green chilli
Mallic acid Carrot, celery
7- Fibre Potato, chilli

Vegetable production rank u

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Ø- la- Vegetables State first in production India’s rank in world
1- Potato Uttar Pradesh 5
2- Onion Maharastra 2
3- Tomato Andhra Pradesh -

Brinjal West Bangal --

5- Okra Andhra Pradesh 1
6- Chilli Andhra Pradesh check data

Do you know thatS

 Antioxidant :- vit-C , Selenium
 National research centre for onion & garlic:- Rajgurunagar, (MH)
 Quebercitin chemical found in onion which prevent cancer & heart disease
 Sulphur, present in onion & garlic which helps in heart attack
 Isothiocyanate compound found in cole crop which prevents cancer disease
 Bitter gourd ,Onion & Jamun reduced diabetes disease
 Dioecious plant:- pointed gourd, spinach, beet root, asparagus,
 Monoecious plant:- cucurbits, amaranthus, cassava, colecrop
 Which vitamin found in coriander leaves:- vit-A & Vit-C
 C4 plants:- amaranthus, maize, sugarcane, jower
 Sex ratio maintain in cucurbits by application of silver nitrate
 Vegetables which required high water:-radish, colecrop, green leafy vegetables
 Vegetables which require low water:- cucurbits, tuber crops
 High oxalic acid contain:- amaranthus, palak
 High carbohydrate present in:- tapioca, sweetpotato, potato
 Good source of amino acid:- bean, pea
 At high temperature male flower increase in cucurbits.
 Nature of vegetables:- basic, where as fruits acidic in nature
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(Toxic Substances in Vegetables) )
Ø- la- Toxic substance Vegetables
1- Calcium oxalate Colacasia, turnip
2- Dioscorine Yam
3- Haemaglutine French bean
4- Oxalic acid Amaranthus
5- Saponine Palak, tomato
6- Serotonine Watermelon
7- Solanine Potato
8- Solasodine Brinjal
9- Tomatine Tomato
10. Sinigrin Cole crop
11. Apiin Celery
12. Allicin, allin (water soluble amino acid ) Garlic
Pea, beans, sweet potato,
13. Trypsin inhibitors
watermelon, pumpkin

Do you know that S

 Pungency in chilli due to: capsaicin
 Red colour of chilli due to:- capxanthin
 Food colour and aroma due to :- oleoresin
 Red colour of carrot:- anthocyanine (high in Asian carrot)
 Orange colour of carrot:-carotene (high in europian carrot)
 Precursor of Vit-A:- Carotene
 Pungency in onion due to:- allyl propyle di-sulphide
 Yellow colour of onion due to:- quebercitin
 Catechol chemical present in onion which has antifungal property.
 Red colour of onion:- anthocyanin
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 Pungency in garlic due to:-diallyl di-sulphide
 Yellow colour of turmeric:- curcumine
 Pungency in radish due to :-isothiocyanate
 Allicin is active biolological substance present in garlic having antimicrobial property.

Vegetables Introduced from

1- Potato Europe, 1615
2- Chilli Brazil
3- Cauliflower Londan, 1822
4- Carrot Persia

(Self Pollinated )
 Tomato, potato, pea, cowpea, methi,
(Often Cross Pollinated)
 Okra, brinjal, chilli, lima bean, pigeon pea, safflower, jute, tobacco, jower
(Cross Pollination)
 Cole crop, cucurbits, roots crop
(Sex Form) :-
1.Monocious:- amaranthus, cucurbits, radish, cole crops
2.Dioecious:- pointed gourd, beet root, spinach, yam, asparagus

Protoandry:- onion, carrot, beet root

Protogyny:- cole crop,
Male Sterility:- tomato, brinjal, chilli, onion, carrot
Cleistogamy:- lettuce (flower never open)
Chesmogamy:- tomato, rice, (flower open after fertilization)
Heterostyle :- brinjal, sweet potato
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Type of vvegetables:-
1.summer season vegetables:- (fruits are edible parts)
Sowing season :- zaid season & kharif season
Eg:- cucurbits, tomato, brinjal, chilli, okra, (except:-pea)
All are belongs to day neutral plant
2.Cool season vegetables:- edible parts are leaves, stem, root, flower, except fruits
Sowing season :- rabi season
Eg:- cole crops, root crop, (radish, carrot, beet, turnip), palak, methi, potato, onion, garlic,
(except –sweet potato)
Mostly belongs to long day plant

(Photoperiodism) )
1.Short Day Plant:-
 sweet potato, most of bean like dolichos bean, cluster bean,winged bean (except-
French bean)
2.Long Day Plant :-
 Cole crop, potato, radish,carrot, beet, turnip lettuce, palak, spinach, pea,
3.Day Neutral Plant :-
 Tomato, chilli, brinjal, okra, cucurbits, cowpea, French bean, amaranthus,
Pollination:-transfer of pollen grain from anther to stigma
Pollinizing agents:-
1.Anemophily:- amaranthus, spinach, palak, beet (fruits- papaya, date)
2.Entomophily:- cole crop, radish, carrot, onion, turnip (most of vegetables)

(Fruit Type) )
1.Berry:- tomato, chilli, brinjal, potato

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2.Capsule:- okra, sweet potato, beet, turnip, (aonla, cotton, til, jatropa, dathura)
3.Pod:-pea, bean

4.Schizocarp:- carrot
5.Siliqua:- brassica spp.
6.Seed Ball:-beet, turnip

(Inflorescence) )
1.Katkin:- cabbage
2. panicle:- cassava(tapioca), drumstick
3.spikes:- amaranthus, beet, palak(beetleaf)
4.umbel:- onion, garlic, coriander, carrot, funnel, cumine, aniseed (ajwayan)
Important point
Salt tolerance vegetables:-
 Beet, ash gourd, bitter gourd, French bean, cole crops (moderate tolerance)
Acid tolerance vegetables:-
 watermelon, sweet potato, potato, fennel
Very shallow rooted vegetables (15-30 cm soil depth):-
 onion, small radish
Very deep rooted vegetables(120-180 cm soil depth):-
 sweet potato, watermelon, pumpkin, tomato,
Vegetables produce high respiration rate:-
 leafy greens, green onion, cauliflower, muskmelon, watermelon
Vegetables produce low respiration rate:-
 potato, onion
Vegetables which are transplanted:-
 onion, chilli, tomato,brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, celery

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 5.5 - 6.5:- brinjal, cole crops, radish, cucumber, sweet potato
 5.5 - 7.5 :- potato
 6.0 - 7.0 :- chilli, okra, onion, pea, garlic, carrot, cucurbits, palak
 7.0 - 10.0 :- tomato
 8.0 - 10.0 :- beet root, amaranthus
Trap Crops)
main crop trap crop
1- Cabbage Marigold, mustard
2- Cotton Okra, castor
3- Tomato Marigold, tobacco

Spacing of Vegetables )
Spacing( cm2) Vegetables
1. 15 x 10 Onion, garlic
2. 20 x 5 Palak
3. 30 x 5-10 Amaranthus, carrot, pea, French bean
4. 45 x 30 Chilli, onion(by bulb)
5. 45 x 45 Chilli, cole crops
6. 60 x 15-25 Potato
7. 60 x 30 Sweet potato
8. 60 x 45 Tomato, okra
9. 60 x 60 Brinjal
10. 100 x 300 Water melon
11. 150 x 250 Cucumber

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Colour of Flower of Vegetables )

1.brinjal :- Violet, blue 2.chilli:- white 3. Tomato:- yellow
4.pea,onion, drumstick:- white 5.cruciferae:- yellow 6. Cucrbits:- yellow, whites

Short Description of Vegetables)

Vegetable Botanical 2 ble Seed
Family Origin
s name n par rate/ha.
Hybrid nate:-
seed:-100- 20-30
con 2 Frui
1- Tomato solanaceae peru 150 g Indeter
esculentu 4 t
Normal :- minate
425-475 g 100-
2 Frui 150-200 g
2- Brinjal melongen solanaceae India 50-100
4 t Normal:-
400-500 g
1-1-5 Kg
Capsicum 2 Frui
3- Chilli solanaceae Mexico Hybrid/cap 7-10
annum 4 t
250-300 g

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tuberosu 25-35 q/ha
m 4 Tub TPS
4- Potato solanaceae South 25-50
8 er :-100-150 g

5- Abelmom Summer:- Summer
oschus Frui 18-22 Kg :-5-7
Malvaceae Africa 3
esculantu t Kharif:- Kharif:-
s 8-10 Kg 11-13

Water Tropical 2 Frui

6- Citrullus cucurbitaceae 3-5-5 Kg 30-40
melon Africa 2 t

Musk Cucumis 2 Frui

7- Cucurbitaceae Tropical 1-2 Kg 20-25
melon melo 4 t
Cucumis 1 Frui
8- Cucumber Cucurbitaceae India 2-5-3-5 Kg 8-12
sativus 4 ts
Bottle South 2 Frui
9- ia Cucurbitaceae 6-8 Kg 10-15
gourd Africa 2 t
10 Bitter Indo- 2 Frui
ca Cucurbitaceae 4.5-5 Kg 10-15
- gourd burma 2 t
11 Pumpkin Cucurbita Cucurbitaceae Mexico 4 Frui 6-8 Kg 25-40

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- moschata 0 t
12 Spong 2 Frui
cylindrica Cucurbitaceae India 2.5-3-5 Kg 15-20
- gourd 6 t
13 Daucus Afganist 1 Roo 20-30
Carrot Umbeliferae 5-6 Kg
- carota an 8 t Europia
14 Allium Central 1 Bul 12 -15 Kg
Onion Amaryllidacea 25-30
- cepa asia 6 b Kharif:-
10-12 Kg
Alliaceae/ 500 Kg
15 Allium Central 1 Clo
Garlic Amaryllidacea 10-12
- sativum asia 6 ve
Palak /
Beet leaf Beta
16 Chenopodiacea Indo- 1 Lea
vulgaris 25-30 Kg 8-12
- e china 8 ves
Mediterr 25-30
17 Beet Beta Chenopodiacea 1
anean root 7.5-8 Kg
- root/beet vulgaris e 8
Pisum Early:- Early:-
18 sativum Central 1 100 - 120 2.5-3
Pea Leguminoceae der
- var.horte asia 4 mid/late:- Mid/late
ns 80-100 Kg :-

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Brassica Mediterr Early:-
19 Cauliflow Brasssicaceae/c 1 Cur 12-15
oleracea anean 500-600 g
- er ruciferae 8 d Mid/late
var.botryt region Mid/late:-
is 350-400 g
Brassica Early:-
20 oleracea Brasssicaceae/c 1 Hea 400-500 g 35-45
Cabbage anean
- var.capita ruciferae 8 d Hybrid:-
ta 70-80
21 Raphanus 1 15&20
Radish Cruciferae Europe t& 9-12 Kg
- sativum 8 Europia
n:- 5-7
22 Brassica India 2 Roo
Turnip Cruciferae 3-4 Kg 20-25
- rapa ,china 0 t


 B.N. :- Solanum fuberosum

 Family – Solanaceae
 Origin : South America
 Plant part used – Tubers
 2n – 4x = 48 (Autotetraploid)
 Cultivation of potato was beginning first in the Nilgiris hills in the year.
 Potato is dicot plant, flowers are hermaphordite
 Potato is long day plant but cultivated as short day plant
 Leading state > WB>UP in production
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 India share – 13% of total potato world production.
 About 90% of the total area is located in sub-tropical plans.
 Optimum temp. for growth and development – 15o – 25o C
 Temperature below 21oC is favourable for tuber formation
 Optimum temp. for tuberization is 20oC
 Most of the var. donot tuberize when night temp is more than 23oC
 At low temp the vegetative growth of the plan is restricted, that is why :- potato is
grown as a summer crop in hills and as a winter crop in tropical and sub-tropical
regions of the country.
 Long photoperiod promotes haulm growth and delay tuberization & maturity where as
short photoperiod reduces haulm growth but tuber initiation is early and the crop
maturity period reduces.
 For best yield – potato crops needs long day condition during growth and short day
condition during tuberization.
 Excellent potato crop is gown under river-bed system of cultivation in Deesa (District
Banaskantha) in Gujrat.
 Propagation – By tuber
 Seed tubers account for about 40-50% of the total input cost.
 Seed plot technique – for production of healthy seed in N.I Plans.
 Seed plot technique
 Developed by Dr. Pushkarnath in 1967.
 By this technique, produce seed (healthy seed) can be kept in reasonable health for 2-3
 The seed production through seed plot technique not only gave 30-40% enhanced yield
compare to hill seed, but also was free from late blight infected tuber and several other
soil born disease and pest.
 True potato seed (TPS)
 An alternate technology for potato seed production is TPS.

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 By Dr. Ramanujan (founder director of CPRI)
 Seeds free from viral disease
 Storage losses of seed tuber will be eliminated
 Botanically seed of potato is known as TPS, its fruit called berry.
 A single plant of potato can produce 40-50 berries with 200-250 seeds per berry.
 Seedrate – 100-150 g/h
 Use of hill-grown seed
 So, for breaking the tuber dormany, seed tubers are soaked in 1% thiourea + 1 ppm
gibberellic acid solution for 1 hr.
Seed size and spacing
 Medium sized – 25-55 mm or 25-75 g is better
 Ideal tuber size – 35-40 mm or 45-50 g
 Spacing – 60 cm x 15 cm (inter and intra row)
 Seed rate – 25-30 q/h for 30 g seed – 10-15 g/h (optimum)
 In N-W Himalayas – May June
 In Gangetic Plans – Oct Nov
 Earthing-up in plans done 35-40 doys after planting when plant reaches a height of 15-
20 cm
 HPM (Harvesting and postharvest Management)
 Harvesting of potato is done before the temp rise from 30oC. It is completed by end
 Dehaulming in potato is done 10-12 days before harvesting (Jan.) chemical used for
dehaulming - C45o4
 Late blight is most devasting disease in potato
 Maximum area under potato is in Alluvial soil

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 Potato tuber dormancy – 8-10 weeks
 Ridge and furrow – most popular method of planting
 Cyst nematode – southern hills,
 Potato month – warm regions of MH, KN, MP
 Wart disease is confined to the Darjeeling hills of WB
 Potato is unfit for consumption if solain is greater then 20mg/100g
 Contains – 16% protein, rich source of barbohydrate
 It contains 17mg/100g Vit-C and 568 mg/100 g potassium.
 Potato moth tuber is major pest introduced from Italy.
 The international potato centre (CIP) is an autonomous scientific institution of Lima in
Peru, established in 1971.
 In India potato was introduced in 1615 by portugese, resarch on potato started in 1935
at IARI thena CPRI, Kufri.
 Lack of flowering under most of the climatic conditions, sterility of ovalue and pollen,
F1 hybrid sterility and embryo abortion at premature stage are major constrains in
potato breeding.
 HPS 1/13 and HPS 11/13 and HPS 24/111 are the true potato hybrids developed and
commercialized through true potato seed technology.
 Potato flowers are hermaphrodite
 The degradation of starch into sugars at low temp is catalysed by the cnzyme
 Curing can be achieved by subjecting potato tubers at 15-20oC and 85% RH for 5-10
 Best method of storage – cold storage (22-33oC, RH- 75-80%)
 Potato stored at less than 0oC suffer from internal break down known as black heart.
 For long storage, potato tubers stored at 15-20oC

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2. brinjal

 B.N. – Solanum melongena

 Family – Solanaceae
 Origin – India
 Plant part used – Green fruits
 2n = 24
 Also known as Egg plant or Baigan or Aubergine
 Dry fruit contain goiterogenic prineciple
 Bitter taste in brinjal is due to glycoalkaloids (solanie/ solasodine)
 Seed germinate in 12-18 days
 Anthrocyanin pigment present in brinjal
 Heterostyle is common in Brinjal
 Maximum fruit setting takes place in long styled flower (70-80%)
 White colour brinjal good for Diabetic patient
 Offen cross pollinated crops
 Pigmented dark-purple brinjal has more vitamin c than those with white skin
 One gram seeds of brinjal having about 250 seeds
 Climate and soil
 Sasceptible to severe frost
 Mean temp. 20o-30oC
 Seed rate – 200g/ha (Hybrid)
 Transplanted at 3-4 leaves stages (4-5 weeks)
 Foliar application of 1% urea increase the growth and fruit set.
 Yield – Early crop = 25-30 tonnes/h, F1 hybrids = 50-90 t/h
 Four type of flower have been described under brinjal (on the basis of length of style)
 Long styled – Maximum fruit setting (70-80%)

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 Medium styled – fruit setting (12-55%)
 Pseudo short styled &True short styled – due to redimentary ovaries, donot develop
into fruits.
 Fruit set can be increased by :- para – chloropheoxyacetic acid, NAA and 2.4-D
 For earlier and higher fruitset – spraying the whole plant with 2, 4-D solution at 2 ppm
 Three grades – super, fancy, commercial
Storage – 10o-11oC RH = 92oC for 2-3 weeks
Seed production
 For seed production – isolation distance for foundation seed – 200m for certificed seed
– 100m
 Ratooing cropping adopted in brinjal
 Orobanche is serious weed affecting solanaceous crops (used 2,4-D)
 Flowers are pentamerous, hermophordite & solitary, seterostyle is comma
 Induced parthenocarpy, increase fruit se by application of 2, 2-D (2ppm)
 Little leaf of brinjal disease transmitted by leafhopper, which is most serious
disease,causing 40-80% crop damage.
 S. Sisymbrifolium species is resistant to little leaf of brinjal
 S. Khasianum (wild species) – Resistant to shoot and fruit borer, which is serious pest.
 Chance of cross-pollination more in long styled flowers
 Inverted V-shaped interverinal chlorosis :- due to mg
 Fruit is a multiseeded berry
 Dried fruists of brinjal good source of vit-B


 B.N. – Lycoperisicon esculentum

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 Family – Solanaceae
 Origin – Mexico and south america
 Plant part used – Riped fruits
 2n = 2x=24
 Most important and remunerative vegetables crop in India
 Tomato is universally treated as protective food
 Considered as "poor man's orange' in India while 'Love of apply" in England.
 No.1 – Processing vegetables
 Tomato fruit aroma is due to – Sulfonium
 Red colour in tomato due to – Lycopene and it is highest at 21-24oC, production of
lycopene, drops rapidly above 27oC
 Fruit contain 20-50 mg/100g fruit weight lycopene.
 Tomatine is steroidal glycoalkaloid
 One gram tomato seed contain 300 seeds
 Optimum temperature – 15-27oC
 Raising Seeding
 For raising seeding, 250m2 area is required, in rainy season
 Bed size – 7.5 m x 1.2m x 0.1 m
 During summer and rain season, there is very heavy incidence of damping off. (use
10% formaldehyde)
 Seed rate – 400-500g/ha, 125-175 g/h – hybrid seed
 80% of the processing tomatoes are grown by this method
 Training helps in better utilization of light and air
 Followed in inderminate type of tomato (single stem system) which increase number of
fruits and maintain uniform size of fruits and quality of fruits.
 Application of P – promotes root development where as K promotes colour of fruits.
Seed production

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 In northern plains, good quality seed can be obtained from Dec-Mar (harvesting
 For extraction of seeds, fermentation method, alkali treatment, method and acid
treatment method is recommended.
 Seeds can be also extracted with conc. hydrochloric acid D 20ml/kg for 30 minutes
 Seed yield – 100-120 kg/h
 For poor setting of fruit – spray a mixture of 1% urea and 2,4-D at 1 to 2 ppm, when
the first few flower clusters, appear.
 Use male-sterile lines can decrease the cost. e.g. pusa Ruby and Best of all – F1, F1 =
Resistant to root knot, higher yield
Harvesting Stages – Mature green to turning stage : for distant marking, Pink to light red : for
fresh consumption, Red ripe : for seed production.
 Breaker stage (10% lycopene) – suitable for long distance fransport
 Foliar spray of PCPA (20ppm) is very effective in increasing druitset and yield.
 Tomato variety developed by use of biotechnolgy – Flavrsaur (PG gene) involve
 Seed treatment with 2, 4-D & 2-5 ppm gives early fruit set and leads to parthenocorpy.
 Dr. C.M. Rick and G. Kalloo are well known in improvement of tomato.
 Seed germination is inhibited due to presence of caffic acid and ferulic acid
 Lycopersicon chessmanii – Resistant to salt.
 Lycopersicon pennellii – tolerant to drought
 Muller (1940) divided the genus lycosersicon into sub genus
 Buckeye rot disease in tomato – L. pimpinellifolium is resistant source.


 B.N. – Capsicum annuum / C. frutescens
 Family – Salanaceae

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 Origin – Mexico and S. America
 Edible part – Fruit
 2n = 2x=24
 Fruit type – berry
 In northern india, capsicum is commonly known as shimla mirch
 India is a major producer, consumer and exporter of chilli in the world
 A.P. leading state in production
 Rich in Vita (292IU) and vit-C (iiimg/100g) more than tomotoes
 Pungency due to – Capsaicin
 Red colour of chill – capsanthin
 colour and flavour in food – oleoresin
 Dry chilli generally contain about 54% seeds + 40% pericarp + 6% stalks
 Capsaicin – C18 H27 NO3
 Lycopene – C4oHS6
 Chilli and capsicum often cross pollinated crop, cross pollination is a reported upto
 Seed rate – 1.5 kg/h
 Chemical – Copper oxychloride, which control damping off.
 Seeding become ready for transplanting 40-45 DAS (6-7 weeks)
 Use of biofertilizer – Azotobactor – and Azospirillium
 Harvesting – Normally – 2-2.5 tonnes dry chilli and 7.5-10 tonnes of green chilli / h, in
Rainfed = 0.5 – 1.0 t/h dry chilli/h, in irrigated condition – 1.5 – 2.5 t/h
 Seed production – 50-60 kg/h
 Chemical used in processing – Dipsol
 NAA and tricontinol (vipal) is used to control fruit drop
 1 g seed contain – 120-170 seeds

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 B.N. – Abelmoschus esculantus
 Family – Malvaceae
 Origin – T. Africa Ethiopia
 Edible part – fruit
 2n=72, 120, 130, 132, n= 34, 35, 36
 Type of fruit – Capsule
 Okra fruits are excellent source of Iodine, helps in control goitre
 Dr. Harbhanjan singh initiated systemic resarch work on improvement of okra
 The species Abelmoschus monirot is also used as leafy vegetables
 India is largest producer in the world
 Mucilage present in okra fruits is polysaccharides
 The powdered roots of okra is given with sugar for wring of leucorrhoea backache.
 The dry seeds contains 13-22% good edible oil and 20-40% protin.
 Climate and Soil
 Require a long warm and humid growing period
 Sensitive to frost
 Optimum seed germination – 35oC (Fastest germination observed at 35oC)
 Seed fail to germinate below 20oC temp.
 Okra gives 300-500% crop land use efficiency as an intercrop in Cassava and cucurbits
 Longer fruits are used for fresh market
 After onion it accounts 70% of the 30% exchange earlings from export of vegetables
 esceelentus is most closely related to A. tuberculetus follow by a manihot
 YVMV is most serious disease, 1st vector is white fly (Bemisia tabacii)
 Jassid is the most serious pest.
Water Melon
 B.N. – Citrullus lanatus

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 Family – Cucrbitaceae
 Origin – Tropical africa
 Edible part – Fruit
 2n – 22
 Citrullus Vulgaris is the ancestor of cultivated watermelon
 Fruit contain 92% water, 0.2% protein, 0.3% minerals, 7% carbohydrates / 100g
 Cucurbifacine is main bitter substance (Tefracyclic friferpenses)
 Rich source of Potassium (100 mg / 100 g) and Iron (8 gm / 100g)
 Arid region of Rajasthan are best for production of quality fruit
 Pigment present in watermelon – Anthocyanin, +Lycopene
 Monoecious annual
 Germination of seed epigeal
 Require not dry climate
 It cannot withstands frost or very low temperature
 Temp. for optimum plant growth – 28-30oC
 Temp. for seed germination 25-30oC
 Temp for better fruiting 24-27oC
 Seed rate 3-3.5 kg/h for small seeded types, 5 kg / h for large seeded types, 1/3rd for
hybrid i.e. (1-1.5 kg/h)
 Sowing – in N.I. – Late Feb to mid March, in N.E. – Nov – Jan, in S.I. – Dec.-Jan, In
Rajasthan – Aug-Sep.
 Water melon is sown in relay system just before digging of potatoes in late Jan. to early
 Ready for harvesting 90-120 days after sowing (3-4 months)
 TSS range 8-13%
 Metallic sound at the time of harvesting shows immaturity of frutis

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 Heavy dull sound at the time of harvesting show maturity of fruits
 Yellow ting / brown spot where it resets on ground, indicate maturity
 Avg. yield 30-40 t/h (hybrids)
 Arka Jyoti – IIHR x crimson sweet (11-12% TSS) – Mid-season hybrid
 Arka Manik – IIHR-20 x Crimson sweet, 11-12% TSS – Resistant to Multi disease
 Durgapura Kesar – Late maturity – Selection
 Durgapura Meetha – Yellow fleshed var. – Selection
 Pusa Bedana – triplod – Tetra-2 x Pusa Rsal (seedless var.) by Dr. Kihara 1972
 Pusa Rasal – Selection
 Sugar Baby – TSS – 11-13%
Key Points
 2-true leaf stage is the best time for the application of chemical and PGR
 Daria cultivation is followed in cucurbits
 Among cucurbits – Muskmelon – Most suitable for daria cultivation
 B.N. – Cucumis melo
 Origin – Tropical africa / Indo Burma
 2n = 24
 Edible part – fruit
 Known as whole some fruit
 Short day length promotes female flower production
 Monoecious plant
 Maximum no. of fruits with highest TSS is produced between 9th and 12th (bud) nodes
on the main stem
 Optimum temp. for seed germination 27-30oC (Not germinate below 18oC)
 Sensitive to acidic soil
 Seed rate – 2.5 – 3.75 kg/h, for direct method whereas 1kg/h for dibbling method

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 Insitu sowing is practiced in Muskmelon
 Seed depth – 1.5 cm
 For local markets harvesting should be done on full-slip stage
 Hara madhu never reach the full slip stage colour of rind can be taken as the criteria of
 Muskmelon is used in icecream in western countries
Yield 20-25 t/h (hybrid)
 Application of TIBA & 25 ppm applied at two an four leaf stage of plant growth which
induced female flower early and its number whereas silverthiosalphate & 300-400
PPM induced male flower
 Soaking of seeds in ethephon at 480 mg/eit for 24 hr improve germination in
muskmelon at low temp.
 Selection
 Arka Jeet – Excellent flavour and high vit-C, relatively dwarf habit
 Arka Rajhans – Excellent keeping quality, resistant to powdery mildew
 Durgapur Madhu – Suitable for Rajasthan
 Hara Madhu – Late maturing var. 13% TSS
 Pusa Madhuras – Mid season var, 12-14% TSS
 Pusa sharbati – Kutana x Cantaloupes, early var, 11-12% TSS
 Punjab sunheri – Haramadhu x Edisto, 11-12% TSS
 Punjab Rasila – Resistant to powdery miilew, downey mildew
 Hissar Madhu – Pusa Sharbati x 75
 Public Sector Hybrids
 Pusa Rasraj – Developed using Monoecious sex from as female parents, 11-12% TSS

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 Note :- Hara Madhu (Late Var), Pusa madhuras (Mid var) & Remaining var. of
Muskmelon mostly early var.
 B.N. – Cucumis sativas
 Origin – India
 2n – 14
 Edible part – fruit
 Bifferness in fruits is due to cucurbitacines, chemically cucurbitacin is tertracyclic
triferpens having extensive oridation level
 GA3 and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) induce male flower on gynoecious cucumber
 It is a thermophilic and frost susceptible crop
 Optimum temp for growth 18-24oC
 Seed rate 2.5-3.5 kg/h
 White spine colour is indication for edible maturity in slicing cucumber while black in
pickling cucumber.
 In cucumber the yield could be double by using tropical gynoecious F1 hybrids
 Pusa sanyog – F1 hybrids of Japanese Gynoecious line x Green long of Naples
 Varieties
 Japanese long green – A temperate cultivar, extra early fruits mature in 45 days (by
 Poinsett – Resistant to downey mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnol and Angular leaf
spot (Multi disease resistant)
Hybrids – Himangi – Recently recommended, resistant to bronzing poinsett x Kalyanpur
 Phule Subhangi
 Sheetal (Selection) suitable for konkan region
 Pusa sanyog – It has gynoecious female parets – first f1 hybrid of cucumber developed
in India 1973

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 Priya – Released by private sector (hybrid)
Key points
 Bitterness is due to metaxenic effect when bitter pollens fertilize with non-bitter ovules
 Bloating is due to the production of excess CO2 in cucumber
 For long storage 10oC is Ideal
 B.N. – Lagenaria Siceraria
 Origin – South Africa
 Edible part – fruit
 2n = 22
 MH at 400 ppm promptes the female flower production and increase fruits set
 Heterosis is present through its lifecycle in all stages
 Seed rate 6-8 kg/h
 Kofta and petha are most popular preparation from bottle gourd
 Dry shell is used for preparation of musical instrument
 Processed product – tooty fruity
 Samrat – highest yield potential on bower system
 Fruit set can be increased by spraing of plant at the 2 and 4 true leaf stage with ethrel
(100-150 ppm), MH (400 PPM) tridobenzoic acid (50 ppm) born (3-4 ppm) and
calcium (20 ppm)
 Selection
 Pusa summer prolific long (PSPL)
 Pusa Naveen – Suitable for summer as well as rainy season
 Arka Bahar – Without crook neck
 Samrat – Highest yield, good keeping quality good for box packing
 Pusa Meghdoot – 1st F1 hybrid by public sector (PSPL X Selection2)
 Pusa Sandesh – New variety

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 Pusa Mangari – PSPL x Sel-11
 Pusa Supriya – High yielding variety
 Harit
 B.N. – Momordica Charantia
 Origin – Indo-Burma
 2n = 22
 Edible part – Fruit
 Hindi – Karela, Kareli
 Also known as – Bitter cucumber, Balsam pear
 Rich source of Iron, Vit-C, Vit-A (210 IU)
 Bitter principle due to – Monordicin
 Ccucurbiticin – Bitter glucosides in preventing spoilage of cooked
 Vegetables of bitter gourd
 Trained on bower system
 Optimum temp for cultivation – 24-27oC
 Seed rate 5-6 kg / h
 Yield 10-15 t/h
 Moturify pd 60-75 DAS
 Growth regulator – Ethrel @ 25 ppm increase female flowers
 Selection
 Pusa – do – Mausami
 Pusa vishesh – selection from local var.
 Priyaka
 Konkan Tara – Suitable for export, good keeping quality, shelf life 7-8 days
 Phule green gold – Green long x Delhi local
 Pusa hybrid-1

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 Arka Harit – collection from Rajasthan, Arka Anupama
PUMPKIN AND SQUASHES or "Vegetable Marrow"
 Pumpkin – Cucurbita Moschata
 Origin – Mexico, Peru
 2n = 40
 Chappan Kaddu (Summer Squash) Origin Mexico 2n = 40
 Vilayati Kaddu (Winter squash) C Maxima, Origin – Mexico – 2n = 40
 Pumpkin is monoecious annual climber
 Also known as Kashiphal
 Flower of pumpkin are more nutritive than fruit.
 Amphidiploid (2n= 40) in nature (AABB)
 Seed rate 6-8 kg / h
 Maturity pd 110-120 days
 Orissa – 85% area and 90% production
 Yerusseri – Prepared from immatured fruits
 The genomic structure of C. Moschata is AABB indicating an amphidiploid
 Pumpkin is specially known for its low cost of production and long keeping quality.
 Ethrel @ 200-250 ppm increase the female flower production & yield
 Arka Chandan – Pleasant aroma, carotene content (3331 IU/ 100g)
 Arka Surya Mukhi – Resistant to fruit fly
 Pusa viswas
 Pusa Vikas – highly suitable for spring summer season in N.I.
 Also called vegetable marrow or filed pumpkin
 Harvesting stage at 1/3rd maturity
 Pattypan from USA, short duration variety
 Pusa Alankar – Chappan x Early Yellow Prolific

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 Monoecious and annual climber
 May tolerant frost
 Variety
 Arka Suryamukhi
 B.N. Crullus valgaris var. fistulosus
 Origin – India
 Most popular summer vegetable in North India
 The round melon has higher nutritive qualities than most of the other cucurbits
 Maturity period 45-50 days
 Yield – 10 t/h
 Variety – Arka Tinda
 Seed rate – 5-6 Kg/h
 B.N. – Trichosanthus dioca
 Origin – India
 2n = 22
 Fruit – Fusiform 8-12 cm long
 Hindi – Parwal
 Propagation – root cutting
 One of the most nutritive and wholesome vegetables
 Considered as "King of Gourds"
 Commercially propagated by vine cutting @ 2000-2500 cutting / ha
 Pointed gourd is a dioecious, perennial, climing or trailing in habit
 10% male plant is necessary to get high yield
 Bihar Sherif

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 Swarna Rekha
 Swarna Alaukit
 Chhoa Hilli
 Transplaning time of root cutting Feb-Mar.
 B.N. – Luffa acutangula
 Origin – Asia
 2n - 26
 Both spong gourd and ridge gourd contain a gelatinous compound called luffein.
 Used in Bathing sponge
 Commercially trained on Kniffin system
 Pusa Nasdar – Monoecious var.
 Sat putia – Hermaphro dite var.
 Konkan Harita
 Punjab Sadabahar
 Hybrid
 Surekha
 Arka Sujat
 B.N. – Luffa cylindrica
 Origin – Assam
 2n = 26
 Long day promotes femaleness
 Seed rate – 2.5 – 3.5 kg/h
 Pusa Chikni – Selection and early var.
 Pusa supriya

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 Harita – F1 hybrid while Arka Harita = Bitter gourd, Pusa Harit – Palak
 B.N. – Sechium Edule
 Family – Ccucurbitaceae
 Origin – Mexico
 Edible Part – Fruit
 2n=28
 Common name – Chayote, Choco, askas
 Single seeded fruit in Cucurbits
 Most nutritious among cucurbits
 Harbaceous, perennial, monoecious, climbing vine
 High calcium content
 Propagated by fruits (vivipary)
 Chayote is generally raised by planing entire fruits. It can also be propagated by
tuberous roots.
ASH GOURD (Wax Gourd)
 B.N. – Benincasa hispida
 Origin – Java, Japan
 2n = 24
 Fruits at maturity have white waxy surface
 Annuals hipsid (rough with bristle like hairs)
 Longest storage life among cucurbits
 Var – Mudlier, Pusa Ujjwal, Pusa Shakti (White, shakti = Tomato)
 Disappearance of ash wool on the fruit surface is an indication of maturity.
 B.N. – Momordia cochinchinesis
 Edible part – fruit 2n = 28
 Spine gourd is large, dioecious, perennial climber

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 Kakrol leaves of kakrol are also consumed as a leafy vegetables
 Kakrol is rich in protein and Vit-C
 Propagated by tuberous roots and seed
 B.N. – Momordica cochinchensis
 Propagation – Tuberrous root
 Dioelious, perennial plant
Scarlet Gourd : Ivy gourd / kundru / coccinia / tondle / Little gourd
 B.N. – Coccinia grandis / C. India
 Origin – India
 Perennial climbing herb
 Pioecious (c. grandis) pherbs, having tuberous root


 Beet leaf / Common palak / desi palak / Garden beet
 B.N. – Beta Vulgaris var. bengalensis
 Family – Chenopodiaceae
 Origin – Indi-China
 Edible part – Leaves 2n = 18
 Primarily used as pot herb
 Most common leafy vegetables of tropical and sub-tropical regions
 Highly salt tolerant vegetables and can be grown in saline soil
 Vit-A 9.770 Iu,Vit-C – 70mg Protein – 3.4 g
 Seed Rate – 15-20 kg seed / ha.
 Ready for 1st picking 3-4 weeks after sowing
 6-8 Picking can be taken
 Yield 8-12 t/h

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 Seed yield 1-1.5 t/h
Suitable for N.I.
 All green – Selection
 Pusa palak – Swiss chard x Local palak
 Pusa Jyoti – Selection
 Pusa Harit – Sugar beet x Local palak (by hybridisation)
 Pusa Jyoti
 All Green
 Pusa Bharti – Plyploid var
 Punjab Green
 Mutant Var.
 Jobner Green – Suitable for Rajathan
 Ohte Var.
 Ban erjee's giant
Key Points Palak Produces heramaphrodite flowers
 B.N. – Spinacea Oleracea
 Family – Chenopodiaceae
 Origin – Iran
 Edible part – Leaves 2n= 12
 It has very high respiration rate due to presence to large leaf surface area
 Long day plant
 Most important pot herb
 Varieties
 Prickly seeded cultivars – Virginia Savoy
 Khara palak
 Katui Palak

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 B.N. – Phaseolus lunatus
 Origin – Guate mala
 Edible part – POD
 Known as – Double bean / butter bean
 It is used to prepare wine
 Varieties
 King of Garden
 Florida Butter
 Baby potato
 Handerson Bush
 B.N. – Vicia Faba
 Also known as – Faba bean / Horse bean
 Cool/ Season crop
 Bean is known as Favism
 Red Epicure (long pod type)
 Pusa summet

 B.N. – Psophocarpus tefragonolo bus
 Origin – Africa 2n = 18
 Edible part – Pod seed
 Also known as Four angled bean or Goabean veg of 20th century
 B.N. – Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
 Family – Cruciferae / Brassica ceae
 Origin – East mediterranean region (syria)

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 Edible part – Curd
 2n = 2 x = 18
 Cauliflower has descended through mutation and selection from a common ancestor,
the wild cabbage – Brassica oleracea C. Var sylvestris
 Thermosensitive crop
 It was introduced in India in 1822 by Dr. Jenson from London (In saharanpur)
 The name cauliflower has originated from the Latin words
 Cauliflower, cabbage, kale and broccoli are all closely related and have originaged
from wild cabbage known as "Colewots"
 The optimum temp. for growth of young plants is around 23oC and 17o-20o in the later
stages. (curd initiation)
 Hot water treatment at 50oC for 30 minutes – To control seed bore disease.
Maturity Time of seed rate Ready for Transplanting spacing Yield t/h
type seed (g) transplanting time (cm2)
sowing (in weeks)
Early mid may 450-700 g 5-6 weeks early July to 60cm x 6-10
to end Aug. 30cm
Mid July - 300-500 g 3-4 weeks Sep to Oct 60 cm x 25-30
Aug 40 cm
Late Mid Sep 300-500 g 3-4 weeks 1 week of 60 cm x 25-30
to end Oct Nov 40 cm

 Most of the late types commonly known as snowball type have self blanched habit.
 Scooping – Removed of central portion of curd for easier initiation of flower stalk in

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 Blanching is a mtehod to protect curd from attaining yellow colour after their direct
exposure to sun and to arrest enzymatic activity.
 Bowflies are effective pollinator
Seed production
 The seeds of early and mid season varieties are produced in the plains of N.I.
 Late varieties of cavli flower is now only possible in the kulu valley parts of the
Kashmir valley, H.P. and Nilgiris hills
 Seed yield – 2.5 – 4.0 a/h

 B.N. – Brassica oleracea var. capitata
 Family – Cruciferae
 Origin – Mediterranean region and western europe
 Edible part – Head
 Fruit type – Siliqua
 Cabbage covers 4.3% of total area under vegetable
 W.B. is leading state in production
 It has anticancer property due to presence of Indole-3-carbinol
 Round head var. mature earliest followed by conical varieties.
 Wild cabbage – B. Oleracea var. sylvestris
 Savoy cabbage – B. Oleracea var. Sabuda
 Red cabbage – B. Oleracea var rubra
 It was introduced in India from Western Europe
 Cabbage contain goitrogens, which enlarge of thyroid glands
 Optimum seed germination temp – 12.8 – 15.6oC
 The growth in most of the cabbage var. is arrested when temp.
 Harvesting period – Dec. to Apirl

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 Sauerkraut – Value added product prepared from white cabbage, It is used to cure
 Seed production
 Yield – 5-6.5 q/h
 Only possible in the Kashmir valley, H.P. and other hills regions
 Round head or ball head types (early variety)
 Golden Acre : (selection) from copenhagen market
 Pride of India – By selection
 Pusa mukta – Hybrid
 Copenhagen market – Most of the hybrids belongs to this group
 Mammoth Rock Red
 Express
 Flat head or Drumhead types
 Pusa Drumhead (Hybrid)
 Conical head type (Mid season) – Jersey, wake field
 Savoy type – Chieftain
 Cabbage produces seeds in the temperate region onl
 The flower of cabbage are protogynous
 Cabbage seeding are transplanted at 4-6 true leaf stage
 Cabbage head is modification of leaves

 B.N. – Brassica oleracea var italica
 Family – Cruciferae
 Origin – Italy
 Edible part – head

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 2n = 2x = 18
 Fruit type – Siliqua
 It has about 130 times more vitamin – A contents than cavlidlower and 22 times more
than cabbage
 Optimum temp – 20o – 25o C
 Seed rate – 400-500 g/h
 Palam samridhi – Mainly for subtropical condition
 Greenbud
 Green mountain
 Green head
 Pusa KTS-1
 Decicco
 Sparten early
 Italian Green or Calabrese – Most popular variety

 B.N. – Brassica Oleracea var gemmifera
 Family – Cruciferea
 Origin – Belgium
 Edible parts – Buds
 2n = 18
 The edible part is swollen axillary bud known as sprouts or buttons or mini cabbage

 B.N. – Brassica oleracea var gongylodes
 Origin – Mediterranean region
 Family – Cruciferae

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 Origin – Mediterranean region
 Edible part – Swollen stem (knob)
 2n – 18
 Seed rate – 1kg/ ha
 Brussels sprout and knol – khol are typically biennial crop, while Broccoli comprises
of both annual as well as biennial.

 B oleracea var. acephala
 Family – Cruciferae/ Brassicaceae
 Origin – Mediterranean region
 Edible part – leaves and shoot
 2n = 18
 Minor cole crop
 Kale is hardiest crop and can withstand low temperature and propagated by seed.
 Karamsag is mostly grown is J & K.
 B.N. – Allium cepa
 Family – Alliaceae (Amaryllidaceae)
 Origin – Central Asia
 Edible parts – Bulbs (modified stem)
 India is rank IInd in area and production after china.
 Rich source of vitamin B, and richest source of vanadium
 Onion accounts for 77% of total foreign exchange earning among fresh vegetables
 Pungency due to = Allyl-propyl disulfide
 Contain an enzyme called – allinase
 The antifungal factor in dnim is phenolic compound knwon as catechol

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 The colour of the outer skin of onion bulb is due to quercetin
 Climate & soil
 Ideal temperature – 12.8oC – 21oC (before bulbing) and 15.5o-25oC for bulb
development, about 20o – 25oC temp is optimum for seed germ.
 pH = 5.8 – 6.5
 Bolting problem – below 15oC temp
 Planting Methods
Season Sowing time spacing Seed rate kg/h Ready for
Rabi Mid Oct to end 4-5 cm 10-12 8-9 weeks
Kharif Aug-Sept 4-7 cm 12-15 6-7 weeks

Planting by bulbs
 This is practised to meet the demand of green onion for slad in early winter
 Bulbs are dipped in 15cm on the side of 45cm wide ridges or in begs
 Seed rate = 705 kg medium sized bulbs / ha
Direct Sowing
 By broadcasting or drilling of seeds directly in the field
 Seed rate – 25kg/h
 Seeding 6-8 weeks old, may be thinned
Planting by sets – seed rate 5-8 kg for raise enough number of sets in 200m2 area.
MH (pre-harvest foliage sprays) may be helpful in controlling the sprouting of onions in
 Dehydration ratio – 10:1
 Largest cultivared onion var :- orange and yellow
 Temperature is more important than day length in seed production.

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 Daylength more important than temp. for bulb production
 Lassalyoan in MH is the biggest onion market in India
 Seifing and massing is a method of improvement in onion suggested by Jones and
Mann in 1963.
 B.N. = Allium sativum
 Family = Alliaceae (Amaryllidaceae)
 Origin = Central Asia and Mediferranean region
 Edible part = Cloves
 2n = 16
 Remarks = Sexually sterile, diplo bulbs divided into cloves
 China rank 1st in area and production
 India rank IInd in area IIIrd in production
 True garlic odour – due to Diallyl disulphide
 Allicin is the antibacterial substances of garlic and has the typical odour of fresh garlic
 In India mostly short-day type var. are grown
 In Aarveda garlic is considered as 'Nector of Life".
 Frost hardy requiring cool and moist period
 Tissue culture tech. also involves in healthy garlic bulbs production.
 Seed rate = 500 kg of 8-10 mm diameter cloves / hectare
 The bulbs mature 130-180 days after planting
 Yield of bulbs 10-20 t/h
 About 25-50% losses takes place if garlic is not stored
 Curing is necessary
 Packed in open mesh jute bags
 Cloves sprout quickly at temp. near 4.4oC
 Storage life of garlic is prolonged and loss in wt is reduced by spraying 3000 ppm MH
on the crop before harvesting

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Small cloved var – Godavari
 Pusa sel 10
 Agrifound white (G-41) – T.SS = 41% for commercial cultivation
 Yamuna safed-K (G-1) -> 38-40% TSS for commercial cultivation
Big size clove
 G282 – earliest maturing, grown in southern hills and northern plains
 Agrifound parvati – 10ng day types, grown in Northern hills
 Conger the day length given to var. higher yield.
 Borax D 10kg/h increase bulb size and yield
 B.N. – Raphanus satirus
 Family – Brassicaceae / Cruciferae
 Origin – Europe
 Edible part – Tender root & leaves
 2n = 18
 Modified form of root – Fusiform
 The edible portion of radish root develops from both primary root and the hypocotyl.
 Cultivated radish is originated from Raphanus rophanistrum
 Rat-tail radish – R. Satirus var. caudatus, pods are used as vegetables
 Pungency due to Isothicynates (fran-u-methyl-thio buteny) iso thiocyanale)
 Pink colour in radish – Anthocyanin
 Pungency of radish increase with maturity.
Climate and Soil
 Asiatic var. can tolerant higher temp. than european type
 Optimum temp. 10-15oC
 Max-root growth occurs initially at – 20-30oC
 Low temp. and long photoperiod influence flowering in radish.

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 Best quality of roots are produced in Nov to Dec sowing
 Seed rate 9.5-11 kg/ h
Seed production
 Temperature winter var. requires 10w temp (0-4oC) for period of 40-60 days to induce
bolting and flowering
 Sowing of seed in Sep.
 Isolation dist of foundation seed & credified seed is 1600 m and 1000 m
 Avg seed yield of European var 570-780 kg / h or 6-8 q/h
 Tropical var. can produce seed both in tropical and temperate region of India
 European type : Maturity period – 25-30 days, Yield – 5-7 t/h
 Asiatic type : Maturity period – 45-60 days, Yield 15-20 t/h
Asiatic varieties –
 Pusa chetki – sowing time (march to august), Suitable for growing in hoffer months
 Pusa Desi
 Pusa Rashmi
 Arka Nishant – Highly resistant to white rust. Resistant to pithiness, pre-mature bolting
and root branching by mass selection
 Japanese white
 Punjab safed
 European varieties (Biennial in nature)
 Rapid Red, White tipped (Globe shaped) Earliest maturing var., Ideal for pot culture
 Scarlet Glove – Round shape with white flesh
 White Icicle
 Pusa Himani – Grow throughout the year sowing Dec to Fec.
 Hybrid Varieties
 Pusa Himani – Raddish Black x Japanese white

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 Pusa Safed – White 5x x japanese white
 Pusa Rashmi – Green type x Desi type
 B.N. – Daucus carota
 Family – Umbeliferae
 Origin – Afganistan
 Edible part – Root
 2n – 2x = 18
 Carrot is an annual herb for root production and biennial for flowing and fruit set
 Tropical types are annual where as temperate types are biennial
 Asiatic type – High yielder but poor in quality and carotene and rich in anthocyanin,
core distinct
 European type – Orange colour, rich in carotene, stumb and blunting core.
 Richest source of vitamin-A
 The highest accumulation of corotene occur in older cell of the phloem.
 Ornage colour in carrot is due to – Carotene
 The carotene content in carrot is more affected by stage of maturity and fertilization.
 B. Carotene is responsible for most of the biological and medicinal properties of
 Kangi – Beverage is prepared from block carrot, considered to be a good appelizer.
 Flower – protandrous in dlorescence – compound umbel
 Isolation distance – Foundation seeds – 1000 m, Certified seeds – 800 m
 Climate and soil
 For better growth optimum temperature is 18.3 to 23.9o C
 Best temp. for roof colour development is 15.6 – 21.1o C
 Sowing
 The seed is sown on shallow ridge 30-45 cm apart

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Type Sowing time Spacing in Seed rate seed depth Yield
in NI cm
Asiatic or Aug to early 45 x 30-45 5-6 kg 1.5 cm 25-30 t/h
Tropical Oct
Temperature Oct-Dec 30x30-45 4-5 kg 10-15 t/h

 Tropical or Asiatic types
 Pusa Kesar – Suitable for early sowing (selection)
 Pusa Meghali – Highest Vit-A (11,571 mg carotene/100 g fresh wt.)
 Temperate or European types
 Chantenay – Suitable for processing and storage (canning)
 Early Nantes – From France
 Nantes Half long – For canning
 Pusa Yamdagini
 Imperator – Mid to late maturing
 Zeno – Suitable for Nillgiri hills, introduced from Germany. developed at Ooty
 Pusa Kesar – Local Red x Nantes Half long
 Pusa Meghali – Pusa kesar x Nantes
Notes :-
 Hissar Garlic – Selection
 Autumn King – Suitable for canning
 Danvers – Suitable for both fresh market & processing.
Key Points
 Temperates type from roots both under temperate and tropical climate but seed setting
only in temperate climate.

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 For seed production of carrot minimum temp. of 5-8oC for 40-60 days
 The taste of carrots is mainly due to the presence of glutamic acid
 Caffeic acid is predominant phenolic acid in carrot
 Male sterility in carrot is of both genic & cytoplasmic types
 Heavy feeder of potash
 B.N. – Beta Vulgaris
 Family – Chenopodiaceae
 Origin – Mediterranean region
 Edible part – Root
 2n = 18
 Beet plants are very sensitive to low temperature and high acidity
 pH = 8-10 (grown in saline and alkaline soils)
 Rich source of folic acid, essential for pregnant women to reduce risk of spina bifida
 1 gm of sed ball counts about 50 seeds
 Thinning is compulsory
 Inflorescence – spike , normally develops in the second year
 Isolation distance for foundation seed – 1600 m, for certified seed – 1000 m
 Fruits are botanically – Capsule
 Seed balls (fruits) contain many seeds (2-6)
 The calyx continues to grow after flowing become corky and covers seed completely
 Seed viability – 5-6 yr.
 Most productive at 20-22oC temperature
 Temp above 26oC can makes roots tough and lower sugar content
 Seed rate – 7.5-8 kg/h
 Detroit Dark Red – globular to oval group
 Crimson globe – globular to oval group

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Key points
 Beet root requires vernalization (low temp treatement) for 2 weks at 4-10oC for flower
bud initiation.
 Seed is produced above 1200 m in India. Each fruit contain 2-6 seeds, that is why
thinning is essential in beet because of each place 2-3 seeds germinate.
 B.N. – Brassica rapa
 Family – Cruciferare
 Origin – China, India
 Edible part – Root
 2n – 2x = 20
 Modified form of root – Napiform
 Nacl and CO2 is used to overcome self incompatibility
 Best temp – 18-23o for root development
 Best temp below 10oC for seed production
 Seed viability 5-6 yrs.
 Seed rate 3-4 kg
 Yield 30-40 t/h
 Pusa Kanchan – Hybrid, posses good flavour & taste
 Pusa Swati – White colour, very early
 Punjab safed – pusa safed – hybrid of Raddiesh
 Golden Bold
 Pusa Swarnima (hybrid)
 Pusa Chandrima

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(Physiological Disorders of Vegetables) )

Vegetables Name of Disorder Cause /control/important point

1.Fruit Cracking  boron deficiency
1. Blossom end
 Calcium deficiency & high temperature
rot (BER)
 Low /high temp. & lack of fertilization
 Pocket like structure
1.Tomato 4.Cat face  Unfavorable climate at growing period
5. blotchy ripening  Kotash deficiency
6.sun scald  More than 400C temp.
7.waxy blister

8.golden flake
 Lack of oxygen in storage
1.Black Heart  Control:- stored ay 10-150C temp. and better

2.Potato  Excess nitrogen

2.Hollow Stem  Most common in large size potato
 Control:-reduce spacing & use appropriate
nitrogen dose.
3.Greening  High light intensity

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 Accumulation of solanine
 Control:- earthing up
4.chilling injury  Low temperature (less than 10 0C)
 Temp 0 0C /less than , it cause more harm than
5.freezing injury
chilling injury
6.internal brown spot  Lack of moisture
3.Cauliflower 1.Ricyness  Valvetty structure on curd
 Nitrogen deficiency
 Formation of small type of curd
 Frost and insect
3.Blindness  No terminal buds
 No formation of curd
 Excess use of nitrogen
4.Hollow Stem
 Boron deficiency
5.Chlorosis  Mg deficiency
6.Browning  B deficiency
 Mo deficiency
 More prone in acidic soil
 Accumulation of anthocyanin due to high light

Fuzz like structure on curd

10.Leafyness -
 Pre mature initiation of flower stalk
2.Tip burn  -

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 Delay harvesting
2.Bitterness  High ethylene accumulation
3.Splitting  B deficiency and excess nitrogen
4. Forking  Hard soil pan & partial decomposed FYM

 Calcium deficiency
5.cavity spot
 Early sowing
 Temp below 150C
6.Onion 2.Splitting 
 Control:- application of malic hydrazide
@2500-3000 ppm
1. BER  High temperature
8.cucumber 1. pillow  Calcium deficiency
1. BER  Lack of moisture
9. Chilli 2. flower drop Control:- by NAA
3.Frog Eye Spot
1.Blossom drop Unfavorable climate
1.internal brown spot  Boron deficiency
 More common in turnip
root/turnip 2.Brown Heart
 B deficiency

(Important Diseases of Vegetables) )

Disease name Causal agent Important point

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1.(Early Blight) &
Phytopthora  Most serious disease
2. (Late Blight)
infestance  Cause Ireland famine in 1845
Synchritium  Mainly prone to Darjeeling region
3.(Wart) endobioticum (WB) scrub Fungus Resistant var. – kufri kuber
5. golden
nematode Nematode  Severe in Darjeeling region
6.Witch Broom MLO’S
7. soft rot
8. faint/latent Vector:- aphid
PV-X & S
mosaic Alkaline soil –favourable
 Curling of leaf, application of CCC
1.Leaf Curl Virus  Vector:-white fly
 Rainy season is more favourable
2.(Tomato) 2.fern mosaic Virus  Vector:-white fly
 Vector:- thrips
3.spotted wilt Virus

4.blight Bacteria  Control:-streptomycin 0.1 g/lit

 Most serious disease
1.Little Leaf MLO’s  Vector:- leaf hopper
 Resistant var- Arka sheel, manjarigota
2. phomopsis  Resistant var- pant samrat, pusa
blight anupam ,pusa bhairav,
3. Wilt Bacteria

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4.Chilli 1.Leaf Curl Virus  Vectors:- Thrips, White fly

2.Mosaic Virus Transmitted by:- aphids

3.damping off Fungus
4. antracnose Fungus
 Resistant var- Pusa Sawani, Parvani
1.yellow vein Virus
Kranti, Arka Abhay, Arka
mosaic virus Vector:-white
(Y.V.M.) fly
 Most serious disease

5- Okra Meloidogyne
2. Root-knot
spp  Formation of root-knot galls
3.Leaf spot Fungus
4. enation leaf
Virus Vector:- white fly
1.Black Rot Bacteria v-shape chlorosis on leaf margin leg/dry
6. cole Fungus Transmitted by- seed
Albugo  Control;-bordeaux mixture
3.White Rust
candida  Most severe in acidic soil
7. onion Alternaria  favourable temp for disease spread-
1.Purple Blotch
& garlic porii (28-30 0C)
Aspergillus mould Storage disease
8. 1. powdery
Fungus  serious disease
cucurbits mildew (PM)

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Virus Most common in cucumber
 most serious disease of water melon
3.Bud Necrosis Virus
 vector:-aphids/seed
1. powdery
9. pea Fungus
1.mosaic Aphids  vectors:-aphids

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(Post Harvest Management) )

 In indidia, post harvest losses in fruit and vegetables are very high (avg.30%) due to
1.mechanical losses:- bruising, cracking, cuts.
2. microbial losses:- by fungi and bacteria
36% vegetables decay due to soft rot bacteria (erwinia crotovera)
30 % fruits decay due to fungus (penicillium spp.)
3. physiological losses:- change in respiration,transpiration, pigments, organic acid,
Maximum post harvest losses:-
in fruits:- papaya , mandarin
in vegetables:- cauliflower, tomato

cause of losses

(pre-harvest) (post - harvest)

1. Variety 1. (curing) :- removal of moisture

2. Cultural practices 2. (degreening) :- degradation of green pigments
3.maturity indices 3. (Pre-cooling):- loss of heat
4. (Hydro-cooling):- heat loss by water
For green vegetables at 12-15 0C
5.washing and drying
6. (waxing) 7. (ripening)
8.packaging 9.transportation
10. storage 11. (radiation)

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Post harvest factors :-
1.curing :-
 removal of moisture by exposing the product to particular temperature or humidity
 Artificial curing temp.for:- onion (40oC), Sweet potato (33oC), Potato (13-16oC)
 Maximum curing temp. at field is 37.8oC for 3-5 days.
 Eg:- onion, garlic, sweet potato, potato, colocasia etc
 degradation of green pigments by appling ethylene and its derivatives.
 Best degreening temp.-27oC, RH-85-90%
 Ethylene concentration 20 ppm should be apply for degreening
 Eg:- banana, citrus( sweet orange, mandarin), mango, tomato etc.
 Rapidremoval of heat from freshly harvested fruits and vegetables, by conduction
 Water cooling (hydro-cooling) is used for leafy vegetables
4.waxing :-
 It is a process of covering of frits & vegetables with artificial waxing material like
edible wax(paraffins)
 Brand name for wax:- tal-prolong, semper-fresh, frutox, waxol, nipro fresh, deco
luster etc
 Two type of wax emulsion:- wax-O(gloss to fruits & vegetables) & wax-W
 Fruitox :- fungicide with wax-o (0.3%) & Tal-prolong (1-1.5%) reduced ripening in
 Waxing increase shelf-life of fruits & vegetables by reducing respiration rate and
 Eg:-citrus, apple,grapes, cassava, tomato, brinjal, etc

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Ripening is a process in which following change takes place:-
Unripe fruit (content) Enzyme Ripe fruit
Chlorophyll (green) Hydrolase Anthocyanine/carotene
Acidic (sour taste) Kinase Neutral
Starch Amylase Sugar
Pectine (hard) Pectinase Less pectin (soft)
Large organics Hydrolase aromatic

 ethylene is gaseous hydrocarbon where as ethephone is liquid

 Ethephone commercially known as ethrel or CEPA is used as ripening
 CaC2 (calcium carbide) can also be used as ripening (100g for 100 kg of fruits) eg:-
 Purafil (KMnO4) is ethylene absorbant.
6. packing:-
 Potato, onion,carrot, radish packed in gunny bags
 Apple, stone fruits, citrus, sapota, litchi, guava packed in wooden box :-
 for storage two factor is important- (1). low temp. (2) high humidity (>90%)
 onion& garlic required low relative humidity (70%)
(Storage) )
Storage Life
Fruits name Temp.
1- Banana 12-13 0C 1-2
2- Pineapple, jackfruit 11-13 0C 6 (pineapple)
3- Bael,papaya, guava 9-10 0C
4- Mango 8-9 0C

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5- Mandarin, sweet orange 6-8 0C
6- Sapota 3-4 0C
Grapes, litchi,
7- pomegranate, 0-1 0C
Apple, pear, peach, plum

Vegetables name Temperature Storage life (in week)

34 (potato), 13-20
1- Potato, sweet potato 10 - 13 0C
(sweet potato)
2- Brinjal 10 - 11 0C 2-3
3- Cucumber 10 - 12 0C 2
4- Ripe tomato, green chilli 7 - 8 0C 1
Cole crop, garlic, onion, carrot, radish,
5- turnip, pea (trick:-edible part other 0 0C
than fruit, except pea)

Method of storage :-
1.evaporative cool storage:-
 Simple and effective method for short term storage at farm level energy cool chamber:-
 Developed at IARI, New Delhi
 Developed by:-susanta K.Roy
 Based on principal of direct evaporating cooling, developed for short term storage
 In summer when outside temp. is 44oC, inside chamber temp. not beyond 28oC, RH-
3.Controlled atmosphere storage:-
 Maintain an artificial atmosphere in storage rooms which have a higher conc.of CO2
and lower conc. of O2 than normal atmosphere.
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 It reduced the rate of
4.hypobaric storage:-
 also known reduced atmospheric pressure/low pressure storage/vaccume storage
 Principle:- removal of ethylene gas from the storage atmosphere and lowering the
partial pressure O2.
 Slow ripening storage method
 Low pressure of O2 (102 mm of Hg)
 Highly perishable fruits (high rate of decay):-phalsa, banana,strawberry, mango,
 Highly perishable vegetables:- palak,ripe tomato, cauliflower,cabbage, watermelon
 Irradiation(𝛾 − 𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠) used in preventing sprouting in onion/potato
(Maturity Stages) )
Maturity indices Fruits/ vegetables name
1- (Acidity) Citrus, pineapple
2- (Heat Unit) Datepalm
3- (Netting) Musk melon
(Full Slip & Half Slip)
4- Musk melon

5- Water melon
(Metallic sound)
6- (Solidity) Cabbage
7- Tapka stage Mango
8- T- stage Apple
9- D - leaf Pineapple
10- Bent neck Onion
Disappearance of finger
11- Banana
12- (Sugar) :- TSS

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i. 18 - 22 B Grapes (thampson seedless)
ii. 12 - 14 0B Mandarin
iii. 12 0B Sweet orange

iv. 11.5 0B Papaya

v. 12 - 14 0B Pineapple (Shape:-Flattening of eyes)
vi. 20 0B Mango (shape:-fullness of cheeks)
vii. 12.5 0B Pomegranate
viii. 8 - 10 0B Guava
13. Starch index Apple , pear, banana
14. Tapping Water melon, jack fruit
15. Flattening of tubercles Litchi
Mango :- 1-1.02
16. Specific gravity Guava:- 1.0
Pineapple:- 0.98-1.02

(Preservation Methods of Fruits & Vegetables) )

 Central Food Technology Research Institute, (CFTRI) established in 1950, mysore

 FPO :- Food Product Order, Edtablished in 1955

(Preservation Methods of Fruits & Vegetables)

Temporary method Permanent method

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1.(Asepsis) (with heat) (without heat)

2. refrigerator1. (sterilization) 1.Chemical method
3- pasturisation2. (canning& bottling) i. KMS (K2S2O5)
4- exclusion of moisture 3. (processing) ii. Sodium Benzoate
4- by sugar (65 – 70 %) 2. By CO2
5 .exclusion of air 5- by drying 3.By fermentation
i. Sun drying 4. Radiation
ii. Dehydrogen

 Acetic acid in vinegar:- 4 – 6 %, where as food material contain vinegar :- 2 – 3 %

Permanent method of preservation:-

1- by chemical compound
i. kotassium meta bidulphite (KMS) :-
 Release SO2 gas, in the presence of acidic medium and also acts as antimicrobial
agents (mainly for bacteria & mould)
 It acts as bleaching agents
 Use only for colourless fruits
 It is used to preserve most of juice,squash,cordials etc
 According to FPO, its concentration is 350 - 700 PPM (0.06 – 0.1 %)
ii. (Sodium Benzoate) :-
 Salt of benzoic acid
 It prevent yeast growth
 Donot act as bleaching agent(i.e not bleach the anthocyanin pigments)
 It use for coloured fruits (eg- tomato product, phalsa, jamun, pomegranate, etc)
 According to FPO, its concentration is 700 - 1000 PPM (0.1 %)

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iii. acetic acid:-
 Act as poisonous for micro-organism
 Acetic acid present in vinegar : 4 - 6 %
 About 2 % acetic acid is enough to prevent the spoilage of the products.
 This method used for preservation of pickle, sauce and katchep
iv. by CO2
 eg. Pepsi, cococola, thump up
3. (Fermentation) :-
 metabolic process that produce chemical change in organic substance through the
action of enzyme and microbes.
 Discovered by:- cruick Shank & Pasteur
 Much similar to anaerobic respiration
 Buchner discovered the enzyme zymase
 Enzyme and microbes are essential for fermentation
 Energy release in the form of heat
 Process takes palace out of the cell
 C6H12O6microbes, enzyme C2H5OH + heat

i. alcoholic fermentation
 C6H12O6Yeast/zymase C2H5OH (alcohol) + heat

 Eg. :- Grape Wine, cider (from apple)

ii. acetic acid fermentation
 Microbes:- acetobactor aceti
 Eg. :- Vinegar
iii. lactic acid fermentation

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 Microbes :- lactobacillus plantarum (lactic acid forming bacteria) involves in
pickles,(cucumber, lemon, mango), sauerkrates (cabbage product), & kangi (from black
 Eg. :- formation of curd from milk ,
 NaCl is also used in lactic acid fermentation
iv. butyric acid fermentation:-
eg:- Retting of Fibers, Tanning of leather, Curing of tea, processing of tobacco

3. By Salt :-
 Concentration:- 15 - 20 %
 By causing high osmotic pressure, resulting plasmolysis of microbial cells(exo-
 It is natural preservative compound.
 Eg:- pickle , chutney
4.Drying& Dehydration:-
 One of the most ancient method of food preservation
 Safe drying temp:- below 10oC
5. By Sugar:-
 Concentration:- >65-70 %
 By causing high osmotic pressure, resulting plasmolysis of microbial cells (exo-
 It is also natural preservative compound
 Eg:- jam, jelly, preserve, candy etc
(Preserved Products) )

1. jelly½
 Jelly is semisolid product obtained from fruit juice with sugar & acid.
 It contain;-

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 o
TSS- 65 B
 pH :- 3.2
 Fruit juice:- 45 %
 Acidity:-0.5 -0.7 %
 Pectin :- 1%
 Judging of end point temo:-105oC
 Best fruit:- guava, caronda, plum

Addition of citic acid:-2g/kg fruit

Pectin test:-
1.Jelmeter test: jelmeter performed best at 21-38oC
2.Alcohal test
3.sheet test
Problem related with jelly formation:-
1.failure in jelly setting :- due to low pectin conc.
High sugar %
2.crystalized jelly:-due to excess sugar
3.cloudy jelly:-due to over cooking
4. weeping jelly:- due to excess acid, sour in taste
Preparation technique:-
Ripe fruit-peeling-addition of sugar water-addition of citric acid- judging of end point
temp/TSS/Sheet test- filling—cooling--- waxing—capping—storage--

It is a product obtained by cooking fruit pulp
 TSS- 68oB
 pH :- 3.0
 Fruit juice:- 45 %

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 Acidity:-0.5 -0.6 %
 Judging of end point temo:-105oC
 Best fruit:- apple,, mango, papaya
Marmalade:- ( like jelly )
 TSS- 65oB
 pH :- 3.2
 Fruit juice:- 45 %
 Acidity:-0.5 -0.7 %
 Pectin :- > than 1%
 Judging of end point temo:-105oC
 Best fruit:- citrus

Sugar concentration:- 68-70% TSS:- 700B
Suitable fruits:-aonla, asg gourd, fruit pulp%:- 55
Candy:- TSS- 750B

(Summary) )

mRikn Fruit juice % TSS Acidity (%)

1- Readt-to-serve 10 10 0.3
2- squash 25 40 - 50 -
3- Syrupe 25 65 1.3
4- Jelly 45 65 0.5 – 0.7
5- Jam 45 68 0.5 – 0.6
6- Preserve 55 70 -
7- Tomato Sauce - 30 -

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8- Tomato ketchup - 25 - 28 -
9- Fruit sauce (other than tomato) - 15 1.2

 For coloured fruit preservation :- used sodium benzoate (700 - 1000 ppm)
 For colourless fruit preservation:-used (KMS) – (350 - 700 ppm)
Dehydration used for:- onion, okra
Optimum temp.for yeasr growth:-25-28oC

Ø- la- Microbes pH (Range of Growth)

1. Bacteria 4 - 7.5
2. Mould 1.6 - 8.5
3. Yeast 2.5 - 3.5

Fruits/vegetables productn
Product Fruits/vegetables Product Fruits/vegetables
1- Jelly Guava 12- Tooty-fruity Bootle gourd
2- Jam Apple 13- Preserve Aonla, ash gourd
3- Marmelds Citrus 14- Vinegar Jamun, grapes
4- Kanji Carrot 15- Prunes Plum
5- Vodka Potato 16- Yerusseri Pumpkin
6- Toddy Coconut 17- Rasin Grapes
7- Cider Apple 18- Sauce Tomato
8- Wine Grapes 19- Sauerkraut Cabbage
9- Rum Molasses 20- Chuhara Date
10- Beer,whisky Barley 21- Chips Potato, banana
11- Gulkand Rose 22- Malt vinegar Barley

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12- Fenni Cashewnut 23- Cordials Citrus

(Canning) )
 father of canninng:- Nicolas Appert
 term appertizing in stead of canning
 canning is a method of preserving food in which the food contents are processed and
sealed in an air tight container
 for tin container:-used canning term where as for glass :-used bottling
step used for canning:-
1. Selection of fruits and vegetables
2. Washing :- with cold and hot water depemding upon nature
3. Pelling:- (a.)by machine:- double simmer
( b) lye peeling:- by caustic soda (1-2 % caustic soda +boiling water for 1-2
Quickest method of peeling.
Eg;- potato, sweet potato, orange, sweet orange
(c)Flame peeling:- used for onion and garlic
4. Blanching :-
 Subjected vegetables /fruits to boiling water treatment for 2-5 minutes
 Remove micro-organism
 Inactivates enzyme which is responsible for discoloration,softening, and loss of
nutrient value
 Removes saponin in pea ,yhus increase sweetness
 Remove astringent taste of peel and thus improve flavour
5.can filling:-
 Vacant space in cane from top :- ½ - ¾ inch

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 Syrup (solution of sugar with water):- it is used for fruits canning ,
 Sugar conc.measured by:- brix hydrometer
 Some amount of ascorbic acid and citric acid added in syrup by which increases
aroma and nutritive value of product
 Brine(solution of salt with water):- it is used for vegetable canning ( used 2% NaCl )
 Salt conc. measured by:- salometer/brine hydrometer
5. Exhausting:-
 exclusion of air from filling cane------
 After that container dipped in hot water, whose temp. should be approx. 82-100oC
 Product/Can filled material temp.should be :-79-80oC
 Time for this process:- 6 – 10 minutes

6.sealing of can/container :- temp.not below 70oC (74oC)

7. Processing:- final exclusion of micro-organism
Processing temp for fruits:- 100oC
Processing temp.for vegetables :-115-121oC
After that cooling of processed product are 39oC
8. Labelling of can.

 Pasteurization temp for jelly:- 83oC, Vinegar (77oC), Wine (82-88oC)
 Fermentation temp:- 22-28oC
 Vaccume cooling is most suitable for leafy vegetables
 Prevention of food adulteration(PFA) day:-1954
 Integrated food safety and standard bill :-2005
 Vit-C mostly destroyed during freezing due to oxidation
 Quick freezing:- maximum crystallization temp. (-18 to -25oC)
 D-value:- 90% micro-organism are killed

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 F-value:- combination of temperature and time
 Millard reaction:- non enzymatic reaction
 In canning bacillus spp (bacteria) is most damaging factor
 Sulphur prevent discoloration
 Mango pickle :- first rank in india (where as in world:-first rank cucumber pickle)
 Dehydration temp for vegetables:- 60-66oC and for fruits:- 61-71oC
 R-enamal :- acid resistant cans (used for fruits)
 C-enamal:- sulphur resistant cans(used for vegetables)
 Lacquering may be acid resistant/ sulphur resistant
Important biocides used in floral preservatives:-
Biocides are chemical substance which are used to inhibites microbial growth in vase
a. 8-HQC (8-Hydroxy quinone citrate)---Very effective , closeing stomata, acidifies water
b. Silver nitrate
c. Ammonium sulphate
 Sugar is main component for pulsing solution (enhance shelf life of flower)
 Acidifing water having ph 3.0 to 3.5 used for floral preservatives
Acid used for preservation:-
a. Acetic acid:- pickles, chutney, sauce, ketchup
b. Citric acid:- jam, jelly,squash
c. Lactic acid:- curd from milk
Pectin is food additives used as stabilizer

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(Floriculture) )

Annuals flower:- the plants which complete theire life cycle in one season or in one year
Annuals flower

Summer annuals rainy annuals winter annuals

Kochia Balsam Larkspur, Lupin
Zinnia Cock’s comb Acroclinum, Aster
Cosmos Amaranthus Calendula, Carnation
Portulaca Torenia Coreopsis, Candytuff
Sunflower Gaillardia Corn flower, Cineraria
Nasturtium , Pansy
Daisy, Dahlia

 Annuals are grown for various purpose:-

 For shady situation:- Salvia, Cineraria
 For screening purpose:- Holly hock, Sweet pea
 For hanging basket:- Nasturtium, Petunia, Portulaca,
 For rock garden:- Ice plant
 For dry flower:- Acroclinum, Lady’s lace, Helichrysum,
 For peculiar shape:- Clinthus
 Colour of annuals flower:-
 Blue colour:- Larkspur,Ccorn flower, Ageratum,
 Yellow colour:- Coreopsis, Nasturtium, Calendula, Marigold
 White flower:- Phlox, China aster, Stock
 Pink colour annuals:- Candytuft

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 Short day annuals:- Cosmos, Salvia, Amaranthus, Aster
 Long day annuals:- Aarnation, Petunia, Antirrhinum
 Day neutral annuals:- Balsam, Gomphrena
 Dwarf annuals:-ice-plant, phlox, candytuft, daisy
 Seed germination only in dark:- Nigella, Allium, Amaranthus
 Climbing habits annuals:- sweet pea
 King of annuals flower :- pansy
 Immortal flower:- helichrysum

Annuals flower Common name Annuals flower Common name

Kochia Summer cypress Calendula Pot marigold
portulaca Sun plant Coreopsis Tick seed
Ageratum Floss flower Ice-plant Living stone daisy
Antirrhinum Snap dragon/dog flower Linaria Toad flax
Arctotis African daisy Phlox Star flower

(Famous Gardens of India) )

 Lalbagh :- Bangalore, (KN) , built by Hyder Ali, floral clock is main feature (eg of
free style garden)
 Brindavan :- mysore (KN), Largest formal garden, near caveri river
 Sim’s Park :- conoor,(KN)
 Byrant Park :- Kodaikanal (TN)
 Indian Botanical Garden :- Sibpur, Calcutta (WB)
 Lyod Botanical Garden :- darjeeling (WB)
 Botanical garden:- deharadun, (uttrakhand)
 National Botanical Garden:- Lucknow (U.P.)
 Rastrapathi Bhavan Garden):- New Delhi
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 Buddha Jayanti Park:- New Delhi
 Roshnara Park:-New Delhi
 Mandoor Garden:- Jodhpur (Raj)
 The Mughal Garden:- pinjore (Haryana)
 Rose Garden:- chandigarh (Haryana)

(Style of Gardening) )

1.Formal Garden :-
 Plane is symmetrical/geometrical style i.e square or rectangular
 Main feature:- baradari (12 open door), pergola, arches, fountain, warer pool, cascade,
statues, tomb or mosque
 Eg:- Mughal garden, Italian garden, Persian garden,
2.Informal Garden :-
 Plane is asymmetrical
 It represents natural beauty
 Main feature:-stepping stones, stone lantern, water pond, arrangement of rocks, moss
 Eg:- Japanese garden (nature in miniature)
3.Free Style :-
 Combination of both formal and informal garden
 Eg:- English garden( rockery, lawn, herbaceous border is main feature)
 Rose garden (Ludhiana), Lal bagh (Bangalore)

(Vegetable Garden) )
1.Kitchen Garden :- for 5-6 member, ( 25 x 10 m2 area is required )
2.Truk Garden :- Extensive garden, grow single vegetable in bulk
3.Market Garden :- intensive garden, garden should be 20-25 km away from garden

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4.Floating Garden :- dul lack, in J&K
Important point
 Taj mahal garden is example of Mughal garden
 Rastrapati bhawan garden is example of sunken garden
 The Rose in India (book) : Dr. B. P. Pal
 B.P. Pal is variety of Rose.
 Flowericulture in India (book) :- G.S. Randhawa
 Jasmine covers maximum area in india (loose flower)
 Rose covers maximum area in green house
 Rose : symbol of love , king of flower
 Queen of flower:- chrysanthemum
 African Marigold :- Vulgar mind (symbol)
 Carnation :- Female’s love (symbol)
 Bonsai origin :- from china

 Botanical name:-rosa spp.. Family- Rosaceae
 Native- India, China, Japan, Europe
 National flower of – England, iran, UK
 Symbol of beauty,
 It is top ranking cut flower in the trade
 Dry petals of roses are also used for making incense sticks
 Ph:- 6 to 7.
 Planting time:- september – October
 Propagation- T-budding (November-february)
 Propagation of rootstock:- hard wood cutting

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1. The common rootstock used- edouard rose (R.bourboniana) in western india
- More aroma contain
2. Rosa. india- most common used rootstock in north india
3. R. caniana- most common in European country
4. R .centrifolia- Cabbage rose
5. R.gallica- French rose
6. R.moschata- Musk rose
7. R.damasceana – mostly used for oil extraction, flowering in- march-april
Haldighati, khamnor region of rajsamand very popular for cultivation.
Annual pruning :- September-october
Classes of rose:-
1. Hybrid tea rose (H.T)- hybrid perpetuals x tea rose of china
First variety- La-france (by French breeder Guillot,1867)
Variety:- super star, first prize, happiness, tushar, bajazzo, kiss of fire, blue moon,
Commercial variety- super star, gladiator, Mercedes, Sonia
2. Floribundas :- hybrid tea x dwarf polyntha
First variety was- rodhatte (by poulsen,1912)
Variety- banjaran, red gold, queen elizabath,
3. Grandiflora :- hybrid tea x floribundas variety:- buccaneer
4. Polyantha:- R. multiflora x R.wichuriana x R.chinensis
5. Climber :- breath of life, golden shower
6. Rambler :- americqn pillar
7. Miniature roses:- called as baby or fairy roses
Variety- desert charm , lolypop

Mutant Indian variety:-

 Abhisarika, madhosh, mohini (chocolate brown colour),
 Thorn less variety:- suchitra, pusa mohit, grand gala

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 R.damascena :- noorjahan, (from lucknow), himroz( for hills), jawala(for plains)
green house var.- first red,(most popular) grand gala

Important point:-
 Wintering of rose is very comman in western part of india
 Most costly oil- rose oil
 Bluing of rose petals- due to accumulation of ammonia
 Blue pigmentation in rose due to delphine
 Blue colour rose is –samba
major problem in rose breeding is- seed setting
gulkand is prepared by mixing petal and sugar in 1:1 ratio
rose seed- acenes
rose fruit called- hip (black in colour, good source of Vit-C)
B.S. Bhattachatar jee- father of rose breeding
Dr. B.P.Pal evolved first rose var. Rose Sherbat
Complete rose fertilizer- rose-mix
1.Die back- diplodia roseum – very serious disease
2.Powdery mildew- sphaerotheca pannosa
3.Black spot- diplocarpon rosae
Bull head
Bent-neck/limp-neck- storage disorder
Sleeping- ethylene injury during transportation
Vascular plugging
Red scale, white ant, dagger wasp

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2. Chrysanthemum:-
Botanical name – Dendrathema grandiflora family- Compositae/Asteraceae
Common name- Guldaudi/ Glory of East/ Queen of East/
Origin- China
Symbol of royality in Japan
National flower of japan
blooming period- Sep-Dec
Disc florets in- Centre Ray florets- Outer
It is short day plant
Propagation- by rrot suckers(10-15 cm), terminal cutting
a. Thermo-positive:-
Low temperature between 10-27oC inhibits or delay bud initiation
High temperature over 27oC accelerates bud initiation but delay flowering

 Bud initiation occurs at low to high temp (10-27oC) but high temp. delays development
of buds
 Ph:- 6.2 to 6.8
 Optimum day Temp- 18-21oC night temp- 10-16oC
 Pinching- twice after four and eight weeks of trandplanting
 De-shooting--- retain 4-5 shoots in standard cultivars and 8-12 shoots in spray cultivars
 Harvesting:- july-sep
 Pinching also known as stopping
 Sen, rin tsukisi- Japanese style of chrysanthemum culture

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 Use of alar /phosphine is very effective in producing better size blooms on dwarf plants
 Qxathin is used for disbudding in chrysanthemum

 Standard variety:-/large flowered groups
Sonar bangla, peach bloom, indra, kirti, cresta, dignity
 Spray type/ small flowered groups-
Birbal sahni, king fisher, red star,
 Pot mums- fantasy, albert,
 Off- season variety- haldi ghati, meghdoot

 Black leaf spot- serious disease
 Red hairy caterpillar

o Botanical name- Gladiolus grandifloras Family- Iridaceae
o Native- Africa, Europe 2n= 60(4x), 30(2x)
o Common name- sword lily
o It is leading cut flower in india as well as world
o Optimum temp for growth- 16-30oC
o It require open sunny situation
o Longer day length improve spike quality
o Ph- 5.5 to 6.5
o Planting :- sep-nov (north india)
o Propagation- by corm, cormlets,

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o Gladiolus is seaven month crop
o Seed rate-150,000corms/ha
o Different method to break dormancy-
o Low temperature storage for 2-3 month at 4-7oC
o Ethylene chlorohydrin (4-5 drops/lit)
o Dip corms in thiourea 500 ppm solution
o Dip corms in GA3 50 ppm solution for 30 minutes
o Hilling , scoring operation done in gladiolus
o Optimum temperature for storage (spikes)- 2-5 oC
o Optimum storing temp for corms- 4-7oC
o Corm size- 5 cmge in gladiolus leads to blind shoot
o Geotropism disorder is caused due to transportation
o Short day at 1-2 leaf st
Pusa suwasini
Friend ship

 Wilt or collar rot- sickle shaped leaves
 Storage rot corm- caused by fusarium spp
 Negative geotropism- uneven distribution of auxin and transport
 Topple bud rot – Calcium deficiency

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 Blind ness

 Botanical name- African marigold (Tagetes erecta, 2n=24)
French marigold (Tagetes patuta, 2n= 4x=48)
 Family- Compositae Origin- Mexico
 Optimum temp for growth- 18-30oC
 Ph- 7.0 to 7.5
 Planting time:- rainy season and winter season (best time)
 Propagation:- by seed and terminal cutting
 Seed rate- 1 to 1.5 kh/ha
 Pinching:- 50-60 days after transplanting, mainly in tall var. of T.erecta
 Cross-pollinated crop
 Seed yield- T.erecta (3-4 q/h), T.patula (10-13q/h)
 Marigold not used in gajra
 Genetic male sterility is very common in marigold
 Protandry found in marigold
 S.P.S Ragava associated with marigold

 African variety:- cracker jack, pusa basanti genda, pusa narangi
 French marigold:- red brocade, butter scotch
 Nugget:- triploid variety

4. Carnation
 Botanical name- Dianthus caryophyllus Family- Caryophyllaceae
 Origin- south Europe 2n= 30

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 Quantitatively long day plant
 It is cool season crop
 Ideal temperature to growth- 10-20oC
 Propagation:- terminal stem cutting (8-10 cm with 4-6 leaf pairs)
 Colouring of white carnation called- tinting
 Pinching is very important operation in marigold for producing better quality of flower
 Disbudding- improve flower size and quality
 Storage temp- 2-4oC
 Perpetual type of carnation are grown at large scale

Variety :-
William sim, dona, arka tejas, arka flame, pico

5. Tuberose:-
 Botaniacal name- polyanthus tuberosa Family- Amaryllidaceae
 Origin- mexico 2n= 60
 Common name- ragni gandha flower colour- white
 Flowering time- July- Oct
 Planting time- feb- march
 The ratoon crop is taken up to third year
 Single var- rajat rekha, shringar
 Double var- known as pearl ,
Eg- suvasini, swarna rekha, rajat, dhawal,
IIHR Var- suvasini, vaibhav, shringar

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6. Dahlia:-
 Botanical name- Dahlia variabilis Family- Compositae
 Origin- mexico 2n= 16Propagation- tuber/cutting
 Cultural operation- stopping, disbudding
 Use root promoting (seradix-B) in cutting
 Storage- 4-7oC
Variety:- white star, manali, swamiji,

 Family- Orchidaceae Origin- India, Mexico
 Number of species- 25-30 thousands
 Bulbophyllum is larvest genera of orchids
Classification based on habitat:-
 Epiphytes- Bulbophyllum, Vanda, Cattleya
 Lithophytes:- Cymbidium, Calanthe
Classification on growing pattern:-
 Monopodial- Vanda, Vanilla, Phalaenopsis
 Sympodial- attleya, cymbidium, bulbophyllum, dendrobium,
Propagation :- division-cattleya
Cutting- vanda
In vitro (tissue culture)- commercial method
Repotting is done in every year
Pseudo-bulbs are commonly used to multiply
Seed- endosperm absent (exalbuminous)
Fruit type of orchid- capsule
Gynoecium in orchid flower is called as column
A lip opposite to odd sepal in orchids flower is known as labellum

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