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Flow XCRacer User Manual V2 11

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Thank you for flying Flow paragliders. We hope you will be satisfied with this product and wish you many happy flights. We strongly recommend
that you read this manual before the first flight. This manual is designed to help you to quickly familiarize with this beautiful glider.

The Flow Paragliders XCRacer is our EN D 2liner glider designed for the experienced pilot. The XCRacer is in the vanguard of paragliding design. A
glider made for champions who are chasing XC distance records or the top of the podium. A no compromise project, where all the latest innovation
technologies are applied offering maximum efficiency. Despite the performance it delivers, the XCRacer is a well-balanced glider and pilots who
are accustomed to fly high performance gliders will feel comfortable and at ease with the XCRacer.

Welcome 2 15. Warranty 15

1. General Information 4 16. Summary 16
2. Certification 4 17. Line Plan 17
3. Pilot’s Profile 6 18. Riser Diagram 17
4. Specifications 7 19. Materials 18
5. Take Off and Flying Techniques 8 20. Line Measurements 20
5.1 Before take-off 8 21. Bridle Check-Sheet Lengths M, ML, L (mm) 22
5.2 Take-off 8
5.3 Landing 9
5.4 Turning 9
6. Rapid Descent 9
6.1 Spiral Dive 9
6.2 B-line 10
6.3 Big Ears 10
7. Performance 10
7.1 Use of Brakes 10
7.2 Active B-risers 10
7.3 Use of Speed Bar 10
8. Asymmetric & Frontal Collapses 11
8.1 Asymmetric Collapse 11
8.2 Frontal Collapse 11
9. Full Stall 12
10. Flying without Brakes 12
11. Cravat 12
12. SIV and Collapse Lines 13
13. Adjustment of the Harness 13
14. Maintenance & Checks 14
14.1 Maintenance Tips 14
14.2 Periodic Inspections 15

General information

User manual for the FLOW XCRacer

This manual offers all the necessary information that will familiarise you with the main characteristics of your new paraglider. Although this manual
informs you about your glider, it does not offer the instruction requirements necessary for you to be able to pilot this type of wing. Flying instruction
can only be taught at a paragliding school recognized by the Flying Federation of your country. Nevertheless, we remind you that it is important
that you carefully read all the contents of the manual for your new XCRacer.

This user manual version V2-11 is dated: 03/2021.

Please note that any changes to the paraglider will invalidate the result of the certification. Correct usage of the glider is the pilot‘s responsibility.
The manufacturer and distributor do not accept liability for loss or damage as a result of the misuse of this paraglider. It is the pilot’s responsibility
to comply with legal regulations and to maintain the airworthiness of the aircraft.
This guide meets the requirements specified by EN 926-2:2005 as well as LTF NFL II 91/09 for user manuals.

Flow Paragliders PTY LTD – 2 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters, QLD,4220, Australia – +61 414 966 092 – Email:


The Flow XCRacer was built for experienced XC or competition pilots who are looking for a top-level performance glider in a comfortable and
accessible package. XCRacer’s biggest quality is its stability while on bar. Other strengths worth mentioning are its superb glide, its excellent
thermaling ability combined with its incredible top speed. The XCRacer is a new glider concept. The design and structure was carefully engineered
to perfection to allow the pilot to fly hard but with a free mind, knowing the glider won’t give unexpected surprises.

Even though the XCRacer transmits a great deal of comfort in flight it is important to emphasise that a glider of this calibre should only be flown
by pilots who have experience in flying high aspect ratio gliders, who are competent in the recovery techniques. For pilots who understand about
active piloting and who are confident to fly in turbulent conditions and have an understanding of flying 2 liners high performance gliders.

XCRacer is not suitable for beginner or intermediate pilots, aerobatics, training or tandem flights.



FLAT AREA 21.75m2 22.80m2 24.75m2 26.55m2

PROJECTED AREA 18.63m² 19.52m2 21.20m2 22.74m2

FLAR WINGSPAN 12.34m 12.66m 13.20m 13.66m

PROJECTED SPAN 10.01m 10.30m 10.73m 11.11m

ASPECT RATIO 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95

PROJECTED AR 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4

MAX CHORD 2.21 2.27 2.36 2.48

NUMBER OF CELLS 82 82 82 82

LINE CONSUMPTION 196.57m 203.4m 210.8m 225.5m

GLIDER WEIGHT 5.0 5.4 5.8 6.2

TAKE OFF WEIGHT 75-95 85-105 95-115 105-125



The Flow XCRacer should be flown as a normal paraglider. However, there are several points listed below which should help you to familiarize with
your new paraglider quicker.

The XCRacer was designed as a foot launchable solo paraglider only. The XCRacer may be tow-launched. It is the pilot’s responsibility to use suitable
harness attachments and release mechanisms and to ensure that they are correctly trained on the equipment and system employed.

Before take-off

• Check the canopy for rips or tears. Also, inspect the internal structure (ribs, diagonals) and seams.
• Check that the lines are not damaged or tangled.
• Check if the quick links connection between lines to risers are undamaged and tightened.
• Check that the risers are not damaged or twisted.
• Check if the speed system works freely and make sure that the lines are long enough.
• Check that the brake handles are correctly attached and that each line runs freely through the pulley.

Lay the paraglider out with the leading edge in a horseshoe shape. Hold the A risers close to the quick links and move forward until the lines get
stretched. You should now be perfectly centred with your wing. With no wind or light headwind, with lines stretched, The Flow XCRacer inflates
rapidly and rises over your head with some dynamic steps. We recommend that you do not pull risers too forward or down, which could cause a
collapse of the leading edge, but simply follow them until the glider reaches its angle of flight. It is important that the centre of gravity of your
body stays in front of your feet during the inflation of the glider to constantly load the risers. A controlled inflation allows you to check the canopy
and lines during the last phase as it comes up and thus avoids the need to use brakes. Depending on the wind conditions or the slope, an adequate
use of brakes can help you to take-off quicker.

Because of the exceptional glide for this type of glider, high caution is recommended in the stages of approaching and landing. The XCRacer is a
fast glider, any action on the brakes may cause significant reactions. It is therefore recommended to execute the first flights in a familiar
environment and under easy conditions. With negative steering, there is more time for the manoeuvres to be performed steadily, which results
in reducing the pendulum movements of the paraglider. Reminder: Negative steering involves applying the brakes symmetrically by about 30% of
the maximum range to slow the paraglider and a simultaneous turning by means of releasing the outside brake. Speeding up just prior to landing
allows a more effective flare and therefore a gentler landing.

XCRacer was designed to perform well in turns. Negative steering (see above) on one hand slows the paraglider in certain phases of the flight and
on the other hand reduces excessive rolling during turn reversals. It is not only designed to turn (with approx. 15% brake) but also to fly slowly in
order to help identify the areas of lift and to keep the paraglider flatter to minimize the sink rate in a turn (with 5% brake). Symmetrical brake-
input at 5-10 % enables you to keep your wing under control – to brake further when pitching and to release when the canopy banks up.


In order to descend, the paraglider must fly away from the areas of lift. In case any problems occur, the following techniques might be used to
increase the sink rate.

• Spiral Dive: The Flow XCRacer is a manoeuvrable wing which responds to any input easily. To initiate the spiral, apply one brake
progressively to about 35% and hold it in its position. The speed of rotation, brake pressure and the centrifugal force experienced, all
progressively increase. The angle or the speed of rotation can be decreased or increased by releasing or pulling the brake by several
centimetres. Once mastered the spiral allows you to descend by more than 10 m/s. Movements which are extremely abrupt or badly
synchronized or very quick initiation of the spiral can result in an asymmetrical collapse or a spin. CAUTION: Spiral dives should be executed
with care. To exit the spiral dive, the kinetic energy must be converted to potential energy by slowly releasing the inside brake.

• B-line Stall: This manoeuvre is not possible on this glider. Traditional B-line stalls are not possible with 2 liners. Pulling the B-lines firmly
will result in a full stall. Do not do it.

• Big ears: Big ears is a moderate descent method, reaching -3 or -4 m/s, speed reduces slightly between 3 and 5 km/h and piloting becomes
limited. The angle of attack and the wing loading also increases.

Push on the accelerator to restore the wing’s horizontal speed and the angle of attack. To activate ears, take the line amain3 and
simultaneously, smoothly pull them outward and downward. The wingtips will fold in. Let go of the lines and the ears will re-inflate
automatically. If they do not re-inflate, gently pull on one of the brake lines first and then on the opposite side. For directional control while
using the Big Ears, use weight shift.

We recommend the pilot to re-inflate asymmetrically, to avoid unnecessary change on the angle of attack, more so if you are flying near
the ground or flying in turbulence.


Use of brakes
XCRacer’s best glide is at a trim speed (no brakes) – about 39 km/h. The minimum sink rate is achieved by applying approx. 15% of the brakes.
When using more than 30% of the brakes, the aerodynamics and the performance of the glider are likely to deteriorate and the effort to
manoeuvre will increase quickly. In case of extremely high brake pressure there is a great risk of a stall. Which occurs at a full brake travel (100%
of the brakes) 65cm. In normal flying conditions the optimal position for the brakes, in terms of performance and safety, is within the top third
level of the braking range.

Active B Riser Control

When gliding at trim speed or in accelerated flight, we recommend piloting the wing with the B-risers. This gives an improved feel and control
over the wing enabling you to fly actively without using the brakes (which would cause drag and pitch movements). The direct feel allows you to
stop collapses before they happen and maintain higher speeds and higher levels of efficiency.

Use of Speed Bar

XCRacer is equipped with a speed system. The profile of XCRacer has been designed to fly stable through its entire speed range. It is useful to
accelerate when flying in strong winds or in extreme descending air. For fitting and positioning the speed bar consult the instructions of the
harness manufacturer. Before every flight check that the speed bar works freely and that the lines are long enough to ensure that it is not engaged
permanently. Use of the speed bar increases the maximum speed of the paraglider by up to 30% of the trim speed. However, it does reduce the
angle of attack and therefore there is a risk of a frontal (or asymmetric) collapse. We therefore do not advise to use the speed bar near the ground.


Despite the tests proving XCRacer recovers on its own after collapses, it is a EN D glider therefore active piloting is recommended in case of an
asymmetric or frontal collapse. Active piloting will reduce the loss of altitude and a change of direction.

Asymmetric collapse
Despite the great stability of the profile of the XCRacer, heavy turbulent conditions may cause part of the wing to collapse asymmetrically. This
usually happens when the pilot has not foreseen this possible reaction of the wing. To prevent the collapse from happening, pull the brake line
corresponding to the compromised side of the wing, this will increase the angle of attack. If the collapse does happen, the XCRacer will not react
violently, the turn tendency is very gradual and it is easily controlled. Lean your body towards the side that is still flying in order to counteract the
turn and to maintain a straight course, if necessary, slightly slow down the same side. The collapse will normally open by itself but if that does not
happen, pull completely on the brake line on the side, which has collapsed (100%). Do this with a firm movement. You may have to repeat this
operation to provoke the re-opening. Take care not to over-brake on the side that is still flying (turn control) and when the collapse has been
solved; remember to let the wing recover its flying speed.
Bring both brakes down symmetrically to speed up the reopening of the paraglider, and then raise your hands back up immediately.

Frontal (symmetric) collapse

The profile of the XCRacer has been designed to widely tolerate extreme changes in the angle of attack. A symmetric collapse may occur in heavy
turbulent conditions, on entry or exit of strong thermals or lack of adapting the use of the accelerator to the prevailing air conditions. Symmetrical
collapses usually re-inflate without the glider turning, but you can symmetrically apply the brake lines with a quick deep pump to quicken the re-
inflation. Release the brake lines immediately to recover optimum flight speed.


Certain behaviour or weather conditions can cause a full stall. This is a serious deviation from normal flight and can be difficult to manage. If a stall
occurs at less than 100 m above the ground, throw your reserve parachute. Main causes of a full stall:
• A poorly timed or an extensive use of brakes when the air speed of the wing is reduced.
• Soaked or heavily drenched leading edge (from rain or a cloud) can result in a stall due to an uneven airflow over the leading edge.

Whatever the cause, a full stall can be either symmetrical or a in a configuration of a spin.

Your first reaction should be to fully raise both hands. This normally allows the glider to return to normal flight but If nothing happens after a few
seconds, apply the speed bar to encourage the wing to regain normal flight. Ensure the glider has returned to normal flight (check your airspeed)
before using the brakes again.


If a brake line or pulley breaks, it is possible to fly the XCRacer using the B-risers (rear riser). The movements must be well controlled as the
deformation of the wing, due to the traction on the B risers, is greater than that produced by using the brakes.


If the tip of your wing gets stuck in the lines, this is called a cravat. Due to the large amount of drag, cravats can turn your wing into a spiral dive
very quickly. This can be disorientating and difficult to control if allowed to develop. To recover from a cravat immediately, anticipate the
movement of the wing, first stabilise the direction of your wing with outside brake and weight shift. Once you have control of the rotation and
sink rate, apply strong deep pumps of the brake on the cravated side whilst weight shifting away from the cravat. It is important to lean away from
the cravat otherwise you risk spinning or deepening the spiral. The aim is to empty the air out of the wing tip whilst it is unloaded. Correctly done,
this action will clear the cravat. If it is a very large cravat and the above options have not worked, then a full stall is another option. This should not
be attempted unless you know what you are doing and have a large amount of altitude. Remember, if the rotation is accelerating and you are
unable to re-open the wing or control the decent rate, you should throw your reserve parachute whilst you still have enough altitude.


The XCRacer was certified with the use of collapse lines, therefore if you wish to induce collapses during SIV training, collapse lines must first be
installed correctly. Collapse lines are available as an optional extra and should be added to the wing before inducing collapses. The collapse lines
will come with an added-on instruction manual and an extra manual explaining how they should be installed properly. Be sure to attach to both
sides of the canopy for symmetric deflations. Flow Paragliders would like to remind you that SIV manoeuvres should be learnt under the supervision
of a qualified instructor and always used with caution. We strongly recommend expert tuition over water with all the necessary safety precautions
in place. Only attempt SIV with this wing if you have previous SIV experience with a high aspect ratio wing. Ensure that you fully understand the
correct and safe use of this equipment before attempting SIV


For test flights the pilots used ABS harnesses with the following set-up:

SIZE Distance from seat board Distance between hang points

Racer XCRacer S 43cm 44cm
Racer XCRacer M 43cm 46cm
Racer XCRacer ML 43cm 46cm
Racer XCRacer L 43cm 46cm

We recommend adjusting the harness in a very similar way to the test adjustment. Excessive cross-bracing increases the risk of twisting the risers.
A looser setting will result in a tendency to lean towards the collapsed side. Lower hang points reduce the roll-stability of your harness and can
slow down the reopening of asymmetric collapses. Higher hang points (+ 2 up to +4 cm) have no influence on inflight safety and can therefore be


The Flow XCRacer is a fine piece of equipment and should be technically periodically checked to ensure proper airworthiness.

Maintenance tips
The life of your paraglider therefore depends largely on the care which you maintain and use it. To maximize life span of your wing, respect the
following rules:
• Avoid dropping the canopy on its top surface or on its leading edge during inflation or landing.
• Avoid dragging it across the ground when moving it.
• Don‘t expose it unnecessarily to sunlight.
• Choose a packing technique that doesn’t damage the plastic rods and that doesn‘t crease the internal structure excessively.

Always use the protective bag to avoid direct contact with the harnesses and buckles of any friction between the blade and the rucksack.
Never store your paraglider when it is damp.
If immersed in sea water rinse immediately with fresh water. Do not use any detergents. Dry your paraglider away from direct light in a dry and
well-aired place.
Empty any foreign bodies from your paraglider regularly, for example sand, stones or animal or vegetable matter which may eventually decay.
Twigs, sand, pebbles, etc. damage tissue in successive folds and organic debris of vegetable or animal origin (insects) can promote mould growth.

Periodic inspections
The paraglider has undergone a series of tests during the production process and consequent flight tests before the delivery. It is delivered with
a standard brake setting same to the one used during the testing. Periodic Checks & Repairs: for safety reasons, it is recommended that the
paraglider is checked at least every two years, or after 100 hours and anytime there is a change in its behaviour. However, if you are a frequent
flyer (more than 100 hrs per year), we recommend that you check your glider every 100 hours. The person performing the check should inform
you about the condition of your glider and if some parts will need to be checked or changed before the next normal service check period.


The Flow XCRacer is guaranteed for two years or 250 hours against any production fault since the date of purchase.
The guarantee does not cover:
• Damage caused by misuse
• Neglecting the regular maintenance
• Overloading or misuse of the glider
• Damage caused by inappropriate landings


Safety is the single most important thing in our sport. We recommend to always be alert of the weather, fly as regularly as you can and ground
handle as much as possible. Practicing ground handling will keep your skills alive and will support you especially when conditions at launch aren't
perfect or the site is difficult.
Please always respect the weather! Monitor the conditions and the forecast closely and understand which conditions are right for your level of
flying or for flying in general. Lot's of pilots get hurt due to misjudging weather conditions and we don't want you to be one of them.
We would also like to emphasise respecting our beautiful nature and looking after your flying sites. If you need to dispose the wing, please don't
dispose of it in the normal household waste but in an environmentally responsible way. If you are unsure, please contact your council.



The Flow XCRacer has been designed with 2 risers per side. The A1 riser is covered with RED webbing, to allow for easy identification. The A risers
are split into two, the smaller riser - holding only the outermost A line - is A2 and has been designed this way to make applying big ears simple.
They also feature ergonomic wooden handles for efficient B-riser control. The risers do not feature trimmers.

Sizes S, M, ML, L


Upper surface Dominico DOKDO 30D MF/ Dominico terch Corp. – Korea
Porcher SKYTEX 27 CLASSIC 2 Porcher Industries - France
Bottom Surface Porcher SKYTEX 27 CLASSIC 2 Porcher Industries - France
Supported Ribs Porcher 7000 E91 Porcher Industries - France
Unsupported Ribs Porcher 9017 E29 Porcher Industries - France
Leading Edge Reinforcement 2.5/1.8/ Plastic pipe Porcher Industries - France
Thread 210D/3, 420D/3 – UV coated Coats Thread - Thailand


Upper Cascades Edelrid 8000U 130/090/070/050kg - Edelrid EDELRID - Germany
9200 030kg
Middle Cascades Edelrid 8000U 190/130/090/070/050kg EDELRID - Germany
Edelrid 9200 030kg
Main Lines Edelrid 8000U 360/190/130/050kg EDELRID - Germany
Liros DSL 140kg LIROS GMHB - Germany


Shackles Maillon Rapide ANSUNG PRECISION - Korea
Riser Webbing 12mm zero stretch polyester webbing Guth&Wolth GMBH - Germany
Pulleys Pulleys Ronstan ball bearing Ronstan - Australia

In case of any doubts regarding the information in the manual contact your FLOW PARAGLIDERS dealer.
For spare parts or information in how to obtain them get in contact with us directly or with your local dealer.

Flow Paragliders PTY LTD. 1/24 Clyde Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099, AUSTRALIA – Tel: +61 414 966 092 – –

LINE MEASUREMENTS a13 9200-30 b4 8000U-90

The overall length (riser lines + mid lines + b5 8000U-90
upper lines) has to be checked under 5Kgs A1 8000U-130 R b6 8000U-70
of tension. The difference between the A2 8000U-90 R b7 8000U-70
measured length and the original length A3 8000U-90 R b8 8000U-70
should not exceed +/- 10mm. The changes A4 8000U-130 R
that could appear are a slight shrink on the
A5 8000U-90 R c1 8000U-50
B’s and/or a slight stretch on the A’s. The
A6 8000U-90 R c2 8000U-50
consequences of these changes can include
A7 8000U-90 R c3 8000U-50
a slower trim speed, difficult inflation etc.
A8 8000U-90 R c4 8000U-50

Dimensions given in the user's manual was A9 8000U-130 R c5 8000U-50

checked by the testing laboratory A10 9200-30 c6 8000U-50
A11 9200-30 c7 8000U-50
c8 8000U-50
Name Length Line type AI 8000U-190 R c9 8000U-50
AII 8000U-190 R c10 8000U-50
a1 8000U-90 AIII 8000U-190 R c11 8000U-50
a2 8000U-90 AIV 8000U-190 R c12 9200-30

a3 8000U-90 AV 8000U-190 R c13 9200-30

a4 8000U-90 AVI 8000U-90 R
a5 8000U-90 C1 8000U-70 R
a6 8000U-70 amain 8000U-360 R + RED COVER C2 8000U-50 R

a7 8000U-70 amain2 8000U-360 R + RED COVER C3 8000U-50 R

a8 8000U-70 amain3 8000U-190 R + RED COVER C4 8000U-50 R
a9 8000U-50 C5 8000U-50 R
a10 8000U-50 b1 8000U-90 C6 8000U-50 R
a11 8000U-50 b2 8000U-90 C7 8000U-50 R
a12 9200-30 b3 8000U-90 C8 8000U-50 R

C9 8000U-50 R br8 9200-30

br9 9200-30
CI 8000U-130 R br10 9200-30
CII 8000U-130 R br11 9200-30
CIII 8000U-130 R br12 9200-30
CIV 8000U-130 R
CV 8000U-50 R BR1 9200-30
stabilo PPSL160 BR2 9200-30
BR3 9200-30
cmain 8000U-190 R + RED COVER BR4 9200-30
cmain2 8000U-190 R + RED COVER BR5 9200-30
BR6 9200-30
d1 8000U-50
d2 8000U-50 BRI 8000U-50 R
d3 8000U-50 BRII 8000U-50 R
d4 8000U-50 BRIII 8000U-50 R
d5 8000U-50
d6 8000U-50 brmain 8000U-190
d7 8000U-50 br5.1 10-200
d8 8000U-50

br1 9200-30
br2 9200-30
br3 9200-30
br4 9200-30
br5 9200-30
br6 9200-30
br7 9200-30

BRIDLE CHECKSHEET LENGTHS (mm) Total line lengths with riser (mm)

a1 7363 b1 7334 c1 7300 d1 7375 brake1 7612
a2 7256 b2 7229 c2 7207 d2 7281 brake2 7429
a3 7230 b3 7201 c3 7169 d3 7246 brake3 7286
a4 7280 b4 7252 c4 7204 d4 7275 brake4 7242
a5 7206 b5 7179 c5 7156 d5 7229 brake5 7045
a6 7087 b6 7064 c6 7048 d6 7110 brake6 6913
a7 7045 b7 7018 c7 7000 d7 7055 brake7 6839
a8 7072 b8 7049 c8 7026 d8 7070 brake8 6865
a9 6866 c9 6849 brake9 6751
a10 6757 c10 6753 brake10 6690
a11 6694 c11 6701 brake11 5560
a12 6632 c12 6625 brake12 6710
a13 6596 c13 6628

Ideal trim for size S is the following, using as reference A and C lines only:
Group 01 – AoA zero
Group 02 – AoA fast 4mm
Group 03 – AoA fast 8-10mm


a1 7638 b1 7613 c1 7578 d1 7670 brake1 8010

a2 7534 b2 7501 c2 7484 d2 7580 brake2 7783
a3 7499 b3 7464 c3 7451 d3 7548 brake3 7620
a4 7550 b4 7523 c4 7486 d4 7576 brake4 7594
a5 7479 b5 7458 c5 7450 d5 7544 brake5 7337
a6 7349 b6 7325 c6 7320 d6 7402 brake6 7157
a7 7295 b7 7272 c7 7269 d7 7344 brake7 7088
a8 7324 b8 7304 c8 7312 d8 7374 brake8 7220
a9 7102 c9 7103 brake9 7056
a10 6991 c10 7001 brake10 6986
a11 6937 c11 6959 brake11 7023
a12 6882 c12 6883 brake12 7204
a13 6853 c13 6893

Ideal trim for size M is the following, using as reference A and C lines only:
Group 01 – AoA zero
Group 02 – AoA fast 5mm
Group 03 – AoA fast 10mm


a1 7894 b1 7864 c1 7836 d1 7919

a2 7784 b2 7747 c2 7747 d2 7827
a3 7756 b3 7717 c3 7715 d3 7800
a4 7806 b4 7774 c4 7751 d4 7827
a5 7732 b5 7713 c5 7689 d5 7775
a6 7597 b6 7570 c6 7569 d6 7638
a7 7547 b7 7522 c7 7517 d7 7583
a8 7585 b8 7564 c8 7538 d8 7591
a9 7354 c9 7337
a10 7234 c10 7245
a11 7183 c11 7205
a12 7111 c12 7125
a13 7095 c13 7135

Ideal trim for size ML is the following, using as reference A and C lines only:
Group 01 – AoA zero
Group 02 – AoA fast 5-6mm
Group 03 – AoA fast 10-12mm


a1 8217 b1 8201 c1 8159 d1 8241 br1 8792

a2 8101 b2 8086 c2 8072 d2 8156 br2 8610
a3 8069 b3 8057 c3 8040 d3 8128 br3 8443
a4 8120 b4 8111 c4 8068 d4 8153 br4 8406
a5 8048 b5 8042 c5 8025 d5 8110 br5 8203
a6 7909 b6 7901 c6 7890 d6 7968 br6 8039
a7 7858 b7 7854 c7 7838 d7 7904 br7 7933
a8 7884 b8 7882 c8 7866 d8 7920 br8 7971
a9 7660 c9 7636 br9 7790
a10 7540 c10 7532 br10 7702
a11 7475 c11 7481 br11 7668
a12 7395 c12 7393 br12 7745
a13 7366 c13 7403

Ideal trim for size L is the following, using as reference A and C lines only:
Group 01 – AoA zero
Group 02 – AoA fast 6-7 mm
Group 03 – AoA fast 15-18mm

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