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狄克生片語 L20-L22

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狄克生片語 L20-L22 總

__________年__________班 座號__________姓名__________ 分

一 、 選 擇 題 (20 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 50 分 )
( ) 1.These are my opinions. Please ______ them ______ ______. (A) get... along with
(B) keep... up with (C) take... into account (D) take... up with
( ) 2.You should not ______ at your teacher. Instead, you should respect him. (A) make faces
(B) take part (C) take account of (D) turn over
( ) 3.Mother will ______ anyone who comes into the house with their shoes on. She doesn’t want
anyone to make the floor dirty. (A) run across (B) run out of (C) go on errands (D) cast out
( ) 4.Many students were ______ by the traffic jam and were late for school. (A) made up
(B) kept up (C) held up (D) gave up
( ) 5.These were the first coins made out of metal and with a hole in them so that the coins could be
______ to make a chain. (A) held up (B) put together (C) run an errand (D) made faces
( ) 6.Grace never ______. She is always too serious. (A) takes it away (B) takes it easy
(C) takes it off (D) takes it up
( ) 7.I don’t believe my partner, and I ______. (A) want up (B) want to (C) want out
(D) want in
( ) 8.When the superstar appeared, many fans ______ her. (A) got up to (B) kept up to
(C) ran up to (D) caught up to
( ) 9.______ he can read quickly, he will do better in school. (A) Now that (B) All of a
sudden (C) In other words (D) On the other hand
( ) 10.A sudden electricity blackout ______ everyone ______. (A) took... for granted
(B) took... after (C) took... off (D) took... by surprise
( ) 11.When the king ______, everyone applauded him for a long time. (A) made up (B)
showed up (C) tied up (D) stayed up
( ) 12.Because of poor money management, the company was ______ by a large firm last year.
(A) taken over (B) put on (C) run over (D) composed of
( ) 13.In The Lord of the Rings, the rings ______ evil magic. They represent destructive power.
(A) stand for (B) check in (C) go through (D) happen to
( ) 14.After a busy workday, I preferred ______ to going out. (A) staying in (B) staying
out (C) staying up (D) staying away
( ) 15.I don’t want to cook this evening. Let’s ______. (A) eat in (B) eat out (C) eat
up (D) eat of
( ) 16.His English writing ability is poor, but ______ his listening and speaking ability is quite
good. (A) on the other hands (B) on the other hand (C) in good hands (D) in the other hand

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( ) 17.The park ______ its founder. (A) names after (B) was named after (C)
mixes up (D) was mixed up
( ) 18.I got ______ when meeting the twins. They looked very much alike. (A) mixed up
(B) put up (C) pointed out (D) handed in
( ) 19.Scholarly books that promote mankind’s knowledge are aimed at making our lives better.
( 請 選 出 畫 底 線 的 同 義 字 ) (A) consist of (B) contribute to (C) interfere
with (D) originate from
( ) 20.Light from the sun is practically inexhaustible; ______, sunlight cannot be used up. (A)
on the other hand (B) by degrees (C) once in a while (D) in other words
二 、 引 導 式 翻 譯 題 (20 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 50 分 )
1. 那 個 小 孩 將 他 的 玩 具 車 拆 開 , 但 是 卻 無 法 再 組 合 起 來 。
The child took his toy car apart, but then couldn’t p______ it ‚t______ again.
2. 那 個 小 男 孩 如 此 害 怕 那 些 狗 以 致 於 他 大 哭 出 來 。
The little boy was so a______ ‚o______ the dogs that he burst into tears.
3. 陳 先 生 盡 力 去 做 每 件 他 老 婆 要 他 做 的 事 情 。
Mr. Chen t______s ‚p______s with everything his wife asks him to do.
4. 在 線 上 聊 天 室 時 , 881 代 表 著 「 再 見 」 。
When in an on-line chat room, 881 s______ ‚f______ “bye-bye.”
5.Alice終 於 決 定 要 面 對 困 難 。 她 不 想 要 躲 避 那 個 問 題 。
Alice finally decided to f______ the ‚m______. She didn’t want to avoid the problem.
6. 那 棟 山 上 的 別 墅 屬 於 Amos 。 他 和 他 的 家 人 住 在 那 裡 。
The villa on the mountain b______gs ‚t______ Amos. He and his family live there.
7. 就 我 的 觀 點 而 言 , 我 認 為 我 們 最 好 不 要 在 這 種 天 氣 去 野
餐 。
From my p______ of ‚v______, I think we had better not go on a picnic in this kind of weather.
8. 當 李 先 生 不 在 時 , 誰 會 接 辦 他 的 工 作 呢 ?
Who will t______ ‚o______ Mr. Li’s work when he is absent?
9. 搜 索 隊 日 以 繼 夜 地 尋 找 生 還 者 。
The rescue team searched for survivors a______ the ‚c______.
10. 那 個 盒 子 險 些 掉 下 來 。 幸 好 我 及 時 抓 住 它 。
The box c______ ‚n______ falling. Luckily I caught it in time.

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