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Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33

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High sampling rate measurement and data treatment for mobile

investigations: Kinematic Electrical Resistivity Tomography (KERT)
Olivier Guerrero a,⁎, Jean-François Lataste a, Antoine Marache a
Univ. Bordeaux, UMR 5295 I2M, GCE Department, 33405 Talence Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an innovative system which adapts Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for fast investi-
Received 23 December 2015 gation on long transects. The device consists in a set of on-the-go sensors allowing high sampling rate measure-
Received in revised form 4 August 2016 ment for mobile prospections. The weak contact between the mobile sensors and the soil, to allow fast
Accepted 7 August 2016
investigations, induces very noisy raw datasets. Kinematic Electrical Resistivity Tomography (named KERT) is
Available online xxxx
then associated with a data treatment process. A two-step process reveals the information contained in the
Electrical resistivity tomography The first focuses on the procedure to remove noise through the use of a low-pass filter. The assessment of cutoff
High sampling rate measurement device frequency for smoothing is deduced from a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis, thus the value is adapted to the
Device for mobile investigations site and the prospection. The second phase consists in calibration of the KERT on a conventional static ERT. At this
Data treatment point, a classical static ERT was used as a reference, and directed on a reduced part of the KERT transect. The es-
De-noising data timation of a factor of calibration (Xc) to correct bias revealed the resistivity variations along the entire transect
On-the-go sensors and in depth.
In the last part of the paper, the validation of the investigation method and data treatment methodology is per-
formed on a real case study: a 450 m transect is investigated in 5 min (mean speed: about 6 km/h), integrating 10
depths of investigation. The steps of data processing are detailed to show the final results, consisting in a zonation
along the transect.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2014). This zoning of surface soils makes it easier to define the variabil-
ity of physical properties of a certain material such as the variation in
In geophysical prospection, advances in technologies now allow clay content (De Benedetto et al., 2011; Tabbagh et al., 2000) or geomet-
equipment to conduct extensive surveys in a relatively short time rical structures (Buvat et al., 2014; Guerrero et al., 2013; Chaplot et al.,
(Lund et al., 1999; Blais, 2004; Christensen and Sorensen, 2001). They 2010; Besson et al., 2004). The major limitation of ERT prospection in
include developments in high sampling rate measurement devices for fieldwork conditions is the relatively poor horizontal resolution with in-
geophysical prospection in the fields of archaeological exploration creased electrode spacing. Hence, applying this in a larger area can lead
(Clomont, 2008; Tabbagh, 1992; Dabas et al., 2000), civil engineering to difficulties. Implanting each electrode is time consuming, another
(Neiderleithinger et al., 2015), geological surveys (Peyraube et al., source of difficulties encountered during ERT prospection. In addition,
2012), and soil science (Coulouma et al., 2012). The idea is that these de- the following concerns should be seriously considered during field-
vices should respond to different expectations in terms of utility, wheth- work; sensitivities and abilities of several electrode configurations in re-
er for the prospection of soils for urban development plans, for the lation to their differences in spatial resolution; tendency for artefacts to
location of underground structures (Lew, 1997), or for geological sur- appear in images; deviation from the true model resistivity; and inter-
veys on a large scale (Meric, 2006; Friedel et al., 2006), etc. pretable maximum depth. Following these restrictions, ERT seems to
In this context, classical electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can have limited potential in performing a high sampling rate measurement
be a very interesting tool. Its sensitivity to water and/or clay content prospection.
and lateral resistivity variability can bring a lot of advantages. This tech- Over the last thirty years, advances in geophysical prospection have
nique has many applications (Samouëlian et al., 2005). Numerous case been focused on the adaptation of electrical methods in order to con-
studies have proved its high level of performance in measuring surfaces duct soil structure mapping and to discern its physical characteristics
or boreholes provided by images in each considered zone (Taillet et al., (Samouëlian et al., 2005; Loke et al., 2013). Using the high sampling
rate measurement device in geophysical prospection, the time of explo-
⁎ Corresponding author. ration can be directly correlated to the travel speed of the device. In this
E-mail address: (O. Guerrero). case, a great majority of the measurements techniques are towed, or at
0016-7061/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33 23

least linked to movable devices. Pulling the device implies a develop- and Lorenz, 2005). In these studies, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analy-
ment of existing techniques to adapt to the new measurement process sis is used to determine the frequency spectrum of a series of measure-
(Jakosky, 1938; Hesse et al., 1986; Panissod et al., 1998). Most of the ments. The use of a low pass filter on the frequency spectrum serves to
methods and measuring devices developed have mainly aimed at map- filter outliers (i.e. excessive gradients) and unrealistic data ranges with
ping large surfaces or obtaining the transect of physical properties via regard to the scale of prospection. A third approach to dealing with
surveys like kinematics. The use of kinematics leads to the rapid noise interpretation consists in the calibration of raw data on referenced
achievement of a large number of measurements. At present, a number values. This limits the interpretation of relative variations, whatever the
of resolutions exist in terms of equipment to generate continuous absolute values. It is also possible only if the noise level is low relatively
geoelectrical surveys. ARP (Automatic Resistivity Prospection), operat- to the information level in the records, in other words: the noise/signal
ed by Geocarta, is used for the recognition of archaeological (N/S) ratio is sufficiently low.
zones (Panissod et al., 1997; Dabas, 2009). ARP is a motorized system This paper presents an innovative ERT approach via a new device
that allows 3 simultaneous measurements of apparent resistivity, (KERT), accompanied by enhanced data treatment to smooth resistance
representing 3 volumes of investigation (Dabas, 2009). Materials with data obtained through KERT prospection, and to calibrate it on a classi-
the same technical basis of geoelectrical measurement also exist in Den- cal electrical resistivity tomography (limited in space). This study
mark, such as the PACES (Pulled Continuous Electrical Sounding Sys- employed only the ERT device to develop a new geophysical method
tem) developed by the University of Aarhus (Christensen and of investigation. With this methodology, KERT will be a method for
Sorensen, 2001), or in the USA with the Veris 3100 Soil EC Mapping Sys- large scale mapping, achieving accurate zoning of fields (adapted to
tem developed by Veris Technology (Lund et al., 1999). Recently, there pedological, archaeological or civil engineering applications according
has been the Geophilus Electricus (Lueck and Ruehlmann, 2013) for to measuring parameters, mainly probe spacing).
mapping the top-soil in five depths of investigation (0–1 m). First the device is presented along with the tools used for data treat-
All these approaches are focused on soil mapping, in terms of appar- ment. Then, in the second part, the method is developed on a real site in
ent resistivity. The value of ERT is its ability to invert data in order to as- order to capture all the real constraints of on-site prospection. The data
sess a model for true resistivity distribution. In this study the classical processing is based on two main phases: (1) FFT analysis and (2) the de-
ERT was developed in order to reach high sampling rate measurement termination of a corrective factor (Xc) to calibrate measurements of re-
approaches. This enhanced ERT device can allow easier actual installa- alistic ranges by a bias correction (on the basis of an ERT calibration
tion on site. It can allocate investigations on transect along large spatial measurement). In the third part, the validation of the method is per-
scale in the field. The adaptation of the common geophysical methods in formed on a second real site, independent from the first (used for devel-
a geophysical prospection with on-the-go sensors aims to exploit the opment). In the last part some methodology aspects are discussed,
characteristics of several methods of electrical investigation to avoid before the concluding remarks.
the obligation of a continuous contact between the ground and the elec-
trodes (Shima et al., 1996). Kinematics Electrical Resistivity Tomogra- 2. Materials and methods
phy (KERT) allows the measurement of apparent resistivity transects
in ten depths of investigation, with a classical ERT format. The data are 2.1. Technical parameters of the device
then inverted to produce a true resistivity 2D tomography. In this, the
existing equipment allow to obtain an apparent resistivity transect KERT consists of a quad, referred to as traction vehicle in Fig. 1,
within several pseudo depth, while KERT prospection allow to obtain towing movable electrodes called on-the-go sensors. The quad also
an tomography with true inverted resistivity through the use of on- carries the power and acquisition system (SyscalPro (Iris Instrument)
the-go sensors and a high sampling rate measurement approaches. and a computer). An optimized mode is available on the acquisition sys-
Two dimensions are taken into account in the development of the tem allowing simultaneous measurement of 10 potential differences for
measuring device. In addition, interpretation of the data is provided. some electrode arrays (Dipole-Dipole (DD), Wenner, Schlumberger).
Compared to common geophysical prospection, kinematic geophysical This makes it possible to adapt it to a device for mobile investigations.
prospection generates a higher noise level. This high proportion of The configuration of the KERT device is dipole-dipole. The dipole-dipole
noise is mainly associated with the electrical coupling between mobile array is composed of a couple of electrodes for current injection and ten
sensor and topsoil. Prior to the interpretation of the data, there is a pre- pairs of electrodes for measuring the potential difference. For practical
processing of measures phase, aimed at analyzing and correcting them. reasons and with regard to researches that are not developed in this
To address the noise concern, several approaches are possible. The paper, this device is currently developed with 50 cm probe spacing
first approach is to limit the bias. In the present case, use of classical stat- (a), limiting the depth of investigation to the first 2 m. This point
ic probes would be the solution. However, this is not compatible with could be easily changed to increase the depth of investigation.
high rate investigation. The second approach consists in data filtering The KERT device is composed of 13 electrodes. The two first are cur-
to remove noise. Various tools can be used, for instance statistics: rent electrodes used for the injection of electrical current into the soil
while the mean and the variance can serve to highlight the main trends (labeled A and B). They are spaced by 1 interval labeled “a”, which
of the measures, a filtering of outliers can be put in place relative to the here is equal to 50 cm. The 11 other electrodes (labeled P1 to P11) are
thresholds (Macnae et al., 1984; Bellanger and Aigrain, 2006; Doucet potential electrodes, used to assess the potential drop along 10 intervals.
and Johansen, 2010; Ferahtia et al., 2012) above which (maximum This allows the calculation of apparent resistivity for various depths of
and minimum values) the measurements are filtered. Filtering can be investigation. As these depths are not real (not precisely known), we
also performed by rejecting property variations due to too large gradi- refer to “level” (ranking from 1 for the smallest probe spacing to 10
ents (Starck et al., 1989). Temporal or spatial approaches to datasets when the measuring probes are spaced by the 10 intervals), or else
are a second possibility. These highlight areas (space) or durations “pseudo depths” (linked to electrode spacing ranging here from 0.6a
(time) in which the studied variable presents variations qualified as reg- to 3a). The depths of investigation, estimated for inversion (Barker,
ular. The data processing serves to smooth (Fullana, 2002) the series of 1989) from pseudo depths, are between 0.3 and 1.5 m. Mobile sensors
data showing unrealistic changes in the studied property, e.g. wet sand are steel toothed wheels whose characteristics are studied in Guerrero
(prospected by drilling) connected to a resistivity of 10,000 Ω. The first (2014). Preliminary tests showed the outlier values of the first level of
studies on the treatment of smoothing geophysical data were carried investigation (which corresponds to the smaller spacing between injec-
out on time data, such as time electromagnetic measurements tion probes and potential probes). To improve the rough data in terms
(Reninger, 2012). A classical treatment method for processing noise of noise quantity, the spacing between injection probes and first poten-
data aims to make the data discrete in terms of frequencies (Köhler tial probes was fixed at 2a (i.e. 1 m). The initiation of the measurements
24 O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33



Fig. 1. The KERT device diagram and illustration in-situ, a) device as a whole, b) on-the-go sensors in dipole-dipole configuration with 50 cm interelectrode spacing and 10 levels of

was carried out by a wheel encoding the displacement of the whole de- highlighting the frequencies and, therefore, the dimensions of the
vice for positioning each measurement (i.e. odometer). This encoder main geoelectrical structures measured. In this study, all the pseudo
wheel responds to the GPS imposed limitations in shaded areas i.e. depths of investigation of the KERT are named level. Each level of the
under the trees which are present in the area. The accuracy of the en- KERT is viewed as a set of data independent of other levels which is
coder wheel reaches a centimeter, even at a speed of progression in treated individually. Thus, in each level component, a KERT gives a se-
the order of 5 to 8 km/h. The remote triggering of the injection current ries of data that can be represented by a frequency spectrum. Applying
(AB) and the difference in potential measurement by all the pairs of a treatment by FFT on a KERT transect yields the frequency spectrum in
electrodes (P1-P11) is thus carried out with a constant measurement distance in which the unit of frequency is m−1 (Fig. 2), since the mea-
step, despite the irregular speed of the device in the field. The constant surement points are sampled according to the distance travelled, with
measurement step can be set at least at 20 cm, with a speed of progres- a step of measure α in meter. Fig. 2 represents the common data of ap-
sion reduced b 3 km/h, and up to several meters with a speed of progres- parent resistivity within the second level (same distance (x), same level
sion of 5 to 8 km/h. As the exploration is performed, a software package (y)), between a KERT transect (length : 70 m, α = 0.5 m) and an ERT
(Sysmar - Iris Instrument) creates the entire pseudo-section of apparent transect (length : 48 m, α = 1 m). The number of apparent resistivity
resistivity in real time. data in a level of KERT is in this case 141, and only 48 data are in com-
mon with the ERT transect.
2.2. Data processing The analysis of the frequency spectrum (Fig. 2) identifies the distri-
bution of resistivities according to their frequency ranges. This repre-
Two steps are developed to successively smooth then calibrate data sentation corresponds to the resistivity variation linked to the
from KERT, leading to final values that are similar to those obtained by a wavelength of the measured phenomenon. Noise is classically charac-
static device, allowing interpretation with traditional tools. The two terized by very high frequency (short wavelength), particularly linked
steps (de-noising and calibration) use data from a reference static ERT to the quality of the contact between probes and top-soils. Low frequen-
performed on a portion of the KERT transect, first to identify the “natu- cies, however, correspond to the different geoelectrical structures (larg-
ral” variability of resistivities along the transect, and second to assess er for lower frequency).
the resistivity ranges on the area. The use of an analysis by FFT consists in determining the low-pass
The first step of data processing is the smoothing of outlier values as- frequency filter to remove the frequencies associated with the noise
sociated with random noise. In light of the studies already conducted in during the measurements. Then by performing an inverse Fourier
this context (Angelini and De Canditiis, 2000; Amato and De Feis, 2000; Transform, the denoised signal is rebuilt. The discretization of the fre-
De Canditiis and De Feis, 2006), the geoelectric data smoothing analysis quency spectrum depends on the step of measure (α) retained for the
by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) proves to be a relevant approach for KERT measures. The determination of the threshold frequency of the
O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33 25


Fig. 2. a) noise signal for the second level of investigation using KERT, b) frequency spectrum of the apparent resistivity from the second level of investigation using KERT.

low-pass filter (fx) relies on the minimum size of heterogeneities to de- can be considered as noise. The determination of this frequency thresh-
tect (λ). The relationship is described below (see Eq. (1)): old can be achieved objectively: the work is done on static ERT data,
after which (according to similarity) we apply these observations to
1 the kinematic survey (KERT). The analysis consists in degrading the ref-
fx ¼ ð1Þ
λ: erence signal (from static ERT) by successively decreasing the threshold
frequency fx of the low-pass filter. Then an analysis of inverse Fourier
For instance, for fx = 0.25 m−1, the minimum size for soil structure transform is performed for each case with the aim of deriving the “per-
which can be characterized is 4 m in length. centage of variation (Δ%) between reference ERT and filtered ERT” as a
Another approach is to determine fx relatively to the noise level. This function of fx, the percentage of variation being calculated on each
approach is used as an indicator of decision making for choice of fx. This point according to Eq. (2).
approach seems more relevant and better reflects the coherence of the
studied site, compared with a more objective approach. This approach ρarj −ρafij 
requires reasoning on a limited number of resistivity data (48 per Δ% j ¼ 100  ð2Þ
level), but the results lead to 5 m wavelengths, which is significantly
lower than the 48 m of the studied ERT transect. This approach is subject
to discussion, but allows to orient the choice of the fx. The frequency With Δ%j, the percentage of variation on the point j, ρarj the apparent
that does not provide more information on the geoelectrical structures resistivity on j on the reference static pseudo-section, and ρafij the
26 O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33

apparent resistivity on point j on the filtered (with value f for low-pass homogenous surface soil of several meters, with no multiple variations
filter frequency) pseudo-section. Δ% is the average value of Δ%j for each in horizontal structures. The study area is a pathway in a forest of about
fx. 450 m in length with a slight slope from north to south. The topsoil is
In electrical prospection generally one can consider that 10% resistiv- mainly composed of sand.
ity contrast corresponds to a significant contrast to detect a structure
from the surrounding soil (Tabbagh, 1985). Considering the Δ% function 3. Results
of frequency, we can pick fx as the frequency value corresponding to
Δ% = 10%. A filtering with a frequency lower than fx leads to keeping In this part, the development of the analysis of KERT data is pro-
the measurement noise and intrinsic variability of soil, while a filtering posed. Results are integrally elaborated on the first test site.
frequency higher than fx leads to the erosion of information. Thus, the
frequency higher than fx are removing because they are considered 3.1. Raw data
like bias (no pertinent information). Thereby, only the frequency
lower than fx are keep to do an inverse Fourier transform. Fig. 3 shows the result after an inversion of the apparent resistivity
Once KERT data are de-noised, the second step of the KERT data pro- (ρapp) of the KERT prospection campaign with regard to the reference
cessing is the calibration of resistivity values. Indeed, the average resis- ERT performed at the same coordinates, and under the same conditions
tivity value on KERT is very high, due to the effect of contact resistance (same date, same array, same settings, etc.).
between moving probes and top-soils. As long as this resistance de- The ranges obtained varied strongly, showing 50 to 5000 Ohm.m
pends on the electrodes' characteristics, its value could be comparable with the ERT, and higher values for KERT. At this step, the resistivities
for all the probes. Consequently, its contribution could be considered on KERT are outside of plausible values.
as a close constant for a constant spacing. Next, the data treatment in Comparing these raw data obtained in terms of relative variation to
terms of calibration is defined level by level, with the determination of the ERT reference, it can be observed that KERT has lateral variations in
the calibration factor for each level. The static ERT performed on a por- resistivity ranges, with strong values between 0 and 30 m and lower
tion of the KERT transect is the reference for completing this task. In values beyond. For depth as a factor, the ERT presents (in its first
practical terms, the objective is to determine an average shift within 24 m) a decrease in resistivity, however, for the KERT, this gradient is in-
each level, between the apparent resistivity measured by KERT and creasing. The large variation in ρ for two neighboring measures in the
ERT. We defined the calibration factor Xc that quantifies the shift be- KERT case does not highlight the geometries of heterogeneities. From
tween the apparent resistivity measured by a KERT and an ERT. The cal- a qualitative point of view, these measures are not relevant to the mate-
ibration factor Xc is obtained for each level of investigation by Eq. (3). rials observed on site. This reflects the strong disturbance of the mea-
surements, indicates a strong bias in the measurements. These
n logðρ
1 aKERT Þ disturbances can be interpreted as noise related to the measurements,
Xc ¼ ∑ ð3Þ
n 1 logðρaERT Þ i.e. the intrinsic quality of the contacts of the on-the-go sensor
(Guerrero, 2014). The analysis of the data from a KERT prospection em-
Thus, for a level of investigation, to calibrate data we obtain Eq. (4): phasizes that measured resistivity cannot be directly interpreted
through the traditional tools normally used for this type of measure-
ρaERT ¼ ðρaKERT Þ =Xc
ð4Þ ment (Loke and Barker, 1996). The purpose of this paper is not to iden-
tify the causes of this difference (bias) between the apparent resistivity
with: data of ERT and KERT, but to develop a method for treating apparent re-
n: number of comparable points within the level i. sistivity data of KERT to make these as interpretable measures.
ρaKERT: smooth apparent resistivity at the x position, within the level
i of a KERT. 3.2. FFT filtering for smoothing data
ρaERT: apparent resistivity at the x position, within the level i of an
ERT. An analysis is performed of the percentage of variation for the deter-
mination of the cutoff factor for the low pass. The graph in Fig. 4 pre-
2.3. Test sites sents a curve showing three domains: the first (fx b 0.2 m−1) where
the curve presents a high negative slope translating the extensive ero-
Two test sites are considered: the first one for the development of sion of data for a frequency filter that is too low; the second
the methodology, used for identification of the various measuring pa- (0.2 b fx b 0.4 m−1) where there is only a weak influence of fx on Δ%,
rameters influencing the prospection and the development of the data meaning a low influence of the exact fx value for filtering; and the
processing methodology; and the second site for the validation of the third (fx N 0.4 m− 1) curve shows a sharp negative slope translating
methodology developed in an independent context. the decrease in measurement noise (generally associated with higher
The first site is located in Pessac (44° 47 ′52.81″N, 0° 36′ 34.35 ″ W), frequency). This curve clearly shows low frequency limits before signif-
near Bordeaux in southwest France. The main geological surface of the icant erosion of data (0.2 m−1) and the high frequency limits of mea-
site corresponds to colluvium of mixed origin (fluvial and wind) surement noise (0.4 m− 1). Furthermore, relatively to the analysis of
consisting of sand, gravel, and pebbles with a clay matrix. From the sur- Δ%, and the threshold of 10% (as the threshold for significant resistivity
face, the study area is composed of a backfill layer with varying thick- change - Tabbagh, 1985), it is observed (Fig. 4) that if fx N 0.2 m−1, the
ness of about 0–1 m (Pratviel et al., 1978). This backfill layer is present erosion of data from ERT is b10%. If fx b 0.2 m−1, there is a deviation be-
only in the northern part of the site. In this specific part, a layer of sed- tween the reference and the filtered tomography N 10%. In this case,
imentary materials consisting of a succession of layers of gravel and with fx = 0.2 m−1 the inverse Fourier transform serves to smooth the
sand to a depth of 5 to 10 m is present. All these Quaternary formations noise, keeping an accurate dataset. If fx is lower, the inverse Fourier
are on the surface of the calcareous substratum of the upper Miocene. transform causes a loss of information.
The transect is 48 m in length, limited to the length of the static transect To illustrate the influence of this method of smoothing geoelectrical
used as reference. The top–soil is covered by gravel and sparse grass. data, we can study the evolution of the correlation coefficient (Table 1)
The second site is located in the south of Bordeaux (latitude longi- between the apparent resistivity of an ERT and a smoothed KERT with
tude 44.745239° N 0.693154° W). The geology of the soil corresponds different filter frequencies (0.35 m−1; 0.2 m−1; 0.1 m−1; 0.05 m−1).
to the Dépée formation (Pratviel et al., 1978), consisting of sands and The calculation of the correlation coefficients between the apparent re-
more or less homogeneous clay. The site is relevant as it has sistivity of an ERT and a smoothed KERT shows the main variations in
O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33 27

Fig. 3. Comparison of true resistivity, obtained after the inversion of ERT and raw KERT data.

the apparent resistivity related to the ERT observed within the KERT the calibration factor Xc increasing with depth. The factors Xc are calcu-
transect once the geoelectrical data are smoothed. lated for each level of investigation of a KERT comparable to that of an
In Fig. 5, it also follows that the smoothing of the KERT data makes ERT, requiring that the KERT and ERT measurement values are carried
analysis possible as it presents same trend in terms of apparent resistiv- out at the same coordinates.
ity, but not the same value ranges. To determine the calibration factors Xc, we compare a KERT and en
This data smoothing highlights geophysical structures larger than ERT made at the same position. By the characteristics of the surveys,
5 m. Fig. 5 allows comparison of apparent resistivity transects, for the we can compare 45 values of apparent resistivity per level of explora-
same level (pseudo depth) for KERT and ERT. The data presented are ob- tion. The calibration factors Xc are quantified in Table 2. On this site,
tained after smoothing by FFT analysis with the application of a we note that the coefficients evolve from 1.29 to 3.14 according to the
0.2 m−1low-pass filter. levels. In an ideal case, with no calibration needed, the Xc values
Within a level of exploration (level 2), the expected measurements would be equal to 1. The coefficients of variation of calibration factors
(ERT) and the effective measurements (KERT), expressed as a loga- Xc are constant according to the different levels of investigation. The in-
rithm, show a relatively constant offset. This smoothing of the measure- crease in the Xc values as a function of the level (i.e. depth of investiga-
ments by the FFT inverse analysis emphasizes that KERT data contain tion) shows that biases increase with depth.
information in terms of relative variations in resistivity, allowing con-
sideration of the zoning along the transect. This led to the proposal of
the calibration factor. 3.4. Study of improved resistivity data

With an analysis of the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) factor we

3.3. Calibration of smoothed KERT relatively to reference ERT
assessed (Eq. (5)) the effects of various data treatments on the KERT ap-
parent resistivity prospection, in relation to the apparent resistivity of
Fig. 6 is a representation of the relations between the apparent resis-
the reference ERT. The relative comparison of RMSE allows quantifica-
tivity of the KERT and the ERT. This illustrates the impact of the different
tion of the evolution of apparent resistivity after each processing step
processing on the data. This figure shows the measurement values of
(Table 3). The choice of this indicator is based on the fact that the
apparent resistivity smoothed by FFT grouped into 5 major classes,
RMSE highlights the large differences between the ERT and KERT resis-
each corresponding to a level of investigation. These apparent resistivi-
tivities within the same level. The average noise level (variability) of an
ties are described (average) for each level by Eq. (2), with the values of
ERT is evaluated by repetition of the measurement, and then by an anal-
ysis of the differences recorded. This gap between the same measure-
ment values of apparent resistivity is an indicator of a variability of the
measurements, giving a signification level of variation. Two sets of mea-
surements have been successively acquired by leaving the device in
place between the two sequences of measurement for determining
the noise inherent in ERT measures. Table 3 represents the RMSE
resulting from the comparison between the two sequences of ERT

Table 1
Correlation between the apparent resistivity of the reference ERT and the KERT, depending
on the different frequencies of smoothing.

Threshold frequency of the low-pass

filter (m−1)

Raw data 0.35 0.2 0.1 0.05

Correlation. Coefficient. 0.6558 0.84 0.92 0.91 0.88

Fig. 4. Loss of information due to smoothing by low-pass filter.
28 O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33

Fig. 5. Result of a smoothing process with a low-pass filter frequency of 0.2 m−1 within the second level of investigation.

(Reference), the comparison between the ERT of reference and the raw help to make the KERT raw data useful for interpretation (Fig. 7). By
KERT, the smoothed KERT (FFT), and the smoothed calibrated KERT (C- comparing the two sections, it appears that that the lateral zoning of
FFT). geo-electrical structures obtained with processed KERT is consistent
with ERT. One can note the two distinct zones along transect: before
i¼N 25 m where the top-soil structures are highly resistive (N500 Ohm.m),
RMSE ¼ : ∑ ðρiaERT −ρiaKERT Þ2 ð5Þ and after 25 m where the top-soil is more conductive (100 to
N i¼1
300 Ω.m). The deeper part of the transect presents very low resistivities
(b100 Ω.m) all along. These spatial distributions are qualitatively the
with: N: number of apparent resistivity data. same with the two devices. Nevertheless there is a resistivity range's
ρiaERT: ERT apparent resistivity. shift between KERT and ERT results: ERT range appears less resistive
ρiaKERT: KERT apparent resistivity. than KERT for instance on the first part of the tomography of reference
The analysis of the RMSE as well as of the average apparent resistiv- which present value lower than 500 Ω.m at 1 m in depth, or else on the
ity and the coefficient of variation (CoV) can illustrate two influences of second transect part with some resistivities as lower as 70 Ω.m at the
different treatments performed when measuring the apparent resistiv- surface.
ity. Firstly, the study of CoV illustrates that smoothing by low-pass filter Even though the KERT is compared here with the ERT used for its cal-
of the apparent resistivity reduces the measurement bias significantly. ibration, it shows that the FFT allows the data to be cleaned by conserv-
Secondly, in terms of the RMSE, it emerges that the calibration of the ing the relative variation which is of interest for interpretation. Then,
KERT apparent resistivity yields variations in resistivity comparable to through a calibration phase done on a single average value by level,
those measured by the reference ERT and also in the comparable ranges. the treatment gives a good range for the resistivity values, even if the
Fig. 6 illustrates the apparent resistivities according they are raw correspondence is not exact. This is a basis for a more advanced proce-
data (from KERT) or processed data (FFT and calibration), in function dure where the ERT for calibration is performed only on a part of the
of reference data (from ERT). It is shown the improvement of measured prospected transect, and the Xc factors (assessed on this ERT) will be
resistivity due to the data processing, the final coefficient of correlation generalized along the entire KERT transect. In terms of the analysis of
is 0.87. The treatments of the KERT data (FFT smoothing and calibration) true resistivity (inverted with RES2DInv), we can observe in this case

Fig. 6. Relations between the apparent resistivity of the KERT and the ERT, effects of the treatments (smoothing process and calibration) on the distribution of apparent resistivity.
O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33 29

Table 2 section. We can firstly note on both figures a decrease in resistivity

Determination of factors Xc according to levels of investigation. values as a function of the depth, except for the sides of the low part
Calibration factors Xc of the ERT figure which show high values of resistivity which are not vis-
Levels Average C.V. (%) Nb
ible on KERT. For others depths, the evolution of resistivity with depth is
very similar on both figures. Secondly, we can clearly observe on both
Level 1 1.29 11 45
figures at about 170 m, a “column” of lower resistivity represented in
Level 2 1.63 11 45
Level 3 1.95 12 45 yellow-green. Such a structure is typically the kind of information that
Level 4 2.65 11 45 we search in a zoning aim. Finally, at a middle depth, we can observe
Level 5 3.14 12 45 on both figures an alternation of red/orange zones.
A quantifiable comparison is more difficult because the variability in
resistivity values is different between ERT and KERT. Nevertheless, for
study that the low resistivities are undervalued by KERT. At this stage, the aim that has been announced (establishment of an electrical zoning
no explanation is given. Nevertheless it is clear that from a qualitative of a cross-section), this qualitative analysis shows that the same struc-
point of view, the zonation of the transect could be performed sharply tures are well identified with both methods.
along the transect as well as in depth, in a satisfactory manner. The KERT prospection, coupled with data treatment by an FFT anal-
Thus, at present stage of development of the measuring device, the ysis, reveals the main geoelectrical structures of the soil, and through an
ERT data still need to be assessed in terms of performance to calibrate appropriate choice of the low-pass frequency, it allows us to focus on
a KERT. This calibration associates with each KERT level of investigation, the analysis of the major true resistivity contrasts within the transect.
a unique factor Xc. For each level considered, the apparent resistivity The comparison between the resistivity of ERT and treated resistivity
measured at each point (ρapp) obtained after smoothing of the data by KERT can highlight the relative agreement between measurements.
FFT, is treated according to Eq. (2) to obtain a calibrated apparent resis- This correspondence is marked even if some differences can be noted
tivity (C-FFT) designated by ρ'app. at the limits of higher or lower resistivities, by comparison of reference
ERT and final KERT.
ρ0app ¼ ρapp =Xc
By studying the different geoelectrical structures, identified by this
transect and the in-situ observations, we note different zones of low re-
sistivity (interpreted as preferential infiltration areas) on the KERT tran-
sect for x = 64 m; 160 m; 290 m and 350 m. This test on a real site,
3.5. Validation on test site number 2 based on the application of experimental site experimentation, proves
that on the one hand the device can perform a large-scale transect
Preliminary electric and electromagnetic geophysical surveys have (420 m), and on the other hand that the methodology based on the
identified the existence of a zone with low resistivity (attached to an FFT filtering with a low pass filters taken about 0.2 m−1 is well adapted
area of rainwater retention). The location of this transition of the to our site. The comparison between the KERT and an ERT transect per-
geoelectrical structures is chosen to implement two neighboring ERT formed on a limited part of this KERT transect allowed us to determine
of 72 electrodes (Dipole-Dipole device 1 m spacing between elec- each Xc factor of calibration for all the levels of investigation. This local
trodes). The combination of these two ERT can be used to form a contin- Xc factor can be generalized to the entire KERT transect to calibrate the
uous ERT transect of 120 m in length and 3.5 m in depth. apparent resistivity. Furthermore, resistivity can be inverted, and a
As in the first case we note significant differences between the initial 420 m long transect with a sampling of 1 m and ten levels of investiga-
KERT results and the reference static ERT on the same portion: large dif- tion can be studied via its true resistivity with true depths. For an inves-
ference in terms of resistivity ranges, and abnormal resistivity ranges for tigation aiming at the zoning of soil structures in depth along transect
KERT (up to 650,000 Ohm.m in terms of apparent resistivity). The raw this methodology is now possible.
KERT data look totally incoherent compared to static reference ERT
(Fig. 8a, b & d). All the analyses and treatments on measuring the appar- 4. Discussion
ent resistivity previously presented are applied in this case (Fig. 8c). The
first step is the FFT filtering with the threshold low pass filters fixed to For both sites, located in the Bordeaux area, we note similar initial
0.2 m−1. Then the second step: the calculation for each level of the Xc results for the KERT with resistivity ranges which first look doubtful.
factor is performed. Table 4 represents the calibration factors Xc that After data processing, for both sites the resistivity ranges appear to be
were obtained on this study site, varying between 1 for the top level closer to what is expected in their respective areas: between 50 and
and 1.35 in depth. Note that as ERT is performed with 1 m spacing, for 1500 Ω.m for the first and 50 to 10,000 for the second. Relatively to
0.5 m spacing with KERT, a compromise is achieved by considering other works in the same area, the ranges are in agreement with the
only even-numbered levels (2, 4, 6, etc.). As expected from the study high level of heterogeneity of this part of the Bordeaux area (Chretien
in the first part, the variations in factors Xc show that the KERT measur- et al., 2014; Marache et al., 2009) or in a larger region (André et al.,
ing device is more sensitive to measurement bias in its deepest investi- 2012). The methodology has been successfully tested on two signifi-
gation levels. cantly different sites, proving its operability. Considering accuracy de-
The Fig. 8d shows the result of the ERT survey which can be qualita- fined by Adamchuck et al. (2004) as “how well the sensor
tively compared to the KERT perform on the same location after numer- measurements correlate an actual soil property that is determined
ical treatment (C-FFT KERT, Fig. 8c). Both figures. Show globally the using a conventional (reference) measurement technique”, one can
same electrical structures useful to establish a zoning of the cross- consider that these developments lead to an accurate method in terms

Table 3
Evolution of the noise of measurement based on the treatment provided to the KERT data.

Comparaisons Between two ERT Between ERT and raw KERT Between ERT and smoothed (0,2 m−1) KERT Between ERT and smoothed calibrated KERT (C-FFT)

RMSE (Ω.m) 0.02 10.7.105 8.1.104 33

Average 478 1.48.1012 4.4.105 512
CoV(%) 1.59 5.8 2.61 1.55
30 O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33

Fig. 7. Results, in true resistivity, of KERT treatment after smoothing, calibration and inversion of apparent resistivity.

of measurement. At all events, the question could be seen as being more temperature, etc. Some of these parameters are given for a soil, others
complex since the electrical properties of soils are linked to a number of could evolve over time. Generally, simplification of these parameters
physical characteristics: moisture, salinity, clay content, as well as is performed according to the hypothesis of achieving digital

Fig. 8. Results of a KERT prospection with true resistivity over a great length, a) raw KERT transect represented with a “free” scale of resistivity, b) raw KERT transect represented with the
reference ERT resistivity scale, c) C-FFT KERT transect represented with the reference ERT resistivity scale, d) reference ERT with its resistivity scale.
O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33 31

Table 4 fast and slower investigation of the zone under consideration, we can
Variations of the calibration factors Xc, according to levels of investigation. speak about prospecting optimization.
KERT levels of investigation The issue of the speed of investigation and the quality of contact
Lvl 2 Lvl 4 Lvl 6 Lvl 8 Lvl 10
must be addressed by its influence on measurement sensitivity. Indeed
the current injection during 0.25 s combine with the on the go process
Xc average 1.00 0.98 1.06 1.34 1.35
at about 6 km/h (1.66 m/s) results to an injection on a 40 cm interval
Variation Coefficient (%) 5 9 12 9 10
in length. The quality of contact as well as the distribution of current
density is then continuously changing for each resistivity measure. As
current density is more influenced by lower resistivity than by higher,
representation of soils (Séger et al., 2014; Chaplot et al., 2010). So the it leads to overestimate the influence of conductive bodies. This effect
discussion in this chapter is limited to the question of the data treat- is more important when the resistivity is low. This can be seen on Figs.
ment, leaving considerations on methodology interpretation for further 7 and 8 when one compares the resistivity distribution resistivity
developments. The question addressed is the ability to record data distribution.
which could be processed to propose a resistivity transect in depth Concerning the number of channels, we note the range for the vari-
for inverse analysis with classical tools, leading to an inverted ous Xc on the respective levels on the two sites. They are in the same
resistivity tomography, which is not performed by the other range, evolving between 1 and 3.14. This mainly traduces the diverse
techniques mentioned in the introductory paragraph. The main conditions on the two sites. The increase with depth observed on the
question is about data noise, and the dynamic range needed for two sites reflects the decrease in reliability with depth. For upper levels
accurate soil characterization. the measurement looks more representative of soil resistivity variation,
Compared to classical static devices, the main difference is the use of and for the latter channel the link between measurement and soil prop-
on-the-go sensors. The high noise level observed is then logically attrib- erties looks thinner. Of course, the work with apparent resistivity which
uted to them, according to two main effects: (1) the quality of electrical includes all the depths from the surface partly explains this point; in-
coupling between sensor and top soil; (2) the velocity of device deed, the depth of investigation corresponds to the thickness of the
influencing the electrical coupling. Primarily, the contact resistance of soil taken into account by measurement from the surface to the nominal
the on-the-go sensors' electrode is less likely to be linked to top-soil depth of investigation. For greater depths of investigation, the contribu-
than classical electrodes for ERT. In this study, consideration of a dis- tion of deeper layers is then averaged with the upper layers. At all
tance lower than 500 m is used for convenience in terms of the speed events, for greater depths of investigation, the use of a more distant sen-
of the moving device. The latter also factors in to the quality of the elec- sor is also a cause of this. The further the sensor is from the injection di-
trical contact between probes and soil. All these factors contribute large- pole, the weaker the potential measured. This leads to an increase in the
ly to the noise field data measured. According to Lueck and Ruehlmann noise part (as explained above). The array used for this application is the
(2013), with good galvanic coupling between electrode and soil, the in- dipole-dipole. This array presents the lesser quality of signal measured
fluence of driving velocity is negligible. Nevertheless they mention the due to its high sensitivity to measurement noises (Dahlin and Zhou,
influence of coulter depth variations which could lead to noise if the ve- 2004). Nevertheless this solution presents several advantages, essen-
locity is higher than 8 km/h. Indeed, the quality of contact between top- tially practical: it allows the use of the optimized mode for acquisition
soil and electrode-coulter is one of the main sources of noise. We ob- on SyscalPro, leading to high rate sampling for on-the-go prospecting.
served with a test on moistened grass (with morning dew for instance) Additionally, this array avoids the need for any remote electrodes
that electrical coupling is improved and leads to a significant decrease in (which would limit the interest of high sampling rate measurement
noise. On the contrary, in measurements on gravelly dry soil, bad elec- prospect). This array, imposed by technological constraints, presents a
trical coupling can limit the investigation. These results are in accor- good sensitivity to the variations in horizontal and vertical physical
dance with those of Mueller et al. (2003) or Lück et al. (2009) on the properties (Dahlin and Zhou, 2004). Finally, the ability to consider the
influence of measurement conditions in terms of moisture and type of limited entries for electrodes (11 channels of measurement), leading
top soils. to recording of the pseudo-section, is also a positive factor. Still today,
The electrode's movement could also influence the characteristics of with this approach, after data processing, we can have a pseudo-section
output current, and hence the input voltage which could decrease to a of apparent resistivity which can be studied with classical tools for in-
few millivolts (Lueck and Ruehlmann, 2013; Shima et al., 1996). This ef- version. Thanks to this point the KERT is the right approach for assessing
fect is notably important in the case of deeper investigation channels variations in true resistivity as performed with classical tomography,
(with measurement electrodes far from the injection electrodes), combined with high rate investigation.
where the measured voltages are already weak. In this case output volt- Even if this technique can operate for high rate sampling investiga-
ages could have a low signal-to-noise. The weaker voltage could even be tion on sub-soil along transect, two main questions can be addressed
comparable to the natural spontaneous potential of the soil, thus en- for improvement. The first is that, the methodology need to perform
hancing noise. Various tests led us to prefer to put in the injection an ERT of reference on a limited part of transect. It is used for the assess-
probes first followed by the measurement potential sensors. In this con- ment of the fx low pass cutoff frequency for FFT processing, and for the
figuration, due to the effect of traction of the latter sensors on the for- evaluation of the Xc factors for the calibration of data. This step limits
mer, we note that the electrical coupling is better for the first sensors. the speed of investigation, and it needs to be studied on the location
This arrangement is to privilege for the injection probes. and the minimum length of ERT of reference for the better reliability
Velocity mainly influences the resolution of the investigations. Lueck of results. The second is the question of the resistivity range's shift be-
and Ruehlmann (2013) suggest a velocity in the range of 5 to 15 km/h, tween processed KERT and reference ERT, partly explained to the injec-
in order to get about one point per 5 m (with their device). According to tion length with KERT which promotes conductive body's influence. The
our device and after data treatment (considering 0.2 m−1 for low pass quality of accuracy for the higher and lower resistivity has shown some
frequency) we reach this resolution with de-noised data. This resolution weaknesses concerning the values, limiting the analysis of correlation
does not appear to be suitable for very fine detection of soil structures on resistivity values. However the qualitative variations are reliable.
shorter than 5 m, but this approach does allow a quick delineation of
the main soil units on a large area for accurate zoning. If this first inves- 5. Conclusions
tigation is not sufficient it could be completed by either another tech-
nique (classical ERT for instance) or a new transect, performed more We developed a new device and data treatment for qualifying the
slowly and hence in shorter investigation steps. In this way, combining spatial variability of resistivity in subsurface soil. Our device works
32 O. Guerrero et al. / Geoderma 284 (2016) 22–33

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