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Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

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Hybrid cooling techniques to improve the performance of solar

photovoltaic modules
Ahmed Fawzy Eid a, b, 1, Sang-ik Lee c, 1, Seong-Gu Hong d, Won Choi e, *
Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Republic of Egypt
Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul
National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Rural System Engineering, School of Social Safety System Engineering, Hankyong National University, Anseong, Republic of Korea
Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Global Smart Farm Convergence Major,
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) module efficiency is often impeded by concomitant temperature elevations, which may lead to
FEM cell degeneration and decreased electrical efficiency. Cooling techniques are commonly used to avoid this
Photovoltaic module problem; however, current techniques, such as water-sprayer and active cooling systems, still have limitations,
including the scattering and reflection of photons. In this study, we present a new active dual-cooling system
Thermal system
design using two thermoelectric cooling (TEC) units fixed to the back of a PV module to provide rear-end cooling,
Thermoelectric cooling
which were experimentally and numerically studied. A water-thin film cooling system (WFCS) was maintained at
the top surface of the module using a small affixed 72-W DC pump, for improving efficiency. For testing, the
system was installed on the roof of an agricultural building in South Korea, and its performance efficiency was
compared with that of a reference cooling-free PV module. The results showed that the innovation led to a
decrease in the module temperature to 21 ◦ C, which led to an efficiency improvement of 11.23 % with an in­
crease in the daily output energy of 8.3 %. Additionally, a numerical simulation model based on the Finite
Element Method (FEM) was used to evaluate the temperature profile of the PV module owing to the cooling
technique and temperature distribution on the module’s top surface. The maximum temperature reductions were
17.27 and 12 ◦ C in the experimental and simulation results, respectively.

1. Introduction energy, respectively from solar energy. Owing to recent technological

advancements in silicon solar cell manufacturing, the conversion of 21
By 2030, the world’s energy consumption is expected to increase by % of the incident solar radiation on the solar PV module into electricity
33 %, owing to several factors, such as the growing industrial sector, is possible, and the remaining incident radiation accumulates inside the
which consumes approximately 35 % of the total global energy output PV module and causes an increase in its temperature. This unused solar
(Hasanuzzaman et al., 2012). An annual increase of 2.2 % in greenhouse energy released from the solar PV module as heat increases the ambient
gas (GHG) emissions was observed between 2000 and 2010 (Kalaugher, temperature by 0.024 ◦ C annually, which contributes to global warming
2014). Additionally, according to the Fifth Evaluation Report of the (Terashima et al., 2020). To overcome this problem, different cooling
Intergovernmental Module on Climate Change (2013), a 40 % increase techniques can be used to remove heat from PV modules and use it as
in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 was observed compared to the thermal energy in many applications. To manage the global ambient
pre-industrial era, which is mainly a result of energy production by fossil temperature rise, solar photovoltaic thermal (PVT) technology could
fuel combustion, leading to unfavorable climate change and global provide an opportunity for the complete use of solar energy employment
warming (Manning et al., 2019). A solar photovoltaic (PV) module and to satisfy the demands of electrical and thermal energy (Chandrasekar
solar collector were used separately to generate electrical and thermal and Senthilkumar, 2021).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W. Choi).
Co-first authors who have worked together on a publication and contributed equally.
Received 17 May 2022; Received in revised form 3 August 2022; Accepted 14 September 2022
Available online 22 September 2022
0038-092X/© 2022 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Currently, renewable energy resources account for only 13 % of the unit area of the PV cells, in addition to reducing the system size (Renno,
total power supply (Borges Neto et al., 2010), and the growth in 2014). The authors conducted an overall review of various cooling
renewable sources (e.g., solar and wind systems) is forecasted to techniques for PV modules in addition to a cost analysis of the effects of
continue, owing to the pressing global demand for clean, renewable, and PV cooling on greenhouse gas emission reduction (Ghadikolaei, 2021a).
sustainable energy that does not harm the environment. Our planet re­ A hybrid nanofluid-based PVT collector achieved the highest perfor­
ceives a large amount of sunlight each day, which is sufficient to supply mance and thermal efficiency compared with a general water-based PVT
energy to the world for the entire year. Solar energy, in one form or the collector (Ghadikolaei, 2021b). To increase the heat transfer from the
other, is the main source of all renewable energy resources on Earth. It is PV module layers to the heat medium, a hybrid nanofluid comprising
clean, secure and unswerving. Their availability makes them a highly two or more types of nanoparticles mixed with the main fluid can be
attractive source of electricity. used (Ghadikolaei et al., 2017). A hybrid nanofluid composed of 50 %
A photovoltaic (PV) module is an outstanding example of an envi­ water and 50 % ethylene glycol achieved the highest heat transfer per­
ronmentally friendly electricity-generating source, where photons from formance, owing to the high thermal conductivity of the mixture of two
the sun strike the surface of the semiconductor layer in the PV module, nanoparticles, compared to that of a pure nanofluid (Ghadikolaei et al.,
leading to the generation of electricity. In PV modules, photons that 2018a). Ghadikolaei et al. (2018b) analyzed the heat transfer of hybrid
undergo reflection and/or transmission are lost and cannot be used to nanoparticles based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-water, and found that
generate power. Some incident photons are converted into electricity; single-wall CNTs achieved higher heat transfer compared to multiwall
however, most of the remaining photons are converted into heat. This CNTs. In addition, hybrid ethylene glycol CNT-based nanofluids was
increase in temperature leads to a reduction in the bandgap of semi­ analyzed (Ghadikolaei et al., 2018c).
conductors. Silicon-based solar cells have bandgap of 1.1 eV. Thus, only A thermoelectric cooler (TEC) enhances solar cell efficiency by
incident photons with wavelengths greater than 1.1 eV pass from the pumping excess heat using the Peltier effect. Peltier effect-based devices
layer of the solar cells and accumulate in the tedlar–polyester–tedlar are typically utilized for temperature control in PV-based applications
(TPT) layer, causing a temperature increase (Teo et al., 2012). such as concentrated PV systems, rooftop PV systems, tracking PV sys­
Solar cells are sensitive to temperature, and an increase in temper­ tems, and building integrated PV systems (Enescu and Spertino, 2017).
ature results in reduced efficiency. The open-circuit voltage (Voc) is The energy required to power a thermoelectric cooler device for tem­
mostly affected by temperature changes; however, the short-circuit perature control in PV cells is acceptable (Najafi and Woodbury, 2013).
current (Isc) increases only slightly with temperature (Hasanuzzaman Kane et al. (2017) described a TEC device for PV modules at ambient
et al., 2016). The maximum power (Pmax) of the module decreases by temperature and a solar insolation range of 800–1000 W/m2. The
approximately 0.29–0.41 % for every degree of increase in module temperature of the PV module decreased by 6–26 %, and the electrical
temperature above 25 ◦ C under standard test conditions (STCs). For efficiency improved by 1–18 %. Additionally, the TEC-equipped PV
silicon solar cells, Voc decreases by 2.2 mV/ ◦ C while, Isc increases module was more effective at high ambient temperatures. Moreover, the
slightly by 0.06 %/◦ C. heat removed by the cooling process can be used in other applications
There are many technical possibilities for merging PV cells and solar such as water heating. They can also be used in refrigeration applica­
thermal collectors. Commercial PVT collectors are available in the tions. In another study, a thermoelectric cooling device (TEC) was
market and can be categorized into liquid and air collectors, owing to attached directly to the backside of the PV module, and the electrical
their basic design and heat medium (Brahim and Jemni, 2017). Photo­ efficiency and output power of the PV module were found to improve by
voltaic thermal modules, typically abbreviated as PVT modules and also 1.10 % and 1.02 %, respectively (Kotkondawar et al., 2021). Dimri et al.
known as hybrid solar collectors, hybrid photovoltaic thermal solar (2018) used a TEC devices with two designs: (a) partially covered with
collectors, PV/T collectors, and solar cogeneration systems, are power TEC and (b) completely covered with TEC; the results showed that the
generation technologies that convert solar irradiation into usable ther­ total electrical efficiency of Case (b) was higher than that of Case (a) by
mal and electrical energy. Different types of PVT technologies have been 4.46–6.23 %. Singh et al. (2022) developed a combined TEC-PCM sys­
reviewed, classified, and summarized in terms of their designs and ef­ tem that was attached to a solar PV module to cool it down; they also
ficiencies, such as air, water, and nanofluids based PVT collectors, PVT simulated the system using the COMSOL Multiphysics software to select
integrated with phase change materials (PCM), building-integrated PVT the best combination, and found that the TEC achieved the highest
(BIPVT) systems, PVT attached with heat pipes, covered or glazed PVT performance under the same conditions. Zubeer and Ali (2022) tested
collectors, uncovered or unglazed PVT collectors, and concentrated PVT and simulated a water- and nonaqueous-based concentrated photovol­
collectors (Kumar et al., 2015; Chandrasekar and Senthilkumar, 2021). taic (CPV), compared with a conventional PV module, and the results
This study can be classified as a PVT system based on a TEC device. A showed that the average PV module temperatures were 36.50, 64.10,
TEC was used to cool the PV module from behind, and the heat released and 57.50 ◦ C, respectively.
from the PV module can be collected and used as thermal energy in In our experiment, TEC units with small fans and a heat sink were
different applications, such as domestic hot water heating, space heat­ added to the system to distribute the cooled air to the backside areas of
ing, swimming pools, heat pump sources, solar water desalination, and the PV module. This design achieved the highest performance in the
agroindustrial processes. To evaluate the performance of a PVT collec­ cooling system, and we could reduce the required number of TEC units.
tor, the electrical output and useful thermal energy from the collector Our approach was better than directly attaching the TEC to the PV, as
are significantly important parameters. Khandelwal et al. (2007) tested tested by Kotkondawar et al. (2021). In addition, Siecker et al. (2017)
non-contact and contact PVT models, and the electrical and thermal and Aly et al. (2016) reported a new cooling system based on forced fan
efficiencies were found to be 30–35 and 8–9 %, respectively. The exergy air, designed to alleviate the effects of elevated temperatures and dust
and energy efficiencies of a hybrid PVT collector-based air were found to accumulation on PV modules. This study showed a 48.4 W power gain
be 55–65 and 12–15 %, respectively (Joshi and Tiwari, 2007). In terms for the described system compared with a reference cooling-free system.
of passive cooling techniques, PVT collectors based on PCM are the most Another system based on active cooling by forced air circulation into a
promising for mitigating the temperature load of PV modules. In a group of tubes attached to the back of the PV module was reported by
previous study, the thermal and electrical outputs of the PV-PCM Teo et al. (2012), showing an efficiency improvement of 12–14 %
module were evaluated using a simulation and compared with those compared to the reference cooling-free system.
of a conventional PV module under the same operating conditions. The The net output power of a PV module is also affected by several
results showed an increase of 9.0 and 5.5 % in the peak electric power factors. Moshfegh et al. (2018) reported a reduction in power output at
and daily output energy, respectively (Aneli et al., 2021). A concen­ high ambient temperatures, whereas increased wind speed, fin area, and
trated PVT collector can be used to increase the output power from the solar radiation intensity led to an increase in the PV module power

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

output (Moshfegh et al., 2018). Also, Rahman et al. (2015) reported the
effect of dust accumulation on the front side of the PV module and found
that output power decreased by 7.7 W due to dust accumulation.
Furthermore, an increase in the power output of 2.94 W was observed
for every 100 W/m2 solar radiation increase; however, the increase in
solar cell temperature of 4.93 ◦ C and relative humidity of 20 % led to a
reduction in the electrical efficiency and output power by 0.3 % and
3.19 W, respectively.
In this study, we aimed to enhance the efficiency of a PV module by
decreasing its temperature. To achieve this, we conducted an outdoor
experiment with novel cooling technologies for PV modules, such as
active thermoelectric cooling and an active water-thin-film-based
closed-circulation cycle. The finite element method was used to simu­
late and analyze the physics of heat transfer and air velocity. The
remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the commercial PV module layers.
materials and methods used in the study; Section 3 presents the
comparative analysis of the experimental results and the FEM simulation
polycrystalline PV modules were used. One module was designed to
results; finally, Section 4 presents the conclusions of the study.
have a dual cooling system (PV-WF/TEC, Model 1), and the other was
employed as a reference with a non-cooling system (NCS, Model 2). The
2. Materials and methods
different components of the PV-WF/TEC system are listed in Table 1. An
aluminum cover with a foam insulator was fabricated, as shown in
2.1. General conditions of the experiment
Fig. 3.

On September 18th, 2019, the designed PV modules were installed

on the top roof of an agricultural engineering building at the Hankyong 2.3. TEC device
National University in South Korea. The mean ambient temperature in
the experimental area was 24.5 ◦ C under clear skies. The test was con­ The active TEC device was composed of a Peltier effect-based small
ducted between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm with good solar radiation of ~
530 W/m2 in the morning, maximum solar irradiance of 820 W/m2 Table 1
midday, and 700 W/m2 at 3:30 pm. Meteorological data, including the PV module characteristics and other PV-WF/TEC system components.
ambient temperature, wind speed, humidity, and solar radiation, were Parameter Symbol Value
obtained from a meteorological station near the location of the experi­ Material Si Polycrystalline silicon
ment. The PV modules were fixed at a tilt angle of 25 towards the south.

Maximum power (W) Pmax 100.00
The ambient wind speed was in the range of 3–5.5 m/s, and a water- Short circuit current (A) Isc 6.18
based (20 ◦ C) closed-circulation cycle was used for cooling. An over­ Open circuit voltage (V) Voc 21.60
Max. power current (A) Imax 5.61
view of the system is shown in Fig. 1. Max. power voltage (V) Vmax 17.80
PV Module dimensions (cm) D 100.0 × 67.0 × 3.0
PV Cell dimensions (cm) d 15.6 × 10.5
2.2. PV solar module Number of cells Nc 36 (4 × 9)
PV Module weight (kg) W 8
The PV module converts sunlight into electricity through a solar cell Busbar width (mm) B 1.5
Busbar length (mm) L 104.0
(worker) layer. A PV solar module consists of a group of solar cells Number of busbars Nb 4
connected in series, typically consisting of 36, 72, or 144 half-cut cells. A Pump Capacity (l/min) Q 6
traditional PV module comprises different sandwich-like layers con­ Thermoelectric cooler (mm) D_TEC 40.0 × 40.0 × 3.8
sisting of different materials, as shown in Fig. 2. In this study, two 100-W

Fig. 1. An overall 3D view of the designed systems showing the PV-WF/TEC module (Model 1) and cooling-free module (Model 2).

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Fig. 3. Aluminum cover with a foam insulator fixed to the back of the PV module: (a) Back side of the PV module; (b) Back side of the aluminum cover; (c) Interior
view of the aluminum cover; and (d) Overall view of the installation.

heat pump employing p- and n-type semiconductor pillars of Bi2Te3 with An external DC supply was used to power the TEC unit and create a
a low thermal conductivity of 1.5 W/m ◦ C/m and a high electrical temperature difference between the upper and lower sides, rendering
conductivity of 1.1 × 105 S/m for each square meter of unit, as shown in one side cold and the other hot. The TEC unit is designed to have two
Fig. 4. The pillars were connected in parallel thermally and in series heat sinks and two fans per unit, as shown in Fig. 5. A pair of TEC cooler
electrically using copper conductive tabs with a high thermal conduc­ units was attached to the back of the aluminum cover, which was fixed
tivity of 386 W/m ◦ C, and were joined on both the upper and lower sides to the back of the PV module. TEC devices have several advantages, as
with ceramic plates of high thermal conductivity and high insulating they do not require moving parts. Additionally, they have low mainte­
capability. This TEC-based active cooling technique was used to cool the nance, making them suitable for remote electricity provisioning.
PV module from the backside.

Fig. 4. Configuration of the thermoelectric cooler device.

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Fig. 5. Thermoelectric cooler device with heat sinks and fans: (a) 2D schematic of the workflow, and (b) Thermoelectric cooler device with heat sink and fans.

2.4. Measuring equipment and other components 2016). Two small DC fans (DC 12 V, 0.2 A; Intel 1A21D7Q00, Intel,
Shanghai, China) were installed on the top rear of the aluminum box to
A maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is a solar charge controller circulate air and release heat into the ambient air. A 12-V DC power
that constitutes a key component of the PV solar system. In addition, the supply (TDP-3030B, TOYOTECH, DongGuan, China) was used to power
MPPT can be defined as an electronic DC-to-DC converter that optimizes the water pump, TEC devices, and fans.
the match between the solar PV array and the battery bank or utility A small measuring device with a range of 0–20 A (DC 6.5–100 V) was
grid. That is, they convert a higher DC output voltage from the PV used to measure the voltage, current, power, and energy consumed by
modules down to the required lower voltage for charging the batteries. the system. The net energy released by the cooling effect was calculated
The maximum power point (MPP) is the point of the highest efficiency by subtracting the energy consumed by the loads and measuring devices,
on the solar module output curve, which can be attributed to the based on the energy generated from the PV modules. The measuring
nonlinear output of the module. Conventional solar charge controllers device was fixed between the power supply and TEC units to measure
are equipped with pulse-width modulation (PWM) charging technolo­ the aforementioned parameters. For the temperature measurements, six
gies that cannot be used to track the MPP. However, in this study, solar k-type thermocouples were attached at the front and back of the PV
charge controllers equipped with MPPT technology were used, as they modules and connected to the LabVIEW®-based measuring device to
could pick up the MPP of the module. The MPPT device was used instead record the temperature every second. For each model, two thermocou­
of the PWM device, because it converts the excess input voltage into ples were fixed at the backside of the PV module and the other was fixed
amperage, operates at Vmp rather than PWM, which operates below at the front of the PV module. The thermocouple sensors were calibrated
Vmp, provides more boost than PWM, especially during cold days and/ prior to the experiment with boiling water at 100 ◦ C to confirm their
or when the battery voltage is low, and is suitable for large module accuracy. The tolerances for the thermocouples used in the experiment
configurations that possess a lower cost per watt. In addition, high- were within the acceptable range of ± 1 to 1.50 ◦ C. In addition, an FLIR
efficiency MPPT solar-charge controllers (12 V DC, 10 A, 130 W; E8 WiFi thermal infrared camera (FLIR manufacture, Germany) with a
PTR1210AN, Photonic Universe, London, UK) were used. Monitoring thermal sensitivity of 0.10 ◦ C, reading accuracy of ± 2.0 ◦ C at ambient
station software was used to monitor output parameters and load con­ temperatures of 10–35 ◦ C, and an IR resolution of 160 × 120 pixels, was
sumption. The monitoring software was connected to the MPPT solar used to analyze the temperature distribution across the front and back
charge controller to track the power output from the developed solar sides of the PV modules. The overall connections between the measuring
modules and energy consumption by the loads. The LabVIEW® software devices, TEC units, power supply, and other components are shown in
was used to measure and record the temperature per second of the two Fig. 6.
PV modules on both sides using six K-type thermocouples. Each PV For efficiency calculation, the experimental conditions were set ac­
module had three K-type thermocouples, two on the back and one on the cording to the datasheet of the PV manufacturer and standard test
front. conditions (STCs) of 1,000 W/m2 solar irradiance and 25 ◦ C tempera­
A 72 W DC, 6 L/min pump (GOOD PUMPs, ROHS Motor, Beijing, ture. The maximum efficiency of the PV module was calculated as
China) was used to generate a thin film of water on the front side of the follows:
PV module to decrease the temperature, remove any accumulated dust The efficiency was used to compare the PV module performance. The
on its surface, and improve efficiency. Two polyvinyl chloride (PVC) maximum efficiency is the ratio of the maximum output power (Pmax)
pipes were fixed on the upper and lower sides of the PV module. The from the PV module to the input solar intensity power (Pin) from the sun,
upper PVC pipe delivered water, and the lower pipe discharged water which is then converted to electricity. This can be determined by µ =
back to the water tank, as shown in Fig. 1. A new method was used to (Pmax / Pin). The maximum PV module efficiency (17.8 %) at the STC
mitigate the effects of dirt accumulation using a forced-air fan (Aly et al., was calculated from the maximum output from the PV module (100 Wp)

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Fig. 6. Designed systems with measurement units.

divided by the solar radiation intensity of 1,000 W/m2 multiplied by the The material properties of the PV modules used in the simulations are
net solar PV module area of 0.5616 m2. The net solar PV module area presented in Table 2.
was calculated as ((d × Nc) − (B × L × Nb)) / 10,000 × 0.5616 m2. Some procedures for the development of new models for steady-state
According to the thermal characteristics of the PV module, the PV effi­ and unsteady calculations are time-consuming. There are certain nu­
ciency decreased by 0.45 % for each degree of temperature above 25 ◦ C. merical analyses and computational procedures that consume more than
Therefore, the PV module efficiencies at different solar radiation and a month of CPU time. In our study, 16 cores with a base speed of 3.4 GHz
temperatures were calculated as 17.8 – (0.0045 × Δt × 17.8), where Δt and turbo were used to meet the recommended specifications for CFD. A
is the temperature above 25 ◦ C. However, real-world conditions usually multi-frontal massively parallel sparse (MUMPS) and generalized min­
differ from STC; therefore, a typical PV module seldom generates its imal residual (GMRES) solvers were applied for fluid dynamics and heat
calculated maximum wattage. The temperature of the PV module, for transfer, respectively, to minimize the computational time and to in­
example, is seldom constant at 25 ◦ C; most remain at approximately crease the convergence rate. A steady-state study was conducted to
30 ◦ C, which is higher than the ambient temperature. simulate the heat transfer across the PV module layer to analyze the
temperature distribution and profile of the module under different
ambient conditions. A time-dependent study was conducted to simulate
2.5. FEM simulation of the PV module the heat transfer and fluid flow across the PV-TEC-based modules as a
function of time without a WF layer. Two geometries were designed
COMSOL® Multiphysics software applied FEM simulation to analyze using AutoCAD® software with a two-fan configuration. One applied the
the physics of heat transfer and air velocity in the studied solar module TPT layer domain, whereas the other did not. Three time points (0, 300,
geometry. Different material properties were tested in each domain, as and 600 s) were tested for both geometries, with and without the TPT
listed in Table 1. COMSOL® was used to divide the geometry into four layer. The properties of the constituent domains of the geometries are
domains, and the normal mesh-size technique was used to subdivide the presented in Table 2. Based on real-world data and uncontrolled
main domains into a finite number of subdomains (elements), as shown ambient environmental conditions in the experimental zone, the
in Fig. 7. The number of domain elements was 205042, and the skewness average ambient conditions were set for the simulation. The average
quality measurement yielded an average element quality was 0.5753. ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, and relative
humidity were 27 ◦ C, 1.01325 bar, 5 m/s, and 50 %, respectively. An
average irradiance of 700 W/m2 was applied under clear sky conditions.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Experimental data

A significant change in temperature was observed in our proposed

active dual-cooling PV-WF/TEC module, an average temperature
decrease from 54 to 36 ◦ C was observed at the top surface of the PV
module, and a 3 ◦ C decrease in temperature between the front and back
sides of the PV-WF/TEC module was observed, compared with the PV-
NCS module. Fig. 8 shows the effect of WF/TEC compared with that of
NCS. The WF/TEC resulted in the lowest PV module temperature. The
temperatures of the top surface of the PV module for the WF/TEC ranged
from 28.76–to 36.08 ◦ C, while the temperatures of the PV module for the
NCS ranged from 45.82–to 52.87 ◦ C. The maximum reduction in the
average PV module temperature caused by using WF/TEC was 17.27 ◦ C,
whereas the difference in the temperature between the front and back
sides of the PV module was in the range of 2–2.5 ◦ C. The PV-WF/TEC
model with a water-film-based closed circulation cycle on the glass
Fig. 7. 3D geometry of the PV-TEC model: (a) Normal mesh element size and surface resulted in good heat absorption, and the temperature of the
(b) Transparent 3D geometry.

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Table 2
Properties of the constituting layers of the PV solar module.
Material Thermal Conductivity K, [W/m K] Thickness t, [m] Specific Heat Capacity Cp, [J/kg K] Density ρ, [Kg/m3]
− 3
Glass (quartz) 1.400 3.00 × 10 730 2,210
EVA (Elvax 460 (18 % VA, 2.5 MI) 0.075 5.00 × 10− 2,301 1,200
Si - Polycrystalline Silicon 7.950 2.25 × 10− 690 2,800
PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene 0.414 1.00 × 10− 2,301 935
Aluminum 225.940 2.00 × 10− 921 2,698

over time because of heat absorption from the PV module, which

resulted in a decrease in the electrical efficiency from 17.4 to 16.9 % as
the temperature increased from 28 to 36 ◦ C. The results also showed that
the electrical efficiency decreased with increasing temperature; how­
ever, using the WF/TEC technique to decrease the temperature of the PV
module led to an improvement in electrical efficiency, as shown in
Fig. 10.
As shown in Fig. 11, the power density has a direct effect on the
output power of the PV modules. The figure illustrates the increase in the
output power as a function of solar radiation levels. However, more than
70 % of the power striking the PV module is converted to heat, leading to
an increased temperature and a subsequent reduction in the output
power. In this study, we observed that the use of cooling effects in PV-
WF/TEC led to an increase in output power by 9.32 % at a maximum
Fig. 8. Effect of the cooling system on the temperature of the PV module. solar intensity value of 819.44 W/m2 at 1:00 pm.
As shown in Fig. 12 (a), the highest reported ambient wind speed of
water increased from 23.9 to 35.9 ◦ C, leading to an increase in the PV 5.1 m/sec was observed at 2:00 pm, which led to a decrease in the PV
module temperature from 28.76 ◦ C in the morning to 36.08 ◦ C at 1:00 module temperature and improved PV module performance. The effect
pm. This phenomenon was previously reported by Hosseini et al. (2011), of ambient temperature on the PV-NCS model was also monitored, as
who used a PVT system for heating water (Da Silva and Fernandes, 2010; shown in Fig. 12 (b). An increase in the temperature midday resulted in a
Dannemand et al., 2019). This is because semiconductor devices such as subsequent increase in the temperature of the PV module, leading to
solar cells are sensitive to temperature rise, which causes a reduction in further performance deterioration. This harmful temperature effect was
the bandgap of the PV cell. also previously reported by Razak et al. (2016).
The PV module’s efficiency was improved using the cooling system; As shown in Fig. 13 (a), the output voltages at the MPP from all the
thus, the PV-WF/TEC module achieved a higher performance than the PV modules decreased with increasing temperature. The voltage
PV-NCS module. The average hourly module efficiencies for PV-WF/TEC reduction was a direct result of the reduction in the semiconductor
and PV-NCS were in the range of 17.08–17.44 % and 15.62–16.44 %, bandgap inside the solar cells caused by the temperature increase and
respectively, as shown in Fig. 9. For PV-NCS, an average temperature the subsequent elevation in the concentration of intrinsic carriers,
rise of 52.20 ◦ C led to a decrease in efficiency by an average of 13.6 %. thereby the decreasing voltage at maximum power (Vmp). The utiliza­
However, the average hourly PV module efficiency for PV-WF/TEC tion of our proposed dual-cooling system resulted in an improved Vmp,
improved owing to the cooling effect of approximately 10.3 %. Addi­ when compared with the NCS PV module.
tionally, owing to the increase in water temperature caused by the Fig. 13 (b) shows a slight increase in Imp as a function of temperature,
closed water circulation over time, the average hourly PV module effi­ indicating that the changes in temperature experienced by the WF/TEC-
ciency of the PV-WF/TEC improved by 5.2 %. Harmonic results were and NCS-based PV modules did not have a considerable impact on Imp.
discussed by Abdelrahman et al. (2013), and from this, the water- That is, Imp values were nearly the same for both WF/TEC-and NCS-
cooling method is suitable for cleaning the PV surface from accumu­ based PV modules, despite the variations in their experiences with
lated dust. However, this can decrease the efficiency by decreasing the temperature (Hindee et al., 2016).
number of photons in the PV module (Bouraiou et al., 2015). Owing to the cooling effect, an increase in average Vmp from 19.31 to
With respect to the cooling effect on the PV module temperature, the 20.53 V was experienced in the PV module when the average temper­
temperature of water in the closed-circulation cooling system increased ature decreased from 49.3 to 31.6 ◦ C, respectively. The average Imp

Fig. 10. Impact of temperature rise on the electrical efficiency of the

Fig. 9. Effect of cooling on the electrical efficiency of PV modules. PV modules.

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

generated from the PV modules using WF/TEC and NCS was 0.458 and
0.42 kWh, respectively, and the energy consumed by the cooling system
was 0.076 kWh. The net energy generated by the PV module using the
WF/TEC technique was 0.382 kWh.
Finally, despite the improvement in the output energy and power of
the PV module owing to the cooling effect, the net generated energy was
unsatisfactory owing to the increased energy consumption caused by the
use of a high-capacity water pump and TEC units, the low thermal
conductivity of the TPT layer on the back side of the PV module, and the
aluminum-based backside cover, which led to increased heat

3.2. Finite element simulation

Using a steady-state study, the temperature profile and distribution

within the PV module layers were simulated using the COMSOL®
Fig. 11. Effect of cooling on the output power of the PV modules.
Multiphysics software. The results showed a maximum temperature of
66 ◦ C at the solar-cell layer in the cooling-free PV module, which was
increased from 1.898 to 2.005 A when the average temperature of the
expected because the solar cell layer was the effective layer where ra­
PV module decreased from 49.3 to 31.6 ◦ C, respectively.
diation absorption occurred. Additionally, the resulting simulation
Our results show that the daily output energy from the PV module
predicted a relatively low temperature on the top surface of the glass
increases with the cooling effect compared with the non-cooling-based
layer compared to the back of the PV module, as shown in Fig. 15. In the
modules. The daily output energy improved by 8.3 % when using WF/
case of steady-state analysis, the results showed that the simulation
TEC, as shown in Fig. 14. During the experiment time, the energy
output was harmonic with the actual experimental results. Under the

Fig. 12. Impact of ambient environment on PV module temperature: (a) Wind speed and (b) Ambient temperature.

Fig. 13. Impact of cooling and non-cooling system on the PV modules outputs at maximum power.

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

Fig. 14. Daily output energy obtained due to the cooling effect.

Fig. 15. Temperature distribution within the different layers of the cooling-
free PV. Fig. 16. Temperature profile of the cooling-free PV module layers.

same ambient conditions, the top surface temperatures of the PV (glass low thermal conductivity (0.414 W/m K), which makes the process of

layer) were 54 and 52.87 ◦ C for the simulation and experiment. In heat removal from the back of the PV module difficult and energy-
addition, the simulation results showed that there is a difference of consuming. Thus, multiple TEC units are required to achieve proper
temperature between the front and backside surfaces of the PV module, cooling. However, this is not a cost effective solution. A streamline plot
which is similar to the actual test. The simulation study provided finer was thus used to predict the direction of airflow to obtain an optimal
details with respect to all PV layer temperatures, which are difficult to cooling effect, and the flow of air in and out of the module had a sig­
measure in a real experiment, such as those of the solar cell layer (active nificant impact on the cooling effect. As shown in Fig. 17, the design
layer) and the EVA layer. without the TPT layer achieves a higher cooling effect than that with the
Fig. 16 shows the temperature profiles of the different layers with the TPT layer. This can be attributed to the well-streamlined distribution in
NCS in a time-dependent manner. At a time of 0.1 min, a maximum the former model.
temperature of 66 ◦ C was observed in the solar-cell layer, whereas a
minimum temperature of 54 ◦ C was observed on the top surface of the 4. Conclusion
glass layer. A difference of approximately 8 ◦ C was observed between
the front and back of the PV module. The results of the time-dependent This study aimed to enhance the PV module performance by
simulation were in agreement with the experimental results. Owing to decreasing the module temperature while maintaining the lowest energy
the different thermal conductivities of the glass and TPT layers, the heat consumption of the cooling system. A dual active-cooling technique was
flux toward the glass surface was larger than that toward the TPT layer. tested by integrating a WF on the top surface of the PV glass and two TEC
The temperature distribution across the layers was simulated to units on the rear side. FEM numerical analysis was used to simulate the
evaluate PV module performance. The module equipped with a TPT physics of heat transfer and temperature distribution within the PV
layer required 1 h for the temperature to decrease from 57 to 45 ◦ C, as module layers. The fluid (water) velocity and airflow were determined
shown in Fig. 17. However, the model without the TPT layer required to be the main components of the dual-cooling technique. Experiments
only 10 min for the temperature to decrease from 57 to 33 ◦ C, as shown were conducted to test the performance of the PV modules as a function
in Fig. 17. The TPT layer is made of a thermal insulating material with a of the cooling. Thermal analysis was performed using a thermal infrared

A.F. Eid et al. Solar Energy 245 (2022) 254–264

material can enhance the natural cooling from the backside. In addition,
a PVT collector based on a material with a high thermal conductivity
will be investigated in future research. water-thin film cooling system
(WFCS) led to better results than TEC, especially in the case of large-
scale PV module systems, owing to the higher thermal conductivity of
the water compared with the low thermal efficiency of the TEC units.
Hence, we conclude that the WFCS is cleaner and more cost efficient
than the TEC-based technique.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.


This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Planning and

Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
(IPET) through the Agricultural Energy Self-Sufficient Industrial Model
Development Program, funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and
Rural Affairs (MAFRA; No. 321007-2).


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