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Chapter 1 - Biology in The 21st Century

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Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century

Life on Earth
All of the environments on Earth, and the living organisms that inhabit them

Bio = “life” Diversity = “variety”
The variety of all the different types of life on earth
There is more biodiversity near the equator, due to the warm temperatures

A specific living organism that can breed and reproduce
There are over two million species that have been discovered
So What is Biology Anyways?
Biology is the scientific study of all forms of life.

While Science is the knowledge we have gained by observing natural events and

REMEMBER, Scientific understanding is limited by the available technology.

The better the technology gets, the more we discover.
All Organisms Share Certain Characteristics
1. Cells - They have at least one cell
2. Need for Energy - They receive from light or consuming other organisms.
Energy is used in metabolism
(chemical processes that break down molecules and build them up.)
3. Response to Environment - React to light, temperature, sound, touch, etc.
4. Reproduction and Development - Can reproduce and offspring can mature
All levels of life have systems of related parts.

SYSTEM: group of related parts that work together as a whole.

ECOSYSTEM: biological system that includes living and nonliving things.

STRUCTURE and FUNCTION are related in Biology

Example: The structure of your ear allows you to hear

Warm-Up #1
1. Biology is the study of ____________.
2. Name two of the four characteristics all living
organisms share.

Organisms must maintain homeostasis to survive in diverse


HOMEOSTASIS: ability of an organism to keep its internal

conditions the same.

Cells must stay in a certain range of conditions and rely on

FEEDBACK SYSTEMS in the body to return them to a normal
Explains the unity and diversity of life.

EVOLUTION: The change in living things over time.

NOT the individual, but the ENTIRE population.

an inherited characteristic that gives an advantage.


Scientific Thinking and Processes
The Process of Inquiry
information about a topic
DATA: Observations that are
recorded, saved, or written
answer to scientific question.
Must be testable.
Biologists Use Experiments to Test Hypotheses
EXPERIMENT: Scientists change one factor (variable) to see
how it affects outcome.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: condition changed

DEPENDENT VARIABLE: observed & measured in experiment

CONTROLS: factors that do not change

Scientific Theories
A theory explains a wide range of observations, supported by a
wide range of evidence.


REMEMBER, not all information presented is reliable. Check

sources and evidence.
Biologist’s Tools and Technology
Observations include making measurements.

MEASUREMENT: How quantitative data is gathered (SI Units)

ACCURACY: How close a measurement is to the true value of

the quantity measured

PRECISION: Exactness of a measurement

Tools of Molecular Genetics
In the last 40 years,
We have learned how the genetic code works
Studied gene function
Changed how genes function

GENE: segment of DNA that stores genetic information

Biology and Your Future
Your health and your environment depend on your knowledge of

Biological Advances

● Biotechnology
● Genetically modified organisms
● Genetic Screening

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