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TOSOH G8 Routine Use Training Workbook

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Routine Use Training Workbook


Date: 19/07/2021
Document Ref: SUKBMS-24-596
Version: 2.0

Sysmex House, Garamonde Drive, Wymbush, Milton Keynes, MK8 8DF, United Kingdom · Phone +44 333 320 3460 · Fax +44 1908 267 90 1·

Disclaimer .................................................................................... 3
LCD Screen Layout ...................................................................... 8
Main Screen (Page 1) ................................................................ 8
Main Screen (Page 2) .............................................................. 10
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography ....................................... 12
Task 1: Analysis Principles and Parameter Production ............... 13
Maintenance............................................................................... 14
Daily Checks ............................................................................ 14
Pump Clean (Daily Shutdown) ................................................. 14
Replacing the Line Filter .......................................................... 15
Changing the Column .............................................................. 16
Column Calibration ..................................................................... 18
Registering a New Lot of Calibration Material ........................... 18
Preparation of Calibrator Material ............................................. 18
Performing Calibration ............................................................. 19
Quality Control (QC) ................................................................... 21
Registering a New Lot of QC .................................................... 21
Running QC ............................................................................. 22
Running patient samples ............................................................ 24
Sample Requirements.............................................................. 24
System Mode ........................................................................... 24
Sampler Mode.......................................................................... 26
Pre-dilution Mode ..................................................................... 27
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Chromatogram Interpretation ...................................................... 28
Normal Chromatograms ........................................................... 28
Chromatogram Flagging .......................................................... 30
Checking Patient Results ......................................................... 31
Task 2: Chromatogram Interpretation ....................................... 33
Changing Reagents .................................................................... 38
Dealing with Errors ..................................................................... 39
Troubleshooting.......................................................................... 40
Area Too High/Area High ......................................................... 40
Area Too Low/Area Low ........................................................... 40
Pressure High .......................................................................... 40
Pressure Low (Drain Flush)...................................................... 40
Calib Error................................................................................ 42
Contact Us .................................................................................. 43

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Please note, the information contained in training resources provided by Sysmex should not be
used as an alternative to your sites Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/Contract. If you have
any particular questions regarding any site specific use of reagents, consumables and/or
equipment please contact your Management Team.

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TOSOH G8 Overview
The TOSOH G8 is a full automated HPLC analyzer that can be used to perform HbA1C or
haemoglobinopathy analysis (standalone only). The analyzer can fully integrated with Sysmex
XN9000 system.

Facts and Figures

Sample type EDTA

Minimum sample volume 1ml

Aspiration volume 4µl

Technology High performance liquid chromatography


Modes System mode

Sampler mode
Pre-dilution mode

Parameters HbA1a

XN track 30 samples per hour

Analysis time 3.5mins for first result from standby

1.6mins per sample thereafter

G8 Variant mode (SA1c area) 700-3000 (Recommended)
500-4000 (Acceptable)

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Analyser Components

1 2

3 7


1. Sampling unit – houses the needle unit which is responsible for cap piercing and aspiration
of blood samples. The cover to the sampling unit should NOT be removed while the
analyzer is powered ON.

2. Thermal printer – used for printing out chromatograms, error messages and parameter

3. Buffer reagents – There are 3 buffer reagents housed on-board the analyzer, which work
in combination to elute HbA1a, HbA1b, HbF, SA1c, LA1c and any other haemoglobin
variants present.

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4. Drain valve housing – the drain valve (C) is located under the cover and
is responsible for removal of air from the analyzer, when required. The
drain valve should be closed during analysis (as pictured). Also located A
under the cover are the Rotary valve (A) and the Injection valve (B).
5. Haemolysis wash – used for the breakdown of red cells and in manual
dilution of samples.

6. Mains power switch – used to turn the mains power ON and OFF.

7. LCD screen – user interface for operation of the TOSOH G8. Contains the
analyzer settings, reagent/consumable information, and version C

8. Control Panel

Power Switch – use to power down and start up the analyser

START – Starts analysis

STOP – Stops analysis

HOME – Returns LCD screen to main screen

E.RESET – Silences alarm

9. Column and filter housing

A. Column oven – the column oven

contains the column, which must be
kept at a constant temperature
(25ºC) for accurate analysis.
B. Line filter – protects the analyser by
preventing impurities from entering
the assay line. The filter must be
replaced approx every 400 cycles.

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10. XN Track/Sampler unit – Samples are placed in racks and are introduced from the XN-
9000 track when the analyzer is in ‘system mode’. If required the analyzer can be placed
into ‘offline mode’ using the [Mode Switch] on the control panel of the conveyer unit (CV-
60). A GREEN mode switch indicator LED indicates ‘system mode’ and an ORANGE LED
indicates ‘offline mode’.

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LCD Screen Layout
Main Screen (Page 1)

4 3


1. Mode - displays the assay mode the analyzer is currently in;

[HbA1c/VAR ANALYSIS]: used for HbA1c analysis

[B-THALA ANALYSIS]: used for haemoglobinopathy analysis

2. Version number, date and time

3. Pump flow pressure – The pressure should remain initial pressure ±4. The initial pressure
target can be found in the insert included in the column box.

4. Analyzer status - displays analyzer status;

[WARMING UP]: Displayed when analyzer is starting up.

[STAND-BY]: The analyzer will enter STAND-BY when WARMING UP or WASH operation
are complete. During STAND-BY the pump is stopped to prevent elution buffer being used.
If the analyzer is not used for a maximum of 3hrs, the analyzer will automatically turn ‘OFF’.
[ANALYSIS]: Displayed during analysis of patient samples, QC or calibration. Following
ANALYSIS the analyzer will go into WASH status.
[WASH]: Displayed when analysis is complete. The WASH process takes 3 mins and
involves pumping of buffer No.3 for 1min and No.1 for 2mins. On completion the analyzer
will go into STAND-BY.

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[BUFF PRIME]: Displayed following power ‘ON’ or following reagent changing. During
BUFF PRIME 5ml of each elution is primed into the flow line.
[PUMP CLEAN]: Displayed following WASH. Plunger seal is automatically washed with
haemolysis wash solution to prevent contamination or buildup of salt precipitate.

5. Calibration factor - Calculated during calibration analysis.

6. Calibration Status;

[NO]: Calibration not being performed. Last calibration date.

[YES]: Calibration being performed

7. Next – used to navigate to additional screen.

8. Filter and column counts

[Filter]: number of injections since filter was replaced. The filter should be replaced
approximately every 400 injections (See page 16)
[Column]: number of injections since column was last replaced. The column is guaranteed
for 3000 injections (See page 17)

9. Menu options – used to navigate through various menu options

[PAUSE]: not for use on tracked analyzers

[[MAINTE]: used to register reagent changes
[MENU]: used for creating barcode IDs and placing analyzer into ‘Pre-diluted’ mode
[STAT] Not available on tracked analyzers
[CALIB]: used for checking and setting calibration values

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Main Screen (Page 2)
Main screen (page 2) can be accessed by pressing the next button [↓] on main screen (Page 1)

1. Reagents – graphical display of remaining reagent volumes.

2. Column oven temperature – displays current column oven temperature.

3. Detector output – displays detector output.

4. Operation status of the pumps and solenoid valves

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Reagents On-board the TOSOH G8

The TOSOH G8 has 4 on-board reagents, 3 elution buffers and 1 haemolysis wash, which are
used during analysis. The 3 elution buffers are used in combination during analysis for separation
of the haemoglobin variants and are in colour code bags. The Lot letter of the elution bags should
always match the lot letter of the column in use.

Reagent Function pH Salt conc. Colour

Buffer 1 Low ionic strength buffer. Elutes off
weakly bound fractions like HbA1a and Low Low GREEN
Buffer 2 Elutes off HbF, I-A1c and s-A1c. Low Medium RED
Buffer 3 Elutes off all remaining fractions High High YELLOW
Haemolysis Responsible for the haemolysing red
wash cells and the release of haemoglobin.
Also used in on board dilation of whole
blood samples (1:200)

IMPORTANT: The lot letter of reagents are

available for approximately 2 yrs. The lot letter
of the reagent bag should always match the lot
letter of the column.

NOTE: The background of lot letter for Hb

variant mode are solid colours. Bags with strip
backgrounds to the lot letter are the buffers for
Beta Thal mode.

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Analysis Principles and Parameter

High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

The TOSOH G8 uses high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in order to separate the
haemoglobins found within whole blood. It does this through a combination of liquid and stationary
phase chromatography. The stationary phase is provided by the column, which is coated with ion
exchange resins coated with charged groups, making it acidic in nature. The liquid phase is
provided by stepwise elution of the eluents, which provide a linear gradient of pH and salt

Following aspiration of 4µl whole blood

the specimen is diluted with haemolysis
wash 1:200 ratio. Haemolysis wash is
then responsible for the haemolysis of
the red blood cells and the release of
the haemoglobin for analysis. The
diluted sample is injected into the
column. The positive charges on the
haemoglobins interact with the negative
charges of the resins inside the column.

The addition of eluents in a specific order results in the elution of haemoglobin fractions with the
weakest bound fractions eluting first.

Buffer 1 has the weakest ionic strength

and is added first to the column resulting
in the elution of weakly bound fractions
such as HbA1a and HbA1b. Buffer 2 is
then added which has a stronger ionic
strength than Buffer 1 and is responsible
for the elution of HbF, I-A1c and s-A1c.
Buffer 2 and 3 are then added in 1:1
ration allowing the creation of a
concentration gradient due to the high
ionic strength of buffer 3. This results in
the elution of HbA0. The final step is the
addition of Buffer 3 only, causing the
elution of any remaining strongly bound
haemoglobin fractions. Each
haemoglobin fraction then passes in turn through the detector where their respective absorptions
are read by bichromatic detector. The samples are read at 415nm and a reference reading is taken
at 500nm.

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Task 1: Analysis Principles and Parameter
Using the information provided annotate the chromatogram below, labeling the axis, peaks and
identifying reagents used:

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Quick Guides
Daily Checks
Before using the analyzer a series of checks should be made;
• Check reagent levels
• Check filter and column injection counts
• Check pressure
• Waste (if required)

Pump Clean (Daily Shutdown)

The analyzer should be turn OFF on a daily basis in order to perform a pump clean. The pump
clean is performed as part of the background checks following power up.

In order to shut down the analyzer, ensure that no work is being processed and the
analyzer is in STANDBY. Place the analyzer in to ‘sampler mode’ using the mode
switch on the conveyor unit (See page 8).

To shut down the analyzer press the [POWER] switch on the front of the analyzer. The
following message will appear:

Press [OK]. Once analyzer is fully powered down press the [POWER] switch to start the analyzer
back up. On start up the analyzer will perform a series of background checks including a pump
clean, priming of the buffers and washing of the aspiration line. This is represented by the analyzer
status changing from PUMP CLEAN to BUFF PRIME to WARMING UP. Completion of the startup
procedure takes approx. 9mins. Once WARMING UP is complete the analyzer will go into
STANDBY mode and is then ready for use. Place analyzer back in ‘system mode’ (See page 8).

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Replacing the Line Filter
The line filter should be replaced every 400 injection
or when the pressure is ±4 from the stated target (See
column insert). IMPORTANT: The analyzer will alarm
at 400 injections and will continue to alarm with every
injection over 400. Failure to replace line filter when A
appropriate may result in damage to the column and
analysis errors.

In order to replace the line filter the analyzer needs to

be placed into Sampler mode (See page 25) and in
STANDBY. Open the ‘column and filter housing’ by
pressing on the cover. Unscrew the black filter outlet
(A) and remove the filter holder (B) by turning the filter
holder counterclockwise.

Once removed from the analyzer push down on the

filter release to remove filter. Once filter has been
removed discard the filter.

To replace the filter, place a new filter on a flat surface with

the white side facing down.

Black ring

Solid white side

Place holder on top of filter and push down. NOTE: if the filter is orientated in the correct direction
it will easily go back into position and the filter will sit proud within the holder. If there is resistance
to the filter, check the filter is orientated in the right position (See picture above). Screw the filter
holder back in place and re fit the filter outlet. Before using the TOSOH G8 perform a pump prime
to check for leaks and ensure pressure is in the correct range.

A pump prime can be performed from the second

screen of the main menu by pressing [PUMP]. To
stop the pump press [PUMP] again. Close column
and filter housing cover.

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To reset the filter count to zero from the main
screen select [MAINTE] then [REAGENT].

This will open the ‘REAGENT CHANGE’ screen,

press [FIL.RESET].

Perform QC to ensure analyzer is working correctly

(See page 21).

Changing the Column

Columns are guaranteed for 3000 injections, however they can be run till between 5000-8000
injections as long as QC and chromatograms remain okay. Each column has a unique serial
number and the lot letter of the column should match the lot letter of the reagent being used. The
column is located within the column oven, which ensures that the temperature is kept at 25ºC.
NOTE: large fluctuations in temperature have an effect on the production of results. Following
column replacement the column count MUST be reset to zero and column calibration MUST be

To change the column ensure the analyzer is in ‘sampler

mode’ and in STANDBY. Open the column and filter
housing and unscrew the inlets from detector side (A) and
the pump side (B) and remove column from the column A B
oven. Discard old column according to laboratory

Remove protective plugs from the new column and

reattach detector and pump inlets ensuring the arrow on
the column is placed in the direction of the flow, e.g. from
pump side (B) to detector side (A).

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Before using the TOSOH G8 perform a pump prime to check for leaks and ensure pressure is in
the correct range. A pump prime can be performed from the second screen of the main menu by
pressing [PUMP]. To stop the pump press [PUMP] again. Close column oven and column and filter
housing cover.

To reset the column count to zero, from the main

screen select [MAINTE] then [REAGENT].

This will open the ‘REAGENT CHANGE’ screen,

press [COL.RESET]. Perform column calibration
(See page 20).

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Column Calibration
Column calibration should be performed following
• Column replacement
• When there is evidence of QC drift
• Following major analyzer maintenance

Registering a New Lot of Calibration Material

Before a new lot of calibration material can be used on the TOSOH G8 a new 13 digit barcode
must be created. This can be done by entering the [MENU] screen from the main menu, followed
by pressing [BELT LINE] then [SETTINGS].

Select each calibrant in turn, ‘CAL-L-ID’ and ‘CAL-H ID’ for the low and high
calibrators respectively, and enter the desired 13 digit barcode, for example
Lot No. ACAL01 enter 7 spaces followed by ACAL01 (_,_,_,_,_,_._ACAL01)

Preparation of Calibrator Material

During calibration two levels of calibrator are used;
• Level 1 = Low HbA1c
• Level 2 = High HbA1c

The material is lypholized human haemoglobin and one vial should be made up using 4ml of
distilled water. Once reconstituted the material can be aliquoted in to 1ml aliquots and frozen for a

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maximum of 30 days. NOTE: if kept in resealed vial in fridge calibrator is stable for 7days. Do NOT
leave calibrator at room temperature for long periods of time.

Performing Calibration
In order for column calibration to be performed, ensure the analyzer is in STANDBY, the analyzer
is in ‘sampler mode’ and the [BELTLINE] the FIX, CUP and DIL DO NOT have to be highlighted.

Once isolated check the calibrator values in the

G8. Calibration values can be found on the
calibration kit insert. From the main menu screen
press [CALIB] to enter the ‘CALIB SET’ Screen
and check assigned values. If values are incorrect,
select the appropriate calibrator and edit value
using the keyboard displayed, pressing [ENTER]
to confirm.

Place Level 1 calibrator in an appropriately

barcoded cup in position 1 of the rack and
calibrator 2 in position to of the rack in an
appropriately barcoded cup.

Place the rack on the input area on the right side of the conveyor (A) and press [START] button on
TOSOH G8. Once aspiration of calibrators is complete the rack will move to the output area on the
left side of the conveyor (B).

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During analysis, the level 1 calibrator is analyzed
3 times (runs 1 to 3) and level 2 calibrator is
analyzed twice (runs 4 to 5). The first analysis of
calibrator 1 is discarded and the calibration factor
is calculated from the mean %sA1c of analysis 2
and 3 for level 1 and analysis 4 and 5 for level 2.
These values are then compared to those with the
TOSOH G8 settings.

On completion of calibration analysis the new A

calibration factors will appear on the main screen
and calibration status will display ‘COMPLETE’
and the date calibration occurred. Calibration B
data will be printed out. TIP: A good calibration is
indicted by the first figure being 12.5 and below
and the second figure being between -16 to -18.

Once analysis is complete, place the analyzer back into ‘whole blood’ mode (See page 25) and
back into ‘system mode’ (See page 24). NOTE: if analyser left with FIX, CUP and DIL highlighted
whole blood samples will not be diluted during analysis this will lead to AREA TOO HIGH and
possible damage to the column.

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Quality Control (QC)
Quality control (QC) should be performed following calibration of the analyzer, troubleshooting or
as part of daily checks/maintenance.

The material is lyophilised material and should be made up according to manufacturer’s


Registering a New Lot of QC

Before a new lot of QC can be run on the TOSOH G8 a new 13 digit barcode must be created.
This can be done by entering the [MENU] screen from the main menu, followed by pressing [BELT

Select each QC in turn, ‘QC-L1-ID’ and ‘QC-H1-ID’ for the low and high QC
respectively, and enter the desired 13 digit barcode, for example Lot No.
AQC01 enter 8 spaces followed by AQC01 (_,_,_,_,_,_._,_AQC01)

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Running QC
In order to perform QC, ensure the analyzer is in STANDBY, the analyzer is in ‘sampler mode’ and
the [BELTLINE] the FIX, CUP and DIL have been highlighted.

Place 1ml of distilled water and 20µl of QC material in appropriately barcoded cups and mix
thoroughly before placing in the rack.

Place the rack on the input area on the right side of the conveyor (A) and press [START] button on
TOSOH G8. Once aspiration is complete the rack will move to the output area on the left side of
the conveyor (B).

Once analysis is complete place the analyzer

back into ‘whole blood’ mode (See page 25) and
back into ‘system mode’ (See page 24).

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Running patient samples
Sample Requirements
HbA1c analysis requires whole blood samples in EDTA tubes with a minimum blood volume of
1ml. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. NOTE: Gross lipidaemic
samples my give erroneous results.

System Mode
The location of the feeder section and collection sections can vary due to instrument combination.
A typical example is shown below:

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Load sample racks into the feeder section of the
‘Start Yard’ (ST). Automatic rack recognition will
activate the rack pushers and the rack will be
moved towards the back of the ‘Start Yard’ to be
fed into the BT-40.

Racks will be moved into the BT-40 where sample

barcodes will be read and the host computer will be
interrogated to determine the analysis order for
each sample number.

The sample racks are transported to the appropriate analyzer for

analysis (top) or they bypass the analyzers not to be used

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Following sample analysis the completed racks
will be pooled in the stock yard where they can be
removed or I present sent to the tube sorter for

Sampler Mode

To place the TOSOH G8 in ‘sampler mode’ press the mode switch on the XN-track
conveyor unit control panel. The indicator light will turn ORANGE. NOTE: if running
Calibrators, QC or pre diluted samples the TOSOH G8 will also need to be placed
in Pre-dilution mode (See page 26).

Racks can then be placed on the input area (B) of

the conveyor unit. To start analysis press the
[START] button on the TOSOH G8. Once
aspiration of all samples in the rack is complete
the rack will move to the output area on the left
side of the conveyor (C).

Once analysis is complete place the analyzer

back into ‘system mode’ by pressing the mode
switch on the XN-track conveyor unit control B
panel. The indicator light will turn GREEN.

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Pre-dilution Mode

Pre-dilution mode should be used for running Calibration material, QC and any samples less than
1ml. For QC preparation see page 21.

Patient samples requiring dilution should be diluted in a 1:200 dilution

with haemolysis wash, 5µl whole blood to 1ml haemolysis wash.
Samples should be placed in barcoded sample tubes and mix
thoroughly before placing in the rack NOTE: Samples can NOT be run
in cups.

To place the analyzer in pre-diluted mode from the ‘Main menu’ press [MENU] then [BELT LINE].
This will open the ‘Belt line’ screen, select [FIX] and [DIL].

Racks can then be placed on the input area (B) of

the conveyor unit. To start analysis press the
[START] button on the TOSOH G8. Once
aspiration of all samples is complete the rack will
move to the output area on the left side of the
conveyor (C).

Once analysis is complete place the analyzer

back into ‘whole blood’ mode and back into
‘system mode’ (See page 25). B

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Chromatogram Interpretation
Normal Chromatograms

5 7

6 8




1. Date and time of analysis – displays date and time of analysis.

2. Sample number of the day – resets to one following startup of analyzer.

3. ID – displays the sample number or rack and position ID.

4. Calibration equation - Displays the calibration equation the HbA1c result is based on.

5. Theoretical plate (TP) - represents the quality of the calibration from the HbA1c peak. This
figure must be greater than 250. A theoretical plate less than 250 indicates old column.

6. Hb fractions – lists the haemoglobin fraction in the order they are eluted within the column.
Weakest fractions appear at the top of the list with the most positive fractions appearing at
the bottom of the list.

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7. Retention time (RT) - shows the retention time for the corresponding haemoglobin
fragment eluted.
• A1A 0.23
• A1B 0.27-0.33
•F 0.39
• lA1c 0.47
• sA1c 0.57 – 0.61
• A0 0.88 – 0.92

NOTE: Retention times should NOT alter between reagent and column lots. RT errors are
usually due to leaks, especially if the RT is late.

8. Area – displays the corresponding area for each haemoglobin fraction detected.

9. Total area (TA) – sum of all the peak areas. Recommended range 700-3000. Acceptable
range is 500-4000. Note: Total areas outside these limits on one sample indicate sample
problem. TA is out of range on multiple samples indicates analyzer problems such as
blockage or dilution issue.

10. HbA1c % - displays HbA1c percentage for that sample. Normal range is 20-42 mmol/mol
(4.0-6.0% ) with a target of <53mmol/mol (<7.0%) for diabetic patient.

11. Hb Fragments – peaks for different haemoglobins eluted with weaker binding to column
resins than HbA1c, typically HbA1a, HbA1b, HbF, and LA1c.

12. sA1c peak – peak for the stable HbA1c (sA1c) fraction.

13. A0 peak – peak for haemoglobin A0 fraction.

14. Common Variant field (HbD, S and C) – area where additional strongly bound
haemoglobin variant fragment peaks will appear if present, resulting in an error flag (See
page 29).

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Chromatogram Flagging
Three types of chromatogram flag can be seen
1. HbF flag: generated when HbF is >5%. HbF peak is automatically removed from the
HbA1c peak.
• HbF 5-15% results in a warning
• HbF > 15% no result given

2. Variant flags: indicate the presence of a possible haemoglobin variant. The Hb variant
peak is automatically removed from the HbA1c result. Results can be report with
comment ‘possible haemoglobin variant detected’. IMPORTANT: Do NOT state which
variant is present. These results can NOT be used for diagnosis but can be used for

H-V0: Possible HbAD H-V1: Possible HbAS H-V2: Possible HbAC

3. POO peaks: unknown haemoglobin variants. POO peaks which appear after the A0 peak
are ok to report. POO peaks before A0 with total percentage >5% invalidate HbA1c
results and therefore should not be reported. These peaks could be due to other
haemoglobin variant, glycated variant or possible old sample.

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Checking Patient Results
When analyzing chromatograms (See page 27) the following points should be checked.

• Patient information
• The total area (TA) is within the recommended range. Recommended range 700-3000.
Acceptable range is 500-4000. Note: Total areas outside these limits on one sample
indicate sample problem. TA is out of range on multiple samples (>3) indicates analyzer
problems such as blockage or dilution issue.
• The retention times (RT) for each fragment. sHb1c 0.57-0.61, A0 0.88 to 0.92.
• The theoretical plate (TP) value >250. NOTE: As column ages TP will drop.
• All peaks are represented, A1A, A1B, F, LA1C, SA1C and A0.
• Presence of flags HV or PO peaks (See page 29)
• HbA1c is within normal range
• Check for significant other fractions (See page 29)

Normal patient Diabetic patient Possible HbAS

• 6 Peaks • Normal chromatogram • HV-1 peak 34.94%
• TP>250 • HbA1c is higher than • HbA1c is normal
• RT sA1c ok normal • POO peaks present
• Total area ok

In order to fully analyze results chromatograms should be studied in conjunction with patients full
blood count. Confirmation of a haemoglobin variant can NOT be made from Hb Variant

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chromatograms. Variant identification can only be done by DNA analysis and any chromatogram
in which such a variant is detected should be discussed with TOSOH.

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Task 2: Chromatogram Interpretation
For each chromatogram below answer the following questions
1. Is the total area within the recommended range?
2. What is the retention time for HbA0 and sHbA1c?
3. What is the TP valve and is this acceptable?
4. Are all peaks present?
5. Are there any other significant fractions present?
6. Can the HbA1c value be reported? Are any comments required?

Chromatogram A















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Chromatogram B















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Chromatogram C















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Chromatogram D















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Chromatogram E















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Changing Reagents

Reagents should be checked as part of daily maintenance and changed as soon as remaining
levels are insufficient for next run. IMPORTANT: there are NO level sensors on the reagent lines
however the TOSOH G8 will alarm when buffer levels reach 3 – 5%. Failure to change reagent
correctly will result in air being drawn into the analyzer.

Before replacing the reagent ensure the analyzer is in ‘STANDBY’ and that the new reagent is the
same lot letter as the column currently in use.

Remove the appropriate reagent container for the analyzer by unhanging reagent from reagent
rack (Elution buffers only) and unscrewing the cap. Place the reagent probe directly into the new
reagent container, ensuring the probe reaches the bottom and rescrew cap tightly. TIP: if changing
more than one reagent at a time ensure the right colour coded line is placed into the appropriate
reagent container. If changing a buffer place buffer back on reagent rack.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT save or pool reagents. Discard any reagent left. Do NOT mix reagent lots.

Once reagent has been replaced it must be registered on TOSOH G8. This can be done by entering
the [MAINTE] screen from the ‘main menu’ screen then pressing [REAGENT].

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Select appropriate reagent or reagents that
have been changed. Press [CHANGE]. The
following message will appear
Press [OK]. The reagents will then be
primed replacing the reagent in the flow
NOTE: approximately 5ml of reagent is
used during a reagent prime.

Dealing with Errors

When a mechanical error occurs on the TOSOH G8 and alarm will sound and the
error message will appear on the LCD screen. Press [E.RESET] to silence alarm
and then deal with the error.

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Area Too High/Area High
AREA TOO HIGH/AREA HIGH will appear as a ‘FLAG MESSAGE’ at the bottom of the result print
out (See page 27). ‘AREA TOO HIGH’ is seen if the total area exceeds 4000 and the ‘AREA HIGH’
message is seen if the total area is between 3000 – 4000. The most common cause of this error is
an inappropriately mixed sample or a high RBC count. Dilute the sample down using haemolysis
wash solution to a 1:400 ratio.

Area Too Low/Area Low

‘AREA TOO LOW’ error is seen if the lower limit for the total area <
500. AREA LOW is seen if the total area reported is between 500-700.
If this is seen on 3 successive results the analyzer will give an ‘ERROR
MESSAGE’ which will appear on the TOSOH G8 LCD screen. The
most common cause of this successive error is insufficient haemolysis
wash. Check haemolysis wash and replace as necessary. Other
causes of ‘AREA TOO LOW’ or ‘AREA LOW’ include column or needle

If ‘AREA TO LOW’ or AREA LOW are seen on individual samples the

error message will appear as a ‘FLAG MESSAGE’ at the bottom of the
result printout. This is most commonly due to insufficient sample
volume. Check specimen volumes and if below 1ml dilute samples and
run samples in ‘Pre dilution mode’ using a manual dilution 1:100 (See
page 26).

Pressure High
‘PRESSURE HIGH’ error is seen when the pressure exceeds the upper limit of 15MPa and results
in the analysis of samples being stopped and the analyzer going into ‘STANDBY’. The most
common cause is the filter or column replacement period has been exceeded. Alternative if filter
count is less than 400 the filter maybe blocked.

Check filter count and column count on the main screen on the TOSOH G8. Columns are
guaranteed for 3000 injections, however they can be run till between 5000-8000 injections as long
as QC and chromatograms remain okay. The line filter should be replaced every 400 injection or
when the pressure is +4 from the stated target (See column insert). Replace the column or filter as
indicated by the appropriate counter (See page 17 and 16 respectively). If error continues contact
your service provider.

Pressure Low (Drain Flush)

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‘PRESSURE LOW’ error is seen when air is present in the pump check valve. The most common
causes of air entering the system is insufficient reagent(s) or leaks from either filter or column.
Check reagent levels and replace as required (See page 37). Once reagent has been replaced
perform a ‘Drain Flush’ (also known as pump air removal).

Ensure the analyzer is in STAND-BY, form the main screen select [MAINTE] screen and then
[REAGENT] to enter the ‘REAGENT CHANGE’ screen. From here select [D.FLUSH] and the
following message will appear ‘OPEN DRAIN VALVE’. Open drain valve housing (See page 7) and
turn the drain valve anticlockwise 90º degrees as indicated below and press [OK].

The following message will appear

Press [OK]. The drain flush procedure takes approximately 7 minutes and the air trap in the pump
will be automatically removed. Once the procedure is complete the following message will appear
‘CLOSE DRAIN VALVE’. Turn the ‘drain valve back clockwise 90º degrees to the closed position
as indicated above and press [OK]. Return to the main screen (Page 2) to perform a ‘PUMP

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A pump prime can be performed from by pressing
[PUMP]. To stop the pump press [PUMP] again.
Close column and filter housing cover.

Calib Error
‘CALIB ERROR’ occurs when the following conditions are met;
• The difference in sA1c % between the 2nd and 3rd calibration assays is > 0.3%
• The difference in sA1c % between the 4 th and 5th calibration assays is > 0.3%
• The sA1c % result of any of the calibration assays 2, 3, 4 and 5 was ±30% of the assigned

Check the following points

• Check reagent lot letter and column lot letter match
• Check assigned value for calibrator lot
• Check chromatograms.
• Check calibrator dilution by repeat calibration ensuring dilution ratio is correct

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Contact Us

Training Academy
Sysmex UK Ltd
Garamonde Drive
Milton Keynes


Product Hotline
For urgent application support 0333 320 3466 (UK)

Service Hotline
For technical support and service team 0333 320 3467 (UK)

Reagent ordering 0333 320 3470 (UK)


Product mail (non-urgent)

Training Academy (non-urgent)

Sysmex Academy

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