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Software Update V2.01 September 1999

These notes are an addendum to User Guide AP3299 issue 2.

Allen & Heath are committed to ongoing product development. The icon now benefits from
new features and improvements with the release of V2.01 operating software which can
downloaded free of charge from the Internet. Instructions for loading this software into the
mixer are provided on our web site.

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< IMPORTANT NOTE : The user settings and memories are lost when new operating
software is loaded. We recommend that you save these first using a MIDI or PC archiver so
that they can be loaded back into the mixer after the update. A Windows® compatible
archiving utility may be downloaded from the Allen & Heath web site.


• COPY, PASTE, RESET and UNDO functions improve memory handling.

• RECALL now available from SONG and VENUE screens as well as HOME.
• SONG or VENUE memory being stored to becomes current for quicker programming.
• Screen does not return to HOME after storing a song or venue memory.
• Sets can be recalled from the SET screen as well as HOME.
• ‘SET OFF’ display changed to ‘NO SET’ for clarity.
• Auto increment of song number for quicker programming of sets.
• Last action UNDO extended to more functions. Button now lights when available.
• Confirm screens added for better display of current action.
• Rotary control and cursor key acceleration added for quicker access.
• Gate and compressor views added to channel EQ buttons for full parameter editing.
• Gain reduction meter added to compressor and gate for dynamic display of function.
• Compressor RESPONSE parameter split for independent ATTACK and RELEASE control.
• Simultaneous IN/OUT display for channel EQ, compressor and gate.
• SAFE function extended for isolating selected channel parameters from the automation.
• USERMODE utility provides three operating modes for selectable control lockout.
• FX name and parameter screens combined for better viewing of differences between effects.
• More FX1 presets added.
• FX2 reverbs improved. Better parameter control of combined delay+reverb effects.
• FX1/2 footpedal function extended to control any effects parameter or any channel volume.
• MIDI control extended for remote access to all performance parameters.
• USERNAME is displayed on power up and the standby screen for unit identification.

icon SERIES AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 1


Features have been added to make the icon even easier to use and more versatile in its
application. Many minor updates improve operating speed, information display and ease of
use. Existing users should have no difficulty adapting to the new software as the operating
principles remain unchanged. They shall, however, benefit from the new features added which
further extend the sound processing and automation control. These are described below. If
further information is required on these or any other features of the product please contact your
Allen & Heath agent or email technical support direct at


STORE TO Press ENTER to store the current mixer

settings to the displayed memory number. Use the τυ
keys or soft strip control 10 (song) or 9 (venue) to
select a different memory number if required. Note
that this number becomes current after pressing
ENTER. Unlike the previous version the display does
not return to the HOME screen after store is complete. RECALL Previously only available in the HOME
This is better for continued editing of the memory screen, sets can now be recalled in the SET screen.
name or lock function. Use the τυ keys or soft control 8 to select the required
set number 1 to 9, auto or no set. Note that this
RECALL Previously only available in the HOME number becomes current after pressing ENTER.
screen, the memories can now be recalled within the
SONG or VENUE screens. Use the τυ keys or soft strip NO SET The display ‘SET OFF’ has been changed
control 10 (song) or 9 (venue) to select a different to ‘NO SET’ to avoid confusion. The factory default
memory number if required. To recall the same is no set active. Use the new recall function in the
number press υ once first. SET screen to select a set for programming or play.
COPY Press COPY while in the STORE or PROGRAM AUTO INCREMENT Programming a
RECALL screen. This copies the current song or set has been made easier with less button pressing
venue settings to the copy buffer. The PASTE key required. Each time a song memory is entered at the
lights to show that valid data is available in the end of the set the cursor automatically advances to
buffer. the next position and the song number increments by
one. A set of incremental songs can be quickly
PASTE The PASTE key lights only if valid copy programmed simply by repeating ENTER. The usual
data is available. The key flashes if the copy data is song selection and editing functions are still
different to the current mixer settings. The key lights available.
but does not flash if the data is the same as current. If
copy data is not available the key does not light. SET PLAY Further information is provided in the
Press PASTE to overwrite the mixer settings with the HOME screen to display when the set has been
contents of the copy buffer. It is not possible to paste interrupted by recalling a song not part of the active
data direct to the memories. This should be done by set, for example, playing an audience request. The
first pasting data to the mixer then using the store SETNAME is struck out ( SET 2 ) until PAUSE or
function. NEXT is pressed to continue the set sequence.
RESET Press RESET while in the STORE or UNDO
RECALL screen. This resets all associated
parameters to their default settings so providing a
useful starting point for a new mix. This facility has been extended to more functions
including memory store and recall, set programming
UNDO Press UNDO to reverse the last action carried and the new safes map feature. The UNDO key lights
out. Confirm screens and the undo function prevent when available. Confirm screens display briefly the
the memories or mixer settings from being action being undone. Note that UNDO is also
inadvertently overwritten and lost. Note that undo is available in the HOME screen to undo a memory recall
only available immediately after the unwanted action using the NEXT key, footswitch or cursor keys.
has been carried out. The UNDO key lights when this
function is available.

2 AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 icon SERIES


In addition to the all channel GATE and COMP screens, The ‘Channel Safes’ function to isolate channels
the gate and compressor settings can now be edited from the automation works as before, very useful
independently for each channel. This presents all during pre-programmed live performance when
channel parameters for interactive editing. For changing channel allocation ‘on the fly’, for example
example, press EQ1 to select channel 1: using a ‘spare guitar’ channel for a last minute guest

In addition to this a powerful new ‘Parameter Safes’

function is added. Selected parameters on selected
channels can be made safe from MIDI and song
memory recall. This lets you decide how you want
the automation to work.
The EQ screen is displayed and parameters adjusted For example, a musician may simply want to recall
in the normal way. Press EQ1 again or press θ to effects, compressor and gate settings to change the
display the GATE screen: music ‘style’ between songs. Other parameters such
as monitor levels, EQ and mutes would be manually
controlled and not affected by the automation. On the
other hand, a conference application may require that
the memories simply change channel levels and
mutes without affecting the EQ or dynamics settings.


Use soft controls 4, 5 and 6 to adjust the threshold, CHANNEL SAFE key. It flashes to warn that the
attack and decay parameters. The new gain reduction console is in safes edit mode:
(GR) meter indicates when the gate is on, signal
muted (bar on) or off, signal routed (bar off).

Press EQ1 again or press θ to display the


The display shows a ‘map’ of the channels and

associated parameters. Columns show channels,
rows show parameters. Use the πθτυ cursor keys to
navigate to the required channel parameter. Press
ENTER to make the selected parameter safe from the
Use soft controls 4, 5, 6 and 7 to adjust the drive associated channel. A filled box displays a parameter
(how much compression), attack, release and made safe, hollow displays a parameter affected by
hard/soft knee parameters. The GR gain reduction the automation. Default is no parameters safe. If a
meter indicates how much compression is active. channel has been made ‘channel safe’ using its MUTE
This shows you how hard the compressor is working. key then small boxes are displayed for all its
RESPONSE parameter has now been split into SAFE IN/OUT Press the OUT key to toggle the
independent ATTACK and RELEASE parameters for safes map active or disabled. Status is displayed on
improved compressor control. any screen where it can be active. This includes song
memory recall, console paste and reset. These
IN/OUT The OUT key works in each screen functions do not affect ‘song safe’ parameters with
providing independent switching for the EQ, gate and SAFE IN displayed, or channels which have been
compressor. In/out status is displayed for all three on made ‘performance safe’. Switching safes OUT is
the right of the display. The OUT key displays status useful when wishing to paste or reset all console
for the active screen as usual. settings regardless of how the automation is set up.
COPY The copy/paste function is now available in Note that channels made ‘channel safe’ using the
each screen. EQ, gate or compressor settings may be MUTE keys are not affected by ‘parameter safes’
copied between channels or memories. The PASTE in/out status. Note also that the PAUSE patch is not
key lights if valid data is available. It flashes if the affected by any safes settings.
copy data is different to the current settings.

icon SERIES AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 3


A new utility feature is added to provide three modes

of console operation. These are known as ‘user
modes’ and provide different levels of control access
for the day to day operator.

Press UTIL repeatedly until the USERMODE menu

item is displayed. Use the τυ cursor keys to scroll
The original name and parameter screens have been
through the three mode options. Enter the mode
combined into one. The effects type is displayed as
required. The mode may be changed at any time.
the second menu item and can be changed using soft
NORMAL MODE = Full control. control 10 or the τυ cursor keys. The associated
parameters are displayed and can be edited using soft
This is the default mode. All controls and automation controls 4, 5, 6 and 7 as before. You can now quickly
are available. Normal mode is ideal for live view and hear the differences between parameters by
performers using the performance memories. scrolling through the effects names.

LIVE MODE = Manual console operation + MORE FX1 PRESETS More effects have been
optional recall of memories using Set. added. These are based on existing effects types but
provide additional presets to store your different
All controls are available except for the automation. parameter preferences:
Song, set and venue memories are locked and cannot
be overwritten. If a set is active before entering this • StECHO 5, 6
mode then the memories programmed into that set • BOUNCE 3, 4
can be selected using the τυ cursor keys and recalled
by pressing ENTER. If ‘NO SET’ is selected before
entering this mode then memory recall is completely • DOUBLER 3
disabled. This lets you choose whether the operator
has limited access to a chosen selection of the
memories. Live mode is ideal for manual live mixing • StFLNGE 2
where accidental overwriting of the console settings
is prevented.
BASIC MODE = Setup controls locked + optional
recall of memories using Set. IMPROVED REVERBS The sound of the reverbs
have been enhanced to better simulate natural
Only channel gain, faders, mutes and headphones acoustics. The original echo+reverb effects have
monitoring are available to the operator. All other been replaced with sixteen delay+reverb types which
controls are locked to prevent preset parameters being provide greater parameter control to set the balance
overwritten. If a set is active before entering this between the delay (echo) and reverb.
mode then the memories programmed into that set
can be selected using the τυ cursor keys and recalled GREATER FOOTPEDAL CONTROL The
by pressing ENTER. If ‘NO SET’ is selected before function of the foot pedals or switches can now be
entering this mode then memory recall is completely assigned to control any effects parameter or any
disabled. This lets you choose whether the operator channel volume. The third menu item displays the
can recall a selection of the memories. Basic mode is assigned function. Select this item and scroll through
ideal for installed sound where the installer presets the options using soft stripcontrol 10 or the τυ cursor
the parameters for different mixing situations and the keys.
day to day operator has limited access to basic
controls only.
USERMODE SYMBOL If live or basic mode is
active a symbol is displayed on the left of the HOME • INPUT VOLUME = CH1-8
screen. This identifies that the console is not in its • EFFECTS PARAMETER
default normal mode. Live mode = u1
Basic mode = u 2
• OFF = Footswitch disabled
If any locked key is pressed both the padlock and
usermode symbols are briefly displayed. Note that this greater flexibility makes the foot
controllers well suited to be used with remote wall
plate volume controls in installed systems.

4 AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 icon SERIES


PARAMETER CONTROL Every console parameter is now mapped for independent MIDI
control. This is based on the NRPN system with the MSB selecting the channel number, and
the LSB selecting the parameter number in that channel (channel type specific).

Channel selection message: 0xBm, 0x63, <Channel>

(Controller 99)
Where <Channel> is 0x00 = CH1 to 0x07 = CH8, 0x08 = FX1, 0x09 = FX2, and
0x40 = GEQA, 0x41 = GEQB.

Parameter selection message: 0xBm, 0x62, <Param ID>

(Controller 98)
Where <Param ID> is shown below:

Parameter values are set using Data Entry MSB: 0xBm, 0x06, <Value>
All parameter values are ‘normalised’ from 0x00-0x7F

Device Parameter Parameter ID

LF Gain 0x01
LF Frequency 0x02
LMF Gain 0x03
LMF Frequency 0x04
PEQ LMF Q 0x05
HMF Gain 0x06
HMF Frequency 0x07
HMF Q 0x08
HF Gain 0x09
HF Frequency 0x0A
In/Out 0x0B
Drive 0x0C
Attack 0x0D
Compressor Release 0x0E
Knee 0x0F
In/Out 0x10
Level 0x11
Attack 0x12
Gate Decay 0x13
In/Out 0x14
Aux Send Level 0x15
Foldback Send Level 0x16
Trim Level 0x17
Pan/Balance Pan/Balance 0x18
FX1 Send Level 0x19
FX2 Send Level 0x1A
Fader Level Level (transmit only, no recieve) 0x1B
Band Gain 0x00 Lowest Band 31Hz
0x09 Highest Band 16kHz
GEQ In/Out 0x20
Linking 0x21
When linked, both GEQA&B messages (for
band gain & in/out) are generated by the I-CON

icon SERIES AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 5


MIDI control is now extended to the VENUE memory recalls as well as SONG. These use the
same program change messages as before but different banks. Refer also to the icon User
Guide which details the original MIDI functions including MUTE note on/off messages and
system exclusive data archive.

SONG RECALL Program change in Bank 1

0xBm, 0x00, 0x00, 0xCm, pp
Where m is MIDI channel number
pp is 0x00 = SONG 1
0x7E = SONG 127
0x7F = PAUSE

VENUE RECALL Program change in Bank 2

0xBm, 0x00, 0x01, 0xCm, pp
Where m is MIDI channel number
pp is 0x00 = VENUE 1
0x12 = VENUE 19


The following global functions are controlled using MIDI system exclusive messages.
Where MV is major version number 0… 127
Mv is minor version number 0… 127
m is MIDI channel number

AMP MODE Changes mix source to amplifier channels A and B:

Where Mode is 0x00 for L R
0x01 for FB M
0x02 for Aux FB

AUX PRE/POST Switches all channel aux sends either pre or post fader:
0xF0,0x00,0x00,0x1A,0x50,0x07,MV,Mv,0x0m, 0x05, Pre/Post,0xF7
Where Pre is 0x00
Post is 0x7F

TRIM ON/OFF Enables or disables the channel level trim parameter:

0xF0,0x00,0x00,0x1A,0x50,0x07,MV,Mv,0x0m, 0x04, Off/On,0xF7
Where Off is 0x00
On is 0x7F

6 AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 icon SERIES

FX PARAMETERS Param1 FX1 0xBn, 0x5B, <Value> FX2 0xBn,0x46, <Value>
Param2 0xBn, 0x5C, <Value> 0xBn,0x47, <Value>
Param3 0xBn, 0x5D, <Value> 0xBn,0x48, <Value>
Param4 0xBn, 0x5E, <Value> 0xBn,0x49, <Value>
Type 0xBn, 0x5F, <Name> 0xBn, 0x4A, <Name>

Where <Name> is:


"M ECHO 1" 0x00 "STAGE 1 " 0x00
"M ECHO 2" 0x01 "STAGE 2 " 0x01
"M ECHO 3" 0x02 "WOODRM 1" 0x02
"M ECHO 4" 0x03 "WOODRM 2" 0x03
"M ECHO 5" 0x04 "ROOM 1 " 0x04
"M ECHO 6" 0x05 "ROOM 2 " 0x05
"M ECHO 7" 0x06 "ROOM 3 " 0x06
"M ECHO 8" 0x07 "ROOM 4 " 0x07
"StECHO 1" 0x08 "HALL 1 " 0x08
"StECHO 2" 0x09 "HALL 2 " 0x09
"StECHO 3" 0x0A "HALL 3 " 0x0A
"StECHO 4" 0x0B "HALL 4 " 0x0B
"BOUNCE 1" 0x0C "CHAMBER1" 0x0C
"BOUNCE 2" 0x0D "CHAMBER2" 0x0D
"CHORUS 1" 0x0E "CHURCH 1" 0x0E
"CHORUS 2" 0x0F "CHURCH 2" 0x0F
"DOUBLER1" 0x10 "ARENA 1 " 0x10
"DOUBLER2" 0x11 "ARENA 2 " 0x11
"M FLNGE1" 0x12 "PLATE 1 " 0x12
"StFLNGE1" 0x13 "PLATE 2 " 0x13
"PHUNNEL1" 0x14 "VxPLATE1" 0x14
"PHUNNEL2" 0x15 "VxPLATE2" 0x15
"VIBRATO1" 0x16 "SPRING 1" 0x16
"VIBRATO2" 0x17 "SPRING 2" 0x17
"StVIBE 1" 0x18 "DLYSTGE1" 0x18
"StVIBE 2" 0x19 "DLYSTGE2" 0x19
"StECHO 5" 0x1F "DLYHALL2" 0x1F
"StECHO 6" 0x20 "DLYHALL3" 0x20
"BOUNCE 3" 0x21 "DLYHALL4" 0x21
"BOUNCE 4" 0x22 "DLYCHRC1" 0x22
"CHORUS 3" 0x23 "DLYCHRC2" 0x23
"DOUBLER3" 0x24 "DLYPLTE1" 0x24
"M FLNGE2" 0x25 "DLYPLTE2" 0x25
"StFLNGE2" 0x26 "DLYSPRG1" 0x26
"PHUNNEL3" 0x27 "DLYSPRG2" 0x27
"AUTOPAN3" 0x28

icon SERIES AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 7


It may be helpful to understand the full capability of icon by comparing it to its analogue
equivalent. The following drawing shows the controls arranged in conventional format. Each
function has its own control. However, a long channel strip results because of the amount of
processing control available. Although it makes the full capability more obvious it is not
necessarily easier to operate. In fact, just the opposite… The fewer controls presented on icon
together with logical arrangement according to function and the informative graphical display
make it easier and less daunting to operate than this analogue equivalent in a live situation.
This demonstrates the advantage of the assignable control surface made possible using digital

8 AP3876 – Addendum to User Guide – Software Update V2.01 icon SERIES

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