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Lessons From The Life of Salahuddin Ayubi The Bright Rays of A

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Lessons from the life of

Salahuddin al Ayubi
The bright rays of hope for a
wonderful future
(Ml) Ridhwan ibn Dawood

Published by Spiritual Light

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Contents Page

Preface .............................................................................................................................................................................4
1. The Shia Menace ...........................................................................................................................................................5
2. The Christian Menace viz. The Crusaders.......................................................................................................................6
3. The 3rd Foe ...................................................................................................................................................................8
An Islamic Revolution at a time when none deemed it possible ........................................................................................9
Round Two .....................................................................................................................................................................12
Weakening of the caliphate ............................................................................................................................................12
Role of the British ...........................................................................................................................................................13
WW1 and its Effects........................................................................................................................................................14
The Shia ..........................................................................................................................................................................15
The 3rd foe: The satanic lobby of the Ashkenazi Jews .....................................................................................................18
The Rays of Hope have already began filtering through the clouds ..................................................................................21

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

‫ﻧﺤﻤﺪﻩ و ﻧﺼﻠﻲ و ﻧﺴﻠﻢ ﻋﻠﻰ رﺳﻮﻟﻪ اﻟﻜﺮﻳﻢ‬

‫و ﻋﻠﻰ آﻟﻪ و ﺻﺤﺒﻪ اﺟﻤﻌﻴﻦ‬


A cursory glance at the history of Islam during its sad periods of decline shall reveal that three parties have
always featured behind its collapse. The first, and most apparent would be the army of the non-Muslims,
which would mostly consist of European Christians. The second, would be a force from within, dividing into
hundreds of smaller sects, each with its own set of beliefs, but its prime member would always be the Shia.

The third, and most dangerous of all, yet surprisingly the one that would attract the least attention would be
'a hidden lobby, operating under direct instructions of the shayateen world. If one were to scratch deeply, one
would realize that the Shia and the Christians (i.e. the first two parties) are mere puppets in the fight against
the Muslim Ummah. The prime instigator has always been the third party, i.e. the hidden lobby, pulling its
strings from behind.

To understand this better, the period from 300 A.H to 500 A.H shall be discussed, which was perhaps one of
the most difficult patches that Islam had encountered during its first 1000 years.

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

1. The Shia Menace

The Baatiniyah/Raafidi Fatimid s\State rose to power in 296 AH in North Africa after Qayrawan fell to
Ubeidullah (known as the Mahdi). After power was attained, they exposed their reality by reviling the Sahaba
Radiyallahu Anhum and the noble wives of Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi wa Sallam, claiming that all had
apostatized except a few. Those who opposed were tortured severely. Ubeidullah was raised to the level of
divinity, with the preposterous claims of him being Razzaq (The Sustainer) and Aalimul-Ghaib (The Knower of
the Unseen).

The historian, Qabisi, has written: 'The scholars and righteous men who have died, after severe torture in the
prison of the Ubaidis' from the time Ubeidullah took control, are easily in the region of about four thousand.
This excludes those who have been killed without imprisonment and have been mutilated in the streets of
Qayrawan. Passing rulings on the mazhab of Imam Malik had been banned. A tortured dead body would be
carried in the streets and a proclamation would be made that, 'This is the recompense of one who follows the
mazhab/path of Malik!'

They added ' ‫ر ا ل‬ -hayya ala khayr il-amal' to the adhan and abolished the Taraweeh. Scholars
were not allowed to teach, and open haraam was declared permissible. Ubeidullah would dress in an animal
skin and as say to his followers, 'You are like animals, with no obligations upon you, no wudhu; no prayer; no
zakah. Adultery, fornication, alcohol is now allowed!'

About 62 years later, Al-Mu'izz li-Din-Illah took control over Egypt. To spread Shia thought Jawhar-As-Siqilli
built the grand university of al-Azhar. Hafiz Dhazabi has written: 'During this time the Rafidis rose to power in
Egypt, Syria, Hijaz, and Morocco. In Iraq and Persia they, under the name of Banu Buwayh, were so strong in
power that they played an influential role in the electing of the next caliph.'

The height of their power perhaps was on the Day of Eid 450 A.H (1058), 156 yrs after their first state was
created. Every azaan in Iraq contained 'hayya ala khayr il-amal', numerous scholars of the Sunnah were
drowned, and the chief official of the Caliph, Abul-Qasim ibn al-Muslimah, after being totally humiliated, was
hung with hooks in his mouth, and lifted up onto the woods (crucified) whilst still alive. He trembled in agony
until his soul departed towards the latter part of the day. His last words were 'Praise be to Allah who caused
me to live blessed and caused me to die as a martyr!'

Dr Sallabi has written, 'One of the main characteristics of the Batini heritical Shia that has been proven
throughout history is that they appear humble, pretend to be pitiful and act friendly when they are weak, but
when they feel strong, they use the worst kinds of tyranny, force and vengeance.'

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

2. The Christian Menace viz. The Crusaders

The first mention of the Crusades was made in 471 A.H (1078) by Pope Urban the 2nd. This was based upon
false claims of Christians being attacked en-route to Jerusalem, of Eastern Christians being persecuted by
Muslims, and of churches and monasteries being destroyed. These claims are today considered frivolous even
by Christian historians. Every church vibrated with this call, not because all agreed, but rather because over
the last 100 years the papacy had been taken over by a satanic jewish lobby, operating at that time under the
name of 'the Templar Knights'.

In 488 A.H (1095) Pope Urban delivered his famous speech in Clermont which set the motion in full force. 'O
race of Franks, o the chosen and beloved of God, from the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople
a horrible tale has gone forth, namely that an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, has
transgressed and spread evil in that land. They have overturned the holy altars, plundered the churches and
destroyed and burnt them down. Let the holy sepulcher of the Holy Christ, our Lord and Savior, which is
possessed by unclean nations, especially incite you. This land is too narrow for your large population. The great
city is crying for your help. Get up and save it!'

Three hundred thousand Christians responded to this call. The reason for the Muslims of Sham being initially
defeated by the newly-formed Crusading army was however not on account of the huge number of the
Christian army, nor on the basis of the Muslims being caught off-guard, due to their reliance upon a truce
between the two parties that had been signed decades ago. Rather, the factor that contributed the most
towards the defeat of the Muslim armies of Sham against the First Crusaders was 'the Shia Menace'!

Non-Muslim historians themselves have taken notice of this vivid fact and have thus summarized the initial
attack of the Crusaders as follows:

What really made the First Crusade so successful was not the size of the army of the European foot soldiers and
Knights. 10,000 knights and 30,000 foot soldiers were indeed a powerful force, but the Muslims could have
easily matched it. However, the Crusader's benefitted from the age old split in the Muslim population between
the Orthodox Sunni Muslims who were centered in Damascus and the Shi'ite Muslims who were on both sides
of them -- in Egypt and Persia.
The Sunni Muslims preoccupation with the Shi'ites allowed the Christian armies to spread out along the
Mediterranean coast from the edge of Egypt to Cilicia in modern-day Turkey.) By 510 A.H, (1116) the four
major Christian Kingdoms of the holy land had been established -- viz. Antioch, Edessa, Tripoli and Jerusalem.

Apparently it took a mere twenty years for the blessed lands of the Muslim Ummah to be brutally snatched
away. The reality however is that prior to the first call of the Pope over a hundred years of plotting had already
passed, during which the entire papacy had been taken over by elements desirous of utilizing Christian
Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

soldiers for their nefarious motives. The Crusades was thus nothing but a farce, or in other words 'a hidden
lobby utilizing the simple-minded Christian masses of Europe to serve Ashkanazi Jewish interests.'

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

3. The 3rd Foe

This hidden lobby fighting for control over al-Aqsa was neither upon the creed of the Christians, nor upon the
creed of the orthodox Jew. Rather this was naught but a satanic lobby who hated both Nabi Isa Alaihis Salaam
and Nabi Musa Alaihi Salaam. The Christians had absolutely no idea as to why it was Al-Aqsa that had to be
captured. Their lives were sacrificed merely in order for this third group to be able to enter the precincts of
the blessed lands of Sham and al-Aqsa , so that they could fulfill what they needed to do, unhindered. Their
agenda, when discovered, apparently seemed so trivial, yet to them it was so vital that they were prepared to
spend billions more if the need arose. And that agenda was, as time would later prove, be able to dig under
the blessed site of Al-Aqsa!

The Templar Knights

In 511 A.H (1118), the year after victory had been sealed for the Christians, nine Knights arrived in Jerusalem.
These Knights, were unlike the others. They were not interested in obtaining land and wealth. They had taken
vows to become warrior monks, pledging chastity, obedience, and poverty... three character traits that were
very foreign to most Knights on the Crusade. To Baldwin, the King of Jerusalem, this was a welcome relief,
since the other Christian nobles had already started arguing over land and the spoils of their conquests. The
nine new Knights chose to live a separate existence in a far corner of the Palace grounds, in an old set of
stables, which had once belonged to King Herod of the Roman era. Their announced public and secular
purpose was to protect the pilgrims on the roads from the Mediterranean Sea to Jerusalem -- which was not
done by any of the other Knights, since there was no profit in it!

These nine Knights were led by Hugues de Payen, a French and Scottish nobleman. This was de Payen's second
visit to Jerusalem, after having participated in the First Crusade and having visited Jerusalem again in 497 AH
(1104). This time he was accompanied by eight other warrior monks, financed by a few French nobles By
either circumstance or design (the stables Hugues de Payne chose to live in were exactly adjoining the remains
of the old Jewish Religious Monument of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Romans in about 300
AD. Because of their living quarters and their vow of poverty, these warrior monks became known as the
"Poor Knights of Christ at the Temple of Jerusalem" or, more popularly, as the "The Knights Templar". Instead
of referring to al-Aqsa as 'the holy church' or 'the holy synagogue', they would instead refer to it as 'the

In addition to their announced tasks, under the direction of de Payens, the Knights Templar spent much of
their time and effort secretly excavating beneath the old walls to find the labyrinth of tunnels that were
rumored to exist beneath the structure. Only these nine Knights were allowed near these excavations. Here
they labored for three years. In 514 A.H (1121), they sent their second-in-command, Geoffrey de St. Omer,
back to France with the results of their excavations. What were these results? No one really knows...

But what is clear is that the true purpose behind the Crusaders capturing the Lands of Jerusalem was a secret
which this group of Knights Templar shared. It was this unknown satanic group and their unknown masters
that orchestrated the entire affair of the Crusades, utilizing Christians soldiers and thugs, so that they could
search for whatever it was that they sought from the ruins of the Masjid of Nabi Suleiman Alaihis Salaam.

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

An Islamic Revolution at a time when none deemed it possible

If one were to be asked in the year 510 A.H (1116) if there was any hope of an Islamic revival his answer would
most probably have been in the negative, since there was no apparent power which seemed strong enough to
rise against this unique network of shaitaani enemies. However Islam is a religion that never dies. Rather, its
most amazing revivals occur at times when all hope is lost of it ever standing again. At a time when the hold of
the Fatimid empire was strong over many major Islamic centers; when Shia thought was being spread like
wild-fire from preaches streaming out of al-Azhar; when the forts of Christian crusaders were springing up in-
and-around the blessed lands of Sham; when al-Aqsa was out of Muslim control; and when shaitaani agents
were enjoying free access to the tunnels that run under al-Aqsa, at that most threatening moment in Islamic
history the wheels of revival began spinning at tremendous speeds.

It took a mere seventy years for Islam to bounce back to its glory; to topple the Shia/Fatimid empire of Egypt;
to uproot the Christians from the lands of Sham and to purify this blessed land from the filth of the Knights
Templar. The warrior upon whose blessed hands this wondrous Islamic miracle would unfold was none other
than Yusuf ibn Ayub Rahimahullah, commonly known as Salahuddin al-Ayubi.

Every aspect of the life of this warrior of Islam (mujahid) was unique and pure, and much of it has been heard
or related to Muslim children somewhere along the line. What surprises one however is that the aspect for
which Salahuddin devoted most of his life, which he and his Master, Nuruddin Zengi, regarded as vital for the
conquest of Jerusalem, i.e. the dismantling of the Shia/Fatimid state, that has hardly ever been mentioned.
They were well aware that as long as this state existed Muslim efforts against the known enemy would always
be spoilt at the last moments by this treacherous segment.

In a mere sixteen years, 559 A.H (1164), to 565 A.H. (1170), from the age of 17, this mujahid fulfilled the
mammoth task of entering into the capital state of the Shia; winning over the masses; gathering control over
its army; and slowly but surely, eradicating every Shia symbol and practice that was previously regarded as
state law. It was under Salahuddin al-Ayubi that al-Azhar was changed into a university of the Ahlus-Sunnah,
that the words 'hayya ala khair-il-amal' was removed from the Azaan of Egypt, bringing it back onto the
Sunnah method, after it had remained distorted for close to 280 years. It was through his efforts that the
name of the Shia caliph and the originator of their faith was removed from the Friday sermon, and replaced
with virtues of the first four illustrious Caliphs, and the family members of Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi wa

How difficult a task this was can only be understood by one who attempts removing deep-rooted customs
from his people. For two hundred years the lands of Egypt had heard nothing but Shia propaganda, stories of
love for the Ahlul-Bayt (the household of Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi wa Sallam), 10th Muharram mourning
processions, etc.

It was for this reason that when the command of Nuruddin Zengi reached Salahuddin to now remove the
mention of the Fatimid caliph from the Jumuah sermon and replace it instead with the name of the Abbasid

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

caliph, Salahuddin hesitated, fearing that such a sermon in the Jami of Al-Azhar would be too difficult for the
masses to bear, and could provoke an uprising.

Nuruddin summoned the father of Salahuddin and had him convey to his son this message, 'This is a command
that must be implemented immediately, so that we may attain this great virtue and noble task before death
comes and we miss out on the rewards.'

A brilliant judge, Qadhi Ibn Abi Asroon, was then sent and with his aid and wisdom Salahuddin began drawing
up a plan to bring a total end to Shia rule in Egypt. After preparing the minds of the Egyptian masses for the
coming changes, and taking away power from the Fatimid institution, he dismissed the Shia judges, banned
the propagation of Shia ideas, and removed all Shia symbols and principles.

In 565 A.H. (1170) he banned the usage of the words 'hayya ala khair il-amal - Muhammad wa Ali khairul
bashr', which was a hallmark of the Shia Azaan. Then on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah he ordered that the righteous
caliphs be mentioned in the Friday sermon, and that the present Fatimid ruler, 'al-Adid', be mentioned in
ambiguous terms, so as to confuse the Shia, and at the same time avoid confusing them. The khateeb
(lecturer) was instructed to say, 'O Allah, guide the followers of al-Adid to Your religion.'

Finally, on the 1st Friday of Muharram 567 A H (1172) the name of al-Adid was omitted totally. The Fatimid
ruler, al-Adid, unexpectedly passed away the following Friday. Salahuddin once said, 'Had I known he was
going to die, I would have delayed omitting his name from the sermon for one more week.' His best advisor, al-
Qadhi al-Fadhil laughed and replied, 'O my master, if he knew you were not going to erase his name from the
sermon, he would not have died.'

Had this favour of Salahuddin not been upon the Ummah, Egypt would not have become the centre of the
knowledge of Ahadith, producing the likes of Hafiz ibn Hajr Asqalani, Allamah Badruddin Aini, Mulla Ali Qari
Rahmatullah Alaihim and others.

It is thus indeed surprising that this gigantic favour of Salahuddin al-Ayubi hardly ever gets mentioned. It
seems that shaitaani elements fear that if Muslims were to realize how Salahuddin al-Ayubi viewed the Shia
threat of his era, and how he worked tirelessly to rid the Ummah of its poison, they too would despise the Shia
and join the struggle to rid the Ummah from this poison.

Generally when one speaks of this great giant of Islam, it is only his rescuing of al-Aqsa from the hands of the
Crusaders that is discussed, whereas the efforts of this great man in rescuing Islam from a kufr ideology that
was spreading like wild-fire amongst innocent Muslims was indeed just as important, if not greater. The grasp
of the Crusaders over al-Aqsa was indeed one of the most trying times for the Ummah, but it never became
the cause of a believer losing his faith. Rather, in the efforts to save this blessed Masjid, many believers were
blessed with martyrdom. Whereas, in the case of the grasp of the Shia faith over much of the Muslim world,
thousands of souls were robbed of their faith, and were made into eternal fuel for the fire of Jahannum.

For the next fifteen years Salahuddin al-Ayubi concentrated on mobilizing the Muslim armies of the world and
launching attack upon attack against the Christian fort-holds of Sham, the most decisive of which was the

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Battle of Hittin, in which he defeated the largest crusader army ever formed. It was after this battle that his
chief-advisor Al-Qadhi al-Fadhil wrote the following letter:

After praising Salahuddin, he wrote, 'Your servant is writing this letter when heads have not yet been raised
from prostration and tears have not yet been wiped from cheeks. Every time your servant thinks of these
churches being turned back into Masjids, and that in the places in which it was said that 'Allah is the third of
three', it is now being said that 'He is One', he renews his thanks to Allah, sometimes verbally and sometimes
from the flow of tears from his eyes.'

Soon thereafter, Almighty Allah blessed Salahuddin with the second great honour of that era, which was to
emancipate al-Aqsa from the hands of the Christian Crusades. The peak of this victory occurred on the night of
Friday, the 27th of Rajab 583 A.H. (1187) when this great warrior entered the blessed city as victor, bringing an
end to 90 years of brutal Christian rule. The police, acting on the instructions of Salahuddin, patrolled the
streets, ensuring that no house be plundered and that no Christian be harmed.

If one were to recall the Crusaders entry into Jerusalem in 492 A.H. (1099), when Godfrey and Tancred spread
death in the streets, drowning Muslim defenders or having them burnt, whilst the Crusaders waded ankle-
deep in the blood of the slain, one shall then understand the difference between Islamic Jihad and shaitaani

Just over a hundred years later, (from the return of al-Aqsa to the Muslims), in 698 A.H (1299) the mighty
Ottoman Empire would be formed during which Islam would spiral back to the glory it enjoyed during the
early history of Islam, and during which the Mighty Roman Empire would finally collapse with the conquest of
Constantinople. For the next 280 years, until the death of Suleiman the Magnificent in 974 A.H. (1567) Islam
would continue rising in power and glory. Thus, upon the completion of 1000 yrs of Islamic history the flag of
Islam was to be found flying most high and Muslims were the dominant force in the entire world. Round 1 of
the battle between faith and materialism ended with Islam as the winner.

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Round Two
The next 500 years of Islamic history would see a repeat of what had occurred in the 1000 years prior to it. At
the beginning of the 17th century, which also marked England's first permanent settlement in the Americas,
Britain took the lead in establishing itself as the most powerful Christian ruling state of the world. At its height,
it was the largest empire in history and for over a century was the foremost global power. By 1331 A.H. (1913),
the British Empire held sway over 412 million people, 23% of the world population at the time, and by 1338
A.H. (1920), it covered 35,500,000 km2, 24% of the Earth's total land area. As a result, its political, legal,
linguistic and cultural legacy was and still is widespread. At the peak of its power, the phrase 'the empire on
which the sun never sets' was often used to describe the British Empire, due to the sun always shining on at
least one of its territories.

As Christian France had once been used to orchestrate the movement of the Crusades in order for satanic
forces to enjoy open access to the land of Al-Aqsa, Great Britain was now going to be duped into serving that
very purpose.

Weakening of the caliphate

World War 1 began in 1332 A.H (1914). Prior to this the Ottoman Caliphate still existed, albeit weak and
fragile. It was referred to as 'the sick man of Europe'. Ottoman Sultans of the 1800’s had been trying to slow
the decline and various attempts at reform were made. Unfortunately, some of these reforms attempted to
rebuild the caliphate along European secular lines. During this period, many Ottoman lands were lost to
Europe. Sultan Abdul Hamid also tried to stem the decline and decided to unite the caliphate along Islamic
lines. He introduced a number of positive initiatives to strengthen Islam in the Ottoman lands and throughout
the world. He introduced many educational institutions, paid off much of their debts, and regarded the
movement of 'the Young Turks' as a threat to the caliphate.

On a diplomatic level, he dealt wisely with the Russians, French, British and Austrians. He revamped Masjid-un
Nabawi, built the Hijaz Railway, established an Islamic university in China and opposed the Zionist idea of a
state in Palestine. However, all his sincere efforts could not turn the tide. He was eventually overthrown by
the Young Turks. The sect of the Donmehs, which was half-Jewish and half-Muslim in their beliefs, had in fact
combined with the Freemasons to dominate the Young Turk movement. They together with Mustafa Kemal
succeeded in bringing down the caliphate in 1343 A.H. ((1924)), eleven years later.

This period of time also saw the growing influence of the European powers: Britain, France, Italy, Germany,
Portugal, Spain, etc. These colonial powers expanded their empires by seizing lands from the ailing Ottoman

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Caliphate. The British occupied Egypt in 1299 A.H (1882); the French occupied Algeria in 1246 A.H (1830); and
the Italians occupied Libya in 1330 A.H (1912).

Europe had actually been caught up in a conflict between religion and state. This brought about a godless
civilization. After the French and Bolshevik revolutions the Pope and Christianity were formally removed from
the affairs of the state. The rest of the world was then colonized and secularized in the mold of the European
secular godless model. The Ottoman Caliphate had to be destroyed because it was the final obstacle to the
idea of a godless world.

Role of the British

Britain was amongst the most influential in the politics of the time and ruled over much of the world. The
British were aware of two important powers the caliph possessed. Firstly, they knew that the caliph had the
ability to proclaim jihad and mobilize the entire Muslim world against a threat such as Israel; and secondly,
they knew that he held authority over the two Holy Masjids (Haramain Sharifein) thus giving him power of
administering the Hajj and unifying the Muslims. The British wanted to strip him of these two powers as part
of their nefarious plot to control the Hijaz.

So the British used a multipronged approach to destroy the caliphate. Firstly, they instilled the idea of
nationalism in the Arabs and the young Turks so that these modern-minded puppets would help them destroy
the caliphate from within. By sowing the seeds of nationalism into the Arabs they knew that when the call for
jihad was made by the Ottoman caliph, the Arabs would rebel against the caliphate. Nationalism was taught in
the schools of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

These factors together with the increasing numbers of missionaries in the Levant not only gave force to the
idea of nationalism amongst the young generation of Arabs, but also taught them to love a liberal western
lifestyle. Their efforts finally culminated in the formation of the Young Turks movement which helped to
overthrow Sultan Abdul Hamid and the caliphate. (Palestine Beginners Guide, p 59)

Secondly, the British instigated Arab leaders such as Sharif Husein and Abdul Aziz in Saud with their typical
divide and rule policy. In 1915 Britain, through Macmahon and T.E. Lawrence, promised Sharif Husein, the
Ottoman-appointed ruler of Makkah, that it would support an independent Arab kingdom in the Hijaz in
return for his mounting an Arab rebellion against the Ottoman Caliphate. The British also promised Sharif
Husein financial, military and diplomatic support.

As soon as the British had signed the treaty with Sharif Husein they also entered into a secret treaty with the
French. This is known as the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916. According to this agreement, the lands of the
Hijaz that the British had promised Sharif Husein were to be divided between them and the French in the
event of an allied victory. Thus, Britain would occupy Iraq, from Baghdad to the Arabian Gulf and from Egypt
to Eastern Palestine, while France would occupy Lebanon, Syria and southern Turkey. They also promised
Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

Palestine to the Zionists. (Palestine Beginners Guide, p 88-89) This backstabbing role in which the British
signed two conflicting treaties was undeniably hypocritical.

Having fallen for the trick of the British, Sharif attacked the Turks, taking over lands which were under the
Ottoman Caliphate, such as Makkah, Jeddah, Amman and Damascus. He was held back from Madinah by the
Ottoman ruler, but in 1333 A.H. (1919) the latter surrendered after a long and brave fight. During his attacks
on the Muslim lands, the British directed Sharif Husein to strike strategic Ottoman strong points such as the
Hijaz Railway.

WW1 and its Effects

The Ottoman Caliphate was forced into WW1 on the side of Germany because of the Young Turks who
entered into a secret agreement with the Germans. Sultan Mehmed was left with no choice but to declare
jihad against the Allied Forces.

The Caliphate was stretched due fighting on many fronts: the Caucasus, the Dardanelles, Palestine, Iraq, Izmir,
Antalya, Romania and the Hijaz. This allowed the British and its allies to invade Muslims lands. Iraq was lost in
1333 A.H (1915); Baghdad and Palestine in 1335 A.H. (1917); and Damascus and Istanbul in 1336 A.H. (1918).
In this way, every capital of Islam was taken by the Allied Forces. To add insult to injury, the colonial powers
now ruled over vast stretches of the Muslim world.

Most of North-West Africa was under French rule; Italy ruled over Libya; and Britain retained control over
Egypt, Sudan, India and the Malay states. In compliance with the Sykes-Picot agreement, the Middle East was
cut into pieces, with the French acquiring Lebanon and Syrian, and Britain the bulk of the Hijaz. Only Makkah
and Madinah remained under control of the Hashimite family.

When WW1 ended in 1336 A.H. (1918), the biggest losers of the war were the Muslims. The Ottomans lost
most of their lands and the Arabs under Sharif Husein did not receive the lands promised to them by the
British. Every capital of Islam ended up in the hands of the Allied Forces. After the war, the British and French
cut up the Middle East into pieces like slices of a cake. From the original Ottoman lands of Sham, the new
nations of Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine were born based on the Sykes-Picot agreement. Sharif
Husein and his sons were later given dominion (under British control) over the lands of Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

After the war, the Caliphate was still in existence but it was now powerless. On the 11th of Rabi-ul-Awwal
1341 (1st November 1922) after 623 years of Ottoman rule, the caliphate was consigned to history. The last
Ottoman Sultan was sent into exile and the Republic of Turkey was born.

WW1 brought about such upheavals and changes in the Muslim world which were unprecedented in its
previous 1400 year period of existence. The caliphate was destroyed, the Hjiaz was snatched away by the
Allied Forces, Palestine was lost and the British infiltrated Arabian politics. The colonial powers had succeeded

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

in carving out nation states from the caliphate to weaken the Ummah and preserve their own power.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam had instructed the Ummah to remain united, irrespective of land and
race. Contrary to this command, nation states, divided according to nationalistic lines, came into existence
throughout the Muslim world. Instead of representing the Ummah, every nation state now protected its own
people and its regional interests.

In the latter portion of the 20th century many Muslim states achieved independence from their colonial
masters. However it was not that the Muslims had wrestled away power from the colonial powers. Rather it
was a shaitaani ploy to place control of the land in the hands of hypocrites, who would ensure that the call of
true Islam never be made in their lands and that the caliphate never be re-established. Instead of directing the
masses towards their Islamic past, these puppets made the masses adopt the Western ideas of nationalism,
materialism and secularism. The godless European culture dominated them and Islam no longer remained the
primary guiding force for these states as was the case in the past.

The Shia

Just as the Crusaders success had depended greatly upon the Ummah being engaged with the Shia threat, the
same was going to be true here. Vital for the success of Great Britain to destroy the caliphate was the need of
a Shia state. The land chosen for this was Iran. During the same period that Britain was developing into a super
state, i.e. between the 16th and 18th century, the land of Iran was being converted from full Sunni into total

Iran’s population was mostly Sunni of the Shafi`i and Hanafi schools of thought. This was until the triumph of
the Safavids (who had initially been Shafi`i Sufis themselves). Ironically, this was to the extent that up until the
end of the 15th century the Ottoman Empire (the most powerful and prominent Sunni state and future arch-
enemy of the Shia Safavids) used to send many of its Ulema (Islamic scholars) to Iran to further their education
in Sunni Islam, due to a lack of Madrasahs (Islamic schools) within the Empire itself. Before the Safavid period,
a minority of Iranians were Shia and there were a very few Shia Ulama in Iran.

Between 905 A.H/907 A.H. (1500/1502) Ismail I conquered Tabriz in Iran, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, and
parts of Dagestan (North Caucasus, nowadays part of Russia). He would take most of the next decade to
consolidate his control over Iran, where most of the Persian population was still Sunni. His army spread out
first to the central regions in 906 A.H. (1504). He captured southwestern Iran between 907 A.H. - 910 A.H.
(1505- 1508) before finally conquering the Khorasan region and the city of Herat in 912 A.H (1510). According
to Daniel W. Brown, Ismail was "the most successful and intolerant Shi'i ruler since the fall of the Fatimids". It
appears that he aimed for complete destruction of Sunni Islam, and he largely achieved that goal in the lands
over which he ruled. His hatred of the Sunnis knew no bounds, and his persecution of them was ruthless. He
required the first three caliphs to be ritually cursed, abolished Sunni, Sufi orders, seized their property, and

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

gave Sunni Ulema a choice of conversion, death, or exile. Shi'i scholars were brought in from other regions to
take their place.

For the next 400 hundred years, until the decline of the Muslim caliphate, Shia Iran would continue pestering
the Muslim armies, hindering them from moving forward in the campaigns of jihad. During Muslim supremacy
the Shia state of Iran would do whatever was in its ability to prevent Muslim armies conquering over European
lands. But upon the fall of the caliphate, whilst the arrows of modernism were piercing into every Muslim
land, this very Shia state, which had all along been the greatest allies of the non-Muslims, amazing turned a
new leaf and rose as the 'strongest defender of the Muslim World', and the 'biggest threat' to the European
non-Muslim world.

The return of Khomeini in 1399 A.H. (1979) to Iran as 'the supreme authority', after spending over 15 years in
exile was always going to be an incomprehensible miracle, especially if one considers the claims of America at
that time regarding their total opposition to his takeover, and their trying everything possible to topple his
regime. It was always a mystery as to why the army of the Shah, which was under complete American
influence, laid down all their weapons and accepted an Islamic revolution, something which had not occurred
in any other Muslim land. Today, 40 years later, documents have surfaced revealing Khomeini's secret
interaction with two of America's presidents from the year 1382 A.H. (1963) already, approximately 16 yrs
before his military coup in Iran. These documents record Khomeini requesting America to ensure that the
army of the Shah does not defy him, upon his return.

With a surge similar to what the Fatimid Mahdi of Africa had enjoyed 1100 years previously, the claws of
Khomeini soon became sharper and sharper, with Iranian influence settling in almost every Arab land,
including Hijaz, as had been the case during the Fatimid regime.

Just as the Crusaders had not launched a single attack upon the Fatimid Empire, so too was the case of
western powers against Iran. Open war was made against Afghanistan, and Iraq, using the flimsiest of excuses,
but war against Iran, despite it appearing to be the greatest threat to Western policy, would never materialize.

During Fatimid rule, tolerance would only be shown to disbelievers, and so too has the case been in Shia Iran.
The plight of the Ahlus-Sunnah in that land is indeed pitiable, despite very little ever leaking out onto the
international scene. The fact that there are hardly any Masajid of the Ahlus-Sunnah in Tehran itself speaks
volumes. As for the 'biggest enemy of Iran', i.e. the Jew, they enjoy great freedom and comfort in Iran.

Khomeini himself, who hypocritically called for the destruction of Israel, issued a special fatwa (Islamic ruling)
stating that the Jews of Iran are not the same as the Jews in Israel and should be treated as an integral part of
the Islamic Republic. (,7340,L-4645847,00.html)

It was this very issue, i.e. intolerance to believers and special rules to accommodate the disbelievers that
placed the first doubt on the sincerity of Khomeini in his call for unity amongst the Muslims, in their fight
against the disbelievers. About this, Hadrat Moulana Manzoor Nu'mani wrote in his treatise tiltled: 'Khomeini,
Iranian Revolution and the shi'ite faith,
Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

'When a few years back Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini gave the call for an Islamic Revolution and set up the so-
called Islamic revolution, it was well expected that in order to make his call popular he would not re-open the
pages of bitter history and continuous disputes and controversies between the Sunni and shia sects. In fact, it
was expected from such a leader that he would have the moral courage to decalre openly on the basis of his
own thinking and for the sake of the unity of Islam that the preposterous shi'its beliefs of the previous regime,
which casts a doubt upon the very foundation and credibility of Islam, and which stands as the biggest obstacle
in the way of da'wah towards Islam, since it shows that even the closest of the companions of Rasulullah
Sallalahu Alaihi wa Sallam could not be trusted, as though one is saying that this is indeed the 'True Word',
revealed to the Best of Messengers, through the most trusted of angels, but unfortunately then conveyed to
the world, through the worst of hypocrites (Na uuzu billah!!)

It was hoped that Khomeini, in order to establish the authority of Islam, when it was needed so much, would
choose to forget the past shi'ite tenants, and to begin a new chapter, so that the true, beautiful picture of
Islam could once again emerge to attract the attention of non-Muslims from around the world.

But unfortunately, the very opposite occurred. Hundreds of writings, books and pamphets, etc were soon being
spread in which Khomeini himself, forcefully and categorically expressed the traditional shi'ite beliefs. For
example, in his book, Al-Hukumatul-Islamiyah he has expressed views about the shia so-called Imams, which
shows each one of them to be Divine, and to occupy a rank higher than that of the Ambiya, and that the whole
world of creation is under their command and authority. Likewise in his Persian book, Kashful Asrar, he has not
only criticised and condemned the Sahabah, particularly Hadrat Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthmaan (R.A), but has
used such language as can be used only for a gang of wicked men, evil-doers, conspirators and sinners.

These perverted assertions and diabolical beliefs go side by side with his call. These are mentioned not in secret
instructions or private letters, but are contained in published books and journals.' (With slight change)

In a nutshell, just as the Fatimid Empire was created and kept alive in order to break the unity and strength of
the Muslim Ummah, thereby stalling them from regaining control of Jerusalem, so too was Shia Iran created
and kept alive merely in order to continue stabbing the Ummah from behind and ensuring Muslim forces
never unite under one banner.

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

The 3rd foe: The satanic lobby of the Ashkenazi Jews

Just as the appearance of the Knight Templar in Jerusalem had began with 9 men, 794 years later in the spring
of 1305 A.H.(1888) nearly 10 years before Theodor Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress in Basle, a
quorum of 'ten men' established B’nai B’rith’s first lodge in Palestine, Lodge no. 379, named simply

Creation of the State of Israel

The Ottoman Caliphate took a number of legal measures to prevent the Jews from settling in Palestine. Sultan
Abdul Hamid II issued a decree in 1300 A.H. (1883) whereby he indirectly prevented land being sold to Jews.
Then in 1307 A.H. (1891) he issued a decree preventing Jews from settling in Palestine. He also forbade that
land be sold to the Jews throughout the Ottoman state, especially in Palestine.

The Jews convened the first Jewish congress in Basel, Switzerland under Theodor Herzl with the idea of
forming a Jewish state. Herzl formed the World Zionist Organization and mobilized major Jewish bankers. He
then met Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1317 A.H. (1901) where he presented the sultan a huge sum of money as a
personal gift and offered to settle all of the Ottoman Caliphate's debts, in lieu of Palestine for the Jews. Sultan
Abdul Hamid II refused to be bribed and sharply remarked, “I would prefer my body be dissected into small
pieces rather than give Palestine away.” (Palestine Beginners Guide, p 75) The Sultan also said to Herzl, “I will
not sell one hand span of Palestinian soil as this land does not belong to me. It belongs to my people, and my
people gained these lands by spilling their blood. A piece of land that is obtained by the blood of martyrs
cannot be sold for money. Know that I will not allow the treacherous surgical procedure that you plan to
perform on this living body.”

Sultan Abdul Hamid II was perhaps one of the few Muslim rulers of the time who gave preference to Islam
over his own personal gains. In fact, the Sultan predicted that the Jews would get Palestine only after the
downfall of the Ottoman Caliphate. (Islam vs. the Ahlul Kitab, p138) The Zionists too understood this. Vladimer
Jabotinsky, one of the earliest champions of Zionism thus wrote, “…the only hope for the Jewish restoration of
Palestine lay in the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.” (Islam vs. the Ahlul Kitab, p185)

The weakening and collapse of the caliphate paved the way for the creation of the state of Israel. In 1335 A.H.
(1917), Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, promising to support the establishment of a national home for
the Jewish people in Palestine. In this letter sent by the British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, to Baron
Rothschild, an influential Jewish banker, an undertaking was given of a home for the Jewish people in
Palestine. Ironically, the British had promised the same land to Sharif Husein.

In retrospect we see that both Sharif Husein and Abdul Aziz ibn Saud’s roles in support of the British against
the Ottoman Caliphate resulted in the formation of Israel. The Arab revolt against the caliphate resulted in the

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

loss of Masjid-ul-Aqsa for the first time after the Crusades. Palestine became British mandate territory until
1367 A.H. (1948) when Israel was formed.

Just as the Knight Templar desired nothing from Al-Aqsa but the unhindered chance to dig, so too has it been
with the Zionist regime in Palestine. From 1367 A.H. (1948) Israeli forces have been continuously digging for
something so important, yet so secret, that only a few in the world know what it is that they actually seek.

As an aid for the first Crusades against the land of al-Aqsa (which began in 489 A.H./1096) the churches were
infiltrated and 'hypocrite popes' were utilized to mass Christian support for satanic purposes. During the
second Crusades against the blessed lands of al-Aqsa (which began with WW1 in 1332 A.H/1914) parliaments
and cabinets of Christian Western countries were utilized.

During both Crusades, despite the casualties being primarily Muslim and Christian, the benefactor of the wars
would be none of the two, but rather a 'Jewish' satanic lobby. During the first Crusades this lobby operated
under the name of 'Knights Templar', and today they operate under the name of 'Ashkenazi' (European Jew).
This lobby played the greatest role in creating both Crusades, but after the land was conquered they showed
no real interest in themselves settling in the land. The Ashkenazi in fact do not even believe in the truth of the
Taurah (Torah). They continue spending billions so that Jews of various races may settle in this blessed land,
yet they themselves have never moved over. All that they did during both Crusades was to dig beneath the
Masjid. Thus, the biggest mystery that surrounds the Christian Wars against the Muslim lands of al-Aqsa and
its surrounds is 'what is this satanic lobby digging/searching for?'

The fact that the Knights Templar devoted themselves to digging underneath the front portion of the Masjid
for over ten years, before being caught and killed, is today no hidden matter. What they dug for however still
remains a secret. So much is however known that they found much of what they were looking for and thus
terminated funding for further Crusades after Salahuddin al-Ayubi pulled al-Aqsa out of the grasp of Christian
rule 100 years later. Much has been written regarding what their sought-after treasure was, but since this
hardly matters today, no time shall be spent in discussing this aspect.

It is the present digging that however requires some thought, since it is in order for this 'digging' to continue
un-interrupted that WW1, WW2, and the many wars that came thereafter have occurred.

Some claim that the purpose behind this 'digging' is to weaken the foundation of the Masjid, so that upon its
collapse the Zionists can replace it with the 'Temple of Solomon'. This explanation holds no weight, since to
weaken foundations one merely places dynamite at the base and it comes down in seconds. No one digs with
precision to collapse structures. Rather, the manner that this satanic group continues with their digging shows
clearly that they are in fact searching for something of immense value to them. Thus, they themselves have
ensured that during their digging the above structure does not give in and collapse to the ground.

There is a possibility that the treasure they presently search for is the 'The Ring of Solomon'. If this is correct,
then too the reasons behind the intense need to find such a 'ring' still remains a mystery. What we do know
however is that whatever they are presently searching for, Almighty Allah has not allowed it to fall into their
hands and it does not seem that they shall ever find it.

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

If it is indeed the ring of Nabi Suleiman Alaihi Salaam that they seek, then in the Ahadith1 which discuss how
the Beast of the Earth (‫ )دا ا رض‬shall display this ring at the time of its appearance one finds indication that
this ring shall remain with this Beast until its appearance and that none shall get hold of it before that. It
seems as though the protection of Al-Aqsa has been kept intertwined with the desire of the Zionist regime to
find some 'treasure' beneath al-Aqsa, for had it not been for this 'treasure', which they search so carefully for,
they would have long ago attempted to blow the Masjid to pieces.

‫ف‬#‫م أ‬$ $‫& و و& ا ؤ ن و‬$' ‫و‬ ‫نو‬ ‫م‬$ ( ‫ رج ا دا‬$ :‫و م ل‬ ‫ أن ر ول‬،‫ھر رة‬ ‫ ن أ‬،‫د‬ ‫ن أوس ن‬
(‫ن‬ ‫ر ذي و ل د ث‬$ ‫م )رواه ا‬$ ‫ا * 'ر‬

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

The Rays of Hope have already began filtering through the clouds
The rise to power of the Shia/Khomeini state of Iran in 1399 A.H. (1979), the Israeli occupation of Al-Aqsa in
1367 (1948), the digging of the satanic lobby in search of a 'prized possession' and the effort to force their
people to settle in and around Al-Aqsa, whilst the satanic masters remain comfortably at their homes, all of
this is a mere repeat of what had occurred, in the lands of al-Aqsa, during the first Crusades, approximately
900 years previously.

And just as Islam, during those trying times, rose above all expectations and before the passing of even a 100
years of Christian rule expelled its enemy from its lands, so too shall Islam, in-sha-Allah, soon rise again. It has
already created, and shall continue creating scholars that have made it their mission to expose Shia motives
and agendas. It has already planted and shall continue planting the seeds of an Islamic awakening in both the
Arabs and the non-Arabs from around the world.

When al-Aqsa was uprooted and laid to ruins by the barbaric forces of Bukht-e-Nasr (Nabachadnazzâr), during
the era of Nabi Uzair Alaihi Salaam, before the passing of a 100 years, al-Aqsa shocked the world of kufr as it
rose speedily from its ruins, and had it not been for its structure being different from that which Nabi
Suleiman Alaihi Salaam had built, one would never have imagined that it had once been totally destroyed.

When the first Crusades massacred the inhabitants of al-Aqsa in 492 A.H. (1099) and established their
Christian Kingdom in the blessed lands of Sham, before the passing of a 100 years, al-Aqsa shocked the world
of kufr as it rid itself of all kufr elements and rose back again to its pedestal of glory as the 3rd most important
religious site of the Muslims. Had it not been for the Crusaders invasion being recorded in the books of history,
one would never have known that a Christian invasion had ever taken place.

Historians have written that the first signs of the revival of al-Aqsa, after its being laid to ruins by the armies of
Bukht-e-Nasr (Nabachadnazzâr), were noticed approximately 70 years after its fall.2 Similarly, the efforts of
Salahuddin al-Ayubi to reunite the forces of the Muslim Ummah in order to claim back al-Aqsa began in 567
A.H (1172), 73 years after the fall of al-Aqsa to the Christian Crusaders.

It is our dua and hope in the Mercy of Almighty Allah that as al-Aqsa had regained its lost glory on the previous
two occasions before the passing of a 100 years, this time too, it miraculously rises from its ruins, before the
passing of a century, and rids itself of the Zionist oppressive regime that has polluted its lands for the last 70
odd years.

The Israeli invasion of al-Aqsa and the formation of the state of Israel occurred in 1367 A.H. (1948). To date, 71
years have passed. If 70 years was the time-line for the beginning of its revival in the previous two instances,
here too there is hope that it shall be the same. Already one can perceive the signs of an Islamic Revival on a
general scale and more specifically in Turkey. May Almighty Allah allow the rays of spiritual light to penetrate

(‫ وﻋﻤﺮت اﻟﺒﻠﺪة ﺑﻌﺪ ﻣﻀﻲ ﺳﺒﻌﻴﻦ ﺳﻨﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻮﺗﻪ اى ﻣﻮت ﻋﺰﻳﺮ )ﻋﻠﻴﻪ اﻟﺴﻼم( و وﺗﻜﺎﻣﻞ ﺳﺎﻛﻨﻮﻫﺎ وﺗﺮاﺟﻌﺖ ﺑﻨﻮ إﺳﺮاﺋﻴﻞ إﻟﻴﻬﺎ )اﺑﻦ ﻛﺜﻴﺮ‬٢

Lessons from the life of Salahuddin al-Ayubi and the bright rays of hope for a wonderful future

through the clouds of darkness that has enveloped the Muslim World for so long, and may Almighty Allah
allow the rains of Islamic Supremacy to fall upon all once again.

Islam shall indeed, as it has always done, triumph over all evil and emerge at the end of round 2, in-sha-Allah,
as the ultimate victor. The only question is 'when', and the answer to that is simply:

‫و ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻮن ﻣﺘﻰ ﻫﻮ ﻗﻞ ﻋﺴﻰ ان ﻳﻜﻮن ﻗﺮﻳﺒﺎ‬



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