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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848

p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Analysis of Cost Control Techniques Used on Building

Construction Projects in Sri Lanka

Cooray, N. H. K.1, Somathilake, H. M. D. N. 2, Wickramasinghe, D. M. J.3 Dissanayke, T. D. S. H.4,

& Dissanayake D.M.M.I5
Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Abstract: is aim to find out most effective cost control

technique use in Sri Lanka.
It is an eminent fact that the Sri Lanka construction
industry is important for economy as well as fisheries
Key Words: Cost overrun, Cost Control, Project
sector and tourism sector. It plays a crucial role to
accelerate the economic development of Sri Lanka. It
is noted that in the current context, many
construction projects in Sri Lanka have not been
The construction industry of Sri Lanka is a vital
achieved their goals and targets in terms of cost
sector of the country’s economy and
.Therefore, good cost control techniques would be
has been a key driver of economic growth in the
essential to solve those problems. This research is
country. However, construction industry can be
for mainly identification of costs overruns in the
considered as an industry that is constantly faced for
building construction projects in Sri Lanka. During
various uncertainties due to the dynamic economic
past few years various project control techniques
situations, technological advancements,
have been developed time to time. These may
environmental influences, project inherent factors
include, Earn value management(EVM), Gantt
and capabilities of the project management team.
Chart, Review Technique (PERT),Program
Due to these uncertainties, many stake holders of
Evaluation and Bar Chart, Critical Path Method
construction projects are difficult to manage their
(CPM), Network Diagrams etc. in addition to that,
projects cost increases and final delivery of the
software applications such as Asta Power Project,
projects successfully. Therefore, it is valuable to
Primavera, Microsoft Project are available to
evaluate whether there are impact on cost control
control the costs incur in the construction projects.
techniques on final delivery of the construction
However, there are no sufficient evidences to verify
those various methods and software packages have
been useful for Sri Lanka cost controlling purpose
In the construction industry, the objective of project
and given better end results on construction project
management is to ensure the completion of project
delivery to the beneficiaries. Therefore, this research
on time within the budget that implemented before
the project. Project planning and controlling plays a

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

significant role in project management, without management and ultimately leads to cost and time
proper plan and control project can lead to many overruns, conflicts, and sometimes relinquishing
problems. However, in practical sense, being within projects. Thus, successful execution of construction
the budgeted costs is rather a challenging task for projects is often affected by financial constrains due
project managers because they have to be in a to the high cost. Accordingly, in construction project
continuous process of measuring the progress, cost overruns can be identified as one of the major
evaluating implemented decisions and taking and challenging issue (Kerzner, 2003). As a solution,
remedial actions (Kerzner, 2003; Lowden and project management applies various project
Thornton, 2015). management tools and techniques to control the
higher costs. Most of literature has focused on cost
Most of the literature has been documented that control techniques to overcome the financial
recent construction projects experience failures since constraints. However, a few researches have been
they became unsuccessful to manage cost and time conducted regarding effect of cost control techniques
during the project implementation stage. Thus, cost on construction project delivery.
controlling has become a dominant factor to be
considered in the constructions projects (Koushki, Aim and Objectives
Al-Rashid and Kartam, 2005).In general most This study focuses to analyse the impact of cost
construction projects experience cost overruns and control methods related to project delivery with
time delays during the implementation stage. Cost respect to the building construction industry in
overruns can be considered as one on the main issue Maldives. Further, study intents to address the
during the execution of the project. Further, this issue following research questions:
of cost overrun is an inherent challenge for 1. Do cost control techniques affect
developing countries and Developed economies cope construction project delivery?
up with cost obstacles in construction projects as The key objective of this study is to analyse cost
well (Mansfield, Ugwu and Doran, 1994). Therefore, control techniques used in building construction
cost control aspect is essential with the background industry and to examine whether there is an impact
information related to the construction projects and of those applied cost control techniques on final
investigation. The impact of cost control on project delivery. This intended to be achieved by the
constructions project delivery has been becomes a fallowing objectives.
significant research area in the current industrial 1. To analyse impacts of cost control
community. techniques on building construction project
Research Problem 2. To analyse factors relate to the final project
The construction industry can be viewed as a delivery
vigorous industry that is often confused and 3. To identify cost control techniques used in
disturbed with uncertainties coming from weather building construction projects.
changes, economic factors political and legislative 4. To identify the most effective cost control
factors. This ambiguous situation creates poor cost technique use in Sri Lanka.

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Cuplin, 1990), lead to project cost issues with respect

Literature Review to economic conditions. As experienced in 2012
As per the study background, identification of what unexpected inflation created major effect in Maldives
drive successful delivery of construction projects is construction industry since the Maldives construction
essential because many projects today are not industry mainly depends on the imported resources.
successful compared to their expected results with In contrast, not only the economic conditions, but
the final outcome. In the current context, project government and political aspects also influence to
managers are influence by both time and cost overrun the estimated cost of construction projects.
constrain to complete the project as expected. By Sonuga et al. (2002) depicted that unstable
identifying this issue, various cost control techniques government policies majorly account for financial
are adopted by the project managers with the aim of constraints in the construction industry. Moreover,
mitigating the cost uncertainties during the project according to Koushki et al., (2005) weak government
implementation. However, the knowledge regarding regulation and control, political interferences are the
the relationship between those cost control leading cost control inhibiting factors in the
techniques and construction project delivery is not construction projects. Unpredictable weather
certain, contradicted and have less researched on it. conditions also make a huge impact on cost control
The literature review essentially carries out the expectations specially in building constructions (Iyer
detailed elaboration of various aspects and and Jha, 2005; Kaming et al., 1997; Koushki et al.,
justifications regarding the effect of cost control 2005). In addition to the micro and Macro economic
methods on building construction projects. factors, a large and growing body of literature points
out project specific and management related features
Factors that effect for project cost overruns
drives construction projects to the failures. These
Different literatures have demonstrated various
may include lack of proper guidance and experience
factors that lead to cost overruns based on diverse
of project management, un availability of proper cost
justifications. As per Azhar et al. (2008) there are 42
management software, inaccurate project
main factors which affect cost overruns in the
evaluations, design changes, conflict between project
construction industry of Pakistan. Some of those
parties, project frauds and corruptions, risk and
factors are high cost of machinery, improper
uncertainty associated with projects and dependency
planning, modes of financing and payment methods,
on imported materials, (Egbu et al., 1998; Iyer and
high interest rates of banks, and unstable costs of the
Jha, 2005; Frimpong et al., 2003; Kumaraswamy and
manufacturing materials.
Chan, 1998; Baloi and Price, 2003).

According to Aibinu and Jagboro (2002), inflation of

Further, Resources management plays a major role in
prices causes to fail projects. Project Budget is
construction industry. Managing resources in
prepared by considering those economic factors,
different construction projects in different locations
though unexpected price increases may not be in set
can be difficult to keep track. When any piece of the
budget. Further, fluctuation of exchange rates (Baloi
construction project is not in the right place, it
and Price, 2003), unstable interest rates (Dlakwa and
creates cascading effects on the project which

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

resulting lack of productivity, idle equipments and United States Department of Defense. Earn Value
waste of materials. Thus, bad resource management Management (EVM) is a precautionary advisory
can cause to lose money and time on project. system for risk planning and cost accounting. The
Therefore, project success depends on the return value provides a fixed measurement unit
performance of input resources when controlling which analyses the actual cost and schedule
costs (Hendrickson, 1998). According to performance with what is intended to give a
Hendrickson (1998), materials wastage can take complete picture. The EVM technique facilitates a
place during the procurement process, storage, and proactive approach to observe project progress and
during utilisation. Large amount of materials wastage respond to the variance (Hayes and Miller, 2002).
can cause problem on most building sites and effect Earned Value Management Method engages many
to the financial management constraints (Saidu and principles of PERT/CPM and WBS and is frequently
Shakantu, 2016). In addition to above mention found as an analysis tool in most mainstream project
factors, design changes, scope changes, inappropriate management software packages. Project Evaluation
and inadequate procurement also can leads to delays and Review Technique (PERT) is developed and
and cost overruns (Olawale and Sun, 2010). tested as a cost control method which allows
management to identify the estimated probability of
Cost Control Techniques project completion within a certain amount of time
The primary responsibility of project management is and cost. PERT method is similar to Critical Path
to control the cost of the project, time, performance Method (CPM), but Pert is more events oriented
and quality goals. Cost management is a one of the whereas CPM is activity oriented. This PERT chart
important task which drives project to a successful provides the graphical illustration of the entire
completion. This includes resource planning, cost growth of the project indicating major events,
budgeting, cost estimating and cost control. This cost dependent tasks, parallel tasks and tasks that should
management process can be enhanced through be accomplished in order, but that do not require
different software’s, tools and techniques in order to resources or finishing time. Thus, PERT is used to
control the costs. According to ‘Project management schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a
book of knowledge (PMBOK)’ there are few project as a project management (Burke, 2013).
techniques which would be useful for monitor and
To-complete performance index (TCPI) is one of the
control construction project .Some of those
forecasting tolls of earned value management. It is a
techniques are earned value management(EVM),
useful tool for people who are engaged in
Project cost–value reconciliation, forecasting, To-
construction field (project managers, team members
complete performance index (TCPI), Contract
and other stakeholders). TCPI calculate projection of
variance analysis(Unit costing) and performance
the cost performance of the project based on the
review, reserve analysis.
value of reaming work. TCPI helps to reach set goal
From above mention techniques most popular by improving cost performance of the project (Scott,
decision making tool for project management is earn 2012). Cost value reconciliation (CVR) is used in
value concept. This system was firstly used by the scrutinizing profitability of a project comparing cost

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

with value and time. This process is based on the and Abourizk, 1994). In order to comply with
comparison between payments received from the estimated cost expectations during the project
client for the interim bills issued by the contractor for executions, construction industry uses Cost
the cost incurred in executing the work. CVR assists Breakdown Structure (CBS) with the assist of Work
in providing management information for Breakdown Structure (WBS). Every item in the
identification of problems, reasons for loss, necessity project is classified and identifies the list of
for reserves and provide information to avoid expenditure categorization to obtain a more detailed
repeating of losses. Compared to Earned value assessment of cost. Therefore, CBS allows
analysis, Cost value reconciliation does not provide construction projects to identify Labour, material,
expanded details. Therefore, CVR is more suitable as equipment, overhead costs other related costs and
a monitoring tool for upper management (Potts, further facilitate to control the costs as optimizing the
2008). In Contract variance – unit costs is calculated core activities (Burke, 2013).
by dividing actual cost from each type of work that Cost control Techniques on Construction Project
has been completed in the project. This provides Delivery
actual unit costs that can be compared with the rates Most of the construction professionals and other
mention in contract document (Potts, 2008).Using planning bodies have recognized the importance of
above generated rates report can prepare to forecast cost control techniques in the practical context. As
final profit/loss situation of the project. Further, the per the study, Olawale and Sun (2010) there are 84%
final report is prepared based on monthly interim of respondents indicate that larger extent of cost
valuations agreed and approved by the client. As control techniques use during their projects and 16%
highlighted by Potts (2008) this method is mostly of respondents reflects that they are continuously
useful for projects with repetitive works, where applying cost control measures for their projects. The
urgency of corrective action possible. Therefore, this survey shows that there are no respondents or do not
will help to reduce cost of future repetitive similar use cost control techniques. Therefore, findings of
tasks in projects. the study reveal that the importance of controlling
the cost leads to the successful delivery of projects in
Further, Gantt Chats or Bar Charts are useful in the the UK. The supportive evidence from Sohail and
construction projects as a cost control tool because it Baldwin (2004) reveals that professionals in the
enables to schedule resources in an effective and construction field have identified that cost control as
efficient manner. To complete a project successfully, the most crucial factor which impact to the on-time
it must control a large number of project activities delivery of construction projects other than time
and make sure that they are arranged in a sequential controlling factors and project specific factors.
manner. If an activity passes beyond a certain time Further, researchers found that cost control
period, the end result will be affected by the rest of techniques applied in the planning stage may not
the project. As a result, project could be delayed and practical in the project implementation. Therefore,
a higher amount of money would spend. Accordingly those unrealistic cost targets derived through cost
bar charts help to identify everything that needs to be control tools and techniques cause to the final project
done when each activity completed (Ahuja, Dozzi, delivery to the clients since revisions for costs, tasks,

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

and designs may add further time and additional

costs. In this sense, cost control techniques affect
negatively on construction project delivery
(Mansfield, Ugwu and Doran, 1994, Kumaraswamy
and Chan, 1998). On the contrary, typically, the cost
control methods developed before the
implementation of construction projects play vital Research Methodology
role in successful project delivery. Empirical studies This study will examine whether the final project
have found that cost control techniques allow to delivery of a project would be affected by cost
identify their financial scope and resources and to control techniques used by construction industry in
allocate cost by identifying the future uncertain Sri Lanka. As a descriptive study, relationship
circumstances. Thus, in line with the planned and between cost control techniques and construction
budgeted costs, project teams can carry out the rest project delivery will be analysed. The study expects
of the project effectively. Those techniques focus on to adopt a composition of qualitative and quantitative
cost check aspects in every stage of the project in an approach to conduct the research process. The role of
efficient way (Kartam et al., 2000). As per the cost control techniques in determining the project
extensive review of previous literature, cost control delivery will be widely scrutinized and questioned in
techniques have both positive and negative influence relation with academically and theoretically due to
on project delivery. Some researchers reveal that cost the absence of universally accepted theory.
controlling may lead to the quality of the final
Population and Sample
delivery. Further, expected techniques may not
The target population is consisted with different
practice due to the economic, technological and
occupations employees who are working in leading
project specific factors.
Construction Companies in capital city of Sri Lanka.
Conceptual Framework Sample will be selected 50 persons including both
Since the main aim of this study is to assess the male and female with different working experiences.
impact of cost control techniques on construction Non- probability sampling is the method of sampling
project delivery, it will be helpful for development of in this research and convenience sampling will use as
the research to provide a conceptual model of the the sampling technique. Propose to conduct the
study as illustrated in figure1. This model has three research process using a quantitative method through
variables, where cost control techniques acts as key a questionnaire and qualitative method using semi-
independent variable and project delivery as the key structured interviews. The questionnaire is planned
dependent variable. Further, model consists of to develop based on the information gathered during
management involvement as moderating variable. the preliminary surveys in the form of onsite
interviews. Further, it will be distributed at the
Cost Control Project
Techniques Delivery interviews and also will send through Google forms.

Table 1: Sample Composition

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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Population 400
Data Collection and Analysis
Sample 50

The study expects to gather data through primary and Male respondents 32
secondary sources. Preliminary information will be
Female respondents 18
gathered from structured questionnaires and semi
Managerial respondents 38
structured interviews. Secondary data will be sourced
from company publications. The questionnaire will Non managerial respondents 12
be consisted with multiple choice scale questions As the qualitative approach, this study aims to obtain
related to cost control techniques and on time project semi-structured interviews from 06 respondents and
deliveries. The questionnaire will be initially expect to discuss on cost control techniques on
generated in English, and it will be translated into construction project delivery.
Sinhala for the purpose of getting better responses
from non-managerial level employees. The 1.1. Descriptive Analysis

questionnaire will be given for appropriate persons

Descriptive analysis has been undertaken under the
who responsible for cost controlling and
two basic aspects the part one check the internal
implementation of the construction projects. This
consistency of the data set by checking the reliability
will ensure that data collection method addresses the
of the data set. The following section of the chapter
rich details regarding the study. 25 questionnaires
present the reliability analysis for the study.
will be distributed among both managerial and non-
managerial staff. Nearly 75% of respondents who Table 3: Reliability Analysis
complete the questionnaire will be managerial level
Reliability Statistics
persons who have significant experience in the
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
construction industry with their knowledge and the
.793 2
Balance, 25% of respondents will be consisted of
Source: Survey Data, 2018
non-managerial portion that have greater experience
in project implementation. According with the findings of the study it has been
concluded that the data set is having the internal
Table 2: Respondent Composition
consistency because the alpha value is greater than
Position Number Percentage the 0.7 which is 0.793. The other important fact is
(Total 40)
Senior 5 12.5% that the descriptive analysis of the data which
Management explains the behavior of the data set for the purpose
Construction 10 25%
Management it has been used the central tendency measures. The
Financial 15 37.5% following table demonstrates the descriptive
Other Employees 10 25% measures for the two variables of the study as the
dependent and the independent variables.

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p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Table 4: Descriptive Statistics understanding the study has been testing the
hypotheses to reach the objectives of the study.


Maximum Statistic 5.00


According with the analysis of the descriptive it has
been identified the normality of the data set by which
the researcher has been used the parametric test for
Statistic 50
Statistic 2.00

Statistic 3.00

Statistic 4.0040

Statistic .46509
Statistic .216
Statistic .411
the testing the hypotheses. In other words the base
assumption of using the parametric test for testing
Project_Deli Cost_Contr

the hypotheses is that the normality of the data set
which has been observed by the researcher.

4.1. Hypotheses Testing





With the developed objectives of the study it has

been developed the hypotheses for the study and
tested the hypotheses for the study which has been

demonstrated in the following section of the study


Objective One
The both the variables are having the mean value
 To analyze impacts of cost control
which is close to the 4 which identifies that the
techniques on building construction project
majority of the respondents agreed on the indicators
testing in the conceptual model of the study.
Furthermore it has been identified that standard
According it has been developed two hypotheses to
deviation which is less than 0.5. By analyzing the
achieve the identified objectives for the study.
data it can be identified that the all the variables are
According the following hypotheses has been
having the positive skewness which is below 1.5.
developed and tested.
And the social role shows the highest skewness
value. With this it can be identified the same H1a: There is a significant relationship between
tendency in the data set with the same standard error. project delivery and the cost control.
The positive skewness further emphasis the tendency
H1n: There is no significant relationship between
of the data towards the agreed opinion which shows
project delivery and the cost control.
the positive relationship with each other variable.
The level of the relationship will be varied according
Since the hypothesis developed was a relational
with the data behavior. But still with the available
hypothesis it has been used the correlation analysis
data it seems that all the variables are having the
for testing the hypothesis. The following tables
same tendency which says the positive relationship
demonstrated the results of the hypotheses testing for
between each variable. Furthermore the study has
testing the hypothesis.
been identified the tendency of data set with the

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Table 5: Correlation Analysis organization. The hypothesis has been developed as

Project_Deliv Cost_Contr H2a: There is a significant impact on project delivery
ery ol by the cost controlling techniques.
1 .666**
Correlation H2n: There is no significant impact on project
Project delivery by the cost controlling techniques.
Sig. (2-
Delivery .000
Table 6: Regression analysis
N 50 50
.666** 1
Correlation Model Unstandardi Standardi t Sig.
Cost zed zed
Sig. (2-
Control .000 Coefficients Coefficie
N 50 50
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
B Std. Beta
Source: Survey Data, 2018
(Constant) .807 .519 1.554 .127
According with the table it has been identified that
1 Cost_Cont
the significant value is 0.000 which is less than 0.01. .785 .127 .666 6.185 .000
This demonstrates that there is a significant
relationship between project delivery and the cost a. Dependent Variable: Project_Delivery
controlling techniques. On the other hand it has been
shown the correlation coefficient as 0.666 which Source: Survey Data, 2018

demonstrate the moderate positive relationship

As per the result it shows that the significant value is
between project delivery and the cost controlling
0.000 which is less than 0.5 which indicate that the
techniques. Accordingly it has been identified the
cost controlling techniques are having the significant
significant moderate positive relationship between
impact on the project delivery. On the other hand it
the project delivery and the cost controlling
has been demonstrated that the beta value is 0.785 by
techniques used by the organizations. With the result
which it can be drown the regression line as follows,
it has been accepted alternative hypothesis and
rejected the null hypothesis developed by the Project Delivery = 0.807 + 0.785 (Cost Controlling
researcher. Techniques)

In achieving the first objective it has been further Furthermore with the testing result of the hypothesis
develop a hypothesis to check the impact of the cost it has been acted the alternative hypothesis and
control techniques on the project deliver of the rejected the null hypothesis. In which it conclude as

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

there is a significant impact on the cost controlling Forecasti

.316 .101 .407 3.132 .003
techniques on the project delivery. ng
Objective Two TCPI .112 -.222 -1.457 .153

 To analyze factors relate to the final project Unit_Cost

.312 .194 .311 1.609 .115
delivery ing
According with the developed objective it has been -
nce_Revi .155 -.224 -1.307 .198
developed the hypothesis to test the impact of .202
different cost controlling methods on the project
delivery for the purpose it has been used the multiple .170 .128 .179 1.322 .193
regression analysis for the study.
a. Dependent Variable: Project_Delivery
H3a: There is a significant impact on project delivery
Source: Survey Data, 2018
by identified cost control techniques

Accordingly, it has been identified only the project

H3n: There is no significant impact on project
cost value reconciliation and the forecasting is
delivery by identified cost control techniques
having the significant value less than 0.05 which is
The following section of the study report present the amounting 0.039 and 0.003. All the other selected
results of multiple regression analysis for the study. cost controlling techniques shows the significant vale
which is more than 0.05 as for EVM 0.285, TCPI
Table 7: Multiple Regression analysis 0.153, unit costing 0.115, performance review 0.198,

Coefficientsa reserve analysis 0.193. Accordingly it has been

Model Unstandardi Standa t Sig. identified that only the project cost value

zed rdized reconciliation and the forecasting is having the

Coefficients Coeffi significant impact on the project delivery. All the

cients other cost controlling techniques are having the

insignificant impact on the project delivery.
B Std. Beta
Accordingly it has been partially accepted the
alternative hypothesis which has been developed by
.428 .555 .771 .445 the researcher.
EVM .147 .136 .153 1.082 .285 Objective Three
1 Project_C
 To identify cost control techniques used in
.283 .133 .326 2.131 .039 building construction projects
As per the objective the study effort is to identify the
cost controlling techniques used by the industry.

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p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

Based on the developed conceptual model it has been Table 8: Model Summery
already achieved the objective in which the
Model Summary
comprehensive review of literature it has been
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error
already identified the cost controlling techniques
Square Square of the
used in the industry.
Objective Four 1 .666 .443 .432 .35056
a. Predictors: (Constant), Cost_Control
 To identify the most effective cost control
technique use in Maldives Source: Survey Data, 2018

In identifying the most effective tool in the cost The model summary explains the R value of 0.666
controlling it has been used the multiple regression and the adjusted R square value of 0.432 which
analysis which has been in testing the hypothesis demonstrate that the model used by the study
three in which the study has been considered the beta explains the 43.2% of the dependent variable. In
value of the regression analysis. In which it has been other wordings the independent variable of the study
selected the highest beta value for the regression explains 43.2% of the changes of the dependent
analysis. Accordingly it has been identified variable. As per the results it can be identified that
forecasting as the most effecting factor since the beta the model used in the study is suitable for the study
value is 0.316 which is the highest positive value. in which it explains the 43.2% of the change in the
Accordingly it has been identified that the dependent variable.
forecasting is the cost controlling technique which is
Accordingly it has been identified the reliability as
having the most effecting factor on the project
well as the validity of the data set which has been
collected by the researcher in which it has been
Accordingly it has been achieved all the objectives of consider as the reliable as valid information for the
the study by analyzing the data. But still it is purpose of decision making. Therefore it has been
important to identify the validity of the model used used for the making conclusions and
by the study. The nest section of the study provide recommendations. According with the discussions
the analysis of the model fit used by the study which that the researcher had with the industry experts it
conclude the usability of the information derived by has been identified that the ideas or the opinions that
the researcher in the study setting. the study findings has similar meaning.

4.2. Model Summary 5.1. Conclusion

The model summary describes the fitness of the With the understanding the researcher created on the
model for describing the dependent variable for the comprehensive review of the literature which has
study purpose. The following table demonstrates the been making the construct validity for the used
model summary for the study. conceptual model. The study has been used the
conceptual model which has been validated by the

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Volume 05 Issue 23
December 2018

support of the empirical evidences. The analysis of comprehensive review of the literature. In other
the data has been reach to the objectives which has wordings the prevailing literature the opinion was on
been set in the initial stage of the study setting. The the primary responsibility of project management is
testing hypotheses for the study have been done with to control the cost of the project, time, performance
the objective of achieving the identified objectives of and quality goals. Cost management is a one of the
the study as the solutions for the identified study important task which drives project to a successful
questions. According with the study it has been make completion. This includes resource planning, cost
the conclusion on the followings in the study. As per budgeting, cost estimating and cost control. This cost
the study it has been identified that there is a management process can be enhanced through
significant impact on the project delivery by the cost different software’s, tools and techniques in order to
controlling techniques used by the organization. The control the costs. According to ‘Project management
same has been identified by the (Aibinu & Jagboro, book of knowledge (PMBOK)’ there are few
2002) in the study in the different economic techniques which would be useful for monitor and
condition accordingly it has been identified that even control construction project. But still the study
the economic conditions are different the impact of finding the providing the different opinion than
the cost controlling techniques on the project prevailing acceptance in the industry. Since the study
delivery is having the same impact. Furthermore it finding emphasis only the two tools are having the
has been identified that the organization has to make impact on the project delivery and the other tools are
the proper attention on the used cost controlling not having the significant impact on the project
techniques by the organization. Therefore it has been delivery. But still the identified two tools which is
further analyzed the data for getting in depth having the significant impact on the project
understanding on the cost controlling technique it has delivering has been identified as the most commonly
been used the further data analysis for the collected used and the most recommended tools in the
data. The other important facts have been reviled by identified context. The same fact has been emphasis
having that in depth analysis which is demonstrated by the (Clark & Edwards, 1999) which also been
in the above chapter. The next section of the chapter conducted in the same context. The other important
has been made the attention on deriving the fact is that the organizational employee’s willingness
conclusions on the detailed analysis undertaken by in implementing the identified tools in the business
the researcher. context than the other tools available which has been
identified the user friendliness as the ley reason for
Accordingly it has been identified that the project
the situation identified in the study findings (Zaha,
cost value reconciliation and the forecasting is an
effecting techniques on the project delivery among
the selected cost control techniques for the study. In The final point to make the attention is that in
which it has been identified that the other factors are identifying the most effective tool out of the
having the insignificant impact on the project identified impactful tools on the project delivery. As
delivery which is having the different findings than per the analysis it has been identified the forecasting
the empirical evidences that the researcher has in the as the most significant tool impact on the project

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December 2018

delivery of the organizational product delivery is high the level of having the variations is
process. The important fact is that the study findings high especially because of the time factor.
are having the higher impact from the economic  The other important fact is that the
conditions in the country especially since the organization has to select the most effective
developing economies are having the higher tool in implementing it in to the actual
probability of having the frequent fluctuations in the organizational context. In other wordings
economic factors. With the context it has been select the effective tools and use it as the
identified the same behavior which has been cost controlling techniques for the
identified by the (Sarker, Egbelu, Liao, & Yu, 2012) organization. As per the result it can be
within the study as well. The other important fact is recommend the project cost value
that the identified trend is having the higher tendency reconciliation and the forecasting as the
towards the changing with the economical and socio most effective two tools that organization
cultural factors of the country which the organization can use
operating.  The other important factor is that the
organization has to make the priority
Accordingly it has been developed the
attention on the most significant factor as
recommendations for the organization based on the
per the analysis it is forecasting which has
study findings which has been highly influenced by
been implemented in the organization.
the identified factors under the conclusion. Therefore
the nest section of the chapter provide the Limitations of the Study
recommendations for the organizations operating in This research carries out within several constrains,
the industry to improve the project delivery which is strategies and procedures which may affect
a critical aspect of the business success. negatively to the final findings.
Firstly, the sample does not reflect a fair illustration
5.2. Recommendations
to represent the entire building construction industry
in Maldives.
With the conclusion made it has been developed the
Secondly, final project delivery can be influenced
following recommendations for the practice with the
from project particular and external environmental
limitation of using the recommendations on the
factors. However, this research does not take into
similar economical and the socio cultural
consideration those influential factors on final project
background. Accordingly it has been identified the
delivery as control variables within the study model.
following recommendations,
Last, there may be some bias information from the
 Use cost controlling techniques for the respondents since expectations of the company
organization in achieving the effective management towards company owners may vary.
results for the final output of the project in
delivering the expected out come to the end REFERENCES
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