CSR September 2018
CSR September 2018
CSR September 2018
Czeching it out
two leading Czech nurseries
by Ian Woolnough
Czeching it out
Visiting two leading Czech nurseries
by Ian Woolnough
Fig. 6 A tray of Gymnocalycium spegazzinii forms all with different habitat locations from where their seed was collected
Czeching it out continued
Fig. 7 Otaker Potaka first visit, with some companions, based in ending up giving change from £12, if
senior centre left, in Brno. On the way to and from the Czech memory serves, and the food was excellent
the central Republic we stopped at nurseries in (the beer was not bad either!).
greenhouse area Germany, but I found their prices far too
conversing with Mike Anyway on to the plants and growers. I
high, (it is overall a very expensive country),
Harvey of Norwich would break down the growers I know of
and hardly bought anything from there,
Branch through our into two groups; a number of larger, more
student interpreter something I was grateful for once I had
commercial growers and then hobbyists
seen what else was on offer during the trip.
who tend to specialise and sell plants
The Czech Republic in contrast is a very through co-operative type arrangements.
reasonably priced country and our Although we visited some of the smaller
excellent ‘pension’ – a bed and breakfast – hobbyist type growers, and saw their wares
was great value for money. A meal and for sale at a display and sales weekend at
drinks at a nearby bar for four people also a garden centre in Brno, I am not going to
concentrate on them here. Suffice it to say
that there are some fantastic growers, and
some incredible plants were bought for
stupidly low prices, including rarely seen
pediocacti on their own roots for around £1
and Gymnocalycium seedlings filling their
film canister pots at 15p a time!
Instead we will first travel to Otaker
Potaka’s nursery in Orlova, in the far east
of the country, near the Polish border. I
knew this was a big nursery with a lot of
choice, rare, new, interesting often grafted
plants. Although many Czechs speak good
English neither Otaker nor his son of the
same name, whom I had met at ELK, speak
any, (and my sign language used to order
beer and food was not up to the job), so
another of my Czech friends had kindly
arranged for a student to meet up with us
there and translate. Parking outside
Fig. 8 The other roof greenhouse, above the office, contained larger Otaker’s ‘garage’ I was first struck by the
succulents and lots of Ariocarpus greenhouse on the roof (Fig. 1). On entering
Czeching it out continued
I saw Otaker senior at work grafting a tray location painstakingly recorded on the label Fig. 9 This view
of yellow-bodied Mammillaria luethyi (Fig. 6) and some incredible big across Prague, from
the iconic castle,
cuttings (Fig. 2). Back then the normal Tephrocactus geometricus and
shows some of the
M. luethyi was quite a rarity so to see a Tephrocactus articulatus plants, although many bridges and
yellow-bodied form, reminiscent of the perhaps too many than is really healthy! typical architecture
Chamaecereus silvestrii grafts on offer in There were benches of Lophophora,
some Dutch nurseries, was a portent of Frailea, Thelocactus, Mammillaria,
things to come! Turbinicarpus, Sclerocactus, Echinocereus
and Ferocactus to name but a few and a
Up in the roof greenhouse there was a
myriad of ice cream and Chinese takeaway
cornucopia of goodies including many
trays crammed with seedlings.
cristates such as pediocacti
(Fig. 3), a myriad of Astrophytum forms, A central greenhouse area (Fig. 7) had Fig 10 Some of the
a particular weakness of mine (Fig. 5), larger potted-up plants including some many caudiciform
newly-discovered things, variegates etc as massive Pachypodium, Echinocactus plants on offer at
well as some more ‘common’ plants. I was grusonii forms and taller cereoids. Another Petr Pavelka’s
particularly struck by the way that growing treat was a further roof-top greenhouse nursery in Prague
points had been gouged out to
promote offsetting from areoles
enabling many plants to be
produced very quickly (Fig. 4).
The Czechs do a lot of grafting
as this is the quickest and
easiest way to propagate the
new, rare, strange or difficult
things they seem to specialise
in. Not quite everything was for
sale but enough to keep us
Then back down to see the main
greenhouses of which there
were a number. I particularly
remember benches of
Gymnocalycium, something I
delighted on seeing in habitat,
but here with every conceivable
Czeching it out continued
Fig. 11 A general area above the office (Fig. 8). Quite a few difficult to find succulents from Africa in
view of part of the large succulents up here as well as a load particular. During our visit he was busy
greenhouse with the of large Ariocarpus plants, notable in many unpacking crates of plants recently
other succulents
cases for their massive roots which had delivered (Fig. 12) and had just had a visit
split their pots! All in all a nursery well from an official to confirm that all of the
worth the drive across the Czech Republic paperwork was in order, which of course it
to visit. was. There were a few nice cacti here as
well including seed raised copiapoas, not
The other nursery I am going to cover was
for sale, from a trip Petr made to Chile a
visited in the spring of 2017. This is Petr
few years ago, but his nursery is really a
Pavelka’s in a suburb of the capital city
mecca for those interested in Euphorbia,
Prague. Prague is a beautiful city (Fig. 9),
Aloe, Haworthia, Pachypodium, Lithops
well worth a visit anyway, so being able to
etc. Petr told me that he was getting on
spend some time there and visit a nursery
well with building another large greenhouse
as well was great. Finding the nursery was
on a nearby site so I expect that when you
a little tricky as from the road there are no
are reading this he will have even more to
signs of greenhouses. However once one
offer. His range of sale plants is perhaps
plucks up the courage to try the correct
second to none but thankfully I do not
Fig. 12 Underneath buzzer and the gates are opened all
grow what he had, so was able to come
the staging, as well becomes apparent.
away without spending my children’s
as a tray of
haworthias, there
Petr has mostly the ‘other’ succulents for inheritance, which otherwise would have
were boxes of sale (Figs. 10 and 11), having taken over been very easy to do.
recently imported the mantle from Ernst Specks who
tubers imported a lot of caudiciforms and more There are many more great nurseries and
collections in the Czech Republic which I
have not (yet) visited. However, assuming
that these two nurseries are among those
on the itinerary for James Gold’s proposed
Czech cactus nursery crawl, I would
thoroughly recommend participation. I
would warn, however, that a large coach
and sufficient Czech koruna, (the currency
is not euros although they might well be
accepted) in order to adequately transport
and pay for the plants one is likely to
encounter, will be needed. n
Photos: Ian Woolnough
Fig. 1 Adenia stylosa, Ankarana, Madagascar
Part 2 – types, shapes and forms
by Nick Gash
a genus of c.100 species Adenia
a large range of caudex
types and growth habits, surpassed in
succulent plants only by the much larger
genera Euphorbia and Senecio.
Leaves vary greatly between species,
and indeed occasionally within a
species, so leaf shape is not a reliable
diagnostic feature. They can be big,
small, entire, dissected, lobed etc or
sometimes entire and lobed on the same
plant. They often have whitish patches,
these normally being in the centre of the
leaf along the leaf veins.
One thing they all have in common is the
leaf glands situated in various positions
at the junction of the leaf stalk and the
leaf blade. These can number one or two
(or rarely more) and the genus is named
for them, the Greek word for gland being
adenas. They secrete clear sticky liquid,
the purpose of which I am not sure of,
but presumably something to do with
attracting insects. As some adenias are
reputedly poisonous I have resisted the Fig. 2 Adenia stylosa, Montagne des Francais, Madagascar
Adenia – types, shapes and forms continued
Fig. 4 Basal leaf glands of Adenia sp. nova Ghazi on the peltate area
of the underside of the leaf
Above left:
Fig. 16 Adenia
Above right:
Fig. 17 An
Adenia sp.
Adenia stylosa
(Baie du
Fig. 18 Adenia
sp. probably
Adenia stylosa
Fig. 19 Adenia
sp. probably
Adenia stylosa
Adenia – types, shapes and forms continued
Fig. 21 Adenia heterophylla Fig. 22 A. sp nova Ghazi Hills Fig. 23 Adenia ellenbeckii
Adenia – types, shapes and forms continued
Above left:
caudex will get to a decent size. nurseries, described as having pubescent
Fig. 24 Pepperoni
A. viridiflora has been offered by one or rarely glabrous (bald) stems. My plants pizza perfumed
German nursery recently but the plant I are on the bald side. Nice blue green stems flowers of Adenia
received is A. heterophylla. A. sp. nova mottled/spotted grey from pleasingly keramanthus
‘Ghazi Hills’ (Fig. 22) is a pretty ugly plant chunky rootstocks. The main difference Above:
recently appearing on one Kenyan between the two is that mature Fig. 25 The hairy, red
specialist nurseries list. I would not bother A. ellenbeckii has tendrils and A. volkensii streaked stems of
with it. This nursery sells almost exclusively does not. A. volkensii has peltate leaves Adenia keramanthus
habitat collected plants and they really (the leaf stalk attaches to the leaf blade
should have left these where they were. from below like a Nasturtium) as a juvenile
plant. Although I can find no mention of
Stem succulent with or without
this for A. ellenbeckii, one of my small
tendrils plants also has these, so this may not be
Most Adenia species are climbers to some enough to separate them as young plants.
degree but there are few that are very nice
stem succulents. A. keramanthus (Figs. 24,
25 and 26) is an East African species and
one of the few adenias with hairy stems
and pubescent leaves. It will branch
sparingly from pale green stems an inch or
two wide. The easiest Adenia to flower for
me, in fact given heat and moisture it is
difficult to stop it. The flowers smell of
pepperoni pizza to me, but my wife finds
the scent unbearably sickly and when it is
flowering in our house during the winter I
have to find a place for it well away from
her nose. I would love to find some seed of
A. keramanthus, I saw some very attractive
seedlings in habitat in Kenya. Some people
like to raise the roots of A. keramanthus
but this looks very odd to me as it does
nothing to enhance the look of a plant that
is good looking enough without such help.
A. ellenbeckii (Fig. 23) and A. volkensii are
two similar species regularly offered by Fig. 26 A. keramanthus seedlings near Voi Kenya
Adenia – types, shapes and forms continued
A. lapiazicola (Figs, 27 and 28) is a recently Shrub with spreading swollen base
(1997) described species from the and perennial climbing stems
Ankarana National Park in northern These include the well-known grey-green,
Madagascar. Thick silvery stems up to six corky based southern African species,
feet (2m) tall or more seem to grow straight A. glauca, A. spinosa, (Fig. 29) A. fruticosa,
out of the limestone tsingy. I found it A. pechuelii and others. Although similar in
incredible that such an obvious, imposing many respects they are all distinct enough
plant from a well botanised area should in other ways to warrant keeping them all.
only be described so recently. It is not in A. glauca has attractive deeply 5-lobed
cultivation as far as I know. Another lovely leaves and a ‘polished’ conical caudex.
Madagascan plant is A. ecirrhosa, dark A. spinosa has entire grey-green leaves on
green leaves slightly touched with white stems arising from a round matt caudex.
from a stem coming once again from nicely A. pechuelii has entire leaves similar to
Below and inset:
Figs. 27 and 28 swollen roots. As the specific name A. spinosa on a conical caudex when
Adenia lapiazicola, suggests this does not have tendrils. Rare young and A. fruticosa deeply 3-5 lobed
Ankarana, in habitat apparently but occasionally leaves, both appearing on the same plant,
Madagascar available to collectors as seedlings. and a less regular caudex. Caudices on
older plants of A. glauca, A. spinosa and
A. pechuelii will spread out forming
caudices broader than tall. A. fruticosa
tends to stay skinnier with swollen stems
rather than a caudex. A. spinosa is
obviously spiny, one of only a few Adenia
species to possess spines or thorns.
All are very easy-going plants, requiring
less heat in winter than many of their
relatives. A minimm of 6°C seems to suit
them fine though I have found it is
beneficial to give them a bit more warmth
in spring to break dormancy, otherwise
they will wait until early summer before
coming into growth. With enough heat
A. glauca, A. spinosa and A. fruticosa will
only take a short break in the winter, late
November until March. A. pechuelii has a
very short growing season for me, mid-
late summer to early autumn, only a
couple of months in leaf. They
seem to appreciate a bit more
shade than most, I keep mine in
a north facing conservatory and
they thrive there, putting on a
satisfying amount of growth
and increase in caudex size
each season. Most of this
increase in the size of the
caudex seems to take place
late in the season in the couple
of months prior to dormancy.
Too much sun can scorch the
leaves. Generally they are easy
plants to find except A. pechuelii
which may take a bit of looking for
and will not be cheap. My plant came
as a seedling from Specks a few years
ago. He also sold by auction an older
plant when he closed his business a couple
of years ago: it went for over 5200 euros!
Adenia – types, shapes and forms continued
Sprawling shrub from thickened root.
I have a couple of plants in my collection
that form trailing shrubs that will climb
occasionally. A. isaloensis (Fig. 30) is a
pretty uninspiring plant when seen in
habitat at Isalo National Park in south-east
Madagascar. Sparse stems with dull blue
grey-green leaves trailing along the ground
arise from a tuberous root. I have some
seedlings and maybe this will produce a
more attractive plant in cultivation.
A. subsessilifolia also from south-east
Madagascar is a better looking plant with
small grey-green 3-parted leaves on again
sparse stems from a tuberous rootstock
that can apparently grow to 30cm across.
Regular pruning should produce a good
looking plant in a pot. Seed of A. isaloensis
has been available recently and seedlings
of A. subsessilifolia are available from a few
A. metamorpha (Fig. 31) is an interesting
recently-described plant that does not
easily fit into any of the types already aff. perrieri for hundreds of dollars. It is Fig. 29 Adenia
discussed. The juvenile plants are reasonably common in Ankarana National spinosa
geophytes with a tuber and short erect Park in north Madagascar growing on the
stems with extraordinarily attractive deeply forest floor.
lobed green and white leaves. After some
The genus Adenia is remarkably diverse,
years the stem becomes thickened and
and those featured here are just some of Part 1 of this article
cylindrical up to 2m tall and the plant
the many different species which I grow appeared in the
myself, or I have seen in habitat. n
becomes a short climber with plain green, Essex Succulent
entire or shallowly lobed leaves. This is the Review, Issue 17,
plant being sold online as Adenia sp. nova Photos: Nick Gash June 2018
Fig. 30 Adenia isaloensis Isalo Madagascar Fig. 31 Adenia metamorpha Ankarana Madagascar
Mammillaria hahniana – a
small clumping form
which always looks great
but is even better when in
flower. My form seems to
have darker flowers too
and that is a bonus as
there is added contrast
Jumping forward a few years, I was married, had I had lost direction and I needed to do something, but
children, my mother died and I needed to move my what? Action was needed and I decided to examine
collection, still based in my mother’s back garden. my plants and select those that I thought were
I could accommodate two greenhouses but these were attractive and interesting. The criterion I finally used
only half the size of those in my mother’s garden. I had was ‘would I buy this plant again if I did not have it in
to thin out my collection my collection?’
by 50%. So how would I
Over the next year or so I
choose which ones to take
slowly disposed of the
and what would I do with Enjoy your plants and grow what you plants that did not meet
those left?
like. It’s not necessary to grow rare or my criteria and amazingly
Over the course of four spaces appeared on the
weeks I tried to choose expensive plants.... bench. As this is a hobby
my best plants and slowly I was happy to give the
disposed of the remaining excess plants away. I also
plants to local branch sold a few on ebay or at
members or finally the skip, which was heartbreaking. plant sale events organised by my local branch. There
For the next few years my collection contained the were some difficult decisions to be made as I had
same mix of plants and still had lots of vines growing some sentimental attachments to some plants. Now I
over my succulent collection each summer. Slowly I have developed this discipline it is easier for me to give
filled every conceivable space within my collection and plants away as and when my interest slowly matures
it became full to bursting. and changes.
This was my wake-up call. I was not enjoying my So where am I now on this journey? I now enjoy going
collection and some of these ‘rare’ and choice plants into my greenhouse again and also getting new plants.
were now quite boring to me, or had become thugs I no longer buy anything I do not find attractive and
and were taking over all the space in my greenhouse. this means that sometimes I will acquire a very
Something had to change. common plant again. A recent gift from a friend is a
Crassula ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ and I am really
enjoying this. It is growing on my patio and when the
weather cools it will get a good spot on the bench in
my greenhouse. I have rediscovered mammillarias and
have slowly been adding these beautiful plants back
into my collection. I have started growing a few
Notocactus and I now have my favourite plant in pride
of place – Setiechinopsis mirabilis – whose night
flowers still excite me every time I see a bud just
starting to open in the evening.
Enjoy your plants and grow what you like. It’s not
necessary to grow rare or expensive
plants. If you want to spend
some money – buy a
magnifying glass as this
will open up a new
opportunity to enjoy
your collection. It is
a great hobby and
there are some great
plants for us to
enjoy. n
Photos: © Ian Thwaites
Ian Thwaites photography
Legends of the saguaro
The saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) was important to the native Indians who lived in the
areas where it grows, and a number of legends and beliefs have grown up around it.
Two interesting
No 3 – Zimbabwe and Madagascar
by Bob Potter
Euphorbia decidua would take a few plants to be grown on case, as I tend to bury the whole tuber
Above: New shoots in their gardens back in Harare. Several rather than raise a portion of it above the
just emerging tubers were excavated very carefully soil as many people do.
Above right: The and you can see from the pictures how
large tubers large the underground portions of these It has also been available as seedling
plants are. plants and these have proved to be quite
easy to grow. I usually keep these plants
Fairly mature plants of E. decidua have, in with a minimum winter temperature of at
recent years, become available and usually
least 10°C.
do not present too much problem in
cultivation. A very deep pot is needed to For the next location we jump back into
house the large tuber, especially in my Madagascar and explore a region in the
North West of the Island. In a previous rotting off. It has been available as seed Euphorbia cremersii
article I have already described finding a grown plants but only in very limited in habitat
location of E. guillauminiana and the plant I supply. If you are lucky enough to obtain a
would like to introduce now was one we plant it does make a worthwhile addition to
found on our long trek to get to this plant. the collection and has the added
advantage that you know you will always
have the space for it. n
Euphorbia cremersii
Euphorbia cremersii is a small geophyte
with tiny tubers usually no more than 1cm Photos: Bob Potter
in diameter, mostly rounded but sometimes There will be more interesting Euphorbia in
cylindrical up to about 5cm long. another issue of the Essex Succulent Review.
Again, the habitat of these plants in this
location is, for me, very unexpected, it
looks as though you are entering a wooded
area with dense bush cover under the
trees. In small clearings you can spot the
leaf rosettes of the plants with quite
distinctive variegated markings. The leaf
rosettes are no more than 10–12 cm across
and of course at the wrong time of the year
there will be nothing to see.
It is evident that there are many plants in
this location as a head count revealed at
least five or six plants every square metre
over quite a large area.
E. cremersii is a sought-after plant by
enthusiasts and, although it has been
available in limited numbers in the past, it
is rarely offered for sale today.
Like all Madagascan species it will fare
better with a minimum winter temperature
of at least 10°C and needs a very free
draining soil, as the tubers can be prone to Euphorbia cremersii in cultivation
Western Flower Thrips control
by Don Smith
If you are a Lithops collector, you may have come The problem is that, although a population may be
across Frankliniella occidentalis, Western Flower controlled, it becomes resistant to insecticides if it is
Thrips. This is a pest which has come to infest our not entirely eliminated; which is possible but difficult.
greenhouses. Because it is so small it usually passes Sticky cards serve only to monitor the adults in the
unnoticed until, with a magnifying glass, you have population. A systemic insecticide would be ideal but
learned to recognise their tiny (1–1.4mm) dark brown I have not found anything satisfactory in the retail
bodies moving among the petals. horticultural trade.
In Lithops the eggs are inserted into flower tissue using I have, however, created a tincture of nicotine in
an ovipositor and when these hatch the nymphs methylated spirits. It is easy to prepare this by
burrow down as far as the meristem. This results in a dropping two or three cigarettes into half a bottle of
characteristic light brown scar which appears many meths and allowing it to stand for a few days. It is then
months later across the face of next season’s leaf-pair. available to be applied to individual flowers and stems
They feed on both pollen and sap. Their mouth parts using a small artist’s watercolour paint brush. It kills on
puncture and damage the flowers and skin of other contact but the eggs and nymphs contained within the
mesembs and cacti; they are also found on the tender plant tissue will remain unaffected; also, as pupae they
tissue of new leaves on other plants. In the UK they exist unseen in the compost. The tincture is also
seem to exist only as effective against mealy
isolated populations inside Western Flower Thrips damage on Lithops bug.
our greenhouses but
What would be useful is a
fortunately not in the open
liquid insecticide which kills
air. They come to us on
plants recently purchased instantly on contact,
or as an unwitting gift from preferably easily applied as
a friend. a fine mist from a
pressurised spray container
The populations are difficult and which does not spoil
to eliminate, or to control, the flowers or plants. This
due to an elaborate life- should have a volatile liquid
cycle, passing through six
L. comptonii with a very low surface
distinct stages from egg to
tension which enables it to
adult in the course of two
spread quickly in the flower
to three weeks. The adult
and over the carapace of
has wings and can fly and
live on for another 45 days, the arthropod and then
laying up to 300 fertile eggs evaporate to leave some
in this time without the persistent residue which
benefit of male intervention will continue to kill for
(parthenogenesis). about two to three months.
Ferocactus lindsayi
by Paul Klaassen
Ferocactus lindsayi continued
Le Jardin Exotique continued
Some more agaves growing in one of the many rocky A cristate Polaskia, one of many interesting cristate cacti
Le Jardin Exotique continued
recurvata and left
close-up of the
textured trunk
It seems that the very first succulent plants were brought to Monaco,
from Mexico, in the 1860s. By 1895 a collection of succulent plants was
grown in the Jardin St Martin, a smaller garden located below the rock
of Monaco, under the direction of Augustin Gastaud. Gastaud also
received other succulent plants from collectors in Europe, all of which
Albert 1 (ruler of Monaco from 1889 till his death in 1922), was a keen
naturalist (who was also interested in oceanography and polar
exploration). In 1912 he acquired the Promontory of the Observatory, in
Le Jardin Exotique continued
Cohen, Paul and Brenda, Le Jardin Exotique, Les Grottes de L’Observatoire and
Le Musée D’Anthropologie Préhistorique in Monaco. Journal of College Science Photos: Paul
Teaching 28(3) 208-209 Klaassen