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1 IHH Healthcare Berhad AR2022 Part 1

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Build | Innovate | Transform

Annual Report 2022

Group Overview Financial Statements About This Report
About this Report 01 Directors’ Report 126 The Company’s Annual Report 2022
Navigating this Report 02 Statement by Directors 132
has been prepared in accordance with
the International <IR> Framework set Build | Innovate | Transform
Investment Case 03 Statutory Declaration 133 by the Value Reporting Foundation and
Story of ‘Care. For Good.’ 04 Independent Auditors’ Report 134 with reference to the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI), including the Sector Specific
At IHH, we power sustainable
Case Studies: Statements of Financial Position 139
page Sustainability Topics for Healthcare Providers growth through foresight and
Build 06 Statements of Profit or Loss 141 and Services and Healthcare Technology –
Innovate 08 and Other Comprehensive Income to enhance reporting connectivity while dynamism while staying anchored
Transform 10 Statements of Changes in Equity 142 providing stakeholders with a more holistic
view of how the Company creates and to our commitment to ‘Care. For Good.’
Statements of Cash Flows 148
IHH at a Glance
Financial Highlights
Governance Section
Notes to the Financial Statements 150
sustains value. With unwavering trust placed in us by all
Operational Highlights 16 Our reporting processes also comply with stakeholders, we continually challenge
IHH 10th Anniversary Special Feature 18 Sustainability Additional Corporate
the provisions of the Malaysian Code on
Corporate Governance, the Main Market
the status quo of the healthcare
Corporate Milestones 2022 20 Opening Statement on Sustainability 64 Information Listing Requirements (MMLR) and the
Sustainability Reporting Guide (2nd edition)
model to do better by patients.
Awards and Accreditations 22 Sustainability Approach 65 Analysis of Shareholdings 267
of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, This is how we bring to life our
Sustainability Highlights 67 List of Top 30 Largest Shareholders 269
Strategic Report Sustainability Commitments 68 List of Top 10 Properties 271
the Companies Act 2016, the Malaysian
Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS) purpose of ‘Touching Lives.
Chairman’s Statement 26 Sustainability Snapshots 69 Notice of Thirteenth Annual 273
and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS). Besides financial reporting,
Transforming Care.’
Sustainability Governance Structure 71 General Meeting
Market Outlook 30 our Report also includes non-financial
Form of Proxy performance, opportunities, risks and
Business Model 34
outcomes attributable to, or associated
Business Strategy 36 Governance with, all our stakeholders that significantly
Stakeholder Engagement 38 Board of Directors 74 influence IHH’s ability to create value.
Our Material Matters 42 Group Management 80
Risk Management 45 Corporate Governance Overview 86
Principal Risks 46 Statement Our Purpose Our Values
Nomination and Remuneration 103 Touching Lives.
Committee Report
Performance Review Transforming Care. P atients First
Audit Committee Report 108 page
Management Discussion and Analysis 49 We put patients’ needs first
Operations Review by Group Chief 51
Risk Management Committee Report
Statement on Risk Management and
A shared aspiration, these three words
Operating Officer Internal Control sum up what IHH Healthcare stands for: Our Vision I ntegrity
Malaysia 54 We do the right thing
Investor Relations Report 119 Financial Statements To be the world’s most
Singapore 55 • Our vision to be the world’s most trusted healthcare
Türkiye and Europe 56 trusted healthcare services network;
services network E mpathy
India 57
Other Information • Our purpose to touch lives and
We listen with our hearts
transform care;
Greater China 58 Additional Compliance Information 122
• Our commitment to provide greater good
IMU Health 59 Directors’ Responsibility Statement 124 to our patients, our people, the public T eamwork
Parkway Life REIT 59
and our planet. Our Mission We are better together
Financial Review by Group Chief 60
To take exemplary
Care – As a world-leading integrated
Financial Officer care of our patients, E xcellence
healthcare provider, we aim to make
healthcare not just about health, but care, anchored around our We champion continuous
with a pulse of empathy. people who strive to improvement and innovation
continuously raise the
For Good – Because we believe in building bar in clinical, operational
a better world, not just for us but for and service excellence
generations to come.

Chairman's Statement
IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 1
Navigating This Report Investment Case
Navigation Icons IHH Healthcare consistently performs in the top echelons of the healthcare industry.
Refer to this guide while traversing the report. Our leading edge lies in these key competitive advantages.

Principal Risk Stakeholder Engagement

Climate Senior Doctors, Nurses Our leading brands are award-winning household
Geopolitical Pandemic
Change Management and Employees names in their respective home markets. Our
brands including Acibadem, Mount Elizabeth,
and Data Privacy
Foreign Exchange Academia Students 8 Trusted Brands Prince Court, Gleneagles, Fortis, Pantai, Parkway
and IMU* are widely recognised and celebrated.
Accreditation For instance, Acibadem Healthcare Group in Türkiye
Build, Innovate and Transform Bodies has won the title of Healthcare Services Export
Champion (awarded by the Services Exporters’
Suppliers and
Build Innovate Transform Intermediaries Association) for six consecutive years. We also took
Service Providers
home five accolades in the Institutional Investor’s
Investors and 2022 All-Asia (excluding Japan) Executive rankings,
Trust, Synergy, Growth and Sustainability Shareholders placing third overall for our sector.
Trust Synergy Communities Our international network of 83 hospitals in 10
countries allows us to raise the bar of excellence
and make healthcare more convenient, efficient
Growth Sustainability
and affordable. We have many opportunities to Global Scale
share best practices between countries and
streamline operating models to bring better and Influence
outcomes more efficiently. Certain synergies
reaped include the creation of a centralised IT
Our Reporting Suite shared service centre for our global network,
IHH Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 is supplemented by our standalone and establishing global procurement
Sustainability Report 2022. Our reporting suite can be accessed online. capabilities to optimise processes.

IHH’s network of hospitals have seen firm

Reporting Suite Annual Report 2022 Sustainability Report 2022 rebound in inpatient admissions with strength
Disclosure • Chairman’s Statement • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and finesse. Our operational excellence is
• Management Discussion and Analysis • Sustainable Development Goals Deep Operating affirmed with accolades such as the Global

Operations Review by Group Chief Operating Officer
Financial Review by Group Chief Financial Officer
Disclosure (SDGD)
Capabilities Health Asia-Pacific Awards 2022 won by our
hospitals in Malaysia and Singapore.
• Corporate Governance Overview Statement
• Audit Committee Report IHH takes the lead on innovation. We are always
• Statement on Risk Management and on the lookout to form strategic partnerships
Internal Control and drive investments to stay ahead of the curve
• Director’s Report in the fast-changing industry. IHH is one of the At the Forefront
• Independent Auditor’s Report
• Financial Statements
first healthcare groups in the world to use
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to estimate hospital
of Change
bills and make telemedicine accessible to
Reporting • Main Market Listing Requirements of • Main Market Listing Requirements
the public during the pandemic.
Frameworks Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (MMLR) of Bursa Malaysia Securities
• Value Reporting Foundation’s <IR> Framework Berhad (MMLR)
Our steadfastness in sustainable growth
• Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 • SGX Listing Rule 711 (A) and (B)
is a top-down commitment and core value
• Companies Act 2016 (CA 2016) • Global Reporting Index
within the Group. ‘Care. For Good.’ is much
• Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS)
• International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Standards 2021 Please scan the QR
code to refer to our Commitment to more than a corporate strategy; it represents
Sustainability Report.
Sustainability our commitment to make a positive impact at
every touchpoint with our patients, our people,
the public and our planet.

* Completed divestment of IMU on 31 March 2023

2 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 3

Care – As a world-leading integrated
healthcare provider, we aim to make
healthcare not just about health,
but care, with a pulse of empathy.

For Good – Because we believe

in building a better world, not just
for us but for generations to come.

Care for the Public

Fighting a Silent Pandemic
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the third leading
Care for Our People cause of death, trailing just behind heart attack and
stroke. As a healthcare leader, IHH is leading the
Best Employer Brand Award charge to combat this silent pandemic through
Our people are the heartbeat of outreach and education programmes to inform
our operations. Clinching Asia’s the public of this threat.
Best Employer Brand Awards 2022
is a testament to our hard work and All IHH hospitals will implement AMR interventions
dedication to cultivate and foster in line with the Centers for Disease Control and
an amazing work culture. Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO)
and national guidelines by 2025.
We will continue our efforts to be a
trusted employer of choice. We believe
that caring for our people’s wellness
will keep them motivated, happy
and healthy as they engage in
Care for Our Planet
work they enjoy. Malaysia First Green Hospital
Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok is the first
hospital in Malaysia to incorporate green
technology and design in its construction
and operations, while focusing on providing
patient comfort.

The hospital boasts many sustainability

features that reduce carbon emissions.
They include a 40kW Solar Photovoltaic
(PV) system on the rooftop, water recycling
Care for Our Patients system for hemodialysis, central garden
courtyard and charging stations for electric
New lease of Life and hybrid vehicles.
Our team at Fortis Escorts Hospital Okhla gave
a 74-year-old patient suffering from congenital
heart anomaly a new lease of life.

Led by Dr Atul Mathur, Executive Director,

Interventional Cardiology & Chief of Cath Lab,
our team of doctors successfully performed a
transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)
for the patient. The surgery was an extremely
challenging one as the elderly patient was
suffering from various ailments including
dextrocardia, where his heart is located on
the right side of the chest. We’re glad to have
the patient discharged from the hospital in a
stable condition just a day shy of his birthday.

4 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 5

We have engineered growth through
organic and inorganic means in the
past year – and in the process, brought
value not just to key stakeholders but
the communities in which we operate.

Boosting Capacities and Reallocating Capital

The first and most intuitive avenue for growth is via organic expansion
to meet increasing demand for private healthcare services.

IHH successfully opened two hospitals; a 200-bed multi-speciality hospital

by Fortis Healthcare in India and a 300-bed capacity Acibadem Ataşehir
Hospital in Türkiye.

We also ramped up capacity and broadened capabilities within our network.

For instance, Mount Elizabeth in Singapore launched its Neurological
Rehabilitation centre (NRC) to provide patients a full spectrum of neurological
and neurosurgical services.

Concurrently, we reviewed our existing portfolio, seeking merger and acquisition

opportunities in existing markets and reallocated capital towards growth.
This resulted in the acquisition of the 52-bed Ortopedia Hospital in Adana
and the 340-bed Kent Hospital in Izmir in Türkiye, as well as the divestment
of IMU, our education arm in Malaysia.

Stronger Public-Private Partnerships


Deepening collaborations with governments and other private healthcare

organisations is an important way in which IHH is able to make a positive
impact within communities.

IHH will be providing free radiotherapy and radiosurgery for cancer patients
referred from Malaysian public hospitals. As such, we will be able to extend care
Build a

towards more cancer patients in the country through our network comprising
Pantai hospitals, Gleneagles hospitals and Prince Court Medical Centre.

In April 2022, we also launched a tripartite partnership between Pantai Premier

Pathology, Astra Zeneca and Prudential Malaysia to provide precision medicine
as an emerging cancer treatment.

Capturing Rebound in Medical Travel


With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, medical tourism have made a

tremendous rebound. With highly-regarded multi-specialty hospitals located
in Malaysia, Singapore, India and Türkiye, IHH hospitals are well-placed to
attract foreign patients seeking elective or high-acuity treatments.

We are also continually reviewing our clinical facilities to better meet the
needs of medical travellers. For instance, Pantai Hospital Penang is expanding
2 >2,000
to offer an increased range of medical services, and broke ground to construct new hospitals launched new beds to be added in
a new medical block and revamp its existing building. The construction is to Malaysia, India and Türkiye
be completed in adherence to the Green Building Index by the end of 2024. through organic expansion

Our core operations, comprising acute and surgical treatments, have also
experienced strong recovery with the return of patients (local and foreign),
resulting in significant revenue improvement.

6 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 7

As a leading global healthcare group,
innovation is pertinent to our ability to
deliver cutting-edge, evidence-based
therapeutics and procedures. Thinking
outside the box is also key to how we
provide Value-Driven Outcomes (VDO)
for our patients.

Pushing the Limits of Oncology Treatments

Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital’s Peritoneal Malignancy Treatment Centre
launched novel intraperitoneal chemotherapy procedures, including the
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) and Pressurised
IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC). These new treatments
promote better outcomes and give new hope to patients with the rare
Innovate for

and aggressive disease.

In 2023, a Proton Therapy Centre will open at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital
(MNH) in Singapore, reinforcing MNH’s position as a one-stop oncology
treatment centre in the region. The proton beam therapy, a highly precise
treatment method that targets cancer cells, reduces damage to healthy
tissues and organs and treatment-related side effects.

Innovating to Drive Value, Shaping the Future

of Care
As a trusted multinational healthcare provider, delivering VDO and care
is our top priority. By identifying and predicting the outcomes and cost
of care, IHH aims to provide accountability and transparency so patients
are confident that they are receiving excellent value-for-money services.
Against the challenging backdrop of medical inflation, antimicrobial resistance
(AMR) and disease burden especially among underserved communities,
IHH is working hard to improve health outcomes while keeping cost
manageable for patients. By 2025, IHH hospitals in all markets will
participate in the VDO programme.

Within our hospitals, we are committed to optimising quality and service.

We have a clear mandate to avoid overtreatment and over-prescription to
fight AMR and deliver care that patients truly need.

Technology has also aided us in value creation. With Artificial Intelligence (AI),
our bill estimates are dynamic based on different treatment plans, providing
cost transparency, thereby empowering patients to make informed decisions
and place greater trust in IHH. More importantly, our patients get a peace of
mind over their healthcare expenditure prior to admission so that they can
focus on getting well. The VDO programme will A Proton Therapy Centre
be implemented in all our will open in Mount Elizabeth
In addition, our patients are able to enjoy better care – from consultation
markets by Novena Hospital in Singapore

2025 2023
to surgery and post-surgical care – at lower costs. For instance, the
introduction of surgical robot Versius gives patients greater affordability
with the same or better outcome.

8 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 9

Through digital transformation, we have
been able to evolve and improve patients’
healthcare experience, making it more
accessible, convenient, customised
and assuring. Wellness management
becomes instinctive and easy at every
life stage as patients walk their journey
with IHH.

High-tech Meets High-touch

Patients of IHH hospitals in Singapore can now seamlessly manage
their healthcare journey through the MyHealth360 mobile application.
From making specialist appointments and retrieving medical certificates
to tele-consultations and accessing laboratory test results, the thoughtful
features of MyHealth360 are a virtual extension of IHH’s service excellence
and reliability.
Care for All

Growing the Laboratories Segment

IHH Laboratories is committed to delivering better healthcare solutions and
aims to be among the largest, most trusted and digitally and data-driven
laboratory services groups globally. Our entities Pantai Premier Pathology
(Malaysia), Parkway Laboratories (Singapore), Acibadem Labmed (Türkiye)
and SRL Diagnostics (India) are already leaders in their respective markets,
delivering millions of tests per year. With a focus on organic growth through
expansion of test menus, focus on higher-end tests, transformation of
operations and digitalisation of core platforms, our laboratories segment
is set to deliver a strong growth going forward.

As leaders in the business with more than 30 years of history, we adapt

swiftly to the needs on the ground. IHH laboratories were one of the
earliest private providers to conduct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests
for COVID-19 in the markets we operate. As more healthcare consumers
gravitate towards preventive healthcare and diagnostics, our laboratories
are also well-placed to attend to the well-being of future generations.

Our laboratory business is focused on delivering excellence, and is validated

with several quality assurance certifications awarded by international
About 92m US$100m
and local accreditation bodies. For example, Pantai Premier Pathology – laboratory tests done across allocated to drive digital
in particular, its cytogenetics and molecular diagnostics laboratory – Singapore, Malaysia, India and transformation and
is one of only two laboratories in Malaysia to receive an accreditation Türkiye in FY2022 innovation initiatives
from the College of American Pathologists (CAP).

10 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 11

Group Overview

IHH at a Glance
As at 31 March 2023

Acibadem Mount Elizabeth Gleneagles

Setting the healthcare benchmarks in Türkiye The two hospitals in Singapore are Located in our key Asian markets, this
and the region, this visionary brand combines among the world’s top destinations for world-class private hospital brand is known
the top experts and latest technology medical treatment, known for top experts, for its international standing and stature,
with the contemporary sophistication excellent clinical outcomes and exceptional delivering superior clinical outcomes in
of a five-star hotel, offering generous personalised service. extensive modern facilities.

100% 90% 100%*

personal space and attention to detail.

Pantai Parkway
Our Portfolio of
Excellence in
With a network of 57 hospitals Acibadem Holdings is Türkiye’s The International Medical University
throughout the region, including leading private healthcare provider, is IHH’s medical education arm. We are proud of our
Malaysia, Singapore, India and offering integrated healthcare IMU oversees the established
Greater China, Parkway Pantai is services across 25 hospitals in higher learning institutions of leading brands in our
one of Asia’s largest integrated Türkiye, Macedonia, Bulgaria, the International Medical College and various markets, each
private healthcare groups. Netherlands and Serbia. The IMU in Malaysia.
“Acibadem” brand is renowned for Conveniently located across Malaysia, underpinned by an Born in Singapore, Parkway is one of Asia’s
its clinical excellence in Europe
and North Africa regions.
Pantai proudly serves families and
communities with quality healthcare,
outstanding reputation leading brands in private healthcare, offering
the full spectrum of integrated healthcare
always delivered with friendly, for clinical outcomes services in clinics and hospitals and a
familiar smiles. wide range of ancillary services. Brands
and quality care. include Parkway Hospitals, Parkway Shenton,
Parkway Laboratories and Parkway Radiology.

100% Fortis Healthcare Prince Court Medical Centre IMU*


Fortis Healthcare is a leading integrated Prince Court, a distinguished hospital The International Medical University (IMU)

healthcare delivery service provider in India. for Malaysians, expatriates and medical is an educational arm that combines
The healthcare verticals of Fortis primarily tourism patients, is recognised for research and healthcare practice to develop
comprise hospitals, diagnostics and day care its outstanding achievements and knowledgeable, competent and caring
specialty facilities. breakthroughs in medicine. healthcare professionals. Together with
IMU Healthcare, the group improved the
health of patients and communities by
synergising care and providing quality
integrated healthcare facilities.
* Completed divestment of IMU on 31 March 2023

12 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 13

Group Overview

Financial Highlights
Revenue by Strategic EBITDA by Strategic Profit After Tax and ​ ​ FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
A. Income Statement (RM Million) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Business Units Business Units Minority Interest (PATMI) ​ Revenue by Strategic Business Units ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Singapore 3,890.7 4,289.8 3,886.5 5,033.3 5,143.1
(RM million) (RM million) excluding exceptional items (RM million) Malaysia 2,019.8 2,331.1 2,187.1 2,727.2 3,181.8
India 851.3 3,320.9 2,655.8 3,728.8 3,865.3
Singapore Singapore Greater China 499.6 604.6 662.4 876.9 998.4
Türkiye and Europe 3,676.2 3,764.7 3,462.2 4,347.2 4,486.1
5,033.3 5,143.1 1,693.0
1,600.2 1,594.8 ​ Southeast Asia 182.3 190.8 138.4 – –
4,289.8 1,475.1
1,380.7 ​ Hospital and Healthcare 11,119.9 14,501.9 12,992.4 16,713.4 17,674.7
3,890.7 3,886.5
1,143.2 ​ IMU Health 257.5 259.0 248.7 257.6 260.8
920.7 ​ Others1 10.3 12.1 8.5 7.6 5.0
715.3 ​ ​ 11,387.7 14,773.0 13,249.6 16,978.6 17,940.5
​ PLife REIT total revenue 335.7 347.9 367.0 370.7 376.2
​ PLife REIT inter-segment revenue (202.5) (208.4) (212.0) (217.5) (226.7)
11,520.9 14,912.5 13,404.6 17,131.8 18,090.0
Hyperinflationary adjustment2 – – – – (101.3)
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 ​ Total 11,520.9 14,912.5 13,404.6 17,131.8 17,988.7
​ EBITDA3 by Strategic Business Units ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Singapore 1,143.2 1,475.1 1,359.5 1,693.0 1,600.2
Total Assets Malaysia
(RM million) Greater China (208.7) (175.5) (146.5) (69.6) (60.3)
Malaysia Malaysia
Türkiye and Europe 617.3 853.5 796.1 1,198.9 1,089.8
Southeast Asia 66.4 69.1 45.6 (0.3) (0.3)
3,181.8 909.7 45,510.3
48,467.5 ​ Hospital and Healthcare 2,203.0 3,257.4 2,811.1 4,246.6 4,185.7
45,114.5 45,053.3 44,534.3
2,727.2 760.1 ​ IMU Health 84.9 87.2 75.7 86.7 84.8
2,331.1 675.2
2,187.1 ​ Others1 (131.9) (112.0) (107.4) (185.6) (170.7)
2,019.8 578.5 555.9
​ ​ 2,156.0 3,232.6 2,779.4 4,147.7 4,099.8
​ PLife REIT 321.7 294.4 308.9 349.9 278.4
​ Eliminations – (209.3) (212.0) (218.2) (220.9)
2,477.7 3,317.7 2,876.3 4,279.4 4,157.3
Hyperinflationary adjustment2 – – – – (106.2)
​ Total 2,477.7 3,317.7 2,876.3 4,279.4 4,051.1
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
​ Profit After Tax and Minority Interest (“PATMI”) ​ ​ ​ ​
​ Including Exceptional Items 627.7 551.5 288.9 1,862.5 1,548.4

Basic Earnings per Share ​

Excluding Exceptional Items
Financial Position (RM Million)


715.3 1,594.8


excluding exceptional items (sen) ​ Total Assets 45,114.5 45,053.3 44,534.3 45,510.3 48,467.5
India India
​ Net Borrowings 2,807.3 6,385.0 7,441.0 5,856.0 7,170.4
3,865.3 664.5 646.6 17.15
​ Equity attributable to Owners of the Company 21,994.0 22,339.5 21,739.8 22,424.9 26,192.0
3,320.9 C. Financial Ratios ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​ Basic Earnings per Share (sen) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​ Including Exceptional Items 6.54 5.28 2.27 20.20 17.00
​ Excluding Exceptional Items 11.36 9.49 7.13 17.15 15.09
200.5 ​ Net Assets4 per Share (RM) 2.51 2.55 2.48 2.55 2.97
​ Net Tangible Assets5 per Share (RM) 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.94 1.16
​ Return on Equity6 (%) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 ​ Including Exceptional Items 2.86% 2.49% 1.31% 8.43% 6.37%
​ Excluding Exceptional Items 4.68% 4.15% 3.25% 7.22% 5.68%
​ Return on Total Assets (%) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​ Including Exceptional Items 1.39% 1.22% 0.65% 4.09% 3.19%
​ Excluding Exceptional Items 2.28% 2.04% 1.61% 3.50% 2.85%
Türkiye and Europe Türkiye and Europe
​ Net Debt Equity Ratio7 (times) 0.10 0.23 0.28 0.21 0.25
4,486.1 1,198.9 Notes
1,089.8 The above financial summary may not be comparable acquisitions of subsidiaries as required under 4. Being net assets attributable to ordinary
3,676.2 3,764.7
3,462.2 across the periods presented due to the changes in MFRS 3, Business Combinations. shareholders (excluding non-controlling interests).
796.1 the Group structure. 1. Others comprise mainly corporate offices 5. Being net assets attributable to ordinary
617.3 For changes in the accounting policies, adoption of as well as other investment holding entities. shareholders (excluding non-controlling interests)
See pages 60 to 62 on Financial Review for new and/or revised accounting standards, as well as 2. Arises from the application of MFRS 129, less goodwill and intangible assets.
more information. changes in presentation of financial statements for the Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary 6. Being PATMI for the year over average of equity
current financial year, only the comparative figures for Economies for component entities whose attributable to owners of the Company as at
the previous year are restated to conform with the functional currency is the Turkish Lira. year-end and beginning of the year.
The above charts are not drawn to scale. requirements arising from the said changes or adoption.
3. Being earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, 7. Debt includes loans and borrowings as well as
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Comparative figures for the previous year are amortisation, exchange differences, share of lease liabilities and bank overdrafts.
restated, where applicable, upon the completion results of associates and joint ventures and
of the Purchase Price Allocation on the Group’s other non-operational items.
14 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 15
Group Overview

Operational Highlights
​ FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. of hospitals at end of year 15 15 16 16 16
No. of licensed beds1 at end of year 2,503 2,537 2,908 2,961 3,000
No. of operational beds1 at end of year 2,327 2,372 2,696 2,676 2,731 Number Number of Our Patients
Inpatient admissions2 203,419 218,051 158,944 151,944 205,459
of Hospitals Operational Beds
Average length of stay3 (days) 2.7 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.0
Occupancy rate4 67% 70% 49% 48% 63%
Average revenue per inpatient admission (in RM)

6,615 7,054



16 2,731 patients have access to their
Singapore ​ ​ ​ ​ Malaysia Malaysia medical records online
No. of hospitals at end of year 4 4 4 4 4
No. of licensed beds1 at end of year
No. of operational beds1 at end of year
Inpatient admissions2
Average length of stay3 (days) 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.0 3.1
Occupancy rate4
Average revenue per inpatient admission (in RM5)
48,965 35
4,880 India
Our People
​ ​ ​ ​ ​

India ​ ​ ​ ​
No. of hospitals at end of year
No. of licensed beds1 at end of year
5,952 25 4,780
No. of operational beds1 at end of year 4,845 4,770 5,004 4,756 4,880 Türkiye & Europe Türkiye & Europe talented and dedicated
Inpatient admissions2 88,793 363,126 270,581 320,543 332,661 employees
Average length of stay3 (days) 3.7 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.6
Occupancy rate4 59% 69% 54% 66% 69%
Average revenue per inpatient admission (in RM5) 6,946 6,011 6,803 7,832 8,103
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Türkiye and Europe ​ ​ ​ ​
No. of hospitals at end of year 21 21 21 22 24 Number of Average
No. of licensed and operational beds6 at end of year
No. of overnight beds6 at end of year
Inpatient Revenue per Our Public
Inpatient admissions2 229,433 221,493 186,662 219,582 234,831 Admissions Inpatient More than

Admission (RM)
Average length of stay3 (days) 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.5
78% 75% 67% 77% 74%

Occupancy rate4
Average revenue per inpatient admission (in RM5) 2,300 2,711 4,580 6,944 9,090

lives touched**
Notes Malaysia
The above information comprise operational data 1. Licensed beds are approved number of beds 6. Under Turkish Law, “licensed beds” refer to the

relating to hospitals owned by subsidiaries in the by the Ministry of Health that the hospital approved number of beds used for observation Malaysia
Group’s home markets only. regularly maintains and staffs. and treatment of at least 24 hours, including

It does not include data relating to hospitals owned Operational beds is an internal measure which intensive care, premature and infant unit beds,
by joint ventures and associates of the Group, and includes licensed beds utilised for patients. beds in the burn care units and as indicated in Singapore
does not include hospitals that are managed for the hospital operation licenses. In addition to
2. Represents the total number of overnight licensed beds, “operational beds” include beds

third parties. inpatients admitted. Singapore
used for treatments of less than 24 hours such
Hospitals in Türkiye and Europe do not compile 3. Represents the average number of days an as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and sedation Our Planet
certain operational data, including number of overnight inpatient stays. or other beds such as incubators, labour beds,
operational beds, the average length of stay and
4. Represents the percentage of hospital operational/ beds for examination, minor treatments and India Commitment to
occupancy rate, on the same basis as the rest of relaxation, from which Acibadem derives
overnight beds occupied by inpatients.
the regions and therefore, these numbers may not revenue and does not require licensing. Net-Zero by

be comparable. Occupancy rate may be lower due to new hospitals
that are in the ramp up stage. “Overnight beds” comprise beds used for
For changes in classification/definitions for the

observation and treatment of at least 24 hours.
current financial year, only the comparative figures 5. Prior years’ average revenue per inpatient
for the previous year are restated to conform with admission had been translated using the Türkiye & Europe
the current classification/definitions. exchange rates as at 31 December 2022,
so as to be comparable across periods. Türkiye & Europe

* India – includes four hospitals managed for third parties.

** Number of lives touched includes cumulative number of patients utilising IHH Healthcare services targeted at reducing antimicrobial use and disease burden, number of
beneficiaries reached through our corporate responsibility programmes, as well as those reached via IHH Healthcare digital platforms and educational outreach programmes.
See pages 51 to 59 on Operations Review and pages 63 to 72 on Sustainability for more information.

16 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 17

Please scan to view
IHH 10th anniversary video.
Jacky Phoon, Singapore Kamarudin Bin Osman, Singapore Muhammad Ilhami Bin Kalil,
I pledge to Care for Planet by using lesser plastic bag and I pledge to Care for Patient by providing the best service and

Our Past, Create Our Futu

trying to reuse as well as recycle the papers whenever efficiency within my department of Ambulance Service. I will

I pledge to Care for Planet by being more "CAR-Conscious"

possible. One small effort from a person seem like nothing, seek to always ensure best arrival times on locations and

and start to bike, walk or take public transport. Let’s learn

but if everyone initiate this small little effort, it will become sending patients to the hospital safely.
very powerful! how to say thank you to our creator, the earth and taking
care of oneself.

As we celebrate our 10th

Yesothai Masilamany, Malaysia
I pledge to Care for People by helping those in need and being
Marilyn Mahalakshmi Lakshmanan
Lakshmanan, Singapore Zulfadli Mohd Yusoff, Singapore

anniversary as one IHH family,

an advocate for healthy lifestyles. I pledge to Care for Public by treating with empathy I pledge to Care for Public by donating to charities to help the
regardless of their status in society. needy whenever I can.

me Capsule as voted by our emp

eepsakes in the Ti loyees
our employees proudly pledge
Jade Yao, China
I pledge to Care for Public by volunteering for some
Sheila, Singapore Valerie Wee, Singapore 10 k
health-related conventions and activities. I truly hope more I pledge to Care for People by ensuring patients receive the I pledge to Care for People by making sure they are happy
and more people have access to healthcare services. best service beyond their expectations. Today, I pledge to because happy employees create happy teams and higher

to continue to strive for good

Care for People by promoting teamwork and cooperation productivity. Looking forward to more check-ins and team
amongst those I work with. I pledge to help build an inclusive bonding activities!
IHH family.
Nelia Pat, Singapore

and to make a lasting impact Thank You

I pledge to Care for Planet by saving energy. By turning off
Ismail M. Johan, Singapore
plugs if not in use, conserve water usage. Saving electricity
which I have been doing all this time.
Yujuan, Singapore I pledge to Care for Patient by always giving my best in
I pledge to Care for People by listening to my team mates and delivering safe care and practice.

in our communities.
doing my best to address their needs and make them proud
to be part of our IHH SG family.

for an
Saizol Bin Mohamed, Malaysia
I pledge to Care for People with love and responsibility to
Farah Nadiah Zainal, Singapore
I pledge to Care for Planet by reducing, reusing and recycling 1974 First Generation Water Jug
ensure they live a healthier life with my care.
Krishna Kishore, India unwanted cardboard into happy colourful pinatas that brings
2012 IHH Initial Public Offering (IPO) Used in Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
I pledge to Care for People by extending best of services from joy to the kids!! House Call Bag Used by Parkway
(PHKL) Ward

my department, as I believe employees are the first step to
IHH 10th Anniversary of dual listing Prospectus (Malaysia & Singapore) Shenton Pioneer Doctors
Ng Le Yu, Malaysia success of any organisation.
The 1388-page ‘heavyweight’ was issued
From 1974, this 48-year-old jug is kept by
on Bursa Malaysia and Singapore The 45-year old bag showcases Parkway
I pledge to Care for Patient by extending help whenever I can.
Ezgi Doyrangol, Türkiye Datin McCoy, wife of PHKL’s founder.
on 2 July 2012 as part of IHH’s listing Shenton’s rich history and symbolises
Exchange was a joyous occasion Before the Procurement Department
I pledge to Care for People by supporting all our employees. requirements. It contains key information
Wong Kay Ying, Singapore My way of achieving this is by being helpful, always wearing a even existed, the founders’ wives formed
the hard work of Shenton doctors,

10 Years!
to recognise the hard work and that predates the company from nurses and clinic assistants who went
Vilashini S. Selvaraja, Malaysia I pledge to Care for Planet by not wasting any unnecessary smile and thinking good thoughts. I believe in the power of
operational to financial.
the Board of Visitors to care for patients’
the extra mile to provide excellent
I pledge to Care for People by providing a listening ear
sterile packages and only open when needed. Support positive thinking. dedication of our people, to reaffirm needs, including sourcing for curtains,
recycling and Go Green. and quality patient care.
whenever, wherever I can. our commitment to our core values The IPO was the first-ever concurrent furniture etc. Ward staff known as

for Jay,
Good! and reflect on the successes of the dual listing on the main markets of Bursa “Amah” would boil water behind the Since the inception of Parkway Shenton,
Singapore Malaysia and Singapore Exchange. ward stairs using a gas stove and kettle, the bag was used by the medical team
Ashish Vinayak Jadhav, India Joy Lim, Singapore I will care for the planet by cutting down on plastic. I have past. It was also a celebration to and refill the patient’s jugs.
We honour our
I pledge to Care for Public by providing data-driven, people
switched formetal
to using living ourand am bringing my own
when tending to patients who were too
I pledge to Care for Planet by caring for the environment evidence-based recommendations which not only deliver trolley to the supermarket to cut down on using plastic bags.
thank the many stakeholders who sick to visit the clinic. It stored all the
around us and putting in effort to protect nature, making the optimal health outcomes for individual patients butpurpose
also to touch
I am alsolives and
planning to transform
buy an electronic vehicle instead of a have helped us achieve our goals. medications and equipment necessary
planet a better and greener place to live in. result in sustainable health for everyone. care, our patients for placing their trust
petrol car. for a consult. It was replaced
in our hospitals for nearly 50 years, and with a suitcase in 2019.
We are proud of what we have
Abdul Razak Khalid, Malaysia our partners for working with us to
Lang Liu, China Krizzy May Agduyeng, Singapore achieved over the last decade
I pledge to Care for Patient by doing my best to explain the deliver
I pledge to Care for Patient by catering to our patients’ exceptional
needs I pledge tocare.
Care for Planet by having proper segregation of as one IHH, and look forward to
lab report to the patients. Broadening my work scope and in a prompt and efficient manner! rubbish and support recycling. Our planet suffers so much One of the highlights of the event
providing them with my knowledge helps them in because of our garbage and we should prevent it before it is building on our aspiration to provide
understanding further. too late. Pollution is all around and if we want to save what was the unveiling of our ​Sustainability
we have now, we should start acting and be supportive.
greater good for generations to come.
Goals and c ​ ommitment to drive
Balamurugan, India First IHH Corporate Polo Tee
positive change ​across our four key
Aaric Niew, Singapore I pledge to Care for People to helping those in need and and The polo tee features IHH’s tagline Specimen Signatures of All Mount
I pledge to Care for Planet by walking the talk in
being an advocate for health and disease prevention.
Joy Liu, China pillars: Patients, ​People, the Public, and aspiration ‘Care. For Good.’ Elizabeth Hospital Doctors in 1992
sustainability, recycling and minimising wastage in different I pledge to Care for People by creating a vibrant learning and the Planet, ​creating value for all. that was launched in 2022 in conjunction Some of these doctors continue to
areas. More importantly, I am excited to bring this pledge into atmosphere and supporting our people in developing with our 10th anniversary of listing. partner with us in our journey to touch Gold coin for Gleneagles Hospital
work life, pushing for more initiatives that drive green earth
Hemareddy A/P Krishnan, Malaysia themselves and others continuously.
lives and transform care after 30 years.
I pledge to Care for Patient by providing a thorough We take ​our role as a responsible Hong Kong (GHK) Pioneers
The commemorative gold coin was
A Celebration
explanation of billing charges and ensuring that all their
queries are answered, be it through phone calls, emails or
corporate ​citizen and stakeholder
Prateek Kumar Singh, India specially made in 2017 to thank
Ana Konise, Singapore face-to-face. I love every part of my job and to me, keeping seriously, and ​will strive to be an the pioneering staff of GHK for their
calm and carrying on smiling is the key to a happier life! I pledge to Care for People by bringing out the best in them

of Achievements
I pledge to Care for People by being respectful and kind to by investing in their overall development, well-being and even greater force ​for good in the unrelenting support and contributions
everyone I meet and helping those in need. fostering their contribution to make them feel heard and years ahead. to the commissioning and smooth
create a better place to work in.
operationalisation of the hospital in March
Edwin Chng, Singapore 2017. It reflects the unique experience and
Audrey Arumugam, Malaysia I pledge to Care for Planet by reducing meat consumption by
25%, because it lowers annual greenhouse gas emissions by satisfaction of working as one team​.
I pledge to Care for Patient by always being polite, respectful 1%. At the same time, I will advocate the same practice to all Jennifer Mojulat, Malaysia
and caring towards every one of them. My pledge to assist my patients and the public because it lowers their risk of I pledge to Care For People by being there for them especially Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
and guide patients from the start to the end of their visits, to metabolic disease and cancer (Care for Patients, People and the young generation who has lost their way in life. It is my Evolution of Staff Name Tags Since 1994
hear patients saying ‘WHAT A WONDERFUL MEDICAL CENTRE Public). wish to open a Youth Centre where they can open up their
COVID-19 Gratitude Wall
WITH SUCH CARING AND RESPECTFULL STAFF.' The logo and design on these name tags
feelings, have a sense of belonging and know that they are not Flood of thank you notes from patients
alone and experience fun activities. Explore & Appreciate Life! reflect the growth of the company and
and the public expressing heartfelt
the staff’s career over the years.
gratitude to our nurses and staff
Mary Jane Q Mendoza, Singapore Tay Pei Wen, Malaysia who worked tirelessly and selflessly
I pledge to Care for Patient by updating myself on new
I want to save mother earth for the children of our future. studies and providing the best personalised nutrition care for Rahul Narkar, India during the pandemic.
patients. I pledge to Care for Patients by providing right talent who can
contribute positively to our profession. A showcase of the trust and appreciation First Payslip of Gleneagles Hospital
that our patients have in our hospital. Kuala Lumpur Staff from 2002
Devika Prabhu, India The staff who kept her first payslip from
I pledge to Care for Planet by avoiding the usage of plastic Gwendolyn Low, Singapore Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur is
bottles, as you will often see people reusing these plastic I pledge to Care for Planet Earth by taking action to help Shraddhha Joshi, India
bottles despite warnings that they should never be reused. To protect the environment. I pledge to remind my friends, I pledge to Care for Planet by carefully and mindfully celebrating her 20 years with the
avoid this situation, a tip would be of placing a bottle cap family and others about the importance of our daily actions, avoiding products that are hazardous to our planet. Say "no" hospital. Her tip for a long career:
inside a bottle so the bottles cannot be refilled and sold in order to protect our natural surroundings that’s essential to plastic and cycle where possible, educate people on the IHH Global Footprint Adapted be patient and love your job.
again. for our future generations to come. importance of a clean and safe environment. And spread from Corporate Website
love to our planet.
Depicts our brands and the geographical
spread of our IHH family
Keren Deborah, India Farhan, Singapore
I pledge to Care for People by being responsible and also I pledge to Care for Patient by giving my utmost attention and Sanchit Seth, India
living a healthy life so that I can be well-equipped to care dedication in ensuring that their stay in the hospital would be I pledge to Care for People by being empathic to everyone.
for others. comfortable during their recovery.
Group Overview

Corporate Milestones 2022

• Launch of Precision Medicine Tripartite Collaboration
between Pantai Premier Pathology, Astra Zeneca,
and Prudential Malaysia
Aug • Pantai Hospital Penang breaks
ground to increase service capacity
and cater to medical tourism

• Launch of Gleneagles Hong Kong
Hospital Pro-HEART Cardiac Centre

• Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital
celebrates 10th anniversary
• IHH Healthcare Singapore and Autism
Resource Centre signs MoU to expand

existing collaboration to develop a
more inclusive healthcare workforce
and empower individuals on the autism
spectrum to gain employment in healthcare
• Progressive roll-out of Cerebral Plus (Hospital Information

• Parkway East Hospital turns 80
System) across 15 hospitals in Malaysia • IHH celebrates 10th anniversary
• Fortis expands footprint In Delhi with
• Acibadem awarded the Healthcare Services Export Champion of listing on Bursa Malaysia and
launch of Fortis Greater Noida Hospital
for six consecutive years Singapore Exchange

• IHH commits to achieve carbon net-zero

Feb Nov
by 2050, unveils sustainability goals
• IHH unveils ‘Care. For Good.’ strategy
• IHH signs MoU with Ministry of Health Malaysia to provide
to provide sustainable growth for
• Launch of Pantai Hospital Cheras Health Screening Centre free radiotherapy and radiosurgery for cancer patients from
all stakeholders
government hospitals • Twin Towers
• IHH 12th Annual General Meeting held fully virtual at Le Meridien,
Kuala Lumpur • Opening of Acıbadem Ataşehir Hospital in Türkiye Medical Centre
24th anniversary

• Entered into a definitive
agreement to divest IMU,

its medical education arm
• Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital launches
free teleconsultation and medication
delivery services to support the
country’s fight against the pandemic.

• Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital collaborated

Jul Dec
with The University of Hong Kong and
SINOVAC on Omicron COVID-19 vaccine • Pantai Premier Pathology celebrates
clinical trial 25th anniversary

20 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 21

Group Overview

Awards and Accreditations

Awards Accreditations
Mount Elizabeth Hospital
IHH Healthcare Malaysia • Hospital of the Year in Asia Pacific
India Joint Commission International (JCI)
IR Magazine South East Asia 2022 Global Health • Hospital of the Year in Singapore Fortis Mohali
Awards 2022 Asia-Pacific Awards • Transplant Service Provider of the
• National Award for Excellence Malaysia Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur
• Best in Sector – Healthcare Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur in Energy Management 2022
Year in Asia Pacific Gleneagles Hospital Penang
• Best Annual Report 2021 (large cap) • Hospital of the Year in Malaysia
• Stroke Centre of the Year in BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital,
• Value Based Hospital of the Year Asia Pacific
2021 ASEAN Corporate Governance in Asia Pacific
Kengeri Türkiye Acibadem Adana Hospital
• Multi Disciplinary Oncology Service • Time Health Excellence Awards Acibadem Altunizade Hospital
Scorecard (ACGS) Award
• Bariatric Service Provider of the Year Provider of the Year in Asia Pacific 2021-22 Acibadem City Clinic UMBAL
• ASEAN Asset Class PLCs
in Asia Pacific Acibadem Maslak Hospital
• Neurology Service Provider of the i. Kidney Transplant
• Endocrinology Service Provider of Acibadem Atakent Hospital
MSWG-ASEAN Corporate Governance Year in Asia Pacific ii. Radiation Oncology
Award 2021 the Year in Asia Pacific
• Advanced Cardiology Service iii. Advanced Endoscopy
• Industry Excellence award for Provider of the Year in Asia Pacific Singapore Gleneagles Hospital
CG disclosure Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur iv. Cardiology Mount Elizabeth Hospital
• Digestive Health Service Provider of • Patient Experience Satisfaction Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital
v. Colorectal Surgery
the Year in Asia Pacific Hospital of the Year in Asia Pacific Parkway East Hospital
Forbes “World’s Best Employers 2022”
• Ranked 259 • Oncology Surgical Service Provider Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai
of the Year in Asia Pacific • CII TN MedClave second edition 2022 India Fortis Hospital Mohali
The Edge Billion Ringgit Club Corporate • Health Screening Provider of – Excellence in the field of Neurology
Awards 2022 the Year in Asia Pacific Türkiye & • News 18, Tamilnadu – Best hospital
• Companies With More Than
RM40 Billion Market Capitalisation
Europe in Chennai region for Neuro Sciences,
Prince Court Medical Centre Liver Sciences & Gastroenterology National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers
– Highest Growth in Profit After Tax • Breast Endocrine Service Provider Acibadem Healthcare Group (NABH)
Over Three Years of the Year in Asia Pacific Capital 500 Global Hospitals, Parel
• Paediatric Service Provider of • 89th among Türkiye’s 500 largest • World Stroke Organization – India Gleneagles Global Hospital BGS Bangalore
Asia’s Outstanding Companies companies Diamond and Platinum Award Gleneagles Global Health City Chennai
the Year in Asia Pacific
Poll 2022 by Asiamoney Gleneagles Global Hospital Lakdi-Ka-Pul
• ENT Service Provider of The Year • 4th in “Women- Friendly Companies” • Midday Healthcare Awards –
• Most Outstanding Company in Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital LB Nagar
in Asia Pacific • 13th among the top 25 companies Best multi-organ Transplant centre
Malaysia – Healthcare Sector Centre for Digestive and Kidney Diseases Mumbai
with the highest number of employees in Western India
• Nephrology Service Provider of the Fortis La Femme Bengaluru
Corporate Treasurer Awards 2022 Year in Asia Pacific • 56th among 236 companies in • Navbharat Times Health Awards Fortis Escorts Hospital Faridabad
• Marquee Awards – Best CFO Istanbul based on province – Best Liver Transplant (Adult & Hiranandani Hospital Vashi
Pediatric) Hospital in India Fortis Rajajinagar Bengaluru
Institutional Investor’s 2022 All-Asia Tech Brands Türkiye
Executive rankings Singapore • Most Technological Healthcare
• Voted top 3 across all five categories Brand 2022
for the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical IHH Singapore Malaysian Society for Quality Health (MSQH)
sector in Asia (ex-Mainland): “CEO”, • Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards International Business Awards – 2022 Greater China
“CFO”, “ESG”, "IR Program” and 2022 • Bronze award – “Influencer Marketing Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital Malaysia Pantai Hospital Cheras, Pantai Hospital Penang,
Campaign of the Year” with Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Pantai Hospital Ampang,
“IR Professional” • Ming Pao Living Smart Award 2022
2022 Global Health “Travelling Pink Ribbon” campaign Pantai Hospital Ipoh, Pantai Hospital Batu Pahat,
• CEO and CFO ranked #2 by buy-side – Living Smart Award, Smart Design
Asia-Pacific Awards Pantai Hospital Manjung, Pantai Hospital Sungai Petani,
and #3 overall; Group climbs two (My Gleneagles SmartHealth app)
Felis Global 17th Medicat Awards Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh, Pantai Hospital Klang,
spots to #3 overall Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore • Hong Kong Parents’ Choice Awards
• Achievement award for Breast Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok, Gleneagles Hospital
• Spine Care Service Provider of the 2021 – Best Private Maternity Package
Cancer Awareness Campaign Kuala Lumpur, Gleneagles Hospital Penang, Gleneagles
Year in Asia Pacific
-Healthcare & Wellness • HKB Management Excellence Hospital Medini Johor, Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu
• Respiratory Service Provider of the Awards 2022 – Healthcare award and Prince Court Medical Centre
Year in Asia Pacific (COVID Management Initiative
• Complex Paediatric Service Provider of the Year)
of the Year in Asia Pacific
• Endocrine Service Provider of the
Year in Asia Pacific

22 IHH Healthcare Berhad Annual Report 2022 23

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