CV of GK
CV of GK
CV of GK
To build career in an growing field, where I can prove myself by
accepting new challenges, share my knowledge and
simultaneously improve myself every day.
Seeking for an opportunity to utilize my knowledge, skills and
abilities in the industries with competitive environment. Self-
motivating professional who works capably under minimal
supervision. Exhibited leadership and management skills by
motivating and associate others for cultural and educational
activities during graduation days.
● Certificate of participation in UGC and DST INDO-UK
project sponsored international conference in Microbial
Biotech Interaction on Sustainable Agriculture and Societal
Devlopment held by Department of Microbiology and
Biotechnology, Gujarat University, 2020
● Certificate of participation in International Conference on
Climate Change Impact Management, Gujarat University,
● Certificate of participation IN National Conference on
Recent Trends and Emerging Issues In Microbiology and
Pharamceutical Biotechnology held by Department Of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, Gujarat University, 2019
● Certification Of participation in 8 days National Workshop
add on program on Scientific Knowledge and Intelligent
Logic Laboratory Practices (SKILL-2019) at Department of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, Gujarat University, 2019
● Certification of participation in 2 days workshop on
proteomics workflow-sample preperation to sequencing
organized by Department of Zoology, Biomedical
Technology, Human Genetics, Wildlife Biology and
Conservation, Gujarat University,2019.
● PHONE: 9724818080
I solemnly declare that all the above information is correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Your’s sincerely