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Priciples of Milling Diagram

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Principles of

Diagram Design for

Wheat Flour Mill

Chapter 1 : Wheat specification

 Target of milling : producing flour from wheat

 Row material : cleaned and conditioned wheat

 Physical specifications of wheat :

Density: 0.75 – 0.8 ton/cubic m

Hectoliter: 74 – 78 optimums
1000 kernels weight: 33 – 40 gr

Wheat kernel’s size as an average is shown in fig.1

(Fig. 1: wheat size)

 Wheat kernel contains of :

Endosperm: 83% of kernels weight

Bran: 15% of kernels weight
Germ: 2.5% of kernels weight

 Chemical composition of wheat :

Soluble in water (albumin - ……..)

Insoluble in water ( glutenin – gliadine )

Mineral:  (ash content)

Starch :  (endosperm)

Glutenin + Gliadine + water => Gluten matrix

80% 20%
 Quality of kernel from center to skin :
endosperm: 0.3% - 0.4% bran : 2% - 4% germ 4.5% - 5 % aleurone 6% - 8%



Gluten quality:

Fig. 3: mineral and protein content of wheat

Point: Aleurone is a part of endosperm

Producing the endosperm during cultivation

High ash content

High stickiness with endosperm

Should be separated from flour

100 days long after harvest to be naturally separated

 Wheat variety :
Endosperm contains of lipoprotein layer with starch granules

Kind of Usage Protein Stickiness of Glassy Thickness Amount of

wheat bran and of bran semolina
endosperm produced
Durum Pasta

Very hard Pasta

Hard bakery

Semi hard Bakery

( Iran) confectionary
Soft confectionary

Very soft biscuits

Chapter 2 : diagram specification

 Mill flow chart ( diagram ) : a chart which shows the way of stock during the milling
process and the relations between stock & machines which is passed through

 Function of the mill :

- shearing and open up the wheat

- scraping the endosperm, from the skin

- reducing the size of endosperm (semolina) to the size of flour

 parts of a diagram :
Break rolls

1 – Break Bran finishing


3 – Purification (not necessary)


2 – Reduction Scratch


 passage : A diagram contains different passages – a passage is a special path for a special
quality of stock which is passed through special machines for a special process – each passage
starts from the beginning of a roller mill to the end of a plansifter with all of the intermediate
machines and process

 function of the different parts of diagram :

- Break: open up the wheat kernel and scraping the endosperm from the skin

- Reduction: reducing the size of endosperm produced in break system (in shape of
semolina) to reach to the flour size

- Purification: purify the semolina produced in break and send the clean semolina to
reduction system
 quality of stock in each part of diagram

Inlet Function result

Break rolls Wheat and its Scraping the Semolina and bran
Break partial size endosperm ( a little flour)
Grading Semolina Grading Different size of
Bran finishing Bran and the Separating the Clean bran with
endosperm endosperm & less endosperm &
adhering to bran reducing the bran small size of bran
Purification Composite and Purification Clean and pure
dark semolina semolina
Middling Clean semolina Size reduction Flour & small size
Reduction of semolina
Scratch Composite Scratching the Pure semolina and
semolina semolina flour
Collecting High ash content Size reduction & Pure germ &
& germ de germination dark flour

 best kind of milling : gradual reduction

Fine flour
More extraction
Results Clean and white flour
Low ash
Control of starch damage

 machines used in milling process :

Roller mill


Auxiliary Bran finisher

 information should be shown in diagram :

1. capacity of mill in tons of wheat per 24 hours ( wheat/day)

2. capacity of product silo ( if shown)
3. No. & size & model of machines
4. No. & size & kind of cyclone and filter and fan in pneumatic conveyors and aspiration
5. source & destination of each stock
6. fully information about roller mill and roll flute as :
 flute /cm
 total flute / roll
 profile and angel of flute
 spiral % of flute
 disposition of rollers
 speed of fast roller ( Rpm)
 speed ratio of rollers
7. No. of plansifters and purifiers with No. of sieve and size of sieve cover

 two professional point :

1. bran must be kept as large as possible during the mill to avoid producing of bran powder
2. semolina extracted from break system must be as large as possible – large particles are
simple to clean
Chapter 3 : design of a diagram

 Rules of diagram

Keep It Simple and Stupid

1. go straight
2. step by step
3. do not move from lower quality grade to higher quality grade
4. do not move from Red. To Break
5. do not turn back
6. mixing the stock ( semolina ) with same size and same ash ( in reduction )

 Standard parts of a diagram :

 Symbols of diagram and flow chart:
 Nomenclatures of passages :

B (1-5)  break
f  fine
c  course

C(1-12)  reduction
a  clean semolina
b  composite semolina

Br  bran finisher
FD  flour duster
DBr  bran finishing sifter
Brg  bran grinding – bran finishing roller
P  purifier
Div  grading

 Standard places for each passage in a diagram

 Difference of rollers between Red. & Break
Reduction Break
Speed 380 – 400 Rpm 400 – 450 Rpm
Speed ratio 1 – 1.25 1 – 2.5
Rollers Smooth & corrugated corrugated

 Important rule of sizing in a diagram :

Large particle size must be equal or less than twice of small particles

Pb = 2*Ps or Pb < 2*Ps

Pb/2 = Ps or Pb/2 < Ps

Chapter 4: set up of a diagram
 Break system :

 B1 : breaking up the wheat :

Result of B1 grinding from large size to small size:
1. Scalper : large particles of wheat and branny particles which should be continue the
2. semolina : should be purified and send to reduction system for reducing the size
3. middling : it is almost clean and should send to reduction system
4. dunst : small particles which can be use as flour or may be need to reducing the size
5. flour : white powder which is produced from endosperm and used as final product

 particle size will be as shown : scalper > semolina > middling > dunst > flour

 soft wheat : 1120 => scalper

1120/2 = 560
560/2=280 Pb = 2*Ps

140 280 560 1120

Flour dunst middling semolina scalper

through over tail over tail over tail over tail

 Point : dressing means taking out the flour from the stock

 Semi hard wheat :

As semi hard wheat produces more semolina and semolina which is sent to a
Reduction passage must be in a narrow range of size and ash content then a miller
must change the sieve size as follow to reach to a same size by grading the
scalper = > 1120
1120/2 = 560 => 630
630 / 2 = 315 => 425 Pb < 2*Ps
425 / 2 = 212 = > 355
Flour sieve => 140

As it is shown above we miller must add any microns to the sieve size to have better and
narrow range as ash and sizing for semolina

140 355 425 630 1120

flour dunst middling fine course scalper

semolina semolina

 Point : semolina which is sent to purifiers must be in a narrow and same range of ash content
and size to have a better purification

 Hard wheat :
More hardness in wheat means more semolina production then miller should reach to a nearer
range of size and ash content than semi hard wheat and should add more microns to sieve size

scalper => 1120

c. semolina => 750
m. semolina => 530
f. semolina => 355
middling => 212
dunst => 140
flour : less than 140
140 212 355 530 750 1120

Four dunst middling f.semo m.semo c.semo scalper

 Typical flow chart : as it is mentioned in wheat specification in chapter 1 and the kind of
grinding the different kind of wheat in chapter 4 now we know that flow chart as different kind of
wheat s are different to each other . some of the typical flow charts are as follow :

A – soft wheat : - Producing less semolina and more bran

- More stickiness of bran and semolina
- Need more bran finisher
- Need less purifier
- Need more break rolls
B – hard wheat : - Producing more semolina
- Need more purifier
- Less stickiness of bran and endosperm
- Need less bran finisher
- Need more reduction rolls
C – semi hard wheat : - The characteristic is between hard and soft
- No. of purifiers are equal to hard wheat
- No of bran finishers are equal to soft
- Equal rollers of break and reduction

 Point : semi hard wheat is used un Iran then all the diagram set up will be adjusted as used in Iran

 Quality grades :
There are 4 different quality grades in a flow chart which is shown by different colors as
following diagram

Quality grades are very important and a miller should know them as well to avoiding some
mixing or turning back in quality grades and following the instruction of quality when
sending any stock from break to reduction or from reduction to other parts of diagram
 Set up of B1 :
Function of B1 is shearing and opening up the wheat then a large range of quality and sizes
will be produced . each stock must be sent to its own passage as quality and size fore more
process as follow :

B2: scalpers which are big particles of wheat must go to the next stage of break system
P1: course semolina is always dark and composite then must be sent to the first purifier to be
P2: fine semolina must be sent to the next purifier as their difference of size for cleaning
P3: middling is almost clean but for more insurance and quality production for white flour it
will send to the 3rd purifier for cleaning
C3: dunst and fine middling are always clean and will be sent to their first stage of reduction in
the same quality grade of B1 base on their size
F: flour will be produced in each stage and miller must get rid of flour in every stage as soon
as possible

 Set up of B2 :
As the quality flow chart shows ‘ B1 & B2 are in the same quality grade . B2 is nearly the
same of B1 and the quality of stocks are the same then miller can set up the same sieve in
the sifter and send the stock to the same target .

the difference between B1 and B2 is in the first row of sieve . because the stock ( scalpers )
which are coming from B1 are in smaller size then miller can choose a little smaller sieve
size to have more
efficiency in sifting and grading
 Introducing the grading system (Div) :
Plansifters have any limited in sifting area or No. of sieves for grading the stock as shown
in B1 and B2 .

if miller set the sieves as shown in above diagram then limitation in capacity will be
occurred and if miller needs the proper capacity then lost of fraction and quality will be

diverting a part of stock to a different sifter for grading is the solution for holding the
proper capacity and different fraction with each other

Div . passage is extension of break sifter and a part of break system by name of grading
Which is mentioned as follow :

As mentioned before B1 and B2 are the same passages in a same quality grade then they
can send their stock to a same extension or to different Div system according to the diagram
then :
According to the mill capacity Div. can be a complete or half compartment of a sifter

 Set up of a Purifier :
Purifier is a kind of machine for cleaning and purifying the composite semolina with the
action of both sieve and aspiration and its function is based on quality

each sieve cover should have the proper size to separate semolina and bran as well as

different stock which is entering to a purifier are as follow :

a – little parts of scalper
b – coarse and fine semolina with bran adhered to them
c – coarse and fine semolina which are clean
d – little bran particles
e – flour and bran powder

as a purifier separates the stock as quality ( size & density together) then miller must be
familiar to the density of different stock as it mentioned bellow

- clean and fine semolina more density – fine size

- clean and course semolina
- composite semolina
- branny particles less density – large size

fluidfication and stratification will occur at the beginning of each purifier by air current.
Small and dense semolina which are clean and pure will touch the sieve cover and
become separated by sifting but large and composite semolina and other light particles
will stay over the sieve by air current.

Large and light particles will lead out from the machine as over tail and small particles
which are pure semolina will passed through sieves .

 set up and sieve design of a purifier

sieve cover and size will estimated according to sifter cover which stock comes from .
change in sieve size in purifier is as shown below :

coarse semolina : 100 – 150 micron

medium semolina : 80 – 100 micron
fine semolina : 50 – 80 micron

 set up of reduction passages :

early reduction sifters have a presifter to separate high ash content ( sieve cover No. 500
to 300 micron ) and high ash content stock will send to collecting passages

source and destination of each stock in reduction is mentioned as following chart :

 Germ extraction :

Germ :

Alive part of kernel

Almost 10% fat content
Producing fatty acid in silo condition and rancidity in flour
Decreasing the shelf life of flour
 Must be separated from flour

How to extract:

- 50% in cleaning system with brushing and scourer

- 25% in reduction system

- C4 passage must have smooth rollers for flaking the germ and increasing the size
- 1250 micron sieve cover can separate the flaked germ

 Set up of break system

 Set up of purifiers
Chapter 5 : calculation of a diagram and mill balance
 Roller length :
9 – 16 mm / 100 kg / 24 hr

Wheat type Reduction Break

Soft 40% 60%
Semi hard 45% - 50% 55%-50%
hard 50%-55% 50%-45%

Roller length & capacity has been calculated by miller

 Sifting area :
0.055 square m / 100 kg / 24 hr

50% break sieve 50% reduction sieve

50% flour sieve

Sifting area should be find by the information of plansifters according to the capacity of mill

 Break release :

3 min sifting over 1120 sieve cover :

Total stock inlet Over tail through

B1 100% 65% 35%
B2 65% 50% 50%
B3 32.5% 40% 60% Over 800 is more than 1120
B4 13% --- --- Flute must have affected
the stock and little grinded

 Calculation of No. of roller mill and plan sifters :

Point : each pair of rollers have following capacity :

1 – roller 1000 * 250  5 ton/hr wheat in B1
2 – roller 1250 * 250  7.5 ton/hr wheat in B1

Exmple 1 : 120ton/24hr

11.6 100
X 120000  (120000*11.6)/100 = 13920 mm = 14000 mm
 7 roller mill 1000*250
Break roller Break sifter Reduction roller Reduction sifter
B1one pair 1 section C1a one pair 1 section
B2one pair 1 section C1b one pair 1 section
B3one pair 1 section C2 one pair 1 section
B4one pair coarse 1 section C3 one pair 1 section
one pair coarse
B5 one pair 1 section C4 one pair 1 section
Div ½ section C5 one pair ½ section
C6 one pair ½ section
C7 one pair ½ section

Calculation : 0.055 sq m / 100 kg /24 hr

Capacity = 120 000 kg / 24hr
Roller 1000 250 = 5ton / hr 5*24=120 ton/24hr = 120000 kg/24hr

0.055 100
X 120000  (0.5*120000)/100 = 66 sq m

Each sifter 628 = 35 sqm  66/35 = 1.8 = 2 plansifter 628 = 12 compartment

Exmple 2 : 250ton/24hr

9.6 100
X 250000  (250000*9.6)/100 = 24000 mm
 12 roller mill 1000*250
Break roller Break sifter Reduction roller Reduction sifter
B1two pair 2 section C1a two pair 1 section
B2two pair 2 section C1b one pair 1 section
B3two pair 2 section C2a two pair 1 section
B4one pair coarse 2 section C2b one pair 1 section
one pair coarse
B5 one pair 1 section C3 one pair 1 section
Brg one pair 1 section C4 one pair 1 section
Div1 1 section C5 one pair 1 section
Div2 1 section C6 one pair 1 section
C7 one pair 1 section
C8 one pair 1 section
C9 one pair 1 section
C10 one pair 1 section

Calculation : 0.055 sq m / 100 kg /24 hr

Capacity = 250000 kg / 24hr
Roller 1000* 250 = 5ton / hr 2*5*24=250 ton/24hr = 250000 kg/24hr

0.055 100
X 250000  (0.5*250000)/100 = 137.5 sq m

Each sifter 628 = 35 sqm  137.5/35 = 1.8 = 4 plansifter 628 = 24 compartment

 Usage of double roller mill :
 Fluting in rollers
To have a correct milling process :
• choosing right rolls with a proper quality
• design right fluting for each passage
• notice to the right gap between rollers
• notice to best gap and parallel adjustment
• design the best kind of taper for soft rolls

Right milling affect on break rolls :

• fluting profile
• spiral %
• No. of flute per centimeter (f/cm)

Choosing the right fluting profile :

• Kind of wheat
• capacity of mill
• roller length of mill
• quality of flour required ( white – dark – semolina )
Fluting spiral
• producing cutting effect ( scissor effect )
• avoiding the pressing of particles
Roll tapering
smooth rolls
Roller mill & roller specification


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