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4 The trouble of water

Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition)

Revision worksheets
4 The trouble of water

1 Is there enough water for the whole world?

1.1 How much water do we have?  Textbook p. 3


Found in rivers and lakes (surface water), plants,

the atmosphere and groundwater

Frozen in glaciers and ice caps

1.2 Where does freshwater come from?  Textbook pp. 4–5

1 Water goes round and round between the oceans and seas, the atmosphere and the
land through different processes in a cycle. This movement of water is called the
water cycle .
2 Fill in the blanks to show different processes in the water cycle.

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 Textbook p. 6
1.3 How are the freshwater resources distributed globally?
1 Freshwater resources are ( evenly / unevenly ) distributed across the world.
2 Some countries face an unstable water supply. In years with high rainfall, the freshwater
supply may be ( adequate / inadequate ). But in dry years, water scarcity may occur.

1.4 What is the threat to global freshwater resources?  Textbook pp. 7–9

Complete the flow chart below to show the threat to global freshwater resources.
( Increasing / Decreasing ) (Increasing / Decreasing ) Major threat: Inadequate
demand for freshwater supply of clean freshwater freshwater supply

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Reasons: Reasons:
1 Growing population 1 Water pollution
 Higher demand for freshwater for  When clean freshwater is polluted
domestic and economic by sewage and industrial
activities waste , it cannot be used

(Credit: McKay Savage/Flickr)

2 Climate change
 Some regions receive less

2 Higher living standards

 A larger amount of water
consumption leads to larger
water footprints

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2 How are the water problems in China related to

its freshwater resources?
 Textbook pp. 11–12
2.1 What are the water problems in China?
Complete the flow chart below to show the water problems in China.

Water problems in China

Water scarcity

The supply of
freshwater cannot meet
the demand

( High / Low ) amount of

freshwater resources per
Particularly serious in
( northern / southern )
China and in ( summer /
winter )

2.2 Where are the freshwater resources in China?  Textbook p. 13

1 Fill in the blanks to show the freshwater supply of China.

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About 2% are from other sources,

including recycled water
Around 16% are found in
resources in
China: More than 80% are found in
rivers and lakes

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2 The area drained by a river and its tributaries is called a river basin .
3 The following map shows the major river basins and lakes in China.
a Name rivers  to . Find your answers in the box below.

Chang Jiang Songhua Jiang Huai He Huang He Hai He

Liao He Heilong Jiang Zhu Jiang Tarim He

 Heilong Jiang  Huang He

 Songhua Jiang  Huai He

 Liao He  Chang Jiang

 Hai He  Zhu Jiang

 Tarim He

b The three most important river basins in China are the Chang Jiang , the
Huang He and the Zhu Jiang basins.
c The Chang Jiang basin is the largest river basin in China.
d to are three major lakes in China. Name them.
Dongting Hu Poyang Hu Tai Hu

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 Textbook p. 14
2.3 Where are the wet and dry regions in China?
1 Study the map below.
a Fill in the table about the four major wet and dry regions in China.
Wet and dry Share of
regions country’s area
 Arid
 Semi-arid
 Semi-humid
 Humid

b In general, the amount of precipitation in China decreases from south-east to

north-west .
2 Complete the flow chart below to show how the distribution of freshwater resources in China
leads to regional difference in water scarcity in the country.

Northern and north-western regions are

Southern region is a ( wet / dry )
( wet / dry ) regions with ( high / low )
region with ( high / low ) precipitation

Rivers there have a ( high / low ) Rivers there have a ( high / low )
volume of river flow volume of river flow

( More / Fewer ) ( More / Fewer )

freshwater resources freshwater resources

Water scarcity is more serious in northern China

 Textbook pp. 15–16

2.4 What influences precipitation in China?

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A Monsoon climate

1 Monsoons are winds that change directions seasonally , blowing from one direction in
summer and from the opposite direction in winter.
2 Two major concepts related to the formation of monsoons:
a Water absorbs heat more ( quickly / slowly ) than land and releases heat more ( quickly /
slowly ) than land.
b Air moves from ( high- / low- ) pressure to ( high- / low- ) pressure areas.

3 Complete the descriptions about summer and winter monsoons on pp. 6–7.

Summer monsoons
In summer, the land absorbs heat from
the sun ( quickly / slowly ). The air
above becomes ( cold / hot ) and rises.
Air pressure over the land is
low .

Water absorbs heat more ( quickly / slowly ) than
land, so the air over the sea is cooler than air over the
land. Cool air ( sinks / rises ). Air pressure over the
sea is ( higher / lower ).

• Winds blow from the sea (high-

pressure area) towards the
southern and eastern parts of
Asia (low-pressure area). They are
summer monsoons.
• These winds are ( onshore /
offshore ) winds. They carry ( much /
little ) moisture and bring the coastal
regions wet summers.

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Winter monsoons
In winter, the land loses heat more
( quickly / slowly ). The land surface is
cold. Cold air ( rises / sinks ). Air
pressure over the land is high .

Water loses heat more ( quickly / slowly ) than
land, so the air over the sea is warmer . Warm
air ( sinks / rises ). Air pressure over the sea is
lower .

• Winds blow from the land

(high-pressure area) towards the
sea (low-pressure area). They
are winter monsoons.
• These winds are ( onshore /
offshore ) winds. They are dry.
Therefore, areas affected by these
monsoons are ( wet / dry ).

B Distance from the sea

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4 Fill in the blanks to show the influence of distance

from the sea on the amount of precipitation.
• The eastern coastal regions receive ( a lot of /
little ) precipitation from onshore winds,
which carry much moisture.
• The wet winds ( gain / lose ) moisture as it
goes inland. Therefore, inland regions receive
( more / less ) precipitation.

2.5 How is precipitation related to freshwater resources and China’s

 Textbook pp. 17–19
water problems?
Complete the flow chart below to show the relationship between precipitation, freshwater resources
and China’s water problems.

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With a monsoon climate, the amount of

precipitation received varies with the seasons

Higher rainfall in Lower rainfall in

summer (season) winter (season)

( Higher / Lower ) ( Higher / Lower )

volume of river flow volume of river flow

( More / Fewer ) ( More / Fewer )

freshwater resources freshwater resources

( More / Less ) severe ( More / Less ) severe

water scarcity water scarcity

If the rainfall in the wet season is If the dry season is longer than
exceptionally high, flooding normal, drought may
may occur occur

Precipitation Freshwater resource Water problem

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3 Why has the water scarcity problem been

worsening in China?
 Textbook pp. 21–3
3.1 Why is the demand for freshwater increasing?
Complete the table below to show the causes of increasing demand for freshwater in China.
a Increase in population C Rise in living standards
Continuous population growth creates a • With high income, people demand for
( larger / smaller ) demand for freshwater more food and consumer goods
• More water is needed for agricultural,
industrial and domestic uses

b Economic development d Low cost of water

• Some economic activities, such • As the cost of water is low, there is not
as manufacturing and agricultural enough economic
activities, consume huge amounts of incentive for people
water to save water
• Water is used ( efficiently / • Many people are not aware of the
inefficiently ) in some importance of water conservation
economic activities and waste much water

 Textbook pp. 24–8

3.2 Why is the supply of clean freshwater decreasing?
A Water pollution

1 What is water pollution?

When harmful materials entre rivers,
lakes or groundwater, the water is
polluted .
2 Where is water pollution found in China?
The river sections affected by water
pollution run through some major cities
in central and eastern parts of

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3 Complete the flow chart below to show the causes of water pollution in China.

Rapid population growth and ( Increase / Decrease ) Increase in the

booming economic in the use of freshwater discharge of
development in China resources sewage

Sewage from these sources is discharged

directly into rivers and lakes without treatment:
 home
 factories (sewage may contain heavy
metals and toxic chemicals
 farms (excess chemicals such as
pesticides and fertilizers , as well as
untreated animal waste may be washed
into rivers and lakes by rainfall)

Water pollution in rivers, lakes and groundwater

(Credit: alessandrozocc/Envato Elements)

B Depletion of groundwater

4 Complete the flow chart below to show how the extraction of groundwater affects freshwater
supply in China.

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Not enough supply of People dig wells to Overdrawing

freshwater resources from lakes extract groundwater groundwater
and rivers in northern China

Decrease in the freshwater Reduce the total

supply in China groundwater storage

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4 What problems does drought bring to China?

 Textbook p. 32
4.1 What is drought?
1 Drought occurs when rainfall in the area is
much lower than normal for a
long period of time.
2 Drought is type of natural hazard .

(Credit: Plant Industry, CSIRO/Wikimedia Commons)

 Textbook pp. 33–4

4.2 What are the impacts of drought in China?
A Impacts on people

1 Complete the flow chart below to show the impacts of drought on people.


Power Daily domestic

Farming Industry Transport
generation use
Lack of water Lack of water Insufficient
Low water level Low water level
for crops and for processing water for daily
in reservoirs in rivers
pastures and cooling uses

• Crop Decline or Drop in Disruption to • Water

failure suspension in HEP water transport rationing
industrial generation • Causing
• Livestock die
production inconvenience
• Fall in farm
production • Affecting
• Food

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B Impacts on the environment

2 Complete the flow chart below to show the impacts of drought on the environment.

Lakes and rivers may dry up.

Cut-off of rivers occurs

Vegetation Soil erosion

cannot grow The topsoil may be occurs
blown away more easily

Desertification Sandstorms become

intensified more common

Plants and animals The ecosystem is

cannot live disrupted

4.3 Where does drought usually occur in China?  Textbook pp. 34–5
The map below shows the distribution of annual drought days in China. It shows that:
• droughts seldom found in the ( eastern / western ) part of China. They are mainly found in the
northern and southern parts of China;
• the regions suffer from long annual days of drought are mostly ( wet / dry ) regions.

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 Textbook pp. 36–9

4.4 What are the causes of drought in China?
A Physical factors

1 Complete the table below to show the physical factors that cause drought in China.
Factor Explanation
a High variation in Variations in timing and strength of the monsoons may cause a
rainfall ( higher / lower ) amount of rainfall received than normal, thus
trigger droughts. For example,
 wet summer monsoons come ( late / earlier), or dry winter
monsoons come ( late / earlier ) than normal
 ( strong / weak ) summer monsoons carry less moisture

b High temperature Higher temperatures lead to higher evaporation rates.

( More / Less ) moisture evaporates from land, rivers and lakes.
This reduces the water available for use

B Human factors

2 Complete the flow charts on pp. 13–14 to show how the following human activities cause
drought in China.

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a Deforestation

Deforestation Reduce the amount of ( More / Less )

(cut trees on a large scale) infiltration into soil soil moisture

Reduce the amount of Less evaporation from the

transpiration from trees ground

The atmosphere becomes Less ( More / Less )

( wetter / drier ) condensation cloud cover

Occurrence of drought Less precipitation

b Human-induced climate change

Human activities emit Rise in air Climate change

greenhouse gases (GHGs) into temperatures
the atmosphere

Occurrence of Decrease in the rainfall Change in the

drought in some regions, e.g. south- precipitation patterns
western China

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c High water consumption

Growing population and The amount of rainfall received

economic development is below normal for a long
in China period

( Huge / Low ) demand

for water The water available for
use is even less

Water resources cannot Intensify

meet the demand
Overdrawing Drought

d Water wastage and water pollution reduce water supply

Water wastage and water pollution The rainfall received is below

Decrease in freshwater supply normal for a persistent period



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5 What are the ways of tackling water scarcity

and drought in China?
5.1 What has China done to ease water scarcity and drought?  Textbook pp. 41–5
A Increasing the supply of freshwater

a Building dams and reservoirs

1 Fill in the blanks to show how dams and reservoirs can ease the problem of water scarcity and
 During wet season, reservoirs behind the dam
can store rainwater and river water.
 In the dry season, water stored can be
released to provide reliable and adequate Dam
source of freshwater for use.

b Controlling water pollution

2 Complete the table below to show the measures taken by the Central Government to tackle the
water pollution problem in China.
Approach Measure
Clean up polluted Pass laws and provide money to take action for
rivers and lakes the clean-up
Treat the sewage  Improve sewage management
before discharge  Build new sewage treatment works mynamepong/

Reduce the  Close polluting industries

discharge of  Encourage public participation in reporting polluters
sewage  Educate the public to conserve water
 Raise water charges to discourage water usage
 Control the use of chemicals on farms
 Adopt new technology to reuse wastewater in the
manufacturing processes
 Purify sewage into recycled water

B Reducing the demand for freshwater

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a Saving water on farms

3 Complete the table below to show the measures taken to save water on farms.
Measure Description
Adopt drip irrigation  Use suitable amounts of water to irrigate crops
 Apply water directly to plant roots

(Credit: Arturoosorno/

Use plastic film covers on Reduce soil evaporation rate of soil water

Plastic film (Credit: Mint_Images/

Envato Elements)

Prevent water Reduce water wastage

leakage from
irrigation channels
Grow drought-resistant  Require less irrigation water
crops  Examples include peanuts, sweet potatoes, millet and sorghum
Peanut Sweet potato Millet

(Credit: Jakub Hałun/ (Credit: Melsj/ (Credit: Couleur/

Wikimedia Commons) Wikimedia Commons) Wikimedia Commons)

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b Reducing industrial and domestic water wastage

4 Complete the table below to show the methods adopted in China to reduce industrial and
domestic water wastage.
Measure Description
Adopting Reducing water wastage during manufacturing
water-saving processes
Passing laws Forcing factories to shut down if they do not comply
with water-saving regulations

Education  Teaching people about ways to save water

 Increasing public awareness of the
importance of water conservation
 Promoting the use of water-saving equipment
Increasing water Discouraging people from using much water

5.2 Is large-scale water transfer project a good solution?  Textbook pp. 46–7

1 In order to increase the water supply in northern China, the Central Government has carried out
the South-North Water Transfer Project.
2 Water from the Chang Jiang basin is diverted to northern China. Fill in the map below to show
the three diversion routes of the water project.

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3 Complete the table below to show the advantages and disadvantages of the water project
according to various aspects.
Aspect Advantage
Economic ( More / Fewer ) water resources are provided to support the economic
activities in northern China

Environmental The increase in water supply helps maintain the wetland and river
ecosystem in northern China

Social More reliable and clean water is provided to support daily use

Aspect Disadvantage
Economic  High construction cost
 ( High / Low ) relocation cost

Environmental Drawing water from the upstream of

the Chang Jiang causes less
water flowing downstream. The
natural habitat of fish
downstream may be affected

(Credit: luisvilanova/Envato Elements)

Social  As the water in the Chang Jiang is reduced, the amount of HEP
generation may be reduced
 The diverted water may be polluted . This may lower the quality of
water supply
 The height of the Danjiangkou Dam is raised. This causes flooding of
a large area. Large number of people living upstream the Danjiangkou
Dam have to be relocated to other areas

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Explore further
Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) 4 The trouble of water
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 Textbook pp. 48–50

What can we learn from the experience of Singapore?
A What do you know about Singapore?

1 Complete the table below to show some basic information of Singapore.

Annual rainfall  2,192 mm
 ( High / Low ) annual rainfall
Land area (2019)  725.7 km2 (land area of Hong Kong
is 1,106.8 km2)
 ( Large / Small ) land area
Population (2020)  5.69 million (population of Hong
Kong in 2020 is 7.47 million)
 ( Large / Small ) population
GDP per capita  US$65,233 (world average in 2020
(2019) is US$10,916.1)
 ( High / Low ) GDP per capita

B What are the constraints of the freshwater supply in Singapore?

2 Complete the flow chart below to show the constraints of freshwater supply in Singapore.
Limited freshwater
resources ( Much / Little ) freshwater
resource per capita

Large population

High living
standards Huge demand for water

Strong economy

Limited land area Lack of large Not enough space

Explore further

in the country rivers and to store water


C What are the measures taken by Singapore to ensure an adequate supply of freshwater?

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3 Complete the flow chart below to show the ways to ease water scarcity problem in Singapore.
Ways to solve water scarcity

Increase the supply of water by Reduce the demand for water

Four National Taps strategy

Water from local catchment Charge high water-usage fees to

discourage high water usage

Imported water from Malaysia Educate people about water


NEWater : use advanced Prevent leakage from water

technology to purify water from pipes

Desalinated water: use Carry out the Water Efficiency

advanced technology to get Labelling Scheme to encourage
freshwater from sweater the use of water-saving devices

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6 What problems does flooding bring to China?

6.1 What is flooding?  Textbook p. 52
Fill in the blanks to show what flooding is.
 During heavy rain
 When rainfall is heavy , rivers River bank River bank
will become full.

Normal water level of

a river channel

 Flooding occurs
 River water in the channel will then
flow over its banks and spread
out onto the surrounding land.
Flooding occurs.

 Textbook p. 53
6.2 What are the impacts of flooding in China?
Flooding causes great damage. The damage includes:

 Injury and loss of life

 People drinking polluted water may cause


 Disrupting utility services such as gas and

electricity supplies

 Disrupting transport services

 Damaging buildings and infrastructure

such as roads and bridges

 Fields are flooded, causing crop failure

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 Textbook p. 54
6.3 Which area of China are prone to flooding?
Refer to the map below which shows the distribution of flooding in China and complete the

( Eastern / Western ) and

( northern / southern ) parts of
China, including the
coastal areas, have a higher
risk of flooding.

6.4 What are the causes of flooding in China?  Textbook pp. 55–9
1 Flooding occurs when the river channel cannot hold the water. How well a river can hold the
water is affected by two factors. Fill in the flow chart below to show these factors.

How well a river can hold the water depends on:

The amount of river flow The holding capacity of the river

When there is a sudden and The river bed becomes shallow and the
large increase in river flow, the river river cannot hold the large amount of flow
channel cannot hold the flow

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A Physical factors

a Heavy rainfall and typhoons

2 Complete the flow chart below to show how heavy rainfall and typhoons lead to flooding in

Summer monsoons and typhoons in Climate change

southern and eastern China

More extreme weather events such

as rainstorms and super typhoons

Bring heavy rain for a prolonged period of time

River flow increases sharply/rapidly

River channel cannot hold

the flow


b Low relief
3 Refer to the figure on p. 24.
a Complete the descriptions below to describe the relief of China.

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 The height of land in China decreases from the ( highlands / lowlands ) in the
west towards the ( highlands / lowlands ) in the east (along the coast).
 In the east, the land is low-lying and ( flat / rugged ). This means that rivers flowing in
eastern part of China flow on ( steep / gentle ) slopes.

b Name the major relief features in different parts of China. Find your answers in the box

Da Hinggan Ling Kunlun Shan Himalayas Huabei Pingyuan

Qing Zang Gaoyuan Yungui Gaoyuan Zhu Jiang Delta Huangtu Gaoyuan
Dongbei Pingyuan Middle and Lower Chang Jiang Pingyuan

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Example of highland in western and Example of lowland in eastern

central parts of China part of China
Kunlun Shan Da Hinggan Ling
Qing Zang Gaoyuan Dongbei Pingyuan
Himalayas Huabei Pingyuan
Huangtu Gaoyuan Middle and Lower Chang Jiang Pingyuan
Yungui Gaoyuan Zhu Jiang Delta

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4 Complete the flow chart below to show how relief in eastern China causes a higher risk of
flooding in the region.

Rivers flowing in the east Water flow ( speeds up /

flow on gentle slopes slows down )

River bed becomes Sand and soil in the river will be

shallower deposited on the river bed
(also known as silting )

Lower holding capacity of Flooding in

the river channel eastern China

B Human factors

5 Complete the flow charts on pp. 25–6 to show how the following human activities cause
flooding in China.

a Deforestation
Deforestation on highlands
(cut trees on a large scale)

Fewer tree roots to hold the soil Infiltration ( increases / decreases )

Loose soil is easily washed ( More / Less ) water flows over the
into rivers by rain land as overland flow

Silting of rivers
River flow increases quickly

( Higher / Lower ) holding capacity of rivers


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b Poor farming practices

Soil Loose soil is washed
erosion into river channels

Lower holding capacity Flooding

Silting of rivers
of rivers

c Reclaiming lakes for different uses

Lakes reclaimed for Reduce the Lakes cannot store

farming and settlement size of lakes as much water as

More rainwater flows River flow Flooding

into rivers instead increases rapidly

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d Urban development

The land is covered with concrete Sewers and drains in urban areas
in urban areas help divert rainwater quickly

Rain cannot infiltrate into the ground

Water reaches the river channels
( quickly / slowly )
Rain becomes overland flow

River flow increases rapidly


7 What are the ways of controlling flooding in China?

 Textbook pp. 61–5
7.1 How can the flooding problem in China be eased?
Complete the flow chart below to show the measures taken to ease flooding in China.

Flooding occurs when:

The amount of river flow increases The holding capacity of the river decreases

Solution: Regulating river flow

 Building dams and
 Restoring the storage functions of
lakes by:
a prohibiting reclamation
of land from lakes
b asking people to give up
farmland and fish ponds
reclaimed from lakes
 Afforestation (planting trees)

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Solution: Increasing the holding capacity of river channels

 Reducing soil erosion and preventing
silting by:
a planting trees and controlling
b terracing/building
c stopping grazing
on steep slopes
 Building dykes
 Deepening and widening river
 Dredging river channels

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7.2 Is large-scale flood control project a good solution?  Textbook pp. 66–7
1 In order to control the flooding in the Chang Jiang basin, the Central Government has carried
out the Three Gorges Dam (Sanxia) Project.
2 The Sanxia Dam was built at the upper section of the Chang Jiang. Label the dam on the
enlarged map below.

3 Complete the table on pp. 28–9 to show the advantages and disadvantages of the above
mentioned flood-control project according to various aspects.
Aspect Advantage
Environmental/  The big reservoir behind the dam can store water from the
Social upstream areas
- the dam can hold and slow down the river water flowing
- Regulate the volume and speed of the water flow and lower the risk
of flooding
 The dam provides cheap hydroelectricity
(HEP) to central and eastern China
- Reduce the reliance on coal and relieve
air pollution problem
Economic/ The spectacular view of the dam has become a tourist attraction. This
Social promotes tourism in the area, which
 brings job opportunities to people;
 boosts economic development

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Aspect Disadvantage
Environmental/  A large area behind the dam is flooded
Social - Destroy farmland and many historical sites
- People have to relocate to other areas
- Flooded the natural habitat of the land-based wildlife

1985 2022

Flooded area

Sanxia Dam

Chang Jiang

Note: The arrow represents the direction of flow of the Chang Jiang.
(Credit: Google Earth)

 If the dam collapse, serious flooding

may occur in the downstream area

 Sediment from ( upstream / downstream ) is trapped behind the dam

- Lower soil fertility
- Affect the livelihood of farmers
 Fish cannot migrate to the upstream areas for breeding
- The number of fish species will ( increase / decrease )
- Lower biodiversity of the river
- Affect the livelihood of fishermen

Economic  High construction and maintenance costs of the dam

 High costs to relocate people

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Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) 4 The trouble of water
Revision worksheets

What are the differences between the MDCs and the LDCs in tackling
 Textbook pp. 68–73
the problem of flooding?
A Experience of Bangladesh

1 Bangladesh faces two forms of flooding. They are:

River flooding It occurs when the amount of river flow exceeds the holding capacity of
the river channels
Coastal flooding It occurs when storm surges and high tides push seawater
towards the shore
2 Complete the table below to show the factors that contribute to flooding in Bangladesh.
Physical factor Detail
a Typhoons and  Typhoons bring heavy rain and storm surges to coastal
monsoon rain areas
 Monsoon brings heavy rain in the ( summer / winter ) months

b Low-lying relief A large part of the country is around 10 metres above sea level
 Rivers flow slowly and silting is serious
c Climate change Intensified melting of snow, as well as the occurrence and strength
of typhoons
 ( Higher / Lower ) sea levels and ( stronger / weaker) storm

Human factor Detail

a Rapid urban Much land is covered by concrete
development  Increase in overland flow

b Deforestation Cutting trees in the upstream on a large scale leads to serious

soil erosion
 Silting of rivers downstream

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3 Fill in the blanks below to show the measures taken in Bangladesh to control flooding.
a d

Build up the banks with earth or Dredge material from the bed and
concrete to make embankment banks

b e

Build houses on stilts Set up a flood warning system

c f

 Stop development in
Build flood shelters flood-prone areas
 Plant more trees and prevent
cutting of trees
 Pass laws to control the use of
the coastal areas

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Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) 4 The trouble of water
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B Experience of the UK

4 Complete the table below to show the causes of flooding in the UK.
a High rainfall b Low-lying relief
The northern and southern parts of the In the ( eastern / western ) coast, the relief is
UK are flood-prone areas due to a high low-lying. During high tide, seawater flows
annual rainfall into the area and causes coastal flooding

c Climate change
With climate change and the rise in sea levels , flooding is expected to be more
frequent and serious in the future
5 Fill in the blanks below to show the strategies adopted to control flooding in the UK.
 Building flood defences , including:
Embankment Thames Barrier

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Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) 4 The trouble of water
Revision worksheets

(Credit: Tom Cummings/Flickr) (Credit: English Heritage/age footstock)

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 Adopting the idea of sustainable drainage . This includes allowing rivers to flow on
their natural courses, and linking isolated wetlands to the rivers
 Controlling land use around the river, and avoiding developing in high-risk flood areas
 Raising awareness of flood risks through education and flood mapping
 Improving flood forecasting and flood warning systems

C Differences in flood control measures and the reasons behind

6 Complete the table below to show the reasons for the differences in flood control measures
between the MDCs and the LDCs.
Amount of capital ( More / Less ) ( More / Less )
Level of ( Higher / Lower ) ( Higher / Lower )
Education level of ( Higher / Lower) ( Higher / Lower )
Efficiency of the ( Higher / Lower ) ( Higher / Lower )

 ( More / Less ) advanced and secure flood control measures in the

 People in the MDCs are ( more / less ) aware of and more
prepared for flooding
 Governments of the ( MDCs / LDCs) are able to respond quickly
to take action when there is a risk of flooding

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