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HTGD 90117 - Aa - Instruction For Lube Oil

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AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Lubricating and Control Oils

Rev. Released

for Gas and Steam Turbines

Specification and supervision
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 1


Revision History
Revision Content of Change Total No. of doc-
ument pages:
N 97-10-21, Extension of content, re-structuring of the text -
P 98-02-11, Oil designations from Castrol have been changed -
Q 99-06-16, Additional requirements and oil brands -
R 00-05-17, Cleanliness class ISO 4406 changed to new standard, se- -
veral oil suppliers added
S 02-10-01, Name changed to ALSTOM, Section 2.1 deleted -
(exclusion of zinc), properties adapted to ALSTOM Group,
supervision of impurities every month.
Checklist included. Oil suppliers added.
T 04-01-10, Oil suppliers added, remark regarding Finspong deleted, 20
table in Table. 1, changed
U 05-07-20, Oil suppliers added 20
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

V 07-11-30, Standards in Table. 1 and 3 updated, page 12: standard 20

Lng. Status

NAS 1638 deleted, standard SAE 749 changed to

SAE AS4059, oil suppliers added
W 09-04-10 Standards in Table. 1 and 3 updated, oil suppliers updated 22
X 12-01-15 Oil suppliers added, reference list updated, AW-additives 20
Rev. Released

considered together with the EP additives, Table 1, 3, 4 and

6 updated, chapters 2.5, 3.1, 5.1 and 5.2 updated
Y 13-11-28 Chapter 2, 2.2 and Table 6 are updated. MPC-Test and 21

Foaming Characteristics are added in Table 3. Editorial

Z 15-01-19 Table 6 has been updated: 3 oils have been removed , 9 22
9665 HTGD 90117

oils have been added. Note has been added.

Dept. Document No.

AA 16-02-20 Table 6 has been updated: 5 additional oils have been add- 22
ed, 2 oils have been removed, 1 oil has been modified. 3
oils have been re-tested. 1 oil supplier company name has
been changed.

2 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en



1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 5

2 SCOPE OF APPLICATION .................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Viscosity classes ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Terms of delivery ................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Notes on acceptance and first filling of the lube oil tank.................................... 6
2.4 References ............................................................................................................. 6
2.5 Properties ............................................................................................................... 6
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

3 SUPERVISION ................................................................................................................... 10
Lng. Status

3.1 Sampling .............................................................................................................. 12

3.2 Explanatory notes on the tables ......................................................................... 12
Rev. Released

4 REFILLING THE OIL TANK ............................................................................................... 14


5 SELECTION OF THE OIL SUPPLIER ............................................................................... 14

5.1 Tested lube and control oils ............................................................................... 14
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

5.2 Untested lube and control oils ............................................................................ 19

6 CHECKLIST ....................................................................................................................... 21

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 3



Table 1: References .................................................................................................................... 6

Table 2: Specification table ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1: Viscosity characteristics ............................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Supervision .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 4: Purity classes as per ISO 4406.................................................................................... 13
Table 5: Purity classes as per SAE AS4059 .............................................................................. 13
Table 6: ALSTOM-tested lube and control oils as of January 2016 ........................................... 18

AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Figure 1: Viscosity characteristics ............................................................................................... 9

Rev. Released

Additional Documents
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Dept. Document No.

4 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


This specification details the requirements, test methods and terms of delivery for lu-
bricating (lube) and control oils, which ALSTOM uses in steam and gas turbines.

The mineral oils in accordance with this specification are refined mineral oils classi-
fied as Group I, II or III oil according to the American Petroleum Institute. These min-
eral oils contain additives, which increase resistance to ageing and improve protec-
tion against corrosion. Small quantities of other additives may also be added to
achieve the required properties.
Mineral oils in accordance with this specification can be used in the turbomachinery
lube and control oil systems .
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

Lng. Status

It is not permitted to use mineral oil as control oil in hydraulic high pressure sys-
tems with a pressure > 120 bar
Rev. Released

2.1 Viscosity classes


Mineral oils of viscosity classes ISO VG 32 and 46 are used for steam or gas tur-
9665 HTGD 90117

ALSTOM uses viscosity class ISO VG 46 if the bearing oil inlet temperature is be-
Dept. Document No.

tween 40 °C and 50 °C (104 °F and 122 °F).

Mineral oils of viscosity class ISO VG 32 can be used up to a bearing oil inlet tem-
perature of 45 °C (113 °F). These mineral oils are less suitable for turbosets with
higher bearing oil inlet temperatures.
The use of mineral oils of viscosity class ISO VG 68 is possible with very high bear-
ing oil inlet temperatures.
ALSTOM’s Engineering Department responsible, has to be principally consulted for
approving the viscosity class.

2.2 Terms of delivery

Depending on the agreement made between supplier and customer, the oil is sup-
plied in tank cars or in clean, solid and dry barrels. The following minimum infor-
mation has to be provided in a legible and durable manner on each barrel:
• Designation of type and viscosity class
• Identification of product and supplier
• Charge or delivery number

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 5


When placing the order, a test certificate has to be requested from the supplier for
the supplied mineral oil.
The delivery must not be accepted if this condition is not fulfilled.
Ordering an infrared spectrum and the viscosity index of the delivered oil charge is

2.3 Notes on acceptance and first filling of the lube oil tank
The check of and procedure for acceptance on delivery and first filling of the lube oil
tank are given in the checklist to be completed.
A copy of this checklist has to be sent to the ALSTOM Project Manager.
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

2.4 References
ISO 6743 part 5 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products Class L-
Rev. Released

Classification-Part 5 Family T (Turbines)

ISO 3448 Industrial liquid lubricants-ISO viscosity classification
ISO 4406 Hydraulic Fluid Power-Fluids - Method for coding level of

contamination by solid particles

ISO 8068 Petroleum products and lubricants - Petroleum lubricating oils
9665 HTGD 90117

for turbines, categories ISO-L-TSA, ISO-L-TSE, ISO-L-TGA

Dept. Document No.

and ISO-L-TGE-Specifications
ISO 11366 Petroleum and related products – Guidance for in-service
monitoring of lubricating oils for steam, gas and combined-
cycle turbines
ASTM D4378 Standard Practice for in-Service Monitoring of Mineral Tur-
bine Oils for Steam and Gas Turbines

Table 1: References

2.5 Properties
When checking an approx. 10 cm thick oil film in transilluminating light, the oil must
be bright and clear and free of visible foreign matter. The additives must not have
negative effects on the materials of the oil system.
Table 2. shows the limit values for the properties of the mineral oils and the ap-
proved test methods.
The viscosity characteristic in Figure 1. shows the viscosity and temperature correla-

6 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


ISO - viscosity class Test method as per
Viscosity at
2 2) 32 ± 10% 46 ± 10% 68 ± 10% 3104 D445
40°C mm / s
Viscosity index > 90 2909 D2270
≤ 900 3675
≤ 880 kg/m
Density at 15 °C 3 D 1298
kg/m 12185
Flash point c.o.c. ≥ 200°C ≥ 200°C 2592 D 92
≤ - 9 °C ≤ - 6 °C
Pour point 3016 D 97
Zinc content ≤ 5 ppm Optional
Without AW/EP additives: ≤ 0.2 mg KOH/g
Acid number 6618 D 664 D974
With AW/EP additives: ≤ 0.3 mg KOH/g
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Air release at 50 °C ≤ 4 min ≤ 7 min 9120 D 3427

Foaming characteristic at At the beginning < 300/50/300 ml 6247 D 892
24 / 93.5 / 24 °C After 5 minutes 0/0/0 ml
Rev. Released

Demulsibility after steam

5) < 300 sec. DIN 51589 Part 1

Water separability
<30 min 6614 D 1401
40 - 37 - 3
Class --/18/15 as per ISO 4406
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

Purity 4406
Class 9 as per SAE AS4059
Water content < 200 ppm 12937
Increase in acid number
Oxidation stability TOST 4263-1 D 943
after 2000h <0.5 mg KOH/g
Oxidation stability RPVOT > 300 min D 2272
Copper corrosion
Max. level up corrosion 2 2160 D 130
at 100°C/ 3 hours
Anti-corrosion characteristic
Method B passed 7120 D 665
against steel
Load carrying capacity Fail level 8 only for turbines
7) 14635-1 D 5182
FZG normal test A/8.3/90 with gear
Level I: at least 93%,
Filterability 13357-2
Level II: at least 85%

Table 2: Specification table

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 7


Notes on Table 2.
For turbine types that are presently available. When turbines are operated with
oils that do not comply with this specification but do not cause problems, the oil
filling can be left.
ALSTOM uses viscosity ISO VG 46. The viscosity must be defined for each plant
separately, depending on the oil temperature to be expected.
The viscosity index (VI) is a measure of the viscosity and temperature correlation.
The requirement for the index is fulfilled when all viscosity values measured at
temperatures between 20 °C and 100 °C (68 °F and 212 °F) or determined by ex-
trapolation are within the range valid for this viscosity class. See the viscosity
characteristics in the graph, Figure 1. Viscosity index improvers are not permitted
because long-chain paraffins can cause clogging of the filter.
The pour point must be at least 10 °C below the lowest ambient temperature in
winter, or a heater is required. An oil with a lower pour point, which is not listed
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

as an approved oil, can be used for special applications.

Lng. Status

There is no sufficiently reliable correlation between demulsibility according to DIN
51589 and water separability according to ISO 6614 or ASTM D 1401. It depends
on the national regulations of the country where the oil is used which of the two
Rev. Released

criteria has to be fulfilled.

The limit value for new oil is not defined. The measurement is important as a ref-

erence value.

For turbines with gear an FZG fail level of at least 8 is required, these are mineral
oils with anti-wear or extreme pressure, AW/EP, additives. The gear manufactur-
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

er may require other FZG fail levels for individual plants.

Equivalent test methods, for example DIN, NF, IP and BS methods can be used.

8 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en

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Figure 1: Viscosity characteristics


Periodic supervision of the lube oil condition can give early indication of potential
Table 3. specifies the recommended periodic checks, standard values and corrective
actions.See also ISO 11366 for specific indications for steam and gas turbines.
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Lng. Status
Rev. Released
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Dept. Document No.

10 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


Test Method Frequency Spec. Value Limit value Action

Appearance, see Visual Clear, light-yellow or Cloudiness, dark Analyse in laborato-

Once a day
chapter 3.2 inspection coloured liquid discolouration ry

Water content in oil Visual Cloudiness

Clear liquid Drain (centrifuge)
sample inspection (no free water)
Once a
Solid SAE AS4059 Class 7 Class 81) Filter.
impurities ISO 4406 Class --/16/13 Class --/17/141) Replace filter

Observe carefully.
Varnish Potential by
Consider varnish
Membrane Patch ASTM D7843 6-monthly Max. 30
removal system or
Colorimetry (MPC)
oil replacement

Water content
ASTM D 4928
according to 100 mg/kg 500 mg/kg Drain
ISO 12937
Karl Fischer
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

ASTM D664/ D974 According to original Max. 0.2 mg KOH/g
Acid number Contact oil
ISO 6618 condition analysis above orig. value
Rev. Released

ASTM D 445 According to Exceeding E.g. check refill oil.

ISO 3104 ISO VG-class ISO VG Find out reason

ISO 9120 4 min.ISO VG32/46 8 min. ISO VG32/46 Contact oil


Air release at 50°C


ASTM D 3427 7 min. ISO VG68 10 min. ISO VG68 supplier

Observe carefully.
When no problems
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

Foaming Character- ASTM D892; ISO 450 ml/After 10 in operation occur

istics at 24 °C 6247 minutes 0 ml the oil can be further
used. Contact oil
Once a year supplier.

ASTM D 1401 Find out reason.

Water separability Max. 30 min. Max. 30 min.
ISO 6614 Observe carefully.
New filling in the
Demulsibility after case of poor oxida-
DIN 51589 Max. 300 seconds Max. 360 seconds tion stability
steam treatment

Observe carefully
15 - 25 ppm
Copper content
Optional < 10 ppm
(solved in oil)
In worst case:
> 30 ppm
new filling

Oxidationinhibi- ASTM D 2272/

torcontent ASTM D 2668/ ≥ 25% of initial val- ≤ 25% from initial Contact oil supplier.
RPVOT/FTIR/ ASTM D 6810/ ue value Possibly new filling
Voltammetrie ASTM D 6971

1) For control oil SAE AS4059 class 7, ISO 4406 class --/16/13

Table 3: Supervision

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 11


3.1 Sampling
Take the oil samples for the monthly check of appearance and water content from
the lower third of the oil tank.

Take the annual, overall condition oil sample from the pressure line downstream of
the filter.

The oil system must have been in operation for at least 12 hours before taking the
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

Prior to the actual sampling, discharge approx. 3 to 4 litres of oil for flushing the
Lng. Status

valves. The sample must be approximately 1 litre. Rinse the clean sample container
three times with oil.
The valve must not be closed between flushing and sampling. After taking the sam-
Rev. Released

ple, close tightly the sample container. When the test is not done in the plant's own
laboratory, the container must indicate the following information:
• Plant name

• Oil brand
• Sampling point
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

• Date and operating hours of oil filling

• Quantity refilled since last oil analysis
• Total refill quantity since oil filling

3.2 Explanatory notes on the tables

You must leave the oil to settle for 10 minutes. Check if the 10 cm thick oil film is free
of visable foreign matter when viewed in transilluminating light.

Solid impurities
The solid impurities are classified in the following purity classes in accordance with
their number and size per volume unit.

12 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


ISO 4406 (excerpt from ISO standard)

Number of particles per 100 millilitre
Class > 6 µm > 14 µm
more than up to and incl. more than up to and incl.
--/20/17 500'000 1'000'000 64'000 130'000
--/19/16 250'000 500'000 32'000 64'000
--/18/15 130'000 250'000 16'000 32'000
--/17/14 64'000 130'000 8'000 16'000
--/16/13 32'000 64'000 4'000 8'000
--/15/12 16'000 32'000 2'000 4'000
--/14/11 8'000 16'000 1'000 2'000
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

--/13/10 4'000 8'000 500 1'000

Lng. Status

Table 4: Purity classes as per ISO 4406

Purity classes as per SAE AS4059

Rev. Released

(replacing purity classes SAE 749 and NAS 1638)

Purity classes for different measuring methods (particles/100 ml)

SAE AS4059
5 to 15µm 15 to 25µm 25 to 50µm 50 to 100µm > 100µm
Class 2)
6 to 14µm (c) 14 to 21µm (c) 21 to 38µm (c) 38 to 70µm (c) > 70µm (c)
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

3 2'000 356 63 11 2
4 4'000 712 126 22 4
5 8'000 1'425 253 45 8
6 16'000 2'850 506 90 16
7 32'000 5'700 1'012 180 32
8 64'000 11'400 2'025 360 64
9 128'000 22'800 4'050 720 128
10 256'000 45'600 8'100 1'440 256
11 512'000 91'000 16'200 2'880 512

Table 5: Purity classes as per SAE AS4059

Size range, optical microscope based on longest dimension as measured per
ARP598 or APC calibrated per ISO 4402: 1991
Size range, APC calibrated per ISO 11171 for electron microscope, based on
projected area equivalent diameter

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 13


Equipment Damage
Solid particles larger than 150 microns are not permitted!
When the lube oil is also used as control oil, it must have a purity per SAE AS4059
class 7 or ISO 4406 class --/16/13!


The lube oil tank must be refilled with oil of the same brand and viscosity class.
When a definite lube oil is no longer available on the market, it is recommended to
consult the oil supplier to make sure a suitable replacement oil is available.
Refill the clean lube oil system through a filter with a mesh size of 10 µm to remove
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Mixing different oils can cause accelerated ageing and precipitation of additives!
Mixing of oils is only permitted after consulting the turbine and oil suppliers.
Rev. Released

The oil supplier must be consulted when other measures are required, for example,
re-inhibiting the oil. Consultation is only advised after successfull test in the laborato-


9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

Record all refillings in order so changes in the oil can be correctly assessed.


Only mineral oils that meet the requirements of the specification table in Table 2. are

5.1 Tested lube and control oils

The lube and control oils, tested and approved by ALSTOM on the basis of the spec-
ification table in Table 2, are given in Table 6.

ALSTOM's approval does not exonerate the supplier from his responsibility
for the quality of his product.
The supplier must immediately inform ALSTOM when they change the name of a
product, its composition or the name of their company.
The oil supplier must confirm in writing every 5-years that the oils given in the list still
have the same composition and properties as stated in the table in chapter 2.5.

14 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


The testing valability is a maximum of 20 years. This statement takes into account
the evolution in technoligies and in specifications.
After 20 years from the test date, the oil must be tested again, at the oil supplier’s
written request, or to be withdrawn from the approved oils list.
With AW/EP
Brand name Designation Date of last test FZG extra
no yes

GII Turbine Oil 32 December 2010 X

GII Turbine Oil 46 December 2010 X
MAK Turbol 32 July 2012 X
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

MAK Turbol 46 July 2012 X

Bharat Petroleum
Lng. Status

MAK Turbol EP32 July 2012 X

MAK Turbol EP46 July 2012 X
Rev. Released

Turbinol X 32 December 2012 X

Perfecto X 32 December 2012 X

Turbinol X 46 December 2012 X

Perfecto X 46 December 2012 X
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

Turbinol X-EP 32 December 2012 X

Perfecto XPG 32 December 2012 X
Perfecto XEP 32 December 2012 X
Turbinol X-EP 46 December 2012 X
Perfecto XPG 46 December 2012 X
Perfecto XEP 46 December 2012 X
Cepsa Turbinas EP 46 December 2010 X
GST 2300 ISO 32 February 2005 X
GST 2300 ISO 46 February 2005 X
GST Oil ISO 32 November 2012 X
GST Oil ISO 46 March 2000 X

Chevron/Caltex/Texaco GST Premium ISO 32 November 2012 X

GST EP ISO 32 October 2013 X

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 15


GST EP ISO 46 October 2013 X

GST OIL ISO 32 January 2014 X
GST OIL ISO 46 January 2014 X
ConocoPhillips Lubri-
Multipurpose R&O Oil 46 April 2000 X
Engen Petroleum Lim-
Engen Superturb 46 May 2015 X
OTE 46 June 2015 X
OTE 46 GT June 2015 X
VORTEX GT-2 32 March 2013 X
ENOC Lubricants
VORTEX GT-2 46 March 2013 X
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Mobil DTE 732 October 2015 X

Mobil DTE 746 October 2015 X
Rev. Released

Mobil DTE 832 March 2006 X

ExxonMobil Mobil DTE 846 March 2006 X

Teresstic T32 March 2007 X


Teresstic T46 March 2007 X

9665 HTGD 90117

Teresstic GTC 32 November 2002 X

Dept. Document No.

Fuchs Europe
Renolin Eterna 46 February 2009 X
Schmierstoffe GmbH
Gaspromneft Gaspromneft Turbine Oil 32 July 2012 X
GS Turbine Oil 32 June 2011 X
GS Caltex
GS Turbine Oil 46 June 2011 X
HINDUSTAN Turbinol 32 January 2014 X
CORPORATION LTD Turbinol 46 January 2014 X

Teresso GTC 32 September 2002 X

Imperial oil
Teresso GTC 46 September 2002 X
Servoprime 32G
August 2006 X
Indian Oil Corporation (Ciba additive Irgalube 2040A)
Servoprime 46G November 2012 X
Kuwait Petroleum Q8 Volta 46 June 2011 X

16 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


Kuwait Petroleum Q8 Volta EP 46 July 2014 X

Remiz TG Super 46 August 2006 X
Remiz TU 32 August 2007 X
Lotos Oil Sp z o.o. Remiz TU 46 October 2007 X
Remiz TG32 January 2010 X
Remiz TG46 January 2010 X
6462 MONOLEC January 2010 X
Lubrication Engineers
6461 MONOLEC Octobre 2011 X
Lukoil Lukoil Tornado 32 June 2015 X

Mol Hungarian Oil & MOL Turbine 32 K September 1997 X

AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

Gas Co.
Lng. Status

MOL Turbine 46 K July 2005 X

Turbinex TU 32 July 2012 X
Rev. Released

Turbinex TG 32 July 2012 X

Orlen Oil
Turbinex TG Premium 46 January 2014 X

Turbinex TG Premium 32 June 2015 X


Turbolube XT 32 June 2011 X

9665 HTGD 90117

Turbolube XT 46 November 2012 X

Dept. Document No.

Petrobras Lubrax Turbina EP 46 May 2002 X

Turboflo 32 July 2013 X
Petro-Canada Lubri-
Turboflo EP 46 March 2013 X
Turboflo XL 46 July 2013 X
Turbine Oil KTG/S 32 March 2011 X
Turbine Oil KTG/S 46 February 2012 X
Turbine Oil KTL 32 December 2012 X
Turbine Oil KTL 46 December 2012 X
Turbine Oil KTL EP32 February 2012 X
Turbine Oil KTL EP46 February 2012 X
Galp Turbinoil 32 August 1999 X
Galp Turbinoil 46 August 1999 X
Petrol Ofisi PO Turbine Oil TX 32 July 2005 X

en HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA 17


Petrol Ofisi PO Turbina Oil TX 46 April 2006 X

Petron Hydrotur T46 July 2012 X
Turbo Oil CC 32 (ISO VG 32) July 2007 X
Turbo Oil CC 46 (ISO VG 46) July 2007 X
Turbo Oil GT 32 (ISO VG 32) February 2008 X
Turbo Oil GT 46 (ISO VG 46) February 2008 X
Turbo Oil T32 February 2012 X
Turbo Oil T46 February 2012 X
Turbo S4 X 32*) July 2013 X
Turbo S4 X 46*) July 2013 X
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved
Lng. Status

Turbo S4 GX 32*) February 2015 X

Turbo S4 GX 46*) December 2014 X
SINOPEC Greatwall Turbine Oil
Rev. Released

December 2004 X
TSA32(Grade A)
SINOPEC Greatwall Turbine Oil
November 2008 X

TSA46(Grade A)
SINOPEC Greatwall Turbine Oil
February 2009 X
9665 HTGD 90117
Dept. Document No.

SINOPEC Greatwall Turbine Oil

February 2009 X
SK Turbine Oil 32 March 2011 X
SK Turbine Oil
SK Turbine Oil 46 March 2011 X
Svenska Statoil TurbWay 32 June 2011 X
Preslia GT 46 September 2007 X
Total Lubricants
Preslia 46 December 2010 X
*) Synthetic hydrocarbon out of “Gas-to-Liquid Process”; Classified as API III oil

Table 6: ALSTOM-tested lube and control oils as of January 2016

It is possible that the lubricants listed in Table 6 are available in several formula-
tions, for example Ground oil type and or additive package. At least one of these
formulations has been tested and approved within ALSTOM laboratory.

18 HTGD 90 117 V0001 AA en


5.2 Untested lube and control oils

The following possibilities exist when a plant operator requests to use a mineral oil
that has not been tested by ALSTOM:
• The oil is tested in ALSTOM's laboratory in accordance with the specification ta-
ble in Table 2. and at the expense of the oil supplier. It is approved when all re-
quirements are met. The test requires approximately 4 months because of the
ageing test (2'000 hours).
• When ALSTOM agrees, some tests can be done in laboratories certified by
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Lng. Status
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Dept. Document No.

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Blank Page

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Notes on the acceptance of and procedure for the delivery of oil or hydraulic
medium to the plant and for first filling of the lube oil or hydraulic tank

Plant: ALSTOM order No.:

Customer/plant operator:

Medium supplier: Medium/type: Viscosity:


Delivery: Tank cars Barrels

Carrier: other
AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

Date of delivery: Supplied quantity:

Lng. Status

Does the supplied type agree with the ordered medium type?
Rev. Released

Test certificate of the supplier must be available: Date:

Available yes no (chapter 2.3 of specification)

Sampling on delivery:

Before unloading or filling the lube oil/hydraulic tank, at least 3 samples of approx. 2 litres each must be
taken from the supplied charge and forwarded to the chemical engineer of the customer to ensure subse-
quent traceability. The samples must at least indicate the following information in a legible and durable
9665 HTGD 90117

Dept. Document No.

• Identification of supplier and product (type, viscosity class)

• Carrier, date of delivery, charge or delivery No.
• Name and order No. of turboset

Medium will be used for:

Brg. oil lubrication with hydraulic system Only brg. oil lubrication Hydraulic system

Filling the tank:

When filling the tank for the first time, the medium must be passed through a filter unit (e.g. oil centrifuge,
filter re-pumping unit or similar unit). Minimum requirement: 25 µm filter cloth over filling opening.
See also flushing instructions for the plant in question.

Date of filling: Filled-in quantity:

Filter unit used: Filter mesh:

Date: Initialled by ALSTOM representative:

(Commissioning/Erection Project Man.)

Checklist and test certificate of oil supplier (see above) forwarded to ALSTOM PM on:

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AA 2016-06-24 EN Approved

Lng. Status

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Dept. Document No.


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