Email Etiquette
Email Etiquette
Email Etiquette
The Dos
Do: Use proper salutation
Opening an email with “hi” or “hey” might be alright for colleagues you’re
friendly with, but for new contacts, Schweitzer advised beginning your email
with a proper, respectful salutation, such as “good morning,” “good
afternoon,” “good evening” or “hello.”
Do: Proofread
Before you send, make sure to carefully proofread and edit your email. You
should look for misspellings, homonyms, grammar and punctuation errors,
Smith said. Careless email mistakes will only make you look bad to your
“These errors look unprofessional and reduce the likelihood that the email will
be taken seriously,” added Schweitzer. “Email software comes with many
professional tools such as spell check. Use them.”
It’s always best to keep your emails short and sweet. Emails are not meant to
be as brief as text messages, Smith said, but they are meant to be a form of
quick communication. If your email is too wordy, try editing it down to make it
more concise.
“Recipients will only read the first line or two before deciding whether to keep
or delete [an email],” Smith said. “Be sure you are saying what you need to
say sufficiently.”
Never send any email while you are angry or otherwise emotional, Smith
advised. Instead, try to calm down and then speak to the person you need to
address face-to- face or over the phone if an in-person meeting is not
possible. Doing so could help you avoid an unnecessary altercation, Smith
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
The Don’ts
Don’t: Put anyone down: Emails can be shared quickly and easily, and
there are consequences to disparaging others in lasting, digital
communications. Avoid embarrassing yourself – or worse, losing your job – by
making sure you don’t bad-mouth any colleagues or business partners.
“You never want to say anything bad about someone in an email,” Smith said.
“It is simply too easy for it to be forwarded and have it end up being read by
someone for whom it was not intended.”
Don’t: Punctuate poorly: When you’re writing a professional email, keep the
exclamation marks to a minimum. Even one exclamation mark can be too
many, Smith said. Keep your punctuation professional, and unless you’re
friendly with the intended recipient, Smith said you should avoid using
emoticons or emojis in emails, too.
“Those little blinking icons are for text messages,” said Schweitzer. “They are
inappropriate and unprofessional in a business email. Emoticons may divert
email to a spam filter or junk mailbox.”
Don’t: Forget the conversation closer : End your email with a closing such
as “Best,” “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” “Thank you,” or another
appropriate phrase.
“By letting the recipient know that a response isn’t needed, the email cycle
doesn’t continue on in perpetuity,” said Schweitzer.
Other closer options include “No reply necessary,” “Thank you again,”
“See you at the meeting” and “Please let me know if I may be of further
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
The cc and bcc tools are tricky. Sometimes they’re useful, but if used
improperly, they can be problematic.
When you’re using the cc feature, Smith said to keep in mind that less is
more. You also need to think about what it is that you’re sending and how
important it is to others.
Schweitzer added that sometimes people are so proud of their work product
that they add a dozen recipients in the cc line and then bask in the limelight of
afterglow when everyone comments about how much or how well they are
doing. This may be interpreted as slick boasting, a cry for attention or self-
centeredness, so keep cc’s to only those with a need to know.
The bcc feature allows you to add someone to an email conversation without
others knowing, so it can be a little harder to determine when or if it’s right to
use it. Smith said that there are times when bcc-ing others is a good idea.
Smith said it’s best to leave those who don’t fall into the “need to know”
category off an email and reduce the clutter in their inbox. And if you’re not
sure, Smith said the best approach to take is to ask the person you want to cc
or bcc if they’d like to be included.
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
When emailing with someone, you are representing both yourself and your
brand. It’s important, then, to put your best foot forward and present yourself
as professionally as possible. That means writing clearly, concisely, and using
proper punctuation. It also means maintaining a somewhat formal tone without
being rigid and unfriendly. Ultimately, email etiquette is just about being clear
and to the point so you and your recipient can both be as productive and
understood as possible.
Email is one of the most widely used mediums of communication, and certain
email etiquettes should be maintained, especially for professional instances.
From sending an email to your superior at work, your colleague or putting
forward a convincing sales pitch, email is the way to go. So, here are 10 email
etiquettes to consider when writing or replying to an email.
Anytime you are applying for a job or inquire about anything from a
professional person, you should always use an email address that will have a
professional look to it, like using your full name or initials as the address. Any
email you have created a long time ago and contains professionally
inappropriate things like nicknames or random funny words should be
The subject line is the first thing that your mail recipient will see upon
receiving your email, hence you should always summaries’ the main purpose
of your email in a concise manner. Avoiding anything vague or misleading
subject lines should be also keep in mind so as to not confuse the recipient.
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
Be fast to reply
You should always respond to an email as soon as you can if it requires a
prompt and appropriate reply. Replying fast will ensure that you acknowledge
the sender that the email contains important information and you are being
active by following up on it.
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
So, before pressing send, make sure you’re using email as an appropriate
form of business communication. Business emails should be used to send
information that is:
How you use email will leave an impression with who you send your
messages to, especially if you have yet to meet the recipient in person. Email
acts as your first impression. This is especially true for job seekers. Using
email inappropriately can put you on the "do not call" list with recruiters and
others in your network.
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
email etiquette to set yourself apart. Here are some Ps and Qs to using email
as a business communication tool.
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional
Email Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Professional