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Woeksheet Articles & Nouns 10th

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Use of Articles Worksheet: Class 10th

Scientists use variety of methods to study behavior of tigers and track their movements.
Radio-tracking was first used to track tigers in Nepal in 1973. In this method, collar with an attached radio
transmitter is placed around the neck of tiger. Scientists monitor radio
transmissions as tiger travels, tracking its whereabouts to learn about its range, life history, and
According to recent survey in UK, people attribute poor attendance in schools to
number of causes. First, way child is brought up was considered by about 40
percent of respondents to be cause of poor attendance. Among five causes suggested in ……
8…. survey, this was ……9… opinion most commonly held. About 15 percent of people surveyed thought lack
of school discipline might also be contributing factor.
John bought new car last week. Unfortunately, car broke down after just two days.
Sheldon is ___ honest man. King Arthur was ___ just king. ____ lion let go of ___ mouse.
I have fixed ___ appointment with ___ doctor. Will you take ___ picture of us? I broke ___
vase my brother brought. My mother has ___ polka-dotted umbrella. The team organised __ friendly
match with ___ Presidents of both ___ countries. We had __ mulberry tree in the garden. ___
Eiffel Tower lights up at night. ___ huge building turned to dust due to __ earthquake. ___ famous
band Beatles is coming to Texas tomorrow. Charles Babbage is considered as ___ father of computers. __
famous poem Ode to a Nightingale is written by __ Romantic poet John Keats. __ Pacific Ocean is one of __
five oceans of __ world. __ painter drew __ life-sized portrait of Mrs Mary Poppins. My son is ___
apple of my eye. ___ history professor who taught us is retiring today. ___ oranges I brought are very sour.
Sharon will take __ train from __ next stop.
1._____________ modern life is stressful. 2. What’s _____________ capital of your country? 3.
_____________ doctor earns more than _____________ teacher. 4. Do you know who invented
_____________ computer ? 5. Have you seen _____________ newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere. 6. Is this
_____________ first time you’ve stayed at _____________ Hilton ? 7. Is _____________ Nile or
_____________ Amazon _____________ longest river on _____________ earth ? 8. Several million visitors
_____________ year are attracted to _____________ ski slopes of _____________ Alps. 9. I’ll meet you
outside _____________ post office. I’ll be there in _____________ quarter of _____________ hour. 10.
_____________ young people tend to think that _____________ life was more difficult in _____________
past. 11. In my opinion _____________ education should be free. 12. _____________ education I got at
_____________ school was excellent. 13. In some cities, _____________ cars have been banned from the
centre. 14. I went to _____________ Buckingham Palace today. It was great. 15. I took _____________ train to
London and then _____________ underground to _____________Victoria Station. It’s _____________ short
walk from there. 16. Would you like to come with us to see _____________ Titanic at the cinema tomorrow?
17. I had _____________ experience at work today. 18. The car sped past at 100 miles _____________ hour.
19. _____________ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in _____________ wold. 20. _____________
Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots. 21. We lived in _____________ Netherlands before moving here.
22. If you ever go to London you must see _____________ Tower of London and _____________ Tate
Gallery. 23. We noticed _____________ strong smell coming from _____________ refrigerator. 24. She lives
in _____________ England, which is part of _____________ UK. 25. After his wife’s death he left
_____________ home and joined _____________ army. 26. He should have called me _____________ hour
ago. 27. They visited grandmother in _____________ hospital. 28. _____________ history is an interesting
subject, but what I like most is _____________ history of the United States. 29. The Browns often watch
_____________ television in the evening. 30. Munich lies in _____________ south of Germany
Use of Nouns
Exercise 1: Identifying Nouns. Underline the two nouns in each sentence.
1. In the summer we go to the lake.
2. Last month was my birthday. 3. Many birds fly south in the winter. 4. My brother gave the best speech.
5. Her dog had four puppies. 6. At the park there were many ducks. 7. A light was shining in the window.
8. The teacher entered the classroom. 9. A large cat slept in front of the fireplace. 10. The man was known for
his honesty.

Exercise 2: Identifying Collective Nouns. Write the collective noun in each sentence in the blank.
1. A large crowd stood on the platform.___________
2. On Thursday the army marched six miles. _________
3. The club held a meeting at my house._____________
4. Our family owns a house in the country.______________
5. A herd of sheep grazed on the hillside. _____________
6. The orchestra tuned up before the concert. ____________
7. Mr. Ferguson spoke to our class. _____________
8. Gretchen is the president of our committee._____________
9. The navy sailed three ships into the harbor. ____________
10. A large group went swimming at the lake._______________

Exercise 3: Identifying Compound Nouns. Underline the compound noun in each sentence.
1. Large tomatoes are growing in our backyard. 2. My great-grandfather is living with us.
3. A new high school was built last year. 4. Suddenly the doorknob began to turn slowly.
5. The racehorse ran like the wind. 6. I left angry, but I exercised self-control
7. There are three lifeguards at the beach this summer. 8. The stars lie many light-years away.
9. Two astronauts were flying in the landing-craft. 10. My bedroom is located at the end of the hall.

Exercise 4: Identifying Common and Proper Nouns. Underline the common nouns in the sentences
below; circle the proper nouns.
1. I’ve just read a play by Shakespeare. 2. The Drama Club elected a new president.
3. Soon our family plans to visit Miami. 4. A new house is being built on Elm Street.
5. My father has been transferred to Colorado. 6. She named her new dog Max.
7. Has your brother ever seen the Statue of Liberty? 8. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
9. My sister went climbing in the Rocky Mountains. 10. I have pictures of Niagara Falls

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