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Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

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Scenarios of waste management nexus in Bangalore ✩

Department of Civil Engineering, Amity University Haryana, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: In this study, a comprehensive review of Bangalore’s waste management has been provided to elaborate on the
Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike current status. It identifies municipal solid waste management (MSWM) problems and limitations that hamper
Landfill improvement in the current waste management practices and suggest measures to alleviate these problems. The
Municipal solid waste management
information was collected from Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BBMP) personnel with different responsibil-
ities within the system, relevant stakeholders, and representative community members. Bangalore city generates
around 4500MT/day of municipal solid waste (MSW) at an average of 0.5 kg/day/per capita, with about 8.4
million people. Less than 60% of waste is collected; approximately 15% of waste is processed finally dumped into
landfills. While recycling has not reached its full potential in Bangalore urban and rural spaces, landfills, burning
garbage, and illegal dumping are abundantly found. Provision of services by BBMP is impeded by lack of budget,
inadequate technical capacity, lack of comprehensive legal and regulatory framework, absence of policy, weak
enforcement by-laws, insufficient data on waste generation rate, and waste characteristics, poor urban planning,
and infrastructures and socio-cultural patterns.

Introduction in a slapdash manner, and such an unscientific method creates serious

environmental and health issues.
Waste management is a serious problem worldwide. In India, waste Waste is any material that isn’t required by the proprietor, maker,
management regulations are formulated for sustainable development, or processor. People, creatures, different living beings, and all cycles of
so municipalities and other agencies are authorized to create an envi- creation and utilization produce waste. It has consistently been a piece
ronment to minimize waste generation in society. To regulate the rise of of the world’s environment. Its inclination and scale were the end goal
waste generation, different legislations concerning the way of disposal that the biological system could utilize waste in its numerous cycles [1].
and the way to trot out generated waste were enacted and acquired un- There is no actual waste in nature. The evident waste starting with one
derneath the umbrella of the surroundings Protection Act (EPA), 1986. process turns into info then onto the next. It is the outstanding develop-
However, different types of waste are generated in society, and the con- ment of human exercises that have made junk an issue to be overseen.
trol of specific types of waste requires separate regulations and laws, and We are merely delivering significantly more waste than nature can deal
requires special attention. In fact, cities and countries usually produce with. It is much better to forestall the age of waste than to have trash and
waste as a by-product. With rapid urbanization since the 1990s, India afterward attempt to ’oversee’ it. We can’t only make expendable junk.
has faced major challenges in managing and disposing of waste, which is As it’s been said, "It is doubtful in expendable." What we dispose-off
mainly generated in metropolitan areas and large cities. It is estimated stays in the environment and causes some contamination. This contam-
that in 2018, 377 million urban residents in India generated 62 mil- ination can affect away from the purpose of age and far eliminated as
lion tons of municipal solid waste. Among these huge solid wastes, only expected.
43 million tons of wastes were collected, and 11.9 million tons were MSWM is one of the fundamental thing’s management gave by mu-
recycled, which are now part of the solid processing. It is considered nicipal authorities to keep metropolitan focuses clean. Ascending in
a basic and mandatory service for all communities in India to keep the pay, uncontrolled and spontaneous urbanization, and changing lifeways
city clean. Unfortunately, most of the municipalities of India dump solid have brought about enormous volumes and varying MSW compositions
waste on a daily basis at an area inside or outside town haphazardly in (Misra et al. 2004). India is the second-greatest people on earth after
a very random manner. This is a serious problem of solid waste man- China, with around 127 billion people contributing 17.6% of the world’s
agement in India where waste disposal and management are handled entire people [2]. Out of the blue, India shares only 5% of the world’s lo-

All data are pertained to me only
E-mail address:
Amity University Haryana, Civil Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka 560012, India.
Received 3 May 2021; Received in revised form 29 June 2021; Accepted 14 July 2021
Available online 5 August 2021
2772-4271/© 2021 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

cale, speaking to 3185,263 km2 (World Bank, 2014). Out of the absolute Disposal practice in Bangalore
people, 377 million metropolitan people live in 7935 towns and urban
zones and make 62 million wastes for every annum. Only 43 million tons Bangalore doesn’t have any logical treatment strategy facilities for
(MT) of the waste is accumulated, 11.9 MT is managed, and 31 MT is un- solid waste produced by municipal and industries around Bangalore.
loaded in landfill locales [3]. Indian landfill stays at the third situation This has provoked the headway of a couple of illegal and unapproved
on the planet concerning ozone hurting substance spreads. Following 16 dump objections in Bangalore. The region of unapproved dump regions
years, India’s Government has redesigned the Solid Waste Management in and around Bangalore city is as showed up in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the
Rules to deal with an enormous waste stack. Regardless, its utilization territory of these dumpsites close by wards and their breaking point in
remains far dependent on what was picked. In such a way, Environ- Bangalore city. Fig. 4 shows the road network near by dump destinations
ment Protection Act, 1986 (EPA), should be received and execute; the in and around Bangalore city.
components of the progression are source decrease, reusing of materials,
burning, and landfilling (Henry and Heinke, 2008). Current development in Bangalore
In India, a past stage, there has not been a ton of compelling waste ad-
ministration knowledge. Regardless, since the latest couple of numerous The waste objections which were earlier in the edges of the company
years, the executives’ waste has been developing perpetually. Successful furthest reaches of Bangalore city are presented in the headway zone of
waste administration ensures proper confinement of waste at source and more unmistakable Bangalore city as showed up in Fig. 5.
assurance that the waste encounters assorted reusing and asset recuper- In general, it will be seen from a satellite picture (Fig. 6) that the
ation streams. By then, lessened last development is then saved exper- created zone has gravitated toward and around the earlier dump desti-
imentally in sterile landfills. Sanitary landfills are conclusive strategies nations. Along these lines, indisputably, the more significant part of the
for eliminating unutilized MSW from waste handling offices and various old dumpsite existing around Bangalore has become potential advance-
types of inorganic waste that can’t be reused or reused [4]. The massive ment spots.
requirement of this strategy is over the top transportation of MSW to
faraway landfill destinations. Current practice of handling and disposal
There is minimal literature focusing on MSWM rehearses in Ban-
galore with specific accentuation on natural effect instead of its im- At presently, Bangalore has 198 wards; Bruhat Bangalore Mahana-
pending impacts on human well-being. Likewise, there is an absence gara Palike (BBMP), the office vested with the obligation of removal of
of necessary epidemiologic information on winning waste management solid waste, is occupied with different endeavors to give a compelling
rehearses’ human well-being. Henceforth, there is a need to address the SWM framework to the city, fusing a progression of approaches, for ex-
MSWM issues and related issues that may present well-being dangers to ample, resident contribution, investment in appropriate infrastructure
the Bangalore communities. The article aims to focus on different parts and technology, just as observing the different frameworks that are right
of MSWM issues and impediments that hamper improvement in existing now dealing with the current blend of actors and techniques [7].
MSWM practices and proposals on the measures to ease these issues. For a more profitable and beneficial strategy, the city has been iso-
lated into different definitive units, the humblest of which is the health
Bangalore scenario ward; as of now, there are 294 health wards inside the BMP structures. A
couple of prosperity wards structure a political organization, which ad-
The city of Bangalore north at Latitude 13°50′ North, Longitude dresses the fundamental unit of organization. As of now, there are 100
77°36′ East in Karnataka is the state capital, arranged in the southern bit such regulatory or political wards in Bangalore. Besides, two to four
of the Deccan level edge of two other South Indian states, specifically, wards structure a moderate unit called a reach. There are 30 Ranges
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. It has smooth and salubrious air. It is inside the city, which transforms a gathering into three zones – South,
arranged at the tallness of 900 m. Since the 1980s, Bangalore has been East, and West.
charmed to be one of the fastest making metropolitan networks in Asia Inside the BBMP, two divisions drew in with strong waste admin-
(Dittrich, 2004). The Bangalore Metropolitan zone covers 1258 sq km istration: the Health Department and the Engineering Department. The
and is the fifth most fantastic city in India [5]. With a growing number wellbeing office is principally answerable for the assortment, transporta-
of people and the Information Technology (IT) zone are creating neces- tion, and removal of metropolitan waste. The Engineering Department
sities, the local experts are endeavoring to give the correct strong waste of BMMP is liable for eliminating development and destruction squan-
administration structure to a pleasant level. der while giving specific and infrastructural support to the wellbeing
Composition of solid waste Solid waste management aims to eliminate disposed of materials
from possessed places expeditiously to forestall the spread of sickness,
MSW synthesis variety assumes a significant function in the waste lessen stylish outcomes emerging from purifying organic matter, and
management framework. Henceforth, information gathered from the similarly significant, is to discard the disposed of materials in an envi-
different sources over the year has been investigated. Fig. 1 shows va- ronmentally acceptable way [8].
riety in MSW organization from 1999 to 2013 in Bangalore City. It was Collection: Source isolation is up ’til now a concern in Bangalore;
seen that radical expansion in the natural waste from 42% in 1999 to notwithstanding, care is getting bit by bit. BBMP administers about
61% in 2013 might be essential because of increment populace, inappro- 30% of MSW and 70% of MSW action; beginning from essential assort-
priate strong waste administration, or green waste collection because of ment to removal has been reevaluated. The variety of waste is done
reusing exercises in Bangalore City, a 16% decline in the paper, card- in two phases. The starter stage is a prompt assortment, wherein the
board, and leather wastes. Interim, it was additionally noticed a signif- waste is assembled on auto tipper and wheelbarrows. An Auto tipper
icant expansion in plastic wastes in 2007, which may be because of the has been obliged for every 1000 family units and a truck for every 200
urbanization and expanded utilization of plastic convey packs. Notwith- families. Around 20,000 pourakarmikas are being utilized (both BBMP
standing, in 2013, the level of plastic waste was diminished to 7%, which and legally binding specialists) in the house-to-house assortment, street
might be inferable from the successful boycott of plastic communicate clearing, and MSW transportation. The waste assembled from the fami-
sacks beneath 40microns inside city limits in 2012. The metals, rubber, lies is brought to a run of the mill point, i.e., discretionary zones from
and glass were discovered to be less in the waste composition, demon- where the waste is moved to landfill areas/treatment through tipper Lor-
strating the diminished utilization of glass and metal items and viable ries and compactors. Fig. 7 shows a regular plan of how the assortment
reusing of glass and metal items by isolation at sources themselves. and transportation are being practiced in numerous wards.

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

Fig. 1. Bangalore’s Urban Waste Composition.

This action is dispensed to Self Help Groups (SHG’s), which are gen- was a quarry pit zone, it was utilized to fill. In any case, presently, it is
erally underneath destitution women’s social affairs. BBMP has adminis- over-burden and quit unloading [10]. Because of dumping and garbage
tered 3197 pourakarmikas (Sweepers) and 18,562 pourakarmikas from burning to sicknesses like asthma, heart attack and so forth [5,10].
a transitory specialist who plays out a house-to-house assortment and
clearing exercises. Yearly, around 250 crores are spent on waste admin-
istration, i.e., BBMP pourakarmikas pay, contract installment, tipping
charges [9].
Transportation: Transportation of waste from assortment focuses Problem with the existing waste management system
on the last removal site/landfill is essential in waste administration. As
of now, waste transportation uses pushcarts, auto, etc., which carry the Rather than giving arrangements, improve the waste management
waste to critical collection centers. From that point, trucks gather waste situation in Bangalore city. In Bangalore, roughly 60% of household
and transport it to landfill. waste is collected, and just 15% experience treatment and handling. Be-
In Bangalore alone, 4500 tons of waste are generated every day, in- cause of escape clauses in existing waste management systems and the
cluding household waste as well as industrial, hospital, commercial and absence of mindfulness among the network. Indeed, even the waste that
construction waste. It can be said that Bangalore can process about 2100 is collected is generally not segregated. The onus of these doesn’t fall
tons of municipal waste every day. Mavallipura waste disposal capacity alone on the community and on the contractual workers responsible for
is 600 t/d, Karnataka Composting Development Corporation Ltd (KCDC) collecting and transporting the wastes. To boost their benefit and lessen
is 300 t/d, and Terra Firme is 1500 t/d, as shown in Fig. 8. The remain- transportation costs, they not exclusively don’t segregate the wastes col-
ing waste will be dumped in Bingipura and Lakhimpura as shown in lected by them yet additionally illegally dump them into unapproved
Fig. 9. Bingipura and Laxmipura didn’t have a handling unit, and as it areas [9].

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

Fig. 2. Location of unauthorized dump sites in and around Bangalore city [6].

Fig. 3. Unauthorized dumping along with

wards in and around Bangalore city.

Legal regulations in place for managing the solid wastes planted the past Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling)
Rules, 2000.
The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) • Solid waste management rules, 2016 rules must be enforced and pro-
has advised a progression of guidelines for overseeing different waste
mote several critical aspects of scientific disposal methods of wastes.
classifications like plastic, hazardous wastes, construction and demo- • It enforces the source segregation of waste into three categories,
lition wastes, and solid wastes, and so forth Out of that, Solid Waste
namely, organic wastes (kitchen wastes), dry wastes (like pa-
Management (SWM) rules, 2016, this was informed in 2016 and sup-
per, plastic, etc.), and domestic hazardous wastes (like mosquito

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

Fig. 4. Major Arterial and sub arterial road network along with dump sites in and around Bangalore city.

Fig. 5. Location of unauthorized dumping site in greater Bangalore city map.

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

Fig. 6. Satellite image of built up area along with dump sites in Greater Bangalore.

Fig. 7. MSW collection system.

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

Fig. 8. Sanitary Landfill Sites in Bangalore.

Fig. 9. Illegal dumpsite in Bangalore.

repellant cans, etc.) before handing over solid wastes to the manship, MoEFCC, and comprising of stakeholders from the center
pourakarmikas (waste collectors). and the states.
• It is mandatory to set up a proper disposal mechanism for sanitary
waste that has been given to sanitary products’ manufacturers.

Issues in the implementation of SWM rules
Also, it enforces for hotels and restaurants are mandated to set up a
system for ensuring the proper disposal of food wastes.

In extra SWM rules, 2016 feature the significant issues and es-
Municipality must be empowered to charge the fees for collecting
cape clauses of the waste management system (De & Gowda, [11–14].
and disposal of solid wastes from the waste generating community
Nonetheless, some principal obstacles have turned out in the effective
and spot fines for deviance against the mandates of SWM, rules 2016.

implementation of these rules.
Develop provisions for promoting a proper market infrastructure for
Limited number of staffs: Many cities lack sufficient staff to address
eco-friendly waste disposal mechanisms like composting, bio metha-
the problem of waste disposal. These workers often have to deal with
nation (etc.). Also, encourage by giving incentivize these mecha-
waste management emergencies. The limited number of these employ-

ees makes long-term planning and strategic development difficult.
To monitor the implementation of these rules, the government set
Political Turmoil: Changes in administration will result in closure or
up the central monitoring committee, under the Secretary’s chair-
radical modification of existing waste management comes by reassign-

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

ing officers and new workers. The technical staffs who helped create the 2. Segregation of waste at the source: Segregation of waste at source
projects a reality didn’t get an opportunity to remain till the tip of the reduces waste collection costs and can be correctly transported
projects. The continuity of employees helps within the swish manage- or deposited at specific waste recycling agencies for low-cost re-
ment of solid waste management projects. cycling.
Lack of planning: The lack of planning at the national and local levels 3. The recycling bio methanation process can be successfully used
has not led to such success in solid waste management; subsequently, for biodegradable waste. In addition, if necessary, other compost-
municipal planning to implement the plan was ignored. Waste treatment ing techniques can be used to treat biodegradable waste.
projects are usually handled by multiple ministries/departments. The 4. Should stop littering and recommend fines on the spot.
lack of coordination caused the project to fail. Coordination between 5. Enforcement of solid waste management regulations in 2016 and
different government agencies or departments can help create a holistic revision of regulations accompanying this.
system. 6. The integration and mapping of stakeholders are a must: waste
Difficult working conditions of workers dealing in solid waste: In management is successful when there is strong integration of lo-
developing countries, staff with solid waste management are paid less cal governments, mass waste generators, NGOs (NGOs), commu-
and have less coaching. while not correct training and private protect- nity groups, academia, etc., assuming stakeholders are resident.
ing equipment, these workers are at risk of injuries or diseases at work. 7. Strong community involvement in raising awareness about the
Studies have shown that a high share of individuals concerned in waste harmful effects of waste and managing this waste for wealth
management or people living close to disposal sites are in danger of be- creation is essential. Local governments, municipalities, non-
ing infected by worms or parasites. staff don’t have the motivation to governmental organizations, and academia can ensure this
figure hard, so that they quit early. Lack of coordination with numerous awareness and participation of the entire community.
stakeholders is resulting in outlawed dumping, improper waste segrega-
tion and things are becoming dangerous to worse.
Waste burning: The burning of solid waste leads to the emission of Conclusions
particles that are making a element of stuff which incorporates a vital
impact on regional air. methane series gas is emitted from waste deposits Bangalore needs a foolproof and comprehensive system to manage
that facilitate within the formation of ground-level ozone. Also, methane the solid waste generated. The waste management system should not
may be a greenhouse emission that causes climate change. only have an essential and decentralized garbage disposal mechanism.
Financial constraints: Many cities do not have enough financial re- Still, it should also have a strict monitoring mechanism for the imple-
sources to dispose of such a large amount of solid waste. The city is re- mentation of solid waste management rules. BBMP should be given au-
sponsible for handling such a large amount of garbage, but the city does thority to impose stringent penalties upon those who would defer from
not have enough financial resources to properly manage this garbage. the rules.
Limited technical skills in equipment handling: If the equipment is
not designed for local conditions, these tools may require frequent main- • Awareness campaigns should be employed to motivate community
tenance, and some parts may be difficult to find. In tropical regions, local participation in the disposal of wastes and health. The economic
conditions such as humidity and heat usually affect equipment perfor- wellbeing of the waste picking informal community should be taken
mance. Local governments often lack the expertise to evaluate technolo- care of.
gies or solutions to determine which is best for their situation. Difficul- • For achieving environmental sustainability, "reduce and reuse" for
ties arise when a private company signs a contract with a city to provide recyclables wastes (i.e., non-biodegradable wastes like paper, plas-
technology or implement a project, but if the city fails to meet the con- tic) for further use and reduction of organic waste disposal.
tract terms and abandons the project. • Plastic wastes are left untreated in Bangalore. These plastic wastes
Role of the informal sector: The informal sector is a very important either rested in open dumps or landfills or drainage systems, thereby
stake holder cluster to contemplate associate degree embody throughout clogging them, leading to runoff and seepage of the contaminated
specific steps whereas designing a solid waste management program. In drain water into neighbouring locality and plastic burning releases
general, the informal sector thought of individuals, groups, and little dioxins gas. Recycling plastic may not always technically and eco-
businesses that perform informal waste services involving the gathering nomically feasible. However, plastic waste can be reused for laying
and sale of recyclables, sometimes to middleman or intermediaries [15]. of roads.
Employees earn financial gain by commerce the recyclables they collect • Eco-friendly approaches should be implemented for organic waste.
to a network of dealers and usage industries that employment at inter- Some of these methods include vermicomposting (which involves
vals the formal non-public sector. This sector will play an outsized role the decomposition of the organic matter, in the presence of oxy-
in separating materials and crucial what waste are going to be collected. gen, with microorganisms or worms that help produce a humus-rich
Limited available land: As urban areas and populations still grow, the soil conditioner, also known as compost. These can be used in or-
quantity of obtainable house for solid waste facilities, local assortment ganic farming), bio methanation (which is essentially a biochemical
locations, and transfer stations decreases. There might not be space, the method of organic wastes to methane-rich biogas, which can in turn
available parcel of land is also too expensive, and native residence might be used as fuel), etc.
forestall facilities from being developed because of worry of smell de- • Appropriate legislation should be framed to delegate greater power
preciative their living condition property prices. However, setting these and autonomy to urban local bodies, particularly in resource mo-
facilities at a distance from cities, wherever land is a lot of available bilization. The urban local bodies are the principal stakeholders in
and fewer expensive, creates a brand-new set of challenges as a result the waste management system in Bangalore. Yet, they suffer from
of howling waste long distances is long and expensive. a lack of adequate finance and appropriate government support at
the central and state levels. A significant portion of the municipal
Control measures of waste expenditure on waste disposal and management goes into collecting
and transportation waste, leaving very little finance to treat them
1. Fees to be paid by the generator of the waste: If we can bill the effectively. In this respect, appropriate financial interventions on
generators (both household and bulk generators like hotels, shop- the center and the state governments and providing suitable subsi-
ping malls, hospitals, etc.) by volume of waste, then on the one dies for the promotion of more and more eco-friendly waste disposal
hand, it is possible to reduce the voluntary production waste and measures will go a long way in addressing the issue of the garbage
collect income. by local urban authorities. ‘pandemic’ in our country.

B.P. NAVEEN Energy Nexus 1 (2021) 100004

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