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Fyp Report 01

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Sana Ahmed
Muhammad Abdullah
Nimra Kanwal Kayani

Supervised By
Ms. Maria Hilal

Submitted for the partial fulfillment of BS Computer Science degree to the

Faculty of Engineering & CS


March 27, 2023

Chapter Page
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................3
1.1 Project Domain ................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Identification .....................................................................................5
1.2.1. Proposed Solution: ................................................................................6
1.2.2. Objectives ..............................................................................................6
1.2.3. Scope of Project.....................................................................................7
1.3. Effectiveness / Usefulness of the System .............................................................7
1.4. Resource Requirement ..........................................................................................8
1.4.1. Hardware Requirement..........................................................................8
1.4.2. Software Requirement ...........................................................................9
1.4.3. Data Requirement ..................................................................................9
1.5 Flow Chart .........................................................................................................10
1.6 Summary ............................................................................................................10
Chapter 1

Farmers are increasingly using agricultural Android Application as a convenient method to get
information on farming techniques, market trends, weather updates, and other pertinent
agricultural information. These apps are necessary because of the rising global food demand,
shifting climatic patterns, and the requirement for sustainable farming methods. Agricultural
Android apps for farmers were first developed in response to the demand for better farming
methods, easier access to markets, and a drive to boost crop yields. Initially, farmers depended on
traditional agricultural techniques, which frequently produced low crop yields as a result of bad
farming practices, a lack of information, and constrained market access.
Farmers may now use their smartphones to acquire information on crop management, pest control,
and other farming techniques. Farmers can now obtain weather updates, market pricing, and other
pertinent data on farming techniques whenever and wherever they choose thanks to agricultural
Android apps. Also, these apps have made it possible for farmers to network with professionals
and other farmers in order to exchange knowledge and advice. Farmers can now profit from the
large quantity of information available on these Android applications thanks to the increasing
accessibility of agricultural apps due to the rising use of smartphones and the internet.
In this project, we will make a helpful android application for farmers which will predict the
weather and provide advice to the farmers. Nowadays, everyone is familiar with smartphones
including farmers. Mobile phones play an indispensable role in the daily life of people. The
management of daily agricultural tasks is greatly aided by agri-weather apps, which offer weather-
related information. This application will help farmers by offering weather-based agro advisories
in addition to weather-related information. This innovation will be helpful for farming procedures
such as crop modeling, yield prediction and weather forecasting. This application will give farmers
information depending on their needs in almost real-time time, helpingthem to make informed
decisions. With the existing systems, we concluded that the current systemgives farmers access to
agricultural information such as crop-wise weather information, market pricing, and news about
agriculture as well as agricultural products such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. With the help
of these apps, farmers can receive tailored agricultural guidance based on the crops they are raising.
Now we will work on the following problems:
There is a limitation in the location-based advisory system there is no weather forecast real-time
advisory. in this system, by predicting the weather forecast we will provide farmers with location-
based advice.

1.1 Project Domain:

This project employs Machine Learning Algorithms to generate effective agricultural advice for
farmers. Machine learning algorithms can offer insights and suggestions that can help farmers
optimize their agricultural operations and enhance their total production by analyzing enormous
volumes of data, such as weather patterns and crop yields. Android Application development is a
popular domain that offers opportunities for developers to create innovative and useful software
applications for mobile devices.
Examples of how machine learning can be utilized to provide farmers with agricultural advice
Future agricultural yields can be predicted using machine learning techniques that evaluate past
data on crop yields, weather patterns, and other variables. Farmers can use this information to plan
when to sow and harvest their crops as well as to make the best use possible of resources like water
and fertilizer.
Crop advice: Machine learning algorithms can evaluate the climatic conditions, and other
elements to suggest best farming techniques. Overall, machine learning can help farmers enhance
their agricultural practices and increase crop yields by offering them useful insights and

1.2 Problem Identification:

Lack of accessible and up-to-date information: Accessing relevant and up-to-date information
about weather conditions and the best agricultural practices for their location frequently presents
obstacles for farmers.
Crop loss and productivity: Unfavorable weather patterns like dry spells, floods, and extreme
temperatures can altogether influence crop creation, prompting misfortunes for farmers and
influencing the general efficiency of the farming area.
Limited resources and knowledge: To implement climate-smart agricultural practices and
manage weather-related risks, farmers may have limited resources and technical expertise.
Limited access to technology: It may be difficult for farmers in rural and remote areas to access
weather forecast information and advisory services due to limited internet and technology access.
Language barriers: Farmers who speak languages other than the application's primary language
may have trouble obtaining and utilizing the application's information.

1.2.1 Proposed Solution:

The proposed solution for making an Android application for location-specific agricultural
advisory based on weather forecast involves integrating a weather API, providing crop-specific
advisories, tracking the user's location, sending push notifications, allowing user feedback, and
designing a user-friendly interface.
Weather API integration: Integrating a dependable weather API that is capable of providing
precise weather data for the user's location would be the first step. An application programming
interface (API) such as AccuWeather or OpenWeatherMap can be used by the application to get
weather data for specific locations.

Location tracking: The application should be able to use GPS to track the user's location and
provide weather data specific to that location. This information can be used to provide agricultural
advisories based on the weather conditions in that particular location.

Crop-specific advisories: The application should have a database of crops grown in specific
locations, their growth stages, and the weather conditions required for their growth based on the
user's location. The application can provide specific advisories on when to sow when to irrigate,
and when to harvest the crop.

1.2.2 Objectives:

1. The application's goal is to provide farmers with the information they need to increase
crop yields and their livelihoods while simultaneously supporting environmentally
friendly agricultural methods that have a minimal impact on the environment.
2. To deliver precise weather predictions for farmers' individual locations, including
temperature, precipitation and wind in a timely manner.
3. To give farmers with various levels of literacy, technological know-how, and cultural
backgrounds access to a user-friendly and straightforward interface.
4. The goal of the Android app is to use technology and meteorological data to increase
production and sustainability, while simultaneously lowering poverty and promoting
food security.
5. To make use of cutting-edge technology like machine learning and data, in order to
give farmers more precise and personalized advice and to assist them in managing the
risks and uncertainties related to weather variability and climate change.
6. To give constant alarms and warnings to farmers seeing climate occasions like storms,
dry spells, or floods, and to offer advice on the most proficient method to alleviate their
effect on crops.

1.2.3 Scope of the Project:

The technology will be employed mostly in rural areas where agriculture is the primary occupation
and it will give users with the necessary information. To deliver accurate weather updates and crop
advisories, the system will need access to the user's location information. It will work with Android
smartphones and tablets. This software would focus on delivering precise advise for the chosen
crop (wheat) in the two regions (Faisalabad and Bahawalpur) taking climate and weather
patterns into account. To give farmers with the most up-to-date information for planting, harvesting,
and crop management, the weather forecast would need to be accurate and updated ona frequent
basis. The application include features such as weather notifications that could affect the crop,
recommended planting and harvesting dates, irrigation and fertilizer recommendations, andwhen to
sow and harvest.

The app's scope would be limited to the specific crop and area, but it is still scalable so that more
crops and more cities can be added to the application once its launched in the market and help to
farmers wanting to optimize agricultural production and manage risks connected with weather and
climate unpredictability.

1.3 Usefulness of the System:

Farmers can benefit greatly from an agricultural advising Android app in a variety of ways. The
following are some advantages that farmers might receive from an agricultural advisory Android
Information Access: An agricultural advising app can give farmers access to a plethora of
agricultural information. These can include crop management advice and weather forecasts.
Farmers may make better decisions and take the proper steps to boost crop yields and revenues by
having this information at their fingertips.
Information that is timely: Agricultural advisory applications can give farmers information about
weather patterns and market prices that is timely. This can assist farmers in makingwise choices
regarding the planting, harvesting, and sale of their crops.
Better crop management: These apps can give farmers knowledge about managing nutrients,
controlling pests, and the condition of the soil. This can aid farmers in increasing crop yields and
minimizing loss of crop.
Cost-effective: As many agricultural advising apps are free or inexpensive, farmers may receive
information that can help them run their farms more efficiently.

1.4 Resources Requirement:

Data and Information: The app would need access to current and reliable agricultural data and
information, such as weather forecasts, crop yields and climate conditions. Governmental
organizations, academic institutions, andother trustworthy sources are good places to get this
Technology: To create an Android app, you need a variety of hardware and software resources,
such as servers and databases, as well as programming languages and software development kits.
To give farmers individualized and useful recommendations, the app would also need capabilities
like data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools.
Knowledge: Knowledge of agriculture, data analysis, and app development would be necessary
to create an agricultural advisory app. To make sure the app's recommendations are reliable
scientifically and pertinent to local circumstances, the app developers would need to collaborate
closely with agricultural professionals, such as agronomists.

1.4.1 Hardware Requirement:

1. A laptop or desktop computer with a dual-core processor and at least 4 GB of RAM.

2. To run the Android Studio IDE, and other required software, there is at least 2 GB of free
space in the system.
3. A stable internet connection for downloading and updating necessary software packages
and APIs.
4. To accurately access the location, a GPS receiver is required.
5. A smartphone or tablet with an Android operating system to run the application during
testing and to gather feedback from users.
6. Use a powerful computer or laptop with ample storage space and processing power to
ensure a smooth and efficient development process.

1.4.2 Software Requirement:

Developing an Android application for location-specific agricultural advisory based on forecasts

would require a combination of software tools I-e Android Studio, weather API, AI/ML
framework, and database.
Android Studio:
The official Android app development IDE is here. It gives you everything you need to build and
test Android applications.
Flutter is used to create an application, which provides rich set of APIs and libraries for
networking, animation, and other functionalities, making it easier for developers to create high-
performance mobile applications.
Weather API: The application needs to use a weather API to retrieve weather data for a particular
location. OpenWeatherMap and AccuWeather, are some popular weather APIs that provide
reliable weather data.
AI/ML framework: To incorporate AI/ML into the application, there is a need for AI/ML
frameworks such as Tensor Flow, and Weka. These frameworks provide pre-built tools and
libraries for building and training AI models.
Database: The application also needs to store and retrieve data, such as user profiles, crop-specific
advisories, and weather data. Database management systems like MySQL, Oracle Database, and
Microsoft SQL store and manage the data.

These are the following Machine Learning Algorithms:

● Decision Trees:
A decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision-making process, commonly used in
machine learning and decision analysis. The decision tree algorithm is often used in classification
and regression problems

● Naïve Bayes:
Naïve Bayes algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm, which is based on Bayes theorem and
used for solving classification problems. It requires a small amount of training data and can quickly
make predictions on new data points

● Multilayer Perceptron classifiers:

Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifiers are a type of artificial neural network that is commonly
used for classification tasks. They consist of multiple layers of interconnected nodes (or neurons),
where each node performs a mathematical operation on the input data and passes the output to the
next layer.

We will try these and compare the results, the best one will be integrated will application
1.4.3 Data Requirement:
To develop an Android application for this, the following data requirements would be necessary:

 Weather data: To provide accurate and timely weather forecasts, the application needs access
to up-to-date weather data for the specific location. This data can be obtained from the
Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), a government organization responsible for
providing weather and climate-related information.

 Agricultural data: The application needs access to agricultural data, including crop types,
planting, and harvesting schedules, and recommended farming practices for the specific
location. As we focus on some districts of Punjab, this data can be sourced from the
Agriculture Department of Punjab which provides weather data and crop-specific details
for different districts in Punjab.

 Geospatial data: The application needs geospatial data to determine the exact location of the
user and the agricultural plots. This data can be obtained from geospatial databases or mapping

 User data: To provide personalized agricultural advisory, the application collects user data
such as crop preferences, farming practices, and historical yields. This data can be collected
through user surveys or by integrating with existing agricultural databases
1.5 Flow Chart:

1.6 Summary

This Android Application for location-specific agricultural advisory, based on the weatherforecast
can be a beneficial tool for farmers to make informed crop decisions. Farmers can use this app to
get weather updates, predictions, and advisory information targeted to their exact area and crop
kinds. The program, by giving real-time information, can assist farmers in reducing the risks
associated with weather-related disasters such as droughts, floods, and excessive heat.
Furthermore, by assisting farmers in making informed decisions about planting, harvesting, and other
farming tasks, the program can boost productivity and profitability. Overall, such an application has the
potential to transform the agricultural economy by giving farmers the data they need to enhance crop yields
while avoiding risk.


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