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A Guide To Enteral Nutrition in Intensive Care Units

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Preiser et al.

Critical Care (2021) 25:424

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A guide to enteral nutrition in intensive care

units: 10 expert tips for the daily practice
Jean‑Charles Preiser1* , Yaseen M. Arabi2 , Mette M. Berger3 , Michael Casaer4 , Stephen McClave5,
Juan C. Montejo‑González6 , Sandra Peake7,8 , Annika Reintam Blaser9,10 , Greet Van den Berghe4 ,
Arthur van Zanten11 , Jan Wernerman12 and Paul Wischmeyer13

The preferential use of the oral/enteral route in critically ill patients over gut rest is uniformly recommended and
applied. This article provides practical guidance on enteral nutrition in compliance with recent American and Euro‑
pean guidelines. Low-dose enteral nutrition can be safely started within 48 h after admission, even during treatment
with small or moderate doses of vasopressor agents. A percutaneous access should be used when enteral nutrition
is anticipated for ≥ 4 weeks. Energy delivery should not be calculated to match energy expenditure before day 4–7,
and the use of energy-dense formulas can be restricted to cases of inability to tolerate full-volume isocaloric enteral
nutrition or to patients who require fluid restriction. Low-dose protein (max 0.8 g/kg/day) can be provided during the
early phase of critical illness, while a protein target of > 1.2 g/kg/day could be considered during the rehabilitation
phase. The occurrence of refeeding syndrome should be assessed by daily measurement of plasma phosphate, and
a phosphate drop of 30% should be managed by reduction of enteral feeding rate and high-dose thiamine. Vomit‑
ing and increased gastric residual volume may indicate gastric intolerance, while sudden abdominal pain, distension,
gastrointestinal paralysis, or rising abdominal pressure may indicate lower gastrointestinal intolerance.
Keywords: Critically ill, Stress response, Energy metabolism, Muscle wasting, Sarcopenia, Refeeding syndrome,
Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Introduction International guidelines have been recently updated

The importance of nutrition in the critically ill is increas- by the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral
ingly acknowledged, especially in patients with long stay Nutrition/Society of Critical Care Medicine [6] and the
in the intensive care unit (ICU), who often require pro- European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
longed life-sustaining support and go through a state of (ESPEN) [2, 7], with various levels of supporting evidence
severe catabolism [1, 2]. Some aspects of the nutrition (Table 1). A group of experts in critical care nutrition
practice such as the preferential use of the early oral/ from different regions of the world was commissioned
enteral nutrition (EN) over «gut rest» and the acceptance to discuss some of the practicalities of early EN, listed
of delaying provision of amounts of nutrients calculated in Table 1 and supported in the corresponding sections,
to match the losses and expenditure, while other aspects to use and to complement the guidelines [6, 7] by pro-
can raise controversial views [3–5]. viding tips inspired by the current knowledge and clini-
cal experience of the experts. Importantly, nutritional
requirements will vary according to the phase of critical
*Correspondence: illness, our tips are general in nature, and an individual-
Erasme University Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 808 Route de ized approach should always be used.
Lennik, 1070 Brussels, Belgium
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Preiser et al. Critical Care
Table 1 Guide to EN—summary table
Question Suggested answer ASPEN/SCCM guidelines [6] ESPEN guidelines [7]

1 When to start? Start within 24–48 h of ICU admission Recommendation: start early EN within Start early EN (within 48 h) rather than delay‑
24–48 h (quality of evidence: very low) ing EN (grade of recommendation: B strong
Start early EN (within 48 h) rather than early PN
(grade of recommendation: a strong consensus)

(2021) 25:424
2 What to do in case of vasopressor agents? Start low-dose enteral nutrition Suggestion: in the setting of hemodynamic EN should be delayed if shock is uncontrolled.
Hold EN for patients who are being actively instability, hold EN until the patient is fully Low-dose EN can be started as soon as shock
resuscitated or unstable resuscitated and/or stable is controlled, while remaining vigilant for signs
Consider initiation/reinitiation of EN with of bowel ischemia [grade of recommendation:
caution in patients undergoing withdrawal of Good practice point (GPP)]
vasopressor support (expert consensus)
3 How to achieve enteral access? Short-term (expected duration < 4 weeks): Suggestion: in most critically ill patients initiate Use gastric access as the standard approach
use nasogastric tube or postpyloric in case of EN in the stomach {Expert consensus} to initiate EN (grade of recommendation: GPP
delayed gastric emptying) Recommendation: Infuse EN lower in the GI strong consensus)
Long-term (> 4 weeks): place percutaneous tract in patients who are at high risk for aspira‑ Use postpyloric feeding in patients with gastric
enteral access (gastrostomy or jejunostomy) tion or with intolerance to gastric EN (quality feeding intolerance not solved with prokinetic
of evidence: moderate to high) agents (grade of recommendation: B strong
Consider postpyloric, mainly jejunal feeding
in patients at high risk for aspiration (grade of
recommendation: GPP strong consensus)
4 How much energy? Accept below energy expenditure during the Suggestion: patients at low nutrition risk with Administer hypocaloric EN (not exceeding 70%
early phase and increase energy to match normal baseline nutrition status and low of EE) in the early phase of acute illness (grade
energy expenditure later (4–7 days) disease severity (e.g., NRS 2002 ≤ 3 or NUTRIC of recommendation: B strong consensus)
score ≤ 5) do not require specialized nutrition Increase caloric delivery can be increased up to
therapy over the first week of hospitalization in 80–100% of measured EE after day 3 (grade of
the ICU (expert consensus) recommendation: 0 strong consensus)
Recommendation: Start either trophic or full
nutrition by EN for patients with acute respira‑
tory distress syndrome (ARDS)/acute lung
injury (ALI) and those expected to have a dura‑
tion of mechanical ventilation ≥ 72 h (quality
of evidence: high)
Suggestion: advance EN toward goal over
24–48 h while monitoring for refeeding
syndrome in patients who are at high nutrition
risk (e.g., NRS 2002 ≥ 5 or NUTRIC score ≥ 5,
without interleukin 6) or severely malnour‑
ished (expert consensus)
5 When should energy-dense formulas be used? Use energy-dense formulas in patients with No specific recommendation No specific recommendation
GI intolerance of full-volume isocaloric enteral
nutrition, patients needing fluid restric‑
tion or during transitioning to oral nutrition

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(intermittent-feeding schedule)
Table 1 (continued)
Preiser et al. Critical Care

Question Suggested answer ASPEN/SCCM guidelines [6] ESPEN guidelines [7]

6 How much proteins? Low dose (e.g., 0.8 g/kg/day) during the early Suggestion: Administer sufficient (high-dose) During critical illness, 1.3 g/kg protein equiva‑
phase—to be increased to > 1.2 g/kg/day later protein in the range of 1.2–2.0 g/kg actual lents per day can be delivered progressively
body weight per day and may likely be even (grade of recommendation: 0: strong consen‑
higher in burn or multitrauma patients (quality sus)
(2021) 25:424

of evidence: very low)

7 When should hyperprotein formulas be During the late stable phase—monitoring of
considered? renal function/acid–base status
8 How and when to start micronutrient sup‑ Thiamin upon admission—others when insuf‑ We suggest that a combination of antioxidant No specific recommendation
plementation? ficient amounts by enteral nutrition vitamins [including vitamins E and C (ascorbic
acid)] and trace minerals (including selenium,
zinc, and copper) in doses reported to be safe
in critically ill patients be provided to those
patients who require specialized nutrition
therapy (quality of evidence: low)
9 How to screen and manage patients for Plasma phosphate levels at least once a day Monitor closely serum phosphate concentra‑ Electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, phos‑
refeeding syndrome? when starting enteral nutrition tions and replace phosphate appropriately phate) should be measured at least once daily
Low-dose enteral nutrition, supplemental thia‑ when needed suggestion: (expert consensus) for the first week [grade recommendation: GPP
min and phosphate strong consensus (92% agreement)]
In patients with refeeding hypophosphatemia
(< 0.65 mmol/ l or a drop of > 0.16 mmol/l), elec‑
trolytes should be measured 23 timesa day and
supplemented if needed [grade recommenda‑
tion: GPP strong consensus (100% agreement)]
In patients with refeeding hypophosphatemia
energy supply should be restricted for 48 h and
then gradually increased [grade recommenda‑
tion: B strong consensus (100% agreement)]
10 How to assess gastrointestinal tolerance? At the start of low-dose EN: high gastric resid‑ Suggestion: Do not use GRVs as part of routine No specific recommendation statement
ual volume (optional—threshold 500 ml/6 h), care to monitor ICU patients receiving EN
vomiting, pain, distension, elevated/increas‑ Suggestion: for those ICUs where GRVs are still
ing intra-abdominal pressure, absent bowel utilized, avoid holding EN for GRVs < 500 mL
sounds—dynamic ileus in the absence of other signs of intolerance
(quality of evidence: low)
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Question 1: When to start? full dose EN should be postponed until hemodynamic

Critically illness induces a cascade of metabolic and stability is restored. Whether lower amounts of EN or no
hormonal derangements, leading to severe macro- and EN at all would be the best option in patients with severe
micronutrient deficiencies [8]. The provision of exog- shock is not known. Still, aggregated data from 11 rand-
enous nutrients via early commencement of EN helps omized controlled trials (RCTs, n = 597) show that early
mitigate this catabolic state and prevent intestinal villi EN might decrease infectious complications [14] pre-
atrophy, enterocyte apoptosis, inflammatory infiltration, sumably via the protection of gastrointestinal wall integ-
dysbiosis and impairment of gut immune functions [9]. rity [23]. Nevertheless, in NUTRIREA-2 (N = 2410) and
Early EN may alleviate or even reverse some of these CALORIES (N = 2400), early EN as compared to PN for
pathophysiologic cascades [10–12]. Clinical data have no more than 3–5 days did not decrease the infection
also supported early EN (within 24–48 h of ICU admis- rate [22, 24].
sion) in critically ill patients. Multiple meta-analyses Several related questions are currently subject to ongo-
of randomized controlled trials showed that early EN ing research including comparing early trophic EN with
compared to late EN was associated with reduced infec- no EN in the first 24 h [25–29].
tious morbidity in ICU patients [5, 6, 13]. However, sev- Given the existing data, low-dose EN is recommended
eral of the studies were of small sample sizes, and some within 48 h of ICU admission, in patients with controlled
were conducted more than 3 decades ago, with different shock requiring small or moderate doses of vasopres-
standards of ICU management and nutritional therapy. sor and delaying EN in patients who are actively being
Additionally, some of the older trials have important resuscitated or are unstable [5, 6]. In patients requir-
methodological limitations questioning their internal ing vasopressors, EN should be started with gradual
validity including selection bias, frequent postrandomi- advancement, with monitoring for symptoms and signs
zation exclusions and lack of adherence to the intention- of gastrointestinal intolerance or unexplained worsening
to-treat principle. A recent Cochrane meta-analysis hemodynamic status.
assessed current evidence to be of very low quality, lead-
ing to uncertainty as to whether early EN, compared with Question 3: How to achieve enteral access?
delayed EN, affects the risk of mortality, feed intolerance Decisions regarding enteral access are often determined
or gastrointestinal complications, or pneumonia [14]. by local expertise, anticipated duration of feeding, and
In spite of the low level of evidence, recent guidelines evidence of gastroparesis or impaired gastrointestinal
[6, 7] recommend the commencement of low-dose EN transit [30].
within 24–48 h of critical illness in the majority of ICU Short-term feeding may be facilitated by blind bedside
patients. placement of a nasogastric tube. Reliable aids to confirm
location within the stomach include an abdominal radio-
graph, continuous CO2 monitor, or differential esopha-
Question 2: What about EN in patients receiving geal/tracheal compliance to intermittent suction [30].
vasopressor agents? The decision to switch from gastric to postpyloric feed-
Patients receiving vasopressor agents represent a special ing is based on perceived intolerance or delayed gastric
group, in which the potential benefit of early EN should emptying [7]. The placement of a postpyloric tube can be
be balanced against the associated risk [15–17]. Some achieved endoscopic techniques, blind corkscrew tech-
data suggest that trickle feeding is possible even with nique, or GPS-guided or optically-guided tubes [30]. Use
high dose norepinephrine [18]. Data regarding the clini- of a magnet-directed or flanged Tiger tube should be
cal benefits and risks of early EN in patients on vasopres- avoided. Surgical or radiologic techniques require trans-
sor agents are limited. Although several observational port to the operating room or radiologic suite, respec-
data described an association between early EN and tively. Randomized trials show a switch to postpyloric
bowel ischemia, establishing causality between vasopres- feeding reduces pneumonia significantly, but arguably
sor agents and bowel ischemia in these studies is diffi- no other outcome benefits are incurred, thereby underly-
cult [19–21]. In the NUTRIREA-2 trial, adults receiving ing controversial views [6, 31, 32]. The decision to switch
mechanical ventilation and vasopressor agents were ran- from nasoenteric to percutaneous access is predicated on
domized to either early parenteral nutrition (PN) or EN, an anticipated duration of feeding of greater than four
both at rates calculated to match the energy expenditure weeks. A size of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
[22]. The study found no difference in the primary end- (PEG) tube larger than 18–20 French should be avoided,
point of 28-day mortality, but demonstrated a fourfold as torsion on the side wall leading to enlarged stomal
increase in bowel ischemia and acute colonic pseudo- diameter is more likely. Surgical placement of a gastros-
obstruction with early EN [22]. The study suggests that tomy tube is preferred in the presence of ascites, excluded
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 5 of 13

stomach following bariatric surgery, or altered postop- In summary, energy intakes should be lower than
erative anatomy. Radiologic placement of a gastrostomy energy expenditure during the early phase (4–7 days) and
tube utilizes a variant of the “Introducer” technique. are increased to match energy expenditure later.
The decision to attain deep jejunal access, such as con-
verting a PEG to a PEGJ, is based on evidence of delayed Question 5: When should energy‑dense formulas
gastric emptying [30, 33]. A new PEG can be converted be used?
even at initial placement by shortening the length of The macro- and micronutrient content of EN differs
the PEG and placing a second smaller jejunostomy tube between various formulations. While isocaloric EN
(J-tube) through the PEG into the small bowel. A mature (1 kcal/ml) is commonly prescribed to achieve estimated
tract (> 7–10 days since initial placement) is required to or measured caloric goals [52–54], energy-dense formu-
place a one-piece PEGJ, which affords a larger lumen for lae (> 1 kcal/ml) are also available. The increase in energy
both feeding and aspiration. is achieved with increases in the proportion of mainly
factor, carbohydrate.
The most common reasons for prescribing an energy-
Question 4: How much energy? dense formulation are either to increase calorie delivery
The concept of high enteral energy intake has been pos- in patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction, an inability
tulated and tested, but this strategy failed to improve to tolerate full-volume isocaloric EN, fluid restriction or
vital -and long-term functional [34–36] outcome in transitioning to oral nutrition using an intermittent-feed-
large-scale RCT’s [37–40]. These results suggest that ing schedule (e.g., overnight) while ensuring adequate
disease-related anorexia contributes less to preventing energy intake. However, several caveats exist.
lean-tissue wasting early in critical illness, than inflam- First, higher osmolality and fat content in energy-
mation and mobilization. In some ICU patients, early up dense formulations may further impair delayed gastric
to target EN may moreover provoke harm. In patients emptying via neurohumoral feedback mechanisms (e.g.,
recovering from circulatory shock, it provoked a small cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide-1) and via duo-
but significant increase in potentially lethal ischemic denal osmoreceptors which decrease gastric emptying
bowel complications [22]. Following a transitory decrease until the gastric and duodenal contents are iso-osmotic.
in serum phosphate, a feeding strategy aiming to achieve These solutions might cause diarrhea via the stimulation
nutritional target increased mortality as compared to of fluid secretion within the small intestine [55]. Finally,
early nutrient restriction [41] (Question 9). Based on lack the delivery of energy-dense nutrition at a lower rate may
of benefit in large heterogeneous populations and signals have the unintended consequence of decreased water and
of harm in some studies, ESPEN guidelines advise against protein administration.
early rapid advancement of feeding to target EN [7]. Second, the early administration of an energy-dense
The individualization of intakes rather than aiming for formulation has not been shown to improve outcomes.
enhanced or more restrictive feeding, equally applied to A large study reported that a near 50% increase in calo-
all patients might physiologically make more sense. Sev- rie delivery with an energy-dense EN formulation did
eral scores—integrating clinical characteristics upon ICU not improve mortality at any time point, organ support
admission and/or biomarkers—have been constructed in or 6-month quality of life and functional outcomes com-
order to identify patients who might benefit from earlier pared to a 1 kcal/ml formulation [36, 40]. Subgroup anal-
or enhanced nutrition support. In particular, the value ysis also did not demonstrate any differences between the
of the NUTRIC (The Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill) energy-dense and isocaloric EN groups. Energy-dense
score appeared promising for that purpose in obser- EN was associated with increased gastrointestinal intol-
vational analyses [42], but was refuted in stratified sub- erance and higher blood glucose levels.
analysis of the PERMIT-RCT [43]. Indirect calorimetry
(IC) provides accurate estimation of energy burned by Question 6: How much protein?
patients at rest [7]. IC-guided nutrition therapy, however, Patients’ muscle mass at ICU admission is correlated with
did not convincingly improve outcomes, in the absence ICU survival and this serves as an endogenous metabolic
of methodologically sound evidence [44–47]. The indi- or amino acid reserve [4, 8, 56, 57] (Fig. 1). The catabolic
vidualization of feeding based on a biomarker is not yet response leads to marked muscle mass loss of up to 1 kg
validated [48, 49]. per day over the first 10 days of ICU stay and is associ-
While the impact of early nutrition interventions in ated with ICU-Acquired Weakness [58]. Nitrogen losses
ICU appears to be limited, nutrient provision during in- increase fourfold within the first 24 h of ICU stay [59].
ICU rehabilitation and after ICU discharge is unexplored Current data consistently demonstrate that ICU
and potentially relevant to functional recovery [1, 50, 51]. patients receive low amounts of protein (average of 0.6 g/
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 6 of 13

Fig. 1 Acute phase catabolic response to critical illness and need for protein and non-protein calories. Adapted from: Ref. [57]

kg/day for the first two weeks) [24, 60–67]. Higher pro-
tein provision is associated with reduced mortality in
adults in observational trials [61, 68–74], biochemi-
cal outcome parameters and morphometric outcomes
in skeletal muscle [75–79], improved quality of life at
3-month post-ICU [69] or handgrip strength at hospital
day 7 and muscle mass [73]. However, prospective stud-
ies show limited effects on clinical, patient-centered and
functional outcomes or yield negative results [45, 67, 74–
81]. Admittedly, a limited number of large RCTs exam-
ined clinical outcomes of specifically increasing protein
Hence, there is no evidence for a higher protein intake
in critically ill patients in terms of clinically relevant out-
comes in prospective randomized trials [82, 83]. Moreo-
ver, some harm can be related to excessive amounts of Fig. 2 Recommendations for the progression of enteral nutrition
proteins in a post hoc analysis of prospective trials per- delivery, micronutrients delivery and management of refeeding.
formed in adults [45, 84, 85] or in children [86] and in Adapted from: CHUV Lausanne and Gelderse Vallei Hospitals. The X
axis represents the time from admission (days, arbitrary example)
a retrospective study [87]. Hence, it may be prudent to and the Y axis the percentage of nutritional goal determined by a
start protein delivery at a lower dose (~ 0.8 g/kg) and computer protocol using sex, height, weight (first 3 days) and later
ramp up protein dose to the targeted protein goal (> 1.2– by indirect calorimetry or calculation prioritizing the avoidance of
1.3 g/kg/day [6, 7] (Fig. 2). However, this strategy was not energy overfeeding. Regular (hourly) checks of intakes including
previously evaluated in prospective studies. the amount of non-nutritional energy (propofol, glucose, citrate)
are recommended to adapt the infusion rate. Multi-micronutrients
The role of high-protein intakes that stress the need are administered IV until the dietary recommended intakes are
for focused larger clinical trial evidence examining the met by the EN solution. The screening for refeeding syndrome is
effect of specifically increasing protein delivery [4, 67, based on daily phosphate determination from day 2. In case of
84], combined with active mobilization to optimize phys- hypophosphatemia (hypoP) (serum phosphate (PO4) < 0.65 mmol/l,
ical therapy and functional outcomes in long-stayers, or a drop from baseline > 0.16 mmol/l occurring within 72 h of
the start of EN) decrease the amount of energy delivered to a
requires further study. Importantly, muscle volume and maximum of 500 kcal/day, supplement phosphate, magnesium
strength are not necessarily related. Preliminary data sug- (Mg) and potassium (K) and additional boluses of thiamine (vit B1,
gest that the combination of neuromuscular electrical 500–1000 mg IV)
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 7 of 13

stimulation and high-protein supplementation (1.8 g/kg/ function and absorption are often absent or depressed
day) significantly improved short physical performance during the first days, and antioxidant stress is maximal
[88]. The role of high-dose protein delivery and in-bed [96].
ergometry (cycling) is being meaningfully studied [89] Further, most recent guidelines [7] recommend that EN
(NCT03021902). is started within 48 h of admission after stabilization [5]
and progressed to target over 3–4 days (Fig. 2). Conse-
Question 7: When should hyperprotein formulas be quently, MN delivery starts at close to zero and remains
used? below DRI for nearly a week, or "forever" in patients
There now exist a range of available high protein-to- receiving less than 1500 kcal. It has been proposed to
energy ratio products intended to meet protein targets measure blood concentrations of some MN at risk [15].
and non-protein calorie goals with a limited risk of over- The results of analysis are often not timely available and
feeding of non-protein calories. The use of enteral pro- may be costly. As most patients stay briefly (< 5 days),
tein supplements or supplemental amino acid solutions there is no time to adapt to a delayed abnormal result.
(such as clear liquid whey protein formulas) is proposed Nevertheless, blood values determination is rational for
for this purpose [90]. However, it is important to keep selected MNs depending on pathology and treatment
the amino acid composition well balanced. Nutrition when the patients stay more than a week, especially when
regimens that are grossly unbalanced inflict a metabolic renal replacement therapy is required [97–101].
strain on the patient [91]. A high-protein product may Critically ill patients are often admitted with a nutri-
be used in the later stable phase of critical illness [85]. tional deficit developed in the days preceding ICU
However, there are no data from prospective randomized admission, translating into MN deficiencies. The earliest
controlled studies with clinically relevant outcomes to manifestation is refeeding syndrome (RFS), with thia-
support this recommendation. mine being in the first line discussed below [105]. The late
Some potential alternatives include the addition of the complications are less specific, generally unrecognized,
leucine metabolite HMB (hydroxy methyl butyrate) to and sometimes called an "invisible foe" [110, 102–105].
improve amino acid metabolism and reduce net protein Infections and wound healing complications are in the
breakdown [92]. first line as MN are essential for immune defense. There-
A high-nitrogen intake should always be accompanied fore, during the early phase, as EN cannot cover the eve-
by daily monitoring of plasma concentration of urea and ryday needs and the higher needs associated with critical
creatinine together with base excess. If plasma urea con- illness, early intravenous delivery of doses like those used
centration is increasing, urea excretion in urine should in PN is rational (1 vial multitrace element and multivi-
be identified and followed by a decrease of protein intake tamin + 100–200 mg thiamine) (Fig. 2). A few trials have
and eventually renal replacement therapy. If base excess shown that the strategy to deliver MNs intravenously at
increases, always consider reducing protein intake. Aci- doses 4–5 times higher than for PN until EN can cover
dosis may come in critically ill patients for several rea- the needs is associated with better global outcomes [106,
sons, but when the renal compensatory mechanisms are 107].
overridden will the ability to eliminate a surplus of nitro-
gen be impaired. Question 9: How to screen and manage patients
for refeeding syndrome?
Question 8: When and how to start micronutrients? Refeeding syndrome (RFS) is a potentially fatal acute
Ingestion of micronutrients (MN), i.e., trace elements and metabolic response following the reintroduction of nutri-
vitamins, is essential for normal metabolism [93], immu- ents after a variable length of starvation that may lead to
nity [94], and antioxidant defense. They work as a web, morbidity and increased mortality [108].
and 24 of them are "essential," meaning that nutrition Refeeding syndrome is characterized by electrolyte
is the only source. The body stores of MNs are variable shifts that arise from a switch from a catabolic state
but generally insufficient to ensure normal metabolism using fat and protein as energy sources back to carbo-
beyond one week. The MNs needs will depend on the hydrate metabolism. Glucose substrate utilization leads
presence of prior deficiency, food intake before admis- to increased insulin levels, resulting in thiamine deple-
sion, particular body fluid losses, disease, and feeding tion and low plasma levels of phosphate, magnesium and
rate. The available feeding products are meant to cover potassium due to the intracellular shift of electrolytes
the needs of healthy people (dietary reference intakes) [109–111]. The complications of RFS are so severe that
provided about 1500 kcal/day is delivered to the patients the liberal administration of intravenous thiamine 100–
[95]. However, these amounts are not integrating the 200 mg/day for the first 3 days should be part of routine
specific requirements of critically ill patients. Intestinal (Fig. 2). In the absence of appropriate management, many
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 8 of 13

clinical potentially life-threatening consequences may epiphenomenon or a marker of disease severity [118].
develop [108]. In several studies, the occurrence of EFI as a feature of
Due to significant variations in RFS definitions, its GI dysfunction was shown to independently associate
exact incidence remains unknown. However, when with adverse outcome, as an additional organ dysfunc-
RFS is defined by hypophosphatemia (hypoP) with a tion [119, 121–124].
cut-off level of 0.65 mmol/L, the incidence ranges from Gastric intolerance assessed by the GRV measurement
34 to 40%, with 4–10% presenting severe hypophos- is the prevalent gastrointestinal symptom in ICU patients
phatemia (phosphate < 0.32 mmol/L) or a drop after the treated with EN [118, 125, 126]. Measurements of GRV
start of glucose infusion or nutrition therapy [111–113]. have been omitted in many sites since a study showed
Most recent studies in ICU patients using hypoP as the no benefit of GRV-guided EN in patients with already
primary criterion to define RFS did not identify clini- established EN despite vomiting occurred more often in
cal predictors of RFS on ICU admission [41, 110, 114]. patients without than with GRV measurements [127].
Therefore, all critically ill patients should be considered However, the relation of GRV with the tracheal aspira-
at risk of refeeding syndrome and monitored for serum tion of gastric contents and pneumonia development is
phosphate levels at least once a day when starting EN not clear [128, 129] and GRV measurement is a time-
[110]. The diagnostic criteria and recommendations to consuming practice and is associated with infectious
monitor phosphate have recently been adopted by the risk (COVID-19) and variability in practices [121, 122].
ESPEN nutrition guidelines [7]. Due to these factors and uncertainties, recent guide-
Recent studies have demonstrated that high-energy lines either do not recommend routine measurement of
intake during RFS is associated with increased mortal- GRV [6], or suggest restricting GRV measurements to
ity, and caloric restriction confers improved outcomes the initiation and progression of EN only [5, 7]. The lat-
[114, 115]. The difference in mortality occurred much ter is important, as evidence from RCTs is available only
later during patients’ ICU stay after correction of elec- for medical patients having full EN already established at
trolyte imbalance, suggesting a complex pathophysiology study inclusion [126]. Moreover, there is no good substi-
[41, 114]. Thiamine administration and caloric restriction tute for GRV, which could be considered as a surrogate
of 500 kcal/day or 25% of the estimated target inspired marker of gastric emptying at bedside [128]. Therefore,
from NICE guidance [116] is a frequent practice for ICU depending on local constraints, GRV can still be included
patients with hypoP/RFS for at least 48 h. in assessment of EFI and a GRV over 500 ml/6 h is con-
Practical protocols are available on-line (e.g., [117]) sidered as an indication for intervention (delay or inter-
to guide progressing energy to target in the early phase ruption of EN or application of prokinetics) [129]. [5, 7,
of ICU stay is provided. Energy target on admission is 130–133], even though prokinetics has not been proven
based on predictive equations. In 4 steps of 25%, feeds to improve patient-relevant outcomes [134].
are advanced to the estimated target to prevent over- Lower parts of GI tract are often involved, even in the
feeding, including non-nutritional energy from propofol absence of upper GI intolerance. Lower GI intolerance
and citrate. Indirect calorimetry is performed to adjust requires different management. Bowel paralysis leading
to the actual energy expenditure and set as a new target. to bowel distension in patient receiving EN may be asso-
When refeeding hypoP within 72 h after the start of EN is ciated with adverse outcomes. Patients in shock receiv-
encountered, caloric restriction is warranted. After 48 h ing early full EN compared to PN more often developed
subsequently, the following steps (25%) are set. Ogilvie’s syndrome and bowel ischemia [22]. Monitoring
and management of EFI and GI dysfunction is compli-
Question 10: How to assess gastrointestinal cated due to the lack of robust and reproducible markers
intolerance? and multifaceted clinical presentation [49]. As no single
Gastrointestinal (in)tolerance is often defined with straightforward marker reliably detects GI dysfunction,
certain symptoms/signs, with ‘tolerance’ meaning using composite scores combining several symptoms and
the absence of these symptoms and signs [118–120]. signs could be helpful and should be considered [131].
‘Enteral feeding intolerance’ (EFI) is commonly defined EFI at the bedside is defined as features of GI dysfunc-
as a certain amount of gastric residual volumes (GRV) tion appearing during EN and consequently leading
[119–121], capturing only upper gastrointestinal to reduction or discontinuation of EN. [123, 124, 135]
(GI) problems after initiation of enteral tube feed- Evidence on management options, unanswered issues
ing, while both upper and lower parts of the GI tract and proposals for future research on GI dysfunction
can be involved (Fig. 3). In most of available studies, have been recently summarized [136]. In brief, patients
patients with EFI were more severely ill compared to should be carefully assessed for high gastric residual vol-
patients tolerating EN, suggesting that EFI could be an ume (optional—threshold 500 ml/6 h), vomiting, pain,
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 9 of 13

Fig. 3 Screening for enteral feeding intolerance (ARB). Differentiation between EFI in different parts of GI tract and respective terminology has not
been uniformly established. *Suggested contraindications to EN are uncontrolled shock, uncontrolled hypoxemia and acidosis, uncontrolled upper
GI bleeding, gastric aspirate > 500 ml/6 h, bowel ischemia, bowel obstruction, abdominal compartment syndrome, and high-output fistula without
distal feeding access. # GRV between 200 and 500 ml can be considered increased and > 500 ml a cut-off for discontinuation of EN

distension, elevated/increasing intra-abdominal pressure, Availability of data materials

Not applicable.
GI paralysis.

Ethical approval and consent to participate
The importance of medical nutrition in the care of the Not applicable.
critically ill cannot be overstated. Overall, the manage-
ment of EN requires a systematic and updated approach Consent for publication
Not applicable.
involving all ICU professionals, including practical
approaches proposed in this document and regular Competing interests
updates. Auditing changes in practice are needed locally Jean-Charles Preiser: speaker’s and consultant’s fee form Baxter, DIM-3, Frese‑
nius, Nestlé HealthScience, Nutricia/Danone, VIPUN. Yaseen M. Arabi: Principal
from the entire community of ICU professionals to investigator on an investigator-initiated RCT for protein intake in critically ill
increase the safety and efficiency of the delivery of EN. patients (NCT04475666). Mette M. Berger: speaker fees from Abbott, Baxter,
BBraun, DSM, Fresenius Kabi, Nestlé HealthScience, Nutricia/Danone. Michael
Acknowledgements Casaer: supported by the Research Foundation—Flanders, Belgium (Funda‑
Not applicable. mental Clinical Research fellowship 1700111N;) and a KULeuven C2 Research
Project Grant (C24/17/070) and received a speaker fee from Fresenius (°2020)
Authors’ contributions and a consultant fee from Baxter (°2021). Stephen McClave,: none declared.
JCP drafted the conception and design of this article, YMA drafted Sects. 1 and Juan Carlos Montejo: speaker’ and consultant’s fees and research grants from
2, SMC drafted Sect. 3, MC and GVdB drafted Sect. 4, SP drafted Sect. 5, PW Abbott, Baxter, Fresenius-Kabi, GE Healthcare, Nestlé HealthScience. Sandra
and JW drafted Sects. 6 and 7, MB and AvZ drafted Sects. 8 and 9, and ARB and Peake: none declared. Annika Reintam Blaser received speaker or consul‑
JCM drafted Sect. 10. All authors critically revised the manuscript and brought tancy fees from Fresenius Kabi, Nestlé and VIPUN Medical. University of Tartu
significant contributions to all sections. All authors read and approved the received a study grant from Fresenius Kabi. ARB is one of the authors of ESICM
final manuscript. guidelines on early enteral nutrition; ESPEN guidelines on clinical nutrition in
the intensive care nutrition and BMJ rapid recommendations on the prophy‑
Funding laxis of gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill. Greet Van den Berghe: funded
None. by the Methusalem program of the Flemish Government (METH/08/07 which
Preiser et al. Critical Care (2021) 25:424 Page 10 of 13

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