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International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009


Abhilash M.

Department of Biotechnology,The Oxford college of Engineering,Bangalore, INDIA

Corresponding author


The binding of small molecule ligands to large protein targets is central to numerous biological
processes. The accurate prediction of the binding modes between the ligand and protein, (the docking
problem) is of fundamental importance in modern structure-based drug design. An overview of current
docking techniques is presented with a description of applications including single docking experiments
and the virtual screening of databases.

Lead optimisation, molecular docking, protein-ligand complexes, scoring, virtual screening

INTRODUCTION a drug design project. Owing to the increase in

computer power and algorithm performance, it is
The number of algorithms available to now possible to dock thousands of ligands in
assess and rationalise ligand protein interactions is ameline which is useful to the pharmaceutical
large and ever increasing. Many algorithms share industry 4 .
common methodologies with novel extensions, and Despite the large size of this field, we have
the diversity in both their complexity and attempted to summarise and classify the most
computational speed provides a plethora of important docking methods. The principal
techniques to tackle modern structure based drug techniques currently available are: molecular
design problems 1. Assuming the receptor structure dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, genetic
is available, a primary challenge in lead discovery algorithms, fragment-based methods, point
and optimisation is to predict both ligand complementarity methods, distance geometry
orientation and binding affinity; the former is often methods, tabu searches and systematic searches.
referred to as ‘molecular docking2. The algorithms Algorithm examples and the test cases used to
that address this problem have received much validate the models will be discuss
attention 3, indicating the importance of docking to
a drug design project. Owing to the increase in Large scale docking and virtual screening
computer power and algorithm performance, it is Molecular docking is often used in virtual
now possible to dock thousands of ligands in a screening methods 5, whereby large virtual libraries
timeline which is useful to the pharmaceutical of compounds are reduced in size to a manageable
industry 4 subset, which, if successful, includes molecules Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

with high binding affinities to a target receptor. per second. As a consequence only a small amount
The potential for a docking algorithm to be used as of the total conformational space can be sampled,
a virtual screening tool is based on both speed and and so a balance must be reached between the
accuracy. This review will therefore highlight computational expense and the amount of the
those docking methods that have been used in search space examined.
virtual screening applications. The practical application of such an
extensive search involves the sampling of many
Docking and de novo design methods high energy unfavourable states which can restrict
For the purpose of this review, a broad the success of an optimisation algorithm. In
distinction is made between docking algorithms practice therefore, to sample such a large search
and de novo design methods. This is arguably space the computational expense is limited by
subjective and in many cases significant overlap in applying constraints, restraints and approximations
methodology occurs between the two strategies. to reduce the dimensionality of the problem in an
Examples of denovo design tools are BUILDER 6, attempt to locate the global minimum as efficiently
CONCEPTS 7, CONCERTS 8, DLD/MCSS 9, as possible. A common approximation in early
Genstar10, Group-Build 11, Grow12, HOOK13, docking algorithms was to treat both the ligand and
Legend14, LUDI15, MCDNLG16, SMOG 17 and target as rigid bodies and only the six degrees of
SPROUT 18. LUDI is given as an example of a translational and rotational freedom were explored.
denovo design tool applied to the docking problem. One of the first examples of such an algorithm is
Search algorithms the early implementation of the program DOCK20
A rigorous search algorithm would (see Fragment-Based Methods). Although these
exhaustively elucidate all possible binding modes methods have been successful in certain cases21,
between the ligand and receptor. All six degrees of there is a limitation to the rigid body docking
translational and rotational freedom of the ligand paradigm in that the ligand conformation must be
would be explored along with the internal close to the experimentally observed conformation
conformational degrees of freedom of both the when bound to the target. Furthermore, numerous
ligand and protein. However, this is impractical examples of conformational change of the target
due to the size of the search space. For a simple upon binding, for example the binding of
system19 comprising a ligand with four rotatable cyclosporin A to cyclophilin22, have led the drive
bonds and six rigid-body alignment parameters, the to incorporate conformational flexibility into the
search space has been estimated as follows.The search algorithm.
alignment parameters are used to position the
ligand relative to the protein in a cubic active site A common approach in modelling
measuring 103 Å3. If the angles are considered in molecular flexibility is to consider only the
10 degree increments and translational parameters conformational space of the ligand, assuming a
on a 0.5 Å grid there are approximately 4×108 rigid receptor throughout the docking protocol. The
rigid body degrees of freedom to sample, techniques used to incorporate conformational
corresponding to 6×1014 configurations (including flexibility into a docking protocol will be discussed
the four rotatable torsions) to be searched. This in some detail. However, the searching algorithm is
would require approximately 2 000 000 years of only half the docking problem; the other factor to
computational time at a rate of 10 configurations Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

be incorporated into a docking protocol is the shot fashion. A snapshot method involves the
scoring function. generation of structures in vacuo, that are
subsequently ranked with a scoring function that
Scoring functions includes a solvent model. The search function is
Generating a broad range of binding modes therefore directed to the conformational space
is ineffective without a model to rank each which favours the in vacuo conformations.
conformation that is both accurate and efficient. Furthermore, the structural role of bound solvent
The scoring function should be able to distinguish molecules and ions is often not considered, yet in
the experimental binding modes from all other the HIV-1 protease30 system for example, it has
modes explored through the searching algorithm. A been shown that explicit waters play an important
rigorous scoring function will generally be role in ligand binding31. A brief description of the
computationally expensive and so often the scoring and searching function will be given for
function’s complexity is reduced, with a each docking method in the following sections.
consequential loss of accuracy. Scoring methods The core components of the algorithm will be
can range from molecular mechanics force fields described, with a brief synopsis of the test cases
such as AMBER 23, OPLS24 or CHARMM 25, used to validate the algorithms.
through to empirical free energy scoring
functions26 or knowledge based functions 27.The Molecular dynamics
currently available docking methods utilise the There are many programs to perform
scoring functions in one of two ways. The first molecular dynamics (MD) simulations such as
approach uses the full scoring function to rank a AMBER32 and CHARMM25. MD involves the
proteinlig and conformation. The system is then calculation of solutions to Newton’s equations of
modified by the search algorithm, and the same motions. Using standard MD to find the global
scoring function is again applied to rank the new minimum energy of a docked complex is difficult
structure. The alternativemethod is to use a two since traversing the rugged hypersurface of a
stage scoring function. In this approach a reduced biological system is problematic. Often an MD
function is used to direct the search strategy and a trajectory will become trapped in a local minimum
more rigorous scoring function is then used to rank and will not be able to step over high energy
the resulting structures. These directed methods conformational barriers. Thus, the quality of the
make assumptions about the energy hypersurface, results from a standard MD simulation are
often omitting computationally expensive terms extremely dependent on the starting conformation
such as electrostatics and considering only a few of the system.
types of interaction such as hydrogen bonds. Such This section focuses on novel MD
algorithms are therefore directed to areas of techniques applied specifically to the docking
importance as determined by the reduced scoring problem to overcome the shortcomings of standard
function. Examples of directed methods are MD methodology.Flexible ligands have been
GOLD28 and DOCK29, and will be considered in docked to flexible receptors in solution using MD
more detail in the following sections. simulations by Mangoni et al.33, building upon the
A serious limitation in many existing original work of Di Nola et al. 34. The problems of
scoring functions is the tendency to either neglect obtaining adequate sampling are addressed by
solvation effects or use solvent models in a snap- separating the centre of mass motion of the Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

substrate from its internal and rotational motion. system and accepting or rejecting the move based
Separate thermal baths are then used for both types on a Boltzmann probability.
of substrate motion and receptor motion which Early implementations of AutoDock39,40
permits local freezing of the various motion types. used Metropolis MC simulated annealing with a
Wang and Pak35 have applied a newMD grid based evaluation of the energy, based on the
method to flexible ligand docking using a well AMBER force field, to dock flexible ligands into
jumping technique, where a scaling function is the binding pocket of a rigid receptor. The
applied to the equations of motion to facilitate algorithm was originally tested on six complexes
barrier crossing by effectively reducing the and was able to reproduce the experimental
magnitude of the forces. Multicanonical molecular binding modes, although the lowest energy
dynamics addresses the problem of limited structures did not always correspond to the
conformational sampling and has been used as a crystallographic conformation. Prodock41 uses a
technique to dock flexible ligands by Nakajima et Monte Carlo minimisation technique to dock
al.36 These methods operate on a single structure. flexible ligands to a flexible binding site, using
However, it is common practice to generate a sub- internal coordinates to represent the structures.
ensemble of protein states, often using molecular This method differs from a standard MC procedure
dynamics, for use in docking studies. Such in that after each random move a local gradient-
techniques have been summarised by Carlson and based minimisation is performed; the resulting
McCammon 37 where multiple protein structures structure is then accepted based on the Metropolis
are utilised rather than operating on a single acceptance criteria. A grid based technique to
flexible protein structure. evaluate the energy function is incorporated into
the algorithm using Bezier splines42, which
Monte Carlo methods produces a smooth function that can be
Monte Carlo (MC) methods are among the differentiated; this property is crucial to the local
most established and widely used stochastic gradient-based minimisation. During the dock the
optimisation techniques. The combination of magnitudes of the various potential energy terms
atomistic potential energy models with stochastic are scaled to facilitate sampling.
search techniques has produced some of the most The independent scaling allows the
powerful methods for both structure optimisation selective reduction of barriers that restrict
and prediction. A significant advantage of the MC sampling. The size of each random move is
technique compared with gradient based methods, determined from an assessment of the curvature of
such as MD, is that a simple energy function can the hyper surface using the second derivative of the
be used which does not require derivative energy function. Thus large moves are attempted in
information. Furthermore, through a judicious areas of small curvature and small moves are
choice of move type, energy barriers can simply be attempted in areas of large curvature. Two force
stepped over. The gradient based methods are often fields are implemented in Prodock, namely
efficient at local optimisation, but have difficulty AMBER23 and ECEPP/3 43 along with a solvation
navigating a rugged hyper surface. The standard model based on solvent exposed volume.
MC method (more correctly,Metropolis MC 38) The MC method has been used to dock
involves applying random Cartesian moves to the flexible ligands into a flexible binding site by
Caflisch and coworkers 44; this study built on Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

previous work by Caflisch et al. 45 for docking an Internal Coordinates Mechanics 47 (ICM) is
FKBP-Substrate complex. The first stage of the a program to perform flexible protein-ligand
procedure places the ligand, at random, within the docking and may be summarised as a MC
active site. This structure is then minimised in minimisation method in internal coordinates. The
vacuo using a conjugate gradient minimiser with algorithm initially makes a random move, which is
the CHARMM force field, allowing flexibility of one of three types; rigid body ligand move, torsion
the ligand and the protein. The Lennard- Jones and moves of the ligand, or torsion moves of the
coulombic potentials are initially softened and receptor side chain, using the biased probability
gradually turned on throughout the course of the methodology 48. The side chain movement using
minimisation. This is repeated for 1000 seed this method is one of the defining features of the
structures. The seed structures are then ranked algorithm. The idea is to sample with a larger
based on the potential energies calculated using the probability those regions of conformational space
CHARMM force field. Solvation is included in the which are known a priori, based on previously
potential energy using a finite difference Poisson- defined rotamers 49, to be highly populated. This is
Boltzmann (PB) term for the electrostatic achieved by making a normally distributed step in
contributions, calculated by UHBD 46, and the vicinity of the low energy rotamer states for the
nonpolar contributions are approximated by a protein side chains. Having made a random move,
weighted solvent-accessible area (SA) term. The local minimisation of the ECEPP/3 43 scoring
MC method is then applied to the 20 structures function with a distance-dependent dielectric is
with the lowest energy. This implementation of the performed using a conjugate gradient minimiser.
MC method (referred to as Monte Carlo An approximation for side chain entropy, loosely
minimisation or MCM), is similar to the method based around the statistical distributions of side
adopted in the program Prodock 41. MCM performs chains, is then added to the minimised in vacuo
conjugate gradient minimisation after each random ECEPP/3 energy. An electrostatic solvation term is
move. The minimised structures are then accepted then added to this energy, which is calculated using
based on the Boltzmann acceptance criteria. The the MIMEL 48 approximation. This is a rapid
energy for each MCM stage is again calculated approximation to the reaction field potential using
using the CHARMM force field with the PB/SA the Born equation with a modification for many
solvent model. Each random move samples not atoms. The modified ECEPP/3 energy is then used
only the position and orientation of the ligand but to test whether the structure is accepted or rejected,
also a set of randomly selected dihedrals in the based on the Boltzmann criteria. A history
ligand and in the protein. This technique has been mechanism has also been implemented to promote
applied to three test systems and all three produced the discovery of
lowest energy structures within 1.4 Å RMSD of the new minima 50.
crystallographic structures. Caflisch and co- ICM has been applied to protein-ligand
workers also report the importance of allowing the docking in the CASP-2 experiments 51. For the 8
protein to relax upon binding of the ligand, to complexes tested only one produced an RMSD of
discriminate near-native from non-native 1.8 Å with respect to the crystal structure; the
structures. This is arguably one of the most remaining test cases were only able to give, at best,
ambitious docking projects to date. an RMSD of 3 Å. However, in most cases the
prediction was reasonable; on average 50% of the Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

ligand was docked correctly. MCDOCK 52 (version scoring function the binding modes for both test
1.0) applies a multiple stage strategy to dock a cases were successfully reproduced.
flexible ligand to a rigid receptor. The first stage of Further MC simulations were performed
the docking places the ligand in the binding site. using 10 different protein conformations for HIV-1
Random moves are then applied to the ligand to protease.The method consisted of randomly
reduce the overlap of ligand and protein atoms. moving the ligand and calculating the score for this
Metropolis MC with simulated annealing is then move, using the PLP function, between the ligand
performed using a scoring function based on the and all 10 protein complexes. The lowest energy
CHARMM force field 25. This is followed by a MC from the 10 ligand-protein combinations was then
simulation which uses an adjustable temperature. used in the MC acceptance criteria to yield a
In this method the temperature is increased if the frequency distribution of binding modes. This
acceptance ratio is too low, in an attempt to yield study attempted to rationalise the population of
increased sampling. MCDOCK was tested using 19 binding modes arising from the conformational
complexes, taken from the FlexX 53 optimisation changes in both the ligand and protein. They
test set. The RMSD between the binding modes concluded, for two ligands, that there was a high
predicted by MCDOCK and the experimental correlation between protein conformation and
binding modes, for the non-hydrogen atoms of the predicted binding mode for one ligand but that the
ligand, ranged from 0.25 to 1.84 Å. other case showed only a weak correlation.
MC simulated annealing was applied to the DockVision 56 is another MC based
docking problem using HIV-1 protease inhibitors docking method, using a rigid ligand and rigid
by Bouzida et al. 54 The AMBER force field was receptor. The first stage of this docking algorithm
used with a desolvation correction based on the generates a random ligand orientation. The MC
product of atomic charges and volume. To traverse method is then applied to the system, except the
efficiently the rugged energy hyper surface a soft- energy function is replaced by a geometric score
core smoothing function was used, for both the for atomic overlap. This is followed by an MC
Lennard-Jones and electrostatic contributions to simulated annealing protocol using a simple
the potential energy. This methodology was used to potential energy function. The two stage docking
dock two flexible ligands to a rigid X-ray structure procedure is then repeated for a large number of
of HIV-1 protease with some crystallographic random ligand orientations. The ligand orientations
waters retained as part of therigid system. One of generated by theMCdock are then clustered, based
the docks reproduced the experimental binding on a RMSD score. Two inhibitor complexes were
mode. However, the second testcase was not used to test the protocol and in each case the
successful. The AMBER potential energy function binding geometry was correctly predicted. More
was then exchanged for the piecewise linear recently this methodology has been applied to
potential function55 (PLP). The PLP function is a protein docking in CASP-2 experiments 57,
simple model of ligand-protein interactions achieving the second highest success rate.
encompassing four terms: ligand and receptor QXP58 performs MC flexible ligand/rigid
nonbonded interaction terms (hydrogen bonds or protein docking, and is part of the FLO96 package.
steric clashes), internal torsion energies, and two The Metropolis MC method is initially performed
penalty terms for leaving the active site and for on the isolated ligand using only random dihedral
internal clashes within the ligand. Using this moves (up to 360◦). This is followed by rigid body Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

rotations and translations to align the ligand onto optimising a predefined fitness function. Degrees
guide atomswithin the active site. These guide of freedom are encoded into genes or binary strings
atoms are simply atoms in van der Waals contact and the collection of genes, or chromosome, is
with the binding site atoms. Having aligned the assigned a fitness based on a scoring function. The
atoms within the active site, the MC method is mutation operator randomly changes the value of a
applied to the ligand using only rigid body gene, crossover exchanges a set of genes from one
rotations and translations. Conjugate-gradient parent chromosome to another, and
minimisation is then performed on the ligand migrationmoves individual genes from one sub-
torsions followed by Metropolis MC on the ligand population to another.
torsions. In this method a grid representation of the GOLD28 is a docking program that uses a
receptor is used. The scoring function uses the GA search strategy and includes rotational
AMBER force field with short non-bonded cut-offs flexibility for selected receptor hydrogens along
and a distance dependent dielectric. The original with full ligand flexibility. Gene encoding is used
test set consisted of 12 ligand-protein complexes, to represent both rotatable dihedrals and ligand-
with a maximum of 24 rotatable ligand dihedrals. receptor hydrogen bonds. A GA move operator is
The ligand was flexible and the receptor rigid, with subsequently applied to parent chromosomes that
single important water molecules retained in three are randomly chosen from the existing population
of the complexes. Their results were compared with a bias towards the fittest members. The
with energy minimised structures; 11 ligands gave ligand-receptor hydrogen bonds are subsequently
an RMSD of less than 0.76 Å. Affinity59 is matched with a least squares fitting protocol to
commercial program using Monte Carlo simulated maximise the number of inter-molecular hydrogen
annealing with a grid representation for the non- bonds for each GA move. As a consequence the
moving parts of the system [60] and an implicit GA structure generation is biased towards inter-
representation of solvation effects61. Another molecular hydrogen bonds. However each structure
commercial program is Glide62 which uses a is ranked based on a more complex fitness
hierarchical filter to rapidly score hydrophobic and function. The fitness (or scoring) function is the
polar contacts, followed by Monte Carlo sampling sum of a hydrogen bond term, a 4–8 inter-
with the ChemScore26 scoring function. molecular dispersion potential and a 6– 12 intra-
molecular potential for the internal energy of the
Genetic algorithms and evolutionary ligand. Each complex was run using an initial
programming population of 500 individuals divided into five
Since their inception, genetic algorithms equal sub-populations, and migration of individual
(GA) have increased in popularity as an chromosomes between sub-populations was
optimisation tool. It should be noted that GAs (and permitted. A single GA run used 100 000 genetic
evolution programming (EP)) require the operations and 20 GA runs were performed.
generation of an initial population whereas Finally, the solution with the highest fitness score
conventional MC and MD require a single starting was compared with the crystallographic binding
structure in their standard implementation. The mode.
essence of a GA is the evolution of a population of AutoDock 3.0 64 uses a genetic algorithm as
possible solutions via genetic operators (mutations, a global optimiser combined with energy
crossovers and migrations) to a final population, minimisation as a local search method. In this Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

implementation of AutoDock the ligand is flexible four of the test complexes gave an RMSD of 1.7 Å
and the receptor is rigid and represented as a grid. or less.
The genetic algorithm uses two point crossover and The program DARWIN 66 combines a GA
mutation operators. For each new population a user and a local gradient minimisation strategy with the
determined fraction undergo a local search CHARMM-AA molecular mechanics force field,
procedure using a random mutation operator where for flexible docking of three protein-carbohydrate
the step size is adjusted to give an appropriate complexes. Binary encoding is used to describe a
acceptance ratio. The fitness function comprises starting ligand conformation and position; the
five terms: a Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential energy is then locally minimised using a
dispersion/repulsion term; a directional 12-10 gradient method and the chromosome fitness is
hydrogen bond term; a coulombic electrostatic scored using the CHARMM-AA potential energy
potential; a term proportional to the number of sp3 function. The populations are then modified by
bonds in the ligand to represent unfavourable standard mutation and crossover operators while
entropy of ligand binding due to the restriction of the protein is held rigid. Solvent contributions are
conformational degrees of freedom; and a assessed using a modified version of the program
desolvation term. This scoring function is based DelPhi67 to yield finite difference solutions to the
loosely around the AMBER force field from which Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Although the search
protein and ligand parameters are taken. The algorithm was able to optimise the energy
desolvation term is an inter-molecular pairwise landscape, certain structures were obtained with
summation combining an empirical desolvation energies lower than the experimental binding
weight for ligand carbon atoms, and a pre- mode. The false positives produced were thus
calculated volume term for the protein grid. Each attributed to limitations in the scoring function.
of the five terms are weighted using an empirical Including specific explicit waters in the binding
scaling factor determined using linear regression site increased the success of the program. The
analysis from a set of 30 protein-ligand complexes authors further note the dynamic nature of the
with known binding constants. The algorithm was complexes, and that multiple binding modes is a
originally tested on seven complexes, and for these reasonable reflection of reality and not an artefact
test examples all lowest energy structures were of the force field.
within 1.14 Å RMSD of the crystal structure. Judson et al.68 were one of the first to report
DIVALI 65 uses an AMBER-type potential the application of a GA to the docking problem. A
energy function with a distance dependent flexible ligand was used with interacting sub-
dielectric and a genetic algorithm search function populations and a gradient minimisation during the
to dock four complexes. The receptorwas modelled search. The method was tested by docking Cbz-
as a rigid entity and consequently a grid based GlyP-Leu-Leu into thermolysin and produced
energy evaluation of ligand protein interactions conformations which were close to the
was performed to assess the fitness function. An experimental binding mode, although in some
additional masking operator is used that fixes part cases the energies were lower than the crystal
of the population which is associated with conformation.
translational space so that subpopulations search Gehlhaar et al.55 have applied evolutionary
different regions of the active site. Three out of algorithms to flexible ligand docking in an HIV-1
protease complex, using the previously described Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

PLP scoring function 55. An initial population is considered, there is a considerable overlap of
generated and the fitness of each member is methodologies.
evaluated based on the scoring function. The One of the most popular programs to
fitness of the members are then compared with a perform fragment docking is the incremental
predetermined number of opponent members construction algorithm FlexX53. The initial phase is
chosen at random. The members are then ranked the selection of the base fragment for the ligand
by the number of wins, and the highest ranking from which possible conformations are formed
solutions are chosen as a new population. All based on the MlMUMBA 70 torsion angle database.
surviving solutions are used to produce offspring As with all fragment based methods the choice of
with a mutation operator, such that the population base fragment is crucial to the algorithm; it must
size is constant. This protocol is repeated until a contain the predominant interactions with the
user defined number of iterations is exceeded; a receptor. Early implementations of FlexX required
conjugate gradient optimisation is then performed manual selection of this base fragment but this
on the best member. Interestingly, for this test case, process has been subsequently automated71.
previous docking attempts have failed. This failure Following the selection of the base fragment an
was attributed to high energy barriers69. alignment procedure is performed to optimise the
Consequently, the repulsive term was slowly number of favourable interactions. These
turned on through the course of the simulation, in interactions are based primarily on hydrogen bond
an analogous fashion to MC simulated annealing. geometric constraints but also include hydrophobic
100 simulations were run and the crystal structure interactions. In this stage, the base fragment is
was reproduced 34 times with a maximum RMSD considered rigid, and three sites on the fragment
of 1.5 Å; these solutions were the lowest energy are mapped onto three sites of the receptor. All
docks. geometrically accessible receptor triangles are then
Fragment-based methods clustered and the superposition of ligand triplets
The broad philosophy of fragment based onto the receptor is performed using the method of
dockingmmethods can be described as dividing the Kabsch 72. Overlaps are removed and energies are
ligand into separate portions or fragments, docking then calculated for the base fragments using
the fragments, followed by the linking of Böhm’s 73 function. Following this base fragment
fragments. These methods require subjective placement the ligand is built in an incremental
decisions on the importance of the various fashion, where each new fragment is added in all
functional groups in the ligand, which can result in possible positions and conformations.
the omission of possible solutions, due to Intra-molecular and inter-molecular
assumptions made about the potential energy overlaps are then removed and the placements are
landscape. Furthermore, a judicious choice of base ranked, from which the best solutions are subjected
fragment is essential for these methods, and can to a clustering protocol. The highest rank solution
significantly affect the quality of the results. The from each cluster is then used in the next iteration.
docking of fragments and the subsequent joining of This process is repeated until the complete ligand
the docked fragments has been widely used in de is built, and the final structures are scored using the
novo design methods. Although, for this review, empirical scoring function.
only a few de novo programs have been The program DOCK (version 4.0 29) can be
summarised as a search for geometrically allowed Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

ligand-binding modes using several steps that dihedral values. These conformers are then docked
include: describing the ligand and receptor cavity independently. The search algorithms available in
as sets of spheres, matching the sphere sets, DOCK 4.0 have recently been reviewed by Ewing
orienting the ligand, and scoring the orientation. et al.82. Further extensions to DOCK have included
New extensions to the protocol involve combining incorporating protein flexibility using ensembles of
the bipartite graphs consisting of protein and ligand protein structures 83 and the inclusion of a GB/SA84
interaction sites, into a single docking graph where continuum model into the scoring function 85.
each node now represents a pairing of an atom with
a site point. Clique detection is then implemented SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
based on the methodology of Bron and Kerbosch76. An extensive summary of currently
The technique has been previously evaluated77, 78 available docking methods has been presented.
and was found to be the most efficient Comparisons suggest that the best algorithm for
methodology for finding cliques which encode docking is probably a hybrid of various types of
maximal pairs of interactions between matching algorithm encompassing novel search and scoring
sites. Having generated multiple orientations an strategies. The most useful docking method will
inter-molecular score is calculated based, on the not only perform well, but will be easy to use and
AMBER force field 79 where receptor terms are parametrise, and sufficiently adaptable such that
calculated on a grid. DOCK 4.0 includes ligand different functionality may be selected, depending
flexibility using a modified scoring function which on the number of structures to be docked, the
incorporates an intramolecular score for the ligand available computational resources, and the
. In this version the docking is fragment based; a complexity of the problem. If the parameters
ligand anchor fragment is selected and placed in cannot be generated quickly then although the
the receptor, followed by rigid body simplex algorithm may be computationally efficient, from a
minimisation. The conformations of the remaining practical point of view it is limited. Conversely, a
parts of the ligand are searched by a limited rapid scoring function may not necessarily be able
backtrack method and minimised. This protocol to model some specific interactions. Algorithms
was tested on 10 structures; 7 docked complexes that use the rigid receptor/flexible ligand
reproduced the crystal structure with a maximum approximation are well established and the most
RMSD of 1.03 Å and the remaining 3 were within successful programs have achieved a success rate
1.88 Å. Although DOCK is included as a fragment of between 70–80%. However, in the few
based method, this is only one of several modes of examples where protein flexibility is incorporated
operation. An alternative mode of operation is the into the docking algorithm, it is not clear whether
docking of multiple random ligand the protein conformational states are sampled
81, 82
conformations . This method generates a user- extensively. Furthermore, incorporating an ‘on-the-
defined number of conformers as a multiple of the fly’ solvent model into a docking method is a
number of rotatable bonds in the ligand. If the total problem which has only recently been addressed
number of user-defined conformers is greater than with varying degrees of success. Moreover,
the number of conformations possible, based on a although current docking methods show great
set of dihedral rules, then a systematic search is promise, fast and accurate discrimination between
performed. Otherwise the required number of different ligands based on binding affinity, once
conformers are generated by assigning random Bioinformatics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences V1(1)2009

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