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The Human Resources Management Strategies and Its Role in The Achievement

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Research Scholar, Mutah University.

Human resource management is the effective and strategic management of an organization's people that helps in
completing the required tasks in a timely manner to gain a competitive advantage. It helps in improving the
efficiency of employees based on the quality of strategic choices made by the employer to achieve organizational
goals. The following article discusses the role of human resources management in organizational development
based on the implementation of tasks and processes required for effective workforce management. It can help an
organization retain its employees for long-term business by completing its mission and vision objectives in a
timely manner.
Keywords: Planning, Resources, Talent Hiring, On Boarding, Performance Appraisal, Training Management.

Human resource management is a planning or strategic method to the efficient and effective
management of people in the organization.
The aim of the human resource department is to achieve innovation, competitive advantages,
and flexibility. As stated by Hauff (2021), there are various analytical planning is in human
resource management systems to evaluate connection between human resources management
Recruiting, planning for organizations to achieve the goal in a better way. Thus, they assist to
achieve their business goals. Strategic human resource management (HRM) is a connection
between planning and organizations human resources, objectives and achieving goals.
Human resource management is one of the primary components in the organization for making
strategies as per the business requirements to achieve the goal.
In this article, different functions of human resource management and their importance in the
organizations are analysed. in conflict with the public sector, observed research on goal
ambivalence in the semi-public sector is limited.
Likewise, here an in-depth understanding and analysis on the achieved benefits of human
resource management (HRM) strategies and their functions t be discussed in this section.
Analysis of HRM
Human resource management refers to the process of determining the responsibilities,
specification of the given job.
Analysing jobs by human resource management assists to build the degree of qualification,
experience and skills that are required for executing a task successfully. Three job analysis

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methods that include in the Human resource management process, that are Interviews with help
of this job analysis method, analytics arrange the interviews. Interviews can be unstructured or
As discussed by Galena et al. (2019), human resource management practices are effective in
making strategies in the context of improving information security performance. It depends on
the organizational culture.
Structured interviews follow the planning or systematic methods. In this method, all the
employees asked the approximately same questions, evaluated and compared the answers with
criteria. contributions of human resource management team’s strategies about achieving
organizational goals are a major key to sustain business performance. Structured interviews
have a high level of sincerity. Unstructured interviews can be performed with different
questions with different methods; answers may not be compared with criteria. Questionnaires
that focus on the skill, experience and knowledge, daily performance duties, time spent on
different jobs, work conditions, salary and many more.
However, questionnaires assist analytics to begin the job analysis process. Observation where
it enables analytics to observe the employee’s daily performance for each job. As discussed by
Budhwar et al. (2019), Human resource management is involved in strategies, recruiting,
staffing and analysing the employee’s productivity.
Data collected by observing employees is very effective and helpful to understand the
employee’s efficiency. Observation is one of the essential components, which help job analytics
or human resource management (HRM) to directly achieve the information.
Human resource management is an experienced research group for complex organizational
situation analysis. Human resource managers need to know the employee’s commitment and
loyalty towards the job and organization.
human resource management examines the performance of the employees. Data about
employees' performance needs to be aware. Human resource managements provide the data to
the organizational managements; implement effective programs and approaches, which help
employees to improve their task and organizational performance.
In four different groups, Human resource analysis allows segmenting the employees. Such that,
loyalist means loyal to the company, promoting the company and being supportive and
dedicated towards their assigned jobs.
Careerists dedicated to their assigned job, valuable and efficient. As viewed by Kumah et al.
(2021), determining HRM practices for improving security of information technology is an
essential point in organization. Passengers include lack of dedication and not loyal towards the
company and task. Leaders that refer to the involved and loyal towards the company and their
job. They are most valuable in the organization.
SWOT analysis for Human resource management, finding employees' attitudes to particular
areas are important to analyse. Human resource analysis (HRA) by the assistance of statistical
analysis assesses is a major factor among the monitored factors. As described by GURL (2017),

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investing and analysing the strength, opportunities, weakness (SWOT) of a company system is
popular among business analysts and researchers.
Main Pillars are very important, positively recognized by the employees.
Accepted Background, low importance factors are displaying a high rate of employee
satisfaction. Acceptable deficits are negatively recognized factors. Hidden danger is very
important, negatively recognized by the employees.
As a practice, organization and business depends on three major factors, As described by Ringle
et al. (2020), HRM strategies provide structural equations as per the business need. These are
physical resources such as equipment and materials, financial resources such as cost, cash,
debit and credit and people.
Human resource management refers to the management of entire decisions inside an
organization, which are related with the people.
HRM assures the effective application process and policies in the business. Human resource
managements are there in organizations to maintain the balance between employee satisfaction
and needs in order for companies’ profitability to reach its goal and objectives. international
human resource management acumen for navigation the covid pandemic. Human resource
management has a major effect on organizational functionality aachieving organizational goals,
HRM plays a major role for that.
Functions included under HRM strategies
Seven functions that are included in HRM are talent hiring, on boarding, Training management,
performance appraisal, workforce engagements, payroll managements, compliance
Talent hiring is one of the major tasks of the HR. Function of human resources requires a proper
plan and execution of that plan to not miss any candidate. As discussed by Roukema et al.
(2020), a self-managing team of human resource management assists employees to track
employees' own efficiency. Human resource management software also hires people
Application tracking systems make this process very easy and less time consuming.
On boarding is one of the important roles of human resource management to orient new
candidates. As opined by Keegan et al. (2018), organizing the human resource management is
required for creating effective planning.
This section ensures that new joinees feel comfortable and easily blend with the corporate new
culture. Effective on boarding as human resource management includes a smooth on boarding
process of new joiners.
Providing them proper training and making them well aware about the responsibility. These
are included in human resource management functions.

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Figure 1: HRM functions
(Source: Mira et al. 2019)
Training management providing training to the new joiners and transparency about the
company's goals to the new employees are very important for the organization for achieving
future goals. As stated by Ahammad (2017), human resource management divides the
employees in different groups to understand their productivity and thoughts. Educating new
joiners effectively as per the company requirements and motivating them help organizations to
achieve goals by new employees' work contribution.
Performance appraisal rewarding employees is one of the effective ways to give recognition
for their hard work in the organization. Reviewing and rewarding is one of the important
functions of the human resource department.
Workforce engagement managing employees is a big responsibility for the human resource
managers. As illustrated by Norlina et al. (2020), human resources help to improve the quality
of employees' work by providing them reward for hard work and motivating them. The
workforce management and engagements assists to encourage better employee relations and
promote the better workforce environment. Tools like employee self-service help employees to
serve themselves.
Payroll management this is the toughest job of human resource management. Committing
payroll, tax, PF, Lop makes it very critical for independently doing this. As opined by Para-
González et al. (2020), building the link between people and performance is very essential for
achieving the goal. Software assistance such as payroll management software makes it easy for
human resource departments and payroll departments to generate payroll.
Managerial functions of human resource management include Planning, directing, organizing
and controlling.

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The Objective of the HRM is to achieve the organizational goal.
Organizational objectives of HRM include the workforce handling, staffing and training.
Human resource management requires effective resources, planning and execution. As
discussed by Idrees et al. (2018), strategic human resource management functions are required
for staffing and recruiting the new talent. Team integration human resource professionals must
ensure smooth communication with departments. They ensure proper resources are available
to employees for achieving targets effectively. Apart from that, employee motivation is an
important objective for the human resource departments. Keeping employees motivated and
guiding them on the right path is important for the organization to achieve its particular goal.
Human resource management is described as the process of development of human resources.
This is the social process where involving responsibilities and planning are included to achieve
the goal of organization.
Importance of HRM strategies for development
The greatest benefit of human resource management is to improve the company's performance
by aligning with the business strategies. Manufacturing firms and quality processes depend on
the stable human resource system. The company or organization planning depends on the three
parts. These are corporate planning, competitive planning and functional level. These planning
are line up with the company's strategies.
Importance of human resource management strategies in organization,
Communication goal and objective are two major components in an organization to become
successful. This goal is not possible without the help of proper strategies, which are provided
by the human resources. As discussed by Chams and García-Blandón (2019), Hr management
is essential for the sustainable business process.
If the goals are not translated properly then employees will not be able to perform well in the
business processes.
Thus, human resource strategies for the business operation play a major role.
Setting efficient people to achieve goals human resource management always hires people for
the different business processes.
Thus, HR people become very knowledgeable about the people they are hiring.
integrating strategic human capital can be done into strategic HR management. Certain goals
are given to the particular employees with the help of human resource strategies.
Forecasting future employees or human needs, the strategic human resource management is
able to forecast the future human needs for the company. Strategic human resource
management minimizes the chance of shortage of human supply in future. It assists companies
to maintain consistency of their business operations.

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As viewed by Ren et al. (2018), Selecting and utilizing motivational tools, strategic human
resource management finds out the need of employees, which motivate them to work
effectively. With motivated employees, the organization can achieve the goal.
Benefits gained by HRM strategies
Human resources management (HRM) strategy comes out only when the different objectives
and goals are combined together. The major goal of combing this is to increase the
improvement in the business.
HRM strategy helps in gaining and developing a culture in an organization strongly. Helps in
encouraging the different members or employees of an organization in context to become
innovative and flexible which provides the business an advantage for the competition around
the globe. Strategy in the HRM is the best process which provides a solution for the HR
effectively for owning the organization.
The benefits achieved while adapting the HRM strategy are training and development of the
members or employees of the organization.
development and training of the employees helps in enhancing the performance beneficial for
an organization in context to competencies.
Enhancement in the employee performance by providing proper skills and training helps in
achieving the target of an organization.
According to the study of Adler and Ghadar, (2017), departments' needs for satisfaction are
hired under the benefits of HRM strategy.
Keeping the basic requirements of the departments in mind it is the work of HRM to satisfy
the requirements of the departments. Different departments required skills whereas some of the
departments required different team members in context to achieve the goal of an organization.
A HRM is similarly like the pit and mechanics which work harder so that the race bike can get
the best shape possible to reach the destination before the others.
Basically according to the idea of Chanias (2019), the strategy process can be concluded into
two different processes such as formulation of the strategy and implementation of the strategy.
Formulation of the strategy is referred to recognizing the problem and gets the pepper vision
for achieving the goals. Implementing that strategies include the different ideas through which
it can be included in order to meet goals.

Based on the above the analysis of the HRM is evaluated through three job analysis methods
required in the context of HRM. The three job analysis methods including Interview,
Questionnaires and observation are the three methods that come during the recruitment criteria
for HR of an organization. Based on the above the different functions included under the HRM
strategies are concluded.

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In this the factors associated with the HRM strategy includes several key points or processes
such as Hiring the talent, on boarding, training given on the management, appraisal is provided
to the employee in context to their performance.
The total management of the payroll of an employee in an organization comes under the factors
of HRM strategy. The most important factor mentioned above is the factor of the workforce.
SWOT analysis on the HRM is done above.
The importance of HRD and the benefits associated with the HRM strategy is concluded. The
benefits of the HRM strategy in an organization can be defined into several points. HRM helps
an organization in order to achieve the goal.

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