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Determination of Phenylephrine Hydrochloride and C

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Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine

maleate in binary mixture using chemometric-assisted spectrophotometric
and high-performance liquid chromatographi...

Article in Journal of Saudi Chemical Society · January 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.jscs.2009.12.004


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1 author:

Nora Hamad Al-Shaalan

Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University


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Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2010) 14, 15–21

King Saud University

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society


Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and

chlorpheniramine maleate in binary mixture using
chemometric-assisted spectrophotometric and
high-performance liquid chromatographic-UV methods
Nora H. Al-Shaalan

Chemistry Department, College of Science, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Received 7 February 2009; accepted 20 June 2009

Available online 21 December 2009

KEYWORDS Abstract Four methods have been developed for the simultaneous determination of phenylephrine
Phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate without previous separation. In the first method both
hydrochloride; drugs are determined using first derivative UV spectrophotometry, with zero-crossing measurement.
Chlorpheniramine maleate; The second method depends on first derivative of the ratios spectra. The third method describes the
Chemometric; use of multivariate spectrophotometric calibration for the simultaneous determination of the ana-
HPLC; lyzed binary mixture where the resolution is accomplished by using partial least squares (PLS)
Binary mixture; regression analysis. In the fourth method (HPLC), a reversed-phase column and a mobile phase
of methanol:water:acetonitrile (80:12:8 v/v/v/) at 0.9 ml/min flow rate have been used to separate
both drugs with a UV detection at 270 nm. All the proposed methods are extensively validated.
They have the advantage to be economic and time saving. All the described methods can be readily
utilized for analysis of pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained using the proposed meth-
ods are statistically analyzed and compared with some reported methods.
ª 2010 King Saud University. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Phenylephrine hydrochloride is a sympathomimetic drug. It

can be used as a nasal decongestant (El-Hawary et al., 1985).
E-mail address:
The most recent methods for determination of phenylephrine
1319-6103 ª 2010 King Saud University. All rights reserved. Peer- hydrochloride included chromatographic (Chien and Schoen-
review under responsibility of King Saud University. wold, 1985; Wilson et al., 1985; Al-Kaysi and Salem, 1986;
doi:10.1016/j.jscs.2009.12.004 Lioyd et al., 1987), electrochemical (Kuz and Kramarenko,
1984; Lucy and Cantwell, 1986) and spectrophotometric
(Mayers and Tayler, 1987; Baker and Lowe, 1985; Besada,
Production and hosting by Elsevier
1987; Ahmed and Amin, 2007; Korany et al., 1985; Li and
Lubman, 1988) techniques.
16 N.H. Al-Shaalan

Chlorpheniramine maleate is anti-histaminic drug (El-Haw- n P c). If n > c then the component concentrations in an un-
ary et al., 1985). Several methods have been reported for chlor- known mixture are obtained from its spectrum by,
pheniramine maleate assay including chromatographic (Seki
Xunknown ¼ ðKt  KÞ1  Kt yunknown ð3Þ
et al., 1988; Lavagine and Zee, 1987; Lioyd and Whit, 1988)
and spectrophotometric (Louhaichi et al., 2009; Fasanmda This CLS method is intuitively appealing since it is based on
et al., 1985; Kitamura and Majma, 1983) techniques. some generally assumed relationship, e.g. Beer’s law, and it
Recently, derivative spectrophotometry has been found to can be used for moderately complex composition of the cali-
be a useful method in the determination of mixtures with bration mixtures, i.e. the concentration of each absorbing spe-
two or more components having overlapping spectra and in cies. PCR is a two-step procedure, in the first step, one
eliminating interference from formulation matrix by using estimating the number of principal components by one or
the zero-crossing techniques (Salem, 1999, 2006; Mabrouk more of the following criteria, the percentage of explained
et al., 2003). variance, eigen value-one criterion, the Scree-test and Cross
Furthermore, ratio-spectra derivative spectrophotometric validation. They can be considered as new variables that
method has also been found to be useful in the estimation of summarize in an optimal way the variation present in the spec-
drugs in their mixtures (Moor et al., 2002; Kenney et al., tra, in the second step, CLS is applied to the newly obtained
2000; Shamsipur and Jalali, 2000; Cheng and Peng, 1998; latent variables. When co-linearity between original variables
Mushik et al., 1998). Such a method permits the determination occurs, principal component plots often allow better interpre-
of a component in their mixture at the wavelengths corre- tation of the variations observed in the data set than plots of
sponding to a maximum or minimum and also the use of original variables selected by CLS. As modeling method, it is
the peak-to-peak between consecutive maximum and mini- less performant than CLS when performing prediction within
mum. The main advantage of derivative of the ratio-spectra the calibration domain and when the model is indeed linear.
method may be the chance of easy measurements in corre- It is more reliable if extrapolation may be required. It is a lin-
spondence of peaks so it permits the use of the wavelength ear method, but it is able to perform quite well for moderately
of highest value of analytical signals (maximum or minimum). nonlinear data. As CLS, it is a global method (Beebe and
Moreover, the presence of a lot of maxima and minima is an- Kowalski, 1987; Wetzel, 1983; Hernandez-Arteseros et al.,
other advantage by the fact that these wavelengths give an 2000; Adam, 2004).
opportunity for the determination of active compounds in HPLC methods are useful in the determination of drugs in
the presence of other active compounds and excipients which pharmaceutical dosage forms and biological sample. Owing to
possibly interfere in the analysis. the widespread use of HPLC in routine analysis, it is important
Multivariate calibration methods applied to spectral data that good HPLC methods are developed and that these are
are being increasingly used for pharmaceutical analysis. Clas- thoroughly validated (Pesez and Bartos, 1974; Moffat et al.,
sical least squares (CLS) and principal components regression 1986; Fijalek et al., 1992).
(PCR) analysis are the most simplest multivariate methods The purpose of the present study was to investigate the
that can be performed with easily accessible statistical software utility of derivative, derivative ratio spectrophotometry,
(Mohamed et al., 2005; Abde El-Maaboud and Pakinaz, 2002; multivariate and HPLC techniques in the assay of phenyl-
Jose Aurelia and Pablo, 2001; Hector and Alejandro, 1998). ephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate in
CLS technique assumes that responses (absorbance) at pharmaceutical preparations without the necessity of sample
each frequency (wavelengths) are proportional to component pre-treatment.
concentration units. Model errors are assumed to derive from
the measurement of spectral absorbance. So CLS requires
2. Experimental
that all interfering chemical components be known and
included in the calibration data set. CLS has the advantage
of improved precision when using many frequencies, due to 2.1. Apparatus and conditions
signal averaging.
Calibration is realized by recording the spectra at n-wave- The Hewlett–Packard liquid chromatographic system con-
lengths of m standard mixtures, of known composition of c sisted of a gradient Quat pump Model G 1311 A (HP, Avon-
components. The spectra (absorbance or emission) are ar- dale, PA, USA) connected with an HP G 1314 A UV–VIS
ranged into the columns of matrix Y (dimensions n · m), with detector (HP, Avondale, PA, USA) operating at 265 nm, a G
the composition of each mixture forming the columns of con- 1328 A (Cotati, CA) injection valve, with a 20 ll loop. The
centration matrix X (c · m) chromatographic data were collected and analyzed using HP
Chem Station for LC and LC/MS system (Hewlett–Packard,
Y¼KX ð1Þ
Avondale, PA, USA). The chromatographic separation was
With a prior knowledge of X and by recording data for Y, then performed at ambient temperature (20–22 C) using an analyt-
the matrix of sensitivities, K, can be calculated, but after the ical column, Spherisorb, 5 lm, 4.6 · 150 mm i.d. (Waters,
rearrangement of Eq. (1) to the following equation by multi- Milford, MA, USA). The reversed mobile phase was obtained
plying the equation components by Xt value as: by mixing methanol:water:acetonitrile (70:22:8 (v/v/v)). The
flow rate was 0.9 ml/min. Finasteride was used as an internal
Y  Xt ¼ K  X  Xt standard.
K ¼ ðX  Xt Þ1  Y  Xt ð2Þ Spectrophotometric measurements were carried out on a
computerized Spectronic Gensys 2PC, UV/Vis Spectropho-
To avoid being under-determined, there must be measure- tometer (Milton Roy, USA), using 1.00 cm quartz cells. The
ments at more wavelengths than there are components (i.e. obtained spectral data were saved in PC apparatus program
Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate 17

and the subsequent statistical manipulation was performed by obtained spectra with Dk = 3 nm. The amplitudes at 294.8 nm
transferring the spectral data to Microsoft excel XP program was measured and found to be linear to the concentration of
and processing them with the standard curve fit package and phenylephrine hydrochloride.
matrix calculations. Sonicator (Bransonic 220/Bender-Hobein),
Heater (Salvis) (Heidolph). 2.6. For multivariate method
Balance (Mettler Toledo). Curve Expert version 1.37 Copy-
rightª 1995–2001 by Daniel Hyams. GraphPad Instat version In order to obtain the calibration matrix for applying CLS and
3.05, 32 bit for win 95/NT created September 27, 2000 Copy- PCR analysis, 10 solutions of each of the pure components
rightª 1992–2000 by GraphPad software. (phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate)
were prepared with concentrations in the range 10–60 and
2.2. Chemicals, reagents and pharmaceutical preparations 4–30 lg/ml for phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorphenir-
amine maleate, respectively. These ranges were previously ver-
All chemicals were of analytical-reagent grade and solvents ified to obey Beer’s law for each of the studied drugs in the
were of spectrophotometric and HPLC grade. Phenylephrine selected solvent. The absorption data in the range of 100–
hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate were kindly pro- 400 nm (digitized every 3.0 nm) were subjected to least squares
vided by the Pharco Co., Egypt, finasteride used, as internal analysis in order to obtain the calibration K matrix. Labora-
standard was supplied from Aldrich. HPLC grade methanol tory prepared mixtures were prepared by mixing known
(Merk, Darmstadt, Germany) and doubly distilled water was amounts of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorphenir-
used for preparing mobile phase solutions. For spectrophoto- amine maleate in different varied proportions in order to verify
metric studies, methanol was purchased from Merk (Darm- the precision of the method for analysis of such mixture and
stafd, Germany). Sine Up syrup (Pharco Co., Egypt) labeled matching the commercial tablets with those having compara-
to contain 100 mg% phenylephrine hydrochloride and 50% ble concentrations.
chlorpheniramine maleate.
2.7. For high-performance liquid chromatographic method
2.3. Preparation of standard solutions and calibration
Standard solutions were prepared separately with mobile
Stock standard solutions containing 1.0 and 0.5 mg phenyleph- phase by varying concentrations of phenylephrine hydrochlo-
rine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate, respec- ride and chlorpheniramine maleate in the range 0.50–20 and
tively, were dissolved in 10 ml methanol. Standard solutions 0.25–10 lg/ml, respectively. Maintaining concentration of fin-
of both drugs were prepared individually by dilution of the asteride (IS) at a constant level of 3 lg/ml. Triplicate 10 ll
stock solutions with methanol for spectrophotometric methods injections were made for each concentration and peak area ra-
to obtain concentration range of 10–100 lg/ml for phenyleph- tio of each concentration to the internal standard was plotted
rine hydrochloride and 5–60 lg/ml for chlorpheniramine male- against the corresponding concentration to obtain the calibra-
ate and in mobile phase preparation for chromatographic tion graph.
method to reach concentration range of 0.10–10 and 0.05–
5 lg/ml for phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorphenir- 2.8. Accuracy study
amine maleate, respectively.
To study the accuracy of the proposed methods, and to check
2.4. For derivative spectrophotometric method (D1) the interference from excipients present in the dosage form,
recovery experiments were carried out by the standard addi-
The values of the D1 amplitudes were measured at 270 nm tion method. The study was performed by addition of different
(zero-crossing of phenylephrine hydrochloride) and 280 nm amounts of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorphenir-
(zero-crossing of chlorpheniramine maleate) for the determina- amine maleate to a known concentration of the pharmaceuti-
tion of chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylephrine hydro- cal dosage forms. The resulting mixtures were analyzed as
chloride, respectively. described under Section 2.3.

2.5. For first derivative of the ratio spectrophotometric method 3. Results and discussion
3.1. D1 method
According to the theory of the ratio-spectra derivative method
(Beebe and Kowalski, 1987; Fijalek et al., 1992). The stored As shown in Fig. 1, the UV spectra of standard drugs were
UV absorption spectra of the standard solutions of phenyleph- found to be overlapped making their simultaneous determina-
rine hydrochloride were divided wavelength-by-wavelength by a tion difficult. In contrast, the D1 spectrum of each pure drug
standard spectrum of chlorpheniramine maleate (15 lg/ml). The was found to show zero-crossing points (Fig. 2) and assisted
first derivative was calculated for the obtained spectra with in their simultaneous estimation. In practice, the wavelength
Dk = 3 nm. The amplitudes at 280.2 nm was measured and selected is that which exhibits the best linear response, giving
found to be linear to the concentration of chlorpheniramine. a zero or near zero intercept on the coordinate of the calibra-
For phenylephrine hydrochloride, the stored UV absorp- tion graph, and not affected by the presence of any other com-
tion spectra of standard solutions of felodipine were divided ponent. The shape of the first derivative spectra is adequate for
wavelength-by-wavelength by a standard spectrum of meto- determining phenylephrine hydrochloride in the presence of
prolol (20 lg/ml). The first derivative was calculated for the chlorpheniramine maleate and vice versa.
18 N.H. Al-Shaalan

0.9 3.2. DD1 method

The influence of Dk for obtaining the first derivative of the ra-
0.6 tio spectra as well as, the effect of divisor concentration on the

0.5 calibration graphs for the proposed mixture was studied in or-
0.4 der to select the best factors affecting the determination. Re-
0.3 sults indicated that Dk = 4 nm was most suitable one, while
0.2 the divisor concentration has no significant effect on the assay
0.1 results for the studied mixtures.
0 For determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride, the
230 260 280 300 absorption spectra of phenylephrine hydrochloride were di-
Wavelength (nm) vided by that of standard solutions of chlorpheniramine male-
ate (20 lg/ml) and the absorption spectra of chlorpheniramine
Figure 1 U.V. absorption of phenylephrine hydrochloride (—) maleate were divided by that of standard solutions of phenyl-
and chlorpheniramine maleate (ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ). ephrine hydrochloride (8 lg/ml), Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
The first derivative of the developed ratio spectra were cal-
culated with Dk = 4 nm. Figs. 5 and 6 show that, phenyleph-



0 100.00
230 270 300

-0.3 0.00
266 272 278 284 290 296 302 308 314 320
-0.4 Wavelength (nm)
Wavelength (nm)

Figure 2 First derivative absorption of phenylephrine hydro- Figure 3 Ratio spectra of phenylephrine hydrochloride, divisor
chloride (—) and chlorpheniramine maleate (ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ). is chlorpheniramine maleate.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride was determined by measuring 1.00
of its D1 amplitude at the zero-crossing point of chlorphenir-

amine maleate (at 280 nm). While chlorpheniramine maleate
was determined by measuring of its D1 at the zero-crossing 0.60

point of phenylephrine hydrochloride (at 270 nm). Linear rela- 0.40

tionships between derivative amplitude and drug concentra- 0.20
tion were obtained over the concentration range 10–100 lg/
ml for phenylephrine hydrochloride and 5–100 lg/ml for 266 272 278 284 290 296 302 308 314 320
chlorpheniramine maleate. The linear regression equations to- Wavelength (nm)
gether with correlation coefficients slope and intercept, R.S.D.
of slope and intercept repeatability (within-day) and reproduc- Figure 4 Ratio spectra of chlorpheniramine maleate, divisor is
ibility (between-day) obtained for each drug are collected in phenylephrine hydrochloride.
Table 1.

Table 1 Statistical data for the calibration graphs of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate by D1, DD1, CLS,
PCR and HPLC methods.
Phenylephrine hydrochloride Chlorpheniramine maleate
Linearity range (lg/ml) 20–150 20–150 10–70 5–35 0.15–15 10–60 10–60 2–10 1–6 0.03–5
Slope 0.0132 0.0084 0.9866 0.7506 0.2179 0.0065 0.0065 0.8433 0.8438 0.1959
Intercept 0.008 0.005 0.001 0.014 0.001 0.022 0.009 0.003 0.019 0.002
Correlation coefficient 0.9998 0.9997 1.0000 0.9999 0.9999 0.9997 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
R.S.D. of the slope 0.57 0.65 0.65 0.49 0.75 0.45 0.77 0.64 0.76 0.66
R.S.D. of the intercept 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.15 0.07 0.12 0.42 0.32 0.23 0.19
LOD (lg/ml) 5.44 5.70 4.75 5.79 3.75 9.72 3.43 6.44 8.64 2.50
LOD (lg/ml) 15.34 12.65 13.05 15.86 10.08 40.64 7.54 19.54 24.90 4.32
Repeatability (R.S.D.; %) 0.94 0.45 0.94 0.84 0.59 0.43 0.84 0.69 0.59 0.69
Reproducibility (R.S.D.; %) 0.99 0.59 0.59 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.89 0.85 0.85 0.57
Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate 19

40.00 lapping occurs in the region from 200 to 300 nm for phenyl-
ephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate. The
degree of spectral overlapping was given by (Di)0.5. In case
Peak amplitude

20.00 of the presently studied compounds, the spectra lead to

10.00 Di = 0.50 implying a 86.39%.
Several laboratory prepared mixtures were subjected to the
0.00 CLS and PCR analysis in order to confirm the suitability of
-10.00 the calibration model for determination of the studied drugs
in the pharmaceutical sample solutions. The results of com-
mercial dosage form and laboratory prepared mixtures
266.5 272.5 278.5 284.5 290.5 296.5 302.5 308.5 314.5
Wavelength (nm)
analysis with comparable concentrations were found closely
matched. This indicated that, excipients and additives did
Figure 5 First derivative ratio spectra of phenylephrine hydro- not interfere with the determinations. Moreover, the results
chloride, divisor is chlorpheniramine maleate. of dosage form analysis were compared with those obtained
by applying reported method. As shown in Table 1, the results
are in good agreement with those of the reported procedure as
indicated by the calculated t and F values.
3.4. High-performance liquid chromatographic method
Peak amplitude

Drug concentration is monitored during various phases of
-0.06 pharmaceutical development, such as formulation and stability
studies, quality control and pharmacological testing in animals
and humans. All these investigations require reliable and vali-
dated analytical methods in order to measure drugs in pharma-
ceutical formulations.
267 273 279 285 291 297 303 309 315
Wavelength (nm)
In order to effect the simultaneous elution of phenylephrine
hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate peaks under gra-
Figure 6 First derivative ratio spectra of chlorpheniramine dient conditions, the mixtures of methanol, acetonitrile and
maleate, divisor is phenylephrine hydrochloride. water in different combinations at various flow rates were as-
sayed. The optimum wavelength for detection was 280 nm at
which much better detector responses for both drugs were ob-
rine hydrochloride can be determined by measuring the ampli- tained. The mixture of methanol: acetonitrile: water (78:12:10
tude at many wavelengths where chlorpheniramine maleate (v/v/v)) at 0.9 ml/min flow rate, proved to be better than the
has no contribution, but it was found that the amplitude at other mixtures and flow rates for separation, since the chro-
294.8 nm give the most accurate and sensitive results matographic peaks were better defined, resolved and free from
(Fig. 5). Fig. 6, shows that chlorpheniramine maleate can be tailing. The retention times were 2.06 min for phenylephrine
determined by measuring the amplitude at many wavelengths hydrochloride, 3.36 min for chlorpheniramine maleate and
where phenylephrine hydrochloride have no contribution, 4.32 min for finasteride (IS).
but it was found that the amplitude at 280.2 nm give the most Finasteride was chosen as the internal standard because it
accurate and sensitive results. showed a shorter retention time with better peak shapes and
The proposed method is applicable over the ranges 10- better resolution, compared to other potential internal
100 lg/ml for phenylephrine hydrochloride and 10–60 lg/ml standards.
for chlorpheniramine maleate. The characteristic parameters Resolution and selectivity factors for this system were
and necessary statistical data of the regression equations, found 2.78 and 2.40 for phenylephrine hydrochloride and
LOD and LOQ values, respectively and reproducibility data chlorpheniramine maleate, respectively. Tailing and capacity
are shown in Table 1. factors were obtained as 0.95 and 1.28 for phenylephrine
Repeatability and reproducibility variables were character- hydrochloride and 1.51 and 1.55 for chlorpheniramine male-
ized by R.S.D. (%) and by the difference between theoretical ate. The variation in retention times among six replicate injec-
and measured concentrations. There was no significant differ- tions of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine
ence for the assay, which was tested within-day (repeatability) maleate standard solutions was very low, rendering an R.S.D
and between-days (reproducibility). of 0.85% and 0.69%, respectively. The results obtained
In order to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the from system suitability tests are in agreement with the USP
proposed DD1 method, recovery studies were performed by requirements.
analyzing laboratory prepared mixtures of phenylephrine Peak area ratios (A sample/AIS) were plotted against
hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate with different corresponding concentrations in the range of 0.10–12 for phen-
composition ratio (Table 1). ylephrine hydrochloride and 0.04–10 lg/ml for chlorphenir-
amine maleate. Linear regression parameters of the peak
3.3. Multivariate method area ratios versus concentrations of phenylephrine hydrochlo-
ride and chlorpheniramine maleate are presented in Table 1.
The absorption spectra of the studied drugs are shown in The results showed highly reproducible calibration curves
Fig. 1. As could be seen, a considerable degree of spectral over- with correlation coefficients >0.999. Statistical data of the
20 N.H. Al-Shaalan

Table 2 Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate in authentic, laboratory prepared mixtures
and pharmaceutical dosage form using D1, DD1, CLS, PCR, HPLC and reported methods.
Standard solution Reported D1 DD1 CLS PCR HPLC
Authentic phenylephrine 99.7 ± 0.37 99.8 ± 0.40 100.1 ± 0.40 99.9 ± 0.39 100.0 ± 0.41 99.1 ± 0.40
t = 0.88 t = 1.78 t = 0.88 t = 1.33 t = 1.11
F = 1.14 F = 1.14 F = 1.10 F = 1.20 F = 2.32
Authentic chlorphen 99.9 ± 0.72 100.0 ± 0.70 101.1 ± 0.71 99.8 ± 0.7 100.1 ± 0.71 99.31 ± 0.33
t = 0.21 t = 0.42 t = 0.21 t = 0.42 t = 1.11
F = 1.03 F = 1.01 F = 1.01 F = 1.01 F = 2.09
Laboratory prepared mix. for phenylephrine 100.0 ± 0.65 99.9 ± 0.66 99.8 ± 0.65 99.9 ± 0.50 100.0 ± 0.73 99.4 ± 0.29
t = 0.53 t = 0.47 t = 0.55 t = 0.49 t = 0.21
F = 1.05 F = 1.35 F = 1.68 F = 1.26 F = 1.20
Laboratory prepared mix. for chlorphen 100.1 ± 0.39 99.8 ± 0.40 100.0 ± 0.38 100.2 ± 0.39 99.9 ± 0.41 98.1 ± 0.47
t = 0.83 t = 0.28 t = 0.62 t = 0.55 t = 0.24
F = 1.03 F = 1.03 F = 1.00 F = 1.00 F = 2.10
Sine Up syrup. for phenylephrine 99.6 ± 0.53 99.8 ± 0.50 99.7 ± 0.56 99.9 ± 0.55 99.8 ± 0.54 99.3 ± 0.43
t = 0.47 t = 0.24 t = 0.71 t = 0.47 t = 1.20
F = 1.06 F = 1.06 F = 1.04 F = 1.02 F = 2.10
Sine Up syrup for chlorphen 100.2 ± 0.75 100.1 ± 0.69 100.0 ± 0.75 100.0 ± 0.77 99.9 ± 0.80 99.1 ± 0.34
t = 0.24 t = 0.47 t = 0.45 t = 0.68 t = 0.21
F = 1.17 F = 1.00 F = 1.05 F = 1.14 F = 1.23
Theoretical values at 95% confidence limit are t = 3.58 and F = 4.28.

regression equations are shown in Table 1. The LOD and LOQ drugs. All of the proposed procedures have the advantage of
values were calculated as described in Section 3.1. being rapid, precise and direct. DD1 method has two advanta-
In order to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the ges over the D1 method, the first is the high sensitivity and
proposed HPLC method, recovery tests were carried out by accuracy, the second is the easy measurements at any peak sig-
analyzing laboratory prepared mixtures of phenylephrine nal giving higher values.
hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate, with different Classical least squares and PCR multivariate calibration
ratios (Table 2). analysis were developed for the analysis of the laboratory pre-
pared mixtures and pharmaceutical dosage forms. The good
3.5. Application to pharmaceutical dosage form recoveries obtained in all cases as well as the reliable agreement
with the reported procedures proved that, the proposed meth-
The four proposed methods are successfully applied for the od could be applied efficiently for determination of phenyleph-
simultaneous determination of both drugs in Sine Up syrup rine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate binary
without interference of the excipients present and without mixture with quite satisfactory precision and could be easily
prior separation. The utility of the four proposed methods used in a quality control laboratory for their analysis. Good
was verified by replicate estimations of the pharmaceutical resolution between the studied drugs and the chosen internal
preparation and results obtained were evaluated statistically standard was obtained in a short analysis time using simple
(Table 2). extraction procedure without interference of endogenous sub-
stances present in serum samples.
3.6. Validity of the proposed methods
Statistical analysis of the results obtained for the proposed
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metric methods in analyzing the binary mixture of studied (1–2), 1–5.
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