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A5e SRD 5

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easier to barter day-to-day, and many local

Starting Equipment governments accept taxes in valuable items
that meet the amount due—whether that be
Choices made during character creation
poultry or fine wines. The wealthy may trade
provide a list of default gear, but there is
in the same way, albeit on a grander scale
also the option to forgo this standard list and
such as with deeds, parcels of land, or full
select items that you feel better fit your
bars of precious metal.
character. Choose your class from the table
below and spend the allotted amount of gold
on equipment. Currency
TABLE: STARTING GOLD PER CLASS The average day’s wage for a skilled
artisan such as a tailor, carpenter, or
armorer is a single gold piece.
Adept 30 gp One gold piece is equivalent to 10 silver
pieces. A silver piece is half a day’s wages
Bard 135 gp for an unskilled laborer.
Berserker 120 gp One silver piece is equivalent to 10 copper
pieces, the most common coinage amongst
Cleric 125 gp
the lower-paid working class.
Druid 115 gp Other coins of less common metals may
Fighter 140 gp be found while traveling. Electrum and
platinum are not unheard of, but may not
Herald 200 gp spend easily. Cautious merchants may
Marshal 200 gp avoid unfamiliar currency to avoid being
duped by a forgery.
Ranger 150 gp
On average, 50 coins of any value weigh 1
Rogue 125 gp pound.
Sorcerer 100 gp
Warlock 110 gp Trading Valuables
Wizard 100 gp
Used Weapons, Armor, and
Trading Equipment
Used equipment in good working order will
While gold pieces and other coinage are
usually sell, but it may be worth half (or
used to describe the value of items, they are
even less) than a new item. This is not a
not the only way wealth manifests itself in
hard-and-fast situation, and vendors may be
the world. Gems, information, services, and
swayed into offering more—how your
exchanged goods are useful ways for the
character persuades someone to do that is
average person to acquire what they need.
up to them.
Working people of every stripe may find it

A5E System Reference Document

Copper 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1,000
Silver 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100
Electrum 50 5 1 1/5 1/20
Gold 100 10 5 1 1/10
Platinum 1,000 100 20 10 1
Common One sheet of One day of rations
Soap Bedroll A bottle of ink
Goods parchment (1 Supply)

Magic Items
The ease of selling magic items differs from
place to place. If in a region where magic is TABLE: TRADE GOODS
commonplace, selling these items is COST GOODS
relatively straightforward. In regions where
magic is rare, vendors may not believe the 1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
item is genuine, let alone be willing to buy it. 2 cp 1 lb. of flour
If they can be sold, magic items are
5 cp 1 lb. of salt
valuable and often cost more gold than the
average person would see in a lifetime. 1 sp 1 lb. of iron
5 sp 1 lb. of copper
Treasure and Art
1 gp 1 lb. of ginger
Items such as gems, precious metals,
2 gp 1 lb. of pepper
jewelry, and art are valuable because they
are sought after across the world. For this 3 gp 1 lb. of cloves
reason they rarely diminish in price and may 5 gp 1 lb. of silver
even gain value as time goes by. Lost relics
or pieces by master crafters are especially 10 gp 1 cow
likely to bring in vast amounts of gold, 15 gp 1 lb. of saffron
despite their lack of magical or practical
50 gp 1 lb. of gold
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum
Basic Trade Goods 100 gp 1 lb. of cold iron
Trade goods such as grain, salt, and 750 gp 1 lb. of mithral
domesticated beasts are sought after
1,000 gp 1 lb. of adamantine
everywhere and so are unlikely to diminish
much in value from place to place.

A5E System Reference Document

setting and at the Narrator’s discretion,
Armor, Shields, and some rare weapons may be considered
Weaponry martial weapons or they may not exist at

Weapons Weapon Attacks

You gain proficiency with certain weapons All creatures are proficient with their natural
depending on your class, heritage, and weapons and unarmed strikes. Unless
other features. Different weapons deal otherwise noted, an unarmed strike deals
different amounts of damage, have different bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + Strength
properties, and can be used to attack from modifier. Attacks made with natural
different ranges. Melee weapons are held or weapons and unarmed strikes are
thrown, while ranged weapons propel considered to be melee weapon attacks,
ammunition great distances. When making and a thrown weapon is considered to be a
an attack with a weapon, you add either ranged weapon attack. Creatures have a
your Strength or Dexterity modifier to the reach of 5 feet with their melee weapon
roll, depending on the weapon’s type, as attacks, though larger creatures may have
well as your proficiency bonus, if applicable. greater reach.
Simple Weapons. All NPC humanoids
are proficient with simple weapons, and
Melee Weapons
adventurers are able to wield most of
them (if not all). The list of simple melee Adventurers use a wide variety of weapons
weapons include the club, dagger, in hand-to-hand combat. The table below
handaxe, greatclub, mace, quarterstaff, indicates some of the most common melee
sickle, and spear, and simple ranged weaponry, though different cultures name
weapons include the blowgun, heavy weapons differently, and some weapons are
crossbow, light crossbow, and sling. completely unique (see Cultural Weapons).
In addition to being noted in its If you want to use a weapon not listed here,
properties, a simple weapon is also see Customizing Armaments. A melee
marked with S. weapon uses your Strength modifier for
Martial Weapons. Martial weapons are attack and damage rolls.
more complicated to use and require
training to be proficient with. You must be Ranged Weapons
proficient with a weapon to gain your Ranged weapons require ammunition to
proficiency bonus on attack rolls made use. If you use a ranged weapon to make a
with it. Unless noted otherwise, weapons melee attack, it is treated as an improvised
are considered martial weapons. weapon. A sling must be loaded to be used
Rare Weapons. Unless a trait or feature in this way. A ranged weapon uses your
grants it, you can only gain proficiency Dexterity modifier for attack and damage
with a rare weapon by training during rolls.
downtime. Depending on the campaign

A5E System Reference Document

Brass knuckles 4 gp 1/2 lb. Dual-wielding, hand-mounted Bludgeoning
ClubS 1 sp 2 lbs. Simple Bludgeoning
DaggerS 2 gp 1 lb. Dual-wielding, finesse, simple Piercing
3 gp 1/2 lb. Dual-wielding, finesse, thrown (30/80) Piercing
Whip 2 gp 3 lbs. Finesse, parrying immunity, reach (15), trip Slashing
Breaker (wood), defensive (light),
HandaxeS 5 gp 2 lbs. Slashing
dual-wielding, simple, thrown (20/60)
Javelin 5 sp 2 lbs. Thrown (30/120) Piercing
MaceS 5 gp 4 lbs. Defensive (medium), simple Bludgeoning
QuarterstaffS 2 sp 4 lbs. Parrying, simple, two-handed Bludgeoning
Scimitar 20 gp 3 lbs. Defensive (light), dual-wielding, finesse Slashing
Shortsword 10 gp 2 lbs. Defensive (medium), finesse, parrying Slashing
Defensive (heavy), simple, thrown (20/60),
SpearS 1 gp 3 lbs. Piercing
versatile (1d8)
Mounted (1d8/1d10), thrown (20/60),
Trident 10 gp 3 lbs. Piercing
versatile (1d8)
Bastard sword 35 gp 5 lbs. Parrying, versatile (1d10) Slashing
Battleaxe 10 gp 6 lbs. Breaker (wood), versatile (1d10) Slashing
Flail 20 gp 3 lbs. Parrying immunity, trip Bludgeoning
GreatclubS 5 sp 10 lbs. Simple, versatile (1d10) Bludgeoning
Longsword 20 gp 3 lbs. Defensive (medium) Slashing
Morningstar 15 gp 4 lbs. Defensive (medium) Bludgeoning
Rapier 25 gp 2 lbs. Defensive (light), finesse Piercing
Saber 30 gp 3 lbs. Defensive (light), finesse, mounted (1d10) Slashing
Warhammer 15 gp 3 lbs. Breaker, versatile (1d10) Bludgeoning
War pick 5 gp 2 lbs. Breaker (stone) Piercing

A5E System Reference Document

Glaive 12 gp 5 lbs. Reach, two-handed Slashing
Piercing and
Halberd 25 gp 7 lbs. Heavy, reach, trip, two-handed
Pike 5 gp 13 lbs. Defensive (heavy), heavy, reach* Piercing
Scythe 1 gp 12 lbs. Heavy, parrying, two-handed Slashing
Greataxe 30 gp 9 lbs. Breaker (wood), heavy, two-handed Slashing
Greatsword 50 gp 7 lbs. Heavy, parrying, two-handed Slashing
Maul 20 gp 11 lbs. Breaker, heavy, two-handed Bludgeoning
* You have disadvantage when you use a pike to attack a target within 5 feet of you.


BlowgunS 1 gp 1/2 lb. Loading, range (25/100), simple Piercing
Dart 5 sp 1/4 lb. Range (20/60) Piercing
SlingS 2 sp — Range (30/120), simple Bludgeoning
Hand crossbow 60 gp 3 lbs. Dual-wielding, loading, range (30/120) Piercing
Shortbow 25 gp 2 lbs. Range (80/320), two-handed Piercing
200 Compounding, heavy, range (150/600),
Composite bow 2 lbs. Piercing
gp two-handed
Light crossbowS 45 gp 5 lbs. Loading, range (80/320), simple, two-handed Piercing
Longbow 50 gp 2 lbs. Heavy, range (150/600), two-handed Piercing
100 Heavy, loading, range (100/400), simple,
Heavy crossbowS 15 lbs. Piercing
gp two-handed

A5E System Reference Document

Garrotte 3 sp — Two-handed None (see When wielding a garrotte, you can make a
description) melee weapon attack at disadvantage
against a Large or smaller creature that
requires air to breathe. On a hit, the
creature is grappled and begins to suffocate.
Lance 10 gp 6 lbs. Defensive Piercing You have disadvantage when you use a
(medium), (1d12) lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you.
reach If you are not mounted, you must use two
hands to wield the lance.
Net 1 gp 2 lbs. Thrown (5/15) None (see A corporeal Large or smaller creature that
description) cannot move through a space one inch or
smaller that is hit by a net is restrained until
it is freed. As an action, a creature can free
itself or another creature trapped in a net by
making a successful DC 10 Strength check.
A net has AC 10, 5 hit points, and is
immune to bludgeoning damage.
Spear- 10 gp 4 lbs. Loading, range Piercing A spear-thrower can be used to increase the
thrower (80/320) (see effectiveness of a javelin, spear, or trident. A
description) weapon thrown in this manner deals an
additional 1d6 damage when the target is
within its normal range.

Defensive†. This weapon is designed to

Weapon Properties be used with a shield of the stated degree
All weapons may deal the same basic types or lighter (light, medium, or heavy). When
of damage, but they also have special you make an attack with this weapon and
properties that make each unique. You can are using a shield designed for it, you can
only benefit from properties marked with † if use a bonus action to either make an
you are proficient with the weapon. attack with your shield or increase your
Breaker. This weapon deals double Armor Class by 1 until the start of your
damage to unattended objects, such as next turn.
doors and walls. If this property only Dual-Wielding†. This weapon is
applies to a specific type of material, such designed to be wielded in concert with
as wood, it is stated in parentheses after another weapon. When wielding another
this property. weapon in your main hand that does not
Compounding†. You can only use your have the heavy property, you can use
Strength modifier for attack and damage your bonus action to make an attack with
rolls made with this weapon. this weapon.

A5E System Reference Document

Finesse. You may choose to use your you cannot make attacks against targets
Dexterity modifier for attack and damage beyond the weapon’s maximum range.
rolls made with this weapon. Reach. This weapon can be used to
Hand-Mounted†. This weapon is affixed make attacks against targets within 10
to your hand. You can do simple activities feet. If a weapon has a longer reach, it is
such as climbing a ladder while wielding stated in parentheses after this property.
this weapon, and you have advantage on Simple. This weapon can be used with
saving throws made to resist being very little skill or training, and all creatures
disarmed. You can’t use a hand that is gain proficiency with it.
wielding a hand-mounted weapon to do Thrown. This weapon can be thrown as
complex tasks like picking a pocket, using a ranged weapon attack. The thrown
thieves’ tools to bypass a lock, or casting property lists two numbers after it, both
spells with seen components. measured in feet—the first is the
Heavy. A small creature has weapon’s normal thrown range, and the
disadvantage on attack rolls made with second is the weapon’s maximum range.
this weapon. You have disadvantage on attack rolls
Loading. This weapon must be loaded made beyond the weapon’s normal
before it can be used. You can only make range, and you cannot make attacks
one attack with a loading weapon when against targets beyond the weapon’s
you use an action, bonus action, or maximum range. Additionally, when using
reaction to fire it, even if you can normally this weapon to make a ranged weapon
make more attacks. attack, you may choose to use your
Mounted†. This weapon deals the Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for
damage listed in parentheses when you its attack and damage roll.
are wielding it while mounted. Trip†. When used with a combat
Parrying†. When you are wielding this maneuver that trips a creature or the
weapon and you are not using a shield, Knockdown maneuver, this weapon
once before your next turn you can gain increases your Maneuver DC by 1. If the
an expertise die to your AC against a target is mounted, your Maneuver DC is
single melee attack made against you by instead increased by 2.
a creature you can see. You cannot use Two-Handed. You must use two hands
this property while incapacitated, to wield this weapon.
paralyzed, rattled, restrained, or stunned. Versatile. This weapon can be wielded
Parrying Immunity. Attacks with this with one or both hands. If wielded with
weapon ignore the parrying property and both hands, it deals the damage listed in
Armor Class bonuses from shields. parentheses.
Range. This weapon fires ammunition. Vicious. A vicious weapon scores a
The range lists two numbers after it, both critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. If you
measured in feet—the first is the already have a feature that increases the
weapon’s normal range, and the second range of your critical hits, your critical hit
is the weapon’s maximum range. You range increases by 1 (maximum 17–20).
have disadvantage on attack rolls made
beyond the weapon’s normal range, and

A5E System Reference Document

Improvised Weapons Flaming. This ammunition can be lit as
a bonus action. A weapon firing this
At the Narrator’s discretion, an improvised
ammunition can only hit targets within its
weapon that is similar to a weapon with the
normal range, but on a hit it deals an
simple property may be treated as a simple
extra 1d4 fire damage.
weapon. An object that bears no
Punching. On a critical hit, this
resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4
ammunition decreases an armored
damage of a type determined by the
target’s Armor Class by 1. This cannot
Narrator. Improvised thrown weapons have
reduce the target’s Armor Class to less
a normal range of 20 feet and a maximum
than 10 + its Dexterity modifier.
range of 60 feet.

Cultural Weapons
Many weapons have equivalents in various
AMMUNITION COST WEIGHT cultures, both in the real world and in
fantasy campaign settings. Below is a
Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb.
selection of weapons from different cultures
Blowgun needles 1 gp 1 lb. you may choose to include in your game.
(50) Availability of these weapons is at the
discretion of the Narrator.
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1 ½ lbs. Boomerang (Aboriginal, 5 sp). There
are many forms of boomerang. This club
Explosive arrows (4) 80 gp 1/2 lb. has the thrown property (range 100/300)
and cannot be used as a melee weapon.
Firearm bullets (10) 10 gp 1 ½ lbs. A boomerang designed to flush out or
distract prey flies a shorter distance
Flaming arrows (4) 60 gp 1/2 lb.
(range 50/150), but on a miss it returns to
Punching arrows (4) 100 gp 1 lb. the space it was thrown from at the end of
the turn.
Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1 ½ lbs. Butterfly Sword (Chinese, 20 gp).
These use the statistics of shortswords
and are usually wielded in pairs. They
Ammunition have the dual-wielding property.
Ranged weapons require ammunition to Chakram (Indian, 2 gp). This circular,
fire. Typically that ammunition is made from bladed throwing weapon uses the
bone, bronze, iron, steel, or wood; sling statistics of a ring blade.
pellets are usually stone or metal. However Claymore (Scottish, 50 gp). This
at the Narrator’s discretion, special cross-hilted weapon uses the statistics of
ammunition may be available. a greatsword.
Explosive. An attack made with Dao (Chinese, 20 gp). A curved
explosive ammunition cannot benefit from broadsword that uses the statistics of a
expertise dice and can only hit targets scimitar.
within its normal range, but on a hit it Hooked Hammer (Gnomish, 15 gp).
deals an extra 1d6 thunder damage. This uses the statistics of a small
warhammer that does 1d6 bludgeoning or

A5E System Reference Document

piercing damage and has the trip Stonebow (Dwarven, 25 gp). This
property. weapon functions as a shortbow, but fires
Katana (Japanese, 60 gp). This sling bullets that inflict bludgeoning
weapon uses the statistics of a fine damage.
bastard sword. Tessen (Japanese, 5 gp). This war fan
Khopesh (Egyptian, 1 gp). This can be used as a light shield and as a
sickle-shaped sword uses the statistics of dagger, and has the flamboyant property.
a scimitar. Thinblade (Elven, 50 gp). This weapon
Kusarigama (Japanese, 10 gp). This is uses the statistics of a rapier but is so
a sickle on a chain. It uses the statistics of sharp that it has the vicious property.
a sickle that weighs 5 pounds and has the Tomahawk (Native American, 5 gp). A
dual-wielding, parrying immunity, reach tomahawk uses the statistics of a
(10 ft.), and two-handed properties. handaxe.
Labrys (Greek, 10 gp). This ornate Urgosh (Dwarven, 20 gp). This
weapon uses the statistics of a battleaxe. spear-and-axe double weapon can be
It has two blades, one on each side of the used as either.
haft. Wakizashi (Japanese, 15 gp). This
Machahuitl (Aztec, 30 gp). This club blade uses the statistics of a shortsword.
with embedded obsidian blades functions Wooden Stake (Any, 0 gp). This simple
as a fine longsword. weapon uses the statistics of a dagger,
Main-Gauche (European, 4 gp). This but any vampire reduced to 0 hit points
parrying dagger may be used as a dagger with it is permanently destroyed. It is
or as a light shield. made of wood.
Nine-Section Whip (Chinese, 15 gp).
This whip deals 1d6 slashing damage. Rare Melee Weapons
Ninjato (Japanese, 20 gp). This uses
the statistics of a straight-bladed Most rare melee weapons are secretive,
shortsword with the storage property meant to be concealed or utilize a hidden
(often used to contain poison). advantage to take foes by surprise.
Nunchaku (Okinawan, 1 gp). This Assassin’s Gauntlet/Boot Dagger. At
weapon uses the statistics of a club but is a glance this item seems to be perfectly
considered a double weapon. typical, but it conceals a spring-loaded
Rungu (Zambian, 3 sp). This club has blade deployed by pressing a switch
the thrown property (range 30/150). when it is used to make an attack. A
Shuriken (Japanese, 3 sp). This creature observing it only realizes that the
weapon uses the statistics of a throwing item is a weapon with a DC 15
dagger. It deals only 1 damage if used in Investigation check (made with
melee. It has the quickdraw property. disadvantage if the weapon is being worn
Slingstaff (Halfling, 1 gp). This weapon at the time and not deployed). Once
can be used as a quarterstaff or as a deployed, a bonus action is required to
sling. resheathe the blade. You gain an
Spiked Gauntlets (Any, 8 gp). Spiked expertise die on your attack roll when you
gauntlets function as brass knuckles but deploy this weapon as part of an attack
deal piercing damage. against a target that is unaware you have

A5E System Reference Document

Double Weapon. Wielded not unlike a Rare Ranged Weapons
quarterstaff, each side of this weapon has
Ranged rare weapons require ammunition
a blade, weighted head, or other injurious
to use, although some firearms can hold
implement. Most double weapons are
multiple bullets at a time.
two-bladed swords or double-axes, but
Geared Slingshot. Constructed much
there have been gnome warriors known
like a crossbow, this shoulder-mounted
to wield hooked hammers and elvish
weapon bears a striking resemblance to a
clades specialized in swordspears.
miniature catapult. It is typically used to
Double weapons use the statistics for
fire hand-sized rocks but any Tiny object
whichever weapon is used to attack and
can be used as ammunition instead.
are considered to have the dual-wielding
Ratcheting Crossbow. This crossbow
and parrying properties.
has a large winding wheel affixed to its
Mercurial Maul. The liquid metal inside
drawstring. The wheel feeds into extra
of the shaft and head of this weapon
machinery along the stock that catches
makes it difficult to wield but all the
and pulls the string back again after it is
deadlier in expert hands. The minimum
fired. Winding a ratcheting crossbow for a
result on a damage die rolled with this
single bolt requires a bonus action or
weapon is a 2.
action, and it can be wound to prepare
Ring Blade. This metal hoop has
two bolts. Masterwork ratcheting
sharpened edges that make it deadly
crossbows can either be constructed to
whether thrown or used in hand. It costs
fire up to four bolts or made smaller (with
only 1 exertion point to use the Ricochet
statistics like a hand crossbow).
combat maneuver with this weapon. In
Revolver. When a revolver is loaded, it
addition, when you throw this weapon,
holds up to 6 bullets. The revolver only
you can make the attack with
needs to be loaded after all of its
disadvantage. If you do and the attack
ammunition has been fired.
hits, the weapon returns to your hand.
Shotgun. When this weapon is used to
Shields. At the Narrator’s discretion,
make an attack roll with advantage, the
shields may be treated as rare weapons
attack becomes a critical hit if both d20
to gain proficiency with them for attack
rolls would result in a hit. When this
weapon is used to make an attack roll
Sword Pistol. When this weapon is
with disadvantage and only one attack roll
used to hit a target with a melee weapon
would result in a hit, you instead deal 1d4
attack, you can use your reaction to fire
piercing damage (adding no bonuses to
the gun in the handle, gaining a 1d6
damage from ability score modifiers or
expertise die on an immediate ranged
weapon attack against the same target.

A5E System Reference Document

Assassin’s gauntlet 50 gp 8 lbs. Finesse, stealthy Piercing
Boot dagger 75 gp 4 lbs. Finesse, stealthy Piercing
Ring blade 10 gp 6 lbs. Thrown (30/90) Slashing
Double weapon 150 gp varies Dual-wielding, parrying, two-handed As each weapon
Sword pistol 200 gp 5 lbs. Finesse, loading, range (10/30) Piercing
Heavy, parrying immunity, reach (10
Spiked chain 35 gp 20 lbs. Bludgeoning and slashing
ft.), two-handed
Mercurial maul 150 gp 15 lbs. Breaker, heavy, two-handed Bludgeoning


Geared slingshot 110 gp 25 lbs. Bulky, heavy, loading, range (60/180), Bludgeoning
Pistol 120 gp 3 lbs. Loading, range (20/60) Piercing
Shotgun 150 gp 6 lbs. Loading, range (30/90) Piercing
Carbine 150 gp 5 lbs. Loading, range (50/150), two-handed Piercing
Ratcheting crossbow 125 gp 20 lbs. Heavy, loading, range (150/600), two-handed Piercing
Revolver 300 gp 3 lbs. Loading*, range (60/180) Piercing
Musket 350 gp 10 lbs. Heavy, loading, range (60/180), two-handed Piercing
*Loading a revolver (which holds 6 bullets) requires an action. A revolver can be used to make one
ranged attack per bullet loaded into it.

A5E System Reference Document

your Speed by 10 feet. On your turn, you
Shields may use an object interaction to plant it in
the ground, gaining half cover (+2 bonus
Shields can range from a dueler’s fencing to AC, Dexterity saving throws, and ability
buckler to the tower shields of mercenary checks made to hide) and advantage on
armies. You may wield two shields, but only saving throws made to resist being
gain the defensive benefits of one shield at shoved or knocked prone while you
a time. When it is used to attack, a shield is remain behind it. Unplanting a tower
treated as an improvised weapon that deals shield requires a bonus action.
1d4 bludgeoning damage. Tower shields are bulky items, and count
Donning a shield grants you no benefit to as such even when donned.
Armor Class if you are not proficient with
shields, and you can’t take cover behind it,
Improvised Shields
plant it on the ground, or sacrifice it.
A creature one size category larger than If you are proficient with shields, you can
the shield was designed for treats it as a use an action to pick up a nearby object of
shield that is one degree lighter, while a your size category or larger to use as a
creature one size category smaller treats it shield. The size of the object determines the
as a shield that is one degree heavier. If that degree of shield it becomes: an object your
would make a light shield lighter or a heavy size can be used as a light shield, or an
shield heavier, the shield cannot be used by object of one size category larger can be
that creature. used as a medium shield.
The costs and weights in Table: Shields An improvised shield is destroyed when
are for shields made from steel. you take a critical hit (it cannot be
Light. Light shields increase your Armor sacrificed), it cannot be repaired or
Class by 1. You can throw this shield, customized, and it becomes useless after
treating it as an improvised weapon that 10 rounds of combat.
deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Medium. Medium shields increase your Sacrifice Shield
Armor Class by 2.
When you are subjected to a critical hit, you
Heavy. Heavy shields increase your
can use your reaction to block the attack
Armor Class by 2 and you gain an
and sacrifice your shield, turning the critical
expertise die on Dexterity saving throws.
hit into a regular hit. Afterwards, your shield
When you take the Dodge action while
is broken. If your shield is magical, it instead
wielding a heavy shield, you may instead
becomes mundane for 1 hour.
take cover behind your shield, gaining an
expertise die to your Armor Class until the TABLE: SHIELDS
start of your turn. You have disadvantage SHIELD COST WEIGHT AC BONUS
on Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Dexterity
(Stealth) checks while wielding a heavy Light 10 gp 4 lbs. +1
shield, and you cannot squeeze through Medium 20 gp 8 lbs. +2
spaces smaller than your size category.
Heavy 35 gp 20 lbs. +2
Tower. Tower shields share the
properties of a heavy shield. These Tower 75 gp 25 lbs +2
shields cover the entire body and reduce

A5E System Reference Document

Armor entire body and includes gauntlets, boots,
and a helm. Splint mail is similar to half
The durability of your armor is a plate but covers the limbs in strips of mail
combination of the style of armor and its bolted to leather, rather than shaped
material. Less durable materials, such as metal plates.
cloth and leather, are comfortable, Bulky Armor. Half plate and full plate
lightweight, and inexpensive but struggle to are bulky, but while worn they do not
turn a hit. Metals may turn a hit more easily, count against the number of bulky items
but they require more physical strength to you can carry at once.
wear and cost more coin. The different
styles of armor are outlined below.
While wearing armor you aren’t proficient
with, you have disadvantage on ability Helms fit over your head to protect your
checks, attack rolls, and saving throws skull, though in exchange they limit your
using Strength or Dexterity, and you are vision and hearing. No proficiency is
unable to cast spells. required to wear a helm.
Padded. Layers of cloth or supple Helm. This hard leather or metal
leather are quilted together to create a covering protects the head but not the
lightweight tunic and pair of trousers. face, with the exception of a strip over the
Padded cloth tunics are worn under nose. While wearing this helm you gain
breastplates and suits of mail for comfort, an expertise die on saving throws made
and are already counted in their AC. to resist being stunned or rattled, and
Brigandine. A tunic made of cloth, your passive Perception score is reduced
leather, or hide with small panels of metal, by 2.
scale, or bone stitched to the interior for Visored Helm. This helm covers the
extra protection. When the panels are entirety of the head, including the face;
external and overlap closely, the the visor can be moved out of the way of
brigandine is termed scale mail. the face as by interacting with an object,
Breastplate. A fitted bone, leather, or in which case the visored helm functions
metal plate that covers the chest, as a standard helm. While wearing a
stomach, and vital organs. visored helm you gain an expertise die on
Mail. A suit made entirely of metal, saving throws made to resist being
though styles can differ greatly. A chain charmed, rattled, or stunned, and your
shirt is a shirt woven from small metal passive Perception score is reduced by 5.
rings, while a full set of chain mail (a Additionally, whenever you take damage
hauberk) is longer and includes a coiff. from falling, you reduce that damage by
Half plate covers most of the body in 5.
shaped metal plates but offers minimal
leg protection, while full plate covers the

A5E System Reference Document


11 + Dex Comfortable, flaw (piercing),

Padded cloth 5 gp 6 lbs. — — DC 5; sewing kit
mod underarmor
Padded 12 + Dex DC 10; sewing
15 gp 8 lbs. Comfortable, flaw (piercing) — —
leather mod kit


Cloth 12 + Dex Comfortable, flaw (piercing),

5 gp 7 lbs. — — DC 5; sewing kit
brigandine mod underarmor
Leather 13 + Dex DC 10; sewing
20 gp 10 lbs. Comfortable, flaw (piercing) — —
brigandine mod kit
13 + Dex
DC 10; sewing
Hide armor 10 gp 15 lbs. mod (max Comfortable, wild — —
13 + Dex
Chain shirt DC 15; smith’s
50 gp 15 lbs. mod (max Low-maintenance (expertise die) — —
(steel)† tools, forge
13 + Dex
Chain shirt High-quality, lightweight, DC 25; smith’s
150 gp 8 lbs. mod (max — —
(mithral)* low-maintenance (advantage) tools, forge
14 + Dex
Scale mail Str DC 15; smith’s
50 gp 35 lbs. mod (max Low-maintenance (expertise die) Disadv.
(steel)*† 14 tools, forge
14 + Dex
Breastplate DC 10; sewing
100 gp 10 lbs. mod (max Flaw — —
(bone)* kit
14 + Dex
Breastplate or DC 12; smith’s
400 gp 20 lbs. mod (max Low-maintenance (expertise die) Str 11 Disadv.
cuirass (steel)† tools, forge

A5E System Reference Document

Breastplate or 14 + Dex
Str DC 12; smith’s
cuirass 300 gp 35 lbs. mod (max Weighty (+1) Disadv.
12 tools, forge
(bronze)* 2)

Elven 14 + Dex
1,200 High-quality, lightweight, DC 25; smith’s
breastplate 10 lbs. mod (max — —
gp low-maintenance (advantage) tools, forge
(mithral)* 2)
15 + Dex
Half plate Str DC 15; smith’s
750 gp 40 lbs. mod (max Low-maintenance (expertise die) Disadv.
(steel)† 13 tools, forge


Hauberk Str DC 15; smith’s

150 gp 20 lbs. 16 Low-maintenance (expertise die) —
(steel)† 13 tools, forge
Str DC 15; smith’s
Splint (steel)† 450 gp 30 lbs. 17 Low-maintenance (expertise die) Disadv.
15 tools, forge
Full plate 1,500 Str DC 15; smith’s
55 lbs. 18 Low-maintenance (expertise die) Disadv.
(steel)† gp 15 tools, forge
Elven plate 4,500 High-quality, lightweight, DC 25; smith’s
28 lbs. 18 — —
(mithral)* gp low-maintenance (advantage) tools, forge

Dwarven plate 4,500 Str

110 lbs. 19 Fortified, weighty (+2) Disadv. Not repairable
(stone)* gp 17
Helm 12 gp 4 lbs. — — — — —

Visored helm 25 gp 8 lbs. — — — — —

* Material modifiers already included.

† Metal armor is assumed to be steel by default.

Shield 1 action 1 action

Donning, Doffing, Sizing, and
Sleeping in Armor Armor is typically fitted to its wearer. When
TABLE: DONNING AND DOFFING you first acquire a set of nonmagical armor,
ARMOR you must make or pay for alterations.
Making the alterations yourself requires tool
CATEGORY DON DOFF proficiencies as if you were repairing the
armor. If the armor is not appropriately sized
Light Armor 1 minute 1 minute
to you but is of your size category, you must
Medium Armor 5 minutes 1 minute make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw at
the end of each day you wear the armor,
Heavy Armor 10 minutes 5 minutes gaining a level of fatigue on a failure. You
can alter armor that is a size category larger

A5E System Reference Document

than you are, but you cannot fit into armor An armor’s category determines how long
that is too small. it takes to don (put on) or doff (take off) that
It is assumed that cloth armor is worn armor.
under breastplates and suits of mail. Aside Don. Your Armor Class is only
from cloth, leather, and hide, armor is too increased by armor you have fully
runcomfortable for a restful night’s sleep. If donned.
you sleep in medium or heavy armor other Doff. If you have help, halve this time.
than hide, you are roughing it. You regain
half the usual number of Hit Dice, and if you
have any levels of fatigue or strife, neither is
reduced upon finishing the long rest.


As weighty as iron, as flexible as steel, and ×1.5 ×4 Hardy, low- DC 25; smith’s
harder than both, adamantine is the most durable maintenance tools, access to
material for weapons and armor, as well as the (advantage), a forge
most expensive. weighty (+2)

Bones can be shaped into points for arrows and ×1/2 ×1/4 Flaw, lightweight DC 10; sewing
spears or tied together, along with shells and kit
scales, to form a durable but high-maintenance Weapons are not
armor. Due to its brittleness, bone requires repairable
constant repairs and has a short lifespan.

Bronze is durable but weighty, and tends to be ×1.5 ×3/4 Weighty (+1) DC 12; smith’s
more brittle than steel. tools

Cloth is the flimsiest of materials but also the — — Comfortable, flaw DC 5; sewing kit
lightest. Padded layers can be worn as (piercing),
independent armor or underneath metal armors underarmor
to increase comfort.
Cold iron

Alloys of iron and phosphorus are called cold — x2 Feybane DC 20; smith’s
iron. Cold iron is a semi-magical material that tools
many fey creatures are vulnerable to.


A5E System Reference Document

Tanned animal hides offer more protection than — — Comfortable, wild DC 10; sewing
cloth, but are still easily punctured by blades and kit
arrows. Leather that is left untreated or with the
fur or scales still on is known as hide.


Iron is weighty and brittle, typically alloyed with ×1.5 ×1/2 Rust, weighty (+2) DC 15; smith’s
carbon (to form steel). Iron gear can rust tools
if left
particularly after
exposure to water.


Tanned animal hides offer more protection than — — Flaw (piercing) DC 10; sewing
cloth, but are still easily punctured by blades and kit

Lighter than steel, mithral is a prized material for ×1/2 ×3 High-quality, DC 25; smith’s
its ability to be worked into light, comfortable, and lightweight, tools, access to
beautiful armor or weapons. low-maintenance a forge

Usually an iron-silver alloy rather than pure silver. ×2 Silvered DC 20; smith’s

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon that is lighter — — Low-maintenance DC 15; smith’s
and sturdier than its counterparts, but it requires (expertise die) tools, access to
skill and intense heat to make. Steel is the basis a forge
of many sets of armor, including chain, plate, and
the metalwork inside brigandine.

Hard and heavy. Stone is quite brittle and any ×2 Weapons Fortified, weighty Not repairable
object beyond a knapped short blade can be ×1/2 (+2)
challenging to shape. Armor ×3

Wood is widely accessible and typically used for — — Flaw (armor only) DC 15
weapons. Weapons made of wood tend to be woodworker’s
fire-hardened with special oils to increase their tools

A5E System Reference Document

armor should have no more than two
Fine and Masterwork properties.
Particularly skilled craftspeople may be
Some weapons and armor are crafted with able to include the following properties
extreme skill, often as the crowning when crafting standard gear. Typically, such
accomplishment of a craftsperson’s life. an addition costs a minimum of 50 gp or the
These pieces are visually distinctive and full cost of the base item, whichever is
cost more than similar items of lower quality. higher.
Typically, only masterwork items are Camouflaged (Armor Only). The
enchanted, as flimsier pieces tend to not be terrain type for camouflaged armor is
able to withstand the magical forces—a fine chosen when it is crafted. You gain an
item can become a magic item of up to expertise die on Stealth checks while
uncommon rarity, and a masterwork item wearing camouflaged armor crafted for
can become a magic item of up to any rarity. the terrain you are in.
When purchasing or commissioning a Flamboyant (Weapons Only).
masterwork item, work with the Narrator to Creatures have disadvantage on saving
determine what it looks like, who made it, throws made to resist being distracted by
and how it could be enchanted in future. this weapon, and you have advantage on
A fine item costs at least 25 gp or full price Intimidation or Performance checks made
plus 50 percent, whichever is greater. A with the use of it.
masterwork item costs at least 125 gp or full Quickdraw (Weapons Only). If you
price plus 100 percent, whichever is greater. would normally only be able to draw one
An item must be originally created as a of these weapons on a turn, you can
fine or masterwork item; it cannot be instead draw a number equal to the
upgraded to a higher quality level. number of attacks you make.
Rebounding (Thrown Weapons and
Shields Only). When you make a ranged
Customizing Armaments
attack with this weapon or shield, you can
Many weapons and pieces of armor have make the attack with disadvantage. If you
slight differences across cultures and are do and the attack hits, the weapon returns
referred to with different names (see to your hand. Piercing weapons cannot
Cultural Weapons). If you wish to use a have this trait.
weapon that is functionally similar to one on Spiked (Armor Only). A creature that
this table, work with the Narrator to begins its turn grappling you takes 1
determine how it changes visually. You may piercing damage while you are wearing
also use a combination of the weapon or spiked armor.
armor properties and the additional Stealthy. This armor or weapon has
properties listed here to create functionally been disguised to look like a piece of
distinct gear. clothing or other normal item. A creature
As a rule of thumb, weapons should have observing the item only realizes that it is
no more than three properties unless one of armor or a weapon with a DC 15
those properties is a restriction. Shields and Investigation check (made with

A5E System Reference Document

disadvantage if the armor is being worn at Maintenance
the time or the weapon is sheathed).
Storage. This item contains a hidden Like all gear, mundane weapons and armor
compartment the size of a small vial. On wear out over time, and keeping them in
weapons, this compartment might have a good working order requires maintenance
release that allows liquid placed in the and repair. Regular day-to-day maintenance
compartment, such as poison, to flow out is assumed—your bowstring is oiled, your
and coat the blade or head. You can use blade is sharpened, and your armor is
a bonus action to release the liquid stored polished. However, adventurers frequently
in a weapon. encounter unusual events that are
exceptionally hard on gear. In that case, the
Narrator can call for a DC 10 maintenance
Customizing Shields
check (or DC 15 if the stress was
Some shields have special properties to particularly severe). If you are proficient with
respond to specific situations. the tools required to repair your gear (as
Hands-Free (25 gp). This shield mounts listed in Table: Materials), add your
to your arm, leaving your hand free. You proficiency bonus to the check. On a
cannot wield a weapon with this hand success, the gear is restored to full working
unless it has the hand-mounted property. order. On a failure or until the roll is made
Only light shields can be hands-free. successfully, the gear is damaged.
Hands-free shields cannot be thrown. Damaged. An action is required to draw
Mirrored (50 gp). Only shields of fine or a damaged weapon or prepare a
masterwork quality can be mirrored. This damaged spellcasting focus. Travel pace
shield has been polished to a mirror-like is halved for a damaged vehicle.
finish capable of showing a reflection. Some examples of when the Narrator
When you would be targeted or affected may call for a maintenance check include:
by a gaze effect, you can use your
reaction to cause the effect to instead ● After the party traverses
target either the source of the effect or a difficult terrain, such as mud or
creature of your choice within 30 feet of water.
you. While wearing this shield you have ● After the party has a
disadvantage on Stealth checks. particularly messy combat
Spikes (75 gold). Some shields are encounter.
equipped with spikes. When you use your ● After a party member fails a
shield to make an attack, you deal 1d4 check that could result in
piercing damage instead of 1d4 damage to gear (like failing an
bludgeoning damage. When you use your Athletics check to climb and
shield to shove or knock someone prone, taking falling damage).
but would not normally deal damage, you ● After a party member drops to
also deal 1d4 piercing damage on a 0 hit points (with one check per
success. Only light or medium shields can instance, if applicable).
be spiked in this way. ● After a party member is
swallowed by a creature.

A5E System Reference Document

When you fail a maintenance check and throw. If a damage type is noted in
your gear is already damaged, it becomes parentheses, the armor only breaks on a
broken and cannot be used with its full critical hit from that damage type, or the
effectiveness until repaired. weapon only breaks if it does damage of
Broken. A broken item is also damaged. that damage type.
A broken weapon deals half damage. The Fortified. Fortified armor increases the
bonus to Armor Class granted by broken Armor Class it grants by 1.
armor and broken shields is halved Hardy. While wearing hardy armor, the
(minimum 1). The bonus to Armor Class first critical hit against you since your last
granted by armor equals its AC – 10. short rest becomes a normal hit. You
Repairing damaged or broken gear cannot use this feature again until you
requires a tool check against the DC listed make adjustments to the armor during a
for the gear’s material. You can make one short or long rest.
check to repair gear per short or long rest, High-Quality. These weapons and
or you can hire someone to repair the gear armor are considered one quality level
for you (which is an automatic success). higher (standard becomes fine, and fine
The typical cost for hiring out the repair of becomes masterwork).
broken or damaged gear is equal to 1/5th Lightweight. If the armor normally
the item’s cost. imposes disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks or has a Strength
requirement, the lightweight version of the
armor doesn’t.
Low-Maintenance. You gain advantage
or an expertise die on maintenance
checks made on low-maintenance gear.
Rust. When exposed to water and not
Material Properties maintained, this gear cannot be repaired.
The materials a weapon or suit of armor is Silvered. Weapons made from an alloy
made from determines how best it protects of silver are considered silvered for the
the adventurer using it, as well as how it purposes of damage resistances.
needs to be maintained. Underarmor. This armor can be worn
Comfortable. Armor with this property is under medium and heavy armors.
comfortable enough to sleep in without Weighty. The heaviness of some
penalty. materials results in an increase to the
Feybane. When using a feybane armor’s Strength requirement, if the
weapon, you have advantage on attacks armor has one. The increase is noted in
made against fey. While you are wearing parentheses.
feybane armor, fey have disadvantage on Wild. While wearing wild armor, you
attacks made against you. cannot gain expertise dice on Deception
Flaw. A weapon with the flaw property and Persuasion checks made in urban
breaks when you roll a natural 1 on an environments.
attack roll made with it. Armors break
when you are subjected to a critical hit or
roll a natural 1 on a Dexterity saving

A5E System Reference Document

patch up wounds. As an action, you can
Adventuring Gear expend one use of this item to stabilize a
creature that has 0 hit points, without
Medicinals needing to make a Medicine check.
Healing Potion. These potions have
Not everyone has access to magical healing auras of evocation magic invisible to
spells. The following herbal remedies and mundane eyes.
potions may be commonly available from Basic: When you drink the bright red
apothecaries and herbalists, at the liquid in this flask, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit
Narrator’s discretion. points.
Drinking or administering a potion or Greater: When you drink the pure red
remedy takes an action. concoction in this flask, you regain 4d4
Expertise dice granted by the use of a + 4 hit points.
medicinal can be gained from that type of Superior: Requiring rare ingredients,
medicinal only once between long rests. the recipes for these potions are
Adderwort Roots. Chewing these dark jealously guarded by master herbalists.
roots bolsters your body’s natural When you drink the glowing crimson
defenses, and after you eat it you gain an liquid in this vial, you regain 8d4 + 8 hit
expertise die on Constitution saving points.
throws for 1 hour. Supreme: Only a few herbalists every
Antitoxin. Consuming the dark bitter generation master the precise artistry
liquid in this vial removes the poisoned required to brew these serums. When
condition, and you gain advantage on you drink the iridescent liquid in this vial
saving throws against poison for 1 hour. you regain 10d4 + 20 hit points.
Bandage. These strips of sterilized cloth Ironwood Acorn. This tough acorn
stanch bleeding and cover wounds. You must be swallowed whole to fortify your
can use an action to apply a bandage to muscles and sinews, and after you eat it
yourself or another creature to end you gain an expertise die on Strength
ongoing piercing or slashing damage. saving throws for 1 hour.
When using improvised bandages, there Jar of Leeches. This jar contains
is a 50 percent chance of exposure to a bloodthirsty medicinal worms useful for
disease. curing many maladies. You can expend
Dried Yewclaw Bark. Eating strips of one use of this jar during a short rest to
this dried yellow bark calms and clarifies administer leeches to yourself or a willing
the mind, and after consuming this bark creature. A creature that has leeches
you gain an expertise die on Intelligence administered to them cannot regain hit
saving throws for 1 hour. points during this short rest due to blood
Fairy Cap. Consuming this small red loss, but it may repeat a saving throw to
mushroom cap removes inhibitions and remove the poisoned condition or a
creates confidence, and after you eat it blood-borne disease (DC equal to the
you gain an expertise die on Charisma original effect).
saving throws for 1 hour. Alternatively, as an action you can throw
Healer’s Satchel. This leather pouch this jar up to 20 feet, shattering it on
contains medical implements used to impact. Make a ranged attack against a

A5E System Reference Document

creature or object, treating the jar as an heightens your senses, and after you eat
improvised weapon. On a hit, if the target it you gain an expertise die on Wisdom
is a Large or smaller creature it takes 1d4 saving throws for 1 hour.
ongoing damage. A creature can end this
damage by using its action to remove the
Laudanum. This mixture of ambergris, ITEM COST WEIGHT
saffron, and other rare ingredients can Adderwort roots 10 gp —
calm the nerves and ease mental pain.
Antitoxin 75 gp —
Once between long rests, when you drink
the bitter reddish-brown concoction in this Bandage 1 sp —
vial, you recover a level of strife. Roll
Dried yewclaw bark 5 gp —
1d10. On a 1, you gain a short-term
mental stress effect. Fairy cap 5 gp —
Lavender Paste. Mixing lavender petals Healer’s satchel (10 uses) 5 gp 3 lbs.
with herbs creates a natural insect
repellent. You can use an action to apply Healing potion (basic) 50 gp 1/2 lb.
the paste to yourself or a willing creature, Healing potion (greater) 150 gp 1/2 lb.
granting immunity to insect-based
Healing potion (superior) 550 gp 1/4 lb.
hazards in swampy terrain. In addition,
the creature gains benefits equivalent to Healing potion (supreme) 1,500 gp 1/4 lb.
mosquito netting for the next 24 hours. Ironwood acorn 5 gp —
Medicinal Salve. Made from herbal
ingredients, this soothing salve can help Jar of leeches (5 uses) 25 gp 1 lb.
mend grievous injuries. You can apply Laudanum 35 gp 1/4 lb.
medicinal salve to your wounds or the
Lavender paste (5 uses) 10 gp 1/2 lb.
wounds of a willing creature during a
short rest. Once between long rests, a Medicinal salve (3 uses) 75 gp 1/2 lb.
creature treated with medicinal salve rolls
Pressed spiderbulb 10 gp —
a bonus Hit Die and adds the result to the
total number of hit points regained during Sycamore petal poultice 10 gp —
the short rest. (If a creature has multiple
types of Hit Dice, use the largest.) When
used in combination with a bandage, the
Spellcasting Foci
bonus Hit Die granted by medicinal salve Many spellcasters rely on a magical focus,
restores the maximum number of hit an item that allows them to channel their
points. power. Using a spellcasting focus allows a
Pressed Spiderbulb. Consuming this spellcaster to forgo many material
dried flower grants you energy and components for their spells. A wide variety
tightens your reflexes, and after you eat it of items can be turned into magical foci,
you gain an expertise die on Dexterity which fall into three primary categories:
saving throws for 1 hour.
Sycamore Petal Poultice.
Consumption of these pulped petals

A5E System Reference Document

● Arcane Focus: These foci are Grimoire. These large and imposing
soaked in arcane power and tomes can function both as a spellbook
often engraved or painted with and as a spellcasting focus.
eldritch symbols and cosmic Staff. In addition to its use as a
iconography. Orbs, crystals, spellcasting focus, a staff can also be
grimoires, staves, or wands are used as a quarterstaff.
often used as spellcasting foci Wonder. A wonder is an unusual
by sorcerers, warlocks, and spellcasting focus such as a sacred
wizards. flower that never wilts, a prismatic
● Divine Focus: These foci (often crystalized skull, or a polished burl that
called holy symbols) are whispers with the language of the trees. If
representations of a deity, you lose a wonder, you can replace it as a
pantheon, or ideal. They usually ritual that takes 10 minutes and requires 5
depict the crest or icon of a gp worth of rare materials. You must be
specific god or are of symbolic able to cast ritual spells to restore a lost
importance to a particular faith. wonder in this way. When you do so, any
Reliquaries, censers, amulets, previous wonders created this way are
emblems, or tattoos are often destroyed.
used as spellcasting foci by
clerics and heralds.
● Nature Focus: These foci ITEM COST WEIGHT
typically incorporate furs, Amulet 5 gp 1 lb.
feathers, living plants, sacred
Censer 15 gp 2 lbs.
wood, or the bones or teeth of
sacred animals. Staves, wands, Crystal 10 gp 3 lbs.
wonders, fetishes, or totems are
Emblem 5 gp —
typically used as spellcasting
foci by druids and rangers. Focus tattoo 75 gp —
Grimoire 25 gp 5 lbs.
Focus Tattoo. Some spellcasters
permanently mark their bodies with Orb 10 gp 3 lbs.
symbols of their deity, eldritch runes, or Reliquary 5 gp 2 lbs.
ritualistic symbols. You can apply a focus
tattoo over the course of a long rest, after Rod 10 gp 2 lbs.
which it functions as a spellcasting focus. Staff 5 gp 4 lbs.
Focus tattoos draw on a bearer’s own
Totem 1 gp —
magics and must be attuned like a magic
item in order to function. Focus tattoos Wand 10 gp 1 lb.
require an attunement slot. When you Wonder 30 gp —
cast spells with a focus tattoo in this way,
you must briefly touch your focus tattoo
with your free hand.

A5E System Reference Document

Common Poisons saving throw or take 2d4 poison
damage and be poisoned until the end
While some poisons require exotic or of your next turn.
expensive ingredients, many effective Advanced: When a creature takes
concoctions can be obtained or made with damage from the coated weapon or
little effort. The following poisons might be ammunition, it must make a DC 13
commonly available from apothecaries and Constitution saving throw or take 2d6
herbalists, at the Narrator’s discretion. poison damage and be poisoned until
Applying a poison takes an action. A the end of your next turn.
creature immune to the poisoned condition Potent: When a creature takes
is immune to any effects from poisons. damage from the coated weapon or
Curare. You can use the poison in this ammunition, it must make a DC 14
vial to coat one slashing or piercing Constitution saving throw or take 2d8
weapon, or up to three pieces of poison damage and be poisoned until
ammunition. The poison retains its the end of your next turn.
potency for 1 minute or until you hit with
the weapon or ammunition. When a
creature takes damage from the coated ITEM COST WEIGHT
weapon or ammunition, it must make a
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Curare (vial) 100 gp —
stunned until the end of its next turn.
Ether (flask) 20 gp 1 lb.
Ether. You can use the chemicals in this
flask to soak a rag or other small cloth Poison, basic (vial) 25 gp —
item. An open flask of ether or an
ether-soaked rag retains its potency for 1 Poison, advanced (vial) 50 gp —
minute or until you hit with it. While you
are grappling a creature, you can use the Poison, potent (vial) 100 gp —
ether to make a special melee weapon
attack against that creature. On a hit, the
creature must make a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or fall unconscious. The Survival Gear
creature remains unconscious for 1
The following items are necessities when
minute, until it takes damage, or until
facing inhospitable environments and harsh
another creature uses an action to shake
or slap the creature awake.
Bedroll. This essential commodity
Poison. You can use the poison in
provides insulation and comfortable sleep
these vials to coat one slashing or
on rocky, wet, or uneven terrain.
piercing weapon, or up to three pieces of
Blanket. Provides warmth while resting
ammunition. The poison retains its
in cold environments.
potency for 1 minute or until you hit with
Climbing Gear. A set of climbing gear
the weapon or ammunition.
includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves,
Basic: When a creature takes damage
and a harness. You can use the climbing
from the coated weapon or ammunition,
gear as an action to anchor yourself;
it must make a DC 12 Constitution
when you do, you can’t fall more than 25

A5E System Reference Document

feet from the anchor point, and you can’t 2d4 piercing damage and stops moving.
climb more than 25 feet away from that Until it escapes, the creature's movement
point without undoing the anchor. is limited to the length of the trap's chain,
Cold Weather Gear. Cold weather gear which is usually 3 feet long. Freeing the
includes special boots, gloves, warm trapped creature requires a DC 13
padding, and face protection. This gear Strength check. On a failed check, the
can be worn over or under any armor and trapped creature takes 1d4 piercing
takes 5 minutes to don or remove. While damage. Hunting traps of higher quality
wearing cold weather gear, you are more complex and effective,
automatically succeed on saving throws increasing the DC of each saving throw
against effects caused by an environment and ability check (by 2 for fine hunting
of extreme cold, but you have traps, or by 4 for masterwork hunting
disadvantage on saving throws against traps).
effects from environments of extreme Map. When using a map, you can travel
heat and spells or effects that deal fire at a fast pace without taking a penalty to
damage. This gear can also be worn to your passive Perception while within the
provide warmth while resting in cold area the map depicts. If you use a
environments. compass in conjunction with a map, you
Compass. This device has a gain an expertise die on checks made to
free-turning needle that always points avoid becoming lost.
towards the magnetic north. Local: This map depicts an area that is
Fishing Trap. Whenever you retrieve well known to its makers and includes
this arrangement of netting, wires, and the names of hamlets, villages, and
weights from a body of water with aquatic towns, as well as roads, waterways,
life, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal to and other routes through the realm.
the number of hours the trap has been Distant: This map depicts a region
set. On a 21 or higher, the trap has far-flung from those that made it. It
captured fish or other aquatic animals depicts only the major geographical
totaling 1d4 Supply. features and best-known routes within
Hunting Snare. This simple the realm.
arrangement of stakes, wires, and ropes Frontier: This map depicts an area
can be set for catching small game in only recently explored by those that
woodlands, forests, or other hunting made it, and the information is often
grounds. Whenever you retrieve the incorrect or incomplete. When
snare, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal consulting this map, the Narrator
to the number of hours the snare has secretly rolls a d20. On a result of 5 or
been set. On a 21 or higher, the snare less, the outdated or false information
has captured and killed a Tiny game wastes travel time, as those using the
animal totaling 1d4 Supply. map only progress half as much
Hunting Trap. ou can set a hunting trap distance towards their destination.
as an action by affixing its chain to an Marshland Gear. Marshland gear
immovable object. If a creature steps on includes special boots, gloves, and
the trap, it must make a DC 13 Dexterity clothes designed to repel moisture and
saving throw. On a failed save, it takes muck. This gear can be worn over light

A5E System Reference Document

armor and takes 5 minutes to don or underwater (albeit poorly when
remove. While you are wearing submerged, shedding only dim light in a
marshland gear, you can move at a 5-foot radius). Dimmer than a normal
normal pace through nonmagical swamps torch, it sheds bright light in a 10-foot
and marshes, but you have disadvantage radius and dim light for an additional 10
on Dexterity checks and saving throws feet.
made on dry or rocky terrain.
Mosquito Netting. This thin mesh cloth
offers protection from small insects while
sleeping in jungles, swamps, or similar ITEM COST WEIGHT
environments. Bedroll 1 gp 7 lbs.
Rations. Rations can vary wildly
Blanket 5 sp 3 lbs.
depending on the culture, but they usually
consist of a day’s worth of water and dry Climbing gear 25 gp 12 lbs.
foods suitable for extended travel, such
Cold weather gear 15 gp 12 lbs.
as jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, or nuts. One
unit of rations provides 1 Supply. Compass 60 gp 1/2 lb.
Tent. These stitched-together canvases, Fishing trap 5 gp 10 lbs.
hides, or tarps offer protection from the
elements so long as there is a flat space Hunting snare 5 gp 5 lbs.
where they can be deployed. Hunting trap 5 gp 25 lbs.
One Person: Suitable for a
Map (local) 20 gp —
Medium-sized creature. Occupies a
5-foot by 10-foot space when set up. Map (distant) 75 gp —
Two Person: Suitable for up to 2 Map (frontier) 200 gp —
Medium-sized creatures. Occupies a
10-foot by 10-foot space when set up. Marshland gear 10 gp 6 lbs.
Communal: Suitable for up to 6 Mosquito netting 2 gp 1/2 lb.
Medium-sized creatures. Occupies a
Rations (1 Supply) 5 sp 2 lb.
15-foot by 15-foot space when set up.
Torch. Once lit, a torch sheds bright Tent (one person) 1 gp 10 lbs.
light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for
Tent (two person) 2 gp 20 lbs.
an additional 20 feet. A torch burns for 1
hour. When you use a burning torch as a Tent (communal) 15 gp 40 lbs.
club to make a melee attack, it deals an Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
extra 1 fire damage on a hit.
Torch (Alchemical). The rough, sticky Torch (alchemical) 25 gp 1 lb.
tar at the end of this torch burns through
even the most adverse conditions. An
alchemical torch burns for 1 hour even in
heavy rains, strong winds, and

A5E System Reference Document

Backpack* 30 pounds of gear or 1 cubic foot 2 gp 5 lbs.
Barrel 40 gallons liquid or 4 cubic feet solid 2 gp 70 lbs.
Basket 40 pounds of gear or 2 cubic feet 4 sp 2 lbs.
Bottle, glass 1 ½ pints liquid 2 gp 2 lbs.
Bucket 3 gallons liquid or 1/2 cubic foot solid 5 cp 2 lbs.
Case, crossbow bolt 20 crossbow bolts 1 gp 1 lb.
Case, map or scroll 10 paper sheets or 5 parchment sheets 1 gp 1 lb.
Chest 300 pounds gear or 12 cubic feet 5 gp 25 lbs.
Flask or tankard 1 pint liquid 2 cp 1 lb.
Jug or pitcher 1 gallon liquid 2 cp 4 lbs.
Pot, iron 1 gallon liquid 2 gp 10 lbs.
Pouch 6 pounds of gear or 1/5 cubic foot 5 sp 1 lb.
Quiver 20 arrows 1 gp 1 lb.
Sack 30 pounds of gear or 1 cubic foot 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Vial 4 ounces liquid 1 gp —
Waterskin 4 pints liquid 2 sp 5 lbs. (full), 1/2 lb. (empty)
* You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of rope, to the outside of a backpack.

Table: Containers details the most common improvised weapon attack against the
types of containers, though many target. On a hit, the target takes 2d4
adventurers get by with just a backpack and ongoing acid damage. This damage
a waterskin. persists for 3 rounds. A creature ends all
ongoing damage from mundane acid by
using its action to wipe away the liquid.
Miscellaneous Adventuring Alchemist’s Fire. This liquid ignites in
Gear air. You can use an action to throw this
flask up to 20 feet, shattering it. Make a
The many essentials that make adventuring
ranged improvised weapon attack against
into the unknown possible include:
a target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6
Acid. You can use an action to splash
ongoing fire damage. This damage
the contents of this vial onto a target
persists for 1 minute. A creature can end
within 5 feet of you, or throw the vial up to
all ongoing damage being dealt by
20 feet, shattering it. Make a ranged
alchemist’s fire by using its action to

A5E System Reference Document

either make a DC 14 Dexterity check to allows a creature to lift a weight four times
extinguish the flames or by dousing the heavier than they normally could.
target with at least 1 gallon of water. Book. A book might contain fiction,
Ball Bearings. You can use an action to illustrations, or information about any
spill these metal spheres over a level, subject. (Spellbooks contain magical
10-foot square area. A creature moving spells and are described later.) A book of
through the area at greater than half masterwork quality covers one subject in
speed must make a DC 12 Dexterity detail. You gain an expertise die on
saving throw, falling prone on a failure. checks made regarding the specialty
Black Powder Charge. A pound of detailed in the last masterwork book
black powder inside a wooden shell with a you’ve read.
fuse can make a simple but potent Cage. This metal cage can contain a
explosive. You can use an action to set creature of the size it is designed to hold.
and light one or more black powder The cage has a simple door held with a
charges, which explode at the start of latch that requires an Intelligence score of
your next turn. A creature or object within 5 or higher to open.
10 feet of an exploding charge must make Medium: The cage (AC 16, 25 hit
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking points) can be burst open with a DC 22
1d6 force damage and 1d6 fire damage Strength check.
on a failed save or half damage on a Large: The cage (AC 17, 40 hit points)
success. Increase the explosion’s can be burst open with a DC 24
damage by 1d6 force and 1d6 fire for Strength check.
each doubling of the number of charges Huge: The cage (AC 18, 55 hit points)
set beyond the first. For example, 4 black can be burst open with a DC 26
powder charges deal 3d6 force and 3d6 Strength check.
fire damage, 8 black powder charges deal Caltrops. You can use an action to
4d6 force and 4d6 fire damage, 32 black spread these spikes over a level,
powder charges deal 6d6 force damage 5-foot-square area. A creature that moves
and 6d6 fire damage, and so on. through the area at greater than half
Multiple charges increase the area of speed must make a DC 15 Dexterity
the explosion, as follows: 2 saving throw or it stops moving this turn
charges—20-foot radius, 4 and takes 1d4 piercing damage. Taking
charges—30-foot radius, 8 this damage reduces the creature’s
charges—40-foot radius, 16 Speed by 10 feet until it regains at least 1
charges—50-foot radius, 32 hit point.
charges—60-foot radius. Candle. A lit candle sheds bright light in
Black powder charges become useless a 5-foot radius and dim light for an
and are destroyed when submerged in additional 5 feet. It burns for 1 hour.
water or left exposed to rain. Chain. A chain (AC 16, 10 hit points)
Block and Tackle. This is a set of can be burst with a DC 20 Strength
pulleys attached to a hook, upon which check.
heavy objects can be attached. Along Clothes (Any). Clothes of varying styles
with a length of rope, a block and tackle can be appropriate to any number of
cultures or social situations and can be

A5E System Reference Document

worn over light armor. A DC 14 25 gp and the expenditure of a 1st-level
Perception check is required to notice spell slot.
light armor hidden underneath clothes. Hook Hand. Prosthetic hook hands are
Component Pouch. A component common replacements for missing hands.
pouch is a belt pouch containing those You cannot gain advantage or expertise
spellcasting material components that dice on Sleight of Hand checks made with
don’t have an explicit cost. a hook hand. A hook is a natural weapon
Crowbar. You have advantage on that you can use to make unarmed
Strength checks made to force open strikes, dealing piercing damage equal to
doors and similar objects when you apply 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
leverage with this hooked metal bar. Lantern. A lantern can burn for 6 hours
Eyepatch. Eyepatches can be used to on a pint flask of oil.
prepare one eye for lower-light conditions, Standard: Casts bright light in a
such as when moving between the deck 15-foot radius and dim light for an
and relative darkness of a ship’s hold. additional 30 feet.
When you are wearing an eyepatch and Bullseye: Casts bright light in a 60-foot
enter an area of darkness or dim light cone and dim light for an additional 60
from a brightly lit area, you can use a feet.
bonus action to swap the patch from one Hooded: Casts bright light in a 30-foot
eye to the other to gain an expertise die radius and dim light for an additional 30
on Perception checks for the next 10 feet. You can use an action to lower the
minutes or until you enter an area of hood, causing the lantern to instead
bright light. cast dim light in a 5-foot radius.
Fishing Tackle. Fishing tackle typically Lock. A creature without the lock’s key
includes a wooden rod, silken line, (included in the price) can pick the lock
corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead with a DC 15 thieves’ tools check. At the
sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow netting. Narrator’s discretion, better, more
Flash Bomb. You can use an action to expensive locks may exist.
throw this glass bauble, making a ranged Magnifying Glass. When you use a
improvised weapon attack against a magnifying glass, you gain an expertise
creature within 20 feet. The target must die on ability checks to inspect an item
make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw that is Tiny or highly detailed. Lighting a
or becomes blinded until the end of your fire with a magnifying glass requires 5
next turn. minutes, tinder, and sunlight or similar
Holy Water. You can use an action to light.
splash the contents of this flask on a Manacles. These metal cuffs (AC 16, 20
creature within 5 feet of you, or throw the hit points) can restrain a Small or Medium
flask up to 20 feet, shattering it. Make a creature. As an action, you can use the
ranged improvised weapon attack against manacles to restrain an unwilling
a creature. On a hit, a fiend or undead creature, which must either be restrained
takes 2d6 radiant damage and becomes or both grappled and prone. Escaping the
slowed until the end of your next turn. manacles requires a DC 20 Dexterity
A cleric or herald can create holy water check, and breaking them requires a DC
by performing a 1-hour ritual that costs 1 20 Strength check. Each set of manacles

A5E System Reference Document

comes with one key. Without the key, a Arm or Hand: You cannot gain
creature can pick the lock with a DC 15 advantage or expertise dice on Sleight
thieves’ tools check. of Hand checks made with this
Merchant’s Scale. This balance scale prosthetic. However, you can use the
measures the exact weight of Tiny prosthetic defensively, treating it as a
objects. hands-free light shield when not holding
Mess Tin. This tin box contains a cup a weapon or object in that hand.
and simple cutlery. The box clamps Leg or Foot: While you are standing
together, and one side can be used as a on your prosthetic, you cannot gain
cooking pan while the other is used as a advantage or expertise dice on saving
plate or shallow bowl. throws made to resist being knocked
Oil. You can use an action to throw a prone, but you take half damage from
1-pint flask of oil up to 20 feet, shattering caltrops, spikes, and difficult terrain that
it. Make a ranged improvised weapon deals damage. Depending on how your
attack against the target. On a hit, the prosthetic is constructed, you can use it
target is soaked in oil. The next time the to store up to one concealed Tiny item
creature takes fire damage in the next (DC 15 Investigation or Perception
minute, it takes an extra 5 fire damage check to notice).
from the burning oil. You can also pour a Rope. Hemp or silk rope has an AC of
flask of oil on a level, 5-foot-square area 10, 2 hit points, and can be burst with a
and set it alight. The oil burns for 2 DC 17 Strength check.
rounds, dealing 5 fire damage to a Smoke Bomb. This metal sphere’s
creature the first time on a turn that it casing is pockmarked with holes and
enters the area or ends its turn there. capped with a thick fuse. As an action,
Paint Pot. This small clay pot contains a you can light the bomb’s fuse and throw
pint of a single color of paint, enough to the bomb up to 20 feet. While lit, the
cover about 50 square feet. As an action, bomb spews suffocating black smoke that
you can throw the paint pot up to 20 feet, heavily obscures a 10-foot cube for 1
shattering it. Make a ranged improvised minute. An air-breathing creature that
weapon attack against the target. On a starts its turn within the smoke must
hit, the target is covered in bright paint. succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
Removing the paint requires at least 1 throw or make ability checks, attack rolls,
minute of vigorous scrubbing. While and saving throws with disadvantage until
covered in paint, a creature has it leaves the area. A wind of at least
disadvantage on Stealth checks. moderate speed suppresses the smoke
Portable Ram. While using a portable effect for 1 round.
ram, you gain a +4 bonus on Strength Spellbook. A spellbook is a 100-page
checks made to break down doors. When book in which wizards scribe their spells.
another creature helps you use the ram, Spyglass. Anything viewed through a
you gain an expertise die (as well as spyglass appears to be twice its normal
advantage, as normal). size. You can use a spyglass to make
Prosthetic. Prosthetics are usually Perception checks to observe areas you
metal and custom made to replace can see that are more than a quarter mile
whatever portion of a limb has been lost. away.

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Tanglefoot Bag. Unguents and exploding vial must make a DC 14
adhesives fill this airtight sack. You can Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 force
use an action to throw this bag, making a damage on a failure or half damage on a
ranged improvised weapon attack at a success. Increase this damage by 2d10
target within 20 feet. On a hit, rapidly for each vial set beyond the first.
hardening sap covers the target. and it Whenever a creature carrying unstable
makes a DC 13 Strength check or arcanum takes damage from a spell or
becomes grappled. At the start of each of cantrip, it must roll a d4. On a result of a
its turns, the target repeats the check, 1, the unstable arcanum instantly
ending the effect on itself on a success. explodes as if set and lit.
The sap can also be destroyed (AC 13, 6 Wheelchair. This durable device
hit points). provides tactical mobility without requiring
Tinderbox. This box holds everything use of the legs. While mounted on a
needed to start a fire, including flint, fire wheelchair you are considered to be
steel, and tinder. You can use a tinderbox wearing the wheelchair as a piece of
to ignite wood in 1 minute, or a torch, gear. The wheelchair is mechanically
paper, tinder, or other very flammable complex and can ascend stairs and
object in one action. ramps slowly, or provide a boost of speed
Travel Enclosure. This fine, wire-mesh on the descent. You have a movement
bag is reinforced with metal beams, speed of 30 feet while mounted on a
making a durable but flexible enclosure. wheelchair. You treat inclines and stairs
Creatures of an appropriate size can as difficult terrain, but while moving down
comfortably reside within the enclosure if slopes, stairs, or other significant declines
provided with some appropriate substrate you can take the Dash action as a bonus
(soft bedding for rodents, loamy soil for action. At the Narrator’s discretion, more
toads, and so on). advanced and tactical wheelchairs may
Tiny: A single Tiny creature residing be available.
within the enclosure has total cover
while inside it and automatically Bulky. A bulky item weighs 40 pounds or
succeeds on saving throws to resist more (for example a bag with 2,000 or more
area effects. gold coins) or is greater than 4 feet in any
Small: Up to 3 Tiny creatures or a dimension (like a large ornate rug). A
single Small creature residing with the creature can carry one bulky item, plus
enclosure have total cover while inside additional bulky items equal to its Strength
it and automatically succeed on saving modifier (minimum 1). When a creature is
throws to resist area effects. not carrying any Supply, it can carry one
Unstable Arcanum (Vial). This small additional bulky item.
vial of unstable magical waste can make Carrying Things. A Medium-sized
for a powerful explosive. You can set and creature’s carrying capacity equals its
light one or more vials of unstable Strength score × 15 pounds. Aside from its
arcanum as an action, causing each to gear, a Medium-sized creature can carry
explode at the start of your next turn. A Supply equal to its Strength score.
creature or object within 10 feet of the

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TABLE: Flash bomb 50 gp 3 lbs. Portable ram 4 gp 35 lbs.
MISCELLANEOUS Grappling hook 2 gp 4 lbs. Prosthetic 125 gp 4 lbs.
ADVENTURING GEAR (arm/hand) (varies)
Hammer 1 gp 3 lbs.
ITEM COST WEIGHT Prosthetic 75 gp 8 lbs.
Holy water 25 gp 1 lb.
Abacus 2 gp 2 lbs. (leg/foot) (varies)
Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 lb. Robes 1 gp 4 lbs.
Hook hand 15 gp 1 lb.
Alchemist’s fire 35 gp 1 lb. Rope, hempen 1 gp 10 lbs.
Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb.
(flask) (50 feet)
Incense (block) 5 gp 1/2 lb.
Ball bearings 1 gp 2 lbs. Rope, silk (50 10 gp 5 lbs.
Ink (1 ounce 10 gp — feet)
(bag of 1,000)
Bell 1 gp — Sand bag 2 cp 1 lb.
Ink pen 2 cp —
Black powder 35 gp 1 lb. Sealing wax 5 sp —
Ladder (10 1 sp 25 lbs.
charge Shovel 2 gp 5 lbs.
Block and 1 gp 5 lbs. Signal whistle 5 cp —
Lantern 5 sp 1 lb.
(standard) Signet ring 5 gp —
Book 25 gp 5 lbs.
Lantern 10 gp 2 lbs. Sledgehammer 2 gp 10 lbs.
Cage 5 gp 25 lbs. (bullseye)
Smoke bomb 50 gp 3 lbs.
Lantern 5 gp 2 lbs.
Soap 1 cp —
Cage (Large) 20 gp 100 lbs. (hooded)
Spellbook 50 gp 3 lbs.
Cage (Huge) 120 gp 500 lbs. Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Spikes, iron 1 gp 5 lbs.
Caltrops (bag 1 gp 2 lbs. Magnifying 25 gp —
of 20) glass
Spyglass 150 gp 1 lb.
Candle 1 cp — Manacles 2 gp 6 lbs.
String (10 feet) 1 sp —
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp 10 lbs. Merchant’s 5 gp 3 lbs.
scale Tanglefoot bag 50 gp 3 lbs.
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp —
Mess tin 2 sp 1 lb. Tinderbox 5 sp 1 lb.
Clothes 5 sp 3 lbs.
(common) Mirror, steel 5 gp 1/2 lb. Travel 10 gp 2 lbs.
Clothes 5 gp 4 lbs. Oil (flask) 1 sp 1 lb.
Paint pot 1 gp 1/4 lb.
Travel 35 gp 15 lbs.
Clothes (fine) 15 gp 6 lbs.
Paper (one 2 sp — enclosure
Clothes 2 gp 4 lbs. sheet) (Small)
Parchment 1 sp — Unstable 120 gp —
Component 25 gp 2 lbs. (one sheet) arcanum
Perfume (vial) 5 gp — Vestments 1 gp 4 lbs.
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lbs.
Pick, miner’s 2 gp 10 lbs. Wheelchair 100 gp 25 lbs.
Eyepatch 2 sp —
Piton 5 cp 1/4 lb. Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb.
Fishing tackle 1 gp 4 lbs.
Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 7 lbs.

A5E System Reference Document

Explorer’s Pack (10 gp). Includes a
Equipment Packs backpack, a bedroll, a mess tin, a
tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 Supply, and a
Your class allows you to choose from
waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of
several pre-made equipment packages. If
hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
you decide to purchase your gear instead,
Pirate’s Pack (70 gp). Includes a
you can buy one of the following equipment
backpack, a bedroll, an eyepatch, a
packs, typically at a discount.
compass, a distant map, 10 Supply, and a
Assassin’s Pack (175 gp). Includes a
chest, a vial of advanced poison, 3 vials
Priest’s Pack (19 gp). Includes a
of basic poison, a set of fine clothes, a
backpack, a blanket, 10 candles, a
bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lantern, 2
tinderbox, an alms box, 2 blocks of
flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of
incense, a censer, vestments, 2 Supply,
perfume, a costume, and a flash bomb.
and a waterskin.
Burglar’s Pack (16 gp). Includes a
Scholar’s Pack (40 gp). Includes a
backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings,
backpack, a book of lore, a bottle of ink,
10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a
an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a
crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded
little bag of sand, and a small knife.
lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 Supply, a
tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also
has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to Tools
the side of it. Many trades and crafts require special tools
Demolitions Pack (250 gp). Includes a to do things like pick a lock, paint a portrait,
backpack, a vial of unstable arcanum, 10 or brew a potion.
feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, 3 black Any character can use a tool kit, but many
powder charges, a hooded lantern, 3 characters also gain proficiency with
flasks of oil, a tinderbox, and 10 sand specific tools. When you are proficient, you
bags. add your proficiency bonus to any ability
Diplomat’s Pack (39 gp). Includes a checks made with that tool.
chest, 2 cases for maps and scrolls, a set Tool use does not depend on any single
of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, ability score, and your Narrator may decide
a lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of your work might require any sort of ability
paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, and check.
soap. Masterwork Tools. When using tools of
Dungeoneer’s Pack (12 gp). Includes a masterwork quality that you are proficient
backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 with, you gain an expertise die on checks
pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 Supply, made with them.
and a waterskin. The pack also has 50
feet of hempen rope strapped to the side
of it.
Entertainer’s Pack (40 gp). Includes a
backpack, a bedroll, 2 costumes, 5
candles, 5 Supply, a waterskin, and a
disguise kit.

A5E System Reference Document

Trade Tools check using your instrument for each hour
you spend performing, then consult Table:
Trade tools are divided into artisan’s tools,
Performance Outcomes to determine the
gaming sets, and musical instruments.
amount of gold you receive, though you
Artisan’s Tools. These tools allow you
may earn more or less at specific musical
to turn a specific type of raw material into
venues at the Narrator’s discretion. Bards
generic trade goods using your time,
can also use musical instruments as a
effort, and skill. The type of tool
spellcasting focus. Each type of musical
determines the materials and amount of
instrument requires a separate
time needed. After spending the needed
time and materials, you make a
profession check with those tools, which
determines the value of the resulting
Miscellaneous Tools
generic trade goods (on a result of 15 or The following tools allow you to perform
lower, the materials used are wasted). specific actions or have very specific uses.
Gaming Sets. These items can be Disguise Kit. A creature observing you
played to simply pass the time or to win after you make a disguise kit check must
money through gambling. Gambling can make a Perception check against a DC
potentially earn or lose money, depending equal to the result of your disguise kit
on the amount you wager and the check in order to see through your
outcome of your check. You can also disguise.
attempt to cheat opponents by making a Forgery Kit. A creature examining a
Sleight of Hand check contested by the false document made using a forgery kit
highest Perception check among must make an Investigation check against
observers. On a success, you gain a DC equal to the result of your forgery kit
advantage on your ability check using the check in order to realize it is a fake.
gaming set, but on a failure your Herbalism Kit. This kit contains the
opponents might turn hostile. Not all tools needed to carefully harvest and
opponents can cover all wagers, and process rare herbs into remedies. You
most refuse to wager for more than a can attempt to harvest rare herbs from
quarter of their net worth. For each hour areas with abundant flora by spending an
spent gambling, make a check using your hour searching and making an herbalism
tool set and consult Table: Gambling kit check. You randomly obtain one of the
Outcomes (though in most situations, following medicinals on a result of 16–22:
there’s only so much money to be won, adderwort roots, dried yewclaw bark, fairy
and usually a few sore losers when the cap, ironwood acorn, pressed spiderbulb,
house is cleaned out). sycamore petal poultice. On a result of
Musical Instrument. Examples of some 23–27, you instead obtain one rare herb,
common types of musical instruments are and on a result of 28 or higher you obtain
found on Table: Musical Instruments, but 2 rare herbs. With 1 minute of preparation
any instrument can be played for coin. a rare herb can be quickly processed into
Doing so requires a public space with at a basic healing potion, 2 rare herbs can
least 10 people, or an official gig at an be made into an antitoxin, and 3 rare
establishment with a musical venue, like a herbs can be made into a greater healing
tavern or club. In either case, make a potion.

A5E System Reference Document

Navigator’s Tools. These precision check, you suffer the effects of the
instruments allow you to relate your creature’s poison, and on a success you
position to the position of the stars. So harvest a vial’s worth of poison. As an
long as you are on the Material Plane and action, you can use the creature’s poison
can freely observe the stars, once per to coat one slashing or piercing weapon,
night you can make a navigator’s tools or up to 3 pieces of ammunition. The
check. On a result of 15–19, you learn poison retains its potency for 1 minute or
one of the following pieces of information, until you hit with the weapon or
or two pieces of information on a result of ammunition. Weapons or ammunition you
20 or higher: coat in a creature’s poison inflict the same
effects as shown in the creature’s
● The approximate time of year. statistics. Once you harvest poison from a
● Your approximate distance creature, that corpse cannot be harvested
from the equator (assuming the again.
world has a known axis). Sewing Kit. This kit of threads,
● Your approximate distance thimbles, buttons, and scissors is
from the place you last made primarily used to mend clothing. With 1
this check. hour of work you can use a sewing kit to
● Your current distance from a mend clothing and some suits of armor.
major landmark and the The DC of a sewing kit check is
approximate amount of time it determined by the material being worked
will take to reach it. (as shown on Table: Materials).
Smith’s Tools. These hammers and
Poisoner’s Kit. Everything necessary clamps are a poor replacement for a full
for carefully harvesting and processing forge but can be instrumental for repairing
natural poisons and venoms can be found metal items. With 1 hour of work you can
in this kit. You can attempt to harvest use smith’s tools to mend many weapons
poisons from areas with abundant flora by and armors. The DC of a smith’s tools
spending an hour searching and making a check is determined by the material being
poisoner’s kit check. On a result of 1–14, worked (as shown on Table: Materials).
you accidentally poison yourself and Thieves’ Tools. This set of often sharp
suffer the effects of a basic poison. On a and slender metal instruments are
result of 15–19, you obtain a vial’s worth needed to crack locks and carefully spy
of basic poison. On a result of 20–24, you into mechanisms. You can use an action
obtain a vial’s worth of advanced poison, to open a lock by making a thieves’ tools
and on a result of 25 or higher you obtain check against a DC determined by the
a vial’s worth of potent poison. quality of the lock being picked.
Alternatively, with 10 minutes of work
you can use a poisoner’s kit to harvest
poison from the fresh corpse of a creature
that naturally contained poisons. Make a
poisoner’s kit check against a DC equal
to the DC of the creature’s poison (if the
creature’s poison has no saving throw,
use 8 + the creature’s CR). On a failed

A5E System Reference Document


DC 15 DC 20
Alchemist’s 10 gp of alchemical
50 gp 8 lbs. 8 hours 15 gp 20 gp 30 gp
supplies ingredients
Brewer’s 5 cp of malt, hops, 8 hours (2
20 gp 9 lbs. 2 gp 5 gp 20 gp
supplies and yeast week delay)
Calligrapher’s 15 gp of ink and 1 month (8
10 gp 5 lbs. 45 gp 90 gp 300 gp
supplies paper hours per day)
Carpenter’s tools 8 gp 6 lbs. 1 sp of lumber 8 hours 1 gp 2 gp 10 gp
Cartographer’s 12 gp of ink and 1 week (8
15 gp 6 lbs. 20 gp 75 gp 200 gp
tools paper hours per day)
1 cp of leather and
Cobbler’s tools 5 gp 5 lbs. 2 hours 5 cp 5 sp 5 gp
Cook’s utensils 1 gp 8 lbs. 5 cp of food 1 hour 1 sp 1 gp 5 gp
30 gp 5 lbs. 2 cp of sand 1 hour 1 sp 5 sp 10 gp
25 gp in jewels and
Jeweler’s tools 25 gp 2 lbs. 8 hours 35 gp 75 gp 150 gp
precious metals
Leatherworker’s 3 days (8
5 gp 5 lbs. 2 cp of leather 2 gp 5 gp 15 gp
tools hours per day)
1 week (8
Mason’s tools 10 gp 8 lbs. 1 sp of stone 10 gp 30 gp 50 gp
hours per day)
Painter’s 1 week (8
10 gp 5 lbs. 5 gp of paint 10 gp 50 gp 200 gp
supplies hours per day)
Potter’s tools 10 gp 3 lbs. 1 cp of clay 1 hour 5 cp 1 sp 2 gp
10 gp of 1 week (8
Tinker’s tools 50 gp 10 lbs. 15 gp 90 gp 150 gp
mechanical parts hours per day)
2 weeks (8
Weaver’s tools 1 gp 5 lbs. 1 gp of wool 20 gp 50 gp 100 gp
hours per day)
1 gp 5 lbs. 5 cp of lumber 1 hour 5 sp 1 gp 5 gp

A5E System Reference Document

CHECK Bagpipes 30 gp 6 lbs.
1 Lose wager + 50% Casaba 2 gp 1/2 lb
2–14 Lose wager Castanet 2 gp 1/2 lb.
15–19 Break even Drum 6 gp 3 lbs.
20–24 Earn twice your wager Dulcimer 25 gp 10 lbs.
25+ Earn three times your Flute 2 gp 1 lb.
wager Harp 35 gp 25 lbs.
TABLE: GAMING SETS Horn 3 gp 2 lbs.
ITEM COST WEIGHT Lute 35 gp 2 lbs.
Dice set 1 sp — Lyre 30 gp 2 lbs.
Board game set 1 gp 1/2 lb. Maraca 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Playing card set 5 sp — Ocarina 3 gp 1 lb.
TABLE: PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES Pan flute 12 gp 2 lbs.
PERFORMANCE RESULTS Trombone 15 gp 4 lbs.
Violin 25 gp 1 lb.
1–5 Banned from venue
6–14 1d4 cp
15–19 1d4 sp
Disguise kit 25 gp 3 lbs.
20–24 1d4 gp
Forgery kit 15 gp 5 lbs.
25+ 3d4 gp
Herbalism kit 5 gp 3 lbs.
Navigator’s tools 25 gp 2 lbs.
Poisoner’s kit 50 gp 2 lbs.
Sewing kit 2 gp 1 lb.
Smith’s tools 20 gp 8 lbs.
Thieves’ tools 25 gp 1 lb.

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Camel 50 gp 50 ft. 480 lbs. 16
Donkey or mule 8 gp 40 ft. 420 lbs. 12
Draft horse 50 gp 40 ft. 540 lbs. 18
Elephant 500 gp 40 ft. 1,320 lbs. 22
Mastiff 25 gp 40 ft. 195 lbs. 13
Pony 30 gp 40 ft. 225 lbs. 15
Riding horse 75 gp 60 ft. 480 lbs. 16
Warhorse 400 gp 60 ft. 540 lbs. 18

This section concerns the cost, upkeep, and would normally provide, as shown on Table:
carrying utility of your mounts. Mounts.
In order to be used as a mount, a creature Multiply a creature’s carrying capacity by 5
must be at least one size category larger if that creature is pulling a drawn vehicle.
than you, and must have an Intelligence Creatures can add their carrying capacities
score of 4 or lower. You may be able to together when pulling the same vehicle.
convince creatures with a higher The mounts listed here are available for
Intelligence score to let you ride them, but purchase in most fantasy worlds. Other
they are considered independent creatures mounts may be common in your setting or
(not mounts). may be rare creatures awarded for the
You can use a mount as a pack animal completion of a quest. Many large pets
instead of riding it. A pack animal can carry could also be used as mounts.
a number of Supply based on its size (see
Tracking Supplies) in addition to its normal Feed
carrying capacity, and it can carry a number
of bulky items equal to its Strength modifier Mounts are living creatures, and they need
+ 1. If you intend to ride a mount as well as to eat. Thankfully, most common mounts
carry items with it, it can only carry half as are herbivorous animals able to feed
many Supply and bulky items. themselves if allowed to graze in grassy
Many beasts commonly used as pack areas for at least 1 hour each day. Other
animals and mounts are especially adept at mounts—especially carnivorous ones—may
carrying heavy loads, and animals such as not be so easy to feed. Carnivorous mounts
horses and mules have a much higher and herbivorous mounts without grazing
carrying capacity than their Strength score areas must be fed Supply each day, or else
they suffer fatigue just like characters.

A5E System Reference Document

Medium mounts require 1 Supply each day, 8. Dislikes barding. The mount
Large mounts require 2 Supply each day, refuses to wear barding of any
and mounts that are Huge size or larger kind.
require an amount of Supply determined by 9. Bestial. The mount is unusually
the Narrator. bestial looking. The rider gains an
If using the casual supplies rules, mounts expertise die on Intimidation
are assumed to either feed themselves or checks.
carry enough feed to last any journey. 10. Unusual color. The mount is an
If using the desperate supplies rules, unusual color for its species,
feed for mounts must be tracked separately. making it somewhat unique.
Throughout the course of a day, Large-sized 11. Placid. The mount is usually docile
mounts must consume at least 4 pounds of and friendly, and will not attack
food and 4 gallons (32 pounds) of water. foes.
Huge-sized mounts must consume at least 12. Devil-touched. The mount has
16 pounds of food and 16 gallons (128 some devilish blood, given away by
pounds) of water. When a mount finishes a its red eyes. It has resistance to fire
long rest without having consumed its damage.
required food and water, it gains a level of 13. Vertigo. The mount is afraid of
fatigue. heights. Taking the mount across
high places (like a ledge with a
Mount Traits 10-foot drop below it) requires
coaxing with a DC 10 Animal
Every mount is different. For each mount, Handling check.
there is a chance of it having a special trait. 14. Fey-touched. The mount has
Roll 1d6. On a roll of 6, roll 1d20 on the
some fey blood. It and its rider
following table.
have advantage on saving throws
against enchantment spells.
1. Fleet. The mount is unusually fast.
15. Greedy. The mount chows down
Increase its Speed by 5 feet.
on unattended food, and requires
2. Loyal. The mount always comes to
double the normal Supply.
you when called or whistled for.
16. Fearful. The mount is afraid of fire
3. Aggressive. Increase the mount’s
and will not move within 10 feet of it
attack bonuses by 1.
without a DC 10 Animal Handling
4. Skittish. The first time each
encounter the mount or its rider is
17. Willing. The mount is eager to
attacked, roll 1d6. On a 1, the
please, and lowers itself to assist
mount panics and flees in a
when being mounted. Mounting this
random direction for 1 round.
mount is a free action.
5. Proud. The mount will carry its
18. Jump-shy. The mount will not
rider but refuses to carry bags.
attempt jumps of any kind.
6. Kicks. Unless it is being ridden, the
19. Spirited. The mount and its rider
mount attacks anyone that wanders
gain +1 to initiative checks.
close to it.
7. Protective. Once per long rest, the
mount will take a hit for its rider.

A5E System Reference Document

20. Protective. The mount can stand
Stabling (per 5 sp (2 gp for
watch and alert the party if it —
day) Huge mounts)
detects approaching creatures.

Mount Gear Vehicles

The following items are associated with All vehicles have the following properties:
keeping proper care of a mount.
Barding. Barding is armor built for an ● Terrain: Vehicles fall into three
animal. When purchasing barding, refer to terrain categories: land
Table: Armor but multiply the cost of the vehicles, water vehicles, and
armor by 4 and the weight by 2. air vehicles. Vehicles travel in
Saddles. Saddles make for an easier the terrain of their category.
ride and help prevent the rider from falling Proficiency with a category of
off. While using a saddle, you gain an vehicles allows a creature to
expertise die on any check made to add its proficiency bonus to
remain mounted. Saddles for particularly checks made with that type of
unusual creatures are more expensive vehicle.
and cost 5 times the price of a regular ● Size and Armor Class: Just
saddle. like creatures, vehicles have
Saddlebags. Saddlebags allow you to size categories, and each has
pack items onto a creature beside the an AC that determines how
saddle. A mount can’t carry Supply or difficult it is to hit with attacks.
bulky items without saddlebags. ● Hit Points: A vehicle is
Stabling. In a city, your mount will need destroyed when reduced to 0
lodging just like you do. The cost found hit points or fewer. In addition,
on Table: Mount Gear is the average cost when a vehicle is reduced to
to house and feed a Large or smaller 50 percent of its hit point
mount for 24 hours at most stables. maximum, it suffers a
Particularly exotic or larger mounts may malfunction and must roll on
cost more to stable. Table: Malfunction.
● Speed: Vehicles are listed with
their movement speed, as well
TABLE: MOUNT GEAR as their journey speed for
traveling long distances.
● Crew: Many vehicles only
Barding ×4 ×2 need a single creature as a
driver, but larger vehicles often
10 gp (50 gp require dozens of people to
Saddle for exotic 25 lbs. properly operate. Drivers
saddles) cannot perform actions using a
vehicle unless the minimum
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lbs. crew requirement is met.
● Immunities: As objects,
vehicles are immune to poison

A5E System Reference Document

and psychic damage. They are this movement. This action
also immune to the blinded, cannot be performed while the
charmed, confused, deafened, vehicle has momentum.
fatigued, frightened, ● Ahead Full: The vehicle
incapacitated, paralyzed, moves one and a half times its
petrified, poisoned, prone, movement speed directly
slowed, strife, stunned, and forward. The vehicle gains
unconscious conditions, as momentum. If the vehicle
well as any other effect that would roll for a malfunction
would result from failing a before it is used to take
Wisdom, Intelligence, or another action, it rolls twice on
Charisma saving throw. that table instead (reroll any
● Havens: A vehicle acts as a duplicate results).
haven if it provides ● Brake: The vehicle moves half
accommodation and shelter of its movement speed directly
from the elements. At the forward, then it loses
Narrator’s discretion, the momentum.
environment may not be ● Stop: The vehicle comes to a
suitable for it to act as a haven. complete stop. This action
cannot be taken while the
Unlike creatures, all vehicles have a vehicle has momentum.
“front.” In many situations this facing
dictates the way the vehicle moves. Momentum. At initiative count 20, all
In order to move, all vehicles require a vehicles with momentum move half their
driver. While at the steering (such as the movement speed directly forward. A
reins of a wagon or the wheel of a ship) a vehicle’s momentum ends automatically
creature can use a bonus action to make after 1 minute if no actions are taken with
the vehicle perform one of the following it.
actions: Saving Throws. Unlike most objects,
vehicles must make Strength, Dexterity,
● Drive: The vehicle moves half and Constitution saving throws as if they
of its movement speed directly were creatures against effects that would
forward, then the driver may call for them. All vehicles have a Strength
change the vehicle’s facing by and Constitution score based on their size
up to 90 degrees (a full turn left (see below). A driven vehicle has a
or right) before moving up to Dexterity score equal to its driver’s
the remaining movement Dexterity score (a vehicle without a driver
speed. The vehicle gains has a Dexterity of 0).
● Maneuver: The vehicle moves
half of its movement speed
forward, and the driver may
change the vehicle’s facing by
up to 90 degrees (a full turn left
or right) up to 2 times during

A5E System Reference Document

Size If the object or creature impacted is the
same size as the vehicle or larger, the
The size of a vehicle determines many of a
vehicle immediately stops and loses
vehicle’s properties:
momentum. If the object or creature
Strength, Constitution, and Carrying
impacted is smaller than the vehicle, it is
Capacity. A vehicle’s Strength,
shunted into the nearest unoccupied
Constitution, and carrying capacity are
space that allows the vehicle to complete
determined by its size.
its movement unimpeded.
● Large: A Large vehicle has a
Strength and Constitution Malfunctions
score of 14 (+2). It can carry When a vehicle is reduced to half its hit
up to 3 passengers along with point maximum, roll 1d6 on Table:
the driver, up to 40 Supply, and Malfunctions to determine what aspect of
up to 10 bulky items in addition the vehicle breaks. Vehicle malfunctions are
to 2,000 pounds of carrying usually too extreme to repair quickly except
capacity. by magical means. Malfunctions remain
● Huge: A Huge vehicle has a until the vehicle is restored to its hit point
Strength and Constitution maximum.
score of 18 (+4). It can carry
up to 6 passengers along with
the driver, up to 80 Supply, and D6 MALFUNCTION
up to 20 bulky items in addition Movement. Movement has been
to 4,000 pounds of carrying compromised, such as losing the sails,
capacity. losing the animal team drawing the
● Gargantuan: A Gargantuan 1
vehicle, or destroying an engine. The
vehicle has a Strength and Drive, Maneuver, and Ahead Full actions
Constitution score of 22 (+6). It cannot be taken until it is repaired.
can carry a number of
additional passengers equal to Integrity. Some key component holding
the minimum required crew, up everything together has been lost and the
to 800 Supply, and up to 200 vehicle immediately loses an additional 25
bulky items in addition to percent of its hit point maximum.
40,000 pounds of carrying Brakes. The ability to stop has been lost.
capacity. 3 The Brake and Stop actions cannot be
taken until repaired.
Collisions. If a vehicle has momentum
and enters the space occupied by a Steering. The driver’s ability to fully
creature or another object, a collision control the vehicle has been
occurs. Both the vehicle and whatever it compromised. The Drive and Maneuver
impacts take damage according to the actions cannot be taken until repaired.
vehicle’s size: Large—4d6 bludgeoning Cargo. Half of any Supply currently
damage, Huge—8d6 bludgeoning 5
carried by the vehicle are destroyed.
damage, Gargantuan—12d6 bludgeoning

A5E System Reference Document

Superficial. The damage looks bad but Three-dimensional. Usually found on
6 airships, a three-dimensional vehicle may
doesn’t cause any further issues.
also turn up or down when making turns.
Transport. Transport vehicles are
Special Features designed for cargo and crew, and have
Vehicles may possess any number of twice the carrying capacity and maximum
fantastical features, but the following are the number of passengers as normal for a
most common: vehicle of the same size.
Armed. Armed vehicles have one or
more weapons in place on board (see Repairing Vehicles
Table: Siege Weaponry). A creature can
Repairing damaged or malfunctioning
use an action to fire or reload a siege
vehicles requires a tool check against the
DC listed for the vehicle’s primary material,
Drawn. A drawn vehicle is pulled by one
as shown on the Materials table. During a
or more beasts of burden and its
long rest you can make one check, ending
movement and travel speeds are
any malfunctions it currently has on a
determined by the animal (or animals)
success and restoring hit points equal to the
pulling it.
result of your check. Alternatively you can
Personal. Personal vehicles are
hire someone to repair your vehicle for you
designed for a single occupant and
(which is an automatic success and typically
usually have far less space. Vehicles with
costs one-fifth of the vehicle’s total cost)
this property can only ever carry a
maximum of one person and have
one-fourth the carrying capacity of a
normal vehicle of the same size.

A5E System Reference Document

Carriage Larg 15 12 Drawn 1 100 40 1,800 lbs. Drawn
e 0 gp
Cart Larg 11 30 Drawn 1 15 gp 40 1,000 lbs. Drawn
Chariot Larg 16 50 Drawn 1 250 40 60 lbs. Drawn, personal
e gp
Dog sled Larg 12 40 Drawn 1 20 gp 40 100 lbs. Drawn, personal
Wagon Huge 12 80 Drawn 1 35 gp 80 1,300 lbs. Drawn


Canoe Large 12 30 30 ft./3 mph 1 25 gp 40 Personal
30,000 Armed (ballista
Galley Gargantuan 15 500 40 ft./4 mph 60 800
gp ×2), transport
Rowboat Large 11 50 20 ft./2 mph 1 50 gp 40 —
10,000 Armed (ballista
Sailing ship Gargantuan 15 300 50 ft./5 mph 30 800
gp ×2)

60 40 ft./4 25,000 Armed (cannon

Warship Gargantuan 16 50 800
0 mph gp ×4)



Cloud 40,000 Transport,

Gargantuan 14 300 40 ft./4 mph 15 800
galleon gp three-dimensional
Large 10 40 20 ft./2 mph 1 7,500 gp 40 Three-dimensional
Sky skiff Huge 12 60 50 ft./5 mph 2 80 Three-dimensional
Wind 20,000 Armed (ballista ×2),
Gargantuan 15 180 50 ft./5 mph 5 800
raider gp three-dimensional



A5E System Reference Document

Ballista 500 gp Large 15 50 140/480 ft. One 3d10 piercing
Cannon 3,000 gp Large 19 75 600/2,400 ft. One 8d10 bludgeoning
Mangonel 850 gp Large 15 100 200/800 ft.* One 5d10 bludgeoning
Trebuchet 2,500 gp Huge 15 150 300/1,200 ft.* One 8d10 bludgeoning
* This siege weapon cannot attack targets within 60 feet.

Mug of ale, hunk of bread, bowl of
Poor 5 cp vegetable stew, and a small hunk 1 sp 2 sp -1
of cheese.
Mug of ale, turkey leg, cheese
Moderate 4 sp 6 sp 1 gp, 5 sp +0
wedge, and an apple.
Roast pheasant, glass of wine,
Rich 1 gp pork sausage links, and a fruit 3 gp 5 gp +1

material items, seeking out NPC services,

Lifestyle Expenses and donating funds for city projects or
factions an adventurer may be involved
There are three general categories of with.
lifestyle: poor, moderate, and rich.
Poor. Dining and lodging in poor social
circles is useful when seeking out
underworld contacts, fences, and There are three primary types of
assassins. A poor lifestyle imposes a –1 establishments where an adventurer may
Prestige penalty (to a minimum of 0). purchase goods: adventuring outfitters,
Moderate. Dining and lodging in magic item suppliers, and smithies.
moderate social circles is useful when
seeking out professionals in legitimate Adventuring Outfitters
services, guild members, and specialists.
In smaller settlements, these may be simple
Rich. Dining and lodging in rich social
general stores with a limited stock. In larger
circles is useful when seeking out nobility,
settlements you are likely to find one or
heads of state, royalty, or any leader or
more well-stocked adventuring outfitters.
high-ranking member of a major
organization. A rich lifestyle grants a +1
Prestige bonus. Magic Item Suppliers
If you are in a large city or metropolis—or

Spending Gold you find yourself in a world where magic is

the norm—you may just be able to go
The following sections provide three shopping for magic items.
distinct ways to spend gold: shopping for

A5E System Reference Document

Most magic item shops have a limited Narrator’s discretion, the crafter’s fee may
supply of uncommon and common magic vary slightly based upon the crafter’s
items. Utility magic items are far more experience, settlement population, or some
common in shops such as these. The Magic other variable. Refer to the Crafting Prices
Items For Sale table gives you an idea of table to find the standard prices for crafter’s
the typical stock of magic item suppliers. and materials fees. Use the storefront
Magic item suppliers are also useful column to determine what kind of storefront
locations narratively, as they may be said crafter is usually found in.
frequented by notable adventurers,
politicians, healers, and villains. Additionally,
these shops sometimes have spellcasters
on their staff that can perform spellcasting
services for a fee, as described in the next

Smithies are found in developed
settlements of at least a few dozen people, ITEM TYPE CRAFTER’S STOREFRONT
with experienced smiths living in more FEE
populated areas. Here, adventurers can Common or Apothecary,
purchase any simple weapon. At the uncommon 5% magic item
Narrator’s discretion, you might find martial potion supplier
weapons and regionally specific weapons
when applicable. Smithies also have a Apothecary,
selection of medium and heavy armors. Rare potion 10% magic item
Light armor can be found at a supplier
leatherworker’s shop. Magic item
Smithies can also take custom orders. See Wondrous item 10%
the pricing guide for crafting items below for
Ammunition 5% Smithy
more details.
5% Smithy
NPC Services weapon

Listed below are descriptions of various Martial weapon 10% Smithy

services NPCs can provide throughout your Light armor 5% Leatherworker
adventures, as well as their associated fees.
Medium armor 5% Smithy
Ordering Crafted Items Heavy armor 10% Smithy
To determine the cost of having an item
crafted, you must add the cost of materials
and the crafter’s fee to the standard price
for the item, although when rare materials Powerful mages who advertise their
are involved you may have to provide them services are only likely to be found in a
instead of just paying for them. At the magical metropolis.

A5E System Reference Document

Refer to the Spellcasting Services table for
a list of commonly performed spells and
associated prices.

A5E System Reference Document

Arcane lock 25 gp 50 gp Wizard
Augury 25 gp 50 gp Cleric
Awaken 1,000 gp 1,000 gp Bard, druid
Clone 3,000 gp 1,500 gp Wizard
Contingency 1,500 gp 1,000 gp Wizard
Divination 25 gp 200 gp Cleric
Forbiddance 1,000 gp 2,000 gp Cleric
Foresight — 2,000 gp Bard, druid, warlock, wizard
Gate 5,000 gp 2,000 gp Cleric, sorcerer, wizard
Greater restoration 100 gp 1,000 gp Bard, cleric, druid
Guards and wards 10 gp 1,000 gp Bard, wizard
Identify 100 gp 200 gp Bard, wizard
Imprisonment 500 gp+ 2,000 gp Warlock, wizard
Instant summons 1,000 gp 1,000 gp Wizard
Legend lore 450 gp 1,000 gp Bard, cleric, wizard
Programmed illusion 25 gp 1,000 gp Bard, wizard
Raise dead 500 gp 1,000 gp Bard, cleric, herald
Regenerate — 1,000 gp Bard, cleric, druid
Reincarnate 1,000 gp 1,000 gp Druid
Remove curse — 500 gp Cleric, herald, warlock, wizard
Resurrection 2,500 gp 1,000 gp Bard, cleric
Scrying 1,000 gp 1,000 gp Bard, cleric, druid, warlock,
Seeming — 500 gp Bard, sorcerer, wizard
Sequester 5,000 gp 1,000 gp Wizard
Speak with dead — 300 gp Bard, cleric
True resurrection 25,000 gp 5,000 gp Cleric, druid

A5E System Reference Document

City Buildings (2,500 gp)
Renting a Demiplane
When you fund the construction of a civic
Occasionally you might find an eccentric building, such as a town hall or police
wizard advertising the rental of a demiplane. facility, you never have to make an
These pocket dimensions are incredibly appointment to see a city official.
customizable and highly sought after. Additionally, you gain advantage on Insight
Most starting rates for such spaces are and Intimidation checks when interacting
1,200 gp per tenday or 3,000 gp per month. with city officials.

Donations Philanthropic Rewards

An adventurer may be moved to donate to Public Library (3,000 gp)
charity or invest to the betterment of a
When you fund the building of a public
settlement. There are boons and rewards
library, you gain advantage on Investigation
for sponsoring a city project or helping
checks made to research using the library,
develop a charitable organization. In order
so long as relevant information can be
to benefit from a donation, you must
found there. Additionally, you may ask the
contribute at least 1,000 gp.
scholar in residence to perform a research
project on a specific topic. The project
Infrastructure Rewards typically takes one week. The usefulness of
Stone Bridge (1,500 gp) the information produced by this research is
left to the Narrator’s discretion.
Donating the money for the bridge gives you
the privilege of naming it. If it is a toll bridge, Hospital (4,000 gp)
you never have to pay toll at this bridge or When you contribute to the building of a
at any other toll in the settlement. hospital, you gain free treatment by the
Additionally, you gain advantage on medical staff. Medical staff immediately
Charisma checks when interacting with work to stabilize any dying character,
common citizens of the settlement. regardless of whether they donated to the
Improved Sewer System (4,000 gp) hospital. Common diseases can be treated
in a week’s time. Treatment of rarer
When you donate money for a new or
diseases and ailments are left to the
improved sewer system you gain exclusive
Narrator’s discretion, and hospitals cannot
access to the sewer blueprints, and you can
treat magical ailments.
order secret tunnels to be made between
the sewers and any three buildings in the Orphanage (2,500 gp)
city. For an extra 3,000 gp, a small Characters who contribute to the building of
underground facility can be built inside the an orphanage gain the trust of the
sewers. This facility does not count towards youngsters of the street. You have
the other three buildings that have tunnel advantage on Charisma checks made to
access. influence orphans from this settlement. At
the Narrator’s discretion, the staff of the
orphanage may provide you useful
information, such as the names of local

A5E System Reference Document

gangs recruiting orphans or the identities of building of such a property, you receive a 50
an orphan’s parents. percent discount on the animals found
School (3,000 gp)
Schools increase the likelihood of literacy
amongst children, teenagers, and young
adults in the town. Additionally, characters While most pets are likely to be acquired
can recruit recent graduates of the over the course of an adventure, there is
settlement’s school as hirelings. always the possibility of finding places with
animals and magical beasts for sale. Use
Community Botanical Garden (3,000 gp the Pets tables to determine the price for
A community garden gives the settlement your party’s new furry (or scaly) friend.
access to plants used for medicinal and
magical purposes—as well as good Eggs
old-fashioned cooking. After you build a
Some creatures are easier to train from
garden, you have access to herbs and
birth, while others simply must be trained
plants required for spell components, the
from birth, such as dragons. Refer to the
brewing of potions, and the crafting of
Egg Prices table when you are looking to
magical items. Additionally, you receive a 10
raise dragons and other undomesticated
percent discount on all potions and food
creatures. Note that none of these creatures
sold in this settlement.
can be acquired in a common market and
Animal Sanctuary (10,000 gp) are almost always handled by auction
An animal sanctuary is a great investment houses or the occasional private collector of
for any adventuring party, especially those eccentricities.
that include rangers and druids. Animal
sanctuaries provide an opportunity to learn
about animals that you may not interact with
every day. These institutions sell their
creatures only to those they know will care
for them, and when you invest in the

A5E System Reference Document

Bat 5 gp Blink dog 2,500 gp
Axe beak 75 gp
Boar 5 gp Cockatrice 1,000 gp
Black bear 250 gp
Camel 50 gp Griffon 10,000 gp
Brown bear 300 gp
Cat 5 sp Hippogriff 7,000 gp
Constrictor snake 75 gp
Crab 5 gp Mammoth 40,000 gp
Crocodile 50 gp
Draft horse 50 gp Pegasus 25,000 gp
Elephant 200 gp
Eagle 50 gp Pseudodragon 6,000 gp
Flying snake 150 gp
Frog 2 gp Triceratops 30,000 gp
Giant bat 50 gp
Goat 3 gp Tyrannosaurus rex 65,000 gp
Giant boar 200 gp
Hawk 25 gp Unicorn 15,000 gp
Giant crab 50 gp
Giant crocodile 300 gp
Mastiff 25 gp EGG TYPE PRICE
Giant eagle 200 gp
Mule 8 gp Black dragon 25,000 gp
Giant frog 25 gp
Owl 10 gp Blue dragon 35,000 gp
Giant goat 75 gp
Pony 30 gp Brass dragon 10,000 gp
Giant lizard 30 gp
Rat 1 sp Bronze dragon 20,000 gp
Giant owl 50 gp
Raven 30 gp Copper dragon 10,000 gp
Giant rat 25 gp
Riding horse 75 gp Couatl 20,000 gp
Giant scorpion 400 gp
Scorpion 1 gp Gold dragon 30,000 gp
Giant spider 300 gp
Spider 1 gp Griffon 3,000 gp
Giant toad 150 gp
Weasel 2 gp Green dragon 25,000 gp
Giant weasel 30 gp
Hippogriff 2,000 gp
Lion 300 gp
Pseudodragon 5,000 gp
Owlbear 500 gp
Red dragon 45,000 gp
Panther 100 gp
Salamander 50,000 gp
Tiger 300 gp
Silver dragon 20,000 gp
Warhorse 400 gp
Triceratops 5,000 gp
Wolf 50 gp
Tyrannosaurus rex 10,000 gp
White dragon 25,000 gp
Wyvern 7,000 gp

A5E System Reference Document

Starting Wealth Past 1st Starting Gear Past First Level
Level When starting at a higher level, you can
choose to spend your starting gold on the
The Starting Wealth table indicates how following equipment packages, organized
much gold you begin with when making a by tier (tier 2: 5th–10th level, tier 3:
character already at a certain level. 11th–16th level, tier 4: 17th–20th level).
The higher-tier gear packages presented
TABLE: STARTING WEALTH here are based on the starting gold of that
tier’s lowest level (5th, 11th, and 17th level).
When beginning at a level other than these,
1st By character class you subtract the value of the suggested
2nd By character class + 25 gp starting packages from your starting gold for
that level and gain the difference. Note that
3rd 225 gp sometimes leftover gold from your tier’s
4th 400 gp suggested package is enough to also buy a
lower-tier equipment package.
5th 700 gp
6th 1,000 gp Adept
7th 1,500 gp Tier 2 (700 gp): Periapt of health (350 gp),
8th 2,000 gp ring of swimming (200 gp), plus 150 gp.
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Boots of speed (3,000
9th 3,000 gp gp), ring of protection (1,000 gp), spirit
10th 5,000 gp lantern (1,000 gp), either dust of
disappearance or oil of slipperiness (500
11th 7,000 gp
gp), plus 1,500 gp.
12th 9,000 gp Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Ioun stone (either
13th 12,000 gp agility, fortitude, insight, or strength;
15,000 gp), staff of striking (20,000 gp),
14th 16,000 gp plus 5,000 gp.
15th 20,000 gp Other Favorites: Amulet of health (5,000
gp), bead of force (3,000 gp), boots of
16th 30,000 gp
elvenkind (500 gp), bracers of defense
17th 40,000 gp (2,000 gp), cloak of displacement (5,000
18th 50,000 gp gp), cloak of elvenkind (500 gp), cunning
tools (250 gp), elemental gem (250 gp),
19th 70,000 gp Ioun stone (reserve; 600 gp), ring of free
20th 100,000 gp action (2,500 gp), ring of telekinesis
(12,000 gp), ring of water walking (500
gp), slippers of spider climbing (500 gp),
tyrant’s teeth (7,000 gp), vicious weapon
LEVEL (400 gp).

A5E System Reference Document

Bard dwarvenkind (5,000 gp), flametongue
(5,000 gp), frost brand (8,000 gp),
Tier 2 (700 gp): Hat of disguise (250 gp),
gauntlets of ogre strength (400 gp),
portraiture gremlin (200 gp), message
gloves of swift return (200 gp), hammer
whistle (95 gp), plus 155 gp.
of thunderbolts (60,000 gp), infernal
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Box of party tricks with
carapace (17,500 gp), plate armor of
4 uses remaining (500 gp), horn of
etherealness (55,000 gp), ring of mind
blasting (4,000 gp), glamoured padded
shielding (500 gp), vorpal sword (55,000
armor (500 gp), either an instrument of
gp), winged boots (1,500 gp).
irresistible symphonies or spellcasting
symphony (harp of harmony; 500 gp),
plus 1,500 gp.
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Echo force (5,000 gp), Tier 2 (700 gp): Periapt of wound closure
figurine of wondrous power (any rare; (400 gp), 3 potions of healing (basic; 150
5,000 gp), magic mirror (hand; 3,000 gp), gp), plus 150 gp.
marvelous pigments (8,000 gp), 3 Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Cloak of protection (500
potions of superior healing (1,650 gp), gp), your choice of a mace of disruption,
spellcasting symphony (flute of the wind; mace of smiting, or staff of healing (5,000
10,000 gp), plus 7,350 gp. gp), plus 1,500 gp.
Other Favorites: Atlas to libation (35 gp), Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Elven chain (5,000
flask of inebriation (90 gp), hat of grand gp), necklace of prayer beads (3,000 gp),
entrances (35 gp), paramour’s daisy (130 pouch of emergency healing (4,000 gp),
gp), perfume vile (120 gp), philter of love ring of shooting stars (20,000 gp), plus
(250 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp), 8,000 gp.
pipes of the sewers (350 gp), prismatic Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost
gown (90 gp), spellcasting symphony varies by type), amulet of health (5,000
(defending drum, triangle of terror, lute of gp), angel eyes (4,500 gp), candle of
legends; 1,500 gp, 4,500 gp, 95,000 gp), invocation (50,000 gp), crystal ball
wand of the scribe (75 gp). (50,000 or 150,000), death’s essence
pendant (500 gp), robe of stars (25,000
Berserker gp), staff of the python (500 gp), staff of
swarming insects (5,000 gp), talisman of
Tier 2 (700 gp): +1 greataxe or javelin of
pure good (75,000 gp), talisman of
lightning (500 gp), scale mail (50 gp),
ultimate evil (75,000 gp).
security gremlin (100 gp), plus 50 gp.
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): +1 greataxe (500 gp),
+2 cloth brigandine (500 gp), belt of giant
strength (hill giant; 4,000 gp), javelin of
lightning (500 gp), plus 1,500 gp.
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Belt of giant strength
(fire giant; 20,000 gp), dragon scale mail
(red or blue; 15,000 gp), plus 5,000 gp.
Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost
varies by type), armor of invulnerability
(70,000 gp), bag of cheese (5 gp), belt of

A5E System Reference Document

Druid (2,500 gp), composite bow (200 gp),
dancing sword (8,000 gp), emperor’s
Tier 2 (700 gp): +1 hide (150 gp),
blade (9,000 gp), gloves of swimming
mourning medallion (135 gp), pearl of
and climbing (300 gp), ironweed rope
power (300 gp), plus 115 gp.
(200 gp per 50 feet), mirror shield
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Seeds of necessity (500
(50,000 gp), necklace of adaptation (250
gp), your choice of a staff of the
gp), plate armor of etherealness (55,000
web-tender, staff of the woodlands, or staff
gp), ring of mind shielding (500 gp), rope
of withering (5,000 gp), plus 1,500 gp.
of climbing (500 gp), sun blade (5,000
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Dragon scale mail
gp), sword of sharpness (7,000 gp),
(green or white; 15,000 gp), survivor’s
sword of wounding (5,000 gp), Vekeshi
cloak (3,000 gp), either a staff of fire or
blade (15,750 gp), vicious weapon (400
staff of frost (15,000 gp), plus 7,000 gp.
gp), vorpal sword (55,000 gp), wind fan
Other Favorites: Bag of beans (5,000 gp),
(450 gp).
bag of tricks (300–800 gp), cloak of
arachnida (10,000 gp), cloak of the bat
(5,000 gp), cloak of the manta ray (400
gp), mask of the white stag (4,950 gp), Tier 2 (700 gp): 2 potions of healing
pumpkin bomb (570 gp), ring of animal (basic; 100 gp), halberd (25 gp), splint
influence (2,500 gp), scimitar of speed (450 gp), plus 125 gp.
(6,000 gp), staff of swarming insects Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Flametongue
(5,000 gp), staff of the python (500 gp), (greatsword; 5,000 gp), full plate (1,500
wand of web (500 gp). gp), plus 500 gp.
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Ioun stone (absorption;
Fighter 10,000 gp), pouch of emergency healing
(4,000 gp), celestial aegis or infernal
Tier 2 (700 gp): Bastard sword (35 gp), 2
potions of healing (basic; 100 gp), splint carapace (17,500 gp), plus 8,500 gp.
(450 gp), plus 115 gp. Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Bag of holding (500 gp), varies by type), amulet of health (5,000
full plate (1,500 gp), 3 potions of healing gp), armor of invulnerability (70,000 gp),
(greater; 450 gp), schooled weapon composite bow (200 gp), frost brand
(2,500 gp), warhorse (400 gp), either a (8,000 gp), helm of telepathy (1,000 gp),
+1 heavy shield or helm of telepathy holy avenger (100,000 gp), mirror shield
(1,000 gp), plus 650 gp. (50,000 gp), plate armor of etherealness
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Dwarven plate (20,000 (55,000 gp), ring of spell storing (4,000
gp), figurine of wondrous power (obsidian gp), rod of absorption (30,000 gp),
steed; 10,000 gp), sword of life stealing scarab of protection (80,000 gp),
(2,000 gp), plus 8,000 gp. schooled weapon (2,500 gp), spellguard
Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost shield (20,000 gp), sun blade (5,000 gp),
varies by type), +1 weapon (500 gp), +2 Vekeshi blade (15,750 gp), vorpal sword
weapon (3,500 gp), +3 weapon (8,000 (55,000 gp).
gp), animated shield (6,000 gp), armor of
invulnerability (70,000 gp), armor of
resistance (1,250 gp), arrow-catching
shield (5,000 gp), assembling armor

A5E System Reference Document

Marshal gp), scimitar of speed (6,000 gp), plus
8,000 gp.
Tier 2 (700 gp): Longsword (20 gp),
Other Favorites: +1 ammunition (10
medium shield (20 gp), 3 potions of
pieces; 500 gp), +2 ammunition (10
healing (basic; 150 gp), splint (450 gp),
pieces; 2,000 gp), +3 ammunition (10
plus 100 gp.
pieces; 8,000 gp), +1 to +3 armor (cost
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): +1 medium shield
varies by type), amulet of the planes
(1,000 gp), +2 longsword (3,500 gp), bag
(50,000 gp), arrow of slaying (8,000 gp),
of holding (500 gp), full plate (1,500 gp),
bag of tricks (300–800 gp), composite
warhorse (400 gp), plus 1,600 gp.
bow (200 gp), gauntlets of summer
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): +2 longsword (3,500
(2,500 gp), gloves of swimming and
gp), adamantine full plate (6,000 gp),
climbing (300 gp), grappling gun (25,000
horn of valhalla (bronze; 10,000 gp),
gp), helm of telepathy (1,000 gp), Long
spellguard shield (20,000 gp), plus 500
Fang of the Moon (29,700 gp), ring of
animal influence (2,500 gp), ring of water
Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost
walking (500 gp), rope of climbing (500
varies by type), amulet of health (5,000
gp), survivor’s cloak (3,000 gp), trident of
gp), armor of invulnerability (70,000 gp),
fish command (500 gp).
assembling armor (2,500 gp), composite
bow (200 gp), Defender (60,000),
emperor’s blade (9,000 gp), helm of
telepathy (1,000 gp), horn of Valhalla Tier 2 (700 gp): Box of bees (110 gp),
(silver, brass, bronze, iron; 1,000 gp, message stones (450 gp), plus 140 gp.
5,000 gp, 10,000 gp, 75,000 gp), mirror Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Dagger of venom (2,500
shield (50,000 gp), plate armor of gp), glamoured padded leather (500 gp),
etherealness (55,000 gp), schooled goggles of night (500 gp), message
weapon (2,500 gp), sword of life stealing stones (450 gp), winged boots (1,500
(2,000 gp), Vekeshi blade (15,750 gp), gp), plus 1,550 gp.
vorpal sword (55,000 gp), wand of Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Grappling gun (25,000
elocution (500 gp). gp), nine lives stealer (10,000 gp), plus
5,000 gp.
Tier 2 (700 gp): Bead of tracking (200 gp),
boots of elvenkind (300 gp), plus 200 gp.
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Pair of +1 scimitars
(1,000 gp), cloak of protection (500 gp),
lantern of revealing (3,500 gp), message
stones (450 gp), quiver of the hunt (300
gp), plus 1,250 gp.
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Dragon scale mail
(green or black; 15,000 gp), helm of
telepathy (1,000 gp), oathbow (6,000 gp),
quiver of the hunt (rare version; 4,000

A5E System Reference Document

Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost magi (250,000 gp), steelsilk mantle
varies by type), amulet of proof against (5,000 gp), wand of magic missile (500
detection and location (5,000 gp), gp), wand of wonder (5,000 gp).
assassin’s ring (2,500 gp), bag of tricks
(300–800 gp), book of storing (350 gp), Warlock
candle of the surreptitious scholar (150
Tier 2 (700 gp): Contract of indentured
gp), elven chain (5,000 gp), hat of
service (150 gp), scrap of forbidden text
disguise (250 gp), immovable rod (400
(20 gp), wand of the warmage +1 (250
gp), luck blade (150,000 gp), medallion
gp), your choice of a badge of seasons,
of thoughts (450 gp), Mindrazor (100,000
barbed devil’s bracelet, or focusing eye
gp), oil of etherealness (3,500 gp), ring of
(150 gp), plus 130 gp.
water walking (500 gp), ring of x-ray
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Slippers of spider
vision (2,500 gp), robe of useful items
climbing (500 gp), wand of the warmage
(400 gp), slippers of spider climbing (500
+2 (2,500 gp), either a broom of flying or
gp), tools of the hidden hand (30 gp),
cape of the mountebank (2,500 gp), plus
wand of cobwebs (150 gp), wand of
1,500 gp.
enemy detection (3,500 gp), wand of
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Subtle mage gloves
magic detection (250 gp), wand of
(5,000 gp), wand of the warmage +3
secrets (250 gp), warpblade (150,000
(7,500 gp), your choice of a tome of clear
thought, tome of leadership and
influence, or tome of understanding
Sorcerer (20,000 gp), plus 7,500 gp.
Tier 2 (700 gp): Organizer gremlin (90 Other Favorites: +1 to +3 armor (cost
gp), robe of useful items (400 gp), plus varies by type), amulet of health (5,000
210 gp. gp), candle of the surreptitious scholar
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Ring of water walking (150 gp), cloak of arachnida (10,000 gp),
(500 gp), either a wand of fireball or cloak of the bat (5,000 gp), cloak of the
wand of lightning bolt (5,000 gp), plus manta ray (400 gp), cloak of the
1,500 gp. shadowcaster (5,000 gp), death’s
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Robe of stars (25,000 essence pendant (500 gp), elven chain
gp), rose of the enchantress (3,875 gp), (5,000 gp), faerie love letter (150 gp),
your choice of a bowl of commanding How to Make Fiends and Influence
water elementals, brazier of commanding People (60,000 gp), jarred brain (75 gp),
fire elementals, censer of controlling air magic mirror (pocket, handheld; 300 gp,
elementals, or stone of controlling earth 3,000 gp), ring of spell storing (4,000 gp),
elementals (3,000 gp), plus 8,125 gp. robe of eyes (3,500 gp), robe of the
Other Favorites: Cantrip wand (500 gp), archmagi (70,000 gp), satyr boots (110
elven chain (5,000 gp), eyes of charming gp), seven-sided coin (250 gp), skeleton
(250 gp), orb of elsewhere (55,000 gp), key (145), skull liqueur (370 gp), staff of
ring of spell storing (4,000 gp), robe of swarming insects (5,000 gp), staff of the
scintillating colors (8,000 gp), robe of the magi (250,000 gp), wand of fear (5,000
archmagi (70,000 gp), sonic staff (9,000 gp).
gp), staff of gravity bending (5,000 gp),
staff of power (50,000 gp), staff of the

A5E System Reference Document

Wizard Tier 2: Bag of holding (500 gp), deck of
illusions (500 gp), potion of heroism (550
Tier 2 (700 gp): Dreamscrying bowl (100
gp), potion of mind reading (700 gp),
gp), organizer gremlin (90 gp), spell
potion of resistance (250 gp), potion of
scroll of find familiar (125 gp), 3 spell
water breathing (150 gp), quick canoe
scrolls of 2nd-level (225 gp), plus 160 gp.
paddle (75 gp), riding horse (75 gp), ring
Tier 3 (7,000 gp): Headband of intellect
of warmth (500 gp), stone of good luck
(500 gp), 3 spell scrolls of 4th-level
(350 gp), warhorse (400 gp).
(1,500 gp), spell scroll of 5th-level (1,250
Tier 3: Elephant (500 gp), folding boat
gp), your choice of a bowl of
(4,500 gp), handy haversack (1,250 gp),
commanding water elementals, brazier of
horseshoes of speed (4,500 gp), portable
commanding fire elementals, censer of
hole (5,000 gp), potion of invisibility
controlling air elementals, or stone of
(5,000 gp).
controlling earth elementals (3,000 gp),
Tier 4: Absurdist web (11,250 gp),
plus 750 gp.
apparatus of the crab (60,000 gp), deck
Tier 4 (40,000 gp): Ring of telekinesis
of many things (100,000 gp), horseshoes
(12,000 gp), spell scroll of 7th-level
of a zephyr (17,000 gp), instant fortress
(8,000 gp), staff of thunder and lightning
(15,000 gp), Ioun stone (mastery; 50,000
(12,000 gp), plus 8,000 gp.
gp), liquid luck (55,000 gp), potion of
Other Favorites: Candle of the
speed (7,000 gp), ring of regeneration
surreptitious scholar (150 gp), crystal ball
(35,000 gp), ring of three wishes
(50,000 or 150,000 gp), death’s essence
(200,000 gp), rod of lordly might (80,000
pendant (500 gp), eyes of charming (250
gp), sailing ship (10,000 gp), sky skiff
gp), listening quills (150 gp), ring of the
(12,000 gp), The Traveling Chest (52,000
ram (8,000 gp), ring of spell storing
gp), warship (25,000 gp).
(4,000 gp), robe of the archmagi (70,000
gp), spell scrolls (cost varies), sphere of
annihilation (100,000 gp), staff of
charming (4,500 gp), staff of power
(50,000 gp), staff of the magi (250,000
gp), talisman of the sphere (85,000 gp),
wand of erudition (500 gp), wand of
magic missile (500 gp), wand of paralysis
(3,500 gp).

Miscellaneous Items
The following items are popular with all
types of adventurers.
Tier 1: Barrow bread (2 gp), canoe (25
gp), carriage (100 gp), healing potion
(basic, greater, superior, supreme; 50 gp,
150 gp, 550 gp, 1,500 gp), rowboat (50
gp), tailored suit of armor (80 gp), wagon
(35 gp).

A5E System Reference Document

Building a Stronghold Stronghold Types
TABLE: STRONGHOLD SIZE Choose your stronghold’s type from the list
of stronghold types: castle, encampment,
farm, guildhouse, house, laboratory, library,
menagerie, sacred grove, shop, tavern,
100–1,000 square ft. temple, training hall, or workshop. The type
1 (about 25 feet × 25 of stronghold you choose defines the nature
feet) of the benefits it grants you.
1,001–5,000 square
2 feet (about 50 feet × Size
50 feet) Choose a size for your stronghold. A
5,001–10,000 stronghold’s basic cost is 1 gp per square
3 square feet (about foot for a building, or 500 gp per acre for
85 feet × 85 feet) a rural stronghold. Strongholds of grade 7
and higher are usually out of the reach of
21–60 most adventurers.
4 square feet (about
acres The size is the overall “footprint” or total
130 feet × 130 feet)
space occupied by your stronghold. You can
25,001–50,000 choose how much of it is physical structures
5 square feet (about and how much is external grounds such as
195 feet × 195 feet) gardens and courtyards.
50,001–100,000 Buildings. These strongholds are
121–250 primarily structures, although they may
6 square feet (about
acres include land. You decide how much of the
275 feet × 275 feet)
space you’ve paid for is part of the
100,001–250,000 building and how much is external
7 square feet (about grounds and gardens. When purchasing a
420 feet × 420 feet) building use the Building Area column of
250,001+ square Table: Stronghold Size.
601+ Rural. Some strongholds are not
8 feet (more than 500
acres primarily based upon a structure. These
feet × 500 feet)
strongholds tend to be larger than those
A stronghold offers benefits that are based upon buildings, with expanses of
designed to be equal or superior to the open land. When purchasing a rural
equivalent expenditure in arms and stronghold, use the Rural Area column of
equipment. Table: Stronghold Size.
Haven. Unless the Narrator deems Rural strongholds may include frugal
otherwise, you are always able to use your structures such as barns or tents, and a
stronghold as a haven. single dwelling such as a farmhouse.
These structures do not cost extra and
are not considered sub-strongholds.

A5E System Reference Document

Unusual Strongholds option, and the stronghold generates
one-tenth its value every year. You may
TABLE: UNUSUAL STRONGHOLDS choose how frequently you collect this
Disguised/hidden Furnishings and Staff
(like a thieves’ guild Features include furnishings, staff, security
×2 —
disguised as a elements, and so on. Furnishings are easy
legitimate business) to do—you simply decide how much you
Garrison ×2 — wish to spend from the Stronghold
Furnishings and Staff table and multiply the
Income ×2 — cost of your stronghold by the amount
Island ×3 1,000 gp shown for its total cost. This multiplier
applies to the entire stronghold.
Mountaintop ×3 1,500 gp
Selling Items. You cannot simply sell off
Underground ×3 2,000 gp individual items—it’s all part of a general
cost—but if you are in desperate need of
Underwater ×5 4,000 gp
money you can downgrade your
Floating in the air ×10 20,000 gp stronghold’s furnishings and recover half
Wondrous materials the money you spent.
×10 30,000 gp Staff. Staff come with the stronghold
(such as
and include all household workers and
laborers, but not soldiers or special
Pocket dimension ×50 35,000 gp hirelings. The number of staff you have is
determined by the quality of the
Now that you have the basics of your stronghold you’ve chosen and its size (as
stronghold, you can apply large multipliers per the Stronghold Furnishings and Staff
to your stronghold cost in order to give it table), rounding down (minimum 0). If you
unusual traits. This modifier applies to the change the quality or size of your
base cost of the stronghold, before you stronghold, your staff levels increase or
apply furnishings. decrease accordingly.
Minimum Cost. Note that there is a There is no expectation that all of your
minimum cost for certain features. If your staff will be on duty or on the property at a
stronghold total cost is less than this given time.
minimum cost, its price is increased to the Garrison. Choosing the garrison feature
minimum cost. The minimum cost is gives your stronghold a number of
applied before multipliers for furnishings soldiers equal to half the stronghold’s
and staff. staff level. For every 30 soldiers, you also
Income. Shops, taverns, and other gain one veteran, and for every 200
businesses are assumed to break even, soldiers you gain one knight. At the
and neither generate income nor lose Narrator’s discretion, other NPCs (or
money. However, you may choose to monsters) may be part of your garrison. A
have your stronghold generate an garrison is used to defend a stronghold
income. This is generally a long-term and cannot be taken adventuring.

A5E System Reference Document

sub-strongholds does not alter your ability
Prestige Bonus. Your Prestige bonus is
determined by your most expensive
STAFF BY stronghold, and you do not gain additional
COST STRONG- Prestige from having additional
MULTI- HOLD SIZE strongholds.
QUALITY PLIER (STRUCTURE) RURAL Prestige Center. When you change
Frugal ×1/2 1 per 1,000 1 per 5 your stronghold, you may also choose to
square ft. acres make it your Prestige Center, though if
Average — 1 per 500 1 per 2
you are purchasing an already
square ft. acres constructed building it takes a week to
take effect, as stories of your arrival and
Luxurious ×2 1 per 100 1 per
deeds circulate about the region.
square ft. acre
Legendary ×5 1 per 100 1 per
square ft. acre
Prestige and Increasing a
Combining Strongholds The final value of your stronghold (including
You can combine multiple strongholds. You any sub-strongholds) determines the
must pay the cost for both. A sub-stronghold amount of additional Prestige you gain. The
must be half the size or smaller in square prestige bonus granted by your stronghold
feet than the stronghold in which it is is shown in Table: Stronghold Prestige. The
placed, and must be of the same quality. cost to increase your stronghold’s size later
is modified by its furnishings and any other
cost multipliers.
Multiple Strongholds
You can have as many strongholds as TABLE: STRONGHOLD PRESTIGE
you’re able to buy, but you only ever truly COST PRESTIGE
call one of them home. When you gain an BONUS
additional stronghold, you may immediately 101–1,000 gp +0
choose to make it your permanent
stronghold. Otherwise it takes a week of 1,001–25,000 gp +1
staying in a stronghold for it to become your 25,001–50,000 gp +2
permanent stronghold. You only gain the
50,001–100,000 gp +3
benefits granted by your permanent
stronghold (including any sub-strongholds 100,001–250,000 gp +4
within it).
250,001+ gp +5
Stronghold Ability Score Increase.
The only increase to an ability score you
gain is from the first stronghold that Stronghold Types
grants this benefit. Changing your There are many different types of
permanent stronghold or purchasing strongholds, from small townhouses to

A5E System Reference Document

mighty castles and mysterious wizard’s
Free Followers. Each type of
stronghold grants its owner a stronghold
feat, as well as additional followers. For STRONGHOLD ABILITY
every 100 staff you have, you gain 1 free TYPE SCORE
follower. You may choose the type of free
follower from the list associated with your Castle, workshop Strength
stronghold type. Followers granted by
Menagerie, sacred
your stronghold start at inexperienced, Wisdom
grove, temple
increasing to seasoned when you reach
9th level, and expert at 17th level. Encampment, farm,
Stronghold Ability Score Increase. Constitution
training hall
When you acquire a stronghold of Grade
3 or higher or upgrade a stronghold to Wisdom or
Guildhouse, shop
Grade 3, one of your ability scores Charisma
increases by 1, determined by the type of
stronghold (see Table: Stronghold Ability House, tavern Charisma
Score Increase).
When you acquire a stronghold of Grade Laboratory, library Intelligence
6 or higher or upgrade a stronghold to
Grade 6, your ability score increases by Castle
2, and the maximum for that ability score
increases by 2. Stronghold Feat: You gain a coat of
If you have a choice between ability arms, which can be displayed on your
scores, you choose which ability score to shield or on the flag of a squire bearing
increase each time you gain this benefit. your standard (if you have one). Allies
Other Stronghold Benefits. Most who can see your coat of arms gain
benefits from a stronghold only affect its advantage on saving throws against
owner—every member of an adventuring fear.
party might chip in for a castle, but there’s At Grade 5, your coat of arms can
only one name on the deed. inspire your allies. When an ally that can
see your coat of arms makes a
successful saving throw against an
effect that would frighten them, they gain
Best Suited For: Fighter, marshal
Minimum Size: 5,001 square feet
(Grade 3)
Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Cook, interpreter,
minstrel, porter, smith, squire,

A5E System Reference Document

Encampment heal during a short rest, you can treat a
Hit Die roll of 3 or lower as a 4.
Rural: An encampment is a rural
At Grade 5, you regain 1 additional hit
point for every Hit Die you expend
Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise
during a short rest.
die on ability checks made to hide in
Best Suited For: Berserker, druid,
natural surroundings.
At Grade 2, you’ve learned to live off
Minimum Size: 11 acres (Grade 3)
the land. When you gain Supply as the
Minimum Quality: Frugal
result of a journey activity, you gain 1
Followers Available: Porter, teamster,
extra Supply.
At Grade 4, you are so familiar with
living in the wilderness that you no
longer require a haven in order to
remove levels of fatigue and strife during Stronghold Feat: You receive a discount
a long rest. on mundane goods and services equal to 5
At Grade 5, your familiarity with percent × your guildhouse’s Grade.
temporary structures is such that you At Grade 4 or higher, you gain an
can spend 1 hour to create a haven able expertise die on ability checks made to
to shelter a number of creatures equal to deal with representatives of commercial
your proficiency bonus. You can’t use or criminal organizations.
this feature again until you finish a long At Grade 5 this expertise die increases
rest. to 1d6.
Best Suited For: Berserker, fighter, Best Suited For: Rogue
ranger, rogue Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet
Minimum Size: 1 acre (Grade 1) (Grade 2)
Minimum Quality: Frugal Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Healer, teamster, Followers Available: Porter,
torchbearer torchbearer (depending on the guild:
apothecary, bodyguard, footpad,
Farm healer, minstrel, smith)

Rural: A farm is a rural stronghold.

Stronghold Feat: You gain a number of
additional Hit Dice equal to your
proficiency bonus (if you have multiple
types of Hit Dice, use the largest). This
does not increase your hit point
maximum. In addition, you have no
daily expenses while in the same
region as your stronghold.
At Grade 4, your time working the farm
has made it easy for you to recover
quickly. When you expend Hit Dice to

A5E System Reference Document

House Best Suited For: Sorcerer, warlock,
Stronghold Feat: You and your allies gain
Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet
advantage on saving throws made against
(Grade 2)
forced marches when on a journey to return
Minimum Quality: Luxurious
to your house.
Followers Available: Apothecary,
At Grade 2, once per week you and
diviner, interpreter, porter, sage,
your party can gain the benefit of a long
rest by taking a short rest. A creature
cannot benefit from this feat more than
once per week.
At Grade 4, once per month you are Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise
able to throw a lavish and impressive die whenever you make an Intelligence
event in your house that draws the check using a skill you are proficient in.
attention of people from all around. You At Grade 2 and each Grade afterward,
gain a 1d6 expertise die on Intelligence, choose one subject. Your library staff
Wisdom, and Charisma checks made have traded other books in exchange for
while hosting such an event. a masterwork book on the chosen
At Grade 5, this expertise die increases subject.
to 1d8. At Grade 4, while you are in your
Best Suited For: Any library you are able to read an entire
Minimum Size: 250 square feet (Grade masterwork book over the course of a
1) long rest.
Minimum Quality: Frugal At Grade 5, your excellent staff have
Followers Available: Cook, footpad, made efficient summaries tailored
minstrel, porter, torchbearer specifically for you for every masterwork
book in your library. You are able to read
Laboratory and internalize one book summary at a
time and can do so over the course of a
Stronghold Feat: You immediately learn
short rest.
one new cantrip or spell at the highest
Best Suited For: Wizard
spell level which you have access to,
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade
chosen from one of your class spell
lists. In addition, once between long
Minimum Quality: Luxurious
rests you can use a bonus action to
Followers Available: Apothecary,
regain a spell slot of a spell level equal
diviner, interpreter, sage, torchbearer
to half your proficiency bonus.
At Grade 4, while using your laboratory
the time required to relearn a class
feature from the sorcerer, warlock, or
wizard class is reduced by half.
At Grade 5, while using your laboratory
the time required to retrain an archetype
from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard
class is reduced to 1 month.

A5E System Reference Document

Menagerie between long rests without expending a
spell slot.
Rural: A menagerie can be either a
At Grade 5, you gain an expertise die
building or a rural stronghold.
whenever you make an ability check if
Stronghold Feat: Once per long rest,
you are in natural, outdoor surroundings.
you can use an action to heal a familiar
Best Suited For: Druid
or animal companion you touch. The
Minimum Size: 1 acre (Grade 1)
creature regains 3d8 hit points. In
Minimum Quality: Frugal
addition, you gain an expertise die
Followers Available: Apothecary,
whenever you make an ability check
diviner, healer, sage, teamster,
related to animals.
At Grade 4, you can heal a familiar or
animal companion using your stronghold
feat once per short or long rest. In
addition, once per long rest you can Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise
spend 1 minute tending to a familiar or die on ability checks made to barter or
animal companion to restore it to its hit trade for goods.
point maximum. At Grade 2, you’ve learned some of the
At Grade 5, you gain advantage on arts of trading and gain an expertise die
checks made to identify the lore and on ability checks made to determine an
legends of a creature you can see. object’s value or if it is fake.
Best Suited For: Druid, ranger At Grade 4, you are able to determine
Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet or 6 the value of any object you have access
acres (Grade 2) to by examining it for 1 minute.
Minimum Quality: Frugal At Grade 5, you know whether or not
Followers Available: Healer, minstrel, an object is fake after evaluating it for 10
teamster, torchbearer minutes.
Best Suited For: Fighter, rogue
Sacred Grove Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade
Rural: A sacred grove is a rural
Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Apothecary,
Stronghold Feat: Choose one skill you
bodyguard, footpad, porter, torchbearer
are proficient with. If you are in natural,
outdoor surroundings you gain an
expertise die whenever you make an
ability check using the chosen skill.
At Grade 2 and each Grade afterward,
choose an additional skill you are
proficient with to benefit from this
stronghold feat.
At Grade 4, you learn the commune
with nature spell if you do not already
know it, and you can cast it once

A5E System Reference Document

Tavern Training Hall
Stronghold Feat: You have advantage Stronghold Feat: While using your
on ability checks and attack rolls made training hall, the training time required
against creatures poisoned by alcohol. to gain proficiency with a new weapon
At Grade 2, you gain an expertise die is reduced by half.
on saving throws against poison and At Grade 2, while using your training
advantage on saving throws against hall the training time required to gain
being poisoned by alcohol. proficiency with a new weapon is
At Grade 4, you cannot be poisoned by reduced to 1 month.
consuming alcohol. At Grade 4, while using your training
At Grade 5, you can use an action to hall the time required to relearn a class
consume alcohol and gain an expertise feature from the adept, berserker,
die on ability checks for 1 minute. fighter, herald, martial, ranger, or rogue
Expertise dice from this stronghold feat class is reduced by half. In addition,
do not stack with themselves. while using your training hall a creature
Best Suited For: Bard, rogue can both train in the use of a new
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade weapon and relearn an adept, berserker,
1) fighter, herald, marshal, ranger, or rogue
Minimum Quality: Frugal class feature at the same time.
Followers Available: Cook, minstrel, At Grade 5, while using your training
porter, torchbearer hall the time required to retrain an
archetype from the adept, berserker,
Temple fighter, herald, martial, ranger, or rogue
class is reduced to 1 month.
Stronghold Feat: Whenever you
Best Suited For: Adept, fighter, herald,
restore a creature’s hit points, you
restore an additional hit point per die
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade
At Grade 4, you gain advantage on
Minimum Quality: Average
Wisdom and Charisma checks made to
Followers Available: Bodyguard,
influence followers devoted to the same
diviner, healer, porter, squire,
higher power as your temple.
At Grade 5, you can be returned to life
in your temple through the use of magic
(with spells like reincarnation and
resurrection) without the need for
material components.
Best Suited For: Cleric, herald
Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet
(Grade 2)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Diviner, healer,
interpreter, porter, sage, torchbearer

A5E System Reference Document

Workshop Recruiting Followers
Stronghold Feat: Choose the type of When you recruit a follower, you need to
workshop. You gain an expertise die on spend gold. In exchange, you get the
ability checks made to craft items in follower for life. 500 gp recruits an
your workshop. inexperienced follower, 2,000 gp recruits a
At Grade 2, any items you purchase seasoned follower, and 5,000 gp recruits an
from your workshop are considered fine expert follower. You only need to pay this
quality, but you only need to pay the cost once per follower; it is assumed that the
of a normal quality item. amount paid is enough to accommodate the
At Grade 4, any items you purchase follower for the duration of the campaign. If
from your workshop are considered you dismiss the follower, the Narrator might
masterwork quality, but you only need to permit you to reclaim some of that money. If
pay the cost of a normal quality item. the follower dies, you do not get any money
At Grade 5, you gain advantage on back. Note that not all followers have
ability checks made to craft items in your seasoned or expert versions—carrying a
workshop, and the time required is torch isn’t the purview of only experts.
reduced by half. Inexperienced. Inexperienced followers
Best Suited For: Any are little more than commoners foolish
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade enough to follow adventurers into a
1) dungeon.
Minimum Quality: Luxurious Seasoned. Seasoned followers have
Followers Available: Porter, smith, either prior employment with adventurers
teamster, torchbearer or other experience that prepared them
for adventuring.
Followers Expert. Expert followers are
consummate professionals, rare
The maximum number of followers you individuals who have had their share of
may have is equal to your Prestige rating, adventures but are comfortable in their
increased by any bonuses you might have role as assistant.
from owning a stronghold, or as a reward by
the Narrator for accomplishing great deeds.
Followers aren’t the same as the general FOLLOWER HIRING COST
staff that maintains your stronghold.
Followers are loyal, dedicated to you and Inexperienced 500 gp
your cause, can accompany you on
Seasoned 2,000 gp
adventures, and provide benefits while out
in the field. Expert 5,000 gp
Followers never participate directly in
encounters. They fade into the background
and come to the fore occasionally when
their particular skill is needed. Each follower
grants a specific ability or benefit.

A5E System Reference Document

Apothecary Diviner
Inexperienced. Once per day, an ally Inexperienced. Once per day, the
treated by the apothecary can make a diviner can cast a cantrip or 1st-level spell
new saving throw against a poison or from the cleric spell list on you or an ally
disease. of your choosing.
Seasoned. Once per day, the Seasoned. Once per day, the diviner
apothecary can use an antidote to receives a helpful vision, and you gain an
automatically end the poisoned condition expertise die on your next ability check.
on an ally. Expert. Once per week, the diviner
Expert. Once per week, the apothecary channels a supernatural voice that
provides one medicinal of your choosing reveals an event in the near future,
worth no more than 100 gp (see page granting you advantage on one ability
325). The medicinal must be used within check, attack roll, or saving throw you
24 hours or it loses potency. make in the next 24 hours.

Bodyguard Footpad
Inexperienced. Once only, when you Inexperienced. Once per day, when in
would be reduced to 0 hit points, the a crowded area, you can gain 5 gp as the
bodyguard takes the damage instead. footpad mingles with the crowd.
The bodyguard dies in the process. Seasoned. Your footpad can search a
Seasoned. Once per day, when you town or other settlement in order to gain
would take damage from an attack the valuable information or to locate people or
bodyguard takes the damage instead. objects.
Expert. Once per day, the bodyguard Expert. Once per week, you can direct
leaps in front of you to take all damage your footpad to shadow a person. They
that would be dealt to you that round. report back to you after 7 days with
detailed notes on every location the
Cook person visited, the people the person
interacted with, and any purchases the
Inexperienced. Once per day, when
person made.
you take a short rest and expend Hit Dice,
you regain hit points as if you had rolled
an additional Hit Die. If you have multiple Healer
types of Hit Dice, use the highest. Inexperienced. Once per day, the
Seasoned. Once per day, when you and healer restores 1d8 + 2 hit points to one
up to 4 allies take a short rest and expend creature you choose.
Hit Dice, you regain hit points as if you Seasoned. As inexperienced. In
had rolled an additional Hit Die. If you addition, once per day, the healer
have multiple types of Hit Dice, use the restores 2d8 + 4 hit points to one creature
highest. you choose.
Expert. As seasoned. In addition, once
per day, the healer restores 4d8 + 8 hit
points to one creature you choose.

A5E System Reference Document

Interpreter Seasoned. As inexperienced. In
addition, once per day you have
All. Once per day, when encountering
advantage on an Intelligence check made
an unknown language, you have
to learn or recall a piece of knowledge.
advantage on Intelligence checks to
Expert. As seasoned, except that expert
comprehend that language.
sages only grant the following ability
Inexperienced. Choose two languages.
when they are proficient in Arcana,
Your interpreter can read, speak, and
Engineering, Nature, or Religion: once
understand these languages.
per week when the sage is able to see a
Seasoned. Your interpreter can
creature they can learn information about
translate all languages currently spoken
from a Legends and Lore check using a
on the Material Plane.
skill they are proficient with, you gain
Expert. Your interpreter can translate all
advantage on your first attack roll against
languages whether alien, current, or

Inexperienced. While you have a smith
Inexperienced. Once per day, you gain
in your employ, any weapon you wield
advantage on a Charisma check.
gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls after
Seasoned. Once per day, you gain an
your smith has fine-tuned it over the
expertise die on an attack roll using a
course of a short rest.
weapon you are proficient with, saving
Experienced. As inexperienced, and
throw that you are proficient in, or ability
your smith takes particularly good care of
check using a skill you are proficient in.
some of your equipment. At the end of
Expert. The ballads, poems, songs, and
each week choose a number of items
tales that your minstrel has composed
equal to your proficiency bonus. The
about your deeds spread far and
chosen items do not require any
wide.You gain a bonus to your Prestige
maintenance checks as your smith makes
equal to half your proficiency bonus.
sure to keep them in excellent condition.
Seasoned. As experienced, and any
Porter armor you wear gains a +1 bonus to AC
Inexperienced. Your porter can carry 10 after your smith has fine-tuned it over the
Supply. course of a long rest. In addition, any
Seasoned. Your porter can carry 20 armor or weapons you have that are
Supply. normal quality are treated as fine quality
Expert. Your porter can carry 30 Supply. instead, and any fine quality armor or
weapons are treated as masterwork
Sage quality instead.

Inexperienced. Once per day, the sage

can make a skill check for you as though
you were proficient in that skill. In
addition, you gain an expertise die on the

A5E System Reference Document

Inexperienced. A squire hastens
donning and doffing armor, reducing the
required time to 1 round for light armor,
1d4 rounds for medium armor, or 2d4
rounds for heavy armor. A squire can also
assist in equipping a shield or other
weapon, reducing the time required to a
bonus action.
Seasoned. As inexperienced. In
addition, your squire can identify other
warriors and their squires, as well as
where they are from and if they are
Expert. As seasoned. In addition, your
squire can announce you in royal courts.
You gain advantage and a +5 bonus to
your first Charisma check made in a royal
court after your squire has introduced

Inexperienced. Up to 4 mounts and
other animals require half the normal
Seasoned. Up to 4 mounts or animals
can carry twice the normal amount of
Expert. Up to 4 mounts can gallop for 2
hours a day instead of 1.

Inexperienced. The torchbearer
provides bright light in a 40-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

A5E System Reference Document

Follower Personalities and 11. Loves to taste new foods.
12. Taps their fingers on walls and
Backgrounds furniture.
13. Superstitiously avoids things that
Personality (d8) cause bad luck.
14. Possesses an inexplicable
1. Eager. Always strives to please knowledge of fine wine.
their employer. 15. Collects commonly found items
2. Fatalistic. Believes they are (rocks, feathers, bones, and so on).
helpless to enact real change. 16. Plays dangerous games with a
3. Stoic. Impassive and difficult to small knife when bored.
provoke. 17. Hums random songs without
4. Sarcastic. Prone to wisecracks realizing.
and mocking criticism. 18. Loves gazing at the stars.
5. Excitable. Thrilled by new sights 19. Doodles with charcoal on spare
and experiences. parchment.
6. Optimistic. Possesses a 20. Has a lucky charm they kiss for
happy-go-lucky attitude regardless good fortune.
of the situation.
7. Dull-witted. Slow to react or Background Motivation (d8)
process new information.
8. Aggressive. Always first to act or 1. Owes money to the wrong people.
suggest a response. 2. Has always wanted to be a real
Quirk (d20) 3. A beloved family member died and
now they have nothing to live for.
1. Constantly fiddles with a brass 4. Loves gold and sees adventuring
coin. as a quick way to make money.
2. Whittles during free moments. 5. Angered a local authority figure
3. Clumsily fumbles fragile objects. and fears they might seek revenge.
4. Speaks in a higher pitch when 6. A relationship ended spectacularly
excited. and now they want to leave town.
5. Constantly reads small chapbooks. 7. Is a massive fan of yours.
6. Stutters during periods of stress. 8. Firmly believes that a folktale or
7. Loves to recite folksy sayings and other myth demands that they
proverbs. venture across the world.
8. Whistles when nervous.
9. Drinks heavily when stressed.
10. Has terrible eyesight.

A5E System Reference Document

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