A5e SRD 5
A5e SRD 5
A5e SRD 5
Magic Items
The ease of selling magic items differs from
place to place. If in a region where magic is TABLE: TRADE GOODS
commonplace, selling these items is COST GOODS
relatively straightforward. In regions where
magic is rare, vendors may not believe the 1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
item is genuine, let alone be willing to buy it. 2 cp 1 lb. of flour
If they can be sold, magic items are
5 cp 1 lb. of salt
valuable and often cost more gold than the
average person would see in a lifetime. 1 sp 1 lb. of iron
5 sp 1 lb. of copper
Treasure and Art
1 gp 1 lb. of ginger
Items such as gems, precious metals,
2 gp 1 lb. of pepper
jewelry, and art are valuable because they
are sought after across the world. For this 3 gp 1 lb. of cloves
reason they rarely diminish in price and may 5 gp 1 lb. of silver
even gain value as time goes by. Lost relics
or pieces by master crafters are especially 10 gp 1 cow
likely to bring in vast amounts of gold, 15 gp 1 lb. of saffron
despite their lack of magical or practical
50 gp 1 lb. of gold
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum
Basic Trade Goods 100 gp 1 lb. of cold iron
Trade goods such as grain, salt, and 750 gp 1 lb. of mithral
domesticated beasts are sought after
1,000 gp 1 lb. of adamantine
everywhere and so are unlikely to diminish
much in value from place to place.
Cultural Weapons
Many weapons have equivalents in various
AMMUNITION COST WEIGHT cultures, both in the real world and in
fantasy campaign settings. Below is a
Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb.
selection of weapons from different cultures
Blowgun needles 1 gp 1 lb. you may choose to include in your game.
(50) Availability of these weapons is at the
discretion of the Narrator.
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1 ½ lbs. Boomerang (Aboriginal, 5 sp). There
are many forms of boomerang. This club
Explosive arrows (4) 80 gp 1/2 lb. has the thrown property (range 100/300)
and cannot be used as a melee weapon.
Firearm bullets (10) 10 gp 1 ½ lbs. A boomerang designed to flush out or
distract prey flies a shorter distance
Flaming arrows (4) 60 gp 1/2 lb.
(range 50/150), but on a miss it returns to
Punching arrows (4) 100 gp 1 lb. the space it was thrown from at the end of
the turn.
Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1 ½ lbs. Butterfly Sword (Chinese, 20 gp).
These use the statistics of shortswords
and are usually wielded in pairs. They
Ammunition have the dual-wielding property.
Ranged weapons require ammunition to Chakram (Indian, 2 gp). This circular,
fire. Typically that ammunition is made from bladed throwing weapon uses the
bone, bronze, iron, steel, or wood; sling statistics of a ring blade.
pellets are usually stone or metal. However Claymore (Scottish, 50 gp). This
at the Narrator’s discretion, special cross-hilted weapon uses the statistics of
ammunition may be available. a greatsword.
Explosive. An attack made with Dao (Chinese, 20 gp). A curved
explosive ammunition cannot benefit from broadsword that uses the statistics of a
expertise dice and can only hit targets scimitar.
within its normal range, but on a hit it Hooked Hammer (Gnomish, 15 gp).
deals an extra 1d6 thunder damage. This uses the statistics of a small
warhammer that does 1d6 bludgeoning or
Elven 14 + Dex
1,200 High-quality, lightweight, DC 25; smith’s
breastplate 10 lbs. mod (max — —
gp low-maintenance (advantage) tools, forge
(mithral)* 2)
15 + Dex
Half plate Str DC 15; smith’s
750 gp 40 lbs. mod (max Low-maintenance (expertise die) Disadv.
(steel)† 13 tools, forge
As weighty as iron, as flexible as steel, and ×1.5 ×4 Hardy, low- DC 25; smith’s
harder than both, adamantine is the most durable maintenance tools, access to
material for weapons and armor, as well as the (advantage), a forge
most expensive. weighty (+2)
Bones can be shaped into points for arrows and ×1/2 ×1/4 Flaw, lightweight DC 10; sewing
spears or tied together, along with shells and kit
scales, to form a durable but high-maintenance Weapons are not
armor. Due to its brittleness, bone requires repairable
constant repairs and has a short lifespan.
Bronze is durable but weighty, and tends to be ×1.5 ×3/4 Weighty (+1) DC 12; smith’s
more brittle than steel. tools
Cloth is the flimsiest of materials but also the — — Comfortable, flaw DC 5; sewing kit
lightest. Padded layers can be worn as (piercing),
independent armor or underneath metal armors underarmor
to increase comfort.
Cold iron
Alloys of iron and phosphorus are called cold — x2 Feybane DC 20; smith’s
iron. Cold iron is a semi-magical material that tools
many fey creatures are vulnerable to.
Iron is weighty and brittle, typically alloyed with ×1.5 ×1/2 Rust, weighty (+2) DC 15; smith’s
carbon (to form steel). Iron gear can rust tools
if left
particularly after
exposure to water.
Tanned animal hides offer more protection than — — Flaw (piercing) DC 10; sewing
cloth, but are still easily punctured by blades and kit
Lighter than steel, mithral is a prized material for ×1/2 ×3 High-quality, DC 25; smith’s
its ability to be worked into light, comfortable, and lightweight, tools, access to
beautiful armor or weapons. low-maintenance a forge
Usually an iron-silver alloy rather than pure silver. ×2 Silvered DC 20; smith’s
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon that is lighter — — Low-maintenance DC 15; smith’s
and sturdier than its counterparts, but it requires (expertise die) tools, access to
skill and intense heat to make. Steel is the basis a forge
of many sets of armor, including chain, plate, and
the metalwork inside brigandine.
Hard and heavy. Stone is quite brittle and any ×2 Weapons Fortified, weighty Not repairable
object beyond a knapped short blade can be ×1/2 (+2)
challenging to shape. Armor ×3
Wood is widely accessible and typically used for — — Flaw (armor only) DC 15
weapons. Weapons made of wood tend to be woodworker’s
fire-hardened with special oils to increase their tools
Table: Containers details the most common improvised weapon attack against the
types of containers, though many target. On a hit, the target takes 2d4
adventurers get by with just a backpack and ongoing acid damage. This damage
a waterskin. persists for 3 rounds. A creature ends all
ongoing damage from mundane acid by
using its action to wipe away the liquid.
Miscellaneous Adventuring Alchemist’s Fire. This liquid ignites in
Gear air. You can use an action to throw this
flask up to 20 feet, shattering it. Make a
The many essentials that make adventuring
ranged improvised weapon attack against
into the unknown possible include:
a target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6
Acid. You can use an action to splash
ongoing fire damage. This damage
the contents of this vial onto a target
persists for 1 minute. A creature can end
within 5 feet of you, or throw the vial up to
all ongoing damage being dealt by
20 feet, shattering it. Make a ranged
alchemist’s fire by using its action to
DC 15 DC 20
Alchemist’s 10 gp of alchemical
50 gp 8 lbs. 8 hours 15 gp 20 gp 30 gp
supplies ingredients
Brewer’s 5 cp of malt, hops, 8 hours (2
20 gp 9 lbs. 2 gp 5 gp 20 gp
supplies and yeast week delay)
Calligrapher’s 15 gp of ink and 1 month (8
10 gp 5 lbs. 45 gp 90 gp 300 gp
supplies paper hours per day)
Carpenter’s tools 8 gp 6 lbs. 1 sp of lumber 8 hours 1 gp 2 gp 10 gp
Cartographer’s 12 gp of ink and 1 week (8
15 gp 6 lbs. 20 gp 75 gp 200 gp
tools paper hours per day)
1 cp of leather and
Cobbler’s tools 5 gp 5 lbs. 2 hours 5 cp 5 sp 5 gp
Cook’s utensils 1 gp 8 lbs. 5 cp of food 1 hour 1 sp 1 gp 5 gp
30 gp 5 lbs. 2 cp of sand 1 hour 1 sp 5 sp 10 gp
25 gp in jewels and
Jeweler’s tools 25 gp 2 lbs. 8 hours 35 gp 75 gp 150 gp
precious metals
Leatherworker’s 3 days (8
5 gp 5 lbs. 2 cp of leather 2 gp 5 gp 15 gp
tools hours per day)
1 week (8
Mason’s tools 10 gp 8 lbs. 1 sp of stone 10 gp 30 gp 50 gp
hours per day)
Painter’s 1 week (8
10 gp 5 lbs. 5 gp of paint 10 gp 50 gp 200 gp
supplies hours per day)
Potter’s tools 10 gp 3 lbs. 1 cp of clay 1 hour 5 cp 1 sp 2 gp
10 gp of 1 week (8
Tinker’s tools 50 gp 10 lbs. 15 gp 90 gp 150 gp
mechanical parts hours per day)
2 weeks (8
Weaver’s tools 1 gp 5 lbs. 1 gp of wool 20 gp 50 gp 100 gp
hours per day)
1 gp 5 lbs. 5 cp of lumber 1 hour 5 sp 1 gp 5 gp
This section concerns the cost, upkeep, and would normally provide, as shown on Table:
carrying utility of your mounts. Mounts.
In order to be used as a mount, a creature Multiply a creature’s carrying capacity by 5
must be at least one size category larger if that creature is pulling a drawn vehicle.
than you, and must have an Intelligence Creatures can add their carrying capacities
score of 4 or lower. You may be able to together when pulling the same vehicle.
convince creatures with a higher The mounts listed here are available for
Intelligence score to let you ride them, but purchase in most fantasy worlds. Other
they are considered independent creatures mounts may be common in your setting or
(not mounts). may be rare creatures awarded for the
You can use a mount as a pack animal completion of a quest. Many large pets
instead of riding it. A pack animal can carry could also be used as mounts.
a number of Supply based on its size (see
Tracking Supplies) in addition to its normal Feed
carrying capacity, and it can carry a number
of bulky items equal to its Strength modifier Mounts are living creatures, and they need
+ 1. If you intend to ride a mount as well as to eat. Thankfully, most common mounts
carry items with it, it can only carry half as are herbivorous animals able to feed
many Supply and bulky items. themselves if allowed to graze in grassy
Many beasts commonly used as pack areas for at least 1 hour each day. Other
animals and mounts are especially adept at mounts—especially carnivorous ones—may
carrying heavy loads, and animals such as not be so easy to feed. Carnivorous mounts
horses and mules have a much higher and herbivorous mounts without grazing
carrying capacity than their Strength score areas must be fed Supply each day, or else
they suffer fatigue just like characters.
Mug of ale, hunk of bread, bowl of
Poor 5 cp vegetable stew, and a small hunk 1 sp 2 sp -1
of cheese.
Mug of ale, turkey leg, cheese
Moderate 4 sp 6 sp 1 gp, 5 sp +0
wedge, and an apple.
Roast pheasant, glass of wine,
Rich 1 gp pork sausage links, and a fruit 3 gp 5 gp +1
Smithies are found in developed
settlements of at least a few dozen people, ITEM TYPE CRAFTER’S STOREFRONT
with experienced smiths living in more FEE
populated areas. Here, adventurers can Common or Apothecary,
purchase any simple weapon. At the uncommon 5% magic item
Narrator’s discretion, you might find martial potion supplier
weapons and regionally specific weapons
when applicable. Smithies also have a Apothecary,
selection of medium and heavy armors. Rare potion 10% magic item
Light armor can be found at a supplier
leatherworker’s shop. Magic item
Smithies can also take custom orders. See Wondrous item 10%
the pricing guide for crafting items below for
Ammunition 5% Smithy
more details.
5% Smithy
NPC Services weapon
Miscellaneous Items
The following items are popular with all
types of adventurers.
Tier 1: Barrow bread (2 gp), canoe (25
gp), carriage (100 gp), healing potion
(basic, greater, superior, supreme; 50 gp,
150 gp, 550 gp, 1,500 gp), rowboat (50
gp), tailored suit of armor (80 gp), wagon
(35 gp).
Bodyguard Footpad
Inexperienced. Once only, when you Inexperienced. Once per day, when in
would be reduced to 0 hit points, the a crowded area, you can gain 5 gp as the
bodyguard takes the damage instead. footpad mingles with the crowd.
The bodyguard dies in the process. Seasoned. Your footpad can search a
Seasoned. Once per day, when you town or other settlement in order to gain
would take damage from an attack the valuable information or to locate people or
bodyguard takes the damage instead. objects.
Expert. Once per day, the bodyguard Expert. Once per week, you can direct
leaps in front of you to take all damage your footpad to shadow a person. They
that would be dealt to you that round. report back to you after 7 days with
detailed notes on every location the
Cook person visited, the people the person
interacted with, and any purchases the
Inexperienced. Once per day, when
person made.
you take a short rest and expend Hit Dice,
you regain hit points as if you had rolled
an additional Hit Die. If you have multiple Healer
types of Hit Dice, use the highest. Inexperienced. Once per day, the
Seasoned. Once per day, when you and healer restores 1d8 + 2 hit points to one
up to 4 allies take a short rest and expend creature you choose.
Hit Dice, you regain hit points as if you Seasoned. As inexperienced. In
had rolled an additional Hit Die. If you addition, once per day, the healer
have multiple types of Hit Dice, use the restores 2d8 + 4 hit points to one creature
highest. you choose.
Expert. As seasoned. In addition, once
per day, the healer restores 4d8 + 8 hit
points to one creature you choose.
Inexperienced. While you have a smith
Inexperienced. Once per day, you gain
in your employ, any weapon you wield
advantage on a Charisma check.
gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls after
Seasoned. Once per day, you gain an
your smith has fine-tuned it over the
expertise die on an attack roll using a
course of a short rest.
weapon you are proficient with, saving
Experienced. As inexperienced, and
throw that you are proficient in, or ability
your smith takes particularly good care of
check using a skill you are proficient in.
some of your equipment. At the end of
Expert. The ballads, poems, songs, and
each week choose a number of items
tales that your minstrel has composed
equal to your proficiency bonus. The
about your deeds spread far and
chosen items do not require any
wide.You gain a bonus to your Prestige
maintenance checks as your smith makes
equal to half your proficiency bonus.
sure to keep them in excellent condition.
Seasoned. As experienced, and any
Porter armor you wear gains a +1 bonus to AC
Inexperienced. Your porter can carry 10 after your smith has fine-tuned it over the
Supply. course of a long rest. In addition, any
Seasoned. Your porter can carry 20 armor or weapons you have that are
Supply. normal quality are treated as fine quality
Expert. Your porter can carry 30 Supply. instead, and any fine quality armor or
weapons are treated as masterwork
Sage quality instead.
Inexperienced. Up to 4 mounts and
other animals require half the normal
Seasoned. Up to 4 mounts or animals
can carry twice the normal amount of
Expert. Up to 4 mounts can gallop for 2
hours a day instead of 1.
Inexperienced. The torchbearer
provides bright light in a 40-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 20 feet.