Iris Guideline 6
Iris Guideline 6
Iris Guideline 6
Relapse Prevention
1. Clients and families should be informed about the risk for relapse and how
they can help to reduce this.
Treatment Resistance
3. Teaching clients and carers how to deal with and cope with such
symptoms to minimise distress may be required (Tarrier et al, 1998).
Getting it right....
Simon has a 2 year history of psychotic illness. After two lengthy hospital
admissions under section he is now agreeing to try medication and to
accept follow-up from the CPN team. His medication has helped with
sleep, concentration and clarity of thought but he remains low in mood
poorly motivated and finds it difficult to mix socially. Using early signs
monitoring and family support, Simon is learning to recognise his
symptoms of relapse. He agreed to attend a day unit informally when he
felt depressed and was able to share his worries with the CPN. His
admissions and relapses hove reduced.