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Agricultural extension:

Article · January 2004


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2 authors:

Jock R. Anderson Gershon Feder

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research


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Public Disclosure Authorized

Agricultural Extension: Good Intentions

and Hard Realities
Public Disclosure Authorized

Jock R. Anderson • Gershon Feder

What considerations lead policymakers to invest in agricultural extension as a key public

responsibility, and what factors and agency incentives explain differences in extension system
performance? To help answer these questions, this article provides a framework outlining
farmers’ demand for information, the public goods character of extension services, and the
organizational and political attributes affecting the performance of extension systems. This
conceptual framework is used to analyze several extension modalities and their likely and
actual effectiveness. The analysis highlights the efficiency gains that can come from locally
decentralized delivery systems with incentive structures based on largely private provision,
although in most poorer countries extension services will remain publicly funded.
Public Disclosure Authorized

The goals of agricultural extension include transferring information from the global
knowledge base and from local research to farmers, enabling them to clarify their
own goals and possibilities, educating them on how to make better decisions, and
stimulating desirable agricultural development (van der Ban and Hawkins 1996).
Thus extension services provide human capital–enhancing inputs, including infor-
mation flows that can improve rural welfare—an important outcome long recognized
in the development dialogue (Leonard 1977; Garforth 1982; Jarrett 1985; Feder,
Just, and Zilberman 1986; Roberts 1989). That interest continues in contemporary
dialogue, as evident in the workshop on public extension services convened by the
World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Neuchatel
Group to review recent approaches to revitalizing extension services (World Bank
Public Disclosure Authorized

Investments in extension services have the potential to improve agricultural
productivity and increase farmers’ incomes, especially in developing economies,
where more than 90 percent of the world’s nearly 1 million extension personnel
are located. Yet the impact of extension on farm performance is varied, reflecting

The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1,

© The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK 2004; all rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1093/wbro/lkh013 19:41–60
differences in how extension services are delivered and in the circumstances of
service recipients.
Effective extension involves adequate and timely access by farmers to relevant
advice, with appropriate incentives to adopt the new technology if it suits their
socioeconomic and agroecological circumstances. Critical to adoption are the avail-
ability of improved technology, access to modern inputs and resources, and profit-
ability at an acceptable level of risk. Farmers get information from many sources.
Public extension is one source, but not necessarily the most efficient. Thus, although
extension can improve the productive efficiency of the agricultural sector, the vir-
tues and limitations of alternative mechanisms need to be considered in assessing
the cost-effectiveness of delivering information (Byerlee 1998; van den Ban 1999).
Extension usually has its greatest impact in the early stages of dissemination of
a new technology, when the information disequilibrium (and the productivity differ-
ential) is greatest. As more farmers become aware of the new technology, the impact
of extension diminishes until the need for more information-intensive technologies
arises (Byerlee 1998). The dynamic resolution of the information disequilibria
associated with specific extension messages makes observing the impact of extension
The analysis here looks at what leads policymakers to invest in extension services
and what factors and incentives explain differences in extension system perfor-
mance. The following section provides a conceptual framework of farmers’ demand
for information, the public goods character of extension services, and the organiza-
tional and political attributes that affect the performance of extension systems.
The second section analyzes several extension modalities and their effectiveness.
The third looks at the methodological issues in assessing extension outcome and
reviews the empirical literature on extension impacts. The final section notes the
political economy implications of the difficulty of attributing outcomes to extension
activities and the importance of internalizing the lessons of experience in the design
of effective extension programs.

Conceptual Framework
Extension, broadly defined, focuses on the delivery of information inputs to farmers.
Information can be of many types, from estimates of future prices for farm products
to new research products, such as improved crop cultivars and knowledge about
how to use particular inputs, such as the timing and intensity of fertilizer use (Byerlee
1998). Farmers have a demand for information and may be prepared to pay for it as
they do for other inputs according to how productive they perceive it to be (Dinar 1996).
Demand for information delivery systems supporting farming should be increasing
if, as agricultural analysts argue, farming is becoming more information-intensive

42 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
(Byerlee 1998). How that demand is met varies greatly, depending on market and
institutional conditions. Gautam (2000), for instance, concludes that there is signi-
ficant unmet demand in Kenya for general agricultural extension services. How
different types of information are best delivered depends crucially on the nature of
the information and the circumstances of the farmer.

A Welfare Economics Context: Extension Services as Public Goods

In considering whether extension services are mainly public or private goods, the
usual focus has been on market imperfections, relating in particular to excludability
and rivalry (Umali and Schwartz 1994). On this basis, extension services are mixed
public and private goods. Some services, such as tailor-made farm management
advice, are excludable in that farmers who are not willing to pay for the advice can
be excluded from its benefits. Services embodied in commercial products exhibit
rivalry in that one farmer’s use reduces availability to others.
Knowledge delivered by extension may be information embodied in products
(improved seed, machinery) or it may be more abstract, disembodied information on
agricultural practice. There are two broadly applicable types of disembodied agricultural
information: general, nonexcludable information (market information or cropping
patterns), which tends to be a public good, and specialized, excludable information
(fertilizer recommendations for a specific field or farm operation), which tends to be
a toll good, with high excludability and low rivalry—some farmers can be excluded
from access, even though the value to other users is not diminished by one farmer’s
use (Umali-Deininger 1996).
Various mechanisms are available for coordinating the supply of services—
private sector markets, public sector hierarchies with state authority, and collective
action by civil society (Wolf and Zilberman 2001). Table 1 illustrates the alternative
arrangements possible in the financing and provision of extension services, from trad-
itional public sector extension services to fully private services and public-private
partnerships. Whether services are best supplied or financed by the private, public,
or voluntary sectors or through joint efforts depends on the characteristics of the
information service (Schwartz and Zijp 1994; Umali-Deininger 1997).
These observations have several implications (Picciotto and Anderson 1997):
• Information closely associated with market goods (purchased inputs) is gener-
ally best left to the private sector.
• Information associated with toll goods can be effectively provided by combined
public and private sector efforts.
• Information on the management of common pool goods, with low excludability
and high rivalry (forests, common grazing lands, water), is usually best provided
by cooperative or voluntary institutions.

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 43

Table 1. Some Alternatives for Public-Private Financing and Provision of Extension Services
Finance Provision
Service Provision Public Private (Farmers) Other Private
Public Traditional extension Fee-for-service Contracts with public
extension institutions
Private Subsidies to extension Commercial advisory Information provided with sale
service providers services of inputs
Publicly financed Sale of newspapers, Extension provided to contract
contracts for magazines, other growers
extension services information Advertising in newspapers,
products radio, television, magazines
Source: Alex, Zijp, and Byerlee 2002.

• Only when market and participation failures are high should the public sector
finance information provision—better would be public sector financing of private
service delivery.
Reforms have ranged from contracting with the private sector to provide extension
services in order to reduce costs and improve cost-effectiveness to drawing on private
sector funding to improve the financial sustainability of extension (Beynon and
others 1998). The economic rationale for farmers to pay for extension services
is generally clear, and the practice is well established in high-income countries
(Marsh and Pannell 2000). In developing economies, however, many producers
are unable or unwilling to pay for services, in part because they have not seen
examples of effective, responsive extension. Many countries have few extension
service providers outside the public sector, and few public institutions have the
incentives and institutional arrangements in place to encourage program cost

A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Public Extension Organizations

Many aspects of extension work have strong public goods characteristics, and public
provision of extension services (whether by central or regional governments) has
been common in most countries, at least at some stage in their history. Some notable
successes have been documented, but so have the many weaknesses that hamper
the effectiveness of public extension. A recent worldwide review (Rivera, Qamar,
and Crowder 2001:15) refers to extension systems as “failing” and “moribund,” in
“disarray or barely functioning at all.” This suggests that there are some generic
difficulties in the operation of public extension systems and in the typical bureau-
cratic-political environment within which they are budgeted and managed.

44 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
Feder, Willett, and Zijp (2001) identify eight interrelated characteristics of public
extension systems that jointly result in deficient performance, low staff morale, and
financial stress. These characteristics provide a framework for analyzing the performance
of different levels of extension personnel, the system as a whole, and the underpin-
nings of different organizational forms and for predicting their likely performance.

Scale and complexity. In countries with large numbers of farmers working rela-
tively small plots (as is common in most developing areas), the potential clients of
extension services live in geographically dispersed communities. Underdeveloped
transport links add to the cost and difficulty of reaching these farmers. High rates of
illiteracy and limited connections to electronic mass media rule out reaching these
clients through means that do not require face-to-face interaction (written materials,
radio, television, the Internet).
Thus, the number of clients who need to be covered by extension services is large,
and the cost of reaching them is high. Adding to the challenge, farmers’ information
needs vary even within a given geographical area because of variations in soil,
elevation, microclimate, and farmers’ means and capabilities. The large size of the
clientele means that only a small number of farmers can interact directly with extension
agents. Because direct contacts are rationed, agents often select the farmers they will
interact with, preferring larger-scale, better-endowed, and more innovative farmers
who can provide some in-kind payment and are likely to exhibit better performance
(Feder and Slade 1993). This sort of supply-side rationing is exacerbated by self-
selection by farmers. Those who attach a higher value to (larger demand for)
information tend to be large-scale farmers with better opportunities for taking
advantage of information.
This selectivity of contacts has ramifications for the diffusion of information
through farmer-to-farmer communications. Because the farmers who tend to have
more extension contacts are often not typical of the farming population, other farm-
ers are less inclined to follow the example of contact farmers or to seek their advice
(despite some positive experiences, such as in Israel; Keynan, Olin, and Dinar 1997).
On the supply side, the reaction to the large clientele is to deploy large numbers
of extension agents, which presents a management challenge for national organiza-
tions or organizations managed by large geographical administrative units (states
or provinces). When there are large numbers of field personnel, there is a tendency to
adopt a centralized, hierarchical, top-down management system. Such bureaucracies
are not generally receptive to participatory approaches to information delivery and
priority setting (Fleischer, Waibel, and Walter-Echols 2002), and by distancing
decisionmaking from the field level, they often lead to suboptimal decisions.

Dependence on the broader policy environment. The effectiveness of extension work

is crucially dependent on complementary policies and institutional actions over

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 45

which extension management has limited influence. These involve credit, input
supplies, price incentives, marketing channels, and human resource constraints, among
others. Although extension agents can adjust their advice to the overall policy and
institutional climate, the value of the information is diminished when the terms of
trade are tilted against agriculture, rural infrastructure investment is inadequate,
and input supplies are irregular due to imperfections in input markets. Coordination
between the agencies that influence these complementary factors and extension
management is costly and difficult, and extension agencies generally have little
leverage. Particularly detrimental are the weak linkages to the knowledge genera-
tion system, especially the national agricultural research system.

Interaction with knowledge generation. In contrast to the situation in the United

States, where the cooperative extension service is embedded in the university
system, in most developing economies the information on which extension advice is
based is not generated within the extension organization itself but in separate
systems (national agricultural research institutes and universities and, increasingly,
private research firms). Under separate management structures and incentive struc-
tures, research systems give little weight to the extension service’s opinions and
priorities. Because the performance of research systems is often assessed according
to the recognition it receives within the scientific community, research priorities are
not necessarily aligned with those of extension managers or the farmers they come
in contact with.
Public research and extension organizations often compete for budgets.
Researchers typically enjoy a higher status (they are often better educated and
have greater independence), and this produces tension in interactions with exten-
sion services that is not conducive to two-way feedback or to effective extension
services (see Mureithi and Anderson forthcoming on the situation in Kenya).
A World Bank review (Purcell and Anderson 1997) of a large portfolio of extension
projects found that research-extension links were generally weak and that neither
research nor extension was sufficiently conscious of the need to understand the
constraints and potentials of different farming systems as a basis for determining
relevant technology and technology-development requirements. These inade-
quate research-extension links led to undesirable outcomes in a large proportion of
the projects reviewed. More recent World Bank extension operations, building on
the lessons of experience (including the importance of support for business devel-
opment services for small and medium-size enterprises), have had more positive

Difficulty in attributing impact. Because many factors affect the performance of

agriculture in complex ways, it is difficult to attribute specific impacts at the farm
level to extension services. This difficulty weakens political support and exacerbates

46 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
problems of budget allocation and staff incentives and accountability, both upward
(to managers) and downward (to clients).
Evaluating the impact of extension involves measuring the relations between
extension and farmers’ knowledge, adoption of better practices, and use of inputs;
farm productivity and profitability; and related improvements in farmers’ welfare.
But farmers’ decisions and performance are influenced by many other systematic
and random effects (prices, credit constraints, weather, other sources of information),
so distinguishing the impact of extension advice requires careful use of econometric
and quasi-experimental methods.
The inability to attribute impact unambiguously undermines the incentives of
extension staff to reach out to farmers or even update their skills and knowledge.
Instead of assessing outcomes and performance, time is spent collecting and reporting
on input indicators, which are easier to obtain and measure.

Weak accountability. Because the effectiveness of extension activities cannot be

easily established and performance is measured in terms of input indicators, field
staff are generally not held accountable for the quality of their extension work and
are often able to shirk on quantity as well. The same impact attribution problems
mean that higher-level managers, though nominally accountable for extension
performance to the political level, are monitored mainly in terms of budget spent,
staffing levels, and other bureaucratic indicators. Accountability to clients is only
nominal, as typically there are neither mechanisms nor incentives to make extension
services accountable to farmers—who are the only ones who can easily observe the
quality and effectiveness of extension services. Little attention is given to systematic
participation by the farming community in problem definition, problem solving, and
extension programming. Without mechanisms for accountability to farmers, incent-
ives are distorted. Extension agents divert time and energy to other activities, which
earn them extra remuneration, such as promoting inputs for which they earn a
commission, or helping farmers access credit.

Weak political commitment and support. Even in countries where agriculture is still
a large economic sector, public policies and investments have traditionally favored
urban areas (Binswanger and Deininger 1997). Within agriculture, extension tends
to be a weak claimant on agricultural budgets. In nearly half the extension projects
examined in a mid-1990s World Bank study, lack of commitment and support by
senior government officials adversely affected implementation and funding (Purcell
and Anderson 1997). Feder, Willett, and Zijp (2001) posit that a plausible reason for
the lack of adequate support (and the resulting limited funding) by politicians and
senior officials to extension investments is the absence of the kind of political payoffs
that can be earned from other public outlays that have visible impacts, such as the

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 47

double cropping that follows from an irrigation investment or the reduction in trans-
port cost following construction of a bridge or road.

Public duties other than knowledge transfer. Because extension services typically
employ large numbers of public servants at the rural community level, governments
are often inclined to assign other duties to extension staff, such as collecting statis-
tics, administering loan paperwork and input distribution (for government-provided
inputs), implementing special programs (such as erosion control), and performing
regulatory duties (Feder and Slade 1993; Purcell and Anderson 1997). Many of
these duties are easier than extension services for supervisors to monitor, as there
are clear and quantifiable performance criteria (number of loan applications returned,
number of statistical reports submitted). As mentioned, there may also be monetary
incentives for performing some of these other activities (such as input distribution)
that have a clear cash value to farmers. This misallocation of extension agents’ time
at the expense of information dissemination can go undetected because the out-
comes of core extension duties are so difficult to attribute and because accountability
to farmers is weak or absent.

Fiscal sustainability. An outcome of many of the shortcomings of public extension

systems is persistent funding difficulties. The public goods nature of many extension
services makes cost recovery at the individual beneficiary level difficult, whereas the
dependence on public funding is problematic because of weak political commitment.
When budgets shrink, fixed staff costs claim a large share of available funds, and
field operations are curtailed, along with other recurrent costs (such as vehicle
purchase and maintenance). Scaling down field operations reduces not only the
quantity of extension inputs but also their quality, as feedback from farmers is
reduced and with it timely follow-up on farmers’ issues.
Fiscal inadequacy and the unsustainability of extension operations are common
themes in the extension literature (see Feder, Willett, and Zijp 2001; Hanson and
Just 2001). More than 70 percent of extension projects in a sample of World Bank–
supported operations faced “unlikely” or “uncertain” sustainability (Purcell and
Anderson 1997). More recently, this shortcoming has received critical attention in
the wider agricultural development literature (Kydd and others 2001).

Extension Modalities as Induced Institutional Innovations

This section applies the framework developed in the previous section to analyze sev-
eral extension modalities that have emerged in the past three decades. These newer
approaches, which depart from the traditional public service model, reflect attempts
to overcome some of the weaknesses inherent in the public extension systems of

48 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
recent decades (Anderson, Clément, and Crowder 1999; Anderson 1999; FAO and
World Bank 2000).

Training and Visit Extension

The training and visit model of extension organization was promoted by the World
Bank during 1975–95 in more than 70 countries (Umali and Schwartz 1994).
The system stressed a single line of command, with several levels of field and super-
visory staff; in-house subject matter specialists to provide training to staff and tackle
technical issues reported by field staff; exclusive dedication to technical information
dissemination; a strict and predetermined schedule of village visits over a two-week
cycle, with contacts with selected “contact farmers”; mandatory biweekly training
emphasizing the key set of messages for the forthcoming two-week cycle; a seasonal
workshop with research personnel; and better remuneration and transport for
extension staff. Although the training and visit design attempted to tackle some of
the weaknesses of the public extension service, it also exacerbated other weaknesses.
In the end, most of these new structures collapsed.
The problems of scale and complexity were tackled by a heavy reliance on for-
mally selected contact farmers within an identifiable farming group. By working
with a small number of contact farmers, who were expected to pass on what they
learned to the rest of the farming group, agents were to maximize coverage. But the
required staff-farmer ratios implied a significantly larger extension staff, and thus
the training and visit extension systems cost some 25–40 percent more than the
systems they replaced (Feder and Slade 1993; Antholt 1994). The design intended
to deal with accountability by improving management’s ability to monitor staff
activities, taking advantage of the strict visit schedule, identifiable contact farmers,
intensive hierarchy of supervisory staff, and other quantifiable measures. The moni-
torable daily schedule also eliminated most activities other than information dissem-
ination. The interaction with research was improved through seasonal meetings,
but little influence was gained over research priorities.
Several features of the design could not stand up to practical realities, however.
The quality of extension services remained mostly unmonitorable, and the lack of
accountability to farmers was not resolved. Biases in the selection of contact farmers
led to diminished diffusion as contact farmers were often replaced by “contact
groups.” The strict biweekly visit schedule could not be maintained because agents
often lacked new messages to convey and farmers had limited interest in frequent
visits. The training and visit system appeared to have little impact over time.
Although a 1986 study by Feder and Slade (1993) found a positive impact on yields
in Haryana, India, three years after project initiation, studies in Pakistan (Hussain,
Byerlee, and Heisey 1994) and Kenya (Gautam 2000) found no significant impact
after a longer period.

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 49

Many observers, including early skeptics such as Moore (1984), agree that what
eventually brought about the dismantling of the training and visit extension system
was lack of financial sustainability, a general problem of large public extension sys-
tems made worse by the higher cost of the training and visit structure. As the ability
to demonstrate impact was not improved, there was no significant change in the
political commitment to support extension. In country after country, once the World
Bank ceased funding (assuming that the new system had been “mainstreamed”),
funding returned to the lower levels of the past, which could not sustain the training
and visit system. Hard-pressed governments have struggled with downsizing
options, in some cases supported by bilateral donors and inevitably coupled with
other extension reforms (Sulaiman and Hall 2002).

Decentralization retains the public delivery and public funding characteristics of
traditional centralized extension but transfers responsibility for delivery to local
governments (district, county). This approach was tried by several Latin American
governments in the 1980s and 1990s (Wilson 1991) and by Uganda (Crowder and
Anderson 2002) and other African countries later. Decentralization is intended to
improve accountability by moving services closer to the people who use them. Local
governments (if democratically elected) are eager to receive positive feedback on ser-
vices from the clientele-electorate. This was expected to improve extension agents’
incentives and induce better service. The costs of coordination with the activities of
other agencies are also generally lower for local agencies operating in smaller geo-
graphical areas. Political commitment may be stronger as well because the clientele
is closer to the political leadership.
But decentralized extension agencies also face a multitude of additional problems.
There is greater potential for political interference and the use of extension staff for
other activities (such as election campaigns). Economies of scale in updating staff
skills can be lost, and extension-research links are more difficult to organize. Analysis
of Colombia’s experience with the decentralization of extension confirms these con-
cerns and documents a significant increase in the number of staff and thus in costs
(Garfield, Guadagni, and Moreau 1996). Problems of financial sustainability, rather
than being resolved, may merely have been transferred to the local level.
A related reform was the devolution of extension functions to farmers associa-
tions rather than to local governments, a strategy pursued in several West African
countries with some notable successes (Guinea). This approach is likely to have
a greater impact on accountability, because the employer is even closer to the clientele.
There is also greater potential for financial sustainability, because the farmers’ asso-
ciation that provides the public good is better able to recover costs from its members
(through general membership fees, for example), although government funding is

50 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
generally also provided to the associations. Extension agents may be permanent
employees of the associations or contract employees of private entities, nongovern-
mental organizations, or universities. Conceptually, their incentives for better ser-
vice are fairly similar regardless of their standing. Remaining problems include
difficulties maintaining agent quality due to loss of economies of scale in training
and more difficult linkages with research.

Fee for Service and Privatized Extension

Fee for service extension programs in developing economies can reduce the fiscal
burden of public extension services, though they usually entail considerable public
funding even when the provider is private. Government-funded vouchers or other
public support is common (Keynan, Olin, and Dinar 1997; Dinar and Keynan
2001). Small groups of farmers typically contract for extension services to address
their specific information needs. Because this solves the accountability problem, the
quality of service is likely to be higher. Farmers determine the type of information
that is important to them, so the impact of extension advice is likely to be high (Lindner
1993). Defining the public good at the small group level and having the whole group
share in the cost resolve the free-rider and nonrivalry problems. Tracing extension
impact is much less of a problem than in other types of extension service provision,
although issues of asymmetric knowledge of the value of information and identifi-
ability of benefits remain and raise design challenges (Hanson and Just 2001).
Another drawback is the loss of economies of scale in agent training, because agents
will generally have to update their skills individually.
An important role for public extension policy is to facilitate the development of
private provision of extension services and the gradual withdrawal of the public
sector (Keynan, Olin, and Dinar 1997; van den Ban 2000; Dinar and Keynan 2001;
Holloway and Ehui 2001). The potential for conflict of interest in contracting
arrangements may warrant public regulation and monitoring backed by public
information for checking on the quality of the information supplied (Mullen,
Vernon, and Fishpool 2000; Rivera and Zijp 2002).
A key drawback of fee for service modes of extension is that less commercial
farmers—poorer farmers, women farmers, farmers with smaller or less favorable
plots—for whom the value of information is lower, may purchase fewer extension
services, because the price of the service will tend to be market-determined. This
may have undesirable social implications and may also be an inefficient outcome if
poor farmers undervalue information because they have less ability to prejudge its
value. One way around this problem is stratification of extension systems by types of
clients (Sulaiman and Sadamate 2000). Smaller-scale and poorer farmers may be
served by public extension or by subsidized contracted extension services (for example,
an association of small-scale farmers would receive public funds to hire extension

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 51

staff). Commercial farmers, meanwhile, would be expected to pay a higher share of
extension costs in a fee for service system (Wilson 1991; Dinar and Keynan 2001).
A fully privatized extension system may result in inefficiencies, however, if there are
externalities, such as concerns about soil conservation (Hanson and Just 2001).

Farmer Field Schools

Farmer field schools were originally introduced to teach irrigated-rice farmers in
Asia about integrated pest management. After being implemented in Indonesia and
the Philippines, the programs were replicated in other countries and for other crops,
usually with significant donor funding. A typical farmer field school educates farmers
on agro-ecosystems analysis, including practical aspects of “plant health, water
management, weather, weed density, disease surveillance, plus observation and
collection of insect pests and beneficials” (Indonesian National IPM Program Secre-
tariat 1991:5). The approach uses participatory training methods to educate field
school participants to make farmer pest observers into “confident [integrated pest
management] experts, self-teaching experimenters, and effective trainers of farmers
and extension workers” (Wiebers 1993:32).
A program consists of 9–12 half-day sessions of hands-on farmer experimentation
and informal training to a group of 20–25 farmers during a single crop-growing season.
Initially, paid trainers lead this village-level program, delivering diagnostics and
practical solutions for overall good crop management practices. Through group
interactions, attendees sharpen their decisionmaking abilities and their leadership,
communication, and management skills (van de Fliert 1993). Some participating
farmers are selected to receive additional training that qualifies them as farmer-
trainers, with official backup support, such as training materials.
The farmer field school approach seeks to rectify the problem of accountability.
The trainers who conduct the field school are bound by a strict timetable of sessions
and a prespecified curriculum, which can be easily verified by supervisors. Continuous
interaction with a cohesive group of trainees creates accountability to the group,
which is enhanced by the participatory nature of the training methods. Later, when
the training is administered by farmer-trainers who are members of the community,
accountability to farmers is presumed to be even greater.
A key drawback of the former field school approach is its cost, which is likely to
raise problems of financial sustainability. The intense training activities are expensive
per farmer trained (Quizon, Feder, and Murgai 2001a,b), so the amount of service
actually delivered (the number of farmers trained) on a national level would be
small. Cost-effectiveness and financial sustainability could be improved if farmer-
trainers were to become the main trainers, perhaps with significant community
funding, and if informal farmer-to-farmer communications were used to facilitate
knowledge diffusion.

52 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
In practice, however, farmer-trainers have been a minor factor in national farmer
field school initiatives in Indonesia and the Philippines (Quizon, Feder, and Murgai
2001a). A study in the Philippines found little diffusion of knowledge from trained
farmers to other farmers, presumably because the content of the training is difficult
to transmit in casual, nonstructured communications (Rola, Jamias, and Quizon
2002). Recent analysis of field farmer schools in Indonesia found no significant
impact on yields and pesticide use by trained farmers or members of their communities
(Feder, Murgai, and Quizon 2004). This suggests that both the curriculum and the
training approach need to be rethought.

The Impact of Extension

Over the past four decades, extension operations have been one of the largest institu-
tional development efforts the world has ever known. Hundreds of thousands of
technicians have been trained, and hundreds of millions of farmers have had contact
with extension services. As countries struggle with declining public budgets, a key
question must wonder how effective these extension investments have been. Many
studies have analyzed the impact of extension and reported impressive results, but
the data challenges and econometric difficulties in the analyses suggest that many of
the results must be interpreted with caution.
In principle, the economic analysis of extension projects is similar to that of any
investment appraisal (see Belli and others 2001, for example), but inevitably
challenges arise in appropriately valuing and attributing benefits. For projects that
deliver agricultural knowledge products to producers, effectiveness in enhancing
productivity can be quantified by estimating the economic benefits to producers
(or consumers) and computing a rate of return to the investment (Maredia, Byerlee,
and Anderson 2001). Rates of return can be estimated econometrically by relating
productivity changes to investment in research and extension or by applying the
economic surplus method, which builds benefits from the bottom up based on esti-
mated productivity changes at the field level and adoption rates for each technology.
More comprehensive studies may also seek to trace the wider economic benefits of
research and extension through factor and product markets. Economic analysts are
increasingly being asked to address objectives beyond efficiency, such as equity and
poverty alleviation, environmental quality, food safety, and nutrition (see, for example,
Alston, Norton, and Pardey 1995). But there is still no consensus on how far
research and extension organizations should depart from their traditional efficiency
objective to guide policy analysts concerned with the relevance and effectiveness of
investment in research and extension.
In econometric studies, a production function, cost function, or total factor
productivity analysis is used to estimate the change in productivity resulting from

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 53

an investment in extension. A production function incorporates conventional
inputs (land, labor), nonconventional inputs (education, infrastructure), and the
stock of technical knowledge (perhaps represented by investment in extension).
Recent efforts have expanded the specification to include resource quality variables
(soil erosion, nutrient status) and weather variables. The estimated coefficients on
extension (measuring marginal product) are then used to calculate the value of
additional output attributable to the respective expenditures (holding other inputs
constant) and to derive marginal rates of return to the investments.
There are many technical areas of debate in the literature on econometric methods,
such as the length and shape of time-lag structures, the appropriate method of deter-
mining the rate of return from the estimations, and the quality of indices used as the
dependent variable (Alston, Norton, and Pardey 1995). However, the main con-
straints on the wider application of econometric approaches in developing economies
are data availability and quality. The econometric approach requires good-quality
time-series data, which are difficult to obtain below the national or state level in
most developing economies. Therefore, this approach is generally best for ex post
evaluations of entire agricultural research and extension systems over a long period
(say, 25–30 years), if the quantity and quality of data allow the use of statistical
methods. Much of the work in this area in developing economies was pioneered by
Robert Evenson (see, for example, Evenson and Pray 1991).
One good approach is to use panel data to capture both cross-sectional and time-
series variability (Gautam 2000). Secondary panel data are increasingly available
for many variables at the district level, especially production and input data, and
some recent studies have even included districtwide data on resource quality (for a
review of such studies, see Maredia, Byerlee, and Anderson 2001). Most of the studies
have focused on the impact of research rather than extension. Indeed, in studies
based on time-series data, it is often difficult to separate the effects of research from
those of extension. As panel data become more widely available, the use of econo-
metric analysis of extension impact will expand.
Birkhaeuser, Evenson, and Feder (1991) provided an early review of studies of
extension impact and found few studies that systematically compared costs and benefits
with and without an extension project. Although early evaluations of extension
investments criticized the observed low levels of efficiency and frequent lack of
equity in service provision, they reported relatively high benefit-cost ratios (see
Perraton and others 1983). More recent studies have also found significant and
positive effects (Bindlish, Evenson, and Gbetibouo 1993; Bindlish and Evenson
1993), with internal rates of return on extension investments in developing econo-
mies ranging from 5 percent to more than 50 percent (Bindlish and Evenson 1997;
Evenson 1997).
The overriding lesson of Evenson’s (1997) review of 57 studies of the economic
impact of agricultural extension is, however, that impacts vary widely—many programs

54 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
have been highly effective, whereas others have not. A recent meta-analysis of 289
studies of economic returns to agricultural research and extension found median
rates of return of 58 percent for extension investments, 49 percent for research, and
36 percent for combined investments in research and extension (Alston and others
2000).1 Similar economic performance has been documented for Sub-Saharan
Africa alone (Oehmke, Anandajayasekeram, and Masters 1997).
However, although economic analysis seems to provide fairly strong justification
for many past extension investments, it does not tell the full story. Concern about data
quality and difficult methodological issues of causality and quantification of benefits
must be important qualifiers to the prevailing evidence of good economic returns
from extension. In Kenya, perhaps the most closely studied case in developing areas
(from Leonard 1977 to Gautam 2000), early evaluations had indicated remarkably
high positive economic returns to extension investments, but a comprehensive
evaluation based on new and improved data found disappointing performance—an
ineffective, inefficient, and unsustainable training and visit system and no measur-
able impact on farmer efficiency or crop productivity (Gautam 2000). Such findings
do little to dispel the skepticism of policymakers (reinforced by observations such as
those of Hassan, Karanja, and Mulamula 1998) about the returns to investment in
public extension. More evaluative work is clearly called for to assist policymaking
and investment decisions.

Agricultural extension can play an important role in development. The public goods
character of much extension work underpins the extensive public investment in
extension services. But although public extension organizations are common in
developing economies, they are often inadequately funded and their effectiveness is
limited by many administrative and design deficiencies and challenges. Chief among
these are the large scale and complexity of extension operations, the important
influence of the broader policy environment, weak links between extension and
knowledge generation institutions, difficulties tracing extension impact, problems of
accountability, weak political commitment and support, the frequent encumbrance
of extension agents with public duties beyond those related to knowledge transfer,
and severe difficulties of fiscal unsustainability.
Among these general problems of extension organization, the difficulty of attrib-
uting impact weakens political support, leading to small budgets and problems of fiscal
sustainability. Ironically, this same difficulty may explain why international devel-
opment agencies continue to heavily support extension activities, financing some
$10 billion in public extension projects over the past five decades. The economic jus-
tification for the project is rarely based on solid ex ante cost-benefit analysis, because

Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder 55

parameters are typically not available from past projects because of the difficulties of
attributing impact. Attribution problems also imply that it will be difficult to estab-
lish failure once a project is completed (completion is the artificial point in time when
donor funding is fully disbursed but farming and extension activities continue).
Several other factors also account for the popularity of extension projects among
donors. Extension projects are relatively easy to design, typically involving a small
number of recipient government agencies, often just the ministry of agriculture.
This reduces bureaucratic complexity. The activities funded by the project are well-
defined inputs: constructing and refurbishing extension offices, training agents, pro-
viding transport and budgets for field operations, and funding additional personnel.
If the project is national in scale, it is easy for donors to build its budget to a signifi-
cant size—a positive attribute for a development agency striving to maintain its own
cost-effectiveness per dollar granted or loaned.
There is thus some tension between domestic decisionmakers, who are reluctant
to invest heavily in extension, and development agencies, which enthusiastically
promote investment in extension. The availability of external funds minimizes the
need for tradeoffs between investments in extension and investments in more politi-
cally rewarding undertakings, such as irrigation systems. But it also simply post-
pones the day of reckoning. Once the externally funded project is over, the lack of
political support resurfaces and extension budgets are again cut. The more expen-
sive features of the foreign-funded effort are abandoned, and the size of the extension
service is cut way back (Purcell and Anderson 1997).
Several lessons for future extension systems emerged from this review, including
some reflections on the pros and cons of different models of extension delivery that
were developed in the past few decades. Each situation calls for suitable extension
provision methods, but this review emphasizes the efficiency gains that can come
from locally decentralized delivery and incentive structures based on largely private
provision. Most extension services will remain largely publicly funded, however,
especially in impoverished developing economies.
Much remains to be done to bring appropriate extension services to poor farmers
around the world. But investors need to be cautious in designing public extension
systems and to draw lessons from experience. Informed by these lessons, govern-
ments should be able to increase the returns to their investment and successfully
assist farmers in boosting their productivity and income, thereby contributing to
stronger economic growth.

Jock R. Anderson was an adviser and is presently a consultant in the Agriculture and Rural Develop-
ment Department at the World Bank; his e-mail address is Gershon

56 The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2004)
Feder is research manager in the Development Research Group at the World Bank; his e-mail address
is The authors have drawn on the considerable World Bank experience
with extension, including the work of many of their colleagues, notably Gary Alex, Derek Byerlee,
Ariel Dinar, David Nielson, Dina Umali-Deininger, and Willem Zijp. Seniority of authorship is not
1. The sample of studies was strongly oriented toward research. Only 18 of 1128 estimates of rates
of return were for “extension only,” whereas 598 were for “research only” and 512 for “research and
extension combined.”

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