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MMathPhys Handbook 2020-2021

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Master of Mathematics and Physics

(MMathPhys) and MSc in

Mathematical and Theoretical Physics

Course Handbook
This handbook applies to students starting the Master of Mathematics and Physics (MMathPhys) or the
MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in Michaelmas term 2020. The information in this handbook
may be different for students starting in other years.
The Examination Regulations relating to this course are available at
If there is a conflict between the information in this handbook and the Examination Regulations then you
should follow the Examinations Regulations. If you have any concerns please contact
The information in this handbook is accurate as of 1 October 2020, however it may be necessary for changes
to be made in certain circumstances, as explained at If such changes are
made the department will publish a new version of this handbook together with a list of the changes and
students will be informed.

Version 1.0


Welcome to the Oxford Master Course in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. Our course provides a
high-level education in the areas of Theoretical Particle Physics/String Theory, Condensed Matter Theory,
Theoretical Astrophysics/Fluids and Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Physics up to the level of
As you are probably aware, there is considerable flexibility in designing your path through the course; you
can decide to focus on one of the above areas or study more widely across areas. It is important that
you consider your choices carefully. Consult the syllabi and the case studies in this handbook for more
information and, if in doubt, talk to your personal tutor or an academic related to the programme.
For an advanced programme of these kind written examinations are not always the best form of assessment.
You will find that the way we evaluate your work often correlates with the nature of the material. Typically,
there will be formal written exams for the basic, foundational courses, other forms of assessment such as
take-home exams or mini-projects for intermediate courses and a home-work completion requirement for
advanced courses. There are certain constraints on assessment — for example you have to sit four written
exams. Be sure that your course choices are consistent with these constraints. Also note that Trinity term
is devoted to advanced courses and there is no designated “revision” period.
Passing exams is a necessary and important part of learning and education but we hope you agree that
there is significantly more to it. Enthusiasm, engagement with the subject, the desire for deep and profound
understanding is what truly motivates us and we hope this is how you will engage with the course. We wish
you a successful, productive and insightful year.
Lionel Mason and Steve Simon


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Key Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Key contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 The Academic Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Finding Your Way Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 The MSc Course 3

2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Aims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 Course Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5 Additional Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Teaching and Learning 7

3.1 Organisation of Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 Class Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Class Withdrawal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Dissertations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.6 Advice on Teaching and Learning Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.7 Skills and Learning Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.8 Key Teaching Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4 Examinations and Assessments 12

4.1 Assessment of the Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Examination Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Examination Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Examination Dates and Submission Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5 Preparation and Submission of Coursework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5.1 Mini-Projects and Take-Home Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5.2 Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5.3 Plagiarism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.6 Sitting Invigilated Written Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.7 Examination Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.8 Key Assessment Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Resources and Facilities 15
5.1 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 Computing Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3 Careers and Employability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6 Student Representation and Feedback 17

6.1 Student Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.2 Consultative Committee for Graduates – Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.3 The Physics Joint Consultative Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.4 Divisional and University Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.5 Opportunities to Provide Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.6 Key Student Representation Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

7 Student Support and Academic Policies 19

7.1 Where to Find Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.2 Complaints and academic appeals within the Department of Physics and the Mathematical
Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.3 Buddy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.4 Student Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.5 University Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.6 Departmental Safety Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.7 Key Student Support Links and Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

A Course Calendar 23

B Case Studies 24

C Suggested Dissertation Topics 28

D Glossary of Key Terms 37

1 Introduction

This handbook contains important information about the Masters course in Mathematical and Theoretical
Physics. It is intended as a guide and reference for you throughout the course. There are a number of other
sources of information that you will need to refer to during your course and links to these are given below,
together with a list of key contacts.

1.1 Key Sources of Information

Course website:

The course schedule, course synopses, details of seminars and the online course handbook can all be
found here.

Mathematical Institute website:

Department of Physics website:

Examination Regulations:

The University’s examination regulations govern all academic matters within the University and con-
tain the general regulations for the conduct of University examinations, as well as specific regulations
for each degree programme offered by the University.

Examination Conventions:

The examination conventions for the course set out how each unit will be assessed and how the final
degree classification will be derived from the marks obtained for the individual units.


Oxford Student website:

This website provides access to information, services and resources.

Oxford Student Handbook:

This contains general information and guidance about studying at the University of Oxford, and gives
you formal notification and explanation of the University’s codes, regulations, policies and procedures.

College Handbook: The handbook for your college will be available on the college website.

1.2 Key contacts

Director of Studies Prof. Lionel Mason (tel: (6)15328)


Chair of JSC Prof. Steve Simon (tel: (2)73954)


MTP Administrator Jasmine Smith (tel: (6)15159)


Undergraduate Administrator Nicole Collins (tel: (6)15204)


Graduate Administrator Sandy Patel (tel: (6)15208)

Head of Academic Administration Charlotte Turner-Smith (tel: (6)15203)

Mathematical Institute Reception (tel: (2)73525)

Department of Physics Reception (tel: (2)72200)

As a graduate student you will have access to a Microsoft Teams account. During the pandemic Microsoft
Teams and e-mails are the most common means of communication between students and staff. All people
listed in the contacts list above can also be contacted via Microsoft Teams.

1.3 The Academic Year

The course lasts three terms, from the beginning of October to the end of the following June. Some work is
carried out in the vacations.
For the academic year 2020–2021, the course begins with an induction on 6 October 2020. The dates of the
University Full Terms for the Academic Year 2020–2021 are:
MT = Michaelmas Term 2020: 12 October – 4 December
HT = Hilary Term 2021: 18 January – 12 March
TT = Trinity Term 2021: 26 April – 18 June
A calendar of important dates is given in Appendix A.

1.4 Finding Your Way Around

Teaching for the course (where in-person teaching occurs) will take place in the Mathematical Institute
( and in the Denys Wilkinson Building or in the
Clarendon Building of the Department of Physics (
pdf ). To enter the Denys Wilkinson Building, go up the wide concrete steps from Keble Road; turn left at
the top and the entrance is facing you. The main entrance to the Clarendon in on Parks Road, next to the
University Parks. The building location of each Physics lecture room can be found at
20Rooms.pdf . At the Mathematical Institute, all lecture rooms and classrooms are located on the mez-
zanine level.
A searchable, interactive map of all college, department and libraries can be found at

2 The MSc Course

2.1 Overview

The Master’s Course in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics is offered in two modes, the MMathPhys for
Oxford students and the MSc for students from outside Oxford. The academic content is identical for both
modes. If you are an Oxford MPhys, MMath or MPhysPhil student, who transfers to the MMathPhys you
will graduate as a “Master of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics” with a double classification consisting
of the BA degree class in your original subject and an MMathPhys degree class. If you are a student on the
MSc course, you will graduate with an “MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.”
These qualifications may be compared to national standards for higher education qualifications through the
Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). The University awards framework (UAF) maps the
awards of the University against the levels of the FHEQ. The FHEQ level for both the MMathPhys course
and MSc course is 7. The relevant subject benchmark statements for the course, which set out expectations
about standards of degrees in a given subject area, are Physics & Astronomy (QAA 2008) and Mathematics,
Statistics & Operational Research (QAA 2015).

2.2 Aims

The Oxford Master’s Course in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics aims to provide students with a high-
level, internationally competitive training in mathematical and theoretical physics, right up to the level of
modern research in the area.
As a graduate of this programme you will be in a prime position to compete for research degree places in an
area of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at leading research universities in the UK or overseas; or to
pursue a research-related career, based on the acquired high-level ability in mathematics and its applications
to physical systems, outside academia.

2.3 Learning Outcomes

During the course you will develop a knowledge and understanding of:

• Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, focusing on one of the areas of Theoretical Particle Physics,
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics/Fluids, or studying across these
• A broad range of physical phenomena and their description within Theoretical and Mathematical
• A wide range of advanced mathematical techniques and structures and how they are applied in The-
oretical Physics.

You will also have the opportunity to develop the following skills.
Intellectual Skills

• An appreciation of the principles of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics and their application to
natural phenomena.
• The ability to model physical phenomena and deploy a wide range of mathematical methods for their

• A working knowledge of high-level mathematical methods and their application to systems in physics
and beyond.

Practical Skills

• Ability to apply mathematical methods to practical problems.

• Ability to construct, write-up and communicate logical arguments of some complexity.

Transferable Skills

• Ability solve problems effectively and to apply high-level mathematical methods to a wide range of

• Ability to manage your time and to acquire a complex body of knowledge in a limited time.

• Ability to manage your own learning and study for research or other professional qualifications.

2.4 Course Structure

The programme consists of a large array of lecture courses covering the main areas of modern Theoreti-
cal/Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The courses are subdivided into the following strands:

• Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics and String Theory

• Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics,

• Theoretical Astrophysics, Plasma Physics and Physics of Continuous Media.

• Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Physics

Various areas of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics are interconnected, grounded in universal principles
and thrive on ideas that cross many sub-field boundaries. A number of courses are shared between the three
strands and emphasise the unity of the subject. This applies especially to the foundational courses offered
in Michaelmas term. These are followed by increasingly specialised courses in Hilary and Trinity terms,
although those too will strive to make connections between subject areas.
There are no compulsory courses and you will thus be able to choose a path reflecting your intellectual
tastes or career choices; Appendix B gives examples of different pathways through the course. An overview
of the courses can be found in the table accompanying this section. Detailed synopsis for each course can be
found at and a table providing details of the
assessment method for each course can be found in Appendix A of the examination conventions.
You will be required to undertake 10 units, with 1 unit corresponding to 16 hours of lectures. This means
that 16-hour lecture courses count as one unit, while, for example, 24-hour lecture courses count as 1.5 units.
More specifically you are required to offer:

(a) four units that are assessed by written invigilated exams,

(b) three units that are assessed by written invigilated exams or by other formal assessments,

(c) three other units (which may be from courses with homework completion requirement
only or from assessed courses).

One or two of the 10 units in (b) or (c) can be replaced by a dissertation. There are no other formal
constraints on course choices and students are otherwise free to design their own pathways (although paying
close attention to the guidance offered is strongly recommended). Note however that you should be careful
about the number of units you undertake each term, and that taking too many units in Trinity term may
be difficult as exams start on week 6. In practice it may be difficult to fit in more than 12 units in total.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you fulfil the requirements for the overall number of
units and the number of assessed units. The modes of assessment and details on completion requirements
for all courses are provided in Appendix A of the exam conventions.
You will be offered detailed academic guidance from the Director of Studies or an Academic Adviser desig-
nated by the Director of Studies on choosing an individual path suitable for you. Course lecturers will also
advise on the recommended background for their courses or possible follow-up courses you might wish to

2.5 Additional Courses

In addition to the courses listed in the table, which are offered explicitly as part of the MMathPhys/MSc pro-
gramme, you will also be allowed to choose a maximum of three-units worth of MMath Part C (see http:// or MPhys
Part C (see lecture courses that are not listed here, subject
to approval by the Director of Studies, Prof. Lionel Mason at, and copying in Approval for MT additional courses should be sought by Monday week -1 of
MT (the Monday before week 0) Approval for HT additional courses should be sought by week 9 of MT.

Legend for fonts, colours and superscripts in the Table:

Bold: a foundational course;

Plain: an interdisciplinary course shared between strands;

Italic: a course special to a particular strand;

Red(P U :N N ) : a course also taught (in some cases in part) as a Part C course in Physics, NN is its number;

Blue(M U :N N N ) : a course also taught as a Part B or C course in Mathematics, NNN is its number;

Purple(M G) : a course also taught as a PG course in Mathematics;

Black: an MMathPhys/MSc course, also taught as a PG course in Physics;

’M’ a course where lectures and classes are taught at the Mathematical Institute;

’P’ a course where lectures and classes are taught at the Department of Physics;

’Phil’ a course where lectures and classes are taught at the Department of Philosophy;
a course that may not be available every year.

Overview of Lecture Courses
Theoretical Particle Physics Theoretical Condensed Matter Theor. Astrophysics, Plasma Physics
Physics & Physics of Continuous Media
Quantum Field Theory (P)(24)
Advanced Quantum Theory(P U :C6) (P) (20)
Topological Quantum Theory (P) (16)
Kinetic Theory (P) (28)
Rad. Proc. & High Energy Astro. (P) (18)
Quantum Processes in Hot Plasma (P) (12)
(M U :C7.5)
Gen. Relativity I (M) (16) ⇐ ⇒ Gen. Relativity I(M U :C7.5) (M) (16)
(M U :C5.5)
MT Perturbation Methods (M) (16)
(M U :C6.1)
Numerical Linear Algebra (M) (16)
Groups and Representations (P) (24)
Algebraic Topology(M U :C3.1) (M) (16)
(M U :C3.3) (M U :C3.3)
Differential Geometry (M)(16) ⇐ ⇒ Differential Geometry (M) (16)
Advanced Philosophy of Physics (Phil.) (16)
Algebraic Geometry(M U :C3.4) (M) (16)
Advanced Fluid Dynamics (P) (16)
Soft Matter Physics (P) (8)
Renormalisation Group (P) (20)
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (P) (16)
Advanced QFT (24) High Energy Density Physics (P) (16)
(M G) (M U :C5.4)
String Theory I (M) (16) Networks (M) (16) Collisionless Plasma Physics (P) (18)
Supersymmetry & Sugra(M) (16) Galactic & Planetary Dyn. (P) (16)
HT Geophys. Fluid Dynamics (P) (16)
(M U :C7.4)
Intro to Quantum Information (M) (16)
Gen. Relativity II(M U :C7.6) (M) (16) ⇐ ⇒ Gen. Relativity II(M U :C7.6) (M) (16)
Cosmology (P) (16) ⇐ ⇒ Cosmology (P)(16)
(M U :C7.7)
Random Matrix Theory (M) (16)
Applied Complex Variables(M U :C5.6) (M) (16)
Symbolic, Numerical and Graphical Scientific Programming (M) (16)
Advanced Philosophy of Physics (Phil.)(8)
Geom. Group Th.(M U :C3.2) (M) (16)
Conformal Field Theory (∗) (M) (16)
Topics in Soft & Active Matter Physics (P) (8)
(M G,∗)
String Theory II (M) (16)
The Standard Model and Beyond I (P) (16)
TT The Standard Model and Beyond II (P) (16)
Collisional Plasma Physics (P) (12)
Astroparticle Physics (P) (8)
Advanced Topics in Plasma Physics (P) (8)
Quantum Matter (P) (16)
QFT in Curved Space (M) (16) ⇐ ⇒ QFT in Curved Space(∗) (M) (16)
Dissertation, replacing one or two 16-hour lecture course

3 Teaching and Learning

3.1 Organisation of Teaching

Teaching for the course will be provided jointly by the Department of Physics and the Mathematical Institute
through lectures and classes. In addition, students undertaking a dissertation will have supervision meetings
with their dissertation supervisor.

3.2 Lectures

Depending on the options you take you will have between 6-8 hours of lectures per week. Where in-
person lecturing occurs, a lecture timetable for each term will be made available on the course website For online teaching, you will be sent a doc-
ument providing links to access recorded lectures or to access live-streamed lectures. Please do not share
these links outside your cohort. If you have a friend on another Maths/Physics related degree at the Uni-
versity of Oxford who would like to access lecture links, please direct them to either the course lecturer or and one of us will be able to determine if the student can be given access.

Course Material

Course material, such as lecture notes and problem sheets, will be published on the Mathematical Institute’s
website and the Department of Physics’ website. Students should follow the links to the appropriate pages
from the lecture schedule on the course website.

3.3 Class Registration

Lecture courses will normally be accompanied by problem sets and weekly or fortnightly problem classes.
Classes will usually contain 8–10 students. For most courses you will need to sign-up for the set of classes
you wish to attend at the start of each term, and this is usually done via an online sign-up system.
For classes held at the Mathematical Institute, you will be sent an email in week 0 from the e-mail address alerting you that class registration is open and providing you with
details of the registration process. You will not be able attend classes at Maths unless you register for
them beforehand. You can find out which class you have been allocated to by looking at the class lists
For classes held at the Department of Physics, depending on the course, you will either register for classes
online via a poll to select which class you can attend, or the lecturer may advise you that you can attend
the class without undertaking any registration beforehand. At the start of each term, please look out for e-
mails from the, where information on how to register for the different
To see which courses take part in each department, please refer to the table page 6 of the course handbook,
where a course followed by a (P) is a course held at the Department of Physics, and a course followed by
an (M) is a course held at the Mathematical Institute.
If you are taking the Advanced Philosophy of Physics option, you will arrange tutorials directly with the
course tutor and there will not be a separate class registration process.

3.4 Class Withdrawal

If you wish to withdraw from a class held at the Department of Physics, please inform your tutor or teaching
For classes held at the Mathematical Institute, please note that after being assigned to a class, you will have
until Monday week 4 of each term to request a class switch or to decide that you would no longer like to
attend a particular class. To do so, please contact your class tutor.
It is important to withdraw from a class if you no longer wish to take it. If you do not withdraw from a
class, then your college will be charged for your attendance. Furthermore, when you withdraw from a class,
your tutor and teaching assistant will know not to expect you to attend, and will not need to enquire any
further to the reason for non-attendance or be concerned about your absence from classes.
If you have made an official exam entry for a course via student self-service (see page 12) and decide that
you no longer wish to take that course, please note that in addition to withdrawing from the classes that
accompany the lecture course and assessment, you must also withdraw from the assessment itself. Please
contact your college office to officially withdraw from any exams, formal assessments or homework options
for which you have made an official exam entry .

Online Submission Process

Whether you are taking a course which is assessed by homework completion, or are submitting problem
sheets in general for an examined or formally assessed course, you will be required to submit your homework
online by the time and dates which will be made available on the course pages when times and dates have
been confirmed by the lecturers and teaching assistants:
How to submit your homework:

• If you have hand-written your problem sheet, you will need to scan your work. Details of scanning
applications you may choose to use can be found here:

• Go to

• Select the course your are submitting work for from the list of courses on the homepage. If you are
taking an approved subject, your course won’t appear in the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
section. Instead, you will need to click on ‘Undergraduate’ then ‘Part C’

• Look at the ’course overview’ heading and the homework deadlines and the link to submit your
homework will be made available here as a URL containing the words ‘cloud.maths’.

• Click the Nextcloud link to direct you to where you need to upload your homework

• Upload/drag and drop your problem sheet as a PDF,which must include your full name in the
file name (but not your candidate number) and also the problem sheet number and course
you are submitting for e.g ‘Problem Sheet 2.’ You should also write your e-mail address on
your actual homework paper, so your Teaching Assistant can return the marked work to you.

• You should know that the upload has worked when you see the message ‘Uploaded Files’ and the name
of your file appears.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your work has been submitted, especially if you are
submitting your homework for the purpose of homework completion. If you are concerned that your internet
connection may have been interrupted and your work did not submit, you should contact your Teaching
Assistant as soon as possible to confirm it has been received.

3.5 Dissertations

You may opt to offer a dissertation as one, or with special permission two, of your ten units. A dissertation
offers a substantial opportunity for independent study and research, and would be undertaken under the
guidance of a member of the Department of Physics or the Mathematical Institute. A dissertation involves
investigating and then presenting in writing a particular area of Mathematical Physics or Theoretical Physics;
you would not be required to (but may) obtain original results. A list of possible dissertation topics is given
in Appendix C but you are not limited to this list and may propose your own topic instead.
The exact process to apply for a dissertation can be found via the Dissertation Guidance document here
The link also includes a LaTex template you can use for you formatting your dissertation, ways to find a
supervisor and names of those unable to supervise a dissertation for 2020-21.
You can view past students dissertations via the following link:
students/undergraduate-courses/mmathphys-msc-mtp/past-dissertations you will need to log in
via the top right corner using your Single Sign On (SSO)
You should plan on beginning work on your dissertation soon after your abstract has been approved. You
are advised to bear in mind that you will need to use your time in the Easter vacation and early Trinity
term wisely to balance preparing for the Trinity term exams, working on your dissertation, and completing
work for other courses you may be taking.
Your supervisor will read and provide feedback on the initial draft of your dissertation (provided that it is
submitted to them in good time!).
The submitted dissertation should conform to the following points.

• The dissertation must include an abstract and a bibliography.

• The dissertation must be word-processed and have a font size of 12pt.

• The dissertation should have a title page which includes the following:

– the title of dissertation,

– the candidate’s examination number,
– the title of the candidate’s degree course,
– the term and year of submission.

• Its length should not exceed 30 pages for a single unit and 60 pages for a double unit. The page count
may exclude any table of contents, diagrams, tables, bibliography, dedications/acknowledgements,
abstract and the texts of computer programs. However any footnotes and appendices must be included.

3.6 Advice on Teaching and Learning Matters

There are a number of people you can consult for advice on teaching and learning matters. Academic
advisors will be appointed for all students at the start of the course and will be available for consultation

on any academic matter. Students can also seek guidance on academic matters from their college personal
tutor. All students will receive academic guidance from the Director of Studies.
If you have any issues with teaching or supervision please raise these as soon as possible so that they can
be addressed promptly. Details of who to contact are provided in Section 7.2 Complaints and Appeals.

3.7 Skills and Learning Development

Expectations of Study

You are responsible for your own academic progress. Therefore, in addition to the formal teaching you receive
through lectures, classes and dissertation tutorials, you will be expected to undertake a significant amount
of self-directed, independent study both during term time and in the vacations. You are advised to read the
University’s guidance on undertaking paid work at
You should seek advice from your advisor if you find it impossible to complete your academic work without
spending significantly longer than 48 hours per week on a regular basis.
Your academic progress will be monitored by your academic advisor and also your college tutor. College
tutors will receive reports from the class tutors for the classes you attend. In addition, academic advisors of
MSc students will submit termly reports on their student’s progress via the Graduate Supervision Recording
(GSR). These reports are reviewed by the Director of Studies. If you are concerned about your academic
progress please contact your college tutor, academic advisor or the Director of Studies.
For MSc students, it is also mandatory to complete a self-assessment report via GSR for every reporting
period. You can access GSR via the following link: Students
will be sent a GSR automated email notification with details of how to log in at the start of each reporting
window, and who to contact with queries.
Completing the self assessment will provide the opportunity to:

• Review and comment on your academic progress during the current reporting period

• Measure your progress against the timetable and requirements of your programme of study

• Identify skills developed and training undertaken or required

• List your engagement with the academic community

• Raise concerns or issues regarding your academic progress to your Academic Advisor

• Outline your plans for the next term (where applicable)

If you have any difficulty completing this you must speak to your Academic Advisor or Director of Studies.
Your self-assessment report will be used by your Academic Advisor as a basis to complete a report on
your performance this reporting period, for identifying areas where further work may be required, and for
reviewing your progress against agreed timetables and plans for the term ahead. GSR will alert you by
email when your Academic Advisor has completed your report and it is available for you to view.

University Lectures and Departmental Seminars

University lectures in all subjects are open to all students. A consolidated lecture list is available on the
University website at:

Seminars and colloquia given in the Mathematical Institute and Physics Department, often by mathemati-
cians and physicists of international repute, are announced on the departmental notice boards
( and;
you are encouraged to attend any which interest you.

Study Skills

Much of the advice and training in study skills will come in the regular class teaching you receive. A wide
range of information and training materials are available to help you develop your academic skills – including
time management, research and library skills, referencing, revision skill and academic writing – through the
Oxford Student website:

3.8 Key Teaching Links

Lecture Timetable:

Class Lists:

Physics Class Information: Follow links to course pages from


Problem Sheet Submission:

4 Examinations and Assessments

4.1 Assessment of the Course

All of the units you undertake will have either a component of formal assessment (written invigilated exam,
take-home exam, mini-project or dissertation) or a homework completion requirement. Each unit will be
assessed by the method most suited to the material being taught. The table in the examination conventions
indicates which courses are assessed and by which method and it indicates which courses have a homework
completion required. The examinations are governed by the University’s Examination Regulations and the
course examination conventions.

4.2 Examination Conventions

The examination conventions for the course are the formal record of the specific assessment standards for
the course. They set out how each unit will be assessed and how the final degree classification will be derived
from the marks obtained for the individual units. They include information on marking scales, marking and
classification criteria, scaling of marks, formative feedback, resits and penalties for late submission. The
examination conventions for 2020–21 can be found on the course website at http://mmathphys.physics.

4.3 Examination Entries

You will need to formally enter for the units you wish to be assessed on, including those courses which only
have a homework completion requirement, by completing an examination entry form. This is done online
through Student Self Service ( and further information on the process can be
found at For this course there will be three
examination entry dates:
Friday 6th November, week 4, Michaelmas term for courses examined by invigilated written examination
in Hilary term;
Friday 29th January, week 2, Hilary term for Michaelmas Term practicals (homework) Hilary term
submissions (such as mini-projects released in Hilary Term)and all courses assessed by invigilated written
examination in Trinity term.
Friday 14th May, week 3, Trinity term for Hilary and Trinity term practicals (homework) and Trinity
term submissions(such as the dissertation).
When completing your examination entry you should try to ensure that the decisions you make are as final
as possible. However, if you subsequently change your mind about which courses you would like to be
assessed on, then it is possible to make changes to your entry. To change an option after the examination
entry deadline has passed you must apply for permission in writing through your senior tutor or other college
officer using the change of options form available from your college office. You will need to pay a fee for
making a late change to your examination entry.
If you have entered for assessments in additional courses (beyond the required ten units) but subsequently
decide not to take the additional assessments, then you should inform your college office. You must do this
prior to either the examination date for written examinations or the submission date for coursework.

4.4 Examination Dates and Submission Deadlines

The calendar of important dates (Appendix A) gives the expected start dates for the invigilated written
examinations and coursework submission deadlines. The examination timetable for invigilated written
examinations will be set by the Examination Schools and published online at:

4.5 Preparation and Submission of Coursework

4.5.1 Mini-Projects and Take-Home Examinations

Some units will be assessed wholly or partially by submitted work. This will take one of two forms: mini-
project or take-home examination. The deadline for the submission of the assessment for each unit is given
in the table included in the examination conventions.
The examiners will send out notices to candidates detailing where your work should be submitted and what
format your submission should be in (e.g. handwritten or word-processed). Candidates will be required to
submit an electronic copy and instructions on the online submission process will be included in the notice
to candidates.
It is vital that you submit your work by the given deadline as any late submission will be reported to
the Proctors and a late submission penalty may be applied (see section 5 in the examination conven-
tions). Please see the examination conventions and the Oxford Student website (
students/academic/exams/submission) for advice on what to do if you are unable to submit your work
on time due to medical emergency or other urgent cause.

4.5.2 Dissertation

The deadline for submission of the dissertation is 12 noon on Monday of week 6, Trinity term. Dissertations
must be submitted electronically and instructions on the online submission process will be included in the
notice to candidates. Please note the information in section 4.5.1 regarding the importance of submitting
your work on time.

4.5.3 Plagiarism

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incor-
porating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether
in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional
or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a
disciplinary offence. Please see the University’s guidance on plagiarism for further information.

4.6 Sitting Invigilated Written Examinations

Information on (a) the standards of conduct expected in examinations and (b) what to do if you would
like examiners to be aware of any factors that may have affected your performance before or during an
examination (such as illness, accident or bereavement) are available on the Oxford Student website (http:
// and in Section 8.2 of the examination conventions.

4.7 Examination Prizes

A prize may be awarded by the Examiners for excellence in examination for the Master of Mathematics and
Physics (MMathPhys) or MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. The assessors of a dissertation
that, in their view, shows particular originality and/or insight may recommend to the Examiners that this
dissertation be given a commendation. A prize may be awarded by the examiners for the best dissertation.

4.8 Key Assessment Links

Dissertation Guidance:

Examination Regulations:

Examination Timetables:

Online Submission:

Past examination papers:

Past examiners reports:

5 Resources and Facilities

5.1 Libraries

Radcliffe Science Library (RSL)

The Radcliffe Science Library is the Science Library of the Bodleian and includes mathematics books at
graduate and research level.

Information about all Oxford Libraries can be found at:

College Libraries

You will have access to the library in your own College.

Oxford Libraries

Information about all libraries in Oxford can be found at:


5.2 Computing Facilities

Information regarding the University’s IT Services can be found at

IT and Email accounts

MSc students will receive a University ‘single-sign-on’ IT account. This will have an email address associated
with it which will be of the format

It is important that students either read this email regularly or set up a forward from it to an account which
they do read regularly. MMathPhys students will retain the account they were issued with at the start of
their degree.
For further information about Departmental IT matters, including rules and regulations surrounding the
use of IT facilities, please see
You will have access to various licences for further details go to

5.3 Careers and Employability

Careers guidance is provided by the Careers Service (, which also pro-
vides training in writing applications, interview techniques and analysis of transferable skills. The Careers

Service provides information about occupations and employers, and advertises work experience opportuni-
In addition to its general programme, the Careers Service runs an annual ‘Jobs for Mathematicians’ half-
day, in collaboration with the Mathematical Institute. At this event there are talks from alumni working in
various industries and a talk for those interesting in continuing on to further postgraduate study. Further
information about postgraduate study opportunities at the Mathematical Institute can be found at http:
// and at
study-here/postgraduates for opportunities in the Department of Physics.

6 Student Representation and Feedback

6.1 Student Representation

Students will be able to nominate two representatives to sit on the Joint Supervisory Committee (JSC) which
oversees the course. Volunteers will be sought at the Induction Session and an election held if necessary.
The student representatives will be able to raise matters with the JSC on behalf of the cohort.

6.2 Consultative Committee for Graduates – Mathematics

The Consultative Committee for Graduates meets regularly once a term and discusses any matters that
graduate students wish to raise. Students will be invited to nominate a representative to serve as the
Mathematics and Physics rep on this committee via email in Michaelmas term.

6.3 The Physics Joint Consultative Committee

The Physics Joint Consultative Committee (PJCC) has elected undergraduate members who meet twice
in MT and HT, and once in TT to discuss both academic and administrative matters with academic staff
representatives. See for more information.

6.4 Divisional and University Representatives

The MPLS Division also runs a divisional Undergraduate Joint Consultative Forum, a divisional Graduate
Joint Consultative Forum, and is establishing a Joint Consultative Forum for Graduate Taught Courses.
Each Forum is chaired by the senior MPLS Academic who is responsible for that area across the Division,
an undergraduate or graduate representative from each department, the undergraduate or graduate repre-
sentative on the Academic Committee and Divisional Board, and the Oxford Union Student Union (OUSU)
Vice-President (Access and Academic Affairs) or Vice-President (Graduates).
Student representative sitting on the MPLS Divisional Board are selected through a process organised by
OUSU. Details can be found on the OUSU website along with information about student representation at
the University level.

6.5 Opportunities to Provide Feedback

Students will be asked to complete questionnaires evaluating the teaching received for each unit. Please
take time to complete these as your feedback is valuable for future course planning.
MSc students, like all students on matriculated courses, will be surveyed on all aspects of their course
(learning, living, pastoral support, college) through the annual Student Barometer. Previous results can be
viewed by students, staff and the general public at: MMathPhys
students, as final year undergraduates, will be surveyed through the National Student Survey instead.
Results from previous NSS can be found at

6.6 Key Student Representation Links


consultative-committee-graduates. Minutes of meetings and list of student representatives.

Oxford SU:

University Surveys:

7 Student Support and Academic Policies

7.1 Where to Find Help

Generally speaking for graduate students departments are the main source of academic support and colleges
are the main source of pastoral support. For undergraduate students colleges also play a key role in providing
academic support.
Every college has their own systems of support for students, please refer to your college handbook or website
for more information on who to contact and what support is available through your college.
Details of the wide range of sources of support available more widely in the University are available from
the Oxford Student website (, including in relation to mental
and physical health and disability.

7.2 Complaints and academic appeals within the Department of Physics and the Math-
ematical Institute

The University, the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, the Department of Physics and the
Mathematical Institute all hope that provision made for students at all stages of their course of study will
result in no need for complaints (about that provision) or appeals (against the outcomes of any form of
Where such a need arises, an informal discussion with the person immediately responsible for the issue
that you wish to complain about (and who may not be one of the individuals identified below) is often the
simplest way to achieve a satisfactory resolution.
Many sources of advice are available from colleges, faculties/departments and bodies like the Counselling
Service or the OUSU Student Advice Service, which have extensive experience in advising students. You
may wish to take advice from one of those sources before pursuing your complaint.
General areas of concern about provision affecting students as a whole should be raised through Joint
Consultative Committees or via student representation on the faculty/department’s committees.


If your concern or complaint relates to teaching or other provision made by the faculty/department, then
you should raise it with Director of Undergraduate Studies (Dr Richard Earl (Maths), Prof Jonathan Jones
(Physics)) or with the Director of Graduate Studies (Prof. Raphael Hauser (Maths)) as appropriate. If
your concern relates to the course as a whole, rather than to teaching or other provision made by one of the
faculties/departments, you should raise it with Prof Steve Simon, Chair of the Joint Supervisory Committee
for the Master of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics/MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
Complaints about departmental facilities should be made to the Head of Administration/Head of Physical
Resources (Dr Jocasta Gardner (Maths), Mrs Nicola Small (Physics)). If you feel unable to approach one
of those individuals, you may contact the Head of Department Prof. Mike Giles (Maths), Professor Ian
Shipsey (Physics)). The officer concerned will attempt to resolve your concern/complaint informally.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may take your concern further by making a formal complaint
to the Proctors under the University Student Complaints Procedure
If your concern or complaint relates to teaching or other provision made by your college, you should raise it

either with your tutor or with one of the college officers, Senior Tutor, Tutor for Graduates (as appropriate).
Your college will also be able to explain how to take your complaint further if you are dissatisfied with the
outcome of its consideration.

Academic Appeals

An academic appeal is an appeal against the decision of an academic body (e.g. boards of examiners,
transfer and confirmation decisions etc.), on grounds such as procedural error or evidence of bias. There is
no right of appeal against academic judgement. If you have any concerns about your assessment process
or outcome it is advisable to discuss these first informally with your subject or college tutor, Senior Tutor,
course director, director of studies, supervisor or college or departmental administrator as appropriate.
They will be able to explain the assessment process that was undertaken and may be able to address your
concerns. Queries must not be raised directly with the examiners. If you still have concerns you can make a
formal appeal to the Proctors who will consider appeals under the University Academic Appeals Procedure

7.3 Buddy System

The Buddy System is an initiative to help our new MSc students integrate with current MMath/MPhys/MPhysPhil
students who are transferring to the MMathPhys for their final year. Once an MSc student’s offer has be-
come unconditional, they will be paired with a buddy from the same college, or a nearby college and will
receive their buddy’s college e-mail address. New students can seek advice from their MMathPhys buddy
about aspects of student life which interest them such as exams, social events or courses.

7.4 Student Societies

There are number of Mathematics and Physics student societies which you may like to join. Details of the
main societies are given below. In addition there are also over 200 clubs and societies covering a wide range
of interest which you may join or attend. A full list is available at


The Oxford University’s student society for Mathematics. The society promotes Maths and hosts informal
lectures, often given by leading mathematicians. Website:


LGBTI∧3 is the student group for all LGBTQ+ identifying students in Maths, Stats and Computer Science.

Mirzakhani Society

The Mirzakhani Society is a society aimed at supporting women and non-binary students in Oxford who
are studying maths. Contact:

The Oxford University Physics Society

The Oxford University Physics Society (PhysSoc) is a student society that exists to promote and encourage
an interest in Physics in and around Oxford University. PhysSoc hosts talks most weeks during termtime in
the Physics Department, often by leading experts and also holds social events which are a great opportunity
to get to know others with an interest in all things Physics. Website:

7.5 University Policies

The University has a wide range of policies and regulations that apply to students. These are easily accessible
through the A–Z of University regulations, codes of conduct and policies available at Particular attention is drawn to the fol-
lowing University policies.

Equal Opportunities Statement:

Intellectual Property Rights:

Code on Harassment:

Policy on Plagiarism:

Policy on Students Recording Lectures

7.6 Departmental Safety Policies

You are urged to act at all times responsibly, and with a proper care for your own safety and that of others.
Departmental statements of safety policy are posted in all departments, and you must comply with them.
Students should note that they (and others entering onto departmental premises or who are involved in
departmental activities) are responsible for exercising care in relation to themselves and others who may be
affected by their actions.
In the Mathematical Institute accidents should be reported immediately to reception, telephone 73525, who
keep the accident book. There is a first aid room located on the ground floor of the South wing. If you
require access to this room please report to reception.
Each lecture theatre has its own proper escape route and you are urged to familiarise yourself with these.
Those for the Mathematical Institute lecture and seminar rooms, are set out online at
In the case of evacuation of the lecture theatre give heed to the instructions of the lecturer.

7.7 Key Student Support Links and Contacts

Disability Co-ordinator (Mathematics):

Charlotte Turner-Smith (

Information on Disability and Accessibility:


Disability Co-ordinator (Physics): Carrie Leonard-McIntyre (

University’s Disability Advisory Service:

Counselling Service: (tel: (2)70300) email:

Proctors’ Office: (tel: (2)70090) email:

Departmental Harassment Advisors: a list can be found by clicking here

Oxford University Student Union, Vice President (Welfare):

(tel: (2)88452) email:

A Course Calendar

Michaelmas Term
Tuesday 6th October, (week 0) Induction
Monday 12th October (week 1) Michaelmas term lectures begin
Friday 6th November (week 4) Examination entry for courses assessed by
invigilated written examination in Hilary term
Friday 4th December (week 8) Michaelmas term lectures end

Hilary Term
Monday 11th January(week 0) Provisional start date for HT invigilated examinations
Monday 18th January (week 1) Hilary term lectures begin
Friday 29th January (week 2) Examination entry for Michaelmas term practicals
Hilary term submissions and all courses assessed by
invigilated written examination in Trinity term
Monday 8th March (week 8) Hilary term mini-projects released
Friday 12th March (week 8) Hilary term lectures end
Tuesday 16th March, 12noon (week 9) Hilary term take-home examinations released
Thursday 18th March, 12noon (week 9) Submission deadline for Hilary term take-home examinations
Monday 29th March, 12noon (week 11) Hilary term mini-project submission deadline

Trinity Term
Monday 19th April (week 0) Provisional start date for first set of Trinity term week 0
invigilated examinations
Monday 26th April (week 1) Trinity term lectures begin
Friday 14th May (week 3) Examination entry for Hilary and Trinity practicals
Trinity term submissions (including dissertation)
Monday 31st May (week 6) Provisional start date for second set of Trinity term
invigilated examinations
Monday 31st May, 12noon (week 6) Dissertation submission deadline
Friday 20th June (week 8) Trinity term lectures end

B Case Studies

The following table details some examples of possible pathways through the Programme. These case studies
are for illustrative purposes only and show the breadth and diversity of the programme. Many other paths
through the course are possible — and in fact much more eclectic or more generalist selections of courses
may be appropriate for students who have not settled on a specialisation they intend to pursue eventually.
Indispensable courses (“core”) for each given case study are indicated in bold. 1 unit=16 lectures; at least
10 units have to be taken over three terms. Note that some of the Case Studies below are sufficiently broad
to allow multiple pathways within them, however you should ensure that your chosen pathway allows you
to fulfil the requirements for the overall number of units and the number of assessed units. Please see the
examination conventions for further details of these requirements.

Pathway MT HT TT
1-3. Three of
1-3. Three of
Advanced Topics in Plasma
Generalist Theoretical Noneq. Stat. Phys 16
Physics 8
Physicist Advanced QFT 24
Quantum Matter 16
“TEORICA 1. QFT 24 Renormalisation Group 20
The SM and Beyond I 16
UNIVERSALIS” 2. Kinetic Theory 28 Advanced Quan. Th. 20
The SM and Beyond II 16
Core 6.25 units 3. GR I 16 Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
QFT in Curved Space 16
Total 10.25-12.25 units 4. Pert. Methods 16 Collisionless Plasma Physics
Random Matrix Theory
Soft Matter 8
Cosmology 16

1. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16

Applied 2. One of
Mathematician Noneq. Stat. Phys 16 1. Adv. Topics in Plasma
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Physics 8
Core 7.75 units 1. Kinetic Theory 28
16 2. Collisional Plasma Physics
Total 10.25 units 2. GR I 16
Networks 16 16
3. Pert. Methods 16
Collisionless Plasma Physics 3. Dissertation
4. Diff. Geometry 16
5. Num. Lin. Algebra 16
Galactic Dyn. 16
GR II 16
Random Matrix Theory 16
Symbolic, Num. and
Graphical Scientific Prog. 16
3. Complex Variables 16
Fluid Dynamicist
1. Kinetic Theory 28
“CONTINUA” 1. Collisional Plasma Physics
2. Pert. Methods 16 1. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
Core 3.75 units 16
2. Soft Matter Phys. 8
Total 10.75 units 2. Adv. Topics in Plasma
3. Collisionless Plasma Phys.
Physics 8
3. Dissertation
4. Geophysical Fluid Dyn. 16
5. Complex Variables 16
6. Noneq. Stat. Phys 16

1. String Theory I 16
Mathematician 1. QFT 24
2. One of
1. String Theory II 16
with a physics streak 2. GR I 16
Advanced QFT 24
2. Three of
“GEOMETRA” 3. Diff. Geometry 16 CFT 16
Astroparticle Phys. 8
Core 5.5 units 4. One of The SM and Beyond I 16
Total 10–11 units Groups & Repr. 24 The SM and Beyond II 16
GR II 16
Algebraic Topology 16 QFT in Curved Space 16
Geom. Group Theory 16
Algebraic Geometry 16
Random Matrix Theory 16

1. Advanced QFT 24
Phenomenologist 1. QFT 24 Two of
2. SUSY & SUGRA 16
“PARTICULATA” 2. Groups & Repr. 24 String Theory II 16
3. Two of
Core 5.5 units 3. One of The SM and Beyond I 16
String Theory I 16
Total 10 units GR I 16 The SM and Beyond II 16
GR II 16
Pert. Methods 16 QFT in Curved Space 16
Cosmology 16

1. String Theory II 16
Hard-core 1. QFT 24
1. Advanced QFT 24
2. CFT 16
String Theorist 2. Groups & Repr. 24
2. String Theory I 16
3. One of
3. One of The SM and Beyond I 16
Core 7.5 units SUSY & SUGRA 16
GR I 16 The SM and Beyond II 16
Total 10.5 units GR II 16
Pert. Methods 16 QFT in Curved Space 16
Cosmology 16
Diff. Geometry 16
Algebraic Geometry 16

1. Noneq. Stat. Phys. 16

1. QFT 24
Condensed Matter 2. Advanced QFT 24
2. Advanced Quant. Th. 20 1. Quantum Matter 16
Theorist 3. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
3.One of 3. CFT 16
“CONDENSATA” 4. Random Matrix Theory
Kinetic Theory 28
Core 3.5 units 16
Topological Quantum
Total 11.5–12.25 units 5. Renormalisation Group
Theory 16

Three of
Hard-core 1. Noneq. Stat. Phys. 16
Hard Condensed 2. Advanced QFT 24
Matter 1. QFT 24 3. String Theory I 16
1. Quantum Matter 16
Theorist 2. Advanced Quant. Th. 4. Renormalisation Group
2. CFT 16
Core 4.25 units 3. Kinetic Theory 28 5. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
Total 10.5–11.25 units 4. Pert. Methods 16 6. Random Matrix Theory

Soft Condensed
1. Topics Soft Matter 8
Matter 1. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
1. QFT 24 2. Dissertation
Physicist/Biophysicist 2. Noneq. Stat. Phys. 16
2. Kinetic Theory 28
“MOLLIS” 3. Soft Matter 8
4. Pert. Methods 16
Core 5.25 units 4. Networks 16
Total 10.25 units 5. Collisionless Plasma 18

1. Kinetic Theory 28
All-round 2. GR I 16 1.Galactic Dyn. 16
1. Two of
Astrophysicist 3. Two of 2. Cosmology 16
Advanced Topics in Plasma
“ASTRA-STELLA” QFT 24 3. Two of
Physics 8
Core 3.75 units Quantum Processes in Hot Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
QFT in Curved Space 16
Total 10.75–11.75 units Plasma 16 Collisionless Plasma Physics
Rad. Proc and High Energy 18
Astro 18 Astroparticle Phys. 8
Pert. Methods 16 High Energy Density 16

1. GR I 16
Cosmologist 1. QFT in Curved Space 16
“COSMICOSMICA” 1. Cosmology 16
QFT 24
Core 3 units 2. GR II 16
Kinetic Theory 28
Total 10.75 units 3. Galactic Dyn. 16
Pert. Methods 16
4. Astroparticle Physics 8
Rad. Proc. and High En-
ergy Astro 18

Climate Physicist 1. Geophysical Fluid
1. Dissertation
1. Kinetic Theory 28 Dynamics 16
Core 2 units
3. Pert. Methods 16 2. Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Total 7.75 units
3. Networks 16
4. Noneq. Stat. Phys. 16

1. Kinetic Theory 28
Plasma Theorist
2. Pert. Methods 16 1. Adv. Topics in Plasma
“PLASMA” 1. Adv. Fluid Dyn. 16
3. Quantum Processes in Phys. 8
Core 5.75 units 2. Collisionless Plasma
Hot Plasma 16 2. Dissertation
Total 10.75 units Physics 18
3. Collisional Plasma
3. Noneq. Stat. Phys. 16
Physics 16
4. One of
Complex Variables 16
High Energy Density 16

C Suggested Dissertation Topics

Scattering amplitudes Supervisor: Lionel Mason (

Prerequisites: Quantum Field theory essential. Advanced quantum field theory and supersymmetry are also
useful. Some knowledge of gauge theory is also essential.
Abstract: Scattering amplitudes are one of the basic outputs of quantum field theory for testing theoretical
predictions in the LHC. They also have many fascinating mathematical properties, both at tree level where
there are interesting recursion relations, relations to twistor theory, polyhedra and positive geometries,
and CHY/ambitwistor-string formulae, and at loops where they interact with the mathematical theory of
polylogs. There are many directions that a project can take in reviewing various approaches, for different
theories including string theory, where string amplitudes are their own corner of the subject, and using
recursion methods to calculate examples.
Henriette Elvang & Yu-tin Huang (Scattering Amplitudes,
Deep Neural Networks and Algorithmic Information Theory
Adviser: Ard Louis (
Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionised machine learning. In spite of their great
success, many questions remain about why they work so well. One key issue is why they generalise so well
in the overparameterised regime, where classical learning theory predicts that they should heavily overfit.
We have recently used concepts from Algorithmic Information Theory (AIT) to argue that that DNNs
are exponentially biased towards functions with low Kolmogorov complexity. If this inductive bias reflects
patterns seen in nature, then this may explain the conundrum of good generalisation in the overparameterised
regime. But many questions remain, and in this project you would use a combination of theory and
simulations to peer into the DNN black box, and to hopefully understand what makes them so special.
see 2020 06 03/ for some more background.
Edge Dynamics in Multiplex Social Networks
Adviser: Renaud Lambiotte (
Abstract: The main purpose of this project will be to explore the dynamics of social interactions in an online
game. We have assembled a data set from a large-scale human society consisting of over 350.000 players
of a massive multiplayer online game. There are six different types of one-to-one interactions between the
players which can be reciprocated or reinforced. Importantly, three of them carry a positive connotation
(friendship, communication, trade), and three a negative one (enmity, attack, bounty). A static analysis
has been performed in the literature but an analysis of the dynamical properties of these interactions has
not been considered so far. The project will involve an in-depth analysis of the temporal properties between
the edges of the graph, including the search for causal relations between them, and also the design of
mathematical models to reproduce dynamical and structural features of the data.
Pre-requisites: B5.6 Nonlinear Systems and C5.4 Networks are relevant but not required. Experience in
data mining is also an asset.

1. Battiston, Federico, Vincenzo Nicosia, and Vito Latora. ”Structural measures for multiplex networks.”
Physical Review E 89.3 (2014): 032804.

2. Szell, Michael, Renaud Lambiotte, and Stefan Thurner. ”Multirelational organization of large-scale
social networks in an online world.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.31 (2010):


Deformation Quantisation
Supervisor: Christopher Beem (

Abstract: In the passage from classical to quantum physics, the observable quantities of a system are
promoted from functions on a symplectic manifold (phase space) to (not necessarily commuting) operators
on a Hilbert space. Removing the Hilbert space from the picture, one has a replacement of a (commutative)
Poisson algebra with a non-commutative associative algebra that, in the limit ~ → 0, allows one to recover
the classical Poisson algebra of observables. The problem of deformation quantisation is to find, or classify,
non-commutative deformations of Poisson algebras obeying various technical conditions. This problem has
been considered in diverse array of scenarios (symplectic manifolds, Poisson manifolds, smooth algebraic
varieties, singular algebraic varieties; all of the above in both strict and formal cases). It remains an area of
active research. In this project you will learn the basic algebraic concepts associated with the deformation
quantisation problem and study some advanced topics or applications.
The aim of this dissertation will be to come to terms with the formulation of the deformation quantisation
problem and to give an expository account of at least one major branch of the theory. Classic theorems
include those of Groenewold-van Hove on the impossibility of achieving an overly strict version of deformation
quantisation and the De Wilde-Lecomte theorem proving the existence of formal deformation quantisations
of symplectic manifolds. Much more abstract is Kontsevich’s famous formality theorem, which established
the existence of deformation quantisations of general Poisson manifolds (and classified them). One can also
study important concrete examples, such as the deformation quantisations of coadjoint orbits of simple Lie
groups or Moyal quantisation of affine space.
Prerequisites: Intermediate courses on classical and quantum mechanics (equivalents of Oxford B7.1 and
B7.3) and a first or second course on abstract algebra. Michaelmas courses Differentiable Manifolds, Groups
& Representations, and Homological Algebra could all be useful.

Useful Reading

[1] A. Weinstein, Deformation quantization, Astérisque 227 (1995): 389-409.

[2] M. Bordemann, Deformation quantization: A survey, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 103, (2008).

[3] S. Gutt, Variations on deformation quantization, Math. Phys. Stud 21 (2000): 217–254.

Additional Reading

[4] F. Bayen, M. Flato, C. Fronsdal, A. Lichnerowicz and D. Sternheimer, Deformation Theory and Quan-
tization. 1. Deformations of Symplectic Structures, Annals Phys. 111, 61 (1978).

[5] M. De Wilde, Marc, P. Lecomte, Existence of star-products and of formal deformations of the Poisson
Lie algebra of arbitrary symplectic manifolds, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 7, (1983): 487–496.

[6] C. Frønsdal, Deformation Quantization on the Closure of Minimal Coadjoint Orbits, Letters in Mathe-
matical Physsics, 88, (2009): 271–320.

Dynamical Instabilities in Black Hole Accretion Discs

Supervisor: Steven Balbus

Abstract: It has been forty-seven years since the seminal paper of Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) laid down
the foundations of turbulent accretion disc theory and twenty-five years since the establishment of the
magnetorotational instability (MRI) as the fundamental physical basis for disc turbulence (Balbus & Hawley
1991). Yet, major features of disc behaviour remain poorly understood, especially transient behaviour
around black holes. Discs can spontaneously change their emission profile, and perhaps their gross physical
state. Depending on the black hole mass, this can occur over a wide variety of time scales. In addition,
there is another major class of black hole transients, so-called tidal disruption events (TDEs), in which a
star passing near a massive (in excess of 106 M black hole is pulled apart by the hole’s tidal forces, with
some fraction of the star’s mass ultimately accreting into the hole. These objects are intrinsically time-
dependent. While time-dependent disc theory following Newtonian gravity (Lynden-Bell & Pringle 1974) is
by now well-established, the extension of this to Kerr black holes is very recent (Balbus 2017).
In this dissertation we shall study the theory of accretion around Kerr black holes, and apply this knowledge
to better understand observations of TDEs. The behaviour of dynamical instabilities is of particular interest,
as these can affect the disc’s turbulent stress, accretion rate, and subsequent emission. The Lightman-
Eardley instability, which afflicts regions of the TDE disc dominated by radiation pressure, will be an
important focus of this work. The project can take many different directions (e.g., modelling, numerical
study, analysis) depending upon the student’s interest and background.
References and Background Reading:
Balbus, S. A. 2017, MNRAS, 471, 4832 Balbus, S. A., & Hawley, J. F. 1991, ApJ, 376, 214 Balbus, S.
A., & Mummery, A. 2018, MNRAS, 481, 3348 Franck, J., King, A.,& Raine, D. 2002, Accretion Power in
Astrophysics (CUP: Cambridge) Lightman, A.P. & Eardley, D,M. 1974, ApJ (Letters), 187, 1 Lynden-Bell,
D., & Pringle, J. 1974, MNRAS, 168, 603 Mummery, A., & Balbus, S. A. 2019, MNRAS 489, 132 Page, D.
N., & Thorne, K. S., 1974, ApJ, 191, 499 Shakura, N. I., & Sunyaev, R. A. 1973, A&A, 24, 337
Instabilities in collisionless astrophysical plasmas
Adviser: Alexander Schekochihin (
Abstract: Any local flows of matter or energy in collisionless (or weakly collisional) plasmas cause these
plasmas to develop local pressure anisotropies, which provide a source of free energy to very vigorous
instabilities. In unmagnetised plasmas, these are known under the general moniker of Weibel instabilities
and are believed to be responsible for magnetogenesis in collisionless shocks and shear flows. In magnetised
plasmas, the pressure anisotropies develop with respect to the local direction of the magnetic field. The
result is that magnetic tension force or magnetic pressure can effectively become negative in such plasmas,
giving rise to the “firehose” and “mirror” instabilities. The role of these instabilities in the dynamics of
astrophysical plasmas (in environments such as intergalactic medium, accretion discs, supernova shocks)has
been the subject of much recent interest and research, much of it due to heavy-duty kinetic simulations
becoming possible on modern computers. This dissertation will examine how pressure anisotropies arise
and how to construct the linear theory of the relevant instabilities. If time and energy are left after that,
nonlinear theory of the firehose and mirror can also be studied. There will be considerable opportunity
for the student to choose their own path through the relevant topics and the literature. While most of
the material can be learned from existing literature (both classic and recent), there is potential for some
research-level calculations.
Relevant Courses: Kinetic Theory (MT), collisionless Plasma Physics (HT).

1. Lecture notes:

LESHOUCHES15/ (typed version available on demand)

2. A selection of research articles.

Hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence
Adviser: Alexander Schekochihin (
Abstract: Kolmogorov’s 1941 scaling theory of developed turbulence. Structure of statistical correlations
of an isotropic vector field (fluid velocity). von Karman-Howarth equations and the exact scaling law for
3rd-order moments (the 4/5 law). Theory of intermittency: Kolmogorov and She-Leveque.
If student’s time and energy permit, this dissertation can also cover the theory of MHD turbulence (or,
alternatively, the student can skip some of the hydro topics and skip to MHD):
Scaling theories: Goldreich-Sridhar theory, critical balance, dynamic alignment. Weak turbulence theory for
Alfven waves. Intermittency models and further refinements. (These latter topics contain some potential
for research-relevant contributions.)
Other optional topics that can be covered in addition or instead of MHD: Application of the critical balance
principle to rotating and stratified turbulence. Kolmogorov-style theory for turbulence in kinetic (collision-
less) plasma.
Relevant Courses: a course in fluid dynamics; MHD part of Advanced Fluid Dynamics (HT) or equivalent
if the student wishes to cover MHD turbulence.

1. Lecture notes:

2. L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann 1995 (Sec 33, 34)

3. U. Frisch. Turbulence. The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov. CUP 1995

4. P. A. Davidson. Turbulence — An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers. OUP 2004.


Solvable models for passive turbulent fields
Adviser: Alexander Schekochihin (
Abstract: Normally it is (or has so far been) impossible to obtain analytic solutions for correlation functions
in turbulent systems. However, for a class of models, analytical treatment is possible: those concern the
turbulent advection of scalar and vector fields in an imposed random flow — most often white-in-time
Gaussian random velocity field is used, as a far-fetched but solvable model of turbulent flow. Exact analytical
results can be obtained for this model and it is remarkable how well they tend to work. The two main
applications are the advection of a scalar, describing turbulent mixing of a temperature field in a fluid (or
perhaps of the concentration of an admixture), and the advection of a vector, describing the evolution of
a weak magnetic field in a turbulent conducting fluid. The latter is a model for the so-called “turbulent
dynamo” — amplification of mean magnetic energy via random stretching and tangling by a turbulent flow,
believed to be responsible for the origin of cosmic magnetism (dynamically strong tangled magnetic fields
observed in the interstellar and intergalactic medium, on the surface of the Sun and in many other places).
This dissertation will help the student learn both the physics of passive advection and a suite of analytical
techniques for handling stochastic systems. While most of the material is standard, there is some potential
for research-level calculations, which can be attempted if the student so desires.
Relevant Courses: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (MT), a course in fluid dynamics, MHD part of
Advanced Fluid Dynamics (HT) or equivalent.

1. Lecture notes: ask supervisor.

2. Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. A. Ruzmaikin & D. D. Sokoloff, The Almighty Chance (World Scientific 1990)

3. N. G. van Kampen, Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier 1992)

4. a selection of research articles

Langmuir turbulence and modulational instabilities

Adviser: Alexander Schekochihin (
Abstract: This dissertation is devoted to the theory of nonlinear states that emerge in systems of interacting
Langmuir waves (“plasmons”) and sound waves (“phonons”) in plasmas. Besides being a rich and interesting
topic in itself, this is also the paradigm for many (indeed, most) other plasma turbulence systems, as it is in
this context that most of the relevant toolkit was developed: weak turbulence theory, modulational insta-
bilities, soliton solutions, Langmuir collapse, thermodynamic (Jeans) states, strong-turbulence theories, etc.
A specific path through this material is negotiable and should be discussed at the start of the dissertation.
There is scope for research-level contributions if the student’s time and energy level allow.
Relevant Courses: Kinetic Theory (MT), Collisionless Plasma Physics (HT), Nonequilibrium Statistical
Physics (MT), a course in fluid dynamics

1. Zakharov, V. E. 1972 Collapse of Langmuir waves. Sov. Phys.–JETP 35, 908

2. Zakharov, V. E., Musher, S. L. & Rubenchik, A. M. 1985 Hamiltonian approach to the description of
non-linear plasma phenomena. Phys. Rep. 129, 285.

3. Thornhill, S. G. & ter Haar, D. 1978 Langmuir turbulence and modulational instability. Phys. Rep.
43, 43

4. Tsytovich, V. N. 1995 Lectures on Non-linear Plasma Kinetics. Berlin: Springer

Nonlinear kinetic stability and phase-space turbulence in plasmas

Adviser: Alexander Schekochihin (
Abstract:This dissertation deals with kinetic plasma turbulence as a mechanism for energy thermalisation
in a collisionless, non-equilibrium system — via energy distribution and cascade through a 6D phase space.
This is a research-frontier topic, but it has some classical antecedents in the theory of nonlinear stability
of kinetic plasmas. What is the appropriate free energy in a collisionless system? Can the evolution of the
system be described as a process of minimisation and/or scale-by-scale transfer of this quantity? What is
the energy distribution that emerges in phase space as a result? There are many possible paths through
these topics, some of which may lead to research-level results. This is a good time to tackle this topic as
full particle distributions in plasmas are now becoming measurable by in-situ spacecraft probing the solar
wind and so theories of phase-space structure of plasma turbulence have some chance of being tested.
Relevant Courses: Kinetic Theory (MT), Collisionless Plasma Physics (HT), Nonequilibrium Statistical
Physics (MT), a course in fluid dynamics/turbulence

1. A. Schekochihin, Kinetic Theory Lecture Notes (MMathPhys) sec 5.2

2. P. Helander, Available energy and ground states of collisionless plasmas, J. Plasma Phys. 83, 715830401

3. T. H. Dupree, Theory of phase-space density granulation in plasma, Physics of Fluids 15, 334 (1972)

4. A. A. Schekochihin et al., Astrophysical gyrokinetics: kinetic and fluid turbulent cascades in magne-
tized weakly collisional plasmas, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 182, 310 (2009)

5. A. A. Schekochihin et al. Phase mixing vs. nonlinear advection in drift-kinetic plasma turbulence, J.
Plasma Phys. 82, 905820212 (2016)

Adviser: Michael Barnes ( or Felix Parra Diaz
Abstract: Gyrokinetics is a powerful technique to describe plasma fluctuations with characteristic frequencies
below the Larmor frequency. The power of the technique resides in its choice of phase space coordinates.
The student will learn how to derive gyrokinetics, and will study one or two of its applications to fusion or
Relevant Courses: Kinetic Theory (MT), Collisionless Plasma Physics (HT).

1. X. S. Lee, J. R. Myra and P. J. Catto, Phys. Fluids 26, 223 (1983)

2. F. I. Parra and P. J. Catto, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 065014 (2008)

3. G.G. Howes et al., Astrophys. J. 651, 590 (2006)

4. Lectures notes by S. Cowley,

MHD equilibrium and stability in axisymmetric magnetic fields
Adviser: Michael Barnes ( or Felix Parra Diaz
Abstract: Magnetic confinement fusion requires magnetic field topologies in which the magnetic field lines
never get in contact with the solid boundary. This requirement leads to toroidal configurations that must
satisfy the MHD equilibrium equations. The most successful of all the possible configurations is the axisym-
metric tokamak. The student will study the equilibrium and stability of tokamak plasmas, learning about
the most dangerous types of instabilities that limit current experiments and future fusion reactors.
Relevant Courses: Advanced Fluid Dynamics (HT), Collisionless Plasma Physics (HT).

1. J. P. Freidberg, Ideal MHD, Cambridge University Press (2014)

2. R. D. Hazeltine and J. D. Meiss, Plasma Confinement, Dover Publications (2003)
3. J. W. Connor, R. J. Hastie and J. B. Taylor, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 365, 1 (1979)
4. J. B. Taylor and S. Newton, J. Plasma Phys. 81, 205810501 (2015)

Quasi Normal Modes and Black Holes

Adviser: Pedro Ferreira (
Abstract: When a black hole is perturbed, it oscillates and settles down to a final state. The oscillations, or
perturbations, obey very specific, and unconventional, boundary conditions and are known as quasi normal
modes (QNM). The spectrum of the QNM contains a wealth of information about the underlying space-
time, the theory of gravity and the dynamical process that perturbed the black hole. We will explore the
properties of the QNM spectrum and identify general properties that they obey and interesting information
that they may convey.
References: E. Berti, V. Cardoso and A. O. Starinets, Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes
[arXiv:0905.2975 [gr-qc]]
Sloppy Systems
Adviser: Ard Louis (
Abstract: Many models in biology, engineering and physics have a very large number of parameters. Often
many of these are only known approximately. Moreover, in John von Neuman’s famous quip “with four
parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.” suggests that only a
small set of these parameters are actually relevant? Could there be a fundamental theory of these complex
systems that allows us to work out what the key parameters are?

1. Transtrum, Mark K., Machta Benjamin, Brown Kevin, Daniels Bryan C., Myers Christopher R., and
Sethna James P. , Perspective: Sloppiness and Emergent Theories in Physics, Biology, and Beyond,
J. Chem. Phys., Volume 143, Issue 1, (2015)
2. Machta, Benjamin B., Chachra Ricky, Transtrum Mark K., and Sethna James P. , Parameter Space
Compression Underlies Emergent Theories and Predictive Models, Science, Volume 342, p.604-607,
3. Gutenkunst, R. N., Waterfall J. J., Casey F. P., Brown K. S., Myers C. R., and Sethna J. P. ,
Universally sloppy parameter sensitivities in systems biology models, PLoS Computational Biology,
Volume 3, p.1871-1878, (2007)

4. Waterfall, J. J., Casey F. P., Gutenkunst R. N., Brown K. S., Myers C. R., Brouwer P. W., Elser
V., and Sethna J. P. , Sloppy-model universality class and the Vandermonde matrix, Physical Review
Letters, Volume 97, p.150601, (2006)

Survival of the Flattest or Arrival of the Frequent?

Adviser: Ard Louis (
Abstract: Evolution proceeds by mutations to genotypes that in turn change phenotypes (the organism).
But since the number of genotypes is much larger than the number of phenotypes, concepts of genetic
entropy must enter into the equations, which means methods from statistical mechanics become relevant. In
some cases, the entropy means that the phenotypes that end up surviving are not the fittest. Two different
scenarios are the “survival of the flattests” and the “arrival of the fittest”. Sometimes these are confused,
so a clear explanation of how they are similar, and where they differ is needed.

1. Wilke CO, Wang JL, Ofria C, Lenski RE, Adami C, (2001) Evolution of digital organisms at high
mutation rates leads to survival of the attest, Nature 412: 331–333.

2. Iwasa Y (1988), Free fitness that always increases in evolution, Journal of Theoretical Biology 135:

3. Sella G, Hirsh AE (2005),The application of statistical physics to evolutionary biology, Proceedings of

the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102: 9541–9546.

4. Barton, NH & Coe, JB (2009), On the application of statistical physics to evolutionary biology, Journal
of Theoretical Biology, vol 259, no. 2, pp. 317-324.

5. Schaper, S, & Louis A A (2014), The Arrival of the Frequent: How Bias in Genotype-Phenotype Maps
Can Steer Populations to Local Optima PLoS One, 2014; 9(2): e86635.

Supersymmetric quantum mechanics

Adviser: James Sparks (Please note that Prof Sparks is on sabbatical and is unable to supervise students
in 2020-21. You may however approach another member of the Mathematical Physics group to act as your
supervisor for this topic).
Abstract: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics is often introduced as a toy model for supersymmetric
quantum field theory. However, it also has some surprisingly powerful applications to differential geometry.
The aim of this dissertation would be to present an account of supersymmetric quantum mechanics, via both
canonical quantization and the path integral, and discuss the Witten index. The supersymmetric quantum
mechanics based on a sigma model with target space a Riemannian manifold has Witten index equal to the
Euler characteristic of the manifold. One can use this structure to give novel physics proofs of two famous
mathematical results: the Morse inequalities, and the Gauss-Bonnet formula.

1. K. Hori et al, Mirror Symmetry, (Clay Mathematics Monographs, V. 1) (chapter 10).

2. E. Witten, Supersymmetry and Morse Theory, J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982), 661-692.

3. L. Alvarez-Gaume, Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem, Commun. Math. Phys. 90
(1983), 161-173.

Numerical analysis of conformal field theories
Adviser: Christopher Beem (

Abstract: Conformal field theories (CFTs) are (generically) strongly coupled quantum systems and are
challenging to analyze using standard techniques of quantum field theory. They are of interest in statistical
physics for describing thermal systems at second order phase transitions, as well as for more formal reasons in
high energy physics. Over the past decade it has been realised that a conceptually simple numerical approach
to the study of CFT based on conservative input data (symmetries and self-consistency conditions) can be
surprisingly powerful, leading to precise predictions for these unruly physical systems. This is the so-called
numerical conformal bootstrap.
The starting point of the project will be the derivation of the crossing-symmetry equation for a four-point
correlation function of scalar operators in terms of the conformal block expansion. This is a foundational
self-consistency condition that follows from physical principles. The main part of the dissertation will then
focus on the application of numerical functional techniques to derive bounds on scaling dimensions in two-
dimensional conformal field theories. This can be formulated as a linear programming problem or, with
additional sophistication, as a semidefinite programming problem. There are also many possible extensions
of the basic functional constraint in two dimensions (bounds for CFTs in higher dimensions, bounds arising
from systems of correlation functions, bounds for coupling constants/OPE coefficients, etc.).
Some programming ability in C++ or Python will be useful, as well as experience with Mathematica or
Prerequisites: Quantum Field theory (MT), Advanced Quantum Field Theory (HT), Renormalisation Group
(HT), Conformal Field Theory (TT).


[1] D. Simmons-Duffin, The Conformal Bootstrap, arXiv:1602.07982 [hep-th].

[2] D. Poland, S. Rychkov, A. Vichi, The Conformal Bootstrap: Theory, Numerical Techniques, and Appli-
cations, Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, no. 1, 15002 (2019) [arXiv:1805.04405].

[3] P. H. Ginsparg, Applied Conformal Field Theory, hep-th/9108028.

D Glossary of Key Terms

A list of useful terms for new students.

Battels: The charges made to a member of a college (student or Fellow) for accommodation, meals etc.

Candidate Number: A number assigned to each student for the use of formal assessments and written
examinations, which is usually available to students via student self-service after they have made
their first exam entry. Candidate numbers are used instead of names to anonymise students during
assessments. It is different from the student number.

Classes: Each Part C and MTP lecture course is accompanied by a set of classes (called ‘intercollegiate
classes’ if they are held at Maths Institute and ‘classes’ if they are held in Physics.) For Maths courses,
these will be run by a tutor and teaching assistant (TA), for Physics courses, these will be led by a
TA, and will cover any problems that have arisen from the problem sheets.

College Office: The academic office based at your college who will be able to assist you with changing
your examination entries if needed.

Consultation Sessions: Revision sessions which take place for courses run by the Maths Institute in Weeks
2-5 of Trinity term.

Consultative Committee for Graduates (CCG): A committee consisting of postgraduate representa-

tives from the Mathematical Institute and the departments two DGSs.

Degree Days: Various days throughout the year on which students may graduate.

DGS: Director of Graduate Studies.

Don: A professor, a lecturer or a Fellow.

Examination Conventions: The Examination Conventions act as a supplement to the Examination Reg-
ulations. The Conventions explain how a student will be assessed for their course within the framework
of the Examination Regulations.

Examination Regulations: Sometimes referred to as the ‘Grey Book’, the Examination Regulations gov-
ern all academic matters within the University.

Examination Schools: The building located on High Street where written examinations are held for the
MMathPhys/MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics degree, and where students hand in hard
copies of their dissertations, mini-projects, and take-home examinations.

Formal Assessment : In the context of your degree, these are dissertations, mini-projects and take-Home

Invariants: A society run by students at the Mathematical Institute, which aims to promote Mathematics
and to provide a social environment for students of Mathematics.

GSO: Graduate Studies Office, part of the central University.

GSR: Graduate Supervision Reporting. Supervisors will submit termly reports through GSR on their
student’s academic progress.

Hilary term: The second term of an academic year, running from January to March.

JSC: Acronym for the Joint Supervisory Committee in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, consisting
of Maths and Physics academics who meet at least once a term to make decisions about the degree.
Student representatives for the degree also attend these meetings

Lectures Known as classes at some other institution, this is where the lecturer will present their subject
to you as a larger audience. Classes at Oxford are where students split into smaller groups to work
through problem sheets based on the lectures with a tutor and sometimes a teaching assistant.

Lecturer: Lecturers are those who have the responsibility to deliver lectures.

LGBTI∧3: A group of students aiming to provide a friendly environment for those LGBTQ-identifying
individuals studying within the Mathematical Sciences.

Matriculation: Matriculation confers membership of the University on those students who are enrolled at
the University of Oxford and following a degree-level course.

MCF: Masters in Mathematical and Computational Finance. An Master’s course run by the Mathematical

MFoCS: Masters in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science. An MSc course run jointly by
the Mathematical Institute and the Department of Computer Science.

Michaelmas term: The first term of an academic year, running from October to December.

Minerva: A system used by teaching staff to record attendance and marks for the students in their class
at Maths. The class times, days and locations are exported from this system and are advertised to
students through the departmental class lists.

Mirzakhani Society: A society at the Mathematical Institute for female and non-binary students.

MMSC: Masters in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing. An MSc course run at the Math-
ematical Institute.

MPLS: Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division.

MTP: The acronym for your degree, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.

OMMS Oxford Master’s course in Mathematical Sciences.

Oxford SU: Oxford University Student Union.

Papers: Constituent parts of an examination.

Part C: The term given to the fourth year undergraduate students studying for an integrated Masters.
Part C is used to describe the courses that are open to these students.

PhysSoc: Oxford University Physics Society

Practicals In the context of your degree, this means the homework options you choose.

Proctors: The two Proctors (Senior and Junior) are elected each year by colleges in rotation to serve for
one year. The statutes provide that they shall generally ensure that the statutes, regulations, customs,
and privileges of the University are observed. They serve on the University’s main committees, and
where not members of committees, may receive their papers and attend meetings but not vote. They
have responsibilities under the statutes and regulations for aspects of student discipline, for ensuring
the proper conduct of examinations and for dealing with complaints. They also carry out ceremonial
duties, e.g. at degree ceremonies.

Student number A number used to identify you as a student in day to day tasks, and can be used in
conjunction with your name, unlike your candidate number.

Student Self Service: Student Self Service allows a student to access their student record and complete
other tasks such as examination entry, and viewing examination results.

Sub fusc: Formal attire worn by students and academics on formal occasions, including matriculation,
examinations and graduation.

Trinity term: The third term of an academic year, running from April to June.

Vac: Abbreviation of vacation.

Week 0: The week preceding the start of each term. Week 0 in Michaelmas Term is sometimes referred to
as ‘noughth week’.


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